Newspaper Page Text
14 LIMITS OF EVOLUTION. A Lecture by Professor Howlson Be fore the Stndents of Stanford University. A lecture on "The Limits of Evolution" was delivered at Stanford University by Professor Howison Tuesday evening. In the course of his remarks Professor How ison paid : ' "I wish to discuss the question calmly and critically whether evolution has indeed no limits. And I will ask first, whether it has no limits at all; and, sec ondly, whether it has not limits even within the world of phenomena, and, if it has, what those limits are. Within the suitable bounds of a single lecturo even these simple questions canuot be entirely treated; but I may hope to bring out two or three vital points, which if clearly pre sented should settle the matter in the main. "Truth, beauty, love, undenied human ideals, the principles of philosophic, esthetic and moral consciousness, as the indispensable presuppositions without which judgment of progress, on which the concept evolution wholly rests, would be impossible. "The elements— time, space, causation and manifestly logical unity, and pre-emi nently the three ideals, and, most of all among these, the moral ideal— are wholly unaccountable for by means of evolution, but on the contrary are all the absolute prerequisites for its reality as well as for its conception. But it is just the active originating unity of thinking these that make up the essential, the characteristic nature of man. For Cook's Bondsmen to Pay. Judge Seawell gnve judgment for the City yesterday in the suit against Joseph B. Cook, the former Police Court clerk, who is now in prison for embezzlement. The judgment is for $1260, with interest and costs. Cook's bonds men are George L. Wilson and W. A. Carnes, but the latter is insolvent. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BVSLHEBB OFFICE of the San Francisco Cat.l^- r .H Market street, opes until 12 o'ciocic every rlffct In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, rcrr«.i Clay, open until 9:30 o'clock. Jff Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 7]7L«irkln street, open until 9:30 o'clock. f-W.rorner Sixitemii and Mission streets, open n til f o'clock. 16J1- Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 11C Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE OF 31KKTINGS. ■^=5= DORIC LODGE NO. 216^. AND 'j, S^ A. M.-StatedmeetlngTHXSEVEN-_Z* ING, at 7:30 o'clock. By order of theW.^V M. A. KRONBERG, secre /^> irrs=> CALIFORNIA LODGE NO. i, f. • S-*' and a. M.. will meet THIS (THCKS- S\ DAY) EVENING, October 3, at ~:HO'5fV o'c'.o<'];. Stated meeting. By order of the /\^> Muster. FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. (f-^Ti ABOU BEN ADIIE.M LODGE Cf«s»' No. 112, I. o. O. F.— lnitlatldn TO-NIGUT. i§S<Sfc§? CHARLES J. SPEAR, R. S. Z@H*'^i . jfr^= GOLDEN CITY LODGE NO. 63, 3J-. tS^ K. of P., will be honored by an of- j^ ficial visit from the Grand Chancel!or3S<>K-« George Samuels on FRIDAY EVENING, 4-*S&2i October 4. at Pythian Castle, 909 Mar«.t-L st. ■■ Members of sister lodges cordially invited. E. W. K. LANGE, C. C. GHORor. Thomsok, K. of R. and S. f&B* THE QUARTERLY MEETING ./\, s»<^ of San Francisco Alliance No. 1 --t-'&'U-. will be held in K. R. B. Hall on THURS- ) %J^S , DAY EVENING, October 3, at 8 o'clock 'iSpl ' sharp. Fines for non-attendance. jTC- JOHN T. BLAKE, President. E. B. Dwyer, Rec. Spc. 9!ZS' NOTICE OF MEETING— THE REGU- SS^*^ lar annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nevada Bank of San Francisco will be held at its banking office, 301 Montgomery fit., San Francisco. Cal.. on WEDNESDAY, the ninth (9th) day oT October. 1895, at the hour of three (3) o'clock p. m., for the pur- pose of electing a Board of Directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meet- ing. D. r. DAVIDSON, Secretary. San Francisco, September 24, 1895. HSS 3 NOTICE— THE ANNUAL MEETING OP IsVJs' the stockholders of the Bank of California will be held at the banking-house, in this city, on TUESDAY, October 8, 1895, at 11 o'clock a. k. ALLEN M. CLAY, Secretary. San Francisco. September 23. 1895. SPKCIAJL NOTICES. w^^^Vo^s^KyoiASn XXdy"^gTves^al^ l*-» cohol baths. 850 Market St.. room 46. O" YOUNG GERMAN LAl>* GIVES ALCO- m+& hoi baths aud manicure. 17a Sixth, room 1. »T^s= YOUNG JEWISH LADY GIVES ELEC- tt^g* trie baths. Offices 47-48, 850 Market st. KSSp ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- edSSSOun. 317^ Third. George Hartman. Ijtgp MISS RITA CALDEIt, MANICURE m^S" and alcohol baths. Parlors 2 and 3, 122 Post. Dt^s= YOUNG AMERICAN WIDOW GIVES i^^ alcohol baths. 105 Stockton st., room 47. BtSS* FOR RALE-HALF INTEREST IN AN S»*-*^ Abstract of Title Company in Kureka, Hum- boldt County, Cal. System complete and full nearch of county lands in office. Cost to date, $10.- -000. Terms very reasonable. Full particulars given. Apply to J. McCALLAN, Eureka, Cal. St^jS" BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. «■"•*' Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy st.. room 6, TeL 5580. fCS* WINDOWS cleaned AND floors «■*-*' scrubbed, reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI <fc CO., 242 Sutter. l£^S» COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED, y IIP; costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. 29. 853p DR. E. PUGH HAS REMOVED FROM - »^^ 1104 Marxet st. to 428 Eddy. It^K CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; t**-^ no pain. Chiropodk Ir.«titnte, 36% Geary. gpS=» "KLKCTKIC AND MEDICATED BATHS &-*? 120 V Geary, room 11 : hours 10 to 10; $1 SITUATIONS WAXIED-FEMALK. ITUATION WANTED AS MAID OP. CHAM- berwork and sewing; good references. Call at 446 1 ehar.ia st. ELI ABLE COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS any kind of work by the day; is first-class laun- tiress; terms moderate. Call or ad. 136 6th, rm. 1. VOl'Mi SWEDISH GIRL WANTS SITU- -1- lon to do general housework: rity or country- ' Call or address 645 Stevenson st. , \ N ELDERLY GERMAN WOMAN WOULD -f\. like position for light hoasework. 336 Minna St.. near Fifth. pOMPETENT WOMAN, WHO IS A GOOD V 7 cook and laundress, wants situation in private family: -best of references. Please call or address „. 1231 Market s:.. room 11. .. WANTED— BY AN ENGLISHWOMAN, POSI- »' tion as nurse; can take charge of infant or 1 or 2 young children; good refs. ; Protestant. 712 Turk. GOOD SALESLADY WOULD LIKK POSITION In-roUHnery store. Address L. S., 1015 Market. GIRL-OF 16, TO DO HOUSEWORK OR CARE v /or children; tfH. 11 70 Market s:., room 96. VOUXO WOMAN WOULD LIKE A SITUA- -•- tlo-i to do general housework where she can have year-old child with her; is a good cook: is - willing to nork for small wages. Call 351k Minna. ANTED — SITUATION FOR GIRL 15 *» years of age to assist with light housework or mlnd"t>ne or two children; good house more of an ..object than wages: must be church-going Protes- " tanis. 411 Post st., basement. WANTED-BY A KESPECTABLE LADY, A »» position as working housekeeper or to do - housework in a small family; is willing to go in 1 'the country. Pleasecall at 237 Minna St., 2d floor. ENTLEMEN'S MENDING BUREAU. BOOM 7/ 1035 Market sU \ pOMPETENT GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO \J do cooking and hensework: city or country not afraid of wcrk. Call 53 Shipley st., rear. "V"KAT YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN WOULD J.l work part of each day for cast-off clothing for hiishtmd or buy if cheap. Address M.W., box 103. this office. : ELIABLE, COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS a bituation to do general housework; first-class cook. Call or address 231 Third St.. room 16 top floor. I'IURST-CLASS COOK: CAN DO ALL SORTS cooking. Apply last employer, 1533 Sutter St., side door. • ■ ■ . ' p HUMAN GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO VT housework: country prefeired; good home ; • More an object than wages; no children. Ad- dresi M. ".'.. box 10. r >. tbis office. ~\ M ERICA N WOMAN AND DAUGHTER J\. desire positions together: tine cook and man- ager; daughter competent all branches: excel- lent references; will go to the country. L. M.. box 55, Call Otlice. ■ •\7-OUNO LADY WI«HES SITUATION AS JL working housekeeper. Call 1002 Powell st. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES LIGHT i»l ..housework or car..- of children: can teach . mnslc: »10. R. L., Branch Call office, 339 Hayes st. ATKAT YOUNG GIRL OF 13 WI«HK« LIGHT • X> housework or care of a child *8. Address M A., Branch Call offlcp, 339 Hayes si. . ' IiSPfcCTABLE GIRL WOULD LIKE A PO- slt on as chambermaid in a private family .■■ Proteitaut. Apply 93 Guerrero, from Itosp. m. . T\KESSMAKER-FIRST-CLASS FITTER AND \J stylish draper and designer: thorough dress- liiaker: $3 a day. MISS WARWICK. 809 Ivy aye. STJRONG WOMAN WISHES TO DO HOU S work, washing or ironing by the day. 245 Fifteenth st. SITUATIONS "WANTED— Continued. TV OMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY; »» washing, Ironing, cleaning; or will wash flan- nels at home. Call or address MRS. ALLEN, 427 Stevenson St., rear, bet. Fifth and Sixth. A COMPETENT WOMAN, WHO THOR- A orouchly understandscooklng, willing to assis: In washing, and would not object to general house- work: kind to children; city or country. Address 426 Jones st. A LA Y OF REFINEMENT WOULD LIKE A J\. housekeeper's position: no objection to a wid- ower's family: city or country. Apply at room 2, first flat, Ninth st. pERMAN WOMAN WANTS PLACE TO DO VJT cooking and gem ral lionsework in German private family; wages $10 to §15 a month. Apply 664 ' 2 Howard st., room 11. . OOD IHr>S.MAKEK WANTS A PLACE AS vJT seamstress and will do second work; good ref- erences. Address orcall 177 Minna street. pOMPETENT GIRL WANTS A SITUATION \J as housekeeper or general housework. Apply at 226 Twenty-eighth St. A N T D— WASHING FINE FLANNELS » » and silk underwear; a specialty for ladies and gents: $1 per dozen. Call or address C. W., 123 Ninth st. - r.ffHS "LMRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL WANTS POSt- .I tlon. Call Home and Business Bureau, 819 Market st., Academy Sciences. TVrOUNG.LAPY BOOKKEEPER AND STEN- X ographer wishes position: best references: sal- ary reasonable. Home and Business Bureau, 819 Market, ■y"OUNG GERMAN WOMAN WISHES WORK X by the day; $1 50. Address 562 Stevenson st., near Seventh. yoIXG CURL \ViSHES SITUATION TO 1 tuke care children. Address C. C, box 103, Call Office. -.-x. --.-.- CANDINAVIAN GIRL WANTS EMPLOY- O ment to do general housework. 108 Sacra- mento st. V e tTreliablk PERSON WANTS a SIT- j-i uation to light housework; pleasant home more an object than wages. Address P. H., box 107. Call Office. SEWING OF ALL KINDS AND GENTLE- men's mending neatly done. 144 Fifth St., r. 6. pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY \J the day: good laundress and understands house- cleaning; references given. Please call 1104 Mission st. L- 1 Rsf -CLASS . DRESSMAKER WISHES A Jl few more engngements by the day or at home; references: terms moderate. 804 Larkin st. - QCANDINAVIAN GIRL WISHES" POSITION O for secondwork. Call or send postal to 327 Hill St., cor. Castro. Vf IDDLE-AGED JEWISH WIDOW WOULD I'l like housekeeper's position; has a girl 10 years old; city or country; references required. Call or address 227 Sixth St., room 22. pOLORED GIRL WOULD LIKE A PLACE TO \J mind child: sleep home. 772 Bush st. ■; ■ pOODCOOK WISHES HOUSEWORK. CALL vJ or address 503 Folsom st. I) ELI ABLE YOUNG GERMAN GIRL WANTS IV a situation to do grneral housework or upstairs work. all or address 318 a Seventeenth St.. near Valencia. IDDLE - AGED WIDOW (G EKM A N) would like position as housekeeper; city or country. Call or address 226y Ritch st., near Third and Bran nan. IRST-CLA SS DRESSMAKER DESIRES EN- -1 srnnement in families. Address W. M.. box 156, Call Branch Office, 116 Ninth st. \\'.\Ml.l)-!iY AN AMERICAN LADY A " situaiion as housekeeper: capable of taking care of hotel or lodging-house. Call or address 5% Kearny St., room 9. YOUNG LADY ATTENDING A BUSINESS X college wishes room and board for services morning and evening, also Sundays. Address J. J. 8., box 10a. this office. : wanted— position by a young lady '» as saleslady In cloakhouse or dressmauing es- tablishment. Address S., box 47, this office.' p ENTLEMEN'S MENDING NEATLY DONE. vJT Call at room 22, first floor, 105 Stockton st. VOUXa I.ADY WISHES SITUATION IN X hotel as cook or waitress, city or country. Call or address 150 Fourth St., room 28. "y OUNG LADY WISHES SITUATION IN COF- X fee parlor and bakery. Call or address 744 Clementina st. N ELDERLY LADY (FRENCH), FOND OF children, wishes a position as honsekeeper In a widower's family. Apply 15:9 Clipper st. yoCXC LADY WISHES POSITION AS X housekeeper. Ad. MIS 3 IRIS KORYRETT, 234 O'Fnrrell st. ■yOUNO WOMAN WANTS SITUATION AS X general housekeeper; speaks French; no ob- jections to country. Call or address 601 Turk st. V EXPERIENCED WIDOW. IN LODGlNu- house or widower's family. K.ooni 7,1035 Mkt. l\ INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR *' Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable; free bus to and from the ferry. TVTEAT GIRL WISHES SITUATION FOR l-> housework or second work: no objection to children. Call 355 Jessie St., near Fifth. 4 CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK ■fi- of any kind, city or country. 843 Howard st. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR »» Market: electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week; free bus to and from the ferry. SITUATIONS WAN TED c77r^6^rk^s^o^r^?R^?sliE?rTooKil • all branches; shortest notice. 14 Geary. SITUATION AS ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, stock clerk, timekeeper or driver delivery- wa:on, cltv or country: five years' experience in this city. Address E. G. H., box 78, Call Office. OOD BARBER WANTS STEADY JOB SAT- urday and Sunday. Address G. G., box 134, Call Office. ' "yOUNG MAN WANTS SITUATION AS X driver of delivery-wagon or clerk In store; good references. G. R. 8., box 36. Call. yOUXO MARRIED MAN, FARMER. UBED X to thoroughbred and blood horses and all kinds of stock: wife can teach stenography, music, etc. ; want employment. W. HUNTLEY, P. 0., San Francisco. . VI AN, WILLING AND reliable, WANTS iH work: experiencea in wholesale fruits, grocery and lnmber. G. 8., box 95, Call. Tp NG I N EER— EX PERI ENCED, RELIABLE XJ man, stationary or marine, with United States certificate, wishes a position. Call or address 1122 Larkin st. ■WANTED— POSITION BY YOUNG MAN IN " wholesale house or retail store; wages no ob- ject; want a chance to work up. F. E., box 14, Call Office. f A NTED— WORK BY AN EXPERIENCED «« bedmaker, German. Please address G. MAYER, BSS Sacramento st. GOO D~GEISMAN COOK WANTS STEADY work in hotel as second cook, lunch cook or porter. W. Di»LL, 7 Alice st., off Folsom, bet. Third and Fourth. pO A C lI M AN — THOROUGHLY EXPERI- -\J enced in car and driving horses; gooa gardener; can milk: handy with tools; lje*t of city references. Address A. S., box 75, Call Ofli . ■ N I TURK AND gARRET SALESMAN I wants position: city or country; reference. Ad- dress B. R., box 10, Call Office. WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN. SITUATION »» as accountant; city or country; references. Address J. G. 8., box 87, Call Ofllce. x peluence r> young man WISHES XJ place as clerk in cigar store: can give refer- ences. Address C. S., box 103, Call Office. iV. .. OOKKEEPER.iI YEARS' EXPEItiENCE IN wholesale, desires position In any rapacity: best of references; wages no object. S.. box 10, Cull. UATION AS READER OR COMPANION for invalid by gentleman of education. Address M., box 120, Call Office. CIOOD DISHWASHER OR KITCHEN HAND \J wants work; restaurant or hotel. Address E. H. 8.. 23y a Sixth st. ■ "yoUNG MAN FROM CHICAGO OF GOOD AD- X dress and business ability, age 20, wants a re- spectable position with money In it. Address M. D., box 132. Call Office. ACTIVE YOUNG MA .V WITH SOME EXPE- - I '*- rience as butcher wishes position where he can become proficient in the business. Address J. L., box 20. Call Office. , QmXATTOIff WANTED— FIRST-CLASS TIN O and sheetiron worker: city or country; best of references. Address T. T., box 67, Call Ofnce. WANTED-.* SITUATION BY A MAN AS .'• porterorman about place: is wiillnz to work and can give good reference; small wages. J. L., box 72, Call Office. HANDY MAN WANTS WORK AROUND hotel, loriglng-liousp or on ranch; good carpen- ter, paintt-r, etc. : or would go as watchman. E.W., box 105, Call Office. • YOUNG MANTS A POSITION AS HOTEL A clerk, salesman or some employment of that kind; best of references. Address E. J., box 10, Call Office, Oakland. Y OUNG MAN WISHES TO ENTER Ma"- X chine shop »s apprentice or helper; wages not so much a consideration; can furnish the very hest references. Address M. D. 8., box 92, Call Oflice. T OUNO MAN WANTS TO LEARN DRUG X business; six months' experience as clerk. HENRY GUILBERT, San Jos , Cal. SITU ON BY YOUNG MAN OF 20 TO work In wholesale or commission house; has had *J years' experience; can furnish references. Address J. E. H., 128 1 hlrteenth St.. S. F. SITUATION NTED BY FRENCH-SWISS O man and wife on winerauch: man good wine- maker, wife good housekeeper. French Wine- niaker, 516 Pacific st. *• MEAT OR PASTRY COOK BY A YOUNG colored man:. hotel preferred. Address E. A. box 41, Call office. ■. , eli a blTTman WANTS situation in -It grocery store or working foreman on ranch. Address A. W. P.. Frnltvale, Alameda Co., Cal. ' . KM ALE IiULP WAKIEI). WANTED-MOTHER AND DAUGHTER OR »» 2 friends to cook and bake for an institution, near city, $55 per month. W. D. EWER <fe CO.. 626 Clay st. VV ANTED-L-OOK, $30; BAKER, $25, FOR #.v!-«o n^." UlItl0Dl near clt >'- wD. EWER A vU. : o^o Llay st. i THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1895. HELP WANTED— Contlnned". bok AND SECOND GIRL, COUNTRyTS2S and $20: maid, $'25: second girl, $25; ntirse, $20; 20 housework girls, city and country, $20 and $26: 6 yount: girls to assist, $10 to $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton U. \yAITRESS, $20: MOTHER AND DAUGII- • * tcr. chambermaid and waitress, $20 each. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. \TEAT YOUNG GIRL, LIGHT WORK, $15. ii MISSCUj-iLEN, IQSStocktoost. GUSEWORK GIRL, COUNTRY, $30. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. pOODCOOK AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK vJT girl, country, references, $25; Scandinavian housework girl, $25; Swedish girl, house- work. 3 Id family, no washing, $20: 2 housework washing, $20: 2 German girls, housework, iifrnwn cooking. 818 and $uO: neat young girl, living with parents, rpstairs work, $16. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Ocary St. pOOK TO WASH AND IRONER; STARCH VJ pieces sent out; small American family, near city ; stc-a the year round $25. C. R. HANSEN * CO., 110 Geary st. ESTAORANT WAITRESS. $5 PER WEEK; call early. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Gearv. TRONG HEALTHY WETNURSE, $25. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 10 Geary st. ANTED— COOK AND HOUSEWORK. 3 IN »» family, a short dUtance. nice place, $30, see lady here at 10 to-day; second girl and laundress, $25 ; girls for housework. Oakdale, San Luis Obispo, Stockton. Mill Valley. San Lf>andro, $25; nnfse. speak German and French, $20: French second girl, $20: and more than 60 girls between 15 and 40 years for all kinds of work at going wages. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 312 Sutter st. WANTED— A LARGE NUMBEK OF PRO- t» tet^int girls for all kinds of work in city and country. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 312 Sutter st. WANTED— LAUNDRESS, $26: KRENCn OR It German cook, small bonrding-house, $30: French housework, $25; German or French nurse for grown children. $.25 to 30; housework, small family, $30: French second, $15. LEON ANDRE, 316 Stockton st. pHAMBERMAID, $20; WAITRESS, GiSR- \J man. $20: g'rl for light upstairs work, $12: 10 girls for housework, small families. MRS. HIRD, 705 Polk st. QP. GIRLS: COOK AND BECOND GIRL, £O Healdsburg, $25 each. MME. LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton st. . ANTED— COMPETENT NURSE FOR IN- fant, must, travel, $30: head waitress for dining-room. $25: nurse and seamstress, $30: 60 housework girls, clt-- and country, $25 and $20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT. WANTED— 4 NEAT YOUNG HOUSEGIRLS, »» $16; German cook, $30: Swedish housei/irl. $25; 4 housegirls, $20; 2 girls, *12. Call 332 Geary. Tir OMAN to do LIGHT HOUSEWORK IN a »" pialn family; good home; wuges $5. 1 Sev- enth Bt. O YOUNG CAPABLE GIKLS TO HELP MAN- £i age. with gentleman owner, roadhouse; piano players preferred. Address Y. G., box 99, Call. OU SE KE E P E~R WAXTE D— SMALL wages. Call bet. 11:30 and 12:30. 121 Fourth, upstairs. P PRENTICE TO LEARN MILLINERY. 2161/2 Grove st. OPERATORS AND FINISHERS ON CAPES and jackets. MEYER A MILLER, 121 Post st. yOUNG GIRL HELP WAITING ON TABLE'S X in coffee-house. 505 Fourth st. ANTED— EXCELLENT COOK and laun- dress. 2603 Stelner St., firs'- house fm Pacific. Gi IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: LOOK r after children ; $12. 241 iy a Folsom st. GIERMAN GIRL, 11 TO 14 YEARS, FOR VJ board and clothes; good home. Call 8 Eighth. y OUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK"- X no cooking. 1417 Geary st. , GiIKL TO TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN : $8. X 901 Post st. • "* OMEN AND CHILDREN WHO ARE SUF- '» ferlng wi:h asthma. 221 Davis St., upstairs. T71.H.E1-; LE>SONS; HAIRDRESSING, MANI- X coring and lace treatment. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post st.. room 20. XMRST-CLASS TAILOR AND FINISHER AT J ARMAND CAILLF.AU'S, 46 and 48 Geary st. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO TAKE CARE baby: (tood home; wag(R $10. Call at restau- rant, 202 Townsend st.. cor. Third. OOD WAITER-GIKL WANTED. 1055 MAR- vjt \ st. TA joress wanted as pants fin- isher. 218 Waller St., near cor. Valeuclaand Market. ANTED— PROTESTANT GIRL FOR DIN- '« ing-room work: duties light; wages $12 per month. Address P. P., box 72, Call Office. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK: WAGES $10 TO $12. 1445 Ellis st. IRL TO TAKE CARE BABY; WAGES $8. Apply 631b Minna st. G1 OOD FINISHER ON COATS. 627 NATOMA VT street. WANTED— MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR A '» family of 2 In Berkeley; a good home; small wages. Address R. F., box 14. Call Office. IITLE GERMAN GIRL OF 14 OR 15 FOR ■i light houseworK. 1519 Devisadero st. ANTED— 2 GERMAN APPRENTICFB ON »» Une ladles' suits and coats. HENRY WERTH, ladies' tailor. 643 Post, 1 flight, nr. Jones. ANTED— ONE FIRST-CLASS WAIT » ' In private boarding-house; references required. 916 Van Ness aye. NUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHT woman as managing oflice agent. Sospita Company, office 63, Donohoe building. WANTED — YOUNO WOMAN FOR PLAIN » » cooking and general housework. Apply bet. 9a. M. and BP.M. at 1303 Laguna st. . ANTED-LADY SOLICITOKB FOR JOB '" printing; a good opportunity. 25 Seventh st. r OUNO GIRL FOR LIGHT HOL'SKWoBK. X 2716 Folsom st. yOUXG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. X 554 Church St., between 18:h and 19th. yOUSG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- X work. Apply 2114 Green st., after 10 a. m. GOOD OPERAfoirON-'cUSTOM COATS AND one on vests. 730 Howard st. rriAILORESS ON FIRST-CLABS VESTS X wanted at 109 Grant aye., room 27. - ANTED — A FIRST-CLASS COAT FIN- 'T Isher, at 935 Market St., room 11. p OOD OPERATORS ON WAISTS AND WRAP- VT pen*; work by power. H. FRIEDLANDER, 409 Hayes St. - MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO GENERAL housework. H. KIEPEN, Ocean View. LADIES TO LEARN THE" ENTIRE ART OF J French millinery: competent teorhers; guar- antee to graduate them in three months: fitted for firat-cl.iss positions. 234 Tayior st. HAIR-DRESSING, 26c: MA.MCURING, 25c: morn, and evg. : 10 If wsous, $1.5 >. 1248 Mission. TJEFJNED YOUNG LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS Jt as saleslady and bookkeeper in dressmaking establishment. Address, stating experience, D. I., box 60, (ull onice. ' t adTeTTto LEARN DRESSMAKINO. cut- J-i ting, fitting and finishing by the World's Ka- mous System; dressmakers furnished by the day positions free; putterns, latest stylos, cut to fit, 25c up. McDowell academy, 213 Poweii t. LT S. TAILOR SYSTEM OF DRE^S-CUTTING' > ♦ actual measurements. 14 McAllister, room 67. INCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD, N I a"r '» Market— Electric lights In every room; 200 rooms: 26c to $1 50 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week ; free bns_to and from the ferry. Oi Q ELLIS-MOZART, ROOMS '25"Tb1l a *Jl.u night: $1 26 to $6 n week; very respectable. MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; . .„, Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market- -200 rooms; 26c to $1 60 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week free bus to and from the ferry. piANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY -»- schooled artist: lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. JMiENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- made suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAlllsterst. ROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRKHSCUT- tIng and making school: all branches. 702 Sutter. MALE 11 ELP WA > TED. 101 " -. »23 Men and boys to nick grapes, dry and box raisins, work in packing and dryinj houses, wine-cellars, etc., $23 per month and found, for a Tery large company near city. MURRAY <fc READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. , ' 1 A CARPENTERS. CITY AND COUNTRY, lu dW: rough carpenter; 2 box-makers: J6 men. to work In wine-cellar, $20 and railroad fare refunded. MURRAY <fc READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. PHKF COOK, $50 TO $60: SECOND COOK. \J $36: pan-.ryman, $25. for same place, see boss here: 6 cooks, $30 to $55: 2 waiters; 3 dlshwash- t-rs. $15 and $20: 2 coatmakers; man to klll«hoj?s, $^0 and fare pnid; laundrymnn, $1 50 day; 2 Jap cooks, $25. MURRAY A READY, 634 and 636 Clny st* •> MEN AND WIVES. ON DIFFERENT *J ranches; 20 farmers, orchard and vineyard hands. *20 to $25; 16 laborers, city and country; unear city; boy for garden, $15. MUR- RAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. WANTED-COOK AND WIFE FOR INSTI- »T tutlon near city, $55 per month: 5 laborers for city, long job and sure pay. $26 per month and board: Irish milker, city, $20 and found: young or e.derly man to wash dishes for small boarding- house, $10 per month and good home; laborers. cooks, waiters, dishwashers and 50 others. W. D. EWER A CO., 626 Clay st, TjiRENCH , OR SWISS COOK, $100: HEAD X cook, country hotel, $70: assistant cook, $30- -vegetable-man. $20; German cook, restaurant, $G0; second cook, $40: Nonh German butcher and sau.«age-maker, $40 and found. C. R. HAN- SEN <t CO.. 110 Geary at. BAD WAITER," FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary si. ] ft 2-HORSE TEAMSTeTs FOU RAILROAD J wor., $25 and found and , frCe fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. 1 0 TEAMSTERS FOR RAILROAD WORK, he -?, 1 ,. 7 -? * day and free fare c - R - HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary st. - ■ '.■■■. W*22 D-nuTLER, $40; WAITER, $30i , Be £°,S d cook> P lain . ' lOt^l. $25; teamster, street work, carperjt?r, $2 75 a day; oyster cook, ♦40, eic, LEON ANDRE, 315 Stooktoa st. - . HELP WANTED-Contlnued. • AN'I'ED— STAiBLI:IIrXN7f2S^ND^"6TTNtr; f » pondman for mill: tlusmith. $7 60 to $10 a week; timberman for mine, $2 50 a day ani board ana increase, fare paid, must speak Spanish; tie- makers, 10c each ; woodchoppers, cooks, waiters and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. . . 9 HAMMER-MEN, $30 AND FOUND, FARE paid; 3 teamsters, cltv, $26; 4 laborers, city, *26: tlmher-faller, $60; barker. $26; butter- maker, $20; cobbler, $2 a day; farmhands. 8*0; orchard-hand, $16. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. W ANTED— CARPENTER, A DAY. COUX- *' try; plumber, $2 75 n day; man for private. $15. room and board, etc.; Japanese cook nnd waiter for 10 people, $40. room and board, eic: dishwasher, $15, oic. : Japanese boy. family 2. $15. MARTIN'S Employment Agency, 719 Market st. W anted-all" CARPENTERS to know ''that there are plenty of carpenters in San Francisco; all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. All help can be supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters at 115 Turk st. or 23 Mnthst. District Council meets at 115 Turk st. on Wednesday evening. : W" NTED-A GOOD TRUNKMAKER: NO »» others need answer. D. D. WHITNEY, Los Angeles. RST-CLASSPANTSMAKERTO WORK IN X our shop by the piece. M. J. KELLER COM- PANY. Onldand. FI '-CLASS CABINET-M WANTED. FINK <fc SCHINDLER, 1303 Market St. PLUMBER" FOR MEXICO. ADDRESS R., X box 72. C-ill Office. Man TO TAKE ORDERS FOR PRINTING. Apply 519 Filbert st. \\T ANTED-BOY OF 16 FOR GROCERY BUSI- J_]_ness. 734 y Broadway. BOY— GOOD FEEDER AND MAKE-READY on Gordon presses. 709 Sansome, bet.ll and 12. FARM HANDS WANTED. APPI^Y 6 SACRA- mento st. MEN AND BOYS WHO ARE SUFFERING with asthma. 221 Davis St., np3tairs. ORESSMAN WANTED on CUSTOM coats. X 504V^ Sixth st. U U R N ER-OFF; SMALL JOB; BRING TOOLS; J-* early. 26 Natoma st., near First. T\RESS AND MEN'S FURNISHING SALES- J-J men; window-dressers preferred. A., box 89, Call Office. W HITENER WANTED AT 138 ELEVENTH • ' street. GOOD BOY WANTED TO LEARN LOCK- smith and machinist trade. Address 8., box 18. Coll. .....' .^-. T3USHELMAN WANTED. 21 THIRD ST. S~ TRONG BOY— MUST SPEAK GERMAN; O live with parents: carry out papers, books. 1167 Folsom st. GOOD TAILOR ON COATS. 527 NATOMA street. ■■; ; .-.•;.• C TELEGRAPH LINEMEN: 1 GOOD OUTFIT O cook. Call 53 Fifth st. \»rANTED-3 CARPENTERS. 828 HARRI- ' » son st. ODD BARBER WANTED AS PARTNER VI for 25c-shop in the country: must have $350 and be either German or American. ; Apply WILL & FINCK Barber Supply House, 818, 820 Market st. "" ANTED-BOY TO ATTEND STORE; ONE "" living at home: must have references. Apply at 8983 Mission. JOB PRINTERS AND FOLDING PAPER-BOX 0 creaser: must be experienced. WEMPEBROS., 573 Market st. HOTOGRAPHIC PRINTER WANTED. AD- X dress IOVa sixth St., Godeus Art Stndlo. MKN "WANTED TO SKI.L MANHATTAN Food:horsemen use it.C. KE RTKLL, San Mateo MA N WITH 7 5 A S PaTTtNKR IN A RE- llable established business: sure and steady profits. See owner, hasemi'iii 81)9 Mission st. aTTbkR-SHOP" FOR SALE; 2 CHAIRS: IN country. Apply 11-13 Grant aye. BEST-CONDUCTED 50 MEALHOUSE. 636 Clay St.; open day and night. SEAMEN AND (A Rl'I.N FOR EUROPE and all parts of world. 103 Montgomery aye. EAMEN POBaI PARTS OF THE WORLD* Apply early, HERMANS, 228 Pacific St. GOOD PIKIBHKBON CUSTOM COATS. ALSO I" an experienced apprentice girl. 1044 Howard. AJLOKs' PATTEKX COMPANY— ONE SUIT of patterns sent for $1 : satisfaction guaranteed: particular attention paid to country Orders. Ad- dress American I'uttern company, 776 I'MCiticave.. Alameda;also a new and simple system taught, $10 A LE S M ! N WANTED TO SELL OUR GOODS >~ to the wholesale and retail trade; our goods h»1I on sight: liberal salary or oommtssioa paid; position permanent. For particulars address Cen- tennlaJ Manufcir.urlns; Company, Atlanta, Go. Factory, Milwaukee, Wls. 1 A GOOD TAILORS; STEADY WORK; GOOD Xv wages. 541 Market st. \\T A NTED-2 EATHTUIJS, BOILER, TANK '» andpip»s: in good condition- state price, etc. Address HERMAN KOCH, Vallejo, Cul. PP. RYAN. ANATOMICAL* THEATRICAL boot and shoe roaker.ll 7B y Mission st.,cor.Bth A LESMKN— TO SELL TO MERCHANTS BY O sample petit ledgers, coupon books and other spei;ia!:ies: side lines; ready sellers; largo line. Molel Mfg. Co., South Bend, hid. A MERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, 319 SAN- JrV. some St.— fieonened; European plan; light airy rooms, 2,' c to $1 per day, $1 to $4 per week. $4 to $15 per month. Housekeeping rooms #4 per month up. ARBKItS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- X> ment secret&n-. CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. MEN'S SHOKS i^SOLEfTTOc: LADIES' SSC. 1M- done In 10 minutes. 9£9 Howard st. OZARr73I9 ELLIS, ROOMS 25C TO 60C night, $1 25 toS6 week; reading rooms. YV INCHKSTKR HOUSE. 44 THIRD, NEAR » » Market : 200 rooms; 25s a night: reading-room: free bus to and from the ferry. \yiIAT CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO • » St.: 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. "\YrANTED-15 MEN TO TRY OUR SQUARE " meals for 10c. 60 Third st. ■ h E RAILROAD HOUSE. 533 commercial I- St., below Montgomery: single rooms 15c night. 26c for two; best and cleanest house iv town. \4 EN'S SHOKS Vi-SOLKD. 40c; HEELS, 25c; i-'X done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St., basement. TTIREK COFFEE AND KOLL3. 704 SANSOME; X' single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week. WAN'IED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE »" their wages to plaro accounts with us; law ond commercial collection: no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTJON_A'iENCY. 110 Suiter, r 4. I>EST PLACK IN CITY FOR SECOND-HAND i> shoes, 726 opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Sixth st.: mislii shoes bought or exchancetl. LIVK MKN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- door work; will pay competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. rpKY ACMK HOUSE, 9J7 MAKKKT ST., BE- X low Sixth, for a room; 25c a night; $1 a week. 3f>l KLLIS, ROSE I) ALE— ROOMS TO 60c ■^X anight: $1 to $3 » week: open a!l night. T INDKLL HOUSET BTH ANir iIOWARD— XJ tingle furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night. \%: ANTED- LABORERS AND MKCHANICS "to know that Ed Rolkln, Rpno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night: $1 to $3 per week. W'ANTKD-MKN TO GKT BOTTLE SHARP '» earn beer, sc: bottle wine. r»c. 609 Clay st. WfANTKD-SINGLE ROOMS. 160 A DAY; $1 » » week : rooms for two, 25c a day, *1 60 a week; reading room- dally papers. 3ft Clay st. SHOKS HALF-SOLKD IN 10 MINUTES: done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all done at half price; work guar- nnteed. 562 Mission st.. bet. First st. and second st. I (if MI:N TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c. 160 xy V/ nnd 20c a night, including co«e« and roils. 624 Washington st., near Kearnv. BEST IN ClT?^-"SINGLE ROOMS7io72O~AND i, 25 cents per night; SI, $1 25, $1 50 p*r week. 1 eclßc House .Commercial and Lctdesdorff sts. 400 MKN'SSECOND-HANDEDSIIOKS.SOME ■±\J\J nearly new. 25c to $1 25. ■ 562 Mission st. ARBKRS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. 'J^rliers' Assn., 12 Seven h. H. SCHEUNKRT. AGENTS WANTED. ~~~ W ANTED— SOLICITORS TO SELL MONITOR '» water-filter In Alameita County; good wages. L.L.SALSBURY, 1002 Broadway. Oakland, 9 to I-L- A. M» SOLICITORS; ENERGETIC LADIES OR gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- cident Insurance; salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and 1 only.. International Indemnity Company. 206 Sansome st. . .. ' STOP— IF YOU MAKK LESS THAN $5 PER day call or write, male or female; all' make money selling our novelties. ALUMINUM NOV- ELTY COMPANY, 1608 Market st. ADVERTISING AGENT: COMMISSION: ES- tabllshed 9 years. 408 California St., room 7. CITY SOLICITORS, SALARY AND COMMIS- sIon. Ba-ter Portrait Co.. 432 Hutter st ADV AGENTS "TO SELL MME. KAASH'S JJ preparations i<h the skin; good wages. 14 Mc- Allisterst.. roomss7and 58, rtosp. m. PRACTICAL DISHWASHKR; $5 A DAY J made easy: sample to agents $3.'. Oakland Specialty Company, 962 Broadway, Oakland. . . CALIFORNIA MUTUAL benefit society VJ wants good agents to work its accident, and sick insurance; liberal Inducements offered. J. W. HANNA. Secretar>-, Murnhy building. PARTNERS WANTED. PARTNER WANTED IN A MANUFACTUR- -l ing business, silent or active: capital required $5000. for which real estate security will be given: no manufacturer of these goods on this coast. Ad- dress S. s.. box 13-V. Call Office. - .' HOUSES WANTED. riOTTAGE OR LOWER , FLAT: 6 TO 7 \J rooms: modern Improvements; Western Addi tlon; rent reasonable. Address P., 717 Larkin st. BOOKS WANTED. ~" W ANTE D- ROOITrANIT BO A rF^OfTpIANO ' '» lessons; professional. D., dox 72, Call Offlcf. ; FPRyiTUKKJ 'WANTED. \ M E P. It ' AN FURNITURE COMPANY WILL -t*- pay yon the highest cash price for your furnl- ture, carpets, etc. 1129 and 1131 Market. A UCTIONEER J. C. ML'THER. 7i9 MARKET -T\. St., pays highest cash prices lor furniture. . ILSOTN BROS..T7IOM ARKET~ST.TFU"RNI- TT ture bought and sold: telephone, south 762. ALWAYS BKFORE SELLING SKE H. J. LEUTHOLTZ, 821 Mission, bet. 4th and sth. HO. KRASKY. CARPET!*, PICTURES. . folding, iron beds, furniture; lowjirices; Cal. stepladder manu'.actd for the trade, 79 Mission. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE AND MER- chandlse. L. H. BURP Amvlonoer.lo Fulton. WANTIii)-IiiSUELLAXKOUS. wTn^Fd— T^oTiETrfT^LETsE^A^iTALL »» well-improved place wlhln t-.O miles of San Francisco by a careful prompi-paylng tenant. Ad- dress with full information Exchange, box 141, Call OfHce. A MATEURS HAVING AIGOOD CAMERA TO -rV dispose of will do wtll to write C. C. HON. Sut er st., Stockton, Cal _ WANTED — SECOND HAND 30-INCH PA- »» ncr-cutter in good condition: write to orcall at 1054 Eroaclway (upstalrs'i, Oakland. MACHINERY FORMANIPULATINGGRF.EN coffee: give particulars. Address S. G., box 110, this office. LEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothmc. hocks and Jewelry: pcstaL . MEDICAL. ANEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRtT- s\. ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician ;knowledge can be sent&usedat home;all case«j_guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. DR. HCHMIDT, 1508 MARKET— DISEASES of women: hours 1 10 3 and 5 to 6 p. m. PROF. SHI PLEYJTAPE-V.ORM SPECIALIST. 906 Market st., san Francisco, has cured 1800 tapeworms in past 14 years here; read circular of symptoms; consultation free; call or write. PROFESSOR A. L. CURRY, TAPEWORM X specialist, has removed to 921 Market St.. bet. Fifth and Sixth: consultation free. RS. DR. DALE - QUICK RELIEF FOR Irregularities, whatever cause; practiced since 1872 San *n\ncisro; 40 years' experience: trav- elers helped: no delay: no instrument use 1; home in confinement; pills $1. 1328 Grove st. R. RICORD'S PILLo. EXPRESS S2 60: SAFK, sure, reliable: Rlcord's specialties, females. Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. S FrITcUREFOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES. O from whatever cause; a home In confinement with every comfort; Ratlsfac ion guaranteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. 226 Turk st. AIIIES — CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEX- -i nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: cafe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," In letter by return mail; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. - - . ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES RE- H.rored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at anytime; travelers helped at once; home in con- finement: French plli3 guaranteed; consult free. MRS. dr. WYKTII, 1(16 Post st., near Larkin. WHY THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY ' t on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee to restore lrregnlarities In to hours with our new discovery, which is safe and sure. Prloe $5 Call or address MME. KARKOW Woman's Dis- pensary, l'JO6 Market St. ~-; X , \■■ ADIKS. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. i EJJ ARY , sure care. lSijlVi Mcrket street. LL IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DB. SCOTT, now of 119-121 Powell St., the on'.y reliable specialist In San Francisco: $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause; special attention todlseasu of the eye. THE "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE." FOR X either sex: send 2c for Information or 50c for trial jar. TAYLOR CHKM. CO., box 189«. B. F. D" IsE A s i . S .A N D IRREGULARITIES OV women: when others full consult DRS. GOOD- WIN, 1370 Market St.: consultation free: plils. $2. \|RS. DR. WEUENKR: PRIVATE HOME IN •'• confinement: irregularities cured in a few hours without operation: pills $2. 419 Eddy st. 1> p RUBBER GOODS: " s END FOR ILL'S. . X cat'l. ACMF RUBBER CO. 235 Kearny. \t AILLARD'S FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER i'l fails to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. ■ Price 5. Acent, KDWIN W. JOY. Powell and Market sts., Sun Francisco. . • tv DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotencr, nn.l all disorders of the sexual organ*: $1 box : 6 box«sSS: send for circular. WIDBER'S Drug Store, 14 Ellis St., sole agent. A LI'EAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO" A ladies trouhled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 60 express C. O. D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. "I F IRREGULAR OIi~ANY FEMALE dTsEASK X Kt-e Mrs. Dr. Puctz «nJ be content. 'Js4Vi| 4th. CLAIRVOYANTS. A^'^ita-^x^a— a— ''""''"""r"" I'^"1 '^" ~~-—~ A PROF. F. EUGENE. PROF. F. EUGENE. HAS REDUCED HIS PRICE $1 AND UPWARD BIS WISE. BE WISE. BE WISE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Remain not in darkness and Ignorance, but seek the light of wisdom and learn what the future holds ioryou, lI'S parlors continue to be the point of great attraction. All are pleaseil with hIM readings. Consult him aud secure the Good Luck churm. PKOi-\ EUGENE, 1320 Market St., parlors 9 and 10. T7«THELGRAY, CARD READEK AND PALM- Xj ist, removed to 1031 Market at., parlors 1 and 2. PRESENT. PAST AND FUTURE, 25c. MME. X LEGGETTE, 311 Tehama st., near Fonrth. A? ME. RAVENA RETURNED; SITS DAILY: i»-L names given,2sc up. 828 Howard t 4th<£s'.h. CLAIRVOYANT AND LTFe READEH; \J ladles 25c. 280 Clara St., bet. Fifth aud Sixth. M.MX. ARNDT. BEST GERMAN FORTUNE teller: only 25c and 50c: show you tb* picture of your future husband orwife. 724 Harrison st. M' ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and cards; tells entire life, past, firesent, iuture; consultations on all aiTalrs; 110 t- hing excepted; namt^s Riven: good advice: sure help', restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Im- possible : fee $1; letter $2. 929 Post, st., nr. Larkin. MME.MOREAU.WORLD-RENOWNt:DIRA.N cc medium; 25c up. 764 Howard St., In front. PROF. LEON. PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT, X life reader. 533 Post: 10 to 8 dally: also Sunday. UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER: maslc charms; lovo tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fottune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fee »1 anil uoward. 2328 Mission, nr. Twentieth. ■ _ ; \ sI'II'.iTtJALLSM. ~ TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 10c; MME Young, 605; skeptics invited. • * ia » MBB. MAYO STEERS, TRANCE MEDIUM; circles Sun., lues., Fri., 8 P. v.: Thurs., 2 p. m.: r^adiugs, 10 to 4. 101 Grove st., cor. I'olk. ADDIE swain, ASTRAL SEER; call if 1Y yoa are In trouble; no fee, except as -a gift. 105 Stockton st., office 6: circles Monday and l'rid. astrology" DR. MEAD answers all questions BY planets from date of birth. 737 Market, r. 10. A STRALSEER— PROF. HOLMES, 11 SCOTT -» V st. ; horoscope;), questions, stocks, advice. LOST. T^ST^ORsfoLEirI^RoSi^^TSvTVoLSOM ST. XJto2l6 Eleventh— 2 Baltic seal capes on Mon- day, Sept. 30. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to 216 Eleventh st. T OST— BITCHIHfiREED, POINTER A STAG- JL.i hound: color black and tan: long ears: glossy coat: collar and yellow ribbon. Liberal reward ior Its return to 11. C. BRINDER, Grand Opera-house. ESQUIMO DOG, OCT. 2 ; STEEL GRAY, black snout, white spot. Return to 1008 Post st. and receive reward. • TOLE.N— JAPANESE PUG, BLACK AND O white, et 2208 Powell St.; must be returned: tag number 1479. V UST— SEPT. 30; ENGLISH PUG; LICENSE Ju tag No. 1887. Return to 937 a Golden Gate aye. and receive reward. • . . T OST-A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Jj Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of MAGDALEN A GIL«;ENKRAN No. 196,464. Tto finder will pleas.' return to bank. T OST-FOX-TKRItIER BITCH; BLACK AND XJ brown head, red-lined nickel collar. Return to 1513 Jones st. and receive reward. PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE- THB FIRM NEVILLE ' COM- -Li pany, heretofore do'.ng business at 31-33 Cali- fornia street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, is dissolved. GEORGE H. BRYANT re- tires from the firm. SARAH A. NEVILLE and C. M. OSBORN. • the remaining partners, are au- thorized to transact all business in liquidation of said firm and have assumed all the obligations thereof, and all claims are to be presented to thorn > GEORGE H. BRYANT, ' SARAH A. NEVILLE C. M. OSBORN. The undersigned have formed a partnership nn- der the name of NEVILLE & CO.. and will con- tinue to curry on the same business transacted by the late firm of NEVILLE A CO. * SAP.AH A.NEVILLE, - - C. M. OSBORN. _ ATTORNEYS- AT-£awT * DVICE B REE? DI VO RCE '^AND PROBATE xx laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable; collections, etc G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market, cor.Siockton JOHN R. AITKEN. ATTORN E -AT-LAW, R3. . O 16 and 17. 40 - Montgomery St., cor. California. WW DAVIDSON, ATTOBNEY-AT-LA\V 1 . California at.. rms. 14-16: adTlo free. . . '. PHYSICIANS. RH E ■JI^TI^MT^N^irATGIXriJo^JT^SPE'- XV clal attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- ALD, M.1)., 1236 Market at.: at 04,7 to 8 p. H. ■ BICSCI.ES. PARK CYCLERY-NEWV WHEELS TO LET; X best accommodations. Terminus Geary. Mc- Allister aud Powell st. cur lines. CHANCES : ' ! j- - AND DELl- tiP^jiU. cacy store; receipts $10 to $12aday; r«est location: don't miss seeing this bargain. BARRETT A CO., 865% Market at; ■■■*•. |]||A 0 COFFEE SALOON; BUSINESS OF «iP X UUU . $50 perday : low renr : disagreement of partners cause of sale. BARRETT, 865 V Market. J]j X 9 BA KERY ; ALL COUNTER TRADK: tip <-»^«J. large store: 2 fine ovens: cood location: guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT A CO.. HtfSVfr Market, st. . . ffl*9^AA EXPRESS TRANSFER CO.; HAS '*J\jyj. the largest trade hptween this city and Oakland: ctear3 $-J5O to $300 per month pro- prietor owns his own property— barns, oiflces, stor- ages, etc.: ha* 4 finest teams running across the bay; worth $3500: one of nicest, cleanest busi- nesses in this Sta c: <siabtlsh<-d 15 years: grand chance for some active man; retiring from busi- ness. STENBERG CO., 632 Market.'opp. Palace. 9(\ A PARTNER WANT COR N A - ±j''\J. loon: trr.nsfer point: partner preferred to hired help: bargain. STENBERG CO., 63'J •Market St., opp. Palace. Q»OAA RESTAURANT, BRANCH BAKERY: «jp— Vt\.> . 4 living-rooms: rent $15; chlcten-yard, houses Included. STENBERG CO., 682 Market. fl>^CA BRANCH BAKERY, ICE-CRKAM, •ITttuv/. coffee parlor: location near Kearny St.; no opposition: controls large trade; cheap at .$800; splendid chance for man and wife. STENBERG CO., 632 Market st. , ■ ffl{l A A A WILL BUY MOST POPULAR. BEST- <T>XTt\/U established restaurant in city: very best location; near Market; all modern improve- ments: blj: stock: present owner retiring from business ; will allow trial until satisfied: one safe and cash register included: well worth $2000. STEN- BEHG CO., 632 Market St., opp. Palace Hotel. 9/Ta PARTNER WANTED IN WELL- tIpZiwU. payln; butcher-shop to attend outside delivery and colleclnsr: good wages guaranteed. STENBERO & CO., 632 Market st. ■ SjjT (\C\ PARTNER WANTED FOR OUTSIDE <ir !-"'"• delivery and collecting in good profit- able business with chance to learn fine trade. STENBERG A CO.. 632 Market st. VfOTICE— DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF -Li your business promptly? HEALY, 23 Kearny. ©QAA JUNK STORE FOR SALE ON AC- •jpOUV/. count of sickness: no rent to pay: furnl- ture of rooms included. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. © 7 0~AA REST., BAKERY AND LUNCH <p I \J\t\J. parlors: best io at lon In the city: es- tablished 30 years; business of $100 per day: full value for amount asked: urgent business elsewhere cause Of selling. Apply W. F. HEALY, 23 Kearny. <<Ji£nn RESTAURANT AND COFFEE- <T)OU\J. house; location unsurpassed: elegantly fitted up: business of $35 a day: party meaning business can have a trial. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. THAVK FOR SALE GROCERY -STORES, X liquor saloons, hotels, partnerships in all kinds of business, coalyards, etc. HEALY, 23 Kearny. PROLL A CO., REAL-ESTATE BUsTn Brokers and Auctloneeis— Large choice list of merchendise businesses, restaurants, hotels, sa- loons, grocery, bar, branch bakeries, delicacies, produce, wood and coal yards: buyers furnished and partners procured at short notice; lodging ana private furnished houses a specialty: furniture sold on commission or bought for cash. Office 719 Market st., near Third, L. PROLL, Manager. *9<iAn CORNER BARROOM IN WHOLE- fjp^yjxjyj. sale district; established for years with large patronage; bargain. Particulars 633 Cali- fornia St., Phccnlx Bar. AAJnT CORNER SALOON WITH CLUB- tiI'XvWU. rooms on transfer point of 2 car lines; low rent, good business. Inquire 533 Callfornla-st., <2»xf:a saloon WITH MERCANTILE >pOO\t. lunch on Third St., near Market: sacri- ficed because owner bought hotel. Call 633 Cali- fornia st.. Phoenix Bar. OAAA OLD-ESTABLISHED CORNER 'liOv/W. baron Fourth st., near Market: rare chance to get monthly paying saloon of $250 net. Inquire 533 California st., Phtenlx bar. ON OF TH i; BEST SALOONS FOR SALE ON account of family troubles; large stock; cheap rent: loug lease: heart of city: receipts $23 to $25 dally; terms cash; price SViJOO; no agents. Ad- dress F. G., box 75, this office. CjOAAA IMMEDIATE NECESSITY: CALLS (ipiiUUU. party to Europe; will sell hU Interest in established and remunerative business. Box 92, Call Oflice. TTOK CHEAP— COMPLETE and well- X I stocked candy, book and notion store: on ac- count of departure from city. 21 15 Flllmore st., near California. ESTABLISHED EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ; owner going East ; cheap. 21 3 Eddy st. SPOT CASH PAID FOICALL KINDS OF MER- chandlse; strictly confidential. R. J. box 36. afcl^A, PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT •jpi«JU. business, suited to plain, steady man satisfied with $16 to $20 a week. 9 Geary, room 2. tT'IRST ~-"~CLASS CHANCE FOR TWO PER. sous: restaurant, ln excellent location and doing good irade; will be sold at a sacrifice. 1104 Fill- more st. ffIjXXA CORJNER SALOON: BEST LOCA- *3SUOU. tion; well worih $1000; must be Bold on account of slcknes3. Apply REISER, Jonah Sa- loon. 21 Third st. . OR SALE CHEAP— ON PRINCIPAL BUSI- X\ ness strre 1 of Oakland, a well-equipped cash grocery business, including stock, fine fixtures, horse, wagon, etc. C, box 73, Call Office, Oakland. QOfjA A RELIABLE LADY PARTNER. <pOl/V_f. good manager, wanted In established parlor business; profits. Reliable, box 57,Ca11. TiOR SALE— $80; RESTAURANT; MUST X 1 sell this week ; leaving city. 496 Eighth st. QTATIONERY.NOTION.CANDY; COMPLETE O sock; well paying; established 3 years; de- parture. Apply Call Office. 01 ROCERY-STORE FOR SALE: WITH OR VJT without bar. 731 Seventh St., Oakland. UTCHER-SHOP; GOOD BUSINESS. bT BABCO, 436 Bush st. . VOR SALE OR RENT-MARBLE HALL. SE. X corner of Jackson and Kearny sts.: bar fix- tures; piano: tine bowling alley: place in good order; i. resent owner has run this place 6 years: selling; on account of othf r business. Call 8 to 9 p.m. i^AA MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: O\J\J. stock will invoice price asked; nothing like it in city; wholesale trade only: owner leaving city. WOOD & CO., 917 Market s"t. AN OF ABILITY - SALARY $100 PER month— as assistant manager in laje mercan- tile Business, established 7 years. In good location, with good stock, doing good cash business: to pnr- chiise one-half interest for 93500; stock inventory, $7000: no charge made for jrood will, as we desire a man of good ability to assist manage: close In- vestigation allowed: best of references required and offered. This is a rare opportunity for you to get Into an established, well-advertised and good- paying business, where you cun earn a good salary and make good Interest on your investment. For further particulars address Partner, box 47, Call. \\rAXTKD-MEN OF SMALL CAPITAL TO *» engarre la the following businesses: Hotel, harness-shop, drugstore and cenerai-merchandise store, etc.: best opening In the State; mills and factories employing lanje numbers of men : we will build for the rizht parties. For particular* address SHEPHERD 2 TEAGUE. 1118 J at., Fresno, Cal. pROCERY, BAR AND 6 ROOMS; GOOD COR- VJ ncr; cheap to the right party; a bargain. Ap- ply Call Office. liOR SALE— DELICACY, BAKERY AND grocery store: 4 living rooms, furnished; >ood reasons for srllinc; no agents. 718 Turk st. SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP— NICELY FlT- ted up. 819 Battery st. iriOß SALE-GOOD, NEATLY FITTED UP X I corner saloon. Inquire 18S Fourth st. AYING BRANCH BAKERY AND GRO- X eery: sacrifice If sold by 12th. 921^ Howard. ESTAURANT— LOW RENT; GOOD BUSl- ness for little money. Call at 1934 Market. ALOON 1-OB SALE— ONE OF THE OLDEST and best established saloons in the city, doing a flrst-ciass trade: fixtures first class; owner com- pelled to aro East at once, and will sell for less than half l:s value; do not delay, as this Is a chance once In a life, and will sell easily. Address H. H box 107. Call Office. 9Q-CAN MILK BUSINESS, 3 HORBEB. 2 wagons, etc.: easy payments: clears $150 monthly; no reasonable offer refused. J. C, 339 Hayes st. • I>OR SALE-PATENT RIGHT OF MOXKEY- X' wrench. . WALE'RED EBERO. 227 Jackson st. TT'OR SALE— GOOD-PAYING COUNTRY 8A- X 1 loon; full inventory. Inquire 641 Mission st. THE PALACE HOTEL ... X AT UKIAH, MENDOCINO CAL., TO RENT OR FOR SALE i ON LIBERAL TERMS. Inquire of J. M. MANNON, Ukiah, or WIL- LIAM HEESF.R. Mendoclno. <a» IA TO $100 INVESTED IN CHICAGO <JD L\J wheat or New York stocks on margin pays many times original investments and makes for- tunes: losses limited, but profits are unlimited: pamphlets explaining details free. BURBIUUGE & CO., Commission Brokers, 325 Pine st.. 8. F. T^AMILY HOTEL FOR SALE; ESTABLISHED 1 30 years: a bargain for immediate purchaser: 55 rooms, bar and dining-room. Apply R. BER- GEN. 609 Pine st. B^OR SALE— OLD ESTABLISHED BRANCH 1 bakery and stationery store: doing a good cash business. Call and Investigate at 2148 Mission st. rOR SALE — BAKKRY WITH HOl r SE~~ON X leased ground: long lease: old stand; only store trade. Inquire at 244 Fifth street. . XPRESS BUSINESS; STAND, SANSOME and Bash sts. J. C. FREDERICKS, Owner. ,- pORNER BALOON. WITH ROOMS: OLD \J stand; cheap rent. 822 Battery st. . ' : "PAYING RESTAURANT.NEAR CARHOUSE X steady trade; rent $15. 1009 Larkln. T?OR SALE— BLACKSMITH AND WHEEL- -T wright shop In country: strictly cash trade. Apply I. S. VAN WINKLE, 413 Market st. SMALL MANUFACTURING BUSINESS FOR sale. Full investigation solicited. W. A. SCHRACK, 21 New Montgomery st. <2»QX A HOUSE: 9 ROOMS: GOOD TRAN- «3)Oc)U." sient trade. Apply Landlady, 6 Fourth. (CjQPiA CORNER GROCERY & BAR: X <g)»jQU. trade: 3 living-rooms. WOOD, 917 Mkt. UNCTION CORNER FRUIT PRODUCE t) business. 1942 Market, cor. Oougn and Halght. ©9AA PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON ; tip Zi\J\J. good locatton on Market st.: no trlflera need answer. Address G. J. 8., box 6. Call office. OR SALE— A GOOD . SALOON. FOR FT)R- ther partlcu lars inquire at OTTO SCHINKEL'S grocery, corner i'.ryant and Lang, on sts. ' BUSINESS CHANCES— Contlnnat!. *• MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third St.. nenT Market. 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 80 to $3 l-er -yiMik; fr-e bus to and irom the ferry. - , IX)DGI>'U-HOllfcES i'OB SALE. 1 C>BX>OM HOUSE ON «EARY ST.: RENT $45 JiJj price $800. DECKER. 1206 Market' St. • DA-ROOM HOUSE TO EXCHANGE: VI H' OR OU country real estate. DECKKK. 1206 Market. -\ A ROOM HOUSE; POLK ST.. NEAR'CALI- . lU fornia: $300. DECKER. 1206 Market st. TENBERG COMPANY, 632 MARKET ST., "-' OPPOSITE PALACE HOTKL. 40 rooms, Market st., oak furniture .' — 2 £xß 14 rooms, bay-window, clears 99i, only. - oIHJ 16 rooms, near City Hall, finely furnished.... COO 24 rooms, Geary St., selling account of dea,th. liOO . MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY 101. 'AN. ... " T?OR SALE— LOG3DON HOUBE, 336 a BUS II -T st.: must sell on account of >;ickn>; oi the owner; house full of. steady roomers; cali and see ._ what a great bargain this Is. * _ q7»7~ANI) 869 MARKET ST.. opp« i ■ OD 4 Powell; best located lodging-house in the city; 175 beds: to rent furnished or unfurnished from October 15; special inducements .to a good live man. Apply to BENJ. M. GUNN <fc CO., 2-S . Montgomery st. __^ -. ' FUBNITUKE FOR SAIJr^ ojJp LF/rlTouTFrT'lwirilTtooMs $«o \J Brussels carpet laid "••"f|s? Heavy linoleum .'•» ' IUo Free nfickino; and delivery acros« the bay. Coun- try oitlers solicited. Send for circular. SHIRI-.KJB SHIREK. 1310-12 Stockton st. Open_eve«ings.__ " T) EDUCTIONS ON LARGE <3TOCK. NEW AND XV second-hand: 400 carpeto, good as -new, oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits. $19 up; linoleum"; 45c: ■- piece chamber suits, $i 4 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6: cash or Installments: goods shipped free. T. li. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. . ;. • pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE ANDCVJU'ET* : 1 ' Mi!h week a' MrCAKF.'S. "IS-a?)O Mission <'. PIANOS. VIOLINS. tITU.. . _ ' A BARGAIN OF PIANOS. "" All fully warranted 5 years. Cash, or easy payments. 1 Standard; rosewood: good condition $150 . 1 Nugent; an excellent piano: very cheap.-... 200 2 Gablers; thoroughly renewed: same as new. 250 l Marschall: practically new •. 225 1 Emerson: largest size: bronze panels 275 1 Estey: slightly used 275 1 Emerson; largest size; walnut: beautiful"... 325 SHERMAN. CLVY & CO, , Pacific Coast Agents Steinway Piano, cor. Kearny. and Sutter sts. Large selection of rentlrg pianos. F~~ INE KTEfNWAY, EXCELLENT .ORDER, must be sold. Room 21. 809 Market St. ' - IMMEDIATE SALE; uT'KIGHT PIANO; X small size: $50. Room 10, Flood building; •• \\T EBER. SOHM ER. EMERSON. LESS THAN "* halfcoat. BRUENN, 228 Post st. pBLKBBA.TED BUSH & OERTS PIANOS; \J tone unsurpassed; cases unique. A. L. BAN- CROFT & CO., 324 Post 81. ■» ii»BW STEINWAY, CHICKERING- AND Emerson second-hand uprights: almost new; - your own price. BOWERS «fc SON. 2;i i-ifth st. FINE EMEBBON PIANO FOR $125: GOOD as new. JIEIME. 410 Post st. _j QUPIiRIOR VIOLINS, /.I IHKRS. OLD NEW 0 iJ. MC'LLER, maker, repblrer. 2 Latham place. T3EMOVED— F. W. SPENCER & CO. TO BSS ' ' XV Post St., near Powell, tole aeents Conover, " Colby and Spencer pianos. 223 Post st. l\rM. O. BADGER WITH KOHLER&CIIASE, TT 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. " " " OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale in San Frauci.»co. J. HARRY SCOTT, . 929 Market st., Spreckels bulldLng. • .. ASY TERMS: LOW PRICES. KUHLJtB A • CHASE. . ABETT ER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A ■ goo'l piano by rentint;. Be careful to go to >■ KOHLER A CHASE'S. ggand SOO'Farrril s:.- YVeCKEU BROS.. STEINWAY, FISCHER A.ND ' •' U other first-class makea of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLJiIt <fc . CHASE n H and 30 O'Farr^U St. I>ARGAINS IN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS; EASY ' XJ payments. SCHM <fe CO., 935 Market st. .. AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MAN DOLINB, guitars and banjos at MAUVAIS'. 769 Market. KY RON MAUZY, £08 POST ST.— KOHMKR. Newby & Evans. Brlqa and other pianos. STECK. CHICKERING & SONS., VOSE AND . Sterling pianos sold onslo installments. BUNJ. CURTAZ «fc SON, sole agents. 16-20 O'Farrell st. CAKPKT CL KAN I NO. p AR PETS "THOROUG IILY~ CLeXnED^AND \J renovated same as new. 8. FERGUSON ik CO., 23 Tenth su Telephone nnmber. soucU 36. * AJATIONAL CARPET BEATING AXD RENO- JLi vating Works HAMPTON itBAILLY : layin? r.nd alterlns. 813-315 (Jneirero: 'tel. Mission "244. ' piTY STEAM CARPET-BEATING" AND \J Renovating Works, S8 and 40 Eighth st. G. H KTKVKNS. manager. Telephone No., south 250. "VITHEN you "BECOME DISGUSTED wfriT »" poor work send to SPAULDING'SPIoneerCae-' pet Beatln? Works. 353-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. . pONKLIN'S CARPET BBATINQ WORKS. SBJ \J Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. . fpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANIN«7 Xco. (tncorp.): old established carpet cieanlnj machines: cleaning 3o yard. 230 14th. tel. 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- 'I . ovatipg ivorks. 4.'.S tel. 3M28.- ' HtIRS. 8. GOOD H^SE^'oT'salle^EßY ciIEAK ' HUFSCHMIDT, 623 Golden Gate aye. Aft HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO'waGOVS rtXJ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wedne»- cay. SCLLIVAN «fe DOYLE, Auctioneers. 1 AA BETS SECOND-H A N lI A N ESS ~ALL Xv/W kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, cart»; ' also 20 cheap horses. Flfteer.tli and Valepcla nts. AVAOUAS ANI> CJAKItIAIiKS. ONLY— PHAETON COST "$2OO. 1402 iJpO\J Valencia st.. cor. Twenty-fifth st. "• OR SALE— HACK, BAKER AND LAUNDRY' wagon, tine buggy and rockawav. '828 Harrison. SEWING MACHINES." ] ■pENTED $1 60 A MONTH; CUT RATES- '.'■ XV patents on sewing-machines having expired we can sell you latest Improved machines for one- ■ third regular price. 145 *ixth st. •. . '- LL KINDS si wing-machines bought . ' sold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest - rates. 205 Fourth s:., r.uar Howard. • KNGIXE FOR SALE~ '•■ ■ ■ %p^.*)\J. capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per-. ' kins Pump and Engine Co., 117 Main s:., s, F. " '.- FOR BALE-MISCELLANI,O(iS. . -■ ATA B A A ONL Y^A^FEW^SfT' . ~£\- those sample carriages: all kinds of carriages ; at factory prices. CAL. RATTAN CO., so' to-81" First st. •' MALL SCREW AND GEAR -CUTTING' :" O lathe, 14 inches b-tween centers: tools cpm- • ■ pleie; cabinet-maker's outfit complete; small' en- ' glne and boiler. 1400 Van Nes3 aye. . • '.' - ATA BARGAIN— NATIONAL CASH BEGIS- ' 2\- ter. 1100 Powell st., bootcstand. U KB E R STAMPS AND PRINTING .CHEAP" • The Globe, 1433 Market, bet. 10th and i Ith.. . • PEDIGREED FOX-TERRIER: 6 MONTHS < old ; cheap. 207 Front st- ■ • • • lAMOND RINGS, PINS.- STUDS, brack- l»ts and ear-rings nt half store prices. L'NCLE - - HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. ..'..-"■ 4 LL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT xi. ami sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 810 California. • "r PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $75\- THE - . O lot. 328 McAllister st. ■ TVT TION A L CASH REGISTER, .SAFE, : -L> scale, letter-press, ilesk: cheap. 102 Clay st. * . VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECdNI> i> hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California -' -. 71 OUNT E R S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J hoiightanri!«old 1121^ Market bet. 7th and d:U DKNTIBTS. :•'•"*.- .■ •• ~, *,' p ROiJME D ENTAIT ASSOCIA TIO^IhS M A B> \J ke:, bet. 3<l and 4th, gas specialists;: only rell-*- ~ able agent for painless extraction: artificial teettl frm $5; rlllln?sfrni $1; extracting SOcwith gassl. • &rj A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTEITis «JP I good as can be made: filling $1. DB.BHCM& dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin"Theater; : ' *, D8.H..0. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH . .• without plates a specialty: 1841 Polk st.. B. LUDLUM HILI., 1443 MARKET, ST.", near Eleventh: no charge tor extracting when, plates are made: old plates made over like new;. teeth from $8 per set: extracting 50c: gas given. ' pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- ' • \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DEC.KER. :• •• IrtlltST-CXASQ DENTISTRY AT "^LOWEST prices at Obdontunder Dental Parlors. ■815% • . Geary st., bet. Hyde and Larkln; extractions (painless) for 60 days more, 50c. R. L.- WALSH • D.D S., proprietor. : . ••<-.••, J.J. LEEK, 1206 MAR KET. COR. GOLDEN . Gate aye.— Open evenings: Sundays tilt noon.- R.REA.BOO TURK ST— ALL DENTAL WQ»g at lowest prices and warranted : open evenings. LL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR- ranted. DR. J. W. KEY. 1122 Market stt DR. G EORGE W. LEEK. THE GRN-UIVE • Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extractlou- and patentee of improved bridge work or 'teeth without any piato, moved from 6 to2o O'Farreil st- STOKAtiK OTORAGE OF FURNITURE. PIANOS, lIOBSFU ' O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIBRCR, 788 Market st. WILSON* BROTHKKS. 1710 MaklvKT- ''Storage; low rates: telephone South 762. -•: * LMRST-CLASSbTORAOE ; ADVAXFesMadF r 421-423 Market su CH AS. U TAYLOR. jcyvExvk it£ it s AM) SUPPUe^T 5 TN VINCIBLE RIBBONS' AND CAPB"(V?J X are absolutely guaranteed. United Tynewriter • | and Supplies Co., 413 Montgomery st. Jl • Uer