Newspaper Page Text
4 PACIFIC COAST NEWS Details of the Duel Be tween Moro and Heid. IS HEIR TO A FORTUNE. A Big Railroad Battle Said to Be Pending in This State. STRANGE CASE OF INSANITY. Sutter County tn Favor of the Establishment of Union Auction-Rooms. ANGELS CAMP, Cm.., July 12.— As a result of The duel yesterday between Chris ]Tci<! and Peter ftforo, which occurred three i side of San Uidreas, both in en are in a precarious condition. One of the three balls which struck Moro pene trated his long, and his death is almost certain. Heid's most dangerous wound is in the shoulder. Although probed for. the bullet cannot be located, and the physi cians fear it has entered the chest cavity. As i» the circumstances of theduel, the versions of the men vary. Both were headed this way with their fish-wagons, Heid in the load. Moro whipped up his horses with the intention of overtaking his rival for the purpose of having it out with him or else passing him. He claims that Heid got off his wagon and endeavored to pull him off his seat, at the same time reaching into his hip pocket for his re volver. Moro says that he grabbed his pistol, which was beside him on the seat, and began firing. Heid, however, avers that after some words he told Moro that if he would get down he would whip him, and that Moro, without warning, began tiring. However that may be, as-soon as the latter fired he jumped to the ground and a perfect fusillade raged between them at close range. As soon as their revolvers were emptied Moro retreated. His condition will not permit of his removal from the saloon near by to his home at San An dreas. Heid is with friends at that place. Yotrag Moro's parents reside near San Andreas. His half-brother, Robert Leon ard, is a prominent citizen there, and formerly published the Citizen. Moro had the reputation of being a '-game lighter." j Hcid was also a man of nerve. He j owned land on the Moqueiemoa grant at | the time the militia ejected settlers in be half of the Southern Pacific Company. He bared Iris breast and dared the soldiers to fire, at the same time threatening to kill the lirst man who put a foot, on the prop erty 'ne claimed. His daughter has the distinction of conducting a barber-shop at Stockton. A FORTUXATE FKESXOITE. For the Second Time He Falls Heir to a rifcllMl Estatr. FRESNO.CaI., July 12.— Phillip Horn has received word from Tamaqua, Pa., that he is entitled to the possession of an estate valued at $37,000. He is a wagon-maker of this city and has been carrying on a small business for a number of years. Six years ago a relative died and left him a valuable piece of property, but the execu tors of the estate could not find him and were about to abandon the search when they learned that he was in this city. Horn i leaves for Tamaqua in a day or two to re ceive ibe bequest. CHEXET AT SAX HIEGO. His Visit Iterires Talk of a Battle Be tween the Rival Jtailroads. SAN DIEGO, Gal., July 12.— President B. P. Cheney Jr. of the San Diego Land and Town Company is. inspecting property and improvements now going on, includ ing the enlargement of the Sweetwater dam and the extension of the National | City and Otay Railroad. He is accom- 1 panied by Director Charles S. Gleed and Treasurer Lanning. Mr. Cheney, as chair man of the reorganization committee of the Santa Fe Company, is also looking over the railroad property in the West, but will not discuss the probabilities. The fact that the Southern Pacific ha secured control of the Cuyamaca road, which assures its entry into San Dii-go, is taken to indicate a counter-move against the Santa Fe's entrance into San Fran cisco, and that battle is about to begin between these companies on this coast. It is thought here that the Santa Fe is making an important deal with the Valley railroad. I.\SAXE FROM RAREFIED AIR. 'Strange, Experience of a San Bernardino Camper in a High Altitude. SAX BERNARDINO, Cal., July 12.— A case of insanity induced by the rarefied air of high mountains, exactly similar to the recent experience of Mrs. Yolney fcpalding of San Francisco in th c moun tains of Colorado, occurred in this county this week. Lester Perdew, a barber about 22 years of age, went to Bear Valley in the San Bernardino Mountains last Wednesday to cam p with some friends, valley is thirty-five miles from this city, and the altitude is over 6000 feet. During the night he became very rest less, and the next morning was violently insane. He threatened to kill himself and his friends, and yesterday it was determ ined to bring him to the valley. His hands were bound behind him and he was taken over the trail on burros, friends rid ing close to him before and behind to pre vent him throwing himself over a preci pice. When half way down he was turned over to the stage-driver. He managed to loosen the bands which held him, and the driver and a companion had a desperate struggle to subdue him. When the valley level was reached at Redlands, Perdew had quieted dowu and seemed to be quite rational. He was turned over to his friends, and to-day his mental equilibrium appears to be restored. SITTER CO IXT X IX ZIXE. Her Fruit- Growers Favor the Proposition to Establish Union Auction- Rooms. MARYSVILLE, Cal., July 12. — The question cf maintaining one or more than one auction-room in each of the large Eastern cities was considered at a meeting of the Sutter County fruit-growers, held in Yuba City last evening. Colonel H. Wein- Btock of Sacramento addressed the meet ing and resolutions were adopted sup porting the California Fruit Growers' and Shippers' Association, which was organized for the principal pur pose of establishing union auction rooms that all the fruit and all the buyers and all the auctioners in each of the differ ent cities may be brought together under one roof, thus preventing Califo rnia fruit from competing with itself through the fruit being sold in several places and under different managements. It is contended that this system of con solidation, in connection with a bureau of information for the growers, will result in securing much better values than were obtained under the old method. The real fi^ht is centered on New York City, where two large associations have refused to con sider the proposition of consolidation. .Resolutions were passed by the growers last night denouncing those who are doing business with these rival concerns. TALL Of THE BASTILE. It Will Jir Cflrbrated at San Jose by Ttro Jtays' J-'estifities. SAN JOSE, Cal., July l'i.-fThe celebra tion of the fall of the Bastile by the French citizens commences to-morrow. An inter esting programme has been arranged for the two days' celebration. The following committee has charge of the affair: J. Durand, president; L. Gairaud, vice-presi dent; P. Minjoulet, treasurer; P. Verdier, secretary: committee — J. Jacquelin, C. Bayle, J*. Bayle, J. Hermelin, Al<-.\ Pellot, tirant Adam; J. Boscua, floor manager. The exercises will be held at Live Oak Park and to-morrow night dancing will take place from 7to 12 o'clock. Sunday afternoon Major P. L. Harrington will deliver an addre>s. All kinds of games and athletic sports will he held during the afternoon. In the evening there will be dancing and at 10 :30 o'clock the drawing of the tombola takes place, at which many valuable prizes will be given. ANGRY SUN JOSE CHINESE. Faction Troubles Expected Over the Abduction of Soon Ho. Her Husband Charged With Being a Notorious Polygamist With Many Wives. SAN JOSE, Cal., July 12.— 1t looks as though serious trouble will result in China town over the alleped kidnaping of Boon Ho. Yesterday afternoon Soon Ho, or Mrs. Ham Ket Soon, as she has a right to be called now, was arrested on a charge of grand larceny. This morning she was re leased on bail in the sum of $5000, but this afternoon members of the opposing fiction made affidavits that the bonds furnished were worthless and asked that she be re manded to the custody of the Sheriff. Her examination on the charge of grand lar ceny,was set for Tuesday. The enemies of Ham Ket Soon allege that Hani Ket is none other than a profes sional wooer of Chinese maidens, who has been known heretofore as Ling Lee. They assert that he has five wives in Portland, Or., and ns many more in this State, he having married "them all to quash abduc tion charges a? in this case. They also threaten Ham Ket with arrest for bigamy, as they claim the only thing that separ ate! Ham Ket and his wives were good sums of money. At present the two factions are watching each other closely, and but little encour agement would cause a crash between their respective tongs. It is thought a fight will surely occur if Ham Ket Soon attempts to take'his bride to Portland. Or.. as he bas already expressed his intention of doing. SPRECKELS' BROOD 3IARES. A Valuable String of Them on the Way to His Aptos Stork Farm, SAN JOSi:. Cal.. July 12.— J. C. Dinne, trainer for Adolph Bpreckels, arrived in Los Gates last night with a string of brood mares, on his way from Palo Alto to Spreckels' stock farm at Aptos. The mares have all been bred to Dexter Prince and are a valuable lot. They are insured tor $150,000 while en route. In the lot there are three full sisters to Hulda 2:o3— Graiie B 2:l3Ji, Emma S 2:17 and Lillie S 2:2<n 4 . Among the others were: Point Lace, a pacer by Director out of Directurn, 2:l2J^; Miss Valensin, by Sidney out of Hummer. 2 :_'_'; Teal Duck, by Electioneer, and Christine, Mr. Spreckels' road mare. Santa Clara's Turn Verein. SAN JOSE, CAJU, July 12.— The annual meeting of the Santa Clara Turn Yorein was held in Germania Hall, at that placr, last evening. The association was organ ized in I*o7 and is in a flourishing comii ; tion. It has a membership of 52. The j following officers were elected for the 'ensuing year: President, H. Melhorn; ! vice-president, Hiarles Geoterick; secre tary, C. AY. Werner; treasurer. Julius I Breith: steward. Frank Emig; librarian, Christopher Emig ; trustees, George Lauck Sr., Antone Fischer and Philip Sassenrath. Passed Counterfeit Coin. SAN JOSE, Cal., July 12.— Charles Du bronz, who until recently conducted a saloon on West Santa Clara street, was this morning arrested on a charge of pass ing counterfeit coin. The complaint was brought by Ira Nutter, a tamale-vender, who charges that Dubronz knowingly passed asl counterfeit piece on him. It is said that Dubronz passed the same coin the day before on a man named Com in, but when the latter threatened arrest he gave a good coin in exchange for the bad (me. Justice Gass held Dubronz, with bail at $1000, which was promptly fur nished. Talesmen Fined. SAN JOSE, Cal., July 12.— Justice Gass this morning fined William Kelley, W. B. MeCarley and Thomas J. Stone, who had been regularly summoned to sit as jurors in the Lavigne case yesterday, $1 each for not putting in an appearance. Sam Close and William Brownlee were let off with a lecture. The men were brought into court on an order from Justice Gass, and he gave thorn to understand that an order from the court such as the writ for a venire under which they were summoned must at all hazards be obeyed under penalty of pun ishment for contempt of court. Another Woman Pioneer Hone. SAN JOSE, Cal., July 12.— Mrs. Catherine Pinkard, a pioneer resident of this valley, died at her home in Santa Clara about 5 o'clock last evening. Her husband, E. N. Pinkard, survives her. She was born in County Wexford, Ireland, in 1825. and came to California thirty-two years ago, locating in Santa Clara, where she has since resided. She was a member of the Ladies' Sodality of Saint Claire's Church. Sale of Chyuotreth Fruit. SAN JOSE, Cal., July 12.— Judge Rey nolds to-day made an order confirming the receiver's sale of fruit crop on the Chyno weth place at Edenvale. Crawford, Muir, Picket's late and Salway peaches were sold at $18 per ton ; cling peaches $20 p«r ton, and Bartlett pears $30 per ton. These prices are considered good as the sale was forced. There is no baking powder which pro duces such sweet and tasteful food as the Royal Baking Powder. Farmers in Session at Santa Ana. SANTA ANA, Cal., July 12.— The Farm ers' Institute, composed of tillers of the soil of this and adjoining counties, assem bled at Santa Ana thia afternoon for a two days' session, for the purpose of discussing various subjects pertaining to agriculture. The institute is held under the direction of Professor Cook of Pomona College. I'ro fessor Wickson of the State University was present and addressed a large assemblage of farmers this afternoon. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1895. A REGATTA FOR BLOOD Preparations Made for the Third Race for the Trophy To- Morrow. AIL ARE AFTER THE QUEEN. Morrell's Boat Looking for the Per petual Challenge Cup— News of the Yachts. A hop will be given at the San Fran cisco Yacht Club house at Sausalito to night, and to-morrow the second regatta of the season under the auspices of the club will be held over what is known as the "clubhouse course." The race is for a trophy given by a local firm and is open to all yachts in regularly organized clubs on the bay. It will be the third run for the trophy, which is now held by the speedy Queen. Should the latter make the fastest time over the course to-morrow Charles Morrell, her owner, will retain possession of the prize for good. The first race was in last September and the second on May 1, the Queen winning both handily. The regatta of to-morrow will be a race for blood, for it will be the last chance that THE YACHT QUEEN, WHICH WILL SAIL AGAINST THE ENCI NALS FOB THE PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP. any outside yacht will have for the cup. Among the yacnts which will contest will be the Rover, Commodore lirucc; Elia, Captain Ames; Pride of the Bay, Captain W. I). Hutz; Harpoon, Captain Cook; Whirlwind, Admiral yon Schmidt j Molly Woggin, Captain Durner, and the Sleipner, Murthin and McKenzie. The Flash, Cath erine, Mist and Cisne have already been entered in the smaller classes, but the list will probably be greatly swelled before the start. The yachts will be divided into five classes according to the load water line measurement. In the first class the length wiil be under 50 and over 35 feet; second, under 35 and over 30; third, under HO and over 25; fourth, under 25 and over 20; and fifth, 20 feet and under. The sailing regulations will be those of the San Francisco Yacht Clul>, the Sea wanhaka rules governing the classification and computations. The course will be across an imaginary line from the flag on the clubhouse wharf to the Chispa around Shag Rock, around a stakeboat off Angel Island bell; thence back to starting point. The boats in the first three classes will go twice around the course. A pre paratory gun wiil be fired at 1:25. The first start will be made at 1 :30 o'clock and each successive start at intervals of ten minutes. At 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon there will be a race for launches. The Daring. Mattbai's new boat, has been entered, ana it is expected to t'Pt in the Satellite (Dr. Buckley) and the Athlete ((ieorge Knigtit). The greatest rivalry exists between the lat ter craft, but the palm is conceded to that owned by Dr. Buckley for speed in smooth water. Colonel Knight wants a race in smooth and rough water, and if a course can be agreed upon by the owners to-mor row morning the race will be run. The formal presentation of the perpetual challenge cup to Commodore Leonard of the Encinal Yacht Club took place at noon on last Wednesday. Immediately Com modore Gutte of the San Francisco Yacht Club presented a challenge to President Holt of the Encinals and named the Queen as the vessel which would compete against any craft in the Alameda Club for the cup. The conditions are that the challenge must be accepted and the race sailed inside of sixty days unless the regatta committees of both clubs agree to a postponement for thirty days more. There has been some talk during the week of the unfairness of Commodore Gutte's challenge, it being stated that the Encinals have no vessel to pit against the swift Queen. "I challenged under the rules;" said the commodore yesterday, "and if the En cinals haven't a boat to pit against the Queen let them relinquish the cup, and some other club challenge the San Fran ciscos, that we may have a race this year anyhow, according to the programme. • The Encinals, however, have no idea of relinquishing the cup without a struggle, and it is said that they will have v boat before the race comes off which will give the Queen all she can do to get away with her. The Encinals' regatta, which was to have been held to-day, has been postponed until the 24th on account of tne absence of several of the club's boats. IN A. JtECEI V Jilt'S JIAM>S. The Campbell Commission Company Goes Into Insolvency. KANSAS CITY, Mo-., July 12.— George A. Neal and George A. Black were to-day appointed receivers of the Campbell Com mission Company by Judge Phillips of the United States court. This was done at the instigation of the Metropolitan National Bank. The reason for the appointment was the bill of complaint filed by the bank against tho Campbell Company in the United States court to-day. The receivers are to continue the business. The bill states that the company is an Illinois corporation doing business in Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, South Omaha and Fort Worth. It has done an extensive business in loaning money, se cured by chattel mortgages on herds of cattle, and by negotiable promissory notes. These were indorsed by the company, sold to the bank and in discounting these loans the commission company in each case in dorsed the note so discounted, thereby guaranteeing the payment to the bank of the loan. The bank loaned the company $40,000, which was secured by chattel mortgages. The bill states that the com pany owes other debts to the amount of $140,000. The assets, other than the money owed to the company by cattle-raisers and pros pective commissions of $100,000, are esti mated at $100,000, of which only half is available. Receiver Black said this morning that the business last year had been bad and losses incurred. lie asserted that the cred itors would receive 98 cents on the dollar. A. circular has been issued to customers an nouncing a continuance of the business by the receivers. WHEN NIAGAEA KAN DEY. In March, 1848, the Torrent Actually Ceased to Flow. Congressman Dan Lockwood of Buffalo says that within his recollection the great waterfall at Niagara was suspended and that many people passed over its rocky places dry shod. He says that the miracle was wrought in 1848, during the month of March. To be exact, says the Boston Transcript, it was on the morning of March 29, IS4B, and for several hours the wonderful torrent did cease to flow, and the river ran dry. The preceding winter had been a severe one and the ice which had formed in Lake Erie was of phenome nal thickness. Then came, on March 27, a sudden ex ceedinjrly warm spell of weather, which melted the snows, and then a warm fain poured dowttun torrents during the entire day of March 28. The ice was loosened and a strong east wind drove it far out in the lake during the night. But at sunds* on the 29th the wind came from the west, and, as the sailors say, it was "blowing great guns." This terrific gale drove the immense mass of ice into the mouth of the Niagara River, where it was gorged and piled up from shore to snore, hermetically sealing the river from damming the waters bacic into the lake. Tnus it happened that Niagara ran dry, its falls became black, barren rocks and its mighty thunders were put to sleep. With in four or five hours tiny streams of water began to trickle through the gorge. The tremendous power back of those streams accelerated their flowing, and in a short time the ice dam gave way, and there never was such a wild, roaring, mad flood in Niagara before or since, and thas the cataract became itself again. THE SAFEST PLACE. Good Reasoni Why He Didn't Leave Jail. Opposite the stage station and hotel was a shanty with a sign of -'Jale" over the door, and I strolled over there and asked of a man sitting at the door and smoking a pipe: "Can I take it that this is the County Jail?" "You kin, air," he promptly replied. "Not much of a jail." "No, sir, but it's a new county, you know." "Any prisoners inside?" "No, sir; I'm the only prisoner, and they allow me outside." "Where's the Sheriff or jailer?" "Gone off huntinV "And left you all alone?" "All alone. I'm party comfortable, how ever, and my time will be out in about six months.' 1 t "But I should think you'd run away," I said, as 1 offered him a cigar. "Whar to?" he queried in reply. "If I go to Grass Valley the boys will "hang me for tioss-stealin'. If I go to Ridge City they'll hang me for stealin' a mewl. Over to Euchre Bend they want me to pull hemp for robbin' Bill White. I might git up into the mount'ins, but the durned Indians would try for my scalp. The safest place for me is right here, and I hain't sayin' a word." ''My friend, would it hurt your feelings if I should ask why you were sent heroT" "Not a bit, sir. Ikilled a man." "You did, eh? But how— how— " "How did it happen? 1 was sent to jail fur a y'ar instead of being hung." "Yes?" "Oh, they didn't kser nuthin' about the killin' and pin me two hull months to walk off in. As I wouldn't go the Jedge sent me up here fur a y'ar, so he could have the use of my cayuse and guns free gratis. Don't happen to have a new deck of keerds with you, eh?" "Sorry to say I haven't." ''I was in hopes you had. The Jedge will be up this way to-morrer, and I'd hey the keerds all marked and play him the best three out of five to see whether I drawed pay as a jailer or scrubbed along as a pris oner."—Philadelphia Item. Exports form a comparative insignifi cant portion of National wealth ; by far the greater portion of manufactures and farm products is consumed at home. ON THE EASTERN TRACKS Barger Suspended at Kansas City for Holding His Mount. WINNERS AT BRIGHTON BEACH. Three Favorites, One Second Choice and a Long- Shot First at St. Louis. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jnly 12.-The only favorite to come home to-day was Ida Wagoner, who was backed down in the second race of the day from 6 to 1 to 4 to 5. Barger was suspended indefinitely for the alleged pulling of Bird Dobson, the favor ite in the third race. Two horses were left at the post in this race, and Starter Brown put the boys on the ground for not trying to get off with their fields. Bummaries: Six furlongs, Hardin won. Kansas Girl sec ond, Little Nell third. Time, 1:17. Fire furlopgs, Ida Wagoner won. Madonna second, Bill Powell third. Time, 1 :04^. Four and n half furlong*, Nellie Casteel won, Dick Lnflington second, Green Prowitt third. Time, :57. Fourth race, seven furlongs— Josephine won, Pony Bob second. Mom us third. Time, 1 :31. Five and a half ftirlores. Gateway won, John P *econd, Miss Andie third. Time, 1 :10. BRIGHTON BEACH RACETRACK, N. V., July 12.— An attractive card and the cool weather brought 5000 persons to the track this afternoon. The first two races furnished the only exciting finishes of the day. 'Summaries: Ono mile. Long Bridge won, Hawarden second, Golden Gate third. Time, 1 A3 1 ,. Five furlongs. Perseus won, Little borritt second, Shakespeare third. Time, 1:03. Six fnrlongg, Applause won, Bombazette second, Hanwell third. Time, 1 :ir>'4- Ocean Wave stEkec, six furlongs, Hugh Penny won, Discount second, Wernberg third. Time, 1:143-4. One mile, Sir Excess won, Rey del Carades second, Stone Nellie third. Time, I :4lVa. One and an eighth miles, Mirage won, Little Tom second, Eagle Bird third. Time, I :s(i}^. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 12.— The track was slow to-day and the attendance only fair. Three favorites, a second choice and a long shot won. Summaries: Six furlong, Insie O won, Charles P second, Hart Wallace third. Time, 1 :lt>. Four and a half furlongs, William Duke Jr. won, Surcingle second, ABC third. Time, :5tJ%. Six and a halt furlongs, Star Ruby won, Mag net eecond, Vigor third. Time, 1 :21. Mile, Brazos won, Mercury second, Viola Knight third. Time, 1:43%. Mile, Liselg won, Amelia ilay second, Linda third. Time, l:4l'i. OAKLEY, Ohio, July 12.— T0-day's re sults: Six furlong? • The Winner won, Sir Dilke sec ond, Hondo third. Time, 1 :15%. Keren furlongs, Sissy Knott won, Minnie Baxter second, Noah third. Time, 1:29. Five and a half furlongs, Monteith won, Sid kel second, Frances third. Time, 1:05%. One and three-sixteenths miles, voorhees won, Crevasse second, Ray S third. Time, 2:o2'^. One mile, Captain Drane won, Peabody sec ond, Oakley third. Time, 1:41%. Seven furlong*, Strathrol won, Grannan sec ond, Doctor third. Time, 1 :28. MILWAUKEE, Wis., July 12.-To-aay's results: Five furlongs, Buttress won, Old Man second, Sir Archer third. Time, 1:04%. Seven and a half furlongs, Zaldivar won, Anna Mayes second, Sir George third. Time, 1-.36& Six nirlongs. The Rook won, Red John sec ond, Helen Wren third. Time. 1:15. . , One mile and twenty yards, Freddie L T won, Fakir second, £1 Reno third. Time, 1:43^. A OVX ASS EX. The Stockton Athletic Association Arrang • , • ing to Organise One. STOCKTON, Cai,., July 12.— At a meet ing of the board of directors of the Stock ton Athletic Association last evening three delegates were appointed to represent the association's gun annex in the board of governors of the State Inanimate Target Association, and the . gun annex was au thorized to proceed in perfecting a per manent organization. The annex will meet to-morrow even ing at the clubreoms, and all mem bers of the association are requested to be present to elect ' officers for the season, and to perfect arrangements in the matter of laying out grounds at Goodwater Grove, which has been secured. No dues will be required of members of the athletic association who wish to join the grin annex. In the matter of traps, etc., it is expected that the association will provide every thing, for the annex at the start, as they have provided for the boatmen, wheelmen, etc. lint after the annex is started on its way it will be self-supporting, through the profits on bluerocks and the privileges to be awarded in the matter of sales of am munition, etc. It OSS I.V GO OI* FORM. Shows Up Well in a Tryout With Cham pion George lUxon. . BOSTON, Mass., July 12.— Dave Ross, the Cambridge lad who is going to try and wrest the championship from Jimmy Barry of Chicago at Union Park Hall next Monday night, was given a tryout by George Dixon, the world's feather-weight cham pion, at Faulkner, where Ross is being trained by Dixon. The trial was made in the presence of Tom O'Rourke and, several well-known sports. It was four rounds, and Dixon did not let up a bit on Ross, but fought him as if he was contesting *to > retain his own title. Ross surprised the sporting men by his showing, and they say he never did such clever work as he did against Dixon. The colored champion received some stiff blows from Robs and the latter received many from Dixon, but never ■ showed any signs of weakening. The , sports were so impressed with Ross' j work that they are going to bet on him against Barry. JiamUn!' in the East. . LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 12.— The Lou isville defeated the Bostons in a postponed game played to-day. It was another ex citing contest, marked by brilliant field ing and fine pitching. \p : ' -^i >-i^~ Jj ! r. nit. k. Louisville* 4 7 0 Bostons 1 30 3 BAtterles— WryhlnK and Werner; Sexton and Tenny. - ; Umpire— McDonald. . V * ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 12.— The heavy batters of the Philadelnhias could do but little with Breitcnstein pitching to-day. Lampe was very wild and was hit oppor tunely. Attendance 2000. Score: "':'*■'■■■'■ R. B.H. K. St. Louis.'. ..6: . 9 .1 Philadelphia 14 1 Batteries— Breltensteln and Miller, Lampe and Buckley. Umpires— Jevne and Murray. SPUED OF THE I>EFEXI>EB. Splendid Showing Made on Her Third Trial Trip. * PROVIDENCE. R. 1., July 12.— De fender was taken out for her third trial spin yesterday i afternoon at Bristol, ana although the wind almost died out at the start, when she got down in the lower bay, near Newport, ; there was a good wind blowing, and while it lasted the yacht gave a splendid account of herself. She carried & club topsail and a jib topsail for the ; first time, in addition to her lower sails, and while she heeled well she gave no indication ~of the tendency to tender ness that was evinced on Saturday. .." She showed wonderful ability for beat ing into the wind, and when the wind blew hardest she made a. "good twelve miles an hour. Her quickness in stays is certainly remarkable in comparison with what American yachtsmen have been ac customed to in their big sloops. Attachment Ariaiiitt Fitzsimtnon*. NEW YORK, N. V.. July U.— Deputy Sheriff Thompson has levied in Brooklyn an attachment on the $10,000 that Fitzsini mons.the pugilist, has in the hands of Phil Dwvcr as forfeit money for his coming right with Corbett. The attachment was granted by Justice Stower on behalf of James H. Tookef, who recently got a judgment of $3078 against Fitzsimmons. JPoor Crops in England. LONDON, E.n-g., July 12.— The Times publishes an initial report on British crops. It will say that owing 'to the prolonged drought the condition of all the crops ex cept hops compares most unfavorably with the conditions prevailing July 1, 1894. A comparative table gives the following: Wheat, 79.3 in 18!>5 to 101.8 in 1894; barley, 83 in 1895 to 102.6 in 1894, and oats, 76.4 in 1895 to 105.4 in 1894. MADE A BRAVE STRUGGLE Stories of Cornell's Collapse Prove to Have Been Unfounded. Led the Entire Distance Until Fen nell's Injury Resulted In Their Defeat. LONDON, Exo., July 12.— Much indig nation and more amusement was caused in Henley and in certain circles in London by the perusal of the dispatches furnished to certain papers in America purporting to tell the story of the Cornell-Trinity Hall race, excerpts from which were cabled here from New York yesterday morning. As examples of reckless faking they were phenomenally brilliant, but as a chronicle of events which actually occurred the al leged report was in most respects without foundation. This account said that the Cornells in passing Fawley Court went all to pieces, and that ''Freeborn, No. 4 in the Cornell boat, dropped his oar and put his hands to his face." He did not do anything of the kind. ■ All that lie did was to keep his hands awsy from his face and on his oar and pull for all he was worth. Then Hager is made to drop bis oar and fall back in the arms of Spillman, who, the faker says, instantly received him. Upon the authority of tfager him self, with the indorsement of Spillman and thousands of others who witnessed the scenes, Hager did not drop his oar, nor did Spillman receive him "instantly" or other wise, consequently Couison. the cock swain, could not have shouted, "What are you about there?" as he is alleged to have done. Another statement made is that Free- [ born again dropped his oar and put one hand before his eyes, Trinity in the mean time leading seven or eight lengths at the mile. It is needless to say that Freeborn did not again drop his oar or put his iiand j before his eyes, nor did Trinity lead seven ! or eight lengths at the mile. She positively oould not, for at the mile Cornell was dis puting her right to do so by being some what in the lead herself. It is true that Fennell dropped his oar, recovered it and tried to rt»w ; but it is not ; true that he began 'Tubbing his forehead," : nor could any ground be found for the ; statement that Hager again dropped his j oar, and Dyer thereupon "began splash- ! ing." Haj:er, not having done it in the first instance, could not possibly have dropped his oar a second time. It is also ' true that Fennell was greatly exhausted at the finish, but no one saw him "tumble from his seat in a dead faint." The race was a hard one to the Isthmian boathouse, and there were no* defects in the Cornell's rowinjr anywhere in the race up to that time. Freeborn and Hager.who were reported as spending their time "put ting their hands before their eyeb'" and "nibbing their foreheads," were really rowing a game race all the way through. The facts are that the crew started well, and at Fawley Court Cornell led by half a length. At the mile the boats were nearly even. Cornell having a slight advantage, but at this point Fennell caught a crab and his oar struck him a violent blow in the ribs, giving him a cramp. He recov ered his oar quickly and tried to row again, but the pain he suffered was so sharp that he was unable to pull. Free born, who sat behind him, had to cease rowing for a moment to assist Fennell, and that is the only foundation for the fairy tale that he ""dropped his oar and rubbed his forehead." C. A. Louis, No. 7 in the Cornell boat, says: "The boat came down in elegant style to the mile, but seven man cannot rowan eight-oared boat to advantage." The foregoing denials of the reckless statements made in many American papers are concurred in by every member of the Cornell crew and by scores of other eyewitnesses. When the last census was tnken the valne of the railroad property of this country was considered to be equal to the cost of con struction and equipment, as reported by the railroad companies. No account was taken of the increase of stock. I GAIL BORDEN § !QAIL BORDEN I EAGLE Brand! i| ..CONDENSED MILK., f I Has No Equal I fSOLD EVERYWHERE f| Ibßlißbbl TALfc V $ Stops hair falling in 34 V hours. Restores Gray Hair to its natural color without dye. The best Hair Tonic ever made. UsedbyLtdiesand Gentlemen everywhere. All druggists or by mail; Price, $1.00; also Yale's Skin Food, $1.50; Yale's Face powder, 50c.; Yalo'a Beauty Soap, 25c. Guide to beauty mailed free MME. YALE, Health and Complexion Specialist, TEMPLE OF BEAUTY, 146 STATE ST., CHICAGO. \ ,5 Personal !. . .;, . . For those who are run down by too much " j Indoor life or by hard Work, and who would | safely weather the coming month, the most I "dangerous In the year, Paine's Celery Com. j : pound is the true tonic. It strengthens the ] I nerves and purities the blood. Try it. RV*<» j& sjr£u ... ZS? gi tloa of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ncr- H \v\ s\ ) m<A " M vous or diseases of the generative orgrang, such as Lost Manhood IS '^t £&il \L jLfM ■ Insomnia, Pains In the Buck, Seminal Emissions. Nervous Debility % V &*%, I - Wfiy -Pimples, Unfltness to Marry, Exhausting Drains, Varlcocele and* t? >^ I* . V -/ Constipation. It stops all losses by day or night. Prevents qnlek- '■4 %»• Vi. -J negs of discharge, which if not checked leads to Spermatorrhoea and Ifc BEFORE aun irmi all the horrors of Impotency. *-tTf»E»KSJE cleanses theliver. Uie ■t HkrOHEiHDAFTER kidneys and the urinary organe of all impurities. ■*• CUPIDESTE strengthens and restores small weak organs. The reason sufferers are not cured by Doctors is because ninety per cent are troubled with Proctatiti*. DENE is the only known remedy to cure without an operation. 5000 testimoni- als. A vrrltteu guarantee given and money returned if six poxes does not effect a permanent cure. 11.00 a box, six for $5.00, by mail. Send for tree circular and testimonials. , " "* Address » A Vol* JHISDICIMi: CO., P. O. Box 2076, San Francisco, Col For Sale by i BROOKS' PHARMACY, 119 Powell street. NEW vf*O^5 A £L_J_~~>~^-. Joy's tor the Jaded ami food Health ior ali Mankind, JOY'S VEGETABLE f ARSAPARILLA. ! istnadefrom EnL- ties through mineral \!&2&e?s&x&& . neis. J°Xf drugs or igfegf le4f*riI e 4f*rin a deadly pois- ifirtK? s^^^ Sarsapanua on Toy's fi'l i ft* it^niß cares Dys- Vejr c t a le i» t 'In t m&\ Cel*O 1 a , Brv^ §km 4°*'&y }M#d ifei s#: ties, and ll^Ortl ai £ Kidney courses all Affections. . these impurr^,^^^*!^ P^^4 Joy's Tcgctaijlo s| |&M ■ |rc*p^j! prevents tired feel- y^^ yos %* i v & 3 > staggering sen- j» $W»i §*M *^ sations, palpitation i&M f^}& M °* heart, rush of H j v^M £ E blood to the m head, m \ J^l ■^S S dizziness, rimjinj? in g , Sjfiir:? ear 3, spots before the id StEgi m P &J e h headache, bii- S5 51 §&£'!>'!: iousness,constipation p© of bowels, pains in feijAJ" *3^^: the back,melancholy, '■* |i. tongue coated, foul | 1 %» (&tft& breath, pimnlco on S^'i r & ¥■ face, body and limb, | *«I y^hWi declineof nerve force p^ dizzy spells, faint i^ls Bpells, cold, clammy k§ f «ra^ feet and hands, sour g j ?«S8 xialjs^> fatigue, in- || v somnia, and all dis- % § > S^^'^? eases of tbestomach, WM*l liver and kidneys. ?»&£$ Joy.s Vegetable Sar- flkW® saparin.n is sold by all l^ngpi ■ yfi'.%m4 drugjjists. Refuse a jSrS^ f> -jf-sp ''■-■}, substitute. When you -rjfijSWpa iry"»§*'^* pay ior the best seethat i* 1 riJ^S Will Make You Y\f ITH A NEW LIFE GLOWING THROUGH * ' your veins, bright, sparkling spirits, healthy mental and physical powers, you can look upon life as a pleasant existence. Without it, misery, dull monotony. Every man can be happy, full of life and energy if he will fill the weakened nerves with the life -giving currents of electricity from Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt. ent existence to yo v wonderiai j C<jj? S o£.!SAMD£N 1 S $^1 WJ Nunes, , Niles, I j^^J-E^TRIC Bf^X^jMj Alameda County, 'nM^QSTfi^Of^t'f^ li 1s wronr? for ; v^^tjsT^2^p*?r^ men to suffer for ■ 1 '•••>*' • sins of the past when nature Is pood enonph to give them a cure for their ills.' Will you send for the little book that explains all about it, free? It is worth your time to read the truths contained in it. and it may save you .years of suffering. Address SAXOKX ELECTRIC CO., Council Building, Portland, Or. A Strong Man I ! OBOONTUNDER DENTAL PARLORS 815& Geary, bet. Lark in and Hyde.' R L. WALSH, D. D. S., I^^^*-^ Prop* r, directly opp. Sur- .jslJ^jSV^S^^Ny ato>;a Hall. Price list: J%Sc&?££L. _*^-~^*. Extraction (painless)2sc /v^S^iaTl^^**^*^ Bone rilling 50c: Arnal- M,- *i? — ■ "^ cam Oiling ">oc: «ro!d flli- f>C^.^' -' <sr r S^ Ingfl: Bridcework $5: yifi A g~^-^- Z^T Crowns $5: Plates $5 and. (_*^^*-^ 87 : Cleaning 61. Every operation guaranteed. . SCS" On entering our parlors be sure you see DR. j i WALSH, personally. ■ ' ■■.-■' ■■ STATEMENT OF THE . CONDITION AND AFFAIRS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY. ■ ■:■■.->-■ -'_• "■■(.- ■<::•..; -\J . OF BROOKLYN, IN THE STATE OF NEW York, on the 31st day of December, A.D. 1894, and for the year ending on that day. as made to the - Insurance Commissioner of the State of California, pursuant to the provisions of sections 610 and 611 of the Political Code, condensed as per blame fur- nished by the Commissioner. . ■ ■ CAPITAL. Amount of Capital Stock, paid up In Cash 1,000,000 00 ASSETS. Real estate owned by Company ? 399,000 Loans on Bond and Mortgage 126,050 00 ' Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company 3,782,345 00 Cash in Company's Utlice 1,175 84 Cash in Banks..: 621,178 73 Interest due and accrued on all Stocks and Loans 9,374 IB Interest due and accrued on Bonds and Mortgages 2,060 78 Premiums in due Course of Collec- tion 700,673 59 Rents due and accrued 3,770 95 Installment Notes....- 237,614 38 Total Assets $5,783,243 40 LIABILITIES. Losses Adjusted and unpaid Losses in process of Adjustment or in Suspense $ 258,506 48 Losses resisted including expenses... 47,425 00 Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- ing one year or less, 164.600 54, reinsurance 60 per cent 1,082,300 27 Gross premiums on Fire Risks run- 7 - ■- " ning more than one year, $6,293,- -067 00. reinsurance pro rata 2,753,665 23 Due and accrued lor Salaries, rent, etc.... 2,266 68 All other demands against the Com- pany 203,678 44 I Total Liabilities $4,347,84206 INCOME. Net Cash actually received for Fire I premiums ; $4,485,783 42 Received for interest, on Bonds and i Mortgages.... •••- 6,536 99 Received for interest and dividends on Bonds, Stocks, Loans, and from all other sources 162.135 82 I Received for Rents 15,455 15 _ Total Income $4,669,911 38 EXPENDITURES. Net amount paid for Fire Losses (In- I cludinpi?2Ss,64B 99. losses of pre- vious years) • ,$2,754,172 44 ! Dividends to Stockholders 100,000 00 | Paid or allowed for Commission or i Brokerage 624,337 93 Paid for Salaries, fees and other charges for officers, clerks, etc 808,143 28 • Paid for State, -National and local taxes..... 73,876 .M All other payments and expenditures 361,914 22 . Total Expenditures....... $4,222,444 38 ' FIRE. . i .. Losses incurred during the year $2,769,261 00 Rlsji s and Premiums. I Fire Risks. I Premiums. • : '• ■ - • ' '• Net amount of Risks] • written during the year $391,997,922 $5,037,841 43 . I Net amount of Rlsks | " ..•- -,'•?, i expired during the treat I 502,717,702 6.301,275 57 Net amount in force . December 31, 18941 573,154,894 7,457,667 54 GEORGE P. SHELDON, President, . i C. C. LITTLE, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this i.'2d day of January, 1805. JOHN H. DOUGHERTY. Notary Public.