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fop-whistle, the largest weighing 5 pounds and several from 2 to 3 pounds each Anglers intending to visit the Lime Point hshing-grounds should provide themselves with lines over 200 feet in length and sinkers weighing from 1U to 2H pounds, as the best fishing at this time of the year is generally to be had in deep water. * CRICKET CHIRPS. Letter From the Prince of Wales to Grace— Death of Anson. This is distinctly the age of hero-worship. The Grace boom has spread in a manner which not even the proprietors of the Lon don Telegraph, who started it, could have anticipated. From every corner of the W. Gh Grace, Champion Cricketer of the World. [From a photograph.] English-speaking world resolutions and coin keep pouring in, and while, in the face of conflicting reports, it is impossible to estimate the ultimate size of the tes timonial fund, it is safe to predict that it wi;l reach £25,000. In thi3 connection the following letter sent to Grace by the Prince of Wales will be of interest to all cricketers: Marlborovgh House, J Pall Mall, S\V.. Ist June, 1595. j pear Sir: The Prince of Wales has watched with much interest the fine scores which you continue to make in the great matches this year. He now learns that you have beaten all former records by scoring 1000 runs during the first month of the cricket season as well as completing more than 100 centuries in rirst class matches. His Royal Highness cannot allow an event of such deep interest to all lovers of our great national game to pass unnoticed by him, and he has desired me to offer his hearty congratu lations upon this magnificent performance. I remain, dear sir, yours truly. Feancis Rsollys. W. G. Graco, Esq. Melbourne Club and the trustees of Sydney grounds have decided to suspend preparations for a visit of an Australian team to England, on the ground that no formal invitation has been received from the Maryiebone club. It is with deep repret that I have to 4 record the death of Frederick A. Anson, aptain of the California Cricket Club, ■»vh:ch occurred on Thursday last at St. Luke's Hospital. He was a whole-souled man, an enthusiastic sportsman and a loyal friend. As many tickets for the benefit match which had been arranged in his behalf have already been sold, the as sociation has decided to let the match be played and to devote the proceeds to de fraying his funeral expenses. The funeral will take place to-day at Cypress Lawn, and all cricketers and friends who wish to attend should be at the Fourth and Towns end depot at 11:45 a. m. ATHLETIC. The Olympic Club Will Hold an Election on Monday. The election for officers of the Olympic Clnb will take place on Monday evening, and as the contest will result only in a race for place between Dr9. Bryant and Short for leader and Frank O'Kane and White for director, interest in the election will not be general, Snort and White are on the regular ticket. The members of the Bakersfield Athletic Club, which was recently organized, held a grand celebration yesterday evening in their gymnasium. Sports consisting of boxing, wrestling, club-swinging, etc., were indulged in, and an excellent enter tainment resulted. The Bakersfield ath letes are determined to be heard from in the near future. The Olympic Club wrestlers are training daiJy under the watchful eye of Professor Miehling for the near future wrestling COURSING. Dog^s That Will Race on Sunday In Casserley's Park. The drawing which took place last even ing for the big meeting which will be held at Casserly's coursing park at Ocean View on Sunday resulted as follows: D. Tweedie's White Rustic vs. G. Muivey's Fee Boy, G. Burnend's Trix vs. R. O'Sh'-a's Native daughter, James King's Prince Derine . Anderson's Ntjger, F. O'Leary's Pearl vs. onnor't Gallopine, F. O'Leary's Jimmy (i t/.-hee's Sou tag, H. Hull's Butcher Boy vs. W. Kellv's Hy, D. P. Roche's Lily of the West ye. 11. Hull's Trilby, J. O'Connor's Ambition vs. W. Greeley's Ricti >-.iond li'jy. J. O'Connor*! True Blue vs. T. *, treddle'a Fairy D, R. Cochran's May Tea Co. vs .T. .1. Sullivan's Wild Rose, T. Brer.nan's . Red Prince vs. P. Ci nty's Lead Out, C. Jennings' PiPrt Rose v.«. T. Tweedie's Dublin Stout, .(. Me ' orrnack'g Rapid vs. G. Doherty's George Dixon, Alameda Kenuels'KittyScott vs. J. Reidy's Buf falo, James Boyle's- Flirtation vs. W. Kelly's Spot, G. Burh'end'sJCatcbem vs. H. Hull's Jenny Lind, J. Kfcidy'- Victor* vs. J. Mcßride's Ivy, J. O'Connor's Mary C vg. T. Ford's Pride of the Valley. T. Roe'i 'Robert Emmet vs. F. Ford's Pride' of the Wert, J. O'Connor's Tee Wee vs. T. < ronan's White Chief. The prizes are: First, $20; second, $10; third. $5; fourth, $2 50; fifth, #2 50. Judge, John Grace; dipper, James Grace. SACRAMENTO SPORTING. Practicing: for the Sportsmen's Tournament— Tennis and Wheel. BACKAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 30.— Sacramento sporting circles are making gTeat preparations for the coming tournament of the State Sports men's Association, to be held at Agricultural Park on September 4. 5, 6 and 7, and every evidence Las been adduced going to prove that it will be the greatest affair of a line nature ev«r held in the State. A delegation of twenty of the best shots of Southern California will be present, and will endeavor to convey the various trophies to the land of cactus and orange blossoms, and San Francisco will also be represented. The Kay diamond medal, which is to be competed for, is on exhibition at Eckhardt'agunstore in this city, and is at tracting great attention, end there is no doubt that the entrance money will net the present possesser of the trophy, Martinez Chick, at feast S2OO. At last Sunday's shoot of the Peli can Club, Game Commissioner James Morrison walked off with the medal, killing 19 out of 20; the birds were fully matured and flew strong, yet the percentage of scores were the best of the season, being 18 per cent with nearly twenty entries. j Doves are getting scarce, and being fat and iT.-ong are iiying hard. Messrs. Eckhardt, Xielm, J. Bruner and Crackwell, in their recent trip to CenterTille, bagged 105 of the blue eireake in a day's shoot. Uame Warden Helm reports more game in Sacramento County this year than has been known in years, and is fully borne out in his statement by all local shoti who have been out prospecting for doves. Hun dreds of mallard and teal can be found on the sloughs near the city limits, and are bo tame that the report of a gun fails to start them to wing, and Helm reports navlng seen an enor mous number of spotted-breast hawks this sea son during one of his trips along the Cosum nes River; he saw two flocks of these game-de stroyers in all containing at least sixty hawks. One flock of thirty-five were hovering over a beavy of email that were in the willows along the river bank. Helm threw his gun together and killed six out of the flock before they left the vicinity. He claims that in all his many years' experience in forest and field he never paw hawks consorting in flocks before, and in such numbers. The salmon run of the past week has been the largest of the season and the boats have made money and are Improving every hour, aa the season closes on August 31. George Chapman and J. Shilling, who have been making Sunday raids on the trout streams near Cisco, killed thirty-five and thirty-six Dolly Varden trout last Sunday. The road members of the Capital City Wheel men's Club made the run to Folsom last Sun day, twenty-two miles and return, with over twenty participants. The club is well on the road to prosperity. Miss Crocker, Elliott, Hursh and Upson.some of Sacramento s crack wheelmen, weie in at tendance during the meets of the Pacific Cy clists at Dixon and Woodland. They report the circuit riders as meeting with favor all over the State, and honors are being divided very evenly. The'EastPark Association will lay a two-lap mile bicycle track at the park nex,t season, which they claim will be thel best in the State. The Capitol City Club has adopted the follow ing schedule of laws: The speed of bicycling within the city limits must not exceed eight miles an hour; approaching vehicles, cyclists must pass to the right, and when overtaking vehicles they must pass to the left, always sounding bells. Tennis is rapidly becoming popular and the courts are occupied at all hours. Among the most prominent players Jerome Carroll heads the list and is coming to the front rapidly. The directors of the State Agricultural So ciety have offered a medal for a match of doubles between Dri?coll and De Long vs. the Hardy Brothers. The match will take place in the courts of the Capitol Tennis Club and will be the event of the season. Tennis was the principal sport at the courts at Bartlett Springs this season. Among the ladies Mrs. Warner, Mi«g Snooks and Miss Davis— the latter two being Sacramento experts with the racket have taken the lead, and among the gentlemen Moye Stevens of Los Angeles has taken the most games. SAN JOSE SPORTING. Lion Hunting a Great Sport— Santa Clara College Football Team. SAX JOSE, Cal., Aug. 30.— During the past week several parties from this city have en joyed rare sport hunting mountain lions in the vicinity of Moody's Gulch, about five miles above Los Gatos. About ten days ago C. J. Salsman and F. J. Galley, while in Moody's Gulch, ran across several lionesses with kittens. On their return home they or ganized a party and secured several fox hounds and went back to enjoy lion hunting. During the week's stay they killed three lions and six half-grown kittens. The largest of the lions weighed about 130 pounds and succeeded in killing one of the hounds and seriously wounding a couple of more before the hunters could dispatch it. Mountain lions are quite numerous in that vicinity, and those in the party pronounce the sport most exciting. Deer-hunting is attracting much attention as the season djaws to a close. During the past week several fine bucks were killed on the Llagas and in the mountains back of Los Gatos. In the latter vicinity some good shoot ing can be had on moonlight nights in the vineyards, where they come to feed on the vine leaves. Everything points to an abundance of quail the coming season. Young birds were never more numerous than this year. But little fishing is done, although those who have visited the trout streams during the past week have secured good messes. A great many of the local fishermen are at Capitola, where trolling for salmon is at its height. Sev eral poaching parties have returned with good catches of black bass from the reservoir of the San .lose Water Company and Weber Lakes. One party returning from the latter place ex hibited a dozen fine bass, the smallest of which was eight inches long. Fishing at both places is prohibited, but the parties generally get around after the watchmen are In bed. The coming meet of the Garden City Cyclers on Adminsion day promises to be a great suc i he tanriem race is attracting a great deal of attention, and it is thought that the entries for that event will be large. Tiie day following the meet in this city, the 10th, the San Jose Road Club and the Tribune Cyclers oi Uilroy will hold a joint race meet at the Gilroy race track. The Ladies' Cycling Club of the T. M. C. A., the Association Cyclers and the Elite Cyclers held a joint run to the fruit orchard of Mrs. Hayes-Chynoweth near Eaenvale Wednesday evening. It is said that Miss Mala Helm of .Santa Clara, who recently rode ten miles between Irvington and Milpitas, paced by a tandem, in 35 minutes, will ride an exhibition mile with pacemakers at the cyclers' meet on the 9th. During the past week 50,000 Truckee trout (Salmo mykiss) have been received from the Fish Commissioners by Game Warden Macken zie and distributed in the various streams of the county. During the summer 100,000 trout have been planted in the streams of this county, and another shipment of 50,000 trout was received this morning. A football team is soon to be organized by the students of Santa Clara College. During the coming week several trial games will be plnyed, when Messrs. Wilson and Gassell, the colfege coaches, will select the players. Santa Clara College has several good baseball nines and the boys are practicing daily, so as to be in form should any challenges be sent their way. The shooting section of the San Jose Turn Verein has purchased a tract of land near Oak Hill Cemetery for a shooting park. SPORTS AT CATALINA. A Fish Which Reeled Off Five Hun dred Feet of Line in a Jiffy. Avalok, Catalina Island, Aug. 30.— The amount of fish being now daily taken at Cata lina Island, almost defies belief. Not before this season has the sea given up its denizens bo abundantly. J. Neale Plumb.a New York multo millionaire, who is putting in three months at Caialina this season, all of which time he de votes practically to fishing, heads the list with the following astonishing record of catches in a single week, aggregating five days' fishing: Forty-eight yellow-tails weighing all the way from -ten to "forty-two and a half rounds"; thirty-six rock bass, three barracuda and oue enormous tnnny, weighing sixty-one and a half pounds. This la*t catch aroused more-interest and dis cussion than any before this season. When the monster was brought ashore speculation as to his class was rife. Many old fisnermen pro nounced it an albicore, but Mr. Plumb, who is an expert angler and has caught hundreds of albicore from the deck of sailing vessels oft" the coasts of Africa and South America, in sisted that this fish differs in several respects from the albicore, noticeably in the length of its fins. Neither could an albicore, he con tended, tow a boat four miles out to sea, a» this one had done. When the fish struck, Mr. Plumb and his faithful lieutenant, Mexican Jof, were not over fifty yards outside of a kelp bed, trolling about in pursuit of seabasj; in 125 feet of water, with a heavy "pipe-sinker" and a flying-fin, weighing about a pound, for bait. At the very first dash the fish took out 500 feet of line. It was impossible to check him, and had it not been for the presence of mind and skill of Joe Mr. Plumb declares be would have lost his prize. The old Mexican fi^ner man turned his boat like a flash and backed up toward the fish, relieving the tremendous strain and allowing the intrepid angler to re gain some of his line, nearly all of which had been reeled off. The fish kept rieht on out to sea with a steady pull, and Joe relinquished the oars, the boat rushing along faster than he could row. When about a mile out the fitn began making deep-sea plunges, which alter nated with swift dashes out to sea, till finally he retired 350 feet below the surface, where he sulked some time and then permitted himself to be slowly reeled to the surface. The game fellow gave one fearful plunge as he reached the surface and then lay passive at the mercy of his captor, who promptly gaft'ed him. • After lengthy discussion as to his class by relerence to the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, volume and section 1, plate No. 95 A, an exact engraving of tha fish was found, labeled "Tha Alalonga, or long-finned 'Tunny.' " This settled the dispute and the mysterious fish was duly classified as a tunny. J. B. Foss of Bakersfield, who has the reputa tion of having caught the largest number of deep-*ea groupers at Catalina for the two pre ceding seasons, is here again for a week's con test with groupers. He never fishes nearer shore than six or eight miles and is an expert in his line. SPORTS AT STOCKTON. Plueon-Shooters of the Athletic Club-A Very Clever Boxer. STOCKTON, Cai., Aug 30.— A1l of Stockton is talking about the tug-of-war contest which took place at the pavilion Saturday night be tween James Peters (Bob Smith), who was sup posed to be a rancher of Union Island, and Frank Podesta, anchor man of the Italian team of this city, an account of which appeared in THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, AUGUST 81, 1895. to-day'sCALL. The Italians were so confident of the success of their man that they wagered over §9000 on the result. Podesta is an old hand at the business and was consided invin cible. 80 great was the interest taken in the event by all classes that fully 3000 people wit nessed it. Sunday the first shoot of the Stockton Ath letic Association took place, and a number of members of the Stockton Gun Club partici pated. The day was a perfect one, and some good ecores were made. The new grounds of the association at Goodwater Grove were used for the first time. A sheltered grand stand haR been erected for the benefit of spectators, and there are few places in the State better fitted for trap shooting than the place selected by the Gun Club annex of the Athletic Associa tion. George Schaeffei of Sperry & Co. and L. Payne tried for first place with forty-six birds each to their credit. Since then there has sprung up great rivalry between the two ana Payne nas challenged Schneffer to a match on Sunday at twenty-five birds each and has deposited a $35 forfeit with your corre spondent to bind it. If the match is made it will in reality be one between representatives of the Stockton Gun Club and the Gun Club annex of tne Athletic Association, as Payne represents the one and Schaeffer the other. There are many better shots in bothclubs than either of these men and Stocktonians think they can pick up ten men who can defeat a similar number fr^m any one club on the coast. Trap shooting is having a regular boom and there are more enthusiasts here who love this sport in proportion to the population than in any other city on the coast. The match that the Stockton Gun Club was trying to arrange with the Empire Gun Club has fallen through for the present. Wednesday night the Stockton Athletic Asso ciation gave its first exhibition at its new gymnasium. The affair was a very creditable one, as the members have only had the use of the gymnasium and apparatus since the middle of July. Some clever wrestlers have been de veloped since Charles Moth was engaged as in structor, and there are many good boxers In the club. The gymnasium was crowded with visitors and a good exhibition wa3 given. Stockton possesses in Sam Frankenheiiner, a brother of Jules, the stocky halfbaok of Stan ford, one of the best heavy-weight boxers on the coast. He has often made Charlie Turner quit and is as good a man as ever. Franken heimer boxed an exhibition bout with Moth Wednesday night. The field captain of the association is pick ing out a football team to go against those rep resenting the Reliance and Olympic clubs this year. He is an old hand at the business and has some splendid material to draw from. Stockton will be heard from this year in foot ball circles. There are a number of old col lege players here and much new material. A match has been finally arranged between Charles Moth and a farmer named Seeley of London to wrestle five bouts on September 20. The styles are to be side hold and cateh-as catch-can. GREAT POLO GAME. Entries for the Southern California Meeting: at Santa Monica. SANTA MONICA, Cal.. Aug. 30.— The fifth annual meeting of the Southern Cali fornia Polo Club, which begins on Admis sion day, September 9, on the club's three quarter mile track, adjacent to the club grounds at Santa Monica, give promise thus early of being far more successful than any of its predecessors. The entries closed on August 26. They were so nu merous and of such a good character that it is proposed to extend the meeting a day, thus making it two instead of one. Other races will be added in which some of the horses in the Monterey meet are expected to participate. The following officers have been appointed : Stewards— H. A. Winslow, Roy Jones, Peter D. Martin, E. J. Gorham, W. H. Young anil Robert Lee Bettner; judges— Major Bolton, W. E. Pedley and Wilber Parker; starter, E. Ryan; handicapper, W. R. Ward; secretary, G. L. Waring. The following are the entries : Quarter of a mile and repeat, for ponies— R. L. Bettnev's b. m. Lady Greensleeves, 150 pounds; Henry Slirt's b. g. Si, 150 pounds; A. A. Alvord's b. h. Jack Pot, 140 pounds; G. L. Waring's eh. g. Wonder, 140 pounds; Jose Ferias' r. m. Pinto, 136 pounds; C. E. Maud's b. m. Little Bills, 150 pounds; J. A. Parker's b. g. Little Billee, 136 pounds. Oue mile Galloway rece for horses — L.Brad bury's b. g. Monkey, 140 pounds; W. E. Ped ley's eh. g. Corn Cob, 175 pounds; Jose Machado's eh. g. San Joaquin, 175 pounds; W. R. Ward's b. m. Regina, 140 pounds; G. L. Waring's b. m. Santa Clara, 140 pounds; G. L. Waring's b. m. Kittiwake, 140 pounds; W. Chamberlain's b. g. Johnny Woods, 175 pounds. Half mile, for polo pony maidens— W. H. Young's D. m. Shilla: P. D. Martin's bl. m. Black Maria; A. A. Alvord's b. g. Jack Pot; W. R. Ward's b. m. Regina; G. L. Waring's eh. g. Wonder; J. B. Proctor's eh. h. Rex. Three-uuarters of a mile handicap for ponies — W. H. Young's br. m. Rita, 125 pounds; L.Brad bury's b. g. Monkey, 150 pounds; P. D.Mar tin's gr. m. Lady Jane Grey, 130 pounds; R. L. Bettner's b. m. Lady Greensleeves. 150 pounds; O. 1.. Waring's b. m. Kittiwake, 135 pounds; G. L. Waring's b. m Santa Clara, 135 pounds; L. D. Loomis' Chips, 100 pounds. One mile for horses— Jose Machado's b. g. Sleepy Charlie, P. Weber's eh. g. Four Aces, P. Weber's br. o. Jerome S.. Vicente Lugo's eh. g. Pavillion, J. A. Parker's br. g. Dicks. THE TAMALPAIS RAILWAY. Stetson Will Acquire Points for the Proposed Mountain Road. Prospects of the Enterprise and Its Stimulating Effect Upon the Vicinity. Among the objects of the visit of J. B. Stetson, president of the North Paciiic Coast Railroad Company, to the East, is the examination of the cable road to the summit of the White Mountains in New Hampshire. For it is now decided that there shall be a road built to the crest of Mount Tamalpais, and Mr. Stetson, who is a good engineer himself, wants to see just how the thing is done, and if he can im prove upon it on this coast. It has been estimated that the cost of such a road would be between twenty and thirty thousand dollars, although this is considered by experts as a good deal below wnat the actual expenditure will arrive at. Mr. Stetson, before hi 3 departure, in dis cussing the subject, expressed the opinion that it would be a paying enterprise from the start. There come, he computed, about 30,000 tourists every year to San Francisco, and undoubtedly a large percentage of these would embrace the opportunity of obtain ing the superb view of plain and ocean the great peak affords. Even now those who walk up the mountain on moonlight nights to see the sun rise have within the past two seasons mounted into the hun dreds. The cars would be so swung that they would present an almost horizontal position when on the steepest grades. With the beginning of the railroad, which will be probably next sprincr, the founda tion of the hotel on the crest of the moun tain will be laid. To leave San Francisco at 11 :30 at night, sleep 2800 feet above the level of the sea, and see the Farallones ly ing apparently at the base of the mountain will be an addition to the many new sen sations California offers strangers. Stimulated by those signals of progress San Rafael is deliberating on an electric road to thread the town, run past San An selmo to Ross Valley, and down as far as Tamalpais village. The absence of street transportation is a drawback to the town, and the trolley will soon, according to present indications, make its appearance in tnat delightful suburb. • — ♦ — • Panning Confederate Bills. Mrs. Berger, who has a lodging-house at 15 Caroline street, was victimized yesterday by the smooth individual who has been passing Confederate bills of late. He called at the house and hired a room, giving the landlady a .$lO Confederate bill in payment and receiv ing ass gold piece in change. He is described as a young man about 24 years of age with a dark mustache, and wearing a light suit of clothes. Warren Webster Convicted. "Warren Webster, an artist accused of crim inal assault upon Ellen Martin, a girl of 11 years, was convicted yesterday in Judge Belcher's couit. You are in vited to inspect the new Park Cv clery. It is a beauty. The finest of wheels for renting purposes. Bicycles built to order. Terminus of Powell, McAllister aud Geary street car lines. * THE BAY DISTRICT RACES Rico Was a Big Surprise, Winning at the Long Odds of 25 to 1. THE FAVORITES SLAUGHTERED. Belle Boyd Crippled the Talent Badly by Finishing Outside of the Money. There are seven races to be run off to-day. The horses in the first event will be called out at 3 o'clock. fcChevalier rode the favorites in the first three races and none of them secured any part of the money. Peoples, who rode Don Pio Pico, Is certainly of the improving sort. His finish on the big colt gives promise of a future for the lad. A. P. Miller, the owner of Favory, who has been an invalid for many years, watched the victory of the horse from his stable on the hill facing the stretch, where he had been wheeled in an invalid's chair. Owner Boots of the Elmwood stock farm has secured the services of C. Heuston, a clever light-weight who can ride at 100 pounds and was formerly in the employ of Fred Foster. He will probably arrive to-day. When Gold Bug had won the third race, aged and gray-haired James Hunter, the owner of the stocky little chestnut, ap proached By Holly and begged him not to bid his horse up, aa he was his sole depen dent for support and he did not possess the necessary means to back him and pro tect the animal in case he received a boost. The bronzed horseman from Flosden walked away with his hands in his pockets and the old man considered his equine friend safe. But when the horse was put up to be sold an outsider, acting for some one not sportsmen enough to do his own bidding, raised the horse's price $400 over his entered figure on the programme. Through aid from some brother horsemen the aged owner was able to retain his racer. The act came in for condemnation on all sides, even the stable-boy extending his sympathy to Gold Bug's owner. The usual slaughter of favorites con tinued, every one on the card being deeply mired. The biggest surprise of the day was the victory of Rico, a 25 to 1 outsider, in the six-fuflong hanuicap, who won cleverly with Mclntyre up. The burly Don Pio Pico took the open ing event, a five-furlong dash for maiden two-year-olds, after getting away from the {>ost next to last. Starting second choice J eoples, who had the mount on him, gradually hewed his way through the bunch and won by a nose from Cyrene, with Isabelle a fair third. The 7 to 6 choice Carrara, with Chevalier up, was never prominent from the start. Favory had no trouule in disposing of the lot that lined up in the next race, a six and a half furlong dash, starting one of the second choices. He took the lead from Tamalpais entering the stretch, and won handily from Examiner. Johnny Payne, a4oto 1 shot, was a good third. Red Will, the 2 to 1 favorite, finished in fourth place, ridden by Chevalier. Jack Atkins' good filly Belle Boyd was an even-money chance for the third race, a five and a half furlong spin with light welter-weights up. but she proved a griev ous disappointment. Chevalier accepted the worpt of a poor start and she could never get to the front. Lloyd laid away with Gold Bug until the bend for home, when he cut loose and fairly walked in. In a drive Olivia, a 4 to 1 shot," beat Abi P. the third choice, half a length for second place. The winner was backed down from 8 to 3]4 to 1. The great dump of the day occurred in the six-furlong handicap. At post time it was 7 to 5 and take your choice between the Boots pair, Vinctor and Nebuchad nezzar, and sturdy Royal Flush, with juicy quotations against the others. Silver Sttue was away first when the flas? fell and showed prominently in front up to the last furlong, when the field closed on her and the result looked in doubt. Royal Flush now gradually assumed command, and to all appearances had the field beat, when Melntyre came fast on the outside the last seventy yard 3 with Rico, and, catching Hinrichs on the first chance fast asleep, won by a length. Vinctor, away from the post last, finished a good third. The Klmwood stock farm's Peter the Great opened favorite for the last race, a mile selling dash, but gave way in the betting to red Gardner, who was backed down to even money from 8 to 5. The race, however, was only a mild gallop for Peter, who won as liked, two lengths before the favorite, iv I:42}£. • Mtjlholland. BUMMABY. San Francis' August 30, 1895. Two hundred and fifty-sixth day. Weather fine. Track good. 1 or -l • FIRST RACE— Five furlongs : twc-year ludl. olds; maidens: parse $250. Time, 1:03. Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. Bt, ifa Str. Fin. 1318 Don Pto Pico, 307 (Peoples). 7 6* 4/ In* 1340 Cyrene, 104 (Hlnrlcbe) 2 5/ 63 It 1340 lsabelle, 104 (C0ady)........4 1A It 3V a 1318 Carrara, 104 <(hevalier)....l 4* 2y 4J 1318 May Jones. 101 (E. Dennl bod) .. 8 8 8 5h 1340 Phyllis, 113 ( Boston) 6 7f II 6.V 1082 Valieute, 107 C Shaw).. 6 3A 3A IJD 1340 Yon Dunk, 112 (L. 1J0yd)..3 2A 6/8 Good start. .Won driving. Winner, eh. c., by Joe Hooker-Conntess Zeika. Betting: Don I'io Pico 2, Cyrene 4, lsabelle 10, Carrara 7 to 5, May Jones 100, Phyllis 200, Valieme 15, you Dunk 40. IQkO SECOND RACE— and a half fur- LOOZi. longs: selling: tbree-years-old and up ward; purse $250. Tliue, 1:221.4. Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. I/a Str. Fin. 1319 Favury, 103 (Coady) 2 2A U 17 . 773 Kxamlner. 103 (Henrichs). 0 6f 2/i 2/ 664' Johnny Payne, 107 (ishaw) .6 6/i 4A 3/ 1330 Ki»d Will, 100 (Chevalier).. 3 3Vi 3A 4» 1226 Ked Idle. 108 (L. Moyd)... 1 4A . <U * . 6JA ' IM6 I)elaitui-rra.9^(Mrlntyre) 9 93 93 6Va 1267 Claire, 102 (J.Johnson).... 7 7A 7/ 77 1338 DPt<-ctiv<», 97 (Reldy). 10 10 10 S3 1277 Gonzales Maid. 95 (Peoples) 8 8% Si 91 1279 Tamalpals, 104 (Anders.m) 4 12 UlO -Good start. Won handily. Winner, eh. c., by John A-iiOwenn K. Betting: Favory sto 2, Examiner 6 to 2, Johnny Payne 40. Red Will 11 to 6, Bed Idle 60, De la lit rra 260, Claire 60, Detective 6, Ooozalea Maid 200, Tamalpais 200. nm iii !■■ ■!■ ■■mii iiMiTii ' frfrfiTTlTPrr ff^if^niirrfT 1 QPwQ THIRD RACE— Five and a half fur ±O«JO. longs: selling:: light welter- weights; purse $300. Time, 1 :08»/i. Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. V, Str. Fin. 1318 Gold Bug, 129 (L. L10yd). ...4 2/i 1U U 1H49 Olivia, 120 (E. Jones) 2 8* &} 2W| 1339 Abl P, 127 (Madison) 8 Ih 2h U3 (1331)BelleBoyd, 104 (Cbevaller).6 8 It 4V« 13-_'O Josrphin*. 100 (Coady) 1 7A 8 6/1 1346 Johnny Capron, 122 (Rlley).B 4/i 4V| 6* 1807 Nabopolaasar, 100 <Reidy)...7 6y a f>h 7* 1339 Walter J, 105 (UinricUs)... .6 6A ttfc 8 Poor start. Won easily. Winner, eh. g., by Pittsburg-Mollle S. Betting; Gold Bug 7 to 2. Olivia 40, Abi P 4. Belle Boyd even, Josephine 12, Johnny Capron 160, JSabopolassar (SO, Walter J 8. I Q^/1 FOURTH BACK— Six furlongs: handl- JLOU'i. cap; three-year-olds and upward; purse $360. Time, 1:14%. Jnd. Horse, welsbt, jockey. St. i£ str. Fin. 1333 Rico, 95 (Mclntyre) 3 7 7 11 (1333)R0\a! Flush, 114(Hlnrichs)6 4A 4V a 2»i 1321 Vim-tor, 109 (Hhaw) 76* 6; Sn« 1360 Silver ttate, 102 (Reldy)...l 1/ li/ 3 4/ 1689 Nebuchadnezzar, 99 (Chev alier) 2 8* 21 61 1341 Key a lta, 98 (hi. Jones) 4 2Va 314 61 1248 Reulizmion. 108 (L. IJoyd) 6y 3 «if 7 Good start. Won driving. Winner, ch.'g., by Shunnon-Fannle !.<_■« is. Benin?: l'.lco 26, Royal Flush 7 to 6, Vlnctor coupled with Nebuchadnezzar 7 to 6, Silver State 12, Key Alta 10, Realization 8. 1 QP\^ FIFTH RACK-Onemile; selling; pnrse 1000. $300. Time, 1:42%. Ind. Horse, weight, jockey. St. V^ Htr. Fin. (1337) Peter the Second, 99 (Chevalier) 3 2/ If \t 1334 Fred Gardner. 107 (Shaw).. 6 3/i S3 It 1286 M&lo Diablo, 101 (Peoples). 4 6 5 3/ 1349 Charmer. 101 (Coady) 2 4? 4/ 4* 1349 Jennie W, 100 (K. Jones)... l 1* 2i 5 Ciood start. Won easily. Winner, b. c, by Imp. Brutus-Bonnie Jeane. Hetting: Peter the Second 2, Fred Gardner even, Malo .Diablo 4, Charmer 12, Jennie W «. Following are to-day's entries: First race, three-quarters of a mile, selling- Sinbad 109, Bob Tucker 100, Ladameo 98, Tyrena 98, Conchlta 98, Dr. Gardner 100, Yreka 106, Druscilla 98. Jefferson 107, Willie Gibson 107, Lady Splendor 105. Second race, five-eighths of a mile, selling- Greenback Jr. 98, Soon Enough 95. Fly 107, El Rayo 104, Sliero 105, Har. Lewis 98, Tamalptas 93, De Groat 92, Gondola 93, Warrago 102, Tim Murphy 115. Third race, about three-quarters of a mile, handicap, two-year olds— Grady 113, Tiberius 90, Miss Brummel 92. Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards, handicap— McLight 110, Roma 106, Mount Air 103, Fred Gardner 103, Arnette 101. Fifth race, three-quarters of a mile— Lucrezia Borgia 77, Sport McAllister lt»s, Mainstay 105. Sixth race, owe and a quarter miles, handi cap, six hurdles— Gold Dust 126, Bellringer 138, Carmel 138, J O C 135, Haymarket 131, Ontario 120. Seventh race, about seven-eighths of a mile, inside course, colored riders — Relampago (Charles Lee) 147. Huguenot (R. Freeman) 147, Alexis (Monroe Johnson) 150, Ban Lucas (J. Brown) 147, Charmer (Pinkney) 145, John Payne (R. Moore) 150, Vernon (A. Johnson) 146, Abi P (Treadwell) 145, Sutro (Young) 140, Gold B^g (Tallay) 147. A CHINESE INSPEOTOB NOW. Kx -An ßlatant United States District At torney Charles Weller Appointed. Charles L. Weller, ex-assistant United States District Attorney and candidate at the last election for the Superior bench, was notified this morning that he had been appointed a special Chinese inspector under Collector Wise. The question of landing Chinese has taken up nearly all of Mr. Wise's time, and for the last eight months he has been attempting to secure the appointment of an attorney who could attend to the legal end of the business and at the same time act as an inspector in ex amining the cases which arrive on every steamer. Mr. Weller's commission will probably arrive to-day, and he will assume his new duties next week. As soon as he is thor oughly 6onversant with the routine of the work, he will probably examine all the Chinese on the steamers instead of the Collector. A number of appeals from the decisions of Collector Wise have been taken to the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Collec tor's reasons for refusing a landing to the Chinese will be put in legal form by Mr. Weller. SPORTS FOR THE NINTH Amateur Athletic Programme for the Native Sons' Celebration. A Regatta on the Sacramento River and Field Events In the Park. An extensive programme of aquatic and field events has been arranged by the Pa cific Amateur Athletic Association for the Native Sons' celebration of Admission day, September 9 and 10, at Sacramento. The 9th will be devoted to aquatic and the 10th to day sports. President William F. Humphrey of the association, W. R. Berry of the Reliance Club, F. P. Haynes of the South End Club and Leonard Gill and John Elliott of the Olympic Club are the committee arranging the details. All entries will close Septem ber 3. John Elliott has been appointed referee by President Humphrey. The regatta will begin at 5 p. m. on the Sacramento River, on Monday, the 9th, after the heat of the day is well past. The races are to be: Senior four-oared, junior four-oared, senior s-ingle-scull and junior single-scull. President Pierson of the Sac ramento Athletic Club is to survey the course on Monday. It is to be 1% miles — three-quarters of a mile and turn. In the senior barge race, the South Ends, Pioneers and Sacramentos can al ready be counted upon. The Stocktons are doubtful, owing to the illness of Bert Lyons (bow), and the protest entered against David C. Creanor (stroke), who is sai d to be a professional baseball pitcher and rifle shot. The Olympics and Acmes rcay not be able to have tneir new barges finished in time. Robert McArthur, cap tain of the Olympics and their stroke, will act as captain and forward waist of the South Ends, of which organization he is also a member. For the junior barge race the Stocktons, South Ends, St. Mary's College, Sacra mentos and Pioneers have signified their intention to enter, and the Ariels and Dol phins may go in. Frank Dupliasea of the Couth Ends, Jolin Coughlan of the Dolphins, and J. McCausland of the Ariels, are already booked for the senior single-scull race, and J. Brown and G. Giovannessi of the Stock tons and T. H. Koenan of the Dolphins for the junior single-scull. Medals will be the prises, the firsts for the single races having small diamonds. The ti«ld sports will be held at Agricul tural Park, Tuesday, 10th, beginning at 10 a. M., arrangements having been made with the State Agricultural Society. They will consist of the following : One hundred yard run, 220-yard run, 460 --yard run, half-mile run, running high jump, running broad jump, putting 16-pound shot, throwing 16-pound hammer, pole vault, mile run, mile walk, 120-yard hurdle and 220-yard hurdle. The University of California team will be there with such athletes as Koch, Mer vin, Henry, Torrey, Dyer, Scoggins, Edgren, Barnes, Patterson and several new men. The Olympic Club, Stanford University and other clubs will endeavor to fet up a team to take some honors from the J. C. boys. They will be able to pick from Brown and Brunson of the Stanford*, Simpson, McClellan, Kenna and Stetson of the Acmes, Oliver of the Reliance, Gill, Butz, H. and Bert Coffin, Thompson, Lewis, Feldcamp and Finne of the Olympics, and other well-known inuscie developers. Some surprises are said to be in store by those who nave been watching the boys training, and it is anticipated that some records may be beaten. This is the championship irieet for 1895-96, and about $550 worth of prizes will be distributed. DUPING THE MEEOHANTS. The Manufacturer*' Association's Name Used by Bosug Collectors. Secretary Mead of the Manufacturers' and Producers' Association has aent the following card to the members: It has just been brought to our attention that a person or persons are calling upon our members soliciting money for the payment of the insertion of their name in a directory of some sort, and saying that they represent the Manufacturers' and Producers' Association. Please notice that we have no person collecting money for any purpose for this association, excepting our regular collectors collecting the dues of the members, and such persons carry written authority from us for that purpose. As yet we have no one soliciting advertise ments, and we would thank our members to notify us immediately by telephone or wire when they are so approached, so that we can take proper steps to protect them. The secretary states that the persons have been charging members of the asso ciation $1 for each name to be placed in an alleged directory. He has learned that several members have been duped by the unlicensed use of the association's name, and the belief is that the men are im postors and have no directory except in their minds. Mrs. Gift Divorced. Mrs. Suda M. Gift obtained a divorce from Monroe £. Gift in Judge Daingerfield's court yesterday. The grounds were willful neglect and failure to provide and the husband offered no defense. Tne Gifts were married at Aspen, Colo., on February 25, 1890. Mrs. Gift says that her husband has property worth $200,000 and she demands alimony. She has resumed her maiden name of Suda M. Gurkin. Populists to Talk Silver. The question of silver coinage Is to be dis cussed by the orators of the People's party at Moz&rt Hall on Market street this evening. The Idea of having the debate is to ascertain the sentiment of the party with a view to making the silver plank the main one of the iiext piauorm. NEW TO-DAY— CLOTHING. . _____^ w __ ->^ #- _ 1 . THIS «~^ n^—^ THIS MORNING MORNING Al ylox)* Al "•«$"• That big Alteration Sale begins this morning. It's going to be one of the few OMIUVE Clothing reduction sales ever held in this city. It all depends who says it. Some people rush into print and promise great things, but it all ends in promise*. This is no fake ; water or smoke sale. Our promises can be verified here in our store. Our reputation for honest sales is the best. Look over the : price list in yesterday's "CALL." Look over the goods in our win- dows. Look over the goods on the inside . Don't buy if they . don't suit. And re- member, if you DO buy and ; are not satisfied, come back and your money will be re- turned cheerfully. That's a guarantee. ■ Clothing at "Cut-in-Two" prices for just a few days. H. SUMMERFIELD & CO., STRICTLY ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS, 924, 926, 928, 930 MARKET STREET. BEFORE THE GRAND JURY That Proposition In Practical Politics Offered to E. L. Colnon. The Harbor Commissioner Will Be Asked to Name the Man Who Made It. The Grand Jury held another session yesterday and considered fully a communi cation from the Civic Federation respect ing the proposition in practical politics made recently to Harbor Commissioner Colnon. An interview published in The Call of August 20 reported the Harbor Commis sioner as saying to the reporter: In regard to San Francisco politics I may say that I might have formed alliances with local politician*, but I did not. Some of these poli ticians came to me with propositions purely financial in their nature. In one of these propositions I will say that the cool suggestion was made that there would be as much as $400 a month on one appoint ment. Of conrse, not wishing to do practical politics on this basis, I refused to entertain any such a proposition. I immediately went to Dr. Morse of the Board of Health and warned him to be very careful in the matter of appointments, as I had been ap- Sroached on the subject as above stated. Dr. lorse can tell you more about the matter. I was approached in other matters and solicited to engage is "practical politics" in another appointment — an important appoint ment under the Board of Health— where the sum of $1000 a month was represented as the profits if I could control and secure the ap pointment for the person desired. Dr. Wil liamson will bear me out also in my statement as to warning the Board of Health. The Civic Federation directed the atten tion of the Grand Jury to the interview from which the foregoing paragraphs are copied and requested an investigation be made. It is ascertained that a sDecial meeting of the Grand Jury will be held next Monday. and at that time Harbor Commis3ioner Colnon will be asked to name the persons who made to him the propositions in "practical politics/ THE ZOUAVES DISBAND. They Will Not Comply With the Condi tions Imposed by the Gov ernor's Manifesto. The French Zouaves met for the last time on August 27, and each man turned in his uniform and arms. The company has gone out of existence, for it will not continue under the conditions which Gov ernor Budd's recent manifesto imposes. The decision was taken ac the meeting in question and was unanimous. It is only the military branch of the society, however, which has disbanded; the be nevolent institution is still in existence and bids fair to live long. The Zouaves were organized as a military company in May, 1870. In February, 1877, the tenevolent organization was formed, with the company as its basis, and the in stitution has been a strong one in French circles of San Francisco for many years. The list of those who have commanded the Zouaves comprises: E. B. Buffandeau, R. Lavipne, E. Voisard, F. Haffer, I. Bine, J. Boutes, J. Peyre, A. P. Bellne, J. Descharups and L. Rignaud. The officers who were with the company when it dis banded were: Captain L. Rignaud, First Lieutenant H. Pucheu, Second Lieutenant Z. Lonstalat, Adjntant J. Deschamps, Sergeant-major P. Largenti; color ser geants, A. Vallon and M. Andiclion; quartermaster sergeant. A. Laplace; ser geants, E. Montanban, J. Matluron, Charles Mazeris and T. Menein ; corporal, L. Borel, P, Pouquette, L. Lacrampe and J. Andiclion; cantiniere, Rosine Borel; guidon, A, Cosseron. These officers were elected September 2 last. The citizens of Meadville, Pa., celebrated last week the seventieth anniversary of Lafayette's visit to that town. 1 <***^0&tL c ° IoGTOR SWEANY. THIS OLD RELIABLE SPE- • * cialist needs no introduction \ or recommendation to the sick ; and afficted of San : Francisco and the Pacific Coast. For many years his offices have been lo- cated at 737 Market street, oppo- site "The Examiner" office. He is a graduate of the best medical colleges in the world, and has made a life-long study and prac- tice, in famous hospitals and elsewhere, of Nervous, Chronic and Private Diseases of men and women. : His well-known name is a sufficient guarantee of a per- fect cure of every case he under- takes. Have you A SECRET? Does it concern your health, and all that de- pends upon your health ? ' Does it trouble ana perplex yon until your head aches and your heart seems too full to hold it . Is your manhood trembling in the balance ? Do you feel the need of sympathy, counsel and aid Then come to Dr. Swe&ny, and, in sacred con- fidence, tell him all. , * He will do more than help you keep your se- . cret. He will help yon to forget It. Diseases fully cured ; soon cease to be even matters of memory. ■/ • ■> , " Don't confess to your family. It will only cause them shame and grief. Don't tell your closest friend. Friendships are not always lasting, and ' the temptation to gossip is great. * If you cannot come to San Francisco write Dr.' 1 Sweany fully and freely, with the assurance that your letter will be kept carefully concealed • from curious eyes. J , Office Hours— a.m. to 12 m.. 2to 5 and 7to 8 p. M.; Sundays, 10 a. m. to 12 m. only. :>- -• F. t. SWEANY, M.D., 737 Market Street, 8. t>\, Cal. •/;.;■ Opposite Examiner Office. . VT« Bwt Omi N » Bt DEWEY dt CO-1 a2O Mabket «t., 8. F., Ch. I ; NEW WESTERN HOTEL. - RBAEN V : AND • WASHINGTON BTB.— RE- modeled and renovated. KINO, WARD <fc 00. . European plan. Booms 50c to $1 50 per day, $i •to 8 per weelc, f8 to 30 par month; free baths: ' I hot and cold water every room ; tire grates in ever/ i room elevator runs all night. '.. •■■■o'v. . ; - .? -f. ;,.>■■;>• i-;-!'i :-■.'■■:■■ '-. - • ■ '• : ' * Weak Men and Women SHOULD VB± D AMI ANA BITTJEKS, THK great Mexican Remedy; gives ' Healtb aa* Strength to the Bexnal Organs. :i . .■ _^ ■WAMSY PILLS! : STSEEsHfiUAROC . Wiieex B»>«oir:c Co,l"mua,PA. < 9