Newspaper Page Text
12 The COMMERCIAL WORLD. SUMMAKY OF THE MARKETS. ______ Coke lower. I Another advance in Cordage. Sliver a fraction lower. Wheat steady. Barley firmer. Oats. Corn and Rye quiet. General decline In Beans. Bran firmer- Hay steady. Potatoes and Onions unchanged. Vegetables cheap. Butter. and Eggs unchanged. Ducks and Geese neglected. Fresh Fruit dull and weak. ■ Table Grapes lower. Wine Grapes sell well. Dried Fruit still dull. Fair trade in Provisions. Hides unchanged. Meat market undisturbed. ■ . WEATHER BUREAU REPORT. sited States Department of Agricul ture. Wkatiier Bureau, San Francisco, September 20, 1895, 5 p. m.—Weather conditions and general forecast. The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date as compared with those of same date last season: Eureka 3.27, last season .07: Red Bluff 1.92. last season .02; Sacramento 1.28, last season trace; San Francisco .78. last season trace: Fresno .07, last season trace; San Luis Obispo trace, last sea son trace; Los Angeles trace, last season .03; San Diego .00, last season .05; Y'uma .01, last season .97. The following are the maximum temperatures reported from stations in California to-day: Eureka. 66, Red .Bluff 68, Sacramento 68, San Francisco 66, Fresno 76. Independence 80, San Luis Obispo 76, Los Angeles 76, San Diego 68, Yuma 96. San Francisco data: Maximum temperature .66, minimum .52, mean .69. • The pressure is highest this evening along the coast of Washington, and is lowest in Southern Nevada and Arizona, where a marked depression has developed in the last twelve hours. This is causing high northwest winds to prevail in Nevada and California, which are carrying decidedly cooler weather into Nevada and Northern Utah. The temperature at Winnemucca and Salt Lake City to-night is 40 degrees, a fall of 24 degrees at each of these piaces since last evening. Freezing tem peratures will prevail throughout the northern portions of Nevada and Utah by Saturday morn ing, and warnings to this effect were distributed through this section last night. Severe frosts will occur as far southward as Central Arizona by Monday morning. Sleetstorms are probable In Utah to-night. Frosts will occur in inyoConnty, California/ Sunday morning. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours, ending midnight. September 21. 1895: Northern California— Fair, except partly cloudy In the extreme southeast portion: cooler in the southeast portion ; decidedly colder in the extreme southeast portion; severe frosts Sunday morning in Inyo County: brisk to high northerly winds. Southern California—Fair, decidedly cooler in the cast portion: fresh to brisk northwesterly winds. Nevada—Fair; colder in the sou portion; freezing temperatures to-night and Sunday night in the north portion. (tali— Light snow flurries or sleet in north por tion to-night or Saturday morning: light rain, with nnow la the mountains, in the south portion Satur day; decidedly colder: a cold wave in the south portion; freezing temperatures to-night and Sun day night in north portion. Arizona— I air, except light rain, with snow in the mountains, in the north portion; decidedly colder in the northwt st portion, somewhat colder in southeast portion; severe frosts Sunday and Mon day nights in northwest portion. s&n Francisco and vicinity—Fair; somewhat cooler; brisk northerly to westerly winds. W. H. Hammon. Forecast Official. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK, N. V.. Sept. 20.—The railway and miscellaneous speculation was very irregular to day. At the opening the market was strong, ow ing to slightly lower sales of sterling exchange, a belief that but little gold would be forwarded to Europe to-morrow, and, finally, to an impression that the Trunk line and Central Traffic Associa tions at their meeting to-day would form a new organization to-day for the better maintenance of rates and the reduction of expenses. This caused a genera] advance of 1.4 to 15/g per cent, and at the top notch there was considerable covering of aborts. The stocks most prominent in the early rise were the Grangers, Soutnwe.sterns, Anthracite Coalers, Louisville and Nashville. Tennessee Coal and Iron. The railway list, held its advance pretty ■well and, as a rule, prices closed y 8 to IVs per cent higher on the day. • The indus'rials were active and feverish through out. Tobacco opened at 104@1023.i, 6500 shares changing hands at those figures right at the star;. The stock then broke to 98 and rallied to 101 Vi@ 100 The break was the result of the denial of the rumors current yesterday that a truce had been arrived a' between the trust and its rivals. Chicago Gas bounded up to 71% in the first hour, then set tled back to 671.3 and closed at 67%. The Flower party are outspoken bulls on the property and heavy buyers again to-day. The ri.-e. however, brought out long stock and the afternoon decline ■was partly due to this selling. Sugar rose V 2 to 10»" 4 and dropped to 10i"y(g,1055 /8. In account ing for the break in this stock and the comparative weakness of Chicago Gas near the close, it was said the principal selling was for the account of a dar ing plunger who has lost a lot of money lately in the market. The rumor could not be confirmed. General Electric, Leather and Lead were notably firm. In the last hour the general list was a shade easier, actual rates for sterling exchange having been ad vanced a fraction. This led to rumors of heavy gold shipments next week. To-morrow's ship ment will be only $150,000. The industrials made net losses on the day of 14 to 25/ 8 per cent. Gen eral Electric and Leather were the exceptions and gained 3/s(&IV4 per cent. Bonds were higher. Sales were $2,375,000. Atchison fours rose 5,g to 82%. do seconds l\s to 34; Denver and Kio Grande fours. 1 to 93: Kansas and Texas seconds, 2to 29 and 68: Pensacola and Atlantic firsts. l-; 4 10 10334: Oregon Short Line consol fives, 114 tou9; Tennessee Coal, Tennessee division firsts, 2 to 95, and Wabash deb., series D, 1 to 33. In Government bonds at the board, $1000 cou pon fours of 1907 brought 112%. Grain and Merchandise. NEW YORK. N. V., Sept. 20.—Flour, quiet, rather easier, with wheat. Winter wheat— Low grades, $2 10@2 60; do, fair to fancy, $2 60@3 20; do patents, $3 30@3 50: -Minnesota clear, $2 50@ 2 90: do, straights, $3@3 25: do, patents, $3 20@ 4 10; low extras, $2 15@2 50; city mills, $3 85® 4 10: do patents, $4 10@4 35; Southern flour, quiet, steady; common to fair extra, $2@2 70; good to choice, $2 80<&3. Cornmeal—Quiet, steady; yellow Western, $2 60 @2 65. Rye—Dull, unchanged. Barley—Nominal. Wheat—Fairly active, firmer with options. No. 2 red, in store and elevator, 62V4c; afloat, 6234 c; f. o. b., 63%@63y 2c; ungraded red, 56@64c; No. 1 Northern, 63V*c. Options opened firm at Vac advance on foreign buy in? and local coverings; fell l@iyc with the West, rallied i/gc and closed steady at %c below yesterday, with trading moderate. December and May only traded in No. 2 red closed: September, C2iic; October, 653/ c; December, 641,4 c; May. 67 %c. - * Corn— Fairly active; easier; No. 2, 38% c eleva tor: 39% c afloat. Options were moderately active and weak at %@%c decline on free receipts, lower West and local realizing. October and May most active. September closed at 38*4 c; Octo ber, 38c; December, 353/ic; May. 35% c. Oats—Dull, weak: y±c lower. Options, dull, weaker. September, JJ4S /8c: October. 241,4 c; December, 24% c. Spot prices: No. 2. 24V-.C; No. 2 White, 29c: No. 2 Chicago, 25Vic; £0. 3. 24c; No. 3 White, 27c: Mixed Western, 25y 2@ 26V2C: White, State and Western, 27@33c. Pigiron- Fairly active, firm. American, $11 50 @14. Copper— Lake, $12(2.12 25. Lead— steadier: domestic. $3 35. ' Tin— Steady. Straights, $14 30@14 85; plates, moderately active, firm. Spelter—Firm: domestic, $4 25@4 30. Hops—Quiet: State common to choice, 3@7c; new, 7@loc: Pacific Coast, 3V2<§>7c; London mar ket unchanged. Wool—Quiet, firm; domestic fleece, 10@22c: pulled. 15&34 C; Texas. 10(a-14c. i-ard—Quiet, easier: Western steam, $6 25: City, $6 05; October, $6 20. nominal. Refined, quiet; Continental, $6 65; Soutn America, $6 90: com pound, $45/ B@s •?--■•- Pork—Steady. Mess, $10@10 25. Butter— Fancy, scarce, some talK of 22c: State dairy, 12(§jl9%c?docreamery,21@21i^c: Western dairy. 9V2@'3c; do creamery, 13@22y 2c: do fac tory, 8<812%c; Elgins, 2iy 2c: imitation creamery, ll@lsc -..■■:. Cheese—Light receipts: fancy, firm. State.large, 6y 22c: do fancy,1 /2C: do, small, 6®BVic; part skims, 2y 2 (<j.6c; full skims, 2c. Etrzs—Quiet, easy. State and Pennsylvania, 16@17c; Western, iresh, 16@16V 2c; do, per case, $1 806.4 30. _ ■ Tallow—Firm, fair demand. City, 4Vic bid; coun try, 4y 4 @4y 3 c. Cottonseed Oil—Dull, about steady. Crude, 24c: yellow prime, 26%@27c; do, good off grades, i!6@".6Vic nice and Molasses—Firm, unchanged. • Coffee— Steady, 15 points up to 6 down. Septem ber, $15@15 l.'i; October, $14 90@14 95: Decem ber. $14 60&14 65: March, $14 15; May, $13 95. Spot Rio steady, quiet: No. 7, 15:<4.c. Sugar— Hi*, quiet and firm. Air refining, 3<a 3y 8 centrifugals, 96 test, 3i4<*3s/ Be. Kenned, Jinn, unchanged. CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, 111.. Sept. 20.—With theonly "short' line of any consequence out of the way, wheat was In a friendless condition this morning. The open- Ing was fairly steady to firm, but the fact that sup port was lacking soon became apparent to every one. The commission-house which has been op erating on the long side for an outside syndicate attempted to market some wheat during the first hocr. The local crowd had Its eye on them and the effort was a decided failure, prices breaking about »4 of a cent in a few moments, and only s'.eadylng when they met a New York buying or der of some proportions. The wheat situation re mains unchanged and, briefly summed up, shows a poor cash and export demand, a large crop and a libra! movement in the Northwest and a reported err!y increase in . the Southwestern, or winter, wheat shipments. The foreign situation shows no radical altera tions. This morning's Liverpool cables were lower." but the tone was reporu-d linn. Continental mar ki-: 3 sympathize with feeling ou this side. The close at Paris to-day was unchanged to lower for wheat, and higher for flour. Berlin was un changed to lower and Antwerp unchanged. Re ceipts at Minneapolis and Diiluth were 1135 cars, an.l Chicago had 53 cars. Withdrawals from store at tills ]>!ar-P wore 25,928 bushels, and 448,035 bushels cleat el at the seaboard. The session con- Una ■•! weak to the close, which was at 3 /i of a cent net loss from yesterday for December. That op tion opened at 5934(&59%e, S3id between 59% c and 585,^@583 / ic closing at 58 3 /ic. Estimated re ceipts for to-morrow, 75 cars. Corn— The, interest, in corn continues at alow ebb. The action and tone of the market were closely Identified with those of wheat, while the trade was of a local and scalping character. Re ceipts this morning overran the estimate by 27 cars— 447 cars arriving. The out inspection amounted to 195.362 bushels. Export- clearances at the seaboard were 103,934 bushels. .Liverpool cables quo ed lower prices, but pave a firm tone. May corn opened at 285, B e, declined to 28V4c, clos ing at 29V±@"9 3 /s, 'a ' ■»<" under yesterday. Es timated receipts for to-morrow, 600 cars. Oats— The same slow listless market that has been seen for many days past prevailed in oats to day. Opening firm the market promptly turned weak, and with a similar transformation in wheat anil corn. The receipts ■ were 296 cars, and 167.726 bushels were withdrawn from store May oats closed i.4@3/ 8 c lower than yesterday. The es timated receipts lor to-morrow are 335 cars, Flax was firm. Cash So. 1.95(595i.»c; SeDtem ber, 94@95y 2 c: October, 94V2<g.96c: December,t9s @97c; May, 99%c@$l 01. Receipts were 91 cars. Provisions— else on the floor being weak, and hoes having declined sc, there was nothing for products to do but to coincide in the general depression. The close was 17y 2 c lower for October pork. 7y 2 c lower for October lard and 12 Vie lower for October ribs. Closing prices: Wheat— September, 58Vac; December, 68 3 /ic; May, 625,'j,c. Corn— September, 32y 2 c; October, 813/ 8 c; De cember, S28 1 |C: May, 291 4. Oats— September, 19s/ c; October, 19c; May, 20% c. Pork— September. $3 02%: October, $8 07%: January. $;) 481 ■>. Lard— September, $5 85; October, $5 85; Janu ar- . *5 82' ■>. Ribs— September, $ 5 10; October, $5 07%: Janu ary, $4 87%. The butter market was still quiet and without inter, st. Extras sold fairly well, but o. her grades were slow. Receipts were liberal. Prices were un changed. Eggs— demand for eggs was sow and offer ings weN heavy. The feeling was weak, but prices were sustained, fresh stock selling at 13% c per dozen. Money was firm at 4 1 .2@5 per cent on call and 5J 1,0,6 per cent on time loans. .New York exchange so.d at 40c discount. r . •, .-. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS. 111.. Sept. 20.— The supply of cattle was fair for a Friday. The general demand was not good and the feeling in conse quence was weak. The offerings of hogs was large, and notwithstanding the fact that buyers were energetic prices declined 5c per 100 pounds. The sheep market was steady. Offerings were about equal to the demand. Cattle — Receipts, 6000; common to extra steers, $3 50@5 85: stockers and feeders, $2 50@4 25; cows and bulls, $1 60@3 50: calves. #4 26te6 50: Texans, $2(<t3 75; Western rangers, $2 25@ 4 30. Hogs— Receipts, 18.000; neavy packing and ship ping lots, $3 95(34 50: common to choice mixed, $.•! 85@4 60: choice assorted, $4 45&1 60; light, $3 85@4 60; pigs, $2 25@4 40. Sheep— Receipts, 13,000: inferior to choice, $1 40(0,3 50: lambs, ?3@4 75. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALES. NEW YORK, N. V., Sept. 20.-California fruit sold here to-day as follows by Earl Fruit Com pany: Grapes— Tokays, 70c@$l 50; double crates, $2 40@2 70: Muscats. 65c@$l 20: double crates, $170@195; Cornichon, $105. Pears— Bartlett, $1 75(gi2 85: half-boxes, 95c(g.?l 40. Peaches— Sal way, 85c@l 45: Picquetts, late, 80c@l 30. By loner Bros. Company: Pears, $1 60. Grapes— Half-crates, Tokays, 80c@?l 35: Moroc cos, 95c Peaches— -^always, 90c><>j«l 15: free stones. $1 10: clings, $105; George's lates, 8500 $1: Levi clings. 85c. CHICAGO, 1t.1.. Sept. California fruit sold at open auction to-day by Porter Bros. Company: Pears— Du Cornice, $1 25@1 30; Grapes, half crates. Tokays. 90c@*l 30: Cornichons, $1 15; Moroccos, $1 05@l 15; others, 65@75c. Peaches— Salways, 70c@$l 16: Clings, b0.g,75c: Picquetts lates, 65c. By Earl Frni; Company: Pears— Duchess, $1 05; Beurre DM. 85c; Winter ilellls, 55c; Vicar. $1 25; Beurre Clairgeau, $1 55. Plums— Coes, 8l'(g;85c; Ickworth, 65c Peaches— Salways, 60c Prunes- Silver, 55(£75c, in bad order. BANK CLEAKINGS. NEW YORK, N. V., Sept. 20.— Bank clearings' totals at the principal cities for the week ended September 19, with comparisons, as telegraphed to Bradstreet's: Percentage Cities. Amount. Inc. Dec. New York 8628.161,693 28.4 Boston 94,717,088 24.4 Chicago. 789.190 6.3 Philadelphia 67.778.218 St. Louis 23,745,831 8.2 Pittsburg. 15,868,138 24.4 Cincinnati 11,495,550 3.3 Baltimore: 15.443,576 9.2 San Francisco • 15. 126 11.1 Kansas City 10,348,409 8.1 New Orleans 7.420,128 27.2 Louisville 5,699,000 11.7 Detroit 6.379.889 16.0 Minneapolis 9.272,720 17.8 Cleveland 6,413,847 23.9 Providence 4.923,000 MilwauKee 5,895,388 36.3 indianaDOils 2,799,856 29.1 Buffalo ;.... 4,397.610 14.3 St. Paul 4.060,702 19.0 Omaha 3.853,369 3.2 Denver 2.724,336 3.8 ... Los Angeles 1,147,639 46.8 Portland. Or 1,055,699 Tacorua 653,579 1.0 Seattle 515,393 6.8 Spokane „ 331,127 Totals U. S 51,081,861,381 20.3 Outside of New York City 453,699,688 10.4 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal $11,679,549 3.4 Toronto 5.476.255 15.4 Halifax 1,115,143 8.8 Winnipeg 997,484 7.3 Hamilton 780,876 4.9 Totals... $20,049,247 2.5 DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE. NEW YORK, N. V., Sept. 20.-R. G. Dun & Co. in their Weekly Review of Trade to-morrow will say: Movements Of exchange and of gold 1 have somewhat affected all markets this week. Ex change has fallen, though not because commercial bills have greatly increased, and exports of specie though diminished will reach about ■ 100, --000. It is confidently believed tha: the Interna tional syndicate will allow no financial disorder, and many are certain that an issue of tondswill come. But the root of th edifflculty is not remov able by cankers, namely, that merchandise exports disappoint the Government and the syndi cate, failing to meet the cost of merchandise im ported and leaving a heavy balance to be paid abroad. August Imports exceeded exports by 5,282,729, and net exports of gold were 59,782. A small cotton crop with large stocks held abroad, a slender demand lor Atlantic wheat, with lussiau wheat arriving in London in large quantities anil mer chandise exports and imports at New York 6 per cent larger than last year in September, thus far scarcely promise speedy change. The volume of domestic trade measured by exchanges is 20 per cent greater than last year, but 9. « per cent less than in 1892, which Is not quite as near the record of full prosperity for September as for August or July. In spite of gold exports wheat advanced for some days, in all nearly 2 cents. Corn rose and fell in sympathy with wh"at, with as little reason. West ern wheat receipts for three weeks of .September have been 16,971,660 bushels, against 16,491,629 last year, while Atlantic exports, flour included, have been 3,941,694 bushels, against 7,621,936 last year. Good reports of foreign crops, weakness of flour In Minnesota, and large exports of corn from this country, all work against a rise in wheat, though scarcity of contract grades may help a speculative advance. The cotton market, lifting and falling a fraction each day, alternately,- shows do settled tendency, big stocks balancing an undoubted, but as yet indefinite, decrease in yield. The surprising increase in production md ad vance in prices of iron seem to be bringing a natural check, as prices have gone so high as to cause some purchases from Europe, both of pig and finished products, and have also caused a distinct shrinkage in the home demand. The cotton-mills which laid in stocks of cotton below 6 cents are enriched by the advance in ma terial and enabled to make frequent advances in goods, which are sustained. The present demand is dull, but there are no reports of stoppage, and the threatened s.rike at Fall River does not come. The woolen manufacture is doing well In dress goods and hosiery. Foreign prices for clay worsteds have advanced, and mohair goods also, the price of the material having risen 165 per cent at Bradford in a few months. Sales of <voo! are smaller than last year, and for three weeks only 17,133,470 pounds, of which 7,178,370 were foreign, against 21,572,400 pounds in 1892. of which 7,614,000 were foreign. Prices of foreign wool are so low that purchases for ex port have t)een made. - Commercial failures for two weeks of the month were $4,154,227 tins year against $2,867,761 last year, and $8,260,813 for the same weeks in 1893. This year $1,723,814 was of manufacturing con cms against 969,716 last year, and $2,311,588 of trading concerns against $1,706,048 last year. The failures this week nave been 313 in the United States against 210 last year, and 32 In Canada against 48 last year. BRADSTREET ON TRADE. NEW YORK, N. V., Sept. 20. — Bradstreet's to-morrow will say: General trade throughout the United States shows further improvement in this, the second week of . September, more particularly in manufacturing and commercial lines in the East ana at (he South. ; From the Central Western THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER - 21, 1895. and some Western States; notably lowa, there are advices, that purchase iI of seasonable goods have been checked this week because of ; high tempera ture throughout the region specified, but in the South Atlantic, Gulf and Southwestern States and on the Pacific Coast general trade has been in creasing in volume, with Improving mercantile col lections as a rule, and goods selling with less effort in many instances. ■ . . ' Wheat exports, both coasts, United States and Canada, aggregate 2,538,t'00 bushels this week (flour included "as wheat), a gain of one-third over last week, but in -contrast with 3,537.000 bushels one year ago, 4,727,000 bushels two years ago, and 3.711,000 bushels in the like week in 1892. New York, Montreal and the Pacific Coast shipped more freely. Total exports of Indian corn aggregate 1,605,000 bush Is this week, twice what was sent out last week, a much larger quantity than on like weeks in preceding yean, and the heaviest week's total since April, 1894. NEW YORK STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange, Money and Railroad Shares. Money on call easy at iy 2 @2^; last loan 1%@2%: closing offered at 1i0(g2%. I'rime mercantile paper, 4®5%. Bar silver, b63/ic. Mexican dollars, 53V4C. Sterling exchange Is firm, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 SByi@-1 88 Va for 60 days and S4 H9Vi@* 89y 2 for demand. Posted rates, $4 ssi-3'3,4 891/2. Commercial bills, $4 87Vi@ 4 88. Government bonds firm; State bonds steady; railroad bonds Higher. Silver at the Board dull. CXOPINfJ stocks. Am Tel & Cable.... 93 1 Norfolk & West.... 4 Atchison 22%! Preferred 1* 7 4 Preferred. 33i/ 2 : North American... bi/n Adams Express. ..147i. Northern Pacific. 5 Ahon,Terre Haute. 65 I Preferred 19Vi American Express.ll 3% Northwestern 104% American Tobacco. 11,41 Preferred 144 Preferred 107 N. Y. Central 102U, Bay State Gas 18 N. Y. Chicago&S.L 15 Baltimore <t Ohio.. 64 Ist preferred..... 70 Brunswick Lands.. 2 2d preferred 3iy. Buffalo. Koch <& P. 21 N. Y. <fc N. H... 178 Canada Pacific... 67% N. Y. & New Eng. 51 Canada Southern.. 65 N. Y. Susq & W... 12% Canton Land ... 60% Preferred 8 sl /4 Central Pacific... Ontario 9Vi Ches. <fc Ohio 20 Ontario <fc Western. 18 Chicago Alton 163 Oregon Improving 8 Preferred 173 Preferred 36 Chicago, H. &Q — 85% ! Oregon Navigation. 22 Chicago it E. 111... 51 Oregon Short Line. 10s/ 8 Preferred 103 y 2 Pacific Mail 32y 2 Chicago Gas 673/ Peorta, D.ifc Evans. 6V3 Cleve & Pittsburg.l62V«! Pittsburg<fe W pfd. 30 Consolidation Coal. 32 Pullman Palace... 8 Consolidated Ga5. .143 Quicksilver.. 3 C. C. C. St. Louis. 45V 4 Preferred 19 Preferred 94 Reading 20Vj Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 38 14 HioGrande&Westn 18 Preferred 94 ! Preferred 42 Cotton Oil Cert 223,4 Rock Island ...... 7«y Commercial Cable. 150 tßomeWat&OgdenllS Del. Hudson 133 St. L. &S. W 8 Del.Lack&Westernl67y 2 ' Preferred 17»/ 8 Denver&K.G 17V«St.Paul 763/ 8 Preterred. 53%! Preferred 29V* Distillers 201/4 St. Paul A Duluth. 3\V«j General Electric... 39y» Preferred 91 Erie 12 St. Paul &. Omaha.. 42% Preferred... 231/2 Preferred 120 Fort Wayne ......163y 3 St. P. M. <fe .M 116 Northern 124 I.SilverCertlflcat.... 67 Greenßay y 8 Southern Pacific... 24 14 Harlem 260 Southern R. R 131/4 Hocking Coal 4 Preferred 3Hi /8 Hocking Valley... 23i/ 4 Sugar Refinery... 105 V» Homestake 27 ; Preferred 100 Va H. & Texas Cent-. Term. Coal & Iron. 43i lUir.ols Central.... 103 | Preferred 96 lowa Central 103/ 8 Texas Pacific 12y 8 Pre.errei 34 .Tol.A.A.* N.Mich. 1% Kansas a Texas..- 18 JTol. & Ohio Cen.... 39 Preferred 38 I Preferred 78 Kingston & Pern... 3 ;iol.St.Louis<feK.O. 9 Lake Erie it Westn 25 j Preferred 17 Preferred 77 Union Pacific 16y 8 Lake Shore 150 U. P.. Den. <fe Gulf. 7 National Lead 36Vs U.S. Cordage 7% Preferred 91» 4 ] Preferred 151/4 Long Island 85 | Guaranteed 30 Louisville Nash. 64 U. S. press 46 Louisville Na& Ch. 91/4 V. S. J.<?nt her 16y 2 Preferred 2ay 4 ; Preferred 85y a Manhattan Consol 11 1 U. S. Rubber 40s/ 8 Memphis <fc Charls. 15 I Preferred 93 V 2 Mexican Central... 13Vi Utlca * B. River.. 150 Michigan Central. .loo .Wan. S. L. A Pac. 9 Minn AS. L Preferred 23% Preferred AVells-Fargo 107 Minn, iv St. L com. 28 Western Union 92% Ist preferred 85*; Wis Centra. 6' 2il preferred 591-2 Wheeling & 1,. E.. J4 T 8 Missouri Pacific... :isi Preferred 49 Mobile* Ohio 23 1 2 Am Cotton OU pfd. 71 Nashville Chart.... 70 W V Beef 9 National Linseed.. 25 L I Traction- 9 A N. J. Central 1 1 3y 2 ' crosura BONDS. U S 48, reg 11li 2 MKT2ds 68 Do, 4s coupon ... 1 1 2fi2 Do, 4s 89 US 4s new reg 122 Mutual Union 65.. .113 Do, 4s c0up0n. ..122 IN J Cent Gen 65. ..11234 Do. 2s 96V<s Northern Pac lsts.ll7l/2 Do, 5s .U. <y 2 Do, 2ds 1023/ i Do, 5s coupon.... 11 5y-> Do, 3ds 72 Cherokee 4s, 1896. Northwest Consols.l4o Do, 1897 1004 Do.deb 5s IO6VO Do. 1898 .1003.i O R AN 15t5......111 V. Do. 1899 lOW&SiL&lronMtaenSi 85 Pacific 6s of '95. ...100 si L S X Gen 65.10.ti,;, D. C. 3-0 5s 110 Ist Paul Consols ...1273 /8 Ala Class A 4 109 .St. P. C. *Pa lsts.ll7 Do, Class 84. ss. 109 | Do. Pac Cal ists..Hs La C0n50M5.. ...... 100 Southern K. R. 6s. 9tfS- Missouri funding Texas Pacific firsts 9.'y 4 N Carolina con 65. .124 (Texas Pac seconds. 29i 8 Do, 4s 102 rnionl'aclßtof'9o.lo7.'i So Carolina 43/05... West Shore 4s 106 V Term new as 90 Mobile A Ohio 45.. 65 Va funning debt... 623,4 : R GranneWest lsts 77Va Do, re* ChesAO6s 113 Do, deferred 65... 6 Atchison 4s 82% Do, trust rcpts st 6 Do, 2ds A 34y« Canada South 2ds.. 10 G H A S A 65.. 107 Cen Pac lsts 0f '95. 102 | Do. 2d 7s 103 Den* R Gist 116 & Tex Cent 55.. 113 Do. 4s 93 ] Do.conCs 108 F.rie2ds 77% Reading 4s 85-% Kansas Pa Consols 75 [Missouri Us 100 Ks Pa lsts Den divll.OV*-! FOREIGN MARKETS. WHEAT IX LIVXRPOOL. LIVERPOOL, Kxo., Scot. 20.— The spot market is firmer at 4s HVsd@ss V 2 d. Cargoes are firm at 25s 3d September-Octoner shipments. FUTURES. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following Liverpoo* quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: Sep tember. ss: October, 4s ll ,i<l; November, 5s yid; December, 5s %d ; January, 5s lVid. SECURITIES. LONDON, Eno., Sept. -Consols. '107%: sil ver, 30y 2 d; French Rentes, 10 83y c. KXCHANGK ANo HULL. ON. Sterling Exchange, 60 days — $4 89 Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 90 New York Exchange, sight — 02y 8 New York Excnanue, telegraphic. — 05 Fine silver, spot, f. ounce — t>6 4 Mexican Dollars 6414 546 /8 ♦ PEODUOE MAEKET. WHKAT A>'i> OTHhK GRAINS. WHEAT— The Toxteth takes for Cork 85,837 ctls, valued at $81,600. The market Is steady at the recent advance. No. 1, 90@9iyic: choice, 92y 2 c: lower grades, 75@S 3 c: extra choice for milling. 95@97y 2 c Hi ctl. CALL BOARD SAWS, Informal Session* — 10 o'clock — December 200 tons, 931/2^; 1700. oS4fec. KKuiri.AK Mornjno »K«siosr— December— l4oo tons. »3%c; 400. 93% c. Afternoon Session — December — 100 tons, 94c; 1300. 93%e. . May— 9oo, .99 Vie: 100, 99l /B e. BARLEY— The market was decidedly tinner yesterday. Feed. 52%(a55c; Choice, 66Vi@57y 2 c ¥ ctl: Brewing, 60(&70c; chevalier, l(al 10 lor No. 1 and 60(gi75c ft ctl for off grade. CALL BOARD SAf.KS. Informal Session-— lO o'clock— No sales. Regular Morning Session— > o sales. AmiNOOB Session— No sal. S. OATS— No further change. Milling, 7P@Bsc "ft ctl: fancy Feed, 80(585c:good to choice, 70(g)77 l /2 c ; common to fair, 60@67i/2C; Gray, 70(g/8Oc; Red; nominal: Surprise, 85;a90c. CORN — Previous prices rule. Large Yellow, SI 05@l 17y 2 ;. Small Round Yellow, $1 12y 3 @ 1 171/2; White, $I@l 15 %< ctl. I-.— Weak and dull at 75(g.82i/i|C ft ctl. BUCKWHEAT— B7 V2@9Sc $ cti. • FLOUR AND BHLXSTUFFS. FLOUR— Net cash prices are: Family extras, $3 35@3 45 la lib]; Bakers' extras, 93 15. '3,3 25; superiin,e, $2 2602 50 $4 bbl. MEAL. ETC.— Feed Corn. $24@25 i» ton; Cracked Corn, $24 60@25 50 11 ton. HAY AND FKKDSTUFFS. BRAN— Firm at 912&13 iS ton, jobbing rates. MlDDLlNGS— sls@l6forlower grades up to $19 ft ton for the best. .;.•:;• FEEDSTU*'FS— Ground and rolled Barley, $12 50@13: Oilcake Meal at the mill, $25 ft ton; Coitouseed Oilcake, $24 ft ton. HAY— Continues steady with light arrivals. Wheat, *7@10; Oat. $6@B: Wheat and Oat, $6 60 fUO: Barley, $5@7; Alfalfa, $5 60&7 50; Clover, 7@B; Compressed, $7(d9; Stock, $4 60@6 ft ton. Si'flAW— 2s@46c ft bale. BEANS AND SEEDS. :'..*' BEANS— The market Is very weak and almost all kinds are lower, owing to the • incoming of the new crop. Bayos quotable at $I@l ls ft ctl ; Small Whites. 81 75@1 85 ft ctl; Pea. $1 75@1 85 ft ctl: Large Whites, $1 35<ai 50: Pink, $1&1 15; Beds, $l(a,l 15: Blackeye, $2@2 25; Bed Kidney, $1 75*1 90: Limas, $3 75@4 50; Butters, *1 65® 1 85 11 ctl. - , • SEEDS— Brown Mustard Is quotable at $1 75 (a 2 ft '■!: Yellow Mustard, *1 60@l 75 ft ell; j-'lax, $2 25( r 50 ft ctl: Canary, 3i.4@3i/2C ft lb; Alfalfa. 6V 2 @7c; Rape, 13/i@2i4c: Hemp, 4c ft lb. • DRIED AS— Split, Pens, 4®4S / 4c. The raw products nominal. ■ - POTATOES, ONIONS, VEGETABLES. POTATOES— No change. Sweets, $I@l. 25 ft ctl; Salinas Burbanks, 60@85c: River Burbanks, 30@ 45c: Early Rose, 30(^40c ft ell. ONIONS-Quoted at 40@60c; Pickle Onions, 30(a,40c ctl. . VEGETABLES— Everything is cheap and plen tiful. Green Peppers quotable at 25@-»Oc ft box: ; Green Corn, 40@65c ft sk; 50@75c ft bx for Berke ley and $lf*l 60 for A lameda; Tomatoes, 15@30c: summer Squash. 25®35c; Green Peas, V(ii^V»c: String Beans, l@2c ft tt>: Lima Beans, ■ly.>@2c: Cucumbers. 15(§,25c ft bx : Pickles, 60@75c tor No. 1 and •-■5(0,40c lor No. 2: Green Okra. 30@50c; Egg Plant, 25«>40c; Cabbage, 65<S>75c ft ctl; Feed Car rots, 30040 c; Garlic, 2@2y a c ft , lb; Marrowfat Squash, Ifjftti ft too. • ■ . ■■■ BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. ' BUTTER— There Is no change whatever. Creamery— Fancy, 20y2@21c; seconds, 16@ 20c %i tb. . ■ Dairy— Fancy, 17®18c Tfr lb; good to choice, 16@16%c; lower grades, nominal. Pickled— ls(£l6 <a Ib. - Firkin— l4@lsc V Ib. CHEESE— The demand and supply balance and prices are unchanged. Fancy mild new. 7@7%c ¥ It: common to good, 2 ( §» > 1 '2 c "$ lb: Young America, 6@Bc; Eastern, 10(gl2c; Western, 7@Bc EGOS— Dealers maintain the advance, but the market is quiet, as buyers purchase from hand to mouth at present price's. Fancy Eastern are quot able at 18y2C $ dozen: fair to choice Eastern, 16® 17% c ¥ dozen: store Eggs, 17%@2;2%c; ranch Eggs, 26@30c. POULTRY AND GAME. POULTRY— Roosters and Fryers axe sell- Ing well and large fat Hens are in fair demand. Ducks|and Geese are not wanted. Live Turkeys, 13@15c for Gobblers and 13@15c for Hens: Geese, $ pair, $I©l 50: Ducks, $3@4 50 ?S dozen; Hens, $4(g>s: Roosters, young, $4 BO© ft 50 dozen; do, old, $4@4 50: Fryers, $4@4 50: Broilers, $3@3 60 for large and $2@4 60 for small: Pigeons, $1 25@2 » dozen for younic and old. GAME— Hare, $1; Rabbits. $1 25 <£ dozen. DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS i'BUITS. ORCH FRUITS— PIums, Pears and Figs are weaker. Peaches are quiet. Quinces, 30@40c bx: Cantaloupes, 50c@$l ft case; Watermelons, ?4@S S 100; Nutmegs, 40@50c ■£ box; Figs, 15(a30c; Plums, 35@50c; Peacnes.2s@6ac: Apples. 60@.90c box for good to choice and 25@50c for common to fair; Winter Pe»rs. 16@40c: Bartletts, $1@ 1 25 ?, box for No. 1 and .»ofd;7sc 3 box for off grade; Pomegranates, 50@76c $ box. ■ BERRl ES— Raspberries are lower again. Huckle berries, 2*' $ Ib; Blackberries. $4: Raspber ries. $3@4^ chest: Strawberries, $5@7 for Long worths and S3@4 $ chest for large berries. GRAPES— Grapes have again declined. They are very plentiful. Zlnfandel Wine Grapes are selling well at $16(<£19 $ ton; Mission. $14@ 15; White Wine Grapes, $ 13@14; Sweetwarers and Fontainebleaux, 20(«30c; Black Grapes. 15@30c; Muscats, 20@30c; Isabellas, 40@65c; Tokay, 25@ 40c f box. -..■:-.■'- CITRUS FRUITS— Lemons, $1 26@2 for com mon and ?3@4 box for good to choice; Mexican Limes, $5@5 50 '£bx; Bananas, $1 25@2 'f, bunch; Pineapples, $2@3 %i doz DRIED FRUITS, RAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUITS— further change to report. Sales are few and small. The following prices rule on the Fruit Exchange: Apples, 3c # Jb for quartered, 3%c $ lb for sliced and 4yt@sc^. tb for evaporated: Peaches, 4@sc lb, ana 6c # ft) for fancy; Prunes, 4c V ft) for the 4 sizes; Apricots. B@9y2C and 10® lie ~$ lb for fancy Moorpark: Figs, black, 3@3y 2 c •$ lb for pressed and 2@2%c for impressed; Pears, 7c $ !b for evaporated halves, 4@6Voc{orquartcr3: Plums, 4@4y 2 c for pitted and iy s a c for un pitted; Nectarines, 5@6 lb for prime to choice and 6VaC for fancy. RAISINS AND DRIED GRAPES— Prices for several descriptions of new crop are as follows: London layers, $1 15 box; four-crown, loose, Ac; three-crown, loose, 3c "$ lb: two-crown, 2%c: seedless Sultanas, 3*4 c. Old Raisins are nominal, as follows: Seedless Muscatels, 2c: clusters, $2; Dehesa clusters, $2 50; Imperial clusters, $3; Dried Grapes— nominal. IS UTS— New Walnuts, 7c for No. 1 standard and 8c %* lb for softshell: new Almonds, 7@Bc # lb for Languedoc ana 9@loc 1^ tb for p per-shell. Peanuts are quotable at s@6c for Eastern and 4@ 4y c for California: Hickory Nuts, !>@6c; Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished: Filberts, 8<5.9c; Brazil Nuts. 7%(g)Bc V lb: Cocoanuts. $6 t< 100. HONEY — Comb.Hl'gllJAa: new water-white ex tracted, 5@5 l t> II.: li!;ht"amber extracted, 4Vi® 5c- dark amber, 4@4Vic. ;* ". ; \ BEESWAX- -25®2Gc i* ft). PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— Trade is fair. Bacon, 8c for heavy and B%c %* lb for light medium, lie for light, 13c ft tb for extra tight and 13%@14c t* ft) for sugar cured; Eastern Sugar-cured Hams, i2 l /2@l3c & Ib: California Hams, 11® liy 3 o; Mess Beef, $T@B V bbl; extra mess do, $8 @9; family do, $10: extra prime Pork, $9? bbl: extra clear, $16 f* bbl: mess, $14 %"4 bbl: Smoked Beef, 9V 2 @loc t* lb. LAKD— Eastern, tierces, quotable at 6@6*/4c "$ ft> for compound, and Si for pure; palls, BV2C: Cal ifornia, tierces, 5V2e for compound and 6%@7c for' pure: half bbls, 7y 4 c; 10-lb tins, 7%c: do 51b, 8c "<& Ib. COTTOLENE— c in tierces, and 88/ c 1* Ibln 10-lb tins. HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKINS— No change in prices. Heavy salted steer* are quotable at 10c %* tb; culls and brands. 9c: medium, 9c; cuilsand brands, 8c: light. 8c; culls and brands, 7c: Cowhides, 8c; culls and brands, 7c: salted Kip, 7c: salted Calf, | 9c; salted Veal, 7c; dry 11 ides, usual selection. 18c; culls and brands. 13c f It.; dry Kip, 13c V tb; dry Calf. 18c V B>; prime Goatskin*, 20© each: Kids. 6c: i>eerskin*, good summer, 30c f* It. : medium, 15@26e; winter, l«%15c: skins, shearlings, ir<g,2oc ench; short wool, M)lp 40c each: medium. fi()(aB0c e«ch; Jons wocl, 60(3l 70c each. Culls of all kinds, iibout 1 ->c less. TALLOW— NO. 1 rendered, 41 .t f.l4"'..': country Tallow, 4@4V 4 c; ntir.ed, 6c: Grease, 3<a,H2/ 2 1? to. WOOL— We quote Kail as follows: .*an Joaquln and Souther:]. 4@t>c: free Mountain, 697%4Jc; de fective do, s@6c. Quotations for spring ell? are: Humboldt anil Mendoclno, 12@12< / { >c; Nevada, 5® 9c; Valley Oregon, 12«i.13c tb. HOPS— Quotations are sfa,7V-»cfor new Hops and 2®6c for crop of 1894. GKN'KRAL MERCHANDISE. BAGS — Calcutta Grain Bags, 53 90@4: San Quentin, $4 20; Wool Bags, 24@26c. COAL— Coke Is $2 f* ton lower. Wellington Is i quotable at $8 f) ton; New Wellington. $8 'f^ tou; Soothfleld Wellington, $7 50 7* ton; Seattle, $6; Bryant. $0: Coos Bay, $5: Wallends, $7: Scotch, »7 60: Brymbo, $7 50; Cumberland, !?S 50 ' in bulk and *it» 60 in sks: Pennsylvania Anthra cite Ege, $14r Welsh Anthraci;e lSgg, .j9; Cannel, $S; Hock springs, Castle Gate ana Pleasant Valley, $7 60; Coke. .sl3 In bulk and $15 In socks. CORDAGE — The Cordage Company has ad vanced till kinds i-2 c V- ft'- Pure Manila Hope, 8c 1* K>: 12-lhread, BV2C-: 6 and 9 do, Pc; Bale Hope, B@B _■■; Grapevine Twin", Oc j! lb In balls uiid coils; op Twine, 8 l c ; Lathyarn, 8c: Sisal Rope, 6c; 12-threr.d, 6y 2 c: 6 and 9 do, 7c; Hop hie, 7c: Bale-Rope, Gfcbljjc V lt>- RlCE— Chinese mixed is -nuorahii* at $3 12 1 / 2 3 171..: No. 1, $3 r,:.'a3 70; extra No. 1. ?3 S). fa 4 20: M:iw;_ih;in.s4 26: Japan, $3 90@4 15: Ran goon, $3 HO t 1 ctL SUGAR— The Western Sugar Refining Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube, Crashed, Powdered and Fine Crushed, all r> l /^ c: Dry Granulated. 4%c; Confectioners' A, 4 : Vi< : MagnollaTA.* 3 %C ; tSxira C, S»4c; Golden C, 8"/ ac; I), ; half-barrels. Vie more than barr 'is, and boxes V 2 c more. SYRUP— Golden, in bbls, 15c; Blackstrap, 10c V gallon. '■ ° ■•:•'• ."-' ' ' ■ ' SAN FRANCISCO MEAT MARKET. No farther change in Hogs. Prices for Beef and Mutton are stationary. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaughterers are as follows: ■BEEF— First quality. 5@5y 2 c; second quality, 4i'«c; third do. 3A4C irt Ib. ' VEAL— Large, 4(aJsc: small. s©7c ft Ib. MUTTON— Wethers, 4(g,4V«c: E«es, 8y 2 @4c %• tb. ' '-.-V-- ■ LAMB— BOfic V lb. PORK— Live lioj?s, 3c for large, 31 ie for small and for feeders; dressed do, 4%@5%c %>. Hi. RECEIPTS OIT INTERIOR PRODUCE. Ron V 4 hours. Flonr.qr. 8k5..... .11.122, W001. bis.... » 243 1 Wlioat, ctls 128,398 Wine, c.Us 72.200 Barley, cilh B,474!Jlides. no 387 Oats.ctls 1.415 PeJts.bdls.... 4 5; Beans, sks - 2,6l3 Lumber, M feet... 10 Rye, ells - Hops, his. 8 I'otiitoes, 5ka...... 6,i;i7.QulcKsilver, llaakj 79 Onlolis. slis 850 Lin. e, bbls 405 Hay. tons. tOWMustard Seed, sks 204 Straw, tons 47 Leather, rolls 53 Rr»i>, «ks 2,275,Ta110w,Ct!s 68 Middlings, 5k5..... 245: - FAMILY RETAIL MARKET. Butter is slightly cheaper. Egesare dearer. There is no change in Meats or Poultry. Fruits and Vegetables continue plentiful at about the old prices. I .. : • . Following is The Call's regular weekly retail price list: COAL— PER TON. Cannel —Co. 10 00 PloasantVal 9 50@10 00 Wellington. — @10 00 Southfield New Wei- . Wellington @ 9 50 lington — (810 00 Scotch — <aj 960 Seattle. —@ 800 1 Coos Bay... 7 00(g» — Castle Gate. 9.50@10 00 .:'."-/; : . DAIRY PRODUCE, ETC. Butter, fancy, %l Cheese, Eastern... 15@20 square 60® — Cheese, Swiss .... 200430 Co, t» roll 45®— Common ERKSfMit —&25 do. choice . — f-i.40 Ranch Eggs, t*dz.3oCa;3s Ordinary d 0... ...".35fq>37 Eastern Egg 3 20(a25 do, Pickled 30(535 Honey, comb, — ®15 Cheese, Cal B@loj do, extracted.... 10®12 . MEATS— PER POUND. 8ac0n .............. 10017 1 Pork, fresh ........ 12@15 Beef, choice. 12@15 Pork, salt 12®15 do, good 8&10 Pork Ch0p5. ......12®15 Corned Beef B(<j> — Round Steak...... 8<a;10 Ham, Cal lSaiSlSlrlOin Steak. . .12 — do, Eastern..... — (a,15 Porterhouse, d 0... 17@20 Lard.:.. 12®15 Smoked 8eef.'..... — 1 5 Mutton, B§io Pork Sausages... — @20 Lamb;. 8(0(110, Veal 10@15 •. ■ POULTRY AND nAHI. . i Hens, each ... 40® ! 65iT-urkeys, tb.. 15© 17 Young Roost- . Ducks, each... 50® 65 ers. each BO® 65' Geese, each....l 50®l 75 Fryers, each... 40® —Pigeons, pr.. — @ 50 Broilers, each.. 25® 35 Rabbits, I=4 pr.. 36<o> 40 Old Roosters, IHare, each..... 16® 20 each.......... 60® —I ■ FRUITS AND NUTS. Almonds, Ib Oranges, ? doz. . . .20035 Apples, lb. 4(al 5 Plums, "# 1b... 4® 5 Blackberries f*d wr3o@3s! Peaches, ?1 1b..... 4® 5 Bananas, 1? doz... 15®20i Pears, f. 1b......:..'4® 6 Cocoanuts, each...lOSl2!Ralsins. "& 1b....... 6®16 Cantaloupes, each. SC<H 5 ! Haspbernes, d wr3o^4o Figs, "f, 1b.......... B'ciilO Strawberries, Grapes. f» It) 4@ 6 '^drawer. ...... 25350 Lemons. $ doz.... 3o<&4oi Walnuts, * tt>.....15® — Limes, iji doz 15® — |Watermelons,eachlo@2o ; , VKUETARI.EB. . V • ' Asparagus, $ 1b... s<ai2|LentUs, 1b....... 6@ 8 Artichoke9,^doz..lO®3o Lettuce, ?i .. .15(8120 Beets, f, doz.......l2®lsMr'fatSquash,t» lb 5® - Beans, white, |» lb.— ® s Onions, ~& tt>..;.... 2(O 3 Colored, 1b.... 4® 5 Okra, green, f* lb.. B®lo Lima, 3 tb 6® 6,^ lb. 5® 8 Cabbage, each.. ... s@lo Parsnips, 1? d0z....16@20 Cauliflowers, each. s® : B! Potatoes, %1 tb . . . 2® 3 1 Celery, ft bunch... 6@— | do, Sweet, t* lb.. 4^ 5 Cucumhrs,^ dz.: .. s@lolß Cress. %*dzbunchs.2l»(a2siSage, $ tt>... ......25^35 Egg Plant, "# lb ..:-' Mat 5 String Beans, •§ lb. 4® 6 Garlic, Dt>. .;..... 5@ 6 Thyme, ft lb 20<a30 Green Corn, ~# doz.lO®3o Turnips, t* doz 15®20 Green Peas, fl lb.. 4@ s Tomatoes, «J lb ... 3® 5 FISH — PER POUND. Barracuda ........ . 12® 1 5 Shad — @ — Carp B@lo Sea Bass 12fd>15 C0dfi5h... ...:.. ..;.1ivai 2 Smelts 10@12 Flounders .........10@12 Soles . 12®16 Halibut. ...12te 15 Skates, each....... B@lo Herring............ —(i — Sturgeon — (d, — Kingfish .: — {ailO-Tomcod 15® — Mackerel l Clams, t» gal —(^75 do, Horse. „-. 10®— Do, hardshell, fi Perch. 1O&012: "100..... ...50@ — P0mpan0.....: Wa7s Crabs, each :10@— , Kockfish -(#ls Do. softshell, "8 dz.25«r35 Salmon, smoked... —'Mussels, ¥ qrt . .:lO®ls Salmon, fresh... . . . —&, —Oysters, Cal,"? 100.50® — Shrimps g.'|>lo Do, Eastern, '<& dz.25®35 THE STOCK MAKKET. The general plane of values : was ; lower yester day. The best price for Challenge was $1 05 and the stock sold as low as 91c. Sales ' were large, however. The range in Confidence was $2 75@ 3 05. with free transaction*. Yellow Jacket was active at 57<S>63c, and there were fair sales of Union at"62@6sc. The northend stocks showed little change. The close was weak and quiet, -. * NOTES. Savage is assessed 20c. . ' . At the annual meeting of the Mono 30.000 shares were represented and the following officers elected: H. D. Walker, president; R. B. Woodward, vice president, and E. P. Danfortb, W. H. King and L. Osborn, directors. M. E. Willis wis re-elected sec retary, John Kelly superintendent and Bank of California treasurer. The secretary's financial statement showed a credit balance of $3505. The weekly reports of the Bodie mines are as fol lows: Mono— East crosscut from south drift 400 level was extended 7 feet; face in porphyry. Bodie— East crosscut from north drift, 200 level, was extended 18 feet: face In porphyry. East crosscut from Glldea vein, 300 level, was extended 16 feet: face in porphyry. South drift from west crosscut Kortuna vein, 300 level, was extended 20 feet: face In porphyry, with small bunches of quarts. Upraise from above drift was extended 13 feet; have from 6 to 8 Inches of low-grade quartz In face. Bulwer— South drift, 150 level, was extended 8 feet; the small seam of ore on east wall is of fair , grade. Upraise from above drift was extended 10 feet: face in porphyry. South drift from No. 6, above the 200 level, was extended 6 feet: face shows some improvement In the last few days. Extracted 7 tons of ore, estimated at about $25 a ton. The Hutchlnson Sugar Plantation Company paid a dividend of 15 cents yesterday. The Silver King Mining Company of Park City, Utah, recently paid a dividend of 25 cents per share, amounting to $37,500. The Bullion-Beck «nd champion Mining Com pany of Tintic district, Utah, paid a dividend of 50 cents per share, amounting to $50,000, on Septem ber 12. The men employed in sorting over the Con. Vir ginia dump for the Kinkead ■ Mining and Milling Company are makimg good progress. Already 1200 tons of pay rock have - been extracted. Superintendent Kinkead says that he will have his plant in operation by November 1. It is the intention to get out enough good rocic before snow flies to keep the plant working through the winter. Bullion valued at $11,203 30 has been received from the Con. Cal. & Va., being the flrst shipment on account oi present run of the mill. I'll- westward drilling operations by the Ophir, Mexican, Andes and West Consolidated Virginia and California mining companies ' will begin shortly. The work of drifting north from the station on 1000 level of the old Consolidated Virginia shaft will be^ln next week. Evidences of ore were reported to have been found on the west side of the north drift on the 1100 level at a point 120 feet north of the shaft, and It will be necessary to run west. There are -conflicting statements about this reported discovery. The Virginia Chronicle rays: "Work is now in full bias: on the water-pipe line to the Brunswick lode, The line extends from the Combination shaft east to the hilly ridge on this side of the Brunswick workings and divides there, branches e-Uen.iii.'g to the two Inclines and the tunnel. In all probability the erection of mining workson the lode will be begun betore long by the Brunswick Company." BOARD SALES. Following were the sales in the San Francisco Stock Board yesterday: KKun.AR MO It vrX'JSSMSTON COM>f TCN'CIVn AT 9:31 200 Alpha 17 200 C0nf.... 2.90800 0vrmn....23 100 Alta ll. >uoConlmp...o6|lso 24 100 Andes... .50 100 Crown Pt. 56300 Potosi ....67 400 8e1cher... 66 100 400 Savage.. ..4s 10 1 Bit li.. 1. 10300 Exchqr....o62o'> Siurra N..93 1060 Clialgel.oo 200 0 & C 55 100 Union 64 i Chollar,. 611*200 Justice.. .,o9! 100 Utah 10 150 Co:if . . . .3.00 200 Kentck.. 16710 V Jacket.. 63 100 2.95 200 0ph1r.,.1.70l AFTERNOON SESSION— 2:3O. 600 A1pha.. ...15,1400 C 1mp1. . 05,100 Ophir . ..1.70 500 Andes 49 MX) Confd. ..'2.80,600 0ve.rmn...21 10.) 8e1cner.. .631100 .'...2.751200 P0t051....04 100 Bullion. ..iStIOO C P0int. ...53 25 ...... .....60 500 Bulwvr. . . 10 200 <J <fc C 54400 Savage. ...41 100Challge...91 1000 Ju1ia..... 021100 8 Nev.V. »4 50 92S0'J Mex.. 73i20U Jack.. s7 .200 CC&V. 2.70 100 OCCKIU . ...21. Following were the sales in the Pacific Stock Board yesterday : ' RKBCWB SESSION— IO:3O. 000 Alpha... 17:400 Chollnr .61 ISO 0phir... 1.70 400 Alta 12100 CC&V..2.70..00 7.721* 500 Andes 50 150 .....!2.72V<-'4OO Potosi ....67 200 51 500 Con imp. 05 300 66 1100 Hefner.. 500 06 600 Savage.. ..44 410 67|500C NY....03J500 ...41 900 641400 C P0int.... 1 !>7 -(00 Scorpion..o4 i 200 I. A 8..1.10 l loooE7.chQr..o63ooSß<fe M..11 1 200 Bodie 39 WO O,*U ... 5 100 S Nev ....P2 ! GOO 8u11i0n... 201400 11ctN... 1.60400 93 i 900 Bulwer .1 1500 . Julia. 02300 95 i SUOUaledonUul«BOo Justice. ...09 nOO .96 ; 300 Chal 1 .(>.»' -.00 Kentk......] 51500 Hi 11... .04 400 ..1..02V B 'soo L Wash . .02300 Union ....64 900 1.0t1'500 Mexican.. 72.3oo Utah 10 200 68 200 73400 V Juckc. 57 3 JO 9711200 : 74 700 58 400 300 Mono 16^00 59 ! oUoConfid..3.os;SooOccidll....'22 1 400 BO 200 3.00.400 21300 61 200 2.97 ' 1100 Uvrmn. .22Boo 62 ! 400 2.95600 23 500 63 830 2.90 SOO 24200 »4 300 ..2.8j,600 ......2l| AFTERNOON SESSION -2:33. 300 Alpha 400 Cha1... ... 94^400 C P0int. ...53 600 Alt* 121500 9iibOO G AC 54 200 Ande5... .491200 91 160 H<fcN ...1.50 800 Belcher.. .63 600 .53000 Justice... .o9 100 B .V H..171 CC&V. .2.70 400 Kentck.. .ls 400 Howie 39.150 ...... 2.72y 2 600 Mexican. .74 1 250 Caleua. . 2% 2000 Crown 1.95 800 Ophir. ..1.70 100 .;...-. 7.80 ___ I CLOSING QUOTATIONS. FRIDAY, Sept. 20-4 p. k. Ri'l.A*>-"i.\ ' Sift. Asked. Alpha Con •)4 15!J«ckson 20 — A1t.i.... 10 lii Julia ....... 02 03 Andes 48 50 Justice 08 09 Belcher : 60 6. KcntucK. 14 15 Best a Belcher. 1 .05 I. it Lady Wash.... 02 03 BeutouCon 35 . —.Mexican 72 74 Bod'.e 37 30 ! .M0n0 — 15 8u11i0n......... 18 20 Jit. Diab10...... 15 — Bulwer. _ — 10 Nevada Queen. — 05 Caledonia 13 14 Occidental.... 20 22 Challenge 92 P4J0phir. :........ 1.65 1.70 (..hollar 59 CO Overman 21 22 Con. Cal. & V'a. 2. 65 2.70 1'0t05i. .......:. 63 65 j Con. Imperial. 05 t)6^avace 40 -41 I Confidence 2.60 2.6 >>«>.-. Belcher... 10 12 I Con.New YorK. 02 — Sierra Nevada. 92 04 Crown Point.'.. 61 62 scorpion ... . — .04 EastSierraiNev — 05 Silver Kill — 04 Exchequer...'.": 05 06 Silver King. ... — 20 Eureka C0n.... (i 5 — Syndicate — 04 liould & Curry. 63 56 Union Con 62 64 Uaie <v I.6L' Utau..;v..V 09 .10 10wa.... — 04 Yellow Jacket. 64 66 bTOCK AND BO. YD EXCHANGE. FRIDAY, Sept. 20-2 p. if. UNITED STATUS BONDS.' r.iit. A>knl. : Bid. Asked. US4scoup..lllVa — ,V S4sreg...llOVa — MISCKM.AXKOITS BONUS. Ca!-R'CWess.l3O — ,150. 2 d 15565..10 l.— J » Ctil Elec L 08107141C9 P * 65.. 110 120 Cntra C W — 1();)»4 P&Cb Ry6s. 97y 2 101 Dpnt-st"X-cp 77 95 'Pwl-stRRUs. — 116 i 6«.10e%107% Rri!o.WL<fcLlP2 105 F«SiCH HP. 103 . — Ulver\VCo63 — 100 c:«ary-stßss. 9»>/2 - SF4NPIMtSsIO2y 3 — LosAngLlis. — — "SPRRAriz6s 97 981/2 Do.Gnted.6s. — 1021& SPUR Cal 65.114i>4115V4 Mkt-MCbie().sl23 125 iSPRRCaISs. 87,1 00 XevCNgßßs. — 102 J;o,lcongtd. 87y 3 100 NPCUR6S.IOO - ;SPBrRCal6s. -- 100 Ny P. Cal 65.. 10214104 SV Water 65.. 121 - 12iy a XBy Cal 55.. — — 'SVWot«T4s.. 99%100V4 Oak Gas 55..10 i — Stktnc;«fcE6slO;J 105 Jo. Vdissss..lO4 — |SunstTifeT6s — 103 Omnibus es.: 120 ' — ! l«utter-stKss.lloy2ll2V2 PacKollMbs.iO'J — VisallaWCOs - 92 .... . • ... WATER STOCKS. . Contra Costa. — 61 iSan J05e..... — 100 M arm C 0.... 50 — |Sprng Valley 1 00 — AS STOCKS. Capital — 39%jPaclHcIJght. 4Ji 46% Central....... 95 — banFranwco 70% 70%, Oak G l, ah. 46i.4 - Stockton..... 18 23 PacGasimp.77% 78V 2 -t . nrooitAXua STOCKS. FiremansFd.lss . 162%'5un...... ..... 55 — ■■ . . COMMERCIAL HANK STOCKS. Amerß&TC. — — |LondonP&A.l26 127% Anglo-C'al. .. 50 56 London&SF.- — 31 Bank of Ca1.,228 231 Merch Ex... 12% — CaISD&TCo. 52% — Nevada — — FirstNationl.l7B — SatherßCa. — " — Grangers."... — — '^ •■ ;■" SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. GerS&LCo..ls9o — Sav&Loan.. — 150 MumbS&L.IOOO .. — Security .240 265 Mutual...;.. 40 45 Union Trust. 826 840 bFSavUnion4B9 606 | ; ' .'. STREET RAII.kOAD STOCKS. California.... - lOak.SLAHav — 100 Oeary-st 50 75 (Presidio. .... — 13y a MarKet-8t.... 41 ; 41* / i»otter-at..... — — POWDER STOCKS. Atlantic D... 12 14y Juason — — California.... 80 100 jVlgorlt. 35c — Giant.. ■ 9% IOS/4 1 %v '.:.•/■; M ISI K1.1.A N K'lIS STOCKS. BlkDCoalCo. - 10 iPacAnxFA.. 1% - Cal Cot Mills. . — — IPac Borax. 98 100 Cal Dry Dock — — PacI&NCo. — 30. EdisonLlKht. 92% 94 Roll Mia 17%";— %: HasConAsun. — — Parf Paint Co v — 9 ... HawC&SCo.. '63/s "• 7 Pac Trans Co — 26% HutchSPCo.. 11 ll%PacT«KTt;o. - 60 Jud»onMfga — — iSunsetTdtT. 30 45 MerKxAssn.loo 1 110 United UCo.. — 25 :•'. OceanlcSSCo — ,25- «, - • :::::..:.'; /: , HORNING session-. • . ": • Board— so Hutchinson S -P. Co, 11%; 10 S V Water, 100 y a . .,.; AFTUBSOOJf SBS^IOV. Street- 100 Hutchinson S P Co, 11 1 /!: 40 SP Gaslight, 70y 2 . EEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Morphy Estate Company to Catherine Mathle son, lot on S lino of Vailejo street. 145 :7Va E of Lacuna, E 22:9 by 8 107:6; $10. John and Catherine Mathieson to Cornelius C. Murphy, lot on S\V corner of Green and Fillmore streets, W 137:6, S 100, E 37:6, 5 125, E 100, X 75; $10. Cornelius C. and Bridget Murphy to Murphy Es tate Company, same; $10. - George H. Kliiot to 'haries C. Judson (executor estate of Egbert Judson), lot on \V line of Steiner street, 187:4 N of Hal«ht, \V to a point 187:6 W of Steiner, N 38, X to a point 190 S of Halght, S 2:8; quitclaim deed ; $1. Jane- Gillin to same, lot commencing 137 :G W of Steiner and 191 :1 N of Haiiriit, X to N line of Olds Tract, W to a point 197 N of Maight, S 5:11: Charles C. Judson (executor estate of Egbert Judson) to Jane (iillin, lot on W line of Sterner street, 191:1 N of Haight, W to R line of Olds Tract. E to a poirit 187:4 N of Haieht, N 3:9: H. E. C6ffey to Annie G. ColTey.Jot on E line of Masonic avenue, 75 N of Waller street, N 25 by E 100; gift. G. L. and Mina E. Chapman to L. F. Chapman, lot on VV line of Mission reet, 116 Nof Twenty first. If 24 by VV 90. subject to mortgage: $10. George stierlen to Emma Stierlen. lot on E line of Castro stree:, 51:6 N of Twentr-second, N 25 by E 105; gilt. Eliplialet Griflin to William H. Martin, lot com mencing in center of Mission Creek as in 1854, 160 N of Center street (Sixteenth). E 1260 s of Cor bett (Seventeenth), W to center of Mission Creek, N to beginning, being same premises a* described In 52 d. 429 (as recorded), quitclaim deed: 510 William and Emma J. Plant to Gilbert H. Bro kaw, lot on S line of Jersey street, 55 Eof Doug las, E 25 by S 89; $10. Jose Guillermo to Jesus M. Martinez, lot on 8 line of Union street, 46:3 E of Montgomery, E 22 by tiE 68 :9 : $100. J. B. Lewis to J. J. Raner, undivided half of lot on SE line of Sherwood place, 220 NE of Third street. XE 17:6 by SE 65; $6. K. W. Scott, A. E. Ball and C. C. Trlpp to Pacific Land Association, all Interest In Potrero blocks 69, 73,95,100,101. 102, 105, 126,727,128. 130 to 133,186,137,139.140,141, 161, 162, 173, 174, 175, 197, 200, 201. 206, 207, 209, 210, 231. 232 to 236, 293, 244, 245, 271, 242, 163 and 262: $5. Sarah McKendry to Herbert F. Mann, lot on W line of Twenty-fourth avenue, 325 N of Lake street, N 75 by W 120; $10. J. B. Haegin, LJoyd Tevis, H. Wadsworth (trus tees San Francisco and Point Lobos Road Com pany) toB. E. Henriksen, lot on NX corner Clem ent street and Twenty-seventh avenue, N 100, E 67:4, S 9 degrees 15 minutes E 100:5, W 77:9; $990. William J. Munn to Robert McCormaclc, lot on W line of Forty-third avenue, 150 N of M street, A' 25 by W 120; $10. E. J. Malmgren and D. J. Lamore* to S. Ella Lone, lot on SW corner of R street and Thirty seventh avenue, S 150, W 120, N 60, E 87:6, X 100, S 32:6: $10. The MCarthy Company to Gustaf Lundquist, lot 18. block 19, Lakeview; $10. Ellas Ommundson to Emma Meyer, lot on W line of Laurel avenue, 83 S of East avenue, S 75 by VV 110, block 6, Holly Park Tract; $10. A. M. Caswell to Joseph Buzzini, lot on S line of Thirty-second avenue, 50 W of 3 street, W 25 by 8 100, block 561, Bay Park Homestead; $75. "Anastasia Bennett to Thomas and Ellen KeJ leher. lot on X line of Whitney street, 375 N of Randall, X 25 by E 125, block 27. Fairooount; $10. A. G. and Annie M. Grazer, T. J. an Caroline S. Downey, George S. and Henry W. Frederickson to William J. Daley, lot on NW corner of Folsom and Norwich streets, Is 26 by W 80, Bernal Heights; $10. Mission-street Land Company to M. J. Sideman, lots 7 to 15, block E; lot 1, block F: lots 11, 12, 16 to 23, block H ; lots 6 to 9, 20 to 24, 40 and 41, block I: lots 1 to 4, block M; lots 13 to 17, block L: lots 18 to 22, blocK P; lots 38 and 39, block S, Mission-street Land Company: $2412. AI.AMEDA COUNTY. J. C. and Mary E. Ho:!oway and O. E. HotchKiss to ('. W. Kinsey of Oakland, lot on S line of Fif teenth street, 107:3 W of Kirkham, VV 125. S 65:3, X 126, :s 61:7 to beginning, being lots 29 and 30, block 583, Scotchler Tract, map 1, of Oakland; $10. Abigail B. Hunt of Oakland Township to Kim ball G. Kaston of Berkeley, lot on SW line of Echo avenue, where same is intersected by center line of Cemetery Creek and distant on Echo avenue 286 HE from Webster, SE 358.84, S\V r 125, NW to center of Cemetery Creek, thence E to beginning-, being a portion of the "Reservation" Glen Echo Tract, map 2. Oakland Township; $5. Frank M. and Rose 11. Wilson to Anna M. Dletz ler. lot 3, block 7, Daley's Scenic Park, Berkeley; $10. . Joseph L. Scotchler, Margaret L. Herriott and William F. Lewis (by \V. F. Kroll, commissioner) to John VVoollev, lot on S line of Eflie street, 360 VV of Dwindle, W 40 by 8 132:6, being lot 2, block 7, Case Tract, Berkeley; also lot on S line of F.tlie street, 240 W of Dwinelle, VV 80 by S 132:6, being lots 4 and 5, block 7, Case Tract, Berkeley; $863 James L. and Mary C. Barker to Mary B. Utter (wife of W. E.I of Berkeley, lot on s line of Durant avenue, 150 W of Cboate street, W 100 by S 130, being lots 32 anil 33, block 2, Barker Tract. Map of subdivision block 2, Beaver Tract, Berkeley; $100. Charies and Elizabeth V. Foster to Caroline F. Moul.hrou Of Alarm dn, lot on E line of .Ninth (Mo- Pherson) street, 200 8 of Railroad avenue, S 50 by i E267, AlHtnt-da: $10. „ -.. . . : Volney D. Moody to Susanna Scholl, lot on SVV corner of Seventh and Magnolia streets, W 83:3, S 107:3. E 83:8, N 107:11 to beginning, lots 25,26 and 27, block 489. Briggs Tract, Map 2 (quitclaim deed). Oakland; $5. Consolidated Piedmont Cable Company (by Ira Bishop, commissioner) to Piedmont and Mountain View Railway (a corporation) of Oakland, com- I mencing at a point at the junction of East Oakland avenue and W and N line of Lee street, X 289, E to the W line of Lee street at a point 618 N from the point of commencement, thence SW 618 to be | ginning, being lots 37 to 49 and portion of lots 50 • and 51, block D, Oakland View ilomcstead: also ! lot on W line of Webster street, 500 S from its mi i tersection with the division line between lots 8 and ! 10. Hitchcock property, thence VV at right an- I gles with Webster street 63:2, thence VV I at right angles to E Broadway 62:2 to a point in ! E Broadway, thence 8 223. N 221 to beginning; i also lot on HE line of Broadway, E 103:114. s 87. ! W 125:8. N 89:91/4 to beginning, portion of lot 1. ! block 13, Pacific Homestrad: also lot on NE corner ; of Fourteenth and Peralta s:reets. thence along N I line of West Fourteenth 236.54, X 145, W 90. S j 45, W 116.57, 8 104.20 to beginning, being lots 13 to 22, and portion" of lot 12, block 681, Oakland; also tracks, franchises, etc., and any other property to Alameda County: $82,000. • Mar. M. Davis of >an Francisco to Annie and I Jan es Davis of San Francisco, lot 39. block 69, i Northern Addition to Brooklyn, East Oakland; $5. Charles W. Jr. and Ethei.wn M. Reed to Lucena Parsons of Alameda, lot 24, block C, Parsons Golden Gate Tract, subject to mortgage, Oakland Township: $10. Lucena Parsons of Golden Gate to Andrew and Ada Weiding. lot 24, block A, same, Oakland Township; $10. Walter H. and Hattie L. Young to Klara Kobel of Oakland, lot on S line of Eddy street, 280 E of Dwindle. 40 by 8 132:6, being lot 8, block 5. Case Tract. Berkeley; 11. '•■-; Berge Nilsen (by C. B. White, Sheriff) to Fred Grousand (assigned to Oliver Ellsworth), lot on NJ£ corner of filth street and Charming way, E 46 by -IS 100, being lot 20, block 126, corrected man of Raymond Tract, Berkeley: $91. C. E. Palmer of .Oakland to Mrs. T. L. Edwards of San Irancisco, lot on NW corner of Oakland avenue nnd Franklin street, VV 146:8 by X 13" 50 | being lots 12, 13 and 14, block U, Amended Map j Moss Tract. Brooklyn Township; $10. " G. L. and Minn K. Chapman to L. F. Chapman of JSapa. lot on X W corner of Mountain View avenue and Olive street, X 100 by VV 14t>, block 27 War ner Tract. Brooklyn Township; $10. Marinus ami Mine Pedersen to Jose C. and Mariana M. .Frasa, lot on VV line of Whittler street 459 N of East Fourteenth, X 50 by VV 146, being lots 24 and 25, block A. resubdlvislon Fruitvale Tract, Brooklyn Township; #10. .Caroline Austin to Robert W. Baxter of Alameda, lot on B line of Park avenue, 132.14 8 of San Jose avenue. « 60 by X 128:314, being lot C. block 49 Alameda Park Homestead, Alameda: $10 ' -William L. Moss to Catherine O'Brien, lots H and X. 25 feet of lot G. block 8, town of San Leandro quitclaim deed. Eden Township; $1. ' Bradley L. Moss to same, same, quitclaim deed Eden Township; $1. < ■ • Mary O'Brien of San Leandro to same, same - Eden Township : $5. »«"c, Builders' Contracts. James Reavey with Peterson <fe Olsen, to erect a sh&ssss: $°6& v line of Freeion street - T. T. Williams with George Goodman, to erect press pits in the Examiner building, on 3 side of Mission at reel, beiween New Montgomery and -I 111 I'd i if 15.-4. * THE CALL CALENDAR. Septfmbkr, 1895. Moon's Phases. r'i^ September 3. V&/ Full Moon. 19 ff*\ September 11, .Last Quarter. 16 18 10 (f& September 18, Vs/ New Mood. 3 September 35, First Quarter. OFFICE FURNITURE Pl OFFICE FIXTURES. I AND FIXTURES. PflK C. F. WEBER & CO., HOP to 30fi Post St., cor. Stockton OCEAN SlliAJHiiXiS. Dates of Departure From San Francisco. STiCAU'CR. | HK3TIVATIOS | »A 1 1 A. PIKP_ Columbia... Eureka ...... ' CityPuebla- North Font. : Del None .. ! Santa Kosa.. Australia.... Progreso. . . . Pomona.:..'. Kin Janeiro. A rent a Arag0....... Farallon Willamt Val Aztec 1....... I State of Cat I IN Pau1...... j Walla Walla urn bold i Mexico ..:'.. Alee BlncUd | Portland Sep 21.10 am Pier 24 1 N ew-Dort .....; Sep 22, 8a li Pier 11 , Vie «£ Pet sn« Rep 22. 9am Pier 9 i Humboldt Buy Sep 22, 9am Put 2 ' Urays HarDor. : Sep 23, 6pm \ Pier 28 San Uieuo..... >ep 24.11 am Pier 11 H0n01u1u...... , Hep 10 a m Oceanic Panama Sep 24, 4pm Lomb'd Humboldtliav Sep 154. 2pm Pier 9 China it Japan sep 24, Bpm PMSS Coos 8ay."...... Sep 24, 4pm Pier 13 Coos i5av...... I '-'.'>, hum Pier 13 Yaouina Bay.. Sep 26,10 am Pier 2 i Mexic0........ ] Sop 25,10 am Pier 11 Central Amer. ! sep 26.12 iiPMSS ! Portland Sep 26.10 am Pier 24 j Newport ...... Sep 26, Bam Pier 11 Vie & Pet Snd Sep 27. 9am Pier 9 i Uumboldtßay Sep 27. 9am, Pier 3 ' SanDleKO...... iSep 28,11 am Pier 11 j Portland 1 Sep 28, si-m I Pier 1 3 STEAMERS TO AKKIVF. lice Blancnard|eortland Del None : Grays Haroor ' Pomona.. I HumbokU .bay ;.. Costa Rica...... Coraox Progressist Departure Bay Santa Kosa. San Dleco.. Araeo Coos Bay U'peott jKel River Homer... .Coos Bay Crescent City... ; Crescent City.. Farallon i Yaquinaßay Slate of Cal ! Portland Walla Walla Victoria <S Puget Sound Peter Jebsen — i Nanaimo Arcata.. Coos Bay Portland I Van ulna Bay Truckee......... ! Portland StPaui Newport. Hnmooldt Humboidt Bay Alameda. Sydney Mexico San Diego I Columbia. ; Portland San 8ia5........ Panama Eureka. Newport | San Juan -Panama.... ; Cmatilla.. ' victoria A Pueet Sound North Forl: Humboidt Bay ..Sept SI ..Sept 21 ..Sept 21 ..Sept 21 ..Sept 22 ..Sept 22 ..Sept 22 ..Sept 22 ..Sept US ..Sept 23 ..Sept 23 ..Sept 23 ..sept 23 ..Sept 23 ..Sept 23 ..Sept 24 ..Sept 24 ...Sept 24 ..Sept 25 ..Sept 26 '..Sept 26 ..Sept 28 ..Sept 38 !..SP P ..Sept 28 ..Sept 28 . . Sppt 28 S I N A M> TIDE TAT. L, K . 'A ILK. ( bU.S, *mall.!Larsce. Small. Large. Rises Sets Sets. TIBAI 1.05f! 6.51 a! 7.35p 8.5& 6.08 7.37: •2.24 a' 1.391-t T.i'Ha 8.31P ri.57 hot 8.16; H\I)KO(iKArHIC BULLEtIS. Branch iivdbographic Office. U. S. N.,") H KRCHAN-TS* EXCHANOK, V Ban Francisco. September 20. 189 R. ) The time ball on Telegraph Hill was dropped exactly at noon to-day— i. c., at noon of the 120 th nieriaian, or at exactly 8 p. m., Greenwich time. A. F. l-KCHTEIVER, Lieutenant U. S. N.. In charge. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. . Arrived. . . . FRIDAY, September 20. Stmr Alcatraz, Dettmers, 15 hours from Cieone; 10,689 ties, to L E White Lumber Co; 1 bbl butter, to Wilson * Baechtel. Stmr Whitesboro, Johnson, IS hours from Green wood: 248 M ft lumber, to L E White Lumber Co. Br stmr Gaelic, Pearne. 24 days from Hongkong, via Yokohama 13 days; pass ana mdse, to O & O 5 S Co. Stmr Eureka, Jepsen. 70 hours from .Newport and way ports; pass and mdse, to Goodall, Perkins Co. " '<'-■ -■' ■ : . Ship Dashing Wave, Morehouse, 6 days from Tacoma ; lumber and laths, to Hanson & Co. Bark Martha Davis, saunders, 17 days from Honolulu ; pass and mdse, to W°lch Co. Chil bark Oscar Herrera, Pendleton, 7 days from Port Blakeley, bound to Valparaiso: put in on account of springing a leak. Bktn Chehalis, Himonsen, 41 days from Kobe; mdse, to M J Brandenstein <fe Co. Schr Guide. Olsen, 51 2 days frm Willapa Harbor; lumber, to .las A Lacy. Schr Reliance, Fager, 24 hours from Russian Landing: 75 eds wood, to R A Gilbride. Schr Arthur I, Krog, 24 hours frm Needle Rock; 145 eds bark, to N Iversen. ■ Schr Vega, Rasmuasen, 11 days from Princ* William Sound: 1037 cs salmon and 1 bbl oil, to Pacific Steam Whaling Co. Schr Lila and Maitle, Llndbridge, 30 hours from Shelter Cove; 140 eds bark, to A VV Beadle A Co. Schr Edward E Webster, Kolger, 16 days from Bering Sea; 271 sealskins, to Pacific Trading Co. Schr Nettie Low. Low, 5 hours from Point Reyes; 50 bxs butter, to C E Whitney & Co. Cleared. FRIDAY, September 20. Stmr Columbia, Bolles, Astoria; Oregon Railway andNav Co. Stmr Mexico, Hall, San Diego; Goodall, Perking &Co. Brship Queen Margaret, Faulkner, Liverpool ; Geo W McNear. Br ship Garnet Hill, Frew, Qaeenstown; GeoW McNear. :■■:•.• L -'. Bark Richard 111, Conner, Comox; B Dunsmulr <& Sons. Sailed. FRIDAY, September 20. I Stmr Coos Bay, Duggan, Santa Cruz. Btmr Albion. Lundquist. Stmr Sunol. Walvig. Stmr Humboldt, Edwards, Eureka. Stmr Mexico, Hall, San Diego. Br ship Queen Margaret, Faulkner, Liverpool. Bark Germania. Pearson, New Wnatcom. Schr Mary ana Ida, Ristine, Grays Harbor. Bohr Volant, Dannevig, Kahului. Schr Alice Kimball, Aspland, Bowens Landing. Schr Helen Merriam, Hansen, Russian Landing. Telegraphic. POINT September 20—10 p m— Weather hazy; wind NW: velocity 36 miles Der hour. Charter*. The schr Volant loads mdse for Kahului: Br ship Star of France, mdse for London direct. The Nor ship Lancing was chartered prior to arrival for wheat to Europe, 30s— Is 3d less direct. The Haw bark Leahl loads lumber at Eureka for Sydney. Movements of Vessels. Yesterday the ship Merioneth was taken to the stream, the ship Machrihanisli to Pier 4, the bark W W Case to Pier 20, the ship Dashing Wave, to Berry street, the bark Harvester to the Union Iron Works and the bktn Chehalis and bark Martha Davis to Angel Island. - To-day the bktn 'SiV Castle will be towed from Angel Island to Folsom street and the ship Lord Cairns to the sugar refinery. Spoken. Sept 6—lo N 27 ' VV, Br ship Strathdon, from London for San Francisco. Domestic Ports. EUREKA— Arrived Sept 19— Stmr National City, hence Sept 18. 20— Haw bark Leahi, from Xicb laefski; stmr VVeeott, hence Sept 18. Sailed Sept 20— stmr Pomona, for San Francisco; stmr Alice Blanchard, for San Francisco. YAQUINA BAY— Arrived Sept Stmr Faral lon, nenceSept 17.'. MONTEREY— Arrived Sept 20— H B M stmr Hyacinth, hence Sept 19. SAN DlEGO— Sailed Sept 20-Bark Colorado. BOWEXS LANDING— SaiIed Sept 20-Schr« Golden Gate and Monterey, for San Francisco. FORT BRAGG— Arrived Sept 20— Stmr Noyo, hence Sept 19. PORT BLAKELEY— Arrived Sept 19— Schr F 3 Redfield, from Newport South; schr Salvator, frm San Pedro: Nor bark Bertie, from Yokohama. "SANTA BARBARA— Arrived Sept 20— Schr El norah, from Eureka. - PORT— Sailed Sept 20— Schr Moro.for San Francisco. USA I.— Arrived Sept 20— Stmr Protection, hence Sept 18: schr Eliza Miller, hence Sept 16. TACOMA— Arrived Sept 20— Schr Reporter.from San Pedro. NEWPORT— SaiIed Sept 20— Stmr Navarro. NEW WHATCOM— Arrived Sept 20— Schr Glen dale. from San Pedro. MENDOCINO— Sailed Sept 20— Schr Bobolink, for San Francisco. ASTORIA— SaiIed Sept 20— Bktn Gleaner, for San Francisco. PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Sept Schr Glendale, from San Pedro. • Foreign Forts. YOKOHAMA— SaiIed Aug 2»— Br ihlp Dolgonar, for Tacoma. LONDON— Arrived Sept Stmr Saturn, hence July 13. • NEWCASTLE, NSW— Arrived Sept 18— Brship Lord Elgin, to load for Port Los Angeles. TYNE— Arrived Sept 18-^Br ship Drumbarton, hence May 7. FALMOUTH— SaiIed Sept 19— Br ship Ben Dearg, for Antwerp. importations. NEWPORT— Per Eureka— sks corn. " East San Pedro— 29 bis cracklings, 12 cs syrup, 80 cs canned fruit. San Pedro— lo bbls porter, 77 Mis pelts, 2 bales wool, 1 bx drugs. Hueneme— 27o sks dry ! prunes, 1 bx mdse, 1 bx chocolate, 1 bx fruit, 4 bxs baking powder, 1 coop fowls, 50 bxs lemons, 8 bdls galvanized scrap iron. . Carpenteria— 9o sks flaxseed, 143 sks walnuts. Santa Barbara— 6 pkgs mdse, 87 bxs oranges, 37 sks beans, 4 kegs pickled crawfish, 7 sks crawfish, 37 bdls pelts. 201 bdls hides. Port Harford— 2 cs dry goods. 6 pkgs iron bars, 6 dressed calves, 2 bdls shovels, 7 bxs green fruit, 1 pkg harness, 1 sk liver, 25 bxs fish, 17 sks wool, 1 coil wire, 7 cs eggs, 366 bxs dry apricots, 4 kegs 3 bxs 2 hf-b\s outier, 6 bxs green apples. • •- ■ Los Alamos— sks wheat. Los Olivos— l26o sks wheat. Cayucos— 1 pkg mdse. 1 cs cheese, 1 tub 4 bbls 8 bxs butter, 4 cs eggs, 1 bdl skins.l bbl 1 can tallow, 1 sk vi'bdls hides. 20 dressed calves. San Simeon— 3 bxs butter, 2 cs eggs, 1 bx fowls, 1 bx fruit, 2 bxs apples, 1 coop chickens, 1 bx gro ceries; -•■.'■/>- - • ■ . Monterey— l lot furniture. Consignee*. Per Eureka— Dutard ; Gets Bros Co: Pacific Coast S S Co: Tillmann & Be'ndel ; 8 P Milling Co: Sawyer Tanning Co; Coghill & Kohn: R E Steele; Levi Spiegel & Co; Wood. Curtis * Co; Men ens A Droscher: Miller. Sloss A Scott: VVetmoreßros; Wilson & Baechtel ; J Ivancovich * Co; Pacific Tanning Co; A Paladini; American Union Fish Co; Daltonßros: Milanl & Co: Dodge, Sweeney & Co; Tbos Denl/an, Son & Co: G Camlllonl A Co; RB Cullen; Page & Son; A C Fry & Co; J P Thomas; Allen & Lewis; Basset t * Bunker: Wltzel * Baker; H Kirchmann & Co: De Bernardl & Co; Hills Bros: F 15 Halght; E R Stevens & Co; Sinsheimer Bros; S Brunswick; Cal Bottling Co: Dairymen's Union; Chas Montgomery A Co: VV B Sumner & Co; Mini Bros; L D Stone"& Co ; Western Meat Co; Wich man. Lutgens & Co; J HNewbauer&Co; Gordon <fc Co; Marshall, Teggart A Co: Smith's Cash Store; Rosenberg Bros & Co: M Halga; J Wagner & Co; A E Trawer; W R Larzelere Co; A P Thomas: ES Smith; Hink <SCo; F Thomas: A Pollack: Sunset Tel <fc T Co: JC Currier; J H Cain & Co; RVV Madden; C Cassia; AX Stevens & Co; AE Campbell; RE Arnold. ... HAVE xn YOU ANY DRIED FRUITS, NUTS, BEANS, HO EY, WOOL or HIDES? If so send your name and ad- dress to us. ;■■-•< It will be to your advantage. S- 333jXJIWX db CO., 308 California St., San Francisco, Cal. |S||\ Bitters W vCSvt^ tyJ ' " . The Great Mexican R emedy. .VJ^^iJt^/Givr"* health nnd Btrengih to •3™^£. M-^'^" luc oesuai 'organ* "^©•pot, 8118 Market St., 9* 1" X -