Newspaper Page Text
_ HOrSES TO LBI. HOUST-: OF 7 ROO>SrTAR^^NITBASE - ment; gas, bath; water free. 423 Fell st. - H OUSK 7'XICK ROOMS IN GOOD ORDER; rent $35; water free. 224y a O'Farrell st. ' *> X ~ ? V HOUSE, 7 ROOMS. 13' HAMPTON place, off Folsom, bet. Second and Third. Vv. v '..OOUaH-SUNNY TENEMENT OF 8 — \>'' rooms; to good tenant cheap. v : ,^ 9 O ■SS??^?i HOD £ :B ' 6 ROOMS, BATH, >.. -\>. nice yard. Jarge^ basement. 414 Octavla. A "C) * INN A K Tt i BET. Xi KTH AM) SlXTn- x*j*j 0 rooms, bath and modern improvements. 1 919 ™h pl l Polk st bkt.' Jackson i-nY >, ! J^ clfic ave -- pa "'cs desiring a 6-room house should -look at these; 6 sunny rooms and bath in good orner. newly renovated: good yards; Rinal^front. garden: rent 925. .>«"». PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH- X Ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. <CQ7 8 ROOMS WITH EVERY MODERN '•'7' convenience; nicely decorated; refined n-'Uhbors; 40-foot sunny yard; kind .landlord. SAM HI BNSTKIN, 15 Grant aye. rpo RENT FOR A TERM OF YKARS— THE X residence ol J. A. WRIGHT, 2222 Washington St., now occupied by General W. H. Dimond. For particulars Inquire at 212 Sansome St.. room 18. HOUSE OF 7 MCE BOOMS AND BATH; IN good order. '_".'li' a O'Farrell st. " 91"l GEARY" ST.— HOUBE CONTAINING 11 +*X X rooms and bath: vacant Sept. 9. Key2l7Va. C«99 2-STORY' HOUSE OF 6 BOOMS AND *$)&£. bath; 2816 Lacuna st. YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN X the bouses you rent from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. - - ■ . ;- SUNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY.NEAB LARKIN; 9 rooms: bath: rent $:■((): water free. ~ FuiiNisuKo aoosics. ON EASY^TERMS FURNITURE OF AN ELE- jrantly furnished 8-room flat, which cost over $1000; maybe had for half-price; rent $33, with 3 rooms permanently rented tor $22 50. Apply to A. M. SPECK A CO.. 602 Market st. ... cottauks to LET. . "I /^"f £i~GROVE —SUN N V 3- ROOM CO? XUXU2 tages; rent $11; Golden Gate Park. 5 "VTEAT COTTAGE: FOUR ROOMS; CHEAP. J.™ 15 Norfolk st., off Folsom nr. 12th. COTTAGE 4 ROOMS AND BATH. 21 BY'ING- yJ ton st., be:. Fillmore and Webster, Ellis and O'Farrell sts. ■ • ■ GET MONEY ON YOUR SEALSKIN AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., near Geary. SELECT COTTAGr;; 1219 LOMBARD ST., near Larkin: 6 rooms and bath; modern im- provements: marine view. „ ' ' -. .. i_ . Q AND UP CLEAN SELECTED COTTAGES COniiii flats. SPECK <£: CO.. 60'j Market it. flat* to LKT. 3~~FLA N : N KCTE FOR~ROOmNcTAND boarding; northeast corner Bush and Jones; 24 rooms. lnquire,<MADlSON" «fc BURKE. T?LEGANT BAY-WINDOW: 6 ROOMS: BATH; Xll fine order; rent reduced. 735 Minna st., near Ninth. <s»lfi SUNNY FLAT; 4 BOOMS: DOUBLE OJU. parlors, dinln;-room and kitchen. 41 Hermann st., junction Market and Valencia. - . . $10 1209 a BUslf; FLAT 3; ROOMS: GAS tJ)XO. and water free. Apply 1211b Bush st. A NICE FLAT: 3 ROOMS; SEPARATE .^pXU. yard. 672 Bryant, near Fifth, 1.990 SACRA TO— FLAT OF 7 ROOMS; XZ,^-U also a flat of 5 rooms: fine view. 1 L* DALE PL., OFF GOLDEN GATE AYE., X.M bet. Hyde and Lea venwurth— Nice flat 4 rooms .~2"T7fI~HYDE — UPPER FLAT, 4 ROOMS; ttX U2 pleasantly situated: $12. Apply 418. .'TTPPER SUNNY* FLAT 5 ROOMS. 508 STE- • *J -yenson, near Sixth, $18. iPLAT", 12191-8 LAG UN A, 5 ROOMS, BATH, ■ fine. cellar, yard; everything complete. ' XT' L AT .OF 5 NICE SUNNY BOOMS. $12; 1614 ..A '.Stevenson st. t itT'LAT, 4 NICE ROOMS; HALL AND YARD. -. -X 444 Clementina St., near Sixth. ■ 7 MINT' AYE.-SUNNY FLAT; 4 BOOMS; •I- very convenient. *, . . .. HQI C EDDY — 4 UNFURNISHED BOOMS; :iJ±U Tjath; private family : references exchanged. ■.//S'NLY $25: WATER FREE; • CHEAPEST \J 1iBt» ' in. city; contains 6 rooms and bath; in ■gP-Od 'condition; short walk from business center; e'er. Turk end Larkin sis. : see this to-day. MADI- -: JS(j)N. <fc Bl KTvE, 620 Market st. - ". \"K\V UPPER FLAT, 7 ROOMS; BATH: BENT .-;!■,> reasonable. 126 Fair Oaks st. • it9jL HAIOHT— UPPER FLAT; NEWLY DEC- ■wAt orated rent lo*v. UMBSEN.I4 Montgomery. -XT-ICE SUNNY FLATS: 5 ROOMS; BATH. . .x\ ■ 1.26 Noest.. between Fourteenth and Fifteenth. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS. FROM . ;. UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., nr. Geary. EhKIiANT MODERN FLATS KOU.MS, BATH; ."Xi stable for 3 hones: S2O. Apply on premises, ■'■J.-13-frilorida St., near Twenty-fourih.'- :■.: ■--■-- TPJPER FLAT, 4 LARGK SUNNY ,~ ROOMS. J. bath and cellar. 810 Waller st. ■ . • .='■79o MCALLISTER-UPPER FLATS; SEVEN ".' +-.D- rooms: laundry, bath and 4 rooms: reduced. T WEB AND UPPER FLAT. 41% ZOE ST., ■JUjßet. Bryant and Brannan. 3d and 4ih;911&912. 9 ."FLAf S 3 ROOMS EACH. «1 GARDEN ST., ■ — . lie:: 6tli and 7th, off -Harrison; rent 98 and $9. -9190 POINT lobosaveT- flat-, c .'.■.■£X£*\J rms.: bath; latest improvements; $16. .7A7 STOCKTON— FLAT 6 ROOMS; ALL IM- *.".*"l provements: marine view; yard. ....-.• -..-,* ' OX. "I ACALIFORNIA-9207 UPPER SUNNY '\-±mX\J flat, 5 rooms, bath; lower, flat, 4 rooms, ■ stationary tubs, hot and cold water, $12 50. . ? /V? EAR CITY HALL: 3 FiiATS: 6, 6, 7 ROOMS. x\ 10. 143, 713 Grove st. . T?LEGANT NEW FLAT, 7TH ST.. BELOW .XLJ Bo*ant: 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $8 to $16. j YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN X the flats you rent from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND. ..:-■■• V.." FUKMSUED FLATS. YTYIT^^S^uItNISHEIrS FLAT^OF^ XvJ»4 rooms; cheap. . ■. - QUNNY FURNISHED FLAT; 800 WEBSTER, 0 cor. Fulton: 5 rooms and bath; rent $30. Apply 728 Fulton St., or BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. . ; . VriCELY FURNISHED FLAT 7 BOOMS AND J-* all modern conveniences; well located on sunny* side of street; rent 937 50. Apply 1218b Fulton st., near Drviaadera. ■-.'-';■■ -■ ■ - UUU^Kbr.i'LNU. KOUJVIis. ~ C ] A THIRD ST., COR. SOUTH~PABK^FUbI *JX V nisbed housekeeping rooms. 671 MINNA — LJGHT KEEPING Oil sunny room; single front; private family. . OCI THIRTEENTH ST.— 2 UNFURNISHED ■uO rooms for housekeeping. . . , , Q^7 JESSIE, NEAR FIFTH— HO USEKEEP- OUI ing rooms; rent cheap. SO A PARKIN— TWO SUNNY ROOMS, FUR- OUI nlshed for housekeeping : $10. . ; ■J 1 Q TENTH— OR : THREE LOVELY XXO housekeeping; piano: single room. 91 Ol SIXT H — NICELY FURNISHED, ZiXXJ'i sunny rooms, with kitchen for housekeep- ing; cheap. ■ ■ ' . 179 CLEMENTINA, OFF THIRD — TWO 1 Iti nice sunny rooms: rent 96. . ' .' l■. OAQO MARKET— WELL FURNISHED SUN- ZAjoO ny front housekeeping rooms; rent rea- sonable. • ' •' ' 9?. HERMANN, NEAR VALENCIA-NEW *-«J house; 1 or 2 rooms, kitchen, bath; furnished. 7ACTMcALLISTER-3 UNFURNISHED SUN- -1 \JO ny rooms. ■ ' •- • ■ . ' • '■ : 1 Ql 7 MISSION — LARGE SUNNY SUITE, IOLI furnished for housekeeping; bath; ■ gas stove. ■.<-,">-;•:"'?: ■-. -,-■<: ■■.-,'.':. ■ ■-.', ■• . jf» n O BUCHANAN, COR. FELL— FRONT BAY- \J\JjLj wicdow parlor: kitchen : pantries ; complete. C (\A ELLIS-FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR *J\Jrk for light housekeeping. - . .;":-■'■ "I "I 1 Ql HOWARD - HOUSEKEEPING RMS. XXXOj} $10 month; light housekplng, 98 month. 91 A HYDE— SUNNY. HOUSEKEEPING £dl.\J rooms. in rear; 1 large sunny front." ■: ■ p ET MONEY ON WATCHES AND PIANOS UNCLE HARRIS', ib Grant *ye.. nr. Geary. 101 LEAVENWORTH-3 UNFURNISHED ■XKJXO rooms, honsekeeplng; bath; rent $10. 71 A MCALLISTER — 4 • SUNNY .= UNFUR- I 11 ntshed rooms and bath. 9Q] 1 MARIPOSA (ST.. NR. BRYANT AYE.— *-i*JXX 3 viriny rooms and bath: rent $8. ~ ,QQQ MISSION ST.-LAROE FRONT SUNNY v«A^r(,Oni ; 1 Oi:se^fe[ Ing ; 98. •■ - '■••'' ' * : fJftQ MISSION^ PLEASANT BOOMS; FUR- • " v nighed complete for housekeeping. T "O 7 M J BSl ° x - 2 OR - 3 FURNISHED ..J,v/c> i rooms for housekeeping. '. r*% -s * 1 .941 MISSION— 4 furnishjsd CONNECT^ private grooms ' to one party only; reasonable; 1 0 °AK-2 , SUNNY FURNISHED BOOMS X\J complete for housekeeping. ■ 105 N 4 :W f^^TGOMERY (FARGO HOUSE) ?*Z, 1 J ° ralBhM housekeeping suites, $1 75 per week and np; also single rooms, 16c per night up- -21 20 P ,°M T LOBOS A YE.-3 SUNNY FUR- oTifh^i^^VchlK; *»** pi«* with use 1 072 SH TnI W AX TWENTY-FIFTH X\J I£i —Unfurnished large front bay-window room ; grate and bath. • ■ " ' 99 OUTH PARK-LARGE SUNNY PARLOR && nicely furnished for light housekeeping •' cheap. - ... •• T7AO STOCKTON, NR. FILBEKT-NICELY X I I/O furnished nousekpg rooms, yard; cheap. 099 THIRD-FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE, ijiiLi keeping suites; very cheap; single, 91. j 1 4.1 Q TAYLOR, NEAR JACKSON-FUR, i Xtrl V front room and kitchen; complete; «14. CA9 WASHINGTON - SUNNY. U.NFC uVli nished housekeeping rooms; runnlnc water. ROOMS TO LET. IN $1 a week. Call 361 Minna St. 1 QO9 FILLMORE — NEWLY FURNISHED Xt/^»O sunny rooms, single or en suite; gas, bath; new house. : ... 9"l C POWELL — QUIET, SUNNY, FUR- jLXO nlabed room; $8. - - ' ■ " •- : i m JONES- LARGE. FRONT, SUNNY, BAY- -1 window room; also sunny alcove; . light housekeeping allowed ; -private family. • ■■-■ >■ K9A EDDY" — DOUBLE ROOMS, $6 UP; OfJxr front room, grate; 98. - *- *..-■ TENTH, NR. MARKET— LARGE SUNNY rooms; housekeeping or board. JESSIE, BET. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH. O«J"± —Single, sunny, furnished front room; pri- vate family. ' •; "I ft9^ LEAVENWORTH —UNFURNISHED LxjJLtO room to let: running water. . Ql Q GUERRERO — FURNISHED ROOM; VXD suitable for 1 or a persons.' 79/-J LEAVENWOBTH— PLEASANT, SUN- I — ' ' ny room, gentleman, wife: single rooms. £09 MISSION — SUNNY, FUR N I Sf H E D UO.— ■ front rooms; also back rooms; respectable. I 9 ADAIR, BET. FIFTEENTH AND 81 X- X^- teenth, Howard and Capp — 3 unfurnished rooms; hot and cold water bath. ■ : URNETT, 1364 MARKET— ELEGANT NEW XJ building; modern Improveme nts: handsomely furnished sunny suites ; single rms and unfurnished. 1169 MISSION— NICELY -Li furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients TyiNVi I KST I : R HOUSE— THIRD. NEAR i '• Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 25c to $1 50 per night; «1 60 to 96 per week ; electric lights In every room; reading r*m; free bus. | QUNNY DELAWARE, 1151 MARKET-ELE- ! 0 gant suites, furnished or unfurnished; sunny single rooms; rent reasonable. . TH X SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 X sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable; central; very moderate prices. 28 Eighth st., near .Market. A. W. MANNING. 49Q ELLIS — 2 .HANDSOME - PARLORS, rz£sO suitable" for doctor or dentist. * /(Q7l FOURTH — DOUBLE BAY-WINDOW *i*J I 3 front room; 1 or 2 beds, with bath; far gentlemen; private family ; rent 910. > v MBS. CHEVALIER HAS RESUMED THE I>l management of the "Mlramar," 703 Geary st.; sunny rooms, single or suites: excellent board; elevator; prices moderate, to suit the times. . OOfj GEARY, COB. LABKIN — 10 SUNNY CO" rooms. 1 C GRANT AYE., NR. GEARY ST., IS UNCLE XO HARRIS', where you can get money. ;:■'.",'<' 1 1 90 HOWARD ST.-SUNNY FURNISHED XX^O front rooms: 95 and $6. :; A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- A ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; flrst.clasj in every respect ; terms reasonable. , 1 Z^CWI LEAVENWORTH — 2 FURNISHED X*j\J\J sunny ■ front rooms; Spanish private family: reasonable. qiO RENT, WITH USE OF PIANO, HAND- X somely furnished parlors for day studio; cen- tra^ Call 735 Market st. ■"...; . . 707 MARKET-FEW MORE STEADY ROOM- fOi ers wanted; rooms 92 per week up. ■* Q9l MARKET — JUST OPENED: NEWLY u-1 furnished sonny offices and rooms": cheap. AroSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1 : week, $1 50 to $5; families. fTIHE NIGHTINGALE, 1802 MARKET— ELE- ' X gant sunny bay-window rooms;' reasonable. OR RENT— TO 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN, nicely furnished sunny from bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about V blocks from ■; Kearny and Market sts. :< private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call. • f»O7-MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- UU • nisbed bay-window room; $1 a week. pfci MISSION — FURNIaHED DOUBLE OOX front room for 2; also single room; cheap. Ql O O'FARRELL— 2 NICELY" FURNISHED OXV front rooms; 1 or 2 persons; rent reason- able. •" ' - ■ .■■ : ■ . . ;. ..'■.: QQ SIXTH — THE . HILLSDALE, SUNNY OO rooms; single and en suite: $1 to $1 60 a day. "I ."1 £1a SIXTH— THE PIEDMONT; NICE SUN- JLLO ny bay-window and single rooms: reasonable. 7QQI STEVENSON, NR. NINTH-NICE SIN- * 002 gle furnished rooms: cheap. 9OAI SUTTER— AI ROOMS;. FORMERLY $5 OZ.\J% to $6; now 92 60 per week; very central; ladies or gentlemen; 2 persons may occupy 100 m at same price. ■ -S'-Z^i 709 1 VAN NESS AYE.— LARGE SUNNY" %\JZi l > front room and small back room; nicely furnished ; reasonable. . ' I jlOß RENT— TO GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- nished sunny front bay-window room, private family; 8 blocks from Market and Kettrny; refer- ences. Address X. Y. '/.., box 1. Call Office. pENTLEMEN WISHING QUIET ' rooms, VJT everything first class. Security, box 116, Call. BOAKJLJiNO AND , ROOMS. . 7*e)f[l£DD y— s u7Tn^^ront"^uites?^?n' ' U-.U trie rooms: ] best board: > special rates to gen lemen for break and dinner; reasonable. '-..- ' -1 999 PINS— RALSTON; SUNNY Xl^jLSj rooms with board. ' -" rnHE ABBOTS FORD, BROADWAY AND X Polk St.— Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate- board optional ; all cars direct. TTOTKL BERTLING, 714 BUSH— OPENED AS XX a family hotel; references given and required;.' nil modern conveniences. < - * CHILDHK.N KOAKI>KD. ir>o^r^wwLr7"TrKiK~i^R^2^Tc^ooL tT children to board; good home; mother's care. 366 Minna sU pERMAN LADY WISHES A BABY TO \J | board: good home. 435' 2 Hayes st. STOKES TO LET. CjOA sToTu?T^6~LlGTrr^uju^i^r^?rA^ iS)JJ\J. lished saloon 8 yr'. 911 Folsom. nr. Fifth. "TTERY NICE STOKES AND FLATS. POLK V St., bet. Grove and Fulton: $15 and $20. C«9C STORE; TWO SHOW-WINDOWS; 4 ' — «J. large rooms; yard. 422 Sixth. - _ . TORE.. 1524 HOWARD ST., CORNER OF Lafayette; cheap for any business, with fix- tures. Apply 2838 Mission St., M. CURRAN. OR RENT — A CORNER STORE; GOOD stand for drug or grocery business. Apply W. 1 B.CLUFF, 17 Sixth st. j 17OUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING ' . and basement, 608 Sacramento st., containing, elevator, power, j etc.: rent $80. . Apply DAVID , STERN A SONS 20 Montgomery st. 1 OFFICES TO LUT. V ' '; rpA^L^B7Tb^Tc^)Bl?E^fultK7^vT^TsßUG X store; furnished sunny bay-window suit, for- merly occupied by a dentist 7 years; rent Cheap. ■ PART OF OFFICE TO LET; RENT $5.' AP- X ply 509 Kearny St., room 8. .- ■ -' •' mo LET— LAKUE SUNNY SUITE OF OFFICES Xon first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery St.. rooms 1 and 2. , ..... , .- ELEGANT OFFICES IN NEW BPRECK&LS building, 925 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services ' or heating. Apply at building or G. H. TTMB9KN & C 0.. '14 Montg. St. educational. .. a!Tf^an^is^o^u^l^!^"^ol^eoeTi2l^ Market; send for cat. ; day and evening session. Tss ruby EAGLESTON7~TEACHfER of autoharp; lessons free, instrument. 131 Larkin. pARTINGTON'S SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE 1 X and Newspaper Illustration will open Septem- ber 9 in the old rooms of. the .Art Association. 424 .Pine st. Address for particulars, J. H. E. PAR- TINGTON, Third aye. and Twelfth st., Oakland. ANJO . AND PIANO LESSONS, 600 EACH. 844 Howard st. . OWENS ACADEMY. UNIVERSITY AYE Berkeley. T. 8. BO WENS, M.A., Principal. .I? NGLISH LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY 'Jj class or private. MRS. EHRM AN, 1234 Bush. TTOITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BURLINGAME XX San MateoCo., reopens Aug. 6. IP.A G.HOITT PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH- X Ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMB JJtic taught 6 weeks :course<3o. s Stockton su,r. 5 XTOCAL i TEACHER JOSEPH' GREVEN 1M- V proves and beautifies even spoiled . voices,' and procures positions to his pupils. 82 Ninth st. :; ■ ■\riOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, , CORNET, V taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 226 Geary ;reasonable. PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY. SCIENCES X bldg; thorough commercial & English training. PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MElSTER- schaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. , VriGBT SCHOOL; HEALD'S BUSINESS COL- m . lege, 2*4 Post St.; commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates. .' '» • ■ ■:-<-;, 1 BE LA SCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatrica's arranged ; pupils | rehearsed on stage. R. 6 &. 12. 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. qchool electricalTciv ilTminingTme? O chanical ' engineering." surveying, architecture, assay: estao. '64. VAN DEB NAILLEN.723 Mirt. STIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market st. : diploma course 930. -. ■ 1 ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS v DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46: private or class. HEALD'S : BUSINESS I COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering,, telegraphy, modern lan- guages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue- - , .; FINANCIAL. 1 ■:'■■■. ~" KY~^SUM~OF MO^E^ArTvANCED^ON your furniture, pianos or ■ real . estate : lowest rate: call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission st. ... U A I.TIES HAVING i MONE V* TO LOAN IN X small amounts of 9200 to $2000 can place It through us, free of charge, at 8 per cent interest ger annum, payable scinl-annually, secured by first mortgage ■on improved real S estate in San Fran- cisco, the titles to which are guaranteed by the California Title r Insurance Company." We make this liberal " proposition •' in I order to meet the de- mand for small loans. Advise us of the amount you wish to loan, and we will submit : the . security . for your approval. A. F. JOHNS | <fe CO., financial agent*, room 0, 632 Market at., Ban Francisco, r ; THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1595. ; - -■■.'■ :^ PIANOS. V IOLINS . BTO. _; -■ r-| A BARGAIN LIST OF PIANOS. -... : All fully warranted for five years. , > CASH OR EASY- PAYMENTS. . 2 Stelnways— Baby grands, used slightly at con- certs. ■ ;■-■-.: ':'■-■: ■ -■■ '■" '..-'■-"■- ■'■':•'• '. • ■ . '■'■ 2 stein ways— Uprights, large size, nearly new. I ' 1 Gabler— Parlor grand, same as new. . 1 Bradbury— Upright, large Mcc, ebonlzed case. 2 Mansfeldt & Notni— Upright, walnut case, good as new. ' ! ■ •"■'■ ,- ■ . ■■■. ':- <:' <' "■'.'.. ■.■ .- ?'■'.; 2 Esteys— Entirely new, but styles not in their, latest catalogue. • > : . : 1 Gabler— Upright, walnut case, nearly new. 1 Gabler— Upright, oak case, large size, .nearly new.. .-■■.■•- L '■ . ■ ." ■ : .-■ 1 Emerson— Upright, walnut case, . large : size, sample piano. ■- ■ : • . . . * 1 Howard & Co.— Upright, walnut, small, taken in trade.'. .-"■■> . ■• - - - ■ : . 1 Howard & Co.— Upright, mahogany, large, bronze panels. . ■ - : " " ■■-.■■■■ 1 Upright, walnut case, new, but discon- tinued style. 1 Pease— Upright, • rosewood case, has been rented. 1 fi . ■ - ' ..• ■' ■•' . •..■■-■ -.- -1 Nugent— mahogany finish,'. good tone and action. - '.-..-■■ ■ ■ . ■:■ ■ • . r 1 Kranich & Bach— Upright, small, used about 3 years. '-.'•"■■. ■'"'• •■" ■:■• ~ -".r- :'''''■ .* • . : : . 1 Cornett— Upright, rosewood case, excellent con- dition. ... - ; . 1 Cornett— Upright, walnut case, large size, good tone. . , . 1 Marschall— thoroughly renewed at fac- tory. ■- .' ■.-.. .■'-,. t , V. --■ ;"< • » Call early while assortment Is large. SHERMAN; CLAY & Co., Piano House, corner Kearny and Butter. . \ :• ' - ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KuHLXK & CHASE. .■ : - ;• ■ . •.■-;.:-■-..■ - ■■ .■ ■ ■-• , A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful -to> go to KOHLER & CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. v : TAECKER BROS., BTEINWAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. . \ KOHLKR A CHASE and 30 O'Farrell st. - . / BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS: UPRIGHT pianos $60, $100, $180, 9210, and they are such bargains as will make you happy all over if you secure one. THE J. DEWING CO, 2d floor, Flood Building, Fourth and Market sts. , . .. . • .. ;.w> f ; I MUST HAVE MONEY; MY. FINE PIANO will : be : sacrificed to obtain : it; , make an offer. Wee it at room 21. 809 Market st. ■■-■'■, PROFESSOR OF. MUSIC ; ABOUT TO GO abroad will dispose of an elegant Hardman piano cheap for cash. Room 10, 809 Market st. PARGAINS IN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS: EASY X) payments. SCHMITZ A CO., 935 Market St. GET MONEY ON YOUR PIANO AT UNCLB VJ HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., near Geary it. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO: LITTLE USED; powerful tone: cheap for cash. .115 Seventh st. <H»7X EASTERN PIANO; TERRIBLE BAR- «J) I «J. gain, on $5 installments. 221 Leavenworth. EAUTIFUL DECKER BROS. UPRIGHT; sacrifice. 1021 Van Ness aye., cor. Geary. ; YfToLINiSTS— SEE GENUINE "GRANCiNO" V violin exhibited by MULLER. Mechanics' Fair. N ELEGANT DISPLAY' OF MANDOLINS, guitars and banjos at MaUVaIS', 769 Market. ANTKD— TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH A good upright piano. P., box 17, this office. UST RECEIVED— CELEBRATED BUHH <fc Gerts pianos: lone unsurpassed: cases uniqua A. L. BANCROFT <fc CO , 324 Post St. GOOD UPRIGHT $100; AN ORGAN $50. BRUENN'S Piano House, 228 Post. TTORNUNG'S PIANO-HOUSE REMOVED TO n 216 Post St.; instruments strictly first-class. : NLY A FEW OF THE. SECOND- HAND Steinway & Chickering uprights left. Call now for bargains. Bowers it Son. 23 and 25 Fifth St. '■ GROSJKAN, VIOLIN MAKER AND RE- . pairer of string instruments. 307 Grant aye. . PEMOVED— F. W. SPENCER <fc CO. to 338 XX Post St., near Powell, opposite Union square; sole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 338 Post st. . - STEINWAY UPRIGHT: SLIGHTLY USED- O grand tone: halt-cost. SPENCER. 338 Post st. I^EW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER & CO.. 338 Post st. \\rjl. G. BADGER WITH KOHLER CHASE, Y> 26, 28 an.l 30 O'Farrell st. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY; HEMME XJ & LONG Piano Co. (established • 1875), 840 Post St.: on installments: Bend for catalogue. PENTING PIANOS: LARGE AND VARIED Xi assortment; tuned free. SHERMAN, CLAY <fe CO.'s Piano-house, cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. - p EORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE "JT Mathusbek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments: pianos rented. 1360 Market st. '' YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER. . Newby A Evans. Brlggs and other pianos.' ' . STECK. CHECKERING & SONS., VOs'E AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. * A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE • J\. WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. LKOAL HOilCKti. >■■>-' SHERIFF^OFFICFn CItY AND COUNTY OF - San Francisco. Cal.— ln the matter of A. N. HIHSTEL, an insolvent, notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Hon. CHARLES W. SLACK, f Judge of the Superior Court of the' said City and County, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the : highest bidder for cash the stock of cigars, tobacco, smokers' materials and all other effects of said insolvent In the cigar-stand,* No. 213 Montgomery street, on the said premises, as an entirety, on Saturday. August 24. at 12 v. R. I. WHELAN, Sheriff City and County of San Francisco. ■ < ■ , . ■ "VTOTICE TO CBEDITOBS-ESTATE OF JEAN 1> BEAUX alias J. and JACQUES J. BEAUXIS, deceased. : Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, execu- trix of the last will of JEAN BEAUXIS. alias J. BEAUXIS, alias JACQUES J. BEAUXIS, de- ceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four (4) months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executrix at the office of her attorney, P. A. BERGEROT, 142-143 Crocker building, San Fran- cisco, Cal., the same being her place for the trans- action of the business of the said estate in the City ana County of San Francisco. State of California. . GRACIETTE LACARi executrix of the estate of JEAN- BEAUXIS, alias J. BEAUXIS, alias JACQUES J. BEAUXIS, deceased. Dated at San Francisco, July 23,1895. . DEPARTMENT No. 10, PROBATE— THE ! XJ Superior Court, in nnd for the City and County of San Francisco, State or California. • . ■ - ;- In the matter of the estate of LOUISE E. DUFF, deceased. No. 16,315. Notice Is hereby given that TUESDAY, the 3d day of September, A. D. 1895, at 1.0 o'clock a. m. of said day, and the courtroom of Department No. 10 of said court, at the new City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said LOUISE E. DUFF, de- ceased, and for hearing the application of JESSIB HENDERSON McLEOD for the issuance to her of letters testamentary thereon. Dated August 17, A. D. 1896. ro«oi , CHARLES F. CURRY, Clerk. ■ ;-*£ : - • [Seai.j By ¥ B HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. P. ALEXANDRA BERGEROT, Attorney for Petitioner, 142-143 Crocker Building, ban Fran- cisco. . • . : - " •■ -. : . - ,- v ■. . ; -■■■■ ' - '■'-•_ RESOLUTION.— AT A MEETING ; OF THE Xl Board of New City Hall Commissioners held August 13, 1895, the following resolution was passed to print: •;."■ • : -: ; - Resolved, That contract No.' 80, for brick, gran- ite and concrete work in : rotunda and adjoining rooms, new City Hall, be awarded to D. J. BREN- NAN, in the sum of $6200, and the same pass to print. ■ r< Ayes— Commissioners CRESWELL, BRODER- Absent— Commissioner SUTRO. _J L J. J McCARTHY, Secretary. IN THK SUPERIOR COURT, IN. AND FOR th« City and County of San Franclcco, State of California. > Department No. 10 (Probate).' ' • ": : In the matterof the estate of JOHN B. MILLER, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale | Of real estate should not be made. •; . .— . A. C. FRKESE, the administrator of the estate of JOHN B. MILLER, deceased, having filed his petition herein, duly verified praying for an order of sale of the real estate of said decedent, for the purposes therein set forth. - .-.: . ■ It is therefore ordered by the said court that . all persons ' interested in the estate '■ of said . deceased appear before the said Superior Court on MON- DAY, the 26th day of August, 1896. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the courtroom of Department No. 10 ; (Probate) of said , Superior Court, at the new City Hall, In the City and County of ; San Francisco, - State ■of - California, to show cause why an order should not be granted to the said administrator to sell so much of the real es- tate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. < And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the Han* Francisco (.'all, a newspaper printed and published in said City and County. -. ■ Dated July 25, A. D. 1895. . i . -.: : sBSIS ■ CHARLES W. SLACK, Judge of the Superior Court . :■ ■-'■- ■'•.:.■:■•■.■.■ ■:.■-■--" - ;.■ -. - . v -J. D. SULLIVAN, attorney for administrator, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, IN AND FOR the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, Department No. 10 (Probate). . ■•. „ - In the matter of the estate of MARY O'NEIL, deceased. Order to show cause why order of sale of real estate should not be mode.' ■ :■ . .-.. • : A. C. FREEBE, the administrator of the estate of MARY O'NEIL, deceased, having filed his peti- tion herein, duly verified, praying for an, order of sale of the real estate of said decedent, for the pur- poses therein set forth. -^> -«•>-•-- ■••* <■&■>.'-*■<■::■. ■■-.: V.^ It is therefore ordered by the said court that all persons Interested ' in ' the estate of ' said deceased appear before . the said { Superior Court on MON- DAY, the 26th «ay of August, 1895, at 10 o'clock in the I forenoon |of said I day, at the courtroom of Department < No. 10 - (Probate) of said Superior Court, at the new City Hail, in the City and County of San Francisco,' State of California, to show cause I Why an order should not be granted to the said ad- ministrator to sell Iso . much of - the real 1 estate of the said deceased as shall be necessary. ■■-.;■ ,-■ : And that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for four successive I weeks in : the San Fkancibco Call, a newspaper printed and published in said City and County.- - ■■•■> ----- Dated July 25, A; D. 1895. . ' CHARLES :W. SLACK, Judge . of the Superior Court. laaf "Tjar*»raiMp»- t Htflf l ili'T'liiJUlJtl ■ J. D. SULLIVAN, attorney for administrator, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California. . . ; '. • y -; PROPERTY WANTED. r^HICKSN^AND^ HOG^tANciT^ANTEIo: XJ $2000 to 92600. ; Cash, box 8, this office. .< '. ANTED— SMALL IMPROVED RANCH FOR - if; 2 fine flats. SPECK'S, 602 Market. , ,- •; - ; -' ;-;•'- CITY REAL KSTATE. ;:.■;'■; V■■ hTumbsen , ; A C 0..; \ f ' ' i - ■• . : 3 | ;: > ? .;•';: REAL ESTATE AGENTS, RENT COLLECTORS AND AUCTIONEERS. 14 Montgomery st H near Market. . . v. ; ' Call and obtain one of our "Real Estate Records," which i contains a list of properties for sale in all parts of the city.' , . . ; . . - IMPROVED ; PROPERTY. . • <I& AOX A" 2-STORY HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS tJp'iijOU. and bath: sunny line of Clay St.; stone , walks; street accepted; near town. rmoonn " NICE ; COZY BAY-WINDOW COT- '■ «nOOUU. tage of 6 rooms and bath; 'brick foundation; sunny line of Twenty-third St.; lot 25x114. /,-. \ ____ ■ . ' • CL'Q^AA 2-STORY - HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS; tJpOOUU. lot 23x80; 2 frontages; near Clay and ! Mason sts.: bargain." ' ■■'■"'■'"' ' •'" : '"-'"' ' ' <H»CAAA MlBsfbrT WARM BELT: A FINE tJpOl/Uv/. 2-story and basement; bay-window residence of 8 room and bath; I brick . foundation, etc; lot 30x114; near Valencia. OK AA " CALIFORNIA " ' ST.; LOVELY . tip U OUU. home; elegant 2-story residence ot 9 rooms and bath; | bay-windows; orick foundation; stone walks, etc.: let 50x100. ; " ~ r •fnffCA JERSEY' ST.: COTTAGE OF 6 tjh.^ I Dxf. rooms and bath; brick foundation; lot 25x114. • •■ ■____■ ■'--■■■■■ ■^;.--. cmoQAA BENT $26 PER MONTH; 2 FLATS tJp^OUv. of ' 6 rooms each; near Hyde and Union sts.; lot 40x60. ffl>Of»nn BENT $28 PER MONTH; SPLEN- JjpZDUU. did bargain; , Broadway: . 3 flats; brick foundation. ___!_; <H> 1 AA CASTRO ST. ; FINE 2-STORY BAY- (J>4:t)UU. window residence; 8 rooms and bath; lot 25x105. , ; ■■■■■' ■■;■•■■ ■■;. ■;.. ' >; - -OPOI AA CORNER, 125x100; COTTAGE OF ttnoiUU. 6 rooms: rent $10 per month; well and barn; near Mission st. ' . AAA HARRISON ST.; ELEGANT NEW (JpOUUU. bay-window cottage of 5 rooms and bath;. brick foundation, etc. lot 25x100. KAf\jr\ GREEN ST.: GRAND MABINE 'tlpOtrU' '. view; a fine residence of 9 rooms and bath; all modern improvements and conveniences : lot 25x137:6. \ __ . " " " C& Alh i A RENT $76 PER MONTH ; KEARNY <Jp i UUU. St.; 6 houses and lot 60x137:6. <2> /I AAA ONLY' $800 CASH; NICE BAY- «Jh"iv/IJU. window coti age of 5 rooms and bath, etc. ; lot 27 :6xl00 ; Larkin st. :i ,- ... . G. H. UMBSEN A CO., ■- : '" ' ■■---'" 14 Montgomery st. O'FABRKLL A CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, ..'■ 11 MONTGOMERY ST. BUILDING LOTS FOR $376 TO $500. CI»£QAn PAYS $630 A YEAR; 2 BEAUTI- tJpDOU". ful modern bay-window flats on the sunny side of Pierce st., 6 and 7 rooms and bath each; convenient to Haight, Page and Oak st. car lines; this property is worth and cost $8250; lot 25x106:3.-,: ". .•■-. -\ ■■ . ■'. .- ;/., v"f. ' ;~y~.x%r X AN OFFER WANTED — MODERN ' BESl- dencc on the north line of Page st., overlooking Golden Gate Park; the house has 10 rooms and bath, on the sunny side of the street and com- manding a grand view; this is an opportunity, «we think, to secure a residence at a low figure. ©OAAA CHOICE BUILDING LOT ON THE tJp^yUUW. north side of Grove St., which is the sunny side, or. Lyon: lot 25x100; this is a pickup. TVOWNTOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY, , TAY- U lor st., within two blocks of Market; any rea- sonable offer will be considered; good two-story building on the property; lot 26x55; this muse be sold and we have Instructions to submit. any bid that may be made. ' AN OFFER WANTED— TWO BEAUTIFUL xV. building lots on I st.; adjacent to cars; street work, complete a bargain ; 25x100 each. .. > • ,T>UILDINO LOTS FROM .$375 TO $500. LO- X> catcd adjacent to the I Misslon-st. electric-car ! line and only 28 minutes' ride from the City. Hall; ; lots are 25x100 and level, ready for but ding pur- J poses; a great many of those that have purchased have built and are now occupying their homes; the cost of their cottages (which have 4 rooms) is $675, so that it is possible for you to secure | a handsome' new home for $1000: .take the Mlsslon-st.. electric cars and ride to tbe end of the line (China avenue or Francis 9 st.) and yon will there find the block, and our representative, Mr. G. A. Turner, who will gladly give v you any further information that you wish; terms to suit the purchaser. . ; AN OFFER WANTED: BEAUTIFUL MOD- ern flats in the Western Addition of 6 and ' 7 rooms and hath each: lot 30x110; this is a genuine case of the owner positively > wanting to sell and' any reasonable offer that will be near the valuation of the lot and building will purchase it." -~ ■ - ?.- yrrv ■ $'7'A MODERN 2-STORY J RESIDENCE iff)O I *J\J'. of 9 rooms and -bath on Devisadero St.: lot 25x106:3; this Is a very cheap property. ? ' m> fr A A BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE ON JACK- rJp«JI/UU. son st. . of ' B ; rooms and bath; hand- some stable; offered at this low figure to satisfy a mortgage, , : .■ ... : ; j- - .:-..--•.,.,.._ •*• -,-. ,'. . * O'FABBELL A CO., ' Real Estate Brokers; ' > - v . , ■11 Montgomery st. « ■T> G. PARKER A CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSE BROKERS, 1 Point Lobos aye., near Sixth aye. . ; . RICHMOND PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. $2400—9 full lots, including i corner on Clem- ent st. - ■ ■ : . ■■■• : ;-'-.-. : " '■ ■• ... ■ ' ■"- SHOO— SOxI2O, on 18th aye., near Clement st. . $2200—50x100, on Clement St., near 6th aye. \ $8800— Corner; 57:6x100; 4th aye. and Clem- ent st. ■ .■ ■• ■ ritVz ■ '■ ■::■■■ ■ ■■ :' ' - '- ' . ■ $600—50x120; close to 2 lines of cars. IMPROVED. -\ Elegant new cottage 5 rooms and bath ; Clement St., near 4th aye. ■ i $2500— Modern 2-story house 6 rooms and bath; 11th aye., near Point Lobos aye. $3000—2 stores;. 6 rooms and bath; Point Lobos aye., near Ist aye. - "•; ■ :; : ; ■•; ■'.;--' dTjftAA 36 FEET FRONT ON WEST BIDK »lpv)l'U. Merced st., near Laidley; also fronts on Laldleyst.: Fairmount Tract. $550-126x100: lots 40, 41, 42,43,44, block 22, City Land Association. ~ " • . $300-60x100; lots 27, 28, block 67, City Land Association.. • • ! 9200 each— 2sxl2s feet each; choice -lots south side of Montana St., between Capitol and ' Orizaba, block R, Railroad Homestead Association. ■■ : Offer wanted— 6oxl2s feet; north line Lobos St., 25 feet east from > Capitol; Railroad Homestead Association. CHAB.C. FISHER. 507 California st. FOR SALE— HOUSE OK 2 FLATS; 457 BRY- ant st.; lot 22x80 feet to rearstreet. Applvon premises or to JOHN A. LENNOX, 315-317 Clay. OT IN WESTERN ADDITION ; 25x137; Xj cheap. ... Address Lot: box 97. Call Office. ■ * WORKMAN A FRENCH, REAL -ESTATE ■ •» ».- and insurance: ! houses built to suit on - easy terms a specialty; $5850; new store and flats just building, Twenty-fourth, near Castro, a fine busi- ness location, : suitable i for plumber." baker, f dry goods or most any business; only 9100 down, bal- ance same us rent, buys a lovely 7-room cottage on Twenty-fourth near Castro: $3200. .■;,>; . RICK : BUILDING BUSINESS PROPERTY on Market st. ; rent $7200 a year. : - Corner Pacific aye. and Baker St., 66x137 :8 ft. ; price, 911,000. •"" " E. side Stanyan st,, bet. Carl - and Frederick sts. ; .25x100; price 92600. /."*• -?: 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; 96700. " . Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 26x137 :6 ft.: electric road passes houses; price $6000; make otter. - - ,■ . .-.--»■• ■ North side of Folsom St., bet. 4th and 6th ; 68 :9 x 160 feet. ■ ■ :*>■■*■■-*■-■ -'■-■>■- ■■- -- ■ - ■■' - ■ ■■ ■ • Lot on Duncan st., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet: price $400. '" , Cottage house, 1867 Dolores st.; 5 rooms and •ath, basement; 25x9: teet. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent. 324 Montgomery street. --.■■...■■-.-..•- . v , M DOT BE* SOLD. :■ m ' : - .;-.-.. ••■,.--.. $1700— Lot on I north line Henry st., bet. Noe and Castro; ■ street accepted; . : stone sidewalks; 26x114.- ■ I, ':■:.•■.'■. : - -■ :- -;:.:■::, - $550 each— 4 lots on J ? St., bet. 11th and 12th ayes.: cheapest lots In the district: streets graded." Apply DAVID STERN A SONS, SO Montgom- ery st. .i;. ; .-.".*.- ■ '■ r 7'--- -.''-■■. ■■"-, :.,-■ ■■■: ,:..■■■ : COMPARISON. v ■ ..--■•:.. • '.: ■ --:■ ■ BENT— I2O months at 920, 92400. : V ;■ •'-:■ • -.:■:•,■- -:- v.,.-.-*-:- :--~r- - BEBULT— Nothing. INSTALLMENT ' PLAN— I2O I months at ! *20, $2400.-: .-■,,.-:. -y-.P.-o'v ■■.'..■■— ■:■: -. ■ - - RESULT— cottage paid for. ■'■ WHICH IS BEST t "; - = ;v - Build on your lot I NOW, while , everything is cheap. " Cash or installments. '; Plans furnished. ' :■: '■' ■ '"-;•' O.W. FOBSY'THE, 640 Market st. ' POTTAGE HOME; $100 DOWN, $15 MONTH. \J THE MCCARTHY COMPANY, 646 Market st. EW '. COTTAGE, lIN RICHMOND, 1 BLOCK Xl from * Geary-st. ; cars - and i 25 minutes ride to Kearny ■ St.; 5 rooms, bath and | modern improve- ments: lot 25x11)0; beautiful garden: sewer: will be sold very cheap and easy terms; owner com- pelled to move. Address Richmond, box 46, Call. OR -B ALE— 2 MODERN iFLATB;? CHEAP: cash or easy « terms: > Mission ■ warm ' belt ; or a vacant lot. 4 Apply, for 8 days only, 1004 Pine st. - . TfTOR SALE CHEAP-L0T 25x125, WITH MOD- -T em cottage. i 322 Diamond st. ,-;.. .- ■ :■ f ; • HOUSES BUILT $l»0TO $275 A BOOM; CALL and examine plans, i 1149 Mission sty . r - ILL EXCHANGE 2 LOTS, SOUTH HIDE OF '" park, for residence not I exceeding $3600: ■ dif ference in cash. Apply 1115 Bryant st. yy ,?, . .:,'-, QAAI COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS; IN BERKE- 3MoUU.'ley: lot 60x125. v , - - . $450— Bough; house;: 2 rooms; lot 40x100; $10 monthly. '•^■■\-> : .'~":s->-? '"'■'■' "■■-'■ ■ '"• *':':■.'•.'■ . 9760— L0t 50x100; near station.; , Other Wauses and lots all over town. ■ r -...--^x .-*■„£.:: -;•:-— vV - CHAS. A. BAILEY, ■'..-. ; '■:-. '■■'■ 46 Market St., or Berkeley station," Berkeley. ' , ,. pETMONEYON DIAMOND3,PIANOSASEAJ> vJT skins. UNCLE HARRIS, 35 Grant Geary © A A l 2 LOTS. 25x100, ON 6th AYE., NEAR tip OUU .■ Point Lobos,' and •on Tenth I aye.," near Calif ornia.v Apply Owner, box 27, this ofllce.^;-n S';;X F. CITY £ LOTB :i' »190 UP. TERMS 910 . down, 95 mo. THE MCCARTHY CO., 648 Mkt, ■■■ v -■ •■"•• •..-'*■■■>-?■'■". ', • • *""m*i t ITTTT-nr 1r mrn mrMiini^itttj ■ -^ --■■;-'/ CITY KEAi' : , ESTATE.-;: ■/•:'■ .■■■- : AM. SPECK '.& co.s PARTIAL LIST OF • bargains. :•,.-:■> -; v , '"• -* :•■«.;■•"...',•-■.■ -•>'; •: •' $350 cash, balance ■in payments, -' buys business property; Geary-street car line; rent $30. , ..• ' M. $300 CASH, BALANCE IN PAYMENTS. _ . for 5-room modern cottage; lot 25x114. S 92600, ;Vi CASH: i, 6-' FLATS, 3 . ROOMS each: lot 25x85: rents about $40. • P 92800, 2/3 CASH; • 4 FLATS . 3 BOOMS - each; Harrison, near Tenth: lot 25x100; a snap. :;'. i u;~'y. '.' ■ "-; •.■->■'.■*,- v"S ;-■''. >5V.' : -'. i- E 93500; 2 FLATS AND COTTAGE, V* BLOCK from Market; lot 25x100; rents 932 60. C 54500; 2. CORNER FLATS OF 5 AND 6 rooms; car line, near Haight; must sell. . • X 93000, 8 CASH ; 2 FLATS OFF HOWARD, bet. Seventh and Eighth; lot 25x75; rents $29. ; v ,\ :,-- A .: :< ;■■ ..■,•.;,:..:...-.. _:>i- '.■■;: -.y.: i & $6500, V 2 CASH, BUYS 4 MODERN FLATS; . Mission: lot 35x115; rents 00. ' C 98000, % CASH; 6 FLATS; 1 BLOCK FROM , Hlbernla Bank; reins 970: offer wanted. 0$2600; ;',-V 7-ROOM, 2-STORY MODERN .house and lot 50x135 In Berkeley: actually worth 94000. *- A. M. SPECK & CO., 602 Market. <3£Q^AA FLATS 5 BOOMS EACH AND LOT «S>OOUU. 26:8x120 to rear ot.; on N. side Her- mann St., bet. Fillmore and Steiner; the flats front . rear street and front of the lot still vacant: both streets in order; electric line on Fillmore: cable- cars on Haight St. THOMAS M AGEE A SONS, 4 Montgomery st. •■•■ ■ •■. :■■•■■■ ■-•-■.■ » /:^t; rVFARRELL & CO. DAVID BUSH, COUNTRY DEPARTMENT. • 11 MONTGOMERY" ST. We desire to call the attention - of intending buy- ers of country lands to some bargains In improved Income-producing. < orchard, vineyard, grain and stock farms (many of which are bank foreclosures), that we have in Alarneda,' Contra Costa. Napa. So- noma, Folano, San Mateo and Santa Clara 'coun- ties, In the middle and northern counties and in the San Joaquln Valley. We - would also call the attention of buyers to the fact that our Mr. Bush having had forty years' knowledge and experience of the value of lands for orchard and vineyard pur- poses, and being the owner of an income-producing orchard and vineyard for many years, can intelli- gently direct intending buyers to the best lands and bargains in the State. . .•■■■■• > ■..--;,■ <}}*-\ £AA COST $2500; 640 ACRES OF tip XUUI/i choice timber land in Butte County, being section 86, township 20 north, range 6 east, M. D. M.; ' title absolutely perfect./ CHAS. ~C. FISHEH, 507 California st. . \ • - ." '- * I 4 6, 8 AND 10 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES, "T. on 8 and 10 y«\rs' credit, at 7- per cent: im- proved and unimproved: 2 with cheap houses on; 2 with running water. D. H. TWLNG, Sonoma City, Cal. :.y.-.-- U:- ; , ■ . /■;-. fI*9AAA 160 '. acres; UNIMPROVED: 'JpZi\J\J\J. covered with white and black oak: no better land In the State; 36 miles from this city; 2 miles from Glen Ellen. Address Ranch, box 106, Call Office. .-:■ ■- .; '-.■•-;- .-■: ■■■ •.-, ;.■■■'■ npRACT~OF 160 ACRES OF REDWOOD; GOOD X hunting, flshing, camping; suitable for preserve for summer outing: Mendocino County; a bargain. Address J. C. RUDDOCK, Uklah, Cal. r. ."&i- -ffl»9AAn 160" ACRES; UNIMPROVED; «]p*JV/UU. covered with black and white oak ; no better land in the state; 35 miles from this city; '£ miles from Glen Ellen. Address Ranch, box 106, Call Office. ■■■■■-..■ , ■ ' r . ANTA CLARA COUNTY : FOR SALE OR exchange for city lots; 42 acres of I«nd. 13 acres In grapevines. ' Address A. R., box 103, this office. Dl ' - ' ESTABLISHED 15-YKAKS. j •-' :" EBT SYSTEMATIZED LAND OFFICE IN AMERICA N. d. siokels, ; . '.'-• ■'.'.: "land; agent. '; LAND AGENT. Salx and exchange of Ranch property a rtbict ■ v^ ■ spkcialty. By far the :labo»st list. ■■•■ -■■:- -318 Post Stbeet, bet. Stockton and Powell, S. F. CjfrfpERACRE— 1280 ACRES TIMBER LAND; tjp *J Kern County. W., box 9, this office. ■ GET MONEY- ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., no«r Geary st. : VnHK NEW ENGLAND COLONYOFCALIFOR- X nia offers an opportunity for home-making better than ever before i offered, and not likely to be re- peated.' We court a thorough' Investigation of our plan, our location, our soil, : our transportation facilities. Our lands are exceedingly rich,- pro- ducing In great abundance every variety of fruit, grain and vegetable grown in the 'State of Cali- fornia. Our location is beautiful; our climate healthy. ■■_ Those who really want a homo that is attractive, pleasant and profitable can. secure it with US.V,;; ••■•■.:•■•.•;'<■. "> :. ...-.- ..r : .'j ;:•;■■;:•■■.*■*'.■■ ?<-■■';■>.; We own this tract of land; in fact, It has been our home for over -thirty years, and we, have de- cided and are determined to develop a community that will demonstrate the highest. possibilities: of home-making- We are not selling on commission. We own the lands, and some of us live on them,' and will continue to live on , them and . maKe • our homes there, that will i be called home ' by our children, and we are entirely content to farm ' the entire tract until we can i surround ourselves with neighbors who wish at once .to, have schools and churches and readintr-\foonis in their very midst."- : . Then-fore we propose to see to it that those who make. their homes with us have the kindly advice and friendly assistance necessary to their success. Call on or address- V - WILSON A RKID, ?■.:."*■• •-■: > ■'-.-■. % Room 10, rotunda, Mills building. YD ANCH AT GOVERNMENT PRICE. XV : -. . •■. :. • ■. .■■ :.~? '.:■■:>«. :-, ' ■ An unprecedented opportunity for a young man of energy to acquire a large and profitable ranch well adapted for farming and stockralsing: also well located for dairy purposes, being near a lar<e creamery which pays out each month from $1-1000 to 9bOUO for milk. This exceedingly favorable op- portunity will be offered for a few days at a little above the Government price per acre on long-term payments. Address HOMER WILSON, room 10, rotunda, Mills building, San Francisco. ■ MARIN COUNT Y— SOOO ACRES '26 MILES from San Francisco. . ■ -'■■■■■ ■ - ■■> v^ 1 .. - RaNCHO DE NOVATO. - Tracts of any size desired;- fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation:- both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75' per acre: easy terms; town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property: send for circular. - . ■• ■ ■:. , f Dairy for sale with or without cows. *■ ■■-■■'i'J ■.-£- SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65 Chronicle building. ; . ..-■-: WANTED— RENT, WITH PRIVILEGE of buying, 2 to 5 acres (improved) In Frultvale, convenient to cars. Address F., box 58, Call Office. <2>9.25 PER ACBE:64O ACRES-.WELL LOCAT- tjpZi— cd. TRAVERS ALAMB. 512 Californiast. IF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay Is required, balance payable In 6or 7 years, apply 328 Montgomery St., S. F. | pHEAPEST AND BEST, IN AMERICA— THE VJ WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- ag. free. ■■■■• ■■■ :.-- -.' ■■■.■■■■-.--.., •- : _■ /, BIONKY TO LOAN. ,„ " * ' T OANS ,ON BEAL ESTATE IST. AND 2ND .Li mortgages, undivided : interests, estates*.' any amount; lowest rates. BECK KB, 240 Montgomery. LOANS ON FURNITURE OR PIANOS WITH- out removal; San Francisco, Oakland or Ala- meda; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all va u- ables and securities: private office: ' .nsiness con- fidential. 1(1 urn la ' o 11 and Col a.eral Office (Incorporated), 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from Mark c- AY NO COMMISSION ; COME TO LOANER direct for money 01 your., pianos | and furniture without removing., ,418 'Ellis ft.; room 22. -;.-; : ;». D™ lAMONDB— THE HIGHEST AMOUNT XJ loaned on them at UNCLE HARRIS',IS Grant avenue. .-'■•■■■ -•■■.■■;■- ■':.-. ■■■•■.:;:,- :■■.■ ; . ; ■-■;..-:■ -■;••:• .; ONEY ON ANY SECURITY; STRICTLY private: interest moderate ; best price for old gold and silver. * 126 Kearny St., room 39. T~u. "•'■'/;?: 8~10 SUM IN TRUST; INTEREST LOWER than banks: first and second mortgages a spec- ialty $100 up: no delay. | Money, box 17. Call. 1 1 : ONKY LOANED ON FURNITURE. 2 A 3%. TRAVERS A LAMB, 612 California st. M~~ ONEY LOANED ON PIANOS BY PRIVATE party; low Interest. 215 Powell st.". V ' 5 A NY AMOUNT; IST. 2D OR 3D MORTGAGES: J\. estates, undivided ■ interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. UNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, ' 103 GRANT avenue ; private entrance 101 Va upstairs. > *w N FURNITURE AND PIANOS, WITHOUT removal, and ■ endowment insurance policies. Boom 63, Donehoe bldg, 1170 Market. : : : . WHY PAY HIGH BATE ON SMALL LOANS Vt when you can get from $200 up at 55 cents per month Interest on $1007 Loan, box 83, Call. 51%. CITY. COUNTY AND collateral se- tt curlties. TRAVERS A LAMB, 612 California. T- ADIES' PRIVATE - ROOMS; MONEY ON XJ everything. U. S. Loan Office, 777 Market st., near Fourth. .■-.- :*'.'■' :■..-■: "iv'Q .-■: ■ ■•'■'».?>'---• r.*-^.* ■.-- -• A NY SUM. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES city or country :Estates. MURPHY, 62B Market ONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the I Security | Loan Office, 1106 Market st. . nr. Mason : private entrance 7 Turk. TBICTLY PRIVATE | LOAN OFFICES. '\ 850 Market St., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years; always open. ■ "Uncle Bill." ■ y.-v'v;-"- ;. ■>-.■-,:■■ ; :^V.>: -; -.--<-, '..- BORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL A CO., Mills bldg, 6th floor, r 6; strictly confidential. r\s ANY SECURITY. AT LOW BATES; DEAL- \J ing confidential. 4$ Crocker building. i »■ ***# ';■. - ' :: TO EX^HAKGK. ; ",_ ' ,^ TONE TB^TTINGHOBS^TyEABS i OLD AND ; XJ side-bar top buggy In exchange for good upright 1 piano. v. NE. corner Filbert and Fillmore sts. ..■ .,- -j j : ; - ;.-■■::■ .'■.• -;:;;;.-■ STOKAOK " .' ■ ' fri T^)KAG^^>F^UR3frT^Jß^?LlLN^srHmJs£ !O bold goods, etc. 3. M. PIERCE, 736 Market st. WILSON V^ BROTHERS. T». 1710 -i, MARKET— if . Storage ; low rates; ; telephone South 762. : URNITURE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- X: chandise received on storage; money - advanced ! ,on consignments ; fire proof building. 1 410 Post hi., TTORST-CLASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MADE ■" X 421-423 Market su CHAS. L. TAYLOR. -^^j^i^^jj-^ COST. ''^-"iH"'? -■■ ft- vinrs and Loan Society of San ranc sco, S/' vinrs : and Loan Society of San U ranc sco, In the name of JOHN SI LLI VAN, No. 100,702. The find r will pleas* return to bank. :Q>Z REWARD WILL BE PAID -FOR EVI- tjP«-» dence to convict, thief or holder of do*, collar and tag 1777. U. SHEAR, Fifteenth and Mission. LOST— POCKET LEDGE K, SATURDAY. RE- J-J turn 1923 Greenwich St.; reward , . T OST — LADY'S -j. GOLD WATCH, SILVER XJ chain. Liberal reward by returning same to MRS. C. X., 609 Twenty first st. \ L~~OST — LARGE BOARHOUND: WEIGHS about 140 pounds; r.ght ear cut at sinew. Re- turn 1429 Sacramento, E. A. EXi;KI,BF.Rf). riET MONEY ON WATCHES FROM UNOLB VJ HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary it. ; . OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA J-J Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco In the name of THOMAS * DOHERTY or MARY J. DOHERTY, No. 87,761. The finder will : please return to bank. . v - : v 7. ■;-.-'. '"•.* .-.■• -.-.- n ■ T OST— ON THE BROAD-GAUGE MOLE, OR JU steamer Piedmont, a • Loyal Legion badge. Leave at room 24, tenth, floor Mills building, and receive $5. ■-,;.. -.'.',•'. ■■.: ;:; : ', ■_ .. ■ - *-;, • , /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA-THE "V' -WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada j one year for $1 50, post- age free. :; •. ' ' ; - .-.'..■■■■■■ ■.■- •.-■•:■. . .■■ - ■ :■■■ ■"■■'■■:-■.■■/■ : FOUND. ;-.-:■'... AT MILL VALLEY, SUNDAY. LADY'S purse. Owner prove property and pay adver- tising. Cashier, 306 California st. AAME TO PREMISES SATURDAY 3-YEAR- V.old horse. '-■ Owner apply JACOB HEIM, Eigh- teenth aye. and C St., South San Francisco. - ■ - ' - OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. <2» "1 IAH A 5-ROOM COTTAGE WXTH*3ATH «Jpl i.\J\J. all furnished: lot 80x1*27; easy terms Apply to W. C. MORAN,' Lorln Station. Berkeley OR SALE OR TO LEABE— A GOOD PROP- erty; family resort: house 11 rooms and bath; saloon, garden, carriage-house and barn all mod- ern Improvements. Inquire premises, H. BOCKLE- MAN, opp. station, Golden Gate, Alameda County. BUSINESS ■ . , X>- '--■:■: - ■■' AND ■.•:-"■•• 7 ■■-■: ■•"■■: RESIDENCE PROPERTY j SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT, ■--.-:■• IN ■..■ - ■': ~-; ; ~".; ALL PARTS OF OAKLAND AND ITS ' ' :^KI v"■ SUBURBS.. •: •. ' We are enabled on account of a foreclosure of mortgage to sell lots in the Alden Tract at ridlc- ulouly low > prices. • We - offer upon • application several pieces of suburban property at a great sac- rifice. Don't fail to call. _ - A. J. SNYDER&CO., .-•■■"• . 467 Ninth at., Oakland. RARE CHANCE-SON COUNTY SUM- mer resort, 4 miles from railroad, near Santa Rosa, 150 acres, 2 houses and 6 summer cot- tages, orchard and vineyard, alfalfa fields, run- ning stream, horses, cows and 'farm X tools: part cash, part trade. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. •:,-. -: ">.*.". ; CRE TRACTS AND RANCHES FOR SALE— 8 acres at Frultvale, all in fruit; good house and barn : fine view: must be sold; will sell for less than half Us value; 13 acres at Blair's Park; lovely view; easy terms to suit: don't fail t» see them. E. E. BUNCE, 10C8 Broadway. ; ' . ; FOR SALE— SI4OO COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS AND bath; corner lot: easy terms ; ■ good I location. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway. Oakland. &(\(\ 120 ACRES IN REDWOOD CAN- •^P^tUUv/. yon. 6 miles from Haywards: house, barn, 6 horses, 13 young cows, 150 chickens and farming tools; easy terms; a bargain. Inquire for C. BPKtSCN, -Redwood Canyon, Haywards, Ala- meda County. • "--.'■. ■'.;:■■: ffl»O<| MONTHLY FOR 6-ROOM COTTAGES; «JpZi' ' plans free. F. EOEGLE. Golden Gate statn. /-. ET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT TJNCLE GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE \JC HARRIS. 15 Grant aye.. near Geary st. Cg^C/\AB-ROOM HOUSE: BATH: HOT iIPT:U' i\J. and cold water: good barn; 10t45x100 on Tenth St.. near Castro: a bargain. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. •.*.. . . '■■->..■ <D* 1 L*fU\ HOUSE, 6 ROOMS.IN BERKELEY: IDUU. lot 100x100 with creek; 100 varieties flowers, fruits, etc. ..' ~~\ ... . ■ ■,: . . : $250— Half acre hill land: other houses and lots all over Berkeley. CHARLES A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley Station,' Berkeley. . v ■ PROPERTY IN ALL PARTS ;OF ALA MED A -L County for sale; large tracts in acres or lots be- tween Oakland:' and Berkeley; property at- Tem- escal a specialty. \V. 11. ROBINSON, 459 Ninth St., Oakland. ■..•.■-./.:.■»:.••■ ;■•■'*.:. v . :■'■.' >■: <' Si^'fl SACRIFICE; COTTAGE 6 ROOMS •4P l^ *J\J. and- bain; lot 17x100 on Sycamore street, near San Pablo avenue; terms, 350 cash,' balance easy terms. W. P. RYAN, 960 Seventh st., Oakland. .■'-.,',. '■ - ■■■■ . •:■ -.•• ■■•.,-■ ■■ ,- . . -■■> (> OLDEN GATE LOTS; 10 DOWN : $5 PR. MXX \JT MCCARTHY CO.; owners, 646 Market St.", S. F. & 1 £»rt LOTS NEAR THE altenheim in ■■ Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week: selling fast; • good Improvements. H. B. PINNED . owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. A WEEK'S * NEWS FOR B~ CENTS — TKB WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. , . !': ■. OAKLAND HOTELS. '■■■■: ' ?^ATi7nSo~IiOTETr~T!iE~^ VJT largest hotel - in > Oakland I table | first class; terms by week or month, moderate: trains to and from San Francisco every . 15 minutes; , cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel: sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT AY , Proprietor. . • ■ OAKLAND FURNITURE . FOR SALE. XpURNITIJRifAND cXRF'E^TATrYOU^OWN ■ J price. H. SCHELLHAAB. 408 Eleventh st. -■ ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. : ALAMEDA KEAL ESTATE. , ®7(|() '; IX>T 50X150. ■- $2000— Lot 60x115; cottage of 6 rooms and bath: stable; sunny frontage; $100 cash, balance $25 monthly; No. 170. -. , ; > 2800— Lot 50x86, with 6 rooms and bath; $50 cash, $20 per month; No. 127. •-,- . $1500— Lot 55x100; cottage 4 rooms; part cash; No. 129. ' $600-Lot 35x160: a snap. :; ' i ■ Houses to let in all parts of Alameda, $10 and up. For bargains in Alamedn property, see the Alameda Land Company, 1500 Park St., corner Santa Clara aye., Alameda. , ' ■'" .:< ,-..,,. TF~YOU WANT TO BUILD, BUY, SELLOREX- X change property • call on J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park st., Alameda. ::::: ■ '..-'- ::-■-. - -„ ■ TO EXCHANGE FOR SAN FRANCISCO RES- -L idence property; 3 fine residences in Alameda; > houses to let and for sale. E. D. J UDD, 1424 Park St., Alameda. ?•■;. .•:■:■.: -' ; •• - - ; -.".':■>•■ PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR THOSE WISH- • 1 ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 16 Grant aye. AA CASH, $20 PER MONTH; LOT SO.x tPIUU 150; modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 2 blocks from station; »2200. '--■■■■ ■' No. 654. '■,'■■ $100 cash, $25 per month: lot 33:4x150; new 2- story house 6 rooms and bath, 2 1 blocks from sta- tion. $2600. No. 620. i $100 cash. $30 per month lot 35x150: modern 2- story house 7 rooms and bath with barn, 1 'block from station ; $3000. . . No. 669. : $200 cash, 830 per month: lot 37:2x108: elegant new cottave 6 rooms and bath ; $3100. I No. 670. ' $500 ca«n, $40 per month ; lot 33:4x140: elegant 2-story house 7 rooms and bath, 1 block ' from sta- tion; 500. , - W . -, , No 665. -. $1000 cash, $50 per; month; lot 40x150; fine 2- story house 9 rooms " and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion; $6500. V : .' . - ■ No. 333. . v Houses to let in all parts of Aiameda. Apply to H. P. MORE AL. 1432 Park St., Alameda. : - mHE JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY ARE .i. offering I great | inducements ,to those desiring homes in Alameda. They have on hand a number of i modem homes " In size .' and ; price to : suit - all comers; easy terms if preferred.'. Send for their Il- lustrated , catalogue, "Figures | and Facts," which contains valuable Information for all who intend purchasing. ' Main office, 1864 Park st, Alameda; branch;l9 Montgomery st., San Francisco. - •■■■-.--• v ; BERKELEY KiiAi, ESTATE. : SgUi ~\ n6tHER~BARO AIN ; HOUSE OF XX. orchard; 120x135: owner sick; must sell. Ap- ply JOSEPH J. MASON', Dwlght-way station. > :-. I CAN DISTANCE .THEM ALL WHEN IT comes to bargains.- Look -at this. ' House of 7 rooms t lot 80x134%; about 4 blocks from station, for $1800. House of 5 rooms; lot 60x135: 1 street work ail done; not 2 blocks from ■ station, 1 block from electric railway, for $1750. . . < •!.:?••.. :> 1 1 Do you want the earth— then start In on this. .'■" A few fine lots, perfectly level, on the sunny side of street, opposite a $12,000 residence: each 50x140 and only $400 «ach.*-*j«-iA-".?5i:*?:v I >is^BH^aitW)(art ■ Apply to JOS. J. MASON. Dwlght-way Station. ArOU CANNOT HELP MAKING MONEY BY JL buying Berkeley property at . to-day's prices; I make a specialty of choice property and can hold my •' own ■ with any ' real ■ estate man In Alameda County. A specialty for to-day: House of 8 rooms; lot 45x135: near the university: street, work all done | only ; $3600. ; JOS.' J. MASON,' Dwight-way station. '-*;■:■-&: &:■? : *t?t,iii -■^V/y::-^:.-::" i.Z'f'.i'-^i; XCHANGE FOR BERKELEY PROPERTY. J Business property on Park St., Alameda; IOOx 160; to exchange for Berkeley property. y An elegant ■ block lof land .on Feral Heights, East Oakland; I positively the most I elegant home- site in East Oakland: elevation 200 feet above city, base; elegant view of Lake Merritt adjoins the beautiful home of Borax Smith; will trade for town lots in Berkeley or unincumbered . ranch I property. ■a_ Beautiful home, entirely furnished: •; lot 75x 30 ; near station and school ; Installment loan of $4000;' will trade equity for lot or other property, M. L. WURTS,' Dwlght-way station, Berkeley. > f»V»' ~ , GET * MONEY ■ ON : DIAMONDS ; , AT ?. UNCLE HARRia'. 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. :~ -vy CU Qnnn "i modern; QUEEN anne i cot- (JpOUUU. tage: new; lot 40x125; ■ five minutes' walk from station. l .x<"^. .>-i- «■-«-> J---" : .t-vj ~:\ $2900— Brand-new 2-story house of 7 rooms: near Dwight-way station: must be sold: easy payments. i M. L. WURTS, Dwlght-way station, Berkeley. j-^v; (&-| r 5-ROOM COTTAGE: 60x135; $1650. F •up LO. BOEG.LE, Golden Gate station. , STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS , STOCKTON REAL ? ESTATE. ""* TTENDERBON <fc CARTER, 17 SOUTH SAN ' £1 Joaquln St., Stockton. .800 acres adjoining the city; a choice tract to subdivide.' A Choice- block of 82 lots in good loca- tion: $4800. * Several nice cottages fromslooo t0... $4000: on easy terms. A few choice lots on the line of the electric-cars. Good garden tracts from 5 to 20 acres: well located. . 100 acres, six miles from Stockton; fine rich soli $55 per acre: a tine bargain. , 300 tons of choice bay at a bargain. ■ - A A. DUDLEY A CO., --' . REAL ESTATE BROKERS. ;^i_wv - 405 East Main St., Stockton, Cal. •* V Choice residence lots on electric street car line, ■ from $150 up; $10 down, $1 per week; no interest, . no taxes. ' Send for maps. - '■-.■--■*,?->' '."/■.'-'' a ,-, ■ Small acreage tracts for gardens and orchards on ;' easy terms. Bargains In Improved property. Cor- respondence solicited. ■ -•■-•.. . :■*: ' - . : : .-._-i PROPER TY TO S EXCHANGE. _ -_ : TV" ANTED TO EXCHANGE— A RESIDENCE '. " property In a beautiful town of a popiuation of about 2300: Napa County; house of 7 rooms, barn and good well of water: also town water: lot 75x S 150; for San Francisco property: value $3000. For particulars address 112 Liberty, St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. -.- •_<•*■> -4* .».«.-.r-y r- -■■-.'■-•■■--■-.■ - -:.. • ' •.' ANTED— CHICKEN RANCH, 5 TO 10 II acres, near city, exchange for 20-room hotel fr in thriving bay town. "Address C. R., box 90, Call -': Office. ' .. . • • -, GRIFFIN. COTTONWOOD, SHASTA CO., . Cal., wants acreage near 8. F. for a clear farm. 3 /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— - \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- i <ge free -■■--. ' ■ - *•■■■ *'■■■ ~ ■'■■■-*■ MARRIAGE LICENSES. ] ;. " 1 Licenses to marry were granted yesterday at . follows: • " • -: Ernest J. Behre and Katie H. Nicola!, 29—30. : s . : Karl C. Partridge and Eunice Roberts, 23— '20. . Horace Webster and Alrada E. Nolte, 19—19. B. F. I>amborn and A. B. Sylvester, 24—20. C. A. Gilbert and Florencce Kllpatrick, 25-20. Henry S. Russ and Rosle L. Schmidt, 22—19. . Patrick Brannan and Ellen ulynn. 60—34. W. V. Francis and Lizzie E. McKeOwn. 22—21. v-V DIVORCE SUITS UEGUN. " '-'. Suits for divorce were begun yesterday as fol- lows: '.. r.;\ .■.-,...:. ;i -J >■,'; tSi'^'H'j'X. Jennie Walley against Charles Walley. Albert F. Benton against Hannah Benton. Marie L. Strohlln against C'ttr^A. Wtrohlln. : BIRTHS-MARRIAGES-DEATHS. J [Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall - will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of, the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized ■ to have the same published. BORN. FARNLACHER— 6,1895, to the wife of A. Farnlacher, a son. HART— In this city, August 18, 1895, to the wife of Dr. A. C. Hart, a daughter. LOEWE— 19. 1895, to the wife of William -. -. G. Loewe, a daughter. ?■ ■ : - . : ■ . .-. THOMPSON— In this city, August 18, 1895, to the . wife of Charles E. Thompson, a daughter. , ' ™~~ DIED. '" '* Cairney, Timothy J. ' Kendall, Sophronl» ■ • DabanovichV Alexander Lan& Charles K." -■ ' .'■ Durkln, James N. McKeage, Thomas • ' Firebaugh. Blanche L. Pettinglll, William ' - ; Gleaion. Catherine E. . Porter, George K. Jr. , Gallaway, James Stiles. Henry J«jnas, John- ' Stud wick, Joseph E. - Kaskel, Frank . Savage, Henry . ; J " - Yanagi, S. CAGNEY— In this city, 'August 20, 1895, Timothy ', J., only son of . the late Martin and Margaret;. Cagney, father of Mary Cagney. and bro:her ' of . - Mrs. R. E. Harlock, Mrs. J. Bar, Mrs. Margaret o \ Edmonds, Mrs. D. Stewart and Mrs. John ■ Dip- \ pel, a native of San Francisco, aged 39 years 10 - months and 13 days. ■'■■:■ • . ? ■KB" Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Connor -, &Co.. 767 Mission street. DABANOVICH-In this city, August 18, 1895, : Alexander Dabanovich, a native of Bar, Mon- tenetrro, aged 32 years 4 months and 6 days. Friends and acquaintances nre respect, a fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY.; , (Wednesday), at 12:30 o'clock p.m., from -er- vlan-Montenegrin Benevolent Society Hall, 10 California street, thence to Russian St. Basil's Church, "• Powell ■ street.' . Interment "• Orthodox Eastern Church Cemetery. ■ DURKIN— In this city, August \ 20, 1 1895, at his . residence, 1237 Folsom street, James Hillary, beloved son of James and Eliza Durkln, and : brother of Mary, Lulu. Edward and Lizzie Dur- kin, a native of San Francisco, aged 24 years. tig" Notice of funeral hereafter. FIRKBAUGH— In this city, August 19, 1895' Blanche L., youngest and beloved daughter of H - C. and Charliaan Kirebanith, and i sister of - Mrs. Mabel Park and William H., Charles and Henry ■ .', Firebaugb, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 ' years 10 months and 24 days. . • JK3**FriendB and' acquaintances . are respect- < fully invited to attend the funeral. THlS DAY I (Wednesday). at 2 o'clock p. m., from the family | residence. 3100 Washington street. Interment; - Masonic Cemetery. , . . -.'■■' ". : GLEASON— Tn this city, August 20, 1895, Cath- erine E., beloved wife of P. F. Gleason, a native.; of Quincy, Mass., aged 42 years 6 months and 20 . days. fQulncy (Mass.) papers please copy.) ' . '■• J*y The funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 8:80 o'clock a. m., from her late jj residence, southeast corner Harrison and Twen- 8 • ty-fifth | streets, thence to St." Peter's Church, . ; • where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose or her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. it. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ; : GALLAWAY— In Oakland, Anscust ; 19, 1895, I James < Gallaway, brother of Officer John Galla- way of San Francisco, a native of Liverpool, England, aged 36 years 8 months and 6 days. , ' : -:■ /Si" Friends : and ■ acquaintances are • respect- . fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW , (Thursday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from his late j residence, 2241 Adeline street, Oakland. ; JONAS— In this city, August 20, 1895, John .; Jonas. ,' ' • . - KENDALL— In this city, August 20, 1895, So- " phronla Kendall, beloved mother of Mrs. M. M. ! Carpentar. and grandmother of Frank W. and Fred L. Carpentar. a native of New York,' aged -, ■ 89 years and 4 months. - .-.•• ' ' -.: KB" Friends and < acquaintances are respect- - fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW . (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M. M. Carpentar, 2008 Vfe Union street. Interment Masonic Cemetery. ;■ . .'. KASKEL— In this city, August '20,-1895," Frank,'.' beloved son of Dora and the late i Isaac - Kaskel, a native of New Orleans, aged 7 years and 21 ■ -days. • "•'• ■:■■; . "':'■' ■ ■■ *■: .^-j LANG— this city, Angnst 20. 1895, Charles E~ : dearly beloved husband of Sarah F. Lang, and ■ father of Charles E.Lang Jr. and Mrs. Llla M. Kimball, ? a native of Massachusetts, aged 68 5 ■ ; years 6 months and 12 days. • ■ . '• ■■-•!• ..*.'■ • JBC3~ Friends are respectfully Invited to attend 1 -- the funeral services TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 10 o'clock a. m., at his late residence, 1714 Mason % street. • Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. " McKEAGE — In this .? city, August 19, 1895, . - Thomas, beloved husband of Hanqrah McKeage. -.- 'father of Mrs. Frank C. Dowllng, Mrs. Thomas, | Mcßride I and Nona, Kittle and the late IP. E. ; . McKeage, a native of the parish of Carndonagh,' ' County Donegal, Ireland, aged 76 years. \ - ' • x3jrFriendB and /acquaintances are respect- ■ fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from his late v residence, 711 Clementina street, thence to St. • - Joseph's Church for services. ' Interment Mount '..:■ Calvary Cemetery. V Please omit flowers. : ... -. PORTER— In % San Fernando, August ■ 18, 1895, \ : George K. Jr., only son of George K. and Kate O. '. '. ■ . Porter, a native of San Francisco, aged 11 years -; ■ and 4 days. ■ .•.•■■•■••■'••■.■-■■■ ". ' ■- j^gr Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 1:15 / . . : : o'clock p. it.', from ■ the - family • residence, I£l3 '. - Jones street, thence to Cypress Lawn Cemetery I Iby special train • leaving Third and Townsend : '■ streets at 2 :46 o'clock p. it. .;• / •" : ' :■ PETTING ILL— In this city, August 20. 1895, Wil- ' liam, beloved son of William an ' Annie Pettin- .■ ' gill, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 months and 7 days. .'• r i"- ;'.;■.'.':■'■'. --<■ ■- ■ ; ',-l' STILKS— In Oakland, August 18, ; 1895, * Henry, ■ . beloved husband of Eliza Stiles, and father of ' Martha i Flohr, a native of New York, aged 50 ;*. ■":' ; years. ,--.:.■..■>>- ■ -.; .■■■■•, ; u ■..<■,-; .-,;; i .., .• ,:.•■. .<•■.;•; i.;.; : ■ jßSTFrlends and >, acquaintances •; are ' respect- r ■ : fully invited to attend the funeral : THIS DAY , : B ; (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. M.;from his late resi- .- dence. 142 Center street, North Oakland, thence >' to Sacred Heart Church, .where services will be ! - 1 held, commencing .at . 2:30 o'clock p. K. ■ Inter- > " . ment St. Mary's Cemetery, Oakland. , .. ; ,- i- STUDWICK— In this city, August 19. 1895, Joseph , E., beloved husband of the late Catherine Stud- :•„ wick, : a native of England, . aged •61 years 8 : " months and 10 days. ■" '' ' ; ''■'.'■ - ■■-■■ JUST Friends ' and *; acquaintances : are respect- . :, fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY ; ' (Wednesday), at 9:30 o'clock a. k., from his late | residence, 206 Fifth street, thence to St. Patrick's ) : Church for. services,' commencing at 10 o'clock .- •' p. m. : Interment private. \. . ' • ; ■.•■.". ■■: yy s SAVAGE— Entered ; Into '• rest, Angust •■ 19,*1895, " ■ Henry ■ Savage, ° a native of » London, . ; England, ■ i ' aged 85 years 6 months and 22 days. •=:" .;-•.>•:; ■ jO" Friends and" acquaintances are : respect- . fully Invited to attend the i funeral THIS Da Y t V I (Wednesday), at . 2 o'clock p. it.; from Masonic : Temple, corntr Post and Montgomery streets. . ■■:;■' YANAGI— In this city, August 20, 1395, S. Van- "" agl. aged 31 years. .-...,-.■■. i---..f.i-<^ ■>■■■'.'• .>' - ■'' ■■'; I UHITED * UNBEKTAKKftS^""" ?'■• EMBALMING PARLORS. . Everything Requisite for First -class aerate '" . .:..'.->.•-:.. ..-at Reasonable Rates.'. ■'•- • - ' Telephone 3167. ■* 27 and 20 Fifth street. ■ ' , I McAVOY & GALLAGHER, I I i FUNKRAL DIRECTORS * ;^ V SO Fifth St., Opp. I'ir.c.oin School: «'.< ■::?■-: '■*'.:'..'■■■':■. Telephone 3080.^.J'-yY • i :'-.'>' CYPRFSS LAWS GEMFTFRY. TN SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; - J. laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- ■•_ tlfnl, permanent i and easy of i access; ■ see it before -'■ buying a burial place elsewhere. - ■ - - -- • City. Office. 0 City Hall Avenue* ¥ T TTrf i"'ll II TlfiMlW Tiir— ii iiTfIMUMI i intmiraiM *lh llimiT^lllUMM^mßll 13