Newspaper Page Text
14 THE TEMPERANCE UNION Reports of the Work That Has Been Done During the Past Year. Great Efforts, but Small Results— A Chinaman Convicted of Law- Breaking. The Ptate convention of the "Woman's Christian Temperance Union met in the Y. M. C. A. building yesterday morning, the president. Mrs. Feet, in the chair. "Under the topic of "Preventives" Mrs. H. P. Van Kirk, M-D-. r(?Oli a paper on "Hygiene"; Mrs. F. H. Bentley on "Heredity"; Mrs. Mary Palm, M.D., on '•Xon-Alcoholic Medication," and Mrs. Clare O. Southard on "Coffee-house and Free Reading-room." Under the head of "The Legal Question" Mrs. Martin discussed "Legislation and Petitions': Mrs. Rose M. French, "Law Enforcement"; Miss S. M. Severance, "Franchise." Concerning the social prob lem was a paper on "Drawing- room" by Mrs. Mary Frank Brown and on "Fair Work" by Mrs. Emma G. Snow. Mesdames Brown, Kimball, Spencer, Van Pelt, Croake, Harnish and French were elected a board of directors for the Union organ, the Pacific Ensign, for the coming year. Mr«. Harnifh was reap pointed manager of the publication. Miss Severance suggested that editors and news paper people generally be petitioned to open their columns for the discussion of the suffrage amendments, pro and con. fc?he also referred to the liberal aid of the unions while she was six weeks, in Sacra- in en to, during the last session of the Leg islature. She reported thai she had $13 Ft ill of the fund placed in her hands. Mrs. French reported that earr.est work had been dune to enforcing; the law, but the results were poor. Mrs. San ford had prosecuted live cases in Aiameda. One of the cases had boon tried in a room back of a saloon. Only one convict ion had been secured and the ease was now in the Su perior Court. Stockton had refused to issue Jicenses to saloons having side-en trances and to groceries bavins bars. The Woodland Union had succeeded in closing eight disreputable houses, and the police records of San Francisco show that there have been fifteen cases of selling liquor to minors, resulting in fourteen dismissals and one conviction. The luckless one was a Chinaman. Mrs. Snow suggested that greater efforts be made to prevent liquor privileges from being sold at district fairs and that members of the union be put on the agricultural boards. Mrs. Geising announced to the conven tion that her father, .1. H. Webb, had just been elected grand chief templar at the Grand Lodge now in session at Sacra mento. Resolutions were adopted expressing a determination to make greater efforts toward the adoption of suffrage amend ments and the spread of the cause of tem perance, ar.d also thanking the people of San Francisco for courtesy shown the delegates to the convention. A collection was taken up in the con vention, and $42 was raised toward the purchase of a California W. C. T. U. banner. It will be suitably inscribed and sent to the exposition at Atlanta, Ga. Word was received in the convention that Mr. Isabella Brooks, a delegate from Castroville, had been injured while step ing from a cable-car and was unconscious at the Receiving Hospital. Much regret ■was expressed. Mrs. Ren>:wden-Bai!ey rendered a beauti ful solo entitled '-The Prodigal Girl." During the convention Mrs. Bailey has entertained the delegates with her excel lent music. FATHER MATHEW'S DAY. elebration by Members of the League of tho Cross. Thursday next will be the anniversary of the birth of Father Mathew, the great apostle of temperance. The day will l>e celebrated in this City by the I>e.ißue of the Cross. The grand senior rally of that organization will be held at Metropolitan Hall in the evening. A select programme, suited to the occasion, will be presented, and will include addresses by Most R»v. Archbishop P. W. Riordan 'and by At torney John J. Barrett. A large number of prominent citizens have consented to serve as vice-presidents on the occasion. The commissioned and non-commissioned oiiicers of the League of the Cross Cadets will be the ushers. Admission will be by card. A limited number of invitations have been issued, and these may be obtained on application to the Catholic clergy of the various parishes or to the adult members of the League of the Cress. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." KIT PINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cam.— 73 r Market street, open until 12 o'cioclc every Elrtt In the year. BRANCH OFFICKS-530 Montgomery street, fcirii Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. f.'f Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. '37 1 sirkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. fcW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open tr.lU f odoefc. if 2!- Mlßßlon Ftrew. open nntll o'clock. 116 Ninth Mtreet. open nntll 9:30 o'clock. CUUKCIi NOTICES. BIMI-SON BUDCOBLAL METHODIST £>-»' Episcopal Church, cor. Hayes and Bu- chanans Key. John Stephens, pastor, services i r.t 11 a. M. and 7:30 p. K. The pastor will preach ! morning and evenine. Subject at 11 a. M.:"The TTnchan^eable," and for the evening, 'The Creed for the Twentieth Century." Special music at both services. Professor Harmon, orsanist. Sundav- school at 12:30 p. m,c. B. Perkins superintendent, Kpworth League service at 6:30 P. M. The seats In this church are free. The public cordially In- i vited Io all the services. Ushers in attendance. j Prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. KS= UOWARD-ST. MKTIIOIMST "iJPISC(> ! »-*' pal Church, b«-t. Second and Third, two i Mocks from Palace Hotel— Westwood Wright Case. D.D., pastor: Martin SchulU, musical direc- tor; W. F. Gibson. Sunday-school superintendent. j Kubiert to-morrow morning, "Amuanmcn's." Evening subject, -How to Prevent Accidents." I S:inday-school at 12:30. Young People's meeting i at 6:30. Rvenlns service at 7:r,0. Mrs. Mamie I Van Colt, the famous revivalist, will begin a ries ! of me^tlneß in tnis church on October 13. More than 60,000 persons have confessed Christ' under her labors. Pastor's residence. 2026 Howard st Telephone 6065. BprS 3 CENTRAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL i »*-*' Church. Mission st., bet. Sixth and Seventh— ! Rev. E. R. Dille. D.D., pastor: R. V. Watt, Sunday- ' school superintendent: J. J. y. orris, musical dire- : tor. .r, H Yatman of New York, the "Round the \\orld Evangelist." will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 -.30 p.m. These are special revival services. Mr ■\ atniKTi will also preach each evenlnn (lurin™ the week at 7:30 o'clock, except Saturday. Mr. Yat- man sails next week for south Africa on a world- wide evangelistic tour. Sunday-school at 1 p. v. Youns People's .meetings at 6:30 p. M. F£^» GRACE M. V. CHURCH, COB. CAPP fr*& and Twenly-flrsi Streets. Prcachini; morn- Irif: and evening by Hey. M. F. Colburn. Subject II a. u \l", Great Mystery." Subject 7:30 p. m • "UliatWaltl tor?" Ciood singing morning and evening. Seats free. All are Invited. ] •f^. hT. JOHN'S PBESBYTEIUAN CHURCH" a^*' corner of California and Octavia streets. Rev. l). Hanson Irwln. pastor, will preach at 11 A. ir. and V:45 p. m. Sabhath-schcol 9:45 a. m. "i oung People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p.m. Prayt-r-iueetinj Wednesday evening at 7:45. Everybody made cordially welcome. The California Male Quartet will sing at each service. ■..-..^ STN^UAA' MEKTINCiS. ~~~ nr^B» J. A. TALLA^f^wi^^FBEATiH^To"- «*^^ morrow at 11 o'clock sharp at Scottish Hall 111 Larkin st ■ . ' . . ' NOTICE OF MEETINGS. ' B^ZS* EXCELSIOR LODGE No. 166, F. m tt-* 7 and A. -M.— Special meetinc THIS J|l (SATURDAY) EVENING, October 5. at^Ty 7:30 o'clock, in King Solomon's Hall, M»-/v^ sonic Temple. - TUEOE. SMITH, Sec' gi** EXCELSIOR DEGREE v^vJJCVy -' && I>od<e No. 2, I. O. O. F.-Kegu-s^»jBS^ larmeetinK THIS KVEXIXG. Third ■^fB5S s ' degree will ne conferred. "f^>ii«^ ■•■: ' . WILLIAM E. LANE, D. M. ttr^^ ANNUAL M"EETING-THE ANNUAL I*-*' meetine of the nibers of St. Luke's Hos- pital will be held at Its office. 731 California st.. on FRIDAY. October 18, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m., for ihe purpose or e:ec;ing fifteen members of ihe corporation, a board of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. WM, DuXEY. MEETING NOTlCES— Continued^ jJ^SS^tTTXlTconTrTc^ \S^or of San Francisco, Oakland. Alameda, Berke- ley and .suburban towns— You Invited to attend a meeting Oi the Contracting Plasterers' Associa- tion at the Builders' Kx^banee, cor. Mission and Xew Montgomery sts., on Tuesday evening, Oc- tober 8, at 8 o'ciock. when important matters con- i nected with the trade will be discussed. 13y order of the PRESIDEXT Contracting Plas'.f rers' Association. ap^ NOTICE OF MEETINc-— TH X BBGU- tS^tS' lar annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nevada Hank of San Franciyco will be held nt its banking office, 301- Montgomery St., San Francisco. Ca!., on WEDNESDAY, the ninth (9th) day of October. 1895, at the i hour of thrte (3) o'clock P. vc., for the pur- I pose of elrctliia; a Board of Directors to serve ! during the ensuing ret>.r, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meet- ing. D. i. DAVIDSON, Secretary. San Francisco, September 24. 1896. a ■ 55^S=" NOTICE— THE ANNUAL E ETINgVf ur-C the stockholders of the Hank of California will be held at the bankine-house. In this city, on TUESDAY, October 8. 1896. at 11 o'clock a. m. ALLEN M. CLAY. Sccie:ary. San Francisco. Beptembet 23. 1895. 6PKCIAX NOTICI.S. fpTSp^Tov'su "wTijow~gTvles \£& alcohol baths. 105 Stockton st., room 47. |?^S= YOUNG JEWISH lady GIVES ELEC- I£<& trie baths. offices 47-48, 850 Marke; su 5JS3j=» YOUNG ENGLISH LADY GIVES AL- W-& cohol baths. 850 Market St., room 46. jFisp YOUNG GERMAN "LADI GIVEBALCO- W*& hoi baths and manicure. 17a Sixth, room 1. B^Sp~ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP; PAPER- "^ ed $3 50 uo. 317^ Third. Georite Hartman. »Jr:^g= FOR SALE— HALF INTEREST IN AN i*^ Abstract of Title Company In Eureka. Horn- boldt County, Cal. Bystem complete and full search of county lands in office. Cost to date, $10,- -000. Terms very reasonable. Full particulars given. Apply to J. McCALLAN, Eureka, Cal. W5S= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. »-*^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St.. room b, Tel. 6680. E^3p WINDOWS CiJCANED AND FLOORS i^-*" scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages cnnrantee<l. C. ROSSI Jt CO., 24'J Sutter. s£-]g=» CoiLhCTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED, a^Jf 810; costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. 29. CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE; l iy noußln. Chiropodli Tnititnte, 36Vi Geary. Z£^§=» ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS t»^_l£OV<j Geary, room 11 : hours 10 to IO; $1 SP-^» A WEBK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THK *rS' WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. SITUATIONS WANIED-FEMALE. \ M E R I A N , FIRST-CLASS PASTRY COOK -TV nr.d baker, wants situation. Apply at C. R. BANBEN .v CO., 110 Geary st. T/iUENOU WOMAN . DESIRES WORK BY J- the day washing or housecleanln*: $1 per day and car fare. Call or address 322 seventh st. \\r ANTED— BY-, AN ENGI7IsITT7oMAN AS »» m:rse: ian take charce of lufan: or I or 2 I young chi'dreu; Protestant; good references. Call 712 Turk st. OUSEKEEPE r— Y OUNG AMERICAN i «i:o\v wishes a position as housekeeper in small lamily; city or country. PI aie ca'.l or ad- dress MRS. C. A. DATON, 116 Fulton St. yOUNG LADY WISHES TO DO TYPEWRIT- -L ing at rates to suit patrous; plays and theatri- cal work a specialty^ business called for and de- liv»r.d. Address tarmel, box 108, Call Office. W ANTED— BY A RESPECTABLE GERMAN 'i lady, a position as working housekeeper or to do housework in a small family: Is willing to go in the country. Pleasecall at 237 Minna St., 2d floor. TTELIABLE GIRL WISHES POSITION DO -It housework: under^;ai:<ls plain cooking: small family. Addre— Reliable, box 109, Call Office. SI ATIO WANTED BY RELIABLE Oyounz woman to do any kind of general work in family without children. Address S. S. 8., box 104, Call Office. WANTED-BY COMPETENT WOMAS' SITU- » T ation for housework and cooking. 1024 ilow- ard st., room 12. ■ ■•;!•■ OITUATIOX WANTED iTv FIRST-CLASS O cook; will assist with washing; best reference. 740 Howard st. - ■ WIDOW FROM east \vishes situation "as working housekeeper; city or country- -4571 Jessie st., bet. Fifth and Sjxih. 1 PERIENCED WOMAN WANTS WORK BY -1-* the day or week: is good cook and laundress. M. G., box 1, Call Office. "T MERICAN WIDOW WISHES GOOD -il- steaay place as nouseKeeper; no triflers. Ad- dress MKS. HENRY, 8 Sycamore aye., bet. Sev- eni uli and Eighteenth sts. WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day " hou-ecleuning, washing and Ironing, or anr kind of work ; references. Adaress D. S., box 86, Call Office. yOUXIi WOMAN WISHES A FEW MORE A engagements as nurse to invalid or light house- work; best of references. Nurse, 1024 Howard St., room 21. A^OUNO FRENCH LADY DESIRES SITUA- J- tion as lady's maid, or take care of children; can teach French ; good references. 33 Rlncon pi. pOOK WISHES SITUATION IN AMERICAN \J family. Apply 155 Minna st. I yOU.VU LADY WISH ES >SITION ASCASH- j -l ier, or any position of trust: has good business education. Address M., box 8, Call Office. ELIABLE GIUL WISHES A PLACE TO DO upstairs or general housework. Call 916 Ala- bama st. REL lABLE DANISH GIRL WISHES A SITU- J atlon to do general housework: not less than #'20. Call or address 29 Vandewater st., upstairs, off Powell, near Francisco. T) ELIABLE, petk n t WOMAN WANTS Jl a siivation todogc-Deral housework; first-class cook. Call or a.idress 231 Third st., room 16, top floor. UATION WANTED BY SWEDISH AND O German girls, tirst-class cooks, wages $25 to $40: altoXo. ] butler. Apply to MRS. ANDER- SOX, 958 Willow st., Wesi Oakland. fi ekman""y7Yung LADY WISHES position VJ as msid or to take care of 1 or 2 children; will- ing to travel. 11. C. 1434 Franklin st., Oakland. W7 nMA.V WISHES TO GO OUT BY THE DAY '» to <-io laundry work, housecleanlng: also win- dows. 829 Hayes St., near Fillmore. basement. yOUN G W EDISH GIRL WISHES a situa- -I- tion to assist in housework. Pleasecall at 3 Pfeiffer St., hot. Chestnut anc" Francisco. A7OUXG LADY, LATELY FROM THE EAST, -I wants position as housekeeper. Call rooms 7 and 8, 210 a O'Farrell st. p OODSALESLADY WOULD LIX.X POSITION VJ in millinery store. Address L. S.. 1015 Market. yol'XG WOMAN WOULD LIKK A SITUA- J- tion to do general housework where she can have 4-year-old child with her; Is a pood cook: is willing to work for smail wa?es. Call 351 Minna. p ERMAN GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO VI housework: country prefeired: good home more an object than waces: no children. Ad- dreas M. T., box 10S. this office.. A'OUNrj LADY WI-HES SITUATION AS x working housekeeper. C».11 1002 Powell st. Dl ; ESS AX X B - FIRST-CLASS FITTER AND stylish draper and designer: thorough dress- | maker; $3 a day. MISS WARWICK. «09 ivy aye. STRONG WOMAN WISHES TO DO rioUSE- work, washing or ironing by the day. 245 Fifteenth st. ■ " "Y~ vopr efTnem'knt WOULD LIKE a ■tl housekeeper's position: no objection to a wid- ower's family: city or country. Apply at rooai 2, first flat, 119 l.'inth st. I : NT I.EMKN'S MKNDING NEATLY DONE. VJT Call at room 22, first floor, 105 Stockton st. \\ J; CHESTI-:P. HOUSE, 4 THIRD, NEAR '» Market;*2oo rooms. 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per wrek: convenient and respectable; : free bus iO and from the ferry. ■ • ,'^: v; INCIi ESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR Market: electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week? free bus to and from the ferry. „ .: : SITUATIONS WAMED-JIALE. PC. G. COOl^fflJocr I^RN'fsHEs"cOOKS _. all branches: shortest notice. 1 4 Geary. ! \Y AXTED, BY AN ENGLISHMAN, a BITUA- ; it lion as va!e. traveling servant, or to wait on an invalid gentleman; has had many years' experi- ence; has traveled over the Continent and has 8 years' reference from present employer. Address Valet, Uplands, San Mateo County. \\ T ANTED-BY "a~MAN WILLING TO WORK • ' a situation about place, or anything: $15 per -month nnd found: good reference. J. L,, box 161 Call uffice. .. ' AKMER AND STOCKMAN WANTS A SITU- i- ation as manager or foreman on a ranch; 12 years in last, place: best of references. Address F. F.. box 62, Call Office. yOL'SG GERMAN MAN, CA SPEAK ENG- -1 lish us well, would like a position as bartender; has 2 yrars' experience in the East: is also handy at anything; willing to work. J. J. M., call at 127 J Fifth st.. city. i pOACHMAN— SITUATION WANTED BY A ; \J young man: good driver, milker and general i hand about a private place: first-class reference. | Address G. P., box 140, Call Office. L^LUKKI.Y MAN, YET STILL ABLE TO | ±J work, would like any kind of ■ employment- I good r. ••com iix-ndat ions and is satisfied with small | wages. Please address W. W., box 131, Call. VTAN OF i X yK I i:NC E~WA NTS POSITION i.»i rs foreman of shoveling gaDg or similar woric. Address F., tox 92. SITUATION AS 'ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER; stock clerk, timekeeper or driver delivery- j vv»»on, cltv or country: rive years' experience in thJBjcjtj^_AjldrcBs E. G. H., box 78, Call Office. OOD COOK: WISHES SITUATION IN i!o m . n^i? m. r f slanrant: *° O(l references. H. I DAPPE, 611 Third st., Oakland. . UATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO MAN,' kj competent and experienced accountant, or mnn.with hours from 5 p. ,m. until close of busi- ness: mmni object; best of city references. .Ad- dress 1912 Fillmorn st., flat 4. W ANTKD-YOUXG MARRIED MAN WANTS »» situation as coachman: thorou-hly experl- Inced._ Address Coachman,j>ox 124, Call Office T>A BBXB S- Y < ) r N S G R R M A 8 W I S II K B~TO JJ learn barber trade; understands manufacture or periumes and toilet soaps. Barber, box 51, Call. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1895. MTU ATION S' WANTED- Continued. .: at ouSfo MAN FROM CHICAGO~OF GOOD AD- -I- dress nnd business ability, age 20, wants a re- spectable position with money Ju it. Address M. D., box 132, Call Office. Ar"oUXG MARRIED MAN, FARMKR, Eli ■L to thoroughbred and blood horses and all kinds of slock; wife can teach stenography, music, etc.; want employment. W. HL'NTLIiY, ,P. 0., San Francisco. "NfTINEER — EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE Xj man, stationary or marine, with United States I certificate, wishes a position. Call or address 1122 Larkln st. UOD GERMAN COOK , WANTS STEADY VJ work in hotel as second cook, lunch cook or porter. W. DOLL, 7 Alice st., off Folsom, bet. i'hird and Fourth. EXPERIENCED young man wishes JU place ns cleric in clgpr store: can give refer- ences. Address C. S., box 103. Ch*l Offlre. OOKKEEPER, 11 YEARS' EXPEDIENCE IX wholesiUe, desires position In any capacity: best of references : wages no object. S.. box 10. Call. OBER AND WILLING YOUNO MAN (DAX- ish) desires employment in wholesale hou.-,e or factory; willing io <io anything else: understands care of horses and can milk cows. Address S., box 3. Call Office. . .-■ HANDY MAN WANTS WORK AROUND liotel, lo<lglng-house or on ranch; good carpen- ter, painter, etc.: or would go as watchman. E.W., box 105, Call Office. ■ OUNG MAN WISHES TO ENTER MA- -l chine shop *s apprentice or helper; wages not so much a consideration; can furnish the very best references. Address M. D. B:, box 92, Call Office. QITUATION WANTED BY FRENCH-SWISS 0 man ana wife on wlneranch: man good wine- maker, wife good housekeeper. French Wine- maker, 516 Pacific st. IK3IALK .HELP WANTED. YOUNG GIRL, PLAIN COOK, HEALDSBURG. 1 $20; San Luis , Ohispo, $25; Hollister. $20; Oakland, $20, and other towns: housework girls, city, $20. $25 and $15; 6 young girls, assist, $10 to $16. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. ERMAN OR PROTESTANT COOK, $40; vJT cook, $30; laundress, $:-:0; French and Ger- man second girl, $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 StocK- ton st. . REFINED GIRL. COMPANION TO INVALID. $16. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. T>ROTESTAST GIRL. HOUSEWORK, TWO IN -L family. $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. GOOK— GERMAN STYLE, $30. NO WASH- German nurse, $16. MISS CULLEN, 105 I Stockton st. i "\TEAT YOUNG GIRL, 2 IN FAMILY, $15. I IN MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. COOK, INSTITUTION," CATHOLTC, $25 TO $30. San Jose. MISS CULLEX, 105 Stockton. COOK. SAN JOSE; FRENCH SECOND GIKL, VJ $26; nurse. German, $25; cook, hotel, $35. MISS CULLEX, 106 Stockton st. AfIDDLE-AGED GERMAN WOMAN, GOOD I ItJ- home, $15. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. QECOND GIBL AND Sl< AMSTRESS", «S0; I O short distance; see lady here. MISS CULLEX, 105 Stockton st. \\r ANTED— WAITRESS AND DO CHAMBER- I *' work for springs hotel, $20, room, etc.; Jennie i O'Brien, waitress, please call; 5 waitresses, $15 and room: house-flrl, Ross Valley. $20, 4 in fam- ily, s«e party in office 10 a.m.; girl for Gilroy, $15, see party in office 10 a. M.; housegirl for the Misßion, 4in family, $20: nnrsegirl, $15; middle- aced woman, housework, $16, see party In office 11 a. m.: ' middle-aged woman In family of 2, Auburn, $10, fare paid; girl for Pine s:., 4 in fam- i ily, $20; family cook, $25; housegirl, Baker St., 3 i in family, $15: .3 girls for second work, $15, and 2 ! at?2o: family cook. $20; German girl, family of 3, for second work. $15: yonmr clrl, family of 3, i $12, Twenty-third and Castro; 25 to 30 girls, $8, | $10, $12. .$l5 and $20, In nice families. MAR- | TIN'S Employment Agency, 749 Market st. | QWEDISH GENERAL HOUSEWORK GIRL, O $'25: 2 cooks and housework girls, country, south, $25: 5 general housework girls, city and I country. $20; German nurse&lrl, $15: upstairs \ girl, assist care 1 child, Jfl6: woman for ranch, I $15; second girl, sleep home, one liviug with par- ents. $15. C. R. HAXSEN * CO., 110 Geary st. pOOK FOR COUNTRY HOTEL. $'25: REBTAU- V. rant <0)k, $25; waitress, restaurant, $15 io $20; chambermaid, hotel near city. $15. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. TV" A NTED-NEAT COOK, PLAIN WaSH, 2 »* in family, $25, nice Dlace: nurse and second eirl, $20; 2 second girls nnd laundresses, $20 nnd i • $25: 3 German and French cooks, $25 and $30; i girl for housework across the hay, small American i family, s2s: hotel waitress and chambermaid, $20. , and gir.s of all nationalities for cooking and bouse- ! work In city and country. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 312 Sutter s:. W AXTED-FREXCH COOK, $25; MAID AND " seamstress, $25 : Infant's nurse, $30: French I second girl and seamstress, $26; giris for house- ! work and assist. $26, $20, $15 and $10. LEON I ANDRE. 315 StOikton st. OTEI, COOKS, $30; 2 BOARDING-HOUSE cooks. $30 each: restaurant waiters and 25 ! i girla for housework, rooking and to assist. MUR- I KAY & Kl-JADY. 634-636 Clay st. ' ■ WANTED— A NURSE FOR INFANT, $30. "» must travel: Protestant nnrse and seamstress, country, $K0; cook and second girl, same famiiy, , $30 and $2*>, country; 10 good liDusework girls for ! country. $25 and $'20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. v .: . • J WANTED-2 FRIENDS, CHAMBERMAID »» and waitress, country: cooks, country, $'25; | cook, Alameda, $20; colored woman. Auburn, fare i paid; German clrl, tend bakery, $18, $20: German I nurse, one child: ranch cook; girl, one lady. MME. LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton St. | W"ANTED— 3 GIRLS, GENERAL HOUSE- I ' » work, $25; cook. $25: 4 glris, light housework, j *I' 2 to $15; nurseglr;, $12; houseglrl, Alameda, 1 $20. 332 Geary. ■ S ANT ED-HOME AND BUSINESS BU- j • T reau, 819 Market St.— Working housekeeper; j 15 general housework girls; 4 upstairs girls; 5 . young girls to assist, good wages and homes; 3 : Swedish girls, must be good cooks and do general i house-work. Call at 9a. K. to-day. j W'ANTI-.D-A MIDDLE-AGED LADY' FOR »T bakery and attend to housework. Call between | Sand 10 at 1535 Post. ■■ ■ i WANTED- AT THE MISSION, A PROTEST- »» ant girl to do light housework lv small family; wages $10. P. G., box 31, Call Office. A/OUXG GIRL, lTght HOUSEWORK AXD -I cooking; wages $I'/. Call between 9 and 12 : o'clock 1316 a Golden Gate aye. : ; A7"OU NO GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK- ■i- German preferred. 1709 Post st. yOUXG GIRL FOR ONE CHILD; SLEEP | 1 home: wages $7. 1620 Ellis. \\T ANTED— YOCnTj WOMAN, GOOD COOK; " must do some washing; one understanding j French cooking preferred. Apply 1950 California. STRONG, REFIXED. UN NC U M BE R E"S 0 young women for office • work. 501 Leaven- ! worth St., room 16. I WANTED— GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE I " Apply 417 East st. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; GOOD home; small wages. 715% Grove st. OMAN FOR CHAMBER WORK. c. W.. box 125, Cell Office. ■■ ADIESTO LEARN THE ENTIRE ART OF J French millinery: competent teachers: guar- ; antee to graduate them in three months: fitted for | flrst-class positions. 234 Taylor st. WAN TED- A SWEDISH OR GERMAN GIRL capable of doing all kinds of general house- ; work; family of 2. 1202 P.uchanan st. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND CARE FOR children: sleep home; $10. 605 Jessie, after 8. I "l\r ANTED — YOUNG LADY FOB LIGHT I »» general housework; good references. Apply j 724 hhotwell st. qjflO GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; SMALL <J"-*" family; no washing. Call after 6p. h., 1521 Vallejo st. i •,'- .: . . OMEN AND CHILDREN WHO ARE SUF- ferlng with asthma. 221 Davis »t , upstairs. "L>H.E"K LESSONS; HAIRDRESSING, MANI- i. curing and lace treatment. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post st.. room i.O. ■ . WANTED-ONE. FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS »» In pr.vate boarding-house; references required. 916 Van Ness aye. TjNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHT vJ woman as managing office agent. Sospita Company, office 53, Donohoe building, y ANTED — A FIRST-CLASS COAT FIN- Isher. at 935 Market st., room 11. AIR-DKESSING, 25c: MA.VFCURING, 25c- morn, and evg. ; 10 lessons, $1.5 ... 1248 Mission. LADIES TO LEARN DRESSMAKING, CUT- tinz. fitting and finishing by the World's Fa: I mon $ system; dressmakers furnished by the day. I positions free--, patterns, latest sryles, cut to fit, 25c j up. McDOWELL academ y. 213 Poweii st- U" S. TAILOR SYSTEM OF DRESS-CUTTING; • actual measurements. 14 McAllister, room 67. INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR Market— Electric lights In every room; 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week ; frie bus to and from the ferry. 0 1 Q ELLIS-MoZARTrROOMS *JI.O night; $1 25 to $5 a week; very respectable. ■\jOBr CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; ITA Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night : $1 60 to $6 per week ; free bus to and from the ferry. pi ANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY X schooled artist: lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. IP BENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- ■t made suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAlllsterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- J- ting and making school ; all branches. 702 Sntter. MALE HELP WA lED. W A ■'for" BMA LL^DAIRvi "' $20, see boss = here; bedmaker for hotel, $25 must spoak French: second cook, $30; dishwasher, $16: etc. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. ■ .; ■ ; XK N t« H HEAD WAITISB FOR A CLUB. $50 J^ to $60; English waiter for a clnb, $40- 3 ros- tnnrant waiters, $45. C. R. HANt-EN & CO., 110 NDREW .McKKENEY, PLEASE REPORT. C.R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. - JUNGLE - PACKER, SONOMA COUNTY I kJ head and second tlmber-falleM, $50 and $40 and board; barker, $26: buter-maker. $20; lator- Kn C ITJPSS Pl« w h«»n<l.sls: 2 ranch teamsters, $20. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. ; B±KEBANI> PASTRY COO X, COUNT R tel, $30. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. HELP "WANTED— Continued. \\T ASTKD^CARVK^TEBS^dii'^ESTRAI. '» America," long job find pnrt fare advanced; timherman for mine, speak Spanish, good wages mid fare paid; 3 carpenters. $3 day: tiemakeM: cook for hunters, $25; waiters, dishwashers and others Apply to J. F. CROSETT cfc CO., 628 Sac- ramento st. ■ Ton =— =»23 Men and boys to nick grapes, dry .and box raisins, work in packing and drvins: houses, wlne-CPllHrs, etc., $23 per month and found, for a vrrv large company near city. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. A NCI I COOK, $30 : 3 COOK S, $40 TO $60: 2 XV coat makers; 2 Japanese cooks; Kitchen band for a camp, $40;. 10 laborers, ?26; 2 boxmakers; 6 farmers; 2 ehoremen. MURRAY & READY, BS4-6.56 Clay st. T\r \ NTED— FI RST-CLA SS BUTLER. $40J *> small family. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. . WAITERS, RESTAURANT. $35. MISSCUL- LEN, 105 Stockton st. \\r ANTED— YOUNG MAN OF GOOD AD- »» dress, about 20 years of age, who can ride a bicycle: must be. very strong and active, well ac- quainted' wi'h the city and be able to furnish un- quo-tionable references. RAPHAKL'B. _^ BOY OR YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE in ]««velry and optical business. Address 0., box 43. Call Office. ARBER FOR SATURDAY; WAGES $3. 321 J^> Hush st. ARBER FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 200 Eighth st. ARBER FOR SATURDAY AiTERNOON and Sunday. 609 Larkin st. , , , . ARBER FOR SATURDAY NIGHT. 310 more st. ARBER FOR SATURDAY. 1630 MISSION street. ARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY AND Sunday. 431 Montgomery aye. WANTED-BARBER FOR SATURDAY. 20 TT Second st.; ca!l after 8 a. m. BARBE R"FOR HALF DAY SATURDAY AND -L) Sunday. 443 Broadway. BARBER SATURDAY AND SUN- day. 306 Fifth st, BARBER FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 269 Third st. BA RB E R WA NT D~FO R SATURDAY ; $2 60. 627 Sacramento st. - . BARIIER FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 225 Fifth st. ARBER FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON MM3 Sunday morning. 901 Larkin st. BARBER FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY; percentage 60c, and buy the shop if satlsfac- tory. 2106 Mason st. _^ BA KS— MONDAY BEING A LEGAL HOi.- lday all shops will close at 12 ir. sharp. J. KLITSCH, President Barbers' Association. BARBERS — GOOD-PAYING 25c SHOP. 3 XJ chairs and 4 baths. In thriving country town. DECKELMAN BROS., 106 Ellis st. \RE YOU SEEKING A SITUATION? DO a\. you hold a position? If you are competent and reliable we c:m assist you. Call at once at 165 Crocker building, day, or evening before 9 p. m, U. S. Industrial Agency, Department ot California. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS man of EXPERI- »' ence, with reference?, as traveling bicycle salesman. Address I. S. V., box 94, Call Office. ■yOUNG WAITER: SMALL WAGES. 416 I Kills st. tl UPHOLSTERERS: 2 MATTRESS-MAKERB; ~' call early; bring tools. 2034 Mission st. ■ PLAIN PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER. Address P.. box 82, Call office. I RST-CLASS CARPENTER. 211 STEVEN- J son st. A NTED — GOOD CABINET-MAKER. AP- '* pJ>' corner of Santa Clara and Wisconsin sts. X\T ANTED— GOOD SECOND COOK; MUST BE ' ' quick on short orders. 43 Second st. "I (\(\ MEN TO GET A SHAVE 6C, HAIR CUT ±\r\J 10c. 14 V Montgomery aye. \\T A N TED— I ( i lI T WAITER TO DO SHORT '¥ orders. 427 Lurkln st. OUTSIDE PAINTERS' THIS MORNING AT ■^ 7 :30, cor. Sacramento and DevUadero; wages $2. OATMAKERS WANTED — APPLY AT XI \J a. m. at the Goldeu Gate entrance, ciIARLh.B LYONS. London tailor. 1212-18 Market st. ONE RELIABLE GENTLEMAN OR LADY IN VJ every town to introduce gold-lined luminous sluns, doorplates and house numbers: can be read in the dark: something nntirely new: without exoppllon the finest, best most attractive plates evi-r manufactured: samples, with any name. In- scription or house number, including neat sample case, 9cnt on receipt of 81 50: illustrated circular 10c: inclose stamp for particulars. Luminous Plate Company, 771 Howard St., S. F., Cal. \\r ANTED — GERMAN In WIN EHOUSE; «» only for tending bar; must know how to mix drinks: sell goods in store; steady place for the right man. Address G., box 1, Call. <2? ICA PABTNEE WANTED IN LIGHT %P l*J\J. business, suited to plain, steady man satisfied with $15 to $20 a week. 9 Geary, room 3. BEST-CONDUCTED 6c MEALHOUSE. 635 Clay st.; open day and night. Best PLACE IN CITY FOR SECOND-HaND Rhoes, 726 V opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Sixth st.; mlsui shoes bought or exchanged. TNDUSTRIOUS MAN WITH $40 CASH CAN X secure steady profitable employment by address- ing 8., box 22, Call Oihce. "OARBERS TAKE NOTICE— NEAT 1-CHAIR JJ shep for sale: sleeping apartment all furnished, price $50. Address F., l>ox 90, Call Office, Oakland. \\T A NTED— ALL CARPENTERS TO KKOW ' » that there are plenty of carpenters In San Francisco; all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. All help can be supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters at 115 Turk st. or 23 Ninth st. District Council meets at 115 Turk st. on Wednesday evening. ME WANTED TO SKLL MANHATTAN frtock Food: it Is best. C. KKRTELL, San Mateo WAN TED- A GOOD TRUNKMAKER: NO »» others need answer. D. D. WHITNEY, Los Angeles. :- '•■:. ■ >-■■ PANTSMAKERTO WORK IN X our shop by the piece. M. J. KELLER COM- PANY, Oakland. ■ -; "\f AN TO TAKE ORDERS FOR PRINTING. iXt Apply 619 Filbert st. "\|EN AND BOYS WHO ARE SUFFERING -■'I with asthma, 221 Davis st,, upstairs. RESS AND MEN'S FURNISHING salks- men; window-dressers preferred. A., box 89, Call Office. SEAMEN AND CARPENTER FOR EUROPE and all part 3 of world. 103 Montgomery aye. TA ilors' pattern COMPANY— ONE suit Xof patterns sent for $1 : satisfaction guaranteed ; particular attention paid to con nirv orders. Ad- dress American Patti-rn Company, 7? 6 Pacitlcave.. Alameda: also a new and simple system taught, $10 "I A GOOD TAILORS; STEADY WORK; GOOD XV/ wages. 541 Market St. "VyAN'IED— 2 BA'f HTI'BS, JBOILKR, TANK *" and pipes: In good condition- state price, etc. Address HERMAN KOCH, Vallejo. Cal. PP. RYAN. ANATOMICAL & THEATRICAL .boot and shoemaker,ll7By2 Mission st.,cor.Bth A MERICAN EXCHANGE~IIOTEL, 319 SAN- -cV. som« St.— Reortcned; European plan; light airy rooms, 25c to $1 per day, ,sltos4 per week, $4 to $15 per mouth. Housekeeping rooms $4 per month up. -*.-.-.- ARBERS' PROTECTIVE" lON EMPLpY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROKLL, 657 Olay. EN'S SHOKS i.,sui,K]i 40c: LADIES' 3Sc, done In 10 minutes. 959 Howard st. 02ART, 319 ELLIS, ROOMS 25C TO 50C night, $1 25 to $5 week; reading rooms. WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD, NEAR »' Market : 200 rooms; 25c a night: reading-room: j free bus to and from the ferry. WHAT CHEF.X HOUSE, 629 SAOBAMENTO St.: 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. , \VTANTED-16 MEN TO TRY OUR SQUARE mcala for 10c. 60 Third st. • ; rPHE RAILKOAD HOUSE, 533 COMMERCIAL X st., below Montgomery: sintrle rooms 15c night. 26c for two; best and cleanest house in town. EN'S SHOI.S y -KOLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c: done in 15 mlnuies. 636 Kearny st.. basement. R EE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; I single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week. Ur AN'l ED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE » » their wages to plar e accounts with us ; law and commercial collection: no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Suiter, r i. T IVE MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- J -i door work; will pay competent person $3 60 a i day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. MIRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- | X low Sixth, for a room ; 26c a night; $1 a week. QO I ELLIS, Rus>T[)7vLE— RCOMS isc TO 50c O+jX night: $1 to $3 week: open ail night. INDELL HOUSE. 6TH AND HOWARD— J tingle furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night. W' A NTED— LABORERS AND , MECHANICS »» to know that Kd Rolkin, Reno House proprie- , tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 | large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $!i per week.' \\r ANTED-MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP » T earn bewr. 6:-: bottle wina. 5c- CO9 Clay st. " : WANTED-6INOLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; 91 week; rooms for two, 25c a day,sl 60 a woe'e; rtadlnz room- daily papers. 3fl Clay st. CHOK3- HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: kJ done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repaiiing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st.V bet.' First st. aud Second St.; 1 00 MKN To take lodging at ioc, 130 I iw and 20c a night, Including coffee and roils. I 624 \\ ashlngton Bt., near Kearny. • BEST IN'cItTTsTnG EE'RIKiMSTTsTIoXNI) , 2.-i cents per niclit; 81, $1 25, $1 50 r*r week. liiclHc Houso .Commercial and Leidesdorfl sts. 4nn MKN ' BBECO:s HA fD^ I) ShT>Ks7kOME n\r\J nearly new. 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st. BARB V. RS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SKC. r.nrixrV Assn.. 12 seven h. jl. St'H KUXEHT. FABTKMtS VTANTKD;. ' ■ 1 .1 .1 . _ - .'...-.-;- --.•-,.-..:. ■■■■■... _•• PARTNER WANTED IN A, MANUFACTDR- ernJJ, 1 ? huslness . silent or active: capital required $5000, for which real estate security will he given; no manufacturer of these goods 011 this coast. - Ad- dress b. S., box 134, Call Office. ----. - v - A TS wanted: [ .'oOLiciTOltsi ENERGETIC ''■ LADIES " OR KS> gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- cident insurance; salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and .1 only. International Indemnity Company. 208 Sansome st. T ADY AGENTS-SOMhTHING NEW; SELLS XJ at sight ; ever>-body buys: ■ lady make $74 60 In 6y 3 days; sample 25c. D. W. ROBERTS, 809 bacramento St., upstairs. . ■. - . ... . ' T ADY AGENTS. TO SELL MME. KAASH'S IJ preparations for the skin; good wages. 14 Mc- Alllster st., rooms 67 and 58, 1 to 5 p. St. \Y" ANTED-SOr.ICITORS TO BELL MONITOR »» water-fllter in Alameda County: good waees. L. L. SAL&BURY, 1002 Broadway, Oakland, 9 to 12 A. ■V. ' ''.. * -.''• *" -* ;.■ ■ - -_■.»-.■,-.■.. QTOl'-IF YOU MAKE LESS THAN $5 PER tJ day call or write/ male or female: all make money selling onr novelties. ALUMINUM NOV- ELTY. COMPANY, 1508 Market st. .. \ J'VKRTISING AGENT; COMMISSION; ES- -ri- tablished 9 years. 408 California st., room 7. pITY SOLICI r'ORS, SALARY AND COMMIS- \J sion. Barter Por'rait Co., 432 sutler st PRACTICAL DISHWASHER: $5 A DAY J- made easy; sample to agents $3. Oakland Specialty Company, 962 Broadway, Oakland. CALIFORNIA MTTTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY \J wants crood-asents'to work Its accident and sick 'insurance; liberal inducements offered. 1 J. W. HANNA, .Secretary, Murphy building. ROOiklS WANTED. PROFESSOR OF FOR^njN"LAI\ r GUAGES^r)E- X sires a furnished room in exchange for lessons' specialty in Italian language : : been resident of this city 12 years: excellent references given and re- qulred. Address F. \V., box 118, Call Office. r ANTED- ROOM OR BOARD FOR PIANO '' lessotis; references. P., oox 72.Cail WANIiU-MISHiLLAAEOUS. • WANTED — SINGER'S MANUFACTURING sewing machine, second hand. 635 California St., room 5. ■ . • . ;,. .- ANTED — SECOND-HAND CASH REGIS- »' ter. Address, with particulars, It., box 15, this office. I^RUIT FARMER WOULD LIKE TO LEASE x sit) all fruit ranch for a term of 2or 3 years; or win take charge of place on reasonable terms. Ad- dress Farmer, 1468 Ninth st., Oakland. W"ANfED^KIT OF CARPENTER'S TOOLS; » » must be in good order and cheap. Address W. G^N., Call Branch Office, Alameda. AMATEURS HAVING A GOOD CAMERA TO ."- dispose of will do well to write C. C. HON. Sut er st., Stockton, ( al. LEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES for clothing, books and jewelry; postal. LOST. ~~~ ~~" LOST^mTN7JIToTirF?YT7AT3OU^6~IcETsT, on Howard st., bet. Third and Fourth, along Fourth^o Mission, to Fifth; reward. 868 Mission. T OST-SEPT. 28, LADIES' HUNTING-CASE XJ gold watch; n.onogiam "M.M."on case. Please return to this office; reward. - LOST^T ESDA~y7Ix WELLYN PUPPY; 8 months old. A. WILKIE, Mechanics' mills, Fremont and Mission; reward. OST OR STOLEN FROM 773V3 FOLSOM ST. Jto 216 Eleventh— 2 Baltic seal capes on Mon- day, Sept. 30. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to 215 Eleventh st. V TOLEN— APA N PUG, BLACK AND 0 white, at 22C8 Powell st. ; must be returned: tag number 1479. T OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA J ' Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of MAGDALENA GILGENKRANTZ, No. 195,464. The finder will please return to bank. pHEAPEST AND" BEST IN AMERICA-THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- ace free. ...... CLAIRVOYANTS. A— A— A— F. KUGENE. PROF. F. KUGENE. r:> - ■ t PROF. F. EUGENE. HAS REDUCED HIS PRICE $1 AND UPWARD BK WISE. BK WISE. BE WISE. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Remain not in darkness and ignorance, but seek the llt'ht of wisdom and learn what, the future holds for you, H:s parlors continue to be the point of great attraction. All are pleased with his readings. Consult him and secure the Good Luck charm. I'Rll*'. EUGENE, 1320 Market St., parlors 9 and 10. GYrJY QUEEN RETURNED; SHE WILL be "J pleased to see her friends and pairons agam; consult her at once on affairs of love and business. Parlor 2, 865 Market st. TF YOU ARE IN TRoTIILE AND NEED AD- -1 vic-call a; on ADDIK SWA I astral seer. 105 c-.icn rt.j question; answered. C CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER; ladies 25c. 230 Clara st., bet. Fifth and Sixth. THEL GRAY. CARD READER AND PALM- ist, reruoved to 1031 Market St., parlors 1 and 2. "PRKSENT. PAST AND FUTURE. 25c. MME. X LEGGETTE, 311 Tehama st., near Fourth. ■Vf METRAVENA RETURNED; SITS DAILY: I'JL names glven,2sc up. 828 Howard, bet.4th<£s',h. ME. ARNDT. BEST GERMAN FORTUNE' teller: only 25c and 50c: show you th» picture of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st. ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and CRrds: tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names civrn: good advice: snre help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Im- possible; fee $1: letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkln. ME.MOREAU.WORLD-RENOWNEDTIRAN cc medium; 25c up. 764 Howard st.. In front. PROF. LEON". PALMIST. CLAIRVOYANT", life reader. 633 Post: 10 to B dally, also Sunday. UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER: made charms; love tokens; trne picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven boly seal.-, and the Palestine wonder charm; lc -e 81 and imward. 23'Jt) Mission, nr. Twentieth. SPIRITUALISM. RS. DR." LOU PATTERSON, MEDIUM; SlT- tings daily; rapping seance Saturday evening. 967 Howard st. ■ CHAS. B"ROCKWAY, PHENOMENAL seance, - independent music materialization, telegraphy, trumpet-speaking, etc., wi'.l appear un- der test conditions Tuesday night, Oct. 8, at 111 Larkin st. ■ EST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c] MME. J. YOUNG, 605 McAllister st.: skeptics invited. MRS. A. BROCKWAY,' INDEPENDENT 1»1 slate-writer, 501 Larkin st., cor. Turk, 10 to 5; bring small slates. ' .' RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM AND LlFE- reader; ladles 25c; gents 50c. 342 Third st. ■ RS. MAYO STEERS, TRANCE MEDIUM; circles Sun., Tues., Fri., 8 p. m.: Thurs., 2 p. m.: r°adings. 10 to 4. 101 Grove St., cor. Polk. -, ASTROLOGY. DR. MEAD 'ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY planets from date of birth. 737 Market, r. 10. ASTRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 11 SCOTT - V St.; horoscopes, questions, Btocks, advice. . DENTISTS. CIROOME DENTAL. ASSOCIAT^On77S9^MAR^ VJ ket, bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialists; only roll- able agent for painless extraction: artificial teeth frm $5; fillings frm $1; extracting 60c. with gnssl. $~7A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED AS I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS dentist, 930 Market St.. next Baldwin Theater. DH.H. G. YOUNG. . BBXDOBB AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. B, LXTDLUM HILI., 1443 MARKET JST near Eleventh : no charge :or extracting when plate.s are made: old plates made over like new- teeth from $8 per set: extracting 6lic: gas given. pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- CHARLES W. DECKER. 1 R ST-CLASS" DEN TISTR V■ AT LOWEST X prices at Obdontunder Dental Parlors. 815»/i Geary st., bet. Hyde and Larkin; extractions (painless) for 60 days more, 50c. R. L. WALSH. D.D S., proprietor. ... v ; DR.J.J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— Open evenings: Sundays till noon. ]^R.REA.3OO TF'RK ST-ALL DENTAL WORK XJ at lowest prices and warranted: open evenings. ALL WORK REASONABLE AND - WAR- ranted. .DR. J. W. KEY. 1122 Market st. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, THE GENUINE Leek dentist; discoverer of nuinless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved from to 20 O'Farrell st. ATTORNEYS- AT^LAW. ADVICE i R^ETiDI^OR^E^ANrripROBATE laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Cour;s: terms reasonable; collections, etc G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stockton JOHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, RS. 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. WW. DA VIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.42O » Cali/ornia st., nns. 14-15; adrlc> FINANCIAL. W^TCAN LOAN YOU MONEY ' » Oakland real estate, first mortgage, at 7 and 8 percent. A. F. JOHNS <fc CO., 632 Market st., rm. 9. Any sum OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or : real • estate: lowest rate: call and stateyour proposition or write- open evenings. . J. NOONAN. 1021 Mission st. w V open i BICJTCLES. — BA RG AIN • H IG1I~"GR A d¥"lbTc YCLE JJ nrst-c]aBs condition; sell $45. 471 Halght st< p A CYCLERY-NEW WHEELS TO LET: J- best accommcKlatlons. Terminus Gearv, Mc- AlUater^nd Powell st. car lines. ■• typewriters" AND SUPPLIES. . TN VINCIBLE rTbBONS AND CARBONS -l- are absolutely guaranteed. United Typewriter and Supplies Co., 413 Montgomery st. , x pewmer PHYSICIANS. TThEUM A^I^jTr^NEURXLGf GOUT^SPE^ XV cial attentloa to these diseases. , J. A. McDON- ALD. M.D.. 1230 Market St.: I to 4. 7 to 8 p.m. _^_^_JB^SINESS CHANCES*. SALOON: ONE OF THE OLDEST AND BEST established saloons In the city: doing a first- <*ibss business; fine fixtr.rrs: cheap rent: clearing $400 a month above all expjnses: owner niust go Kasttitonce: will sell for ha!t value: full Investi- gation allowed saloon men; don't miss this great bargain: such a b.-irzaln will never be offered again. WOOD A C > 917 Market. .tt^AA MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: •IP •-"-"-'• gtork will invoice price asked; nothing llko it incity: wliolesalf tradsonlv: owner leavinc chy. WOOD A CO., 917 Market at. PROLL A CO., REAL- ESTATE BUSINESS Bi-okcrs and Auctioneei.i— Lnrze choice list of mere-hand businesses, restnuranls, hotels, sa- loons, grocery, bar, branch bakeries, delicacies, produce, wood and coal yards; buyen furnished and partners irocure>l at short notice; lodging ani private t'urnishf.l houses a specialty: furniture sold on commission or bought for cash. Office 719 Market st., near Third. L. PROLL, M anacter. . WOOD AND COAL YARD-F.SIABLISHED »" trade; best location: good teams: cheap rent. a bargain. PROLL & CO., 719 Market st. \rOTICE— DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF -Ll your business promptly? -. HEALY, 23 Kearny. QjQOO JUNK STORK FOR SALE™O>f AC- *SP<D\J\J. count of sickness; no rent to pay: furni- ture of rooms included HEALV, 23 Kearny st. SO7K BB A H~~BA KERY AND DELI- tJP-J I O. cacy store; receipts $10, to $12 a day: liest location ; don't miss seeing this bargain. BARRETT a co., 865 Y 2 Market st. --• Cj» 1 OTTO COFFEE SALOON; BUSINESS OF (IPIUUU, $60 per day: low ren -.disagreement of partners cause of sale. BARRETT, 865 V 3 Market. fij^OX BAKERY: ALL COUNTER TRADE: <iF<J-jtJ. large store: 2 fine ovena: good location: guaranteed daily sales, $15; good chance for coffee parlor. BARRETT i» CO.. 866 Market st. CglO^A RESTAURANT: GOOD LOCATION; iU)X£)O\J . receipts $45 to $50 daily: good reason forxeliing: trial allowed buyer who tnfansbusi- ness. 81'ENBERG A CO., 632 Market st. ' ©9^oo EXPRESS TRANSFER CO.: HAS <JP— OUV/. the largest trade between this city and Oakland: clears $v5O to $300 per month: pro- prietor owns his own property— barns, offices, stor- ages, etc. ; has 4 finest teams running across the bay; worth $3600: one of nicest, cleanest busi- nesses In this Sta c: established 15 years: grand chance for some active man; retiring from busl- ness. STENBERG CO., 632 Market, opp. Palace. <"• f\OOn SALOON, OLDEST, BEST ESTAB- qpO\JYJ\J. lished place city; enormous transient trade: fine bar and buck bar, registers, safe In- cluded; references to breweries and wholesale liquor-houses as to amount business now and dur- ing past 9 years; monthly net income justifies in- vestment of $15,000: owner made fortune: going to Europe. STENBERG CO.. 632 Market st. Ol I A PARTNER WANTED— CORNER tiA- tiP^v»\/. loon; transfer point: partner preferred to hired help: bargain. STENBERG CO., 632 Market St., opp. Palace. ©900 "RESTAURANT, BRANCH BAKERY ; tip^V/V/. 4 living-rooms; rent $16; chicken-yard, houses included. STENBERG CO., 632 Market. ajjTrfTTTjA kery, CONFECTIONERY «fe ICE- rt*J\J. cream parlor; location near Kearny st.; controls large at fFBoo;splendid chance for man and wife. STENBERG CO., 632 Market st. <2»1 900 ■ GRILL ROOM; ELEGANTLY FIT- <iP - M '« ted up and good-paying: best down- town location; particulars 633 California; Phcenix bar. •>; .i ■■■-. Og QOOO old-established CORNER <WOu\J\J. baron Fourth Bt., near Market; rare chance to get monthly paying saloon of $250 net. Inquire 533 California st., Phoenix bar. • ■ ft9^ioo SALOON; ONE OF THE BEST- Wf"J\J\J. raying on Montgomery st.; receipts $60 to $60 a day: trlslglvrn or no sal«: must be so.d immediately. GEoRGE L. CARROLL, 852 iiarket st. ■;<.■:. , TJLACKSMITH AND WOODWORK SHOP TO XJ rent on long term; stock for sale cheap- shop located in the richest valley of California, and doing a large business: owner retiring from busi- ness. Call on or addrf-ss J. E. CLOSE, Danville Contra Ccsta County, Cal. <B>QAA BOARDING-HOUSE AND SALOON; <PUVVJ. a fine business location: well furnished; low rent: large number of boarders; a bargain. Apply at 783 Market St.. room 3. OR SALE— WELL-KNOWN GROCERY AND X 1 bar In the Western Addition: owner sick- price $2500: $2000 cash; chance. C. G., box 21, Call. <B» 1J" O RESTAURANT; BEST LOCATION *B)XU\J, In the city: neatly fitted np; lowreut; good business. 783 Market St., room 3. RUG-TORE; INLAND CITY 6000 POPULA- tIon ; no cutting. DAY A CO., 602 Market st. SALOON AND 3 ROOMS, OPPOSITE NEW Postoffice site. 50 Seventh st. XT' OR SAKE— PRINTING OFFICE: CYLINDER X 1 press, gas engine, job presses: first-class job office; can be had at a bargain; terms reasonable. 519 San Pablo aye., Oakland. _^ ARTNER WASTED TO CONVERT AN OLD established and well-stocked resort into a va- riety theater; location very desirable: sizo of hall, 76x136; everything favorabie forthe project: pres- ent proprietor lias been 6 years in business there; a very moderate sum required. Inquire Figaro ofllce, 532 Merchant st. . OR KAI.E CHEAP-A GOOD PAYING SA- X 1 loon on Third street. Inquire at WICHAIAN, LUTGEX A CO.'S, 318 Clay St.; no agents. WANTED-MAN WITH FEW HUNDRED " dollars to join advertiser In pushing a new in- vention in San Francisco which has been tremen- donsly successful in Southern California. Hand- some profits and quick sales: fullest Investigation courted: references exchanged. Address 1., box 114, Call Ofllce. " ' . ©000 LODGING-HOUBE FOR SALE. 641 tg)O\J\J* Washington St., Plaza llonse. CjOnO BARGAIN, LODGING-HOUSE . 8 ttf)<_;"\/. rooms newly furnished, clearing $75 a month. 117 Eddy st. (JJtOXA FOR SALE, ciTOCK AND FURNI- tip^tJVS. tureof ponltry ranch above Fruitvale: 32d chickens, incubator and brooder, horse and I wagon; 6-ioomed house partly furnished; 3 acres all in fruit; rent $12 50. Apply room 34, from Ito 4, Donohoe bulldln?. RESTAURANT FOR SALE OR REXT-AN •It elegantly fitted and appointed downtown res- taurant: complete; all modern improvements and conveniences: for sale or rent. Apply 2251. BRANCH BAKERY AND STATIONEBY- store for sale. Apply 326 Ninth st. SALE— ONE OF THK BEST SPORTING goods and bicycle establishments on the Pacific Coast; valuable agencies attached: pays a good in- come; reasonable price; excellent opportunity. Address Sport, box 103, Call Office, San Francisco. 2*9000 IMMEDIATE NECESSITY: CALLS is)4j\J\J\J. party to Europe; will sell his interest in established and - remunerative business. Box 92, Call Office. . TfOR SALE COMPLETE AND WKLL- X stocked candy, book and notion store; on ac- count of departure from city. 2115 Flllmore st., near California. POT CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF MER- chandlse; strictly confidential. R. J. box 36. JIIRST - CLASS CHANCE FOR TWO PER- -I sons; restaurant, In excellent location and doing good trade; will be sold at a sacrifice. 1104 Fili- more st. GJ^P.O CORNER SALOON: BEST LOCA- tJpUUU . tlon; well worth $1000; must be sold on account of sickness. Apply REISER, Jonah Sa- loon. 21 Third st. ■ f-iOR SALE CHEAP-ON PRINCIPAL BUSl- ness strfe: of Oakland, a well-equipped cash grocery business, inclndiner stock, fine fixtures, horse, wagon, etc. C. box 73, Call Ofllce, Oakland. "•"t'-^OO A RELIABLE LADY PARTNER. ijpcmv/. good manager, wanted In established parlor business: large profits. Reliable, box 57,Ca11. FOR SALE-$80; RESTAURANT; MUBT sell this week : leaving city. 496 Eighth st. STATIONERY, NOTION.CANDY; COMPLETE stock; well paylna: established 3 years; de- parture. Apply Call Oißce. . . G1 BOCERY-STORE FOR SALE: WITH OR VJ" without bar. 731 Seventh St., Oakland. BUTCHER-SHOP: GOOD BUSINESS. B. BASCO, 435 Bush st. . . MAN OF ABILITY - SALARY $100 PER month— as assistant manager In luge mercan- tile Duslnfss, established 7 years, in gooa location, with good stock, doin? good cash business; to pur- ■ chase one-hair interest for $3500; stock Inventory, $70 JO: no charge made 'for good will, as we desire I a man of good ability to assist manage: close In- vestigation allowed: best of references required and offered. This Is a rare opportunity for you to get into an established, well-advertised and"good- | paying business, where you can earn a good salary I and mnke goo 1 interest on your Investment. For further par:lculars_addies3 Partner, box 47, Call. I \\r ANTED-MEN OF SMALL CApTrATTTo I '» engage In the following bnalnesses: Hotel, * Harness-shop, drugstore and cenei-al-merchandlse i B'.ore.etc.: best opening In the State: mills and ! factories employing large numbers of men; we will '■P-l'il, f ?. r !ne riRUt F- nies - "-For particulars addresi SHEPHERD A TEAGUE, 1118 J st., Fresno, Cnl. ROCERY, BAR AND 6 ROOMS; GOOD COI? , ■ , ne c eap l 0 lhe ri ht P»rtr; a bargain.- Ap- ply Call Office. T^OR SALE-GOOD. NEATLY FITTED UP X corner saloon. Intrulre 133 Fourth st. EST AUR ANT— RENT: GOOD BUSI- XVnes3 for little money. . Call at 1934 Mantel rOH SALE— PATENT GHT OF MONKEY- X wrench. W ALFRED EBERG. 227 Jackson st. FOR SALE— GOOD-PAYING COUNTRY SA- loon; full Inventory. Inquire 541 Mission st. THE PALACE HOTEL '■'■ '-V. v. .•" AT UKIAU, MEXDOCINO COUNTY, CAU, TO RENT OR FOR SALE . ON LIBERAL TERMS. Inquire of J. M. MANNON,,UkIah, or.WIIr AM HEESER. Mendocino. Q» I A T0.,5100- INVESTED IN : CHICAGO <P 1 yf wheat or New York stocks on margin pays many tiroes original Investments and makes for- tunes; losses limited, but profits are unlimited : pamphlets explaining details I free. BURBHIDGE A CO., Commission Brokers, 325 P!ne St., S. F. "L^OR SALE— OLD ESTABLISHED BRANCH -T bakery and stationery store: doing a good cash business. Call and investigate at 2148 Mission st. XPRESS BUSINESS: STAND. SANSOME and Bmh sts. ■ J. C. FREDERICKS, Owner. TSoRNE'rTkaLOOX, WITH ROOMS; OLD \J stand: cheap rent. *312 Battery st. . ;■■ ■ , TT'OR SALE-BLACKSMITH. AND WHEEL- -T wrigbt shop In country; strictly cash trade. Apply I. S. VAN WIXKLK, 413 Market sU SMALL MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. FOB O sale. ■•- Full investigation- solicited. W. A. SCHRACK. 21 New Montgomery sU BUSINESS ■; CHAN CES-Cmitlnnefl . , MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; Winchester House, 44 Third St.. near Market : 700 rooms: 35c to *1 60 per nlcht: ■U cO to *o l«r ■week; Cree bns to autl trom i ii<- lerry. • " "TUNCTION CORNER FRUIT PRODUCE J business. 1942 .Mark,-t. cor, enough and Halght. AYING REfcti a 1 1: NT.NEAR'CARHOCSE;" steady traii*': rtntijlS. 10!;9 Larkln. I,ODGIN'O-IiOIISES I'OK SALE. 14 ROOMS(CORNE R tNKAT'.Y FU R- *Z(O. nislied: clears about $40. SPECK A CO., 602 Market st. TTTroom li'iil.l, in haywardstorent 4U cheap. SPECK & CO., 602 Marke: St.- .■;' ■' •* 1 C>ROOM HOUBEONGEAR"i si.; J{KNTS4S XZi price 800. DBCKEB, I JO6 MarketjJt. 7-ROUM HOUSE TO EXCHANGE: CITY OR £i country real estate. DECKER, 1200 Markeu I A ROOM HOUSE: POLK -ST.. NKAR CA LI- X\J fornia: $300. DECKER, 1206 Market gt. EST LODGING-HOUSE IN HAN FRAN- cisco: 34 rooms, all full; verycliean; owner (rolnc East. Als<» fine lodging-house In Oakland, 30 rooms; full of jejple: p*yl»f well: very rea- sonable. C. K. KING, 902 Kr<.;t<l way. Oakland. lODGINO-HOUSB; 19 "rooms: SALE AC- XJ count tlcl-neas. 48 Seventh at. C&Q^O HOUSK: 9 ROOM S ; GOOD TRAN- tIpOUU. sient trade. Apply Landlady, 5 Fourth. "~>-J Ql\ HOUSE: 11 F V r.xisin D rooms •ip 1 Ol'. and store; four months' rent paid. 3129 Sixteenth st. ■ • OR SALE— LOOSDON HOBSE, 336 a BUSH St.: must sell on account of sickness of the owner: house full of steady roomers ; call aud see what a great bargain this is. ■ Q£7 ANI) 869 MARKET ST.. OPPOSITE O\J I Powell; best located lodging-house In th 3 city; 175 beds: to rent furnished or unfurnished from October 15; special Inducements to agool live man. Apply to BENJ. M. GUNN A CO., 228 Montgomery st. ■. ■ _^^^__^__— FURNITURE FOR _SAJLIi--. oI?pTETE'ISuTFTrT?6irTR?)o^^ \J Brussels carpet laid 45c Heavy linoleum ....400 Free packing and delivery across the bay. Coun- try orders solicited. Send for circular. SH IRE X SHIREK. 1310-12 Stockton st. Open evenings. "DEDUCTIONSON LABGE3TOCK, new AND X\) second-hand; 400 carpetj, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c: 7- plece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. 11. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. pUT PRICES IX FURNITURE ANDCARPET3 \ / tM.< n-. »k- at McCABB'S. 948-fIBO Mlmion st. IT ÜBIS \\ AN T KD. _ A "MEBICAN^FuitNiTURE COMPANY^ WILL" -Ti. pay you the highest cash price for your furni- tore, carpets, etc. 1129 and 1131 Market. A UCTIONEER J. C. M.UTHER. 719 MARKET -tVjit., pays highest cash prices for furniture. TLBON BROS., 1 7 10 M ARK ET BT., FURNl- ture bought and gold: telephone, south 762. LWAYS BEFORE SELLING SEE H. jT -CX LEUTHOLT2, 821 Mission, bet. 4th and sth. HG. KRASKY, CARPETS, PICTURES, • folding. Iron beds, furniture: low prices: Cat. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. Cash paTd for furniture and mer- chandise. L. H. BURP Anctioiif-er.lO Fulton. carpet CLEANING. ParpTcts^^'r^ughl^^'cleane^anS KJ renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 38. ATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND RENO- -Ll vatlng Works HAMPTON iBAILLY: layln? and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 244. CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING ano Renovating Works, 88 and 40 Eighth st. G. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'SPioneerCa> pet Beating Works. 353-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. CIONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 335" \J Golden Gate aye. ; telaphone east 126. ' HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANIN(7 Co. (Incorp.): old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14tb, tel. 6074. I MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND ♦ I . ovating works. 4. r Sit evonson; tel. 3228. PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. ABA RO /ON LIST OF PIANOS^ "'""" All fully warranted 5 years. Cash or easy payments. 1 Standard ; rosewood ; good condition .$l5O 1 Nugent; an excellent piano: very cheap 2CO Gablers: thoroughly renewed: same as new. 250 IMarschall: practically new 225 1 Emerson: largest size: brenze panels 275 1 Estey; slightly used -275 1 Emerson; largest size; walnut: beautiful... 325 SHERMAN. CL\Y <fc CO, Pacific Const Agents Stein Piano, cor. Kearny andSuttersts. Large selection of renting pianos. T7UNE STEINWAY, EXCELLENT ORDER." X' mnst be sold. Room 21. 809 Market st. TMJIEOUTE SALE; UPRIGHT PIANO; X small size: $50. Room 10, Flood building. " WEBER, SOHM EX, EMERSON, LESS THAN half cost. BRUENN, 228 Post st. pELEBRVTED BUSH A GERTS PIANOS; \J tone unsurpassed; cases unique. A. L.BAN- CROFT & CO., 324 Post si. f^EW STEINWAY, CHICKERINO AND Emerson second-hand uprights; almost n'-w your own price. BOWERS & SON, 23 ifth st. IMNE EMERSON PIANO FOR $125; GOOD as new. HEINE. 410 Post st. UPK^tIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD A NEW 0 11. MULLER, maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. T> EMOVED— F. W. SPENCER A CO. TO 33S -IV Post'st., near "Powell, sole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 338 Post st. UrM.G. BADGER WITH KOHLER& CHASE, Y> 26, 28 and SO O'Farrell st. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale in San Francisco. . J. HARRY SCOTT, ... 929 Market st., Spreckels building. ASY TERMS: LOW PBIC£SI KOHLEB CHASE. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER A CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ! DECREB BROS.. STEINWAY, FISCHER U other first-class makes of pianos: little used: cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLKB A CHASE «>8 and 30 O'Farrell st. . ARGAINS I XHKi -GRADE PIANOS; EASY i-> payments. BCHMITZ A CO., 935 Market st. AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, guitars and banjos at MaUVaIS'. 769 Market. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHIIEB, New by A Evans. Brlcgs and other pianos. S~ TECK. CHICKEBINO A SONS., VOSE AND (Sterling pianos sold on $10 Installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON. sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS _ TH2J WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. HOKS. S. FOR SAL^^^R^eThaRNESSAND BUGGY; cheap. Call or address 312 Brannan st. A(\ HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS rt\J buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horsa Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Weaned day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, Auctioneers. 1 00 SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALIJ XVJyJ kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap liorsea. Flfteentu n;id Valencia sta. WAGO.V.-i ANU CAKKIAUES. ECOND-H AND WAGONS, ALL KINDS, from $10 upward. 924 Bryant st.- OOD ' ■: X R Ss ' WAGON AND COVER FOR • sa!e cheap. Apply 103 San Jose aye. IjiOß SALfc, LIGHT BUSINESS WAGON. 203 1 Twenty-third st. OR SALE— HACK, BAKER AND LAUNDRY " wngon, fine buctry and rockaway. 828 Harrison. ~~~~ SEWINO QIACIUNES. QE^N^MACHINES 'RENTED, $1 50 PER C 5 month; all kinds repivitvd; machines sold from $6 upward. ISeS Market st. KNTED $1 50 A MONTH; CUT BATES-' patents on t>ewlng-machines having expired we can sell you latest Improved machines for o&e- -third_regalar i-ric^. 145 Sixth st. \ LL KINDS SEAVING-JIACHINKS BOUGHT sold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest rates. 206 1- onnhs:., r..-ur Howard. ENOIXE FOR BAXK. Q9"iO' NKVV STEAM PUMPING ENGINK; *iT — O\J. capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per- kins Pump and Eiujnt- Co., 117 Main s:., s. l\ ___F^R^AXE-SIISC EJULANEOrS. _ PHONOGRAPH FOB SALE FOR $12.; A $450 x outfit complete for entertainments, street pur- poses, etc. Address G. M. ROGEKS, 1025 Mission. GAS-KNti FOB SALE: ifail iKsEl'uWEH- nearly new: suitable for mining pump, lathe, ventilating fans, coffee-mills, i>tc. less than half original cost. Address Euglne, i>«i\ 140, bU office. flt9'"\A AN OLD-ESTABLISHED RESTAU- f^>^O\J. rant. 709 Battery st. AT. a BARGAIN— ONLY, A i;;\V LEFT OK j^V those sample carriages: all kinds of carriages at factory prices. CAL. RATTAN CO., 65 to 61 First 5t. .....,, '/■•■.-'•. SMALL BCKEW AND GEAR CUTTINO lathe, 14 inches between cen-ers: tools com- plete; cabinet-maker's outfit complete; small en- glne and holler. 1400 Van Ness aye. • ;-* RUBBER STAMPS AND PRINTING CHEAP* The Globe, 14»3 Market, bet. lOsh and 11th. ■TVIAAIOND RINGS, PINS. STUDS, BRACE- Hdß^i a s^lsTrgav^ fgtOrepriC^ UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. AliTmaTces OF typewriters bought . and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 810 California: PNEUMATIC; SAFETIES FOR $75 THE? lot. 328 McAllister st. lfcj * TVTATIONAL CA^H REGISTER, SAKET X>l scale, letter-press, desk;, cheap. 102 Clay st. N F RANGES CHEAPER THAN. SE~COVI> ±\ hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co.. 12 CallforMhv "t C| OUNTJS R S, SHELVING, iSHOWCAskJ ; bought aud »old nai^ Market beL7iuandBu