Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES TO LET. j JO^MINN-Xri-ET. STU AND eTHSTsTTs ■XOO rooms, bath and modern improvements. 6-ROOM HOUSE; RENT $15. 1007 FlF- teenth, near Castro. . Ofi THIRD. NEAR MARKET— IB ROOMS AND xJXI bath; lodging: rent $60. TEE SPLENDID HOUSE COR. TWENTY"- lirst and Guerrero sts.; in perfect condition; 12 rooms; low rent. hOKI HOWABD— HOUSE 10 BOOMS; RENT .»_•'_ SCO: Yvaterfree. "f " PPER PART HOUSE 1 ROOMS. 211 Xj Twelfth st. ■]\TEW 2-STORY HOUSE: 6 ROOMS AND -Li bath, with latest ImproVements: water free; rent $18. 28 Twenty-thira at., near Hampshire. mO GUERRERO— IN BEST LOCALITY OF A- J- A — the Mission, house of 10 rooms, with all modern improvements: rent $15. WO FLOORS ABOY'E OTTINGER'S RAlL- road ticket oflice, 620 Market street; long lease . and reasonable rent. 9A MARY, NEAR FIFTH AND MISSION^ +-ixj 7 nice sunny rooms; double parlors: rent cheap; $*25. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WlSH- ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 16 Grunt aye. MAGNIFICENTLY" FRESCOED NEYV HOUSE xx X 8 rooms: panorama view of city; opp. park; $37 60. 124 Lyon su, cor. Oak. * 1 OOA BUSH — HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, BATH; I —— Xl rent $45; water included and yard. QOO 2-STORY' HOUSE OF 6 BOOMS AND *&££. bath; 2816 Laguna st. "YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN X the houses you rent from BALDWIN A HAM- • MOND, 10 Montgomery st. * SUNN HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; 9 rooms: bath: rent $30: waterfree. FURNISHED HOUSES. TET— 1810 DEVISADEBO BT.; NICELY furnished flat of 5 rooms aid bath; no chil- dren. Apply between 12 and 21: *_[■ only. , 1 71 x BODY—^FURNISH ED FLAT; 6 BOOMS: X I JLO bath: water trt.*: $25. EVEN SUNNY DESIBABLE ROOMS AND bath: modern conveniences. 22221,'; Mission. COTTAGES, TO. LET. COTTAGES ~T rooms AND BATH. 23 BY- ington si., bet. Fillmore and Webster, Ellis and O'Farrell sts. .-*.*■-' \ T EAT COTTAGE: 6 ROOMS; BATH ; CELLAR; i-> jard:sls. 1127 Twentieth St.. COTTAGE 3 ROOMS; LOW. KENT. 15V. NOR- folks bet. Eleventh and Twelfth, ofll Folsom. COTTAG*; 3" ROOMS; $8 MONTH. 'AS VIC- J tor s*.. bet. f-eventh and Eighth; ott Bryan*. GET MONEY' ON YOUR SEALSKIN AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant-aye, near Gearj-. SC N NY - COTTAGES: 4 AND 5 ROOMS; RATH; basement: yard. Fifteenth and Dolores. . 5~ AND UP CLEAN SELECTED COTTAGES ■QO and flats. SPECK A- CO.. 602 Market st. I i.AT** to let. oTTo -» >i at.l . • a !3 i a imSCTotab *_ 1 —. cor. Clay and Powell. J ""ONES AND PTLBERT, SE. CORNER— UP- per flat of 8 rooms and bath: Unlon-st. cars handy: rent $26. Apply to C. S. CAPP ■& CO., 413 Montgomery St., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents. $p3NS_____Eßß_l SUNNY' FLAT 6 ROOMS, BATH AND PAN** try; rent $20. 124 Henry st. &( I SUNNY* FLAT; 3 ROOMS. 1114 JESSIE »_ ''■ su, bet. Herman and Ridley, near Y'alencia. FLAT OF A NICE SUNNY BOOMS FOB J housekeeping; rent $10. 22414 O'Farrell st. Oil" AND -* 13 POLK, NEAR GROVE— *-Xj I nice flats and store; 6 rooms: $15 and $20. "1 Q.V7 LEXINGTON AYE., BET. NI_NF_- IOiII teenth and Twentieth— Sunny liat. 5 rooms and bath; rent $15. *< 1 "1 $17; 3 FINEMODERN SUNNY FLATS"; O-I O. and 6 rooms; fine view. 332 Cumber- land, near Church. A ( j •_) 1 I PDDY— g NEYV UPPER FLAT; 6 XV Oxf rooms; bath. 9 NEW. ELEGANT, SUNNY', UPPER CORNER — flats; 6 rooms, bath, attic each. 1232 18th st. LET— 9I7 HYDE; MOST ELEGANT FLAT in the city ; butler's pantry and all the latest im- provements: centrally located: 5 minutes' ride from Kearny and Market: 7 rooms and bath; $50. Apply MADISON A BURKE. * CORNER PAGE AND WEBSTER— SUNNY flats, 6 and 7 rooms and baths: modern im- provements. "IPLATOF 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. X Cor. McAllister and Polk: inquire in butcher- ' shop. ffij I .-"" UPPER FLAT OF 5 SUNNY* ROOMS. ♦sp-'-O. 1703 Jones si., near Broadway. Q-J9 4 BOOMS AND HATH." 528 GREEN- «-_ I—. wich &U, near Stockton. TVT-EW FLA i■; .*. ROOMS: BATH : ON* FLORIDA^ Xy bet. Twenty-second and Twenty-first >*ts. rp WO SUNNY BAY-WINDOW PLATS; 4 AND X 6 rooms. NE. cor. Polk and Jackson. (Jjl£» AND $20: "Mi..DK'1'.N FLATS; 5 ROOMS OXO and but b. 92 audSi Belcher St., half block, from Market and Fourteenth sts. T~O .LET— 719 TWENTIETH— NEW FLAT V* rooms and bath; latent improvements; light and sunny. ■707 STOCKTON— FLAT Off 8 BOOMS; ALSO I xJ I small store and 3 rooms. GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS FROM UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye.. nr. Geary. Oil P\(l 4 ROOMS: SUNNY. 135 IVY • tipXX.OU. aye.. near Y'an Ness. QQ FIAT: 4 BOOMS; NO CHILDREN. 1133 «S O. Y'allejo su, near Leavenworth. _IA FLAT, 8 ROOMS; YARD, CELLAR. ■tU) lU. 219 < 1: rast. Took SA N I . BE, cor. ABM -8 newly' J o£o papered rooms very cheap; rent $9. 9 1 OILBEBT, near seventh and BRY- ' ___.:i an: — 3 nice sunny rooms: cheap; $8. I- RO i.YTS. HA 111. LAUNDRY', basement, yard : $23. 1417 Hayes. Ql C EDDY' — 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; OJLO bath: private family: references exchanged. LEGANT BAY-WINDOW: " 6 BOOMS: BATH: fine order: rent reduced. 785 Minna St., near Ninth. , ■ _^ _"l ft ONLY — MODERN FLAT 6 ROOMS, »4pX bath; fine view: 19 Alpine st., off Halght, near Baxer. BALDWIN A HAMMOND, 10 Mont- gomery st. DOCTORS— DENTISTS— SW. COIL TWENTY*- first and Valencia sts. : fine location: 6 sunny rooms, bath: rent low. See BALDWIN & HAM- 'ND, 10 Montgomery st. , r ' .» UNN YUPFEP. FLAT— FINE HOUSE ; BATH; laundry; only $20. 409 O'FarreU st. Q9A DESIRABLE FLAT, SUITABLE FOR - — "• dressmaker. 404 Castro, cor. Market and Seventeenth. A FLATS AND .."houses, RENT cheap! tt Apply 413 Seventh st. ' eg ox c CHOICE SUNNY rooms AND ». —O. bath; all modern conveniences. 1710 Hyde. - . 010 4 SUNNY . ROOMS: BATH: GAS; <? AU . yrd. 420 Lily ave.,bußnchanan A Weoster. JO VEL V FLAT 7 ROOMS: BATH : SUN ALL J day; rent moderate. 1441 Ulster sU_ 1 _ ' Ql -> CA UPPEB FLAP OF BSOOMS; IM * - x-j.OxJ. provements. Apply 2643 Bryant, near Twenty-fifth. .-'•■-'■*. 4 Opf AND $9: 4 AND 5 ROOM FLATS. AP* jig « ply 2643 Bryant, near Twenty-fifth. . . _o*7 P. A SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT, 6 '4— I .OXJ. rooms and bath. 1804 Washington St., near Polk. ' ' A ROOMS, BATH. 1358 ALABAMA ST., COB. ~xz Twenty-sixth. ■_ -70_i MCALLISTER— FLATS; SEVEN X ZO rooms: laundry, path and 4 rooms; reduced. CALIFORNIA-$2O, UPPER SUNNY ZOIU flat, 5 rooms, bath; lower flat, 4 rooms, stationary tubs, hot and cold water. $12 50. YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN the fiats you rent from BALDWIN A HAM- MOND. : . Ol i)f\ POINT LOBOS AY'E.— SUNNY' FLAT; 6 — I—Xf mis.: batb; latest improvements; $16. AT BAB CITY HALL: " 3 FLATS: 6, 6, 7 BOOMS Iy 10. 143. 713 Grove st. ELEGANT NEW FLAT, 7TH ST., BELOW j Bryant: 5 and <_ rooms: bath: $8 10 $16. " HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. jzZixJ nicely* furnished : every convenience for housekeeping; clean: Qniet: no children; $12. r.l'Ji'. LABKIN — B F'URNISUED HOUSE- OX O keeping rooms; also single forgentlemen; no children. ■ . . ■"■'''. 91 CB VALENCIA — 2, 308 4 ELEGANT ___i.O large sunny rooms; housekeeping; bath. CO. MISSION— 3 BOOMS FURNISHED FOR 000 housekeeping; $10: private. ■ _ 19A NINTH— 3 BOOM FURNISHED FOR JlxUxJ. housekeeping: suitable for 4 In family. £A 9 BUCHANAN, COR.— I, 8, OR 3 ROOMS xjxfju for housekeeping; $8 up. 6- i\ JEssie "^"JFRONT BOOM, KITCHEN, OxJ lurnished for housekeeping; $10. ~P 9Q SIXTH — 3 LARGE UNFURNISHED 04*xj rooms, with cellar; rent $9. *1 -.-I 7 grove, NR. BAKER— 3 ROOMS AND LOI I bath; everything convenient; unfur- nished. B*>Oa SUTTER — SUNNY,; HANDSOMELY J-'*-*-) furnished alcove room; view; private fam- ily: small room in addition If desired for light bonsßkeeplng: references given and required. -■ 1 '-XflQ. PINE— LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED x.* jxjxj parlors, with small room for light house- keeping*, no children desired; references given and required. - , ■ ft CENTRAL place, OFF PINE; j~ hearuy-2 or 9 furnished rooms. *.-■■** . , 1 <-) SOUTH PARK-NICE I "SUNNY - . FUR- •*_*" Plsned rooms for light housekeeping; also wngle rooms ebeap, < ■ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - Continued. "J />-_. SILVER, ~NEAB * FOURTH-2 SUNNY JLUO furnished rooms for hot sekeeping; cheap. PEARL, COR. market, OPPOSITE OCTA- -0 via— Sunny alcove room and kitchen; well fur- nished for housekeeping; running water and sink. 9AQQ MA R KF. T—A WELL- FURNISHED A+xJiJQ suite of housekeeping rooms; rent reason- able. l 7Ci-\ STOCKTON, FILBERT— NICELY XI xJD furnished housekpg rooms; yard: cheap. Fl (i THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK— FURNISH- OxV ed rooms for housekeeping. . J /I Q TEHAMA— 2 OR 3 WELL-FURNISHED -XXO rooms: complete for housekeeping. ml TWENTY-sfXTH. NEAR MISSION— 9 xl large furn »hed hkpg rms. $8: also 3, $10. "1 QOCi MARKET ST.— SONNY ROOMS FOR XOZ.XJ housekeeping; terms reasonable.' 1 A SOUTH PA RNISHED ROOMS FOR X XJ housekeeping: sun all day. PflA ELLIS— SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT QXJ*± room, with light housekeeping. 099 THIRD-SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED O—— housekeeping suites very cheap: single $1. GET MONEY ON WATCHES AND PIANOS at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., nr. Geary. 01 •_> FOURTH - NICELY FURNISHED OXO rooms for housekeeping; also single. 19A SIXTH-SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS. X— XI furnished for housekeeping. 'fill FIFTH - NICE SUNNY' SUITE, FUR- —XI% nished complete for housekeeping; $10. 9QI MINNA. COR. FURNISHED AxjX. housekeeping, complete: double and single; cheap. P-flfl GOUGH— FRONT SUNNY ROOMS OXJO with kitchen, complete for housekeeping. 1 1 **__! HOWARD - NEW, HANDSOMELY A XOXJ furnished sunny housekeeping and single rooms; cheap, ROOMS TO LET. /IAFGOLDEN GATE LARGE YVELL J-XJj; furnished room suitable for two. $10. J -191 Folk- UNFURNISHED FRONT AND -L"x___ J. back parlor. . . r\AO TUBE— SUNN ' SINGLE ROOM, $5; OJO double, with grate, gas, bath, $10. 1 7 ATI DEvisTDERO-LABGESUNNY'FUR- XKXJO nished rooms: $5 and $6 per month. 9qA SHOTYVELL — SUNNY FURNISHED —OXJ room: no other roomers. . . 3 SKI. UNA PLACE-SUNNY DOUBLE FRONT room; $6 month. A SUNNY ROOMS AND BATH; UNFUR*; finished. 714 McAllister st. LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED BOOM; CEN- tr:d. Address IL, box 7, this office. l'.f~ MINNA, COB. EIGHTH-NICELY' FUR- xj\j X nished bay-window room; $1 a week. f\oh GOLDEN OATE AYE.— 9 HANDSOME- xJAmO Iy furnished sunny rooms: eastern expos- ure; single $9, en suite $15: private family. -".> SECOND- NICE DOUBLE AND SINGLE O— rooms, cheap; front suites $15 to $20 month. AA A STOCKTON - SUNNY BAY-WINDOW -±X«7 room, $10: single rooms from $4. JA Q McA L L I ST E R— 2 UNFURNISHED XUO front rooms; bay window; sunny exposure: low rent. 00-7 GOLDEN GATE AYE. — FURNISHED —O I rms, single, double; gentlemen; reasonable. C] A LARKIN, NEAR TURK-SINGLE FUR OXxJ nished room; sunny; $6. 9 OKI MISSION— HANDSOMELY FURNISU- — O:' sunny bay-window front room; 1 or 2 gentlemen. ' ' A 9 EDDY— B SUNNY* FRONT BAY'-YVIN- X__-* dowed newly furnished rooms and oilice; cheap. Z.AII ELLIS— LARGE FRONT SUNNY* ROOM, OJiXj 3 windows: stove. I flAfl MISSION, BETWEEN SIXTH AND XxJjxJ seventh St.— Sunny front parlorfor one or two gentlemen; $10. .*■,;>< :,'. .'_;-/ /_»9q EOWABD -DOUBLE AND SINGLE D---.O sunny rooms; gas, bath. 7791 HARRISON, NR. FOURTH— FINELY' I I A furnished sunny rooms; bath; closet; $1 a week. 3 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS; $5 AND $10. 110 Olive aye., near Y'an Ness and O'Farrell. 1 o*^l VAN NESS, CORNER GEARY'— NICE XxJ— A sunny room; all modem; low rent. I C GRANT AYE., NR. GEARY ST., IS UNCLE -LO HARRIS', where you can get money. 9X GRANT AYE.— LARGE SUNNY FUR- — O nished single rooms; very reasonable. i OR 5 ELEGANTLY' 'furnished ROOMS, X suitable for physician: rent reasonable. In- quire 435 Geary st., basement. A] i.A SUNN Y~ CORNER SUITE; OxJx rent reasonable. I- • ] 1 PINE- i.A RGE FRONT ROOM.RUNNING XJ IJL water: also small room. $4 and $10 per mo. I INE ALCOVE ROOM OR 2 ROOMS IF ! rvrjtiireu; sunny ami fine view. Please address A, 8., box 114, tnis otllce. ..■*. . *... ... QOO MISSION — LARGE FRONT SUNNY 000 room with laree kitchen ; newly furnished. URNETT, 1361 MARKET— NEW building; modern impro-reme nts; handsomely lurnished sunny suites ;single rms and unfurnished. OCA ELEGANT LV FURNISHED OO' ' suites; sunny side fronting Market st.; most central located; all conveniences; rent low. TAQ~EIGTffH— NICELY FURNISHED SUN- XUO ny rooms, $1 50 and $1 23 per week. 7q7 MARKET— ELEGANT SUNNY" BAY- IOI window suites; single S3 per week up; also housekeeping. . ,•1 •- MISSION — FURNISHED SINGLE UJLO rooms; by night, 15c to l-Oc; week, $1 tos2 9 A «TsIxiIi^'EWLY'"FLUtN*ISHED"ROOMS — 1— from $1 UP- • A I jo SUTTER. COR. FOLK— SUNNY FUR- XIXO nlsbed rooms; iight housekeeping; rent reduced. 107 SEVENTH ST.-FURNISHED LO »MS XO I from $1 a week up; housekeeping; transient. Aft/* MARKET "-"SUNN**," FURNISHED OUU rooms; transient, or monthly; termi moderate. * r,., rr.WE -HERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 125 X sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable; central; very moderate prices. 28 Eighth su, near Market. A. W. MANNING. RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- ant sunny rooms, en suiteand single; first.class in every respect: terms reasonable. iYOB RENT— TO IOR 3 GENTLEMEN, nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about 8 blocks from Kearny and Market sts.: private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call, TO RENT, WITH USE OF PIANO. HAND* somely furnished parlors for day studio; cen- tral. Call 735 Market sU VOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1 week. $1 60 to 95: families. EUROPE SOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients *>-. -ix 1 — THE" hil"lsdal"e,"""sunny OO rooms; single and en suite: $1 to $1 60 a day. "I*l Ca SIXTH— THE PIEDMONT; NICE SUN- X J.O ny bay-window and single rooms; reasonable. Tir INCHESTER HOUSE— THIRD, NEAR IT Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 26c to $1 50 per night; si 50 to $6 per week; electric lights in every room; reading r'm ; free bus. OR RENT— GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- nished sunny front bay-window room, private family; 8 blocks from Market and Kearny; refer- ences. Addn .X. Y. Z., box 1. Call Office. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. *• : -..'-■- ■ BOAR-DING AND ROOMS. inn; b . n ish k iTb wm~and~board^ok Sian _T and wife or two gentlemen can be secured in private family for $50 per month; references ex- ceanged. 239 San Jose aye., cor. Twenty-fifth; Mission warm belt. • THE ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND Polkst.— Quietand homelike; charges moder- ate: board optional : all cars direct. 7 I.» PINE — PLEASANT ROOMS, EXCEL** lid lent board, $20, $25 and $30 per month. 17IINB SUNNY DOUBLE AND SINGLE ROOMS . for gentlemen: with breakfast and dinner; in private English family; near Van Ness ove. Ad- dress it. Em box 70. Call Olllce. _^_ H" OTEL BERTLING, 714 BUSH-OPENED AS .a family hotel: references given and required; nil modern conveniences. - - CHILDREN HOARDED. INE^^ME~FOBTcHII_Dr"B have horse, buggy and cow. B. 8., box 109, Call Office. ELEGANT HOME FOR INFANT OR SMALL child; $5 month. A. A., box 108, Call Office. GIAN LADY WISHES BABY TO BOARD; T good home. 435' i> Hayes st. •■■- - STORES TO LET. '^9?r > li-n-ouErfi^i*^ ~ }_£U. laundry or saloon. 911 Folsom, nr. Fifth. £»-|A SUNNY STORE AT 321 NOE, NEAR ••3. JLU. Marketst. - •„-■■■' ART OF STORE, 318 MARKET ST., AT $60 per month. ■ . ■ - , ! or STORE: TWO "SHOW-WINDOWS;: A ■tJp^iO. large rooms; yard. 422 Sixth. TORE. 1524 HOWARD ST.. CORNER OF Lafayette: cheap for any business, with fix- tures. Apply 2838 Mission su, M. CURRAN. OUR-STORY BRICK AND IRON BUILDING and basement, 608 Sacramento i st., containing elevator, power, etc. rent $80. Apply DAVID STERN A SONS 20 Montgomery su ... OFFICES TO LET. T~^n_ET^_AßGK^^ on first floor; rent reduced. 12 Montgomery sU. rooms 1 and 2- ________ T?L&dANT OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKBLS XJ building, ■ 825 Market: rents low; > no extra charge for gas, Janitor services or ' healing. I Apply At building or G. li. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montg. St. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1895; PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. bargain'list PIANOS. 7" '■"" "" SHERMAN, CI^VY & CO„ _ Piano House, cor. Sutter and Kearny sts. , • Call early. Instruments here advertised usually sell promptly. . Prices on these pianos the same whether sold for cash or installments. . Stool, cover and tuning for one year without ad- ditional charge. : Delivery free. 1 Gabler. square, rosewood, good for beginner. $50 1 Newman Bros., square, new strings, case re- finished; good as new.........". 150 1 Nugent, square, carved legs and lyre ; war- ■ - - ranted good as new 50 1 Standard, upright, case is a little scratched. 150 1 Weber, square, looks like new, sounds like new, plays like new.. .... ...v ....... 200 1 Bluthner, upright, handsome ca5e.... ....... '200 I. Morris (Boston), upright, mahogany case.:.' 2*o 1 Ronisch, upright, rosewood: $500 new...... 250 1 Gabler, upright: sells new $500 ": 275 1 Estey, upright; truly a bargain 275 1 Emerson, upright, walnut case, largest size. 300 PRACTICALLY NEW. 1 Steinway, upright, walnut case. *_^ .'-''*,,. *-} . 1 Steinway, upright, ebonized case, large size. 1 Steinway, baby. grand, slightly used. . ".-..-. r ■ * 1 Gabler. parlor grand: a magnificent piano. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO., Piano House, Sutter and Kearny sts. "VITA NTED — TO EXCHANGE GOODS FOR ' " good upright piano, or if cash price is lowest on earth will pay cash. Address W. XV., box 115. Call Office. ' \\7"M. G. BADGER YVITH KOHLER A CHASE, > T. 26, AH and 30 O'Farrell st. ASH WILL BUT ALMOST AT YOUR OWN price a splendid make upright piano: flue con- dition; guaranteed 5 years; cost $600; must be sold: a small price will buy it. Room 12, Flood building, Fourth and Market sts. * . ■;■■'. v - *..- UPRIGHT PIANO; PRICE $75 CASH: MUST 'be sold immediately. Room, 10, 809 Market st. TITAN'TED— TO BUY' CHEAP FOR CASH A 1 1 good upright piano. Address N.. box 69, this office. .*.'■ - UPRIGHT, $275; HALLETT~~ Cumstone square. $25. BRUENN, 228 Post. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale in San Francisco. J. HARRY* SCOTT, 929 Market su, Spreckels building. NLY' A FEW OF THE SECOND - Meinwny it ('bickering uprights lefu Call now for bargains, Bowers & Son, 'AH and 25 Fifth st. ioli n i st s AND ZITHER PLAYERS SEE V exhibit of H. MULLER at Mechanics' Fair. "VrOYV IS THE TIME TO BUY A "il EM M E A -Li Long piano; retiring from business; no rea- sonable offer refused. YVarerooms, 3-10 Post st. nET MONEY ON YOUR PIANO AT UNCLE C^IET MONEY ON YOUR PIANO AT UNCLE YT HARRIS', 16 Grant aye., near Geary iv L'ASY 'TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoULEH A -Hi CHASE. . ABETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano* by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER A CHASE'S, 28 and SO O'Farrell st. DECK Elt BROS., STEINYVAY. FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos: little used: cheap lor cash or on easy terms. KOHLER & CHASE 'IS and SO O'Farrell St. BARGAINS IN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS: EASY payments. SCHMITZ A CO., 935 Market st. CJ7?: EASTERN PIANO; TERRIBLE BAR- _• I O. gain, on ss lnstallments. 221 Leavenworth. AN 1 1 . 1 . . ANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, guitars and banjos at MAUVAIS', 769 Market. JUST RECEIVED— CELEBRATED BUSH A Certs pianos: lone unsurpassed: casta unique. A. L. BANCROFT A CO., 324 Post st. H ORNUNG'S PIANO-HOUSE REMOVED TO 216 Post instruments strictly first-class. . A" GROSJEAN, VIOLIN MAKER AND RE- . pairer of string instruments. 307 Grant aye. EMOVED— F. W. SPENCER A CO. to 838 Post St., near Powell, opposite Union square; sole agents Conover, Colby and Silencer pianos. 338 Post su - " STEINYVAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY' USED* grand tone; half-cost. SPENCER. 338 Post sU I^EYV ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD - makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. YV. SPENCER A CO.. 338 Post su P"entin<. PIANOS: LARGE AND varied -It assortment; tuned free. SHERMAN, CLAY it CO.'S Piano-bouse, cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. G1 EORGE F. YVF'LLS, SOLE AGENT FORTHE T Mathushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments; pianos rented. 1360 Market st. UY'RON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOHMEB. Ji Newby A Evans, Bi'lstsrs and other pianos. QTECK, CHICKERING _ SONS., TOSE AND 0 Sterling pianos sold on 10 installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Furrell st. EDUCATIONAL. ELOCUTION — VOICE-CULTURE. RECITA- tion, drama; class or private. W.T.ROSS, 6 ' Eddy sU 4 I~rTß, SPANISH! PROF. T. B. DE -T FILIPPE, graduate Paris, Madrid; 320 Post St.; simplified method. MRS. MELVILLE SNYDER, 519 VAN NESS aye.. has made arrangements with Mme. Evl Milan!, from Europe, to teach Italian opera, latest ■ Italian method, at her oratorical, vocal and dra- : matic academy:* classes and private lessons; also * piano. ■piANO LESSONS, 75c AND *1; PUPIL OF -17 Leipsic Conservatory. 110 Hyde St., room I. ■ ' T-KEN'l 'H-LEARN TO SPEAK FIRST; IN- X fallible method. E. DU CASTEL, 6 Post au j HEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. CUNNING- J ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. T.-.RENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH: LIVING X method ; Larcher School, Flood bldg, Market sU E Stern UNIVERSITY yvoman WANTS -Ei pupils; English and Latin. Literature a spe- cialty. 617 Eddy st. ZISKA INSTITUTE. 1606 VAN NESS AYE.; school for girls. MME. B. ZISKA, A.M.. Prin. MISS MOORE'S BOARDING AND DAY' school, 615 Haight st — French taught without extra charge; facilities for studying music, Eitand languages. ' SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1236 Market ; send for cat. ; day and evening session. 188 "RUBY EAGLESTONTtEACHER OF autoharp; lessons free.instrumenu 131 Larkin. "PARTINGTON'S' SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE X and Newspaper- Illustration "will open Septem- ! her 9 in the old rooms of the Art Association, 424 Pine si. Address for particulars, J. H. E. PAR- TINGTON, Third aye. and Twelfth St., Oakland. ANJO AND PIANO LESSONS, 500 EACH. 844 Howard st. PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR LADIES WlSH- ing money at UNCLE HARRIS. 15 Grant aye. BOWENS -ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY AYE Berkeley. T. S. BOWENS, M.A., PrincipaL _-NGLISH LITERATURE AND MYTHOLOGY* Jii cUss or private. MRS. EHRMAN, 1234 Bush. H~ OITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS, BURLINGAME San MateoCo., reopens Aug. 6. IRA G.HOITT. BOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ABITHMB tic taught 6 weeks :course $30. 5 Stockton st.,r. 6 VOCAL TFIACHER JOSEPH RE VI E I M - proves and beautifies even spoiled vOices, and procures positions to his pupils. 82 Ninth st. "\7"IOLIN, mandolin, GUITAR, CORNET V taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 225 Geary -.reasonable PACIFIC ACADEMY*, ACADEMY SCIENCES Xhldg; thorough commercial it English training. PANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, MBIBTEB-* O schaft School of Languages, 122 O'FarreU st. . V*IGHT SCHOOL; HEALD'S BUSINESS COL- XX lege, 24 Post st. ; commercial, shorthand, Eng- lish; low rates. ' ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 6 A 12, 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and MarkeU S~CHOOL ELECTRIC ALTCIV i L,"M IN I NG, M chanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 MkU TIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market St.: diploma course $30. 1-iNGLISH ' BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS A DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or class. EALD'S. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lac* guages rapidly tauL'i'.t. Write for catalogue- ■ DENTISTS. sale^a^dl:n TIST'S^OIMSRATING J. chair: a bargain. Room 1. 321 California st. . AO/l DESIBABLE FLAT SUITABLE FOR •t!p*jY/. dentist. 404 Castro su, corner Market and Seventeenth." ... . ■ , I,*iltsT-t LASS DENTISTRY AT LOWHST prices at Obdontunder Dental Parlors, 8153/ i Geary st., bet. Hyde and Larkin; extractions (painless) for 60 days more, 25c. B. L. WALSH, D.D S., proprietor. Dl t. .300 TURK ST— ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices and warranted ; open evenings. LL WOES REASONABLE AND WAR- ranted. DR. J. XV. KEY. 1122 Market st. -■■ ;■:■ DR. J. .1. LEEK, 206 MARKET, coIt. GOLDEN Ga.e aye— Open evenings; Sundays till noon. DR. GEORGE YV. . LEEK, THE* GENUINE Leek dentlsu discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work -or .teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. TCH A M ASON.COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; - on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; email gold fillings only $2; painless extraction. CROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 51AR- ket, beta 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only reli- able agent ior paimess extraction; artificial teeth frm $:> ; fillings from $1 ; extracting 60c, with gas (J7A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED A3 «Jp 1 1 good as can be made; filling $I. .DR. SIMMS demist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. . DX. H. '.. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 l'olk st. ; ■: : DR. LUDLUM . HILL, 1413 MARKET . ST.7 near Eleventh; no charge | for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; - teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c*. gas given. ,' VNOLTON DP^NTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR* XJ ketst. DR. CHARLES W." DECKER. _ IN AN CIAL. aitecanl-*gan money ONI-k^fTAND V* Oakland real estate, first mortgage, at 7 . and 8 per cent. A. F. JOHNS A CO., 632 Market «L, rm. 9. ANY . SUM OF..** MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or ; real _ estate: ; lowest rate: call and state your proposition or write; ojpea , evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission st, * *.*.'.' PERSON ALS. ■:-•■- A"~NyTnf6^MAtToN CONCERNING THE whereabouts of LORENZ HUND (generally called George Hund), last seen in San Francisco in 1876, will be thankfully received at ORTH, 1419-Vi Scott st.; San Francisco. ... * V »-■ .;,;- - ; . . ; HONEST OLD. BUSINESS MAN, IN GOOD health, of excellent character, with small means, wishes to meet a good old . lady with large means in view of matrimony: no trifling. Ad- dress box 43, Call Oflice, Oakland. I? LDERLY TRUSTWORTHY MAN, POSSESS- _i ing about $50,000 worth of paying real estate, wishes a loan of about $8000 from a middle-aged unmarried lady to pay the incumbrance on that property. I Inquire H., box 31, this office. IfLECTROLY'SIS; ONLY CERTAIN CURE A for superfluous hair; reasonable rales; perfect work. E., box 70, CalL ___^ TAT ANTED— LEARN A NICE TRADE IN »T the country by youth 17 years of age: would prefer grocery where he could get board and lodg- ing; state terms in address. Country, box 40, Ca11. R. AGNES WINZELL, THE ELECTRICIAN, has removed and is at the Russ House. F INTEREST ONLY TO THE SICK— Through the law of psychic power I can locate the cause and conditions of the most complicated diseases, and this I do without asking any ques- tions. If you are sick call for full particulars DR. J.R.CRAIG, 1528 Market St., n« ir Larkin. I use but few drugs, of which all are prepared from tbe vegetable kingdom, and I care permanently all curable diseases. Office hours 10 to 4, 7to 8, and all letters will receive prompt attention. MASSAGE— MR. AN MRS. HUTTON, CER- iVI tiflcated (London, England) masseur and mas- seuse; patients attended a* residences only; terms very moderate. 7Q4y 3 Larkin, ■■ GET YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS OF SMOKES and chews at Cigar and Tobacco Baaaar, 1627 Devisadero st„ near Sutter. . . BIG LOANS ON COLLATERAL. PORTLAND Loan Office, 91/2 Stockton (upstairs), tei.' 5938. EATHER CARVING— ONLY- SIX LESSONS A-i needed, to work.. PLACIDO RIOS, room 57, 1015 Market st. __* HAIRDRESSING. 25c., ANY STYLE; ESTAB- lished in 1869; Pioneer Hair Store. BERTHA SPITZ, 11l Stockton st.: strictly one price only. PIANO less- ins BY GERMAN. LADY; 25c half hour. 126 Howard st. AYE YOUR" - " . I AND ENEMIES hunted up by GRAHAM'S AGENCY, 330 Pine. rnAILORS INTERESTED IN THE SCIENCE X of garment-cutting, are invited to inspect a de- vice that gives a correct pattern for the person measured. Can be seen at 25 Kearny st., over Car- many's store. HAIRDRESSING 25c, MANICURE 52c; LES- sons given. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post, rm. 20. CW. MOORE. M.D., 1400 VAN NESS AYE.* . cor. Bush; apartments for patients. . bisiiop7l;himneyswee"p; PRICE, $1 tier flue: all work guaranteed ; flagstarts painted. Phone main, 441. 823 Market st. ATEW HOME RESTAURANT AND FAMILY JA dining-rooms; American and • French meals served in first-class style; 25c. up. 122 Turk st. TATALTZ GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IN »V class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. -_ ■ ■ OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE— Winchester House, 44 Third, near Market; 200 rms, 25c to $1 50 pr night; $1 50 to $6 pr week. *| AAA BUSINESS CARDS,SI 60*. SENT FREE, XUUU city or country. HILL, 724y a Market _U i ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— WIN- J Chester house. 44 Third, near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week. ALL LADIES WHO ' RIDE BICYCLES, GET your suits to order at HUTT'S, 212 Mason st. ADY'ICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice aad Police Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etd. G. W. HOYVE. att'y-at-laYv. 850 Markeu cor. Stockton. O. ECKMAN, PIANO STUDIO, 205*/ a . Gough st.; assistant teacher for beginners. ADVICE FREE—M ARRIAGE LAWS. Acci- -trv dent cases. McCABE, Attorney, 1027 Market. glO SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. ~. ±___ NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. "LIINE SUITS," >I_; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. X Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. NE MORE CUT— ~ ' . - ■ ■' ONE MOBE GUT— Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers.. ....From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges _ .$3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. Cl INGLE I BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF O Pomade Is guaranteed 10 cure any case <of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never known to fail: try IU By all druggists price $1, or SMITH BROS. , Fresno. Cal. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND BOLD, store- fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pip* etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. OECOND-HAND AS YVELL AS NEW BARS." kJ showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN. 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission su. above Sixth. LOAKS. CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT / mfrs' cost." Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LAD clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third st. .WINDOW SHADES -MANUFACTURED TO 11 order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Markeu .'.'.;. ,/ MONEY TO LOAN. , IJ AY NO COMMISSION AND COME TO . ioaner direct for money on your pianos and fur- niture; Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley included. |418 Ellis St., room 22. * . * . . . ■ ' ■:.■-■•'■•.-■■■: OANS ON "real" ESTATE IST and 2nd X mortgages, undivided interests, estates: any amount; lowest rates. BECKER' 24o Montgomery. lOANS ON FURNITURE OR PIANOS WITH- A out removal; San Francisco, Oakland or Ala- meda; lowest fates. BECKER, 240 Montgomery. 51*. CITY, COUNTY AND COLLATERAL SE- -3 curitiea TRAVERS A LAMB, 512 California. WHY PAY HIGH RATE ON SMALL LOANS lx when you can get from $200 up at 55 cents per month Interest on $100. Loan, box 83, Call. I OAN's oN FURNITURE OR PIANOS YV'ITH- J out removal; private party; low interest. 215 Powell sU t ■ *-■■ - . .*. ■ - MONEY LOANED ON PIANOS BY PRIVATE party; low interest. - 215 Powell st. _^ MONEY' TO LOAN ON SAN FRANCISCO, Oakland and country real estate In any amount A. F. JOHNS & CO., 632 Market St., room 9. NY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON YVAT(*HES, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all valu- ables and securities: . private office: 1 usiness con- fidential: Columbia i.O:in and Collateral Office (Incorporated), 9 Grant aye., 8 dcors from Market MONEY ON ANY SECURITY'} STRICTLY* private: interest moderate; best price for old gold and sliver. 126 Kearny st., room 39. 810 SUM IN TRUST; INTEREST LOWER than banks; first and second mortgages a spec- ialty: $100 up: no delay. Money, box 17. Call. ONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, 2 A 3%. TRAVERS A LAMB, 512 California st. NY* AMOUNT: IST, 2D OR 3D MORTGAGES: estates, undivided interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. Ml ' N ICIFA~i_~LOAN~ OFFICE, 103 GRANT 1»1 avenue; private 'entrance 101 1/ 2 upstairs. A NY SUM. I*l EST OB SECOND MORTGAGES city or country -Estates. MURPHY',62B Market MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 11 06 Market Mason ; private entrance 7 Turk. STRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 Market st., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years; always open. "Uncle Bill." ■■-..'.-. x ....-- BORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL & CO., Mills bidg, sth floor, r 6; strictly confidential. N ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; DEAL- ins confidential. 43 Crocker building. , 7 MONEY WANTED. ~ ~", WANTED-$5OO, $1000, $1500, -ON CITY' real estate, at 8 per cent. A B. C, box 131, Call Office. * *.:--. **«^»'»M*M-**»^»"^^»»iW«M»™"»li*********l********«*^******"'' , '*»****''^^ I PROPOSALS. S~n£_u2fS"PROPOSA^ O at the Folsom State Prison on Saturday, Sep- tember 28, 1895, between the hours of 9 - and 10 a. m., for furnishing a rock crushing plant, consist- ing of 'engine, .crushers,. screens, elevators and necessary equipments, in accordance with the topo- graphical map and general outline specifications." on file with W. R. ; ECICART, rooms 2 and 3, 217 sansome street, San Francisco, or at the oflice of Bureau of Highways, Sacramento. The board will let the contract to tue bidder which, in its judg- mont, submits the best and most economical plant, reserving tbe right to reject any and all bids. The general outline specifications adopted by the board are to be used only as a guide to bidders who arc* expected to submit plans, with full description Of their proposed arrangement of , the machinery, which they consider will secure the best results. **■ Each " bid must bo accompanied by a certified check, payable to the undersigned, equivalent to ten per cm of the amount of the bid, which will be forfeited If the successful bidder should refuse to enter into a contract with a bond equal to one-half the amount satisfactory to the board. «■■ BRAINARD F. SMITH, .. Secretary Joint Committee. Proposals '■■'■" ; ■-■"'."■ '■ .-'■ •*" : * .-.. -"■•'. for leasing lincoln school prop- ;•;--.:■ *■■-*. ■'---: ■..*' ERTY * "•- ■•■■ '-. 'ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF - / 7- ; MARKET AND FIFTH STREETS. " Office Boako of Education, 44 _ v';'j. .. SanEba-scisco, August 27, 1895./ * In accordance with a rtsoluton adopted by the Board of Education,' scaled proposals will here-, ceived in open I session I of said beard on Wednes- day, September 11. 1895, at 8:30 o'clock r. m.. for the lease; for the term of : ton years, of the Lincoln : School property, on tho »outhoftsc corner of Market and Fifth strei t3, 275 feet on Market streeu by a uniform depth of 100 feet, as a whole or in subdi- visions of 25 feet frontage. •■'..'-. -_$_B_9F>3£S_R3|!| p A lease for the whole property, or leases for sub-' divisions thereof, will Ibe I awarded to | the", hlttliest responsible bidder or bidders, but no proposals to leas said property will be entertained unless the aggregate monthly rent ' proposeu ,to be paid shall equal or exceed $3600. ' r .-'-•-•-:• <** ■ — -• • --- I The board . reserves the right to reject any or all ' bids as the public good may require. .._•* * * , GEORGE UEAN3TON 4 Secretary, 1 :-'>•;-.';;"_ CITY REAL ESTATE. . . BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY C. S. CAPP A CO., 413 Montgomery st. _<, 4 :_>'*...'.■•** i ARMY' st.— 3oo feet frontage, between Howard and Folsom sis. . ' • --' . .PRECITA ave.— Btt feet frontage. CALIFORNIA ave.— ss feet frontage. i CAPP St., between 25th and 26th— 32:6x115. -CHEAP LOTS SOUTH. OF THE PARK. _, ? THIRTY-SECOND ave.— 2sxl2o, bet. Clement and Point Lobos. .'.*'■■ .-. . , , : - ; EIGHTH aye.. bet. Clement and Point Lobos. BERNAL HOMESTEAD, near Mission road— lo fine lots. "— -•;;.- - .'. ',- ; • •..-:• j . DOUGLASS and 25th. SE. c0r.— 25x75. GUERRERO, near 14th— 45 feet frontage. FOUR FLATS on Jones at. Store and 2 rooms, with flat above and rear house on Folsom. " '"'-, -' " .' ':';**• * ! . 50 lots in South San Francisco, — 200 lots near Colma. THREE FLATS on Leavenworth st. CHEAP HOUSE and LOT on Powell st. Improved and vacant lots iv all parts of the city. See our printed lists. '; '■'■ '"■'■ ■ _97£-_ WORTH DOUBLE: 27x100; BEMIS i fipALKO. near Castro; block from electric cars. J. R. ROCHE, San Rafael. LOT 25x65-S. SIDE STEY'ENSON ST., BET. 9th and 10th : $3200. Apply Call Office. : "_OlCf _ COTTAGE 4 ROOMS IN BERKELEY; <$. UOx.l. easy payments. , CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley Station. .**■■; r, . BUY A HOME-HERE'S ONE: 5-R. COTTAGE atS. S. ; ea*v terms; $100 cash, $15 per mo. THE MCCARTHY' CO., 646 Market st. ■ MODERN FINE OAKLAND RESIDENCE. near lake, fully furnished; electric cars; for sale or rent. MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market., 3. F. _1 flfl TO **30(); CHEAP S. F. CITY LOTS; (tJpJ.'JU terms, $5 down, $5 permonth. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market at. ■ OUSES BUILT— PLANS AND SPECIFICA- tions furnished at short notice: all responsi- bilities attended to. Call or address J. T. MrINNIS, Carpenter and Builder. 1114 Twenty-fourth st. "\TEYV COTTAGE, IN RICHMOND, 1 BLOCK J-i from Geary-st. cars and 25 minutes' ride to Kearny st. 5 rooms, hatband modern improve- ments: lot 25x100; beautiful garden: sewer; will be sold very cheap and easy terms; owner com- pelled to move. Address Richmond, box 46, Call. ET MONEY" ON DIAMONDS.PIANOS&SEAL- skins. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 ( Geary x 107 :6— SWr~c6l~~JEKSEY ANl_~bl~A- mond sts. Apply within. 6u¥ESBUILT $150 TO $275 A ROOM ; CALL and examine plans. 1149 Mission st. country REAL estate. oTTranch^^ LINE of S. P. R. P... near "Fresno; 60 acres in alfalfa; all land leY*el and under ditch with plenty of water; cottage of five rooms, large barn, well and wind- mill; stock and implements to go with the place; price only $35 per acre : $6700 can remainpn mort- gage, balance In city improved property. Apply to J. S. JOHNSON, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. BOOK FREE l ILLUSTRATED; $4 AN ACRE up. M. GRIFFIN, Cottonwood, Shasta County, Cal. - ■ - ■ "'..■..■ _ 1 KAA FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR JzOxJxJ. city or Oakland property, ranch of 123 acres, 7 miles from Santa Cruz and". 8 miles from Capitola, 40 acres of which are farming and 83 timber land; water in abundance. Callor ad- dress A. LEYVTHWAITE, 500 Montgomery St., basement.' . . . "1 A ACRES. ORANGE GROVE AT PALERMO, IU Butte County, CaL; all fenced rabbit proof; a rare chance for investment. Apply this office. "~7r ANTED— MAN CAPABLE OF MANAGING 1 » a well-equipped real estate office with large list of country bargains and extensive connections; light expenses: equal partnership to a pood man with $1000 capital. Address C. L., box 98, Call. TT INE YARD IN NAPA FOR SALE: 60 ACRES V in cultivation: 166 acres in all; complete facil- ities for wine-making; horses, wagons, cattle, etc. : no agents. For particulars, J. F. MAYER, 132 Eleventh St., S.F. IPOR SALE— A CHICKEN RANCH IN MARIN -T County ; about 5 acres, well Improved. Grocery, 868 Folsom , nr. Fifth. ' ' . TjJOB SALE— COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS, BATH JO and basement, in San Rafael. Apply ZIEBEN- BERG, West End, San Rafael, cr 401 Sutter st. A 6, 8 AND 12* ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES; tt two with small improvements: 8 and 10 years' credit at 7 per cent; Close to towu. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye.. near Geary st. MUST BE SOLD— ONE OF THE BEST Lo- cated 160-acre ranches in Lake County: 14 miles from Clear Lake, with plenty running water; 100 acres improved; 5-roomhouse; plenty timber; $2500; time to suit on pnyments. YV.L. FOSTER, Kelseyville, Lake County, Cal. O LEASE. FOR CASH— 32O ACRES rich level land, 2 miles from town of San Luis Obispo; abundant water. Apply to DAVIDSON A LEIGH, 137 Montgomery st. _9f_f_f_ - 160 ACRES; UNIMPROVED; •tip £xJxJ\J. covered with white and black oak: no better land in the State; 35 miles from this city:|2 miles from Glen Ellen. Address Ranch, box 106, Call Office. : - - . MARIN COUNTY'— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. ' ■*■•".".' * •"*• •-;•■-*'. ;,-->>_ *•*. RaNCHO DE NOVATO. -^r Tracts of any size desired : fruit, grain and vege- table land: no irrigation: : both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre*, easy terms; town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property: send for circular. Dairy for sale with or without cows. SY'N DIC ATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65 Chronicle building. ■'. ■ ■■ - IF* YOU" WANT~A~RANCH FOR GRAZING J- purposes or an orchard already Improved, where only small cash outlay is required, balance payable in 6 or 7 years, apply 326 Montgomery St.. S. F. A WEEK'S — NK'A'S FOR 6 CENTS— THE 4X WEEKLY' CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. ■ STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON KEAL ESTATE. ItTMOXEY ' ™~~ Z ~~" For the right man, having experience in the sale of real estate; choice lots in Northern Stockton for sale on the easiest terms ever offered In Stock-, ton; $10 down, $5 per month, without interest or taxes; electric streetcars furnishing rapid transit to ail parts of the city; liberal terms to agents; cor- respondence solicited. :.:*--'■_. ■'■:-->: ,--.'-..*■ .-•* A. A. DUDLEY * CO., 405 East Main St., Stockton. DR. OLIVER, T " .- £>41:.i REAL ESTATE DEALER, 513 East Main St., Stockton. Owner of East Stockton and Brown's Additions; lots in these and other additions at $5 a month; no Interest and no taxes; largest list of inside prop- erty of any dealer in Stockton; quick sales and small profits is the motto of this office. _ .-_ ':' .- -.. ' BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. _.»''• ~ A NOTHER BARGAIN ; HOUSE 01?. 6 orchard: 120x135; owner sick; must sell. Ap; ply JOSEPH .1. MASON, Dwight-way station. ERKELEY AN GOLDEN GATE LOTS, $125 up— cash, $5 per mo. THE MCCARTHY CO.. 646 Market St.. S.F. ■■-.:■■■ •- ■ v GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS*. 15 Grant aye., near Geary st. »"lf: 5-ROOM COTTAGE: 50x135; $1650. F Xx). BOEGLE. Golden Gate station: FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE. AI_T7)ir , EXCHANGE^A Oakland, Los Angeles, San I Francisco or San Diego city property : whole or part of $30,000; Fruitland; home of 100 acres; celebrated springs; choice fruits: attractive .* pepper tree, and -orange grove; clear of incumbrance: convenient to San Diego Bay and ocean; connecting San Diego and Coronado -beach *by two railroads. Inquire ■of Z ACH ■'■ MONTGOMERY", - Los Angeles, or R.J. MONTGOMERY, Oakland. ■>■/:' .: PKOPERTY TO EXCHANGE. .* RICHMOND LOTS TO ' EXCHANGE FOR ranch; vicinity of Santa Crui or Wastonville preferred. Address Lot, box 72. Call Oflice. ■ '-- - , ' ' LEGAL NOTICES. ; T~ly~h~on7^vm.~s7^a^rin es,~dis^ict~at.. torney of the City and County of San Francisco: Please take notice that on or about the ,7th day of October, 1895, an application will be mado to the Governor of the state of California for the pardon of JOHN COONEY", who was convicted on the 28th day of January, 1887. in the Superior Court in and for the City and County of San Francisco of the crime of robbery. "'-•JAMES H. CAMPBELL, * •--. ■■■..■ Attorney for said JOHN l (KINKY. IN' THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE- CITY and County of San Francisco, State of Califor- nia.— in the mutter of DUFFY* BROS., insolvent debtors. Notice is hereby given to all the cred- itors of CHARLES •• £. DUFFY', an ■ insolvent debtor, who have proved ; their debts, that ' said ■ CHARLES E. DUFFY has filed in said Superior Court his petition for a discharge from all his debts and liabilities, and that by an order of said court all said creditors are required to appear before said court, at tbe courtroom thereof. Department No. 10, in the New City Hall, In said City and County, on the 23d day of September, A. D. - 1895, .at the hour of 10 a. m., and then and there show cause, if any they have, why the said CHARLES E. DUFFY should not be discharged from all his debts, in | ac- cordance with the statutes in such cases made and provided." " .' * / , Attest my hand and seal of said court this 21st day of August, 1895. . •-, * - *-■= * " -■* _• .- ■ * [Skat,.] **;.-■ C. F. CURRY, Cl<>rk. , By YVM. A. DEANE. Deputy Clerk. '. - ; • ■ 4p7- r ' ; ; - ; : •.": STOKAGE :; torageot^tHiniitTr^pi^^ HQUSB- hoId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. WILSON - BROTHERS, 1710 MARKET^ storage: low rates : telephone South 762. ■' IJ.URNITURE, PIANOS' AND OTHER MER- JL. chandise received on storage; money advanced ' on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Post sU. : TTHRST-CLASS STORAGE j ADVANCES MADE . J 421-423 Market su * ■ CHAA L. TAYLOR. -. ~~~ :' .PHYSICIANS. •'. R' " EL~3_i_ATl^r'NE^^ cial attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- ALD, M.D., 1236 Market st.; 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. .- ,*.' HOME. A .FRIEN D AND MOTHER- CARE. A MRS. DR. FUNKS, 1416 Eighth it., Alameda, OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. • ' ...- ■; OAKLAND -. REAL. ESTATE. \ ~T: FOR SALE OR 'TO LEASE— A GOOD PROP erty; family resort: house 11 rooms and batb; saloon, garden, carriage-house and . barn; all mod- ern improvements. Inquire premises, H. BOCIvLE- MAN, opp. station, Golden Gate, Alameda County. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— FAIL TO see this new, artistic modern house on Latham terrace, East Oakland; terms easy: lot 40 feet *2 electric lines to place. Apply 1561 Twenty-third avenue. ■ ■ - :•"■-■- *•■-:• *■■•■.,-.■-.* -■*. FOR SALE-RARE CHANCE: LOT &oxlso. 1 modern 5-room cottage* best part of Alameda; cost $3500: will be sold Tor $2400: don't miss this. Apply 1561 Twenty-third aye.. East Oakland. ■ STOP PAYING RENT AND BUY A COTTAGE; one of 6 rooms; new; lot 100x130: at Fruit- vale; price $2550; only *100 down; installments $15 or $20 per month. J. S. JOHNSON, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. • . SALE-LANDS. FARMS, RANCHES: ALL J sixes; all prices: if you are looking for a ranch bo sure to examine my list; it includes all the latest bargains: can make any kind of terms: write me for what you want. J. 11. EDSON, Land Agent, 60 San I'anlo aye., Oakland, Cal. -...*' <EiPLP.fI WILL PURCHASE 4-ROOM . COT- <iJp.J-_)V/ tase: lot 30x94 feet: all fenced; good well on property: also fruit trees; close to station and half block to electric-cara: $100 cash, balance RIO per month. W. C. MORAN, Lorin Station, Berkeley. ':;■ '. ■ ■■■ ■ GOOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE IN EAST Oakland: near cars: $5 cash and $1 a week. ALDEN A GARFIELD, 902 Broadway. ffijQPLA BUSINESS CORNER LOT; tJpO-JU. seventh and Peralta sts. Owner, 1548 Park St., Alameda. . GET MONEY ON DIAMONDS AT UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye., near Geary at. , T ODGING-HOUSE; BEST IN OAKLAND; XX centrally located; on principal business street; 36 rooms: newly furnished; can be at a bar- gain. J. S. JOHNSON, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. *\TEW COTTAGE; HOME OF 5 ROOMS, BATH i.l and laundry at Fruitvale: • lot 35x125 : only $1500; easy terms. J. S. JOHNSON, 463 Ninth st,, Oakland. . . . .* ■ ■■ . . ■ •-...- -<s_^nnn WORTH $7500; A beautiful 9- ■<p ■JUUV/. room house, with all the latest modern improvements: lot 80x100: located in the Nob Hill district of Oakland; $200 cash; $68 monthly. WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, . * <3_ OOPl(\ 2 HOUSES, CLOSE TO OAK-ST. »4P-i_i.tJU. station: income of $20 ncr month, and still leaves 6 rooms for use of owner. This is a rare chance, as owner leaves the State. W. E. BARNARD* SON, 468 Ninth st., Oakland. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— NEW COTTAGE of 6 rooms; all modern; lot 80x180; plenty of fruit trees; on sunny side of street: I will sell at sac- rifice: situated on Fruitvale aye. ; only small pay- ment down; cars pass the door. Apply to owner, P. KELLY, 459 Ninth St., OaKland. , ■ . - . ■ - I 7»OR SALE-240 ACRES LEVEL LAND IN ' Contra Costa County : house of 7 rooms : good barn, stable and granary; 80 tons of hay,' 30 sacks grain, 3 large wagons, 1 spring wagon, blacksmith- shop with tools complete; windmill and tank: water piped over land ; 10 head horses with har- ness; 20 hogs, 4 cows, 6 dozen chickens: every- thing necessary to carry on farming; will sell 140 acres: part cash, balance can remain at 5 per cent this is a bargain: don't fall to see it. Address F. M. BARGAS, 902 Broadway. Oakland. TOP PAYING RENT; NEW COTTAGE OF 5 rooms at Golden Gate, near station; only $1750; $50 down; installments $15 per month, j J. S. JOHNSON. 463 Ninth at., Oakland. ' LOT 50x140, SUNNY SIDE OF * FREMONT aye.. Linda Rosa Tract, Fruitvale; $400 cash. J. HOEY, 641 Folsom st. (m-|AAA LOT 25x110 AND IMPROVE- .*"__ -LULU/, ments; easy terms and cheap. 1365 Peralta st. . ' .. ' 4>»J9;_:/A SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE, BATH <y)o___c)U. and modern improvements: lot 50x 168; on Thirty-second St., near Telegraph aye. $4500— 8-room house, bath, hot and cold water; good barn; lot 45x100; on Tenth St., near Castro; a bargain. • _ $2250— 2-story 6*room house; bath; lot 50x100; centrally located; good neighbornood; a great bar- gain. Lot 100x100, on Jackson st; good location for flats. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. PROPERTY IN ALL PARTS OF ALAMEDA Countyfor sale; large tracts in acres or lots be- tween Oakland and Berkeley; property at Temea- cal a specialty. W. L ROBINSON, 459 Ninth St., Oakland. ACRE TRACTS AND RANCHES FOR SALE— 8 acres at Fruitvale, all In fruit; good house and barn fine view: must be sold; will sell for less than half its value: 13 acres at Blair's Park ; lovely view; easy terms to suit: don't fail to see them. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway. <D*o/\ MONTHLY FOR 5- ROOM COTTAGES; rjpWiV/ plans free. F. BO EG LE. Golden Gate statn. "sj***l r A LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN ypJLUU. Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week; selling fast; good improvementa H. B. PINNEY. owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE WEEKLY, CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, poet- ui'e free. OAKLAND HOTELS. ~ ~ AIJNTJO~i_UJrTEL?'^ LEADING AND ' largest hotel in Oakland; table first class; terms by week or month, moderate; trains to and from San Francisco every 15 minutes; cars from Sixteenth-street station pass hotel; sample-room for commercial travelers on ground floor. ROBERT GAY. Proprietor. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET. ~~~. OR V RENT^S2S; A BEAUTIFUL MODERN home of 7 rooms and bath; newly decorated inside and out; excellent neighborhood; short walk to local; large lot: sunny side of street. Address XV. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway. ■' ' »M»»»»»^»».»»»M»»"™™»™»»»""***M"**W****.******-""*-*»»'*»". _ — _ ; . OAKLAND FURNITURE FOB SALE. URNITURE ANIOCAI^ETSAT ' 1 price. H, SCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S ;■ PARK STREET. ALAMEDA KEAL '. ESTATE; C_-*}7P_ft * LOT *0xl58; MODERN COTTAGE «Jp^_j . OxJ , ot 6 rooms and bath; sunny side of a macadamized street; $200 down and $30 per month. $3000— Lot 50x140; on macadamized street; 2- story house of 6 rooms; $200 down and 830 per month.. Apply to JAS. A LEONARD; CO., 1364 Park sU^Alameda. : EAUTIFULNEW HOUSE FOR SALE; EASY terms. Box 46, Call. ■'■;.■' (SaOIPICX LOT~4o*tlsB; MODERN COTTAGE ■sj)--. I Ox), of 5 rooms and bath; sunny side of a macadamized street; $200 down and $30 per month. *•■ ■ '■' ■ $3000— 60x14U; on macadamized street; 3- story house of 6 rooms: $200 and $30 per month. Apply to JAS. A. LEONARD CO., 1364 Park St., Alameda. - ■ ■ ' ' ' ' "■' TlyFßox2os, STREET WORK DONE, PRICE J J $1000. former price $1800; house and lot, $800: fine lot, $500. HALL A BAIRD, 1303 Park at., Alameda. ; ■-.■■> ■.'*- .-.■■' ■ -;:* PRIVATE ENTRANCE FOR THOSE WlSH- ing money at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant afe. **}\7{}o lot Box ** B °* $2000— Lot 50x115; cottage of 6 rooms and bath: stable; sunny frontage; $100 cash, balance $25 monthly; No. 170. $2300— Lot 50x86, with 6 rooms and bath ; $50 cash, $20 per month ; No. 127. • _ . ? • $1600— Lot 65x100; cottage 4, rooms; part cash; No. 129. -'4:7; $600— Lot 35x150; a snap. Houses to let ln all parts of Alameda, $10 and up. For bargains in Alameda property, see the Alameda Land Company, 1500 . Park st., comer .Santa Clara aye., Alameda. . ...*'.'-', •31*1 flfl CASH," $20' PER MONTH; LOT 30x •ilp-LUU 150; modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 2 blocka from station; $2200. ' ' No. 654. $100 cash, $25 per month : lot 33:4x150; new 2- story house 6 rooms and bath, 3 1 blocks from sta- tion". $2500. ■* '■-*■-■ No. 520. ■ i sloo cash. $30 permonth; lot 35x150: modern 2* story house 7 rooms and bath with born. 1 block from station ; $3000. i ... No. 669. ; $200 cosh, $30 per month; lot 37:2x108: eleuant new cottage 5 rooms and inili; $3100. No. 670. $500 cash, $40 per month; lot 83:4x140: elegant 2-story house 7 rooms and bath, 1 block from * sta- tion; $4500. N0.665., .$lOOO cash, $50 per month; lot 40x150; Hne 2- tor v house 9 rooms and bath, 2 blocks from sta- tion; $6500. •-"-'-• •■•'* ' No. 333. Houses to let in all parts of Alameda, , . Apply to H. P. MOREAL. 1432 Park at., Alameda. LATEST -SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. **.U.. *'z ;.;■'. .7 7^4 '■■: ... SUNDAY, September 1. Stmr Farallon, Roberts, 45 hours from Yaquina Bay ; pass and mdse, to C J Hendry, Sons A Co. I Schr Christina Steffens, Rasmussen, 46 hours from Bihlers Point ; 70 eds wood,' to J Johnson.* - '- Schr Mary Bidwell, Wilson, 96 hours from Tim ber Cove; 8000 posts, to Higgins * Collins. " "*•-- ' .. ' . Schr | Mary Etta,*- Wetzel, 15 - hours from Bow ens Landing: 80 eds bark, to Bender Bros. ;. Scbr; General . Banning, Larseh, *40 days from Seattle: lumber, to A A Baxter. I Schr Gen Siglin, Johnson, 26 ' days from Bristol Bay; 220 bbls salmon, to Ugashik Canning aud Packing Co, ' * - *- ; - * - * .:.'; .**"._.-. -r"*< ,; *-'- Spoken. .;/v,-- *, : - -.;**. • * Sept I—3o - miles :. NW of Point - Reyes, schr Bu tarituri, for San Francisco. Ail well. : BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. f rßlrth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be Inserted. Tbey must be handed in at either of the. publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.] -■. ;>. - '— BORN. BERRY— *. city,** August 24, - 1895, to the wife of 'Lewis Berry, aeon, ".•■•".-."•«.• ".f -;?--* HANJES^-In this city, : August ; 25, 1895, to the wife of A. F. Hanjes, a son. * ■ . ■'. > .•:-.... HALL— In this city, August 28, 1895, to the wife &of Charles B. Hall, a daughter. '_;'-.' *:_'T4;-, LIB-BEY— this city, Augnst '< 99, 1895, '■ to tho > who of J. __'. Llbbey, a daughter. -'■:■ •-•-:-' * * . MABBIED. ;* '-. , ■*' -y \ NICHOLS— IRWIN— August 26. 1895, Herbert Randall Nichols and Mrs. Charlotte J. Irwin. j j BKAHAN- DUNN— In v this 'city, "September 1, 1895, at St. James Church, by the Rev. Father Lynch, Edward A. Bkahan of Cincinnati and . M"u_:gie M. Dunn of San Francisco. SMITH— SANDERS— In this city, by -the Rev. W. C. Pond, Henry A. Smith and Martha* B. San- ders, both of San Francisco. . < v. ■--■.- WICKMAN— MARTIN— August *>, 1895. by the Rev. Paul Branke, Edward J. Wicftman and Mary Martin. '.;...;..-;'. •*■-'.■■----,-.- -' ..'■..-- - ',**.. . DIED. Brosnahan, Bridget * . Heaney, Patrick . Bell, Ethel V. •- * — --. • Hazzard, Andrew * Belcher, William C. ■ ; ■ Harvey, Phoebe - ' Crawford, Arthur W. Long. Charles F. Camozzl, Baptise ... Mulotigh, Charles H. Delicat. J. F. A. Martens, Henry - Dowd, William Oliver Pulsch, Annie o.*^"'.^:.: Eklund, John P. r:v ~ Rivera, Louis L. :• Fuliard, Mary E. Schmitz, Edmund R. Finning, Catherine - Stewart. Mrs. Sallie M. Feeney, Michael Stickle, Israel * Goetze, Edith .. * * - Smith, Sarah ■ Husing. Fred Stewart. Sallie M. Huaing, Mary J. -'....*. Wlnterberg, Margaretha BROSNAHAN— There will be a requiem anniver- sary mass for the repose of the soul of the late Bridget Brosnahan at St. Joseph's Church, THIS DAY (Monday), at 9 o'clock a. M. ...*-.*• BELL— In Alameda, August 30, 1895. Ethel ( V, Bell, a native of California, aged 6 years and 11 months. . ■ '' : ' '- BELCHER— In thiscity, September 1, 1895, Wil- liam C, brother of Isaac S. and Edward . A. - Belcher, a native of Vermont, aged 74 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. . -- ; .U.. .'- -' CRAWFORD— In Oakland, August 29. 1895, Ar- . thur Walter Crawford, a native of England, aged 66 years 6 months and 24 days. * CAMOZZI— In thiscity, September 1, 1895 r Bap- . tise Camozzi, aged 21 years. DOWD— In this city. August 31, .1895. William Oliver, beloved son of Andrew and Catherine Dowd, and nephew of Daniel Nieson, a native of San Francisco, aged 10 years and 19 days, • _3_g~Friend3 are respectfully inviteu to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock ' p. m. from the residence of the parents, 726 Twenty-fourth streeu thence to St. James Church or services. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. , DELICAT— In this city, August 30, 1895. J. F. A., beloved son of Anna and the late Frederick. A. H. Delicat, and brother of Mrs. 11. Zihn, Katie Delicat, Mrs. L. Lampcke and John Delicat, a native of Nevada City, Cal., aged 27 : years 2 months and 16 days. A member of Apollo Lodge No. 123, I. 0.0. F., and Walhalla En- campment, I. O. O. F. US-Friends and acquaintances ' are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 10 o'clock a.m., from the residence of bis mother, 1030 Sanchez street, near Twenty- fourth. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. ,' . EKLUND— August 31,' 1895,'. John P., beloved husband of Annie C. and father of Harry, Adolpn ana Reuben Eklund, a native of Sweden, aged 50 years. .-.'-. ■ •.-*.--. jB_B"Notice of funeral hereafter. .'-4 7'jZ. FULLARD— In this city, August 30, 1895, Mary E., beloved daughter of Hannah I. Fuliard, and . sister of the late William C. Fuliard, a native of San Francisco, aged . 38 years j3 1 months and 4 days. -•"■:. 1 : fi_g"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 9:30 o'clocK a. m., from ber late residence. 944 Mission street, thence to St. Pat- rick's Church for services. Interment Mount • Calvary Cemetery. FINNING— In this city, August SO, 1895, Cath- . erine, beloved wife of Michael Finning, mother of J. P., M. J. and Louisa Finning . and Sister Mary Celestine of Santa Clara, a native of County Longford. Ireland, aged 69 years. [Livermoro ! (Alameda County, Cal.) papers copy.j . _s®* Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral: THIS DAY (Monday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late : residence, 832 Dolores street, thence to St. James Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, com- mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Please omit flowers. FEENEY— In East Oakland, August 31, 1895, Michael Feeney, a native of County Mayo, Ire- land, aged 72 years. * —• • ■• ■ - GOETZE— In this city, September 1, 1895, Edith, . . only * and beloved daughter of August J. and Emily Goetze, a native of San Francisco, aeed 3 months and 7 days. jgf_r" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the resi- dence of her parents, 403 Waller street, oetweeh Fillmore and Steiner. ' Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery.' * * HARVEY — In this city, September 1, : 1895, • Miss Harvey, a native of Nova Scotia. - • ftST'Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock a. m. from the residence of Mrs. Jane , Richards, 2049 -Vis Mission street. ' Interment ' private. , .' * . • .. : • . HAZZARD— In this city. September 1,1895, An- drew, beloved brother of Mrs. P. Cosgrove, and uncle of Frederick U. and John P. Cosgrove, a native of County Cavan, Ireland, aged 65 years. ISS" Friends and - acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Tuesday), at 8:30 o'clock a.m.. from his lat«_ residence, 500 Twenty-sixth street, corner of Folsom, thence to St. Peter's Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock I a. m. . Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. 1 HEANEY— In this city, August 31, 1805, Patrick Heaney, a native of County Derry, Ireland, aged 60 years. * ■ * _jf_?-Ttie funeral will take place THIS DAY (Monday), at 1 o'clock p. m., from the par- lors of McAvoy * Gallagher, 20 Fifth street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. [St. Johns, | (N. B.) papers please copy.j . ■-. HUSING— In this city, August 29, 1895, Fred, beloved husband of. Marie Husing, and father of Annie, Mollie, Frida, Frede and Bertha Husing, , a native of Bremervorde. Germany, aged 46 years ! 1 month and 6 days. A member of San Francisco . Schutzen Verein, * San Francisco Turn Verein, ; Bremervorde Verein, Abou Ben Adbera Lodge ! No. 1, 1. O. O. F., and Norddeutscher Verein. ... ■' _far-Friends and acquaintances : are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DaY , (Monday), at I o'clocK p. . m.. from his late residence, 317 Hayes street, thence to California Hall, Bush street, between Powell and Stockton, where services will be held 2 o'clock p. si. Please omit flowers.. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. HUSING— In this city, August 30, '1895, Mary Jane, beloved wife of R. J. Husing, and daughter of the late Mrs. William C. Culleu and sister of James R., Frank, Agnew and Annie D. Culleu, a native of San Francisco, aged 31 years 1 month and 1 day. . Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock p.m., from the resi- dence of Mrs. H. Rankin, 412 Eddy street, thence to St. Mary's Cathedral. Van Ness avenue, for services commencing at . 2 o'clock _?. m. In- terment Mount Calvary Cemetery. . LONG— In this City, August 31, 1895, Charles Fel- ton, beloved son of Charles H. and Minnie E. Long, and grandson of P. H. and J. Lawlor, ; a native of San Francisco, aged 11 months and 14 days. _ . . . : . . " _*-_*" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully, invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY . (Monday), at 11 o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence of his parents. 965^ Harrison street, be- tween Fifth and Sixth. Interment Holy Crdss Cemetery.. ••- ■ •■•;'"■'._ J;. .. MALOUGH —In memory of Charles Henry Malough, who departed this life September 2, 1894. ,. * * . ... - ■ ,'■. Just one year ago to-day : _ ''../i. _■-; < Our dear son and brother passed away. - Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding, O'er the spoils that death has won,. . We would at this solemn meeting . - Calmly say, '•Thy will be done." ' ' Though cast down, we're not forsaken; -.' Though afflicted, not alone. <* Thou didst give, and Thou has taken. : • ' Blessed Lord, Thy will he done. <'• •. . 4-7-i--. Mother, Bbothebs and Sistebs. MARTENS— In this city, September' I,' 1895. Henry Martens, a native of Germany, aged 24 years. ■.'..'-."•" *, ... .... _*.- ..... PULSCH— tbis city, September 1, 1895, Annie C, • beloved wife of Charles Pulsch,'. a native of , New York, aged 40 years 5 months and 29 days. RIVERS— Oakland, August 31. 1895, Louis L. Rivers, a native of San Pablo, aged 23 * years and 7 months. .- •• .*»-■•_»'-_ -:•.•-.•-• SCHMITZ— In this city. August 31, 1895, Edmund . Russell, beloved son of .Ignatz and Annie. Schmits, and brother of Regina Schmitz, a na- tive of San Francisco, aged 15 years 4 months and 23 days. * . "i-'riemls ; and acquaintances . are respect- fully invited to attend, the funeral THIS DAY (Monday); at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of his parents, 637 Guerrero street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. : , .-;..•; ': SMITH— this city, September -1, 1895, Sarah, . beloved wife of John Smith, and mother of . May : Smith, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . P. Mathews of • Alvarado, a native of New York, ■ ■■: aged 35 years. ■:* :• ''-.. . . '--■-.- * . ■ B-j?" Friends I and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW j (Tuesday); at 9:30 a. m., from her late 'resi- dence, 1318 Mission street, thence t<? St. Joseph's Church, .Tenth street, between .Howard and Folsom, where a high requiem mass will, be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 10 o'clock a. M. " interment Holy Cross Cem- . etery. ■••*.*■-•••." ■- -■.:.:-.. ' ■ '■-■-,-■■■■- z,-;-; - : %•■;_<,■■ STEWART— In this city, Angust 31, 1895. Mrs. Sallie M. Stewart, widow of the late George W. : ' Stewart, sister of Mrs. M. W. Denver, and aunt of Mrs. Howard Turner, a native of Missouri. ■ #3" Friends are respectfully invited to attend ' the funeral services THIS DAY .Monday), at 2 * o'clock p. m. i from > her late residence, 1101 .' Pine street. ,-..*. ...;■- '**.. .. •-. . . ... STICKLE— In thiscity, September .1, 1895, Israel Stickle, a native of New Jersey, aged 79 years. ■ • WINTERBERG— In this city, September 1, 1895;' Margaretha, only and beloved daughterof Fritz snd Annie Wlnterberg, a native of san Fran- i Cisco, aged 1 year and 3 days. , -_ , .11 ! '■ ... '"* " I - UNITED UNDERTAKERS' .'■■*-' * EMBALMING PARLORS. S Everything Requisite for Flrst-class Funerals -.'.* '.: at Reasonable Rates. Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth streeu" ■ I McAVOY A CALLACHER, I FUN ERAL DIRECTORS 4 BSIBALMERB, W 80 Fifth St., Opp. Ll n coin School. ■ /' . ' J Telephone 3080. * - ]'. ■_W»_«»_________________«-l._____»_»»___-_______»-_M_™___--P_^_»^ '. -CYPRESS , LAWN CEMETERY. [ IN SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; r laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access ; see it before buying a burial place elsewhere. 1 __i_-it_»_Qd«iei.*sLCity _ AXfiUUfl* _ 11