Newspaper Page Text
10 The COMMERCIAL WORLD SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS. Silver unchanged. Wheat weak and dull. Barley quiet. Oatu weak. Corn and Rye dull. Feedstuff's unchanged. Hay in ample receipts. Beans dull and weak. Larce quantities of Coal coming. Grain Bags lower and dull. Prunes in improved demand. Fresh Fruits unchanged. Dry and Salted Hides lower again. I'otatoes and Onions weak. Butter and K.ees quieter. No change in Poultry. Provisions unchanged. Increased shipments of Wine. WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. I'MTEn States Department of Agricttt> TT'BK, Weather BrBKAr, San Francisco, August 22, 1895, 5 p. m.— Weather conditions and general forecast. The following are the rainfalls to date, as compared with those of the same date last sea son: Eureka .15, last season .02: Red Bluff .16, lust season .02: Sacramento .04. last season trace; San Francisco .01, last season trace; Fresno trace, last season trace: San Luis Obispo trace, last season .00; Los Angeles trace, last sea son trace; San Diego .00, last season .00; Yuma .01. last season .45. The following maximum temperatures are re ported from stations in California to-day: Eureka 68, San Francisco 61, San Luis Obispo 76, Yuma 102. Red Muff 96, Fresno 94. Los Angeles 80, Sacramento 83, Independence *M), San Diego 74. San Francisco data— Maximum temperature 61, minimum 51. mean 56. The pressure is highest this evening over Van couver Ishiiid and lowest in Southern Arizona. There h«s been a marked increase in pressure dur ing the day throughout Washington, a condition favorable for clear and warmer weather through out the interior of the Paeifu- roast siatfs. It will also tend to diminish the foe along the must. Forecast made at s?an Francisco for thirty hours, ending midnicht August 23, 1895: For Northern California— Fair, except foggy along the coast at nisait; probably slightly warmer In the interior except nearly stationary tempera ture at Sacramento; fresh to brisk westerly winds. For Southern California— Fair, slightly warmer to the interior Of the northern portion and on the extreme northern coast: trt-sh westerly winds. For Nevada— Fair; nearly stationary tempera ture, except slifztitly warmer in the extreme west portion. For Utah— Fair, sli;htly warmer Friday. For Arizona— Fair; nearly stationary tempera ture. For San Francisco and vicinity— Fair, except cloudy and fojray at night: nearly stationary tem perature: fresh westerly winds, becoming brisk in the afternoon. W. H. Hammun. Forecast Official. KEW YORK. MARKETS. NF.W YORK, N. V.. Aug. 22.— Stocks were feverish to-day and the bulk of the business was In the industrials. Tobacco monopolized the speculation durine the early session, but in the afternoon Sugar forged rapidly to the front. To bacco was very erratic in its course. The stock opened at 94, fell to 93Vi>. bounded up to 96i 2 **1 closed 1 7 )» per cent higher on the day at Ho",*. The selling at the start was due to the announce ment that the outside manufacturers will meet in this city on September 4 to complete their ar rangements for fighting the trust. The siock, however, was hard to borrow, and commanded a sma'l Dremium for use. This had a tendency to make small operators cover and accounts for the rise notel. Sugar dropped from 108 i, 3 to 106" t on the redaction in the price of refined. Toward the close, however, the stock was taken in ban;! and marked up to 110\g. Lead, linseed oil and cotton oil were weak aud declined from Vs '" - 7 s per ci ;k. Chicago Gas dropped -'4 to b9^ and rose to 61Snffl61"g. Operators in the railway and Btand . k jiaidVery little attention to the move ments of the industrials and railways ruled strong throughout. The crop news was of a favorable character. Tnere was no new withdrawal of gold for ship ment to Europe, and at the same time the sterling exchange market was Inclined to greater use. London sold a blocK of St. Paul, but the stock was quickly absorbed. Rock Island was taken by brokers supposed to be acting for insiders. Chesa- j peake and Ohio was sold down 1% to 20 by the : plungers who recently broke Tobacco. 'Northwest was higher on th»* increase of $435,433 in earn incs for the month of July. The August receipts. It is understood, will be favorable. Lake F.rie and I Western jumped from 773« to 82@80% and Min neapolis and St. Louis from fc3s4 to 25(cy25y 2 . In the last hour the market, In sympathy with the ■spurt in sugar speculation, left off. firm. Net changes show gains of i/ g to % per cent. In the in dustrials the improvements ranged from l /i to 1%. Lead, however, lost 1(^21/8 percent. Sales were 268.689 shares, including 77,800 susrar, 40,700 to fcarco and 1:5,500 St. Paul. ■ Honds were higher. The sales aggregated $1, --601,000. Columbus and Ninth-avenue firsts rose •1 to 1343/ 8 : <ialveston, Uarrisburg and San Anto nio firsts. 2 to 107: international and Great North ern seconds. 1 '■ 2 to SOU.; Manhattan Beach Hotel and Land fours, •_' to s~i : Northern Pacific consol lives, 1 to 39; do certificates. 1 to 39: Oregon Short Line consol fives, 2% toSSV 2 : Wabash seconds, ,i to 791 4. and Cordage firsts, I 1 * to 445|!43: Houston and Texas Central debenture sixes brought 99. against 97 1 '■> before to-day. The Mercantile satY Deposit Company reports silver bullion on hand, 212,229 ounces; certificates .outstanding, 212. California fruit quotations: Oranges, $2 90@3 40; Pears— Banlett, »1 75@2. Peaches — CrawforJ, Sl@l 20: California cling, $I@l 55; Susquelianoa. 35c@$l 20; Albright, $1 05@l 10. Plums— Japan. $1 40@2; yellow egg, $1. Prunes— Gros, 95c@l 05. Raisins— Three-crown, $3 50. Prunes- Four sizes, $5 35@5 50. Grain and Merchandise. NEW YORK. N. V., Aug. 22.-Flonr, weak; freely offered; light demand. Winter wheat— Low grades, $2 15®2 80; do, fair to fancy, $2 90@3 30; do, patents. 93 50@3 80; Minnesota clear, $2 65@ 3 25; do straights. 93 15@3 50: do patents, ,?:» 30 at 4 30; low extras, $2 15@2 80: city mills, $3 90® 4 15; do patent, $4 20@4.55; Southern flour, dull, weak ; common to fair extras, $2@2 80: good to choice do, $2 90(§»3. Cornmeal— Dull, steady; Yellow Western. $2 75 @2 80. Nominal. Wheat— Dull, lower, with options steady. . No. 2, red in store and elevator, 67(&67i4c; afloat. 6734® 68c; f. o. I)., 673 / 4(S ( / ic: ungraded red, 61@70c; No. 1 Northern, 69 l /i@69y 2 c. Options opened firm and advanced s fa » 2 c with the West: fell ]V 4 @13/ g c on easier sables, foreign selling and free realizing, railiid Vi($ l on covering; closing weak at 1 4fgj5/ 8 c below yesterday With trading more active. December and September most active. .No. 2 red August, 67i/gc: September. 673/ 8 c; Octo ber, 67' 4 December, 69Vic: May, 73^c. Corn— active, weaker. No. 2, 433,4 cm el evator: 443 so afloat, Options were more active and weak at V 8% s /4c decline on weakness in the West, heavy receipts on local liquidation: Septem ber and., October most active. Septeniber;"4l%c; October; JtTtfac; November, 40" 8 c; December, 381 c: May, 37% c. . . , Outs— and steady, i,4@y 2 c lower. Options dull and easy. August, 25c; .-September, 24i/ic; October, 24c;' May, 27c. Spot prices: No. 2, 25Vac: No. 2 White, 28c: No. 2 Chicago, 28c; No. 3, 25c; No. 3 White, 26@2t>i/4c: Mixed Western, 26@27c: White State and Western, 25(» 253,4 c. Tf-. -.,:.-;-- . Plgiron— Firm; fairly active. American, $11 50 @14. Copper— Firm. Lake, 812 25. Lead— Quiet. Domestic, $3 50. Tin-Firm. Straights, *14 20@14 25; plates, quieu . . . <•. Spelter— Steady. Domestic, $4 15. Hops— Quiet.' Wool— and steady. Domestic fleece, 16® 22c; pulled, 15@1534c; Texas, 10®10i4c. *- Lard— Quiet, weak. Western steam, $ti 40; City, 96 15; 'September. ? 6 37 Vs. nominal; refined, quiet; Continent, $7; South America, $7 25; com pound, 434<§,5y B e. r Pork— Weak and quiet; Mess, ?11@11 50. /.Butler— Quiet. Fancy steady state dairy, 12@ IBV2 1 -: do creamery, 19y 2 @2oc; Western dairy, 9y 2 <#l3c;. Western creamery, 13@20cr Western factory, B@l2y 2 c: Elgin, 20c; imitation creamery, ll@lsc. . Cheese— Firm. ■ State, large, 6®7%c; do fancy, 7y 2 @7%c;.d0 small. BV 4 @S3/ic; pan. skims, 214® 6c; full sk-lms,iy 2 @2c. a . Kggs— Firm; State and Pennsylvania, 14@15y 2 c; Western, iresh, 13V 2 (ai4y 2 c: do per case, $1 50^,4. Tallow— Quiet, strong; City, 4 Vic bid; country, 41 2 (g,4%c. • Cottonseed oil— Dull, easy. Crude, 24c; yel low prime, 263,4 c; do good, off grades, 26 3 /4 c. Rice— Steady, quiet. Domestic, 3y s @6c; Japan, 3*4@4c. Molasses— Firm, unchanged. Coffee— 10<B20 points down; August, ?14 85; September, $14 V0^.14 90; October, $14 90 fls: November and December, $14 75@14 80: arch. $14 60@14 55. Spot Rio, dull, easier; No. 7. 16c. Sugar — Raw. dull, easier. Fair refining, 2 15-16 c: centrifugals. 96 tfst.S^c; refined, lower, fairlyactivfi:offA,3 15-16@4i/ic:moid A. 4 9-16® 4^ic: standard A, 4 6-lti(<2»4V2C: confectioners' A. 4 3-16@;43'»c; cut loaf, 4 16-lt>@sy 8 c; crushed, 4 13-lt(&bi/ 6 c ; powderpd and cubes, 4 91b@4%c; granulated. 4 5-16@46/gC. CHICAGO VAKKETB. CHICAGO, 111., Aug. 22.— There was a gratify ing change, from a bull standpoint, in the wheat market this morning, the opei.ln; tndfli being made at %(SV2C higher tl an last night's close. The Improved tone was caused by reported rains throughout portions of the Northwest, cables not as weak as expected and free covering by -shorts." The Cincinnati Price Current was bearish, If any thing, reporting that lato returns furnished no reason for reducing the wheat yield estimates and that there was a moderate tendency to increase marketings. Receipts at Chicago were lighter than expected, 74 cars arriving. Receipts In the Northwest, were largo. 408 cars coming in at Min neapolis and Duluth. Withdrawals from store were 65,782 bushels and 273,349 bushels, includ ing wheat and Hour cleared at the seaborr 1. . Continental markets closed lower, except Paris flour, which was unchanged.' .Liverpool cables were quiet and easy, with a decline ot V*d reported In future*, Aft?r the "shorts" woro well covered there seemed to be an absolute Jack of any outside demand, and early pit buyers turned sellers, with the result that the market weakened und fell off over a cent. The large arrivals in the Northwest and the belief that much larger may be expected in the near future were also weakening factors. Buying against --puts" steadied the market at the decline. September wheat opened at 63V8£ to 63V4C advanced to 63Vi@63Sic, declined to 015/ 8 @613/ 4 c and closed at C2VsC< 5/ 8 c under yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow, 100 cars. Corn— The improved feeling in the wheat mar ket was reflected in corn, which opened steady at unchanged prices. The lichter receipts than ex pected and the rather bullish Cincinnati Price Current summary also assisted in maintaining steady prices. The Price Current reported a con siderable quantity of corn in the central regions IrreparaDly injured by insufficient moisture, and that an important lowering of the avera?e prom ise seemed certain. Receipts were fiiirlv liberal, »93-cars arriving. The withdrawals from store were 338,057 bushels, and '291,398 bushels cleared at the seaboard. Liverpool cables were quiet. Both spot and futures were reported *4d lower. Later the market weakened in sympathy with wheat, and under acute pressure from warehousemen and receiving houses who reported larger offerings from the West. The large for to-morrow also ma terially assisted In depressing prices. September opened at 363.4, advanced to 37, declined to 25%. and closed at 353,i@35%, %tolc under yester day. Estimated receipts for to-morrow 700 cars. Oats were quiet but "steady. Receipts were fair, 169 cars arriving. The market was practically featureless. Trading was very light, the demand being principally for May oats. Nearthe Close the market became weaker in response to the weaker tone of wheat and com. September oats closed a shade lower than yesterday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow 210 cars. Flax was easier. «'ash Northwestern, $1 06@ 105%: August, $106: September, $106@104; October, $1 05@l 04. Receipts were 106 cars. Provisions were easy early on rather free selling by "longs." A weaker hog market at the yards assisted in keeping prices lower. Trading was light. Prices partially recovered on buying of September ribs by* Armour, but later, the market weakened In sympathy with the lower grain markets, iAt the close, September pork was 22% c under yesterday, and September lard and September ribs 10c lower than yesterday. Closing prices: Wheat— August, 61 %c; September, 62ysc; De ceraner, 64% c; May, HSVgC. Corn— August. 3*7 September, 3534 c; Decem ber. 3U/ic; May, 32 Vic. Oats-August, 20c: September, 19y 8 c: Octo ber, 19% c; May, 22% c. Pork — September, $9 57%: October, $9 60; January, $» »'/ U». Lard — September, $6; October, $6 05; Janu ary. $6. Hibs— September, $6; October, 02%; Janu ary, $5 l'J%. ' * Butter was quiet and steady. A good many or ders were received lor fancy make of creameries — all, however, for local consumption. Extra cream eries were %c higher, selling nt 19 l /2 c - With this exception pnet s were unchanged. '. Eggs met with a fair sale and held steady In value. The demand was quite urgent, although principally of a local nature. Fresh stock sold at 11 %@l2c p»r dozen. Money was easy at 4@4% per cent on call and 5@5% per cen.'on time loans. New York Ex change sold at 65c discount. Livestock. UfTIOM STOCKY AJUJS, Ili*. Aug. 22.— The receipts of cattle were liberal to-day. There was a good demand, however, and prices for best quality wers linn and s<g.loc higher. For poorer grades the market was easier at unchanged prices. Hog receipts were large, and as the offerings ex ceeded the demand there was a further decline of 10c in prices. The receipts of sheep were large, but the demand was fairly good and prices were unchanged. Lambs were in greater supply than usual and declined 10@15c. Cattle — Receipts, 13.000; common to extra steers. $5 5G($5 95: stockers and feeders, ?2 26@ 4: cows and bulls. $1 25@4; calves, $3 50iat 6: Texans, $2(5.3 50: Western Rangers, $2 50 el 75. Hogs — Receipts, -22.000: heavy packing and shipping lo:s. $4 35@4 77%; common to choice mixed, $4 20@4 S7y»: choice assorted, $4 bO@ 4 90: light, $4 i.'xai <).'>: pigs, $2 90@4 SO. sheep — Receipts, 1.000; inferior to choice, $1 60(a,3 50; lambs. $2 85@5. CALIFORNIA FIICIT SALES. CIIICAGO, 111., Aug. 2-.—Ca lifornia fruit was | sold at open auction to-day as follows: By Earl | Fruit Company: Pears— Bartlett, $"_'@2 20; Beurre Hardy, $1 65@1 75; Duchess, $1 6S. Prunes— Gros, 85c@$l 20; 80c@$l: Hungarian, Ssc@s 15. | Plums— Kelsey Japan. 70c. Grapes— Tokay, 75c@ Isl 65; Muscat, 60c@$l; Rose de Peru, 6 Oc. Poaches— Crawford, $1 05@l 10: cling, 85c@95. Porter Brt« company :'- Pears— Bartlett, $1 30® 2 ■_'.*»: half boxes, »sc: Howells, $1 75; Flemish Beauties, SI 70: nectarines, $105. Grapes— Half | bjxes. Tokivs. $1 15(&1 GO; Muscats, 60c@$l 10; others, 45^90c. Plums— 70cj@i$1 25: pur pie Duane, $105; egg, 75c@$l 60; Victoria, $1; Columbia, 60c. Feilenberg, $1.15(,jl 20: Gros, $I@l 20: German, $1 25: Hungarian, 65c® $1. Peaches— Susquehanna. $l(<i.l 10: late ("raw fords. Rl-ffiSl 10; Orange Clings, 96c@$l 05; others, 50c(ju.$l. The National Fruit Association sold to-day: Grapes— crate« Tokay, 80cMi 45; Malaga, 70(S,S0c; who. crates Muscat?, $1 65; half crates do. 75c; half crates Rose de Peru, 55c: do Black I Hamburg, 80c. Nectarines, $1. Pears— Bartlett, $1 20@2 25; half boxes. 90c. Peaches— Orange clings, 80c; late Crawford, 90c@?l 10. Prunes— Gros iboxe*> 85c; crates, $1 05. JSBW YORK, K.Y.. Aug. 22.— California fruit was sold at open auction here .o-diy as follows: By the National Fruit As<«ocia:inii— Peaches, Late Crawfords, $I©l SI; California dines. $1W1O1; Wheatland. $1 25; Susquehauna, 85c@$l; Al bright clings, $1 05@l 10; Day's yellow, $1 15; Ward's free. $1 10; hums, Kelsey, $1 4C@2. Porter Bros. Company— Prunes. Gros, 95c@$l 25: Felknbtrg, $1 10; Plums, Japans. $2 8.; Egg, £1 10. Peaches— Albtrtas, $I@l 25: Pears, Bart letts, $2 1.V&2 25. The Karl Fruit Company sold to-day: Pears— Bartlett, $2 15&2 4l>; naif boxes, $1 20; I'.eurre Clairg au,-,sl 7O@l 80. Grapes— Tokay, SI 35$ 1 85; Muscats, $T 05; Malagas. $1 15. Prunes—" Hungarian, $1 05. . BOSTON, Mass., Aug. 22.— California fruit was sold at open auction to-day a« follows by Porter Bros. Company: Pears— Harriett, $1 94@2 30; half boxes. Seckels, $1 12y 2 . Prunes— bents, $1 10@l 62; tiros. 87y 2 c@sl 25; Hungarian, ; 87y 2 ctosl: German, 87y2C. Plums— Golden Drops, 95c; Egg, 90c. Grapes— Half crates, Muscats, $1 20; others, ?1 15. Peaches— Late Crawford, 7Sc@sl 15: Orange clings, 87V2C@?1 12V 2 ; Sus quelianna. 95c@$l. . The Karl Fruit Company sold at open auction ' to-day: Pears— Bartletts, $1 60fc£2 BO: White Doyenne, $1 50. Prunes— Oros, 76c@$l 40; Sil ver. $1; Hungarian, 90e@$l 15: FeiTenberg, $1; German. 85cg&$l 15; Sargent, 75c. Plums— Egg, Soc(3,sl: Columbia, 85c; Kelsey^Japan, Sl@l 85. Peaches— Crawford, 90c. CINCINNATI, Onio, Aug. 22.— Peaches— fornia, $1 05@l 15 per box; Lake Shore, $I@l 50 per bushel. California, Bartlett, $2 per box. Plums— California, $1 30@l 60 per box; Damson. #3 50@4 per stand; Green Gages, ,SO(g> jo • per basket. Oranges -California Navel, $3 CO per box, Seedlings, $2 75@3 25; Messina, $2 26@ 2.75. .. . ' -• , KBfl VO«:iv STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad >hares. Money on call has been easy at lv; last loan l%and closing offered at 1%. Prime mercantile paper, 4@ 4Vz%. Bar silver, 665, jjc. Mexican dollars, 53Vic Stirling exchansre is easy, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 89fd.4 8914 for 60 (lays and $4 «9i,4fe4 90 for demand". Posted rates. $4 .89v2@ 4 00 1 2 - 'Commercial bills, $4 87%®! 88V4. Gov ernment bonds better; State bonds steady; railroad bonds firm.. Silver at the Board was quiet. CLOSIXO ' STOCKS." Am Tel* Cable.... 96 I Norfolk <fc West.... 3y Atchlson... 17% {'referred 13V* Preferred S3 North American... 6% Adams Express... 147 Northern Pacific. 14% Alton.Terre Haute. 62 Qi Preferred 107U American Express.ll3Vs Northwestern 1038^ American Tobacco. 96% ! Preferred ......146 Preferred 10BVa>*- Y. Central: 101% Bay State Ga5...... 19 r X. Y. Chicago&S.L 10% Baltimore & Ohio. . 64 Vi Ist preferred 70 Brunswick Lands.. 2. 2d preferred 31 Buffalo. Koch &P. 22 X. V. &N. 11... IS»9 Canada Pacific... 63 X. Y. <£• New Eng. 60 Canada Southern . 65% X. Y. Husq A W.... IS Canton ijinrl 60 8 | Preferred 32 Central Pacific... 10V 4 Ontario;. ■••... 9i/ 3 Ches.AOhio ... 5201/8 Ontario * Western. 17Vs ChicbKO Alton 160 Oregon lmprovmU . BVi Preferred .170 Preferred... 35 Chicago, 1;. A < i 93i/i Oregon Navigation. '28 Chicago it K. 111... 62 Oregon Short Lino. 5 Preferred.::;. ....lO3Vi Pacific Mall 28Vi ChicagoGaa..' iil3/ ( |peona, D.ifc E veins. . ti3/» <,'leve & sours. 162 IPittsburj?* W pfd. So^i Consolidation Coal. «2 PuMman Pa1ace.. .172 Consolidated Gas..l4u Quicksilver......... 3 C. C. C. <t St. Louis. 48% 1 Preferred.. 19 Preferred ..... 93V2 ! Readlnt lK*/s Colo. Fuel & Iron.. RioOrande &W-estn 17^ Preferred......... 92 Preferred ...40 Cotton Oil Cert 25 Rock Island. 81% Commercial Cable. l 63 Rome Wat &Ogden lit] Del. Hud50n. ...... 132 [St. L. <& B. NY..... 7-% Del. Lack& Western 162 Preferred......... 17V» Denver<fclt. G...... 14% 5t. Pau1...... ...... 7iJV a • Preferred.. 4~V4 ! Preferred......... 128 1/4 Distillers .......... al .St. Paul «t Dnluth. 28Va General Electric... 36%' Preferred.;...:... 88 Erie 88/s St. Paul A Omaha.. 42 Preferred........ 2oy 2 , Preferred....... 119 Fort Wayne 162. St. P. Ai; ft m 116% Great Northern 125 Silver Certlficat.... 66% Green Bay ....... % Southern Pacific. li l /a Har1em...... ...... 260 '(Southern R. R..... 133/ Hocking C0a1...... - 3 V"! Preferred.... ...... 40% Hocking Valley... 24i/ 4 euKar Refinery... Homestake.. :..... 28 i Preferred..." .101% H. A Texas Cent-. 3 Term. Coal <fc Iron. 351/4 Illinois Central — 101 : Preferred 98 lowa Central....... lOVa Texas Pacific ... 12 Preferred:........ 36 ToI.A.A.<S N.Xich. : H/a Kansas & Texas. ._ 17s/ g Tol. & Ohio Cen.... 48 Preferred ..... 37Va Preferred 75 Kingston * Pern... 3 Tol. St. Louis K.C. ■ 6 Lake Erie &Westn 27 y 8 - Preferred IS I Preferred 81 Union Pacific...'..." 131/4, Lake 5h0re. ...... .152 U. P.. Den. A Gulf. . 6% National J.ead 35: C.S. Cordage....... li% Preferred......... 92 Preferred.;....... 31/4 Long 151 and....... 85 , Guaranteed ..'7 Louisville A Nash . 6iy 8 V. 8. E.t press....:. 4S .J Louisville Na<t Ch. 8% L*. S. Leather...... I6MI Preferred........ .26 ► Preferred......... 85% Manhattan Consol.ll4« i 4'U.S. Rubber ......'.,40»/I Memphis* Charls. 15 |» Preferred......... o*Va Mexican Central.'.. 13 IJtica AR. River. .160 Michigan Central.. 101 Vfc W'ab. S. L. A Puc.. 0 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1895. Minn* 9. L Preferred -21% Preferred.... Wells-Fargo.; 109 Minn. A St. L com. 24^4 Western Union 93% Ist preferred..... 85 Wis Central....... fiyg / preferred 67 1 Wheeling- AL. E.. 16V4 Missouri Pacific... 38 Preferred 50% Mobile* 0hi0..... 24 Am Cotton Oil pf d. 73 Nashville Chatt.... 70 W V 8eef..... ' 8% National Linseed.. 29 Vi L I Traction.. 14% N. J. Central ......105 v; CTOfIIHQ BONDS. - . ' U 8 4b, reg...... ..:112V* M X T2dsr. 64% Do, 4s coupon... 112% D 0,45.., 45.. 89% V 8 4s new reg 12'« i Mutual Union 65... 110 Do, 4s coupon... 1221/4 N J Cent Gen 65.. .1 18 - Do. 25.... 96% Northern Pao 15t5.117% Do, 5s 1163. 8 Do, 2ds.. 102 Do, 6s c0up0n.. '..11 53/, Do. 8d5........... 71% Cherokee 4s. 1896.100*4 Northwest Consols.l4l*i Do, 1897 ....lOOJfal Do, deb 5b...... 108 Do, 1898 1008/70 R A N 15t8......111% Do. 1899 100-ii SiLAlronMtGen 5s 84% Pacific 6s of '95. ... St L A,£ F Gen 6s. 110 D. C. 3-6 65... .v:.. 110 St Paul Consols ...127 Ala Class A 4... 108 St. P. C. APa 15t5.116% Do, Class B 4, 55. 108 Do. Pac Cal ists..Hs La C0n501 45.. ;..... 99 Southern R. R. 6s. 96 ' Missouri funding.. , Texas Pacific firsts 93 N Carolina con .125 Texas Pac seconds. 128. Do, 45...... .'.....103 UnionPaclstor96.lo6Vs So Carolina 4%5... 106 West Shore 45... ..107% Term new 3s 90" Mobile & Ohio 45. . 68 Va funding debt... 63% R GrandeWest lsts 76% Do, reg - — Ches&O6s..... 112 Do, deferred 65... BV4 Atchlson 45........ 85Vi - Do, trust rcpts st 6 Do, 2ds A 335/ 8 Canada South 2ds.. 108*4 G H AS A 65...... 107 Cen Pac lsts 0f '95.102 Do. 2d 7s. ...... 104% DenARG 15t...;. 115 H A Tex Cent 55.. 11l Do, 45... 89 Do.con6s 110 Erie2ds 69 Reading 4s 82 Kansas Pa Consols 72% Missouri Us 100 Ks Pa lsts Den divlO9»/«i - FOREIGN MABKETS. WHEAT IN LIVERPOOL . LIVERPOOL, Em, Aug. 22.— The spot market Is quiet at 5s 2d@6s 3d. Cargoes are dull at 26s 6d August shipment. ■ , FUTURES. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: Aug ust, 6s l»4d; September, 6s ISAd; October, 6s l%d; November, 5s 2Vid; December, 6s 2»/id. ' ' ' BZCUBITIBB. t LONDON, Eng., Auk. 22.-Consols, 107%: sil ver, 303/, d; French. Rentes. 102f 26c. Bullion Into Bank of England, £291,000. EXCHANGE AM) BULLION. Sterling Exchange, 60 days — $4 89% Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 90% New York Exchange, sight. .. — 02% New York Exchange, telegraphic. — OB Fine silver, spot, $ ounce — ' 666,% Fine silver, 30 days — 66% Mexican Dollars 53% 64 SHIPMENTS OF WINE. Exports of Wine from San Francisco during the first seven months of 1895 were 9,083,000 gallons, against 7,340,000 gallons during the same period in 1894. Every year our exports of Wine Increase. It is truly a growing industry. * PRODUCE MARKET. WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT— Soft and dull. Falling markets at the principal grain centers of the world do not afford much encouragement for the Immediate future. No. 1 is quotable at 92yj@93%c "$ cil; choice, 95c; lower grades, 85<§.90c : extra choice for mill ing, 97y 2 c@sl 02V2 V ctl. ■ - . CALL BOARD SALES. ■','-■ Informal Skssiox— lo o'clock — December— 100 tons, *10iy 8 : 1300, $1 OlVi; 100, 013/ : 1500. $1 0iy 8 . May— lUoo, $1 07«/ 8 . , it kg la Mobniko session— December— loo tons. 91 OIV4: 100, *1 013/ 8 ; 700, $1 01%. May -100, $1 076/ 8 . Aftkrsoos Session — December — 100 tons, $1 016/ ? : 1000, $1 0iy 2 . ■ BARLEY— Trade continues quiet at previous prices. Feed, 58»4fft60c ctl: Choice, 6114® 62VsC; Brewing, 65(a75c: Chevalier. $1 lo@ 1 20 for No. 1 and 60@750 *<ft ell for off grade. CALL BOARD SAL.KS. Informal Session— lo o'clock— December— 4oo tons, 63i' 3 e. lUnrLAR Morning Session— December— 2oo tons, 635 Afternoon Session — December — 100 tons, 685/ B e. OATS— Are dull and weak at the decline. New Salinas- sell at tis(sßoc ' 9' cental. -We quote: Milling. 95cf§i91: fancy Feed, 95c@$l; good to choice, 80@90c: common to fair. 70@77 v a c; Gray, 77y @82V<jcr Red, 65(*70c; Surprise, $1® 1 10^ ctl. . . • CORN— Offerings are small and sols the demand. Large Yellow, $1 05®l 17^ ? ctl; Small Round Yellow, sl 12Va@l 17~i a : White, $1 06@l 15 f* otl. E— Qnlet at 76Yd8^y.c V ctl. ' . ■-'»,?;;US BUCKWUEAT-B~i/2'*9sc ctl. FLOUR AND BIILLSTUFF3. FLOUR— Net cash prices are: Family extras. $3 35@3 45 9 bbl: Bakers' extras. $3 15@3 25: superfine. *2 25@2 50 %> bbl. CORNMKAL. KTC— Feed Corn, *24@25 3 ton; Cracked Corn, $24 50@25 50 %4 ton. HA* AND FKEI>STUFFS. BRAN— SII 50@13 ton. ■• . MIDDLINGS— Quoted at $15 for low grades up to $18 ? ton for the best. FEEDBTUFFS — Ground and rolled Barley, $13 60@14: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $25^ ton: Cottonseed Oilcake, $24 ft ton. jtmni\j HAY— No change. Wheat Is quotable at $7@ 10 j4 ton; Oat.s6<a» ? ton: Wheat and Oat, $6 f>O<g> 10; Barley, $5(^7: Alfalfa, $5 60@7 60; Clover, $7(§,8: Compressed, $7(J9: Stock, $4 60@6 >. ton. RAW— Quoted at 25®40c V bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. BEANS— $1 15@1 25: Small Whites. $2 25(82 35 ¥ ctl: Pca J $2 36@2 50 V ctl : Large Whites, $2 15@2 25: Pink, $1 10@l 25; Reds, $1 @1 25; Blackeye, nominal: Red Kidney, nominal; Lima«. $6(aS , -0 '?, ctl; Batters, ?2@2 tor small and $2(3;2 50 for large. SEEDS— New Brown Mustard, $1 75(2.2: New Yellow Mustard, $1 75®2 '^ ctl; Flax, $2 25® 260 '^ ctl: Canary, 3i/4(a3V 2 c "$ lb: Alfalfa, nom inal: Rape, IS/Wa^ViC; Hemp, 4c 'f, lb. DRIED PEAS— Spin Peas, 4@4»4c; The raw Droduct Is nominal. POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— Weak. Sweets, $1 50@l 75; Gar net Chiles, 50@60c ~& ctl; Salinas Burbanks. 65® 85c; Hlver Burbanks, 30@50c; Early Rose, 35@40c f* Ctl. ... ■. - - ■ ,--,. ONIONS— Are plentiful at 35@45c ctl: Pickle Onions, 35@50c $ ctl. VEGETABLES— The market Is heavily stocked with Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Green Peppers. Green Peppers are quotable at 25(ji35c box for' Chile and 25@3fic t 1 box -for Bell: Green Corn, 60c(ff*l *? sack; 75c(55l 25 t* box for Berkeley and $1 25<$l 75 9 box lor A lamed a; Tomatoes from the River, 20®80c V box : from the Bay, 20®35c ip box: Summer Bqnasb, 20@30c ?« box; Green Peas, 2i/2<?& ;; ci* Ib; String Bean l@2c %t Ib: Lima Beans, lV2s2Vfec; Bay Cucumbers, IS box; Pickles, 60(8i66c for No. 1 and 30@iUc for No. 2; Green Okra. 40&50 c; Egg Plant, 25w»40c; Cabbago, 76@85c f* ctl; Feed Carrots. 30®40c; Garlic, 2@ 2VjC * Jb. BUTTER, CHKESK AND EGGS. BUTTER— The market was easier yesterday and there was more disposition to sell, though there was no change In prices. Creamery— Fancy. 25@26c; seconds, 24 f, lb. Dairy— Fancy, 21c 'f, tti; good to choice, 20c; lower grades. 17^j(§?19c f» tb. Pickled— 15(|ii6c "f. Ib. Firkin— l3^iisc Ib. CHEESE— Fancy mild new, 7@7y 2 c fi tb; com mon to good, 4V2&t> I i: Young America, 6@Bc; Kastern, 10@12c; western, 7(a.Bc r* lb. - EGGS— Stocks are slowly increasing and dealers are disposed to sell to keep them down, hence the 1 market Is easier, without, however, any change in prices. Fancy Eastern are quotable at. " 20(<S21c 1* dor.: fair to choice Eastern, 16@18c; Duck Eggs, 18@20c; store Eggs, 16@20c; ranch Eggs, 22(g,26c 'ft dozen. . » POULTRY AND GAME. \ ■; POULTRY— The market Is easy and unchanged, with little call for any kind. Live Turkeys, 14@15c $ lb for Gobblers; 13®] 4c 1? Ib for Hens; Geese. & pair. $1 23<G}1 50: Goslings, $1 60@l 75 ¥* dozen : Ducks, $3@4 60 & dozen : Hens, $4® 6 60 ? dozen; Roosters, young, $4@5 » dozen; do, old, *4 60(^5 doz; Fryers, $4; Broilers. $3@4 for large and $2©2 60 for small: ' Pigeons, $1 60 t* dozen for old and $1 76 for young. ' GAME— Nominal. . ■:■.-. DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD "FRUITS— AII kinds except Nec tarines and Bartlett Pears are in good supply and prices. show no change . of any consequence. Quinces, 40@BOc : ft box;- Nectarines, 60<&6J>e for Red and 40@60c for White: Cantaloupes. i>oc© SI f case: Watermelons, $3@7 60 JOO: Nutmegs, 25(J;40c * box; Figs,— — lor single and iO(dil 6c for double layers r Plums. 20(£4.0c; Egg Plums, $15: Green Gages, $20 '■$ ton; Peaches, 25@60c $ bx and 30® 50c $ bskt ; Peaches in bulk, to canners, 918A20? ton lor freestones and $25 for clings: Apples, i 2&(a>ttsc %) ■ box; Crabapples.- 40(475c V box ; Pears, Bartletts, $I@l 25 $ box for No. 1 and .',0(47 .V "f box for off grade : in bulk, $35<<840 ty ton for No. 1 and $26@30 for No. 2. • > , - BERRIES-The canners' buy Blackberries at the Inside llcnre. , nuckleberries quotable at 3@sc tb;. Blackberries, t\@'i "H cnest: Raspberries, $5 @6 ?i chest; ; Strawberries, $2 60@5 for Long worths and $1 50@3 r 1 chest tor large berries. GRAPES— WeaK, quiet and plentiful. > Sweet waters and Fontainebleanx. 25@3£c r box; B!acK Grapes, 20@40c 9 box; Muscats, 26@50c; Tokay, 30((i60c IS box. -••'■ ■■■'- -•,•■■ .--- ■- » '.:■:-:'• ■-?--■» i CITRUS FRUITS— Lemons quotable at $1 50@2 for common and $3©4 for good to choice; Mexican Limes, $3@4 ft box; Bananas, 91 25@2 f, bunch; Pineapples, §ii@3 %4 dozen. : .* , • . DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUITS— The market has turned a ilttlp. at least as far as Prunes are concerned, for Eastern buyers were frpely bidding 4c for the 4 yesterday and dealers said they could place 200 rare -at that figure, but no sellers at It could be found. The Prune bluff seems to have petered out and the street look for a better market from now on. Porter Bros, sent the first individual car East from Los Uatos oo the 20th, although a car made up by sereral growers had gone forward a day or two before. . Peaches and Apricots keep qnlst. though holders are linn and decline to let go under quotations. <£?.; The following prices rtilo on the Fruit Exchange: New. Apples. Sc'lj* &> 'for quartered,' sya@4c.fl Hi for sliced and 4**(7tfie : for, evaporated: New Peaches, 5 y 2 c, ana tic for fancy; new Prunes, 4V4c^ lb for the 4 sizes* new Apricots, B@9c and 9%@100 lb for fancy: new Figs, black, 3@ 3y a c %* ft, for pressed and" 2@2V2C f or pressed; Pears, 7c lb for evaporated halves, 4(g)6y a c for quarters; Plums, 3%@4%c for pitted and iy 3 2%c for unpltted. .• - RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES—Raisins—4 crown, loose, 3%c: 3-crown, 2V a c: 2-crown, 2c; seedless Sultanas, 3c; seedless Muscatels, 2c; 3 crown London. layers, $1 40 f» box; clusters, $2; Dehesa clusters. $2 50 ; Imperial clusters, $3: Dried Grapes— l%c %a Ib. , UTS— Walnuts,' 7@ioc for paper-shell and soft shell, and 7@B%c for hardshell; Almonds, 2(&2%c for hardshell, and 6@loc ? lb for softshell, and for paper-shell: Peanuts, 6@6c for Eastern and 4@ 4%c for California; Hickory Nuts, s@6c; Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished: Filberts, 8@9o; Brazil Nuts, 2 (a>Bc lb; Cocoanuts, $5 %i 100. HONEY— Comb, 10®12 1* lb; new water-white extracted, 6@si4c lb: lieht amber extracted, 4Vi@sc: dark amber, 4(34V±c fi lb. BEESWAX - 245525 C * lb. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS — Bacon is quotable at 7%@Bb $ Ib for heavy and B@B%c $ lb for light medium, 2 @llc H ft for light, 12y a @ I3c *t« Ib for extra light, and 13%@14c for sugar cured; Eastern Sugar-cured Hams, 12%@13e; California Hams, . ll@ll%c: Mess Beef. $7@M ?* bbl: extra mess do, $B@9; family do, $10: extra prime Pork, $9@9 "50 bbl: extra clear, »18 "0 bbl; mess, $16 * bbl: Smoked Beef, 9@9%c Ib. ■ • LARD— Eastern, tierces, quotable at 6@6 Vic f( Ib for compound, and 8c for pure: pails, tiVtc: Califor nia, tierces, 6i.s>r for compound and 634@ 7 c for pure ; half bbls, 7Vic; , 10-lb tins, 7y a c; do 5-lb, 8c COTTOLENE— 7%o In tierCesTand B%c lb in 10-tb tins. , \ HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKINS-A further decline of tyc In Dry and Salted stock is noted. The market is reported very quiet. Heavy salted steers, lOVgC V 1b: medium, 9V 2 c: light, B Vic: Cow hides, BV3C $ tt>; salted Kip. 7c; salted Calf, 10c; salted Veal, 8c: dry Hides, usual selection, 18c; culls and brands, 13c %* lb; dry Kip, 14c ia lb: dry Calf, 20c $ lb; prime Goatskins, 20@ 35c each: Kids, sc; Deerskins, frood summer, 30c i* fi>; medium, 16fds26e; winter, 10@15c: Sheep sicins, shearlings, 10?<i20c each; short w001,306d400 each; medium, 50@60c each: loner wool, 60@70c each. Culls of all kinds, about Vfec less. TALLOW— No. 1 rendered, 4Vi@4V2p: country Tallow, 4@4Vic; refined, He: Grease. 3fgJ3H'C $ lb. WOOL— New lambs' and fall clips quoted at s(c& 7Vs<\ Quotations for spring clip: Humboldtand Mendocino, 12(a.l3Vac; Choice Northern, lOfdillc; Nevada, 6@10o; Eastern Oregon, heavy, 7(<ißc; do choice, f%loc; Valley Oregon, 12@13y a c Ipl "tt>. HOPS— -2<ia,6c $ lb. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BAGS— Calcutta Grain Bags are still lower and dull at ?3 90@4; San Quentlu, $4 20: Wool Bags, 24@26c. COAIj— A local circular to Australia says of Colonial Coal : "Although arrivals have been large, still market values have not been disturbed, as there was a brisk demand for each cargo as it arrived, as It went direct to consumers on Con tracts made months ago. iv-sides, our yards within the past thirty days liave been entirely bare of Colonial Coal, hence none of these cargoes were on the market for resale, i.ater on we will be tem porarily handicapped taking care of some cargoes of Australian and Swansea which may arrive here simultaneously, as our wharf and yard room is rather limited. As there has been a marked de cline in outward grain freights for late canceling dates there should be a relative advance in inward coal frelehts. This has already displayed itself, as free offerings of coal freights are not being made and recent engagements snow an advance. No material advance can be looked for, as our coast, collieries are prepared ■to supply our wants at ruling rates— which they can do, ' leaving them a fair margin of • profit." • Wellington is quot able at .$8 ton: '.New Wellington, $8 %4 ton: Southtielrl Wellinetori,s7 50 «< ton; Seattle, $0: Bryant *6: Coos U«y, $5: Wnllenda, S7 50; scoter,, $7 50: Brymbo, $7 50: Cumberland, ?8 50 In milk arid $10 50 in sks: Pennsylvania Anthracite P.CC, $I'^: Welsh Anthracite $9; Cannel, $8; Kock ispnnf?B. <:asile (into and P easant Valley, $7 60; Coke. $15 in bulk and $17 in sacks. SUGAR- The Western Sugar Keh'ning Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube, Crushed, Powdered and Fine Crushed, all sV*c: Dry Granulated, sc; Confectioners' A. 4 %'sc; Magnolia A, a c: Kxtra C, 43/ c: Uolden C, 4y 8 c: D, 5»%c; half-barrels, V±c more than barrels, and boxes i/2 c more. SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh terers areas follows: BEEF— Firs: quality, s@si/oc; choice, 6c; sec ond quality, 4U>c; third do, Stale ~$ Ib. - > | VEAL— Large, 4@sc: small". s@7c ~f. Tb. . MUTTON — Wethers, 4y 2 @sc; Ewes, 4@4y 2 c ? lb. LAMB— s@6c Ib. *-.. '/,'■'. .-,'■ FOUK— Live Hogs, 35/ s <g33,ic "$ Ib for large, 4c for small and for feeders: dressed do, &y a «V a c fi lb. ■ KECEIPTS OF FKODUCE. FOR 24 HOURS.' , . Flonr.qr. ska 12.961 Rr»n, *ks • 1,765 Wheat, ctls. 67.240 Wool. bis.... ■ »S Barley, ctls 3,090 Wine, ga15......... 40,900 Oats,ctls 905 Hides, n0.... 195 Beans, sks 95lpelts, Ddt5. .•...:... .35 Potatoes, sks. 3,476 Lime, bb1a... ...... 240 Onions, gks 125 Leather, r0115. .;...'• 23 Middlings, ska 340 Paper, reams 300 liny, tons 671 Quicksilver, flasks 210 Straw, tons • . 81 ... TEE STOCK MAEKET. " Values were from 2c to 10c oft yesterday. Bnsi ness continues quirt, and ; were It not for the de velopment cf the Brunswick lode and the several suits against Comstock manipulators and directors the speculators would have nothing to talk about. . »:' \ notes. , .. ' ' ■ The Pacific Transfer Company paid a dividend of , 50c per share yesterday. ,'v News has been received of a favorable change In the west drift on the 820 level of the Ward shaft, which Is entering the ground of the Bullion Mining Company. This news is in the shape of a rumor that some qunrtz^bas appeared in the drift, which has for a long time been in porphyry. , r ' The weekly reports of the Gold Hill stocks are as follows: ' ■ • ' ' I Challenge— The west crosscat from 1 top of the joint Confidence and Challenge raise from surface tunnel is out 160 feet. The face Is in quartz, giving good assays. ■■■> ..:..■, Crown Point— The west crosscut on .600 level, started last week, lias been advanced to a total dis tance of 68 feet through porphyry, and a raise has been put up from the eleven floor of the -700 ! level slope and connected with It. As soon. as the connection Is timbered the crosscut '.will be con tinued west. In stoping south above the fourth floor of the 700 level the (lf:h and sixth floors are badly mixed with pnrphvry. •■'-' - '"; - ' - From the seventh to the twelfth floors the quartz is trom 8 to 12 feet wide, assaying from $8 to $12 per ton, nearly ail gold. Oil the strike >of the quartz the face of this stope is about 175 feet north of the south line. Have extracted during the past week 608 tons of ore, which has been shipped to the American mill for reduction: th<) average battery sample for the week was $10 OH, of which $8 03\vai gold. , ... BELCHER-On the 800 level the joint Belcher anil see. Belcher south drift is in 363 feet from the shaft; the face is in quartz and porphyry. There has been no ore hoisted during the week. The gross yield in bullion from the 378 tons and 1050 pounds of ore lately worked by the Brunswick mill for the Belcher company amounted to $6882 42. . Seo. Belcher— the 200 level work on the south crosscut h-s been for the present, sus pended. There haw b->en hoisted during the week and stored - i if tin 1 op home at, the mine ten ions of ore, the average top-car sample of which shows an RK«.ay value of $23 09 per ton. The gross veld in bullion from the 122 tons of ore lately worked. by the Brunswick mill for the company amounted to $3046 42. - - ' -'•-■■ . • A special meeting of the board of directors of the Ophir was held yesterday for the purpose of dis cussing the advisability of purchasing additional mining groun i lying on the Brunswick lode and to call a special meeting of the stockholders to ratify the same. The contractor who is building the hoisting works and doing other preliminary work is now in this City consisting the different direct ors, and everything is being pushed ahead rapidly. BOAitl> SALES. Following were the sales in the Ban Francisco Stock Board yesterday: Rrr.n.Aß mohnino sksston commencing at9:3o. 300 Andes.... '-'HiIOO C P0int. ...65 200 0cc1d11....31 700 Belcher... 6o 100 04 200 Potosl ...68 200 B <fe 8... 1.05 100 O &C....56200 S B <fc M..10 *00 1.10400 5&U50 Sierra N..42 400 Chnllerigc-4()!250 H&N. ..1.80: 50 41 200Ch011Rr....58 200 Justice. ...o7Hoo Union C..47 150C(\feV..2.7hi500Ken!.uck..02|2O0 48 50C0tifd...1.20|250 Mexican.. 6B 3oo V Jackc..39 200 C Jmpl...ol| AFTERNOON SESSION— 2 :30. 250 Alta 10100 Chollar....sSi?oo Mexican.. 67 2. r >o Ande5.... 2£ 200 59700 0ccidt1.... 30 100 8e1cher. ..59 Ml Confl. ...1.152000phir...1.55 600 B& B. 1.06 300 C Point.... 631 00 0vrmn...16 600 Bodie 10 50 52200 havaKe....3tf 2t)oCaledonia.l3 200 G & C 58JS0O 8 Nov... 41 100 Chal lensf3H 100 54 'JOO Union C. .48 260CC&V...2.70i100 H&N.. I.SOi Following were the sale* in tun Pacific Slock Eoaid yesterday: BEfJVT.AB RFSSIOT— IO:3O. 100 Alta 12 200 C N V....03 200Overmn..l9 500 11 400 (.' Point.... 55X00 Oohir.. .1.56 'JOO Andes.. ..20 300 Exchnr.. .02 600 1.571/ a 400 nclcber...eO4O(» U <fc U 58 400 I'otosi ....BO 200 li& 8... 1.101200 56600 Savage. ...35 100 1.07V2350 H<feX ...1.81)300 Seg 8e1... .10 600 Bodie H;|bOO Justice. ...07 hOO S Nev 41 200 8u11i0n. ...181500 L Wash.. .01^200 4'J 200 17*200 Mcx 67100 Mil Hill. ..04 400 Calf da. ...151300 > 68400 Union ....60 200 (Jiialnee.. 4o:loo 6fl'M)o Utah 07 800 Chollor.tiOjflOO OccldLl . ...31 950 YJactet..39 250 CC&V....2%:300 32 100 40 100C0nii.1.17',2! AKTKRNOON SESSION— 2 : 30. 400 Alpha.... 07 100 Chollar.. .59 100 CC&V..2.70 200 Belcher.. .D9;lf>o Challeng .39:250 2.72Va 100 8&8.1.07Va 200 C P0int.... 54 200 G &C....66 100 Bulwer...o4J CL.O&INO QUOTATIONS. THURSDAY, Aug. 22-4 p. n. Birt.Atkrd. Birl.Atked. Alpha Con 07 08 Jackson 20 - Alia _ 1) Julia 02 04 Andes 28 29Jnstlce 06 08 Belcher 58 69 KentucK. 02 03 Best * Belclier. 1.05 1.10 Lady Wash.... — 01 lientoucwn.... _ bfiiilexlcan 86 68 Bodie.. ...10 HlMono .......... *10 . — 'Bullion .v IB ." 18 lit. Diablo 15 , — Bulwer .;....»'-— 05 Nevada Queen. —'■ 05 Caledonia .12 14 Occidental..... 30 32 Challenge Con. 37 3P|ophir ......... 1.56 1.60 Choliar 60 - 62 Overman IS 19 Con. Cal.<fc V*. 2. 70 2.76 Potosi... 69 60 Con.. Imperial. — 02 5avaee......... 36 37 Confidence 1.10 I.JW) Seg. Belcher... 08 09 Con.New Yort 02 — Sierra Nevada, 41 :. 42 Crown Point... 54 56 5c0rpi0n....... 03 05 EastSierraNeT — 05 Silver HUI 02 04 Exchequer..... 01 08 Silver King.... 20 — Eureka Con — 20 Syndicate — 03 Gould «fc Curry. 54 55 Onion Con 47 48 Hale 4l iS orcra. 1.85 1.90 Utah..... 07 08 10wa... ........ . — • 04 Yellow Jacket. 37 38 STOCK A3»l> JBONI> EXCHANGE. THURSDAY, Aug. 22-3 F. V. UNITED STATES BONDS. -' . Jan. jitf:eeU\ - r i >.;::.\JBtd. Asked. V S4scoup~ll2 — jU 6 re?.. . 112 •;*■—' • ■ MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Cal-»tCbless.llO — Do,2d 18365..101 — Cal Elec L 631071/4109 l'«t Oßy6*..llo 120 CntraCWss — 101 P&Cb Ryßs. 97 99 Dpm-gtpx-cp 77 95 !Pwl-stRR6s. — 116 Vi EclsnLAP6s.lO6 108 I Reno. W 1^1.102 105 ■ F&CH KH6slO« — RiverWCo6s — 100 Geary-stRSs. — 102 SF.*NPRRssloiy2lo2% Ang ma: — — iSPRRArIzBs - 98i/a l>o.Gnted.6s. — 104 ;SPHKCaI«s.IIS — Mk^tCblo6sl2lß/ 8 — !SPRRCaIS«. NevCNgRSs. — 102 Do, lcongtd. 87 ValOO NPCRR6s.IOO — :SPBrRCal6s. 99V5100 NyßCal6s..U)yy 2 105 SV Water 65..124 - — NRyCalOs.. — . — SVWater4s.. 98% — Oak Gas 5a. .105 — 6tktnG<feE6slOi! 105 Do, Miss 55.. 106 — SunstT<feT6s — 103 Omnibus 65.. 120 — Sutter-stRSs.HO -'■- — '■■■■'- PacßollMbs. - VisaliaWC6i — 92 ■WATEB STOCKS. Contra Costa. 58 61 | San J05e..... — 97^ MarlnCo.... 49 V a 53y |iSprng Valley 100 100 V* GAS bTOCKS. ' I Capiul — .45 iPacilicLlght. 47Vi — Central 95 . — i(?anFrancsco 711/4 7iy OakGL&H. 46% 47 Stockton..... 18 23 PacGasimp. 80 80 2 * INSURANCE STOCKS. FiremansFd.lss 160 |5un...... ..;. 69 — COMMERCIAL BANK STOCKS. AmerBATC. — — LondonPAA.l26% — Anglo-Cal. .. — 62y0 liOndon&SF. — 51 Bank of Ca1..228 230 " Alerch Ex... 12 — CaISD&TCo. 56 65 Nevada — — FirstNationl. 17714 — gather B Co- — — Grangers....:— — SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. GerS&LCo..l6lo — Say & Loan. . > — 150' HumbS&L.IOOO — . Securltv 255 280 Mutual — . 45 ' UnlonTrust. — 900 SF SavUnlon4B7 STREET KAII.ROA STOCKS. California.... 104 — |Oak.Sli<*Hav — 100 Geary-st — 90 (Presidio \ 11% — Market-5t.... 40% 411/4Sutter-sc — — POWDER STOCKS. Atlantic D... 13% 14y 2 Juason — — California.... — .100 ,Vigorit. — 40c Giant... 11 12y 2 l MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. BlkDCoalCo. — 106/ PacAuxFA.. 18,4 — Cal Cot Mills. — — Pac 80rax . . . ; 98 100 Cal Dry Dock — — Pad AN Co. — 80 EdisonLiuhU 85 91 Pac Roll Mill 17 — GasCon Assn. — . — Parf Paint Co — 9 HawCASCo.. 5% — Pac Trans Co — 26% HutchSPCo.. 11 111/* FacT<ST Co. 50 60 JudsonMfgC — — Sunset T<ssT. 35 — MerExAssn. 100 110 United C Co.. — «5 OceanicSSCo — 30 MORNIN'O SKSSIOV. • Board— so Contra Costa Water, 60y 2 : 200 Ha waiian, 6: 35 25 Pacific Gas Imp, 80i,4; 20 S F Gaslight, 71Vi. Strp«?t— so S V Water, lnoy ; 500 Vigorit Pow der, 40c. . y % ■ AFTKBNOON RKSSION. Board— 26o Market-st Railway, 41; $1000 8 P Branch Railway Bonds, 99ys. Street— lo Pacific Gas Imp, 8014; 58 V Water, iooy 8 . .-.--.■.;. i -■■ THE CALL CALENDAR. Moon's Phases. fi>. August 5. X&f Full Moon. 8 (7*\ August 18, •vV Last Quarter. IS 14 16 17 © August 20, New Moon. 18 19 20 28 3 August 26. ' First Quarter. OCKAN SIJSAMUiItS. Dates of Departure Fri j DESTINATION | SAILS. I PIER. anta Kosa.. lumboldl... I lelglc | Ity Everett ! ilce Blnchd 'arallon. ... I Paul I V'illamt Val 'oint Borna. i trago .'.:... j '0m0na...*.. | •tate of Mai ■ 10xic0 ..... ' iU?'ralia.... ! .rcata....: . Veeott j an Jose.... ! Valla Walla ; Vie & Pgt Snd : San Dlegu. .... I Humboldtßay {China * Japan Panama. ...... | Portland Yaqulna Bay.. | Newport ...... j Mexico....'..*.. , Grays Harbor. ,Coos 8av....;. Humboldtßay i Portland San 8ieg0..... ! H0n01u1u...:.. Coos 8av...... Eel River.:... j Panama;...:.. Vie * Pgt Snd j : Newnort ....:. > Grays Harbor. [ i Humboldtßay * P0rt1and....... : P0rt1and....... Aug23. 9am Bdw'y 1 Auk23.llam BJw'y 2 A iia'i:.. 9am Washt'n Aug24, 3pm PMSS Aug24, 4pm Lomb rd Aug24. 6rM Vallejo A ii c2. "i.l(, am Miss 1 Aug2s, Bam Bdw'y 2 Aug25,lOAM Bdw'y 2 Aug25,lOAM Miss'n 1 Aug26,lOAM Vallejo Aug27. 2PMlßdw'rl Aug_!7.loAM Spear Aug27,llAM Bdw'y 2 .\:.*;'_7.10..m Oceanic Ans:27, 4pm. Vallejo JAug2B, 9am Vallejo Aug28,12 MP M 8 Aug2B. 9am Bdw'y 1 1 Ang29, Sam Bdw'y 2 Aug3o,llAM Main Aug3l, 9am Miss'n 1 JAug3l. 4pm; Vallejo Sep I.loam 'Spear .ureka .... : )el Norte . . .orthFork. i ruckee .... j 'olumbla. .. STJKAMi-.RS TO AKKIV; . STEAMER | Mackinaw I Tacoma Point L0ma....: Grays Harbor ... 5tPaui.. '........ l Newport. .".' Farallon | Y'aquina Bay ..". Bandorille Coquille River. Araeo.... Coos 8ay...... ....v..... State of CRI I Portland Walla Wa11a...: Victoria* Puget Sound Peru.... :... China and Japan.:.*....: I' j Humboldt Bay Mexic0.........: ' San 8ieg0..*.:;:..:."."..'..*: Areata .: 'Coos 8ay..::....::.....: Crescent City... i Crescent City.........:.. Aztec..'...: ! Panama Kahului (Departure 8ay.... Eureka. ..."...... ! [.Newport . . . . .• North F0ri:..... ; Humboldt Bay Bel N0rte....... ; Grays Haroor Hum001dt ...... ; Humboldt Bay Truckee.'. ."...: .*. Portland :...'..... San 8enit0.:.... | Tacoma. Columbia...:..:. Portland.. , Santa K05a...... San 8ieg0.:..:........... Acapulco..'..::.. I Panama;..:.. ;..... Mono wai Sydney.. : Umatilla.. I Victoria & Puget Sound Washtenaw .... i Panama:....: Alice Blanchard Portland i ..Aug 23 ..Aug 23 [..Aug 23 ..Aug 23 ..Aug 23 '..Aug 24 .. Aug 24 ..Aug 24 1.. Aug 24 ..Aug 24 ..Aug 25 .-.Aug 25 ..Aug 26 ..Aug 26 ..Aug 26 ..Aug 27 ..Aug 27 ..Aug 28 ..Aug 28 ..Aug 28 ..Aug 28 ..Aug 29 ..Aug 29 ..Aug 29 ..Aug 29 ..Aug 29 ..Aug 31 I SIX A>l> i IDE TA I > - WATHR.!I_OW WATE; Small. Large.! 1.06 a 1.52p! 2.05 a 2.25p: Large. Small. 7.17 a 7.54P 23. 8.37p 24. i. . 8. UVUROORAPHIC BIILKTIN. BRANCH lIYDHOdKAPHIC OFFICE, U. S. N.,") MKKritANTS' EXCHANBK, r Ban Fhancisco, August 22, 1895, J The time ball on Telegraph Hill was dropped exactly at noon to-day— i- c.. at noon of the l"Otu ii K-rmian, or at exactly 8 P. M., Greenwich time. A. F. Jkchtelkr, Lieutenant U. S. N., in charge. SHIPPING IMKLLIGENCK. Arrived. THURSDAY, August 22. Stmr Gipsy, Leland. 12 hours from Santa Crux, etc: produce to Goodall. Perkins it Co. Stmr Alice Blanchard, Dunham, — hours from Portland, via Humboldt 26 hours; pass and Kuss, Sanders & Co. SHI Point Arena, Johnson, 16 hours from Men docino, eic; pass and mdse, to Mendocino Lumber Co. Stmr Greenwood. Carlson, 15 hours from Green wood; lumber, to L E White Lumber Co. schr Nettto Sundborg, Johnson, 40 hours from West port ; 100 cds bark, to Herman «fc Mayer. Schr Mary Etta, Wetwl, 16 hours from Point Arena; 80 cds bark, to Bendor Bros. Betu Reliance, Jansen, 'J4 hours from Albion; 100 cds bark, to Beadle A Co. Schr ConHanza. Vogel, 24 hours from Albion: 120 cds bark, lo Beadle <fe Co. Schr Ocean Spray, Hkipper, 14 hours from Fort Boss; wood and bark, to N Iversen. Hchr Sacramento. Uoodmnnsen, 80 hours from Albion: "200 ods bark, to Beadle <fc Co. Schr Chetco, Miller, 60 hours from Needle Rock; 3300 ties to L E White Lumber Co and 45 cords bark to W Stetson. Cleared. THURSDAY, August 22. Btmr City of Puebla, Debney, victoria and Port Townsend : (joodall, Perkins «S Co. Stmr Humboldt, Edwards, Eureka; MKalish<& Co. stmr Rnntft Rosa, Alexander, San Diego; Good all. Perkins A Co. ritmr Alariposa, Ha.vwards, Honolulu and Syd ney ; J D Spreckels & Bros Co. Br ship Larglemore, Spencer, Queenstown; Geo W McNear. Sailed. THURSDAY, August 22. Stmr Colnmbla, Bolles, Astoria. Stmr Laguna, Peterson. Simr Mariposa, Hay ward, Honolulu and Sydney. Stmr Homer, Drisko, Coos Bay. Stmr Noyo, Levinson, Fort Bragg. Scnr Rio Rev, Isigkeit. Bowens Landing. Schr Mary Bidweli, Wilson, Fish Rock. Schr Nettle Low, Low, Point Reyes. Schr Dora Bluhm, Rice, Grays Harbor. Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS— August 22—10 r M— Weather foggy; wind SW: velocity 12 miles per nour. Charters. The schr Bertie Minor loads lumber at Eureka for Honolulu. Movements of Vessels. To-day the bark Santiago will be towed to the Union Iron Works, the bark Wilna to the seawall and tue ships Lurglemore and B F Cheney to sea. Spoken. Nodate-43 X 128 W, Ger ship Sirene, from Taeoma for Falmouth. A tig 17—49 N 11 W. Br ship Ellisland, from Swansea for San Francisco. Aug 14— No lat or long, Br ship Andrlna, from Galveston. for San Francisco, Domestic Ports. CLEONE— Sailed Angr 21— Htmr Alcssar, for Port Los Angeles. . _ UMPQU A— Arrived Aug 21— Schr Una, frm Ban ASTORIA- Arrived Aug 22— Bratmr AJtmore, from Hongkong. . _ Sailed Aug22-Stmr State of California, for San Francisco: Br stmr Bswnmore, for Comox. ALBlON— Arrived Aog a2-Schr Oolden G«e, hence Ang 17. , _„ REDONUO-SMled Ang 21-stmr Jewel. 82- Stmr Navarro, for Hueneme. Arrived Aug 21— Schr Maid of Orleans, from Grays Harbor. BOWEN'S LANDIXG-Salled Ang 22-Stmr South Coast. VENTURA-Arrlved Ang 22-Stmr Blvs.l, from , Fort Bragg. .Eastern Ports. NEW YORK— Arrived Aug 22— Stmr City of Para, from Colon. Foreign Ports. BIRKENHEAD-Arrlved Aug '21— Brshlp 811 --vercraig. hence Apr 12; Brshlp Glenalvon, from Portland. FLEr,TWOOD-Arrived Aug 20— Brshlp This tlebank. from Portland. DUNOENESS— Passed Aujr 21 — Barfe Un dauntpd. from Port Blakeley for London. NEWCASTLE, NSW-Halled Aug 20— Br ship Orpheus, for San Francisco. QUEEN'STOWS- Sailed Ang 21— Br ship Vin cent, for Limerick. SWANSEA— SaiIed Aug 21— Ital ship Cavallere Ciiimpa and Br ship Red Rock, for San Francisco. YOKOHAMA— SaiIed Aug 20— Br stmr Tacoma, for Vancouver. Importations. MENDOCINO-Per Point Arena— B pkgs mdse, 2 sks seaweed, B sks abalones, 1 bx butter, 4 bxs rlsh, — M ft lumber. Point Arena-'-'OOO posts, 2 kegs 64 bxs butter, 3 coops chickens, 4 hides, 1 dressed hog, scs eggs, 4 Plcks mdse. , PORTLAND and HUMBOLDT BAY-Per Alice Blanchard-5 cs nails, 1394 ska oats, 10 bis moss, 160 M ft lumber, 51 head cattle,l2 eds matchwood, 12 laundry machines, 486 sks oysters and shrimps, ll bxs old plates, 38 sks apple skins, 8 bxs axes, £ i cs Japanese goods, 92 cs lard. 18 bags wool, 64 sks bones. ■_ SANTA CRTJZ— Per Gipsy-28 pkgs mdse, 500 bbls lime, 1 cs eggs, 1 hf-bx outter, 12 cs cheese. \i rolls leather. Monterey— B2 pkgs mdse, 2cs honey, 3cs cheese, 11 bxs seed, 1 sk beeswak. Moss Landing— l bx butter, Ics eggs. Blanco ex P V R R-2517 sks barley, 638 sks potatoes. • Soquel— l sk potatoes. 2 bxs apples, B bxs fruit, 4 bxs primes, 15 pkgs mdse, 893 reams naper. Amesport— 3o sks beans, 9 pkgs mdse, 1 cs-eggs. Consignees. Per Gipsy— Standard Oil Co: \V F Fnller & Co; R Steiner; C Carpy & Co: Wleland Brewing Co; W F Mitchell: E J Bowen <fe Co: OB Smith A Co; Kron Tanning Co ;De Bernardiifc Co; Hammond <SBrod; Dairymen's Union; Norton, Teller & Co; National; Brewery; A W Finkifc Co; H Cowell & Co; Miller &Son: Herman Joost ; Ooldberg, Bowen & Co; G M Josselyn & Co: C E Whitney <ft Co: H Dutard; Enterprise Brewery; Hilderbrandt, Posner <tt'o; Wichman, Lutgens A Co: Southern Pacific Mill Co: J O Arnell, lighthouse engineer. Per Alice Blanchard— Russ, Sanders & Co: Sun set Seed and Plant Co: Thomas Loughran; Moffatt <fe Co; Moore, Ferguson & Co; Baker & Hamilton ; Amer Press Assn; Truckee Lumber Co; N Ohlandt & Co; Troy Laundry Co; Western Meat Co; Miller <fc Son. Per Point Arena— Standard Oil Co; Thos Moran; Mendocino Lumber Co; C E Whitney <fc Co; Bender IJroa; Wilson & Baechtel; O B Smith &Co; Stultz Bros: Deßernardl <fe Co; Rohlffs & Gerdau; W D Waters; Martin, FeusierA Co; Smith's Cash Store; Hooker & Co; Dodsre, Sweene.v & Co; R Fay A Co; CJoeUyear Rubber Co; E T Allen; I) J Walker. For Ln.t* Shippino intcUlpenctt Se« Thirteenth Pao*. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. J "OCEAJIC STEAMSHIP COMPACT. '^oflB&w. Coolgardle gold fields -d&?^ro ■" (Fremantle),- Austra- .^HP-O.j~ tsSV lin ; *' i 2° fi rat class, JWeJr nOf\jf?:i,|tf» $110 steerage. Lowest AfflZfrgSSstt*}^ rates to Capetown, fe«lgy^ »s4v \C3V Australian steamer, WWI ' la\r ••\rak- MARIPOSA. sails via lay/ t*fß&m '■■_j*^ Honolulu - and Ancle- 68' 1/ fTjw^^t '*vL land, Thursday, August \i|i«^di!^^s^^~V/«^^ Steamship Anstralla, "<«Ssgi&*i^fcfc£/3MSr Honolulu only, Tues- Special. Parties.— special rates for parties August 27 and Sept. 24. 'Jacket office, 114 Montgomery street. Freight office, 327 Market street. J. V. SPRECKEL.S & 8R0.5.. General Agents. PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COMPACT STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM VJMa. Broadway wharf, Kan Francisco, as .kbsbMC follows: ■ - For Mary Island, Loring, Wrangel, Junean, Kll- lisonoand Sitka (Alaska), at 9 a. m. August 3, 8, 18, September 2, 17. For Victoria and Vancouver (B. C), Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacortes and New Whatcom (Bellingham Bay, Wash.), 9 a. M.August 3, 8, 13, 18; 23, 28. and every fifth day thereafter, connect- ing at Vancouver with the C. P. R. R., at Tacorna with N. F. R. R., at Seattle with G. N. By., at Port Townsend with Alaska steamers. . ■ ForKnreka.'Arcataand Fie. d's Landing (Hum- boldt Bay), str. Pomona, every Tuesday at 2 p. if., For Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Gavlota, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Hueneme, San Pedro, East San Pedro (Los Angeles) and Newport, 8 a. m., August 1,5,9,13, 17,21, 25, 29, and every fourth day thereafter. - For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford (San Lnis Obispo), Santa Barbara, Port Los Anceles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport, 11 a. m., August 3. 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, and every fourth day thereafter. Str. Pomona, Saturday and Monday, excursion to Santa Cruz and Monterey, leaves Broadway wharf 1, Saturday, 4 p. m. For Knseuada, San Jose del Cabo, Mazatlan, La Paz. Altata and Guayiuas (Mexico), str. Willam- ette Valley, 10 a. m.. 25th of each month. Ticket o'flice, Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., Gen'l Agents. 10 Market st., San Francisco. Op J>, At TO PORTLAND • f\. QL ilfl a AND ASTORA. STEAMSHIPS DEPART FROM SPEAR- street wharf at 10 a. m. every five days, con- necting at PORTLAND with direct rail lines to all points In- OREGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO, MONTANA, and all Eastern points, including Chi- cago, New York and Boston. State of California sails August 7, 17, 27, Sept. 6. Columbia sails August 12, 22, Sept. 1. Fare in cabin, Including berth and meals, 15 00; Steerage. $7 60 ; Round trip, $23 00. For through rates and all other information apply to the undersigned. - Goodaix, Perkins & Co. FBKD. F. COXSfOB, Gen'l Supts., Gen'l Agent. .■ v •10 Market st. 19 Montgomery St. . .WHITE STAR USE. United States and ttojal Mail Steamers BETWEEN New York, Queenstown A Liverpool, SAILING EVERY WEEK. :v CABIN, S6O AND UPWARD, ACCORD- ./SjSJL. ing to steamer and accommodations frinVMT selected: second cabin, $35: Majestic and Teutonic 40 and $45. Steerage Tickets from England, Ire- land, Scotland, Sweden, Norway ; and Denmark; through to San Francisco at lowest rates. I Tickets, sailing dates and cabin plans may be procured from W. H. A VERY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at the General Office of the Company, 613 Market ,sW under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHER, General Agent for Pacilic Coast. . ROYAL MAH STEAM PACKET COMPACT. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPIN W ALL yftfflU fortniehtly for the West Indies and Southampton, call*? en route at Cerbourgh, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. • Through bills of lading, in connection with the Pacific Mail S. S. Co., issued for freight »nd treas- ure to direct ports In England and Germany.* - Through tickets from San Francisco to Plymouth. Cherbourg, (Southampton. First class, 9195; third class, 997 60. For further particulars apply to ~^ . jVABROTT <t CO., Agents, _2 ■■''■' 306 California at. STOCKTOS SraMERS~ Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St., At 5 P. M s Daily, Except Sunday. jay Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. ; STEAMER : T. C. Walker. J. D. Peters, Alary Oarratt, City of Stockton. Return steamer leaves Stockton Sundays, 6 r is. telephone Main 805. . Cai. Kay, and Impt. Co. RAILROAD TRAVEL. S Atlantic . Pacific W^C^^^^l RAILROAD i^^^^r^^S' Trains leave from and arrive - ]£ig^P>££Sat2sr' ; M Market-Street Ferry. »-<2^fc^S-vr^^ Chicago Limited Leaves every day at 5:30 f. m.. carrying Pullman Palace Sleepers and Tourist Sleepers to|Chicago via Kansas City without change. Annex cars for Denver and St. Louis. VIA LOS ANGELES. - drains leave d<»lly at 9:00 A. if. and 6:30 f. it.,' connecting in Los Angeles with solid trains, Los Angeles to Chicago. , . r .. Summer or Winter the Santa F& Route is the most Comfortable railway, California to the Kant. ; A popular misbelief exists regarding the heat in Summer. The heat is not greater than is encoun- tered on even the most northerly line, This is well known to experienced travelers. . ■ The meals at Harvey's Dining Rooms arc an ex- cellent feature of the line. • The Grand Canyon of the Colorado can be reached in no other way. .: •: Ticket Office— 644 Market Street, Chronlole Building. • * OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ' ;_-_ > COMPAGHIEGE^ERALETRAmTLASTKIUR French Lino to Havre COMPANY'S PI ER(NKW), 42 XOKTH^^y. \j River, foot of Morton st. Travelers by fi£££CC this line avoid bo:h transit by English railway •«« the discomfort of crossing the channel in a small 'boat. New York to Alexaudria. Kgypt, via Pans, ! first-class 8160: second-class #116. j LA CHAMPAGNE, Capt. Laurent^..^....^.^^ x * a August 31, Noon LABOURGOGXE.Capt'. Leboodt .•••• ! . ...... September 7, 5:00 a. K. i LATOURAINE, Capt. September 14, 10:00 A. it LA "6 ASCOGNE, Capt. 8aude10n...... ........:. • '. .;.. ■ ■■«•' ••'■""21, 6:00 A- M - *ST Foriuriner particulars app^ytO Ti Agent , No- 3 Bowline Green, New York. J. F. FUGAZI ft CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery avenue, San Francisco. - ■ , RAILROAD TRAVEL. SMFRAEISCO& SOUTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tiburon Ferry— Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DA YS— 7 :4O, 9:20, 11:00 A.M.: 12:38, 3:30, 5:10, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays— Extra trip -. -'■•■ at 11:30 p. m. Saturdays— Extra' trips at. 1:50 »nd 11:30 p.m. > ••■■•• ■-.»-■ «UNDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:80, 8:30, 6:00,6:20 p.m. . San Rafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS— 6:2S, 7:55, 9:30, 11:10 A. x.| 12:45, 3:40, 6:10 p. m. Saturdays—Extra trips at 1:65 p. m. and 6:35 p. m. SUNDAYS— 8:10, .9:10, 11:10 A. M.; 1:40, 8:40, 6:00,6:25 p. m. Between San Francisco and Schuetren Park : same schedule as above. fc Leave c Tn offset Arrive San Francisco. jsay 5. Ban Francisco. Days, J days. "<«" naUon - pays. | Days. 7:40 am! 8:00 am Novato, 10:40 am | 8:50 ak 3:30 pm 9:30 am Petaluma, 6:05 pm 10:30 am 6:10 pm 6:00 pm Santa Roaa. 7:20 pm 6:15 ph " Fulton, 7:40 am Windsor, 10:30 am Healdsburg, ■ .■>:" - Geyservllle, 1:80 pm 8:00 am Cloverdale. 7:30 W 8:16 pm Pieta, 7:40 am Hopland A 10:30 am 8:80 pm B tOO am Ukiah. 7:30 pm 6:15 pm 7:40 am I '• ~~A 10:80 am 8:00 am | Guerne ville. I 7:80 pm .. 8:30 pm I ( I 6:15 pm 7:40 am 8:00 am Sonoma 10:40 am 8:50 am 6:10 pm 5:00 pm and 6:05 pm 6:15 pm . -. ■ Glen Ellen. . ■ 7:40 AM i 8:00 AMI R( , bft . tono 110:40 am; 10 am 8:30 pm! 5:00 astopol. I 6:05 pm| 6:15 rM Stages connect at San Rafael for Bolinas. ~ Stages connect at Santa Roaa for Mark West Springs. ■ Stages connect at Geyservllle for Skaggs Springs. Stages connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers. Stages connect at Pieta for Highland Springs, Eelseyvllle, Soda Bay, Lakeport. Stages connect at Hopland for Lakeport and Bartlett Springs. Stages connect at Uktan for Vichy Springs, Bias Xjakes, Laurel Dell, Upper Lake. Booneville, Green- wood, Mendoclno City. Fort Bragg, Usal, Westport, Cahto. Willetts, Calpella, Porno, Potter Valley, John Day's, Llvely's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, Blocks- burg, Brldgeville, Hydesvllle and Eureka. . Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points b«- yond San Rafael at half rates. -, r: Special Sunday El Campo Service. STEAMER UKIAH leaves Tlburon ferry every Sunday— lo:Bo a. m., 12:10, 2:00 and 4:00 P. M. Returning— Leave El Campo at 1:00, 8:00 and • :00 9. m. ' TiCKet Offices. 650 Market St., Chronicle building, H.C. WHITING. R. X. RYAJT, . Gen. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. (PACIFIC MVSTEH.) VV- Trnlm leave nu<l urc tine to arrive Ml MAN FKAN«'I*«O. leave — From July 27. 1805. — akiuvb *0:30 a San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns 9: 1 .1a ■ 7 :OO a Atlantic Express, Os<leu and Kast.. 10:5tlr 7:OOa Benicia, VacariUe. Rumsey. Sacra- mento, and Redding via Davis.... 7:15p 7:30 a Martinez, San Ramon, Kapa, Calls- toga and Santa Rosa, G:X!ir 7:30 a San Leandro, Haywardsfe Way Hfns 2015.\ B:ttOA2<iles, San Jose, .Stockton, lone, Sacramento. MarysTille, lied J fluff audOroiille 4:1 rip •8:30 a Peters and Milton *7:15f 9:OOa San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns 11:45 a O:OOa New Orleans Kipress, Raymond, - (for Yoseiiitc). Santa Barbara, ' Los Angeles, Deiuftig, HI i'aso, Ncir Orleans and liast 10:43 a 9:OOa Martinez and Stockton 10:45 \ 10:OOa San Leafdro, Hjyward3 and Nil's .. . 1:45p 12.-OOM Ran Leandro, Haywards A Way St'ci S:4sp ' - l:OOi> Nil eg, San Josa and I.iieruiore ....... **:•! .1 .\ •l:OOpBacramentoßiTerSte:i!iiers..-. •»•.<>'.» v fliSOp Port Costa and Way Stations. . ... . . . f?:«p 3:OOr San Leandro, llaywarcl3& Way Sf us 3:445p 4:00p SanLeandro, Haywards A Way .St'ns 6:J5p . 4:«0p Martinez, Han linmoi>. Valiejo. Niipa, Calistuga, Xl Verauo and Bauta Rosa. ..;.....;.. 9:10 a 4:00p Bcnici*, Esparto, Woodland, Knights Landing, . MarjbTille, Oroville and Sacramento 10:45 a S:OOp Kiles, ban Jose, Lirermore and .Stockton 7:15? ' 5:30p San Lemdro, HaywardH ft Wa7 St'ns 8:45» B:3OpLos Aneclcs Ksprsss, Fresno, Ray- mond (for Yosemite), l'akeislield, - Santa l!arl>ara aud l.os Angeles.. 4:45 r 5:30p Santa Fe Route. Atlantic Express for Mojavo aud Kast ; . 1 0:43 a 6:OOp European Mail, Ogilen and Kast.... 0:43 a 6:o«i> HayivHi'ilK, Kilos ami San Jose 7:45* J7:OOp Valiejo f7:43* 7:OOp Oregon Kxpretui, •Sacramento, Marys- ville, Riidiliiit;, Portland, Pugefe .Sound and Katt 10:4."> a 7:00p San Leandro, Haywards & Way St'ns 10:50p 9:00p San Leandro, HaywanlsS: Way St'ns ttl2:ooA tfl 1 :1 5r San Leandro. Haywanlsfc Way St'ns «7:15 a SAHTA.C'KIIZ DIVISION (Xarroir CanRC). J7:45a Sunday Excursion for Newark. San Jose, Los Gates, Felton and Santa Cruz ... :B»©s* 8:1 5a Nevrark.CeuterTille,Sa!i.ToBe.Felton. f Bouldor Creek, San Cruz and Way ■ Stations 3:50* *3:15p Newark, CenterTille, San Jose, New Alniaden, Felton, Boulder Creek, . •' Santa Cruz and Principal , Way ■ Stations *11i20a 4:45p Newark. San Jose. L"os (,'atos 0:50 a COAST »1 VISION (Iliinl & ToiTnseml ISU.) •6:45 a San Jose, §New Almaden and Way v Stations ; *1:45p 17:30 a Sunday Excursion for San Jose, Santa . Cruz, Pacific Grove and Principal Way Stations }8:35* 8:13 a San .lose, Tres JMnos, Santa Crux, Pacific Grove, Paso Roblcs, San Luis Oliispo. ' Guadalupe and Prin- . 1 cipal Way .Stations 7:05p !9:47a Palo Alto and Way Stations - Jl:4sp lo:io.\ Han Joafl nnil Way 5tati0n5......... 3:O«p 11:43 a Palo Alto and Way Stations 3:30p t2:lsp"Del Monte Limited" for Menlo Park, San Jose, Gilroy, Pajaro, Castroviiie, Del Monte, Monterey and Pacific Grove only :111:20a *a:3opSan Joae, Uilny, Ties Plnos, Santa ■ Cruz, Salinac.Monterey and Pacilio Grove «I0:40a •3:!IOp San Jose and Principal Way Stations 9:47 a •4:30 i» San Jose and Way Stations.......:. *8:«0a »:3Op San Jose and Way Stations *8:1Sa «::sOi> San Jose and Way 5tati0n5.......... G:33a. «ll:3Op San -lose n:i.l Way Stations * 7i >p CREEK ROUTE FERRY. From SAN mNCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip 8)— •7:00 8:00 9:00 *10:00 11:00 a.M. *12:30 U:3O *2:30 3:00 •«:00 6:00 •6:Mrjl. FromOAIIAND— «f Broadway.— "(s:oo *7:00 - 8:00 *9!00 10:00 *II:COA.M. J12:00 »13:S0 . 2:00 *3.:0 i::0 . 5:00 P.M. • . A for Morning. P for Afternoon. ' • Sundays oxcented. t Saturdays only. 5 Wednesdays only. U Mondays only. J Sundays only. ' t) Monday. Thursday and Saturday nights only. <^&^ via N *^^ > . yJ^^SAUSALITOTERRY.^S^ From Ap&ii, 21, 1898. Leave S. F. WEEKDAYS. Arrive S. F. 7.00 a.m. Mill Tal., Ross ?»1. S»n Rfl !:!£S I :: :: £*|sS itJSS i. : r'^^s- - :iK -• « .I S«Q^ 9.40 a.m. 3*op"u" •" •• .! Qln ' 10 - 45 *->«- ' * <( 11.35a.1U i:iop.M. » .. .. s**^- i-"'.||. ei5"M « I! 4. ;■•„•• «-«FJI. 0.85PJ.. «« ... .. -*"•••' 6.35 p.m. „ , C.2:.P.M. Ii.WP: M :R vU.;s.nßn. f SanQtn S " QUL ' 7 -' sp - H - -•i *■ ""••I" 0 a . D . d st *° M ™ •'•••'•" Kii± -SaluVdays only. " xMond^oniy!*' 11 ' SUNDAYS. 8.00A.M. -MißTil- Ross TiL. San 8» Qta ....V... : io.d6i:». ■« » :; ci;^' *""■"■ 12."30p".m'. I* 1 "> KsYl }vS«afl.,SinQt U , 12.10 P.«. •••••••• M ... " " SsnQtn!'.!! Y.OSP.M. ...... MiUJaL, Ross V»l., Sun Rf1........ « .rsp.M. i'9op"«" m !! ' " •••• — 3.sofji. 2.1.6 P.M .: .. :: :: >-jSor* . 6.SOF.M. " .... V ' •V o'*-6.45»-.m.0 '*- 6.45»-.m. «• « • m *•••••• •' r7»: \.' J^V"* 7 Uii *»&•! .' '.'.'.'.'.'. '. 'iUTM. a.OOA.ii. Pcmt itytt, Ciuino and W»y $ta». B.lspjt. ,- V.Coa.m. Pout lU/m vi f»jr sutiiu. 7 Mr m.