Newspaper Page Text
. HOUSES To LET _ll||___f_^___?^§ $22. £_K7ES£F TEsssrasi "yOUTCAN SPEND PELIGHTKUI'tiaYS TV iranxisHEK houses. ~ ODERN HOUSE OP 7 ROOM*- — Tt.TTT S4 ( ) v • •' V » ISII i COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS, —^ -—^i Auts To LET. poTTAGE; 6^ ROOMsTbaTH iIT^GER~- \J mania st., bet. Fillmore and Stetner. jj_gO^_h__j_m > s EAR POLKST -^^ 16p^^?^3TR^COTTlSES-; 0 0 13 ' 6 , ROOMS » BATH. CELLAR, Rent in? c ° f a i arge lot - 1612 Buchanan street ■vent » m to a good tenant. * - Si I ( .' nTTA(i ET ROOMS; YARD: SUN; g^^c^st.. bet. Brannan and Townsend; s^B A^°* UP ' CLF -AN SELECTED COTTAGES <^U and fiats. SPECK A CO., 602 Market st. FLATS TO LET. T?i LEG ANT MODERN flat 5 BOOMS, BATH; TToVct 16 13 nor«s:S2o. Apply on premises, ai»4 Florida st», near Twenty-four. A 4 " OOM FLAT: MONTH FREE TO y lu ' good tenant. SPECK & CO., 602 Mar- ket st. T O\VER AND UPPER FLAT. 41 a ZOE ST., XJ bet. Bryant and Brannan, 3d and 4th; $11. 164 CI - ARA — 3-KOOM FLAT; DOWNSTAIRS; Tf» DALE PL., OFF GOLDEN GATE AYE., -H-> bet. Hyde and Leavenworth— Nice flat 4 rooms UPPEB FLAT. 4 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. bath and cellar. 310 Waller st. - QOfk LOWER FLAT: SIX ROOMS AND — \J . bath : large basement ; yard. 1 37 Page st. 3 MODERN SUNNY "BAY-WINDOW FLATS: 7 and 8 rooms; dentist formerly occupied one 2 years: 1755 Howard st. Apply 3144 Sixteenth St., xxr. Guerrero. 790 MCALLISTER— UPPER FLATS; SEVEN j I —,(} rooms; laundry, bath and 4 rooms: reduced. ELEGANT NEW SUNNY UPPER CORNER ■LJ flat, 6 rooms: bath; attic. 1232 Eighteenth st. T?LAT 4 NICE ROOMS, HALL AND YARD. X 444 Clementina st., near Sixth. . A 1 OX HYDE- UPPER FLAT 4 ROOMS; rrxKJz pleasantly situated; $12. Apply 418. Q"! C EDDY — 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS: iJXU bath: private family; fine location; refer- ences exchanged. <•> FLATS 3 ROOMS EACH. 21 GARDEN ST., — bet. 6th and 7th, off Harrison; rent $8 and $9. TTAN NESS AYE., 2303 AND 2305, NR. VAX- » st.— Two elegant new sunny .flats: 7 and 12 rooms; marine view; latest improvements. <2M 1 >\(\ 4 ROOMS 133 IVY AYE.. NR. gll.iJU. Van Ness aye. <5»1 ') NEW FLAT 4 ROOMS: LARGE YARD. X—. 52 Norfolk st., nr. Harrison and Eleventh. HANDSOME NEW FLATS, UPPER AND lower, of 6 and 6 rooms respectively; modern; unsurpassed view; $18 and $20: 1134 and 1136 Twenty-second st., nr. Noe. Apply to EASTON, ELDIUDGE & CO., 638 Market st. OWER FLAT: 5 ROOMS: BATH. 334 V« DAY lJ St., nr. church. • Q]7 CORNER FLAT; DOUBLE PARLORS; «u>X I • dining-room and kitchen; bath. 41 Her- mann St., junction Market and Valencia. 9 UPPER BAY-WINDOW FLATS, 5 ROOMS: bath, laundry, stable, with each: rent low. Keys 1105 Alabama st., bet. Twenty-third and Twenty-iourth; with or without stable. OATH AND DOLORE.^-SV S NY upper FLAT, — ' ' 5 rooms: bath; rent cheap. TVTKW ELEGANT SUNNY MODERN TOP -L> flat: 6 rooms; bath. 933 Golden Gate aye., near Lasruna st. *> 1 ')t\ POINT LOBOS AYE.— SUNNY FLAT; 6 — X—X) naa.; bath; latest improvements; $16. £•0 3 BOOMS? MS. 5 ROOMS AND BATH; •■. •'• 1028 Nine- st. *,£j"Q~"fwo LARGE SUNNY BOOMS, WASH- •. O. room, for house Keeping. 25i« Elgin Park. 17«LAT 6 BOOMS; BATH. SIXTH ST., near Mar-cot. I"7 r LAT~S ROOMS: BATH: 1219% LA G U . 1 St.; flne rellar and yard. ". -t\~ " STOCKTON— FLAT 6 ROOMS; ALL IM- I 17 I provements: marine view; yard. OX 1 rT7^LiFOR"NIA->2O, 0 rPER SUNNY ] — I\J flat, 5 rooms, bah: lower flat, 4 rooms, stationary tubs, hot and cold water. $12 50. V a b city HALL: 3 FLATS; 6,6,7 ROOMS. IN 10. 43. 71 3 Grove st. LEGANT NEW FLAT, 7TH ST., BELOW Bryant : 5 and 6 rooms; bath: $8 to $16. ■\rOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN 1 the flats you rent from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND. FUK>'ISHJ2I> FLATS. S" U^N^Y~FURN ISHEdTl ATTibo W eIbSTeK cor. Fulton; 6 rooms and bath; rent $30. Apply 726 Fulton St., or BALDWIN <fc HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. rj(\ 4 LARKIN— FURNISHED PLAT; 6 ROOMS I U-± and bath. / ■VfICELY FURNISHED FLAT 7 ROOMS AND -LN all modern conveniences; well located on sunny side of street; rent $37 50. Apply 1218b Fulton St.. near Devisadero. ; HOC'is.EKfclS.l'J-NO UOOM.!s. 1 QfUTk DBVTSADEBO, NR. I>INE^PART~OF xV\J—i handseme cottage: 4 rooms and bath; garden; partly furnished; $30. ■ Ql rr EDDY— NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE" ox I keeping rooms: every convenience; large garden. m ELEVENTH— LARGE SUNNY FRONT bay-window room: cook stove and folding bed: for housekeeping; bath; quiet location; sun all day. jTf\A ELLIS— FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, *J\J~k with light housekeeping. ; qaa FIFTH — NEW HOUSE, CONNECTING OU<7 rooms, complete for housekeeping; other rooms; rent from $12, $15, $18. nO(\ 1 FOLSOM— QUIET HOUSEKEEP- iJO\J2 ing room ; stove, closet: private family ; $8. OAT FOURTH— SUNNY FURNISHED BAY- O\J I window housekeeping rooms; other rooms: reasonable. HARRIET ST., OFF HOWARD-SUNNY bay- window room, cheap. O- HERMANN. NEAR VALENCIA — NEW —D house; lor 2 rooms, with kitchen; all nicely furnished. C, QB LARKIN-2 NICELY FURNISHED 010 housekeeping room? ; no children. .-..-■. OA'nO MARKET-2 OR 3 WELL-FURNISHED I\JUO sunny front rooms, for housekeeping. ; OO IMA SON- 3 NICELY FURNISHED ZiZiX housekeeping rooms; also large bay-window room ; prices reasonable. '_ ■ OQI MINNA, CORNER FOURTH-HOUSE- -281 keeping; completely furnished; double, ■in- gle; cheap. - ■ ; ri/> MINNA - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR O"±D housekeeping; large yard. _. K£M MISSION, NEAR SECOND - SUNNY f Obi furnished bedroom and kitchen: cheap rent. V no MISSION-NICE SUNNY HOUSEKEEP- ODO ing rooms; cheap. * ■ QCQ MISSION-2 BACK ROOMS, FURNISH- -000 ed for housekeeping; $8: private. 91 Q MISSION-FURNISHED lIOUSEKPG IZXt/ rooms; bath: gas: ran{,e: no children. 1 O/ll MISSION - 4 CONNECTING COM- IZ-il pletely furnished rooms, stove; private. OOOC MISSION— 2 SUNNY FURNISHED JLAlk> rooms, witUuae of dining-room, kitchen and bath; $16. -' ■ .. 7j A ' NATOMA - 2 FURNISHED FRONT OUO rooms for housekeeping : also single. TIOAI NINIH - BAY - WINDOW ROOM; _-«5U2 light housekeeping, or 2 gentlemen. QC%n NINETEENTH ST., 1V 3 BLOCKS E. OF O-ib Castro-st. cars: sunny room: sink: stove: use of wash tray; yard; rent ■ reduced by neat sewer. -• . - - . bUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1002 POLK ST., cor Geary— Nicely furnished apartments for light housekeeping; in quiet place: gas ranges; rent for suites, Including kitchens, $15 to $25; it will pay you tocall : references exchanged. 01 OH POINT LOBOS AYE.-3 sunny fur- ZxZX) nished rooms tor housekeeping, with use of bath: $12; no children. a OQ SIXTH-2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS FOB 'T_it7 housekeeping. __ - - soUTH PARK-NICE SUNNY HOUSE- JLJL keeping rooms: cheap. - .' -nri STEVENSON— 3 ROOMS, SUITABLE OOU2 for housekeeping; $7 60 month. -. w " "i>TAO STOCKTON. CORNER OF FILBERT- X i YD 2 nicely furnished rooms for housekeep- Ing; cheap rent. ■ . '■'■"-" 1/n n TAYLOR, NEAR JACKSON-FUR. 1 _rl«7 front room and kitchen complete; »14. 000 third— FßONT FURNISHED HOUSE- -OZl—l keeping suites; very cheap; single, $1. V 1 Q TENTH— 3 COMPLETE. HOUSEKEEP- XJ. ing; stationary tubs yard: separate en- trance. ■■■''■'> • • ■ •■•> - ' - ■ Q- THfRTEENTH ST.-2 UNFURNISHED £iO rooms; rent reasonable. [ iin TWENTY-SIXTH. NR.. MISSION -3 \.J.LDz furnished nousekping rms, $10; also 2, $8. On Q TWENTIETH - 2 OR 3 FURNISHED, bbO rooms complete ' for housekeeping; reason- able. '--", ■." ■■- HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - Continued . 7Q£» VAN NESS AYE.— SUNN Y FRONT I UK) rooms; nicely furnished for housekeeping; • reasonable. • ■ 1 QQH WASHINGTON, NEAR . JONES-MA- X*JO\J rine view; 3 newly furnished light house- keeping rooms ; detached very desirable; reason- < able. ROOMS TO LET. ToTTT^oiisOM^uiJ^^ 1 xZjx\J room with use of dining-room and kitchen. 7 CLAY— ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UN- _ 1 furnished. THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 128 ] 1 sunny rooms, furnished 1 and unfurnished; .strictly respectable: central; very moderate prices. ! 28 Eighth st., near Market. A. W. MANN ING. THE CLIFFORD— 2O4 ELLIS, ONE BLOCK - from Baldwin , Hotel— Elegant sunny suites; ! modern conveniences; running water: bath.'. •; 1 OQ I FOURTH — NICELY FURNISHED XxJUil large sunny front room. . ' MRS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE management of the "Miramax," 703 Geary st.; 1 sunny rooms, single or suites: excellent board; elevator: prices moderate, to suit the times. O_ GOLDEN GATE— TWO SUNNY FRONT ■ O~± rooms: gas and bath: reasonable. mo LET — FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM IN X private family. Inquire at 1142 Howard. ' : 11 QQ HOWARD— 4 NICE UNFURNISHED 1100 rooms. 71 HOWARD— HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS; I 2 yard : rent cheap. ■ OAQQ HOWARD-SUITE OF FURNISHED front rooms; no other roomers. _1 X JONES — FURNISHED ROOMS; EN SxxO suite and single. . A RLINGTON HOUSE, *27 KEARNY— PLEAS- A ant sunny rooms, en suite :"<i single: first.class in every respect ; terms reasonable. fJAQ LAGUNA — NICELY FURNISHED UvO large sunny front rooms: very reasonable, mo RENT, WITH USE OF PIANO, HAND- X somely furnished parlors for day studio; cen- tral. Call 735 Market st. ' "VOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1 : week, $1 50 to $5: families. r lIE NIGHTINGALE, 1802 MARKET-ELE- X gant sunny bay-window rooms; reasonable. OR RENT-TO 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN. nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about 8 blocks from Kearny and Market sts.: private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1. Call. yiP.l MINNA, NEAR SIXTH— NEWLY FUR- ttOX nished front room: suitable for 2 gents: gas. OOrr MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- DP I nished bay-window rooms: $1 a week. EUROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients.' 1 f\(\R PINE — THE VICTOR; PRIVATE XUUD boarding; choice sunny rooms, with first- Class board : moderate prices. . ■ - ■ QI £. POWELL — QUIET, SUNNY, FUR- JjLO nished room; $8. T?VERETT, 55 SECOND— FAMILY HOUSE; xll new management; respectable: sunny rooms; J reasonable; transients solicited. M. DALTON. prop. DO SI XT H~— TH E " 11 1 LLSD ALE, SUNNY 00 rooms: single and en suite; $1 to $1 50 a day. lITa SIXTH— PIEDMONT: NICE SUN- lie) ny bay-window and single rooms; reasonable. Ql OQ SIXTEENTH — CHEAPEST SINGLE OL^iU rooms In the city: newly papered. 1 99 TAYLOR— ELEGANTLY FURNISHED l^^-i sunny rooms: suite or single. INCHESTER HOUSE-44 THIRD, NEAR Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 25c to $1 50 per night; «1 60 to $6 per week; electric lights in every room; free bus. OR RENT— GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- .r nished sunny front bay-window room, private family; 8 blocks from Market and Kenrny: refer- ences. Address X. Y. Z., box 1. Call Office. ENTLEMEN WISHING quiet ROOMS, \J everything; fl«t class. Security, box 116. Call. CHEAPEST AND BEST 'IN AMERICA— THE ! \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the ! United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- ! «ge free boakijing and ROOMS. U— U gle rooms: best board; special rates to gen lemen for breakfast and dinner; reasonable. HE^ ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND Polk St.— Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate* board optional: all cars direct. I TTOTEL BERTLING, 714 BUSH— OPENED AS j XX a famiiy hotel: references given and required; ! all modern cony I CUILDiCISN BOAKOJED, ID^W^'ol?L^^lK^T^R V 2^HiLDRKN »" to board from 2% to 12 years of asre. Apply 809 Baker st., near Golden Gate aye. T ADY WOULD LIKE 1 OR 2 SMALL CHIL- j XJ dren or an infant to care for; best of refer- j ences. 803 Church St.. near Twenty-second. T ADY WISHES BABY TO RAISE ON THE XJ bottle: best of care. 210 Fifteenth st. STOKE--. TO LET. TOR^T^TSaT'HOWA^D^TTr^OR^EiR^OF Lafayette: .cheap for any business, with fix- tures. Apply 2838 Mission St., M. CURRAN. OS RENT — A CORNER STORE; GOOD stand for drug or grocery business. Apply W. B. CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. FOUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING 1 and basement, 508 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc.; rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN & SONS 20 Montgomery st. 1 OFFICES TO LET. PA^T^F^)FTI^E^T^rL^TT^R^NT^ST^AP^ X ply 509 Kearny St., room 8. mo LET— LARUE SUNNY SUITE OF OFFICES lon first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery St.. rooms 1 and 2. LEOANT OFFICES IN NEW BPRECKE:LS building, 925 Market: rents low: no extra charge for gas. janitor services or beating. Apply at bu':ldinr or G. H. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montg. St. CLAIRVOYANTS. AAA A A PROF. F. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Remain not in darkness and ignorance, but seek 1 the light of wisdom and learn what the future ! holds for you: he Is ever ready to assist the trou- I bled and unfortunate and always meets with sue- I cess: an are pleased with his readings: secure a charm and wear diamonds. Letters with stamps answered. PROF. F. EUGENE, 1206 Market si., parlors 102, 103 and 104, first floor, elevator service. ; PROF. LEON. PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT, X life-reader. 633 Post: 10 to 8 dally; also Sunday. pARD-READING, 25c; LADIES ONLY. 105 \J Stockton St.. room 6. ■ ME. MOREAU— AND ONLY ME- dium ; give her a call ; lee 26c up. 131 Fourth st. PRESENT. PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. X LEGGETTE, 311 Tehama St., near Fourth. RS. FIX, TEST MEDIUM, 438% BRANNAN st.: fee $1. ■ ■" ME. F. ARNDT, GERMAN FORTUNE-TEL- ler, arrived from East; 25c, 50c. 724 Harrison, j OW TO BECOME A CLAIRVOYANT— KEY j to the mystery of medium ship; most wonder- ful book since the Bible; 50 cents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 806 Montgomery St.. S. F. AUGUSTA LEO LA, FORTUNE TELLER: A magic charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband; teaChes fortune- develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee 81 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRITUALISM. ~ .;;; rpEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c MME. X YOUNG, 605 McAllister: articles read. RS. SHEEHAN, CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL- ist and test medium; readings daily, 765 Mar- ket st. RS. HE KM AN KEENEN.GIFTED TRANCE medium : ad vice, business, speculation :satisfac- tionguaraut'd: developing clr. Fridayeve. 321 Turk '"'" ASTROLOGY. DR. MEAD ANSWERS all questions by planets from dat« of birth. 916 Market, r. 34. A STBAL SEER— HOLMES, 523 GEARY A st.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. .g^^J^^^,^^^^^^ STORAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. WILSON BROTHERS. -..' 1710 MARKET— Storage; low rates: telephone South 762. . "FURNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- X? chandlse received on storage; money advanced on consignments: fire proof building. 410 Post st.. T7IIRBT-CLASS STORAGE: ADVANCES MADB J 421-423 Market «_. CHAS. L. TAYLOR, - - ', ■.. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ADVICE £ REETPIVO R^E^ANtTpROBATE laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable; collections, etc. G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stockton OHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY -AT- LAW, RS. 18 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California, WW. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW.42O . California St.. rms. 14-16: advice free. - PHYSICIANS. p heulSa^isjL^Jeubalgia, "• gout— sp& Xi> cial attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- ALP, M.D., 1236 Market St., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P. m. A HOME, A FRIKN D AN D MOTHER'S CARE. , A MRS. DR. FUNK 1416 Eighth St.. Alameda.- PARTNERSHIP^ NOTICES. tVissolution of copartnership— the 'XJ firm of STONE <t 328 Sutter St., San Francisco, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, G. W. HAWLEY retiring. The . business will be continued by B. L. STONE at the same place, under his name^ gTONE G£O. W. HAWLEY. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. PIANOS. . VIOLINS, ETC. BARGAIN LIST OF PIANOS^ ■ '"'" — — All fully warranted for five years. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. 2 Stelnways— Baby grands, used slightly at con- certs. : ':: ' ' 2 Stelnways— Uprights, large size, nearly new. 1 Gabler— Parlor grand, same as new. * ■ 1 Bradbury— Upright, large slse, ebonlzed case. 2 Mansfeldt & Notnl— Upright, walnut case, good as new. 2 Esteys— Entirely new, but styles not in their latest catalogue. 1 Gabler— Upright, walnut case, nearly new. 1 Gabler— Upright, oak case, large size, nearly new. 1 1 Emerson— Upright, walnut case, large size, sample piano. 1 Howard & Co.— Upright, walnut, small, taken In trade. ■ 1 Howard & Co.— Upright, mahogany, large, bronze panels. 1 Pease— Upright, walnut case, new, but discon- tinued style. ... . 1 Pease— Upright, rosewood case, has been rented. 1 Nugent— Upright, mahogany finish, good tone and action. 1 Kranich A Bach— Upright, small, ussd about 3 years. . 1 Cornett— Upright, rosewood case, excellent con- dition. 1 Cornett— Upright, walnut case, large size, good tone. 1 Marschall— Upright,' thoroughly renewed at fac- tory. Call early while assortment Is large. SHERMAN, CLAY & Co., Piano House, corner Kearny and Sutter. •■ ..- . ■ "DORNUNG'S PIANO-HOUSE REMOVED TO XX' 216 Post St.; instruments strictly first-class. A. NICE upright will BE SOLD FOR A $70. Room 12, Flood building. ON I,Y A FEW OF THE SECOND-HAND Steinway & Chickering uprights left. Call now for bargains. Bowers & Son, 23 and 25 Fifth st. EAUTIFUL BISHER UPRIGHT PIANO: perfect condition; sacrificed by a lady forced to leave immediately for Chicago. See It at room 12, Flood building. Fourth and Market sts. grosj eanTViolin maker AND RE"- . palrer of string Instruments. 307 Grant aye. pKMOVED— W. SPENCER & CO. to 338 XL Post St.. near Powell, opposite Union square: sole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 338 Post st. - - : ■ TEINWAY UPRIGHT: SLIGHTLY USED- grand tone; half-cost. SPKNCER, 338 Post st. 171EW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD . makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 338 Post St. TVTEW PIANOS FROM $14? UP; TUNING AND IN repairing. JAS. SCHMITZ & CO., 935 Market. M. G. BADGER WITH KOHLER <fe CHASE, 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ' NCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY: HEMME XU & LONG Piano Co. (established 1875), 340 Post st.: on installments; send for catalogue. PENTING PIANOS; LARGE AND VARIED It assortment; tuned free. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.'S Piano-house, cor. Koarny and Sutter sts. LEGANT UPRIGHT. GOOD AS NEW, AT MAUVAIS', 769 Market st. GEORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE VX Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments: pianos rented. 1360 Market st. ASY TERMS: LOW PRICES. KuHLKH & CHASE. BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMEB, Newby & Evans. Brines and other pianos. UPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD & NEW 0 H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. TKCK, CHICKERING & SONS., VOSE AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER & CHA'BE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. TVECKERBRbs.. STEINWAY, FISCHER AND U other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER &, , CHASE *>S and 30 O'Farrbll st. MEDICAL - ; _~NEW^ROCESS^NO~MEDICINE, INSTRU- A ments or worthless pills- used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always In one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician -.knowledge can be sent&usedat home;all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. A SURE SAFE CUBS FOR ALL FEMALE disease; a home in confinement with best care; with the privacy of a home aDd conveniences of . a hospital; consultation free and confidential: a positive cure for liquor, morphine and tobacco habit: every case guaranteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYEft, 226 Turk st. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT; BEST X care and doctor: terms, 2 weens including all, $50. Address X., box 70. Call Office. T~AI3~I ES-iCHICH ESTER'S " ENGLISH PEN- Xj nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: sate, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mail: at druggists. Chlchester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. - - DX. RICOKD'S FILLS, EXPRESS $2 50: SAFE, sure, reliable: Blcord's specialties, females. Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. ALL FEMALE IRREGULAR IT I • RE- stored in one day: no instruments; French remedies guaranteed at any lime; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post St., near Larkln. DX. AND MBS. DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 1211 Vi Mission, now 1508 Market, returned from Europe with latest improved medical sci- ences; irregularities cnird In few hours: guar't'd; no instruments: iema:e diseases speedily cured. RS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women: ladies near or far assured quick relief of disease: Irregularities restored daily; safe cure guaranteed: no instruments; home in conflue- jnrtit; best skill; low fees; pills $2. 1370 Market st. LL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, formerly of 110 V» Turk, now 118 Eddy St., the only reliable specialist In San Francisco* $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause; special attention to dis- ease of the eye. _j ' LADIKS. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MR«. EM ARY ; sure cure. 5 Franklin, cor. Market. \f AILLARD'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER I'l fails to correct any female Irregularities from whatever cause. Price $5. Agent, EDWIN W. JOY, Powell and Market sts., San Francisco. R. RICORD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE FOR LOST manhood; general weakness: three bottles $5. STERN BROS.,drugglstg, sole ag'ts, 111 Grant aye. THB LIGHTNING RHEUMATISM CUKE 1 tor chronic or Inflammatory rheumatism; best remedy on earth: price $3. MARTIN Remedy Company, 2231 Mission St., S. F. __^ DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, lmpctency, aud all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box : 6 boxes $5 -. send for circular. WIDBER'S . Drug Store, 14 Ellis St., sole agent. - • - A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO ■A- ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger: safe and sure: $2 60 express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. U-PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. RICHARDS __ CO., druggists. 406 Clay, sole agts. ALTTadIeS CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause; treatment scientific, harmless and painless ; never fails; home in confinement. MBS. DR. WEGENER, PRIVATE "HOME fcr all female diseases; separate homes for la- dles before and during confinement; have enlarged and arranged my home to suit rich and poor; Ir- regularities cured in a day ; guaranteed ; no instru- ments; regular physicians of long and successful practice; travelers attended; no delay: all business strictly confidential; babies adopted. 419 Eddy st. T\R. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, XJ next Hibernia Bank: diseases of women. ! "\fICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT i.' at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFEB, midwife, 2014 Folsom at. ■ "1 J-' IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254 4th. WEEK'S NEWS FOB 5 CENTS — THK WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. . EDUCATIONAL. A^^R^Cl«3o^U^lN^sTc^LlEG^ri2B6 Market ; send for cat. ; day and evening session. ISS ruby EAGLKSTON, TEACHER OF autoharp; lessons free, lnstrument. 131 Larkin. \I RS. MELVILLE SNYDER, 519 VAN NESS ■IM aye., oratorical, focal and dramatic academy; also piano; classes and private lessons. . T>ARTINGTON'S SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE X and Newspaper Illustration will open Septem- ber 9 in the old rooms of the Art Association, 424 Pine st. Address for particulars," J. H. E. PAR- TINGTON, Third aye. and Twelfth St., Oakland. ANJO AND PIANO LESSONS, 60C EACH. 844 Howard st. ---. ■ - 7 OWENS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AYE., Berkeley. T. S. BOW ENS, M.A.. Principal. ENGLISH LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY XJ class or private. MRS. EHRMAN, 1234 Bush. TTOITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BURLING AME, xl San Matt ■ Co., reopens Aug. 6. IRA G.HOITT. POOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMB JJtic taught 6 weeks -.course $30. 5 Stockton st. 5 \rOCAL TEACHER JOSEPH GREVEN IM- V proves and beautifies even spoiled voices, and procures positions to bis pupils. 82 Ninth st. lOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, CORNET, taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 225 Geary -.reasonable. PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY SCIENCES X bldg; thorough commercial <fc English training, PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MElBTER- schaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farreil st. , , IGB.T SCHOOL; HEALD'S BUSINESS COL- -L> lege, 24 Post st.; . commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates. ■ •-•..■-.-*■- - . ■ - -.- PELASCO'ITIYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— X> Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 & 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. . QCHOOL^LECTRICAL7ciVIL7MINING7M"E ,O chanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723 MJct TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st. : diploma course $30. - 1 ENGLISH' BRANCHES' TAUGHT BY MISS It DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 48: private or clas». EALD'S BUSINESS • COLLEGE.' 24 POST Bookkpg. business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical ' engineering, ■ telegraphy, > modern lan- guages rapidly lausht. Write for catalogue. ■ 1 CITY REAL ESTATE. _ - . . _ Ah noaraKß.. '-i •" -*? .'■..■■. Louis a. sodc. > T A. souo & CO., . : : • ; REAL estate AND insurance brokers HOUSES RENTED. RENTS COLLECTED. ! 465 AND 467 VALENCIA ST., NEAR 16TH. Remember we make a specialty of Mission prop- erty, and as we are on the ; spot we can take you to any part of the Mission In short order." So don't waste time in ransacking downtown offices if you are looking for property of any description in this' fiart of the city, but call on us at once and we will save you time and money. $6000—25x125: Fair Oak; new flats: 5 and 6 rooms; bath; all modern improvements; in one of the best block of the Mission; 77x100 to alley; Seventeenth st. near" Guerrero. Bay-window cot- tage: 7 rooms: bath; fine grounds; will make an elegant home. "■ - -. — -—- $7500—25x80: Mission st. near Eighteenth : store and 3 rooms: upper flat 7 rooms; bath.; modern improvements: always rented. - $1250—25x114: Day St., near Church; cottage, 3 rooms: in good order; cheap. _ $17,000—50x122:6: cor. Mission and 22d: splen- did Investment; transfer corner store; 3 rooms and stable upper flat, 6 rooms and bath; all in good, order. ; ~ " - $6250—25x90; Valencia St., nr. 20th: a snap; bay-window house; 8 rooms and bath; lot worth the money. Fair Oaks,' near 18th; a good $3500—42x135; Fair Oaks, near 18th; a good buy; 2-story Mouse, 9 rooms, bath; cottage, 4 rooms: all in Ai order. ". • : $3500— 25x50: Stevenson, near 20tli; street wort done; 2 flats, 5 rooms each; always rented. $3160—25x125: Dolores St.: fine view; 2 flats, 5 rooms and bath each: a bargain. , $2500—26x114: 27th St., near Church; modern bay-window cottage; 5 rooms : bath; fine base- mem : easy terms. • $2800—25x114; 22d St., near . Valencia: 2-story house; 7 rooms; bath; large basement: street work all done: stone sidewalk ; cars pass the property ; lot alone worth the money. Our list comprises some of too best property in the Mission. Lots of all sizes in any of the home- i steads * also good business corners in any part of the Mission. Call and get a list and prices. If you want your vacant houses rented place them with us. L. A. SOUC & CO., 465 and 467 Valencia St., near Sixteenth. • - -" SOL getz & brother, real estate owners, ROOM a, first FLOOR, crocker BUILDING. HEADQUARTERS FOR park lots, ' ; new blocks, new LOTS, good locations, Come now and get bargains in lots on install- ments. ■ . fi f\C\ «125, $150 TO $300 FOR LOTS <nlUl/. north and south of park: fine locality. $10 down and $5 monthly. SOL GETZ & BRO. ■m»tyr_f\ to $1100 for graded LOTS, «!rOOU ready to build on In Richmond and south of park, near cable and ■ electric cars, on easy in- stallments. SOL GETZ & BRO. ..' ■ ." -i (\(\ $150 TO $250 FOR SPLENDID lots i IUU. near Mission st. and electric-cars; your oice of 50 lots: only $10 down and $5 monthly. I BOL GETZ & BRO. ' ' ' ALL FOR MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. \J — SOL GETZ & BRO., Owners, r ;; Roam A, first floor, Crocker building. WORKMAN & FRENCH, TT . Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Houses rented, rents collected, 630 Market st. $3250— A great bargain: nearly new house of 7 rooms and bath; brick foundation, etc.; 26th St., | near Castro; only part cash.. $2850— New cottage of S rooms; Jersey, near Cast ro. $280*0— Cottage of 5 rooms: Castro, near26th. $3200— 7-room cottage on 24th, near Castro; only $100 down, balance same as rent. $1200— Cottage of 4 rooms and stable: Wolf st. $5850— Store and fiats, just building; 24th St., near Castro. I $6500—2 flats in course of construction; Dolores and 25th sts. . • ■ ■ • $7000— Store and flats; Mission St., west side, near 28th. • $10,000— Post st., near Laguna; flats; rents $87 a month. Houses built to suit on easy terms. ©1 Af\{\ MORTGAGE $700: NEAT RESI- tpl'iUU. denre and lot 27:6x100; E. side Dia- mond St.. bet. 19th and 20th. :- ' $800— Neat 1-story frame, lot 50x100, corner Brazil aye. and Edinburgst.; Excelsior Homestead Association. CHAS. C. FISHER, 607 California st. (TUQ/wvLOTS 27. AND 28, BLOCK 67, CITY <_•)_£» i\J . Land Association. $250— 60x125, S. side .Montana St., 305 feet W. Capitol, block R, Railroad Homestead Association. CHARLES C. FISHER, 507 California st. ; WILL EXCHANGK 2 LOTS, SOUTH SIDE OF, »T park, for residence not exceeding; $3500; dif ference in cash. Apply 1115 Bryant st. , ' ; LEVEL LOT: STREET DONE; ONE HI, PR from Mission st.; worth $900; will sell for slso at once. 9 Powell St.. room 3. . "• •■■.-■-.-•■-.,- -<2_ 1 I 7fif\ *200 CASH, BALANCE $20 PER •J)l I \nt. month; new house. 1 rooms and bath; lot -_".xH2:6. $1350— 5100 cash, balance $15 per n onth; house of 5 rooms, bath, basement; lot 25x100."- - $600— Lots on Ocean aye., near new racetrack. . ' «600— Lo;s on Sunnyslde aye , on the grade. Ap- ply at 630 Market St., or 210 Sunuyside aye. J. B. HILL. ■ ■■;-■ : S^7KA GREAT SACRIFICE: ELEGANT OiO\J. home*, contains 8 rooms and bath: beautifully- decorated ard papered: lot 27x100; lovely location on Scott St., bet. Haight and Waller. ASHTON & GARDINER. 411 Montgomery st. T,^OR SALE— HOUSE AND LOT, 1123 TREAT r ave., bet. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth sts.: 25x112:6 feet; splendid chance to buy a home. Inquire on premises. " . ■" '• -.■•- "-. QA«C\(\ CORNER: 30x80; 2 HOUSES: <PtDwU_ rood order; rent $67 a month. 26 Chesley St., off Harrison, bet. 7th and Bth. EW COTTAGE, IN RICHMOND, 1 BLOCK -Li from I Gcary-st. cars and 25 minutes' ride to Kearny St.; 6 rooms, bath and modern improve- ments: lot 25x100; beautiful garden : sewer: will be sold : very cheap and easy terms; owner com- pelled to move. Address Richmond, box 46, Call. - AND 6 ROOMS, FLATS, BUILT FOX $2800; > ' cottage, 4 rooms, $800: one-fifth cash, balance easy monthly Installments. JAS. McCONAHEY, builder, 1149 Mission st. tftIQAA COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS; INBERKE- O\J\J. ley: lot 60x125. $450— Rough house; 2 rooms; lot 40x100; $10 monthly. • ' ' $760— Lot 60x100: near station. Other houses and lots all over town. •■ . '■ .- . , CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. C&ftfiA 2 L°TS. 25x100, ON sth AYE., NEAR tJOUU. point Lobos, and on Tenth aye., near California, Apply Owner, box 27, this office. I F. CITY LOTS: .- $100 UP. TERMS $10 . down. $5 mo. TH McCA RTH V CO.. 646 Mkr. /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE (CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. ■ : MONEY TO .LOAN. H Y PAY COMMISSION WHEN YOU CAN » » get money at 2 per cent per month from loanor direct and without a go-between on your pianos and furniture? any amount from $100 to $5000 418 Ellis St.. room 22. - I MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, 2 & 3 %. TRAVERS & LAMB, 612 California st. ONEY LOANED ON PIANOS BY PRIVATE party; low Interest. 215 Powell st. A NY AMOUNT; IST, 2D OR 3D MORTGAGES: A estates, undivided interests, real estate in pro- bate. " McCOLGAN, 181 Montgomery, room 1. I UNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, 103 GRANT avenue; private entrance 101 y_ upstairs. ■ N FURNITURE AND PIANOS. WITHOUT removal, and * endowment Insurance policies. Room 68, Donohoe bldg, 1170 Market. HY PAY HIGH BATE ON SMALL LOANS when you can get from - $200 up at 65 cents per month Interest on $100? • Loan, box 83, Call. ■ LOANS ON REAL ESTATE, IST AND 2ND mortgages, .. furniture or pianos without re- moval; lowest rates.-. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. T. OANS ON UNDIVIDED SHARES OF CITY XJ real estate ; any amount. BECKER, 240 Montg. Cl%. CITY, COUNTY AND COLLATERAL SE- Dg curltles. TRAVERS - LAMB, 512 California. 1 ADIES' PRIVATE ROOMS: MONEY ON J everything. .U. S. Loan Office, 777 Market st., near Fourth. ... , * ; . • • ; ■ A NY SUM. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES city or country -.Estates. MURPHY.62B Market A PRIVATE ENTRANCE IN REAR FROM O'Farrell street; private rooms for ladies and gents; discreet gentlemanly attendants; at UNCLE HARRIS* Collateral Association, 15 Grant avenue. ONEY LOANED ON ■' JEWELRY AND other valuables ;at the Security Loan Office, 1106 Market st.,nr. Mason ; private entrance 7 Turk. NY AMOUNT. OF MONEY TO LOAN ON watches, diamonds, sealskins, pianos, pictures, bronzes, clocks, real estate and all kinds of securi- ties. Columbia Lean and Collateral Office, 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from Market st. • ','•;':•, STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN ; OFFICES. 860 Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established SO years; always open. "Uncle Bill.". .'>?.' ' ...-,'.•'.■- /■-- '■ '■ ■;" ■ ' ' ■ :-\ -* ORROW MONEY ON YOUR 1 DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL & CO., Mills bldg, 6th floor, r 6; strictly confidential. f\S ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; DEAL- \J Ing confidential.- 43 Crocker building. ' --■■-?- v . ;■ FINANCIAL. •:;;■;■':/ /:^ NY~SCTM~OF M^N^V'aDVANCED^ON yonr furniture, pianos or real estate: lowest rate: call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. _ NOON AN, 1021 Mission st. ' , :' Parties having money to -LOAN in -L small amounts 'of I $200 to ' $2000 can place |it through us, It cc of charge, at 8 per | cent interest ger annum, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on improved real estate in San Fran- cisco, : the titles to . which I are | guaranteed by the California Title ; Insurance ' Company." We make this liberal . proposition ; in ' order to ; meet the de- mand for 'small- loans." Advise us of the amount you wish to loan, and we will submit the security for your approval. A. F. JOHNS > & CO., financial agents, room 9, 632 Market St., San Francisco. " COUNTRY JBEAIr. ESTATE.- _\" 1: \ RANCH : FOR SAFE OR EXCHANGE FOR improved city property; containing over ■ 100 acres: improved; located two miles from Napa City R. R. depot. For particulars address H. K. 8., box 67, this office. . » . • . , - - . -, • ". : . . 1A | i ACRES, FRONTING on mission XU 1 . 1 road, also Electric and S. P. R. R.: all about level: all in vegetables; will sell as whole or small tracts. SPECK & CO.; 602 Market st. ' fTIHE NEW ENGLAND COLONY OFCALIFOR- X nia offers an opportunity for home-making better than ever before offered, and ! not likely to be re- pealed. . .We court a thorough investigation of our. plan, our location, 'our soil, our : transportation facilities.. Our lands' are ■ exceedingly, rich, pro- ducing in great abundance every variety of fruit, grain and . vegetable grown in - the State ■of Cali- fornia. .Our location is beautiful; our. climate health y. Those who ' really want • a home that I is attractive, pleasant and profitable can secure it with us. : -:- ' ;*• :r- ;:.;. ■ ■•'"' ■ "'■'■' We own this tract of land; in fact, it has been our home for over thirty years, and we have de-, cided and are determined to develop a community that will demonstrate the ' highest possibilities of home-making. We are not selling on commission. We own the lands, and some of us live on I them,* and will continue to live on them and make our homes there, that will be called home by our children, and we are entirely content to farm the : entire tract until we can . surround ourselves with neighbors who wish at once to have schools and churches and reading-rooms in their very midst. * | Therefore we propose to see to it that those who make their homes with us have the kindly advice and friendly assistance necessary to their success. Call on or address ■ WILSON & REID, : Room 10, rotunda, Mills building. . T> ANCH AT GOVERNMENT PRICE. XV ■ - ■ : ■---,- ■■ i■. ■ ,-• An unprecedented opportunity for a young man of energy to acquire a large and profitable ranch well adapted for farming and stockraising; also well located for dairy purposes, being near a lar»-e creamery which pays out each month irom $3000 to $6000 for milk. This exceedingly favorable op- : portunity will be offered for a few days at a little i above the Government price per acre on long-term; j payments. Address HOMER WILSON, room 10, ■ rotunda, Mills building, San Francisco.-' -'" B* ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS. EBT SYSTEMATIZED LAND OFFICE IN AMERICA N. D. SICK ELS, < .; . THE ' * LAND AGENT. .. . .' Sale and exchange of Ranch property a stbict specialty. By far the list. ••■ ! 818 Post Street, bet. Stockton and Powell, 8. F. 9 r~ACRE CHICKEN RANCH: SOLD ON THE ,2 10-year credit plan: third year interest now due; Al creek ■ bottom: vegetable soil: improve- ments cost over 600: will sell for $200 and trans-, fer contract. ' D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. HOMESTEADS ON choice GOVERNMENT XX lands: 850,000 acres. Particulars address or call room 6, 995 Market St., S. F., Cat. MARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. RaNCHC) DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation: both rail and water i transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms; I town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores |on the property: send tor circular. . ' Dairy for sale with or without cows. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65 Chronicle building. . - ANTED— TO RENT, WITH PRIVILEGE of buying, 2 to 5 acres (Improved) In Frultvale, convenient to cars. Address F., box 58, Call Office. T?OR KALE-RANCH, 6000 ACRES; 2000 X sheep. 60 cattle, horses, wacons, etc.: in Men- docino County, Cai, ; price $20,000. Inquire of W. P. THOMAS. Uglah, Cal. . IV YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING J. purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay Is required, balance parable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery St., S. F. (JJJO.2S PER ACRE:64O ACRES: WELL LOCAT- ,W^~ cd. TRAVKUS&LAMB. 612 Callfornlast. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON REAL ESTATE. TUraR^E^oXoNYT ■ ' A CLIMATE UNSURPASSED! INEXHAUSTIBLE WATER SUPPLY! FINE DRIVES WINTER AND MUMMER! Railroad transportation, with hourly trips ■■ to market, over the steam-dummy-line, from Stock- ton to Lodi, six miles . from Stockton, the county scat, and business center, population 20,000 peo- ple, affording unlimited opportunities to church-go- ers of all denominations and amusement-seekers. GOOD SCHOOLS! »'. CHEAP FARES: . Two steamers, four freight boats and many trains daily. from Stockton to >»n Francisco. • This land is in the famous fruit and watermelon belt. The soil is adapted to any vegetable. Cab- bages and rhubarb can be grown here In midwin- ! ter and shipped East at great profit. The land Is I subdivided into lots of 5. 10, '10 and 40 acres: price $65 to $85 per acre: $110 per acre for land in aitalfa, producing 5 crops per year. Terms, Vi cash. North Stookton town lots. r , - F. J. SULLIVAN, Agent, room 88. Chronicle building, San Francisco, or E. ARMSTRONG, 118 East Main St., Stockton. . ENDKRBON & CARTER, 17 SOUTH SAN Joaquln St., Stockton. 800 acres adjoining the city: a choice tract to subdivide. A choice block of 32 lots in good loca- tion: $4800. Several nice cottages from $1000 to $4000: on easy terms. A few choice lots on the line of the electric-cars. Good garden tracts from fi to 20 acres: well located. 100 acres, six miles from Stockton; fine rich soil; $55 per acre: a fine bargain. 300 tons of choice hay at a bargain. A A. DUDLEY * CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 405 East Main st., Stockton, Cal. - Choice residence lots on electric street car line, from $160 up; $10 down, $1 perweek; no interest, no taxes. Send for maps. ".' Small acreage tracts for gardens and orchards on easy terms. Bargains in Improved property. Cor- respondence solicited. . . .• • - PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. "GRIFFIN^ COTTONWOOL. SHASTA CO., ■ . Cal.. wants acreage near h. F. for a clear farm. PROPERTY WANTED. CHICKEN A NCH~ WANTED; \J $2000 to 82600. Cash, box 8, this office. \ir ANTE ALL IMPROVED RANCH FOB 'V 2 fine flats. iSPKCK'S. 602 Market, x ■. HOUsE FOR ; SALE. House" 14~3iooms; .large lot; btable and carriage house; Western Addition. Amerl- can Land and Trust company 132 Market st. - LEGAL NOTICES.' •\foTICE TO CREDITORB - "ESTATE OF Il> THOMAS McQUIRK, ' deceased. Notice is i hereby given by the undersigned, A. C. FREESE, ! administrator of the estate of said deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, ' the said deceased, to exhibl them with the neces- sary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this ■ notice, to the said ■ adminis- trator at his office, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California, the same being his place for the > trans- action of the business of the said estate in the City and County of San Francisco. State of California. : -.■•■■■■-A. C. FREESE, '; Administrator of the Estate of THOMAS Mo QUIRK, deceased. ■■- ' Dated at San Francisco, July 22, 1895. * ■ J. D. Sullivan, Attorney for Administrator. ■RESOLUTION*.— AT . A MEETING OF THE Xt Board of New City Hall Commissioners held August 18, 1895, the following resolution was passed to print: . , ■ . Resolved, That contract No. 80, for brick, gran- ite and concrete work in rotunda and adjoining rooms, new City Hall; be awarded' to D. J. BREN- AN, In the sum of $6200, and the same pass to print. . ' ■■"■■"■-..■ . ■ ■ Ayes— Commissioners CRESWELL, BRODER- -ICK. '■■" ' ; : ■•■' - V ■;■■■■-•' ■-." ' ■ • Absent— Commissioner BUTRO. , - _ , , J. J. MCCARTHY, Secretary. IN THIS i SUPERIOR COURT, IN. AND FOR the City and County of I San Francicco, State of California. Department No. 10 (Probate). In the matter of the estate of JOHN B. MILLER, deceased. ' Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. . .... A. C. FREESE, the administrator of the estate of JOHN B. MILLER, deceased, having filed his petition herein, duly verified praying for an order , of sale of the | real estate of said decedent, for the purposes therein set forth. • ■ • • i It is therefore ordered by the said court that , all persons ' interested in the estate ' of ' said deceased appear • before the said Superior Court on MON- DAY, the 26th day of August, 1895. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of Department No. , 10 . (Probate) of - said Superior Court, at the new City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, to show cause why an order, should not be granted to the said administrator to sell so much of : the real es- tate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. - .... And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the San Fbancisco Call, a newspaper primed and published in said City and County. . ' Dated July 25, A. D. 1895. \ < CHARLES W. SLACK, Judge Of the Superior Court. .-• - ■.,.-•;,:".■ .:--... ■..—-■< , J. D. SULLIVAN; attorney for administrator, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California. ~ . I~N THE SUPERIOR COURT, IN AND FOR the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, Department No. 10 (Probate). ■- ■ '. In the matter of .the : estate of MARY O'NEIL. deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be made. - -■•' - ~ v • -. •-: : •■ A. C. FREESE, the ■ administrator of the estate of MARY O'NEIL, deceased, having filed his peti- tion herein, duly verified, praying for an ( order of sale of the real estate of said decedent, for the pur- poses therein set forth. ".- *:■ « - - : .- > . " . • ■ •-, - . ; It is therefore ordered by the said court that all persons interested in . the . estate of said deceased appear before the said I Superior Court lon MON- DAY, the 26th day of August, 1895, at >10 o'clocK in the forenoon of said day, at j the courtroom of Department ' No. 10 ; (Probate) ' of ■■ said ; Superior Court, at the new City Hall, in the City and County of san Francisco, State of California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said ad- ministrator to sell ; so much of . the - real , estate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. - : - ' -■ And | that a copy .of this order be . published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the San Fbancibco Call, : a newspaper printed and published in said City and County. Dated July 25, A. D.1895. : * CHARLES W. SLACK, Judge of the Superior Court. k- ■'-'■■ ' '■ ■' ■'■■>-:• ■ ' .'■'-- -.■ ■'-■ .--'.;■■■--:' - J. D. SULLIVAN, attorney for administrator, 819 Pine street, Ban Francisco. California. v\- OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— oOS BROADWAY. : OAKLAND s REAL. ESTATE. (_»» enrv 120 ACRES IN REDWOOD CAN- «Jptt«JUV/. yon. 6 miles from Hay wards: bouse, barn, 6 horses, 13 young cows, 150 chickens and farming tools; easy terms; a bargain. Inquire for C. »PREEN, Redwood Canyon, Hay wards, Ala- meda County.',. .■■.;-:y'--' -":.:■ \ r--'-.- -■■-.;..';.■■ ; TTIOR EXCHANGE— TWO MODERN HOUSES: J? well located ; value $9000 cash : for : good San Francisco property in Western Addition. W. J. DINGEE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. : _ ' ■ T\O YOU WANT A HOME? I WILL BUY YOU XJ ' a lot, build bouse on your own plans, this side of bay; small cash payment, balance monthly. C. P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. OR SALE OR TO LEASE— GOOD PROP- erty; family resort: house .11 rooms and bath; saloon, garden, carriage-house and barn; all mod- ern improvements. Inquire premises, H. BOCKLE- MAN, opp. station, Golden Gate, Alameda County. mnorA 6-ROOM, 2-STORY HOUSE: ALL t_)_S_2tJv/. modern Improvements: lot 35x108; 2 minutes' walk from electric cars,' 7 minutes from local station connecting with San Francisco; price 5225U; terms 5500 cash, balance $30 per month. For further particulars apply to WHITE BROS., 1128 Twenty-third aye.. East Oakland. '; - ' : 4 NOTHER SOLD; ONLY 3 OF THOSE *200 J*x orchard lots left: $5 cash, $5 per month: bear- Ing fruit trees on each lot: short walk to electric and steam cars: at San Leandro. -W. E. BAR- NARD & SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland*. " . : TPORSALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP J erty; a beautiful suburban home, 2y 2 miles from Oakland; 25 acres: 15 acres in fruit in bear- Ing; spring water: | soil good: improvements mod- ern and first class. . J. 8. MEYERS, 1002 Broad- way, Oakland. . • ■ • . ■ . T OT 50x140; FREMONT AYE., LINDA ROSA -t_ Tract, Frultvale; $425 cash. J. HOEY, 641 Folsoru st. . _______________________!___ ©yICHA 8-ROOM HOUSE: BATH: HOT <JJ)t;c)UU. and cold water; good barn: lot 45x100 on Tenth St., near Castro; a bargain. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. . <n>-i f\ fififi 4 ACRES ON west side of «JpIU.UUU Fruiivale s ave., ' near the Hay- wards electric line; this is a bargain. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. ■ - . ' . • (jT.^Q*rrv $1000 CASH; WORTH $6500: 9- C'Tt/Jl/. room modern hou»e; nice stable: lot 50x150; a bargain; see it at once. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. .:•, ... . . FOUR-ROOM COTTAGES; GROUND 71 :6x204 on corner, within two blocks of local . train, for $2500 cash. Inquire of.C. A. SCOVILLE, 459 Ninth St., Oakland. .' >■- • • '••-■■ - " : -> > ~<2t 1 df\f\ HOUSE, 5 ROOMS.IN BERKELEY: tJpIDUU. lot 100x100 with creek: 100 varieties flowers, fruits, etc. ■-• -■ v • - ' $250— Half acre hill land : other houses and lots all over Berkeley. " CHARLES A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley Station, Berkeley. . F"~ORBALE-A WELL-ESTABLISHED wood, coal and feed business: at a bargain; centrally located and doing a good ' business. C. K. MAR- SHALL, 1118 Broadway, Oakland. A T FRUIT LE-A LOVELY HOME; MOD- J\- crn house and barn: eight acras in choice fruit; cost $20,000: will sell for $7500. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. . . . ■ ; "PROPERTY IN ALL PARTS OF ALAMEDA J. County for sale: large tracts in acres or lots be- tween Oakland . and Berkeley; property at Tern- esoal a specialty. W. I. ROBINSON, 459 Ninth St., Oakland. - ' " " '. ; ©"•/l^n SACRIFICE; COTTAGE 6 ROOMS »Jpi"iiJU. and bath; lot 17x100 on Sycamore street, near San Pablo avenue; terms, $350 cash, balance easy terms. W. P.RYAN, 960 Seventh st., Oakland. - • : . ■ r\ OLDEN GATE LOTS; $10 DOWN : $5 PR. M"a VJT MCCARTHY CO., owners, 646 Market St., S. F. pHOICE RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS PROP- \J erty: choice lodging-house for sale: owner leav- ing State. See E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. (ft! ffn LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN UP-L«JI/. Frnitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week; selling fast: good improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. CUQM MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM- COTTAGES; <3>-S' ' plans free. F. BOEGLE, Golden Gate statn. Ty M. M. DEWOLF, RENT COLLECTOR. 1050 ' »» Broadway. OAKLAND HOTELS. T^rA^iljnQO^H^T^LT^H^^LE^C^lN^AND VX largest hotel in Oakland ; table first class: terms by week or month, moderate; trains to and from San Francisco every 15 minutes: cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel: . sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY, Proprietor. . ;.;«.yv OAKLAND FURNITURE for sale. Furniture and carpets at your own JT yrlcc. H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMEDA KEAL ESTATE. • ■QPr7uTcTs~HT W s2b~P^R^6^T^T /^O^3^x IUU 150; modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 2 blocks from station; $2200. No. 654. : 3100 cash, $25 per month lot 33:4x150; new 2- story bouse tf rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion. $2500. No. 520. i $100 cash, $30 permonth; lot 35x150: modern 2- story house 7 rooms and bath. with barn. 1 block from station; $3000. ' No. 669. $200 cash, $30 per month: lot 37:2x108: elegant new cottage 6 rooms and oath; $3100. ' No. 670. . $500 cash, $40 per month; lot 33:4x140: elegant 2-story house 7 rooms and bath, 1 block from sta- tion; .<? 600. N0.665. $1000 cash, $50 per month: lot 40x150: fine 2- story bouse 9 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion; $6500. No. 333. ' Houses to let in all parts of A ameJa. Apply to H. P. MORE A L. 1432 Park St., Alameda. . OR IMMEDIATE SALE — NEAR SCHOOL and station; streets improved and sewered. $2250-$5O cash, $25 monthly; 30x100; cottage, 4 rooms and bath. -- • ■ - $2400— 550 cash, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tage, 6 rooms and bath.' . - : '. $3250— 550 cash, $36 monthly; 38x100; corner house In fine conditl* n : 8 rooms and bach. $3250— 5200 cash, $30 monthly: 37x110; ele- gant colonial cottage: 7 rooms and bath. $3850-$2OO cash, $35 monthly: 37x120; hand- some new cottage, 8 rooms and bath. 1 Houses to rent from $10 up. ; - Open Sunday and holidays. ' - . ■ / MARCUSE & REMMEIj, Bay-street station, Aiameda, and 628 Market st* San Francisco. . . . fTIH E JOSEPH a. Leonard company are X offering great, inducements to those desiring homes in Aiameda. They have on hand a number of modern homes In size and price to suit all comers; easy terms if preferred. Send for their Il- i lustrated catalogue, "Figures and Facts," which I contains valuable information for all who Intend j purchasing. Main office, 1364 Park st Aiameda; j branch, 19 Montgomery St., San Francisco. . ALAMEDA HOUSES TO LET. v T?LEG^^TRE^rD^N^ET9^^olisrALCOvir, -EJ bath, stable, lawn: stylish location:. 2los Cen- tral aye., two blocks from Willow station; very de- sirable: rent $50. Owner at 912 Grand st. ■ " - - BERKELEY REAL .ESTATE. <Bil hnVift CASH, BALANCE ON ANYTERMS, J. Uv/l/ will purchase a beautiful 7-room house; lot 60x135 feet: all laid out in fruit trees and flow- ers; place well worth $4500, but as owner must sell will take $2500. W. C. MORAN, Lorin station, Berkeley. . : . . ■ T CAN DISTANCE THEM ALL WHEN IT •J. comes to bargains. Look at this. House of 7 i rooms: lot 80x134 Va; about 4 blocks from station, for $1800. House of 5 rooms: lot 50x135: street work all done; not 2 blocks from I station,' 1 block, from electric railway, for $1750.^'--•-■•'•J&sssi ■ .; Do you want the earth— then start In on this. ■=: A few fine lots, perfectly level, on the sunny side of street, opposite a $12,000 -residence: each 60x140 i and only $400 each. •' -: — • ■ . • j Apply to JOS. J. MASON, Dwlght-way Station. •\rOU CANNOT HELP MAKING MONEY BY I X buying Berkeley property at to-day's prices ; - 1 make a specialty of, choice property and can hold my own with any real estate man in Alameda County. A specialty for to-day: House of 8 rooms: lot 45x135: near the university; street work' all ! done: only $3600. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight-way ! station. '/ ; : ■ ;"■ v. ',".'..:.■ : . -■.-: : j ifXCHANGE FOR BERKELEY PROPERTY. ; -Tj Business property on Park st., Alameda; IOOx ; 150; to exchange for Berkeley property. • | - An elegant block of land on Peralta Heights, ; East Oakland; ' positively the most elegant home- -1 site in East Oakland: elevation 200 feet above city base; elegant view of Lake-Merritt adjoins tho beautiful home of Borax Smith; will trade for town lots in Berkeley or uninciimbered ranch property. Beautiful home, entirely furnished; lot 75x180 ; near station and school: installment loan of $4000; will trade equity for lot or other property. M. L. WURTS, Dwlght-way station, Berkeley. <JfcQfinn MODERN QUEEN ANNE COT- tJPOvUU. tage; new; lot 40x125; five minutes' walk from station, r • ;. r-...^...'- .. -.--. , r •_•. $2900— Brand-new 2-story house of 7 rooms : near D wight-way station: must be sold: easy payments. M. L. WURTS, Dwlght-way station, Berkeley. »1 c l 6-ROOM COTTAGE: 50x135; $1650. F iilP-LU. BOEGLE. Golden Gate station. . " ._■. ASSESSMENT NOTICES. ;/ " X "ssesSment "notice^the s an >"fr an- xv Cisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway Com- pany. Location of principal place of business, City and County of San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia. : "-'■■■•'■. -. ' :■ ." ■ ■ ■: ■ ■ - - ■ '. -,■■ :-"■ ■ -:. :** Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Directors held on the 13th day of August, 1895, an asses." of ten dollars ($10) per share was levied .upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable .Immediately to the Bank of California, treasurer of said corporation, at the office of said treasurer, northwest corner '>■■ of ■ Sansome ' and . California streets, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California. > -.■--; --.w ■.., .•; z.y. - '- ■. "*;-• -'-■■ ' ■ , Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid >on the sixteenth (16th) day of Sep- tember, 1895, will |be delinquent I and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless > payment is made before, will be sold on the seventh (7th) day of October, 1895, to pay the delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. "-. By order of the Board of Directors. -■ : ALEXANDER MACKIE, Secretary.' v No. 321 Market street, City ; and County of Ban Francisco, state of California, ■■ -■ LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. • ■'".f * :■:-■. '-.v y j_,r»iT«rt.'. ■ ■> '■.'..'■•■, : : ■■ ■■" '!.' j'tvij-3 " WEDNESDAY.' August 14. r '■■ Stm'r Mlneola. Pillsbury, 82 hours from Comox; 8200 tons coal, to SI? Co. ...•*-■' : *^ ■* • "* Stmr Laguna, Peterson, 52 hours from Port Los Angeles; ballast, to Pollard & Dodge, Domestic Ports. •* . ASTORIA- Arrived Aug 14— Twilight, hno • July 25. ■ " ■ • : *;» ,- V" : " ' , T ' ' •" T . Memorandum. PerMineola— Aug 14. off Point Reyes, spoke bark Helen W Almy, from Butaritari for San Francisco. . Movements of Trans- At lav tic Steamers. 1 NEW YORlwArrived An«r 14--stmr Stuttgart, from Bremen; stmr Majestic, from Liverpool; stmr Virginia, from \ Stettin: stmr Patrla, from Hamburg; stmr Spree, from Bremen. ' ■" ' ■ Sailed Aug 14— Stmr Berlin, for Southampton;/, stmr Britannic, for -Liverpool stmr La if orman die, for Havre. . . . . : ... ■...,. .~~., . ■. '- . SOUTHAMPTON Arrived out Aug 14— Stmr Aller. ' Sailed Aug Stmr Havel, Tor New York. GENOA— Arrived out Aug 14— Stmr Werra. GLASGOW— Atrived out Aug 13— Stuar State Of . California.- -•*-■• ... ; . , ...• LONDON— Arrived out Aug 14— Stmr Manitoba. BREMEN— Arrived ont Aug 14— Stmr Willehad. HURST CASTLE— Passed Aug 14— Stmr St Louis, from New i'ork for Southampton. Movements of Vessels. Yesterday the ship Largimire was taken to Port Costa, bark Wilna to Union street, schr Mary and Ida to Channel street, ship Sierra Enreila to sea, bktn Gleaner to Spear-street drydock, schr Ivy to Howard No. 2, ship Alice to Folsom street, ship City of Delhi to the refinery and the ship Cyrus Wakefield to Mission No. 2. DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. * Suits for divorce were begun yesterday as fol- lows: ,-■■■..- ".'•• ■ ..' ■ .' . . Gertrude Reyfleld against George Rayfleld. Mary Coombes against George F. Coombes. Margaret I. Leach against Andrew M. I each. ■ Mrs. Emma A. Curtis is suing Henry C.Curtis or maintenance, not divorce. •■■ DIVORCES GRANTED. .. ' The following divorces were granted In the Su- perior Court yesterday: Alice A. Henry from Clark E. Henry, on the ground of desertion. Decree by Judge Hunt. F. C. Fischer from Henry Fischer, on the ground Of desertion. i Decree by Judge Troutt. Mollie Rlrnlinger from Daniel S. Rimlinger, on the ground of cruelty. Decree by Judge Dalnger- fleld. ■■■-'- - : ■ '■■■■'■ BIRTHS-MARRIAGES-DEATHS. - J ■ .. r' '. / ■\' — ■' '■' . T' BORN. ' CLANCY— this city, August 3, 1895, to the wife of M. J. Clancy, a son. GOEPPERT— In this city, Angust 14 , 1895, to the ■ wife of George Goeppert, a son. HADELER— In this City, August 10, 1895, to the wife of D. Hadeler, a daughter. .... ..- , LUNDQUIST— In Aiameda, August 14, 1895, to the wife of A. Lundquist, a daughter. ROTH— In this city. August 11, 1895, to the wife . of August D. Roth, a son. -- ', 4 MARRIED. ' CHERVIN— HARRIS— In this city, Angust 4. 1895, by the Rev. Joseph illner, Salomon Cher- vln and Fannie Harris, both of San Francisco. DODGE-BOP.SFIELD— In this city, August 14, - - 1895, Arthur B. Dodge of San Francisco and An- . n.i M. Horsfleld of Sacramento. FEARN— DIMMICK— In this city, Angust 12, 1895, by the Rev. ' Dr.* Dille, John R. Fearn, . M.D., and Lillian Dlmmick, both of Oakland. GABRIEL— NEUBERG— In this city, August 4, 1895, by the Rev. J. Nleto, Seymour Gabriel and ■. . Anna Neuberg. ■ "..■".•;:_ DIED. Blywise, Bertha Malloy. Mary E. V.'* "h Curren, Joseph ■ ' Moran, Mary J. Doud, Malcolm P. . Rixon, John P. . Gilmore, iames Spencer, J. C. LUienthal, Ernst Sanford. Thomas • Morris, Eugene Woodward, Henry W. Morrissey. John White, John T. WISE— In this city. August 14, 1895, Bertha, beloved daughter of Moses and Helen Blywlse, a native of San Francisco, aged 6 months and 15 : days. CURREN— In this city, August 14, 1895, Joseph, r beloved husband of Mary Ann Curren, and father of W. W. Curren. Mrs. C. L. Wood and Mrs. W. ! H. McShane, a native of County Monaghan. Ire- land, aged 65 years and 13 days. [Michigan City papers please copy.] «2~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW j " (Friday), at 12:30 o'clock p. M., from his late- resi- dence, 116 Gilbert street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. , . DOUD— In this city, August 14, 1895, Malcolm P.. beloved husband of Elizabeth Craig Doud, aged 60 years and 8 months. ■ 83~ Notice of funeral hereafter. GILMORE— In this city, August 13, 1895, James, dearly beloved father of Katie, Mary and Maggie ■ Gllmore, and brother of Thomas <»llmore, a native of Galway, Ireland, acred 47 years. . •' . fl£_*"The funeral will take place THIS DAT (Thursday), at 2 o'clock P. m., from th« resi- dence of his niece, Mrs. J. S. Forrest, 334 Fre- mont street. 38t7£SS§f§?38i_S*BS LILIENTHAL— In this city, August 14, 1895. Ernst LUienthal,' beloved brother of Henry and Julius LUienthal, a native of Germany, aged 29 years. .. ■- JlSPFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral SATURDAY. August 17, at 2 o'clock p. it., from the par- lors of H. F. Suhr <fc Co., 1209 Mission street, '■' near Eighth. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery.' MORAN— In this city, August 1895, Mary J., beloved wife of James P. Moran, a native of Balti- more. Md., aged 38 years 5 months and 12 days. [Baltimore < Md.) papers olease copy.] » -:.: - . AT* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. m.. from her late resi- . dence, 336 Eleventh avenue, near Point Lobos, ■ J thence to Star of the Sea Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. • Interment Holy Cross Cemetery- MORRIS— In this city. Angust 13, 1895. Eugene, " beloved son of Mark H. and Lizzie Morris, brother of. Jennie Morris, and cousin of Berha Morris, a nativn of Truckee, Cal., aged 22 years • 7 months and 9 days. . ■ • • • Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY , (Thursday), at 10:15 o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence of his parents, 733 Geary street, under the ' auspices of Court Golden Gate No. 6681. A. O. F. . .of A. Interment Hills of Eternity Cemetery by • ! 11:45 o'clock a. M. train from Third and Town- . send streets. MORRISBE V— this city, August 12. 1895, at Bt. Mary's College, John Morrissey, brother of Mrs. R. N. Pippey and William and Richard Morris- jj : sey, a native of County Kilkenny, Ireland, aged ■ 72 years. ■> ..... ■; jjy Friends and acquaintances are respect- . fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY-. (Thursday), at 9 o'clock a. m.. from the par- lors of the Pacific Undertakers. 777 Mission ? street, between Third and Fourth, thence to St. Rose's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Interment i Mount Calvary Cemetery. . MALLOY— In this city, Angust 13, Mary Ellen, beloved daughter of Hannah and the late Charles' Malloy, and sister of Charles, Louisa, George, Walter, . Maggie and. John Malloy, a navlyq of Ban Francisco, aged 16 years 4 months' ana 137 days. .-.. . .-'.;■ ■ Friends and acquaintances are respect- •fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late resi- dence, 3125 Sixteenth street, thence to Mis- sion Dolores Church for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. . : RIXON— In this city, ' August 13,1895, John P.; I dearly beloved husband of I the late Kathenne « Rixon, and father of Robert and John Rixonj a native of Ireland, aged 73 years. Friends and acquaintances are respect- - fully invited to attend the funeral THIB DAY (Thursday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from bis late I residence, 292 Union street., thence to St. Francis Church, where a high solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, com- mencing at 9:30 o'clock a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . SPENCER— In this city, August 13, 1895, J. C ■ Spencer, a native of New York, aged 63 years. - SANFORD— this city, August 14, 1895.Thomas Sanford, a native of Texas, aged 33 years. jfctTFrlends and acquaintances, are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Friday), at 2 o'clock r. m.. from tne par- lors of H. F. Suhr <fc Co., 1209 Mission street, near Eighth. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery, WHITE— In this city, August: 14, 1895, John T.. beloved son of Julia and the late Patrick White, and brother of Mrs. S. A. Egleston; Mrs. Matliew • Zimmerman and William White, a native of San Francisco, aged 32 years 6 months and Bda vs. " . > JK3T Friends and '. acquaintances are' respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW. (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m.; from his late resi- - dene, '18 Prospect i avenue, Bernai ■ Heights, ; thence to St. Paul's Church, corner Twenty-nintn 'and. Church streets, for services. " Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ■■ > WOODWARD— In this city, August 13, 1895, Henry W. Woodward, a native of England, aged 62 years. '•''.'' -.''• •' ■'*■■•••'■---' •"-■. ■' ij^yFrlends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Thursday), at 2 o'clock P. St., at ' St. Paul's Churcn, California street, between Fillmore and Stelner. Interment . " Cypress Lawn Cemetery. . : : - . ;: . .-;. I UNITED? ONDEIiTAKERS 1 I* - EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for Firs; -class minerals :.-.■■ t- ' at Reasonable Rates. ■ • ■ Telephone 3167. ■•■■■■' 27 and 29 Fifth street. ~. I NICAVOY A CALLACHER, I FUNKRAL DIRECTORS * EMBALM KB9, ; ■ 80 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. '.' ■''. ■ . : ■'"* l ." ; Telephone 3080. '■'[■i'-v'.' : ■'■'.'.' I!AsrM"cM IKSOMB:Tl KSOMB:T. i c'iTAsTMcME>(6MBT^ ' JAMES McMESOMKV & SON. •-' 1 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMKRB, - 1057 Mission Street, Near Seventh. I ■-a ju Telephone No. 3354. -. ;- fe - -- - | CYPRUS MM PEMFJFRY. ; SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN- -1 ! laid out on the lawn plan perpetual care beau- • tiful, permanent I and easy of access; aseit before ' buying a burial place elsewhere. - ' City office, 9 City Hall Avenue* 13