Newspaper Page Text
12 REAL ESTATi_TKANSAOTIONS. HnnrvJ Wesslinzt© Maria A Wessllng. lot on iv H ffl 'Geary street, 137 :6 «of Laguna, V 66 b Miloa»dk K K. Bond ley tc >3«***°?%™> »# on W line of Lyou sireet, 125 S of Pine, b .5 by. W I °A : c 1 knd Grace H. Soule, John F. and Alice to lv^n« to^v Quokf. U* on N line of Washing ton'st^ 69:10-2 S of .Stockton. E 71:6 by N * H .yward. U>t on W ItetflKMH s: root. 15%1i » Of Sutler, H 1 foot 3 ln Thor nb * J* SdCa»« I. Parsons to Del Monte Mil Fine company, lot on SW line of Stanford street 156:3 5K of ßraoiwn, SE 50 by 8W80; \ieorge K. and Emmeline X- Bates to Frederick Kos?hnfck, lot on X line of . Texas street, 100 X of * Solomon nnVpora Gets to Smile C ail laud, lot on W line of Forty-fifth avenue, 195 Nof B street, > 25 F W iV and Emma A. Fuller to J. J. Klnney, lot on N W corner of C street and twenty-fifth avenue, " William H. andVnna D. MIJ ier to William H. William H. and Anna D. Miner to William H. ' Crocker, outside land, block 825,.bounded by L and M streets, Fortieth and Forty-. first . avenues, and other pieces: $10. .'•"''■'.'■■'; Fleming D. Thorn to Nicholas: Ohlanrtt. lot on SW line of Seventh avenue South, CO NW of X street, XW 60 by SW 100, block 141. South San Francisco Homestead and Railroad, and 8 otbsr P Henry and Anna Rohling to William H.Ham mond, lot on SW line of Palmer s jeet, 400 KE of Bartlett (Harper), SE 60 by SW 100, block 20, Fairmount; $10. Thomas W. Valentine to Edward and Margaret Fahey, lot on E line of Chertibusoo street. '231 » of CoVtland avenue. N 25:8 by E 70, lot 275,C0bb ■ T. j! Severns to Matthew O'Reilly, lot 13 on SW line of Greece street, 80 NW of Knights place, Mission-street Railroad Homestead Association; also lots 4 and 5, block 35, Mission and Thircieth -Btreet Homestead: also property in Sacramento and San Mateo County: $10. • '■_' George E. M. and Henry M. Corthr.y to Charles W. Corthav, lot on Hue of Leavenworth street, 68:9 N of O'Farrell, N 30:9 by W 137:6; $25. '. Mary A. Rose to Alexander F. Morrison, lot on NW line of Howard street, 45:10 NE of Beale, Ist : 45:10 by NW 137:6; $10. • Albert H. Quatman to Jacob Brownstone, lot on X line of Forty-fourth avenue. 170 S of B street, 6 25 by E 120": $10. Sol and Dora Gets to George A. Ross, lot on NE corner of L street and Twenty-eighth avenue, E 32:6 by N 100: $10. _ ' Margaret M. Quinn to William O'Grady, lot on S line of L street, 327 :6 Wof Twenty-third avenne, 25 by 100: $10. „ Henry K. and Mary Schmnckert to Henry Lem merma'nn, lot on NW line of Nupies street. 250 KE of Persian avenue, NE 50 by NW 100, block 46, Excelsior Homestead: $10. ALAMEDA COrSTTY. W. \. Knowles of Oakland to J. F. Gallman and Otto Gerhnrtv, lot 12. block I, Broadway Ter race, Oakland Township: $10. Mountain View Cemetery Association to George Mauri-r. lot 84. plat 36 Mountain View Cemetery Oakland Township; $56. Charies and Emilie Clausen of Alameda to Emma R. Clausen of .vlamela. lot on W line of Milviu street. '235 Nof Cedar, N 25 by W 130, block 6, Graves and Taylor Tract. Berkeley: $10. Charles A. and Alice C. Bailey of Oakland to William and Barbara Zoller of Berteley. lot on >'W corner of Bay and Chestnut streets, W 90:3, N 10(\ W '24, N 55:6. E 114:3. S 135:6, being por tion of Curtis Tract, Berkeley: $5. Samuel P. Bartley of Alameda to Maggie Y. Bartley of Alameda". lot on W line of Wellington street,'2OO N of Ashby avenue, E 135 by N 50, be ing lot 5, block C, Palmer's Suburban Tract, Berke ley: gift. W. E. and Erminia Dargie to A. C. Widberof San Francisco, lot 233, Rose Tract, Brooklyn Town ship; 85. Same to Louis N. Jacobs of San Francisco, lot 234, Rose Tract. Brooklyn Township: $5. Maria N. Whidrien and Josetn N. Harris of Ala meda to A. E. McDougal of Alameda, lot on E line of Second street, 87:6 Sof Angela, s 87:6. E 100, N 87:6. W to beginning, being lot 2, block J, J. A. Neat's revised plan of the town of Pleasanton, Murray Township: $10. Abcer H. and Alice M. Stocker to Henry L. nal sey of Alameda, lot on W corner of East Nine teenth street and Fifth avenue, SW 65, NW 100, SW 35, NW 25. NE 100, SE 125 to beginning, block 103. Clinton. East Oakland: $'10. Philip and Catriarina Fuchs to G. W. Alder of Oakland, subdivision 7 in lot 35, Glen Echo Tract 3. being a resubdivision of lots 10, 16. 18, 28. 29 and 36 to 38, Glen Echo Tract map 2, Oakland Township: $10. Patrick I). Hogan of OaKland to same, lot on NW line of Hillside avenue, 459 SW or' Linda, SW 54, NW 197. NE '28, SE 202 to beginning, being lot 6 in subdivision 35, Glen Echo Tract map 3. Oakland Township: $10. Thomas F. (and as attorneyi and Ada Graber (by attorney) of Berkeley M (ieorge Schmidt of Berkeley, lot on N line of Francisco street, 120 E of California. E 30 by N 135:4^2. portion of lot 7, block 1. State University Homestead Association No. 5, Berkeley: ss. George and Nellie M. Schmidt to Clara Harm (wife of Thomas) of Berkeley, same, Berkeley; gift. Mary D. Mathews and F. M. and Mary R. Smith to Otto Erickson of San Francisco, lots 10 and 11, block F, Smith's subdivision of Mathews Tract; Berkeley; $10. William and Jennie Gardinerof Oakland to Fran cisco F. Gardiner and An'iza silva, lot 45. Peralta avenue Tract. Brooklyn Township; $10. Delos and Harriett A. Pratt of Oakland to George E. Richardson of Tulare. lot on S line of Moss ave nue, 160 W of Laurel street. W 40, S 135.38. E 40, N 135.97, to beginning, being lot 18. block I, i amended map, Moss Tract, subject to mortgage to Oakland Loan and Investment Company for $500, Brooklyn Township: 810. Charles S. and Annie L. Neal of Alameda to Agostino and Maria Borromeo of Alameda, lot on I E line of Park street, 50 Sof Clement avenue, E I lll:43/i, S 25. W 111:61-2- N 25, to beginning, be ing lot C, block F, Alameda Station Homestead, Alameda; $10. Charles Wurz of Alameda to Susanna H. Wurz ■of Alameda, lots 29. 30, block R, rpsubdivlsion of portion of Roberts and Wolfskin Tract, Oakland Township: gift. Edwin G. Case of Mendocino to Darwin C. de 1 Golia of Oakland, lot on N line of Alvord or Blake street, 120 Eof Dwinelle, E 40 by N 127, lot 17. block 1, Case Tract, quitclaim deed. Berkeley; $5. Grocers' Fruit-Growing Union to John T. Hall of Alameda. lot on W line of Arbor street. 151.97 N of Pacific avenue. N 50, W 116.88. S 50. E 94.20 to beginning, lots 9 and 10, block B, Fitch Tract, Alameda: $2000. George and Sus'e Sturtevant to John McCulloch of OaKland. lot on W line of Pease avenue. 165 S from center line of narrow-gauge railroad (Enctnal avenne). S 46 by W 50, being portion of Hays and Caperton Tract. Alameda: $10. Heinrich Reimers of Pleasanton to Fred and Marir- Tschumi, lor on E line of Main street, 115 Nof Ray, N 3fi. E 147, H35 to M boundary line lands of Jacob Schneider, thence along said boundary line to beginning, being portion of plat 3. Rnncho El Yalle de San Jose, town of Pleasanton, Murray Township; $425. Robert C. and Mary a. Moore to Laura C. Moore, lot on NW line of Walsworth avenue. 135 NE of Moss avenue, NE 50 by NW 120. being lot 10, block B. Flint Tract No. 2, being a portion of Oak land Heights. Oakland: $10. Ciara Harrison of Oakland to Masonic Fund As sociation (a corporationi lot on S line of Seventh street, 100 W of Franklin, W 25 by s 100. being lot 13, block 65, Oakland; also lot on N corner of East Eleventh street and Thirteenth avenue, NW 75 by NE 75, blo<-k 38, Clinton, subject to a life es tate to first party. East Oakland: $10. W. B. and Ermina M. Hardy to Catterina Pesclo (wife of Berrifirvfino), lot 51, Claremont Park, be ing a resubdivision of lots 3 to 8, block I, Vernon Park, Oakland Township: SlO. J. O. and Elizabeth C. Doane to Jacob Mullerand Henry Young, lot on SE corner of Felton and Calais (Occidental) streets, E 50 by S 185, being lot 1. block G. Paradise Park, Berkeley; $10. . B. Kelsey of Alameda to Owen Langan of San Benito, lot S4.Tnrnbull Tract, Brooklyn Township, quitclaim deed; $5. Lawrence and Janet T. Harbutt to Richard Bat telle of San Francisco, lots 1 to 6, block F, cor rected map Nicol Tract, BrooKlyn Township; $10. Builders' Contracts. W. H. Wlckf-rsham, contractor, with Keating, Leonard <fc Ransome. sub-contractors, concrete and artificial stone work for engine-house for San Francisco Fire Department on SW corner of Fran cisco and Stockton streets; $4150. Clara Arguello with Ackerson <fc Peterson, to erect a one-stoo- frame building, except mantels, tiling, gas fixtures and shades, on W line of Fair Oaks street. 60 N of Twenty-fifth: $3ttoo. Isabella H. Lacy with M. S. Libbey. to erect a two-story frame building on W line of FourtU street, 56 NW of Brannan; $2350. William Gleeson with Hugh L. sheilds and L. M. Hickox, to erect a three-story building on S line of Freelon street, 150 E of Fourth ; $3200. Patrick Munchan with Jlngh L. sheilds and L. M. Hickox, to erect a two-story frame building oa S line of Freelon street, 100 E of Fourth; $1410. HOTEL AEEIVALS. LICK HOUSE. F E Spencer, San Jose Dr Burdell, Marin Co M G.Grec-n, Couriland M L Kaiser. Berkeley L (arrintton. Ix>di Silas Carle. Sacramento W F Englebright.Nev Cy G P Snell & w, San Jose D Powell A f. Marysville A Lake A son, San Jose F Doud, Monterey Mrs. O. M. Chisman. Cal Miss J Mabon, N Jersey Miss S Sledge, San Jose Miss W Sledge, San Jose T Acrves & w, N Almadn F Wickersham, Fresno C Sangster, Los Angeles W T O-Pounell. Los Ang Mrs X Hatha-.vay, Colo Miss J Patten, roio Spgs V Wear & w, Angels Cmp A Rocca, Grt Western M F G Ostrander, Merced C A Baird, Elm Ira R J Baird, Elmira 3S Weisnaum, Hanford J Levy Aw, Visalia Mrs J McUougall. Stktn Stocktn Miss L McDougall, Stkn (J A McDoagall, Stockton W H Skerrett, Vallejo R Mills, Haniord PALACE HOTEL. Glt Stewart, Pittsburg 0 B Nichols, Sacramento S M Boscowitz, N V M de M ll rat, Paris F L Lowman, Los Ang C F Heinlien, Yokohama W sutton it w, N V Mrs Deveraux. Glenwood T J Field & w. Monterey H F Lrown, N V A If (iay Jr. New Orleans C S Fulton. N V HHarrintuoti.McHenr.s B D KiroyA w, Chicago J S Rted, Pittsbur* X Hutchins&w.Pasaaena FPXoykendall&w.s Jose C B Arlson, San Jose F C Root. San Jos" G H Thomas. Detroit T 8 Ewing, Los Angeles MrsEJsparkman, Canada J Bloedel, Falrhaven W L Gill &w, San Jose R E NEW WESTERN. Miss White, Chicago J W Ellsworth, Chicago M I' Hatch, Boston H Fulkner Chico C S Potter, Cal F Morris, U S N M Barnes A wf, Cal P Kine, Ireland C S Armstrong, Baden Mtn M Brown. Selma H O stone, Portland H J Wells. Selma W W Booth, Visalia John B Butts, Visalia S B Love, N V E E Early, Cal R Neigh, Vallejo L L Butts, Vallejo V Vallejo, Napa LLucy, Napa B L Sloan, Colina C Hatch, Suisun Miss Hatch, Suisua RUSS HOUSE, F H Smythe.Langtry Fm J Parson, Salinas T B Joy. Bodega , D .1 McKarlan, Folsom J Ferguson. Santa Cruz CH B COrbett. Sydney C E Stevens & fam.Oak'd E C Chase, Oroville F W Chappin, Stockton Mrs W Young, Portland W L Wedrick, Fresno W Fink, San Quentin F II Banks, Philadelphia .1 J Willows. Walnut Ck T B McFarland, San Jose A w Clearer & wf. Chtg T W Johnson, Elk Grove Mrs II Clemen & dautr, L A Buck, St Louis Los Angelest J N Either, Nevada. J McCullum, w, Oakland Jt A Long & w, llanford J Mitchell, White River William Lynn, Salinas HII Simon, w, Alameda (i E Shore, Han ford : II L Byn-inls Jr. Cal J S Young, Santa Cruz 3 8 Heald. w. Cloverdale J s Tabot, Stockton W Boden «£ f. Sacto .1 M McCormick, Reno T B King. Salinas . F M Spencer, Gibsonvlle E 1' Coleman, w, Auburn Mrs A CRosenfeldt, Ariz J M Brown, Los Ang E Wright. Wrights LN orris, Sacto C L T Pokr.mtz A f, H I R W Ryan, Stiisun Mrs C S Moroney, Cal L D Haverhill. Honolulu W E Conroy, Auburn. M Lipjer & child, Hanford M X M Jan, S L Obispo "G C Chach, Orovllie J M Mayfule Ad, Cal D B Wilcox, Healds- N Fisk, Sea View • . burg J S Church. Snsanville Mrs Q \\' Kam & child, J E Hilt. St. Louis. Mo . Phoenix, Ariz L M Martin, Texas J S Young, Santa Cruz G Wilson, Portland, Or AT Burche <fe wf, Col. Capt S Osilnia &f, Cal Wll Lathrop, Cal X C Lathrop, Cat A Woods, Seattle, Wash MrsC F Bauer, Fitch- 3 Burson, Fresno burg, Mass J P Henderson, Grld^y Snelle Anderson, Grialey Mable stout, Gridley P Stone. Butte City . Wm Durham, Fresno A L McLeod, Livermore 6 O Hamlln, Reno C H Flnley, Modesto Wm C Lewis, Sn Ramon N B Willey, Dutch Flat S C Laird, Loomis W T Bacon, Oakland S H Bell. Minneapolis N McLeod. Milpetas F Tennan, Los Angeles laa Wolbricht, Hamburg J Tennant, Los Angeles B G Wadleigb, sta Rosa T F Simpson, Ls Angeles M I.udiey. Oregon L Redomeyer. Pnt Arena C V Olijo, Pnt Arena :L M Martin, San Antonio F C Merrill. Santa Cruz GRAND HOTEL. Miss Williams,S Leandro W C Waters, Watsonvllle .1 M Connor, Sacto P J Uvans, Riverside C E Wren, Grass Valley W H Simon, St Louis F W Bosh & wf.Nev City H Pennington, Sacto G A Capen, Sacto J R Vincent, Fresno JMcConnell& w Colusa Mrs F E Hunneman and Miss Cordes, Stockton eh, Denver Miss Brownell. Stockton G L Allen, Stockton H E Adams. Stockton D A Ostram, Yuba Co ' C H Dwinelle, Fulton L Holloway, Cloverdale LA Sheldon, Pasadena G L Anderson, USA, C L Hasken, Denver Fortress Monroe .1 W Bowden. Chicago A McClure A w, Macedon Mrs L Wilson, Modesto 811 Brown it w, Vallejo JB de Jarnett, Colusa Sam Hirst. Vallejo J L Matthews. Salinas F O Hihn, Santa Cruz . W Henderson, Stockton E L Doheny, Los Angeles G .1 Owens, Los Angeles Mrs J Kaseberg, Sacto 0i L Turner, Los Gatos Miss Kaseberg, Sacto : A Han-ell A w.Bakersfld Mrs T A Scott, Napa W E Edmonson, I* SNT S Scott, Napa C E Downie. Seattle ; TV Collier, Vallejo ,Mrs W Schau, Sacto M Burnett, Bakersfleld Misses Schau, Sacto W F Pu'rnell, sacto E B Osen, Sacto H X Wallace, Sacto Mrs Dr Knight, Stockton F M West, Stockton Mrs LMohr& s, Stockton E Lyon it w, Sacto BALDWIN HOTEL. <' McDonald, Chicago G Danimenbaum, Vallejo F Preston, San Jose W F Radington, P Costa E E Leake, Woodland C Curtis >Kan?as S A Lyon, Sacramento W P Lyon, Fresno *; Miller. Sacramento S Conn, Los Angeles W R Clark, Stockton H B Cline, Los Angeles E M Lion, San Jose J M Canly, Graft<>n J A Morrissey &w, Cal L 0 Meyers, Ohio SAN FRANCISCO "CALL.- -i BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cai.i^ "flO Market street, open until 12 o'aock every Bjpht in the year. BRANCH OFFICES—S3O Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. - SS9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 6W. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until f o'clock. £618 Mission street, open until J) o'clock. . 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. fjPgs^YERRA BUENA LODGE OF ug. trees' Perfection No. 6.— Regular meeting JJ THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, August 23, f\ at 8 o'clock. D. 5. J±\, GEORGE J. HOBE, Secretary. c -^»? JJ^33P ANNUAL MEETING— ANNUAL wS^ff meeting of the stockholders of the Sutro Railroad Co., for the election of directors for the en- suing year and the transaction of such other busi- ness as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office of the company, 30 Montgomery block, San Francisco, Cal., on THURSDAY, Aug. 29, 1895, at 'i o'clock p. M. WM. C. LITTLE, Secretary. JEPraS 3 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING—THE JiifTS' regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pacific Undertakers will be held at 777 Mis- sion st., San Francisco, on FRIDAY, August 23, 1895, at 8:30 m.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. , Transfer-books will close on Tuesday, August 20, at 4 p m. By order of the board of directors. M. C. GORHAM. Secretary. ~ ~ SPECIAL NOTICES. ~ CE5&' sure cure for rheumatism, chills and fever; no electricity; price $5; send for testimonials. JAS. CUMMINGS. 303 Third St., S. F., Cal. st^S= YOUNG JEWISH LADY GIVES et^ electric baths. Offices 47-48, 850 Market st. EP^»HAIR GROWN ON BALD HEADS; iS^S' diseases treated. MRS. DR. PLATT, Elec- tropath, 765 Market st. gr^s* WINDOWS CLEANED AND floors a~^Sr scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI A CO.. 242 Sutter. o£7§= GOLD MINES WANTED: GIVE FULL tF-»^ description and most favorable terms. Ad- dress A., box 167, this office. JT^S JOHN J. HULTHEN GIVES ELECTRIC, ; -£' magnetic, massage treatment: rheumatism and constipation a specialty. 1007 Mkt, rms. '-', 3. »OB» MEET TO GET MONEY OF UHCLB lE^y HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary at. 3r~S= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. i£"-^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St.. room 6, Tel. 5580. CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE? xS^ no pain. Chiropodit Institute, 36y 2 Geary. IKS 3 GENTLE MEN'S 'GLOVES. NECKTIES Ef^ cleaned. Room 9.2 d floor, 122 Post street. rS^S=> ROOMS WHITENED, $1 UP: PAPER- Ij*-*s^ cii $8 50 ii". ?09 Sixth. George Hartman. SITUATIONS WANTED—KKMAJLE. T A DIES— CAN GET GOOD GIRLS AT XJ 1004 MarKet st. OMPETENT WOMAN WITH THE BEST OF 1 reference wishes situation to do general house- work in American family; good cook and laun- dress: city or Oakland; carfare expected: wages from $15 to $20. N. P., box 106, Call Office. ITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED woman: general housework: kind to children: moderate wages: city or short distance In the country; no postals. 27Vis Fourth st. AMERICAN WOMAN: GOOD COOK AND A housekeeper; for an elderly couple or small family: best of city references. Address 3131/2 O'Farrell st. RESSM A KER.TH AT MA KES A SPECIALTY of children's dresses and ladles' wrappers, also white sewing, will go out at $125 per day: references given. Call or address 1507 Buchanan. pESPECTABLE GERMAN WOMAN WISHES -TV place to do general housework; small family; wages $10. Address N, L.. box 10, Call Office. . \\' ANTED—BY COMPETENT YOUNG LADY, " a position as bookkeeper or typewriter. Ad- dress E. 8., 2534 Mission st. QWISS GIRL WISHES a situation to DO O general housework or upstairs . work. 1004 Pacific st., near Mason. ANTED—SITUATION BY COMPETENT " girl to do general housework: city or country. Apply 521 Hayes st. - y OUNG CUBAN GIRL FROM CUBA WOULD X like position as housekeeper. 27 Taylor St., room 3, second floor. . . ■CTIRST~CLASS! HOUSECLEANER WISHES X 1 work by the day: can do washing and Ironing; '$1 25. j Call or address 47 Jessie St., middle flat. pESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS BITUA- XX tion as laundress by day, week or month;' best of references. Call or address 761 Mission St., bet. Third and Fourth. p ERMAN GIRL WISHES SITUATION IN vT bakery; city or country. Address G.G., box 66, Call. . , ■-.■ SCANDINAVIAN girl WISHES TO DO 0 general housework. 36 Perry St., bet. Second and Third. 1 IRL WANTS PLACE TO DO GENERAL * housework. Call or address 744 Folsom St., near Fourth. V I.AT YOUNG GIRL WISHES A PLACE TO -Li do upstairs work and wait at table. Please call j 257 Clementina St., near Fourth. - ■ ' WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DaY AS »* laundress and house cleaning. Call 7 Olive aye., bet. Polk and Larkin sts. ■■■- ■ :■ .• . . .. - QTRONG WOMAN WISHES / POSITION TO O do general housework. Please call at 627 V« Linden aye. IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS situa- tion to do housework and plain cooking; city only. Address 963 Mission St.. room 6. W ANTED—BY SWEDISH GIRL, POSITION »» to take care of children, and do sewing. Ad- dress 1322 Mission st. ■yOUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION AS X housekeeper. Address 120Va Geary, room 10. yOUNG WIDOW OF EXPERIENCE DE- X sires a situation as housekeeper In lodging- house. Address 121 Montgomery st.. room 6. ITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED woman; is competent cook; good home more an object than wages. Call or address 1008 Bush; •pOMPETENT COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER \J wants position; country preferred; good refer- ences: no triflers. Call or address 474 Jessie st., near Sixth. • ; pOMPETEKT GIRL WISHES SITUATION ■\J as cook or general housework: good references. Call at 3 p. m. or address 3138 Sixteenth st. -\ AME RICA WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION -TV- to do general housework.: Call or address room 15, Denver House, 217 Third st. WANTED— SITUATION BY A . RESPECT- L'» able woman In a small American family to do general- housework: pood; references. Call 811 Pacific St., near Stockton. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1895. SITUATIONS WANTED— Continued. y"OUNG~ DRESSMAKER ifiMBROIDERS . X gents' suspenders and mufflers to order. '10& Stockton St.. room 78. '; - *--^ ■ ■•■ WIDOW- OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE VI situation as housekeeper; widower's family or lodging-house. 1035 Market St., room 7. P~~ ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH. Ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED 0 American woman to do housework; good home more an object than wages. J. F., Call Office, Oakland. . ' ■ WANTED— BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY, SITU- T » ation as working housekeeper for single man; no objection to children. Address A. TAYLOR, 507 Eighth St., Oakland. VOUNO MARRIED WOMAN WOULD LIKE X to work for her room and board In a rooming or boarding house. Call MRS. FRIDRECKS, 1058 Howard st. ' " ' ''''■-{ THIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WANTS A X I situation; good cutter and fitter. Address B. 8., box 21, Call. -■ • y OUNG SWEDISH WOMAN WISHES A SIT- X uation as laundress in family or institution. Call or address 12% Sacramento St., 8. F. . '. ...■'-. OEFINED YOUNG LADY WISHES A POSI- IV tion as nurse for invalid or Infant's nurse; good references. Address G. P., box 104, Call Office. yOUNG WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION I cooking and housework: American -family; city reference. Apply 1632 Polk St. ' T7IASUIONABLE DRESSMAKER WISHES A X I few more engagements by the day; terms rea- sonable. Call or address MISS X., 405 Geary St., room 41. ■ ' ' WINCHESTER HOUSE-44 THIRD, NEAR »" Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR '» Market, electric lights in every room; 200 room: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to.s6 per week. SITTATIONs WANTED— MALE. ; \frN¥YXRrmSTRn?RU I ERS~AND V others, please take notice! If you want relia- ble help send .to a reliable and . experienced employment agency. We know your wants and the sort of help needed, having been 20 years es- tablished under the laws and license of this State. Inexperienced or free intelligence offices, private or political, know no more about the employment business or the proper supplying of help than a child does, aid will send a barber or a watchmaker to pick grapes in a locality where the thermometer stands 100 in the shade or over. For experienced and able men to pick grapes or fruit, or lor able-bodied men for any kind of work, send your orders to the old, reliable firm of W. D. EWER <t CO., 626 Clay St., S. F. AN AND WIFE, EASTERN PEOPLE: MAN understands care horses, cattle, grounds and poultry, good coachman and driver; wife excellent cook and housekeeper, good general worker: city or country; good reference. Address E. N., box 48, Call Office. ' p ROGER YOUNG MAN, 23.WOULD VJT like position in grocery-store: speaks German ; best references. MILLER, 1037y a Market st. "WANTED— SITUATION AS ENGINEER OR " fireman : competent to run dynamo, Address G. FULLER, 1427 noward st. , pELIABLE YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSI- Jt tion in wholesale or retail store; is willing to commence on low wages. .Address B. C, box 31, Call Office. V WIMEMAKER — COMPETENT WlNE- maker, who thoroughly understands the busi- ness in every line, in vineyard as well as in cellar, wants position. Address M. 0., box 31. Call Office. pELIABLE YOUNG man DESIRES "WORK Xt of any kind in city or country. Address M. C, box 83, Call Office. OY 17 YEARS OLD, RESIDING WITH PA- rents. wants position In any wholesale or retail house. Address 1614 Lyon st. OOD RELIABLE MAN WANTS SITUA- tion around private place; is good coachman and fair gardener and is handy with tools: wages moderate. Call or address H. H., box 74, Call. COOK WANTS POSITION: CITY OR CO 1* try ; strictly sober man; try me. Address 664Va Howard st., near Third. / 1 ARDENER (SCANDINAVIAN) WISHES vJT situation in private place ; understands horses, cows and driving: best of city references. Address A. B. C, box 21, Call Office. ■ T\r ANTED-SITUATION : BY COMPETENT » » engineer and machinist to run stationary en- gine: understands dynamo, Incandescent lighting; can do all necessary repairing. Address Engineer, 20a Rausch st. p ARDENER AND WIFE wish SITUA- vjI tious to take charge of gentleman's place; un- derstand care of horses, cows or chickens; good references: competent and reliable; 8 years in last place. Address A. R. G., box 143, Call Office. y MIDDLE-AGED man and wife as cooks on ranch or railroad; both first-class cooks. Address H. IS., box 31, Call. W AN T B D- WOR K B Y A FIRST-CLASS ■ *» paper hanger and painter. Address R. C. Hall, 1137 Mission st. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUTH IN A shop of any description; thoroughly reliable ana trustworthy; splendid reference. Address Reference, box 48, Call. y OUNG MAN, WITH 6 MONTHS' EXPE- X rience at barber trade, would like to finish in 15-cent shop; wages no object. W. T. R.. box 117, Call. ; - ■ . - JMRST-CLASS LAUNDRYMAN AND WIFE J want a situation: understand all branches of the business; city cr country. Call or address 108 Eighth st. • EAD COOK: . ENGLISH: FIRST-CLASS man on meats, pastry and confectionery; wants situation in hotel or boarding-house: best of reference. Address J. HENRY, box 61, Call Office. BOOK KEEPER WANTS TO POST BOOKS BY X) the hour afternoons and evenings; very rea- sonable. Address Scribe, box 109, Call Office. . ■ BORROW ON TOUR WATCH. OF UNCLE HARRIS, 16 Grant aye., near Geary st. yOUNG HOLLANDER. WHO CAN CORRES- X pond In Holland, English and French, wants a position. Address B. H. 8., box 123, Call Office. OUSE-PAINTER, FIRST CLASS .IN ALL its branches, wants work by the day; furnish his own tools and scaffold. G. C, box 71. Call Office. piANO-PLAYER WISHES AN ENGAGE- X meut: plays at sight. Address E., box 49. Call. T) ELIABLE, STRONG MAN, WISHES A XX situation as night watchman: satisfied with small wages; good reference. Address M. V., 43 Second st. \Y ANTED— BY AN EXPERIENCED BLACK- »' smith, railroad or carriage work; good machine blacksmith. Apply 923 Howard st. "yOUNG MAN, 20, DESIRES SITUATION: X can drive team; milk: do gardening; good hand with horses; wages 816. S. V., box 136, Call Office.' y«UXG MARRIED MAN WISHES POSITION X in grocery-store or to work in warehouse in this city or Oakland ; best of reference. Address J. D. N., Golden Gate Postoffice, Oakland. ANTED — SITUATION IN COUNTRY ™" newspaper office by experienced compositor. S. BRESA. 1115 Twenty-third aye., East Oakland. "T7IARMER, PRACTICALLY AND THEORET- -X! lcaily competent in stock, dairy, grain, sugar- beets, poultry, etc., wants situation as foreman or manager; references. LEO ESSICH, Ft. Ross, Cal. yOUNG MAN. 21 YEARS AGE, SPEAK- X ing German fluently, wishes situation as porter or salesman : has also knowledge of leaf tobacco and manufacturing of cigars; best references. Ad- rirpss P. S.. box 21, Call Office. . FEMALE HELP WANTED. HOUSEWORK GIRL, GRASS VALLEY, $20: XX Coltisa, $20; Penryn, $20; Golden Gate, $20; Oakland, $20, and other towns. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. p ERMAN NURSERY GOVERNESS, $25; vJT German or Swedish cook, $25; German or French second girl ; $25 ; 12 housework girls, city and country, $20 and $25; 4 young girls, assist. $10 to $16. -MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. WEDTSH OR DANISH COOK, $30: AND first-class waitress and chambermaid, same place, private family, $20; German general house- work girl, $20; neat American girl, houseworK, San M;ueo, $20: cook and general housework girl, Grass Valley, $20; 10 light housework girls, care children, $10 and $15. C. It. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. . PARISIAN NURSE AND SEAMSTRESS: X references; good wages: see party here at 11 a. K. C. R. HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Geary st. "WANTED- WAITRESS AND PARLOR MAID; 1' » girl for cooking and housework. 2 In family, $25, see parties here at 10 to-day: 3 Protestant second girls. $20, and a great many girls for cook- Ing and housework in city and country. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 312 Butter st. ■ - 2 GERMAN GIRLS, SAME COUNTRY HOTEL, $15 each; chambermaid and waitress, country, $20; cook and laundress, private family. $25, see party here; waitresses, Chico and San Luis:. In- valid's nurse, $20: ranch cooks, $20: housework, city and country:' 6o women and girls can find situations at MURRAY & READY'S, 634 and 636 Clay st. p ERMAN, ■ SCANDINAVIAN OR AMERI- vX, can woman as ranch cook; $20; first-class place: i see party here. MURRAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. . . , , ..: PHAMBERMAID TO ASSIST IN WAITING, \J country hotel, $20. MUItKAY A HEADY, 634-636 Clay st. , MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, LIGHT HOUSE- . ■J-U work on the Sacramento River, $16. ■ MUR- RAY & READY, 634-636 Clay st. *-..,s . -- ! -: ANTED-FRENCII , MAID AND SEAM- stress,"s2s; French or German second girl, $25; invalids nurse. $8 a week; French housework girl, . $26: Protestant woman, country, ! ' $25; girls for housework, $20 and $16. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. ' .. : " . ' ANTED— NURSE FOR CHILDREN, $20; '•»», German nurse for children, $25; ayoungg'irl for waiting on table in country hotel, $20; girl for housework in Oakland, $20; 25 : good housework girls : for city and i country places, $25 1 and $20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT. 424 Sutter st. J WANTED-GOOD STRONG GIRL TO ASSIST »" generally In an institution short distance in country; first-class place: $25 per month and good horn*. W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. ■ pALL AT THE SWEDISH AND GERMAN \J Employment Bureau : for a good place. 332 Geary st.-.. .■//:;■ -;:--■ :,'■<; V . ._■,- .■"■; O WAITRESSES, - *20. COUNTRY HOTEL. ■4 HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny St. ;.: ;,» HA ON GOOD . WAISTS; FACTORY EX- I perience. S. STEUI3R, 120 Eighth st. ; HELP WANTED— Continued. _ ■ WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE FOR PLAIN 'T American cooking In small country . hotel, wages $25; also young girl to assist upstairs. Ad- dress _!., box 49, this office. • STRONG YOUNG WOMAN TO - ASSIST IN housework and tafte care of children. Apply to DR. MACDOXALD, Beasley Cottage, Samalito. C 1 IRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND X help with baby; good home and moderate wages. 1617 Webster st., nr. Sutter, after 10 a. m. r\ irls WANTED TO STRIP TOBACCO AT VXthe General Burnside Cigar Factory. 418 Bat- tery st. . . ■ ', GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 1811 Urodenck st. __. FOR7sHdRT~bISTANCE' IN XI country; $10. A. 8., box 47, Call Office. "AITRESS FOR COUNTRY HOTEL,; $20. »' Apply 509 Kearny st., room 8. OUSEKEEPER, $20; LADY TO CANVASS. XX pay. 1004 Market st. rpAILORESSES AND OPERATORS ON COATS. X 625 Eddy st. : apply early. '■ W ANTED- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH * * baby; small wages. Call 860 Howard st. WANTED- YOUNG GIRL TO DO LIGHT " housework. Call 2019 Pine St., bet. 9 and 12. Frl to assist IN GENERAL HOUSE- work ; wages $12. At 119 Capp st. WANTED— YOUNG GIRL""TO ASSIST IN ¥¥ taking care two children. 738 Ellis st. TVTEAT YOUNG GERMAN GIRL FOR GEN- i-> eral housework and assist with baby. 2322 Sutter st. IRLS TO LEARN DRESSMAKING, i CUT- tinz, fitting and finishing: patterns cut to fit, 25c. McDowell, 21 3 Powell st. PPRENTICEf GIRL~ WANTED on COATS. A 39 Everett st. • PROTESTANT GIRL UNDER 17 TO CARE X for child. : 1314 Jones st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $25. 1619 Fulton st. ISHWASUER FOR RESTAURANT. 1020 Folsom st. :vvvc: OVNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK X and bakery. 142 Eleventh st. GIRL to LOOK AFTER 2 CHILDREN AND assist with light housework. 732 Twenty- fifth st. ■ . LADIES TAUGHT HAIRDRESSIXG, MANI- XJ curing, face treatment: terms moderate. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post st., room 20. (^ IRL 4 FOR LIGHT. HOUSEWORK: GOOD U home. Apply 801 Hayes St., nr. Webster. SWEDISH AND GERMAN EMPLOYMENT office. liy 3 Antonia st., off Jones, near Ellis. W" ANTED— TEACHERS OUT OF EMPLOY- ment to canvass for educational periodicals. WHITTAKER & RAY CO.. 723 Market st. WEALTHY WETNURSE. APPLY 2511 SCOTT XX street. -CLASS GERMAN OR SCANDINA- vIan girl for general housework in small Ameri- Ican family; references. Apply 1606 Golden Gate avenue. • \\T I NCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR '» Market: electric lights In every room: 200 rooms 25c to $1 50 pr night : $1 50 to $6 per week. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH X ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 16 Grant aye. UP-TO-DATE SYSTEM OF DRESS-CUTTING; actual measurements. 14 McAllister, room 67. IRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE- work. Call in morning, 761 Halght st. NY PERSON CAN MAKE 810 MONEY BY addressing PROFESSOR SAUTER, 1 Eddy. W anYed IMMEDIATELY - LADIES TO »' learn millinery: taught' in 3 mo. 234 Taylor.' OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE: Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market: 200 rooms,2sc to $1 50pr night 50 tos6prweek TTiRENCH ACCORDIAN-PLEATING, PINK- X I ing, stamping, patent button-holes. 137 Sixth. RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- JO made suits; $7: perfect fit. 118 McAllister st. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON DRESSCUT- X tine and making school :all branches. 702 Muter. UJLK UELP WANTED. W™XN^ED-COok""FbR~S>IAI.T- COUNTBT hotel, $30 to $35 per month and found: 10 laborers for city, 8 months' work, $1 per day and board: also farmers, laborers, grape-pickers, wait- ers. milkers, cooks, dishwashers, etc. W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. "1 A QUARTZ MINERS, $3 A DAY : 6 SCANDI- XV navian or German miners: 5 rockmen, coun- try, $2 a day; 10 laborers, city, $26 and board. C. R. HANS EX & CO., 110 Geary st. CRAPER TEAMSTERS AND SCRAPER loaders for railroad work; free fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. COOK FOR A RAILROAD CAM?; ■ FREE fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. OAST COOK AND BROILER. COUNTRY hotel, $75 and free fare; baker for an Institu- tion, $50; shampooer for a Turkish bath; cook and second, country hotel, $60 and $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 110 Geary st. .. '-■ WANTED- 20 MEN TO PICK GRAPES, $1 »' day and board, go to-day; ironer, for country, $30 and board ; 3 drillers, $1 75 day: 4 laborers for wagon road, $20 and found: marking man for laundry: farmer and wife, $30; teamster, $45: farmers; stickerman, $3 day: lumber-oilers. cooks, waiters and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. ; ARMER AND WIFE, NEAR CITY, $35: 5 farmers, near city. $20 and $25; 2 choremen on ranches, $20: 4 woodchoppers, $1 a cord, tools fur- nished; 4 laborers for city, $26. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st, /Term ax HOTEL COOK. NEAR CITY, $45; 2 IJT boarding-bouse cooks, $35 and $4«. MURRAY' & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. EAD WAITER, 1 COUNTRY: 2 HOTEL waiters, country, $30; 2 kitchen-hands, coun- try, $20. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636Cluy. 9A GRAPE-PICKERS, PACK AN D DRY i-i\f raisins, work in drying and packing houses, vineyards, wine cellars, etc., $23 per month and found: call early. MURRAY & READY, 634- -636 Clay st. On ROCKMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK, $1 25 £\j a day and board: 20 French, Swiss or Italian grape-pickers, $20 and board ; teamster, gang plow, steady place. $20; Eastern man and wife, private place, $15; Swiss milker. 10 cows, $15; 4 laborers, country. $ISO and board: woodsmen. $26. R. T. WARD * CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. ANTED-M AX TO DO CHORES AND WIFE m general housework, country, $40, see party here 9 a.m.; dishwasher, German preferred, $25; waiter, $20; carpenters, $2 a day. LEON ANDRE, 316 Stockton st. WAITERS, $35, CITY; BAKER AND PAS- try cook, $25, country. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. "TIT ANTED- QUARRYMEN: ALSO 1 BLACK- '» smith for marble quarry. Inyo Marble Co., room 12, rotunda Mills building. TpIRST-CLASS 811 A PER AND STICKER 'hand wanted. FINK & SCHINDLER, 1309 Market st. AN AND WIFE FOR GOOD PAYING BUSl- ness: living-rooms; price $126: rent $20; must sell at once. Apply 108 Ridley St., near Valencia. TIT ANTED— CHAB. McCREADY, BAKER BY »» trade, to communicate at once with M. M. LEE, box 14, this office. __^ . BARBER FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 872y 2 Howard st. T) ARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY. 1518 X> Market, near Larkln. ARBER— FOR SATURDAY. 63 THIRD ST; wages $3. ARBER— FOR SATURDAY. 114y a FOURTH X> street. • OOD BARBER — FOR - SATURDAY. 32 Third st. . GOOD BARBER FOR BATURDAY. 43y Third St.; $3 60. ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL, 667 Clay. F~EW GOOD PICK AND SHOVEL MEN. Quarry, Corbett Road, near Eighteenth st. j WANTED— PLUMBER'S AT 2814 »" Sixteenth st. . ■ ANTED— BOY TO ASSIST IN RESTAU- rant. .419 Hayes st. . , P LUMBER'S HELPER WANTED. CALL AT X 404 Twenty-third st., near Shotwell. T?LDERLY MAN: AND WIFE* FOR RANCH; XJ good home and wages. 227 Sixth st. ARD TO THE PUBLIC— RICHARDS RES- / taurant. 317 Fourth St., open all night. fIRA PARTNER WANTED: INDOOR «JpX«JV/. business: $15 to $25 per week clear: must be steady, reliable man to oversee worn. 9 Geary st., room 2. " ; - ARTY; $50; CIGAR-STORE AND LAUNDRY office;, living room; account sickness;, great bargain. WILKE, 633 California, Phoenix bar. ■ BARBERS— GOOD 2-CHAIR SHOP FOR SALE X» cheap; rent $10. For particulars apply to Em- ployment Secretary Barbers' Assn., 12 Seventh st. OL D ESTABLISHED 3-CHAIR BARBER- shop. Apply Call Office. WANTKD-59 ACTIVE BOYS, AGED OVER 14. at Pacific Wooden ware and Cooperage Company, sixth and Channel. , . ' . : W" ANTED— YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE " butcher trade and take care of horses: must be willing to work; will give ail the opportunity to learn the trade. . Address C. P., box 72, Call Office. ANTED — SECOND COOK 'FOR CHOP- house. 1313 Buchanan st. :; ' GOOD LIVE MEN' TO ELL HOUSEHOLD » goods on installment : big inducements to good men. C. ADAM CO., 156 Fifth st. : :'.',". WANTED— YOUNG BARBER WITH ONE year's experience. Call 609 Eighteenth St., corner Guerrero. ; - ■ T) ARBERS— GOOD SHOP FOR SALE ON MAR- ;? ,, ke i Bt - : owner going Into other business. Apply Call Office. WANTED— ENGINEER CHARLES TILDEX at Pebbleslde Vineyard. Address 1743 Frank- lin St., at 1 o'clock. ■: ? ■ ; TRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room ; 25c a night; $1 a week. 1 000 MEN to eat BEEFSTEAK. mutton lUUUchopi, Hamburg atone, sc. 636 Clay st. 1-* ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. X» Barbers' Ass., 12 beventh. H. SCHEUNERT. J 'HEIP WAN TED-Contlnned. ELECTRIC > LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM. XU Winchester House,44 Third St., nr.Market;2oo rooms; 25c per night; convenient and respectable Ty IN ( J l l . BTEJ t - HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NR. "' Market,: 200 rooms: a night: reading-room. ■ CO ATM AKERS ;• WANTED. APPLY AT 11 \J a. m. at :' the Golden ■ Gate aye. entrance. CHARLES LYONS, London Tailor, 1212-1218 Market st. . 9 A MEN WANTED AT ONCE TO CANVASS \^-\J the housekeepers of this city and Oakland: pays $3 60 per day. Store, 328 Seventh st. Vj EX'S SHOES i/2-SOLED, 40c; HEELS, 25c; -m done In 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St., basement. X\[ ANTED— MEN- WHO DO NOT RECEIVE I . » • their wages to place accounts with us ; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. iCNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r 4. DO I ELLIS, , ROSE DALE— ROOMS I:sc TO 50c O^X a night; $1 to $3 a week;. open all night. SHOES SOLED 15 MINUTES; WHILE YOU wait; half usual price. 959 Howard, 409y 3 Pine. HAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 BACRAMENTO . St.; 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day: $1 a week ; meals, 10c. ANTED- LA BORERS AND MECHANICS " to know MUZART, 319 Ellis, near Taylor; 100 large rooms: 26c nigh;, $1 50 week; very cheap.. REE BEER: BEST IX CITY; 2 SCHOONERS J for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. ■ LINDELL HOUSE, BTH AND , HOWARD— XJ single furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. 9?:-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY ~O at 44 Fourth at.; no humbug. ANTED— MEN.. TO GET BOTTLE SHARP » ' steam beer, sc; bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. UTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE J S. F. Cutting School, 12 Montgomery, rms 8-10. Xir ANTED-SINGLE BOOMS, 16c A DAY; $1 ' " week rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; reading room* daily papers. 3fi Clay st. SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done • at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st., bet. First st. and Second st. TV" ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS "" to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st. ; 150 large rooms 25c per night ; $1 to $3 per week. 1 A A MEN. TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 X\f\J and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington nt., near Kearny. BEST IX CIT I'— SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night ; $1. $1 25, $1 60 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. A A A MEN'S SECOND-HANDED SHOES.SOME •±l/1 > nearly new, 25c to 91 25. 562 Mission St. AGENTS wanted. ™ iW~soTjcTtors, salary and commis^ sion. Baxter Portrait Co., 432 Sutter st. NY MAN OR WOMAN CAN MAKE $50 A week, sure« beat sellers on earth; ornamental, useful, necessary: everybody buys them. ALUM- INUM NOVELTY CO.; 1608 Morsel st. AGENTS WANTED: MONEY MADE SELL- ing liquid electricity: sure cure for rheuma- tism and neuralgia. 916 Market St., room 22, third floor. ' ANTED— 2O MEN TO HANDLE A FAST " selling article; $5 to $7 per day easily made; will pay you to investigate. Apply 221/2 Geary St., room 8. hours 10 a. m. to 12 M., 2 to 4 p. m. GENTS EVERYWHERE THROUGHOUT the United States can make from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest California invention; everybody buys It; grand success in San Francisco: county rights free. Address CALIFORNIA PRO-' DUCTION CO.. 328 Seventh st., S. F. ■ W ANTED TO-DAY-2 LIVE CANVASSERS "to Introduce horse and stock book. ED- WARPs 7 City Hall avenue. HOUSES WANTED. : nrXST^S^ro^BsN^^OTOErwrT^*OTA^ " Me. Address C. N., box 48. this office. ROOMS WANTED. "XIiIERI CA NOENTijEKAN W ISHESBOARD A and lodging wit'i Spanish-American family. Address C. R. G.. 425 Geary St., city: ' ' ' -■' I'IKNITI'KE WANTED. GT~iaiXsiri\ PICTUREsT . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; CM. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. C~ ASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND HER- chandlse. L. 11. BURP. Aucrionoer.lO Fulton. WANTED-311SCELLANEOUS. E^o7Td^Sa3?D^~IIELLOWS^ WANTED"; large size. Apply 1800 Polk st. PHYSICIAN'S CHAIR OR TABLE; STATE X price. N. S., box 48, Call Office. ,' ' ANTED — SECOND-HAND PNEUMATIC bicycle for a boy 13 to 15 years old; must be in good condition: state lowest price, 8. tl., box 131, Call Office. ' : —■-; ■\.| ACHINERY FOR MANIPULATING GREEN JIVJL coffee: give particulars. Address 8. G., box 110, this office. .. .. LEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry: postal. ■• COST. Fritz; reward. 2719 Bryant aye. J Fritz; reward. 2719 Bryant aye. - <n»t»A REWARD— LADY'S small BLACK «Ip— l/, enameled watch set with diamonds. Return to room 46, Nevada olock. T OST— A PASS BOOK WITH THE HIBERNI A XJ Savings ana Loan Society of San f ranc sco, in the name of JOHN SULLIVAN, No. 100,702. The finder will please return to bank. MONEY ON WATCHES FROM. UNCLE \X HARRIS, 16 Grant aye., near Geary it. ffl»C REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR EVl- f\t>O donee to convict thief or holder of dog, collar and tag 1777. U. SHEAR, Fifteenth and Mission. J OST— POCKET LEDGER, SATURDAY. RE- ■i turn 1923 Greenwich st.; reward FOUND. J^^u^Td^Tro^iN^Sor^T~own er^have same by proving property and paying expenses. 217 Mississippi st. CLAIRVOYANTS. G^"£^lltV^'VXN :> T^T^"cu¥^ND >rt cXKD readings daily. 1420 Taylor st., nr.- Jackson. RS. FIX. TEST MEDIUM, 438% BRAN- nan st.; fee $1. • W" ORLD-RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT AND planet-reader. MME. NORMAN, 995 Market. ME. MUCI ER, WONDERFUL CLATRVOY- ant; life-reading, advice on business, magnetic healing; sittings daily; 60c. 82y 3 Everett St., downstairs. AAA A A •■ PROF. F. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Remain not in darkness and ignorance, but seek the light of wisdom and learn what the future holds for you: he Is ever ready to assist the trou- bled and unfortunnte and always meets with suc- cess; all are pleased with his readings: secure a charm and wear diamonds. Letters with stamps answered. PROF. F. EUGENE. 1206 Market St., parlors 102, 103 and 104, first floor, elevator service. PRESENT. PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. X LEGGETTE, 311 Tehama St., near Fourth, ME. MOREAU-OREAT AND ONLY , ME- dium; give her a call ; lee 26c up. 131 Fourth st. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., near Geary at. CARD-READING, 25c: LADIES ONLY. 105 Stockton st., room 6. Circle to-night. . rf HE GREATEST, PROPHETIC CARD-READ- Xer in the world; 25c; evenings also. 330 Fell st. RS. ANTHONY. MEDIUM. LIFE READER: ladies, 25c; gents, 50c. 164 Tehama, off Third. PROF. LEON. PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT, life- reader. 533 Post: 10 to 8 dally; also Sunday. ME. F. ARNDT, GERMAN FORTUNE-TEL- ler, arrived from East; 25c, 60c. 724 Harrison. ow"to become a CLAIRVOYANT-KEY, to the mystery of medlumshlp; most wonder- ful book since the Bible; 50 cents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 606 Montgomery St.. S. F. AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER; maglo charms: love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teacher, fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the ■seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee sl and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIKITUAL.ISM. OHN SLATER, THE^PEERLEsi TEST ME- 'I dlum; sittings daily 10 to 2; grand public cir- cle to-night at 8 sharp. ■ 327 TSllis st. - > - ■- : EOTCR ASP— TEST MEETING TO-NIGHT 8 p. m. 15c. 1031 Market st.; Room 2. MRS. FULTON, MATERIALIZING SEANCE 50c: sittings dally Bp. m. 31 Fell St. RS."sHEEHAN. CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL- ist and test medium; readings daily, 783 1/3 Market st. . .. - ■ '. RS. HEKMAN keexex, GIFTED TRANCE l'J. medium: advice, business, speculation :satlsfac- tlon guarant'd ; developing clr. Frldayeve. 321 Turk '■-'"■_ ASTROLOGY, r DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY planets from date of birth. ■- 916 Market, r. 34. A STRAL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 523GEAEY -^*- St.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice- ATTOKNEVS-AT-LAVV. ' a D\ r ICtrTR"EErDTvOKCE""^ND PROBATE laws a specialty; suits,' Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms . reasonable ; . collections, etc. G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stockton JOHN R. AITKEN, ATIORNE^-AT-LAW, RS. 16 and 1 17. 402 Montgomery St.. cor. California. ~V. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ,42O __ . California st.; rms. 14-15: advice free. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. T?Olt BE^TTVALUeTgET A CALIGRAPH: IT £ last longest and does bestt work. ; United Type- writer and Supplies Co., 413 Montgomery st. ; -;^ GOOD TYPEWRITERS, SALE AND RENT. HANSON & CO., Chronicle Bids., room 38. " I 3 CHANCES. _^ PRODUCE. DELICACIES STORE AT YOUB X own price; : living-rooms; sacrifice acoo"nt of Blckness; bargain. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Mkt. "© 1 A CIGAR STORE ; CITY FRONT, NEAR *$)±O\J. MarKet: rent $10: full value in stock; departure. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market st. ©I OP: POPULAR RESTAURANT NEAR Wi-^iO. Market; among factories: old estab- lished place; rent, water taken out in board: must sell : sickness. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Mkt. mjOOX FRUITSTAND: GOOD PLACE FOR tJpDZiO. man and wife: living-rooms: receipts $12 daily. PROLL & STENBERO, 719 Market. FOR SALE THIS WEEK-GROCERY; BAR: stock at invoice: established 19 years; owner owns property; retiring from business account old age. PROLL & STENBERG, 719 Market. D~ YEING AND CLEANING BUSINESS; Western Addition; established for years; steady paying. PROLL STENBERG, 719 Market. "VT OTICE-TO BUY OB SELL A BUSINESS OF -»-l any kind see STRAND & TUTTLE, *5 Third BAKERY AND LAUNDRY OFFICE DOING X> good business. STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. <fI»IAA OYSTER AND TaMALE STAND: <IPXv/VF. pays well; best location In city. See STRAND & TUTTLE, 45 Third st. pORNER GROCERY AND BAR; BEST LOCA- \J tlon. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. . PARTNER WANTED IN PAYING BUTCHER X business; best location; must be sober man; trial given. BARRETT A CO., 865^ Market st. fll'/jfin RESTAURANT CLEARING $100 •JTiV/l/. month: vicinity of Baldwin: positive proof: low rent: trial. BARRETT & CO., 865y Mkt. djjOAA GREAT BARGAIN: BEST LOCATED tJp.<£UU. fruit and candy store in the city; re- ceipts $9 a day low rent: don't miss seeing this. BARRETT & CO., 8661/^ Market st. 7C A PAYING GROCERY; CENTRAL LO- <s) I O\J. cation; receipts $15 to $20 a day; 4 fine living-rooms: cash trade; rent $22: lease; sure bargain. BARRETT & CO., 866y Market st. OA A SACRIFICE: RESTAURANT AND tJpOUU. boarding-house; 27 rooms full: carter minus; receipts $25 a day. BARRETT & CO., 865y , (llji p.p. BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY- tIpXtJI/. store; best possible locality don't miss this. BARRETT «fc CO., 865y Market st. "<jjn nOfi 29 ROOMS: FINE LOCATION; «i]PXUUU. black walnut marble-top furniture; clearing $100 a month: bargain seldom met with: low rent. See BARRETT & CO., 865y a Market st. ftA^fV PARTNER WANTED; FIRST-CLASS •Ip'Tb «JU. coffee saloon; trial given; receipts $40a day; proof given. BARRETT & C 0.,865y 2 Market, (>/l^A A SACRIFICE; PAYING GROCERY jt«Jv/. and bar: best location; rent $26: 4 nice living rooms. BARRETT & CO., 865y Market st. ffIjCAA SALOON: FINELY FITTED; WELL tip UUU. stocked; best possible location: 4 fur* nished rooms; rent $37: receipts $12 a day: Rick- ness cause sale. BARRETT <fc CO., 885y Market. "flil 7^ RENT $18— RESTAURANT ON MAR- t[p X 1 U. ket st. ; average $12: good place for man and wife. BARRETT A CO., 865y Market st. <D»/>A(i BAKERY: ALL COUNTER TRADE: tjpUUlf. larjje store: 2 fihe ovens: good location: guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT & CO.. 865y 2 Market st. <£{/f AA BRANCH BAKERY AND DELICACY tjp^tUU. store: 2 furnished rooms; receipts $10 tosl'2; best location: don't miss seeing this bar- gain. BARRETT <fc CO., 865y 2 Market st. <Jfczl9£V CREAMERY AND DELICACY tJp-t^U. store in Oakland, with 4 furnished rooms: rent $10: first-class bargain if taken at once. Particulars WILKE, Phcenix bar, 633 Cali- fornia st. • fll»99?: BRANCH BAKERY : LlVlNG- tip^i^tj. rooms. Particulars 1148 Sutter St., lower floor. WILKE. N ESTABLISHED MODERN CORNER cash bakery and coffee saloon; sales average $70 per day: 3 years' lease; $1000 cash can secure the place; centrally located: no experience required, as the owner remains In other business within one block. Box 25, Call Office, Oakland. ANTED— AN INDUSTRIOUS MAN AS partner in first-class, newly fitted-up store in meat, poultry and delicacy market: will clear $100 per month to each; best location; small rent: capi- tal required $250. ' C. R., box 90, Call Office. 1?OR SALE CHEAP - WORKINGMAN«S S- lunch house and saloon, with 4 furnished rooms upstairs; account of old age: come and look for yourself. 2y 2 Rose aye.. near Market. ■ ffljp.A DOWN, $10 MONTHLY, STARTS YOU. <£iO\J in meat business: rent or sell; horse and wagon, tools, fixtures. 2854 Mission st., shoestore. q./< M A HALF-INTEREST IN WHOLESALE tipUUU. produce commission business control- ling large trade from all parts of the coast; estab- lished and prosperous; pays good Income. Ad- dress P.. box 67, Call. <3l9flfifl CORNER GROCERY AND BAR; is£\J\t\J. established for years in thickly set- tled neighborhood; good trade: full value inside. Particulars 533 California St., Phoenix bar. GjQ^A WF.LL^~PAYING~RE3TAURANT; »4P«j«JV/. good location: sold account another business. Inquire grocery-store, 220 First st. SALOON FOR SALE, WITH FIRST-CLASS fixtures, stock, cash-register and billiard-table; 627 Vallejo st. Apply on premises. ■ ©OHO, DRY GOODS AND NOTION STORE; ♦jpOUU. established 8 years; rent, with living- rooms, $16: large patronage from thickly settled district. Call 533 California St., Phoenix Bar. (lUQC A CIGAR-STORE; FINE STAND ; GOOD tIpOUU. business; full investigation; large stock: other business. WOOD <fc CO., 917 Market. Q 1 A AAA CASH WILL BUY A FLOURISH- t]p JLU.UUU ing, growing, permanent business that will make a fortune for the investor within a few years; location near San Francisco. Prin- cipals only, who have the necessary capital, apply personally bet. 9 and 12 to CHAH. E. NAY LOR, Financial Agent, IB Montgomery st. (rear offices), & F. . - PARTNER WANTED IN 25c BARBER- X shop, with bathhouse: good bargain for cash, or on easy term*; must be flrst-c:oss barber. Ad- dress i.bico, Butte Co., Cal., box 55. . BUSH LING AND TAILORSHOP FOR SALE; X> good shelving. 611 Fourth st. ALOON FOR SALE: TWO LIVING-ROOMS, furnished; rent cheap. 1725 Mission st. PARTNER IN LIGHT MANUFACTURING X business; small capital; fast-selling articles; large profits. Call 9to 11, 101 Eddy St., room 12. GB?T MONEY ON YOUR PIANO AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant.aye., near Geary st. SALOON', WITH LIVING-ROOMS, CONNECT- ing with brewery, for sale cheap. Inquire 32 Second st. "mwTAA FOR SALE, HALF INTEREST IN A tip I YJVJ. well-stocked saloon in business center: cheap rent; will stand close investigation. Ad- dress box 1, Call Office, Oakland. flEft^n POINTING ESTABLISHMENT for tjpUUU. sale; doing a paying business; very best of reasons for selling. HEALY <fc CO., 23 Kearny. /GENERAL COUNTRY STORE: TERMS IJT easy. J. B. MIHAN, 609 Kcarny st. PARTNER IN MACHINE-SHOP AND AGRI- X cultural works; country. J. B. MIHAN, 509 Kearny st. • SALOON, WITH BUILDING: GOOD LOCA- tion. J. B. MIHAN, 609 Kearny st. ©Qft SMALL FURNISHED MANICURING 'ipOV/. office: small rent: good trade; will teach. Room 90. St. Ann's building. ' E.-TABLI.SHED. PAYING BUSINESS FOR A lady; full value in stock. Inquire 131 Post st., room 21. . . ■ A $1000 WOOD, COAL, HAY AND FEED yard: desirable location: books open to in- spection. Apply room 22, fifth floor, Mills bldg. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP— CHICKEN AND duck ranch, near Fruitvale. Apply room 34, Donohoe block, San Francisco, Cal. \ PARTNER WANTED FOR AN OLD ESTAB^ X llshed furnishing goods business: must have $2000: a good thing for the right man. Address P. A. box 31, Call Office. : . T^HEAP RESTAURANT ; BEST BARGAIN IN. \J city; investigation solicited. 496 Eighth st. /I ROCERY and BAR. STOCK AND FIX- tares: a bargain. 621 Twenty-fonrth st. ELICACY AND DAIRY PRODUCE STORE in best part of Western Addition; living-rooms, cheap rent. 1019 McAllister st. . riORNER BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY, \J notions, tobacco store: reasonable. 2401 Mis- sion st. :• ' • . ALOON FOR SALE WITH FIRST-CLASS fixtures, stock, cash-register, "billiard-table and trade; entrances at 532 Montgomery aye. and 613 Union st. Apply on premises. t . ;: TO BLACKSMITHS-FIRST-CLASS HORSE- shoeing business for sale; will trade for country business or a lot. Apply 1112 Golden Gate avc.- -"J7IOR SALE— FIRST-CLASS MILK ■ ROUTE IN X I Alameda and part in Oakland: 17 cans per day 2 horses: 2 wagons: refrigerator; 35 cans: all in good running order; owner has other business to take charge of on October 1; will sell At once Ap- ply to owner, J. GOLDSTONE, 1825 Railroad aye., Alameda. \. - .. .... T?OK~ SALE— CHEAP ;■ NEAT, WELL X 1 equipped liquor-place. Call, 10 to 12, 516 Geary. HIGHLY IMPROVED RANCH, . SANTA Clara County, for business or property In Oak- land or vicinity. Box 95, Call Office, Oakland. " KNOWN CORNER SALOON ("LILY"): tt Fell and Stanyan sts.. Golden Gate Park. • •'..;. •TOR SALE-DAIRY PRODUCE AND TABLE X 1 delicacies store. 1415 Stockton st.*r^ (fin 00 FRUITSTORE; GOOD HORSES AN <1P »- wagon. Address E., box 62, Call Office. BUTCHER-SHOP FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN xj on account of leaving the city; fine business; paying well; one of the best shops in the Mission. J; or . full particulars apply, to L. A. SOUC & CO., 465 and 467 Valencia St., near Sixteenth. • .-.. For SALE— HARNESS - AND TRIMMING shop in town of Oakdale, 30 miles from Stock- ton: good trade: plenty of work: stook ana fixtures at cost; for a young man this Is a good opening. Address GEORGE A. GOO DELL, Oakdale, Cal. G1 ROCERY AND BAR: ESTABLISHED A vJ long time; cheap. Apply WIELAND'S Brew- Cry " - . •-■•■- -:,» •-■••■■. - BEST ; PAYING RESTAURANT IN CITY: will ; sell . cheap. Apply J. T. GARLAND, 635 Clay. S~ALOON— 2. LIVING-ROOMS: FIXTURES: ready to open; cheap rent; next to South Park stables. 360 Brannan St.. bet. Second and Third. GOOD-PAYING SALOON IN REDWOOD CITY,~ cheap. Apply H. M. COVERT, 218 California. BUSINESS CHANCES-Contlnned^^ mHE PALACE HOTEL _^ •. _ 1 AT UKIAH. MENDOCINO COUNTY, CAL. TO RENT OR FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS. „„_ Inquire of J. M. MANNON, Uklah, or WIL- LIAM HEESEIt, Mendoclno. juir^A WILL BUY ONE OF THE BEST tjp JL 1 O\J fltted-up and paying restaurants in San Jose, Cal. : best location in town: paying $200 to $300 per month; this is a fine chance for two men ; owner Is in too poor health to continue the business. Address or call at 184 South First St., San Jose, Car.__ ; : ■ FIRST-CLASS CHANCE 13 OPEN FOR A." JD bright young business man or a married couple to go Into'buslriess in the Mission, capital $3000 re- quired: owner wants to retire. Address 1., box 102, Call Office. ] ' VOTION AND VARIETY STORE; CHEAP; i.\ clean stock; no agents. . 153 Seventh st. Eectrio lights in every room— win- chester House, 44. Third, near Market; 200 rooms. 25c tosl 50 per night ; $1 50 to $6 per week. 17i OR SALK— CANDY AND ICE CREAM 1 store, with factory . cheap. 261 Third st. Tlf OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE— J.VL Winchester House, 44 Third, near Market; 200 rms. 25c to $1 50 pr night ; $1 60 to $6 pr week. •n O R SALE-DRUGSTORE IN SAX JOSE: JD fine location; no cutting: will be sold at inven- tory: going into manufacturing reason for selling; a good chance to build up a big trade. Address Druggist, P. O. box 1190, San Jose. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. tJpoUU. Balance S2O per month. 18- room house. Price $800. DECKER, 1206 Market st. Ok A 14-ROOM HOUSE: CENTRAL LOCA- tJpi^OU. tlon. DECKER, 1206 Market st. ill ROOMS; NEAR BALDWIN HOTEL; AT £L auction price. DECKER, 1206 Market st. -ROOM HOUSE; EASY PAYMENTS; ONLY $1200. DECKER, 1206 Market st. -_ rpo BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE QUICK 1 for cash see GUS STRAND, 45 Third st. M. BPECK& CO., 602 MARKET ST. , OPP » Palace. 10 rooms, Eddy st., offer wanted : $275. • 22 rooms near Baldwin, clears $60: $375. 40 rooms, nearly new, clears $150; $2500. Money loaned. Money loaned. Money loaned. T ODUING-HOUSE, 10 ROOMS, BATH; ALL XJ occupied; $30 rent; at a bargain. 126 1 /-} Ninth. © "I A I > A CASH, BALANCE $20 Pjiß MONTH ; tJpXUl*Ui!l rooms and bath ; kitchen complete: 6 bay-windows: brick building; paying well. 737^ Howard st. UST SELL ON ACCOUNT OF DEATH, Second-street House; full house; $400. ' Q/^-ROoM LODGING - ; WELL FUR- — -U nished; must be sold: cheap. 221 Fifth st. r\ ET MONEY ON JEWELRY FROM UNCUi \JT HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary. ffifQ^A LODGING HOUSE OF 15 SUNNY tIpOUU. rooms; steady roomers. E. M., box 150, Call Office. ■ ■ - "I -L WELL LIGHTED ROOMS: SUITABLE It) for lodging-house*. $26. 514 Sixth st. FURNITURE FOR SALE. >: fjE > V?T4"ininirANDisPß^^ -Li New 34 bed and spring 5 50 New oak extension-table 4 50 Brussels carpet, laid, per yard 45 Floor oilcloth, laid, per yard 20 SHIHEK&SHIREK, 1210-12 Stockton. Open evg. 1 FURNITURE FOR 7 BEDROOMS WITH BED- . ding and carpets; very cheap. Apply 1403 Powell st. | P EDUCTIONS OX LARGE STOCK, NEW AND Xt second-hand; 400 carpets, good as new. oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c: 7- piece, chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6: cash or Installments: goods shipped free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. /-IUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS' \J this week at McCABE'S. 948-950 Mission at. CARPETS. VrXrTo3?AT^cIjRP^T^E^T7N^TN^tENO^ JL\ vatlng Works HAMPTON layln? and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: 'I el. Mission 244. * CAKPIST CLEANING. i IARPE^rX^E[O^oI?GiSL^r^CL^AI?E^ AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 38.- ' CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, X 8 and 40 Eighth st. G. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Ca- rpet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. . pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING. Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaninx machines: cleaning 3c yard. . 230 14th, tel. 6074. McQUEEN'B CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovating works. 453 Ntevenson: tel. 3228. . HORSEs. bia^al^E^CßE^pTX'BETu^lF^L^tAY mare; weighs over 1200 pounds; kind and gen- tle: suitable for any business; aigo delivery-wagon and harness. 310 Golden Gate aye. . OR SALE, FINE LARGE MARE AT A great bargain; suitable for carriage. JACOB HE YMAN, 630 Market st. j C A BROKEN HORSES; CHEAP: FROM 1100 O\J to 1600 pounds. Sunset Horse Market, 139 Valencia st. . HORSE WANTED FOR A PHAETON FOR park driving: must be 16 hands high; weight about 1200 pounds; color required, bay, brown or sorrel: trial wanted before purchasing. Apply by letter, stating particulars, price, etc., H. W., box 44. this office. . -:-;':-^y HORSES PASTURED: $2 A MONTH: HYDE XX Ranch: send tor circular. 630 Commercial st., San Francisco. ." . 4 A HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS T:U buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth St.; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. "I AH SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL XUU kinds: second-hand" wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sis. wagons AND CARRIAGES. orses] H^RNESsT^BUGGIEsT CARTS", etc., bought, sold or exchanged. 540 Valencia, . AGONS, BUGGIES, CARTS AND ROCKA- ways at 1613 Market St.. opposite Franklin. KOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. riOTiECTION OF 70 PAIR DEER, ELK, \J buffalo, caribou, antelope and some rare speci- mens of ■ African horns. G. SI'IESS, 1308 Howard st. . . . .. : liINEI iINE JERSEY COW AND CALF FOR SALE. I 913 Fourteenth st. yOUiNti COW. few days OF calling. • X Cor. Twenty-seventh and Foisom sts. ICYCLE FOR CHEAP. CALL AT junction of Market and Valencia sts.; $35. A A GALLONS SEPARATED SKIM MILK daily. 719 Linden aye. SILVER TEA SET, VERY REASONABLE, AT O 219 Shotwell st. Call and see. SEALSKIN, HIGH SLEEVES AND COLL A for sale cheap. : 1021 Foisom st. URVEYOR'S LEVEL. NEW SOLID SILVER- O ware, faro checks, sealskins, 12 cold chains, 6 ladles' and 8 gents' gold watches, a few old mine diamonds; all for one-third original cost, at UK- CLE HARRIS', 16 Grant avenue. :' ; FOR SALE — TEN HIGH-GRADE JERSEY J? cows, to calve in September and October. Apply to B. G. MORSE, Bolinas, Marin County. LL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. ATATIONAL; CASH REGISTER, SAFE, -Li scale, letter-press, desk ; cheap. 102 Clay st. IVE PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $100: $25 singly. 326 McAllister st. /CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY GAS FIXTURES. \J F. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate live. ■\T EW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- IN hand. W. S. RAY Mf Co., 12 California st. /COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J bought and sold 1121 Va Market, bet. 7th and Bth . ,'•„. ■■':.. DENTISTS. •''■ R^REATSoo'T^RTrSF-ATrD^N^ATw^RK at lowest prices and warranted ; open evenings. LL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR- ranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. R. J. .1. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye. — evenings; Sundays till noon. R. GEORGE .W. LE~EK. GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction j and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth . without any plate, moved irom 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. t CHALFANTS'S,BMASON,COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; 'small gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. /IBOOMK DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d ; and 4tn, pas specialists: only reli- able agent for painiess extraction: artificial teetU rm $0 : fillings from $1 ; extracting &oc, with gas SI. "O! 7 A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS tip I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, I dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. R. H. G. YOUNG. BKIDUES AND TEETH i without plat a specialty. 1841 Polk si. B. S LUDLUM -, HILL, 1443 MARKET ST., . near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; , old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set: extracting 50c; gas given. - - COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 M.AU- Jtet St. DR. CH ARLEB W. DECKER.