Newspaper Page Text
.'., '-* v HOUSES TO LET. °^ \ r •. l HOUREj 4 ROOMS ; JONES ST., 5 betwesn Union and Filbert: rent $17 50. Ap- >ly 10C, S. CAPP & CO., House-Brokers and Real estate Agentß,.4l3 Montgomery st. J \ DMA t* CAN'T SEE, BUT YOU CAN— l\- The best list Of houses at BALDWIN _HAM- kIOND.'IO Montgomery n. . • "-. .)- 8 ROOMS, WITH EVKKY MODKRN i .; nicely dfcoraied: refined leichbofs; 4ff-foot sunny yard: kind landlord. »AM LICHTENSTEIN, 15 Oraßtave. • EOUBES. 6 AND 8 ROOMS, PERF ECT ORDER: reduced $127 60 and $30. 1319 Webster. • <■)>) PEB MONTH; 6 ROOMS: LABGEBASB- jt>_a_^ mcnt;yard; 14 Cedar aye., near Larkln St. LAT; 5 SUNNY" ROOMS; $17. 912 ELLIS street. ■ _______ r)7« 1 A WEBSTER. BET. BROADWAY' AND -OIU Vali.;o- Bay-window hous-; 9 rooms; iue marine view ; rwit $35. HAY-WINDO\K HOUSE.— BOOMS, BATH; sonny yard. 609 Fell s'.. _ . \TO\ CAN SPEND DELIGHTFUL JUAYS IN X the bouses you rent from BALDWIN «E HA_i- MON D, 1-0 Montgomery st._ UNNY HOUSE— S3O EDDY,NEA» LARKIN; {< rooms: bath: rent > ■>): \\nter free. I't'UNI&HKO; iiOUSKS. 5999 V MISSK>N^7~ROOMS; ' BATH: ___!_.■ crn rovemenU; sunny: desirable; :beap. \k ODERN HOrSET'ROOMS. .T35. OR FURNI- -M tun for s.*o; rooms rll rented. 2 ldell iiLace. off Golden Gate *vp-. near Hyde st. ioii.V^iS TO LET. UNNY HANDSOME MODERN COTTAGE OF •71arserc>oms-. hinh asement; flower garden: n *ram. bell of Mission; also lOr sale good parlor set 7 pieces and iin elegant chamber set, navinz no room to'saine. Apply lo Diamond st., or E-ASTON- KLi> ti JtH Market su ____^_______ C'TY 'ft 9M U COTTAGE. 3 TAY ST., i)ll.iO(J. nenrcor. Clay aud Powell. VF *T < 5 ROOMS; BATH, CEL- l\.Ur,yara,sls. 11-J7 Twentieth st. OCNSYi COTTAOES OF 4 AND 5 ROOMS, O bath basement, yard: Dolores and Fifteenth. _____ FLATS TO LET. VTE AT UPPER 'I- AtTTbAY-WTWDOW; 7 J.N rooms and bath: Doloroa St.. between Twenty- third and Twenty-fourth; rent low to agood tenant. pply to C. S. CAPP A CO., House I rokers and Rtal-Estaie Agenta, 413 Montgomery st. A" 'BLIND MAN CANT BEE, BUT YOU CAN—" A Tuebest list «t~ flats at. BALDWIN <fc HAM- MOND, 10 . SUNNY CORNER: 4-ROOM FLAT; KF.DUCED from $-22 50 t<j $16. NU. cor. Polk and McAl- lister sts.,orSrECK -CO. O ELEGANT-NEW 7 AND h ROOM FLATS: £• all bay-windows: sunny corner. ' Guerrero and Wghtecntli sts.: $30 and $32 60. • TOWEB FLAT ; 6 ROOMS; BATH; $17. 127 Xj Oltve aye., near Van New. ' O9C SITTER— NEAT ! LAI': 6 ROOMS AND c/_;O bath: reui modera:e. Call 2to 3 p. _._ dfcOn FLAT 5 BOOMS; BATH; BASEMENT. <^_cl/. 3134 u'Farrell st. ♦J SUNN Y FRONT ROOMS AND BATH: SI 4. 0 NE. cor. I'olk and Jackson sts. i_(l U WEIt FLAT; 3 ROOMS: CELLAR: «^'/. yard. 1008 Natoma, near Eleventh: rear. SUNNY FLATS, f> AND 6 ROOMS-: BATH; yard. 6a Shotwell, near 14th: $18 and $20. UNNY" MODERN FLAT: 5 BOOMS; bXt_~; all conveniences; cheap. 434 Fourteenth st. OUNNY' UPPER FLAT; 3 ROOMS: YARD; O water free; $12: 356 Third st. QQA EJ »DY -FINE NEWTIVKH FLAT 6 X tJO\J roojns and bath; rent reduced to $25. 9 NEW ELEGANT FLATS. WITH LAROSE yard and basement: rent low. 1-39 Eighteenth. KKDUC ED— s4o ELEGANT, NEARLY NEW fl.-.ts to.*. ': $25 flats to Sii to $16. SPECK _ CO., 602- Market st. -yOV CAN SPF.ND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN 1 the flars you rent from BALDWIN «t HAM- MOND.- <_99 -t\ 7 ROOMS AND BATH; MODERN: vJ_.-_i.«Jv/. bay-windows: water free. j.5 Henry si., near Sanchez. VEAB CITY' ' HALL: 10. 141,143 GROVE ST; _> 3 elegant sunny flats; 6 rooms each. . . ., . :., LEG ANT N 1 : W FLAT, 7TH ST., BELOW _ Bryant, 5 and 6 rooms; bath: if S to $16. C_9' MODERN FLAT 8 ROOMS, BATH; 1 — •'• or 2 families. 1128 Howard st. <T_l "i NICE CLEAN COZY' SUNNY' UPPER V' 1 '- flat 4 rooms: handsomely papered; bath: gooil neighborhood. 720 Ivy aye., near Hayes and Jiui-iifciiiiu sts. C«Q $9 AND $10: 3-ROOM FLATS. 26 CHES- tj^Q. ley su, off Harrison, Seventh and Eighth. t>NEW ELEGANT SUNNY UPPER CORNER _■ flan: 6 rooms; bath; attic. 1232 Eighteenth st. flfcl/1 Kl-A.l OF 4 BOOM& 12y SHERIDAN •_ LXJm at., bet. Ninth and Tenth. S 1 O LOWER PART OF 16 ELLIOTT PARK, steiner. near Geary— 3 large rooms: marble mantel: cellar and yard. Inquire at 1911 Geary st. <3j "I Q SUNNY UPPE R CORNER FLAT OF. 5 <« J-O. rooms and bath; cor. Twenty-secona and Dolores. TO itET— FLATS 1245 EIGHTEENTH ST.; 4 rooms, bath and yard: rent slo, $11 and $12. QUNNY' FLATS; 3 ROOMS, ALSO ONE OF 4 O rooms and bath; garden. 1706 Post st. CHOIOB SUN N V FLATi~7 ROOMS AND bath. 1314 Fell st., near Broderick. <_99 'A 6 CHOICE SUNNY ROOMS AND I—I'OXJ.1 — I'OXJ. bath: upper flat. 1712y Hyde st. Ql£ UPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS: NEWLY '^■I\J. painted. 106 Park aye., off Bryant, near Hxth. &1O UPPER FLAT 6 ROOMS AND BATH; 010. newly painted. Apply 33 Thirteenth St., Bear Howard. . Q"IQ 1996 GOLDEN GATE AYE., COR. XO, Lyon— New lower flat lust built; 4 rooms and bath. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE .WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the T"n!t*d States or Canada one year for SI 50, post- .agefree. ' . .. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. "^ ! Buchanan Street. jf>A9 BUCHANAN. COR. FELL — SUNNY \i\J+i kitchen, dining-room, bedroom; $17. '. ' ■ California Street. . 9^O"J CALIFOKNIA — 3 ELEGANT FUR- «- -'OX nlshed rooms for housekeeping; cheap. 1-AOA CALIFORNIA — HOUSEKEEPING x_O'x rooms; stove; gas: bath: running water. : Clonientlna Street. 00 CLEMENTI NA — 2 LARGE PLEASANT — .O rooms; unfurnished; cheap rent. ' '- Eddy Street. m EDDY — 3 ROOMS FURNISHED COM- XX _ plete for housekeeping. ____~__ Q7 r EDDY — TWOOR FOUR UNFURNISHED UX*J rooms; private family; fine location. Ellis Street. f*O(i ELLIS, COR. LARKIN-BUNNY FUR- \JKf-u nlshed front room: housekeeping. 090 ELLIS-LARGE^ROOM: PARTLY FUR- <J_.Q. nislied; tlreplace; bath; use of kitchen. Fourth street. 99c FOURTH— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 4*&*J light housekeeping; ulso single. i ' " : Fifth Street. 0 1 FIFTH-2 SUNNY FRONT HOUSE- _,« i_ kee P' n « rooms; also 1 back; bath: private; $10, Sp. . , 4901 FIFTH-2SUNNY ROOMS FURNISH'D |__-U)a complete for houskeeplng;waterln kitchen : . ' . *'olBom Street. FOLSOM— 3 SUNNY UNFURNISHED O-JU.rooma; range, hot and cold water. . • POIiSOM— TWO NICELY FUHN'ISHED .UUl'rooms complete for housekeeping. ."■ " ■;! Geary Street. 99QT1 GEARY — SUN.VY ROOMS, COM- . • ) 1-j plete for housekeeping: open 12 to 2. 79c GEARY' — 2 LARGE NICELY FUR- *t_ Jt? nished sunny rooms and kitchen, complete for light housekeeping. Golden Place. 9 GOLDEN PLACE, OFF GOLDEN GATE *- aye. Hyde St.— 3 rooms, bath and yard: $16. • ~ ! T 7l : . Halght Street. ~~~ ~ 7OQ HAIOHT-2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED I O«7 rooms for housekeeping; 'no chiltlren: rea- sonahle. . ■''i'l.-.-' liurrison Street. 4.1 Q-HAKRJSON (RINCON HILL)-3 FRONT _:_t/ rooms for 3 eentlemen or man and wife- bpusekcepliig and b_th. ['-'. Howard Street. *i9Q Howard— NICE LARGE furnished KtZiO room, light housekeeping, for man and wife. Ql ; 7. HOWAKD-2 FBONT SUNNY BOOMS, OX I yard and kitchen; good conveniences. . Tl DO lIOWARD-FUP.NJSHED ROOMS FOR -*- - - O<_ ; honsekeeping ; also single; reasonable.. •, Q^Ol HOWARD-NICE. SUNNY SUITB OF yjii'Z honselit-fpini: rooms: also a single front Ji_l! room and others; gas and bath; also 1 large tlpcfole front room. : ■ • -• * — yd© Street. ]0l HYDE, NEAR TUKK— NICELY FOR- d-jced D , roonss for housekeeping; rents re- U, . ' - Jessie Street. 43S f EPPI , E i B * AR °* MINT -2 NICELY cheap ; U ard. UniJy rooms ' hou»ekeeplug; HOCSKKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. .. _-' Jones Street. n-\ 7 JONES-SUNNY- PARLOR ROOM, $12: vl also single sunny, *7. ■• ' ' — _arkin Street.. Q9£ LARKIN — SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING O-1U apartments; nicely furnlphed; central. 1 f\f\U ~ LARKIN— 2 HUNNY FRONT ROOMS. JLUUO unfurnished, $14; single, furnished, f4. ' TTVOifti LARKIN-3 LARGE BUNNY ront IVF_i»U2 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; »17 60. ••;■■. - X .e wig Street. .. •"-:' ;'; "'"; .; ; ■; f % ■] Q LEWIS, OFF TAYLOR, NR. POST— LARGE X.Q unfurnished room and kitchen, $8; water free. v'-.'-;Vv" Minna Street. .• = •. Q7"l MINNA-LIGnT HOUSEKEEPING; Oil large, pleasant front room, closets, stove; private family. . ,■: ii- MINNA— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR *J —\J housekeeping; large yard. . ■ Mission Street. QO'l MISSION-BRIGHT, SUNNY HOUSE- iJ**Oi keepinij and other rooms; gas. bath, etc. * Olive Avenue. 1 .1 A OLIVK AYE., NEAR POLK AND O'FAR- XXXJ rell— unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. lark Road -\ C PARK ROAD, NEAR COR. BAKER AND xO Halght— 2 large sunny furnished rooms for housekeeping; cheap rent. • •'• . Post Street. Q99 POST — TWO NICELY FURNISHED t/__j rooms ior housekeeping: rent, $10. . Seventh. Street. iQf SEVENTH— 2 NICELY FURNISHED -LOU front rooms for housekeeping; veranda and yard. ■ - . - Silver Street. -I nr. SILVER, nr. FOURTH— FURNISHED 100 sunny rooms for housekeeping. ' tixtn Street. ■I 9A" SIXTn— 2 FRONT ROOMS FURNISHED 1-.U complete for housekeeping; private. On SIXTH — sriTH' OF FRONT ROOMS X_jU complete for houseke- ping: also others. South -Park. 1 n SOUTH PARK— SUNNY, WELL-FUR- J,D nished, bay-ivindDw housektep rooms; cheap. Third Street. |AOTIIIRD-i! OR 3 NICE SUNNY FUR- -±U«J nishod rooms for housekeeping; cheap. V. ... 1 urli Street. .rrj-| TURK 3 ROOMS FURNISHED. FOR <'ii housekeeping. TWenty-sixth Street. "I "I -;i TWENTY-SIXTH, NEAR MISSION— J,iU2Two furnished housekeeping; rooms, $8; also three, $10. Twenty-third Street. 9A A TWENTY - THIRD. COR. FLORIDA— 3 Uu furnished rooms: bath, gas, laundry: separ- ate store; take Howard-st. cars to l-'.orida st. Valenci - Street. nnp VALENCIA — 2 SUNNY FURNISHED -I'D front rooms for housekeeping; bath, gas; rent $16. 91 rs VALENCIA— 2 OR 3 SUNNY ROOMS —XU for housekeeping: bath. - ' pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the | United States 01 Canada one year for SI 50, post- *«e free BUUMS TO _E_. Bush Street. 797 BUSH — PLEASANT FURNISHED I _ I rooms: suite and single; light housekeeping. _ *evlsadern Street." DEVISADERO— DOUBLE AND SINGLE uUU front sunny rooms; gas; bath. Eddy Street. El A EDDY— LARGE NEAT ROOM: FOLDING t)lv> bed; front single room; private family. C] X EDDY'— LARGE SUNNY' FURNISHED OX tj rooms; gas-stove: reasonable. ; • Eighth btreet. mHE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 x sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable central; very moderate prices. 28 Eighth st., near Market. A. W. MANNING. Ellis Street. AC)r\ ELLIS-FRONT ALCOVE AND ROOM _ _;U adjoining for housekeeping; running water. ', f«QQ NICELY" FURNISHED SUNNY UOO room; $10. . ... 79A ELLIS— NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE ' I— U sumy rooms, $6 and $6- T.'L " " 'i\\~~. Geary Street. _[9X GEARY-5 eTkGANT ROOMS: OFFI- ttOtJ ces for physician or conservatory of music. i 79Q GEARY — SINGLE ' AND • DOUBLE • .— <O rooms: use of kitchen if desired. ? . .■ ~t < Herman Stieot. 9' HERMAN, NEAR VALENCIA— 2 LARGE -U sunny rooms; gas and bath; use of kitchen. Goldea Gate Avenue. CO' GOLDEN GATE AYE.— FRONT ALCOVE «J*-tJroom: also single; newly furnished; family. 799 GOLDEN GATE AYE.— FURNISHED i— — and unfurnished rooms. Uyd« Street. JOOI HYDE, NEAR O'FARRELL — SUNNY __CiO2 single -front room; $7. ■ . . . • 7AQB HYDE— AND BACK PARLOR; I \JO sunny; and kitchen: $18. '-■■•-.. \ '-;*•'- boward Street. 1 9*_l HOWARD— NICBjuY FURNISHED X^LiOrt front room, suitable for.l or 2: cheap. 1 1 QO, HOWARD— LARGE BEDROOM, SUIT- IIOu able for 1 or 2 gentlemen. . i-v:' Kearny Street. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- A aut sunny rooms, en suite and single; first das* In every respect; terms reasonable. _arkin Street. m LARKIN — 1 FURNISHED BUNNY front anlte; also same for housekeeping; reasonable. __9A LARKIN, COR. TURK— FURNISHED . __iU front room, $8, with gas. Leavenworth Street. . ~ K1 Q LEAVENWORTH — 2 UNFURNISHED UxO sunny rooms; suitable light housekeeping. s Market Street. 707 MARKET— SUNNY FRONT I O 1 . bay-window suites; single rooms,- $2 per week np. '.THJfftHfIB&JIMI OKA MARKET, COR. BTOCKTON— OOVi for physician; most centrally located. , •\TOREMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and snttes; per night, 35c to $1.; wfwk, $1 60 to $5 : families. McAllister Street. 99£ a MCALLISTER ST., OPP. NEW CITY — .— . U Hall— Snnny furnished rooms: $6 and $10. Minna fetreet. O.On MINNA. COR. EIGHTH— NICELY PUR- l''Jl nished bay-window room $1 a week. •..->.,.■ v Mission Street. £M Q MISSION — NICELY FURNISHED BIN- U-LO gle rooms; 15c to 60c per night; $1 to $2 a week. •.-.•».. ■ ■ ■■ ■ :--., v - 7£Q MISSION-TO LET, A LARGE, RUNNY I UO furnished room, with stove; $8 a month. "1 91 MISSION— FURNISHED ROOMS, SIN- 11—1 gle or en suite; reasonable. . UROPE- HOUBE. 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnUhed rooms, single or en suite; transients Ninth Street. "I £>jr NINTH-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT XV/O rooi.i, suitable for 1 or 2; cheap. ; O'Farrell Street. A'-)C O'FARRELL — NICELY FURNISHED — \s room for 2on sunny side, $10. ■■"; " Powell Street. OVCPO W B L L — SUNNY FURNISHED -It* rooms: $3 and 810. Seventh Street. , I Q7 SEVENTH-FURNISHED ROOMS FROM. XO I $1 a week up; housekeeping; transient. . ■ Sixth Street. OO SIXTH — THE HILLSDALE, SUNNY 00 rooms: single and «n suite; $1 to $1 CO a day. 19Q H— NICE FURNISHED, SUNNY XjLO front room ; rrasonable. 9/19 SIXTH— NKW_Y~FURNISHED ROOMS; _^__v gjn_le »1, double $i 60. - ■ - ... fiutter street. P_f_9 SUTTER-SUNNY' NICELY FURNISHED O\J*j room; rent low. - ■ ■-...-■■;■.•• Taylor Street. _ QOQ TAY-LOR-LAROE SUNNY . BAY-WIN- OVtO aow room: running water; gas; bath; large garden; board very reasonable. ■ ■ ■• - - ; -, .Third. Street. - . -: "\\riNCHEST_R HOUSE— 44 THIRD, NEAR • T Market ; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 26c to $J. 50 per night ; *1 60 to $6 per week; electric llgb ts In every room ; reading I'm ; free bus. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1895. ROOMS TO I.F.T-<;ontlmi«»<«. I V;rJ-'; Van '.-■-> Aveune. kAI van >ess aye. — NICELY FUR- ovx nlshed sunny rooms; terms reasonable. - (fji- ■ - Miscellaneous. • . : T^OR RENT-TO 1 OR 2 ! GENTLKMEN, _ nicely furnished sunuy front bay-window room; a.l modern conveniences: located 'about 8 blocks irom Kearny and Market Bts. : private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1. Call. ' ]?OR RENT— TO GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- X nlshed sunny front bay-window room,"prlvate family; 8 blocks from Market and Kexrny; refer- eiifes. Aildnsj X. Y. Z.. bo\ 1. Call efficf. BOAKIJiNC, AKI) KOOAIS. \ LA ME DA; ell ESTN UT^StTst ATIONI^bS9 X— San Antonio aye.; 2 sunny front rooms; fur- nished; board or not: private fumlly. THK " ABBOTSFOBD, BROADWAY AND x Polk st.— Quiet and homelike: charges modor- ate- board optional ; all cars direct. 74.^ PINK — PLEASANT ROOMS; EXCEL- -1 T:O lent board; $20, $25 aud $30 per month. ,. 099 GEARY'— BUNNY SUITE"; SINGLE; — i-j good board; running water: yard; bath: reasonable rates. ■ SK'l A NEAT COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS; YARD. *jp — Turk st., cor. Scott. ' ■ . 7^9^ EDDY - SUNNY SUITES: SINGLE \J—\J rooms; board;' special rates for breakfast and dinner. '■ ..." ..'::•/... ■JTOTEL BERTLING, 714 BUSH-OPENED AS XX. a famliy hotel; references given and required; ill nii).;cr!i convonicnc<»s. . "- C_fj_t>KK>i BOAKUKU. HAPI J Y, UUIET^IOMIi"FOR"i OR~lTcHli^ dren: 2 ladies; no other chikirfn; mother's enre; near school and Gol.len Gate Park. Address, or call cvi _|iib». MIS. MORLKV, 1192 Halght st. S'IOKKS i..- _XT. TjiOR.RENT ESTABLISHED CORNER GUO- X cery-storp. northeast corner Geary and Wil- liam sts., ncai Taylor. C; 1 T STOP.E 3 «m"s; GOOD for" TAILOR, IP J- 1 • shoe or dreßa maker. 909 Folsom, nr. sth. FOR RENT— CORNER GROCERY: NW. COR. X Kearny and Broadway: 350 ; good stand. TORE: COR. SEVENTKKNTII AND MlS- aion sts.; $25. Apply 409 San Joso road. OFFICES TO _XT. ELEGANT OFFICES IN SEW SPRECKELS building, 925 Market: rents low: no extra charp.- for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or U. H.-UHBSKN _ CO.. 14 Montg. _t. STABI.ES TO _ET. ; A___^^T_aZsTwXT_Rl W- cheap. M-OJSKY TO LOA>. \ NY SUM 6¥^K)S^iYrCOrAVATCH^s7DIX- -v mornls, jewelry, sealskins; lilgliest price paid for old gold, silver; busin"ss private: pos- ta) ordi-re attet.deJ to. Weaiern LoauOllice, 7 4t!j. VO COMMISSION AND NO CHARGE FOR -i-^l makinnout papers: come direct to loauer on your lurniture arid pianos: city and Oakland; low t-st rates, without removing. 418 Ellis, room 22. TKICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 O Market, cor.btockton.rms. 17 and 18,nrst fioor: established 30 years: always open. "Uncle Bill." ANY SUM: FIRS I' OB SECOND MO'RT- gagca, estates; no delay. I'.PII Y. 6'JB Mkt. ICAtO 60 CENTS PER MONTH FOB EACH *J\J *10<). accordlnc to security: any sum; also second mortgages. J. O. R., box 87, Call. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IST AND JND mortgages, undivided Interests, estates; and on furniture or pianos, without removal, in San Francisco. Oakland, Berkeley or Alaraoda; any r.mount; lowest rates; all business confldentlaX Call or write to BECKER, 240 Mon:gomery su Ml >NKY LY'INGIDLE; WIL_M\KE LOANS; $5 per month interest on each $1000 from $5000 up and 55 cent" por month Interest on euch $100 from $i! 00 up. L., box 6, Call Office. LOANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS without removal, in city and Oakland; low in- terest; deultngs strictly private. Ul^ Powell it. lAMONDS, PIANOS, FAMILY JEWELS; high amounts advanced; perfect secrecy; low interest: private entrance; gentlemanly attend- ants. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. "\.«ON_Y ON ANY' sECVB IT V : STKICTLY -♦—private interest moderate. 126 Kearny ai..r. 39. ANY AMOUNT: IST, 2D OR 3D MORTGAGES: estates, undivided interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLUAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. ON ANY SECURITY. AT LOW RATES; dealings confidential. 43 Crocker building. 1 51V- CITY, COUNTY AND COLLATERAL BK- |OB < -uritics. TRAVKRS _LAI» B, 512 California. ANY AMOUNT OF MONET ON WATCHES, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all valu- ables and ijecuiities: private olllce: lusiness con- fidential. Columbia i_oan and (X)l:ateral OHice (Incorporated), 9 Grant aye., 3 doors froai Market. .\fONEY-» LOANED- bar ' JEWELRY AND -U other valuables at the Security Loan OlTlce, 1100 Market st.,nr. Mason: private emrance 7 Turk. BORROW MONEY ON YOUK DIAMONDS, -L> jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal: lowtst rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL _ CO.. Mills bldg. sth Moor, r 8: s:ric:ly ronfldontlal .'FINANCIAL. vj, EC A N^LO^^^TjITMONFrY^ ON^S.~Fr^ND . '» Oakland real estate, first morteage, at 7 and 8 percent. A. F.JOHNS <fc CO., (532 Market st., rm.9. ANY SUM OF MONEY' ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estnte: lowest rate: call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONaN. 1021 Mission st. fc.JDUCATIO.NAI, T ~ Ml^boTt^s^cTTol^lT^^sXckTmT^nT^ -»■'— board, Knglish, French,' German, piano, $30 month; separate French kindergarttn; coach. MBS. MELVILLE SNYDER, 619 VAN NESS liL aye.; oratorical, vocal and dramatic academy; clbssqs and private lessons: also piano; dramatic elocution a specialty. . . . ■ .;. T?ORMER STANFORD PROFESSOR PRE- X 1 pares students for the university (admission on recommendation); law, medical college, civil service; day <fc eve classes. Room 333 Phi-lan bldg. GERMAN, -FRENCH, PIANO— NEW, RAPID VT . method : moderate. European teacher. 6-3' Turk ITUER LESSONS BY F. LAUTERBACH. Room 3 70 and 71, 305 Larkln, cor. McAllister. EACH NIGHT, 7 TO 10: $5 MONTH; PEN- manshlp, arithmetic,- etc.; day school— book- keeplng, etc. 825 Mission St. HECHT'S TEN-LETTER SHORTHAND: 80 to 100 words guaranteed in 0 weeks. Room 706, SprecWels oullding, 927 Market st.; Informa- tion cheerfully given. , "V7KJLIN, MANDOLIN, CELLO. BANJO; REA- I V aonable. PROF. FRANCIS, 1045y a Valencia. "ELOCUTION-DRAMA, DELS A PIIYSI. X_ col culture, voice culture. OLIVE HOFF SCHROEDER, 299 Hyde st.: call ufteruoon or evening. . ■ BEG INNERS' SINGING CLASS EVERY' MON- day evening, commencing bepteiuber 16. W. R. HKRVKY, instructor, California and Broderick sts., chnrch. ■ - ; VTI(iHTBCHOOL;t±EALD'SBrs. COLLEGE; 24 — Post: commercial, shorthand, English; low rates Tf LOCUTION — VOICE-CULTURE. RECITA- JUtIon, Drama; class or private. W.T.ROSS.6 Eddy. FRENCH— LEARN TO ■ PPKAK FIRST- IN- falllble mothod. E. DU CABTEL, 6 Post st. IH EMISTRY AND ASSAYING. CUNNI NG- \J ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. iRENCU, GERMAN, SPANISH; LIVING X method; Larcher School, Flood bldg, Market st. AN FRANCISCO COLLEGE, 1236 Market: send for cat-: day and evening session. NULISHLITKHATURE AND MYTHOLOGY class or private. MRS. EHRMAN, 1234 Bush. VOCAL TEACHER JOSEPH GREVEN IM- V proves and beautifies even spoiled voices, aud procures positions to bis pupils. 82 Ninth st. "VriOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, CORNET V taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 225 Geary reasonable PACIFIC ACADEMY, ACADEMY SCIENCES X bldg: tliorongh commercial _ English trainluif. ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING- -L> Private thftatricals arranged ; pupils rehearsed mi stags. R. 5 & 12. J. 0. 0. F. block, 7ih and Market. OCHOOL KLECTRICALrcIVIL. ME- O chanical englneerinz, surveying, architecture, assay : estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 Atlct. STIEHL'S s H AND AND BUSINESS College, 723 Market St.: diploma course $30. L NGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MIS 3 JJ DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46; private or clag^. HEALD'S BUSINESS . COLLEGE. 34 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern Un- Koagew rapidly tancht. ■ Wrlta for catalogue. ,-: PEOPOSA_S. — — - P^ROPO^LTF^lß^FU^NlslllMrsul^plxES^ X Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Direc- tors of the Industrial Home of Mechanical Trades for the Adult Blind will receive and open proposals for supplyln_ the home for the coming year,com- mencing October 14, 1895, and ending October 13. 1896, with the following artiolos: 1. Broomcorn Wire, Twine, etc. 2. Beef and Mutton. 3. Gro- ceries and Provisions. 4. Wood and Coal. Bids will be opened on Monday, October 14, 1895, at the hour of four o'clock and thirty minutes p. m. (4-30 o'clock p. m.) of said day at the home, corner of Thirty-sixth street and Telegraph avenue, Oakland. California. Blank forms with Schedules of Sup- plies required ,wlth conditions etc.can be haa upon application to the Superintendent, Joseph Sanders the home, corner of Thirty-sixth street and Telerraph avenue, Oakland, -, uallfornia. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Directors, ''-'■ -■-■■■■--• JOHN AMES, Secretary. ROPOBALM FOR RAISING AND IMPROV X ing a school building— Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Common Schools, In open session of the Board of Education, new City Hall, on Thursday, October 10. 1895, at 8:30 o'clock p. m.. for raislug the.' Rich- mond Primary School building, on First avi»., near Point Lobos aye., -constructing brickwork base- ment, new system of sewerage and \vun»r closets, In accordance with plans and specifications at the oflice of Charles I. Havens, architect of the board, room 05, Flood building, corner of Fourth and Market st* UEORGE BEANSTON. Seo. PEBSONA-S. pXrt~n!Tr~~\va nte d on a~~s(> acre X tract, 15 miles from.OaklaDd, to start a poultry ranch, and farm; everything handy; -requires afcout #500; lady orgentleman. D. 75, Call Ol'lice, Oakland. -... • — .-■.-•'... . -., ; EAKN ESS— LOST HEARING RESTORED; A perfect invisible device; book free. F. F. LAY, 10 California and 913 Post sts., S. F. 7 X CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABINETS, • O full length. Godeus Art Studio, 10 Sixth st. CIIOOL OF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER 0 illustration— lnstructors: J. H. E. PartinKton. Gertrude Partmgton of the Examiner.' and R. L. Partlngton of TheCali. Apply or uddress424 Pine. HE ECONOMY'," 40 SIXTH ST., BET. MAR- ket and Mission (old No. 46)— Millinery. Cheap- est house in the city istylish trlmme-1 hats, $2: bats trimmed, 25c;huts pressed, 2tc;fe-thersuurled, 6c. VOUKO LADY STUDENT WISHES NICE X young lady as roommate. Address R. M., box 72, Call Office. ■ ■- " ■■ AG CARPETS WOVE TO ORDER, FOR SALE; XX also chenille-wove silk-rag portieres; deal- er in carpet twine in hank or chain at lowest rates. GEO. MATTHEW, 709 Fifth St., Oakland, Cal. \\r.ALDO W. C.— YOUR MOTHER BEGS FOR " your address; Important news and money for you. ''• r" 3 . .' 1 INCOLN BROB..CASHGROCERB.226BIXTK XJ st. — Cheese, 6c Ib: deviled ham, 5o a can; sar- dines, 6c; new jams. 10c; 3 glasses jelly, 25c; cat- sup and sauce, 5c a bottle; 3 cans oysters. 25c; flue coffee, 2&c alb: new teas, 25c a tb; cranber- ries, 10c a quarts 16 cakes soup, 25c: 3-tb can pure lard, 30c; syrup, 25c a gallon; 12 lbs beans, 25c; 5 C>s rice, 25c: cornmeal, 25c sack: 6 lbs prunes, 2Bc; butter, 25s 'a roll; best creamery square, 40c: eges, 15c a dozen; picnic hams, 7c lb. LINCOLN BROS., 226 Sixth st. : R. Ji. M. -HOHENSHELL. '.MAGNETIC treatment, 413 Mason; hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. IN AN, 111 STOCKTON ST.; $Td"IMPORTED hats: stvllah trimmed hats reasonable. lANO, FRENCH. GERMAN," PRIVATE OR claases, taught. MI*S BLOCK, 200 Franklin. IMEOGUAPH, TYPEWRITER AND of- fice supplies; nil classes of typewritten and niimeosraph work promptly done: typewriter rib- bons. $tf doz,, t:u»rantfced. ANNA C. BUSTEEDE, phone-Main, 5807; 630 Market. Q INGLE BOTTLH OF SMITH'S DANDRUFi? O pomnde is guaranteed to cure any case of dand- ruff or falling hair or money refunded: never knoi\ 11 to fall: try it. By all druggists, price $1, or . SMITH BROS., Fresno, Cal. _^ "QECOND-lIAND AS W ELL AS NEW BARS, 0 showcases, counters, shelving^, mirrors, desks, I Bnf*s, chairs, scales, et>*., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and gat prices be> l. fore going elsewhere. J. NOONaN, 1017, 1019, ' 1021, 1023 Mission St., above Sixth. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD; store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipej etc.; cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., near Eighth. T CAN LOA YQU.B MONEY' ON FIRTst -L nioriiL'ai'e security, city property, in sums of $100 to $6000 or more, at 7 per cent per annum net (payable monthly or semi-annunllyj; borrow- ers will pay mortgage tax: security guaranteed; references given. W. MATTH- WS, 402 Mont- gomery st., room 18. C! i I N V ADDRKSS J. BISHOP, \J 823 Market. Phone Main 441 at C. BROWN'S. rsT dK. gilson— electric TBKAT- ' meuts for rheumatism and all nervous com- plaints. 10.55 Market st. . --. USINESS RECORDS WRITTEN DURING X> or 11ft r busiiif st hours: individual and part- nership and negected accounts adjusted: corre- spondence German and Enulish. Address S. P. MIDDLETON _ CO., 20 Montgomery st. T ADIKS. BUY YOUK FUR CAPES DIRECT XJ from COLOMBATS Fringe Manufactory, 113 O'Farrell st. ; old-style furs altered. JN. POWELL, DENTIST, REMOVED TO • Young Men's. Christian Association building. TTwTTj BUSINESS CAKDS,SI 60: SENT FREK^ I UV'U city or country. HILL. 724 Market st. ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— WIN- XV ches er House, 44 Third, near Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $8 per week; free bus to and from thft ferry. TTAIRS"REMOVEDBY "ELECrF.ICTTYPAIN- XX lessly; busts enlarged; ireckles, wrinkles r.nd other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. KARItOW, Woman's Dis- ! pensary. 1208 Market __. | HAIRDRF.SSINu".26c.. ANY STYLE: ESTAB- .II. lished In 1869: natural curly front-piece and first-class switch for $1 each.- BERTHA SPITZ. lll,HtocKton at.; strictly oneprlCß only. . i ALL PAINS CURED BY' NATURAL MAG- netic and electric healing. MRS. HILL, 216V a Musonst. pOLLECTINO, TRACING, SHADOWING AND \J locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine Bt. rriAILORS OR DRESSMA INTERESTED X in the science of Rarnient-cultliis, are Invited to Insprct a device that gives a correct pattern for j the person measured. Can be seen at 431 Kearny. ACHINE WHITEWASHING; CONTRACTS taken; whltewas!,:i'^ ainl tree-spraying; rooms whitened. $1 up. 1560 Market :t., near Hayes. p .W. MOORE, .N.D., 1400 VAN NESS AYE., VJ. cor. Bosh; apurtmunt:s for patients. A DVICE FREE; DIVOBJCE AND PROBATE JA. laws a specialty: Biiits, Superior, Justice Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'.v-at-law. 850 Mark t.( Stockton. A LL LADIES WHO RIDE BICYCL GET JA. your suits to order at HUTT'S, 212 Mason hu \\rALTz GUARANTEED; PRIVATE- OR in t> class. PROF. FOSTER'S Danclntf School, 997_Mitrket st. . A DVICE FREE— MARRIAGE LAWS. ACCI- -Ta- dent oaaes. McCABK, Attorney, 1027 Market. (5; 1 9 SUITS TO ORDER: SAMPLE BY MAIL. UP -L— < NEUHAUS. Merchant Talior, 115 Kearny. IriINE SUITS, 'SIS; ■ DBEBS PANTS, $4 75. J Misllt Cloiliinu Parlor«,-436 Montgomery st. ONE MORE OUT— Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers ....'. From $10 up Ock Bed Sets , $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums ;......'. 30c up fctoves and Rangei $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Ci'.Mi or lime payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. pLOAKfc*. CAPES SUITS RETAILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory, .20 Sansorne su. upstalrj. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LAD IB*" clotliin? bought. COLMAN. 41 Third s'.. INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Markei A WEEK'S : NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— ■£V_WEEKLY CAI*L. in wrapper, for mftllipg. . UUKshMAKIiKS. . DRESSES CUT AND FITT^:i»rS3TDR_SSES |)Upnl»r prices; engagements by <!uy. 11 Geary. .; . VEGALM)TICI!S. AJOTICE TO cT?E DTfoIta^_STAT£S OF x> HENRY W. WOODWARD, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the nnderslgned, R. M. POG- SONnnd" JAMES KVELYN BELL, executors of the last will of HENRY W. WOODWARD, de- ceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims agaii:st ihc said deceasod, to exhibit them with the necensary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executors of said last will of HENRY W. WOOD- WARD at the offices of CORMAC _ DONOHOE. at 207 Battery street, in the City and County of Sun Francisco, State of California, the same being their place for the transaction of the business of the said estate In the City and County of San Fran- cisco, Htttie of C-llfornia. .. R. M. PO(iSON and JAMES EVELYN BELL, Executors of the last will and estate of HENRY W. WOODWARD, deceased. , CORMaC <t DONOHOE, attorneys for said exec- utors, 207 Battery street, Hau Francisco. . ■ Dated at San Francisco, 23d September. 1895. DEPARTMENT NO. 9— PROBATE. . IN THE Superior Court In and for the City and County of San Fmnclsco, State of California. In the matter of the Estate of PAUL.GIMPEL, deceased. Notice is hereby given that FRIDAY, the 11th day of October, A. P. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, ana the courtroom of Department No. 9 of said Court, at the New City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco. State of California, have been unpointed as the time and place for proving the Will of said PAUL GIMPEL, dec-ased, and for hearing the application of Camille Glmpel for the Issuance to her of Letters Testamentary thereon, Da:ed September 28th, A. D. 1895. [Seal] C I I A R L F. C RR Cl erk. - By F. B. HOUGIITON, Deputy Clerk. A. RUEF. Attorney, for Petitioner, 402 Mont- gomery st., Sen Francisco. "VTOTICE OTTSOLE TRADER APPLTCATION- ,X^I Notice is .hereby given to all persons whom it may concern. that tho undersigned, for more tnan five yenrs next preceding the date hereof a resident of the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, intends to make application to Departmeut, 7 of the Superior Court In and for said City and County, at the courtroom thereof In the new City Hall, on THURSDAY', the 3d day of Oc- tober, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. v. on that day, for a decree adjudging her a sole trader In the business or prepurln?, manufacturing, purchasing anil vend- ing proprietary medicines. Tliat the place where SBid business Is tobo conducted by her is the said City ana County of San Francisco. That the name of her husband is C. O. DANIEL. . ■ In witness " whereof she hus hereunto set her hand this 4th day cf September, 1896. ■ ' ■MRS. MARGUERITE G. DANIEL. DEPARTMEMT NO. 9, PROBATE. IN THE XJ Superior Court, In and for the City and County of Sail Francisco. Stute of California. In the matter, of the., estate of GIOVANNI ROCCA, deceased. ;' . v, .-■--.■-.• Notlco Is hereby given, that FRIDAY, the 11th day of October, A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and the courtroom of Department No. 9 of said court, at the New City Hall, in the City and County of 'San Francisco. State of California, have : been appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said GIOVANNI deceased, and for hear tig the application of Horace Per- -1x7.7.1 for the issuance to him of letters testamentary thereon. •-"• ~" • - ■■', < - .■■> • - ■. Dated September 30. A. D. 1895. - [SealJ CHAKLES F. CURRY, Clerk, -- A- By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. A. RUE attorney for petitioner, 402 Mont- gomery St.. San Francisco.'— <•- .:■.■■-'.-; -. .■ -.. , v. S. GOVERNMENT. 7Tu^TO^rK)U^ET^A^*^F^lA^lSCo^ SEP^ \J tember 28, 1895. " ■ ' " Notice. — goods remaining one year In bonded warehouse will be .old at public auction at the United States Appraiser's store on the 23d o» October, 1895, at 11 o'clock a. m. ■ Descriptive cat»lo^ues <:an be had at the Custom- JJouse on October 20, 1895, or at time and place Of sale. ■ ■ B. JEROME, Special Deputy Collector, .: ■ "ciTy'REAL 15STATK. ; ' : '''!'-- : CTTY^MXi- '^^~""'7' ,-" '• r "-FREE . CITY GUIDE ; — — — FREE <3i9AA CASK DOWN, BALANCE. in : PAY- <ff**\J\J ments: elp«ant 5-room modern cottage: lot 25x114; near car lines; must' be " • ' sold this week; any reasonable otter , .entertained. , - . \ .-, .- \ f^AA HALF CASK; S FLATS ON SHOT- tS>OO\J\J. well st.; rents $53; must. sell; any offer wanted. <C79AA 6 NEARLY NEW flats: in- tjp I iiUU. sight of Hibernla Bank; rents $840 a j year; all rented. . : . m»i p: P.AA CORNERSTQREAND7FLATS:' «Ijs J-tJ . %J v/U . nearly new ; . opposite plaza; rents ' $140 a month; offer entertained. <2117 AAA HAYES-ST. business PROP- tiP-L I ,\J\J\J. erty: near St. Ignatius Church: ; . "; ;. •• stores and fiats; well rented; lot 'J2O deep to rearstreet. <C 9Pi AAA BUSINESS PROPERT V; jLO ,\J\J\J . within a block of the Chronicle; pays 7 per cent. Q>QO KAn BUSINESS PROPERTY; <JpO^uOUl/. near Tivoli; lot 25x137; well . ..' rented... . • . . : . .-. ; v :: CfcQfVfinn CORNER BUSINESS PROP. <PO«J.UUVJ. erty; 2 stores; within a block of Baldwin ; large lot. '\' ." .. <3i^fk AAA ELEGANT 2 CORNERS; IOOx t^)U\J.\J\JyJ. 100 feet: partly, imoroyed;, in- come about $300 a month ; on Golden • Gate aye., near City Hali; this prop- erty can be made, to pay' handsomely. (Bill A AAA TIVOLI: SPLENDID «Jpl IU.UUU, modern fireproof brick Improve- ments; rents $600 a month: lot 50x . . 137 grand business investment. . A. M. SPECK & CO., 1 ;.;;.■ UQ2 Market St., opposite Palace. ■ ■\f ONEY - ■ .-. '." . . • ■ . IVL LOANED ON REAL ESTATE AT LOWEST MARKET KATES. BORROWERS ACCOMMODATED AT SHORT NOTICE BY THE . CALIFORNIA ' TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE-MILLS BUILDING. L. R. J2LLERT, MANAGER. AL UOBIOKB. • - ," •■ : LOCIB A. 80UC. T A. SOUC & CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS HOUSES RENTEp. RENTS COLLECTED.' 465 AND 467 VALENCIA ST., NEAR 16TH. As we make a specialty bf Mission property and are right on the spot, we can save you time and money by calling on us at once. : $11,000—45x122:6: Mission St., nr. 19th; 2 cot- tag«-s, 5 rooms and bath each; this is a splendid lo- cation for s ■ >,-rs and flat*. $6260—60x100: Bryant aye., near 24th St.; cot- tftte, 8 roonis: bath, conservatory, finished base- j rnein; flm- grounds; a good buy. Sold by order of. lmlnUirator. $6000—25x125; Fair Oaks; new flats, 5 and 6 rooms, bath: all modern Improvements; in one of I the best blocks of the Mission. •?,'-. ■*/ 77x100 to alley: 17th st., near Guerrero; bay- window cottage; 7 rooms, bath; tine grounds; will make an elegnnt home. - $6'200— 25x90: Valencia at., nr. 20th: bay-win- dow house: b rooms, bath; could at small cost be converted Into v splendid paying business prop- erty: lot is worth the money asked. $4600— 53850 will buy It: modern bay-window j house, 8 rooms, bath: in Al order; lot 26:8x116 .to rear street: in the center of tbe Mission: a bar- g»ln. • $2250 — 25x125: Diamond St.: a chean home for some one; bay-wludow cottage: 4 rooms," bath.; larce basement: Al order. i $4200-26x1t0; Florida St., nr. 24th; bay-win- dow flats; 4 and 5 rooms, bath, laundry, large base- ment: modern Improvements. . ■■■■'■•:•-"' . $2800—25x80; I*xington aye., nr. Valencia st.; 2 flats; 4 arnl 6 rooms aDd basement; brick foun- dation: in-Al order; rent $'28. ' ' . : 25x114; 27th, nr. Church;' modern bay- window cottaEO. 6 rooms; bath; large basement; mortgage $1400. ..-..• ■.!_•■ $3500— 45x134; Fair Oaks st., nr. 18tii; house 8 rooms, bath, and co ta?o 4 rooms. ... $2760— •26x114; Bryant aye., nr. 24th; cottage 7 rooms; bath; 11-foot basement; stable and drive- way. ■ -'■■ • - -,•;. Onr list comprises seme of the best property In '■ the Mission. Lots of kI! sizes In any of the home- i steads: also jood business corners in any part of the Mission. Call and get a list and prices.' If you want your vacant houses rented place them with us. L. A. BOTJC .fc CO., 465 and 467 Valencia st., near Sixteenth. ,; . SOL GETZ «fc BROTHER, . . REAL ESTATE OWNERS, ROOM A, FIRST FLOOR, CROCKER BUILDING. HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS. . . : NEAR THE AFFILIATED COLLEGES. FINEST RESIDENCE LOTS IN THE CITY OS INSTALLMENTS at low prices. -M ; C»-| AA TO $360: LOTS NORTH AND SOUTH «jD-LUU of tbe park; $10 down and 86 monthly. bOL GKTZ & BKO. Cj A S|) TO $1100; GRADED LOTS NEAR W ttUv/ park car lines; elegant view of ocean, park and concert valley; on terms to suit pur- chaser. SOL GETZ & BRO. " i &IAATO $250: BUILDING LOTS NEAR «3T -L* '" Mission and San Mateo electric car lines, Lakevlew and new racetrack; only slo down aud 85 monthly: your choice of 100 lots: don't miss this. 6OL GETZ A BKO. .. I. . ' CALL FOR MAPS AND. DIAGRAMS. BOL GETZ ifc BRO., Owners, V Boom A, first floor, Crocker building. : Cl!lQ?\A LOT ON NORTH SIDE OF HKR i&±.i)O\J, nian through to Germ«nl», '26x1 who wants a bargain. LEE & KISER, 306 Mont- gomery st. ' . " ©97PiA BARGAIN. PRICE REDUCED <£J«i<oU. from $3000— North line Washington St., bet. Lyon and Central aye.; strco: curhed.'slde- walked and bltiiminized; lot 25x102 :8Vi fret. SHAINWALD. BUCKBEE & CO., 218-220 Mont- gomery St., MUla building. ;,J.* /• • > • . rpO CLOSE AN ESTATE-I AM AUTHOR. J- ized bythebeirs to sell the following property : Lot 60x75. sooth corner First st. and Laurel nlace, bet. Folsom and Harrison, with good 2-story house of 9 rooms; reduced to $5760. • * . . , , ALSO " ' ' " -*■■ 77 \V. Minna St., 250 feet from EecODd; 25x80; rents $35;' price $3750: both of these properties must positively be sold no cour: proceedinxs; title perfect. H. MURPHY, 628 Market. SF. LOTK-ljilOO UP; NEW TRACT: $5 • down, $6 per month: low prices: easy terms. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market st. lEE ft KIBER, REAL ESTATE AGKNT&, 306 XJ Montgomery st., bet. Pine and California, San Francisco, al. . : , . . -, $1100— 18 th st., near Sanchez: 2 lots, each 35x 114: a bargain. LEE & KISER, 306 Mont- gomery st. . - " • • ■ ffljOftAA WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN A\J\J\J . buy a lovely cotta re witherery known convenience; cars pass tbe door; 5 rooms; deep basement; brick foundation; nearly new: Castro St., near Clipper. Apply to WORKMAN «S FRENCH, 630 Market st. ■■■ ■; - lI*OR SALE— BE REMOVED, 1426 SACRA- X 1 mento St., bouse 11 rooms. Apply 1008 Post st. ffljQOK 40x103: BLOCK FROM CARS; NEAR, tipOtjO. new race. track: Barney Farley's. Ad- dreas Owner, box 163, Call Office. ' : ■ <3H (i AAA CHOICE CORNER IN HAVES «JI>IO.UU\J. Valley." 3 blocks from Market street; good income; lot *i7:6x120 to ruarstreet; 3frontnges. ".. ' ; •' :'■ . . ..-.-■ $2100— Cheapest lot on north side of Park Pan handle; sir.c 25x137:6: call at office for particulars. $3250— Flats .ranted- for $32 per month on a prominent corner on Jones street. ■ Money to loan on outside lots and blocks, city and country real estate. " " -"■■"' J. W. WRIGHT <fc CO., :; ; . . . 628 Market street. OUBES BUILT? 150 TO $275 A ROOM; CALL XX and examine p lnns. 1149 Mission st. <a?9/i Ai \ MOJJEKN cuttaue Ob oitoyjid <3P'*-' rb\J* '. and bath: high basement: cement sidewalk: all in fine condition; on York st.; lot J 26x100: $1000 cash. -See W. K.C., 3 Polk St., City. COITNTKT REAL ESTATE. ' I County; 100 acres, all level and highly pro- ductive land; will grow anything; >jpart alfalfa:, good farm Improvements: family orchard and vineyard: stock, feed and implements: ready *or possession; 2 miles from station; 36 miles from this city; 3 trains each way dally; this valuable property will be sold as low as $00 per acre; here- tofore was offered $140 per I acre; - good reasons for selling. ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgom- ery st. ' .' ' ■. '.\- ' ■."'.■.■■ '.■ . V. . /' ": .-.'.' '■.' ORCHARD FOR SALE— 7OOO ..BEARING trees: fine improvements: horses and farming Implements: $160 per acre; V? c'nsh. balance long' time. Address B. A., box 59, this office". FOR SALE— I 7 ACRES: MOUNTAIN RANCH; well improved; full-bearing trees and vines; house, slock, implements; close in town: $1500; no agents. Address Owner, box 48, this office. •. - Q99A ACRES SAN BENITO COUNTY; 16 O4dU\J miles from railroad: elegant stock or hog nvnch; alsoftult; well watered, well fenced; prac- tically no waste land: trade or sell.'' C. K. KING, 9U'2 Broadway, Oakland. ■' .* y ••- • ' ' OOKFRKE: ILLUSTRATED; $4 AN. ACRE X> up. M. GRIFFIN. Cottonwood, Shasta Co.. Cal. MUST BE SOLD— ONE OF THE BEST LO- cated 160-acre ranches lln Lake I County: 114 mile from Clear Lake, with -plenty running water: l(!0 acres Improved ; 6-room house: plenty timber; 92500; time to HUit on payments. W. L. FOSTER, Kelseyvllle, Lake County, Cal. " . .<;">. '■ -. CC\f\(\ ACRES WKLL WATERED, WITHIN Ul/UU 50 miles of San Franolsco, to lease cheap,' A. M. SPECK «fc CO.. 602 Market at. ;> -;: '---y. SEND FOR OUR LIBT OF ORCHARD HOMES for sale. WOOSTER <t WHITTON, San Jose. 4TO 8 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES ON 10 years' credit. ; V. H. TWINU, Sonoma Clty.CaJ. 'c'oUJii-BY KEAL Continued. THE ELECTRIC CARNIVAL AT BACRA- mento was the grandest success of the a?e. The electric iiower is adding no*- life to Sacra- mento, ami croperty there is selling more rapidly than at any other point in the State out3lde of Los Anmlaa. ;,■..-■ . ' ■ ■ •».- ;,-; . We are ' off erlncr lots In South Sacramento and I Oak Pars, an addition to the city connected by the electric railroad: ovw 100 iioises liavp been buiU in this flourishing suburb within '£ years; lots are BL-'lins: at the rate of (5 a week. . Prices range from 9200 to $325 for lots 40x150, and from 330!) to 300 for half-acre lots. ex . " Terms on lots are $10 down and $10 per month at 7 per cent: on half-acre tracts, $^5 down and 910 per month at 7 percent. .Parties who purchased 2 years ago are cettinf? 25 per cent advance: if you want a sure investment in which you can make i,ood interest upon your monoy buy some of these lots. . Inquire of 'EDWIN K. ALSIP& CO., 9 Rotunda; Mills building, San Francisco, ' i HUNTER'S PARADISE AND HOG AND . duck ranch : 92 acres tule. 10 acres hard land, in tne heart of the bononia marsh; creeks on 3 sides: 2 duck-ponds: fresh water: 1 mile from 2 stations: good landing. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. ■■ ■ • -, ' : - • • •: " • OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND KEAL ESTATE. T)O YOU WANT A HOME? I WILL YOU XJ. a lot, build house ou your own plans, this sldo of bay; small cash payment, balance monthly. . C. P. KhRS, Central Bank building, Oakland. TOR EXCHANGE— TWO MODERN' HOUSES; well located; value $9000 cash: for good San Francisco property in Western Addition. W. J. DINCSF.K, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. <C9QnA 'VALUE $3500. ~~ M OUU. • Must be sold this week: modern cottage, 5 rooms, bath; lot 33 feet front: only 4 blocks from City Hall and local station: $700 cash, balance on- mortgage., J. 8. MYERS, 1002 Broad- way, Oakland. . AKLAND BUSINESS PROPERTY. '■ $1000—25x100: vacant; all street work done. $'2500-2«.\120; rents for $14; small outlay will Increase to $35; the lan>! is worth it. $17,000— i-inely Improved corner; close In; pay- ing 7 per cent. . . - • -. C. Y. HAMILTON & CO., 454 Ninth St., Oak- land.. . ■ • • ;-,-;.. Qt 1 Afl DOWN WILL SECURE YOU A HOME <iPJ-V/w in Fruitvale; corner lot, 100x130: new modern cottage of 6 rooms, bath and laundry; price $2550, in montblv paymentu of 915 or $ 50, as desired: only 12 minutes' walk from railroad depot. J. S. JOHNSON, 463 Ninth St., Oakland i ■ OfcTJ fU\f\ NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE: BATH; ti? J-U' >\J. corner lot: 26x100; 1 block 23d-ave. Ftation. McCLAIN & CO., 1105 23d aye., East Oakland. WE ARE BUILD ING TWO 8 AND 10-ROOM " houses within 5 minutes' walk of business cen- ter of Oakland: will sell on easy terms. C. P. KERN, Central Bank building. ' TT>RUITV ALE-BEST BARGAINB AND BEST A terms ever offered: houses and vacant lota; streets all graded, sewered, etc.: In immediate neighborhood of Southern Pacific and electric-car lines at Fruitvale station. To convince yourself call at our ollice on Putnam »t., Fruitvale. Syndi- cate Investment Company, EDWARD DICK, agent. T'SINESS PROPERTY PAYINC 6 TO 8 PER CENT ON INVESTMENT, SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. Large list of choice residence property to be sold tp the highest bidder: 13 acres near Blair Park, Nob Hill. Piedmont; 150 choice lots; 24 acres in Fruitvale. GOOD CHEAP RANCHES, close to Oakland. ACRE TRACTS AND CHICKEN RANCHES, 110 acres: 25 acres close to Piedmont car line; can subdivide; line land: easy terms. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. Don't fall lo see them. E. E. BUNCK, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. LARGE LISTS OF CHOICE HOMES; BEAU- -J tlful residence property : 13 acres on Nob Hill, Piedmont; nica tracts aiid ranches; bargains in lots: easy terms; send for catalogues. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. CJjOn MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES; (jJp^J'' plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden' Gate statn. f>l CA' LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM"iN OTj-OKJ. Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week; selling fast; good improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner. 902 Broadway, Oakland. 1 A PEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— j \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the ! United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- -1 .... free. • . ' . ;\-c. *.- ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. alam'r.da beal KSTATE. I^Olt IMMEDIA^TE^^A^E^^EAR^ScHOOL J~ and station: streets Improved and sewered. $4350— 4300 cash: $35 monthly 33x150: hand- some new colonial house, 7 rooms and bath; near Willow or Chestnut st. station. $3'Jso— s2oo cash: $30 monthly: 83x150; ele- gant colonial cottage," on principal driveway; t> rooms and bath. < ---- $3250— cash: $30 monthly; 38x100: cor- ner bouse, In flne condition: 8 rooms and bath. *3160— 52t)0 cash; $27 monthly; 31x100: new cottage, 5 rooms and bath; central location. $2250— 550 cash: $25 monthly; 30x100; cot- tape, 4 rooms and bath. '' - Houses to rent from #10 up. ) Opeu ."Sundays and holidays. M AKCUSE <fe REMMEL, Bay-st. station, Alameda, and 628 Market St.. S>an Francisco. ffi< Q X (\ 4-ROOMED COTTAGE WITH LARGE r£p OO\J. jot (worth alona si 100), on finished street; $150 cash. $25 a month. Property bought, sold, exchanged, J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Paric St., Ala. qj»O7Xfk $150 CASH: BALANCE SMALL dp^ilUV'. monthly Installments; modern cot- tage of s'rooms and bath; large 'grounds in splen- did location. . . . $3000— 5250 cash; balance $30 per month: lot 50x140: modern house of 6 rooms and bath on one of. the principul streets. A greut liargain; fine resiience situated on one of our principal iivpnues: cost^ll.OOO; must be sold at one ■at some price. JOSEPH A. LEONARD CO., ! IStM Park st,. Alumeria. -■ . ' alameda HOUSES lO.LET.' "dqT^ce^t^aT~^^^"(e*nc7nai] sr^pl 00 L Neat cottage 6 rooms and bath; fine garden. STOCKTON ADYERTISEMEHTS STOCKTON EBAL ESTATE. . 21)A?rA75R^S^N^rETtCED" CO^NTy7TSOO "iOvU undereultlvatlon; flnegrainorfrult land: can all be cultivated: tine house, barn and out- houses: all fenced and in perfect order; plenty «f - river and - spring 'water; four miles from Valley road: price, $7 per acre. 160 acres near "Lodl; the best stock ranch, that I know of ; for the money: good house, barns, etc. ; fenced and cross-fenced; hog-tUht; 15 acres fruit, 4 acres alfalfa; large pond, with living springs: beautiful. shade trees; grand avenue through cen- ter, of property: -will divide or as a whole: $60 per acre. 10-acre tracts just out of Stockton: fine ; houses, barns and well: $100 per acre. Ranches j all over the county for sale or trade. MORSE COLONY TRACTS. 6. 10, 20 and 40 acres at $69 and $75 per acre: roost productive land in San Joacjuln County. Business and residence property in and around Btockton. • : ■ . ;'. San Francisco property to trade for small ranches, Call or address F. J. SULLIVAN, room 88. Chronicle building, or E. ARMSTRONG, Stockton. DR. OLIVER, •" ' ' .- -:: v- REAL ESTATE DEALER,- .*-: .■■ ,-*,<- • - 513 East Main St., Stockton. Owner of East Stockton and Brown's Additions; lots In these and other additions at $5 a month; no interest and no taxes: largest list of Inside prop- erty of any dealer In Stockton: quick- sales and small profits is the motto of this oflice. ;' :.--;-■:;. SCALON HAS BEEN SELECTED BY THE directors of the S. F. and S. "J. V. R. R. Co. (Valley road) for the principal station in the south- eastern part of San Joaquin County and Is destined to become at once the most important of all the stations on the line of tlia railroad on account of • tb6 vast bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sur- | rounding the lown, every acre of which will be sold with a perpetual water rl?ht. I. Take some of your money out of the 4-per-cent j savings bank and Invest In this coming center of I southeastern san Joaquin County, For maps, descriptive matter, etc., address E. E. HARLOWE& CO., 430 East Main st., Stockton, California. ''• -■•■■•■ ■-.-•■ --■■■ SANTA CLARA CODNTY. REAL ESTATE. Q ANTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS. ..,;... '■ 19,000 acres In subdivisions for fruit planting. ; Apply to C. H. PHILLIPS, proprietor. ■ '.* ' ■> 31 Santa Clara St., Sari Jose,' Cal. .:. < •:;■ TO EXCHANGE. ""■ A^T^D^TTjEXcILXNa^npiR^T^CLASa city and country; property, In Washington, clear ot mortgages, for stock of goods, any line or ' general stock-, or would exchange ! for business al- rendv established any place in California. Address Kxenange, bos, 141, Call Office. .. \U ANTED TO. EXCHANGE CLEAR REAL f » estate for good team, wacon and harness. Ad- drrss Exchange, box 141, Call Office. . . " ■ : XATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ; .'-I - : ' .Arrivert. . V, ':.•*:• 1 ■ ' ' ' WEDNERDA Y.October 2. • Schr W S Phelps, Farrell, 3 days from Usal; 135 cds bark, to Beadle <fc Co. Redwood City direct. . : Sailed. . .;•'•: WEDNESDAY. October 2. Stmr Farallon, Roberts, Yaquina Bay. j iUAKiIIAUK LIOiiNSES. '^ : " [ Licenses to marry ..were granted yesfiriiar ai follows: it ..'!;!.,..; Tliomas F. Sullivan arid Rose (on!on, 2.1— "0. Harry- Easorn and Mary 11. H lnkier, 20—17. ■ • li. M. L. Cook ami E. A, K. I ichmann, 28— G. Hienicket and Amalia Kuolcler, 29—20.- ; Philip WeiasmanD and Rose Hoff, 28—23. John Cj John.son antl I'etra Slmonsen, 26—23,' ' ' G. Komlgulere and Sophte Philip. 28—21. > . : . •" V ' Tobias Jacobo and Matilda Pldcus, 22—19. John Hepburn ami I'.ose Williams, 28—19. • J. B. P.lackall and Ida A. de I.onp, 39— 31.-> John vV. Bruckner and Nellie B. Lage, 28—18. A. C. Macdonald and Annie A. irtuslclm, 31— 21. W. H. Ament and Harriet Newell, 27—27. . , A. Johanson and nelma O. Anderson. 36—28. N. F. Klein and Mamie A. Kelley. 31—22.' l-'avid B. C»rn ami Theresa Mea^he'r, 28— «J2. ', M. Flrzserald and Mary Harqnardsen, 45—48. G. W. Shnshart and Eita L. Finch. 25—16. DIVOKCE SUIT UKiiUS. . A suit for divorce was begun yesterday as fol- lows: ' G. Anthony Sweary acainst Alicla^weaiy. = '"- 1 . DIVORCE «KANTEI». The following divorce was granted In the. Su- perior Court yesterday : ,' ..-;'• fc ..' " „ George W. Rachel from Mane Rachel: extreme cruelty. *" BIRTHS-MARRIAGES-DEATHS. BOKN . CONLEY— 25, 1885, to the wifeot J. Conley, a son. MOORE— In Alameda, September 29, 1895, tottia wife of Wellesley Moore, a son. i ; O'BRIEN— In this city, September 30. 1895, to the wife of Austin O'Brien, a son. ' '^ MAKBIED. ■■■■>. ■■;>> CAP.R— BYRNE— In this city, October 1, 1885, James Carr and Julia M. Byrne. • LAWRENCE— FLEMING— In Alameda. Septem- ber 16. 1805, Adelbert W. Lawrence and Vloiet A. Fleming. .:-,.< . :.'-« : AMBJORNSON— In Sausallto. Sep- tember 28, 1895, Iby the Rev. John Rea, Henry PTOsser.of Watsonville and Eleanore- C- Amb- jornson of Sausallto. ■ . . .» ' DIED. : : Broolr, Richard G. Mussieo, Erma ; • Burke, Frank J. Murdock. Louise Canfield, Rufus J. Masen. Goorge L. Caplace. Michael Rankln, Ira P. Curtis, Benjamin Ramage, Charlotte E. Fay. Sarah ■ ■ ■ Slattery, Jeremiah -■'•• ' Green, Mamie C. Stout, Theodora . • >'. Gumllch, Catherine Taniere, Mrs. F. J. H.- Jackson, Walter S. Wheeler, Catherine - - Kelly, John P. t '•-"' > - Waldler, Charles Kirby, Rev. Thomas Williams, Frank . Leathe, Benjamin B. Zapffe, Carroll W. BURKE— In this city, October 2, 1895, Frank J., beloved husband of Katie E. Burke, father of 1 Emma, Frank, Eddie. Lucy and Mabel - Burke, and brother of William J.and J. P. Burke and Mrs. George and " Mrs. J. Kelly, a native of Mil- ford, Mass., aged' 42 years, * f Boston and Muforti • papers please copy. ].. ■ ■"?'. 1 jfyisoiiceof funeral hereafter. BROOK— In the Arctic, August 5, 1895, on board whaler John and Winttarop, Riohard G. Brook, son of Isabel Brook, a native of London, Eng- land. ■■ ■'.' . ■•-. : CAPLACE— Alma, «anta Clara County, Octo- ber 1, 1895, Michael, beloved son of John and Honora Caplace, a native of San Francisco. O-The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Thursday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the par- lors of McAvoy «fe Gallagher, 20 Fifth, streec . thence to St. Joseph's Church for services. la-* | U'rment Holy Cross Cemetery. CURTIS— In thlscity, October 2.1895, Benjamin Curtis, a native of New York, aged 41 years. CANFIELD— In Alameda, October 2. 1895, Rufn* J. Canfield, a native of Connecticut, aged 07 years and 11 months. FAY— In this city, October 2, 1895, Sarah Fay, beloved sister of Catherine and Peter Fay, a na- tive of Dunlavin, County Wicklow, Ireland, aged 62 years. «3"Notlce of funeral hereafter. GUMLICH— In this city, October , 1895. Catherine Gum'.ich. beloved sister of James Towey. a na- tive of County Sligo, Ireland, aged 65 years. . • 43-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the par- lors of McAvoy <fc Gallagher, 20 Fifth street. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. . GREEN— In this city. October 1. 1895, Mamie C., beloved wife of Fred P. Green, and daughter'of Henry ScUlake of Petaluma, a native of . Peta- luma, Cal., aged 24 years 6 months and 21 days. Jfi?"FriendB and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late resi- dence. 3006 Flllmore street, near Union. Inter- ment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. JACKSON— In thisclty, October I, 1895, Walter Sidney, husband of Maggie Jackson, a native of West Indies, aged 31 years. . * -. Friends and acquaintances are respect-' fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the Bethel I A. M. E. Church, Powell street, between Jackson and Pacific. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. KELLY— In this city, John P. Kelly, beloced son of Margaret and Frank McLean and the late . John Kelly, a native of San Francisco, aged 18 years. HPtmS ..: jfcg"Friend3 and acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Thursday), at 10 o'clock a.m., from the resi- dence of his parents. 2410 Larkln street, thence to St. Bridget's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul: '• I nterment Mount Calvary Cemetery. KIUBY— In thiscity, October 1,1895, Rev.Thoma« Kirby. brother of Rev. W. P. Kirby, aged tl years. •"; - J63*The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Thursday) rrom St. Mary's Cathedral, corner of Van Ness avenue and O'Farrell streets, where a solemn requiem high mass-will be celebrated tor the repose of bis soul, commencing, at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment -Mount Calvary Cemetery, j LEATHE— In this city, October 1, 1895, Benjamin 8., husband of Lucy C. Leathe, a native of Wo- burn, Mass.. a?ed 70 years and 5 months. [Wo- burn (Mass.) papers please copy.] ~ &9~Frlcnds and acquaintances are resrect-.- fully invited to attend the j funeral THIS DAY (Thursday), at 11 o'clock a. 11.. from his late residence, 53 Eleventh street, corner Mission.' Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. ; . ... •• MUSSIEO— In thla city, September 30, 1895. Erma, beloved daughter of John and Sarah Mus- sieo, and sister of Mtobael Mussieo, a native of San Francisco, aged 5 months and 'it vs. "- >. 49~ Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Thursday), at 'i o'clock p. it., from the resi- dence other parents, corner Francisco street and Van Ness avenue. Interment I. O. O. F. Ceme- tery. MURDOCK— In this city, October 3, 1895, Louise, beloved wife of T. N. Murdock,' a native of lowa, aged 35 years. ' : v < MASEN— In this city, October 2, 1895, George L. Masen, a native of Vallejo, aged Ti years A months and 18 days. '- ' • ~\:\?::':.' BANKIN— In this city, October 1, 1895, Ira P. Rankin, a native ot Massachusetts., aged 77 years. ■ * -■ ' O*Friends are. respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Thursday), at II o'clock a. it, at First Congregational Churcn, Post and Mason streets. Interment private. "-: - BAMAGE— In San Jose,' October 1, 1895, Char- lotte Elisabeth Rama?e, a native of England.' *6^Tbe funeral will take place THIS DAY (Thursday) from Third and Townsend streets. • San Francisco, 10:45 o'clock a. v. train. , Inter- nment Masonic Cemetery. . '..; ' .' BLATTERY— A solemn requiem mass (month's mind) will he celebrated at St. Brendan's Church THIS DAY (Thursday), at 9 o'cloct a. H.. for the repose of the - soul of the late Jeremiah Slatury. Friends are invited to attend.. r STOUT— In this city, October 2, 1895, Theodora, wife of Geor«e H. Stout. ■ ,' \ •'■-_' '.' 7 TANIERE— this city, October 2, 1806, Fran- colse Jeanne • Helene, beloved wife of • the late Etlenne Taniere, and mother of Ettenne and the late Eugene Taniere. a native ot France, aged 73 years and 8 months. ■>■'.• • Notice of funeral hereafter. • '.-. ■■.' WHEELER— In Oakland, October 1, 1895, Cath- ' < erine, beloved wife of Nicholas Wheeler, mother of Nicholas, Katie and Agnes Wheeler and Mrs, J. M. McNamara, and sister of A. J. McGovern, a native of Ireland, aged 52 years, f Albany and Brooklyn (N. V.) papers please copy.j . • -.'„'■ ■ Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW 1 (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from • the family residence, 1950 Grove street, thence 10 ' Sacred ' . Heart Church, where a requiem high mass will be . celebrated for the repose of her soul, corcmeui. - • ' lng at 9:30 o'clock a. v. Interment St. Mary's ' Cemetery. , . . ■ WALDIER— In the City and County Hospital, October 2, 1895, Charles Waldler, aged 36 years. - 'WILLIAMS— In the City and County Hospital. October 2, 1835, Frank Williams, aged 23 years. ZAPFFE-ln this city, October 1, 1895, Carroll - ; William, beloved Ron of Henry and Lizzie Zapffe,. ' and brother of Elmore and Helen Zapffe, auv - ; tive of San Francisco, aged '& years 3 months and 22 days. • . .-,., ■ . . . " Friends and acquaintances are respect- ■ fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY " (Thursday), at 1 o'clock p. m., from the residence of his parents, 915 Army street, between Church and „ Dolores. luierment , Cypress Lawn Ceme- .' - tery. : - ' ' .' ' .> . * UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLORS. '. : Everything Rcqnliite for First-class Funerals at Reasonable Rates. ■'-•' : - * I Telephone 8167. 27 and 29 fifth street, _£_» ' I MCAVOY A CALLACHER, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS * EMBALM KBS, ? SO Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School.- ■'■ ; Telephone 3080. - • ' lAS. MrMKXOMKTr^^^^^CItAS. JICMI'N'OHBT.f ' I as. McMkxombt. Chas. McMenom bt/ . JAMKS HeMENOMEV Sc SOX. »r i , - UNDEKTAKKRS AND EJIBAtMERS.I 1057 Mission Street. Near SuventU. f£ ■ Telephone No. 335*. . . k ; CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TK SAN MATEO COUNTY ; NOW-SECTARIAN:- j J. laid out on the lawn plan; perprtaal care; beau- . tiful, permanent and easy of access: see it before bnyiug a burial place elsewhere. City office, d CUj J3»ll AvtsM . 15