HOCTSKS TO LET. ESIDEKCB I' 1-104 GUERRERO ST., XV n^ar Thirteenth (Ridley): one block from Cas- tro, ValPiiria and elt-ctric cars; 12 mlnates' ride to K«.-\rny sjreet; double parlors; sitting-room: larse illnins-room: billiard room: 6 bedrooms; large kitchen: French raiipe; electric bells: handsomely j^iperiii ; garden; high ground: flne view; healthy location: sun all day; rent low to good tenant. Apply at premises. /MIKNKU HOUSk7~9 ROOMS, BATH -AND I iHiindry. on Twelfth St.; 840. DEMPSTER, 36 <-! man cant 81 I . bWyou can— \ The o. large yard. 212 1 Eleventh st. YOUR ROOMS, BATH, THIRD FLOOR; NO X children; $12 50. Four rooms, bath, second floor; $15. Both quiet, sunny, clean attractive. - DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Far* aye., off Twelfth st. 1 YE LARGE KOOMS, FRONT AND REAR T yards, sunny; $25.. 22 Twelfth St., between Mission and Howard. • '. \ T I AT UPPER "FLAT; BAY-WINDOW; 7 -i-> rooms and bath; Dolores St.. between Twenty- tliird and Twenty-fourth; rent low to agood tenant. .\ pply to C. S. CAP P «t CO., House Brokers and Ktal-Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st. iHEAP RENT; SUNNY FLATS: 4 AND S \J rooms and bath. Twenty-sixth St., near Capp. 097 -,l\ WATER FREK: -.7 SUNNY COR- O— • 'O\J. ner rooms with bath. IHOI Hyde st. SE. COR. SUTTER and FILLMORE— FLAT , 6 rooms: bath; hot and cold water ; stationary washtubs. 4 BLIND MAN CAN'T SEE, BUT YOU CAN— -V The best list of flats at BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. 9 ELEGANT NEW 7 AND 8 ROOM FLATS: — all bay-windows: sunny corner. Guerrero and Klghtee nth sts.; $30 and $32 50.
  • NX. cor. Polk end Jackson sts. • MODERN FLAT: 5 ROOMS; BATH; O all conveniences; cheap. 434 Fourteenth st. SKY UPPER FLAT; 3 ROOMS; YARD; 0 uaterfree; $12. 556 Third st. ■■■ • I ath; rept reduced to $25. 9 NEW ELEGANT FLATS, WITH LARGE — yard and basement: ront low. 1239 Eighteenth. ]> X DUCED— #4O ELEGANT. NEARLY N I \V II tlaistoS2s: $25 flats to *14 to $16. SPECK rKNI7Tirii.rGSITFUL DAYS IN 1 the fia:s you reiu from BALDWIN -; "^<( 7 JtOOjIS AND BATH:AIODERN: \ — — *%J\J. bay-windows : water free." 15 Henry si., near Sanchez. - .- \KA i Iry HALL: 10. 141, 143 GROVE BT; --' 3 elegant sunny iiats; 6 rooms each. .- . ;■. LEGANT NEW" FLAT. 7TH ST., BELOW Bryant, 5 and 6 rooms; bath: fg to $16. . 9X tfODEBN FLAI s BOOMS, BATH; 1 O— *-*• or 2 families. 1128 Howard st. "C 5» Q $9 AND »10: 8 3-lioo"M ILA'I S. 26 CHES- OO> lev st., off Harrison. Seventh and Eighth. CHOICE SUNNY FLAT; 7 BOOMH AND btiMi. 1314 Fell st.. near Broderick. -• •. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR S l't keeping rooms; also 1 back; bath; private family: $10 and $6. , . „ A 901 FIFTH— SUNNY ROOMS FURNISH'D "i^Os complete for houskeeping;waterln kitchen Folsom Street. KEQ FOLSOM— 3 SUNNY I'NFURNISHED tJOL) rooms: range, hot and cold. water.. . . Fourth "treet. AC\l FOURTH ST.— 2 SUNNY FURNISHED li'l rooms for housekeeping. Garden Street. 1 Q GARDEN, ABOVE SIXTH— FUR- X(J nished housekpg rooms: water; kitchen: $9. Geary Street. 99q"|l GEARY — SUNNY ROOMB, COM- 4'4'OXz plete for housekeepings-open 12 to 2. • 79-: GEARY — 2 LARGE NICELY FURI I £.*J nished sunny rooms and kitchen, complete for light housekeeping. . . Halght Street. 7OQ HAIGHT-2 OR 8 UNFURNISHEb tUU rooms for housekeeping; no children; rea- sonable,. . ... Hyde Street.' mHYDE, NEAR TURK— NICELY FUR- nished rooms for housekeeping; rents re- duced. Jegale Street. '■' qXr. JESSIE— NICfcLY.. FURNISHED SUN- *J*J*J ny housekeeping rooms. '..>." Jones Street. ■ . (W 7 JONES-SUNNY PARLOR ROOM, $12; \JX^ al«o single sunny, »7. Larkin Street. • *-i9R LARKIN - SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING O^.U apartments: nicely furnlnhed ; central: i 1 OfMl LARKIN - HUNNY FRONT ROOMS. 1 \J\J\J unfurnished, $14: single, furnished, $4. Lewis Street. ~ 1 R Wlf! flF TAYLOR, NR. POST-LARGE X ny rooms. for hous'-keepinc: bath. KOOMS TO LEX. tddy Street. 110 EDDY — ELEGANT FRONT ROOM : HO other furnished rooms: cheap. -.-> . FfTA EDDY— LARGE, NEAT BOOM; FOLD- t>IU ing bed; front single room; .private family. cqn EDDY— SINGLE • FURNISHED ROOM. OO ' $4 60; double, $8 a month. - r»9Q EDDY— ELEGANT NEWLY FURNIHH- U— O ed parlors, suitable for physician: very rea- sonable. ■ • ...-.,• ... Eighth Street. .. THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable: central; very moderate prices. 28 Klghth at., «ear Market. A.-W. MANNING. . • ' Ellis Street. " " JOA ELLIS-FRONT ALCOVE AND ROOM tfc—U adjoining for housekeeping: running water. p?qq ELLIS— NICELY FURNISHED LARGE VjOO sunny room; gas, bath; $10. Goldea Gate Avenue. . L:;.;^ 799 GOLDEN GATE AYE.— FURNISHED •IZ, — and unfumlahed rooms. ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■■ , .wV'v.V,>V Grove Street. , , ...■ -;t;';V OA Q GROVE-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOM. O*lO $5 per month: private family. ..Harrison Street. . - . 7Q/1 HARRISON. NEAR FOURTH — FUR- IO4 nished front and back parlor; for 2 single men or small family. ; ■ Hayes Street. ■ ■ 7A7A HA NICE FRONT ROOM. VERY •\J I cheap: bath. • . : .- .'■ ' Hyde Street. 4 HYDE, OPP. CITY . HALL-ELEGANTLY : furnished sunny rooms, suite, single, reasonable. 91 A HYDE— SINGLE ROOMS FOR HOCSE- — JA/ keeping; 1 room outside for bachelor: cheap. A 9QI HY DE, NEAR O'FARRELL — SUNN Y "i*-O2 single front room; 87. 711 HYDE— LARGE SUNNY NICELY AND { ill neutly furnished suites and single,. $10, $20. 7AQB HYDE— FRONT AND BACK PARLOR; i\JO sunny; and kitchen: $18. (>l]A HYDE— NICELY FURNISHED ROOM: Oil sunny; private family; gentlemen; $7. Call in the morning. 1 AAfi HYDE — 1 NICELY FURNISHED IUUU front room; sunny: gas; bath: $8. Howard Street. £9Q HOWARD — NICE SUNNY ROOMS; U— O double and single: gas, bath. 17I\A HOWARD, COR.THIRD-FINELY FUR- -4 U*i nished front rooms; first and second floor. 1 AT r b HOWARD ST.^NICE FURNISHED I.\JOO rooms; cheap. '.*-•• I 1 OA HOWARD— LARGE BEDROOM, SUIT- II D\J able for lor 2 gentlemen. . . Kearny Street. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- JA. aut sunny rooms, en suite an.l single; first class in every respect; terms reasonable. Larkin Street. 11 Q LARKIN —1 •- FURNISHED SUNNY 110 front suite; also same for housekeeping; reasonable. . ■ pfl A LARKIN-SINGLE SUNNY ROOM, $6; t/lU also, comfortable room, reasonable. O(\l\ LARKIN— SUNNY SUITE, ' WITH AL- Ul/tJ^;ove and running water. Market Street. '." ' ~ * . 7q7 MARKET— ELEGANT SUNNY FRONT 101 bay-window suites; single rooms, $2 per week np. ■ -r- "-• . OCA MARKET, COR. STOCKTON— OFFICES OO\J tor physician; most centrally located. ■\"Os"emTtE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. 1 Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites: per night. 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. Mission Street; •-"-;r"i \ 1 f»-\ O MISSION — NICELY FVRNISHED SIN- Ol O gle rooms; 15c to 50c per night; $1 to 82 a week. ' '■'-■•■; . n^ .9"! MISSION— FURNISHED ROOMS, SIN- -11-1 gle or en suite; reasonable. ■'- v UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients O'Farr»ll Street. ' J.9^ O'FARRELL — NICELY FURNISHED ■jt — U room for 2on sonny side, $10. 71 a O'FARRELL— NICE NEWLY furnish- I 11/ ed rooms; al»o unfurnished rooms for housekeeping.. . l'owell Street. 91 jr POWE L L — SUNNY FURNISHED ,^I(J rooms: $8 and 810. . . : , Second^ Street. ' • • "lip: SECOND-GOOD SUNNY FRONT FUR- -11« nlshed rooms; very cheap. Seventh Street. "I 07 SEVENTH-FURNISHED ROOMS FROM .1.0 1 $1 a week up; housekeeping; transient. Sixth Street. '" ■ ' ' ■ qqsiXTH — THE HILLSDALE, SUNNY 00 rooms; single and «n suite: $1 to $1 60 a day. 1 AQ SIXTH— NICELY-FURNISHED BUNNY XVO front rooms: en suite or single; 86 pp. 9/19 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS' Zi-±Zi single $1, double $1 50. < '■'■■' Tenth Street. "I AQ TENTH-2 NICE FURNISHED SUNNY X\JO rooms; suitable for one or two gentlemen; use of bath hot and cold water: reasonable. ♦ Third Street. • TITINCHEBTEB HOUSE-44 THIRD, NEAR »' Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 26c to 81 50 per night ; Xl 60 to $6 per week; electric lights in every room ; reading r'm; free bus. Tnrk Street. "I A TURK-SUNNY ROOMS SINGLE AND Xj: en suite; suitable for manicure or alcoholic baths. ■ ■■•■■■ i^^q TURK SUNNY SINGLE ROOM, KJrtO bath, gas, 84; private. family. - , ,i > ■ ■ ' ' • Van Ness Avenue. • • - KAI VAN NESS AYE. - NICELY FUR- OWX nished sunny rooms: terms reasonable. Migcellaneous. FOR RENT— TO IOR 2 GENTLEMEN, nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; all modern conveniences: located about. 8 blocks tronj Kearny and Market sts.: private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, CaU. . liOR RENT-TO GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- nlshed sunny front bay-window room, private amily; 8 blocks from Market and Kearny; refer- • lees. Address X. Y. Z., box 1. Call Office. 'HEAPEBT AND BEST r INAMERICA-THK v. WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the L lilted States or Canada one year for 50, post- age free. ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■■ --■■...-■ BOAKIiiNU A>l> UOOMB. TH^HYi)E^o?icETY eurnisheTTsunny -LOO rooms; 'excellent board; German cooking; moderate terms. v • | TAA ♦" PI NE— T V ICTOB~E XCLUSI V k] ±\J\J\) choice sunny rooms: excellent board; quiet; comfortable; references. mJ 1 - N LV FURNISHED neat and sunny rooms with board; $25 up. ■ A LAM I ; CHESTNUT-ST. STATION; 2059 xl San Antonio aye.: 'I sunny front rooms; fur- nished; board or not: private family. ■-, HE . IiBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND 1 Polk St.— Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate: board optional; all cars direct. 7/1 q PINE — PLEASANT ROOMS; EXCEL- I TtO lent board: $20, 825 and 830 per month. nnn eddy — SUNNY SUITES:. SINGLE V^dKJ rooms; board; special rates for breakfast and dinner. . ■ •- • ■- ■ - HOTEL BERTLING, 714 BUSH— OPENED AS H a family boti-i; references given and required; »li modern ronvi-nipnt-es. , .. STOUJdS TO LJET. ~~ TORE^ANiri r oolis Xt^reduced~rent! Apply 1433 Valencia »t. : ■ , ■ ■ . > ■ ROEMAKER-SHOPTO.LET: PARTY JUST O moved out: no opposition. 744 Fourth st. OR RKNT. ESTABLISHED CORNER GRO- cery-st6re.- northeast corner Geary- and Wil- liam sts., near Taylor. .. .. [•».; FOR CORNER GROCERY; N\V. COR Kearny and Broadway; $30; good stan 1. *. ■ (•STICKS TO. LET. DESIRABLE FURNISHED OFFIr¥T~OS Market a..; r. ut cheap. Apply r. 7, Hoodbldg. ELEGANT OFFICES IN NEW SP'bECKELS XJ building, 926 Market: rent* low; -no extra charge for gas, janitor services or beating. Apply at building or Q. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montg. at. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1895. . ' PERSON ALS. KT^iL^%s J^Y JB WINDOW AHDHOOSB W C '!?J"S or sscrubted:contTac:s:day.wk orn : 0D F. CARNOVAL &CO.,I'JI Q'Farrell st. K "um\Z lA f "KNNA, $1: HAIRDYE, PER- oh<.f?t« y '£ ar ' Dl £?K Lanuley-Michaels Co.; all c r T A ' 3t3: Haaptti'g hair siore, 1156 Market st. QPECIAL BALK FITTE TRIM3LED HATS. I *.j Beehive Millinery, 39 Sixth st. -' '■ ' ATS ' I M | I^ )KT h U h HAVANA ' KKY WK ~ T AND i iw-*n a \ omestI ° clKara at the tobacco bazaar, 1b27 Devlsadero St., near Sutter. TUt. B. M. 4 IIO?IEVSHELL MAGNETIC j-/ treatment. 413 Mason; hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. \V A MS£S^ 1 -}'* IOUM ATION OF THTTma'S I Ari. iSWNiri» ; - .^' v hflurd from at Tombstone, | Ariz. Add. TUNNEY, 1063y 3 Howard. S.fl ]SAINTER, WHITEXER, PAPER-HANGER, With plenty tools, will work chea P by day or contract. Call or address 1630 Eddy st.: store. T)K. AGNKS WINZELL, -THB WORLD-RE- -1/ . nownedoloctrician: ottioe Russ House; elec- trlcUy cures, medicine kills; consultation free. PARTNER WANTED ON A J 50-\CRE x tract, 15 miles from Oakland, to start a pbultry r^si h \ aT * m; rything handy: requires omce. Oakland y Or eutleman - D - box 76, Call 75 CENTS PER DOZEN FOR CABTNETS, I U full l»ngth._Go(ieuß Art Studio, 10 Kixth st. S C iV U ,°\P FM AGAZINE AND NEWHPAPER <- illustration— J. H. E. Partington Gertrude Partiu ton of the Examiner and R. L. 1 artlngton ot Apply or address 424 Pine. T H KC'JNOMY," 40 SIXTH ST., BET. MAR- -l ket and Mission (old No. 46)— Mlllinerv. Cheap- est hourje in the city -.stylish trimmed hats, $2: huts I trimmed, 25c:hata pressed, 2Sc; leathers curled, sc. . vy ALDO.W. C— YOUR MOTHER BEGS FOR *« your address: important news and money for j IN'AN, 111 STOCKTON ST.; $10 IMPORTED *J hats: stvllßh trimmed hatg reasonable. A NO, FRENCH, GERMAN,- PRIVATE OR X classes, taught. MISS BLOCK. 200 Franklin. VI IMEOGRAPH, TYPEWRITER AND OF- J-M. Hce supi)lies; all classes of typewritten and nmneocrraphAvork promptly done; typewriter rlb- oons, $6 doz., gunrantted. ANNA C. BUSTEEDE phone-Main. 5807: 630 Market. C INGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF k_7 pomade' Is guuranteed to cure any case of dand- ruii or {allintf hair or money refunded; never S2?t^?J^ fa " : tr^ v - By all druggists, price $1, or .BROS., Fresno, Cal. ECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, *J showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, et<\, and a very large stock of them, too: be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore goin? elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017, 1019,' 1021, 1023 Mission st., above oixth, OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT. AND SOLD; store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc. : cheap. Yard 1 166 Mission st,, near Eighth. T CAN LOAN YOUR MONEY ON FIRST x mortgaze security, city property, in sums of $100 to $5000 or more, at 7 per cent per annum net (payable monthly or seml-annuallyj; borrow- ers will pay mortgage, tax; security, guaranteed: referen-ea given. W. MATTHEWS, 402 Mont- j gomegy t., room 18. CHIMNEY SWEEP— ADDRESS J. BI«HOP, V'l'i Market. Phoue Main 441 at C. BROWN'S. BUSINESS RECORDS written during J-» or after business hours; individual and part- nership and 'neglected accounts adjusted; corre- spondence German and English. Address S. P. MIDDLETON & CO., 20 Montgomery st. " T ADIES, BUY YOUR FUR CAPES DIRECT XJ from COLOMBATS Fringe Manufactory, 113 O'Farrell st.; old-style furs altered. T N. LOWELL, DENTIST, REMOVED TO 0 • Young Men's Christian Association building. 1 (\(\(\ BUSINESS CARDS,SI 60; SENTFREK, \Jy\J or cou v t . HILL, 724 Market st. "C^LECTRIC LIGHTS INEVERY ROOM— WIN- XJ Chester House, 44 Third, near Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $l"50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus to and from the ferry. TT AIRS REMOVED BY ELECTRICITY PALN- -»--•- lessly; busts enlarged; freckles, wrinkles and other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. KARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. HAIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB. lished in 1869: natural curly front-piece and flrst-class switch for $1 each. BERTHA SPITZ, l_ll_StocKtonBt.; strictly one price only. ALL PAINS CURED BY NATURAL MAG- ■£*- netlc and electric healing. MRS. HILL, 215y 2 Mason st. . : . (f O LLECTING, TRACING, SHADOWING AND \J locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine st. . MACHINE WHITEWASHING: CONTRACTS -WX taken; whitewashing and tree-sprnying: rooms whitened. $1 op. 1560 Market st., near Hayes. CW. MOORE, M.D.,1400 VAN NESS AYE., \J* cor. Bush: apartments for patients. . . ;. A DVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE -i»- laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W^HOWE, att'y-at-iaw, 850 Market, cor.' Stockton. ALL LADIES WHO RIDE BICYCLES, GET -TV your suits to order at HUTT'S, 212 Mason st. "\\rALTZ GUARANTEED: PRIVATE OR IN JJ class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. - v. . • ' DVICE FREE— MARRIAGE LAWS. ACOI- _-«- dent cases. McCABE, Attorney, 1027 Market. <2?1 9 STtItS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. *jPX Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed onstage. R. 5 & 12, 1. 0. 0. F.ijlock, 7th and Market. ELECTRICALrcIVILT MINING, ME- kJ cbanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture, assay: estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723 Mkt! SI CEHL*S SHOBTHAND AND BUSINESS O College, <23 Market St.: diploma conrse $30. }? NGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS DILLON, 14 McAllister, r. 46: private or clas*. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST ' < Bookkpf , business practice, shorthand, typint electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern lan- guageit rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. • i . PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. ~~ T^OTICE^TIIE~FIRM r 'oF; NEVILLE 'XcoSfT -L' pany, Heretofore doing business at 31-33 Cali- fornia street, in the City and County of San Fran- i Cisco, is dissolved. GEORGE H. BRYANT re- i tires from the firm. SARAH A. NEVILLE and I C. M. OSBORN. the remaining partners, are au- ' thorlzed to transact all business in liquidation of j said linn and have assumed all the obligations i thereof, and ail claims are to be presented to them i . GEORGE H. BRYANT - SARAH A. NEVILLE, ■J' ■ '-■ *"- C. M. OSBORN. - - •■ . ■ The undersigned have formed a partnership un- der the name of NEVILLE nn Francisco, has cured 1800 tapeworms in past 14 years here; read circular' of symptoms; consultation free; call or write. » ROFESSOR A. L. CURRY, TAPEWORM X specialist, has removed to 921 Market St., bet. Fifth and Sixth: consultation free. MRS. DR. DALE - QUICK RELIEF FOR irregularities, whatever cause; practiced since 1872 San Iranclsco;- 40 years' experience: trav- elers helped: codelay: no Instrument used; home in confinement; pills $1. 1328 Grove at. ; DR. RICOKD'H PILLS. EXPRESS $2 50: SAFE, sure, reliable; Rlcord's' specialties, females. Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S. Sisth and Howard. QURE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES, O from whatever cause; a home confinement with every comfort; satisfac: ton guaranteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. 226 Turk at. •T A4IES — CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- XJ nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: safe, reliable; take no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mail; at druggists. Chichester Chemical Company, Philadelphia, Pa. • ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIEB RE- stored in a few hours: safe and sure relief at anytime; travelers helped at once; home in con- finement: French pllis guaranteed; • consult free. MRS. I)B,'WYKTH, 916 Post Bt., near Larkln. 1 WHY THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee to restore Irregularities in 8 hours with our new discovery, which is safe and sure. 'Price $5 Call or address MME. KAKttOW Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. . •>."-; ADIES. IF TRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. i EMAKY , sure cure. 166iy Market street. : ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, now of 119-121 Powell St., the only reliable specialist in San Francisco: $600 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause; special attention to disease of the eye. RS. DR. WEGENER; PRIVATE HOME IN confinement; irregularities cured in a few hours without operation; pills $2. 419 Eddy st. AILLARD'S. FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER falls to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. Price $6. Agent, EDWIN W. JOY, Powell and Market sts., San Francisco. A LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO x_ ladles troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and Rure: $'J 50 express C. O. D. ; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. IF IRREGULAR OB ANY FEMALE DISEASE see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254 4th. TRUSTEES' SALES. rp R^TsIrEES^3ATK?^Sf^ X the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by AUGUST STEUR- ER, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMP- BELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, par- ties -of the second part, and the SAN FRAN- CISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated November 12th, 1889, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Tulare. State of California, in Liber 7 of Trust .Deeds, at pages 16, and following; and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the sth da.v of -emember, 1895. by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAV- INGS UNION, a Corporation, and the holder of the note (No. 9691) to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declar- ing that default had been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note unit deed of trust, and requesting and direct- ing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THAD- DEUs B. KENT,- Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. We, IIKMtY C. CAMPBELL a^d. THAD- DEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice that on TUESDAY", the 29th day of October, A. D. 18^6, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of Easton, Eldridge -_„„. •■ THADDEUS B. KENT, ) Trustees. rnRUSTEES' SALE.— IN ACCORDANCE WITn X the terms and under the authority of a certain Deed of Trust, duly executed by MEYER FIR- MIN and PI KRRE" POUGET, parties of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and TIIAD- DEUS B. KENT, trustees, parties of the sec- ond part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated Jan- ruury 30th, 1891, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Marin, State of California, in Liber 15 of Deeds, at- pages 253 and following, and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the ath day of September. 1895, by the Board of Directors df said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, aud the holder of the note (No. 10,691) 10 secure payment ef which the aforesaid Deed ot Trust was executed, declaring that default hud been made in the pay- ment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and Deed of Trust, and re- questing and directing said HENRY C.CAMP- BELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebtedness. ~- < ; We. HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice that on TUESDAY, the 29th day of October, A. D. 1895, at 12 p'clock-noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom Of EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we will seil at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the County of .Marin, State of California, described as follows, to wit: .Being portion of lot l),ot the iSaucelltoor Kichard- son Rancno aud known, designated ana delineated as lots numbers thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (36) in block number two (2), on the map entitled "TamalpalsLand and Water Company, Map No. 1," surveyed by M. M. O*Shanghne«sy, CVE., A. D. 1889, and duly recorded in the oßice of the County Rtcorder of said County of Marin, to which map reference 13 hereby mnde. Together with tbe appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States; . ten. per cent payable.to the under-' signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed; ; and If not so paid, unless for want of title (ten clays being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchnser's expense. .. iIE-NKY C. CAMPBELL, 1,r,,,««»,r THADDEUS B. KENT, /^"Stees. rpRUSTEES' SALE.— IN ACCORDANCE WITH X the terms aiKl under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by J. C. C. RUSSELL, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS KENT. Irustees. parties of the second part. the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of. the third part, dated December sth. 1888, and recorded In the office 'of • ihe County. Recorder .of the County of Merced, State of California, in Liber 5 of Trust Deeds, at . pages 49 and ■ following: : and in . pursu- ance of. a reso'uUon passed on . the 22d day of August, 1895, by • the Board of Director.-) of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS.UNION, a cor- poration, and the holder of the note (No. 9064), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was- executed, declaring that' default had been made In the payment of the principal .sum anl other sums, due under »aid noteand di»ed of trust, and requesting. and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees. to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said lndebtednosß. ■. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT. rustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, tbe 29th day of Uctober, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of KASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In gold coin of the United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the County of erced, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows, to wit : "According 10 the o.'iic.ui ]>'v s and system- of surveys of the Government of the United States; InTownshlp eight (8) south, lance fourteen (14) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian. Of section tnleteen (13): the northwest quarter (N\V. i'.t); the south half of the northeast quarter (S. y 3 of NE. 14); the. north half of the the tout la- east quarter (N. y, of SE. Vt) ; the southwest, quarter of the southeast quarter (SW. 14 of sk. V 4). and the southeast quarter of the southoast quarter (SE. 14 of SE. Vi), excepting so much thereof as lies south of the center of the channel of the south fork of-Marlposa Creek. ■ . • ■, . •; Of section twenty-four (24), thenorlh fifteen (15) rods of the north half of the northeast quarter (N VisOf NE.I/4). • ( -nil ■•> ': ■;.. -.-•;■ .••,.--' - Containing in all four hundred and three (403) acres of land, more or less. '-'• •- To;;etner with tne appurtenances. . ' ■ : TERMS OF BALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the' hammer; balance on de- livery of deed and If not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten percent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. - * HENRY C. CAMPBELL, >-_,'_ . THADDEUS B. KENT, /Trustees. —-—_———— - _____ SIOKAGE S~ TOR'Xa^OT3 ; ullNlTlTßT?.'pTA^fO^imjS^ hold goods, etc. : J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. ilson BROTHERS. 1710 MARKET- Storag e ; low rates: " telephone South 762. THIRST-CLASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MADE £ 421-423 Market »U ... Oa AS. L. TAYLOR. • : . --■ - _ CITY REAt ESTATE. B KICK BUILDING BUSINKSS PROPERTY on Market st. ;. rent $7200 a year.' '■ I Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 66x137 :6 ft.; price, $11,000. - „ -...-, , . .■■',•; ........ E. side Stanyan st,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; i 25x100: price $2600. - ■: 60x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- j sidio and bay; $6700. . " Two modern houses, of g rooms each, at Park, ! 26x137:6 ft.: electric road -passes houses; price $6000; make oiler. North Bida of Folsom St., bet- 4th and 6th; 68:9 x 160 feet. . „ Lot on Duncan st., bet. Noe and Castro; 25x114 feet: prxe $400. . • '.' - •-.-.. Cottage house, 1867 Dolores st.: 6 rooms and bath, basement; 25x9£ teet. ' Building lots north of Park; Drire $300 each. ' Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Lane". Agent, 324 Montgomery street. * F. LOTS— SIOO UP; , NEW TRACT; .$5 • dowu, $5 per month: low prices: easy terms. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market st. . ARGAINS FOR CAH"h7 ■» ■ -..<,-■■.• , ■ $55 each— lo lots south of Golden Gate Park. . $65 each— 3 lots south of Golden. Gate Park. ■ $75 each— 2 lots south of Golden Gate Park. $80 each— 2 lots south of Golden Gate Park. 890 each— 4 lots in Gift Map 2. • : : $100 each— 2 lots in Gift Map 2. • . C.F.MOORE, Real Estate Owner, 935 Market St.: room 4. . •; ' , <2»l>9 \ 40x103 : 1 BLOCK FROM. CARS; NEA «IpO*-«J. new race track: Barney Farley's. Ad- dress Owner, box 163, Call Office. TTOUSES BUILTSISO TO $275 A ROOM; CALL XX and examine plans. j 1149 Mission st. • " '/ ■ CjO/lfiM MODERN COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS tjp^ttuw. an< i bath; high basement; cement sidewalk: all in fine condition; on York et.;-lot 25x100: $1000 cash. See W. X.C.. 3 Polk st.. Clty. COr>TKY~KEAC ESTATE. "y" "^TA|n^^4~^CRKS U ' G obDr'FRUIT^OR tJP X V v U . grain land near S. P. railroad : can all be cultivated; must sell. Address F. H. W., 1109 Van Ness aye. ,- : .--.. ; . - >;,, , „ -. » OOD FARM NEAR THIS CITY, ALAMEDA "JT County: 100 acre»,-all level aud highly pro- ductive land; will -grow anything; 'part alfalfa; good farm Improvements: " family orchard and vineyard; stock, feed and implements; ready for possession; 2 miles from station; 36 miles from this city; 3 trains each way daily 1 this valuable property will be sold as low as $90 per acre; here- tofore was offered $140 per acre; good reasons for selling. ALBERT CRANE, 410 Montgom- ery st. ■ ■ ' " ..'...- QOOn ACRES SAN BENITO COUNTY; 16 OJj£\J miles from railroad: elegant stock or hog ranch; also fruit; well watered, well fenced: prac- tically no waste land; trade or sell. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. - OOKFREE: ILLUSTRATED: $4 AN ACRE X) up. M. GRIFFIN, Cottonwood. Shasta Co.. Cal. UST BE SOLD— OF THE .. BEST. . LO- cated 160-acre ranches In Lake County; 14 mile from Clear Lake, with plenty running water; 100 acres Improved; 5-room house: plenty timber: $2500; time to suit on payments. FOSTER, Kelseyville, Lake County, Cal. f*rw\fV ACRES WELL WATERED, WITHIN UUUU 50 miles of San Francisco, to lease cheap, A. M. SPECK ..-.-•. ._-■'.*. --31OJSEY TO LOA.N. ~~ " ANY AMOUNT TO LOAN ON ' DIAMONDS", pianos and family jewels; low interest;'pri- vate entrance; gentlemanly, discreet attendants at UNCLK HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. ' ANY SUM OF MONEY ON WATCHES, DlA- monds, jewelry, sealskins; highest price paid for old gold, silver: business strictly private: pos- tal orders attended to. Western Loan Office, 7 4th. ivto. COMMISSION AND no charge for X> making out papers; come direct to loaner on your furniture and pianos; city and Oakland; low est rates, without removing, 418 Ellis, room 22. STRICTLY. PRIVATE LOAN. OFFICES. ~ 8 50 ilarket, cor.^toclttou, rms. 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years; always open. "Uncle Bill." NY SUM; FIRST OR second MORT- gages, estates; no delay. MURPHY, 628 Mkt. Xfi TO 60 .CENTS PER MONTH FOR EACH SlOO, accordins; to security: any sum; also second mortgages... J. O. R., box 87, Call. . ' LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IST AND 2ND XJ mortgages, undivided interests, estates: and on furniture or pianos, without removal, in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda; any amount: lowest rates; all bnsiness confidential. Call or write to BECKER. 240 Montgomery st. . . ' ONEY LYING IDLE; WILL MAKE LOANS; $5 per month interest on each $1000 from S5OOO up and 55 cent* per monthMnterest on each $100 from $200 up. L., box 6, Call Office. LOANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS without removal, in city and Oakland; low In- terest; dealings strictly private. 215 Powell st. MONEY ON ANY- SECURITY: STRICTLY private interest moderate. 126 Kearny st.,r. 39. A KY AMOUNT: IST, 2D OR 3D-MORTGAGES; - V estates, undivided Interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. \ •f\N ANY SKCURIT.Y. -AT LOW RATES; \J dealings confidential. 43 Crocker building. £.1%. CITY, COUNTY Ain'D COLLATERAL SE- Oa curities. TRAVERS & LAMB, 512 California. NY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all valu- ables and securities: private office; business con- fidential. Columbia 1 .-■ 5. For the tinning. , ..... 6. For the painting. '. Each bid musl be accompanied by a certified check on a solvent bank of the City of Stockton in an amount at least ten per centof said bid. pay- able to the order of the Chairman ,of the Bonrd of Directors of the Insane Asylum at Stockton, as a j guaranty tnat such successful bidder will enter ! into a contract as by law provided. ■ » •■■ All payments are to be made In warrauts of . the State, payable after January 1, 1898. ■ •■■ • The Board of Directors reserve the right to re- ject all bins not. conforming 10 the terms of this notice, or if required by the public good. All bids to be addressed to '"secretary Board of Directors, State Insane Asylum, Stockton, Cali- fornia: also Indorsed on outer envelope, "Pro- posal for contract work," ; -, ' -. . ••?"• . , . N. M. ORB, Secretary Board of Directors State Insane Asylum, Stockton, Cal. ' ••.--. .'. „ >. ;; - PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING SUPPLIES— X Notice is hereby (riven that the Board of Direc- 1 ! tors of the Industrial Home of Mechanical Trades for the Adult Blind will receive and open proposals for supply inf. the home for the coming year, com- mencing October 14, 1895; and ending October 13,' 1896, with' the following articles: 1. -Broomcorn, Wire, Twine, etc 2. beef hiul Mutton. 3. Gro- ceries and Provisions. 4. Wood and Coal. Bids will be opened on Monday, October 14, 1895, at the hour of four o'clock and thirty minutes p. M. (4:30 o'clock p. M.) of . said day at the home, corner of Thirty-sixth street and Telegraph avenue, Oakland- California. Blank forms with. Schedules of Sup- plies required .with conditions etc., can be had upon application to the Superintendent, Joseph Sanders, at the home, corner of " Thirty-sixth street and Telegraph ' avenue, - Oakland, California.' The board reserves the richt to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Directors, • - • . , --; ; . - -.'.-■:■■■-.• JOHN.- AMES, Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR RAIStNG AND IMPROV • X iug a school building— Sealed proposals will be received Iby the • Superintendent of Common Schools, in open session of the Board of Education, new City Hall, on Thursday, October 10, 1895, at 8:30 o'clock p. h., for raising the Rich- mond Primary School building, on First aye., near Point Lobos aye., constructing base- ment, new system, of sewerage . and water closets, in accordance.wlth plans i »nd. specifications at the office of Charles I." Havens, architect of the board, room 65, Flood' building, corner of • Fourth and Market Sts. -- . -„ GEORGE BKANbTON, Sec: OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS '. : OFFICE— BROADWAY. - . OAKtASD i:i-:.\». JEST ATE. GREAT BARGAIN— $700, REDUCED FROM VJ $1100: 4-room house: barn; chicken-houses; lot 75jc150: fenced; near electrio cars:- easy terms. Fruitvale Land Company, Fruitvale station. TUNE COTTAGE.6 BAY-WINDOWS: 1 corner lot: near local train; only $2500; small) cagh payment, balance $20 per month without in- terest. Address E., box 11, Call OHice, Oakland. ' A ' FORCED SALE-Si4so: COZY COTTAGE 3 f rooms, bath: lot 50x90: suburban; fronts elec- tric line near electric power-house: owner going East. HUGH M. CAMERON, 479 Ninth St., OaK- laud. " . $ . . /-. ... !" . ' •„ . rjAKIiAND BUSINESS PROPERTY. \J 26x100; vacant; all street work done. $2500— 26x120; rents for $11: small outlay will increase to $35; the land is worth 1t. . -.- ■ ■ .. •• $17,000— Finely Improved corner; close in; pay- Ing 7 per cent. • ■ • • C. Y. HAMILTON & CO., 454 Ninth St., Oak- land. , :•.>;. ... *ftl (\(\ DOWN WILL SECURE YOU A HOME «IT-i-VU in Fruitvale; corner lot. 100x130; now modern cottage of 6 'rooms, bath arid laundry: price $2550, in monthly payments of $15 or $50, as desired: only 12 minutes'walk from railroad • depot. J.S. JOHNSON, 468 Ninth St., Oakland Ot 1 (\()C\ NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE: BATH; *Ir-IU"U. corner lot; 25x100; 1 block 23d-ave. nation. McCLAIN & CO., 1105 23d aye., East Oakland. . . . ,: . IjiRUITVALE— BEST BARGAINS AND BEST terms ever offered; houses and vacant lots; streets all graded, sewered, etc.: in immediate neighborhood of Southern ' Pacific and electric-car lines Jit Fruitvale station. To convince yourself call at our office on Putnam st., Fruitvale. Syndi- . cate Investment Company, EDWARD DICK, agent. ,- :, , . . , ; . .. . ; " BUSLNESS PROPEHTY PAYING 6 TO 8 PER CENT ON INVESTMENT, SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT.. • . • . ■ Large list of choice residence property to be sold to the highest bidder: 18 acres near Blair Park, Nob Hill, Piedmont; 150 choice lots; 24 acres in Fruitvale. „ , . • . ■ GOOD CHEAP RANCHES, close to Oakland. • ACRE TRACTS AND CHIC KEN RANCHES. 110 acres: 25 acres close to Piedmont car line; can subdivide; line land; easy terms. ■' THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. ! - Don't fall to see them. . . - ■ E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. ' T ARGE LISTS OF CHOICE HOMES; BEATT- ■XJ tiful residence property : 13 acres on Nob Hilt, Piedmont; nice tracts and ranches; bargains in lots; easy term 3; send for catalogues. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. . . . :.. , (EjOm MONTHLY FOR ..V ROOM COTTAGES; tjp^iv/ plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden Gate statn. CfcTZn EOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIMIN firXOyJ. Fraitvale: electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week: selling fast; Rood Improvements. H. I:. PINNEY. owiu-r. 902 Broadway, Oakland. Ul2l:iviit,i^lf KKA;, fc..Vi'ATii. . .• fOR SALE OR RENT: BERKELEy7'SSOOO cash: worth 87000; owing- to departure of owner: home placeV 9 rooms; lot 100x300; bearing fruit trees; stable; charmine view; rent $30. Ad- dress Home, box 67, Call Office.- ARGAIN; MUST BE SOLD: LOT 100x130 IN Berkeley; good location: $450; $50 down and 9b a month at 6 per cent. ■ lliS7 Sutter st. ■yOU s hocld SEE THAT PRETTY- cot- JL tnge near the university: electric-cars and railroad,' all the latest improvements and a bar- gain. • ■ » -•'. ■ ■ i ■House of 7 rooms on the sunny side of street; all street work done: cemented walks; only five min- utes', walk from university. Apply to JOSEPH J. MASON. Dwlajht Way Station. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMbDA real ESTATE. arglTlot! reT^u7?ed^from~s 15 oo~to J $1000; 2 cheap lots on the Park: they must; be sold. HALL «fc MAIRD, 1303 Park st., Alameda. 1/>OR IMMEDIATE SALE — NEAR SCHOOL X) and station: streets Improved and sewered. $4350— cash: $35 monthly: 33x150; hand- some new colonial house, 7 rooms and bath; near Willow or Chestnut st. station. ' ■ , $3250— $200 cash: $30 monthly; 33x150; ele- gant colonial cottage, on principal driveway; t> rooms and hath. ■ ' • ■ . . - ■ ■ $3250— 550 cash: $30 monthly; 38x100: cor- I ncr house. In fine condition: 8 rooms and bath. "$3150— .5200 cash'; $27 monthly; 31x100: new cottage, 5 rooms and bath: central locatiou. $2250— 550 cash; $25 monthly; 30x100; cot- tage, 4 rooms and bath. * •■ ■ ; ; Houses to rent from 4>lo up. Open Sundays and holidays. . '■ >'* . M AROUSE &REMMEL, Bay-st. station, Alameda, and 628 Market St.. San Francisco. <»97X(k $150 CASH: BALANCE SMALL «ir*-i I *)\i, monthly installments: modern cot- tage of 6 rooms and bath; large grounds in splen- did location. - $;-fooo— s2so cash: balance $30 per month: lot 60x140: modern house of 6 rooms and bath, on one of the principal streets.' A great bargain; fine residence situated on one of onrprincipal avenues: cost$ll,000; mast be sold at once at some price. JOSEPH A. LEONARD CO., 1364 lark St., Alameda. ALAMEDA HOUSES XO LET. QOIMCENTrVAI] AYR (ENCINAI] STO^L 00l Neat cottage 6 rooms and bath; fine garden. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON KEAIi ESTATE. DR. OLIVER, ~ REAL ESTATE DEALER, ....,;; ~ • --;. 513 East Main St., Stockton. ' Owner of East Stockton and Brown's Additions; lots in these and other additions •at $5 a month; no Interest and no taxes; largest list of inside prop- erty of any dealer in Stockton: quick sales and small profits is the motto of this ofnee. T?SCALON HAS BEKN SELECTED BY THE XU directors of , the S. F. and S. J. V. R. R. Co. (Valley road) for the principal station in the south- eastern part of San Joaquln County and Is destined to become at once" the' most important of all the. stations on the line of tha railroad on account of the vast bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sur- rounding, the town, every acre of which will be. sold with a perpetual water right. Take gome of your money out of the 4-per-cent savings bank and invest in this coming center of southeastern s-'an Joaquin County. \ -.-.■■- For maps, descriptive matter, etc., address E. E. HARLOWE CO., 430 East Main St., Stockton, California. - ■ ■ ■ SANTA CLARA COUNTY, ; REAL ESTATE. QAXTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS. ... 19,000 acres in subdivisions for fruit planting. . i: Apply to C. 11. PHILLIPS, proprietor. . 31 Santa Clara St., san Jose, Cal, 1.1-.iiAl. (IOTICES. MOTicii TO C^Ei^ffoTfs^^STATE of -Li .HENRY. \V. WOODWARD, deceased.- Notice is hereby given by the uudersigned, R. M. POG- SON and JAMES EVELYN. BELL, executors of the last will of HENRY W. WOODWARD, de- ceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against ihe said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first publication of this notice," to the said executors of said last will o'clpck.A. m. of said day, ana the courtroom of Department No. 9 of said Court, at the New City Hall, in the City and County of San Francisco. S;a c of California, have been appointed as the time and place for proving the Will of said PAUL GIMPEL. deceased, and for hearing the application of Camille Gim;>el for the issuance to her of l.et:ers Testamentary thereon. Da;ed September 28th, A. D. 1896. [SealJ . CHARLES F. CURRY, Clerk. * By F. B. HOUGHTON. Deputy Clerk. . A. RUEF, Attorney for Petitioner, 402 Mont- gomery St., San Francl granted yo3tsrlajr as follows: ; ,'jf ,'; ■ \ .' .'• • ' ; .'. j Manin McCnrtb^ and-Katle JiohfTty. 2S— l9; '• « C. H. .1. Borjes and W. C. Uauselt, • t:— 2-<. J. A. Michell and Laura E. Keiley, 34—20. T. Bessert and Anna Schoelhamer, 83—28. Placlclo Taca;>eui and Knse Vanniici'l. 22—19. OIYOKCJS Sl ITS JitGCN. ',] ■ Suits for divorce. were begun yesterday as fol- lows: ' '■'■■' Martin Pache against Nellie Pa" he. Charles A. liennctt.u uilnut Alice S. Bennett. Catherine Wllks ngalng^ s. Wilks of Chioai-o. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— BEATJBS. f Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed In rtl either of the publication offices and be indorsed , with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.] . i " BOKN. ' '■ BRIEL— In South San Frunclsco, October 1, 1895, to the wife of John-H. Briel. a son. i .' . ■ GREEN— In this city, September 30, 1895. to the witV of A. E. Green, a son. • < IVERS— September 30, 1895, to the wife of John W. Ivers, a daughter WAVELL— In Alameda, October 2, 1895, to. the wife of Thomas B. Waveli, a daughter. , ' . WEED— In this city, October 2. 1895, to th&. wHe ot Wililam W. Wt I'd, a son. 3IARRIED. AMENT— NEWELL— At First Methodist Episco- pal Church, October 2, 1895, by the Rev. Thomas - Fllben, D.D.. William 11. Amentof Greenville, Plifmns Coon:y, and Harriet Newell of San'Joso. GARDNER-CHALMKRSt^-OctOber2. 1895, Mer r vln A. Gardner and Flora J. Chalmers* • , y GREEN— In this city; October' 2. 1895.' by the Rev. Father Connolly, Edward ;F. Green and Nellie T. Green. BEKVE-McGOWAN— In this city, October 2. . 1895, Charles T. Re«(ve of Slskiyou County and Mary E. McGowan. " c* /. ROBINSON— ANDERSON— In Oakland, June 17". 1895, John T. Robirson of Canada and Lizzie E. Anderson of San Francisco. • ' • • < SERVANT-OSTENI:(iKKF-In this' city, Octo- ber 3, 1895, by the Rev. Dr. W. W. Cast-, Went- ■ worth- P. Servant and Kate Ostendorff, boih, oj . Pan Francisco. . ■•• DIE 1?. .■ Collins, Bartolomew Leslie, George •','•■' St. Peter's Church, where a requfem high mass will be celebrated for the re- pose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a: m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ■ ; • .->:. DORE— In this city, October 3, 1895, Maurice Dore. a native of Ireland, aged 75 years* '. ► . . ... ajf-Friends are respectfully invitea to attend the funeral services THIS r>A V (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. at Grace Church, California and Stockton streets. Interment private. ../.. , ••. • FELIX— In this city, October 3. 1895, Frederick, beloved husband of Cecelia Felix, and father of Mathitts Felix of Cincinnati, Ohio, a native of Ba- varia. Germany, ased 67 years. [Cincinnati (Ohio) papers please copy.j JBf3" Frier>ds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the par- lors of Petersen & Gantner. 8 and 10 City • Hall square. ' Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. • FARRELL— In this city, October 3, 1895, Katha- rine, beloved mother of Peter William Farrell, a native of County Roscommon, Irrland, aged 59 years 5 months and 4 days, f Buffalo (N. V.) papers please copy. I ■. ,>•«>."- -• LESLIE— In this city, October 4, 1895, George, beloved husband of Margaritra Leslie, and father of Harry E., George, John F.. Frank. David A. and William Leslie, a native of Ireland, aged 48 years and 8 months. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. k.. from Odd" Fel- lows' Hall, corner Seventh and Market- streets. Remains at the undertaking, parlors of Jamefi Hagan, 525 Valencia street. Intermentl.' O. O. F." Cemetery.'" ■. • -. McCOTTREY— In this city, October 4, 1895, Sam- uel, beloved son of the late Elizabeth McCottrey. a native of 6aa Francisco, aged 35 years ana 1 month. JrcDONOUGH— In this city, October 4, Mrs. Mary ; McDonough, beloved wife of the late Patrick McDonough, a native of Dunmore, County Gal- way, Ireland, aged 65 years. * : _- : v JS3T" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (SunUay),at 7:30 o'clock a.m. sharp, from the par- lors of McAvoy & Gallagher, 20 Fifth street.' thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem • mass .will be celebrated for the -re- pose of her soul, commencing at 8 o'clock a. .x. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery.- ..." MARKEY-In thfsjcitv. October 4, 1895, Bridget : Markey, a native of. County Westmeath, Ireland, ; aged 65 years. ay Friends and acquaintances are i respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m.. from the resi- dence of, Mrs. 0'8r1en,.39 Minnie. street, thence to ! • St. Patrick's Church for services, Interment I Holy Cross Cemetery. '•"■■:- ■ MASON— In this city. October 2, 1895, George. L., ' beloved husband of Etta Mason, son of Jaaon R. Mason, brother of Ed Mason, and nephew of Mrs. LTJ: Welch, a native of Vallejo, Cal., aged 23 years 4 months and 19 days. - .... Kg" Friends and acquaintances are respect-' . fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MOP.ROW (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock ,f. »£.. from the par- lors of Halsted & Co., 946 Mission street, thence to St. Patrick's Church for services. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ; ; t MASCOVICU— In Concord, Contra Costa County, September 29. 1896, Nicolina, wife of the lato George Mascovich. and sister of Mrs. A. Herzq. a native of Lesse, Austria, aged 38 years anet, 7 months. . : - ... . . . -'„,,,..:. : MURDUCK— In this city, October 2, 1895, Louisa, - wife of Walter Murdock, . a native of Elkador, lowa, aged 35 years. ... „ „_ „ " . . ; MHOON— In Oakland, October 4.1895, Mary, In- fant daughter of J. B. and Charlotte K. Mhoon, ' aged 1 year 6 months and 21. duvs. . . •> . . ■ . „ REDINGTON— this city, October 4. 1895, Thomas Redington. a native of County Roscom- mon. Ireland, aged 50 years. -;.'-■> t ">' a3-'I he funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from the chapel of ' St. Joseph's Home, Park Hill. Interment. ■ Calvary Cemetery. . . „...,' „. .. 10* A SEELIGER— In this city, Octobert3. 1895, Annie, ■ beloved wife of Ludwig Seeliger, and mother of • Ida; Charles.. Aunie, Louis and. -fc'ranz Seeliger, . a native of Fulda, Hessen, Germany, aged 35 • years. • < . ■' ■* „ • ■....■ -.i . • r .i-. . JG^Friends and acquaintances are respect-. ' fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday 1 ), at • 12. o'clock -m., from her late -.resi- dence, 230 Twenty-ninth" street, thence to .St. Paul's Church, Twenty-ninth and Church streets, for services at • 12:30 o'clock p.m. - Internunt Holy Crosi Cemetery. " , . '.-:,■ .-:■,?? SWILLING-Iu the City and County Hospital, October 3, 1895, Charles K. Swilling, aged 40 years. .-;.." „..■■-...;.",.■ ..,"-'• ; i .;.-, „■ ,j TANIERE— this city, October". 2, 1895, Fran, colse. Jeanne Helene, beloved wife of the late Etienne Taniere, and mother of Etlenne and the': late Eugene Taniere. a native of France, aged 73 years and 8 months. ' V ' ' ." ■ " i tSTFrlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 11 o'clock a. m., from the Church ■ of Notre Dame dcs Vlctoires, Bush street, n#ar Stockton, where a solemn, requiem hl^h mass, will be celebrated for the repose of her soul.' ■ Interment private. "'Mount Calvary Cemetery. . Please omit flowers. .. " ; -. I UNITED eNDJCRTAKXBS' I EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for Flrst-ciua JTaMnl* at Reasonable Rates. - ' " Telephone 31G7. —27 and Fifth Htrett." ; I MCAVOY * CALL AC I DIRKCTOR3 k, EMBALM t SO Fifth St.; Opp. Lincoln School. ' ; Telephone 3080. ' ' ' ' ""' '■• CYPRESS Uffl CEMETERY.: f TK SANMATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; X laid out on the lawn plan: perpstual care; be«o- tlful, permanent and easy of access; ace It before fcuylug a burial place elsewhere. >._, . ».-. L l^ .; Clty,Offlcej » City Bull Atcuu* _ 15