Newspaper Page Text
10 The COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Sliver unchanged. Wheat and Barley weak. Rye steady. Oats and Corn dull. Beans weak and depressed. Hay weak. No change in Feedstuff's. Another decline in Wheat freights. Hi.i< s weak and quiet. ■ Pried Fruit depressfd. Fresh Fruit plentiful. Vegetables ditto. Another advance in Butter and Eggs, Cheese firm. Considerable change in Poultry. Potatoes and Onions weak. Provisions continue dull. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. United States Df.i'artment of Agricul tirk, Weather Bcrkau, San Francisco, August 20, 189. >. 5 p. m.— Weather conditions and general forecast. * - - .1 he following are the seasonal rainfalls to date, 1 'as compared with those of the same date last sea son: Eureka .15, las: season .02: Red Bluff .15, last season .0.; Sacramento .04. last season •trace; San Francisco .01, last season trace; ' Fresno trace, last season trace : San Luis Obispo • trace, last season .00: Los Angeles trace, last sea • son trace; San Diego .00, last season .00; Yuma ' .01. last season .45. The following maximum temperatures are re . ported from stations in California to-day: Eureka 56, San Francisco 61, San Luis Obispo 80, Yuma " 102, Bed Bluff 96, Fresno 102. Los Angeles 30, ■ .- : Sacramento 88, Independence 94, San Diego 72. ■' San Francisco data— Maximum temperature 61, • minimum 51. mean 56. Quite a well-marked depression Is central this ; 'evening in Montana and a second slight depression is central in Southern Oregon. This latter is <aus "'-- Jug cloudy skies in the extreme northern portion of. California and partly cloudy weather as far south as san Francisco. A very heavy shower oc curred in .the extreme northwest portion of Call .■ lornia to-day, extending as far southward as Bed Bluff: .04 of an inch fell at Eureka. This is the . first rainfall since July 4. It is not likely that tnis rain will extend any further southward. j Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours . ending midnight August 81, 1895: ! For Northern California— except partly ■cloudy in the extreme north portion; nearly sta tionary temperature; fresh westerly wind, south •■ erly in the Sacramento valley. • tor .Southern California— Fair; nearly station ary temperature; fresh westerly winds along the • coast.' For Nevada— probably slightly cooler in . - the extreme north portion. " • For Utah— Fair, except partly cloudy in the .". extreme north portion; slightly cooler in the ex treme north portion. For. Arizona— Fair; nearly stationary tempera ture. For San Francisco and vicinity— Fair, except ' somewhat cloudy to-night; stationary tempera ture; fresh to brisk westerly winds. • ' W. 11. Hammon. Forecast Official. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 20.— The movement in the stock market to-day was more interesting than of late. Tobacco, which has been under the hammer recently, showed considerable recupera tive ability, and the stock rallied from 92 to EKP£, ttie recent heavy sellers having been the largest purchasers. It is intimated that the company in tend to retire from the plug tobacco business, but the rumor could not be confirmed. A was made at Sugar shortly after the opening, and the stock broke 2V2 to 110. No valid reason could be obtained for the break in the stock, and it was suspected that the movement was engineered for tire purpose of facilitating covering of short 3ln tobacco. These movements were followed hy a sharp up ward turn in th? anthracite coalers and Jersey Cen tral rose 214 to 108, while the other stocks in this group improved anywhere from tfy .0 I*4 percent. Reports were corrent that the presidents of the companies intended liolainjr an Important confer ence, next week, when the question of adjusting the differences in the trade will be taken up with a view of putiinjj an end to them. At the same time, according to reports, the matter of rates will re ceive serious consideration. Nothing of an official character could be learned about the matter, and in the late tradings Jersey <'entral ran off to 106%, with a subsequent rally to 107 Va- Reading and Delaware and Hudson, however, • ruled strong throughout. The grangers were in demand on the splendid outlook for the crops and higher prices were recorded. Rock Island rose to . 81, Burlington and Quincy to 903-s ex-d;v., St. Paul to 73, Northwestern to 102V4. Eastern Illinois pre ferred to 10Hs 4 and Omaha to 41R 8 . The largest buyers of these stocks were firms usually employed by insiders. Nearly $3,000,000 gold was taken from the sub-treasury for export to Europe to morrow. Th > bulk of the gold to be shipped is in payment for a batch of new Government 4 per cents sold abroad in February. It is understood that Saturday's European steamer will also take out a large amount of the metal for the same account. Depletion of |he gold reserve, however, had no influence, as the street is convinced that the Bel inont -Morgan syndicate is able to keep the reserve at the hundred million mark. A fresh illustration of the syndicate's power was witnessed just before 3 o'clock today, when J. P. Morgan deposited about two millions gold on behalf or' ;he Beimont-Mor^an commission. This once more re-uortd the- treasury gold reserve to figures above the traditional limit. Lake Erie and Western preferred was heavy and broke 2% to 75. The acquisition of the Northern Railway of Ohio has led to seilinc of this stock Speculation closed in the main firm. Net changes show advances of Vi to 2% per cent, the' grangers and coalers leading. Tobacco gained 4 per cent. Sugar lost % per cent. Total sales were 279, shares, of which 71,400 were sugar and 70.400 were tobacco. Bonds were strong and sales footed up to $1,264, --000. Oregon Short Line consol fives certificates rose %to 57%; Oregon Navigation fives certifi cates, 2to 72 Reading third preferences, 5/ to 16S/ 8 ; Reading fours, 6/ 8 to 82; Reading certifl 'cates, %to 74%; International and Great North ern firsts, Ito 122; Chicago and Erie firsts, 13/ 8 to 100: Burlington and Quincy sinking fund five-,. 1 to 108, and Burlington. Cedar Rapids and North ern collateral trust fives. 2 to 100%. In Government bonds at the board $10,000 coupon fives brought 11514- The Mercantile Safe Deposit Company reports silver bullion on hand, 212,229 ounces; certificates outstanding, 212. Grain ana Merchandise. NEW YORK. N. V., Aug. 20.-Flour, dull, weak. Offered lower; demand light. Winter wheat— grades. $2 50@3 10: do fair to fancy, $3 10@3 60: do patents, $3 60@4; Minnesota clear, $2 65@3 25; do. 'straights, $3 15@3 50: do patents. $3 65(3) 4 30: low extras, $2 50@3 15; city mills, $4@4 20: do patents, $4 40@4 65. Southern flour, dull, weak; common to fair extra, *2 10@2" 90; fair to choice do, 8 3ffi3 65. Cornmeal— Dull, easy. Yellow Western, 82 75 @2 90. Kye— Nominal. . Wheat— Dull, lower, with options closing firm. ! No. 2, red. in store and elevator, 68%&68% c; afloat, 70c: 1. v. b.. 69y 2 ®70y 2 c; ungraded red, 63@71c: No. i Northern. ,o%c. Options cp-n<»d weak ana declined V 2 (a*ls/sc on weaker cables, '■ foreien selling, lowcC west 'and local coverings: ! rlo.-el firm at li/g^li/ic under, yesterday with trading moderate. September and December, most active. No. 'i Red closed: August, 68% c: Septem ber, 68 %c; October, 69c; December, 70% c; May, ' 74c. Corn— Dull, lower. No. 2, 45.v c In elevator: 46V8C afloat. Options declined %fd)%c with the . West, lower cables, weaker West and local realiz ing; rallied ysl§>V4C on coverings, closing steady at gC under yesterday with trading dull. September and May most active. September, 453/ c; October, /8 c: May. 37y B e. - Oats— Dull, firm. Options dull, easier. Aug . ust, dosed 25c; September, 24y 2 c; October, 24c; May, 2"3/ s c. Spot prices: No. 2, 26V2C: No. 2 White, 29y 2 c: No. 2 Chicago, 27y 2 c; No. 3, 25c; No. 3 White, 27c: Mixed Western, 26y 2 (q) ' 27y 2 c: White State and Western, 26y 2 @35c pigiron— Fairly active, firm. American, 811 50 ©14. . - , . ■ ?*^r --:' Copper— Firm. Lake, $12 25. Lead— Easier. Domestic, $3 50. Tin— Firmer. Straights, $14 10; plates, steady, quiei. • Spelter— Dull. Domestic, $4 15. Hops— Quiet t easy. state, common to choice, 3@ 8c: Pacific Coast, 3@Bc. London market un changed. Wool— Steady, quiet. Domestic fleece, 16@22c pulled, 15@: 4c; Texas, 10@14c. Lard— Quiet, easy. Western steam, $6 62% asked: City. $6 25: September, *6 55, nominal refined, quiet: continent, $7; South America, $7 25; compound, 4%@5i;4c. :• Pork— Firm, moderate uemand. Mess, 811 25 @11 75. — Quiet. Fancy steady: State dairy, 12@ . 18% c; do creamery, 19%@20c; Western dairy, 9y2(<£l3c; Western creamery, 13@20c; 'Western factory, Bi@l2%c: Elgin, 20c; imitation creamery, 11 (a, sc. ■ ■ . :t : • : : Cheese— Firm, fair demand. | State, large, 5y 2 a *>%£.; do fancy, s @7s/ 8 c; do small, B@Bi4c; part skims, 2i4(5;5c; full skims. li/2@2c. " '-. Eggs— Fancy firm. State and' Pennsylvania, - 14@15c; Western, fresh, 13@14c: do per case, ■. f 1 50<£3 80. Tallow— Light supply, strong. City, 4%c bid; country, 4i/ @4%c. • Cottonseed oil— Dull, steady. Crude, 24c: yellow prime, 26*40270; do, off grades, 26%@26%c. ! Steady, quiet. Domestic, 4iA@6c: Japan, . 4fi.4i/ 2 c. Molasses — Fair demand, firm. Foreign, nominal ; New Orleans, 2t5@32c. Coffee— Quiet, unchanged to 10 points down; September $15 15@20: November, $15 50; De cember, $15@15 05. Spot Rio, dull, steady; No. 7, 161/4 C Sugar — Raw. more • active. Fair refining. 2 16-16 c: centrifugals. 96 test. 314 c; refined, qni(t, steady; off. A, 4a/ c; moid A. 4 11-16®4y c: stand ard A, 4 7-16@45/8c: confectioners^ A. 4 5-16® 4%c: cut loaJ, and crushed, 5 1-I6@si4c: pow. «|ertd, 4%@4 15-lec; . granulated. 4 7-16@4%c; cubes, 4 11-Id@4y c. ..,- . ■ California fruit quotations: Oranges — None- Peaches-^nsquehanna, »1 20. Pears-Bartlett', £Irßo@21 r Bo@2 80; Buerre Hardy. $1 55@1 1 70. - "l urns . —Egg, 70(§,85c: Columbia, 50@70c: Purple D jane. 60c. Prunes— Gros, 65c(5»5l 10; Hungarian 81 05 (&l 25. Grapes— Muscat, 60,a90c: Tokay, SI 10® 1 30. Raisins, 3 crown, 31/4 C. Prunes, 4 sizes, $5 35@5 50. . ■ CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 20.— The bears had things very much their own way In the grain market to j day. Wheat opened weak on larger receipts than ! estimated and lower cables and continued went on heavy liquidation of September option. While the Russian shipments were officially reported as nearly a quarter of a million bushels less than rs timated yesterday, the British cables were weak and offset any effect such a statement might have had. The weakness was intensified by the fine harvest weather in the Northwest and further es timates of very large yields In that section. Receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth were 228 cars against I 218 last year, indicating that the farmers were be ginnincto market their crop. Receipts . at Chlcaco were 187 cars. Withdrawals from store -were 84.350 bushels, and Atlantic seaboard clearances, including wheat and Hour, were 351,098 bushels. Liverpool cables were quiet with a decline of %d reported in futures. Shipments to all importing countries for the last week were 5.976.000 bushels, against estimated requirements per week of 6.500,000. Bradstreets' world's visible supply of wheat shows a decrease of 270,000 bushels with out the Pncific Coast. East of the Rockies, de crease 1 ,890,000. Europe and afloat for Europe, increase 1,120.000 bushels. Continental cables closed lower. The decrease in Bradstreets' visible supply statement was smaller than expected, and this assisted in still further weakening the mar ket.' Toward the close, however, on a report that the wheat crop of Manitoba had been damaged 40 per cent by frost, the tone Improved and a portion of the loss was regained. September Wheat opened at 6454@64%c: sold between 64%@63%c, closing at 635/gc, iyi@is/ 8 c lower than yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow 60 cars. • - Corn— Favorable weather and the prospective big crop made short sellers of corn more aggressive, and they pounded the market until they knocked a full cent off yesterday's figures. There was a much smaller demand for cash corn, and this assisted in weakening prices. After the first hour trading became very dull." Liverpool cables were weak with futures %d lower. Receipts were large, 879 cars arriving. Export clearances amounted to 296,570 bushels. BradEtreets' world's visible supply of corn shows a decline of 583,000 bushels. Withdrawals from store were 107,600 bushels. The tone of the market Improved toward the close on ports of expected light frosts in the West and In sympathy with the better feeling in wheat. September corn opened 38s/sC, sold between 383, 8 c find 373 s c, closing at 37 "< e to 3Sc, %c lower than yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 455 cars. Oats — There was nothing of interest to record in oats to-day. The market was dull and steady with values responding to the tone of other "grain markets. Receipts were 242 cars and 1124 cars were withdrawn from store. Bradstreets'J world's visible supply of oats shows a decrease of 171,000 bushels. September closed % c lower than yester day. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 137 cars. Flax was lower. Northwestern, cash, $1 07@ 1 08: Southwestern. $1 07@l OS: August, $1 06 bid: September, $1 06y 2 @l 06; October $1 06y 3 1 05%. Provisions were active, but later beiame dull and ruled very quiet during the major portion of the session. Prices had much snap early, pork and ribs selling up 22% c, while lard hardly moved. A better hog market and manipulation sent the market up and free offerings and stop loss orders cjruseda reaction. The trade of the day was mainly local. At .he close September pork was 5c lower than yesterday September lard unchanged and September ribs 12% c higher. Closing prices: Wheat— August, 6?c; September, 65c: De cemoer, 6:-t6/sC ; .May, 7U3/ B e. Corn— Aasust. 37%@38c: September, 38%@3ec; December. 81*40; May, 82%(ai32i;4c. Oats— August, 2i" 8 c; ■ September, 20c; Octo ber. 191 . ; May, 23V4C. Pork — September. $9 95: October, $9 95; Janu ary. $10 '.'."•. Lard — Sept em $615; October, $6 22%; January. £6 15. Kibs — September, $5 17y 2 ; October, $6 20; January, $5 30. Butter was quiet and steady. Fine makes sold quite readily to the local trade, but other stock was slow. Prices were unchanged. Eggs continue steady with a fair business being transacted. Receipts were «enprally In poor condi- I tion. Fresh stock sold at 1 1 3 c per dozen. Money was quiet at 4@4y 3 per cent on call and 5@5 1 /«j per cen; on time loans. New YorK Ex change sold at 70c discount. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS, 111., Aug. 20.— The cattle receipts were large to-day, and as the de mand was slow prices were 10@16c lower. The receipts of hogs were not large, and as the demand was good most of the offeings were disposed of early in the day at advances of sc. . Sheep suffered a further decline of 10@15c on heavy offerings. Cattle — Receipts, 7500; common to extra steers. $3 60@5 «0: Mockers and feeders, $2 30® I 4: cows and bulls. $1 25(a3 76; calves, $3 50;* 5 95: Texans, $2©4; Western Rangers, $ 40 @4 75. Hogs — Receipts, 16.000: heavy packing and shipping 10. $4 70@4 95; common to choice mixed, $4 8O@175: choice assorted, $4 90@5 05; light, $4 50&5; pigs, $3@4 85. sheep — Receipts, 18.000: Inferior to choice, $1 75(9,3 60; lambs, $3&5 25. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALES. CHICAGO. 111., Aug. 20.— The Earl Fruit Com pany sold California fruit at open auction to-day as follows: Plums— $1 00; Hungarian, 85c@ $1 00: Egg, 80c@$l 00; Victoria, 80@85c; Colum bia, 60c; Bradshaw, 65c. Prunes— 85c@$l 05; German, $1 10; Fallenberg, $1 00: Silver, 70@75c. Peaches— 70@80c: Crawford, 90c. Fears— Bartiett, $1 90@3 25; Beaurre Clalrgeau, $1 65® 1 80: Beaurre Hardy, $1 75. Gropes— Malaga, 65c; Tokay. $1 50@l 80: Muscat, 75c@$l 30; Rose de Peru, 75c; Nectarines, ?l U6. The National Fruit Association sold at open auc tion to-day: Grapes— Half-crates Tokay, 95c: Ma laga, 45(g,65c. Pears — Bartlett, $1 90;<£2 20. Prunes — tiros, 95c @ 1 05. Plums — Egg, 55c. Peaches, Ss;g.9oc. Porter Eros. Company sold California Fruit at open auction to-day: Pears— Bartletts, $1 75 (32 20; half boxes, 80<@$115: Flemish Beauties. $1 50; Buerre Hardy, $1 55@1 80. Grapes— Half crates, Tokay, $1 30(g,l 90; Muscats, 9.'>c@»l 30; Thompson seedless. 26: others, 65c<£$l 10. Prunes— Gros, 75c(g<$l 05; Hungarian, 95c(a$l 05. Silver, 75c. Plums— Egg, 75c#$l ; Japan, 76@80c: others,- 55c@$l 05. Peaches— Susquehanna, 85@ 95c; Crawford, DOc; Brandywlne, 80@90c; others, 80c@.|l 05. Nectarines— 6o@6uc. NEW YORK, N. V., Aug. 20.— The Earl Fruit Company sold to-day: Pears— Bartiett, $2 35@ 2 50; Beurre Clairgeau, $1 75@1 80. Grapes- Tokay, $])a.l 75: Muscat, $115@125; Fontaine blcau, 60<a;6f>c: some, bad order. Plums— Kelsey Japan, $1 35@2 20. Prunes— Gros, boxes, 75c: crates, $1 05^1 23. ■ , The National Fruit Association sold at open auction to-day: Grapes— Half crates Mus cat, 70@90c; Tokay, $110. Pears— Bartiett. $1 85@1 96. Peaches— Susquehanna. $1 20. Porter Brothers Company sold to-day: Pears— Bart lett, $2 3fi(g.2 75. Plums— Japan, $110. Prunes— Gros, .sl. BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 20.— Earl Fruit Com pany sold to-day: Pears, Bartiett. $2@2 50. Prunes, Gros, 90c«S;$l 25. Porter Brothers Company sold to-day: Pears— Bartleit, $1 50@2 45: half boxes, 77@85c; Buerre Clairgeau. $1 3"i' 2 ; Duchesse, if 1 : half boxes. 75c. I Grapes— crates Tokay, $1 50@l 75; Ham burj;s, $1 25; Sultanas, $1 62: Thompson seedless, $lf*l 12%.: Rose de Peru, 8Oc(S:Sl: Muscats, 85@ 90c. Plums— SI 30@l 62; Egg, $1; Golden Drops, 85c. Prunes— German and Hungarian, $125. Peaches— Late Crawford, 75c/<isl 05; Brandywlne, 75c@$l; Susquehanna, 75@90c: oth ers, 62'287%c. Nectarines, $1 30. Apples, half boxes, 76c. MINNEAPOLIS, Mink, Aug. 20.— Porter Bros. Company sold to-day : Peaches— Late Crawford, Susquahanos, 90@95e; McDevltt and Orange clings, 7<«&75c. MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug. 20.— National Fruit Association sold to-day : Peaches— Crawford 85c: Susquebanna, 85c. Prunes— German, 85@ 90c; Gros, 95c: Silver, $105. Nectarines, 90c. Pears — Bartlett, f?2 10@2 20: Clalrgeaue, $1 55. Grapes— Half crates Muscat, $1 25@1 30. . ST. PAUL, Minn.. Aug 20.— National Fruit Association sold to-day: Pears — Bartiett, $2. Grapes— Half crates Muscats, $1 40; Tokay, $1 90. Peaches— Susquehanna, 90c. . SALT SAKE, Utaii, Aug. 20.— The National Fruit Association sold to-day: Pears — Bartlett, $1 75. Peaches, 75c. Grapes, $1. NEW \OliK STOCKS. Bonds* Exchange, Money and Railroad .Shares. Money on call is easy at 1%: last loan at 1% and closing offered at 1%. Prime mercantile paper, 4@ 4%%. Bar silver, (J6%c. Mexican dollars, 5314 c. Sterling exchange is easier, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 891/4(34 89 V 2 for 60 days and $4 90Vi@4 90 i/a for demand. Posted rates, 94 SO® 4 91. Commercial bills, 84 SB,^4 88%. • Govern ment bonds higher: State bonds firm; railroad bonds strong. Silver at the Board was dull. . CLOSING UTOCKS. . "< Am Tel & Cable.... 951/. ' Norfolk A West.... 3% Atchison '.. 171/* Preferred. 1384 Preferred. North American... s»a Adams Express.. .l 47 Northern Pacific.. 5 Alton.Terre Haute. 63 Preferred. .IX American Express.ll3 Northwestern. ! 1014 American Tobacco. 95 % l Preferred . ..'146% Preferred... 106 N. Y. Central... 1017/ 8 BayStateGas 191/4 N. Y. Cbicago<fcS.L 15Va Baltimore <£ Ohio.. 64i/ 4 Ist preferred..... 50V* BrunswicE Lands.. 2 'M preferred... 30 Buffalo, Roch &P. 22 N. Y. &. N. H lag Canada Pacific... 53y N. Y. & New Ene." 58 Canada Southern . Ml* N\ Y. Susq <fe W.... 13 Canton Land tOy Preferred 31'/i Central Pacific. 18 0ntari0....... . BiZ dies. 0hi0....... 2iy t Ontario & Western. 17y 8 Chicago A1t0n. ....160 Oregon lmprovmt. 84£ Preferred 170 Preferred... 35 Chicago, B. & Q — 90% Oregon Navigation. 24 Chicago <te E. 111... 62 Oregon Short Line. lOVi Preferred......... 103% Pacific Mai1..... -JBl/8 CblcagoGas ....... 62.. Peona, D.<fc Evans. 63/« Cleve & PittsburK.l62 - Pittsburgh W pfd. 31 Consolidation Coal. 32 . Pullman Palace... 172 Consolidated Ga5. .141" Quicksilver.:.'......'. 8 C. C. C. St. Louis. 49 • Preferred....:;.;.* 19 Preferred 94 - ■:. Reading.';::.'..-..: 198/- Colo. Fuel & Iron.. •36 ; : RioGrande AWestn 17 V» Preferred....: "92.', Preferred... ."....; 40 Cotton Oil Cert. :.. 26 Rock Island 80% Commercial Cable. l6o' Rome Wat AOgdenllß Del. Hudson ....13U4 St. L. AB. W..-.;y; 75/, Del.LnckAWesternl63B»i ' Preferred.. ....;.: ia% Denver*. R. G_.\.. 14y 2 St.Paul...... 1 ...... 7134 Preferred......... 47 Va' Preferred....;;. -..128 (a Distillers ....... 205/ 8 St. Paul A Duluth. aBVa General Electric... 36w Preferred......'... 88 • Erie...... .......... 6Vi[St. Paul A Omaha.. 4iy 2 Preferred.... .... 20V a ! Preferred 119y 3 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 21, 1895. Fort Wayne....... 162 St. P. M. A 51..:... 115% Great Northern pfd. 12 6 Silver Certfncat..;. 67 ■ Greenßay : -•■■ Uj Southern Pacific... 2-SJ/2 Har1em ...'.::....... 260- - Southern R. R..::. .1«% Hocking C0a1.....; 3 I ■Preferred....... .. 41i/i Hocking Valley... 245/jj Suear Beflnery....lll% Homest ake 26 ! erred......... 1 02 V *: H. & Texas Cent... 2% Term. Coal A Iron. 45y 8 Illinois Central.... 99VJ 1 Preferred......... lowa Central....... 10V2'Texas Pacific...... HVg Preferred 86 ToI.A.A.dt N.Mich. lVa Kansas & Texas..- 17S/ B xol. A Ohio Cen.... 48 . Preferred... 375/,| . Preferred......... 78 ; Kingston A Pern... 3 I'Jol.St.Louls AK.C. 6V Lake Erie <S Westn 25 I Preferred — .. I&vr' Preferred 75 Union Pacific...... 135,4 Luke Shore 150 U. P.. Den. A Gulf. 6 National Lead 365/§i I". R. Cordage....... l*/g Preferred......... 94Va; Preferred 2%. Longlsland. .85 j Guaranteed....... 6 . Louisville A Nash. 61 if. S. Express. 42 Louisville NaA Ch. 8% U. 8. Leather 16% Preferred 25 | Preferred «4i/ 2 Manhattan Contol 11484, U. S. Rubber 39^ Memphis & Charts. 15 'j Preferred 94 Mexican Central... Hl/3 Utlcn AB. River. .l6o Michigan Central.. 100 V» VVnb. S. L. A Pac. 9 Minn AS. L 1 Preferred......... 21 Va Preferred.. - — Wells-Fareo 108 Minn. A St. L com. 23 JWcstern Union.... 94 ■ Ist preferred . 84 Vi Wis Central 5% 2d preferred...... 54*/, Wheeling AL. E. . 1 63/ 8 Missouri Pacific.... 3Sy.i Preferred 50V2 Mobile A Ohio 241/5 Am Cotton Oil pfd. 74y Nashville Chatt 70 W V Beef 9 National Linseed.. 301/4 L I Traction ...... 14% N. J. Central 107% l 'i,i'. :--,CT4HU NO BONDS. J-'i'-'-Si", -US4s, reg.... 112 |MKT2ds 64% Do, 4s coupon... 11 214 D 0,45....... 89 US 4snewreg 121 V a Mutual Union 65.. .110 Do, 4s coupon. .. 1211/2 N J Cent Gen ss. ..117 " Do. 25........ 96V> Northern Pac lsts.H7y a Do, 6s 116- " Do, 2ds 102 Do, 5s coupon.... 8 Do, Sds 71Ya Cherokee 4s, 1896.100% Northwest Consols. 141 Do, 1897 1004 Do, deb 5s 108 Do, 1898..... 100»/ OR AN lsts 111% Do. 3 899 100% Si LAlronMtGen Os 841/4 Pacific 6s 0f '86.... 100 St LA S F Gen 6s. 110 D. C. 3-6 6s 110 St Paul Consols ...127 Ala Class A 4 108 St. P. C. APa lsts. llß% Do, Class B 4, ss. 108 Do. Pac Cal ists..H4 LaConsol4s ...... 98 Southern K. R. ss. 9t»V4 Missouri funding..- Texas Pacific firsts 93V 8 N Carolina con 65. .124 Texas Pac seconds. 286/s Do, 45;.. 102 UnionPaclstof96.lo634 So Carolina 4y 5...105 West Shore 4s 107 Term new 90% Mobile A Ohio 45.. 68S/ 8 Va funding debt. . 63 R Grande West lsts 76% Do, res Ches A O 112 Do, deferred 65... 814 Atchison 4s 8014 Do. trust rcpts st 6 Do, 2ds A.. 33y 4 Canada South 2ds.. 108 GHAS A6s 105 Cen Pac lstsof '95.102 Do. 2d 7s. ...... 104% Den A RG Ist 115% H A Tex Cent 65.. 11l Do, 45..... 881/8' Do.con 65.....;. .108 Erle2ds 6*y 3 Reading 4s 82 Kansas Pa Consols 72 Missouri Us 100 Ks Pa lsts Den divlO9y 3 j FOREIGN MARKETS. ■WHEAT IN LIVERPOOL LIVERPOOL, Eno., Aug. 20.— The spot market Is lower at 5s 3<li6; 5s 4d. Cargoes are dull at 27s IVad prompt shipment. FI'TCBES. The Produce F:xchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: Aug ust, 5s 2d; September, 68 2d; October, ; 6s 2yia; November, 6s 2%d; December, 6s 3d. . : securities.' LONDON. Ens., Auk. 20.-Consols, 107 7-16: sil ver, 30 7-16 d: French Rentes. 102f 25c, Bullion into Bank of England, £32,0:10. EXCHANGE AMD BULLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 day 5......... — $4 89% Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 90% New York Exchange, sight — 02% New York Exchange, telegraphic... — 05 Fine silver, spot, ounce — «63,4 Fine silver, 30 days — 064-5 Mexican Dollars 03% 64 PKODUOE MASKET. WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT— Both spot grain and futures are weak and the latter are lower. No. 1, 93%@95c: choice, 961/jic; lower grades, 85@92Vic; extra choice for milling, 97%c@$l 05 ?. ctl. CALL. HOAR!) BALKS. Informal ■ SKBBIOV— 10 o'clock — December— 400 tons, $1 01 Vi: 1600, $1 01%. May— 4oo, $1 07%: 500. 0,1.4: 500. $1 07%. Rf.oolar Moesisu Session— May— 2oo tons, $1 0"y 8 : 900, $1 0714. December— l2oo, $1 OH*. Afternoon Session — December— 161)0 tons, $1 01 1 8 . . BARLEY— Feea seems to be rather lower and offerings are In excess of the demand. Feed, 58 060 cf4 ctl: Choice, 6U,4<562%c; Brewing, 65® 75e; Chevalier. $1 10@l 20 for No. 1 and 60<g,76«: $ ell for off grade. . CALL BOARD SALES. Informal Session— lo o'clock— No sales. ' Regular Morn Session — No soles. afternoon Session — December — 200 tons, 6::s 8 •; 200, 63 %c. 1 OATS— Milling. 97 Vac®? 1 ; fancy Feed, 95c@$l; good to choice. 85f390c; common to fair. 70(5.8t)c; Gray, 82%@86c; lied, Gs(g.7oc; Surprise, fl($l 10 f» ctl. CORN— No change . whatever. Largo Yellow, $1 12%@1 17% $ ctl: Small Round Yellow, «1 15 @1 20: White, $1 10<&l 20 V Ctl. RYE— Steady at 76@82%c f* ctl. BUCKWHEAT— BofS9Oc ?i ctl. FLOUR AND MILLBTUFFS. FLOUR— Net cash prices are: Family extras, $3 35@3 45 « bbl: Bakers' extras. $3 15@3 25: superfine. $2 25@2 50 ~? bbl. ■ . CORNMEAL, ETC.-Feed Corn, «24@25 * ton; Cracked Corn, $24 60@25 60 p ton. EAV AND FEEDSTUFF:*. BRAN— SII 60@13?ton. MIDDLINGS— Quoted at 15 for low grades up to $18 f* ton for the best. FEEDSTUFF* — Ground and -rolled Barley, $13 50&14: Oilcake Meal at the mill, 25 i' ton: Cottonseed Oilcake, $24 Tfr ton. HAY — Weak at the familiar prices. Wheat. $7@ 10 V ton ; Oat, $6<sß ? ton : Wheat and Oat, $6 50($ 10; Barley, $5(47: Alfaffa, $5 50@7 50; Clover, $7{sß; Compressed, $7tg>9: stock, $4 60@6 f( ton. RAW— Quoted at 25@40c ~& bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. BEANS— No demand except at marked conces sions. Bayos, $1 15@1 25"^ ctl; Small Whites. $2 25@2 35*ctl; Pea, $2 35@2 60 ctl: Large Whites, $* 15@a 25; Pink, $1 10@125; Reds, $1 @1 25; Blackeye, nominal: Red Kidney, nominal: Llmas, $5@5 50 $ ctl; Butters, *2@2 25 for small and $2@2 50 for large. . SEEDS— New Yellow Mnstard Is quotable at $1 76@a.'# ctl; Flax, $2 25@2 50 V ctl: Canary, 3Vird.3y 2 c # ib; Alfalfa, nominal; Rape, l%@2Vic; Hemp, 4c 'fi lb. . DRIED PEAS— Split Peas, 4@4%c: The raw Droduct Is nominal. _^ POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES — No change to report. Sweets, $1 75@2; Garnet Chiles, 60@60c ctl ; Salinas Bur banks. 70@85c; River Burbanks, 40@55c; Early Rose, 3f>@4oc "§> ctl. ONIONS — Weak at 36@45c V ctl; Pickle Onions. 35@50c f» ctl. VEGETABLES— AII kinds are. ln good supply and cheap, except Corn; Green Peppers, 25@40c for Chile and 30@50c ? box lor Bell:- Green Corn, 75c(d>$l 25 sack: 75c<g$l 25 V box for Berkeley I and $1 25@v: "f, box for Alameda: Tomatoes from the River, 25@35c fi box : from the Bay, 30(g,50c box: Summer ■ Squash, 2£>@4oc %4 box; Green Peas, 2%@3c %4 %\ String Beans, l@2c V- Ib; Lima Beans, 2(a,2 1 ' Bay Cucumbers. 20@30cfibox; Pickles, 60(5.65c for No. 1 and 3O(g:4Uc for No. 2; Green Okra, 40@50c; Egg Plant, 25(ai5Oc; Cabbage, 75c fi ctl; Feed Carrots. 30®40e; Garlic, 2@2%c Ib. ..; " f - ■: BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER— Very firm. There Is hardly any here. Creamkry— 26@26c; seconds, 24 $ lb. Dairy— Fancy, 21c fi lb; good to choice, lower grades, ]>i^(dil9cs* lb. | Picklei>— l4@ltsc 14 lb. Fibkin— l3@»l6c 1% lb. CHEESE— mild new, 7@7%c f( lb; com mon to good, 4y 2 @6y 8 c: Young America, 6@Bc; liastern, 10@12c; Western. 7@Bc 't* lb. EGGS— Fine ranch have advanced another notch, being still scarcer. The whole market Is firm. Fancy Eastern, 20*3.21 <• $ doz fair to choice East ern, 16@18c; Duck Eggs, 18@20c; store Eggs, 16 @20c; ranch Eggs, 22@26c %». dozen. POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY— There was considerable change yes terday, as will be seen. Live Turkeys quotable at 15@16c •$ Ib for Gobblers: 14®16c $ lb for Hens; Oeese, f, pair. $1 25@1 50: Goslings, $1 50@l 75 dozen: Ducks, $3@4 60 f* dozen; Hens, f?4(o) 6 60 f, dozen; Roosters, young, $4@5 ?>, dozen do. old, *4 s(i(s,b do?; Fryers, $4; Broilers. $3@4 for large and $2@2 50 for small; Pigeons, $1 50 $ dozen for old and $1 75 for young. Nominal. •-;;:;; DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUITS— There was no change in anything except Peaches and Egg Plums. Quinces are quotable at 60@60c $4 box; Nectarines, 60@75c for Red and 40@60c for White: Cantaloupes, 60c@ $1 case; Watermelons, $4@lo^ 100; Nutmegs, 25@60c f, box ; Figs, 26@40c for single and 25ft675c for double layers: Plums. 25(340c; Egg Plums. $16; Green Gages, $20 $) ton; Peaches. 35@65c f* bx and 30@55c r* bskt ; Peaches in bulk, tocanners, $18@20 $ ton lor freestones and $25 for clings: Apples, 26@75c * box; Crabapples. 40@75c IS box: Pears, Bartleus, $I@l 25 ■# box for No. 1 and 50@75c ft box for off grade: In bulk, $35@40 * ton for No. 1 and $26@30 for No. 2. ■ . .." . BERRlES— Raspberries are very scarce and BlacKberrles are not coining lln > very freely. ■ Still, prices are low. h Huckleberries quotable at 3@4c %) Ib; Blackberries, $1 50(53 # cnest; Raspberries, $5 @8 H chest: Strawberries, $2 60@5 for Long worths and $1 60@3 '$ chest for large berries. GRAPES — The market continues weak, de pressed and very dull. , Sweetwaters and Fontaine bleaux. 26@35c a box; BlacK Grapes, .26@50c 9 box ; Muscats, 30@60c; Tokay, 40@60c f( box. CITRUS FRUITS- Lemons quotable at $1 50(gj2 for common and $3@4 for pood to choice; Mexican Limes, $3®4 fi box: Bananas, $1 25(§2 ~$ bunch; Pineapples, $*@3 %* dozen. ,''."' DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED ; FRUITS— No further change to report. The following prices rule on the Fruit Exchange: New Apples, ,3c | ift : for quartered, 3%@4c ¥ Ib for ! sliced " and ; 4%@5c for evaporated; New- Peaches, 6<§*6Vsc, ana 6c for fancy; new -Prunes, 4@4i4c a lb for the 4 sizes: new Apricots, B®9c , and a @loo f. tb for fancy; new Figs, black, 3@ j 3%c "¥ Ib for pressed and 2@2y 2 c forunpressed; Pears, 7c lb for evaporated halves, 4@6y 2 c for quarters: Plums; 3y 2 @4iAc for pitted and ly 3 ® 2V c for unpitted. , ' < Raisins and dried grapes—Raisins—4 crown, loose, : 3i/aC: 3-crown, 2 V c: 2-crown, 2c; seedless Sultanas, 3c; seedless Muscatels, 2c; 3 crown London : layers, $1 40 -^ box; clusters, 82; Dehesa clusters. $2 60; Imperial clusters, 93: Dried Grapes— iy 2 c«> lb. . - - Walnuts, 7@loc for paper-shell and soft shell, and 7<§>By>c for hardshell; Almonds, 2@2y c for hardshell, and 6@loc ft tti for softshell, and for paper-shell ; Peanuts, s@6c for Eastern and 4@ 4%c : for California; Hickory Nuts, s(eu6c; Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished: -Filberts, B@9c; Brazil Nuts, ?y (aißc V, lb; Cocoanuts, $5 100. HONEY— Comb, 100112 IS lb: new water-white extracted, s@si/ 4 c m fb- v liuht amber extracted, 4Vi@sc; dark amber, 4@4iiCfl tt). BEESWAX - 24©26 c lb. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS-Quotations have not altered for some time. Business is dull. Bacon is quot able at g@S%c $ tti for heavy and 8y 2 @9c * lb for light medium, ll@liy 2 c ?Ib for light. l'.'@ lay 3 c ■# ib for extra light, and 12i/ 2 @l3c for sugar cured; ii astern Sugar-cured ilams, : 12i/ 2 @l3c; California Hams, Il@liy 2 <': Mess Beef, *7@n bbl: extra mess do, sj&@9; family do, $10; extra prime Pork, $9@9 50 V bbl: extra clear, $18 i* bbl; mess, $16 14 bbl: Smoked Beef, 9@9y 3 c %* fb. " » LARD— Eastern, tierces, quotable at 6@6i/ic Ib for compound, and 8c for pure: pails, 8y 2 c: Califor nia, tierces, sy c for compound and b%®7c for pure; half bbls, 71/4 C; 10- tins, 7y 2 c; do 5-lb, 8c COTTOLENE- In tierces, and B%c > lb in 10-lb tins. . . . HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKINS— The market continues quiet and weak in sympathy with the East, where the tanners are holding oft. Heavy salted steers, 10y 3 (5>11c $ ib; medium, a c: light, 9c; Cow hides, «c "$ lb; salted Kip, 7c: salted Calf. 10c; salted Veal, 8c; dry Hides, usual selection, 18@ -18%c; culls and brands, 13@13y 3 c; dry Kip. 14c '& ; lb; dry Calf, 20c "$> ib; prime Goatskins, 20@ 35c each; Kids, 6c; Deerskins, good summer, 30c Tp ft,; mediam, 16@25c; winter, 10@15c; Sheep- SKins, shearlings, 10(i£20c each: short wool.30(3)40c each; medium, 50@60c each: long wool, 60@70c ench. Culls of all kinds, about y 2 c less. TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, 4i4@4y c: country Tallow, 4@4i4c; refined, 6c; Grease. 3(a3y 2 c "$ lb. WOOL— New lambs' and fall clips quoted Ht 6fgißc. Quotations for spring clip are: Humboldt and Mendocino, 12@13y 2 c* Choice Northern, 10@llc; Nevada, s@loc; Eastern Oregon, heavy, T@Bc; do choice, i*@loc; Valley Oregon, 12@13i/ 3 c i» lb. HOPS— 2(^6c t*lb. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags, 4c; San Quentln, $4 20 : Wool Bags, 24@26c. COAL— Wellington. $8; New Wellington, $8 $ ton: Southfield \Velllncton,s7 50 i* ton: Seattle, SB; Bryant $6: Coos Bay. *5: Wallsond, $7 50; Scotcn, $7 50: Brymbo, $7 50; Cumberland, $BTiO in i>i\lk and $10 50 in sks- Pennsylvania Anthracite Eg*. $12: Welsh Anthracite Em, $9; Cannel, 8; Rock Springs, rastle Gate and Pleasant Valley, $7 60: Coke, $15 In bulk and $17 in sacks. SUGAR— The Western Sugar Refining Companj \ quotes, terms net cash Cube. Crushed. Powdered and Fine Crushed, all 55/ s c: Dry Granulated, sc; I Confectioners' A, 4%c; Magnolia A, 4y 3 c; Extra C, 4%c: Golden C, 4y 8 c; D, K%c; hfilf-barrels, Vie more than barrels, and boxes %c more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh terers areas follows: BEEF— First quality, 6@5V 2 c; choice, 6c; sec ond quality, 4i c; third do. 3©4 eft lb. VEAL— Large, 4@se; small, s@7c 9 Ib. MUTTON — Wethers, 4y 2 <g,sc"; Ewes, 4@4%c f, !b. LAMB-Sprlnp, s@6c "ft Ib. PORK— Live Hogs. Hf. s @:3^4C for large. 4@4y 8 c for small and for feeders: dressed do, J>y (3) <>y e %i lb. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. for 24 mm i Flour, qr. sks 3.960! limn, pica 1,990 j Wheat, ctls. 420 Wool, bis 340 Barley, ctls 11,601 Wine, pals 54 400 Oats, ctls 2,225 Hides, no 1,122 Rye, ctls Pelts, mils.... 35 Beans, sks... G44Llmp, bbls 120 Potatoes, 5k5...... 8,3. r Lent her. rolls 14 Onions, sks SSKPaper, reams 400 J Middlings, sks 61OQuicksilver, naslcs 65 Hay, tons.. 650iKIaxsped, sks 448 Straw, tons 48' Chlcory, bbls 40 ♦ THE STOCK MARKET. Stocks were dull again yesterday and prices showed no fluctuation worthy of note. notes. ' The Hale A Norcross ofliclal letter states that on the 075 level of that mine the southwest drift from ! main south drift has been advanced 8 feet; total i length 56 feet. The ore has narrowed, and In the j face of the drift there is considerable low-^rade j quartz and some porphyry with the pay streak. j West crosscut 3. near northern boundary, was ex tended 12 f»>et; total length. 243 feet; -face in clay and porphyry. They are now starting to upraise on tin- stivuk of ore in the main south drift, south | of No. 1 west crosscut. Intermediate level— Have ' been timbering the slope above this level and re- | sumed stopinz on the narrow streak of ore. Have extracted oaring the week from openings 30 cars of ore, assaying per mine-car sample $40 17 per ton. The official letters - from the Ophlr, Mexican, Union on.. Sierra Nevada, Best A Belcher and Gould i* Curry mines convey no news of any im portant chances. ■ • • Operations In the Andes mine will be suspended most of this week while making surface repairs. Following is the otlicial report of the operations by Coirstoc* companies upon the Brunswick lode during the past week.: Shaft 1 on Hale A Xorcrosj ground, near the Chol!ar north boundary, has been 'sunk and timbered for a distance of 16 feet on the incline: formation of quartz and porphyry, giving low assays: total depth, 68 feet, >haft 2 on the boundary of the Con. Cal. A Virginia and Best A Belcher mine.? has been sunk and timbered for distance of 14 feet on the Incline; total depth 28 feet : oottom in soft porphyry. Tunnel lon Suvace ground, started, at ' r point 75 feet north of Sutro I tunnel shaft 8, has been extended 35 feet, passing through porphyry, clay and quartz; total length 45' feet. The west drift from the Ward shaft on the 820 level of the Bullion mine Is In 1730 feet; the face is In hard porphyry. In the Occidental Consolidated mine during the past week the main north drift on the 550 level continued to find quartz with bunches of pay ore. In the Alta mine on the 8"5 level in the Key- j stone vein the crosscut started west from a point i 100 feet south is In 8 reel ; .face in porphyry and I quartz carrying bunches of good ore. ■ The Pacific Bank has declared a fourth dividend at the rate of 5 per cent to its depositors In liquida tion. The delinquent tax sale of the Occidental Con solidated Mining Company will be held to-day. BOARD SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: BKaui,An HOBXnra sesstov commencing at 9:3o. 400 Belcher... 100 G A C... 61 1 200 0vrmn...22 200 .......... ..65J530 HAN.... 1% 400 P0t05i.... 61 200 Chal C... 43200 Mexican.. 7ll4oo Savage.. ..H6 700 Ch011ar.... 62.150 70100 SNev 44 j 400 CCAV... 0cc1dt1.... 30400 Union C..50 200 Confd.. 100 0phir....1.60 30() V Jacki...42 1000 C P0int. .651100 .....1.551300 43 AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 200 Belcher.. .6ll oo 100 0ph1r ...1.60 650 B A8..1.15;300HAN...1.8513000Trmn..22 |^OO Mexican.,7oloo Potosi ....03 I 600 Chal 0 43 100 Occidtl....3l'loo Savage. ...36 400 Ch011ar... .68200' 30100 Sierra N..44 300 C Point.... 681100 29 200 V Jacket..43 100 ............67| ____ I Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Buoul yesterday: _ . , KEODT.AII SESSION— IO:3O. 300 Alpha.... 082400 C P0int.. 65|400 Ophlr ...1.60 400 A1ta ...... 11 1500 ..........56200 1.57 400 Andes.. ..28IS00 Exchqr... o3 400 Potosi ... .6a 800 Belcher... 63: 50 (J AU. 61900.. . 63 1150 8A8..1.10400 60. 100 Savage"' .H7 600 8u11i0n. ...18 650 ....1-V 400 Scorplon..o4 ! 300Ca1eda....17 .'...:. 1.72 700 SBit M 12 I 300 Chftluge.. 439oo ..........1.80 400 SNev. ; 44 50/........ 42 100 .......1.82i/nSOO Uni0n. ...51 600 Ch011ar...61500 ..........1.85 400 Utah.. 07 400 CCaV.... 2341600 Justice.. ..o7 3100 YJacket42 180 Confi.... 1.20 300 Mcx ......71J900 .... 43 1400 C 1mp. ..01 600 Overran.. '" " aftkrxoon- session— 2:3o. 500 A1pha.... 08 300 Challeng 400 HAN.. 185 300 Andes.... Vi9 850 ..;... ......42 600 Justice.. 07 600 8e1cher... 66,200 ............41.900 Occidntl.. 32 800 ....... 64 2.-.0 C0nHd. 1.15900 Overmn...2l 400 BA 8....1 i/ 8 Impl ..01|400 Potosi . 63 l^Ciion.:!!! 800 H> * lN 1 82 400 V JaCket -- 43 CLOSING QUOTATIONS. TUESDAY, Aug. 20—4 p. m. . _ Sid.Atkrd. Bid. Ashed. Alpha C0n..... 07 09 Jackson 20 — AHa .....10 12 Julia..... 02 04 Ande5.......... 28 30 Ju5tice......... 07 08 8e1cher........ 6*2 63 KentncK. .;.„. 02 03 Best A Belcher. 1.10 1.15 Lady Wash.... — 01 BentonCou.... — 36 Mexican 70 71 80die. ...... 13 14 Mono ........._ 12 8u11i0n......... 18 19 Mt. Diablo 15 _ B»l wer.. ;....-« — 05 Nevada Queen. — 05 Caledonia...... 15 16 Occidental..... 31 32 Challenge Con. 41 42IOphir 1.60 1.65 Ch011ar. ........ 62 03 Overman ...... 21 ' 22 Con. A Va.2.75 2.80 P0t05i. ......... 62 " 63 Con. Imperial. 01 02|bavajre.. ....... 35 37 Confidence.... .l.2o I.2s|Seg. Belcher... 11 12 Con.New Yoric 02 — Sierra Nevada. -43 44 Crown Point... 56 57 5c0rpi0n....... 03 05 KastSierraNev — 05 Silver Hill 02 04 Exchequer..... 01 03 Silver King.... 20 - '■'■ — Eureka C0n.... — 20 Syndicate. — 03 Gould A Curry. 60 61 Union Con.V... -I 60 61 Hale Adorers. 1.80 1.85 UlAb .......... 06 07 10wa...'........ — 04 Yellow Jacket. 41 42 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. . ' TUESDAY, Aug. 20-2 p. if. ;, TNITF.D STATES BONDS. .' ... « J / T,i,l. Aiiced.] ' ~ . ' Bid. Atked. V S4scoup..ll2 •— 1 JU 8 45 re 5.. .112 — ' ; -itISCKIMNBOUS BONDS. ' ; Cal-BtCbless.llO _ ,Do, 2d 15565..101 . — Cal 681071,4109 -|P A 0Kv65..110 120 CntraCW.eslOO ,1003,4 PACn Ry6s. 97 100 Dpnt-stex-cp 85 92U> Pwl-stBR 6s. — 116% tdsnl,AP6s.lO6 108' Reno, WLAL IO2 105 FACH HR6slo« — River\VCo6s - 100 ; Geary-stßss.v— 5 105 !6F4NPRK65101341()23 / iLosAng L Cs. — — BPRB Ariz Ca 97 98 , Do.Gnted.6s. — 104 ;BPRHCaI 65.113 " — Mkt-stUble«sl2l% — SPRIl'CalBs. 87^100 NevCSfgßSs. — 102 : Do, 1 congtd. 87V»100 >PC R R 6s. 100 - - ■ '.SPBrRCal6s. 98V*100 Ny. R Cal 65.. 10V!y 2 105 JBV Water 65.. 1233/ 4 1241,4 By fa.. _ — IBVWater4s.. 98y 3 100 Oak Gas .105 — StktnG<£E6slO2 103 Do, art Iss .Vs.. 106 — SnnstT&TSs — 103 Omnibus 65.. I'iO — Sutter-stßss.llO — PacßollMba.lo2 .— : VisaliaW< < 6s — 92 WATEB STOCKS. Contra Costa. 60 65 ISaa J05e..... — 97% Marln C 0.... 491454 |spmg Valley 100 1008/» GAS MOCK*. Capital _ 45 raciflcLight. 47V a 50 I Central....... 96 - sanFrancsoo 71V« IW4. Oak(;j 45 _ Stockton..... 18 23 PacUasirap. — 80 | INSURANCE STOCKS. FiremansFd.l63i^l(iO |Sun :. 66 80 COMMKKCIAt, RANK STOCKS. AmprH<STC. — — |LoucloriP<S:A.l263 / 4 — Anglo-Cal. .. — 62y»'l,ondon&$F. — 31 . Bank of Ca1.,227^230 "iMerch Ex... 12 — ' CaISD&TCo. 56 — Nevada...... - — First Natlonl.l77l4 — bather Co.. — : — Grangers.... — — | SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. GerS<feLCo..l6lo — Sav&Loan.. — 150 UumbS&li.lOOO — Socurltv 255 1280 Mutual...... _ 45 UnlonTrust. — 900 T nion4B6 605 :. ; •_ STREET RAII.ROATI STOCKS. California... 104 106 ' oak.Sli*na7 — 100 Geary-st — 90 Prosidlo. .... 11% — aiarket-5t.... 40y 42 iSatter-at - - POWDER STOCKS. Atlantic D... 13 16 ■JJnason.... .. — — California.... — • 100 VlgorlU 30c — Giant..;..... — 141/2 :•..'.; • • '■■ • - - MISCKLI,ANKOOS STOCKS. BlkDCoalCo. — 106/ 8 PacAuxFA.. 1% — Cal Cot Mills. — - Pac Borax... 98 100 Cal Dry Dock — — Pad AN Co. — 30 EdisonLlght. 90 91 Pac Roll Mill 17 — GasCon Assn. — — Part Paint Co — 9 HawCASCo.. 5% 7 Pac Trans Co — "25% HutchSPCo.. 103,4 11 PacT<ETUo. 50 — JudaonMfgC. — — BunseiT<ET. 35 - MerKxAssn.loo 110 United (; Co.. — 36 OceanlcSSCo — 30 • j ifORNIXfI ' SICSSTO2T. Board— lo Bank of California, 227%; 100 SP Gaslight, 71V 8 . Street— loo V Water, 100y 8 . . . . AFTERNOON NESSfOIt Board— 6 Pacific Gas Imp, 80. Street— 2l Pacific Gas Imp, 80. THE CAIX CALENDAR. AuorßT, 1895. Moon's Phases. August 5. Full Moon. (7*\ August 13, v ia/ Last Quarter. I 13 16 17 ® A upiist 20, New Moon. 1 3 August 26, First Quarter. uyjbA..N jSxJfcIAJiiSKS.--:^;";.: Dates of From San Francisco. ■TKAMER. ! llrtrt TISATION I SAIIA I PIKK. Homer Coos Hay i Weeott. j Kel River I Eureka . j Newport North font. Humboldt Bay Columbia... ', Portland ! Mariposa. .. Sydney j Oltyl'uebla.. . Vie & JPgt and j Santa lion*., > san D\esu BumboldU.. i HiiniboliUßay j J-arallon.... i Y'aaulna Bay.. ! Belßic China A- Japan City Everett Panama. j Alee iilnclid t'ortland J st Haul Newport Willamt Val Mexico ' I'oint i<oniii. ' • irays Harbor. ; Arae0. ...... Coos isav P0m0na..... | ilumboldtßaj State of Cal ; Portland Mexico..... ' San Oleiro ' Australia Honolulu ! San Jose.... Panama ! Walla Walla | Vie A: fa Snd Del None .. ! Grays Harbor. Auk-'-'. 6pm i Oceanic Aug22, Vallejo lauk'.'l, Bam Bdw'y 'i Angela 9am M iss'n 1 A usi!'-'. 10am I Spear Aiic'.'li, 2pm (iceamc Auf{23. Bam Bdw y 1 Auk23.llam Bilw'y 2 Auc2;-t. 9am Wasbt'n ■A UK '-'4. SIM5 I'M Silas 1 Au»s24, 3pm PM S S Aug24, 4rMiLonibni ▲ogM, .'mm V'allejo |Au«2lS, Ram IMw'y 8 Au)?2s,loami Bdw'y 2 An«". r >,M>AM!Mi5S'a 1 Aiu. l .'',io*u Vallejo Anc97. '■iru Bdw'r 1 A\isrJ7.H)*M «near 1 Auk'J7,llam IWw'r i Ah(37,loaii Oceanic Auk2H,l2 m P MS s Allies. Sam Bdw'y 1 Aug3o.ll am! Main STEAMERS TO AKIUVt. ! Dt7B Santa Kota. i Australia. • HumDoldt i Peter Jebsen i Mackinaw i Bandorlllfi..... i Alice Blancnard Point homo, j StPaui Arnco ; Farallon j Kahulul. Slat* of Cat ] Walla Walla... i Peru..... Pomona. Mexico....'. Arcata .Crescent City... Eureka. , North Fork "Del Xorte Columbia San Diego ; Honolulu ; Uumboldt Bay Nanaimo facoma Cooullle River 'ort land ;Urays Harbor ! Newport. Coos Bay I Yaqniua Bay j Departure 8ay.......... I Portland i Victoria & Pueret Sound China and Japan riumboidt Bay San Diego. ~ Coos 8ay................ Crescent City ■Newport Humboldt 8ay.......... tirays Haroor Portland v ..An* 21 ..AUR ..AU 2I ..AUK 81 ..Aug2l ..Aiik22 ..Aur 22 ..Aug22 ..Aug23 ..Auk '£3 ..Auk 23 ..An 2» ..Aug24 1..Au»f24 ..Au 24 ..Aug24 ..Auk 25 ..Aug 26 . . Ang 26 ..Aug27 ..Ann 27 ..Aus 28 1 ..Auk 29 SUN AND TIDE TAiiLK. ... ■> | HIGH WAXES. ■ C ' f Large. Small. 21. o.ooa 0.52P 22. ! 0.1 •■ a I.'Jlp WATER. 1. Lar(?e.|Small. If 6.03 a; 6.09p p 6.40 a 7.01p IP; 5.30 6.5R1 7.4 p !\.31 6.53 8 1 ..a: HYDROGKAPHIC BULLETIN. Branch HYnnnnKAPHic Offtch, TJ. S. N.,") Merchants' Exchaxok, >• San Francisco, August 20, 189 S. J The time ball on Telegraph Hill was dropped exactly at noon to-day— l. c., at noon of the 120 th meridian, or at exactly 8 P. m., Greenwich time. A. F. (KCHTET.BR, Lieutenant U. S. N.. in charge. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. TUESDAY. August 20. StmrCltyof Everett. Buckmann, 13V3 days frm Panama: radse. to Panama steamshln Line. Stmr City of Panama, Mortensen, 20y* days frm Panama, etc: pass and rods' 1 , to Pacific Mall H 8 Co. Schr Archie ami Fontie. Colstrup, 20 hours from Stewarts Point; 110 cds bark, to Hiirgins & Collins. Hclir Maxim. Peterson, 22 hours from Caspar; 160 M ft lumber, to Caspar Lumber Co. schr Eclipse, Guttormsen, 9 flays from Astoria; 119 M ft lumber and '20 M Humboldt Lumber Co. ••:!'-; -v ■::.: sclir Moro, Jorftenson, 35 hours from Rockport: 150 cds nark, to J 6 Klmball. • , . Schr Bessie X, Anderson, 20 hours from . Fort Braes:: — cds bark, to J $ Kimhall. Up river direct. Schr Arthur I, Krog, 88 hours frm Needle Bock; 3000 r r ties, to L E White Lumber Co. Cleared. - TUESDAY, August 20. : Stmr Pomona, Doran, Eureka; Uoodall, Perkins &Co. . stmr Eureka, Jepsen. San Pedro; Goodall, Per kins & Co. ' ■ . , Stmr North Fork, Hansen, Eureka; Chas Nelson. Sailed. TUESDAY, August 20. Stror San Benlto, Smith. Tacoma. Brstmr Progressist; Pinkham, Nanaimo. Stmr Albion. Luudqulst. . - Stmr Gipsy, Inland. Santa Cruz. * Stmr Pomonu, Hannah, Eureka. . Nic stmr Costa Rica, Mclntyre, Nanalmo. Ship Spartan. Polite, Seattle. • Hi. : Gleaner. Merrlam. Columbia River. Schr Christina StefTens, Rasmussen. Blhlers Point. Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS— August 20—10 p m— Weather hazy; wind 6W: velocity 12 miles Der hour. Charters. The Br ship Dominion was chartered- prior to arrival for wheat to Europe,, 27s 6d— ls 3d less direct. The ship Eclipse loads coal at Seattle for this port. The Br ship . Port Patrick is rechartered for wheat, to Europe at 80s 6d, a further decline. Movements of Vessels. Yesterday the ship Levl G Burgess ' was taken to Oakland wharf and the ship Hilston to McNears. The ship Spartan was taken to sea and the schr Eclipse to Oakland Creek. The bktn Gleaner was towed to sea and the ship Pythomene to Green street,' the ship Sokoto : to Port Costa and the bark McNear to Green street. To-day the ship Two Brothers will be taken from Mission street to Oakland Creek and the bark Jane Falkenberg and schr Argo from California City to Brooklyn. The schrs Annie Xarsen and - Dominion will be taken to Oakland. . , To-morrow • the ship Queen Margaret will be towed from Harrison street to Port Costa. * Spoken. July 9—22 S 27 W, Br ship Leyland Brothers, from Tacoma for Queenstown. July 17—27 S 44 \V, Br ship Galgate, from New York for Oregon. ■ * July. 11— 15 S29W. Br ship Chelmsford, from Oregon for Queenstown. Domestic Ports. PORT GAMBLE— Sailed 19— Bktn Skaglt, for San Pedro: schr Bangor. MEN'DOCINO—Arrived Aug 20— Schr Bobolink, hence Auk 17. ■ ■ - . ■• EUREKA -Sailed Aug 20— Stmr Humboldt, for San Francisco. ■ ■*:■' -- - -■ POINT ARENA— Sailed Aug 20— Schr Corin thian, for San Francisco.- •■' - . ■■; VAQUINA BAY— Arrived Ang 20— Stmr Faral lon. hence Auk 17. ' : . GREENWOOD— Arrived Aug 20— Stmr Green wood, hence Aug.l9. : ?::: ■•'-•; r ' SAN PEDRO— Aug Schr Elnorah. SAN DlEGO— Sailed Aug 20-Schr Gotama, for Coos Bay; schr Lottie Carson, for Eureka. PORT LOS ANGELES- Arrived Auij : 20— Schr Seven Sisters; stmr Cleone, from Westport. ' ; - • FORT BRAGG— Arrived Aug 20— Stmr ' TUla mook, hence Aug 19. ' -" . ;■ . •- Sailed Aus 20— Stmr Rival, for San Francisco. FISH ROCK— Aug 18— Schr Alice Kim ball, hence Augr 16. . ~ v . .sailed Aug 30-Schr Alice Klmball, for San Francisco. ... ■ . : . , , WESTPORT— SaiIed Aug 20— Schr Nettle Sund borg," for San Francisco. :■■"-■_- • ' : . "-: : :". ',:' ■'.;'. '.l Foreign Forts. /'■'. .-■ ■ -X QUEENSTOWN— Aug 20— Br ship Holt Hill, hence Apr 23. : " : CARDlFF— Arrived Aug 19— Br ship Carnarvon Bay, from Oregon. ,-,.--.• . - . ; . : FALMOUTH- Arrived Aug i 19— Br bark Inver kip, hence Mur 19; Brshtp Poltalloch, hence Apr 22. HULL— Arrived Aug 18— Nor bark liranla, hce Mar lt>. LIVERPOOL— Arrived Aug 17— Brship Howtb, from Tacoma. YOKOHAMA- Arrived Ana 19— Br stmr Em press of India, from Vancouver. HAMBURG-salled Aug 17— Br ship Scottish Dales. LIZA RD— Passed Auc 15— Br ship Moel Tryvan, from Dunkirk for San Francisco Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. NEW YORK— Arrived Auk 20— Stmr Obdam, from Rotterdam; stmr Witteklnd, from Bremen. Sailed Aug 20— Stmr Werkendam, for Amster dam. SOUTHAMPTON-Arrived out Aug 30— Stmr Latin. BREMEN— SaiIed Ang 20— Stmr Sailer, for New York-. DI'NNET H E AD- Passed Aui 20-Stmr Pala tia, from .New York for Hamburg. importations. PANAMA, ETC— Per City of Panama— 93s cs limes, 618 sks coffee, 181 sks ore, 13 bdls hides, 9 b> skins, 2 cs mdse, 1 cs tobacco, 4cs specie, 4 bars specie. Consignees. Per City of Panama— Uoidtree Bros; F SDouty; L T rruela«fe Vrioste: ELG Steele ACo; Dieckman <fe Co; Kelby Smelting and Lead Co: A Levy & Co; LG Sresovieh <fc Co; Garcia tt Magglnl; Ch'iada A Flnck: (Rbrera, Roma A Co: Oliver A Co; Thann hauserJtCo; L F Lastreto; R C Eldridge; C M Sutter: L Benussl; J OMeyeriuk; W Leaiza & Co; W X Grace & Co. For Lnf -Sftippina Intelligence See Thirteenth Page. AUCTION SAXES. ".-.-*• TIIE CLOSIAGOUT SEE fe OF THE fe SOUTHER FARM WILL TAKE PLACE AT KILLIP & CO.'S SALESYARDS, Cor. Van Ness aye. and Market st., at 11 a. m. WEDNESDAY...... .....AUGUST SI, 1895 THIS SALE INCLUDES Well-bred Colts and Fillies, Geldings, Itoad and General-Purpose Horses and Brood Mares. All of which will be sold In the way the Souther Farm always has sold— 'vlthout limit, ;--. reserve or by bidding; ALSO SOME GOOD . SULKIES, CARTS AND HARNESS, And Miscellaneous Horse Stuff. . There will also be sold consignments from T. W. Barstow, San Jose ; I/. Hewlett, Oakland, and U. A. Mayhew, Mies. Also the Finest Road Team in San Francisco. A consignment of Draft Horses from Mr. Henry Pierce will also be sold. Catolotruei ready. Horses at yard Monday, Au- gust 19. KILLIP & CO.. Livestock Auctioneers, 30 Montgomery street, 8. F. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ' oceanic smis^ff^oMSyr iiHTiraii Cnolxanll* cold fields _*_P*To^*te_k (Fremantle), Anstra- J//&TA v -. . . Ha; ?'^2o first class, JKovP' nOrJrtl 111 V' $110 steerage. Lowest Jwf ■^l^^'^iailr rates 10 Capetown, fyMsa?' r<£> n^__ Australian steamer, FJB/ 'Zi^TP V» MAUIPOSA, sails via BPti/ Tr/raKi \9l Honolulu and Auclc- y !■*s****] ir« land. Thursday, August //B? Steamship Australia, Honolulu only, Tues- day, August 27, at 10 Special Parties!— Reduced special rates for parties All (rust 27 and Sept 34. Ticket office, 114 Montgomery street. Freight office, 327 Market street. J. V. SPRECKELS & BROS.. General Agents. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPASY STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM AfSL. Broadway wharf, San Francisco, as -E_aME follows: For Mary Island, Lorlng, Wrangel, Jnneau, K.U- llsono and Sitka (Alaska), at 9 a. m. August 3, 8, 18. September 2, 17. _ - For Victoria and Vancouver (B. C), Seattle, I Tacoma, Everett.Anacortes and ■ New Whatcom ! (Belllngham Bay, Wash.), 9 a. m. August 3, 8, 13, I 18, 28, 28. and every fifth day thereafter, connect- | ing at Vancouver with the C. P. R. R., at Tacoma with N. P. R.R., at Seattle with O. S. Ry.,at Port Townsend with Alaska steamers. ■. ■• ■ • I For Kureka, Arcata and Fie d's Landing. (Hnm- boldt Bay), Pomona, every Tuesday at 2 p. m., For Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Simeon, Cayncos, Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Gaviota, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Hueneme, San Pedro, East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport, 8 a. m., August 1,6,9,13, 17, 21, 25, 29. and every fourth day thereafter. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara, Port Los Anaeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport, 11 a. v., August 3. 7, 11, 18, 19, 23, 27, 81, and every fourth day thereafter. Str. Pomona, Saturday and Monday, excursion to Santa Cruz and Monterey, leaves Broadway wharf 1. Saturday, 4 p. M. For Enseiiada, San Jose del Cabo, Mazatlan, La Paz. Altata and Guaymas (Mexico), str. Willam- ette Valley, 10 a. m.. 25th of each month. Ticket office, Palace Hotel, 4 New, Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS A CO., GenT Agents. 10 Market St., San Francisco. On D II TO PORTLAND ■ K. QL -Vim AND ASTORA. CJTEAMBHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- O street wharf at 10 a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points In OREGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO, MONTANA, and all Eastern points, including Chi- cago, New York and Boston. Btnte of California sails August 7 , 17. 27, Sept. 8. Columbia sails August 12, 22, Sept. 1. Fare in cabin, Including berth and meals, $15 00; Steerage. $7 50; Round trip, $25 00. , For through rates and all other information apply •o the undersigned. Goodaix, PEBKI3T3 & CO. Feed. F. Contsoh, Gen'lSupts., Gen'l Agent. 10 Market st. 10 Montgomery st. ~ WHiTE STAR USE. United Stales and Royal Mail Steamers BKTWKEN 1 ' New York, Queenstown A Liverpool, SAILING EVERY WEEK. CABIN, S6O AND UPWARD, ACCORD- jeffjq^ \ ' In? to steamer and accommodations *CaaNK selected: second cabin, 35; Majestic and Teutonic S4O and $45. Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway and j Denmark through to San Francisco at lowest rates. Tickets, sailing dates and cabin plans may be procured from W. H. A VERY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at the General Office of the Company, 613 Market st, nnder Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER, General Agent for Pacinc Coast. ROYAL MAIL STEAMJACKET COMPANY. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPINWALL Mgm O fortnightly for the West Indies and (Sofia Southampton, calling en route at Cerbourgh, , France, and Plymouth to laud passengers. . . Through bills of lading. in connection with the ; Pacific Mall S. S. Co., issued for. freight »nd treas- ■ ure to direct ports in England and Germany. Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth. Cherbourg Southampton. First class, #195; third f l tMl *97 60. For further particulars apply to *^* * PARROTT & CO.. Agents, __^ 306 California si. ~~ STO(STOiIfITEAMRS~ Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St., . At SP. M. Dally, Except Sunday. j|y Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. ' SXKAMEK : . , T.C.Walker. J. 30. Peters, Mary Garratt, City of Stockton. Return steamer leaves Stockton Sundays, sp. m. Telephone Main 805. Cai. Nay. and Impt. Co. RAILROAD TRAVEL. ' S Atlantic /^■^^t*>sa Pacific Ifei >~l|^^»% r owlllt RAILROAD Jv^^^^'Sk-Ss^' Trains leave from and arrive :»t Market-Street Ferry. . . V^3si^2^i|} Chicago Limited Leaves every day at 8:30 p. m., carrying Pullman Palace Sleepers and Tourist Sleepers to|Ch!cago via Kansas City without change. Annex cars for Denver and St. Louis. : , . . . ■•: .; ,"/ r,i: : VIA LOS ANGELES. : Trains leave dally at 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 T. v., connecting in Los Angeles with solid trains, Los Angeles to Chicago. . J ; " .■'■";■, Summer or Winter the Santa Fe Route Is the most Comfortable railway, California to the East. A popular misbelief exists regarding the heat in Hammer. The heat is not greater than is encoun- tered on even the most northerly line. This Is well known to experienced travelers. . V I '. The meals at Harvey's Dining Rooms art an ex- cellent feature of the line. i , The Grand Canyon of the Colorado out be reached in no ether way. ... . . Ticket Offlce-044 Market Street, Chronicle Building. _J)CEAN STEAMSHIPS: _ ' COMPAGIiEOESERALETRANSATLAISTIQUE French Line to Havre nOll PAN PIER (NEW), 42 NORTH &££& V' River, foot of Mor:oa st. Trawlers by •gir'ig this line avoid both transit by English railway uml the discomfort of crossing the channel- in a small boat. New York to Alexaudria. Kgypt, via Paris, first-class $160: second-class $116. -■■ LA CHAMPAGNE. Capt. Laurent. .-:.... :..".. . :...... August 31, Noon LA BOUKGOGNE, Capt. Lebordt ;.......;....... ...September 7, 5:00 a. M. LA TOURAINE, Capt. Santelli ....... ..September 14, 10:00 a- it LA G ASCOGNE, Capt. Baudelon :.r..i... ...... » 21, 5:00 - *. jgfS" For further particulars apply to x- o A. FORGET. Agent, t v vxta7^°\., B ""HneOr.-..n, Now York. J. F. FUGAZi & CO., Agents, 6 Montgomery avenue, San Francisco. . " ' . RAILROAD TRAVEL. SUf FRANCISCO & NORTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tlburon Ferry-Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Kafael. WEEK DAYS— 7:4O. 8:20, 11:00 a.m.: 12:38. 8:30, 6:10, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays— Extra trip at 11:30 p. M. Saturdays— Extra trips at 1:50 and 11:30 p. ft. SUNDAYS— 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 3:30, 6:00, 6:20 p. K. San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS— 6:2S, 7:56", 9:30, 11:10 a. ici 12:45, 3:40, 5:10 p. m. Saturdays -Extra trips at 1:55 p. M. and 6:35 p. m. BTJND AYS— 9:40, 11:10 a. l*.; 1:40, 3:40, 6:00, 8:25 P.M. Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Park same schedule as above. Leave In Itrprt « Arrive Ban Francisco. May 5. San Franciscq Wkkk I Sun- Ti-JtfniVion StTN ' I Wbek Days. | pats, destination. DAY 9 | Days. _ 7:40 am 8:00 am Novato, 110:40 am 8:50 aw 3:30 pm 9:30 am Petaiuma, «:05 pm 10:30 ax 8:10 pm 5 :00 p_!|Santa Rosa. 7:30 pm 6:15 pm ■ --.-» ■. Fulton, 7:40 am Windsor, 10:30 am Healdsburg, GeyBerville, 8:30 pm 8:00 am Cloverdale. ] 7:30 pm ■ 6:16 pm Pieta, 7:40 am Hopland & 10:30 am 8:30 pm 8:00 am Ultlah. 7:30 pm 6:16 pm 7:40 ami j ' . j 110:30 am 8 :00 am GuernevlUe. I 7:30 pm 8:30 pm _J . I I 6:16 pm 7:40 am 8:00 am Sonoma 10:40 am 8:50 am 6:10 5:00 and . 6:05 PM; 6:15 rtf . . 1 Glen Ellen. j 7:40 am|8:00 am Sohf ... nnn , 110:40 am 1 10:30 am 8:30 pm|6:oo pm| Sebastopol. | 6:05 PM | 6:15 pm Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinas. ' Stages connect at Santa Rosa for Mark West Springs. Stages connect at GeyservlHe for Skaggs Springs. Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers. Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Springs, Kelseyville, Soda Bay, Lakeport. . • Stages connect at Hopland for Lakeport and Bartlett Springs. Stages connect at Ukiah for Vichy Springs, ■ Bias Lakes, Laurel Dell, Upper Lake, Boonevllle, Green- ' wood, Mendoclno City. Fort Bragg, Usal, Westport, Cahto, SVilletts, Calpella, Porno, Potter Valley, John Day's, Ltvely's, Gravelly Valley, Harris,' Block» burg, Brldgeville, Hydesville and Eureka. Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced rates. On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points de> -ond Ban Rafael at half rates. , ; -<■■ ■ ■-■•.V'.ij.v.;.- Special Sunday El Campo Service. STEAMER UKIAH leaves Tiburon ferry every Sunday— lo:3o a. »., 12:10, 2:00 and 4:00 p. _. Returning— Leave El Campo at 1:00, 3:00 and 6 :00 » m. Tic,;.et Offices, 650 Market St., Chronicle building, H. C. WHITING. R. X. RYAN, Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. ■OVTIIKRN ' VAV.tVtV COMPANY. (PACIFIC MVBTKM.) Train* Ipiivc unit awe flue to arrive at SAN FRAN€IXCO.> / leave — From July 27. 1895. - — __au~~ •6:30 a San Leandro, Hcywards & Way St'ns !>: lOa 7:O0a Atlantic Kxiirew, Ogilcn and r.ast.. lO:»Op 7:00 a Benicia, VacaviUe Ilumsey. Sacra- mento, and Redding via Davis. . . . 7:15p 7:3©A Martinez, San Rirnon, Napa, Calls- ' : • tcga and r-anta Rosa • 6:13p 7:30 a San Leandro, lla; wards & Way St'ns 1015 a MiitUA Niles, Kan Jose,' Stockton, lone. Sacramento, Marj^viilo, Kl-iI JJhill ami Orovills • 4:15p •8:30 a Peters and Milton *7:13p O:OOa San Leandro, Hayvrards & Way St'ns 11:43 a UiOOa New Orleans Kxincss, Raymond, (for Yose-n'te). Santa Barbara, : ■ Los Angeles, Dcininjf, IJI Paso, New Orleans and Hast 10:45 a OiOOa Martinez and Stockton 1O:-15a 1O:OOa San Leacdro, HjyTVMtls and Niles . l:-53p ISiOOm Pan Leoadro, Hayvar<l3 4 Way Sfns ! S S:-35p l:OOp Isiles, San Joso ami 1 Aver more S:-13a • •I:OOp Sacramento River Steamers :.:.::. :<>!>;• fl:3or Port Costa and Way Stations -t~:4sp 3:00p San Leandro, Haywards & Way Sfus 5:45p 4:00p San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns 6545f 4: OOP Martinez,- San . Ilanioii. ■ Vallojo; ,-— : . Napa, Calistoga, El Verano and Santa 1 ....... o>l3a 4tOOp Benicia, Esparto, • ; Woodland, : Knights Landing, Marysville, 1 Ororillo and Sacramento ......... 10:43 a S:OOp Nilcs, ■ San Jose, -. Liveimore and - r Stockton 7:15p S:3op San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns 8:43p S:3OpLos Angeles Kxprern, Fresno, Ray- ' * mond (for Yosemitc), UaUerslield, Santa liarltara and Los Angeles.. ' 4:43* 8:30p Santa Fo Rente, Atlantic Impress .. for Mojavo and East 10:45 a 6:00 p European Mail, Ogden and East.... 0:43 a 6:OUp Haywards, Niles and Han Jose 7:45 a $7:oop Vallejo f7:43p 7:OOp Orecou ICxprcsa, Sacramento, Marys- ville, Iteildin;;, Portland, Pnget Sound and Hast lO>4Aa 7»00p San Leandro, Haywarda & Way St'ns 10:50p 9:OOp San Leandro, HaywardsSi Way Sfns ftIS:OOA ttII:ISP SanLeandro.Haywards&Way St' ns *7:15 a SANTA CIH'Z DIVISION (Xarro- flangej. 17:43 a Sunday Excursion for Newark. San ' Jose, Los Gatos, Fulton and Santa ' ' ' Cruz ... JB:o3p ■»10a Newark, Ccntervillfv^iin.Jose.Felton, ■ Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way Stations . OtSOr •3:13p Newark, Centcrville, San Jose, New Almaden, Felton, Boulder Creek, • Santa Cruz anil Principal Way Stations........ *11:20 a 4»45p Newark. San Jose, I/13 (iatoa 9:50 a COAST lU VISION ( lliii.l „ liMTlisi-mt Ms.) •6:43 a Han Jose, §New Almaden and Way 5tati0u5......... *1:45p 17:30 a Sunday Excursion for San Jose, Santa ... . Cruz, Pacific Grove and Principal - -i'&'i ... WayStatirns JB:3sp ■sl3a Sail Joso, 'l'rcs linos, .Santa Cruz, Pacilic Grove, Paso Rubles, San Luis Oliispo, Guadalupe and Prin- ' cipal Way BUtioM ....' .....'■' 7:03p !9:47a Palo Alto and Way Stations tl:43p 10:40 a Han .lose ami Way Stations.; 5:OOp 11:43 a Palo Alto and Way Stations....... 3:30p t3:lsp"Dcl Monte Limited" for Menlo Park, San Jose, Gilroy, Pajaro, CastroviHe, Del Monte, Monterey - and Pacific Grove only 1:20 a •2i3Opßan Jose, Gilroy, Ties Piuos. Santa Cruz, Salinas, Monterey anil Pacillc Grove MO:4Oa •3:30p San and Principal Way Stations U:47a •4:30p San Jose and Way .Stations »8:00 a j 3i3opSau Jose ami Way Stations... *8:*8 a : 6:30p San Josoand Way 5tati0n5......... 0:33 a *ll:3Or San. lost* mid Wnv Station*. :.."..... *?:<.~>p CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From SAN riUKCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip 8)— •7:00 8:00 9:00 *10:00 11:00 a.m. »12:30 U:00 ■•..•2:00. 3:30 *4:00 6:00 •6:COp.M. From OllllHD— Foot of Broadway.— *6:00 , »7:00 - ■ 8:00 »0:00 10:00 *ll:0OA.M. 112:00 ■ *13:30 3:00 *3:00 4:00 "5:00 p.m. , - A for Morning. P for Afternoon. • Sundays excoptcd. - t Saturdays only. 5 Wednesdays only. }{ Mondays only. 1 Sunday* oulj. - ■ ft Monday, Thursday and Saturday nights only. ; V^SAlis' AUTO FERRt^^? From April 21, 1898. • Leave S. F. WEEK DAYS. Arrive S. F. 7.00 a.m. Mill Val., Ross Til., 5an" Rf1....... ........ 8 00a.m. " » « San«ta. 6.i5».M. fein'JS*^ •• •••.:•••...-.. 7.40 a.m. 10.15AJ1. » .•• ,« S»b Qta. 8.45 a.m. X A A kM ' •• " " • • 9.40 a.m. ' 1.45 p.m. . . » •• "San Qtn. 10.45 a.m. 3.20 p.m. •• •• « U.CSA.M. ........ _ " ...••' SanQta. IJsp.m. , *.isrjt. " « " 305 P.U. 5.15 p.m. » •• •• San Qtc. 4 40p.m. *•«>'■*• ■'♦••_ •• ....... 5.3CP.M. 6.55 P.M. «>>; •• •• •"..'■.;; C.*2sp!m/ ........:'-• " .• " - • Saa Qta. 7.45 r.M. 11.80 p.m. Ross TaL,* San Rfl.,SaaQtn. ...;....■ 8.00 a.m. Cazadero and Way Statioas ...'.....' 7 4Gp il • •1.45?. M. - " ■'■'■- " ■-".**' ■■■ ..... : • x8 # 45___, ; •Saturdays only. x Mondays only. SUNDAYS. 8.00 A.M. Mill Tal., Rosa Tal., San Rfl., S»n Qtn. . .'. . . "... Ross Taller, San Raful, Saa Qtn .... 8 IB ah 9.00 A.M. M:il Tal., Eoss Val., Sin _£ San Qtn *"* i6.06a.m! » i - &^ i: 15 * M ' . ... . . . . Ssnsalita and Mill Valley . '.'.'.'.'."" iV ioa'm 11.80 A.H. Mill Valley, Ross Tallcj, 7 San Rfl" '. ' i "° A - M ' ' 12.'c6p'.m. V »" Ecss Ta !;* bin M - S" Q '"- 12.10 P.M. :::::::: Miuii,R^T;;,s^l^ D ::::^S it»A « .. :; "■-••"••i"'* $4jtoi.£%v » ,4 ■»*'■' ffS?*- ■ B.BOfj|. « «... - 7.20PJ1. ■ 6.45PJ1. " " M •"•"••••••••• . . w . - . . tm Tißej »nd Sta Bsfssl .' "'.'.". '. 8 Wfjil o ?? 4 ' M - l mt lt ! < - I » d tad Wit Itns «.13p__