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2 RACING AT ASBURY. World's Quad Record for a Mile Placed at 1:50 3-5. BALD IN GREAT FORM. The Buffalo Boy Wins All the Class B Championship Events. FAST MILE BY ZIMMERMAN. Though Out of Condition the Champion Covers the Dis tance in 1:57 1-4. APP.URY PARK, N. J.. July 12— ■ As the National meet of the L. A. W. draws to the close the attendance increases. Many who cared more for the races than sociability and picnicking have waited to make their appearance until the track events were under way. This morning was given over to trial heats at the ath letic ground?, the twenty-six preliminary events attracting an audience of fully 5000 spectators. The trials, for the most part, ■were well worth seeing and the scarcity of accidents was as welcome as it was unex pected. In the afternoon perfect weather greeted the riders, and a crowd that com pletely filled the stands and bleachers saw a display of wonderful riding. The features of extraordinary and unusual character were the "quad" race, Zimmerman and Dirnberger's trials against time and the one-third mile handicap race between two very small boys, Masters Louis Benner, aged 4, and John .J. Benner, a 6-year-old. The quad race was run against time, each team going a mile on its own hook, the one making the fastest trip receiving the prize. Peter Berlo's four-seated ma chine, manned by L. B. Cullahan, Nut Butler, A. C. McLeod and F. Haggerty, •went a superb mile in 1:50 3-5, a new world's quad record. "King" Michael Dirn berger, paced by the latter quad, estab lished a new track and State amateur record, riding handsomely in 2:01. Arthur Augustus Zimmerman, the cham pion of everywhere, rode a mile behind a professional quad manned by Starbuck, Cutler, Baker and Bartholomew in 1:57}.j, the third being made in :39 1-5 and two thirds in 1:18 1-5. This is the fastest mile ever ridden by the only Zim in this coun try, and considering the fact that the cham pion is out of condition, it was wonderful time. The regular racing events brought out much enthusiasm, of which the class B competition won the most. These events were redhot and uncertain to the end. The two-thirds mile open for a trip to Europe and return was a battle royal. Bald, Porter, Murphy, Gardiner, Coulter and Jenney lined up at the start. At the head of the stretch Bald was fourth and seemed to be beaten, but Gardiner and Coulter swung wide iv turning and the Buffalo boy cut by them at the pole, run ning home in a driving finish a wheel ahead of Charley Murphy. The half-mile National championship was called next, with Murphy. Ziegier, Bald and McDonald on the mark. Murphy went ahead and stayed there until the last turn, when Bald and McDonald Hashed by him, with Ziegier on the outside. Down the stretch came the two Columbia boys abreast, straining every nerve. At the tape McDonald made a supreme effort, and in trying to fling himself over first raised his front wheel clear off the ground. To many in the stand it looked like McDonald's race, but the judges decided on Bald as the winner. Howard E. Raymond, ex-chairman of the National racing board, Chicago, was referee. The judges were: H. Robinson. Boston ; W. H. Pitman, New York, and D. \Y. Roberts, St. Louis. A big surprise to many was the appear ance in the professional event of Conn Baker, the Modesto (Ohio) man, and I. A. Silvie of Staten Island, who have pre viously figured in class B. The B men were unable to make a showing in the money race, owing to the execrable handi capping. Summary of trial heats: Half-mile novice, class A— First heat won by E. W. Swanbrough, Denver. Time, 1:19 3-5. Second heat won by Alvin B. Wise, New York. Time, 1:13 2-5. Two-thirds mile, class B — First heat won by E. C. Bald, Buffalo. Time, 1 :43 2-5. Second heat won by A. W. Porter, Waltbam. Time, 1:40 2-5. Third heat won by Charles Murphy, Brooklyn. Time, 1:44 3-5. Fourth heat won by Arthur Gardiner, Chicago. Time, 1:48 4-5. Fifth heat won by C. R. Doulter, Toledo. Time, 1 :49 2-5. Sixth heat won by Frank J. Jenney, Utica. Time, 8 :02 2-5. One-mile handicap, class A— First heat won by H. <t. Winters of Tonawanda, 30 yards. Time, 2:19 1-5. Second heat won by K. B. Schmidt of Utica, 80 yards. Time, 2:13 2-5. Third heat won by Charles Spencer of Balti more, 80 yards. Time, 2:13 1-5. Fourth heat won by F. C. Hoyt of Bridgeport, 30 yards. Time, 2:11 4-5. Fifth heat won by J. M. Hague of Bloomfield, 100 yards. Time, 2:14. Sixth beat won by J. L. Leatherbury of Baltimore, 20 yards. Time, 2:14. Seventh heat won by F. Foell ol Buffalo, 40 yards. Time, 2:20 1-5. Half-mile National championship, class A and B— First heat won by Arthur Gardiner, Chicago. Time, 1:23 3-5. Second heat won by Charles Murphy, Brooklyn. Time, 1 :33 1-5. Third heat won by A. W. Porter, Waltham. Time. 1 :29 1-5. Fourth heat won by E. C. Bald, Buffalo. Time, 1:37 1-5. Fifth heat won by 11. R. Stevenson, Utica. Time, 1:35. Sixth heat won by W. F. Sims, Washington. Time, 1:214-5. Seventh heat won by C. P. Coulter, Toledo. Time, 1 :31 4-5. Eighth heat won by Kay McDonald, New York. Time, 1:20 4-5. Ninth heat won by Otto Ziegler, San Jose, Cal. Time, 1 :25 1-5. Two-mile handicap, class B (special)— First heat won by Charles A. Church, Chester, 140 yards. Time, 4:29. Second heat won by An gus McLeod, Bradford, 200 yards. Time, 4 :31 3-5. Third heat won by C. R. Coulter, Toledo, 80 yards. Time, 4 :43. The afternoon summary: Final heat, half mile novice, won by E. W. Bwanbrough. Time, 1 :16 2-15. Two-third mile open, special, final heat won by E. C. Bald. Time, 1 .41. One mile handicap, class A, final heat won by W. A Brown, New York, 40 yards. Time, 2 :21 2-5. Half mile, National championship, class A and B— First heat won by Charles Murphy, New York. Time, 1:212-5. Second heat won by Ray Mi' Donald, Otto Ziegler second. Time, 1:211-5. The quad manned by A. McLeod, L. A. Calla han, Nat Butler and F. Haggerty went a mile in 1 :50 3-5. The quad manned by H. B. Githens, H. A. Seaver, F. Mayo and Jack Coburn went the mile in 1:55. Half mile.National championship— Final heat won by E. C. Bald. Time, 1 :22 2-5. Two mile handicap, class B— Final heat won by Charles M. Church, 140 yards. Time, 4":25 2-5. One mile open, class A— Final heat, dead heat between Bert Kipley of Newark and C. H. Hengei oj.£ivertoa. Time, 2:511-6. Second heat won by 11. C. Winters of Tona wtuida. Time, 3:10 3-5. Third heat won by C. L. Leatherbury of Baltimore. Time, •3:00 3-5. Fourth heat you by F. B. Stowe of Springfield. Time. 3:12. Fifth heat won by Tom Butler of Boston. Time, 3:02 2-5. Sixth heat won by H. E. Calawell of Manches ter, time 3:44 2-5; seventh heat won by W. S. Douglass of New York, time 3:10; eighth heat won by F. 1). White, time 3:33; ninth heat WOB by U. S. Paige of Brooklyn, time 3:24; tenth heat won by John T. Beane of New York, time 2:57 4-5; eleventh heat won by H. V. lfoaher of Harlem, time 3:16. First semi-final heat, winners of first heats, won by H. G. Winters of Tonawanda, time 2:35 3-5; semi-final second part, men in last five heats to qualify, won by H. P. Mosher, time 3:11 3-5. .M. F. Dirnberger of Syracuse rode a mile paced by a quad in 2:01, an amateur track record. One mile handicap, professional, won by Aha Stewart, 450 yards, time 2 :12 2-5. One mile, open— Final bent won by Tom But ler of Boston, time 2:08. One mile handicap, final heat, W. A. Brown, New York, 40 yards, won; Louis Hunter, 80 yards, second. Time, 2:21 2-5. Half-mile, National championship, class A and B, final heat won by E. C. Bald. Time, 1 :22 2-5. ALLEGED ELECTIOS FRAUDS. Illinois May Lose Its Only Democratic Representative. CHICAGO, 111., July 12.— 1n a recent recount of the ballots in the McGann- Belknap election contest from the Second District Commissioner Keenan procured warrants for the arrest of the three judges of the Twentieth Election District in the First Ward. The men named in the war rants charged with having made frandu lent election returns are A. E. Gage,- Republican, Andrew Buchanan and John Ready, Democratic judges. The warrants were immediately placed in the hands of Inspector Fitzpatrick for service. The recount of the Twentieth Precinct, on which the Belknap forces placed almost their entire confidence to win out, gave their candidate a majority of 128 more than shown by the official returns. With the counting 6f the Fifth -nd Sixth Pre cincts of the Second Ward Belknap gained 12 additional votes, giving him a majority over McGann of 106 as far as the recount has progressed. If the contest is sustained Illinois will not have a Democratic representative. DENOUNCED AS BOLTERS Carlisle Warned That He Is to Speak Before Renegade Democrats. Chairman Smyth's Explanation of the Split in His Party in Nebraska. OMAHA, Neb., July 12.— Hon. C. J. Smyth, chairman Democratic Central Com mittee, sent to-night to Secretary John G. Carlisle a letter telling him that the com mittee had announced that Carlisle would address a Democratic State convention at Lincoln, September 5. Mr. Smyth as serts that this convention is a bogus Dem ocratic convention, and is called by bolters who withdrew from the State convention last year. He explains the case thus: Omaha, July 12, 1595. Hon. John Q. Carlisle, Secretary of the Treasury. Washington. D. C— Dear Sir: We understand that you have been invited to visit Nebraska aiid deliver an address at the convention called to meet at Lincoln on September 5 next. If you have been led to believe that your invitation came from the regular Democratic organiza tion we desire to inform you that the conven tion to be held on September 5 was not, called by the Democratic Central Committee, but by abolting organization formed last September by a few delegates who withdrew from the regular Democratic convention under these circumstances: The convention had been regularly called and had been regularly organized; the State Central Committee, at whose instance we now address you, had been selected by a vote of the convention, each county participating; the chairman of the committee had been selected in the same way, the platform had been adopted in the same way, the Hon. \V. J. Bryan had been nominated for'l'niied States Senator in the same way, the Hon. Silas A. Holcomb had been nominated for Governor in the same way, when 36 of the 56t> delegates in attend ance bolted, formed a convention, nominated a ticket and selected a State committee, which committee, assuming to represent the Demo cratic party, has called the convention to which you have been invited. The organization formed by the colters and presided over by Mr. Euclid Martin attempted to have its candidates put upon the ollieial ballot as the regular Democratic candidates, but the Secretary of State decided that the bolters had no right to Bpeak fur the party and the supreme Court of this State subsequently refusea to interfere with the Secretary's de cision. The bolting candidates were finally placed upon the ticket by "petition' as 'straight Democrats," while the nominees of the regular Democratic convention were recognized as the nominees of the Democratic party of this State. The bolting candidate for Governor, nominated and supported by the Martin organization, received only about TOOO voles— less than 4 per cent ot the total vote cast. He concludes by inviting Carlisle to the regular State convention to be held at a date soon to be fixed, and to engage in a joint discussion of the silver question, call ing attention to the fact that the last con vention passed a resolution in favor of free coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1. H EF USED TO GET OFF. . A\ Dea Moines Sinn btiot for Riding on the Platform of a Car. DESMOINES, lowa, July 12.— William Badgeley, aged 23, got on a platform of a Rock Island train to ride across to East Dcs Moines to-night, accompanied by an other young man. A stranger on the plat form, wearing no uniform, ordered them off and they refused. The stranger then shot Badgeley in the abdomen as he was jumping off. " He will probably die. The man who did the shooting was ar rested when the train reached Newton. He was F. Laughlin, a special agent of the Rock Island, who had been ordered to keep the platforms clear. DAMAGED Ji 1' FLOODS. Texas and Sew Mexico Deluged by a Jtainttorm. DENISON, Tex., July 12.— A deluge of rain visited this section on Wednesday night and continued nearly all yesterday. The water courses overflowed their banks, doing immense damage to farmers in tho lowlands. Owing to waahout3 all trains are running late. DEMING, N. Mex., July 12.— Reports have been received of the heaviest rains for years. Much damage is reported to railroads, owing to washouts, etc. Califomians m Aeto York. NEW YORK, N. V., July 12.—Califor nians registered at the hotels to-day as follows: Alexander Del Mar and Charles E. Fredericks, San Francisco, at the Hoff man; J. C. Cebrian, Miss N. Cebrian, Miss P. Cebrian, Mr. and Mrs. C. Aguilar and Dr. J. Caliandreau, of San Francisco, at the Netherlands; Mrs. J. R. Freud and Miss Emma Hays, of San Francisco, at the Brunswick; H. G. Blackburn oi San Fran cisco, at the St. Denis; H. Rosencrantz of S;:n Francisco, at the Marl borough; PI. C. Dickinson ana W. A. Hartwell, of LO3 Angeles, at the Astor. Itayward's Hanging Delayed. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., July 12.— 1n the case of Harry Hayward the court this morning granted a further stay of execution from July 21. pending decision on an appeal, which may be heard next winter. The wonderful sale of the Royal Baking Powder — greater than that of all other baking powders combined — is perhaps the liighe&t evidence of the superiority of this article and of its indispensableness to mod ern cookery. THE SAN FKAJNUISUO <JAJ_J_, SATUKDAY, J UJLY 13, lStfo. FOUGHT WITH INDIANS Settlers Attack a Band of Marauding Ban nocks. ONE OF THE BEDS SLAIN. After a Sharp Resistance the Rest Lay Down Their Arrrfs. POACHED ON GAME PRESERVES. They Had Repulsed a Posse Sent to Drive Them From Their Old Hunting: Grounds. CHEYENNE. Wyo., July 12.— An In dian runner came into Fort Wasnakie on the Sboshone reservation yesterday with reports which were sent here by the Pros ecuting Attorney of Fremont County of a fight between the settlers of the Jackson Hole region in this State and a hunting party of Bannock Indians from the Lemhi agency in Idaho. The Jackson Hole region lies immedi ately south of the Yellowstone National Park, and has been settled but a few years. It is the finest hunting ground in the West, big game, such as elk, bear, moun tain sheep ana in some seasons of the year buffalo, being plentiful. It is a favorite hunting field for Indians and the Crows from Montana, the Sioux from the Dakotas and the Bannocks from Idaho visit the region whenever they can get an oppor tunity. On June 29 a party of seven Bannocks were discovered by ranchmen killing elk in large quantities. A warrant for their arrest under the Wyoming game laws was sworn out and a constable and three men from Maryvale, the only settlement in that region, attempted to serve it. The Bannocks, however, resisted arrest and stood off the officer and his men with their rifles. The officer retreated and sent one of his men for re-enforcements. He, with the other man, kept watch of the Indians. Twenty settlers went to the aid of the constable, who was keeping on the trail of the Bannocks, who were joined by another hunting party, increasing the number of Indians to sixteen. The posse of settlers came together on July 2 and preparations fora determined fight were made. The Indians were followed to the Fall River basin, near the Three Tetons Mountains, where they were surrounded and a demand was made for their surrender. They showed fight, firing at the scout making the demand and attempting to escape through a gulch. Here they were headed off and one of them was killed. This discouraged them and they made signs that they were willing to surrender. The entire party of fifteen was captured and the dead man buried. The County Attorney of FTemont County, in whose district the fight oc curred, left for JacksQn Hole yesterday and will take charge of the case against the Indians if he finds they were violating the laws of the State. END OF A TRAGIC CAREER A Texas Firebug Sends a Bullet Through His Brain. Detected In an Attempt to Defraud Insurance Companies With Saw dust Cig;ar3. PARIS. Tkx., July 12.— T. A. Jackson, a former merchant of Blossom, blew his brains out with a revolver bullet at this place this morning, thus ending a criminal and tragic career. Jackson moved to Blossom from Antler, Ind. Ter., in March last and opened up in the grocery business. In the course of trade he opened up an account with Abe Goldman & Bros., wholesale grocers of this place. The account became past due, and although a settlement was repeatedly re quested it was not secured. Before the account became due Jackson stored three cases of cigars in the Goldman warehouse. The Goldmans. thinkinc they were amply secured in the cigars, did not push their claim. A short time ago Jackson burned out, and, among other things, put in a claim against the insurance company for 30,000 cigars, claimed to have gone tip in smoke at the burning. The insurance company thought it quite unusual for a small mer chant to have such a large stock of cigars, and refused to pay the claim until investi gated. The Goldmans heard of this and became suspicious also, and last night opened the cases of the supposed cigars stored with them and found them to con tain nothing but sawdust. Abe Goldman, the senior member of the firm, departed for Blossom on the early train this morning and finding Jackson charged him with fraud. Finally Jackson acknowledged guilt and offered to settle the account if Goldman would not prote cute. Goldman refused to accept his terms. Jackson pleaded, but in vain. He then pulled a bulldog revolver from his pocket and attempted to murder Goldman, who beat a hasty retreat. A friend struck the pistol from his grasp and saved Goldman. Then Jackson placed the pistol to his head and fired, killing himself instantly. It AVIS' JiMi STEAL. Peculation* of the Bank Cashier Assume iMrge Proportion*. DES MOINES, lowa, July 12.— The de falcation of O. D. Davis, manager of the Exchange Bank of Peru, I6wa, is worse than supposed. Davis burned all private papers and many more that referred to the business of the bank before leaving. Of course the bank officials now admit, that he got away with $16,000 cash, and are not certain but that it may be much greater. Some of the outsiders say ths Fobs is $28,000. Davis has been a successful scoundrel for years, and one story afloat is that he has been married throe times. When he left Peru he said he was going to be mar ried, hence there was little suspicion for a long time. There seems no hope of catch ing him. PATRIARCHS ELECT OFFICERS. F. C. Volt* of Milwaukee Chosen Su preme Commander. OMAHA, Nkbk., July 12.— The follow ing Supreme Temple officers were elected at the morning session of the American Order of Patriarchs to-day : Supreme commander, jf« C. Voltz of Milwaukee; supreme oracle, C. H. Love well of Chicago; supreme vice-oracle, J. W. Henderson of Indiana; supreme secre tary, G. C. Ridings of Moxris, 111. ; »v« preme treasurer, H. R. Downing of Rich mond, Ind.; supreme counsel, a. B. Car penter of Elkhart, Ind.; supreme standard bearer, S. B. Kenyon of Janesville, 111.; supreme marshal, J. W. Hornier of Omaha. The appointed officers were: Supreme chaplain, L. C. Huff of Council Bluffs; supreme guard, J. A. Alabaugh of Omaha; supreme sentinel, J. F. Bartholomew of Milwaukee; supreme first aid, Louis Lieb scher of Milwaukee; supreme second aid, Charles T. Hopper of Omaha. The place selected for the next annual meeting of the order, to be held during July, 1896, was Elkhart, Ind. FIRE AT USCEOLA. Destruction in the Husiness Center of the lovca Toton- OSCEOLA, lowa, July 12.— Fire was dis covered in the basement of Goldsmith's store in the Fowler block early this morn ing. The smoke and flames filled the room and the Fire Department was powerless to handle it. Adjoining blocks were soen in flames, and in a short time a quarter of a block was burned over. The bank building of Simons & Co was on tire, but was saved without Berious damage. The buildings burned were brick, and owned by J. Gold smith & Bro.. P. T. Fowler, A. B. Lewis & Sons, Mrs. M. Morrison, James C. Harri son and Sherman Bros., owners of the Democrat. The total loss is $104,000. The buildings included the best business district of the town. Nothing is known of the origin of the fire. The insurance will not cover more than half the losses. Most of the owners will rebuild as soon as pos sible. WALLIN LIES IN ASHES Desolate Scene in the Town Swept by th 6 Michigan Fire. Narrow Escape of a Woman and Three Children From Death In the Flames. THOMPSONVILLE, Mich., July 12.- Forest fires are still raging north and south of here. Wallin, the small town five miles north that was swept by fire yesterday, presented a desolate appearance this morning. A Mrs. Griffin and her three small children, wrapped in bed clothes, were found buried in the sand in a very precarious condition. The fire had swept over them and scorched them se verely. Johnnie Payne, a boy 8 years of age, was found in the Betsy River with the fire raging on both sides of him. The little fellow had laid in the stream all night. So far there has been no actual lo?s of life reported. The town of Cleary, which was said to have been destroyed, is thought to be safe, as the residents had back-fired on all sides. Grand Rapids and Indian River officials say the danger to other towns has not passed, and only heavy rains can avert enormous losses. The railway people state there was no loss of life at Wallin. ZELLA NICOLAUS' SUIT A Preliminary Hearing in the Action Against George Gould. Arguments of the Attorneys Are Heard Behind Closed Doors. NEW YORK, N. V., July 12.— A great many persons were in the court in Jersey City expecting to hear the arguments for and against an order for the preliminary ex amination of George J. Gould in the suit of Zella Nicolaus-Ruhman to recover a check for ?<JO,OOO which she alleges Mr. Gould gave her and then took back. Ex-Judge Hoffman and Lawyer Simpson appeared for Zella and Mr. Gould's in terests were cared for by Lawyer Linda bury of Elizabeth and Lawyer Pierce from the office of ex-Jud<;e Dillon in this city. The lawyers held a consultation with Jus tice Lippincoit, after wuich the Justice and lawyers retired to the Judge's cham ber, where the argument was made. As this is a very unusual course in New Jersey courts it excited considerable comment. Justice Lippincott said he would give a decision witUin a week. ELECTIOXS IX EXULAXD. Results of the Voting for Members of Parliament. LONDON, Eng., July 12.— The general elections of the new Parliament began to day. The following Conservative members of the last Parliament were returned from tneir previous constituencies without oppo sition: D. S. Reginald Hansen, for Lon don; Francis T. Barry, for Windsor; Sir Algernon Berthwick, for South Kensing ton ; Charles B. Triton, for the Norwood Division of Lambeth ; Sir Charles Hall, for theHolborn Division of Arasbury; E. 8. Hoare, for Hampstead; John Perm, for Lewisham. ami the Right Hon. George J. Goschen, for St. Georges, Hanover Bquare. The following members, who were orig inally elected to the old Parliament sine© the beginning of the year to fill vacancies, were also returned without opposition: Thomas G. Pardell for South Paddington, to succeed Lord Randolph Churchill; Hon. Alfred Lyttleton for Warwick and Leam ington, in the room of the Right Hon. Arthur Wellesley Peel, elevated to the peerage/and Lewis Mclver for West Edin burgh, to succeed Viscount Wolmer, who succeeded to the yeerage as Earl of Sel borne. The following were also returned with out opposition: George Dixon, Liberal for Edghaston division of Birmingham; Jacob Henniker Heaton, Conservative for Canterbury; George Wyndham, Conserva tive for Dover; C. E. H. Vincent, Conserv ative for the central division of Sheffield; Joseph E. Kenny, Parnellite for the Col lege Green division, Dublin; Sir Ellis Bartlett, Conservative, Great Ecclesall division of Sheffield; Batty Langley, Liberal for the Attercliffe division of Sheffield; Hon. W. F. D. Smith, Conservative, for Strand; Sir Benjamin Stone, Conservative, for the east division of Birmingham, to succeed Right Hon. Henry Mathewa, raised to the peerage; Right Hon. Charles Pelham Viiliers, Lib eral, for South Wolverhampton ; Rev. Hon. Anthony J. Mundella, Liberal, for the Briehtside division of Sheffield, and Charles Stuart Wortley, Conservative, for the Hal lam division of Sheffield; Timothy Har rington, Parnellite, for the Harbor division of Dublin ; William Field, Parnellite, for the St.l'atrick's Division of Dublin; E.Spencer, Conservative, for West Bromwick; Robert Yerburgh, Conservative, for Chester; H. D. Greene, Conservative, for Shrewsbury, and Viscount Chelsea, Conservative, for Bury St. Edmunds; William McEwan,Lib eral, for the Central Division of Edinburgh ; E. Parks, Unionist, for the West Division of Manchester, to succeed the Right Hon orable J *cob A. Bright, Liberal; Sir 8. F. Seager Hunt, Unionist, for Maidstone, and Colonel Welby, Unionist, for Taunion. TWO JUU£LB FOUGHT. French Deputies Meet on the Field of Honor and Mtus JLtich Other. PARIS, France, July 11.— Deputies Richard and Denoid fought a duel to-day with pistols, neither being injured. Bas sett and Marchain, members of the Seine municipality, also fought a duel. Bassett was slightly wounded in the wrist. DEPART FROM DENVER Annual Session of the Teachers Brought to a Close. ADDRESSED B7 BARNES. Unity in the Classroom Urged by the California Educator. DEPARTMENT OFFICERS NAMED. Los Angeles Favored as the Place for Holding the Next National Convention. DENVER, Colo., July 12.— The proceed ings of the convention of the Kational Educational Association came to a close this evening. The morning session was devoted to a general discussion on ''The Instruction and Improvement of Teachers Now at Work in the Schools" Nearly all of the departments held sessions this after noon. A large number of the visitors, in stead of returning to their homes at the close of the convention, will spend the summer in Colorado. At the morning session Professor Earl Barnes of Stanford University read a paper on "Teachers' Classes," which showed that the difficulties come largely from the fol lowing conditions: Difference in the de grees of ability and training of teachers and range of interest; the scarcity of good leaders; the necessary differences in posi tion and advancement, which often lead to overwork; dissatisfaction and jealousy. He said that when properly con ducted classes enabled superintendents to detect genius; to introduce the student spirit into teachers' work ; to develop the spirit of give and take, and give unity and purpose to school work. The discussion was closed by Colonel Francis W. Parker in a warm tribute to Superintendent W. H. Maxwell of Brook lyn, author of the new school bill of New York. The departments elected officers this afternoon as follows: Higher education — James H. Baker, president Colorado State University, presi dent; Dr. A. A. Lipscomb, University of Mississippi, vice-president; Joseph Swain, president University of Indiana, secre tary. Business— Frank Goodman, Nashville, Term., president; D. W. Springer, Ann Arbor, Mich., first vice-president; W. A. Wood worth, Denver.second vice-president; C. H. Pierce, Evansville, Ind., third vice president; J. W. Warr, Moline, 111., secre tary. Kindergarten— Miss Amalie Hofer, Chi cago, president; Mrs. Susan H. llarri man, Providence, vice-president; Miss WilhelminaT. Caldwell, Denver, secretary. Secondary education— E. L. Harris, Cin cinnati, president; F. L. Bliss, Detroit, vice-president; C. H. Thurber, Hamilton, N. V.. secretary. Music— C. H. Congdon of St. Paul, Minn., president; D. C. Hayden of Quincy, 111., vie j-president; Miss Linn M. Hawn of EatstSaginaw, Mich., secretary. Manual and industrial— C. H. Keyes of Pasadena, Cal., president; W. H. Magru der of Mississippi Agricultural College, vice-president; Miss Abby L. Marlott of Providence, secretary. Normal education— John W, Cook of Normal, 111., president; George R. Klee barger of California, vice-president; A. G. Boyden of Massachusetts, secretary. Natural tcience — Charles E. Bessey of the University of Nebraska, president; Wilber S. Jackman of Chicago, vice-presi dent; Charles S. Palmer of Colorado State University, secretary and teasurerr. Art — W. S. Goodnough of Brooklyn, N. V., president; Miss Matilda Earl of St. Louis, vice-president. The board of directors, having decided to establish a department of physical edu cation, a meeting for the purpose of or ganization was held this afternoon. These officers were chosen: President, Miss R. Anna Morris, supervisor physical training public schools, Cleveland, Ohio; vice president, E. F. Hermans, principal West Denver High School; secretary. Miss N. D. Kimberlin, supervisor physical train ing public schools, Detroit, Mich. The following persons were elected by the board of directors to the National Council of Education, to serve for terms of six years: James N- Green of New Jersey, A. R. Taylor of Kansas and J. R. Preston of Mississippi, re-elected; Augustus S. Downing, New York, vice Henry M. Leip ziger; W. Payne, Tennessee, vice W. R. Garrett; J. F. Millspaugh, Utah, vice H. K. Wolfe, Nebraska: J. G. Schunnan, New York, vice Charles W. Elliot; Thomas G. Harrison, Texas, vice Oscar H. Cooper. CGmmittte of directors: Skinner of New York (chairman), Malone of Utah, Rounds of New Hampshire, Carlisle of Texas, Eaton of Louisiana. The directors also decided to add depart ments of physical training, natural science and school officers to the association. Los Angeles, Duluth and Asbury Park were nominated for the place of holding the next meeting. The votes were 12, 1) and 7 respectively. The matter was then referred to the executive committee. The committee on resolutions made its report at the opening of the evening ses sion. It indorsed the cotton exposition, the movement in favor of patriotic instruc tion and the National bureau of education. Tiie administration of the association was commended. The Government's efforts to educate the Indians was indorsed, as was Commissioner Hailman's proposition re garding them. Thanks were extended to the citizens of Denver for their hospitality. President-elect Dougherty was formally installed in oth'ce, after which the conven» tion adjourned sine die. OV IXTKREST TO TJIfJ COAST. Western Congressmen Intercede for Set- tlrrs on Sand Island. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 12.-Sen ator Wilson and Representative Doolittle of Washington are interesting themselves in behalf of fishermen on Sand Island at the mouth of the Columbia River. The fishermen have built huts there, but the War Department will oust them on August 15 next, according to Acting Sec retary Doe, as the Government wants Sand Island for fortification purposes. A postoffice was to-day established at Daviston, San Diego County, Cal., with Charles E. Morey, Postmaster. Oregon Postmasters were appointed as follows: L. B. Boyle at Nvssa, Malheur County; F. R. Lewis at Russellville, Multnomah County; A. E. Start at Shattucks, Mult nomah County. Tensions were granted as follows: California: Original— Walter N. Bishop, Fresno City; Hugh McCall, San Jose; John Clark, National Soldiers' Home. Ad ditional — Jasper C. Voorhees, Oakland ; John F. Huntington, Red©nrto Beach. Re issue— Berryman Pitner, Ukiah ; William T. Tuckwell, Sisson; Abram N. King, La Crescenta; Thomas E. Painter, Oakland; Edward S. Shaw, Arroyo Grande; Charles H. Lee,. Sacramento; Samuel P. Perry, Camp Badger. Original widows, etc.— Mary Ann Rosa, San Francisco; Sarah E. Mascroft, Oakland; Sarah E. Wali, South Riverside. Oregon: Reissue— John Matier, Skipa non. Washington: Reissue — Jessie Bishop, Palouse; John W. Fields, Port Angeles; Charles B. Cornell, Spokane: James H. Robb, South Bend. CRAZED JSI A DIVORCE SUIT. A Washington Man Who Married a Countess Is JV'otc in an Asylum. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 12.—Wash ington furnishes proof that marriage is a failure, at least so far as an Italian Coun tess and a resident of this city are con cerned. For his third matrimonial chance W. P. Bagaly selected a noble lady of the rank of Countess, residing in Milan, Italy. They returned to this country to make their home here, and after a brief period Mrs. Bagaly found herself compelled to bring suit for divorce. This seemed to nnsettle Bagaly 's mind and he attempted to shoot his wife's law yer. He is now confined in the Govern ment Insane Hospital. Mrs. Bagaly's attor ney says that she has spent more than $100,000 on her American husband. MAT TAKE AN APPEAL. Humored Intention of the Southern Pacific in the Los Angeles -hand ( <»*<-. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 12.— The question of the ownership of several hun dred thousand acres of land in Los Angeles County, Cal., recently decided as belong ing to the United States, may probably be carried to the United States Supreme Court on appeal by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company. The case involves the ownership of over lapping grants to the Southern Pacific and Atlantic arid Pacific railroads. The former road, onthe ground that the Atlantic and Pacific road was never built, took posses sion of the lands. The courts hold that the lands reverted to the United States. They will probably not be opened to settle ment until final judicial decision is ren dered. SILVER NOT THE ISSUE. Senator Proctor Says It Will Not Figure in the Next Campaign. England's Course May Effect a Great Change Before the National Conventions. WASHINGTON, D. C, July 11.—Sena tor Proctor of Vermont, who is in Wash ington for a few days, thinks it probable that before the National conventions meet in 1896 the silver question will be displaced by other issues. "There Is time enough," he said to-day, "for a great many things to happen before the Presidential campaign. Great Britain with its change in Ministry may assume a position in regard to silver which would make the early settlement of the question of bimetallism almost certain. In such an event the issue would take a secondary place in this country. I believe th r <t the Republican party will come out su -ugly in favor of sound currency. That is its historic position, and it will not follow after new idols. While the part}' favors an enlarged use of silver any additional recognition given to silver must be within the bounds of safety. We cannot imperil the parity of the two metals so far as the United States is concerned." Senator Proctor thinks that in the next Congress the Republicans will be found doing every thine in their power to up hold the credit of the Government and that the Treasury Department, if in need of relief, will not appeal to them in vain. "Partisanship," he said, "did not dic tate Republican action in the last Congress, and it will not dictate it now that a certain amount of responsibility rests with its leaders." Senator Proctor thinks there will he no attempt to make a general revision of the tariff. With Cleveland in the White House that would be impossible. He does not think that additional revenues will be derived from increasing the tax on beer, which is the poor man's beverage and already pays as high a tax as it can stand. "The Republicans," he said, "in the last Congress were the principal support of the administration in all efforts to preserve the credit of the country, and I do not think in the next Congress it will De found that they have suffered any loss of patriotism." MiUiken'a Escapade. WASHINGTON. D. C, July 12.— The Grand Jury to-day returned a true bill against Benjamin Harrison Milliken, pri vate secretary of Senator Harris of Ten nessee, for feloniously entering the house of Hon. Samuel Phillips of North Carolina, ex-Solicitor-Geneial of the United States. Millikrn was captured on the roof of Judge Phillips' house and locfced up on the charge of housebreakine, but was sub sequently released. A handkerchief and a broken vial, supposed to have contained chloroform, but labeled "camphor," were found on the grass below the bedroom window. Milliken'9 explanation is said to be that the whole affair was a mistake arising out of too much Fourth of July. To Proaeeute Timber Treapaaaert, WASHINGTON, D. 0., July 12.— The Secretary of the Interior to-day requested the Attorney-General to direct the United States District Attorney in California and Oregon to brings criminal suit against tim ber trespassers in those States. Cattlemen have been running stock in Government timber, trampling down the brush and small timber. Heretofore they have been sirnplv ejected by force, but recently a law was discovered under which they could be prosecuted. Mra> Stevenson Til. BLOOMINGTON, 111., July 12. -During last night* Mrs. Vice-President Stevenson was taken suddenly and dangerously ill, and two doctors were in attendance upon her for several hours. This morning she was better, but kept under the influence of opiates all day. Her condition is favorable to-night. Zamont at Duluth. DULUTH. Minx., July 12.— Daniel La mont, Secretary of War, accompanied by his party, reached here by special train from St. Paul at 3p. m. After a short car riage drive about the city, the party boarded the steamer North and started for Buffalo. England Wina the Cup, LONDON, Eng., July 12.— At Bisley to day the contest for the Kolapore cup was participated in by teams of eight, each firing seven shots at a distance of 200, 500 and 000 yards The result was: England 638, Canada 618, Guernsey 596. School Ittdemnity Suits Approved. WASHINGTON. D. C, July 12.— The Secretary of the Interior to-day approved^ two school indemnity lists in the Sacra mento (Cal.) Land District, embracing 124,592 acres. Killed in a Colliaion. BUENOS AYRES. Argentine, July 12.— Fifteen persons were killed and thirty in jured in a collision between two immigrant trains at San Pablo. CAMP LEDYARD WORK The Lads Go Through the Drills Like Soldiers. HAPPY AND CONTENTED. Many Prominent People Pay Their Respects to the Camp. SIGNAL CORPS IN THE FIELD. A Congratulatory Telegram to the Boys' Brigade From the Governor. SANTA CRUZ, Cat,., July 12.-This was the best day thus far of the camp, so far as military matters are concerned. The boys are getting down to hard work and go through the drills like old soldiers. They are the best-behaved lads ever in town, ami there could not be a happ?er or more con tented lot. The officer of the day was Captain Roy Searles of the Fifth San Jose Company. The headquarters had their share of vis itors to-day, many prominent people call ing and paying their respects. They are received by Major-General Russell and President Ledyard. Among the promi nent visitors were President J. H. Morton of the Ninth isattalion of San Jose, Dr. Cantine of the First Methodist Church of San Jose and Dr. McLaren of the Second Presbyterian Church of San Jose. The dress parade was witnessed by a large number of people and reviewed by Major-General Woodham. Captain Blanch nower was promoted to-day to captain on the staff. The hospital corps have only two patients under their care. The signal corps Were hard at work to-day and were stationed on Beach Hill and East Cliff sig naling during the drill this morning. The evening entertainments at the camp attract a large number of visitors. Bon fires are burning, there is delightful music by the splendid band and other attractive features. Captain Howe of Company Kof Santa Cruz is a whole entertainment in himself. A large party of the boys from the First and Third companies of San Jose enjoyed a delightful trip to-day on a steam launch to Camp Capitolaand return. The following telegram was received from Governor Budd to-day: Brigadier-General J. H. Russell, Camp Led yard: Public duties prevent my accepting your kind invitation. For me. congratulate the boys on their manly appearance and con duct. Am pleased at the flattering reports ol the brigade. James 11. Bvdd. To-morrow morning there will be a regi mental drill at the camp. The boys will parade down Pacific avenue and meet the large excursion from San Francisco. Criminals Arraigned. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., July 12.— Joe Rod riguez, who murdered William Benson, was up before the Superior Court this morning to plead to the charge of murder. Attorney Bart Burke moved that the in formation be set, aside on the ground that the defendant had not been duly informed of his rights. Judge Logan put the mat ter over until Monday, when the motion will be argued. John Davenport, accused of picking a pocket, pleaded not guilty. The McKune Jury Titiagrees. SAN JOSE, Cal., July 12.— The jury in the case of Frank McKune, who hired a horse and cart here and sold it in Fresno County, failed to agree on a verdict to night and was discharged. NEW TO-DAY. m [ PANTS ; TO-DAY, ALL-WOOL : $2.50. | "WHY ; "WHY" Are there so many people coming to us to purchase Clothing of the highest known grade and quality ? t "WHY" Not come to us to-day and see for yourself what we - mean when we say Dissolution Sale Prices are lower prices than ever known. * "^CHAS. KEILUS&CO. HII [Hi SUTTER and * M M PLT. KEARNY. Y*~^^ Dr.Gibbon'sDispensary, 623 KEABKY ST. Established f^ iViSßri '" ***'* * or the treatment of Private EaJAJSS? liiseanes, Lost Mimbnod. Debility or wearlnconbodynnrl mindntul "taBJBWEreJBI Skin The doctor on res when ■JBfcSj '->^'jW others fail. Try him. Charge* low. ('ur»«suar»nr«ed. Callor writ* Or. «l. P. OIBBOBT. Box 1»57, Saa FxaactM*