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LATEST OAKLAND NEWS Ambrosewf, the Noble Russian, Found Guilty in the Po lice Court. THREE NEW CITY OFFICIALS. The Pacific Athletic Association Appoints Committees for This Season. F. A. Ambrosewf, the doctor who claimed to be a Russian nobleman, was found guilty yesterday morning in the Police Court of practicing medicine without a license. Judge Wood based his decision on the fact that the doctor had not secured a license from the State Board of Medical Examiners, without which he violated the law. The defendant was given five days be fore the passing of sentence in order that he might have time to prepare a motion for a new trial. New Athletic Park. Oakland is to have an athletic park sec ond to none on the coast. R. M. Fitzger ald. P. Bowles and W. F. Pierce, three capitalists, have formed a syndicate to purchase twenty acres of land from J. E. McElrath, embracing live blocks between Shat*uck avenue and Grove street, in the Alpine tract, a short distance north of Temescal. The deed has been made out and it is expected the formal transfer will be made on Monday. The grounds are admirably situated for an athletic park. They can be reached by both the Telegraph avenue and the Oak land Consolidated lines in less than fifteen minutes from the heart of Oakland. The place is free from cold winds. Plans of the large athletic parks in the East are being considered so as to get the ihest arrangement available. It is under wood that work will be commenced very Boon, so as to have the grounds ready for the fall football games. NeiT Kntlroad Hospital. The Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany is about to build a railroad hospital in Oakland. Since its trouble with Dr. Woohey, which caused the railroad to re move its patients to the Fabioia Hospital, the railroad employes have been put to great inconvenience on account of the hos pital being so far from the center of the city. The hospital will be built from the sur plus that has been accumulating for sev eral years in the hospital fund. Each employe of the company is assessed 50 cents a month to care for those who are injured in accidents. About $100,000 has accumulated. The new building will be of brick and of sufficient size to accommo date forty patients. P. A. A. Committees Appointed. The Pacific Athletic Association ap pointed the following committees to serve for the ensuing year at a meeting held at the Acme Club rooms last evening: Record*— W. Koch (U. C), chairman; Leonard Gill (Olympic), W. E. West (Y. M. C. A., Oakland). Reinstatement —W. R. Berry (Reliance), chairman; F. Koch (F. C), Frank P. Haynes (South End Rowing Club). Finance— Louis H. Ward (Fresno), David E. Brown (Stanford University), James Shandley (Acme). Membership— John E. Budd (Stockton Ath letic Association), Dan Colman (8. F., A. C), J. W. Ames (Y. M. C. A., S. F.J. Boxing and wrestling — W. R. Berry. Track athletics— David E. Brown (Stanford). Baseball-Louis H. Ward. Swimming and boating— P. Haynes. Football— L. Jaunet (St. Mary's A. A.). Lawn tennis— James Shandley. Bicycling— W. Ames. School Finances. A change was made yesterday in the method of passing bilis by the Auditor for requisitions issued by the City Superin tendent of Schools. "Under the new system the Mayor signs all requisitions issued by the heads of the various departments. Mayor Davie said yesterday in regard to the matter: "Thousands of dollars are annually wasted in the School Depart ment by means of the system now in use and I intend to stop it "if possible. I am responsible for the accuracy and necessity of these requisitions under an ordinance recently passed and I intend to see that it is enforced." Estate of Hannah Simmons. The estate of the late Hannah B. Sim mons of Berkeley was filed for probate in the Superior Court yesterday and accom panying it was a petition for letters of ad ministration by her son, James E. Sim mons, who is his own attorney. The property is divided among James E. Sim mons of Berkeley, George O. Simmons of Berkeley, Benjamin F. Simmons of Hay wards and William H. Simmons of ttfis city, in equal proportions. The value of the estate is $31,000. New City, Officials. At a meeting of the Finance Committee of the City Council last evening it was de cided to recommend that the Council pro vide for the following new city officials: Deputy City Treasurer at $125 a month, Deputy City Engineer at $125 a month, and Assistant City Attorney at $100 a month. These officials will be appointed by the heads of the departments to which they belong. Frank X. Fisher Insane. Frank X. Fisher of the firm of Mitchell, Fisher & Ketchner, who attempted to commit suicide by jumping into th« bay on Tuesday, has been sent to the Insane Asylum by the Commissioners. As he has no relatives alive P. N. Kuss, his friend, has applied for letters of guardian ship. Fisher leaves property valued at 15000. Federated Trade Officers. The following officers have been elected by the Federated Trades: A. J. Read, resident; M. P. Manning, vice-president; F. J. Gregory, secretary ; M. Isaacs, treas- • urer: statistical secretary, Eugene Hough; |sergeant-at-arms, Charles Schnabel. Dying; Between Horses. Perry Machado. a young Portuguese whose home is near Decoto, was ' found lying unconscious between two horses Wednesday evening. The doctors pro nounce his wounds iatal. He has not yet recovered consciousness. Mrs. De Golla 111. Mrs. George E. de Golia is quite low at her home in Oakland. Her physicians say that she is in a precarious condition, but they still have slight hopes fpr her re covery. BERKELEY. Considerable street work is now being done in Berkeley and old residents of the town declare that the improvements at present under way exceed anything of the kind ever before undertaken at this season of the year. Many streets are being graded and put into condition for macadamizing. Yesterday the Superintendent of Streets posted notices to the effect that four more thoroughfares in the residence portion of town would be sewered, graded, curbed and eidewaJked. . San Pablo avenue has been graded, but there being a misunderstanding about the macad ami zinc, the contractor has refused to enter into the contract for that part of the work. A large force of men are at work putting in a concrete culvert across Oxford street, which will act as a conduit for Strawberry Creek, the stream which flows through the university erounds. • I°*1 °* 1 Town Board is considering the ad visability of putting a number of the roughest streets that have not yet been macadamized into better condition before the opening of the winter season. Crescent Club Buna. The bicycle department of the Crescent Athletic Club has issued the following an nouncement of races, moonlight runs and picnics for the summer and fall seasons: Sunday. July 14— Club run to Lake Chabot. Sunday, July 28— Club run; destination not announced. Saturday evening, August 3— Club run to San Jose, returning Sunday morning. Wednesday evening, August T^Moonlight run to Alameda for club members and ladies. Sunday, August 11— Club run; destination not announced. Sunday, August 18— Five-mile handicap race at Oakland Trotting Fark. There will be three prizes. Entrance fee, 50 cents. Sunday, August So— Club run; destination not announnci. Monday, September 9 (holiday)— Club run ; destination not announced. Interesting Notes. There has been apportioned to the Berkeley school district, by the County Superintendent of Schools, from the State fund $8553 7*>, which will be enough to pay all outstanding teachers' warrants and leave a balance of over $900. At a meeti&g of the board of directors of Holmes Library, held Thursday evening, the librarian reported that the entire at tendance for the month of June was 4153. Beers, one of the two tramp "students" who walked from Los Angeles to Berkeley, ostensibly for the purpose oX saving money so that they mi{,'ht enter the university in the fall, has left town, and, it is said, will not enter college at all. The trustees of the First Unitarian Church have asked permission to dispose of the real estate owned by the church on Dana street by public sale. Professor "\Villard B. Rising, head of the department of chemistry at the univer sity, will leave to-day for Felton to join his family, who are spending their sum mer outing in the Santa Cruz Mountains. ALAMEDA. Fred Collischonn of Regent street was examined yesterday afternoon for insanity, having been arrested on complaint of his brother Otto. Fred is about 25 years of age and is deaf and dumb. He developed a mania for destruction and would tear the clothing from his body. Morris Acquitted. William Morris was acquitted yesterday on the charge of having struck the son of Jeweler Frodsham with the lash of his whip on Wednesday, after having been pelted with green apples on Santa Clara avenue. Young Frodshatn showed a dis coloration on the right side, but it was a question whether it was not received in scaling the fence in evading pursuit, and Morris received the benefit of the doubt. Fire Department Secretary. G. H. Turner, foreman of Whidden Hose Company, took the oath of office yesterday before the City Clerk as secretary of the Board of Firemen and Engineers and also of the Alameda Fire Department. He will succeed for the unexpired term Henry Muller, whose resignation took effect on the Ist inst. Garrtitt Residence Leased. Mr. Scolield. vice-president of the Pacific Coal Company, has leased the residence property of \V. T. Garratt, corner of Union street and San Antonio avenue, for a pe riod of two years. His family will occupy the house, commencing on the first of the month. Council of Red Men. The Great Council of the Improved Or der of Red Men will be in annual session next month at Redwood City. The dele sates chosen from Pawnee Tribe are G. H. Noble and W. J. Robinson, with H. C. Stewart and Carl Fisher alternates. Tappan Gets Judgment. Attorney Tappan of this city yesterday received judgment for attorney's fees for $166 for services rendered the administrator of the three estates of the Edgingtons in Napa. The true test of a baking powder is well known to every housekeeper. It is to try it in making bread, cake, etc. The applica tion of this practical test will show that the Royal makes the best, the most and the most wholesome food. HOTEL AEEIVALS. •. GRAND HOTEL. W T Trimble, Seattle X E Armstrong.Boonville L E Hanchett. Sacto E A Forbes, Marysville (i Foote, Hol'.ister Mrs Flanigan, San Jose < • M Cooper, San Jose H .1 Foster, San Jose J(' Friable, San Diego J Grover, Coluaa • D Hart, Golden, Was li II Kusel, Aurora, 111 G A Kane, Mass C B Chase, Mvii 3 Porterisa, Fresno . JI C Brokaw, Tacoma Dr A T Newcomb &w, E X Brown &w, Sacto Pasadena A D McKlhf nney, lowa Mrs W B Keyes, Angels Mrs M A Maekey, Angels G a Knowlton. 8 Diego a Schuster, Ariz C It Morgan, Los Ang it B Moore, New London C 8 King, Bakersfield it M Gray, Bakersfleld John H Voorheea dfc w, N Watts, San Diego Pueblo L Green, Petal u ma 8.3 Wood, Santa Rosa B F Gould, Ilolllster M A James, Holll.iter , RC Fish, Cal W v Ingeles, Fresno c W Heated w, rvoria Mrs J A Cooper, Ukiah Miss E Cooper, Ukiah i Fl' Smith, Guatemala s Wolford <&w.Guatemala C Pereira, Cal H It McCullough.Chicago P J Hazen, Modesto J F Johnston .£ w.Hnford X S Wood, Belvedere L M Lasell, Martinez J C Schwartz it fm, X V T D w Putnam, Boston .1 E Lavin. Santa Rosa B L Ryder. San Jose H A Fairbank, Sacto 8 SHall, Sucto If Markle. NY J W B Montgomery J de Bniyn. Detroit F M Blackston.Placrville W A Schorn. w. Willows Mrs Jorox, Sac to Mrs C Post, Sacto Mis 3 Richardson, Hacto Miss Johnston, Courtlnd Mrs Luce, Sacto E Hwinford, Colusa T Keogb, Sacto D II Forie, Vacaville C E Llttlejohn, Myrsvllle F A Kimball, National C RUSB HOUSE. T C Dugan, Plymouth E J Beaton <fe w, Kans A M Dobbie, Is Bloom- Mrs Mary Spike, Colfax ington Philip Lauber, Phtla Wrn Hale, Sacramento Mrs E Lauber, I'hlla E S Reed, San Jose. John n Lauber, Phila Wm Longnone, sta Rosa Kay A Barnes. Alameda Tom Harrison. Plttsburg Fred Brye, Auburn H 1' Sweet, Los Angeles \V M. Crummer, Idaho W H Craig, Los Angeles E Firth, Weavervllle W A McCormlcK, Men- V if Morgan, Los Angeles docino " B H Worcester,' Angels John Johnson, Vallejo Camp A Lundstrom, Vallejo Thos Kennedy & wife, A F Stevens Ay, Clovrdl Watsonville Ralph B Brown. Pniia C T Hill. Placervllle Mrs Samuels, San Jose J Burchell, Gllroy W Wittlngton & w, Mid- W Brandon A s. Petluma dleton -• J de Lacy, Japan C A Melville, Yorkvllle H Jordan, Portland NEW WESTERN HOTEL. Mrs White, Los Angeles L Lane, Oakland Mrs Gurenters,L Angeles J H Aycrs, Rio Vista A i» Hey & w, Oal .1 L Sprague.Victoria .1 T Ward, Cal A 8 Cunningham A wf, Win Worst Berkeley Victoria Jas Muley, Boston C R Geddlngs, Mich Thos Mason, Pa - J W Green, Lamport F. .1 Thomas, Pa Mrs Ida Little, Sacto W R Jones Aw, Chlco Miss May Johns, Vailejo Tnos Pallister. Salt Lake J \V C, Vallejo J Davis, Salt Lake P C Love, Napa F .1 Clapp, Chicago Mrs D Doollttle, Napa L B Booth, Vallejo H Todd, Chicago r • , j Miss Booth, Vallejo PALACE HOTEL. , C S Wallis, London Capt Read, StmrOlympla H W Wright, San Jose J W Qualey, Idaho A L Qualey, Idaho W S Leake <fe w, Sacto C W Hiatt, Peorla II Sorbey, N V G Kahn, China D P B Conkllng, N V (i Lippman, Philadelphia M F I inner, N V C P Cartiedge, N V .f N Boyd, NY . c V Lad.!. Hongkong H E Khnball, Boston Miss Hooper, Boston J <> Reis A w, Boston , J Stone, San Jose. • W H Brevoort, Denver W J Curtain, Si Louis ' Mrs W B Hill, San Jose . Miss A Taylor, St Louis C N Comstock, Sta Cruz E H Gary, Chicago Mrs Martin. Santa Cruz AJI Greaves, England B M Newcomb, Oat Hill J P Munger, lowa LICK HOUSE. M Goldman, Merced J H Wadsworth, Cal John T Aliment, Cal . . Esther N Green, Wash U C Bailey, San Jose Emma Ma: hews. Wash FredDreischmeyer.SJose A a Hart, Guatemala M McGovern, Han Jose Frank H Evers, S S L Hansen, Fresno Washtenaw W H Cleary, Stockton 8 C Bernedo, Cal c A Wright Aw. Mich C Curtin, Madera Will Kerltow, Wash J O Beasly A w, San Jose Ellwood Cooper, Cal G R Arnold, Los Angeles « — — • ■ It is reported that the "White City," with all its architectural detail and land scape beauty, is to be reproduced in 'min iature. Work on the model has been carried on for the past eighteen months and already nearly $50,000 ha 3 been ex pended for materials and expert labor. The prismatic fountains and all the elec trical effects will be , exactly reproduced. The work is 65x52 feet, and it is the in tention of the Miniature World's Fair Exhibition Company to show the model in this country until 1900, when it will be taken abroad and exhibited at the Paris Exposition. , ■ , French students, having adopted college sports, are now taking up college concert tours. The "Saltimbanques "Amateurs" has been organized in a Paris Lycee, whose show will include [ gymnasts, actors, musi cians, conjurers and performers with trained animals. They will travel about the country during, the holidays and give the proceeds to charity. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1895. AN EFFIGY AT ELMHURST. Suburban Society Excited Over a Mock Hanging on the Street. ELDER SMITH IS CHASTISED. Gossip About a Marriage Feast Causes 111 Feeling Among: Church Members. Society at Elmhurst, a quiet burg on the Sun Leandro road, is standing over a smoldering volcano which is likely to break into an eruption at any moment, and the gossips of that pretty town have a story to discuss which will last them for many days to come. Early in June Thomas Preston and Miss Edwards, two society young people of Elmhurst, were married amid much re joicing of friends and relatives. The fes tivities of the occasion were the talk of the community. Encouraged by the social success of the gathering, a second entertainment was prepared, and out of this grew the trouble that is shocking the community to its very foundations. Soon after the second dinner rumors be gan to float about that on that occasion Mrs. Simonton, the wife of the Postmaster, had taken a few more glasses of refresh ments than were really necessary. The rumors were finally traced to Mrs. Charles Rice and Mrs. W. A. Smith, and consider able ill-feeling between the families of Smith, Simonton and Rice was engendered. This feeling was heightened on June 29, when Mrs. Smith's husband, who is a pil lar of the church, had a personal encounter with Postmaster Simonton, in which the hitter's wife joined. Mr. Smith entered the office whistling and was ordered to desist by the Postmas ter. He refused to do so and was assaulted by the angry United States official. Mrs. Simonton is said to have taken an active part in the fracas, which was very much one-sided from the fact that Mr. Smith from his religious leanings refused to de fend himself and took his chastisement meekly. After that the people of Elmhurst were prepared for almost anything and were not surprised when the denouement came. On the morning of the Fourth of July, hanging in front of one of the principal business houses, was found an eftigy, dressed in feminine apparel and labeled as follows: Gossipers of Elmhurst, beware. Whitecaps. Near by was a board shaped like a tomb stone on which was painted averse couched in language more forcible than elegant, in which Mrs. Rice's name was mentioned. Now the good people of Elmhurst are •looking for further developments, for the friends of Mrs. Rice and also those of Mrs. Smith are making a determined effort to ascertain who placed the figure and tomb stone there, and are vowing vengeance on the perpetrators. Not only has the episode disrupted so ciety, but it threatens to tear asunder the church congregation to which the Smiths and Bimontone belong. Since the light in the postorlice Mrs. Simontonjhas refused to attend services, and in spite of the efforts of the pastor insists on remaining away. Her friends are defending her position, while those of Mrs. Smith declare that it is a good thing for the church that she does stay away. NEW THINGS IN ELECTRICITY Divided Honors is Railway PRoruL biok. — The burning question of the day in electrical and railroad circles is the relative part which steam and electricity are to play in the railroad traffic of the future. Out of the engrossing and exhaustive dis cussion of this subject which has lately been in progress the public is, at length, beginning to form a definite idea of the outlook. The problem for which a solu tion has been desired is "Steam or Elec tricity?" The solution reached is "Steam and Electricity." As Frank J. Sprague puts it, the question.narrows itself down to the number of train units operated be tween terminal points. Make that num ber sufficiently large and the electric mo tor is the best means of propulsion, whether for high or low speed. Decrease this num ber and you must rely on steam. In other words, electricity will but partially take the place of the steam locomotive for railway service, and then only when the number of units operated between terminal points is so large that the resulting economy will pay a reasonable interest on the combined cost of a central station system of con ductors and the motor equipment, and the traffic existing is commensurate with the needs of such a system. Mr. Sprague urges the putting aside of "some of the visionary prophecies concerning electric railways.' 1 The future of the electric railway is not in the wholesale destruction of existing great systems. It is in the development of a field of its own, with recognized limita tions, but of vast possibilities. It will re place the locomotive on many suburban and branch lines; it will operate almost all street-railway systems and elevated and underground roads ; it will Drove a valuable auxiliary to trunk systems; but it has not sounded* the death-knell of the locomotive any more than the dynamo has sounded that of the stationary steam engine. Each has its own legitimate field in the traction work of the future. The Ei.ectrotherm : An Electric Heat ing Pad. — The fact that asbestos plays a remarkably useful part in electrical work is not generally recognized. For purposes of insulation this unique material meets the most exacting requirements, and its use by electricians is daily increasing. Its latest application is in the "electrotherm," the new device which has already begun to take the place of hot-water bottles in hospitals and invalid chambers. The elec trotherm is a flexible sheet or pad, com posed of asbestos in which electric wires are embedded. When these wires are con nected to any source of electric current a constant and uniform degree of heat is generated. For this connection the socket of an electric lamp is ordinarily found most convenient, but where, the lighting current is not available batteries can be used. The pad is found a great convenience in the re lief of general chilliness, cold feet, etc., as well as in cramps and other local pains, and in general hospital practice. I3y its use the risk and discomfort of frequent changes of temperature incident to the renewal of or dinary hot applications are entirely obvi ated. It can be moistened without injury, and it can be made to give the effect of a poultice or moist heat by being applied over one or more thicknesses of wet flan nel. It can be used by any one with per fect safety, and its simplicity and conveni ence wherever the application of artificial heat is desired render it especially valu able for medical use. The regulation of the temperature is affected by a conveni ently placed switch. Pads can thu# be maintained at approximately 130, 170 and 220 degrees Fahrenheit when covered with ordinary bed-clothing, but these tempera tures can be modified by the interposition of a blanket, or raised by additional cov erings. This new adaptation of the prin ciple of electric heating is made in various forms, from the simple pad, which lends itself to all ordinary uses, and the wicker covered mat, or foot-warmer, to a cape like covering, which will completely en wrap the neck and the upper part ot the body. ■ The Play of Colors IK the Electric Firnace.— One of the most beautiful pro cesses in modern metallurgy is the melting of certain metals in the electric furnace, and it is now possible to project upon a screen every phase of such an operation. Some idea of the wonderful play of colored light, which thus becomes so toned down as to be tolerable to the naked eye, may be formed by a description lately given by Professor Roberts-Austen of the projection of an electric furnace during the melting of metallic chromium. As the current is turned on the interior of the furnace ap pears as a dark crater, the dull red poles revealing the metallic luster and gray shadows of the metal beneath them. Soon these poles are tipped with dazzling white, and in the course of a few minutes the temperature has risen to about 2500 de grees C. A lambent halo of green blue now encircles each pole, the central band of the arc changing rapidly from peach blossom to lavender and purple. As it becomes necessary "to lengthen the arc, and the poles are drawn further and further asunder, the irregular masses of chromium fuse in silver droplets in the midst of light changing from intense blue to ereen of lustrous emerald. Then the last fragments of chromium dis solve into a shining sheet, which reflects the glowing poles in green and gold shot with orange hues. Professor Roberts-Aus ten adds: "Still a few minutes later, as the chromium burns, a shower of brilliant sparks of metal are projected from the fur nace amid the clouds of russet or brown vapors which wreathe the little crater; while, if the current is broken, and the light dies out. you wish that Turner had painted the limpid tints, and that Ruskin might describe their loveliness. The effect when either tungsten or silver replaces chromium is much the same, but in the latter case the glowing lake is more bril liant in its turbulent boiling, and blue vapors rise to be condensed in iridescent beads of distilled silver, which stud the crater-wall." The Cause of Death ih Electric Shock.— The theory of the disintegrating effect of the electric current upon brain and nerve tissues in persons electrocuted has been controverted by Dr. A. M. Bleile. Dr. Bleile holds that death in electric shock is entirely owing to the contraction of the arteries produced by the current through its influence on the nervous system. The effect of this constriction is that the heart fails in its attempt to overcome the me chanical impediment arising from the greatly retarded Wow of blood. In the course" of investigations on this subject it has been found tliat when drogs have been given to counteract the constrictive effect of the current much larger doses of elec tricity than the ordinary can be borne. This fact cannot but have a bearing upon the much disputed question of resuscita tion after electrocution. Notwithstanding the apparently conclusive testimony which has been given on this subject, it is still believed by some medical experts that given a criminal who had an exceptional capacity for resisting the electric !«hock — and this capacity varies in every one — and let his power of resistance be further in creased by a timely dose of the drugs men tioned, tile effect of the electrocuting cur rent would be so far modified as to make it possible to resuscitate the body after the execution, even though signs of apparent death were exhibited. Electric Power a Salable Commodity . — An incident is reported from Niagara Falls which illustrates the readiness of manufacturers to utilize electric power. It has been generally expected that Buffalo would be a large user of the electric power generated by the Cataract. Company at Niagara Falls. Considerable delay has taken place in the negotiations between the city and the company for the power, and in the meantime another customer has arisen. According to a Buffalo paper, "while Buffalo is dickering for Niagara Falls power and talking about impossible restrictions, Depew has made a bid for it, and literally goes half way to get it. In all probability Depew will get the power before Buffalo does." Depew, a growing town, eight miles from Buffalo, actually stepped in and pre-empted a large amount of the power for which Buffalo was some what too complacently bargaining. The town has large locomotive-shops, coupler works, etc. Telephone Messages Must Be Kept Se cret. — An act has been approved by the Governor of the State of New York requir ing employes of telephone companies, on and after September 1 next, to be as secret ive regarding the nature of their business a3 are the men and women who handle telegraphic messages. The act makes it punishable by a maximum fine of $1000 or by imprisonment for not more than six months for any person to wrongfully ob tain, or attempt to obtain, auy knowledge of a telegraphic or telephonic message by connivance with a clerk, operator, messen eer or other employe of a telegraph or tele phone company. The same punishment may fall on tne operator or other emploj'e of the telegraph or telephone company who willfully divulges to any one but the person for whom it was intended the con tents or the nature of any message or dis patch intrusted to him for transmission or delivery. The same penalties attach to re fusal or neglect of an employe to transmit or deliver such message, or the aiding or abetting of any unlawful business or traffic. The Spked of Electricity.— The speed of electricity under the most favorable con ditions is now estimated to be 180,000 miles a second. What this enormous speed im plies is somewhat dimly suggested by an illustration recently u?ed by the eminent scientist, Sir Robert Ball. Suppose thai a row of telegraph posts 25,000 miles long were erected arcoind the earth at tue equator. Suppose that a wire were stretched upon these posts for this circuit of 25,000 miles, and that then another com plete circuit was taken with the same wire around the same posts, and then another, and yet another. In fact, let the wire be wound no fewer than seven times com pletely about this great globe. We should then find that an electric signal sent into the wire at one end would accomplish the seven circuits in one second of time. The Royal Baking Powder maintains its vigorous hold on the public, and is active and aggressive against the impure and in jurious baking powders palmed off on the people. The Carp'g Fate in Pennsylvania. The German carp has been tottering for many moons on the pedestal to whicTi he was exalted by amateur fishermen three or four years ago. The signing of the bill by Governor Hastings withdrawing pro tection from the carp completed its down fall, and no*' the foreigner is nothing but a piscatorial pariah — an outcast in the world of waters. If the solemn word of fishermen can be taken as fact, the affair is as it should be. and the sooner he is totally exterminated and driven out of these "waters the better it will be for the peace of mind ot fish who are really tit for food. The carp multiplies at a terrific rate, eats all the spawn of other fish, and besides that in no better than a red-handed assas sin, for ne will permit no other fish to live in the same pond with himself. As a food nsh the carp is a fraud, and is soft and flabby to v disgusting degree. Now if the lawmakers will only put a price upon the pugnacious carp, there may yet come sun shine to native fi«h and the dejected dis ciples of Izaak Walton.— Philadelphia Rec ord. The amount of capital in the book busi ness is believed to be double what it was twenty years ago. MR. DOHRMANN PROTESTS He Takes Mr. Ashworth to Task for Unfair Rejection of Work Done. WHAT SOME FIGURES SHOW. The Merchants' Association Aiming at the Best of Work, Even at a Loss. President F. W. Dohrmnnn of the Mer chants' Association does not propose to have Street Superintendent Ashworth arbi trarily and unjustly reject the street sweeping done by the association without a protest. On Tuesday Mr. Ashworth indulged in a wholesale rejection of the work done on the streets in that portion of the City bounded by Powell, Market, McAllister, Van Ness and Sutter streets, and yesterday he objected to some of the work done on the south side of Market street, below Eighth, where the cobblestones are numer ous, and also on Larkin street and on Pa cific avenue in the Western Addition. His latter treaiment of the Merchants' Asso ciation was not quite so bad as the former. In that case he rejected an entire district because of some faulty work in a few places, and insisted that he had a perfect right so to do. The Merchants' Association has placed its position in this matter on record in a letter to Mr. Ashworth, in which it says: Recognizing it as your fluty to reject any un satisfactory work, and fully a-.vare that our employes with the best of Instructions and in tentiohs may occasionally fttll short of the proper standard, we do not object to the rejec tion of any bad or even doubttul work, and we do not ask any favor or exception for our asso ciation's work in this respect. But we earnest ly protest against wholesale and arbitrary re jection of an entire district when but a small portion is not fully satisfactory. Mr. Bohrmann said he did not have any complaint on any proper and warranted criticism which the Street Superintendent might make; in fact, he believed that was the proper thing to do. "What we want is to see a high standard of street cleaning kept up in this City ; that is what we are in this business for, and so lone us Mr. Ashworth is rejecting faulty work on behalf of the public good, and with a view to the maintaining of a high standard of cleanliness in the future, he is acting quite in harmony with our purpose. But, is it fair to reject good work because some poor work has been done? "Let me give you some iigures which can show just how the association fre quently comes out of a nights work on some portion of the City, and bear in mind that our aim is quality rather than quan tity. "On Monday night it cost the association $96 for the machines on the work Mr. Ash worth rejected and $9 40 for extra men to clean up the dirt it left behind. We swept 192,774 square yards, for which we receive 30 cents for 1000 square yards, viz.: $57 83, leaving a total loss to us of $47 57. "Last night (Thursday) it cost the asso ciation $105 75— 594 50 for machines and $11 25 for an extra crew to follow — and we cleaned 223,800 square yards for a return of $07 14, our loss being $38 61. "So you see we are doing conscientious work. * But understand me, we are not complaining of any rejection by Mr. Ash worth when it is justifiable. What we pro test against is any sweeping rejection of good and bad work alike. An inspection was made by two of the directors of the association yesterday of the work last rejected by Mr. Ashworth, and if tney find in their report that his action was unwarranted an appeal will be taken to the Board of Supervisors. "When the kinds of street pavement with which the Merchants' Association has to deal," said Mr. Dohrmann, "particularly the cobble stone kind, is considered, Mr. Ashworth should not indulge a hypercritical ten dency. The animus is too apparent." Brain Workers pronounce THE IDEAL TONIC Unequaled by anything in Fortifying, Strengthening and Refreshing Body and Brain v. Mailed Free. ; ' Descriptive Book with Testimony and Portraits : OP NOTED CELEBRITIES. I ■ Beneficial and Agreeable. : '- ; : Every Teat Proves Reputation, ATOM Substitution*. Askfor'VlnMarlauU' At Druggists and Fane; Grocers. MARIANI CO., SUM I 41 W. H.Msminn. 58 W. 15th St, ITeWIWIU LOHDO> . 539 Oxford Street, DR. PIERCES GALVANIC "^JT* . TF YUirSfu^AKl-.: TIRED OF «JL ' 1(1r v it >^/j^~Kl n X and wish to ob- tain speedy relief nnd '7\ permanent > cure, why not try ELECTRICITY? It doe 3 the work when medicines fall, giving life and vigor to weak men and women as if by made, (jet an Electric Belt and be sure to get a good one while you are about It. Dr. Tierce's Belt is fully described In our new English, French and German pamphlet, Call or write for a free copy. Address MAGNETIC TRUSS CO. (Dr. Pierce), 704 Sacramento street, J Bun ' Francisco. OOice hours: Ba. m. till 7p. m. Sundays from 9 to 10 a. m. only. ].-■ : • ■- . ■ •--■-.. -•■ ■. ■ TBTHK VERY BEST ONE TO EXAMINE TOXTB 1 eyes and fit them to Spectacles or Eyeglasuai with Instruments of his own invention, whose ( uperlorlty has not been equaled. My auocau tuu : been duo to the merits of my work. .■■?;> •■:■■■ Ottlce Hour»— la to 4 r. v. . nil fe^iTCHING PILES PHI re ITCHING PILES iLL^ SWAYNE?s ABSOLUTHLT CUBES. OINTMEWT BTMPTOMS- MoUtnro; . Interne > ltchinc and ■tlnslns; moat at nle&tt wor»o by e<r.-stcl>Tng. If lllur.iJtn continue tumor* i'ara> and protrudes , '- which often hl'r<l anil ulrcratc, bcc-amlnfl; tfrj . iorwT (»WA YNF/8 OINTMENT the lushing &nd bleeding, henli ulocratlon, and In mmtfuei ' remove* immor*-- uk jour Druggiit (or Ik - NOTARY PUBLIC. /-IHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- AT \J law and Notary Public, 638 Market st., oppo- site P alace Hotel, . Residence 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 570. ;;■.■.'-. ■--. - .-' ■-■'■ . ■:■.: ■ : 7 'r.^- ■;-.-.^. IWANSY PILLS! DRUG HS«FE AND SURE. SEKO «c. FOREWOMAN'S 1 SAFE STOttSiIGUAIU)i 1 MESH fi»CCiF«Ca,P)UJL*.,PA. NEW TO-DAY. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative; effectually cleansing the system dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug* gists in 50c and SI bottles, but it is man- ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name. Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offereo. To the Editor — Please inform your read- ers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per- manently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if they will , send me their express and post office address. T.A.Sk><juni,M.C., 183 Pearl St., New York. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. KEARNY AND WASHINGTON STS.— RE- modeled and renovated. KINO, WARD & CO. European plan. Rooms 50c to $1 50 per day, $2 to $8 per week, $8 to $30 per month; tree baths: hot and cold water every room; fire grates in every room: elevator runs all nijjhu OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPACT. 1"7^»-. Cooleardie gold fields jrifiPTlO^SSSi • (Kreniantle), Austra- Jltfr<l? U/s. *&>,& liiL: * " 20 lirst claa3 ' fAtfrf' n 0 f\l ?7 I ifui $1 10 steerage. Lowest Aw y^^oßtejyL,U r rates to Capetown, KJ&iY «i<3& \X&v Australian steamer, i&rP \CPk AL.AMEDA, sails via B*N(/ Honolulu and Auck- KNI , iJ l^fl*^^P^ land, Thursday, July vS^riti^w&r—/^^ Steamship Australia, y&B&R%J2*&(g&y Honolulu only, Satur- >i^g«£^g^^ day, August 3, at 10 Special Parties.— Reduced special rates for parties August 3d and 27th. . '. it- Cook's Party August 3d. : Ticket oflice, 138 Montgomery street. Freight office, 327 Market street. J. D. SPRECKELd i BROS.. General Agents. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPACT DISPATCH STEAM FROM SAN jfrSl,- Francisco for ports in Alaska. 9 a. m., X&ia££ July 5. 9. 19, 24, August 3, 8. IS, Sept. 2, 17. For British Columbia and I'jget Sound ports, July 5, 9, 14, 19, '24, XV, and every flftn day there- after. ■ . For Eureka, Humboldt Bay, steamer Pomona, every Tuesday at '£ P. it. • ■■ For Newport, Los Angeles and all way ports, July 4.' 8, 12, 16. 20, 24, 28, and|every fourtn day thereafter, 8 a. m. ■ For Ban Diego, stopping only at Port Harford, Santa Barbara, Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport, July 2, 6. 10, 14, 18, 22, 26. 30, and every iourth day thereafter, at 11 a. m. Steamer Pomona Saturday to Monday excur- sion to Santa Cruz and Monterey, leaves Broadway wharf 1. Saturdays 4 p. m. For ports in Mexico, 10 a. it, 25th of each month, steamer Willamette Vailey. Ticket Ofllce— Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. • GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., General Agents, , • 10 Market St.. San Francisco. OD Jt. A] TO PORTLAND m K. 06 Vim AND ASTORA. STEAMSHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- street wharf at 10« a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points in OREGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO, MONTANA, and all Eastern points, including Chi- cago, New York and Boston. State of California sails July 8, 18. 28, Aug. 7. Oregon sails July la, 23, August 2. Fare in cabin, Including berth and meals, $15 00; Steerage. $7 50; Round trip, 325 00. For through rates and all other Information apply to the undersigned. Goodall, Perkins & Ca Fred. F. CONNOH, Gen'l Supti.. Gen'l Agent. 10 Market st. 19 Montgomery st. COMPAGSIEGEXERALETRAMTLASTHUE French Line to Havre /COMPANY'S PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH Mfgjt \J River, foot of Morton st. Travelers by g»«(y this line avoid both transit by English railway and the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small boat. New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, first class $160; second class $116. LATOURAINE, Capt. Santelll July 13, 7:00 a. it LA GASCOUNE, Capt. Baudelon .....July 20, 4:00 a.m. LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt. Laurent .............................:..July27, 7:00 a. LA BOURGOGNE. Capt.Leboneuf.. .August 3, 4:00 a. M. tgiT For further particulars apply to . A. FORGET, Agent, No. 3 Bowling Green, New York. J. F. FUGAZI & CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery aye.; San Francisco. . ROYAL MAIL STEAMJACRET COMPACT. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL jGr&Qn, fortnlphtly ' for the West Indies and &£j£i3 Southampton, calling en route ■at Cerbourxn, France; and Plymouth to land passengers. Through bills of lading, in connection with cha Pacific Mail S. B. Co., Issued for freight and treas- ■re to direct ports In England and Germany. Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton. ' First class, $195; third Claco. 997 60. For further particulars apply M PAKKOTT. A CO., Agent*, ■ j- < 306 California at. RAILROAD TRAVEL: 8 Atlantic Pacific RAILROAD , Trains leave from and arrive . at Market-Street Ferry. Chicago Limited Leaves every day at 5:30 p. m.. carrying Pullman Palace Sleepers and Tourist . Sleepers to Chicago via Kansas City without change. Annex cars for Denver and St. Louis. *:; , VIA LOS ANQELES. • Trains leave daily at 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 T. M., connecting in Los Angeles with solid trains, Los Angeles to Chicago. Summer or Winter the Santa Fe Route Is the most Comfortable railway, California to the East, r A popular misbelief exists regarding the heat in Hummer. -The heat is not greater than is encoun- tered on even the most northerly line. This Is well known to experienced travelers. The meals at Harvey's Dining Rooms are an ex- cellent feature of the line. -' The Grand Canyon of the Colorado can be reached In no other way. * - Ticket Office— 6so Market Street, , Chroaiflle ding. .OCEAN STEAMSHIPS:> LINE. New York to 'Liverpool, via Queenstown, ; V : from Pier 40, North River. FAST EXI'HESS MAIL SERVICE. Etrurla. I July UO. 3 p M i Lucania, Aug. 17, Ipm Campania. Jy 27, 9:3o AMjEtruria, Aug. 24. 8 am' Aunuia. , Aug. 3, 8 i> m Oampania,Au?. 31, Ipm Umbrla. V"* 108 \ m ! ('inhrK *»•"*. 7, Sam Cabin passage ?iio and upward; second cabin. $35. $40, $45, according to steamwr and accomnio- tllitlOTlS. *383^S Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europa at very low rates. For freight and passage apply at company's office, 4 Bowling Green, New York. VERNOS H. BROWN & CO., General Agents. Good accommodation can always be secured on application to WILLIAMS, DI.MUXD A CO., . . . Ajjeni3, San Francisco. STOCKTON STEAMERS . Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St.. At 5 P..M, Daily, Except Sunday, jj®- Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. STEAMER:: " T. C. "Walker. ■•'"■ J. D. Peters, Mary Garratt, City of Stockton. Telephone Main 805« Car Nay. and Impt. Co. i = RAILROAD TRAVELS SMFRASCISCO & SORTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tiburon Ferry— Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS- 7:40, 9:20, 11:00 a.m.; 12:35. 3:30, 5:10, 6:80 p. M. Thursdays— Extra trip v at 11:30 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 and 11:30 p. m. SUNDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A. if.; 1:30, 3:30, , 6:00,6:20 p.m. *• ;*■ San Rafael to San Francisco. . . i WEEK DAYS-6:25, 7:55, 9:30, 11:10 a. m.; -i 12:45, 8:40, 5:10 p. m. Saturdays— Extra trips • at 1:55 P. m. and 6:35 P. m. • : • BUNDAYS— 8:10, 9:40, 11:10 a. h.; 1:40, 3:40, 5:00,6:25 p.m. Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Park - sam» schedule as above. ■ ■ ■■■■■.■ Leave ', Tn pfp.,,, Arrive ' San Francisco. May 5, San Francisco. Week : Sun- . i.^f.^ftion SuN I Vv'kkk" ' Days. [ pays, destination. pAY 3 [ Dayb> 7740 am 8:00 am Novftto, 10:40 am. 8:50 AM 8:30 pm 9:30 am Petalnma, 6:05 pm 10:30 am 6:10 pm 6:00 pm Santa Rosa. 7:30 pm 6:15 p* ■ Fulton, '• '. 7:40 ah Windsor, 10:30 AM Hcaldsburg, Geyserrille, 8:30 pm 8:00 am CloverrJale. 7:30 pm 6:15 PM ■ Pleta, 7:40 am Hopland A 10:30 AM 3:30 pm 8:00 AM Uklah.. 7:30 PM 6:15 PM 7:40 am j 10:30 am 8:00 am Guerneville. 7:30 pm . 8:30 pm I . 6:15 PM 7:4oam 8:00 am; Sonoma 10:40 am 8.50 am 6:10 pm 5:00 pm and . 6:05 pm 6:15 pm : I , j Glen Ellen. 7:40 am 8:00 am; q- ,, tnnfll 110:40 am 10:30 am 3:30 pm , 6:00 pm| aet>ai »topoi. [ 6:05 pm| 6:15 pm Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinas. Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark Wesi Springs.. • :.•.<■ Stages connect at Geyservllle for Skaggs Spring* • Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers, s Stages connect at Pleta for Highland Springs, Kelseyvllle, Soda Bay, Lakeport. , Stages connect at Ilopland for Lakeport and Bartlett Springs. Stages connect at XTkiah for Vichy Springs, Bins Lakes, Laurel Dell, Upper Lake, Booneville, Green- wood, Mendocino City. Fort Bragg, Usal, Westport, Cahto, Wllletts, Calpella, Porno. Potter Valley, John Day's, Ltvely's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, Blocks- burg, BrldgeviUe, Hydesville and Eureka. . Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduce* . rates. On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points be- yond San Rafael at half rates. / Ticket Offices, corner New Montgomery &o4 Market streets, under the Palace Hotel. H. c. whiting, R. X. RYAN, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. • soi> nemc ~coMrAK *r~ ' (PACIFIC bVSTCM.) Train* leave ami are dne to arrive at : SAN FUAKC'ISCO. ,; . , leave — From June 14, 1895. — arhits "•6:~»Oa San Leandro. Hay wards & Way St'ns Vi 1 8 a. 7:00 a Atlantic Kxpre?», Og'len and Kast.. lOiSUf . , 7(00a Benicia, Vacaville. Runcßoy. Sacra- mento, and Redding via Davis.... 7:13p 7:30 a Martinez, San Ramon, Napa, Calls. toga and # 6anta R05a............. 6:15p - -7:30a San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns 1»13a 8:30 a. Nile», Bau Jonu, Stockton, lone, Sacramento, Maryßville, Red iilull audOroville 4tlt»p . •8:30 a Peters and Milton «7:15p . O:OOa San Leandro, Haywards & Way Sfn» UaM* W:OOa Hew Orleans Lxnrcsß, Raymond, (for Yosemlte), Santa Barbaras . Los Angeles, JDeiiiing, El Vase, New Oilcans and East S:4Kp 9:00 a Martinez and Stockton 1©: -Vi A. 1O:OOa San Leandro, Hdfwcrds and Nlles... l:4Sp I2:OOm San Leandro. Haywards & Way St'ns 8: 13p . l:OOp Niles, .San Jose and Liverniore 8:4.1 a »l:OOp Sacramento River Steamers M»:00p f 1 :»Op Port Costa and Way Stations t~:-*3p 8:00p San Leandro, Hay wards & Way St'us S:43p 4:00p San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns «:43 » 4:ooi> Martinez. San Ramon, Vallejo, Napa, ('alia toga, El Verauo and 6itiiUßoß» 1 3* 4:ooi> Benicia, VacaTjlle, Woodland, ■:..-/;-■ Knights Landing, ■ Marj-Eville, _ . Orovtlle and .Sacramento I#»4S4| 4:30p Kilos, San Jose, Livermore and Stockton 7il»* I 3:00p San LuMidro, Hayvnurds & Way St'ns S:4sa 1 O:3OrLos Angeles Express, Fresno, Ray- . . > mond (for Yosemite), BakersQelJ, ' Santa Barbara aud Los Angeles.. 10:4.1* ' 3:30r Santa Fo Route, Atlantic Express * for Mojuvo aud East. 16:43 a 6:OOp European Mail, Ogden and East.... 9:4Sa ■ «:(»<>!• Hiiywanls, Isilesaud San Jose 7:43 a. }7:«»p Vallejo f7:43jp i 7:001- Oregon KxprrM, Sacramento, Marys- ville, Redding, Portland, Page* Sound and East 10i45a 7:00p San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns IOtSOr »:OOp BanLoandro,H»yirards& Way St'ns tfl9:ooA> - ffl 1: 13p San Leainlro. Haywards & Way St'ns *7:15 a. SAM A CXI VISION (Narrow Pause). {7:45 a Sunday Excursion for Newark. Sac Jose, Los Oatos, Felton and Santa Cruz :&tAS» 8:1 3a Newark, Ceiiterville.Sau.Tose.Felton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way •• ■ -. . ;~; Stations OIMM •8:15p Newark, Centervllle, San Jose, New Almaden, Feltou, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Principal Way Stations (...'list** 4:45p Newark, San Jose, Los Gatos 9;Soa< [ COAST DIVISION (1111111 A Townsend Sts.) -^ '•0:45 a ban Jose, New Almaden and Way * Stations....... :.. *lM3fll 17:30 a Sunday Excursion for San Jose, Santa . Cruz, Pacific Grove and Principal Way Stations lSlU» •iISASau Josu, Tres Pinos, Santa Orim» - ; racllio Grove, Paso Rubles, Sa» i Luis Oliispo and Principal Way • > Stations..... TsBsp \ 19:47 a Palo Alto and Way Stations Jl:4Bp I o:4Oa San Jose and Way Stations..... 4 ..» i»:OOp : 11:43 a Palo Alto and Way Stations 3:&0r *2:30p San Jose, Gilroy, Tres Pinos, Santa- . : --*,'- Cruz, Salinas. Men and ■ • '. ., Grove •l«»4»ir •3::iop San Jose and Principal Way Stations . 9:47* ' *4:8 Op San Jose and Way .Stations....-;.... *B>o6a ! 3:30p San Jose and Way Stations «... "fl:4S* : O::«Op San Jose and "Way Stations. , «:3.1a tlli4.~»p San Jose and Way Stations.., , t7t4orj .' CREEK ROUTE FERRY. from SAN FRaNCISCO— Foot of Market Strut (Slip 8)—," - •7:CO BKX) :'• 9:00 »10:00 11:00* - ♦12.30 11:00 *2:09 3:00 ♦4:00 E. 03 •6:00 p.m. , ,-. , • Prom OAIUSD— of Br«dw»y.— »6:00 «7:00 ' ■ • 8:00 *9:00 ' 10:00 • -•11:00 AM., "- tU:6B ' [f 18:30. 8:00 *3:00 . ' 4:00 '3:33 P.M. : ; ■ «■ ■ -m A for Morning. ; • P for Afternoon. ! ' j' * Sundays excepted. ■ • . . • ♦ Saturdays only, • § Thursdays only. , t Sundays only. tt Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights onIy- \^>^SAUSALITO FERRY/^^? t . From April 21, 1895. • ■ t. ■ Leave 8. P. WEEK DAYS. Arriva S. P. . 7.00 a.m. Mill T«I., Rts» V»l., Sin Rfl .:.;..'.V 8.00 a.m. " •• •« s»nQta. 6.<5a.m, 9.16 a.m. ■ « » ••* 7.*oa.m. 10.16 a.m. » •• «» Sin Qtn. 8.45 a.m. ' •• «• •• 9 40a.m. , 1.45 p.m. " «« M San Qta. 10.45 a.m.. 3.20 F.M. " « " 11.35 a.m. ...;.... " " . " Eta Qta. • 1.16 p.m. '. 4.15 P.M. " «« "....... 3 05p.m. ■ 6.16 p.m. •• » '• . San Qtn. 4.40 p.m. > 6.50 p.m. " •• •• 6.35 p.m. 6.35 p.m. ■ " '.;•• C.25P.M. ' • ••••... '• ■■•-■•-." " S*aQtn. 7.45 p.m. 11.30 p.m. Ross Yd., Sin Rfl.,BinQtn 8.00 a.m. Cmdero and Way Statioas 7.45p m. •1.46 p.m. " " •' ...:.....x8.45A.M. •Saturdays only. x Mondays only. - SUNDAYS. 8.00 A.M. Mill Val., Ross Val., San Rfl.. Sin Qta. ........ < Ross Taller, San Rafael, Sin Qtn 8.15 a.m. . 9.00 a.m. Mill Val., Ross Val., gin Rfl., Saa Qta. •••••■••''' : " " ..:.... 9.15 a.m. 10.00 a.m. ••■'■■' " " StnQtn ■ Ross Vilify, San Rafael, S« .10.50a.m'. 11.00 a.m. Sansalitß only „ ......... StnsalitoandMillVallay......;..;ii.iOA.ii. II.SOA.a. Mill Valley, Ross Valley, Saa Rfl..;. ....... . i ...:.... Mill Val,, Ross San Rfl., San Qtn. 12.10 p.m. , 12.30 P.M. '•• " .."..;. ........ "■'■ ' ■•••'." ' San Qta.... V.ospji*.- -....."... Mill ViL, Ross V»]., San Rf1........ 2.05 p.m. ..... ...".» " ........ 8.30 p.m. ; 1.30 p.m. . '• . » » saa Qtn.. 155 p.m. - %}?''*' ?. ? " "... 6.30P M . *.&.>».«. ,- "■ .'•• «• •« f 7 20p if 5.30 P.M. ■ " •« .......'! , .-' 6.45 P.M. «' i <• » ......"" ;*.!■!!'!! '■ ........ Ross Valley »nd San Rafael .' .' . .' . .' .' .' B.isp jib ; 8.00 a.m. Point Reyes, Candero and ¥ay Stia.- B.lspjc* 9.COA.M. Point Reyes tad Way SttW. *'.... 7.aop,M, .*•■-:■ '• : -■• s .. ' •■-.-• 13