Newspaper Page Text
':■■'.. .' . CITY REAL ESTATE. \ ; \'£\- •H. UMBSEN CO.. ~;~y ■"■;; ";- LI1 ;;- BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, RENT COLLECTORS ".;.-•.■•: *■'• AND AUCTIONEERS.- -•; •_.'•; - 1 -i*. Montgomery, st., near. Market. : • Call and obtain one of our "Real Estate Records " which contains a list of properties for sale in all ■••parts of the city. . . •:'.■' .' . IMPROVED PROPERTY. < l'^^n 2-STORY HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS O" J »-' v ' and bath: sunny line of Clay St.; stone . walks; street accepted; near town.' . ' QOOOO NICE COZY BAY-WINDOW COT- ' «.)OW. tage of 5 rooms and bath; brick • foundation; sunny line of Twenty-third St.; lot 25x114.- • • .QQ^AA 2-STORY " HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; *^.OO\J\J. lot 23x80; 2 frontages; near Clay and .Mason sts.; bargain. „;.* QftA-AA MISSION VT ARM BELT r, A FINE tiJUUUU. 2-story and basement; bay-window residence of 8 rooms and bath; brick foundation, ..etc.; lot 30x114; near Valencia. ' -. ■OQ^AA CALIFORNIA ST.; LOVELY XPOtjytKJ. home; elegant 2-story residence" of 9 • rooms and bath; bay-windows: orick foundation; stone walks, etc.; lot 50x100. . C*97^A JERSEY. ST.: COTTAGE OF 6 ; •„ — I OVJ. rooms and bath; brick foundation; lot 25x114. . .• . . Q9QAH RENT $26 PER MONTH; 2 FLATS ; .... 4)yU, of 6 rooms- each; near Hyde and .Union st?.; lot 40x60. ■ ■ *yjHll : ?'wflH • QiOCMXn RENT $28 PER MONTH; SPLEN- ■-. C— UUM« did bargain,: Broadway; 3 flats; . brick foundation. ■ : < 11 QOO BUSINESS CORNER ON DE- .t£? 1 X...O\jyj . visadero st.; a fine and substantial '.b.ui'dijig.Qf 9 rooms and high basemen! ;. could be . easily converted Into store and flats at little ex- "• pense; lot 25x106; both streets accepted. . 'Q.A "\f\f\ Castro st.: fine 2-story BAY- •tjS 1 -±«JUU.- window residence; 8 rooms and bath; lot 25x105. ■ •QQi AA' CORNER, 125x100; COTTAGE OF O"-L"v;». 5 rooms: rent $10 per .month; well ".. and barn; Bear Mission st. : QQAAA HARRISON ST.: ELEGANT NEW ; OOV'VfVr. bay-window cottage of 5 rooms and • bath; brick foundation, etc. : lot 25x100.- - r.' |AA "GREEN" ST.; GRAND MARINE '«Ul«J"i:U.v'.'vlew; a he residence of 9 rooms and • "'bath: all modern improvements and conveniences : ".lot 25x137:6. . __J_ OTA A A RENT $76 PER MONTH; KEARNY ." ' t>> I"y •• sr.; 5 bouses and lot 50x137:6. " ■ C? '' 4 AAA ONLY 800 CASH; nice bay- . O^t 'UU. window cottage of 5 rooms and bath, ■ ; etc.; lot 27 :6xlOO ; Larkln st. r.,-:-| AAA FATS 7 PER CENT NET; 4TH- -.'O v .-*-••"'"'"• st. business property: elegant -. modern building; store and hotel of 41 rooms; lot . ,3.4.-4i-2X137:6. " . " ; <2"£7 X(\ RENT SS2 PER MONTH: NICE IN- " C"J • O\J. vestment property on FolsOm St.; .Louse of 3 tenements and lot 25x85. :.• ;; • CjA9?\A A BARGAIN; POTRERO; TEN- ■ ' — i)''. nesst-e st-., near Union Iron Works; 2 '".'substantial fiats of 5 and 4 rooms and bath each';. '■'■brick, foundation; stone' walks; . rents $35 per month; lot 25x100. V'"- '/:■;•;' •'.•''.' • UNIMPROVED. . $500— Corner; 120x100: University Mound. : 86000— Mission st. : 25x80. "."-.-. -.. Webster St.; 2.5x100. -. •' ' $1050— Douglas St., near 24th.-st. electric road; .- ;25x126;..-... ,-' ■ •■ . ...«2000-f Harrison st~ :. -25x112:6, to an alley. • • : $ _ > 400^CUpper 5t.;. .50:11x114. •■ ".••■.•.•■.:• . :•■;.' G. H. UMBSEN A CO., -"-•'■■■•:■.:. ..... -" 14 Montgomery st. 6 VEE, TOY. A C 0. ..': ' ■ ': . ..REAL ESTATE AGENT.S ■■-}■-';. : . .-.•"■. -19 Montgomery St., under Lick House. ■ ; Qi7AAinl RAILROAD AYE.. -NEAR' 13TH ' '.-t^i UUu, aye.—^»tore and 5 rooms and Upper, .."flat of 7 rooms; rents $73 per month; lot 26x96. BOVEE, TOY <fc CO. ■ -. . . ■__ Q1 A AAA 6E - CORNER ON PINE ST.— ••^IU.uUU. 87:6; saloon on ground floor: large basement and upper flat- of 10 rooms; 2 .baths; •'.- rents $60. BOVEE, TOY A CO. : Q X AAA KISLIXG ST., NEAR 12TH AND ..t!sO\j\J\J. Howard— 2 flats of 5 and 6 rooms and • bath each; rents $45: half cash. BOVEE, TOY ." A CO. -'•■.- ; ; • Oil A AAA SUNNY siDe of haight • . O IU.UUU. St., near Webster; 3 flats; rents . - $70 per month; lot 25x100. EOVEE, TOY * CO. ".""OIfVAAA" DOWNTOWN FLATS; JONES 1 1 O.\J\J\J . St., near Geary: 3 flats; rents 95 per month. BOVEE, TOY «fc CO. ■ CjptA AAA NE. BUSINESS CORNER ON , . O'-'v/ .UUI/. Dupontst.: brick buildings: aver- .: ace" rpnt $600 per month: mortgage of $25,000 ran .remain. EOVEE, TOY & CO. , «i* oonn must be. SOLD: 4-boom cot- » — ' •' "-'. rage house; Fillmore St., near Union. BOVEE, TOY A CO. - . I__1 __ Oil 9 lO VERY EASY TERMS; MODERN C,l^.i)''u, house of 12 rooms, bath, etc; sun- ny side of Washington st.; excellent marine view; lot 32x102 feet. BOVEE. TOY & CO. • CJQAAA MCALLISTER ST., : NR. BUCHAN- 17OUUU. an; 27:6x120 to rear street: house of 5? moms and bath, conservatory, stable, etc. BOVEE, TOY A CO. . • C: QA A FIVE LOTS IN EXCELSIOR .HOME- .. >)UU. stead: 25x100 each; bargain. BOVEE, TOY & CO. ■ . ■ '00 shotwell ST., near twenty- O«J— "v. third; cottage in excellent repair: 8 ' reoms, bath, etc.; must be sold; easy terms. BO- VKE, TOY A CO. "'•■ QQ^AA GEARY ST., NEAR LEAVEN- OOtJUU. worth; lot 25x87:6 feet; two-story •" house. BOVEE. TOY A CO. "Q~l7Crv RENT $49 A MONTH; AND O'i • *J\J. rear tenements; near Howard, and beyenthsts. BOVEE, TOY A CO. * TV" ILL £. FISHER A CO., ;.."; : REAL ESTATE AGENTS, •;.:.• : . •' 14. POST STREET. ALTFORNIA. ST.. BE,r. SECOND AND THIRD \J ayes; .choicest lots in RlcLaiond streets; graded and sewered; lots ready' to build on; price, $1000 ; -terms, $100.'cash, balance $10 per week. Q-J *nr|.. GEARY STREET: TERMS, $100 0 luUUr cash, balance in monthly payments ■Of $10. :. _. . _ ." ' Ql OJCO SACRAMENTO ST., NR. LAUREL;. ■ *?JLO«Jv.- easy terms, If desired: these lots are ' very cheap for -Presidio Heights. Ql.-9XA'" INSTALLMENT LOTS; TWENTY- O-'-^*-'"'. third at.; nr. Bryant; very easy terms.. C.QOO TO *sdb; LOTS ON POLNT LOBOS •• tJpQ\J\J and Thirty-fifth' ayes.: on line of Sutro ■ railroad ; grand marine yfevf both of the ocean and ■ bay; lots graded- and ready- £0 build on.- GALL FOR LIST OF IMPROVED AND UN-. Improved real estate investment propositions. WILL E. EISHER A CO;, Lstafe Agents and House Brokers, 14 Post street. BUILDING LOTS SOUTH OF PARK. " . * " On Tenth and- Eleventh -ayes.-and L and M sts. : property all graded : -fine marine' an<l park view; $25 cash, $s 'per month: • WILL E. FISHER A CO.,' Ke,al Estate . Agents and House Brokers, 14 Post street. •' . • - ■■•' • •>. rj.4)O'A. S. RIDE 25TH ST., SET. CHURCH - %£)jU£jiJ\J; and Sanchez;' 50:11x114; Improved. $400— 25x1-20; 20th aye., bet. A and B;. Rich- mond District-.' . ■ '-•'■-' • • < $150—157:6x100; -block 196, Abbey Homestead Association* .•. :.-.•." . •050— 355x100; block 188, Abbey Homestead Association.". ' • -90x120-; in block 1, University- Mound . Tract. . '■ " '.■-.- -: $200 each— 26xl2s .feet each;, choice lots In" block R, Railroad Homestead Association. • . ".. • , (HAS. C. FISHER, 607 California st. COMPARISON. '. ~" ' RENT— I2O months at $20, $2400. • ' •••' • .*• •' RESULT— Sfothlng. INSTALLMENT PLAN— I2O months at «:20, $240(\ • - . ■ , " ■■•:•"•- RESULT— slsoo cottage paid for. ' •• WHICH IS BEST ' Build on your lot NOW; while everything Is cheap. Gash or installments. Plans furnished.. . • .:O. W. FOB3YTHE, 640 Market st. 'T? O. PARKER A C 0.,.' ' •' ' REAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSE BROKERS, . •-. 't — Point Lobos aye., near Sixth aye. .' RICHMOND PROPERTY A SPECIALTY." $2400—9 full lots, including corner on .Clem- ent st. • . $1100-50x120, on 18th a-ve., near Clement st. $2200—50x100, en Clement st., near 6th aye. $3800— Corner;. 67:6x100; 4th aye. and Clem- era st. 'I' • • • ' - $500— 50x120; close' tij'2 lines of cars. ":;•*.' ' . IMPROVED. . Elegant new cottage 5 rooms and bath; Clement St., near 4ih aye.* ■ . $2500— Modern 2-star.y house 6 rooms and bath; 11th aye., near Point Lobos aye. ' $3000— 2 stores: 8 rooms and bath; Point Lobos aye., near Ist aye. • • . . OR SALE OR EXCHANGE, CITY FOR country— Nice piece of central property: only 6 minutes from -Montgomery st.; rent $40 per month; lot 30 feet front; value $4000; would ex- change for email Improved ranch near Fresno. JCLIEN SMITH, Real-estate Agent, 420 Mont- , gomery St., room 14. . <^'»nO NEARLY NEW MODERN COT- is£O\J\J. tage: 612 Douglass st.; 6 rooms; bath; cement walks; lot 25x100'; half block from cars. Inquire owner on premises : terms easy. FOR SALE— 2 MODERN FLATS; CHEAP; X cash or easy terms: Mission warm belt: or a vacant lot. Apply, for 3 days only, 1004 Pine st. WORKMAN A FRENCH, REAL ESTATE and insurance; houses' built to suit on easy terms a specialty; $5850, new store and flats just building, Twenty-fourth, near Castro, a fine 'busi- ness location,, suitable for plumber, baker, dry goods or most any business; only. sloo down, bal- ance same as rent, buys a lovely 7-room cottage on Twenty-fourth sear Castro; $3200. ;V£ CITY REAL ESTATE. MADISON" A BURKE, REAL ESTATE Agents; established 1858: 626 Market st. PRICES REDUCED ON NEW FLATS AND X houses near the park: 2 houses in flars, 5 and 6 rooms and baths: houses 8 and 9 rooms: latest plumbing, -decorating, frescoing, mantels and baths; lots 25x125: most liberal terms. Inquire for particulars, MADISON A BURKE. IMPROVED PROPERTY. MABON-ST. BUSINESS LOCATION, NEAR -L'J- JacEson; two houses; lot 45x57:6 to rear street; only 9000. MADISON & BURKE. ©in 7(\(\ SAN JOSE AY., COR. TWENTY JJPAVJ. 1 \j\j. sixth; pays 10 per cent steadily; lot 65x70. MADISON A BURKEI QJQAAA FELL, NR. BAKER: RESIDENCE tjpi/UUV/. 9 rooms and bath: elegantly decor- ated: lot 25x137:6. MADISON A BURKE. QJ^AA SACRAMENTO, NEAR STEINER: *£(JO\J\J. 10 rooms: billiard-room and large garden; sunny side: cheapest residence in the city; 31 :8x127 MADISON A BURKE. (£7OOO GUERRERO, NR. ARMY ; 3 PLATS; 1 \J\J\J. rents $54; lot 25x100. MADISON A BURKE. dtftOHO PAGE, NEAR BRODERICK; RESl- *id\J\J\J\J. denee of 7 rooms and bath: lot 25x ; 67:6. MADISON A BURKE. i^OOO 4 FLATS: STEVENSON ST., NEAR fS}U\J\J\J. Ridley; rents $44; lot 26x77:6. street accepted. MADISON & BURKE. <BiJ.ROO STEVENSON,NEARI2TH— FLATS tJD-iUI/V/. paying 1 per cent; lots 25x100. MADISON A BURKE. Q/IAAA BUCHANAN, NEAR FILBERT; OtcUUU. flats; rents s32; lots-30xllO. MAD- ISON A BURKE. Q97AA COTTAGE ON HAMPSHIRE.NEAR <u>— I UU. 24th: 5 rooms and bath; lot 25x100. MADISON A BURKE. <2&99P\A zoe place, near FREMONT «jP*j.f.UU. and Folsom; 9 flats; rents $22; a bargain. MADISON & BURKE. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. Reduced to $4 000— Mission st.. near 30th; 26x178 to San Jose aye.: or will subdivide. $4500— 24 th, NE. cor. Vicksburg: 60x114. $4000—65x117:6: SE. cor. Sanchez and 23d. $3600— 1st a-ve., comer Turk; 3 lots. $2400— Castro, cor. Elizabeth: 26:6x105. $1350— Jessie, nr. Herman: 25x77:6; part cash. $1250— Lake, corner 9th aye.: 30x72. Sanchez, cor. Valley; 26:6x100: $1250. $900— Bth aye.. near Point Lobos; '25x120. $840— California, cor. 17th aye.': 26:8x91:6. $700— Noe. near2oth; 25x85. $450— N. side Bismarck, bet. Mission and San Jose roads; lot 40x100; electric-cars pass within .200 feet; a pick-up. MADISON <fc BURKE, 626 Market st. T OTS. ■ Li lots for residence, lots for investment, lots for speculation, in Richmond! • • . will never GO down, must go HIGHER, ■ . now IS THE TIME TO GET A home, : MAKE a start, A RARE opportunity to stop paying RENT. 200 Cash, balance In five annual payments, for Richmond lots in the block bounded by California and Lake streets and Eleventh and Twelfth ave- nues. Lots ready to build on, No grading or filling to be done. Streets sewered and macadamized. Cars on three sides. Heart of Richmond. SOME LOTS ALREADY SOLD. ALL WILL SOON GO*! DON'T DELAY A DAY. PRICES FIXED A YEAR AGO. PRICES ADVANCED ALL AROUND. These lots are In a splendidly situated block in the line of the City's growth. It is estimated that more houses were built In Richmond last year than in any other section of San Francisco. Three years ago only six houses between First and Sev- enth avenues. Now there are 150 houses. The biggest settlement is beyond. The title to this property Is perfect and is guar- anteed by the California Title Insurance and Trust Company at $10 per lot. MADISON A BURKE. REAL ESTATE BROKERS, • NO. 626 MARKET STREET, . OPPOSITE PALACE HOTEL. AM. SPECK A CO.'S PARTIAL LIST OF _iiV. bargains. - ' $350 cash, balance In payments, buys business property; Geary-street car line ; rent $30. B $300 CASH, BALANCE IN PAYMENTS • for 5-rooni modern cottage; lot 25x114. C?' 2600, y 2 CASH:" 6 FLATS, 3 ROOMS . each; 10t 25x85: rents about $40. Ds2Boo, 2/3 CASH; i FLATS 3 ROOMS . each; Harrison, near Tenth; lot 25x100; a .snap. . i 93500: 2 FLATS AND COTTAGE. % BLOCK . from; Market; lot 26x100; rents $32 50. li-i $4500; 2 CORNER FLATS OF 3 AND 6 1 . rooms.; car line, near Haight; must sell. 33000, 2/3 CASH; 2 FLATS OFF HOWARD, . bet. Seventh and Eighth; lot 26x75; rents $29. ■ - • H56500, V 2 CASH, BUYS 4 MODERN FLATS; . Mission: lot 35x115; rents $60. I $8000, y 2 CASH; 6 FLATS; 1 BLOCK FROM . Hlbernla Bank; rents $70: offer wanted. T $2600; 7-SOOmT 2-STORY MODERN • ' house and lot 50x135 in Berkeley: actually ' worth $4000. A. M. SPECK A CO., 602 Market. ifiOfl SALE BY J} THOMAS JAMES STANTON & CO., Real Estate Agents, 331 Montgomery st. $8000—50x110, with improvements on 17th St., near Mission: a bargain; mast be sold. ' $3250— Corner on Jones St.; lot 30x62:6 and house of flats "always rented: pays over 1 per cent per month ; a bargain. $5600 only for 2 houses of "2 flats each on Taylor st. always rented and pays 12 per cent per annum ; this Isa snap. $2500— New cottages; 6 rooms and bath each 1 block off Castro-st. cars: only $500 or $600 down: balance in monthly payments; rare chance to get a nice home: high basement. Also several houses as good as new of 2 and 3 flats in the Western Addition; prices from $5500 to $-7000 ; rented and pay well; these are cheap. $2400— House Of 2 flats of 4 and 6 rooms each; large lot, 100, on sunuy side, and stable in rear ; always rented ; pays well; this is a snap. UNIMPROVED. $1850 each— Several of the largest lots in the Western Addition, on Broderick St., 25 :10xlS0 ; has a fine view all over the city; others ask $3000 each In the same block. $400 each— Several of the largest and levelest lots In the Fairmount Tract one block from street cars: across the street other agents ask $800 each. 500— Lot 26x100; on Chenery-st. electric road; worth $800; lot level and ready to build on. - $450— Nice level lot on Palmer St.: 100 feet of electric road; very cheap. STANTON A CO., 331 Montgomery St.. room 17. "DEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. C. H. REYNOLDS A CO., 338 MONTGOMERY. Point Lobos aye. Investments; corner lots on Sntro's electric-car line; view of park and ocean. "" $500— Crescent aye. : . cheap corner lot near San Bruno aye. and car line. _ . Washington St., J north side, near Hyde; cheap house and lot ; on cable-car line. i ,■■ • Fifth and Sixth ayes.; Central Park; South San Francisco lots, near electric-cars and railroad. Holly Park, Bernal Heights— Lots on Cortland, Powhattan and Crescent ayes. ESSSJ S "* 75x100— Corner lot, 12th aye. and B st.; O'Nell and Haley Tract; cheap. -.-- „„- 65x100— Fine corner lot, Lake st. and 22d aye.: marine view; streets macadamised. _ • 80x240— Precita aye., near Mission st, and elec- tric car line; two frontages. KACT OF 160 ACRES OF REDWOOD; GOOD 1 hunting, fishing, camping; suitable for preserve for summer outing: Mendoclno County; a bargain. Address J. C. RUDDOCK, Ukiao, CaL J THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1895. CITY REAL ESTATE. SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE & CO., REAL ES- TATE AGENTS, 218-220 MONTGOMERY ST., MILLS BUILDING. HOUSES RENTED. $4750— Bush, near Fillmore; good cottage, 5 rooms and bath ; also two-story house, 9 rooms: rent if 3B per month; lot has two frontages; size 137:6. $8500— McAllister St., bet. Gough and Octavia: 2-story and basement residence of 8 rooms • and bath; at a bargain; lot 25x120 feet to rear street. $3250— Cumberland St., near Dolores;: neat and cozy cottage of 5 rooms and bath; newly painted and papered; In first-class order; lot 26x114 feet. $1750— Noeand Hill sts., SE. corner: lot 26:6 x 110 feet; price reduced. - • $1100— st., E. line, near Hill; 25x110 feet; lot all graded and ready to build on. $17,500— Pacific aye., north side; grand marine view: beautiful residence, 9 large rooms and bath, saloon parlors, square hall, tiled vestibule, natural wood finish; attic could be finished off and 3 rooms added if desired. $16,000— Almost three 60-varas, near Van Ness aye. and Bay st.; a great bargain; must be sold immediately. $3750— California St., near Baker; lot 25x137:6 feet. •- i $1400— Hickory aye.. bet. Oak and Fell sts., near Buchanan; lot 27:6x50 feet. $2250— Dlamond-sU cottage: easy terms, equal ' to rent: contains 6 rooms, bath and basement; lot 20x115:9 feet. *2250— Grove St., near Lott: 25x137:6 feet; cheap. $28,000— Fine business corner, with new three- stcry brick building; will rent for $160 per month. ■ $20,000— Sew residence on Pacific avenue, which cost $26,000; extended marine view: lot 37.1127:814 feet; house elegantly finished; con- tains about 16 rooms; 2 baths, etc. $3600— Fifth avenue, near Point Lobos: 2 flats of 4 rooms ana oath and rear cottage; rents $33; very cheap; lot 2fixl2o feet. $13,000— Reduced from $16,000: residence 2312 Clay street; contains 16 rooms and bath and base- ment; north si.if. near Buchanan: if you are look- ing fora fine residence, at a bargain, don't fall to see this; lot 37:10x127:8Vi feet. $1200— Lake street, south line, near Second avenue; 25x120 feet; cheap. $1550— Rhode Island, bet. 24th and 25th sts.; cottage or 4 rooms ana basement; easy terms if desired. $8500— Pine St., close to Polk; 4 dwellings of 6 rooms and bath each; rents $74 60; lot 25x120 feet, to Austin street. $6500— Reduced from $8000: two new flats, 6 and 7 rooms and bath ; rent $51 50 per month ; on McAllister St.; size of lot 25x137:6. $1000— $50 cash, $10 a month: lots on Eighth aye., near California, two blocks from Sacramento- st. cable ; lots graded and ready to build on ; (streets sewered. $6500— Hyde st,. near Sutter: good 2-story house; rents $35; lot 25x87:6. 350— SW. corner Laguna and Union sts. ; 37:6 x 100. $12,000— Good business corner near Dolores st. ; size 71x192: a fine bargain. : • ; $3760— Fillmore St., W. line, bet. Hayes and Grove: 25x100; or 3 lots at same rate; terms, Vi cash. $10,000— Bush st., close to Van Ness aye. ; lo 25x120 to rear street: 2 houses: rents $70; hal cash if desired. $6500—2 sunny modern flats on Laguna St., near Green ; 12 rooms and bath ; income $56 per month 10t25x137:6. Call for a list of fine residences on Pacific avenue for sale. $1300— Jessie st., near 14th; lot 25x65; or 3 lots at the same rate. $2000— st., bet. 15th and 16th sts.; 25x 125 feet ; on line electric road. The above is only a partial list. We will be glad to furnish a complete list on application. SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE <fe CO., 218-220 Montgomery St., Mills building. flHlfl rl •*! ! fif^l f/ ■***, ■ \ IN- SUFFICIENT TKSTIMOJTY. Jones — Hallo, .Robinson, delighted, to see you, me boy! I hear you have a posi- tion with my friends Skinner & Co. Robinson — yes; I have a position as collector there. Jones — That's first rate. Who recom- mended you? Robinson— Oh, nobody. I just told them that 1 once collected an account from you, and they instantly gave me the berth. T) ALDWIN A HAMMOND REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS, 10 Montgomery st. BARGAIN ON BRYANT ST. $4000— Must be sold: 2-story and basement house on Bryant st., nr. Third; contains 11 rooms and bath; lot 20x80 to rear street. NICE MODERN FLATS. $5700— Fair Oaks St., nr. 23d : containing 6 and 6 rooms, bath, etc., each; rent $47 50; extra large lot, 30x125. CLOSE TO NEW POSTOFFICE SITE. $5500— Stevenson St., bet. 6th and 7th; 2-story building; 2 flats of 6 rooms and bath each; rent $500 per year. . $17,000— Eddy-st. cor. investment; substantial Improvements; renting for $125; lot 27:6x87:6. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. MUST BE SOLD. $5000— An offer wanted; Collingwood st. ; near 19th; 3 fine flats; lot 27:6x110. SUBMIT AN OFFER. $9000— Gough St., not far from Market: double house of 5 and 7 rooms: rented low at $45; lot 80x90; this is a good location for stores. . GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY. $11,500— Second St., nr. Mission; good 2-story brick building; store, and 6 rooms above; rent $80; lot 25x80. A GREAT BARGAIN. $6750— Howard St., nr. First; 3-story building; 12 rooms; lot 25x85. STYLISH RESIDENCE. $19,000— modern residence on Washing- ton Ft., close to Laguna; contains 14 spacious rooms: all latest conveniences; handsomely fin- ished In hard woods ; large lot. MISBION-BT. BUSINESS PROPERTY. . 1 525, 000— be sold by order of administrator; Mission St., close to 6th: 2 frame buildings contain- ing 12 rooms each; lot 45x80. PAYS 12 PER CENT. $4000— Rent $480 per year; Morris aye., nr. Har- i rison ; 2 flats of 4 and 5 rooms each ; lot 25x80. Apply to BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. MOST PEOPLE BUY LOTS While prices are high. But shrewd people are buying lots now, while prices are low. Don't fail to see the cheap lots on California and Lake sts., 4th and 6th ayes. Street work done. Prices $1000 to $1200. Easy terms. . $50 cash, balance $10 per month. SEND FOB MAPS. BALDWIN <fe HAMMOND, 10 MONTGOMERY ST. JOHN PI>ORR, 329 MONTGOMERY ST., OPP. 0 Safe Deposit, offers for sale : B $13,600— Valencia St., south of 16th; 2-story bay- window house, store and dwelling back and com- modious flat 7 rooms and bath upstairs; lot 30x83 feet: always rented: make offer. • $14,000— fine brick Improved downtown prop- erty paying $170 rent per month.' $5500— story and basement brick bouse and lot on a prominent street In the southern part of the city; store, cellar for wine and 4 rooms and , bath upstairs; lot 25x76; rent $40. Reduced now to $15,000— A great bargain: only $8000 cash wanted; Mission St., near 13th; lot 44x138, with 3 well-built houses: store and dwell- ings; rent $100; must be sold; make offer. "/*&%&& ■ $28,000— St., east of 4th; 137:6 feet front, 80 depth, with improvements; a first: rate invest- ment in the very center of the city; any reasonable offer will be considered. > ; -, Reduced to $31,000— Northwest corner ] Mission and 17th sts.; lot 65x100 feet, with improvements; 2 story; 3 stores. 3 flats and 2 cottages; rent $200. $11,000— Rent $115; fine corner, 30x80; fine nearly new improvements ; In business part of the city. DWELLING-HOUSE PROPERTY. DWELLING-HOUSE PROPERTY. $5000— Folsom St., near 6th; double flat of 4 and 6 rooms and bath each; lot 23x80; rent $30. : . $7250— 2-story bay-window house; corner on Webster st., near Ellis; 8 rooms and bath; lot 24x95: rent $45. . . ;. . $3100— A fine cottage, & rooms and bath, on 19th St., near Castro; on Installments without Interest. UNIMPROVED. $3000— 25x63:9; Stevenson st., bet. 9th and 10th. V, v---- V ' ■>" -V -■ " ; .■.;: . ;-■■ Fine lot, 28:8x127:8, on Sacramento st., near Laguna; a stylish neighborhood. ; . Lig!?.,*'* 81500— Fine corner, 63x100, of 23d aye. and A st. •• ■■'"■ ■ "■' ■ "-■■.■■ - ''■ ■: '- ■ $3500— Lot 75x100 feet; cor. 19th and Eureka streets; make oiler. ",/•-- - . . .■ -... : ■>.. <■-..> ■ - ■ ..,.-:.' ' - CITY REAL ESTATE. " . ATEW HOUSES. — IN • CHOICE OFFERING. ONLY 1000 CASH. . • ONLY $1000 CASH. NOW BUILDING. STRICTLY MODERN. • '•' ALL CONVENIENCES. CALIFORNIA ST., COR. SECOND AYE, SEE THEM TO-DAY. TAKE SACRAMENTO-STREET CARS. Six new two-story modern residences, 6, 7 and 8 rooms and bath: all conveniences: no two alike: price $3600 each. Including lot; for sale on easy terms; $1000 cash, balance monthly, covering 6 years' time; the choicest offering for homeseekers in the market: they talk for themselves; see them to-day and call at office for full particulars. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., '' ■ 638 Market st. OUR FLATS ~ ON FILLMORE STREET. ALWAYS RENTED. . PAYS $840 ANNUALLY. $9000— fine flats, 4 and 6 rooms and bath; nearly new: well built and in good condition. ■ . EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., - 638 Market St. ON PACIFIC HEIGHTS. - A PRETTY COTTAGE. ■ OFFERED AT A SACRIFICE. $6250— Cottage of 7 rooms and bath on Broad- way, near Laguna: large lot, 30x112:6 feet; choice neighborhood; bouse in first-class condition: lot worth the J^^q^ ELDRIDGE <fc CO., EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., . . 638 Market st. A I UST BE SOLD. MAKE AN OFFEK. TWO NIOE FLATS. HALF A BLOCK NORTH OF MARKET ST. Reduced to $4,000; 2 fine flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath in good condition; rents' for over $400 per annum; lot 25x115 feet. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO.. - 638 Market st. "M-ICE NEW COTTAGE NEAR EIGHTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS. $2300— A cozy cottage of 6 rooms" and bath on sunny side of the street, a short distance from Eighteenth-street electric cars; brick foundation. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. A HANDSOME HOME, — SUNNY, MODERN AND NEARLY NEW. VERY CHOICE LOCATION. $7750— An elegant '2-story bay-window house of 9 rooms and Dam, laundry and all conveniences on north side of Clay st., near Devisadero; large lot 28:9x127:814 feet. This property cost present owner over $11,000. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., ■ 638 Market st. T>UY NOW. ~~~ THEY WILL SURELY ADVANCE. , LOTS AT BARGAIN PRICES FOR BUILDING OR SPECULATION. $75— 38 th aye., near V st. ; 25x120. $250— 44 th aye., near B st. ; 25x120. $500— B St., near 19th; 25x100. $600— X St., near 11th; 25x100. Kichland aye., near Holly St.; 25x100. $750— aye., near L St.; 25x120. $900— 17 th St., near Clara aye.; 25x87:6. California, near Wth aye.; 25x110. $.1000— 26 th St.. near Nee; 25x114. $1000— NE. cor. LaKe and 13th aye.: 40x72. $1800— Fair Oaks, near '26th; 25x100. $2000— Duncan, near Church: :Bxll4. $2100— Folsom, near 14th; 25x122:6. $2500— France and Paris; 300x100. $2750— C0r. Point Lobos and 12th: 32:6x100. $3000— Cor. Polk and Filbert; 25x100. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. O'FARRIiLL A CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 11 MONTGOMERY ST. BUILDING LOTS FOR $376 TO $500. G»£QOO PAYS $630 A YEAR; 2 BEAUTI- ijOOUU. ful modern bay-window flats on the sunny side of Pierce St., 6 and 7 rooms and bath each ; convenient to Haight, Page and Oak st. car lines; this property is worth and cost $8250; lot 25x106:3. AN OFFER WANTED — MODERN RESI- A dence on the north line of Page st., overlooking Golden Gate Park; the house has 10 rooms and bath, on the sunny side of the street and com- manding a grand view; this is an opportunity, we think, to secure a residence at a low figure. <JJ»9AAA CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON THE £\J\J\J . north side of Grove st., which Is the sunny side, nr. Lyon : lot 25x100; this Is a pickup. T~\OWNTOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY, TAY- JL/ lor St., within two blocks of Market; any rea- sonable offer will be considered; good two-story building on the property: lot 26x85; this must be sold and we have Instructions to submit any bid that may be made. AN OFFER WANTED— BEAUTIFUL J\. building lots on I st., adjacent -to cars; street work complete ; a bargain; 25x100 each. BUILDING LOTS FROM $375 TO $500, LO- JL> cated adjacent to the Mlsslon-st. electric-car line and only 28 minutes' ride from the City Hall; lots are 26x100 and level, ready for building pur- poses: a great many of those that have purchased have built and are now occupying their homes; the cost of their cottages (which have 4 rooms) is $675, so that It is possible for you to secure a handsome new home for $1000; take the Mlsslon-st. electric cars and ride to the end of the line (China avenue or Francis at.) and you will there find the block, and our representative, Mr. G. A. Turner, who will gladly give you any further information that you wish; terms to suit the purchaser. AN OFFER WANTED: BEAUTIFUL MOD- Jtx. era flats In the Western Addition of 6 and 7 rooms and bath each; lot 30x110; this is a genuine case of the owner positively wanting to sell and any reasonable offer that will be near the valuation of the lot and building will purchase it. <2iv7^O MODERN 2-STORY RESIDENCE tjpul O\J. of 9 rooms and bath on Devisadero St.: lot 25x106:3; this is a very cheap property. * © '000 BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE ON JACK- *JPc»V/UU. son st. of 8 rooms and bath; hand- some stable; offered at this low figure to satisfy a mortgage. O'FARRELL A CO., Real Estate Brokers, 11 Montgomery st. TTEYMAN TRACT. Situated fronting 24th-st. electric road. Level lots for sale and bouses built on easy monthly installments. Title guaranteed by the California Title Insur- ance Company. JACOB HEY MAN, 630 Market st. £91 l^fl FOR SALE— COTTAGE IN iIUU. Mission; " easy : payments. HEDE- MARK <fc CO., 1052 Valencia st. Ir"OR~SALE CHEAP— LOT 26x125, WITH MOD- em cottage. 322 Diamond st. - ACif\f\ CORNER; 30x80: VI HOUSES: trUuv/. good order; rent $67 a month. 26 Chesley St., Off Harrison, bet. 7th and Bth. CJQ9?-. A JONES ST., CORNER, IMPROVED $pD~O\J> with 4 flats renting for $32 per month; this is a genuine bargain; size 30x62:6. $3800— Cottage mi Sanchez st., near Market; lot 25x100. LOWELL & BECK, Real Estate Agents, 626 Market at. ' - ' ©9AA DOWN, BALANCE SAME AS RENT, «£•■— Uu.for modern cottages only half a block from Mission-st. electric cars. G. W. ARMBRUS- TKR, 230 Montgomery St., room 9. OiOdf\(\ FLATS 5 ROOMS EACH AND LOT ♦JSODUU. 26:3x120 to rear St.; on N. side Her- mann St., bet. Fillmore and Steiner; the flats front rear street and front of the lot still vacant; both streets in order; electric line on Fillmore; cable- cars on Uaight st. THOMAS MAGEE A SONS, 4 Montgomery st. « ■ '-. ■ BRICK BUILDING BUSINESS PROPERTY on Market st. rent $7200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 66x137 :6 ft. ; price, $11,000. E. side Stanyan st,, bet Carl and Frederick sts. ; 26x100; price $2600. 60x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137:6 ft.: el«ctrio road passes houses: price $6000; make offer. North side of Folsom st-, bet. 4th and sta; 68:9 x 160 feet. - Lot on Duncan st., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet: price $400. Cottage bouse, 1367 Dolores St.; 6 rooms and bath, basement; 25x95 teet. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent, 324 Montgomery street. ■■- ■ . ; TT OUSES BUILT $150 TO $275 A ROOM CALL JLL and examine plans. 1149 Mission st. "HTILL. EXCHANGE 2 .LOTS, SOUTH SIDE OF "» park, for residence not exceeding $3600; dif ference in cash. Apply 1115 Bryant st. : FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT, 1123 TREAT r ave, bet. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth sts.: 25x112:6 feet; splendid chance to buy a home. Inquire on premises. . . ' T AA COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS; IN BERKE- «SMoUU. ley: lot 60x125. ■•;-:■ $450— Rough bouse; 2 rooms; lot 40x100; $10 monthly. $760— Lot 50x100; near station. Other houses and lots all over town. . CHAS. A. BAILEY, - 46 Market at., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. Cg QA A 2 LOTS, 25x100, ON 6TH AYE., NEAR «JPOV/U. Point Lobos. and on Tenth aye., near California. , Apply Owner, box 27, this oflice. •;-.- ; . S, F. CITY LOTS: $100 UP. TERMS 10 .down, $5 mo. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Mkt. : PROPERTY WANTED. riHICKEN AND HOO < RANCH .WANTED; Vj $2000 to $2500. Cash, box 8, this office. ANTED-6M ALL IMPROVED RANCH FOR •2 fine flats. SPECK'S, 602 Market. ■ PROPERTY 5 TO ; EXCHANGE. TIT ANTED— C^IC^Ni RANCH, 6, TO 10 »' acres, near city, exchange for 20-room hotel in thriving bay town. Address C. 11., box 90, Call Office. r />.:.' i..•■■ >...-.- ■-.;>.■■'-- v :.■: ..:■:.::> ,;-. \f GRIFFIN. COTTON WOOD, SHASTA CO., li- . Cal:, wants acreage near H. F. fora clear farm. '■"';■ .V..- ; ■ ■•.-.- - " v TO LEASE. ■.;;.;.- ~ T~oTlease— ch^ic^^da^ry^or^stock ranch of 325 • acres; ■ cheap for term of years; near city. Address F,, box 28, this oflice • ■ COUNTRY EEAL ESTATE. , _ CHAS. M. HATCHER A CO., Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers. Houses rented. '. -, Rents collected. . File Insurance. Notary Public. - Conveyancing legally done. 27 East Santa Clara street. . The most extensive agency- of San '. Jose for city and country properties and properties of non-resi- dents. ,; r ' ©1 £, AAA 20 ACRES, YEAR-OLD OR- %p±«J.UUI/. chard; 3Va miles west, just oil Stevens Creek road; irrigating plant on the place; drying plant complete; all farming implements. horses, wagon, harness, etc., go with the place; house 7 rooms; large stable,' barn, mill, tank, etc.; will trade for bouses and lots In San Jose worth from $8000 to $10,000; go and see this. ©1 Q QAA 190 ACRES, -GOOD ORCHARD tJpxO.OU'l*. land, near Evergreen-; near ■ the foothills; adjoins some of the best orchards in Santa Clara County; well watered and fine soil in the warm belt: will subdivide to suit purchaser; sell one-third cash, balance easy terms, long time; only $70 per acre. QJQ7AA 10 ACRES SET TO PRUNES, 3 «JpOl v". years old; small house; barn; plenty of water; about 3V 2 miles from San Jose; want to trade for a small house or lot In or near San Jose worth about $1800; mortgage for balance can re- main ; a good chance for some pne. F— . ffl»7KAfi S3 ACRES, ABOUT V, MILE «Jp tO\J\J. south of Evergreen: equally divided between prunes, apricots and peaches; peaches and prunes 1 and 2 years old; apricots and peaches 3 years old: good barn and well; 3-room cabin; 24 acres level enough to irrigate: will trade for San Jose property; $3000 can remain on place. 11—21 QlfQ^A LOTS IN THE COTTAGE . GROVE OOU. Tract on South First St.; $10 per month; no interest: now is the chance for a young man to buy a lot and become a property-owner. dl» A QAA 12 LOTS IN THOMPSON TRACT, trOUtf. 60x125 feet: wants to trade for an orchard; will pay the difference in cash; must be a first-class orchard. N— looo mHERE IS AN ESTABLISHED AND IN- JL creasing demand In the Northern and Eastern .parts of our country for every variety of fruit grown in California. The problem of transporting: ' fresh fruits to those markets has been solved, and | the results are found to be highly profitable to the grower. Every, development and discovery that will increase or facilitate transportation will inure to the benefit of the producer and consumer. And the same is true of the dried and canned products of the orchards of California, which already stand highest In the world's markets. CHAS. M. HATCHER A CO., ' 27 East Santa Clara St., San Jose, California. ©1 I^oo COST $2500; 640 ACRES OF «Jp±c)Ul/. choice timber land in Butte County, being section 36, township 20 north, range 6 east, M. D. M.; title absolutely perfect. CHAS. C. FISHKK, 507 California st. <£9000 160 • ACRES; UNIMPROVED; tjp^iUUl/. covered with black and white oak; no better land in the state; 85 miles from this city; 2 miles from Glen Ellen. Address Ranch, box 106, Call Office. "^ ■ ' DELICATELY PUT. "Why, Chawles, ole chap, where's your watch . Charles (playing with the ticket in his vest — Why— oh— l couldn't stand the beastly ticking — it shattered my nerves. /"VFARRELL & CO. DAVID BUSH, COUNTRY DEPARTMENT. 11 MONTGOMERY ST. We desire to call the attention Of Intending bur- en of country lands to some bargains in improved income-producing orchard, . vineyard, grain and stock farms (many of which are bank foreclosures), that we have In Alameda, Contra Costa. Napa. So- noma, Solano, San Mateo and Santa Clara coun- ties, in the middle and northern counties and in the San Joaquin Valley. We would also call the attention of buyers to the fact that our Mr. Bush having had forty years' knowledge and experience of the value of lands for orchard and vineyard pur- poses, and being the owner of an income-producing orchard and vineyard for many years, can intelli- gently direct intending buyers to the best lands and bargains in the State. .. I'.INE 80-ACRE RANCH NEAR WRIGHTS; SO acres vines, 20 acres assorted fruit; fine B- room house, 4-room cottage, barns, etc.: near school and church; beautiful scenery; this year's crop worth $2000; price $12,000; would exchange for good Oakland or city property. P. H. JOR- DAN & CO., 188 Crocker building, San Franciico. ANTA CLARA COUNTY: FOR SALE OR exchange for city lots; 42 acres of land. 13 acres In grapevines. .Address A. It., box 103, this office. AKLAND HOME TO EXCHANGE FOR small farm. O. H., box 92, Call Office. T> ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS. -Debt systematized LAND office in amebica N. d. sickels, LAND agent. Sale and exchange of Ranch property a btbict specialty. By far the jDabgest list. 318 Post Street, bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. LAn ACRES, FRONTING ON MISSION ±1/17 road, also Electric and S. P. B. B. ; all about level; all in vegetables; .vlll sell as whole or small tracts. SPECK & CO., 602 Market st. 97 ACRES ALL LEVEL: ALL IN BEAR- — I ing; almonds and apricots; adjoins town in Alameda County: good buildings; '■ will ' exchange for income city property. Apply A. M. SPECK <& CO., 602 Market st. • ©J^CAA 16 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED, *Jp -L«JUU. at LosGatos. pay difference for city property: bargain, 140 acres fine land Alameda Co., i/i mile from railroad. 1. C. SCHARFF, 18 Post "PROPERTY AT HAY WARDS FOR SALE, -1 rent, or exebance for Oakland or San Francisco property ; new 6-room cottage ; all modern im- provements; barn,, tank, etc.; lot 95x450; fall- bearing fruit trees; convenient to cars; fine loca- tion: a bargain at $3000. Address WM. MANN, Third and Washington sts., Oakland, Cal. ffl» C PER ACRE-1280 ACRES TIMBER LAND; *1P O Kern County. W., box 9, this office. rpHEfNK ENGLAND COLONY OFCALIFOR- X nia offers an opportunity for home-making better than ever before offered, and not likely to be re- peated. We court a thorough investigation of our plan, our - location, our • soil, our transportation facilities. Our lands are exceedingly rich, pro- ducing in great abundance every variety of fruit, grain and vegetable grown in the State of Cali- fornia. Our location Is beautiful; our climate healthy. Those who really want a home that is attractive, pleasant and profitable can secure it with us. - We own this tract of land ; In fact, It has been our home for over thirty years, and we have de- cided and are determined to develop a community that will demonstrate the Highest possibilities of home-making. We are not selling on commission. We own the lands, and some of us live on them, and will continue to live on them and make our homes there, that will be called s home ; by our children, and we are entirely content ,to farm the entire tract until we can surround ourselves with neighbors who wish at I once Ito have schools and churches and reading-rooms in their very midst. Therefore we propose to see to it that those who make their homes with us have the kindly advice and friendly assistance necessary to their success. Call on or address WILSON A REID, ,Vi ■; Boom 10, rotunda, Mills building. T> ANCH AT GOVERNMENT PRICE. JrV, ■'"-■,' ' * - '< ' "'■■ -' '■ ' — —— ' ■ ' '■ ;-'"-:■.' • ' ■• . An unprecedented opportunity for a young man of energy to acquire a large and profitable ranch well adapted for farming and stockraislng; also well located for dairy purposes, being near i a larsro creamery which pays out each month from $3000 to $6000 for milk. ■ This exceedingly favorable op- portunity will be offered for a few days at a little above the Government price per acre on long-term payments. Address HOMER WILSON, room 10, rotunda, Mills building, San Francisco. . 91 ACRE CHICKEN RANCH: SOLD ON THE 2 ■ 10-year credit ; plan third year interest now due ; *Al •■ creek bottom: vegetable soil : improve- ments cost over $600; will sell for $250 and trans- fer contract. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. ;■ MARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. ' ..:.. RaNCHO DE NOVATO. . Tract! of any size desired ; fruit, grain and vege- table land: ' no ■ Irrigation : - both rail ; and . water transportation; $40 to $76 per acre; easy terms; town of Novato; graded school, ■ hotels \ and stores on the property: send for circular. '- Dairy for sals With or without cows. - ' : - "-. t - SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 66 Chronicle building. *■■;■': WANTED— TO RENT, WITH PRIVILEGE of buying, 2 to 5 acres (Improved) in Fruitvale, convenient to care. Address F. ( box 58, Call Office. ©O-25 PER ACRE:64O ACRES: WELL LOCAT- <£ — — cd. TRAVERS & LAMB, 512 California at. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE-Contlnned. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery st.. S. F. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON K£AL ESTATE. v A FEW OF THE BEST BARGAINS EVER xx offered : 666 acres on Roberts Island ; never overflows: a crop of barley just removed from the land and a now crop of beans; wonderful yield per acre will rent for $15 per acre; must be sold: $70 per acre. 40 acres IV3 miles from LodI: all planted and bearing; good 6-room house, barn, windmill, etc.; $200 from 1 acre of strawberries and $2000 in- come this year from farm; no better land or loca- tion in State; this Is a chance of a lifetime; price $7000: $4000 can remain. 10-acre tracts just out of Stockton: fine houses, barns and well; $100 per acre. « - Ranches all over the county for sale or trade. MORSE COLONY TRACTS. 6. 10, 20 and 40 acres at $65 and $75 per acfe; most productive land In San Joaquin County. • ' Fine Stockton lots cheap, on Installment plan. Business property in center of city; lots 60x150; one-third cash. Call or address F. J. SULLIVAN, room 88, Chronicle building, or E. ARMSTRONG, Stockton. HE SEARCHLIGHT - . " ~ ~" X "Has the S. F. & 8. J. V. R. R. Depot in the center of Its 1500 lots; car lines connecting It with all parts of the city; hundred of homes adjacent and built within the past three years; is splendidly situated; the finest addition ever pre- sented for settlement to investors in the State. '— Stockton Mail. "Is a slchtly place fora station and Is certain to become a most Important business center."— Stock- ton Record. "Is 20 feet higher than the terminus of the road." W. B. STOREY, Chief Engineer Valley Road. "Pleased to certify to the correctness of the Searchlight Map; also to the statements thereon made regarding our resources and commercial ad- vantages."— P. A. BUELL, Pres. Commercial Assn. "One of the best of the later additions to Stock- ton."— F. H. GOULD, Ex-Speaker of California Assembly. Excursion trips to Stockton Tuesday and Saturday nights. ' Fare by boat, 50 cents. Lots sl26 and up- ward; $10 cash: $10 monthly; no interest first year.— CHARLES S. YOUNG, Owner, 18 Crocker Building, S. F. ©TOP: EACH AND UPWARD: BUSINESS X^itJ or residence lots in the city of Stockton, on electric-car line, 6 minutes from business cen- ter and adjoining the famous Jackson baths. For maps and further particulars cull on C. F. MOORE, real estate owner, 935 Market St., room 4. ENDERSON & CARTER, 17 SOUTH SAN XX Joaquiu St., Stockton. 800 acres adjoining the city; a choice tract to subdivide. A choice block of 32 lots In good loca- tion: $4800. Several nice cottages from $1000 to .$4000 : on easy terms. A few choice lots on the line of the electric-cars. Good garden tracts from -5 to 20 acres: well located. 100 acres, six miles from Stockton; fine rich noil ; $55 per acre: a fine bargain. SOP tons of choice hay at a bargain. A A. DUDLEY & CO., ' REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 405 East Main st., Stockton, Cal. Choice residence lots on electric street car line, from $150 up; $10 down, $1 per week; no interest, no taxes. Send for maps. Small acreage tracts for gardens and orchards on easy terms. Bargains in improved property. Cor- respondence solicited. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAHEDA REAL ESTATE; I^Q^T^b^oT-- s2ooo— Lot 50x115; cottage of 8 rooms and bath: stable.; sunny frontage; $100 cash, balance $25 monthly; No. 170. • ' $2300— Lot 50x86, with 8 rooms and bath; $50 cash, $20 per month No. 127. $1500— Lot 55x100; cottage 4 rooms; part cash; No. 129. $600— Lot 35x150; a snap. . Houses to let In all parts Of Alameda, $10 and up. For bargains In Alameda property, see the Alameda Land Company, 1500 Park St., corner Santa Clara aye., Alameda. TF YOU WANT TO BUILD, BUY, SELL OR EX- X change property call on J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park St., Alameda. " • '.'.•".. ■ . O EXCHANGE FOR SAN FRANCISCO RES- ldence property; : 3 fine residences In Alameda; houses to let and for sale. E. D. JUDD, 1424 Park St., Alameda. T^OR IMMEDIATE sale — NEAR SCHOOL .T and station; streets improved and sewered. $2250— 550 cash, $25 monthly; 30x100; cottage, 4 rooms and bath. $2400— 550 cash, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tage, 5 rooms and bath. $3250— 560 cash, $35 monthly; 88x100; corner house in fine condition : 8 rooms and bath. ; $3250— 5200 cash, $30 monthly; 37x110; ele- gant colonial cottage ; 7 rooms and bath. $3850— $200 cash, $35 monthly: 37x120; hand- some new cottage, 8 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from $10 up. Open Sunday and holidays. MARCUSE & BEMMEL, Bay-street station, Alameda, and 628 Market st* San Francisco. . ©1 f\fi CASH, $20 PER MONTH; LOT 30x ♦jpxUU 150; modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 2 blocks from station; $2200. No. 654. 8100 cash, $25 per month : lot 83:4x150; new 2- story house 6 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion. $2500. - No. 520. $100 cash. $30 per month; lot 35x150: modern 2- story house 7 rooms and bath with bam. 1 block from station; $3000. No. 669. $200 cash, $30 per month; lot 37 :2xlO8 : elegant new cottage 6 rooms and bath; $3100. No. 670. $500 cash, $40 per month; lot 33:4x140: elegant 2-story house 7 rooms and bath, 1 block from sta- tion; $4500. No. 665. $1000 cash, $50 per month; lot 40x150; fine 2- story house 9 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion: $6500. No. 333. Houses to let in all parts of Alameda. Apply to H. P. MOREAL. 1432 Park St., Alameda. mHE JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY ARE X offering great inducements to those desiring homes in Alameda. They have on hand a number of modern homes In size and price to suit all comers; easy terms if preferred. Send for their il- lustrated catalogue, "Figures and Facts,", which contains valuable information for all who intend purchasing. Main office, 1364 Park st. Alameda; branch .19 Montgomery St., San Francisco. - HONEY TO LOAN. T\IAMOND?— THE " HIGHEST^X M OSi U loaned on them at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant avenue, v '■■'.• .,: ■/. .",. ;■ . . . ■- . MONEY ON ANY BECURITY; STRICTLY private; interest moderate; best price for old gold and silver. 126 Kearny st., room 39. A NY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN ON J\. watches, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins and anything of value. COLUMBIA LOAN AND COLLATERAL OFFICE, 9 Grant aye., three doors from Market st. -: ■■ .-', ■■■-■ ■ NY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON PIANOS and furniture without removal. COLUMBIA LOAN AND COLLATERAL OFFICE, 9 Grant aye., three doors from Market St. . ; "- ■;.; ■■:• ; IG SUM IN TRUST; INTEREST LOWER than banks; first and second mortgages a spec- ialty; $100 up; no delay. Money, box 17. Call. WHY PAY COMMISSION WHEN YOU CAN » » get money at 2 per cent per month from loaner direct and without a go-between on your pianos and furniture T any amount from $100 to $5000 418 Ellis St., room 22. , : ■■ :■■-■■■■■■■ - ONKY LOANED ON FURNITURE, 2 & 3%. TRAVERS & LAMB, 512 California st. ONEY LOANED ON PIANOS BY PRIVATE party; low Interest. 215 Powell st. A NY AMOUNT: IST, 2D OR3D MORTGAGES: A estates, undivided Interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, 103 GRANT avenue; private entrance 101 upstairs. N FURNITURE AND PIANOS. WITHOUT removal, and endowment Insurance policies. Room 68, Donohoe bldg, 1170 Market. - WHY. PAY HIGH RATE ON SMALL LOANS TT when you can get from $200 up at 55 cents per month interest on $100? ■ Loan, box 83, Call. T oans ON REAL ESTATE, IST and 2nd XJ mortgages,- furniture or pianos without re- moval; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. oans on UNDIVIDED SHARES OF CITY real estate ; any amount. BECKER, 240 Montg. Cl%. CITY, COUNTY AND COLLATERAL SE- O2 curities. TRAVERSA LAMB, 612 California. I A DIES' PRIVATE ROOMS: MONEY ON J everything. U. S. Loan Office, 777 Market st., near Fourth. . •■-•.-.■ A NY BUM. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES city or country -.Estates. MURPHY.62B Market ONEY. LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1106 Market st.,nr. Mason ; private entrance 7 Turk. TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years; always open. "Uncle 8i11.'.'.-:- -■■■■■■■•■■.. . -. V^ BORROW MONEY .ON - YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal ; lowest rates. - Call or write to HARRY ANKEL <& CO., Mills bldg, sth floor, r 6; strictly confidential. AN ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; DEAL- . \J ing confidential. 43 Crocker building, t . A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THK .xi. WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. " ' '• "■" - : i FINANCIAL. '■■.' ' __^^_ ANT SUM OF^MONEY^XdVANCED ON J\. your furniture, pianos or j- real estate: lowest rate; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. .J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission St. / :' ;l ;., ARTIES HAVING MONEY TO I LOAN IN X small amounts of $200 to $2000 can place <it through us, free of charge, at 8 per cent interest ger annum, payable semi-annually, secured by first mortgage on improved real I estate . in : .San Fran- cisco, the titles to which are guaranteed by the California Title ■ Insurance Company." : We make this liberal proposition In order to meet the de- mand for small loans. - Advise us of the amount you wish to loan, and we will submit the security for your approval A. F. JOHNS • A CO.; financial agents, room 9, 632 Market St., San Francisco. , OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— OOB BROADWAY. _ .OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. " mHE FINEST : LIST OF BARGAINS EVER X offered in Oakland: bedrock prices; these prop- erties are offered by parties wanting to sell: cost price not considered; I will not waste your time quoting fancy prices these fancy times; examine at once If yon are looking for bargains: every prop- erty mentioned is new, good, neat, clean, strictly . up to date; carefully represented ; come early. East Oakland house, 13 rooms, model, modern • home; new, neat, clean; street, walks complete; 5.^ fancy mantels;- double, parlors, electric bells, decorated ceilings ; grand view; $5000. 10 rooms: large lot; view; street, walks, sewers complete; beautiful family home; cars half block; good stable; $6750. ." ■ Nine rooms, modern, prime condition, lot 140 x 140, stable, grounds simply beautiful, surround- iDg-i faultless: $8500. : .-..■' EiFht rooms, strictly up to date: if yon can live on climate and view you have it; street, sewers, walks finished; Just completed two car lines; see this, if you don't buy: price $3750. ' Cottage, 6 rooms, lot 37:6x150; little beauty:- cars close: $2000. Eleventh ave— B rooms, large ' : lot, rent $22 50; price $3250. Seven rooms, ele- gant cottage, large lot, rent $18: price $2650. Highland Park— Four rooms, 50x100: $1000. Fruitvale— rooms, corner lot 50x150, stable, . ' cars close: snap at $3500. • One block from Hermitage— lot 203x275; $11 50 , per foot: grand Investment. Alameda— 6 rooms, lot 50x150; good location; $2100. ' ■-■- West Oakland— 6 rooms on Lincoln st. : goes at ' $1700. Fiat, central Oakland, rent $32 50 per month; choice investment; $3500. Hobart St.— d rooms; $2750. " ' -..•■•. '-. Berkeley— B rooms : new; large lot; close to cars; • ; see this at once: $1800. ' Another, 0 rooms; close ' to car line; $2300. • . . . • :'■ •."■ Sale-rooms, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. T. : K. AN- PERSON. • '■•■• •• . - . : O EXCHANGE— A DESIRABLE COTTAGE of 6 rooms; bath, closets, pantry, basement; lo 50x170; clear of incumbrances; price $3800; for ranch. - •' . ' •■•' -, ■ ... - ■■•, • A LARGE LOT, WITH '2 COTTAGES; CLOSE in; rent well; price $50.00; clear of incum- brance; for ranch. .:: ■ '•■ ■■ ••' •-.... ...•': A LARGE 11-ROOM DWELLING: COMFORT- Jr\. able and roomy; ground.lsoxl7o; price $.10,- • 000; for ranch. ■ ■___ ' .-.■•■ ■ y. ;••;,-.'. A CENTRALLY LOCATED BUSINESS PROP- erty on Ban Pablo ave:;. price $12,000; for Sa-n Francisco or Los Angeles property. ■ ••'.-..'■ - . •• THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST OF GOOD '■• X properties I can exchange for ranches or acre tracts. J. H. EDSON, Real Estate Exchange, t;0 • San Pablo aye. ' ' ' • • : .... v ■ •'•' • CIQ7KA A FINE NEW MODERN COTTAGE «JpO I O\J. of 6 rooms; laundry and bath: large hall 11 feet square: French plate-glass windows throughout; cement basement and walks: elegant mantle; electric bell and lighting: window shades: .fencing, etc.; everything ready for occupancy: lot 40x150; aristocratic neighborhood; I will build the: above and sell on terms to suit; plans and particu- lars at 463 Ninth St., Oakland. GEORGE B. M. GRAY. - • . -. o.v OR SALE— COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS AND bath; corner lot: .terms: good location. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. • pHICKEN RANCH;. STOCK AND FIXTURES \J complete; worth $800, for $300; long cheap : lease. LODGE & POWELL, Fruitvale Station. <S^On GREATEST SNAP IN EAST OAK- <PUUU. land; lot 50x140: situated on the sunny side of East Nineteenth st., near Twenty- third aye.; see this at .once. 'WILLIAM: 3. DIN- ' GEE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. ... ■.. , „-' ©DA A to $600 PER acre: piedmont I «2>t-)v/\-» Heights; cheapest acreage property ' for quality and location ever, placed upon the mar- ket: easy terms; 20 minutes' drive from Oakland. WILLIAM J. DINGEI , 460 Eighth St., Oakland. ©1 1 AA A 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BATH WXXVV/. all furnished; lot 80x127; easy terms Apply to W. C. MORA .',", Lorln Station. Berkeley usiness T""" ~ : ; ~~" AND • RESIDENCE- -PROPERTY SOLD ON T. RMS TO SUIT, IN ALL PARTS OF OAKLAND AND ITS SUBURBS. We are enabled on account of a foreclosure of mortgage to sell lots In the Alden Tract at ridic- ulouly low prices. We offer upon application several pieces of suburban property at a great sac- rifice. Don't fall to call. A. J. SNYDER A CO., 467 Ninth gU, Oakland. (Jhi A CASH AND $5 PER MONTH BUYS A IU choice lot at Elmhurst, Oakland's most beautiful homes! Haywards electric-cars pass property every 15 minutes; nearer Oakland than Berkeley; growing rapidly; 1200 inhabitants; lots $175 and upwards; no interest or taxes. A. C. BERTHIER & CO., room 17, Crocker building, San Francisco. ■ PUR EXCHANGE— TWO MODERN HOUSES; X) well located ; value •'_'■•■(> cash : for good San, Francisco property in Wt.s n Addition. W. J. DINGEE, 460 Eighth St., 0., . .ml. YOU WANT A HOME 1 \V : M, BUY YOU XJ a lot, build bouse on your own ;■. 'is. this side of bay; small cash payment, balance mo lily. C. P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. NLY $2800 WILL BUY A FINE MODE UN cottage home on north side of street, only 6 minutes' walk from narrow-gauge station; 1 half cash, balance bank mortgage; 6 rooms, bath, pantry, etc. : one of the best residence streets ! in Oakland. JAS. S. NAISMITH, : 463 Ninth St., Oakland. .;.-■. ALDEN A GARFUSLD (BUILDERS) HAVE xL just completed 1 or 2 more modern bouses, that sell so readily; low prices and easy terms our motto; centrally located and handy to cars and Broadway; call and see them office, 902- Broad- way, Oakland. ALDEN A GARFIELD. ■:■-,- -<BlA^nn 120 ACRES IN' REDWOOD CAN- fjP'iUUU. yon. 6 miles from Haywards: house, barn, 6 horses, 13 young cows, 150 chickens and farming tools; easy terms; a bargain. Inquire for C. SPRBEN, Redwood Canyon, Haywards, Ala- meda County. • ■■'.' ANOTHER SOLD; ONLY 3 OF THOSE $200 A orchard lots left: S5 cash, $5 per month: bear- ing fruit trees on each lot; short walk to electric and steam cars: at Han Leandro. W. E. BAR- NARD A SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. T OT 50x140; FREMONT AYE., LINDA ROSA -U Tract, Fruitvale; $425 cash. J.HOEY, 641 Folsom st. ■ , . * • ■'->■'■• ■■•■■■•.... T?ORSALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP X erty; a beautiful suburban home, 2y 2 miles from Oakland; 25 acres: 15 acres in fruit in bear- ing; spring water; . soil good; improvements mod- ern and first class. J. S. MEYERS, 1002 Broad- way, Oakland. " • ••••'-' ©/li^nfl 8-ROOM HOUSE: BATH; HOT is^*J\}\J, and cold water; good barn; 10t45x100 on Tenth St., near Castro; a bargain. A. 11. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. <Bf Ifl OHO, 4 ACRES ON WEST HIDE OF tJpXV.UI/V/. Fruitvale aye., near the Hay- wards electric line; this is a bargain. A. 11. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. • . ' " iV <I 1» 1 {*(\(\ HOUSE. 5 ROOMS.IN BERKELEY: «3)IDUU. lot 100x100 with creek; 100 varieties flowers, fruits, etc. ' gP*yjMy«!iSHßii $250— acre hill land r other bouses and lots ', all over Berkeley. CHARLES A. BAILEY, 46 Market st., or Berkeley Station, Berkeley. ■ PROPERTY IN ALL PARTS OF ALAMEDA X County for sale: large tracts in acres or lots be- tween Oakland and Berkeley; property at Tern- eecal a specialty. W. L ROBINSON, . 459 Ninth St., Oakland. ©T/fPin SACRIFICE; COTTAGE 6 ROOMS iJpxtttJl/. and bath: lot 17x100 on Sycamore street, near San Pablo ! avenue: terms, $350 cash, balance easy terms. W. P. RYAN, 960 Seventh St., Oakland. ' . > _ ... ■ - - ■-"■ '- ..' - r\ OLDEN GATE LOTS; $10 DOWN: $5 PR. MO. VX MCCARTHY CO., owners, 646 Market St., 8. F. <£~l en LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN «IpXUU. Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week; selling fast; good . improvements. H. B. PINNEY, owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. "(CO/ I MONTHLY FOR 5- ROOM COTTAGE:*! ty^V/ plans free. F. BOEGLE. GoIden Gate Btatn. BERKELEY KEAi. ESTATE. XT InITstT BERKELE V, ' NE AR ST ATIoSF V and University — For sale cheap to close estate, new 10-room house; well located for residence or students' boarding. Apply WILL • JONES, •24 Sacramento St., city. ..:..- .» QX ACRES NICE LAND; ONLY 15 MINUTES Ot> from Berkeley: on main road near railroad station; must be sold to settle an estate; good place for chickens and vegetables, having running water; price, $225 per acre, for one or more acres. Inquire of P. SCHNOOR, West Berkeley, Cal. . QO A PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW 2- tjpioi ls story 6-room house: hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 608 ' California St., S. F. . ' V ffl»OA PER MONTH PURCHASES A NEW B- €n£i\J room house: hot and cold water and bath. Address CHARLES DARLING, 508 California st., San Francisco. . . EXCHANGE FOR BERKELEY PROPERTY. Business property on Park St., Alameda; IOOx 150; to exchange for Berkeley property. An elegant block of land on Peralta Heights, East Oakland ; positively the most elegant home- site In East Oakland : elevation 200 feet above city, base; elegant view of Lake Merritt: ■ adjoins the beautiful home of Borax Smith : will trade for town lots in Berkeley or unincumbered ranch property. I Beautiful home, entirely furnished; lot 75x130; near station and school: Installment loan of $4000; will trade equity for lot or other property. M. L. WURTS, Dwight-way station, Berkeley.. © Qfifin modern~qu"ken i ANNE cot- <*sOUUl/. tage; new; lot 40x125; five minutes' .walk from station. : \ ;. ..:-.,, ;■.;., » $2900— Brand-new 2-story house of 7 rooms: near Dwight-way station: must be sold; easy payments. M. L. WURTS, Dwight-way station, Berkeley. ; <J>-| C 5-ROOM COTTAGE: 50x133; $1650. F X«J. £OEGL£, Golden Gate station. LOS ANGELES REAL .; ESTATE. FOR 1 SALE— S7SO; COTTAGE; CORNER: proved: Los Angeles: photo sent; box 37, 1065 Washington st., Oakland. ■ .' . -..':-- ■ - ■ •.-■-.• house for sale. , House 14 roo3SsT£a!rgTb~l^tTstable and carriage house- Western Addition. Ameri- can Land and Trust Company 132 Market st. > - -■; Classified Advertisements Continued a i'age 10. 9