Newspaper Page Text
14 FOR THE SUTRO TRACT Dr. Beverley Cole Resents Cer tain Statements Made by Dr. McNutt. Engineer Newberry Also Talks In terestingly of the Potrero Property. Dr. R. Beverley Cole, chairman of the com^nittee appointed to select a site for the Affiliated Colleges, is not the least dis turbed over the attack of Dr. McNutt on the Sutro site, as published in the Examiner yesterday. In fact, Dr. Cole is rather inclined to laugh at the entire affair, because in his opinion some of the statements are not in strict accordance with the facts in the case. "I am rather surprised that Dr. McNutt has allowed himself to grow so angry over a subject that should be discussed with calmness and without prejudice," said Dr. Cole yesterday. "lam interested in the Sutro site because I tnink it the most de sirable, not only for the present but for all time to come. "Dr. McNutt is quoted as saying that the Sutro site is further from the hospitals than they are from the colleges. As a matter of fact it is a mile nearer and a glance at the map prove this conclu sively. He also states that the building of the Affiliated Colleges on this property will necessitate an expenditure of 20 cents a day in car fare, and adds that had he been forced to pay such a sum in his stu dent days he could not have been a med ical student. Of course Dr. McNutt knows better than any one else the loss this would have been to the world. As a matter of fact the majority 01 the students will select homes near the colleges, w hether they be built in the Potrero or on the Sutro tract. "The doctor alludes, in a casual way, to the fact that we are now obliged to rent a building on New Montgomery street as a clinic because we could not draw a clinic at North Beach. That is absolutely true, but he forgets to add that the dispensary was rirst established for two years within four or five blocks of the Potrero site, and that we were tinally forced to move to the present location because we could not draw a clinic. It takes time to do anything, and in favoring the site 1 am not merely looking out for to-day but to the future. Improvements in the way of new residences and places of business must, of necessity, go in that direction, though it does not" follow, by any means, that it will all center around the Affiliated Colleges. It will be only a question of a short time when the clinic will be full to overflowing. "So far as the available ground for build ing purposes is concerned the Sutro site possesses more suitable ground by actual measurement than the Potrero, and there will still be left the hills, which can easily be terraced should the occasion demand". There are many tilings 1 might say about Dr. McNutt's variant statements, but I rather imagine that the people understand the situation and are tired of so much talk. I can join with Dr. McNutt in one thing, however, and that is his quotation, 'Methinks the lady doth protest too much.' " Engineer Newberry, against whom Dr. McNutt has turned the vials of his wrath on account of that gentleman's estimate of the cost of grading the Potrero property, has this to say in answer to the doctor's charge of available territory: The available ground on the Center tract is not larser than the Sutro site, as Dr. McNutt gays. Theareaof the three blocks is 240,000 square feet, supposing the whole of the site to be occupied irrespective of the streets which belong to the general public. But it will not be convenient, or even probable, that the whole of the site will be used to the build-ing line. The same quantity of building area can be obtained on the Sutro tract at one-third the expense, and then have plenty of room left for one of the loveliest parks in the City. The Potrero gite is not elevated, "and in the course of five years, if any enterprise be shown, this extremely eligible site, so near the heart of the City, will be occupied with soap and candle factories, tanneries, foundries and in dustries of a corresponding nature, shutting out mercilessly the beautiful view and filling the air with, noxious effluvia of ail descriptions, But the tract cannot be got. Mr. Contsr is able and willing to deliver his portion, but what is be to say of the other seven proprie ors? It seems almost idle to discuss the sub ject further. Dr. McNutt says the Potrero site has railroad lines on three sides. This is not so. There is a line on Bryant avenue now being constructed, the rails are not laid, the street is not graded. Potrero avenue has a one-horse line very simi lar in liveliness and general dinginess" to the original Turk-street line, with which we are tolerably familiar. Sixteenth street is without a railroad line, and will be for years, as where this street crosses Harrison street the grade is three feet above the track of the steamcars. There appears to be no immediate prospect of the Southern Pacific spending any money to raise the grade of their shops, turntables, en gine-houses, etc., as would be necessary to come to the grade of the crossings. Until they do so there will be no connection with the Mission. There are two streets. Hampshire and York, which intersect these three blocks, and the worthy doctor takes it for granted that they will be closed if the site should be considered worthy of acceptance. It is very likely that the matter of closing up these streets, eighty feet in width, will be attended with a little more trouble than the doctor is aware of. OUT OF TOWN PERSONALS. Banta Rosa, Cal., Aug. 30.— Oscar Morrison, the wine man, is in San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Upton of Reno are visiting friends here. Dr. Frank Mulgrew of Skaggs Springs is in town. Attorney j. P. Rogers of Petaluma was here Wednesday. Miss Sallie Livingston of San Francisco is visiting friends here. J. F. Smith has gorie on a business trip to Oakland. Hon. A. G. Burnett has gone on a few days' visit to San Francisco. Miss Hattie Austin is spending a few day* in San Francisco. K. D. Fowler of Valley Ford is visiting his brother, J. H. Fowler of this city. N. Walters, manager for Lilienthal «fc Co., the hop men, is in town. Miss Roberta Thompson, who has been visiting the family of R. A. Thompson, has returned home. Miss Marion is spending the week in San Francisco. Miss Nellie Carr has gone to take charge of a school in Merced County. President Foster of the San Francisco and North Pacific, accompanied by Manager Whit ing and Chief Engineer Zook, were in Santa Koßa Wednesday. Rev. William Angwin, who has been for the past five years pastor of the M. E. church in this city, leaves next week for another charge. Rev. Donald Monroe is regis tered at the Magnolia. Judge Rutledge went to Healdsburg Thursday. Mrs. J. P. Borrv went to the Bay City Thursday. Mrs. Balloii and party have returned from" their camping trip In Lake County. District Attorney Sea well and wife are back from Capitola. George 8. McCallum, the popular grocer, is enjoying a visit from his mother, Mrs. K. McCalfum of Scotland. Rev. Dr. Reid has returned from an extended visit to San Francisco. Miss Jennie Marshall is enjoying a visit from her cousin, Miss Florence Marshall of Cloverdale. Miss Nellie Bumbaugh has returned to her home in Woodland. Los Angeles, Aug. 27.— Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Field of San Fraccisco are at the Westminster. Captain Douglass, retired, of the San Francisco police force is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Mc- Carthy and will spend a few days at Catalina before retuaning north. C. 11. Jamc-s of San Francisco is at the Ramona. J. P. MeCobrack and family of San Francisco are at tiie Nadenu. G. H. Mendell, United States engineer, is at the Westminster. John J. Shay and wife, Charles McCurdy, wife <in<i son 'arc among the San Franciscans at Hotel Johnson. Louis Glass of San Francisco, special agent of the Sunset Telegraph Company, is at the Hollenbeck. Dr. H. \V. E. Mac Daniel of Honolulu is at the Hollenbeck. The following San Franciscans ascended Mount Lowe yesterday: W. W. Ross, Miss Kate Anrlerson, Mrs. R. A. Brooks, Miss M. E. Perry and Colonel G. 11. Mendell, United States engineer. Glnas Imitation of Wood. A patent has been taken out for a singu lar but ingenious process for making glass veneers. The invention relates primarily to the production of ornamental glass, which may be either semi-transparent or opaque, and is made to represent highly polished wood of any description. When used for veneering it is particularly adapted for vestibule and other doors, the exterior of the glass having the appearance of pol ished wood, while In the interior oE tne house it' shows semi-transparent. The process by which this material is produced is to cloud a sheet of ground or plain glass on one side with a liquid dye of the proper color to represent any desired wood . The dye is applied by means of a sponge, which is so manipulated as to bring out the semblance of the grain of the wood upon the surface of the glass. A badger brush is used to soften the shading. The glass is then covered with pho tographer's varnish. This leaves the grain clear and fast, without the necessity of using any gelatinous substance, which would render it liable to crack and spoil the effect. To complete the operation, the glass is slightly heated and the various shades required for the particular wood to be imitated are caused to now over it by means of a syringe. The merging of the shadings into each other is prevented by the heating of the glass. The whole is made semi-transparent by the application of another coat of photographer's varnish, which preserves and protects the dyes. The exterior surface then presents the ap pearance of a finely-polished, solid wood finish.— St. Louis Globe-Democrat. SAM FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the Kan Francisco Caix— ?30 Market street, open un;ii 12 o'Ciock every r.'f.t ■! )n the year. BRANCH OFFICES-530 Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. fyfHßyes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Lcrkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 6W . rorner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open tjitil f o'clock. i'6lS Mission street, open nnttl P o'cloclf. 116 Ninth street, open until fl:30 o'clock. CIIUKCH NOTICES. i»r?ip~FlSsT ' BAP^TsT^T'HYKTcHrEDDY^T^ uF-S^ near Jones — Rev. M. P. Boynton, act- ing pastor. Services Sunday, September 1, 1895. Preaching by the acting pastor at 11 a. m., sub- ject, "Staying With God," and at 7:80 p. m., sacred sons: service, high-class music, short sermon. Topic, "The Divine Laborer." Sunday-school at 12:30 p. M. Y. P. S. of C. K. at 6:30 p. m. Young men's meeting Tuesday at 8 r. m. Christian culture class Fri.lay at Bp. m. All these services are opeu to the public. Strangers are welcome. : ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, IS^r cor. %)f California ai>d Octavia sts.— The pastor. Rev. D. Hanson Irwin, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday-school at 9:45 a.m. Yoanc: People's Society of Christian Endeavor ut 6:45 p. m. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Services preparatory to commu- nion Friday evenine 7:45 o'clock and Saturday afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock. All made cordially wel- come. [j£^» CENTRAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL ISjC' Church, Mission St.. bet. Sixth and Seventh. R. V.'Watt, Sunday-school superintendent; J. J. Morrl3, musical director; S. M. Bosworth, organist. Rev. M. F. Colburn, D.D., will preach at 11 a. m. In the evening the pastor. Rev. E. R. Dille, D.D., will preach. Subject, "Some Popular Fallacies About Religion." Snnday-school, V.Wat t super- indendent. at 1 P. M. Young People's meetings, senior and junior, at 6:30 p. m. Fourth quarterly conference (adjourned session) Monday evening. i Lecture by Bishop Warren in this church Tuesday j evening. Subject, "Forces in a Sunbeam." Cjgg= SIMPSON MEMORIAL METHODIST \s*& Episcopal Church, cor. Hayes and Buchanan sts.— Rev. A. C. Hirs\ D.D., LL.D., pastor: resi- | dence 313 Broderick st. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. M. Subject for the morning, "Lite in ( hris;." Sacrament of the Lord's supper after the sermon. At 7:SOr. M. a grand praise service, led by the choir and the orchestra of fifty from the First Congregational Church,- Oakland. Address hy John E. Richards Esq. a»d Dr. Hirst. Sunday-school at 12:80 r. M. C. B. Perkins superintendent. Epworth League services at 6:30 p.m. Prayer-meetin? Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. seats free: ushers in attendance. The public cor- dially invited to all the services of this church. Ctrs=* GRACE M. E. CIIUKCH, CORNER tESt? capp and Twenty-first st«.— E. McClish, D.D., pastor. 11 a. m. administration of the Lord's Supper anil baptism; 7:45 p. m. preaching by the pastor. Subject: "Preachers and People." NOTICE OF 3IEETINGS. iriip^w Valhalla reb a n~~^^^Z~~ Lfr-s^ LODGE No. 130, I. O. O. F. ■=§5?23ac: Funeral committee will meet at Odd Fellows' Hall SATURDAY, August 'WIW 31, at 12:30 p. m., for the purpose of attending the I funeral of our late sister ELIZABETH IBURG. JOHANNA YON GEISTEFED, Noble Grand. ■r3sr» "'PEOPLE'S PARTY MEETING BATUR- iIir-* ; ' day. August 31, at Mozart Hall, 1358 Mar- j ket st. Debate on the silver question. Public in- I vited. BP, m. Ct^SF> A. O. H., DIVISION NO. 2— Ot^?^> iS^P The picnic committee of this divl- \wJ( sion will meet in Woolf a Hall on SUN- *©\vfl DAY, September 1, at 2 o'clock p. M., or Cs\^? the purpose of making final arrangements s"^Ci> for our twenty-sixth annual picnic, to be held at \ Harbor View Park on Admission day, Monday, September 9. A full attendance is requested, as this will be the final meeting of the committee. The committee on prizes Is requested to have in all prizes, so that the names of the douore will ap- pear on the programme. JOHN KENNY, Chairman. M. C. Gobiiam, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. S^^^L^cTRTc"A3FD^rE^TcATEITBXfHS^ EKS' 120% Geary, room 11; hours 10 to 10: $1. | EtZS* BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. j sires' Collections made, city or country. Pacific ' Collection Co.. 415 Momey St.. room ti. Tel. 5580. cf^ss=» windows Cleaned and FLOORS | '*■-*' scrubbed: reasonable rates: payment for ; damages guaranteed. C. liOSSI A CO.. 242 Sntter. Ofc^S" CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; ' l»«* no pain. Chiropodii Institute, 36% Geary. | R^S^ROOMS WHITENED, $I~UPT : "pXFeR- \ i*-^ ed $3 50 uo. 309 Sixth. Georce Hartman. S-ss= YOUNG JEWISH LADY GIVES »>-»' electric baths. Offices 47-48, 850 Market st. EPSS= ELECTRIC AND VAPOR BATHS. ! £s*s'5 * 5 ' Kooms 8 and 9, 121 Montgomery st. SITUATIONS WANTEft-FKBIALE. T ADIES— FOR AN Al S ERVANT SEE J F. XJ CROSETT CO.. 312 Sntter st. OUNG FRENCH LADY DESIRES SITUA- X tion to take care of children or lady's maid; can teach French: good references. 'Address A. I R., 1120 Powell st. ITUATION WANTED BY AN AMERICAN j tC 1 woman for general housework; triflers need not apply. Call at Denver House, 217 Third St., i room 15. EFINED LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION I Xli as housekeeper for widower or a bachelor. Call i 10 to 7 o'clock 86 Ninth st. - - . ■ p ERMAN WOMAN WANTS WASHING OR I VX any kind of work by day or week. Call or ad- dress R. G., 417 Powell st. pESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL FROM THE i Jt East wants a place to do «econd work in private family: city or country. Call 7 Rondel place, off ' Sixteenth st. "WIDOW WITH MEANS WOULD LIKE A ! »T position as housekeeper or as partner in prwin^ ! business. Call at 1027 Market St., top floor, room 8. j p ERMAN LADY, GOOD SEAMSTRESS, I VT with son of 12 years, would like to do house- | work or sewing for room and board. Address A. 0.. box 7, Call Office, Oakland. - FIRST-CLASS WOMAN WISHEJTWORK BY the day: family or laundry. I Call or addess 21 Dehome. St., bet. Sixteenth: and Seventeenth, Church and Sanchez. O ITUATION WANTED BY A LADY AS lO housekeeper or light work by the week. Call or address 1016 Market st. ' ' OUNG WOMAN WISHES PLAIN HOUSE- X work or chamberwork ; references. Call Unme- dlately. 1030 Howard st. t yOUNU Spanish lady DESIRES a POSI- X tion in a lodging-house; not afraid of hard work. 121 Montgomery St., room 10. IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS BITUA- •i'-l- tion to do housework and plain cooking; city only. Address 963 Mission St., room 18. pELIABLE.COMPETENT GERMAN WOMAN, XV hard worker, wants work by the day; is a first- class lunch cook or In short order restaurant. Call or address 69 Minna St.. basement. . .._ ... T\RESSMAKER — FIRST-CLASS FITTER; X/ stvilsh draper and designer: thorough dress- maker; by the day; just moved. MISS WAR- WICK,3O9Ivyave. . .... - / - WOMAN WISHES SITUATION AT LIGHT TT housework. Apply 1351 Bush st. p ERMAN girl wants situation for VX general .housework; wages $20; first-class cook. Call or address 1719 Howard st. y OUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE A POSITION to i ■i- assist with bahy and do light housework. Call Bto 12, 138 Fulton st. • | /MOMI'KTKNT DRESSMAKER WISHES A V^ few more engagements by the day; good cn t- terjand fitter; terms $1 50. 424 O'Farrell. T ADY WOULD LIKE -POSITION AS SEAM- JJ stress in family: willing to take care of 1 or 2 children. Address X., Call Branch, 717 Larkin st. AMERICAN WOMAN WISHES LIGHT hoOseworfc for small family, or care of Invalid; i-ity or-country. Address-E. F., Call Office, Oakland, y OUNG FRENCH LAD WOULD LIKE GEN- X tlemen'smendinc. Address 120% Geary st.. room 10. . ■yOUNG WOMAN WISHES SITUATION TO X do chamher or upstairs work or light house- work. Address L. H., box 7, Call. P ENTLPJMEN'S MENDING NEATLY DONE VT Room 22, 105 Stockton St., first floor. G" 1 ERMAN YOUNG LADY. SPEAKS French r or English, would like position as lady's mald> or would assist with cUUdren traveling to Europe- references. Call before September 5, afternoons, at 903 Valencia st. ' , ... p ESPECTABLE PROTESTANT GIRL XV wishes situation to do general housework : wages $16. Call 919 Sutter St., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde. - . yOUNG WIDOW. » REFINED, STKANGER, | X would travel r.s companion, take full charse of hotel or rooming-bouse, or would care for Invalid or children: good seamstress; reference. Z., box 110. Call Olllce. : : . .-.. -:■-•: p KRMAN WOMAN, GOOD COOK, WIBHEB VX a situation ; wages $25. - Address 613 Mission 1 St., Montgomery Houae. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1895. SITUATIONS WANTED-Continued. T7<ASH lON A BLE DRESSMAKER WISHES A JO few more engagements by the day: terms rea-. I sonable. • Call or address MISB X., 405 Geary st.,' I room 41. - ' -. v- ;: : " : PESPECTABLE GERMAN LADY WANTS Xt situation as working housekeeper or place of trugt: city or country. Address 61 Clementina st,, near Second, rear, upstairs. - ■ ; . :..''■ - - > - y OPNO GERMAN WOMAN WISHES A BIT- -1 uation as housekeeper or to do sreneral house- work. Address 23 2 Everett St.. near Third. YOUNG GIRL WANTS SITUATION to do 1 light housework. Apply 506 Fell st. p ERMAN GIRL WISHES SITUATION to DO vT general housework., 102% Twenty-third Bt., cor. York. » ■ .. - I • ■ V ■ - PEFINEDYOrJNG WIDOW FROM THE EAST It would like any kind of sewing or mending; sat- isfaction guaranteed. Call - 119 Ninth St., room 2, first flat. ' ■ WINCHESTER HOUSE— 44 TniRD, NEAR " Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $150 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable. p ENTLEMEN'S MENDING DONE BY A vX young Spanish lady. 235 O'Farrell gt., room 8. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR »t Market, electric lights In every room; 200 | room : 25c io $1 50 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week. situations. wanted— male. iddleTage'd^^""maln^Tcar^enterT^S^ . sires steady position with landlord, real estate man or wholesale house; good education; thor- oughly competent to care for properly : wages moderate: steady place the object. Address M. A., box 131, Call Office. ;--' , JAPANESE BUTLER WANTS SITUATION t) in private family: city or Oakland: who under- stands French cooking first class and has long ex- peri< nee. or take charge of small clubhouse. H. S. M., box 57, this ofiice. WOULD GIVE CASH SECURITY FOR POSI- ** tion of trust by man of 42; salary not so much an object as permanency. Address P. M., box 123, Call Office. ■ ■ : WANTED-BY COMPETENT, RELIABLE »' man, office position: can attend to collections and assist in bookkeeping. Address E. G. >t., box 72, Call. , .... - - ■ p ROCERY CLERK — YOUNG MAN (23) VT would like position in grocery -store; speaks German; best references. MILLER, 1037% Mar- ket st. _■ AKEK WISHES SITUATION ON CAKE and bread; first or second hand: steady sober man; references. J. McCAFFEY, 122 Tenth aye. T7NGINEKR AND MACHINIST WANTS BIT- Xli uation; best of references; city cr country. E. N. P., box Hi, Call .Office. '. T?XPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK, LATELY from New York, wishes a situation: speaks German and English. Address C. E., Yosemite House, 1045 Market St. ; .. ■ CONTRACTORS AN D BUILDERS— BRICK- -L layer from the East wants work; used to job- bing. T. H. C, dox 80, Call Office. ':-■■'■'.. W ANTED — POSITIONS ON COUNTRY II newspaper (dally or weekly) by man and wife: both competent compositors; man victim of type- setting machine. Address C. A. R., box 72, Call. ITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED man us dishwasher in small restaurant; under- stands cooking; wages 910. Address A. S., 606 Howard st. " V PRACTICAL HOUSE- PAINTER, WITH X tools, wants work by the day or tak« contract; will work cheap. W. c., 3021 Pine st. ■ p ERMAN, AGE 26, WISHES a POSITION AS VX coachman: is a good driver and thoroughly un- derstands care of horses; can furnish good refer- ence. X., box S4, Call Office. ' V . >_: C ITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN- kS American coachman and gardener, 35 years of age: can milk: knows the city well; reference; reasonable wng<>s. Address Situation, Postoffice, North Teuiescal. • TEADY RELIABLE MAN WISHES BITUA- tion as porter or night watchman: strictly sober, married man; references. Address 3'<s2 Third st. S' ITUATION WANTED— MIDDLE-AGED MAN tor private family; good all-round man; small wagf s; good reference. W. X., box 34, Call. OBER XDRYMAN, 15 YEARS' EX- to perlence in hand laundry, wishes a situation at washing or ironing; reasonable wages; city or country. Address A. V., box 57. tbis office. FKMALK help wanted. TV" A * ' TK °— FIRST-CLASS waitress and ] '» parlormaid, #25, call early: young cook small hotel country, $25; cook for Santa Barbara, $25; chambfrmaid hotel, $25; chambf-miaid and seamstress, f 25; German cooks. $30 and $25; girls for housework and assist. LEON ANDRH, 316 Stockton st. , . . "WANTED— 2 RESTAURANT WAITRESSES, *» $7 a week; second girl, short distance, see jady here at 11 to-day; girl for general houae- i work, good cook, $30: 2 German nurses, $20 | and $25; 2 German second girls, $20; 2 cooks in i German families, $25 and $30; German hotel I cook, $35; 2 Scandinavian, American or German i chambermaids and waitresses, hotels, $20, un;! a large number of gir:s to fill our numerous situa- tions In city or country. J. F. CROSETT <£ CO., 312 Sinter st. WANTE I) — FIRST-CLASS GOVERNESS; »> must speak Spanish: for a child of 8 years: salary $60. J. F. CROSETT «fc CO., 312 Sntter st. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO LIGHT housework and a«-§ist waiting, country hotel, fare paid, $15: young girl for light housework, San Rafael, see party here, $16: first-class chamber- maid and assist waiting, springs, $20: German or i Swedish girl for general housework for Turlock, ■ $21): 10 young girls for numerous situations, city I or country, $15, $20. C. R. IIANSEN <fe CO., 110 I Geary st. j ■\JEAT FIRST-CLASS GERMAN HOUSE- I 1> keener, middle age. city, $20. C. R. UAN- SEN «fe CO., 110 Geary st. . .. i O GIRLS, SAME COUNTRY HOTEL, . $16, • £* free fare; ni-at girl or woman to cook on small ranch, $15, and a number of girls and women for I oiher places. MURRAY * READY, 634-636 Clay. p ERMAN COOK, $30; SEAMSTRESS, $20. VI Miss CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ECOND GIRL. COUNTRY, $20; SEE LADY here. MIBS CULLEN. 105 Stockton st. LD ERLY LADY, HOUSEWORK, $10. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ANTED^N EAT W A ITRESS, NICE SMALL country hotel, $20. Please apply to W. D. EWER <t CO., 626 Clay Bt. . GIRLS. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $20 TO $25: cook. $25; nurse, $25; second girl, $20; 2 housegirls. $15. 332 Geary st. SWEDI SH HOME~EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 11% Antonla st., off Jones, near Ellis. EAD WAITRESS, $25. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. . - •. :-■,: ■■:_ \V ANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- I TT work for the country, wages $20. -Call at 1232 { Post st., Saturday, between 9 and 12 o'clock. j PROTESTANT WOMAN, GENERAL nOUSE- j X work and cooking, no washing; wages, $15. Call to-day 151 Octavla St., 10 a. m. to 2 r. m. : ■y OUNG PROTESTANT GIRL TO ASSIST IN X li?ht housework. 1214 Jackson. •'■* yOUNG GIRL IN STORE; GOOD HOME. 202 I 1 Ninth. LAD WANTED TO HELL MANHATTAN egg food; is the best. C. KERTELL, San Mateo. ESPECTABLE GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUoL- I It work; $6. 206 Third st. GIRLS' OF 16 YEARS: DO LIGHT HoU6E- work. 14% Elgin aye. . . > IRL for GENERAL housework. aF T ply 1230 Treat aye. ; . STRONG YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: small family. 410 Scott st. W ANTED — YOUNG GIRL TO WAIT AT TT table. 636 Geary st. ■ ■yoUNG GERMAN .GJBL TO ASSIST IN X housework; good -home: wages $12. 1246 Mission St.; call 10 to 12 a. M. -< A PPRENTICE GIRLS PAID WHILE LEARN- A Ing. ALBERT MUELLER & CO., 723 Mar- ket st. , j% ,_ ; m . .:„■>,;., -. : .-:. T ADIES TAUGHT HAIRDRES^ING, MANI- XJ curing, • face treatments; moderate. ■ MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post St., r. 20, ■ - . ;-■ : PIANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY X schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. ANTED-FIRST-CLASS PANTS-FINISH- er. 541 Market st. ANTED— 2O LADIES for light OUT- Tt door work: will pay competent persons «3 60 a day. Apply 329 Fourth St., upstairs. ' ■ :. -. WANTED IMMEDIATELY — LADIES TO TT learn millinery under competent teachers. 234 Taylor st. •■.■■, ;._■. ■ . ■ :; IRLS TO LEARN DRESSMAKING^ CUT- ting, fitting and finishing: patterns cut to fit, 2&c. . McDowell, 213 Poweii st. WANTED- TEACHERS OUT~OF EMPLOY- ment to canvass for educational periodicals. I WHITTAKER & RAY CO.. 723 Market st. WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD. NEAR »» Market; electric lights In every room: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 60 pr night; $1 60 to $6 per week. U~ P-TO-DATE SYSTEM OF DRESS-CUTTING; yJ actual measorements. 14 McAllister, room 67. OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECT ABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third St., near Market: 200 rooms,2sc to $1 50pr night :$1 50 to $6 pr week T7IRENCH .ACCORDIAN-PLEATING, PINK- X; ing, stamping, patent button-holefi. 137 Sixth.; TfRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- .F made suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAlllsterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S » DRESBCUT- X ting and making school: all branciieg. 702 Sutter. MALK. HELP. WANTED.' v I T?TdrTILEKS^ AND^^IIAI^MEirMEN FOR -L" rockwork, $1 25 a day and board: 10 scraper i teamsters, $26 and board: ranch carpenter, 525; farmhands, • near city, 820; man and wife, $60; prape-plckers, $20 ; ranch cook, $15: shop butcher, $35. R. T. WARD <fc CO., 608 and 610 Clay at.- ANTED —MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN, TO M? take care of horse and cow, $15 ; American to take care of residence | near city, 1 cow to milk, $15: boy to work in boaraing-house, $10: 2 dish- washers. $16 and $20: etc. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. .■•■ '• / " : ANTED— I 4 MEN FOR LOWELL LAND- Ing, $20 a month and board; $1 fare. Apply at 332 Geary st. .' ; : ; HEAD WAITER. $40, CITY HOTEL; WAIT- XX.ers, $85, German preferred. HOTJIL GA- j ZETTE, 420 Kearny at. y HELP' WANTED— Contlnned. 1 A A GRAPE-PICKERS FOR FRESNO ?1 A \L\J\J day and found : fare and fee, all told $5 : to start Sunday morning: special car. Apply to-day to C. R: HANSEN <fc CO., 110 Geary St. ; • 1 A TRACK-LAYERS FOR A NEW ROAD: 1U $176 a day. C. R. HANSEN «fc CO., 110 Geary st. .■.■:, ■...■. ■. . : ' _• CARPENTERS: FINISHERS, COUNTRY; A miners. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. ]P. LABORERS, NEAR CITY, $20 AND XU found ;lat)orers. city. $176 and $2 a day. C. R. HANSEN «fe CO., 110 Geary st. K A TEAMSTERS FOR RAILROAD WORK, *J\J. free fare; 20 laborers for railroad work, free fare. C. R. HANSEN A. CO., 110 Geary st. W ANTED-25 MEN TO PICK GRAPES, $1 A »" day ; and board, go to-day drillers, see boss here; 5 woodchoppers, $1 25 to *1 50 a cord. 2 tiers; laborers for mill and woods, $1 50 to 70 a day; old gardener, Sl5 and found; teamsters: farmer for Santa Cruz County and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacramento st. WANTED— GERMAN COOK FOR RESTAU- » » rant. $50; second cook, $40: waiter for resort, $20 and found; hotel waiter, country. $30 and found; tam ale-maker, $20 and found: short-order cook, country. $30 and found, and others.- Apply to*J. F. CROSETT ACO 628 Sacramento st. 500——— — Beys and men toplck grapes, dry and box raisins, work In packing and drying-houses; three to four months'. work; $30 per "month and found. MUR- RAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. . WHEELWRIGHT, SEE BOSS HERE; 10 »T woodchoppers. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. . . . . ____£j_l 1 A LABORERS, CITY, $20 TO $26 AND XU found: 15 farmers, $20 to 826; choreboy for ranch. MURRAY A READY. 634 and 636 Clay. | A MEN TO PICK PRUNES, ETC.. AND XU found ; near city. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. | • -- t- O^sTiOpITaKERS, $55 AND $15. MURRAY A READY,' 634 and 636 Clay st. 6 HOTEL AND RESTAURANT COOKS, CITY U and country: 5 waiters, $25 and $30: 3 dish- washers, $20 and $30: s»'<ond cook, $30. MUR- RAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. WANTED-THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED '» hat man; the best of reference required. RAPHAEL'S. ' . OOD BUSHELMAN W A NTE D AT RA- _ " PHAEL'S, 9 Kearny st. ■\\f ANTED — WINDOW - TRIMMKR AND M enrd-writer for dry-scoods house. Call between 10 and 12 a. m., KAHN BBOM., Oakland, Cal. WANTED — ENERGETIC YOUNG OR MID- " die-aged man; permanent employment; must have $40 ca«h. P. E., box 70, Call Office. XrberTwaTted for Saturday. 1303 Dupont st. ARBER FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 609 Eighteenth st., corner Guerrero. WANTED-A BRIGHT, RGETIC SOLIC- " ltor. 934 Howanl st. ■ . pOAT MAKER FOR COUNTRY. APPLY VJ REISS BROTHERS, 24 Sutter st. T IVE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. APPLY XJ Wasp office, 518 Market st. QTRONG BOY TO LEARN BLACKBMITHING; O references. 828 Harrison st. TEADY MAN WITH~¥IOO CASH AS PART- ner: chance of a lifetime; light work. JAMES, box 91, Call Office. . IpiRST-CLASS COOK FOR SOUTH AFRICA: i; references.- Call at Midway, Howard St., near Tenth. . \TOUNG' MAN OR BOY WHO HAS WORKED Xat drug business. Apply drugstore, Seventh and Howard st. ■ ■• - '. . - QHOEMAKERTO WORK OR BUY SHOP. 959 0 Howard st. ... ARBER -SHOP: 3 CHAIRS; 4 LIVING rooms; rent $17 50. Inquire DECKELMAN'S, 106 Ellis st. djjTnA GOOD COOK AS PARTNER, RES- - 11 l/U . taurant; best chance to get in good-pay- ing business. 8.,' box 7, Call. - '"'» .--, >:;:'' "W ANTED— FIRST-CLASS PANTS PRESS- »'. man at 541 Market. BOY~UN ERSTANDING DELIVERY OF milk In city: reference. 2126 Mission st. "OARBER-SHOP FOR SALE; RUNNING 3 X) chairs: good location. Call 1316y 3 Powell St., second floor. TIVEMKN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- .1 J door work: will pay competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 328 Beventb st. •.■-,.. VpNERGETIC MAN FOR A BUSINESS PROPO- Hi sition. • Address W. X., Call Office. BARBEfIS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. OZARI', 319 ELLIS. EAR TAYLOR— IOO I*J. newly furnished rooms,2sc night; $1 25 week. ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EM PLOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. T~" RY ACME HOUSE, H57 MARKET ST.. i!E- low Sixth, for a room; 25c a night; $1 a week. ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM. SU Winchester House,44 Third St., nr.Market:2oo rooms: 25c per night; convenient und respectable "WINCHESTER HOUSE r - 44 THIRD, NR. »'» Market: 200 rooms; 25canlght: reading-room. E.V'S SHOES Vb-ROLKD: 40c: HEELS, 25cj done in 16 mlniues. 635 Kearny St.. basement. WAN'IED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE » ' their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection:' no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLKCTTON AGENCY. 110 Sutler, r 4. QOI ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS t6c TO 50c OJjL a night; $1 to $3 a week; open a!l night. HOES SOLED 15 MIN UTES; WHILE YOU wait; half usual price. 959 Howard, 409 Pine. HAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO " St.; 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day ; $1 a week; meals, 10c. TTmEnfBEER: IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERB X for 6 cents at 228 Pacific st. . . : T INDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— XJ single furnished rooms, 76c week. lt>c night. OX-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY J-lO at 44 Fourth St.: no humbug. ANTED-MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP » * steam beer, sc: bottlo wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. ANTED-SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; fl week; rooms for two, 25c v day, 81 60 a week; reading room- dally papers. Sfl Clay st. .... ' .-■■-■? nOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st., bet. First st. and Second st. W ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS » » to know that Ed ltolkln, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 21T Third st. ; 150 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. 1 AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 160 j IV/U and 20c a night, including coffee and roils.' 624 Washington St., near Kearny. ■ ■ BEST in CIT /— SINGLE~ROOMS, 15, 20~and 25 cents per nlg'.it; SI, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidesdorffsts. ■ A AA MEN'S SECOND-HAN DKJ) WHOES.SOME ■±\J\J nearly new, 25c to *1 25. 562 Mission st. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. AGENTs WANTED. SO LICITORS ; EN ERG ETIC ' iIaIdIEs'^OR gentlemen: for new plan of life, health and ac- cident insurance: salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity Company. 2Qg Sansome st. . MEN DISCARD BUTTON PULLRRS WHEN shown finest patent suspender made: exclusive territory; come quick samples 50c. 1567V-J Market st. . . .. ANTED-LADY AIIKNTS FOR A NEW enterprise; easily sold and can make $4 and $5 aday. Address S., box 8, Call. AGENTS wanted to sell SECURITY, 2Y cash recorder; to close stock, company offers extraordinary Inducements. Call 116 Front. CITY SOLICITORS. SALARY AND COMMIS- sion. . Baxter Portrait Co., 432 Sutter st. A GENTS WANTED— MONEY MADE SELL- -11 ing Liquid Electricity : sure cure for rbeuma- tlsm and nmrnlgla. 916 Market, room 22, 3d floor. /CALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY \J wants good aecnts to work its accident and sick insurance; liberal inducements offered.. J. W. ANNA, Secretary, Murphy building. : ANTED— 2O MEN TO HANDLE A FAST selling article; $5 to $7 per day easily made; ; will pay you to Investißate. Apply 22i<fe Geary st., room 8, hours 10 a. m. to 12 m., S3 to 4p. M. W". GENTS EVERYWHERE THROUGHOUT, the United States can make from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest California Invention; everybody buys it; grand success in San Francisco: county rights free. Address CALIFOP.NIA PRO- jDUCTION CO.. 328 Seventh St.. S. F. .. . ..^ v WANTED to-day— a livb CANVASSERS '»» to introduce ■ horse and stock book. ED- VVARDS 7 CltyHall avenue. •'. - • '- property wanted. a^Jted^pair~of^^ modern~flats Tin the Western Addition; must be cheap: no agents. .G. W. ARMBRUSTER, 230 Montgomery st.; room 9. " ' ' ■ ' • .■ - . ' "ANTED — TO RENT '. STORE WITH bakers! oven south of; Market st., bet.i Third and Seventh. Address Baker, 955 Jefferson st., Oakland.. : ' . ODER RESIDENCE OF ABOUT 10 ROOMS: lot 30x137: Western Addition: north of Pine St. Address P. O. box 2058. ', v : ■ HICKEN - AND • HOO - RANCH WANTED; $2000 $2500. -Cash, box 8. this office. ■ ; "Jl<Vi. ROOMS 'WANTED. Or^NG^AiTw?S^£s^O^lfaA7iE^MAirL I X bedroom; respectable private family: E. of Van Ness, S. of Bush; moderate. Address W. J. C, box 9, Call Office. ■:■■■■ - - ANTED— AN, UNFURNISHED ROOM BY a single man; not over $4. C. F., box:120, Call Office.: i .:■-%• ■■- ';■;■ ■-,-•' - .-' ■<■ -. ■■ .WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. . -TV r a nteld—^r6^u Y^iVE^opr^rE^TsTA mlp . B*» quartz mill and five • concentrators: ' bargain. AMOS ROBERTS, 570 Eleventh St.. Oakland. "VI ACHINERY FOR MANIPULATI NG GREEN J-'X coffee: give particulars. , Address S. < G., box 110, this office. ; „, ' '■:...-.. KLEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry ; postal. : . PERSON ALJ^ OF INTEREST i ONLyT'tO^ VTHE "siCK— Through the law of usvchic power I can loc.ite the cause and condition* (if the most complicated diseases, and ■ this I do without asking any ques- tions. If you aro sick call or address for full par- ticulars DR. J. R. CRAIG, 1528 MarKet St., near Larfcin. I use but few drugs, of which all are pre- pared from the vegetable kingdom, and I cure per- manently all curable dfseas"s. Office hours 10 to 4. 7 to 8, and all letters will receive prompt atten- , tion. ■ :.:''.':'-.' .", ■ ■•• : . ■; : - ; ■.:..' UNAWAY BOY — WILLIE VINCENT, Xt aged 14; dark complexion; 1 small; left his home in this city August 18; any one harboring him will be prosecuted. Pennsylvania Hotel, Po- trero. Tji 7. LASTUFKA, MANUFACTURER AND X . dealer in fine and draft harness: Eastern prices; also high-grade Clipper bicycleHfor sale and rent. 1575 Market st.: telephone Jessie 112. i MASSAGE— AND MRS. HUTTON, CER- tificated (London, England) masseur and mas- sense: patients attended at residences only; terms very moderate. 704 Larkin, TTAIRS REMOVEITbY ELECTRICITY PA IN- XX lessly; busts enlarged; freckles, wrinkles and other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. KARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. GET YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS OF SMOKES » and chews at Cigar and Tobacco Bazaar, 1627 Devisadero St., near Sutter. . SAMPLES, ODD 3 & ENDS, CROCKERY, IM- _port<d linens, hdkchfs.etc. 35 New Mont., r. 57. BIG LOANS ON COLLATERAL. PORTLAND Loan Office, 9y 2 Stockton (upstairs), tei. 6938. DE A FNI5 SS-TH E A U RXPHONK WILL RE- store the hearing: invisible in the ear; cure ear troubles. F. F. FINLAY, 10 California St., S. F. . T EATHER CARVING-ONLY SIX LESSONS JJ needed to work. PLACIDO RIOS. loom 57, 1015 Market st. E N U INE SPECS, 15c to 50c, Biy FOURTH VT st.: Sundays 738 Market (Kast's shoestore). AIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB- lished in 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ. 11l Stockton st. strictly one price only. O~ RCHAKDISTS— A RANCH FOR SALE OR rent: hf-althy location: reasonable terms; 40 acres bearing ; good vegetable ground: plenty liv- lng springs. Inquire P., box 93, ibis office. PIANO LESSONS BY GERMAN LADY: 26c half hour. 1126 Howard st. .. ME. L' ANGLAIS WISHES PUPILB IN English conversation. Main P. 0., S. F. " AYE YOUR FRIENDS AND enemies bunted np by GRAHAM'S AGENCY, 330 Pine. fTIAILORS INTERESTED THE SCIENCE X of garment-cuttins, are Invitert to inspect a de- vice that gives a correct pattern for the person measured. Can be seen at 25 Kearny st., over Car- many's store. ■ , • -. AIRDRESSING 25c, MANICURE 52c: LER- sons given. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post, rm. 20. GW. MOORE. M.D., 1400 VAN NES3 AYE.' VJ« cor. Bush apartments for patients. i J. BISHOP, CHIMNEY-SWEEP: PRICE, si per flue: all work guaranteed : flagstaffs painted. Phone main, 441. 823 Market st. ■VTEW HOME RESTAURANT AND FAMILY i-" dining-rooms; A«nerlcan and French meala served in first-class style; 26c. up. 122 Turk at. \\" AT.TZ GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OB IN " class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. . . ■■.-:■■ -■• : OHT CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE— IM. Winchester House. 44 Third, near Market; 200 rm s, 25c to $1 60 pr night $1 50 to s6 pr week. 1 ti(\(\ BUSINESS CARDS,SI 60; SENT FREE, XUUU cityorcountry. HILL. 724Va Market st, TALECTniC LIGHTS IN EVERY BOOM— XU Chester house. 44 Third, near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week. ALL LADIES WHO RIDE BICYCLES, GET -M- your suits to order at HUTT'S, 212 Mason st. DVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE laws a specialty suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'j-at-law, 860 Market, cor. Stockton. A( ECKMAN, PIANO STUDIO, 205y 2 • (iough st. ; assistant teacher for beginners. A DVICE FREE-MARRIAGE LAWS. ACCI- 1\- dent cases. McCaBE, Attorney, 1027 Market. (fci O SUITS Tb ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. <tirXZi NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. IpiNE r rts, $16; LItESS PANTS, $4 75. J Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. XifjIOUE CUT^ Oak Roll Top De5k5............ ......$l4 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges.... $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. " J. NOON AN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. QINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF O Pomade is guaranteed 10 cure- auy case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail; try It. By all druggists price SI, or SMITH BROS., Fresno. «al. . , OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD. store-fixtures, doors, * windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., nr. Eighth. QECOND-HAND AS WELL Afi NEW BARS 7 O showcases, counters, shelvings,- mirrors, desk", safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very largo stock o.' them, too; be sure and see etock and get prices be- lore polng elsewhere., J. NOONA_N. 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. TvLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J rofrs' cost. Factory, 20 Kansome St.. upstairs. AS • FIXTUREB and PLUMBING. tiijiJ Golden Gate aye. H. HUFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, riILVEI:, GENTS AND LADIE3' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE CTHEAPKST AND BE9T IN AMERICA— THE V WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United .States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. ... ' DRESSMAKERS. DRESSWRAPPERS 35c uI?r~SUrTS~"f 1 UP; good work. 864 y g Mission st. . ■ ■ :• CLAIRVOYANTS. AAA A A ~ PROF. F. EUGENE. • PROF. F. EUGENE. ' ;«-:•- . PROF. F. EUGENE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Remain not in darkness and ignorance, but seek the light of wisdom und learn what the future holds for you: he Is ever ready to assist the trou- bled and unfortunate and always meets with suc- ceas; all are pleased with his readings: secure a charm and wear diamonds. Letters with stamps answered. PROF. F. EUGENE, 1206 Market St., purlnrs 102, 103 and 104, first- floor, elevator service. ... ■ ■ ' • : .-."- ; - ; * : .'r,-' : -*' mHE GREATEST PROPHETIC CABD-READ- Xer in the world: 26c; evenings also. 330 Fell st. riARD-READING.-25c; LADIES ONLY. 105 \J Stockton St., room 6. Circle, Mondays A Fri.' A NITA WINOMA, FORTUNE-TELLER, 602 JA. Stevcnson,cor.6th, reveals past and future: 26c. ME. ARNDT, BEST GERMAN ifOKTUNE- teller of the world; palmistry and by eggs; only 25c and 50c. 724 Harrison, basement. ME. MOREAU. WORLD-RENOWNED ME- dlum, removed from 131 Fourth to 764 How- ard st. : customers please cull : fee 25c up. , •:';■■• T)RESKNT. PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. X LEOGETTE, 311 Tehama St., near Fourth. CLAIR ANT— TEACUP AND CARD Vj readings dally. • 1420 Taylor St., nr. Jackson. ; RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM. LIFE READER; ladles, 25c; gents, 50c. 164 lehama, oflThird. ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- <r by eggs and curds; tells entire life, past, . present, future: consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names given: good advice: . sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im- possible; fee .$ 1; letter $V 2. 929 Post st., nr. Larkin. ORLD-RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT AND planet-reader. MME. NORMAN , 995 Market. ROF. LKON. PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT, life- reader. 633 Post: 10 to 8 dally; also Sunday. HOW TO BECOME A CLAIRVOYANT— KEY to the mystery of medlunship; most wonder- ful book since the Elble; 60 cents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 606 Montgomery St.. 8. F. A UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER; A magio charms; lovo, -'tokens; • true picture of ; future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. ; has tiie seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. 2328 Mission, nr. Twentieth. | SPIRITUALISM. rURCLE TO-NIGHT AT mrs. colby 122y> \J Oak St.; sittings dally. - - - mEST CHICLE TO-NIGHT flOc. MME. YOUNG, -X 605 McAllister St.: articles read. . *r,.;.Sf RS. SHEEHAN. CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL- ist and test ' mcdl urn .; 783y 3 Market st. - v -;. DDIE SWAIN, MEDIUM; ATTENTION A given the poor; ladies only. - 105 Stockton.' . RS. HEKMAN KEENEN, GIFTED TRANCE medium: advice, business, speculation :satisfac- tionguarant'd: developing cir. Frldayeve. 321 Turk ASTROLOGY. .- • '-' : LFRED LINDSLEY, SCIENTIFIC PALMisT, 330 Golden Gate aye,; terms reasonable. IOIEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS Bh! planets from date of birth. .. 916 Market, r. 34. > A BTRALBEEB— PROF. HOLMES, 623 GEABY -TV St.; horoscopes, quo stlons. stocks, advice. ' _._ : :^ ;^> PHYSICIANS. - . ■■3^* pI?E^MATIISMT^E^RXLGTAT - G^U^r^P^ Xt cial attention to these diseases. . J. A. McDON- ALD, M.D., 1238 Market St., 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. . A HOME, AFRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. •.A MRS. DR. FUNKY:. 1416 Eighth st.. Alameda. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. TNVIIfCIBLE^ RLBBONS CARBONS X are absolutely , guaranteed. .'; United Typewriter and Hnpplies Co., 413 Montgomery st. OOD TYPEWRITERS," SALE AND RENT T. HANSON & C>).. Chroniclf Bldg., room 38. SEWING MACHINES. ■ OEWING-MACHINES RENTED, . $1 60 PER O month; a'l kinds repaired; machines sold from f5 upward. IS6B Market st. .-.,;. ; ■.;-; . ■ ' . . . BUSINESS CHANCES^ RANCH BAKERY AND DELICACY-STORE D at a bargain if taken within one we^k: i PY£'i'' gate; reason forsel ing departure. PROLL, STJS.N- BERG «fc CO.. 719 Market St. s _______ - C_7AA BOAD HOUSE; 10 ROOMS; 810 3fi I \J\t. saloon trade: transient location: rea- sonable rent: long lease: Investigation solicited; bargain. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market st. l 7(\f\ ELEGANTLY FITTED UP SALOON «ID I Kearny St.: living rooms furnished: safe, cash register; mnst sacrifice on account othef business. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market atr- OTEL, 39 ROOMS, LOCATED AMONG 3 CAR- houses; old-established place: chicken-houses; stable: rents6o: retiring from business. PROLL- STENBE RG, Market St. _____ <_ 7f\f\ GROCERY. BAR: 4 LIVING ROOMS; fip I UU. rent $25: long lease: full value in stock and fixtures: eood place for man and wife; in- vestigate. PHOLL _ STENBERG, 719 Market st. T>UILDING LOCATED AMONG FACTORIES: X) 14 rooms partly furnished; selliog account de- parture. PROLI/-STENBERG, 719 Market Bt. ADV. DESIRES. TO MEET WITH RESPEO table gentleman to join in paying business. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market st. io'h BRANCH BA KERY : NOTIONS «Jp_it>v/. rooms furnished. PROLL, 719 Market. ■VTOTICE-TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF 1> any kind see BTBAND <fe TUTTLE. 46 Third <££\AA. WOOD AND COAL YARD; PAYS fJpUIH/. well; horses, wagons. STRAND <fc TUTTLE, 45,Thlrd st. .. RUIT AND PRODUCE BUSINKSS; GOOD horse and wagon: family and transient trade; Cigar-stand : would pay well with this business; transfer corner. STRAND <fc TUTTLE. 45 Third. G[Ajr\f\ pa btmkb /WANTED IN good <Jp jtUU. paying saloon and lunch-house; see to- j day. STRAND _ TUTTLE, 45 Third st. -. , ; .- • i fl>lC|| BRANCH BAKERY, STATIONERY, I «3>Xt»''. notions and candy-store: also laundry i office: pays well: good rooms: cheap rent: best location. See STRAND & TCTTLE, 45 Third '©OKA PAYING CORNER SALOON FINELY j «irOt>l/. fitted; located on Third st.: net rent only $18: receipts $*( to $10 per day; offer wanted. BARRETT <fc CO., 865Va Market st. d>_l-A A SACRIFICE; PAYING GROCERY «]ptt«JU. and bar: best location: rent $26: 4 nice living rooms. BARRETT * CO., 865 Market st. .'9" BAKERY: ALL COUNTER TRADE: | • — tJ. large store: 2 fine ovens: good location: | guaranteed dally sales, $15; good chance for coffee i parlor. ' BARRETT & CO.. 865 Market st. ! <S£Af\f\ RESTAURANT CLEAKING $100 •IP'dtUU. month; vicinity of Baldwin: positive proof: low rent: trial. BARRETT _ CO.. 865 Va Mkt. ANTED-MAN CAPABLE OF MANAGING ft well-equipped estate office, with large list of country bargainsand extenslveconnections: light expenses; equal partnership open to a good man with $1000 capital. Address C. L.. box 98, Call Offlee. ; . » WANTED— STEADY MAN TO TAKE INTER- T» est In a strictly cash business: must do the collecting and make himself general'y useful; will pay from $65 to $75 per month : must have $160 cash. 783 V Market st., room 3. 01-QAA COR. GROCERY AND BAR: LARGE fS)U\J\J. store, doing good business, or will ex- change for city real estate. WOOD _ CO., 917 Market st. • / v - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-GOOD PATENT: JO Invaluable to merchants, bankers, lawyers and business men generally ; sells readily; large prof- its: $3000: or exclusive right for the United States. $1500. O. W. FORSYTH, 640 Market st. *<j»OCAA . FIRST - CLASS LONG - ESTAB- *Jp._icHJU. lished business: stationery, books, cigars and tobacco; clearing $150 per month: this is a rare opportunity and will stand closest Inves- tigation. ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgomery. ■RUTCHERSHOP: BIG TRADE: EVERY- -D thing complete: $500. PHILBRICK & MET- CALF, 'J64B Folsom st. ' QALOON FOR SALE; ESTABLISHED 20 | O years, doing a laree and profitable business; • trade principally transient; this is a chanco of a lifetime; owner mnst go East to attend business Interests: do not fail to examine at once; you will not soon h'T.r of such a chance again. Address B. W. 8., box 109, Call Office. • ANTED— MAN CAPABLE OF MANAGING TT a well-equipped real estate office with large i list of country bargains and extensive connec- | tions; light expenses: equal partnership open to , cood man with $1000 capital. Address C. L., box 98, Call Office. QHOEMAKEK- $75 WILL BUY CUSTOM O and repairing shoestore, near Stanford Unl- • versity: tools, lasts, counter, shelving, etc.: rare I chance; sickness. Address French Shoemaker, j ; Mayfleld. Cal. . . TDUTCHER-SHOPFOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 1j on acconnt of leaving the city: fine business; paying well: one of the best shops in the Mission. For full particulars apply to L. A. SOUC & CO., 465 and 467 Valencia st.. near sixteenth. ~ : O £j\(\ PARTNER: HALF-INTEREST IN | tIrGUUU. mercantile firm: established 7 years; doinr sood cash business; references exchanged. Address A. 8., box 99, this office. . T\7\ANTED-BY 2 EXPERrENCED QUARTZ »» prospectors, grubstake for 6 months or: year.j^ j of all 10- -ations for staker; references. Address E., I box 4, Call Office. . ELL-PAYIKG STATIONERY*, C4NDY, NO- tlon and cigar store for sale: 2 agencies; com- plete sto-k: no reasonable offer, refused ; call lat | once; departure. I Apply Call Office. *-.-;■- y■ \ ; ; j FOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IX A PAYING | X. job-prin office. For particulars address j Printer, box 32, Call Office. .■•,>. | V\ ANTED— S2OOO TO PUSH BUSINESS EN- ! ** terprlse*«portlng man preferred: large returns. I S.. box 96, Call. ■ s'r.-j i If OR SALE— BARGAIN: BRANCH BAK- j cry, with 3 living-rooms ; cheap rent. Address M., box 9, Call Office, Oakland. ' t .V -;---: | /SIGAR-STORE, ALSO CLUB AND LIVING- I \J rooms; price $80. 226 Ellis st. VF-WLVFITTEDrP LIQUOR-STORE. IN- ' i-> quire SE. cor. Fulton and Devisadero sts. { ■ "piGAR STAND AND CLUBROOM REASON \J able. 1055 Market st. .. : v ' j T OCKSMITH AND MACHINE SHOP FOR i JU sale; established 14 years; bargain. 641 Post. (JJ.7CA CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, J «Ip I O\J. with laundry office and clubroom, at- ! tached; established 10 years: carrying a large ; stock of cigars, tobacco ajd smokers' articles. Ad- j dress L. A., box 87, Call office. . •.. . -'".-.<• ; <D»1 AAA WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN j <ipi-UU>' a first-class water-front restaurant; i runs night and day; a splendid opportunity for j right party. Call meat market, 576 Howard st. | \\TANTKD— SALOON, GROCERY AND BAR, ! TT or cigarstand. on monthly Installments; bonds given: state particulars and price; principals. : 1 Address B. 0.. box 119, Call Office. FOR SALE— FIRST-CLASS CORNER GRO- ! eery-store. with 3 llvirg-rooais attached: best i | location iv EureKa Valley; will be sold cheap on [ : account of owner, having other business to attend ' to. Apply NW. cor. Eighteenth and Castro sts. I OOAf) FOR BALE AT A SACRIFICE ON j ; fTp—iUl/. acconnt of sickness— A good - paying | j butcher-shop. ; 1203 Bush st. .• i G" BOCERY AND BRANCH BAKERY, $125. ' VI 635 Folsom. . - QTORE FOR SALE: STOCK AND FIXTURES: JO very low. 452 Halght. I QINGLE MAN WANTS lady partner IN I O grocery and bar. G. A., box 71, Call Office. - p ROCER Y : AND FRUITSTORE ; CHEAP. VT Powell and John sts. . . ■ • <mi7CA WILL BUY ONE OF THE BEST tjll O\t fitted-up and paying restaurants in San Jose, Cal.: best location in town: paying $200 to . $300 per month; this is a fine chance for two ! men; owner is In too poor health to continue the business. Address or call at 184 South First st., San Jose, Cal. ■ - • " ■■ : ' ;~- ''■••■• 1 T7«IRST-eLABS OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE X money; restaurant fully furnished; no opposl- ! tion; rent $35 a month; see owner. 320Va Sutter. | ALOON AND GENERAL, MERCHANDISE j store In country; fine business; rare chance: 1 | account departure. . Address F., box 74, this office. j I -\l\ ILK ROUTE FOR SALE: 1 CAN OF FAMILY I lVi trade and a first-class cow. - 221 Church St., near Fifteenth. iTcA PARTNER AS CASHIER IN REB- - lp_c>U. taurant; owner retiring. 662 Howard.' OOD PAYING BUSINESS FOR $450: HALF Interest $250 : ■ 600 i chickens, 25 pigs, cow, I horse and wagon: 4-room house, 1 barn, water. 76 ! trees: rent $10. Address OWNER, box 22, Gllroy. i <2>CA DOWN,' CIO MONTHLY STARTS YOU ' <JptJ\J In meat market; tools, fixtures, horse ' ! wagon rent or sell. 2854 Mission, shoestore. ' ALOON ON TRANSFER CORNER; DOING good business: pays $150 month clear. Addlv i Wieland's Brewery. . w | SALOOiN FOR SALE: A BARGAIN. APPLY I 416 Pine st. ;E. CAMPION. ,• . . .- ESTAURANT, RECEIPTS OVER $20 A day : no reasonable offer refused. 232 O'Farrell. \\ A TED- ACTIVE PARTNER IN MANU- TT factnrlng and cash business; good opportunltv for the right man. Address ;B. 0., box 114 Call Office.' -..-■'■ ■.'''■■.— .'.'■•■..".■..'■ .; _\i : _- .•' , ROVISION AND SAUSAGE STORE OF 9 I «o years' standing; cheap for cash. Apply at store, ! 2825 Mission 5t. .;. : - •-■-■'. .."■■'. , • : riOOD OPPORTUNITY IN MANUFACTUR"- VJMng concern for enterprising man with means. Address M. S. JAFFE, San Jose, Cal. ■ -■■ ■-.. - o pHICKEN RANCH. CHEAP; 5 ACRES AP- \J ply JOHN DANIELL, 708 Mason, 5 to 7 p m. •R1 F\(\ UR A NT,'- CENTRAL, DOING I <pLO\J. business $10 to $15 per day; lnvestiea- tlon allowed sold at sacrifice on • account of sick- ness. Apply Call office. r THE PALACE HOTEL " :. J. AT UKIAH, MENDOCINO COTJNTY. CAL. TO RENT OR FOR SALE « ' ON LIBERAL TERMS. Inquire of J. M. • MANNON, Uklah, or WIL* LIAM HEESER. Mendocino. . : ;-*: ■?£"?■ OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE- Winchester House, 44 Third, near-Market- -200 rms. 25c to $1 60 pr night ; $1 60 to $8 pr week! T> ESTAURANT ON MARKET ST.: RENT $19- - place for man and wife. This office. • EST PAYING RESTAURANT IN ClTY- will sell cheap. ; Apply J. T. GARLAND, 635 I Clay. - : -■ . ->, . .■■_--.■■,-"..">..■-,-, . . - ; ■ SALOON-2 LIVING-R00M8; v FIXTURES" ready to open cheap rent; next to Sonth Park stables. 360 Brannan st.. bet. Second and Third. ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY BOOM— WIN- ■LJ Chester House, 44 Third, near Market; 200 ; xoo mi>a sctosl6oper ttlght; $1 50 to $ 6 per week. I.OPGTNG-HOITSE9 A f J E^_j.- "a^Tcri 10-ROOM house-, central loca $450. tion 5 DECKER, 1206 Market st. .. > MROOMS;"NEAR BALDWIN nOTEL: AT ,14 auction price. DECKER, 1206 Market st. <-ROOM HOUSE: EASY PAYMENTS; ONLY _M $1100. DECKER, 1206 Market st. OQ-ROOM CORNER HOU-E ONLY^S9OO. ZO Apply to DECKER, 1206 Market, cor. Taylor. <n>Gf\ fi LODGING-HOUSE OF 13 FINELY ,>t)UU. furnished rooms: furniture almost new; rent reasonable-: gopd location: near^ new th eater, rooms all rented. Business Exchange, 783Ya Mar- ket St., room 3. ' ' . ffl^Q'A ELEGANTLY FURNfSHED HOUSE ifftOO' '. of IS rooms: north of Market st. : cheap rent; all sunny and full of jood paying roomew; part cash desired. BUSINESS _XCHA>,o_, 783y Market st. — — "d&OAn." NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE; 7 OUU. rooms, bath; cheap rent good location. M/ 8., box 70, Call. ■ " ■■■ : - ''■''-- <H»"oTrrOBEAT"BXRG 11 BOOMS AND •{Jp_iOUi store; 6 months' rent paid. 322 Third. _> i (\C\ I^H)GING-HOUSE FOR SA7.E. 641 j{h4UU. Washington near Kearny. Ptasa House. FURNITURE FOR SALK. V^NTtT?RE V^ROOMS?'iII4 HAMPSHIRE St., near.Twenty-fourth. ._ URNITURE 5 ROOMS; GOOD AS NEW; J cheap for cash. 13V Silver st. . YEW 2-4 AND SPRING r^ll 1\ New s/t bed and spring..... ..: ' » 50 New oak extension-table ; 4 5O Brussels carpet, laid, per yard *» Floor oilcloth, laid, per yard........ v.... -A> BHIREK&SHIREK, 1210-12 Stockton. Open evg. ■DEDUCTIONS ON LARGE OTOCK, NEW AND Xt second-hand: 400 carpeto. good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c; 7- plece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c; ranges, $6: cash or installments: goods shipped free. T. K. NELSON. 128 Fourth st. ■■-■■• OUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at McCABE'S. 9 48-flso Mission st. FURNITURE WASTED. ': a :^ 'Xu^io^EEiTjTc. mut^e"r?tiTmarket J\. St.. pays highest cash prices for.furnlture. XT G. KRASKV, CARPETS. - pictu J— .. folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. ASH PAID FO FURNITURE , AND MER- chandlac. L.H. BURP Auctlonefr.lO Fulton. (JABPKT-. t:I>KANING. PARPETS "tTToROUGHL CLEA N F.IPa ND \J renovated same as new. a FERGUSON _ CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 3d. ATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND BENO- IN vating Works HAMPTON &BAILLY: laying and alterinif. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 244. /IITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND \J Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send t» SPAULDING'S PloneerCar- pet Beating Works, 363-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. pONKLIN^S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 33S \J Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. " rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANINO ICo. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. ' 230 14th. tel. 6074. MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovatuiK 'vorks. 453 *tev»-nson: tel. 3228. HOKS-Sft. > u^t^a^rtve^^rT^iTidTh^^calrlSaS young, well-broken horses, weighing from 1000 to 1400, the property of H. A. Clarcke: will be sold Cheap at 424 and 426 Valencia. J. D. FORRESTER. TTORSES PASTURED: $2 A MONTH; iIYDE XL Ranch : send for circular. 630 Commercial St., San Francisco. . ■ ' . '■ A(\ HORSES FOR BALE; ALSO WAGON 9 T:" buggies, carts, harness: GraDd Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. •J AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALIi J.L/U kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap homos. Fifteenth and Valencia sts. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES, f^ T7XPRESS RIG; 2 HORSES^ ANbThABNESS; Jli cheap. 2213 Pine st. - - ' OR SALE-A COVERED ROCKAWAY: A bargain. THOMAS FOLEY, 1812 Powell st. HORSES. HARNESS, BUGGIES, CARTS, etc., bought, sold or exchanged. 540 Valencia. KOR SA_E-MISCK__AN_;OU!9. -^BJeTpamTly cow~a~nTTcalf? "liisf noe X st., near Twenty-fifth. ■ -.;< >, Ip OR SALE-ENTIRE STOCK OF SHOW- ' cases at wholesale price. " 606 Market st. ..• '•• _.'; OUSE FOR SALE CHEAP; TO BE RE- moved. Apply NE. corner Montgomery and Green sts. ■ •■ C PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $75 THE O lot. : 328 McAllister St. > _L MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT and sold. & F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. VTATIONAL cash register, 1 * safe, J-i ''scale, letter-press, desk ; cheap. 102 Clay at. HEAFESTI'LACE to buy gas fixtures. \J H. HUFSCHMIDT, t>23 Golden Gate aye. "VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- Ii hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co.. 12 California st. COUNTER S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES bought aud sold 112 iy Market bet. 7th and Bth MEDICAL .' S"~URE, SAFE AND SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL female diseases from whatever cause; a home in confinement with every comfort ; ' those who are sick or discouraged should cull on the doctor and siate their case: they will find in her a true friend; consultation free and confidential; every case guar- an:eed without injury, by MRS. DR. GWYER.226 Turk st. . . • ■- A NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- J\. ments or worthless pills used : every woman her own physician for all female troubles: no mat* ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician -.knowledge can be sent&userlat home;all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPE.R, 318 Kearny st. HY THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY TT on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee 10 restore irregularities In 8 hours with our new discovery, which is safe and sure. Price $6. Call or address MME. KARKOW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market St. . . AJIIES — C ESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- n\ royal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: Bafe, reliable; take no other: send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mail; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. . . . . A' LL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, now of 119-121 Powell St., the only reliable specialist In San Francisco: $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause; special attention to disease of the eye. R. RICORD'S injection and SPECIFIC, price $2, will cure any case. STERN BROS., agents. 11l Grant aye. ■■ , '•,.•-■. RS. DR. WEGENER: PRIVATE HOME IN i»J confinement; Irregularities cured In a few hours without operation; pills $2. 419 Eddy st. T> RUBBER GOODS: SEND FOR ILL'S. X cat'l. ACME RUBBER CO. 235 Kearny. DR. RICORD'S PILL 3. EXPRESS $2 50: SAFE, sure, reliable: Rlcord's specialties, females. 1 Maison et Cle, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in one day: no instruments: French remedies guaranteed at any time; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETII, 916 Post St., near Larkln. DRS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEABEB OF „ women: ladles near or far assured quick relief of disease: irregularities restored daily; safe cure guaranteed: no instruments; home in confine- ment; beat skill; low fees : pills $2. 1370 Market st. LADIES. IF TRREGULAR CONSULT MRsT i ARY ; sure cure. 5 Franklin, cor. Market. MAILLARD'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER ITX fails to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. Price $5. Agent, EDWIN W. JOY, Powell and Market sts., San Francisco. ,'-\ HE LIGHTNING RHEUMATISM - CUKE A for chronic or inflammatory rheumatism; best remedy on earth: price $3. - MARTIN • Remedy Company, 2231 Mission St.. S. F. _^ _______ DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT XJ modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia,: Impctencv, aud all disorders of the sexual organs: $1 a box: 6 boxes $5; send for circular. WIDBER'S' Drug Store. 14 Ellis St., sole agent. . • --t.\---, ' \ LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO ' -A. ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger: safe and sure: $2 60 express C. O. D. : don't delay - nntll too late. OSGOOD BROS.. Oakland. Cal. ' U-PRAE'S FEMALE REGuTatTnG PILL-S ; safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. RICHARDS A CO., druggists. 40tf Clay, sole agts. LL LADIES CONSULT ' FREE MRS. DR. DAVJES, . 14 McAllister St.. near Market: I leads a!l competitors: only qualified, trusty ; spe- i cialist . for safe, quick relief of. irregularities, no matter what cause; treatment sclent i harmless and painless; never fails- home In confinement, a R. HA L_7I4 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR." next Hibernla Bank ; diseases of women. •VTICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT" i .-*■'" at the most reasonable price In tho city. I MRS. Ij M. PFEIFFEK, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. ?^\ TF IRREGULAR Olt ANY FEMALE DISEASE ± see Mrs. Dr. l'uetz anil bo content. ■ 254 V., 4th. . ; STORAGE ~~~ " TO RAGE OF FUR^n ; U^^.?irNOs7HOUs£ O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 736 Market at. WILSON , BROTHERS. 1710 MARKET- tt ■ Storage; low rates; : telephone South 762. FFh RN TIJKE ', PIANOS AND OTHER , MER-" chandiHe received on storage: money advanced, onconsigr.ments; fire proof building. 410 Post st!. F l ia?£i"V^ ;SS STOKAaB A ADVANCESMADIf > 421-428 Market st. • CHAS. TAYLOR. ATTORNEYS- AT-LAff. : - . A IT VICE S DJVOKCE.AND PROBATE Poiirt ? n * , Bpetl&u >: suits; Superior, Justice and GWB(nl 8: f rms , rfMOnatlle! collections, etc -HOWb, att'y-at-law. 850 Market.cor.Stockioa JllS A l< _5.?_ >'ATTORNEx-AT-LAW,-Ra. 1 ' *i 16 and ; 17. 402 Montgomery at., cor. California, iW y \ DAVIDSON, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W,4aO tt . Cailtoruia at.; rm*. 14-15; advice free. ;^~.