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10 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Silver unchanged. \ Wheat declining. Barley weater. Oats, Corn and Rye dull. Buckwheat nominal. • - - Hay in diminished receipt. Less straw corning in. Bran in good supply. Flour unchanged. Beans weak and dull. Fotatoe* and Onions easier. Vegetables in pood supply. Another advance in Butter. - Eastern Eggs higher. Cheese firm. | Car of Eastern Poultry In. Fresh Fruits unchanged. Newj'runes being slaughtered. • Nnts and Raisins nominal. Honey neglected. Provisions as before. 'Hides and Leather quiet. Wool dull. Tallow unchanged. Men; quotations about the same, Grain Bags weak. Canned Goods dull. - Coffee quiet and firm. Linseed Qll dropped 7 c WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. United States Department or Agbicoi/- TrBF. Wkathkk BVtLtAV. San Francisco. August 14, 1895, 6 p. m. — Synopsis and general forecast. The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date as compared with those of the same date last year: Eureka .11, last year .02: Bed Bluff .16. last year .02; Sacramento .04, last year trace: San Francisco ,01. last year trace: Fresno trace, last year trace: San Luis Oblspo trace, last year .00: Los Angeles trace, last year trace; San Diego .00, last year .00: Yuan .01. last year .45 of an Inch. The following are the maximum temperatures re ported from California stations for to-day: Eureka 68, San Francisco 63. Red .Bluff 100. San Luis Obispo 80, Pan Diego 73, Sacramento 92, Indeper. dence 94. Yuma 106, Fresno 102. J/OS Angeles 82. San Francisco data— Maximum temperature 03, ; minimum 52. mean 58. The pressure is highest to-night in the Mis- . souri Valley and lowest in Southern Oregon and Southwestern Arizona. A slight depression is cen- | tral in Southern Oregon, which is causing westerly , winds and cloudy weather along the coast of Cali- i fornia from San Francisco northward. The tem perature has remained nearly stationary south of Oregon, bat throughout Oregon Washington and Idaho there lias been a considerable rise, and this *-xtends eastward throughout Montana. It will probably grow slightly cooler in Northern Califor nia to-morrow. forecast made at Han Francisco for thirty hours ending midnight August 15, 1895: For Northern California— Fair: except foggy and cloudy slon? the northern coast at right; nearly stationary temperature, except probably slightly cooler at Sacramento; fresh to brisk westerly : ■winds along the coast and southerly in the Sacra mento Valley. ■ For Southern California— Fair, nearly stationary temperature: fresh westerly winds along the coast. I For Nevada-Fair; nearly stationary tempera- I ture. For Utah— Fair: probably slightly warmer. For Arizona— Fair: Marly stationary tempera ture. For 6aa Francisco and vicinity— Fair: except - fogey and cloudy at night and Thursday morning: | nearly stationary temperature: brisk westerly winds, probably becoming hi^ii in the afternoon. "\V. H. Havimox, Forecast Official. >:ew yoiik. markets. NEW YORK. N. V.. Aug. 14.— Speculation at I the Stock Exchange continues tame, neither tha , gold exports nor the operations of the bond syndi- j cate in replacing the meta! taken by the coffee im- } porters and bullion dealers seeming to have the | slightest influence on the market. Up to date the i professional traders have been utterly unable to ; dislodge Ion:: stock, notwithstanding the somewhat vague talk of another bond issue and the steady shipments of gold accompanied by rumors that the j movement will continue until the crops begin to come to market. To-day 400,000 gold was ' taken from the sub-treasury for export, but the syndicate immediately turned in $1,650,000, which I brings their contribution to the Government's gold serve this week up to $3,000,000. In addition to the gold shipments there was talk of unfavorable weather in the corn belt. W3SB The semi-official announcement that no meeting Of representative of the anthracite coal companies I was contemplated at this time also operated against the hulls on stocks. It will be remembered that the coalers rallied sharply yesterday on rumors that the presidents intended to 1 old a con- j ference at an early date In detail, the market ; opened steady after whi'h American Tobacco, Jer sey Central, the Grangers. Sugar and Northern Pa- i cific preferred declined anywhere irom % to '~\-t percent. Tobacco, Lackuwanna and Jersey Cen tral made the greatest losses. General Electric was sold down ti/ a to 3»jS' on the announcement that the negotiations between the company and the WestJngboase had been broken off. Distilling and Cattle Feeding moved up to 82*4 an( receded to | 21V4@%- I .The market closed weak and Vi@l 3 A per cent j lower on the day. Total sales were 147,238 shares, i Including 21,400 Distilling and Cattle Feeding, ; 18,000 Burlington andQuincy, 14,700 Tobacco and j 10,900 Reading. Kail way bonds were quiet and generally firm. There was no particular feature to the market. Sales were 51,102.000. Missouri Pacific cousol 6's rose 2% to 101 % and St. Paul, M. A M. 2's to 122: Milwaukee. Late shore it Western Extension 6's fell 3 to 110%, and Louisville A Nashville (Pensacola and Atlantic 6's) li a to 112. These were the most impor:ant changes. The Mercantile Safe Deposit Company reports bullion on hand 212,229 ounces, ctfs outstanding 212. Grain and Merchandise. NEW YORK. N. V., Aug. 14.— Flour, quiet; generally lower. Winter wheat— Ix>w grades, 92 50@3 10: do fair to fancy, 93 10@3 60; do patents, $3 60@4 10 Minnesota clear, $2 65@3 25: do straights, *3 15@3 50; do patents. S3 65te-i 40: low extras, $2 Do@3 10;' city mills, 94@4 25: do patents, 9 4 40@4 65. Southern flour, dull, weak; common to fair extra, *2 10@2 90; good to choice, ? 3(553 65. Cornroeal— Dull, steady; Yellow Western, $2 75® 2 85. ±<ye— Dull, firm: State and Jersey about 67c. Wheat— Spot market more active for export; weaker. No. 8, red. store and elevator, 70J4c; afloat, 721,4 c; ». o. h.. 7! 5 ; ungraded red, 66iiji7 io: No. 1 Northern. 73 ! /ic. Options were fairly active and Irregular, closing" at %c lower, on easier cables, weaker Western and local liquidation. September and December most active. No. 2. red, closed: May, 76% c: August, /4 .c: Septemoer, 7iy±c; October. 71340: December, 733/gC. Corn — Spot less active: steady; No. 2, 473,4 c elevator: 47»,ic afloat. Options were fairly active at i-i'S--';^ decline on local realizing and following the west, closing weak, with suot and May most active. September closed at 43% c; October,' 42y 8 c: May, 37% c. Oats — Spot dull, firm: options firm: quiet: August. 241,4 c; September, 23% c: October, 24c; ay, 1 - 2 c >pot prices: No. 'i new, 25c; No. 2, White new., 28c No. 2. Chicago new, 2534 c: No. 3, new, 24 %c; No. 3, White new, 26% c: Mixed Western, 25(<528%c: White do, and Unite Slate, 24y s @35c Moderately active; firm. American, »i: 50@14. Copper— Firm. Lake, Sl2 25@12 30. Lead— Quiet. Domestic, $3 50<&3 52%. Tin— Quiet. Straights, *14 15: plates, steady, quiet. Spelter— Quiet. Domestic. $4 10. Hops— Quiet, easy. State, common to choice, 3@Bc: Pacific Coast, 3@Bc. London market un changed. Moderate demand, firm. Domestic fleece, 16<&22c: pulled. is@, 4c; Texas. 10(<al4c. .Lard — Dull, weak. Western steam closed at $6 3~i/i: city, $6 05@6 10: September- closed, §6 35 nominal: refined, quiet: Continent, $6 75: to. A.. $7 15; compound, 48,i@5i4c. Pork — Easy, moderate demand. Mess, $11@ 11 50. , Butter— Active, less steady. Dairy. 12@18%c; do creamery, 20c: Western dairy, 9%@13c; West ern creamery, 13@20c; Western factory, 8y 2 r a, 12% c: p;igins. 20c: imitation creamery, ll@lsc. Chtese— .Moderate demand. Fancy, firm: State large, 5%@73/ 8 c ; do fancy, li4@3y 8 c: do small, 6(o.BVs c : part skims, 2(o»5c; full bkiins. iy 2 *is,' Be.8 c. ' Kjjts— Quiet: unchanged. " Tallow— Scarce, strong; city, 4Vic bid; country, 4s/ B @4%c: Cottonseed oil— Dull: nominal. Rice— Firm: fair demand; domestic. 4V4@6c: Japan, 4^.41/ijC- Molasses— fair demand; j rices unchanged. Coffee— Steady; unchanged to 10 points down; September, $15 35; October, 15. 45; December, $15 20: March, $14 95. SpotJßl). quiet, steady ; No. 7. IBV4C Sugar— Raw. quiet, steady; fair refining, 3c: cen trifugals, 96 test. 3 5-16 c: refined, steady, more active; off A, 4 l-16@43/ c; mold A. 4 11-16@4%c: standard A, 4 7-16@46/ 8 c: confectioners'- A, 4 6-16 @4V2 c; cut loaf and crushed, 1 5 l-16@5i.4c: pow oered, 48 / A ®'l 16-16 C; granulated, 4 7-16@434.c; cubes, 4 11-16@4%c. . ' CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, l ix.. Aug. 14.-A small-sized frost scare for North and South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin lifted the price of wheat shortly after the opening this morning, but upon deliberation the crowd was unable to explain exactly what harm would result from the light freeze. Some went so far as to state that frost, if not too severe, wou-Id be a benefit rather than an injury. At the begin ning of the session prices were not firm, but the weather predictions gave some strength to the market. Later the absence of outside trade afford ed professionals an opportunity io reverse \ the course prices were taking, and thereafter an easy sentiment became prominent. Liverpool cables were steady. Receipts were licht at 51 cars for Chicago and 88 in the Northwest. Withdrawals from store amounted to 199,541 bushels and 56, --«S6 bushels cleared at the seaboard. Closing Con tinental cables were -.Irregnlar.' Eradstreets 1 re ports a decrease In the world's available stock of 1,300.000 bushels. After the noon hour the mar ket was weak and slow, at the close a moderate re covery from the inside being notert. September . wheat opened from 66% cto 66Vi@G63/ B e, sold be tween 6 55/ 8 e and 67y B e, closing at 6b©a6V6 c, 34c under yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow 87 cars • . . Corn started higher although wheat was lower. The frost predictions were more alarming to corn ! . _ - - ' ; traders than those in the liner grain. Buying was rather shatp for a time, but the fears of "reports were soon allayed and .the market evinced more sympathy with wheat. Cables were quiet and firm. Receipts were 393 cars and 171,921 bushels were taken from store. Export clearances amounted to 251,769 bushels and New York reported ten loads sold to-day for shipment. September corn opened at 38c, sold between 38% c and 37V±c: closed at the inside 34 of a cent under yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow. 683 cars. Oa s— The buying Of oats was fair this morning, the theory being that, as corn was displaying a somewhat better tone, oats would be helped there by. Prices did advance some, but they were with out substantial support, and when the other grains began to lose ground, oats also turned weaker. Re ceipts were 137 cars and 230 are estimated for to morrow. There was nothing taken from store. September closed unchanged from yesterday, the entire range being only »/« of a cent. ■" - - Flax was firm. Cash Northwestern, $1 10; Southwestern, $1 09: August. $1 08: September, $1 06%; October.:i!l 05y 2 @l 06y 2 . Receipts were 64 cars. Provisions— Selling was in better repute than buying in provisions this morning. Hogs were still in 'a degenerate state, prices at the yards being quoted at 6@loc lower, with everything slow and weak. Packers were good sellers of product early and their example was followed by the general traae. There was but an insignificant recovery be fore close, September pork closed at 22y 2 c lower, September lard 2i/a c lower and September ribs 10c lower. Closing prices: Wheat— August, 63V g c: September, 86c; Decem- Der,6B%c; May, 731/8 - Corn— August, 373 4 c: September, 37V±c; Decem ber, 313/gc: May, 32i/ic Oats— August, 1914 c: September, lOV&c: Octo ber. 195 v: May, 23Vic. • Pork - September, $9 30: October, $9 37%; January, $10 o*l j. Lard — September, $6 00; October, * 6 02%; January, $6 00. Kibs— September, $5 55; October, 95 60; Janu ary. $5 22%. Butter was unchanged in value, but a slightly easier feeling prevailed. No difficulty was experi enced disposing of extras, but other grades re quired some effort to effect sales. Quotations were unaltered. Eggs were barely steady. The recent high prices have encouraged shippers, in consequence of which the supply to-dny was largely in excess of the de mand. Fresh stock gold at HV3@>l2c per dozen. Money was 4ia>4 /2 per cent on call and 5@5% per cent on time loans. New York Exchange was sold at 10c discount. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS. 111., Ang. 14.— The re ceipts of cattle for the first half of the week have been much larger than for last week during the BBine period. Prices to-day were lower for com mon and medium Kinds, while choice beeves were firm. The general trade in hogs was dull. Packers were not taking many, and the demand from ship pers was not at all good. Prices averaged 10c lower. Large arrivals of sheep caused weakness In that market. Cattle — Receipts, 18.000: common to extra steers. S3 75@6: stockers and feeders, $2 30® 4: cows and bulls. $1 25@3 75: calves, $3 60(g> 6 75: Texans, $2 2a@5435; Western Rangers, $2 60 ©4 95. Hogs — Receipts, 18,000: heavy packing and shipping lo r. $4 35@4 70; common to choice mixed, $4 30,®4 80: choice assorted, $4 90@5 15; light, $4 50@5; pigs, $5 10@5 15. Sheep — Receipts, 17,000; inferior to choice, $£©3 75; lambs. ?3@4 50. CALIFORNIA FKl'lT SALES. CIIICAGO. 111., Aug. 14.— The Earl Fruit Com pany sold California fruit at open auction to-day as : follows: Pears— Buerre Clairgeau, $1 26@1' 40: Bartlett, $1 60@'2 00. Peaches — Susquenanna, r>.":c^sl 05: Orange cling. -$1 'JO; Crawford, $1 05. Prunes— Hungarian, 80c; Fellenberg, $100. Grapes— Tokay, $1 00@l 85; Rose de Peru, 80c; Muscat. 95c@$l 25. NEW YOKK, N. V., Aug. 14.— California fruit: Oranges— Nominal. Pears— Bartlett, $1 40@l 75. Peaches— susquehanna, $1 15@1 85; L. Crawford, 51 15@95c: Crawford cling, $1 10@l 05. . Plums— Bradshaw, 65@55c: Columbia, $1; Yellow Egg, 95c; Purple iiuane, 95©tf0c. Raisins — 3-crown spot, 314 c; Prunes, 4c; spot, 4*4.'<£ a-, jc. NEW YOKh STOCKS. Bonds* Exchange. Money and Railroad shares. Money on call easy at l@iy a last loan at l%and closing offered at 1%. Prime mercantile paper, 4@ 4%%. Bar silver, 66% c. Mexican dollars, 631/4 C. Sterling exchange is easier, with actual business in hankers' bills at $459y 4 f<44 893,4 for 60 cays ami 1 S4 90i/4@4 90 for demand. Posted rates, $4 90® j 4 91. Commercial bills, *4 88yi@t 89. Govern ment bonds quiet: State bonds steady; railroad bonds generally firm. Silver at the Board was dull, CX.OSIXO STOCKS. Am Tel & Cable.... Norfolk & West.... 3% Atchfson..*'. l^Vs 1 Preferred l3i/ 4 Preferred 31 ; North American... 634 Adams Express. . .147 Northern Pacific.. 434 AMon.Terre. Haute. tt2 Preferred I"7* American Express.ll3 Northwestern 1011^ AmerlcanTobacco.llo Preferred 145 Preferred 112V4N. Y. Central 10134 BayStateGas iai/t N. Y. Chicago&S.L 16 Baltimore & Ohio.. 64 " Ist preferred 71 Brunswick Lands.. -2 2d preferred 30W Buffalo, Roch &P. 22 N. Y. <t N. H 201 V 2 Canada Pacific... 52 N. Y. & New En?. 57 ,-■ Canada Southern . 56 X. Y. Susq & W.... 12 Canton Land 60% Preferred.. 30 Central Pacific .... 18ViOntario 81/2 Ches. A Ohio 20% OntariO& Western. 17i/* Chicago Alton 158 Oregon Improvmt. 10 Preferred 170 I Preferred 35 Chicago, B. <t Q 89y 8 Oregon Navigation. 24 Chicago «£ E. 111... 52 Oregon Short Line. 8i/ 8 Preferred... 102 Pacific Mail 285 /5 Chicago Gas 69 % Peona, D.dt Evans. 63/. Cleve& V usburg.l63 Pittsburgh W pfd. '31 Consolidation Coal. 32 Pullman Palace... 172 Consolidated Ga5. .142 Quicksilver 3 C. C.C. <t St. Louis. 48% Preferred 19 Preferred 93 (Heading 18 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 36y 2 RloGrande&Westn 17i/i Preferred 92 Preferred 40 Cotton Oil Cert 2.M/ 3 Rock Island.. 79 Commercial Cable. lss &Ogdenll6 Del. Hudson 130% 5t. L. &S. W 714 Del.LackcfcWesternlGlV^. Preferred../ 16% Denver&R.G......l4lV2 | St.Paul 70$ Preferred 47 1,4 Preferred 128 j Distillers yiVjlSt. Paul & Duluth. 28 . I General Electric... 363/ ! Preferred .81 1 Erie K:<,s St. Paul «fc Omaha.. 4114 ! Preferred 20 Preferred 119 ' Fort Wayne 162 Si. P. M. tfc M 115V4 j - Northern pfd. 125 'Silver Certificat.... 67 Green Bay Va Southern Pacific... -25V* I Harlem 260 (Southern R. R 13V 2 i Hocking Coal . 3Vi Preferred 40?/ s I Hocking Valley... 24% Sugar finery... 113% Homestake 23 ; Preferred ..." 103 11. <fc Texas Cent-. '-'% Term. Coal & Iron. 361.4 Illinois Central 90y 2 Preferred Oh lowa Central ... 10y 2 Texas Pacific 121/s i Preferred 36 iTol. A. N.Mich. I*4 j Kansas* Texas.... 17S/ 8 xol. <fc Ohio Cen.... 45 Preferred B*% Preferred.. 78 Kingston* Pern... 3 lol.St. Louis &K.C. fl^i ' Lake Eric & Westn 26*4 Preferred 16 Preferred 81 | Union Pacific...... 13 Lake Shore 160 (U. P.. Den. * Gulf. 51/4 National Lead 34»4 L.S. Cordage ls/ 8 . I'referred 92 I Preferred • 2V«j Lou™ Island • 85y 3 ' Guaranteed 6 Louisville * Nash. 60V2 : U. S. Express...... ' 41 . Louisville Na&Ch.. B%IU. S. Leather 16 Preferred ' 26 I Preferred *<33/« Manhattan Consol.ll63^ U. S. Rubber 401/* Memphis <t Charls. 15 j Preferred '..... 93y» Mexican Central... ll%UtJca&B. River.. 150 Michigan Central. .loo jWab. S. L. & Pac. 9 Minn AS. L ; Preferred 21*4 Preferred Wells-Farco/ 108 Minn. * St. L com. 21% Western Union.... 98% Ist preferred 821/2 Wls Central . f43/ 4 3d preferred..... . 49% Wheeling Al* E.. 16% Missouri Pacific... 373/ s ' Preferred 521.4 Mobile* Ohio 24% Am Cotton Oil pfd. 7414 Nashville Chatt.... 70 |\V U Beef 10 National Linseed.. 29 Vi L I Traction 15% N. J. Central 104%' CT.Ofil NO BONDS. US4s, reg 112 IM X T2d5....... .. 63% Do, 4s coupon... 11 2141 Do, 4s. A. 881 a, U S 4s new reg.....1213 /i |Mutnal Union 65.. .110 Do, 4s coupon... 1213/ X j Cent Gen 65.. .117 Do. 2s Northern Pac Istß.ll7i/i Do, 5s .......115 I Do, 2d5.... ...;... 102 Vi Do, 5s coupon... 8 ! Do. «d 5 ........... 73 Cherokee 4s, 1896. 10t)4 Northwest Consols.l4l-% Do, 1897 IOOS4I Do, deb 5* 110»/I Ho, 1898... ...... .100*4.0 RAN 15t5......111% Do. 1899 100S/iSiL<fclronMtGenss 84 • Pacific 6s 0f '95.... 100 St L* 8 F Gen 6s. 110 D. C. 3-6 5s 110 ISt Paul Consols ...126% Ala Class A 4 109 St. P. C. *Pa lsts.llß% Do, Class 84, 55. 108 ! Do. Pac Cal i5t5..1145/ 8 LaConsoUs.. 98% Southern R. R. Bs. 97 Missouri funding.. Texas Pacific firsts 931/ a N Carolina con 65. .125 Texas Pac seconds. 29 Do, 45...:.. 102 Union Ist of '96. 107 . So Carolina 4 1/38... 106 West Shore 45..... 107 Term new 35....... 90 . Mobile A Ohio 45.. 673,4 Va funding debt... 633/4 n UrancieWest lsts 76% Do, reg Ches A O 55..... 111 1 ! Do, deferred 65... ' 81/4 Atchlnon. 45.. ...... 80% Do, trust rents st 6 Do. 2ds A. .33 Canada South 2d5.. 108 OH As A 65... .105 - On Pac lstsof 95.1 Do. 2d 7s. .:...'. 103 Den AR G Ist 116 H A Tex Cent 65.. 110 • Do, 4s 87% Do.con6s .108 Erie 2ds. .;■.'.:.;.... 65 Reading 45. ........ Biy. Kansas Pa Consols "'£ Missouri Us 100 Ks Pa Ists Den divlO9% , . sTOBsTIOB MARKETS. WHEAT IN LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL, Esq., Aug. 14.— spot market is lower at 5s 4%d@ss 6d. Cargoes are quiet at 27s 10y d August-September shipment. . futubes. The Produce Exchange* cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 9 Red Winter: Aug ust, ss*4S4d; September. 6s sd: October, 6s s Via; : November, 6s 53, id; December, 5s 8 1 / id. BKCnKITIES. LONDON, Ejjg., Aug. 14.— Consols, 107%; sil ver, 30% d; French Rentes, 102f 35c. EXCHANGE AND BULLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 day 5......... — $489% Sterling Exchange, sight — ' 4 90% New Yoj-k Exchange, 5ight..:...;.. — : , 02% New York Exchange, telegraphic... —' ■ 05 Fine silver, spot, ounce — , 663,4 Fine silver, 30 days — - 66V« Mexican D011ar5...................... 63% 64 THE SAN FKANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. PRODUCE MARKET WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT FREIGHTS— Spot chartering is dull at the nominal rate of 33s 3d asked. The chartered wheat fleet in port has a registered ton nage of 26,000, against 21.600 tons on the same date last year; disengaged, 7840 tons, against 82, --000: on the way to this port. 372,200 tons, against 224,800. ■■'■ . ; . • <<■■--'.' .-,. ••■ \\ HEAT— The Grain Committee of the Produce Exchange has adopted • the following Wheat j standards foV the current, season : ■No 1 White, 60 lbs to the bushel; Milling. 6Dy 3 B>*; No. 1 Sonora, 61% lbs. ' Exports of Wheat (and flour reduced to wheat) from this port during the first 7 months Of 1895 were 8,029,000 ctls, valued at $5,269,000. against 4,1fi3,u00 ctls at $4,203,000 during the same time In 1894. In volume the Wheat export 'trade this year to date is the largest since 1891. Wheat is lower all over the world and the ten dency is still downward. No. 1, 95c '$ ctl: choice, 96V4(g>97 11 1 /2 Cf. ctl; lower grades. 86@92- l extra choice fo* milling, fl@l 02Vi ctl. . * CALL BOARD SAT.X*. ' Informal Session— lo o'clock — December— 3700 tons. $1 02%; 100, $1 02%; 200, $1 02%. May- 100. $1 09**. KKiirun Morning Bksstox— December— 4ooo ( tons. 91 02%: 500, SI 02%; 200, $1 083/ a. May— loo, $1091/4; 100, $1 09y 8 : 500. ?1 09; 100. $108%. afternoon' Siwston — December — 500 tons, $1 02V2: 1000. $1 028/g. May— soo, $) 08%. BARLEY— Produce Exchange has adopted the follo'.vins standards for the crop of 1895: No. 1 Chevalier, 53 lbs: No. 2 do, 50; No. 1 Brewing, 46; No. 2, 44: No. 1 Bright Feed, 40% ttis to the bushel. The market for both Feed and Brewing is weaker, and the foreign demand for the latter has fallen oft. Standard Chevalier Is firm, as there. ts very little of it this year, but lower grades have to be sold for what they will bring. No. 1 Feed, 60@ 6114 c: Choice, 62% c; Brewing, 65@75c $ ctl: Chevalier, $1 10@l 20 for No. 1 and 60@75c for off grade. • CALL BOABD SALES. Informal Session— lo o'clock— No sales. Regular Mousing Session— December— 3oo tons, 63y a c. Afternoon Session— sales. '.' . OATS— There is hardly any trading beyond the usual hand-to-month jobbing business. Milling is quotable at 97y 2 c@sl V ctl: fancy Feed, 95c@$l; good to choice, 85@90c; common to fair. 70©80 c; | Gray, 82i/ 2 @Bsc: Red, 65@70c; Surprise, »I@l 10 $ ctl. . CORN— Continues quiet, but firmly held. Large Yellow, $1 12y 17y 3 .$ ctl: Small Round Yellow, *1 15(S>1 20: White, $1 10@l 20 "$ ctl. ' RYE— Produce Exchange nas fixed - the standard of No. 1 lor 1895-96 at 59 lbs to the bushel. The market is very dull at 75@80c $* ctl. BUCKWHEAT— BS@9Oc <B ctl. The demand Is very slack. , . FLOUR AND MILLSTUFFS. FLOUR— The China steamer took out 9431 bbls. j Prices show no change. • Net cash prices are: Fam ily extras. 93 Ss@3 45 » bbl : Bakers' extras, $3 15@3 25: superfine. *2 25@2 50 $ bbl. CORNMEAL, ETC.— Feed corn, $'J4@25 $ ton; Cracked Corn, $24 60®25 50 $ ton. HAI AND FKEDSTUFFS. BRAN— The market is well supplied and un changed at 911 50@13 # $ ton.' MIDDLINGS— Quoted at ?15 for low grades up to *18 "f ton for the best. FEEDSTUFFS — Ground and rolled Barley, $13 .'.(l.g-U: Oilcake Meal at the mill, 925%) ton: Cottonseed Oilcake, $24 ton. ' HAY— Receipts are more moderate again and the . market is rather steadier in consequence, thouzh it is by no means In good shape. Wheat, $7®lo 'ft ton: Oat, Jp6fSS : Wheat and Oat, $6 50(a> 10: Barley, $55&7: Alfalfa, $5 50(*7 50; Clover, 97@8; Compressed, $7(49: Stock, $4 60@6 ton. STRAW— Quoted at 25@40c Q bale. Receipts nave been smaller of late. BEANS AND- SEEDS. BEANS— White kinds continue to shade off and colored are weak and very dull. .Kayos are quotable at $1 20®l 40 f* ctl: Small Whites. «2 4O<s2 65 *# ctl : Pea, $2 50@2 75 Larsto Whites, $2 40@2 55; Pink-, 51 20(<j,l 40; Reds, $1 (glf-25; Blackeye, nominal at $2 asked for new: Red Kidney, nominal; Limns. $5 75@6 "Bctl: But ters. $2(?12 25 for small and $2(&2 50 for large. SEEDS— AII sorts dull. New Yellow Mustard, $1 75(12 t 1 ctl; Flax, $2 2303 50 'f: Ctl: Canary, SViiatfyaC ? Ib: Alfalfa, nominal; Rape, 1 3 / ic; Hemp, 4c ? !b. DRIED PEAS— Peas, 4@434c; The raw Drodnct Is nominal. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— slow of sale and weaker as a rule. Sweets are higher at $1 25@1 75 ctl: Garnet Chiles, 50@65c: Salinas Burbanks. 75@90c; River Bnrbanks, 40@60c; Early Rose, 40@45c ? ctl. IONS- Weak at 45®55c ? ctl; Pickle Onions, 35(£<.">00 i* ctl. VEGETABLES— The market continues heavily supplied with all kinds except Corn. Green Peppers are quotable at 25(540c 1* box for Chile and 30.'£50 cf> box for Bell: Green Corn, 00c(i$l 25 "# sack; .?lfgil 25 ft box for Berkeley and $1 &U<s2 box for Alameda; Tomatoes from the River, 60<§>75c 1? box: from the Bay, 75r@?l ?i box: Summer Squash, 25(£;>5c f< box; Green Peas, 2'&2i / lb: String Beans, l@2c 'f, 1b: Lima Beans, BA4e; Bay Cucumbers, 20@35c '■$> box; Pickles, So@6sc for No. 1 and 30;5.4i»r for No. 2; ureen Okra. 50@65c; Egg Plant. 25'7&50c; Cabbage, 75c ctl; Feed Carrots. 30©40 c; Garlic, 2@"J%c ■$ Ib. HJJTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER— Prices went op again yesterday. They have advanced every day for several days. . There Is hardly any Butter here. :'-.'■> Cbkameky— Fancy, 2S@24c; seconds, 21@22%c ft It. Dairy— Fancy, 205621 c ® Ib; good to choice, 18®19c; lower grades. 16®17%c ? tt>. Pickled— Ui(j.l6>- & Ib. Firkin— l3@lsc^ Hi. ■ CHEESE— Continues firm under moderate sup j lies. Fancy mild new, 7@7%c; common to good, 4%<&6%c "%> lb: Young America, 6@Bc; Eastern, 10Sl2e; Western, 7(*Bc ~$ lb. E(.SOK— Eastern Esses are higher, witn sales to arrive at top Quotations. Ranch E^gs rale firm with slender supplies. Oregon Eggs are dull and hard to move at 15@16c $ do/. Fancy Eastern, 20ct fair to choice Eastern, 16@18c: Duck Eggs, 18<a20c; store Eggs, 16@»18c; ranch Eggs, 20©25 c i* aozen. ■ - POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY— A car of Eastern came in and there were sales of Hens at $6^6 50 and of Broilers at 93. California H ns weaKened in consequence, but othe r kinds kept steady. Live . Turkeys are quotable at 16@17c $ tb for Gobblers: 16(dJ 17c %* Ib for Hens: Young Turkeys bring 18319 c: <!ees<?. 7f\ pair. $3 @l 25: Ooslinir*, $1 25©1 50 ! V - doz: Ducks, $H@4 for old and $3@5 for young; I Hens, 9* 50@6 60; Roosters, young, $4 50(a)5 50; do. old. *4 r>(i,i.."i 60 d 07.; Fryers, s-»(St4 50; Broilers, 9:-ka3 50 for large and ■?2(a. > J 50 tor small; Pigeons, 91 25^1 50 ft dozen for old and young. GAME— Nominal. DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUIT S-Bartlett Pears sell well at the Quotation*!. Peaches are selling better. Figs ; continue to decline, under Increasing supplies. 1 Crabapples are doing better. Cantaloupes still i crowd the market. Apples are in heavy supply i and quiet. Nectarines scarce at 60@75c 'f box for ' Red and 50<a60c for White: Cantaloupes, 36(S)6*>c f,CM«; Watermelons. $4@lof( 100: Nutmegs, 25 : @40c "$ box ; Figs, 26@40c tor single and 40<«76c for : double layers: fiunis, 25@40c; Erg P,lnms. $15: i Green Gases, $20 ~s> ton"; Peaches. 25<a."10c ft j bx and 25r<a4Oc^ hskt : Peaches in bulk, to tanners, 1 $15(420 ton for freestones and 9200:25 for clings: j Apples, 2ft@7sc^ box; Crabapples, 600175 c: Pear«, j Bartletts, «](<£ll 25 V- box for No. 1 and 40@75c ; 'f, box for off grade; In bulk, $30@40 ton for No. 1 1 and $'i:>ig.27 50 for No. 2. BERRIES— Very few Blackberries are seen now. 1 Other kinds are plentiful enough. Huckleberries , are quotable at'3@4c Ib: Blackberries, 92fai3 I's cdest: Raspberries, $4@6 chest: Straw berries, $2 50(£a for Long worths and 91 50@3 50 '& chest for largo berries. , GRAPKsi— The demand for these goods is not 1 very brisk.' Sweetwaters ana Fontalnpbleaux. 25(&1 We tH box: BlacK Grapes, 35@J0c 9 box; Mus ; cats. 35@65c; Tokay, 40@75c ?* box. CITRUS FRUlTS— Prices show no particular j change. Lemons - Are ■ quotable at 91 r>()'j/j I for common and $3@4 for good to choice: Mexican Limes, $3(a)4 'f, box: Bananas, $1 25@2 *<$> bunch; Pineapples, 92©3 V dozen. DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUITS— A telegram' from New York to a local house yesterday , reported that somebody 1 In San Francisco (name not »rlven) 'was offering to sell new Prunes at 4c, f. o. b., for the 4 sizes. Somebody evidently, has a grudge . against tho i Prune-grower this year. Judging by the way the ! market is being persistently hammered down here. j Peaches are weak. Apricots are ' well held and 1 growers are not selling. Trade continues dull all around. The following .. prices rule .on • the I Fruit Exchange: New Apples. 3c j tor quartered, 31/2 C for ! sliced and 6%c . ft Ib for evaporated ; New -Peaches. 6«i@6c, and even 7c : for fancy ; new Prunes, 4Vi@4%c f, !b for the 4 sizes: new Apricots B®9c, with holders asking 10c for fancy. Old fruit .is quoted : Prunes, 4 sizes, 4c: Pears, 6c ft Ib for evaporated halves, Ho>4c for quarters; Plums, 3@4c for pitted and I(ss2c for unpltted; new Figs, black, 4c for pressed and 3y a c tin pressed. RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES- .Nominal. There is no business being transacted. Raisins—4 crown, loose, 3y c; 3-crown, 2%@2»/ic: 2-crown, 2@2i4c; seedless. Sultanas, none here; seedless Muscatels, 2@2y a c lb; 3-crown London layi-rr,, $1 4-0 ft box; clusters. 92; Dehesa clusters. $2 60; Imperial clns.ers, 93: Dried Grapes— iy a @l : ; 4 c 9 tb. - ■ N UTS— No prices for new Almonds and Walnuts have yet been announced. Walnuts ore quot able at 7@loc '.Q R> for paper-shell . and soft shell, and 7"@B%C for hardshell; Almonds, 2@2yjc for hardshell, and 6@loc f, rbfor softshell, and for paper-shell; Peanuts, s@6c for Eastern and 4@ 4y s c for California; Hickory Nuts, 5(&6c; Pecans, 6c for rough and Re for polished: Filberts, S@9c; BTazil Nuts, 7%@Bc ft Ib; Cocoanuts, 95 fy 100. HONEY— Business continues slack at the old prices. , Comb,' Jo@l3 t* Ib; new- water-white extracted, . s@sJ>4c %» Jb; light amber extracted, 4i4(gisc: dark amber, 4@4y.ic. . ' . BEESWAX - 24®25c # lb. ':;■. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— The market Is still Inactive. Bacon,. B@BVjC Ib for heavy and. BV»@9c ft Ib for light medium, ll@ll%c -fc Ib for light. 12y c ft lb for extra light, and 12%@13c for sugar cured: Eastern Sucar-enred Hams,. 12%@13c; California Hams, ll@lli/ 2 c: Mess Beef, <f7@H ?■ bbl: extra mess dp. $B(s9;'famlly do, $10: extra prime Pork, $B^P 60 bbl: extra-clear, $18 f bbl; mess, 916 ¥> bbl : Smoked Beef, 9&9% c LARD— Eastern, tierces, quotable at 6@6'4c ft Ib for compound, nnd 8c for pure: palls, syoc: Califor nia, tierces, 6%c for compound and b%@7c for pure: half bbls. 7i/ic; 10- tins, 7%c: do 5-lb. 8c %». lb. COTTOLENE— 73/ 4 c In tierces, and 83 7 4c ?lb in 10- tins. • UIDKS, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKINS— Are quiet and easy at the recent decline. Heavy salted steers are quoted at 10y @llc ft lb: medium, ,9%@10c%*. lb: light, 9c; Cowhides, 9c; salted Kip, 7c: salted Calf. 10c; salted Veal, Be'; ary Hides, usual selection. 18y<>c "A Ib; culls and brands, l»%c %4 Ib; - dry Kip. 14@ isc? It.: dry Calf, 20e; prime Goatskins, 20@ 35c each; Kids, 6c; Deerskins, good summer, 30c ¥ lb; medium, 15@'25c; winter, 10@16c; Sheep sKins, shearlings, 10@20c each; short w001.2.5@35c each; medium, 80©46 c each: Ion? wool, 40©60 c e«ch. Culls of till kinds, about i/jc'less. TALLOW— Prices have not changed for a long time.. No. 1 rendered, 4i / 4@ty 2 c %i Ib: country Tallow, 4@4i.4c; refined. 6c: Grease. 3@3%c^ tb. WOOL— Continues quiet. Buyers are hanging back. New lambs' and fall clips quoted at 6<aßc. Quotations for spring clip are: llumboldt and Mendocino, 12@13V«c; Choice Northern. 10<^llc: Nevada,' s@loc; Eastern : Oregon, heavy, 7@Bc; do choice. <J@loc; Valley Oregon, 12@13%c If* lb. ■ HOl'S— 2fe(>c ft Ib. Prospects are not very flat lering. Contract* for new Hops at a cent or so above our quotations are rumored. Trade continues at a standstill. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags quiet and weak at 4c; San Quentin, $4 20: Wool Bags, 24@26c. COAL— Wellington. 98; New Wellington, 98 3 ton: Poutnfleld Wellington, s7 50 si ton: Seattle, $6: Bryant *6: Coos Bay, $5: Wallseud, $7 50; Scotcn, $7 60: Brymbo, $7 50; Cumberland, 98 50 In bulk and $10 60 In sks; Pennsylvania Anthracite Egg, $12: Welsh -Anthracite Egg. $9: Cannel.9B; Rock Springs, cestle Gate and easant Valley, $7 60: Coke, $15 in bulk and $17 In sacks. CANNED FRUlT— Prices show no change: We quote 1895 goods as follows: Apricots, 91@1 10; Peaches, 51 10@l 30: Pears, $1 15@1 25 *» doz; White Cherries. $2@2 15; Black Cherries, 91 65; Plums, 90c@$l. CANNED VEGETABLES— Tomatoes, 65@75c; Peas, 95c@$l 0& ■$ dozen. -' COFFEE— The market is firm but' rather quiet at 20 % c 1?, Ib for good washed Costa Rica; 20c f* Ib for good Costa Rica: 19@19%c ?» lb for good Costa Rica mixed with black beans; 17% @18% c for fair Costa Rica; 14@16%c for com mon to ordinary Costa Rica;. 19@20c for good to prime washed Salvador: 18% cr # lb for good green unwashed Salvador': 21i'4(<a21i/»c for prime washed Guatemala: 193 / / icTorgood to strictly good washed Guatemala; l»yo@l9i/oc for fair washed Guatemala: ! -4c'for medium Guate mala; 14@153,4c for ordinary tiuuteniala: 9®13%c for very Inferior to common Guatemala; 2l£f>@22c f> Ib for good to primo washed Peaberry; c for good unwashed Peaberry. ' FlHH— Pacific Cod, catch of 1895, Is quoted as follows: 100- coses, 6c ft Ib; 50- bundles, fie ft lti: Silver King Strips, Be * lb; Narrow-Ciausedo, 7c V lb; Tablets, 8c 9 Ib: Seabrlght Blocks. '■.■(•■: Mackerel, half bbls. $9 for No. 2 and ?B@B 50 for No. 3; Eastern Smoked Herring, 30c %4 keg; Dutch do, Ooc@sl26 ft keg; Wbltoflsh, SI 60 in half bii's and $1 75 In kits: Tongues and Sounds, $16. QUICKSILVER— S4O@4I per flask. Ol L— Linseed lias dropped 7c per gallon. Califor nia Castor Oil, cases. No. 1, Is quotable at $1 10; bbls. $1 05 f. bbl (manufacturers' rates): Linseed Oil in bbls, boiled, 63c; do, raw, 60c; cases, 5c more: Lard Oil, bhls, 66c; cases, 71c; China Nut, 43@45c ft gallon.' i PETROLEUM— Starlight Is quotable at 20c it fal; Eocene. 22c ft gallon: Astral, 20c 150° Elaine, SBC $ gallou: Pearl, 21c: Water-white, refined, bulk, 15c: Headlight, 175°. cases, 22c; Mineral Seal. 300°, 25y»c In cases: Standard, 110° fire test, 18% c In cases (caps), 19c faucets and 14% cm bulk. GASOLINE. ETC-63" Benzine, bulk, 16c: cases, 21c: 7-1° Gasoline, bulk, 17c: cases, 22c; 86* Gaso line, bulk, 24c; cases 29c "p* cal. write LEAD— Quoted at 6c <£ lb. RED LEAD— Quoted at Be f) Ib.- TURPENTINE— Quoted at 48c it gallon. . - : .U> CANDLES— Granite Candles, 6s, 16 07., lOVic; do. 14 oz. fIV"C: do, 12 oz. B'vic; do, 10 oz, 81/4 C; Electric Li^lu Candles, Us, 16 oz, BsAc;8 s Ac; do, 14 oz, 8c; do 12 oz. 7y a c: do. 10 oz, t>i/tc: I'aralline Wax Candles. is. 6s and 1 2s. 14 oz, 9y«c ¥ lb. LEATHER— smaII sales nt quotation*. Extra Heavy sole, 80c V Ib for No. 1 and 27c for NO. 2; heavy Role, 28c for ' No. 1 and 26c for No. 2: medium Sole. 27c for No. 1 and 25c for No. 2; light Sole, 26c for No. 1 and 24c "f lt> for No. 2. SUGAR— The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube, Crushed. -Powdered and Fine Crushed, nil Sfj'sc: Dry Granulated, sc; Confectioners' A, 4T/8C; Magnolia A, 4y c: l-.xtra C, 43/ c: Golden C. 4y 8 c; D, .H%c; hßlf-barrels, -V^c more than barrels, and boxes %c more. WOOD, LUMBER, TIES, ETC. Posts, 8c each: Redwood. $5 !•» cord; Oak, rough, $6 50; peeled, 99; Pine, $5 75: Railroad Ties, 35c' apiece for 6xß, 41c for 7xß and 45©50 c for 7x9. TANBARK— New,9I4@I4 50 ft cord. LUMBER— The Redwood Manufacturers' Asso ciation quotes: No. 1 Rough, $13@17; No. 2, $9@ 11 f> M: Pickets, rough, pointed and fancy, $lO@ 12 and $18 "? M: half-inch, surfaced and clear, No. 1. 932(3,36 t^ M : No. 2, ?2i.'@2B 1? M ; Rustic, No. 1, 915ra23 No. 2. $20@24; surfaced and rough clear. No. 1, 818@22; No. 2, $12@16; T. and 0., 912(0.14. • PINE— No. 1, Sll@l3 H M. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. Quotations for all descriptions remain . about the same. Wholesale ' rates for dressed stock from slaughterers areas follows: '■> . BEEF— First quality, 3@sy.iC: choice, 6c; sec ond quality, 2 c; third do, 3@4c 'f lb. VEAL— Largo, 4@sc; small, 6@7c ~& lb. -MUTTON — Wethers, 4%@5c; Ewes, a c ? «>• _ ■ LAMB— Spring. s@6c ? lb. PORK— Live Hogs, Mr.^^ic for large, 4@4i/ic for small and for feeders: dressed do, J^fji/^c * »>. . RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. FOB 24 HOURS. Flour, qr. 5k5...... 6.033 Br»n, »ks 1.222 Oregon. 2,284 Oregon 1.670 Washington -2.932 Washington v'.,3'Js Wheat, clis. 13,675 Wool. bis.... 147 Barley, ctls. 1.470, Oregon 83 Oregon B.l<ilr Washington 261 Oats, ct15..... 270' Wine, gals. 39.200 Beans, sks... 358 ! Hides, n0.'.... 1,613 Potatoes, sits. 6,20!) Pelts, bdls 2,900 Onions, sks 860 Tallow, ct15........ X Middlings, 5k5..... 295 Lime, bhls 360 Oregon. 2.500 Leather, rolls 70 Hay, tons. 370 --♦ • ' REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Mary A. Hobson, to Frederick E. Magee, lot on W line of Oetavia sreet, SO 8 of Vallejo, 825 by \V 112:6; $10. Joseph E. arid Grace F. Sham to Albert Meyer, lot on X line of McAllister street, 30 E of Laguna, X 100 by \V 30: $10. J. K. Sham to Grace F. Sham, lot on> E line of Broderick street, 87:6 S of Page, S 25 by E 107:6; gift. Michael Welch to Margaret Welch, lot on XW corner of Thirtieth and Dolores streets, X 114, W 1 : 11 i/a, S 117, 15 136:11 Vi: gilt. John Brlgnardello to Columbia Brlenarlello, commencing 160:6 E of Koarny street and 80:3 X of Broadway, N 51 :3 by X 46; $10 and gift. J. E. : h:iin to Albert Meyer, lot of X line of Washington street, 98 E of Powell, E '-'4 by X 50; $10. Joseph H. and Katharlua Hetzrr to Joseph Fletcher, lot on X line of Pacific street, 127:6 W Of Powell, \V 10 by X 30: *10. 1 homos G. ami Caroline E.G. Jacques to John J. ana Amelia C. Cougklin, lot on s line of Green wich street, 171:10 Vi W of Leavenworth, W 34:4i/ a by 8 137:6: $10. Catherine Gleason to Edgerton F. Card, undi vided one-third of lot on BE linn of Clary street, 375 SWof Fourth. SW 25 bySE7S; $700. , John Brl?nardeilo to Columbia HrijrnardMlo, lo>t on XW comer of California s roet and Twelfth avenue, W 32:6 by S 100: $10 and gift. • c" Jacob and Lisa Hey man (by Oscar lieyman. at torney) to Jean D. and Sara Brim, lot on E line of Nineteenth avenue. 250 X of CJ street, X 50 by ]■; l'.O: also lot onS line of J street, 82:6 E of Fourteenth avenue, B 25 by 8 100; also lot on SB corner of California and Heyman avenues, 8 46:8 by E80; $10. - ' ; . .' Ellen Burnett. Mary Mackpy, Isabella Lamed and Elizabeth McGraih to WiJilam A. McGrath, blocks 683, 68G. 756, 757, 781, 753.684. 687, South Of Golden Gate Park, outside lands (es recorded), quitclaim deed: $1. ... Emma D. Fisher to M. and Catharine A. McCann, lot 620, Rift map 3; 10. Louisa N. Ozanneto California Wine Association, lot on X line of Thirty-second avenue 75 E oil street South, X 50 by N 100, block . 552, Bay • Park Homestead; $10. ' . ■ ! v ; . ■ ' AT.AMKDA COt'STY. T ' John W. Curtis of San Francisco to Fannie C. Curtis of .San Francisco, lot jm S line of Evoy ave nue, or Fortieth street, 100 E of West, E 60 by S 100, being lot 3 in Quint Tract, Oakland Town ship; Rift. .-' '• ' ' - • A. J. and A. M. Snydrr of Napa to Olive J. Wickes (wife of A.M.) of San Francisco, lot on S\V corner of West aud Forry-fourth streets. S &0 by \V 90. being lot 17 in black 2098, Alden Tract atTercescal, Oakland Township; $10. John a. .Matthews to ! Common wealth : M. B. and Loan Association, lot on W line of -Union street, 210:6 X or Bancroft way, N 50:4 8-10 by W 165, block 8. villa lots joining the university site on the south, Berkeley: $10. ' '■ ' Manuel and .Maria Madres to Marie L.Rosa of Hay wards, lot on S\V line of First street, 160 XW of 1). NW 30. S\V 73.14. HE 30.15, NE 70.054 to beginning, liny wards, Eden TownsHlp: $10. ' ' A. A. Baroteau of Oakland to Annie K. Barotean of Oakland, lot on XW corner cf Markot and Fifth Rtreetß. \V 90 by X SO, block 483, Oakland: $10. ~John W. (and as attorney) and Elizabeth Smith (by attorney) to Albert B. "smith, lot on w line of Hallrc.< street, 17& ■» of Park avenue, W»225, 8 650, E 433, X 625 to . beginning, bein« : portion of subdivision of plat 6, V. and D. Peralta, subject to life cstato, Oakland; gift. ' ' < ' • , Same to Charles H Smith, lot on line of Ilal leck street. 175 B of Park avenue. W 225. 8 650, B 433, 625 to beginning, being portion of subdi vision of plat 6, Ilancho V. and D. Peralta, subject to a life estate, Oakland; gift. • Ell A. and Nincv a.- Adams to Amelia Holmes (wife of Edward L. ), lot on N line of Elizabeth street, 650 of Kan Pablo avenue, E 25 by X 97.23, W 25.01, S 97.99y 2 to beginning.- being the B i/ 3 of lot 23, Potts' tract, -map 3, Oakland Township : $200. *-.i=i» . , . : V..-J ;,«.'•> =..-'; :--i . , Joseph and Mary Volckers of Alameda'to B. *Vergoz and A. Mathebat, lot "on VV line of Orange street. 140 N of Mountain View avenue, W 300 by N SO, N 150 by N 41:8, E 150 by 8 121:2 to be ginning, being lots 2. 3. 10, 11.- 12.- block 17, War ner tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. ' Grace and Louis Slmonson to Nellie Livingston (wife of Fred), lot: 11, block 29, Warner tract, Brooklyn Township; $10. \ .!;■::,: <::,. Andrew and Jane C. Jones to Caroline C. . Albers of Berkeley, lot 7, block F. Andrew Jones' subdi vision, Brooklyn Township: $10. ' ■ D. W. Hitchcock of San Francisco to Elizabeth B. Hitchcock, lot 4, Draper Tract; Oakland Town ship: $10. >: i :>.-,-• --i ■ ' : •.-■■' THE CALL CALENDAR. 1 3 ,;* Augusts.' AS/. Fall Moon. (7*\ August 13, >-» Last Quarter. 12 •1 15 17 ® August 20, New Moon. 19 21 ;22 3 August 26, First Quarter. 38 OCEAN STEAMERS Dateg of Departure From San Francisco. Jt'arallon... I Yaoulna Bay.. Santa ttoax. San l,ie:-o .... ; Uumboldt... | UumboMtßay ht Paul Newport...... i State of Cal Portland.. ! Del .None .. Grays Haroor. Iruckee j P0rt1and....... ; C010n........ ) Panama. ; Araeo Coos uav | Umatllla.... Vie A fet Bnd : Mexico..... j San Diego I Homer.;,,,. Coos 8ay...... I P0m0na..... i Humbolritßay j Weeott...... j h>l River. .... I Eureka ! Newport ...... ' North Forte. '<■ Humboldtßav Columbia... Portland .....". Mariposa. .. Sydney .- „ .... '■ Augl6, sm;. Miss 1 ' Aueir».llAM Bdw'y 2 'Aiirl6. eAiiVVanht'n Augl7, Sam; lidw'y 3 Anel7.loAM I --pear Angl7, 4pm] Main ; Aucl7.loam! V-allejo Aug17.12 m|l' M S S |Au»;l7,lOAMi Vallejo ! AuglB. 9am Bdw'y 1 iAugl9,llAJi! Bdw'r 2 ;Augl9. (Jceanlc I Aug'2o. i!PM I Bdw'T 1 Aug2l, Pajil Valleio ' ! Aiu;2l, Sam Bdw'y 2 \ Aug'il, 9am Miss'n 1 . Auc'i'J, lOah ; Spear Auk' 22, 2 FM Oceanic STEAMERS TO ARRIVE fcAMKIt | .ruruuuu Araco StPaui Belpic San Benlto Homer .Pomona. North Fork Mexico Weeott City of Panama Kureka. Citvof Fueoia . . Columbia. City of Everett Crescent City. . . Bandorille Santa Kosa. Australia, Alice Blancnarcl Humooldt ruruanu Coos Bay Newport. China and Japan racoma Coos Hay .:.:.. ..:. Humboidt Bar .-. Humboldt Bay San Diego Kei River................ 1 Panama | Newport... Victoria & l'uget sound Portland j Panama Crescent City Coauille River San Diego Honolulu ..AUK ..Auk ..Aug ..Aug . .Ant ..Aug . .Auk ..Aug ..Aug ..Au? ..Aug ■ ■Aug ..Auk ..Aug ..All* ■ Aui? ..Aug ..Aug ..Aug ..Aug } . .Aug L 5 l 5 16 16 17 17 17 L 7 18 19 19 fl ; dt any SUN AND TIDE TABLE jarEP. (Small. H.35p 9.15 a 7.39p 10.08 a Large. Small 1.21 a; 0.'27 i 2.22 a 1.281 Kfses! Sets .5. ti ; 6.25 7.03! o.ooa I 5.2& 7.01! 0.33 a HYDROGRAPHIC BULLETIN. Bbanch Hydroobapitic Office, U. S. N.,"» Mkbchants' Exchanoe, V San Francisco. August 14. 1895. ) The time ball on Te'egraph Hill was dropped exactly at noou to-day— l. c., at noon of the 120 th meridian, oral exactly 8 p. m., Greenwich time. A. F. !• KCHTELKB, Llentenant U. S. N., in charge. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE Arrived., ■:'-•' WEDNESDAY, August 14. Stmr Umatlla. Hunter, 59 hours from Victoria and Pugot Sound; pass and tndse, to Qoodall, Per kins it Co. S;n:r State of California, Ackley, 671/2 hours fm Portland, via Astoria 46i/ 2 hrs; pass and mdse, to Cloodall, Perkins <fe Co. S:mr South Coast, Ilanspn, 30 taeurs from Hnm bolrlf, 241 M ft lumber and 900 M shingles, to J ft I unify. ■ - .- Strnr Protection, Ellefsen, 49 hours from San Pedro: ballast, to J S Kintball. Stmr Humboldt. Edwards/ 21 hours from Eu reka: pass and rodee. to M Kallsh <£ Co. kstmr Caspar, Anflndsen. : 45 hours from Port Los n»celes: ballast, to Caspar Lumber Co. '■/::'■:■<■ Stmr Colon, Mackinnon, 24 days from Panama and way ports: pass and mdse,' to PJI 8 Co> Strar Willamette Valley, Yon Helms, 10 days from Uuaymas, via Ensenada 4tt hours; pass and mdse. to Goo<lal!, Perkins & Co. Strar Truckee, Thomas, — hours from Portland, via Tillamook Bay 58 hours ; pass and mdse, to Truckee Lumber Co. ■ Brie Galilee, Dlnsmore. 34 days from Tahiti; pass and mdse, to M Turner. Cleared. WEDNESDAY, August 14. . ~Btmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, Ban Diego; Good all, Perkins A Co. Sailed. WEDNESDAY. August 14. Stmr Crescent City, Allen, Crescent City. Stmr Santa Cruz, Nicholson, Port Harford. Stmr Cleone, Hiegins. West port. Slmr Weeott, Magce, Eel River. . Br ship Sierra Estrclla, Daw, Uueenstown. Bktn Planter, Dow, Tacomn. Schr Ocean Spray, Skipper, Fort Ross. Schr Mary 0. Campbell, Bodega. Schr M*lancthon, Wallace, Grays Harbor. Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS— August 14—10 p m— Weather hazy; wind SW: velocity 18 miles Der hour. >'■■•■ ■ < Charters. The Ger ship Alice was chartered prior to ar rival for wheat to Europe, 30s— Is 3d less direct. The ship Glory of the Seas loads coal at De parture Bay for this port; Nor ship Prince Ama deo. lumber at Hastings Mills for Cork, prior to arrival. Spoken. . .>/:.'. July 3—19 50 S 157 W, P.r ship Royal Forth, frm Newcastle, NSW, for Sun Francisco. July s—B N25 W, Br bark Auchencalrn, ' from : Fleet wood for Portland. July 21— 9 N 27. W, Hal bark Beppe, from An drossan for San Francisco. i. Aii 9— 17 N 10 W, bark Glcnbauk, from ! Swansea for San Francisco. ■ • Domestic Ports. : COOS BAY— Arrived Aug 13— Stmr Alice Blan chard, hence Ang 10; stmr Homer, hence Aug 11. Sailed Aug 14— Stmr Arago, for San Francisco. ASTORlA— Arrived Aug 14— Br ship Damson Hill, from Colombo. - '.;, v > FORT BRAGG— Arrived Aug Stmrs Navar ro anil Jewel, hence Aug 13. POINT ARENA— Arrived Aug 14— Stmr Green wood, hence Aug 13. spar— Arrived Aug 14— Schr Maxim, hence 1 PORT GAMBLE— Aug 13— Bktn Skaglt, from San Pedro. SAN I'F:drO— Arrived Aug 13-Schr Allen A, from Fields Landing. Sailed Ang 13— Schr Maggie C Russ, for Eureka. PORT LOS ANGELES— Arrived Aug 13— Br ship Lady Isabella, from Hamburg. 14— Stmr Al cazar, from Needle Rock. ■ Sailed Aug 14— Stmr Whitesboro, for San Fran cisco. * NEWPORT— Arrived Aug 14— Schr Abbie, from Caspar. . m EUREKA— Arrived Aug 14— Stmr Pomona, hce Aug -18: schr Bertie Minor, hence Aug 3; schr .Mabel Gray, hence Aug 1. . Sailed Aug 14— Schr Halcyon. ..-,;. : .Eastern Ports. - NEW YORK— Arrived Aug 13— Stmr Alllanca, from Colon. ■ . Foreign^ Ports. . - 'ANTWERP— Arrived Aug 11— Br ship Metrop olis, h«»iicp Apr 6. ■ -BrRKENHEAD— Arrived Aug 13— Br ship Eup irosyne, hence Apr 18. HULL— Arrived Aug 13— Br ship Helensburgh, hence Mar "JO. - ■ . » DELGOA BAY— Arrived prior to I Aug B— Nor stmr vie. from Portßlakeley. QUEENSTOWN-Arrtved Aug 13— Br ship Gun ford, hence Apr 1 3. DUNKIRK-Sailed Aug 10-Br ship" Moel Try van, for San Francisco. . " KTNSALE— Passed Aug 13— Br ship Inverness shire, from Portland for Uverpool. AUCKLAND— Arrived Aug Stmr Alameda, hence July '.'5. YOKOHAMA— Aug 10-Stmr Peru, for San Francisco. • .--.. Importations. OUAYMAS— Per Willamette Valley-9 bxs ma chinery, 1 bx shells, 3 pkes 37 rolls leather. La Paz— 33s bdls green hides, 273 bdls dry hides, 9 pkgs deerskins, 128 pkgs salt hides. 691 seal skins, 31 bis dainian.i. 102 sks pearl shells. 2 bales fish this, '_':; nars bullion. ..-.-. V Altnta— 34l sits ore. . Mazatlnn— 363 sks cocoanut oil cake, 133 green hides, 1 cs cigars, 2 sks water co as, 4 c« fruit, 1 sk otiili, 57 cs limes, 3 pkgs curios. 1 pkg personal ef: fects, 811 sks ore, til pcs rawhide, 13 sks slag, 236 salt-hides, 7 pkgs mdse, 28 sks shells, 36 bars sil ver .bullion, 2 bars gold bullion, 6 bags precipitates of silver, 4 cs Mexican dollars. • - Hahia, Magdalena— 37 live turtles, 17 bxs dead turtles. . '. ■ . . . ■ ■-- ' 1 San Jose del Carbo— 6B salt hides. 67 dry hides, • 10'J sks : anacho, 118 sks sugar, 11 bdls deerskins, 2 cs preserved fruit. -.--..■■ Ense.oada— l sk wax, 27 salt hides, 15 dry hlees. 800 sits Hour, 24 pkgs md3e. ; . EUREKA— Per Humboldt— pkgs express, Isk coin, 3 bxs llsh, 1 bx ■ patterns, 3 bxs plates, 2cs groceries, 1 cs boots and shoes, 1 cs 3 rolls leather, 3 buls mineral water, 10 cs eggs, 2 bbls 26 kegs 333 bxa butler, 1 udl paper, 117 cans .tallow, 46 hogs, 25tiO ft pine cleats, 30 M. sawed shakes, 28,048 ft lumber, 200 M shingles. ASTORIA— Per state of California-1123 bdls ntiooks, 1 178 bdls hides, 178 sks oysters. 3728 cs salmon.' V Portland— 3l pkgs furniture, 95 cs ecu*, 84 - bxs seed, 507 pksrs barrel stock, 10 pkgs horse collars, 1100 pkgs paper, 81 pigs candy.* 12 1 Rks wool, 92'J qr-sks 676 M-sks flour, 1670 sks bran, 3248 feet ! lumber, 2500 sks slicns, 7815 sks barley, 603 pkgs crackers, 00 M shingles. . ' PORT TOWN SEND- Per UmatiUa— 4 cs books. »6 bdls hides, 2 cs dry goods, 1 pkg express, 1 sk coin. - ' ■;.•:■ --.--■.-, - • Departure 8ay— 1267 tons coal. Vancouver— 7 bdls sheep skins. ... .'■ . Vancouver via C P Hy— s9 cs cigarettes, 101 cs tobacco, Bcs cigars, 22 cs paper, 1 piano, 11: bbls spools, 2cm desks, 1 crt; S • wheels, 6cs wooden names, 36 cs 7 bis sheeting, 6cs dry goods, - 1 case hosiery, 2 cs flannels. 50 bills glucose, 107 ob,ls bot tled beer, 7■: pkgs mdse, 3,0 .cs machinery, % J. bxs split peas, "234 sUs wool. . ; • New Whatcom— 9 bxs washing 'powder, 2 cages m se, 2cs boots and shoes.- ■ < - Everett— l7s pkgs , nails, 600 ' bars bullion, 181 paper. -■ • ■ : .-..-. . oma— 39 pkgs mdse, 3100 . sks bran, 800 bars bullion, 1421 bags sugar, SO lubricating 0i1. .. Tacflma via N P Ry— 3B bdls hides. 6 bxs seed, 226 sks bran. 1652 sks flour, 2 hogsheads olives. Seattle— 6s pkgs mdse, 47 bxs flsn, 12 cs - patent medicine, 3 pkgs crockery, 40 • sks • bones. 5 cases almond extract, 6cs fruit 'coloring, 3 sks game, 9 pkgs brass. 226 bdls green 8 hides, 3 sks com, 13 pKgs express. - •■. . , •*-' v. ' - . - : = . - Seattle ex G N Ry— l cs cigars, 2cs hardware. 54 pkgs mdse. ." , • -■-.-•- ' ■ ■:'i Juneau— s pkgs mdse. ■ Sitka— 3 pkgs mdse. . • • ' ■-.■■•. Victoria— 96 bdls green S bides, IB bdls calf hides, 5 bdls dry hides, 27 sks wool, 4 pkgs mdse, 1 pke express, 1 sk coin. _ MEXICO— Per Colon— B3o bxi limes, 6 sks flsn. 23 sks coffee, 82 sks silver ore, 25 nkes treasure. South America— loo sks coffee, 5 sks rock. Central America— Bß4 sks coffee, 10 pkgs mdse. . ; Consignees. - ; i' ■ • Per State of California— Allen A Lewis: Bollman A Co: FHlllenACo: M P Detels: CJLeistAC'o: Qeo Morrow A Go: Portland Cracker Co: Western Roll .Paper Co; Willamette Pulp A Paper Co: w H Mann : Crown Paper Co; Main A Winchester: Sb Strain; E J-Bowen A Co; floss Hewle t: White Bros: Dairymen's Union: M B Moravian: order: M E A Wagner: Darbee A Immel: Clataop Mill Co: Bissinger ACo: Morgan Oyster Co: Bacon <fe Co: Koatarty & Parker: J M Huddart: Whltafcer A Ray Co; Golden Gate Plaster-mills: Chas Jacobson; G W Kintnous; (California Barrel Co; Teredo-proof Pile Co. Per Umatllla— Oregon Imp Co: Byron Manry: C L Benton ; American Tobacco Co; Carlson, Carrier A Co: Blake. Moffltt it Towne: Pacific Coast Syrup Co: Main A Winchester: Murphy, Grant A Co: H A Moss: Sberwood A Sherwood :H Levi ACo; J A Folder A Co: Sterling Furniture Co; - Williams. Marvin A Co: Selby Smelting and Lead Co: Will A Finck: California Cotton-mills; Bissinger A Co; Sawyer Tanning Co: Gardiner A Thornley; - Albert ■ Sutton : Dunham, Carrigan *Co Stauffer ACo C J Kennedy: W O Richardson; Fontana & Co; San guineltl & Co; Geo Morrow & Co; Standard Oil Co: Parroit & Co; A J Clark; Bancroft-Whitney Co; C It Llbby; Chas Ilarley A Co: Dairymen's Union: Frodrricksbury Brewery: H.lFleldson: H Han sen; Henry Pelz Jones A Co; Wielnnd Brewing Co: J C Gilber; J A Lennon; Langley A Michaels ; Jessie Smoot: LKoch: L Meyerstein;"Paclfio Am monia and Chemical Works: E JBowen A Co: O W Howard; Moore, Ferguson & Co; C J Lelst A Co; ME Gray; Tillmann A Bendel; II W Hijglns A Co; Lewis Packing Co; Horn A Co: J Unna; W Cohen, Hirseh A Co: Wm Cameron; Pac Bone and Fert Co: Price Flavoring Extract Co: Antoldi A Co; W B Sumner A Co; Wells, Fargo A Co; JB White: Lev! Strauss A Co; W O Hinton: W T Gar ratt A Co; J E Lietz J Hawkins: J Horstman. Per Humboldt— Scott A Van A rsdnle Lumber Co: W B Sumner & Co: A C Nichols A Co; Gray A Mitchell; M T Freltas ACo: Brigham.Hoppe ACo; C B Whitney A Co; Dairymen's Union; Humboldt Mineral Water Co: Dodge, Sweeney A Co: N J F Anderson ; Getz Bros A Co; Norton, Teller A Co; Hills Bros:' Boss Hewlett: Buss, Sanders A Co : Wheaton, Breon A Co; Wiizel A Baker; A L Bryan Shoe Co; F B Halght; O B Smith ACo: A Paladlni; Amer Press Assn; American Union Fish Co; SB LeavittACo; Wells, Fargo A Co: Putterlck Pub Co; Kingan A Co; Western Meat Co: J X Hanify. Per Willamette Valley— Henry Land A Co; W Loaiza A Co: I Gutte; Thannhauser A Co; George Staacke; Brown A Adams: Bissinger A Co: Chas Tetzen; Selby Smelting and Lead Co;- A Paladinl; J DSpreckels A Bros Co; H Levl ACo: F Ruther A Co; C D Bunker A Co; Gullberms ATheideman; L Kelly; R Jordan: Victorian Andrada: McLaren A Co: Candelaria Con M ex M Co. Per Colon— A Levy A Co; Castle Bros: Goldtree Bros; J Ivancovich A Co; L FLastreto; Mattoon A Dauglaria; Otis. McAllister A Co; L Gllson: W. Loaiza A Co; Schwartz Bros; Stockton Milling Co; Urruela A Urloste: Wm Koch; Nevada Bank: L Benussi; order; London, Paris and American Bank: J Gnndlach A Co: Pieckman A Co; ! John T Wright; Chluda A Co: Cabrera A Sntter;- Chinese merchants ; L G Sresovlch A CO; Garcia A Magglnl ; J O Meyerink; J X Chilbury. For Jm(* Shipping Intellineixct See Thirlemth Pace. P' OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. C. F. WEBER & CO., 300 to 306 Post St.! cor. StonUton OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. \ OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. *^_ Coolgardle gold fields. .^H^tO (Kremantie), Austra- JBr-i^iy,. . <3Tv i Ha: 3>'220 first, 'class, jE3/T r nOKlT?; ,it TJi $110 steerage. Lowest JpWj'gLli I* i icJ>Z *■*•* rate? to Capetown, fglS&f *r?ARi' >m Australian steamer, tUff/ - "IlrTf WH^ MARIPOBA, sails via ESs/ T^Hslu yISb Honolulu and Auclc- >■"*■ V SV'/S land, Thursday, August I M^»C^n^ /Nut Steamship Australia, nunolulu only, Tues- d *- ' August 27. at, 10 Special I'ARTrEs.— Reduced special rates for parties August 27 and Sept. 24. - Ticket office, 114 Montgomery street. freight office, 327 Market street. J. V. SPRECKKLS <fc BKOS.. General Agents. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPAQ STEAMERS WILL, SAIL FROM J*2&- Broadway wharf, Han Francisco, as nlfrwiw follow.4: s ■"."• '-■■>•■ ■■• ■„ For Mary Island, Loring, Wrangel, Jnnean, Kil- liaono and Sitka (Alaska), at 9 a. m. August 3, 8, 18. September 2, 17. For Victoria and Vancouver (B. C), Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacones and New Whatcom (Beliingham Bay, Wash.), 9 a. m. August 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, '28. and every flfili day thereafter, connect- ing at Vancouver with the C. I*. R. R., at Tacoma with N. P. R. R.. at Seattle with G. N. Ry.,at Port Townsend with Alaska steamer*. For Eureka, Arcataand Field's Landing (Hum- boldtßay), srr. Pomona, every Tuesday at 2 p. m., For Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Simeon) Cayucos, Port Harfont (San Luis Obispo), Gavlota, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Hueneme. San Pedro, East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport, 8 a. m., August 1,5,9,13, 17,21, 25, 29. and every fourth day thereafter. . . - „ ■ - For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harfonl (San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara, Port Los Anseles, Redondo (LO3 Angeles) and Newport, 11 a. M., August 3. 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, and every fourth day thereafter. Str. Pomona, Saturday and Monday, excursion to Santa Cruz and Monterey, leaves Broadway wharf 1, Saturday. 4 p. v. For Enseuada, P«.n Jose del Cabo, Mazatlan, La Paz. Altata and Guaymas (Mexico), str. Willam- ette Valley, 10 a. m.. 25th of each month. Ticket office, Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. • - i GOODALL, PERKINS <ft CO., Gen'l Agents. ■<\<: 10 Market St., San Francisco. ." OD J? M TO PORTLAND .K. CL IV ■ ANDASTORA. STEAMSHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- street wharf at 10 a. m. every rive days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points in OREGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO, MONTANA, and all Eastern points, including Chi- cago, New York and Boston. State of California sails August 7 , 17, 27, Sept. 6. Columbia sails August 12, 22, Sept. 1. ; Fare In cabin, Including berth and meals, $15 00; Steerage. $7 50; Round trip, $25 00. . For through rates and all other information apply to the undersigned. GOODALIVPKttKIXS & CO. ' FRKP. F. CONNO* Gen'l SupU.; '"- •'. -- ;: ■ ' Gen'l Agent. 10 Market su , .19 Montgomery st. . CUNARDLIJE. New York to Liverpool, via Qneemtown, from Pier 40, North River. FAST EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE. Etrurla, Aug. 24, Bam F.tniria, Sept. 21, 8 A M Campania, A a?. 31, 1 P MH'ftm-xiiiia, Sept. 28,N00n VinbrH, Sept.- 7, Bam Umbrla. Oct. 5,. 3pm 1u" "ia. "-'otv.. 14. -<r>n,n 1 ,-- ■ ,- ft . nn»: 12. 11am ! Cabin passage ?00 and upward; second' cabin, i 935. $40 $45, according to steamer and accommo- dations. ■•-• ■ t••• •' •*•■ •; Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europ 8 ! at very low rates. For freight and passage apply i a; eompanv's office, 4 Bowling Green, New York. VERNON H. BROWN & CO., General Agents. Good accommodation can always be secured on application to WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., . _ - .-■ . ; Agents, San Francisco. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COHPASY. — STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL /ML fortnightly for the West Indies and <$f5L#Sf i Southampton, calling en route at Cerboorgn, ' France, and Plymouth to land passengers. 1 Through bills of lading, in connection with the j Pacific Mall 8. S. Co., Issued for freight and treas- , ! ure to direct ports in England and Germany. Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, ?195: third'; class, 197 60. - For further particulars apply to j I . ABBOTT & CO., Agents, I r ■'.■'■■ r 306 California at. STOCKTON STEAMERS ™^ Leave Pier No. 3, Wasninarton St., At 5 P.' 31, .Daily, Except Sunday. \ SIS" Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. STEAMER : T. C. Walker. J. D. Peters, Mary (iarratt, „ City of Stockton. I • Return steamer leaves Stockton Sundays, sp. it j Telephone Main 805. Cai. Nay. and Impt. Co. RAILROAD TRAVEL. «Fsia S 1 llllv Pacific : >-X'' :7 j RAILROAD JB0&2&WJ&8F Trains leave from and arrlva iArgC^^yKaW ■, »t Market-Street Ferry. i^SKSrS&^S^g Chicago Limited Leaves every day at 5:80 T. it., carrying Pullman ! Palace Sleepers and Tourist Sleepers to|Chle*go i via Kansas City without chance. Annex cars for Denver and St. Louis.: VIA LOS ANGELES. i Trains leave dilly at 9:00 a. it. and 5:30 P.m., connecting in Los Angeles with solid trains, . Loa Angeles to Chicago. ,-, ■"., ; Summer or Winter the Santa Fe Route is tho most Comfortable railway, California to the East. ■ A popular misbelief exists regarding the heat in Hummer. The hoat is not greater than Is encoun- tered on even tie most northerly line. This U well known to experienced travelers. • : ; . - The meals at Harvey's Dinlng.Rooms are an ex- cellent feature of the line. -' . •. - The Grand Canyon of the Colorado can . be reached in no other way. . ■. - . Ticket Offle«-644 Market Street, , Chronicle Building. _ \ OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ______ CQIPIGffIEfiEIER.UETR.WSATLASTIQUE French Line to Havre nOM PA Y'S PI K R (NEW), 42 Si ) It ! I j^gL, Vj River, foot of Morton st. 'I'ravf lew bjy V^ciUm this line avoid bo b-tracsit by English rali^•tty .»iia ; the discomfort «'f crossing the channel' in a small boat. Ne^ York to Alexandria. Kgypt, via Pans, first-class $160; second-class 16. LA GASCuUXE, Capt. Baudelon August 24, 6:00 a. M. LA CHAMPAGNE. Capt. Laurent August 81, Noon LABOUKGOGNE, Capt. Lebocdt .' , Siptember7, 5:00 a. M. IiATOURAINE, Capt. 5ante111........... • .......'....:.... ........September 14. 10:00 A- X. tsr For further particulars apply to A. 1 ORHkT. Agent, . No- 3 Bowling Gr«en, New York. J. F. FUGAZI A CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery avenue. San Francisco. ■ ™~ RAILROAD TRAVEL. jMAMSCO & NORTH pa- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. Ilburon Ferry— of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS— 9:20, 11:00 a.m.: 12:81, 3-30, 5:10, 6:30 p. m. Thursdays— Extra trio at 11:30 p.m. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 IYS-08f6o%:30,1 YS- 0 8f6o%:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 3:30, 6:00, 6:20 p. M. San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS-6:25, 7:65, 9:30, 11:10 a. x.| 12-45, 3:40, 5:10 p. M. Saturdays— Extra trip* at 1 :55 p. m. and 6:35 P. M. «TFNDAYS-8:10, 9:40, 11:10 A. X.; 1:40, 3:40, 6-00. 6:25 p. m. Between San Francisco and Schuetxen Park sam* schedule as above. . SanF^anglsco. %$ e £ San Frisco. KSISS:^^- S._l|a e v^ 7:40 am 1 8:00 am Novato, ]O:4oam B|so am 3:3opm 9:3oam Petalnma, B:o6pm lO^Oam 6:10 16:00 PM Santa Rosa. 7:30 I'M, 0:15 pm 1 ~~ Fulton, .■_"■".« 7:40 "Windsor, 10:30 am * - Healdsburg, . GeyservlUe, '-• 1:30 pm 8:00 am Clovcrdale. 7:30 pm 6:15 pm ; ■ .. . l'ieta, ' 7:40 ax I " Hopland A ■ 1 2 :3O . A * ■ 8:30 I'M { 8:00 am Ufclah. 7:30 pm 6:15 pm 7-40 am ! ■ i ~ 10:30 am 8:00 am Guernevllle. I 7:30 pm 8:30 pm I [ i 6:15 pm 7:40 am 1 8 :00 am Sonoma 10:40 am I 8:50 am 6:10pmI5:00 pm and 6:05 pm *>:15pm ■:■-■.% -..-.j\.. Glen Ellen. j - ■- - 7:40 am|8:00 AMI Kpbß , tOD ol 110:40 am 10:30 am 8 :30 ru l 6 -.00 pm | Sebastopoi. [ 6:05 pmJ 6-:15 PM - Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinaa. Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Bprings. Stages connect at Geyservllle for Skaggs Sprlnga, i . Stages connect at Cioverdale for the Geysers. - Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Springy Kelseyvllle, Soda Bay, Lakeport. Staßes connect at Hoplaod for Lakeport ana Bart lc:t Springs. __ Stages connect at Uklah for Vichy Springs, Bla» lakes, Laurel Doll. Upper Lake. Uooneville, Green- wood, Mendocino City. Fort Brags, Usal, Westport, Cahto, Willetts, Calpella, Porno, Potter Valley, John Pay's, Livcly's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, Blocks- burg, Brldgevllle, Hydesville and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced rates. • - ' -• On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points be- yond San Rafael at half rates. 1 Special Sunday El Campo Service. STEAMER UKIAH leaves Tiburon ferry every Sunday— a. it., 12:10, 2:00 and 4:00 p. as. Bestir ling— El Campo at 1:00, 3:00 and f :(>0 *. M. Tlc.ei Offices, 650 Market St., Chronicle building. B. C. WHITING, R. X. AN, lien. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. HOI TIlI.ltN PACIFIC (OJIPAKT. (PACIFIC HYSTEM.) Trnln» leave »ml »■■<• due to nrrlvo at KAN riuscnco. LEAVE — FIIOM JrLY 27, 1895. — Aitnivg •6:30 a San Lennaro, Ucy wards !i Way St'ns V: I3a 7i»Oa Atlantic Expn M, (>£<lcn and T.iiKt.. lO:5Op 7:OOa Betiici*, Vaoarill*. Rumsey. Sacra- mento, and Rcddicg via Davi3. . . . 7:13p 7:30 a Martinez, Sau Ramou, Kspa, Calis- toga and Ganta Rosa ' C:lsp 7:30 a San Leandro, Haywanla t Way 6t'r.s 1015 a »::;<»a Niles. Man Jose, .Stockton, Ior:e. Sacramento, MaryaTlllc, Keill>lull aiul<ho»illn 4:15p •S:3o.v Peters ami Milton «7:15p U:OO.\ San Leandro, Hay wards li Way Sfns' 1 1:13 a 1>:OOa Next Orleans Express, Raymond, (for VoscTaitc). Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, J>< Li i'aso. New Orients in nl East 10i43a 9:OOa Martinez and Stockton 1 0: 1 ~,\ 1O:OOa San Leacdro, H^ywirda and Niles . l:-35p 1 1 2:OOst Saa l^eandro, liny v. n',3 A Way Sfna ■ 2:4."5p : I:OOp Nilca, San J. soa.iii Livci'i'.wre...... ■. W:-J3a •1:OOp Sacramento Hirer 5t0!vii)6r3..'.......-""ll:OOp fl::$Or Port Costa aud Way Stations.:..:... - t7:lSp «:OOp Han Leaacro, Haytvards t Way Bfus .l:l."»p 4:00p San Lcandro, Hay wards & Way Rt'ns C:4sp 4:001- Martinez, Han Ilaiiion. Vnllejo. vv\. Napa, Calistoga, 'la Verano and - .Santa Rosn 9:13 a 4:00p Benicia, . JE^sparto, Woodland, Knights Lnuling, . Marys villu, Orovil le and Sacramento 10:45* 8:OOp Niles, - .San Jose, LiTermore and Stockton..... 7il3p S:3op San Leindro, Hayward? & Way St'ns , 8:43» B:3Oi> Los A nudes Kxnress, I'resno, Ray- • ' f mond (for Yosemite), ItakersHeld, Santa Barbara and i.os Angeles.. .-4:43p 0:30p Santa Fo Koute, Atlautio Express for Mojavo anil Kast..... 10:43 a 6:0«p European Mail, <> o'<!on0 '<!on and East...;' 0:45 a O:WOpllavirartK Kllisuud Han Jose 7:4 a J7:OorVailejo. i t7:«p 7:OOr Oregon Hxprt-aß, Sacramento, Marys- ' ville, Retlilfng, 'Portland,' Puget .Sound ami Kust 10:45 a 7K>op San Leandro, Hay wards* Way St'ns 10:50p 9:00p San Loandro.Haywardst Way St'ns ftl2:ooA tfll:lsp SanLeandro.Haynraril-.AWaySt'na *7:15 a SANTA ,VMVZ DIVISION (Siutoit Gaago>. {7:45 a Sunday Excursion for Newark. San Jose, Loa Gatos, Felton and Santa Cruz ...V...". ... }8:09p 8:1 3a Newark, Cen tervillo.San. lose. Felton, : >- :-:- -' Boulder Creek, Cruz and Way Stations OiSOp •2:13p Newark. Centcrvillc, San Jose, New Almadcn, Felton, ISonliler Creek, Santa Cruz and Principal Way ' Stations ;. •! 1 :2O * 4t43p Newark. San Jose. lioa <!atos 9:30 a COAST DIVISION (lliinl X Townspiul Ms.) *6:45 a Han Jose, §New Almadcu.aiid Way • " 5tati0n5.............. *1:43p 17:30 a Sunday Kxcursion for San Jose, Santa Cruz, Pacific Grove and Principal Way Stations |5:35? •:13a San Jose, Trcs Pitios, .Santa Cruz, . Pacific OrOTC, Paso Uobles, San ' Luis Oliispo, Guadalupo aud Prin- cipal Way .Stations ....... 7:03p }9:47APa10 Alto and Way Stations I. Jl:4sp 1«»:-IOa San Jom; nml Wny 5tati0n5......... I 3:O«p 11:43 a Palo Alto nnd Way Stations S:3O» tS:l3p"Del Monte Limited" for Menlo • Park, fan Jose, Gilroy, Pajaro, CaAtroTiilu, Del Monte, Monterey " and Pacific Grovo only }{11:2#A *a:3op San .lose, Gilrcy. Tres Piuos, Santa Cruz, Sallnas,Monterey ami PacJUo M ' M . Grove »I0:40a •3:nop San Jose anAl'rinclpKl Way Stations »:47a •4:30 i" San Jose an.l Way Stations *»:06\ 5:30 - San Jose and Way Stations *»:4Sa. 6:«oi«San Jose and Way Stations O::t5A *ll:H<»l- Ban -lose ,..l V:iVs .■i'i.-n-'» «7:->sp CREEK ROUTE FERRY. IfromSAH FRIKCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip 8) — •7:00 8:00 900 »1C:OO 11:00 a.m. * 12:30 " Jl:00 *2::0 3:30 *4:CO E;00 *6:03p.K. From OillAND— Foot »f Bro»dwsT.— *6:00 ' ' »7:00 8.-00 *9:00 " 10:"00 •11:C0a.1I. JI2:CO j-'A^-' •12:30 2:30 *3:30 1:00 S:COr.M. 1 ■ A for Morning. P for Afternoon. . ;.*Punilaysexcepted. . t Saturdays only. I S Wednesdays only. }t Mondays ocly. • Sundays only. It Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights only. X.^^SAUSALITO FERRY/*^^ From April 21, 1895. Leave S. F. WEEK DAYS. Arrive 8. P. 7.00 a.m. Mill V»l., Rom Vil., San Rfl ....... • 8 00a.m. " " " B»nQto. 6.45 a" i" 9.15 a.m. " " " 7.40a!m. 10.164.M. " •• " StaQtn. 8.45 a.m. 11.45 a.m. " v" "...1... 9 40am "»»* :; :; •• ««Qvn.ia4s*:2: 8.20 P.M. " s " s^iS *.15?. U. '• 8 05pm 6.15 p.m. " s»n Qtc 4 40p'm 6.6CP.M. " " - " ;....'.'. 8 3Cpm O.SSP.M. - •' •• S»J " StO Qlll 7 4<", p a 11.80P m. Ross V»L, San Rn.,SaHQtn ...... '" 01 -"' 8.00 a.m. Ciuitro and Way Stations . . * ' riii'i,' •1.46?. M. " " " •• . .'."■■■ X B*sai .•Saturdays only. . x Mondays only. ' SUNDAYS. - •8.00 a.m. Mill Tal., Ross Val.. San Rfl., Su Qtn. . .:'. .... .' Ross Valler, San Rafael, San Qtn ..... siieA'Ml . 9.00 A MiUJal., Ross Val., San Rfl., San Qta. *;"** 10.00a.m'. " «v » SanQtn 9>lSA '"* > " .... Ross TUlij, iD Rafitl, Saa .... .10. 60 a".m. 11.00 a.m. Saosahto oblt I."/.;.-'- *""' ....... . Stnsalilo aid Mill Valley! '.'.'.'. v ""iiibYif 11.80 a.m. Mill Valley, Ross Valle/san Rn'.:! .;.° *** ' i2.'3op!M'.- m? » " OSS ¥ *J; s " " S » D Qtu - 'liiop'-M. :::::::: Miui.^vaU^::;;^ 6.45 p.m. " «« ' „'•••••••••• r • • ... ... tut Tall»y aid 8u Ratal !; " "'" s"is»'w" , B.Coa.m. Point Ksjts icd \f tJ SutiMi...™! T.»p£