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HOUSES TO LET. *pOT____3F-???-09~W^ BTBE__T, 7 ROOMS AND BATH. PETER DEAN, 320 sansome St., Or O. F. YON RHEIN & CO., , 513 California street. ■\roU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN .1 the houses you rent from BALDWIN A HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. yf-ROOM HOUSE 7_n7d~~barn: $12. APPLY" "i cor. Twenty-seventh and Alabama sts. 50;_1 HOWARD— HOUSE 9 LABOR BOOMS; LOi rent $20. ,- HOUSE, 6 ROOMS: BATH: LARGE YARD; basement; $25, 1311 Broderick street. qteQ7 Willi WATER, 8-ROOM HOUSE, WITH tJ'OI every modern convenience: 40-foot sunny viini; papered and decorated ; reliable tenant. Ap- ply to SAM'L LICHTENSTEIN, 15 Grant aye. c_ I X HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS; 16 LILY* AYE. «3rl_). Inquire at 113 Oak st. fll-; HOUSE 4 ROOMS. 212 ELEVENTH fj*" It), st., near Howard. RIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WlSH- ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. V i W SUNNY HOUSE: 6 ROOMS: BATH; _-\ gas. s__" 2 Turk st,, near Larkin; rear. Or A JESSIE— HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, WATER; xXO also tenement of 3 rooms. nit FELL ST.— FINE 2-STORY HOUSE; 9 Dlv rooms: all modern improvements; rent re- duced. Apply 617 Fell st. IAA LEAVEN WORTH — HOUSE 9 ROOMS, _tU bath. Apply on premises. 2-STORY HOUSE OF 0 ROOMS AND J-, bath; latest improvements; rent $25: Castro st., near Twenty-first. Apply to L. A. SOUC & CO., 465 and 467 Valencia st., near Sixteenth. ODERN HOUSE: 7 ROOMS; BATH: LARGE yard and stable. 417 Ridley st., opp. Fillmore. "I C 1 9 TAYLOR— 10 SUNNY ROOMS; LARGE _-_)_-__ yard and garden; fine marine view. UNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; 9 rooms: bath: rent $30: waterfree. FURNISHED HOUSES. HOLE OR PART OF DESIRABLE CORNER flat complete for housekeeping: 6 large rooms and bath: rent reasonable; good location. 1633 Clay st., cor. Polk, ' 99991 MISSION — 7 ROOMS AND BATH; —__•» fully furnished; sunny; desirable; cheap. INELY' FURNISHED COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS; bath, gas, stove; rent reasonable; tine marine view ; 10 to 12 a. _r. 2421 Larkin st. - r .- COTTAUES TO LET. oD____Ti___?__aß>T£_^^ sunny yard; cellar.- 1831 O'Farrell. COTTAGE;" 4 ROOMS: IMPROVEMENTS; stable. Apply 2643 Bryant, nr. Twenty-fifth. ' /.OTTAGE 4 LARGE ROOMS, STABLE, REA- -_* sonable. 1108 Jessie st. ■ NICE COTTAGE 5 ROOMS— ALL IM- _Vt provements. Apply 2428 Geary st. GET MONEY ON YOUR SEALSKIN AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye.. near Geary. A"! 7 TREAT AYE. — COTTAGE 5 ROOMS yli and bath ; garden; rent $15. COTTAGE 5 ROOMS, BATH; FINELY DEC- orated. 804 Potrero aye. SUNNY COTTAGE, 4 AND 5 ROOMS: BATH, basement, yard; cheap. Cor. Dolores and 15th. All- DOLORES, NR. SEVENTEENTH— "__£_. tage 4 rooms, bath. ELEGANT 4-ROOM COTTAGE: GAS-FlX- tures; large yard and cellar; $17, with water and ashman. - 959 Harrison, bet. Fifth and Sixth. OTTAGE 5 ROOMS; BATH; LAUNDRY; chickeu-yard: fine marine view; all modern improvements; Green st., bet. Octavia and La- _______________ Inquire 2619 Octavia St.. near Green. FLATS to LET. 6ui____n_i__N_r_n^^ 1 the flats you rent from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND. SUNNY' CORNER FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND bath, 800 Webster St.: also cottage of 5 rooms, 730 Fulton st.: rents low. Apply BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. <J» I__ LOWER FLAT; 5 ROOMS AND BATH. __■ LO. 92 Belcher St., half block from Market and Fourteenth. QI Q EDDY-LOWER FLAT; MODERN; 8 010 rooms, bath, outside room, basement, etc. [ Q U XNY 3-ROOM FLAT. 1692 PAGE ST., O cor. Clayton. LEG AN tTe\V FLAT, 7TH ST.* BELOW J Bryant: 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $8 to $16. TTPPER FLAT OF 5 SUNNY ROOMS, BATH. >J 1511 Taylor St., bet. Pacific and Broadway. fl» 19 LOWER FLAT. 3 JANE PLACE, OFF x-_. Pine, near Mason (Nob Hill). "EW, ELEGANT, UPPER SUNNY* MODERN x . flat: 6 rooms; bath. 933 Golden Gate aye. i UNNY* UPPER FLAT; 4 ROOMS; BATH; rent cheap. 664 Mission st. fl_ 1 ] SUNNY FLAT; 3 ROOMS. JESSIEST. _I> IJ. • off Hermann, near Valencia. ■ *! Q9X SANCHEZ— 6 NICE, CHEAP SUNNY XxJ—O rooms; newly papered rent $9. ■*". "I p. SUNNY UPPER FLAT, 6 ROOMS, 0 LO bath, $25; lower flat, 5 rooms, bath, $15. \* I . ■ _" ELEGANT FLATS, 5 AND 6 ROOMS; J- 1 all modern improvements; reasonable. 1710 Hyde st. . ,_ ■ 1 99ft SACRAMENTO — 7 ROOMS; BATH; x____U fine view. OOU TEHAMA, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH— OOU Flat; 4 rooms and bath. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS FROM UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., nr. Geary. Qlfj SUNNY UPPER FLAT, 3 ROOMS; 0-»-U. cellar. 39 Dore, nr. Harrison and Ninth. 9 SUNNY FLATS: 4 AND 6 ROOMS AND __ bath. Northeast cor. Polk and Jackson sts. 2 NEW ELEGANT UPPER SUNNY MODERN flats. 615 Grove st. and 1421"v_ Hayes st. HANDSOME NEW FLATS, UPPER AND lower, of 6 and 6 rooms respectively; modern unsurpassed view; $18 and $20: 1134 and 1136 Twenty-second St., near Noe. Apply to EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., 638 Market st. ODERN BAY-WINDOW SE. CORNER flat: 6 rooms; bath; wide hall. McAllister and Broderick sts. ftl' NEW FLAT: 4 ROOMS; BATH : LARGE tfi) J- _ . cellar. 1307 Kearny St., near Green. SUNNY FLAT; 5 ROOMS: BATH; GAS; I_3 good view. Twentieth and Dolores; cheap. ffi»QC 5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH. 220 VAN tJJOO. Ness aye. I*l PL A * ROOMS. 129 IVY AYE., NEAR <g> XX.OU. Van Ness. COZY' FLAT— 4 ROOMS; BATH; STATION- ary washtub: rent $18. 1155 Howard st. LAT: 4 BOOMS: $10 A MONTH. 716 NATO- ma st., bet. Eighth and Ninth. 1 A GROVE, NEAR CITY HALL-ELEGANT JLU flat, 5 rooms and bath. ' A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— A WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. FURNISHED FLATS. ~ FURNISHED FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 704 Larkin st. .. . LEGART FURNISHED FLAT— 4 ROOMS, bath, stationary tubs, etc.; Nineteenth st., nr. Valencia. SPECK A CO., 602 Market st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 2 T^oxiko a d wayC? nice ~houl_e ___?„* PING *iU_» rooms; also single; nicely furnished new bouse. A A?". CASTRO, NEAR SEVENTEENTH— *±\JO rear; $6: 2 sunnyrooms; large yard; stable, If desired. _>A 7 FOURTH — 2 SUNNY ROOMS; FUR- •JyJ I nished completely for housekeeping; $B and $10 per month. AOQ "- FIFTH ST.-FRONT ROOM A KITCHEN x__C_3 complete for housekeeping; first floor. QQAI FOLSOM— 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; OOyj'i stove; closets; private family; $6 50 A $8. 2 NICELY i RNIsHEDROOMStFOR HOUSE- £> keeping: every convenience. 426 Franklin. 490 GEARY — SUNNY FRONT SUITE; ■x---/ large and small single rooms: housekeeping. GET MONEY ON WATCHES AND PIANOS at UNCLE HARRIS', .5 Grant aye.. nr. Geary. 99Q GOLDEN gate AYE.— FRONT SUITE: _-_-_/ newly furnished; suitable physician or 2 gentlemen. QAQ GOLDEN GATE SUNNY HOUBE- OUO keeping rooms; running water; reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, COMPLETELY furnished. Apply at 1517 Golden Gate aye.; ■"•OX HOWARD— FRONT ROOM FUR- _/___/ nished for housekeeping, cheap. C *\ Q HOWARD— I OR 2 ROOMS FURNISHED OUO for housekeeping; rent cheap.. "~ 1 HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED * xjL'4 suite, with kitchen; others: reasonable. CL/l A HOWARD ---BACK AND FRONT PAR- C''_:»'iors; furnished complete for housekeeping. (i - -> I II 0 w"X^I)^fs*iraI_Yn?URNISHED UOJa'Z housekeeping rooms and others. .. "Tyrol HOWARD st. - HOUSEKEEPING 1110. rooms; $10 a month. . _>9__ JESSIE— 2 ROOMS. FURNISHED FOP. ->___ housekeeping: $10. • -■ . | Pi 7 JONES — NICELY FURNISHED PAR- -01 i lor, with use of kitchen, $16; also large mnny room. $8. • A QQ LA__g__S- FURNISHED BAY- iO xj window housekeeping rooms. , 707 MARKET— WANTED. A FEW MORE lot permanent roomers'? ' rent low; also house- leeping. ;_; ; ' TQ>~)f' MARKET— FURNISHED AND UN*- Ac/_-U furnished rooms for housekeeping. . Kir*. NATOMA*- 3 FURNISHED ROOMS 'J~xO complete for housekeeping; $12. '■ 7 _»_?__ MINN_?T^FURXiSHE_r r ROOMS FOR J"±U housekeeping; large yard. 3) A 7 MISSION- 4 ROOMS," PARLOR FLOOR, 'Jj^ I complete for housekeeping.* IAI 7 MISSION— LARGE FRONT SUITES L X % furnished complete; housekeeping; $12up | HOUSEKEEPING . ROOMS - Continued. j A O'FARRELL — FLAT OF 3 LARGE, Oil/ sunny,; front, unfurnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath. 990 "POWELL— LOWER - FLOOR,. NICELY: _-i__o furnished for housekeeping; rent $25; also large room for gentleman. "Idm POWELL, COR. BROADWAY-FUR- x "IUI nished rooms for housekeeping, or offices. 1 (j A I _ STEVENSON — NICE SUNNY ROOMS; UttU furnished for housekeeping; cheap rent. KOKI STEVENSON— 3 LARGE SUNNY UN- OOO'Z furnished rooms, suitable for housekeep- ing: $10. ■ ■ filQ STOCKTON— 3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS U-LO for housekeeping; $10. -. "1 OR 2 ROOMS; FURNISHED COMPLETE x for housekeeping; reasonable. 429 Vi Tehama. MO HIRD — SUN-NA** HOUSEKEEPING A_tt? rooms complete; first floor; bath, gas. Q99 THIRD-FRONT "FURNISHED HOUSK- _>____ keeping suites, $8, $9, $11; single, $1 to $1 60. _>_»_*_ THIRD-TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS: 00~± water free: good accommodations; $6 and $7. ■ *j " 7, it VAN ELEGANT FRONT PaR- -1 XU lor suite; complete for housekeeping; $22. 1 AAO: WASHINGTON, CORNER POWELL— 2 X\J\JxJ or 3 rooms for housekeeping; every con- venience; reasonable: call after 1 o'clock. . ROOMS TO LET. OO EDDY— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS, $5; 00 also front room with gas and closet, $6. 1117 FOLSOM-FRONT AND BACK - PAR- XXXI lor; 1 or 2 gentlemen: for $8 or $10: also single room for $5; with use of bath; quiet family; references required. _>•**■-;■ THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE; 126 sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable ; central; very moderate prices. 28 Eighth St., near Market. A. W. MANNING. 1 fIQ FIFTH— FURNISHED SUNNY XU_/ front rooms, single and double; rent rea- sonable. • 7 FULTON— THREE sunny furnished OX I front rooms; also 1 single unfurnished room. RS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE management of the "Mlramar," \lO3 Geary st.; sunny rooms, single or suites; excellent board; elevator; prices moderate, to suit the times. "I zt "_! FIFTH-SUNNY' FURNISHED ROOMS; A _t*J;} $1 25 per week and up. QjQIGOLDEN GATE AYE.-SUNNY FUR- Q-it. nished rooms; private family. 0^,71 GROVE— 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS o*± 1 _! for housekeeping; rent cheap. 7791 HARRISON, NEAR FOURTH— 4 I __£ ly furnished sunny rooms; bath; closet; $1 a week. • ■ ■ "1 "1 91 1 HOWARD— LARGE SUNNY. FRONT XX__iXa room; private family. > 1 1 *-_Q HOWARD— 4 NICE UNFURNISHED xx OO rooms. TOAQI HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED JL__Ut7:> room for 1 or 2 gentlemen: $7 a month. ■"fl*. JONES— NEWLY AND HANDSOMELY OxJO furnished rooms; modern conveniences. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLE AS- -t-- ant sunny rooms, en suiteand single; flrst'clas- in every respect: terms reasonable. 1 C GRANT AYE., NR. GEARY ST., IS UNCLE xO HARRIS', where you can get money. 9A.__9 LEAVENWORTH— PLEASANT ROOM __U*±__ in private family for $5 a month. AAC MARKET— FURNISHED ROOMS, OF- t/yU flees and clubrooms; reduced rents. YOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. A Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1 : week. $1 50 to $5: families. 1 AQ7I MARKET, NR. SEVENTH-SMALL XUO I 2 front office, $6 month; sunny single rooms, $5 up. 7- : -... 1 1 99 MARKET— SUITE OF ROOMS -LX___j with two beds for two gentlemen. HE NIGHTINGALE, 1802 MARKET— gant sunny bay-window rooms; reasonable. ' 79Q1 McALLISTER-NICELY FURNISHED . I --O3 room, with use oath; private family; »6. IA/19 MCALLISTER — EKE UNF uT- xU"±__ nished rooms: terms reasonable. OR RENT-TO 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN, nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences : located about 8 blocks from Kearny and Market sts.: private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call. Qf"»l MINNA — NICE FURNISHED ROOMS OUI cheap; $1 week. UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients. 9QC O'FARRELL— LARGE ALCOVE ROOM; _jOO also single rooms independence: reasonable. f*»l 9 PINE— I NICE SUNNY* FURNISHED UX__ room, for 2 gentlemen; rent $8. CO PARK AYE., OPP. NEW CITY HALL— IN 00 private family; 2 nice furnished rooms; sta- tionary washstands: use of parlor and piano to de- sirable parties; rent reasonable. 1 7 POLK, NEAR MARKET— DOUBLE X I or single rooms : $5 to $12. 01 C POWELL-SUNNY" FURN ISHED QUIET _._.,. rooms; $8 and $10. EVERETT, 55 SECOND— HOUSE; j new management; respectable: sunny rooms; reasonable: transients solicited. M. DALTON. prop. QQ SIXTH ST., THE HILLSDALE-SUNNY 00 rooms; single and en suite: $1 to $1 50 a day. 1 Oft SIXTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY XUO rooms, double, single: reasonable. Tel C* SIXTH— THE PIEDMONT; NICE SUN- xxO ny bay-window and single rooms; reasonable. 010 SIXTH— NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT Ari.£i room; suitable for one gentleman; private; $5 a month. •-_-.- v "VTEW PYRENEE HOUSE, 1314 STOCKTON X . st.— Sunny front rooms; suites or single: by day, week or month. PH. MA Y'SOCNAVE, prop. RE YOU THINKING OF MOVING ? IF SO you will find sunny rooms, en suite or single, and prices to suit yon, at The Shasta, 320*_ Sutter. 1111 SUTTER NICELY FURNISHED 1111 rms: single or en suite; terms reasonable. 1 99 TAYLOR— ELEGANTLY FURNISHED J--.—, sunny rooms; also housekeeping. AAA TAYLOR— LARGE SUNNY ROOMS WO with board; good locality for U. C. law students. , QAO THIRD— NEW HOUSE; SUNNY FRONT OUO suites; also sunny single rooms; cheap. £*»__•_ TURK— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY o~ixJ room: housekeeping: $10; single. r boarding and ROOMS. Tqi^^dcta?vi?a?~ne ; ar geary^sunn*y I«JAU rooms with board; private Jewish family. THE ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND Polk St.— Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate- board optional ; all cars direct. £9£ EDDY-SUNNY FRONT SUITES: SlN- \Jmi\j gle rooms: best board; special rates to gen- lemen for breakfast and dinner. OTEL BERTLING, 714 BUSH— OPENED AS a family hotel ; references given and required; all modern conveniences. '^ CHILDREN BOARDED. I?^L_>__R_?Fl?A_SSf"DE SIi_E^CARI;^F~IN? - fant; best of references. 408 Bryant st. LADY WITHOUT CHILDREN WOULD LIKE small child to board. Address 1522 a FeU st. STOKES TO LET. ARG_rwS_____HOpTsiJlT__B^ penter; $5 a month. 1419 Ellis st. ■ F-.991 SIXTH — STORE? THREE ROOMS, ■__- 1 large yard; rear entrance; $12.| STORE, 1524 HOWARD ST., CORNER OF Lafayette;" cheap for any business, with fix- tures. Apply 2838 Mission st., M. CURRAN. AT A SACRIFICE— GROCERY* AND BAR? with living-rooms; cheap rent. Apply J.J. COMERFORD, SE. cor. Duncan and Dolores st. If OR RENT - A CORNER STORE; GOOD J? stand for drug or grocery business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. FOUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING and basement, 608 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc.; rent $80. Apply DAVID STERNA SONS. 20 Montgomery st. OFFICES TO LET. rpo LET— LARGE SUNNY SUITE OF OFFICES xon first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery St.. rooms 1 and 2. - El . i A T OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKELS J building, 925 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or G. 11. UMBSEN" _- CO.. 14 Montg. St. DENTISTS? ALL WORK REASONABL_T"aNiT~WAi£ rant . R. J. W. KEY. 1122 Market st. T",R. J. J. LEEK, 1206 market, cob. GOLDEN Xr Gate aye.— Open evenings; Sundays till noon. DR. REA. 3OO TURK BT— A 1.1. DENTAL WORK at lowest prices and warranted ; open evenings. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK. THE GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of nainless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 2o O'Farrell st. AT CHA__?ANTS'_^M__3ONTCO_t. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced: small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. CROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAIT ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for paimess extraction; artificial teeth frm $5 ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas SL Cj7 A SET FOR WARRANTED AS -JP I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS; dentist, 830 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. DR. 11. ,-. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty.- 1841 I'oik st. ■■ - R?~ r LUDLUM H ILL 1 -43 MARK~ET near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates ar. made; old plates made over like new; ;eeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. ; f-OLTO'NDKNTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- U ket st. DX. CHARLES W. DECKER. ? , HOUSE 1 FOR SALE. \ OU_n_*^4~ROOMS? LAJWI- LOT; STABLE and carriage house; Western Addition. Amerl- an Land and Trust Company 132 Market st. -.■"'■-'.' ' '.**."" ':'"''■-, ' THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1895. 7?7.^ PIANOS. VIOLINS. ETC. BAIW__IN-_T.T~C_^pT___T)S? All fully warranted for five years. • CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. 2 Steinways-Baby grands, used slightly at con- certs. .fc.7;-* " , , ;, 2 stein ways— Uprights, large size, nearly new. 1 Gabler— Parlor grand, same as new. . 1 Bradbury— Upright, large size,' ebonized case. 2 Mansfeldt & Upright, walnut case, good . '3 Esteys— Entirely new, but styles not 'in their latest catalogue. 1 ('abler— Upright, walnut case, nearly new. 1 Gaoler— Upright, oak case, largo size, nearly new. . . 1 Emerson— Upright, walnut case, large size, sample piano. , ' 1 Emerson— Upright, walnut case, smaller size, sample piano. - , . 1 Emerson— Upright, oak case, sample piano. 1 Howard & Co.— Upright, walnut, small, taken in trade. 1 Howard A Upright, mahogany, large, bronze panels. _**~_"_*_"**"___-f s 9 1 Pease— Upright, walnut case, new, but discon- tinued style. JHtBW__sM*(£___M'r'^6_*BS£l 1 Pease— Upright, rosewood case, has been rented. -..-..-' 1 Nugent— Upright, mahogany finish, good tone and action. 1 Kranich & Bach— Upright, small, used about 3 years. ..---- • ; - 1 Weber— Upright, German manufacture. 1 Cornett— Upright, rosewood case, excellent con- dition. .'■; .; , - - 1 Cornett— Upright, walnut case, large size, good tone. 1 Marschall— Upright, thoroughly renewed at fac- tory. Call early while assortment is large.' SHERMAN, CLAY & Co., Piano House, corner Kearny and Sutter. WM. G. BADGER WITH KOHLER & CHASE, if 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. FINE STEINWAY TO RENT; $3 A MONTH; privilege of buying. 1019 Van Ness aye. I* STEINWAY AND CHICKERING PIANOS; 'upright and square: little used; all in good order, $125 up. BOWERS & SON, 23 and 25 sth. A LADY' FORCED TO SELL HER ELEGANT upright piano offers it for what it will bring. Inquire 809 Market St., room 12. . GET MONEY ON YOUR PIANO AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., near Geary at. 1 AAA BABY GRAND: STANDARD •UP- 1 - ""'-'• make; beautiful instrument; maae offer. Room 12, Flood building. AN ELEGANT NEW UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale at second-hand price; must be sold. Call on A. H. BREED A CO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. ANTED - PIANIST OF STANDING TO play Mechanics' Fair. HEINE, 40 O'Farrell. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY; HEMME & LONG Piano Co. (established 1875), 340 Post st.: on installments; send for catalogue. Rl : N TING PIANOS; LARGE AND VARIED assortment; tuned free. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO.'S Piano-house, cor. Kearny and Slitter sts. ELEGANT UPRIGHT, GOOD AS NEW, AT MAUVAIS', 769 Market st. ■■-... GEORGE F. WELLS, BOLE AGENT FOR THE Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. L'ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLER _; X_ CHASE. - 17*EW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD X makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER A CO.. 721 Market st. BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOIiMEIt? Newby & Evans, Briggs and other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED; grand tone; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market SUPER VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD NEW* H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham nlace. TECK, CHICKERING A SONS., VOSE AND O Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUT A JrV. good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER _■ CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. DECKER BROS., STEINWAY, FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos: little used: cheap .for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER A CHASE. 28 and SO O'Farrell st. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. »'OB SALE- MISCELLANEOUS. Ort A A?|"CBEA__E s~_rßTc K»v^CREA~V. _-U.UUU Bluxome, bet. Fourth and Fifth, or 64 Silver st- INK MILK GOAT. CHEAP? 416 SHOT- well. near Eighteenth. TjIOR SALE— GOODRO ADHOUSK, TOP BUGGY J" and harness, cheap; 1 new billiard-table com- plete, price $250, will sell for $100 cash. S. J. salmon. 2121 Shattuck aye., Baal Berkeley. FOR sale TO BE REMOVED— A GOOD x house; 9 rooms and hath; 2404 Mission st., nr. Twentieth. E. R. LAWSON. OMBINATION BILLIARD AND POOL TA- bie for sale cheap. 11 Pacific st. * AMBLER BICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP. IX 116 Geary St., Oakland Saloon. T.XTRA FINE YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW; X- calf 1 day old. 1312 Folsom st. - DIAMOND RINGS, PI~NS?I.ARRINGS, STUDS half store prices; gold watches, any make, for weight of cases. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. A LL TYPEWRITERS RENTED. ___. including SMITH PREMIER. LEO E. ALEXANDER A BRO., 218 Sansome st. , FIVE PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $25 singly. 326 McAllister si. ■ MILCH COW FOR SALE IN GOOD CON- ditlon. T. HURLEY", 230 Douglass st. CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY GAS FIXTURES H. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. WILSHIRE SAFE. LETTER-PRESS, SCALE, » » coffee-mill and money-till: cheap. 102 Clay si. "VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- ■II hand. W. S. RAY' Mfg Co., 12 California st- COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought and sold 11211. Market bet. 7th andBth _____ ______ LOST? L~^S^LAlUs_ri_LA^_r__OßSE^ la&on. Return to SULLIVAN A DOYLE, 327 Sixth St., and get reward. Li >- 1 - A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of MARIE SAUFER, No. 1.1,518. The finder will please return to the bank. LOST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA XJ Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of AGNES E. CARNEY, No. 107270. The finder will please return to bank. GET MONEY ON WATCHES FROM UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. OST — SMALL IRISH TERRIER SLOT: light yellow, white spot on head; name Tepsv; new collar; tag 153. Return to OAKLEY, 526 l.arkin st.: reward $20. LO T — SAT CRDAY EVENING, GOLD watch; initials G. A. S.; chain with cross; $20 reward. 627 Larkin st. . ■ - , . FOUND. Ij*OUND-BAY HORSE; OWNER CAN HAVE x* same by proving property and paying expenses. Pete's Restaurant, Twenty-ninth and Mission sts. "L"" O UND — LADY'S GOLD WATCH AND - chain; on Thursday. Call 630 Shotwell st. TRUSTEES' SALES. ' TRUSTEES' BALE— IN A__X_______*C__ WITH the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by JAMES LYNCH, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAV- INGS UNION, . party of the third .part, dated April 2, 1890, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the- county of San Luis Obispo, Stato of California, in Liber : 7 of -Deeds,' • at pages 394 and following, and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 27th day of June, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said BAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corpora- tion, and the holderof the note (No. 9948) to se- cure payment of which the aforesaid Deed of Trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and Deed of Trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMP- BELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, 'Trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY", the 6th day of August. A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction sales- room of EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., No. 638 Mar- ke: street, In the ■ City and County of San Fran- cisco, Stale of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the county of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described as follows, to wit: According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United states. ■ In 'Township twenty-five ,(2s) south, range nine- (9) east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. . Of section twenty (20), the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter (SE. Vi of NE. 1,4) ; the north half of the southeast quarter (N. 1/2 of SE. Vi) ; and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter (SE Vi of the BE. Vil. : - ... V Of section twenty-one (21), the south half (S. __> and the northwest quarter (NW. 14). • t '..,'• Of section twenty-two (22), tne south half of the northwest quarter (S. y 3 of NW. ■ Vi) the south half of the southwest quarter (S. *_ of SW.I/4), and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SW. Vi of SE. Vi). ; , . .>.;■ „"*"■:*? Of section twenty-seven (27), the northwest quar- ter of the northeast quarter (NW. Vi of NE. "A). Of section twenty-eight (28), the east half of the northwest quarter (E. 1/2 of NW. Vi); the south- West quarter of the northwest quarter (SW. Vi of NW. Vi), and the northwest quarter of the south- west quarter (NW. Vi of SW. Vi). > .: : -> -.-•., - Of section thirty-five (35), the south half of the northeast quarter (S. V. of NE. Vi) ; the north half of the southwest quarter (N. Va, of SW. Vi), and the southeast quarter (si;, my. r. ..*';_-.■ •i In. township twenty-six (26) south, range nine (9) east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. . - . ■- ; - Of section four (4), lot one (1) and the east halt of tne sou; ast quarter (E. i_ of SE. Vi) • " -■■..«„.. Containing In ail one thousand 'four hundred and eighty-eight and eighty-three one-hundredths (1488.83) acres of land. more or less. Together witn the appurtenances. , :■-..-.--....,„ -.: - TERMS OF SALE-Cash In gold coin of the Uni- ted States; ten percent payable to the undersigned on the fall of . the hammer ; balance on delivery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (tea days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and; the sale to be void. . Acta of sale at purchaser's expense. • . HENRY C. CAMPBELL, \_„ . THADDEUS B. KENT, / Trua . *___._,._■+. v _. _«___,*, . i .EDUCATIONAL. i__iTTMo7s__E'_r^^ school, 516 Haight, St.— French taught with- out extra charge; facilities for studying music, art and languages; term opens August 5,1895. ;. OWENS -ACADEMY,: UNIVERSITY AYE., _ Berkeley. T. S. BOWENS, M.A., Principal. 1* NGLISH LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY - class or private. MRS. EHRMAN, 1234 Bush. OITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BURLING AM San Mateo Co.,* reopens Aug. 6. IRA G.HOITT. OOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, A R4TH M_T tic taught 6 weeks ;course $30. 5 Stockton st.,r. 5 OCAL, TEACHER JOSEPH GREVEN I*-? proves and beautifies even spoiled voices, and procures positions to his pupils. . 82 Ninth st. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WlSH- ing money at UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. "\riOLIN , MANDOLIN. * GUITAR, CORNET. » taught. Prof. L. MERKI. 225 Geary ;reasonable. ILLS COLLEGE AND SEMINARY. WRITE for catalogue to MRS. C. T. MILLS, president, Mills College P. 0., Alameda Co., Cal. Next term begins August 7, 1895. *.■-'.. PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY' SCIENCES bldg; thorough commercial & English training. PANlsil. FRENCH, GERMAN, MEISTER- scI-.aft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. ..A- 'O. ECKMAN, PIANO~ STUDIO, 205*_ A.. Gough si.; assistant teacher for beginners. ATIGHT SCHOOL: HEALD'S BUSINESS COL- -l lege, 24 Post st.; commercial; shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates. . ■ _.___ BELAfiOO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING- Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed onstage. ■ R. 6 A 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. S" OOL ELECTRICAL, CTVIL7mININO? ME- _5 chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 Mkt SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st.: diploma course $30. I~7ngi.ish BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS Ii DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or class. OIARR'S INST., 659 MARKT— BOOKKEEPING X taught In 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fail on. ■■■-,- HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE.: 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages _____________________ Write for catalogue. ~P"ARTNERSHIP~N^ICES.^ ATOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER- IN ship.— firm heretofore existing under the name and style of STEINBRING BROTHERS, doing business in the city and county of San Fran- cisco, State of California, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.. ALBERT R. STEINBRING will collect all the bills and payoff the debts of said firm and carry on a retail business at No. 2259 Market St., San Francisco. CHARLES STEIN- BRING will carry on a retail butcher business at 923 Eighteenth St., San Francisco. CHARLES STEINBRING. . ALBERT R. STEINBRING. TRUSTEES*.. SALES. -.' "~" rrnTfuMT=__s^__X_r7i^^ X the . terms and under , the authority of those three (3) certain deeds of - trust. - duly executed by , JAMES LYNCH, .: party of the flrst part, to HENRY C, CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAV- INGS UNION, party of the third part, one dated October 14th, 1887, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the county of San Luis Obispo, State of California, in Liber X of Deeds, at pages 615 and following, and also recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the county of Monterey. State of California, in Book A, Records of Trust Deeds, at pages 397 and following: the second dated January 3rd. 1888, and recorded In the office of the County Recorder of said county of San Luis Obispo, in Liber Zof Deeds, at pages 260 and following, and also recorded in the office Of the County Recorder of said connty of Monterey ,in book A, Records of Trust Deeds, at pages 403 and following; and the third dated June 3rd, 1889, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county of San Luis Obispo, In Liber 4Of Deeds, at pages 624 and fol- lowing, and also recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said county of Monterey, i in Volume A of Trust Deeds, at pages 459 : and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 27th day of line, 1895. by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation,' and the holder of the notes (Nos. 8449, 8587 and 9410), to secure the payment of which tbe aforesaid Deeds of Trust were executed, declaring that default had been made In the pay- ment of the principal sums and other snms fine un- der said notes and deeds of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT. Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein and not recOnveyed to satisfy said indebtedness. ' Wo. HENRY < '. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT. Trustees, do hereby give notice that on TUESDAY, day ot August, A. D. 1895. at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and a. the auction i salesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., No. i 638 Market street, in the City and County of San 1 Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the county, of Monterey, State of California, described us follows: According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: In township twenty-four (24) south, range nine (9) east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian: Of section thirty six (36), tne north half of the northeast quarter (N. 1 .. of NE. Vi), the southwest quarter of the, northeast quarter (SW. **4 of NE. •A), the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter (N W. 14 of SE. 14). the ease, half of the southwest quarter I E. V. of SW. Vi). and the northwest quar- ter (NW. Vi), and containing- four hundred (400) acres of land. - , -■.*■_ -...:- ..,- - : i. And also the pieces or parcels of land situate in the county of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described as follows: According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: • ■ In township twenty-five (25) south, range nine (9) east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian: Of section four (4). the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter (SW. 14 of NE. *4), and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter (NW. I I of *-4). • ■ . ... Of section eight (8), the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter (NW. ,4 of SW. 14 ).';*; ■ Of section nine (9), the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SW. Vi of SE. Vi), and south half of the southwest quarter (S. V_ of SW. 1/4). Of section eleven (11), the southeast; ouarter of the southeast quarter (SE. "A of SE. Vi)." Of section twelve (12), the . north half of the northwest quarter (N. "A of NW. Vi). Of section thirteen (13), the east half of the southeast quarter (E. Vj. of E. 14), and the south- west quarter of the soutneast quarter (SW. 14 of SE. ..,). Of section fourteen (14), the northeast quarterof the northeast quarter (NE. Vi of NE. Vi). Of section sixteen (16), the north half (N. *£); the eesfc half of the southeast quarter (E. "_ of SE. Vi), the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SW. Vi of SE.Vi), the south of the south- west quarter (8. */ 2 of SW. 14), and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter: (NW. 14 of SW. l/ 4 ). .■■• " of section t""*.nty-©na (21), the northeast quarter (NE. 1/4). h Of section twenty-t ree (23). the south half of the northeast quarter (S. % of N?>. 14). and the north half of the southeast quarter (N. : 1/2 of SE.i/ 4 ). Of section twenty-four (24), the northwest quar- ter of the northeast quarter (NW. Vi of NE. Vi), the east half of the southwest quarter (E. Va of SW. Vi), and the northwest quarter (NW. Vi). . _ Of section twenty-five (25), the southwest quar- ter (SW. Vi), and the east half of the northwest quarter (E. 1 . of NW. Vi). - Of section tnlrty-flve (35), the south half of the southwest quarter (S. Va of SW. Vi) ; and Of section thirty-six (36), the whole.' . Containing two thousand six hundred and eighty (2680) acres of land, more or less. With the appurtenances.: ' ' And we further give notice that at the same time and place and in accordance with the terms and under the authority of the said deed of trust last above recited, of date June 3rd, 1889. and in pursuance of said resolution, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In gold coin Of the United States, all those pieces or parcels of land situate in said County of Monterey, State of California, described as follows: .. According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: In township twenty-four (24) south, range nine (9) east. Mount Diablo Base and Meridian: *->. .- ■- Of section thirty-two (32), the north half of the northeast quarter (N. V_ of NE. Vi). the northeast quarter of the: southeast quarter (NE. Vi of SE. Vi), and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (SW. Vi of E. Vi and containing one hundred. and sixty (160) acres of land, more or Audalso-the pieces and parcels of land situate in the county of San Luis Obispo, State of Califor- nia, described as follows: ''•'•',■ According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: -~ -l ln townshin twenty-five (26) south, range nine (9) east, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian: Of section four (4), tho northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NW. Vi of NE. Vi). and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (BW. V 4 of BE. Vi).. --.•■•■ :-._ ;.". -.".■ • r.i Of section fourteen ' (14). the southeast quarter of the southeasi quarter (SE.- Vi of SE." Vi), the northwest quarter, of the southeast - qnarter NW. Vi of SE. Vi), I and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter (SW. Vi of N W. Vi). . Of section twenty (20), the north ' half of the northeast quarter (N. Va of NE. Vihthe southwest quarter of the southwest quarter (B W." 1/4 of SW. Vi), and the northeast* quarter of the northwest quarter (NE. Vi of NW,Vi). ( - Of section twenty-two (22), the south.half of the northeast quarter (S. *-' a of NE.' Vi), the northeast quarterof the -northeast quarter (NE. Vi of NE. Vi), and the north half of the northwest quarter (N. VaOfNW.'Vi)-. ■ Of section twenty-six (26), I the southwest quar- ter of the southwest quarter (SW. Vi of SW. Vi) ; and the southwest quarterof the northwest quarter (SW Vi of W. Vi). _ . - • ■ ' Of section twenty-seven (27), the south half of the southeast quarter (S. "A of SE. Vi). -.. - ; ,' lOf section twenty-eight (28), the east half of the southeast quarter (E. Va of E. Vi). . v : Of section thirty (30), the northeast quarterof the northeast quarter (NE. V. of NE. Vi), the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter (NE. V* of SW. 14), and the west half of the northwest • quarter ( W. y_ of N W.* Vi). -7- Of section thirty-two (32), the southwest quar- ter of the northeast quarter (S W. Vi of : NE. Vi); the "• northeast i quarter ; of 1 the southeast quarter (NE. Vi of , SE. 1/4). and the northwest quarter of tho northwest quarter (NW. Viof NW. Vi); 1 and '- Of section thirty-four (34). the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter (NW. Vi of NE. Vi), and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter (SW.Viof SW. ■%).:<..._..- :■--;_'-_■ /*•.--' . "- ". Containing one thousand one hundred and sixty (1160) acres of land, more or less. ' •*' . Together with the appurtenances. '■•"'-. . TERMS OF SALE— Cash ln gold coin of the United States, ten per cent .payable to the under- signed on the fall of the -hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten percent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. 1 Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. . . V , < ■■_■ ; HENRY C. CAMPBELL, ■»„,,,,„. -. ' i THADDEUS KENT, • j trustees. J ..-..■;. CITY;-KEAL\ ESTATE, -y. wTsrac k &T*o??i ~~"~ , : 602 Market st. cor. Montgomery and Post. $500 down— Fine 5-room cottage; Mission; rent $15: large lot. *" * . i"lsoo— Near Stockton st.: yearly rents, $540. <■ $6200—3 new flats near new City Hall: yearly rents, $640. _. " • ■ . t V - $8250—3 modern flats; Pine St.; rents $90; lot 26x137:6. $10,000 — Market st. : stores and flats; rents $107. .., ■. --; ■ ■ _„. ■■ ... - -. ■■■ -■'. *■■■•■: • y T OUIS SCHLOSS. " ~ Booms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, 8. F. , REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE! BEAL ESTATE! IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL A estate I can place it tor you; everybody wants money. - . ... -, .^-.flflfl AN ELEGANT HOME. IN A GOOD t*r*"_"C" V/ V". location: house of 9 rooms; ail mod- ern; don't fail to see it if you want a home. ' . ,;"■* .*'-. ©1 9 KAn CORNER BUSINESS PBOP- 'iDXmi.'j\J\J. erty: former tenant got rich; it is the right place for the right man. r<____?__ii3 CHOICE LOTS ON THE NOB' HILL -Jp *X\J \J. of the Potrero, near Union Iron Works. *J_t"_n CHOICE LOTS IN BLOCK 191, NEAR _D^t'JL". the Rope Walk, Sugar Refinery, line of S. P. R. R., and near China Basin, the terminal of the San Joaquin Valley R.R.; title perfect; In- sured by the Title Insurance Co.; terms of sale will be made to suit purchaser, $2 per week. ■ LOUIS SCHLOSS, ..'.■. i-viuio oLriijuaa, Booms 24 and 25, Crocker Building, F. 4 SPLENDID MODERN HOME. " " J\. PRESIDIO HEIGHTS. $5250— 0n1y $500 cash. balance same as rent ; Lo- cust st., bet. Ciav and Washington : contains 5 rooms, reception-hall, bath, etc.: 8 additional rooms could be finished in the attic; superb marine view; this will be the most fashionable residence district; buy now, while prices are low. BALDWIN & HAMMOND. 10 Montgomery st. ■ __________________________ _____„ ILL BULLD TO SU i f? HANDSOME COTTAGE. ■ -,' ; ; VERY EASY TERMS. $3000— Lotta and Sullivan sts.. close to Stanyan and overlooking ('olden Gate Park; street work all done; house to contain 5 rooms, bath and all latest conveniences. BALDWIN d. HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. g __T7f_f. NEW BAY-WINDOW HOUSE, 7 JIM I UU. rooms, bath, basement; lot 25x 112:6: $250 cash, balance $18 per month. Apply at 210 Sunnyside aye. or 630 Market st. J.B. Hll_t_ . :■-'." - - - R AND 6 ROOMS, FLATS, BUILT FOR $2800; 0 cottage, 4 rooms, $800: one-fifth cash, balance easy monthly Installments. JAS. McCONAHEY, builder. 1149 Mission st. * GET MONEY ON* DIAMONDS, PIANOS VJ and sealskins at UNCLE HARRIS*, 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. _________ __-___0 I? LOTS, 25x100, ON srn AYE., NEAR tJpOUU. Point Lobos and on 10th avenue, near California st. Apply Owner, box 27, this office. ffi»inrvfl TERMS. $100 CASH: $10 PER _> J UUU. month: 2d aye.. bet. Clement and California sts. WILL E. FISIJER A CO., 14 Tost st. T OT 25x90; 24TH ST., E.SIDE OF SANCHEZ; J - business location. Inquire SW. cor. 25th and Castro sts. ■■• -- - ' ■ ' ,' ■ . ' " * *_ -_T7-f.__ l OT 62:6x136 FEET; SPLENDID -[T 1 UUU. location: forced sale; a snap. $3200— 10-room house; new; near station; street work done; worth more. "-*' Many other houses and lots for sale in Berkeley. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market st., or Berkeley station. :r'<h"Si; > -.'i 1 .-!v'f»':-.>:?;:-; m_l()7:6-SW. COR. JERSEY AND DlA- mond sts. Apply within. ;; F. CITY LOTS: $100 UP. terms $10 . down, $5 mo. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Mfct. TO LEASE, j 6^___ASE^3 OR ARS-^?4__RY^l_A3?t if? 714 acres; 6 miles from- San Jose, 2V_ miles from railroad station; 400 acres fine tillable land, balance pasture, slightly rolling land: 77 dairy cows and dairy outfit complete. For full particu- lars apply at once to A. R. FRITCHI, 303 Califor- nia St., S. F., or to John R. Kocher, 15 South First at., San Jose, Cal. . 0 > LEASE-CHOICE i DAIRY OR . STOCK .ranch of 525 acres; cheap for term of years; near city. Address F., box 28. this office . . . ~—^ mmm m MONEY TO LOAN. UNICIPAL LOAN OFflceT~H_. GRANT aye.; private entrance 101 Va Grant aye., up- S.alrs. '. .":.•' •'■ ' ' '"■•'.'.'- % '■■-.■■: : 6% CITY; OAKLAND— LIFE INS., ESTATES, 2d mortg's. "FIFE it CO., 313 Montgomery st. I\TO COMMISSION; COME TO LOANER Dl- _. . rect for money on yonr piano and furniture, witnout removing; lowest rates. 418 Ellis St., room 22. . . 0"~"N FURNITURE AND PIANOS, WITHOUT removal, and endowment insurance policies. Room 68, Donohoe bldg, 1170 Market. :, ; YtrHY PAY HIGH RATE ON SMALL LOANS 1 1 when you can get from $200 up at 55 cents per month interest on $100? Loan,' box 83, Call. ; o?a3_¥7_N~ REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND mortgages, t furniture lor pianos without re- moval; lowest rates. • BECKER, 240 Montgomery. OANS ON UNDIVIDED SHARES OF CITY real estate: any amount. BECKER, 240 Montg. 51%. CITY, COUNTY COLLATERAL SE- _Ji_ curities. TRAVERSA LAMB, 512 California. T ADIES' PRIVATE ROOMS:- MONEY ON i J everything. U. S. Loan Office, 777 Market st., near Fourth. A NY SUM, FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES city or country : Estates. MURPH Y.62B Market A PRIVATE ENTRANCE IN: _______ FROM O'Farrell street: private rooms for ladies and gents; discreet gentlemanly attendants; at UNCLE HARRIS' Collateral Association, 15 Grant avenue. ONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1106 Market Bt., nr. Mason ; private entrance 7 Turk. NY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN- ON watches, diamonds, sealskins, piano., pictures, bronzes, clocks, real estate and all kinds of securi- ties. Columbia Loan and Collateral Office, 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from Market st. ■ ' ■•-.■•'■ -■;..■-" STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN. OFFICES. 850 Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 80 years; always open. "Uncle Bill." -,:,.-. :..-; ■■ -. .■-.- •.- .- -..- -', ■•■-, BORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL A CO., Mills bldg, sth floor, r 6; strictly confidential. "I ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES, LIFE INSUR- A ance policies, bank books. GOULD, 633 MarKet. ON ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; DEAL- ing confidential. 43 Crocker bnfldJng. ; ___. FINANCIAL. A D I It EC A Y I N OF COMMISSIONS AND ___. middlemen's profits;" borrow 'direct from loaner; no removal: low rates: 'dealings private: no delays; installment payments can be made; loans on pianos or furniture in Oakland or San Francisco; open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission St., above Sixth. ; ARTIES HAVING MONEY D TO LOAN IN . small amounts of $200 to $2000 can place it through us, free of charge, at 8 per ; cent interest ger annum, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on Improved real estate In San Fran- cisco, the titles to which are guaranteed, by the California Title Insurance Company." We make this liberal proposition in order . to meet the de- mand for small loans; Advise us of the amount you wish to loan, and we will submit the security for your approval. ' A. F. JOHNS A CO., financial agents, room 9. 632 Market St., San Francisco. PROPOSALS. ' ~ P"^_^6sALS^OK"in?6F&__S? 1 Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Board , of Directors ' of the Veterans' Home Association at the office of the Veterans' « Home, Napa County, Cal., up to 11 o'clock a. m., Sunday, August 11, 1896, for furnish- ing and delivering to the Veterans' Home, Napa County I (R. R. station Yountville), five hundred blue flannel < blouses, average sizes, bidders to fur- nish samples. The board reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. : Bids should be marked "Pro- posals for Blouses" and addressed to ■• :;. J. J. SCOVILLE, . Secretary Veterans' Home Association, Veterans' Home, Napa County. Cul. - : ' - .. ■ ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. . ■; ALAMEDA : REAL, ESTATE. ___T^l7sS__Pli Ari__ONV____^^ 1364 Park St., Alameda, and :19 Montgomery St., San Francisco, have recently issued an illus- trated pamphlet of their business that is full of Interesting information to' those intending to pur- chase homes, and will be mailed on application free of charge. ••'-" * :■'•>- -■ .:■ -'- » -. •- . : ' : . '•■■ ">- > . '*■ -■ -■ --'• They have on hand at present for sale 1 house of 6 rooms and bath, all > modern - Improvements, on improved street, cash $50, balance on easy install- ments; 1 of 6 rooms and bath, all modern improve- ments. $150 cash, balance on easy installments: 1 of 7 rooms and bath, very best location in the city, with all modern improvements, $1000 cash, bal- ance on easy installments; 1 of 8 rooms and bath, in most excellent location, $1250 cash, balance on easy installments.:, : * •-"■-:-■-- .- - • • .•■ : PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR THOSE WIS ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye..' BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOT7FRONTI___ on the hay.* Address A. 8., Call Office, Alameda. 7_7^7_?\__ TWO-STORY- MODERN HOUSE, 7 tJUUU." rooms, lot 50x200. * Call 62 First st., cigar-store. : ' ' ■• '■'" -..'■'::■ "■..-■ : -'-. '■-'.-. ■'■:.■ ■ ■:■ IF YOU WANT ' " A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL AND STYLISH 7 -. -. - . HOME :,■,;; V .CALL ON. THE OLD BUILDING FIRM OF . . A. K. DENKE,-. -?" —WEBSTER STREET. COUNTRY REAL. ESTATE. ( 97 ACRES ALL LEVEL: .^iX^iST^BEAll- __ i ing; almonds and apricots: adjoins town in Alameda County; good buildings: will-exchan .c for income city property. Apply A.M. SPECK A CO., 602 Market st. : ■.-■.;.- ■'.•■■.'•----.■■' F' OR SALE— A COTTAGE OF THREE ROOMS; large lot, well fenced; good well, plenty water and pump; good location; title clear; $400 cash: in Mountain View, Santa Clara Co. Apply to MRS. I. YERIAN. -;,-' .: . ■ ■ A —FRETTY: SIGHTLY; LITTLE HOME OF ___! 10 acres: jnst inside the city limits: house of 8 rooms; windmill and ; tank; nice outbuildings; 200 fruit, trees; ' apple, pea?h, prune, tig, orange; lemon, etc.; Improvements cost .1000; must be sold; $2400; half cash: a snap seldom found. ■ D. H. TWING, Sonoma, Cal. ; MUST BE SOLD IN 30 .DAYS— 4 ACRES OF JH. ' good land, with 4-room cottage and barn; lies adjoining the town of Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz Co.; plenty of water: no better place for poultry: rent will pay 12, per cent on investment; it will pay yon to investigate; » positive sacrifice. For information call on or address W. H. BOOTH, Boulder Creek. , . '■ ' - .__■ .■ ■ '. TF ,YOU~ WANT A RANCH \ FOR GRAZING J. purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay Is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery St.. S. F. ; HIS WILL INTEREST YOU.' *~ - Our colony •is now established ; already 25 families have decided to make their homes with us. We are determined to develop a community of .homes that- will be self-sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable. We own this tract of land, in fact it has been our home for over 30 years, and we know from experience that the soil is well adapted to the successful growth of every variety of fruit, grain and vegetables that are grown in the State of California. ■■■-■■ . We have now 1000 acres in alfalfa, from which we cut three and four crops per annum, and that, too, without irrigation. We claim . that we can offer more to the man who really wants a home than has ever yet been offered or that is likely ever to be offered again. The man who proviaes a home that •is self sustaining, attractive, pleasant and profitable for his family enjoys a sens'- of in- dependence and proprietorship that is simply im- possible in any other , business and is especially impossible for the man who works on a salary and in subject to the fluctuations of business or the whim of his employer. We ask your investigation of our offer. - ■■ ■* ■...■■■•; ' Address New England Colony of California,-. , -■ Room TO, Mills building. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE vJ HA RRIS', 15 Grant aye., near Gear}- st. (2*0.25 PER ACRE;; 4'i ACRES-.WELL LOCAT- -P-- — cd. TRAVERSA I.A.MR. 512 Californiast. MARIN COUNTY-SCOO ACRES 26 MILES irom San Francisco RANCHO -DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both rail and water i transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms, j town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property Send for circular. '-. Dairy for sale with or without cows SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65. Chronicle bnildiusr. . CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE WEEKLY CALL, sent .to any address in the United [States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. - - - STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS ' STOCKTON REAL ESTATE. HENDERSON* & CARTER, 17 SOUTH SAN Joaquin St., Stockton. 800 acres adjoining the city; a choice tract to j subdivide. a choice block of 32 lots in good loca- tion : $4800.' Several nice cottages from $1000 to $4000: on easy terms. A few choice lots on the line of the electric-cars. Good garden tracts from 5 to 20 acres: well located. 100 acres, six miles from Stockton; fine rich soil; $55 per acre: fine bargain. - 300 tons of choice hay at a bargain. A A. DUDLEY A CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS. .- 405 East Main st., Stockton, Cal. Choice residence lots on electric street car line, from $150 up; $10 down, $1 perweek: no interest, no taxes. Send for maps. Small acreage tracts for gardens and orchards on easy terms. Bargains in improved property. Cor- respondence solicited. ... ... 1.-UK SALE— HALF INTEREST IN A GOOD . paying saloon ; good location. .77;- : FOR SALE— A GOOD WAYSIDE RESORT, 1 7i _ miles from Stockton; doing good business; has about 8 acres, barns, windmills, etc. Address D J. D. GALL, No. 16 North San Joaquin st.. Stockton. Cal. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAKLAND HEAL, ESTATE. GOOD |OPENIN*G FOR A GF?OC___^??ST6RE with 4 living-rooms; rent reasonable. ,W. P. BY* AN, 960 Seventh St., Oakland. , ... N INVITATION.-FORTY ACRES FOR sale, three miles from Oakland; best mineral springs in the State for sanitarium; line oak park on place; lovely view. The opportunity for a home-seeker is still' offered to thousands of this generation that will" be denied to the next. The great West, with its ever flowing titje of immigra- tion, has at last i pre-empted this vast country in the great race for cheap homes. -Now we invite you to come and see the last great opportunity; we think we will say the largest and the best. "J There is no time to be lost If you want a cheap home in a State where you can take a choice of any location in life or choose a climate in the land of flowers of Central California. Bring enough with you to give the coun* ry a start. The mining opportunities are great . and must not be overlooked. Your oppor- tunities are good. -Use -your best judgment and take the safest course. Yours respectfully. .'.-., E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway. Oakland. ©I"|A|l A 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BATH ijllivu . all furnished ; lot 50_127; easy terms' Apply to W. C. MORAN, Lorin Station. Berkeley- TV- J. WOODWARD, c ■ ".- -■ " ~ " X . REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, ■:■." 1118 Bboadway, ... ■ Oakland. . .2500— A pretty cottage home in East Oakland (new): lot 35x120: complete in all its appoint- ments ; natural wood finish; $250 cash, balance in monthly installments; will take a desirable build- ing lot as first payment. X ' TV-ILL EXCHANGE A LARGE AND LOVELY •f » home in South Berkeley, witn a ! mortgage on it. for a smaller place In Oakland. Apply at once at 654 Fourteenth St., Oakland. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. <t__lQf_o $1000 CASH; WORTH $6500: 9- W-t OO U. room modern WORTH $6500: 9- _ct/c*U. room modern houoe: nice stable: lot xl 50: a bargain; see it at once. WILLIAM P. TODD. 1008 Broadway. Oakland. . BEAUTIFUL HOME: 5-ROOM HOUSE; IOOx 136: elegant location, Berkeley; $2500; $100 and $25 monthly; bargain; also lot in Fruitvale, 63x146; $350. LODGE A POWELL, Fruitvale station. ', '• AN ELEGANT, MODERN NEW HOUSE IN the best residence part of Oakland ;. 8 rooms and bath, electric bells, lighting, etc.; ; lot 40 feet front : price only $4600 ; terms can be arranged to suit : must be seen to be appreciated. Call at once, A. H. BREED & Co., 460 Ninth st., Oakland. ©OKA A - COTTAGE AND LOT; «3P OOV. 33 feet front: well located in East Oak- land. ALDEN A GARFIELD, 902 Broadway. SACRIFICED,— COZY LITTLE HOME IN O Oakland; owner away and must sell; big bar- gain for cash or on monthly $15 payments: write at once. 'Address Owner, ; P. O. box 637, Los Angeles, t . - -'■■■.. ■ - . • .■ ■ . ■■-.-'■ ■« <{_ 1 K. fY LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN <_5 JLUU. Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week; selling fast; good improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. '.__.-£_._ BARGAIN"; CHICKEN RANCH 12 O L__ uu, miles from Oakland: improvements cost twice the amount asked for the place. W. E. BARNARD A SON, 468 Ninth St.. Oakland. ffliOA MONTHLY FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGES; tipmiXJ plans free. F. BOEGLE, Golden Gate statn. \*. M. M. HEWOLF, RENT COLLECTOR. 1050 :.*». Broadway. •'.'--•"..-■/->'•* "; . /--;,-.-.- ->j HEAPEST: AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE Vj WEEKLY" CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post* ■"ge free ; -.-'■■ .." ■■■■.-.- -'.'■■■ ■■ . : ■ ■■' - -= ■ : OAKLAND HOTELS. AT_7_DO~l-Trl-_?_^^ i largest hotel in .Oakland ; . table - first - class; terms by week or month, moderate; trains to and from San Francisco every : 15 ■ minutes: I cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel; sample- for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY . Proprietor. .•:■..■ - ■'- - OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. U^S3_n^E AND i CARPETS^ AT^cToiT^WN 1 price. H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET. 7 U RNI HE _-~COTTAGE? 8 «j. _-_..*/' '. rooms and bath: large ; yard and barn : 156 Athol aye., Oakland. Apply 1020 Oak st. ;■■ .BERKELEY . REAL .ESTATE. S^r^6?ROOM COTTAGE: 60x135 : s}l6oO^T. «IF_._). BOEGLE, Golden Gate station. . ; GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS', 16 Grant aye., near Geary st. ' ;. LATEST ! SHIPPING | INTELLIGENCE. "' ': Arrived. THURSDAY, August 1.". . Schr Reliance, Jensen, 24 hours from Albion; 101 eds wood, to A W Beadle & Co. ' ', " Domestic Ports. I PORT HARFORD— Aug 1— — Stmr Scotia, for San Francisco. - ■. -_ .- . , ' _ : ; | AIARRIAGE - LICENSES, f : Licenses to marry were- granted yesterday; as follows : '7 ~ r * -- ' * '- Charles L? Haynes and Alma I. Worrell, 26—24, 7 Leopold Less and Risel Levin, 30—27. : .Thomas H. Nolan and Katie Ryan, 39—29. George H. Siebe and Elizabeth Burkes, 28—24. , j William Palmer and Rose Clinton, 40—25. >•;' I Joseph A. Wagner and Dora A. Seneuler, 39—20. J John W. Semler and Augusta McNair, 32—18. v j Phillip Landsberger and May Hutchins, 26— 23. *•■» K. Wertheimer and Hannah . Clayburgh, 45—27. :. DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. - Suits for divorce were begun yesterday as fol- lows: «'_'. _ '■■: ' . H. A. Johnson a<rainst Nettle Johnson. M. J. Collins aajainst Moses H. Collins. Elizabeth Brown against William H. Brown. Lorenzo Chelini against Caroline Cheiini. Sarah S. Townsend against W. S. Townsend. A. B. Abel against C. W. Abel. •" > • • - _ Ella Stnrgis against Wallac9 Sturgis. :-.-'.. Henry P.. Fox against Annie Fox. - BIRTHS— MARRIAOES— DEATHS. HORN. BROWN— this city, August 1, 1895, to tho wife of Matthew Brown, a son. KILKEARY-In Berkeley, August 1, 1395, to the wife of M. F. Kilkeary, a son. -_■■'", ";'■•,.. MARKS— thiscity, July 29, 1895? to the wife of Louis Marks, a son. . •• ROHAN— In Alameda, August 1, 1895, to the wife - of Edward Rohan, a daughter. - ~~~ MARRIED. COHN-H ARRIS— In this city. July 31, 1595. by the Rev. Dr. Nleto. David Conn and Annie Har- ris, both of San Francisco. - ": ■■'. '.••'■ -__________—■ i ___■_________________■ _*__.£>_ Arenz, Amelia Johnson. Oscar S. Brooks. Daniel S. . Kramer, Francis : Clarke. Catherine .Kress, Harry C. • • Casey, Hugh . Kaelin (infant) - Cook, Bessie McDermott, John Campbell, Colin * ' McElwain. Margaret Doyle. Florence Martha, Frank M. Donohue, Mrs. Hannah Mitchell, Catherine L. ' ' Desmond, Ellen Mend 11. William H. De Campos. Joaqulne - Parker, William M. Feller. Henry M. Rohan (infant) • Frank, Louis ... Royle, Clara Grandon, Patrick Shelly, Edward A. Houseman, Joseph D. Tralnor, Julia . Talbot, Thomas ARENZ— In this city, August 1, 1895. Amelia, youngest and beloved daughter of John and Fredericka Arenz. and sister of Charles Arenz. a native of San Francisco, aged 9 months and 3 days. -7*"*;-: .-. .1 BROOKS— In thiscity. August 1. 1895, Daniel S., relict of the late Emily A. Brooks, a native of Massachusetts, aged 73 years. CLARKE— In this city, July 31. 1895, Catherine, beloved wife of Thomas Clarke, beloved mother of J. J. Chlttick, David, Thomas, Katie and the late John F. and Patrick J. Clarke, and sister of Gar- rett Burk and Mrs. Ellen Brown, a native of Ire- land, aged 52 years. "■',: 7. _'-*'_•.•' . j__- Friends and acquaintances er-> resnect- fully invited to attend -the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at S-.30 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence. 1214 Eighteenth street, corner Clara avenue, thence to Mission Dolores Church, where a solemn requiem, mas? will be cele- brated for the repose of her soul, commencing at ! 9 o'clock a; K. Interment; Holy Cross Cemetery. CASEY— In this city, August, 1,1895, Hugh Casey, a native of Ireland. aged 8!) years and 4 months. fChieaco (111.) and Randolph (Mass.) papers • please copy.] _STThe funeral will its place TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 1 1 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 407 Broderick street. Interment pri- vate, Holy Cross Cemetery. Please omit flowers. COOK— In this cltv," August 1, 1895. Bessie COOk, beloved sister of W. C. Cook ana _*_icy A. Rhodes of Yorkshire, England, a native of Saddlewortn. Yorkshire, England, aged 43 years 4 months and 5 days. ' .... CAMPBELL— In Los Angeles, July 30, 1895,- Colin Campbell, aged 49 years. DOYLE— In this city, July 31, 1815. Florence, bo- loved daughter of William R. and the late Mary Doyle, a native of San Francisco, aged 17 years and 27 days. tCS* Friends and acquaintances are resnect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. from her late residence. 348 Tenth street, thence to St. Joseph's Church for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. <■;. •- .-' - ':'■ DONOHUE— In this city, July 31. 1895, Mrs. Han- nah Donohue. a native of Ireland, aged 69 years. jßfyThe funeral will take place THIS DAY (Friday), at' 10 o'clock a. m., from Mission Dolores Church. Interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. '■■'._■" ' •" ■ DESMOND— In this city, August 1. 1895, Ellen Desmond, a native of Macroon. County Cork, Ireland, a_ ed 67 years. ' ffg* Notice of funeral hereafter. DE CAMPOS— In this city. August 1, 1895. Joaqulne, beloved husband of Bridget de Cam- pos, a native of Portugal, aired 62 years and 8 months. • .'7 r. 4 . FRANK— In this city, August 1, 1895, Louis Frank, a native of Germany. I Chicago papers please copy. J Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the . residence of Mrs. J. Block, 1229 Eddy street. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery by, 11:45 o'clock a. m. train • from Third and Townsend streets. Please omit flowers.-:'. • '■'._."■ h7. FILLER— In Cherry Valley, near Worcester, Mass., July 25, 1895, Henry M., eldest son of A. L. and Kate F. Fuller, a native of Oakland, Cal., aged 18 years 6 months and 19 days. .-.-.':■ GRANDON— In this city, July 31, 1895, Patrick Grandon, cousin of Mrs. Peter Kelleher and Mary, Joseph. Rose and James Kelleher, a native of the parish of Carrigtwohill, County Cork, Ireland, aged 70 years. . j9_*rFnends and acquaintances are resnect- fully invited to attend , the . funeral THIS DAY (Friday),' at 8:30 * o'clock a. m.. from the oar- lors of J. C. O'Connor A Co.. 767 Mission street, thence to St. Brendan's Church, First and Har- rison streets,' where a requiem high mass will be ; celebrated for the repose of his. soul, com- mencing at 9 o'clock a. K. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. HOUSEMAN— In this city. July 31, 1895, Joseph D., beloved husband of Minnie Houseman, a na- tive of Virginia, aged 33 years 4 months and 3 days. " .■--■* .STFriends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY' (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. m., at his late residence, 600 Bush street, j Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery, by electric road from Twentieth and Guerrero streets at 11:15 o'clock a. m. JOHNSON— In this city. August 1, 1895, Oscar S., beloved husband of Bessie Johnson, and father of Clarence, Arthur, Irvine, Ernest, Amy, Elsie, Ralph and Franz Johnson, a native of Sweden, aged 51 years. v • KRAMER— In this city, July 31, 1895, Francis, beloved husband of Caroline Kramer, and father of Mrs. Josephine Frank and Marcus Kramer, a native of Germany, aged 74 years 3 months and 11 days.' : AST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. M., from his late resi- dence," 303 Davis street, corner Clay. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. . KRESS- In this city, July 30. 18B5," Harry C, be- loved and only son of A. H. and jennie E. Kress, grandson of the late Captain Thomas Lemmon, a native of San Francisco, aged 19 years 8 months and 19 days. KAELIN— In this city, July 31, 1895, infant son of C. and A. Kaelin, a native of San Francisco. MCDERMOTT— In this city. July 30, 1895, John, beloved husband of Mary McDermott, a native of '* New York, aged 82 years. • _SrThe funeral will take place THIS DAY (Friday); at — o'clock p. m.. * from tne par- lors of J.C. O'Connor & Co.. 767 Mission street, Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. , •.' ... McELWAIN— In this city, August 1, 1895. Mar- ■ garet, dearly beloved wife of James McElwain, daughter of Catherine and the late John Magulre, and sister of John and Mary Maguire, a native of Philadelphia, aged 30 years. j__r Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend tbe funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence, ■ 1617^_ Grove street, thence to St. Agnes Church, where a solemn requiem high I mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy , Cross Cemetery. MURTHA— Mentone, San Bernardino County, . Cal.. July 28. 1895, Frank Mark Murtha, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 34 years. J9sf"The funeral wiU take place THIS DAY ' (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. if., from the' residence of his father. John Murtha, 723 Ashbury street, thence to St. Agnes Churcn, corner Masonic avenue and Page street. Interment private. MITCHELL— In Morristown, __ J.; July 8. 1895, Catherine Lloyd Mitchell, mother of R. B. Mitch- - ell of San Francisco and Mrs. Frank H. Sellman of • Brooklyn, N. V., and daughter of Joseph Kent, I formerly Governor of the State of Maryland, in ' the eighty-flrst year of her age. . MENDELL-In San Leandro, July 31. 1895, Wil- l iam Henry Mendell, a native of Massachusetts, • aged 66 years 1 month and 17 days. PARKER— this city, July 31, 1895, William . Martin, beloved son of J. B. and Anna R. Parker, a native of San \ Francisco, aged . 19 year. 5 i months and 11 days. ' ■;■:. ' ■ : '.. *• ■ . . _6_" Friends are*J|respectf ully invited to attend the funeral services ■ THIS DAY (Friday), at 2:30 i o'clock P. M., at his late residence, 409 Broderick" street, between - Hayes and Fell. • Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. •* ROHAN— In Alameda. August -1, 1895, Intant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rohan. . ROYLE— In this city, July 31, 1895, Clara Royle, aged 3 years and 6 months. SHELL Alameda, July 30, 1895. Edward A. Shelly of 1016 Grand street, a native of Ireland, aged 53 years 8 months and 8 days. _E_" Friends and acquaintances are resnect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from St. Joseph's Churcn, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul.* i Interment ; St.' Mary's Cemetery, Oakland. - . ' TRAINOR— In this city, August 1, 1895, Julia, be- [ loved | wife of . the late Thomas Tralnor, and de- ; voted mother of Rose, Thomas and Lfliie Tralnor, - a native of Ireland, aged 57 years.' B JBfyThe funeral wUI take place TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 1 1:30 o'clock P. m.. from her late residence, --. ■ 1639 Howard - street, interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. \ ..'. TALBOT— In this city, August 1, 1895, Thomas Talbot, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aged 38 7 years. "7. -v.--""--. :>;-■> 1 1 :_ UNITED UNDERTAKERS' "r I EMBALMING PARLORS. ' 7 Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals ! at Reasonable Rates. - Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. 17 NICAVO Y< A C ALL ACH ER, I FUNERAL DIBECTORS * EMBALMERS, 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. - Telephone 3080. 7-7 . "CYPRESS .LfiWN CEMETERY. IN SAN MATEO COUNTY ; NON-SECTARIAN; laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- ' tlful, permanent > and easy of access; - see it , before buying _ burial place elsewhere. - ' ■ ________ C'itjt Office, » City HaU A,venuo. '-J 13