Newspaper Page Text
12 DEBS NOT A CANDIDATE. On Record as Undesirous of Any Kind of Political Pre ferment. OPINION OF AN INTIMATE. The A. R. U. Leader Not an Avail able Man for President or Vice- President. In one shape or another there has re cently, with other campaign gossip, been considerable talk, particularly among those political leaders identified with the labor interests, of the availability of Eugene V. Debs, president of the Ameri can Rail waj* Union, as a candidate for President or Vice-President, on some National ticket. No man in this City, or probably on the coast, is to-day closer to Debs than Harry A. Knox, who is and has always been one of the most strenuous and conscientious workers in the cause of labor. In an interview on Debs' possible candidacy he said : - When Debs was here he was one evening making an address to the union and I asked him whether he would accept the nomination for any office— President or Vice-President of the United States— and he told me he would not accept the nomination for any office from Constable to President. :_"_,_ The reason he gave was that he would lose his usefulness In the labor field, in educating the laboring classes to a proper realization of their power and their rights. My individual views are that he would not make a strong candidate for President of the United States at this -time, for the simple reason that the great, mass of the working people would think he was seeking office for his own gain and would vote against him jor that reason. I have talked with a great many men belong ing- to labor unions and they are in favor of him for President or Vice-President, but think the same as I do that the mass of working people would vote against him. But they all seem to think that if he waits four years more his chances of becoming the Chief Executive of the country will be greatly improved. I believe that as the laboring men arc to-day too many petty jealousies still exist among them to allow them to unite on any man. Judging from the past, I have come to the conclusion that within the next four years the working classes will be forced to unite on some man who is peculiarly one of them. In the next four years the working people will be so crushed down by capital that they will be only too glad to unite on some man who has "labor interests at heart instead of allowing their strength to be divided and so wasted by men ho ___*_: to improve their financial con dition at the expense of those they had pledged themselves to protect. My knowledge of Debs is such that I feel confident thai Le would be the man for the workingmen to place in the Presidential chair. I have always found him honest to the very letter. If he were a man who could be pur chased by capital he would not be serving a term in Woodstock Jail to-day. I have made Strict Inquiries from parties who are ac quainted with Debs and find that all the prop erty he possesses is a house ana lot in Terre Haute and that there is a mortgage on that. So I have come to the conclusion that he must certainly be an honest man, for the man that held the position that he did during the Pull man strike could be worth many tens of thou sands of dollars at least if he could have been purchased. So far as his qualifications for such an ex alted office go, I believe he is fit for the posi tion in every way. From his conversation and from my correspondence with him and thai of others I judge that he is certainly endowed with the requisite intelligence and education. He is something after the sort of Abraham Lin coln. He is self-educated. His people are but poorly off in this world's goods. The edu cation he has acquired he had to get by his own perseverance and industry. He has a mind of broad grasp; he is conservative and never takes a step unless he knows he is in the right and reasonably confident of success. Some people may doubt the sincerity of his protestations against being nominated tor office, but I have not the least doubt of the heartfelt meaning of every word he has said on this subject. OUT-OF-TOWN PERSONALS. Santa Cruz, Aug. The arrivals at the Sea Beach Hotel during the past week were: Mrs. A. Heidenheimer, Miss C. Rosenblath, E. S. Rosenblath, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Moore, H. F. Gould, Miss Anna Wainwright, Miss Carrie Gould, Miss Leekley, Miss Davison, Miss May Lowell, George F. Winslow and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Dodge, Miss N. 0. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Oatman, Mrs. J. E. Auzerals, Cecile McLaughlin, J. C. Sims, Mrs. G. Gray, Miss Gray, Mr. and Mrs. William S. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Buck. Mrs. C. M. Murphy, Annie Thomson, M. E. Donaldson, A. M. Thomson. Miss E. A. Thomson, Mr... James Robinson, Miss Elene Robinson. Master Port_r Robinson, J. S. Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenberg, T. R. Tilley, G. F. Herr, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Buran, Federico Horaies, T. J. Bass, A. Bnss, C. H. Bass, H. C. Houdelette and son. W. E. F. Deal, Mrs. H. Weinstock and family, Edgar P. Stone, Mrs. W. S. Clayton, Judge fid Mrs E. A. Davis, Mrs. F. P. Tnwaite-. C. C. Hoyt, Charles L. Tutt, W. H. Maverick and family, Miss W. M.Hughes, Miss Lillian Palmer, Harry A. Kalman, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Merrill, Mrs. M". B. Fife. Mrs. J. M. Welch, Miss Grace We. Miss Beatrice Welsh, Miss Maud Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kaseberg, Miss Kaseberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Coope, Miss Coope, D. Rothen bush, Miss E. A. Murphy, H. Van Dyck. Miss Van Dyck, Charles L. Tutt. B. C. Marr, Bertha L. Childs, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Denigan, George F. Buck, Allen B. Lemmon, C, L. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Homerton, Mrs. L. 1,. Baker, Mrs. Mary Fletcher Ryer, Fletcher •'. Ryer, Miss Bertha Burchbardt, Miss K. D. Harlow-, Miss Carrie Mcussdorfer, Mrs. M. L. Pratt, Miss Metta C. Brown, L. Lion, W. G. Sevenson and wife, Mrs. J. L. Ford, Miss G. B. Ford, Miss C. P. Ford.G. W. Wilson and wife, J. P. Langham, Eugene H. Hours, Miss Langhoru, Miss Alice Lan^horn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lion, Henry M. Platte, C. E. Brooking and wife, Mr. and Mrs. I. Heiman, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Beveridge, C. M. Hamblen and wife, J. E. Auzerais, I. F. Brooke, F. D. Cobb, S. J. Lubin, Morgan Hill, Osgood Hooker, W. A. Todd, Gus Lion. T. Kinaldo, Ernest Lion, A. S. Williams, J. A. Wood, C. H. Jordan, K. W. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hyland, Mrs. Alphonse Judas and child, Miss B. Hirschman, Mrs. L. H. Levy, William L. Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Austin, W. T. Sesnon, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mundy. W. W. Kauf man, Frank Krans, F. R. Harper, C. Xeibaum and wife. Mrs. Sleeker, Miss Leal f-hinglebereer. Master C. Shingleberger, W. H. Heisty, Mrs". Simon Farth, Mrs. Samuel Laven son, Miss Lavenson, J. F. Washburn, C. E. Cambaum, Dr. J. R. Curnow and wife and child, Manuel Alvarado, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Buckingham. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Schroeder, Mrs. H. S. Van Wyck, Miss Gertrude Van Wyck. Miss Acnes Simpson, A. C. Eaton, Mrs." D. Lnbin, Miss Ruth and Miss Laura Lubin. Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug. 2.— General Manager Whiting and chief engineer of the San Fran cisco and Northern Railway were here this week. Major 0. Fountain has returned from Lytton Springs. Major Woodward has returned from a holiday spent at Boulder Creek. W. H. Dobyns has returned from a trip to the mining region in Placer County. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Pressley have departed for San Francisco after a week's visit to relatives here. B. A. Eardley of Pacific Grove is visiting his brother, W. ... Eardley. Professor and Mrs. W. Hussey left Thursday for their home at Palo Alto. Mrs. Thomas Hopper left Friday for Capitola, where she will spend a few weeks recreating. The Talmape family have concluded their out ing at Bodega Bay and are again at home in Santa Rosa. Mrs. Elmont Brooks has gone to the Geysers. Mrs. E. S. Smyth and Miss Van Fleet left Friday for Pacific Grove to spend a month. Rev. David Holmes, Episcopal rector at Watsonville, is visiting his brother-in-law, County Clerk Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. M. Prince and children have returned from Bartlett Springs, where they had a pleasant sojourn. Miss England of San Francisco accompanied them. George F. King and the Japanese Con sul left Friday with a party of friends to visit the Lick Observatory at Mount Hamilton. Los Angeles, Cal., July 31.— Childs, Miss Childs, the Misses Ruth and Hortense Childs, accompanied by John Dwight of New York, whom Miss Childs will wed in the early autumn, have gone for a six weeks' stay in San Francisco and at Hotel Del Monte, Mon terey. Mrs. I. N. Van Nuys and little daughters, Mrs. S.C.Hubbell and daughters are visiting the charming resorts of Lake County. Mr. and Mrs. John F.Francis, Miss Dominpez and Miss Annie Carson (the sister and niece of Mrs. Francis) are spending a month at Castle Crags. Hancock Banning and family are also enjoying life at Castle Crags. Mr. : and Mrs. Mark Sibley Severance are spending a couple of months at northern resorts. Mr. aad Mrs. Hugh Macneil left this week for Summit Soda Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Bradner W. Lees are enjoying a few weeks in San Francisco. Gen eral C. C. Allen and Mrs. Allen have been en joying an outing at Catalina. General E. P. Johnson and family will occupy tents at Cata lina during the month of August. E. F. Hurl but and Tamil. , Professor and Mrs. Charles Frederick Holder. Mrs. R. Y. Dobbins and daughter, Dr. J. M.- Radebaugh, the Misses Dodworth. J. S. Torrance, H. S. Bent and fam ily, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Conger, Rev. R. H. Gushee, all prominent Pasadenans, have sought the cooling breezes of Catalina for the summer. Miss Helen Carver of St. Paul, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ban ning at their Catalina summer home, Descanso, for the past month, leaves on Saturday for San Francisco. ____ Pasadena, Cal., Aug. I.— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frederick Holder are at the Metropole, Ava lon, Catalina, for a brief stay. Mrs. Delia Sen ior and Miss -enter of Kensington place are guests at the Arcadia. Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter Stetson (formerly Grace Eilery Charming) aro at Santa Monica, guests of Mrs. Stetson's sister, Mrs. Mary Charming, who has a cottage there for the season. Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Macomber, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Scoville, Miss Margaret Greble. Mrs. K. C. Root and daughter Anita, Mrs. J. W. Hugus, Miss Hugus and Miss Annette Hugus are among Pasadenans spending the summer in Europe. The Mncombers were in London, the Scovilles at Carlsbad, Mrs. Hugus and daugh ters in England when last heard from. A party of youths, members of the Columbia Hill Tennis" Club, including Elisha Eldred, Lloyd Lacy, Arthur Dodworth, Charles Cole man, Fred Kimble, Robert Kimble, John Dag gett, T. Mortimer Henderson and Edward Groen dyke left to-day for San Pedro, where they have chartered the yacht Violet, and will make a month's cruise about the waters of Catalina Island. Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Dodworth are spending the summer at Coronado. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hurlbutt and Miss Hurl butt have returned to their home, El Retiro, after a month's stay at /.valon. T. P. Lukens, president of the Pasadena Na tional Back, is still in the Yosemite with his family. Catalina Island, Cal., Aug. 2.— James D. Phe lan, accompanied by Miss Ada Sullivan aud maid, are doing the southern resorts, and this week paid a visit to Catalina, leaving this morning. Mr. Phelan particularly enjoyed the fine still-water bathing at Avalon, and as a graceful swimmer led the mermaid cavalcade. Other San Francisco arrivals during the past week have included: A. B. Greenewald Jr., Max Kohn, E. Gcrlacb, M. L. Rosenfeld, Wil liam B. Daley, R. E. Miller, F. Lopez, J. P. Mee han, Miss O'Brien, Miss McFarland, Frank H. Lempe. From other northern points; Mrs. B. X. Gaily, Ojai Valley; Frank P. Adams, Stockton; Miss J. E. Harger, Ban Mateo; Mrs. M. A. Gooding, Los Gatos; Mr. and Mrs. Patten, Miss L. Jastro, Miss May .las tro, Mrs. T. Olcese, Bakersfield; Mrs. A.Boun heim and Joseph Bounheim Jr., Sacramento. V. McClatchie, propr.etor of the Sacramento Bee, arrived at Catalina last night accompa nied by his family. They will spend the month on the island. Professor C. L. Cory of Berkeley, accompanied by Professor H. T. Cory of Columbus, Mo., is enjoying camp life at Catalina. Mrs. Julia L. Ford, Miss G. B. Ford and Miss C. P. Ford of Palo Alto, are camping out at Catalina. Laurel Dell, Aug. 2.— The following are the arrivals here during the past week: J. P. Crowley, San Francisco; J. J. McKeon, Fred Westphal, Oakland; Charles E. Mooser, A. M. Lawrence and wife, Ousts. A. Behrand, Judge J. F.Sullivan and family, Miss K. M. Mihan, T. I. Bergin, San Francisco; Miss Belle Busch, Centerville; Ottis Redemeyer, Ukiah; L. C. Byce, wife and child, Petaluma: J. A. Finnigan and family, Oakland; Waldie J. Simpson, L. J. Fox, J. J. Carey, Effie Morrison, San Francisco; J. E. Stoner, Belvedere ; J. Mallon, L. Berstan dig, S. Berstandig, San Francisco; Blm Ander son, Anderson Springs; H. Kemp, Albert Weber, San Francisco; Andrew G. Meyers and wile, Fred .Tone, C. M. Dooling, Tim Dooling, Sites; Miss Maud Wilson, Miss Gertrude Wilson, Bachelor Valley; James Shattuck, Ukiah; J. H. Landreth and wife, Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE ofthe San Francisco Call/— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every right in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, corner day: open until 9:30 o'clock. 889 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until r o'clock. 2CI B Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. CHI'KCH NOTICES. |^-^~FIRST BAPTIST _:___fß__i_rF_Dß_^Tn i-fr-*^ near Jones— Rev. M. P. Boynton. acting pastor. Services Sunday, August 4, 1895 : . Preach- ing by the pastor at 11 a. m.: subject, "The Power of the Cross.'' Communion after morning sermon. At 7:30 p. m.. topic, "A New Army and an Old Fight." Baptism at evening service. Sunday- school at 12:30 p. m. Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. __ Young Men's Meeting Monday evening, 8 o'clock. All these services are open to the public. Strangers are welcome. SIMPSON MEMORIAL METHODIST _-l-""»^ Episcopal Church, corner Haves and Bu- chanan streets. Rev. A. C. Hirst. D.D.. 1.L.D., pastor; residence, 313 Broderick street. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. M. The pastor will preach at both services. Subject for the morning: "The Chariot of Fire." For the evening: "Seekers After Evil, or Dangers to the City.'" Sunday-school at 12:45 p. m., C. B. Perkins superintendent. Ep- worth League services at 6:45 l". m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Seats free; ushers in attendance. The public cordially invited to all the services of this church. ££_■"*■§■-• HOWARD- STREET METHODIST llrAS' Episcopal Church, bet. Second and Third sts.— Rev. Dr. W. W. Case pastor. The pastor will be assisted by Miss Anderson, the Swedish evange- list, who will preach in the morning on ••The Queen of Sheba," and in the evening on "The Scarlet Line in the Window." Sunday-school at 12:30. Young people's meeting at 6:45 p. m. French Orphanage entertainment on Tuesday evening, August 13. An extraordinary programme will be rendered by some of the best talent ln Northern California Admission, 25 cents. ft.3***-- MOUTH CONGREGATIONAL ___»-*»* Church, Post street, between Buchanan and Webster— Rev. W. D. Williams, D.D., pastor. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. M. Sunday-schools, 9:30 a. m. and 12:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Morning sermon: "The Whole Family.'' Evening sermon: "The Boston Convention; What It Was. What It Means." * 5K5?» ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ii-AS' corner of Calitornla and Octavia streets- Rev. D. Hanson Irwin, pastor. Services tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Rev. J. E. Scott will preach at both services. Sabbath-school at 9:45 a. m. Young People's Society of Christian En- deavor at 6:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening a' 7:45. All made cordiaT,- welcome. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. bSs^FU N E R A L~N c___iFolT'rSs__; la-*^ nia Commandery No. 1, Knights Tem-"-jS?^ Officers and members are hereby noti- t_\__gl fled to assemble in the asylum on SUNDAY, ml August 4, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose ▼ of attending the funeral of SIR CYRUS W. JONES. By order of SIB REUBEN P. HURLBUT, Em. Commander. Sir Hiram T. Graves, Recorder. fflt^P EXCELSIOR DEGREE I^______ll_____ li—-' Lodge No. •>. 1. O. O. F. — Regu- __*_JW_S___. lar meeting THIS EVENING. Sec- _=£**iB__?J_ ond degree will be conferred. - ,7.ii\'*"> ■ WM. E. LANE, D. M. »rgS=» OFFICE OF HONEY LAKE VALLEY llt-AV Townsite Company. To the stockholders of the Honey Lake Valley Townsite Company. 'iy 'f 'irffWilW^l-lrtmUMT 31' _H *" The regular annual meeting of the above-named corporation not having been called er held at the time specified for said meeting in the by-laws of said corporation, and no time thereafter for the holding of said meeting being provided for in said by-laws, or ordered by the Board of Directors of said corporation, and the annual election of a Board of Directors of said corporation not having taken place on the day appointed therefor In said by-laws, and no day thereafter being provided for by said by-laws, and said election not having been adjourned to or ordered by the Board ot Directors for any other day, and the owners of more than a majority of the shares of the capital stock of said corporation having culled for a meeting of the stockholders thereof for the purpose of holding the annual election of a Board of Directors of said cor- poration : mM-iuM win muUhw^bjU--- A meeting of the stockholders of said corporation is hereby called, to be held at the office of said cor- poration, Room No. 69. Columbian building. No. 916 Market st., San Francisco, California, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of August, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of holding the an- nual election of a Board of Directors of said cor- poration, and for the transaction of such buslnsss as may regularly come before said meeting. By order of the President. < .. WILLIAM B. LAKE, Secretary. 953r- WALDECK SANATORIUM— THE AN i*-* 4 "** nual meeting of the stockholders of the Wal- deck Sanatorium will be held at 404 Eddy st. on THURSDAY', August 8, at 8:30 P. m. By order of J. S. POTTS, President. ; C. E. Cooper, Secretary. \}Ess* THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING Ox-Ay of the Pacific Coast Dredging and Reclama- tion Company will be held at the office of the com- pany, No. 15 Stuart St., San Francisco, Col., on TUESDAY, the 6th day of August, 1895, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of trustees to serve during the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come be- fore the meeting. M.J. MADISON. Secretary. C!t-3Sr* OFFICE OF THE GERMAN SAVINGS «"___", and Loan Society— The annual meeting of the stockholders of the German Savings and Loan Society will be held at the office of the society, No, 526 ' California street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, on MONDAY*, the 12th day of August, 1895, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the election of a board of . directors to serve for the ensuing year, and ' the transaction : of such other business as shall legally come before the meeting. geo. xoii.N V, Secretary. _ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1895. MEETING NOTIOES-Continue-d. CE^S*- REBEL CORK BENEVOLENT SOCIETY i_»^=^ will hold their ninth annual picnic at Shell Mound Park, Berkeley, on SUNDAY, August 4, 1895. -; Games for old and young. . Prizes will be awarded to the winners. Also a large amount of gate prizes, one of which Is a New Domestic Sew- ing-machine,' now on exhibition at Deasy Bros. Shoestore, 875 Market st. Music by the Emmet Guard Band. Professor McCarthy, the celebrated Irish piper, and a -class fiddler will furnish music for jig and reel dancing. _ Adult 3 tickets, 50 cents; children under 12 years, 25 cents. Boats leave ferry, foot of Market st., every half hour. A good time guaranteed and a hearty welcome to all. jj!t_3s=> TO TH STOCKHOLDERS OF THE llrAy . Honey Lake Valley Land and Water Com- pany, a corporation— regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the above-named corpora- tion no: having been called or held on the day up- pointed for said meeting by the ' by-laws of said corporation, and no time thereafter for the holding of said meeting being provided for by the said by- laws or ordered by the board of directors of said corporation, a meeting of the Honey Lake Valley. Land and Water Company Is hereby called to be held on the 3d dayof August, 1895, at 2 o'clock M-, at the office of said corporation, rcom 69, Columbian building, 916 Market st., San Fran- cisco. Cal., for the purpose of holding the , annual election of a board of directors of said corporation and for the transaction of such business as may regularly come before said meeting. A. L. BANCROFT, Owner and holder of 1070 snares of the capital stock of said corporation (by CURTIS HILLYER, his attorney-in-fact) ; THEO. Z. HARDEE. Owner and holder of 49,930 shares of the capital stock of said corporation, to-wit: Of that stock evidenced by certificates Nos. 29, 30, 31 and 34, formerly standing on the book* of said corporation in the name of FRED W. LAKE trustee. San Francisco. July 19. 1895. SPECIAL notices. ibES^aTcohol^^ **<& 17a sixth St., room 1. FRANCES BERN- HARDT rf_**_"""-» MISS DAVIS, MANICURE AND Vr-a7 chiropodist. Parlor 9. 122 Post st. H_rS-> — BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR .4. SS^sV Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St.. room 6, Tel. 6580. n^S"- CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; ___r3B r nopain. Chiropodic Ir .Itute, 36*^ Geary. rj__^-> ROOMS WHITENED, .1 UP; PAPER- SE""-^ ed _3 50 up. 309 Sixth. George Hartman. SITUATIONS . WAN TED- FEMALE. _IERICAN WOMAN WISHES SITUATION* as cook ln American family; can give good references. Apply 1313 Stockton st. T ADY, WOULD LIKE A POSITION* TO WORK XA in exchange for self nnd husband's board. Ap- ply or addresa 217 Eddy st. __^ C.OLOKED WOMAN WOULD LIKE WASHING /' at home or day's work. 33 John St., bet. Powell and Mason. WOMAN WISHES WORK BY THE DAY, '» either washing, ironing or housework. Call at i 17 Erie, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. WOMAN WITH 2 CHILDREN WANTS Sl'l'U- TT ation in country. Call 163*4 Silver St., near Fourth and Bryant. ■ "I\7IDOW DESIRES IT lON* AS HOUSE- '» keeper or companion to elderly person; refer- ences. D. A., box 81, Call Oflice. WIDOW OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE xx situation as housekeeper: lodging-house or widowers family. Room 7, second floor, 1035 Market st. ' YOUNG SPANISH GIRL FROM SANTIAGO X. wishes sewing by the day. 27 Taylor, room 3. OSITION WANTED BY A COMPETENT housekeeper not afraid of work; city or coun- try- ; best of references. Call at room 230. Golden West Hotel. TYLISH. DRESSMAKER, GOOD CUTTER 0 and fitter, would like more engagements: $1 25 aday: fit guaranteed. Address D., Sixteenth and Mission sts. WANTED, BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, SlT- xx nation as waitress or second girl; sleep at j home; would take care of children; can be well recommended by her last employer. 1309 Leaven- I worth st. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS 1 housekeeper. Call at 11 Kearny st., room 27, first floor. ADY WANTS POSITION AS HOUSE- keeper. Call at 21 Turk St., rm. 9, after 10a. m. N EASTERN WIDOW OF REFINEMENT J\ would like any kind of sewing: satisfaction guaranteed. Call at room 2, first fiat, 119 Ninth st. C~ OMPETENT STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE- writer wishes position: experienced and capable In all branches; wages secondary. Address C, box 31, Call. ■ "FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER WANTS EN- -T gagements by the day; terms $160. Address 631 Post st. • f ERMAN WOMAN* WANTS WORK BY THE vJT day washing, honing and housework: refer- ences given. Call 664 y Minna st. YOUNG DRESSMAKER DESIRES GENTS' X. suspenders and mulllers to embroider toorder. MISS GRAYSON, room 78. 105 Stockton st. R~ ESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS SITUA- tion ln small family to do plain cooking and washing. Call or address 333 Jessie st. OMAN WANTS SITUATION IN BOARD- ' » ing-house In country or on ranch to do cooking and general housework. Call or address 233 Third St., near Howard. CAPABLE WOMAN, WHO IS A GOOD COOK, housekeeper and all-round worker, wishes posi- I tion in city or country. Address Housekeeper, 553 Mission st. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS .1 housekeeper for widower or bachelor. Room 23. 132 sixth st. \y 1 DoW WOULD LI KEf a position AS TT housekeeper. Call 1027 Market St., tip floor, ■ room 8. j p OMPETENT WOMAN WANTS SITUATION j \J In country hotel or ranch to do cooking or gen- eral housework. Call or address 27"/s Fourth St., j room 2. ; A MERICAN GIRL WANTS A SITUATION I xx to do upstairs work and take care of children; !or would like a position as chambermaid. Address I F. S., box 107, Call Office. Middle-aged: lady (widow), compe- tent, best of references, would like care of an invalid or position as housekeeper. Address W. L., box 65, Call Office. A * UNO GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO X second work or take care of children. Apply 6 Hopeton terrace, off Washington st., bet. Powell and Stockton. YOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION AS TYPE- X. writer. Call 706 Ellis St., room 3; ring 1 bell. IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHEB SlTUA- tion to do general housework; is good cook; good city references. Call 746 Mission st. SITU ATIONS WAN TED-MALE. A__R?_^W'_____^ competent young man and wife without chil- ] dren; wife to do cooking: man as foreman or to do work pertaining to dairy in any other capacity. j Address FRANK MILLER, Pacific Hotel, San Jose, Cal. ISHTO WORK IN A WHOLESALE STORE or drive a delivery-wagon. JOHN GOFOERT, i 860 Howard St., city. V" oTTNO MAN OF GOOD EDUCATION AND address wishes a situation in any kind of honor- able employment. Address E., box 9, this office. YOUNG MAN. HOLLANDER. SPEAKING JL French, German, English, wants place as Inter- preter or guide; wishes to go to any part of the world. Address E. C, box 69, this office. ITUATION WANTED BY A SINGLE MAN; an expert stableman and experienced driver; understands care of fine carriages and harness; an intelligent man who can be generally useful and furnish good references. Address Ot, box 36, Call. 1 7-YEAR-OLD BOY WANTS WORK IN A J- I restaurant in the kitchen. Apply 60 Third st. V NEAT YOUNG COUPLE, GERMAN children; man handy with tools, first-class around horses, buggies, garden, also farmer; wife good housekeeper. Adiress M. F., box 20, Call Office. ■ ■ . BARBERS-FIRST-CLASS BARBER AND haircutter wants a situation. Address F. H.. box 118, Call Office. YOUNG MAN WITH TOOLS WANTS WORK -J- 1 or 2 days ft week to clean house or to take care of lawn or garden. Address G., box 91, Call. i \ ROCERY CLERK-YOUNG MAN 88 WOULD VJT like posi'ion in srocery -store; best references. MILLER, 1037V2 Market st. ARPENTER WISHES POSITION BY DAY V,' or month. Address C. M., box 80, this office. ITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN to work in bakery or kitchen or as competent cook. J. 8., box 120, Call Office. SITUATION AS COACHMAN BY MAN WHO thoroughly understands care of fine horses and carriages and gardening; best of references. M. H., box 113. Call Office. , VfAN AND WIFE: NEW ENGLAND PEO- -1»L pie; man understands care of. horses, cattle and grounds; good , driver; wife competent cook and housekeeper; good general worker: 3 years' California s reference: city or country. Address N. F_., box 81, this office. WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN. POSITION tt in office or store, or. as collector: willing to start at low salary. Address MARS, box 38, Call. .IDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS EMPLOY- ment where work ls not heavy; _ some experl- ence nursing. Address M. A., box 85, Call Office. WANTED— POSITION TO WORK IN STORE as porter or drive delivery wagon; well ac- quainted with city; references. . Address N. LIN- TON, 547 Minna st. . . . ; v:^ OH. 'ATION WANTED BY A SOBER AND k_ reliable gentleman, who is a graduate ,of ; a business college; can speak French and English; used to hard work; any kind of honorable employ- ment; best of references. , S. W., box 112, Call. " COMPETENT MAN ABOUT PLACE: THOR- o ughly understands the care and driving of horses; good gardener; canmilk: handy with tools; best of references. Address A. 8., box 148, Call. J A PANESE, • STRONG BOY, _ ANTS - posi- tion to do cleaning; store or saloon or chamber- work. GEORGE, box 67, this office. "yOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION OF ANY X kind; good driver; understands horses; < city or country; low wages. R.. box 151, Call Office. *.■•_*.■■« SOBER. MIDDLE-AGED MAN, WANTS WORK in private family : _ good • plain 1 cook ; used to horses and garden; useful in general; used to car- penter's _ tools. Address J. W., corner First ' and Webster aw., Oakland. * .- ■ SITUATIONS . WANTED— Continued. o_______n___7E_x^ WOULD LIKE ' . situation: thoroughly understands care of fine horses, carriages, etc., arid Is a good driver: refer, encea: city or country. Address CM., box 2B, Call. SITUATION AS COACHMAN : BY YOUNG Englishman: thoroughly understands the care of first-olass horses and carriages: good reference; city or country. Address A. 8.,' box 85, Call. •*y OUNG . MAN OF 18 . WOULD : LIKE TO JL learn the grocery- business. Call or address G. Rl LEY, 1025 Natoma at. 1 {".-YEAR-OLD BOY WANTS A PLACE ON A J-O ranch. Address G. L., Call Branch Office, 530 Montgomery at. * -•".-'•' ■■'■-' ' " .' BARBERS: MARRIED MAN, , IS . YEARS' city experience, wants position; 15c shop; will wait for a good place. 723 Golden Gate aye. BICYCLE-REPAIRER WANTS SITU AT lON. _M. WARTMAN, 220 Seventh st. "\TEAT REFINED YOUNG MAN WANTS PO- -»-' | sition as coachman; city or country; has 10 years' experience with best of reference; is sober, steady and industrious. Address Coachman, 13% Madison aye., city. O ITUATION WANTED BY FIBST -CLASS O painters; all kinds of painting and repairing done good, cheap and reasonable; by contract or by day. Address Painters, box 155, Call Office. YOU NO ENGLISH GENTLEMAN WELL X. work free on fruit ranch in consideration of liv- ing with family; Santa Clara Valley preferred ; highest references given. Address box 88, "Mer- cury" office, San Jose. ' SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN- O American 38 j-ears of age; understands gar- dening; take care of horses; can milk; reasonable wages. Address Postoffice. North Temescal, near Oakland. Cal. - ■ ■ ' . FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED— E N ell IRONER, $20: French second girl, $20: nurse, grown chil- dren, $20; nursegirl. hotel, city $12; French cook, $20. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. IRST-CLASS HOTEL PASTRY COOK AND baker, city, $40; shlrt-ironer, Troy machine. must be experienced, country; German or Scandi- navian for general housework, $20; German second girl, $20: waitress, hotel, near city, $15: experi- enced invalid's nurse, country, $20: numerous places for girls for light housework, take care of children, $10, $12, $15. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary. } EXPERIENCED WOMAN SHAMPOOER -A and rubber (not a hair shampooer) for Turkish bath in the country: good pay to the right person. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary at. _v . : EXPERIENCED, MIDDLE AGE FRENCH nurse, care for two children near city, $25. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. ■ WAITRESS FOR THE COUNTRY, $20. C. J[» R. HANSEN A CO.. 110 Geary st. Vy ANTED— 2 GOOD LAUNDRESSES FOR T» private families, $30 each; French nurse, 2 children, $25: Protestant cook, country, $30; 50 good housework gills, city and country, $25 and $20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. VArAITRESS, COUNTRY, $20; COOK, SMALL xx hotel, $20: chambermaid, city, $15; waitress, wash napkins. $20; chambermaid, assist. $15, and girls for housework. R. T. WARD A CO,, 610 Clay st. HAMBERMAID, ASSIST WAITING, CITY, $15; invalid's nurse, $20: young girl to wait on invalid, $18; girl for housework, country. $15, fare paid; waitress country hotel. MURRAY A READY, 634-636 Clay st. \y ANTE ENGLISH SECOND GIRL, $25; »' German or Scandinavian cook, $30; cook for 10 men, $25; 4 cooks, German style, $25 and $30; French nurse, $25; German second girl and nurse, $20: 2 cooks restaurant and boarding-house. $25 and $30; 3 waitresses hotel and restaurants, $18 and $5 week; starched ironer, $10 week, and girls for housework. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 312 Sutter. COOKS, LAUNDRKSSES, CHAMBERMAIDS, general housework girls, nurses, housekeepers (city and country), girls, can secure reliable situa- tions of all kinds by applying to MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ERMAN WOMAN OR GIRL, HOUSEWORK, Spenceville, $25, fare paid. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. OUSEWORK GIRL, OAKLAND, $25, SEE lady here: second girl, $20, country. see lady here. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. HOUSEGIRL, BERKELEY, 3 IN FAMILY. $20:3 girls, short distance in country, $20; girl, 15; 2 second girls, city, $20; cook, $25; 2 housegirls, $25; 2 girls. $15. 332 Geary at. ERMAN NURSE, $25; COOK AND SECOND girl, $25 and $20; German girl, 2 in family, $20: cook and nurse, Alameda: second girl, city; cook, $40. MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Market st. WAITRESS, COUNTRY HOTEL, $20. HOTEL TT GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. - " - . *\y ANTED— A FRENCH OR GERMAN GIRL tt desiring to go to Europe who will take full charge of an infant in return for her passage; must have first-class references. Address immediately, L. H., P. O. box 2685, city. ■ TV" ANTED— SCANDINAVIAN OR GERMAN '» girl for general housework, cooking and wash- ing. Call bet. 9 and 1 Saturday, 2028 Scott st., bet. California and Sacramento. ANTED— WOMEN AND GIRLS TO WORK TT on fruit. Apply CODE, ELFELT A CO., Tenth and Bryant sts. -..■••• ~ GIRL - COUNTRY, TO DO WASHING and cooking; four in family: wages s2o. Apply 18: .2 Bush St., bet. 9 and 12 a. m. TRONG YOUNG GIRL FOR COOKING AND laundry work for a short distance in country. Apply 17 Sixth St. GE 11 M AN~GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- work; one used to children; wages $12 to $15. Call 3004 Mission St., near Twenty-sixth. V" OUNG GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSEKEEPING. 1711 Washington at. ANTED— EXPERIENCED COATMAKER; girl. Fifteenth and Clay sts., Oakland. "yOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEKEEP- X. Ing. Particulars at 424 Sansome St., room 4. IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND CARE of 2 children. 3012% Sixteenth st. QTRONG. REFINED YOUNG LADY FOR k_ medicated baths. 121 Montgomery st., room 6. IRt.; SMALL FAMILY'; WAGES $12. 2527 l_r Gough St.. after 10 o'clock. PPRENTICES TO LEARN DRESSMAKING, Including tailor cutting. MME. GREEN, 236 O'Farrell st. OUNG LADY' WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work and companion for young widower. Ad- dress W., box 3, Call Office. ' IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND T cooking; American preferred. 1516 Broadway, near Polk st. UTTONHOLE OPERATOR WANTED ON cloaks. 1228 Market St., M. SIMINOFF. , SWEDISH HOME EMPLOYMENT - OFFICE. 11% Antonio street, off Jones, near ElliS, I'jVRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- . made suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllister st. "JVfAN AND CHILD WANT GERMAN LADY 1 _L for housekeeper: good home. - Address M. L., care of D. L. Haas Co., Napa. RESSCUTTING AND DRESSMAKING— Ladies, I am sure it will interest you to know that the McDowell Is the standard system of dresscutting throughout the world, having received the highest award at all the New. England State Fairs, first and highest at the World's Fair, Chicago, and on y system receiving a gold medal in California; easy to learn, most rapid to use; now is the time to get" ready for business: patterns cut to order, 25c; dressmakers furnished to shops and families.^ McDOWELL DRESSMAKING ACAD- EMY, 213 Powell st., San Francisco. GARMENTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED -JT without trying on; call and test. Lawrence Cntting-school* 1231 Marketst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- tIngand making school tall branches. 702 Sutter. MALE HELP WANTED. ty A TED— IO .fo~WOR X ~A B OU T~A TT brickyard, $25 and found; 5 laborers for lime kiln; also farmers, milkers, cooks, waiters and dishwashers. . W. D. EWER A CO., 626 Clay st. ~_IAA AAA REDWOOD TIES TO CUT, 10c' tti'U.UUU each; : 4 woodchoppers for amine, $1 25 per cord; 10 woodchoppers. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay at. GARDENER FOB PRIVATE FAMILY; blacksmith, $40 and found; butter-maker; 5 farmers: 10 laborers. MURRAY' <fc READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. HOTEL WAITERS, 25 AND $30: 4 EXTRA waiters, $1 60 a day and railroad fare paid; ex- tra cook. $2 50 a day: 3 hotel cooks, $30 to $50: 3 dishwashers. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. -v.---;, WANTED-CARPENTERS AND PAINTER for Central America, part fare advanced; 15 laborers for mill and woods, $20 and found, and $1 50 and $175 a day: wheelwright, $35 and $50 ; and found; tiemakers, good Job; chorehoy for coun- try's and found: experienced laborers for brick- yard, $25 and found: waiters, country hotel, $20: extra waiter, and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. 1 , -. W ANTED— IS EXPERIENCED HANDS FOR » » ' brickyard, $25 to $30: 1 Japanese boy to wash dishes, $5 a week; waiter. $20: butler, $40; dish- washer, $20, etc. i_ ANDRE, 316 Stockton st. T A BRICKYARD MEN. $25 AND FOUND: 2 J-U carpenters, country, $2 day: 4 laborers; lime quarry, $20 and board; cook, small country hotel, $30: night cook, country chophouse, $30; barber, country shop; cooper, piecework. R. T. WARD A CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. SECOND COOK, COUNTRY > HOTEL, $40; dishwasher, country hotel, $25; si archer for laundry, $10 week. C. R. HAN SEN; & CO., 110 Geary st. \. v- ' ■ ■ ' ■-■.■■-'• :: .; -;■ . ■-■ /HAMSTER FOR RAILROAD WORK: FREE fare. j C. , R. ; HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary at. 2 HANDS, BRICKYARD, $26 A MONTH and board ; 16 teamsters, $26 a month , and board : 5 laborers, $1 60 a day : 15 laborers, $1 a day and board: 5 strong quarry hands, f 1 75. 51 Third St., room 31..,'; , ..--.-•■ ,-.■ .^-■..~; ; -: - -.. • .■-.. ■ ■' .-■ COOK, $66: SECOND COOK, f4O; SAME COUN- L try hotel. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny at. STENOGRAPHER IN A LAW OFFCE. AD- dress, stating experience and salary expected, Employe, box 58, this office. ; ,;. GOOD * BUSHELMAN WANTED AT KA- PHAEL'S, 9 Kearny st. . ; GOOD .BOOTBLACK WANTED AT 1193 Market st. " "■"'•■.. v >: :'.''■■■■• -.'■'".'■■■,■.". DI SH W A SHER AT 1218 POINT LOBOS AYE., near Geary-st. carhouse. C. HARTMANN. • FIBST -CLASS COOK:. MUST BE GOOD ON short orders. 43 Second at. - "HELP WANTED— Continued. 11_^___d^a^goodTbarber for SATUR- day and Sunday. 1317 Stockton st. ■ '•- ANTED - GOOD BARBER FOR SATUR- day ; chance for steady. . 1314 Dupont st. OOD BARBER FOR SATURDAY' AND SUN- day. '.: 605 Mission St., near Second. OOD ba rbei-^sat urdXy AND day. 007% Hayes. " ' BARBER WANTED; YOUNG MAN STEADY. 427 San Pablo aye., Oakland. ___________ BARBER FOR SATURDA - SUNDAY. 519 Fourth st. ; - - ■ ■ BARBER TODAY: .3 AND BOARD. APPLY 412 Folsom st. * ' ■ ' - : BARBER FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 105 Fourth st. ■.:..■•- .•'.-• BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY. 1303 Dupont at. ' __________ BARBER WANTED. 2612% MISSION ST., near Twenty-second; 70c on $1. ' "LjARBER WANTED. 137 FIFTH STREET. ARBER WANTED: SATURDAY AND SUN- daj-. 431 Montgomery aye. - BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. ELDERLY* MAN IN KITCHEN; SMALL wages. 444 Brannan st. . i ANTED — LUNCH WAITER. 2775 SIX- " teenth st., near Howard. CANDY-MAKER; ALSO AGENT. APPLY" 903 Twenty-third st., corner Mission. l_»OY TO LEARN TRADE. 419 FRONT ST. MERICAN OR GERMAN BARBER-SAT- nrday and Sunday, on percentage. 530% 3d. Ty ANTED-FIRST- CLASS CARRIAGE WOOD- -11 worker. LARKINS A CO., 636 Howard st. ty ANTED— PARTNER WITH $100: SOME- •■" thing entirely new, nothing like it on Pacific Coast. Address, with stamp, 771 Howard, room 13. WANTED — MEN TO SELL OUR GOLD- lined signs and name-plates; can be read In the dark; something entirely new. 771 Howard St., room 13. _ ARBER-SHOP FOR SALE IN CENTRAL hotel. Apply Saturday and Sunday. 530*% 3d. ANTED-FOR MEXICO AND CENTRAL " America, a traveling salesman of experience, who is thoroughly familiar with the Spanish lan- guage; application in own handwriting: references. Address C. A. T. Co., box 67, Call Oflice. BOOKKEEPER WAis TED— SALARY $75 PER month; must be competent double entry, not over 35 years old; American: home here: active. Address Active, box 100, Call Office. SEAMEN FOR EUROPE. HONOLULU AND all parts of the world. 103 Montgomerj* aye. V OUNG BOY TO WASH DISHES. 739 J- Fourth st. ANTED— FIRST-CLASS WOOD-CARVER. VAN WART'S, 631 Sixth St. BUTCHER-SHOP: GOOD BUSINESS. B. BASCON, 435 Bush St., near Kearny. WANTED-STOUT BOY TO LEARN BLACK- smithing. 218 Eighth st. BARBERS— 3 CHAIRS: lOC. SHOP; $140. 432 Ninth st., cor. Broadway, Oakland. ARBER-SHOP TO LET. 1521 HYDE ST., corner Pacific. "ty AN'l ED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE »' their wages to place accounts with u_ ; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Suiter, r 4. ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANIC'S to know MUZART, 319 Ellis, nearTaylor; 100 large rooms: 25c night, $1 50 week: very cheap. HAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO "" st.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day; $1 a week: meals. 10c. GENTLEMEN WANTED TO TAKE SUNNY Ul furnished rooms from $1 up. 545 Mission st. 001 ELLIS, ROSEDALE-ROOMS :_sc TO 50c xJmiL a night; $1 to $3 a week; open all night. ATTENTION— 10c A 15c NIGHT, GOOD A clean rooms. Railroad House, 533 Commercial. "I A A MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT THE NEW JLUU place, 717 Howard St., near Third; best in town; 1 5c to 50c per night. HOES SOLED 16 MINUTES; WHILE"YOU wait; half usual price. 959 Howard, 409 Pine. 1" f-REE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS 1 for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. INDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— single furnished rooms, 76c week, 16c night. OX-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY —'J at 44 Fourth St.: no humbug. OUCAN GET A WHOLE PIE AND CUP OF X coffee for 5c at the new restaurant, 635 Clay st, Vy ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP TT steam beer, sc: bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. EN'S SHOES %-SOLED, 40c: HEELS, 25c; done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny st., basement. UTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; done while yon wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 562 Mission st,, bet. First st. and Second st. ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; fl week; rooms for two, 25c a day, f 1 60 a week; readme room* dally papers. 36 Clay st. Vy ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS ™ to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. 1 AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 J-UU and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. EST IN CITY-SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; $1, f 1 25, $1 60 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. RY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room: 25c night; $1 week. A AA PAIRS MEN'S 2D-HAND SHOES, SOME _tUU nearly new. 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st. AGENTS WANTED. PEND .fifALF THE^ our new map of California that you do telling hard luck stories and you will make money. WILLSON& CLARK, 3 Hardie place. CANVASSERS IN THE COUNTRY' FOR siphon filters: new novelty. Call from Bto 10 a. m., 314 Montgomery st., room 6. S" OLICITORS; ENERGETIC LADIES OR gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- cident insurance; salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity Company. 206 Sansome st. : NY MAN OR WOMAN CAN MAKE $50 PER week, sure: best sellers on eajth: ornamental, useful, necessary: everybody buys them. ALUM- INUM NOVELTY COMPANY, 1508 Market st. SALESMAN— DRUG TRAD SIDE LINE OR otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State St.. Racine, Wis. 4 GENTS EVERYWHERE THROUGHOUT __k. the United States can make from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest California invention; everybody buys it; grand success in San Francisco; county rights free. Address CALIFORNIA PRO- DUCTION CO., 328 Seventh St.. S. F. WANTED TO-DAY-2 LIVE CANVASSERS to introduce horse and stock book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. ROOMS WANTED. VVJ^__TEdT3 _STJI_NY HOUSEKEEPING TT rooms: furnished; west of Van Ness aye. and north of Post st. P. L_ box 90, this office. — —— _______ — m_______________________m___m __— ________ __p_^ — _____ m. FURNITURE WANTED. ASH PAID FOR F ifRNITURE I-" ANiTmeB chandise. L. H. BURD, Auctioneer.lo Fulton. HG. KRASKY, CARPETS^ PICTURES^ . folding, iron beds, furniture: low prices; Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. STORE WAN 1 ED. ~~ ANTED— SMALL ST^E WPI^2 LIvYnG-- rooms: rent not over $10. A. 8.,b0x7, Call. PROPERTY WANTED. A__^____^-3Mal_Ll_^^ 2 flne flats. SPECK'S, 602 Market. .-■..--■■>-■■■..- -~~ WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. K"______7_o_r__lXT__fl-ICPA^^ for clothing, books and jewelry: postal. STORAGE vy i lson bros., mo^_Xir____f^___r_EKT^ " Get our rates for storage of furniture, pianos, trunks and all kinds of household goods: separate locked rooms, dust and vermin proof, at low rates. Telephone south 762. _ S TORAGE; FURNITURE, PIANOS, MDSE; advances. LIEBES 8. W. CO., 906 Market, r. 4. TJ*URNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- J: chandise received on storage; money ■ advanced on consignments; fireproof building. 410 Post st., TORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- boId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Marketst. THIRST-CLASS STORAGE; ADVANCES MADE T 421-423 Market at. Cn AS. L. TAYLOR. — — — mmmmmm — "^^ — mmm FINANCIAL. A~~~__LR__CTl__rv__>lG7__^^ __sSi6n__and -rL middlemen's profits; borrow direct from loaner: no removal: low rates: dealings private; no delays; installment payments can be made; .loans on pianos or furniture in Oakland or San Francisco ; open evenings. .J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission St., above Sixth. ARTIES HAVING MONEY TO LOAN IN X small amounts of $200 to $2000 can place it through us, free of : charge, at 8 per cent interest ger annum, payable semi-annually, secured bj- first mortgage on improved real estate in San Fran- cisco, the titles to which ; are , guaranteed, by the California Title Insurance. Company." We make this liberal proposition in order to meet the de- mand for small loans. Advise us of the amount you wish to loan, and we will submit ! the I security for your approval, vA. F. JOHNS A CO., financial agents, room 9. 632 Market at., San Francisco. . attorneys- at-law. : dv____TTi____T_h^oi__^^ j\- laws !_>! speciality; suits, superior. Justice and Police Couris: terms reasonable; collections, etc G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 860 Market.cor.Stockton J" OHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, R& - 16 and • 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. -Or W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW.42O TT . California at., rms. 14-16; advice iree. PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC; ____^Xnr___?T~OF PIANOS. All fully warranted for five years. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. 2 Steinways— Baby grands, used slightly at con- certs. ■ ■•.-. . . .- '"■'.'-'■■■■'' 2 Steinways— Uprights, large size, nearly new. 1 abler— Parlor grand, same as new. 1 Bradbury— Upright, large size, ebonized case. 2 Mansfeldt A Notni— Upright, walnut case, good as new. - 3 Esteys— Entirely new, but styles not in their latest catalogue. 1 Gabler— Upright, walnut case, nearly new. 1 Gabler— oak case, large size, nearly new. 1 Emerson— Upright, walnut case, large size, sample piano. '-- 1 Emerson— Upright, walnut case, smaller size, sample piano. ' . _i"- V- -1 Emerson— oak case, sample piano. 1 Howard & Co.— Upright, walnut, small, taken In trade. 1 • Howard A Co.— Upright, mahogany, large, bronze panels. 1 Upright, walnut case, new, but discon- I tinued style. 1 Pease— Upright, rosewood case, has been rented. 1 Nugent— Upright, mahogany finish, good tone and action. 1 Kranich A Upright, small, used about 3 years. - . '-'-. . 1 Weber— Upright, German manufacture. 1 Cornett— Upright, rosewood case, excellent con- dition. 1 Cornett— Upright, walnut case, large size, good tone. 1 Marschall— Upright, thoroughly renewed at fac- tory. Call early while assortment is large. SHERMAN. CLAY A Co., Piano House, corner Kearny and Sutter. • WM. G. BADGER WITH KOHLER & CHASE, U 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ; INE STEINWAY' TO RENT; $3 A MONTH; J privilege of buying. 1019 Van Ness aye. (* STEINWAY AND CHECKERING PIANOS; j U upright and square: little used; all in good | order; $125 up. BOWERS A SON, 23 and 25 sth. j LADY' FOR CED~TO SE I .ll a R ELEGANT upright piano offers it for what it will bring. ! Inquire 809 Market St., room 12. dginnn bab^ grand; standard .DxUUU. make; beautiful instrument; make offer. Room 12, Flood building. AN ELEGANT NEW UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale at second-hand price; must, be sold. Call on A. H. BREED A CO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. ANTED — PIANIST OF STANDING - TT play Mechanics' Fair. HEINE, 40 O'Farrell. NCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY; HEMME A LONG Piano Co. (established 1875), 340 Post st.: on installments; send for catalogue. pENTING PIANOS; LARGE AND VARIED XXj assortment; tuned free. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO.' Piano-house, cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. "L-LEGANT UPRIGHT, GOOD AS NEW, AT J-i MAUVAIS', 769 Market st. GEORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLER A A CHASE. . ■ FEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD ! makes, almost new, half original cost; see at j once. F. W. SPENCER A CO., 721 Market st. BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOHMER, j Newby A Evans, Briggs and other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED; __> grand tone; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. SUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD ANEW H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. TECK, CHICKERING A SONS., VOSE AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENj. CURTAZ <fe SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLEB A- CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell St. DECKER BBOS.. STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER A CHASE. 28 and 30 0 ' .anvil st. HORSES. TF"*_OtTw ___ : T"T^^ X attend special auction sale at Grand Arcade Horse Market, 3-7 Sixth st., Saturday, August 3. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, auctioneers. . - A(\ HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS xU buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, Auctioneers. "I (\(\ SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL lv" kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sta. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES.; I^6r~SALE-ON E-_l6____riEs_____SS AND ' stand complete. . SW. cor. of Broadway and Eleventh st. '• . ,"v .. "J" AUNDRY, BAKERY, peddling wagons XJ yery cheap: also a top buggy. 870 Howard. SEWING MACHINES. EWING-MACHiNEsT RENTEI. $1 50 PER month; all kinds repaired; machines sold from $5 upward.- 1368 Market at. . *. " ': " fflj Ol) NEW WHITE MACHINE ; DROP LEAF. ______________________ drawers, cover, attachments. 205 Fourth, KOE SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. I"7c_-I_ALE • bay, best in the market; will deliver ton lots at Fourth and Townsend for $7 60; medium grade $6 75. Address M. C, box 92. this office. Of. AAA CLEANED BRICKS: CHEAP. sm\J.\J\J\J Bluxome, bet. Fourth and Fifth, or 64 Silver st. -.-;..•.. ' "ITUNE MILK GOAT; CHEAP. 416 SHOT- £ well, near Eighteenth. OR SALE— GOOD ROADHOUSE, TOP BUGGY . and harness, cheap; 1 new billiard-table com- plete, price $250, will sell for $100 cash. S. J. SALMON, 2121 Shattuck aye., East Berkeley. Tj"OR SALE TO BE REMOVED— GOOD .1 house; 9 rooms and bath; 2404 Mission st., nr. Twentieth. E.R. LAWSON. OMBINATION BILLIARD AND POOL TA- ble for sale cheap. 11 Pacific st. AMBLER BICYCLE FOR SALE CHEAP. XX 116 Geary at., Oakland Saloon. DIAMOND RINGS, PINS, EARRINGS, STUDS half store prices; gold watches, any make, for weight of cases. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. LL TYPEWRITERS RENTED. ■:-■■ -i including SMITH PREMIER. LEO E. ALEXANDER A BRO., 218 Sansome st. FIVE PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $100; $25 singly. 326 McAllister st. ILCH COW FOR SALE IN GOOD CON- ditlon. T. HURLEY, 230 Douglass st. CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY GAS FIXTURES. H. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. WILSHIRE SAFE, LETTER-PRESS. SCALE, coffee-mill ana money-till: cheap. 102 Clay st. \j-_-S. __________ CHEAPER THAN BECOND- -■1 hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co.. 12 California st. COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought and sold 1121*/_ Market bet. 7th and Bth BBSS ""^^ ______________ mmm *^ _— _■ ■ ■ 1 1 EDUCATIONAL. ~ ISS IvIOO-RF-S _-_____J-LNG al__T^day school, 515 Haight St.— French taught with- out extra charge; facilities for studying music, art and languages; term opens August 5,1896. . OWENS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AYE., Berkeley, T. S. BOWENS, M.A., Principal. | ENGLISH LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY '' class or private. MRS. EHRMAN, 1234 Bush, j OITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BURLING A ME. i San Mateo Co., reopens Aug. 6. IRA G.HOITT. ; BOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMB tic taught 6 weeks :course $30. 5 Stockton st.,r. 5 I OCAL TEACHER JOSEPH GREVEN IM ' T proves and beautifies even spoiled voices, and ! procures positions to his pupils. 82 Ninth st. "VTIOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, CORNET. i V taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 225 Geary treasonable. ILLS COLLEGE AND SEMINARY. WRITE _r_", for catalogue to MRS. C. T. MILLS, president, Mills College P. 0., Alameda Co., Cal. Next term begins August 7, 1895. ..., PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY SCIENCES bldg; thorough commercial A English training. SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MEISTER, kj schaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. AO. ECKMAN, PIANO STUDIO, 205% . Gougb at.; assistant teacher for beginners. IGHT SCHOOL; HEALD^S~B COL- lish- 1 .!• rau_i 8t B*':8 *' : commercial > shorthand, Eng- "UELASCX.)'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTINO- JJ Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 & 12. 1. 0. o.£. block, 7th and Market. CHOOL ELECTRiCA__rcivTITMINING, ME- k_ chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 Mkt! QTIEHL'S_ SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS _.* College, 723 Market st.: diploma course $30. : _R____^VH__ Ranches, taught by miss ■■-« DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46: private or class. ■"PARR'S INST., 659 MARKT-BOOKKEEPING x taught in 6 weeks. We pledge ourselves to keep free for 6 months books our graduates fall on.__ TTEALD*S BUSINESS~COLLEGE. 24 POST xx Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, . electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly taught. -Write for catalogue- i LOST. ; POLLY LOST*7i_f^Ai^FORNIA ST., NEAR A. Leavenworth. Return 3 Golden court; reward. ost~a PASSBOOK WITH THE h i be i a Savings • and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of MARIE SAUFER, No. 1**1,518. The finder will please return to the bank. . • LOST- A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of AGNES E. CARNEY, No. 107270. The finder will please return to bank. T OST — SATURDAY EVENING, GOLD -IJ watch; initials O. A. S.; chain with cross; $20 reward. - 627 Larkin St. . ' TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. FOR BEST VALUE GE-_"__-___L_ol__l'__fTT last longest and does bestt work. United Type- writer and Supplies Co.. 413 Montgomery st. ..,.•. v T YPE WRITERS, SALE AND RENT. HANSON A CO., Chronicle Bid*., room 38. I personals. G~~aT__^_____kTh____^ . the trouble is. • ■M. C. ENGINE VAPOR ELECTRIC baths" vJT usual prices and hours. 121 Montgomery st ' rooms 5 and 6. "' BESSES MADE FROM $3 UP, SKIRTS U from 75c; fit guaranteed. 559 Stevenson .-t. O RICH WIDOWS AND SINGLE LADIES- To ; those who wish to marry, but fear to meet with a man who would spend "their money and J. would make them unhappy, as often it happens and for that reason prefer to remain single, I beg to inform them thai I am willing to marry a rich woman, and my greatest desire is to make mv wife one of the most happy women in the world. I am not possessed of wealth, but 1 am rich in character to live with a woman. lam 40 year, old, but will marry a woman of any age. Any who desire to make my acquaintance will please address me. J H. ROY, San Francisco Postoffice. LECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS. 120 ■/_." Geary st., room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1- for- merly 121 Montgomerj', rooms 6 and 10. CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABINETS. i O full length. C'oden's Art studio, 10 sixth st. TJ'LECTRIO AND MEDICATED BATHS. 121 XIA Montgomery St., room 6: hours 10 to 10; $1. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE .ix laws a specialty ; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law. 860 Market, cor. Stockton. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD GOLD and silver. M. GRACE. 230 Kearny st., fourth floor, room 6: elevator 3 Hardie place: postals promptly attended. ' T> EMOVAL NOTICE - WIDBER'S DRUG** It store, located for 28 years at Third and Market streets, has removed to 14 Ellis street, where cus- tomers will receive the same attention and service as formerly. Physicians' prescriptions a;specialty. Popular prices. • T ADIES TO LEARN HAIRDRESSING, MANI- X.J curing, face treatments, and make cosmetics. BUTLER'S, 131 Post St., room 20. 4,10 SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. tJrl__s NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny. OHN 3. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, O magnetic, massage treatment, alcohol, oil and Roman baths. 1007 Market, rooms 2 and 3. FINE SUITS, $16: DRESS PANTS, $4 75. Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. HIGHEST PRICE PAID LADIES', GENTS', children's cast-off clothing. I. F., 15 Ross at. ADIES— FOR TAILOR-MADE SUITS. JACK- ets and capes at wholesale prices, 1152 Market St., bet. Turk st. and Golden Gate aye. R. C. E. FARNUM HAS MOVED TO THE Nucleus building, cor. Third and Market sts. HAS. L. SHEAHAN, 224*/, FIFTH— PAINT- ing, paper-hanging and whitening at low rates. ______-_-_--_____. _ __ ONE MORE CCT^ Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers .......From $10 up Oak Bed Sets .17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums — 30c up Stoves and Ranges .......$3 up --, Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. f Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, . 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. AIRDRESSING. 25c, ANY STYLE: _________ lished in 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ, 11l Stockton st-: strictly one price only. COURTS: PRIVATE LAW MATTERS. LAWYER McCABE, 1027 Market: advice free. "I (ifiCi BUSINESS CARDS, $1.00; SENT FREE, I.UUU city or country. HILL, 724*/ a Market st. RESSES CUT AND FITTED, $3; DRESSES popular prices; engagements by day. 11 Geary. IGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothing.books. novels. RAPHAEL, 247 4th st. WHITEWASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH work; **4c yard; contracts taken. WAIN- WRIGHT, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired. INGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail : try it. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. OLD BUILDINGS ''BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pip% etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., nr. Eighth. SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-10 2 3 Mission St.. above Sixth. CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT mfrs' cost. Factor 20 Sansomo St.. upstairs. AS FIXTURES AND PLUMBING. «__i Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. MEDICAL L "Sadies- "chYchesteivs " eng£_ish*_-_n- n\-roj-al . Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best; safe, reliable; take no other: send 4c, stamps, for . particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by retur .% mail; atdruggists. Chichester Chemical Company,-** Philadelphia, Pa. ■■ _____' A SURE SAFE CURE FOR ALL, FEMALE A disease; a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital; consultation free and confidential: a J" 1 positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco ' habit; every case guaranteed without Injury to health. MRS.. DR. GWY'ER, 311 * 2 Hyde st. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what causs; restores always in one day; If you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician -.knowledge can be sent&usedat hometall cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. LL LADIES INT ROUBLE CONSULT FBEE MBS. DR. SCOTT, formerly of 110*/ 2 Turk, now 118 Eddy st., the only reliable specialist in San Francisco: $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause; special attention to dis- ease of the eye. AILLARD'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER falls to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. Price $5. Agent, EDWIN W. JOY", Powell and Market sts., San Francisco. ADIES. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. EM ARY ; sure cure. 6 Franklin, cor. Market. LADIES' LAVENA REMEDY THE ONLY safe: guarantee preventive; absolute privacy. Call or address LAVENA CO., 22 Kearny St., a F., Ist floor; hours 1 to 5, 7 to 9. D~ RICORD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE FOR LOST manhood: general weakness: three bottles $5. STERN BROS.,druggists, sole ag'ts, 111 Grant aye. HE LIGHTNING RHEUMATISM CURE for chronic or inflammatory rheumatism best remedy on earth; price $3. MARTIN Remedy Company, 2231 Mission st., S. F. AUDET'S~APHRO" TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, impotency, and all disorders of the sexual organs: $1 a box : 6 boxes $5; send for circular. WIDBER'S Drug Store, 14 Ellis st., sole agent. ALL FEMALE- IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in one day: no instruments: French remedies guaranteed at any time; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post st., near Larkin. ALPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 60 express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland. Cal. DU-PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. RICHARDS A CO., druggists. 406 Clay, sole agts. ALL LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR." DAVIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause; treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never falls; home in confinement. DR RICORD'S PILLS ; EXPJtI ESS $2 50 : SAFE, sure, reliable: Ricord's specialties, females. Malson et Cie, Agts. ROOT'S. Sixth and Howard. MRS. DR. WEGENER, PRIVATE" HOME for all female diseases; separate homes for la- dies before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; Ir- regularities cured in a day : guaranteed ; no instru- ments; regular physicians of long and success. practice; travelers attended; no delay: all business**! strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. ' DR. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, next Hibernla Bank: diseases of women. . ATICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT IN at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS, M. PFEIFFER midwife, 2014 Folsom st. . IF IRRK-l LAP. ANY __________ DISEASE JL see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254t/_4th. CLAIRVOYANTS. ISS MALVINA,^ AMERIcTvN CLAIR VOY- ant and magnetic healer. - 766*t_. Howard st. ME. MOREAU-GREAT AND uNLY "_!_. dium ;give her a calhfee 25c up. 131 Fourth st. RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM. LIFE-READER; ladies, 25c: gents, SOc. 164 Tehama, off Third. URLD-RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT AND planet -reader._MMK. NORMAN, 995 Market. MRS. TEST MEDIUM, BBANNAN st.: fee $1. PBESENT, PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. LEGETTE, 311 Tehama st.: upstairs. EON, PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT. LlFE- reader, 533 Post: h'rs 10 to B daily ; and Sunday. UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE-TELLER; magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling: develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm: fee 81 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRITUALISM. TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT:IOc. MME. YOUNG." 605 McAllister; articles read. CIRCLE TO-NIGHT AT MRS. COLBY'S. 122*/_ Oaks..: sittings dally. f. A, i- ON "BUENA VISTA" FOR ADVICE; VJ ladles only. 105 Stockton St., office 6. MRS. HER RUM, MEDIUM, HAS REMOVED from 16 Turk st. to 35 Turk. --■_.-. : ; '■/■■ ASTROLOGY. ~™ ~ a STRAL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEAR V -ex. at.; horoscopes, questions, stocks- advica - v.. - PHYSICIANS.^ ~ ~ W HEUM -NEURAL g7_7~g7"__T^SPE- • - _". cial attention to these diseases. J. A. _IcDON- ALD.MD., 1236 Market st., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P. M. A HOME, AFRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. X_. MBa D&. FUNKE. 1416 Eighth St., Alameda.