8 SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cam— • TIO Market street, open until 12 o'clock every ■"iiJchtln the year. " BRANCH OFFICES-530 .Montgomery street, . ccrr.erClay: open until 9:30 o'clock. . C 9 Hayes'' street, open until 9-.30 o'clock. • 717 Larkin street, open until 9 :30 o'clock. " B\v. corner Sixtt-enlli and Mission streets, open - until f o'clock. ' s^%jj£U_ • 151 Mission street, open until f) o'clock. . 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. CHURCH NOTICES. CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Efc^ cor. Powell and Geary sts. — Roy. John Hemphill, D.D., pastor, will preach at 1 1 a. m. and 7-45 pm. Topic for the evening-, "Sowing and • Reaping— What Shall the Harvest Be?" Morning service— Te. Deum. Mosemhal; offertory, contralto solo by Miss Wilcox, "But the Lord Is Mindful of • His Own." from oratorio of "St. Paul." Evening service "Beneaic Anime." Mendelssohn-Mosenthal /sentence, "Not Every One"); offertory, duet by ; Miss Priest and Miss Wilcox, "Awake Up My Glory," Millet. Strangers and friends are cordially invited to these services. • 553F>~ FI RBT UNITED- PRESBYTERIAN ' ISC^ church, Golden Gate aye.. and Polk St.— Rev. M. M. Gibson, D.D.. pastor. Services at 11 a. M. and 7:45 P.- M. Yonng People's service at 6:45 p. m. The pastor will preach in the morning, and Mrs. E. I* Peake, who has just returned from the Northwest, will preach in the evening. Cor- . : dial invitation to all. . cF5p PLYMOUTH CONGREGATION A L Et^jy Church, Post street, between Buchanan and Webster— ltev. W. D. Williams. D.D.,. pastor. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday-schools, 9(30 a. M. and 12:30 p. M. Christian Endeavor, topical song service. 6:30 p. m. Morning sermon by the Rev. J. S. Thomas, pastor of the Fifth Presbyterian. Church,' Cincinnati. Evening ser- mon: "The Divinity of Christ; Will It Stand?" second in series, "Will They Stand?" . R— s=* FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, x£ SECOND UNITARIAN CHURCH, COR. tS^J^ Capp and Twentieth sis.— Leslie W. Sprague pastor; residence removed to 207 Lar- ■■kin st., The Strathmore. Mrs. Sprsinie conducts ■Sunday -school at 9:45- and young people's meet- ■ ing at 6:;-iO p.m. The pastor preaches in the morn- ■ ing on "Beauty and Duly," the first of ten sermons; ; and in the evening on "The Ascent of Man," by ' Professor Drum mood, the third in the "Science and . Religion" course. . . : • 'ESS 3 UNION-SQUARE FREE BAPTIST \£<& Church, Bush St.. east of Larkin— Rev, Wil- liam' N. Meserve, pas. tor. ■ Preaching at 11 a. it.' Subject. "Sowing and Reaping." Sun- -. day - school' at 12:15 p." m.. . Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor prayer-meeting at •- 6:30 p. m.. Noon meeting every day this weeK at 11:46 a.m. Gospel meetings every night this week at Bp. m. Open-air meetings 7p. m. You are cor- dially invited to all these services. Seats free. WjpS' ' FIRST ENGLISH EV. LUTHERAN ISF-a? Church, Geary street, near Gough — Rev. J. S. .Simon, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. M. Sunday-school at 9:45 a. m. Subject, of morning sermon, "Home Missions." All welcome. Wrx* REV. W. A. GARDNER HAS RE- X*& turned from his -summer vacation and will preach at the West Side Christian Church on' Bush ' St.. near DeVisadero, at the usual homes. ; Morn- ing topics, "The Two Roads." • Evening topic, "Tent and Mansion." Sunday-school 10 a. m. Christian Erideavor Society 7 p. M. j S£rg=> first new Jerusalem CHURCH lb ; -»' (Swedehborgian), O'Farrell st., bet. Webster and Fillmore (take Geary or Ellis or the Fillmore and Sixteenth st. electric-cars)— Rev. F. L. Higgins. minister. ■ Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. . Sunday-school at 12:30. Text for sermon to-day, "Arise, Take Up Thy Bed, and Go Unto Thine House," Matt. ix:6. All are invited. Seats free. SJ^S» REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS EEC*? Christ of L. D. S., 320 Post St.— Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.m. by William Newton, late of Tahiti. All welcome. Seats free. We are op- posed to Brighamism. nt^.EEV. W. L. GITHENS WILL PREACH EP-JS' this (Sunday evening at St. Albans Church, 102 O'Farrell St.— Services to commence at 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited. 3S»s!E THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY — FREE f£<& public lecture every Sunday evening at 320 Post St., at 7:46 o'clock. To-night, "Where Is Hell?" by Dr. J. A. Anderson. 13—5= "MORMONS AND MORMONISM," IN &37 Calanthe Hall. 909 Market St., at 2 and 7:45 p. m. Evening discourse will be delivered by WII- -lard Scowcroft. He will show that there has been it falling away from the primitive gospel. All are welcome. &eats free- Elder. Henry S. Tanner, Mission President. ip5^~~MR. HENRY VARLEY. THE GREAT SS36' London- Evangelist, will speak In Metro- politan Temple, Fifth street, opposite U. S. Mint, Lord's day, afternoon at 3 o'clock, and will preach In the evening at 8 o'clock. . Mr.- Varley's farewell meeting wlllbe on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Among other gentlemen who will occupy the plat- form at the ' farewell meeting will be Rev. C. O. Brown, D.D., Rev. M. M.Gibson, D.D., Rev. E. R. Dille, D.D., Rev. M. P. Boynton and Rev. .Mr. • Hobart. All are heartily invited. . V£sS* CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE MISSIONARY LS ; -* 5 ' meeting at First Baptist Church, Eddy st.. near Tuesday, the 20th inst., at. 2 o'clock, and evening at 7:45. a farewell gathering for the Misses Oviatt, appointees of the International Missionary Alliance for -China. Friends, of the Christian Alliance, and all in sympathy with mis- sionary effort, are cprdially invited to attend. SUNDAY MEETINGS. ,' sXA^Eir^LATFORM^TEsK Kfr--" medium, who has 'given utmost satisfaction to skeptics and spiritualists in England and .-.America as a genuine clairvoyant aiid medium for spirit communication, will hold a grand test seance • to-night at.B.o' clock sharp, Scottish Hall (upstairs), '105 Larkip st. come and bring your friends to ■ hear the most wonderful medium known. Ad- . mission, 15c. " . WrZfr* JJ R. ROBBINS LECTURES TO-NIGHT • lir~& on "Religious Persecution; or, Why the Rev. H. E. Howland, a Spiritualist, Was Railroaded to ■ San Quentin fbr Two Years." Convincing tests by « Mrs. Hovet and Mrs. Heusmanri; written ques- • tions answered; the sick healed and mediums de- veloped by spirit power. Washington Hall, 35V2 - Eddy st., 8p: m. Admission free. W^' TEST.CIRCLE TO-NIGHT. 122 TURK. • Cir-sJ' Mrs. Mayo Steers, trance medium: sittings. Sf— ?= MRS. SHRINER, ThITw ELL-KNOWN • Js~jy medium, holds a test meeting to-night at 8. 909 Market st. All invited. Admission 10c: Wr~3p TEST CIRCE TO-NIGHT: 100 HUE. ePj^ YOUNG. 605 McAllister'; fine music. ■ ■ fTp DB- RIN-ES'. SPIRITUAL MKETING, e£~& 909 Market St., 11 a. m.. 2 and 8 P. m.; cir- cle and platform tests: Mines-. Seeley, Henderson, • May Foster, Favor, Toby, Mrs." Dr. Terry. . BT-a^ GOOD CITIZENSHIP M PING, MET- ■^ ropolitjin Temple. DAY, August 18, 3 ' P.M. Address by HKNBY VARLEY.' Subject, „ "The A. P. A. Weighed in the.Balance." KjP ECLECTIC PHILOSOPHY— MIIS. M. A. aZ£? Wells w.ill speak in Anchor Hall, 997 Mar- ket St., to-day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All -welcome: IKS' GBtt CRASP— PARLOR TEST MEET- K^Jngs 2 and 8 p. -M. ; 15c. 1031 Market, rm. 2. " B^SP MRS.. "iCI.Ki.N, - MATERIALIZING &*»'■ seance to-night; 50c; sits daily. 31. Fell st. NOTICE OF MEET.iNGs. . ■r^^GOLDEN LODGE, NO. 30, «^ £? F. jf A. M.— special meeting THIS A ■ ' (SUNDAY) AFTERNOON, Aug. lNiii.aTV ' at 1:30 o'clock) to conduct the funeral oi/V> • our late brother GEORGE A. HOLMES. ■„■•.'-- . GEORGE J. HOBE, Secretary! fTp KING- SOLOMON'S LODGE No. ft EKS* 260, F. and A. M.— officers and II ' rhembrrs are'"hereby notified to attend the-^T Jf funeral of Brother CHARLES ENQUIST, 'N>^ late a member of Bent.on Lodge No.-20 of Port • .Blakely, Wash:, from Masonic Temple, cor. Post and Montgomery sis., SUNDAY, August 18, at -1 :00 o'clock p: m. By order of 'the Master. \ . _£_ HARRY 1 ;-A 1 . HK . Secretary. |XS ■» 'A. O. H., DIVISION NO. -2.— A4^^ ■ Vr*s>r meeting of picnic committee will be TT\ i! held at Wolf's Mall, New Montgomery st., S^vCfl 1:30 o'clock, THIS DAY, (Sunday), tootwi* make arrangements for our twenty-sixth cP_e , annual plcnie, 10 be held at Harbor View Park, Ad- ■ mission day," Sept. 9. A full attendance is ex- • pected. By order of . BARTLEY LEE, President. 3 Johx Kexsy, Chairman Committee. ' VT^r* AUSTRIAN BENEVOLENT. SO-. * " Bb~-^ clety— Officers and members of tbeK*g^a above-named society are hereby no:i.'ieil to^^^^H attend our grand parade for twenty-fifth p£B?& annual picnic at Shell Mound Park, Berke- /«* ley, on SUNDAY MORNING,. August 18, 1895, at . 8:30 o'clock sharp. Fines for nonattendance will be strictly enforced. The public is cordially invited to participate. The society leaves at 10 1 O'clock boat sharp. By order of • " .. N. P. MILLOGLAV.-Presldent. 'a August Mikttxich, Secretary. '• • • U^tS* NOTICE OF ANNUAL M F.ETI NG— THK Br^jy -, regular annual meeting of the srockholders rof the Pacific Undertakers will be lieHl at 777 stiS , sion St., San* Francisco, OH FRIDAY, August 23, , 1895, at 8:30- p.m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction ot such other business as may ; come before the meeting. • ' ■ Transfer-books will close on Taesday, August 20, at 4 m. By erder of the board of directors. M. c. GOKUA_, Secretary. ; MEETING NOTlCES— Continued. • £P^T~\?<^ATriiiF3£™ cS-jS' meeting of. the stockholders of the Sutro Railroad Co.. for the election of directors for the en- suing year and the transaction of such other busi- ness as may come before the meeting. will be held at the office of the company, 30 Montgomery block, San Francisco, Cal.. on THURSDAY, Aug. 29, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. M. WM. C. LITTLE, Secretary. •^~S='rHE FIFTH ANNUAL PICNIC AND l£r~& games of the Order of Scottish Clans will be held at Shell Mound Park, Berkeley, on Admis sion day, MONDAY, Sept. 9. Admission to park: Gentlemen, 50c; ladies, 25c. St— *» OFFICE OF HONEY LAKE VALLEY '<£<& Townsite Company. To the stockholders of the Honey Lake Valley Townsite Company. The regular annual meeting of the above-named corporation not having been called or held at the time specified for said meeting in the by-laws of said corporation, and no time thereafter for the holding of said meeting being provided for in said by-laws, or ordered by the Board of Directors of said corporation, and the cnnual election of a Board of Directors of sald'corporatlon not having taken place on the day appointed therefor in said by-laws, and no day thereafter being provided for by said by-laws, and said election not having been adjourned to or ordered by the Board of Directors for any other clay, mid the owners of more than ■» majority of the shares of the capital stock of said : corporation having called for a meeting of the ; stockholders thereof for the purpose of holding the annual election of a Board of Directors of said cor- poration A meeting of the stockholders of said corporation is hereby called, to be held at the office of said cor- poration, Rcom No. 69. Columbian building, No. 916 Market st., San Francisco, California, on TUESDAY, the 20th day of August, 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of holding the an- nual election of a Board of Directors of said cor- poration, and for the transaction of such businsss as may regularly come before said meeting. By order of the President. WILLIAM B. LAKE, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. IJ— S=HAIR GROWN ON BALD HEADS; BS^ diseases treated. MRS. DR. PLATT, Elec- tropath, 765 Market st. . Cf— s= VAPOR AND ELECTRIC BATHS. 501 iSt^JBT Leavenworth St., cor. O'Farrell, room 16. . sj— s= windows Cleaned and FLOORS liS-J? scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI & CO., 242 Sutter. !Ef— f=» GOLD MINES WANTED: GIVE FULL L~*»' description and most favorable terms. Ad- dress A., box 157, this office. if— s= GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES, NECKTIES Ls-& cleaned. M is.- DA VIS. r. 9, 2 d f100r,122 Post. gP^5?» JEWISH LADY GIVES ALCOHOL AND EE^5- electric baths. Offices 47-48, 850 Market st. rp^r= NOTICE — THE STOCK AND FIX ib~-& tures of QUONG ON Wo & CO., 617 Dupont St.. have been sold to WING SUN TONG. All ac- counts against them must be presented before August 20, at 12 o'clock noon, as we will not be responsible for any debts contracted by them aft that date. WING SUN TON. San Francisco, August 12, 1895. jrp^lp CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; : liFj? no pain. Chiropodic Institute, room 2, 200 Turk st. . i^S JOHN J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, L»-s»^ magnetic, massage treatment; rheumatism and constipation a specialty. 1007 Mkt, rins. 2, 3. |S> BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. Bfc-^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6, Tel. 5580. |3> CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; ■**' no pain. Chiropodii Institute, 36% Geary. EPS 3 ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- u~g* ed S3 50 un HOP sixth. George Hart man. DIVIDEND NOTICES. T^W 3 DIVIDEND NOTICE— DIVIDEND NO. £»-*? 22 (fifteen cents per share) of the Ilutchin- son Sugar Plantation Company will be payable at the office of the company, 327 Market street, on and after Tuesday, August 20,- 1895; transfer book will close WEDNESDAY, August 14, 1895. at 3 o'clock p. M. E. H. SHELDON. Secretary. SITUATIONS WANTED— ITEM ALE. "V iIERICAN WIDOW "DESIRES A~ SITU- ! x\_ ation in family; service in exchange for board ; and room. Address B. A., box 67, Call Office. yOL'XG "WOMAN WANTS SITUATION AS X housekeeper, city or country. Call or address after Sunday, 917 Market St., room 21. ASTERN WIDOW WISHES POSITION as housekeeper. Cull or address 126 Turk st. \yOKKIXG GIRL WOULD LIKE A PLACE V T to work in exchange for room rent and board when idle from work at anytime; best of refer- ences. R. R., box 74, Call Office. Tj ESPECTABLE AND COMPETENT LADY Xl/ wishes situation as working housekeeper or cook; city or country. Address F. F., box 105, Call. S~JTU ATION WANTED BY A COMPETENT and experienced woman in wholesale or retail house as saleslady or will travel. Address S. L., box 32. Call. I X I KNCED GERMAN WOMAN WANTS J-J any kind of work by the day; $1 per day. Call or addresi 355 Jessie st. M~~IDDLE-AGEirsW"EDISH WOMAN WANTS to do general housework: good cook. Call Monday 146 Twelfth St., near Howard. ESPECTAELE YOUNG WOMAN WISHES Xl/ situation as housekeeper where she can have her child; good cook; references. Address 533b Hayes st. 771 ASTERN WIDOW WOULD LIKE SITUA- -1-d tionas housekeeper for widower or bachelor. 132 Sixth St.. room 37. "\ro UNG LADY WOULD like position as X nursery governess or lady's companion: speaks Spanish and English fluently and can give best of reference; has no objection to the country. Please call or address 1915 Larkin st. ANTED— BY GERMAN WOMAN POSI- " tion as "housekeeper. Golden West Hotel, room 235. I \\f ANTED— SITUATION BY COMPETENT " woman to do general housework. Apply 711 Van Ness aye. \ N EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES xx engagements by the day. Call 326 Golden Gate aye. V EXPERIENCED NURSE; WAGES $10 A week. Call or address C W., 804 Van Ness aye. CIOM I'K TF.NT W( >M AN WISH Ks SITUATION \J to do general housework: is good cook and laundress; city reference. Address C. L., box 54, Call. DRESSMAKER, GOOD CUTTER AND FlT- ter, desires a few more engagements by the da l- ; references: terms $1 per day and lunch. Call or'address MRS. MILLER, 801 Vallejo St., cor. Powell. \\rOMAN, 58, WANTS PLACE AS WORKING " housekeeper, or housework in small family; would do chamberwork in hotel or lodging-house; city or country ; wages $12 to $16. Address R. G., box 72, Call Office. . • V" OUNG GERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK Xby t!XI*ERIENC_D WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day; washing, ironing WANTS WORK by tiie day; washing, ironing or housecleaning; terms 75 cents; city references. Address E. W., box 43, Call. - ' ' ■ I ADY WISHES SITUATION AS HOUSE- J keeper or to do chamberwork. Apply 148 Sixth st., room "38. . • .: ' I ANISH GIRL WISHES SITUATION FOR \J general housework by a small family. l i9 l /is Vandenvaier st-, bet. Francisco and Bay. RESSMAKEIt; FINE FITTER AND DKAP- er: sews 60 cents a day. M. M.. box 98, Call." FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER WISHES A X 1 -few more engagements by. the day; terms rea- sonable. Call or address MISS X., 405 Geary St., room 41. " "l ironic BY THE DAY WANTED BY COMPE- • ' tent, woman; washing, housecleaning, ironing; ' references given. 1080 Howard st. J ) I. I'fNED YOUNG LADY WOULD GIVE HER Xt service as maid or nurse for fare East. Ad- dress E. T., box 45, Call Office. / ' KH.MAN WIDOW FROM THE EAST, A VI place as cook in a restaurant or boarding-house; city or country. 22 Herman St., near Valencia, upstairs: call 2 days. ERMAN WIDOW FROM THE EAST, A VT place as working housekeeper. Call 2 days, 22 Herman St., near Valencia, upstairs. ITUATION WANTED BY NOVA SCOTIA Protestant girl in private family: good cook; can give references. Call 1301 Larkin st. ~\4' IDQW WOULD LIKETO ACT AS PARTNER » » in paying business. 1027 Market St., room 8. ANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN woman, position' as managing and working housekeeper; hotel or private house; or widower with children who needs a mother's care: am a good cook and economical and clean housekeeper end not afraid of work ; references given ; no tri- need.apply. 746 Mission st. SUABLE WOMAN WANTS SITU ATION Xt .is cook in hotel or restaurant ; city or country; good reference. Call 277 Stevenson st., afternoon. \\r INCHESTER ' HOUSE— 44 THIRD. NEAR ■'» Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable. OUSEKEEPER'S POSITION .WANTED BY ■ respectable middle-aged . widow ■ In hotel or widower's family: Is good seamstress: competent to fill any position of trust. Call or address 1723 Market St., room 1. - THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, STTNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1895. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. DRESSMAKER — FIRST- CLASS FITTER; XJ stylish draper and designer: thorough dress- maker; by the day; just moved. MISS . WAR- WICK, 309 Ivy aye. - : - ■\7-OUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AT X the Mechanics' Fair. Address 62a south Park. yOUNG WIDOW WOULD LIKE SEWING OF X any kind. 144 Fifth St., room 6. "Vf IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES TO GIVE lX services in care of children or nursing or as companion in return for traveling expenses to the East; will work >■ some : time afterward if desired. Address M. A., box 55, Call Office. INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR Market, electric lights in , every room; 200 room; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week. GERMAN LADY WISHES GENTLEMEN'S vJT washing and mending. Call 75 Fourth st. ; in rear. - . rpHOROUGH SEAMSTRESS, WHO CAN CUT X and fit, desires a position as maid; or would do chamberwork; understands hairdressing. H. D., box 46, Call. ADY OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE TO take charge of linen-room in hotel or lodging- house for room and board. Address MRS. R. S., Call Office, Oakland. . . . . •■ . WIDOW OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE " situation as housekeeper: lodging-house .or widower's family. 1035 Market st., room 7. V A . FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL: BEST of reference: lately from the East. Call at 404 Third at. srfl'Al lONS \\ ANTED— J*I ALE. "vr v rse^yljl^Tl^^Trt^rcwe^oFcut JLt flowers and general florist stock, desires apo sition in large private or commercial place. Ad- dress B. C, box 57, this office. . ■-■■/..rr.l V A YOUNG MAN (MARRIED), SOBER and industrious: work around, private place; understands care of horses, etc.: best of references; no objection to country. Address J. F. X., room 73, Blake block, Oakland. ELIABLE CITY SALESMAN. WITH GOOD XV record, wants position: salary to be determined by worth. Addres3 C. P., box 6, this office. - . p OOD COOK WANTS A SITUATION: GOOD vJ breadmaker: city or country. 1301 Santa Clara aye., Alameda. -. "VroUNG MAN, EASTERN EXPERIENCE, IN X silverware, leather, stationery, books, toilet goods, wants a situation in gents' furnishings or shoes: no wages expected. Address E. R., box 67, this office. ■ BOOKKEEPER WANTS BOOKS TO POST BY X) the hour, afternoous and evenings; very reasonable. Address scribe, box 109, Call. r\ ARDENER— A FIRST-CLASS GARDENER, VX with good recommendations, wishes a steady situation. Address F. LUEDEMAN, Nursery, cor. Baker and Lombard sts. - yOUXG MAN WOULD MAKE HIMSELF i generally useful in private family or lodging- house in exchange for board and room. Address A. R., box 10, Call Office. - ANTED — SITUATION IN COUNTRY m newspaper office by experienced compositor. S. BRESA. 1115 Twenty-third aye., East Oakland. JAPANESE FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS el position in family in city or country. Address K. A., 423 Stevenson St., S. F. BICYCLE WORKMAN; GOOD; UNDER- stands brazing, and can do any job neatly and satisfactorily: no botch work. Box 100, Call Office, Oakland Branch. XT OUNG MAN WANTS TO WORK FOR X board in store or -private, place; city or coun- try cad furnish references. Address R., box 37, Call. AFTER THE GARDEN PARTY. Claude— I have the pleasure of see- ing: you home, Miss Florrie? Plorrie— Oh, certainly! There's the hill just in front, or t if you prefer it you might climb the tree in the back, but go any- where so that you get. a perfect view. 1 shall be starting in a few minutes. QTEADY MAN WANTS SITUATION IN PRI- O vate family; understands care of horses, driv- ing, window-cleaning and housework; handy with tools; city references. Address Gardener, box 125, Call Office. yOU.NO MAN WANTS A SITUATION: IS X used to nursery and gardening work; can milk cows and take care of horses and make I himself useful around place. Address E. C.. box 57. Call. yOUXG MAN WHO Is WILLING TO WORK X desires employment in city or country; under- stands care of horses, cows, etc. Address J. C, box 74, Call Office. p ROCERY CLERK-YOUNG MAN 23 WOULD vJT like position in grocery-store: speaks German; best references. . MILLEH, 1037V2 Market st. ARDENER, FIRST-CLASS, THOROUGHLY VJT understands gardening in all its branches; best of references. Address GARDENER, box 82, this office. ELI ABLE MAN WANTS A SITUATION TO Xt drive milk or grocery wagon; is first-class, careful driver: good references. Address D. F., box 43, Call Office. yOUNG MAN WANTS A SITUATION X around private place: understands the care of horses and cows: good, careful driver: handy with tools. Address P.K., box 43, Call Office. ARMER, PRACTICALLY AND THEORET- icaIIy competent, in stock, dairy, grain, sugar- beets, poultry, etc., wants situation as foreman or manager: references. LEO ESSICH, Ft. Ross, Cal. ITUATION WANTED AS MAN ABOUT place; city or country; wages $15 to $20 per month and found. Address W. F., box 103, Call. AN AND WIFE: NEW ENGLAND PEO- ple; man understands care of horses, cattle and grounds; good driver; wife competent cook and housekeeper: good general worker: 3 years' California reference: city or country. Address N. E.,box 81, this office. , . • JAPANESE BUTLER WANTS A SITUATION •J in private family or take charge small club- house, who understands French cooking; first class and has long experience. S. M., box 17. yoONG MAN. 21 YEARS. OF AGE, SfEAK- X ing German fluently, wishes situation as porter or salesman : has also knowledge of leaf tobacco and manufacturing of cigars; best references. Ad- dress P. S., box 21, Call Office. ANISH MAN AND WIFE WANT SlTUA- tions: man good farmer, wife good cook. Call or address M. PETTERSON. 963 Mission st. ITUATION WANTED BY AN. EXPE- rienced hotel porter. Address 873V2 Market st. JAPANESE YOUNG STUDENT WANTS A O position so as to be able to attend school. Ad- dress O. M., box 41, this office. ITUATION WANTED BY AN ENGINEER experienced in hoisting, mining, milling ana pumping machinery. E. S. TRIGGS, 249 Stevenson. JAPANESE, GOOD COOK, WANTS PLACE IN tl family to do housework; city or country:, good references. Apply A. 8., 262 Fifth St., Oakland. JJOY 16 YEARS OF AGE WOULD LIKE WORK X> of some kind ; willing and obliging; understands care of horses: will work on ranch or in the city. Call 113 Fourth St., room 28. ' AN, THOROUGHLY UNDERSTANDS CARE of horses, carriages, harness; careful, stylish driver; care garden, milk, etc., wants situation on gentleman's place; years of first-class reference from last employer. Address Coachman, box 49, Call Office. ; ATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS to manager of stock ranch : experienced horse- man. Address M. C. S., box 81, Golden Gate, Ala- meda County.' rs female help WANTED. TFAXTED- A^LADY'S MAID, COMPETENT ' T and references, •as maid only, wages $30; 2 German cooks. $30 - each ; waitress and parlor- maid, country, $30: nurse for children, $20: 4 girls for general housework in country, $20 arid $25 ; also 20 housework girls for city places, $25 and $20; 10 young girls for light housework, $10. $12 and $15. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Slitter. ■\TORTH GERMAN NURSE AND SEAM- J-N stress, best of references: also a competent cook, understanding nil kinds of French and Amer- ican cooking; an excellent English housemaid; also 2 good waitresses, and a number of German; Scandinavian and : Irish housework girls await sit- uations. Can be seen at MISS PLUNK Em- ployment Bureau, 424 Sutter St., near Powell-. Telephone 5472. . ' rpWO FIRST-CLASS COOKS, HOTEL AND X springs, $35 and S4O: 2 first-class starch-lroners, country steam < laundry: . cook for small board ing- house, $20; German girl, general housework, $25; German cook and downstafrs girl, $25: neat Swed- ish general houseworK girl, San Mateo, $20; 2 up- stairs, girls, city. $15: 10 light housework and uurseglrls, $10 and $16. C. R. HANsEN & CO., 110 Geary st. - . .'. ■ ■■- tMrst-clasr HEAD waitress, COUNTRY r hotel, $35 to $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. , ■ ' WA TED— MOTHER and DAUGHTER OR ' ' two friends to cook for an institution near city ; $50 a month. - Apply W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. .;-,: •■'.'■■-■•.■■ ... ■:.;----- .-V,.'- •.>.■•-:■■..'. <: WANTED— GIRL TO DO PLAIN IRONING IN an Institution si;ort distance in country." $25; a good home Apply W. D. EWER ': OATMAKERB WANTED. APPLY AT 11 \J a. m. ■at the '.Golden Gate aye. entrance. CHARLES LYONS, London * Tailor, - 1212-1218 Market su ;" HELP "WANTED— Continued. , OaUen WAOTE^A^F^N^E^T^^A^fvASS £i\J the housekeepers of. this city and Oakland: pays $3 50 per day. Store, 328 Seventh st. T OCKSMITH'S HELPER WANTED. APPLY JLJ WILLIAM GUTZMAN, Dwight-way Station, Berkeley. .: : :••iV ' • ■•• EN'S SHOES y^SOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St., basement. ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL - SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. WANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE » ' their wages to place accounts with us ; law and commercial collection: no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r 4. QO 1 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS lisc TO 50c O£± a night; $1 to $3 a week; open a!l night. HOES SOLED 15 MINUTES; WHILE~YOU wait; half usual price. 959 Howard, 409y 2 Pine. HAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO St.; 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS to know MUZ ART, 319 Ellis, near Taylor; 100 large rooms : 26c night, $1 60 week : very cheap. I?REE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS JD for 5 cents at 228 Pacific gt. : „ ,H T iNDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— J-i single furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night. OC-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY £O at 44 Fourth st. : no humbug. : WANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP ■ »'» ■ steam beer, sc : bottl« wine, sc. 609 Clay st. /^UTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE \J S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. ANTED-SINGLE ROOMS, 150 A DAY; $1 week: rooms for two, 25c a day, 91 60 a week; reading room- daily papers. 3fi Clay st. ' , '■ SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission St., bet. First st. and Second st. "W ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS »I to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. 1 f\f\ MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 JLUU and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. . - ■ EST IN CIT i— SINGLE ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 26 cents per night; 81, fl 25, $1 50 per week. I'acin'c House .Commercial and Leidpsdorff sts. AGENTS WANTED. A^NY' 31 AN ObTwOM AN CAN MA KE $50 PER week, sure; best sellers on earth: ornamental, useful, necessary; everybody buys them. Alum- inum Novelty Company, 1508 Market st. BRIGHT LADY AGENTS TO INTRODUCE something new; $5 to $10 per day. 1508 Mar- ket St., room 12. • WANTED— 20 MEN TO HANDLE A FAST T» selling article; $5 to $7 per day easily made; will pay you to investigate. Apply 22 2 Geary St., room 8. hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., 2 to 4 p. m. SALESMAN— DRUG TRADE, .SIDE LINE OR otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State st., Racine, Wis. A GENTS EVERYWHERE THROUGHOUT .ci. the United States can- make from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest California invention; everybody buys it: grand success in San Francisco: county rights free. Address CALIFORNIA PRO- DUCTION CO.. 328 Seventh St., S. F. ANTED— ADVERTISING SOLICITOR WHO can handle agents. WILSON'S, 342 Kearny. ANTED TO-DAY— 2 LIVE CANVASSERS to Introduce horse and stock book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. The Master— evening out you want, but what for? What is your pas- time? — Well, sir, I'm not quite sure of his name, but I calls him Jack. HOUSES WANTED. FAMILY OF 2 ADULTS. NEAT HOUS**»R cottage, 6 to 8 rooms: modern improvements; low rent; permanent. Address S., box 7, Call. ANTED— TO RENT A NEW AND MODErtN residence of 10 rooms on Pacific Heights; steady tenant. JACOB HEYMAN, 630 Market st. WANTED-5-KOOM UNFURNISHED FLAT M or house: central; rent $20. E., box 7, .Call. \\T ANTED— FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT; 20 " minutes' ride from Call Office. Address F. F., box 66, this office. ANTED-FURNIBHED HOUSE, 6 OR 7 »» rooms, North of Market; central: must be reasonable: reference given. Adnress W. F.. box 66, Call Office. BOOKS WANTED. TVTANTED^I N PRO^STTN^T^A^nLYTTWO " housekeeping rooms , where wife can work forenoons in exchange for rent. Address C, box 10, Call Office. partners WANTED. "Partner!^XctWelSusinessman 'with -L $1500; investigation invited. A. M., box 52. this office. F L" X N IT D i:E AN TED. H~ (1. KB A SKY, CARPETS^ PICTUBES," . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices;. Cat stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. ASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND MER- ' chanrilse. L. H. BURP, Auctioneer.lo Fulton. WANTED— miscellaneous. tiFachTn c rylFor~ma n IpljlatTno^reen IVJL coffee: give particulars. • Address S. G., box 110, this office. LEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, hooks and jewelry; postal. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. ©OfCfT~l4 ROOM~HOUSE; CENTRAL LOCA- tfl5Zic)U. tlon. DECKER, 1206 Market st. . • ©\>flfin 80 BOOMS; SUNNY CORNER. £V\J\J. DECKER, 1206 Market st. A*) ROOMS; NEAR BALDWIN HOTEL; AT *±^ auction price. DECKER, 1206 Market st. Oi| -BOOM HOUSE: EASY PAYMENTS; ONLY O/»n TEN-ROOM HOUSE; HALF CASH; OK SALE. "^E^W^TT^ED^NlT^^taNG^^^ 1M New 8/ bed and spring...: 6 60 New oak extension-table. .'... 4 50 Brussels carpet, laid, per yard :.. 45 Floor oilcloth, laid, per yard................... 20 SHIKEK A. SHIREK, 1210-12 Stockton St.; open evenings. T) EDUCTIONS ON LARGE stock, new AND JLY second-hand: 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25.C; parlor. suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7- piece chamber suits, $14 60: cornice poles, 25c; ranges, $6; cash -or installments: goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. .-■- . '\tice FURNITURE, ETC., 3-ROOM flat, -J.* cheap: no dealers. 1343 2dth. cor. Castro. : I FURNITURE OF 4 ROOMS, IN GOOD ORDER. 1 Apply at 20 Third. UT PIiICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at MrC.ABK.'S. 848-950 Mission st. C Alt PETS. ; ; ; T^TTo3?AI^CA^EYBE^T7N^^NrrRENO^ IX vating Works HAMPTON laying and altering: ■- 313-315 Guerrero;: Tel. Mission 244. ~I7F- ICAIU'IiX CLEANING. ; ~ pXRP^T^TIIOROIJGHLY~ CLEANED^AND \J renovated same as new. 8. * FERGUSON on account of. leaving the city; fine business; paying well; one of the best shops in the Mission. For full particulars apply to L. A. SOUC CO., 465 and 467 Valencia St., near Sixteenth. . ROCERY AND BAR; ESTABLISHED A \X longtime; cheap. Apply WIELAND'S Brew- ery. : . - ■ •- ' - ' EST PAYING RESTAURANT IN CITY: will sell cheap. Apply J. T. GARLAND, 635 Clay. __• ■' ' - ENERAL COUNTRY STORE: TERMS VJT easy. J. B. MIHAN. 509 Kearny st. : PARTNER IN MACHINE-SHOP AND AGRI- X cultural works; country. J. B. MIHAN, 509 Kearny st. ■ ALOON, WITH BUILDING; GOOD LOCA- tion. J. B. MIHAN, 609 Kearny st. D-PAYfN(i SALOON IN REDWOOD CITY, lj cheap. Apply H. M. COVERT, 218 California, /"VLD-ESTABLISHEDBUSHELING-SHOPFOR sale. 338 Bush St., near Kearny. . . sale. 338 Bush St., near Kearny. AKEBY, GROCERY AND NOTION STORE; bargain. 921 y 2 Howard St.; proprietor going East. 1 , djTj 7^fV WILL BUY ONE OF THE BEST rip X I O\> fitted-up and paying restaurants in San Jose, Cal. : best location in town paying $200 to $300 per month; this in a fine chance for two men; owner is in too poor health to continue the business. ■ Address or call at 184 South First St., San Jose, Cal. "VTOTION AND VARIETY STORE: CHEAP; J-N clean stock; no agents. 153 Seventh st. ANTED— TO BU V SECOND-HAND SALOON »» fixtures at bargain. Room 16, 916 Howard st. ENTLEMAN IN GOOD-PAYING MERCAN- 'J tile business desires a lady with a couple thousand dollars as partner. Address C. J., box 43, Call Office. mjQXfV BRANCH BAKERY, STATIONERY, (JjOJu. confectionery, notions, etc. : two living- rooms; established paying business; must sell by September 1. Apply 1216 a Scott st. ' A N OPPORTUNITY: MILK ROUTE; HORSES, A wagons, cans, etc. W. G.". box 93, Call. FOR SALE— ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A boarding and sale stable doing good business. Address Owner, box 55, Call Office. WANTED— A PARTNER WITH $125, TO GO " Karat; everything complete: strict guarantee: full investigation allowed. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. "IyOTION AND BAZAAR STORE; 3 LIVING- JIN rooms; fine location. WOOD & CO., 917 Market. THIRST-CLASS SALOON FOR SALE; DOING J? first-class business. Apply at 306 Market St., CARROLL & CARROLL. THIRST-CLASS DRUGSTORE for SALE; -E doing a first-class business; in a first-class loca- tion. Apply at CARROLL & CARROLL'S, 306 Market st. ' ■■ -■ . ANTED — AN INDUSTRIOUS MAN AS partner in first-class, newly ;fitted-up store in in meat, poultry and delicacy market: will clear $100 per month to each; best of location: small rent: capital required, $250. Address C. R., box 90, Call Office. ■ . I? OR SALE-HARNESS AND TRIMMING F shop in town of Oakdale, SO miles from Stock- ton: good trade: plenty of work: stook ana fixtures at cost; for a young man this is a good opening. Address GEOR6E A. GOODELL, Oakdale, Cal. QjQAnfl GROCERY AND BAB; DOING tIDOUUU. good trade: good corner. G., box 43, Call Office. ADY WANTS PARTNER, EITHER SEX: ■i good-paying legitimate business. 131 Post st., room 21. OR SALE — WELL-PAYING 25c RESTAU- FOR SALE - WELL-PAYING 25c RESTAU- rant; no agents. Address GEORGE HER- MAN, Postoffice. San Francisco. TjiIRST-CLASS CHANCE 13 OPEN FOR A JD bright young business man or a married couple to go into business in the Mission, capital $3000 re- quired; owner wants to retire. Address 1.,; box 102, Call Office. _^_ ' EST A I RA NT FOR SALE CHEAP ON AC- Xi> count of another business. 220 First St. " ■- "PRACTICAL BAKER WANTS TO RENT OR X purchase good bakery or confectionary in the country; state full particulars and lowest cash price. Address D. HOGAN, 955 Jefferson St., Oak- land, Cal. ■ RUG STORE— HALF VALUE IF SOLD AT once. Call DAY & CO., room 18, Crocker Bldg. CJj^rri RESTAURANT OPPOSITE. CAR- ;»■; Post, near parkin; 30:6x120 to rear street; 13 flats, front and rear: rent $120. 22d and Guerrero: 27x90: store with rooms in rear; flat above, 6 rooms and bath; rents $46; $7000. . * V.. SW. corner Geary and Williams: 28x62:6; inad- equately improved ; for sale cheap. > . $40,000— Stockton and Conde alley, near Valiejo: 61:10x77:6: stores leased for 3 years and upper flat: rents $135. $30,000— Mission Improved corner: streetcars on both streets: 65x110; stores, Hats and cottages; rents $210. v • , $25,000— Post, near Buchanan; 75x137:6; front ■ and rear houses: rents 95. '• . • • " $18,500— Stockton and Filbert: 27:6x70; 2-story brick house, grocery, butcher shop and two flats with 17 rooms above; rents $130. $17,000— Washington, near Baker; 50x127:8; modern residence and flats. ' ;."•;■■ $14,000— Mason, near Union; 39:6x96:2; 6 flats} rents $108. . • ■ - _ . _- $10,000— Howard, near Ist; 25x85; inadequately improved: rent $40. ,' •■■■-.' $7500— Devisadero, near Waller; 25x116j modern residence, 10 rooms and bath. . . $10,000— Third, near Folsom; 25x80; store and flats: rents $65. ••.•" ,• •• ' $8100— 60-vara NW. corner Lombard and Kear- ny with improvements. .- ' ' • .: $Sooo— O'Farre 1, near Hyde; 23x90; 2-story 'house, 7 rooms and bath: rent $35. $7500— Washington, near towell; 23:2x137:6, to Parker alley; 3 houses; rent $72: $7000— Chatham place, near Bush; 23:9x60} lodginsf-house and furniture, 8 stories, 22 rooms and bath: rent furnished $115. _ ■'; > ... $7000-Folsom, near 21st; -.36x122:6; double S6ooo— Bush,' near Steiner; 22x77:6; 8 flats, 18 rooms and bath: rents $53. • ■ „„,,,„-„ $6000— Powell, near Broadway; 22:11x13/ 3-story house, 10 rooms and bath. : i '•' ■ $5500— Howard, near 25th. to rear street; 28:6 x 116; 2-story house, 10 rooms, bath, barn, etc. . ' $5200— Stockton and Lombard: 21:3x81:9: 3- story house. 10 rooms and bath. • ,„„ „ $4800— Powell, near Lombard; 23x100; 2-story house, 9 rooms and bath. 2, ™,L ' "_ $3850— Cor. Laguua and Harry, near Filbert 25x90: 2- story house, 8 rooms and bath; all mod- ern conveniences. ■ . v «-„'* "' " $5200— Union, near Kearny: 23:6x67:6: new improvements; shop with 2 rooms and 2 ttata above; rear house 2 flats: total rents $59. $5000- Moss, near Howard; 2sx7s; 3-story flats | 13 rooms; rents $47 60. „', „„ „ .*" ' -. $5000— Dorland, near Church: 25x120: 2-story flats, 11 rooms and baths; rents $38. ' - - . ».. ;' $425O^Rausch. near Folsom: 25x112; front ana rear houses, 21 rooms: rents $62. '•■"■ ' ~ : '.\ - $4500-- Union, near Octavia; 35x137:6: 2-story 'bay-window house, 7 rooms and bath; rent $27 50. $4000— Haight, near Webster; 26x95; cottage ■ 5 rooms. • ■ • '■'•' '' - -■'' "•■'■'.„ "• $3800— Waller, near Steiner, through to'.Ger- mania: 25x120; 2 flats on ticrmania frontage; rents $23, - ' . •', '■ - r ' '• ; $3500— Zoe, near Brannan: 27:6x75: cottage, with finished basement; 7 rooms and bath. : . $3200— 19 th, near Guerrero; 40x100 ; 2-story house. . . ' ■■ • ■'■--'■'"' '■'•;* "• $3200-Larkin and Rockland; 25x137:6 to West end ; 3 frontages between Union and- Green; cot- tage. 6 rooms: rent $16. • '■■ •■ '■ • ' ;< - ; -••.".- -. $3000— Lafayette place, near Green;: 20x60; 2-' story double house, front and rear flats: rents $28. $2750— Bryant and Mariposa; 20:8x76; store and flat above. - • '■"• ' - ; V: •• , $2000— Folsom St., near 21st; 24x122:6; old im- provement: rent $15. ?■ •■■ '. ......' $24U0— Bernard, near Taylor; 21x60; 3-story house, 3 flats, 12 rooms: rents $27. '■' • -' '■• •• '.'.< $1700— Salmon, near Broadway; 20x60; 2 flats, 8 . rooms; rents $16. •. 1 ■' : '/ • ;;'.; ; . UNIMPROVED. ■ . ... I, /.■ . $12.000— McAllister and Broderick; 62:6x1 12 $5000— Pine, near Devisadero; 37:6x187:6. $6000— Lombard, near Stockton ; 62 :6x137 :6. .'. " $3500— Liberty, near Dolores: 50x114). '-'.'. "■■:: $3000— Sanchez and 20th^J05xll4. -. '•- . 22(1, near Florida; 50x104; $2000.. ', :•;'.• California, near Maple: 27:6x132:7. •• ■ $1200— Cor. B and 25th aye.; 60x188. -~ ■■■•'■. $900— Hancock, near Sanchez: 25x114. : : i $800— Mission road, near Brazil aye.; 25x83:6} Excelsior Homestead. : .■• • .. . - $400—2% lots, Gift Map No. 2; Wayne, neat Union. . - "" $325— Lot 4, block 95, University Homestead Association: 100x120. __v AL HOBIRBB. >" . LOUIS A. SOUC. T A. SOUC CO., „• REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS HOUSES RENTED. BENTS COLLECTED, . 465 AND 467 VALENCIA ST., NEAR 16TH. Remember we make a specialty of Mission prop- erty, and as we are on the spot m can take you to any part of the Mission in short order. So don't waste time in ransacking downtown offices if you are looking for property of any description in this • part of the city, but call on us at once and we will . save you time and money. - r ' : J ... $5500—25x85; Nineteenth St., near Mission; double bay-window house, 7 rooms and bath each; street work all done and accepted: rents $48. •■'■ $11,000— 45x1 22 : Mission St., near Nineteenth ; 2 cottages, 5 rooms and bath each; this is a splen- did location for stores and flats. $4200—26x100: Bryant aye., near Twentieth; new bay-window flats. 5 and 6 rooms and bath ; all ■ modern improvements; cars pass the door. , . i -*5250— 30x122:6; Shotwell, near Twenty-first; 2 ' flats, 4 and 5 rooms and bath, laundry; cottage, 5 rooms and bath, in rear; stable and driveway: cheap. $3200—25x80: Stevenson, near Nineteenth: a flat«. 5 rooms each: in perfect order; street bitum- inized. :•'■■..- -$6000—25x125: Fair Oak; new flats: 5 and 6 rooms: bath; all modern improvements; in one of the best block of the Mission. 77x100 to alley; Seventeenth st. near Guerrero; bay-window cottage: 7 rooms; bath; fine grounds; will make an elecant.home. • $7500—25x80: Mission st. near Eighteenth; store and 3 rooms: upper flat 7 rooms; bath; modern improvements: always rented. : '■'■'■"■'. $1250—25x114: Day st., near Church; cottage, 3 rooms: in good order; cheap. , $3500—42x135; Fair Oaks, near 18th; a good buy; -2-story house, 9 rooms, bath; cottage, 4 rooms: all in Al order. . " . $3500—25x80: Stevenson, near 20th; street worlc done; 2 flats, 5 rooms each: always rented. $3150— 25x125: Dolores St.; fine view; 2 flats, 6 rooms and bath each: a bargain. = ■■■'.. ' $2500—25x114; 27th St., near Church : modern bay-window cottage; 6 rooms: bath; fine base- ment : easy terms. ■• ■ Our list comprises some of the best property la the Mission. Lots of all sizes in any of the . home- steads; also good business corners in any part of the Mission. Call and get a list and prices. If yon want your vacant houses rented place . them with us. '■- ■ L. A. SOUC 'UU.ave.: b-room bouse . and cottage 4, rooms: good location for ft store. ' ? t- - c $1760 buys $2150 equity in 52500 home: cottage 5 rooms, bath, on N. line Clement St.: best part ot Richmond: see these to-day: other bargains. Ban- ner Oflice, Point Lobos and Seventh ayes. ' SOL GETZ & BROTHER, ; ..'•; REAL ESTATE OWNERS, . BOOM A, FIRST FLOOR, CROCKER BUILDING. ,"■ HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS. .' NEW BLOCKS, NEW LOTS, GOOD LOCATIONS, Come now and get bargains in lots on install- ' ments. . ' ■> '- - •' . ;/]' I ©inn 8125 » 150 TO $300 FOR LOTS «I)lvU. north and south of park: fine locality. $10 down and $6 monthly. SOL OETZ & BRO. ' SOZ.(\ TO $1100 FOR GRADED LOTS» Ou\J ready to build on in Richmond and south. of park, near cable and electric cars, on easy in- stallments. SOL GETZ