Newspaper Page Text
12 THOSE FRUIT COMBINES Grower Hatch Tells How They Operate in Eastern Cities. KING METHODS RESORTED TO. The Close Auction-Room Is a Sqeeze on Both Producer and Retailer. The fruit-growers of this State do not propose to submit to the manipulations of a few New York and Chicago merchants if such can possibly be avoided. It has resolved itself ia a question of whether the Eastern market is to be con trolled by a few middlemen or whether it is to be an open market. The Porter Brothers Company and the Earle Fruit Company, which ship almost fouT-rifths of the fruit of California to the East, sometime ago, after a score of years of sharp lighting, concluded that the only ■way to prevent tne fruit rinps of New York and Chicago from taking unfair advan tage of the producers was to combine and establish open auction-rooms free to all bidders. The result is that in these two I centers of distribution they now have open auctions, from which no buyer is barred. This was the first step in an endeavor to secure fairer treatment for California fruits. The next was the effort of the California Fruit Growers' and Shippers' Association to obtain a central fruit-auction^scheme— a consolidated open auction— in New York, to which the National Fruit Association there refused to agrve, as President Wein stock of the California Fruit Growers' and Shippers' Association explained in The Call of yesterday. The National Fruit Association had re peatedly expressed itself favorably toward the idea of such a consolidated auction room, and its refusal to make the com promise came as a great surprise, and seemed like a breach of good faith to the California growers. In Chicago the Merchants' Fruit Auc tion Company established a closed auction room in a building on the Illinois Central tracks at the foot of youth Water street, with Frank <'unco as the president. This auction company has only recently been started, and its object is to bar out retailers and peddlers. In consequence of the refusal of the com mercial rings in these two cities to enter into an equitable arrangement the ship per? of this State are somewhat divided between the rival auction rooms, the mar ket i? demoralized and prices have suffered a decline to the producer, though it does not appear that the consumer has been enabled to buy any cheaper. The middlemen have cornered the market for their own benefit, and in that lies the explanation of their opposition to open auctions. The latter are making a titanic effort to break tne power of the combines. Such is the inside information gathered from A. T. Hatch, who is the largest fruit grower accessible in tJiis City, and who ships direct to the East through the Earle Fruit Company, with which he is inci dentally associated. Mr. Hatch feels com petent to talk on the subject. He said yesterday afternoon : It amounts to simply a combination on the part of a few merchants to control the market, certainly not for the producer's benefit. They 'can get together in a caucus just like ring poli ticians would, and. say just what the prices Bhall be. Between them they can so arrange it that one shall bid in one'lot, another man shall bid in another line, and so on, with the understanding that after each has bid in his particular lot without opposition, and they have completely cornered the market, they are to divide up between them all the shipments in .sight and then charge the retailers what ever prices they please. It is just as bad as a courthouse ring, and amounts to a robbing machine. Now they say that their combination is to j keep out "disreputable' buyers. A buyer is j "reputable" \L he agrees with their me*tho<ls and the prices they fix; otherwise he is "dis reputable." Let me show you ho\r this apparently plaus ible excuse of theirs, that they simply wish to keep out retailers and peddlers, operates: Many of your consignments there are reported in "bad condition." This dees not mean that the fruit is rotten, but that it is too ripe to be Bent out into the country or shipped any long distance. To the combination these consign ments are not worth anything for country 5-ales, but they are just what the retailers and ped dlers want for the city trade. If. therefore, th<; retailers and peddlers are kept out from the auction sales the merchants in combine can buy such fruit at very low figures to them selves and subsequently dispose of it to the re tailers and peddlers for the prices the retailers and peddlers would have given us in an open auction; in fact, the retailers and peddlers ■would probably have paid even better figures. The nice margin of profit which the merchants in the combine are thus enabled to squeeze cut of the producer, on the one hand, and the retailer and peddler, on the other, goes into their own pockets, of course. My reason for prefcrrine a union auction for eale of oui fruits in Eastern markets is this: That all of those who desire to buy our fruits may come together in one place and compete for them. It matters not to me on what pier or other place s-o long as there is only one place for the buyers to find our goods. A union auction open to all who dot-ire to buy is what the fruit-erowers need. All who wish to buy competing for the goods in one place means the best re>ni!ts to u<; ar.d will surely give less opportunities to dealers to form combinations for the purpose of getting our goods for less than their value. But that is what is in the cocoanut. It seems that the buyers prefer to have as few of their number present at a sale as possible, that they may the more readily combine for the purpose of controlling the sales by agreements among themselves. Of course they are not philan thropists—they are working 'to get the best of us. It is our duty to ourselves, therefore, to Btand firmly and pull "one for alland«llfor one" for self-protection ; then it will not be our fault if we are robbed. There are no dealers in Chicago, New York or any other city desirous that we should get the best prices for our goods— the lower they can buy them the better for them of course. If ■we would be protected we must protect our eelves. It would be a safe rule to antagonize every movement of the buyers. As it is as in a. game of chess, they try"to beat us at every move. "Eternal vigilance" is the price of fair play at their hands. Then why not watch them closely— that is part of the business. For my part I will not ship any fruit to a city where some of the buy ers can say who shall have an opportunity to bid for it, and who shall not, nor to an auction house that^is trying to control the number of buyers. The only large fruit man in the State who does not look at the matter in the same light is J. Z. Anderson of San Jose. He is working in the interest of the close auction-room of the National Fruit Asso ciation, and some of the lesser handlers, looking at the matter more from the point of view of the Eastern middlemen than iromthat of the Caii.fornia producer, are inclined to follow Mr. Anderson's lead. One of them, a local merchant, said as much yesterday, but for fear that his course of action would antagonize the producers he asked that his name be withheld from publication. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. J James, Napa B L Ryder, San Jose M Graham, 0 S N Si i^eob, Portland J Patterson &w. Sacto (i Van Gorden, San Jose H C Goo.-l'M.Sacratnfiito W E Favers. Cal A Jackson. Cal 7: M McCabe, Santa Cruz Mrs C P Lonehudge, Cal Mrs C Maddrell, Nev City M Fletcher. Cal (; LMcCandlesß, Cal L F i Tonnode. x y \v F Peterson, Sacto H J Woodlaw. Carson RE Burns, Ml View P C Morf, Stockton . Mrs B1! Hurd, Cal ' Miss Hurd, Cal A \V Lambert, Portland G Pacheco „w, ignaclo w P Myer, Sacramento \V ■? Gates. Chicago J Buckingham, Uxiah G ahcr, Fresno . A C Sm ithers Aw, Cal HA W Torchinar _w, (J W. Kincatd, Cal • ■■- Merced , Mrs S J Baker, Boston Miss EM Blackburn, R M Hemingsen, Wash Boston W a Bond, Cal . F L Enckson, Guadalpe J Brenner, Sacramento . J B Treadwell, Sacto . . , L Gerlach &w, Stockton BALDWIN HOTEL. A J Buckley, Fairneld W O Cormack, St Louis A H Hallahan, Mayfleld .7 M McPlke. st Helena L .1 Evans, Seattle T Lf-ssrr, N V M 6 sop«x, N V 8 Sop*-x. R V Miss Wolf, N V M E Doe <t w, Mont X M Crocker, Vailejo T A Work, Pacific Grove H Normal, Chicago PALACE HOTEL. W F Barrett, Chicago >< J Dempsey Chicago J O Kois & w, Chicago JMrs Moshr-r, East Orange Miss Frazer. Est Orange Miss McKenzie.E Orange H C White A: w, Ua B Piercy, Ga W D L Benedict, N V CH Wilson. Boston L H Foster, Conn I? II Foster, Conn B Collie. S V F H Btidrt. Vacavllle H (J (ode, Ked Bluff W s Leaked w, Sucto B )• Smith. Los Aneeles R B KellMgb, Tex C yon Geri<ht?n.S Mateo R B Dappan. Alameda I) W Martin, Alameda B D Murphy, s&n Jose ]{ Fffey. Santa Cruz A B Cook, N V Mrs t; T Tnpptr, N V Miss M Hawkins, N i H H Robinson, ill W W Warner, Wis NEW WESTERN HOTEL. C B Williams, Visalia T Nolan, US N J R Bowan, Boston .1 L Mclaughlin, R I X Kuch «V- fam, lowa J O Boss, Woodland J ( Usen, Santa Cruz 15 B Gn-on. Ind Miss B Than, Vailejo Jls Fathers, Ashland Mrs W Wen, St Paul J L Liny, Brooklyn L F Woods. Fresno B B Booth, Sat'ger Miss Lucy Booth, Sanger Frank .(ones. Victoria John King, Ireland F L Summers. Cnico Miss R Root, Sac to LICK HOUSE. T W Peterson. San Jose H M Sehreve, Tulare 1) S O*Cailaghan, S Cruz H W Georne & w. S Clara M iss Roblnaon, Visalia G E Williams, Union Isld Miss INK rion. Visalia A T Lipman. Berkeley W 8 Heron. San Jose W A Hoblitzell, Missoula V L (iutes. Santa Cruz Mrs B X Block, Sacto Mrs M Lesser, N V Miss Lesser, N V L Jackson, Sacto E W Harmon.w & f, Red (i M Hepburn, Cal wood City An Ol<l Coinstocker Dean. Daniel Lyons, once an om tomsiu^K news paper man and member of the Legislature from Virginia City, died of apoplexy on the 14th of this month at Honolulu. He went to the islands about fourteen years ago and had been engaged in polities and journalism ever since At the time of his death he w*» finan cial secretary of t&e American League. He was 54 years of age and leaves two children. i[is wile an'! three Other children died a short time aq;o of diphtheria. — .« — • Gone to the Yosemite. Henry K. Field, chairman of the executive committee of the Yosemite Commission, has gone to the vailey on his annual trip of in spection, to ascertain the needs (if the reserva tion for the coming winter. The visit will extend over several weeks and on the report he rendeis will depend the amount of money to be spent during the ensuing year. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BPKLNK3B OFFICE of the San Francisco Cat,l/— Tlr Market 6treet, open until 12 o"ciock every night in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. :-;: P liayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open rntil { o'clock. ITSIS Mission street, open until 9 o"cloelc. 116 Ninth street, open until P:SO o'clock. CHUKCH NOTICES. -r-ig=> SSpson mkuokial >ietho'dTst iS^S? Episcopal Church, corner Hayes and Bu- chanan streets. Rev. A. C. Hirst, D.D., LL.D.. pastor; r rsidence, 313 Broderick street. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p. m. The Rev. W. F. McDowell. D.D.. Chancellor of the University of Denver, will' preach at 11 a. M. He is one of the most eloquent preachers of Methodism. Dr. Hirst will preach at 7:45 p. M.: subject. "Whither Are We Drift- Ing?" Sunday-school at 12:30 p. m., C. B. Per- kins superintendent. ' Epworth League services at 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Seats free; ushers in attendance. The public cor- dially invited to all the services of this church. i^r^s= GRACE M. B. CHURCH. COR." CAPP 3S5&' and Twenty-first sts.— Rev. E. McClish. D.D., pastor. The pastor will preach morning and even- Ing. Subject. 11 a. M.. "Gathering up the Frag- ments": 7:45 p.m. subject, "The Opening of Our Schools," a sermon to parents, teachers and puoils. 9TX* IT O\VA B D - STREET METHODIST ttr~& Episcopal Church, bet. Second and Third sis., two blocks from Palace Hotel— Rev. W. W. ; Case, D.D., pastor. Mr. Martin Sennits, musical director. W. F. Gibson. Sunday-school superin- tendent. Hours of public services, 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.m. Sunday-school at 12:30. Prayer meet- ing Wednesday evening. Epworth League 6:45 Sunday evening. Subject of the morning sermon, •■The Lily of the Valley." Subject of the evening lecture, "The Beast With Seven Heads and Ten Horns: ft Photograph of Romanism." Prelude on ••Lively Topics of the Week." Pnstor's residence, 2026 Howard st. Telephone 6065. ifc£^§= FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, B»» cor. Van Ness aye. and Sacramento st. Rev. Robert Mackenzie, D.D., pastor. Rev. W. C. Merrill, associate pastor. Dr. Mackenzie will peach at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday-school at 12:45 P. M. Young People's Socle of Chris- tian Endeavor at 6:30 p. K. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. All are wel- come to these services. SK3p~sr7 JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, iS^JS^ corner California and Octavia sts.— Rev. I). Hanson Irwin, pastor. Services to-morrow at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. The Rev. W. E. Smith will preacn at both [services.' Sabbath-school at 9:45 a. m. Young People's Society Christian En- deavor, 6:45 p. m. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. All made cordially welcome. IKS' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, EDDY ST.. ur-S' near Jones— Rev. M. P. Boynton, assistant pastor. Services Sunday, July 28, 1895: Preach- ing by the Rev. C. 11. Strickland, D.D., of Sioux City," lowa, at 11a.m.: subject, "The Keystone in the Arch of the Christian System." and at 7:30 p. m., topic. "Is God Our Father Beautiful and Attractive?" Sunday-school at 12:30 p. U. Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. All these services are open to the public. strangers are welcome. . NOTICE OF MEETINGS. «£^3p PACIFIC LODGE NO. 136,~f! |T~ ii~*» r and A.M., 121 Eddy St.— Officers and_/». members are notified of a called meeting on )X jjt SUNDAY, the 28th, at 10 a. m.. to attend r%§T\ the funeral oar late brother, GUSTAV WML. Master Masons in good sanding are invited, GEORGE PENLINGTON, Sec. jEp§=> ATTENTION, MARINE ENGINEERS C*-^ No. 35— You are hereby notified to attend a special joint meeting of M. E. B. A. No. 35 and Harbor of Pilot No. 15, to bo held at Fraternal Hall, Alcazar building, on the evening of July 27. GEORGE UHLER, National President M. E. B. A., will address the meeting. By order. J.JOHN si ;a KEY. President. W. W abin, Corresponding Secretary. fy GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEETING, met- BSP ropolitan Temple. SUNDAY, July 28, 3 p. M. Address by REV. DOXALD M. ROWS. Sub- ject, "Rome's Strength and Weakness in Each State." : SJE^S 3 to the stockholders OF THE us-- 6 ' Honey Lake Valley Land and Water Com- pany, a corporation— The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the above-named corpora- tion not having been called or held on the day s.p- pointed for said meeting by the by-laws of said : corporation, and no time thereafter for the holding of said meeting being provided for by the said by- laws or ordered by the board of directors of Raid corporation, a meeting of the Hone.v Lake Valley Land and Water Company is hereby called to be held on the 3d day of August, 1895, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the office of said corporation, room 69, Columbian building, 916 Market st., San Fran- cisco. Cal.. for the purpose of holding the annual election of a board of directors of said corporation and for the . transaction of such business as may regularly come before said meeting. A. L. BANCROFT, . Owner and holder of 1070 shares of the capital stock of said corporation (by CUkTIS niLLYER, his attorney -in-fact) ; THEO. Z. HARDEE. Owner and holder of 49,930 shares of the capital stock of said corporation, to-wit: Of that stock evidenced by certificates Nos. 23, 30, 31 and 34, formerly standing on the books of said corporation In the name of FRED W. LAKE trustee. San Francisco, July 19, 1895. ■ eE^=" annual MEETING— THE regular I**-*? annual meeting of the stockholders of the Hp.kalau Plantation Company will be held at the oilice of the company, 327 Market street, San Fran- cisco, California, on THURSDAY, the Ist day of August. 1895, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Trans- fer books will close on Monday. July 29. at 3 o'clock p. m. E. H. SHELDON, Secretary. SPECIAL, NOTICES. E^^^Kn-DlllNlES^W^N^E^rGlvE^F^L IF-** 1 description and most favorable . terms. Ad- dress A., box 157, this office. !j£~S= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $47 st^asr Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St.. room 6, Tel. 5580. Pjfc^S 3 GENTS' SUSPENDERS • AND MUF- &>■»' flers embroidered to order. Room 78, 105 Stockton st. CK3S=» CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; H»~^jio pain. Chiropodic Institute, 361/2 Geary. flt^S= MISS DAVIS, CHIROPODIST AND Ut^^ manicure. Parlor 9. 122 Post st. - j?KSp ROOMS WHITENED. UP: PAPER- In*-&' cd S3 50 up. SO9 Sixth. George Hartman. iSfT5S=> TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN-THE ur<c following-named children have been ad- mitted into the Pacific Hebrew Orphan Asylum since April 1, 1895, viz. : .: Etta Schoenfeld, aged 12 years 9 months, born In San Francisco: Leon Scboenfeld, •■ aged 9 years 8 months,' born in : San Francisco ; Joseph Simon, aged 4 years, born in San Francisco: Samuel L. Wcintraub, aged 7 years 4 months, born in San Francisco; Hannah and Rose Osterman, aged -1 years 6 months, born in San Francisco. By order " . . LEO ELOESSER, Sec. !J£^3p THE SAN FRANCISCO PROTESTANT £>-*' Orphan Asylum Society hereby gives notice that they have admitted to the institution • from January 1, 1895. to July 1, 1895, the following or- phan and half-orphan: girls and boys: . Elizabeth Grange, 2 years: Rosie Stephens, 10 years: Sadie Stephens, 7 years; Anne Stephens, 2 years: Eva . Heaphy, &i/ years: Beatrice Heaphy, 3y 3 years; Laura Gibbons, 2% years; Hazel Simerson, 71A years: Harem Dewey, 8 years: Emily Seymour, 0 years; Emma Matherson, 8% years; Sarah Wil- liams, 11 years; Ella Williams. ;8y years; Del- cemin Williams, 7-. years; Edwin j,eonard, 8V 2 years: William Grange, 4 years; Frederick Glpner, 11 years: Lomas Glpner, 8 years: Lloyd Stephens, 5 years; Melvyn Gibbons, 8 years: Daniel Dewey, 41/2 years; Fernando Dewey, 2 years: William Rankin, 9 years: Alwyn Baker, 10 years: Harold Baker, 9 years:' George' Hart, 3 years: Richard Hart, Sy 2 years: George ; KorD, 2 years: Willie Lamm. 3 years; Emil Lamm, 2 years"; Carl Salzer, 'i years. ■■ . ■ ■. ■ ■ • :-■,-■" THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1895. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE. j IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES" A SITUA- tion to do housework: city or short distance in country;- will work for moderate wages. 27% Fourth st. . SEAMSTRESS AND THOROUGH DRESS- maker desires a position as maid, Invalid's nurse or children; understands hairdressing. Ad- dress W. T., box 97, Call Office. -- : V VJ-FAT RELIABLE PERSON WISHES POSI- "litlon for light upstairs work or . the care of a child; comfort and pood treatment the first con- sideration. Address 916 Alabama st. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS SITUATION -Hi as maid or seamstress; has first-class refer- ences. Apply S., box 88. Call. r\ OOD BWFDIBH COOK WANTS SITUATION; \J wages $20 to $25. - Call ; 1239 Mission St., bet. Eighth and Ninth, Swedish church. ' TTOUSEKEEPER WANTS POSITION, CITY H. or country. Address or call 636 Clay St., rooms 12 and 13. DOW WISHES SITUATION TO DO » » housework ; widower's family with children preferred. Call 1104 Mission St., room 6. IRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO GEN- eral housework: is good plain cook. Please call 37 Stanford St.. between Second and Third. pOMPETENTTMERICAN WOMAN WISHES \J situation to do general housework or cooking: city or country: wages $20 to $25. Room 43, 132 Sixth st. ■: . ______ /Competent woman with the BEST of \J reference wishes situation to do general house- work in American family: good cook and laun- dress; city or country; wages $15. Address N. D., box 79. Call Oflice. - Vm'Ntl WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS 1- housekeeper. Call at 11 Kearny, room 27, first floor. • WANTED BY AN EDUCATED and COM- ■ " petent youni woman situation as governess, or would go as nurse to invalid: willing to make herself generally useful. A. 8.. 929 Pine St. KRMAN GIRL DESIRES POSITION TO AT- VX tend bakery; is willing to cook if party is un- married; three years' reference last place:, dry or country. Call or address MISS C. R.. 319y 2 Fifth. yOUNfI WOMAN WANTS EMPLOYMENT AT 1 th» Mechanics' Fair. Address Fair, box 151, Call Office. yOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION AS HOUSE- -1 keeper or any light work. Call at 2723 Folsom. AMERICAN GIRL would LIKE a SITU A- ■A. tion as cook: wages $25. Call 12 Geary court. OTYLISH DRESSMAKERS; FEW ENGAGE- O ments; $1 25 per day: cut by Taylor's system; fit guaranteed. Call Office D, Sixteenth and Mis- sion st. . ■ TEADY WOMAN WOULD LIKE SITUA- O to do light housework. Address 328 Clemen- tina, bet. Fourth and Fifth. wishes to Jl do upstairs work ; good references. Call 387 ido upstairs work ; good references. Call 387 San Jose aye.: wages $12 to $15 per month. VTKAT, KKSPKCTABLE CURL WISHES - PO- 1\ sition in bakery or candy-store. Address 565% Natoma st. ____^_^___ ._ IjURST-CLASS COOK andihousekeeper, ' with good references, desires situation in city or country. Call or address Housekeeper, 653 Mission st. TVEFINED LADY OF GOOD FAMILY WISHES JLV a position as housekeeper or would" take charge of an invalid: is a good seamstress. Address K. L., box 93, Call Office. 17.IHST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES EN- . gagements in families: the latest designs at re- duced rates: references. Apply 1516 Eddy st. ; i;s i-ci.ASS COOK: PRIVATE FAMILY; JT good reference. Apply 610 Clay st. W IDOW WITH SOME MEANS WOULD LIKE >» gentleman for partner. Call at 1027 Market St., bet. Sixth and Seventh, top floor, room 7. T\RESSM aX 1 PRKBSEB, f2 UP; WRAP- If pert, 12c up. MRS. SMITH, 864 Mission st. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG GERMAN girl as seamstress: understands dressmaking. Please call bl?^ Taylor st. "POSITION AS ~ STENOGRAPHER, TYPE- x writer or bookkeeper: references: city or country. Addres3 E., pox 19, Call Office. TTOUNO CHILEAN GIRL WOULD LIKE POSI- X tion as amanuensis or light employment. 27 Taylor St., room 2. -. MIDDLE-AGED woman WISHES siruA- tiontodo general housework: is good cook; good city references. Call 746 Mission st. "\fIDDI_-AGED WOMAN WOULD LIKE A i»L place to take care of invalid or children: is a. good sewer. Address M. a., box 155, Call Office. ""yOUNO LADY WITH CONSIDERABLE X knowledge of sewing would like;i)!ace with first- class dressmaker. Address MISS E. H., 1706 Larkin st. - "\ OUNG WOMAN WISHES POSITION TO DO x washing or housecleaninK. Apply 12a Clara st. xperience'd designer and dress- EXPERIENCED DESIGNER AND DRESS- maker from New York City desires work by the day in families, best city references. AHa, box 23, Call Office. SITUATIONS W a:\T_D-31A_E. QrT^TAT76ir'vvX?nflr^^ N D \V I FI., O with boy 10 years old (German); man first-class gardener and all around worker; wife good . cook anil housekeeper; want work of any kind; in city or on ranch; will take charge of boarding outfit in sawmill or railroad camp. Address J. M.. 726 Mis- sion St., room 1. - . RY-GOODS MAN (ALL AROUND), DRESS goods in particular, desires position; city or country; can give security $150. Scotch, box 95, Call Office. "WANTED— WORK AT PAPER-HANGING »V by the day, roll or Job. by R. C. HALL, 1137 Mission st. \fIDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS EMPLOY- I»i- ment : some experience at nursing, store work ani clerking; low wages. Address M. A., box 85, Call. Gl ; ILEM AN WHO. TOOK CARE OF AN VJT invalid 4 years wishes like position or watch- man in some hospital or institution of that kind. Address \\\, box 85, Call Office. SOBER, TRUSTWORTHY, MARRIED MAN wishes work, or would like a watchman's place. O. X., 212 Steuart st. . SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MA N (German) to drive baker or milk wagon or any other delivery wagon; also understands the grocery business: first-class references. Address Driver, 822V2 Post st. yOUNO JAPANESE STUDENT wants -1 situation so as to attend school. Address J. S-, box 87, this office. W"ELI.-POSTED STENOGRAPHER DESIRES ' ' employment. Address C. G., box 85, Call. ITI/ATION"' WANTED BY A SOBER AND reliable gentleman, who is a graduate of a business college: can speak. French and English; used to hard work; any kind of honorable employ- ment; best of references. S. W., box 112, Call. , : OBER, ACTIVE AND RELIABLE ELDERLY man wants light work of any kind in city at moderate wages. Address Willing, box 160. Call. AN AND WIFE: NEW ENGLAND PEO- ple; man understands care of horses, cattle and grounds: good driver: wife competent cook and housekeeper; good general worker: 3 years' California reference; city or country. Address M. W., box 67, this office. : ." ITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE O young man at any kind of work; furniture packer by trade; can furnish references from last employer. Address W. M., box 59, this office. ■yoUNG AN WANTS POSITION AS BAR- X tender: speaks German. Address H. R., box 67, Call Office. /GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND HORSE- VJT shoer wishes position. Address C. NELSON. 6 Alborn A TO ANY PERSON SECURING STRONG '4? JLV/ young man (23) steady situation; best references. Addre«s M., box 100, Call Office. pOACHM AN— ENGLISH: THOROUGH IN \J every detail of private stable; references; city preferred. Address T. box 17, Call Office. QTENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER, EX- O perlenced and thoroughly competent,": desires employment; young man. Address 8., box 93, Call Office. TEADY AND RELIABLE MAN, WISHES O position; thoroughly understanding the care of fine horses; careful driver and good gardener; gen- erally handy with tools; first-class references. Ad- dress W. £ box 60, this office. . ANTED— BY A JAPANESE. SITUATION; first-class bell-boy or any kind of office-boy: speaks good English. Address G. HONAMI, 608 O'Farrell st. SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN- O American 38 years of age; understands; gar- dening; take care of horses ; can milk: reasonable wages. Address Postoffice, North Temescal, near Oakland, Cal. SORE H AND" RELIABLE YOUNG MAN DE- .sires employment in city or country; experi- enced hostler and milker, etc.; references. Ad- dress M. C; box 32, Call Office. YOUNG MAN "WANTS A SITUATION AS x groom or gardener. . Apply A. 8., .631 Sacra- | mento st. ■•■.■•■:.'■ : . ■:"-■:/.:' '■ ' ]\f LE-AGED MAN DESIRES SITUATION; _tJL good gardener, milker and driver. Address E., box 10, this office. ■ : \\fATTfEri^SITU^A^II)N~^S~VAirEt7TRAV- ».eiing servant or to wait on an -Invalid gentle- man by an Englishman; has traveled the conti- nent of Europe, and without fncumbrance: Byear3' reference from present employer. . Address ■ Valet, Uplands, San Mateo. «.• - t ;•-,:-,-.; ArOUNG MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS x fireman ; can run a stationary engine; best of references from last employer. Address E. 1., box 48, this office. ::■■ ,; .".'- OITUATION WANTED BY A SOBER, O steady man as groom - in ■ private place, or as stableman for livery stable; first-class references: country prefered.: Address for 3 days, F. J.. box y, Call. ' -.V , ".-■ ■. '.: .'■■■■■ J >.■-*>< -..■■ - , rjiKACUER WITH CITY f CERTIFICATE OF x French, ; German, : - Spanish, , English branches, bookkeeping desires ■ engagements In t. schools or families. Address Teacher, Call Branch Office, 116 Ninth st. "■■■• ,•■■■'■---■-■*'.■■■ ':-■."- »---'-.■•■*...'.- "•,■■ FEMALE HELP WANTED. *-. ERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN GIRL, FOR VJ housework. $20; youn? waitress (drl, for restau- rant, $15: 3 French second girls, $20: and $16; waitress/country hotel," 620; french; maid and seamstress, $25; - Scandinavian laundress and sec- ond work; LEON ANDRE, 316 Stockton Bl.":.' : :'''rr,- KA N ( a COOK: NO WASIi ING, $20: 20 GIRLS, XV $20. MME. LEOPOLD. 957 Market at. -?m i HELP WANTED— Continued. p ERMAN ' OR SWEDISH SECOND ■ GIRL, VX 'American family of 3, $20: German seam- stress. $20: French " second cirl, $25: 2 German second girls, $20: housework girl. San Luis Obispo, $25 ; Calls toga, 15: Alameda, $20: 8 housework girls, city. $20 and $25. MISS CULL-N, . 105 Stockton st. .. - :l . : .'.•'■■''' p ERMAN NURSE, $25; SEE LADY HERE. VX MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. p ERMAN OR SWEDISH WOMAN OR AMER- VX lean with a child as housekeeper for widower, $10. MISS CULLEN, 105 S;ockton St. "WAITRESS, iIOTEL, HOPLAND: $20. AP- • i ply to MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ___ ■\TURSE, $10~MISS CULLEN, 105 "STOCK- ■!> ton st. :; .•;- , '•;-,- v 1 GIRLS, SAME HOUSE, L Ioll ; r 'X 0r <£ sleep home: $10 each MiSS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. : : pIRL , 0R",.. WOMAN, CHAMBERWORK: VX lodging- $12. Apply early to MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ■ \\T A N TED- FRE NCH NURSERY' GOVER- ii ness, see lady here at 11 to-day; cook for 8 men, $25; Protestant cook, 2 in family, $25; Ger- man cook, $30; 2 French and German nurses, $20; cook for restaurant, German style, $30; Protestant chambermaid; 8 waitresses, hotel and restaurants: starched Ironer. $10 week, and a great many girls to fill our numerous situations In city and country. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 312 Sutter st. TIT ANTED— NURSE GIRL. APPLY CROS- TT ETT'S, 312 Suttcr st. WA I TRESS. COUNTRY nOTEL, FARE PA ID, ii $20; waitress, assist cbambenvork, plain hotel, country, $20; waitress, assist chamberwork, near city, $15: restaurant waitress, city $20; Ger- man girl, tend bakery and assist general house- work, $15: young girl", care 1 child, see party here. C. It. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. WOMAN TO COOK SHORT OI^DER, $30: >» waitress, country hotel, $20: waitress, light place. $15: housework, city and country, good wages. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, ii country, $18; free fare: first-class place. Ml l;- RAY _ READY, 634 and 636 Clay St. W" ANTED— FRENCH NURSERY GOVER- i» ness; best wazes; see lady here. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. ANTED— GIRL TO HELP IN KITCHEN »' $15, and a number of young girls to assist in housework nnd a girl for housework, $20. 11% Antonio st., OtT Jones, near Ellis. ' - -•■•'.'■•' W" ANTED— AGED OR ELDER '»» woman to take care of children: a good home and fair wages to the right penion. Send, address to G., box 87, Call Office. GIRL OVER 16 YEARS; ASSIST HOUSE- VJT work and children: $10. 1214 York St., near Twenty-fourth. '■■ . - . MILLINERY TAUGHT: PUPILS ARE taken in class or private; terms reasonable. 2510 California st. lI)DLE-AGED~LADY: 2 IN FAMILY. 303 lii. Davis St., upstairs; no washing. \\ rA x TED— PROTESTANT GIRL FOR ii housework. 2001V2 Mission st. p IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. APPLY VX 40 Bartlett st. from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. TTrTLE GIRL TO ASSIST AT LIGHT HOUSE- XJ work. 1307 Fill more st. COMPETENT LADY TO RENT BOARDING- VJ house dining-room. B. H., box 9. Call Office. yOUNG WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK; MUST X sleep at home. 201 Powell st. G~ IRL TO DO HOUSENVORK: WAGES $12. 112 a Fourteenth St., near Folsom. ' TTT ANTED— NICB-APPEABiNG LADY, FBOM ii 25 to 35, with $50, to travel; no canvassing; good opening for the right party. S. G., box 145, Call Office. ;'■ _. WANTED— GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL T> for general housework: must be a good cook; wages $20. Address box 33, Benicia. A NTED- EXPERIENCED HAND-FINISH- ii ers on white shirts. Apply at Standard Shirt Factory, Gough St., bet. Hayes nnd Grove. \\ ANTED IMMEDIATELY— YOUNG LADIES it to learn millinery; graduate them in 3 months. 234 Taylor st. p ERMAN GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- VX work and take care of children. 625 Geary st. rrvrk WOMEN AND GIRLS TO WORK ON (JUU fruit. Apply immediately at California Canneries Co., Bninnan st.. bet. Third and Fourth. RESSCUTTINO AND DRESSMAKING— Ladies, I am sure It will interest you to know that the McDowell Is the standard system of dresscutting throughout tlie world, having received the highest award at all the New England State Fairs, first and highest at the World's Fair, Chicago, and on y system receiving a gold medal in California; easy to learn, most rapid to use; now is the time to get ready for business: patterns cut to order, 25c: dressmakers furnished to shops and families. MCDOWELL DRESSMAKING ACAD- EMY, 213 Powell st., San Francisco. M~~ 7l"LI I". BY TRADE TAUGHT; PUPILS liA'are taken In class or private; . terms reason- able. 2310 California st. fl ABM I•: is ]>i •; Et KECTLY COMPLETED VX without trying on; call and test. Lawrence Cntting-school, 1231 Market st. RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- JP made suits: $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllister st. ."PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRKSSCUT- X tlngnnd making school : all branches. 702 Sutler. WALK HELP WANTED. \\ r A VriiD-l'jro'l'SE^PAlNTEil AND 6 FlN- ii Isiiing carpenters for Central America, to go Monday, $6 day silver, part fare advanced: chore- boy for country, if."> and found: butter-maker, $30; saw-filer, $3 50 per day; laborers for city and coun- try, $1 50 and $1 75 d.i 1 .-, and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT <fc CO., 628 Sacramento st. ANTED — FIRST-CLASS BUTLER,, SEE party here to-day, $50 to $60: restaurnnt cook, $50; ranch cook, $20: German restaurant-waiter, $40, and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento St. KAA AfiO REDWOOD TIES TO CUT, 10 .\JVf\J cents each: 30 woodchoppers, $1 a cord. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 631} Clay. T>ARTENDER, $25 AND FOUND: 4 COOKS, X) $30 to $50; 3 waiters, $20 and $25; porter boy. $18. MURRAY' & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. WHEELWRIGHT, COUNTRY SHOP; HAB- ■ 1 1 ; ness-maker for a ranch: carpenter for a mine: 5 farmers. MURRAY _ READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. , T>LAINERMAN, $35 TO $40 AND FOUND; X boltman'for shingle mill. $26 and board; 2 car- penters, country, $2 a day; 4 laborers, city, $2 a day; 6 wOJdsrnen. $26, to go to-day; redwood tie- makers; uxman to make pickets and shakes. B. T. WARD & CO.. 608 and 610 Clay st. __ Air ANTED— FRENCH OR ITALIAN GAR- dener, : $25; German young gardener, $25; boy to learn waiting, $10: cook for oyster-house and res'aurant. $60; French or Italian cook on a ranch, $25. LEON ANDRE. 315 Stockton st. W^ANTED— A BUTLER FOR GOOD, STEADY ii place: wages $40; must bring references. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Su'ter st. mEAMSTERS FOR RAILROAD WORK; FREE X fare. C. K. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. WANTED — 10 TIEM AKERS, 10 CENTS A * V tie. MARTIN & CO., 749 Market. "1 A STRONG LABORERS, $2 DAY ; 10 LABOR- Xv» ers, $26 a month, board; 3 teamsters, $26 a month, board. 51 Third St., room 81. ELLBOY; $16. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. TRISHMAN FOR AN INSTITUTION THAT X understands horses and raising vegetables; $20.' Address M., box 26, this office. OOD WOODWORKER ON TRUCKWORK. r GALLAGHER & O'CONNOR, 610 and 612 Bryant st. ; : : ' : TIT ANTED — FIRST - CLASS - CHILDREN'S TT clothing salesmen. RAPHAEL'S. BARBER, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 703 Howard st. ARBEIT^ HALF DAY SATURDAY AND Sunday. 443 Broadway; good wages. ' ARBER FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 105 Fourth st. B'AKBKR, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 257 Third st. ■ .- _____• BOYS. WANTED; 16 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE. 6 Sacramento st. , " CIOATMAKERFOR COUNTRY. REISSBRO3., \J 26 Sutler st. . 1 UNCH WAITER. O. K. SALOON, 33 SEC- XJ ond st. AINTER WANTED. NE. COR. POST AND Laguna sts. ; 7 :30 a. M. - T\ISH\\'ASirER AT 1009 LARKIN STREET. "^TK"ONG~BOY~to POLISH . STOVES. APPLY' cor. California and Drumm sts. -' DVERTISING SOLICITOR FOR GERMAN dally. Address Solicitor, box 91, Call. . . 9 PAINTERS; STAGE HANDS; YOUNG MEN. Ad O'NEIL. 25 Stcuart st: ''^ ■-:: BARBER-SHOP (HOTEL), GOOD PAYING, for sale, r Apply r 720 Valencia st. \\ ANUFACTURINO COMPANY WANTS AN I'l energetic, reliable r traveling . salesman ; by . preference I a party experienced and ; widely ac- quainted with | the Pacific Coast trade, and gifted with the faculty of talking pleasingly nnd convinc- ingly; also a competent city salesman wanted. Ad- dress; with references as to responsibility and ex- perience, Ability, box lOt), this office. - ■..-.' V '■_,' ,\\T ANTED-NE AT, INTELLIGENT , YOUNG 'TT . man. living with ; his parents, as . clerk ( In jan office; must write a good hand and be able to com- pose a plain business letter: one : speaking German preferred: reference required: salary $0 per week to start. Address JONES & CO., box 59, this oilice. W" ANTED— A YOUNG MAN WHO . UNDBB- , stands th« care of horses, to work around a grocery-store; who ; can ■ learn the business if suit- able. Address F. D., box 159, Call Office. ;.>...,•.: ANTED— A MAN WHO *. OWNS HORSE and wagon v, to solicit - retail trade and de iver orders: must be a "rattling rustler." Address Rustler, box 98, this office. ' 0 " 1 (\ CARPENTERS .WANTED AT CITY OF Vallejo school building. WANTED— LABORERS 'AND mechanics i T. to know MUZ ART, 319 Ellis, near Taylor: 100 - larse rooms: 25c nlsht. $1 50 week: very cheap. ' HELP WANTED— Continued. X\r ANTED— PEDDLERS TfOR~X NEW SANI- '" tary. article: will be used in every household: easy to- sell with good profit. Apply to MAX L0E8EL,2444 Piedmont aye., Oakland, (gjOX A BARBER-SHOP (15c) : A BARGAIN; _j___ l _yi g,ood business; runs 3 chairs. : 14 Turk. BARBER-SHOP, TWO CHAIRS, FOR SALE. Call 122 Seventh st. . . ; t^Trst-cjLass~~tai"lor-suop for sale X cheap. 441 Bush st. ■Q» "1 ; STARTS YOU IN BUSINESS THAT PAYS tIP X $2 go per day. Apply 328 Seventh st. MAN OR WOMAN.TO MANAGE SMALL GEN^ l»X eral merchandise store, country town; must have small cash security. Address box 255, Lodi, i.. Hi. . . ■ ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE . 1 1 . their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNQX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Slitter, r 4. A V ANTED — GOOD BARBER; APPLY BE- ii tween 2 and 4p. m. 1527 Park St., Alameda. BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. Q9l ELLIS, ROSED ALE— ROOMS _5c TO 50c «J— X a night ; $1 to $3 a week; open a!l night. . A TTENTION-lOc & 15c NIGHT, GOOD & — V clean rooms. Railroad House, 533 Commercial, inn MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT THE NEW A.\JKJ place, 717 Howard st., near Third; best in town; 15c to 50c per night. SHOES SOLED 1 5 MINUTES; WHILE"YOU wait; half usual price. 959 Howard, 4U9y Pine. T?REE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS X' for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. : INDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— single furnished rooms. 75c week. 15c night. -CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY ■— i% J at 44 Fourth St.: no humbug. :. V ( '■!' CAN GET A WHOLE PIE and CUP OF \rr. ■■ coir..-, for 5c a " the new restaurant, 635 Clay st, W' A NTED-MEN TO GET bottle SHARP '' steam beer, sc: bottle wine, r>c. 609 Clay st. EN'S SHOES V 2 -SOLED, 40c: HEELS, 25c; done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St., basement. HAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO 1 1 St.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day; $1 a week; meals. 10c. UTTEBS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE KJ S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. f>62 Mission st.. bet. First st. and Second st. WANTED— Si NGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; $1 ii week : rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 50 a week: reading room- daily papers. 36 Clay st. . W ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS 1 1 to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still run 3 Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night ; $1 to $3 per week. "I ftft MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 XUV/ and 20c a night, including coffee and roil* 624 Washington st., near Kearny. BEST IN SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; $1, f 1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House -Commercial and Leldesdorff sts. TBY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- -1- low Sixth, for a room: 25c night; $1 week. A Oft PATRS MEN'S 2D-HAND SHOES, SOME 'i' M ' nearly now, 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st- AGENTS WANTED. SOLtCITOBI*; ENBKOTJTIU 1^ LADIES OR gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- cident insurance: salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity Company. 206 Sansome st. \\r ANTED TO-DA Y— 2 LIVE . CANVASSERS '* to introduce horse anrl stock book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. PARTNERS WANT ED. ORTUNE IN 90 DAYS; PROSPECTOR knows of rich ledge; wants partner to go along and pay expenses; about $800 for half. Address C. F-, box 95. this otTice.' --.:-.--.■-;- FURNITURE WANTED. ' Ca s : OR FmiS<JTUßE^X^^l^R'- chandise. L. H. BUBD, Auctioneer.lO Fulton. g7 kb ask carpets, pictures, . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cal. mrp'iniilHr mnnnfactd for ii»- trade. 770 Mission. KOO3IS WANTED. WANTED- SUITE OF 8U H N V R( M I M B WITH- - 11 in easy walking distance irom the Merchants' Exchange; must have private bathroom and water- closet attached, with entrance from bedroom; fur- nished or unfurnished. Address, with full pat titu- lars, rent required, etc.. Room, box 89, Call Oilice. QUITE ELEGANT ROOMS. WITH BOARD, IN O refined family by young lady; state terms. Ad- dross W. s.. box '12* Call Oilicp. STORK WANTED. "\\ r ANT E D— BTOBB, SUI TA B Le"foR~GRO^ ii eery: corner, und rooms attached preferred. Address Store, box 142. Call Ofiice. : ,' WANTED— MISUE_LANEOUS. Al<Tiri)-7v^E^6^inU'?lG"fs^rS r Ri^CESS ii shelf bottles in rirst-class condition. Address Drugs, box 71, this office. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry: postal. ' MEDICAL T ADIES — CHICHESTEB'S ENGLISH PEN- XJ ny royal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for' particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return I mail; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. '- .- AS 0 A~ND SAFE CURE FOR ALL FIT male diseases; ladies may have the benefit of the sKill and attention of a physician of long and successful practice; a home in confinement with best possible caro, with the privacy of a home and the convenience of a hospital; those who are sick or discouraged should call on the doctor and state their case, they will find In her a true friend: all consultation free and absolutely confidential ; a positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without injury to health. MBS. DR. G WYE R. 226 Turk .-:. ANEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- __. ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles: no mat- ter from what cause; restores always '.none day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician ;kno\vledge can be sent<tusedat home;all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st, VLL LADIRS IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MR«. DR. SCOTT, formerly of 110 Turk, now 11 8 Eddy st., the only reliable specialist in San Francisco • $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no mat, or .what cause; special attention to dis- ease of the eye. : — • MA 11. 1, A FRENCH i SPECIFIC NEVER falls to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. . Price $5. Agent, EDWIN W. JOY. Powell and Market sts., San Francisco. , . LADIES. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. J EMARY ; sure cure. 5 Franklin, cor. Market. T ADIES' LA VENA REMEDY THE ONLY ■LJ safe; guarantee preventive; absolute privacy. Call or address LAVE A CO., 22 Kearny St., S. F., Ist floor; hours 1t05,7 to 9. ■ ■■ ' '' ' '- DX. BICOBD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE FOR LOST manhood; general weakness: three bottles $5. STERN li druggists, sole ag'ts, ill Grant aye. rpHE LIGHTNING RHEUMATISM CURE X for chronic or inflammatory rheumatism; best remedy on earth: price $3. 'MARTIN Remedy Company, 2231 Mission St., S. F. -j_ ■■•-■■.. ' DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure. of neurasthenia, Impotency, and all disorders of the sexual organs: $1 a box : 6 boxes $5 : send for circular. WIDBER'S Drug Store, 14 Ellis St., sole agent. ; . LL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in one day: no instruments: French; remedies ■ guaranteed at any time; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETII, 91« Post St., near Larkin. A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO ii ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 60 express C. O. D. don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland. Cal. . DU-PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emmenagegue; $1 per box. RICHARDS & CO., druggists, 406 Clay, sole agts. ALL LADIES CONSULT FREE ' MRS. DR. DAVIES, 14 McAllister St.. near Market: loads all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, ■ quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never fails; home in confinement. T\R. RICORD'S PILLS; EXPRESS $2 50: SAFE, XJ sure, reliable: Ricord's specialties." females. Maison et Cie, Agts. ROOT'S. Sixth and Howard. KS. DX. . WEGENEi;, PRIVATE HOME for all female diseases: separate homes for : la- dies before anil during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich : and poor; Ir- regularities cured in a day: guaranteed: no | instru- ments; regular physicians of Ion? and successful practice; travelers attended; no delay: all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. DR. AND DB. SCHMIDT. FORMERLY of 1211Va Mission, now 1508 Market st. ; month- y irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no instruments used : sure preventive. •.:,,, r.--.y.-i I \B.HALL,I4McAJLLIBTEB, SECOND FLOOR, XJ next Hibernia Bank: diseases of women. XT ICE PRIVATE HOME. IN CONFINEMENT II lat the most reasonable price In the city. ; MRS. M. I'FEIFFEK, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. _ . 1 F IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE! X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. "54 1 ,2 4th.* : STOKAGE ■ rL^S^N^B^BsTTl^lO^arrßlKE^S^ . Get | our rates I for storage of furniture,' pianos,' trunks and all kind.* of household goods: separate locked rooms, dust and vermin proof, a; low. rates. Telephone south 762. >:'-. *■•: : , O TOR AG ; FU RNITURE, PIANOS, MDSE; i O advances. LI EHES S. W. CO., 906 Market, r. 4. XIURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER ; MER- X I chandise received on storage; money advanced on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Post St., QTORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- k_ hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE. 735 Market st. "ITHRST-CLASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MADE ; J 421-423 Market at. " ? ('HAS. L. TAYLOB. ;: f TYPEWRITERS AND ! SUPPLIES. IflOß BEBT^AISi "GBT^ACALroBAPST^T last longest and does bestt work. United Type- writer and Supplies C 0.," 413 Montgomery st. :.: : GOOD TYPEWRITERS, -SALE AND ~ RENT. ? HANSON it CO.V Chronicle Bids., room 38. 1. . ■ — ■ .- ■ . ... ■ BUSINESS CHAN c E»v__^^^^_ PROLL A STENBERgT?I9 MARKET, NEAR Third, sell or exchange businesses, furnished houses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, Ala- meda and Oakland property; send particulars: all applications for sales promptly attended to. T^OR SALE— HALF INTEREST IN PAYING I: corner saloon : must sell on account of sickness; will safely guarantee $60 a month to party. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market st. PEFRESHMENT AND DELICACIES: Xt iunchhouse; patronized by bicycle clubs; im- mense night trade: only popular place in Western Addition. PUOLL A STENBERG, 719 Market St. <J_97P\ PRODUCE, DELICACIES; LlVlNG- ♦]p._ I O. rooms, near Market; sacrifice on ac- count of illness; bargain. PROLL _ STENBERG, 719 Market st. "flj~Qr»n PARTNER WANTED IN OLD KS- (]pOv/U. tablished fruit produce business: loca- tion best In downtown market: full investigation allowed. PROLL & STENBERG.7I9 Market st. PARTNER FOR 55-ROOM HOTEL; BEST LO- X cation: near Market; steady paving house. PROLL _ STENBERG, 719 Market st. , (DjQAA DELICACIES STORE: AM ALE «JpOUv/. manufactory: best paying popular busi- ness in Western Addition. PBOLL& STENBERG, 719 Market st. 99?» CIGAR STORE, CIT"V FRONT, NEAR »P__U. Market: rent $10; good cheap Invest- ment. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market. <n»'_>^ A CIGAR-STORE: CENTRAL LOCA- fJpOOyf. tlon on Market: large transient trade; will safely guarantee $10 to $12 daily: trial given. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market st. mo SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND QUICK X for cash see STRAND & TUTTLE. 45 Third st. (£• £. AA SALOON: GOOD STOCK AND FlX- *lp«J\.'U. tures: pays well; fnll value: best loca- tion. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. fiO' RESTAURANT; BARGAIN TO^ tJpX__O. day. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third. pROCERYAND BAR. WITH ROOMS; FULL vJT value in sight: good paying: best reason for selling. STRAND <fe TUTTLE, 46 Third. $7?; BRANCH BAKERY, COFFEE AND f\P I Om- lunch parlors: rooms: pay well; north of Market. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. <3» C A MILK DEPOT AND LAUNDRY OF- •tpOvJ. flee, on most busy street in city: rent $11; a snap. BARRETT _ CO., 865 V Market st. C_.J£A CORNER SAJ.OON WORTH $1000: tJp*i«J". elegantly fitted up: No. 1 location : must be sold : no snap like this in the city. BARRETT & CO., 8651/3 Market st. PARTNER WANTED IN PAYING BUTCHER X business: best location in Mission; must be sober energetic man; trial given; German pre- ferred. BARRETT .t CO., 865 Market st. C_"l (\i\ BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY AND tIPXI/l'. coffee parlors; living-rooms: No. 1 loca- tion, north Market; offer wanted. BARRETT & CO., 865 V_ Market st. C» AA , DELICACY AND DAIRY PRODUCE «JS«JUU.' business acrosj the bay; elegantly fitted, lighted by electricity, heavily stocked; 4 furnished rooms; rent $15. BARRETT _ CO., 865 1/ 2 Market st. •BlftfMV BAKERY; ALL COUNTER TRADE: tITU"* • large store: 2 fihe ovens; good location: guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT „ CO., 865 V'a Market st. 4 Qfl A CORNER. CASH GROCERY and JyUKJVJ. bar: well stocked; best possible loca- tion: north Market; low rent; best bargain in city. BARRETT <fc CO.. 865y 8 Market st. ■; (J_O^A SALOON, CENTER OF MARKET ST.; *]P__c;U. rent only $32 50; clearing $100 per month; must be sold this week. For particulars see SMITH & HUBER, 1001 Market st. fijj9 'A A BAR G AI —AT ONE-THIRD <t_)v». value: town and roadside saloon, be- tween Oakland and Berkeley: doing good business; 40 minutes to San Francisco, faro 10c; must be sold at once; will stand investigation. Call on J. A. MUNSON, Lorin station, Berkeley. "Tor sale— an old-established cheap J: cash grocery on account of proprietor retiring from business; suitable terms will be given the right party. Apply WM. CLUFF _ CO., Pine and Front sts. ... E RY good BUSINESS IN alameda for V sale; suitable for any one: little money re- quired: must be sold to-day. Apply 37 Fifth St., Ccn r er Saloon, before 12 m. I EXCEPTION AX BARGAIN; CIGAR-STAND Xli clearing $140 monthly; best location in city; low rent: long lease; full investigation solicited. Call at 214 Golden Gate aye., bet. 5 :30 anrt7 :3o p. m. ANAGERS WANTED FOR OREGON AND Washington: must invest $1000: positions permanent and honestly worth $300 monthly. Ad- dress E. .M. 8., box 159, Call. ALOON FOR SAL~e7kNOWN AS THE FRKS- k> 110 Bowling Alleys: only alleys in the county; centrally located. Address PAUL MATER, Fresno. ALOON NR. GRANT AYE. AND MARKET O sts.; worth $600; will sell to day for $400. Apply this ollice. RESTAURANT GOOD~LOCATIOX ON Xv Market st. For particulars call 302 Montgom- ery St.. room "8. _1 AH CORNER NOTION-STORE, WITH 3 tJpIUU. sunny room?. C. S., box 88, Call. <16 r\ AA WILL INVEST IN ANY PAYING t|PUUU. business. Rustler, box 3, Ca11. >1 ROCERY, FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE; VjT dwner going East : cheap. Powell and John. GOOD SALOON FOR SALE; CHEAP. 621 Sixth st. . £.9' WILL START LADY OR GENT IN yp_«J profitable office business. Box 145, Call. T?OR SALE— CHEAP: A GOOD-PAYING RES- X! taurant: good place for man and wife; trial given: rent #17. 2424 Mission at. TIT ANTED TO BUY— RESTAURANT OR BA- ' '» loon connected with lodgings: state price; no agents wanted. Direct to J. R. _ W. F., box 58, Call Oflice. _ Q(|A CIGAR-STORE. DOING A PAYING tJpOi'U. business; 3 furnished rooms; low rent; a bargain. 417 Hayes st. OLD ESTABLISHED FRUITSTORE FOR sale; cheap. 110& Howard st. / i ROCERY STORE; $300: STOCK NEW AND VJT clean ; owner wishes to leave city. Apply Call Office; no agents. , : For SALE OR TO LET- wood AND coal X! yard: horses, wagons, harness, etc., in good running order; express business attached. Apply 19115 McAllister St., bet. Lyon and Lott. ffl» X A RESTAURANT. 1879 MISSION ST. I~TtOR SALE CHEAP— AND FURNI- : ture: aoing good business; first-class location: prosperous town: 35 rooms furnished: barroom; barn: storeroom; electric lights; modern conven- iences. Address Box 356, Santa Rosa, Ca!. T7XCEPTIONAL BARGAIN— CIGAR-STAND, XJ clearing $140 monthly: best location in city; low rent: long lease: full investigation solicited. Call 214 Golden Gate aye., bet. 5:30 and 7:30 p. m. q^aa OR LESSER AMOUNT— PEOPLE'S <JpOOUU Bank books for sale, or will trade for city lot. Address Lot, box 83, Call. RUGSTORES-B A : GOOD LOCA- XJ tions and trade; investigate at 18 Crocker building. O. G. DAY. X\r ANTED— TREASURER FOR FIRST-CLASS »* theatrical company: must have s3oo cash: ref. required. Address A. Z., box 81, Call Office ARGAIN; SALOON AND CHOPHOUSE: fine location; next door to carhouse: owner sick. For particulars apply to MAX KERN, 235 Third St., from 9 a. m. to 12 M. _^^ If IRST-CLASS GROCERY AND BAR, PROM- -1 inent corner, for sale; rare chance; cause, sick- ness of owner. Apply 1609 Leaven worth st. S~ALOON\ 2 ROOMS, TO LET; POOL TABLE; stock: fixtures. 19 Valencia st. ■ ALOON FOR SALE IN BEST PART OF CITY; also a road house, with fixtures and furniture. Apply 26 Stockton st. 17IOR sale-grocery AND BAR, on AC- J: count of death of proprietor. Inquire of Messrs. T. & 8., cor. Clay and Battery sts.; no agents. ALOON AND GROCERY FOR SAL_ CHEAP; O 3 good living-rooms. 923 Howard st. ALOON IN DESIRABLE LOCATION doing good business: has billiard table an_ cash register; also 10 finely furnished rooms: departure causes sale. GEORGE STEERS & CO., 22 Kearny St. TT^OR SALE-GOOD MILLINERY BUSINESS X I in splendid location in San Jose; will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to HOHN & NATHAN, 512-514 Market st. ' p OOD OPPORTUNITY: PARTNER WANTED VJ" in a business established since 1862- capital required, about $50,000. Address A. T., -P. O. box 848. v ''*. ' 'a '■ . : , ,' .* ' .: ' Y\T ANTED-LODG ING-HOUSE OR RESTAUR- -1 T ant cheap for cash. D., box 15, Call Office. piGAR-STAND AND CLUBROOM-A BAR- \J gain if taken at once. 1055 Market st S^ all 1 £? b b o sSap - address a. O S. \ ORK, San Jose, Cal. fffiri AA BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY, GRO- omce ceries.etc; gOOd location. Apply this OALOON FOR SALE. APPLY AT THE O American Brewery, 725 Green st "■-•" ■-■-•■■ Sloigi^o^g_[^ E^ T >T-: CHOICE F OU i SAL i?- '' : - AL R_I'AIR-SHOP, GAS -1 engine, : 2 lathes, emery wheels, grindstones, etc.: good location. Address box 1, Call Office, wUKi-VIKI , . ■■_.■., ■ . . TRn A XE M EN-STORE AND BASEMENT, tTo M ?' rent fOr interest, in' business. H., 339 1\ fly rS 81* .i. T.EST PAYING RESTAURANT IN THE CITY: ■** sell cheap. Apply to J. GARLAND, 635 Clay. QLD-ESTA BUSHED ■ WHOLESALE „ v/ tail grocery, with bar. doing business $50 dally; large stock groceries & liquors; fine store fixtures, cash registers, safe, 2 good delivery wagons, horse, stable, etc. ; A., boxei. Call Office. A NTED-PA RTNER WITH $200 TO IN- a ry C oV.? g(KHl -P a - vin S office business. LOOM is &CO., 873y Market st. OR SALE— A FIRST-CLASS SALOON AND J . restaurant; building of 20 rooms, all well fur- x' S T,^,V m , ust be ROld on account of sickness. MRS. J. DELCROIX, Tiburon, Mariu County, Cal. •I? 0 ? SALE^TUE BONANZA WINE VAULTS; x wholesale and retail; good bargain. 341 Pine st. iftfinO CAN *DY ' FACTORY AND CONFEC- -*J*Jy. tionery-store, for sale; '. first-class fix- tures; »no soda fountain. Apply this office. \ : SOfifl LA UNDRY „ ROUTE ; , CLEARS $75 - oV-\'° * 100 pvr month: trial given to prove this. H 235 Kearny st room 4•■ •.-.;■:■ ■■-■■■>■- ■-■.-■■ ■ y«..r00m4. BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. _ d* 1 OKA SALOON: . J , _■ . tIhIZOU. Clearing $200; 34 rooms, furnished. DECKER, 1206 Market St., cor. Taylor.' <_> QAA - COFFEE SALOON . <S)OUU. For sale. 'DECKER. 1206 Market at. CJN\P— BAKERS' SUPPLIES AND SPICE _ route. DECKER, 1206 Market st. ■ : LODGING-MOUSES FOX SALE. ■ OQ-ROOM HOUSE: OFFER WANTED; WHAT 00 will you give? DECKER, 1206 Market st. 1 U-ROOU HOUSE: THE BEST LOCATION ID only $450. DICKER, 1206 Market st.-_ KA-ROOM HOUSE AT YOUR OWN PRICE IN OU payments. DECKER. 1206 Market St.. &1 OAA- HOUSE, 82 WELL-FURNISHED X_iUU. rcoms; bargain. STRAND _ TUT- TLE, 45 Thira st. ________ _ Qi\f\ 30 ROOMS; NEAR 5 THEATERS: trtjoUU. rent $100: 2 entrances. SPECK. 602 Market St. -, r. . . UST SELL— ACCOUNT OF, DEATH, LODG- Ing-house. 115 Second St.; house full. PART CASH: 35 ROOMS; INF FURNITURE; X good business: must sell, 110 Ellis St., room 1. FUKMTUKE FOX SALE. FOR SALE— FURNITURE IN 8-ROOM FLAT; , J? rent cheap. 213b Valencia st. ED ROOM SET, $11: PATENT TABLES X>s2 15; Boxbury Brussels, 76c laid; oilcloth, 20c; open evenings. SHIR— X, 1310 Stockton st. CUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPET;* this week at McCABE'S. 948-950 Mission St. P EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AN D Xi second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c;- -7-plece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; good- shipped free. T. H .NELSON, 126 Fourth st. CAIiPETS. ~ ■T>m7s^F?lSr^o^r^Al ?OXßt^ RY BRU9- J~> sols, 75c. laid; linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth. 20c: open vvenings. Ml I UK K. 1310-1312 Stockton. . CAKI'KT CLEANING. \fATIONAL TjARPET^BEATiNG AND RENO- Ii vating Works, HAMPTON & BAILY ; layin* and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. /CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON _ CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. "WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH » » poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 363-7 Tehama; lei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. rpii_ J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING 1 Co. (incorp.): old established carpet cleaning t machines; cleaning 3c yard. '.30 14th, tel. 6074. J MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovatitie works. 453 Steven. son: tel. 3228. pianos. violins, etc. N-lega^tlnew^upright piano for sale at second-hand price; must be sold. Call on A. H. BREED & CO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. SALE— FINE PARLOR GRAND PIANO; X; very cheap. 35 Turk st. * ; ;v-'r ■_:■ ■ ANTED — PIANIST OF STANDING TO play Mechanics' Fair. HEINE, 40 O'Farrell. LMOST NEW, $850 BABY GRAND, STAND- ard make, none better, must be sold. See at - once. Room 10, 809 Market st. ______ A N UPRIGHT PIANO, GOOD CONDITION, X— immediate sale $70. Boom 10. 809 Market st. TMMEDIATE FORCED SALE OF STEINVVAY X piano by lady requiring cash. Inquire room 10, Flood building. NCOURAGK HOME INDUSTRY: HEMME Xii & LONG Piano Co. (established 1875), 340 Post St.: on installments; send for catalogue. PENTING PIANOS; LARGE AND VARIED XV assortment; tuned free. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.'a Piano-house, cor. Kearny and Sinter sts. LEG ANT UPRIGHT, GOOD AS NEW, AT MAU VATS', 769 Market St. p EORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE VJT Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments: pianos rented. 1360 Market st. N EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY— PIANOS sold upon a new rent-contract plan; please call and have it explained he easiest terms ever offered for procuring a fine piano: full-size new up- rights trom $150 upward. SHERMAN, CLAY <ft CO., corner Kearny and Sutter sts. REAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PI- VX anos at SHERMAN, CLAY _ CO.'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sts. • EASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLKR <ft CHASE. ■■ • FEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER & CO.. 721 Market st. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHiIER, Newby & Evans, Brings and other pianos.. TEJNWAY UPRIGHT: SLIGHTLY USED; grand tone; lialf-cost. SPENCER, 721 .Market. • UPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD <fe NEW"! »" H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. TECK, CHICKERING _ SONS., VOSE AND C* Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BKNJ. CURTAZ <fe SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER & CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ■pvECKER~BROS.. STEINWAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER _ CHASE. 28 and 30 O'FarrAl st. HOKSES. PToThMIoXFh^R^eTpE^F^CTL^Y^ENT-E;' VX 6 years old; suitable for doctor: price reason- able; can be seen and tried. . 2425 Post st. A A HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS 1" buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. 1 A, A SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL J.UU kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also SO cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia uta. SEWING machines. Q_WING^MACHINEs"iR_NTEb, $1 60 per 0 month; aU kinds repaired; machines sold from $5 upward. IS6S Market st. ©OX NEW, DOMESTIC SEWING - MA- <JP_it7. chine; drop leaf, drawers, cover and at- tachments. 205 Fourth st. ' KOK SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. T^IAIJoN^BING^PI^srETRiRIN^sTs^U^S XJ half store prices: cold watches, any make, for weight of cases. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. SMALL SCREW AND GEAR.- CUTTING lathe, 14 inches between centers: tools com- plete: cabinet-maker's outfit complete; small en- gine and boiler. 1400 Van Ness aye. rpHE FOLLOWING ARTICLES WILL BE i- sold to the highest bidder at 602 Market street on Tuesday. July 30, at 3 o'clock p. M. by John H. Speck: 1 diamond \ stud ■of ■ about 2i 2 carats; 1 set diamond earrings of 1 carat each: 1 ruby pin with cluster of small diamonds: 1 ring. 3 opals and cluster of diamonds :1 locket with cluster of diamond crescent, and 1 diamond ring of about 1 carat. JOHN H. SPECK. IpOR SALE— PHONOGRAPH OUTFIT: ' 75 records: two batteries; all complete, $125. J. R. DAVIS, 1055 Market st. ■ MO. 8 RANGE, FRANCONIA: WATERBACK, ■1* with pipes complete; $15. 1710 Market st. ST. BERNARD PUP, 4 MONTHS OLD; COL- lins breed; $20. 1501 Mason, cor. Broadway. ALL TYPEWRITERS RENTED. __.■■■ Including SMITH PREMIER. LEO E. ALEXANDER & BRO., 218 Sansome st. ~ IVE PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOB $100; $25 singly. 326 McAllister st. ILCH COW FOB SALE IN GOOD CON- dition. T. HURLEY, 230 Douglass st. r\ h e aTeStplack to buy gas fixtures. \J H. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. Tlshikk SAFE, LETTER-PRESS. SCALE, V V coffee-mill and money-till: cheap. 102 Clay st, 1 LOT OF EASTERN STANDARD "jiaKßi of safes which have been taken In exchange us part payment for the Waltz safes, as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank orcoin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof all sizes; at less than half cost; sea them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market St., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., San Francisco. Oil. . ■_ .' , .... VfBW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- i\ hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. r-1 OUNT £ R S. SHELVING, SHOWCASES , bought and sold 1121 V 3 Market bet. 7th anl Btli " ~~~ DENTISTS. ;~~ "~"* A ranted. DR. J. KEY, 1122 Market WA? ranted. DR. J. M^. KEY. 1122 Market st. DR. J. .1. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— Open evenings; Sundays till noon. DR.REA.3OO TURK ST— ALL DENTALWORK at lowest prices and warranted ; .open evenings. DR. G EORG E W. LEEK, THE GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved trom li to 20 O'Farrell st. A" T CHALFANTS'S,BMASON.COR. market' ■_t_- sets of teeth are made to please or no charge-' on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced- small 'old nianga only $2; painless extraction. p'ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 \J ket, bet." 3d nnd *tn, gas ' specialists; only rail- ?rm<£f «.- ain ' c . « tra «lon: mificial wet* trm $a ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas $1. I^/AJSET FOR TKETH; WAKKANTED AS P !,_ s ?2«i??. can Inad^ : flnin S * 1 -" l^K- SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. DX. H. U. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH . without plates a specialty, I_4l Polk s:7 .T\R. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET ST niatSi «- ™* e n:' no charge for extracting wheS platea are made; J old plates made over like new. teeth from $8 per set: extracting 50c; gas given. GOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. - 806 MAM* - - ket sl -: -DX: CHARLES W. DECKER. KBe ajtd BgttDiaEtaT" TTOlsks niil.T .: FOR A ROOM: PAR- ,_i ties contemplating building are Invited to call and ejtaaiine our plans. 1140 Mission st. - r