Newspaper Page Text
14 SAN FKANCISCO 'CALL.- r.USINEi?S OFFICE of the San Francisco Cali>— 'Ii Mar'-?t street, open until 12 o'ctoclc every ntl.i In c year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, rwxcrClay: open until 9:30 o'clock. jrf>llayc3 street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717iarl:in *treet, open until 9:30 o'clock. SW . -"rner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open en '1 F o'clock. ins Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. CHIKCH notices. Jk3s=~fTrst" BAIT l«t^hu^ch7^ddy st. Cir-jS' near Jones— Rev. M. P. Boy on. acting pas- tor. Services Sunday, -September 22. 1895: Preach Ine by the acting pastor at 11 a. m.: subject, --'I'M Divine Response," aud at 7:30 p. m.. topic. ".\ Mad Man's Plea." Sunday-school at 12:50 p. m Yonng People's Society of Christian Endeavor ai 6:30 p. m. Young men's meeting Tuesday even ing nt 8 o'clock. Christian culture class Friday evening M 8 o'clock; lecture by acting paster or "Esther in History." All these services are open '.< (he Dublic. Strangers are welcome. CEXTBAL METHODIST" E PISCO PAI SS-^ church, Mission st., bet. sixth and Seventh. .1. J. Morris, musical director: H. M. Bosworth organist: R. V. Watt, Sunday-school superintend ent. The pastor, Key. Dr. B. B. Dille, will preact »i 11 a. m.: subject, '-The Model Layman and th< Moid Preacher." In the evening C. 11. Yu'.mnn, the evangelist,' will hold a \oung people's rally at t-::-!(.i o'clock and will preach at 7:45. Sunday- school at 1 p. m. Midweek Drayer-meeSlng Wednesday evening. i'astors's residence 1210 Mis - in st. HOWAUD-ST. METHODIST JfiPI^CO- Sir-i^ pal Church, bet. Second and Third, twe blocks from Palace Hotel— Hey. W. W. Case, D.D., pastor; Martin Schultz, musical director; W. F. Gibson, Sunday-school superintendent. Special praise service in the evening, with 'cello solos, by Dr. Arthur T. Regensburser. Hours of public sex- vices, 11 a. m. ;u:<i 7:: 0 p.m. Sunday-school at 12:80. Prayer-meeting, Wednesday evening. Ep- worth League, 6:30-6:46 Sunday evening, Subject of morning sermon, "The Twentieth Century." Subject of evening lecture, "Mental Troubles"; second lecture, •'Destructiveness— the Murderous Propensity— ls I: Universal?" Pastor's reception next Tuesday evening; all invited. Pastor's resi- dence, 2026 Howard st. Telephone 6065. tJErS= SIMPSON MEMORIAL METHODIST tt~S f Episcopal Church, cor. Hayes and Bu- chanan s:s.— -'Teaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Rev. John Stephens, the new pastor, will preach his first sermons to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. M.. and the choir will furnish some delightful music at both services. Sunday-school at 1*2:45 }-. m., C. B. Perkins superintendent. Ep worth League service at 6:45 p. m. The feats in this church are free. The public cordially invited to all the services. Ushers in attendance. Prayer-meet- Ing Wednesday evening at 7:45. •S^W FIBST METHODIST EPISCOPAL BE--^ Church, Powell s;., near Washington—Rev. Thomas Ftlben, D. D., pastor. Preaching by the pastorai 11 a. m., the opening sermon of the con- ference year. Bey. A. C. Hirs'., D.D., will preach at 7:45 p. m.. his farewell sermon in San Francisco. All hi welcome. Sea's entirely iree. • Efbg 3 first UNITARIAN CHURCH, cor. IS^-s? Geary and Franklin sts.— Rev. Horatio Stebblns, D.D., minister; William li. Eliot Jr., associate. Sunday-school at 9:15 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Dr. Stebblas will deliver a discourso reviewing his thirty-one years in Cali- fornia. All are cordially invited. Evening service omitted. EJES?' ST. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, &r-& cor. California and Octavla sts.— Rev. D. Hanson Irwin. pastor, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sabbath-school at 9:45 a.m. Youn? People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p.m. Prayer-meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. Every bed;.- Ms ',■• cordially welcome. NOTICE OF MEKTINGS. flf^g= MOUNT MORIAH LODGE NO m t*-»' 44. F. and A. M.— Officers and :uem- #V bers are respectfully requsted to assomble'^%' on SUNDAY at 2:30 p. If. lor Hie DVirpose f^^ of attending the funeral of our late brother, JOHN C. SACK. Members are earnestly requested to attend. By order of the W. M. TH£O. FROLICH. Sec. Ef^p MOUNT MORIAH LODGE NO. a ES^-sS' 44. I", and A. M.— Officers an.l mem- A, bersar> respectfully requested to assemble 2T on SUNDAY at 9 o'clock a. m. for the pur- /x/> po.-e 01 attending the funeral of our late bnvhe;-. GABRIEL M. KUTZ. Members are earucatlv requested to attend. By ord of the W. M. THEO. FROLICH, Sec. ft^= EXCELSIOR DEGREE •-*■ Led,-.- No. 2, I. O. O. F.-Regu-;^#g3P«fb iar meeting THIS EVENING. Second ?£*S£Sc degree will De conferred. -^Tii.S^ WILLIAM E. LANE, D. M. 6|jri§= ODD FELLOWS' CEMETERY ASSO- i>-±? elation— The annual meeting of the lot- owners of the Odd Fellows' Cemetery Association will be held at room S. 809 Market st., San Fran- cisco, on MONDAY, September 23, lt>9s, at 2 p. m. By order of the trustees. GEORGE T. BOHBN, Pica. Qbobbe Pk\linbton, Sec *l'l-.«.JAL NOliCtS. PE^~s= colXKTTo7?srr^Snv^?r^^j^cTED" tar— j 7 tip; costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. 29. SE3S=« YOUNG ENGLISH LADY GIVES AL- KS^=»' cohol baths. 850 Market St., room 46. fjPrg* YOUNG STOUT GERMAN LADY: At '•£-^7 cohol baths and manicure. 17a Sixth, room 1. IjEgp ELECTRIC AND MJSOICATEa P.ATHs" <>^^ 1201/ij Geary, room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1. fS^f DR. E. PTJOH HAS REMOVED FROM . a*-*' 1104 Mantel st. to 428 Eddy. it?S= BAD TENANTS EJECTED fop. $4. l*-*^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy st.. room 6, Tel. 5580. 9^s= windows Cleaned and floors ■*>*' scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI & CO., 242 Suiter. S^p CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; *~ J ' nopain. ChlropodU Ir.«titute, 30Va Geary. Hr^* YOUNG JEWISH LADY GIVKs ELEC- ___i£l' baths. Offices 47-48, 850 Marke: st. KS» K< ( > MS WHITENED, $1 UP: PAPER- ar^y id .<« 50 nn. 30S sixth. George Hartman. SITUATIONS \\ A.%'ii:i>— Fi-.JIALE. p ELI ABLE. UPBIGH. T "MIDDLE-AGED it woman would appreciate work: first -class cook and housekeeper: best of references: wages $15 to $20: <i'y or country. Address 418 Post St., near Powell, in rear. BY RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, FOR general housework in small family; waxes from $15 to $20; city only. Please call 1030 Howard t>i. pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY \J day, v ashing, ironing or housecleanlng; best of reference. Address K. R., box 151, Call Office. ■yOUNG LADY WISHES EMBROIDERY TO -*- do at home. Address EL, box 150, this office. "YOUNG LADY WISHES PLACE AS AP- I prentice at tailoring. Address A. Y. L.. box 73. Call Onice. SWEDISH GIRL WISHES TO DO GENERAL O ami 1 loin good cooking. Address S. 0., box 40, Call Office. LMIIST-C I.ASS COOK; HOTEL OR BOARD- X lag school; city or country. Call 277 Steven- sou st. S PFTcTABLK AMERICAN WOMAN v.-ants work either as working housekeeper, cook, or would lake charge of family of children Address MRS. H., box 44, Call Office. DEFINED AMERICA NGIRL~WANTS PLACE -It to do upstairs work or as companion to child. Address M. W., box 60, Call Office. OTANTEIJ— BY A WIDOW A SITUATION AS • ' working housekeeper. Call oraddros3 MR" M. TEBVKLON, 850 Market s:., room 51. < (MAN WANTS GENTLEMAN'S MEND- " Ins; coats an:; vests rellned and bound and clothes cleaned, 114 Fourth st., room 15. \\ - ANTED— BY A WIDOW Liv) 1 T WORK OF • ' any kind by tl.e day. 1 Fifth St., room 48. pONsi [ENTIOUS ENGLISH WOMAN WANTS VJ a position to look after invalid or take charge of I children who need a motfter's care. Address E W., box 47. Call Olbce. yoUNG LADY WISHES POSITION BOOK- ! x keeping typcwritln?; speaks, reads and writes German: references. Address a. 11., 926 Wash- I injfton s:. . "q wedTslFgirl wants" a situation as 0 cook nnd 110 general housework: is good cook I and laundress; v.-ages $20. Address C. H.. box I I*o, Cr.ll Office. ( TIRL. 21, OF GOOD PARENTAGE AND I VX education, wishes employment with a respect- ! able family: she can do all sorts of housework and different styles of cooking, and if she gets a posi- I tion of trust is able to give bonds if required. Ad- i dress i , box bO. Call. ' V- FKENfJI LADY 1 WISHES A SITUA^ -L tion: good seunistrcss and chamberwork- no cooking: reference, 4 years last place: wages $25 Address T. B. 11 llarlan place, oft" Grant aye. T> i: i .1 a 1,1.1; PERSON WISHES a SITUA- J t tion to do light housework; is good cook- city or short distance In the country: mode rut" wages'- no postals answered. Call or address 2714 Fourth.' i VfIDDLE-AGED WIDOW wiSHEsTsiTuX -I*l tion in working housekeeper, widower or bach- I elor; country referred ; wages no object. Address E.. box 151, Call Office. IITANTKD-B"i A COMPETENT P ENGLISH '» worn- a position as nurse; can take entire care of infant or young children; good references. 712 Turk si. yOUKO CHRISTIAN WIDOW WANTS I X work on a ranch, where she can have her father with her. both having lived on a ranch for years; waxes no: so much as a steady place. Ad- dress P., box 8. Call. i?xpekTenced kinderg artner wants ! JU position a.i nursery governess. F. H., 1221 O'tarrell st. I WOMAN A NTS W< , X l"; V THE" "DAY • » washing or housccleaning. Call 829 Hayes st., near Fiilmore. basement. ;•.■. • ■■■._ ' RESSMA KER, FIBST CLASS CUTTER AND titter, wishes engagements by the day $1 50 Call or address 180* Hayes st. bakery. * yOUNG WIDOW WISHES a POSITION AS X liousekeepe-. Call at 11 Kearny st., room 27, first floor. A ' OUNG— SWEDISH GIRL, JUST COME I -I wants a situation in American family, where lady herself superintends cooking. Address 927 Florida st. FIRST-! I. ass DRESSMAKER WISHES EN- gaKements by the day. Address 1333 Brod- trick at. SITUATIONS WAJiTED-Continned. ■ ANTED— BY~AN AMERIC AN ~LADY~~A , '' situation as housekeeper: capable of taking care of hotel or lodging-house. Call or address 5 Vis Kearny St., room 9. ' A'OUNG GTRL, 13 YEARS OLD, WISHES TO 1 assist in light house-work or take caro of baby in nice family. Call at- 317 Third s;., room 15, firs; floor. 1 l7v EXPERIENCED WIDOW. IN LODOINiJ- IJ house or widower's family. Room 7, 1035 Mkt. IDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES SITUA- tion to take care of furnished rooms or lod£- - Ing-house, or furnished flats, etc. Call 114 Fourth St., room 3. " fpilE SERVICESOF AN EDUCATED WOMAN, ! i- experienced traveler and shorthand writer, may . be secured as traveling companion, bookkeeper or ? amanuensis by addressing box 363, San Jose, Cal. >■ I\' INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 "till NEAR *' Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per ni?ht: '• $1 50 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable; • free bus to and from slip ferry. [ i • i VII.K.VKN'S MENDING NEATLY DONE, ) '-J Call at room 22, first floor, 105 Stockton st. TjM)B RELIABLE COLORED HELP APPLY ; X 1 De BOW <fc LONG. 628 Montgomery St., room 8. INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR »» Market : electric lights in every room : 200 " rooms; 25c to *1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per J week; free bus m and from the ferry. ; SITrATION* XV ANTED- AI ALE. - PC. (;. COOK'S BOC FlKNlsiiKs COOKS; : -L . nil branches: shortest notice. 14 Geary. POSITION WAXIi D AS DRIVER OF EX .1- press or delivery wagon, or rough carpenter; 15 ■ years in city; best of reference. Address W. R.. 1 206 Valencia st. [ yOL'NG BE A I AI : I MAN, BY BIRTH i X Swede, would like to find permanent employ- ment in the city: is sob--.-, industrious and not . afraid of work. Please address F. A. M., box 45, ; Call Office. ■ c HOi-MAKER— YOUNG MAN OF 4 YEARS' ; O experience would like a position on repairing; no objection to small wages to begin with. Address ■ B. L. 8., box 70. this office. I yOUXG MAN OF 20 WOULD LIKE TO GET X a situation driving a delivery-wagon; knows the city w«;;; best of reference. Address G., 148, ; Call Office. yOUNO ma n 7 SPEAKING English, GER- X man, Swedish and Russian, wishes position of any kind in hotel or mercantile house; good refer- ence. Address A. G., box 89, Call Office. SITUATION WANTED BY a" CANDy"- maker; 15 years' experience; sober and reli- able; good references. Address 8., box 102, Call. ! ituTderly MAN, yet STILL ABLE to • : Iv work, would like any kind of employment; good recommendations nnd is satisfied with small wa^es. Please address W. W., oox 131, Call. * A'OUNG MAN, PAINTER, rORTEIt AND X handy at most anything, desires steady situa- tion. P. C, 900 Folsom. W"ILL GIVE 30 PER cent of MONTH'S *» wages to one that will procure me a position I . in electrical or mechanics*!. Address C. C., 126 Ellis. BOOKKEEPER DESIRES POSITION IN" ANY office capacity; 12 years' experience in whole- sale; best of reference*: salary no object. Address S. A. M., box 13, Call Office. EXPERIENCED CARPET-CUTTER. FITTER | and layer wants situation; city or country; ref- erences gives. Address C. X., 718 Eleventh St., Oakland, Cal. "P ELI ABLE AMERICAN YOUNO MAN XV wants a situation on a cattle ranch; willing to work for small wages; has had some experience. Address WALTER C. HOWARD, 508V 3 Fifteenth St., Oakland, Cal. ' j DAN K. 26 YEARS OLD. WELL RECOM- i mended, wishes work of any kind; experienced ] horseman, gardener and good milker and handy j around farm or private place. Address Dane, box 89, Call Office. W ANTED —"SITUATION IN WHOLESALE '» house or anything with chance to rise, by Englishman, 26 years old, sober, industrious: references. Address EDWD. BRICE, 811 Wash- ington st. Oakland. • A NIK D- WORK BY YOUNG MAN (GER- »* man) to wash dishes, help in kitchen, make beds or other work. . Please address U. VIELITZ, 533 Sacramento St.. room 86. pELLEB man thoroughly UNDER- \_' standing wine-making wishes situation: refer- ences. Address S. , box 20. this office. • T>artendT:r7 GOOD MIXER, WISHES SIT- -L) uation: seven years' experience in first-class New York bars ; best reference. Bar, box 27, Call. pOUNTRY BLACKSMITH AND HORSE- \J shoiT is open for engagement. Blacksmith, International Hotel, Kearny st. IMRST-CLASS BOAT AND YACHT BUILDER . open for engagement; also expert ship draughts- I man, wood or iron. Draughtsman, International Hotel. Kearny st. IDDLE-AGED .man. STEADY AND SOBER, wishes a position as kitchen help, dishwasher, etc., in hotel, restaurant .or boarding-hoase; can do any wcrk in this line; speaks German and French; small wages: good home. Address D. F., } box 8, Caii Office. "SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG GER" O man. 26, as bookkeeper, or any kind of office work; $ years with wholesale house this city; best references Y. C box 43, Call Office. THIRST-CLASS COOK (COLORED) WANTS -T situation: good references. U. ROBINSON. 14'_*6 Mason st. ttouno GERMAN DESIRES a situation Xas coachman: understands taking care of j horses, cow and gar.len. H. R., box 123, Cull. J / ' ARDENEU.WITH BEST OF REFERENCES, • VX wishes position; country, southern part pre- I ferred. Address Gardener, box 126. tall Office. | I "OINGLEMAN WANTS SITUATION; HANDY j k-3 at anything; best references. J. A. E., 9 23d st. JAPANESE. MAN WISHES A SITUATION as cook or to do general housework; city or I country; has good references. A. 8., box 2, Call Ollice. Oakland. STBONG BOY WISHES SITUATION IN bakery. 1224Va Folsom st. I ITUATION WANTED BY GERMAN-AMERI- I O can boy (17), living with tii* parents, to learn the butcher trade. Call or address 17 Beaver St., between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, Noe and Castro. ARTIES CONTEMPLATING A VISIT TO J- the Continent and desiring the services of an 1 experienced gentleman thoroughly familiar with ■ traveling In all its details can secure same- by ad- dressing B. H. P., han Rafael Postonice; best of references tarnished. ITUATION B\ WINEMAKER AND DIS- j O tiller; best of reference; wares reasonable or i taken in wine. Address s., box 58, this office. (COACHMAN AND GARDENER— SITUATION J wanted by a young man: good driver; thor- oughly nnderstarids care of borses, cows, carriages ; best re!ereticei. Address C. G., box 21. Call Office. TVELIABLE MAN WANTS SITUATION IN J-t grocery store or working foreman on ranch. Address A. W. D., Frultvale, AlamedaCo., Cal. W"HEEL\V RIGHT AM) ALL-ROUND WOOD- »» worker wants situation, city or country town; steady and reliable. Address H. P., box 75, Cali, yOUM G^i^AN, LAW STUDENT. WISHING TO X enter college, desires employment of any kind mornings and evenings. Address L.. box 18. Call. ~~ FEMALE li tH WANTJiD. A NTE D-COol<r "SMALL WASHING, $25; »' French second girl, $20: nnrsegirl, country, $15; 3 Swedish girls for housework, $20; young I girls to assist. L. ANDRE. 315 Stockton st. j QWEDISK GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK, i O Alamcda, $25: German ccok, small family, , $36; Swedish general housework girl. 3 family, ! •s'-'(); 5 general housework girls, city and country, j $15, $20. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. I BOARDING-HOUSE COOK, $25, AND WAIT- j l> ress same place, $15: restaurant waitress. $12, ! 15, and room. C. B. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary. BOD y'ThaM POOER ;~ TURK Is H BATHS; see patty here; $30. C. It. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. "W ANTED— 3 PROTESTANT AND GERMAN »' second girls, $20 and $25: 2 cooks, $25 and 1 $30; hotel laundress, $20; Ironers in laundry: cook, small boarding-house, $20, and a large num- ber of girls for cooking and housework in city and ; country. J. F. CBOSETT & CO., 312 Sutter st. \\T ANTED— NURSE FOR 2 CHILDREN IN ' » country, $15, easy. genteel place, see lady here; [ nurse for infant, $20, country, see lady he-re: 20 housework girls, $25 and $20. Apply MISS i PLUS X BTT, 424 Snttor st. WOMAN, 2 IN FAMILY. COUNTRY. SEE '» lady here; hotel dishwasher: middle-aged in- fant's nurse; German nurse, 1 child. MME. LEO- POLD, 20 Stockton at- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, SMALL BOARD- BX ing-house, Palo Alio, $20: cook, Berkeley small place, $20: second girl, Oakland, $25: waitress, city. $20; houseglrl, $25; 4 housegirls. $'-'0. 332 Geary st. pOOK FOR MECHANICS' BOARDING- \J house, $25. MURRAY & READY.634-636 Clay. \\r ANTED— A SWEDISH oil GERMAN GIRL I '» for general housework for Nnpn. 3 In family, $20: a German girl for second work and assist with children, $20: German jiursegiri for 1 child, $15. Call 11 V 2 Antonio st.. off Jones, near Ellis. \y ANTED- YOUNG GIRL, 13 TO 15 YEARS 1 '» old, to care for 2 children: wages $6 per month : good home. Apply 417 Baker st. : . ..-, ( pOOD RELIABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL ■ VX houseworK and cooking; must have references. Apply 307 Devisadero st. ANTED— FOR GENERAL HOUSE- - ' » work, also care of baby: one sleeping at home preferred. Apply at 517 a Fell; wages $8. / ' I "-I. V'oil THE COUNTRY, $15; NO HEAVY VX washing. Apply 1201 Laguna st. \\' ANTED - YOUNG GIRLS FOR LIGHT - '' work. Apply H. F. Laundry. 1619 Eddy st. WANTF.D-CHAMBERMAID AT FARGO ; :'» House, 105 Ne>v Montgomery si. I LITTLB GIRL TO PUT WITH CHILD- - sleep home; wages $7. 1620 Ellis. -^ YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- 1 X work; $20. P., box 150, Call Office. A PPRENTICE ON TAILORING. ADDRESS ■A T., box 34 .•Ca11. _^ L: , " I AT OUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. -i- 30 Clinton park, bet. Market and Guerrero sts. t GIRL TO WAIT IN RESTAURANTr~2O2 ' yJ Ninth st. , \\' IN« HESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR ' »» Market— Electric lights in every room; 200 ' rooms: 25c to 31 50 per night; $1 50 to $0 per week : free bus to and from the ferry. 1 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1895. HELP WANTED— Continued. C"^liar'fo~A^lST'lNTc^CHEN^ APPLY T after 9 o'clock. 232 HaJght st. yOUNO GIRL; MUST BE EXPERIENCED i restaurant waitress. 126 Ninth st. A IB- D R ESSING, 25c; MANICURING, 25c; morn, and eve. ; 10 lessons, $4 s*. 1248 Mission. 1 IKL TO DO SECOND WORK. CALL AT V.T. 1515 Clay St., bet. 10 and 11 o'clock only, on I Friday and Saturday. T A DIES TO HANDLE TOILET SPECIAL- I JLJ ties: taught face treatment free. 131 Post st., room 20. LADY AGENTS; GOOD WAGES PAID. Address A. L., box 9, Call Office. yOUNG GIRL WANTED, FROM 13 TO 16. TO X assist in coffee parlor. MRS. L. 8., 505 Sixth. 1 f\ LADY~WAITRESSES~AT "ONCE; PAY $1 lv j)er aipht. Ca'l Marble Hall, SE. corner of Jackson and Kearuy sts., after 7p. m. -• TV ANTED— WOmTn, JANITRESS AND TO t» wait on ladies in cyclery; one who resides near park. Apply Premier Cyclery, 312 Baker st. 0 1 7i ELLIS— MOZART ,~ 25C TO $1 a OLO night; $1 25 to $5 a week; very respectable. MIDDLE-AGED WORKING HOUSEKEEPER; single: state 'e8; only small home. Ad- dress Call Branch Office, 530 Montgomery st. lADIES TAUGHT HAIRDRKSSING, MANI- i curing, etc.; moderate. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post, room 20. \\ AS 1 El>- IMMEDIATELY YOUNG La"- -" dies to learn millinery under competent teach- ers. 234 Taylor st. M~~ OSr CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per nieht : $1 50 to $6 per week ; free bus to and from the ferry. "WAXTbD— THREE LADIES; ONE ASMANA- »" ger, one us lecturer ana one as instructor of agents for a medical company. M.. box 105, this office. Ladies wanted to sell MANHATTAN egg food; is the best. C. KERTELL. San Mateo. piANO " LESSONS "BY THOROUGHLY ■L schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- made suits; $7; perfect tit. 118 McAllister st. Girls TO LEARN DRESSMAKING, CUT- vJ tins, fitting and finishing; patterns cut to fit, 2oc. McDowell, 213 Powell st. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S 1 DRESSCUT- X llngand making school: all branches 702 suiter. UALf. tiif.l.l' WANTED. \\r A^rE6-i^^if^b^^zJ^m£A^fsTFAKK »' $1 and fee $1: 10 laborers, $1 per day and board, long job and sure pay, city: young man for wood and coal yard, $16 per month anil board, city; man to do light work in raiuale factory, $12 per month and found; cooks, farmers. laborers, waiters, dishwashers, etc. W. D. EWER <fc CO., 626 Clay st. \ \\' ANTED — COOK, E-HOUSE, *30~; »' second cook, German boarding-house, $25 to I $30; waiter who can open oysters, $35; young j man as indoor servant, private place, $25: vece- tableman, $20, etc. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. W EPAA' YOUR FARE TO THIS SAWMILL, '" 40 laborers. 5 jackscrewers. to ko to-day; 15 men to work in and around wine-cellars, $20 and found, fare paid. MURRAY & READY, 634 and I 636 Clay st. GRAPE PICKERS, $23 AND FOUND. OV MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. TTOEDOWN. FIREMAN, ENGINEE"r","SACK- XjL sewer, sack-tender, strawbuck, derrick-forker and laborers fora thrashing outfit. MURRAY <fe READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. I £. AM EN AND STRONG BOYS TO PULL I O\J beans, etc., $20 and found; $1 fare, $1 fee: ! 20 farmers, orchard and vineyard hands, $20 and j $26: 5 Italian laborers, $'.'6 and found. MUR- RAY <!t READY, 634 and 638 Clay st. ] C REDWOOD TIE MAKERS, "10 CENTS I *J et»eh; 15 v. oodchoppers, $1 and $2 per cord; 3 cooks, 4 dishwashers, waiter. 2 coatmakers. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay at. 0 CARPENTERS, NEAR CITY; 20 LABOR- «.) ers and tenin«;e r B, $26 and found, city and country: young man to drive delivery wagon, country; job printer, country, MURRAY & READY, 634 and 036 Clay st., WANTED TO-DAY— 4S SCRAPER TEAM- "» sters for railroad work: free fare; we ship to- morrow morning. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 ' Geary st. WASTED TO-DAY— IO MORIS LABORERS »' for tracklayimj on a new road. C. R. HAN- SEN at CO., 110 .-eary st. / < HEF, $75: SECOND, $50, FOR COUNTRY V, hotel: washer for hotel laundry, country, $25: butler, with references, private family, $25. C. R. HANSEN & CO., llOueury st. I A MINERS., SEE BOSS HERE 20 SCRAPER lv teamsters, near city, $1 75 a day. C. R. HAN- SEN <fc CO.. 110 Geary St. WANTED — TIMBERM AN AND CARPEN- | ' » ter, who speaks Spanish, for mine in Mexico, ! good wages and tare, paid ; 5 men to pull beans, ' $20 and found; 2 carpenters for city, $2 50 to $3 day: married painter; teamsters; farmers; cabinet- makers, piece work, and others. Apply J. F. CROSKT i & CO., 628 Sacramento st. JACK-9CKEWERS, $30~i &IX LABORERS around mill and woods, $20, to go to-day, fare paid: laundry man, country; young man for horse- shoeing: man to contract to dry figs; laborers, city, $26. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay. AN OF ALL WORK WANTED— MUST UN- derstand gnrdenlnc, taking care of horse, cow, etc.: wages 9 l 20: references required. Address G., P. O. box 285. Oakland. ; W ANTED— 2 COAT-MAKERS AND 1 PANTS- »» maker for Reno, Nev. ; steady work promised. Call at C. W. R. FORD & CO.'S, 522 Market st. OOD bushelm"en"~wanted at RAPH- AEL'S, 9 Kearuy st. A 1 D-BARBER; TO-DAY. 606 THIRD »» street. p OOD BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY VX and Sunday. 1423 Dupont St. OOD BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY ; VJ $3. 259 Third, st. BAR BEH WANTED — GOOD WORKMAN; steady place; state wages. A., box 8, Call. ■OAKBEITWAXTKD. 341 BUSH STREET. T> ARBER FOR Saturday" 32 THIRD st. ARBER FOR SUNDAY; GOOD WAGES. 302 Montgomery aye. "I > ARBER WANTED AT 304 FOLSOM ST. I > ARBER FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON > and Sunday morning. 609 l.arkin. ARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY AT 1518 Market st,, near Larkiri. ARBKR I- OR SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 800% Eighth st. p OOD I'.OV TO run ERBANDS FOR tailor- VJ shop. 373 Natoma. \1 ALE STENOGRAPHER WHO HAS HAD l'J- some experience in law office. S., box 43, Call. BO YS'WANTED.~APPLY~AT r ROOM 6, 206 Kcaray st. p OOD BUsHELMAN. 641 MARKET ST. "~ RIVER FOR MILK WAGON. COR. NAPA and Connecticut sts.; Third-st. electric-cars. -youNG man for peddling, call « -L a. m. sharp 1713 Dupont st. "AITER WANTED AT 320 DRUMM ST. Call after 8 a. m. Tr>lßsf~-CLA~SS~AMERICAN COOK FOR RES- X 1 taurant. 250 Ellis st. rTVAILOR WANTED. 2(78 STEVENSON ST. ARBER-SHOP: BARGAIN: $100 will buy a well-located and paying 3-chair shop. BARRETT & CO., 865% Market st. # "WANTED— YOUNG MAN WITH A NO. 1 '» references who understands the wholesale and retail liquor business and can control a ilrst-class family trade: state experience and references. Ad- dress E., box 30. ibis office. ANTED — APPRENTICE INT ARCHI- I "» tcct's office; one who has had some experi- ; ence preferred; must stay with parents and fur- nish references. Address A. P., box 144, this office. \\r ANTED— A MAN WHO IS ABLE TO » » handle horses and able to loan employer $400: security given; good salary ; steady employment given. Address A., box 17, Cr.ll Office. ANTE!) — FIRST - CLASS DRY - GOODS »' wrapper. Address, staling age. experience, | salary and references, F. C, box 113, this office. LEAN single ROOMS at WALDO HOUSE, V ; 733 Market St., bet. Third and Fourth, from 15c to 75c per night. ANTED- METAL-ROOFERS AND SHEIST- "' iron workers. CON LIN <& ROBERTS, 728 Mission st. ANTED-GOOD STICKER HAND. MAR- ket-st. Planing Mills, Market and Dolores sts. p OOD MAN AS partner IN good-paying vX butchei-shoj); small capital. Call 130 Fourth. 1 TWO STEADY "ACTIVE men as SOLICIT- ors: good pay. English Remedies Co, 6 Eddy st. GOOD ADVERTISING SOLICITOR FOR vT monthly publication; established 5 years; lib- eral commission. Call 2 to 3 p. m., room 25, 320 Sansomest. ':■'■ \Vf ANTED— ENERGETIC YOUNG OR MID- 1 »* die-aged man; permanent employment; must have $40 cash. J. C.. box 46, Call Office. PRESSEIt WANTED AT NEW PARISIAN Dye Works. 2216 Folsom St. .; ; - "L^OR SALE— AT A . BARGAIN A-4-CHAIR X hotel barber-shop; partvm"ust' leave city. Ap- ply Call Office. " " EN'S SHOES y 3 SOLED 40c: LA DIES' 3So, done In 10 minutes. : 959 Howard st. / C*OF. CLAY ST. ; NEW MANAGEMENT; most UOO substantial 5-ceut meal in the cits. A GENTS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR CUSTOM ! XX shirts; city or country; experience not. neces- ( tary. O. BERMAN, 769 Market st. ' : VfOZART, 319 ELLIS, ROOMS 250 TO 50C • night, $1 25 $5 week; reading rooms. ■. i NTED— SOO SETTLERS FOR GOVERN- ; »' ment lands: choice timber and water. To see >r write a. F. i II AM, 44 Sixth at., room 6, 5. F. . \\ HESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD, NEAU »» Market: 200 rooms: 25c a night: reading-room: ) Tee bus to and from the ferry. : > -■ --•,.-»- ■ .-"..-< . - HAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO . ' » Sw: 100 outside rooms; best spring beds: siuele i rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week ; meals, 10c .; j « 1 - .'-. -"■ -- ''--..,'*!'.': -■■."" *'. ■ ' "•- . •'" i ■ r * ■■' ' ■■'.■ ■ ' ' ■'. . ■>,•-■. ■- ■ ■ . -,', ;-..... . . . . ....-■-■■■.- ■ '• HELP WANTED— Con tinned. PP. RYAN, ANATOMICAL AND~ THEAT- . rlcal boot and shoe maker, 1178% Mission St., cor. Eighth. BA RBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Assn., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. WANTED- 15 MEN TO TRY OUR SQUARE ' T meals for 10c. 60 Third st. THE RAILROAD HOUSE, 533 COMMERCIAL X st., below Montgomery: single rooms 15c night, 25c for two; best and cleanest house in town. NE RELIABLE GENTLEMAN OR LADY IN every town to introduce our gold-lined luminous signs, doorplates and house numbers; can be read in the dark: something entirely naw; without exception the finest, ocst and most attractive plates ever manufactured; samples, with any name, in- scription or house number, including neat sample ease, sent on receipt of $1 50; Illustrated circular, 10c: inclose stamp for particulars. Luminous Plate Company, 771 Howard St.. S. F., Cal. MEN'S SHOES 1/2-SOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; done in 15 minutes. 636 Kearny St.. basement. FREE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; single rooms 16c, 20c a night, $1 a week. \\ r ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE " their wages to place accounts with us ; law and commercial collection: no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Suiter, r 4. BEST PLACE IN CITY FOR SECOND-HaND shoes. 726% opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Sixth St.; misfit shoes bought or exchanged. T IVE MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- X-i door work: will pay competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROKLL, 657 Clay. rpRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, for a room; 25c a night; $1 a week. 001 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS i-s"c TO 50c K)£iX anight: $1 to $3 a. week: open a!l night. "L^REE BEER: BEST IN CITY: 2 SCHOONERS J for 6 cents at 228 Pacific st. LiNDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— XJ single furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night. TIT ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS " 10 know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms; 25c per night: $1 to $3 per week. ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP steam beer, 6c: bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. WANTED-SINGLE ROOMS, 16c A DAY; 81 week: rooms for two, 26c a day, »1 60 a week; reading room- dally papers. 3« Clay st. v- k ■-: ..; SHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st., bet. First st. and Second st. TOO MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 100, 150 ; x\J\J and 20c a night, including coffee and roll*. 624 Washington st., near Kearny. :V;v/r OC-CKNT DINNERS FOR 10 CENTS TO-DAY £tO at 44 Fourth st. : no humbug. BEST IN CIT i— SINGLE ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 26 cents per night; 81, 81 25, $1 60 p«r week. Peclflc House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. AC\C\ MEN'S SECOND-HANDED SHOES.SOME "i' M ' nearly new. 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st. agents wanted. n!sßgbtTc~ca> i v"a "ssersT either SEX, to solicit for a household necessity; libeial commission. E. C, box 86, Call Office. PRACTICAL DISHWASHER: $5" A DAY I made easy; sample to agents $3. Oakland Specialty Company, 962 Broadway, Oakland. SOLICITORS: ENERGETIC LADIES OR 0 gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- cident insurance; salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity Company. 206 Sansome st. LA DYAI NTS FOR FAST-SELLING ART I- cle: good profits. Inquire at 14 McAllister St., rooms 57 and 58, 1 to 5 o'clock. TT'Xp'eRIENCED LADY AGENTS WANTED; XJ salary or commission. Answer 6., box 61, Call. CITY SOLICITORS, SALARY AND COMMIS- / sion. Baxter Portrait Co., 432 Sutter st CALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY \J wants good agents to work its accident and sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. W. II ANNA, Secretary. Murphy building. PARTNERS WANTED. I "DABTNER WANTED IN A MANUFACTUR- | X. ing business, silent or active; capital required I $5000, for which real esta'e security will be given; I no manufacturer of these goods on this coast. Ad- drfss *■ s.. box 134, Call Office. ROOMS WANTED. TIT" A NTED— 4 OR 5 ROOMS AND BATH »» within 6 blocks of Clay ana Montcomery, un- furnlshed. E. M., 814 Montgomery st. wanted-mlsuellaneous. W"a n -?es^T~ch e a"p^cas£T"beg ii steb. T» Address 227 Seventh st, city. WANTED— GOOD HORSE FOR GROCERY »' business. Apply grocery -store, corner Twen- ty-fourth and Douglas sts. ■\1 ACHINERY FOR MANIPULATING GREEN i-'X coffee: give particulars. Address S. G., box 110, this office. ' " LEIN, 109 SIXTH BT., pays good PRICES for clothing. books and jewelry-, postal. LOST. .'■ T OST— LAD Y'S~SMALIT GOLD BROOCH, ON XJ O'Farrell St., bet. Laguna and Larkin. or bn Mission cars between Larkin and Twenty-fourth. Suitable reward if returned to superintendent Y. W. c. A., 1221 O'Farrell st. "VTEWFOUNDLAND DOG, 7 MONTHS OLD; i-> white breast and feet. Return 714 Oak; re- ward. LOST-SEPTEMBER 17. IRISH SETTER slut; 82 50 reward. Return 2012 Larkin. LADY'S PURSE, ON SIXTH ST., BET. MAR- ket and Folsom. Return 605 Lacuna; reward. OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA J Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of MRS. K. N. O'DAY, No. 129,198. The finder will please return to bank. TOST -AN IRISH SETTER; 6 MONTHS XJold: all the points of a full breed; long ears and large eyebrows. Finder rewarded by return- ing to SPIRO, 537 Clay st. OPEN-FACE GOLD WATCH IN LAVATORY of park, near Haight-st. entrance; photograph on face. Liberal reward at 1006% Post st. LACK FRENCH POODLE LOST; "PUP;" reward. L. PA 1 NT. corner Clay and Stockton. . clairvoyants. pl^essor'eVgeneT'''^'''""'''""^'''^^ x ALL hail PROFESSOR eugene-! Is your home unhappy? Is your wife or husband untrue? Is your lover inconstant? Are you followed by bad lack? Have you any enemies'.' Is your business not prosperous? For the cause that need assistance, For the wrongs that need resistance. For the future in the distance. - And the good that he can do. Call or address PROFESSOR F. EUGENE, 1206 Market street, parlors 102. 103 and 104, first floor. Read his Sunday advertisement. THE WONDERFUL TRANCE and clair- voyant ; just from East; charges reasonable: call , satisfaction. W. F. BARKER. 304 Third, r. 11. Mrs. NORM AND, CLAIRVOYANT, planet reader; reads your whole life: advice in busi- ness, stocks, etc., by mail, $2. 28% Sixth street. MME. MOREAU, WORLD- RENOWNED trance medium ; fee 25c up. 764 Howard st. \1 RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM; LIKE BEADEB; ITJ ladles, 25c: gents, 50c. 164 Tehama, off Third. MISS MALVINA, AMERICAN CLAIRVOY- ant and magnetic healer. 766Va Howard st. / IRVOY ANT AND LIFE READER: \J ladies 25c. 230 Clara St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. MME. ARNDT, BEST GERMAN FORTUNE- teIIer of the world: palmistry and by eggs; only 25c and 50c. 724 Harrison, basement. MME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs; noth- ing excepted; names given: good advice: sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im- possible; fee $1; letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkin. PROF. LEON. PALM IST. ' CLAIRVOYANT life-render. 633 Post: 10 to B dally: also Sunday AUGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER: -TV 111/iuic charms; love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling : develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm: fee 81 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRIT I'ALISAI. p IRGLE TONIGHT AT MRS,^ COLBY'S^ V 122 Oak st.; sittiiKs daily. . TEST circle TO-NIGHT; 10c. MMEi . YOUNG, 605 McAllister st.; skeptics invited. ADDIE SWAIN. ASTRAL SEER; CALL IF : you aie in trouble; no fee, except as a gift. ) 105 Stockton st., office 6. I MB. ALLEN, TEST AND BUSINESS ME- dium, Is now located at 35 Turk st. MRS. SHKEHAN. CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL- j Ist and test medium. 783y a Market st. ; . REMOVAL— MRS. MAYO STEERS, TRANCE XV medium; circles Sun., lues., Fri., .8 p. m.: Thurs., 2p. m., sittings. 101 Grove st., cor. Polk. , in : . ,;;_'- ASTROLOGY. . DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY ; planets from date of birth. 737 Market, r. 10. ' A SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 623GEABY i ■J.^. N.i horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. 1 _ TYPIiWRITiRS AND SUPPLIES. pLEASED TO MAKE YOUB^CcQUAINtC ' X. ance: all classes of type written and mimeo- . graph work reasonably and promptly done; ; irPf"3 i lbbODS *6 dozen, guaranteed. ANNA 1. BUSTIDE: telephone— Main, 6807 ; 630 Market. . I n VINCIBLE RIBBONS AND , CARBONS a are absolutely guaranteed. United Typewriter " and Supplies Co., 413 Montgomery st. ' ' f '. ; ' FINANCIAL. ;'.;.':..' ':[:'/: - W^ (^^ LOAN ' YVD MON«T ON 8. F. AND ' t t Oakland real estate, first mortgage, at 7 and 8 i percent. A: F. JOHNS A CO., 632 Market st., rm. 9. " ANY SUM , OF MONEY ADVANCED ON - £X our furniture, pianos or real : estate: lowest 1 rate; can ana state your proposition or write; open ' svenlDfis. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission su • j 1 t FKSOS AXS. ANY RELATI\~Es'^oF~'MARY BOWLER please call at 1207 Maricet St., opp. City Hall. S CHOOL OF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER O Illustration— lnstructors: J. H. E. Partington. Gertrude Partington of the Examiner and R. L. Partington of The Call. Apply or address 424 Pine st. TMPORTED HAVANA, KEY WEST AND -I- high-grade domestic cigars at the tobacco bazaar, 1627 Devlsadero st., near sutler. vTrs. c. P. FORD, a PRACTICAL HEALER i-'-i- of mind and body. Rm. 25, Murphy building REFINED HOME WANTED FOR GIRL 11 •»c years old ; only responsible parties. R. box AIRS. DR. GIBSON-ELECTRIC TREAT- J.»i ments for rheumatism and all nervous com- plaints. 1035 Market st. ALL AND WINTER OPENING OF FINE millinery. Bee Hive, 39 Sixth st. "CILECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS; XJ hours 10 to 10; *1. 108 Mason, rooms 6 and 7. ANY GOOD OLD LADY WITH MEANS, -«.i. wishing a good old gentleman who means w< 11, with good Prospects, will please write to MR. JONES, box 60, Call Office, Oakland, for further acquaintance. USINESS RECORDS WRITTEN during or aft>=r business hours: individual and part- nership and neglected accounts adjusted; corre- spondence German and Enslish. Address S. P. MIDDLETON & CO., 20 Montgomery st. LADIES, BUY YOUR FUR CAPES direct from COI.OM BAT'S Fringe Manufactory, 118 O'Farrell st. ; old-style furs altered. I"H.)R ELI ALE COLORED WAITERS SOR banquets, dinner parties, weddinps, receptions, etc., address DE BOW & LONG, 628 Montgomery. HOF./JH IPLE ."TAPE-WORM SPECIALIST, 906 Market St., San Francisco, has cured 1800 tapeworms in past 14 years here: read circular of symptoms; consultation free; call or write. JN. POWELL, DENTIST, REMOVED TO 0 • Young Men's Christian Association building. 1 000 BUSINESS CARDS.BI 50; SENT FREE" J-\j\j\j city or country. HILL, 724y Market St.. T7LECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— WIN- XJ Chester House, 44 Third, near Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week; free bus to and from the ferry. TTAIRSREMOVED BY ELECTRICITY PAIN- -11. lessly; busts enlarged freckles, wrinkles and other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. KARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. ■ HAIRDRESSING. 25c, ANY STYLE: ESTAB- lished in 1869: natural curly front-piece and first-class switch for $1 each. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 Stockton st.; strictly one price only. STATE GRADUATE OF VIENNA CONSERV.' Instructs piano; new method. 200 Franklin. A PAINS CURED BY NATURAL MAG- £L netic and electric healing. MRS. HILL, 2151/2 Mason st; ™ ("IOLLECTINO, TRACING, SHADOWING AND locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine st. JAILORS OR DRESSMAKERS INTERESTED -L in the science of garment-cutting, are invited to inspect a device that gives a correct pattern for the person measured. Can be seen at 431 Kearny. TIT ACHINE WHITEWASHING; CONTRACTS -LU- taken; whitewashing and tree-spraying: rooms whitened, $1 up. 1560 Market st., near Hayes. p W. MOORE, M.D., 1400 VAN NESS AYE.. V>. cor. Bush; apartments for patients. A DVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE ■ft- laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice aad Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law. 860 Market, cor. Stockton. A LL LADIES WHO RIDE BICYCLES, GET -try, your suits to order at H UTT'S, 212 .Mason st. "J^EW PROGRESSIVE WINDOW AND HOUSF -L' cleaning Co.;floors scrubbed ;contracts:d ay, wk. or month. F. CARNOVAL CO.. 121 O'Farrell. MASSAGE— MR. AND MRS. HUTTON, CER- tificated (London, England) masseur and mas- seuse: patients attended at residences only: terms very moderate. 704y Larkin. BIG LOANS ON COLLATERAL. PORTLAND Loan Office, 9% Stockton (upstairs), tel. 5938. WALTZ GUARANTEEDrPRIVATE~OR~IN claM PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. A » V ICE FREE-MARRIAGE LAWS. ACCI- -r%. dent cases. McC ABE, Attorney, 1027 Market. (Cjl 9 SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. jPi-4 NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearny. FINE SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. 1 Misfit Clothing Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. ONE MORE CUT— ~ ~ Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers From ijsio un Oak Bed Sets 17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30cup Stoves and Ranges $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOON '. 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. SINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF Pomade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never SMITH^OS.KnoW drUgg ' ata PflCe * l ' ° f OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, j store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, plpa etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., nr. Eighth. OECOND-HAND A3 WELL AS NEW BARS, j O showcases, counters, shelviugs, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of { them, too-, be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN. 1017-1019- -1021-102;? Mission su. above Sixth. I pLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J rnfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. "INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO TT order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. DRESSMAKERS. DRESSES CUT~AND FITTEdTssT DRESSES popular prices: engagements by day. 11 Geary. Mtoicv;. ~~ A NEW PROCESS-NO KKDICINK, INSTRU- XX ments or worthless pills used; every woman 1 her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- , ter from what cause; restores always In one day; If you want to be treated safe und sure call on men's ! physician knowledge can be sent<feuse<lat homo; nil cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. ■ MRS. DR. DALE - QUICK RELIEF FOR irregularities, whatever cause; practiced since 1872 San irancisco; 40 years' experience: trav- elers helped: no delay; no instrument used; home In confinement; pills $1. 1328 Grove st. rpHE FEMALE'S FRIEND; SAFE, SURE AND X reliable; trial boxes 50c: Lottie Lecount's spe- cialties for females; mall orders promptly attended to. English Remedies Company, 6 Eddy st., S. F. R.RICORD'SPILLH. EXPRESS $2 50: SAFE, sure, reliable; Ricord's specialties females. Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. ROFESSOR A. L. CURRY, TAPEWORM specialist, has removed to 921 Market st., bet. Fifth and Sixth: consultation free. S~ CRE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES, from whatever cause; & home In confinement with every comfort; satisfaction guaranteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER, 226 Turk st. ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at anytime; travelers helped at once; home In con- finement: French pilis guaranteed; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post St., near Larkin. WHY THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee to restore irregularities in 8 hours with our Dew discovery, which is safe and sure. Price $5 Call or address MME. KARKOW Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. « T Ai^IES — CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- J-J nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mail; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, now of 119121 Powell St., the only reliable specialist in San Francisco: $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause: special attention to disease of the eye. TH "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE." FOR j X either sex: send 2c for information or 50c for ! trial Jar. TAYLOR CHEM. CO., box 1896. S. F. i DISEASES AND IRREGULARITIES OF women; when others fail consult DRS. GOOD- WIN, 1370 Market st.: consultation free: pills, $2. \1 RS. DR. WEGEfXKRTpRIVATE HOME IN •' ! confinement; irregularities cured in a few hours without operation; pills $2. 419 Eddy st. FT) RUBBER GOODS: SEND FOR ILL'S. -L cat'l. ACME RUBBER CO. 235 Kearny. 1 A DIES. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. lEM ARY ; sure cure. 5 Franklin; cor. Market. AILLARD'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER fails to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. Price $5. Agent, -EDWIN W. JOY, Powell and Market sts., San Francisco. THE LIGHTNING RHEUMATISM CUKE i. for chronic or inflammatory rheumatism; best remedy on earth: price $3. MARTIN Remedy Company. 2231 Mission St., S. F. DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure ,of neurasthenia, Impotency, and all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box : 6 boxes $5 ; send for circular. WIDBER'S Drug Store, 14 Ellis St., sole agent. •- - • ■ LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO ■a*, ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger: safe and sure: $2 50 express C. O. D. ; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS.. Oakland. Cal. / ALL LADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market: leads all competitors: only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe*, quick relief of, irregularities, no matter what cause; treatment scientific, harmless md painless : never fails • home in confinement. FvR. ha LJ., 14MCALLISTER, NECOND~FLOOB, U next Hlbernia Bank: diseases of women. | • TF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE i- see Urs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254^ 4th. BICVCI.ES. A BARGAIN— BICYCLE ; GOOD AS NEW ; cost $100; sell for $50 cash. 471 Haight st. ' 7 PNEUMATIC! SAFETIES rOtt. SALE, I cheap. 618 Third st. . . - DARK CYCLERY-NEW WHEELS TO LET; . f-, , be st accommodations. Terminus Geary, Me- ' Ullster and Powell st. car lines. I ■A ":. MINING. .'. ;-*.;;;: ;i : ;; i mlnlesT^uTrt^^n^^g^^velTl J small investments, quick returns: 3 splendid 1 (roperties. Q. Q. BAKER, 1002, Broadway, Oak. J 1 ■ • • , ■ - - ..< -.,.? BUSINESS CHANCE*. i {J9'A PARTNER^WANTEITIN A PAYING k ig)&O\J. and well-located wood, coal, hay and ■ grain business. BARRETT A CO., 865 V a Market. '; <J&79^ PAYING BAKERY SHORT DIS- . «4P I t). tance in country: good horse and I wagon; all private trade; ' bake 7 to 8 barrels flour a week; fine place for coffee parlors: 5 rooms: ■ 5 years' lease. BARRETT A CO.. 865V2 Market. , fij^Of: BAKERY: ALL COUNTER TRADE: «JP <jZd*) . large store: 2 fine ovens: good location: ; guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee ; parlor. BARRETT & CO.. BBSVa Market st. '-' ©17' PAYING BRANCH BAKERY AND • «IpX 10. candy-store; • 2 doors from Market; ; low rent: living-rooms: sickness cause sale: posi- tive bargain. BARRETT & CO., 8651/ij Market st. f'i^flA PARTNER WANTED FOR LIGHT SUV/V/. manufacturing business; grand chance. ARRETT <fc CO., 865Va Market. ■ ; . ; ©1 AA FRUIT STORE. CLEARING $75 PER J <jplUl/. month. BARRETT, 865y Market st. ; 1 <st^^n "SALOON AND LUNCIIHOUSE: BEST • j «IPOUv/. location; near Market St.; clears $75 I per month: see for yourself; worth $500. STEN- ' I BERG A CO., 632 Market St. ; I fIjOAA NEATLY FITTED UP COFFEE ' 1 «JP^l/U. parlor; opposite theater: suitable for man and wife. STENBERQ A CO.. 632 Market st. Q>\ fA DELICACY, DAIRY, PRODUCE; »4P iwU, with living-rooms: full value In stock, fixtures; bargain. STENBERG <fc CO., 632 Market i <& AA CORNER SALOON IN MAN UFA C- | <i?iJ\J\J. Turing locality: 2 living-rooms, fur- l nishea: old established place: value in sight. STENBERG <fe CO., 632 Market st. I <3* "I OAA HALF INTERESTiN WELLES-. ' 1 upXO\J\J. tablished express company, doing ! large' business; 6 wagons. 6 horses; clears *150 per i month; full investigation allowed. Apply STEN- i BE.RG A CO., 632 Market st, i I ¥qnn BRANCH BAKERY, DELICATES- I «]p«JV/l/. sen store: 2 living-rooms: north Mar- ; ket2_big bargain. STENBERG, 632 Market st. TO BUY OB SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY kind see STRAND A TUTTLE. 45 Third st. T7URST-CLASS RESTAURANT AND OYSTER- » X 1 saloon; doing (food business; best location on Market St.; price ?1500; principals only need ap- ply. See STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. O!7C BRANCH BAKERY, NOTIONS, ETC.: ijpAt U. STRAND A TUTTLE. 45 Third st. ©OKA PARTNER WANTED-FIRST-CLASS ig)£dO\J. saloon, best location on Market street; good chance for steady man; no experience re- quired; see. STRaND A TUTTLE, 45 Thlra st. I (ftQ^A BAKERY; OLD-ESTABLISHED , «iPUc»V/. good-paying business: No. 1 location: 2 horses and wagons: bargain; on account of de- parture. See STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. QMAA SALOON AND LUNCH-HOUSE IN tjpT:\7l/. wholesale district: good paying: low rent: bargiin. Particulars at 533 California St., Phoenix bar, WILKE. CjO£:A CORNER SALOON WITH ROOMS; 3 'Jr{J*J\J. years' lease: rent $30; owner died; ! kept place for 28 years. Particulars at Phoenix bar, 533 California st., WILKE. iat or; A saloon, in wholesale DIS- I CUUU. trlct: established years: safe, billiards. : etc.: value of stock $450: rent $30; good custom. Particulars £33 California st., Phoenix Bar. ANTED— OF SMALL CAPITAL TO engage in the following businesses: Hotel, harness-shop, drugstore and general-merchandise store, etc.: best opening in the State; mills and factories employing large numbers of men; we will build for the right parties. For particulars address SHEPHERD & TEAGUE, 1118 J St., Fresno, Cal. ON THE GREAT MOTHER LODE: 4 GOLD- bearing quartz ledges, running parallel, the cropplngs of which assay from $2 to $5 per ton; one ledge prospected to 40 feet in depth; it has a width of 4 feet; average assays $20 per ton; nearly all free milling. Address P. O. box 126, Sacra- mento, Cal. \ IpOR SALE- A GROCERY-STOKE, WITH established custom, at W. cor. Hyde and Post ! sts. For particulars apply to F. J. CASTELHUN, , attorney for estate of HENRY GARDES, de- ceased, 325 Montgomery st., rooms 4 and 5. i "1 A PIT A LIST WANTED TO INVESTIGATE \J the merits of the "Gold Eagle" dry process gold- mining machine; all gold saved investigate. Room 219 St. Nicholas Hotel, S. F. ;^AA A VERY PROFITABLE business, iiT*J\J\J. suitable for lady or gentleman; investi- gate. Address Profit, box 150, Call Office. TTOR SALE-ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. X a delicatessen-store, with bar. Inquire at 1417 Ellis st. ; no agents. T^OR SALE-CHEAP, GROCERY AND BAR. X I Apply 30 Clara st. FAMILY LIQUOR-STORE FOR SALE ON AC- X count family disagreement. Inquire Call Office. GOOD BAKERY WANTED - MUST BE cheap. S. M., box 48, Call Office. ffl»l9X PARTNER TO OPEN COFFEE SA- <!PX^U. loon. D., box 8, Call Office. ©99X BARGAIN-SMALL *s>/jAO. receipts $20 to $25 daily. 250 Kills st. ■A UTUAL BUILDING-LOAN ASSOCIATIONS; i.'-L loans on homes; shares; rent money soon pays for a home; investments in shares are safe and : profitable; new serifs now; $1 per month. CHAS. I E. NAYLOR, room 8, floor 8, Mills building. ANTED— BY LADY WITH SOME MEANS, »» furnished rooming-house to run: understands the business, having run one for herself: will loan some money. Address Cash, box 20, Call Office. | o^7* X RESTAURANT; 9 TABLES AND tIPUtJ. French range worth $50. 26 Sacramento. SALOON FOR SALE. APPLY AT THE UNION Brewery, Eighteenth and Florida st. GROCERY AND BAR ANdT'LIVING-ROOMS. VX 253 Clara st. CWFFEE-SALOON WILL BE SOLD, ANY \J fair price, before Monday. 1055 Market st. 97X RARE CHANCE: BAKERY, GRO- — • O. eery, notion and laundry office; 3 living- rooms. 921 1/2 Howard st. fflJ^PUl FOR SALE— STOCK OF POULTRY <Zr<.JU* '. and hog ranch near Fruitv.ile: 260 chickens, 150 ducKs, 58 hogs: horse, waion and cow: to ill and improvements; 5- room house; 3 acres: long; rent $12. Apply from 1 to 6, room 34, Donohoe building, Market and Taylor sts., S. F. WANTED— MAN WITH $6000 TO JOIN AD- vertiser in manufacturing bicycles for '96. Address T. 0.. box 123, Call Office. ■\TOST CONVENIENT and respectable; l'l- Winchester House. 44 Third st.. near Market- -200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week; free bus to and from the ferry. <fl» 1 A INVESTMENT MAY MAKE YOU tipi-^' rich. If you are a speculator we can give you a good proposition. Call or write to BUR- BRIDGE A CO., 325 Pine St., S. F. SALOON FOR SALE, DOING A LARGE transient business, can be bought for less than half of its value: owner has other business which requires his full atten- tion, and wishes to retire from saloon busi- ness: Investigation invited; business and location best in the city: such a chance is not often to be had: everything first class. Address D. W. W box 98, Call Office. <3t7^n RESTAURANT IN BUSINESS CEN- tiP I wu. ter of Sacramento; everything first class; seating capacity 80; tables and chairs solid oak; ice-chests, sideboards, 2 nickel coffee boilers, French range with hot-water connections, etc., silverware and dishes and everything complete- doing first-class business for 2 years. Address Call Agent, 524 X st., Sacramento. TTONEST SOBKR PERSON WITH , SMALL XI amount of capital will find a chance to en- gage in a good paying artistic business. For par- ticulars please call and investigate at 1639 Mis- sion st. : -:.■.:■%-?>■-.':.; <2*9AA RESTAURANT AND BRANCH <iP^i\J\J. bakery: 4 living-rooms, chicken-yard; most sell soon ; cheap rent. Address F. S.. box GROCERY STORE, ESTABLISHED FOR a number of years, first-class stock and good lo- cation. for sale. Indiana Auction Co., 821 Mission. BAKERY— BEST LOCATION ON POLK ST clearing from «150 to $175 a month; finely th> ted up: _ value in sight. 1837 Polk st. BONANZA WINE VAULTS. cor. PINE AND Montgomery Rts.— Established 22 years- good bar and jobbing trade, horse and wagon will be sold cheap: fine opportunity. RESTAURANT; WORTH $500~ <ID^jUU. must be sold this week: or take rood man as partner, $100: good location: rent $15- - « ,e^ J^ nee for man and wife or 2 Partners. Apply Call Orhce. r * ILK DAIRY: 25 CANS: GOOD TRADE- 22 \ T, S ows< 4 horse 2 wagons, buggy, etc.: must be gUaraUteed " Ad ' C^^S. O^^G U ei'r^.^ FORGKOUE^ M AN * OF ABILITY -SALARY $100 PER T, month— as assistant manager in lage mercan- tile business, established 7 years, in good i locution with good , stock, doing good rash business: pur- chase "one-half interest 'or $3500; stock inventory, $7000: no charge made for goad will, as we desire a man of good ability to assist manage- close in vestigation allowed; best of references" required and offered. This Is a rare opportunity for von^o get nto an established, VerusedanV gool paying business, where you can earn a good sllarv and make good interest on your , investment For further particulars address Partner, box 47? Call. QTEADY POSITION ($lOO PER MONTH) "FOR B.ALE--LITTLE OEM"H&ELICA r T ore . IU6V3 Folßom St.; neatest store o^t^e kind in the city; clears $60 monthly my wife hit become an invalid, therefore I must sell Fnh R S h ALE AT h "p la^d^gl^neral7mer"- -to aneTri'v^ BtOre W th terms address : cheap F2SL OR XCHA NOE-DRUGSTORK 7 ner* ?are°chin^ SOld °? a( K rOunt of death of part- ""u^e chance. Apply bet. 12 and A. E\ EREIT BALL, attorney, 431 California st. • $3500 PA RTNER; HALi'-INTEREST IN doinVionii; mercantile firm: established 7 years; BCeS eXCh " ngOd A * 10 P°r w °OD. COAL. HAY AND GRAIN i n r ™ ; nooks accounts open to inspection. Apply room 22, fifth floor. Mills building. G E nf. H BAR OAIN-SALOON AND 16 FUR- .Vn.JI? rooms for sale; will be sold together or separate; must sell this week acconn' of sickness: cneap rent;long lease; no agents. Apply Call office. $400 AND Y FACTORY, ' CONFECTION- Offlce/---*- cry: and «ream parlor. Apply Call 1 BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued. "f\ THE GREATEST BARGAIN ON imlOU. earth: oyster and chop house: central location. WOOD & CO., 917 Market si. "c«OAA PAKT.NER WANTED: WELL - ES- tirZU". tablished commission business: full in- vestigation: pays well. WOOD A CO., 917 Market. TTbOCH VAN I) BAB; GOOD CORNER; FAIR \JT stock* good trade: offrr wanted; bargain. WOOD A CO., 917 Market st. /?A ROOMS: SUNNY: CORNER: CENTRAL; OU great sacrifice. DECKER, 1206 Market st. ©QAA 22 ROOMS; GREAT BARGAIN: tJpOv/U. don't miss It. 712 Kearny st. . CORNER BRANCH BAKERY, VARIETY V' store; with or without furniture; cheap. 2401 Mission st. ■ ■'■-—'- : ''■- UTCHER-SHOP; GOOD BUSINESS. APPLY B. BASCO. 435 Bush St.. after 8 P. m. . TiKSTArRANT-COMPKLi.KI) TO sell AT $125; on account of sickness. Apply Call. TM.AI N ( i MILL FOR SALE; FULL SET OF X machinery. Inquire D. G. BARNES, VaIIejo. T>AINT-SHOP FOB SALE: OLD EOT A X 1-shed. Apply 606 Clay st. TNTERIOR AGENCY OR THIS PAPER FOR 1 sale. Apply this office for particulars. ALOON AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE store in country: fine business; rare chance; account departure. Address F., box 74, this office. THE PALACE HOTEL 1 ATUKIAH.MENDOCINOCOUNTY.CAL., TO RENT OR FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS. Inquire of J. M. MANNON, Ukiah. or WIL- LIAM HEESER. Mendocino. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. <2»07£ NICELY FURNISHED, PAYING. 11- -«J).^ I «'• room corner house; fine location: low rent; sacrificed on account of sickness; grand offer; don't miss it. BARRETT, 865 V^ Market. 7-KOOM HOUSE TO EXCHANGE: CITYOR I country real estate. DECKER, 1206 Market. ONLY $950 25 room house DECKER. 1206 Market st. ; —^3^; : T7<OR BARGAINS IN L,ODGING-HOUSES, GO j -T to STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. fflje Cfk HOUSE 16 ROOMS; PAYS WELL. JIpOOU. STRAND A TUTTLE, 45 Third st. /JA-ROOM HOTEL TO LET IN HAYWARDS ; "i\f cheap. SPECK A CO., 602 Market st. MUST SELL ON ACCOUNT OF: DEATH, lodging- house. 115 Second St.: full house. MI..MILKK i-Ol: S.VLK. r^mtNlcTrFTAT^TirtToMS: COST S4SO: MAKE ; \J an offer; bath: rent $17: sunny. 36 Hanover place, off Sacramento at., bet. Powell and Mason. . OMP'LETE OUTFIT FOR 4 ROOMS $80 ' \J Brussels carpet laid 45c Heavy linoleum 40c Free packing and delivery across the bay. Coun- try orders solicited. Send for circular. SHIREK& SHIREK, 1310-12 Stockton st. Open evenings. ■DEDUCTIONS ON LARGE ' STOCK, NEW AND XV second-hand; 400 carpeto, good as new; oil- ; cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c; 7- piece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6: cash or installments: goods shipped free. T. 11. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. ?'-<L*- : r 4 ' /"IUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPET* Vj this w»-ek at MrCAHK'S. 94H-950 Mission st. lftflUilTtlKE WANTKU. AL W AYS EFOKeTsE LINING SEE -A. LEUTHOLTZ. 821 Mission, bet. 4th and sth. A MERICAN FURNITURE COMPANY WILL - 2\. pay you the highest cash price for your furni- ture, carpets, etc. 1129 and 1131 Market. ---.. ~; A UCTIONEER J. C. MUTHER. 719 MARKET A st.. pays highest cash prices ~G^ krasky, CARPETS, PICTURES. . • folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cat. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. ASH PAID FOB FURNITURE AND MER- chandlse. L. H. BURP Auctloncer.lO Fulton. CARPET CLEANING. riA^PE^rS^I^^b^HX : Y^"cLEANED"Ap?D \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. ATATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND RENO- ±S vating Works HAMPTON : layln? and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 244. ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. II STEVENS, manager. . Telephone No., south 250. W HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH »T poor work send to SPAULDING'S PioneerC*r- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: lei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 33:1 \J Golden Gate aye. ; telephone ease 126. fTIHE J. E. MITCHELITCARPET-CLEANINQ J. Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. 1 MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND reP '" . ovating works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. - ' PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. PIANO, FIN CONDIfIONV^FOR SALE cheap. 2 Liberty st. pELEBRATED BUSH & GERTS PIANOS; \J tone unsurpassed; cases unique. A. L. BAN- CROFT & CO., 324 Post si. FEW STEIN WAT, CHICKERING AND Emerson second-hand uprisrhts; almost new; your own price. BOWERS A SON, 23 Fifth st. IMNE EMERSON PIANO FOR $125; GOOD as new. HEINE. 410 Post st. SUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD A NEW >1. MULLER, maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. I PRIOHT PIANO; GOOD CONDITION $65: *J sacrificed for cash. Room 21, Flood building. I LADY OBLIGED TO SELL HER BEAUTIFUL upright piano almost new, offers it for $165- -this must be sold. Inquire room 12, 809 Market st. REMOVED— I*. W. SPENCER A CO. TO 333 J-\> Post St., near Powell, sole aeents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 3SB Post st. XXJTM: G. BADGER WITH KOHLER & CHASE, W 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. WEBER UPRIGHT, $275; HALLETT A tt Cumstone square. $25. BRUENN, 228 Post. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. • The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale in San Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, - 929 Market St., Spreckels building. \TOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HEMME <fc Xi Long piano; retiring from business; no rea- sonable^ offer refused. Warerooms. 340 Post st. ASY TERMS: LOW PRICES KoHLiSH A CixASE. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLEB A CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ECKER BROS., STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos: little used- cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER * PHASE and 30 O'Farrell st. T> ARG AINS IN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS: EASY payments. SCHM & CO., 935 Market st. AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, guitars and banjos at MAUVAIS'. 769 Market. f)ENTING PIANOS: LARGE AND VARIED -It assortment; tuned free. SHERMAN, CLAY <t CO.'s Piano-house, cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. "OYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ■ ST.— SOHMER, -»> Newby A Evans. Brlggs and other pianos. TEC K. CHICKERING A SONS., VOSE AND -.Sterling pianos sold on $10 Installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. UOBSES. X\f A N T ED^TpAI R~^F^'"horsesT~^oso' " pounds. Apply Mascot Stables, 1108 Golden Gate aye. f^R SALE— GENTLE BUSINESS X horse, for want of use. 435 Nineteenth st. I' J. LASTUFKA. MANUFACTURER AND • dealer in fine and draft harness: Eastern prices; also high-grade Clipper blcyclesfor sale and rent. 1575 Market St.: telephone Jessie 112. HORSE AND WAGON FOR SALE ON AC- count of ill health: good business. Inquire 308 Market St., bet. 2 and 4, daily. 2 FINE ROAD HORSES FOR SALE. CALL ■^ 2303 Devisadero st. or 1146 Market. A(\ HORSES FCR SALE: ALSO WAGONS 1" buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horso Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN * DOYLE, Auctioneers. • « v' : IAA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL ' -LUVJ kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Flfte>>r,::i and Valencia its. WAGONS AMD CAKIUAGES. FOR SALE— GOAT CART AND HARNESS. 1621 Golden Gate »ye. . " ' ■ ATA SACRIFICE; MUST BE SOLD; NEAR- A ly new Brewster buggy and one top buggy. New York Stable. 507 Jessie st. ORSES, HARNESS, BUGGIES, CARTS, etc.. bought, sold or exchanged. 540 Valencia, KOli SALIi— aiI!sCIi:JH.A3<iEODB. T A B ARGAIN-A few fTne~sam^ple baby caniages, slightly soiled from handlinir at factory. CAL. RATTAN CO., 61 First st. LOOP-YACHT: 22 FEET; ' NEW; FINE cabin: fast boat: for sale or exchange for gaso- line launch. 1308 Pacific, near Leavenwor. h. ÜBBER STAMPS AND PRlNTlNG~'cHi!.'\e' The Globe, 1433 Market, bet. 10th and 11th. TiINE TELESCOPE SPYGLASS: OR BX"- -■^change for bicycle. F., box 74. call. BICYCLE: LIGHT PNEUMATIC: '95 MODEL: 1) second-hand; bargain. 18 McAllister st. T\IAMOND RINGS, PINS. STUDS~BRACE- AARRI^IsTragf^e.^" eprlceB - UNCLE ALL MA KES 2 ~ -TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT -rt. and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. B^sg«SwSg?BS n |°st INE "^«OON Kit bfo^'^%l%^™^ ™>* $75 THE N^^§3?al^hfap ST fbf^a^ c assasa ifi&gssa sssas