Newspaper Page Text
12 THE STOCK MARKET There was very little change In prices yesterday, though the closing prices were rather better, on the whole, than those of the preceding day. Busi ness continued quiet. NOTES. The Hutchison Sugar Plantation Company has declared a dividend of 15c per share, payable on the 20th. The following local corporations will pay monthly dividends to-day: Han Francisco Gas, 35c; Oakland Gas. 20c: Edison Light and Power. 66" 3 c ; Pacific Telephone and Telegraph, 30c; and Sunset Telephone and Telegraph. 20c. The Security Savings Bank has re-elected Its directors as follows: William Alvord, William Babcock, Adam Grant, Winticld S. Jones, A. K. P. Harmon, H. H. Hewlett, Jerome .Lincoln. J. B. Randol, O. D. Baldwin. The board returned the old officers as follows: Jerome Lincoln, president; Wintield 8. Jones, vice-president; and S. L. Abbott Jr. secretory. The delinquent assessment sale of the Union Consolidated Mining/ompany will be held to-day. The Mono assessment of 30c per share will be de linquent in the company's oflice to-day. Bullion valued at $2300 has been received from the Mayflower gravel mine. The annual meeting of the Alta Mining Company takes place to-day. In the Savage on the 950 level, west crosscut 1 started from the north lateral drift 100 feet north of the station Is advanced 68 feet: face is in clay and porphyry. The south lateral drift from the station is advanced 95 feet: face is In quartz and porphyry. In the ease crosscut from tn>- third floor of the old stopes they are extracting some fair grade ore. On toe 1050 level in the west crosscut from the face of the main south drift they con inue to stope good ore. They are repairing the main south drift on this level. During the wet they have hoisted forty cars of ore: car samples average $42 85 per ton. On the 11th inst. they commenced to snip ore to the Nevada mill and have now shipped 180 tons, and the mill com menced crushing on the 13th inst. Assessments Pending. Following is a list of assessments now pending: Company. DNinqti No. lAmt. lattM i Sale Day. i Board. nion 51| 20.J1y J9;.Auff iccldental 19 10 .Jly 26 l .Aus: ■ccidental 19 10 .Jly 26 .Auk ould & Curry '761 15 .An? V. ,An;: rtnh Con 25- O.i Au? 8 Aug ■otost 44! 26). AnglO 1 . Sept phir 66 25.Auglll.Sept [ono 85 10).ABgl5|.Sept ;elcber 51 251. Augl6'. Sept ierra Nevada 100) 251. AujrSO .Sept on. imperial .. 36 Oll.Sept s|.Oct >ntuf-k 11' Jo.Sept6.Oct ;o<Jle Con IS 15 .Sep 13i.Oct 15 21 28 30 4 9 20 23 3 1 7 BOAKU SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco fctock Board yesterday: BEOCLARMOBXISO SWSSION COMMKNCING AT 9 :30. 50 A ndes. . . .30 100 C0nf1 . . ..1.05(300 Mcx 71 300Belctier...30 400 C Point. ..39 100 i'otosi ... .60 200 B & X... 1.10150 G <fc C G_' 1(»') 61 100 Chollar... 63^100 61200 Savage. ...41 100 CC4.V.. 2.8.-100 IliN. .1.80: £0 100 2.90|160 Kentuck..o2l AFTKRNOON HKSSION— 2 :30. 150 Andes.. ..30 50 CCAV...2.90100 Occldil... .SO 200 31 100 Q i C....64 100 Ophir. . .1.65 300 Belcher.. .3l 150 IKt.N. . .1.90 400 Overran. ..lS 300 B<fc 8.. 1.20100 Justice. ...o7 550 Potosi... 65 250Bodie 11 500 Ki-ntuck .02 500 see r.eL.lO 60 10 100 Mexican. 74 100 Utah 06 400Ca1eda....12 200 75^300 V Jackt ...;-;9 Following were the sales In tha Paciflc Block Beard yesterday : HEOfLAR BSSSIOST— IO:3O. 200 Alta 1 9)800 Chollar. . .6. 100 Ophir 1.62 V., SOC Andes... M) 700 «4 4.^0 Potosi ....60 400 Belcher.. 30 100 66250 61 200 »] 250CC*V2.87ia COO H2 400 B &Bl.l2l''* 20 2.95 200 64 400 1. 152500 & C 6JIIOO 65 300 1.171 2 400 63 200 66 100 1.20400 04 700 savage.. ..4l 300 Bodie 13 300 H<fcN 1.87% 5i.K) 40 600 8u11i0n. ...21 600 1.85 400 SBct M..09 300 20200 Jnstice. ...07 300 sierra N..45 200 Chalnge..3l 300 Mexhan.. 7l 600 Union ....51 90Conrid .1.05 400 Uphir... 1.65 300 V Jacket. 3B 400 C P0int... 40 ' AFTFRN-OON sksston— 3o. 300 A1pha.... 1000 CC&V.2.90400 P0t05!....65 i.'oo Andes... .30 500 0 ...01 400 66 1100 I> «fc8.1.15j-IOOCon N V.. 03 500 Savage.. 800 Bodie 12 100 C P0int.... 40,300 Scorpion..o4 300 8u1wer... 04 600 Exchqr. ..U'J 200 S^ev....4l> 400 Caledonia.}! II<& > ...I>s Utah 07 100 Challenge 32:9oo 1.901300 V Jacket. 3B 300 Ch0Uar.... 64>100 Oph!rl.6ay»' CLd.rlM. FLOTATIONS. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 14-4 p. it £t>i. As/oh, Bid.Atkfl Alpha Con 07 OB Jackson 20 — Alta 13 1-iiJaha 02 04 Andes 30 injustice 06 OS Belcher 31 33jKentucK 01 03 Best <£ . Belcher; 1.15 1.20, Lady Wash.... 01 02 BeutonCon.... — 33 Mexican 73 75 Bodle 10 11 Mono 02 — .Bullion. 19 i!l Mt. Diablo 15 — Bulwer _ 04 05 Nevada Queen. — 05 Caledonia 12 14i North G. <fcC. — 29 Challenge Con. 31 Occidental 30 31 Choliar 63 05;Ophir 1.65 1.70 Con.Cal.A 2.90 Overman 18 19 Con. Imperial. — 02 Po:os: 63 65 Confidence..... 1.05 — i?avare 40 41 Con. New — 031 Sep. Belcher... 09 10 Crown Point... 39 41 Sierra Nevada, 46 47 H. «fc 8... — 17 Scorpion 03 05 KastSierraNev — 05 Silver ill 03 04 Kxchequer..... 01 OS Silver King.... 90 — Eureka Con — 20 Syndicate — 03 Gould .i: Curry. 63 Cs|UnloaCon 60 52 Hale JSorcrs.l.!Ss 1.90 Utah 06 07 lowa — 041 Yellow Jacket. 39 40 STOCK AM) 15OXD EXCHANGE. WEDNESDAY, Aug. 14—2 p. it rXJTEU STATES BONDS. Eld. Asked.] Bid. Asked. V 8 4s coop.. 112 — JU S4s re 5.. .112 — MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. C«l-*tCbleO*.110 — iss 63..101 — Cal Elec L 65106 107 P A OKvGs.,llO 120 Cntra C W sslUoV 2 101 P<fcCh Ry6s. 96%100 Dpnt-stex-cp 85 95 jPwI-stRROs. — 116 V» Kd«nl«tP6s.lO6 108 Rer.o.\VL&Llo2 105 I"*CH JRK6sIO4% — |BiverWCo6s — 100 Geary-stßss. — 107y 2 SF«»NPEnSsIOI%IO3 XosAngl.6a. — — |SPKKAriz6s — 100 Do.Gnted.6». — 104 !sPRRCaI6s.H3 — Mkt-stCble6sl2lVi — SPRRCaISs. 871J.100 »vCNkRBs. — 102 Do, lcongtd. 2 100 . NPCRR69.IOO — SFBrKCa!6a. 98V4100 Ny II Cal 65.. 100 105 SV Water 65.. 12.13; _ >" Ry 55.. — — ISVWawr4s.. 98V- - Oak Gas 65..105 — |StktnG4E6slO2 "105 Do, 2di5a55..10534106V 2 SunstT<fcT6s — 103 Omnibus 65.. 119% — Sutter-stR6s.HO — PacKoUMbi.iO-J — IVisallaWCSs — 92 WATKE STOCKS. Contra Costa. 65 — — 97V» JdarlnCo.... 49% 63V'2!Sprng Valley IOO14IOOV2 GAS STOCKS. Capital — 42 !PacificL!i?ht. 47 49% Central 95 — >anKrancsco 71V4 71i/ 2 OakGL&H. 45 — btockton 18 23 PacGasimp. 801,4 81 | . . INSfRANCK STOCKS. rireman«Fd.lß3. 160 |Son 54 70 COMMERCIAL BANK STOCKS. AmerBATC. — — !lx)ndonP&A.l36i/ a l2Byji Anglo-Cal. .. — 62W»ll'Ondon&SF. — 31 Bank of Ca1..227 230 "jMerch Ex... 12 — CaISD&TCo. 56 60 Nevada — — FlrstNatlonl.l77l4 — bather B Co. — — Grangers.... — — SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. GerS&LCo..l62s — ;Sav&Loan.. — 150 HnmbS<fcli.lOOO — !j»ecuntv — 300 Mutual — 45 UnlonTrnss. — 900 6F SavUnlon 487 % 505 j STKKKT RAILROAD STOCKS. California.... 105 — iOak.RL*Hav — 100 Geary-si. — 90 iPresidlo 12 13Vi itarket-5t.... 403^ 4iV3^utter-st - — roWDER STOCKS. Atlantic D... — 171,4 Jnason — — California.... — 100 iVlgorlt 25c 35c Oiani — 15%! UISCKLLANKurS STOCKS. BlkDCoalCo. — 10%iPacAuxFA.. Lsi _ C«l Cot Mills. — — Pac Borax... 98 100 Dry Dock — — Pacl<fcNCo. — 30 EdisonJUghU — 92 Pac Roll Mill 17 — GasCon Assn. ' — — Part Paint Co — 9 iIawCASCo- « 7 PacTransCo — 25% IlutchSPCo.. 10"/i-ll PacT<fcTUo. 50 65 JndnonMfgC. — — jSunseiT<sT. 35 — MerKiAssn.loo 110 Untied ('.Co.. — 25 OceanlcSSCo — 30 I JIOBXIN'n SESSION. Board-50 Hutcbinson S P Co, 10%; 10 8 V Water. 1003/«. Street-30 Kdiaon Light * Power Co, 9134 : 10 Pacific Ges Imp, 80%: $3000 s V A N" P Railway Bonds, 102: 0,000 8V 4% Bonds, 9834. AFTERNOON SKSSION. Street-10 Edison Light & Power Co, 91%. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BtJRINEBS OFFICE of the. San Francisco Cai.^ --710 Market street, open until 12 o'ciock every EJjM In the yer.r. - BRANCH OFFICES— 530 Montgomery street, ccrr.i rClr.y: open until 9 :30 o'clock. fTP Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkln street, open until 9:30 o'clock. feW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open cr.tll f ocloct. ' '' . ? "."\ £618 Mission street, open nntll 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth Ptreot. open nntil 9:30 o'clock. : --'■'. - NOTICE OF MEETINGS. , RS» DORIC^ LODGE N0. .216, fTaND ~m~ «>-" A. M., 121 Eddy Called me^tinc «* THIS EVENING at 7:30 o'clock™ Third «V degree. Master Masons In >rood standing r*&^ we invited. By order of the W. M. ■ ■■ ■ ■, - ■■-.■■- ■ - r . _A l _K.i<(*N?;i;i;(;, Secretary.-- (t^S= CALIFORNIA liODGK NO. 1. P. ft~ t>~& and A. M., will meet HIS (TUTUS- /« •, DAY) EVKNI.NG,. August 15, at 7:So^^: o'clock. Third degree. By order of the r^y\ Master. FRANKLIN 11. DAY, Secretary. flj£ss= ST. ANDREWS MOCIETY c? >. . If^y will celebrate the l'24th anntvor- sy; &iX7 s«ry of the birth of Sir Walter Scott by >&3r*'4?. ft literary entertainment ana social dance 1 '^ < at Scottish Hall, 105 Larkln st., THURSDAY KVENING, Aug. 15. Admission 25c: hat and cloak room free. COMMITTEE. Bp-3= N'OTICEOFANNUALMEETING— Sr-is regular annual meeting of the stockholders \ of the Pacific Undertakers will be held at 777 Mis- i sion st., San Francisco, on FRIDAY, August 23, I 1895, at 8:80 p.m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. Transfer-books will close on Tuesday, August 20, at 4p. m. By order of the board of directors. M. C. GORHAM, Secretary. C£3s=» OFFICE OF HONEY LAKE VALLEY U^*^ Townsite Company. To the stockholders of the Honey Lake Valley Townsite Company. ■ The regular annual meeting of the above-named corporation not having been called or held at the time specified for 'said meeting in the by-laws of Raid corporation, and no time thereafter for the holding of said meeting being provided for in said by-laws, or ordered by the Board of Directors of Raid corporation, and the _,nnual election of . a Board of Directors 01 «aid corporation not having I taken place on the day appointed therefor In said ! by-laws, and no day thereafter being provided for j by said by-lawn, and said election not having been adjourned to or ordered by the Board of Directors for any other day, and the owners of more than a majority of the shares of the capital stock of said corporation having called for a meeting of the stockholders thereof for the purpose of holding the annual election of a Board of Directors of said cor- poration; ■ . -• ; A meeting of the stockholders of said corporation is hereby called, to be held at the office of said cor- poration. Room No. 69. Columbian building. No. 916 Market st., San Francisco, California, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of August, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of holding the an- nual election of a Board of Directors of said cor- poration, and for the transaction of such businsss as may regularly come before said meeting. By order of the President. • . WILLIAM B. LAKE, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. m^jp^sofux^Twa "STOCK and f?x" CXi? tures of QUONG ON WO 4 CO.. 617 Dupont St.. have bean sold to WING SUN TONG. All ac- counts ajrainst them must be presented before August 20, at 12 o'clock neon, as we will not be responsible for any debts contracted by them after that date. WING SUN TON. San Francisco, August 12, 1895. |Tip» CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE: IRe? no pain. Chiropodic Institute, room 2, 200 ! Turk si. 1 ijE^gp YOUNG STOUT GERMAN LADY; Air _r-*^ cohol baths and manicure. 17a sixth, r. 1. ff^S=» YOUNO JEWISH LADY GIVES ALCO- &-=? hoi and electric baths. Offices 47 and 48, 850 Market st. ijF_SP~JOH"N J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, tS^s? magnetic, massage treatment: rheumatism and constipation a specialty. 1007 Mkt, rins. 2, 3. jjFtSp BAD "TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. Ef- 4 *^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy st., room 6. Tel. 6580. jjt^pp CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; Is^& f no pain. Chlropodu Ir«tltute, 361/3 Geary. JJr^= ROOMS WHITENED, $ 1 UP: PAPER- tt-* 7 «?d $3 50 tin. 309 Sixth. Georc* nartman. DIVIDEND NOTICES. DIVIDEND ~NOTicE-blV r iDEND NO. '?£<& 22 (fifteen cents per shore) of the Hntchin- son Sugar Plantation Company will be payable at | the office of the company, 327 Market street, on j and after Tuesday, August 20. 1895; transfer book ! will close WEDNESDAY. August 14, 1895, at 3 j o'clock p. m. E. 11. SHELDON. secretary. SITU AX lON WAMKU-KIiMALK. ATEAT COOK WITH REFERENCE DESIRES -> situation. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 312 Suiter. ESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS POSITION IV as second work: best references. Address A., box 59, this office. \\riDoW WANTS WORK BY THE DAY AT »» washing or ironing or housecleaning. Apply to 1036 Potrero aye.. near Twenty-third st. pOMPETENT GIRL WISHES SITUATION , \J for upstairs work and sewing or care for chil- i dren or assist housework: willing and obliging. ! Call 2 13 i i Langton st., near Bryant. j |71_ PKRIKNCED COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER • Xli wants a situation; country preferred ; good j references. Call or address 474 Jessies!., nr. Sixth. | ! A7"OUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS j j X housekeeper In city; no objection to children; none but respectable people need call. Call or ad I dress 1429 Howard st. IDDLE-AGF.D WOMAN WISHES TO GIVE services in care of children or nursing or as companion in return for home. Address _1. A., box 65, Call Office. j I T)Y PROTESTANT AMERICAN WOMAN TO -~j do licht domestic work : would appreciate good home. Call 737 Howard St., room 33. "yOUNG GIRL LATELY FROM OLD COUN- I X try wants situation to help with housework or mind children. Address G. G., box 35, Call. SITUATION WANTED AS A WORKING housekeeper or housework in a small family. 210 Langton st. > • • " p ESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS SITU A j Xt tiontodo cooking in respectable family; un- stands her business thoroughly. Address R. M., box 71. Call. p ERMAN LADY WISHES TO DO WASHING VX and ironing by the day. 1214% Polk st. WAXTED-'fy MILLINER POSITION AS • * Hrst-class maker: best of '■ity references. Ad- dress MISS L., box 57, Call Office. C ITUATION WANTED BY A COMPETENT I O and experienced woman in wholesale or retail I ■ house as saleslady or will travel. Address S. L., j box 32. Call. "IyiDOW OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE '» situation as : --Keeper: lodging-house or j widower's family. (5 Market st., room 7. : p ERMAN GIKL~WISH.ES A PLACE AS j VX rmrsegirl. 929 Pine. i "yOUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION FOR X second work and sewing. Call at 31 Prosper st., I ] off Sixteenth, near Castro. ; "y OUNG GIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO DO ' ' X general housework. Apply 82 V_ Willow aye. ; PELIABLE GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO : It do plain cooking and light, housework in small family. Apply 613 d Linden aye. j pOM PET SWEDISH GIRL WANTS SIT- : \J uation to do second work in nice family. Ad- dress M. J., Call Branch Office, 116 Ninth at. j j TV OMAN WANTS chamber WORK IN A i »» hotel or rooming house: ro objection to wash- I i ing: city or country .' Apply 951 Fol»om St., near ( Sixth. ' > • ANTED— BY MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN PO- • » sii ion to travel to any country or would take ■ '• place as housekeeper; country preferred. MRS. ; I GRIFFIN. 1727 Eddy st. TJ OUSKKEEPER'S POSITION WANTED BY ! XX refined widow of 30 in widower's family or hotel; is good seamstress: competent to fill any ( position of trust. Address M. A. W., box 56. ! ■ V A FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL: BEST ! of reference: lately from the East. Call at 404 ! < Third st. . i i BY TWO FIRST-CLASS GIRLS TO DO COOK- \ ' in? or general housework: best'of reference; i '■, lately from the East. Call at 404 Third st. j , Position WANTED BY a refined YOUNG j : X German lady for upstairs work and children; Is ! also handy with the needle. Call at 1818 Ellis st. Q WIS3 GIRL WISHES A PLACE AS NURSE- I ( girl or do upstairs work. Address 927 Filbert. | < TARESSMAKER, GOOD CUTTER AND FIT- I ! XJ ter. will go out by the day ; reasonable. 108 ! ; Eighth st. - ] p ERMAN GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO : VX general housework and cooking. Call or ad- dress 68 Clementina. ( pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND I ' \J of housework by the day: references. Call or ' address 1217 scott st., near Eddy. W •;.. ] : V"l NG JEWISH GIRL WISHES TO CARE | 1 X for children or (Jo light housework. Apply 36 j - Langton st. I ; SWEDISH GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO \ housework and cooking. Call or address 1110 - StevriiKOn 1 ., near Ridley. p ERMAN LADY WANTS SITUATION AS VX housekeeper or for general housework; good I : cook. Inquire room 3, ?03 Jessie st. . j GOOD DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE FEW | I" more engagements: $1 10 per day; children's | • also. Address box C. Mission and Sixteenth sis. , : •yOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS i X cashier, bookkeeper or stenographer; compe- ' tent: references. Address 1228 Twenty-fifth aye., East Oakland. ■ v < WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY, j » ' washing, Ironing and housecleaning. Call or J address 820 Hayes St., basement. j : GIRL WISHES POSITION TO DO HOUBE- ! work. 2027 fcll:s st. ■ "Y OUNG german GIRL WISHES POSITION . X to do housework in small American family, $20 or $25; no poatals. Address 1022 Bryant st. AT Of NO WOMAN WITH I■o V . 6 YEARS OLD, ' X wants a situation, city or country, to do gen- eral housework. Call or address 202 Fourth st. •yOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION' AS I ! X housekeeper. Call at 11 Kearny st,., room 27, I first floor. . W ANTED— BY COMPETENT GIRL, SECOND i '• work and waiting: private family; wages $20 . or $25. Call or address A. H., 1434 California st. :. pOMPETENT GIRL WISHES SITUATION AS i \J general housework; best of city references. Ap- ', ply 226 Twenty-eighth st. W- ANTED- BY A MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO »" do general house-work for an elderly couple, i and sleep at home. Address M. L., box 71, Call..] EXPECTABLE LADY WITH DAUGHTER, ' 12, would assist with housekeeping In exchange for pleasant home; only refined people need apply; , references exchanged. Address R. L., box 70, Call. . I>>L_t_Jt LV EASTERN LADY WISHES a , Xli situation. as 'housekeeper, care of invalid or . American cooking; references given. Apply at ' lOUCappst. . -. TU ANTED— BY GOOD WORKING woman I, : *» any kind of housework, washing and Ironing, scrubbing floor 3 and cleaning windows, by the day. ' Call at 547 Mission St., bet. First and Second. / 1 amm a n GIRL WANTS SITUATION to do : *J do upstairs work; perfect In sewing and hand ; work. Address or call 3106 California st. . miIOROUGn SEAMSTRESS, WHO CAN CUT I I X and fit, desires a position as maid ; or would do '. chamberwork; unlerstands hairdressing. ■• H. D., -, box 46, Call. ■. ■-* .--. -. ■ ' A/OUNG SPANISH GIRL FROM SANTIAGO : X wishes sewing by the day. 27 Taylor St., rm. 3. . THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. t_TTATIO_*« amed-nale^ PE^peWa^l^yßu^o^ian^wishes TO J.V assist in kitchen and learn cooking and baking. Please answer R.; box 59, Call Office. . . ' ■ ' "yOUNG MAN SEEKS EMPLOYMENT ■IN 1 saloon. Address S., box 71, Call Office. TEADY "RELIABLE MAN WANTS A SlTU- atlon around private place: is good coachman and fair gardener; is handy with tools. Address H.L., box 74. Call Office. ■ .■•... yOUNG MAN, HANDY. ABOUT PLACE, DE- -1 sires employment: city or country: is good driver, milker, etc. Address J. M.. box 59. Call. \y ANTED— POSITION TO WORK IN STORE '» as porter or drive delivery wagon; well «c- -qiiainteii with city; references. Address N. LIN- TON, 547 Minna st. J OY, 14 YEARS OF AGE, WOULD LIKE A home in a good family; work for his board and go to school; In Pan Rafael or any town or city in Maria or Sonoma counties: best reference. Ad- dress P. D., box 29, this office. . CITUATION-BY SINGLE MAN: AN EX- O pert stableman and driver; understands care or fine carriages and harness: references. Address P., box 31, Call Office. ■ - pHEMIKT (PHARMACEUTICAL), DIPLOMA \.i Vienna University (French, German : English and Italian), seeks engagement: highest references. Address Pharmacist, box 120, Call Office. \f AN, THOROUGHLY UNDERSTANDS CARE i»x of horses, carriages, harness: careful, stylish driver; care garden, milk, etc., wants situation on gentleman's place: years of first-class reference from Inst employer. Address Coachman, box 49, Call Office. . ■ ■ ITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS 0 manager of stock ranch: experienced horse- man. Address M. C. S., box 81, Golden Gate, Ala- meda County. ■ MAN AND WIFE: NEW ENGLAND PEO- IiL pie; man understands care of horses, cattle and grounds: good driver: wife competent cook and housekeeper: good general worker; 3 years' California reference: city or country. Address N. 81, this office. A/OUNG MAN (GERMAN). 19 YEARS OF AGE, i. likes to get work in a grocery store: willing to work, and is no: looking after big salary at tho start. Inquire at WALTERS BROS. _ CO., 116- -117 Front st. PRACTICAL STATIONARY ENGINEER X . who understands operating electric dynamo and elevator, capable for all steam fitting and all general repair on machinery, wishes a situation in or outside the city; will give references. Address A. KERN, Brooklyn Hotel, Bush street, between Montgomery and Sansome^ . : "Farmer — SITUATION wanted by ' farmer mid wife to take care of gentleman's place; understands stock, chicken, fruit and vine raisins: farming in all its branches; wife first-class cook. G. W., box 57, Call Office. CII UATION WANTED BY DANE AS GAR- -0 dener on private place: understands horses, cows and diivfng; city references. Address H. A., box 29, Call Office. • IDDLE-AGED MABRIED MAN (GERMAN) wants situation; thorough practical fnkt- giower, vineyardist- and wine-maker; is fully com- petent to take whole responsibility: wife first-class cook. Address M. M., box 57, Call Office. D~ ANE WISHES SITUATION. EXPERl- enced with horses, carriages, cows, garden and general work on city and country places, sober and reliable; good references. J. N., box 70, Call Office. 1 ■ ARDENER. MIDDLE-AGED, WISHES A \) situation on private place, thoroughly under- stands greenhouse and all other garden work. Address R., box S3, Call. ■«■ pAPABLE MAN OF 35, WITH SEVERAL \J years' experience in general merchandise and lumber, wishes position with wholesale house or lumb;r company: any kind of work with chance to advance; good references. Address G. R., box 120. West Berkeley. FEMALE HELP WANTED. REST AURA NT WAITRESS ?ItTAI?r7nOOM~; l\i ranch cook, $25: waitress, country, hotel, $15. fare paid; 25 women and girls, housework, city and country- MURRAY _ READY, 634-636 Clay st. , »*>.-■ vs "WAITRESS, PLAIN HOTEL, SOUTH. $15, >» free fare. MURRAY _ READY, 634-636 Clay st. ... V AT MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, PRIVATE i> family, country, $15. MURRAY _ READY, 634-636 Clay st. 2 FANCY IRONERSFOR laundry, $1 50 a day. MURRAY <fc READY, 634-635 Clay st. EFINED GERMAN MAID AND SEAM- stress. $25; French chambermaid and seam- stress, $20; French second girl, $25: 15 house- work girls, city and country, s2o and $26; 4 young girls, assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULLEN*, 105 Stockton st. OTHER AND DAUGHTER OR 2 SISTERS or friends: cook and second girls; $18 and $12; Sam a Clara County. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. . , ECOND GIRL AND PLAIN WASH; $25; n Ger»an or Swedish preferred. MISS CUL- LEN, 105 Stockton st. p_ FINED GERMAN WOMAN AS COM PA N- Xk lon to a middle-aged lady; $20. MISS CUL- LEN, 106 Stockton st. *] A U DRESS— LAKE TAHOE: 6 WEEKS; xJ $30 per month: fare paid; see party here. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. OTEL WAITRESS; MODESTO; $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. IRL FOR LIGHT WORK: $10: SLEEP home. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. OOK — INSTITUTION, $30: PROTESTANT. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. } ENGLISH SECOND oTrIT" $25: SEE lady II here. i 8 CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. V(>i'N(: GIRL, LIGHT SECOND WORK, 10. I MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. "lV r ANTED— HEAD WAITRESS, CITY HO- •' t. tel. $26; lady's maid to travel, French or Cer- man only, $25: a waitress nnd parlormaid, private family, $-!>: French nurse for Southern California, $20: housework girls for Belvedere. Gilroy, Monte- rev, Burllngame and Oakland, $20 and $25. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutler st. W ANTED-A COLORED COOK AND HOUSE- TT work girl; 2 in family; $25. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Suuer st. HOTEL COOK, CITY, $35; FIRST-CLASS ' XX s - arch ironer, steam laundry, $30 and board; Spanish cook for family of 4, $20": Swedish or Ger- man cirl. general housework, $18, $20; 10 young girls to assist with housework and care of children, »10, $15. - C. R. HANSEN <k Co.. 110 Geary st. \\r A ITRESS FOR COUNTRY HOTEL, SOUTH. »» $20; restaurant waitress, $6 week: chamber- maid, assist waiting, country hotel, $20: chamber- maid, conntry hotel; restaurant cook, $6 week. C. R. Jl ANSKN & CO., 110 Geary st. I7UHST-CLABS HEAD WAITRESS. COUNTRY X I hotel, $30, $35. C. R. HANSEN •_ CO., 110 Geary st. .. WANTED-SCANDINAVIAN OR GERMAN M cook, small country hotel, $25; Protestant cook, a short distance, $30: 3 Protestant German and. French second girls. $25; 2 Irish and French nurses, $20 and $25; ironer in laundry; cook. American family, $25; 3 waitresses, $16, and -$6 week, and a great many girls for housework. J. F. CROSEI T _ CO., 312 Sutler st. \\rANTED— FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS AND '» parlormaid, country. $25, . call ear.y: nurse and seamstress for Los Angeles, $25; German cook, hotel, country, $25; 10 girls for housework, city or country, $20 and $16: waitress, boarding- ' house, city, $15; French maid and seamstress, $25: German nurse. $20; French waitress and ■ parlormaid, $25; French housework girl, $20. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. ANTED— PLAIN baker FOR AN IN- »* stitution: $20 per month and good home, in- cluding washing. Apply to W. D. EWER _ CO.. g26Clay. - . . ■■=■■. ty ANTED — WOMAN WITH DAUGHTER, »' or two friends, to cook for an Institution; $60 i per month, including free washing, etc. W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay. . . "ty ANTED— PLAIN. IRONER FOR AN IN- " s'.ltution near city; $25 and found. W. D. EWER A CO., 620 Clay. ■ ' WA ITR ESS, EASY PLACE. NEAR CITY, $15, fare paid ; cook, country hotel, $25, and girls for housework. B. T. WARD & CO., 610 Clay st. TyANTED^FRENCH MAID AND SEAM- » » stress. cook, Jewish family, $40: German honsejtlrl, $25; 4 German cooks, $30: 4 Irish girls, $25; young girls assist plain cook, boarding-house. MME. LEOPOLD, 957 Market st. "V A T . GERM OR SWEDISH NURBE- JLi girl, $20: four^ousegirls. 820; housegirl, $25; two cooks, $25; second-girl, $20. ■ Call 332 Geary. C-, COOKS, $20 TO $35, AND 4* GIRLS TO AS- •' slst and do general housework, $10 to $30. Best places at Swedish Employment Bureau, 921 Broadway, room 17, Oakland. S~VEDISH AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT office. 1 1 V 2 Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis. GERMAN GIRL FOR " GENERAL VJ v.ore and cookinjr; 2 in family; wages $15. 2426 Plr.e st.: call before 12 o'clock. ; \y ANTED— A YOUNG GIRL to ASSIST IN » » small family for a good home. Address Y. G., box 57, Call.- ■ . ■........, \\T INCH ESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR » i. Market: electric lights In every room: 200 rooms; 26c to $1 50 per night; ?1 50 to $6 per week. ' V '. ■.!.'■■■ . ■_' , , j | M~ OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market; 200 rooms, 26c to $1 50 per night ; $1 50 to $6 per week. ■ ■ • • • • ANTED — A WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework: co.'m! plain cook and laundress; 6in family: wages $28. 2016 FranKlln St., near Jackson. , . . ■- ■■■■■ \yANTED-MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO AS- »» Rlst with housework and care of Infant; 2 in family. Apply 1728 Butter st. ■.-■:.-; STRONG. WILLING GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call bet. 9 and 10 a. m., 607 Ellis. UrANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL ; UOUSE- " work; small family. 25 Folsom aye. ood~ FINISHER- WANTED ON CUSTOM coats: also apprentice girl/, 39 Everett st. WANTED — YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT " housework, family of 2. 131 Steiner st. , yOUNO GIRL FOR LIGHT - HOUSEWORK. X 316 Clipper, near Castro. ' ; ..•■.■-;? \TEAT. (URL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, i> wages sl2. 1308 Ellla st. > .... .-..-::.■. r .■-■•-■-■ GOOD " TAILOREHS ON CUSTOM COATS. 609i/ a Natoma st. . , ' . .;. ■-..■■ ' -> AN ERRAND GIRL FOR DRESSMAKING room. Apply early 1217 Butter st. HEtP WANTED-Contlnned. ■DEFINED LADY, SOME cXpITAITtO MAN- XX, business on salary. 131 Post st., room 21. ■yOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; X references. Apply 1448 O'Farrell st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN r Vallejo. Call 9to 12, 1630 Octavia st. ■yyAITRESS WANTED. 1009 LARKIN ST. "17URST- CLASS IRONER ON LADIES' clothes. 10 Oak st. . . VODNa GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL X housework. 1317 Webster St. ■ 'ANTED— NEAT YOUNG waitress. 122 Turk st. - ■ , . ... . . VOUNO GIRL TO ASSIST WITH TWO CHIL- X dr<;n. 80 1 Turk st.; call after 9 o'clock. fpAILOR AND TAILORESS ON CUSTOM X coats. 625 Eddy st. - (^iJ^VT' to ~ a i ®t"i LIGHT housework. UT 1015 Golden Gate aye. WANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST in general TT housework. Apply 1135 Geary st. \\r ANTED -FI N I s lIER ON PANTS. 487 TT Sherman aye., off Telegraph, Oakland. WANTJED— GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL ; housework in flat. 916 O'Farrell *t. ANTED— AN APPRENTICE FOR DRESS- . maker. 330 Sutter st., upstairs. WANTED— YOUNG LADY IN A CLERICAL tt capacity by a large wholesale house; a knowl- edge of bookkeeping is not essential; must reside with parents In this city. Address in own hand- writing, stating age, nationality and compensation desired, T. L. 8., box 76, this office. ■ IDDLE-AGED GERMAN LADY FOR LIGHT housework; good home; small wages. 457 Guerrero st. O'UNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK! X wages $10. 1210 a Scott st. HIGHEST WAGES PAID TO WOMEN AND girls. Apply immediately at CALIFORNIA CANNERIES CO., Brannan st., near Third. ADY' WISHING COMPANY WOULD GIVE J furnished room to middle-aged woman or young girl: can go to school. Address 8., box 9, Call. W ANTED— NEAT GIRL FOR LIGHT HO USE- tt work. 936 Filbert st. ■\rOUNG GIRL ASSIST HOUSEWORK, $5. J. 609 Locust aye., off Laguna. nr. Golden Gate. SEWERS ON WRAPPERS AND WHITE work in factory. 24 Ellis St., top floor. MILLINERY' TRADE TAUGHT IN THREE months; guaranteed: tuition reasonable. 884 Taylor st. EON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT XJ Mechanics'.Fair. Learn no other system until you have seen the McDowell Dressmaking Academy, 213 Powell st. p ARMENTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED VJT without trying on; call and test. Lawrence Citing-school, 1231 Market st. ITRENCH ACCORDIAN-PLEATING, PlNK- ing, stamping, patent button-holes. 137 Sixth. T^RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- J made suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllisterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRKSSCUT- X tine and making school: all branches. 70-J>utter. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA- \J WEEKLY' CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada ono rear for $1 50, post*- ace free. MALK HELP WANTED. COOPER FOR A." WINERY: FARMER AND VJ wife; 3 shirt ironers: butter-makers; 10 labor- ers: 3 waiters; 2 butcher-boys: 3 waiters: 5 cooks: bench carpenters: 4 farmers, ere., from $15 to $80 per month and found. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay street. . WANTED— 2S MEN TO PICK GRAPES, $1 " a day and board ; Swiss butter-maker, $30: 4 more carpenters lor Central America, $6 a day, silver, part fare advanced; hand-washer for laun- dry, $1 25 a day and board ; all-round launflryman, $30 and found; 2 Ironers and polishers, $30 and $35 and found: choreboy lor country, $5 and found; cooks, waiters and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. TIT ANTED — SHORT • ORDER " COOK, $25; TT washer for hand laundry, $1 25 a day: farmer to take care of small ranch. $15; waiter, $30; etc. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. 1 a rockmen, country, $2 A DAY; 10 X\' laborers, country, $1 75 a day; 10 sawmill laborers and lumber pliers, $1 60 a day. C. R. IIANsEN & CO., 110 Geary st 1 A SCRAPER TEAMSTERS FOR RAILROAD xU work: free fare. , C. R. HANSEN & CO., XlO Geary st. ~T~M ERICA AND ENGLISH MINERS; $}~A A day. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. I A WOODSMEN. $26 AND BOARD; 4 LABOR- X"/ ers, country. $20 and board; 2 farmhands, steady place, $15: wasber for laundry; butter- rtiiiker, $30; shingle-pacfeer; cooper, country; woodehopper and tiemaicer, same place; 10 tle- I makers, 10c and lie aoiec*. R. T. WARD & CO., I 608 and 610 Clay st. " A(\ TEAMSTERS AND LABORERS 1 6-DAY ttU for country, $1 75 and $1 50 a rtaj;: 80 labor- ers, city, $1 50 and $2 a day; 10 laborers to work on old brick, 50c 1000, can make $2 50 a day. 51 Third St., room 31. Call early. AN I »-COOK AN D~~ WIFE FOR~COUK- » » school, $60: neat second cook, small res- taurant In city. 830; farmers: laborers: teamsters: milkers: grape-pickers; German or Swiss milker us milk boss, $30, and others: lanndrymen and ironers. W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. OA MEN WANTED AT ONCE TO CANVASS £\J the housekeepers of this city and Oakland: pays $3 50 per day. Store, 328 Seventh st. W" ANTED— A GOOD COATMAKER: STEADY' » » man ; married man preferred ; to pay your own fare: be ready to come. Alta, Placer Co., Merchant Tailor. . • \\Tantf,d-manforsmallfrt IT RANCH TT to clear land and do chores. $15 a month: per- manent to reliable man. Address MRS. W. H. ROBINSON, Bonny Doon, Cal. CANVASSERS WANTED: LATEST EAST- \J crn novelty. . ■ Faultless Novelty Company, room 7, 220 Sutter st. 0FFIfl:-BOY"~AGE~15; RESIDING WITH \J parents preferred: references required. ' 114 Powell st. WAN ED-CHILDREN 'sIJLOTHINGSALES- men. RAPHAEL'S. ■» MIDDLE-AGED .MAN AT GIRLS' DIREC- tory. Park aye. and St. pARPENTERS WANTED AT PitKSIDIO. ', PLUMBER'S HELPER. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 X Golden Gate aye. T?EW GOOD PICK AND SHOVEL MEN; X I quarry. Corbet road, near Eighteenth st. |?L r: < ; tric LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM. JTj Winchester House, 44 Third St., near Market; 200 rooms;. 25c per night; convenient and re- spectr.ble." ■. "ooy WANTED. , apply 6 sacramento st. lIOKMAKBK wanted on PEGGED shoes. 202 Fifth st. . N N Ell to sell M E A l tickets on com- XX mission. Address E., box 18, Call Office. W" ANTED - PRESSMAN FOR PANTS. 487 Sherman aye., off Telegraph, Oakland. WANTED-A COOK. 613 CLAY STREET. IRST-CLASS WOODCARVER. FINK & fNDLICR. 1309 Market st. PAPER-HANGER WANTED.. 303 MONT- X gomery aye . . ELDERLY MAN- AND WIFE FORRANCH; good home and wages. 227 Sixth st. WANTED-COOK, AT 1563 MARKET ST. \Y ANTED— A TAILOR ON COATS. 17 STOCK- » » ton St., room 70.%&gHgiggjggHg£fig&igfgfgfggi \IT ANTED-DISUWASHER, RESTAURANT. »» 250 Ellis st. L-- pOO D BARBER FOR FRIDAY AND SATUB- VT day. 43Va Third st. ■ WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., '' near Market: 200 rooms; 25c a night. WANTED— FIRST-CLASS MILLHAND. D. M VAN WART. 631 Sixth st. BARBERS— GOOD-PAYING COUNTRY SHOP X) for sale cheap. : DECKELMAN BROS., 106 Ellis .it. • . ELDERLY MAN TO DO CHORES ABOUT house; good home. 326 Eighth aye. BA.RBERS-A GOOD-PAYING 25c SHOP IN I the country; the only shop in the town. Apply DECKELMAN BROS.; lOC Ellis st. BA HBERS— TWO-CHAIR SHOP AMONG FAC- tories; established 2 years; owner polnc back to saloon formerly owned by him. DECKELMAN BROS., 106 Ellis st. T OCKSMITH'S HELPER WANTED. APPLY XJ WILLIAM GlJtzmaN, Dwight-way Station, Berkeley. , CIOATMAKERS WANTED. APPLY AT 11 \JIa.. m. at. the Golden Gate' ave, entrance. CHARLES LYONS, London Tailor, 1212-1218 Market st. O-CH a IR BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE; 3LIV- ,-j ing-rooms, rent $15. , 17S7Va Market st. -■■:'...-,; y o i; c a GET a WHOLE PIE AND CUP OF ■I- coffee for 5c at the new rest aurant. 635 Clay st. 1 OHO MEN TO EAT BEEFSTEAK. MUTTON X\J\J\J chops, Hamburg steak, fie. 635 Clay st. CARD TO TUB PUBLIC— RICHARDS RES- V.' taurant. 317 Fourth st., open all night. ■■ ■. - ; SEN'S SHOES i/a-SOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; -ltx done In 16 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. t> ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL * SEC. X> Barbers'. Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. VY r AN'lliD-MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE ; Tf their. wages to place accounts with as; law and commercial collection; no choree unless successful. KNQX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Butter, r4. 00l ELLIS, Rb"SE"DALE— ROOMS TO 60c *->*■> x a night; $1 to $3 a week; open all night. «;. SHOES SOLED 15 MfNUTEH; WHILE YOU wait; half usual price. 969 Howard, 409 V^ Pine. WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO TT St.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day ; SI a week ; meals, 10c. HELP WANTED- Continued. W ANTED-LABORERS ' AND MECHANICS »' to know MUZART. 319 Ellis, near Taylor; 100 large rooms: 25c night. $1 50 week: very cheap. ;- IIREE BEER: BEST IN CITY: 2 SCHOONERS for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. > - ! T INDELL HOUSE. 6TH AND HOWARD— XJ single furnished rooms, 76c week. 16c night. ■ -. 9C-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY -"<-* at 44 Fourth st. : no humbug. ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP steam beer. sc: bottle Oft . 6 C . 609 Clay st. : UTTERS AND TAILOR* TO ATTEND THE \J S. F. Cutting School, IB Montgomery, rms 8-10. VVf ANTE D-SING ROOMS, 15c A DAY *1 » » week ; rooms for two, 25c a day, 91 50 a week; , reading room • daily papers. 3fi Clay st. >: S~ HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: kJ done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; ail repaying done at half price; work guar- anteed. 562 Mission st., bet. First st.and Second st. W ANTED-LABORERS AND MECHANICS • », 10 know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third - St.; 150 largo rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. . ' "1 AH MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 I"" and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington f>t., near Kearnv. BEST IN CIT *■— SINGLE ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; 81, 91 25. $1 60 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leldesdorff sts. TRY A(7m~E HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, for a room: 2fic night : $1 week. AGENTS WANTED. OLICITORS; r-'ENIiRG^TTIO^IIADiES^OR 0 gentlemen: for new plan of life, health and ac- cident Insurance; salary or commission. • Call be- tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity .Company. 206 Sansome st. ' AGENTS EVERYWHERE THROUGHOUT the United States can ma«e from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest. California invention; everybody buys it: grand success in San Francisco ; county rights free. Address CALIFORNIA PRO- DUCTION CO.. 328 Seventh St., B. F. ■' "ll' ANTED— ADVERTISING SOLICITOR WHO '" can handle agents. WILSON'S, 342 Kearny. ANTED TO-DAY— a LIVE CANVASSERS to introduce horse and stock book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. 1 FUKNiTUKE WANTED. H~ G; KRA"sicY\ C^RP^TsT^PICTUREsT • folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cal. stepladder manuiactd for the trade. 779 Mission. pASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND MER- > I chandlse. L. H. BURP Auctioneer.lo Fulion. MOXE\ WANTED. W^A^CT^D^TO^O^OwToß^oTTsifKA^ »» $360 on first-class lands in the suburbs of Ta- coma, Wash., under clear title: will pay 10 per cent Interest. Address A. B. C, box 46, Call Office. WANTED-3IISCELLANEOUS. IWrfTTjALLONs' oI^ULK~A~DAY ; »» good price paid. Inquire Third and Howard sts., milk depot. MAC 1 1 1 FOR MANIPULATING GREEN l'l coffee: give particulars. Address S. G., box 110, this Office. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, hooks and jewelry: postal." .PERSONALS. T^VDT^vTsHETT6^EET^G^NTi/EMAN I .Ij who would help her in a good-paying business; object matrimony. Address A. 8., box 85, Call. Q AMPLE-MADE TRAVELING BAGS FOR p sale cheap. GEORUE F. DRAKE <te CO., 35 New Montgomery. MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE— Winchester House. 44 Third, near Market; 800 rooms, 25c to $1 50 ler night; $1 50 to if 6 per week. . GOOD BUSINESS OPENING FOR LADY, physician and agents. 231 Post st. STEAM, VAPOR AND ELECTRIC BATHs". 501 Lcavenworth st., cor. O'Farrell, room 16. P~AG CARPETS WO VETO ORDEiTJForTsALE; XV also chenille-wove rugs, silk-rag portieres; oer.ler in carpet twine in hank or chain at lowest rates. G£O. MATTHEW. 709 Fifth. Oakland, Cat lINCOLN BROS.. CASH GROCERS, 226 SIXTH XJ St.— 2o lbs best granulated sugar, $1; 5 lbs new t.-as, $1 : 5 lbs Rood coffee, $1 ; 25 lbs bird seed, $1 : ■J. > lbs sago or tapioca, $1 : 25 lbs split peas, $1 : 25 lbs pearl barley, $1; 5-lb can baking-powder. $1; 16 cans new tomatoes, $1; 20 lbs rice, 81: 25 lbs raisins, $1; fin« flour, 75c a sack: eggs, 15c a dozen: butter, 25c a roll. LINCOLN BU(K, 226 Sixth st. \CIMHKSTKi: HOUSE— 44 THIRD, NEAR '» Market; 200 rooms, 25c to ?1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week. . KE-PEi 'TABLE .LADY' OF 20. FROM COUN- try, wishes a gentleman's assistance to start a lodging-house. Address Principal, box 20. Call. STEAM AND ALCOHOL BATHS, $1; HOURS ; 9a. 11. to 11 p. 11. 131 Montgomery st., rooms 6 and 10. j 1 AHA BUSINESS CARDS,SI 50: SENT FREE, X\J\J\J city or country. HILL, 724y 2 Mai^et st. T7VLECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— WIN- -1-1 Chester house. 44 Third, near Market:. 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week. ALL LADIES WHO RIDE BICYCLES, GET -/V- your suits to order at JiL'TTS, 212 Mason st. 5? i f.i rfSiCAS MEDICATED BATHS, I2oy a XJ Geary st., room" 11; hour.* 10 to 10; 81; for- merly 121 Montgomery, rooms 6 and 10. - . : DVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE J\ laws a specialty: suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. O. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market, cor. Stockton. TTAIRDRESSING. 36c., ANY STYLE: BBTAB- XX lished In 1369: Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ. 11l Stockton st.: strictly one price only. HAIRDREBBING 25c: SHAMPOOING 25. •; manicure 85c; lessons given. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post St.. room •_'(). BA I.IiWI N BICYCLES REPAIR WORKS, COR. x) Gouph and Fell srs.; second-hand bicycles bought, sold, rented and repaired. ' "a T). ECKMAN, PIANO STUDIO, 205 XL. Gough st. : assistant teacher for beginners. "I\riLLIAM E. BARTLE, A.NATIVE OF CAM »» borne, Cornwall, England, who has been in Nevada and California many years, will hear of something to his advantage by communicating with the New Wisconsin Hotel, San Francisco. DEAFNESS— THE AURAPHONE WILL RE- XJ store the hearing, cure buzzing and aid all ear troubles. F. i". FINLAY, 10 California St.. S. F. pOLLECTIONS MADE AND PEOPLE TRACED \J at Graham's Agency. 330 Pine st., S. F.. Cal. W.MOORE. M.D., 1400 VAN NESS AYE.' . cor. Basil ; apartments for patients. "T"d vice Tfre c—m a'rri ag e LAWS. acci- xjl dent cases. McCABE, Attorney, 1027 Market. fTC CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABINETS,' i O full length. Goden's Art Studio, 10 Sixth st. G»l O SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY mail. %jj)X^i NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Krp.rny. 17IINB SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. ■ Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. \ H" IGHEST PRICE PAID LADIES'. GENTS', children's cast-off clothing. 1. F., 15 Russ st. ONi: MORE COT— '■ ~ r^Trr". oak Roll Top .Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers.. From $10 up Oak Bed Sets ...817 50 up Oilcloths aid Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges.... $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. . Cash or time payments. . J. NOON AN, 1017-1019-102 1-1088 Mission St.. above Sixth. ING L£ BOTTLE '<. OF SMITH'S PANDRUjTf ! . Pomade in guaranteed to cure any case of dan- i druff or 'falling hair or money refunded: never : known to fail: try It. By all druggists price 81, or j SMITH BROS., Fresno, i'al. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, ctore-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pips, etc.: cheap. Yard 1163 Mission st..- nr. Eighth. , QECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, i O showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, denies, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large etock of ! them, too; be sure and see stock «nd ret prices be- -5or«» solne elsewhere. J. NOON AN, 1017-1019- -1081-1083 Mission at., above Sixth. •^ t \i pLOAKS, APKS AND SUITS RETAILED AT • \J mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. /"lAS FIXTURES AND HLUMBINU. .-t«W VI Colden Gate aye. H. lIUFSCHMIDT. . OLD GOLD, fcILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES'. clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third st. IN DOW SHADES 31ANUFACTURED TO tt order by WILLIAM MrPHUN. 119.'> Market. | ■ DKESSSIAKEKS. • LTiS^O^S^IN^rTRESSMAKINO FOIPiL Mission Dressmaking : Academy, '822 Valencia. DRESSES, $2 50 AND UP: WRAPPERS, 350 and up. MRS. SMITH. P64V 3 Mission st. COST. I~ 7^t-7*cTrf^pTnTr üby~ set^y^itTTdia^ JJ mouth: .liberal reward offered for its return. ,EDMOND HAVES, Grand Opera-house. ■ ,:; ' OST— TUESDAY MORNING, PUG > DOG; 5 months old; name Pepsin. Return to. 1111 Van Ness aye. ; reward. ..',;. . I' ost— THE BROAD-GAUGE MOLE. or J steamer Piedmont, a Loyal Legion badge. Leave at room 24, tenth floor Mills building, and receive $5. • • -^ - -"■ ' Li ist-AT TWENTY-FOURTH AND SHOT- well, Monday night, fox terrier: female; all white. Return to 1024 Siio'.well st. and receive re- ward. ' ... ; •. . .; .' ' ■';' . -." -•. ....--". . .. ,'.■ ■■ , LOST— A PASS-BOOK WITH THE IIIBERNIA Xj Savings and I Loan • Society •of San Francisco, in the name of JOLLY TW ELVE SOCIAL CLUB; No. 200,357. The finder will please return to bank. I" ADIES' GOLDWATCH, BET. BAKER AND -I Oak to Natomn and Fifth sis. Return to 312 Baker st. and receive reward. - ... < ?,-• T O3T-LADY'S GOLD WATCH: BUTTERFLY, Xj on cover; studded with rubies ami diamonds." Return to milliner, 4 Sixth st. : reward. " ■ ■ T OST— RING, SHAPE .OF DOUBLE SNAKE, J J with 4 rubies and 2 diamonds. Reward of; $50 if returned to Occidental Hotel office and no ques- tions asked. ..■ .■ r ___^^____ I TYPE WIUTEKS AND SUPPLIES. : IP OR BifsT VaICuE~~OET^XcALIORAPH ; IT X! last longest and docs bestt work. UnltedType- writer and Supplies ('".. 413 Montgomery st. v - ;- GOOD TYPEWRITERS, SALE AND? RENT. HANSON <t CO., Chronicle Bids:., room '38. JBFSINESS CHANCE!). I "DROLL. STENBERG _ CO.. 719 MARKET, ) Ist., near Third— and sell businesses, lodging- . houses: exchange orchards, vln yards for Ssn Fran- : Cisco, Alameda and Oakland property ; all appllca-. ' tions for sales promptly attended to. > ■..■■■"■' - <E*i7Z.f\ DELICACY' STORE: TAMALE MAN- ' «jp f O\J. ufactory: popular business in Western |- Addition; must sell. PROLL-STENBEF.G, 719 '■ Market st. ' : •-■.•- • " : - - <S>-\ AAA LIQUOR STORE; HANDSOMELY ■ i ±UU. fitted up; side bar: receipts $30 to $40 daily; outside custom trade $1800 to $2000; ; first-class teams. PROLL-STKNBEBG, 719 Mar- . ket st. ' . . _____ ' (JjQOp; FRUIT-STAND; LIVING-ROOMS; <i?O£O. receipts $12 dally: good place for man ■ and wife. PROLL-STEXBERG, 719 Market st. f (jJIC/i BRANCH BAKERY; PRODUCE: 2 <U)X*JU. living-rooms; neat place: rent $12 50; ; bargain. PROLI.-STENBERG. 719 Market at. " (J»q-:a corner saloon NEAR city ; «JpOUw. Hall; big transient: value insight: sac- ! rifice; sickness. PROLL-BTENBERG, 719 Mar- -1 ket st. - •' - ■•■•■'- WO?; A HOME RESTAURANT AMONG FAC- ■ «Jp*-UV7. Tories: daily receipts $15; no night or. Sunday work. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market AKERY TO RENT— FLOURISHING COUN- try town in complete running order: retiring, sickness. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market. ATOTICE— TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF " IN any kind see STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. . <_O?wA PARTNER WANTED IN REBTAU- • itl". rant and bar; will clear to each $50 per month; good chance for straly man: no experi- ence necessary. See to-day STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. _>1 /iTV. CORNER GROCERY AND BAR, ♦lr±_UU. horse and wagon. STRAND _ TUT- TLE, 45 Third st. ■ . . (J.QAA GROCERY AND BAR: GOOD STOCK; *iPOvl7. fixtures: 5 living-rooms: cheap rent; lease: horse, wagon: billiard table; doing good business: No. 1 location across the bay; value in sight. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. il.Op:i| PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON: , «Ir^itJl/. clears $76 per month to each: good chance. See STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. & OKA CORNER GROCERY'; BAR; FREE »J)O»Jv/. rent : horse; wacon: living-rooms 1 owner has Government job. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 1 Third st. . • (5.Q7C CORNER SALOON; GOOD STOCK, . t&VlOl fixtures, cash register, etc. ; best-paying place In city. STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. ROCERY AND BAR : FULL VALU E ; OFFER wanted. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. QtflK A SALOON; GOOD STOCK, FIXTURES: . «3)U«JV/. 3 living-rooms: stable; cheap rent; pay 3 well: great bargain account owner leaving city; worth double. STRAXP A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. <2>OZ.(\ BRANCH BAKERY, NOTIONS, iJlOuu. coffee parlor and cigar-stand ; clears 1 100 per month ; main entrance Golden Gate Park; building included; ground rent $10; 6 years' lease; worth double. STRAND A TUTTLE; 45 Third st. mi/(A WOOD AND COAL YARD: HORSE, <5) XUU. wagon. STRAND A TUTT 45 Third. T> ESTAURANT; GOOD LOCATION: CHEAP; XV right place, man and wife. STRAND, 45 Third. <_ 1 P^A RESTAURANT: Al LOCATION; «lr>-±Uv/. daily receipts $12 to $15: good place for man and wife. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. 41? OKA SALOON; STOCK, FIXTURES, BIL- , «Jp4_«jU. Hard table; 4 rooms; cheap rent: full : value in sight; STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. CM A. ft FRUITSTORE: HORSE and wag- ' $)IOU. on. STRAND A TUTTLF, 45 Third st. <_CAA SALOON: FINE CORNER. DECK- *USOUU. ER, 1206 Market st. BAKERY' AND RESTAURANT: RECEIPTS $44 per day. DECKER, 1206 Market st. • T IVERY-STABLhi FOR HALE OR EX- ■ JLJ change. Apply to DECKER, 1206 Market st. PARTNER "WANTED IN PAYING BUTCHER business: best location in Mission; must be ■ sober energetic man; trial given; German pre- . ferred. BARRETT A CO., 565y 2 Market st. &£AA BAKERY'; ALL COUNTER TRADE: . «3)OLM7. large store: 2 flhe ovens: pood location: . guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee : parlor. BARRETT A CO.. HRSV a Market st. : fl> jAA BARGAIN; RESTAURANT CLEAR- i tlriUU. ing over 8100 a month; vicinity of Baldwin: positive proof: low rent: trial to party ; meaning business. BARRETT A CO., 8661.3 Market ■ QilCn BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY- : i7p£O\.'. store; best pos-ible locality: don't miss 1 this, BARRETT A CO.. 865y Market st. , /""I ENERAL COUNTRY STORE: TERMS ; Ijr easy. J. B. MIHAN, 509 Kearny st. TO LEASE— FIRS r-CLASS COUNTRY' HO- tel. J. B. MIHAN. 509 Kearny st. : PARTNER IN MACHINE-SnOP AND AGRI- X cultural works; country. J. B. MIHAN, 509 '. Kearny st. , ■ ;>•:-• :■■ ALOON, WITH BUILDING; GOOD LOCA- tlon. J. B. MIHAN, 509 Kearny st. ' mjQAA RESTAURANT; GOOD LOCATION; 1 «lpOUv/. rent only $12; 2 rooms: a bargain. BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 783y Market at. aifl AA A CASH will BUY A FLOURISH- t3)J.V.UUU Ing, growing, permanent business . that will make a fortune for the Investor within a 1 few years; location near San Francisco. Prin- cipals only, who hove the necessary capital, apply I personally bet. 9 and 12 to CHAS. E. NAY' LOR, Financial Agent, 19 Montgomery st. (rear offices), ; S. F. ! <2;7f;A RESTAURANT OPPOSITE CAR- «Jp I O\J , bouse; 500 men employed: low rent; ; make good bakery. T. F. CONKLIN, 4 Crocker bldg. ANTED-CAPITAL TO MANUFACTURE, »» or will sell an improved article used in every household: no agents. Address Capital, dox 35, this office. IfiRUIT AND PRODUCE BUSINESS; GOOD horse and wagon: family and transient trade; cigar-stand would pay well with this business; ' transfer corner. Gough and Market sts. i "\rriNCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR " ' ' T Market— 2oo rooms, 25c to $ 1 50 per night ; ' $1 50 to $6 per week. . 1 ftQwA PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON tgOiJ\J. and lunch-house; day business. Inquire ', at "32l Ellis st. OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE— ' I>X Winchester House, 44 Third, n?»r Market; 200 rooms. 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per 1 week. . . . : ffl. I'A PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT «!r>X«Jv/. business : suited to steady man satisfied '■ with $15 to $20 per week. 6 Stockton st.. room 1. O RENT— COALY ARD: ESTABLISHED 6 years; one of the most complete yards In the 1 city; 4 stalls for horses. Apply 1915 McAllister st., bet. Lyon and Lou. ■ - i [7\ OR candy and ICE cream X store, with factory, cheap. 261 Third st. : "nOWXTOWK FINE CAFE FOR SALE; XJ cause, sickness of owner. Inquire 620 Market. ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— WIN- Ii Chester House, 44 Third, near Market; 200 rooms. 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per 1 week. : RUG STORE— HALF VALUE IF SOLD AT once. Call DAY A CO., room 18. Crocker Bldg. INE MEAT MARKET ; TOOLS :A ND FlX- ti res complete; horss and wagon; $300 cash; will rent them. 2654 Mission st. ■Cl 1 ,- / i CIGAB-STuRE AND CLUB-ROOM *Jp ItJU. with two ll vine-rooms furnished; owner must sell at once. 226 Ellis st. " :>■>;- -. I^OR SALE— OLD-ESTABLISHED CORNER I Jl saloon on Kearny st. Apply owner, 12 Ellis, r. 2. IrOR saIe— FRUIT STORE DOING goo"d business. Apply 1331 Clay st. . - ■ : : <£> QA A % VALUE — FINE STOCK, FIX- ! «pOv'U. tures. tools and complete machines of : tin and plumbing business. Apply 952 Mission at. G~ BEAT BARGAIN— SALOON AND 16 FUR- nl.'hcd rooms for sale: will be sold together or separate; most sell this week account of sickness; cheap rent; long lease: no agents. Apply Call Office. F"~7)R SALE— BRANCH BAKERY AND iSO J tion store. Inquire 211 Eighteenth st. ■■ , ANTKD— MAN WITH ABOUT $6000 TO take Interest in first-class cash business; valu- ! able property included ; too much . business for one i reason for selling; rare chance for right man. Ad- dress CASH, box 72, Call Office. ■ , ..'■■•■:- -: r SUITABLE FOR LADY— SMALL CORNER C 5 candy and dairy produce store; good location: cheap rent; investigate. Address S. S. 8., box 43, Call Office. ■ ■ . .-.-,■■. -QiA ?\ft PLUMBING, GAS AND TINNING tIDttUU. business: old established; large trade: fine: stock and tools; good reasons for selling. I 783V 2 Market St., room 3. OLD QUARTZ MINK FOR SALE FOR CASH VT or bonds. Apply 850 Market st., room 31, sec ond floor.v ;.■■;■, ARGAIN - FINE, WELL - ESTABLISHED saloon in prosperous country town. Apply wholesale liquor store, 112 Taylor st. . /"I ROCERY AND FRUIT STORE; MUST BE \J sold : parties going East; no offer refused. Call early 1049 Folsora st. . <&9^?V~ SALE — BUTCHER-SHOP, 'tTj~a\J. lug good business, or will take good meat-cutter as partner. 1203 Bush st. <2M7^ WOOD AND COAL YARD FOR a A I_; <IP*± lU. 2 horses and 2 wagons. 1326 Pacific st. -T-OR SALE-DAIRY PRODUCE AND TABLE J delicacies store. 1415 Stockton at. r , - "FP,? CORNEit . LIQUOR-STORE OR SALE; £ half or whole. 401 O'Farr&ll st. . <ft^9^ "KOCERY AND BAR, STOCK AND *gHJ~V. fixtures; a bargain. Apply this office. F° tt^ » ALE .-" RESTAURANT: BARGAIN; X good living: must sell. 496 Ei-hth at. T7XCEPTIONAL BARGAIN-CIGAR-STAND: •XJ best location In city. :28 Ellis st. ,»■ - '. W I ;? J " K i IOWN CORIfEE SALOON ("LILY"). ■ Fell and Stanyan sts.. Golden Gate Park. -T, ADY' WANTS HONEST MAN PARTNER; ±-l good paying legitimate business. 131 Post, r 21. f\LV> ESTABLISHED SALOON, OYSTER AND V/ lunch house: good reasons for selling. Junction Valencia and Mission sts. • Gr RO( ERYANDBAR: MUST SELL: CAUSE, \J sickness; no reasonable ■ offer refused. 114 Eleventh st., corner Minna. • ■■■■■..,-•, SA LOON— 2 • LIVING-ROOMS; FIXTURES: , ready to open; cheap rent; next to South Park stables. 360 Brannan St., bet. Second and Third. . REST a U T,AT A SACRIFICE ON AC- : it countof sickness: good business; splendid place for man and wife; full investigation. Call this office. GROCERY AND BAR; HAS FINE STOCK r and good trade. ' 1908 folk st. ; BTTSINTESS . CHASCES-Continjaert^ TndyTaND ICE CRE A M PARLORS; ELE- \J gantly fitted: fine soda fountain and cash reg- ister- only one door from Market st: clears $--'00 monthly : evorv investigation allowed; long estab- lished. " STEERS & !^2J^^y I________1 ________ _) ftAA HARDWARE STORE- HANDXJNO »i>yt'U. tinware, paints, oils, etc.: flne location: low rent- no opposition; 4 fine iivine-rooms; full value. G EO. STE-R8 A CO., 22 Kenrny. TTAIB^TOBE AND HAIR-DRESSING PAR- Jl lors- old-established: centrally located on eround floor; clears $100 monthly: ftvery investi- gation allowed; low rent. STEERS, 22 Kearny. ''A BRANCH BAKERY AND NOTIONS; S\J[OU. 3 living-rooms: value in stock: cheap rent; sickness cause of sale. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. ' ■■'■" '"" C" CORNER BRANCH BAKERY. CANDY, NO- \J tions, tobacco store; reasonable. 2401 Mis- sion st. • ; O A LOON FOR SALE. - APPLY AMERICAN. O Brewery, 725 Grgen st. T>ESTP I V IM." RESTAURANT IN TH CITY : If sell cheap. Apply to J. GARLAND, 635 Clay. AQCAA HOTEI. IN TIEURONFOR SALE »!S»")Ol/U. cheap, containing 80 rooms: all occu- pied by paying boarders. Inquire of McLEOD A FAUSS. 615 Market st. "~TOR~HALE— I DRUGSTORE IN SAN JOSE: J? fine location; no cutting: will be sold at inven- tory going into manufacturing reason for selling; a good chance to build up a big trade. Address Druggist, P. O. box 1190, San Jose. ANTED-A PARTNER WITH $125, TO GO \V Fail- everything complete; strict gnarantee: full investigation allowed. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. 'ATOTIOV AND BAZAAR STORE; 3 LIVING- IS rooms; fine location. WOOD A CO.. 917 Market. m»4»AA GROCERY AND BAB: 2 LIVING- rooms; cheap rent. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. ■ "" CIGAR AND NOTION STORE: 5 LIVING- \J rooms: nicely furnisiied: good stock; rent $15; owner retiring. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. AACAA SALOON; • FINE CLUBROOMS; 0 — OUU. bar finely fitted up: doing fine busi- ness; cash register, safe, pool-table; cheap rent: heart of city: greatest bargain ever offered, for a few days: sold on account of departure, W OOD A CO., 917 Market st^__ <_1 &ftft HOTEL: FINE BAR; COMPLETE; tifrlOUU. 50rms; Potrero; 80 boarders; cheap rent: owner retiring. W(X'.I) .V '"■■ 917 Market st. LODGtSG-UOUSES FOR SALE. "T M. SPECK A CO., 602 MARKET ST, OP ./A • poslte Palace Howl. $275— Eddy St., worth $700 10 rooms $500— N. of Market, clears over $50 14 rooms $900— P03tst., fine paying bOOM ....18 rooms $900— Boarding and lodging house, rent $60 -22 rooms $1400— Had house 12 years, owner retir- ■*.> ing rich ...: 21 rooms. $2000 down, bal. out of profits of h0u5e. ..65 rooms <_ *> K A 14-ROOM nOUSE : CENTRAL LOCA- tJ)ZiDI/. tion. DECKER. 1206 Market st. fif/iflfi 11 ROOMS; SUNNY CORNER: »3)ttUU. payments. DECKER, 1206 Market St. A*) ROOMS; NEAR BALDWIN HOTEL: AT tt^-i auction price. DECKER, 1206 Market st. l-ROOM HOUSE: EASY PAYMENTS: ONLY A± $1200. DECKER, 1206 Market st. rr\O BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE QUICK I for cash see Gl's STRAND, 45 Third at. <3Jl^fl FURNISHED FLAT OF 5 ROOMS; tiPlUv/. north of Market. D.. box 20, Call Office. AA A LODGING-HOUSE, 12 ROOMS. 930 rlpiUU. Mission St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. ?\A(\ HOWARD— LODGING-HOUSE OR HO- -o^.o tel to let: 35 rooms': barroom and 2 rooms. ITUKMTUIIE FOli SAM.. oX^ATE^A^IA^UMrE^OpTw^LVt?^ XV room set: 7 pieces; spring-hair mattress. 202 Stevenson st. TVTEW 2-4 BED AND SPRING $4 75 -L\ New 34 bed and spring , 5 50 New oak extension-table 4 50 Brussels carpet, laid, per yard 45 Floor oilcloth, laid, per yard 20 SHIREK A SHIREK, 1210-12 Stockton St.; open evenings. EDUCTIONS OX LARGE stock, NEW AND XL second-hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c: 7- I piece .chamber suits, $14 50': cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods snipped free. T. 11. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. UT PRICES in FURNITURE and CARPET.* \J this veelc a 1: MrCABK'S. 948-950 Mission Prt. CAUI'KTS. IVfA^fl^^L^CAirPET^i^TTN^G^A^^Ri^ IN vating Works 11 AMI-TON ABA I LLY : layin? and _ taring. 313-318 Guerrero: '!>!. Mission 244. CARl*_r ILKAXI.NG. pABPETS tTiOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated samo as now. 8. FERGUSON A CO., 2!> Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. ITY.- STEAM ~' CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, 88 and 40 Eifehth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. TVTIIEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH " poor work send to SPAULD ING'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. ONKLINS CARPET BEATING WORKS. SBS V^ Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- tJ . o\-atlng '.vorks. 453 £»teve_son : tel. 3228. HOKSEs. MILK-WA(JON, lIORSE~"aNJD HARNESS^ 929 Nineteenth .after 6 p. m. OOD GENTLE YOUNG IKJRSE FOR SALE ; cheap. 811 Shotwellst. s - v . INE, SOUND, GENTLE BUSINESS HORSE, J 6 years old. 143 Bartlett street. -r " OR SALE AT SACRIFICE— WORK HORSES, JO saddle and ' load horses, buggies and harnesses. Apply TOMKINSON'S livery stable, 57 Minna st., bet. First and Second. / , A A HORSES FOR SALE: ALSO WAGONS^ ~jl\J buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN _ DOYLE, Auctioneers. I A A SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALIi XUU kinds: second-hand . wagons, buggy, cart*: ! also 20 cheaii horses.- • Fifteenth and Valencia sts. . WAGONS AND CAltiilA__S. ANT^D^G^O^^Holrsle^C^V^R^D~RlG; suitable for camping. Address, stating price, J., box 71, this office. IVE-GLASS,CUNNINGH AM LANDO HACKS X for sale, $250. Stable, Pierce and Eddy sts. _ OR SALE— A COVERED ROCK A WAY; A bargain. THOMAS FOLE V, 1812 Powell st. . KOK SALE— M.ISCJE__ANt:oUS». "I AA 7w >n"FEET OF OLDPLAX'^FOR SALE IW.UVU cheap. Apply at Paclfic-st. dock. SLOOP FOR SALE-28 FEET LONG, 11 FEET O beam. Apply LEE'S boathouse, Long Wharf, foot of Fourth st. I^OU SALE— FINE FRESH COW AND CALF. ' J. CLANCY, 232 Lobosst., Ocean View. <jj»Q^ BAR EJXTURES; TO BE REMOVED. <IpO<J. 18 First st. ■ / UOR SALE — SEALED BIDS • WILL BE JDj received by me until August 20 for the pur- chase of the stock of hardware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, glassware, lamps, stoves, tinware and store fixtures, etc., inventoring about $5000, lo- cated in Colusa, and belonging to the estate of C. C. HICOK, insolvent; a copy of the inventory may be seen at 2 Pine St., San Francisco. F. DAS- SONVILLE, Assignee. . ■ITERY. CHEAP-COMBINATION POOL AND » billiard table; in good order; everything com- plete. Inquire 739 Fourth st. "UIOX-TERRIER PUPS FOR SALE. 13241 A x Eddy st. ■ Tp IRST-CLASS RIVAL SAFETY, IN GOOD J order, cheap. 913 Haight. OR SALE— I DIEBOLD SAFE - 2x2% ■ FT.; Remington typewriter: "W. W. Greener 7 ' shot- gun; a split-second stop-watch and two beautiful diamonds. Apply OWNER, box 27. Call Office. \TATIOS XT, CASH REGISTER, SAFE, -Li scale, letter-press, desk ; cheap. 102 Clay st. IVE PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $100; $25 singly. 3.'6 McAllister si. - ■■ CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUYGAS FIXTURES.. \J 11. HUFSCHMIDT, d 23 Golden Gate aye. . ATEW RAMSES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- II hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California s;. OUNTE R S. SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought and sold 1121 Market bet. 7th and Bta DENTISTS. A^TL~WORK^~fTE A SOXA B~IS~~AT?ir~WART ranted. DR. J. W. KEY', 1122 Market st. DR. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN . Gate aye.— open evenings: Sundays till noon. * DR. in: a. TURK ST— ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices and warranted: open evenings. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, THE GENUINE , Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work cr teeth without any plate, moved irom 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. A~TCHAL*'ANTS-S,BMASON,COR. MARKET" sets of teeth are made to please or no charge- j on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced: small <old tillinss only $2: painless extraction. /IROOME "DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- . : \J ket, bet. 3d and *tn, gas specialists: only 'reli- • able agent for paimess extraction: artificial teetn .fnn so ; finings from $1 ; extracting 60c, with gas sl. Q>rj A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED V.^ <JP I , good as can be made: filling $1. DR. SIMMS; dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater - DR. H. G. YOUNG. BUiDGKs AND TEETH" without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. DR. HILL, 1443 MARKET ST near Eleventh; no charge for ex tract inn whea plates «r, made; | old plates made over like new" teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c ° gas" i ve° / IULTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MART VJ ket at. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. TO LEASE" TO leaselchoice . DAIR^OR^^STW^K X ranch of 025 acres; cheap for term of vear^ near city. Address F lt box 28, this oS , * '