Newspaper Page Text
■HOUSES TO LET. rpo let, 211 cough— n^c^corxerThouse of 9 rooms and bath; 35 - Apply MADISON <t BLRKE. . £. 1119 GUERRERO-IN BEST LOCALITY OF J-XX_i the Mission, house of 10 rooms, with all modern improvements: rent $45.. rpWO FLOORS ABOVE OTTINGER'S RAIL- X road ticket office, 620 Market street; long lease and reasonable rent. 9 A MARY, NEAR FIFTH AND MISSION— — «v 7 nice sunny rooms; double parlors; rent cheap; $26. O K NER HOUSE, 9 ROOMS. BATH AND v\J laundry, on Twelfth st. ; $40. DEMPSTER, 36 tilen Park aye. HOUSE, 5" ROOMS, BATH; BASEMENT: rent $16. Inquire Nineteenth and Folsom sts., UKstairs. ©1 Q 2-STORY HOUSE; 5 ROOMS; WATER X *J. free. Apply 2228 Geary st. SVXNY HOUBE OF 8 BOOMS; BATH. 326 Mason, near grocery. AY-WINDOW HOUSE. SIX ROOMS, bath and stable. 1909 O'Farrell st. "MAGNIFICENTLY FRESCOED NEW HOUSE iL- 8r °o m panorama view of city; opp. park; $37 60. 124 Lyon st., cor. Oak. "DAY-WINDOW HOUSE. 8 ROOMS, BATH, ■J.J yard. 18 Fair Oaks and Twenty no fogs; stable if wanted: rent to suit. 1 99f BUSH — HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, BATH; - i\J rent $46; water Included and yard. O-STORY HOUSE: 9 ROOMS AND BATH; ■—t rent reduced. 615 Fell st. IQI A LEAVENWORTH, XEAIt CLAY— J-OXV/ House, 8 rooms; bath: good as new in- side; $50. • OUSE OF 7 ROOMS, YARD AND BASE- ment; gas, bath; water free. 423 Fell st. 99 2-STORY HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND »7 ~ ■— ■'. bath; 2816 Laguna st. YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN X the houses you rent from BALDWIN & HAH- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. . SUNNY HOUSE— 63O EDDY, NEAR LARKIX; . rooms: bath: rent $30: water free. ■FUUNISHED HOUSES. 1 71 C EDD Y— F URXISH ED FLAT ; 5 BOOMS : X. I XO bath: water free: $25. .-• •':■:.:-■ SEVEN BUNNY DESIRABLE ROOMS AND bath: modern conveniences. 2222 Vi Mission. COTTAUES TO LET. ?^TTA^GETT"ROC^MTrW^IONTH7^3B"vI& v__or St., bet. Seventh and Eighth; off Bryant. QUNNY COTTAGES: 4 AND 5 ROOMS: BATH; O basement: yard. Fifteenth and Dolores. pOTTAGE (REAR) SIX BOOMS; BATH, \J flower garden. 1532 Eddy st. UXXY COTTAGE, 4 BOOMS. APPLY 624 O'Farrell st. '/COTTAGES 4 ROOMS AND BATH. 21 AND \J 23 Byington st., bet. Fillmore and Webster, Ellla and O'Farrell Bts. ■ ■ <J]» Q AND UP CLEAN SELECTED COTTAGES <pO and flats. SPECK «tCO., 602 Market st. *~~ FLAT!* TO LET. ~~ ' qiO~LET— 9TfSYTiET^IO^T^LEGA^T^_AT X in the city; butler's pantry and all the latest im- provements: centrally located; | 5 minutes' ride from Kearny and Market; 7 rooms and bath; $50. Apply MADISON & BURKE. ORNER PAGE AND WEBSTER— SUNNY \J flats, 6 and 7 rooms and baths; modern im- provements. QA£ TWENTY-FIRST — 3 SUNNY REAR OUU rooms; modern improvements; rent rea- sonable. LATOF 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. Cor. McAllister and Polk; inquire in butcher- shop. Qll r -\(\ 4 ROOMS: SUNNY. 135 IVY tJP X X . «JU . aye.. near Van Ness. CJjO FLAT; 4 ROOMS; NO CHILDREN. 1123 <irO. Vallejo st., near Leavenworth. C BOOMS; BATH;. REXT 167 WATERFREE. «J 106V2 Henry St.; flower garden. O LET-FLAT OF 7 BOOMS AND BATH. 1924 Bush st. OTA FLAT. 3 ROOMS; YARD, CELLAB. OIU. 219 Clara st. . Ql r NICE SUNNY UPPER FLAT; FOUB LU. rooms: large y, rd, cellar. 2008 O'Farrell. I JUNE ROOMS; BATH; "st'XNY ;" MOD- ern; $16. 929 Xineteenth, cor. Hartford. 1 •>.>"■> A N H EZ, COB. ARMY— 6 NEWLY J o—.o paprred rooms very cheap; rent $9. . O_GILBEB I . ' NEAR SEVENTH AXD BRY- — <"i a:jt— 3 nice sunny rooms: cheap; $8. IMXE FLAT. 5 ROOMS, BATH, LAUNDRY, basement, yard; $23. 1417 Hayes. Ql ~~ E] >T) V — 4 CNFURXISBED ROOMS; O 1 «J bath : private family : references exchanged. TELEGA XT BAY-WINDOW; « ROOMS; bath: -Ci fine order: renv reduced. 735 Minna St., near Ninth. ri.VE NEAT l-'I.AT, 6 BOOH- ANP BATH. -T sunny side of Eddy street. between Latruua and BncbanAn." Apply" to C. S. CAPP & CO.. 413 Montgomery su, House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. ■ A ROOMS, BATH, UPPER FLAT, DOOB- tt opener, electric- tiled sink, $20: 6 rooms, front and rear yards, fine location, sunny, $25. in- quire of DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth t_"| Q OXLY — MODERN FLAT 6 ROOMS, »TXO bath; fine view: 19 Alpine St., off Haight, near Bauer. BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, 10 Mont- ■gomery st. OCTORS— DENTISTS— SW. COR. TWENTY- . tir«: and Valencia sts.: fine location: 6 snnny rooms, bath: rent low. See BALDWIN _ HAM- MOXD, 10 Montgomery st. TOXES AXD FILBERT, SE. CORKER— UP- O per fiat of 8 rooms and bath: Union-st. cars handy ; rent $26. Apply to C. 8. CAPP <fe CO., 413 Montgomery st., House Brokers and Real Estate [ Agents. ' Q UNNY UPPER FDATS, 5 _ 6 ROOMS, BATH, O yard. Shot well, nr. cor. Fourteenth; $19, $20. ELEGANT FURNISHED OB UNFDR- nished; 6 rooms and bath. 1135V Shotwellst. EDUCED— ELEGANT UPPER FLAT; 6 XX) rooms; large garden. 931 Lombard st. ...■ .-.-■ . : ;:■ QUNNY UPPER FLAT— FINE HOUSE; BATH 0 laundry; only $20. 409 O'Farrell st. UJOA FLATS, 5 AND 6 BOOMS; BATH. O— > yj . NW. cor. O'Farrell and Buchanan sis. PPER FLAT. 5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH. 1511 Taylor st., bet. Pt cific and Broadway. AYES, BETWEEN WEBSTER AND FlLL- more— Middle flat of 4 100 ms and bath, $16. Apply to C. S. CAPP <fc CO., House Brokers and Beal Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st. CORNER HAVES AND LYON STS.— THE VJ most elegant flat in the city; all the latest im- provements; 7 rooms and bath. 1 A Q CLARA— HOUSE OF 4 NICE SUNNY Xtfct/ rooms; yard; cellar: rent cheap. - - - 7A7HYDE, NR.~POS r-MODERN FLAT; 8 U % rooms: 2 floors; bath, laundry; rent reduced, j«A]l OAK NICE CHEAP FLAT OF 4 ri\Jl.Z rooms. LAT OF 4 BOOMS AND BATH. 1623 PA- clflc aye. ; 1 99£ SACBAMENTO— FLAT OF 7 ROOMS; J._-_O also a flat of 5 rooms; fine view. . j ftin 3 SUNNY ROOMS 1706 SAN CARLOS XU. aye., near Eighteenth and Mission. ■ _n/\ DESIRABLE FLAT. SUITABLE FOR »J*^-U. dressmaker, 404 Castro, cor. Market and Seventeenth. 4 FLATS AND 3 HOUSES, BENT CHEAP. *X Apply 416 Seventh st. _,q- 6 CHOICE SUNNY BOOMS AND <JiiO. hath; all modern conveniences. 1710 Hyde. ___L_________ am 4 SUNNY BOOMS; BATH: GAS; rJJ) X_/. yrd. 420 Lily ave.,bt.Buchanan <fc Wepster. T OVELY FLAT 7 BOOMS: BATH: SUM ALL XJ day; rent moderate. 1441 McAllister st. _7To" r A UPPER FLAI OF B6OOMS; IM- OX_/.ov. provements. Apply 2643 Bryant, near .Twenty-fifth. : <_- AND $9: 4 AND 6 ROOM FLATS. AP- tjp I ply 2643 Bryant, near Twenty-fifth. <_T a *17 50 AND $25-5, 6 AND 8 BOOMS 1 D. and bath : 3 sunny modern flats: If you see them you will take no others. YON BHEIN _ CO.. 513 California st. ■ ■ 097 CA SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT, 6 <JSZ i .OU. rooms and bath. 1804 Washington St., near Polk. • ■' A BOOMS, BATH. 1358 ALABAMA ST., COB. ■—Twenty-sixth., A AND 716 NATOMA, BET. EIGHTH AND 1 ltr Ninth-4rooms;rentslo; basement, sunny yapd. . ■ QQA FOLSOM— NEW FLAT: 6 BOOMS; BATH OO'^t and lanndry; all modern improvements. /IHOICK SUNNY FLATS: 4 AND 5 ROOMS, \J bath. Hanover pi., off Sacramento St., below Mason: marine view; nice location. ■ noAQ VAN NESS AYE., NEAR VALLEJO— jLO\JO 1 elegant 2-story new sunny flat of 12 rooms; marine view;' improvements. _>/lR CORNER UPPER FLAT; 8 ROOMS tS)_O. and batb. Inquire BECKER'S grocery, SE. cor. Sotter and Taylor. - _______ _»»»A FLAT; 639 SUTTER, NR. TAYLOR; »S)OU. upper flat; 6 rooms and bath. Inquire at BECKER'S grocery, SE. cor. Sutter and Taylor. TVT COX. VALENCIA AND 230-MODERN _> .snnny 7, 8 rooms; rent to snlt. 1315 Guerrero. IPLEGANT COR. FLAT-3BAY WINDOWS; j 7 rooms. 1553 Howard. Key at grocery. _»"] Q- 4 ROOMS AND BATH. 528 GBEEN- t_?X— i. wich st., near Stockton. ADO LEAVENWORTH. NEAR WASHING- x4u_' ton— Nearly new flat: contains 5 rooms and bath; all improvements; large sunny court in rear: rent $27 50. ' COO MCALLISTER— UPPEB FLATS; SEVEN i ZO rooms; lanndry, bath and 4 rooms: reduced. O^l A CALIFORNIA-f-sio, UPPER SUNNY _OIU flat, 5 rooms, bath; lower flat, 4 rooms, stationary tubs, hot and cold water. $12 60. . - YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS. IN 1 the flats you rent from BALDWIN dt HAM- MOND. FLATS TO LET— Continued. 91 90 POINT LOBOS AYE.-SUNNY FLAT; 6 *- — " rms.; bath; latest Improvements; $16. j_ EAR CITY HALL: 3 FLATS: 6, 6, 7 BOOMS. 1> 10. 143, 713 Grove st. -. , }? LEGANT NEW FLAT, 7TH ST., BELOW -j Bryant: 6 and 6 rooms: bath: $8 to $16. » , HOLSEKEEPINti KOOM.&. fTfY_ ElXlS^^NN^F^^^lsHl^r^Rolff UUrt room, with light housekeeping. QA(i MISSION— 2- ROOMS COMPLETE FOR *Jj.\J housekeeping. . " . ■ SIXTH— CHEAPEST >IN THE CITY; housekeeping rooms. 099 THIRD-SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED O_!_< housekeeping suites very cheap: single $1. 7\(Y) EDDY— PARLOR FLOOR, FURNISHED kjxJ^j complete for housekeeping: gas: range ; bath. O1 O FOURTH — NICELY FURNISHED OXO rooms for housekeeping; also single. Qir; MISSION-FRONT ROOM AND KITCH- O\tO en, complete for housekeeping. 19 A SIXTH— SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS, X&\J furnished for housekeeping. 9AI FIFTH — NICE SUXXY SUITE, FUR- £*\J'Z nished complete for housekeeping; $10. 1 A OAK— I OR 2 SUXXY FURXISHED X\J rooms, complete for housekeeping. 9QI MIXNA, COR. FOURTH— FURXISHED —■OX housekeeping, complete: double and single: cheap. 71 A VAN NESS — COMPLETELY FU R •XU nished sunny front suite housekeeping rooms: $20. '.--'■:-? 1 i 1 Q TAYLOR. NEAR JACKSON— XrzXO housekeeping rooms; bath; laundry; yard; $12. ■ AOQI FIFTH— SUNNY FRONT ROOM AND — O 1 * kitchen: furnished for housekeeping. CfjQ GOUGH— FRONT SUNNY ROOMS O\JV with kitchen, complete for housekeeping. C_>l MISSION, NR.SECOND— LARGE FRONT OUI room and kitchen; furnished for housekeep- ing; cheap rent : also other housekeeping rooms. QQAHFOLSOM-N ICE, QUIET HOUSEKEEP- 1/OU3 me room; use of kitchen; private family; $6 50. - CM HOWARD— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM t/tr«J for housekeeping; bath. . ___"___ C] Qb LARKIN— TWO SUNNY FURNISHED «JXO housekeeping rooms; no children. 71"! STOCKTON — NICE, SUNNY, FUR- XX Eished rooms for housekeeping; $12 per month. ' ELGIN PARK, COR. HERMAXX— I OR 2 sunny furnished rooms; housekeeping; cheap; private family. . . 9OQ ELEVENTH — 2 OR 3 NICELY FUR- fciOO nished rooms, complete for housekeeping. ftAO BUCHANAN, COR. FELL— FRONT BAY- UU_/ window parlor; kitchen; pantries; ga3; stove. ' ' 11 QA HOWARD — NEW, HANDSOMELY XXOU furnished sunny housekeeping and single rooms; cheap, ; -■ ■' -.-;.■>-:;.-. 9AQQ MARKET— A WELL- FURNISHED _<Vt7O suite of housekeeping rooms; rent reason- able. 1 7AQ STOCKTON,. NR. FILBERT— NICELY X I \/O furnished housekpg. rooms: yard: cheap. 91 A HYDE-NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY —^XU housekeeping rooms. 1 9J.1 FOLSOM— 2 OR 4" UNFURNISHED X— <ttX bay-window rooms; bath; hall and stairs carpeted: cheap. BOOMS TO LET. TyuTTjrErlrrKJeTMTß^^ XJ building; modern improveme nts; handsomely furnished sunny%uites;s!ngle rms and unfurnished. JJ.fl 1 HAVES— AXD BACK PARLOU I'ivS to rent; suitable for man and wife; rent cheap. ■ "-,-;• .•;'-;.- OCn MARKET— ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Ot) ' suites: sunny side fronting Market st,; most centrally located; all conveniences; rent low. 1 |Q1 SIXTH— HANDSOMELY FURNISHED XXO'i sunny front rooms and single: reasonable. 91 RUSS-LARGE SUNNY FURXISHED — >X front room for lor 2 gents or couple. -\ 1 9QI HOWARD— FOR A NICE LARGE XX._O;> room; bath. ;.'•.■ 1 AO EIGHTH— NICELY SUN- XUO ny rooms, $1 50 and $1 25 per week. ; -,:^ : ' "I 97 OLIVE AYE,- 1 FURNISHED FRONT X_i 1 room; rent $7 50. .. . Tl I H~s E VILLET2O7 POST— NICELY FUR- X nished front, bay-window suites: also single rooms; running water; electric lights; cheap; transient. . - •- QQ_ FOURTEENTH, COR. NOE — LARGE, Ot/"± sunny nicely furnished front room: closet: bath : $6. 7Q7 MARKET— ELEGANT SUXXY BAY- IO I window suites; single 82 per week up; also housekeeping. 1'- ]| FOLSOM— ONE SMALL AXD 1 DOU- \JOX-4 ble room, with or without board. 9 r HYDE, COR. GOLDEN GATE-SUNNY — .li corner room, suitable for two, $8. .; . . Ol O MISSION. — . -.FURNISHED StN(JLK UXO rooms; by Bight, 15c to 60c; week, $1 tos2. 9T9 SIXTH— NEWLY FURNISHED BOOIU — 'tr_i from $1 up. RA Q TURK— PLEASANT 'SUNNY ROOMS: O~tO grate; gas: bath: $5 to $10. *7Tg "TWENTY-SECOND — FRONT • *iU rooms, furnished; light housekeeping if wanted. - •. ■ 1 1 AQ SUTTER, COR. POLK— SUNNY FUR- IIiO nished rooms; i!ght housekeeping; rent reduced. - • • 1 Al Ql LARKIX— BRIGHT, SUNNY ROOMS. X\JXO2 suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen: $7. $8. $9. 1 A.| KEARNY— FRONT SUITE; 2 ROOMS lUi and bath; unfurnished; $15. 1 Q7 SEVENTH ST.— FURNISHED LOOMS XO I from $1 a week up; housekeeping; transient. 7AI 1 HOWARD — NICELY FURXISHED I UI3 hay- window and other double and single rooms. <i>l 7 FULTON, COR. OOUGH— NEWLY OX I furnished front room ; also one unfurnished sunny; suitable for light -housekeeping. - • (}A MINT AYE., NEAR FIFTH-FURNISHED — . x sunny bay-window rooms, $9 and $10; single front rooms, $8. ' / . ' .. :_. 1 ) GROVE, OPP. MECHANICS' PAVILION — X_) Furnished room for single gentleman; $7. 11 A T HTFIRST FLAT— LARGE SUNNY, X 1 '/ finely furnished rooms; gas. 4OAB FULTON— ELEGANTLY FURNTsHED O\J parlor suite; sun all day; reasonable. ' 79C PINE— FINE LOCATION; CALL AND I — 'i* see before selecting: half nsual rat«s. ' m POST— SINGLE FRONT ROOM IN PRl- vate family: for a gentleman. ..-, QAf^ MARKET — SUNNY FUR*NIBHED C/vfU rooms; transient.weekly or monthly; terms moderate. . . . HE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE-.. 126 X sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable; central; very moderate prices. 28 Eighth near Market. A. W. MANNING. A- RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARN Y-PLEAS- Jt\. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; nrst.class in every respect terms reasonable. : • ■ '; . ■ , IP OR RENT— TO IOR 2 GENTLEMEN, nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about 8 blocks from Kearny and Market sts.: private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call. ■ ■ mo. RENT, WITH USE OF, PIANO, HAND- X somely furnished parlors for day studio; cen- traL Call 735 Market st. - ■ ■.'- . . . -. - •\TOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. 1- Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1 ; week, $1 50 t« $5; families. rrtHE NIGHTINGALE, 1802 MARKET— ELE- X gant sunny bay-window rooms; reasonable. . UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY J-i furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients QQ SIXTH — THE HILLSDALE, SUNNY OO rooms; single and en suite; $1 to $1 60 a day. 1 1 p: a SIXTH— THE PIEDMONT; NICE BUN- -LXts ny bay-window and single rooms: reasonable. TirjNCHESTER HOUSE— 44 THIRD, NEAR VV Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 26c to $1 50 per night ; *1 60 to $6 per week ; electric lights in every room; reading r'm; free bus. IpORRENT— TO GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- JO nished sunny front bay-window room, private family; 8 blocks from Market and Kearny; refer- ences. Address X. Y. Z., box 1. Call Office. ' WEEK'S ~ NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — TEB WEEKLY CALL. Id wrapper, for mailing. UAJJktLUtJiM AJMJ UOOAia. t~TP>^y^e^s^n^y"fubxisTle^~Soom 111— with board, two gents, $35. COG EDDY-fcUNNY FRONT SUITES: SIN U— iU gle rooms: best board; special rates to gen lemen for breakfast and dinner; reasonable. - ' ITUNE BUNNY DOUBLE AND SINGLE ROOMS X for gentlemen: with breakfast and dinner; in private English f ami y ; near Van Ness aye. Ad- dress R. E.. box 70. Call Office. ■ _■ mHE ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AXD X Polk st.— Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate: board optional; all cars direct. TJOTEL BERTLING, 714 BUSH— OPENED AS XX : a famiiy hotel : references given and required ; all modern fonvtriienceK. ' • • ' r - — STOKES TO LET. PART OF STORE, 318 MARKET ST., AT $50 X per month. , ' ' HA A TWENTY-THIRD ST., NEAR GUEB- % Xi rero, with fixtures and living-rooms; tood for dressmaker or milliner. . See BALDWIN «fc AMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. : <_1 A PART OF STORE; GOOD FOR BAR- *Jp IU. b«r-shop, etc. 766 Folsom st. '-■ - ' 99 SIXTH ST.— STORE, 3 BOOMS, LABGE O_(_« yard; good stand forshoemaker; $12. • ■ _l)r STORE; TWO SHOW-WINDOWS; 4 _ i D . • large rooms; yard. 422 Sixth. . : ■ . v. TORE, 1624 HOWARD ST., CORNER OF Lafayette; cheap for any business, with flx- tures. Apply 2838 Mi—ion St., M. CURR AN. OUR-BTORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING X I and basement, 608 Sacramento St., containing elevator, power, etc.: rent $80. Apply DAVID fcjTEKN & SONS 20 Montgomery SU THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL, SATUKDAY, AUGUST 31, 1895. _ PIANOS. - VIOLINS, ETC. "BARGAIN LIST OF PIANOS. . SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. -". \ ' * Piano House, cor. Sutter and Kearny sts. Call early. Instruments here advertised usually sell promptly. Prices on these pianos the same whether sold for cash or Installments. Stool, cover and tuning for one year without ad- ditional charge. Delivery free. . ■".■; •"--' 1 Gabler. square, rosewood, good for beginner. $50 1 Newman Bros., square, new strings, case re- finished; good as new. 150 1 Nueent, square, carved legs and lyre; war- • v - -•> ranted good as new..:;...... .* J5O 1 Standard, upright, case is a little scratched. 150 1 Weber, square, looks like new, sounds like new, plays like new 200 1 Bluthner, upright, handsome case 200 1 Morris (Boston), upright, mahogany case. . . 200 1 Ronisch, upright, rosewood: $500 new 250 1 Gabler, upright: sells new $600 275 1 Estey, upright; truly a bargain.. 275 1 Emerson, upright, walnut case, largest size. 300 PR ACTICALLY . NEW. 1 Stelnway, upright, walnut case. 1 Stelnway, upright, ebonized case, large size. 1 fitelnway, buby grand, slightly used. 1 Gabler. parlor grand: a magnificent piano. SHERMAN, CLAY <fc CO., Piano House, Sutter and Kearny sts. \\TEBER UPRIGHT, NEARLY $275; " Hallett _ Cumstone square, $25. BRUENN, 1 2-8 Post st. ■ ■ CVPEN FOR BUSINESS. I The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale In San Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, 929 Market St., Spreckels building. ONLY A FEW OF THE SECOND-HAND Steinway & Chlckering uprights left. Call now fo_bargains, Bowers A Son, 23 and 26 Fifth st. T WILL PAY $100 CASH FOR A GOOD UP- X right piano. Address Piano, box 28, this office. 4 LADY FORCED TO LEAVE AT ONCE FOR x\. the East offers her fine Fieher upright piano for what It will bring. Call at once at room 10, 809 Market st. . IMMEDIATE SALE; UPRIGHT PIANO; $80; X stool, cover.. Room 12, Flood building, MY FINE PI AXCPWILLT BE SACRIFICED immediately to obtain money. See it at room 21, Flood building. VIOLINISTS AND ZITH-R PLAYERS SEE V exhibit of H. MULLER at Mechanics' Fair. "VTOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HEMME <fc _> Long piano; retiring from business: no rea- sonable offer refused. Warerooms, 340 Post st. ASY TERMS; LOW PRICE& KOHLER <t CHASE. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good ' piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER _ CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell St. "T\ECKER BROS., STEINWAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. • KOHLER & CHASE 18 and 30 O'Farrell st. ARGAINS IN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS: EASY X> payments. SCHMITZ A. CO., 935 Market st. rjr EASTERN PIANO; TERRIBLE BA V 'J. gain, on $s lnstallments. 22l Leavenworth. AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, X_ guitars and banjos at MAU ValS', 769 Market. "f t'ST RECEIVED— CELEBRATED "BUSH"' & O Gerts pianos: tone unsurpassed: cases uniqu* A. L. BANCBOFT it CO . 324 I'ost st. . - "TTORXUNG'S PIANO-HOUSE REMOVED TO XX 216 Post st.; instruments strictly first-class. ' GROSJEAN, VIOLIN MAKER AND RE- . pairer of string instruments. 307 Grant aye. RK M OVED-F. W. SPENCER & CO. to 338 1\ Post St., near Powell, opposite Union Bquare; sole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 338 Post st. . ■ STEINWAY L'PRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED- IJ grand tone: halt-cost. SPENCER. 338 Post 8U IfiEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS. STANDARD 1 makes, almost new, half original cost; ' see at once. F. W. SPENCER <fc CO.. 338 Post st. VV -"•'•«• BADGKR WITH KOHLER <t CHASE, >t _-6, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. - T3EXTIXG PIANOS; LARGE AND VArtIED XV assortment; tuned fre*. SHERMAN, CLaY «t CO.'S Piano-house, cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. EORGE V. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE VJ Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1300 Market st. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOHMEB, Newby & Evans. Briggs and other pianos. STECK. CHICKERIXG & SONS., VOSB i^ Sterlinc pianos sold on $10 installments. BEXJ. CUItTAZ »fc POX, sole Bgents. 16--20 O'Farrp'.l st. LUSI. I^^OST^LAST \VKDS : ESIDZY\^XuaV^7iii, -i between Palace Hotel and Markt't-.Joues a:ul Ed<ly sts., lady's gold watch, mounted with Jewels; a very liberal reward will be paid for its return to the owner, MAJOR F. McLAUGIILIN, Palace Hotel, or at office Palace Hotel. "ijjJTinP'^E LO S T— L ADY ' s' GOLD «ip lv watch, chain and charm, ou York St., bet. T 1 verity- first and Twenty-second. Return 6i»B Florida st. ' ■f (»T— A PARROT: $25 REWARD IF RE- J J turned to 3024 California st; OST— WHITE AXDBUINDLE BULLDOG OX iMonday last: was last -seen, corner of Web- ster, and Geary sts. Finder will be suitably re- warded by returning 4og to Midwinter Fair Hotel, cor. ary st. and Central aye. ••■■-> ~--—^ ■■ ■ .. ' ; • OST— A PASSBOOK \VITH TH E HIBERXIA Say ngs and Loan Society of San Franoisco, in the name of TERI>A LAGOMAR^IXO, Xo 187,565. The finder will please return to bank. qvj A A REWARD FOR 'RETURN OF SCARF O I \J\J pin, ruby set with diamonds; lost August 13. EDMOND HAVES, Grand Opera-House. T OST— A PASS-BOOK WITH THE HIBKRNIA XJ Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of CHRISTIAN" L. STOKKEBY, No. 168.365. The finder will please return to FOUND. I^fov^'B^vvns'K "with'^maTl sum of X? money; on Fell St., Thursday evening. Owner may have same by applying At 1226 Fell st. - _~. . ITiOUND— RED COW; LEFT EAR SPLIT. AP- ' ly 1523 Dolores st. . ll> I CAT AL ?^ElJil ; mrTrA^n3'X<sXY7N^3r^cu^ bting- \J ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. ELOCOTH — FBOFKBBOB ROSS, VOICE XJ culture, readings, recitations, drama. 6 Eddy. Tj-.RENCH, GERMAN, FanTsH ; L VINO -T method Larcher School, Flood bldg, Jl:irk t st. ASTERN UNIVERSITY WOMAN VVANT> pupils; English and Latin. Literature a spe- cialty. 617 Eddy st. "PIANO LESSONS, 75c AND $1; PUPIL OF J^ipsic Conservatory. 110 Hydt: st., room I. a yiSKA INSTITUTE, 1606 VAX NESS AYE. ; Zj school for girls. MME. B. ZISKA, A.M., I'rin. ISS. MOORE'S. 1 BOARDING AND DAY school, 515 Haight French taught without extra charge; facilities for studying music, aa and languages. - • ■ ■ ■ •■ • ■ • AN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1236 Market; send for cat. ; day arid evening session. ISS RUBY EAGLESTON, TEACHER OF autoharp: lessons free.instrument. 131 Larkln. "PARTTXGTOX'S SCIIOOL OF MAGAZINE X and Newspaper Illustration will open Septem- ber 9 in the old rooms of the Art Association, 424 Pine st. Address for particulars, J. H. E. PAR- TINGTOX, Third aye. and Twelfth St., Oakland. ANJO AND PIANO LESSONS, 60C EACH. 844 Howard st. . ■ . . OWENS ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AYE Berkeley. . T. S. BOWENS, M.A., Principal. NG LI SH LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY XJ class or private. MRS. EHRM AN, 1284 Bush. OITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BURLING AME San MateoCo., reopens Aug. 6. IHAG.HOITT. TJOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ARITHMb XJtlc taught 6 weeks icourse $30. 6 Stockton st.,r. 5 OCAL TEACHER JOSEPH GREVEN IM- V proves and beautifies even spoiled- voices, and procures positions to his pupils. 82 Ninth st. IOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, CORNET taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 225 Geary ;reasonable PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY SCI EN C X bldg; thorough commercial <fc English training, PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MElSTER- scbaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. SCHOOL: HEALD'S BUSIXESS COL- lege, 24 Post St.; commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates. ■ ' ■ • ■ ■ • T)ELASCO LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— X> Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed onstage. R. 5 _ 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. QCHOOL ELECTRICAL, IN ING, O chanical euglneering, surveying, architecture, asaaytestab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 STIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market St.: diploma courso $30. NGLIBH BRANCHES : TAUGHT BY- MIS 3 DILLON, McAllister, r.46; private or class. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical 1 engineering, telegraphy, ■ modern lan- guagen rapidly lau;ht. Write for catalogue. \ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS— THE J\ WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. - FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE. S'^A^E^6^^^CTTA^>E^E^A^Y^TlißiMs3^ Oakland, Los Angeles, San Francisco or San Diego city property: whole or part of $30,000; Fruitlnud; home' of 100 acres; celebrated springs; choice fruits: attractive pepper tree and orange grove; clear of .incumbrance; convenient to San Diego Bay and ocean; connecting San Diego and Coronado beach by two railroads. Inquire of ZACH MONTGOMERY, Los Angeles, or R. J MONTGOMERY, Oakland. • ■ - ..--. ' . FINANCIAL. ■iir e^aiTloan y7?u^J6^e"y^n^.^fTand » » Oakland real estate, first mortgage, at 7 and 8 perceo_. A. F. JOHNS «fc CO., 632 Market St., rm. 0. N-? SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real : estate; lowest rate: call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J.'NOONAN. 1021 Mission st. ■ OFFICM9 TO LET. mO^ET^LAIiGITsTjNN^^^ lon first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery St.. rooms 1 and 2. - " : ■ ' ' ' -" . ---.- '.'- LEGANT OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKELS building, 925 - Market: rents ' low: no extra charge for gas, Janitor services or I beating. Apply at building or (i. H. UMBSEN <fc CO., 14 Montg. St. -V-*:. MONEY TO LOAN. ■ y T OANS ON;BEAL ESTATE IST XnWnD XJ mortgages, undivided Interests, estates; any amount; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. T OANB ON FURNITURE OR PIANOS WITH- XJ out removal; .San Francisco, Oakland or Ala- meda; lowest rates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. DAY NO COMMISSION AND COME TO LOAN- X er direct for money on your pianos and furniture without removing; we also go to Oakland, Berke- ley and Alameda. 418 Ellis St., room 22. * - C 1%. CITY, COUNTY COLLATERAL _>a curitle_. TRA VER» <fc LAMB, 612 California. MONEY TO LOAN, CITY OR COUNTRY REAL IVi estate. WORKMAN A FRENCH, 630 Market. WHY PAY. HIGH RATE ON SMALL LOANS .11 when you can get from $200 up at 65 cents per month interest on $100. Loan, box 83, Call. , T OANS ON FURNITURE OR PIANQS WITH- XJ out removal; private party; low Interest. 215 Powell st. . ONEY LOANED ON PIANOS BY PRIVATE party; low interest. 215 Powell st. . ■' OXEY TO LOAN ON SAN FRANCISCO, Oakland and country real estate in any amou A. F. JOHNS A CO., 632 Market st., room 9. ANY- AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES, diamonds, jewelry, seaUkins, pianos, all valu- ables and securities: private office; tusiness con- fidential. , Co;umi la .Loan and Collateral office (Incorporated), 9 Grant aye., 3 dcors from Mark TVAMONDS— THE HIGHEST AMOUNT XJ loaned on them at UNCLE HARRIS',IS Grant avenue. ■ . ■ ■ / ONEY ON ANY SECURITY; STRICTLY private: interest moderate; best price for old gold and silver.- 126 Kearny st., room 39. : TLTYg SUM IN TRUST; INTEREST LOWER Jj than banks: first and second mortgages a spec- ialty: $100 up: no delay. Money; box 17, Call. OXEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. 2 _ 3%. TRA VERB LAMB, 612 California st. ANY AMOUNT; IST, 2D OR 3D MORTGAGES: estates, undivided interests, real estate In pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. ' MUNICIPAL LOAX OFFICE, 103 GRANT avenue; private entrance IOU/i, upstairs. ANY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES city or country :Estates. MURPH V.628 Market MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1106Marketst.,nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk. STRICTLY PRIVATE. LOAN OFFICES. 850 Market St., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years; always open. "Uncle Bill." :- ■ BORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: lowest rates. ' Call or write to HARRY ANKEL A CO., Mills bldg, 6th floor, r 6; strictly confidential. f\S ANY SECURITY. at LOW RATES; DEAL- \J ing confidential. 43 Crocker building. ■ DENTISTS. e7lTr^_jjle~fl_a'P sljttXble^for tJp_<U. dentist. 404 Castro st., corner Market and Seventeenth. " ■• ■ ' ' - T7MRST-CLASS DENTISTRY AT LOWEST JP prices at Obdontunder Dental Parlors, 816»4 Geary St., bet. Hyde and Larkln; extractions (painless) for 60 days more, 25c. R. L. WALSH, I).D S., proprietor. . . - .... DR.REA.3OOTURK ST— ALL DENTAL WORK .at lowest prices and warranted: open evenings. LL WORK REASON A LE AND WAR- ranted.- DR. . I. W. KEY, 112- Market st. DR. J. .1. LEEK. 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gute ave.— Upcn evenings: Sundays till noon. DB. GEORGE W. LEEK, Til E GENUINE • Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work .or ' teeth without any plate, moved from to2o O'Farrell st. t"chaXfants'S,Bm"as6n7cob. MARKET, sets of teeth are n:;ide to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns anil cold plates prices reduced; 6inall /old fillings only painless extraction. riROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- \J ket, bet.! 3d and 4tn, gas speeiaiisis: only reli- able agent for paimess extraction: artificial teeth frmsa;fillins:s fromsl: extracting 60c, gassl. '(_ 7 A SET FOR TEETH -WARRANTED AH «]p I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. 8IMM& dtntlst, 930 Market St.. next Baldwin Theater. • i R. H. 1... IUI.M'. BBIDIiJJa AM' Ii.I.TH \* without plates a specialty. 1841 I'oik.v. DR. LVPLI'M HILL," 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new: teeth lrom $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. ;. COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. tWSMAß- ketst. DR. CHARLES W. DECKEit. /CHEAPEST AND BEST IX AMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any m!dre6B in tho' United States, or Canada, one year for $1 50, post- aze free. PROPOSALS. OE_Tl.K]> PBOPOSAL- WILL' RKCI'. I V 1 O at the Folsom State Prison on Saturday, Sep- tember 28, 1895, between the hours of 9. and 10 a. m.. for furnishing a rock crushing plant, consist- ing or engine) crushers, toneu, elevators and uecoss;iry equipments, in accordance witt) the topo- gxaphlcal map and general outline specifications, • on Hie with \V. R. Et KAitT. rooms 2 HU'I 3, - 17 -tmsoine street, San Francisco, or ai the. oßice of Bureau of lliehways, Sacramento. The board will '.< ; the, coßintl 10-iJif -bidierwhicli. in its*Judg- mcnT, submits best unci most economical plant, reservina; the rii;h to reject any and all bids. - :■;. The cciii ral oullinr specifications adopted by the boairl are to be ustd only »-, a iiUide to bidders who are exjiecif d to submit plans, with full description of tlit-ir proposed arranwnient of the machinery, which thr-y consider will secure the best results, fc Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the- undersigned, e'cuiivjilent to ten i>erc -nt of the airount of ttie bid, whic-1 will bo iorfelted if the mccessTnl bidder should use to enter Into a contract with a bond equal to one-half the amount satisfactory to t h>- boaril. . - . >r.v-- BKAISAIiD I. SMITH, . ; Secretary Joln^ Committee. 1)ROI'OSAI ... . _OR LEASING LINCOLN SCHOOL PROP- • KRTY ON THE SOUTHEAST COnKER OF .. MARKET AXD FIFTH STREETS. OFFI'EB D op EDUCATIO-T, \ • San FbaKoisco, Au.ust 27, 1895. ; . In accordance with ■ rcsolut on a.oprrd by the I'oaitl tf rdi;fa;n.n, sialiii. j ropoails wi 1 1 c re- ce 1110 en .ion if s;.id b anl on Wedues- O) y, .^ei'iemb.r 11. iaBs, ut b:S5u o'clock 1 ._.. for .h« .ea-s,-, fjr the term of ■ ten ars, of the Lincoln hool pro: 'Tiy. ou the tiou:hets. cjrn.'rof lli'.rkut ana Kiith str < t<. 275 fet t on '.vlarket street," by a uniform depth oi" lUOfeet, as a whole or In subdi- visions o: 26 feet frontage. A 1 1 age for the whole 1 roperty, or leases for sub- divisions thereof, will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. or bid lers, but no proposals to lens- said property will be -entertained unless tho aggregate montblv rent proposru to be paid shall equal or exceed $3600: . Tbe board reserves the right to reject any or all b:dj as the public pood ma-- require. ■ " ; • GEORGE BEAXSTON, Secretary. "PROPOSALS FOR CHAIRS FOR GIRLS' HIGH X School.— ln accordance with a resolution of the Board of Education, -sealed proposals will be . re- ceived by the ' Miperintendenl of Common Schools in 'open session of said Board," new City Hall, on SATURDAY, August 31, 1885, at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing the shUI Board with. the following described chairs and delivering in the hall of the Girls' High School: ■ U4 folding chalis; 18 or 19 inches wide. 4UO opera chairs, 19 or _0 inches wide. .Mi sections of 5 folding chairs in each, 18 or 19 Inches wide." - ■ . 162 sectlonsof 4 folding chairs in each, 18 or 19 Inches wide. - : y 300 cane-seat chairs for stage. -- ; . » -.', ;-,'u, i All chairs to be of hardwood, solid or veneered. ■ Samples of all chairs offered must be submitted at the ofllce of the Board of Education before the hour set for the reception of proposals. ' « The chairs must be delivered in tlje,hall of the Girls' High School on Scott street, between Geary and O'Farrell streets, San Francisco, on or before September 21,1 885.. ■ ,=..;,.. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of $250, made payable to • the order of the secretary of the Board of Education, conditioned that If the proposal be accepted and tbe contract awarded and if the bidder shall fait or neglect to execute a written agreement an*» give the bonds required within six days after the award is made, then and in that case said check shall - be forfeited to the said Board of Education. The Board reserves the rieht to reject any or all bids, or any portion of any bid, as the public good may re- quire. Blank proposals will be furnished by the secretary on application. The parties to whom contracts are awarded will be required, prior to or at the time of the execution of the contracts, to pay their proportion of the cost or advertising this notice. GEOROE BEAXSTON, Secretary. ; PAKTNEKSHIP NOTICES. <\ , T^OTICE-THE FIRM^^I^'ILLe'XcOM^ XV pany, heretofore doing business at -33 Cali- fornia street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, is dissolved. . GEORGE 11. BRYANT re- tires from the firm. SARAH A. NEVILLE and C. M. OSBORN. the remaining partners, are au- thorized to transact all business in liquidation of said- firm and have assumed all tbe obligations thereof, and all claims are to be presented to them. GEORGE H. BRYANT, SAKAH A. NEVILLE, • C. M. OSBORN. ; ' The undersigned have formed a partnership un- der the name of NEVILLE & CO., and will con- tinue to carry on the same business transacted by the late firm Of NEVILLE _ CO. . > ■ SARAH A. NEVILLE, . C. M. OSBORN. . '...;:■" HE BUSINESS HERETOFORE CARRIED on under the name of PACIFIC LAUNDRY MACHINERY COMPANY, by the undersigned and J. E. CHAPPELL, has been terminated by the expiration of their contract on August 1, 1895. JOSHUA HENDY MACHINE WORKS. ■ ' . ; LKGAL MOTICES. " ~~- f N^TH^^U^EmO^^ullT^^OF^THE "■ CITY X and County: of San : Francisco, State of Califor- nia.— ln the matter of DUFFY BROB., insolvent debtors. Notice "Is hereby given to all the cred- itors of CHARLES E. DUFFY, an .Insolvent debtor, who have proved their debts, . that : said CHARLES E. DUFFY has filed in said Superior Court his petition for a discharge from all his debts and liabilities, and that by an order of sa'.d court all said creditors are required to appear before said court, at the courtroom thereof, . Department No. 10, in the New City Hall, in said City and County, on the 28d day of September, A. D. 1895,-at the hour of 10 a. m., and then and there show cause,' If any they have, why the said CHARLES E. DUFFY should not be discharged from all his | debts, In ac- cordance with the statutes in such cases made and provided.- ■>■■■' :■»*■.' r ■■-?■"■>" '.' ■ " -. ' - "■■ •'.--•-. ■.-,■.< ■ Att«st my hand and seal of said court this 21st day of August, 1895. v . .■> -..-.■■ ■■■..■„■* .., , [seat.] - , ' - '- * • ■C. F. CURRY, Clerk. By WM. A. DEANE, Deputy Clerk. •_■__ ._;;■' CITY RE AT, t ESTATE. :.:::{ ' ri ILT-EDGE^CORNER.^ " M^ :" " r ;•'"; ; VJT $4 LOO— Choice, cozy cottage on corner of Chat- tanooga and 23d sts. : open to-day for inspection: car-line passes the door; street bituminized; (can be converted Into business property at any time at small outlay: part cash. Apply to TOBIN <fc McXALLY, 630 Market st. --'.*'■ f W ANTED-MAN CAPABLE Of MANAGING a well-equipped real-estate office, with large list of country bargains and extensive connections: light expenses: equal partnership open to a good' man with $1000. capital. Address C. L., box 98, Call Office. •-.'■■• ■■"" t>EAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY C. S. CAPP & Xt CO., 413 Montgomery st. ARMY st.— 3oo feet froutage, between Howard and FolHom sts. " ~- "-" ■ ' < '- -:'■■. '. -PRE"CITA aye.— Bo feet frontage. ' CALIFORNIA ave.— ss feet frontage. CAPP St., between 25th and 26th— 32:6x115. CHEAP LOTS SOUTH OF THE PARK. THIRTY-SECOND ave.— 26xl2o, bet. Clement and Point Lobos. ' :■' ■' " '' ■"■■ '■ EIGHTH aye.. bet. Clement and Point Lobos. BERNAJL. HOMESTEAD, near Mission road— lo fine lots. • '■•■.• i DOUGLASS and 25th. SE. c0r.— 25x75. GUERRERO, near 14th— 45 feet froutage. FOUR FLATS on Jones st. ' Store and 2 rooms, with flat above and rear house on Folsoim. . • .'.-■. '■ , 60 lots in South San Francisco 200 lots neur Colma. - r - THREE FLATS on Leavenwortli st. CHEAP HOUSE and LOT on Powell st. Improved and vacant lots fn all parta of the city. See our printed lists. : . ' RICK BUILDING BUSINJSSS PROPERTY on Market at.; rent $7200 a year. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 66x137 :6 ft.; price, $11,000. E. side Stnnyan st,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; 26x100; price $2600. - -. ■ 50x127 :6 fj. on Jackson at., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. ' ■ Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 26x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: -price $6000; make offer. " : Nor:h side of Folsom St., bet. 4th and sth; 68:9 x 160 feet. Lot on Duncan st., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet: price $400. .- , \ • • Cottage house, 1367 Dolores St.; 6 rooms and bath, basement; 25x9C itet. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Lane" Agent, 324 Montgomery street. ...... .;. T>ICHMOND LOT. MUST BE SOLD. it Centrally located: 4 car lines near by; lot 25x 120, on 2dave., near Point Lobos avo. or Geary St.; sewered and ready to build on: price reduced to $1150; must be so!d without delay. Inquire of H. E. POEHLMAN, 415 Montgomery st. r 7fif\f\ HOME FOR. $5000 ; HO USE OF 9 wp ( \j\j\J . rooms: 3 lots 25x100 enoh : one Mock to electric cars: half cash down. PUILBRICK & METCALF, 2548 Folsom st. . MODERN FINE OAKLAND RES I JJEN CE, near lake, fully furnished; electric cars; for sale or rent. ajcCARTHY CO., 646 Market., S. F . o£l f\(\ TO $300: CHKAP 8. F. CITY LOTS: tJJJLUU terms, $5 down, $5 per month. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market Bt. "AJEVV COTTAGE, IN RICHMOND, 1 BLOCK -L^ ■ from Geary-st. cars and :25 minutes', ride to Ktarny St.; 5 rooms, bath and modern lmprovo- mttnts: lot 25x1(10; beautifulgarden: sewer: will be sold very cheap and easy terms; owner com- pelled to move. Address Richmond, box 46, , Call. x107:6-SW. COR. JERSEY AND DlA- niond Apply within. • • OUSK.S BUILT $150 TO $275 A ROOM; CALL II aud examine plans. 1149 Mission st. <Sil QflA COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS; IN BERKE- (IMOUU. ley: lot 60x125. • ' | $450— Rough house; 2 rooms; lot 40x100; $10 i monthly. • i - .■ f $750— Lot 60x100; near station. Other houses and lots all over town. • CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Markrt st. or Berkeley ma..on, Berkeley. COUNTRY HEAL ESTATE. :©^~CAA~?F?>n J )3AU^ HA"NGEn?OR ! <Jp"±c)v/U. city or Oakland property, ranch of j 1-8 acres, 7 miles from Santa Cruz and 8 miles I from Capitoln. 40 acres of which are farming and ■ 83 timber land: water in abundance. Call or ad- I dress A. LEWTHWAITE, 500 Montgomery St.. j basement. ',. •.•■■■ -.^ ■ . ■ . . \\T ANTED-MAN capable OF MANAGING " a well equipped real estate office with large list of country bargains and extensive conn-ctions: liifht expenses: equal partnership open to a good man with $1000 capital. Address C. L., box 98, I Call Office. :— . : ... . .- I \l' ANTED— MAN CAPABLE OF MANAGING I »» a well-equipped real estate office with laree list ! of country bargains and extensive connections; j lltrht expenses: equal partnership to a good man with $1000 capital. Address C. L., box 98, Cell. <3»;rfrA/y hill>«Yde"ranchT ONE AND A «3)t)tJUU. half miles from Los Gntos; fine view of ."tanta' Clara Valley; 156 acres: no mortgage: about 50 or 60 acres cleared and originally planted to irees and vines; good house of 5 rooms! plenty spring water; finest climate for throat, and lung ! troubles; will irade for >an Francisco or San Jose j property. JAMES a. CLA YTON & CO., San Jose. INKVAi'.U IN NAPA FOR HALE: 60 ACRES > in cultivation: 166 acres in all: complete facil- ities for wlne-makins; horses, wagons, cattle, etc.: ; no agtots. For particulars, J. F. MAYER, 132 j Kloventh st., S. F. : ; "■'■■:. , - .. Fk mr n -RANCH AND VINEYARD EX- ct) n«ed or sold on account of i!lnes«; great in- | ducements offered: no agents. F., box 56, Call. j I^OR .--ALE— A CHH KEN RANCH IN MARIN I r County; about 6 acres, well Improved. Grocery, ! 868 Folsom, nr. Fifth. ■ IPOR SALE— COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS, BATH X 1 and b-wemeht, in San Rafael. Apply ZIEREN- | BKRG, West End, San Rafael, or 401 Butter st. Tn ACRES. ORANGE GROVE AT PALEBMO, I." Butte County. Cal.: all fenced rabbit proof; a rare chance for investment. ' Apply this o;nce. 6, 8 AM) IV! ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES; two with small improvements; j 8 and 10 years' credit ut 7 p»t cent; close to town, D. H. T WING, Sonoma City, Cat. : ST B E BO O N E OF THE BEST LO- cated 160-ftcre ranches in Lake County; 14 miles from Clear Lake, with plenty running water: 100 acres improved; 5-room house: plenty timber; $2500; tl;ne to suit on paytuen;s. - W.L. FOSTER, Kel.seyviUe. Lake County, Cal. | To LEASE. FOH CASH— 32O ACRES RICH level land, 2' miles from town of San Luia Obispo; abundant \va>r. Apply to ' DAVIDSON A LEIGH, 137 Montgomery st. <2i9nftn 160 ACRK.B: : UNIMPROVED; tjp Jj\J\J\J. covered with white and black o»k: no better land In the .State; 35 miles from this city;* 2 miles from Glen Ellen. Address Ranch, box 106, Call Office. MARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from S»n Francisco. ' ■'"• ' !v.^t,_^.>- . : RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired: fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation: both rail : and water transportation; $40 to $76 per acre; easy terms; town of Novato; graded school, • hotels : and stores on the property; send lor circular. ; ... Dairy for sale with or without cows. • SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65 Chronicle building. '-.' • \ ' •*: TF YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING J-' purposes or an orchard alreaay improved, where only.small cash outlay is required, balance payable in X or 7 years, apply 826 Montgomery St.. S. F. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMEDA i:i A!. ESTATE. o^r^ntfM^DrTrE^iXLE — near~school and station; streets Improved and sewered. :.- -$2250— $50 cash, $25 monthly; 30x100; cottage, 4 rooms and bath. ' ■ ' •-' .■• ' * ' .- > • $2400— cash, $20 monthly; 37:6x100: cot- tage, 5 rooms and bath. • .. . - $3250— 550 cash, $35 monthly; 38x100: corner house In fine condition: 8 rooms and bath. ■• - $8250— cash, $30 monthly: 87x110; ele- gant colonial cottage; 7 rooms and bath. •; $8850— 5200 cash, $35 monthly: 37x120; hand- some new cottage, 8 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from 810 up. Open Sunday and holidays. • • ' ■ - ■-. ■•■ MARCUBE * BEMMEL, Bay-street station, Alameda, and „ 628 Market st., San Francisco. : .. - mjO7'/-k LOT 40x158; MODERN COTTAGE <]p.Zi • O\J. of 6 rooms and bath; sunny side of a macadamized street; $200 down and $30 per month. " ■ : i > $3000— Lot 60x140; on macadamized street: 2- story house of 6 rooms: $200 and $30 per month. •Apply to JAS. A. LEONARD CO., 1364 Park St., Al .meda. *■ . •' ■.: .-. ;. V ;-.^- ; OT 60x205, STREET WORK DONE, PRICE $1000, former price $1800; house and lot, $800: fine lot, $500. HALL <& BAIRD, 1303 Park at., Alameda. .-.-■■■ ■■■..,;■■, LOT 60X160 - ■ $2000— Lot 60x116; cottage of 6 rooms and hath: stable: sunny frontage; $100 cash, balance $26 monthly; No. 170. ■ . $2300— Lot 60x86, with 6 rooms j and bath; . $50 cash; $20 per month; No. 127. ' .■ .: . $1600— Lot 65x100; cottage 4 rooms; part cash; No. 129. ... :■-' •■- : . : . ,•' ' . . "... '"."■■ --.1.-;;; $600— Lot 35x150: a snap. ,> : Houses to: let in all parts of 'Alameda, $10 and up. ■ For bargains In Alameda property, see the Alameda Land Company, . 1500 Park at., corner Santa Clara aye., Alameda. ...•; -• '_ ; ;, <Si 1 ft(\ OABH, $20, PER. MONTH; LOT 30x tJnlv/U 150; modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 2 blocks station; $2200. • ' " r No. 654. $100 cash, $25 per month: lot 33:4x150; new 2- Btorv bouse 6 rooms and bath, 2 . blocks from sta- tion. $2600. ,- . ~ . •.••■■ •■ - ■ ■ > •-, No. 620. - ' $100 cash, $30 month; 10t 35x150: modern 2- atory house 7 rooms and bath with barn. 1 block from station; $3000. : .'No. 669. r $200 cash, $30. per month ; lot 37:2x108: eleio*nt new cottage 5 rooms and Dath; $31Q0. I No. 670. r $500 cash, $40 per month ; lot 33:4x140: eleg»ut 2-htory house 7 rooms and bath, 1 block from- sta- tion: $4500. - ' • No. 665. > $1000 cash, $50 per month; lot 40x150; fine 2- story house 9 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion; $6500. ; ;■ <-,;:' No. 333. Houses to let in all parts ' of Alameda. Apply to H. P. MOREAL. 1432 Park at., Alameda. .- . OAKLAND j HOTELS. G^TlTnTSo^h^t^lT^t^e^^eTdlncj^and vT largest hotel \ in , Oakland ; . table first class; terms by week or month, moderate; trains to and 1 from San Francisco every ?15 minutes; cars from Sixteenth-street | station pass I hotel; sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY, Proprietor. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— BROADWAY. : ' OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. 1 fifl ACRES ELEGANT LAND ; 2 MILES L\J\J this side of Li vermore; running stream: 535 per ncre. — • . : . i 1 A ACRES, SAN LORENZO; ALL IN BEAR- 1U ing fruit; $5000. _ 6 ACRES, HAYWARDS; 3 ACRES BEARING O trult: $3000. . HOUSE AND LOT, GOLDEN GATE; S?1400, on Installments. - VTEW HOUSE, FRUITVALE: 7 ROOMS; i-i large lot; $500 over the mortgage; about half the cost. _. ■-••■ .3-- -i j 1 ACRE AND 2 SMALL HOUSES: RIGHT IN X Pleasanton, Alame.da County: $1000. . Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. CjOCAA CALL AND SEE THE NEW MOD- <]pZiUUV/. em houses of 5. 7 and 10 rooms. Al- den & Garfield are building in tbe heart of Oak- land; easy : terms If desired. Ollice 002 Broad- way, ALDEN <fc GARFIELD. ■■■■■ ■ OOD BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE IN EAST Oakland, near cars: $5 cash and $1 a week. ALDEN & GARFIELD, 902 Broadway. OR SALE ORTOTIEASE-A GOOD PROP- erty; family resort; house 11 rooms and bath; saloon, garden, carrlase-house and barn; all mod- ern improvements. Inquire premises, H. BOCKLE- MAN, opp. station, Golden Gate, Alamedu County. OLDEN GATE, NEW BROADWAY AND Berkeley 10t5. 5125 up; terms, $10 cash, $5 a month. THE MCCARTHY CO.. 646 Market, S. F. <J£9Qfifi REDUCED FROM $3500, IF SOLD tJp^OUU. at once— Cottage, 5 rooms and bath, modern in every way: lot 33 feet front: only three blocks from City Hall and Narrow-Gance depot; neighborhood best in Oakland: terms, $700 cash; call early. J. 8. MYERS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. OT 60x140. SUNNY SIDE OF FREMONT J aye.. Linda Rosa Tract, Fruitvale; $400 cash. J. HOEY, 641 Folsom St. : . .- «aj-|AAA LOT '-sxllo .AND IMPROVE- <II)i-v/v/vr. ments; eusy terms and cheap. 1365 Peralta st. • - r .-. ■--,-: ■ - 7 -.;■ . ---; IG BARGAIN— HOME: MUST be sold: owner going to Oregon;' house 2-story, 9 rooms, large hall, cut glass windows; lot 40x125, price $8500; terms to suit purchaser. KOE- NIG <t- KROLL, 1006 Broadway, or A. H. BREED & CO., 460 Ninth St., Oakland. . ... <3{Q9'n YEN- ROOM COTTAGE, BATH f^pOjidtJKf. and modern Improvements: lot 50x 168: on Thirty-second st., near Telegraph aye. , - $4500— 8-room house, bath, hot -and cold water; good barn; lot 45x100; on Te.nth St., Castro; a bargain. . , . • ■ . $2250— 2-story 6 room house; bath; lot 50x100; centrally located; good neighbornood; a great bar- gain. , - ... v . Lot 100x100, on Jackson st: good location for flats. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. <2»-| ACASH AND $5 PER MONTH BUYS A #5) -I" choice, lo: at Elmhurst, Oakland's most beautiful homesite; Haywards electric-cars pass property every 15 minutes: nearer Oakland than Berkeley; growing rapidly: l'.'OO inhabitants: lots $175 and upwards; no interest or taxe3. A.' C. BERTHIER & CO., room 17, Crocker building, San Francisco. ■■■•■-•. ■ , PROPERTY IN ALL PARTS OF ALAMEDA -L County for sale; large tracts in acres or lots be- tween Oukland and Berkeley; property at Temes- cal a specialty. W. I. ROBINSON, 459 Ninth St., Oakland. ORE TRACTS AND RANCHES FOR SALE— 8 ncre3 at Frultvale.' all. in fruit: good house and burn: tine view; most be sold; will sell for less tban half Us value: 13 acres at Blair's Park; lovely view; easy terms to suit: don't fall to see them. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway. - • ' OR SALE— SI4OO COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS AND bath; corner tot: easy terms: good location. WILLIAM P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. 'ffljOA MONTHLY FOR-5-ROOM COTTAGES; <JpZil/ plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden Gate statn. <il; 1 df\f\ HOUSE, 6 ROOMS.IN BERKELEY; «3D±OvU. lot 100x100 with creek; 100 varieties flowers, fruits, etc. . ' ■ $250— Half acre bill land : other houses and lots all over Berkeley. CHARLES A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley Htation, Berkeley. ig.;i m « lots NEAR THE altenhe"im IN «!»--L O\J. Fruitvale: electric cars; only $1 down and $la week; selling fast; good Improvements. H. B. PINNKY. owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LEI. 7^rR"K^*T^S2S?^X'BiEAT;TIFL^'M^DERN -F home of 7 rooms and bath; newly decorated Inside nnd out; excellent neighborhood; short walk to local; large lot; nunny side of stieet. Address W. P. Tljni), 1008 Broadway. OAKLAND FUKXITUKE FOR SALK. •nCti R N IT U RE AKD CARPETS AT YOUB OW» JT lirire. H. SCTIKI, I.HAAS. 4QS Eleventh St. • 'BEKIvKLEV tSTATE. ERKELEY AND GOLDEN GATFriX)fsT$l25 up-$5 cash, $5 per mo. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 .Nh.rke; St., S. F. - A NOTHER BARGAIN: HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS: xv orchard: 120x135: owner sick: must sell. Ap- ply JOSEPH J. MASON, Dwight-vvay station. 5-KOOM COTTAGE: 60x135: $T650. F tlr I<>. BOKGLK. Gol-len Gat* station. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS stockton real ESTATE. B~"h; money For the right man. having experience In the sale of real estate; choice lots in Northern Stockton for SR'e on the easiest terms ever offered in Sock- ton: $10 down, $5 per month, without interest or taxes; electric streetcars furnishing rapid transit 10 all parts of the city; liberal terms to agents; cor- respondence solicited. . . - -. -.•■::• ■: ■ - - A. A. DUDLEY & CO.. 405 East Main st., Stockton. DR. OLIVER, ' - REAL ESTATE DEALER, 513 East Main St., Stockton. Owner of East Stockton and Brown's Additions: lots in these and other additions at $5 a month; no Interest and no taxes: largest list of inside prop- erty of any dealer in Stockton; quick sales and small profits is the motto of this office. . ;-;r.. i.:,;.v ESCALON nAS BEEN SELECTED BY THE J directors of the 8. F. and S. J. V. R. R. Co. (Valley road) for the principal station In the south- eastern part of San Joaquln County and is destined to become at once the most important of all the stations on the line of the railroad on account of the vast bodies of rich, alluvial ■ loam lands sur- rounding the town, every acre of which will be sold with a perpetual water right. I Take some of your money out of the 4-per-cent savings bank and invest in this Coming center of southeastern San .Toaquin County. •■' •For maps, descriptive matter, etc., address E. E. HARLOWE <fc CO., 430 East Main st., Stockton, California. ■ ' .■ . LATEST SHIPPING IJN'TJSLI.IGENOK. Movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. NEW YORK— Arrived Auk 30— Stmrs Minerva and Plimnlela, from Hamburg; slmr Georgia, from Stettin. sailed Aug 30— Rtnar Europe, for London. SOUTHAMPTON— SaiIed Aug 30— Stmr Nor mannia, for Xew York. LONDON— Sailed Aug 30— Stmr America, for New York. GLASGOW— SaiIed Aug 30— Stmr Ethiopia, for New fork: HAMBURG— Arrived out Ang 30— Stmr Fuerst Bismarck. BROWHEAD-Passed Aug 30— Stmr Etruria,fm Nrw York for Liverpool. LIZARD— Passed Auk 30— Stmr Westernland, from New York for Antwerp. .HAlUilAl.r. MCI-.NSKS. Licenses to marry were granted yesterday ai follows : ' f John E. Musser and Dora Cantrell, 28—21. A. E. Brown and . Ella F. Hchlachhuber, 25—20. E. A. Skahan and Marguerite M. Dunn, 35—25. M. Wleland and Gertrude Kaffke, 31—26. K. B. Stevens and Hattie P. Taylor, 30—24. U»iVOKOJS SUIT BEGUN.- A suit for divorce was begun yesterday as fol- lows: ' . r J : Jsellie Barr against Kdward Barr. • DIVORCES GRANTED. ■ - V . ' .. . .-„ ■: "_-" . > -i : ' ■'. The following divorces were granted In the Su- perior Court yesterday : y . -. .-. , -. . . Margaret I. Leach from Andrew M. Leach; will- ful neglect. • - . . • ■ -/ ■ ' Dora A. Gowan from Uriel H. Gowan : cruelty. ". A. G. Cooper from Annie Cooper: desertion. ■■:■■, Suda M. Gift from Monroe K. Gift; willful neg- lect, and failure to provide. \ -, Susan L. Whitney from Milton W. Whitney; de- sertion. '= '• . . • . •••: -. -! ;. ■■ . j. ■ .< • . -.- Mary Hickev from Emmet Hickey; cruelty. .•'-. BIETHS—MitIIRIACjES— DEATHS. BORN. ,'\ v'J?i EGAN— In this city, August 27, 1895, to the wife ." of Edw. M.' Egan, a daughter. , GERTSEN— In this city, August 20, 1895, to the wife of C. MV Gertsen, a daughter. KEM— In this city, Augnst 29, 1895, to the wife of J. Kern, a daughter. : ... : • - : . :-'.: ': • LYNCH— In this city, \. August 19, 1895, to the wife of J. J. Lynch, a daughter. ! . . MCDONALD4In this city.' August 30, 1895. to the % wife of George A. McDonald, a daughter. ; : - MORAN— In East Oakland. August 3, 1895, to the ■'■ wife of W. J. Moran,- a daughter. •<• O'CONMOR-In this city, Augnst 12, 1896, to the wife of John O'Connor, a daughter. ? ■ ROWLAND— In this city, August . 26, 1895, to the wife of T. J. owl aud, a daughter. - , " MARRIED. ; , .. :. ... .. *. - BURNS— DW YER— In this city, August 29, 1896. ,-:.-, by the Rev. E. J. Lyons, Charles Y. Burns and Evelyn B. Dwyer, both of San Francisco. DART— MERSFELDEB— In this city, August 26, * 1895, by the Rev. Dr. E. Nelander, Frederick M. Dart and Rose Mersfelder, both of San Francisco. HUTCHINBON— thia ' city, Augu« S -28, 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Stebblhs,' Allen Huteft- I insdn of Honolulu and Ella F. | Ferric of * San I Francisco. . ; ' ■■■■■■■ WALPERT— this city. August 29, 1895. by the Rev. Dr. W. W. Case, Charles H. Osman and Emma Walpert, both ot San Fran- ■ cisco. ■ QUILTY— ZUVER— In this city. August 28, 1895. by the Rev. Dr. W. W. Case, Frank :E. Quilty and Flora Zuver, both of San Francisco. SEDDON— McCOKMICK— In this c>ty, Angust 26, 1895, by the Rev. Dr. Dille, Thomas Seddon and L. May McCormick, both of San Francisco. DIED. Anson, Frederick A. Iburg, Elizabeth M. Barry, Richard Krull, Ernst G. Dever, Katie r Lynch. Peter Delfcat. J. F. A. Lewis, Harriet E. Fullard, Mary C. McCauley, Robert Giles, George N. Moore, Catherine Geary, John A. - Maier, Georglne Hahn, Lenu M. Oakshett, Ellen Harris, Bridget A. Peck, Mrs. Vina D. .i Hyatt, John B. Perar H, Dr. Leopoldo Huslng, Mary J. ■ Sullivan, Patrick Husing, Fred ' Sinclair, Capt. C. H. Hecht, Isaac ' Temple, Arthur *.-; Watson. Delia ANSON-In this city, August 29, 1895, at St. Luke's Hospital, Frederick A. Anson, a native of London. England, aged 41 years. ' - JBS~Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), by 11:45 o'clock a. m. Southern Pacific train to Cypre Ss : Lawn Cemetery, where services will be held in the chapel. JBARRY— In this city, August 29. 1895, Rlchara Barry, a native of Ireland, aged 67 years. . DEVER— In this city, August 29, 1895, after a lingering illness. Katie, beloved wife of John I>pver, and dearly beloved mother of John and Nellie Dever, Mrs. A. J. Deeney and tho late Mrs. Katie McGreehan, a native of County Done- gal, Ireland, aged 68 years. ' - • ■ JBSP Friends ' and acquaintances are resnoet- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 7:30 o'clock a.m.. from her late residence, 83 Va Dore street, off Harrison, t>e- tween Ninth ana Tenth, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be I celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 8 o'clock a. M. . Interment Holy x Cross Cem- -1 etery. ~\-.- DELICAT— In this city, August 30, 1895. J. F. A., beloved son of Anna and tho late Frederick A. H. Delicat, and brother of Mrs. H. Zlhn, Katie . Delicat, Mrs. L. Lampcke and John Delicat, a native of Nevada City. Cal., aged 27 years 2 months and 16 days. A member of Apollo Lodge No. 123, I. O. O. F., and Walhalla En- campment, I. O. O. F. i'Vs"':^ FULLARD— In this city, August 30, 1895, Mary C, beloved daughter of Hannah 1. Fullard, and sister of the late, William C. Fullard, a native of San Francisco. -. GILES— In Oakland, August 29, 1895. George NT., beloved son of, William C. and Eliza A. Giles, a native of Virginia City, Nev., aged 20 years 2 months and 21 days. O-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. *.. from the resident of the bereaved parents, 2013 Brock street, Oak- land. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. , ; GEARY— In this city, August 1895. John Al- bert, infant son of Daniel W. and Lizzie Meyer Geary, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 months and 7 days. , J&3" Friends and acquaintances are respect* fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 12 o'clock m., from the residence of the parents, 15% Adair street, off Howard, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. • Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. >' HAHN— this city, August 28, 1895, Lena Marie, only and beloved daughter of Henry aud Anna Hahn. and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hahn and Mr. and Mrs. J. Thaten, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years and 13 days. .. K3~ Friends and acquaintances are respects fully Invited to nrtend the funeral THIS DaY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of her parents. 11071^ Treat • avenue, near Twenty-fottrth street. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. . HARRIS— In this city, August 29, 1895, Bridget Agnes, beloved mother of the late James Harris, and Bister of Mrs. Mary O'Connor, a native of Ireland, aged 66 years. [Massachusetts papers please copy. • JUST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from her late residence, 1813 San Carlos avenue, betweem Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, thence 10 Mis- sion Dolores Church, %vhere services will be held, and thence by 10:40 o'clock a. m. train from Twenty-fifth and Valencia streets. Intermen* Santa Clara Cemetery. ' HECHT— In this city, Aucust 29, 1895, Isaac, beloved husband of Blemma Hecht, and father of Helen, Bert, Summit and Elsie Hecht and Mrs. William Fries, a native of Germany, aged 83 years 4 months and 19 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect-; fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 9:30 o'clock a.m.. from his late residence, southwest corner Washington and Laguna streets. Interment Home of Peace Ceme- tery by special train from Third and Townsend streets at 11 o'clock a. m. No flowers. HUSING— In this city. August 29, 1895, Frod, beloved husband of Marie Hus'ng. and father of Annie. Mollie. Frida, Frede and Bertha Husing, a native of Bremervorde. Germany, aged 46 years 1 month and 6 days. A member of San Francisco Schntien Verein, San Francisco Turn Vereln, Bremervorde Verein. Abou Ben Adhem Lodgo No. 1, 1. O. O. F., nnd Norddeutscher Vereln. ■ SSTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral MONDAY, ■ • September 2. at 1 o'clock p. m.. from his late residence. 317 Hayes street, thence to California Hall, Bush street, between Powell and Stockton,- where services will be held 2 o'clock p. if. Please omit flowers. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. ! HUSING— In this city, August' 30, 1895, Mary - Jane, beloved wife of It. J. Hnsing, and daughter of the late Mrs. William C. Cullen and sister of . James R., Frank, Agnew and Annie D. Cullen, a native of San Francisco, aged 31 years 1 month and 1 day. ■ .; - ; #3"Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at 412 Eddy street. . '■ HYATT— In Cloveraale. Sonoma County, Cal., August 29, 1895, John B. Hyatt, a native of Mis- souri, aged 68 years. [St. LouU papers please copy.J IBURG— In Yonntville. Napa County, August 27, 1895, Elizabeth M., beloved daughter of William and Anna Ibnrg, and sister of Mrs. Schimmel-. pfennig, Mrs. E. Sennett and William, Herman, Henriette, Frede and Johnny Iburg, a native of ' San Francisco, aged 23 years 11 months and 23 days. A member of Walhalla Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 130. I. O. O. F. £3~Friends and acquaintances are respect-'. ■ fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY * (Saturday), at 1 o'clock p. m., from the residence of her parents, 608 Hermann : street, between Fillmore and Steiner, thence to St. Markus Church, O'Farrell street, near Franklin, where funeral services will beheld at 2 o'clock p. m. . Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. - - KRULL— In this city, August 30, 1895, Ernst G. N., beloved husband of Lydla Krull, father of Axel, Lydia, Louiso and George Krull, and son of Fredrick and Neicollne Krull, a native of Den- mark, aged 47 years and 20 days. ■ K9*Short services will be held at his late resl- - dence, 1330 Alabama street, TO-MORROW (Sun- day), at 1 o'clock p. m., thence to Our Savior's Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Church,, Howard street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, where funeral services will take place at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends and acquaintances respect> fully Invited to attend. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. LYNCH— In this city, Angnst 30, 1895, Peter Lynch, beloved father of Sr. M. la Salette and James J. and Thomas J. Lynch, a native of County Cavan, Ireland, aged 71 years. ; #3" Friends- and -acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funerablTOf MOßßOW (Sunday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from late resi- dence, 337 Fourth street, thence to the chapel-, attached to Bt. Mary's Hospital, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of ; his soul, commencing at 9 -o'clock A.'.iL, Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. ' • • ! GENTLEMEN'S SODALITY OF ST. IGNATIUS College— You are hereby requested to attend the funeral of our late brother member, Peter - Lynch, as per above notice. "The Chapel Office" will be recited for the repose of his soul on, next TUESDAY, September 3, at 8 o'clock p. tL Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to be present. ■ JAMES R. KELLY, Prefect. Chas. T. McAuliff, Secretary. LEWIS— Tn this city, August 30, 1895, Harriet G, Lewis, aged 77 years. McCAULEY— In this city, Angnst SO, 1895. Robert McCauley, beloved son ot Jiunes and Jane McCauley, and brother of Mrs. John Me- ' Kendry, Mrs. James Fish«r and Mrs. William . Mapes. a native of County Antrim, Ireland, aged 35 years 11 months and 1 day. MOORE— In this city, August 30. 1895, Catherine, beloved wife of M. M. Moore, mother of Mrs. T. M. Kelly and George and Monroe Moore of Caa- trovllle, and niece of Mrs. S. Moreland or Wat; sonville. a native ot Canada, aged 45 years. ' J3f3- Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), .at' 2 - o'clock p. v.. from her. lato residence in Castroville. Cal. MAIER— At Six-mile House, San Bruno road. August 30, 1895, Geor?ine Maier. a native of . San Bruno, Cal., aged 1 month and 28 days. OAKSHETT— this city, August 29. 1895. Ellen Oakshctt, beloved and only sister of Mary N. . Oakshett, a native of England, aged 73 years. PECK— In this city, August 29, 1895, Mrs.Vlna D. Peck, aged 51 years. , PERARDI-In this city, August 30, 1895, Dr. Leo- poldo Perardi, a native of Italy, aged 39 years. " BULLIVAN— In Safford, Ariz., August 18, 1895,' Patrick, beloved husband of Nelllo A. Sullivan, and father of John 8., Nellie F., Bennett and Ed- ward Sullivan, formerly of Manchester, N. H. SINCLAIR— In Oakland, August 29. 1835, Captain C. 11. Sinclair, a native of New Hampshire, aged 63 years 1 month and 24 days. . TEMPLE— In this cliv, August 29, 1895, Arthur . Temple, aged. 59 years. ' WATSON— In this city, August 29. 1895. Delia Watson, a native of Ireland, aseil 50 years. -"I--* UNITED DEBTAEEBS' " EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for First-class Pnner&io . ' at Reasonable Rr.tes. ■ Telephone 3187. ■' 27 and '29 fifth street. I McAVOY & GALLAGHER, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS * EMBALM EO Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. -i , J;- : Telephone 3080. ■ , • CYPRFSS LfIWN CEMETERY, v TN SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; • X laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see It before buying a burial place elsewhere. - - -. ■■:. - City Office, 0 City Ball Avenue. . 15