Newspaper Page Text
HOrSES TO LET. . . 1 . , N HOUSEi H ROOMS, BAKBMENTj i — r??-T175rsK, 9 ROOMS: BATH: FINEGAR- TTP«. rbeap r<-nt. Apply at premises, 1032 jVton t, 2'ear Polk, from 2to 4. • — rrr^r-iurniOUSE OF 5 ROOMS; LARGE I, arrt.l8 5 Chenery Bt., between Thirtieth and Thirty-firsU . ■^THoPEB MONTH; 6 ROOMS: LARGE BABE- '•i'J'J m^ut ; yanl. 14 Cedar aye., near Larkln si. -TTiT Tn IOJ AN CAN'T SEE, BUT YOU CAN— ■ A The best list of nouses at BALDWIN A HAM- ■ jioxp. 10 Montgomery st. ■ -pck^~s rooms; with evkry MODERN SiO i . convenience; nicely decorated; refined 40- foot sunny yard; kind landlord. SAM I.ICHTENSTEIN, 15 Grant aye. KtQXU CASH SPEND DELIGHTFUL DAYS IN \ dp lioiiscs you rent from BALDWIN & 11AM- JiONl', 10 Montgomery st. TTvNNVIIOUSt:— 530 EDDY, NEAR LARKIN; v p* rooms: bath: rent SHU: water fr*-e. COTI'AIiKS TO LKT. C l X N YTwTTA^B^OtOOMa^B ATIIT~BASK^ 0 in' ni ; yard. Cor. Dolores and Fifteenth sts. ni />■ COTTAGE, 8 ROOMS; N:\VATEB ,^[o. free; Clara st., nr. Fiith. Apply 325 Fifth. CAGE: ?8: 3 ROOMS INQUIRE 38 VIC- \,l tor St.. bet. Seventh and Eighth, oil Bryant st. COTTAGE OF~6 ROOMS AND BATH! .A cellar: yard: $15. 1 1 -'7 Twentieth st. 11. ATS TO LET. ' ■• PLAT; 4 un.Ol^ AND BAThT^ApI k? ply at 1444 Jackson st. r ROOMS; BATH; CELLAB; BAY-WINDOW- O?13 50. 1417 Paclficst.. near Hyde. C.O^ MODERN FLAT: 8 ROOMS: BATH; 1 »7_«). or 2 families. 1128 Howard st. t 19 FULTON— EXTRA FINE UPPER NEW X"i^< flat 7 rooms, bath. VTEW FLAT OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH. 333 1\ ilaicht st., near Webster. . V. I Q NEW BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 5 LIGHT ClO. rooms; bath; modern. 909 Folsom St., nr. Filth. ■ <£ If\ SUNNY UPPER FLAT OF 3 BOOMS: s>iU. b:i;h. 39 I-ocnst -St., oft Larkin, near Ciolden Gate aye. Call after 6 r. m. 019 UPPER FLAT 5 SUNNY ROOMS. 35 3D I—- Moss 8t.,0f1 Howard, near Seventh EiAST 6 ROOMS; BATH; BAY WINDOW; rent reduced. 7:;;> Minna, nr. Ninth st. C- IN THE CITY — TWO lovely fiais, land-S rooms, bath.gas, washtubs luTi.'.- yards, 814 and 816 Nineteenth, bet. Noe and Sanchez; $14 and $16, water free: key in grocery, cor. Nineteenth and astro; also lovely sunny flat, 4 rooms, baih. sas, washtubs, 25 Ford st., bet. Seventeenth and Eighteenth, Noe and Sanchez; key upstairs. IB SUNNY ROOMS AND bath; rent ?2S. 523 Franklin St. >..;<> > i HOICE SUNNY ROOMS: MODERN C— "• convenß-nees. 1712 Hyde st. A Q7l UAIUHT, NB.FILLMOBE— FLAT OF 4 "Ik. 1 :l sunny rooms; $12. "YEW. FLAT, 8 ROOMS: BATH; MODERN IM- J-> provemenis. Southeast cor. Sacramento and Walnut sts. \-E\v7~HANDSOME UPPER FLAT OF 8 -i-> rooms. 73-1 Fourteenth St., near Market. 9 NEW ELEGANT SUNNY UPPER FLATS; 6 — rooms, bath, attic 1232 Eighteenth st. ■ Jl 1 ZOE- FLATS: UPPER AND LOWER; $11 rz L■; and $12 ; bet.3d and 4th and Braunan. 1 - 1 -:: MISSION, NEAR ELEVENTH— 4, 5 it/104 and 6 beautiful sunny, papered rooms; bath; laundry. HEAP FLAT; 5 SUNNY ROOMS; BATH. 1511 Taylor St.. bet. Pacific and Broadway. < 1 " UPPER FLAT; SUNNY: NICE AND • _ 1 •'. warm all day; 4 rooms; bath: splendid condition. 720 Ivy aye., iir. Hayes and Buchanan. Ql - EDDY ST.— 4. UNFURNISHED BOOMS; OXO private family; line location. "Tx 9 TENTH— NEW SUNN V CORNER FLAT: 'I • '-. 6 rooms and bath; modern conveniences. - V I 9 LOWER PART OF 16 ELLIOTT PARK, ♦'•off Steiner. near Geary— 3 large rooms; marble mantel: cellar and yard. Inquire at 1911 Geary st. SUNNY FLATS; 3 ROOMS, ALSO ONE OF 4 rooms and bath; garden. 1706 Post St.; $13 and 16. 97"1 .7 HARRISON— FLAT, 5 LARGE SUNNY — 111 rooms and bath; rent reasonable. pHEAP RENT; SUNNY FLATS; 4 AND 5 \J rooms and bath. Twenty-sixth St., near Capp. A BLIND MAN CANT SEE, BUT YOU CAN— -o- The best list of flats at BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, IP Montgomery st. , OWER FLAT; 6 ROOMS; BATH; $17. 127 Olive aye., near Van Ness. Q9O SUTTER— NEAT FLAT: 6 ROOMS AND t/ — O bath; rent moderate. Call 2to 3 p. m. T) EDUCED -$4O ELEGANT. NEARLY IV flats to $25: $25 flats to $11 to $16. . SPECK A CO.. 6ga.Markel at. r , • ) ■ > CA 7 ROOMS AND BATH: MODERN: C — —.«'"'. bay-windows: water free, i.6 Henry St., near Sanchez. ■ ■ • '■\JEAR CITY HALL: 10, 141, 143 GROVE ST; i.> 3 elegant sunny flats; 6 rooms each. 4 CHOICE SUNNY FLAT; 7 ROOMS AND J\. bath. 1314 Fell st.. near Broderick. • • -. * HOUSKKKEPIXG ROOMS. Brannan Street. r9t BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH — NICE 1 —O Kitchen and bedroom, furnished, $7. Buchanan Street. - £AO BUCHANAN, COR. FELL — BEDROOM "Uv/— and kitchen, complete for housekeepg;- $10. Clay Street. m 7 CLAY -ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- i ing; furnished or unfurnished. Folsom Street. r"Q FOLSOM— THREE SUNNY VNF U R . tJOCj nished rooms, range, hot and cold water. Ellis Street. /'Qfi ELLIS, COR. LARKIN — SUNNY FUR- UO'J nished room; light housekeeping. ■ Everett Street. 0 \ EVERETT, NEAR FOURTH— SUNNY O"± furnished housekeeping rooms. Fifth Street. A FIFTH-2 SUNNY FRONT HOUSE- -011 keeping rooms; stove, closet, bath; private family: $10. ■ ■• ■ - 099 FIFTH— 2 ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR • >— — 1 housekeeping: cheap. . -•■ 4. ; 1 FIFTH— 2 SUNN ROOMS FURNISH'D *i — .O-> complete for honsekpg; water in kitchen. folsom Street. "I 9H f FOLSOM— FRONT ROOM; i— vJtfc use of kitchen; $8 per month. -I 9/11 FOLSOM — NEWLY FURNISHED sunny rooms; doctor or housekeeping;*, others; cheap: bath. Harrison Street. rA Q HARRISON — NICELY FURNISHED, Hi; flat, complete for housekeeping; bath and pas. " _J ' Hayes Street. 9QK HA YES— UNFURNISHED SUNNY BAY- window parlor bedroom and exclusive kitchen; carpets, gas, bath: rent $ 18. Howard Street. AC* HOWARD— ASUNNY HOUSEKEEPING I ±O room, suitable for man and wife; rent $9. 1 1 HO HOWARD— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS HUZi and one single, for lady; bath; pleasant. tiyde Street. mHYDE, NEAR TURK— NICELY FUR- nlshed sunny rooms for housekeeping; rent reduced. • ■ . - . . ■ Jessie Street. JQQ JESSIE — REAR MINT; FURNISHED ±OO housekeeping rooms ; also furnished single; cheap. ■ -. . ... ' ' Leavcnirorth street. XI 4 LEAVEN WORTH — 2 NICELY FUR- ♦■'J "* nished sunny rooms, housekeeping, bath; reasonable. "I Al A LEAVEN WORTH— 3 OR G. rooms, ivlV unfurnished or partly. Ito3p. m. McAllister Street. 1 O.JO McAllister — 3 unfurnished X\J-±£i rooms and bath; reasonable. Minna Street. A(\A MINNA— 4 JOINING ROOMS, FUR- J»t nished: separate entrance reasonable. Z.AQ MINNA— TWO FINE ROOMS, HOUSE- <J^tO keeping: reasonable. ' 'PIAU MINNA— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR _-_^y housekeeping; large yard. C!.CtH MINNA, cor. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- »JvJ I nished bay-window room; $1 a ween. • Mission Street. " ' ~~ FRONT AND BACK PARLOR;' COMPLETE for light housekeeping. 1417 Mission, nr. Tenth. Nat 0111:1 Street. Q1 ATOM A— 2 SUNNY .FURNISHED OX .'rooms for housekeeping cheap. ■' - ' Oak Street. ~~ ~~ 97 OAK, NEAR VAN NESS— 4 FURNISHED «- I housekeeping rooms, modern Improvements- or single rooms. 'v .- • Page Street. mPAGE-1 OR 2 LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bay-window: all con- veniences: reasonable. . - Pearl Street. 3 PEARL, COR. MARKET, OPP. OCTA VI A- From and back parlor, well furnished for house- keeping; running water and sink; 815. SHSS!«™HSjM»«m - Contlnned. Pine Street^ ~~— ~~ ~~ 1 306 d^w alTo^A^ SUXN^ AY-WIN- Ow (1 "sekeeplng) rooms: no children. Pratt Place. 7 S^ a P ,^we^ AI .' IFORNIA ' r - Seventh. Street. 22- 1 . en-¥con r n n^ 5 °^ SUrrE and *™*- _J^_£^^omiectlngroomB, for housekeeping. .';■; . . sixth Street. 120 H TWO FRONT BAY-WINDOW rooms, complete for light housekeeping. South Park. 16 hSI2'IL PARK - a SUNNY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $10; single room f5. Tehama Street. ' 7 17 T ? I ! AM . A ' BET. EIGHTH AND NINTH keeping"" * rnlsned > large sunny rooms; house- Tenth Street. 30fi T EXTH-TWO SUNNY FRONT BOOMS; w\j reasonable rent; nice location. Third Street. QQJ^ THIRD-2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; wx water free; good accommodation; $6. Turk Street. 9OK TURK-r3 NICELY FURNISHED SUN- ut>u ny rooms for light housekeeping. . ; Twenty third Street. 900 TW ENTY - THJRD. COR. .FLORIDA— 3 m^\J\J furnished rooms: bath, gas, laundry: separ- ate store; take Howard-st. cars to Florida st. ' Valencia Street. 9] Cb VALENCIA-TWO OR THREE SUN- ■*■* ■*-*-* ny rooms for housekeeping: bath. . Welsh Street. 11 A 1 WELSH, OFF FOURTH, BELOW -L-LTta Bryant— or 3 nicely furnished house- keeping rooms; also 4 rooms: downstairs; yard; cheap; no objection to children. ■ . Miscellaneous. A ROOMS— RENT $10: WATER FREE. IN- J quire at grocery cor. Eighth and Harrison sts. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— V WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for ?1 50, post- sac free. ROOMS TO LET. Eddy Street. "1 I Q EDDY — ELEGANT FRONT ROOM; HO other furnished rooms: cheap. Ol An FELL— NICE SUNNY ALCOVE FUR- ♦ ) I nishedroom: gas and bath: $10: new flat. M A EDDY— LARGE, NEAT ROOM; FOLD- O.L\J ing bed; front single room; private family. (■•9O EDDY— ELEGANT NEWLY FUBNISH- XJ-.O ed parlors, suitable for physician: very rea- sonable. >: '■■ » r ; Eighth Street. THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable; central; very moderate prices. 28 Eighth St., near Market. A. W. MANN ING. Ellis Street. 4()(\ ELLIS— ALCOVE SUITE; ROOM rxJiiXJ adjoining: nicely furnished: running water. aoo ELLIS— NICELY furnished LARGE UOO sunny room; gas, bath; $10. -; ;;,'-■ Hfejp Geary Street. QQ9 GEARY, NEAR MASON— NICELY FUR- £)€)-* nished sunny rooms: very cheap rent. 790 GEARY- SUNNY DOUBLE PARLORS, • ~\J with or without kitchen; large yard. Harrison Street. -'." 790, HARRISON— 2 NICELY , FURNISHED I *-V/ rooms complete for housekeeping. -. - . "J Hayes Street. 7A7A HAVES— NICE FRONT ROOM; ONLY (U I $4 tier month; bath. Hyde Street. 4 HYDE, OPP. CITY HALL— ELEGANTLY furnished sunny rooms, suite, single, reasonable. 91 A HYDE— SINGLE ROOMS FOR HOUSE- —IU keeping; 1 room outside for bachelor: cheap. Howard Street. GOO HOWARD — NICE RUNNY ROOMS; U«-O doable and single; gas. bath. 1 1 QO HOWARD— LARGE BEDROOM, SUIT- -LJ- 01/ able for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1 HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED -l*"«-''± front room; $5. | ■ Kearny Street. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- iv ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class in every respect; terms reasonable. Market Street. 1 OCA MARKET, COR. STOCKTON— OFFICES OO\J for physician; most centrally located. "I 991 MARKET-LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR JL ■<£<-!- office: rent $10 per month. Eighth Street. •" TOSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. -I Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. Mason Street. Ql X MASON— 2 NICELY FURNISHED SIN- Oli) gle sunny rooms; bath: $10. - '. ; 4 : : . : A 1 7 CHANGED HANDS; ELE- II 4 gantly furnished suites; single, cheap; every convenience. Mission Street. I7OC MISSION-FURNISHED ROOM; a SIN- I ZD gle beds. 1101 MISSION— FURNISHED ROOMS, SIN- XXjuX. gle or en suite; reasonable. UROPE HOUSE, 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients Oak Street. OA7 OAK— LARGE FRONT ROOM: CoMFoR- «£ot.l tably furnished: $7. Pine Street. 1 QAA PINE, COR. HYDE; FURNISHED 1 O\J\J large sunny corner front room; $8. Polk Street. 1 n POLK— LARGE SUNNY ROOM AND JL I kitchen, furnished or unfurnished; also single. Post Street. rvQ POST — BEAUTIFUL NEWLY FUR- -O\JO nished rooms; by the week $2 up. l'oweil Street. SUNNY, QUIET FURNISHED ROOMS; 88 and »10. 215 Powell st. . POWELL — LARGE SUNNY SUITK; 4 UO single; handsomely furnished; cas; bath; gentlemen preferred. Scott Street. -1 791 SCOTT, COR. BUSH-PARLOR SUITE i I AX or single. Seventh Street. "I OCi SEVE N T U — FURNISHED SINGLE -LOU front rooms; SI per week. Silver Street, I£C SILVER, NT?. FOURTH— 2 FURNISHED XXJU sunny rooms for housekeeping. . Sixth Street. "1 Ol SIXTH— CHANGED HANDS; NEWLY iO-> furnished rooms ; transient 60c and SI per night. T ■ * QQ SIXTH— THE HILLSDALE, SUNNY OtJ rooms; single and en suite; $1 to $1 60 a day. 1 AQ SIXTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY IvU front rooms; en suite or single; S6 up. Tehama Street. 477 TEHAMA, NEAR SIXTH— 2 DOUBLE ill rooms; also a single; cheap. Tenth Street. -I OQ TENTH— 2 NICE FURNISHED SUNNY X\JO rooms; suitable for one or two gentlemen; use of bath; hot and cold water; reasonable. Third Street. 99A THIRD— SINGLE AND SUITES, light Zi£i\J housekeeping, $5 up; brick building; yard. wTNtiHESTER HOUSE— 44 THIRD, NEAR II Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 2 Be to $1 50 per night ; *1 50 to $6 per week- electric lights in every room : reading r'm ; free bus. Turk Street. M TURK— SUNNY ROOMS SINGLE AND Lrt en suite; suitable for manicure or alcoholic batbs. ■ -. ■ lIP TURK-SUNNY SUITE, FURNISHED HO or unfurnished; board optional: every con- venience. :....--.-■ ■ . .- - ■-.... --■.... Twenty-fourth Street. HO A TWENTY-FOURTH — LARGE SUNNY ' i Oat alcove bay-window furnished room suita- ble for 2: use of kitchen if required; bath; rent reasonable. " ■■' '■ ' ■ ' Miscellaneous. 4 ROOMS; RENT $10, WATER FREE. IN- quire at grocery, cor. Eighth, and Harrison sts. IP OR RENT— TO 1' OR 2 GENTLEMEN, -T nicely furnished sunny front bay-window room; ail modern conveniences: located about 8 blocks from Kearny and Market sts. :' private family; references required. Address C. D., box 1, Call. L"< >R RENT— TO GENTLEMAN, NICELY FUR- -T nished sunny front bay-window room, private family; 8 blocks from Market and Kearny; refer- ences. Address X. Y. Z., box 1, Call Office. ■iiiiniiii ■■■iiMwimii him n~ 1 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1895. BOARDING AND KOO3IS. Ol 9 "• NiCELY^FURNISHED *jX£i bay-window rooms, suite, and single; 2 ro^ms for gentlemen: very reasonable. A-(\&. TURK— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY rooms; board optional ; bath, hot, cold ; ref- erences. ' 7/1 Q PINE — PLEASANT ROOMS; EXCEL- I o:t>lent board $20, $25 and $30 per month. CiOC* EDDY — SUNNY SUITES: SINGLE U^iU rooms; board; special rates for breakfast and dinner. 1 f\(\i\ -PINE— THE VICTOR: EXCLUSIVE; J.UUU choice sunny rooms: excellent board; I quiet; comfortable; references. A LAMEUAj CHESTNUT-ST. STATION; 2059 A San Antonio aye. : 2 sunny front rooms; fur- nished; board or not; private family. THE "ABBOTS BROADWAY AND Polk Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate: hoard optional; all cars direct, i Y| olii. BERTLING, 714 BUSH— OPENED AS -Q- a family hotel: references given and required: all modern conveniences. . . • tHlLDlili.N !;<• ! p :)1 !>. Y\?ANT eIS^CiTTld' TC^BOARD H »» no other children. Call or ; address 310 Ivy aye., near Franklin. GERMAN LADY WISHES CHILD TO BOARD, VT or infant to raise on bottle; home for parents, if desired. 1204 Folsom St., near Eighth. stokes TO let. ~ a^t"l)f~otoT£eTlow^l^^ Seventh st. . Suitable for watchmaker, etc. QHOKMAKER-SHOPTO LET; PARTY just 0 moved out: no opposition. 744 Fourth st. TORE, 1753 ELLIS ST., WITH LIVING- rooms;- suitable for bakery and notions. FOR RENT— CORNER GROCERY; NW. COR. X: Kearny and Broadway; $50; good stand. :.:,,... offices to LIST. t\eSTrabTf^ furnTsiied office on XJ Market st.; rent cheap. Apply r. 7, Flood LEGANT OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKELS -i building, 9-5 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or G. H. UMHSKN & CO.. 14 Montg. St. MEDICAL. lirTAI)IE^~aDNSULT~FRE^" M RsT DR*. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., near Market; leads all competitors; only qualified trusty specialists for | safe quick relief of irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never fails; home in confinement. T>HEUMATIS M , CHILLS AND FEVER JLV cured by Cum mines' rheumatic belt; no elec- tricity: hundreds of testimonials from prominent citizens: send for circular. E. J. CUMMINGS, 303 Third st., S. F. A li (Mi:. A FRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. -ci. MBS. DR. FUNK'S, 1416 Eighth st., Alameda. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician -.knowledge can be sent&usedat home;all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. 1 ADIES — DAUDET'S FEMALE " REGULA- XJ ting Pills; strongest, safest, best; never fail; $1 per box. WIDBER'S drugstore, 14 Ellis St.; sole agents. R. GOODWIN MAKES A SPECIALTY OF diseases of women and restores all irregulari- ties in one day, guaranteeing a cure or no charge; regulators"; home for patients. 1370 Market st. THE "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE," FOR either sex: send 2c for information or 50c for trial jar. TAYLOR CHEM. CO., box 1896, S. F. SPECIALIST— PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN. Office 6, 318 Kearny st. R. SCHMIDT, 1508 MARKET— DISEASES of women: hours 1 to 3 and 5 to 6 p. m. I }ROF. SHIPLEY, TAPE-WORM SPECIALIST, . 906 Market St., San Francisco, has cured 1800 tapeworms In past 14 years here; read circular of symptoms ; consultation free; call or write. ■- •.-; v.y PROFESSOR A. L. CURRY, TAPEWORM -L specialist, has removed to 921 Market St., bet. Fifth and Sixth: consultation free. "\I"RS.rDR- DALE — QUICK RELIEF FOR ■"A irregularities, whatever cause; practiced since 1872 San Francisco; 40 years' experience; trav- elers helped: no delay: no instrument used; home in confinement; pills SI. 1328 Grove st. R. RICOH D' 3 PILLS, EXPRESS $2 50: SAFE, sure, reliable: Rlcord's specialties, females. Maison et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. SURE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES, from whatever cause; a home in confinement with every comfort; satisfaction guaranteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. '226 Turk st. ALL female IRREGULARITIES RE- A stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at any time; travelers helped at once: home in con- finement; French pilis guaranteed; consult free. MRS. DR. i.lii, 916 Post st., near Larkln. WHY-THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY ' » on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee to restore irregularities in 8 hours with our new discovery, which is safe and sure.. Price $5 Call or address MM.E. HARROW Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. , - . .-•_ _ T A DIES. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. JU EM ARY . sure cure. 1561 V 3 Market street. ALL LADIES IN TROUBLE CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, now of 119-121 Powell st-, the only reliable specialist In San Francisco: $500 paid for a case I cannot cure, no matter what cause; special attention to disease of the eye. \! its. DR. WEGENER; PRIVATE HOME IN i»l confinement; irregularities cured in a few hours without operation pills 92. 419 Eddy st. AILLARD'B FRENCH SPECIFIC NEVER JLVL falls to correct any female irregularities from whatever cause. Price 1? 5. Agent, EDWIN. W. JOY. Powell and Market sts.. San Francisco. A LPEAU'S FRENCH" PILLS, A BOON TO -ci. ladles troubled with irregularities: no danger; safe and sure: $2 50 express C. 0.D.; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. IF IRREGULAR any FEMALE DISEASE see Mrs. Dr. I'uetz and be content. 254 h'i 4th. HOKS! S. FOR SALE— Jt'IRS^cTAIsS^ATyDL^IIORSE; suitable for ladles. Box 3, Call Office, Oakland. Af\ HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS rt\J buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Horse Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednea- day. SULLIVAN * DOYLE, Auctioneers. "I AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALIi 1"" kinds; second-band wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 choap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia Ht*. WAGONS ASD CAJajKIAOKS. VTEW FANCY FAMILY CARt7~APPLY "to IN JOHN F. SCHORM, 2740 Howard st. 1?OR SALE— HACK, BAKER AND LAUNDRY - wagon .fine buggy and rockaway. 828 Harrison. SEWING MACHINES. T) ENTED Vl 50 A " MONTH ; CUT RATES; XX patents on sewing-machines having expired we can sell you latest improved machines for one- third regular price. 145 Sixths!. ALL KIN DS sewing-machines bought ■ sold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest rates. 205 Fourth St., near Howard. ' BICICLES. T^IRST-CLASS^BAMBLIKR^FaR^ALET^Ii X Guerrero st. ARK CYCLERY— NEW WHEELS TO LET; X best accommodations. Terminus Geary, Mc- Allister and Powell st. car lines. ENGINE FOR SALE. (nfoT^rrT^l^wniTT^MHPu^^ <pZ.OV/. capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per- kins Pump and Engine Co., 117 Main St., S. F. i FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. TRISH SETTER PUPPIES, 9 WEEKS OLD; -I- fox terrier, 7 months old. 1328 Eddy st. ECOND-HAND '95 BICYCLE FOR SALE AT O 1368 Market at. . . .■ . NE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE fire and burglar proof safe. 221, 223 Market st. (&OXA RESTAURANT FOR SALE. 709 <J\j}ZiO\J. Battery st. 9 ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANOS; NEARLY ■v new; big bargains. 115 Seventh st. ■ '« A TYPEWRITERS RENTED, ~~~' xl. including Smith Premier. LEO. E. ALEXANDER <fc BRO., sole agents., 218 Sansome St.. S. F. ■ li*Oß SALE — 120 TONS , STOCK HAY AT Mount Eden Landing. Apply to C. W. HAN- SEN, 622 Third St., San Francisco. GAS-ENGINE FOR SALE : % HORSEPOWER; nearly new: suitable for mining pump, lathe, ventilating fans, coffee-mills, etc.: less than half original cost.- Address Engine, box 140, this office. ~\ T A BARGAIN— ONLY A FEW LEFT OF ->V those sample carriages: all kinds of carriages at factory prices. . CAL. RATTAN CO., 65 to 61 First st. ' ... '. . ÜBBER STAMPS AND PRINTING CHEAP The Globe, 1433 Market, bet. 10th and 11th. DI RINGS, PINS. STUDS, BRACE- Iets and ear-rings at half store prices. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT XX and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. 5 PNEUMATIC SAFETIES FOR $75 TILE lot. 328 McAllister St. . ■ ' . RATIONAL cash REGISTER, SAFE, -LTi scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. MEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND-" -L> hand. W. 8. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. OUNTE R S, ■ SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J bought and sold , 1121^Market : bet. 7th nudSiU . i- ' ■. ■-'.'•,-. • STORAGE QTORAGE^F^UIO ; TfIjRT!",PIAI ; CO^H^U^E" kJ hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. \\[ I LSON BROTHERS. 1710 MARKET—' TT Storage; low rates; telephone South 762. , THIRST-CLASS STORAGE; ADVANCES MADE ' JD 421-423 Mark« at. CHAS. L TAYLOB. CITY REAL ESTATE. INISHED. r ~~r~ T"~~~ "*" FINISHED. TWO SOLD. .. ,__. TWO SOLD. ENGLISH COTTAGE HOUSES. CALIFORNIA ST., COR, 2D AYE. STRICTLY MODERN. PERFECT IN EVERY DETAIL. FOR SA LE ON EASY TERMS, 'i • . ONLY $3500 EACH. . SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE MONTHLY. SAME AS RENT. INSPECT THEM YOURSELF. TAKE SACRAMENTO-ST. CARS. FOUR LEFT. , FOUR LEFT. SEE THEM TO-DAY. SEE THEM TO-DAY. Call for full particulars. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., 638 Market st. A SNAP. RENTS FOR $312 PER ANNUM. . FLATS IN THE MISSION. $2500— A pair of fine flats in the Mission warm belt, between Valencia and Mission sts. : in good condition; always rented : lot 25x80 feet. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO.. - 638 Market st. TTANDSOME HOME. JLL MODERN AND SUBSTANTIAL. " . CHOICE LOCATION. $7750— An elegant 2-story bay-window resi- dence of 9 rooms ; bath; laundry and all conven- iences on the north side of Clay st., near Devis- adero. Large lot, 28:9x127 :8 1 ,4 ft. Street bitu- minized. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO.. ■ 638 Market st. A NEAT COTTAGE. • HANDY TO TOWN. RECENTLY REDUCED. $3500— A cosy Queen Ann cottage of 5 rooms: bath and all conveniences on Waller St., three blocks from Market St.; lot 25x137:6 ft. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., : 638 Market st. MODERN HOME . IN THE MISSION. REDUCED FROM $4500. $3750— A handsome house of 8 rooms and bath in good condition : brick foundation, etc. ; a block and a half from 18lh st. or Castro st. cars. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., • 638 Market st. LATS. — — ~ IN THE WESTERN ADDITION. NEARLY NEW. $6250— fine modern flats of 6 ana 7 rooms and bath: choice location; cost over $8000: always 1 rented: lot 2*x106:3 ft: rents $600 per annum; ! reduced from $6750 tor quick sale: this is a big bar- gain. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., __ 1 638 Market st. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. FOR BUILDING. FOR SPECULATION. ALL BARGAINS. (mQ'AA COR. DOLORES AND LIBERTY tIp»J«JUU. sts.; this is a fine corner and bargain; both streets bituminized. mnnnn fillmore ST., NR. filbert; <!pjLj±i\J\J. 25x100; neighborhood sure to im- prove. '■/ • mj-IQ/m GEARY ST., BET. WOOD AND UpJ-'JUU. Collins; this is a business property; 25x125. <2±T7Z.(\ RECENTLY REDUCED; A COR- ?jp± I UU. ner on 30th and Laldley sts.; 85 :6 x 141. ©1 F\f\Ci CARL ST., N. SIDE: 150:7 W. OF <J)J-t)UU. Cole: 25x137:6; a snap at this price. ©1 Ofin LAKE ST., E. OF 2D AYE.; 25x «JpIZUU. 102:6; make offer. ©OHO CALIFORNIA ST., NR. 9TH AYE.; tFtJ\J\J. 25x110; street sewered and macadam- ized. . mj/rprrv fine CORNER, IN college »Jp I t)u. Homestead, on silver aye.; 1 block from Mission electric-cars: 50x107. <2:iif\f\ X sr -- NR - HTHAVE: LEVEL AND 3pDUU. ready for building; 25x100. <2>cnn 18TH ST., NR. A; LOT 25x120; THIS -Jp«jUl/. is a bargain^ <2J i(\f\ RICHLANDAVE..NR. SOUTH AYE.; •Ip'xUv/. ready for building; 2 blocks from elec- tric-cars; 25x100. ffl>Onn CASH,. BALANCE EASY; I ST.. NR. <ij^,UV 12th aye.; 2 lots, 25x100 each; $850. ©ft A PER FRONT FOOT; FINE LOT ON «IpUvJ Greenwich St., nr. Polk; ready for build- Ing; 112:6x137:6. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., . . ■ .y ■ 638 Market street. ] CjQXn EACH— 2 LOTS 25x100 ON DIAMOND «TpO«Jv/ street, near Chenery, 1 block from elec- tric cars: street work all done, graded, sewered and macadamized: |$50 cash, $10 monthly; a big bar- gain: call at once. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery street. fijj"O~7 PL 25x120: E. SIDE 20TH AYE., 175 •DO 4 O. feet N. from B st,: Mock 302, Outside Lands. (HAS. C. FISHER, 507 California st. EOR SALE— VERY CHEAP; ON ACCOUNT going to country; 2-story house of 6 rooms and bath; stable for 2 horses and carriage: lot 22x117:6 to alley: cars passing every 6 minutes. Inquire at place, 239 Chattanooga st., bet. 23d and 24th. WILL BUILD TO ORDER— SIIOO; A , VERY neat' 4- room cottage, with bath; lot fenced: sewer and water connected, etc.; lot 25x100; street graded, sewered and macadamized; call at once: terms if desired. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. • ■ '■ miMES ARE IMPROVING. < J- But I can sell you a few lota at hard-time prices, providing you call at once. $250 for lots 25x120 on 44th aye., bet. BandC; $60 cash, balance monthly installments. $300 for lots 25x120 on 27th aye., bet. B and C; $50 cash, balance monthly installments. $350— Lots on India aye, and Edinburgh St., in the Excelsior Homestead: level and ready to build on and about 2 blocks from the Mission electric road and Silver ayes. ; $50 cash, bal- ance in monthly installments. $400— Lots in the University Homestead, about a block soutn of the Old Ladles' Home; 120 x 100: in monthly installments of $10. $450 for lots on A st., bet. 22d and 23d ayes.: $50 cash, balance monthly installments. $800 for lots on Randall st., 2 blocks from Mission . at. and a half block from electric road : ready to build on ; street sewered and . macadam- ized; $50 cash, balance monthly install- ments. : $700— Lots on Warren St., ready to build on: street sewered and macadamized and 1 block from Mission electric road; $50 cash, balance monthly installments. $1000— Lot on San Jose aye., about 200 feet from Thirtieth st. and Joost's electric road; street sewered and macadamized and ready to build on. $1100— Lot on Clement st., 132:6 feet west of Eighth aye.; street sewered and graded and ready to build on. l J. BROWNSTONE, Real Estate Owner, _^_ 11 Montgomery st. INE COTTAGE hOME: 310 CONGQ/ST., Sunny side. See owner, 310 Congo st. * ' SF. LOTS— SIOO UP; NEW TRACT; $5 • dowu, $5 per month: low prices; easy terms. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646 Market st. CASTRO " \J CASTRO - CASTRO STREET ADDITION. STREET ADDITION. STREET ..i : . ._. ADDITION. ©oka lots 25x100 ON STRRETBGRADED, <i]p O«)U. sewered and macadamized, water-piped; only 30 minutes from your work on line of electric- car; easy terms: $10 monthly; are selling fast. <a»7Kn, WE WILL BUILD TO ; ORDER A «j£ I O\J. neat, substantial cottage of 4 rooms and bath on one of the above lots, costing $350, making a total of $1100; you must see these cot- tages: the best ever built in this city for|the price: lot fenced; water and sewer connected. Take Valencia-st. cars, transfer at 14th st. to electric road and ride to Clienery and Castro sts. We have a branch office there. BALDWIN & HAMMOND,' 10 Montgomery st. OFFER WANTED FOR MODERN . 7-ROOM . residence in best part of Mission; all improve- ments: clear. 734 Twenty-fifth st. I' PLATS AND LOT 50x80 FEET; RENTS $62 60 a month: at Nos. 77 and 81 Everett st., bet. 3d and 4th, Mission and Howard: must be sold at once to settle estate. t, ' ffijOfinn 2 NICE FLATS AND LOT 25x90 «DOUUU. feet; at No. 1017 24th st. ■ fflj 97 C- "WORTH 600— NICE LOT 27x100; <]P«-< 1 O. block from cars: 30 minutes from ferry; ready to build. J. R. ROCHE, San Rafael. i "DARGAIN— FOR SALE; ON OWNER'S RE- 1> moval; 308 Fell St.: 4 flats and store; good rents; payment part cash; rents at $85. - ... • rpo CLOSE AN JEST ATE— I All, AUTHOR*' -i- Ized by the heirs to sell the following property: Lot 60x75. south corner First st. and Laurel dace,' bet. Folsom and Harrison, with good 2-story house of 9 rooms; reduced to $5750. - ..•:■' - ■ . ALSO • K-i'P'l ■ .77 W. Minna St., 260 feet from Second ; 25x80; rents $35; price $3750 : both of .these properties must positively be sold; no court proceedings; title perfect. H. MURPHY, 628 Market. 4£9zifin MODERN COTTAGE OF 5 BOOMS -^pZittLrv/. and bath; high basement: cement sidewalk: all In fine condition; on York st.: lot 25x100 : $1000 cash. See W. K. C, 1534% San- chez, cor. 29th, 3 Polk St., City. — HOUSES BUILTSISO TO $275 A ROOM; CALL UL and examine plans.' 1149 Mission st. PROPERTY WANTED. », r pR^P^R^TY WA^T^EDT olß^fA^llToirTHE X north side of the park, in the Mission, gift maps and in all the homesteads; must be cheap and good title; J. BROWNBTONE, 11 Montgomery st. ANTED— $150 OR $200 DOWN, OB house and lot' on Installment, $20 per month J. NELSON, 613 Hyde St. ■ "VTICE RESIDENCE OB DOUBLE . FLAT OF -Li some 10 to 12 rooms: bet. Pine, Clay, Stelner and Broderick, at from $10,000 to 81 4,000. Ad- dress P. O. box 2058. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. O— U miles from Hills Ferry: 100 acres checked; artesian water on adjoining lands, in alfalfa, sell- ing at from $60 to $100 per acre; $20 per acre, half cash, or will exchange for Oakland clear, rent-paying property. D. H. TW'ING, Sonoma City. -.-.'.. ..■ -■ . ■ 1 ESPARTO TOWN AND COLONY ON LV 3OR li 4 hours from the bay: the most equable climate of Central California, and the neighborhood of the next great development of electric power; equal to Folsom; a part of the "Rancho Canada de Capay Grant": unquestionably the earliest; and finest fruit oelt on the coast and superior to any for di- versified farming; about 600 acres, in 20-acre farms, surrounding the town: town already con- tains large brick blocks, a tine hotel, a fine high- school building, water works, artesian, pure and soft: desired a purchaser or purchasers to take the whole interest of present owners in the colony lots and town property, in lump or otherwise, at shock- ingly low figures: it won't cost much to examine; Is an irrigation canal on the land. Apply to GEO. D. FISKE & CO., Woodland, Cal. HEADQUARTERS FOR ; CALIFORNIA LANDS. OFFICE of THOMAS mcmahon," . 628 Market Street. - GREAT BARGAINS! GREAT BARGAINS! GREAT BARGAINS! Colony tracts; improved farms, small and large. | Speculations in land and water, large and small. Grazing and dairy farms of all sizes and prices. Choice bargains In Alameda, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Benito, Contra Costa, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Glenn counties, as well as other sections. Numerous choice properties for ex- change. THOMAS McMAUON, : ' - ■ ■ 628 Market st. rriHE BEAUTIFUL STANTON TRACT. Containing 500 acres, has been subdivided Into •villa lots of from three to twenty acres, and is now being placed on the market. • This tract is located near Haywards, close to Haywards Electric Road. Quick and cheap trans- portation between San Francisco and the property. A rich loam soil, great fruit land, will produce any kind of vegetables: plenty of water: lovely location for a suburban home. The cheapest and best land ever offered in that locality. Prices range from $150 per acre upward. Adjoining lands sell for $600 to $1000 per acre. Call and see me quick, and get your choice of location. F. J. SULLIVAN, . Room 88 Chronicle Building, "San Francisco*. <3jQH.nn 8 ACRES ADJOINING TOWN, tIpOtJUU. Sonoma County: 30 acres are fine 1 bottom land: 2000 peaches,4.oo prunes, i:00 plums, ! 300 pears, 60 oranges, all bearing: plenty of wood: good buildings; net income this year wag $1500. $40.000— 550 acres river bottom land; 210 acres of orchard: horses, mules and farming Imple- ments, all complete; will take half in city prop- erty. $6500—157 acres near Vacaville; all level; fenced into 7 parts; 10 acres bearing orchard; fair buildings; horses, wagons and farm tools; great bargain. $5000 — Nicely Improved ranch near Fetalurna; will give this ranch and from $1000 to $4000 cash for good city property. , : ■■ ; - . Several chicken ranches from $850 to $2000; fine fruit and other ranches at all prices; send for 72-page printed list. GAM AN & LYON, 215 Kearny st. 1~08 SALE OR EXCHANGE— I6O ACRES valuable timber land in Washington ; near salt water: will trade for a good saloon, lodging-house or grocery and some cash. Address D. C. R., box 61, Call Office. " BOOK FREE; ILLUSTRATED: $4 AN ACRE up. M. GRIFFIN, Cottonwood, Shasta Co.,CaL MUST BE SOLD— ONE OF THE BEST LO- cated 160-acre ranches in Lake County; 14 mile from Clear Lake, with plenty running water; 100 acres improved: 5-roomhou3e: plenty timber: $2500; time to suiton payments.- W. L. FOSTER, Kelseyville, Lake County, Cal. (?A[]A ACRES WELL WATERED, WITHIN \J\J \J\J 50 miles of San Francisco, to lease cheap, A. M. SPECK & CO., 602 Market St. 4TO 8 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES ON 10 years' credit. D. H. TW'ING, Sonoma City.Cal. SEND FOR OUR LIST OF ORCHARD HOMES for sale. WOOSTER & WHITTON, San Jose. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — 7838 WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, Tor mailing. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON EEAX ESTATE. DR. OLIVER, " • , ' REAL ESTATE DEALER, 513 East Main St., Stockton. Owner of East Stockton and Brown's Additions; lots in these and other additions at $5 a month; no interest and no taxes; largest list of Inside prop- ! erty of any dealer in Stockton: quick sales and small profits is the motto of this oftice. SCALON HAS BEEN SELECTED BY THE directors of the S. F. and S. J. V. R. R. Co. (Valley road) for the principal station in the south- eastern part of San Jcaqutn County and is destined to become at once the most important of all the stations on the line of the railroad on account of the vast, bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sur- rounding the ■ town, every acre of which will be sold with a perpetual water right. [ Take some of your money out of the 4-per-cent I savings bank and invest in this coming center of southeastern San Joaquin County. For maps, descriptive matter, etc., address E. E. HARLOWE& CO., 430 East Main st-, Stockton, California. - .■ - , . to exchange. AN ELEGANT? MODEIISr^nOuIjET^VERY choicest and most convenient residence por- tion of East Oakland: near 4 electric-car lines and local train; 2-story house, 8 rooms, bath, laundry, full electric service; a fine property; price only $6500: will trade for unincumbered property. A.H. BREED & CO.. 460 Ninth at., Oakland. '__ OUSE AND LOT TO TRADE FOR COUN- try property: all new improvements and stone sidewalk; near Vendome Hotel: no acent. In- quire at 489 North First St., San Jose. EDWARD TOHMON. OR EXCHANGE — SOME DESIRABLE clear real estate in the East for good lodging- house or real estate on this coast. Address D. E., box 160. Call Office. MONEY. TO LOAN. ON'T GO TO^HE^BROKER .ANdTaYCOM- mission, but come to the loaner direct and pay no commission; no charge for making out papers on your furniture and pianos without removing: lowest rates. 418 Ellis st., room 22. ' ■ ' T OANS ON REAL ESTATE IST AND 2ND JLI mortgages, undivided interests, estates; and on furniture or pianos, without removal. In San Francisco. Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda; any amount: lowest rates all business confidential. Call or write to BECKER, 240 Montgomery st. NY AMOUNT TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, pianos and family jewels; low Interest: pri- vate entrance; gentlemanly, discreet attendants at UNCLE HARRIS', 15 Grant aye. ANY SUM OF MONEY ON WATCHES, DlA- monds, jewelry, sealskins; highest price paid for old gold, sliver: business strictly private; pos- tal orders attended to. Western Loan Office, 7 4th. ■VTO COMMISSION AND NO CHARGE FOR i.i making out papers; come direct to loaner. on your furniture and pianos; city and Oakland; low est rates, without removing, 418 Ellis, room 22. TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 Market, cor. Stockton, rms. 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years: always open. ; "Uncle Bill." NY SUM: FIRST OB SECOND HOST- gages, estates; no delay. MURPHY, 628 Mia. C A TO 60 CENTS PER MONTH FOR EACH *J\J R100; according to ; security : any sum; also second mortgages. J. O. R., box 87, Call. MONEY LYING IDLE; WILL MAKE LOANS; IYL $5 per month interest on each $1000 from 86000 up and 55 cent* per month interest on each $100 from $200 up. , L., box 6, Call Office. LOANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS J J without removal, in city and Oakland; low. in- terest: dealings strictly private. 215 Powell st. ONEY ON ANY SECURITY: STRICTLY private -.interest moderate. 126 Kearny Bt.,r. 39. A NY AMOUNT: IST, 2D OR 3D MORTGAGES: A estates, undivided interests, real estate in pro- bate.. McCOLGAN, 131 Montgomery, room 1. N • ANY SECURITY. AT . LOW RATES; dealings confidential. 43 Crocker building. ' 1%. CITY, COUNTY ASH COLLATERAL SE- -03 curitiea. TRAVERS & LAMB, 512 California. NY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES, diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all valu- ables and securities: private office: business con- fidential. Columbia i.oan and Collateral ' Office (Incorporated), 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from Market ONEY. LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1106 Market st., nr. Mason ; private entrance 7 Turk. ORROW MOSEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HA YANK L A CO., Mills bldg. 6th floor, r 6; strictly confidential ,• FINANCIAL. .; E^^"£6TN~WU^I6^E^r^N^.~FTASfD TT Oakland real estate, first mortgage, at 7 and 8 percent. A. F. JOHNS & CO., 632 Market St., rm. 9. NY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; lowest rate; call and state your proposition or write; open evenings. J. NOON AN. 1021 Mission st. PARTNERSHIP .NOTICES. TvfoTICE-THE FIRM Bf~NEVILLE "&"cOM-" .Li pany, heretofore doing business at 31-33 Cali- fornia street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, is dissolved. GEORGE H. BRYANT. re- tires from the firm. SARAH A. NEVILLE and C. M. OSBORN, the remaining partners, are au- thorized to transact all business in liquidation of Bald firm and have assumed all the obligations thereof, and all claims arc to be presented to them/ GEORGE H. BRYANT, : SARAH A. NEVILLE. , .--'■ CM. OSBORN. •'.-". ••; The undersigned have formed a partnership un- der the name of NEVILLE & CO., and will con- tinue to carry on the same business transacted by the late firm of NEVILLE & CO. - • ■ ; ■--: SARAH A.NEVILLE, ; C.M.OSBORN. . . 1 physicians: TTHIEU^rvrTsISr^KTrRALGI .£ GO UT— S PE- Xli cial attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON-' ALD, M.D., 1236 Market St.; 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P. m. : OAKLAND-ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE—9OB BROADWAY. ■ OAKLAND KEAL ESTATE. - BUSINESS PROPERTY PAYING 6 TO 8 PER cent on investment sold on terms to suit.: ■ Large list of choice residence property to be sold to the highest bidder; 14 acres near Blair Park, Nob Hill, Piedmont: 400 choice lots; 4 acres in Fruitvale. Good cheap ranches close to Oakland; acre tracts and chicken ranches; 110 acres: 25 acres close to Piedmont car line; can subdivide: fine land; easy terms. These nre special bargains. Send for cat- alogue. K. E. BCNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. TUTU BUILDING-LOAN ASSOCIATIONS; J-'J- loans on homes; shares; rent money soon pays for a home; investments in shares are safe and profitable; new series now; $1 per month. CHAS. E. NAYLOR, room 8, floor 8, Mills building. rKPPORTUNITY OF a LIFETIME—ON AC- \J count of illness, we are instructed by the owner to sell at once a neat, modern cottage of five rooms, bath and high-basement in unexcelled location: three blocks to local train: no reasonable offpr will be refused. WILLIAM J. DINGEE, 460 Eighth St., Oakland. .. BUSIN ESS PROPERTY PAYINC 6 TO 8 PER CENT ON INVESTMENT. SOLD ON TERMS TO SUIT. ' Large list of choice residence property to be sold to the highest bidder; 14 acres near Blair Park, Nob Hill, Piedmont; 400 choice lots; 4 acres in Fruitvale. - GOOD CHEAP RANCHES, close to Oakland. ACRE TRACTS AND CHICKEN RANCHES. 110 acres: 25 acres close to Piedmont car line; can subdivide; fine land; easy terms. THESE ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS. Send for catalogues. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. T\O YOU WANT A HOME? I WILL BUY YOU U a lot, build house on your own plans, this side of bay; small cash payment, balance monthly. C. P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. WE ARE BUILDING TWO 8 AND 10-ROOM »" ■ houses within 5 minutes' walk of business cen- ter of Oakland: will sell on easy terms. C. P. KERN, Central Bank building. ON'T LOSE MONEY PAYING BENT— $25 per month, nothing down, buys a modern cot- tage of 5 rooms and bath, furniture Included, East Oakland; 2 blocks from local station and electric cars: street work complete; neighborhood strictly first-class: price only $1900. $600 less than actual value. J. S. MYERS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. pREAT BARGAIN— REDUCED FROM VX $1300: 4-room bouse: barn; chicken-houses; lot 75x160: fenced; near electric cars: easy terms. Fruitvale Land Company, Fruitvale station. T7UNE COTTAGE.6ROOMS;2 BAY-WINDOWS: X 1 corner lot; near local train; only $2500; small cash payment, balance $20 per month without In- terest. Address E., box 11, Call Office, Oakland. FORCED SALE—SI4SO; COZY COTTAGE 3 ? rooms, bath: lot 50x90; suburban; fronts elec- tric line near electric power-house: owner going East. HUGH M. CAMERON, 479 Ninth St., Oak- land. <£> 9|) MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES; <P^jU plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden Gate statn. ffi«"l CA LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN Vi)J-O\J. Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 down "and $1 a week; selling fast: good improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner, 902 Broadway, Oakland. pHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— KJ WEEKLY CALL, sent to any. address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- «iee free OAKLAND FURNITURE FOB ALE. : piuB^NITURE~ANb CARPETSi~AT YOUR OWN J price. H. SCIIELLUAAS, 408 Eleventh st. • .BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR RENT: BERKELEY: $5000 cash: worth $7000; owing to departure of owner; home place: 9 rooms; lot 100x300; bearing fruit trees; stable; charming view; rent $30. Ad- dress Home, box 67, Call Office. YOU SHOULD SEE THAT PRETTY COT- tage near the university; electric-cars and railroad, all the latest improvements and a bar- gain. " ■■. , House of 7 rooms on the sunny side of street; all street work done; cemented walks; only five min- utes' walk from university. Apply to JOSEPH J. MASON, Dwight Way Station. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE—I43S PARK STREET. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE — NEAK SCHOOL and station streets Improved and sewered. $4350—5300 cash; $35 monthly; 38x150; hand- some new colonial bouse, 7 rooms and bath; near Willow or Chestnut st. station. $3250—$200 cash; $30 monthly: 33x150; ele- gant colonial cottage, on principal driveway; 6 rooms and bath. $3250— cash: $30 monthly: 38x100; cor- ner house, in fine condition; 8 rooms and bath. $3150—52U0 cash: $27 monthly; 31x100: new cottage, 5 rooms and bath; central location. $2250—560 cash: $25 monthly; 30x100; cot- tage, 4 rooms and bath. •,» ;. ; Houses to rent from $10 up. Open Sundays and holidays. . *v'f. ' . MARC USE <t REMMEL, Bay-st. station, Alameda, and 628 Market st., San Francisco. ' ■ . ' ■ •, CjTinfk LOT 40x160; $200 CASH; GOOD «JPUUU. location. J. H. YOUNG, 1248 Park st., Alameda. A RUE LOT; REDUCED FROM $1500 TO ■i $1000; 2 cheap lot* on the Park: they must be sold. HALL & BAIRD, 1303 Park St., Alameda. , ALAMEDA HOUSES TO . LET. QQI CENTRAL AYE? (ENCINAL 8?!)^ OU 1 Neat cottage 6 rooms and bath; fine garden. SANTA CLARA COUNTY. REAL ESTATE. OANTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS. 19,000 acres in subdivisions for fruit planting. Apply to C. H. PHILLIPS, proprietor. 32 East Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal. OR EXCHANGE^ '■ '. v.- -v JD $35,000 — 60 acres fine full-bearing orchard- prunes, peaches, pears and, apricots; fine pumping plant for irrigation: good for 20 per cent net on in- vestment; owner engaged away from home and can't attend to It; . must have $12,000 cash, balance Hun Francisco property unincumbered. WITCHER JONEM, 25 East Santa Clara St., San Jose Cal. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ LATEST SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. movements of Trans- Atlantic Steamers. NEW YORK— Arrived Oct 7— Stmr Werra, from Naples; stmr Friesland, from Antwerp;, stmr Manitoba, from London. , GIBRALTAR— Am ved out Oct 7— Stmr Saale. SOUTHAMPTON— Arrived out Oct Stmr Kaiser Wilhelm 11. COPENHAGEN— Arrived out Oct 7— Str Slcilla. HAMBURG— SaiIed Oct 7-Stmr Persia, for New York. ANTWERP— SaiIed Oct 7— Stmr Southwark, for New York. ■ : LEWES ISLAND— Passed Oct Stmr Hekla, from Stettin for New York. | BIRTHS—MARRIAGES—DEATHS. [Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall , will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices: and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published. . BORN. ' COUNTER— this city, October 1, 1895, to the wife of E. C. Counter, a son. DANIELS—In this city. September 28, 1895, to the wife of W. F. Daniels, a son. HOFFMANN—In Alameda. October 6, 1895, to • the wife of Charles T. Hoffmann, a son. LEATHERS—In this city, October 4, 1805, to the wife of G. N. Leathers, a daughter. MARTINEZ—In this city, October 7, 1895, to the wife of Richard S. Martinez, a daughter. STE MARIE—To tho wife of A. Hubert Ste Marie, a daughter. TRAUTNER-October 5, 1895, to the wife of G. A. Trautner, a son. \ VAN DERVORT— September 28.1895, to the wife of W. A. Van Dervort, a daughter. ■ . ' MARRIED. ANDERSEN— GRAM— October 6, 1895, by the Rev. C. J. Larsen, • Mathias G. Andersen and I Thyre H. Grain, both of San Francisco. . BESSERT-SCHOELHAMER-October. 7. 1895. by the Rev. Paul Branke, Theodor Bessert and " Anna Schoelhamer.' HEPBURN— WILLI A this city, October 2,1895, at the residence of the bride's parents, ■ by the Rev. W. S. i Urmy, John Hepburn and Rose Williams, both of San Francisco, - OECKEL—In this city, October 7. 1895, by the Rev. F. Bonn, Charles Oeckel and Friederlke Berger, both of San Jose, Cal. . •-,•.., SCHNEILY—LAWSON— Oakland, October " 2, 1895, by the Rev. Father McSweeny, L. Sohnelly and Marie Lawson, both of Oakland. . • • ■ v.;, DIED. Armstrong, James ■ Lawley. Rouette A. Abramsky, Marcus L. Lowman, Delia '.Blame, Emmons Macdonald. Alex ander ' Barr, Mary McClelland. John ■• . Cereghino, Teresa • McLoughlin, T. F. Connolly, Pearl E. . , Neai, Mary Cummings, Mary Powell, William E. .' Dolan. John Shalnwald, Mina Donohue, Patrick Simonds, Ralph V. -■ Gillian. David ■ Ste Marie (Infant) : Galll, Cecilia , ... Uglow, William R.M. . Kehoe, Patrick . Woods, John F. M. Lee, Dr. Louis A. : ' Wilson, Christian $ '■:■■ • Wilson, Carrie --• ABBAMSKY—In Stockton, October 6, 1895. Mar- cus L. Abramsky, aged 65 years. 49~Tbe funeral will lake place TO-MORROW j (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock. a.m., from the pa lors of Hoisted & Co., 946 Mission street. Interment private. ; ARMSTRONG— In the City and County Hospital, October 6, 1895, James Armstrong, aged 21 years. BARR— In this city, October 7, 1895, Mary, be- loved wife of John Barr, and sister of James Sul- livan and Mrs. Dennis Lucy, a native of Mallow, County Cork, Ireland, aged 27 years and 5 'months. ■ ...-•• . ■ •. . 83" Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend tho funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from her late residence. 212% Francisco street, thence to St. Francis Church, corner of Vallejo street -and Montgomery avenue, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul; com- mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. BLAINE— In this city, October 6,1895, Emmons Blatne, beloved son of " Robert J. and Mary Blame, aged 15 months. " J»-Tne' funeral will take place THIS DAY (Tuesday) at 2 o'clock p. m., from, resi- dence of his parents, 1111 Elm avenue. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. CEREGHINO— In this city, October 6, 1895, Teresa Cereghino, beloved wife of Benedetto ' Gereghlno, and dearly beloved mother of David and JoseDh Devoto and Mrs. Rose Cuneo, a na- tive of Genoa, Italy, aged 67 years 6 months and 11 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully notified that the funeral takes place THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1:30 o'clock p. M., from ■ her late residence, 430 Pacific street. ■ A solemn requiem high mas 3 will be celebrated for the re- pose of her soul at the Italian Church of S.ts. Peter and Paul, corner of Filbert and- Dupont streets. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CONNOLLY— In Ocean View, October 6, 1895, Pearl Elizabeth, dearly beloved daughter of Pat- rick and Bridget Connolly, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 9 months and 12 days. . &S~Frieuds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the resi- dence of the parents, 244 Broad street, Ocean View. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. CUMMIN'JS— In Oakland, October 6, 1895, Mary, beloved wife of Edward Cummings, a native of County Boscommon, Ireland, aged 68 yean. £3~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 8:46 o'clock a.m., from her late resi- dence. 663 Thirty- ninth street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, Temescal, where a solemn requiem mass will be. celebrated for the re- pose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. v. . Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Oakland. DOLAN— In this city, October 5, 1895, at his 'resi- dence, ! 519 Nineteenth street, John, beloved husband of Mary Dolan, a native of the parish of ' Drumm, Athlone, County Koscominon. Ireland, . aged 64 years. . . jgpyFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY - (Tuesday) at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from his lata residence, 509 Nineteenth street, thence to Mis- sion Dolores Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of bis soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery; DONOHUE— In this city. October 7, 1895, Patrick, beloved husband of Mary Donohue, and brother of Cornelius and Julia Donohue. a native of the parish of Kilmacabea, County Cork, Ireland, aged 30 years. , . JK2~Frlcnds and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW . (Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a.m.. from his late residence, 834 Folsom street, thence to St. Pat- rick's Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. interment Holy Cross Ceme- tery. GILLIAN— In the City and County Hospital, Oc- tober 7, 1895, David Gillian, aged 32 years. GALM-In this city, October 6, 1895, Cecilia Galll, a native of San Francisco, aged 5 month? and 12 days. . KEHOE— In this city, October 6, 1895, Patrick Kehoe, a native of Ireland, aged 60 years. LAWLEY— In this city, October 7, 1895, Rouette A. Lawley, a native Of Oregon, aged 25 years 1 month and 18 days. LEE— In this city, October 6, 1895, Dr. Louis A.. relict of the late Kate M. Lee, and son of Mrs. A. J. Lee of Napa City ana the late Captain S. W. Lee, a native of Ohio, aged 40 years and 8 months. « «S~The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the resi- dence of Captain A. S. Young, 2211 Broaerick street. Interment private. LOW MAN— In this city, October 6. 1895, Delia, beloved wife of Sam Lowman, and dear sister of ' Nathan and Abe Newmark, a native of Sacra- mento, Cal., aged 35 years. £9"Frienda and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend tne funeral ' services THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 10:15 o'clock A. M., at her late residence, 1320 Fiilmore street. In- terment Hills of Eternity Cemetery by 11:45 o'clock a. m. train from Third and Townsend streets. - Please omit flowers. MACDONALD— In " this city, October 7, 1895, Alexander, beloved son of George and Mary Mac- donald, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 year. MCCLELLAND— In this city, October 6, 1895. John McClelland, beloved father of Blanche and Maude McClelland, a native of Canada, aged 52 years. Friend 9 and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from the par- lors of H. C. Porter <ft Co.. 122 Eddy street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. : McLOUGHLIN— In this city, October 5, 1895, Thomas F., husband of - the late Catherine McLougblin, and beloved- father of Thomas, Martin, John and Catherine McLoughiin, a native of County Tipperary, Ireland, aged <63 years 6 months and 29 days. ■ ♦ITFriends and acquaintances are respect- fulily invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 9:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 837 Eighteenth street, thence to Mis- ■ sion Dolores Church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clocK a. m. Interment ■ Mount Calvary Cemetery. NEAL— In this city, October B, 1895, Mary Neal, a native of Boston, aged 63 years.' POWELL— this city, October 7. 1895, William E., beloved husband of Susan R. Powell, a native of Bridgeport, England, aged; 62 years A months and 7 days. BIMONDS-In this city, October 7, 1895, Ralph U.. beloved son of U. S. and Beckie Simonds, - and grandson of Mrs. W. H. Goddard, a native of San Francisco, aged 9 months. JtSTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW . (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the resi- . dence of his grandmother, 214 Fourth avenue, between Clement and California streets. Inter- ment L O. O. F. Cemetery. SHAINWALD-In this city. October 1 7, 1895, - Mina, relict of th« late Nathan Shainwald, and dearly beloved mother of Herman, Ralph L., Edward, Julius C, Charles L., Richard S. and Martha W. Shainwald and Mrs. E. Rich of Syd- ney, Australia, a native of Bavaria. Germany, aged 69 years 8 month* and 14 days, f New York and Sydney papers please copy. ATS* friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 10:30 o'clock a.m., from the par- lor of the Colonial, corner Pine and Jones streets. Interment Home of Peace Cemetery by 11:43 o'clock a. m. train from Third and Townsend Btreeta. STE MARlE— lnfant daughter of A. Hubert and • Jane Ste Marie. ST. DOMINIC'S CHURCH BUILDING ASSOClA- tion— The regular monthly requiem high mass for . the deceased members of the above association, and for the deceased parents and relatives of the members, will be celebrated In St. Dominic's Church, Bush and Steiner streets, TOMORROW . (Wednesday), at 9 o'clocK a. m. Friends are In- vited to attend. XJOLOW— In this city, October 6, 1895, William R. M., beloved and only son of Richard and ■ Sellna Uglow. and brother of Florence Uglow, ■ a native of Plymouth, Devonshire, .England, aged 24 years 4 months and 4 days. jß3~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the resi- " dence of his parents, 14 Vis West Mission street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. WOODS-In Oakland, October 6. 1895, John F. M.. beloved husband of Lizzie J. Woods, and son of C. Y. and M. A. Woods, a native of Missouri, aged 37 years and 28 nays. jßSTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 1 o'clock p. ii., from his late resi- dence, 930 Union street, Oakland. Interment private. . • • . .• - WILSON-In this city, October 6, 1895, Carrie, beloved daughter of Mabel ■ Wilson, and grand- daughter of ' Dr. Albert Wheeler, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 years. «3-The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Tuesday), at 11 o'clock a. m., from the residence of the grandfather, 734 Sutter street. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. WILSON— In this city, October 5, 1895, Christian Wilson, a native of Finland, aged 64 years. > I . UNITED CMIJBRTAKEB7 — EMBALMING PARLOUS. Everything Rcqulilte for First-clan Paacnis i >'.-< at Reasonable Rates. • ' I Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 fifth street. I MCAVOY A GALLAGHER, I FUNRKAL DIRECTOES * 20 Fifth. St., Opp. Lincoln School. - ". • Telephone 8080. " .;'.• :: : I as. McMesomkt. ' OhasTMcMenomky! JAMES McMENOME? & SON, ' UNDERTAKERS AND ESIBALMERS, 1057 Mission Street, Near Seventh. - Telephone No. 8364. JAS. ENGLISH. T. R. CAKEW. ' CAREW & ENGLISH, UNDERTAKERS AND ' EMBALMEHB, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 19 Van Ness aye.. near Market st., San Francisco. Telephone so. 3166. N. B.— connected with any other house in this city. . . , . CYPRESS LAWN cemetery. SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECT ABIAN; X laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual caw; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; 1 sea It before buying a burial place elsewhere. ' City Office. 9 City Hall Avenue. . NOTARY PUBLIC. CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNBY-AT «. law and Notary Public, 63« Market St., oppo. pnone^7O? Uo " 1 ' Kealdence 1620 Fell at. Tele- phone 570. P. I L? A ST AND BEST IN AMERICA-THB \J , W£ EKLY CALL, sent to any address in tha United States or Canada one year for *1 60, post* • ■. - * ■•. . • .« 13