Newspaper Page Text
«I SIN ESS CHANCES. -|)ROLL * STENBERG, 719 MARKET. NEAR X Third, sell or exchange businesses, furnished bouses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco. Ala- meda and Oakland property: send particulars; all applications for sales promptly attended to. •<J> 97 <;K<u-KRY. BAR, LIVING-ROOMS: C— I O. reasonable rent: nice home for family; don't miss it. PROLL <fc STENBERG, 719 Market. eTTf'A CIGAR-STORE: CENTRAL LOCA- <3>OO\J. ion on Market; large transient trade; will safely guarantee $10 to $12 daily; trial given. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. QTfWI ELEGANTLY FITTED UP CORNER •7 I \t\J. saloon near Market st.; location best; departure. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. ©1 7X BRANCH BAKERY; STATIONERY, «1P 1 I U. living-rooms, furniture, splendid stock, fixtures: Western Addition. PROLL A STEN- BERG, 719 Market st. QOAA RESTAURANT; BIG-PAYING •_ «n»IF. place near large factory; hundreds of regular boarders: crowded during meal hours; full Investigation. PROLL«t STENBERG, 7I9 Market. ffi-XCA POPULAR SALOON; LOCATED <tJp«JtJU. among wholesale business; big Lot and cold lunch trade: selling account other business. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. . <wQCA BARGAIN: ' RESTAURANT IN «JOUU. shipping localities: retiring from busi- ness. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market St. <B»F_AA FRUIT-POULTRY, WITH LIVING '_ it' 'U. room : Western addition: selling account departure. PROLL it STENBERG, 719 Market st. "PARTNER IN HOME RESTAURANT. LOC A- X located among factories: big dinner trade; apply at once: assistance wanted. PROLL <£, STEN- BERG, 719 Market st. ALOON FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN IF taken this week; owner has other business that ' requires attention investigate. PROLL, STEN- BERG A CO., 719 Market st. T^STABLISHED PRINTING AND NEWSPA- J-i per plant in prospering country town near San )• 'ra Cisco; controls largest circulation. For par- ticulars see PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market. ACRIFICE— MUST SELL: FANCY AND O staple grocery; centrally located: doing good business: receipts $40 daily: rent low. PROLL, STENBERO & CO., 719 Market st. TO SELL OR BUY ANY KIND BUSINESS, apply HEALY A CO., 23 Kearny st. "©"9'ri'n TEA AND COFFEE~ROUTE, HORSE O — O\J. and wagon, 200 customers: can be in- creased ; call to-day. HE,\ LV. 23 Kearny st. Qjj 1 XA WOOD AND COAL YARD ; 8 STALLS, W 1 *)\J. horse and wagon; rent only «7; near Mission and Fourth. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. rpO SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND QUICK X for cash see STRAND A TUTTLE. 45 Third st. <s«^nn CANDY-STORE- GOOD STOCK; tip *J\J\J. cheap rent: bargain. For full particu- lars see STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. Q"! P\Oft PARTNER WANTED IN U. S. <_' -*-*-' vv< patent medicine; large profits, see STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. QOAAA MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS %gi—.\J\J\J. store in a thriving city: full value; pays well. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ffiOXfi PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON; <? — O\J. clear $75 per month to each; good chance. See STRAND « TUTTLE, 45 Third st. CM7£\ RESTAURANT; BARGAIN TO- <g)l *O. day. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. QOAA CORNER SALOON: BEST PART OF i3O\J\J. Market st.; pays well: full value in sight. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. /"-I ROCERY AND BAR, WITH ROOMS; FULL vT value in sight: good paying: best reason for Belling. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ©"I AA BRANCH BAKERY, COFFEE AND t_SJA/V/. lunch parlors: rooms: pay well: north of Market. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. CgT^fTi SALOON; WORTH $1000; BEST <JpUtJU. possible location; heavily stocked with whisky: handsomely fitted: 5 nice living-rooms; low rent: sure bargain. BARRETT A CO., 865% Market St. dg t'lUi BAKERY: ALL COUNTER TRADE: tJpUU' '. large store: 2 flhe ovens: good location: guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT & CO., 885^5} Market st. <5J XX A FIRST-CLASS SALOON; BEST COR- %pOO\J. nerincity: elegant fixtures; costly safe: cash register cost $225: low rent: receipts, $15 per day. BARRETT A CO.. 865 Market st. ~4_lJVin SALOON— KEPT BY PRESENT • l"i"U. owner for years, with billiard and pooltnbles; very good location; must be seen to be appreciated. WILKE. 235 Kearny, room 4. Q-'A SALOON WITH 15 FURNISHED '_'Jt)\t. rooms: one-half block from Market st.; rent - 10: kept by owner for years; bargain. WILKE, 235 Kearny st., room 4. CfXAA COFFFE~SALodN, NEAR OCCl- »jp_)Ux». dental Hotel; no night or Sunday worK: receipts ?'JO. SPECK A CO.. 602 Market st. HEN, investigate this oppor- tunity; pa\ing hotel in town 2000- population, Alum County: low rent; long lease; 2b rooms; bar; everything complete; rare chance; don't miss it. A LBE RT E. CRANE. 410 Montgomery st. }~^OR SALE-PRICE $350— CHEAP, ON AC- . count of severe sickness: nicest, neatest and best paying j>crk and delicacies store for the investment; has been established in same place over six years; the besi chance for a man understanding this busi- ness. Call 1 1161/2 I Olson St. 1710J rVATK^-SALOONnrN A COUNTRY TOWN near Francisco: priw $1000: daily receipts .$l2 to $15. Inquire NABER, ALFb & BRUNE, : .-_' ; Market st. QOXA RESTAURANT AND COFFEE- •>•'". saloon; good tor man and wife. 2424 Mission st. }i : BUSINESS FOR sale cheap-. -j good horse and wagon: good will of the busi- ness. Address E. 8., box 73, Call. Q.I p. A PAYING HOME BAKER x*: OWNER • !')U. leaving city: must sell. Apply Call office. ANDY-STORE. FACTORY AND ICE-CRKAM CjY-STOHE, FACTORY AND ICE-CRKAM. parlor; cheap rent. 1203J/2 Golden Gate aye. <21 "'\i\ ONE FANCY' LIQUOR - STORE. »_ L*r'JU. established for 20 years, with fixtures and stock, ami one lodging-house, with furniture. Inquire at 819 Stockton st. UST bELL AT ONCE — WELL-ESTAB- MLL AT ONC E — WELL-ESTAB- ltshed delicacies and dairy produce store; Western Addition: excellent opportunity to buy c business at a sacrifice. Full particulars of HER- MAN HARRIS, Grand Western, Polk St., bet. Bush and Pine. WASTED —IN AN OLD - ESTABLISHED *' business, a lady partner; must have $500 to open branch business in a southern town: business taught. Address A. R., box 8, Call Office. OLD - ESTABLISHED FRUITSTORE ; FOB sale cheap; retiring. 1105 Howard st. IXTURES OF CANDY-STORE; $40; IN^ i: eluding French plate showcase. 10 Fulton st. QA ACRBS OF TIMBER LAND IN OREGON 01/ to exchange for business. 1405 Sacramento. OR SALE —AT REASONABLE PRICE, first-class fixtures for bar, including bar, ice- cooler, tables, chairs and electric-light fixtures. Inquire 819 Stockton st. Q9'A BUTCHER-SHOP; FINE FIXTURES. \?~>J\J. horse and wagon. Twenty-fourth and Shotwell sts. r\LD ESTABLISHED BAKERY: BASEMENT; \J large brick oven; rent reasonable. 1130 How- ard st. O LET OR FOR SALE— WOOD AND COAL yard: 2 horses, 2 wagons, 3 sets harness; in good running: order; established five years; ex- press business attached. Apply 1915 McAllister at., between Lyon and Lott. • • • •/>••--* dCif\f\f\ GROCERY BUSINESS; ESTAB- «3)OUUU. lished 18 years; for sale. For particu- lars address H. S. C box 58, this office. "PRINTING-OFFICE; GREAT SACRIFICE; X price $1200; half cash; balance easy terms; good trade. Address T. W., box 17, this office. URNISHED HOTEL TO LET CHEAP. 12 Circular are., Snnnyslde, S. F. ___^ T)OUTE FOR SALE; THIS PAPER. INQUIRE It at office or r. 28, St, Ann's building, 2 to 3 p. m. /GROCERY AND BAR; ESTABLISHED 25 VJT years: good trade. Apply D. J. MURPHY, 601 Seventh st. . : ".*.-'-.i TNINCUMBERED GENTLEMAN WOULD U like lauv partner In lodging-house. Address U. G., box 148, Call Office. T3ESTAURANT; FINE LOCATION; CASE OF Xii must sell on account of sickness. 865 Va Market QQXA BARGAIN: ITSTOR V. ; PROMI- tpO«)U, nent corner; low rent; horse and wagon. I. C. BCHARFF, 18 Post st. * SI DESIRE TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS J\. I will sell my stock of general merchandise at cost. Apply to WILLIAM WADSWORTH, Rio Vista, Cal. OR SALE — A DELICATESSEN STORE FOR SALE — A DELICATESSEN STORE with side bar: cheap rent: long lease. Apply to WELLAIAN, PECK <fc CO., 201 Marl St. > I OOD CORNER GROCERY: HORSE, WAGON: VJT flat, 5 rooms, upstairs: rent $20; bargain. 2 21 erritt St., cor. Hattle, off Eighteenth, abv. Castro. RANCH BAJUE NOTIONS: FINE trade; 3 rooms furnished; bargain. 621 Fonrth. HOESHOP FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. Inquire at 2925 Washington st. * ROCERY AND BAR— ESTABLISHED 25 Lr years; good reason for selling. Apply Wieiand's Brewery. ■ ■ ■ ■ - : - / -iIi.SKR GROCERY AND BAR, STOCK AND \J fixtures. . Apply this office. ; . . V \-)l\t\ LARGE CORNERGROCERY'; BAR: V 1 __l'U. no agents. 1 Kentucky pi., nr. Napa. COMBINATION BILLIARD AND POOL Ta- \J ble. 11 Pacific st. TTfGAK BUSINESS FOR SALE: WHOLESALE \J and retail; established 13 years; price, $1500 to SJOOO. according to stock. Apply Call agent, 524 X st., Sacramento. pOHNER BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY. NO- VJ lions and tobacco store for sale. 2401 Mission street. - , i 1.1.-Kn'oWN CORNER SALOON ("LILY"). JJJm:II and Stanyan, Golden Gate Park. ~ ~ , *T . . fOOD OPPORTUNITY; PARTNER WANTED )-* in a business established since 1862: capital Quired, about 50,000. Address A. T., <P. O. box R AI^OX ANI) GROCERY FOR SALE: _^J__ ' _>■■■ out in trade, 717 Davis st. "~ f CARPI (TKBS AND BUILDERS. H°t\^ E * fi OILT FOR $260 A ROOM ; PAR- » a( j i," """"tnplatlng building are Invited to call ' haM! '- our plan*. 1149 Mission st. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. Ss^.On 11 ROOMS, FINELY FURNISHED, *iP O\J\J. clearing $50 per month: vicinity of Phelan bldg. BARRETT A CO., 865i/_ Market st. JfcOXAA LODGING - HOUSE WITH ,50 ♦IF— *J\J\J. rooms; 12 bay-windows: elegantly furnished: first-class paying rent $150: first-class bargain: party leaves city: call at once and in- spect. WII.KF.. 236 Kearnyst., room 4. rpo buy OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE X quick for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st. <Cj97^ FLAT OF 5 ROOMS AND BATH- «Ir^ • U. cheap rent; well furnished: great bar. gain; account of departure: must sell this week; See STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. <__Finn HOUSE OF 13 WELL-FURNISHED tJPUUI/. rooms and bath; pays well; great bar- gain. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45" Third st. ODGINO-HOUSE; 12 ROOMS; ALL RENTED: price $100; rent $20.- 622 Howard st. 7 "-!!( i( m ORNER HOUSE: RENT $200. I*J 20-room corner house: -price $800. 80-room house: clearing $200; cost $0000: $1800. Before buying, selling or exchanging go to TRAVERS A LAMB, 512 California st. ©9XA lodging-house, corner bay- tJp^«OV'. window; modern improvements: 12 rooms finely furnished: cheap on account of sick- ness: no agents. 3 Everett St., corner Third. UST BE SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH— Lodging-hou6e; full house. 115 Second st. ■\TEWLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE; JLi cheap. 617 Jones st., near Post. "DUTTERFIELp (WILLIAM), AUCTIONEER; i-> bargains In lodging-houses. Crocker building. fikmtukk for SALJi. edroom^setT^sTi^ pXtent^tXbles" $2 16; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth, 20c; open evenings. SHIREK, 1310 Stockton st, ftUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at McCABE'3, S4B-960 Mission st. T> EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND XV second hand; 400 carpets, good as new, oil- cloth, 25c ; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c: 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or Installments; goods snipped free. T. H .NELSON, 126 Fourth st. iiiiMiii;:: WANTED. J^AN^fED^FURNiTURE~AND IiIDSE; WILL YV sell on commission. L. D. BURP. 10 Fulton. HG. KRASKY, CARPETS, PICTURES, . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. UAA-FJSTB. R^slclK^4sc7^aTdT^OXßlr\* BRUS- sels, 75c. laid: linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth. 20c: open evenings. SHIR EX. 1310-1312 Stockton. CAKPKT C'LKANING. I3 ; ATIOTAX^A^I-_TTB_A?r_N^^Sf_>___ssS ±> vating Works, HAMPTON _: BAILY ; laying and altering. 313-316 Guerrero; Tel. .Mission 244. /"IARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. Ttv STEAM pet-beating AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. . "Air he n YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH » 1 poor work send to SPAULDING Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 V* Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. . HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING Co. (incorp.); old established- carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovatiuu works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. HORSES. F"^olT^ATE^nrE^TtrA~FlNE CARRIAGE teams. Address J. H., box 9. this office. FOR SALE— FINE HORSE AND BUGGY FOR JD park. Can be seen at Mascot Stables, 1110 Golden Gate aye. A A HORSES FOR SALE: ALSO WAGONS ttU bugeies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market. 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Wednes- day. S OLLIV AN A DOYLE, Auctioneers. 1 AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL IUU kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sis. WAGONS ANX» CARRIAGE. ORSE AND WAGON FOR^ALE^CIIEAP— Fit for peddling. Apply 716 Folsom st. HORSE, HARNESS AND WAGON FOR SALE cheap. 824 Bryant st. SEWING machines. QE WING-MACHINES RENTED, $1 50 PER O month; aU kinds repaired; machines sold from $5 upward. 1863 Market st. )- " NEW DOMESTIC SEWING - MA- •„— *)• chine; drop leaf, drawers, cover and at- tachments. 205 Fourth st. Li:«iAL .notices. FO^I r L^i r R_T^sTLE '^ITy -i-i virtue of a duly certified copy of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States in and for the Southern District of California, in cause where- in the Union Loan and Trust Company, trustee, was complainant,' and the .Southern Caliiorr.ia Motor Road company. et al., were defendants, which said decree was duly issued by the Clerk of said Circuit Court to me, the undersigned, the duly appointed and qualified special master in chancery to make sole of the property as in said decree pro- vided, I will by virtue of said decree offer for sale the property oi the said Southern California Motor Road Company, at the door of the Courthouse in the city Of San Bernardino, In the county of San Bernardino. State of California, at twelve o'clock, m., on Saturday, the 10th day of August, A.D. 1895, which said property is described as follows, to v. it : All and singular the railroad of the said Southern California Motor Road Company, constructed rom the city of San Bernardino, in said county of San Bernardino, In the State of California, through and by the way of Colton and Riverside to South Riverside, now in the county of Riverside, to- gether with all tne said company's real estate, lands, tenements, hereditaments acquired for the purpose of a right-of-way for its roadbed and the appurtenances thereof, and for depots, englne- ' houses, carhonses, station-houses, warehouses, workshops, superstructures, erections and fixtures, and also all and every the privileges, franchises and rights of the said Southern California Motor Koad Company acquired at the date of said mort- gage, or thereafter owned by said company, and also all the rails, bridges, depots, nier-*, engine- houses, carbouses, station-houses, - warehouses, workshops, erections, - superstructures. flx- ures, privileges, franchises and rights of the said Southern California Motor Road Company,/ wheresoever and whatsoever owned by the said Southern California Motor Road Com- pany, and also all the locomotives, tenders, bag- gage, freight and other curs, all belonging to bald company, and all other cars, carriages, tools, ma- chinery and equipments for the railroad of said company, and also all the goods and chattels em- ployed in and about the operation of said road owned by 'said Southern C<fornia Motor Road Company, in any way relating or pertaining to said railroad, together with all the tolls, rents, issues, profits, moneys, rights, benefits, incomes and ad- vantages to be derived, received or had therefrom by said Southern California Motor Road Company in any manner whatsoever, which said property will be sold to satisfy the judgment, and decree in ■ said cause so duly made and entered. Said sale will be made subject to the following reservations provided for iv said decree: Ist. No. bid will be received by the undersigned, special master in chancery, without said bidder or bidders depositing with the undersigned as such special master the sum of $25,000, which said sum of $25,000 will be, according to the terms of said decree, absolutely forfeited to the use of the trust in the baud of the said, The Union Loan and Trust Company, trustee, if the bidder to whom said rail- way and property shall be struck off shall fail to pay or comply with said purchase In accordance with the terms of said sale, and the orders and de- crees of the said Circuit Court of the United States in and lor the Southern District of California. 2d. That in lieu of said deposit of $25,000 any bidder at such sale may deposit with the under- signed as said special master in chancery bonds secured by said deed of trust or mortgage men- ] tioned and described in said decree and executed to the complainant, the said, The Union Loan and j Trust Company, by the said Southern California j Motor Road Company, which bonds will be re- | ceived by me, the undersigned, special master In chancery, at not more than seventy-five cents on the dollar, as in said decree provided. 3d. That In accordance with thej.erms and pro- ; visions of said decree in making such sale, : such special master, will not receive or cry any bid ' for a sum less than $100,000. And notice is further given that said will in all things be made subject to the confirmation by j said Circuit Court or the United States in and for the Southern District of California, and subject to ail the provisions, terms and conditions in said de- cree contained, to which reference is hereby made. Dated this 26th day of June, A.D. 1895. J. DE BARTH SHORB, Special Master in Chancery. Edwin H. Lamme, Solicitor for Complainant. T\EPARTMENT No. 9, ' PROBATE. —In U the Superior Court, in and for the City and County of San Francisco. - State of Cali- fornia. - In the matter of the estate of JEAN BEAUXIS alias J. BEAUXIS alias JACQUES J. BEAUXIS, deceased. No. 16,181. Notice is hereby given that TUESDAY, the 23d day of July, A. J). 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. 'of said day,- ' and the • court- room of Department ' No. 9 - of. said court, at the new City Hall,' in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will ofsaid JEAN BEAUXIH alias J. BBAUXIS alms ..ACQUES. BEAUXIS, deceased, and tor bearing the application of ORACiETTE LACA- RIEU, for the issuance to her of letters testa- mentary thereon. ■ •-'--'*' Dated July 11, A. D. 1895. F/cuRRYi 1 By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. P. ALEX ANDRE BEROEROT, Attorney for PerU'oner, 142-143 Crocker building, S. F., Cal. TVTOTICE TO CREDITORS. — ESTATE OF XV SUSAN K. KERB Y, deceased. Notice is here- by eiven by the undersigned, administrator of the estate of hUSAN E. KElir.V. deceased, to the creditor, of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them with the neces- sary vouchers within ten ' (10) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said adminis- trator at his office, room 4, Phelai; building. San j Francisco, the same being bis place for the tran- j saction of the business of the said estate in the City atd County of Han Administrator of the estate of SUSAN E. KERB V, deceased. T . Dated at San Francisco, June 19, 1895. MYRICK A Im-EKINU. attorneys for Adminis- trator, 14 fcSanBome st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1895. CITY REAL ESTATE. SQAEACn; ON MONTHLY INSTALL- VP«-/U ments: in city of Stockton, near electric cars. « few minutes from City Hall ; Valley Rail- road, Corral Hollow Railroad will increase the value of these lots; buy at these low prices. 'Call for maps, etc. JONES, ALLEN A CO.. 630 Mar- ket st. --.. ■ ,' - ' Sj»7AA A WASHINGTON st., near hyde ; «35 * \J\J\J. 2 2-story bouses; 6 and 6 rooms and bath each: elegant location; street work all done; $5000 can remain: this is a bargain. JONES, ALLEN A CO., 630 Market St. §7AAA GOUGHST., NEAR MCALLISTER; 1 I UUU. bouse of 10 rooms and bath; can be anged into flats 'and made to pay good income: $5000 can remain. JONES, ALLEN A CO., 630 Market st. FOR ALE - F. W~ MODERN HOUSE ON Presidio Heights; $12,500, including Carpets: contains 16 rooms and 2 bathrooms: lot 32 feet frontage: street bitumlnl7.ed; terms. $4000 cash, balance on mortgage; or cash $2000, balance in 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months; owner about moving from the city. Address L., 44 Hobart building, Market at. G»-I£>'A 110x100; SW. CORNER AND ijPXU«JU. Crautsis.; College Homestead Asso- ciation. $175— 32x55: lot 621, Gift Map 3. $S50— 51:8x114: Elizabeth St., near Hoffman; street graded, macadamized and sewered. CHARLES C. FISHER, 507 California st. mn-A 60x125: SOUTH LINE OF MON- *4)£O\J. tana st., near Capitol: block R, Railroad Homestead Association. Ocean View. $180-100x120; in block 87, University Home- stead Association. $160—157:6x100: block 196, Abbey Homestead Association. San Mateo County. $375—33x100: N. side of Laidley St., 140 W. of Mateo, block 6, Fairmount Tract. CHARLES C. FISHER, 507 California st. SIGHTLY LOTS; FRONT ON 100- FOOT street, on now Mission electric franchise to new racetrack: worth $600 each; I owe $100 each; will sell equity cheap, or exchange. C. C, box 58, Call Office. : '. __£AA BUILDS 4-ROOM COTTAGE WITH »3)ovM' bath: will figure close: will call. GEO. M. SALSBURY, Builder, 232 Lily aye. BRICK BUILDING FOR BUSINESS PROP- erty on Market st. ; rent $7200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker St., 137:6 ft.; price, $11,000. E. side stanyan St., bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; 26x100: price $2600. 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson St., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: price reduced from $6500 to SJ6000; make offer. 2-story brick house of 9 rooms, with stable, in South Park; lot 45x125 ft.; price $7500. Lot on Duncan St., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet: price $400. Cottage house, 1367 Dolores st.: 6 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores St.; _5_.9_ leet. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent. 324 Montgomery street. "\7"AOANT LOTS AT THE MISSION TO TRADE V for improved property or nuildlng. Apply to ('. S. CAPP &' CO., 413 Montgomery st. I^OUR FLATS ON JONES ST., WITH LOT 30 X 1 feet in n : $3150. Corner lot on Folsom St.; store and flats and rear building: $7000. : ;.„ — Three flats on Leavenworth St.; $4250. House and lot on Powell st., near Washington. Apply to C. S. APP & CO., 413 Montgomery St.. Real Estate Agents, Rent Collectors and House Brokers. ' ' C_ Qrn LARGE LOT ON DUNCAN ST., NR. tTpOUU. Church: 48:8x114; a snap for 3 days. $1250— A very cheap 23d-st. lot: size 25x100. $450— 8-§t. lots, bet. 22d and 23d ayes. ; $6 per month; we have the largest lint of Richmond lo s for sale of any agent in the city, either for cash or on the installment plan. WILL E. FISHER A CO., 14 Post st. (2* 1 AAA LOT 62:6x136 FEET; SPLENDID iJllUul/. location; forced sale; a snap. $3200—10-i-ooin house; new; near station; street work done; worth more. Many other houses and lots for sale in Berkeley. CM AS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station. T.-'OR SALE— BEAUTIFUL HOUSE 15 ROOMS JF and bath: 28x75; 2900 Bush St.. cor. Baker: sunny exposure: billiard-room; $10,000 cash; only 2 years old; has to be seen to be appreciated; mod- ern improvements; permanent tenant at $60. Ap- ply to HARRY H. HARK-EY, Palace Hotel. __ 1 Q Aft, SMALL HOUSE, LOT AND FURNI- Ol'U. ture. 12ih aye., nr. park, south side. T OUIS SCHLOSS. ~~~ ~ J_j ■ Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, S. F. REAL ESTATE ! REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE! IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL X estate I can place it for you; everybody wants money. • MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! " MONEY! MONEY! Q-] Q AAA FOR A FINE PIECE OF IN- (^IO.UUU come property on Channel st. d_ inn MISSION LOTS ON THE INSTALL- ment plan. &Cftn MISSION LOTS ON THE INSTALL- i]pc)UV/. xnent plan. ffl»Q- AAA A SNAP: 55 FEET ON MISSION t_SO«J.UUU. street: a" choice piec« for manu- facturing of any kind. . - . LOUIS SCHLOSS, Booms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, 3 F. JOT 26x1 87 ON TURK ST. FOR $1000. PHIL- J BRICK & METi'ALF. 2548 Folsom st. COtNTKY lt£AL ESTATE. •TTcrTi^rLx"7?ou3?rß^^ XX Rosa, Sonoma County: elegant real estate; doing rood business; $6500: half cash. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. OA ACRES, 1 MILE FROM HAY WARDS; J&\f half in fruit; small house: 86000; or 10 acres, half fruit, $1800. C. K. KING, 902 Eroadway, Oakland.. OOR 4 LOVELY BROOKSIDE HOMES, BAB 0 town. D. H. TWIKO, Sonoma City, Cal. 1 Qfl ACRES NEAR HEALDSBURO. SONOMA 1. 0U County; horse, cow, chicken*, tools; $22*0. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway. Oakland. TTNINCUMBERED, I NIMPROVER LAND IN U Tehama and Tulare counties, near railroad, to trade for City, Oakland or Alameda Improved property. Apply C. S. CAPP & CO., Real Estate Agents. House Brokers and Rent Collectors, 413 Montgomery st. « . . . liOB SALE — CHICKEN RANCH, WITH ' about 1000 chickens, and ail other personal prop- erty. Inquire of M. McNALLY, Oriental Feed Store, Petaluma. : ..- T A BARGAIN-RANCH OF 119 ACRES: all under cultivation; near Napa. Apply 34 i. olden Gate ay. . T OUIB SCHLOSS. ' JU Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker building. The best and cheapest stock ranch in the State for sale on easy terms: plenty of water and feed the year round; '80 miles trom San Francisco and only 5 miles from railroad. If you mean business, call at once and get all particulars. LOUIS SCHLOSS. Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker building, r. . San Francisco. SANTA CLARA COUNTY PROPERTY TO exchange for city property; only unlncumbered property wanted. LOUIS SCHLOSS, Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker building, S. F. IjtOß SALE OB TRADE— NICE HOME IN . Napa; 2 acres of nice land, with plenty of fruit; price $4000. -PHILBRICK A METCALF, 2548 Folsom st. OUSE, STABLE AND 2 LOTS; FRUIT OF all kinds; close to P. O. In Napa: cheap: $3500 cash. PHILBRICK&METCALF.2S4B Folsom st. UMMER RESORT, WITH 80 ACHES LAND; O 3 miles from Santa Cruz; fine house; IS rooms; furnished firs:-class: slock «nd vehicles; $7500, or trade for city property. 1061 Mission st. HIS WILL INTEREST YOU. : -: ~ A Our colony is now established; already 25 families have' decided to make their homes with us. Wo are determined to develop a community of homes that will he self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable. We own this tract of land, in fact. it has been our home for over 30 yt nr.s, and we know from experience that the soil i.« well adapted to the successful growth of every variety of fruit, grain and vegetables that are grown in the State of California. ■We have now 1000 acres in alfalfa, from which we cnt three and four crops per annum, and that, too, without Irrigation. . We claim that we can offer {nore to the roan who really wants a home than has ever yet been offered or that Is likely ever to be offered again. The miui who provides a home that is self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant mid profitable for his family enjoys a sens" of in- dependence and proprietorship that is simply Im- possible in any other business, and is especially impossible for the man who works on a salary and is subject to the fluctuations or business or the whim of his employer. We ask your investigation of our offer. ! -■-"■.- "-/;--- -.- Address New England Colony of California. Room 10, Mills building. ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES _6~MILE3 from San Francisco. >.:.;> RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; ■no Irrigation; - both rail r and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre: easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on tho property; send for circular. Dairy for «ale with or without cows. . SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle bulldlnsr. : ..*-, IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING J. purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery at.. S. F. ■ ■- WEEK'S NEWS FOR . CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. ~~ TO EXCHANGE. j H~~OTEL PROPERTY, 20 ROOMS: LOT 60x150; good town on the bay: full of boarders; in ex- change for chicken ranch: -equity, $1000. Address __ ___ box 128, Cull Office. - PROPERTY WAJiTW)^ AItTXIMUKAXAZMPBOVEX) RANCH FOR nice cottage/ SPECKS, 602 Market st. HOUSES TO LEI. JwfjSW SVOTOBY- HOJ7BE OF 9 ROOMsT A~ND 1 bath; latest improvements: rent $25; Castro St., near Twenty-first. Apply L. A. SOUC _ CO., 465 and 467 Valencia st., near Sixteenth. . .->'.- HOUSE 8 ROOJiSTBATH: YARD; 16 FAIR Oaks St., near Twenty-first; good view; no fogs: warm belt of Mission; rent to suit good tenant.' . __ _ _ £1 C FELL" ST.-FINE 2-STORY HOUSE; 9 OxO rooms; all modern improvements; rent re- duced. Apply 617 FeU st. © Q 4 ROOMS ; LOWER PART OF HOUSE; «Jp U. in good order. 62 Tehania St., near Second. OQTA CALIFORNIA ST.— : ROOMS; BATH; _. • ' 1 O conservatory; hot-air heaters; sunny. ' HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND BATH; FURNISHED ■or unfurnished. 422 Page St. _* O A HOUSE OF 6 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. <J)ZU. 622 Ellis St. '-".■. '. . . ROOMS, BATH AND LAUNDRY; RENT $37 50; in first-class condition: half block from Howard and Mission sts.; fast car lines. . DEMP- STER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st. - T> EAUTIFUL SUNNY CORNER HOUSE TO -L» let; 1216 Jones st,, between Clay and Sacra- mento: one of the finest residence blocks in the city: 12 large rooms; bath: wine rooms, etc.; sun In every room; large yard and garden: a lovely home at very moderate rental. DAVIDSON _ LEIGH, agents, 137 Montgomery st. r cr -. -1 £1 TAYLOR"— 10 SONNY ROOMS; LARGE IJl_ yard and garden ; fine marine view. - 1 AH VALENCIA ST.— ROOMS AND BATH, 111 very cheap; yard; water free; rent $16. Apply at premises. ! '. AAQ LEAVENWORTH — HOUSE, , 9 ROOMS rk\JO and bath. Inquire on premises. Q*A X- PACIFIC HEIGHTS HOUSE; BROOMS »Jh' I TtJ. with every convenience and marine view. 1733 Broadway, near Gough st. ' - UNNY HOUSE— SSO EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; 9 rooms; bath; rent $30; water free. ■ T ATEST STYLES IN HOUSES TO RENT AT -Li BALDWIN & HAMMOND'S. 10 Montgomery. A Oft POST, OPPOSITE FIRST CONGREGA- rtO\J tional Church— Good location for doctor or dentist: low rent to a (food tenant. Apply to G. H. U MBS EN «fe CO. 14 Montgomery st. ... FUIINXSHED HOUSES. 7^OTT^ATTE~vfr?H~_AR7j_~aA^D^NTs_VVE^ \J teenth st.; nr. Valencia. BALDWIN A HAM- MONI), 10 Montgomery st. COTTAOES TO LET. T^IC^^frR^C^COTT^G^W^iPsT^BLE"; IN rent $20. SPECKS, 602 Market st. . £QQ CASTRO— OF 5 ROOMS; ON 000 cable line: gas and all modern improve- ments: rent $15 with water. SUNNY COTTAGE 4 AND 6 ROOMS; BATH, basement, yard; cheap. Cor. Dolores end 15th. T~ O LET— COTTAGE 4 ROOMS: _ MINUTES' walk. from Mission-st. cars: $8. 360 Jessie st, QA^POTRERO AYE.— COTTAGE 5 ROOMS: OUT: bath; finely decorated; $18. __________ DOLOREe, NR. SEVENTEENTH— COT- iII tage 4 looms; bath. ; OTTAOE 5 ROOMS; BATH: LAUNDRY; \J chicken-yard: fine marine view; all modern Improvements; Green -St., bet. Octavia and La- guua. Inquire 2619 Octavia St., near Green. FLAT* TO LET. QETc^RT^^GIITEEN'rH AND CASTRO— UP- -0 per flat of 6 rooms and bath stable; In (rood order: rent $16. Apply L. A. SOUC A CO., 465 and 467 Valencia, near Sixteenth. -\ V ■ xv BAY-WINDOW FLAT OF 7 ROOMS IN and bath; cor. Seventeenth and Castro sts. SPECK A CO., 602 Market st. ATEAT 4-ROOM FLATS; FEW BLOCKS FROM IN Call; $12. SPECK'S. 602 Market st. QQ/7 HAVES ST., COR." GOUGH— FLAT OF 7 Out rooms and bath; suitable for doctor or den- tist ; rent $80. " '. < SUNNY' ROOMS: BATH AND GAS; MIS- "x sion cars pass; rent $12 50. 1023 Twenty- fourth st. ' . ■ . ' ■'■ / mitt A<7e 4 LARGE ROOMS; LARGE CBXr l_' lar: also flat 4 rooms and bath. 1623 Pacific avenue. - ■*' Iv.-'1 v.-' F~" .SUNNY BOOMS : CHICKEN-YARD and cellar; rent $14. 7 Isis St., bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth, Folsom and Harrison. ■ Seyet X C\ 1226 SACRAMKNTO— ROOMS' _-__._)U. gas; bath: fine view. UNNY LOWER f FLAT. 18 HAMPTON Folsom, bet. Second and Third ; upstairs. _1A FLAT 4si X X ROOMS. 27 PEARL, <%>JLU. off Market, near Valencia. BEAUTIFUL CORNER FLAT 8 ROOMS AND JL> bath, cheap. 499 Devlsodero st. I,i/\ 1 AND 1206 O'FAR"RELL— 2 SUNNY X_.U_ bay-wlm:ow flats: newly papered; mod- ern Improvements; 7 and 8 rooms »nd bath. Ir«LAT 4 ROOMS. 131 LILY AYE.; KEY AT -T 138 Rose aye. __ _________ T ROOMS AND BATH ON SECOND FLOOR "1 lent $15; first floor of same house, $16; large yards; clean, quiet street, fronting private park. DEMPSTER, HO Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st. 9 NEW MODERN Flats OF 5 and 6 ROOMS; -J rent cheap to right parties. Apply 1538 Guer- rero st. ■ -■■■-'. ■■--. ■• "<_fl"_t 6 FINE ROOMS AND BATH. 1718 tjpi^r. Lea worth st. \ ■ | v. LAT; -4 ROOMS: $10 A MONTH. 716 NATO- ' ma gt., bet. Eighth and Ninth. , , LKGANT NEW FLATS. SEVENTH ST., below Bryant: 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $8 to *16. SUNNY FLATS LARGE ROOMS: YARD: CEL- lar: cheap. 1611 Stevenson st, nr. Eighteenth. 1 ii - CLARA, NEAR FIFTH— 4 BOOMS, 100 3 rooms, $8 50. .. SA(\ ELEGANT SUNNY SEVEN-BOOM iU. flat. 624 Golden Gate aye.. near Van Ness. EAUTIFUL FLAT: 8 ROOMS AND BATH; Cheap. 1505 Geary st. C; ]. ) NICE CLEAN SUNNY LOWER FLAT. ♦J) X__ . 3 rooms and yard, very neat ; pood neigh- borhood; 720 V_ Ivy aye., nr. Hayes and Buchanan. CjiO 3 LARGE ROOMS; YARD. 109 THIR- »iP_O. teenth st., above Valencia. FLAT 4 ROOMS; RKNT LOW to GOOD TEN- JP ant. ISM Devisadero st. .191 Q WEBSTER— SUNNY UPPER FLAT: •<-— ilO bath; linen; china; piano, etc. "1 A GROVE, NEAR CITY' HALL— ELEGANT 1" fiat, 5 rooms and bath. - ATEST STYLES IN FLATS TO RENT AT i BALDWIN, H A.MMilNll's, 10 Montgomery. housekeeping 1COO3I!». j /TTX^OADWAT^HQE^^raOI^^OOMii lit) with kitchen, furnished for housekeeping. QA (* BR-i ANT— 4 LARGE SUNNY FRONT vxD rooms, unfurnished, $8: cheap. I£l A CLAY— FURNISHED AND IDiU bath for light housekeeping. ' A"I 7 EDDY— NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- U± 1 keeping rooms; every convenience; splen- did location. : ". 91 KLLIS-FRONT PARLORS AS PHYSI- OJIO cian's office; also housekeeping rooms. : J 1 I ELEVENTH— E LEG A NTL V VVW- It nished front sunny room and kitchen: car- pets and furniture new; • bath, etc. : quiet; $12; complete for housekeeping: Investigate. ■ OAQ FIFTH-NEW HOUSE; SUNNY BAY- O\.'U window suit with kitchen; also unfurnished suit. ' .■'..' ■ AAX FIFTH, NEAR HARRISON-2 FRONT ttt/ U rooms and kitchen, furnished for housekDg. OA FIFTEENTH ST..NEAR MISSION— ONE __TbU $6: two $8; housekeeping rooms furnished. lift FU_.TON—_ LARGE SUNNY FRONT 110 housekeeping rooms furnished. 1 A7Q HOWARD-PLEASANT FRONT SUITE: I\J I V kitchen furnished for housekeeping; bath; gas. ."*•'. ' ftiTl HYDE-LARGE SUNNY ROOM; KITCH- OXt/en; gas; stove: $16. Ring basement bell. 1 AT ft JACKSON, nr: mason— furnished IUIO sunny large front housekeeping rooms; i $7 to $9. .:■-:..; (*■] O LARKIN— FURNISHED SUV Olu ny rooms, with kitchen; complete for house- keeping. - , XT li LEAVEN WORTH — 2 -UNFURNISHED «->±U rooms for light housekeeping; rent, $12." ffl^Q LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM A I) O. kitchen, 18 Lewis St., off Taylor, near 10 901 MINNA —•i SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING -*Ox' rooms, complete; double, single: cheap. '-. X MINT AYE. — _ , HANDSOMELY FUR- -0 nisbed rooms on first floor for light housekeep- ing or 2 gentlemen; terms reasonable. • : QQQ MISSION — LARGE FRONT SUNNY 000 room with kitchen; new furniture. - 11 9X MISSION — FRONT ROOMS FOR XXZiU housekeeping; no objection 10 children.' , 1 QAAPINE, COR. HYDE— ROOM,$10; IOUU3 sunny unfurnished rooms, $12: yard. 1 f*7* PERRY— I . LARGE FRONT ROOM AND J-OO kitchen, complete for housekeeping.; -'■ ■_ AOC\ SEVENTEENTH; ST., NEAR VALEN- _OV/ cia— 2 sunny connecting rooms: housekeep- ing; bathroom adjacent. - .' SIXTH-CHEAPEST IN CITY; NICE sunny housekeeping rooms. ..<'.'. 9 A- A BIXTH-LABGE SUNNY ROOMS, ALSO — l"i rooms furnished, suitable for light house- keeping.'. . •v- ' ' . A^)i\ SIXTH— 2 CONNECTING ROOMS; COM- ■_t__U plete for housekeeping; every convenience; $10. ."■ ■■. ■■ ..-...' ■..- ■'■ .'■■■■ .-■■■■ ■;. A SIXTH— LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOMS 'i —< " and kitchen: rent 12 a month. ; I X 7 SEVENTH— CONNECTING ROOMS AND JLO I other rooms for housekeeping; $8 ana $10. XQXI STEVENSON— 3 LARGE, SUNNY UN- Od<J2 furnished rooms, suitable for housekeep- lng,slo. :..-:>. .<-..;■ ,:-,■■:..■-,:: : '- - -. r 1 7fy_» STOCKTON— 2 CONNECTING ROOMS, 1 I \JO furnished complete for housekeeping.* ; - 99A THIRD-SINGLE AND LIGHT HOUSE- __-'' keeping; $5 up; brick building; yard. riQ THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK-FURNISH- OLVcd housekeeping tooms. . >• TfQft~VAJS NESB-;AVE.-SUNNY FRONT 1 t/O rooms, nicely furnished, for. housekeeping; reiksonable. • . ROOMS TO LET— Continued. F.AO WASHINGTON — V» N V UNFUR- O\J£ nished housekeeping rooms; running water. TTjjY WELSH, OFF FOURTH, BELOW -Li."±2 Bryant— 2 or 3 nicely furnished house- keening rooms: reasonable. ■ KOOaiS TO LEX. I "Tor RiENT^Fo^T^m r z g^ttlkmTcn: nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about. 8 blocks from 'Kearny and Market sts.: private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call. BUSH-2 LARGE SUN BAY-WIN- OOX dow rooms with board; price reasonable. . ]1O EDDY— BEAUTIFUL FRONT SUITE; XXO other newly furnished rooms; $6 up. .' ::. A9l EDDY— B UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON ■tr-i/X ground floor. 1 1 A EIGHTH-SUNNY UNFUKNISHED AL- XX tt cove room: also single rooms: references. 097 ELLIS— LARGE FRONT, ALSO DOUBLE OZi I and single rooms; running water: cheap. EQC ELLIS— LARGE ALCOVE ROOM, QUO kitchen, bedroom. Call 10 a. m. to sp. m. 91 7 GEARY— 3 FRONT ROOMS OPPOSITE ZiX I Union square; key at 217V 2 . rear. ■> 9] Q GOLDEN GATE AYE.-2 PLEASANT ZjLo sunny furnished rooms; also single; reason- able. . 9Q7 GOLDEN GATE . AYE.-NICELY FUR- -•Jl nished rooms, single or double; reasonable. 1 f*-\ 1 GOUGH— I OR 2 LARGE SUNNY FUIV XUXX nished rooms; cheap. ■ ■ . ■: y BQAX HARRISON— LARGE SUNNY FRONT; 001/2 suitable for two; also single room. 1 9AQI HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED xA\JU'& room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $7 a month. I 9^/1 HOWARD, COR. • NINTH — LARGF. -L^«-/i bay-window room, suitable for 1 or 2; cheap. , Ccn JESSIE — LARGE SUNNY FRONT OO\J room; also 1 back room: very cheap. 1 7fkC|JONES— 4 NICE SUNNY ROOMS, IN X I V«J good condition; marine view: $14. A 1 A JONES-FRONT SUNNY SUITE, ALSO ttXU back parlors. ' f ~ Q] 9 KEARNY— GEORGE HOUSE— FUR- O1«j nished rooms, $1 50 to $3 week; 25c to 75c night: transients solicited. ■ . 71 O LEAVEN WORTH — LARGE SUNNY ' XO bay-window front room; grate; large closet; running water. • . • (* AH MCALLISTER— FURNISHED vJ"± I suite of parlors; suitable for 1 or 2 gentle- men or man and wife; terms, reason able. O7XNATOMA, DOWNSTAIRS— LARGE UN- O I O furnished room to let for storage. ' 7 OLIVE. BET. ELLIS AND O'FARRELL, • off Larkin— 2 sunny front rooms; nicely fur- nished: gas and bath ; rent $10. 9f17 °s T (SURVILLE)-SUNNY FRONT *jv' 1 suites; first floor; suitable for vapor baths: cheap. S^ A POST (AUDITORIUM)— NEWLY FUR- trIU nished sunny rooms; en suite and single. DO SIXTH ST.. THE HILLSDALE-SUNNY 00 rooms: single and en suite: $1 to $1 50 a day. 107 SEVENTH-FURNISHED BOOMS. OF ■XO I all kinds cheap; transient. SHIPLEY." BET. Harrison, folsom. Fifth and Sixth— 4 new rooms, $8; for 2, $5. Owner at 1151 Guerrero st. 01 9 SIXTH— NICE SUNNY FRONT ROOMS; OX suitable for single gentlemen; reasonable. A(\l\ SIXTH- LARGE SUNNY FRONT IV/t/ room; newly furnished; bath; gas; $6 to sB. Ql 7 THIRD-LARGE hUNNY FRONT: j>jN OX I suite or single 25t055 week to $20 mo. 090 TWENTIETH— LARGE FRONT ALCOVE O«*O room; also front bay-window room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; term's reasonable; convenient to Valencia and Mission st. cars. QA£» TWENTY-FI~RST, NEAR HARRISON— OUU 3 rooms and bath. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- xx ant sunny rooms, en suiteand single; first.clasj In every respect : terms reasonable. VERETT, 55 SECOND — FAMILY HOUSE, thoroughly renovated; new management; re- spectable; sunny rms; reasnble. M.DALTON, prop. GRAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND Mission— Rooms all light; water, gas and electric bells; elevator runs from 7a. m. to 12 p. M. : single, 60 cents: suites, $1 day; f- 60 and ■?.'> week up. ATEW PYRENEE HOUBR, 1314 STOCKTON ■*■* Sunny front rooms: suites or .single:- by day, week or month. PH. MAYMOUNAVE. prop. HE DELAWARE, 1161 MARKET— SUNNY furnished and unfurnished ofilces, suites and ■Ingle rooms; pricesto suit the times. TllK SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE; 129 X now sunny rooms: strictly respectable; half price of. best hotels, with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth St., near Market. ||.-! WILLIAM, BET. JONES AND TAY- i." I '£ lor, off Geary— Sunny front room; cheap. V osi-.M ! Ik BOUSE, 1015 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night. 30C to S\: wt-ek, 91 50 to $5: families. BOAKOLNU AND ROOMS. "^ TToIFELJU2RTIaN^^ push^Spened'aS XX a family hotel: references given and required; all modern conveniences. ' GO A GOLDEN GATE AVE.-AK ELEGANT O^.zt front room, with board, $60 per month for two; side rooms, with board, $25 per month. 91 VAN NESS AYE.— BEING THOROUGHLY *JX renovatid: nice 'sunny front rooms with board or privilege of light housekeeping. Q'J9 CA LI FORNI A— PRIVATE "BOARDING: < •'— ' beautiful sunny rooms; fine marine view; references. (\*)f{ EDDY— SUNNY FRONT rooms, SUITES \)£i\J and single; bent hoard : reasonable. - CHIEDHK.N ISOAKUED. I~ADY WISHES^ F^W~~^h7lDßEN^To' ■J board : good care as a mother; able to care from their birth; will give best references. 701^j Van Ness aye. ... "pARTY, WITHOUT CHILDREN. WILL GIVE X good home and mother's care to child over 2 yrars old. Address ALICIA, box 60. Call. STOKES TO L.JET. ul??ry^oWHTEs s^vTrH^AT£rM^D^^ i-J provements on fifth floor Pacific' Mutual build- ins:, XX. cor. Montgomery and ■ Sacramento sts.; favornble terms to desirable tenants... Apply to cashier's ofilce; in building, or BURNHAM & MARSH, 428 Montgomery st. HEAP RENT; STORE: ALSO LARGE BASE- ment. California and Hyde sts., adjoining car- house. ■ W 'ANTED TO RENT A ALL STORE WITH 11 rcoms suitable for saloon or chopbouse; rent moderate; state terms. Address U. OLSON, (ill Howard st. ■ . • : ' TORE AND ROOMS; LOW RENT. APPLY at 518 Geary st. , MARKET ST. LARGE STORE ON THE best block on the street, on the north side; suitable for shoestore or dry goods. Apply G. H. DMBaKN & CO., 14 Montgomery at. ..-■-. TTiOK RENT — A CORNER STORE; GOOD JP stand for drug or grocery business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth tit. H-snmy BRICK AND IRON BUILDING -T and basement, 508 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc.; rent $80. ' Apply DAVID STERN .v SONS. 20 Montgomery at. ________________ _ rpo^l^r^LAißXnrsuNSr^^^ lon first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery St., rooms 1 and 2. LEGANT OFFICES in new spreck bis building, 925 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services or ■ heating. Apply at building or G. 11. I'M BSKN A CO.. 14 aiontg. St. ~" I'UOI'OSALS. -...'- ~ T" 7 Prolpo^aTsTfoii SCHOOL ri'itx i tu Etß^AJTD X platform Scales— proposals will be re- ceived by the Superintendent of Common Schools In open session of the Board of Education. New Ciry Hall, on Thursday, July 18, 1895, at 12 o'clock m., for supplying said board with 60, more or less, 400-lb. platiorm scales, and single combination desks and ats, nil necessary sizes, with rear seats to match, in lots of 500, and for rear seats in lots of '1000, tvlien needed during the present fiscal year. Samples of scales and articles of furniture offered must be sent to the olllce of the Board of Educa- tion. New City Hail, up to 4 o'clock p. m. on Wed- nesday, July 17, 1895, after which hour no samples will be received. . / , • •■ / 'Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $250, made payable to the order of the secretary of the Board of , Education, conditioned that if the proposal be accepted and the contract awarded and if the bidder shall fall or neglect to execute a written agreement and give the bonds required within six days after the award is made, then and in bat case said check shall -be forfeited to the said ; Board. of ' Education. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or any portion of any bid, as the public good may re- quire. j Blank proposals .will' be furnished by the strcretary on application. The parties to whom contracts .ire awarded will be required, prior to or at the time of the execution of the contracts, to pay their proportion of the cost of advertising this notice. GEORGE BEANSTON. Secretary. .'. "PROPOSALS FOR. MOVING AND ENLARG- X ing a school building— proposals will be. received by the Superintendent of Common Schools, In open ■ session of the Board of Education, new City Hall, on Thursday, July 18, 1895, at 12 o'clock m., • for moving the Sutro School building , from Nineteenth avenue, near Point Lobon avenue, to the school lot on Twelfth avenue, between Clement and California streets, and for enlarging and fitting lip said building, in accordance with plans and specifications at the office of CHAS. I. HAVENS, architect of the board, room 55, Flood building, corner Fourth and Market streets.' ■ -"jJgfcawVMftimi! - .- , GEORGE NSTriN. Secretary. _.__ _ ~ STOKAGK ", ; ■ ».:-..-■;.•:-' fL^6^B"R^^l7i^MA"RT^rf^T^REE^ Get- our rales for storage of furniture, pianos, trunks and all kinds of <nousehold goods: I separate locked 1 rooms, dust and vermin proof, a: low rates. Telephone south 762. .r":-iz/ TORAGE;: FURNITURE, PIANOS, MDSE; O advances. LIEBES 3. W. CO., 900 Market, r. 4. T?URNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- X I chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments; flre-proof building.: 410 Post St., STORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HoUBE- hold goods, etc.- J. M. PIERCE, 736 Market st. THIRST-GLASS STORAGE : ADVANCES MADS Jj 421-423 Market at. CHAS. L. TAYLOB. . , EDUCATIONAL -. TrAT^LF^KT^ATIAT^IY^^ J. bldg: thorough commercial & English training. M~~ ILLS COIiLEGE AND SEMINARY. WRITE" 1»A for catalogue to MRS. c. T. MILLS, president. Mills College P. 0., Alameda Co., Cal. Next term begins August 7, 1805. PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MElSTElt- schaft School of Languages. 122 O'Farrell st. 6." ECKMAN, PIxVNO STUDIO, 205% • Gough st.; assistant teacher for beginners. "\CRS. MELVILLE-SXYDER, ORATORICAL, IVI Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 519 Van Ness aye.: vocal classes Monday, 8 p. month; dra- matic classes Wednesday. Bp. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano; ladies and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for practice). ' : •-•■■■ ,T ILLIAN BEDDARD. THE ENGLISH AC- XJ tress, coaches ladies •• and gentlemen for the dramatic profession: . appearances arranged; Shakespearean : classes Wednesday .. evenings. Shakespearean Academy, 913 Hyde st., S. F. .; - BO W ENS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AYE., JJ Berkeley, Cal. T. STEWART BOWENS, M. A., Principal. MISS BOLTE'S SCHOOL REMOVED TO 2297 IYI Sacramento St.; new term July 8. ATIGhT SCHOOL: HEALD'S BUSINESS COL- XI lege, 24 Post St.; commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates.__ _____________ _ TJOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIpTaRITHMB~ -Ptlc taught 0 weeks :course $30. 5 Stockton si. .r. BELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged: pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 6 _ 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. qchoolelectricalTcivil, mining, me- kJ chanlcat engineering, surveying, architecture, assay : estab. '64. VAN PER N AILLEN.723 Mkt. TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st. : diploma course $30. . College, 723 Market st. : diploma course ¥30^ ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY. MISS DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or clas3. T ABB'S INST., 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING taught in 6 weeks.' We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. TTEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. M POST JUL Bookkps, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical . engineering, telegraphy, . modern lan- Euagea rapidly t;i'.:'. r h:. Write lor catalogue. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. (Q> O AA~LOt" SOxIS^TcOf&T_IRD C i AS U. <Ej€>r.nA CASH: LOT 40x123; THOROUGH- <IpOtJ' '\J ly modern cottage: ft rooms and bath; high basement; 2 blocks 10 Willow station; excel' lently located. <E»9£>Afi CASH; 100x150: NORTH SIDE OF <|P_-DUU Clinton aye. . <2;£^nn THE PRETTIEST house IN «IPU«JU\J. Alameda; corner lot: $3500 cash. Apply MACDONALD, MOTT A CO., 1422 Park St., Alameda. . • . - BADGER'S PARK TRACT— IOO LOTS; 30 feet front each; at reduced rate; $500 a lot;- -small cash payment, balance within 3 years: best residence location hi Oakland; fine schools ana churches; very convenient;. will soon be business property; within 10 minutes' walk of business center of Oakland; 3 minutes' walk to local cars; 30 minutes to San Francisco; 2 lines of electric- cars pass the property every 5 minutes. Apply to owner. S. W. BADGKIC, on the premises, 953 Sev- enth aye., cor. East Ninth st., Oakland. IpOR SALE—A LOT ON BROADWAY 50x148 feet, or 100x148 feet, facing the rising sun; the widest street in the city and free from railroads; pleasantly located and only 2 blocks from the Park- street broad-gauge depot. For terms address F. K. KRAUTH, 2412 Central aye., Alameda. pHEAP ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE *J from city the furniture, all complete, of 3 rooms. sewing machine: everything flrst-class. Inquire from JO to 2, 8 EllwooJ Bt., off O'Fnrreil st. 11 OR EXCHANGE — 4 USE COTTAGES, -T well located and clear; also fine piece of busi- ness property: ranches wanted for both. F. C. WATSON, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. • "L^OR SALE AT A BARGAIN' — 23Va ACRES J orchard, commencing to bear— mainly prunes, plums and apricots; rich soil; 20 minutes from Oakland; good Improvements. Address N. W. WINTON, Real Estate Agent and Notary, 958 Broadway. Oakland. EXCHANGE >A N JOSE RESIDENCE FOB Xj residence In Oakland or Alameda. CHARLES WILLIS. Oakland. "OENEDICT & CO., REAL ESTATE AND LOA n JJ Agents, 45 7 Ninth St., Oakland: the oldest firm in Oakland ; rents collected: business of ab- sent owners promptly attended to. QQO .-.< I A N E W MODEHN -is - STORY — — «JU. house; lot 50x100; 1 block to earn; former price $3500; must sell. ALDEN <t GAR- FIELD, 002 Broadway, Oakland. X-ROOM MODEHN COTTAGE; : LOT 100x135: 0 barn, horse, buggy, cows, chickens: to be sold cheap. For particulars address PERSON BROS., 2425 Seventh street, or box 81, West Berkeley. <51l p. A CASH, BALANCE $17 50 A MONTH «(plt»Uiicp.i 4-room cottage and stable; corner lot, 50x150; price $1850; bargain; 7 blocks of 23d- ave. local station to .San Francisco. M. J. LAV- MANCE A CO., 466 Eighth St., Oakland. i INVESTMENT: BUSINESS PROP- tITUxU* ' erty: income over $500 a year: well improved and most prospective location: $7500 refused 3 years ago; owner called away; Immedi- ate sale; best Investment upon the market. M. J. LAYMa.ncK & CO., 466 Eighth St., Oakland, Cal. CAPITALISTS, ATTENTION— TIIE CHEAP- V.' est property in Oakland for sale; elegant resi- dence lots in the center of the residence part of the city; 150x100. Call or address Oakland Ofllce Call, or 630 Commercial St., San Francisco. (JjlOrn BARGAIN; CHICKEN RANCH 12 <ID I •— tJ V. miles from Oakland: improvements cost twice the amount asked for the place. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 458 Ninth St.. Oakland. SACRIFICED— COZY LITTLE HOMH IN r> Oakland: owner away and must sell; bar- gain for cash or on monthly $15 payments; write at once. Address Owner. P. O. box 537, Los Angeles. On MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES; £\J plans free. F.BOEGLE, Golden Gate statn. ATICE 4-ROOM HOME; 50x140; $900. LODGE 1> & POWELL, Fruit vale station. \\TM. M. DEWOLF7RENT COLLECTOR. 1050 «» Broadway. ClAO^n * 1000 CASH; WORTH $6500: 9- <(p"i'-/tJU. room modern hou»e; nice arable: lot 60x160; a bargain; see it at once. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. ■ : T OTS FROM $75 UPWARD. SNETbINGER _ JU CARROLL. Fruitvale station. Q.l Zifi LOTS~N"EAiT LOCAL TRAINS AND «3)JL«Jv/. streetcars for sale on small .weekly or monthly installments: buy a home and save your earnings. It. B. PIN Y. 902 Broadway. Oakland. OAKLAND FUBSXTURE FOB SALE. RN IT URI'f AN r7cXRVETS~A VyOUR O W N J price. H. " SCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. ~ * OAKLAND HOTELS: ~~ TSTIiNDO " Hm r ELT^ C ffE^^:^DIN7T^AND vJT largest hotel In Oakland; table first class; terms by week or month, moderate: trains to and from Sun Francisco every 15 minutes; cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel: sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY, Proprietor. ALAMEDA KEAL ESTATE. roTTIALMEDIATE^ALE — and station; streets Improved and sewered. $2250— 550 cash, $25 monthly; 30x100; cottage, 4 rooms and bath. $2-100— $50 cash, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tas*>, 6 rooms and bath. . ' «3250— 550 cub, $35 monthly: 38x100; corner house in tine condition: 8 rooms and bath. $3250— 5200 cash, $30 monthly: 87x110; ele- gant colonial cottage: 7 rooms and bath. $3850— 5200 cash, $35 monthly: 37x120: hand- some new cottage. 8 rooms and bath. S Houses to rent irom $10 up. .;:. ', Open Sunday and holidays. ' MARC USE & REMMEL, Bay-street station, AJameda, and 628 Market St., San Francisco. • . TF YOU WANT ■• > ~~~~ IF A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH HOME CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OP A. R. DENKE. . • ' WEBSTER STREET. *' BEIIK.ELEY itKAi. ESTATE. iI^S^OOM COTTAGE: 50x135; $T6soTf". BOEOLE, Golden Gate tatlon. • T>EFORE YOU BUY /•'-. Be sure nnd Inspect that handsome ■ new . 9-room modern house Just being finished on .Dwightway, Berkeley; 2 blocks from station and on electric- car line. Apply or address .: J. L. BARKER, ,* Dwightway, Berkeley. * I, WOULD LIKE YOU TO SEE THAT PRETTY cottage of 6 rooms: porcelain bath and ail the latest Improvements; in an orchard: all street work done: near the University and station. : J. J. MASON. Pwiylu Way station. ' DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. ! M. Maryanskl against Jadeviga Maryanski. - . Thomas Hanley against Tessie Hauley. Mary Harnnell against William Hamnell. -- : BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mail will not be inserted. ; They must be handed in at either of the publication | offices | and -; be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorised to have the same published.] , _ . ■ / , '. BORN. ANDERSON— In this city. July 11, 1895, to the : .wife of A. Anderson, a daughter. ;■'.. . BRYANT— In this city, July 11, 1895, to the wife - of Thomas P. Bryant, a son. . CLISUAM— In this city, July 4, 1805, to the wife of T. J. Clisham, a son. : •. ; ■ s JONASSEN-In this city, July 12, 1805, to the - . wife of Alfred Jonassen, a daughter. RIDEOUT— In this city, June 24, 1895, to the wife of Captain E. V.-Rldeoul. a daughter. HA ;RIK1). ADDIS— HARKINS— In this city, July 7. 1895, by the Rev. F. R. Farrtind, Robert C. Addis aud Nettie K. Httrklns. both of San Francisco. HERZOG— DA VEGA— In West Berkeley, July 6, 1895, Henry F. Herzog and Eleanor V. A. Da- vega. WEfNER— BYRNE— In this city, July 6, 1895, Mike Weinerand Lizzie I. Byrne. WILSON-BUCKLEY-In this city, July 7, 1895. at st. Joseph's Church, by the Rev. Father Gleason, Franif E. Wilson of Huisun aud M. l-.velyn Buckley of San Francisco. UIKD. Allen, William Kinp, William V. Hit-iß'.n, William L. Kidd, James E. Bell, Peter Masuire, John Dillon, Owen McCarthy, Daniel F. Dayton, Alice B. McL'*an, Dr. Samuel M. Driscoll.Mrs. Catherine McCormack, Thomas H. Foster, James McD. Newbert. Joel G. Foihringham, Dr. O'Connell. Thomas Gerdes. Cars'.en O'Rourke, John C. Holmgren, James A. L. Rooney, "Joseph E. Ilerrick, Tracy H. Swan, 'Gail A. Johnston. J. Dale Sullivan, Denny W. Kramer, Joseph P. Wilson, Albert C. ALLEN— In this city, July 12, 1895. William, be- loved brother of the lute .lames Allen, a native Of Ireland, agtd 72 years and 4 months. BAGALA— In this city, July 11. 1895. William L. Bacala, a native of San Francisco, aged 9 months and 19 days. BELL— In Oakland. July 10, 1895, Peter Bell, a native of Scotland, aged 73 years. DRTSCOLL— In Oakland, July 11. 1895. Mrs. Cath- erine Driscoll, a native oi Ireland, aged 80 years and 7 months. DILLON— In this city, July 10. 1895. Owen, he- loved husband of Johanna Dillon, a native of Comity WaterfOrd, Ireland. fl^g-Friends and acquaintances and comrades of Gurlicld lost No. 34 and auxiliary associations are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from Garfield Post rooms. Alcazar building. Remains at the parlors of A. W. Martin <t Co., 118 Geary street. DAYTON— In this city, July 11. 1895. Nt her resi- dence, 511b Lnrkin street. Alice 8., beloved wife OF John F. Dayton, and daughter of Mrs. M. E. Cummings and the late T. B. Cummines and sla- ter of Mra. F. B. Aenew and Mrs. W. Humelten- berg, a native of San Francisco, aged 27 years 6 months and 14 days. FOSTER-In this city, July 11, 1895, at the reil- dence, 407 California avenue. James Me Daniel Foster, eldest son of James Foster and the late Sarah E. Foster, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 years 10 months MM 25 days. AiT 1 Friends ana acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attenrl th" funeral THIS DA.V (Saturday), at 2 o'clock 1: m., from the Second United Presbyterian Church. Guerrero street, between Twenty second and Twenty-tnird. In- terment Laurel Hill Cemetery. FOTHRINGHAM— In Suisun, July 11, 1895, Dr. Fothringham, aged 84 years. GERDES— In this city, July 11, 1895. Cnrsten, dearly beloved husband of Sarah Gerdes, and father of Mrs. May H. Church, Henry J., Fred C. and William R. Gerdes, a native of Hanover, Germany, ajjed 59 years 5 month* and 26 days. jjyi'Tlenas ana acquaintances are resnect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Sutunliiy), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from his late residence, 2233 Mission street, between Ei?h- teeatta and Nineteenth. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. HOLMGREN— In this city, July 12. 1895, James A. L., belovea son of Dr. C. J. and Mary J. Holm- fren, a native of Quebec, Canada, aged 28 years 1 months and 22 years. HER RICK— In this city, July 11, 1895. Tracv Jlaskins. infant son of Alfred C. and Henrietta Herrick, a native of Los Angeles, aged 2 years 3 months and 11 days. JOHNSTON- In this city, July 11. 1895, J. Dale Johnston, a native of Ireland, sjrefl 82 years. KIDD-In this City. July 12, 1895. James E., be- loved hnsband of Alphonsine Kidd, and beloved brother of Mrs. Rosa Smith nnd Georire M. Kidd, a native of The Dalles. Or., aced 37 years 6 months and 2 days, a member of the Musicians' Muruul Protective Union. KING— In this city. July 12, 1895. William Valen- tine, beloved son of Mrs. Anna Kins, and brother of Stephen O. Kinsf of Marysvilleand Charles and Mary Kins of Sin Fr.mcjisco, a native of San Fniiicisco, ajed HO year*. j»4f" Notice of funeral hereafter. Remainsatthe parlors OfGarew <fc English, 19 Van Ness avenue KRAMER— In this city. July 11, 1895, Joseph Peter, heloved husband of Lizzie Kramer, and son of the late John and Hannah Kramer, and brother of Mrs. Jennie Achorn. John. William, Annie and Mamie Kramer, a native of San Fran- cisco, aired 2M yean 8 months and 16 days. ifSTFriends and acquaintances are r^sD»c:- folly Invited to attend tae funeral TO-.morkow (Sunday), at 1 O'clock P. m.. from the niti ral n;ir- lors of James McMenomev <fc Son, 1067 MlWton street, thence to St. Patrick's Cnnxch for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. MAGUIRE— In Vallejo. July 6. 1883. John, father of James Maguire, a native of Ireland, ased 73 years. jQfJ-Friends of the deceased, also those of his son James, aud son-in-law, Jamea Nevins, are Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday) morning. Met > "IOIACK— In this city, July 12. 1895. Th0mas }'... beloved son 01 1- Hen ami the \i\t* Patrick Mc- Cormack, and brother of Martin. William, James and the late .lohn McCormack, Airs M. Bnlllvaa and Mrs. C. J. Swift, a native or San Francisco, aged 32 years. McLEAN— Fn this city. July 11.1895. D-. Samii"l M*rri\vesither McLean of Modesto, Cal., a native of Virginia, atre'l 79 years. jtfyFunrrnl services will be held TO-MORROW (Sunday) forenoon at the late residence of de- ceased in Modesto. Interment Modesto Ceme- tery. MCCARTHY— In Mendocino County, Cal.. July 11. 1895. Daniel Florence, beloved son of Charles and Johanna McCarthy, and brother of Klla, Timothy, Jos«phine, Charles and John McCarthy, a nat've of Boston. Mass.. aged 19 years 6 months and IS riays. [New York and Boston papers please copy.j Se- Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invitea to attend the funeral TO-MO&BOW (Sunday), at 9 o'clock A. M.. from the resi- dence of Hs parents, 991 Lombard strpet, thence to St. Bridget's Church, where a solemn requiem, mass will be celebrated for trie repose of lus soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. lnter- m&nt Mount Calvary Cemetery. NEWBERT— In this city, July — , 1895, Joel d., beloved son of .lames \V. and Marcaret Newbert, a native of Vallejo, Cal., aged 33 years 8 months and 26 days. ty Friends and acquaintances are rosoßCt- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from his late resi- dence, 318 Noe street, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. N. G. C— The members of Company A, First In- fantry Regiment, N. G. C, are hereby ordered to report at their armory, TO-MORROW (Sunday), nt 9 o'clock a. m., in full uniform, to attend the funeral of our late quartermaster-serseant, Joel G. Newbert. R. A. MARSHALL, Captain Commanding. O'CONNELL— In this city, July 11, 1895. Thomas O'Connell, beloved brother of Mrs. Margaret O'Keefe, and uncle of Mrs. Annie Gould, a native of Upner Glanmlre, County Cork, Ireland, aged 60 years. fljy Friends and acquaintances are resnect-. fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from tne par? lors of Carew & English. 19 Van Ness avenue near Market, thence to St. Mary's Cathedral, Van Ness avenue, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. O'ROURKE— In this city, Jnly 11, 1895, John C. beloved son of John C. and Maria O'Rourke a native of San Francisco, aged 24 years. JKJ-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORRO\v" (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. it., from the residence of the parents. 1032 Twenty-tirst street, between Church and Sanchez. Interment Holy Crosa Cemetery ROONEY-In this city, July 11. 1896, Joseph E., beloved brother of Andrew Rooney and Mrs. Kate Flynn, a native of Dublin, Ireland, aged 33 ByFriends are respectfully invited to view the remains THIS DAY (Saturday) until » o'clock p. m., at the funeral parlors of James, McMenomy A Son. 1057 Mission street. In-, termeut New York City. SWAN— In Prescott. Ariz., July 10, 1895, Gail A. Swan, aged 28 years and 7 months. SULLIVAN— In this city, July 12, 1895, Denny W., beloved husband of Frances Sullivan, and son of Thomas and Kate Sullivan, and brother of Jeremiah Sullivan, Mrs. Nellie O'Connor and Mrs. Axnes Murphy, and son-in-law of John ana the late Mary O'Kane, a native.of shaata County, Cal.. ajjed 39 years. £3" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., from hfs late residence, 1408 Kolsom street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. WILSON— In Auburn. Cal., July 9, 1895, Albert C. Wilson, brother-in-law of Louise A. Wilson of Winters, and brother of the Ute r'red C. and Winnie L. Wilsen (Denuery), aped 28 years and 1 month. r*iui Jose and Portland (Or.) papers please copy. I " I UNITED UNI)EKTAR£ft9' EMBALMING PARLOUS. Everything Requisite for First-class Knneralt at Reasonable Rates. Telephone 3167. 27 and U9 Fifth street, j MCAVOY A CALLACHER, FTJNKRAL DIBK.CTORS &. EMBALM KBS, SO Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School- Telephone 3080. LAUREL HILL CEHETERY ASSOCIATI O2ST. CHOICE LOCATIONS IN ANY PART OF THB grounds for sale and lots laid out on the Lawn system or inclosed with low walls, as purchaser may desire. Perpetual cam of plats a specialty. Cemetery permanent. For the purchase of lots or for any improvement* apply to the superintendent on the grounds, Cen- tral avenue and Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. • CYPRFSS Itm CEMETERY. TN BAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIA!f ; 1 laid ont on the lawn plan; perpetual care: beso- tlfnl, permanent and easy of access; see it beJaw buyius a burial place elsewhere. CitT office. 0 CitT Hall AtibMi 15