Newspaper Page Text
10 EEAL ESTATE TEANS ACTIONS. Mary F. and Alice Smith (by F. J, , "Murasky. referee) to Annie McLoud, lot on S line of Post street. 102:11 YV of Octavia, XV 25:10 by S 120: * Will-am and Elise Bonn to Mary Hiron, lot on N YVill'-am and Elise Bohn to Mary Hlron, lot on N line of Grove street, 37:6 E ef Webster, E25 by N 82* $10 " Savings and Loan Society to -John J. Boyle, lot Sline of -Vallejo street, 137:6 YV of Laguna, YV 276 by S 137:6: $2750. Joseph M. Wood to William B. YY'ellman, lot on NE corner of Steiner street and Broadway, E 84:6% by N 137:6; $10. Charles L. Beal to Clara Kluge, lot on NE corner of Clay and Steiner, 25 by N" 102:8*-4: $10. William W. Farris (by T. E. Ryan, commissioner) to El Dorado Building and Loan Association, lot on E line of Tremont avenue, 343:6 S of Frederick street, S 25 by E 80; $7000. Smith* Carroll. .I.E.Carroll and O.R.Smith (by R. I. YYTielan, Sheriff) to Sacramento Lumber Company, lot on S line of Fifteenth street, 125 YY' of Sharon. XV 25 by S 100; also lo; on S line of Fif teenth street. 150 YY" of Sharon, YV 25 by S 100: also lot on SE line of Mission street, 76 SW of First, SE 80 by SYV 96:3: $1298. Mary M. Blalsdell to Patrick P. McGrath, lot on E line of Homestead street, 235 N of Twenty-fifth, N26 by 125; $1. A. J."Prager to Ralph, Lesser, Moses and Isaac Prager. lot on N line of O'Farrell street, 91 :6 Eof Larkin. E 23 by N 137:6: $5. Vincent P. Buckley to J. B. Haggin, Lloyd Tevis and Henry YVadswbrth (trustees San Francisco and Point Lobos Road Company), lot on NF. cor ner of Clement street and Twenty-seventh avenue. N 391:6, N 81 deg., E 37:3, 8 9 deg. 15 mm., E 396:2, W 77:9: $5. YV. YV. and Marlon M. Barrett to F. YV. Thomp son, lot on E line of Fifth avenue, 275 N* of Point Loboa. N 25 by E 120, subject to mortgage; $10. John J. O'Brien to Elizabeth E. F. O'Brien, lot on E line of Eighth aveuue. 325 S of A street, S 25 by E 150: $5. Samuel and Annie B. McKelvey to Solomon Getz, lot on E line of Forty-eighth avenue, 275 S of T street, S 60 by E 120; $10. L. E. and Eliza H. Humphrey to Carl F. Freitag, undivided one-half lots 627, 629, 631, 633, 635, Gift map 2: $160. , Charles E. Kelly to Charles A. King, lot on NE corner of Twenty-first and Eureka streets, E 50 by N 97:6: $10. Jean C. and Jeanne M. Traves to YVilliam Fries, lot on N line of Francisco 6treet, 137:6 YY' of Mason YV 22:11 by N 60: $10. Pletro and Celesttna Cuneo to Rolando Lagomar aino, lot on N line of Lake street, 40 Eof Thir teenth avenue, E 30 by N 72: $100. C. B. and Augusta Abraham to Eugene and Elizabeth Hall, lot on YY' line of Eighth avenue,32s N of Point Lobos avenue, N 25 by W 120; $10. Elizabeth Mack to Elizabeth M. Mcßride, lot on E line of Forty-sixth avenue, 275 N of C street, N 25 by E 120; gift. Ad'eie M. and Norman Smith Jr. to John H. Grady, lot on W line of Forty-first avenue, 100 S of U street, S 25 by YV 120, N 25, E 120: lot on E line of Forty-second avenue, 175 N of V street, N 25 by E 120: lot on W line of Forty-first avenue, 125 of 0 street, S 25 by YV 120: $10. Hugh Me. Inry to.lakot and Marie Pokrzywincki, lot on YY* line of Andover street, 33 S of East ave nue. S 25 by YV 110, block 6, Holly Park: $10. City and County of San Francisco to Maurice Dore, lot on W line of Douglass street, 138.67 S of Twentieth. S 4 deg. 15 mm.. E 81.83, N 52 deg. 02 mm.. YV 89, N 64 deg. 27 mm., YV 45.82. N 35 deg. la mm., E 73.57, 851 deg. 59 mm., E 25.92: also lot on S line of Stanton street, 134.82 N \v of Doug lass. N 64 deg. 27 mm.. YV 30.45, N 85 deg. 13 mm., E 39.18, 535 deg. 13 mm.. YV 20.07 ; $10. . Guatav and Therese Sutro to Hobart Estate Com pany, undivided one-half of all following: Lot 274.55 on San Bruno road by 300 on California avenue: lot 275.90 on San Bruno road and 21 :6 on California avenue by 300; lots 276 to 281, Precita Valley Lands; lot on YY' line of San Bruno road, 1599 Sof Precita avenue, s 420, W 300, N 373, E 300, Precita Valley lots 267 to 273: lot on YV line of San Bruno road, 172.22 S from angle in San Bruno road and 455.30 S of N line of Patterson Tract, N 60 deg. 30 mm., YV 297.64, N 31 deg. 11 mm., E 380. N 17 deg. 26 mm.. E 435.80, S 81 deg. 25 mm., E 300, S 16 deg. 25 mm., YV 455.30, S 30 deg. 10 mm., W 472.22; $10. ALAMEDA COUNTY. A. S. McDonald of Aiameda to P. J. Lydeaux of San Francisco. .784 of an acre, being lot 1, Pied mont Terrace, Oakland Township; $10. Thomas F. (and as attorney) and AdaGraber(by attorney) to Charles E. Palmer of Oakland, lots 2, 5. 6. 8. 9, 12, 13 and 15, block 62, tract B, Eerkeiey Land and Town Improvement Association, Berke ley; $10. Henry Gonzales of Sacramento to John Svenson of Oakland, lot on N line of Lincoln street, 166:3 E of YVood, E 23:9 by N 135, being the E -/% 01 lot 7, block B, Oakland Point Homestead Tract, sub ject to a mortgage, Oakland : $10. Hannah Oram of Oakland to John Oram of Oak land, lot on NW line of Eighth street, 79 E of Ade line, E4oby N 125, block 546, Oakland ; also lot on E line of Brush street. 75 N of Fifth, N 25 by E 75, being lot 4, block 49. Oakland; gift. T. D. Whitman of Oakland to Mary Hinkel of Oakland, lot on N yv line of Locksiey avenue. 150 NE of Summer street. NE 37:6 by NYY* 100, being the SW 37 :6 feel of lot 23, Locksiey square, Oak land Township: $10. James L. and Mary C. Barker of Berkeley to Thomas Addison of Berkeley, lot on N line of Channine way. 250 W of " Telegraph avenue (Choate street), N 130, E 60. S 130. YV 50 to be ginning, being lot 44, block A, Bever Tract. Berke ley: $100. Same to Fisk M. Ray of Berkeley, lot on N line of Charming way, 150 W of Telegraph avenue (Choate street., YV 50 by N 180, being iot 48, block 2, Beaver Tract. Berkeley; $100. Pacific Improvement Company to Frederick YV*. Voogt of San Francisco, lot on S line of Central avenue, 60 E of Lafayette street, S 150 by E 68, being lot 3 and E25 feet of lot 4. block 3. Bartlett Fifty-acre Tract, Alameda; $10. Anna Strang of Alameda to Henry E. Strang of Alameda, lot on S line of Bay street. 379.3 E of Main, E 100. s 183. E 50, N 183 to beginning, be ing portion of Plat 3, Rancho el Y*alle de San Jose, Murray Township: $10. . Robert and Lillian M. Hickmott to the R. Hick mott Canning Company, lot on N line of Seventh a'reet or Railroad avenue, 194 YY" from center of Union, W 25 by N 100, block 534, subjic; to a mortgage to Security Building and Loan Associa tion, Oakland; also lot on NW corner of Myrtle and YVest First streets, N 133:7*."., YV 173, S 35:1V 2 , E80:7. S 84:103/4, E 100 to beginning. subject to a mortgage for $12,000, Oakland; also lot on NE corner cf YY'est First and Filbert streets, E 150:10V2, N* 84-.103/4, W 80:7, 8 79:3. YV 57:10, S 28:9 to beginning, block 441, subject to a mort gage for $12,000, Oakland: si. HOTEL ARRIVALS. GRAND HOTEL. F Llkuis & wf , Y'alk-io S Scott, Napa B G Moore, Bolinas J C Jones, Sacramento J A GUI. Sacramento J L Bond, Ukiah C Gurnee, Oakland J Brown, Sacramento E Brown. Sacramento R T Howett, Mexico YY* T Harris. Petaiuma CYV Sawyer. San Lucas R A Thompson, S Mateo E N Baker & wf, Denver S Lamberger, Sacto J Saunders, Y allejo F J McGanney, Smtsvlle H G Melvin. Sacramento Miss M B McGanney, F C Walker, Cal Smarfsvllle J H Henderson A wife, Mrs J R Orr, Reno Stockton C lones, Napa O W Howard, Moines Miss Jones, Nap* J L Root, lowa YV N Simons, N V' .1 A McMartin, Chicago A R Allertson, 111 E J Bartholomew, 111 A G Smith, Miss G R Fitch, Redding F L Moore. Los Angeles C L Lambertson A ly, Mrs L YY' Merrick A sn. Y'isalia Tacoma T C Sullivan, San Jose J R Trayner, Marysville YY* Bruce, Chicago NEYV YVESTERN HOTEL. J B Footh, Men 0 Miss Johnson, Napa Miss F Parker, YVash 3 B YY'illiams, Cal C B Curtis, Menlo E Ca«.y, Chicago C R Ruble, NY C m Hatch. Y'allejo D J Keohall, Cal J George. Cal H Josephs. St Louis Charles Ward, St Louis J B Burns, St Louis C R YVillis ft 1, St Louis C M Frick, Isleton J D Graham, Isleton F YY' Jones, Chico . M B Kellogg, Sacto W Clausen. Pa D D Duff. Pa Miss Duff, Pa Miss M Molloy, Boston B B Booth, Chicago Mrs Brooks. Europe E M Lucy, NY' E E Love, N V M L Connolly, Cal PALACE HOTEL. W A Frost A wf. Mexico Captain Deioquet. France C C Bairie. Scotland F C Bruce, Boston C V Inderriden, Chicago G B YY'alker, N V D T Davies, YY'ashlngton O B Stanton, Bakersfield «. F YY'hibbs, Stockton R G Eoclea, Brooklyn Mrs R G Eccles, Brklyn Lucy Wills, London Louisa Hahn, L Angeles FB Aulich, Chicago E F Lamb. London C Bishop, London J F Cbarnock&wf, Bstn John Boggs, Colusa Mrs Harvey, Gait Miss Harvey, Gait BALDYVIN HOTEL. '77 '■ W N Miller, l'kiah J N" Dejendorf, Sacto YY* H Haycock, Sacto ■R M Brown, YVoodland J Plount, San Leandro A 8 YY'olfe. Oakland J H Y'etter, Oakland L Soioman, Fresno J J Sully, Stockton E Williamson, st Louis MisaE M Jones.St Louis Miss B YVilliatnson, St L H C Woodrun. S L City Miss A YViliiamson, st L J H Roberts. Sacto .1 Hamilton A w.YVillows J M Moore, Undine S Hansen, Salinas SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cai.l^— TIC Market street, open until 12 o'ciock every right in the year. '-'.nil -WJJfQ BRANCH OFFICES-530 Montgomery street, rcrrerC'lay: open until 9:30 o'clock. SF9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. .717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. SYV. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open tntil f o'clock. 2618 Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. , 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. K"3F"SAN FRANCISCO CHA Na ft ■*S*^ 1. Royal Arch Masons, meet THlS__f^ EVENING for business. IS.M ' H. G. PRINCE. Sec. _J__ Bt^*» HERMANN LODGE NO. 127, ft ***& F. and A. M.-Stated meeting THIS DAY (Monday). September 2, 1895, at 8 2? o'clock p. m. By order of YV. M. - rV\ L. SCHUMACHER, Secretary. IKS* OCCIDENTAL LODGE No. 22, ft »*-*>' F. & A. Stated meeting THIS t\ (MONDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. By^^ order of YV. M. .- H. A. JONES, Sec. /vV ■^s=-WALHALLA ENCAMPMENT fa M ***&" No. ,7. 1. O. O. F.-The officers and*\/ ,s funeral committee of this encampment are .^x hereby kindly requested to assemble at OddX X Fellows' Hall on MONDAY, September 2, at 10 a. M..for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late patriarch, JOHN DELICAT. In F. H. and C. . HERMANN BABTHOLD, C. P. Max Schumann. Scribe. j^gp CONCORDIA LODGE, NO. .*<*mir77~ *V& 122. I. O. O. F., will meet MON-.___**SS_<_V_ DAY' EVENING, September 2, to in-^gSgHSSF tlate two candidates. * All members "^^HY^*- and sojourning brothers are cordially invited. HERMAN D. MEYER, N. G. , Cubist Roxbeb, Bee. Sec. MEETING NOTICES-Continued. rjr-S=" GOLDEN GATE LODGE No. vS3^S_«to> I****? 204, I. O. O. Members are^^fcjg-. ; hereby notified to attend the funeral -5_^SE?2S~' of our late brother, J. UNDO, from his * > * , *WI*I'-- ! late residence, 2419 Sutter st., bet. Devisadero and j Broderick.THlS DAY (Monday), Sept. 2, at 2 p. m. j Interment Odd Fellows' Cemetery. A. PHILBROOK, N. G. C. R. Maci_atjohi_an, Rec. Sec. '-■.".__.'--. ! i|r-^~ABOU : BEN ADHEM „^M__b, ■W 7 Lodge No. 112, I. O. O. F.— Members notified to attend funeral of -55~§33'5^ r i our late brother. F. J. HUSING. THIS •^o*mXW DAY', 1 :15. Assemble Odd Fellows' Hall. ■■'-"■' W. H. BLUNDEN, Permanent Secretary. BSS*-* ALL IRELAND'S DAY AT 4 ' ■»-&' Shell Mound Park SUNDAY, Sep- /a, tember 8. K. R. B. Rifles. Everybody is»J§x# going; don't miss it. __^*4__ ft_3p ALL ABOARD FOR SHELL T **C 7 •>. i"*-*** mound— Fifth annual picnic and *£y/A games of the Order of Scottish Clans will **WivX©C be held at Shell Mound Park, Berkeley, ''■&S?** on ADMISSION DAY", MonJay, September 9. A great programme of athletic sports, bicycle races, etc., etc., will be presented. Cash and valuable prizes to winners in all competitions. Dancing in pavilion all day. Music by Gregg & Fairgrieve's band and clan pipers. Games commence at 11 o'clock sharp. Don't miss the last great picnic of the season! Admission to park: Gentlemen, 50c: ladies and children (over 10 years), 25c s ■ ■ COMMITTEE. jrr^-p PLASTERERS, ATTENTION— THERE ; l**& will be a special meeting, called by the plas terers, at 927 Mission st., bet. Fifth and Sixth, on THURSDAY NIGHT, at 8 o'clock sharp. All journeymen are invited. DANIEL SULLIVAN, President. Charles YY'ilsox, Secretary. |JE_^s-* NOTICE TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF *£*& A. L. Bryan Shoe . Company, a corporation. Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of a resolution and order of the Board of Directors of A. L. Bryan Shoe Company, a corporation, unani- mously adopted at a meeting of said Board of Di- [ rectors, duly held at the office of the company in I the city and County of San Francisco, State of California, on the 17th day of August, 1895, a ma- jority of the members of said board being present, a special meeting of the stockholders of the said A. L. Bryan Shoe Company will be held at the office of said company at No. 310 Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia, the same being the principal place of busi- ness of said corporation, and being the office where the Board of Directors of said corpora- tion usually meets, on the 22d day of October. i 1895, at 2 o'clock p. M.,for the purpose of consider- ! ing and acting ton a proposition to increase the I capital stock of said corporation irom $50,000, the present capital, to $100,000. Dated the 17lh day of August, 1895. By order of the Board of Directors. T. M. EARL, I Secretary of A. L. Bryan Shoe Company. 310 1 Market street. San Francisco. Cal. g-e-TB*** MEET TO GET MONEY OF UHCLfI Ir^y HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. I Zi44S-> CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— j 'S^ THE YVEEKLY' CALL, sent to any address : in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, ! postage free. = SPECIAL NOTICE"*. jgEiF^*-!*-!*---*-^^ Eg*-^ 120y 2 Geary, room 11; hours 10 to 10: $1. S£~S=~ BAD — TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. as<sY Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy st.. room 6, Tel. 5580. ce_3j-* YVINDOYVS CLEANED AND FLOORS IS*£^ scrubbed: reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI A CO., 242 Sntter. 3*"__****p CORNS REMOY'ED YVITHOUT KNIFE; \£*J& no pain. Chiropodic Ir-ultute, 36y*; Geary. - ROOMS YY'HITENED, $1 UP: PAPER? BS^ ed S3 50iiD. 309 Sixth. George'Hartman. sf_^= YOUNG JEWISH LADY GIVES iS^y electric baths. Offices 47-48, 850 Market st. jjt7^§=~ ELECTRIC ' AND VAPOR BATHS. l£ : *-& Rooms 8 and 9, 121 Montgomery st. SITUATIONS ' WANTED— FEMALE. ADIES— FOR AN Al SERVANT SEE J. f. J CROSETT CO.. 312 Sutter at. NEAT GERMAN - 2 YEARS .LAST place: a good Irish cook for Jewish family; competent Swedish girl as cook. A number of re- liable girls can be seen at MME. LEOPOLD'S, 20 Stockton st. KEFIN E D GERMAN NURSERY GOVER- ness wishes engagement to teach and take care of children; can board home if desired. Address N\, box 74, Call Office. D^ "BESS mAK E K. FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, fitter and designer, wishes a few more engage- ments in families by the day: tailor suits a spe- cialty; terms reasonable. Address E. C, box 74, Call. ' A YOUNG SPANISH WOMAN WISHES _T\_ work by the day or week. Call or address 750V2 Harrison st. pOMPETENT YOUNG YVOMAN WISHES, xj housework and cooking: ref. Apply 1532 Polk. "yOUNG REFINED LADY' YY'ANTS HOUSE- X keeper's position in hotel or lodging-house. 121 Montgomery st., room 10. ERMAN OMAN YY'ANTS ' SITUATION: light housework awl cooking. Eastern Hotel, 435 Pine St., near my. OMAN WANTS ANY* KIND OF PLAIN xl sewing to do*, gentlemen's mending, coats re- lined and bound cheap. 114 Fourth St., room 15. * REFINED 'YOUNO~LADY WOULD LIKE Az\. to ass:B: with light housework by the day. Ad- dress D. box 18, Call Office. IpiRST-CLASS • HOUSECLEAN wishes work by the day; can do washing and ironing; $1 25. Call or address 47 Jessie St.. middle flat. COMPETENT GIRL WISHES A PLACE TO do housework or downstairs work. Apply 227 Hayes st. C "OMPETENT WOMAN YVISHES SITUATION to do general housework and ■ plain cooking. Apply 311 Fell st. .__ OMPETENT SWEDISH GIRL YVISHES SlT- uation as cook or to do general housework; best references: wages $25 a month. 27 Laskle St., off Mission, a:. Ninth. POSITION BY RESPECTABLE YVOMAN TO assist in light housework or take full charge of children. * Piease call at 139V^ Eleventh at., nr. Howard; rear. •• RESPECTABLE YVOMAN* WISHES SITUA- tion for general .housework. Call for three days, 1024 Howard, room 2. A SWEDISH GIRL FOR CHAMBER YVORK; -*.». is a first-class seamstress: good waiter on table. lIV 2 Antonio St., off Jones, near Ellis. ERMAN"WOMAN* WISHES TO GO OUT BY' the day washing, ironing, cleaning. 637 Ste- venson at. . . . . ; . . DRESSMAKER — FIRST - CLASS FITTER; stylish draper and designer: thorough dress- maker; by the day; just moved. MISS YVAR- YVICK, 309 Ivy aye. ALL AT THE SYVEDISH AND GERMAN (*.ALL AT THE SYVEDISH AND GERMAN J Bureau for a good servant. 332 Geary. Tel. 983. I^OR RELIABLE COLORED - HELP APPLY .T ue BON A LONG. 628 Montgomery at., room 8. ESPECTABLE WOMAN WANTS WAB H - ing and cleaning by the day. Address MRS. A., 864 1.3 Mission st. ESPECTAB LE MIDDLE-AGED AMERICAN widow wishes work by the day or week. 343 Minna st. OOKKEEPER, CASHIER, TYPEWRITER: young lady, 7 years' experience: quick, accu- rate at figures : competent office manager; first-class references. H. E. M., box 38, CalL RESSMAKER FROM THE EAST WOULD like any kind or sewing; $1 per day. Call or address R. J. L.. 915% Howard st. YOUNG GERMAN GIRL WISHES SITUA- X tion for general housework. Please call or ad- dress 24 Natoma at. RESPECTABLE GERMAN LADY YVISHES A situation to take care of children or do house- keeping. 16 Antonio at., off Jones, bet. O'Farrell and Ellis. PBIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH* ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. "WIDOW YVITH MEANS WOULD LIKE A " position as housekeeper or as partner in paying business. Call at 1027 Market St., top floor, room 8. WELL EDUCATED LADY WANTS . POSI- -11 tion as collector or other work, where energy and integrity would lie appreciated; reference and security. 937 Shotwell st. IjY IRST-C L ASS DRESSMAKER; STYLISH cutter and fitter; will go out by day ; also tailor- made and evening dresses a specialty: all latest French styles. Call or address 569 Eighth, Oakland. ANTED— BY MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, place as housekeeper for a widower with chil- dren, or general housework In a private family: country preferred. Address Mrs. B. H., 4.60 Third at., Oakland. WANTED — BY YVIDOYV, TO DO HOUSE- »». work for widower or small family. Address 32 Clara st. . flJ9fl COMPETENT OBLIGING GIRL ♦*p___V_'. wants situation for general housework with Protestant family. Call 600 Fulton st. . ITUATION YVANTED BY' FIRST-CLASS cook. Address 984 Howard st. ERMAN LADY', GOOD SEAMSTRESS, with son of 12 years, would like to do house- work or sewing for room and board. Address A. P.. box 7, Call Office, Oakland. I* I RST-CLASS tWOMAN " WISHES WORMY ' the day; family or laundry. Call or addess 21 Dehome st., bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth, Church and Sanchez. • R" ELI ABLE.COMPETENT GERMAN WOMAN, hard worker, wants work by the day; is a flrst- class lunch cook or in short order restaurant. - Call or address 69 Minna St.. basement. ; WINCHESTER HOUSE-44 THIRD, NEAR »» Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable. OUNG FRENCH LADY WOt Lb LIKE GEN- . tlemen's mending. Address l'AQx^ Geary at., room 10. ' ENTLEMEN'S MENDING NEATLY DONE. Room 22, 105 Stockton at., first floor. "yOUNG - WIDOW REFINED, STRANGER, X would travel as companion, take full charge of hotel or rooming-house, or would care for . invalid or children; good seamstress; reference. Z., box 110. Call Office. J FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER YVISHES A X I few more engagements by tbe day: • terms rea- sonable. Call or address MISS X., 405 Geary at., room 41. • W" INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR Market, electric lights in every room; 200 room: 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 perweek. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1895. SITUATIONS WAN TED-Contlnned. _, GERMAN; GIRLVWANTS' SITUATIoVfOR general , housework; ~ wages - $20; first-class cook. Call or address 1719 Howard st. *■• - - -'- SITUATION* WANTED— MALE. in? A LET~TRrVELriNO~(7'6M^ V valid attendant; ■ shaves, speaks . French, Ger- man and English; best of London and United States references; single. Valet, 681 Mission st., room 36. . _ OOD COOK AND BAKER WANTS SITUA- tion in hotel, restaurant or boarding-bouse. Please call 545 Mission st. < TRONG YOUNG MAN YVISHES" TO POSE O as model. Address C. M. S., box 61, Call Office. ARBER WANTS WORK FOR $10 PER week: city orcountry: good workman; steady. Address Barber, box 70, Call Office. AINTER WITH TOOLS WILL WORK BY day or contract; reference. . G, ■ box 18, Call, SOBER AND STEADY YOUNG MANWANTS position as porter in store or wholesale house. Address G. L., 772 Harrison at. " WANTED BY: YOUNG AMERICAN POSI- -11 tion. gentleman's place: good horseman: willing and competent. . Address F, box 101, Call. OUNG GERMAN WISHES YVORK OF ANY X kind; can milk, drive, is used to hard work. C, box 91, Call Office. GOOD CARPENTER WANTS SOME WORK, contract or by the day; pay taken out in board and lodging; part cash. A. 8., box 75, this office.^ SITUATION wanted by MIDDLE-AGED man as dishwasher in small restaurant; under- stands cooking; wages $10. Address A. S., 606 Howard st. _BnS_3_M_S_H9M9S9__l ANTED — situation by COMPETENT engineer and machinist to run stationary en- gine: understands dynamo, Incandescent lighting; can do all necessary repairing. Address Engineer, 20a Rausch st. OAHMAN— A SITUATION BY A young man; good driver, milker and general hand about a private place: first-class references. Address C. A., box 50. Call Office. • . "UrHEELYVRIGHT AND ALL-ROUND wood- xi worker, steady and reliable, wants situation; city or country. Address H., box 46, Call Office. TVTANTED-YVORK BY' A PRACTICAL PA- - 11 per-hanger and painter by the flay, roll or job. Address R. C. HALL, 1137 Mission st. _____ (".OMPETENT MAN YVISHES POSITION AS J porter in wholesale house; thoroughly under- stands shipping and packing. Address M., box 102, Call Office. ■ ■ ■ ■ STEADY YOUNG- M AN WANTS WORK OF any kind; understands horses: wages no ob- ject. Address 113 Larkin st., room 25. AUNDRYMAN YVISHES TO DO YV ASHING by hand for hotel or institution. Address L. M., box 34, this office^ "yOUNG MAN, 2092 MARKET ST., WANTS A situation; leather goods, toilet, stationery and book salesman: 8 years' experience; wages $5 a week. *. ' JAPANESE BUTLER YVANTS SITUATION in private family: city or Oakland: who under- stands French cooking first class and has long ex- perience, or take charge of small clubhouse. H. S. M., box 57, this office^ WOULD GIVE CASH SECURITY FOR POSI- ix tion of trust by man of 42; salary not so much an object as permanency. Address P. M., box 123, Call Office. ■ ANTED— BY* COMPETENT, RELIABLE xx man, office position; can attend to collections and assist in bookkeeping. Address E. G. M., box 72, Call. NGINEER AND MACHINIST WANTS SlT- uation; best of references; city or country. E. N. P., box 111, Call Office. BORROW ON YOUR WATCH OF UNCLE HARRIS, 16 Grant aye., near Geary st. EXPERIENCED GROCERY' CLERK, LATELY" from New York, wishes a situation; speaks German and English. Address C. E., Y'osemite House, 1045 Market st. P" ~RA C TIC A L HOUSE-PAINTER, WITH tools, wants work by the day or take contract: will work cheap. YV. 0., 3021 Pine st. _ TEADY' RELIABLE MAN WISHES SITUA- tion as porter or night watchman; strictly sober, married man; references. Address 'ASA Third st. S" OBER LAT NDRYMAN, 16 YEARS' EX- perience in band laundry, wishes a situation at washing or ironing; reasonable wages: city or country. Address A. Y'.. box 57, this office. FEMALE HELP WANTED. T^ANTED^SECOND GIRL ANiT~SEwTnG^ " a short distance, see lady here at 10 to-day, $20; 2 coo^s and laundresses, country. s3o; Protes- tant second girl, assist with washing, *20; ironer in laundry: girls for cooking and housework in Bel- mont. Oakland, Fresno, Grand Island, San Rafael, Martinez and other surrounding towns; waitress and chambermaid, country hotel, $20. J. F. CROSETT <fc Co., 312 Sutter st. llr ANTED— SECOND GIRL, MUST SPEAK xl Spanish, $20; cook, wash and iron, American family, $25: German nurse, $25; 3 German second gir.s v cco'**s, German style, $25 and $30; German hotel cook. $35, and a great many girls for cooking and housework. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 312 Sutter st. - ANTED— NURSE. THREE CHILDREN, xx $25; cook and laundress, San Rafael, $25: nurse, one grown child, $15: cook for mining camp, $30: a Catnolic woman about 40 years of age as working housekeeper; local references re- quired: wages $30; twenty housework girls for city and country. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. _ . WANTED— A NURSE YVITH DIPLOMA FOR xx hospital work: steady position. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. *|,"HRST-CLASS WAITRESS. CITY' HOTEL, J- $20: waitress and chambermaid for springs, $20; waitress, country hotel, $20; boarding-house cook, country. $20;' restaurant waitress, city, $20. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. OOK AND LAUNDRESS, $25; GERMAN general housework girl, Fresno, fare paid. $20; green German girl, Alameda, $20; 5 Swedish or German girls, general housework, city or country ,' $20 ; French second girl, $15;. German nursegirl, Merced, fare paid, $15. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary at. - GERMAN COOK, $30: GERMAN SEAM- XJ stress, $25: nurse, $20: 2 chambermaids, $20; waitress, $20; 15 housework girls, city and coun- try towns and ranches, $20 and $25: 6 young girls, assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stock- ton at. CHAMBERMAID; MERCED: $15; FARE ) paid. MISS CULLEN. 105 Stockton at. WANTED — FRENCH AND SPANISH »» nurse, $25: cook for Santa Barbara, $25: French nurse, $15; French ironers for laundry. $6 and $9 a week; French governess, $30: German second girl, country, $20. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton at. HAMBERMAID, PLAIN COUNTRY HOTEL, $15; neat woman cook, small ranch, $15; 25 women and girls, work of all kinds at MURRAY & READY'S, 634 and 636 Clay at. " WANTED - NUMBERS OF COOKS. SEC- xx ond girls and girls for general housework of all nationalities; wages, $15, $20, $25 and $35. Swed- ish and German Employment Bureau, 332 Geary. SWEDISH OR ' MAN GIRL FOR HOURE- O work and cooking In family of three; neat, clean; between 18 and 28 years of age: none others: wages, $15. Apply 919 Sutter st. Goon GERMAN COOK: reference RE- quired. Call bet. 10 and 12 and 5 and 6 o'clock, 1610 Franklin st. WANTED-A GIRL TO DO LIGHT HOUSE- ix work in small family. Inquire at 17 New Montgomery at., under Grand Hotel. W~ ANTED— COMPETENT GIRLS FOR COOK- ing and general housework. Apply 2121 Pine at. ANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST WITH LIGHT housework and mind children. 1510 O'Far- rell at. EBMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL FOR light housework; no washing. Apply to-day, after 12 o'clock. 1734 Eddy at., near Scott; $10. YOUNG GERMAN GIRL TO ASSIST IN X small family; wages $10. Call at 613 Eddy St., from 11 to 2 o'clock, Monday. R* ESPECTABLEYVOMAN WANTED TO DO general housework. Please call at 221 Third at., room 16, top floor. *\7*OUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEGRAPH" X ana qualify for good paying positions; day or evening. ; Kearny entrance, 640 Clay at. IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: MUST understand cooking. ; 612 Devisadero at. GirlTto ASSIST at HOUSEWORK: SLEEP home. 1228 McAllister at. IRL ABOUT 14 TO PLAY YVITtt CHILD OF 3; sleep home; call after 3. 1620 Ellis at. IRL FOR JEWISH FAMILY' TO DO COOK- ing. 622 Golden Gate aye. \\T ANTED— AN APPRENTICE TO YVORK ON xx coats. Call at 315% O'Farrell at. HOUSEir__EP-_R"(IRISHYVOMAN) 40 YEARS old; $20. 609 Kearny st., room 8. , '■ , GOOD TAILORESS ON CUSTOM COATS. 1 1911 V Mission st. GIRL TO LEARN BOOKBINDING. * APPLY 616 Commercial st. • , ~/Tn APPRENTICE TO LEARN DRESSMAK- A ing at room 113, Murphy building. *. ■■ Vim KG GIRL TO ASSIST IN~HOUSEWORK: -I- wages, $10. 1930 Pine at. "W ANTED— A GIRL TO .DO " GENERAL ' l housework. 1230 Treat aye. "YOUNG _ GIRL _ FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. A 1325 Guerrero st. . ' PPRENTICE GIRL WANTED ON CUSTOM coats. 39 Everett at. .-*.:■: z;..- t z WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS FINISHER 724*/ 8 Market st„ room 27. '.* - - .- • YOUNG GIRL TO DO GENERAL . HoUsE- X work; small family. 1717 Buchanan st. YOUNG GIRL _.•-- FOR ■ LIGHT .*' GENERAL -L housework. 1538 Ellis st. WOMAN WANTEITtO - DO LIGHT HOUSE- work and take care of children. 320 Seventh. ANTED— A YOUNG GIRL v FOR LIGHT . housework. 121 Post St., room 33. ■ DINING-ROOM GIRL: $16 and' room; little ex- perience; early. 1530 Polk st. '■■•>,;:■;.> .*-." * PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WISH Ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', lft Grant aye WANTED— THREE LADIES; ONE ASMANA- , ger, one as I lecturer and | one las Instructor of agents for a medical company. - M., box 105, this office. HELP -WANTED— Continued. j V L _ LL^LADIES^ HAVING^A FEYV HOURS' jz\. . leasure each day should write me at once, re- garding pleasant home work which easily pays $18 weekly; this is no deception and will cer- tainly pay you to investigate. Reply with stamped envelope MRS. S. A. STEBBINS, Lawrence, Mich. "WANTED— YOUNG LADY FOR ELECTRIC ff baths. 121 Montgomery St., room 1. OOD STEADY FINISHER ON PANTS. 307 Clementina sU, near Fourth. SWEDISH HOME EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 11-Va Antonia at., off Jones, near ' Ellis. LADIES WANTED TO SELL MANHATTAN egg food; is the beat.»C. KERTELL^San Mateo. LADIES TAUGHT HAIRDRESSING, MANL curing, : face treatments: . moderate. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post at., r. 20, * PIANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY schooled artist; lessons 25°- j 617 Jones st. ANTED— 2O LADIES , FOR . LIGHT OUT- f f door work; will pay competent persons *3 60 a day. Apply 329 Fourth St., upstairs. GIRLS TO LEARN'" - DRESSMAKING. CUT- ting, fitting and finishing; patterns cut to fit. 25c. Mcdowell, 213 Powell st. WTANT ED-TEACHERS EMPLOY^ ment to canvass for educational periodicals. YVHITTAKER A RAY CO.. 723 Market sU WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR Market: electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 26c to $1 50 pr night ; $1 50 to $6 per week. UP-TO-DATE SYSTEM OF DRESS-CUTTING ; xj actual measurements. 14 McAllister, room 67. OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE: YVincheater House, 44 Third St., near Market; 200 rooms, 2sc to $1 50 pr night :$1 50 to $6 pr week BENCH ACCORDIAN-PLEATING, PlNK- ing, stamping, patent button-holes. 137 Sixth. RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- 'J made suits; $7; perfect flu 118 McAllisterst. - PROFESBOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- ting and making school : all branches. 702 Sutter. * MALK HELP WANTED. WX~NFri_D^sTra ff penters for Central America, $6 day, silver: 10 men to pick grapes, .**l day and board; 5 wood- choppers, $1 25 and $1 50 cord; lumber pilers, $1 50 day; laborers about mill and woods, $1 50 to $1 70 day; errand boy for country, $5 month and found; teamsters, cooks, waiters and ' others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT A CO., 628 Sacramentost. MAN AND YVIFE, PRIVATE PLACE, $50; 6 drillers and hammermen, rock work, country, $32 50 and board: 10 laborers and teamsters, city, «26 and board: 6 farm hands, $20; ranch carpen- ter, $25; lumber piier, $26: woodam'*n > $26; grape- pickers, $26: butcher, $30 and found; shoemaker, custom work: 2 ranch cooks, $15 and $20: scraper teamsters, $26. R. T. YVARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. - ■ ■-■■ QA TEAMSTERS AND 20 LABORERS FOR OXJ railroad work: free fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. * * ■ ' ' . WANTED— MINERS, CARPENTERS, STICK- ff erhana, cork-cutter, rockmen, teamsters, la- borers, city and country; cooks, waiters and kitch- en-hands, city and country. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 10 Geary st. 500 == B?ys and men to pick grapes, dry and box raisins, work in packing and drying-houses; three to four months' work; $30 per month and found. MUR- RAY' A READY. 634 and 636 Clay at. .. * *1 A LABOBERS, CITY, $20 TO $26 AND Ixj found: 15 farmers, $20 to $2 6; choreboy . for ranch. MURRAY & READY. 634 and 636 Clay. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT COOKS, CITY D and country: 5 waiters, $25 and $30; 3 dish- washers, $20 and $30; second cook, $30. MUR- RAY' A READY', 634 and 636 Clay st. A C MEN TO PICK FRUIT, $20 TO $25 AND 10 found, near city. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. * . W*A COOK, PLAIN, HOTEL, $45; ff dishwasher, $25; shirt ironer, near city. $35; man about place, with references, $15; elderly German gadener. $15: laborer, young man, $1 75 a day ; waiter, s3o, etc. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stock- ton st. GERMAN COOK, $30: COOK, $25; GIRL FOR VJT housework, 3 in family, $'"0: girl to sleep home, $15; nursegirl, 812; 5 girls for housework. MRS. HIRD, 705 Polk st. *. . MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. CHAMBER- WORK, $15; woman to assist in boarding-house. $15; 2 girls, American family, $20: girl, Martinez. $20; 2 German cooks, $30. Girls call at MME. LEO- POLD'S, 20 Stockton st. ' . ' ' ' RCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN. must be flrst-class. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kear- ny street. fx ARDENER, $25. MISS CULLEN.IOS STOCK- vX ton St. . A LL PAINTERS SHOULD ATTEND THE -fY. mass-meeting at the Turk-st. Temple, Turk, near Mason, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 4. 1895, at 8 o'clock, to further the newly organized union; good speakers will be present. "WANTED— MINERS TO STAY" AWAY' FROM ff Cceur d'Alene mines; strike on against reduc- tion. EX. BOARD MINERS' UNION. ' WANTED- AGENTS; J. A. BRONQUIST AND ff O. Anderson; please call. YVILSON, 22 Kear- ny atreet. JJ OUNG MAN WHO HAS A FEW HOURS A of spare time at night desires to take in writing. Address E.. box 30. Call Office. - "OY 14 OR 15 YEARS: GOOD HOME. 1318 Tnrk st. . HON EST, ACTIVE BOY' FOR FRUITSTAND ; references ; Monday 7:30 a.m. 1114 Sacramento. TJ. I RST-CLASS TAILOR— I 2 MONTGOMERY, -C room 10. GOOD YVAITER: -ONE KNOWS HOW TO open oysters. 438 Hayes St. LUMBER'S HELPER YVANTED; 7:30 A.M. Monday morning. 210 Mason st. ANTED-GOOD ; RESTAURANT WAITER at 43 Second street. TTTANTED— BOY TO learn plumber and ff tinner; reference. 210 O'Farrell street. AN TO DO GENERAL KITCHEN YVORK. 213-215 J*ine street. ' - FIRST -CLASS YVAITER WANTED. 15 Stockton au WANTED— A COOK. 613 CLAY STREET. ANTED— A COMPETENT DENTIST TO f f take charge of elegantly furnished offices in San Jose. Address Postoffice box 1112. oung men TO LEARN TELEGRAPH AND X qualify for good paying positions: day or even- ing. Kearny entrance, 640 Clay at. ANTED-TO SELL NEW CLOTHES NEVER worn; would Jit a youth of 16 or 17; sell on account of outgrowth; a real bargain. Address P., box 18, Call Office. ;.*.'■ ■ IirANTED-BL'TCHER TO TAKE CHARGE ■ff of first-class shop as partner; $260 required. M., box 60, Call Office. . --*. .-. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME; BIG MONEY- > maker; $40 cash required; no humbug. X., box 70, Call Office. . STEADY' MAN WITH SIOO CASH AS PART" kJ ncr: chance of a lifetime; light work. JAMES, box 91, Call Office.". • -- '-_- COATMAKER FOR COUNTRY. APPLY REISS BROTHERS, 24 Sutter st. I GERMAN, AiiOUT IT.~TO""YVORK IN GRO- cery-store, corner Pacific and Larkin Bta. '■■-, an . YVANTED IN THE COUNTRY TO work in house and garden in exchange for home and clothes: must be trustworthy and will- ing: no other need apply: references required. By letter only to A. X.. box 34, 1236 Market st. SAN RAFAEL-BARBER-SHOP AND BATHS for rent: good location: rent cheap. Apply GEO. D. SHEARER A CO., real estate agts, San Rafael. FIRST-CLASS MATTRESS-MA _AT once. 642 and 644 Mission St., ANTED— FIRST-CLASS MEN TO SOLICIT orders for suits * made to order at wholesale prices, city and country. Apply E. H. LEVY, 113 Bush st. , W ANTED-AN INDUSTRIOUS MAN AS ff partner in first-class, newly fitted-up store in meat, poultry and delicacy market; will clear $100 permonth to each; best location : small rent; cap- Ital required $250. C. R., box 76. Call Office. COATMAKER YVANTED. 730 HOWARD st. ANTED — WINDOW - TRIMMER AND card-writer for dry-goods house. Call between 10 and 12 a. m., KAHN BBOS., Oakland, Cal. Live ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. APPLY Wasp office, 513 Market st. *,•'.. ._. BARBER-SHOP "FOR SALE; RUNNING 3 chairs: good location. ■ Call 1316*/ Powell St., second floor. ...... T. IVE MEN YVANTED • FOR LIGHT OUT- XX door work : will pay competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. ENERGETIC MAN FOR a BUSINESS A sition. Address W. 8., Call Office. : BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Asa., 12 Seventh. . H. SCHEUNERT. MOZART, 319 ELLIS, NEAR TAYLOR-100 ■ newly furnished rooms,2sc night; $1 25 week. BARBEBS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- Sment secretary. CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. TRY ACME HOUSE. 957 MARKET ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room ; 25c a night; $1 a week. > . TALECTBU; LIGHTS -IN : EVERY' ;/ ROOM. Xx YVinchester House.44 Third au, Market : 200 rooms: 25cper night; convenient and . respectable WINCHESTER HOUSE, 1 44 THIRD, NR. Market: 200 rooms: 26c a night: reading-room. MEN'S SHOES %-SOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; . done in 15 minutes. 636 Kearny at., basement. WANTED— MEN .WHO DO NOT RECEIVE f f their wages to place accounts with ns ; law and commercial collection: no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, 110 Sutter, 4. '-491 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS 25c TO 50c xJjJX a night; $1 to $3 a week; open all night. SHOES SOLED 15 MINUTES; WHILE YOU wait; half usualjirtce? 959 Howard, 409 Va Pine. WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO ■ f f 'St.; lOOoutside rooms; best spring beds: single rooms 20c a day ; $1 a week : ineald, 10c. ■:■■•■ - r :4 REE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS . for 6 cents at 228 Pacific st. ■■ ■ \ ■■"■ ■•■■-■ ' L INDELL *.- HOUSE,* ; 6TH -AND - HOYVARD- single furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c nlghu - OX-CENT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY £txJ at 44 Fourth at. : no humbug. > • ■1~..»f:\ WANTED— MEN .TO GET ■ BOTTLE SHARP f f steam beer, sc; bottle wine. 6c. 609 Clay su HELP WANTED— Contlnned. TIT ANTED— SINGLE _ ROOMS, 150 A DAY; $1 ff . week ; rooms for two, 26c a day, $1 60 a week; reading room • daily papers. 38 Clay su ■ ■* ■ -: x - HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; I work guar- anteed. 562 Mission St., bet. First st. and Second st. WANTED— LABORERS * AND B MECHANICS f f to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 I Third at.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night : $1 to $3 per week. *1 AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 J- XJ and 20c a night, including coffee and roils. 624 Washington at., near Kearny. B'feST IN CIT i— SINGLEROOMS, 15, 20 25 cents per night; 31, $1 25, $1 60 per week. Paclflc House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. ACICi MEN'S SECOND-H AN SHOES.SOME JzXJXJ nearly new, 25c to $1 25. 662 Mission at. AGENTS WANTED. AP 6f~CaT_TfoT_N_A NOW OUT; AGENTS wanted. 630 Commercial st. - — LADIES OR GENTLEMEN TO SELL PAT- ent electric friction towels: attachable to any bath; producing a . strong current through the water. Apply LEOPOLD'S BAZAAR. 320 Kearny. W ANTED-LADY AGENTS SOB A NEW xl enterprise; easily sold and can make $4 and $5 a day. Address S., box 8, Call. . * ■.*:--■ -..-•-■-..■■ CITY SOLICITORS, SALARY AND COMMIS- sIon. Baxter Portrait Co., 432 Sntter st. AGENTS WANTED— MONEY MADE SELL- ing Liquid Electricity*, * sure cure for rheuma- tism and neuralgia. 916 Market, room 22, 3d floor. CALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY XJ wants good agents to work its accident and sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. YV. HANNA, Secretary, Murphy building. ANTED— 2O MEN TO HANDLE A FAST " selling article; $5 to $7 per day easily made; will pay you to Investigate. Apply 22 V 2 Geary at., room 8. hours 10 a. m. to 12 m.,.2 to 4 p. m. AGENTS EVERYWHERE - THROUGHOUT the United States can make from $3 50 to $8 per day, handling the latest California invention: everybody buys it; grand success in San Francisco; county rights free. Address CALIFORNIA PRO- DUCTION CO.. 328 Seventh at., S. F. WANTED TO-DAY'— 2 LIVE CANVASSERS ""to introduce horse and stock book. ED- YVARDS 7 City Hall avenue. ■': ■_ ■ ;:- FURNITURE wanted. mericanTfurniture comp any will pay you the highest cash price for your furni- ture, carpets, etc. 1129 and 1131 Market. AUCTIONEER J. C. MUTHER, 719 MARKET St.; pays highest cash prices for^furnlture. G~. KRASKY, CARPETS, PICTURES. . folding, iron beds, furniture: low prices; Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND - MER* chandise. LH. BURD,. Auctioneer.lO Fulton. PROPERTY WANTED. MODER RESIDENCE OF ABOUT 10 ROOMS; lot 30x137: Western Addition; north of Pine St. Address P. O. box 2058. CHICKEN AND HOG RANCH WANTED; $2000 to 82500. Cash, box 8. this office. ROOMS wanted. By eldeblF^eb^ajTl^adyT^^furn- ished room with fireplace. Address E. G., box 72, Call Offlee. ■ . wanted-miscellaneous. WANTED^OJE \V~oit SECOND-OS ANlfio-TON platform scale. WM. WEHNER, Evergreen, Santa Clara County. ANTED--ONE GOOD SECOND-HAND COM- bination or plain pool-table. MAX MAYER, 525 Kearny at. ANTED— GORDON SETTER SLUT. L. P., 19 Steuart st. » ' . A N TED— BUY' FIVE OR TEN STAMP ff quartz mill and Aye concentrators; bargain. AMOS ROBERTS, 670 Eleventh St., Oakland. MACHINERY FOB MANIPULATING GREEN coffee: give particulars. Address S. G., box 110, this office. _^ LEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES >- for clothing, hooks and jewelry: postal. ~~ MEDICAL ~~ REE MEDiCAL TREATMENT WOMEN and children only; hours 11 to 12 and 2 to 3 o'clock. 110 Ellis st. - .* :.*-■-.-. v ■-*. SURE, SAFE AND SPEEDY CURE FOR ALL O female diseases from whatever cause; a home in confinement with e%*ery comfort; those who are sick or discouraged should call on the doctor and state their case: they will find in her a true friend: consultation free and confidential; every case guar- anteed without injury, by MRS. DR. GYVYER, 226 Turk st. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthleas pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician {knowledge can be sent&usedat home;all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. "WHY THROW AYVAY MONEY FOOLISHLY f f on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee to restore irregularities in 8 hours with our new discovery, which is safe and sure. Price $5. Call or address MME. KARKOW, YVoman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. . . ? LA l il E — CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- ny royal PiUs (Diamond Brand) are the best: aafe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mail; atdruggists. Chichester Chemical Company, PhUadelphia, Pa. - -■■■■:. * - -.■.*■■■-.*.■■ , - L AD I IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, now of 119-121 Powell at., the only reliable specialist In San Francisco: $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause; special attention to disease of the eye. ". R. RICORD'S INJECTION AND SPECIFIC, price $2, will cure any case. STERN BROS., agents. 11l Grant aye. RS. DR. WEGENER; PRIVATE HOME IN confinement; irregularities cured in a few- hours without operation ; pills $2. 419 Eddy st. T> RUBBER GOODS: SEND FOR ILL'S. ■L cat'l. ACME RUBBER CO. 235 Kearny. DR. RICORD'S PILIi.. EXPRESS $2 60: SAFE, sure, reliable; Ricord's specialties, females. Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. LL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in one day*, no Instrumenta: French remedies guaranteed at any time; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post at., near Larkin. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WlSH- ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. DRS. GOODYVIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women: ladies near or far pssured quick relief of disease: irregularities restored daily; safe cure guaranteed: no instruments; home in confine- ment; best skill; low fees: pills $2. 1370 Marketst. lADIES. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. iEM ARY ; sure cure. * 6 Franklin, cor. Market. AILLARD'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER fails to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. Price $5. Agent, EDYVIN W. JOY". Powell and Market ats., San Francisco. . . * HE LIGHTNING" RHEUMATISM CURE lor chronic or inflammatory rheumatism; best remedy on earth: price $3.- MARTIN Remedy Company, 2231 Mission at.. S. F. : ■ DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotency, and all disorders of the sexual organs: $1 a box : 6 boxes $5 ; send for circular. YVIDBER'S j Drug Store, 14 EUis at., sole agent. . .• A" Tpeau's French" pills, a BOON TO ladles troubled with irregularities: no danger: aafe and aure: $2 50 express C. O. D. ; ' don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland. CaL- • ' D U-PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS: safe and efficient emmenagogue; -$1 per box. RICHARDS * CO., druggists, 406 Clay, sole agts. LL LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. DAVIKS, 14 McAllister su. near Market; leads all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief * of ; irregularities, no matter what cause ; treatment ' sclent! fie, harmless and painless; never fails* home in confinement. SB TYR. H A LL, 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, ____( next Hibernia Bank diseaaes of women. ■ - "VTICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT 'If -at the most reasonable price in the city. MRS. M. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folaom su ,- . IF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254 4th. HORSES. F^'X^l_astuftcaT"manufa^ . fine and draft* harness: Eastern prices : also high-grade Clipper bicyclesfor sale and rent. -1575 Market at.; telephone Jessie 112. ■■•; .■-■.*■. A A HEAD CHEAP HORSES "AT i HORAN'S JAJ salesvard. corner Tenth and Bryant; auction sale Tuesday at 11 o'clock. J. D. HORAN, Auc- tioneer. -■ •.'.'-. FOR SALE CHEAP— 2 BUSINESS HORSES, 1070 and 1150 lbs.; well broken; sound and gentle. 351 Third at. .. " .'■."'..■' ANTED— GOOD. GENTLE BUGGY HORSE. _ Address E., box 69, this office. : ; ORSES PASTURED: $2 A MONTH; HYDE Ranch : send for circular. • 630 Commercial su. San Francisco. "'■-._'•' ■„••_. ■_'.'..••■ ' ;• t* *•.*•-.*?;;** AC\ HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS Vxxf buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horae Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every YY'edne3- day.: SULLIVAN A DOYLE. Auctioneers. ■■■::■ z-4. J SETS* SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL J.UU kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts;* also 20 cheap horses. ■* Fifteenth and .Valencia ats. * 7 WAGONS :7 AND;* CARRIAGES. HEAP: - SECOND-HAND CART; AND DE ' J livery wagon.* 836 Devisadero. near McAllister 1 EXPRESS RIG: 2 HORSES AND HARNESS; li cheap. ; 2213 Pine st. - . .. _ OR SALE— A . COVERED BOCK AWAY; .: A bargain. ■_: THOMAS FOLEY, 1812 Powell st. : HORSES. V. HARNESS, l BUGGIES, ~ CARTS, etc.. liought. sold or exchanged.'*. 540 Valencia. ~~' ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. ADVICE J REE; DIVORCE \ ANITpR^ATE laws a -specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etc. G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stockton JOHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, RS. 1 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. X\f W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAYV,42a ff v. Califorala au, rms. 14-15; advice free. - , BUSINESS CH c_ *______^^ AfOTICE-^rO^BUY-OR SELL ABBUSINESS OF -IM any kind see STRAND A TUTTLE,' 4S Third <___ p: A A "WOOD AND COAL YARD; PAYS •J.OUU. well: * horses, wagons. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. . . FRUIT. AND PRODUCE BUSINESS; GOOD horse and wagon :' family and transient trade: cigar-stand would pay well with this business; transfer corner. STRAND A TUTTLE. 46 Third. ~ To Pr ' PARTNER wanted IN good «_«■!_) I J. paying saloon and lunch-house; see to- day. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. -<5_.l FiA, BRANCH BAKERY, STATIONERY, I ■tjplUY'. notions and candy-store: also laundry office; pays' well; good living-rooms: cheaprent; best location. See STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third RANCH BAKERY. AND DELICACY-STORE at a bargain if taken within one week; investi- gate ; reason for selling departure. PROLL.STEN- BEBG <ft CO., 719 Market at. • ' S7AA ROAD , HOUSE; 10 ROOMS; BIG 1 xjxj, saloon trade; transient location: rea- sonable rent: long lease; investigation solicited; bargain. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market st. . UILDING LOCATED AMONG FACTORIES: 14 rooms partly furnished: selling account de- parture. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market st. ADY DESIRES TO MEET WITH RESPEC- tabIe gentleman to join in paying business. PROLL-STENBERG, 719 Market st. (HJQCA BRANCH BAKE NOTIONS; <i3p__j*JU. rooms furnished. PROLL, 719 Market. <n>XAAA COR. GROCERY AND - BAR IN ■^J". -Jl-'UU. first-class location; large patronage: must be sold on account of sickness: 3% years' lease. Particulars 633 California su. Phoenix Bar, YVILKE. .-,■ .. . ago An BARROOM and"billiard hall vvxJxJxf. close to 2 theaters; 2 years lease, rare chance if taken at once; good business. See WILKE, 533 California St., Phcenix Bar. ffI; QK A PAYING CORNER SALOON FINELY sgiOOxf. fitted: located on Third St.: net rent only $18: receipts $8 to $10 per day ; offer wanted. BARRETT A CO., 865*y 2 Market at. dJMXA A SACRIFICE; PAYING GROCERY" xpJOxJ. and bar: best location: rent $26: 4 nice living rooms. BARRETT A CO., 865^ Market st. tJ^-O?: BAKERY; ALL COUNTER TRADE: xlP'Jj^O. large store: 2 fine ovens: good location: guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT & CO., 865 Vs. Market st. * <B_zinn ooo* o PAYING SALOON IN LIVELY* ■>JD ttUU . country town 15 miles from City ; 3 living rooms; good business: opposite railroad depot. Call 533 California St., Phoenix Bar. YVILKE. <2iOOZ, SALOON WITH BREYVERY DEPOT. is)jZi4LiO. Call 533 California St., Pl»cenix Bar. FOR SALE— SMALL NEAT COOFFE AND chophouse: 3 unfurnished rooms. 1038 Folsom. "ARTIES THAT CALLED 1934 MARKET will do well by calling again. . 17IOR SALE— CHEAP; SHOESTORE. CASTRO " and Eighteenth sts. . ALOON FOR SALE. APPLY UNION BREW- ery, Eighteenth and Florida sts. ©ICA GROCERY AND BAR: 4 LIVING- -4P-1-«Jy/. rooms; rent $15; stable. 467 Tehama st. ORKSTORE YvTtH OR YVITHOUT.SAUSAGE factory. 335 Fourth, corner Clara. RUGSTORE FOR SALE; DOING -PROFIT" able business: city; $2500 required. Address D. 8.. box 104, CaU Office. OR SALE— FOUR- INTEREST IN A well established piano business of over 18 years' standing, controlling some lof the best paying agencies in the market. Address Piano, box 52, this office. H'i'zs ffl-QAAa GROCERY AND BAR ON ACCOUNT ♦jPOI/UV/.of sickness: will sell at a bargain for cash only. Address C. A., box 105. Call Oflice. <Stl flfl BUY BEST-PAYING RESTAURANT <$. JLUU. in city. J.T.GARLAND, 635 Clay at. FOR SALE CHEAP- $800 CASH: FlRST- class restaurant: best of locations; quiet trade; good business; no agents need apply. Adaress N. L., box 105, Call Office. GET MONEY ON YOUR PIANO FROM UNCLE HARRIS, 16 Grant aye., near Geary au GOOD MILK ROUTE FOR SALE. INQUIRE 1632 Golden Gate aye. "VTARIETY* AND NOTION STORE: LAUNDRY V office and branch bakery ; $400. 2107 PowelL OR SALE— ENTIRE STOCK OF SHOW- cases at wholesale price. 506 Market sU ■ : ; -'■:' ESTAURANT ON MARKETST.: RENT $19; good place for man and wife. This office. T A BARGAIN: RESTAURANT, PAYING $100 a month; with or .without furnished flat: full investigation. Call forenoon, 3508 Mission st. RANCH BAKEBY AND NOTIONS; 5 LIV- ing-rooms. 1210 Steiner st. - WANTED— MAN CAPABLE OF MANAGING a well-equipped real estate office, with large list of country bargainsand extensive connections: light expenses; equal partnership open to a good man with $1000 capital. Address C. L.. box 98, Call Office. CJ*QAA COR. GROCERY' AND BAR: LARGE xjpxJxjxj. store, doing good business, or will ex- change for city real estate. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. i*'. 1 IPOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— PATENT; ! invaluable to merchants, bankers, lawyers and business men generally; sells readily; large prof- its: $3000: or exclusive right for the United States. $1500. O. YV. FORSYTH, 640 Market st. fflj A A FIRST - CLASS LONG^ESTAB- "p_i*JUU, lished business: stationery, books, cigars and tobacco; clearing $150 per month: this Is a rare opportunity and will stand closest inves- tigation. ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgomery. B~ UTCHERSHOP; BIG TBADE: EVERY- thing complete: $600. PHILBRICK A MET- CALF, 2548 Folsom st. ALOON FOR SALE; ESTABLISHED 20 years, doing a large and profitable business; trade principally transient; this is a chance of a lifetime; owner must go East to attend business interests; do not fail to examine at once; you will not soon hear of such a chance again. - Address S. YV. 8., box 109, Call Office. HOEMAKER — $75 YVILL . BUY' CUSTOM and repairing sboectore, near Stanford Uni- versity: tools, lasts, counter, shelving, etc.: rare chance: sickness. Address French Shoemaker. Mayfield, Cal. ' BUTCHER-SHOP FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN on account of leaving the city: fine business: paying well: one of the best shops in the Mission. For full particulars apply to L A. SOUC «fc CO., 465 and 467 Valencia si., near Sixteenth. (fl - YXAA PARTNER: HALF-INTEREST IN xffOOxJxf. mercantile firm: established 7 years; doing good cash business: references exchanged. Address A. 8., box 99, this office. ELL-PAYING STATIONERY, CANDY, NO- tion and cigar store for sale: 2 agencies; com- plete stock ; no reasonable offer refused; call at once; departure. Apply Call Office. , OR SALE— HALF INTEREST IN A PAYING job-printing office. For particulars address Printer, box 32, Call Office. \\ ANTED-$2OOO TO PUSH BUSINESS EN- 'T terprise: sporting man preferred: large returns. S.. box 96, Call. - - . ' . .- _^^ FOR ALE- A BARGAIN: BRANCH BAK- ery, with 3 living-rooms: cheap rent. Address M., box 9, Call Office, Oakland. ATEWLY* FITTED UP LIQUOR-STORE. IN- ___! quire SE. cor. Fulton and Devisadero sts. OCKSMITH MACHINE SHOP FOR sale; established 14 years: bargain. 641 Post. "ii. lr\(\ CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, »iP 4 Oxf. with: laundry office and clubroom at- tached; established 10 years: carrying a large stock of cigars, tobacco and smokers' articles. Ad- dress L. A., box 87, Call Office. ■ TORE FOR SALE: STOCK AND FIXTURES: very low. 452 Haight. ALOON AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE store in country; fine business; rareehanee: account departure. . Address F., box 74, this office. ALOOT>"7fOR SALE: A BARGAIN. APPLY 416 Pine at. E. CAMPION. ESTAURANT, RECEIPTS OVER : $20 A day: no reasonable offer refused. 232 O'Farrell. TIT AN TED- A CTIVE PARTNER IN MANU- tt facturing and cash business; good opportunltv for the right man. Address B. 0., box 114 Call Office.'.* ■ •*:/.. ■""■,., ..----;: ROVISION AND SAUSAGE STORE OF 9 years' standing; cheap for cash. Apply at store 2826 Mission st. -, . '"''iSkWSSSBXL::. *- ' OOD OPPORTUNITY IN MANUFACTUR- r ing concern for enterprising man with means. Address M. & JAFFE, San Jose, Cal. " ,e ****-' B * HICKEN RANCH. CHEAP; 5 ACRES. AP- XJ ply JOHN DANIELL, 708 Mason, 5 to 7 p. m; THE PALACE HOTEL AT L'KIAH, MENDOCINO COUNTY. CAL , TO RENT OR FOR SALE ' ;-■■':■ ON LIBERAL TERMS. Inqnire of J. M. MANNON. Ukiah, or WIL- LIAM HEESER. Mendocino. f : * v M°wF CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE- < Winchester House, 44 Third, near Market* 200 rms. 25c to $1 50 pr night; $1 50 to $6 pr week. ■CYLECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM-YVIN- XX Chester House, 44 Third, near Market* 200 rooms. 25c to $1 50 per night ; $1 50 to $6 per week. ■ PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. ATOTICE-THE~FIRM ofneville ' A COM- xi pany, heretofore doing business at 31-33 Cali- fornia street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, is dissolved. GEORGE H. BRYANT re-v ,- T .-iS?, _U-£ "--"I?- S ARAH A. NEVILLE and ,h„ <.„,.- ' ' the i remaining partners,' are au- thorized to transact > all business in liquidation of sam firm and have assumed all the obligations thereof, and all claims are to be presented to them. GEORGE H. BRYANT, : SARAH A. NEVILLE. ' .Tv V. • C. M. OSBORN. >- The undersigned have formed a - partnership un- der the name of NEVILLE & CO.. and will con- tinue to carry on the same business transacted by the late firm of NEVILLE A CO. ** : . '-ft:, • SARAH A. NEVILLE, -' z-44\- •-.-*..,■ :. ..*,.; C. M. OSBORN. ■ U.;;*.; THE BUSINESS HEBETOFORE CARRIED X on under the name of PACIFIC LAUNDRY- MACHINE BY r COMPANY, «by '-. the undersigned and J. E. CHAPPELL, has been terminated by the expiration of their contract on August 1, 1895. JOSHUA HENDY MACHINE WORKS. '^^^"^ M '' l> * l ******* lrl - I ------- Illlt - Il ' l - Ill>l *- I * lll ~ 77 TYPEWRITERS AND . SUPPLIES. - INVINCIBLE RIBBONS \ . AND "^CARBONS X are absolutely guaranteed. United " Typewriter and Supplies Co., 413 Montgomery st. • ■ -4:444* GOOD TYPEWRITERS, SALE AND RENT. HANSON & CO.. Chronicle Bidg., room 38. 4: LODGING-HOUSES ;■' EOR SALE. dUi-rt 10-ROOM HOUSE : CENTRA L LOCA iJt)*±oU. tion. ; DECKER, 1206 Market st. ■ OJ-ROOM HOUSE: EASY PAYMENTS; ONLY Z"± $1100. DECKER, 1206 Market st. 00 ROOM CORNER HOUSE ONLY $900. ZO Apply to DECKER, 1206 Market, cor. Taylor. "» — 23 ROOMS, POST ST.; RENT ONLY' $90: A. this is a money-maker; $1100. A. M. SPECK & CO., 602 Market st. ~A NY LADY YVITH $400 CAN POSITIVELY J\ clear $50 in a nice lodging-house. Apply to SPECK & CO., 602 Market. 'dubf-lA 'ELEGANTLY- FURNISHED HOUSE _.oO". of 18 rooms: north of Market St.; cheap rent: all sunny and full of good paying roomers; part cash if desired.. BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 783V2 Market st. I2*a~hfl LODGING-HOUSE OF 13 FINELY tfeDUU. furnished rooms: furniture almost new; rent reasonable: good location: near new theater; rooms all rented. Business Exchange, 783% Mar- ket St., room 3. : .* , IOA SIXTH -16 - ROOM HOUSE, FUR- XZiXJ nished, all rented: rent, $50: price, $450. _ GET MONEY ON JEWELRY FROM UNCL*. . HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary. <S*QfllX NICELY' FURNISHED HOUSE; 7 tfUUU. rooms, bath; cheaprent; good location. M. 8., box 70, Call. ._ . __■ *_ - . ..'•'•■ '_■ Sn-A GREAT~B ARGAIN: 11 ROOMS AND j&Aj'Jxj. GREAT months' paid. 322 Third. jLi'JXf. store; 5 months' rent paid. 322 Third. HEAPEST AND BEST IN AMEBICA— THE YVEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United IStates or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. *'UI..MI'UKK i*.»ii. .-*/l_l_*_;. C'^OMIU-ETeToUT'FIT^ .$BO Brussels carpet laid : ". 45c Heavy linoleum 40c Free packing and delivery across the bay. Coun- try orders solicited. Send for circular. SHIREK A SHIREK, 1310-12 Stockton st. Open evenings. PARLOR SET,. DINING table, DOUBLE bed, iron bedstead, 3 handsome oak chairs, etc., for sale; cheap. 920 Bush st. • M ROOMS; NEAR BALDYVIN HOTEL; FINE transient. DECKER, 1206 Market st. URNITURE OF 3 ROOMS: OYVNHR LEAV- ing on account of departure. Apply 12 to 7 p. m. at 221/3 Rausch st. 4 ]S EW 2-4 BED AND SPRING $4 75 li New % bed and spring 5 50 New oak extension-tab1e....... 4 50 Brussels carpet, laid, per yard. 45 Floor oilcloth, laid, per yard 20 SHIREK&sHiREK, 1210-12 Stockton. Open evg. E EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEWXnd second-hand: 400 carpet* good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c: 7- piece chamber suits, $14 60: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6: cash or Installments; good.* shipped free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. . /".UT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS* XJ this week at McCABE'S. 948-950 Mission at. CARPET CLEANING. AR^T^THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND renovated same as new. 8. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth sfr- Telephone number, south 36. ATATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND RE O- ±N vating YVorks HAMPTON : layin-j and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 244. ITY STEAM CABPET-BE ATING .AND Renovating YVorka, 38 and 40 Eighth at. G. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. "HEN YOU ""BECOME DISGUSTED YVITH poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating YVorks, 353-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. CONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKa 333 Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. , THE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th. tel. 6074. J MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- *J . ovating works. 453 Stevenson, tel. 3228. KOK SALE— MISCELLANEOUS!. F~~1)R~~SAI_E— A^ HIGH-GRADE BICYCLE, cheap. 402 Sutter st. . *. COTTAGE AND LEASE, HARD FINISHED, 447 First at., insured $400: cottage and lease, 437 First St., Insured $200; new cottage and lease, 4 Goodsell place, off First su. between Harrison and Bryant,' insured $200. Inquire of D. C. M. GOODSELL, 429 First St.; vacant lots to lease. ILL EXCHANGE A DIAMOND CLUSTER scarfpln for safety in good condition : weight 22 to 25 pounds. C. T.. box 91, Call Office. JEYVELERS— A PARTY YVILL EXCHANGE jewelry for improved or nnimproved property. Room 1, 321 California st. INE-BRED PUG PUPS FOR SALE; PRICE $5. 42 Everett St., off Third. ■ ■■ ALL SAFE: MEDIUM SIZE; YVILL EX- change for diamonds, etc. Apmy 107 Sixth. ©*|Q NEW HOME SEYVING MACHINE ; 6 •tJpJLO. drawers; nearly new. 9391/2 Mission at. VTEYV PUMPELLY' SURLEY STORAGE BAT- XJ tery for phonograph work. 3 Thirtieth st. INE FAMILY COYV AND CALFT - 1188" NOE sU, near Twenty-fifth. 5 PNEUMATIC ■ SAFETIES FOR $76 THE J lot. 328 McAllister st. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT and sold. 8. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. ATI ON CASH REGISTER, SAFE, i.l scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. HEA PEST PLACE TO BUY GAS FIXTURES. H. HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. ATEYV RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- i.I hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California su OUNT E R S, SHELVING, SHOYVCASES bought and sold 1 12 U.:*, Market bet. 7thandBth LOST. L"~ost— a^poodleTJocTsaturi. ay^venT - ing. Return to 224 Fifth st. Reward. AUGUST 31, GENTLE '8 diamond scarfpin, valued as keepsake. Reward of $5 will be paid by returning to 1311 Steiner st. ROYVN SPANIEL: LEATHER RIVETED collar: reward. 224 Davis st. -LAST YY'EDNESDAY. AUGUST 28, between Palace Hotel and Market, Jones and Eddy sts., lady's gold watch, mounted with jewels; a very liberal reward will be paid for its return to the owner, MAJOR F. McLAUGHLIN, Palace Hotel, or at office Palace Hotel. GET MONEY ON WATCHES FROM UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. I OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of TERESA LAGOMARsINO, No 187,565. The finder will please return to bank. •CLAIRVOYANTS. ' AAA A A PROF. F. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. KNOYVLEDGE IS POWER. Remain not in darkness and ignorance, but seek the light of wisdom and learn what the future holds for you: he Is ever ready to assist the trou- bled and unfortunate and always meets with suc- cess; all are pleased with his readings: secure a charm and wear diamonds. Letters with stamps answered. PROF. F. EUGENE, 1206 Market su, parlors 102, 103 and 104, first floor, elevator service. ONDERFUL SEERESS; REVEALS PAST, TT present, future: wonderful in business; clair- voyant and healer; fee, 25c and 60c. 82y a Na- toma, formerly Everett. .. A" NIT A~ YVINOMA, "FORTUNE-TELLER. 503 Stevenson,cor.6th,reveals past and future; 25c. MRS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM, LIFE READER; ladies, 25c; gents, 50c. 164 Tehama, off Third. LA ANT-TEACUP AND CARD I readings daily. 1420 Taylor sU, nr. Jackson. CLAIRVOYANT; FEE 25c; LADIES ONLY. 174 Clementina su, off Third. MISS MALVINA, AMERICAN CLAIR VOY- ant and magnetic healer. 766% Howard st. THEGREATEST prophetic CARD-READ- er in the world; 25c; evenings also. 330 Fell st. *r CARD-READING. 25c; LADIES ONLY. 105 ? Stockton St.. room 6. Circle. Mondays A Fri. ME. ARNDT, BEST GERMAN FORTUNE- teller.of the world; palmistry and by eggs: only 25c and 50c. 724 Harrison, basement. MME. MOREAU. WORLD-RENOWNED ME- dlum, removed from 131 Fourth to 764 How- ard st. : customers please call : fee 25c up. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE. HARRIS', 15 ("rant aye., near Geary st. PRESENT. PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. • MME. LEGGETTE, 311 Tehama St.. near Fourth. MME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC* RE VEAL- er by eggs, and cards: . tells entire life, past, present, future : consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names given: good' advice: sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im*' possible; fee $1: letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkin. - PROF. LEON. PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT^ life reader. 633 Post: 10 to 8 dally: also Sunday. . OYV TO BECOME" A CLAIRVOYANT- KEY to the • mystery of medinmship: most wonder- ful book since the Bible; 60 cents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 606 Montgomery St.. S. F. UGUSTA LEOLA. - FORTUNE TELLER" made charms: love tokens; true picture of .future wife and. husband; teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seal*, and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. *. 2326 ' Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRITUALISM. ~™~ SPIRITUAL TEST SEAN : CfT^7^}HT~AT MRS. YOUNG'S, 605 McAllister St.. by George Crash, Mrs. Henderson; ■ magic-lantern views by Rowe (Dane), 15c. . Mrs. shef^as~c^rlstTan SPIRITUAL- -Ist and test medium. 783% Market st. ADDIE SYVAIN, MEDIUM; ATTENTION ■XX given the poor; ladies only. - 105 Stockton. YfRS. HERMAN KEENEN.GIFTED TRANCE xxx medium: advice, business, speculation isatlsfac- tlon guarant'd; developing clr. Fridayeve. 321 Turk 774'- ? ASTROLOGY. 7;f ; A L ED I * l -*~ --SI-EY, SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, a 330 Golden Gate aye. ; terms reasonable. R. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS B*^ planets from date of birth. :. 916 Market, r. 34. STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 623 GEARY iv; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice.