Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES TO LET. : Id FO__OM— XTP--5B PABT: 10 SUB N OIK? rooms: reasonable. O'FARRELL & CO. 11 Montgomery. COX NEW HOUSE 6 ROOMS AND BATH; — ''- basement; water free. 604 Fifteenth st., near Guerrero. BAY-WINDOW HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, BATH; yard and stable. 1909 arrell st. lOKNER HOUSE, 9 ROOMS, BATH AND 1 laundry, en Twelfth st. • $40. DEMPSTER, 36 <;ien Park aye. ■OH' BUNNY HOUSE 6 ROOMS; YARD. 11 «JMU. I- skie st., off Mission, between Eighth and Ninth. "1 PAGE— COTTAGE 4 ROOMS AND BATH.. -1- O Apply 1727 Market st. .^J._t JESSIE ST., BET. SIXTH AND SEV- U~l~£ enth— House of 7 rooms. * QQ9 UNION— TO LET, 2-STORY HOUSE; 8 CO— < rooms and bath: beautiful marine view: rent $28. Inquire at CADENASSO <_ CO.'s. 512 Montgomery st. „• ( 1 4 ROOMS: LOWER PART HOUSE; GOOD <?</ • order. 62 Tehama st.. near Second. HOUBE 6 ROOMS; STAB_K. COR. TWENTY- .II seventh and Alabama sts. QQA MODERN 7 ROOMS; BATH: O«y< large yard and stable. 417 Ridley st., opp. Fillmore. OU C A SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN i the houses you rent from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery su QUXNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; O i> rooms: bath: rent gSO: water free. FUKNISUED HOUSES. Q-pQ GOLDEN OATE — FURNISHED 010 flat 4 rooms and laundry. OUTIA-BS TO LKT, >«_ 1 1 r^i\ SM \I.l. COTTAGE. 3 TAY ST., «3) 1 1 . «J \J . near corner Clay and Powell. /Cottages to~~rext— 3. 4 and 5 room V^ cottages to rent, 96 to $10 50 a month: con- venient to electric-cars: water free. Apply to R. • J. MONTGOMERY. 966 Washington St., Oakland. | i LAMEDA— IS2B NINTH ST.. NEAR MAS- -V tic Station; cottage; 5 rooms; bath and gas; paten- walks, lawn, flower garden; lovely place: fine neighborhood; water free; grounds cared for; | only $1S per month. ! GUNNY COTTAGES lOF 4 AND 5 ROOMS, j k!} bath, basement, yard. Dolores and Fifteenth. riOTTAGE ;. : ■ IOMS, BATH, LARGE BASE- \J merit and yard; rent 520. 712 Capp si., near ' Twenty-third. ! OUNN^ COTTAGE: 5 ROOMS. 21 WILDEY 0 St.. oiY Bush. ue»r Fillmore. HAS* TO LET. GEARY, COB. DEVISADKBO— FINE _._''! sonny upper flat of 5 rooms and bath: rent cheap; water free. BURNHAM & .MARSH CO., 4 28 Montgomery st. . aa-i i DESIRABLE MIDDLE FLAT; THREE »** 1 I . rooms and bath; 2960 Folsom St., near ; Twenty-sixth: upper flat #10. MADISON & i BURKE, 626 Market st. I "INK SUNNY FLATS: 7 ROOMS: BATH; latest improvements. Cor. Oak and Scott sts. SUNNY . FIVE -BOOH FLAT AND B ASE- ment: $12. 929 Nineteenth st., or. Castro. T[ OWBB FLAT OF FIVE SUNNY ROOMS j XJ and bath: 5*23 Franklin St.; rent $23. i S" UNNY UPPER FLAT, 4 ROOMS. 53 CLEM- | f ntlna at. HEAP FLAT: 5 SUNNY ROOMS: BATH. V 1511 Taylor St., bet. Pacific and Broadway. "I 99f« SACRAMENTO— FLAT OF 7 ROOMS; .1 J. — also a flat of 6 rooms; fine view. QUR ROOMS, BATH, THIRD FLOOR; NO children: $12 50. Four rooms, bath, second floor: $15. Both quiet, sunny, clean attractive. DEMPSTER. 36 Glen Par* aye., off Twelfth st. j <_. 99 -A 7 ROOMS AND BATH: MODERN: ' «s— '■•-.•JU. bay-windows: water free. 15 Henry St., near Sanchez. CJQ7 CA ELEGANT FLAT: 7 ROOMS AND C«J 1 .O\J. bath. 2227 Pacific aye., nr. Webster. | fro RENT. $22 50— A PLEASANT FLAT OF 5 1 rooms; bath and stationary tubs. 1806 Green. C»1 ,1 4 ROOMS AND BATH -.MODERN: tj'ldt. window; water free. 747% Seventeenth. S~ UNNY UPPER FLAT: 3 ROOMJb; YARD; water free ; 312. 356 Third St. XT' LAIS— S BOOMS, BATH, NEAR THE PARK; I -T rents $15 to $20; water free. Apply 1909 Mc- Allister st,, 1751 Hayes or 525 Frederick. mo LET— NICE SUNNY FLAT OF 7 ROOMS, 1 bath: rent reasonable. 128 Vi; Jieventh st. CD_YFI__T; 3 BOOMS; SUNNY SIDE; 511 Second St., opposite South Park; $12; water free. Apply _ 14 Third st- _. 1 4 . 3 SUNNY CORNER ROOMS AND «*^ 1"d . bath. NE. cor. Polk and Jackson sts. _.••)"" 'A .SUNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT OF »?_. i .0". 6 rooms and bath. 1704 Washing- ton st., near Polk. /»»-> 4 HAIOHT- ROOMS AND BATH, #25; l)_.x newly decorated.. _^ - - fVTEAR CITY JIALL: 10, 141, 143 GROVE ST; J.l 3 elegant sunny flats: 6 rooms each. - 17 L AT OF 6 ROOMS TO ALL CONVEN- X fences: only 814. 721 Brannan st. QHA Ml' PLACE-LOWER FLOOR; 3 0 sunny bay-window rooms: yard and basement. ■iQAQ EDDY— 2 FLATS, 5 AND 6 ROOMS; IOUO modern improvements; rent $10, g2'2 60. IVE LARGE ROOMS, FRONT AND REAR X yards, sunny: ?25. 22 Twelfth St., between Mission and Howard. \ -100 NTCE~FLATS AND COTTAGES; $6 TO __ $20. SPECK]- CO., 602 Market. P4O HAVES, COR. BUCHANAN— SUNNY O__« flats: 5 and 3 rooms; bath. LEGA.NT NEW FLAT. 7TH st., BELOW J_ Bryant, 5 and 6 rooms; bath; $8 to $16. ■YOU CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN 1 the flats you rent from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. Broadway. AAQ BROADWAY - SUNNY FURNISHED jtUO housekeeping; new house. Bryant Street. 4O f\ BRYANT — ONE OR TWO SUNNY rooms nicely furnished for housekeeping. Eddy Street. Ql 1 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- i)JL I keeping rooms; private family; splendid 10- . cation. Eighth Street. IAQ EIGHTH — HOUSEKEEPING FRONT J \JiJ room and kitchen; other sunny rooms from $5 per month up. Ellis Street. 'A ELLIS-SUNNY FURNISHED FRONT OU 1 ! parlor with light housekeeping. ■ ■7-1 Q ELXIa— SUITE OF ROOMS FOR LIGHT 1 JLO housekeeping. ■__ _ _ .Fifth. Street. TAT FIFTH — PLEASANT, SUNNY, UN- . IU I furnished rooms to let. 4 OQI FIFTH ST.— SUNNY ROOMS FUR- tt_O2 nished complete for houskeeping; water in kitchen. Folsoin Street.' -l -I HO FOLSOM— 2 " FRONT ROOMS, FUR- XX\)O nished complete for housekeeping: cheap. Fulton Street. Ol O FULTON ST., COR. VAN NESS AYE.-2 Z.X*) rooms furnished complete for housekeeping; must be seen to be appreciated. . ;. . Hayes Street. A AM HAVES — FRONT AND BACK PAR- *iA\JZ lors for man. and wife; use of kitchen; cheap. ■ - - Howard Street. rr-l 1 HOWARD-2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED 0012 rooms for housekeeping; cheap. Hyde Street. . . • m HYDE, NEAR TURK-NICELY fur- XOX nlshad sunny rooms to rent for housekeeping. Market Street. or A market, CO"RrSTOCKTON-OFFICES cOy for physician ; most centrally located. Mission Street. r?QO MISSION-2 SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING 100 rooms; also other rooms; $5 up. OOQ MISSION-2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 000 modernly furniahed, if 14 per month; also one $8 and $6. ; ; 10l _ MISSION — FURNISHED HOUSE- -IZJ 'J keeping rooms; gas; bath; »range; no children.-' - - Jj ■■ - Natoma Street. r prr ATOM A— TWO SUITES HOUSEKEEP- -00 I ing rooms, $9: and others. -" ' Nineteenth Street. ■;-;■'' QC)n NINETEENTH, 1V BLOCKS east OF O--O Castro cars— Sunny neat room, suite; use of wash trays: large yard; rent exchanged for sewing and other light work. •;■ .- .. - Ninth Street. AOQ NINTH-3 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS ttZO for housekeeping: connected; reference. . Octavia Street. (_»-|O 2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED BOOMS «JJ) 1& • for housekeeping. 257 Octavia st. Facilic Street. ATORTHWEST COR. PACIFIC AND HYDE— — > 7 nice sunny rooms, double parlor and bath. .. Page Street. 1 000 PAGE, BET. LV ON AND LOTT— SUN- -1 o_2-< ny housekeeping unfurnished or furnished room to let. _ HOCSKKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. j Pearl Street. 3 PEARL, COR, MARKET, OPP. OCTAVIA— a or 3 sunny corner rooms; well furnished for; housekeeping; running water and sink. Point Lobog Avenue. 91 90 POINT LOBOS AYE.— bay- ; £iXJj\J window suite; furnished for housekeep- j leg, $12. . - : . . . ■ ■ ■ . i Powell Street. "I 007 POWELL-TWO BUNNY X\}\J I rooms for housekeeping; $10. sixth Street. r ~~ \ AC) A SIXTH ST. — BEST HOUSEKEEPING: l ±Z.\j rooms in this city; clean and quiet; $12. Taylor Street. OAR TAYLOR ST.— 2 ROOMS, BATH, FUR- — iU nished complete for housekeeping. : Tebama Street. OO TEHAMA— 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- i OO ing rooms for respectable couple: no other roomers: rent cheap. AAO TEHAMA — 2 OR 3 SUNNY ROOMS, 1 ■±O well furnished for housekeeping; connected. ■ Third Street. QKO THIRD — HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, OOJj cheap. Valencia Street. 91 CB VALENCIA- S OR 3 SUNNY ROOMS j —i • ' for housekeeping; bath. Van Ness Avenue. THE MAYBELLE— CORNER VAN ' x Ness aye. and Grove St.— Partly furnished for i light boos— keeping. Washington Street. j CAO WASniN'GTON-RUNNY UNFURNISH- j • /''_. Ed housekeeping rooms: running water. Kt>OMS TO LEI. ~ ! Anthony Street. 9Q ANTHONY. OFF MISSION, NEAR SEC- j «_O ond— Lodgings 10c a night. , ltowle Avenue. c BOWIE AYE.— THREE SUNNY ROOMS; O rent cheap. Bush Street. QQ I BUSH— LARGE SUNNY ROOM; BEAU- j t/OTrtiful garden. Eddy Street. QQ 1 EDDY — 1 LARGE SUNNY PARLOR; OOt also 3 sunny suite; reasonable. Eighteenth Street. ■I 9QQ EIGHTEENTH — 2 NEW ELEGANT! J._lOt/ sunny flats, with large yards and base- i ments; rents low. ! Eighth street. THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; I strictly respectable; central; very modem* prices. I 28 Eighths-, near Market. A. W. MANNING. Erie Street. JO ERIE-FURNISHED ROOM TO LET; tr^J light and sunny; rent $5. ' Folsom Street. Ql PER WEEK— FURNISHED ROOMS. 820 «5 1- Folsom st., near Fourth. Geary Street. Ql ." GEARY-TWO FRONT ROOMS. SUIT- -010 able for offices : partly furnished. A OX GEARY— S~ELEGANT ROOMS, SUIT A- j trO*J ble for physician or conservatory. i Harrison Street. 7791 HARRISON, NEAR FOURTH— i I JLi'i ly furnished sunny rooms; bath; yard; 1 a week. Hayes Street. F\9£» HAVES— ROOMS, BATH, GAS; j _»—U for gentlemen; Sfs. I Howard Street. mHE ORLANDO, 989 HOWARD— SUNN VBAY- X window suites, first, and second floors: running water, cas. etc ; $3 50 per week; nice sunny rooms, i? 2 to --• 50 per— open all night: transient. 111 QQ HOWARD— NICE UNFURNISHED j 1100 rooms. Jessie Street." Q9Q JESSIE— NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; OJLo board if desired. Jones Street. SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED ROOM; FOLD- | 0 ing bed. 706 a Jones, ground floor. Kearny Street. A BLINGTON HOUSE, *I27 KEARNY-PLB A3- -\ RLI.NGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEA3- A ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class ; in every respect: terms reasonable. ' •.' - -= ( I.aikin Street. r -I A LARKIN— LARGE SUNNY FRONT, $11; ; •J-LU single, 56; also others, reasonable. ■ Market Street. TO RENT, WITH USE OF PIANO, HAND- X somely furnished parlors for day studio; cen- tral. Call 735 Market st. xrossacrrE HOUSE, 1045 market, bet. X Sixth and Seventh— and suites; ' per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. YOOA MARKET— LARGE SUNNY FRONT Xij£\) suites, suitable for offices; $50; furnished rooms. -1 C9QI MARKET— SUNNY UNFURNISHED JLO_O2 front suite: opposite Van Ness aye.; $10; furnished, $12 month. ; Ma-oil Street. 1 A 1 1 MASON — FURNISHED ROOM WITH 13: 11 a quiet family. ____^ j Mission Street. CV\ Q MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED SIN- -010 gle rooms, 15c to 50c per night; $1 to *2 per week. Q9ZI MISSION— HANDSOMELY FUP.NLSH- tJ£O2 ed bright sunny rooms; grate; gas. -l I 9^ MISSION— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 11— O en suite or single, very cheap; children taken. . .Jessie Street. EUROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— XI furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients Page Street. no PAGE— 2 LARGE CONNECTING ROOMS; _-D light housekeeping. . ' . Pine Street. 1 £f\9 PINE, COR. POLK— 3 FRONT UN- J_«JU_5 furnished sunny rooms and front parlor; range. ' . Polk Street. 000 POLK, SE. COR. MCALLISTER— LARGE 000 sunny corner room; gas; bath; $10. Uidley Street. 97 RIDLEY, BET. MISSION AND VALEN- _■ I da— 2 iront rooms; $6 and ?4. Seventh Street. 1 OP. SEVENTH — NICELY FURNISHED IOU front single rooms; f 1 to f 1 25 per week. Sixth Street. QQ SIXTH — THE HILLSDALE, SUNNY 00 rooms: single and en suite: $1 to $1 50 a day. 1 AQ SIXTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY IUO rooms; single, double: quiet; $6 up. 11 C a SIXTH— THE PIEDMONT; NICE SUN- X_O ny bay-window and rooms; reasonable. 9/1 9 sixth— NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS} L jt_ from $1 up. 00/il SIXTH— SINGLE FRONT ROOM WITH ZO4:g bath; $8. ■ ' ' - Stevenson Street. 1 rrctA STEVENSON— FRONT SUNNY ROOM; 1 I —'it rent 85. ' - -. . - ■ . ■ Stockton Street. PI Ql STOCKTON — NICE LARGE BACK 0102 room; very cheap. Sutter street. :,. i- HE SHASTA, 320% SUTTER ST. -CENTRAL 1 rooms: low rates: best accommodations. BUTTER, NEAR TAYLOR — NICELY furnished front bay-window alcove suite; terms reasonable. . ' .; ; • :• • Third Street. TIT INCH ESTER HOUSE-44 THIRD, NEAR j it Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 • rooms 25c to $1 50 per night; «1 50 to $6 per week; | electric lights in every room; reading r*m; free. bus. i Turk Street. '■;'.';"; 1 A TURK, CHANGED H ANDS-NICELY FUR- Ia: nished sunny rooms: reasonable prices. €H U TURK-FRONT ROOM IN BASEMENT; 0 1 D also nice single rooms: gent » preferred. £/i 9 TURK— SUNNY SINGLE ROOMS, GAS, OttO bath, 94 and $ 5; private lamily. QA7 TURK— SUNNY FURNISHED room OU I . for gentleman. •.'■•• - .<■ Van Ness Avenne. O A9 VAN NESS AYE.-SUNNY FURNISHED ZAjJli front room; $8. Miscellaneous. : ' BAY-WINDOW SUNNY FRONT ROOM, SUlT- able for 1 or 2 gentlemen; location central. Address C. R., box 51, this office. T^OR" RENT— 1 OR 2 GENTLEMEN, £ nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about 8 blocks I from Kearny and Market sts.: private family; , references required. Address C. P., box 1, Call. t?OB RENT— TO GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- x* nisbed sunny front bay-window room, private family 8 blocks from Market and Kearny; refer- erJea. Addxeaa X. Y. Z., box 1, Call Office. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1895. PROPOSALS. for the • r STATE INSANE ASYLUM ; - - » AT AUNMWS. COMMENCING NOVEMBER 1, 1895, AND - ENDING APRIL 30, 1896. ; Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the State Insane Asylum at Agnews, No. 32 East Santa Clara street. *-"an Jose, up to 3 o'clock p. m. of TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1895, and at, the asylum at Agnews up to 10:30 j o'clock A. M. or WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, | 1895 (asylum time), for furnishing supplies for j said asylum for the six months commencing No- vember 1, 1895,' and endlusr April 30, 1896. said proposals consisting of the following schedule and to be delivered as ordered: . GROCERIES. 7000 pounds Beans, small whit*. 500 pounds Baking Powder, Pioneer or Golden Gate, 5-pound cans. --v ; ' f 4 dozen Bath Brick. 1000 pounds Coffee, Java. 4000 pounds Coffee. Costa Rica. 1600 pounds Chicory. 1000 pounds Crackers, soda. 50 gallons Coal Oil, 150 deg. test. 100 pounds Currants, dried. 50 pounds Cinnamon, pure, ground, 5-pound papers. 160 pounds Corn Starch, Kingsford's, 1-pound I papers. ■JO pounds Ginger, pure, ground, 5-pound cans. 3000 pounds Hominy, large. ■ 4 dozen bottles Lucca Oil, quarts, Crosse & ' Black well. -. f / '.' _ dozen bottles Olive Oil, Quito Farm, Good- rich's, large. . 100 pounds Mustard. 5-pound cans. 10 tross Matches, Swift & Courtney's 8 noes safety. 300 gallons Pickles, mixed, No. 1, In barrels. ' 500 pound!) Pearl Barley, No. 3. ■ '250 pounds Black Pepper, pure, 5-pound cans. 5000 pounds Rice, Sandwich Islands No. 1. 800 pounds split Peas. . - 9000 pounds Sugar, dry granulated, extra fine. 15,000 pounds Sugar, Golden C. 240 pounds Starch, Kingsford's laundry, 40- I pound boxes. ..-•• 1-200 gallons Syrup, Golden, 30 gallons to the i barrel. 72 pounds Soda, bicarbonate, 1-pound papers. 500 pounds Tea. basket-fired Japan. 1500 pounds Tea. Diamond M, E. B. Congou j No. 12. 500 pounds Tapioca, flake. 200 gallons Vinegar, wine, 40-deir. test. ■ • - 1000 pounds Macaroni, white, 15 pounds net i each box. 1000 pounds Vermicelli, white No. 1, 15 pounds | net each box. . . . 1 dozen bottles Extract of Lemon, Merton & Co.'s ! 82-oan OB bottJes. 1 dozen bottles Extract of Vanilla, Merton & Co.'s ! 3'/-ounce bottles. 10 dozen cans Canned Apricots, Standards, gal- j lons. 10 dozen cans Canned Peaches, Standards, gal- ! lons. _ ' 400 pounds Cheese, best quality, California. 3 dozen bottles Worcestershire Sauce, Lea & \ Perrin's, pints. DRIED FRUIT. '2000 pounds dried Apples, sliced. No. 1. 1000 pounds Dried Apricots, bleached, No. 1. 1000 pounds Dried Peaches, bleached, No. 1. • 3000 pounds Dried Prunes, California French, 60 i to 70. FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, ETC. 100,000 pounds Fresh Beef, No. 1, all steers from 500 pounds to 700 pounds, delivered In sides. 5000 pounds No. 1 Fresh Mutton, delivered ! whole. 3500 pounds No. 1 Fresh Veal, dressed, delivered whole. 800 pounds Pork Sausage. ROLL BUTTER. 2500 pounds Fresh Fancy California Butter. ' . KEG BUTTER. 10,000 pounds First-Class California Keg Butter. EGGS. 4000 dozen Fresh California Eggs. POTATOES. 110,000 pounds No. 1 Burbank Potatoes. HAMS, BACON, LARD AND PORK. 600 pounds Bacon, Light Breakfast, bidders to state brands. 2600 pounds Hams, bidders to state brands. 3 500 pounds Lard, Pure Leaf, in tierces. 6 barrels Salt Port, extra clear. SALT FISH. 800 poauds Codfish, California, 100-pound cases. 5 half-barrels Mackerel, No. 1, 100 pounds net each barrel. ' FRESH FISH. 9000 pounds Fresh Fish, No. 1, assorted. SALT. £000 pounds Fine Dairy Salt. FLOUR, GRAIN, ETC. 15-.000 pounds round Barley. 7000 pounds Com Meal. 7000 pounds Oat Meal, extra.' 7000 pounds Cracked Wheat. '25,000 pounds Bran. 8 barrels Rolled Oats. 700 barrels Flour, bakers' extra. '2400 pounds Graham Flour. 6000 pounds Wheat (for chicken feed.) CHEWING TOBACCO. 800 pounds Drumuiond Tobacco Company's Horse Shoe. -,-■:: SMOKING TOBACCO AND PIPES. ..:.■:„ 350 pounds Plus; Cut, in one-pound packages; bid- i ders to submit samples. SOAP, LYE AND SODA. 125 boxes of Star of Kitchen Soap, 20 bars to the i box. '20 boxes Ivory Soap, laundry size, 100 bars to the box. 3000 pounds Laundry Soan. '200 cans Concentrated Lye, American, one-pound ' cans. : '■■. '.-• ■■'■- •2000 pounds Sal Soda. DRY- GOODS. 400 yards Bed Ticking, Amoskeag, A. C. A., 36 inches wide. 100 yards Cotton Flannel, XXX unbleached j Nashua, tOO yards Park Mills. •200 yards Crash, linen, 18 inches wide. 300 yards Denims, Pearl River, indigo bine, 28 j inches w'.de. 100 yards Duck, No. 8, 36 inches wide. 800 yards Sheet ins:, Indian Head, 4-4, unbleached. | 100 yards Sheeting, Pequot, 5-4. bleached. 300 yards Dress Goods, all wool, 38 inches wide. ! 200 yards Frieze, 27 inches wide. 10 dozen Ladies' White Merino Undervests, high i neck, long sleeves, 34 to 40. ' 6 dozen Bedspreads, white. 1 dozen Hair Brushes. - 10 dozen Combs, dress. 6 dozen Combs, line. 125 dozen Clark's O. __ T. Spool Cotton, assorted \ numbers and colors. 5 dozen Handkerchiefs, ladies'. '20 dozen Handkercnieis, men's Turkey red, 24 Inch. 5 dozen Hairpins, K. A 8., assorted. No. 100. 35 dozen pairs Ladies' Hose, all wool. 1000 dozen Needle^ Millward's assorted sizes. '2 gross Pins, Wallace & Sons. No. F. S. C, 3*/2- -'2O gross Buttons, pants. 6 gross Buttons, horn, coat and vest. 25 gross Buttons, agate, dress and shirt, No. 40. CLOTHING. 12 dozen Coats, 37 to 44, as per sample. 12 dozen Pants, leg 30 to 34, waist 32 to 44, as par sample. 6 dozen Vests, as per sample. ■ ■;•'. ■■■■* 36 dozen Gray Wool Overshirts. neck 15 to 17, I 23 to '27 inches wide, 33 Inches long. 16 dozen Hickory Shirts, neck 15 to 17, 23 to 27 Inches wide, 33 inches loiif. 15 dozen Cotton Flannel Undershirts. 36 to 44. 15 dozen pairs Canton Flannel Drawers, leg 30 to 34, waist 36 to 44, 100 dozen pairs Gray Mixed Cotton Socks. 10 dozen overalls, duck Canton flannel lined, leg 30 to 34, waist 32 to 44. 8 dozen pairs Suspenders, average and extra lengths. * 1 HATS. • 20 dozen Hats, wool. SHOES AND SLIPPERS. • 20 dozen Bropans, buckled, 6 to 12, white labor. 30 dozen Slippers, leather, 4 to IS, white labor. 2 dozen Ladies' Shoes- ■ BRUSHES. 4 dozen Hair Floor Brushes. 2 dozen Counter Brushes. 5 dozen Scrub Brushes. 1 dozen Shoe Brushes, No. 16. 8 dozen Combination Mop Handles. BROOMS. 16 dozen California Brooms. 1 dozen Whisk Brooms, 3 strings. ' CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. ■ 8 dozen Dinner Plates, 8-inch. 8 dozen Soup Plates, 8-Inch. 3 dozen Vegetable Dishes, 9-inch. ■ 1 dozen. Platters, 12-lnch. 6 dozen Sauce Dishes, small. ■ 12 dozen Cups and.Saucers. 6 dozen Glass Tumbler* ' . . TINWARE. 5 dozen Galvanized Iron Buckets, 3 gallons, No. 24 iron. - •• 6 dozen Galvanized Iron Chambers, 834-inch top, 7 inch bottom, 6V2 inches high, No. 26 iron. 10 dozen Pint Tin Cups, X tin. . , 1 dozen Tin Coffee Pots, 3 gallons, XXX tin. 1 dozen Tin Syrup Cans, '2 gallons, XX tin. 1 dozen Soup Cans, 3 gallons, XXX tin. 1 dozen Milk Cans, 3 gallons, XX tin. WOOD. 250 cords Pine Wood, No. 1. ENGINE-ROOM COAL. ' 200 tons Engine-room Coal, 2240 pounds to the ton. Bidders specify kind and quality. ■ To be delivered in carload lots and weighed on asylum scales. V: : * •.';': GAS COAL. 100 tons Gas Coal, 2240 pounds to the ton. - Bid- j ders specify kind and quality. To be delivered in carload lots and weighed on asylum scales. ' - RANGE COAL. 40 tons Screened Coal,' 2240 pounds to the ton. Bidders specify kind and quality. To be deli\ ered in carload , lots and weighed on asylum scales. ■■ .•-•■••';••>..:■.'>-■ . * The above-named articles are all to be of the best qualities, subject to the approval of the Medi- cal Director, and to be delivered at the asylum at snch times and in such quantities as he may desire. And It is expressly understood that If a greater or less quantity of any article than above mentioned j shall be required by the ; Medical Director, * the I same shall be furnished by the contractor at the contract price.' ... . ■ •-■; . •. ■ :■ The contracts will . be awarded to the lowest responsible , bidder, and no bid , will .be received or considered unless accompanied by a cer- tified check In an amount equal to 10 per cent of the bid or bids presented, which amount shall be forfeited to the people of . the State of California as . settled, •' fixed and ' liquidated damages In case the bidder to whom the award of contract is made shall fail or refuse to enter into such contract and furnish such bonds for the faltb- PROPOSALS— Continued. ful performance of the same as the Board of Trus- tees may require within five days after such, award. "separate bids will be received for— GROCERIES. DRIED FRUIT. FRESH BEEF. MUTTON, ETC. * ROLL BUTTER. KEG BUTTER. EGGS. POTATOES. HAMS, BACON, LARD AND PORK.' SALT FISH. FRESH FISH. SALT. FLOUR. GRAIN, KTC. CHEWING TOBACCO. SMOKING TOBACCO AND PIPES. SOAP, I.VK AND SODA. DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. HATS. SHOES AND SLIPPERS. BRUSH KS. BROOMS. "}.'{• CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. TINWARE. ;> WOOD. -'■■' ENGINE-ROOM COAL. GAS COAL. RANGE COAL. .... . . The Board reserves the right of rejecting any or all bids. ■' ■ Payments to be made monthly, in cash, when there is money in the Treasury for such payments, and when there is no money In the Treasury, pay- ment to be made out of the first . money in the Treasury applicable for that purpose. ■ ■ Bids to be addressed to T. S. Montgomery, Sec- retary of the BoarJ of Trustees of the State Insane Asylum at A smews, and Indorsed on the envelope, "Proposals for furnishing supplies." Bidders will also mark on envelope the clnsa of supplies bid on. Envelopes and blank bids may be obtained by ap- plying to the Secretary. A separate envelope will be required for each bid. . . Samples of articles, showing the character and quality thereof, required, except such as are per- ishable, may be been at the storeroom of the asy-w lum. ■ The attention of bidders Is called to the following section from the Political Cotleof the state: ■Section 3235. "No supplies or any kind or char- acter for the benefit of the State, or to be paid by any moneys appropriated, or to be appropriated, by the State, manufactured or grown in this State, which are in whole or in part the product of Mon- golian labor, shall be purchased by the officials for this State having control of any public institution under the control of the State, or of any county, cltyand county, city or town thereof." In order to preserve uniformity and facilitate the award, it has been resolved- to receive no bids i unless made upon blank forms furnished by the Secretary. Parties will please carry out the sum total for | each article and add up the same, bo that the gross ■ amount may be seen at , a glance; otherwise bid will not be considered. . . ' . . By order of the Hoard of Trustees of the Sta.te Insane Asylum at Agnews. 1 Dated San Jose, September IS. 1895. T. S. MONTGOMERY. Secretary. CATIO.VAL. bofTf. i.a v tV. vii Acii/rEAcil elTzitherT Rooms 70 and 71,305 Larkin, cor. McAllister. PANISH FRENCH SIMPLIFIED. PROF. De FILIPPE, graduate Paris, Madrid. 320 Post. BS. MELVILLE SNYDKU, 519 .VAN NESS aye., oratorical, vocal and dramatic academy; also piano; assisted by MISS EMELIE MEL- VILLE. ' . ' . I? LOCUTION— DRAMA, DELSARTK, PHYSI- -CJ cal culture, voice culture. OLIVE HOFF SCHROEDER, 299 Hyde st.; call afternoon |or evening. .. ; BEGINNERS' SINGING CLASS EVERY MOK- day evening, commencing September 16. W. R. HI.KYI.Y, Instructor, California and Broderick sts., church. EALD'S BUS. COLLEGE ; 24 Xi Post: commercial, shorthand, English; low rates "L? LOCUTION — VOICE-CULTUKK. RKCITA- Jutlon,Drama; class or private. W.T.ROSS,6Eddy. MISS BOLTE'S 5CH00L.2297 SACRAMENTO : board, English. French, German* piano, ?30 month; special dally French classes for adults, $3. THORMER STANFORD PROFESSOR PRE- IpORMKR BTANFOBD PBO-_BBOR PKE- X pares students for the university (admission on recommendation); law, medical college, " civil service; day & eve classes. Room 833 Phelan bldg. ! 171 BENCH— LEA UN TO SPEAK FIRST; IN- l 1 fallible method. R. DU CABTEL, 6 Post st. C" HEMISTBY AND ASSAYING. CUNNING- \J ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. TT.RENCH, . GERMAN, SPANISH;- LIVING x method; Larcher School, Flood bldg, Market st. CAN FRAN CISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1236 0 Market; send for cat. ; day and evening session. ISS RUBY EAGLESTON, TEACHER OF autoharp;. lessons free,lnDtrument. 131 Larkin. NGLISU UIhRAiTRK AND MYTHOLOGY J class or private. MRS. EHRMAN, 1_34 Bush. ■YTOCAL TKACIIEU JOSEPH GUEVEN IM- V proves and beautifies even spoiled voices, and procures positions to his pupils. 82 Ninth st. TriOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, CORNET V taught. Prof. L.MERKI, '2'2sGe.iry ; PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY SCIENCES 1 bldg; thorough commercial * English training. BELASCO'S LYCEUM. school OF ACTING— Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed, on stage. R. 5&. I_. i. O. U. V. block, 7th and Market. OCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME- -0 chanical engineering, surveying, architecture a»say:estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN. 72S Mkt. STIEHL*S SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market su : diploma course $30. Jr<NQLIBH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS * DILLON, 14 McAllister. r. 46; private or class. EALD'S BUSINESS ■ COLLEGE. 24 • POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lac- guages rapidly taairht. Write tor catalogue. ' BOAttJ>_KG an« ROOMS. 'YinV in iooTpine sT.^-ciioieB suit- X ny rooms; iirst-class board. O"l A PINE— ROOMS AN BOARD: ELE- *JX\J gantly furnished rooms: first-class boara: terms reasonable. rjAQ PINE — PLEASANT ROOMS; EXCEL- -1 ttO leut board ; '20, 25 and $30 per month. £••*)£ EDDY— FRONT SUITES; BIN- U«-U rooms; best board ; reasonable. . ■ Tt_B ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND PolY st.— Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate- board optional: all cars direct. HOTEL BERTLING, 714 BUHH-OPENED AS -LL a family hotel ; references given and required; all modern conveniences. ■ ■ CUIJLDKEN IiO.VIUtKD. pK_u.NWJ)Twi s h"eTbXb y^^o^oardl VJT good home. 435V a Hayes st. •\irANTED-CHILD TO BOARD; A NICE >> home. 1606i5u8hst. •\\r ANTED— _ OH 3 CHILDREN TO BOARD »» from 1 to 8 years old; good borne; short dis- tance from city. Call 706 a Jones st., ground floor. STORES TO LET. C^TRPE NTERS^ A?TONt7onT~TO~ LET^ \J rent taken out in work— store with 3 living- rooms: has been ft carpenter-shop for 2 years; rent '25. YON RilElN & CO., 513 California st. FOR RENT-CORNER GROCERY; NW. COR. Kearny and Broadway: $50; good stand. • r\LD-ESTABLISHED CORNER GROCERY TO V/;iease for a term offycars: cheap rent. 616 Geary. TORE AND 5 LIGHT ROOMS; $20. 91lFo£ O Bom st., near Fifth. <2iAf\ STORE, 25x100; TWO LARGE SHOW- _\J. windows. 112 Seventh st. • (J_Or STORE; two SHOW-WINDOWS; 4 •^ _.»-). large rooms: yard. 422 Sixth. OFFICE* TO LET. TPLEGANT OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKELS JCJ building, 926 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or G. 11. MUSES A CO., 14 Montg. St. STABLES TO LET. I~~OR 2 rSTALLsT 4"rOOMsTsTbXs_? ment for family. 329 Eddy st. PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. OTICE— TIIK FIRM OF NEVILLE A COM- i.I pany, heretofore doing business at 31-33 Cali- fornia street, In the City and County of San Fran- cisco, Is dissolved. GEORGE H. BRYANT re- tires from the firm. SARAH A. NEVILLE and C. M. osijorn. the remaining partners, are au- thorized to transact ail business in liquidation of said firm and have assumed all the obligations thereof, and all claims are to be presented to them. - • QEOBG- H. BRYANT, sa I : Al l A. NEVILLE, . C. M. OSBORN. The undersigned have formed a partnership un- der the name : of NEVILLE A CO.. and will con- tinue to carry on the same business transacted by the late firm of NEVILLE «fc CO. SARAH A.NEVILLE, CM. OSP.QRN. BKWIXG MACHINES. S" E WING-M ACnxNJSS RENTED, $1 , 50 PER month; all kinds rf-pnlred; machines sold from f5 upward. ISB3 Market St. •' T>ENTED ' 50 A MONTH; CUT RATES: XV patents on sewing-machines having expired wo can sell ■ you latest improved machines for one- third regular price. 145 sixth st. • * \ LL KINDS SEWING-MACHINES BOUGHT, A sold, rented, exchanged and repaired : lowest rates. '-'05 Fourth st., near Howard. ATTORNEYS- AT-L A W. ~~ dvic^e" i ree ? divorce: "a n^d^probatk laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police ■ Courts : - terms i reasonable collections, etc. | HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market .cor.Stockton ! J~ OHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY -AT-LAVV .iIST O . 16 and . 17. 402 Montgomery St., cor. California. W~~ W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW.42O VV . California sU, run. 14-15; advice free. ' • :. ■--. ■• • STORAGE ' ■■.': ■•.•-/-■•-.. ; ■ ■ QTOR^G^^-^IJRNITURE. PlXnosThoUSE^ O hold goods, etc . J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. WILSON BROTHERS. 1710 • MARKET— Storage; low rales; telephone South 762. .. ■ ■"•:. THIRST-CLASS STORAGE : ADVANCES MADS £ 421-423 Market aU CUAS. JU TAYLOtt, CITY REAL ESTATE. J^rVV^uJoo"cASE;^BALANCE TO SUIT <pOO\J\J . purchaser; neat > 1-story house; 5 rooms: 2 bay-windows; lot 75x110 ft.: barn, etc.: good well of water: south side of Ney St., 25 feet east from Craut, College Homestead Association, off Mission St., near St. Mary's College. Apply to owner on premises or CHAS. C. FISHER, 507 California st. RICK BUILDING • BUSINESS PROPERTY on Market St.; rent $7200 a year. ■• Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 65x137 :6 ft. ; price, 1,000. . . E. side Stanyan st,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts.: 100: price $2600. 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- I eldioand bay: $6700.. , ■. ■ Two ■ modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, i 25x137:6 ft.: electric road passes houses: price 6000: make offer. Nor;h side of >'olsom St., bet. 4th and sth; 68:9 x 160 feet. *~i - . Loo on Duncan at., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet: price $100. , . - Cottage house, 1367 Dolores St.; 5 rooms and bath, basement: 25x95 leet. ; Building lots north of Park; Drice $300 each. " ! Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land' Agent. 324 Montgomery street.' : , JONES, ALLEN A CO., . \ . . • 630 Market st. . . . Two lots opposite the Valencla-st. cable, 25x140, fronting on two streets, will sell cheap for cash. JONES, A LLEN & CO. <S>L)Z(\ LOTS IN BLOCKS 995-992, CLOSE ifp£*J\J. to boulevard; easy payments. JONES, ALLEN & CO. .■• •■-. -. -;; .■- . fflji OC EACH — ELEOANT LOTS HEAD «3pXi£e) for building; close to Fruit vale aye., East Oakland; franchise has been granted for electric road to run through the tract; fare only 6 cents to Broadway.. >;,-.,-', . . . $250— Lots near the Mission electric cars;2sx 100; ready to build on. JONES, ALLEN & CO., 630 Market st. . "IT! OR SALE— :r West side Larkin st., bet. Pine and California, 3 houses renting for $81 50 per month; size of lot, i 57x137:6. NW. cor. Sutler and Steiner sts. : improvements: renting for $103 per mouth; size of - lot, 65 on Sut- ter by 100 on Stciner, : Apply to jvIcGLYNN & MENTON, real estate agents, room 32, Chronicle building. HOUSES BUILTSISO TO $275 A ROOM; CALL XX and examine plans. 1149 Mission st. • -: , ■ - j 9JIJ 'AC\f\ CHEAP FLATS;. 4 ROOMS AND <35ttOV'U. oath each; all modern improvements; rents $34; street paved. 1312 Broderick, rir. Geary. 1p OR SALE— CASTRO ST.; HOUSE OF 7 X 1 rooms and bath; ' almost new; , $300 cash, bal- ance siune as rent. .'- COTTNTKY KEAL ESjTATK. t TTO^R^SN7^4^ACR2s,' O^E^MIIIT^ROM JO Wrights station: 3 acres in 'bearing vineyard, 30 acres in orchard: house of 3 rooms, barn, etc. ; water piped from spring: rent $ 800 per year; half cash: all tools go with the place. ALSO— I6O acres, two;milf>s from Cornwall sta- tion; Contra Costa County; fenced and cross- fenced; all cultivable; house, barn, windmill and tank: rent $450 per year: half cash. ALSO— B3 acres level land at Walnut Creek: 10 acres in bearing orchard: house, barn, windmill and tank: rent 8400 a year; half cash. | ALSO— acres, four miles : east of Walnut Creek, Contra. Costa County: 130 acres plow land. ' 12 acres of orchard, 18 acres of vineyard in full bearing; balance wood and pasture land; well watered.; rent $600 per year-, half cash. ALSO— IIB acres, rich loam soil, three miles from Watson ville, Santa Cruz County; 950 apricot trees, 1300 French prunes, 60 apple: 70 acres cleared and in cultivation; balance line pasture, suitable for stock and hogs; good house of 6 rooms, barn, etc.; water piped to bouse and barn from spring: rent $600 a year; half cash. . ■ , Particulars of DAVID BUSH, Country Depart- ment of O'FARRELL & CO., 11 Montgomery st. F" "OR SAL "OR EXCHANUE-rilE ~" CELE- brated Eden Dale farm : situated 2 miles south o f Sonoma City, 35 miles from San Francisco: 182 acres of line valley and bottom land: there is in full bearing 11,000 fruit trees and 17,000 vines of choice varieties; large modern' dwelling of 11 rooms; choice garden, barn, windmill and tank- honsc, outbuildings, horses, harnesses, wagons, cows, anil full out lit of farming utensils; one of the best fruit-drytTs; a never- falling trout stream runs through the place; a' positive investment and a beautiful home: will be sold as a whole or in two or. more subdivisions. Full particulars, J.T. .PET- ERS, Mills building. ('f\f\(\ ACRES WKLL WATERED, WITHIN UV/UU 50 miles of San Francisco, to lease cheap, A. M. SPECK it CO., 602 Market Bt. END FOR OUR LIST OF ORCHARD HOMES for sale. WOOSTER « WHITTON, San Jose. T OVEI«t LITTLE HOME OF 15 /.CRES; \i right in town: 200 fruit trees, peach, plum, fig. orange, etc., In bearing; good house of 8 rooms: good outbuildings: lovely shade trees: a sightly place; $2500, half cash: another of 9Vs acres, gardening soil; $2600: also B'j. acres, all close to town, $900. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. ,1 TO 8 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES ON 10 tr years' credit. D. H. TWING, Sonoma Ci;y,Cal. M" UST BE SOLD-ONE OF THE BEST LO- Oated 160-ncre ranches in Lake County; 1,4 mile from Clear Lake, with plenty running water; 100 acres Improved: 5-room house: plenty limber; $2600; time to suit on payments. W. L. FOSTER, Kelseyville, Lake County, Cal. MARIN COUNTY— ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. RaNCHO DE NOVATO. ',%{>? . Tracts of any t>ize desired ; fruit, grain and vege- table land: no' lrrigation: both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per aero: easy terms; town of No vat o; graded school, hotels and stores on the property : send lor circular. . • : '.-C ■' ;>■; J ii Dairy lor sale with or without cows. '■ SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65 Chronicle building. - OOK FREE: 1 I.I. IV! RATED: $4 AN ACRE up. M. OKIFFI.V. Cot ton wood. Shasta Co.. Cal. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON' KKAL ESTATE. ESCALON HAS BEEN SELECTED BY THE J directors of the S. F. and S. J. V. K. R. Co. (Valley road) for tbe.prlr.clpa] station in thesouth- eastern part of San Joaqtiin County and is destined to become ut once the most important of all the stations on the line of the railroad on account of the vast bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sur- rounding the town, every acre of which will be sold with a perpetual water right. ' • ' Take some of your money out of the , 4-per-cent savings bank and invest in this coming center- of southeastern San .Toaquln County. or maps, descriptive matter, etc., address E. E. MARLOWE CO., 430 East Main St., Stockton, California. ■ DR. OLIVER, ~ REAL ESTATE- DEALER, . 613 East Main St., Stockton. Owner of East Stockton and Brown's Additions: lots In these and other additions at $5 a month; no Interest and no taxes; largest list of inside prop- erty of any dealer in Stockton; quick sales and small profits Is the motto of tlila office. PSOPE&TX WA.Mlil). "XMTA3HTKD— TO BUY A LARGE TRACT OF " land; must be cheap for cash; give lowest price and full description, railroads, etc. Address DR. GEHRING, Washington, D. C. " . ■ ■ . - "D ESIDENCE OFSOMK 10 ROOMS: LOT 30x XV 137:0: Western Addition, north of Pine St.: price $12,000. Address V. O. box 2058. ANTED — CITY PROPERTY IN EX- » t change for good paying ranch. P. H. JORDAN A CO., 188 Crocker building. MONEY TO LOA.> ' W ANTED— TO BORROW" $200 FROM PRl- tf-vate pony: best security and good interest. M., box 41. Call OlHce. ' ■ ' ' ■ ■ - ■ OANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS without removal. in city and Oakland; low In- terest; dealings Strictly private. 21 fi Powell st. , lAMONDS, PIANOS, FAMILY. JEWELS;, high amounts advanced; perfect secrecy; low. Interest; private entrance; , gentlemanly attend- ants. - UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. •\[O COMMISSION AND NO CHARGE FOR Xi making out papers; I loan my own money on pianos and furniture, city and Oakland: lowest in- terest: without removing. 418 Ellis St., room 22. OANH ON REAL ESTATE IST AND 2ND -Li mortgages, undivided Interests, estates;, and on furniture or pianos, without removal, in San Francisco. Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda; any amount; lowest rates; all business confidential. Call or write to BECKER, 240 Montgomery st. . -' MONEY ON ANY SECURITY; STRICTLY iHpnvate;interest moderate. 126 Kearny Bt.,r. 39. A NY AMOUNT: IST, '2D OR3D MORTGAGES: 2\- estates, undivided Interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. j ON ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; dealings confidential. 43 Crocker building. - C. 1%. CITY, COUNTY A.VP COLLATERAL SE- Oa curlties. TRAVERS& LAMB. 612 California. "lirUY PA Y-lIUJH BATE ON SMALL LOANS TT when you can get from $200 up at 55 cents per month Interest on $100. Loan, box S3, Call. .- ■ NY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all valu- ables and securities: . private office : losiness con- fidential. Columbia Loan and Collateral Office (Incorporated), 9 Grant aye.. 3 dcors from Market i(i SIM IN TRUST; . INTEREST LOWER than banks: first and second mortgages a spec- ialty: $100 up: no delay. Money, box 17, Call. UNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE. 103 GRANT avenue; private entrance 101^ upstairs. "A NY SUM. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGA GE3 city or countiy -.Estates- 628 Market ONEY A NED ON JEWELRY AND IVJ other valuables at the Security Loan Ofllce, 1106 Market st.,nr. Mason : private entrance 7 lurk. TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 O Market St., cor. Stockton, rooms 17 and 18, first floor: established 80 years; always open. - "Uncle Bill." ■- - ■ ■ . )■■-'■ BORROW MONEY ON YOUR .DIAMONDS, Jewelry, furniture and pianos without femoval; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL A CO., Mills bide, sth floor, r 6: strictly confidential * PHYSICIANS. :-> ; '- TSifilfiniiA^rDSMT"^^ XV cial attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- A M.D., 1236 Market St.: 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m. : .: SUMMER KESOKTS. . ' . ; OTEL^DE RED WOO D— H E ART OF THE Santa Cruz Mountains; reduced rates for Sept., Oct. and Nov. Send tor circular to M. •s. COX, Laurel, Cal. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 9 0S BROADWAY. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. BADGER'S park tract— ioo lotsT^o Aj feet front each, for sale; near business center; sreat bargain; also houses to let, cheap. Apply T. W. BADGER, 953 Seventh aye., near Clinton Station. :;>:.'.-' -;<-•:' B::.ui i:ri, HOME, a rooms, $20 MONTH; ; -IJ no Interest; less than cost: come quick, or miss the bargain of a lifetime. LODGE & POWELL, Fruitvale station." . : : . > . &QflfWft beautiful home ne a r ypOyjVJXJ. Fruitvale: 3V^ acres; house. of 4 rooms, bath; fine orchard: all kinds of fruit: plenty of firewood; 700 brown and buff Leghorn fowls, in- : cubators, brooders and pens complete; horse and wagon ; bone and feed mills and tools; spring water piped all over the place; must sell on account of sicKness; two-thirds cash, balance to suit : or will exchange for bouse and lot or store in Alameda. Apply room 3-4, Donohoe bldg., S. F., from 1 to 4. •■ SNAP-BUILDING CORNER, 45x90: CARS -«-»_ pass the lot; $900 buys it; pleasant neighbor- hood, within walking distance ;of narrow-pause depot. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. , . . . .■ Gi-lXn BUYS CORNER LOT, CLOSE *$-±O\J to cars and center of town. W. E. BaR- NAKD & SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. ELEGANT NEW HOME— BARGAIN; IN THE XLi best portion of Oakland: 2-story, B rooms, bath, servants' room; art glass windows; palm trees In yard; every way moat desirable: price only $1500: terms can be arranged. A. H. BREED <& C 0. ,-460 Ninth St., Oakland." .. I^RUITVALK— BEST BARGAINH AND BEST terms ever offered; houses ' and vacant lots; streets all graded, sewered, etc.: in immediate neighborhood of Southern Pacific and electric-car lines at Fruitvale station. To convince yourself call at, our oilice on Putnam St., Fruitvale. Syndi- cate Investment Company, EDWARD DICK, agent. BUSINESS PROPERTY PAYINC6TOB PER CENT ON INVESTMENT. SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. .Large list of choice residence property to be sold to the highest bidder: IS acres near Blair Park, I Nob Hill, Piedmont; 150 choice lots; 24 acres In Fruitvale. 9 GOOD CHEAP RANCHES,. cIose to Oakland. ACRE TRACTS AND CHICKEN RANCHES, 110 acres: 25 acres close to Piedmont car line; can subdivide; fine land; easy terms. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. KfXßi Don't fail to see them. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. lARGE LISTS OF CHOICE HOMES; BEAU- J tiful residence property: 13 acres on Nob Hill, Piedmont; nice tracts and ranches; bargains In lots: easy terms; send lor catalogues. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. <3i k >9^n ' l HOUSES, CLOSE TO OAK-ST. is)£.*.O\j . station: income of $20 tier month, and still leaves 0 rooms' for use of owner. This is a rare chance, as owner leaves the State. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. aqoca SEVEN- ROOM COTTAGE, bath • (POiit)U. and modern improvements: lot 50x lt!8: on Thirty-second St., near Telegraph aye. $4500— 8-room house, bath, hot and cold water; good barn; lot 45x100; on Tenth St., near Castro; a bargain. ■ . - .:,-. . ■ . . $2250— 2-story 6- room house; bath; lot 50x100; centrally located: good neigh bornood; a great bar- gain. Lot 100x100, on Jackson st; good location for flats. A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. (Pj 9 A MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES: ctTp.lil' plans free. F. BOEGLE, Golden Gate statn. <Jfcl £*n LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIMIN ♦IpJ.<JV/. Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week; selling fast; good improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner, 90. Broadway, Oakland. . • OAKLAND ROOMS AND BOARDING. TT'INK RpOMB~AJSD BOARD IN EAST 6XI? JP land— A small family occupying a large ana commodious house, desirably located within 7% minutes' walk of Clinton station, would accommo- date a few single gentlemen with above. Address C. B. A., East Oakland P. O. _ ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAJIKUA tUSAL KSTATE. I'T'^^TMlaE^TA^E^^AL^^N^Air^ClToOL -T and station; streets improved and sewered: $4350— 5300 cash; $35 monthly; 33x150:" band- some new colonial house, 7 rooms ana bath; near Willow or Chestnut st. station. . $3250— $200 cash; $30 monthly; 33x150; ele- gant colonial cottage, on principal driveway; tt rooms mid bath. $3250— 5.~>0 cash: 830 monthly; 3«xl00; cor- ner house, in fine condition: 8 rooms and bath. 98150— *200 cash; $27 monthly; 31^100: new cottage, 5 rooms and bath: central location. $2250-550 cash: $25 monthly; 30x100; cot- tage, i rooms and bath. Houses to rent from $10 up. Open Sundays and holidays. ■ ..." . ' M AROUSE & EEMMEL, , Bay-st. station, AlameUa, and ti-S Market st., San Francisco. . . "sTq> i k FINE LOT AT STATION ; FINISHED t£fjtjy>, street; with cottage of 5 rooms; terms. $1800— Modern house of 7 rooms; street graded and sidewalk: terms. New modern cottage of 5 rooms, terms, or will exchange for old house with large lot. ; J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park st.,Alamefia. • <Si. e )7'\i\ TERMS $160 CASH, BALANCE $)■& i *J\J . 'small monthly Installments; mod- ern cottage of 5 rooms and bath: large grounds; in splendid location: convenient to trains; all street work complete. $3000— 5250 down, balance 530 per month; lot 50x140: house or 6 rooms and bath; on one of the principal streets. A GREAT BARGAIN— Fine residence of 9 rooms, situated on our principal avenue. 1 block from station: lot 60x157:6:, nice lawn, shrubbery, I fruit trees and barn; cost $11,000: must be sold at ones at some price. Apply to JOSEPH A. LEON- ARD COMPANY, 1364 Park St., Alameda. (1 REAT BARGAIN. """ ~ I "_T 10- room residence: modern improvements; fine grounds; highly improved: corner lot, 70x141. Four lots fronting on canal; 100x245: bargain. lieautnul house on Morton St.; $1500 less than cost. $25,000— Highly improved with 6 acres of land: waterfront In Alame la. " $10.000— poultry ranch In Alameda County; ouly three miles from Alameda; will take part In Improved property. E. D. JUDD, 1424 Park st. •■■■■■ DENTISTS. " : c ; aR^T^c7^S^I)EICTISTRY AT LOWEST -E prices at Obdontunder Dental Parlors. 815% Geary st,, bet. Hyde and Larkln; extractions (painless) for 60 days more, 50c. R. L. WALSH, D.D 8., proprietor. - ■ " ' " DR. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MA BKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— Open evenings: Sundays till noon. *ryi.REA,3OO TURK ST— ALL DENTAL WORK -L/ at lowest prices and warranted; open evenings. lA. . WORK REASONABLE AND WAS- ranted. DR. J. W. KEY. 1122 Market st. DX. GEORGE W. LEEK,' THE GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or. teeth without any pinte, moved from 6 tp2o O'Farroll st. A" ~~T CHA L.FANTS'3,B :.lASON,COR7"mARKEt7 sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; j on bridges, crowns and sold plates prices reduced; 1 small gold iillings only $'-: painless extraction. /^ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAIT \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas speoialists: only reli- able agent for . palmess extraction; artificial teeth frms6;rlUing3 from $1 ; extracting BOc, with gas $1. SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS «3P I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIM.Xi.-i dentist, 980 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. ' Dm. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates i\ specialty. 1841 Polk si. •• ■ R. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for extracting when ! plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from 8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. V^OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAJR- \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. MAKKIAGE £ICENSES.l CENSES. > CiJ Licenses to marry were granted yesterday ai follows: . , ; / ■ . Paul Reichenbacu and Anna Hausler, 29—18. M. J. Barnett and Frances Bernstein, 26—22. ■ Edward W. Close and Fannie Y. Peters, 20—18. Andrew Mooburg and Mary A. Wiseman, 87—27. W. A. M. Koch Jr. and A.M. Eskevard, 22—2 1. O. J. A. Pops and Helen A. A. Karstadt. 24—22. W. O. Brown and Emily B. Ferguson, 38—24. Wesley L. Pleper and baale B. Mar: in. 30—27. % DIVORCE SUITS BEGUN. ■-^ < Suits for divorce were begun yesterday as fol- lows: ' ■ ' . ...'". . . . Addle Dinton azalnst Peter Dinton. - v; Mary Moulton againat John Moulton. . Susa Doran against) Jacob Doran. : Charles E. 'Fredericks agalnbt A. P. Fredericks. * -Cora Oiler against John Oiler. ' " ' ■ DIVORCES GRANTED. • The following divorces were granted in the Su- perior Court yesterday; I Christine Cutting from General John T. Cutting; desertion. • .-, . -. ■ , -. . Sarah A. Tuchscher from . George T. Tnchscher ; failure to provide. ■■-. BIRTHS— MARRiAeES---DEATHS. BORN. - : BEPLKR— In this city, September 4, 1895, to the wife Of F. D. Bepler, a daughter. DENAIR— In this city, September 18, 1895, to the wife of John Denair of Albuquerque, N. Mcx,, a son. .'.■■ ■:■ . : . • . FRANK— this city, September 18, 1895, to the • wife of Charles Frank, a daughter. .. ; \ KIDDER-In this city, September 1. 1805, to the wife of Charles A. Kidder, a daughter. . ' .r ; KAYSER— September 12, 1895, to the wife of ■■• Richard Kayser, a daughter. , LIEBSHUTZ— In this dty, September CO, 1895, to the wife of Charles R. Liebsliutz, a son. , liUSCH^-In Berkeley, September 18, 1895, to the wife of T. Bowman Lusch, twin daughters. MAEGENN— In this city, September 14, 1895, to - the wife of Captain T. J. Maegeon, a sou. 3IARRIED. , • . GEFFENEY— FREETH— In this city, September 5,1895, b>- the Rev. Dr. Dille, Charles H.Geffeney and Belle Freeth, both of San Francisco. HARDY-WOODS— In this city, September 18, by the Rev. J. Camming Smith, Edwin B. Hardy and Mary Alice Woods, both of San Francisco. LAIDLAW— REID-ln this city, September 19, 1895. by the Rev. J. Cummin? Smith, William Laldlaw of Burmah, India, and Jessie Crawford i;*<! of San ' Francisco. LEVY— ELBERG— In this city. September B,lB9s, . Morris H. Levy and Rae Elberjj. ■■'.'; -.\" •>■-*"' LOCKE— CAPPS— In this city. September 18,1895, by the Rev. Sarah Seal. Dr. Charles W. Locke v ; and Carrie Bell Capps, both of San Francisco. '.- J- JDIJba*. Berrowitz, Mrs. Eva Hilgenberg. Julius Boelen, William- Haake. Birdie ■'•'•••,': Burns. Minnie Kilduff, Martin Baine, Ellen E. Kutz, Gabriel . • ■ , ; Cox. John H. - >\ Orcese, Katie ■ - - .' Dineen, Mary J. overacker, Adam A. Dugan, Harry Perrin, Mary E. Fee, James Raimond, Capt. R. E. '-' Golden, Anna Sears, Mrs. Harriet A. - Garnuid, Zeile Sack. John C. .- Hughes, Kate ■ Trumbull, Lizzie B. Upphoff, Esther •BURNS-In this city, September 18, 1895, Min- . nie, beloved wife of Bernard Burns, mother of ' Bennie Burns, and sister of Katie Pollard (late of '; Crockett, Contra Costa County, Cal.). a native of I Mullnahune, County Tipperary, Ireland, aged 25- -years. ' ' 6Ji" Friends and acquaintances are respect- . fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from the 'par-; lors of McAvoy & Gallagher. 20 Fifth street.' Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. . '. .'■' 15 INK —In this city, September 20, 1895, Ellen K. Baine, beloved daughter of Ann and the late Mark Buine, and sister of Patrick J. Baine. Mrs. T. Collins and Mrs. J. Flaunegan, a native Of - -1 Plttsbun;, Pa., aged 29 years and 8 months. CST Friends and acquaintances are respect- ' fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW. (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the resi- ciencs of her mother, 10 Clara street, thence to St Patrick's Church tor services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ' BOELEN— in Berkeley, September 20, 1895, Wil- liam Boelen.' father of .1. I).. W. C. and A. B. Eoelen. Mrs. W. K. Weir and Mrs. B. C. Murray. . a native of Holland, aged 75 years 1 months and • 2 days, Virginia (Nev.) papers please copy.J tfiTThe funeral will lake place TO-MORROW. (Sunday), at 2 o'clock P. M.. from the resi- ! deuce of his daughter, Mrs. W. K. Weir, Vina and Oxford streets; North Berkeley. Interment Mountain View Cemetery. BEBCOWITZ— In this city, September 18, 1895, Mrs. Eva Bercowltz, a native of Russia, aged 34 years. COX— In this city, September 20, 1895, John Henry, beloved child of Arthur and Mary Cox, a native of Texas, aged 6 years. DUG AN— ln the City and County Hospital, Sep- tember 20, 1895, Harry Dngan, aged 29 years. DIXKKN-In this city, September 19, 1895, Mary Josephine, beloved wife of Daniel" D. Dl- neen, daughter of Hannah and the late John. Donohue, sister of John J. Donohue, and niece of . Bridget Mash, a native of San Francisco, aged 23'; years 3 months and 29 days. ; ...\ • . j£g"Friends . and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), .at 7:30 . o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence of her mother, 1100 Stevenson street, oft Twelfth, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for -the repose of her soul, commencing at 8 o'clock a.m.'- Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. . " FEE— in this city, September 19,1895, James Fee, a native of Ireland, agtd 49 years. jjfy Friends and acquaintances and members of Pacific coast Marine Firemen's Union are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 12 o'clock m., from the under- taking parlors of McGinn Bros., 31 Eddy street, Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. GOLDEN— In this city, September 19,1895. Anna, beloved wife of the'late Edward Golden, a native of Dublin, Ireland, aged 57 years .4 months and 9 days. ■ SSg" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday) from Star of the Sea Church, Point' Lobos and Eighth avenues, where a solemn, requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Inter- : ment Holy Cross Cemetery. Remains at the funeral parlors of Hagun & Co., 2428 California street. "....'■ GARRAUD— In Jamestown, September 19. 1895. Zelle Garraud, a native of Virginia City, aged 29 years. /Tar-Notice of funeral hereafter. - ' W lI A AXE— In this city, Sehtember 20, 1895, Birdie^ beloved daughter Of Mrs. C. F. Haake. and sis- ter of Mrs. T. Lyons and Alice, Dora, Adela, Ul- '.:•■, Daisy, Clara, Henry. Charles. Ollie and Fred Haake, a native of.San Francisco, aged 22 years 2 months and 15 days. - .: j}ns*Fr:ends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to view the remains at the residence of her mother, 14 Chattanooga street, between Twenty-first and Twenty-second. Interment pri- vate. HUGHES— In this city. September 19, 1895. Kate, beloved wife of Alfred Hughes of Watsonville,* a native of Belfast, Ireland, aged 59 years 8 months and 25 days. HILUENBERG-In this city, September 20, 3895, Julius Hllgenberg, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 mouths and 8 days. .- - KILDUFF— In this city, September 19, 1895, Mart tin, beloved son of Patrick and Maria Kllduff, a native Of San Francisco. • . ■•■ BbS" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday); at 9:30 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of 'his parents, 1126 a Broadway, thence to St. Bridget's Church, where a solemn requiem, mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul-, commencing .at .10 o'clock a. .m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. , . >' KUTZ— In this city, September 20," 1595, Gabriel, beloved husband of Lina Kutz. father of Mrs. S. Kohn and Milton, Jesse, Blanche and William Kutz, a native of Germany, aged 59 years 6 months and 23 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW, (Sunday), at 9 :30 o'clock a. m.. from his late resi- dence, 539 McAllister street. Interment Home, of Peace Cemetery by special train from Third and Townsend streets at 11 o'clock a. m.; .. -. ;,;• A. O.U.W.— Washington Lodge No. 60, A.0.U.W.: Officers and members are hereby notified to at» tend the funeral of our late brother, G. M. Kutz, TOMORROW (Sunday), at 9:15 o'clock a. it, from 539 McAllister street. W. H. PORTER. Recorder. : ORCESE— In this city, September IS. 1895. Katie, , .dearly beloved j dauzhtur of ' Mr., aud Mrs. ■O. Orcese, and sister of Ac!alaide. ' Mary. Jennie; 1 ••-Kraello,.' Rosie an 1 Tt3*;e Orcese, .;i nati.vo of New York, agedi23yeaM 1 month and -15 gays. •, SfW Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DA Y\ (Saturday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence of her parents, 715 Greenwich •' street, thence to Sts. Peter and ■ Paul's (Italian) Church, • where a solemn requiem high mass will ha celebrated, for the repose of her soul, thence at 12 m. to Holy Cross Cemetery., OVEKACKER— In this city, September .18, 1895,'. Adam A., beloved husband of Fried erike Over-' acker, and father of H. T. and George Overaokeri Mrs. J. L. Weilhye. Mrs. Lula Warde and 'Mrs. George Hawkins, a native of Oh o, aged 81 year* 3 ;.ionths and 24 days. [Eastern paper* please copy. I . ' '. :; :■" £B"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from his late residence, 1411 Twenty-fifth street, near San- chez, thence to Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Seventh and Markei streets, where services will be hold, commencing at 2 o'clock r.M. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. . :-.. PERRIN— In thiscitv, September 20, 1895, Mary E., beloved wife of E. R. i'errin, a native of Ohio, aged 68 years and 10 months. • • ' • ' "• >■-■• Friends and acquaintances are respect*, fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p.. m.. from the, par- lors of Craig. Cochran & Co., 26 Mint avenue. Interment private. : ... RAIMOND— In this city, September 17, 1895, at his residence, 1804 Broadway, Captain H. E. Raimond, a native of New York. j63"Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Sunday), a 2 o'clock p. m., at Masonic Temple, corner and Montgomery streets, under the nuspices o. California Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar interment Masonic Cemetery. . '.', ' . ''" ! SACK— In this city, September" 20, 1895, John C. Sack, beloved father of Mrs. Ed Larkln and Mrs. C. E. Thompson, . a native of . Bavaria, Qer» many, aged 72 years 6 months and 8 days. , 'H> A3" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORKOW (Sunday), at 2:30 o'clock p.m.: from Masonic Temple, corner Post and Montgomery streets, under the auspices of Mount Moriah Lodge - No. 44, F. and A. M. Interment Laurel Hill Ceme- tery. . .- • " SEARS— In Oakland, September 20, 1895. Mrs. Harriet A. Sears, aged 67 years. - ' , / ■ : JBTS"Tne funeral will taKe place TO-MORROW; (Sunday), at 3 o'clock p. m.. from the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Stone. * 'if -"V; TRUMBULL— San Rafael, September 19, 1895, Lizzie Brier, beloved wife of R. J. Trumbull, a native of California, aged 46 years. flPß" Friends and ■ acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the .Pres- byterian Churcn, San Rafael. Interment Cen- terville, Alameda County, Cal. ■■ UPPHOFF— In this city, September 20, 1895, ; Esther, infant daughter of John and Hannah Upphoff, a native of San Francisco, aged 8 days. POOLER— GRANT— ceremony of unveiling the monuments recently erected by the Wood- - men of the World to deceased members, Charles D Pooler and F. E. Grant, will take I place at Cypress Lawn Cemetery TO-MOBRO W(Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., Golden Gate and Redwood Camps participating. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to be present at thexere- .- monies.' ■ . ■■- ■■ '. ■• ■: ■■.■■■■■ ■ ■'■■--■ ■■ ' •-■ --. . " I UNITED UNDERTAKERS* EMBALMING PARLORS. ' Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals I ', - at Reasonable Rates. . ■ . Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. ' I MCAVOY 4 GALLAGHER, I ] FUNERAL DIBECTORS * EMBALM EBS, j 80 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoin School. . -•• Telephone 3080. ... . - •-...■ '■■_. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. I •re SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; J. laid out on the lawn plan: perpetual care; beau*, tlful, permanent and easy of access; see it before buyiuc a burial place elsewhere. , City Office, 9 City Hall Avenue* 15