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6 CHARLES M. SHORTRiDGE, Editor and Proprietor. - . SUBSCRIPTION KATES— Free: r*lly Fnnday Cam., one week, by carrier. $0.1 J *Uy snd Sunday Cam, one year. by mail.. . 6.00 r tily and Holiday Call, tstx months, by mall M.OO rally end Sunday Call, three months, by mall 1.60 I *i]y anil Sunday Caiu.. orm month! by mail .65 unday Call, oiie j ear, by mail ..-• 1-60 ■\\ i.KxI.Y Caj.iJ, cue year, l>y mail". 1.50 BUSINESS OFFICE : 710 Market Street. Telephone Maln-1868 v- • EDITORIAL ROOMS: . T; ',- • 617CJ&J stret'i. iV-j --. Telephone '. Main— lß7 \ BRANCH OFFICES: r:i Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until F ::r o'clock. ?rr Hayrs s;r*v>t • cj:en until 9:30 o'clock. 717£ftrkin Btrret; open until 9:30 o'clock. S\V . corner Sixteenth a:iJ Mission streets; open liitil f c'cicck. tClb Mission sirect: open until 9 o'cloclc JltK;mh street; o;>en uutil 9 o clock. \ OAKLAND OFFICE: : • CCB Broadway. EASTERN OFFICC: Fficlfic Ftates Advertising Bureau, Khinelander toildlcg, Bose and Duane streets, New York City. SATURDAY OCXOBKR 5. 1895, THE CALL SPEAKS FOR ALL. This is the day to leave orders for The i Sunday Call. If Datrtrett does not keep cool in this crisis he will lose his head. Local Democracy has just about enough energy left to fight itself out of politics. There is a prospect that Europe may get its turkey cooked by spontaneous com bustion. One faction of Democracy cries "rats," but the other takes notice ihat the cat has come back. One objection to the short campaign dis cussion in the East are that the arguments are too long. It seems that Corbett and Fitzsimmons may meet in Indian Territory and have a ghost dance. Buckley may take up the town again, but he cannot carry it any more; things have changed. Public satisfaction with the work of the Railroad Commission should be given a public expression. The fight of reform Democracy against the ex-boss is an evident attempt to put a stale crow in the soup. The trolley-cars are not more necessary for public convenience than are proper fenders for public safety. Spain has at least learned enough to know that the rebellion in Cuba is some thing more than a bull-fight. At the present time if there is anything Cleveland wishes that Gorman has, he can get it in return for a single smile. Perhaps Mr. Huniington will now admit that the toy works well and the people have a right to be pleased with it. Terras has done herself so much credit by stopping the prize-fight that even Dallas need not regret the cash she loses. In the record of reviving prosperity up to date no one has made any big profitß except Mr. Cleveland's gold syndicate. The return of Huntington and Buckley to town at the same time is, perhaps, nothing more than a casual coincidence. Now that the Armenians are no longer waiting for other folks to help them the Sultan is prepared to consider the situa tion. The Market-street Railway Company wishes another franchise on the old terms, of course. There is nothing in it for the people. It will not take much observation on the part of Mr. Huntington to see that Califor nia has changed a good deal since he was here last. Up to date the Brooklyn trolley-cars hold the record for a high death rate, but our cars are pushing them very close and gain ing on them. The prospect of a gold mining boom at Vancouver is encouraging. Whatever helps any part of the Pacific Coast in that way helps us. Whether considered in respect to home industries or foreign policies, this will be known in history as the un-American administration. There is every reason to believe that the bigge st thing in National politico for the next ten years will be public improvements on a great scale. To bring the next Republican convention to San Francisco is the best way -to bring the needs of the Pacific Coast to the atten tion of statesmen. The country looks for news of the begin ning of that vigorous foreign policy and it gets the information that Cleveland has had a good fishing trip. The fact that Campbell of Ohio has con sented to enter upon a joint debate with such a manaa Coxey shows how eager the Democrats of that State are to capture the Populist vote. It can hardly be credited that the Pitts burg Denrocrats are preparing a grand celebration of the prosperity produced by the Gorman tariff, but we must remember the silly season has been very hot in the •East this year. The reappearance of Buckley in the Democratic camp has had the good effect of clearing up the situation, and the people now know exactly what the return to power of the Democratic party in this City would mean. According to the estimate of Mint Di rector Preston the gold output of the world this year will eiceod $^00,000,000, but even that sum will not balance th« growing business of the world and the increased demand for money. As Senator Brice has predicted that for the next ten years '-this country will see a business prosperity unequaled in its his tory or in the history of the world, ".he evidently foresees the restoration of the Republican party to power. , Commenting on the recent appearance of numerous fakes in the 2>ew York papers the Buffalo Commercial says "it is one of the results of the infusion of Western en terprise into journalism in that city." The slur in this statement is utterly un justifiable. In the West, faking aHd enter prise are regarded as contradictory terms. CUBAN INJjEPBpEITpE. Thecity of Chicago has given ntteranee to that sympathy which the American people feel and should extend to Cuba in her desperate struggle to throw off the yoke of an Old "World monarchy. It may bt> that the f uli-voiced protest of the Windy City is a trifle too vigorous fqr consistency with our treaty relations toward Spain, but leaving this aside, there can be no doubt that Chicago has given expression to the sentiment of the Nation, that Cuba should be free. The condition of the revolution in Cuba is such as to amply warrant the extension of such sympathy and the expression of such a sentiment. For several months the struggle has been going on between the insurgents and the Spanish troops. The tenacity and success of the insurrection, as well as its spread over the whole island, entitles it to the name of revolution and the insurgents to the more dignified but none less dangerous term of belligerents. The first step toward the official admission of insurgents to the rights of belligerents on the part of neighboring nations is taken in the unofficial expression of National sympathy for their cause. Mexico and the Argentine Republic have already offered Cuba this encouragement, and it would not speak well for our countrymen to be far behind their fellow-Americans in this respect. Whenever it shall appear that the Cuban insurgents embody a general aspiration of the Cuban people for Na tional independence under republican forms of government the people of the United States should be first in their offer of cheer. It may be argued that between .the United States and Spain there are treaties which may be violated by an expression of sympathy for Cuba. It must be apparent, however, that this cannot be true. A treaty may bind the United States as a govern ment against me extension of official aid to the Cubans in revolt, and may even go so far as to" require the swift checking of fili bustering expeditions attempted to be or ganized upon our soil. Beyond this, how ever, no treaty can ever go. The people's heart cantiot be chilled, nor their lips sealed by treaty regulations from the ex pression of their aspirations for the more perfect liberty either of themselves or their fellow men. In the case of Cuba her struggling pat riots deserve the ready band and cordial voice of sympathy and hope from every other people of the New World which has already shaken Old World shackles from its limbs. First among these should be the people of the United States. For this there are two reasons, of which the first, and perhaps least important, is that the trade benefits of the United States arising out of Cuban independence from Spain would be very great. The proof of this lies in the recent record of reciprocity with Cuba. The second, more sentimental and more important reason lies, however, in our own National history. We were the first people on this side the Atlantic to receive a iike sympathy in a similar struggle for freedom. We have set ourselves up as an example to New World nations of the righteousness of resistance to Old World dominion and of the advantages of inde pendence under republican rule. We have raised monuments and inscribed tablets in honor of our heroes of the Revolution. We have received from our sister republic of Europe a statue of "Liberty Enlighten ing the World,"' and have lighted its torch upon our shores which look toward Cuba. Her sons' have caught its gleaming and have thought they road its meaning and have formed the resolution to be free. And shall we observe their boldness with mmc reserve and coldness and refuse to voice a message of good cheer and sym pathy ? If we do it would be better to blot out each letter and word which the friends of freedom sent us in our struggling in fancy; to erase those lines of. glory on which is writ the story of our fathers' high resolve for. liberty, and our Nation's emblem lower from its place of pride and power and quench Bartholdi's beacon in the sea. THE EETURN Of BUCKLEY. Ordinarily The Call would refrain from the .sucming impertinence of interfering by suggestions with the management of Democratic politics in San Francisco, but it has a' duty higher than mere political considerations. Whether or not the De mocracy under any circumstances, judging by its local history, should develop that conception of right conduct which would entitle it to a hand in the conduct of the City government is not so important a matter as the dominating influence which directs it. This power is Mr. Christopher Buckley, whose history and affiliations are perfectly familiar to every intelligent cit izen. - Under his skillful leadership the Democ racy has practically controlled the govern ment of the City for many years, and from the public officers under his direction have come most of the scandals which have made the City a byword in the West. He cannot be- regarded as a Democrat in the proper' sense, and no Democrat who is both a responsible man and a good citizen can acknowledge him as a leader. Every voter who assists him proclaims himself an en emy of San Francisco and the member of a league organized for plunder. No such voter can be regarded as ha.ving the good of the City or even of the Democratic party at heart. There is not a shadow of a prin ciple in the kind of politics which Buckley represents. Every victory which he wins in the name of the Democracy is a sneer at the pretensions of the party to respecta bility, integrity and patriotism. Mr. Buckley has boldly entered the poli tical field and is striving to gather up the loose ends which he dropped when he fled to Canada to escape the operation of our laws. His first dash for victory was a failure, but it ie merely a matter of time when his extraordinary skill will win. and he will have his . formidable gang at the City's throat. His power is well known and cannot be gainsaid. So far as we are able to judge, the respectable, dignified, patriotic elements of the local Democracy are not at all dismayed by the threat of Buckley's re-entrance into local "politics." We have heard nothing as yet of an indig nant Democratic repudiation of him and his methods. So far as we can see there seems to be only a suppressed sort of ad miration of the man's audacity and shrewd ness. And yet the local Democracy is directly responsible for him and therefore for the methods which he practices and the harm which he does to San Francisco. It is the duty of that party to take the first step toward his suppression. That failing, the struggle of self-protection on the part of the respectable citizens outside of that party will be all the harder, but for all that there is not a good citizen who will hesi tate to assail the task. It is incredible that Pan Francisco would be content to fall back into th« old evil waye after making so brave a start toward decency and prog ress. DISHONEST BTBEET WOEX. As both the Grand Jury and the Street Committee of the Board of Supervisors are getting sharply after Street Superintendent THE SAN FRANCISCO CAJLI,, SATUKDAI, OCTOBER 5, 1895. Ashworth's management of street work a Wholesome overhauling of the methods which for so long have disgraced the City seems imminent. Mr. Ashworth is' unfor tunate also in having lost the confidence of the Merchants' Association, through whose efforts lie was checked in h;s desire to con tinue the work of sweeping the streets. Iti this matter he ghoweti the Street Commit tee that he could do the sweeping at a cost of 65 cents a thousand square yards and insisted that it could not be done for less. Still the Street Committee has recom mended that the contract be let to a pri vate bidder for 49J£ cents. This is a dif ference of nearly -20 per cent and jet the contractor must expect to make a pro fit out of the work. The scandalous inadequacy of the con tract paving of Guerrero street was of too recent occurrence to have been forgotten by this time, but now comes another equally as bad. It is the pavement of Twelfth street, which both the Grand Jury and the Street Committee of the Board of Supervisors have inspected and found to be utterly worthless. In the latter case one of Siuierintendent Ash worth's deputies was standing idly by and if he had any in telligence must have seen that the work was not being properly done. Mr. Ash wot th irresponsible for the acts of his dep uties. The trouble with the Superintendent seems to be that he desires to make his ofnce as useful as possible in a political way, and that the interests of the City are a secondary consideration. This is the ola way of conducting the public business of San Francisco. It is the necessary out come and sole aim of boss politics of the kind which has disgraced the City for so many years. Many citizens had hoped better things of Mr. Asuworth. He was known to be intelligent and courageous, and believed to be possessed of a high sense of official responsibility. His recent con duct in many particulars has been r direct challenge to the reform sentiment which prevails among the people, and his conduct comes at a time when it will serve a most useful end in strengthening that sentiment and ultimately hastening the day when methods of the kind pursued by Mr. Ash v.'orth will be swept out of existence. "THE SUNDAY CALL" The Sunday Call which is to appear to morrow will be a paper of unusual interest. Joaquin Miller treats in a poetic manner the question of the "Color of California." In bis eyes the Golden State has a dom inant hue which ought to be respected and reverenced by all. W. C. Morrow has an entertaining chap ter under the heading "What I Would Do for San Francisco Were I a Millionaire." Some of the great money-makers of the State are offered hints which would be of value to themselves and to the community if properly accepted and acted upon. John Me Naught's "Random Notes" are unusually bright and entertaining. He takes a philosophic view of the every -day affairs oi life ana instructs while he amuses. Charles A. Keeler ha 3 another chapter in his history of "Bird Life in California." In this department Mr. Keeler lias few rivals. It is probable that no one else has given so much study to this question as the writer of these articles. Dan de tjuilie, who was a contemporary of Mark Twain on the ComstoCk lode in the early sixties, and who still maititains his home on the sloping side of old Mount Davidson, in Virginia City, Nev., has written a tale of early life in California entitled "Little Turn Turn of Bartons Bar," which is one of the best stories over pro duced b\* this veteran writer. Ernest C. Stock gives another installment of Colon«l' Strong's reminiscences. Mary G. Johnson has an entertaining chapter for boys and girls, Marcella tells of the newest dictates of fashion, and an excellent department for book-readers will be found in to-mor row's issue. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that the San Francisco Call has a tele graphic news service different from and better than that of any other journal pub lished in San Francisco. This service is furnished by the United Press, which is distinctive from all other news-gathering organizations of the country. Whether you take any other paper or not, you must read The Call in order that you may get all of the news of the world. IDEAS OF WESTERN EDITORS. In all human pioDability Nevada will at some not far distant time again become the center of amining excitement that will carry develop ment far beyond the point it has ever reached, and give a market as well as an actual value to Nevada properties that are now but partially developed and lying idle for want of capital to push on the worit. It would be a curious phase of justice should Nevada, which has been so largely the sufferer from the effects of the financial conspiracy set on foot in London, be come through odd changes of time and the strange juxtaposition of tveins beneficiary of the very same class that through adverse silver legislation aimed such a heavy blow at her prosperity and financial well-being.— Virginia (Nev.) Enterprise. The next census of San Joaquin County will not mark a decrease in the rural population, and will mark a great increase in that of the towns, and there will be more towns to count. Han Joaquin County was a long time asleep but seems now .to be thoroughly awake, and to be gathering its energies for great deeds. When to the three new railroads are added the Blue Lakes electric power and the waters from three irrigation systems, Han Joaquin County should be a veritable Eden.— Stockton Inde pendent. The teacher who is intrusted with the duty of lifting the minds of the coming generation of men and women higher, should not enter upon that duty without the most exacting preparation. The standard cannot be set too high. The first requisite i.« individuality; the next is an acquaintance with educational principles, and the third is a combination of intelligence and industry. — Fresno Repub lican. The poor old veterans who draw pensions onght to be satisfied now, for in addition to the woman notary next door to the clerk's office, who will administer the oath upon their afli davita free of charge, .the nocexsarv swearing may be done gratis in the Township court. There are plenty of ways of evading; an uniust and obnoxious law, even while com plying with the letter of it.— Los Angeles Times. Professor Barnard hns gone and the Lick Ob servatory will all that itwasvhen he was there. The Regents of the University of California have continuously pursued a policy of crippling the greatest observatory in the world by indifferently permitting its ablest and most renowned astronomers to be driven away, — Sau Jose Mercury. San Francisco has never sneered at the North west or disputed the fact that there are great possibilities on Puget Sound. The awarding of the tornedo-boat contract to a Seattle concern will only confirm their opinion of the bright ■future before this section.— Seattle Post-Intel ligencer. Eastern Oregon business houses which have weathered the financial Btorm are in better shape than ever before. The reason is that the cash system has been introduced, and it has proved to !>e better than credit for both buyer and f-eller.— Pundleton Ea&t-Oregonian. It is the systematic, persistent effort that paya in advertising as in everything else. In taking medicine the regularity of the dose is annostas important as the druu itself.— Santa J3arbura, Press. Lord Windsor, who presided at the recent librarians' congress, is enormously rich. He owes his wealth to mines in Glamorganshire, Shropshire and Worcestershire au<l the devel opment of Swansea and Cardiff. His income must amount to little under $500,000 per annum. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE A WAKING FROM FRESNO. A CORRESPONDENT SAYS RAISIN-PACKERg ARE NOT NEEDED. To the Editor of ike San Francisco " Call "^Sir : Hearing that the Free Labor Bureau has re ceived an order to send 150 or 200 girls or women to Fresno to pack raisins, and knowing, as I do, that the very best and most experi enced raisin-packer can make but 90 cents or $1 per day at most, out of which he or she has to pay for board and lodging, I send this note in the hopes of preveuting these poor girls from the useless expenditure of their money iv railroad fares. I am at present working at raisin-packing myself, as I desire to acquire a knowledge oi the manner in which this branch of California industry is carried on. There are at present in the employ of the firm for which i work about twenty-five or thirty women and ten or fifteen men. A num ber of the women have worked steadily for the last three weekH and few if any (make) pack sixty boxes per day. The pay is l's cents per box. It requires little calculation to ascertain that these women and men are working for starvation wages— i. c., about 90 cents per day. There are at present many idle men and women— in fact, enough men alone to overrun tbe packing-houses were the wages sufficient to live on and dres.s liko a white man should. This is not a letter from one who is prejudiced in any way against any house or firm in this place, but from one who has a mother, sister tfial lurge number of lady acquaintances in San Francisco, a native of Van Francisco, who has a feeling of kinship toward the working girls and men of his native town. Should you put this letter in your patter 1 sincerely hope it will be the means of prevent ing at least some of the working girls, women and men from uselessly spending their little remaining hard-earned" savings in railroad inn.'. By referring my name to Mr. Meyer, in con nection with the Angel Island Postoffice, ho will perhaps remember me. The Call has always been tbe workingman'3 friend. Will it now use its influence in behalf of the deserving working girl*? Trusting you will kindly give this matter the consideration it merits, 1 am, respectfully. - E.Watson. Fresno, Cal., Oct. 2, 1895. EXCELLENT REPORTS. COMMENDATION FOE "THK CALL'S 1 ' ACCOUNTS OF THE EPI3COPAL CONVENTION.' ':.'. . The following; letter was received at The Call office yesterday. The appreciation ex pressed iB an indication that The Call's tele graphic service,' supplied by The United Press, is superior. to that of any other paper in San Francisco. -Here is the letter: ; '■'■■',-\\U^ Thk Pacific-Oihtkchmak, Key. Hobart CUetwood, Editor, 731 California street. - San Francisco, October 4, 1895. C. .V. Shortridge Esq., Editor Call— MY Dear Sir: Allow me io thank you for the admirable report so far in The Call of the proceedings of our General Convention |at Minneapolis. This I do in a somewhat representative capacity,' having already approached you in behalf of oiir Bishop; clergy and people, asking for a bettor showing than* the San Francisco papers gave us three years ago. They must be quite satisfied with the good beginning your paper has made in the matter, which doubtless indicates what we may expect to the end of the session. (Signed) HQBABT I'hetwood. PORTRAIT OF EHET HARTE. fßy E. C Xurlino in J\V '• }-<?»•* Chipi.] PERSONAL. D. 0. Lewis of the navy is at the California. I. Pannenbaum, a merchant of Vallejo, is at the Lick. D. W. Mullnn of the navy is a guest at the California. R. C. Sargent, a big landowner of Stockton, in *t the Kuss. E. M. Williams, a mining man of Gold Hill, Or., [s et the Russ. J. C. Deiano, a quarry-owner of Rocklin, is I staying at the Lick. P. Sweet, a merchant of Petaluma, registered ' at the Grand yest>. T. J. Field, a capitalist of Monterey, registered at the Palace yesterday. Senator B. F. LangfoTd of Stockton registered at the Palace yesterday. L. W. Blinn, a wealthy lumberman of Los AngeKs, i.s at the Palace. O.K. Jones, a lumberman of Truckee, and his i wife are guests at the Kuss. A. B. Glasacock, a hotel man from Yosemite, is a guest at the Occidental. Theodore Allen, n mmmc: man of Angels Camp, is a guest at the- Grand. William James, a rancher and cattleman of Cherokee Flat, is at the Grand. Barney T>. Murphy came up from San Jose ; yesterday and registered at the Palace. Ex-Congressman James A. Louttit, a leading attorney of Stockton, la a guest at the Lick. Senator E. C. Hart came down from Sacrn mento yesterday, and is registered at the Grand. F. H. Lefavor of the navy came down from j Mare Island yesterday and registered at the i Palace. General Russell A. Alger of Michigan arrived in this City yesterday and is stopping at the Palace. George Ferguson, an extensive landowner of Mendocino County, registered at the Russ yesterday. H. R. Winslow of Keswick, Eng., one of the purchasers of the Iron Mountain mine, in Shasta County, is at the Palace. Jesse IX Carr of Salinas and his son, John P. i Carr of the WalDridge-Carr Company of Yreka, which has several branches in Siskiyou County, ! are at the Occidental. The Stuyvesant Fishes left for California last week In their private car. TheyAave had the Thompson Spencer house at Ochre Point. Next year they expect to spend the summer abroad.— New York Vanity. At a meetincr of the California Hotel Associa i tion, held Wednesday evening?, S. F. Thorn ' presided, and appointed the following commit ! tee to arrange for receiving and entertaining the delegates to the National Hotel Associa tion's convention to bo held next May: B. K. Soule of the Lick, General Warfield of the Cali fornia, Charles Montgomery of the Brooklyn, Colonel John T. Sullivan of the Sea Beach at i Santa Cruz, Manager Snell of the Vendome and Colonel Young of the Rubs. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson was prominent among the railroad presidents who met nere last week to form a new association. Sir Charles won his knighthood by the services he rendered the British Government as financier. His executive ability and mastery of business affairs is such that the stockholders of the Grand Trunk Railway o*l Canada, who mostly all reside in London, made him president of the company. His mustache and imperial are white, "but his intellect U keen and his manner affable. The Grand Trunk having become practically an American railroad, Sir Charles felt quite at home among the magnates repre senting the other great lines. —New York Vanity. CALIFORNIANS IN WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 4.— .Sain L. Walker and If. H. McClaughey of San Francisco ar rived to-day. PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Christine Nilsson, who lately left Paris to visit her old home in Sweden, after eight years of absence, was received upon her Rrrival in her native town with most joyful and affec tionate demonstrations by her former peasant neighbors. They showered her with tiowers, and she on her part kissed all the little folk, and the guest of honor and every one el6e were happy over the home-coming, all of which she writes to Mrs. Waldon-Pell, whose salon in Paris is the most popular of the American colony, and who herself is a most intimate friend of Chri6tine Nilsson. The aged Queen of Hanover has forgiven her daughter. Princess Prederica, for her marriage with Uaron. Pawle yon Rammingen, a love match actively favored by Queen Victoria. The Princess is now with her mother, who is suffering from cataract. At her age (over 80) it is feared that the consequent loss of sight may be permanent. Mrs. Gabrielle Greeley Clendenin, youngest daughter of the late Horace Greeley, is de scribed aa & young matron of medium" height, with dark-brown hair, hazel eyes, a pretty mouth, perfect teeth and excellent taste in dress. She is a clever talker, arid while she lives largely for others she is not ostenta tiouily serious in her mode of life. The Duke of Marlborough, before starting for New York, purchased in Regent street jewelry costing over $100,000. The announcement of his engagement to Miss Consuelo Vanderbllt sufficiently explains the expenditure. Cecil Rhodes, the South African magnate, is an omnivorous reader. A native chief de scribed him. as "a man who eats a country for his breakfast and sits amid clouds of paper." The Princess of Wales once confessed that her favorite dish was "Yorkshire pudding," her favorite art "millinery," and her favorite oc cupation "minding my own business." Max O'Rell, Dr. Lyman Abbott, Eugene Field, Bob Burdette, James Whitcomb Riley and Remenyi are among the celebrities expected at the Atlanta Exposition. Prince George of England, by smoking from forty to fifty cigarettes a day, shows a dispo sition to give his little son a chance for the British crown. - SUPPOSED TO BE HUMOROUS. "Oh, dear!" sighed a little girl, "I've only got a thousand of my million postage stamps. I guess 1 shall have to leave them to my ances tors to ilnish." "Stryker seems to be working pretty hard in his campaign. I never saw a man look so pale." "It is from loss of blood. Since he started to run for office his heart has been bleeding for the workingman every time he makes a speech."— lndianapolis Journal. According to Gail Hamilton, when hercousin, S. Pickering Dodge, went to Germany, a native whom he asked ' for informarfon, said, "Sprechen sic Deutch?" "Yes," answered Mr. Dodge, "that's my name; but how did you know it?" A teacher of a Virginia district school re cently asked one of her little colored pupils to go to the blackboard and writ-i a sentence thereon containing the word "delight." George Washington Jackson went pompously to the front of the room and wrote, in a large, scrawl inghand, these words: "De wind blowcd so hard dat it put out de light."— Harper's Round Table. "Gentlemen, what is your verdict?" asked his Honor in n Western courtroom. "Wall," responded the foreman of the jury, " 'leven of us wants to hang the prisoner, but the twelfth man sticks to it he ain't guilty, spite of all we can B&y— «o, bein' a.« the twelfth man is a no account feller, anyway, iv order to make the verdict unanimous we've concluded to hang 'em both."— Mun.-ey'b Weekly. A gentleman once asked a lawyer what ho would do provided he had loaned a man $500 and the man left the country wltnout sending any acknowledgment. "Why, that's simple; just write him to send an acknowledgment of the $5000 you lent him, and he will doubtleas reply stating that it was only ,*.300. That will raffice for a receipt, and you can proceed against him ll' necessary."— Harper's Round Table. JOHN DAGGETT'S SOLILOQUY. An 1 go, conspiracy lavs bnre Its brow, •. . An.l h.e, the would-be Jion of the hmir < •a] /■-■-,' In slnscU\ tax ond other Lhiaiw. dueuis now • ..■ Tl^e Unye lull 'ripe to smite John Dacpeit's power. Xerfi I in measure swords with brusque- Ma^uire? -And.sliould i tremble wh«n BUI Kn«lish spouts? Mot whilo this hand controls the White Houoe wire And U rover's whims elect the Ins ana outs! They've found a maie's nest in my oftice dickering, And for their find will take their pay In bickering. What value, pray, my patronasre unless The distribution tend to my drsijrn? And all ihe ends 1 aim at, I confess, Are mine and Grover's— although chiefiy mine. What recks i . If the job of washing towels For pa.-sn«ii'a Mint to Bigiry's brother fell? 'T.was polltlcn! No need of more avowals; While EUggy stayed by t>agK«tt nil was well. Terhapa they think I'd give that laundry pack To some one who would rip me up the buck! They siy my gold mines up In Slskiyou ■ Are somehow mixed up with the Mint affairs, That lam strictly in -mr revenue"— *■• Our party's platform for tiie game declares! And n>iv they claim r got my '•pull" ontnlda The party rnn*s. and won despite protest! ■ What i f it? 1 got in. und here I'll bide . . T; time of change that threatens Kugt and West. Kick hard, but y«t I'll brave the ■■state machine- My '-pull" wculd make you turn with envy green. You'll tire John Daggett? Well, the secret's out ! A memnn»to Yhh Linden Htrai?ht I'll wir»»! Linden's my friend ! Carlisle, without a doubt ■ Iti thinjcs like Uiohp will yli-M to Van's desire. Fire Daggett? lyet them wa?e their little battle; 1 snap my tinkers at the toe In scorn! . • Ira Grover's choice! Xone can old UacKett rattle! .While G rover run* the ranch I'll not be shorn: Come forth, mbortlinuujs, stand tirni for me! Your jobs depend on Dagp'ett's victory: CLEVELAND'S DEBT. Its Heavy Increase for the Ten Weeks of the New Fiscal Year. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Popular Names of States— J. L. C, Mendo cino, Cal. There are some of the States that are not distinguished by a popular name. The following list includes all of those which are best known and whicn are applied to the sev eral States named: Arkansas, Bear; California, Golden; Colorado, Centennial; Connecticut' Nutmeg, also Freestone; Delaware, Blue Hen[ also Diamond; Florida, Peninsula; Georgia" Empire of the South; Illinois, Sucker, also Prairie; Indiana, Hoo<ier; lowa, Hawkeyef Kansas, Jayhawker, also Warden of the West; Kentucky, Bluegrass, also Dark and Bloody Ground; Louisiana, Creole; Maine, Lumber, also Pine Tree: Massachusetts, Bay, also Old Colony; Michigan, Wolverine; Minnesota, Gopher, also North Star; Mississippi, Bayou; Nevada, Silver; New Hampshire, Granite; New York, Empire, also Excelsior; North Carolina, Old North, also Turpentine; Ohio, Buckeye; Pennsylvania, Keystone; Rhode Island, Little Rhoda, also Rhody; South Carolina, Palmetto; Tennessee, Bij* Be"nd; Texas, Lone Star; Ver mont, Green Mountain; Virginia, Old Virginia, also Mother; West Virginia, Panhandle; Wis consin, Badger. The Fields— F. C, City. Kate Field and Eugene Field are not brother and sister. Kate Field was born in St. Louis, Mo., about 1840, and is the daughter of Joseph M. Field, an English actor, dramatist and writer for the press. At one time he wrote for the New Or leans Tribune over the nom-de-plume of "Straws." Miss Field received a seminary edu cation in Boston, Mass., and then studied music in Europe. She spent several years traveling on t^e Continent, during which time she wrote letters to the New York Tribune and other Eastern journals. She returned to the United States, located in New York City and there, in 1874, appeared as J'eg Woflington at Booth's Theater. In 1880 she wu president of n woman's co-operative society, and started a co-operative store in the Empire City, but it did not prove a successful venture. In 1889 she went to Washington, JD. C, where sh« es tablished Kate Field's Washington. She never was married. Eugene Field was born in St. Louis, Mo., September 2, 1850, of Now England ancestry. His father was Roswrll M. Field, a prominent attorney and one of tho counsel in the famous Dred Scott case. TSoldiers' Home— P. 8., St. Paul. Soldiers or sailors of the United States, whose pensions ex ceed $16 ptr month, are not eligible to the branch of the Soldiers' National Home at Santa Monica, in this State, unless the reasons are peculiar, and are explained to the satisfaction of tUe manager. A soldier, who is receiving a pension off $17, desiring to enter the home, should write to the manager, giving a fall history of his case and reasons for applying lor admission. BHOMESTEAD Entry —S. W., City. A single woman who makes an entry under the home stead laws does not forfeit her rights by mar riage, provided the requirements as to resi dence, settlement and cultivation are com plied with. If a man and woman marry, aft.*r each has made an entry, one entry must bo surrendered. A married "woman canno*, make a homestead entry uuder the act of March 2, 1889. Scalp Bounty— Admirer of The Call, San Luis Obispo, Cal. The coyote scalp bounty act was repealed on the 24th of last January. Nothing is being done at this time in the mat ter of claims presented for scalps taken before the law was repealed.. Any one having claims should communicate with the Controller at Sacramento. Asylum for Insane— C. V. R., City. There are five asylums for the insane in the State of California. One, the oldest, at Stockton. The others are at Napa, Agnews, Santa Clara County, San Bernardino and Meuducino. A Half-Dime— R. E., Alaroeda. There is no special demand for half-dimes of 1883 with X I'luribua Unum under the wreath, conse quently there is no uremium offered on nuch coins. PORTRAIT OF HALL CAINE. [ By James Brevoort Onx in Xaa York Chips.] THE SILVER QUESTION. One of the "demands" the free-coinage peo ple always put in their platforms is that silver be accorded a treatment equal to that given trold. The fact is that silver money ia aow much more tenderly cared -for than the coin? of the yellow metal. A Bilver dollar is ac cepted by the Government at its face valuation and made a legal tender for that sum, but gold goes by weight alone in Government trans actions, and the minted mark is of no signifi cance whatever. — Nashville Banner. The "sound money" crowd claims to have made a poll of the next House of tives and to have ascertained that a ia: - jority of the members are against »iiver. The people will be content to wait and sea what the lentlment of the House is on thesilver question, and if it proved to be as indicated by the "sound money" people they will see to it that the Hous« which shall be elected- next year is different.— Topeka State Journal. How absurd it is that we should be continu ally reading that gold is going out, or that the reserve will be maintained, or that the bankers are doing this or that. But such things must be so long as we I'tinjr to the single gold stand ard and are incapable of managing our own financial affairs.— St. Loui* Post-Dispatch. Thirty out of the 244 Republicans in the House which meets in December are Hi to 1 men, but as fifty-one Democrats out of the 104 in that body stand with the>e thirty the Republi cans show up well by contrast.— St. Louis Globe- Democrat. A man who has been in Mexico draws a ter rible picture of things in that country, and at tributes the distress to silver money. He says that when he paid out United States bill? the merchants would kiss the paper and exclaim: "Oh, that is money." These bills were prob ably silver certificates.— Cincinnati Enquirer. The money-brokers of Europe rule the masses through their sovereigns. They are the power behind the throne, and they insist upon the right to rule the freemen of this grand Republic through the Belmonts, the Monr&ns, the Depews, the Clews and other pentlemen who do business at the sign of the three brass balls on Wall street. The financial system of this country should be an American system and not a European slave-making sys tem.—Fort Worth Gazette. If an increase of the volume of money is all that the country needs, then this can be more effectually secured by moans of the Populistic Government warehouse scheme than by the free coinage of our entire silver product. Afore over, the Government is under ju»t as much obligation to fix an artificial and arbitrary price on agricultural products for the benefit of the farmers as it is to place a theoretical valuation, twice as great as its actual value, upon the silver product in behalf of the silver miners.— New York Mail and Express. MES. SHAPTER IMPEOVING. She Was Stricken With Paralysis, but Is Now Recovering. The wife of Colonel Shatter of Angel Island is improving. She was stricken with paralysis over a month ago and has been unable to move or speak ever since. She was attending a celebration of the thirty-third anniversary of her wedding, and was being conducted into the supper room by one of the officers when she was taken suddenly ill. The servants carried her to the colonel's quarter-, but it was found that her right side was paralysed. Up to yesterday she never spoke a word, and when the attendants found she was conscious they at once spread the news, and the joy in the garrison was great. Mrs. Shatter is now very much better, and the post surgnon things that she will re cover the use of her hoibs in time. A monster chain forty kilometers (twenty-five miles long) is brine made for Germany at the Wattelar works, Jr.rnet, Belgium, the total weight being tkSu tons, bo that sixty weight ten-ton wagons, or a whole train, will be required for its carriage. The leek: is indigenous to Switzerland, whence it waa introduced into England, CONTESTED CHURCH SITES Comity Committee Decision Favors Howard Presbyte rian Church. DE. CRUZAN IS THE PLAINTIFF. Question of Priority of Claim by Congregatlonallsts and Presbyterians. The comity committee, composed of an equal representation from the Congrega tional and Presbyterian churches of Cali fornia, has decided that Howard Presbyte rian Church bas a claim prior to that of Park Congregational Church to erect a place of worship at the panhandle. For the purpose of amicably adjusting difficulties between Congregational and Presbyterian churches desiring to pain a foothold in territory previously unoccu pied by Protestant denominations; should both denominations wish to build up mis sions wtiere it is manifest that only O"e may be supported, the divines who com pose this committee arc called upon to adjudicate. Heretofore its powers have been exercised chiefly if not soleiy in ref erence to the establishment of missions in country places, but Rev. J. A. Cruzan, pas tor of Park Congregational Church, asked its intervention in behaU of his church, with the result Btated. Park Congregational Church was organ ized in February, 18&4. Prior to that time a Congregational mission Sunday-school, had, in a sense, occupied the territory now claimed by the Park Church, which is wor shiping in a hall at the corner of Fell and Baker streets. These facts formed the , basis for Mr. Crazan'a claim that the How ard Church people were interlopers — Christian and cultured interlopers — but interlopers nevertheless; ' Howard Church, represented by its pas-, tor, Rev. F. B. Farrand, showed that the San Franmco ■ presbytery had, in April,. 1893, purchased lots at Page and Clayton ' streets, for the purpose of holdingtbat district as a field f.>r the followers of Cal vin. Howard Church, Mr. Farrand told the comity committee, had announced its intention of moving to the panhandle four months a^o, the presbytery had con cluded to sell its lots, thus relinquishing the iieid to Howard Church as its repre sentative.' In view of these statements, the committee rendere ! a unanimous de cision as to Howard Church having the stronger claim. ~ It was an amicable settlement, and in all probability both churches will proceed with thcir'plans for building as before. The trustees of Howard Church. have selected the plans of two of the competing architects from ainon? the work of all competitors and have asked for furtueT de tails of the speciiications. When these are completed the choice will be oi the cheaper, and it ia expected that work will commence before tiie close of the month on the site at the southwest corner of Oak and Baker streats; The matter of consolidation of Park with I Olivet Congregational Church is still be ing apitated. . There is Blrong sentiment on both sides of the cmestion. If this i 3 not effected ParkChurcn will erect a build ing, althoujib. the site has not been deJ^r mined. % ;-: •;-.;•-■ - The Zoological Society, London, have | added recently among other numerous specimens the following to their collec tion: One Australian frilled lizard, one white-necked stork, two long-nosed croco diles, one white-horned' lizard, two noisy frogs, two, Robin Ijsland 'snakes, one De Phillips .meadow" -starling; ti'i-ce - South American rat snakes and two anguiar spotted pigeons. -■■ - ' ■ ■ * — » . i " — Townsend's broken and mixed candies 10c lb.* •■ « ' ■ ■ • — r-* •— ■ "Cards by the Million. " Roberts, 220 Sutter.* T-» — » French Almond Nougat 25ebar,Townsend'3* • v .-". ; — — ; « — 'm — — Tp.kat your friend 3 to Townsend's candies. • — — « — . Bacon* Printing Company, soß Clay street.* ' • — ■» . Nice present for Eastern friends — California Glace Fruit:-. 50c U>., Jap. baskets. Townsend'a* '.V.i -. r • ♦ • Gemjihk eyeglasses, 15c to 40c. Sl! ' Fourth, barber. Sundays, 738 Market (Kast shoe3tore).* When some one to!d ex-Senator Evartg that the length of nis oratorical sentences v.-.-is a frequent subject of criticism, he replied, "Yes, I know there are two cltuises of people who are very much opposed to long sentences; tele ' graph operators and criminals." , ,' '. %.• ' * — ♦ ■» — ' . • Hood's SaroHparilhi lms power to klvc to tUo blood richness and parley, awl upon tre neaithj condition of the blood depends tbi health of the whole system. Tnke Hood's and only Hood's. ■ •— — », — i The fashionable ladies' corrpctive tonic is Dr. Siegext's Angostura Bitters, the renowned South j American tonic. ' ; .'- REAL ESTATE FOB SALE BY Tlios. lape I Sons, REAL ESTATE AGENTS And Publlghrrs "Real Estate Circular." 4 Montgomery 1 Street, El'ft] TRUST BUILDUG, COR\EIi IllUf. Kearny Bt.: rents $555; reduced rents: good brick building: large lot: two fronts: $110,000. Ninth, bet. Mxrk-et and Mi.-sion:"60xl00; rents about $100, with old frame: 000. •'-• : f ;■■' $32,750— Rents $250: -YE. cor. on Pine St.; cov- ered with nearly new buildings. ■ • ■ Polk-st. corner: 30 feet front: good store and business corner; new building; rent* $160; two tenants: S2»,«00. -~"V»-« : *. _ Warehouse: 50 vara;-41'2:6 feet from snips and water front; Lombard st.. near Bansome: level lot and grade; 137:6x137:6;;513,500; has rear fro at also. HOUSES AND LOTS— ALL PRICES. House and lot on Franklin st.. near Washington ; 911,000. Octavla st., west sine, bet. Broadway and Vallejo: 25x112:6 and 2-story, 8 rooms; in very good order/ flne view of bay; street bituminizea; only $6000: easy terms. ■ Washington and Steiner— NE. cor., faclntr pub- lic square, 25x102, and very sunny 2-story, 8 rooms, bath and modern conveniences; $9250. Sacramento st., bet. Broderick and Baker: 27:6 x 127 and very fine 2-story, well finished in nat- ural wood, finely papered and frescoed house: 8 rooms and modern conveniences; only $7175; street in order: cable-cars pass. $7000: 3 left; new houses: just finished: 9room« and all modern conveniences: fine view of b»y: . only $500 cash and terras as rent if desired; Bu- chanan si., uearlireen, 3 stiort blocks from Pacific aye.. 1 block from Union-st. cars and 2 blocks from new line on yillmora s:. Fine residence and lot: 80x137:6; north side Vallejo St.. bet. Cough and Octavia: flne view, unobstructed from 2 upper stories: 11 rooms and modern conveniences; boose coat $8600; leased at $75 a month; only $10,250. i' $5250: Washington st.-, north side, bet. Fillmore ana Steiner; .comfortable two-story bay-window house: 6 rooms, bath and modern conveniences. WESTERN ADDITION LOTS. • Pine and Buchanan sts., northwest corner; 55x 81:3: both stnsets sewered and Pine bit uminlzed; 910.000. Clay st., bot. Polk and Nan Xessave.; 00x127:8; fair house: reduced to $12,500. Southwest oorner Broadway and Steiner st.; 27:6x110, $4.">UO. or 55x110, $7500; good view; streets Id order. --•- • $3000— Steiner St.. W. side, bet. Pacific and Broadway: 27:6x110; streetwork done: flne view. Pacific aye. «ud Walnut St., 1 block from Central *ye., facing the Presidio; corner; 30x100; $-1000; or any size larger. . Keduced to. $4100: Grove and Lyon corner; 37:6x100: for business or residence. Devisadero at., near Washington;, 25x110: re- dnced to $3750; street paved: eiectric-cars pass; flne lot aiid neighborhood.' ■ • ■ Veil St.. facing the park; 'i lots. 25x137:6; 32800 i eaebj will be a liuo street.