Newspaper Page Text
10 SCORES AT SHELL MOUND The Columbia Club Marksmen Indulge in Mixed Shooting. Military Riflemen and German Sharpshooters Compete for Monthly Medals. A number of excellent scores were made by the Columbia Pistol and Rifle Club yesterday at the Shell Mound range. As the season has been drawing to a close all members of the club were desirous of holding up and increasing their general average in the contests for the several club medals. A. H. Pape, in the champion pistol class, went to the head of the list with a score of 94, the second time within two days that he has made that number of points. Dr. L. 0. Rodtrers made 92 points in his score for the Blanding medal, but his class score was below his average. The following scores were made on the pistol range: Champion class— H. Pape 94, C. M. Daiss 0(». F. 0. Young 89, Ed Hovey SS. First claw It L. O. Rodgers 89, A. B. Dor rell 83, J. i:. Gorman 87, D. \\ . McLaughlin 83, Captain J. E. Klein 82. Second class — Jacobson 76, G. M. Barley 74, \Y. Cnfred .'.4. Pis-tol, Blanding medal, open to all comers— Dr. L.O. Kodgers92, J. E. Gorman 91, F. 0. Young 90. The same club made some fine scores on the rifle range, though the members used military and sporting rities and very small caliber pistols. The scores stood: Target rifle,7Kuhnle medal— F. O. Young; 90, dehret S7, I>r. Etodgeri 66, McLaughlin 88, H. R. 1 raue 7;'. K. Jacobsen 75, G. Schultz 72. Military ride. Glindermann medal— E. Hovey 47, F. 0. Youni?4t>. For member:, only, champion class — Dr. Eo Igers 90, F. 0. Young 78, McLaughlin 76. First class— P. Boher 80, Gehret 79, A. B. Durrell , S. J. E. Kline 75. Second class— G. Schultz 80, H. R. Crane 71, G. M. Barley 69. W F. [Jnfred 42. Most tens, Folster medal— F. O. Young. The military marksmen were out in goodly numbers, particularly from the Nationals, composed of companies C and G of the First. These companies frequently shoot together when contesting for monthly medals. Yesterday they made the annexed scores: J. Retter4o, C. Meyer 43, H. T. Hicks 44, C. P. Hurst 40, Thomas McGilvery 27, Williams 32, .1. F. Xorton 35, H. J. Musgrave37, R, J. Dowdall 38, M. A. Harris 34, C. E. (iood (■11 44, W. L. Fenn 45. T. OConnell 35, J. A. Christie 42, G. J. Petty 36, \v. x. Swasey 29, .1 K. Barriclo 46, U. R. Bury 33, P. Bohr 43. A. E. Anderson 41, P. M. Diers 41, J. D. Mansfield 4-J, F. .1. Povey 43, C. F. Greenlaw 39, W. F. Unfred 40, P. .1. Xeuman 37, J. \V. l)umbrell 44, C. E. Macy 26, 1.. A. Ramus 32, C. E. Thompson 41, E. C. Suttlife 45, F. A. Taggard 35, K. A. Hilton 33, G. C. Hentz 20, M. Lane 35 1 1 . D. Butt 34, C. F. Waitbam 44. Among the other military companies practicing were tiie following'whose scores are given : Battery 11, Second Artillery— J. Murphy 42, W. Buhlinger 39, Casey 41, Leahv37, Noves •J!», Kelly 3S, Fay 35, Eteiden 34, Xo'au 30, Guhlinger 39. Olmstead 3S, W. Maher39. Battery G, Second Artillery— Sergeant Sonn tag2l, Sergeant Cobby 45, Private Batchelder i 38, Private Ayheus 30, Private Childa 22, Pri vate l.iiu-e 22, Private B. Graves 35, Private 1 Kelly 31, Private Fuetts 30, Private Bell 20. Independent Rifles— E. Heluike 39. Corporal J. Mindermann 33, Corporal J. 33, Cor poral W. Tinken L5, Private C. Schneider 27. Three clubs of German sharpshooters were out in full force. A number of tine scores were made by the Norddeutscher Yerein, as follows: J. de Wit 216 points, G. Schulz 342>4, J Thode 360, F. Schuster 477, H. Stelling 580' Y. Rust SIS, J. Gefken 828, L. Brunuer 533, o. Lemke 838. A. Hagedorn 925, G. Alpers 941. J Schroder 902. The monthly medal shoot of the German Bchuetzen Verein brought out these scores: Champion Class— O. B. Faktor, 423. First class— H. Huber, 431. Third class— Ahrens 430. Fourth class— C. F. Rust, 358. First best shot— H. Huber, 23. Last best shot— J. Tiede mann, 25. Following are the winners of the San Francisco Schuetzen Club's monthlv medal shoot: Champion class— John Utschig, 431 Fir<=t class— H. Pape, 418. Third class— H. Hel berg, 393. Fourth class— H. Berhend 382. First best shot— H. Pape, 25. Last best shot— George A. Schultz, 25. AT THE SCHDETZEN KANGE. Several interesting rirte matches vrere shot at Schuetzen Park range yesterday among teams of Company D, Fifth Infan try Regiment. There were three teams with two men to the team and each man fired fifty shots. J. F. Robinson and T. Kerrigan made the best score, 448. J. Jones and J. Dawson seconded with 439, and F. B. Moulton and A. N. Boyan third with 419. J. Dawson made the highest in dividual score of 224. Another 50-shot match took place be tween Mat Beilly and T. Archer. Keilly made 208 and Archer 19L SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." PURINKSB OFFICE of the s a n Francisco Cai,i^ '.If Market K'rpet, open until 12 o'ciock every r.lrrt In the yeiir. BRANCH OFFICES— Montgomery street, mieicl.iy. open until 9:30 o'clock. EfF Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'cloclc 117 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. corner c-ixietntn and Mission streets, open 1 1 ill {o'clock. in Mission street, open until n o'clock. 116 Kip street, open until 9:30 o'clock. Additional Classified Advertise ments on Page 8. NO'flCiS OK MKETJA'US. f£-~s= KING SOLMIcfx^S^ODGETxO a l*^ 260, F. and A. M.. corner Geary and «fc Steiner Called meeting THIS (MOX-'K2f DAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock for first r&\ degree. By order of the master. HARRY BAKHR, Secretary. sjqs-« HERMANN LODGE \ No. 127. F. e a^" ami a. called meeting THIS DAI (MONDAY), October 14, 1895. at^V 7:30 p.m. Degree 1. Byorderof the W. M. 'S^N L. 111 MACHEB, Secretarj-. tt^S= OCCTDKXTA L LODGE > 22. F. " "~m TTf; v nd .. A. M. — First degree THIS A (MONDAY) EVEXINU at 7:80 o'cloclc. "5fV Isiting brethren cordially Invited. By r^\ order of W. M. HARRISON a. JONES. Secretary. K^S* SAN FR A NCISCO CH A ITER NO. i~~ m**r JL. Royal Arch - Mas meets THIS A EVENING, p. m. and M. i.. M. degrees 3f H. G. PRINCE, Secretary. /^\ SE^» ST. ANDREW'S I BOCIETY— c9~^7 Ur^&- Social Bathering of members at 3v, QiS/ bcottish Hall MOXDAY i;vi;mm; tITK? Oct. 14. Reading of notes and travel in Vy?)Nl7 r.ncland. Ireland and Scotland by Treasurer Y C Laugon, with appropriate national songs. Scotch- men and sons oi Scotchmen are comiallv invited vvr ,- r< _ WILLIAM NICOL, President. \V . c. Cook, s»m retary. ftf-5= "old frlexds"_the regular "™T, T mon:i-.iy meeting of the society will be held on THUKSDAY E VEX ING. October 17. 1895, at 8 o clock, at our new headquarters, 536 Washing- ton St., below Montgomery. All members are invited to attend the openine of tbe new quarters. Bv order T „ «, .TAMES a. JOHNSON, President. J. e. Buarmcv. Secretary. jg-Sr* NOTICETO THFrSTTuJKHOLDERS OF •*"■*' ■ A. L. Bryan Shoe Company, a corporation Notice is hereby given that, in pursuance of a resolution and order of the Board of Directors of A L. Bryan Shoe Company, a corporation, unani- mously adopted at a meeting of said Board of Di- rectors, duly he,ld at tbe office of the company In tbel'itj and County of .-an Francisco, state of California, on the 17th day of August. 1895, u ma- jority of the members ol said board being present a special meeting of the stockholders of the said A. L. Bryan .^hoe Company will bebeldai the oilice of said company a* No. 310 Market street, in tbe City and County of San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia, the same belnc the principal place ,of busi- ness of sai.i corporation, and being the office where tbe Board of Directors of said corpora- t <.u usually meets,on the 22d day of dctoher. 1895. at 2 o'clock v. m.. for the purpose of consider- ing and acMnK ui on a proposition to increase the capital stock of said corporation trom $50,000 the present capital, to $100,000. • -- . Dated .he 17l day of August. 1895. By order of the Board of Directors. T. M. EARL, .Secretary of A. L. Bryan Shoe Company. 310 Market street. San Francisco. Cal. I£sS' ANNUAL MEETING— THE ANNUAL Jf-*^ meeting of the members of St. Luke's Hos- pital will be heht at its office. 731 California st., on FRIDAY. October 18. at the hour of 3:30 o'clock j\ m., fortlie purpose or electing fifteen members of the corporation, a board of directors and the transaction of tiuch other bminesi as mar come fcelore the meeting. WAL DuXEY, Secretary. DIVHJUM) NOTICiis. •Jf^^=> DIVIDEND NOTICE— DIVIDEND NO. arsis' 24 (15 cents per shar-;) of h' Hutclilnsoii Sugar Plantation Co. will be payable al ; iie ollico 11 the company, 327 Market street, on »nd afier MONDAY. Oct. 21. 1895. Transfer books wlil c!ose Tuesday, Oct. 15. 189ft, at 3 o'clock i- xr. '■:. 11. MIELDO'X. Se«T".ary. ■ Ws£* DI VI DKNXi lUUir.-i I.*. j^.o* Jr-^C Hank of San Fr. ncisco. The boar.i 01 direc- tors of this bank have dwJarpd a dividend >o. 14) for the quarrer ending 30th of September. 1895 at the rate ot six (t>) |ier ceni per ainum, payable un and after lhe 15th Octobtr. Transfer-books will be closed from the 10:h to the 15th inst., both days inclusive. I). I!. UAVIDSOX, Sec, san Francisco, tober 8, 1895. >i'M!.n, m>tici.s. JK^^C^R?cS^RKMOVED w'ITHOCT^KSIPK: iK*' no pain. Chiropodit lr««ltute. 906 Mrkt,r.22 -J^-g-» YOUNG JEWISH LADY GIVES ELEC- iJ? trie baths. Ollit-es 47-4S 850Markeist. mS3&* YOl'.Vli ENGLISH LADY (JIVES AL- S-sS' cohol baths. 850 Market sr.. io>m 46. J?^S= ELKCI'RIC AND MEDICATED BATHS Mr-±f 120% Geary, room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1 K5S> FOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IX AN 'jS-s? Abstract of Title Company in ureka, Hum- boldt County, al. System complete and full search Of county lands in office. Cost to date, $10,- -000. Terms very reasonable. Full particulars given. Apply toJ. McCALLAN, Eureka, Cal. l-tTSp" BAD TEX A NTS EJECTED FOR $4. lUFjS' Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. -ilo Montgy St.. room H. Te!. 5580. KT^Sp WINDOWS Ci-EAXED AND FLOORS Vr^iS' scrubbed; reasonable rates: |iayment for damages guaranteed, C. ROSSI it CO.. 242 Sutter. •jj^-s=" ROOMS \S'"HTfT:NKD. $1 UP: PAI'KR- BV3S' rd <fs 50 un. HI7I/2 Third. Georee Hartman. tF?S* COLLhCTIONS: PEXAXTS EJECTED, '*£*& *10: coats paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. 29. Situations WAN i KD-FKMA! k. v: EAT SWEDISH COOK WITH REFERENCES -L> desires situation. J. F. C'KOSETT A CO., 312 Sutter st. WEDISH COO YOUXG, BEST OF UK O erences from her last place, wants a "ituation In cl y or country; also a Danish waitress and par- lor maid: also B 1 ompctent French maid and seam- stress, an. I an English nurse, with S years' testi- monials, wants work. Can be seen at MISS PLUX- K ETT'S, 424 Sutter st. I)! BPECTABLE GERMAN WOMAN WISHES -II a position as cook and do general housework in a small family; wages $26 per month: good refer- ences. I I6i Hyde st., near O'Farrell. W ANTED— A RELIABLE GERMAN* » ' lady, a position to do housework and cooking no washing); isgoodcook. Please call 425 Fran- cisco st.: take Powell-st. cars north. pERMAX GIRL WANTS POSITION TO DO VT housework or upstairs work. Call or address 911 ' appst., bet. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth. \ MERICAX GIRL WANTsTIOUSEWOKK IX S\ private family; good cook. Call Winchester House, 44 'I hird st., room 47. Goon WORKINii HOUSEKEEPER WANTS situation. Apply 221 Fifth st. r OUNG S\VE DISH GIRL WAXTS SITUA- -l tion to do general housework; city or country ; wazes $20. all or address 545 Stevenson st., in rear, Monday. •WOMAN WAXTS WORK BY DAY OR WEEK »' from 7 to 5: small wages. Address 126 Fourth st.. room 31. > \\ T ANTED— BY" CAPABLE WOMAX: SITUA- '» tion to do general housework or cooking; city or country. t>2 Natomast. o youxg gTrls desire places to do £i chamberwork in hotel or lodgiug-house. 570 Minna st., tirst rloor. J^IRST-CLAS" DRESS AXD CLOAK MA K 1 wants a few more engagements. Adaress 1004 Market s;. • QJWEDISI iTTfKL WAXTS SITUATION TO DO kj general housework. Please call at 312 Twenty- fourth s;.. near Harrison. O"S EDISH GIRLS WANT SITUATIONS. OXE — for general housework, one to assist housework, or would like to atten-1 baby: cannot ap ak En-- lish. Call at 1604 H)-.varl st., near Eleventh. A MERICAN LADV WISHES LODGING- XV house or hotel or family as managing house- keeper; cityorcoun ry. 18 Turk st. OUXG (JERMAN GIRL WOULD LIKE TO J- do housework ami plain cooking in small fam- ily, Call or send nostal 910 Alabama st., cor Twenty-first. Y"O1 NG GERMAN GIRL DESIRES SITUA- -1 '"'). general housework; wagessl2to $15. 510 Minna st. r>^ ■■•-■_• I -PKCTABLE WOMAX DESIRES SITUA- xi. tion to do general housework ; is good cook and laundress: many years' reference. 744 Folsom st. yOUXG GIRL WISHES POSITION IN A J- store; has had experience in bakery. 743a Clementina, near Ninth. -■ » - r.-. • /. pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS day work. \J washing, ironing or cleaning; will wash tian- nt-Is home: leferences. Address R., Call lirancli Ollice, lid Ninth st. [7»IKST - CLASS ENGLISH AXD FRENCH -I cook: underst-inrls all Kin«isof cooking; best of references; also competent English nurse, infants only. Address P.. box 18, Call office. "V OUXO WIDOW WANTS SITUATION AS J- housekeeper in small lannly. Call from 9to 3 o'clock, 116 Fulton st. \\ ' A XTKD— A SITUATION* AS SECRETARY "or correspondent by a lady thoioughly con- versant in English, French, German utid Italian. Addres3 L. .M.. 1540 Walnut st., Berkeley, Cal. To CARE FOR CHILDREN; MIDDLE AGE: -L cultured; gcod references: would travel. Miss KMIL OLBS. 241 Ettie St.. Oakland. [DOW WISHES To GO out by the day, '» washing and housecleaning. Call or address 1454 Minna st.. bet. Fourteenth and Fifteenth. \\T AXTED— BY LADY, POSITION AB HOUSE- »' keeper: hotel or lodging-house; citvorcoun- tiy. 402 O'Farrell St., room 3. ANTED -BY GERMAN WOMAN ANY » T kind of light work: will take care of invalid or any position of tiiist; reliable. MRS. HESSEN 158 Clara st., near Fourth, bet. Harrison and Fol- som, rear. OITUATIOX WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS k-'cook; thoroughly competent: orderly, neat and reliable. Address Cook, box 120, Call Office. ANTED— BY RESPECTABLE WOMAX, PO- '» sition as working housekeeper; best of refer- ences. Call 1409 i.arkinst. T> ESP E( TA I! LK MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN -It woman; good cook and housekeeper, desires position. A >ply 9 Howard court, off Howard, bet. Fourth and Fifih. OUNG GERMAN WOMAX WISHES WORK J- by the day, washing, ironing or housecleanine Address K. A.. 246 Oak st. RESPECTABLE YOUXG WOMAX DESIRES It work by the day; thoroughly understands washing, ironing and jiotisec.ieaninx; also plain sewing. Address L. W., box 50, this office. MIDDLE- AGED AMERICAN OMAN wants position to do light housework; a good home and small wages. Call or address A. P., 304 Third st., room 34. AN I N D USTR IOUS WOMAX WISHEB *\ housficleanlng. washinie and ironing, cleaning windows, scrubbing floors by the day; references given. Address '-.Industry," box 2, this oHice. W ANTED— EL UERLY " WOMAX WISHES * ' to assist In a lodging-house. Address A. V. STONE, Alameda. pERMAN WOMAN WANTS SITUATION* as VT working housekeeper or to do general house- work; wages $10 to $12. Call or address Mission Hotel, Twenty-sixth St., near Mission. p OM P ETKXT COLORE D GIRL WISHES A K.I situation clea ing doctors ollice. 1106 Taylor. "pOMTION BY A RELIABLE WOMAX AS X seamstress, housekeeper, or nurse for invalid. Address v. box 1 20, Call Office. BY \N AMERICAN, PROTESTANT. SITUA- tion: is lirst-class COOlc; $35 to $40 per month : 5 years' reference from last place: no objection to country. Address Industry, box 120, Call Office. BY FRENCH GIRL, TO TAKE ENTIRE charge of an infant and do plain sewing or chamberwork. 135 Seconi and Nntoma sts. yOL'XG WIDOW WOULD LIKE POSITION -L as housekeeper. Call or address 120V2 Gearv St., room 11. • [Vr OIJNG GIRL WANTS A SITUATION TO J- assist with housework and children must be a respectable family where she can sleep home. Please call at 94G Howard st. WIDOW w rni MEANS WANTS PARTNER TT iii paying business. Call 1027 -Market, rm. 11. DR I-.5.-Ji" AK E FIRST-CLASS. WOULD LIK i: engagements by the day : $1 50 per day or take work home. Address 1169 Mission st. E FINED WIDOW WISHES HOUsEKEEP- -IV er's position. 11 Kearny, room 27, first floor. GEXTIJOIEX'S MEXDIXG BURKAU. ROOM \J 7, 1035 Market st. A*OUXG FREXCiI LADY DESIRES .-ITUA- -l tion as lad.\ 's maid or take care of the children ; can teach French; good references. O. D., 33 lliu- con place. pERMAN GIRL WAXTS POSITION TO DO VT housework. Call 28 Minna st. GENTLEMEN'S MENDING NEATLY DONE VT Call at room 22. first Door. 105 Stockton st. \\r IXCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR " Market: electric lights in every room- 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week : free bus to and from the ferry. \» IXCHESTER HOUSE, 44| THIRD, NEAR Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week; convenient and respectable: free hn w 10 and from the ferry. SITUATIONS IV jjjj TISD jialk, 1> C. G. < '> FURNISH KS COOKS; -L • sll branches: shortest notice. (ieary. W NTED — A SITUATION. AS WOR K I i ' » foreman or journeymnn l>y practlca machinist and millwright, who thoroughly understands work- mg of sash and door factorv and 'sawmill uork g.neraily. Address 8. M., 72"l Geary st. y oung boy would »ike PosrrioxTx"A -« s.ore as errand-boy. Call or address 315 Ivy ave.. bet. Franklin and Googh sts. \X EXPERIENCED ; COOK WISHES A XI. situation in a private family. Apply at 532 Eddy St., near Larkin. . jSItUG CLERK WANTS SITUATION; CITY XJ or country: sln«le: 9 years' experience: gooJ required. A. G. MclNTYltli, Hack- iceier 3 Hotel. THE SAN FIiAJS CISCO CALL, SUNDAY, OCTOBER >4, 1895. SHI'ATJONS WAITED- Continued. YOUNG MAX IX UK(!i:XT Xj-.F.1) OF EM- I I ploy mem w'anu work: city or country; com- petent bookkeei er and clerk: A 1 references. R. K., i box 68, Call Office. QTRICTLY SOBKR ELDKRLY MAN V \ X is O anv kind of light wor . in itabie, . u-len or around house; refereuces: wiges !?5 a niO'ith. Ad- dress E. P.. box 86. Cal! i >fli< ... I DDLE- A ( i Kl) .MAN, " RELIaITITT"\vTnTS situation; can milk, drive, care for garden; i wages $10. Address K., box fi9, Call Otliie. CITITAriON RY A~YOUNir~MAN: 20: CAN k^ drivi-, milk and <lo gardening; good hand witi: horses; wages $lo'. board, etc. F. Y., box 3, Call Ofßc ■. I CTI \TE, INTELIiIGENT, BTEADY YOUNG man, with experience in commerce in the city, wants a situation; references. R. T. D., box ir>'7, Call ollice. p AR P KNTER WHO CAN TAKK HOLD OF " most anything v.;>.:us \( or ; : understands wag- ] onwork, painting, etc.; country preferred; low I wages accepted on good long job. Address A. B. C , box 1, this otii ■■<-. YOUNG \N. LAW STUDENT, WISHING | J- to enter college, desires work mornings and evenings. Addr sss Student, box 99, this oilice. TTOUNG MAN. MATURE A<;E, DESIRES PO- ! J- sition as bookkeeper, correspondent, sales- | man- English. German, French. Spanish ; refer- j enoes. Address M. 1)., b >.x 96, Call. ! Oil U ATION W ANTE D BY A MiDDLE-AfJED I O French laundryman, with !t years' experience in washing, starching and ironing: will work for : small wages in a good p!ace, in a public or private : laundry; city or country; country in preference. ■ lall or addr.-ss Lau dry man, room' 20, Xew Pirenee ; House, 1314 Stockton si. ; l\ r A N'F.D- BY MA N~ AN" dT\ ; i F eT*1 T OS ITIO X \ TT iis cook, or willing to take Charge of small i ranch, or any other kind of work. 11. W., box 75, | Call Ollioe. j pERMAN, WHO HAS HAD 12 YEARS' EX- , VJ perienca in a soda water factory, would like a j position in same trade, in city or country: is a very i good extracter, manager and (juiok bottler: best references given. Address K. G., box 43, Morning Call Office. CO AC H M~A~N (ENGLISH) WANTS" SITUT- [;on: thororoiigh experience; iirs -class driver and horseman; strictly sober and reliable; over 15 years' best of references; single; age 35. D., box 81, i a I Office. 0 ARDENER— PRACTICAL SCOTCH GAR vi denerwiiii 15 years' experience wants Sltua- I ■ : Uon, commercial or private place: thoroughiv un- j demands gantening in all its branches. Address ardener, 1210 Mason st. j -\\T ANTED— PRROTESTANT LAU NI) t{ ESS TT private family. $25: 2 nurses for children. :?-0: | invalid's nurse. $20; German or Rcandinuvian I cook and secona girl, same family, f3O and 925 : '< cook, small institution, $25, see lady here 10 a. m to-day: waitress and parlor maid. $20: dishwasher, . 9-h: waitress and chamberrnald, country hotel, $20: ironer in laundry, and a large number of irirls ; of all nationalities for cooking and housework in | city and country. J. p. CROBETT «fc CO., 312 i Sutter st. \iTa.\tkii-a laundress for institu- TT tion: $25: good steady place. Apply early. Miss PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter St. A\ r AXIF. D — A Ti EXK R A L HOUSE WORK , TT girl, country, $20. all expenses paid; maid and ! seamstress, oakian :. $20:" SO good housework girls tor city and all par s of the country, $;-iO, (25, *20 and $15. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sut- ter st. I Y»rANTED— A SECOND GTRL~FOR SMALL tt family in Menlo Par*, $15: a waitress and par- I lor maid, San Rafael. $25. Apply MISS PLUN- KETT, 421 sutler St. W ANTED— P Astit Y COOK. $35 AND ROOM ; J TT woman cook, $25 and room : bonsegirl, 2 in ; family, *20, very tine place; housegirl. nice place, near San .lose, $25. see party in office at 10 a. m.: noat young girl as companion, etc.. for Yalleio, nice farn ly of 2, $10; neat yOang girl for a board- ' inr-school, *12, etc.; hous'glrl, Steiner St.. s2o; housesirl. family 3, $15. for Alame la: housegiris. for Merced, Yisalia, Auburn, s.ri .los>-. Valleio Sun Rafael, etc.. fares paid; 12 to 19. voting Irirls, $8. f. 10. $12 and .f 15 a month, nice families. MA K- TIN'S Employmem Agency, 7J9 Market Bt. AI'AX I ID — PROTESTAN r COOK AND ! : tt launlress, $22 50; laundress, $25: 2 French ! second airis, $20 each: French housework, f 20; l-rench maid and seamstress, 525: German look i nnd downstairs. $35. LEON ANDRE, 316 Stock- i ton st. HoTEITp"ANTRY (URL- $20 AND HUM.; j call early. C. R. HA.NSKN v t Co., 110 i.eary. j I O GIRLS I'on HOUSEWORK, NEVADA, ' ; — fare paid, $25; restaurant rook, Oakland, S2s; : coo'<. tamily of 2, references, if-'j: strong young i girl, general housework. fSJO; general housework, I German nrl, QSO; 10 German, Swedish nr French ' girls, light housework, $15. C. It. HA.XSKX CO., 110 Geary st. i OIoIcrIiATNYAiTRKSSES. COUNTRY HOTEL", £i $1 50 a day and fare paid. C. R. HANSEN i « i >.. 110 Geary st. j p EUMAX CHAMHKRMAII),S2O: I'll AMIIKR- ; yj maid. 915; waitress, Oakland, $¥0; waitress, country hotel, $20: woman with a child on ranch, fls: American cook on ranch, $25. and girls lor ! housework, city and country. IS. T. WARD <fc CO., 610 Clay st. AUX D'riTKSs" COUNTRY HOTEL, $20; WAIT- ■* ress, $15: 2 cooks. $25; 10 girls for housework I and cooking. $15 to $25. MURRAY A. READY, • 634-63(5 Clay st. \V r A~NT K Tn^CO(D k7.$ 30 : lI O U S E K E E P E R FO~R tt German family, $20; 10 cirls, American and German families, 920 and $25: 4 girls, assist, $lo | and $15: young girl, light chamber work, school, 1 $12: chambermaid and waitress, same house, $15. , MM E. LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton st. OUSEKKEI'KR, WIDOWER, $15: GKR- I man cook, $35; cook, American family, 980; i GerniHii st-cond girl, $25; housework girls, Oak- I land, $25: Alameda. $25: han Mateo, 920; Mm | Jose, $25: 10 housework sirls, city. 820 and 926; j 4 young giris to assist, $12 to $15. MISS CUL, LEN, 105 Stockton sr. /TeiTmax houTsework girl. $25, 2 in i VJ" family; French second girl, $25: French nurse. | Oakland, $25: cook. Palo Alto, $30. MISS CUL- i LEN, 105 Stockton st. 1> i 8T \ 1 'RANT COOK; 986. MISS CULLEN, Jt 105 Stockton ,v. VTUMBEB OF YOUNG RKSPKCTABLE (JTRLS I i-i to assist in general housework. $15 and $20. 11 V 2 Antonio s\, off .lones, near Ellis. | ly AXTEI'i-FIRST-CLASS GIRL FOR COOK- | TT ing and housework: Scandinavian or German; j small family. 1531 Sacramento st. riTDLE-AGED W..IMAN TAKE CARE OF baby; soo:l home: wages $10. Call at restau- i rant, 202 Townsend St., cor. Thirl. Vy ANTED— STRONG SWEIHSH OR (;e!T TT man girl frtr general housework and cooking. 2220 Fillmore St. pERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN" <;Tl!l7~FOR vX_general housework: 3in family. 1709 Post. 1 W AITRESS WAITED. 134 EIGHTH sfT, TT Dispatch Restaurant. WANTKD-4 NEAT GIBL FOR GENERAL TT hoiiseworlc. 1524 Webs erst. Ac; i rlt o assist in LlghtTioi:sework. 1434 O'Farrr-11. \\ r AN IK I) il RST-CLASS TAILORES3 ON I _»2_p-.ints. *32 Montgomery St., room 17. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUBE- worit; 913 a month. 10021.. Hydest. rjIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 3005 I VJ California st. j n IRL WANTKD AT 638~"valT;NC1A ST.; VT housework. i V OUNG> GERMAN GIKL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- ■ -«- work: wages $10. 1519 Dcvis id to, nr. Geary. XTOUNG GIRL assist WITH 2 CHILDREN 1 x a few hoars each day. 818 Golden Gate ave. ■yOUNGGIRLFOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK- JL must iinderstaml cooking. "1 150 Turk si. AP I■ I tENTICE FOR "dRESS5i"akimV. 4a AN- tonia St.. off .lories, near EUlis. ■V-EAT YOUNG GIRL F »K Lie li house -i-^l work. Corner Fifteenth and Guerrero sts. /-MR!. WANTED FOB GENERAL iIor.SF- VJ work. 1720a Sutter st. VTURSE MAID- NEAT RESPECT ABLE GIRL i-1 upstairs: care of 1 chtfd. 13U5 Gough st, p IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AXI> « \ re VJ child; sleep home; $10. 432 Golden Gave ave. ■\7OUNG. LADY, WAITRKSs. for KKsTA U- A rant. 1431 lurk st., cor. sieiner. WOMAN TO WORK IN K I'l\ II EnTIThaYES TT street. I p IRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 3131/3 OROVE ST" 1 after 8 o'clock. G 1 1 j : i. Yor~~h (Tuse\vork"and assist~7n I kitchen. 1218a Fulton st. HOME AMI BUSINESS B UR EAT7BI9 M A R- ket st.; all those seeking employnn-nt. both ! professional and domestic, call and register: free. Y\" A NTED-LADY AGENTS TO SELL REAL TT estatoon installments: good commission. Ad- dress J. U CO., box 125. Call Ollice. ALL LADIES HAVING A FEW HOURS' 1 -<-»- leisure eacli day should write me at once re- ' gardini; pieasant homp work which easily pays $18 ' I weekly: this is no deception and will certainly pav I you 10 investigate. Replv with stumped euvelone MRS, s. a. BTEBBINs. Lawrence, Men. XrOUNO GIUL" f6~TAKK CaRE OF CHlt 1 dren. 6i?6 Baker st. "I adjesto~iTaxdle my incomparable JJ face preparations; city and country: large profits: exclusive rights: beauty culture, hairdress- ng, maicure lessons; terms low. MKS. M. J Bl TLER, 131 Post st. rp A I LORE^sr'FlHsf-CLASS X VESTS; GOOD _£ pay. 109 Grant ave., room 27. A Pf REXTICE~WA .VTKD. MISS OILLIGAN. -C\- dressmaker, 115 Kearny st.. room 14. pOMPETEWT LADIES IN ANY SKILL- I> OR Vy clerical occupa' ion will do -.veil to call at room lti;>. Crocker building. ! TTXPERIENI KD TAILORKBS AND BUTTON- i~k hole maker on vests. 921 Broadway, Oakland, ro m la. y I Kst-CLASS TAILORESS. BOWHAY, 604 1 Sutlers:. YV ANTBD — FIRHT-CLASa GERMAN OR •» Irench femalecook in private boar ling-hous.'- win have 2 assis;ants: wages $50. Add"ie-.s 1... box 1, this office. \\ ' n C«KSTT:R HOUSE. 44 THIRD, XEAR ■» Market— Electric lights in everv room: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: SI 30 to $6 per week : fr.e bus in aud from the ferry. HKLP WASTED- Conrlnnert. TTNUSUAL OPPORTUNIT\ r F(rR A BRIGHT y> woman as managing oftire agent. sospita Om any, otlice 53 LDoufthoe huildtiia. EU%SM'A K IXG— - •"i is. «& l-P: PATTERNS !>.. .'" ' ofit '-'s<- up: girls wanted. McDOWKLL^making ACADEM y. i is i o^eii St. HAIK-DRESSING, 25c; MANICURING. 26c; _ morn, a^i ev-. ; 10 ; . ssons. .f1.5 >. I^4SMWsib:i. ".Hi E LI,IsZ3Fo/.A RT,- RvtOMS 25C TO .Vl a <JXU night : jil-S^ to $5 a weet; very respectable. OS T CONVENIENT AXD RESPECTAHLE; •miii U '^Chester House. 44 Thiid St., near Market: -.00 rooms; 'Joe to *l 50 per night : $1 50 to $0 per "'''■'■ : roe 'm3 t0 a nd from the lerr.'. I>IANu LES.SOXS BY THOROUGHLY sehooled artist; lessons 25c. tUTJonesst. LM;;:ni i; ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- made SUUs: .*7- perteci fit. llßMcAllisierst. 1 JtOFKSsQR LIVINGSTON^ DRKSSCUT- -l tingand making school : nil oral, .■!)'»■ 702 Sntter. Male h::t.p wa im:d. l\' anted— 4 c vrpenters central " America, long job and part fare advanced; carpenter for ranch, $35 anri found: 8 laborer*, ■J \ in a <Jay: 1() liemakers. Sto 10 cents; miner, *- no a day; lahorers for mine; man ; nd wife, private family, $40: German or Scandinavian coachman, $30; waiter, country hotel, $25: cooks, kiichen men and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT ix. CO., 65J8 Sacramento st. 90 MORE TEAMSTERS FOR RAILROAD ~ J work free fare. C. R. HANSKX A CO., 110 leary st. A more TRACKLAYERS FOR A NEW ra 117 | 1 road ; see boas here. C. R. HAXSEN A. CO., 110 Geary sc. ' 0 MORE SCANDINAVIAN OR GERM A.\ 0 mini 8: *- 50 to ijij 75 a day. C. B. HAXSEX >v CO., 1 10 Geary st. VEAT-APi«p;AltIN(4 PKTENT PANTRY IV. man for a lar restaurant; $45. C. R. HA N- aEX&CO.TIIQ Gear* st. 1 (| SCRAPER-TEAMRTERS FOR RAILROAD .. .\."V rk: '*-' 5 anl f<und and free fare. c. R. HANSEN A c;.. 1 id Geury st. pOOK FOR PRIVATE BOAUDING-HOUSE, -V.V 01 , ln;ry - ■ sr) "' ; sec-ond cook, country hotel, $30. C. R. HAXSEX cfc CO., llOOearyst. I^XPERIEXCED GERMAN FOR WINERY J-i work, country, $-J6 and board: laborer for quarry. *1 50 a day: cl.orebov and herd cows, $15; : 4 ]>icK-and-Bhovel laborers, city, $'26 and board: ; drillprs, railroad work, !?1 75 a day; cook, country '< restaurant. * i5 and room. R. T. WARD & CO., tiOS and 610 lay st. 4 CARPENTRRS t OR CITY AND COUNTRY, ! 1 >'_ .|oand ** a day: 5 f.irmers, near City, 920 I ami. -so: 10 laborers for dtv, $25: 4 milkers, near ' city, tpzoand $25; 2 choremen on ranches, $15; 10 men to pick grapes. f 23; farmer and wife, near' city. Ml RRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. I 9 HOTKL COOKS, Cuf.vniY. $40 AXD «45; — 2 secona cooks, conntry, $30: restaurant waiter, country, «80; 2 waiter boys, $15 and ,<2O; ! 3 dishvvash rs, country. $10 and $30. MURRAY i <S i.i-.a o\ . i;.;i and 656 Clay st. \\- ANTE D— C A R PENTER, $1 B0 A DAY AND »T board; man for ditching 0:1 ranch ; painter nnd hang paper some; Scarpen ers for inside work; second cook g GO: Japanese cook $25, room, etc.; Japanese waiter $6 a week: dishwasher $7 a week. MA K 1 INS Employment Agency. 749 Market st. W ANTED— ALL CARPKN IE US TO KNOW »' that there are plenty of carpenters in San rrancisco: all advertisements to the contrary are 1 misleading. All help can De supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters, 115 Turk's:., or 23 I Ninth st. District council meets at 115 Turk st. ! on Wednesday evening. OYS. 15 'JO 18 YEARS OLD, TO LEARN pictorial painting and sign writing; $1 50 a week- to star:. ii2s Kearny st. \\T ANTED -ERRAND BOY. APPLY E. H. '' LEVY. li3 Hush st. \\ T ANTED— 2 OR 3 GOOD SHOEMAKERS AT »» once with tools. 129 Bixth ßt. \\l ANTED— COA 'OCA KER. SINGLE MAN, AS '• a part ik r. 627 V 2 Geary st. W A XTKD— 3 (-ARPEXTKRS, PAUL BOYN- ** ton Chute Company, cor. Ilaight and Cole sts. \\- A XTEIT^- FIRST-CLASS I'AXTS-FINISH- " erson custom work. 139 Shipley st. L>OVS WANTED. APPLY' AT ROOM 5, 206 ! JL> Kearny st. riIAILOR WANTED AT 730 HOWARD ST. ITIIRST-CLASS, STEADY METAL-POLISHER X 1 for job shop. Add:e» Plater. box 89, tbis oilice. COATM CER WANTED OX CUSTOM COATS. \J 007 Minna st. p.VINTI R WANTED. 1103 STOCKTON ST. • £ A PAINTEKS WANTED. 823Va JACKSON tt st., 7 a. if. BOY' TO LEARN PANTS-PRESSING; $2 50 per week while learning. 47 Third st. PAINTERS WANTED. WALLER ST., J- nearStanyan. rpAILOR: PRESSER ON CUSTOM COATS, AT -L 659 Marki t st. BARBERS, TAKR NOTICE— I-CHAIR SHOP, splendid I a'.ion, $35: leaving city reasou lor selling. Ki.I.MAN BROS., 106 Kllisst. HARBKRS; GOOD SHOP FOP. SALE CHEAP. Apply DKCKLEMAN. 106 Ellis St. 1, OR OLYMPIC SHAVING PARLOR; -L A owner going away; offer wanted. 19 Mason st. \\r ANTED— GOOD TAILORS FOR THE COUN- \ »' try; coat and pants makers: none but good steady workers nee.l apply; state price in applica- ! tion or will not be" answered. Merchant Tailor, ! Alta, Cal. rnRIMMING CUTTER ON LADIES' FRENCH ! X kid shoes. J. C. NOLAN <fc CO., 541 Market st. I V\r ANTED— ACTIVE MEN* TO SELL REA »' ■■s'ai' on installments: good commission. Ad- drcss J. 1.. CO., box 125, Call Oftice. W ANTED- LIVE, K'NER("iETIC YOUXG I »' man, about 20 years of age. with experience in a domestic department. Apply Monday, bet. 1 and 2 r. m., 523 Market. -\\T AXTE D— THOROUGH CARPET AND UP- ** holstery salesman: none others need ai»j)ly. 523 Market, Monday, bet. land 2 r. it. fTo^second-double'rooms; per week, I «^— $1 50 to $3: single, $1 to $1 50; per night, 20c : to M)c. -/Tgreeable, pleasing, CI."STOM-SH I I; T -^\. salesman. COVERT, shirt tailor, 312 Mont- gomery. CORNICE-MAKERS AT FORDERER COR- \J nice Works, 221 Mission; only lirst-ciass need i apply. _ ■■ \ 1 BUSINESS MAN WISHES TO MEET ' x\- business man with $300 capital; ohiect busi- I ne33. Address I)., Call Ofliee, Oakland. ARE ybu ~A~~COM PETE XT~F UR XIT U R salesman? If so, call at 165 Crocker building. : \V e ran lie of assistance to you. A lso, are 3-011 com- ! petent In any other skilled or clerical pursuit? You , are also invited to call. bARBERS! HERE IS A CHAXCE-BARBER- ! xj shop, supplies, perfumery, toilet articles, tobacco, cigars and all kinds of notions, $900: full ' value in stock; one. of the o-.-st and healthiest towns : in California. IHOMAB J. MCDONNELL, I'aso I Roblea.Cal., or DECKELMAX BROS., 100 Ellis st. IMRST-CLASS LADIES' TAILOR W ANTKdI •J BOWH 50 4 Sutter at. BARBER4S, ATTENTION— FOR SALE; THE ; best 25c one-chair barber-shop in the state, j Call at once, W I I.L ct FIXCK CO.. barbers' supply- i bouse, BlB and b2O Market st. BARBERS, TAKE NOTICE — ONE - CHAIR ' shop for sale: sleeping-room and laundry, $40. i F.. iiii.v DO, Call Ofliee, Oakland. j HA RBE R-SHOP; OLYMPIC SHAVING PAR- i '' lor; owner goin3 away; offer wanted. 19 Ma- so:i st. ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seven b. H. SCHEUNERT. L>ARRERS< PROTECTIVE UNION EMI'LoY- J-> ment secretary. CON D TROELL, 657 Clay. ! "1 EARN A TRADE— SIGX OR PICTORIAL JJ paintlnß taught for S>s: 1000 references. D. : LEVY, 35 Eighth st., San Francisco. I HE RAILROAD HOUSE, 533 COMMERCIAL X St., below Montgomery: slnirle rooms 15c night, 25c for two; best and cleanest house in town. 1> Alt B E S- 10c SH OP, : FO R SALE; $TooT * Mnth st. and Uroa.lway, Oakian. i. pOAT am, PANTS MA K ER. APPLY AT Tl * \- sr., at the <.oli>n Gate entrance, CHARLES 1 LYONS, London tailor, 1212-18 Market st. AN ENERG'ETrc, RELIABLE city AGENT : -cv wanted by a large American fire company; i must have large acquaintance. Address y., box l:*l, thisoflice. W ''-^'IIKSTKR HOUSE. 44 THIRD, NEAR '» Market; 200 rooms: 200 a night; reading-room: free bus to and from the ferry. PLACE IX CITY 1( ) ffsECi ) D-H AN D <•» shoes. /261/2 opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Si.xih st^: misti; shoes bought or exchanged. "JVIKX WANT l> TO SKLL MANHATTAN -mattock Food: it is best. C. KEKTELL, San Mateo j AMERICAN kxchaN E HOTEL, 319 SAN- I XV some St.— Reopened: European plan; light I airy r ms> 25c toslperday, $ltos4 per week, I $4 to $15 per month. Housekeeping rooms $4 per month up. MEN'S SHOES 1/., SOLED 40c: LADIES' 35c. mx doiie in ]() minutes. 959 Howard st. \f OZAR r. 319 ELLIS, ROOMS I>s<j TO 50C i mx night, $1 2ft to $5 week; rea<i rooms. U'HAI CHRER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO I ' » st. : 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; siuglo rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. . \ j E.N's BHOI s j.:, soj.ED. 40c: HEELS, 25c; ■mi done in 1!> rnimiies. ki'A;> Kearny St., basement. I^REK COFFEE AXD ROLLS. 704 SAXSOME; x single rooms 15c. 20c a night, $1 a week, j \\r. AX'l ED— .\] EnT\VHO DO NOT. RECEIVE " their wages to pla-e accounts with (n: law and nerclal e»l:.- ifon; no clmruo unless successful. k.M>.\ COLLKCTION A ENCY. 110 Suiter. r4. 1 IVK MKN AXTED FOR LIGIIT OUT- • ' door wor.< : will pay competent person $3 50 a <'.ay. • Apply at Btorf, 32a Seventh st. : ■ r PRY Ai M.i. ij,i. 957 HAROST ST.. BK- -1 low Sixth, for a room; 25c a night; $1 a week. . ; 301 ELLIS, ROSE ROOMS TO 50c *-'— ' anight: $1 to $H a. week: open a 1 ! night. \\r ANTED— UAEORERS ■ AND MECHANICS I '» to know that Ed HoUcin, Reno House proprie- lor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night: $1 10 $."> per week. ; "\y AJSTED— SINGLE ROOMS, ISo A DAY: $1 » 'week; rooms for t>vo, 25c a tiay. $1 60 a weeic; leading; room- dally papere. art Clny au - HKL^ W .-iisTKU— Continued. \\ r A NTj;b-MEX~To~GET^BaTTL^rsHXRI» 'T Mami beer. sc: ho'tle wine. sc. 609 Clav sc j A 1 1() M EN'S SECOND-HAN DEI) SHOES.SOME ■ tV'l' nearly new. 25c to SI 25. 562 Mission St. j T INDELL HOUSE, -tiTH AND iIOWABD- j ■JLJ iurnisiied rooms. 75c week, 15c night. j SHOES* HALF-SOLED IN MINUTES: VJ do-ie while you wait; at less than half the usual 1 price; all repaUing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 5b2 Mission st.. bet. Ftrat st. and second st. 1 00 MI TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 i>V^r »nd 20c a night, loclndlne coffee and vodi. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. * | BEST IX CIT7-SINGLE ROOMS. 15, 20 AND ! 26 cents per nig!it; SI, SI 25, $1 50 ]«»r weeit. i ftcinc Huns.; Comroerqiai and Leidesdorff st'i. -J_ AGKNTS wasted. Q ALE.SMA S—DBUG TRADE, SIDE LINE OB ; O rwise. J. JOiight, 228 state Bt,, Racine, Wis SOLicfToßs; en ERGiirTc LADIES OB ; gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- -1 cident insurance; salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity Company. 20'i Sansoiue st. ! CALIFORNIA MITT GAL BENEFIT SOCIETY I \J wants cood scents to work its accident and j sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. W. HaNNA. .-erretary. Murphy buiiding. PARTNERS WANT DABTNER WANTED WITH TO START i J a manufacturing business; experience not nec- essary: full security civen. Address H., box 96, I Call (mice. ! HOUSES WASTED. ' \V^TKD"^Hcmsiro^^ Vm^XntTral^ '» men' : cheap rent: between f,as;iina and Jones and Market and lUI3II st.s. Address 439 Fell st. It OO 31 S \V AN 1 :iJ^ X\r ANTED-CHE A P TJNFtBNISHED BOOM! » ' 11.",' box 27. this office. WAN ltD-iililKLLASiiOt;.. \\ ANTED— TRAIJE H^NT)^O^llfcPliußßOß '» and furniture for cheap spring-wagon. 115 Second st. WANTED— RIDING CART; HORSE: MO- »» tion-shafts. 246 Townsend st. LEIN, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PRICES i for clollinig, books and jewelrr; pesta l . | PERSONALS. /: Kl : N N RDY— IN FORM ATION^WANTED ELLEN KENNEDY, sister Of the late PAT- RICK H. KENNEDY of New YorkCiry.and ! ter of ELLEN HANLEY and JOSEPH KEN- j NKDY. natives of Newcastle. West County. Lim- I erick, Ireland: she was last heard of in Sydney. New south Wales. Any person knowing any- thing of her whereabou's please ad Iress her brother. MICHAEL KENNEDY, 3"t> East sixty- sixth St., New York City, or Lauterbach & Scheuerman, 22 \VHliam st.. New York City. M'i W1 1- i . , ELLA CARSON. HAVING LEFT my bed and board, 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her from this date, Octo- ber 12, 1895. CARL CARLSON. DRAMATIC-PARTNER WANTED FOR A stronj attraction: new sensational play; experienced leading laay and ingenue. Eastern, box 11 tf, Call Oflice. SUITS MADE TO ORDER OF ELEGANT remnants for $10; samples and self-measure- ment on application. LEON LEMOS, Merchant Tailor, 1332 Market St., san Francisco. "VTEW YORK HAIR-DRESSING STORE; HAIR -•-> dressing and shampooing; all kinds of hair work artistically executed: a new hair dye, the London Imperial, a positive cure for dandruff and all scalp diseases; superfluous hair removed with- out needle, sample treatment tree. MM.E. KESS- IXG'S, 131 Lar*in st., opp. City Hall. DEa FNESS; LOST HEARING RESTORED; book free. The Auraphone, 10 California and Cl3 Post sts, Dlt. AGNES WINZELL, ELECTRICIAN: OF- ftce, Kuss House, for shon time: consults free. SPOT CA S II PA I D FOR ALL KINDS OF MER- chandise; strictly conlidential. 7 Fourth Bt. DA NCI NG FOR 1 • LLROOM OR STAGE taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission, bet. Fifth and -ixih. L r NDIiI'.SIGNED MAILS 4() TO 50 IMF ferent used Australian postage stamps or four ('.!;"■ rent pho:o views of sunny Australia for 81, U. S. money. Sent bv freight: Australian lyre bird tails for $5 each: sent by freight, 1 large plain and 1 carved emu i> rd egg for $5 pair; send money or- der If over $2. U. S. money only: no stann>s. "Ad- drtss JOSEPH XKIV.IL, G. P.O. Sydney. N.S.W., Australia. This notice appears once a week. A LL PAINS CURED NATURAL MAGNETIC it electric healing. MRS. HILL, 215y 3 Mason st. TMPORTKD HAVANA, KEY WEST AND -I nigh-grade domestic cigars at the tobacco bazaar, 1027 Devlsadero St., near Suiter. HATRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: KSTAB- lisbecJ 1869: natural curl'- front-p eceand first- class switch SI eacn. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 stocK- ton : strictly one price. G. LEDKREK, successor. DVICE FREE: DIVORCE AND PROBATE laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice a:id I Police Courts; terras reasonable: co'.lections, o:c. G. W. HOWE, a;'.'> -at-law, 850 Market, cor. Stockton. rfiHREAS MANNING (LATE OF ADCOCK'S), I! Importations of millinery at 115 Geary st. P IANO LESSONS BY GERMAN LADY ; 25C X half hour. 1126 Howard st. C«l A rtOOM; CARPETS CLEANED ON THE «Jpi- 208 Leavenworth st. rANTED-ROOM OR BOARD FOR PIANO I '» lessons: references. P., oox 72. Call Offio. E< i Y PTIAN HENNA, *1; HAIRDYE, PEB- fectly harmless. Latigley-Michae!s Co.: all chemists; Hubbard's 923, Hauptli's, 1156 Mktsi. i \' EW PROGRESSIVE WINDOW ANDHOUBE I J-> cleaning Co.;floors scrubbed:contracts;day.wk I or month. F. CARNOVAL & C0.,121 O'Farrell st. I TTAIRS REMOVED BY kLecTKICITY PAIN- I J-L lessly; busts enlarged; fn-ckles. wrinkles and ' other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. K ARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market St. DR. AONKS WINZELL, IHE WORLD-RE- nowned electrician: ofnee Russ House; elec- iricity cures, medicine kills: consultation free. CENTS P£B DOZEN FOR CABINETS, < O full length. Godetia Art Studio, 10 sixth st. SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER O illustration— lnstructors: J. H. E. Partington. Gertrude Partington of the Examiner and K. L. Part ton of ThkCalu Apply or address 424 Till-: KCONOMY," 4 0 SIXTH ST.. BET. MAR- JL ket and Mission (old Nc. Millinery. Cheap- est house in the city istylish I rimmed hats', $2: hats trimmed, 25c;hats pressed, 25c;ieathers curled, sc. DI X a N , 1 1 1 STOCKTON ST.; $10 IMPORTED hats: stvlish trimmed hats reasonable. Ml MEOGRAPH, TYPEWRITER AND OF- flce supplies; all classes of typewritten and mimeograph work promptlv clone; typewriter rib- bons. $6 doz., Riiorantt-ed. ANNA C. BUSTEEDE, phone— Main. 5807: 630 Market. SECOND-H \Xi) AS WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, shelving:*, mirrors, desks, j safes, chairs, scales, ef., and a very large stork of them, too: he sure and see s:ock and get prices be- fore goius; elsewhere. J. NOON 1017, 1019, 1021, 1023 Mission St., above Sixth. LD .BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLI); store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, 1 etc.: cnea Yard 11K6 Mission St., near Eighth. I~CA*N" r ToAN YOUR MONEY ON FIRST mortgage security, city property, in sums of ! 8100 to $5000 or more, at 7 per cent per annum net (payable monthly or semi-annually;; borrow- j ern will pay mortgage tax; security guaranteed; referenced given. W. MATTHEWS, 402 Mont- gomery st., room 18. /CHIMNEY SWEEP— ADDRESS J. BISHOP, \J 823 Market. J'houe Main 44] at C. BROWN'S. j j "OUSINESS RECORDS ' WRITTEN DURING : 1> or aftr business hours: Individual and part- nership and neglected accoun's adjusted; corre- spondence German and Kmrlish. Address s. P. MIDDLETON <!fe CO.. 20 Montgomery St. T ADIES. BUY YOUR FUR CAPES DIRECT XJ from CO LOMBAT'B Fringe iManufactory, 113 O'Farrell st. ; old-style iurs altered. JX. POWELL, DENTIST, REMOVED TO • Younsr Men's Christian Association building. : 1 (\l\l\ P-L-SINKSsCARDS,SI 60: SENT FREE, J Uv'U city or country. il ILL. 724 Va Market st. J?I7ECTRiC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM-WIX- ' li dies er Honse, 44 Third, near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to ifl 50 per ni^ht; $1 50 to $t> per week : free bus to and from the ferry. COLLECTING, TRACING, SHADOWING AND \J locating at GRAHAM'S*Agency, 330 Pine st. MACHINE WHITEWASHING; CONTRACTS l'l taken; whitewashii'grfhd tree-spraying; rooms whitened, .fl up. l. r >6o Market St., near Hayes. W ABTZ GUARANTEED: PRIVATE OR IN »'» class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, ! 997 Market st. : ,\ DVICE FREE— MARRIAGE laws, ACCI- ! i\ dent cases. .McCABK. Attorney, 1027 Market. SU 1 47 ITS TO ORDER; SAMPj.E BY MAIL. «JTI^J NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny. TUNE SUITS, *1&: DREBB PANTS, $4 75. J: Misfit Clotmng Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. ne"siorecut— i : ~ ~~ ONE JfORE CUT— Oak Roll Top Desks. $14 to 535 Oak Chiffonier*... ; From $10 up Oak Bed 5et5... ....... ....... ...J.. Sl7 50 up I Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up \ fc-ioves and Ranges... .. .....S3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep thing. Cnsh or time payments. - J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st.. above Sixth. Cti.OAK.Ti, CAPES'aND SUITa KETa ILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factorr. 20 Sansome st.. upstairs. LD GOLD, biL\ ER. GENTS" AND LAD IKS clothinsr boi:<-l>-. COT, MAX, 41 Third st. \\r induw shades" manufactured to >> onl-r hr WILLIAM- McPHUN. 1195 M arket DKJSSSALAKJOEE3. FASHIONABI : DRESSMAKING: SUITS «8< skins, $1. 108 I -on rt, st. ■'■ * ' TAILOR-MADE SUITS TO ORDER ETC • .i- reasonable prices; by CHAS. JAGER,' ladies' tailor, 248 sutter st., California building, rms 14-15. RESSES CUT AND FITTED, fS: DRESSKS pupiiliir pr.c-'-s: i-ngnirrmeti's by day. II Geary TYI'EWUITEKS AND SUPPLIES. TN"VI N r ClSirK~ JuIbBONS aNt7~C A I: V.~ 1 NTH J- are absolutely guaranteed. tniied Tyuewriier and supplies Co.. 413 iiontgomery st. - ■• - j JUSTNESS CHANCKN. "VTOTICE-TO BIY Bl^^TksS OF X^ any kind see STRAND it CO., 45 Third st. ' $700 ROCERY AND BAK, OLD ESTAB- i »4P I UV». lUhed, with 2 rarnisbed rooms: No. 1 ! location; valne in sight; offer wanted. stRaND «fcCO., 4 ■ Third st. • > \t ) BA RGAIN TO-DAY ; 8A LOON WELL W*J*JM. fitted up; pays wel'; value in s irht ; best location on Third s;; any rensonabie off-r will be epted to-day. See STRAND A- CO., 45 Third. 9^oo PARTNER WANT IX BEST j i>-UUU. payinsr livery stable In this city; see I to-day. stra <fc CO., 45 Third st. j (ftlOX BRANCH r.AKKHY; 3 ROOMS; I *S)i.*i*J* cheap ri nt, STRAND, 45 Third s'. | (gOSn PA R I'N EB IN SALOON; CLEA R5976 _- "'. month each. f BTR V f>, 45 Third st. | AKOCiE»VAXD BAR CHEAP; MUst SELL.' \X See sTItA.Vi> « CO., rhird st. I C{O£.A SALOON NEAR MARKET ST.: OF- ! tPOUU. fer wanted. STRAND & CO., 15 Third. ! TVTOTICE— DO YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF X.l vour business promptly? II \ I.v. 23 Kearny. fljl^l'lfl BAKERS, ATTENTION-CORNER I I MPIuUU. baKery; cash trarle of $18 perday; 1 clearing $150 per month: s rooms: stable, 2 horses, ! gon and cart. W. F. HEALY. 23 Kearny st. «2;7XA ROADSIDE HOTEL; 18: ROOMS: •IP 1 i>\l. bar tradeof $14 p.-r day; keDt by pres- ent owner 8 years: clears $100 a month; trial ! given. W. F. HEALY, _'3 Kearny st. Q£AA FBUIT AND CONFECTIONERY: •ipU\7l». near Kearny and Post: tirs'-c! busi- ness: Inveatl; ate. W. F. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. Gi:97£\ BESTAUBANT, BECKIPTS $12 TO i <r>— I O. $15 daily; 4 rooms. STENBERG, 632 Market st. C? 9~A AA COFFEE s-AI.OON; VF.KY BEST >4p^.\F\J\J. location: flrst-class u'xtures: receipts $45 to $.".O daily: 6 rooms upstairs: A No. 1 furnl- ture; trial allowed. STENBERG, 632 Market St. KESTAURANT. NEAR MARKET ST.: OLD- J-t es; and positively best paying in city: always crowd:*!: excel leni location; has very best class of trade: does an excellent business; handsome pri- vate rooms: reasonable rent; long lease; positive 1 guaranty from owner and satisfactory trial civen; extra big bargain: nothing to equal it in any line: sickness. BTENBERO, 632 Market st. CI9-00 EXPRESS TRANSFER CO.: HAS *jn_,jw. ti ie iarcst trade between this city and Oakland: clears $250 to $300 per month: pro- prietor owns his own property— barns, oflices, stor- ages, etc.; has 4 finest teams runnlnu across the bay; worth $3500: one of nicest, cleanest busi- nesses inJthis: Stare: fstablished 15 years; $1500 down, balance on terms: retiring from business. STKXllMili CO., 632 Market, opp. Palace. 1 Q(\! 1 MiLK BUSINESS; HAS LARGE %}l.(J\J 1 '. route: 24 cows, all Jerseys and Hol- stems; 3 fine horses; 2 wagons: buggy; the dairy is in the finest condition and doing prosperous busi- ness, all firsr-class custom: clearing $lf>o monthly; house 4 rooms: 10 acres land; live stock fully worth the money; cash: depot city retailing 5 to 6 cans daily; must sell: departure. STENBERG 632 Market, opposite Palace. SI 9^f> >Y-STORE NEAR MARKET <£) 1— U\J. st.: elegantly fitted: receipts $25 daily; big sacrifice. SIEERS&CO., 22 Kearny st. 1000 STATIONERY AND VARIETY «]P LUUU. store, suitable for man orwoman; good living to be made: will sell at inventory: busl- n ss could be greatly Increased by proper attention, owners having too much other business: best refer- ences from leading firms of San Francisco. GEO. STEERS <ft CO., 22 Kearny st. 41* 1000 TREMENDOUS BARGAIN; COF- i.\J\J\j . fee and lunch house: clearing over $200 month, above all expenses: posliive proof given; rent $61): nearßalawin: can't be duplicated in the city: disagreement of partners onlv cause of sale. BARRETT & SKIFF, 865y 2 Market st. >nn YINO RESTAURANT, NEXT TO »IP^V»U. large car sables; 3(!0 men employed: rent Jf 15. BARRETT & CO., 865y 2 MarKet st. <>99X '- AN CH~ BAKERY AND DELI- <iP- J * J <-'' cacy store; receipts $10 to $12aday: best location: don't miss seeing this bargain. BARRETT & CO . *65y 2 Market St. lARGE LIST OF CHOICE BUSINESS OPPOR- J tunities; best bargains ana terms ever offered. 1 $2000— Grocery-store: 4 living-rooms. $1250 — Cigar-store: corner; receipts $20 to $30. SlOC— Restaurant; sacrifice: near Mail D< ck. Drugstore— Old established; big paying; Market. Will sell at sacrifice 100 tons of baled oat hay. J'hotograph outfit— Man to travel: cash $50. $'Jso— Tea and coffee route; 60 paying customers. Branch bakery— 4 living-rooms: in Mission. PROLL .'.- CO., 719 Market at. " rpEA, COFFEE, BUTTEB, EGG ROUTE. WITH ci, l^?, customers; trial given until aatisfied. PROj.L A: CO.. 719 Market st. pROCERY a x GENERAL MERCHANDISE VJ store: prominent corner: business center: pay- Ing business: references furnished from leading wholesale houses. PROLL & CO., 719 Market su <Si Q A O RESTAURANT AT THE MISSION, <PO"U. haslBtables, 72 rhairs, together with furnished flat of 7 rooms. HEALY. 2:: Kearny. "DARE CHANCE— STATIONERY, NOTIONS, Jt candy and cigar store; established 3 years- well paying; complete stock: departure. Call Of- fice. .-.■ - . <H»I7P: SODA, CANDY. CIGAR AND COF- tJPX t'f. fee place: opposite Page-street entrance to Golden Gate Park; best of location. 425 Slan- yan st, ©"7X PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD J'AY- . «B? • «-'• ing butcher shop: cheap rent: advertiser is butcher and sausa-e-maker. 335Vij Fourth st. Cj9wA SALOON WITH 10 ROOMS: LOW UP— <J\f. rent: one block from Call Oflice: great- est bargain. Inquire 533 California, Phoenix bar. ALOON WITH LUNCH HOUSE, $900, IN kJ wholesale district: rent $45: extra good place and location. Particulars 833 California St., Phoe- nix bar. ;■.-...-«". YING BUSINESS, $500 A MONTH; LADY or gentleman; noagents. 150 Eddy st. QjQO RESTAURANT AND COFFEJC IPAR- i&'jyj. lors; everything new: high-baclc chairs, gas stove, 3 living rooms; rent $15. 505 Sixth. TO LET— FINE CORNER GROCERY STORE; rent cheap. Apply 516y 2 Geary st. RARE CHANCE— EXPRESS AND DOUBLE team; other business. Address T., box 8, Call. AKERY AND NOTIONS STORE FOR SALE cheap. 219 Steiner st. 900 PARTNER WANTED IN A CYC- <tir^-v/\J. lery. Call 614 D St.. nr. Eighth ave. q?QOn BAKERY FOR SALE-2 BARRELS i&(J\J\J. per day: good-paying business: horses and wagon. Appiy Call Offlce. RANCH BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY- good location. 410y Fifth Bt. NY ONE WISHING TO INVEST IN A good-paving restaurant and oyster saloon In the town of Uklab, please call at the Call Offlce for particulars. UTTER AND EGG ROUTE STALL— 3OO customers: a bargain. R., box 96, Call office. Oakland. «r ANTED— MAN WITH $2000 CASH. '» physician preferred: can guarantee $10,000 to $20,000 per year; tritiers and curiosity-seekers not noticed. Call personally at room 68, Golden West Hotel, between 1 and 3 r. m. _■ ■ •;:■-■ Sit lO TURING THE PAST SKASON OVER <PU»'U. $500 per week was .realized oa turf in- I vestments. Write to H UDSON, the legitimate 1 betting commissioner, 530 and 532 Madison ave Coviugton, Ky. <V".||j) RESTAURANT; LARGEST AND *3)AO\J\J. finest fitted place in Oakland- best location and doing n tremendous business- first- class trade: 1 eit reasons for selling; investigation allowed, or will take partner: full value. GEO STEERS & CO., 22 Kearny. I ALOON; NE OF THE OLDEST AND BFST established saloons in the city: doing a li'rst- cla«s business: fine fixtures; cheap ren:; clearin- s4oo a month above all expenses: owner must go East at once: wil sell for half value: full investi- ! gation allowed saloon men; don't miss this great : v^jyi'co^if&e!" " ever be offered again -jiriLK DAIKY TO LET; HOUSE 6 ROOMS- I 1 '>»r" fOr 3b cows: horse barn for 6; water from windmill: corral. Apply G GlANNixi, skii I Bruno road. ' a j VIRST-CLASS BUSINESS FOR SALE; FORA * °" a week - Apily pORK AND DELICACIES STORE FOR SALE! X rent cheap: 2 furnished: rooms: cause of sale departure: good investment. Apply Call Oflice. P™ OOKA i PH FOBBALR: COST $450; I J- ou.tit compete for entertainment, street pur- poses, etc._Address G. M. ROGERS, 1025 Mission. ; pHYSICIAN WANTED" AS PaBTNEB FX w.-11-estab is.ied medical business; must have money. Answer Physic, box 120. Can Office. SiSOnO CASH-Btrrs OOOD paying B0SI- s:toVr 2 V,t h, s s o^e perty: rent $77. Address G. , S^tox 120, this otiice. F , S , A h £Tr, C V^ D^' AND ' NOTION STORE. -L Inqnirj 1620 Post st. AK EI{Yf CONFErriONERY, LUNCH AND cottee parlor; must sell; sickness. 26 Hayes st. j "POR SALE— DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING AND I \t e lU9int ' ss: stock $7000: In a city of Oregon I wnicn for special rei.s*>ns nas an exceptionally j bright future; cash trade only; terms cash. Ad- dress this office. CALL ROUTE FOR SALE IN INTERIOR town. Apply Call Office. j ARTX K R WANTED AT ONCE TO START J- with advertiser in wood and coal business: trade already: must have $160. Address 8., 100 Jones St., S. F. ; call after 7 p. it. ' EAT-MARKET IN COUNTRY, VF.ARCITY; -L'i. a bargain. H. M. COVERT, 218 California st. ©f-'Oi'O BAZAAR: GOOD LOCATION; *ipvJW» •v/.'well advertised; established 7 years: to:al running expenses $125 a month: doing cash business ot $1000 a month: could be greatly Im- proved with proper attention, owners having too much other business: will sell at inventory; no charge for good will. Address or apply Pacific rrliulng Co., 543 Clay st. THE PALACE HOTEL ' 1 AT UKIAH, MENIiOCINOCOUNTY.CAU, TO RENT OR FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS. rnqnire of J. M. MANNON, Ukiah, or WIL- LIAM HEESER. Mendociuo. TNTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PAPKB FOR -»- sale: pays over $200 per moritli net; price $5000: for particulars apply at tni3 office; none but principals need apply; terms cash. •'.? :■-!-■■ TF YOU WANT A GOOD- PAYING REST AU- -L rant cheap fur cash call at oace 1934 Market st. Oi'FiiE -SA LOON AND KKSTA UUANT: \J best location in city: receipts about $40 a da trial given until satisfied: no triflers need answer. Address C. S., box 140, this ollice. iJCSTyWS t'H A> C Cqntlnuefj. il.QXfl GOOD-PAYIN AN I• 15 A II •jTO'JU. with llvlug-rooms; jL-tieAP n.nt: must ba sold quick at a sacrifice; bes 1 reasoi for se ling; grea onria:n: mnke oiler. Adtlram orcalJ Rose- dalo House, 321 Ellis sr. OANDWICH w a ion7 no K-K AND lIAR- -0 rte^s for sale chiap. Appy G. H. W., 1148 M ■-. on s.. TTifNEST COAL AND FEED VARDIX THE Jl Mission, as owner has other business had this place for relative who baa lr-t"t it on bis hands; h 13 4 horses, wagons, im...-. etc.; will sell at inven- tory. Aj>ply al yard, 1915 M -- on st. \l' ANTED— MEN~ OF SMALL CAPITA'. TO »i engage in the following businesses: Hotel, harness-shop, drnisstor* and uenerju-merehaivdlse store, etc.: besi opening in h' Stati ; mills find factories employin 1 lar^e nombers oi men ; we will build for ibe risht parties. For p-.rticu'.ar-s addn as SHEPHERD a- TEAGUE, Ul» J St., Freano, Cal. St)-f\ FOK SALE. .-ifTiiTk ANJ> FUUNl- fjl')' l . tureof poultry ranch nbnve Fruitvale; 325 ( hickens, incubator and brooder, horse and wagon: 6-ioomed -hoiise partly furnished: " acres all in fruit; rent $12 50. Apply room 34, from Ito 4, Donohoa buildlnsi. CONVENIENT AND" RESPECTABLE: Wini-he* House, 44 Third st.. nour Market; •200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per nigh! : $1 50 to $8 | er ■veek: free bus 10 and from iu- -err.-. LODOIMJ-HOUSKS JfUlt SALE. TOBUYOB SELL A LODGINO-H( see sTH.VNI) A- (>.. 15 Third St. .. :,; m, jr A HOUSE OFIU ROOMSTPA Y.S WELL; tipiuu. otter wanted. STJtAM.'. 45 Tiiird si. ROOMS, SUNNY COBNEB. ONLY.. $760 24 rooms on Geary su : payments . T.i 10 30 foom.s, line sunny corner; worth $3000. 1,000 7-room corner tl:u : central 4dO 29-rooin house: very central 7M) 16 rooms, all on one floor 6.'»0 H. C. DECKER, 12ot> Market St., cor. Taylor E-BOOM houseTwouth f4otiu *_>: 0 «' 25-room house, part cash 12< 40-room liouse, central, elegant. .. 1600 9-roo:n house, fine location 1 .'>o 26-room house, part cash 15')i) 20-room house, great bargain 55i> 37-room house, part cash 1300 MACGILLIVRAY <fe CO.. 921 Market St. LODGING-HOUSE, ROOMS, ALL RENTED; J-J rent $50— ?450. Apply after 2. at 120 Sixth st. ©'EA 14 ROOMS; FINpn,TjCATION: GOOD *&OtJ\J. furniture; rooms always rented; .-nap. E. B. HUNdAKER, 646 Market Ju (jJt9n(i 7-BOOM HOUSE; CH EA P RENT; tP«U\/. good location. Address B., box 6, Cau. 00 rooms, CENTRAL": CLEARS $TlO A O— month; half cash, balance to su-'l purchaser; money to loan. WOOD «fc CO.. 917 .Market. i&7ft|j 44 ROOMS; CAN MAKE MORM *4p '""• rooms or bunkhoust-; great chance to make money. 8., box 6, Call tiflic-. fI&eCA 8-ROOM FURNISHED « LOD &■ «IpUUU. house: clears $75 a month. 117 Ed!y. <3t 1 7 TUBK, XKAK MARKET — FUB- •Jp L I O. Dished house: 5 rooms; pays well: rent $25. Apply room 34, Donohoe balldlmr, 1 io 4 p. m. J> 1 O(\ HOUSE: 11 PDBNI SHED ROOMS »ir lOvf . and store; four months' rent paid. 312a Sixteenth St. FURNITURE FOR SALK- I/H)R SATE^>A^hTx"TuTiKTx7T^?riT^MTfr -T ror front. Address O. 8., box 47, Call Office. "VTICE FURNISH D FLAT 5 ROOMS; SUNNY XX side: cheap. 8 Turk st. MODEBN FC UNIT! 1 ; 1 . OF SUNNY CORNER JL»i- flat; price $550. 839 >'ost si. COMIM.I.n OUTFIT FOR 4 ROOMS $H(5 Bmsseis carpet laid- 4.")c Heavy linoleum 41)0 Free packing and delivery across the bay. Coun- try orders solicited. Send for circular. slil REK SHIRKK. 1310-12 Stockton st. Open evenings. EDUCTIONSON LARGE^OCkTnEW AND XV second-hand: 400 carpot., good as new, oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; 7- piece chamber »ui:s, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6: cash or installments; goods suippoi free. T. JI. NELSON. ISB Fourth St. pUT PKiCES IN FURNITURE ANDCA KTi 1 1 *>il< '.v.-ok- n- MrCA'BK'S. 948.f180 Mission v. FURNITURE liA-NTrD. DOX'T SELL r HFr"7rrF'">TMO notifying TERRY, Auctioneer, 30 Montgom- ery st. LWAYS KKFORF. SEi'.TTlXii SKE H. .]' LEUTHOLTZ.B2I Mission, bet. 4th and sth. A MEKICAN FURNITURE COMPANY WILL XV lay you the highest cash prico for yeor furri;- ture, carpets, e;c. 1 129 and 1131 Market. AUCTIONEER J. C. MUTHER. 719 MABKET -f*- St., pays highest cash r rices lorfurnlti yrrxxsON BROS.. 1710 MARKET"" ST^FI'IfX!* '' ture bought and sold; telephone, soatb 702. HG. KRASKY, CARPEI'S. "" I'lCTf . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; t'al stepladder manufactd for the trade, 779 Mission. CA S PA! D~FOI F~F U I TU R E AND MF !*IT V; chandise. f,. i[. I'.n; I Aiiflnnxer 10 Fill -mi. CABPEI CL,lJA>"l>'oi. ABPETS THOBOUGHLY CLEANED 'AND \J renovated same as ne.v. S. FEJtGUSOV s CO.. 'SA Tenth at. Tejephone number.. south 35. ATATIONAL CABPET BEATING AND ÜBS* XI vatins Works HAMPTON layin^ and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tei. Mission J\Z ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AXll \J Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. O. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No.', soith 230. W r HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH; poor work send to SPAULDING'S PioneerCar- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: Uri. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. »iT \J Golden Gate ave. : telephone east 126. HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANIN 4 J. Co. (incorp.): old established carpet cleariiuj machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, iei. 6074. I McQUEKN'B CARPET BEATING AND Si ') . ovatiiig works. 4.'H si^ v ..,, s ., Ii: tel. 3225. HOKSIS. BAY HORSE. WEIGHT 1050 LB«,; COOD FO^ any purpose: very cheap. 351 Third st. (\ HORSES FOR SALE: ALSO WAGONS J.V/ buggies, carts, harness: Grand Arcade Ilor-i* Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Weane.*- day. SULLIVAN <fc DOYLE, Auctioneers. 1 AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALu -LV7W kinds: second-hand wagons, bugi?y, earti; blbo 20 cheap horses. I'if: ■er,; and V alencla nt-i, WAGONS ANl> VABBIAOBS, 1 SECOND-HAND WAGONS FOB SALE cheap; from $10 upward. 924 Bryant st. ONE-HOBSE RIG WANTED CHEAP. 1229 Sanchez st. 1 EXPRESS WAGON, WITH POLE, AM) 'J X horses will be sold cheap. Address F. fi. WILT, Arkansas and Bolanost-, Potrero. . T?OR SALE— BAKER and laundry 1 wagon .ti!ie buggy and rockawav. 828 Harrison. SEWIXG BIA CHINKS. tVeN^TeT)*! 60 MONTH I.Y j SECON D-lIA ND* J-w machines from $3 upward; Domestic, Ne\r Home, White, Singer at half-price. 145 Sixth s;. 13ENTED $1 50 A MONTH; CUT KATES; JV patents on sewing-machines havinz expired we can sell you latest improved niuchintrs for one- third regular price. 145 >ixth st. ALL KIN DS SEWING-M ACH BOUGHT 'sold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest rates. 205 Fourth s:.. near Howard. ' KN'GIXK FOB SALE. fflKjifiifi" nkwlSteam pum nsa'sKQixtts tip —w« capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per- kins I'ump and Engine Co.. 117 Main st.. S. F. FOR SALK-MIS) 11.1.AN K O I S. IQ' 1 IXXA-A XKW \VINE~PrI:sS,~wTtH trO'-»3 a box for 300 pounds of grapes. QzJA FOR BOTH ORGAN AND GOOD -l-.W- •Jp'dU ing machine, for sale. Apply this office. BABY'S NICE oak CRIB HA LE C»{ KA P. -D Apply 1229 Broderick, be . Ellis and O'Farrell. TTICTOa PNEUMATIC Mi TV: 000l CON^ V condition: only $30. 328 McAllister s'.. ABGAINBIN RATTAN CHA"IR«; MUST BE sold quick to make room for new designs; oar entire line of samples of rattan furniture; we sell .baby carriages at wboiesal ■ pfices; save your money and putro.'iize home industry. Cft ii'omia Rattan Company, 55 to 61 First st. TRISH SETTER PUPPIES. 9 WEEKS OLDs Xtox terrier, 7 months old. 1328 Kddy st. S'V^u^',^"' lUrVI ll; FOR SALE AT O 13b8 Mnrk«-t st. ONE >.MAI. I. MEDIUM \NI) LARGE -l/.l' nrejmd burglar proof safe, 'c 2 l , 223 Market st. A LL TYPEWRITERS RENI KD, XX including Siiiilli Premier. LEO. K. ALEXANDER <t BRO., sole agents., 218 Sansome st.. s. F. T\ I AMOND RINGS, PINS, STUDS, BltACK- ■i-r lets and ear-rings at half store prices. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 (Jrant ave. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS 801 II r and soid. s. F. Typewriter Ex.. 310 Califoraia. Rational cash rkgisteu. SaPeT -»-' scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay at. "VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECONJ> -t-i hand. W. S. BAY Mfg Co., 12 California^;: pOUNTEKs, SHELVING, SHOWCASES VJ bouKhtau.isold 1121i/t> Market beu7th and 81U DOS . lOST^I)XrtTv 11X^-71 O R^ETIUtANDED'H J Good reward at 517% Third -t. T OST-WHITK ifrruSE'r^frfAliLE Rl> J-J ward. ji. VOGEL, San Kruno Rd. verave. II ®T— APASSBO) >K WITH THE JflßKltNlA" J-J Savirus and Loan Society Oi San Francfiico in the name or MRS. ELLEN SCHWARTZ 'or ELIZABETH AMANDA LIN DA SMI 111 'So. '202127& The finder will please return to bank. JOST— TUESDA Y, LLEWKLLYN PUPPY- fl J months 6M. A. WILKIE, Mechanics 1 mills Fre:im:i; and Mission: r-'ward. ' . I'OUXI). ry^IKTOV BRINDLECOW o\H \J er.cau have same by proving property and Day. Ing expenses 31 Harper su j^<»"u Pay-