Newspaper Page Text
10 The COMMERCIAL WORLD. SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Silver continues to weaken. Wheat futures lower. Barley rather firm. Other cereals unchanged. Hay weak. Beans dull. Potatoes and Onions firm. Butter, Cheese and Eggs unchanged. Young Poultry in oversupply. Peaches and Apricots plentiful. Berries cheap. Figs scarce. Oranges, Lemons and Limes quiet. Dried Apricots and Prunes very firm. Honey quiet. Vegetables unchanged. Provisions slow. Hides, Tallow and Wool as before. Meat in ample supply. Last disengaged ship chartered. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. fxiTFP States Department of Aoßicoii- TURF- Wkathkk Ulk«ai', SAX ; Fuancisco. July 26, 1895, 6 p. m. — Synopsis and general forecast. The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date as compared with those of the same date last year: Eureka .11. last year .02; Red 151 tiff .16, last year .02: Sacramento .04, last year trace; San Francisco .01. last year trace: Fresno .00, last year trace: San Luis Obispo .00, last year no record; Los Angeles .00. last year trace; San Diego .00. last year .00; Yuma .01. last year .36. The following maximum temperatures are re ported from California stations for to-day : Eureka 60 deg.. Red Bluff 98, Sacramento 88, San Fran cisco 61, Fresno 100, Independence 98, San Luis Obispo 84, Los Angeles 78, San Diego 70, Yuma ' San Francisco data: Maximum temperature 60 deg., minimum 52 deg., mean 56 (ie?. The weather has oeen cooler over i he eastern por tion of Washington and Oregon and slightly cooler over California. The barometer has fallen rapidly over the western portion of Washington and Ore gon ana slightly over Northern California. There are indications of an area of high pressure ap proaching the soutQwes: Caliiornia Coast, In which event less fo.r will prevail for the next few days and San Francisco will continue to have clear weather. The temperature will change but slightly during the next fonv-eight hours, except north of trie Ore gon line, iNhi'-re it will become warmer and over Idaho and Northern Utah, where it will become cooler. Che low barome ric pressure continues central over Arizona, extending southward to Kansas. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight July 27. lht»6: Fo-.' Washington and Oregon — Fair; -warmer weather, except clouds and probable showers over extreme Northwestern Washington; westerly winds, becoming southwesterly. For Northern California— weather: nearly stationary tempi: except very slightly warmer in the interior ; westerly winds. For Southern California — Fair weather: nearly Stationary temperature; westerly winds. For Idaho— Fair: cooler weather. For Nevada— Fair; cooler weather. •. , For tab— Fair and cooler weather. For Arizona— Fair weather; nearly stationary temperature. For ban Francisco and viclnitv— Fair weather; nearly stationary temperature; westerly winds. B. S. I.v; :t.. Local Forecast Official. SEW YORK MARKETS. . NEW YORK, N. V.. July 26.— Granger stocks developed strength to-day, and they all sold lit the best figure for a long time past. ■ The favorable reports about the corn crop had a groat deal to do with the rise in these stocks. The.main factor, however, has been the support given the shares by the old friend.-* of the company's brokers, supposed to have inside information, having been the heaviest buyers of late. It can be said, there fore, that the talent and the capital of the street have temporarily at lrast espoused the bull side of the Granger issues. The improvi mejit in them to day rant:e;l from '4 to 1.% per cent- St. Paul and Omaha sold up 14 to 41%; St. Paul, 114 to 70%; Bock Island. 15.g to 775 8 ; Burlington and Quincy, 15/ to 90%. ana North wtsttrn, 1 ' s to 101. The dealings in this group looted up 85,200 shares in a grand total of 234. shares. Next to theiiEangers the aQihracite coaicis wire most con spicuous m the upward movement, Jersey Central touching 104. It was currently r-portea that im portant developments of a favorable nature were Qkely 10 take place shortly, and, as a result, the shorts in these issues covered Op. The action of the Trunk line people at their meeting yesterday had a good effect on the railway list generally. Commission houses »i a rule reported a little better demand from outride sources, the result of the efforts of railroad managers to obtain remunerative rates. Northern Pacific preferred sold up to 20 on al -vices from Receiver Oakes that the out. cot lor crops along the line of the road was all that could be des;red. In the Industrials the feature was the feveriahnesßOf Chicago Gas. The stock first .--.ii vanced to &*3 2 - dropped to s:i'- -. later rise to r ."• 1 g and receded to 53 : 54(gi54V4. Kngarranei I between 113y±;6;114 and closed at 113%. ' ria»e was quiet. It la officially announced thai vhe Water bury committee tu.s secured a majority of the bonds of the company. Speculation c.use.i steady. Net changes show an advance of %®l% per cent, Burlington leading, In the inactive .i-il Minnesota Iron rose 1 to 60. Bonds were active and "strong. Sales footed up $22,469,000. Atchison fours rose 13 to >0- 2 : do,, 1 to 66; co, adjustment, H4 to 54%: do, seconds, %to ■'■-> i\ Cordage sixts, 2to 38 ; loledo, Ann Arbor and N orth Michigan first certificates, 4 to 83; do, Cadillac firsts, 1 to 73; abash sec onds, lys to 79V8; do, debentures, series i; - lVs to SO; Ohio Southern firsts, 2 to 90; Heading lours, I 1 2 to 80y2; do, certificates, IVo to 72y 2 : Colorado Midland lirst certificates, 3 to 7h: Northwestern Pacific seconds, 1 to 74; and Cincinnati, Ind., >t. Louis and Chicago fours, 4 to 100. The Mercantile Safe Deposit. Company reports silver bullion on hand 261,923 ounces;, certificates outstanding 262. Grain and Merchandise. NEW YORK, N. V., July 26.— Flour, dull, barely . Steady. Winter wheat— Low graaej, ?2 50:i£3 10; do fair to fancy, ?3 80@3 SO ; do patents, $4@4 05; Minnesota clear, s2 9C@3 20: do straights. £3 10® 3 70: do patents, ?3 90(rt4 60; low extras. $2 60@ 5 10;' city mills, $4(gi4 25; do. patents. $4 50<g 4 70. Southern flour, dull, easy; common to fair extra, -*2 20(c.H: good to choice do, So(t'>3 80. Cornmeal— yuiet, steady. Yellow Western, $2 80 @2 90. I Rye— Dull, steady : State offered at 56c. Wheat — Dull, lc lower, steady. No. 2 red, store and elevator, 73»4c; afloat. 74% c: f. o. b., 74.y 8 (g) 75y§c; ungraded red, bh:o.76c: .Co. 1 Northern, 76c. Options opened firm at i 2 c. up on firmer cables, better West ana local coverings, declined l%@2c 11:1 foreign selling, better crop reports and loca liquidations, advanced ' on covering, and closed firm at %@iygc under yesterday, with a moderate trade. September and December most active. No. 2 red, July, 73% C; . August and Sep tember, 73% c; October, 74c: December, 75y«c; May. 78»/ =- Corn— i- airly active, easier; No 2.48 c elevator; 49c afloat. Options were dull and %c lower on ■weaker cables, lower West and local realizing. September most active. July, 48>-/ic: August, 48V'sc: September. 48yic; October, 47 1 2C; May, 41c. Oats— i/fee higher on white. Options dull, easier. July, ÜB''2C; August. 27c; September, 26 l /2C; October, 26% c: No. 2 White. Septem ber, , 2S I,'1 ,' • Spot prices: No. 2, 28y<>c: No. 2, white, 32(9321/30: No. 2, Chicago, 2944: No. 3,26 c: No. 3. white, 3H/ 2 c: Mixed Western, 26 y 2 @3oe : White State and Western, 32@40c. oops— unchanged. . 1 ' Wool— Firm, moderute demand: domestic fleece, 16f&22c; pulled, 16@34c; Texas, 10rg»14c. . Pigiron— Fairly active, firm. American, $11 50 @14. Copper— Firm. Late, $11 40@ll 50. Lead— Strong. ' Domestic. $3 bO. Tin— Easy, Straights, $14 60: plates, firm, mod erately active, ' Spelter— Firm. Domestic, $3 72V 2 77%. Lard— Quiet, firm. Western, $6 6iy 3 ; city. $625; September, $6 65 nominal: refined, easy: conti nent, ?6 95; South America, $7 30: compound, 4s/ 4 @syic. I'ork— Steady; mess, $12@12 75. a Butter— Fair demand, firm: State dairy, 15@ 16y2c: do creamery, 171/3 C; Western dairy, 9y 2 <^l3c; do creamery, 12ru.l7y?c; do factory, 8(3 lie; Elgins, 171-oc: Imitation creamery, ll@l4c. Cheese — Quiet, iers firm; State Urge. 6%@<34c; do fancy, 7 1 /i@"%c;'- do small, 6V2&S% C ; pan skims, '-'Car) 1 -4 c; fnii skims, U/ 2 @l3 /iC . Eggs— Quiet, unsettled; State ana Pennsylvania, 13y2@14^c; Western fresh, 12y a @13V2c; do per case, iplfg,'. 75. ' 'i'Hllow— Quiet, easy: city, 4@43 8 country, 41 8 (a*:«...-. . Cottonseed oil — Prime, hicher; off grade stead y; crude, 24," 25c: yellow, prime, 28@29c; do good ■ off grade. 2"~t(a 27 J . . . Rice— Firm, unchanged. Molasses— Firm, unchanged. Coffee— Firm; . 10 to 35 points up; July, $15 20(5) 15«5; August and September, $15 10 (c, 15 25; October, $15 20 @15 hO; December, ?15 10@ 15 15: March, $14 95©15. Spot Rio, firm, fairly active; No. 7, 16c. Sugar— Raw. firm;" fair refining, 2%c; centrl fupais, 96 test. 3V*c. ■ Refined, firm, unchanged. California fruit quotations: Oranges — Fancy Mediterranean Sweets, $l@2 20: St. Michnels. $1 10@3 05. Peaches — Hale's Early. 60&75 c: Crawford, 70cfcul 15. • Prunes— Tragedy,- $1 20@2: German, $1 lOiai So. Peers— Banlett. SI 6U@ 1! 15. ■ Plums— $1 70@2 10; Purple Liuanc. $1 30@!»l 7: : Bradshaw, $1 10@*l I'O. Raisins, 8 crown, 3Vic, .Prunes, four sizes, 51.4 c. CHICAGO MAKKETS. " CHICAGO, 111., July 26.— Wheat to-day ap proached nearer the low level of prices that ruled before Wednesday, not for any particular reason or through . any unusual pressure of selling, but rather by a lack of demand and scattered liquidat ing. The first quotations were slightly higher than yesterday's closing ones, but the weak under tone rendered a decline possible. During the progress of the morning hours the lack of support became more apparent, and a further melting of values took p'.ace. in editorially referring to the crops of 180>> it was said the Cincinnati Price Cur rent placed the spring yield at 175.000,000 bushels and the winter at 250,000,000 bushels. A advance of i/id was reported at Liverpool by the early cables. There was some talk of a freer movement of winter wheat in the near future, which had an . effect in helping along the weak tone. Receipts at Chicago to-day were. 55 ; cars and the Northwest had 167. Withdrawals from i store were 47,953 bushels. Exports clearances j amounted to 198,575 bushels. There was a slight rally to prices at the close, but September showed a net loss for the day of iy±c.* That option opened at from 71c to 7114 c, declined to 69«/3C ana closed at «9. r »t,c. Estimated receipts for to-mor row, 106 car*. ! Corn moved alonz in the same course as wheat. Business was moderately active at intervals, but periods of complete inanimation were seen. Re ceipts. caw, although 29 under estimates, were, nevertheless, finite heavy and served in a measure to imbue those who were short with con fidence in their ability to obtain oil the corn neces sary to fulfill thtir contracts. Liverpool cables were easy and i/id lower. Withdrawals from store were 288,072 bushels, and 121,976 bushels cleared at the seaboard, ..September corn opened from 4334 cto 43V-4C, sold between 43% c and 42% c, . closing at 43V B e. M-c lower than yesterday. Estimated receipts for to morrow, 350 cars. Oats were lower. Business was 6! an ordinary volume and character. Receipts were 136 cars, and 229,320 bushes were withdrawn from store. September closed V^c lower than yesterday. Esti mated receipt* for to-morrow. 195 cars. Flax was tirrn for cash and easy for futures. Cash, new and old, sold at $1 SO: August, $1 19Va: ; September, $1 19% to $1 17V±: October, $1 19 to ?1 17. Receipts were I*2 cars. .' Provisions— There was more of a disposition in product to follow the descending progress of wheat than to cling steady to the firmness communicated by a better hoar market. Trading was inactive and . chances infrequent. September pork closed 7%c lower; September lard 2Vac lower and Sep tember ribs a shade lower. Closing prices: Wheat— July, 685^c; September, 69s /g c; Decem- 1 ber, 715-fiC Corn— July, 43y 8 September, 4 3 Vie; December, 351 s<'; May, 353' B e. Oats— July, 24c; September, 22% c: May, 25.V B e. • Pork— July, $10.50%: September, / $10 67%; January, $10 67%. • . - - • * ■ . Lard— July, $6 20: September, $6 30; January, ?6 3J%. Ribs— July, ?6 05; September, $6 12%; Oc ! tober, $6 1214. Business in butter continued in a satisfactory ; condition. Fancies were wanted principally, but ; other grades were also in demand. Prices were unchanged. Eggs were firm. There was a fair local deman 1 and only moderate receipts. Fresh stock sold at lie per dozen. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS, lit., July 26.— There were only moderate receipts of cattle to-day, but i there were enough to co round and prices were no more than steady. Offerings of hogs were quite free, but there was a better demand from Chicago packers and Eastern shippers and an average ad- I vance of &c per 100 pounds was- noted. A fairly I active demand for sheep and lambs was seen and prices were op 15@20c per 100 pounds. ! Cattle — Receipt*, 5000: common to extra I strers, $?• 4(iiV7..- 90; stockers and feeders, $2 25@ 1 4 10: cows and bulls, fl 75(5>3 80; calves, ?2 6C@ 5 50; Texans, *2 •Jnia'J 75. Hogs — Receipts, ~ 9000:- .heavy packing and shipping in a, $4 9E@5.25; common to choice ! mixed. $4 75(5)5 20: choice assorted, $5 10@5 25; ! light. $4 90(5;5~35: pigs. 93 50(a4 85. Sheep — Receipts, 5000; inferior to choice, ; S2@3 75; lambs. fa@s. CALIFOKM*. FIIUIT SALES CHICAGO, 111., July 26— The Earl Fruit Com pany sold California fruit at open auction to day as [follows: Plums— Peach, 8(>(g90c: Golden Drop. ; $1: Columbia, $1; Satsnma. $1; Purple: Dunne, 1 $1. Prunt s— Gross. $1 25; Tragedy, .«1 35. Grapes i — Fontaineh'enu. 2C@7oc; Muscat, 3 ..c; Lady de ' Coverly, 7S@Bsc. Pears— Bartlett. $1 50<c,l 70; \ Flemish Beauty, .*2: Crawford Peach's. 70<\ 1 Porter Bros. Com pan v sold at oi.en auctien to -1 day: Barilei pears. 91 :::•!.- 1 CO; i half-boxes, ■ 65(g.70e; Howell. $1; Buerre, early hardy, *1 15. i Grapes — Tnkav, $1 60: white grapes, 4©C Plums— ; Burbauk. $1 35: Satsuma, Ocons, $1 20; egK, $ia i 1 10: others, 75e(a:S] 06. Prunes— $1 40: i German,?] 15M1 35; Tragedy, 9 •>■ @$1 35. i Peaches, 2O!^7Oo; n ctarlnes. 55@rf0c; apples, ■ Sic: tomatoes, 30c, ..... . The National Fru!t Association sold fruit at op°n ; auction to-day as follows: P«'tirs — Fresno Bartiw ls, *1 3o&l 40;*Sncramen o Bartletts, -«; -'■■ ' 50: !'<■■' its. $1. Grapes, rate;Fontaineblean, 29 ! ta.:<:-<-: peaches, '0 Ssc: plums, 75c(S?l 35; nectarines, 50@65c; prunes. Tragedy ,-$1 26. BOSTON, July 2»i.— l' Bros. Company sold at open unction to-day: | rears— Birtlett, *1 25@ 1 290. Prunes— Tragedy, SOc<itL*l 12%: German, ■ 750®$!. Plums, 62c!fe$l 12%: Peaches, 87% @60c. NEW YORK, N. V.. July 26.— Porter Bros. : Company sold at open auction to-day: Pears— i l'.iirt >:■..'s 1 90(a.2 25. Nectarines. .?i 55. Plums— ' Golden Drops,*! 75: Japan, !?1 70: O;on, $1 66: • Purple Dunne, 90ef£.<j;l 75: egg, $1 66 j 1 70; Co ! Inmbia, $1 •_ < > .-» 1 40; Eradshaw. $1 45. Prunes— ; German, $1 2 f >£tl 65: Tragedy. $1 l. >. ; The Karl Fruit Company sold California fruit at open auction (West si. or.- dock) to-day as follows: Pears— i; : -.r it t. .?1 O'J(s2 05: Congress, $1 80, a) ! 2 05. Prorei— Tragedy, fl StVSM 60: <;. rm.i ", '. $1 3r>@l 55. Ptums— Peach, 95c$|l 65: Purple ! Dunne, SI 2O'-t 1 40; Columbia.?, SI 35: Japan*. i #1 15: Bradshaws. 93(£?1 35; Waitings. G.cA . I $1: ons. SI 26®1 CO: Bamanks, SI :'s@l SO. Peach* .<•.— CrawionTs, 7<J@7.'>c; Ilii'.'-'s h'crly, 40® 75r. NectJ-rinea— Red. Boc@l 75. The Natioual Fruit AsaDda ton sold friil at open auction to-day as ro flows: PeacJies. Crawford, 7l!c <S.ifl 15. Plums— Purp« Diii-n-'. ?1 75: Walllne. I 95c. Tomatoes, 35@10c. Pears— Bartlett, $1 80@ 2 15; half boxes. So®Bsc MILWAUKEE, is., July 26.— The Kf.rl Fruit I Company sold California fruit at open market 10- I day, realizing tbc* following prices : Pears.' Bart- ; I lefts, ?1 55: p^aclu s, : Cra'wfords, 40c; grapes, j 1 Fontainrbleaii, 55c. i .MINNEAPOLIS. INN, July 26 —Porter Bros. Company sold to-day: Pears— Eurrre Hardy, I $I@l 66; in ventilated cars half-boxes ot Bar.lett, !if I 15. Peaches, •;.' 80c. MONTBiSAI* RBBC, July 26.— Porter Bros. Company sold to-day : Pears— Bartletts, $1 70© $185. Plums — Washington, Quackenbo* and ■ Columbia, $1 90; Purpl- Duane and egp, $1 6>. i Prunes— German an'! 1 ra^edy, $105. Peaches, Early Crawford, $] fiO@i 65. : The Earl Fruit Company sold California fruit to day as follows: Pears— BarUett, $1 60@2; half : boxes, $1 10; Clapp'B, SI 45. DUX'S REVIEW OF TI'.ADE. NEW YORK, N. V., July 20.— R. G. Dun Co., j in their weekly review of trade to-day, says: It is | not season for the tide of business to rise, hut there is perceived scarcely any shrinkage, except that : which comes naturally with midsummer heat. ; Lateness of spring trade threw heavy settlements j into the second week of July, and clearing-house I payments are now almost a quarter smaller than in that week," but are 21.1 larcer than last year, and only 6.0 per cf nt smaller than in the same week of 1892. The volume of new business is small c om pared with recent months, but large < nough toen coi-ra.e more opening of long-closed wonts and I more advances In returns to lubor. Important strikes show that the advance is not enough for some, but seem not more threatening than a week ago. The small shipments of gold count for noth ing, and money markets are undisturbed. . , Accounts' of shrinkage in the yield of wheat come both from Pacific States and from the Da i kota*. I! would be a strange and unnatural July ! without such report, and yet they have weight i enough this year to lead even the most experi enced to reduce somewhat their estimates of ! yield, while the price has advanced 3Vic this week. Light Western receipts, for the week not a third of last year's, and for four weeks only 5,166, --630 against 11,983.690 last year, strengthened ad verse reports, because ' the price a year ago wa» about 20c lower than It is vow. The western movement largely depends on the export demand, : which is phenomenally light. Atlantic shipments ! have been, flour Included; only 1>71,661 bushels, against 2, 996 last year, and for four weeks only 3,500,589, against 9.86,'>,722 last year. , Corn advanced about a cent with wheat, bin has since lost all the, gain. Cotton ; remained un changed at ?c, although the latest reports favor largpf fstlmates of yield, a circular by Nc 11! going in ci ii beyond the other figures. It is somewhat significant that tUe siock markets show Indiffer ence to crop report?, and th« Grangers strongly advanced, as if no inquiry had rumored.. ! Prices of iron and steel products still rise, the feature this week being the startling advance of f>Oc ]K-r keg in cm and wire nails, with new cards I ■ for various sizes, which, it Is stated, make the ad- | vance actually greater than it appears. ," Ancles j rose a shade higher, and prices . strongly, main- I tamed. - , Bessemer pig does not advance, although the • Carnegie and one other company have been buy- Ing about 140,000 tons, which Is supposed to tore i suadow large contracts for rails. In th- first half J of 1895 orders for rails were 713,000 tons, against j 502.000 In th? first half of last yrsr, and a KOod 1 many small orders appear in Chicago. Otherwise j th?re Is a distinct halting in new demand, though | nearly all iron and steel works are crowded with orders for some time to come. » Textile works have ; a better outlook with larger demand, both for cot- I ton and woolen goods, a shade In advance of print ( cloths and in most bleached goods, and a more ' hopeful market I for lightweight woolens, which. If ! scarcely advanced beyond last year's prices, are ', on the whole selling better. ;. '-, The financial situation is not disturbed by gold shipments nor by the large excess of treasury ex penditures, amounting to about ' $12,300,000. Receipts are naturally, better in July than In most ; other months, but expenses are also large. 'Money scarcely begins to go out for crop-moving, and the ! demand for commercial loans is not as large locally I as it should be. Failures for seventeen days of 1 July show liabilities of ?6,5<)9,751, of which $1,993,528 was of manufacturing and $3,924,881 of trading concerns. ■ > J - - ■ A year ago corresponding reports" covered $6, --317,690, of which $3,588,938 were or manufactur ing and $2,483,011 of trading concerns. Failures | for the week were 202 in the United • States, »■ gainst 249 last year, and 27 in Canada, against. 39 lust year. ■-___ BKADSTREET'S REVIEW. " NEW YORK, N. V., July 26.-Bradstreet's to morrow will say: The strength of the wheat mar ket, based on the reports of damage to the spring wheat, together with the failing off of ; receipts at primary markets, is followed by a drop In the quan tity of wheat exported [ this week, which total (flour Included as . wheat) amounts to • 1,265,000 bushels from both coasts of the United States and from Montreal, as compared with 1,662,000 bush els last week. 3.838X00 bushels in the fourth week of July in 1894, 4,363,000 - bushels in % the I corre sponding week of 1893. 2,524,000 bushels In 1892 and 3,164,000 bushels in 1891. Ihe present j week's wheat shipments, therefore, are the small THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1895. est sent out since the first week in June, 1891. The most conservative reports on the Pacific Coast come from Portland, Or., where the condition of trade Is fair. San Francisco ranks next, with a generally Improving • condition of business. The price of wheat Is steady, and ' a large number of vessels are afloat for that port to load with wheat. Seattle announces i damage Ito the wheat crop In Washington, and that not all the hop crop there will be picked because of the low price, probably not over 20,000 bales. • ■ *"•. Business is .more active at Tacoma, where Impor tations of tea are heavy and exports of lumber Increasing. Work has been begun there on the large wheat warehouse and the coal-bunkers. ".VT V BANK CLEARINGS. NEW YORK, N. V., July , 26.— Bank clearing totals at the principal cities for week ended July 26, 1895, with comparisons, as telegraphed to Bradst reefs: Percentage Cities. Amount: Inc. Dec. New York $506,054,626 23.7 ...... Boston 93.510.428 34.3 Chicago 72.405.288 7.4 Philadelphia 65,916,984 22.4 ...... fit. Louis... 20,568,922 6.7 Pittsburg 15,9^3.100 28.5J ...... Cincinnati 12,050.950 9.0 Baltimore.: 12,395,650 4.6 San Franci5c0.......... 11,901,672 12.2 Kansas City 8,876,962 7.0 ...... New 0r1ean5............ 6,934,200 ........:... Louisville... • 4,918,602 ...... 17.7 Detr0it............. 8.549,618 37.9 ...... Minneapolis 6,529,20rt 30.8 '.'..... ! Cleveland 6.534,630 38.0 ...... ! Providence 5,056,400 23.1 ...... I MllwauKee 4,257.337 13.9 ..... I Indianapolis 3,81:2,198 3.7 I Buffalo 4,144,240 12.5 ...... | St. Paul 4.690.982 44.8 .....: i Omaha 3,067,911 ...... 29.0 ! Denver 2,803, ...... Los Angeles... 1.258.567 25.0 ...... Portland, Or 1,001,575 .10.7 I Seattle 661,822 40.0 ...... Spokane 370,212 36.5 Totals. U. S . : . .$926,685,960 20.2 . ...'.. Outside of New York, City........wr 420,611,434 16.3 DOMINION OK CANADA. :.''.'..! Montreal :. $11,142,285 ...... 26.0 Toronto.: 5,4e7.115 12.5 Halifax 1,328.509 17.8 Winnipeg 908,771 1.7 Hamilton..... 680,816 6.8 Totals $19,427,499. .13.4 NEW YOi:K STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad '-..;- Shares. 1 ' ,- Money on call has been easy at l@iy 2 ?;: last loan at 1% and closing offered at 1%.. Prime mercantile paper, 4@4y 2 V- Bar silver, b6iic-. Mexican dol lars, 63y a c. Sterling exchange is firm, with actual ' nusiness in bankers'; bills, at S4 tjil@-l 89' 4 for j !CO days and $4 &o(ci4 90* for den.and. . Posted j ! rates, 54 8Sy 2 §i4 flo'vi".' Commercial bills, 14 88^ j 1 4 BS!>/i. Government bonds firm: State bonds I* ! seady; railroad bonds quiet.' Silver at the Board 1 was neglected. : .- CXOPINT. STOCKS. !Am Tel & Cable.... 96 Norfolk A West.... Ss^ Atcblson I*% Preferred ..... 137 /8 Adams Express... 148 North American... 6Vg ] Alton, Terre Haute. 62 I Northern Pacific.. • f-s I American Express.! 13y 2 Preferred 193 8 1 ' American Tobacco.llo Northwestern. ..... 1008. 4 preferred : 113 Preferred 148 ■ Bar State- Gas : 18 N. V. Central 101% j ! Baltimore A Ohio.. 641/2 V Y. Chicago*S.L 17 Brunswick Lands.. 2 Ist preferred 70 Buffalo. Koch A P. 21 I'd preferred ■ 81% I Canada Pacific..,. 4'.»i.\ X. v. £, N. H.. 204 Canada Southern . 64 Vi X. Y. A New Knr. 64y 3 Canton Lund .;.... f'OXp.N. Y. susu A ...111 Central Pacific... 18Vi - Preferred... 30 1 dies. A Ohio Ontario 8 I Chicago Alton. .'...15 d Ontario it Western. 17 x Preferred 170 Oreeon traprovmt 11% 1 Chicago, B. A Q.... 9otm Preferred.. So ChiCPRo it E. 1i1... 55 prison Navigation. 27 Preferred lOOV^'Orepon Short Line. i>3's : Chicago ...... RiVilPacitic Mall 2O»' 3 Clevc A 1* usburg.loo Peonn. l>.ft Evans. H»/i ! ConsoliilatioiiCoal. 32 l'ittsburgife W pfd. 30V2 ' con^olidAted Ga5. .140 Pullman Palace... C. C. C. A Si. Louis. 47V Quicksilver 3 Preferred 9: Pr f erred 19 ■ Colo. Fuel A Iron.. 87%) Reading 175/8 Preferred 93 P.ioGrande&Westn lift Cotton Oil Cert 2 > Preiwred 4 j. Commercial Cable. 160 Rock Island 77 1 / (j j Del. Hudson ISO P.omcWa: iftOgdenllfl Del.Lcck.tWestemlCl St. L. AS. W « Denver <t H.G».... II"* - 'Preferred.- 17% Preferred *7yn.Si.Pttul 7i,i /B : Distillers 'liya Preierred...: 121 I General Klecuio. . Xb\»> St. Paul A Dulinh. 28 Erie 10 Prsierred... 1-9 Preferred 22 Vi St. Paul A Omaha.. 4 3 4 Fort W:»vne 162Va l'refi ire.' 1-1 I Northern 127 Si. P.M. it M...:..i:6y 3 ; I Green Bay s,iS,lverOrtincr.t bo- 1 * I 1 Ihtclem." 260 South* m Pacific,:. 2. 3 /i 1 j Hocking Coal 4Vi Southern R. R..... 141.8 i ! Hocklnj Valley... 25 vi Preferred -42V3 i ! Hoim-s'.iike 23 Buyar Kenner.»*....lHJVj j H. A Texas Cent... '•'■Vi. erred... '. 101 l X j Illinois Central S9 Ter.n. Coal &. Iron. H.)-':* lowa Central 10*4 ' ■ Pit-ttrrwl 93 Preferred 36 Texas Pacific 18% i Kansas* Texas. .'.. Tol.A.A.iVr Mich. .1% j Preferred 37yaTol. A Ohio Cen.... 45 1 Kingston* Pin.. 3 | Preferred 78 1 Lake Eric A Wcstn 2^^4Tol.Sr.l.ouis&-K.C. « - Preferred ; 8:;i 4 It.m. -m-<! .... 14 Va ! ' Lake 5h0re. ..... I.V ' » Union Pacific :. 1 1 -'h I ; National Lead...... 34y 3 V. P.. Den. it Gulf. 6 l/ 4 Preferred iin^r.s. Cordage..... 7 /8 I LongTsland ... B."> j Preferred 1: + Louisviile & Nash. •'• < . >1 s Guaranteed OV2 [ Louisville NaA Ch. B"j^U. S. Kxpress. '. 41 • Preferred 27 U. S. Leather 16V2 [ Manhattan Consbt.l!3 ! Preferred :...... bft 3 ,* I Mfmphis<t Char:.i.l<l ) U. S. Rubbtr....... 411/4 Mexican Central... 12' 4 ir'ffrreii ..... 93% I I Michigan Central. . IGOV- U:ica AB. Riv .150 Minn AS. L........ jWah. S. L. it Pac. BVs . 1 Preferrea I Preferred ....... '-'1 i /S ; Minn. A Si. L com. 2'? iWells-Fr.rr0.. ...... 100 Is preferred Western Union...:. 91% 2d t !■■ -ferro! 47 jWis l-'entrai.V. .-. .6 Missouri Pacific..:. 3', :> , Wluelinj! AUK.. 16T'a ! Mobile* 0hi0..... 23jii Preferred 62V* i NtshvlPe « hail ... »8 Air Co:. on Oil pfd. 7! 1 4 National Linseed.. 27 'WUBfrf.. 10 1 1 I N. J. Central.-.-.-.... 10:<y.1i ITrac ion 17% o.osin'o fßrtwns? I S 4b, reg....,..:;n2 ]M iv T2U5. ...... .. .62% Do. 4s coupon... IK i/a D 0.4«:. 4«: 87% U S4s new r<*|r. . ..122V>;>!l:tuah Union 65.. .115 Do. 4s coupon. ..l23WN J Cent Gen'nß...l 16 ■ Do. 2s .....97. [Northern Pac lsts.lldi/2 j Do, 55...... 115«/4 Do, Ms ....... ...102i/i ; Do. dm c0up0n....! if.' = Do, ;-ds .' "..... 74 Chrro oe 4s, 1890 NOrthwesl Consols. i Do, 1897 100s,i! Do. deb 0i«.; 10911 I Do, 1*498 ...'... .1003/ nX AN ls:s 110% \ Do. 1899 ...10(>7iSiL<5:lronMtGen 5s 841/4 1 I'f.cific 6s 0f '515... 100 Bt LA Si'Gen6s.loM D. C. 3-6 55. .'..'.. HO iHt Paul Consols ...:20y a Ala Class A 4 107 . St. P. C. A Pa lsts.ll6 Do, Class 84, 107 ! * Do . Pac Cal js:«..l 12 La Co;isol 45..-. .-. .: V- Southern R. K. ss. 97 ' Missouri funding.. — - Texas Pacific firsts P2y 3 N Carolina con 65. .127 Texas Far seconds. '29% Do, 4s ...:.-.. ;..i302-' UnionPftolstofo6.lo6 Fo Carolina 4yg5.'.. 100 • Wi st Shore 4s'.. ...lOSVi . Trnnnew3s.. CO' Mobile <£ Oh' 'p 45.. as Va funding debt... 625/ U GranoeWest lsts 774 : Do, rejr.. Ciits A O 65...-.:...11'2V^ Do, deferred 65... ■ 614 Atchison 45........ B"'* Do, trust rcpts st 6 " j • Do, 2ds A. ...;■.'... 32V4 ; i Canada South 2d5..107y 2 OIUH A 65i..;.*. ln7y 3 i On Pac lstsof '95.102 j Do. 2d 7s ..;.,. 10lv , Den &It Grist.'.... 118 H & Tex Cent 55.. 110 " Do. -4 *..-;. .;.. 87 ■ I * D0. c0n_65.'.;.r...H)6 J Krie Eds 6<jy 2 Reading 15...; 80y Kansas Pa Consols 73 'Missouri U5...:. .'...100 Ks Pa lsts Den divlo9V4i roKI.H.N MARKETS; . • . ■ ', WHEAT IN LIVERPOOL. \: ," » '.;'■' LIVERPOOL, Bare., July 26.— The spot market j is firm at ss6d(3ijs 6d. Cargoes are lower at 27s tfd June and 26s 4%d arrived. • ,* - : • ■ ■■'' . • FUTCBE9.- v The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Bed Winter: i July, 6s si4 d ; August, 5s 5V4d; September, 6s 6d;' Octo ber, 5s 6y 2 d; November, ss 7 1 id. | ,-.-■.■ . . ■ BKCCRITIBS. LONDON. Eso., July Consols, 107 1-16: sil ver, 30 6-16 d: French Rentes, 102f 15c. Bullion out of Bank of England, £65,000. EXCHANGE AND BULLION.. Sterling Exchange, 60 day 5.......'.! — - $4 89Vi Sterling.Exchange.sight..... ' — '..... 4 90% ! New York Exchange, sight....' —»' ' . ' 02% ' New York Exchange, telegraphic... . —;' ■ 05 . " Fine silver, spot, is ounce .•.'."..' — " '<66Vi Fine silver,. 3o days — . ' 6CVs Mexican Dollars :.. 54 641/4 PRODUCE MARKET. WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT— ship James , Nesmith i takes for Bristol ; 57,478 'ctls,' valued .at $58,1 68. ; Futures declined.. but ; spot Wheat was : unchanged. No. 1,90@92y a c ? ; choice, 03%@96c; lower gTades, 85@90c; extra choice for milling, 97J/2C@sl 'f, ctl. -CALL "BOARD BALE*. . Informal Session— lo o'clock — December— 400 tons, *1 026/»: 700, $1 02%. May— loo, $1 09 Seller. '95, new, storage paid— 2oo,' 98c. . ' Regular Jlhrsinu ■, mission— December— ,*OO tons, $1 02%. May— 2oo, $1 09V*- Seller '95, new, storage paid— loo. 99 Vie-. 1 ! ■■ • _■■<-■ , ■' ■ Afternoon .session — December — 700 tons, ?1 03 : 100, ' »1 023,4: 900- *1 02%. May— loo, $1 09V 3 . • V :• - ; BARLEY— Quiet, but firmly held. No. 1, Feed, 60&61V4C £ ctl: choice, 6'JM,c: : Brewing, 67 V 2 f4) 7 be "# cil: Chevalier, $1 10@f 15 tor Mo. 1 and 76 for No. 2. ■ ..." ■ . . . '•ATI. BOARD BALKS. ' Informal^Sessiox— lo o'clock— No sales. Regular Morning Session— December— 2oo tons. 66y 8 c: 700, 65c. ; - Afternoon Session/— December — 300 tons, 66c: 100, 64% c. Seller ' 96. new-100.:59V4C; 100, 69% c: 400, 6»y c; 100. 59«/ c. • - -. . ■ I OATS— Fair demand at, previous prices. Receipts are lieht. Mllllnp. $I@l 05; fancy Feed, $I@l 05 '$ ctl ; good to choice, «7V2®9 5c ctl; common to fair. 76(&85c; Gray, 82y 2 #Bsc: Ked, 75@80c; Sur prise, 97%c@$l 07y a * ctl. — .-••■..••- : -;■;;' CORN— Choice I^irce Yellow Is in rather better demand, but otherwise the market Is dull. Large Yellow. $1 1O(S>1 16: Small Round Yellow, $1 15@ 1 20: White, $I@l 10 $ ctl. - RYE— Continues quiet at 90c for old and 80c "$ ctl for new. .;•* - . - '■ BUCKWHEAT-85@90c^ ctl. FLO AND MII.I.STUFFS. . FLOI7K— Net cash . prices are : Family extras, $3 3S@3 45 Vi bbl: Bakers' extras, $3 25@3 35: superfine. «2 25@2 50 V bbl.' ' • . MILLSTUFFS-Bye Floux. 3^c « B»: Bye Meal. 3c: Graham Flour, 3c: Oatmeal, 4y±c: Oat Groats, 6c: Cracked Wheat. BV>c: Buckwheat Flour, 4%c: Pearl Barley,* 4U<343.ic. ft tb; Rice Meal, fin© ISftton. ■■-■-;/ ... '* —". ::>'-:'■■ CORN MEAL, ETC.— Table Meal. 3@3%c; Feed Cora, $24@25; Cracked Corn, $24 b(Xg>M 50 ft ton; Hominy, 4y 2 @4S/ic ft !b. HA.V AND ; FKEDSTUrFS. BRAN— Quoted at $11 60@13 ft ton. " MIDDLINGS— Range from $15 for low grades up to $18 ft ton for the best. , . FEEDSTUFFS — Ground and rolled : Barley, $13 50@14: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $25 $ ton; Cottonseed Oilcake, $24 ft ton. HAY— Weak. Receipts are too large now. Wheat, $7@10; Oat, $6@B: Wheat and Oat, $t5 50@10; Barley, ?5(g,7: Alfalfa. $5 60@7 50; Clover, $7@B; Com pressed, $7 s<)<&9 50: block, $5@6 ft ton. - .'; . STKAW'-30@50c ft bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. BEANS— particular call for any description. Bay os are quotable at $1 25@1 40; Small Whites. $2 (55@2 90; Pea, $2 50&2 85: Large Whites, $2 50 ©2 80; Pink, $1 25@1 40; Reds, $I@l 26; Black ! eye, 3: Red Kidney, nominal at $2 50@3; Limns, $5 50@6 ft; ctl; Butters, ?2@2 25 tor small and $2@2 60 for large. ■ SEEDS— Mustards nominal. Flax,. s2 25@2 50 i i? ctl: Canary, 3V4te3V.c ft lt>; Alfalfa, .7@73,iC; Katie. 1 »4@2i4c: Hemp, 4c ft ft). DRIED PEAS— Split Peas, 4@4%c; The raw Droduct Is nominal. . ■ POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— Priors show considerable change in a small way. Sweets, ?2@2 50 f»cil: Garnet Chiles, 60@70c; Salinas Burbunks. 85@35c; Uiver Burbanks, in boxes, 50@S5c; i In sacks, 40(5, 65c: Early Rose, in boxes. 40@G5c; in sacks, 40@55c ft ctl. . ONIONS— Are rather higher at 65@78c ft ell. VEGETABLES — No change worthy of note yesterday. Green Peppers are quotable at 25 <&>loc ft box for Chile and 50c :«a box for Bell: Green Corn, 50(fi;7f>c .ft box for Berkeley and j $1(«1 50 ft box lor Aiameda; Tomatoes from 1 Vacavllle, 60©750 ft box; from the River, $1 75@ 2 ft. box:. Summer Squash, . 35@40c V box; Green Peas, 2;>: 2" 3 ft 11. : siring Beans, iy 2 @3y 2 c ft It.: Bay Cucumbers, 15@25c ft box; Pickles, «5 @75c ft box lor No. 1 and ,40c ; for No. 2; Green Okra. $1; Egg Plant, f>0:0.75c; Cabbage, 76c ft ctl; Feed Carrots. 30©40 c; Garlic, 2@3c ft tb. BUTI'EK, . CHEJSSK AND EGGS.. BUTTER— Quotations remain stationary. . / Crkamkry— l-';mcy. 15@16c: special marks sell higher: seconds, 14(&14y2C V !b. Dairy— Fancy, 14@15c ft It.: good to choice, 13@ j 13V2C; medium- grades, ll@l-'y 2 c: store Butter,' , nominal. -■ • ■7.• ;* .'; § CHEESE— Continues In plentiful supply and un- | I changed.' Fancy mtld new, 6@fU;>< - V '•>: common 1 to good, 4@sc: "Young America, 5(5j)7c; Eastern, 1 liy 2 (<J.12y 2 c;' Western. 6<3Bc V »>• . . f ■ EijGS— No.hing new. .'1 he demand is pretty fßlr I and there 1* no accumulation of supplies. Orvcon, ! 13(514c: Eastern. 13<$14c; Duck Eggs, 15@17c; | store Eggs, 12014 c; ranch Errs, 16@19c '?. dozen. POI'LTKY AM> (iAME. POULTRY— The market is overcrowded with Broilers and Fryers, Good fat liens and large . Roosters are firm and in very fair demand. Live! Turkeys. 14315 eft ib for Gobblers; 13@14cfor Kens: Geesp.'e* ra ; r. 76i <c $1 : Uosiinzß,sl 25@1 60 ft doz: Ducks, $.(g4 for old end i?3®s for young; liens, $-t@s 50 ft <ioz: hOOSters, ■■ onus;, $1 f.U@6; do. old, M ILKccb: Fryers, $H . Hi -4 > doz: Broilers. S:-,'<H3 50 fur 'lvr •:•■ and $1 ;,o.j<-' SO for small: Pigeons, $1 ■_'.*> ft dozen. GAME— KominalJ DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUITS— There were plenty of j Peaches and .Apricots on the market yesterday and both were weak. Figs were very scarce. Necta- i rines continued dull. Plums. were firmer, i.finx ' scarcer, Nectarines <;'■ 0 able at 60@75c > box for Red and 2f@4oc "j*. box for White: Cantaloupes, j ?i -2j@'-s 60 v cas«; Wateriaelons. •5@16 : r' JOd: Nutratcs, )rlrl ''0 V> box: 1- igs, bC@76C lios for ■ si igio:ind f ltu.l 25 for double layers: Plums. 25:6 I 50c; Green «.:•..<•-. $20 ,' ton: Peaches; 20@40c V j bx and 1 .'■'.. 30c '{'. basket ; Peaches In bulk, to vnr* ners, SlivclH >' tori -.or freestones and WiQ@!ib!§ < ton tor din 8: Apples, -■••.■■ -$l \* box: CrAi ap:;l«^, 1 25A40c: Vcar.*, 40;.- (ic\- box; Bartlßtts, ysc@£l i V 601 for No. i mi -io@soc %* box for off grade: ■! Aprii-ott, 2j@£oc^, box anasJ'£jusV ion. to the j cannprs. ; BEKHTEM— mr.rk»'t runs along about the j same. [fOCkiebl : r . i.@7c V tb: B■< I ■ Tr:i-«. $1 1 (d." ",' ci es : Etaspt.efrii -. 9*2 r.(),,;.4 'r*. chest; Klraw- | lorries. fj!2O4 for i.oni;wor'.hs and $1 25@2 50 t^ ( chesi for large berries. , uJiAPKh— Weiik and ntii»t. H'.vcetw-nters and I to tnincbloatix. "Or \'.c"\ lot : BlacK Grapes, 60 j i,i 7") ■• V box; McsCft.s; 6D(^7Sc ',' • ox. j >■■ :'!. I PRt'lTfe- Oraw ea are m ilrcted. Lem- | ons ere In better su ply ai,d weuic. Ijtnt s also are 1 cheap and aburid.lll;. >;:;%-pls, $1 50 3 V--box:l Kefdliups, M (■ 7:.- ; California lemons, $2@BJor common «nd $H To@4 '.or jootl 10 choice: Mexican Linus, $2 s()'j:{ to 1? box'; Uantutas, $1',25@2 *^ bunch; i'lm apples. $i(g:< y dozen. DRIED 1 IiUITS. KVISINS. NUTS, ETC. J DRIED FRUITS— The' market is quite firm, j will an advancing tendency in Prunes ami Apricots. We" quote new Prunes at : i' c x 4 .R> bid and refused lor the four sizes: new Apr-cots 8@ 10c ~$ ft" here. according to quality, and 8 ; •• .9c in c'drload ion ia the country. Old fruit Is quoted as follows: Prunes, four size.?, *«! larger sir.ts, 5(86c; smaller s'?.'s.2i/y^3i/..c: Apples, 4@4i^c for sli.-cl and f.gsV'»c .' Ib lor evapora'-wl ; Bleached Peaches, 4>~('-i7- : Prars..4@4V 2 c for evaporated halves, Bfc4c" tor quartois and iy a @2c for inferior pr.o.iti: Plums, :(>i: ! ',..r for plttetl and l l /2 c lor \ uni ''1- Fits, black, -ie for pressed au(i;iV 2 cior j impressed, » AND DRIED GRAPES— Rnislns— four-crown, loose, Hre quotable at :','»<■ \ l lb; j it-crown, : 1 4 C: 8-ctowd-, "«•; seedless Sultanas,' Me; , secures ■ Mi.Rcfltels. 2i- ? Up: S-crown London ! lay. $1 BC@l 45 box; clusters, $2 25612 75; Dfhesft clusters.' .$•-' r0; Imrtrial cius.ers, $3 00: Dried Grapes— "l%©l^io "; 4 It-. NUTS— \Viiin,:t-i. 7@loc for paper-shell and soft shell, an.i C@7c for hardshell: Almonds, 2@2Vb« for bl WlßhelT, and C@bc V lb for soi shell, Hid | fcr pai i r-slif-il ; ■■ for Ens <-m and 10 4i/a c for Califoruta ; Hickory Nuts, 6c<C6c; Pecans, i fie for ron ;h"» rid 8c for polished: Filbert . S^9c; brazil Nuts, 7i '-7 1 ■••■ ? li ; [Cocoanutß,'s4 50^5 50 C* 100. HONEY— Stocks continue ample, but buyers arc scarce. New (omli is Quotable at; :10(§12 ■' ib; u"w water-uhite extracted, G@sVic \' lb; light ] amber extracted, 4iA@sc: dark'amber, 4(g!.4V4C. i BEESWAX • 24@26c Ti b. PltO VISIONS. CURED MEATS— Hams are firm. Bacon steady. ! Both are unchanged. Bacoa, t-(oHiv;Cfor heavy an.l i y.i,2@i'c for light medium, 11@11VsC for light, 129 tl2i/2C ? Ib for extra light, and li.'V 2 ®l3c for sugar curort; Kustprn.; Sup nx-eured Kama, rj''.'.'.r; Cnliforniu !(■= »<c 11-: MeSS Beef, 7;<:75(J •^iibl: extra mess do. s,8«8 60; family do, *10; ; extra prime Pork, .*9 60 V bbl: extra clear. «17 60 | (6,18 >< 1,1,1; mess, 115016 10 i* bbl: Smoked Beef, | i>y 2 @loc v »'• ; ■ LARD— Eastern, tierces, C@6V4c V- "> for com-, pound, and fee "r 1 tb for pure: pails. B*4°,: California tierces, siAcfor compound and 684(»7c for pure; half this. 7Vic: lt)-!b tins, 7V 2 c; do 5-lb. be ,' it.. COTTOLENE— 7%c In tierces, and 8«4«: "$ lb in 10-Ibtlns. ' -■• . HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND .SKlNS— Quotations 1 seem pretty well established , for • they do not change. Heavy salted steers. 10y £ ftailc: medium, 9y 2 @loc: light. I 9c: Cowhides, Dc; salted Kip. 7c: salted Calf, lOcj salted Veal, Be; dry Hides, usual selection. lU-tt \ 19'ji- ? Ib;, culls and brands, 14@14yj.c '? Ib: dry Kip. 14@15c; dry Calf, 1:0 c: prime Goatskins, 20@ ! 35c each; Kids, fie: Deerskins, good snmmer, 80c V tb; medium, lf.Ca2£c: winter, 10@15c; Sheep skins, shearlings, lC@2oc each: short v.001.2.'((535c 1 each; medium, 80®i£>C each: long, wool, 40(gi60c : each. Culls Of all kinds, a! out y 2 c 1«-bv TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, 4Vi@4yj.c: country j Tallow, 4i«U'.|i-; relived, 6c; Greus". l>l&'S l %> Ib. ' WOOL— For choice clips them is a certain de- | mand, but everything t-Ise is neglected. Business is quiet, at best. New lambs' and fall clips quoted at Cijil | Be. Quotations for the spring clip am: Hum! old t and Mendocino, rj'-(".M<;' Choice Northern. 10@llc: San Joaquln, seven months'. 6(§,Bc: do. 12 months', .=■.(«!.'.'■: Nevada, s@loc: Eastern Oregon, hen 7@Bc; do choice, 9@loc; Valley Oregon, I2@iay a c » Ib. . ■ , - ■ ' ■■.-,•• HOPS— Neglected and nominal at 2@6c '# lb. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags, 4@4Vic; San Quen tin, $4 20: Wool Bags, 24@26c. COAL— Wellington; $8: New Wellington, $8: South field Wellington,^ 50: Seattle, $0; Bryant $0; Coos Bay, $5; Wallseud, $7,50 .<jj* ton; Scotch, $7 60: Brymbo, $7 50; Cumberland, $8 60 in bulk and • $10 50 In sacks: Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg, $12; Welsh Anthracite Egg, -$9: Cannel, 88; Rock .Springs. Castle Gate and Peasant < Valley, $7 60: Coke. $15 in bulk and $17 in sacks.- ' ■ RICE-Ciiinese mixed, $3 12' 2UO 17' No. 1, $3 56(giS 70; extra No. 1, $3 9;>(£4 20; Hawaiian. $5; Japan, $3 80@4: Rangoon, $3 40(0.:-; 50 "r ctl. ■ SUGAR— The Western Sugar Uefluinac Corapanj | quotes, terms net cash : Cube, Crushed. Powdered an 1 Fine Crushed/all 6S/ 4 c: Dry Granulated, 5y 8 c: Confectioners'- A, sc; Magnolia A. 4S/ 8 c; Extra C, 4Vijc: Golden C. 4 Vie ;;'D, 4c; hPlt-barrels, Vie more than barrels, and boxes '/2 C more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. All kinds are quoted as heretofore with sufficient supplies . for all local needs. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaughterers are follows: ; BEEF— First quality, 6@SV2C; choice, 6c; sec ond quality, 2 c; third do, S@4c "^ lb. ' : VEAL— Large, 4@sc: small, 6(o>7c $ tb.- .'::.> ■'MUTTON — Wethers; 4V2@sc; Ewes, 4@4y 2 c ; . LAMB— Spring, 6@6c ? tb. I PORK— Live Hogs, 4c %« lb for I large, 4V4@48/8C for small and 'S 3 Ac for feeders:' dressed do, 5y 2 @ 6V a c. : ; ; ; ■;. .'•■■■.., ■ .■'.-■-•■ :■'■:, -.;■.:-;■ : ■ RECEIPTS ; OF PRODUCE. '.:.'.>J-;-roB 24 HOURS. : , Flour.qr. sits .'....;. 4.6B2iMlddlings, 5k5..... 476 Washington. .;... x,4l2|Br»n, nk5. ..:...... »36 Wheat, ct15......... 7,407 Oregon ....r...... • 240 Barley, ctls..- .11,275 Wool. bi5.;..;...:. ■/.;; 67 • Oats. ct15........... ,:.- 200 : Washington..... 48 Washington;.... 75 Wine, gals... ...7. .46, 100 Corn, ct15.....:....- 250 Hides, no ;T;. '...".. 1,973 Beans, sits. 320 Pelts. Ddls ;.....„.. 290 Potatoes, 5k5.....: I,s46'Tallow, ctls .... 90 Onions, 5k5........ - 292 Leather, r0115:..:.. 15 Hay, t0n5......;;.. ' 959 Quicksilver, flasks SSO FAMILY RETAIL MARKET. ' . Eggs are dearer. ' No change In Butter or Cheese. Meats are about the same. :60 is Poultry. Fish shows considerable 'change,- some kinds being cheaper and others dearer. . * . .. / " - :. The Fruit and Vegetable markets continue well supplied at about previous prices. ~' : Following is The Call's regular weekly retail price list: . ' ■ - - - — PER TON. Cannel...... ■ @10 00 PleasantVal' 9 50@10 00 Wellington. — @10 00 Southfield New Wei- . > < i Wellington — @ 950 -lington.... @10 00 i Scotch...... — <&> 950 Seattle — <S 8 00 ! Coos Bay... 7 00® — Castle Gate.- 9 60@10 00 . . DAIRY PRODCCE, ETa ' r. Butter, fancy, %»< ' i Cheese, Swiss.... 20@30 square..; '..30@35 Common Eggs^dzl s^)l7 Co, i* r011. . .- 30(#35 Banch Eegs, f«dz. 20(4,25 do, choice —(027 Eastern Eggs...'.. .15(ai17 Ordinary do;.. 25@— Honey, comb, ?>R). — @15 Cheese, Cal b^lOj do, extracted.... 10®12 Cheese, Eastern... 15@20 , ' MEATS— PKTt POUND.. ,'-■. vj Bacon. ..15@17 Pork, fresh .......12@15 Beef, choice 12@15 Pork, salt ..12@15 do, good .: SfailO Pork Ch0p5....... 18&15 Corned 8eef....... 861 — Round Steak...:;. »alO Ham, Cal .....13@15 Sirloin Steak... l2y2@ — do, Eastern . — @15 Pon.orliouse, d0...17@20 Lard;..... 12@15 Smoked 8eef...... — toil s Mutton. Bslo Pork Sausages — &20 Lamb ......:. ,B@lo Vea1.". ;:.... .......10@15 POULTRY ASB GAME. Hens, each..... 60® 75Turkeys, ft lb.. — @ 20 Young itoost- Ducks, each. 50<{b 65 ers. each. . . . . ■ 76<a 85 Geese, each .. .1 50fS>2 00 Fryers, each... 60@ — Pigeons, t* pr.. '— # 50 Broilers, each.. 35® —Rabbits, pr.. 25(a> 40 Old Roosters, ' Hare.each 15® 20 i each ;.. r>O(a 601 . - FRUITS AND NUTS. Almonds, 1b..... — <S)lsi:N*eetarlnes, ft 1b... 6@ 8 Apricots."^ tb..... s,'a> 6Oranges, ft doz 15@50 Applos, ft tb. ...... 4(al 5 Hums, ft lb 5@ — Blackberries 'f*d\vrls(q:2. r > Peaches, ft lb 4(d> 5 Bananas, ft d0z...15@20| Pears, ft Ib.. ... "*(?> 5 Cocoanuts, each...lOntlS ft lb sitals Crabapplea, ft 1b... sfa> Raspberries, dwr2o#3o I Cantaloupes, each. 15(<t'25'Strawberries, Figs, ft m 10(iiil5l .ft drawer 20@«5 : Grapes.ft tb........ B(aiO!\Valnuts, ft Jb.....15^ — Lemons, ft doz 3O@4Oj\Vatermelons,«achls®-5 Limes, ft doz lf>{g2oi VEGETABLES. Asparagus, tb... s(3il2|Lentils, ft lb ...... 6® 8 Artichokes,?doz..lO®3ojLettuce, $ doz 16A20 Beets, ft doz .12(a;15 Onions, ft lb 2(i 3 Beans, white, ft lb.— & 6|Okra, green, ft 1b..12@15 Colored, ft Ib 4(i Peppers, dry "£ tb.. -(a •-'"> Lima, ft Si Cm C'Pepper.Kreen, ft lb. 6(<B10 Cabbage, each..;.. s(«lojPftrsn!ps, ft d0z....15@20 Cauliflowers, each. s(<s 8 Potatoes, m tb 2ia» 3 Celery, > bunch... sfc^ — lßadisbe .'»( I Cucumbrs.ftdz 10&12iIthubarb, ft tb..... 4@ 6 1 Cress, ft uzbunchs.2O(ui2s Sagp, ft lb 25@35 1 EggPlant, ft ft.... 5-3). Bistriii'i Beans.ft lb. sfo> 6 Garlic, ft ib ....... 8 Thyinf, ft tb 20(*30 j Green Corn, ft doz.lo(g;2s|'l'urnlp3, {) doz — 15(§20 I ' Green Peas, ft tb.. 4^ s,Tomatocs, ft 1b.... 5© 8 I"ISII— PER POUND. Barracuda 12015 Shad:" — @ — ■ Carp .... B@lo6eaßass —(it — 1 Codfish '.:... iO(<u i 2 Smelts..' — @15 Flounders —^10 501e5...... — (0)10 Halibut :..... 6ftalOSkatrs, each....... s@lo •Herring — (35 —'Sturgeon :. — («P — Klngfish: — (^lOTomco-J — @12 Mackerel. — rd»2o Clams, ft 5a1..'... . — <5»75 . do.'Horse....* —(9 — Do, hardshell, ft Perch H®loj 100...... 50@ — , Pompano — —"Crabs, each...- 10@ — I Rock fish ... -r.<U()I)o. -.of! shell. $ dz.25<?&35 • Salmon, smoked.. .2o.'i'2s Mussels, ft qrt... ..10(^15 Salmon, fresh — <&160yswrs,Gai,* 100.50® — Shrimps..... 8-VulO Do, Eastern, ft dz.25@35 THE STOCK MARKET. There was no firmness vi-ible anywhere yeßter- j day and trade was dull ail day at uncl. suited prices. . notes. . At the Hale & Norcross delinquent sale only 189 shares out of 112. 00J In; the mine were sold for nun-p ivruent of the assessment. T.i- Homes a;.- Mining Comp ny has just paid a monthly, dividend of i.6 cents per share. The Q-.iirc- Copper Mining Comprny of . MJchl- K:»n baa dec'aresi its fifty-fourth dividend at the rate o $ 1 per share, amounting to $200,000, pay able Aujrus: 15. j The Roue Klmb?rley Mining Company of El | li'.r.i o County lias vied an assessment of 25 can taper, delinnmn:- Allgpst 25. guperlnteudeht Lin m of tie Con. Cel. & Va. is ! arranrin? for dr'.Hta« westward from the end of ! the West Consolidated Virginia and California wesc drift , on the 1100 .'level of -the old Con. shaft, as r.nJiorlzed by the Orihir, Mexican and other companies. The weekly ports of the Bodies are as follows: ; Mono— Kast crosscut from north drift 400 level ! was extended 10 feet; lace in porphyry. .home— i us; crosscut from the nor drift 200 le.vt.-l was extended J3 feet: face In .porphyry. I East crosscut trom (••ildoa vein SCO level was ex tended : ."> fei t : ..' oin j orpl-yry. South drif from j we* crosscut 3 olf vrl lend wr.s extended 18 feet; face In clay ana porphyry.- South' drift from west upraise. ■.0 feet below the 300 level, was extended 8 feet; face in porphyry. ' * • ! Bplwkk- drift from No. 6 100 level was j extended 14 fid: face in- bunches of low prclo ; <juarii."-"Tl:ey continue 'to ex: met Home fair-grade : or Iron) stops abov<> lf.O level And from sto;ielrom new No 1 .raise above the 200 level. Ten tons of | ore were extracted ii:.(! rut ia.o main ore chut* : es.imated at about J?'.O per ton. Total shipments j of bullion produced during the run of the mill, .-, 7&26 59. -______• BOAIll) SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco fclcck Eoard ycs'.erdry: RKOITI.A!: MOltyiNf* SKSSTOX— 9:3O. 250 B <& 8.... .89:100 Kentuck..oS'lßo Savage.. 100 Cha'.lens'.Sl .60 Mexican. .6o' 60 39 800 i-hollar.. .60*800 Occl 1[i....3-- lUO Seg J!e!....10 600 (4 <fcC....:.Sft t 350 l'o!osi....:wai)o 5Xev....48 200 II <k N ..1.6v)500 ..37100 Union C..48 I 20 1.40-00 Scorpion..o4 AFTF.HXOOV SI'.SSIHN— 2:3O. 200 P.* 8....K7 500 .Justice.. .o9 500 overmn...l7 .100 I'al.ln 1 11100 Kentck... o34oo Savage.. 100 Cbuileiige.3lll so 1ean.. 07 BO Seg 1ie!.... 10 : 50 ....00 200 Mono 01f>«0 .- C» 50 CC*V . .3.70 Occidn:l..S3 100 Sierra S..iT> 4AO V Point... 60 ......34100 Union C. .46 '-'00 Ci dk C....3U _'■ \- . Following were tne sale.* in tlaa Pacific Stooi Lor.rci jtstenlay: RKOTT^AR BERSIOX— 10:30. . 300 A1pha.. ...07 200 CCAV2.7i. ( 2 |200 Mcx 66 bOO Alta 70 i'onf<* Ocoldentl.S'J 300 Andes. ...2C Con N Y..03i2.i0Uph1r../t1.40 200 8e1cher.. .32 200 c Point... Ovrmnl...lß 100 15 * 1i.....«ff-'(:0 Kxcliqr.:.o2i4oo POtOBI 38 >2iiO 83200 CJ & V.... 401480 89 100 80die. ... 17200 . .'. ..:... : . SO 000 . : 40 800 Bullion. ...17 ; 1000 11 jc..\.1. 50 500 Sear 8e1... 09 200 Caleda..;.l2 200 .'..:.. 1.47V -250 Sierra N ..4rt 400 Clial:ice..3l!loo ....... 1.621 DOS Hi 11. ....03 300 0i)0.1rtr."...60,4(i0 Ju1i0. ..... 03200 Union ....40 400 69'3U) Justice. ...o9 300 V Jacket .39 300 68S0i) Kentucic .03' ' AFTICRN'OIX SK«RIOV— 2:3O. ■ -V': 300 Alta .....:i4 3.00 HAN 1.47^300 Scorpion. .o4 300 r.clie ....17 6(!0 Justice.. 100 SNev 47 j 200 Bulwer...oS2oU 10an.. 67 200 Uni0n. ...47 ! 200 Cliollar.. . M0n0. . . . 04L50U Utah . . ...01 200CC.W 2.725,2 160 Oohir I.37Vs> 200 V Jackt...39 300 IC Point... oSi .' -. ' ■ " I •:"-• OSINO QUOTATIONS. FRIDAY, July 26-4 p. m. J}irl.Asf.t(l.r :'.■ Bid. Asked. Alpha C0n..... 06 07: Jackson ..;..., 20 — Aim* . ........ 14 15rJniia. .....;.... 02 04 Andes 26 28iJustlce 08 10 8e1cher. ....... 31 S2'KentucK. ...... 03 04 Best A Belcher. 85 8(i l.atly Waah.... 01 02 HemoiiL'on — 40;J!exican...V... 65 66 Bodle ; — 19Mcno ......:.;. 02 03 Bullion 17 18,'Mt. Diablo 15 , — Bulwer.'.T..;:- — 06INevadaQueen. — ' 05 Caledonia...;.. 10 *12 Occidental , 31 32 Challenge Con. 2S« . E1|0phir. ......;.. 1.30 1.35 Choliar ...;.... 66 ■ 67|Overman 16 18 1 Con.Cal.ifc Va.2.66 2.70 P0t 05i..... 34 35 Con. Imperial. — O'-^avaee .37 40 Confidence..... 90 ;£ec. Belcher.:. 08 09 Con. New Yoric — vOh S'.erra Nevada, 44 45 Crown Point... 87 3SScorpioii..' 04 — 1 KnstSierraNer — 06 Silver H1U..... 02 04 Kxcuequer..... . 01 08 ■ Silver Kins.... 15 20 KnrekaCon — .20 Syndicate — 03 Uould <!t Curry. 36 '37 Union C0n...;. 45 46 Hale i borers. 1.40 1.45 Utah:... 1 ....... 03 04 lowa .. . — 041 Yellow Jacket. r 37 39 /■ STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, FRIDAY, July 26-2 P. M. UNITED STATES BOsft«.' : Bill. Aifked.]- Bid. Asked.' US 4s c0up..112 —.JU S reg. . .112 — ! ' .' MIBOKI.i.AJCEOr» BONDS. CRI-HtCbleßs.lo9i nO |Do, — ~ Cal Elec 2PA 0Kv65..110 120.C Cntra C 00 -' P& Ch Ky6*. 9« 97Vis Dpnt-stex-cp 70 95 Ifwl-stRKSs. — H6V2 KdsnL&Pfts.lO7 107 V Reno,\Vl &Llo2- 105 F&C11 P.R63100 —. ■ MverWCotis — 100 Geary-stK6s. — 105 SF*NPBUSsIO2 — LosAnttLßs. — — iSPUKAriztts 97 — Do.Gnted.Cs.l2l 103 ' (SPRIXCaISs.II2 — Mkt-stCble«s "— — SPRR Cal ss. 871/2100 NevCNRRBs. — 102 Do, 1 con etd. 87ValOO v NPCRU69.IOO — SPBrKCal6s. — 98V 2 NyUCal 65.. 100 106 ISVWater6s..l24 — ' NBy Cal 55.. — ■— '■ 8 V Water 4s.. 99 99V a Oak Gas 65. .105 "■■■- — ■ StktnG&E6s — 10S - Do, 2di5555..105 1061,4 SunstTAT63 — 103 Omnibus 65.: 110^120 Sutter-stßs<!.llo — - PacßollMbs. 102 .■..•..•■ — ;"■ VlsallaWC6s '- — V 92 : ' ■ .WATER STOCKS. ..' Contra Costa. 60 64 iSanJose..... — 97V'a Marln C 0.... 48 65 |Sprng Valley 100^1003/ 4 GAS STOCKS. Capital....... — - 42V2iPacincLI?ht. 45 — Central 95-.; — - iSanFrancsso 71V* 71V 2 Oakfil.AH. 4434 4 5 1-2 Stockton..... 17 24 PacGasimp. 81 818,41 v .- , insurance: STOCKS. FiremansFd.lso 160 |Sun./.... .... 48y 3 80 ; , / '.'■■ ~ : '- /COMUEBCIAI. BAXK. STOCKS. .- ' ' Amerß&TC. "— ■ — LondonP&A.l26B4l2B A nglo-C'al . . . 55 62 , l.onUon&Sl! 1 . •— , -81' Hank of Ca1..2^434 — Merch Ex.:. 12 —I" CMSD&TCo. 581^ — Nevada — — Firs-.Nationl.l77 179 SatherßCo.. — — Grangers.:...— — •■-.- • ,-*' '.' " ' ' •' ' SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Gers<fei,co.. — ; 1750 } Soy & Loan. . ' — 150 - HunibS&lj.lOOO' V — ''■' ISecurltr • — ' 270 ; ■ Mutual — - 45 jUnlon Trust. 830 — BFBavUnlon49O - 800 ' | ... L - . - STREET BAILBOAD STOCKS. ' California.... 104 — Oak.RL*Hav — 100 Geary-5u.... — '90 > Presidio .... — 14 * Marnet-su... 40Vi ; 41i/ibutter-st — — POWDEB STOCKS. Atlantic D... 17 18 iJuason....... — "~ . California.... 75 — Vigorlt.: — BOc Giant — 151/4 ■ '- MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. BlkDCoalCo. — 11 PacAuxFA.. 1% — Cal Cot Mills. — — Pac Borax... 98 100 Cal Dry Dock; — — Pac IAN Co. — 80 EdisonLighU "92% 93Vi Pac Roll Mill 17 — GasCon Assn. — — Parf Paint Co .— 9 HawCttSCo.. — _" 6 Trans Co — 26Vi HntchSPCo.. 11 lli/ B PacT<fcTCo. 60 62y 3 JndsonMfgC. — — . ISunsecTdET. 35 — MerExAssn.loo 110 United Co.. — . 35 OceanicSSCo — 30 I • ' > KORNIXO I BESSIOV. * Board-50 Bank of California. 224%: 45 Edison Light <fc Power Co, 93: 25 Hutchinson S P Co, 11%; 125 do, 11: Pacific Lighting Co, 46. . Street— 7s First National Bank. 177%. AFTERNOON' aicssrox. Board-5 Atlantic Dynamite, 17; 50 Pacific Gas Imp, 81. ' : : _ • •■ ' REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. •' * Joseph M. Wood to Fanny Held, lot on 8 line of Broadway, 137:6 VV of Fillmore street, W 40 by 8 137:6: ¥10. ' . Nicholas Ennls to Edward H.Algeltinger, lot on N line of Ellis street. 171:6 \V of Steiner. \V 25:6 by N 137:6; $10. \ Philip Rive to Robert V. Rive, lot on S line of California street, 156:3 W of Baker, W 25 by 8 137:6; $10. Oscar K. Johnson to Joseph Ine Johnson, lot on E line of Clayton street, 50 S of Hayes, S 25 by E 106:3; grant. '■■: Richard Barron to Henry A. Wegener, lot on SW corner of Waller street and De Long avenue, W 30 by S 110; $10. ■ "Phebe J. dp Frees to David Devoto,. lot com mencing at a point on dividing line between lands of first and second party, which dividing line is on N line of Erie street, 122:8 W of. Howard; the property to be conveyed Is descrlbeu as commenc ing on above dividing line. 146:5 N of Erie street, N 29:9, VV 14:10. S 31:7. X 17:6; $10. :;.; ■ Margaret C. Porter to John Olsen, lot on W line of Eureka street, ICO S of Eighteenth, 8 25 by VV 125; $10. . Henry F. Blichaells (by T. O'Brien, Tax Col- I lector) to M. McC'ann, lot on E line of Missouri I street, 125 N of Nevada, H 25 by E . 100, tax deed: $1. •- ■ ■ -.-•— J. B. Haggln, Lloyd Tevisand Henry Wads worth (trustees of Sun Francisco and Point Lobos Road Company) to F. B. Surrybne. lot on NE cor ner of Thirtieth avenue and A street, N 100 by E 30: $160. same to Martin ODea, lot on SE corn? r of A street and Thirtieth avenue, E 113, ej 9 deg. 12 mm. B 61:11. W 116:1, N 59:10; $255. John D. Wi'.cox (by Thomas O'Brien, Tax Col- I lector) to M. McCaan, lot on VV line of Mountain I Lake Park. 171. H0 X 3 dec 15 rain. VV from SVV i corner of saM park. X 3 dec. 15 mm. W .40 chains, 78 dec. 45 mm. W 407.58, S 11 dec. 15 mm. ! E 40 chairs, N 87 dec. 30 mm., W 11.55 chains. j X 87 d";. 15 niln. VV 6.87 •chains. H 74 deg. 45 ! mm. VV W5. B 76, . SE 15. N 86 deg. 59 miv. E 70:4, N 71 deg. 33 mm. E 94.09. Shßdei{. 30 mm. E 241.06, N 79 deg. 60 mm. E 177. SB7 dee. 30 mln., ]•: 717, X 11 de*. 16 win., VV 26.40. N 78 deg. 45 mm. W 26.40, X 78 deg. 45 mm. E 407.88: $22. Nellie A. While to Julia N. White, lot on W line of Berlin street, 134 S of Burrow. S 67 by W 120, block It*, Railroad-avenue Extension; $5. ALAMEDA COUNTY. A. and Mathilda C. Anderson to August T. Mil ler of Oakland, lot on E line of Campbell street, 26 A of Lincoln, N 26 by E 100, being lot 18, block 713, Oakland: $10. Surah E. Hendricks of. Oakland to Eunice Hen drteks of Oakland, lot on SW corner of West Tenth and Cypress streets, S 40 by VV 65, being portion of lot 24, block (552. Eighth-street Tract, Oakland: so lo: on SK line of East Eleventh street, 100 BE of Eleventh avenue. SE 25 by NE 120, being the BW 120 feet of lot 5, block 37, Clinton, East Oak land: also lot on NE line of East Fifteenth street, 100 >>E of Eleventh avenue, !*E 50 Dy NE 100, | being th<- SW 100 feet of lots 6 and 6, block 67, Clinton, East Oakland; gift. Joseph K. Sears of Oakland to Henry Root of San Francisco, lot ou NE line of Park avenue and ! mht of way of .Southern Pacific Railroad Com j pany, E 100, N 65.831/3, W 100, 8 63.29 1-6 to be i ginning, being portion of lots 22, 23,2 4, block 3, 1 i bill vision of blocks 1 and 3, Kennedy Tract, East Oakland; $10. Henry : Hoot of San Francisco to iJHx Smith of Oakland, lot on NE line of East Twenty-third street. 175 SE of Twenty-first avenue, SE 100 by i NE 280, / being lots 8 to 11, 40 to 43. Week 75, i northern addition to Brooklyn, East Oakland; $10. Robert A. and Margaret E. Harvey to Francis J. Woodward of Oakland, lot on s, line of Bueca Vista avenue, 40 E of Los Angles street, X 40 by S 100, I being lot 2, block C, Goiden Gate Tract, Oakland Township, quitclaim deed: $1.-' . I Jo in A. and lielle Hoots of Alameda to Frank J. anu Catherine T. Counney, lot 8, block E, Broad way and Telegraph avenue Park Tract, being a re subdivision of blocks Ato E, VVeston Tract, sub ject to mor.gage. Oakland Township; $10. I r.nik .1. and Catherine T. Cour.ney to Equity Bunding and Loan Association, lot on W line of i Op:;l siree .120 N of VVeslon avenue (or Thirty- I eighth street), 5 25 by .VV 118, being lot 8, block ] E, Broadway and Telegraph avenue Park Tract, ! in? a resubdivislon of blocks Ato E, Weston ; Tract, Oakland Township; $964. Edward E. and Susan a. Potter to John W. i Brown of .Berkeley, lo: 1. Potter Tract, Berkeley: . $1&71. Frank A. and Alary 1,. Leach to George C.Riley of Oakland, lot 11, biock It, Moss Tract, Brooklyn i Township: $10. . ' / • ."• ' I 'Morris James of rakland to Frederick llsen of i ! Oakland, lot 16, bloc Si, amended map, : Moss Tract, Brooklyn Tovlnshtp: $lU. .'- if - Same to James T. Harney of Oakland,' lots 18 to 22, block R. umended map,' Moss Tract, Brooklyn i Township: $10. . i John Yule of Oakland to Jessie D. Connor (wife ! of -V \V.), lot on N line of .Twenty-sixth avenue, ! 205 SW of East Fourteenth street, bVV 95, N\V 119.78. NE9S, SE 119.88 to beginning, being lo: 4. ; • atid SW 4.> feet of lot 3, block 2, revised map, Eden I Park, Brooklyn Township: $10. E. and Alice V. Matnaway to Mary V. Baker of Monterey, two acres beginning at a point on S line ef county road No. 310, distant s\v 15.24 feet from NW corner of lands cf >. MeConagby, thence SE ! 4.124 chains, SVV 5.273 chains, NVV 4.11 chains, ! NX 5.303 chains to beginning, Eden Township; ' $10. , AsnT, and DeVVitt C. Davis to Mary M. Davis, lot on NE line of East Twenty-first street. 277 NVV of Nineteenth avenue. NVV 25 by NE 140, being lot 39, block 69. -N addition to Brooklyn, I E?"»t Oakland: $10. • Thomas S. Wyiif- of Oakland to Fannie Mcßride of Oakland, lot on E line of Twenij'-third avenue, 86.70 s of East Twenty-first street. E 140.67, s i 32. W 335:10, N to beginning, East OaKland: $10. tieorr>e E. Lawrence of san Francisco to Charles ! If. VVtr^ma'i of Ssn Francisco, lots 16 to 19. 19V2, I 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. and all of those portions of lots j4 and 15 lying S of the county road leading from Bay Farm island to San I/pandro, all being in sec tion SO, Towns-iip 2 S. 11. 3 W. Alameda Town ship; also lots 17 and 19 in section 25. Township 2 S, I!. 4 VV, subject to a mortgage, Alameda Town ship; $10. • . John Curry of Oakland to Rudolph and Emll Mohr of San Francisco, lot on ft line of Railroad ay« nue, 350 E of Chestnut. E 50 by S 217:8, being lo: 11, block 6. lands adjacent to Euclnal, quitclaim deed, Alameda- $5.." Builders' Contracts. " Horace D. Hill with Keating, Leonard <fe Ran som, concrete walk, etc., on NVV corner of Sacra mento and Lyon streets. .-.-.". .. G.E.Thompson with James Mooney, to erect a two-story building on lot on VV line of Pierce street, 137:0 N of Union: «249.V ! C. Westphal with A. G. Johnson, to make altera : tions and additions on a three-story frame building on lot on S line of "Fell street, between Stelner and Pierce: $3158. _ _ ' < -■•./-■• THE CALL CALENDAR. Jult, 1895. W.| Aloon't Phases. 6 July 6, : Full Moon. *^> Jtily 14. 'Js*' Last Quarter. 10 II U 17 If 19 24 j 25 fix July 21, XD New Moon. 3 July 28, First uuar:er. | 30 OCEAN STEAMERS. Datosof Depnrttive From San FranoUeo. :!IT[N\T!.I\ j SAtIA i PIKR. Alceßlnchd Portland |July 27, 6pm Vailejo Hateof Cal , P0rt1and....... .1 uly'2B. 10a m Spear Eureka :New D or: ...... July'2B. ham Bdw'y 2 FMHIIOD... Yaaulna Bay.. Juty2B,lo*M ; Miss 1 Walla Walla V !c & Sna July 29. 9am Bdw'r 1 San 8ia5...., Panama ...... Jnlyii9.l2w PM SS I'rogreso... Panama JnlySO. 4pm r.omb rd fcantalioa*.. wan JUieeo..... .lul.vBo.llam I Birr 2 Pomona HumboMtßav JulyaO. -.»l»u Bdw'r 1 North ForK. Ilumboldtßav | JulySl. 9aw Miss'n 1 Point tom«. Grays Harbor. Jul.v3l.loam Mlss'n 1 Wpe °« •*-«! River JulySl, Ham Valleto A l^-' -.—— i'l 00 - Bar v.--.v :Julv3l,loam, Vallejo JSt Pau1...... I Newport .■....: AUR 1, Bdw'r 2 Del .None., -3 rays Harbor. Ang 1. 3p»i!Main 0reg0n...... Portland....;.. au» -2 10am Spear Humboldt... HumboWltßay Ant; 2. fltu Washt'n Mexico..... >>an Diego Aug 3.11 am Bdw'r » STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. . M - ". North Fork ] Australia......... ! P0m0na... ..:... ; Mackinaw...... , Wceou.. ..:.... I Santa K05a...... ! H0mer.......... \ Crescent city... Point L0mt..... DelNorte...;... | Umat111a. ....... I Oreeon ;-.v, Araeo.v.::.-. .;:- I Truckpe :.....;. I Costa Rica...... i btPani.:.. ...... Ran Juan Procresslst. ..... I Mine01a.". .".".. v.. Hninooldt .".■.... Mariposa ....... Mexico... China;.....:..:.- -! ilnmboidt Bay... I ■ Honolulu :....... .'. '.'.'.'.'.. ! 1 I uin bold t Bay .'.'!!! I Tacoma '...'.. ". . ! ver . . ..... .".'.I!;!! ISftll Di5c0.... :...'.:'.;..: COOS 8ay ;:.;.;. ... .....; Crescent City............ jUrays Harb0r....... ... j itjrays HarDor.'. . ......... Victoria & i'ufeet Sound t'ortUnd . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Coos Bay : ..'... . . ....;. ; . I 1 1'0rt1an0 .; .....;......... j . departure .Bay ......... Newport.*..: t'anama ; ............ . . .'. 1 Departure Bay I Como.T. ;v. ;.."........■...- I ilumboidt .Bay. .'. ! I Sydney ... ; I San Diego.*..::.:. i China and Japan. ....:.'. I July 27 i July 27 July 27 July 28 July 28 July 28 July' 29 July 29 July 29 July -30 July SO July 30 | July 80 July 30 July 30 July 30 July 31 July 31 July 31 July 31 I Auk . 1 lAug > 1 (Auk '-3 SUN AND TIDE TABLE. aiaa wa' i W -WATER.! MOOX. Bmall.!Large. 3.15 a ,3.57p 1 4.30 a 4. Mr L*rge. [Small. O.llAlO.l'iF | -•■ ■ » 7.23 10. 88 P Sets. 7^a>n.«Bff HYDROGRAPHIC BULLETIN. . Bbakcu Hydbographio Offic*. V. S. S H ) . Merchants' Eicit»n«k ■' .J»: San if ban-msco. July 26.' 1895. ) ' . The time ball on Telegraph mil was dropped exactly at noon to-day— i. c.. at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at. exactly HP. m., Greenwich time. a. F. Fechtklkb, Liontenant U. «. N.. in Cbarce. SHIPPING INRELLIGENCE. Arrived. FRrDAY. July 26. • Btmr Alice Blanc-hard, Dunham, — days from Portland via Coos Bay 40 hours; pass and mdse, to Buss. Sanders & Co, Stmr Eureka, Jepson, 72 hours from Newport and way ports: pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins «fc Co. . : ' . Stmr Sunol, Walvle, 51 hours from Port Los Angeles: ballast, to L E White Lumber Co. Ship Glory of the Seas, Freeman, 7 days from Departure Bay, 3510 tons coal, to 11 Dunsmnir & Sons. Br ship Queen Margaret, Faulkner, 60 days from Hongkong; mdse, to « L Jones & Co. Bark C D Bryant, Jacobsdn, 30 days from Hono lulu- pass and sugar, to Williams. Dimond & Co. Bark Tidal Wave, Cushman, 7 days from Taco "ma; 700 M ft lumber, to Hanson* Co. , Bark Palmyra, Keller. 5 days from Port Gamble: lumber and laths, to Pope* Talbot. _ _ Sohr Chetco, Miller. 23 hours from Needle Rock; ties to L E White Lumber Co; wood and bark, to Heyman &• Mayer. - .- ,_■. Schr Bender Brothers, Thompson, 15 hours from Bowens Landing: bark, etc, to Bender Bros. Schr Seven Sisters, Stenbom, 8 hours from Blhlers Point; bark, to .las Johnson. Cleared. FRIDAY, July 26. Btmx Mexico, Hunter, Victoria and Port Town send: Goodall. Perkins Co. . Bark Theobald. Swan, Cooks Inlet, N P Trading and Transportation Co. stalled. FRIDAY, July 28. Stmr Mexico, Hall, San Diego. Stmr Humboldt. Edwards, Eureka. Stmr Glnsy, Loland, santa Cruz. Stmr AlDion. Lnndnuist, Albion. Ship James Nesmith. Starkey, Bristol. Bktn Tarn O'Shanter, Patterson, Willapa Har bor. Schr Archie and Fontle. Colstrup. Stewarts Point. Schr Llllebonne, Hansen. Portland. ! Schr Edward Parke, Anderson, Eureka, Sciir Vine, Gilmore, Seattle, v - : ; . Schr Mary Bidwell. Wilson. Schr Mary Etta. Wetzel. Schr Corinthian, Zaddart, Point Arena. Telegraphic. . POINT LOBOS— JuIy 26— 10 T. M.— Weathse hazy; wind NW: velocity 26 miles Der hour. Charters. The ship Oriental loads coal at Seattle for this port: Br stmr Antwerp City lumber at Tacoma for ■South Africa: bark Carondelet lumber on the Sound for Melbourne, Adelaide or ■ Port Pirie, 42s 6d. The last disengaged ship In port was taken yes terday, the American ship Jabez Howes being en gaged for wh^at to Liverpool at private rates. The Br stmr Bawnmore loads mdse for Central America. . . • . •_..'- Disaster. PORT TOWNSEND, July 26— Ship Raphael was lost at Tanglefoot Bay, near . Karluk, on July 7. Crew arrived here this morning. < . LONDON. July 26— Br ship Marechal Suchet. In port at Kuchinotzn for San Francisco, was driven ashore during a hurricane. Spoken, May 28—41 S 42 W, Br ship Mayfleld, hence Mar 13 for Ciueenßtown. - Domestic Ports. CASPAR— Arrived July 26— Schr Maxim, hence July 23. POINT ARENA— July 26— Stmr Alca traz, hence July 25. SEATTLE— Arrived July 25— Schr Wm Renton, from Newport. : ■ REDONDO— SaiIed July 25— Schr Albion, from Santa Ro^a Island. BO WENS LANDING— SaiIed July 26 — Schr Barbara llernster, for San Pedro; schr Bender Bros for San Francisco. CLEONE— Arrived July 26— Stmr Greenwood, hence July 24. . ■ FORT BRAGG— Arrived July 26 — Stmr Noyo, hence July 25. PORT ANGELES— port July 26— Chll bark Eliza.' GRAYS HARBOR— Arrived July 26— Schr C A Thayor, from Eureka. i IMA— Bailed July 26— Ship B P Cheney, for Sun Francisco.' POINT RE YES -Passed July 26— Br ship Tox i teth, from Newcastle, NSW. for San Francisco. COOS BA V— Sailed July 26— Stmr Homer and schrs C H Merchant and Gem, for San Francisco. BAN DON— sailed July 26— Schr Del Norte, for San Francisco. fZg&ieQmtfiKt 11 TEN EM E— Arrived July 26— Schr Lena Swea i sey. from Seattle. USAL— Sailed July 26— Stmr Newsboy, for Re dondo.; ASTORlA— Arrived July 26— Schr Hueneme, fm Redondo. PORT LOS ANGELES— SaiIed July 26 — Stmr Alcazar. GREENWOOD— Arrived July 26— Stmr Whites boro, hence July 25. .--"•■• <>•.' SAN PEDRO— Arrived July 26-Schr Portland : schr Excelsior, from Port Blakeley. EUREKA— Arrived July v6— Schr Jennie Thelin hence July 21: schr Elvenia, hence July 1 8. Sailed— Stmrs North Fork. Pomona and National City and schrs Maggie C Buss and Fortuua, for San Francisco. : , . .' I SAN DlEGO— Arrived July 26— schr Azalea, fm Seattle. •■-'••': STiV* :~'-r/ s"rs.'T*>T» I **flrt: Foreign Ports. .• SHANGHAI— Arrived July Schr Alda, from Moodvville. . Hailed— Br ship Frankistan, for Oregon. NAXAIMO- Sailed July 25— Ship Cyrus Wate> field, for San Francisco. CARDIFF— SaiIed July 25— Br ship Clan Macken zie, for San Francisco.' :■'-. FA LMoUTH— Sailed July 24— Dan bark Prin cess Marie, for London. HULL— Arrived July 24— Nor ship Vildanden, hence Mar 4. •frXDERLAND — Arrived July 24 — Br ship Inchcape Rock, hence Mar 16. . VLADIVOSTOCK— Arrived July 22— Bktn John Balzley, hence May 8. HONGKONG— SaiIed July 26— Br ship Alcedo, for San Francisco. Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. fcOUTHAMPTON— SaiIed July 26 — Stmr Au gusta Victoria, for New York. . NAPLES— SaiIed July 25— Stmr Italia, for New TorK.v'vf:--j- ,: ■ ■ .. . v Importations. HONOLULU— Per C D Bryant— 733s bags sugar. " PORTLAND AND COOS BAY— Per Alice Blnch ard—l9 bdls rubber. 47 cscan mi1k, 213 pkgs mdse, 37 pkgs metal. 74 psgs rolled oats, 400 sks flour.l 9 horse-collars, 1 lot scrap tin, 2 lots lumber, 229 sks bones. • -, ■ NEWPORT— Per Eureka— 2 bdls dry salt pelts. 3 cs peppers, 1 bx hardware, k cs beeswax. ; Carpenterla— 3s sks crawfish. East San Pedro— lo7 1 b.\s oranges, 4 bxs lemons 41 b.xs can vegetables. San Pedro— l7 pkgs mdse, 15 lemons, 4 pkga candy. . ■ . . , , ■ ■ ■ ■ Ventura— l bx books, 1 at walnuts, 237 ska dry apricots. . Hueneme— 1 bx honey. Santa Barbara— 79 bdls skins, 81 bxs lemons, 8 kegs pickled crawfish. 35 sks crawfish, 2 bxs fish, 82 bxs oranges. " Gaviotft— '2 bxs butter, 12 sks crawfish, 1 bx fish. Port Harford— l9 cs eggs, 13 bxs butter, '1 ska beeswax, 25 bxs fish, 11 C 3 honey. Rocksidins— ll3o sks bit rock. . San Simeon— ll cs eggs, i< 2 ffcn 17 bxs butter, 12 bdls dry hides, 2 coops chickens, 3 dressed calves, 3 bis seaweed, 1 sk sbaiones. Cavucos— s bis seaweed, 7cs eggs. 18 bxs butter, 4 coops chickens, 17 dressed calves. Consignees. '-.'■■■'. Per Eureka— B G Ruhl A Co; Dairymen's Union; Hills Bros: 0 E Whitney A Co: H N Tilden A Co: Norton, Teller A Co; S Brunswick: J Hoffman: C C PennellACo; Dodge. Sweeney A Co; Bancroft, Whitney & Co; Cbas Montgomery A Co: L *aronl A Co ; be Bernard! ACo ■ Marshall, Teggart A Co; Ross A Hewle.t: American Union Fish Co; DM Osborne A Co; San Francisco Fish Co; Cain A Co; D E Allison A Co; Gray A Barbieri: Jones A Co: L. Glldmacher; A Paladini : Buss. Sanders A Co; Kn tfrprise Brewery: San Francisco Milling Co;\Vm Hecht Bros A Co: G Camillonl A Co; Milani A Co; Wood. Curtis A Co: J JI Newbauer A Co; L Iri A Co; O B Smith A Co; Seller Bros: \\ itzel A BaKer: J Ivancovich A Co: Wheaton, Breon A Co: \\ est em -Meat. Co: Brighara. Hoppe «U; C S Ha ' v f/ : Smith's Cash Store: Standard Oil Co: C I A Co: A E Campbell : Wfa Price * Co: H Kirsol.raau A Co: Chicago Brewery; Uetz Bros A Co; J Baptista; L Dallman A Co: Weithoff A Co. X _ i Per Alice Blanchar 1-A Alp. FJI Ames A Co; AmerCar Acid Has Co: BPwer A Co: Unff A Co; Chaix A Bernard: C Carpy A Co: F Chevalier; J Melezer:Klßhcr Packing CojSterilng Furniture Co; WO Price A Co: Chns Harley A Co; Pacific Can Co: Italian-Swiss Colony; JC Johnson & Co: G O U'icksonACo; Toredo Proof Pile Co; Whitman A Barnesf L Valente; A B Weeks; Barde A Stein: ! llavenna^t Bryant-Williams, Dimond A Co; M S Grlnbaum.' ForLat' Shlnnfntr Intelligent* >>< ■ Thirteenth Print. mm* OFFICE FURNITURE . KM&sSa AND FIXTURES. |fe^^ C- F. WEBER & CO., Vj^r^pg .^oo to 306 Post St., cor. Stockton LEGAL NOTICES. ■", -.; • BoTIS"(raOBATS)— IS THE U Superior Court, in and for the City and County of sun Francisco, state of California. In the matter of the estate of CHARLES C. TERRTLL. de- ceased. Notice is hereby given that WEDNES- DAY, the 7th day of August, A.D. 1893, at 10 a. m. of" said day, and the courtroom of Department No. 10 of said'court, at the new City Hal!, In the City and County of , San Francisco, State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said CHAKLKS C. TK II RILL, deceased, and for hearing the' application of ANNIE H. TERitILL for the issuance to her of letters testamentary thereon. Dated July 24, A. D. 1895. I Seal] C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. E. F. PREtiTON. Attorney for Petitioner. * WARD OF CONTRACTS. ~7v J\. At a meeting of the Board of New City Hall Commissioners, held ■ July 23, 1895, the following resolution was passed to print: •. ■■.: . - Resolved; That : contract No. 78, for construc- tional steel in rotunda, be awarded -Martin Fennell & son for $7390. » _ , . That contract No. 79 for corrugated Iron be awarded to J. H. McKay for 32310." ■ That ; contract , No. 81 for terra cotta and hollow tile work be awarded the GladdingOlcßean Com- pany for $2625. - '1 hat contract No. 82 for shelving In Law Library be awarded W. G. Hughes for $994, and the same do pass to print. . - J ; Ayes— Commissioners SUTRO, CRESWELL, andBRODKUICK. v , k ' J.J. MCCARTHY, Secretary