Newspaper Page Text
12 SAN FRANCISCO "CALL.- BrPINF?! 3 OFFICE of the San Francisco Cam<— ?K Market street, open until 12 ociock every r.lfht In the year. : BRANCH OFFICES— 63O Montgomery street, corner Clay : open until 9:30 o'clock. Effi Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 6W.rcrner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open ■tritil f o'clock. I6lf Mission street, open nntil 9 o'clock. ll^Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'ciock. ;f. - NOTICE OF MEETINGS. , MOUNT MOBIAH LODGE NO. ft -' »^^44, F. & A. M.-Meetina THIS A (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at 7:3o*K^ o'clock. Second degree. oD()REFRoLicH g^ 1 lIKODORE FROLICH. Sec. ■ JJC^3E» MOUNT MORIAH LODGE NO. ft ' tS^ 44, F. and A. M.— The officers and _fi%_ members are hereby notinert to attend the >Sz? funeral of 8.-other HENRY' SAVAGE, /N^ late a member of Commonwealth Lodge No 409, " F. and A. M., of Brooklyn. N. V., from Masonic - Temple, On WEDNESDA V, August 21, at 2 o'clock p. m. By order of the master. THEODORE FROLIC H. Secretary. " 13^5= MISSION LODGE NO. 169, F. & jj[ Et^ A. M. — Called meeting THIS Jk (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at 7:30^2? o'clock. Third degree. By order of W. M.. /^^ C. D. BUNKER. Sec. CT^S* CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139. F. «[ lS^ and A. Called meeting THIS^V. WEDNESDAY, at 7:30 P. M. D. 3. M.M.JKjZF cordially invited. By order of the W. M. /^^ " ' H. FORTRIEDE. Sec. tirygp' FUNERAL NOTICE — SER- *^ ES>J^ viau-Montenegrln Benevolent Ho- %£%£ ciety. Officers" 'arid' members:' You' are JHBjMIfI requested to meet at your hall, 10 f'nli-EjS^CiiHl fornia street, on WEDNESDAY, Au^SPHHf« . 21, at 12:30 o'clock P. m. sharp, to attend Ui=3«|3| the funeral of our late brother, ALEX- &WH£U DABANOVICH By order of TsSfifflP -.---;' P. L. VUCANOVICH, Pres. 1 * . L. S. Chcbich. Sec. . 9535* BRICKLAYERS THE REGULAR W~£? meeting of the Bricklayers' Association -will be held atß'nai B'rlth Hall, 121 Eddy street, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Aug. 21, at 8 o'clock. Important business; JOHN CAMPBELL, Pres. . T. Smith, Rec. Pec. ' . J£raß» MEET TO GET MONEY OF UWCLB "B"*^ HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary at. ■r^3C=> ANNUAL MEETING— THE ANNUAL wt~-& meeting of the stockholders of the Sutro -Railroad Co., for the election of directors for the en- suing year and the transaction of such other busi- ■ ness as may come before the meeting, will be held • 'lit the office of the company, 30 Montgomery block, Kan Francisco. Cal., on THURSDAY', Aug. 29, ' 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. - - ... WM. C. LITTLE, Secretary. rj<^> NOTICE OF AN NU AL M KETING— TH ' • Ifj^ regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pacific Undertakers will be held at 777 Mis- ' sion St., San Francisco, on FRIDAY*. August 23, 1895, at 8:30 p.m., for the purpose of electing a . board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come ' before the meeting. Transfer-books will close on Tuesday, August 20, at- 4b, m. By order of the board of directors. . M. C. GORHAM, Secretary. "}. SPECIAL NOT! igipH!i!!r~Gß?fwN BALD-HEADS': • C£3? diseases treated. MRS. DR. PLATT, Elec- tropath, 765 Market st. ■p3s= windows Cleaned and floors EFjS' scrubbed: reasonable rates: payment, for . damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI ft CO.. 242 Sutter. ■qp GOLD MINES WANTED: GIVE FULL &-& description and most favorable terms. : Ad- dress A., box 157, this office. m 3 JEWISH LADY GIVES ALCOHOL AND t*3£? electric baths. Offices 47-48, 850 Market st. H^S 3 CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE: &-»' no pain. Chiropodic Institute, room 2, 200 Turk st. jj^SP JOHN J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, ■ »<& magnetic, massage treatment; rheumatism ' 1 and ■constipation a specialty. 1007 Mkt, rms. 2, 3. ■PT2F* BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. !*>■=' Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St.. room 6. Tel. 6580. CORN'S REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE: .- EKj©' no pain. Chiropodk Ir«t.itute, 36 Vi Geary. Efr~s= 1 MISS BARACO, FRENCH MANICURE. ■ . [Eos' • 121 Montgomery St., room 6. fIKjS» GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES. NECKTIES . tti*-& cleaned. Room 9, 2 d floor, 122 Post street. -£^35= ROOMS WHITENED, $1 UP: PAPER- I*~& ed $3 50 un. 309 Sixth. George Hartman. SITUATIONS WANTED- OOD COOK WISHES SITUATION. CALL ■ or address 32 elf mentina st. "W ANTED— A FIRST-CLASS WOMAN, '» T place to take care of a sick person. 445 First. OVERNESS OB HOUSEKEEPER— LADY of the highest education desires a position im- ' mediately. Address L. P., box 34, Call. .: : EASTERN WIDOW WOULD LIKK SITUA- tion as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. 132 Sixth at., room 23. WOMAN WISHES to do light HOUSE- » » work in small family; small wages. 628 Jessie ■ St., near Seventh. SITU A WANTED BY YOUNG. SCANDI- navian woman to do chamber work; no oDjec- - tlon to waiting at table and light washing. Apply 246% Clara St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. No cards answered. . ; :; ■■. '■■ yOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WOULD LIKE X to work for her room and board in a rooming or boarding house. Call MRS. FRIDRKCKS, 1058 Rloward st. -\/jTJDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES SITUA- J.VJV tion as working housekeeper; city or country. Address or call 226 Twenty-eighth st. •y O\UNG GERMAN LADY' WANTS ASITIXA- X tio>n as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. Address F. 8., box 100, Postoffice. r v 4 , : ': YOU?fG WOMAN WISHES A~POSITION AS X housekeeper, or will do chamberwork in pri- v ate fan! ily or hi 1 el. Call at; 106 Taylor ht., room 5. yOUSii'AVi /MAN WISHES SITUATION TO X do chamtberwork in the country, or position as housekeeperV Address MISS 8., 1320 Stockton, room 11. \ POMPETESNT WOMAN WISHES SITUATION \J to do gene/.al housework in American family; good cook and laundress; city or country: refer- ences; $16. CJall in person, 356 Minna, near Fifth. TIT ANTED— MY A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, »» who is a glood machine operator, a position • with dressmakelr, where she can assist in house- "■ work part of the| time. Address C. E.. box 80, Call. DRESSMAKeIr-STYLISH, EXPERIENCED rapid: will g»> in families or take work home: terms moderate? references. 621 Ellis st. "DESPECTABLE FRENCH CHAMBERMAID ' XV wants a position in private family: good seam- • stress. Addre; sL. P., box 55. Call Office. ' -EXPERIENCED GERMAN WOMAN WANTS „ Xli any kind of work by the day; $1 per day. Call 355 Jessie st. " ■ ITU ATION WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE person from the East to do general housework and help in cooking, or as infant's nurse. Address C. 8., box 136, Call Office. . CANDINAViAN GIRL wishes to do gen- ««ral house •'- Apply 1 Elizabeth st., bet. Third ana Fourth. ITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED American woman to do housework good home more an object than wages.' Call or address 1239 V" Market St., room 17. OUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION TOCO X housework. Apply 606 Ivy.aye. IBBT-CLASS AMERICAN COOK WISHES A J? situation in a private family; best of references. 30 Franklin st. IRL WITH AFTERNOONS TO - SPARE would like writing or any kind of employment. Address 50% Third st., after 12 p. m. ELIABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE XL day; »1 and carfare. Address W., box 43, Call. IRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WANTS A £ situation; good cutter and fitter. Address B. 8., box 21, Call. OUNG SWEDISH WOMAN WISHES A SIT- X uation as laundress in family or Institution. Call or address 12V2 Sacramento st., S. F. "DEFINED WIDOW (GERMAN) WISHES XV position as housekeeper: city or coun- try. Address M. W., 226V2 Bitch st., near Third, between Bryant and Brannun. | " ■• "I? BENCH LADY, .SPEAKING ENGLISH, X would tender services during voyage to help de- fray journey East. E. 8., 729 Union st. T3EFINED young LADY WISHES a posi- XV tion as nurse for invalid or Infant's nurse; good references. Address O. G., box 104, Call office. C" OMPET INFANT'S NURSE: AMERI- \J can : best of city references. Address M. E. H., .231 Helen at., Oakland. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WlSH- ing money at UNCLE ARRIS', 15 Grant aye. WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION TO DO '» general house-.vork; wages no object; four years' references. 133Va Fourteenth st. yOUNG GERMAN GIRL WISHES SITUA- X tion for housework and plain cooking. Call at 83 Everett st. WANTED— BY~ YOUNG LADY FROM THE »' East sewing by the day or dressmaker's as- sistant. Address 720Va Folsom st. JEWISH YOUNG GIRL WISHES TO DO , light housework and take full charge of a baby. Apply 36 Langton st. , pOMPETENT LADY WISHES TO TAKE \J charge of lodging-house. Apply 14 Turk St., room 17. '"CURST-CLASS HOUSECLEANER WISHES .-, n'? Tk , y tneda - v = can do washing and ironing: $1 25. Call or address 47 Jessie st., middle flat. RESPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES SITUA- Xki tion to do general housework ; is a good cook- city or short distance in the country; best refer- ences If required. Address or call 27*4 Fourth st, •• over florists. • WOMAN WANTS SITUATION, CITY OR country, with boy 6 years old.- 202 Fourht. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG GIRL AS C I chambermaid and plain sewing; sleep at home. Address-room 103. 44 Third st. . OOD 4-EAMSTUEaS WOULD LIKE TO DO plain sewing by. the day. Address 2012% Mission st. . ". ;'* SITUATION S M TED-Contlnned. _ DRESSMAKER^ FIRST-CLASS FITTER; XJ stylish draper and designer: thorough dress- maker; by the day; just moved. MISS WAR- WICK, 309 Ivy aye. CIAPABLE AN RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS vJ situation as nurse: can take entire charge of an infant from its birth, or would go as lady's nurse; j pood references. Call or address for 3 days, MRS. D., 714 Tehama St., In store. OOK— WANTED BY A SCANDINAVIAN girl cooking or general housework. Please call 8 Leroy place, between Jones and Leavenworth sts., oft' Sacramento. ■ ■ . yOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION -I cooking and housework: American family: city reference. Apply 1532 Polk 81. r WANTED- BY A COMPETENT WOMAN. " work by the day ; good laundress and house- cleaning. Please call 119% Sixth st. pOMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUATION \J as housekeeper or to assist with housework and sewing: can sleep home. j Address W., Call Branch Office, 717 Larkin st. .■ DANISH GIRL WISHES SITUATION FOR general housework by a small family. 29% Vanderwater st., bet. Francisco and Bay. ASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER WISHES A 1- few more engagements by the day; terms rea- sonable. Call or address MISS X., 405 Geary St., room 41. ___^___ ""WINCHESTER HOUSE— 44 THIRD, NEAR " Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable. yiH'.M: LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AT 1 the Mechanics' Fair. Address 62a south Park. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR ' TT Market, eleotric lights in every room; 200 room 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week. "WIDOW OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE " situation as housekeeper: lodging-house or widower's family. 1035 Market St., room?. BY A FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL: BEST of reference: lately from the East. Call at 404 Third st. . SIXI'ATIONs V» AISTKJJ— WALK. HOLLANDEB^ "WHO C AN COBBE* 1. pond in Holland, English and French, wants a position. Address B. H. 8., box 123, Call Office. OUSE-PAINTER, FIRST CLASS IN ALL its branches, wants work by the day; furnish his own tools and scaffold. G. C, box 71, Call Office. piANO-PLAYER WISHES AN ENGAGE- I meut; piays at sight. Address E., box 49. Call. YV ANTED — POSITION AS 'ASSISTANT • » bookkeeper, timekeeper or driver of light de- livery-wagon: 6 years local experience; references if required. Address E. G. H., box 80, Call Office. W~ANTED— SITUATION AS~STABLEMAN IN TT private family; good driver; can ■ tend to horses, cows, etc., and harness. I Address W. 8., box 108. Call Office. * T> ELIABLE, STRONG MAN, WISHES A XV situation as night watchman; satisfied with small wages; good reference. Address M. V., 43 Second st. APID STENOGRAPHER AND CORRE- KA F I D STENOGRAPHER AND CORRE- spondent desires a position in a wholesale com- men-i ■! <"stah'!shT"-t. a- a moderate salary. Ad- dress C. G., box 47, this office. . •■'i=s*s BOOKKEEPER WANTS TO POST BOOKS BY the hour afternoons and evenings; very rea- sonable. Address Scribe, box 109, Call Office. TIT ANTED — POSITION BY MIDDLE-AGED '» American who is thoroughly conversant with country real estate, to show property in country, for city or Oakland real estate linn: gilt-edge ref- erences- Address T. C, box 142, Call Office. . • ROCERY-CLERK- YOUNG MAN. 23, WOULD * ' like position in grocery-store: speaks German; best of references. MILLt-R, 1037 Market st. \\r ANTED— BY AN EXPERIENCED BLACK- tt smith, railroad or carriage work; good machine blacksmith. Apply 923 Howard st. S" TEADY AND SOBER MAN WANTS SITU A- O tion; can drive, take care of horses and cows and is handy with any work around the house. Address D. D., box 147, Call Office. yOUNG MAN, 20, DESIRES SITUATION: X can drive team; milk; do gardening; good band with horses; wages $16. S. V., box 136, Call Office. ■\| ARRIEDMAN (GERMAN). AGE 36.WANTS -.' 1 situation to take care of gentleman's place or working foreman; thoroughly understands fruit and vine growing, gardening and general farming: wife Is an excellent cook and housekeeper; first- ciass people and willing to work. Address F. 8., box 55. Call Office. Q 1 T VAT ION" WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE: O practical farmer and orchardist: understands blacksmithing and carpentering; bandy for all kinds of work; wife first-class cook. A. P., box 81, Call Office. ' y OUNG MAN WHO IS WILLING TO WORK X desires employment in city or country; under- stands care of horses, cows, etc. Address J. C, box 74, Call Office. y OUNG MAN WOULD LIKE A POSITION AS I teamster or take care of horses; can milk. Ad- dress Teamster, box 48. Call. OY, 15 YEARS OLD, WOULD like to get a place in office or wholesale house: good rec- ommendation; wages $3 a week. Address W. X., 114 Twenty-third st. :'?:.■;■■%- -p ERMAN BOY. 18 YEARS OF AGE, WISHES VI place in a butcher-shop or grocery ; best of ref- erence. Apply 427 Duncan St.. bet. 27th and i!Bth. RENCH GENTLEMAN. SPEAKING EN- clisli, would tender services during voyage to help defray journey East. E. s., 729 Union st. KLIABLE MAN WANTS WORK OF ANY XV kind— as porter in store, factory or wholesale house, kitchen, watchman, assistant janitor, etc.; wages $8 50 per week. Address J. D.. box 80, Call. BORROW ON YOUR WATCH OP UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye.. near Geary at. ' . MA AN i> WIFE; M A UNDERSTANDS IX care of horses, cattle, grounds and poultry, goo.l coachman and driver: wife excellent cook, housekeeper and general worker: city or country; good reference. Address E. >' box 48, Call Office. y OUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES POSITION X in grocery-store or to work in warehouse in this city or Oakland; best of reference. Address J. D. >.. Golden Gate Postoffice, Oakland. "■ .y/v "WANTED — A YOUNG MAN WANTS TO ' » learn the barber trade. Address .Barber, box 21. Call. . . ; .-.; A I DOLE -AGED MAN WANTS EMPLOY- I'X ment at nursing, store work, or in any line where work is not heavy. Address N., box 102, Call Office. p ARDENER (SCANDINAVIAN) WISHES VT situation in private place: understands horses, cows and driving: best of city references. Address A. H. C, box 21. Call office. OUTCHEK, GOOD MEAT-CUTTER. WISHES X) situation in city shop. Address or call 100% Twenty- first st. pAPABLE GARDENER, WHO UNDER- V^' stands greenhouse, lawn and nursery work, also Is a first-class orchard Ist, wants a situation; best of references. Address W., box 107, this office. y OUNG STEADY MAN WISHES WORK AS X man about place or work by day; can do paint- ing and whitening: care of horses and handy in store or shop. Address C. H., 829 Stevenson St., room 13. . >.... "RELIABLE CITY SALESMAN. WITH GOOD XV record, wants position : salary to be determined by worth. Address C. P., box 5, this office. TV ANTED — SITUATION IN COUNTRY >T newspaper office by experienced compositor. S. BRESA. 1115 Twenty-third aye., East Oakland. ICYCLK WORKMAN; GOOD; CNDER- stands brazing, and can do any job neatly and satisfactorily; no botch work. Box 100, Call Office, Oakland Branch. PRACTICALLY AMD theoret- ically competent in stock, dairy, grain, sugar- beets, poultry, etc., wants situation as foreman or manager: references. LEO EssiCH, Ft. Ross, Cal. yOUNG MAN, 21 YEARS OF. AGE, SpEAK^ X ing German fluently, wishes situation as porter or salesman: has also knowledge of leaf tobacco and manufacturing of cigars: best references. Ad- dress P. S., box 21, Call Office. • .. . ' ■ AN, THOROUGHLY UNDERSTANDS CARE of horses, carriages, harness; careful, stylish driver; care garden, milk, etc., wants situation on gentleman's place: years of first-class reference from last employer. Address Coachman, box 49, Call Office. ; - . FEMALE HELP WANTED. ' TTEAD WAITRESS. HOTEL. S2S: WAITRESS. XX country hotel, $20; chambermaid and wait- ress, hotel country, $20; 2 waitresses, small hotel, country. $15. C. R. HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Geary. YOUNG GIRLS TO ASSIST IN HOUSED work, $10. $12 and $15: nursesirls, 810 to $16. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 10 Geary st. WORKING HOUSEKEEPEB, MIDDLE- T T aged, for widower and child 10 years old; $25. C. R. HA NSEN A CO.. 110 Geary st." 41 BONERS FOR LAUNDRY, CITY AND tt country, $30 to $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. y OUNG GIRL TO COOK AND HOUSEWORK X for Berkeley, see lady here between 10 and 12, $25. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary. I "'RE n ch GIRL. HOUSEWORK, SANTA BAR- X bara. $20: Kir housework, San Mateo, $vO- -girl house vork. \\ h atland, 820. C. It. HANSE & CO.. 310 Gerry si. . SP AN 1 S -SI-KA X I N G MIDDLE- AGED nnrse to care for infant; to to 10 Cettr 1 i Amer<»: $25: sfe party here 2 o'clock. C. if. I HANSON & CO.. 110 Geary st. T?XP KRIENCKITfPENCH NURSE: WEAR I XU cap and apron; for Oikland: *25. C. R. UA\- SEN CO., 110Gea:y st. . . . 1 A SCANDINAVIAN GIRLS FOR HOUSK- X\J work- $20 and $25. C. R. HANSEN &CO llOGeatyi"-. On GERMAN GIRLS FOR HOUSEWORK- $15 — \t $20 and $25. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 110 Geary st. OOK AND DOWNSTAIRS GIRL, $20- UP- stairs girl and sow, $16. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 110 Geary st. WANTED — A CATHOLIC WOMAN AS '» working housekeeper in country; must cook for a few men, understand butter-making and give references: $30 a month. Apply MISS PLUN- KETT, 424 Sutter st. W ANTED — A GERMAN" OR SWEDISH SEC- " ond girl for private family in city; references- wages $26. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Suiter. "WANTED— A COMPETENT LADY'S MAID; »* $25; references as maid required. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. ; \\ r ANTED— NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL " housework for nice family in San Rafael, $.0, fare paid. Ayply W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1895. HELP WANTED— Continned. . 1 EFIN ED GERMAN G IRIT2~CH 4 XV and 8 years: German seamstress, s2o: German cook, $30; nurse, 2 grown children, country. 20: 10 housework giris, $15, $20 and $25: young girls assist. #10 to $15. MISS CULLEN, 106 Stockton.^ GERMAN OR SWEDISH HOUSEWORK IJT woman: Placer County: $20; fare paid; good place. MISS CULLEN, 106 Stockton st. ■ / * "DEFINED GIRL; LIGHT .WORK; $12. MISS XV CULLEN, 105 Stockton St. ':.- . OUSRWORK GIRL, $10: SLEEP HOME. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. . t)ROTESTANT HOUSEWORK GIRL: 2 IN X family; $20. MISS CULL •N. 105 Stockton. WOMAN, WITH A CHILD, $10. MISS CUL- " LEN, 105 Stockton st. r '." ' / \\r anteTD-frencu CHAMBERMAID and TT sewing. $20; French second and sewing, $20; German or French cook. $30: German cook, $25; German housework, Alameda.S2s: Gorman. hotel cook, $35; Rirla for house wore and ass:at, $20 and $15; waitress, private boarding-house, s2o. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton. ■ : . ■ :. ' : A YOUNG WOMKX OR GIRLS TO PACK ~t grapes under cover. 50c a day and found. X months' work; young nursegirl, $10; cook on ranch. $20: girls for housework. R. T. WARD CO., 610 Clay st. ' WANTED-LARGK NUMBER OF GIRLS TO IT fili situations in city and country too numerous to advertise; If you want a situation call and see what we have to offer: • woric for everybody. J. F. CROSETT A CO.. 312 Sutter st. TSOM PET N'T COOK, WITH REFERENCE! * , desires a situation. J. F. CROSETT CO., 312 Butter st. ■ ' . , OMAN FOR COOKING AND plain WASH- »' ing, country, $20; young woman to wait on invalid, $20: waitresses, $15; fancy ironer, $150 day: girls for housework and cooking, city and' country. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay. WEDISH AND GERMAN EM PLO V M ENT office. 11% Antonia St., off Jones, near Ellis. ANTED— GERMAN GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 2024 Sutter st. rpAfLORESs. ABLE WORK MACHINE, ON 1 coats. 625 Eddy st- . IV ANTED — EXPERIENCED SALESLADY. TT RAPHAEL'S. .'■ W ANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- >» work. 100 McAllister st.: apply 9to 12. QUICK GIRL FOR COAT-MAKING TO FIT lining. 935 Market St.. room 11. WANTED— GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSE-, >T work. Apply 3015 California st.; lower flat. i L FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small German family. 3401 Geary st. ; grocery. "WANTED— TEACHERS OUT OF EM PLO Y- tt ment to canvass for educational periodicals. WHITTAKER & RAY CO.. 723 Market st. -:,"■, i' Wealthy' WETNURSE. APPLY 26II SCOTT XX street. ■ ■ • • " ' 17URST-CLASS GERMAN OR SCANDINA- vInn girl for general housework In small Ameri- ican family; references. Apply 1605 Golden Gate avenue. " SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG WOMAN as cook: good reference. 608 Clay st. ■\TOUNG~REFINED WIDOW AS PARTNER; X paying business. D. R., box 32, this office. L' I" ru-DA'I SYSTEM OFDRKSS-CUTTING; U actual measurements. 14 McAllister, room 67. GERMAN GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VT work and plain cooking. 801 Scott st. IRL TO LOOK AFTER 2 CHILDREN AND assist with light housework. 732 Twenty- fifth st. ■ GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE- work. Call In morning, 761 Haight St. NY PERSON CAN MAKE BIG MONEY BY A XV I'KRSON CAN MAKE Hl') MONKY BY addressing PROFESSOR SAUTER, 1 Eddy. y OUNG GIRL TO DO CHAMBER WORK AND X wait at table in boarding-house. 739 Fourth St., cor. Berry. IRL WHOA SPEAKS GERMAN: SMALL GIRL W !IO» SPEAKS GERMAN- SMALL family: no Children; ,$l2. 1432 O'Farrell st. T ADIKS TAUGHT lIAIRDRESSING, MANI- Xj curing, face treatment: terms moderate. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post St., room 20. VriCß YOUN'GG IRL ASSIST LIGHT HOUSE- -l-> work; good home; $10. 1708 Church «t. yOUNG GIRL — ASSIST LIGHT HOUSE. 1 work; small family: $6 to $8. 2430 California. ANTED— NEAT GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work. 936 Filbert st. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH X iac money at UNCLK HARRIS', IS Grant »v& YOUNG GIiRMAN GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK 1 In bakery. 2433 California st. IRL FOR LIGHT~HOUSE WORK: GOOD home. Apnly 801 Hayes st., nr. Webster. \l' A N tkd — RELIABLE LADY' TO ENTER ** the employ of wholesale house permanently; must furnish references and cash security. Address D. S. J., Wholesalers, box 49, Call Office. yOUNG LADIES TO LEABN TELEGRAPH X and qualify for good paying positions. Kearny, entrance 040 Clay st., day or evening. "WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR >* Market: electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 pr night; $1 50 to $6 per week. WANTED IMMEDIATELY — LADIES TO TT learn millinery: taught in 3 mo. 234 Taylor. Mosi CONVENIENT AND RESPECT ABLE: Winchester House, 44 Third at., near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 pr night 50 to $6 pr week ON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR EXHIBIT at Mechanics' Fair. Learn no other system until yon have seen the McDowell Dressmaking Academy, 213 Powell st. ■?,-.: F~ RENCH ACCORDIAN-PLEATINO, PlNK- ins, stamping, patent button-holes. 137 Sixth. FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- made suits: $7: perfect fit. 118 McAlllsterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DREvSSCUT- X tine and making school: all branches. 702 Gutter. »ULK UELP WANTED. HEAD COOK, COUNTRY HOTEL, $6oTsEC- i ond cook, country hotel, $40: 2 neat restau- rant waiters. $45; 3 Ironers, country, $30 and $35: neat young man. who lives with his parents, to do light porter work for an institution, $25. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. MORE QUARTZ MINERS, $3 A DAY; 10 Scandinavian or German miner.?; 10 rockmen, i $2 a day: 10 laborers for a unary. $1 a day and ' found. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. Of) SCRAPER TEAMSTERS AND SCRAPER ±j\J loaders for railroad work; free fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO.. 110 Geary st. ' BAKERS, FIRST AND SECOND HANDS. $55 and $40 and found; 6 cooks, $30 to $60; 5 waiters and waiter-boys: hotel butcher. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay at. V 1 A LABORERS, $25 PER MONTH, BOARD, XU room and bed, city work; 5 laborers, country, $20 and found; 10 farmers, different ranches: milker. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay. pOOPER FOR A WINERY: 9 WOODCHOP \J pers. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay. AN AND WIFE FOR A RANCH NEAR city. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay. WANTBD— BARBER FOR COUNTRY, SEE " IO! here early to-day: fame.- and wife, $30 »-id founit: boy 10 le«rn trioe, *4 a wre't a/id in- crease; dairyman lor Central carpt-nt»rs for Central America; s'.cher nan. $3 a day ; turn- at- r, 45 tnl found: lumber-pliers, *1 50 a d'jrj 10 men to picK era] es $1 a day I oar.l. m d Ovuers. Apply to J. F. CKOSETT A CO., 628 Saciamenio. W"AN T BD - BUTLER. $35 TO $40 ~ AN D ■» » found: iourth hand on bread for bakery, $10 a wefk: waiter for country, $35. and ottteis. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & Co., 628 cramen.o st. 1 A DRILLERS FOB RALROAD WORK, LONG JLv' job, $26 and board: 4 woodsmen, swampers, etc.. $26 and board; 2 farm hands, $15: buiter- maker, country, $30; waiter, country hotel, $25; Ironer. country. $30. R. T. WARD <& CO., 608 aid 610 Clay st. . WANTED— COOKS.' WAITERS AND JjlSH- ii wash€r3. Particulars at L. ANDRE'S, 316 Stock l Bt. WANTED— 5 CARPENTERS FOR LONG JOB 'tt in the city; $2 a day. L. ANDRE, 316 Stock- ton st. • , ; . AY — 20 MEN TO PICK GRAPES AND TT work In winery for tirst-class cotnpanv; long job at $19 50 per month and board. W. D. EWER A CO., 626 Clay st. ARKER AND DISTRIBUTOR FOR A LAUN- dry ; good wages. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stock, ton St. : ; i P~ ASTRY-COOK, $50: BOY TO LEA CON- fectlonery, $15. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. • ] "ENGINEER FOR MINE AND MILL WITH -i $600: salary and security. E., box 43, Call. WANTED— AN ALL-ROUND BLACKSMITH, • i including horaeshoer: wages $45 per month and found. Apply WATEKHOUSE& LESTER, 16 iiealest. y OUNG COMPOSITOR to work part of X time room and board. Address H., box 87, Call Office. ■ . pOOD LIVE MEN TO ELL HOUSEHOLD VX goods on installment; big Inducements to good men. C.F.ADAM CO., 156 Fifth st. WANTED-YOUNG BAUBER -WITH ONE TT year's experience. Call 509 Eighteenth St., corner Guerrero. ; •-.',' I A STREET-GRADERS. f 1 60 DAY: 6 TEAM- Iv sters, $26 and 'board; 6 laborers. Market st., $1 50; 10 laborers, $26 and boa'd; 26 Italian la- borers, country, $1 75. fare $1 85. 51 Third St., room. 31. AUBERS-GOOD SHOP FOR SALE ON MAR- ket st. : owner going into other business. Apply Call Office. "BARBERS— an ELEGANTLY FITTED* Xup shop for sale; about $100 cash necessary: balance In r small weekly payments; ■' splendid chance: for a few days only. B. 8.. box 124, Call. GOO D DISH WASHER: NEW CONTINENTAL VX Hotel, corner Napa anrt Louisiana ats.,Potrera G^ OOYTbOuTULACK WANTED. "1193 M AR- r kot St., near Eighth.' ■ -.?■-■■ ■■> ■■.•;■.- ■ ■ ', p OOD TAILOR. 622 CLAY ST., BOOM 12, yx first floor. ;■ / GOO D BARBER AN TE DAT 209aYoWELL street-.- ; ■■ : -v..< ■ .'',.-•/ . -;■ ■ ;■ ■ «'-;•• OOD COATMAKER WANTED ON CUSTOM coats. 730 Howard st. •"■ : • W ANTED - DISH WASHER. 509 POST ST., tt basement. ".: JM[WB|BlllllßßWiH!liltilfiW W^^'ttV Vi i TABLE MAN WANTED. 249 FOURTH t street. ■ . . . . , ,- HELP WANTED— Continued. p 00D, . st^ongTsoy~t6^learn BLACK- vj" smithing; good references. 828 Harrison st. . MAN THAT CAN COMPOUND MEDICINE and make himself useful about an institution. 509 Kearny st., room 8. . _■" PRESSMAN, ALSO DRY CLEANER: PER- J- manent. W. W. SWASEY, 142 Eddy st. __ WANTED-ENERGETIC MEN CAN SECURE permanent, profitable and agreeable employ- ment; must have $40 cash. Address Business,; Box 55, Call. ,■ ;■ . ; ..-;■.-■■ ■;- W~~ ANTED— COMPETENT HEAD PORTER for wholesale grocery must bo able to take charge about 20 men. Address H., box 67. Call. ©1 f^rt PARTNER WANTED: INDOOR <■"} XUVJ. business: $15 to $25 per week clear: 1 must be steady, reliable man to oversee wori£. 9 Geary st., room 2. - ;", . ARBERS-GOOD paying 2-CHAIR shop I » for sain cheap. DECKELMAN BROS., 106 Ellis st. - - , ARBERS-GOOD 2-CHAIR SHOP for sale J-> cheap; rent $10. Kor particulars apply to Em- ployment Secretary ; Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh st. S VOUNGMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH AND X qualify for good paving positions. Kearny, entrance 640 Clay st. day or evening. \ V ANTED— YOUNG MAN TO LEARN EAR- 'Tiber trade: good chance. 1091 Howard at. GOOD BARBER TO RENT A GOOD-PAYING VI shop, with privilege of buying; the present owner is sick. 441 sixth st. _^ ■ BARBER-SHOP AND CANDY-STORE; 3 LIV- X> ing rooms. 626 Valencia at. 4fc_.A TO $60 WEEKLY HANDLING OUR W^ZV new aluminum goods: exclusive territory to hustlers. For particulars and free sample ad- dress Art Aluminum Mfg. Co., Columbtls, Ohio. ANTED— ENGINEER CHARLES TILDEN '» at Pebbleside Vineyard. Address 1743 Frank- lin st., at 1 o'clock. RY ACME HOUSE, 967 MARKET ST., RE- X low Sixth, for a room ; 25c a night; $1 a week. 1 (\C\C\ MEN TO EA T BEEFSTEAK. MUTTON XUUU chops, Hamburg steak, sc. 635 Clay st. LECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM. li Winchester House, Third St., Market: 200 rooms; 25c per night; convenient and respectable INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NR. Market: 200 rooms; a night : readlug-room. AN RAFAEL— BARBER-SHOP AND BATHS for rent: good location rent cheap. Apply GEO. D. SHEARER & CO., reel es:ate ag'ts, San Rafael. ARD TO THE PUBLIC— RICHARDS RES- taurant. 317 Fourth st., open all night. pOATMAKERS WANTED. APPLY AT 11 \J a. m. at the Golden Gate aye. entrance. CHARLES LYONS, London Tailor, 1212-1218 Market st. . MEN wanted at ONCE TO CANVASS — .V the housekeepers of this city and Oakland: pays $3 50 per day. Store, 328 Seventh st. \\ EN'S SHOES 2 -SOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; IVL done In 15 mimnes. 635 Kfftrny at., basement. ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. 13 Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. UT ANIBD— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE >» their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection: no chi>r;:o unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r4. 091 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS Site TO 600 «J_iX a night; $1 to $3 a week: open a!l night. HOES SOLED 15 MINUTES; WHILE YOU O wait; half usual price. 969 Howard, 409 Pine. W HAT CHEER"~IIO"t7s"E , 529 SACRAMENTO tt St.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day; $1 a week: meals. 10c. WANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS ''to know MUZ ART, 319 Ellis, near Taylor; 100 large rooms: 26c night, $1 50 week: very cheap. L 1 r: I-; B BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS X for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. T INDKLL HOUSE, Gill AND HOWARD— Xi single furnished rooms, 76c week, 16c night. OX-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY — ') at 44 Fourth St.: no humbug. ANTED-MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP » T steam beer, 6c: bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. pUTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE \J S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 16c A DAY; $1 » 1 week : rooms for two, 26c a day, $1 50 a week: reading room dully papers. . -Ji> Clay st. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: 0 done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission St., bet. First st. and second st. \\ ' ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS ' »' to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 160 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. 1 HA MSN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 160 IUU and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. : BERT IN ClTi'-SINGLK ROOMS, 15. 20 AND 25 cents per night; SI, 91 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. T7l7\ MEN'S SKC'i )N D-II A N DKHSH OKS.SOM X I ' '* ' nearly new, 26c to $1 25. 562 Mission st. . FUHNi'ftKli WANTED. H~~g. " kr'alHc"v\ carTkts! pic^turesT . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. ASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND - MEU- CASH JPAI D FOR FU RN ITU RE AND MER- chnndl*". L. n. BURP Auctioneer.lo Fulton. AGENTS WANTED. ALEBMAN— DRUG ".TRAI)e'"sIDE^LINE OR otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State St., Racine, Wis. A&S NTS WANTED: MONEY MAI SELL- x\- ing liquid electricity: sure cure for rheuma- tism and neuralgia. 916 Market at., room 22, third floor. 1 - WANTED-20 MEN TO HANDLE A FAST »' selling article; $5 to $7 per day easily made; will pay you to investigate. Apply 22 Vi Geary St., room 8. hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., 2 to 4 p. m. A GENTS EVERYWHERE THROUGHOUT A the United States can make from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest California Invention; everybody buys It: grand success in San Francisco: county rights free. Address CALIFORNIA PRO- DUCTION CO.. 328 Seventh st,, S. F. YV ANTED— advertising solicitor who »» can handle agents. WILSON'S, 342 Kearny. XkT ANTED TO-DAY-2 LIVE CANVASSERS »» to Introduce horse and stock • book. ED- WARDS 7 City Hall avenue. HOUSES WANTED. Tir ANTED— TO BENT HOUSE. W?TH STA- » ' ble. Address C. N.. box 4S. this office. booms wanted. SUNNY FRONT ROOM: SUITABLE FOR 2 gentlemen. Address Room, box 76, Call. WANTED-MISUELLANEOUS. AN TED^¥£ CONIMI AND PNE UMA T I C bicycle for a boy 13 to 15 years old; must be in good condition: state lowest price. H. *L. box 131, Call Office.- _■ WANTED-A HAN DC A RTF" FOR PAPER '» route. Address C. W., 116 Ninth st. . \\ ACHINEHYFORMANIPULATINGORF.EN IX: coffee : give particulars. Address S. G., box 110, this office. LEFIN~Td9 SIXTH ST.," PAY'S GOOD PRICES for clothing, hooks and jewelry: postal. CLAIRVOYANTS. ME."'"VIUciERT S UL~«iATR"vO^ ant; life-reading, advice on business, magnetic healiUK; sittings daily; 50c. 82 1/3 Everett St., downstairs. AAA A A . PROF. V. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. " . PROF. F. EUGENE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Remain not in darkness and ignorance, but seek the light of wisdom and learn what the future holds for you : he is ever ready to assist the trou- bled and unfortunate and always meets with suc- c.'ss: all are pleased with his readings: secure a charm and wear, diamonds. Letters with stamps answered. PROF. F. EUGENE, 1206 Market «t., parlors 102, 103 and 104; first floor, elevator service. pRESENT,"r 7 AST~AN ITFTITURE, 25r. m"M*. X LEGGETTE, 311 Tehama St.. near Fourth. MIS. MOKKAU— GREAT- AND ONLY ME- dium; give her a cull; fee 26c up. 131 Fourthst. GARD-READINO. 25c: LADIES ONLY'7"IOS Stockton St., room 6. Circle to-night. . ABD-BSADIfG. asc; LA DIES ONLY. 105 Stockton st., room 6. Circle to-night. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLB HARRIS. 15 Grant ay«.. near Geary it. rt'HE GP.EATK.Vr PROPHETIC CARD-KEAD- X er in the world; 25c; evenings also. .330 Fell st. VI RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM, LIFE READER" ItX ladles, 25c; gents, 60c. l64Tchaina, ofETblrd. 13ROF. LEON. PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT, . life reader. 533 Post:. 10 to 8 dally: also Sunday. ME. F. ARNDT, GERMAN FORTUN'E-TEl^- ler, arrived from East ; 25c, 50c. 7^4 Harrison. OW TO BECOME A CLAIRVOYANT-KEY to the mystery- of raediumship: most wonder- ful book since the" Bible- 50 cents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING; CO., 606 Montgomery at.. S. F. . A UGUSTA LEOLA, -FORTUNE ' TELLER: JA. ma^lc charm*; love tokens;: true picture of future wife and husband; teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. ; has the seven holy seal* and the Palestine wonder charm: fee $1 and upward. 2528 Mission, nr. Twentieth. . SPIi:iTUALISM.~ ~ JOHN SLATER THE PEERLESS CLAIR^ *" voyont and trance, test and business medium: private a'lttines daily from 10 to 4; public circle to-night at 8 sharp. 327 Kills st. _____________ 80. CRASP— TEST CIRCLETO-J)A Y. 2 P. M. : dcv. 8 r. M.1031 Market, room 2. -t .-■ :-'- i v ; ".;-. MRS. FULTON— SLATE- VV RIT iN'J SEANCE, 50 cents. Sittings dally Bp. m. 31 Ftll at. ' ..-,. MRS. HEKMAN KEK.NEN, GIFTED TRANCE medium: advice, business, speculation satisfac- tlonguarant'd; developing cir. Fridayeve. 321 Turk ■ r j.'.y --v. },V ASTROLOGY. _'.'■ "TVR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY 1 X/ planets from date of birth. : 916 Market, r. 34. ~\ SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 623 GEAK xl. at.; horoscopes, queationB,"9tocka, advice. : ■ • ' ;; •'■-■. ...■■.-..- .- .■ .- ■ .... ,• ■■■-^ ■ :- -■'•'■. '.'£ „' : - personals. ~. : '-ilii J.' BISHOP. CH IM NEY^SWEEP ; PRICE, SI per , flue: t all : work gtmrnuteed; >' flagstaffs palmed. Phone main, 411. 823 Market st. A A. A. DETECT IVI-JS, MALE AND FE- -FV. male shadows: divorce a specialty: highest references given; Address Test, box 43, this office. RETURNED-EVA FOSTER.CARD-READER, ■IV 146 a Fifth st., room 3. 02 "I HO REWARD WILL BE PAID BY THE <IDIVV CONGREGATION SHERITH ISRAEL, northeast corner Post and Taylor sts., for informa- tion that will lead to the arrest • and conviction of the persons who threw down and destroyed a num- ber of tombstones in the Nineteenth-street Ceme- tery on the evening of August 18th last. M. GOLD- WATER, Chairman of Cemetery. OEVERALGENTLEMEN WANTED TO TAKE 0 a trip with a wagon to Alpine County to join in fishing and hunting. 310 Golden Gate aye. HAIRDRESSING 25c: MANICURE 25c: LESS- .LLons given. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post, room 20. "IT APO R" AND ELECTRIC BATHS. 501 LEA V- V enworthst., cor. O'Farrell, room 16. "VTEW HOME RESTAURANT AND FAMILY -Li dining-rooms; American and French meals served in first-class style; 26 c. up. 122 Turk st. LADY' WISHES GENTLEMAN PARTNER in ■i-i good paying lodging-house; no triflers. J. V., box 35, Call Office. ; - WALTZ GUARANTEED: PRIVATE OR IN class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. AIRDRESSING. 25c, ANY STYLE: ESTAB- XI llshed in 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ. 11l Stockton st. ; strictly one price only. ■VrRS. SHEEHAN, CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL- -l-'-i- Ist and test medium; readings daily, 765 Mar- ket st. XT AIRS REMOVED BY ELECTRICITY PAIN- ■II lessly; busts enlarged; freckles, wrinkles and other facial blemishes • removed ; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. HARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. STEAM, VAPOR AND electric BATHS. 601 Leavenworth st., cor. O'Farrell, room 16. ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED baths, 120% -i Geary st., room 11; hours 10 to 10; $1; for- merly 121 Montgomery, rooms 6 and 10. PIANO LESSONS GIVEN; PRIVATE: ALSO evening engagements: moderate. 133 Halghtst. OOD BUSINESS OPENING FOR LADY. physician and agents. 231 Post st. MOST CONVENIENT AN I) RESPECTABLE— Winchester House, 44 Third, near Market: 200 mis, 25c to $1 60 pr night $1 60 to $6 pr week. 1 (MMI BUSINESS CAUDS,SI 60: SENTFREE, city or country. HILL, 724% Market st. 1 "electric lights IN EVERY ROOM- WIN- -J Chester house. 44 Third, near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week. A LL LADIES WHO RIDE BICYCLES, GET -^V your suits to order at HUTT'S, 212 Mason st. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE -M- laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law. 850 Market, cor. Stockton. BALDWIN BICYCLES REPAIR WORKS, COR. Gough and Fell sts. ; second-hand bicycles bought, sold, rented and repaired. ~A O. ECKMAN, PIANO STUDIO, 205% ■*■*-• Gough st. assistant teacher for beginners. "IyiLLIAM E. BARTLE, a native OF cam »» borne, Cornwall, England, who has been in Nevada and California many years, will hear of something to his advantage by communicating with the New Wisconsin Hotel, San Francisco. ( OLLECTIONSMADE AND" PEOPLE TRACED v^ at Graham's Agency. 330 Pine St., S. F., Cal. W. MOORE, M.D., 1400 VAN NESS AYE.- -. cor. Bush; apartments for patients. ADVICE FREE- MARRIAGE LAWS. ACCI- A dent cases. McCABE, Attorney, 1027 Market. (E|l9 si ITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. OX^ii NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. TTiINE SUITS, $16: DRESS PANTS, $4 75. X: Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. OXE MORE CUT— ; ~ " Oak Roll TopDesk3 $14 to $35 Oak chiffoniers From $10 up i Oak Bed Sets ..$l7 50 up oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges ¥3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. INGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF k? Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fall: try it. By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS.. Fresno, Cal. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pip* etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., nr. Eighth. SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARsT showcases, counters, shelving*, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore 2Ol!ie elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. • : CI.OA \ A IKS AN ITS KETA ILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory. 20 Sansome st.. upstairs. G~ "AS FIXTU AND PLUMBING. «23 Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. Li» GOLD, SILVER. GENTS AND LADIES clothing boucht. ■ COLMAN. 41 Third st. twtTndow sHades MANUFACTURED to ¥> order hv WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. DRESSMAKERS. SUITS~FROM $3 Up7~SK IRTS 75c UP; FIT guaranteed. 659 Stevenson st. "PERFECT-FITTING DRESSES MADE LOW- X ost rates; system taught. s7 50 up. 1035Mk,r.19. " mleoicaT! i ~A~NEW r MEDICINE. INSTRU- J\. ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician ;know»edge can be sentAusedat home:all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT: BEST X care and doctor; terms, 2 weeks including all, $50. Address X., box 70, Call Office. ' TITHY THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY » ' on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee to restore irregularities in 8 hours with our new discovery, which is safe and sure. Pries; 5. Call or address M.ME. K ARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. '. ' DR. R [COR irs EXPRESS S2 50: SAFE, sure, reliable; Kicord's specialties, females. Maison et Cle, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. "PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH- X ing money at UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. ALL :.- FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- J\ stored in one day. no Instruments; French remedies guaranteed at r.ny time: consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post st., near Larkin. DR. AND Mils. DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 1211% Mission, now 1508 Market, returned from Europe with latest improved medical' sci- ences; irre? ui;irities cured in few hours: guar'fd: no instruments: female diseases speedily cured. . DKS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OP women : ladies near or far rs'iirert quick' relief of discus irregularities restored daily; safe cure guarantee:!: no instruments: home in confine- ment; best skill; low ft es: pills $2. 1370 Market st. ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, formerly of 110% Turk, now 118 Eddy at., the only reliable specialist in San Francisco: $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no' matter what, cause; special attention to dis- ease of the eye. . . . , 1A I ) I i . S. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT" MRS. Xj EM ARY ; sure cure. 5 Franklin, cor. Market. MA IL LA R D'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER fiii s to correct any ri-innle irregularities from whatever cause. Price $5. Agent, EDWIN W. JOY, Powell and Market s:s., Kan Francisco. rTrICOKI)':-; ESSENCE OF LIFE TOR LOST manhood: general weakness: three 'bottles $5. STERN Bi:O>., drug-gists, sole a^'ts 111 Grant aye. THE LIGHTNING : RHEUMATISM' . CUKE tor chronic or inf.amma ory rheumatism; best remedy on earth: price $3. "MARTIN Remedy Company, 2231 Mission St.. S. F. DAUDET'3 APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, impotencv. and all disorders Of the sexual organ*: $1 a box : 6 boxes $."> : send for circular. WIDBKR'S Drug Store, 14 Ellis St., sole agent. A LI'EAU'S FRENCH "PILLS", A BOON TO XV ladies troubled with irregularities: ■ no dancer: safe and sure: $'_' 50 express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. O3UOOD BROS.. Oakland. Cal. • Dl"-rr.AK's femTle regulating i 7 ills:' safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. RICHARDS ».fc CO., druggists. 406 Clay, sole agts. ALL LADIES CONSULT FREE mrs. dr. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause; treatment ■ scientific, harmless and painless; never fails; home In confinement. . R. HA 14 MCALLISTER, SECON~DFLOOB, next Hibprnia B(\nk: diseases of women. XT ICE PRIVATE HOME' IN CONFINEMENT -Li at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. _ TF IRREGULAR OK ANY FEMALE DISEASE X see Mrs. Dr. Puety. and be. content. " 254% 4iii._ ATTOKNKY.S-AT-ITAW. D"v7ciTi^ET?rD7v^I^ETAND^R^BATE -tV. laws a specialty; suits, Superior,' Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable; collections, etc. G.W.HOWE, 850 Market.cor.Stockton OHN R. AITKEN. ATTORNEY -AT- LAW, RS. 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery St.. cor. California. - W. DAVIDSON, ATTORnI£Y-AT-LAW,42O ♦ California st., rrns. 14-15: advice free. TYPEWRITERS AND "l SUPPLIES. - F^OrTbEST \/AI'uE"GET r XcCiXIG'RA "PH ; IT JO lust longest and does bestt work; . United Type- writer and Supplies Co.. 413 Montgomery st. j -.-. OOD TYPEWRITERS, j SALE AND RENT. HANSON A CO.. Chronicle Bldg.; room" 38. • .._■. PHYSICIANS. v , !.;'•.■.■ pSEuIiLI^I^^NEU^ALGIA;^ G OUT^S P& Xt cial attention to these diseases. ■ J. A. McDON- ALD, M.D., 1236 Market St., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. M. ■ A HOME, a FRIEND AND mother's care. Amrs. DP.. FUNK K, 1416 Eighth st., Alameda. - BUSINESS CHANCES. <BH !",A CIGAR STORETCITY FRONT, NEAR «IP 1 JU. Market: rent $10: full value In stocK, departure. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Markets^ <sii"9~\ POPULAR RESTAURANT NEAR "pl^tJ. Market: among factories; old estab- lished place; rent, water taken out in board: must sell : sickness. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Mkt. FRUITSTAND: GOOD PLACE FOR tJO_Uim»n and wife; living-rooms: receipts $12 dally. PRQLL A STENBERG. 719 Market. If OR SALE THIS GROCERY; BAP.: stock at Invoice: established 19 years; owner owns property: retiring from business account old age. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market. YEING AND CLEANING BUSINESS: Western Addition; established for years; steady paying. PROLL STENBERG, 719 Market. fl>l OX RESTAURANT: GREAT BARGAIN; "pi ■•£*-/. best location on Market st.: owner leav- Ingthecity. K. KENNY, 765 Market st. A $500 FINE CORNER SALOON IN THE J\. vicinity of Market, st. ; established 25 years; dolnsr a sure busines": owner leaving the State; positive value for $1000 without a doubt. Apply to K.KENNY, 766 Market st. Y~ERYFINK BUSINESS FOR SALE; NO OP- po3ition; large trade; anyone can run It. K. KENNY, 765 Market. st. <l_l AA PARINER WANTED TO look «U)XvV/. after hired help in large business. Ap- ply to KENNY, 765 Market st. <n»1 Z(\ EXPRESS BUSINESS; STEADY <3)XUU. trade; clears $75 per month; 2 horses and wagon; fine stand. Apply to KENNY, 765 Market st. . <J_P»fifi SALOON: FINELY FITTED; WELL ~P«JUI/. stocked; best possible location: 4 fur- nished rooms; rent $37: receipts $12 a day: sick- ness cause sale. BARRETT <_ CO., 866 1/ 2 Market. <2t9fifi ' GREAT BARGAIN : BEST LOCATED ijpZUu. fruit and candy store in the city; re- ceipts $9 a day: low rent; don't miss seeing this. BARRETT & CO., 8651/2 Market st. <Bll7^ RENTSI9-RK.STAURANTONMAR- *Jp 1 i «J. kec st.: average $10 to $12: good place for man and wife. BARRETT «fc CO., 865y 2 Market st. ' ' C_7Rfi PAYING GROCERY: CENTRAL LO- ♦~p I O\J. cation; receipts $15 to $20 a day; 4 fine living-rooms: c&sh trade; rent $22; lease; sure bargain. BARRETT & CO., 865y Market st. "|JU Qfifi SACRIFICE; RESTAURANT AND "pOUU. boarding-house; 27 rooms full: carter minus: receipts $25 ft day. BARRETT & CO., - __________ ©OXfi BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY- "p^tJV/. store: best nosible locality: don't miss this. BARRETT & CO., 805y a Market a . PARTNER WANTED IN PAYING BUTCHER 1 business: best location In Mission; must be sober enorgetic man; trial' given; German pre- ferred. BARRETT & CO., 865y a Market st. AA A BARGAIN; RESTAURANT clear- ♦lrtrUv/. ing over $100 a month: vicinity of Baldwin: positive proof: low rent : trial to party meaning business. BARRETT & CO.. 865y» Market yK|t PARTNER WANTED: FIRST-CLASS •T _:«_)'". coffee saloon: trial given; receipts $40 a day; proof given. BARRETT <t CO., 865 V 2 Market (l-zl^fi A SACRIFICE; PAYING GROCERY «]pt:c>U. and bar: best location; rent $26: 4 nice living rooms. BARRETT & CO., 8661/2 Market st. fiiftfifi BAKERY; ALL COUNTER TRADE: tJpUUV'. large store: 2 flhe ovens; good location: guaranteed dally sales, $15; good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT & CO., 8661/2 Market st. OTICE— TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF IN any kind see STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third. <2»1 fifi OYSTER AND TaMALE STAND: tIDXUU.pays well; best location In city. See STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. /"10RNER GROCERY AND BAR; BEST LOCA- V' tion. STRAND & TUTTLE, 46 Third St. AIRSTORE AND HAIR-DRESSING PAR- lors: old-established: centrally located on ground floor;- clears $100 monthly ; every investi- gation allowed: low rent. STEERS, 22 Kearny. Bill ABLE PERSON TO TAKE STATE agency; salable article. DECKER, 1206 Market. $I~[ A AAA CASH WILL buy a FLOURISH- »~pIU.UUU ing, growing, permanent business that will make a fortune for the investor within a few years; location near San Francisco. Prin- cipals only, who have the necessary capital, apply personally bet. 9 and 12 to CHAS. E. NAY LOR, Financial Agent, 19 Montgomery st. (rear offices), S. F. . ,' $1000 WOOD, COAL, HAY AND FEED yard: desirable location: books open to in- spection. Apply room 22, fifth floor, Mills bldg. PARTNER WANTED FOX AN OLD ESTAB- X llshed furnishing goods business; must have *"2000: a good thing for the r.ght man. Address P. A., box 31 Call Office. ANTED— GROCERY OR , FAIR-PAYING tt business in exchange for 40 acres fine land 2 miles from good town: best county in this state. Address H.. box 137. Call Offlce. PARTNER IN LIGHT MANUFACTURING X business; small capital:- fast-soiling articles; large profits. Call 9to 11, 101 Eddy St., room 12. riHEAP RF-STAURAN'I : BEST BARGAIN IN \J city: investigation solicited. 496 Eighth st. ROCERY AND BART GOOD STOCK. 1044 " T Folsom st. ______________ BAKERY~AND LAUNDRY OFFICE DOING good business;, terms , reasonable. 327 Fouth. on a DRY GOODS AND NOTION STORE: «JjsOUv/. established 8 years; rent, with living- rooms, $16; lar?e patronage from thickly settled district. Call 533 California St., Ph<enix Bar. fl_99' BRANCH • BAKERY: LIVING- •Tr_jZU. rooms. Particulars 1148 Sutter at., lower floor. WILKE. (JjCKA COFFEE-SALOON* AND RKSTAU- ~pt)cIU. rant on transfer-points of 3 car lines. See WILKE, 633 California st., Phoenix Bar. SAUSAGE ROUTE. HORSE AND WAGON; $75. Apply 108 Sixth st. /-I ET MONEY ON YOUR PIANO FROM UNCUI VJT HARRIS, 16 Grant aye., near Geary at. ROCERY AND : BAR. STOCK AND FIX- \Jt tures: a bargain. 621 Twenty- st. ;; v< <n~9pfn WELL - PAYING RESTAURANT; tJP^«JU. good location: must be sold on account of another business. Inquire grocery-store, 220 First st. . i SMALL MILK ROUTE CHEAP. APPLY BAR- NEY FARLEY'S, San Mateo and Ocean roads. DELICACY AND DAIRY' PRODUCE STORE In best part of Western Addition ; living-rooms, cheap rent. 1019 McAllister st. OR NEB BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY, \J notions, tobacco store: reasonable. 2401 Mis- sion st. - S ALOON FOR SALE WIIH FIRST-CLASS _ fixtures, stock, cash-register, biiliard-table and trade; entrances at 532 Montgomery aye. and 613 Union st. Apply on premises. ? DELICACY - STORE: $350: GREAT BAR- gatn at $500: sales have reached $30 a day; 3 living-rooms: must be sold this week; sickness cause. ■ D. S., box 107, Call Office. ___________ rpO BLACKSMITHS— FIRST-CLASS horse- -1 shoeing business for sale; will trade for country business or a lot. Apply 1112 Golden Gate aye. F' OR SALE-FIRST-CLASS MILK ROUTE IN 1 Alameda and part in Oakland: 17 cans per day: 2 horses; 2 wagons; refrigerator; 35 cans: all in good running order; owner has other business to take charge of on October 1 : will sell at once. Ap- ply to owner, J. GOLDSTONE, 1825 Railroad aye., Alameda. • I" OR SALE-CHEAP; NEAT, WELL 1 equipped liquor-place. Call. 10 to 12. 516 Geary. I/OR SALE— MARKET. APPLY 127 X I Sixth st. . ...,.-• SINGLE LADY TO TAKE HALF INTEREST ~5 in restaurant. 104 Thirtieth st. IGULY IMPROVED RANCH. SANTA Clara County, for business or property in Oak- land or vicinity. Box 95, Call Office, Oakland. / , B~ GROCERY, FRUIT AND VEGE- table store: six living-rooms: cheap on ac- count of owuer's ill health. 1117 Thirteenth aye., near Brooklyn station. East Oakland. ' ; \\T ELL-K.NOWN CORNER SALOON ("LILY"). Fell and Stan van sts.. Golden Gate Park. -T- OB SALE— DAIRY PRODUCE AND TABLE I delicacies store. 1415 Stockton st. .; (flji H£. FOR SALE — BRANCH BAKERY ! *_*) 1 I O. and notion-store; doing a good business: two living-rooms; good location. Inquire at 611 Laguna st. BRANCH BAKERY AND notion. <3p I O. Inquire at 501 Fell st., SW. cor. Laguna. F~O~R SALE— BARBER-SHOP~a"nD~~c7gaß- store; country: price $125. Apply at this office. CM AA fruit"store7~good horses an ~p lUV/. wagon. ■ Address E., box 62, Call Office. pORNER~SALOON: WOULD TAKE SOBER \J man as partner; no experience. 633 Howard. T>UTCIIER-SHOP FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN X) on account, of leaving the city; tine business: paying well: one of the best shops In the Miss on" For full particulars apply to L. A. SOUC CO., 465 and 467 Valencia st., near Sixteenth. ROCERY AND BAR: ESTABLISHED A \T long time; cheap. Apply LAND'S Brew- ery. • . B~ EST paying" "RESTAURANT in ClTY- will sell cheap. Apply J. T. GARLAND, 635 Clay. : .■ ■. ;- ■ . ■ -... . ' . : ■ S~ALOON-2 LIVING-BOOMS: FIXTURES; O ready to open; cheap rent; next to South Park stables. 350 Brann-n St., bet. Second and Third. T7<OR SA LE-s_so; /SACRIFICE: CORNER X" roadside saloon across the bay; trains and street cars pass the door; will exchange for business in city. Inquire Call office. Oakland. GOOD-PAYING saloon REDWOODCITY, cheap. Apply H. M. COVERT, 218 California. *ftl7^rt WILL BUY ONE OF THE BEST (jpilUV fltted-up and paying restaurants in San Jose, Cal. ; best location in town: paying $200 to $800 per month; this is a fine chance for two men; owner Is in too poor health to continue the business. Address or call at ,18- South First St., San Jose, Cal. -,'•■".>■.• \ •'-•■■■' VTOTION AND VARIETY STORK; CHEAP; XI , clean stock: no agents. . 153 Seventh at. .*> ■-.- ?;■. 1?OR SALE— HARNESS AND TRIMMING shop In town of Oakdale, 30 miles from Stock- ton: good trade: plenty of work: stock and fixtures at cost; - for a I young man this is a good opening. Address GEORGE A. GOODELL, Oakdalf, Cat. FIRST-CLASS CHANCE" 13 OPEN •- FOR ; A bright young business man or a married couple to go Into business in the Mission, capital $3000 re- quired : owner ; wants to retire. Address 1., box 10-, Call Office. .. -; BEST PAYING RESTAURANT IN THE CITY; X> sell cheap, a Apply to J. GARLAND, 635 Clay. ty--, . . , . BUSINESS CHANCES-Contlnued^ Tq^iSATT^COUNTRT^rOItEV TERMS G easy J. B. MIHAN, 509 Kearny St. .' PARTNER IN MACHINE-SH AND AGRI- X cultural works; country. . J. B. MIHAJN, ou» Kcarny St. . - ■■---■- . — ; ■- ALOON, WITH BUILDING; GOOD -OCA- S tion J. B. MlHAN.so9Kearnyjt. ] 17ILECTB1CUOM'1« IN EVERY BOOM-WIN- X rtMtpr House, 44 Third near Market; 200 rooms. 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 SOtogßperwee-. TiRriTTXD PRODUCE BUSINESS; GOOD Fhorse and wagon: fa.nily and transient trade: cigar-stand would pay well with this business: transfer corner. Gough and Market sts. -^OR SALt-CANDI / AND ICE CREAM X store, with factory, cheap. 2bl Third st. COXVENJENT AND RESPECTABLE- M Winchester House. 44 Third, near Market; 200 rms?2sc!o?l 50 pr night; sl 50 to $6 pr week. SALE— DRUGSTORE IN SAN JOSE: Ffineloca ion; no cutting: will be sold at inyen- torv coin" into manufacturing reason for selling; a good chance to build up a big trade. Address Druggist. P. O. box 1190. San Jose. LODGING-HOUSES FOB SALE. 300 Balance S2O per month. Prlce°SSoo ( ? U9 DECKER, 1206 Market St. C\- A 14-ROOM HOUSE: CENTRAL LOCA- _jOU . tion. DECKER, 1206 Market st. ■ OtTROOMS: NEAR BALDWIN HOTEL; AT Zl auction price. DECKER, 1206 Market st. t O/4-BOOXHOTTSK; EASY PAYMENTS; ONLY .-H: $1200. DECKER, 1206 Market st. M. SPECK & CO.. 602 MARKET ST., OPP . Palace. . ___ 10 rooms, Eddy st., offer wanted: $275. 22 rooms near Baldwin, clears $60; $375. 40 rooms, nearly new, clears $150; $2500. Money loaned. Money loaned. Money loaned. mo BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE QUICK 1 for cash seeGUS STRAND. 45 Third St. tTpTwell- lighted rooms I able 10 for lodging-house: $25. 544 Sixths. /I ET MONEY ON JEWELRY FROM rNCL_) VJT HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary. (_» I &A FURNISHED FLAT OF 5 ROOMS; i OU. north of Market. p.. box 20. Call Offlce. 7 FURNITURE FOR SALE. ATEW 2-4 BED AND SPRING $-175 1\ New 3,4 bed and spring...... 5 50 New oak tension- •••• 450 Brussels carpet, laid, per yard 4o Floor oilcloth, laid, per yard...... 20 SHIHEK & SHIREK, 1210-12 Stockton St.; open evcnlr^s. • ■■ T> EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK. NEW AND 11 second-hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c: parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum. 45c: 7- piece chamber suits, $14 60: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments: goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth St. . UT PRICES IN FURNITURE AN CARPETS > this week nt MrCAHE'S. 945-flso Mission st, CAKVETS. T^A^^N^L^cXrT'ET BirAT7N^AND~RENO^ IN vating Works H A.MPTUN JtBAILLY: layln? and altpririT. 313-315 ' .nerrfro: Tol. Mission -4 ■ CAKFET CLEANING. . T^XRI'ETS^THOmyUGHLY '" CLEANED ~A~ND V renovated same as new. 8. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. C~ IT Y~ steam carpet-beating and Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works. 353-7 Tehama: mi. So-40. r^ONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \_> Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANINU 1 Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. J~~ MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REX- . ovatinc works. 453 -Stevenson: tel. 3228. . HOUSES. Hn^^olcEiriw^slSTcTiFJATT^ OU to 1600 pounds. Sunset Horse Market, 139 Valencia st. . H" ORSE WANTED FOR a phaeton FOR park driving; must be 16 nan is high; weight about 1200 pounds: color required, bay, brown or sorrel: trial wanted before purchasing. Apply by letter, stating particulars, price, etc., H. W., box 44. this office. HOUSES PASTURED:~S2 A MONTH: HYPE Ranch : send for circular. 630 Commercial St.. - San Francisco. - \ OOD GEXTLH YOUNG HORSE FOR SALE; cheap. 811 Shot well st. Aft HORSES FCR SALE; ALSO WAGONS til/ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horss Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN <fc DOYLE, Auctioneers. TAA SETS BEGOND-HAND ALL IUU kinds: second-hand • wagons, buggy, cart*: also 20 cheap hors-s. Fifteenth and Valencia nts. WAGONS AND CAKKIAGES. iStagons. buggies, carts and rocl-X^ ™» ways at 1613 Market St.. opposite Franklin. fr'Oli SALE-BIIhCELLANEOUS». Tn^galll6ns~^eparatei> skim milk t-U daily. 719 Linden aye. ■ , ILVER TEA SET,' VERY REASONABLE, AT 219 Shot well st. Call and see. ■ • . SEALSKIN, HIGH SLEEVES AND COLLAB, for salo cheap. 1021 Folsom st. "I/OR SALE— 2OO TO 400 TONS FOREIGN JO wine grapes: wine can be made on the place: also 20,000 to 30.000 gallons wine. Address P. O. box 62, Sto kton, Cal. » - ' LMXE SURREY, CHEAP. .1624 MISSION JO street. • - . IjiOß SALE-I.DIEBOLD SAFE - 2x2y a FT.; X Remington typewriter; "W. W. Greener'! shot- gun; a split-second stop-watch and -two beautiful diamonds. Apply OWNER, box 27. Call Otllce. PURVEYOR'S LEVEL. NEW SOLID SILVER- -0 ware, faro checks, sealskins, 12 gold chains, 6 ladies' and 8 gents' gold watches, a few old mine diamonds; all for one-third original cost, at UN- CLE HARRIS', 15 Grant avenue. If OR HALE - TEN HIGH-GRADE JERSEY ' cows, to calve in September and October. Apply to B. G. MORSE, Bollnas, Marin County. LL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. in/» (\( U\ FEET OF OLD PLANK FOR sale XUU.U cheap. Apply at Pacific-st. dock. ■M" ATIONAL CASH REGISTER, SA FE," •IN scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. ITUVE PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $100: ' $25 singly. 826 McAllister st. ;-..... riHEAI'EST place to buy GAS FIXTURES. OH. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. ATEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- ii hand. W. S. RAY' Mfg Ce., 12 California st. C" OUNTE R S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought and sold 1121 Market bet. 7th and Bt- ' ~~ dentists. ■ DR.REA.3OO TURTTsT^ATLI)EN^^irwOIUC at lowest prices and warranted ; open evenings. LL WORK REASONABLE AND WAI? ranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. R. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— Open evenings; Sundays till neon. R. GEORGE W. LEEK, THE GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and . patentee of . improved bridge work or teeth without any piate, moved from 6 to 2o O'Farrell st. A" T CHALFANTS'S,BMASON,CORTmaRKEtT seta of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; .mail *old 'tilings only $2; painless extraction. pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for painifss extraction; artificial teetti frmsS; fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas SI. "<s_ 7 A "SET FOR TKETH; WARRANTED A3 tJP I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMM* dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. K." H. G. \Or.Nti. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polks:. D" R. LUr7LUM~HILL, 1443 MARKET ST- near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old . plates made over like naw; leeth from $8 per set: extracting 50c: gas given. O~ OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- \J ketst.' DR. CHARLES W. DECKER, : PROPOSALS. : OR^)P^AlS?bircllXlißs'mß"GlßL,S T^rGH X School.— ln accordance with a resolution of the Board of Education," sealed proposals will be re- ' ceived by the Superintendent of Common Schools In open session of said Board, new City Hall, on SATURDAY. August 31, 1895,' at 12 o'clock if., for furnishing the stUd Board with the following described chair* and delivering same in the hall of the Girls' High school: - 144 folding chaiis, 18 or 19 inches wide. 4CO opera chairs. 9or 20 Inches wide. . 56 sections of 5 folding chairs in each, 18 or 19 inches wide. ' ••■■•••• ■ . 162 sections of 4 folding chairs in each, 18 or 19 inches wide. • ..-'■: • v 300 cane-seat chairs for stage. ■ • ;,•,;;■..■■_: All chairs to be of hard wood, solid or veneered. Samples of all chairs offered must be submitted at the office of the Board of Education before the hour set for the reception of proposals. , The chairs must be delivered in the hall of the Girls' High. school on Scott street, between Geary and O'Farrell streets, San Francisco, on or before- September 21, 1895.Tjaft»3R«K_*wa|_tajgessv Each bid . must be accompanied by a certified : check in the sum of. $250, 'made payable to the order of the secretary ; of the Board of Education, conditioned that if the proposal be accepted and the contract awarded and if the bidder shall fall or . neglect to execute a written agreement' and give the bonds required within six days after the award is made, then and in that case said check shall be forfeited :to the said Board of Education; The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or I any portion of any bid, as the public good may re- quire. Blank proposals will be, furnished by the secretary •on application. The parties to whom contracts are awarded will be required, prior , to or', at the time of the execution of the contracts, to pay their proportion of the cost or advertising ihji notice.; GEORGE BE AN STON, Secretary. -