Newspaper Page Text
12 THE STOCK MARKET. Stocks were dull again yesterday, and prices showed no change of any consequence. The mar ket has now been inactive for some time. NOTES. The Gould it Curry assessment falls delinquent In board to-day. Sales at the regular sessions of the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board for the month of July were 185.395 shares. Those for the first seven months of the year amount to 1,694,425 shares, : against 2.483,615 during the same time in 1894. I Th is show s a loss in business this year of nearly I 33V_ per cent. j At the annual nieeting of stockholders of the | Lady Washington Mining Company, John Landers was' elected president. H. Zadig vice-president, and Messrs. Goodrich, Mcßoyle and Stanff direc tors. J. E. Jacobus was re-elected secretary, and E. D. Boyle superintendent. Bullion valued at $1900 has been received from the Mayflower gravel mine. The following official reports have been placed on file: v Challenge— Tbe west crosscut from top of the ; joint Confidence and Challenge raise from the sur- : face tunnel is out 130 feet; the face is in quartz of ! no value. Crown Point— south drift from east cross- j cut 2 on the 700 level was extended to a total j length of 90 feet and stopped. An upraise was , started from it, which is now up lb feet. Owing to an accumulation of ore in the dumps at the mine and at the mill, work in the stopes was suspended on the evening of the 26th inst., and they are now- j engaged I n running the upraise and in repair work. Have .llpp d to the Mexican mill for reduction j during the past week 604 tons of ore. The average battery was $10 27, of which .9 13 was gold. BOARD SALES. . Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: TREGOLAB MORNING SESSION— 9 :30. 100 Alta 10200 HAN. .1.45: 50 Potosi ....32 100 Andes ■ 26 '-00 Mexican. .62|loo Savage. ...34 I 300 8e1cher... 26 100 0cc1dt1... .301100 35 200 8.... 83 100 0phir ....1.25 100 Nev.... 39 100 C P0int.... 35-100 Potosi ....31 200 Y Jacket. .3l 700 & C 33, AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 100 Alpha 08150 Chalnge..27|2so Mcx 64 SOO Alta 10 300 CCA v.. .2.60 P0t05i. ...32 •350 Ande5.. ..26 20 Confid. .. .80 300 Savage. ...37 150 8e1cher... 26 100 C P0int... 38100 Sierra N„ 42 500 8A8. ...87600 G AC....35i 50 43 400 Bodie 14800 34500 V Jack*. ..Ml 150 8u11i0n.... 16:450 HAN.. .1.551 , Following were the sales in th. Pacific Stock Board yesterday: JIEGt.'_AR session— lo:3o. 400 Alta 10200 Exchqr.. .o2 500 Overmn...l3 i 400 8e1cher... 26 300 (i « C. . . 33 200 Potosi .... 31 300 H & 8.... 83 200 H & N. .1.50300 Savage.. ..34 ! 1000 Bullion. . '-'00 Justice.. ..07 200 Scorpion..o4 ; 400 Ch011ar... 56 200 L Wash ..011400 .eg 8e1.... 08 ! 260 CCAV. .2.55 300 Mexican. .6l 200 Sierra N..40 ; 60 Confid... 83 300 62,200 Uni0n. ...41 j 200 Con 1mp...01 200 Ophir ...1.25 250 V Jacket.3l I 250 C Point... 361 I afternoon session- 30. 300 Alpha 06250 CC&V.. 2.55 200 Oohlrl.27*V_ I 300 Ande5... .25300 2.60400 1.30 500 8e1cher.. .26*400 C Imp. ...01 350 Savage. ...37 200 Bodie 145000 V... .03500 38 200 Bulwer... 05 ! 400 Exchqr... 200 Scorpion.. o4 j 200 Caledonia.l 11550 H &N.. 1.55300 SNev 41 300 Challeng .27 400 Mcx 64 500 S H1U..... 03 600 Ch011ar.... 56800 Occidentl.3o.4oo Utah 02 CLOSINCr QUOTATIONS. THURSDAY, Aug. I—4 p. *. ■ Birl.Askril.: Bid.Atked. Alpha Con 07 08 Jackson 20 — | Alta 10 ll'Julia 02 04 j Andes 26 27.lustice 06 08 Belcher — 26Kentuc_. 02 03 Best <S- Belcher. 86 B.. Lady Wash.... 01 02 BentonCon — 40Mexican 63 64 Bodie 13 14 ! Mono 02 04 Bullion 35 16 Ml. Diablo 15 — Bulwer _ — 05 Nevada (jueen. — 05. Caledonia 10 11 Occidental 30 31 Challenge Con. 30 31 Ophir 1.30 1.35' i hollar 57 58 Overman 13 14 C0n. Ca1. AVa. 2.55 2.6oPotosi 31 33 I Con. lmnenat. — 01 ravage 3h 37 Confidence — 83 Seg. Belcher... 07 08' Con.New YorK. — 03 .Sierra Nevada. 41 42, Crown Point... 36 38 Scorpion 04 — ] KastSierraNev — 05 Silver Hill 02 04 j Exchequer 01 03 Silver King 15 20 j Eureka Con — 20 Syndicate — 03' Gould «fe Curry. 34 35 Cnion Con 43 45 1 Haled: Norcrs. 1.50 1.55 Ctah 01 03 lowa — 04 Yellow Jacket. 30 3*_ STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. THURSDAY*. Aug. 1-2 p. St. UNIT--) STATES BONDS. Biff. Asked.l Bid. Asked. C coup..! 12 — :U S4sreg...ll*2 — Misri:i.i.ANF.nrs BONDS. Cal-stCbless.lo9V_ - ; Do, 2d iss 65.. 101 — Cal F.lec L 6slos**4lo7"V_ <fe Kv65..110 120 CntraCWssjoo 101 P<_Chßv6s. 96 98 Dpnt-stex-cp 86 95 (Pwl-stßl*6_ — 116*,_ i __lsn___P-_.107* — Reno, 102 105 FifcCH RR6sloß 110 RiverWCofla — 100 Geaxy-etßte. — 105 ;SF_NPRRSsIO2V_ — LosAngl.6s. — — !SPRRAriz6s — 100 Do.Gnted.6s. — 105 SPHI-.Ca165.112 — Mkt-stCl>leosl2l — (SPRRCaI Ss. 87V.300 NevCNgßßs. — 102 Do, lcongtd. 87V.100 NPCIt R 63.100 — 'SPBrKCal6_ 97>>4 -- NvßCal6_. — 105 !SVWater6s..l24 124"y_ XRv(alss.. — — iSVWater_s.. 9834 99 Oak Gas .105 — jStktnGi_E6slo2 105 , Do, 2d iss ss.._osi£ — i.Su„stTAT6s — 103 Omnibus 65.. 119"t_120 Siitter-stßss.llO PacßollM_s._o2 — :Visalia\VCtfs — 92 WATER STOCKS. Contra Costa. 60 — :San.lose — 97Va ! Marin C 0.... 49 64 ISprng Valley 100% 101 GAS ST« .'_ - Capital — 41 iPacificLlght. 451/2 — Central 95 — SanFrancsco 71Vs "I % A OakGLAH. 45 46 Stockton 18 — Pac Gas imp. 81 Vi HI-"** INSURANCE STOCKS. FircmansFd.lss 160 (Sun 50 80 COMMERCIAL BANK STOCKS. Arr.erß&TC. — — |LondonPAA.l26S / 4128 AnglO-Cal. .. 55 62 |London&SF. — 31 Bank of CaL. — 230 Merch Ex... 12 — CaISDATCo. 54 60 Nevada — — FirsiNationl. — 180 jSatherßCo.. — — Grangers — — 1 SA VINOS BANK STOCKS. Ger*-___3a_ — 1726 Say <fc Loan.. — 150 Humbs&L.lOOO — securttv 255 300 Mutual — 45 (Union Trust. 830 — SFSavUnion49o 600 ! !_!__ STREET BA r_,ROA D STOCKS. California 104 — ,Oak.Sl__Ha. — 100 Gearj'-st — 90 Presidio 12% — Market-5t.... 41 41 ".<_ Sutter-st — — POWDER STOCKS. Atlantic D... — 17"/ i Juason — — California.... 75 — Vigorlt — 20c Giant — 14"/.! MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. BlkDCoalCo. — 11 PacAuxFA.. 134 — Cal Cot Mills. — - Pac Borax... 98 100 * Cal Dry Dock — — IAN Co. — 30 EdisonLlght. — 94 Pac Roll Mill 17 — GasConAssn. — — Pari Paint Co — 9 Jlaw-CVtsco.. 4% 6 Trans Co — 25"/_ HutchSPCo- loy» 11 .Pac TAT Co. 50 62"v_ JudßonMfgC. — — :SunseiT<sT. 35 — McrExAssn.loo 310 United CO- — 25 OceanicSSCo — 30 I MORNING SESSION. Board— 2s Pacific Gas Imp, 81 14: 35 S V Water, 100%. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board— lo S F Gaslight, 71%; 30 S V Water, 1003,4. _ • — . • — ♦— * Cans made of paper pulp are being in troduced to take the place of tin cans for containing all kinds of preserved products. The occasional cases of poisoning from canned foods are due to the contents be coming tainted through the cans not being air tight. Many millions of tin cans are used annually by canned goods factories in this country, and such cases of injury from tainted goods are comparatively rare ; but because it is possible, through slight defects in the solder, or minute breaks in the cans, for such danger to result, the canners have been looking for a satisfac tory substitute for tin. It is believed that this has at last been found in the paper pulp cans. They are oilproof as well as waterproof, will not expand or contract, and will stand as much rough usage in ■shipment as tin cans, and perhaps more. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Call— TIC Market street, open until 12 o'ciock every _If ht in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. m Hayes street, open until ,8:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open rntil r o'clock. .618 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. --* ■ — NOTICE OF MEETING*.. K_^S= YERBA BUENA CHAP- [""] -P-* 7 ter No. 4, Knights Rose Croix— , i 1 , Regular meeting THIS (FRIDAY) ffl * EVENING, August 2, at 8 o'clock. gi GEO. J. HOBE, > Secretary. «. \ jiK^=» YERBA BUENA LODGE OF PER- mr^sv fection No. stated meeting THIS "^S* (FRIDAY) EVENING, August 2, at 7:30 A o'clock. «A ; GEO. J. HOBE. Secretary. *____> WZS- REGULAR MEETING OF v ' try •». ~ ■* the Caledonia Club THIS EVEN- A. 'Ul_. ING at 8 o'clock. - Clansman Y. C. LAMSON will give some interesting re- *-=;S** marks about his recent trip to Europe. Scottish Hall. 11l Larkin st. D. R. McNEILL, Chief. Jas. H. Puatc-jr, Sec. K*S= WALDECK SANATORIUM— THE AN mT-v IlU ai meeting of the stockholders of the Wal- deck Sanatorium will be held at 404 Eddy st. on THURSDAY, August 8, at 8:30 p. m. ' By order of „ ' _, , J. S. POTTS, President. C. E. Coopeb, Secretary. tt_3s» MEET TO GET MONEY OF UNCLB _r-** HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary St. MEETING NOTlCES— Continued. tT_S-* THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING _£»* of the Pacific Coast Dredging and Reclama- tion Company will be held at the office of the com- pany, No. 15 Stuart St., San Francisco, Cal., on TUESDAY, the 6th day of August,' lB9s, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of trustees to serve during the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come be- fore the meeting. M. J. MADISON. secretary. n*_"*S= REBEL CORK BENEVOLENT SOCIETY Sts-* will hold their ninth annual picnic at Shell Mound Park, Berkeley, on SUNDAY, August 4, i 1895. Games for old and young. Prizes will be j awarded to the winners. Also a large amount of gate prizes, one of which is a New Domestic Sew- -1 ing-machine, now on exhibition at Deasj- Bros. Shoestore, 875 Market st. Music by the Emmet Guard Band. Professor McCarthy, the celebrated Irish piper, and a rirst-class fiddler will furnish music for jig and reel dancing. Adults tickets, 60 cents: children under 12 years, 25 cents. Boats leave terry, foot of Market st.. every half hour. A good time guaranteed and a hearty welcome to all. *s_*^=* OFFICE OF THE GERMAN SAVINGS -X-? and Loan Society— The annual meeting of : the stockholders of the German Savings and Loan Society will be held at the office of the society. No. 526 California street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, on MONDAY, the 12th day of August. 1895, at 3 o'clock p. M., j lor the election of a board of directors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business- as shall legally come before the meeting. GEO. TOURNY, Secretary. ra_^S» TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE C_— ? Honey Lake Valley Land and Water Com- pany. a corporation— The regular annnal meeting of the stockholders of the above-named corpora- tion no: having been called or held on the day ; p- pointed for said meeting by the by-laws of said corporation, and no time thereafter for the holding of said meeting being provided for by the said by- laws or ordered by the board of directors of said corporation, a meeting of the Honey Lake Valley Land and Water Company is hereby called to be held on the 3d day of August, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the office of said corporation, rcom 69,. Columbian building, 916 Market st., San Fran- cisco, Cal., for the purpose of holding the annual election of a board of directors of said corporation and for the transaction of such business as may regularly come before said meeting. A. L. BANCROFT, Owner and holder of 1070 snares of the capital stock of said corporation (by CURTIS HILLYER, his attorney-in-fact) ; THEO. Z. HARDEE. Owner and holder of 49,930 shares of the capital stock of said corporation, to-wit: Of that stock evidenced by certificates Nos. 29, 30, 31 and 34, formerly standing on the books of said corporation in the name of FRED W. LAKE trustee. San Francisco. July 19. 1895. SPJCCIAL. NOTICES. }jj!EiF~<^_u!_i3__!rwA _fr--""* ? description and most favorable terms. Ad- dress A., box 157, this office. mps- MISS - DAVIS, MANICURE AND lE**'- chiropodist. Parlor 9. 122 Post st. BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. ES-J? Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy st., room 6. Tel. 5580. \ CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; ' Ebs*' no pain. CHlropodii Institute. 36V_ Geary. iE*"s=" ROOMS WHITENED, si UP: paper- -F-"* 5 * ed $3 50 up. 309 Sixth. George Hartman. SITUATIONS llA>l_ll-F_MALE. LADY WOULD LIKE" A POOTIO'TtO WOR K in exchange for self and husband's board. Ap- ply or address 217 Eddy st. W ANTED— GOOD HOME TO WORK FOR Tt board and go to school by an orphan girl. 526 Hermann st. T3EBP ECT ABLE YOUNG GERMAN WISHES XX position in first-class boarding- house as waitress and chambermaid: references. 1 Martha place, off Geary, above Mason. RESPE CT ABLE" AND COMPETENT YOUNG German girl wishes position; is first-class Amer- ican cook. 1 Martha place, off Geary, bet. Mason and Taylor. COLORE D WOMAN WOULDLIKE WASHING at home or day's work. 33 John St., bet. Powell and Mason. QJTRONG , COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS ! 0 work by the day; laundrjwork; houseclean- j ing. Call 617 Mission. ■■■'•■:- OMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUATION COMPETENT Wi IM AN WISHES SITUATION as working housekeeper. Call for two days i 1916 Market st. WOMAN WISHES - WORK BY THE DAY, Ti either washing, ironing or housework. Call at 17 Erie, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. OMPETENT WOMAN DESIRES WORK AS COMPETENT WOMAN DESIRES WORK AS cook or general housework. Call or address MRS. E., 1042 Howard st. W" ANTED— ANY KIND OF SEWING, MEND- '» ing, etc.; children's work a specialty. 25 Hermann st. WOMAN WITH 2 CHILDREN wants SITU- • » ation in country. Call 163"/. Silver St., near Fourth and Bryant. [ RENCH LADY SPEAKING GOOD ENGLISH .T In need of work wishes sewing by the day: good I operator: understands mending and darning; 50c a day and car fare. MRS. DORN, 706 California st. TXTIDOW DESIRES POSITION AS HOUSE- TT Keeper or companion to elderly person; refer- ences. D. A., box 81, (all Office. T\riDOW"OF — EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE ! »» situation as housekeeper; lodging-house or widower's family. Room 7, second floor, 1035 j Market st. POsmoN - BY A COMPETENT housekeeper not afraid of work; city or conn- i try: best of references. Call at room 230. Golden West Hotel. V SWEDISH WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. Call 1324 Filbert st. YOUNG SPANI3H _ GIRL "from SANTIAGO X wishes sewing by the day. 27 Taylor, room 3. ADY WISHES SITUATION AS FlRST- class bed-maKer or plain housework; city only. Address or call from 9 to 4 963 Mission St., rm. 25. pER MAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE VJ day: washing and cleaning. Call or address 629 California st., near Kearny. RE lI D LADY" WANTS BOARD AND room in exchange for work: none but first- class family. Address E., box 57. this office. V FIRST-CLASS I i _____ COOK; UNDER- stands all kinds of French and American cook- ing; beat of references: city or country. Call 763 Howard st. ST ____§ DRESSMAKER, GOOD CUTtER and fitter, would like more engagements: $1 25 aday: fit guaranteed. Address D.. Sixteenth and Mission sis. ERMAN GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO do general housework. 1125 Stevenson st., near Ridlej-. i YOUNG SWEDISH MARRIED WOMAN • X wishes small child to take care of at her home. j Address 306 St. Rose aye. ! T\. ANTED, BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL. SIT- i M nation as waitress or second girt; sleep at | home: would take care of children: can lie well ! recommended by her last employer. 1309 Leaven- worth st. RESSMAKER WISHES TO GO OUT BY DAY or week or take work home; price to suit the j times; cuts patterns to measure. Call 1906 1 , 3 Mis- | sion st. ESPECTABLE MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN woman wishes a situation as cook on a ranch. Address C. SHULTZ. 1920 Howard. WANTED— BY A COMPETENT WOMAN, " washing, cleaning by the day. 631*4 Natoma. N~" EXPERIENCED GIRL WOULD LIKE situation: is good cook, with references. 206 Fif th. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WlSH- ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. T ADY WANTS POSITION AS HOUSE- Xv keeper. Call at 21 Turk St., rm. 9, after 10 a.m. RESECTABLE GIRL WISHES PLACE TO DO general housework and cooking In small fam- ily: no postals answered. Call at 78 Natoma st., near Second. OOS COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES A situation in a private family. 329 San Pablo '■ aye., Avenue House, Oakland. IR L WISHES A PLACE TO DO GENERAL housework: willing and obliging: city or coun- : try. Apply 206 Fifth St., near Howard. T~ RAINED SCOTCH NURSE DESIRES A FEW more engagements in medical, surgical or mas- sage treatment. Address or call 110 a Hayes st. WANTED— BY EXPERIENCED PROTES- ¥t tant woman, position 1a- infant's nurse; city or country. Apply 420 McAllister St., upstairs. YOUNG DRESSMAKER DESIRES GENTS' X suspenders and mulllers to embroider to order. MISS GRAYSON, room 78, 105 Stockton st. OMPETENT NURSE: FIRST-CLASS RE- V ferences; or companion for invalid: Swedish girl wishes situation; general housework; good cook. Call or address 1616 Hyde st. . N EASTERN WIDOW OF REFINEMENT would like any kind of sewing; satisfaction guaranteed. Call 1 to 8 p. M., room 2, first flat, 119 Ninth st. ' IDDLE-AGED! LADY (WIDOW), COMPE- tent, best of references, would like care of an invalid or position as housekeeper. Address W. L., box 65, Call Office. VOUNO GIRL WISHES SITUATION to DO X second work or take care of children. Apply 6 Hopeton terrace, off Washington St., bet. Powell and Stockton. "\rOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION AS TYPE- X writer. Call 706 Ellis St., room 3; ring 1 bell. VfTDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHEB TUA- IxX tlon to do general housework : Is good cook; good city references. Call 746 Mission st. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. _^ -.lirATx-'NS WANTED— MALE. WANTED-BY A Y^NG^lTN7l>6sff^ioN in office or store, or as collector: .willing to start at low salary. Address MARS, box 38, Call. IDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS EMPLOY- ment where work is not heavy; some experi- ence nursing. Address M. A., box 85, Call Office. WANTED- POSITION TO WORK IN STORE Tt as porter or drive delivery wagon: well ac- quainted with city; references. Address N. LIN- TON, 647 Minna st. . SITUATION WANTED BY A SOBER AND reliable gentleman, who is a graduate of a business college; can speak French and English; ; used to hard work: any kind of honorable employ- | ment; best of references, _•• W.. box 112. CalL TJaJU SAJN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1895. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. COMPETENT MAN ABOUT PLACE; THOR- J oughly understands the care and driving of horses: good gardener; canmilk: handy with tools; best of references. Address A. S., box 148, Call. JAPANESE, STRONG BOY, WANTS POSI- f) tion to do cleaning; store or saloon or chamber- work. GEORGE, box 67, this oflice. AN AND WIFE: .NEW ENGLAND PEO- ple; man understands care of horses, cattle and grounds; good driver; wife ; competent cook and housekeeper; good general worker: 3 years' California reference; city or country. Address N. E.,81, box 67, this office. Y"OUNG MAN WISHES POSITION OF ANY . JL kind: good driver; understands horses: city or country: low wages. R.. box 151. Call Office. yOU.SO MARRIED man (SWEDE) WISHES 1 a place in city or country; handyman about place: good- ranch hand, etc. Address E. 8., box 63, this office. C OBER. MIDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS WORK O in private family: stood plain cook; used to horses and garden; useful In general ; used to car- penter's tools. Address J. W., corner First and Webster sts., Oakland. ::_BS_B OACHMAN, EXPERIENCED, WOULD LIKE I situation; thoroughly understands care of fine horses, carriages, etc., and is a good driver: refer, ences; city or country. Address C. M., box 28, Call. BORROW ON YOUR WATCH OF UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. SITUATION AS COACHMAN B. VOL' NO I _- Englishman; thoroughly understands the care of first-class horses and carriages: good reference; city or country. Address A. 8., box 85, Call. VOUNO MAN OF 18 WOULD LIKE TO X learn the grocery business. Call or address G. RILEY, 1025 Natoma st. "I X-YEAR-OLD BOY WANTS A PLACE ON A XO ranch. Address G. L., Call Branch Office, 530 Montgomery st. BARBERS: MARRIED MAN, 18 YEARS* city experience, wants position: 16c shop; will wait for a good place. 723 Golden Gate aye. - BICYCLE-REPAIRER WANTS SITUATION. M. WARTMAN, 220 Seventh st. VEAT REFINED YOUNG MAN WANTS PO- | -C " sition as coachman; city- or country; has 10 | years' experience with best of reference; is sober, j steady and industrious. Address Coachman, 13V_ i Madison aye., city. "DOUGH CARPENTER WITH TOOLS WANTS XX steady employment. Address T., box 87, Call Office. _• SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS painters; all kinds of painting and repairing done good, cheap and reasonable; by contract or by day. Address Painters, box 155, Call Office. B'~ V NEAT YOUNG COUPLE, GERMAN descent, children; man handy with tools, first-class around horses, buggies, garden, • also farmer; wife good housekeeper. Adiress M. F., box 20, all Office. YOUNG ENGLISH GENTLEMAN WILL A work free on fruit ranch in consideration of liv- ing with family; Santa Clara Valley preferred; ' highest references given. Address box 88,' "Mer- cury" office, San Jose. . . ITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN- O American 38 years of age; understands gar- dening; take care of horses: can milk; reasonable wages. Address Postoffice, North Temescal, near Oakland. Cal. 1- _ FEMALE HELP ANTED. TAUND~R_Tss7pl_____ :^Or_r£rs2s7 WA VF- XJ ress, private boarding-house, !f!20: waitress, hotel, $20; German or French governess, $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton street. ECOND GIRL, AND SEW; $20: COUNTRY; easy place; see lady here at 10:30. MISS CUL- LEN, 105 Stockton street. OTEL COOK, $30, CITY; COOK, VALLEJO, ,20: hotel cook, country. .30. MISS CUL- LEN. 105 Stockton street. HOUSEWORK— OIRL. VALLEJO, $15: FARE paid. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton street. "Defined, protestant girl, $12 ; LIGHT Jt work. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton street. G" 1 -J A OR SWEDISH WOMAN. HOUSE- work. ranch, Suisun, .20; Belvedere, $20; Spenceville, $25; Sonora, $20: San Luis Obispo, $20; 10 housework girls, city, $20 and $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. . _______ OR"SWE DISH HOUSEWORK GIRL; 2 In family: $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton. ■VTEAT GIRL TO WAIT ON FAMILY in HO- i.l tel in Lake Tahoe: short time; $20: fare paid both ways. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN SECOND \ girl, country, see party here this forenoon, $20: ! young girl, general housework, Tuolumne, fare j paid, $20: invalid's nurse, country, $18 and $20; German girl on ranch, $20; 10 young girls to do j light housework and care of children, $10 and $15. ; C. R. HANSEN _: CO., 110 Geary st. pERMAN COOK, COUNTRY HOTEL, $35, ! "JT and 3 waitress's, same place, $20, see party ! here; German cook from Vienna, small hotel in I country. $30; waitress, hotel near city. $15; res- taurant cook, $25. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 I Geary st. WA NTED— WAITRESS, ALSO A CHAMBER- j " maid, also assistant waitress, for hotel, $20, j $20 and $15: cook for same hotel, $35. see party ! here to-day: laundress, private family, $25; 2 girls to work in a school, one as chambermaid, the ! other as waitress, $20 each, see lady here this I morning: 4 good girls for small families in the j country. .'JO and $15, see all parties in town; 60 l good housework girls can obtain good situations by ; registering their names at MISS PLUNKE'J.'T'S, 424 Sutter st. XXT A NTED— PROTESTANT SECOND OIRL, A I if short distance. $20, see lady here at 9:30 to- day ; German or Scandinavian >ok, country, $30; cook for 10 men, $25: 2 German nnd French nurses, $20; 3 cooks. (German style, $25 and $30; 5 hotel waitresses, $20: pastry cook for hotel, $30, and a great manj- girls for cooking and housework. J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 312 Sutter st. WAiNTKD-3 GIRLS FOR COUNT V, $20 " and $15, fare paid; French ironer, $20; Ger- i man or Swedish cook, city, $26; German second I and sewing. $20: French cook, laundry, $20: first- ! class American cook, $36. LEON ANDRE, 316 I Stockton st. "y-OCNG WOMAN TO WAIT ON INVALID, | -I country. $18: waitress, country hotel, $15, free j far-; young girl, housework, country, $15, free i fare, light place; invalid's nurse, $20. MURRAY 6 READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. -■ ; V T*A I ESS, FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, $20; ! ■ " waitress, city, and girls for housework. R. T. WARD A CO., 610 Clay St. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- i M work. $25; girl for a boarding-house, Benicia, ! $25: number of girls for general housework, small families, no washing, $15 11' 2 Antonia St., off Jones, near Ellis. ANT ED-HOUSEGIRL,7bELVEI)ERE,S2O: hotisegirl, Frultvale $20, San Rafael $20, Alameda $20: 10 housegirls, city, $20 to $26. 332 Geary st. \\T ANTED— NEAT YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN- 1* eral housework and cooking; no washing or baking; .** in family: wages $10. Call at 1015b Post St., from 2 to 4 p. v. Gi ERMAN GIRL ASSIST GENERAL house- I" work: no washing. Apply at 418 Brannan St., bakery. GIR L, 14, FOR OAKLAND; GO TO SCHOOL; assist housework: small wages: 2 in family. 617 Octavia st. A PPRENTICESTO LEARN DRESSMAKING, | -A. including tailor cutting. MME. GREEN, 236 O'Farrell st. IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK,' FAM- " T ily of two: excellent home; state wages. Ad- dress A., box 85, Call. ANTED— SMART PROTESTANT GIRL »» for dining-room work; duties light : wages $12, board and room. P. G., box 81, Call Office. "Y OUNG LAD'S WA NTED FOR LIGHT HOUSE- J. work and companion for young widower. Ad- dress W., box 3, (all Ottos, -yOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK l and to assist with children. 1630 Post st. ANTED— APPRENTICE FOR 1) R ______ >> ing. l.oli_ Bush street. _^^ GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. 1212 Twentieth. WANTED— EXPERIENCED OIRL FORGES- " eral housework: wages $15. 1728 a Sutter st. TrOUN'. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 30 J- cllntoi Park, bet. Market and Guerrero sts. /. OOD HOME FOR ELDERLY WOMAN FOR ' VJT very light services. 842 Howard st. / I IRL TO TAKE CAKE BABY AND ASSIST \J in light housework; $8; references. 425 Noe. VO^NG (URL - TAKE OUT A CHILD FEW A hours daily. 308 Van Ness aye. \*OUN"(i GIRL DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND J- mind baby. 1445 Polk sl. VOUNG~GinL — FOR"- GENERAL HOUSE- A work. 1320 Devisadero st. 171INISHERS ON " FIRST-CLASS PANTS. J Apply 1027 Market St., first floor; call early. TRONG. REFINED YOUNG LADY FOR medicated baths. 121 Montgomery St., room 1. "WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL 'V housework at 1128 Turk st. T. XPERIENCED COOK. APPLY CENTRAL J-i Hotel. 630 Third st. Cl IRL TO COOK; SMALL BOAKDING-HOUSE. T 739 Fourth st. - -.-:-. ■-.;,-, IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; American preferred. 1516 Broadway, near Polk st. ' • HOUSEWORK— YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN light housework; 3 in family; wages small. 2040 O'Farrell st. \**OUNO GIRL FOR UPSTAIRS WORK. AP- X ply 2023 Pacific a. _.; sleep home. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH- lag money at UNCLE HARRIS', 16 Grant aye. , / . ERMAN, I KENt II OR SCANDINAVIAN"! VJT girl for general housework. Apply 906 O'Far- rell st. - ■ BUTTONHOLE OPERATOR WANTED ON cloaks. 1228 Market St., M. SIMINOFF. ■ 17IIRST -CLASS * TATLORESS ON CUSTOM ' coats. 317 O'Farrell st. SWEDISH HOME EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 11*,_ Antonio street, off Jones, near ElliS. RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- made suits; $7- perfect fit. 118 McAlllsterst. AN AND CHILD WANT GERMAN LADY for housekeeper: good home. .Address M. -Ik, care of D. L. Haas Co., Napa. : M" "ILLINERY TRADE TAUGHT; PUPILS ARE taken in class or private; terms reasonable. 2510 California su '_-..-.■ HELP. WANTED-Continned. DRESSCUT TING AND DRESSM A KING— Ladies, I am sure it will interest you to know that the McDowell Is the standard system of dresscuttlng throughout the world, having received the highest award at all the New England State Fairs, first and highest at the World's Fair. Chicago, and on v system receiving a gold medal in California; easy to learn, most rapid to use; now is the time to get ready for business: patterns cut to order, 25c; dressmakers furnished to shops and families. - McDOWELL DRESSMAKING ACAD- EMY, 213 Powell st., San Francisco. . ■ W ANTED IMMEDIATELY*— YOUNG LADIES " I to l»arn millinery; graduate them in 3 months. 234 Taylor St. G1 ARMENTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED f without trying on; call and test. Lawrence Cnttlng-school," 1231 Market st. . ROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- tingand niakin; school : all branches. 702 Sutter. MALr: KELP WANTED. 0 CARPEXTERS, $2 A DAY?~4 -- laborers, country, $20 and board: laborers, city. $1 60 a day: cooper, slack work, country: cook, country hotel, $30; 2 wood-choppers, 80c a cord : tie-makers, piece work. R.T. WARD A CO., 608. and 610 Clay st. ■ W-ANTED-CARPKxVTERS AND PAINTERS tt for Central America, $6 day, silver, part fare advanced; laborers for mill and woods, $20 and found: errand-boy for country, $5 and found: 2 wagon-makers for country. $35 and $50. and found; American man and wife to cook for men, $50, and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. , W ANTED-2 WAITERS, COUNTRY HOTEL, TT $20; ranch cook, $25 to $30: German waiter, $40. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO, 628 S.cra- mento st. /i ___V____n REDWOOD ties to CUT, ioc -XUU.UUU each. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. A WOODCHOPPERS FOR A LARGE MINE, "X $1 25 per cord: 10 woodchoppers, $1 per cord; 20 men for sawmills and woods, $20 to $60; 3 farmers; 4 laborers; stableman, $25 and found: butter-maker, $30: boy to peddle, $20: 4 waiters, $25 to $30: 3 cooks, $35 to $60. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 635 Clay st. TEAMSTER FOR RAILROAD WORK; FREE fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. - SECOND COOK, COUNTRY HOTEL. $40; BUT- ler, $40; 3 ironers, $26. $35 and $40. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. CHEF, FRENCH AND GERMAN KITCHEN, $125: with reference only. c. R. HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Grary st. HEAD COOK. COUNTRY HOTEL, $90. C. R. . HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. WANTED- ALL AROUND IRONER FOR TT laundry, country, $30: bellboy about 15 years old, hotel, $15; dishwasher, $20; waiter, $30, etc. L. ANDRE. 315 Stockton st. _________ WANTED— FOR MEXICO AND CENTRAL ii America, a traveling salesman of experience, who is thoroughly familiar with the Spanish lan- guage; application in own handwriting; references. Address C. A. T. Co., box 67, Call Office. OOKKEEPER WAITED— SALARY 075 PER month; must be competent double entry, not over 35 years old; American: home here: active. Address Active, box 100. Call Office. W"ANTED— B MEN WHO HAVE BEEN IN TT U. S. 'ife saving service: call between 12 and 1. 422 Minna st. . SEAMEN FOR EUROPE. HONOLULU AND all parts of the world. 103 Montgomery aye._ GOOD BARBER SATURDAY AND SUNDAY; r good wages. 443 Broadway. BARBER WANTED SATURDAY AND SUN- daj-. 316 East st. BARBER FOR SATURDAY EVENING. 872 V. Howard st. . " BARBEIPw ANTED FOR SATURDAY ; $3 50. 1426 Market St., near Larkin. ____!__! ARBER FOR SATURDAY; WAGES $3. 63 Third St. BARBER, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 257 XX Third. . "WANTED — STRONG BOY TO WORK IN tt grocery-store. 79 Ninth st. WAITER THAT UNDERSTANDS COOKING. TT 1805 Haight st. OOD BOOTBLAKC; BARBER-SHOP. 238% .J" O'Farrell. "V OUNG BOY" TO WASH DISHES. 739 X Fourth st. "WANTED— 2 PAINTERS. MEET BOSS AT TT Powell and MarKet sts., half- past 7. WANTED- FIRST-CLASS WOOD CARVER. TT VAN WART'S, 631 Sixth St. E"~^^AURANT DISHWASHER. 2046 t Fourth st. A FARM LABORERS: GOOD CHOPPERS. X Apply McCUE. 6 Sacramento st. ANTED— PARTNER WITH SMALL C APT tal; something entirelj- new; nothing like It on Pacific (oast. Address, with stamp, Steady, box 101, Call Oiiice. BUTCHER-SHOP: GOOD BUSINESS. B. BASCON, 435 Bush St., near Kearny. ITINE SIDE LINE; FEW MEN FOR CITY. Eureka Suspenders, 1567 V. Market st. Tir ANTED-STOUT ' BOY TO LEABN BLACK- tt smithing. 218 Eighth st. "WANTED— FOREMAN: WAGES $40 PER TT month and board : must have the best of recommendations and a practical knowledge of vineyard work, fruit-raising, stock and horses. Ap- ply at room 6, 306 Pine St., at 11 a. m. ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. ARBER-SHOP; GOOD BUSINESS; TO RENT or for sale. 129 Fifteenth st. BARBKRS-3 CHAIRS: lOC. SHOP; $140. 432 Ninth st., cor. Broadway, Oakland. OOD BARBER-SHOP SALE; $200. r Apply H. SCHEUNERT, 12 Seventh St. B'~' A R B E ; 2-CUAIR 16C SHOP; 2 LIVING- rooms. 122 Seventh st. BA ______ - SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP. 809 Bryant st. ARBER-SHOP TO LET. 1521 HYDE ST., corner Pacific. \\r AN'l ED- MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE TT their wages to place accounts with us ; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r 4. WANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS TT to know MUZART, 319 Ellis, nearTaylor: 100 large rooms: 25c night, $1 50 week: very* cheap. HAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO St.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds: single rooms 20c a day; $1 a week: meals. 10c. ENTLEMEN* WANTED TO TAKE SUNNY vl furnished rooms from $1 up. 646 Mission st. 001 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS '_6c TO 60c _>__ X a night; $1 to $3 a week; open all night. "I STARTS IN BUSINESS THAT PAYS WX- $2 50 per day. Apply store, 328 Seventh st , TTENTION— IOc & 15c NIGHT, GOOD ~A clean rooms. Railroad House, 633 Commercial. "1 AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT THE NEW XUU place, 717 Howard St., near Third; best in town: 15c to SOc per night. _^ HOES SOLED 16 MINUTES; WHILE;YOU wait; half usual price. 959 Howard, 409*/ a Pine. 1,"HI-.K BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS - for 6 cents at 228 Pacific st. INDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD- ( single furnished rooms, 75c week. 16c night. OC-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY ~-0 at 44 Fourth St.: no humbug. YOU CAN GET A WHOLE PIE AND CUP OF coffee for 6c at the new restaurant, 635 Clay st, ANTED-MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP TT steam beer, 6c: bottle wine, sc. • 609 Clay st. EN'S SHOES *V_-HOLED, 40c: HEELS, 26c: done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny st., basement. UTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission St., bet. First st.and Second st. WANTED-SINGLE ROOMSL 160 A DAY; fl tt week; rooms for two, 26c a day, f 1 60 a week; reading room- daily papers. 36 Clay st. TV A D— L A BORERS AND MECHANICS li to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 160 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. 1 MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 XUU and 20c a night, including coffee and roil. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. BEST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS, 16, 20 AND 26 cents per night; 81, fl 26, $1 60 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leldesdorff sts. • ! RY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room: 26c night: $1 week. A HI. PAIRS MEN'S 2n-lI?YND SHOES, SOME _tUU nearly new, 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st. A<"ENTS wanted. NY MAN OR WOMAN CAN MAKE $50 PER week, sure: best sellers on eajth; ornamental, useful, necessary; evervbodv buys them. ALUM- INUM NOVELTY COMPANY", 1608 Market st. S ALESMAN— DRUG TRADE, SIDE LINE OR otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State st., Racine, Wis. GENTS EVERYWHERE THROUGHOUT the United States can make from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest California invention; everybody buys it: grand success in San Francisco: county rights free. Address CALIFORNIA PRO- DUCTION CO.. 328 Seventh St., S. F. . ANTED — MIDDLE- AGED ~ WOMEN OF -tt , pleasing address and good business qualifica- tions to represent us everywhere: a quick-selling article; big profits; exclusive territory. Address the CUREME CU., box 2329, San Francisco. ANT__D^l>-0?_?Y-2 LIVE CANVASSERS to Introduce horse and : stock book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. , --. ROOMS WANTED. :_.'.•■■__ ROFESSION A L GEN'ILEM AN WANTS 2 rooms furnished ■or not, widow's family: no other roomers. Address DR., box 32, Call Office. . OOM AND BOARD WANTED BY LADY EM- ployed duringday ; comfortably furnished sunny room, 16 minutes' walk Pine and Montgomery sts. ; private family preferred; not to exceed $20 per month. Address R. 8., box 87. Call Office. STORE WAN l Eli. WANTED— SMALL STORE witiT_l__v*ing'- t i rooms: rent not over $10. ' A. li.. box 7. Call. PERSONALS. . TO RICH~\yiDOVVR~AND SINGLE LADIES— To those who wish to marry, but fear to meet with a man who would spend their money and would make them unhappy, as often it happens, and for that reason prefer to remain single, I beg to inform them that I am willing to marry a rich woman, and my greatest desire is to make my wife one of the most happy women in tho world. 1 1 am not possessed of wealth, but I am rich in character to live with a woman. lam 40 years old, but will marry a woman of any age. Any who desire to make my acquaintance will please address me. J. H. ROY, San Francisco Postoffice. ' ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS. 120 *_ Geary st., room 11; hours 10 to 10: $1; for- merly 121 Montgomery, rooms 6 and 10. 7*"*. CENTS PER - DOZEN FOR CABINETS, * O full length. Goden's Art Studio, 10 Sixth st. ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS. 121 A Montgomery St., room 6: hours 10 to 10; $L A DVTCE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE --_ laws a specialty ; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable; collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 860 Market, cor. Stockton. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD GOLD and silver. M. GRACE, 230 Kearny St., fourth floor, room 6: elevator 3 Hardle place: postals promptly attended. ' '■____' EMOVAL NOTICE — WIDBER'S DRUG- ' store, located for 28 years at Third and Market streets, has removed to 14 Ellis street, where cus- tomers will receive the same attention and service as formerly. Physicians' prescriptions a.specialty. Popular prices. TA DI TO LEARN lI AIRDRESSING, MANI- -lJ curing, face treatments, and make cosmetics. BUTLER'S, 131 Post St., room 20. (£» I SUITS TO ORDER: SAMPLE BY MAIL. __ X__ NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. JOHN J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, xJ magnetic, massage treatment, alcohol, oil and Roman baths. 1007 Market, rooms 2 ana 3. XTINE SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. J Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. Highest" PRICE PAID LADIES', GENTS', children's cast-off clothing. I. F., 16 Russ st. LADIES— FOR TAILOR-MADE SUITS. JACK- ets and capes at wholesale prices, 1152 Market St., bet. Turk st. and Golden Gate aye. DR. C. E. FARNUM HAS MOVED TO THE Nucleus building, cor. Third and Market sts. L. SHEAHAN, 224*/ ? FIFTH— PAINT- ing, paper-hanging and whitening at low rates. NE MORE CUT— '. : Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges...' $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. . J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. H AIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB- lished in 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ. 111 StocKton st. ; strictly one price only. ALL COURTS: PRIVATE LAW MATTERS. LAWYER McCABE, 1027 Market; advice free. 1 nnn ,U Ess'ca'rDs, $l'.:>0; SENT FREE, Al/V/Ucity or country. HILL, 724*/ a Market st. DRESSES CUT AND -FITTED, $3; DRESSES popular prices; engagements by day. 11 Geary. HIG - PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothlng.books. novels. RAPHAEL. 247 4th st. W" HITEW ASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH work; "Vie yard; contracts taken. WAIN- WRIGHT, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired. SINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade is guaranteed to cure .any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail; try it. By all druggists price 1, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, < windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. SECOND-HAND AS WELLAS NEW bars, showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very largo stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St., upstairs. G~" AS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. 62 J Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER, NTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third st. INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. MED J CAL ASSURE ""'SAFE i^CUßE~^R^___r FEMALE disease; a home In confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital; consultation free and confidential: a positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without . injury to health. MRS. DR. GWY'ER, 311*/ 3 Hyde st. NEW PROCESS—NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician ;knowledge can tie sentAusedat home;all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. ALL LATH ES IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE _._ MRS. DR. SCOTT, formerly of 110% Turk, now 118 Eddy st., the only reliable specialist in San Francisco;. ssoo paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause: special attention to dis- ease of the eye. \f AILLARD'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER ill falls to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. Price $5, Agent, EDWIN W. JOY", Powell and Market sts.. San Francisco. "I ADIKS. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. XJ EM ARY*; sure cure. 5 Franklin, cor. Market. ADIES~LAVENA REMEDY* THE ONLY XJ safe: guarantee preventive: absolute privacy. Call or address LA VENA CO., 22 Kearny St., a F., Ist floor; ' ours 1 to 5, 7 to 9. DR. RICORD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE FOR LOST manhood: general weakness: three bottles $5. STERN BROS. .druggists, sole ag'ts. 11l Grant aye. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FCR LADIES WISH- Ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. THE LIGHTNING RHEUMATISM CURE for chronic or Inflammatory rheumatism; best remedy on earth: price $3. MARTIN Remedy Company, 2231 Mission st., S. F. DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, lmpotencv, and all disorders of the sexual organ.: $1 a box: 6 boxes $5 : send for circular. WIDBER'S Drug Store, 14 Ellis St., sole agent. A" LL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in one day: no instruments: French remedies guaranteed at any time; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post st., near Larkin. 7< ITPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO _rV ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 50 express C. O. D. ; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. DU-PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. RICHARDS a CO., druggists, 406 Clay, sole agrs. LL LADIES CON-StJLT FREE MRS. DR. ALL LADIES McAllister St.. near Market: DAVIES, 14 McAllister St.. near Market: leads all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never fails; home in confinement. D" R. RICORD'S PILLS ; EXPRESS .'. 50: SAFE? sure, reliable: Ricord's specialties, females. Malson et Cie, A_ts. ROOT'S. Sixth and Howard. MRS. DR. WEGENER? - PRIVATE HOME for all female diseases: separate homes for la- dies before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; ir- ' regularities cured in a day : guaranteed; no instru- ments: regular physicians of long and successful practice; travelers attended; no delay: all business strictly confidential: babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. R. HALL? 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, next Hibernla Bank: diseases of women. VICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT X . at the most reasonable price In the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. ■ TF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254 4th. CLAIRVOYANTS. MTT"lii_J___AU^G__^ dium ;glve her a call :fee 25c up. 131 Fourth st, RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM, READER: ladles, 25c: gents, 60c. 164 Tehama, off Third. WORLD-RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT AND TT planet-reader. MME. NORMAN, 995 Market. MRS. FIX7tEST _ MEDIUM,"43BV_"BRANNAN st.; feesl. ■ GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE I HARRIS. 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. PRESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, 'Joe. MME. X LEGETTE, 311 Tehama st. : upslairs. -; EON, PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT LlFE- reader, 633 Postth'rslO to Bdally ; and Sunday. AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER- magic charms; love tokens;, true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling: develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. has the seven holy seal, and the, Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRITUALISM. RS. FULTON SLATEWRITING SEANCE to-night, 60 cents: sits daily. 31 Fell st. MRS. HERROM, MEDIUM, HAS REMOVED from 16 Turk st. to 35 Turk. , ( ASTROLOGY. ASTRAL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 523GEAEY St.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. i PHYSICIANS. HET__T]?_riSM?^NEURA__5T^^ clai attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- ALD, M.D.. 1236 Market St., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P. m. A HOME, A FRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. MRS. DR. FUNKE, 1416 Eighth St.. Alameda. AND SUPPLIES/ FOR .BEST VALUE GET A CA LIGRAPhTtT last longest and does bestt work. United Type- wrlter and Supplies Co.. 413 Montgomery st. ; GOOD TYPEWRITERS, SALE AND RENT. HANSON <fc CO., Chronicle Bldg.; room 38. 7 • PROPERTY WANTED. WANTED-SMALLIMPR'.'VEDRANCn FOR nice cottage. : SPECKS, 602 Market st. WANTED— MIS CELLANEOUS. iA KLE IN, 10_1«_rr1_TsT?rP^_?YS^5obD^RICES for clothing, books and jewelry ; postal. BUSINESS CHANCES. _^__^_ PROLL A STENBERG. 719 MARKET, NEAR Third, sell or exchange businesses/furnished houses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco, Ala- meda and Oakland property; send particulars; all applications for sales promptly attended to. _fclQ_V_ CORNER iel RY: 810 BAR ■D-LOvU. trade: splendid stock of groceries and liquors; reason, sickness. PROLL ft STENBERG, 719 Market st. ■ ■-■-.■•." R" ESTAURANT, NEAR LARGE FACTORIES; rent taken out in board; must sell immediately; sickness. PROLL <_ STENBERG. 719 Market. $97' PRODUCE, DELICACIES: LIVING- tw-- 1 " O. rooms, near Market: sacrifice on ac- count of illness. PROLLASTENBERG. 719 Market fgOOX CIGAR STO KE.CIT- FRONT, NEAR <**.._____". Market; rent .10; good cheap invest- ment. ' PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market. R~~ ESTAURANT— NEAR MARKET: SAC I- fice; sickness: will guarantee. .150 month: full investigation allowed. PROLL & STEN- BERG. 719 Market st. ________. ; GOUNTY NEWSPAPER - ESTABLISHED: good location; thriving town: near city. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market St. fI>OAA BUTCHER-SHOP. NORTH OF MAR- x\rmd\J\J. ket ; good horse and cart : grand chance: seller owns property; will assist successor; rent $15. LESS, 5 Fourth st. *«_ XAA BUTCHER-SHOP; CORNER: WEST- t[p«Jc/C/. em Addition: established 20 years; horse and buggy ; cash sales .12; rent $20; sick- ness cause of sale. LESS. 5 Fourth st. <& -.HO CORNER SALOON? NORTH OF <Jp«JU U. Market; building included: selling 6 half-barrels beer per week; good whisky trade; bargain. LESS, 5 Fourth st. <s_7"_fl DELICACIES, ETC.: VICINITY OF «JP I o\f. Baldwin Hotel; 3 rooms: cheap rent; offer worth $1000; will prove it. M. LESS, 6 4th. ffl>-7C BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY AND tj 1 O. coffee parlors: living-rooms: No. 1 loca- tion, north Market. B A RRETT & CO., 865 L. Markt .....AM BAKERY; ALL COUNTER TRADE: «]pO cM '. large store: 2 fihe ovens: good location: guaranteed daily sales, .15: good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT & CO., 865*/*, Market st. -_QH.I GROCERY AND BAR WORTH ♦Jr)OUU. $1200: genuine bargain; best corner ln city; don't fail seeing this; low rent: north of Mar- ket. BARRETT A CO., 865",_ Market st. PARTNER WANTED IN PAYING BUTCHER business: best location In Mission; must be sober energetic man; trial given ; German pre- ferred. BARRETT & CO., 865 ._ Market st. ATOTICE— TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF ll any kind see STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. $19 -H TRANSFER AND EXPRESS BUSI- »JJ) ___•' _/. ness; horses, wagons, harnesses, etc.; old established: best paying in the city; don't miss it. See STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ___>£.__ SALOON; GOOD STOCK FIXTURES; xJpOOyJ pool table; bargain. STRAND A TUT- TLE, 45 Third st- -. _> "1 £.fk FRUITSTORE; HORSE AND WAG- «_SI_)U. on. STRAND _- TUTTLF, 45 Third st. __£-_>;_ SALOON: GREAT BARGAIN TO*" Cl _>_;_). day. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. <_t*_*_n -BRANCH BAKERY. STATIONERY. «JJ)«Jt_v/. notions, soda fountain, etc.: 6 rooms; cheap rent; pays. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. OAA chicken RANCH: ALL KINDS of iJ)_JUU. fowls: horse, wagon; cottage 4 rooms; free rent. STRAND <fc TUTTLE. 45 Third st. .£_•£ A PORK AND DELICATESSEN STORE ' _> _:_!-/. pays well: rent $20: sickness cause of sale. STRAND <fe TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ffl.;*"^*"". CORNER SALOON: GOOD STOCK, xg)OtO. fixtures, cash register, safe, etc.; pays well. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. <2jo^7S~old - ESTABLISHED DELICATUS- x&Oxj\J. sen and grocery-store; must sell this week; full value in sight: cheap rent: don't miss this bargain. Apply SMITH, HUBER A CO., 1001 Market st. ©OAA INTELLIGENT MAN AS PART- -Jp_-Uv/. ner In old-established commission busi- ness: guaranteed $100 monthly. Apply SMITH, HUBER A CO.. 1001 Market St. ffiOJin A BARGAIN AT THE MISSION; «4p O\J\J . fruit, vegetable store and dairy produce; on account of sickness; living-rooras; make offer. Apply W. F. HEAL", A CO., 23 Kearny st. CjXAA SALOON WITH 15 FURNISHED «_* OV \J. rooms, one-half block from Market St.; rent $40; kept by owner for yenrs: bargain; Inves- tigate soon. WILKE, 235 Kearny st., room 4. Ulfl ('_ _ COFFEE SALOON . AND CHOP i. IU". house: near Market St.; paving corner; sure bargain. WOOD & CO.. 917 Market st. Cjinn BUYS HALF INTEREST IN SLOT- .P-Lv/v machine business; 95 on hand. 3J, box 67, Call Office. LADY WANTS HONEST MAN PARTNER; good paying legitimate business. 131 Post, r 21. <nj] CA PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT tJSJ-t)l». ousiness: no opposition: suited to plain steady man satisfied with .15 to $20 per week. 9 Geary St., room 2. CjOAA PARTNER wanted in good xiffsmVyJ. paying saloon. Call 112 Geary st. USINESS CHANCES, LODGING-HOUSES, hotels, city and country property bought, sold and exchanged; come and see my list of bargains. EITEL A CO., 850 Market st. ..■■■-' GET MONEY ON YOUR PIANO FROM UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye.; near Geary st. QO*; WILL START LADY OR GENT IN x^miO profitable office business. Office, box 145, Call. TV" A NTED- PERSON WITH SMALL CAPI- » » tai to put good placer mining property in ope- ration for an interest. A., box 7, Call Office. IRST-CLASS GROCERY AND BAR, PROM- Inent corner, for sale; rare chance: cause, sick- ness of owner. Apply F. SEICHTER, care of Tillman & Bendel, Battery and Clay sts. I "UNE CORNER LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE, cheap, 401 O'Farrell st. <JT»-| rrr BUYS A BUSINESS TO MAKE .5 J- • O money for a man willing to wont: some cooking; stock worth more. Apply 664 Jessie, near Seventh, from 12 to 2. A(\ ACRES FINE LAND TWO MILES FROM "iv' good town, to exchange for "grocery. Address F. L., box 87. Call Office. Q_tOn FOR SALE — GENERAL REPAIR- .P _bv"U. shop; engine. lathes, emery- wheels, etc.; good location. Addrtss box l.Call Office, Oakland. Printer Wanted to but A NEWS- paper and job-printing office near San Fran- cisco: new modern outfit; good' business: price $100: less than cost of material: little cash: easy time. Address P., box 8, Call Office, Oakland. ANTED-A RELIABLE MAN TO ASSIST ft financially In promo: Ing a newly patented In- vention: something novel and worth a fortune; liberal bonus to right party. For full particulars address INVENTOR, box 83, this office. fflOXAfl HOTEL IN TIBURON FOR SALE _)_""_/. cheap, containing 30 rooms: all occu- pied by paying boarders. Inquire of McLEOD & FAUSS. 616 Market st. I" RUIT AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, KNOWN as the Hawthorne Fruit Market, junction Mar- ket, Gough and Haight; good family and transient trade. -.__ES*Sfe "L""OR SALE — HALF INTEREST IN THE -T North Beach Hotel, 400 and 402 Bay St., cor. Ma.on. Apply on premises. UjjOAA FOR SALE - THE LIBERTY SA- <j*pO . loon; next to Napa Hotel, Napa, Cal. C« ;*. A WILL START YOU IN ESTABLISHED xJS>O\J horseshoeing business. 1624 Mission st. \N OLD ESTABLISHED MEAT MARKET, XV. partner's interest, $250. 2856 Mission st. \\[ ELL-KNOWN CORNER SALOON ("LILY"). tt Fell and Stanyan sts.. Golden Gate Park. 7 _-. CORNER BRANCH BAKERY, (ANDY? No- tions, tobacco, store; reasonable. 2401 Mission. BARGAIN — GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT and 9 furnished rooms: near Market st. ; price $500 rent $60; trial given. Apply 131 Third st. OLD-ESTABLISHED CORNER GROCERV- store and bar: stock and fixtures. Apply this office. . IQUOR-STORE, 2 LIVING-ROOMS. Fix- tures; ready to open. 350 A 3d. GROCERY AND BAR: ESTABLISHED LONG time: cheap. Apply Weiland's Brewery. ANTED-TREASURER FOR FIRST-CLASS ft theatrical company; must have $300 cash; ref. required. Address A. Z., box 81, Call Oflice • -,-. In OR SALE-DRUGSTORE IN SAN JOSE: A fine location; no cutting: will be sold at inven- tory: going into manufacturing reason for selling: a good chance to build up a big trade. Address Druggist, P. O. box 1190. San Jose. STATIONERY, NEWS. SCHOOL SUPPLY, O candy store ior sale. 1650 Polk st. <*_ 1 PvM RESTAURANT; NESS $10 TO __,_£' ?11 aday cash; make offer. Apply this office. MA NAGERS WANTED FOR OREGON AND ata Washington: must invest $1000: positions permanent and honestly worth $300 monthly. Ad- dress E. M. 8., box 159, Call. LOON FOR sale, known as the fres- O no Bowling Alleys: only alleys in the county: centrally located. Address PAUL MA YER, Fresno. FOR SALE-CHEAP: A GOOD-PAYING RES- taurant; good place for man and wife; trial given; rent $17. 2424 Mission st. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR ""CENTS — THE - V. "v\ EEKLY CALL. in wrapper, for mailing. , STORAGE ILSON B RO S. ?'_n__ri^ Get our rates for storage of furniture, pianos, trunks and all kinds of household goods: separate locked rooms, dust and vermin proof, at low rates. Telephone south 762. ■ TORAGE; FURNITURE. PIANOS, mdse ; advances. ? LIEBES S. W. CO., 906 Market, r. _ "riURNITURE. PIANOS AND OTHER MEK- A chand ise received on storage : money advanced on consignments; fire proof building. 410 Postst.. TORAOE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- hoId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE. 735 Market IRST-CLASS STORAGE : ADVANCES MADE i 421-428 Market st. CHAS. L. TA\LOB^ ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW. Ti ?\_CC__rTßE_?T DIVORCE _"-N I-TROBATK laws a specialty: suits, superior. Justice and I'olice Cours: terms reasonable; collections, etc. G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law. 860 Market.cor.Stockton JOHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNE _ -AT-LAW, RS? , 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery si., cor. California. WW. DAVIDSON, ATTORNE ,420 . California St., rms. 14-15; advice free. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. DECKER'S BARGAINS. -2500— Fine sunny corner 48 rooms 000— Corner: room all reined- paymta 29 rooms $750— Transient: clears .150: wrth $2000. rooms .100— New furniture: central.. 10 rooms $350— New flat, near New City Hall 7 rooms Ranches, city property, sale and exchange. Business places, all sizes and prices. Apply to H.C. DECKER, 1206 Market St., cor. of Taylor. VM. SPECK A CO., 602 MARKET ST., COR? ._-_-. Montgomery and Post sts. . 12 rooms, Powell St.. clears $60 $450 15 rooms, Eddy, near Jones .500 22 rooms, near Orpheum Theater $375 65 rooms, always rented, corner Make offer 15 rooms, corner, one floor, near Sutter . Very flne TO BUY OB SELL A LODGING-HOUSE QUICK for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st. •3_ 1 9flfl HOUSE; 22 ROOMS; PAYS WELL: xSLZ.\J\J. STRAND ft TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ©1 QXn HOUSE OF 12 FINELY FUR*- iJIIO. U. nished rooms: best location N. Of Mar- ket St. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third it. -_Tl A A COR.: BAY-WINDOWS; 42 ROOMS; i2)JLJ._.I/. clears $100 month; acct. departure. $300— Half cash: new: Bush st.; bargain. Apply WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. m. GREAT BARGAIN —40 ROOM fjpo''U. cheap rent. For particulars applj- 3_2 Third st. - ■ _*OR SALE CHEAP— 2O-ROOM LODOING- J? house, restaurant and saloon. 118 Washington. £_QA_i mi ROOMS; GREAT BARGAIN? tJ)OUIf . don't miss it. 7.-' Kearny. GET MONEY JEWELRY FROM UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary. 0 . ROOMS— WELL FURNISHED. ON" AC- mt'i count of sickness: bargain. Inquire grocery, 40 Sixth st. - WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS _ THE ___. WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. ____________________________m _———————■ ■_—_—_——_—_———> _— — — ____———_____ It KM I CHE 1-Oi; SALE. Ul__TTUl__roi^6^oo^^ cheap. 1 Eddy place. BEDROOM SET, $11: PATENT TABLES $2 15; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth, 20c; open evenings. SHIHKK, 1310 Stockton st. / 1 1T PRICES IN FURNITURE AND l ARRETS V. this week at McCABE'S. 9*B-950 Mission st. EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c; 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c; ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. H .NELSON, 126 Fourth st. Ft KNIT WANTED. A-___TpA-_D-FC__T_.i^^ VJ chandise. LH. BURP, Auctioneer.lo Fulton. G"? KtASKV, CARPETsi PICTURES, . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: < il. stepladder manulactd for the trade. 770 Mission. CARPET... B^IiUSSEL. ?~4Sc?~ LAIDP R OX B 6 R Y BBUE. ' sels, 75c. laid: linoleum. 40c: heavy oilcloth, 20c- open evenings. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton. CAI"P_*T CLEANING. "VTAtTonTI "CA .BE ~_T^f__JTN^ll__NO? > ll vating Works, HAMPTON ft BAILY: layin? and altering. 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244. CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON _- CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 260. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works. 363-7 Tehama; _-. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 v. Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. 1 THE .1. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING Co. (Incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, teL 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- x) . ovating works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. I — i^ "^^ — -^ *********^~*~ '^^mmmm^^m^ HORSES. *^A"srA : r7_S__^??^_D3____^ AND D -t"_» riding saddle cheap. IF TOD WANT TO BUY GOOD HORSE CHEAP JL attend special auction sale at Grand Arcade Horse Market, 3.1 Sixth St., Saturday, August 3. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, auctioneers. A A HORSES FCR SALE; ALSO WAGONS t: v/ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, Auctioneers. "I AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL -L U ./ kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; ! also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sts. WAGONS AND -AGES. T^JTuND _VYTBAK *_£ RY,' PEDDLING XJ very cheap: also a top buggy. 870 Howard. SEWING MACHINES. (3* A NEW WHITE MACHINE; DROP LEAFA 'T — * *» drawers, cover, attachments. 205 Fourth.^ IBCAL .NOTICES. H VOTIVE TO"^l_____ilTC_aB '"— ESTATE OF ' ll THOMAS McQUIRK, deceased. Notice is herebj' given by the undersigned, A. C. FREESE, < administrator of the estate of said deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to exhibit them with the neces- sary vouchers, within four months after the first ] publication of this notice, to the said adminis- I trator at his office, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California, the same being his place for the trans- action or the business of the said estate in the City and County of San Francisco. State of California. A. C. FREESE, Administrator of the Estate of THOMAS Mo- 'QUIRK, deceased. Dated at San Francisco, July 22, 1895. J. D. Sullivan. Attorney for Administrator. ATOTICE TO CREDITORS - ESTATE OF ll FRED ENGELCKE, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned ad- ministrator of the estate of FRED ENGELCKE, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administrator at his Office. 319 Pine St., the same being his place for the transaction of the business of the said estate in the city and county of San Francisco, Stale of California. A. C. FREESE administrator of the estate of FRED ENGELCKE, deceased. * Dated at San Francisco, July 17, 1895. J. D. Sullivan, attorney for administrator. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, IN AND FOR -L the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, Department No. 10 (Probate). in the matter of the estate of MARY O'NEIL, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of 1 real estate should not be made. A. C. FREESE, the administrator of the estate of MARY O'NEIL, deceased, having filed his peti- tion herein, duly verified, praying for an order of sale of the real estate of said decedent, for the pur- poses therein set forth. It is therefore ordered by the said court that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear before the said superior Court on MON- DAY, the 26th day of August, 1895, at 10 O'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of Department No. 10 (Probate) of said superior Court, at th* new City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, Stale of California, to show cause I why an order should not be granted to the said ad- ministrator to sell so much of the real estate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the Sax Francisco Call, a newspaper printed and published In said City and County. Dated July 25, A. D. 1896. CHARLES W. SLACK, Judge of the Superior Court. J. D. SULLIVAN, attorney for administrator, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California, • IN THE _ SUPERIOR COURT," IN AND FOB the City and County of San Francisco, state of California. Department No. 10 Probate). In the matterof theestateof JOHN B. MILLER, deceased. Order to show cause why order, of sale of real estate should not be made. A. C. FREESE. the administrator of the estata of JOHN B.MILLER, deceased, having filed K*m petition herein, duly verified praying for an order of sale of the real estate of said decedent, for the purposes therein set forth. >■-- It is therefore ordered by the said court that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear before the said Superior Court on MON- DAY the 26th day of August. 1895. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of Department No. 10 (Probate) of said Superior Court, at the new City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said administrator to sell so much of the real es- tate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks In the Sax Francisco Call, a newspaper printed and published in said City and County. , '-.,". Dated July 25, A. D. 1895. CHARLES W. SLACK. Judge of the Superior Court. J. D. SULLIVAN, attorney for administrator, ', 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California. DEPARTMENT NO. 10, PROBATE— IN THE Superior Court in and for the City and County i of San Francisco, Slate of California. In the matter of the estate of ANGELINA LE- m FEVRE, deceased, No. 16.232. * Notice is herebj- given that WEDNESDAY, the 7th day of August, A D. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. _:. I of said day, and the courtroom of Department No. I 10 of said court, at the new City Hall, In the City I and County of San Francisco, State of California, 1 have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said ANGELINA LEFEVRE, deceased, and forhearing the application of ALEX- ANDRE ADOLPHE AUGUSTE LEFEVRE lor the issuance to him of letters testamentary. Dated July 25, A. D. 1895. rseall . C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By V. F. NORTHROP, Deputy Clerk. P. A. BERGEROT. Attorney for Petitioner, 142- -143, Crocker building. DE P A T M T NO. 10 (PROBATE)— IN THE superior Court, in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. In the matter C of the estate of CHARLES C. TERRILL, de- i ceased. Notice is hereby given that WEDNES- DAY, the 7th day of August, A.D. 1895, at 10 a. St. of said day, and the courtroom of Department. No. 10 of said court, at the new City Hall.- in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said CHARLES C. TERRILL, deceased, and for hearing the . application or ANNIE H. TERRILL for the issuance to her ofV letters testamentary thereou. , .' Dated July 24, A. D. 189."). „Seal] CL I*. CURRY, Clerk. ■ .•,--...; By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. E. F. PRESTON, Attorney for Petitioner.