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6 CHARLES M. SMORTRIDQE, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES-Postage Free : r*Ty and BmuteyCUXA, one week. by rally »n<l Bonday Cai.i, one year, by inall... 0.00 J sly and Sur.iltiy <_'ai.i.. i'.x months, by nail 8.00 rally and Sunday Caj.i,, three months, by mall 1.50 Daily and Sunday Cam., one n;outb, by mail .65 t-unday Cam., one year, by mall l.bti UUKUr Qu, one \ ear. by wall 1.50 BUSINESS OFFICE: 710 Market Street, San Francisco, California. Telephone Maln-1868 EDITORIAL ROOMS: 617 Cls>y Street Telephone Maln-1874 BRANCH OFFICES: BfO Montgomery sireei, corner Clay: open until f:?0 o'clock. *j(^M tf( Hayes stroft: oj-en until 9:30 o'clock. 737 Larkin street: open until 9:30 o'clock. 6W. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets; open tr.til 9 o'clock. '.tlSMission Street; open until 9 o'clock. lie>iniJj street; open until 9 o'cloclc. OAKLAND OFFICE: 908 Broadway. EASTERN OFFICE: Pacific Ftaies Advertising Bureau, Rhinelander lnildlng, Bom and Duane streets, Xtw York City. MONDAY OCTOBER 14, 1895 THE CALL SPEAKS FOR ALL. Every home can help the home market to some extent. From Turkey to China all Asia needs renovating and whitewashing. There are still no signs that the Civic Federation will ever run out of work. Free Cuba is an honest home sentiment that would make the best foreign policy. John Bull had better attend to his busi ness in Armenia and let Venezuela alone. Perhaps Buckley hasn't got a barrel, and perhaps he has one, but it is bunged Up. _ As the fight goes at present, the Junta is throwing mud and Buckley is throwing dust. The political complexion of local De mocracy looks very much like it was tattooed. To the hungry Ohio Democrat Camp- Dell's eloquence is a poor substitute for Brice's sack. When Cleveland's administration comes to be tried he will probably rcove for a chance of venue. So far as Cleveland can make it so there is as ing a deficit in the Monroe doctrine as in the revenue. We can beat the English at athletics, but it takes the South Africans to beat them on mining games. Chicago is the only city that has yet been able to develop a gang of robbers with nerve enough to hold up a trolley-car. Cleveland is going to Atlanta and Hill is going to Ohio, so the ioug-expected great Democratic speech may be born twins. Many political experts are taking a good deal of slock in the Allison boom because it is not being puffed up with wind. From present appearances in Kentucky, Joe Blackburn is running against the Democratic newspapers more than any thing eise. Uncle Sam once had land enough to give us all a farm, but now Corbett and Fitz sirumons cannot tincl enough to stake out a sixteen-foot ring. Englnnd might 'ieht Venezuela for a "little land at the mouth of the Orinoco, but she would not light this country for half the continent. It is possible that all this talk in the Democratic newspapers about a vigorous foreign policy, is simply Olney's way of advertising for one. It is an easy prediction that before Cleveland is back in Washington a month we shall hear that he is overworked in pre paring his message. It is now charged against Wat Harden, the Democratic nominee for Governor, in Kentucky, that he shaves, wears patent leather shoes and smokes cigarettes. One advantage of having Corbett and Fitzsimmons sk.'rmishinp around the country is that their bluihng serves to de tract attention from the export of gold. Strangely enough the Valkyrie hat and the Marlborough bonnet are among the fall styles for women, but the Defender and the Vanderbilt do not get a mention. There i& a growing belief that every step taken in the construction of the trans- Siberian railroad by Russia is a distinct step toward the destruction o! the Chinese empire. The campaign in Ohio lias become so hot that Ex-Governor Campbell has been compelled to stop long enough to explain that he never reflected on the personal in tegrity of Governor McKiniey. The deficit in the revenues makes the tariff the biggest political issue at pres ent, but if that were out of the way, the un-American foreign policy of Cleveland would be enough to beat Democracy next year. It is believe;! that Mahone's death will lead to a reorganization of political parties in Virginia and exert as powerful an in fluence on affairs in that State as the dead Senator was ever able to exert in the prime of his life and the highest prestige of his power. It is not surprising to learn that since the Chicago Associated Press misled its customers by sending out false reports of the race between the Defender and the Valkyrie, some of its papers have aban doned that organization and joined the United Press, thus making sure of getting all the news and getting it correct. It is difficult to understand why the Eastern press was so severe in its criti cisms of Keir Hardie. Since his arrival on this coast he has said nothing and done nothing to give offense to any one who be lieves in free speech and does not regard socialism as a bugaboo. As we nave a treaty with Great Britain which forbids either nation from building or launching any warship on the great iakes some Detroit ship-builders who wish to get some of the Government jobs have offered to construct gunboats on this coast shipping the machinery from Detroit, and it ia believed in that way they may get one or more contracts. THE MINEES' CONVENTION. The convention of California miners, which opens in this City to-day under the auspices of the California State Miners' As sociation, will be the most important over held in this State, and upon the determi nation of the delegates will depend some concerns vital to the people. The two great matters are hydraulic mining and tbe relation of the Southern Pacific Com pany to the mineral lands which it claims under its Government grant. In addition to these, considering the remarkable re awakening of activity in the mining in dustry, will be the general proposition of furthering and strengthening this move ment. With regard to the first proposition, it is urgent that the antagonism existing be tween the farming and the hydraulic min ing interests be broken down instead of increased. While it is deplorable that hydraulic mining was necessarily stopped by reason of the damage it was doing to the rivers and lands of the valley region, it is impossible to believe that the inven tive genius of the age is inadequate to de vise such a scheme as will permit the re habilitation of this industry without work ing the injury which caused its cessation. It will De for the miners to solve the prob lem. And miners of all kinds are inter-; ested in the solution. The question of railroad claims to min eral lands will require exceptional cars and intelligence in the handling. Rumors were started some time ago to the effect that the railroad company was interesting itself in the selection of delegates to this convention. There has been little talk of that kind lately, but this will make popu lar espionage of the delegates' conduct none the less close. It will not be difficult to judge any delegate's fealty by his speeches or vote. The interest involved is one that concerns every resident of the State, whether he is a miner or not. There need be no fear that the miners will fail to appreciate their grave responsibility in the premises. The delegates are visiting the City at the pleasantest time of the year. They will find many things to entertain and in struct them. It is hoped that they will enjoy themselves after that hearty fashion for which men of that vocation are famous. They will find some novel condi tions. It will perhaps surprise them to discover that the community is rousing itself from a loug and dreamless slumber, and that its responsible men and women are learning to appreciate the bounties with which nature has blessed their en vironment. We regret that the splendid new Call building is not ready for their inspection, but they can see where it will be when they convene next year. They Will find the leading spirits of the City earnestly at work for the good of the State, and the merchants eager to do whatever may lie in their power for the advancement of the mining interest. It will be a grand opportunity for the miners to cultivate these men and establish a strong sympathy and co-operation with them. DAGC-ETT AND MAGUIRE. Two eminent members of the California Democracy are engaged in a bitter contro versy, which is both serious and lament able. Congressman Maguire has preferred charges with the Treasury Department at Washington against John Daggett, Super intendent of the San Francisco Mint, al leging two wrongs: First, that Mr. Dag gett has grossly neglected his duty; and, second, that he organized a mining com pany which has no standitig, and whose shareholders are composed largely of the employes of the Mint. Mr. Daggett declares that these charges are "lies," and that "they are absolutely false in every particular and detail." He not only courts but demands a "rigorous investigation," and he wants it to be pub lic. He asserts that "any one with half an eye must see that an obvious animus lurks in every line" of Mr. Maguire's charges, and explains that '"it is a case of patronage instead of principle." Mr. Maguire denies this, alleging that he was not interested in the patronage of the Mint, and that both he and Senator White opposed Mr. Dag eett's appointment, and that his conduct has not been better than they expected. Up to this point (the Treasury Depart ment not having yet made an investiga tion of the charges) the case rests upon the comparative personal merits of the gentle men themselves. Mr. Magulre makes the dignified explanation that he cares noth ing for Mr. Daggett one way or the other, that in laying his charges with the Gov ernment he was doing hia duty as a pub lic officer, and that there he will let the matter re3t, having shifted his responsi bility on the Government. The charges are easily susceptible of proof if they are true and of disproof if they are untrue, and as Mr. Maguire is an able lawyer and knows the value of evidence, the duties of the Superintendent and the serious conse quences of the investigation both to him- self and to Mr. Daggett, the present pre sumption is that, even should his past history warrant the belief, it is not likely that he is moved by passion or a desire for revenge. Assuming for the present that he is ac tuated by the highest motives, his conduct is a salient departure from the established methods of Democratic politics in Califor nia. At the same time, while he is exceed ingly strong in the admiration of friends, Mr. Daggett is not less so, and hence this struggle must make a serious breach in the ranks of the party. "It will be curious to observe whether in the pending investiga tion the party will prove itself able to be governed solely by a sense of public right and decency or whether the factions to which this struggle will give rise will be moved by considerations of expediency or personal regard. CHICAGO IS ALAKMED. The violent attack of the Chicago Tribune on the San Francisco Traffic Association, charging that because Traffic Manager Curtis of the association wrote urging an Eastern connection of the Southern Pacific to unite with the latter company in its reduced schedule of freights between Cali fornia and Utah point3 the associa tion is the organ of the Southern Pacific, is valuable only as showing that Chicago is , alarmed over the prospect of fair competition with San Francisco," and that the intelligent efforts of our merchants to secure a reasonable snare of the Utah trade is expected to meet with success. The Tribune's attack and the alarm which it indicates will be re garded by San Francisco merchants as ex ceedingly encouraging, and as an incentive to renewed efforts to accomplish their desire. Our merchants cannot realize too strongly that when they enter the field as com petitors with Chicago they are measuring their strength with the ablost, shrewdest and most successful men in the country. We are handicapped by a number of ob stacles. These are the greater volume of Chicago's business, the resulting desire of the lines between Utah and Chicago not to antagonize it by showing favors to San Francisco, and the existence of competing lines between the two places. These have been sufficient so far to overcome the ad THE SAN FKANCISCO CALL., MOJSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1895. vantage which San Francisco enjoys on the soore of being so much nearer to Utah. It is difficult to see how the solution of the problem can be accomplished, though it is gratifying to know that the merchants of San Francisco are working so earnestly to that end. At present the reduced rates of the Southern Pacific stop at Ogden, be yond which that company cannot reach. It would seem that the situation presents a very strong inducement for the building of a local railroad system in Utah, and that our merchants could hardly do better than foster such an enterprise. We may be sure that if such a necessity were pre sented to Chicago it would meet it at once. Still another plan would be the throwing of the Union Pacific into the hands of the Government. This would open Salt Lake and some minor towns to our trade. For that matter the spanning of the short dis tance separating Ogden and Salt Lake Vould solve a large part of the problem. Further, it is difficult to understand why the Southern Pacific could not make a rate from San Francisco to Ogden which would counteract the higher rates from Ogden to Salt Lake. The company's business, as might have been expected, has greatly in creased since it reduced its rates to Ogden and thus made it possible for our mer chants to compete with Chicago at that point, and our business has increased thereby and our merchants are greatly en couraged. Why not extend the plan, with an expectation of still greater benefits to all concerned? AN EXPECTED KESULT. In one of our enterprising contempora ries which not only prints verbatim re ports of the Durrant trial but which (ills the vacant intervals with sensational dis cussions of the testimony and with grue some foreshadowing of grisly possibilities, we read the interesting account of a family which has been dismembered by tnese pub lications. The wife left her husband, and this is the husband's explanation, as pub lished by our enterprising contemporary : "The Durrant case was one of the causes that wrecked my home. She may say that I treated her cruelly, but that is not true. She wanted me to read the verbatim re ports of the Durrant trial and 1 did so un til life was not worth living, and then I quit. Then she got angry^ In the morn ing, at breakfast, I read the Durrant case. When she went upstairs to make the beds I followed and continued reading. She swept the house and I followed, reading. She prepared the luncheon and I stiil stayed by her, reading the Durrant case. I want to say that while I read that case aloud my wife was perfectly hapoy. When I stopped she was miserable." Probably it was our contemporary's de licious sense of humor that induced it to publish this case of domestic rupture alongside the cause that produced it. This wife evidently belonged to the class of women who haunt the courtroom. Being denied that opportunity she did the next best thing in transforming her husband into the courtroom and ail its disagreeable adjuncts. Although invested with a mar velous patience the wretched man struck at last — and lost his wife in consequence. It was a choice between reading the ver batim reports and giving her up, and he gave her up. It was more than masculine strength could bear to read the verbatim reports of tht trial. The incident seems to be instructive in that it establishes tbe difference between the tastes of men and some women and explains the publication of verbatim reports. The only persons who can read these in terminable dull reports are those who have both the leisure and the taste for the occupation. The only ones who have the time are those who are not concerned with the serious affairs of life, and those who have the taste would be judicious to con ceal the fact. To publish such reports as sumes the existence of a very large pro portion of persons iu the community who are of the kind to whom such reading is a possibility and a pleasure. Thb Call knows no reason for publishing that esti mate of San Francisco's people. More than that, it is aware that while the preparation of a sharp, clearly told story of the trial requires much more skill and expense than a verbatim report, it is true journalism and shows a better conception of the character of the community. PERSONAL. W. P. Thomas, an attorney of Ukiah, is at the Grand. W. T. Blake, a newspaper man of Stockton, is in town. T. J. Field, a capitalist of Monterey, is a guest at the Palace. J. M. Besse, a merchant of Kings City, is stay ing at the Grand. A. Klcnian, a merchant of Oroville, registered at the Grand yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Yerrington of Carson, New, are at Ihe Palac"e. E. C. Weinrich, a merchant of Sacramento, is in the City on a flying visit. Charles C. Derby, superintendent of the New Almaden quicksilver mine, registered at the Occidental yesterday. A. F. Jones, an attorney of Oroville, came down yesterday to attend the Miners' Conven tion and registered at the I'alace. S. \V. Heller and wife (nee Stern) returned yesterday from Europe after an absence of eighteen months. The occasion of their home coming was observed last night at their resi dence, L-orner of Leavenworth and Post streets, by a welcome tendered ihem by forty relatives and friends. One of ;the recent guests of the Grand is Senora de Campos, granddaughter of General Gonzales of Guatemala, and her infant son. They come from one of the most notable cities of Central America. Her stay in San Francisco will depend on the health of her child, which is expected to benefit from the bracing climate of ban Francisco. It is her intention to leave for Paris as soon as the little one's health permits. The heart of White-Hat McCarthy is glad within him, for "Me Lud" is coming back. The great and only J. Talbot Clifton will again mingle with the excited racetrack throngs, will once more perambulate Market and Kearny streets, and (who knows?) will bring with him something new in the sensational line. J. "Tawlbot" is not averse to seeing him self reflected in the public retina. Modesty is not one of his prominent characteristics. But he is refreshingly interesting at any time, and San Francisco has no cause to regard him with any feelings but those of friendly indulgence. I hear that he is expected on or about the 25th inst. Safe to say that White-Hat will be at the train to greet him and that society at "the track" will extend him a cordial welcome.— Town Talk. A CHANCE TO SMILE. A band wagon is good in its place, but you don't need to take one when you go courting the other girl. Your best girl will hear about it soon enough.— New York Recorder. Beggar— Yer haven't got 10 cents erboutyer, has yer, boss? The Man— How did you find that out? I thought no one knew I was broke but myself.— Syracuse Post. "What do vou_ think of this previous exist ence theory?" "I know it to be supported by facts. For in stance I know a woman only 27 years old who often thoughtlessly tells about things that hap pened thirty-five years ago." — Indianapolis Journal. Mrs. Jones— And so your son has left college and has taken orders? Mrs. Smith— Yes, and I think he will now be successful in administering to humanity. "Has he entered the Episcopal church?" " he hasn't entered any chuch. Heis a waiter in a restaurant."— Tammany Times. wollis F. Huntington, la© Has notliing to say Of the Stanford decree For h© hopes that lie lylay also go free. [Reproduction of a aTeetch from life made by a " Call artist.] • ■ ■ ■■"-.. ■ AROUNfc THE CORRIDORS. Fred Schumann, the well -known ranpre owner and rifle shot, was in town yesterday for a few hours. "Did you ever hear the story of Tlmmany and his turkeys?" he asked. No one had been so fortunate, and Schumann proceeded. "This man Timmany," he said, "is a small rancher over in the country about San Rafael. One day not very long ago Timmany happened in to see me about a forthcoming contest in which turkeys were to be given as prizes to the most successful marksmen. The old fellow confided to me that for some time he had been raising turkeys' on his ranch, and he pro posed to get up & match on his own account. Now, Timmany is not very well up upon the prowess of our San Francisco rifle-shots, and this may excuse the absurdity of his plan. He would have no firing at targets, but, for the sake of novelty, he would tie a turkey to a stake on the hillside, pace off 200 yards and let the competitors blaze away. " 'The plan might work,' said I to Timmanv, 'but how much will you Bell the entry tickets for?' " 'Two-bits apiece,' said he. 11 'But surely, Mr. Timmany,' I protested, ■you will not be so foolish as to sell your tur keys for 25 cents each!' "Timmany did not intend to do anything of the kind, but he had a mistaken idea of the slmrpshooting ability of our marksmen. "Well, the day arrived, and, agreeably to my promise, I brought customers to Timmany. He trotted out his fifty or sixty turkeys and offered tickets for sale. Captain Kuhls and half a dozen other line shots were on hand. In order to have a good joke on Timmany and prevent him from refusing to sell more tickets if we killed too many turkeys we each bought $5 worth. Then "the shooting began. Kuhls was up first and he missed the bird. Timmany was delighted. Another man stepped to the firing place. His shot brought the turkey down. Another and another fired and half a dozen turkeys were dead, while Timmany had only realized a couple of dollars for the lot. "The sport might have continued until every bird fell, but something happened just at this time. Mrs. Timmany, the wife of the sportive rancher, arrived upon the scene. She sized up the situation at a glance. It was a losing prop osition and she simply wouldn't have it. She gathered in the remaining turkeys, and, after taking Mr. Timmany in charge, she set the pace for home. "She declined to receive our tickets and give us our cash, so we had six turkeys and Tim many had something like $30. "Turkeys being worth about $2 apiece, on whom was the joke?" ROGERS TO RIDEOUT. An Open Letter on the International Monetary Question. Mr. N. D. Hideout, as President of the State Bankers' Association— Sir: The Sunday papers issued October 6, 1895, contained a resolution as emanating from the State Bankers' Associa tion at its meeting at Fresno, passed on the sth, yourself being its president, which reads as follows: Resolved, That this convention is unanimously opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver on a basis of 16 to 1 or any other ratio whereby the material In a silver dollar will have lens com mercial value than its gold brotber, but is in favor of an international agreement to place stiver on a, parity with gold. This resolution comes as a challenge to the sense and patriotism of every good citizen. This sentence of fifty-eight commonplace words, thus expressing the meaning of our California bankers, will be analyzed as to the principles enunciated. In my opinion these are irrational in economics, erroneous in legal significance and dangerous in their ultimate effects. Let us, using utmost brevity, candidly examine them under the three heads of Economics, Law and Danger. First— ln economics "use" is the sole test of value for a thing. Its value is ordinarily measured by the labor involved in its produc tion. Therefore "use" and "labor" are the factors that determine whether or not men want a,given thing. Now, it is an undisputed fact that a gold dollar costs more "labor" to get than a paper dollar. As their uses, as money, are identical in buying or debt-paying, "labor" is the sole element that is to be con sidered when choosing a material for a money. But the whole effort of society, nay, of civiliza tion, is to get certain results with the least ex penditure of work. Therefore to advocate the gold standard for money, instead of adopting a paper currency, Is to ask the Government to compel its citizens to do a work a million times multiplied in ex tent and one entirely unnecessary. Second— According to the last case in the United States Supreme Court, decided March, I»B4— Julliard vs. Greenman— to make money is a sovereign attribute of the Government. For an individual to issue money is a crime, and for a State to aim to run a mint is to pass a law inhibited by the constitution. This power over money is exclusively vested in Congress. It can select any material for the currency and then it can destroy its money function. This is shown in the changes effected in our coin age laws, many times in our history of a cen tury. Therefore to speak of "the material in a sil ver dollar" having a commercial value, is to ignore the law, which alone create* money. It is not the "material" nor its "commercial value ' that makes a dollar— this is the man date of the law. It is an unpardonable sin for a financier to bleud the "commercial value" of a "material' ' selected for a currency and the august majesty that springs from the command of the astute. "Commercial value" arises from the supply and demand of gold and silver considered as metals. Monetary value arises from the exercise of legislative power, granted exclusively to Congress by the constitution. To unite them in harmony is impossible—impossi , t° «yen the magic of a bankers' organiza tion. Tms resolution ignores a plain fact, fixed id the adamant of our history. Tbere is the same amount of silver, with the same degree of fineness, in a silver dollar now as in the one made under the old law repealed in 1873. The truth is, the silver was then worth $1 02 in gold. Now the same silver is worth about $0.68 in gold. Why? The "material" has not been changed. The quantity is alike. Why has the" difference comeT No sophistry can conceal and no fabrication can destroy the fact that the change in law— in demonetizing silver— has reduced that metal to a commodity and left gold a money. Let gold lose its legal-tender quality, given by Congress, and it would at once become a com modity, subject to the fluctuations of trade. Let silver be granted this debt-paying attribute and its commercial value would cease and its money character would have fixity and would control. Recognizing two facts, that the stamp alone makes money, and that the volume in use fixes the purchasing power, It is to the interest of the banks, as special privilege-holders, to con ceal these principles. With bold hardihood they make the effort in the face of law and fact. In plain language, the endeavor must origin ate in either willful ignorance or deliberate deceit; for the truth shines like the sun to every seeker. In harmony with this policy of mystification two main arguments are presented. They say we need metal money for foreign trade. This is a clear fallacy. Our statistics, partly fur nished by the bankers, show that for the last liscal year our foreign trade was about two billions, but our domestic exchanges were about five trillions. This is a ratio of 1 to 2500. In other words, we use $1 abroad and $2500 at home in the United States. For which should our Government provide, the small or large demand? The next stock argument is that with free coinage we should oe flooded. There are about three and a half billions of silver in the world. Suppose It all came to tie United States for coinage. It would make a per capita of $50. Would that hurt anybody? Well, yes; it might relieve from beggary and atarvation a great famishing army of millions now seeking and crying for work. But two-thirds of the human race have silver and use it alone and will not send it here, and if they did our peo ple would find ready sale of their products for it in exchange. Would that hurt the Cali fornia farmer, whose products and lands have fallen in twenty-five years to one-fourth of their former values? Third— The last charge is that of implied treason, arising from an international agree ment. What, sir, does this involve? All statesmen and publicists admit the power to make money is the one supreme attribute of a national sovereignty, for money is the meas ure of all values, including mental and physi cal labor. Now, it is calmly proposed by you to abdicate our own authority as to our own people in home affairs p.nd turn it over to some other person or nation owing us no loyalty aye, even bitterly opposed to us— giving them full command over the kind and quantity of our money. This Nation is self-governing, em bodying democracy. How, then, is it not treason to let some one else govern us? Why don't the nionometalUsts ask England her opinion on our divorce laws, interrogate Ger many on hog cholera and our corporation morality, turn over to France the serious mat ter of bloomers> invok'j Ireland's judgment for our code of police ethics, demand that the Pope shall give us an infallible tariff whereby taxation of ourselves will enrich us ? Why don't the barkers invite other nations to act for us as to all our domestic concerns? Don't they know;full well that there never has been an international money, and that should one be established then the whole internal policy of our Nation would depend not on our own will but on the consent of others, per haps fully inimical to us? This scheme for an international monetary agreement is wrong in principle, lacks patriot ism, is limp in power for self-preservation and would end in Conferring absolute supremacy on gold monometallism. If Americans desire to retain their freedom then let them discard the proposition of an international agreement as the veiy quintessence ot wrong. For these reasons it seems to me as an American citizen, sir, your resolution is full of error and danger. Very respectfully, Taylor Rogers, 3333 Washington street. San Francisco, October 10, 1895. JHARLBOROUGH AND VANDERBILT. New Bedford Standard. The Marlborough-Vandecbilt alliance, which is apparently considered by the parties them selves as much a matter of public concern as the matrimonial bargainings of kings and princesses across the water, causes some of the newspapers to seriously consider the im- Eortant question: "Shall our Girls have cowries?" It 6eems to us that the question might well be left to settle itself in individual cases, according to the circumstances and de sires of the parties in interest. There have been a good many happy marriages in America where the bride's only dowry was her good health, her good looks, her good sense and her devotion to the man of her choice. Boston Herald. Morally the bargaining of titles for wealth as a basis for marriage, especially in a country where titles have no place, is as repugnant as any other sordid transaction can be. More over, the importation of aristocratic customs and the ostentation and elaborate ceremonies attendant upon the rites are distinctly de moralizing in a land the integrity of whose in stitutions is largely dependent upon the main tenance of republican simplicity in the social standards of the people, however advanced the scale of general comfort and prosperity in liv ing may be. Nashville Banner. Besides all this Miss Consuclo Vanderbilt has good blood in her veins inherited from her mother, good Tennessee blood, which is the best in the world and more to be desired than i any ol the dubious fluid that caurua in tha veins of the Marlboroughs. No pure American girl can be made nobler or more honorable by the debauched coronet that first graced the brow of Sarah Jennings^ It is a great pity that this very eligible young couple can t be per mitted to mate in peace without any reference to their fortunes and their ancestry. Philadelphia Item. The presence of a representative of royalty at the wedding and the effort ot Germany's Emperor to honor the bride shows how Europe worships American money. Were the bride, instead of an heiress, the daughter of some high statesman or noted savant no such honor would be extended to her. When General Grant's daughter became the wife of an Englishman royalty did not honor her, but the millions of William H. Vandtrbilt secure tor his child the recognition that was not extend ed to Nellie Grant. Boston Journal. We have now been told the color of Miss Van derbilt's eyes, the size of her shoe, her favorite flower and where she buys her hairpins. But after all this searching inquiry the Duchess of Marlborough will sink from public attention just as the Countess de Castellaue. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. MINERAL LANDS DISPUTE. Division in the Ranks of the Seekers fob Placers and Ledges. To the Editor of the San Francisco Call— Sir: As you are aware, a very important meeting of the Miners' Association will be opened in this City to-day. The association is split into three camps on the question of the preservation of the mineral lands for prospectors and public location according to the mineral laws. The division is not as to the Importance of preserving the rights of the miner. On that we are all agreed. Every person who knows anything of the difference between a mining and agricultural patent knows well that deep mining cannot be undertaken on an agricul tural patent. So, if all the mineral lands are patented as agricultural, that would kill the mining interests of the State. A mineral loca tion enables the miner to follow the vein on the pitch to the center of the earth— it does not matter whose agricultural land it goes under; but an agricultural patent prevents the follow ing of a lode outside of the vertical boundary. Hence the importance of preserving the right to m ; eral location wherever minerals exist. Another great difficulty meets us in the selec tion of mineral from agricultural land. The mining laws define a mineral location to be an area through which are found minerals which will pay to work. Sometimes rock in place will show such value, but in nine cases out of ten no Buch value is shown on the surface, and therefore it is only by prospecting and developing that we can make sure of value. Even in the case 01 gravel mines, although there may be immense wealth lying under the lava-capped channel?, no engineer can say for a certainty that it will pay to work. As a case in point, I am associated with Home English capitalists in opening an extensive and well defined channel in Sierra County, which has yielded something like $20,000,000 where it was worked three miles up stream from our property. We were required to raise $10,000 to complete a shaft we were sinking, and J. Roes Browne was engaged to report on* the property. He reported that there was certainly a well-defined channel running one and a half miles through the property, but, as we had not reached bedrock with the shaft, he could not say whether it had any value or not. The foreign capitalists, taking that as a hint that there Is no value in the property, have conse quently refused to proceed with the shaft, although we have only 120 feet more to sink to bedrock. Now, how is it possible to prove values in such cases? I have said the miners are divided in their ideas as to the best way of preventing true mineral land from being patented by the rail road grant or by any other parties as agricul tural land. One camp calls the railroad company an octo pus. Another camp says: "No ; we do not blame the railroads; they have their rights as well as the miners," and argues that the most sensi ble way is to join with the railroads and have the matter fairly determined bv experts ap pointed by both parties. But as the railroad wishes to make it binding on both parties to accept the decision of the experts or their um pire as final the first camp says, "No; we see in this the cloven foot and are therefore op posed to any binding agreement." Then the people in the third camp do not see why the railroad should be consulted by the miners in the matter, as the United States laws clearly state that mineral land cannot be legally patented as agricultural, and all the Miners' Association may be expected to do is to get the General Government to have the said grant properly exoerted by its own ex perti. But here again the legal definition of mineral, as that which has value, comes in the way; so you see it is not without reason that the miners, although agreeing to a man on the general principle that mineral land should be reserved for miners' locations and patents, yet disagree as to the best way to accomplish the object in view. A most unfoitunate fact is that the associa tion is short of funds to enable it to do any thing, which is interpreted by many to mean that the officials have not t£e confidence of the association. I don't think that it is want of confidence which freezes the exchequer. The fact is, it is the methods not the men that are at fault. Mr. Nefl, like Washington, was an ideal choice for first president, but it is necessary to tne well being of the association that he should not. monopolize the situation. Mr. Ralston as secretary was a wise choice, and as that office should, if possible, be a perma nency, no betterfman can be found in thi*;city to act as permanent secretary. The other of fices should be subject to change, and to keep down jealousy those persons have no more right to a third term than Washington or Grant had. The selection of president is an important one and 1 would be in favor of either Mr. Valentine of Wells-Fargo, Mr. Hellman of the Nevada Bank or Mr. Lillienthal of the Anglo-California as the next president. With a permanent secretary either of such men would prove of more value to the miners than any directly interested mining man in this State. In mentioning names I only do so to indicate the class of men from which a se lection should be made. There is no doubt that with proper methods the association could be made one of the most influential in the country. And then there would be no need to keep an octopus in the closet to scare the babies. A Mining Delegate. CHANCE FOR GOOD MILK. Me. Shafter of Oakland Eloquently Praises the Country Cow. To the Editor of the San^Francisco Call— Sir: Now is the countryman's opportunity. Mr. Dockery, the new milk inspector, has detected fourteen milkmen selling adulterated, impure milk. As Mr. Dockery receives no salary, he is either doing his duty from a conscientious desire to right a wrong or from a desire to be bought off. I sincerely hope and believe he is acting from the higher and purer motives. The fact remains that now is the time for the bay counties to get their milk into San Francisco fresh from the green Hillsides of Alameda, Contra Costa, Sonoma and last, but not least Marin. The congested state of the butter mar ket would be at once relieved by the with drawal of large numbers of cows from butter making. The country along the sides of the North Pa cific Railroad via Tiburon on into Sonoma and via North Pacific Coast Railroad into the green hills of Marin would grow apace. More commodious homes would be built • greater acres of farm land would be broken up and tilled. Perhaps silos filled with ensilaee (green fodder) for winter feed would be found adjacent to the well-filled barns. The railroads would carry back to the country vast quanti ties of bran and ground feed to keep up the flow of milk for the healthful supply of the great City. The want of reciprocity between the City and the country is the cause to which is attributa ble much of our hard times. The lowing herds are only found on grassy hillsides or in the moiat succulent vecetation of marshy mead ows. Bellowing herds, disconsolate cows are those found in the dark inclosures of the pur lieus of the town. Distillery, slop fed kine, they stand disconsolate longing for their couir try homes. iwU'V?"* Beecher says the cow is the fam n,iiK c it Copious, draughts of her rich JS,« \ hri tjje flush of health to the invalid's rhfif™- 1 w ebab TL crowsafter hels full of the rich milk from the generous cow's full udder. Fresh water and air ward off consumption in the milch cows of tbe country. The noisome air which th cows breathe where apace is valuable, in the long, low sheds where they are kept in the K Ub urbß of Rreat cities, the tainted IS l wh . lch they drin^. the distillery slops wh ch they eat, all promote disease, which is easily disseminated through their milk to the Bick and weak, and, worst of all, to the little babies, who cry out for pure milk with the pit eous appeal of innocent voices to the men women of the land. im i? g ! e . t ' and 80 d0 you, if women could I™m hat^e sanitary conditions of great cities wquld be better, not worse, than they now are, the farmer would give you, nine times out of ten pure milk If he put water into his cows milk it would be pure water. io^ tTa i nmßnyißm and Buckleyism rule the land and we can look for nothing but a con «^ na £ food ""PPiy- Hurrah for Milk In "1 Oakland, Oct. 12, r 1895. p - J - SHA ™ R - : Diamond finger-rings set in black enamel fi ? 6 mtV he settin K is said to enhance the brilliance of good stones. It will not do to have rhinestonea thua aet. RELIGIOUS THOUGHT AND PROGRESS •In Epitome of Sermons of the Week Beyond the Rockies. Following is a mmmary of the principal ser mons recently delivered in the United States and Canada by the leading, clergymen, priests, prelates, religious teachers and professors of the Christian fnith. In every Instance the full text has been carefully read and abbreviated. HEAVEN. Heaven, in the Bible, is used in more than one sense. We read of the fm\ !- of the heaven, meaning the atmo-sphere; read of the lights of heaven, the stars of heaven, moaning the firmament. The third heaven of the Scrip tures is heaven in its sublimest senst — it is where God dwells. It is somewhere beyond this material universe; it is a place v. here liod dwells in his infinite and mighty personality ; it is where the Batata will have their eternal home; where they will sing forever the songs of the redeemed.— Rev. M. Curnick, Methodist, Row ell, Si ass. GOOD WIVES. The woman that has no higher ambition than simply to be dragged up into society is, indeed, a most pitiable creature. What you want, young man, in a wife is not a toy to play with, a doll to be dressed, an ornament to be ex hibited, but a helpmate, not simply a help eat. Many women to-day, who were reared in the kitchen, so to say, vainly imagine that they make fine parlor ornaments. They have an idea that they were made to be looked at, and often they are too lazy to do anything else.— Rev. Morgan A. i'eters, Reformed Chun. a, York, Fa. POLITICAL PLATFOKM9. The platform of this church is neither Re publican nor Democratic, but it must stand for good government and principle regardless of party. Its voice shall be heard in no unmis takable sound for the truth and right, for God and humanity. Platforms are made to etand upon. Every plank in a political platform should be nailed down by wise and nonest men and find Us solidity in its righteousness. May the day soon dawn when men shall stand upon a platform when they stand by the ballot-box, instead of walking over the ricketv, rotten old floor of a party.— Rev. Cortlandt Myers, Bap tist, Brookfrn, N. Y. SUNDAY CLOSING. The law closing saloons on Sunday is no hardship on any one, except saloon-keepers and drunkards. The State of New York will never pass a law providing for Sunday liquor selling. The Republicans are "ot going to open the saloons on Sunday, iu their plat form the Republicans have declared that they would not pass a law opening the saloon on Sunday, and all honor be to the Republican party for its action iu this regard. ♦ The Democratic party will promise to do any thing, but it doesn't dare pass a law for Sunday opening— it doesn't dare go against the Cath olic churches in that regard.— Rev. Thomas Dixon Jr., New York City. MUSIC AND BELIGION. The one thing about music is its harmony, the blending of melodious tones in one har monious whole, the bringing of its tones under the natural law. We are born for concord and for peace, to live, not in discord, but in perfect harmony. Before the sweet strains of Handel and Haydn were given to the world they were ih their souls. You often hear it said that some men do not have an ear for music, but there are few who can listen to the real music that comes from the soul of genius without be ing moved. The single strain of an Easter an them ha« saved a man from suicide. — Rev. R. P. Hoi way, Episcopalian, Worcester, Mass. DANCING. It is as natural for a healthy child to dance as it is for a lamb to frolic in the fields. It is the natural expression of the joy and gladness of life. Every nation, every people had its own native dances. Dancing entered into the re ligious worship of ancient Hebrews, as well as other nations. There were pure dances and impure dances accordingly as the worship was pure and impure. Our modern dance is the social dance of our ancestors; the dance on the village green or in the woodland glades. It is a social festivity, and within proper limits it is perfectly unobjectionable. It is only objec tionable as it is abused, and this is true of all good things. — Rev. Dr. Brundage, Albany, X. Y. INFIDELS. Infidels sometimes say that the milk of. hu man kindness runs through their veins, but no college has ever received an endowment from an inlidel, for Girarr 1 . was not an infidel, and, although he prohibited the entrance of preachers ot the gost>el into the college which he endowed, he desired the trustees of the col lege to have the students instructed from the best books of morals. The trustees unani mously decided upon the Bible as being the best book of morals and it is used in the col lege. The Bible was not mentioned in the will of Girard. So hospital, infant asylum or other charitable institution was ever endowed by an intide), but churches of all denomina tions have these institutions and care -for them. — Rev. L. S. Roder, Methodist, Jackson ville, Fla. PR. PARK HURST, The New York divine who has become so conspicuous throughout the world for the heroism of his efforts to release the grasp of the Tammany sachem undertook his wort in precisely the spirit which animated David against Goliath. He saw in the great giant a representative of evil and believed in the pos sible supremacy of virtue, and he recognized in the defiant challenge, "What are you going to do about it?" a challenge not only to the well meaning people of New Y'ork, but he recoz nized that the truth was challenged, nay, that the Jehovah himself was challenged, and sub missive agents, yielding themselves to the Lord's command, might, with even so simple a weapon as a paper ballot, fling defiance to the foe and cause a stampede among the host-; who had been following their champion.— Rev. A. Z, Conrad, Worcester, Mass. NATIONAL PERILS. There is an apparent lack of American inde pendence. We submit to things that our fathers would have scorned to endure. For eigners control our monetary existence. Our fathers in the day of the Revolution, bare footed and barebacked, defied all the powers of Europe and dictated their own financial policy. They were thereby enabled to establish a gov ernment of the people, the credit of which was as good as the credit of any nation in the world— as good as specie. Now we are 70, --000,000 strong. The country is girdled with steel and bounded with cable lines, so that every pulsation of sentiment is known and felt from one end of the countrv to the other. Our country is the grandest country God has ever given to any people, and yet we, the American people, sit supinely by and suffer our financial policy to be mapped out and con trolled by foreigners and disbelievers. — Rev. H. S. SVilliams, Presbyterian, Memphis, Tenn. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS- Premium on Dollars— City. Had you read the answer given to a previous correspondent who inquired about dollars of 1884 you would have noticed that It.was stated that "dealers quote them at from $1 50 to $2 25." In other words, dealers selling old coins to collectors charge the prices mentioned for the dollars of that date, but the answer did not state that dealers paid these prices for them. Evening Schools— J. 8. W.. City. The studies pursued in the evening schools of this City are reading, spelling,, writing, arithmetic, gram mar, geography, architectural drawing, me chanical drawing, bookkeeping, algebra and geometry. The textbooks are the same as those used *n the day schools. A boy can go to one of the evening schools to finish his education in the branches named. General Wool— M. E., City. The steamer John L. Stephens, with General John Ellis Wool and Lieutenant Hardie, his aid, on board, arrived in this port on \he 14th day of Februarv, 1854. General Wool relieved Gen eral H. W. Hallcck on the 17th of the same month and was in cUarge of the Department of the Pacific until 1857. . The Cricket— H. F. A., City. It is believed by those who have made it a study that by the friction of the wing covers against each other and from a peculiarity ot their/ structure the male f cricket produces the stridulous sound so well known. Fish— W. H. F..EI Casco, Riverside County, Cal. If you aesire fish with which to stoct a large reservoir communicate with the Fish Commission, Flood building, tnis City. The secretary of the commission will furnish you all the information. ~ . • — » — — Extra fine salted Almonds. Townsena's. • .■» ♦ » Soft baby cream, 15c pound. Townsend's.* Bacon Printing Company, so3 Clay street. "Cards by the million." Roberts, 220Sutter.* — • — — • He— l wonder what she meant by telling me she could never marry a man? j She— Perhaps she said it to encourage you.— Life. J«■ ■ ' - If you have catarrh you should attack the dis ease in the blood. Remove the impure cause by taking 'sSarsaparllla, the great blood purifler, which permanently cures catarrh. . " Sirs. W'iualow's Soothing Syrnp" Has been used over fifty years by millions of moth ers for tbelr children while Teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, nftetkl the cnim, al lays Pain, cures Wlcd Colic, regulates 'h6 Boweli and la the best, remedy for Warrbceas, whether arising from teething or other causas. For sale by Druggists In every part of the worlcL Ee sura and ask lor Mrs, WisitoW 1 Soothing Syrap. '-ig * I botUe.