Newspaper Page Text
12 THE STOCK MAEZET. The market opened after the holiday season steady and not materially changed.- An increase of $4 per ton in the assay of Con. Cal. & Virginia ore did not have much effect on prices. Superin tendent Lyman officially reports that the output of ore from the Con. Cal. it Virginia mine was :>1 tone, of the average mine-car sample away of $40 45 per ton, against $36 46 tor the previous week. The Morgan mill has resumed work and is crushing a large accumulation of ore, which will yield a good profit to the company. They have shipped to the mill 101 tons 01 ore, assaying per railroad car sample *33 10 per ton. The close was rirm. NOT - - The California Safe Deposit and Trust Company has declared a semi-annual dividend of $1 50 per ■Bare, payable on the 15th. The Spring Valley Water Company and the Pa clfflc Gas Improvement Company will pay the usual monthly dividends of 50 cents per share to morrow. The Gold Valley Mining Company of Sierra County has levied an assessment of 7% cents per share, delinquent August 5. The South Eureka Mining Company of Amador County has levied an assessment of 1 cent per share, delinquent August 12. The San Jose Water Company will pay a monthly dividend of 50 cents on the 10th. The delinquency of the assessment of 25 cents on the California Vlgorit Powder Company has been extended to August 2, and the day of sale to August 30. It is reported that Franklin Leonard, president of the Comstock Tunnel Company, will recom mend to his board of directors that the Com stock Tunnel Company shall pay half the expense of exploring the Brunswick lode upward from the Sutro Tunnel or 1300-loot level. He will also rec ommend that branch tunnels be run to tap the American Flat and Sierra City districts from points reached by the south lateral branch of the main tunnel. John W. Mackay, accompanied by his secretary, 11. V. Dey, expects to leave New York on Saturday next for Montreal, en route to this coast, over the Canadian Pacific route. He may visit Alaska be fore coming to San Francisco. The Jiest & Belcher Mining Company at Its an nual meeting yesterday re-elected the old directors, with George R. Wells as president, Charles H. Fish vice-president, M. Jaffe secretary and P. Kervln superintendent. In the Chollar mine the work south on the sixth floor above the 650 level has been stopped and they are making another compartment in the raise 30 feet above crosscut 2 on the 450 level. An east crosscut has been started from the winze below the 650 level, 65 feet down, and this cross cut is out 27 feet. It has cut a width of 2 feet of quartz showing bunches of pay-ore and Is now in low-grade quartz and porphyry. During the week the yield of the Chollar was 26 tons and 700 pounds of ore. which was sent to the Nevada mill. The average battery sample of this ore was $39 22 per ton. In the Opbir mine the east crosscut recently started at a point 160 feet in from the mouth of the north drift from the top of the upraise, 80 feet above the 1465 level, is in 55 feet, continuing in porphyry, showing some quartz. BOARD SALES. Following were the sates in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: REGULAR MOBKIJfO SESSION— 9:3O. 100 Alpha 10 450 CCtV... 2.75 100 1000 Alta 17|200 Con N V.. 04,200 0phir... 1.50 100 Ande5.... 32 100 C P0int... 41300 1.45 600 Belctir....3S 100 421300 Potosi 42 200 37|3UOExchqr...03;i00 41 200 Bodie 28 950 (? £ C 36 300 Savage. ...47 400 8u11i0n. ...12 550 H&N..1.45; 60 -Nev ....6V 600 13200 Julia 04 400 68 1000 Ch011ar.. 69 500 Mcx 70 400 Union C..36 600 ..'. 68100 (Jo3ooU:ah 06 100 67 550 Occidntl. .3o,3oo V Jacket. .47 AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 400 Alpha 0 100 CCA V... 2.75 200 0ph1r. ..1.60 £00 Alta 17260 G & C. . 36 100 0vr:nn....23 50 Andes... 33 100 H & « ..1.451100 Savage. ...47 50 35 ! 3001owa 04 300 Nev.... 69 300 Belcher.. .3SJloo Ju5tice.. ..12:350 Union C..37 300 Bodie 29 100 Mcx 71 -'50 V Jacket. so 300 Ch011ar... 70100 71'| Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday: nrnn SESSION— IO:3O. 200 Alpha 11 600 CC&V...2.70200 Occldtl . . 300 10100 2.75400 23 1000 Alta 16| 10 2.80300 28 1200 17|500Exchqr...C3:3500Dhir...1.50 2000 18200 G&C 34 100 1.55 300 Andes.... H<tN... 1.50300 Overman. 2l 100 B & V, 57 550 1.45400 22 200 SS'SSO 1.401000 Potosi ...41 200 Bullion. .11 200 1.371-800 Savage. ...47 00 Challenge 32 200 1.35 400 Uni0n. ...35 200 Ch011ar... 65 2000 Julia 04 400 Utah 06 200 66200 Mix 700 V Jacket. 4s 1000 Con lmp.ol 200 691 AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 900 Alta 17,100 C P0int... 4H500 Occidentl. 3o 200 8e1cher.... 37 100 400 29 400 8&8... .59:500 Bxcbqr...O3 0vrmn.... 543 450 58 50 G it C 35 700 P0t051....41 100 60 200 36 200 40 200 Bodie 29!250 H&N 1.421 , !tioo Savage.. ! 300 Bullion... 12 100 1.4f 100 Scorpion..o4 1600 12VV500 Justice.... 12 300 05 lOOCaledonia.lljlOO Kentek...O4 300 S M..13 200 Chal C... 31200 L Wa5h.. .03100 SNev 67 ! 200 .2.80100 Mexican. .7l 400 68 60 2.773/2;} 00 Mono 300 S Hill 04 600 Conlmp..ol'3oo 0phir....1.55|500 Union C..37 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. MONDAY, July 8-4 r. v. Sid.Askfd.' Bid.Atked. Alpha Con 10 11 Jackson 20 — Alta 16 17Julia 03 04 Andes 33 3.V.Justlce — 12 Belcher 36 37 KentucK. 02 04 Best & Belcher. 60 61 Lady Wash.... 02 03 BentonCon 35 —Mexican 70 72 ' Eodle 27 29:M0n0 06 09 Bullion 12 13' Mi. Diablo 15 — Bulwer - 05 07 Nevada Queen. — 05 Caledonia 14 15 Occidental 28 29 Challenge Con. 30 32,Ophir 1.55 1.60 Chollar 09 70;Overmaa 21 22 Con. Cal. &Va. 2.80 2.85 Potosi 41 42 Con. Imperial. 01 02 Savaee • 46 47 Confidence 97 — Seg. Belcher... 13 14 Con.New 03 —Sierra Nevada, 68 69 Crown Point... 41 42 Scorpion — 04 East B. A 8... 18 -Silver Hill 03 04 EastSierraNev — 05 ; Silver Kins — 20 Exchequer. 02 04 Syndicate — 04 Eureka C0n.... 20 — Union Con 36 38 Gould <fe Curry. 35 36 Utah 06 07 Hale &. N0n.r5.1.45 1.50 Yellow Jacket. 49 50 lowa — 05' STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. MONDAY, July 8-2 r. v. UNITED STATES BONDS. Sid. Atked.\ Bid. Atked. US4scoup..ll2 1131/iiU 545reg...112 11314 MISCELLANKOrS BONDS. Cal-stCbless.lO7 — Do, 2d 15565..101 — Cal Elec L 65106 — P<fcOßy6s..llO 120 CntraCW6sloo 102 P<fcChßy6s. 93 100 Dpnt-stex-ep 80 93 Pwl-5tßß65.112 115 KdsnL<tP6s. — 108 Reno,WLvfcLlo2 105 F&CH RR6sIOO — RiverWCo6s — 100 Geary-stßss. 97V2103 SF*NPRRSs 99% •_•- LosAngL6s. — — ! SPRRAriz 63 2 100 Do.Gnted.6s. — 103 SPRRCal6s.ll2 — Mkt-stCble6sl2o 123 SPRRCaISs. 87y 2 100 ' NevCNgßßs. — 102 Do.lcongtd. 87^100 NPCRR6S.IOO — sPßrßCaies. 97 98 NyßCal6s..lOO — SVWater6s..l23i/4 — NRyCal6s.. — — ISV Water 9Sy 2 99 Oak Gas 55. .104 — . StktnO&E6s — 103 Do, 2di5555..104 104 Sunst,T«feT6s — 103 Omnibus 65.. 119% — Sutter-stßss.lOß — FacßollMbs.iOVi — VisallaWC6s — 92 WATER STOCKS. Contra Costa, 65 — San Jose — 100 Marln C 0.... — 53%|»prng Valley 100 GAS STOCKS. Capital — 421/2! PacificLlght. 45 50 Central 95 — SanFrancsco 70% 71 OakGL&H. 44 45 Stockton 16 23 PacGaslmp. — 82 ■ INSURANCE STOCKS. FiremansFd.lso 152 |Sun — 50 COMMERCIAL BANK STOCKS. Amerß&TC. — — |LondonP&A.l2s% — Anglo-Cal... — 62y a !London&SF. — 31 Bank of Ca1..223 224 Keren Ex... 12 — CaISD4TCo. 54 56 Nevada.. .. — " — First Nation!. 178 200 iSatherßCo.. — — Grangers — — I SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. GerS&LCo.. — 1750 Sav&Loan.. — 150 HnmbS&L.IOOO — 'Securltv — 300 Mutual — 45 Union Trust. B3o 1000 bFSav Union — 800 STREET RAILROAD STOCKS. California.. ..lo3y 2 110 iOak.SL_Hav — 100 Geary-st-.... — 90 Presidio — , 13 Market-st 4034 413^ Sutter-st — — POWDER STOCKS. Atlantic D... — 20 Juason. — — California.... 75 — V1g0rit....... — 40c Giant — 15% 1 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. BlkDCoalCo. — 12 PacAuxFA.. 1% 4 Cal Cot Mills. — — 'Pac Borax... 98 100 Cal Dry Dock — — Pac I& N Co. — 30 EdisonLlghU 95 95y a Pac Roll Milt 17 — Gascon Assn. — — Part Paint Co — 9 HawCASCo.. — 7 Pac Trans Co — 25 V* Hntchsl'Co.. — 12 PacT&TCo. 50 — Jud«onMfgC — — SunsetTitT. 35 — MerExAssn.loo — ' United C Co.. — 85 OceanlcSSCo — 23 SIORNINO SESSION 1 . Board— S V 4% Bonds, 96%. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board— lo Edison Light & Power Co, 95Vi: 26 S V Water, 101 ; 30 Bank of California, 223. Street— slooo U S 4% (coupon) Bonds, 11314. — '■ • — ♦■ — » A Youthful Reminder. Little Bill}' was told: "Never ask for anything at the table. Little boys should wait until they, are served." The other day little Billy was forgotten in the distri bution and was not served at all. What could he do? Presently, after reflecting seriously, he asked: "Mamma, when little boys starve to death do they go to Leaven?"— London Telegraph. ' SAN FRANCISCO 'CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Caix— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every rlpht )n the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, comer Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. F?9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'cloclc. 717 Lorkln street, open until 8:30 o'clock. KW. corner Sixteenth und Mission streets, open tutil r o'clock. lis lß Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. iiss=» CALIFORNIA CHAPTER "" NO.' 5, m 2*-*^ R. A. M., will meet THIS (TUES-_^^ DAY) EVENING. July 0, at 7:30 o'clock. 'JSLS? M. degree. By order of the H. P. f^W^ FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. fl^S^ GOLDEN GATE LODGE NO. 30, j? S?-* 7 F. and A. M.— Called meeting THlS__>__ (TUESDAY) EVENING, July 9, at 7:30 iS 2? o'clock. D.I. GEO. J. KOBE, Sec. /V' ijfcTS= ORIENTAL LODGE NO. 144. F. A iS^S' and A. M.— Called meeting THIS Ji (TUESDAY) EVENING a!. 7:30 o'clock. y£jT 3d decree. A. S. HUBBARD, Sec, r^^ Ef^s=» UNITY ENCAMPMENT NO. 26,®, A VfcJ? I. 0.0. F.— Meets TO-NIGHT. a^w^ GEORGE A. RAPP, C. P. /\ - / \ iptr^? 3 GERMANIA LODGE no. <j^»»^> '<£*& 116. I. O. O. Tiieoflicers andJsgr. members of the above lodge are re- r^^^'JK^^ spc-ctfullv invited to assemble in Fra- "/mv^- ternal Hall, cor. Market and Seventh sis., WEDNESDAY evening, July 10, at 7 clock, to pay a visit to Vonvaerts Lodge No. 31 in Oak- land. Installation. C. J. WEICHART, N. O. Emil Niemeikr, Secretary. ' 9ZSS* MAGNOLIA LODGE NO. 29, -^ttfltek. iS5^ I. O. O. F., requests the attend-.§&' l^a££ ance of the officers and members of the ;^^>t*^ i - lodge and order to attend the meeting THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, when the officers of the term will be Installed. SAM' POLACK, Secretary. s£^S= FRANCO- AMERICAINE **<& Lodsre No. 'JOT. I. O. O. F.— ln-^g^^^. stallatlon of officers on THURSDAY :^Sss^^" EVENING, July 11. All members are "/il\\\* invited to attend. By order of N. G. FELIX CANDAU, N. G. Joseph Champion, R. s. " P*-3B» A. O. 11. DIVISION NO. 3 \VlLL^«s^> Qt^jß' hold their regular monthly meeting V^;..:» at Drew's Hall. 121 New Montgomery st., jews/ on WEDNESDAY EVENING, July lO.c^Ywi? 1805. at 7:30 o'clock. All members arc *~T2b hereby notified to attend, as business of im- portance is to be transacted. Fines for non-at- tendance will be strictly enforced. JOHN RYALL, President. Michael Kilkenny, Secretary. r]E^K= EINTKACHT SPAR UND BAU VER- t>-fi * ein— regular annual meeting of the stockholders of me Eintracht Spar und Ban Ver- ein will be held in the office of the corporation at, Eintracht Hall, 237 Twelfth street, near Poison), on TUESDAY, July 9, 1695, at 7:30 o'clock p. M.. for the election of directors for the ensuing term, and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting. Polls open from 7 :30 to 9:30 o'lock p. m. The Twelfth Series tow open. F. HUFSCHMIDT, President. Henry Gillk, Secretary. B^S> THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE i**-& stockholders of the Edison Light and Power Company for the election of directors for the en- suing year, and for the transaction of. such other business as may be brought before the meeting, will be held at the company's office. 229 Stevenson street, San Francisco, MONDAY the lf>th day of July, 1895. at 10 a. m. Transfer books will close July 5, at 6p. M. Proxies must be iiled with the secretary before the hour of meeting. J. E. GREEN. Secretary. SPECIAJL. NOTICES. ■Sp^VEOTA^m]^tH : HnS > ~SrTLL - Tio^ Br^s r cated at 850 Market St., parlors 47 and 48. C3> -MISS OLIVE WHITNEY; BATHS, u?-^ hand-rubbing of rheumatism and pain. Room 5, 110 Sixth st. EF]§p~ ORPHANS RECEIVED INTO ST. JO- &-& seph'a Infant Orphan Asylum since Janu- ary 1, 1895: Luke Moore, 6 years; Annie Moore. years: Nellie Bothwick, 1 1 years; Agnes John- son, 3 years; Malvina Cavasse, 4 years: Frank Hogani 5 years: Mary Hogan, I years; Agnes Ho- pan, 5 or 6 years: George Collins, 5 years. jjE^gp ABANDONED CHILDREN IN ST. JO- hs^£? seph's Infant Orphan Asylum since Janu- ary 1, 1894: Joseph Fisher, 6 years: Lawrence Fisher, 3 years; Agnes Duj,'gan, 4 <years: George Sayles, 4 years. => ALCOHOL BATH AND HAND-Rl'B- LtSS' bine. 17a Sixth St., room 1. FRANCES BERNHARD. f£s§* BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. &*& Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy st., room 6, Tel. 5580. ttZSS* BOOJCB WHITENED, UP; PAPER- Et*£? ed $3 50 up. 309 Sixth. George Hartman. jsE^S 3 J.B. McINTVKE, BOOKBINDER AND — ~—^ Printer. 422 Commercial st. Wr%f> JOHN J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, kSCS' magnetic, massaqe treatment, alcohol, oil and Roman baths. 1007 Market, rooms '_' ana 3. Wpa** CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; iS^Er no pain. Chiropodk Institute, 36y 2 Geary. ijif-gp A WFKIC'S NEWS FORTcE NTS— TH E •S^ WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. DIVIDEND NOTICES. S^^ "dividend NOTICE— SAVINGS AND LE-S* Loan Society, 101 Montgomery st., cor. Sut- ler. For the half year ending June 30, 1895. a dividend has been declared at the rate of four and eight-tenths (4 8-10) per cent per annum on term deposits, and four (4) per cent per annum on ordi- nary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Monday, July 1, 1895. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of dividend as the principal from and after July 1, 1895. CYRUS W. CARMANY. Cashier. Ep-rS 1 DIVIDEND NOTICE— THE GERMAN ES«-» Savings and Loan Society, 626 California St., for the half-year ending June 30, 1895, a divi- dend has been declared at the rate of four and eight-tenths (4 8-10) per cent per annum on term deposits, and four (4) per cent on ordinary depos- its, free of taxes, payable on and after MONDAY, July 1. 1895. ' GKO. TOURNY. Secretary. SITUATIONS WAsIKJD-FKSIALJi. I ADIES! FOR A FIRST-CLASS SERVANT J see J. F. CROSETT <fc CO., 312 Slitter st. T THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- rean first-class Swedish and German girls are awaiting situations. 332 Geary st. telephone 983. OOD SERVANTS, CITY OR COUNTRY. AT MME. LEOPOLD'S, 957 Market st. : open eves. AN 1 -ED-POSITION AS GOVERNESS BY '» an experienced teacher: references exchanged. Address L. F., box 100, Call. T\r° MAN WANTS SITUATION TO DO GEN- '• eral housework, cooking, washing and iron- ing. Call or address MRS. MARY GAFFIGAN, 1209 Eighteenth st. ESPECTABLE GERMAN LADY WISHES XV to do washing or cleaning by the day. 120a Wildey St., off Fillmore, bet. Bush and Pine. IRL wishes SITUATION to LEARN hair-dressing. Call or address 20 Prospect ave., bet. Twenty-eighth and California ave. OUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO -I general housework: wages $18 to $20. Call or address 60V3 Clipper st. BY NEAT, COMPETENT WOMAN: IS A good cook and laundress: In American family; city or country; or would go out by the day. Call 988 Howard St., cor. Sixth. VOU.VG GIRL WISHES POSITION; UP- J. stairs work or nursery governess: no postals. Call 1329 Twenty-fifth st. ITUATION BY YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE care of children. 1938 Lexington ave., near Twenty-first st. RIGHT YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER and typewriter who has had four years' expe- rience desires position: best of references. Ad- dress Accurate, box 148, Call Office. / < ERMAN GIRL WISHES PLACE TO DO VJ general housework. 1004 Pacific St., near Mason. OOD, RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS A SlT- uation In a small family: Is a good plain cook; good references. Call or address 1109 Hampshire St.. near Twenty-third. pESPECTABE GIRL WOULD LIKE A SIT- - 11 uation as maid and seamstress In a private family; has good reference* and no objection to the country. Please address P. W., Call Of- fice, box 66. . "POSITION WANTED BY IRISH GIRL FOR X housework and taking care of children; best of references. Apply 14y Hoff ave., bet- Sixteenth and Seventeenth, Mission and Valencia. PROTESTANT GIRL WANTS A SITUATION X to do waiting and chamberwork In the city; wages not less than $25 ; best city references. P.0., box 127. Call. TVTICE YOUNG GIRL DESIRES SITUATION X' as housekeeper or upstairs work. Call 121 Montgomery st., room 10. p ERMAN GIRL WANTS A SITUATION FOR VJ general housework. Call 306 O'Farrell st. ; no letter: no employment office. ' pESPEOTABLE YOUNG- GIRL OF 17, -IV lately from Europe, wishes to do housework or care for children; sleep home. 316 Minna st. DRESSMAKER WISHES WORK BY THE _ day: rate $1 a day. 365 Jessie. I } ESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN XV wishes work by the day, week or mouth; sleep home. Call or address 316 Minna. ; lADY BE GLAD TO GET ANY KIND -J-i of plain sewing: gentlemen's mending; also cleans clothes. 114 Fourth St., room 15. DRESSMAKER, FIRST-CLASS FITTER AND trimmer, wants few more engagements or take work home; $2 a day. 1031 Market st., room 1. G1 OOD DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE A PER- \X manent position in a nice family as seamstress and would do light housework. 663 Mission. \\r OM AN WOULD LIKE TO TAKE CARE of » » child; speaks French and English; terms rea- sonable. Apply 713 Laurel ave. . [ DRESSMAKER, FINE FITTER AND DRA- -1/ per; sews 60c a day. G. F., box 98, Call Office. OUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS X housekeeper or typewriter. Call at 11 Kearny St., room 27, first floor. -yOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE SITUATION TO Xdo light housework in private family. Apply 417 FoUomsU, upstairs. - --■.. - - . p ESPECTABLE WOMAN wants to WORK -It by the day housecleaning, etc. 18 Vande- water st. C COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY \J the day washing or housecleaning or to clean windows. Call 1038*6 Folsom st. WOMAN WISHES SITUATION TO DOGEN- ■ » » ■ eral housework and plain cooking. Please call 1161 Harrison st. ELDERLY LADY WISHES POSITION IN family to assist in ■ general housework and care of children. Call or address MRS. 8., 637 O'Far- rell St. C i i CATIONS WANTED BY 2 RESPECTABLE O girls forsecond work and waiting. Apply 815ya Laurel ave., bet. Turk and Eddy. - - ' '* THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1895. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. , MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN SITUA- tion at general housework; sleep home. 8., Call Office, Sixteenth and Mission sis. SWEDISH AND DANISH GIRLS: ARE O first-class cooks; good references; $30. 11 1 . a Antonia st.. off Jones, near Ellis. YOUKO SWEDISH GIRL WANTS A SITUA- X tion to do general housework and cooking: wages ?18 to $20. Call 224 Seventeenth St., near Mission. yOUXO GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO X general housework : good cook; city preferred. 757b Folsom st., near Fourth. _ LM.HKKLY SCOTCH WOMAN WISHES SITU- Pi atlon to do housework: Is good cook and baker; city or country.' Address 312 Sixth St., near Folsom. . HOUSEKEEPER- WANTED, SITUATION IN respectable wealthy family; or would go as companion to lady; speaks French language. Ad- dres3 D. .!., box 96, Call Office. -yOUNG GIKL SPEAKS GERMAN AND X English; wishes to help In housework In a small family. Address 57 Natoma St., between Third and Fourth. SWEDISH GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO kJ do light housework in small family; city or country :' wages $15 to $20. Call or address E. J., 741 Fiibert St., basement. TJEFINED YOUNG WIDOW FROM THE Xt East would like any kind of sewing or gentle- men's mending; satisfaction guaranteed. Call Ito 8 p. m. room 2, first flat 119 Ninth st. •fro I ; KG GERMAN GIRL WANTS SITUATION X for general housework; wages $15. Call 702 Bryant st. GOOD SCOTCH COOK, CITY OR COUNTRY, neat and clean worker; good place preferred better than wages; *15. 1100 Powell st., corner Washing. on. • VOUNG GERMAN GIRL LIKE GO AS NURSE; X wages 12 to $10. Call or address 631 y 3 Ash ave. EXPERIENCED WOMAN. WANTS COOKING or/iousework. Call or address 439 Seventeenth. yOUNG LADY DEsTRKS GENTLEMAN'S X mending. 144 Fifth st., room 6. STENOGR WISHES POSITION in O mercantile work: wages not so much an object as steady employment. LOUISE, box 62, Call. RES.-SMAKKR— FIRST-CLASS FITTER AND U designer, stylish draper, thorough dressmaker; by the day. MISS WARWICK, 104 Grove st. pEHMAN EDUCATED NURSE, BEST OF VT city references, wants situation in city or coun- try. For particulars address T. WERNER, 424 Batter st; tel. 5472. WEDIBH GIRL, YOUNG. STRONG, ALSO good cook, has city references, wants work. For particulars address ALM M., 424 Slitter st. ■yOUNG EASTERN WIDOW DESIRES POSI-. X tion as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; gentlemen's mending done. 132 Sixth St.. room 23. "y OUNG LADY TO DO HOUSEKEEPING FOR X a widow or bachelor In city. MISS M. HILL, city. - ■ WOMAN WANTS GENTS' WASHING; Tl cheaper than laundry; flannels a specialty: will call for it. Address M. C. 116 Ninth st. y OUNG AMERICAN WOMAN WISHES X work by the day ; good city references. 2706a Mission st. yOUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION AS X housekeeper. Apply 44 Sixth St., room 34, sec- ond floor. IDDLE-AGED GERMAN WOMAN WISHES place as housekeeper or general housework: no objection to city or country: wageu from $10 to $12 per month. Address Mission Hotel, od Twenty- sixth St.. near Mission. RESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY Xt the day: is good laundress and houseworker; best of reference furnished. Address L., box 71, (ail. ELIABLPf WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND OF XV housework by the day. Call or address 1625 Clay st. G- ■ I.NTi.EM'eN'S MENDING NEATLY DONE VJ by MRS. GRAYSON, 105 Stockton, room 78. MIDDLE-AGED PERSON WOULD LIKE po- sition in hotel or family; country preferred. Call or address 1128 1 Harrison st. / 1 ENTLEMEN'S MENDING DONE NEATLY "T to order by a widow. '-'5 Taylor st.. room 3. SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE. BAKKfII WANTS SITUATION"; mouths' experience. Address F. L., box 104, Call Office. yOUNG MARRIED MAN, SOBER, INDUS- X trious, wishes employment ; thoroughly under- stands training of fas', trotters and care of horses. Address F. 8.. box 19, Call. WATCHMAN WOULD LIKE A JOB DAY OR '» night in place of trust : can give the best of rt-ference. Call ox address G. W. H., 1238 Bush st. M' AN HANDY WITH ALL KINDS OF TOOLS would like to get situation in store or office. Address G., box 155. Call office. AT" OUNG MAN INDUSTRIOUS AND RELIA- X hie desires employment ; willing to pay $25. Address Willing, box 159. Call. y OUNG MAN WITH GOOD EDUCATION DE- X sires employment where there is an opportunity for promotion. Address E. J., box 74, Call Office, Oakland. pARTENDER— YOUNG MAN FROM THE X) East wants a position; good mixer and a willing worker. Address W., box 20, Call Office. pOACHMAN — YOUNG MAN FROM THE \J East. Irish, age 25: three years in the last place; first-class reference. Address S., box 61, Call Office. y OUNG MAN WANTS WORK OF AN Y K INI) ; X is sober, industrious and handy with tools: wages no object. Address W. P., box 99, Call Office. Air ANTE D — ENGINEER AND FIREMAN »t (married) wants situation; city or country; all-around man. Call A. C, 529 Montgomery ave. "TXT A NTKI) — MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN, »> with reference, desires place about gentle- man's place; horses, drive, cow, garden, handy with all kinds tools: moderate wages and good home rather than high wages. 224 Seventh st. SI ll ' A TION WANTED AS MAN BOUT place or any other honorable employment; city or country; wages no object. Address R. D., box 27, this office. ( < ENTLEMAN, 35 YEARS OLD, EDUCATED. VJ used to hard work and most thoroughly schooled In meeting business men in business- like manner, wants position In office or representing some wholesale house or financial institution or as manager, where activity and hustle are requisite qualifications; first-class recommendations. Ad- dress W. X.. box 61, Call Office. TEADY MAN WISHES A PLACE IN PRI- O vale family: take care of horse, garden, etc.; references. Address J., box 43, this office. TRONG BOY, 17, WANTS JOB IN black- smlth or machine shop. Apply E. PRINET, box 61, Call Office. ITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED German: understands the care of horses, gar- den; can milk and make himself useful at every- thing; references. Address M. A., box 136, this office. . yOUNG -MAN LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO X make himself generally useful at anything. Address 50y Third st. QTRONG BOY OF 16 FROM GERMAN O parents wishes situation where he can live home; good references. Call at 602 Bay, cor. Taylor. OACHMAN. THOROUGHLY UNDER- stands the care of horses, also good gardener, can milk, handy with tools; best of city references. Address A. M., box 114, Call Office. \\r ANTED— POSITION BY A COMPETENT 'I man in wholesale liquor and rectifying house, best of references, compounder and bottler. Ad- dress D. F.. box 100, Call Office. OY OF 15 WISHES A SITUATION IN bakery or hotel with board and lodging.' Call 881% Bitch st. AKER, SITUATION AS SECOND ON bread, city or country. Trust, 431 Bush st. AXE WISHES SITUATION: FULLY UN- derstands the management of horses, carnages, cows, garden and general work on private places or small ranches, i N. N., 801 Kearny St., S. F. I BRICKLAYER WANTS WORK IN mills or foundry: willing to do other work when not needed at his trade. Address C. S., box 42, this office. • ■ . . , T.IRENCHMAN DESIRES A SITUATION IN X; private family as a valet: understands cooking and very competent to wait on table. L. BOSEHE, 251b Perry st. POSITION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS EX- X perienced cutter; city or country. Address STEIN, SIMON & CO.. Market and First. . 1 FARMER REQUIRES SITUATION: THOR- X I ough practical man on mixed farm: rearing all kinds of slock and poultry ; take charge ol engine and make repairs. Farmer, box 134, Call Office. "yOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH 10 YEARS' X experience it) country store wishes a position: understands booKkeeping and considerable experi- ence with agricultural machinery; references. Ad- dress M. M.. box HSrCall. MA ANI)W I FE W I s II SITUATION IN CITY or country; wife good cook and housekeeper, man handy around place or outside work. Call or address P. V. 8., 1636 Howard st. FEMALE HELP WANTED. . WaTtIiESsTdIXOnT $23", "FARE TpalD : MILL »» Valley $20, see party here, Oakland $20. Berkeley $15; cook, Stockton $30, Alameda $20, Santa Barbara $25; ranch cook, Caluveras $30; hotel cook, $35: German or Swedish housekeeper, city, $25: 15 housework girls, $15 to $20. WIN- TER & CO., 9y 2 Stockton st. -; \ ■ yOUNG GIRL WILL GET GOOD HOME IN X San Jose: fare paid: educated, etc. WINTER & CO., 9*/2 Stockton st. * -.. ..:•■■-.■-- ;. WAITRESSES, CITY AND COUNTRY, $20; WINTER & CO., 9y a Stockton st. Or GIRLS CAN OBTAIN WORK AT MUR- RAY & READY'S. i .. pUAMBERMAID, COUNTRY HOTEL, $20; 5 \J waitresses, $20; 10 girls for housework, $15 to $20. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. THIRST-CLASS COOK. GERMAN, COUNTRY, X $35; first-class cook, country, 3 in family, $25; lOglrls, light housework, $15."520. .C. R. HAN- SEN CO., 110 Geary st. . THIRST-CLASS HEAD waitress, LARGE X hotel, $25, $30. C. R. HANSEN <S CO., 110 Geary st. CA DI E MORGENSTEIN,*"*IEAD WAITRESS; to please call or send yo address to C. B. HAN- SEN «_CO., HOGcary st. ..--.• -\:^ ■ ' . _ 4" WAITRESSES, /SAME COUNTRY HOTEL, fare paid, $20; waitress, near city, $20: wait- ress, assist chamberwork, city references, $20. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. HELP WANTED— Continued. pERMAN COOK, fSS TO »i6: <X>oi£ $30; VJT German or Swedish, housework, $30; second girl, Berkeley, $20; 8 housework girls, city and country, $20 and $25; 6 voting eirls. assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton St. --."-■.•;: : "I I WAITRiiSSES, $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 X Stockton st. RON EH, $30. MISS CULLEN, 105 STOCKTON x street. CIOOK, SMALL HOTEL, SHORT DISTANCE /in the country, $30. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. RENCH, GERMAN OR SWEDISH SEAM- X stress, $25: Irish or German nurse, $20; second girl, $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, $15; SLEEP \S* home. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. pOOK FOR THE COUNTRY, $30; ONE VJ lady. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK, i>± $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. WANTED— SWEDISH COOK FOR SMALL *» American family In country, $25, sec lady here; German second girl, $15: chambermaid and seamstress. $25; Irish cook for German fatally, $30; 25 housework girls for city and country. $ 25 and $20. Apply Miss PLUNKETT, 424 Sinter. \Y ANTED- lI RBT-CLABB COOK FOB FBI- »» vate family; $45. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Suiters:. WANTED— IRONER, HOTEL, $30; ironer, »t laundry, $150 day; ironer, French laundry, $30; French or German second girl, $20: waitress and parlor-maid, $25: girls for housework, $20, $15 and $10. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. T AUNDRESS, $20; 2 RESTAURANT WAIT- JJ resscs. $20 and room: 3 waitnsies, country hotels, $20; cooks on ranches and ■- r.s for house- work. R. T. WARD & CO., 610 Clay st. WANTED-TWO WAITRESSES, COUNTRY ! «.!■!, hotel, $_>0; German or French seiond girls, $20; 4 cooks, German style, $25 and $30: Invalid nurse, $20; Protestant ranch cook, $20, and a large number of girls to fill situations in city and country. J. F. CBOSETT A CO., 312 Sutter st. WANTED — SWEDISH GIRL, GENERAL »» housework, wages *25; second girl, $20; nursegirl, $20; cook, $25; housegirl, $20; girl to assist, $15. 332 Geary st. 4. WAITRESSES, SAME COUNTRY HOTEL, rt S2O; chambermaid, $'20. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. -•::.;--■ yOUNG LADIES. TO LEARN TELEGRAPH 1 X and qualify for good-paying positions. Califor- nia J elegraph Company, Kearuy st., entrance 640 1 Clay; day or evening. MEAT GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSEWORK; -LI sleep home. 15 Fair Oaks, nr. Twenty-first. GOOD COOK; APPLY TO-DAY BET. 10 AND r 12 a.m. NE. cor. Twenty-first and Howard. yOUNO GIRL; LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND i- cooking. Call aft* 9, 1913 Deviaadero st. "O EXPECTABLE CATHOLIC WOMAN FOR XX, light housework; good home; small wages. 27 Railway st., oft" Dolores, bet. Seventeenth and Eighteenth. , "W A NTED-YOUNG WOMAN FOR HOUSE- '¥ work , $15. 2 3 1 1 Pol st . "\VT A NTED— AN ELDERLY WOMAN TO TAKE care of a small home at East Berkeley. Ap- ply at 1 Bacon place, off Pine st., below Dnpont. yOUNG GIRL FOB UPSTAIRS WORK AND -I- assist with children. 1207 Gough st. WANTED-GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, $10. " 502 Fulton st. WANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE- » T work and care of children. 1001a McAllister. MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO IK) GENEBAL -L'l housework; $15 a month. 1002i/«j Hyde. GERM AN OR JEWISH GIRL FOB LIGHT U housework and cooking for 3 adults. 707 Mc- Allister st. U- A X ED-GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, WAGES SlO. 12 Hartford st., near Castro and 18th. pOOD GIRL OB WOMAN, LIGHT HOUSE- \X work, family of 3, wages moderate. Apply to- day 10091/3 Turk st. p IRL TO TAKE CARE OF BABY. 1219 VJ" Gear} St., in forenoon. t WOMAN TO ASSIST IN KITCHEN. 1123 »* Sutter st. 1 \ EI'.MAN OR SWEDISH GIRL FOR GEN- \J eral housework, 3in family, $15. 2720 Sacra- mento st. yOUNG GIRL for HOUSEWORK. 1519 X Baker st. TRONG YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK 0 ami cooking, short distance in country. Call 76 Ninth st. IRL. WHO SPEAKS GERMAN, FOR A VT small family without children; wages $12. 1432 O'Farrell st. . 1 ' A 11 ■: 1 1. GIB L FOR GENERAL HOUSE- 1 M work in small family; German preferred. Apply at grocery, 3401 Geary st. W ANTED— GERMAN GIRL FOB GENERAL M housework and plain cooking. 700 Diamond j st., cor. Twenty-fourth. pOMPETENT PERSON FOR COOKING AND V' housework; none over 35 need apply; wages $30. Call 1620 Sacramento St., bet. 9 and 11. TRONG YOUNG. GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at 2211 Taylor st. P'^-'J ANTED— A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT »» housework. Call 003 '« ll;iv. •<[. IRLTO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- Ing. 8181/4 Greenwich St.: call after 10 a. m. ANTED— YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL »» housework in small family. 1610 Geary st. yOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH BABY AND 1 light housework: $1 week and board. Apply Franklin at., 10 to 12 a. m. y/OUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- -I- work. 1728a Sutter st. PROTESTANT GIRL FOR GENERA LHOUSE- X work in small family: good home. 377 shot well. GIBLS FOR HOUSEWORK AND PLAIN cooking In small family. 1444 O'Farrell st. MILLINKE.Y TRADE TAUGHT: PUPILS are taken in class or private: terms reason- able. 2510 California st, "L" 1 R E I : MEDICAL I '. A TMENT FOB WOMEN X mid children only, 11 to 12 and 2 to 3 daily. 110 Ellis st. p ARMJENTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED : \J without trying on; call and test. Lawrence Cutting-school, 1231 Market st. DBBBSM A K ERS AND SEWING GIRLS \J wanted: patterns cut to order, 25 cents up. McDOWELL Dressmaking Academy. 213 Powell, R ENCH ACCORDION PLEA TING: TAILOR- x made suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllister st. ■pBOFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DBESSCI 1- X tins and making school : all branches. 702Sutter. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in th« United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- Bge free. WALK UKLP WANTED. T\r ANTE I)-( i !•: ScA^rSwESEsBToB^DAS^ , '» ish butler with A 1 references, $40. room and board sackpiler for warehouse, $2 50 a day, etc. MARTIN A CO., 749 Market St., telephone main 1849. ._ _^ . 1 C\(\ MEN CAN OBTAIN WORK TO-DAY AT XUU MURRAY A READY QA LABORERS AND TEAMSTERS, CITY O\J and country, $20 to $20 and board: 10 farm- ers, $20 to $:6; 3 hay balers, 15 cents per ton; boy for a ranch, $10. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. 1 A HOTEL COOKS, $25, $30. $40 AND $50; 1" 3 hotel waiters, $17 50 to $30: Japanese cook for a ranch, $20; 3 dishwashers, $20 to 825. MUR- i RAY A READY, 684 Clay st. "I A TIE-MAKERS, 9, 10 AND lie EACH: lv blacksmith for a ranch; 3 coopers ; wood- choppers, $1 60 cord. MURRAY A READY. 634 Clay st. SECI IND COOK. COUNTRY HOTEL, $61); second cook and do pastry, country hotel, $45; pastry cook, country hotel, $50; shampoo, for a Turkish bath, $30 and found. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. LACK I I AND HORSESHOER, COUN- try, 30 and found and free fare. C. R. HAN- SEN A CO., 110 Geary st. JACK-SCRE FOR THE WOODS, $35 and found: half fare advanced. C. R.HAN- SEN A CO., 110 Geary st. ' . pOTWASHEH, COUNTRY HOTEL. $30; VEG- X eiableman, country hotel, $20 and free-fare. C. R. HAXSEN t v: CO., 110 Geary st. rpEAMSTERS AND LABORERS FOR RAIL- -1 road work; free fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. i ) LACKSMIT ii ; GOOD SHOER, COUNTRY : XJ $80 and found; free fare. C.R. HANSEN&CO. O|| WOOD AND MILL MEN, $80 AND $26 £>\) and board; miners for Idaho, 8"3 a day; coop- er, country, piece work: machine driller for quar- ry, $2 50 a day: carpenter, countrv. $32 60 and board: farmhands, $15; axmnn, $15: bedir.aker, $16: dishwasher and milk, $25; waiter-boy, re- sort, $20. R.T. WARD A CO.. 608 and 610 Clay. WANTED— HOUSE PAiNTER, .$2 A DAY; '* Ironer for laundrv, $30 and found; American driver for milk wagon. $25 and fonnd:'furmer, $1 '. a day: Swiss milker, $25; chore boy for country, $5 and found, good home; cooper, piece work; laborers for city and country aan others. Apply J. F. CROSETT A CO.. 628 Sacramento st. A TED-GERMAN STEWARD AND ALL , » » round hotel man for countrv, *:-tn and found : cooks, waiters, etc. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacramento st. ■ \Y A BAKER FOR COUNTRY HOTEL, -»» 30 and found; camp cook for Truckee, $-25: farmer and wife if 3s, near city, no children; but- ter-maker, $30. good steady job; farmers, laborers, 1 milkers, cooks, waiters find others; colored waiter, ' $20. W. D. EWER A CO., 626 Clay st. "IV A NTED- BO V SPEAKING GERMAN TO '» learn a trade, S3 per week and Increase. W. ' P. EWER A CO., 626 Clay st. 1 ■TITANTED-a HOUSE-PA INTERS, $1 60 DA Y and found; waiter, oyster bouse, $7 a week: young man as waiter, small country restaurant, j $20; dishwasher, $5 a week; stable-boy, $15; ! Ironer, $30. etc. L. ANDRE. 315 Stockton st. COOK FOR COUNTRY HOTEL, $50. HOTEL j \J GAZETTE. 420 Kearny st. | 1 A LABORER^. $2 DAY: 10 LABORERS, $1 XV day and board: 5 laborers, $1 50 day: stone- quarry men, $1 75 day. Call early 51 Third St.. room 31. : yOUNG MEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPHY ! J. and qualify for good pi.yn,- positions. CALI- ' FORNIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Kearny at., ] entra««3 640 Clay st.; day or Ten Ing. . HELP WANTKD-Continned. I ABO ELY EXTERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED 1-i German of good and steady habits, with city references for conduct nud capability, . to take Charge of bakery as first foreman : none but first class need apply. Address Foreman, box 78, Call Office. • --/.^>- WANTKD — PAPER-HANGER AND CAR- »» penter. Call or address 48 Oak st. Vy' ANTED— WAITER. 613 CLAY STREET. T3APER-H ANGER WANTED. 138 ELEV- X en.h st. "\\' ANTED-GOOD WHEELWRIGHT. CAR- • 1 riage factory, 100 Golden Gate ave. pOOK— 533 COMMERCIAL ST. "\\rANTED — YOUNG MAN. 509 POST ST. ■\\r ANTED- YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR- 1 ' her trade. Inquire 107 Fifth st. : EAMEN FOB ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. 0 Apply 228 Pacific st. WANTED— YOUNG. BUTCHER. 511 PACI- »» ficst. ARBERS' association MEETS TO-NIGHT at 102 O'Farrell st. H. H. WOLFE, President. fflj Q A BARBER-SHOP. 1881 MISSION ST. ~\Y A TED — WO ACTIVE INTELLIGENT '» gentlemen of good address, as solicitors; an- swer in own hand-writing, stating experience, references and nationality. Address C, box 119, this office. NERGETIC CANVASSERS WANTED; PAYS $3 50 per day. Call at 328 Seventh sU TV" A NTE D— STEADY MAN to TEND store »* and assist generally in light manufacturing 1 business: must be. satisfied with $60 per month to ! start arid have $130 cash. 51 Third St., room 31. \\' ANTED — TAILORS HAVING JOHN R. » ' Suankland's book and square for sale. Apply 334 Day st. •yOUNG BOY TO HELP IN DRUGSTORE, X Seventeenth and Sanchez. \\ • AVI 1 : D— CLOTH IXG SALESMAN: MUST ** be experienced In window-dressing; none but steady man neea apply. Address P. O. box 109, Stockton, Cai. BOO K E I : PER— ONE CONVERSANT WITH railroad construction. Address Contractor, I box 93, Call. 1 Oft ENERGETIC CANVASSERS WANTED ; -£v/ immediately: 9 to 12 a. m.: rooms 47, 48, Macdonough building, Oakland. . I) ELIABL 1 : CANVASSER. 634 GREEN ST., \> 8 to 9, 12 to 1, 5 to G. *sl'l Z.I \ rARTNER WANTED; LIGHT BUSI- <UP i-«-»' '• ness: suited to plain, steady man satis- fied with $15 to $18 week. 5 Stockton st., room 1. T>ABTNEB WITH ?200 FOB PAYING BES- X taurant: incoming partner to attend cash coun- ter: no agents. Address W., box 131, Call Office. BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. BARBERS- SHOP AND 3 FURNISHED rooms; bargain. 1155 Howard st. AN NOT AFRAID OF WORK. WAGES $60 a month and board ; must haveslsoo to$2000; interest 9 per cent a year; good security. Address S, box 74, this office. EAMEN~FOR EUROPE, SOUTH AMERI- ca, all parts of the world. 103 Montgomery ave. I, TREE MEDICAL TREATMENT FOB MEN i only; 11 to 12 and 2to 3 daily. 110 Ellis st. IMiKE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS X for Scents at 238 Pacific st. ox-centThnners for 10 cents to-day — ••' at 44 Fourth St.: no humbug. HOES H A LF-SOL Ix" 15 MINUTES 0 while you wait at half usual price: wanted, 5000 pair second-hand shoes. 959 Howard and 904y 3 Pine. TrOUCANGETA whole pie AND cup of J. coffee for 5c at the new restaurant, 035 Clay st, wIfLAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO ' » St.; lOOoutside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c iv day: $1 a week: meals. 10c. \>.>| ELLIS, ROSE DALE— iSc TO 50c O— JL 11 night; $1 to $3 a week; open all night. "J^OR NEW AND SECOND-HAND SHOES, 1 also repairing cheap, go to 726% opp. Howard- street Theater, or 129 Sixth st. ANTED- M I-^N~TO GET BOTTLE SHARP » » steam boer, sc: bottle wine. sc. 609 Clay st. EN'S "SHOES^^SOLED, 40c: HEELS, 25c: done in IS minutes. 635 Kearny st., basement. ;:aa pairs men-s good shoes, 25cto$l *J\J\J 562 Mission st.: also 631 y 2 Sacramento si. CM' AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE \J S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rma 8-10. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: C done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price: work guar- anteed. 562 Mission st., bet. First st. and Second st. ANTED— BORERS AND MECHANICS ' » 10 know that Ed Kolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st.; 150 large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. WAKE THE DEAD - WENZEL'S~ALARM »» clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. L"~INiJELI7~iIOUSE, .■ 6TH AND HOWARD— single furnished room.?. 75c week, 16c night. \\T ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, A DAY; *1 * t week : rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; reading room- daily papers. 3R Clay st. i •- ■•.-.■., "1 A A MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 iv/U and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington st., near Kearny. BEST in CITY— SING LE'ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; $1. $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and LeidesdoriT sts. TRY ACME HOUSE, •>:>; MARKET ST., UK- low Sixth. for a room : 25c nit'ht: $1 week. AGENTS WANTED. A "^WANTED; SOMETHING NEW. £\. WILSON'S, 22 Kearny st. GENTS EVERYWHERE FOR "MARTIN'S Wonderful Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Rem- edy A Lightning Rheumatism Cure," best on earth, MARTIN'S wonderfnl remedies, 2231 Mission, S.F. ANTED TO-DAY— 2 LIVE CANVASSERS »» to introduce horse and stock book. ED- WARns 7 City Hall avenue. KOOMS WANTED. . WANTED-2 OrTIJnT ; uIiNISHED^Ro6mS »T for housekeeping, north Market, west Taylor; be reasonable; no basements. T., box 19, Call Office r ANTED— BY PHYSICIAN. FLAT OB FUR- »» nished rooms In good locality for suburban practice. Address R. R., box 160. Call Office. WANTED— ANEO US. \l?A^ tlTd— sToßeT^W IT ll" B A K e" 6 VEN "; » T city or country. 8., box 18, Call Office. WANTED— 10 "SECOND-HAND BICYCLES. »V Apply 1829 Polk st. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for elothiiiL-. books and jewelry: postal. EDUCATIONAL, BS?~MELVI iTIe'sxT DER," CIRATORIC^VU Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness ave.: vocal classes Monday, 8 p. month; dra- matic classes Wednesday, Bp. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano: ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). T ILLIAN BEDDARD. THE ENGLISH AC- Xj tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for the dramatic profession: appearances arranged ; Shakespearean classes Wednesday evenings. Shakespearean Academy, 913 Hyde St., S. F. ]" ESSONS GIVEN IN SHORTHAND, BOOK- J-i keeping, correspondence and penmanship in private families or at teacher's residence. Address A. C, box 48, this office. BOWENS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AVE., Berkeley, Cal. T. STEWART BOWENS, M. A., Principal. A J IBS BOLTE'S SCHOOL REMOVED TO 2297 i»l Sacramento St.; new term July 8. SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN,- MEISTER- haft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. "TyriGliT SCHOOL: HEALD'S BUSINESS COL- -1 XX le«e, 24 Post st.; commercial, shorthand, Eng- ; lish; low rates. T>OOKKEEPiNG, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMB J3tic taught 6 weeks :course ,*3O. s Stockton si.,r. ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 «fc 12. 1. 0. O. V. block, 7ih and Market. SCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME- O chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay : estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 STIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st.: diploma course $30. 1 ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS ■i DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or class. aB*S INST., 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING X taught In C weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free lor 6 months books our graduates fail on. H BALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- gnae_ea rapidly taught. Write lor catalogue. ~~~ DENTISTS. ~ ~~ VJ.L WORK BEASONABLE ANTJ WAIH ■Zx ranted. DR. J. W. KEY. 1128 Market st. DR. RE A, 9 SIXTHS!'.: ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana warranted ; open evenings Di; ..I. .1. LEEK. 1200 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate ave.— Open evenings; Sundays till neon. Dl GEORGE W. " LEEK. THE GENUINE Leek dentist,' discoverer of painless extraction and patentee ok' improved bridge work cr teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 2o O'Farrell st. "~A T CIIALFAXTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET. jtL sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and cold . plates prices reduced- small gold fillings only $2 : painless extraction. pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAB- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, ens specialists; only reli- abie agent for , paimess extraction: artificial teeth frm ss: fillings from SI ; extracting 50c, with gas $1. ■ d>7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED <P • good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. DK. H. a." YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates n specialty. 1841 Polk st. KT~L fi D* LUmTh ILL, 1443 .■MARKET ST.. near Eleventh;. no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c: gas given. COLT ON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 804 MAB- ketSU DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. BUSINESS CHANCE'S. PROLL & STENBEBG, 719 MABKET, NEAR Third, sell or exchange businesses, furnished houses.' orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, Ala- meda and Oakland property: send particulars; all applications for sales promptly attended to. <_~E CA POPULAR A LOON ; LOCATED <$u<J\J. among wholesale business; big hot and cold lunch trade: selling account other business. PROLL _ STENBERG, 719 Market St. U£9CA BARGAIN*: RESTAURANT: NEAR «IP«.)«JU. waterfront. in shipping localities: re- tiring from business. PROLL it STENBEBG, 719 Market st. CliVlO/ FRUIT-POULTRY' STAND WITH *J>O\.'\J. living room: Western addition: selling account departure. I'ROLL _ STENBERG, .719 Market st. >■ <S> OK A PARTNER IN HOME RESTARAUNT. O— ■wv, located among factories: bi^ dinner trade: applvatonce: assistance wanted. PROLL & JbTENBERG, 719 Market st. ■_ SACRIFICE— SELL; FANCY' AND O staple grocery; centrally located: doing good business: receipts $40 daily: rent low. PROLL, STENBERG _ CO., 719 Market st. ALOON FOR SALE at a BARGAIN if 0 taken this week; owner has other business that requires attention: investigate. PROLL, STEN- BERG & CO., 719 Market st. "jNlf^A BAKERY, RESTAURANT, WEST- *r*)U\J. ern Addition; genuine bargain; reason- able rent; selling account of departure. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market st «_ 1 Q{\( \ CORNER GROCERY. BAR: WEST- ?iniOU' r . em addition of Market; fine stock, fixtures; established family trade. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market. piuTTO-ENGRAVING; DESIGNING COPPER JT zinc etching plant; controls large city trade; employs lnrge number of help; selling account de- pa re. PROLL _ STENBEBG, 7I9 Market st. STAP.LISHED PRINTING AND NEW. -SPA-" -1-J per plant In prospering country town near San Fra Cisco; controls largest, circulation. For par- ticulars see PBOLL _ SIENBEBG. 719 Market. TO sell a business or _:■. y kixd quick 1 for cash see STRAND _ TUTTLE. 45 Third st. <£9nflfk MILLINERY AND FANCY' GOODS (Ji-UUUi store In a thriving city; full value; pays well. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ©TTXA SALOON ON CITY FRONT: PAYS ti?l~rt)U. well: full value in sight; must sell this week. STRAND & TUTTLE, 4 5 Third st. <£>.;- A PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON: ♦Ip — «JU. clear $75 per month to each: good chance. See STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. *2fl 7^ RESTAURANT 'BARGAIN TO «U>l I 1). day. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third <2*QAA CORNER SALOON; BEST part OF ypOyjVt. Market st.; pays well: full value in sight. STRA ND <fc TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ROCERY AND BAB, WITH BOOMS; FULL vT value in sight; good paying: best reason for selling. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. Q99^ BRANCH BAKERY. COFFEE AND «Tp^_iiiU. lunch parlors: rooms: pay well; north or Market. STRAND _ TUTTLE. 45 Third St. <S?9AA BUYS THIRD INTEREST IN (jpiiUu established commission business: guar- anteed to clear $100 per month: full Investiga- tion given. Apply SMITH & HUBER, 1001 Mar- ket st. , < I ~\[\ COFFEE-HOUSE; BEST LOCA- l>)\f. tion; will prove to clear SI 75 monthly; trial til! satisfied: must sell account of death. Ap- ply SMITH & HUBEB, 1001 Market st. QT.AA BUYS HALF INTEREST IN OLD-ES- igIOKJXJ tablished electric and manufacturing snop: large contracts on hand. Apply SMITH HIRER. 1001 Market st. _J__^^ OA?\f\ BARBER-SHOP; CHEAP RENT: »U)T:UI/. excellent location; 3 chairs; full value in sight: trial given; rare chance: come and see. SMITH, HUBER „ CO., 1001 Market st. (Jj OAA A ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, rpZd\J\J\J. best-paying family resorts in city 12 private rooms; large garden; accommodations for parties: cheap rent: owner must sell on account of family trouble, or will take good man as partner. Apply SMITH & HUBER. 1001 Market st. PACIFIC COAST AGENCY' FOR A STAPLE article used In nil groceries; offer wanted; will stand full investigation: for sale or exchange. WOOD _ CO.. 917 Market st. CM AA ~ RESTAURANT, WORT $800, IF rJ>rL\J\J. sold in a few days: large stock of wine; big trade. WOOD & CO., 917 Market st. O~SELL OR BUY' ANY' IN "BUSINESS", apply HF.ALY it CO., 23 Kearny St. Cj'l 7,-r WOOD AND COAL YARD; B"ST ALLS, «iP L 1 O. horse and wagon; rent only $7; near Mission and Fourth. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. 4[»OAA~~BRANCH BAKERY; TABLE DELI- O—i v'U. cacies; furniture four rooms Included. HEALY', 23 Kearny st. '<2j OAA SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUY »J_'.lU. interest in well-established cash com- mission business: full investigation; guaranteed to clear at least $100 per month. WILKE, 235 Kearny St., room 4. PARTY' WITH 1 00 TAKE CHA RGE OFFICE", JL drive wagon or work in laundry; can make good wages. 235 Kearny St., room 4. St Ir A SINGLE LADY. GOOD COOK, JLUU. wants partner in old-established restau- -1 rant; no experience required: must tend to cash and look after help. Apply room 1. 1001 Market. 1 MNISHED HOTEL (BOABDING-HyUSE), JP 50 rooms, 30 boarders, for sale cheap; a good opportunity for an active man. Particulars of WILLIAM UOELSCHER _ CO., NW. cor. Turk and Taylor. • ORNER GROCERY' AND BAR, STOCK AND ) fixtures. Apply this office. "flO 90 A LARGE CORN E R GROCERY ; BAR: *^»roiin. 1 Kentucky pi. nr. Napa. < ! KA AN OLD-ESTABLISHED NOTION fJp.LcJv/. store at transfer corner; 3 sunny rooms. W. s.. box 100, Call Office. T7IRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE FOR SALE JD cheap. Apply 206 Leavenworth st. AN WITH CAPITAL TO TAKE INTEREST in cash business; rare chance for right man. Address Capital, box 1 30, Call. TUB PRINTER to BUY half INTEREST Oln job office; other party good outside man. 1644 Market st. <$» XAA COFFEE AND LUNCH HOUSE: ij)c)\.'U. half cash, balance on time if desired; other business cause selling. ■ __, box 7, Call Office. ipiOM li I N A XTO N ~ BILLIARD AND POOL Ta- L' ble. 11 Pacific st. "I A NTE D— PARTNER. LADY OR GENT, '» with $100 cash, to take charge of business. Address R., box 6, Call Office. H" AI.F OR WHOLE OF AN Al BUTCHER- shop; rent only $12. 539 California st. ' \TE_T, PAYING HOME BAKERY; RENT JL> $12: cheap. Apply Call Olllce. pUTCIIER - SHOP AND A FRUITSTORE; X> cheap: good business; owner cannot attend to both. Call 122 Taylor st. }~7<IKST-CLASS SALOON; WORTH $600 IN . fixtures; best of location; $400; a bargain. In- quire; Call Office. pIGAR BUSINESS FOR SALE: WHOLESALE \J and retail; established 13 years; price, $1500 to $1000. according to slock. Apply Call agent, 524 K si., Sacramento. p ROCERY' AND BAR; GOOD LOCATION. IT Apply Liquor Dealers. 215 Sacramento st. PESTAURANT: FINE LOCATION; CASE OF ■i-\> must sell on account of sickness. 339 Hayes. IT'OR SALE-HALF-INTEREST IN FAMILY X 1 hotel: 100 rooms: enjoys highest reputation; always done good business: paid cash for every- thin-; no creditors: will sell for less than half the value of furnishings; references given and re- quired; price $2500; principals only. Hotel, box 51, this office. CIORNEK BRANCH BAKERY', CANDY", NO- \J tions and tobacco store for sale. 2401 Mission street. T AUXDRY ROUTE FOR SALE; BARGAIN. lJ L. R., box 124, Call Office. ©1 P. A TEAMING BUSINESS: WHOLESALE ♦IP -LOU. district; fine double team; good regular trade; pays well. Lathrop's Express, NW. corner Pine and Front. WELL-KNOWN CORNER SALOON (-LILY") ' * Fell and Stanyan, Golden Gate Park. pHANCE FOR A MAN WITH $350 FOR \J business in which money can be doubled in 3 weeks. Room 34, 5 Market st., after 10 Monday. T?OB SALE CHEAP-GROCERY, BAR. STOCK" X and fixtures; b living-rooms; large yards \p- ply on premises, NE. cor. Duncan arid Dolores sts • cheap rent. ' St 9 ."; A SALOON AND 9 FURNISHED t{P_,<J\J. rooms; rent $16 month. 61 Tehama st. C^O BRANCH BAKERY. CONFECTION- t?>)VK ery and notions. 322 Seventh st. B^rgecfrSa]n Y: oi_go^_n B ' 555^ FS?P__t^O Fi\?_ Y A *° "«"O«8TOB_. Q ALOON: WELL ESTABLISHED: GOOD DAY' 0 and night trade: good stock an 1 fixtures- pool- table; rent $20; bargain. 319 Third st. $SOOO A, VI BST-CLASS WHOLES ALE _? vlVrl r,' n an< r(>tail if l«or business: established P.OOD OPPORTUNITY; PARTNER WANTED «^.,t J? busmen established since 1862: capital 1848 *50,000. Address A. T., P. O. box T,^OR SALE-GOOD SALOON AND LODGING- «;„«? US( A ! n Stockton: old established: has 21 rooms: doing uood business. Address J. D. GALL, Stockton, for full particulars. vS ALOON WITH PROPERTY FOR SALE; atlO8 r G e ear m good coumr J' town. Particulars at 108 Geary st. F? R m SALK ~ FRUIT AND CANDY-STAND X inside depot. Cor. California and Centra! ave. C ALOON AND GROCERY FOR SALE: O rent taken out in trade. 717 Davis st. Ott . SALE— OLD ESTABLISHED GROCERY _*_?* l. : i^ o^?'" in good locntion. Apply n. HOMANN. 466 Tebama St. POUTE FOR SALE; THIS PAPER. INQUIRE at oflice or r. 28, St. Ann's building. 9 to 3 p. m. ■ AND SUPPLIES. nOOD TYPEWRITERS. SALE AND RENT. \* HANSON _ CO., Chronicle BJdg., room 33. . LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. O~BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st. _i)7K FLAT OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH: «!r^J ' *-*. cheap rent: well furnished: great bar- gain: account of departure: must sell this week. See STRAND _ TUTTLE, 45 Third st. £>(J(\r\ HOUSE OK 13 WELL-FURNI&HED •jTiOUU. rooms and bath; pays well: great bar- gain. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45" Third st. rj c -BOOM CORNEIiTIOUSE: RENT $200. I O 20- room corner house: Drice $800. 30-room house: clearing $200: cost $o000: $1800. Before buring, selling or exchanging go to " TRAVERS & LAMB, 512 California st. (mrnA 15 ROOMS: NICELY' FURNISHED:- rjj) I l"'. on Geary st. SPECK & CO., 602 Mar- ket st., under Crocker building. _..)- (\ LODGING-HOUSE, CORNER BAY- -sp«_ov/« window; modern Improvements; 12 rooms finely furnished : cheap on account of sick- ness; no agents. 3 Everett St., corner Third. ATEWLY FURNISHED 7-RUOM HOUSE; IN cheap. 617 Jones St.. near Post. QA BOOMS: TERMS REASONABLE. 222% O\J Fourth St., corner Tohama. E LEGANTLY~FURNISIIED 10-KOOM HOUSE for sale or exchange. 4 Waller st. HOUSE 12 ROOMS, FULL OF ROOMERS; XX rent $20; a bargain. 522 Howard. MUST J'.E SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH— Lodging-house. 115 Second st. AQ ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSE. ~X*J Apply 2759 Mission St. "UUTTERKIELD (WILLIAM), AUCTIONEER: -13 bargains In lodging-houses. Crocker building. " Fl) UNIT CUE ron SALE. BEDROOM SET, $11: PATENT TABLES $2 15: Roxbury Brussels. 75c. laid; oilcloth, 20c: open evenings. BHIREK, 1310 Stockton st, 01 f PRICES IN [TUBE AXDCARI'ETd \J this week at McCA BE'S, 948 -960 Mission st. K EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND second hand: 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c: 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $C; cash or installments; goods shippod free. T. H. NELSON'. 126 Fourth St. " FUKNITIiBE WANT*;©. G?n^ASKVr~^ARPETsi PICTURES^ . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: < aL stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. \NTED— oa BEDROOM SET AND PAR- >> lor suite of furniture. Address PURCHASER, box 59. Call of'iicf. CAKI'IiTS. RTs^ETs7^?t^LA7DT^^N?m;Rir^RU* sels, 75c. laid; linoleum, 40c: heavy oilcloth, 20c: open evenings. sll IKKK. 1310-1312 Stockton. oaep-et CLEANING. TVfATlOx'Arr C'ARPET BE iTINGANDBBNS i\ vatin« Works, HAMPTON _ BAILY; laying and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. ARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND CABPETS THOBOUOHIiT CLEANED AND renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. Wy steam carpet-beating and CIITY STEAM CAKPET-BEATING AND / Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. HEN YOU BECOME "DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'S PioneerCar- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; __ So-40. pON KLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate nve.; telephone east 126. FpHE J. "E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING 1 Co. (incorp.); old established carpel cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovating works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3223. HORSES. QGBAY MARES FOB SALK, 1400 POUNDS •7) each: ace, 5 to 8. T. SACHAN, Haywardsave., San Leandro, P. O. box 257. - "SALE- -V FRY STYLISH BLACK HORSE; J? perfect beauty; stands 16 hands, weighs 1060; gentle for lady to drive, goes single and double; a perfect horse in every respect cannot be found every day. Apply at Foxhall Stable, 2320 Fill- more st. yoii SALE CHEAP-HORSE, BUGGY AND ' harness: $100. 501 Suiter st. TjVOR SALE CHEAP— FINE PAIR OF ROAD- X 1 sters. 504 Suiter st. A\ ' ANTED— FAMILY CARRIAGE HORSE 'V ladies can drive; must be suiind, gentle and kind, a good roadster and not afraid of anything. State age, weight, size, color and lowest cash price, H. K., box 62, this Office. OR SALE-FINE HOKsi-: AND BUGGY FOR park. Can be seen at Mascot Stables, 1110 Golden Gate ave. ~»A lIORSKsTfOH SALE; ALSO WAGONS tv/ buggies, carts, harness: Grand Arcade Horso Market, 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN _ DOYLE, Auctioneers. TAA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL, Xv/v" kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; nlso 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sis. — WAGONS AMI CAKHiAOKS. ; INE HACK FOB SALE. INQU IBE 1 108 Golden Gate ave. ■ I OU SALK- MISCELLANEOUS. FIVE PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $100; 625 singly. 326 McAllister st. PNEUMATIC SAFETY BICYCLES, 28-INCH, JL second hand, $20, $40, $50. 20 McAllister st. PNEUMATIC SAFETY BICY'LE, 28-INCH, 23 X pounds, new, $65. 20 McAllister st. I "Fresh YOING DURHAM cow, gentle, for family. 1312 Folsomst. Q. 90 GOOD AS NEW. 7 DRAWER DOMES- C —M. tic sewing machine. 939V 3 Mission st. TJiOB SALE— I-HORSE ELECTRIC DYNAMO, X new; guaranteed. Apply Call agent, 524 K street, Sacramento, Cat. pOMPLETE FURNITURE FACTORY, BOILER \J and engine, or partner wanted. 718 Bryant st. Ml 1 a ' H COW FOR SALE IN GOOD CON- ditlon. T. HURLEY', 230 Douglass st. i;iii-r drinkTng-fountains: NICKEL- X I in-the-slot; dirt cheap. BACIGALUPI, 948 Market St. p II I A PEST PLACE TO BUY' GAS FIXTURES. \J H. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate ay. 4 LL-GOLD WATCHES SOLD FOR WEIGHT J\. of cases; no charge for works: diamonds, ear- rings, rin_-s, studs, pins and ladies' sealskins for half original cost: goods sent C. O. D. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 GRANT AVENUE, near Geary st. \\fILSHIRE SAFE, LETTER SCALE, M coffee-mill nnd money-till: cheap. 102 Clay st. Al LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD MAKES of safes which have been taken in exchange us part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank orcoin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, H pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market st., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., San Francisco. Cal. 'TV'EW RANG! CHEAPER THAN SECOND- i.I hand. W. S. RAY' Mf? Co., 12 California su ("counters, shelving, showcases ) bought and sold 1121 Market bet. 7th and Btli CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY' CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, oost- tge tree. CL A AR VO Y AN TS. \fISS MALVINA, AMERICAN CLAIRVOY'- i-'X tint and magnetic healer. 766Vfr Howard st. "XT ME. ■ MOREAU— GREAT A D uNLY ME- -"■L dium ;give her a call .tee ■_>"><■ up. 181 Fourth st. ~\ LL HAIL; PROFESSOR EUGENE; HE -cjl tells nothing but the truth; his parlors are al- ways crowded and all are pleased: rend his Sunday advertisement. Remember the address, 1206 Market St.. rooms 102, 103 and 104. pLAIRVOYANT— FEE. 25c; LADIES ONLY. \J In the basement, 537 Third st. CA III) READING. 25c; LADIES ONLY. 105 Stockton St., room 6. i' >RESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. JFIF.gETTE. 311 Tehama St.; upstairs. 7 EON, PALMIST. CLAIRVOY'ANT, LIFE- JU reader, 533 Post: h'rs 9 to 8 dally; and Sunday. "TIfGUSTA 1.1:01, a. FORTUNE TELLER? -T_ maclc charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling;, develops ciß, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; ieeSl I'D, I nn ward. 23'-'6 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRITUALISM. ~ MBS. FULTON; MATERIALIZING SEANCE to-night: sittings daily. SI Fell st. TEST CIBCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c. MME. YOUNG, X 605 McAllister st. ; spirit return proven. DH. SCIILESSiNGER\vi"LL~BE AT HOME for one week only. 534 Page st. MKS. HEKROM, MEDIUM, HAS REMOVED from 16 Turk st. to 35 Turk. 4 DDIE SWAIN, ASTRAL SEER: MINING _V Interests a specialty; past, present and future revealed. 105 Stockton St., rooms 6 and 7. ASTKOLOGY. MRS. WILSON; PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE- ladies 50c, gents $1. 1157 Market St., no sign! ASTRAL SEER- PROP". HOLMES, 523 GEARY" . St.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice- . ATTOICXJS vs-AT-L A W. ~~~ DVICETR^E^rTjTvoTtC^E'XN^TRTiBrATE laws a specialty: suits. Superior, Justice and Police fours: terms reasonable; collections, etc G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market,cor.Btoclcton MONEY" ADVANCED TO LITIGANTS, COURT costs and charges paid in matters of probate contracts, damages, accidents, notes, firat-clasi collections and general law business. Address J F NAUGHTON, 54 Nevada block, S. F. ** - ' John It. AITkEN, ATTORNEY -AT-LAVV r"ST 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. A.MITCHELL. ATT Y-AT-LA W, BEHOVED _ • to Spreckels bldg., 929 Market st. ; advice free. \\' M. H. CHAPMAN, ATTORNEY'-AT-L \w" '» Mills buildinr, sixth floor, room 6, San Fran! Cisco, Cai. Telephone 1544. . . ™ \\r W. DAVIDSON. ATTOBN_V-AT-T.A W 420 '» • Califomia st., rma. 14-15; advice free. '