Newspaper Page Text
CITY REAL ESTATE. pHEAP LOT ON HALE OT, BET. MERRILL V. and Boy Ist on. People's Homestead: $250- easy terms: lot 25x76. J Cheap lot, No. 501, Gift Map 1; Butler (now Poison^ St., bet. Lincoln and Powhattan- 25x70- -$20 0: easy terms. ' " - I "< Cheap lots on Pope st.. bet. Cross st. and Mission road, Bernal Homestead; 25x120- $250- easy terms. • ' ' Cheap lots on Allison aye., bet. Cross st. and Mis- sion road, Bernal Homestead; 25x120- $260- easy terms. ' * Cheap lots on York and Hampshire sts., near 26th and near Potrero aye.; 25x100; easy terms. Cheap lots on California aye., opposite Howard B^\T sorSoxl 10: easy terms; easy of access fine •"•!x l s 1 '»"usv " e Preclta aye - opposite Howard st . A . .ply to C. S. CAPP & CO., 413 Montgomery St., Real Estate Agents, Rent Collectors and House I 0— "PPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME TO PUR- KJ chase a home at a great sacrifice: lot 34:4i/>x 13, :6. with house 6 rooms, bathroom, pantries, etc.; grand view; lovely garden; price $2600; only cash buyers need apply; key at 931 Lombard st. $900 gACH-30x 100 EACH: UNIVERSITY -\'y> Mound Tract; S. side Sliiiman St., bet. Cambridge and Yale. CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California st. , LOT 25x90; 24TU ST., E.SIDE OF SANCHEZ; business location. Inquire SW. cor. 25th and Castro sts. QQOn 2 LOTS, 25x100, ON S AYE., NEAR %pO\JVJ. Point Lobos, and sth 10th aye., near California. Apply Owner, box 27. this office. BRICK BUILDING FOR BUSINESS PROP- * erty on Market st. : rent $7200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 55x137 :6 ft.; price, $11. 2. side Stanyan st., bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; 25x100: price $2600. 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses; price reduced from $6500 to $6000; make offer. 2-story brick bouse of 9 rooms, with stable, In South Park; lot 45x125 ft. ; price $7500. Lot on Duncan st., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet; price $400. Cottage house, 1367 Dolores St.; 5 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores st. 25x9£ teet. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent, 324 Montgomery street. "r'V. F. CITY LOTS; $100 UP. TERMS $10 . down, $5 mo. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Mkt, SUNNY COTTAGE HOME, 125 FLOOD AYE., "Sunnyslde"; 6 rooms and bath ; terms, $100 cash: $15 per month. THE MCCARTHY COM- PANY, 646 Market st. T?XCHANGE— FINE IMPROVED CLEAR -Hi Eastern property for bay or coast county prop- erty: only clear property wanted. Address, with particulars. D., box 25, this office. .■ .-: -._». T OUIS SCHLOSS. Xj Booms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, S. F. REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE! TF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL 1 estate 1 can place it for you; everybody wants money. Cnnn AN ELEGANT HOME. IN A GOOD OOUI/U. location: house of 9 rooms; all mod- ern; don't fail to see it if you want a home. Ql9 ?\C\(\ CORNER BUSINESS PROP- OX -.Ouu. erty: former tenant got rich ; it is. the right place for the right man. CM A A CHOICE LOTS ON THE NOB HILL «JpttU\7. of the Potrero, near Union Iron Works. SCl^fl CHOICE LOTS IN BLOCK 191, NEAR V£~lO\J, the Rope Walk, Sugar Refinery, line of 6. P. R. R., and near China Basin, the terminal of the San Joaquin Valley R. R. ; title perfect; in- sured by the Title Insurance Co.: terms of sale will be made to suit purchaser, $2 per week. LOUIS SCHLOSS, Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, S P. ©1 fiAA TERMS. $100 CASH: $10 PER <I?IV/Uv/. month: 2d aye., bet. Clement and California sts. WILL E. FISHER & CO., 14 POSt St. ■■•■:•;; .,-;.-. qjTAAA LOT 62:6x136 FEET; SPLENDID (JIUUU. location; forced sale; a snap. $3200— 10-room house; new; near station ; street work done; worth more. Many other houses and lots for sale in Berkeley. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station. ; "--=:■ "1 "I xIO7:6— SW. COR. JERSEY AND DIA- "T raopd «is. Apply within. COUNTRY KEAL ESTATE. F~~olTsATE^iN %^E^V r^O^N^ : A7N^IEWrA new house of 3 rooms and closets; good cellar: lot 50x150; well fenced; garden and shade trees; good bored well 65 feet deep, with pump; out- houses: all for $450 cash; it Is a bargain: title clear; must sell on account of leaving. Apply S. WEILHEIMXB & SONS, merchants, Mountain View, Santa Clara Co., Cal. i::: . (-IOPER ACRE: 640 ACRES: WELL LOCAT- '_ — cd. TRAVERS & LAMB, 612 California st. AC) ACRES— FOR EXCHANGE; A GENERAL 'i— farm, \y* miles from town; Al bottom land: small orchard vineyard; fronting on broad way: small improvements: a pretty situation: San Francisco or Oakland property; $5000. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. T OUIS SCHLOSS. $12,000 will buy one of the most beautiful places on the coast: 5 acres rents; well and near San Ra- fael; must be seen to be appreciated. Fine place of 10 acres near San Jose; cheap. . LOUIS SCHLOSS. Rooms 24 and 25, Crocker building, San Francisco. - T) ESTABLISHED 15 YEAB3. i->EST SYSTEMATIZED LAND OFFICE IK AMEBICA N. D. SICK ELS, THE LAND AGENT. Sale and exchange of Ranch property a strict specialty. By far the largest list. 218 Post Stbeet, bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING X purposes or an orchard already improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F. mHIS will interest you. X Our colony is now established ; already 25 families have decided to make their homes with us. Wear* determined to develop a community of homes that will be self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable. We own this tract of land, in fact it has been our home for over 30 years, and we know from experience that the soil is well adapted to the successful growth of every variety of fruit, grain and vegetables that are grown" In the State of California, i We have now 1000 acres in alfalfa, from which we cut three and four crops per annum, and that, too, without irrigation. We claim that we can offer more to the man who really wants a home than has ever yet been offered or that is likely ever to be offered again. The man who provides a borne that is self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable for his family enjoys a sens** of in- dependence and proprietorship that Is simply im- possible in any other business and is especially impossible for the man who works on a salary and is subject to the fluctuations of business or the •whim of his employer. We ask your investigation of our offer. • " _ • , Address New England Colony of California, Room 10, Mills bnildlng. MAUIN COUNTY— 6OOO ACRES 26 MILK 3 from San Francisco. RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 rer acre; easy terms. town of Novato; graded school, hotels ana atom on the property ; send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 04 and 65. Chronicle building. "4. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -•V. WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. SAN RAFAEL REAL ESTATE. Ir"OR SALE IN *AN RAFAEL— COTTAGE OF 5 X rooms and bath. Apply ZIEBBNBJCBG, West .End, or 401 Gutter St.. S. F. PROPERTY WANTED. ■\Hr ANTED— SMALL IMPROVED RANCH FOR TT nice cottage. SPECKS, 602 Market st. ~ ~~ TO LEASE. ~ ~~ qrc^LEASETs^ORTTEARS— DA IR Y RANCH; X 714 acres; 6 miles from San Jose, 2% miles from railroad station; 400 acres fiDe tillable land, balance pasture, slightly rolling it.nd: 77 dairy cows and dairy outfit comp ete. For full particu- lars apply at once to a. R. FRITSCUI, 303 Califor- nia St., B. F., or to John R. Kocher, 15 South First street, -an Jose, Cal. m"6 CHOICE dairy OR stock 1 ranch of 525 acres; cheap for term of years; near city. Address I',, box 28, this office mo LET-FOB PRIVATE SCHOOL OR HOME; X In Santa Clara: excellent water, scenery and climate; large building and grounds. Address H. P.. box 87. this oflice. house for sale; HU I:<>m>iS~£arV;E i LOT; STABLE and carriage house; Western Addition. Ameri- can Land and Trust Company, 132 Market st. •^ ATTO b m:\S-AT- LAW. ADVICE DIVOHCK"aND^PROBATE laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police four. terms reasonable; collections, etc. O.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, S5O Market.cor.Stockton M" ONE V A DVANCED TO LITIGANTS, COURT costs and charges paid in matters of probate, contracts, damages, accidents, notes, first-class collections and general law business. Address J. F. NAUGHTON, 64 Nevada block, 3. F. JOHN R. All KEN, ATTORNEY -AT- LAW, B& 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. tit W.DAVIDSON', ATTORNEY-AT- LA f » • California et., mis. 14-16 ; advice free. . - HOUSES TO LET. BAY-WINDOW HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS, BATH and yard: In the warm belt of the Mission: no city togs; rent to suit good tenant. 18 Fair Oaks St., near Twenty-first. - , k > X HOUSE 9 ROOMS, BATH; SUITABLE sis"oaii for 2 families; 63 Webster st. Apply 513 Oak st. ©I HOUSE 4 ROOMS. 212 ELEVENTH XO . St., near Howard. pOKNER HOUSE. 9 ROOMS, BATH AND V,' laundry, on Twelfth St.; $40. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye. • "VTEW 2-STORY HOUSE OF * ROOMS AND ->-^ bath; latest improvements; rent $25: Castro St., near Twenty-first. Apply to L. A. SOUC & CO., 405 and 467 Valencia st., near Sixteenth. "VTEW 2-STORY HOUSE; 9 ROOMS; $25: 809 -I* Castro st. Apply ROUC A CO., 466 Valenciast. 901 Q CALIFORNIA— ROOMS: BATH; utJXO conservatory; hot-air furnace; sunny. HOUSE, 4 KOOMS, BATH. 1233 TWENTY- fifth st., near Church. \\T ELL- FURNISHED HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS M and bah: rent reasonable. 737 Ellis. Oqx SUNNY HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS AND <$>«JtJ.bath. SE. cor. McAllister and Polk sis. 119 CEDAR AYE., NORTH OF GEARY, xx*j near Van Ness— House 7 rooms and bath. MODERN HOUSE: 7 ROOMS; BATH: LARGE yard and stable. 417 Ridley St., opp. Flllmore. 979q mission — 2-STORY BAY-WINDOW •— I £*%j house. 6 sunny rooms: bath; large base- ment; yard ; rent low to good tenant. C>Q HOUSE 3 ROOMS. APPLY 121 PAGE <jTO. street. ■ 1 "W 9 TAYLOR — 10 SUNNY ROOMS: LARGE ■XKtxti yard and garden; fine marine view. <S> A X PACIFIC HEIGHTS HOUSE; B ROOMS *4r -**-'• with every convenience and marine view. 1733 Broadway, near Gough st. SUNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; 9 rooms; bath; rent $30: water free. ATEST STYLES IN HOUSES TO RENT AT BALDWIN & HAMMOND'S. 10 Montgomery. FURNISHED HOUSES. pOTTAGE WITHLARGB GARDEN: SEVE.V- V^ teenth st., nr. Valencia. BALDWIN A HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. \\ HOLE OR PART OF HANDSOMELY FUR. '' Pished flat: $25. 1123y 2 McAllister st. FINELY FURNISHED COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS; X bath, gas, stove; rent reasonable; fine marine ■view; 10 to 12 A . M . 2441 Larkin st. COTTAUES TO LET. BAY^^TTfD^VV^OT^rXGEr^ ROOM^T^ld Central aye., near Geary st. pOTTAGE, 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; \J stable for 3 horses. 1108 Jessie st. pOTTAGE 3 ROOMS: $8. APPLY 38 VICTOR \J St., bet. Seventh and Eighth, off Bryant. T?LEGANT~4~ROOM COTTAGE GAS-FIX- Xli tures: large yard and cellar; $17, with water and ashman. 959 Harrison, bet. Fifth and Sixth. 79^ ARMY— COTTAGE 6 ROOMS; BATH, * — x basement. SUNNY COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS, BATH, stable and large basement: rent cheap; 10 Eureka st., near Seventeenth and Castro. UMB- SEN <fc CO. A 1 1 DOLORES, NR. SEVENTEENTH— 'i-L-L tage 4 rooms, bath. pOTTAGE 5 ROOMS; BATH; LAUNDRY; \J chicken-yard; fine marine view; all modern Improvements; Green St.. bet. Octavla and La- guna. Inquire 2619 Octavia st.. neat Green. FLATS TO LET. M~~ODERN BAY^wisnsow se! COI<NER flat: 6 rooms: bath; wide hail. McAllister and Broderick as. TpLEGANT SUNNY FLAT, 5 LARGE ROOMS, Xli bath and attic: modern improvements; rent $18. Apply st;. cor. Noe and Elizabeth sts. TJiOP. SALE-A FURNISHED, COZY 5-ROOM X flat in a good neighborhood: sun all day. Apply Sunday and evenings, 731 Shotwell st. 0 SUNNY FLATS OF 4 ROOMS EACH; RENT — reasonable. Corner O'Farrell and Beldeman, above Scott. • ■■■:• -- 8 7A. FOLSOM— UPPER PART; 10 ROOMS, 0 i \J water, $25. O'FARRELL, 11 Montgomery. "1 q ZOE, BET. THIRD and FOURTH, OFF xO Bryant— Nice flats ; 4 rooms; rear. , Q* 1 E NEW FLAT 4 ROOMS ; BATH : LARGE <JpX«J. cellar. 1307 Kearny st., near Green. PPBR SUNNY FLAT: 4 ROOMS; BATH. J 664 Mission St.; rent cheap. 79£ MCALLISTER-SUNNY UPPER FLAT; 7 1 m-\J rooms; laundry and bath. LAT 5 ROOMS; BATH. 20 ALBION AVIS., bet. 15th and 16th, Valencia and Guerrero. Qjl9 COZY LOWER FLAT: s" ROOMS: *Tr> . I — ; . bath; cellar; garden. 1008 Natoma, near Eleventh st. KST FLOOR: 4 ROOMS; FRONT AND REAR X I yards and basement; $16. Third floor; 4 rooms and bath; no children; rent $12 50. . Both these on Glen Park ay., and very desirable and attractive. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park ay., off Twelfth st. :-- , 91 PERRY ST. — NEWLY RENOVATED — X fiats of 4 and 5 rooms and bath; rent reduced, G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. TTPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS, OPP. SCHOOL; $13. vJ Collingwood and Nineteenth sts. T OWEbTfIaT 3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS XJ each; yard: basement; $10 and $12. 1807 Ellis St., near Pierce. /lOC I WALLER, NEAR FILLMORE— UPPER luOjJ flat 5 rooms: bath; north side. ODERN NEW FLAT; 6 ROOMS, CONSER- vatory and bath; small family preferred. 2031 Golden Gate aye. '■'-■ V■ W SUNNY FLAT— ROOMS: BATH; SET ■!> tubs; $14; water free. 1196 Treat aye. ICIQ LEAVENWORTH — FLATS OF 5 xOxU rooms, with modern improvements. PPER FLAT 5 SUNNY BOO Ms ; BATH. J 1511 Taylor st., bet. Pacific and Broadway. AY-WINDOW FLAT— 6 ROOMS, BATH AND toilet. 1108 Hampshire st. Q>-\ 1 BAY WINDOW FLAT 4 ROOMS, O-Lrr. bath; yard. 8 Shotwc-11. near Fourteenth. T7 LEG ANT CORNER FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH; Xli with or without stable. SW. Bush and Scott. <n.q;r 5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH. 220 VAN »3)O«J. Ness aye. •■• ■ ■ &*"11 F*i\ 4 ROOMS. 129 IVY AYE., NEAR «35 ± 1 . 0 V » . Van Ness. IfLAT— 5 ROOMS; BATH; LARGE YARD; ' $15. 2341/2 Thirteenth st. ■VfEW, ELEGANT 5 AND 6 ROOM FLATS; -LV all modern conveniences; $25 and $27 50. 1710 Hyde st. ■-. --.■ ,■ A - : 3-ROOM FLAT. 522 HOWARD ST. "VTEW MODERN FLAT: 7 ROOMS: BATH; i.> fine yard. 2333% Mission St.. nr. Twentieth C~" OZY FLAT— ROOMS; BATH; STATION- ary washtub: rent $18. 1165 Howard st. Qi 9 A SUNNY UPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS; fji'Z.yJ. bath. 202 Flllmore St., near Haight. SI NY FLAT; 5 ROOMS; BATH; GAS; good view. Twentieth and Dolores; cheap. "I A.91 HAIGHT, NRI BRODERICK— X\JZiX sunny 6-room flat; good view; near park. i s>]A 2 SUNNY UPPER FLATS, 3 ROOMS OxU. each ; cellar. 39 Dore, nr. Harrison and 9th. G» 1 £ 5 - ROOM FLAT: BATH; SUNNY^ <JJ)XO. 929 Nineteenth st., off Castro. j /CHOICE FLATS; 1010 AND 1012 MASON, 1018 ! \J and 1030 Sacramento sts. ; 5 and 6 rooms; bath. Apply 320 Sansome St.. room 4. . - ■ ; OZY FLATS: 8 AND 34 HANOVER PLACE, off Sacramento, below Mason; 6 rooms: bath. I PLAT: 4 ROOMS: $10 A MONTH. 716 NATO- -1 ma St., bet. Eighth and Ninth. ".i ■• 1 A GROVE, NEAR CITY ELEGANT lv flat, 5 r«onns and bath. I" A TEST STYLES IN FLATS TOKENT AT J BALDWIN& HAMMOND'S. 10 Montgomery. HOUSEKEEPING; ROOliis. NICE HOUSE KEEPING IXJ'J rooms: also single; nicely furnished new house. . ■ " 71 Ql BRYANT— 2 NICELY UNFURNISHED I X\JZ connectln r rooms; every convenience. /•no BUCHANAN, COR. FELL-2 OR 3 SUN . DU*J ny furnished rooms: complste. 1 Q/\«7 FOURTH-SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED O\J I rooms for housekeeping en suite or single. Al Q FOURTH— CLEAN, SUNNY FURNISH : 'X-LO ed housekeeping and single room: ch<ap. 2 SMALL ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED; kitchen if desired. 527% Geary st. ' ■1 r I q GEARY-2 OR 4 SUNNY ROOMS, FUR- xOLO nished or unfurnished, for housekeeping. TTOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, COMPLETELY XX furnished. Apply at 1517 Golden Gate aye. rjf\A HOWARD, COR. THIRD— FINELY FUR 1 U"± nlshed front rooms; suite or single; cheap. HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED XjOjL'Z housekeeping rooms and others. Q/jQ HOWARD-FRONT AND BACK PAR- i/Tt/ lor: furnished complete for housekeeping. lOr A HOWARD, COB. TENTH— 2 BUNNY l.«")».)-j" furnished housekeeping rooms; range; bath; $10. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' 1 5 LEWIS, OFF TAYLOR, NR. POST— 2 UN- -1O furnished rooms: cellar: water free; $8.. Ql 1 LYON. PARK PANHANDLE— OX x f ul sunny unfurnished rooms. A Q7 MINNA— HOUSEKEEPING ROOM AND ttO I kitchen. - ■ , r/»l MISSION. NEAR SECOND-SUNNY 00-L bedroom and kitchen, furnished; rent $10. (\AH MISSION— 4 ROOMS, BLOB FLOOB, t/tt I complete for housekeeping; also other rooms. . * . • -'" '"■ ■'•"' ' 1 ATI OR 1125 MISSION-SUNNY HOUSE- xUt)O keeping rooms; children; other rooms; cheap. - ; ■ . « ' 11 OH MISSION - FURNISHED BUN NY JL JLO i front suite; suitable housekp; reasonable. Ql OAK — 2 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, OX complete for housekeeping; rent 914. . , , . THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1895. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. 1 Q9Q roLK~— ~bXy^wini)6w~b66m~a"nd lO^iO kitchen; $14. IOG SEVENTH— LARGE - SUNNY HOUSE- XO\J keeping; yard: also nice single rooms cheap. 1 AQ SILVER. NR.THIRD-3 UNFURNISHED X \J V sunny front rooms for housekeeping. 2 OB 3 NICE SUNNY ROOMS FURNISHED lor housekeeping. 646 Stevenson st. T^Tqi STOCKTON — 3 UNFURNISHED Ulu2 housekeeping sunny large rooms; $11. 1 STOCKTON— 2 CONNECTING ROOMS, ltuO furnished complete for housekeeping. 1 Q9A STOCKTON— 2 ROOMS, NICELY FUR- xOjUKJ nished for housekeeping; also single ones; cheap; sunny. ClCj TAYLOR-SUNNY ROOMS, SUITES OxO or single; downtown; very reasonable; new building. 099 THIRD— FRONT FURNISHED HOUBE- O^i-d keeping suites, $8, $9, $11; single, $1 to $1 60. j . Hf\A TWENTY-FOURTH, COR. VALENCIA— I \Jrt 2 sunny rooms, partly furnished; cheap. 01 A TWENTIETH— 2 SUNNY FURNISHED (/It rooms for housekeeping; reasonable. 71 A, VAN NESS AYE.— 3 SUNNY ROOMS, I X\J completely furnished for housekeeping: $25. 71 A VAN NESS AYE.— SUNNY FRONT % x\J suite; completely furnished for housekeep- Ing; $25. ■ ' ml WELSH, OFF FOURTH, BELOW BRY- X Itj ant— 2 or 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: cheap. : KOOaiis TO LEX. q^T^KLTlS^^uTinVY^ultNTsJTE^^U^N^ ij£i % suite; double rooms; running water; cheap. A 1 O FOURTH-CLEAN, SUNNY FURNISH- tIOed housekeeping and single sunny front room: cheap. qi 7 FULTON-SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT Oil rooms: 1 unfurnished. ■VfRS. CHEVALIER has RESUMED the l'J- management of the '-Miramar," 703 Geary st.; sunny rooms, single or suites; excellent board; elevator; prices moderate, to suit the times. 91 Q GOLDEN GATE AYE. — PLEASANT £ixo sunny furnished rooms: also single rooms: reasonable. ■> <•)/• I GOLDEN GATE AYE.— SUNNY FRONT — 1 alcove room, nicely furnished; reasonable. qA7 GOLDEN GATE AYE.— NEWLY NO- O\J t vated and furnished large front alcove suites; also nice single rooms; cheap. q I Q GOLDEN GATE AYE.— LARGE SUNNY OxO room, neatly furnished: gas, bath; reusonble, q9Q GOLDEN GATE AYE.— LARGE SUNNY Oj-i(J front rooms; also single rooms; cheap. ft/10 GOLDEN GATE— SUNNY FURNISHED U ±\J rooms, en suite and single: gentlemen prefd. OC GRANT AYE. — ELEGANT, SUNNY, ; —tJ newly furnished suites and rooms from $10 to i $25 per month at the Hoffman. /•.>>) HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED \J£dO rooms, double and single; gas; bath. I 7^*l i Howard — NICELY FURNISHED I lUi!j sunny bay-window and other double and I single rooms; reasonable. ' Qq/'B HOWARD STREET— AT REDUCED i 000 rates, well furnished, sunny front rooms; '■ also other nice rooms: gas; bath. 1 9AQI HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED XZAJV'Z room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $7 a month. tAC JONES— NEWLY AND HANDSOMELY OVJO furnished rooms; modern conveniences. * RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- iV ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; tlrst;clau in every respect; terms reasonable. QA/* MARKET— FURNISHED ROOMS, OF- O\J\J fices and clubrooms; reduced rents. IP OR RENT— IOR 2 GENTLEMEN, x: nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about 8 blocks from Kearny and Market sts.: private family; references required. Address C. D., box- 1, Call. I "\rOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— and suites; per night, 35c to $1 ; week, $1 50 to $5: families. ARKER HOUSE, 1122 MARKET ST., 18 Turk— Elegant suites Ist and 2d floors: first class in every respect. MRS. S. HENKEL, pro- prietress. 1 0 MARYE TERRACE (424 TURK)— SUNNY XL) room for 1 or 2 persons; bath; reasonable. 9fLt MCALLISTER— LARGE, SUNNY SUITE, Zi\J ± suitable for 3 or 4 gentlemen. AAQ MCALLISTER— 6 SUNNY ROOMS AND ttUO bath; large yard. O~\ Ql MCALLISTER — FINE FURNISHED \JXU2 front room; use of piano: gas: bath; cheap. £1 q MISSION-FURNISHED SINGLE RMS, UIO 15c to 50c per night ; $1 to $2 week. i . UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients. AfkO FURNISHED BACK PARLOR, r±U+j suitable for 2 gentlemen or man and wife; running water; also siDcle room. 1 I £1 OAK — HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, EN X lua suite and single. 1 PACIFIC— 4 ROOMS, BATH; $26. fti 1 PINE-SMALL SUNNY ROOM: ALSO I UXX large room; quiet house; price moderate. I 907 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT •-" ' i suites; first floor; single rooms; cheap. HE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 x sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; ! strictly respectable: central; very moderate prices. | 28 Eighth st., near Market. A. W. MANNING. ■yVERETT, 55 SECOND— FAMILY HOUSE: XJ new management: respectable: sunny rooms; reasonable: transients solicited. M. DALTON. prop. i 1 AO SIXTH— NICBLY FURNISHED SUNNY i Xv/O rooms, double, single: reasonable, i qq SIXTH ST.. THE HILLSDALE-SUNNY 00 rooms; single and en suite: $1 to $1 50 a d»y. pRAND SOUTHERN. COR. SEVENTH AND vX Mission— Rooms all light water, gas and electric 1 bells; elevator runs from 7a. 12 v. v. : single, 50 cents; suites, $1 day: $2 50 and $5 week up. V •_) 7 SEVENTH— FURNISHED ROOM, $1 A it) i week up; housekeeping and transient. "VTEW PYRENEE HOUSR, 1314 STOCKTON | JL> st.— Sunny front rooms: suites or single: by j day, week or month. PH. MAYSOUNAVE, prop. 7 AX S UTTER-NEW AND CONVENIENT ] I \Ju offices, suitable for physidan, dentist or mv- ■ sician. 1 I AQ SUTTER, COR. POLK-FURNISHKD -I-J-'±O rooms and housekeeping suites; bath; $15. 99A THIRD— SINGLE .AND SUITE; LIGHT —— v housekeeping: $5 up; brick building; yard. qi 7 THIRD— LARGE SUNNY FRONT; AS Ol I suite or single ;sl 25t055 week to $20 mo. Ql A TURK— NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; OJ.T: with or without board. 1 £AO VALENCIA— ROOM TO LET.; FINE X\J\)£ location for barber-shop; rent, $10. ■ 7qT~VAN NESS AYE.-LARGE FRONT * O~x gunny room : $8. BOARDING AND ROOMS. qOA (;OLI«EN^ATE^V^^sT?N'N^ ALCO\ ? E O^-Uroom; running water; new carpets and fur- iilture; $60 for two: also rooms, $25 to $45 per mo. rpHB GBAYBON, 836 POWELL-BAY VIEW; X sunny suites and single rooms, with flrst-class board; moderate prices. :i • ■. QAQ TAYLOR— LARGE SUNNY ROOM WITH i VW first-class board; large garden. Qqi BUSH — 2 SUNNY BAY-WINDOWS 00l with board: reasonable; also table-boarders. I CiOf' KDDY— SUNNY FRONT ROOMS, SUITES : \JjL\J and single; best board: reasonable. ! 91 VAN NESS AYE.- BEING THOBOUGHLY ±Jx renovated; nice Bunny front rooms, with board or privilege of light housekeeping. TTOTEL BBBTLINO, 714 BUSH-OPENED AS XX a family hotel; references given and required; all modern convenience*. ■ - CHILDREN BOARDED. Ar?Y^n?xD^iKFT?rTr^ XJ!board._734y 2 Clementina st. WITHOUT CHILDREN WOULD LIKE J small child to board. Address 1522 a Fell st. i| ' | STOKES TO LET. ~~ ~ " liipr7* >^oßTr'ANjrT~LT^ <!; XL), barber, laundry, fancy or shop; corner Secotid st. and Rlncon aye. C; 1 C * RUITSTORE : 3 ROOMS: STABLE. ifrxO. Apply A. M. SPECK, 602 Market st. STORE, 1524 HOWARD ST., CORNER OF > Lafayette; cheap for any business, with fix- tures. Apply 2838 Mission St., M. CURRAN. p HEAP RENT-STORE; ALSO LARGE BASE- \J ment. California and Hyde, adjoining car-house. ATA SACRIFICE— GROCERY AND, BAR, JX. with living-rooms; cheap, rent. Apply J. J. COMERFORD, SE. cor. Duncan and Dolores st. A 1 A KEARNY— SUITABLE FOB STATION- TX'J."ery or general business; rent reduced. ■ASTON, ELIMtIDGE & CO., 638 Market at. 9A7 AND 209 POLK— VERY NICE STORES: — V' I between Grove and Fulton: 4 rooms; $20. "I " IQUOR-STORE, WITH 2 LIVING-ROOMS, J-J fixtures, etc. ; ready to open. 350 Brannan. OR RENT — A CORNER STORE; GOOD ' stand for drug; or grocery business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. , - • T/lOUR-STORY BRICK AND iron building X and basement, 508 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc. : ■ rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN & SONS, 20 Montgomery st. OFFICES TO LET. i^rK^FTiTE^ro^Li£TTßoJT~eu^^ McAllister st. -■■ -.•■•. • . rr\O LET— LARGE SUNNY SUITE OF OFFICES lon first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery St.. rooms 1 and 2. -;"''■■ ■-■•■■ ELEGANT OFFICES IN new - SPRECKELS building, .925 Market: rents low; no. extra charge for gas, janitor services or beating. Apply at building or G. 11. I'M I'.SKN & CO.. 14 Montg. St. . PHYSICIANS. TS^E^M^T7s3fT^EU^Ai[^GTA7~GaUT^S?& Xli cial attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- ALD, M.D., 1236 Market St., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P. M. : A NOME, A FRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. ikMRS. Mi. FUSKJS, 1416 Eighth St., Alameda. .. ■ • ■ PERSONALS.^ E'^XE^^O^kAY^^Tl'AT'Air^VvlT^roUT fail. . .:■■■ . - . ' ■-■■• -;- ■ . ■■:■:■-■. .:: JOHN -J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, <f magnetic, massage treatment, alcohol, oil aud Roman baths. . luu ' Market, rooms 2 ana 3. I pINE, HEALTHY INFANT FOB ADOPTION. ' Call on MRS. DR. FUNKE, 1416 Eighth at., Alameda. ' '.'•-' '■ '- -'.- ; PIANO WANTED— FAMILY WISHING TO X sell. a first-class piano for cash, call Monday, 318 V Capp St., in the rear. Lessons GIVEN ON PIANO: TERMS $3 A XJ month; use of piano. A., box 9, Call Office. IPLOMA (MEDICAL) FOR SALE; FlRST- class. M., box 87, Call Office. 1 AC-JOIN THE CORRESPONDING CLUB; XU for details. FORD, president, room 25, Mu- rphy building. ' ■ ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS. 121 SU Montgomery St., room 6: hours 10 to 10. - "TUNE SUITS, $15: DRESS PANTS, $4 75. JO Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. HIGHEST PRICE PAID LADIES', GENTS', children's cast-off clothing. I. F.; 15 Russ st. A NNULMENT OF MARRIAGE AND DI- • Jtx. vorce: legal everywhere. ; Address P. O. box 2263, San Francisco, U. S. Divorce Bureau. : , ' T ADIES-FOR TAILOR-MADE SUITS. JACK- XJ ets and capes at wholesale prices, 1152 Market St., bet. Turk st. and Golden Gate aye. R. c eTfa~rnum has moved to the Nucleus building, cor. Third and Market sts. A D VICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE * -lX laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market, cor. Stockton. HAS. L. SHEAHAN, 224y ? FIFTH— PAINT- Ing, paper-hanging and whitening at low rates. nemobe'cut- _-__—_—_ Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers •" '.. From $10 up I Oak Bed Sets... ..............$l7 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums. 300 up . Stoves and Ranges .....s3up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. AIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB- -1 -IT lished In 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA : SPITZ, 111 Stockton St.; strictly one price only. A LL COURTS: PRIVATE LAW MATTERS. '< A LAWYER McCABE. 1027 Market ; advice free, ' 1 nAfl BUSINESS CARDS, flJO; SENT FREE, " xUmj city or country. HILL, 724y Market st. ! (£•! 9 SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. «Hsl^ NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. T\RESSES CUT AND FITTED, $3; DRESSES ; XJ popular prices; engagements by day. 11 Geary. IGHEST PRICE. PAID FOB CAST-OFF clothing.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th st. WHITE ASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH work; %c yard; contracts taken. WAIN- ' WRIGHT, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired. SINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade Is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- ; drill? or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail; try it. By all druggists price $1, or . SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. , , QKCOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, 1 O showcases, counters, shelvinga, mirrors, desks, . safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of 1 them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. ; pLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J vain' cost. Factory, 20 gansome st.. upstairs. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pip* • etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. AS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 623 Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. . OLD GOLD, (SILVER, GEM'S' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO TT order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. I DRESSMAKERS. . T^ASHIONABLE"DREisMAKEIt^ FROM~LoS£ X! don: terms moderate. 317 Grove st., San Fran ■ Cisco. i COST. 6sT— smalVTblPiciclpul^e^n^teamer J Piedmont containing key, trunk-check, coin, , diamond pin. Returu 214 Mission st. and receive reward. . AT MISSION, GRAY CLOTHBOUND DIARY, 1 A with rubber band, containing spectacles, keys and papers. Reward for same £>?■- Post st. i I JULY 11, ON OB NEAR FIFTEENTH XJ St., a gold pin, with 8 blue forget-me-nots and , diamond in center. Finder will be suitably re- warded on returning to 820 Fifteenth st. lOST — SMALL IRISH TERRIER SLUT: J light yellow white spot on head; name Topsv; : new collar; tag 153. Return to ROOSA, 326 Larkin st.: lliberal reward. T OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA 1 XJ Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of MACE HANSON: No. 199082. The finder will please return to bank. UONKY id LOA>. \\r HY PA V H IGH" rIvTE ON SM ALLLOANB TT when you can get from $200 up at 55 cents I per month on $100? Loan, box 83, Call. - t . T OANSON UNDIVIDED SHARES OF CITY ; XJ real estate; any amount. BECKER, 24o Mont- gomery su ; £.1%. CITY, COUNTY AND COLLATERAL SE- ' Ox curitles. TRAVERS & LAMB, 612 California. I T A DIES' PRIVATE BOOMS: MONEY ON XJ everything. U. S. Loan Oflice, 777 Market St., • near Fourth. , ' :/*•'-; ?;> ; T OANS ON REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND , XJ mortgages, furniture or pianos without re- : rnoval; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. I IMITED AMOUNT OF MONEt TO LOAN' Jat 6 per cent 0:1 approved real estate. RENT- ERS' CO-OPERATIVE INVESTMENT CO., ; room 8, 1170 Market st., San Francisco. A~- v SUM, FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES city or country :F. MO PHY, 62B Market A" PRIVATE ENTRANCE IN REAR from • -ti- O'Farrell street; private rooms for ladies and gents; discreet gentlemanly attendants: at UNCLE HARRIS' Collateral Association, 15Grant avenue. "VTO COMMISSION; COME TOTHELOANER -Li direct for money on your pianos and furniture without removing. 418 Ellis St., room 22. ONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Ofiice, 1106 Market st. ,nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS. WITHOUT removal. Jim 68, Donohoe bldg, 1170 Market. NY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN ON watt-lies, diamonds, sealskins, pianos, pictures, bronzes, clocks, real estate and all kinds of securi- ties. Columbia Loan and Collateral Ofiice, 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from M&rket st. TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established "SO years: always open. "Uncle Bill." , ' ■■ ■.. BORROW MO*«EY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or writ* to HA RR y ANKEL & CO., Mills bldg, sth floor, r 6; s'rlctly confidential. 1 ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFK I NSUB- ! X ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 MarKet. /^N ANYSECURITY.ATLOW RATES; DEAL- \J Ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. UNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 67: telephone Main 5122. ~ANY SUM Off MONEY ADVANCED ON J\- your furniture, pianos or real estate: low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. .1. NOONAN, 1 021 Mission st. ' ■ _ ~ "financial." pA rtTes^eea vi"ng~mone :y~t7T*l?)an~in X small amounts of $200 to 2000 can place It through us, , free of charge, at 8 per cent interest ger annum, payable seml-annually, secured by first mortgage on improved real estate in San Fran- cisco, the titles to which are guaranteed by the California Title Insurance Company." We moke, 1 this liberal proposition In 'order to meet the de- mand for small loans. Ad vis- us of the amount you wish to loan, and we will submit the security for your approval. A. F. JOHNS & CO., financial agents, room 9. 682 Market at.. San Francisco. . " ~~ KUtOATIO.VAI. ENGLISH LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY -Hi in class or private. MRS. H. EHRMAN, 1234 Bush. , - . ■- ■ :•-,- H"6ITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BURLING A M K. San MateoCo., reopens Aug. 6. IRA G.HOITT. MISS MOORE'S BOARDING AND DAY school. 515 Haigbt st.— French taught with- out extra charge: facilities for studying music, art and languages; term opens August 5, 1895. ' PIANO LESSONS 60c AN HOUR. THOMAS X WATTS, 218 Golden Gate aye. ocal TEACHER JOSEPH GREVEN : IM- proves and beautifies even spoiled voices, and procures positions to bis pupils. 82 Ninth st. VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, CORNET, V taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 225 Geary ;reasonable. MILLS COLLEGE AND SEMINARY. WRITE IVI for catalogue to MRS. C. T. MILLS, president, Mills College P. 0., Alameda Co., Cal. Next term begins August 7, 1895. ■ , .: .■ .<-. -,■-•: PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY SCIENCES X bldg: thorough commercial it English training. S~ PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MElSTER- scbaft School of Languages, 122 O'Karrell st. >. " ECKMAN, PIANO STUDIO, 205 • Gougb St.; assistant teacher for beginners. . ATIGHT SCHOOL; HEALTHS BUSINESS COL- Xi lege, 24 Post St.; - commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish ; low rates. • ■ .> .. .. .-■■' ■ ■■ Tj'oOK PINO, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMB X)tlc taught 6 weeks ;course $30. 5 Stockton st.,r. ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged; pupils . rehearsed I stage. R. sit 12. 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. QCHOOL ELECTRICAL/ CTVTL, MINING, ME- O chanical engineering,' surveying, architecture, assay : estab. '64. VAN PER N AILLEN. 723 Mkt. S~ TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market St.: diploma course $30. NO L IS BRANCHES TAUGHT" BY MISS DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46: private or class. mARR'S INST., 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING X taught In 6 weeks. : We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on. ■ . HEALD'S BUSINESS - COLLEGE. 24 ■ POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, - modern . lan- guages niuidlv uushL Wriui for catalogue.* h CLAIRVOYANTS. ■ t —^rr™^ ~~ ADVICE AIN'D ASSISTANCE FOR ALL— GO xv where the crowd *oes. His parlors are al- ways filled with anxious people seeking reliable information and every reply Is most gratlfyinj- All are pleased. Professor Eugene gives advice on business, speculations, investments, love, court- ship, marriage and dlvorct: settles lovers' quarrels, reunites , the . separated and causes a speedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice. He locates mines and buried treasures, tells of your friends and - enemies, removes '; evil > Influences, gives advice pertaining to lawsuits, locates and recovers old estates. Developing mediums a spe- cialty. The troubled and . unfortunate should seek his counsel. " Thousands of - families long sepa- rated have been reunited by his efforts: thousands of hearts made glad through his truthful predic- tions. - He Is the only clairvoyant on earth recox- nized by the profession as their brightest star. All persons unsuccessful in business, who seem to b3 unlucky, should visit him, seek his aid and start aright. Thousand* have become wealthy through his advice. He is ever ready to assist those with capital to find a safe and good-paying investment. Young men starting in business will find it greatly to their advantage to consult him on ail matters of financial interest to themselves. Professor Eugene shouldfnoo be classed with the many cheap pretenders who infest cities and bring disrepute to the profession. His past successes in matters of great import are positive guaranty of his power to p«rform the wonders that have made him famous. All are invited to call. Hours 9 a.m. to 8 p. m. Letters, with stamps, answered. Address F. EUGENE;«I2O6 Market street, San Francisco, parlors 102, 103 and 104, first floor. RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM. LIFE-READER: ladies, 25c: gents, 50c. 164 Tehama, off Third. RS. FIX, TEST MEDIUM, 438% BRANNAN. St.; fee 1. ■ ■-■ WORLD-RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT AND . planet-reader. MME. NORMAN, 995 Market. ISS MALVINA, AMERICAN CLAIRVOY- ant and magnetic healer. 7tst> J /2 Howard st. HOW TO BECOME A CLAIRVOYANT-KEY to the mystery of mediumship; most wonder- ful book since the Bible; 60 cents. . NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 603 Montgomery St., S. F. RESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, 39c. MME. X LEGETTE, 311 Tehama St.; upstairs. ME. MOREAU— GREAT and ONLY me- dium;give her a call:fee 25c up. 131 Fourth st. EON, PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT, LlFE- reader, 533 Po3t;h'rslO to Bdaily; and Sunday. A UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER; x\. magic charms; love tokens; true picture of future wife »nd husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. ; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. ■ . ■ SPIRITUALISM. piRCXETO-NlfjilT AT~MRS. COLBY'S, 122y a \J Oak st.; sittings daily. 'V 1:s 1 CIRCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c. MME. YOUNG, -L 605 McAllister st. : articles read. T IFJC READING—LADIES ONLY 25c. SWAIN, -Lj 105 Stockton; circle Monday and Friday. ASTROLOGY. '"XsTRAL "sEEB."— PROF. HOLMES, 623 GE AB V -iA- St.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advlca- LEGAL NOTICES. I^N~?HE^UPERToir" COU I*t77n~AND ''for the City and County of Ban Francisco, State of California, Department No. 10 (Probate). In the matter of the estate of MARY O'NEIL, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. ■ ♦ ■ A. C. KRKKSE, the administrator of the estate of MARY O'NEIL, deceased, having filed his peti- -1 tion herein, duly verified, praying for an order of sale of the real estate of said decedent, for the pur- poses therein set forth. It is therefore ordered by the said court that all persons interested In. t;.e estate of said deceased appear before the said Superior Court on MON- -1 DAY, the 26th day of August, 1895, at 10 o'clocK in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of Department No. 10 (Probate) of said Superior Court, at the new City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said ad- ministrator to sell so much of the real estate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the San Fkakcisco Call, a newspaper printed and published in said City and County. Dat«d July 25, A. D. 1895. '. -v- i --- CHARLES W. SLACK, Judge Of the Superior Court. • • J. D. SULLIVAN, attorney for administrator, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, IN AND FOR tbe City and County of San Francisco, State of California. Department No. 10 (Probate). In the matter of the estate of JOHN B. MILLER, deceased. Order to show cause why order of salts of real estate should not be made. A. C. FREESE. the administrator of the estate ! of JOHN B. MILLER, deceased, having filed his petition herein, duly verified praying for an order . . of sale of .the . real estate of said decedent, for the 1 purpose* therein set forth. 1 ■ It is therefore ordered by the said court that all . persons Interested in the estate of said deceased , appear before the said Superior Court on MON- DAY, the 26th day of August, 1895. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of Department No. 10 (Probate) of said superior Court, at the new City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to tho said administrator to sell so much of the real es- tate of the said deceased an shall be necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the San' FbanoiscoCaix, a newspaper printed and published in said City and County. Dated July 26, A. D. 1895. CHARLES W. SLACK, Judge of the Superior Court. J. D. SULLIVAN, attorney for administrator, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California. T^OTTcE OF FORECLOSURE SALE —BY i-i virtue of a duly certified copy of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States In and for the Southern District of California, in the cause where- in the Union Loan and Trust Company, trustee, was complainant, and the Southern California Motor Road Company, et al., were defendants, which said decree was duly issued by the Clerk of said Circuit Court to me, the undersigned, the duly appointed and qualified special master In chancery to make sale of the property as in said decree pro- vided, I will by virtue of said decree offer for sale the property of the said Southern California Motor 'Road Company, at the door of the Courthouse in the of Nin Bernardino, in the county of San Bernardino, State of California, at twelve o'clock, M.,on Saturday, the lOtn day of August, A.D. 1895, which said property Is described as follows, to wit: All and singular the railroad of the said Southern California Motor Road Company, constructed from the city of San Bernardino, in said county of Baa Bernardino, in the State of California, through and by the way of Colton and Riverside to South Riverside, now . in • the county of Riverside, to- gether with all the said company's real estate, lands, tenements, hereditaments acquired for the purpose of a right-of-way , for its roadbed and the appurtenances thereof, < and for depots, engine- bouses, carhouses, station-houses, • warehouses, workshops, superstructures, erections and fixtures, and also all and every the privileges, franchises and rights of the said Southern California Motor Road Company acquired at the date of said mort- gage, or thereafter owned by said company, and ■leg all the rails, bridges, depots, tilers, engine- houses, carhouses, station-houses, warehouses, workshops, erections, superstructures, flx- ures, privileges, franchises and rights of tlio said " Southern California Motor Road Company, wheresoever and whatsoever owned by the said Southern California Motor Road Com- pany, and also all the locomotives, tenders, bag- gage, freight and other cars, all belonging to said company, and all other cars, carriages, tools, ma- chinery and equipments for the railroad of said company, and also all the goods and chattels em- ployed in -and about the operation of said road owned by said Southern California Motor Road Company, In any way relating or pertaining to said railroad, together with all the tolls, rents, issues, profits, moneys, rights, benefits, incomes and ad- vantages to be derived, received or had therefrom by said Southern California Motor Road Company in any manner whatsoever, which said property will be sold to satisfy the judgment and decree in said cause so duly made and entered. Said sale will be made subject to the following reservations '■ provided for in said decree: . :.. ' Ist. • No bid will be received by the undersigned, special master in chancery,' without said bidder or bidders depositing with the undersigned as such special master the sum of $26,000, which said sum oi 925,000 will be, according to the terms of said decree, absolutely. forfeited to the use of the trust in the baud of the said. The Union Loan and Trust Company, trustee, if the .bidder to whom said rail- way and property shall be struck . off shall fall to pay or comply with 'said purchase In accordance with the terms of said sale, and the orders and de- crees of the said Circuit Court of the United States in and lor the Southern District of California. : . 2d. That in lieu of said deposit of $26,000 any bidder at such sale may deposit with the under- signed as saftl special master In chancery bonds secured by- said deed of trust or mortgage men- tioned and described in said decree and executed i • to the complainant, the said. The Union Loan and Trust" Company, by the . said Southern California Motor Road Company, which bonds will be re- ceived by me, the undersigned, special master in chancery, at not more than seventy-five cents on the dollur, as in said decree provided. 3d. That in accordance with . the terms and pro- visions of said decree in making such sale, 1, as such special master, will not receive or cry any bid for a sum less than $100,000. And notice is further given that said sale will in ■ all things be made subject to the confirmation by said Circuit Court of the United States in and for the Southern District of California, and subject to all the provisions, terms and conditions in said de- cree contained, to which reference is hereby made. Dated this 26th day of June, A.D. 1895. J. DEBARTH SHORB, Special Master In Chancery. Edwin H. Lamme, Solicitor for Complainant. . EPA HIM EN T NO. 10, PROBATE-IN THE Superior Court in and for the City and County of Sun Francisco, State of California. In the matter of the estate of ANGELINA LE- FEVRE, deceased, No. 16,232. i Notice is hereby given that WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of August. A D. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and the courtroom of Department No. 10 of said court, at the new City Hall, In the City and County of San ■ Francisco, State of California, have; been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said ANGELINA LEFEVRE, deceased, and for hearing the application of ALEX- ANDRE ADOLPHE AUGUSTE LEFEVRE for the issuance to him of letters testamentary. Dated July 26, A. D. 1896. rfeeal] ■ C. F. CURRY, Clerk. . By V. F. NORTHROP/ Deputy Clerk. ' P. A. BERGEROT. Attorney, for Petitioner, 142- -143, Crocker building. proposals. rldtosTl^Tfo^bllousesl X Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of the Veterans' : Home Association at the office of the Veterans' Home, Napa. County, Cal., up to 11 o'clock a. m.. Sunday, August. 11, 1895. for furnish- ing and delivering to the Veterans' Home, Napa County . (R. R. - station i Yountvllle) , five hundred blue flannel blouses, average sizes,' bidders to fur- nish samples. The board reserves the ri-ht to re- ject any or all bids. Bids should be marked "Pro- posals for Blouses" and addressed to - . . ' • J. J. SCOVILLE, Secretary Veterans' Home Association, Veterans' Homp, Napa County. Cal. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— oO» BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL KSTATK. © q^n cash; balance on bank tJJIt/UU mortgage; modern 2-story residence: 8 rooms and bath: lot 32x115: fine neighborhood; •J^ntrally located in Oakland; see this at once: a sacrifice' for a little money. P. H. JORDAN &. CO., 188 Crocker building, S. F. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPEP.TY Paying 6 to 8 per cent on investment SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. GOOD CHEAP RANCHES Close to Oakland. Must be sold. RANCHES FOR SALE, two and three miles from Oakland. FIFTY CHOICE LOTS In Oakland, Piedmont Berkeley, etc. ACRE TRACTS and CHICKEN RANCHES. 110 ACRES PIEDMONT, Blair Park. 25 acres . . . close to car line. Terms to suit. Will subdivide. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. • : ; ,i . Don't fail to see them. E. E. BONCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. CM (\(\(\ ONLY-NEW HOU*E: 2 BAY-WIN- IUUU (lows; large lot. LODGE & POWELL, Fruitvale sin. ion. • - ■ ' ©OQAfI COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS AND «JJ)Z(OUv/. bath; lot 40x137; situated north of Seventh St., near Adellne-st. station; terms, $400 cash, balance monthly. W. P. RYAN, 9tiO Sev- enth St., Oakland. ■■ . OR SALE-NEW HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND bath: modern in every way; large sunny lot; central; easy terms: see this before buying. SAMUEL & KNOWLES, 481 Ninth st., Oakland. G»OQ TO RENT, HOUSE 9 ROOMS; 146S <JpZiO. Twenty-third aye., East Oakland: large lot: stable; flowers; fruit; water free; without stable. $20. Apply to STONE, 1139 East Nine- teenth St.. East Oakland. SACRIFICED — COZY LITTLE HOME IN Oakland; owner away and must sell; big bar- gain for cash or on monthly $15 payments: write at once. Address Owner, P. O. box 637, Los Angeles. ' ■> <J_l rr\ LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN dpxtJV/. Frvtttvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week; selling fast; good improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. "jjjTTo^Tk BARGAIN; CHICKEN RANCH 12 l_-iJv/. miles from Oakland: improvements cost twice the amount asked for the place. W. E. BARNARD <& SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. ©QA MONTHLY FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGES; «Jp_iv/ plans free. F. BOEGLE, Golden Gate statn. M. M. DEWOLF, RENT COLLECTOR. 1050 Broadway. : _v; dH^QCfI $1000 CASH; WORTH $6500: 9- «JP"I Ou\J . room modern hou«e;.Dice stable: lot r>oxlso: a bargain; see It at once. WILLIAM P. TODD. 1008 Broadway. Oakland. OAKLAND HOTELS. rVAI^TDO^^OTETT^TH^IIiE^VDTjrG^^ND v_T largest hotel In Oakland; table first class; terms by week or month, moderate; trains to and from San Francisco every 15 minutes: cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel; sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY, Proprietor. OAKLAND HOUSES to LEI. O^v¥R^L^VT7T~Ii6^i7^CC^^ETELY -LJ furnished for housekeeping; half minute's walk to electric cars; three to local; to reliable party rent 825. 1008 Ninth aye., Kast Oakland. OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. I~?URNiTURE~AND cXrPETS*AT~YOUR OWN J price. H. iSCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. CEItRELEY KEA^. ESTATE. milE LOVELIEST SPOT IX ALAMEDA ■L County; a sensibly planned, well-built house in an orchard, all complete; sewered: sidewalks; electric cars one bloc* away; steam cars 'i blocks away; near the university, and at a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight way station. . . - fljiir 6-ROOM COTTAGE: 60x135; 91650. F. (IP-Li). BOEGLE, Golden Gate station. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE A WEEKLY CALL, FOR 5 for mailing. WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing^ ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 2OI3 CLINTON AYE. ALAMEOA HEAL ESTATE. I*^OV^LY~S^O^JM~WrTAGE] LOT~60xl58) J wont side of street; improved; offer wanted; two tine 2-story houses for rent; unfurnished. BAIRD A; HALL, 1303 Park st. BEAUTIFUL LOT, 40x133, ON - FINISHED street, $1000, and a 5-room house for nothing: sixty acres. Fresno County, twenty acres In fruit; no buildings: will exchange for house and lot in Alamwlo. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park street, Alameda. OP. IMMEDIATE SALE — NEAR SCHOOL X and station; streets Improved and sewered. $2260— 550 cash, s2s monthly; 30x100; cottage, 4 rooms and hath. $2400— 550 cash, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tage, 5 rooms and bath. $3250— 550 cash, $35 monthly; 38x100; corner house in fine condition : 8 rooms and bath. $3250— 5200 cash, $30 monthly: 37x110; ele- gant colonial cottage: 7 rooms and bath. $3850— 5200 cash, $35 monthly: 37x120; hand- some new cottage, 8 rooms and bath. V , : ;- Houses to rent from *10 up. ■'.','' Open Sunday and holidays. MARCUHE & REMMEL, Bay-street station, Alameda, and 628 Market St., San Francisco. , . THE JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY OF 1364 Park St., Alameda, and 19 Montgomery St., ban Francisco, have recently issued an illus- trated pamphlet of their business that Is full of interesting information to lho«e intending to pur- chase homes, and will be mailed on application free of charge. They have on hand at present for sale 1 house of 6 rooms and bath, all modern improvements, on Improved street, cash $50, balance on easy install- ments; 1 of 6 rooms and bath, all modern improve- ments. $150 cash, balance on easy installments: 1 of 7 rooms and bath, very best location in the city, with -all modern improvements, $1000 cash, bal- ance on easy installments; 1 of 8 rooms and bath, In most excellent location, $1250 cash, balance on easy Installments. .' ■■ -...■"- •DEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE lot, fronting -D on the bay. Address A. B:, Call Office, Alameda. ©rAAA TWO-STORY MODERN HOUSE 7 »©OUUU. rooms, lot 50x200. Call 52 First st., cigar-store. '-'■ j.. : TF YOU WANT IF A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH HOME CALL ON THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OP A. R. DEN ICE. WEBSTER STREET. ALAMEDA HOUSES TO LET. (TO Marx— iriw oottaqb^ s rooms; all J. modern Improvements; lawn; flowers: rent $20: water free. 1434 Ninth St., bet. Mastick and Kncinal stations, Alnni"ila. AIAKRIAUE LICENSES. Licenses to marry were granted yesterday n follows: Gustav R. Anderson and Anne Beeman, 27—22. Felix Welcke and Therese Lehner, 28—27. • Win. Thomson and Rosle L. Harrington, 26—21. ! Albert White and Lncinda F. Dobbs, 40—25, Charles F. Spinner and Alice Coffey, 28—26. DIVORCE SUIT IiEUUN. Suit for divorce was begun yesterday as fol- lows: Gertrude O. Moreen aaalnst H.Robert Morgan. DIVORCE GRANTED. Fredf rlcka Flche from Fred L. Fiche, for failure to provide; decree by Judge Sanderson. \ BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. [Birth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at cither of the publication unices and be indorsed frith the name and residence of persons authorized to have ihu same published. J BORN. CAREN-In this city, July 22, 1895, to the wife of ■. Henry Cahen, a daughter. , . ' ; : HOWARD— In this city, July 26. 1895, to the wife - of W. H. Howard, a son. JOHNSON— In Alameda, July 24, 1895, to the ' wife of P. A. Johnson, a son. j STRAUSS— In this city, July 24. 1895, to the wife of B. Strauss, a daughter. SHEA— In this city, July 20,1895, to the wife of '. Chris C. Shea, a daughter. . ■. '■:.' SCHULTHEIS— In this city, July 22, 1895, to the • . wife of W. H. Schultbeis. a son. • WOODS-July 21, 1895, to the wife of W. M. ' Woods of Oakland, a daughter. . . . >lA!CKIEI>. BROOKING— FRIESLEBEN— In this city, July 24, 1895, by Chief Justice W. H. Beattv, Charles E. Brooking of London, England, and . Fannie I. Frieslebenof San Francisco.- . ■ . . T ,' . JOHNSON— BACKSTP.OM— In this city. July 24, •: 1895. by the Rev. " Dr. E.:Nelander, Benjamin Johnson and Anna ■ O. Backstrom, both of ; San Francisoo. " .•: - '. ; :-•••->.-•; BTOWELL— THOMPSON— In this city, July 28, : 1895, hy the Rev. W. S. Rovurd, Harry B. Stow- ell and Alice F. Thompson. ■• - •, . - • DIED Burns, Eugene "i McKend, John S. Breitsch, John ■■, . Mackey, Annie . Brown, Murk j ■•; ■ Mencke, Maria Connell, Margaret Marshall, Margaret Cooper. Franklin Olsen, Theodore Ford. Bridget Park, Charles O. Forde, Agnes Price, Mary T, Gorham, John Phillips, Amelia GougU, Charles H. Pike, Jennie P. V Habn. August .Wlhl, Gustav ...v H&ckett, Michael : Walsh. Henry i Jasperson. Lizzie Wucherer, Friederlks Lynch, William . Zacharias, Henry BREITSCH— In this city, July 26, 1895, John Breitscb, beloved son of Jacob and the late Bar- . bara Breitsch, and brother of Mrs. Maria Glos, •' ■ Mrs. Babette Lageman, Mrs. Lizzie Schultz, Mrs. | Adelheid Brucs and Mrs.' Katie Alf, a native of Klingenmunter, Germany, aged 17 years 6 months and 20 days. Friends ana acquaintances are resoecc- fully invited co attend the funeril TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the real-'*" sidenceof his brother-in-law. W. Lagemaa. 540 Hermann street, corner Fillmore. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. BURNS— this city, " July 26, 1895, Eucene Michael, beloved son of John G. and Lizzie A. Burns, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 months and 16 days. < BROWN— In this city, July 26. 1895, Mark Brown, beloved husband of Mary E. Brown, a native of New York, aged 56 years. CONNELL— In this city, July 26. 1895, Margaret, beloved wife of the late James Connell, beloved mother of Maggie, Nellie. Emma, France* and Theresa Connell and Mrs. D. S. MoKenna, a na- tive of tbe parish of Caherajrh,' County Cork, Ireland, aged 50 years. Friends ana acquaintances are respect- . ' fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW ' (Sunday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late resi- dence, 73a Twenty-second street, near Guerrero, »< thence to St. James Churcn, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment - Holy Cross Cemetery. COOPER— Oakland, July 25, 1895, Franklin Cooper, a native of Gettysburg, Pa., aged 83 years. . i FORDE— In this city, July 24, 1895, Agnes, be- loved wife of Robert H. Forde, and beloved daughter of Mr 3. Forman, and sister of Mrs. Wil- liam Moffatt and George and William Tait, a native of California, aged 21 years and 6 months. 83""I-"riends and acquaintance* are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), nt 2 o'clock p. is., from her late • residence, 2803 Sixteenth street, near Howard. Interment Masonic Cemetery. FORD— In this city, July 25; 1895. Bridget D. beloved wife of John Ford, a native ox Ireland, aged 60 years. ' Friends and acquaintances are resDect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9 o'clock a.m., from St. Patrick's Church, Mission street, between Third and j Fourth, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ' . . GOUGH-In this city, July 25, 1895. Charles H. i Gou',-ti. a native of Maryland, aged 67 years. ". Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m. ■ ."~ "OLD FRIENDS"— AII members of the society are requested to attend the funeral from the par- • lors of Charles J. B. Metzler, 656 Washington street. Interment "Old Friends" Cemetery. . - / JAMES J. JOHNSON, President. J. E. Sliskey, Secretary. ■ \ \ ' GORHAM— In Sacramento, July 25. 1895, John, beloved brother of ; Patrick J., Bartholomew and Michael Gorham, a native of County Gaiway, Ire* land, aired 50 years. - «3~The funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Sunday).' at 10 o'clock a. m.. from the par- lors of the Pacific Undertakers, 777 Mission street, between Third and Fourth. Interment Holy Cross Cometery. HACKETT-In this city, July 26. 1895, Michael, beloved husband of Kate Hackett, a native of Kilkenny, Ireland, aged 47 years 6 months and 22 days. [Terre Haute (Ind.) papers please - copy. JWThe funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. ' m.. from his late residence, 6^ Clyde street, oft Townsend, be- tween Third and Fourth. HAHN— this city, July 26, 1895, August, be- '.'/ loved husband of Theresa Hahn, and father of August and Fred Hahn and Mrs. F. G. Hoffmann, a native of Germany, aged 58 years 6 months and 17 days. JASPERSON— In this city, July 26, 1895. Lizzie Caroline, beloved daughter of John and Martha Janperson, aged 11 months. LYNCH— In this city, July 26. 1895. William, beloved son of Edward' and Sarah Lynch, and brother of Edward and Joseph Lynch, a native of San Francisco, aged 19 years. ■ JB3~ Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend tile funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:45 o'clock p. M.. from the par- lors of the Union Undertaking Company, 733 Mission street, near Third, thence to St. Patrick's - Church for services. McKEND— In this city, July 26. 1896, John Stapleton, beloved son of William and the late Margaret McKend, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years 2 months and 15 days. £s**Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. it., from the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. Ann Stapleton, 1421 Grove street. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme- tery. MARSHALL— In this city, July 26. 1895, Mar- garet, beloved wife of the ■ late- John Marshall, and mother of James and Maggie Marsh*ll, a na- tive of the parish of Ballygarvin, County Cork, Ireland, aged 58 years. B£S~ Friends and acquaintances are restiKct- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late resi- dence, 9 Decatur street, off Bryant, between Seventh and Eighth, thence to St. Joseph's Church for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. MENCKE-In this city, July 25, 1895, Maria, beloved wife of the late John Mencke. and mother of Mrs. W. Schwarke, Mrs. C. Pelmke ' and Mrs. W. G. Loewe, a native of Lubeck, Ger- many, aged 56 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence, 316 Laguna street, near Oak. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. OLSEN— In this city, July 25, 1895, Theodora . Olsen, a native of Norway, aged 35 years. MACKEY— In this city, July 26, 1895, Annie Mackey. beloved daughter of Mrs. Kate Arm- .. strong, a native of San Francisco, aged 27 years and 11 months. * '." PA RK-In Oakland, July 25, 1895, Charles O. t - '■ beloved husband of Sarah Park, a native of - ■. Massachusetts, aged 71 years 6 months and 8 days. A member of Harbor Lodge No. 253, I. O. O. F., and Appomattox Post N0.50, G. A. R. IS"" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p.m., from the nail of Harbor Lodge No. 253, 1. O. O. F., corner Seventh and Peralta streets, Oakland. Interment Moun- tain View Cemetery. PIKE— In this city, July 20, 1895, Jennie Page Pike, belovea wife of Fred A. Pike, a native of Boaton, Mass., aged 51 years and 11 months. •• US' Friends and acquaintances are respect- "■ - 1 fully invlteo. to attena the funeral TO-MORROW . (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. if., from her late resi- dence, 24 Garden . street. Interment Masonic .' Cemetery. PHILLIPS— In this city, July 25, 1895, Amelia, beloved wife of D. W. Phillips, and mother of W. D., Charles W. and.Robert J. Phillips, and sister of Mrs. G. Spragg, Mrs. James Whfpple and W. , J. and Rolance Morgan, a native of St. John, N. 8., aired 29 years 2 months and 25 days. J6S" Friends and acquaintances are respect- C • fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence, 25 Prosper street, off Sixteenth, between Noe and Sanchez. Interment 1. O. O. F. Ceme- . tery. .-.-.. ■ . ; - ■ PRICE— In Oakland, July 25, 1895, Mary Thomp- son Price, a native of New Brunswick, aged 49 years and 11 months. . r i:; ;■ ? .-- »i:>^ > -1^ Friends and acquaintances are resDact- fully invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Saturday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at residence, 177 East Twelfth street, East Oakland. • : ' ' " WALSH— In this city, July 25, 1895, Henry, dearly beloved . husband of Malaskla S. Walsh, a native of Charleston, 3. C, aged 67 years and 2 months. . • ' ■ .:.•.-' . jßS"Frlends and .acquaintances are respect- ■ | fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY ■ (Saturday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 320 McAllister street, thence to SU Mary's Cathedral, Van Ness avenue, where a '. solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the ' repo3eof his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. a. if. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, by 10:40 o'clock a. m. train from Valencia and Twenty- fifth streets. . ■ ;■■ •■ . WUCHERER— In this city, July 25, 1895, Fried- erika, beloved wife of the late Christian Wuch- erer, and mother of '■- Christoph and Leonora '. Wucheror and Mrs. Charles Strohmeler,'a native .-; of Rentlingen, Wurtembers. Germany, aged 59 years 2 months and 12 days. • £3" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday); at 1 o'clock p. v.. from her late resi- dence, 2010 Union street, thence to Emanuel Church. Potter Btreet, between Mission and Mar- ket, where funeral services will be held at 2 _ o'clock P. m. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery." . . .; WIHL— In Forrest Hill, July 26, 1895, Gustav Wihl.a native of Neass, Germany, aged 59 years 1 and 6 months. " . jßsTFrienas and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., from B'nai B'rlth Hall, 121 Eddy street, under the auspices of Pacific Lodge, F. and A. M. Interment Home i ■ of Peace Cemetery, San Mateo County, by 11 :45 ■ o'clock a. v. (rain from Third and Townsend streets. " ' .• . '■' ZACHARIAS— In this city, July 26, 1895, Henry, beloved husband of . Theresa Zacharias,' and fat her of Charles, Fred and Aggie Zacharias, a native of Nakel, Prussia, aged 63 years and 17 days. v HOT Friends and acquaintances are resnect- ■ fnlly Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW '- (Sunday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., from ■ the residence, 929 Butter street. Please omit flowers. - - I . UNITED UNDERTAKERS' I EMBALMING PARLORS. ' Everything Requisite for First-class Funeral* at Reasonable Rates. " :; " •, r I Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. > | ; WIcAVOY & GALLAGHER, I - ■ FUNERAL DIRECTORS * EMBAI.MKRS, * ' 80 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. . ;>* v' ■'''" Telephone 8080.- ;"\:; . : '- : CYPRESS lawn CEM€TFRY. TN SAN MATEO COUNTY ; NON-SECTARIAN; / X laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- J • tiful, permanent and easy of access; see It befor* ' buying a burial place elsewhere. - - ... . .- > ;. City Office, » City Hall Avenue. 13