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MISSION OF A PARLOR After One Marriage All the Native Daughters Dis banded. TO MAKE ANOTHER EFFORT. Saloon Men Refuse to Aid In the Endeavor to Enforce Sun day Closing. Oakland Office Fan Fbascisoo Call,) w 908 Broadway, Oct. 13. ) Since the publication of the fact that Oakland, with four Native Son parlors and a population of 60,000 people, has not a parlor of Native Daughters, many of the papers throughout the State have ex pressed much surprise at the state of affairs in this city. As much surprise and more interest will undoubtedly be ex pressed when the history of the Native Daughters' attempt- to found a parlor is made known. Several years aco a parlor was formed and for a time nourished. The parlor was organized by a prominent native son who is still a resident of this city. In response to an invitation to the native daughters about iifteen young ladies responded and on the organizer's arrival he was introduced to them by the hostess. Little did the young man dream that among the tifteen was his future wife. However, the parlor was organized and the young man aided materially in niaking it prosperous. His efforts were greatly appreciated by the young ladies, and especially so hy the senior past presi dent. This caused the trouble. Other j retty and charming members took excep tion and the parlor was soon in difficulties. The pretty past president withdrew and the lodge, "a short time afterward, gave up the ghost. But it brought together two young people, whom Rev. Dr. Akerly made man and wife. Some time later another parlor of Native Daughters was organized , and to help them financially Piedmont Parlor of Native Sons Rare a grand ball. That ball instead of helping killed the young organization, for there was a squabble about the deficit and the parlor died during the struggle. Now, Athens Parlor of Native Sons — the baby parlor— has come to the relief of the daughters. It is trying to lead the other three parlors in the matter of sociability. It aims to be to Oakland what Stanford Parlor is to San Francisco, and in order to ( ar: y out its ideas there must be a kindred organization. Here are two little incidents that tell how wide is the split between the two fac tions of Oakland's city government. On Tuesday last City Engineer Wilson in spected Twelfth-street dam. He reported that it was far more decayed than he had imagined. He stated that a few thousand dollars would go a long way toward mak ing it safe, but $10,000 would be required to thoroughly repair it. On Friday Mayor Davie and Councilman Bassett went out in a boat and inspected the dam. They went under ihe dam at low water and tried to T>ick pie'ees out of the rotten timbers that were reported as being ready to cave in, and then they went up on the road and dug down four feet to see where the re pairs were needed. They reported that $50 would pay for the repairs. A requisition was made for $13 50 worth of lumber and $18 for labor and the dam will be repaired. As Davie and Wilson are both members of the Board of Public Works, which has such matters under control, it can readily be seen how the proceedings of the board are somewhat "strained." The campaign in favor of closing the saloons on Sunday is progressing some what slowly. The Council for the Sup pression of the Saloon will meet in a few days and decide what the next move thould be. The idea advanced most gen erally has been that petitions should be presented to every voter in the city and by this means obtain a consensus of public opinion. If the majority of signatures should be in favor of closing on Sundays the City Council will be expected to act accordingly. Of course, it was assumed that the saloon-keepers would circulate the anti-Sunday-dosing petitions. The saloon men, however, refuse to do any circulating. The Seventh-day Adventists have en tered the campaign and are vigorously Opposed to Sunday closing. In all their campaign literature they declare their willingness to associate with any party in the total suppression of the saloons, but they steadfastly refuse to vote for any Sunday law, claiming that such is on a par with the Sunday law in Alabama for violating which several of their members are now in jail. There is an idea prevalent among some politicians that Councilman Bassett will, in the end, be the one who will secede from the Davie faction of the city govern ment and break the power of the Mayor's veto. There is not the least foundation for such a statement and any such pro ceeding on the part of Bassett will be entirely improbable. "If I fall down it will be for the purpose of falling up against some one." is one of Bassett's favorite expressions and if he voted with the Solid Seven during the preliminary passage of an ordinance it would simply be for the purpose of explaining his vote, and voting no on the final passage, for the purpose of letting the gallery witness the chagrin of his political enemies. Tne time has passed when the receipt of the city taxes should have commenced, but there is not as yet even a levy fixed. It is certain that the Mayor will not ap prove of any ordinance that provides for a levy of over $1, and it is equally certain that the Council will not accept it, and as only twenty -four days remain in which a levy can be legally fixed, and as it must go to print for ten legal days before final pas sage, the position is a critical one. Stuakt W. Booth. I>arrant Not in It. Another sensational story bused on the Durrant case was exploded last night. A few days ago PJiilip Rogers of North Oak land accounted for his wife's leaving him by "-aying that she had gone away from home because he had refused to read the complete reports of the Dnrrant trial to her every day. A letter received from "Warsaw. Wis., last night pives the other side of the story. Mrs. Rogers said that she did not leave home because of any such absurd difference with her husband. She gays that her husband was cruel to her and was penurious, and gave notice that he would not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. Harvest Home. A harvest borne festival was given at the Eiehth-avenue Methodist Church to day. There was a grand Sunday-school rally at 11 o'clock, when music, addresses and exercises by children were listened to by a crowded congregation. The church was prettily decorated with autumn fruits and flowers. Rev. J. S. Carroll delivered an appropriate sermon. Found Dead in Bed. A colored man was found dead in bed in bis room at Fifth and Jefferson streets this morning. He was a middle-aged man. There was nothing to indicate how be came to hi.s death. His Last Sermon. Rev. William Rader preached bis last sermon this morning at the First Congre gational Church. He took "Pentecost" for his subject and delivered a powerful address. This evening there was the usual vesper services and Mr. Rader's ad dress closed his labors with the church. There wib special music as follows: A number from Gounod's St. Cecelia mass, tenor solo, Mr. Bachelder and chorus; Thirteenth Psalm, Mendelssohn, alto solo, Sfrs. Nicholson and chorus; eoprano solo, Mrs. Mark; cello &010 by Mr. Yarndiey, and a number by the quartet of the First Methodist Church. A I.ost Grandson. Willie Furlong, a boy 13 years of age, disappeared from the home of his grand mother, Mrs. Mary T. Furlong, 1067 East Twentieth street, East Oakland, on the Ist inst. SANCHEZ-STREET GKADE, The Property-Ownerg to Petition the Supervisors for a Number of lin provemcnti. Nearly a thousand property -owners liv ing along the entire length of Sanchez street and the immediate vicinity have prepared a petition to the Board of Super visors looking to the improvement of that locality. The Sanchez-street people have not heretofore enjoyed the advantages of an improvement club of their own, and the needs of their district and the notable work accomplished during the past few years by the organization of Church-street residents has stirred them to the task they have now undertaken. The petition is re ceiving the most liberal support of every landholder on and near Sanchez street, anil when forwardeu to the City authorities it will very probably show the signatures of nearly two thousand residents of the old Mission district. Among the improvements desired and particularly requested in the petition are the widening and grading of the Sanchez thoroughfare from Ridley to Thirtieth street. It is proposed that the sidewalks, which are now nineteen feet wide, be reduced to fifteen feet, thus giving a greater width to the roadway. The petitioners make special note of the fact that Sanchez street leads directly into Market, and with the contemplated im provements it can be made the most con venient and attractive thoroughfare in that part of the City. The street is now 82:6 feet wide, and if the sidewalks are reduced an excellent roadway eight feet wider than at piesent will be had. A new system of sewerage is required and the laying of water and gas mains is asked for in con nection with the grading. Besides these things the residents include in their peti tion a request for more satisfactory elec tric lighting and police service. The vigor and earnestness which have characterized this action so far, and the large number of petitioners, are held to be reasons for believing that the Supervisors will not delay their approval of the de sired work, and the Sanchez-street resi dents look for an early commencement of operations. * SAYS DAVIE IS IGNORANT. School Director Evans Advo cates Teachers as Possi ble Mayors. His Honor Shows How the Teach ers Are Worse Off Than the Janitors. Oakland Office San Francisco Call,) 908 Broadway, Oct. 13. I School Director Evans has aroused the wrath of Mayor Davie. At a recent meet ing of the Board of Education Evans stated that he was not particularly impressed with the completeness of the Mayor's edu cation. He al<?o said that the Mayor's desire for reform might commence at home and he (Davie) should be content with less than $3000 a year. "There are many teachers in the depart ment," said Mr. Evans, "who would make better Mayors than Davie, whose educa tion is not of the transcendental order." "I'm not going to express my opinion of Mr. Evans," said the Mayor, this mornine, "Dut I must say a few words about some of the work he has done in the board. As chief dictator of the salary question he has prepared a schedule for his embryo Mayors that would make a donkey laugh. He would have us believe j that the teachers are such wonders, and would make far better attempts to earn the $3000 a year paid to the Mayor than I do. and yet he has evolved a scale of sal aries for his model teachers that must make his janitors swell with pride, while his teachers must feel like collapsing with humility. Here is the schedule for teachers and janitors, and after searching the records of a hundred school depart ments throughout the country I can find nothing to equal it" : Teachers of the second, third, fourth and fifth grades, holding grammar grade certifi cates, shall receive $840 per annum. Teachers of the second, third, fourth and fifth grades, holding primary grade certificates, shall receive $780 per annum. Teachers of the fir«t, sixtn, seventh, eighth and ninth grades, holding grammar grade cer tificates, shall receive $900 per annum. Teachers of the first grade, holding primary grade certificates, shall receive $840 per an num. The principal of the Central Evening School shall receive $900 per annum. Assistant teachers in the Central Evening School shall receive $600 per annum. Teachers in all other evening schools shall receive $600 per annum. The principals, of course, receive more, but Evans was not referring to them. This is what the janitors receive: High and Central evening schools, $2280; Prescott and Prescott Evening School, $1260; Garfleld and GarftVld Evening School, $1080; Cole School, $1260; Tompkins School. $i>00; Lincoln School, $1170; Franklin and Franklin V.vening School, $1140; Durant. $1260; Lafav ette, $1020; Grove, $480; Harrison, $480; Sweet. $700; Grant, $600; Clawson and Claw son Evening, $840; Observatory, $180. "Of what use is education, anyhow?" added the Mayor; "if I know enough to be a janitor I am better off than if I were edu cated to be a teacher— one of Director Brans' possibilities for Mayor." TO UNVEIL THE BIG ELK Handsome Monument Erected by the Elks at Mountain View. Oakland Lodge Incorporates for the Purpose of Managing the "Rest." Oakland Office San Fbancisco Cat.l i 90S Broadway, Oct. 13. *f The Elk9' monument at Mountain View will be unveiled Thanksgiving day. Arti cles of incorporation of the Elks' Rest As sociation were filed yesterday with the County Clerk. The corporation is founded principally for business purposes, such as the sale of real estate in connection with the Elks' plot at the cemetery. The ulti mate purpose is the erection of an Elks' hall. The care of the Elks' plat is one of the reasons given for incorporating. The capital stock is $50,000 and the incor porators are O. Bemis, H. N. Sloper, C. H. Butter, C. L. Ingler and Ed H. Benjamin. The last cast ot the Elks' monument was completed several weeks ago and is now iu course of erection at Mountain View. The design is by Frank Happersberger. The piece is of solid bronze and will rest upon a pedestal of onyx 4 by 6 feet, the same piece that did duty as u portion of the mining exhibit at the Midwinter Fair. Beneath the pedestal is to be a vault, where will be deposited the ashes of those Elks whose bodies have undergone crema tion. The plat in Mountain View is known as the Elks' Kest and is one of the most beautifui there. The land was do nated by Frank Encb, a prominent Elk. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1895. THE COIM'S CLAIMANTS United States District Court of New York Gives Them a Chance. PACIFIC MAIL COMPANY'S PLEA. Disaster Unlikely With Proper Ship ping Laws Restraining Owners' Creed. Important notice has been given by the United States District Court of New York that persons who expect to file claims against the Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany must take action within the next few days or they are liable to be excluded by the court's decree. The company made application for ex emption under the statute for damages beyond the value of the vessel. The court, in considering the matter, reached the opinion that sufficient notice of the com pany's application has not been given to probable plaintiffs in California and there fore postponed the entering of a decree until further notice could be given them. Touching upon the loss of the Colima Frank Rotherham has written an interest ing paper for the North American Re view. His sketch is entitled, "Our Need of Stringent Shipping Laws." He believes that the completion of such palatial trans- Atlantic passenger steamers as the St. Louis and St. Paul marks a new era in fast and efficient ocean steamship service under the American Hag. He thinks that this is only the beginning of an extensive ocean carrying trade for the United States. But to secure reliable maritime growth he maintains it is necessary that this Gov ernment make and enforce such laws re lating to the service of vessels, andjpar ticularly to their loading, as will inspire a feeling of safety and protection for vessels under the stars and stripes. Great Britain's merchant marine is cited as an example of service under wise Gov ernment restrictions that restrain the greedy shipowner from overloading his vessel and that cause the traveling public and shippers to have the greatest confi dence in the safety of steamships flying the British flag. To this feeling of reliance, em phasized as it is by the extensive guardian ship the British navy gives the merchant mirine, the writer thinks is due Great Britain's success in ocean commerce. Continuing, and referring to the Colima disaster, he says: Recent instances are not wanting to illus trate the necessity that exists for such laws being enacted, or, if already enacted, to urge their enforcement. Only a'few weeks ago the steamer Colima of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company sailed from San Francisco for Panama and way ports in Central America and Mexico with a large passenger list and a heavy cargo, including a deckload. If the reports thus far published of that sad disaster bv which two hundred lives were lost are true — and nothing has been made public to refute them— that shipwreck was beyond doubt caused by the steamer's being improperly loaded and carry ing a deckload which should not have been permitted. Such a thing could not have happened under the lawsof Great Britain, which make it a misde meanor to carry deck loads, except under cer tain restrictions, and subject the captains and owners of vessels to heavy lines and imprison ment. Had such regulations been in force under our laws the Colima could not have ob tained a clearance at the Custom-house, while carrying such a deckload. Hence the disaster would have been prevented and 200 valuable lives saved. It has been a dearly taught lesson by which we should take warning, though it will be but poor comfort to the many bereaved that have Jos' husbands, wives, sons and relatives by the crtastrophe. Such disasters reflect discredit on the laxity of the shipping laws of this country, and should direct the attention of our public men and leg islatures to the urgent need of reforms being speedily enacted and rigidly enforced. The question of liabilities of owners of ves sels sent to sea in an unseaworthy condition Is one which the courts may be called upon to decide. It should not be left, however, to indi vidual sufferers (who may be financially una ble) to make a test case under such circum stances. The owners or officers of corporations managing steamship companies should beheld accountaole and responsible for damages and punishment by the State, and in all cases the cause of the loss or disaster properly investi gated by Government officials and nautical ex perts, as is the case in Great Britain and her colonies. The loss of the Cqlima is not the only in stance of such sad disasters. Two iron steam ers, the Keweenaw and Montserrat, left Nanai mo and Comax, Puget Sound, in December last, same day, coal laden, bound for San Fran cisco; neither has ever been heard from. They encountered heavy gales, and being heavily loaded (no doubt beyond their capacity) it is supDOsed were unable to withstand the force of the tempest and went down with all on board. There is little doubt that both these steamers were overloaded, as no restriction was placed upon them, although one sailed from a Cana dian port, but being under a foreign flag the authorities had no right to interfere. Some seventy souls were hurried into eternity by these two disasters, which were the evident re sult of greed on the part of the ships' managers or owners, yet not a voice has been heard in condemnation of such flagrant outrage? be yond the stifled moans and wails of despair of the widows and orphans of the unprotected seamen. They should appeal to the sympa thies of the public and hasten the much needed remedies. No official inquiry investigating the causes of these disasters has been made. Surely it is full time that steps be taken by our Govern ment to inaugurate some system of inspection, and to adopt stringent measures for the better protection of our mercantile marine and the hardy seamen who risk their lives to navi gate our ships and to develop the commerce of the Republic. The shipping interests of the United States, to be fostered and to be expanded so that they may be in keeping with the unrivaled new fast cruisers and modern battle-ships, must, as Mr. Kotherham ex presses it, be properly guarded by law. "Protection to our ships and to the sea men who man them" he suggests as a motto henceforth. ORIGIN OF AMERICANS. Indians Descended From Israelites. Klilor Tanner Says the Book of Mormon Proves It. Elder Tanner of the local Mormon church addressed his congregation at 909 Market street last night upon the "Book of Mormon Evidences." He said that when America was discov ered the civilized world was mystified at some of the evidences of an early civiliza tion to be found in this country. Dr. Le Plorgeon, who spent twelve years in archaeological research in Yucatan, charac terized the ruins of large cities and stupen dous edifices found in Central America as surpassing in harmony of design and ex cellence of execution those of Egypt and Babylon. The murial inscriptions and decorations, the bas reliefs and sculptures, he said, attest the high civilization of those who executed them. Continuing, Elder Tanner said: The conclusion of such students of American antiquities as Lord Kingsborough, Haines and Smith is that the American Indian is of Israel itish descent, and thev base this opinion upon similarities in traditions of worship, language and customs. The Spaniards, upon their ar rival, were impressed with the aboriginal knowledge of the mission and miracles of the Savior. And yet the origin of the American Indian is as much a mystery to eager inquirers as it was 300 years ago. Jacob in blessing Joseph (Genesis xllv) said he should be a fruitful bough by a well, whose branches should run over the wall; by which he meant that some of his seed would leave the laud they were in and crosß the ocean into another. In Ezekial, 37th chapter, and Isa, 20th. there is evidence thata book would be brought forth containing the records of the people of ancient America, a record similar to the biblical his tory of the Eastern Hemisphere. The Latter-Day Saints testify to the world that that book is the Book of Mormon. In it is found an account of a small party's leaving Jerusalem about 600 B. C. and inhabiting America, Afterward some of these settlers were cursed with a dark skin that the Indians have to-day. Mention is also made of a of Christ 1o this country after his crucifiction and of the total destruction of the white race about 4'20 A. D. The Book of Mormon harmonizes perfectly with American historical discoveries, and none of them in any way contradict the Mormon ac count. MAUD STANLEY'S PISTOL. It Exploded in Her Room at a Hotel, as She Claimed, by- Accident. The report of the discharge of a firearm in one of the front rooms in the Ahlborn House on Grant avenue at 6 o'clock last evening startled the inmates of the hotel and caused people on the avenue to stop and wonder. The occupant of the room was Maud Stanley, one of the three Stanley sisters who sing in the Thalia varieties. When her sister Emma and her mother entered the room from another part of the house, a few seconds after the shot had been fired, they found Maud across the bed, and the sister believing that she was dead, fainted. She was brought to in a few moments, and ascertaining that no one had been hurt, asked: "What is the matter?" Maud, almost paralyzed with fright, replied: "I was monkeying with the gun and it went off." Some one insinuated that the woman might have made an attempt UDon her life, and missing her aim, the bullet had lodged in one of the walls ten feet above the" floor, whereupon there was an indig nant denial and a statement tbat the woman was happy and ten minutes before the shot, she was i- as merry as a cricket." TELL PROM THE CLIFF. Victor Marchand Seriously Injured at the Ocean Beach. Victor Marchand, a lad 12 years of age, whose parents reside on Green street be tween Kearny and Montgomery, met with an accident at the Cliff House yesterday afternoon that may result fatally. The boy, in company with one or two companions, went to the beach and late in the afternoon they started for the Cliff House on their way home. Boylike, young Marchand undertook to walk along the top of the stone and concrete wall on the edge of the Cliff House driveway. On one side was the wagon road and on the other the ragged face of the cliff and the surf fifty feet below. The boy proceeded for a short distance when something attracted his attention from his perilous position and he stopped. In an instant the lad lost his balance and shot downward. His head struck the stone wall. He fell on a ledge of rocks, about twenty- Hve feet, but which saved him from falling into the surf below. He was taken to the Seal Rock House, thence to the Receiving Hospital. Drs. Weil and Fitzgibbon found that the boy's skull was badly fractured. FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP A Meeting Held at Metropoli tan Temple Yesterday Afternoon. Programme of Patriotic Music With Short Addresses From Dele gates. A meeting was held yesterday at Metro politan Temple under the auspices of the Good Citizenship Committee. The features of the day's proceedings were short addresses delivered by each of the representatives of the councils. The platform was decorated with palms, shrubs and chrysanthemums and the motto, "Union Is Strength," was placed over the organ, which was decorated with flags. The following was the programme ren dered during the afternoon : Organ voluntary Harry Schuette Openlne of Meeting H. W. Qnitzow, chairman "America" Choral Society and audience Prayer .Rev C. A. Kabing Vocal solo Mrs. IC K. Gallahorn Address Representatives of councils Vocal solo, "Whisper and I Khali Hear 1 ' MissHattie Whlteside Accompanied by Mrs. J. K. Elley with vio lin obligato. Address Representatives of councils "Anvil Chorus" (by request) Choral Society Ortran solo Address Representatives of councils Vocal solo, "Nearer, My God to Thea'' Miss Jessie Brock Morgan Address Representatives of councils "Columbia" Choral Society Address Representatives of councils Vocal solo Miss Agnes Tranipleasure Address Representatives of councils "Battle liymn of tue Republic" Choral Society and audience H. W. Quitzow, chairman, opened the proceedings. He said that there was much truth in the old adage, "In union there is strength." "We are fighting the cause of the people as well as our own." The audience sang "America," after which Rev. C. A. Habing offered prayer. Mrs. M. E. Gallahorn rendered a vocal solo, "I Will Fly," in a creditable manner. The audience demanded an encore, but Chairman Quitzow said that the pro gramme was too long to admit of repeti tions. As the audience insisted, however, Mrs. Gallahorn gave "Sheltered So Ten derly There." Mrs. M. E. Richardson addressed the ! meeting. She remarked that this was the first union meeting that had been held. Tne present struggle, she said, would be carried on and would be bequeathed to their children. They were assembled to see that church and state were kept sepa rate, in accordance with the principles of j the fathers of the Republic. Mrs. J. H. Wiiitesule of Council No. 11 did not desire to make a speech. She desired to emphasize the remarks of the State president, and pledged herself and her children to the cause. W. W. Allen of Council No. 1 touched upon the patriotic music heard yesterday. He spoke of the landing of the Plymouth fathers and of the principles which guided them. He strongly advocated devotion to America apart from all foreign principles. He said, "The time has come when* Ro manism must be dismissed from power." J. A. Hubbock. representing Council No. 35, traced the historv of the body from which he came as a delegate. He referred to the services of Rev. J. Q. A. Henry to the good citizenship committee. The speaker mentioned many citizens who are mem bers of the committee. J. J. Baker, past State president, advo cated the training of children in patriotic •ways. Chairman Quitzow announced that J. A. Lansing of Boston will lecture at the Met ropolitan Temple next Sunday. W. A. C. Smith of Council No. 6 referred to the struggles which his organization had gone through. He counseled self-ex amination to see whether the agitation was being conducted on the correct lines. He advocated recourse to the ballot, and thought that religious feeling should enter into the deliberations of those present only as a side issue. A. H. Baldwin of No. 68 deprecated the lack of interest shown by certain members of the committee, and read the platform of the American Protective Association. Mrs. J. P. Young of Council No 20 made a few remarks regarding the general condi tion of the order. J. S. Kennedy of Council No. 55, Oakland, said that the committee were acting in an entirely dispassionate manner. He re counted the measures taken in Oakland for the welfare of the order, and favored women voting. Mrs. Nash, representing Council No. 17, thought that, like Gideon's band, No. 17 was a chosen few. G. T. Phelps, president of Council No. 100, expected victory in the next election. Mrs. Bruner, a representative of Council No. 1. mentioned the fact that her council had voted to receive their colored sisters. It was announced that Rev. H. W. Bow man would lecture this evening at Metro politan Temple on "The Political Paradise of the Papists versus the Patriot's iluen." WEEKLY FRATERNAL INDEX The Anniversary of the Organ ization of the Order of B'nai B'rith. CARNIVAL FOR A CHARITY FUND Grand Encampment at Stockton. Activity In the Improved Order of Red Men. I. 0. B. B. Yesterday was the anniversary of the found ing of the order of B'nai B'rith aud it was observed in a befitting manner by Ariel Lodge No. 248 in San Jose. On the 13th of October, 1843, Henry Jones and eleven others in the city of New York organized the first lodge of the order and from that time to the present it has continued to increase in strength, power and doing good. After several lodges had been formed they were placed under the gov erning power of three commissioners, who were empowered to issue charters and perform all acts which are now performed by the highest authority, the constitutional grand lodge, the first of which was held in New York City in IK<>B. A'riel Lodge held an open meeting in the evening. There were present, besides the grand officers of the Grand Lodge of District No. 4: Edward Peixotto, E. Tausky, chairman of the committee on intellectual improve ment; H. Gutstadt, chairman of the committee on legislation; H.S.Simon, chairman of the school trustees: G. Musbacher of Oakland, a Jacob Levison, Grand Secretary of the Order of B'nai B'rith. member oJ the committee on legislation; Lucius L. Solomon, prand orator; S. Zekind of the finance committee, W. Saalburg of the special committee on graded assessments, J. M. Cohn of Oakland and Julius Kahn. To-morrow night there will be a celebration in Oakland in honor of the anniversary of the founding of the order. Interesting exercises will be held under the auspices of Oakland Lodge No. 252, and the reunion will be at tended by the officers of the general commit tee, by nearly all from this City who attended the celebration in San Jose and in audition by Joseph Rothschild of the committee on consti tution, D. S. Hirshberg of the committee on the state of the order and the Rev. Dr. Levy. On the 17th inst. the eleven lodges located in San Francisco will hold a joint celebration in honor of the founding ot the order. It will be held in Social Hall, in the Independent Order B'nai B'rith building, and will be one of the most interesting entertainments ever given in that hall. The general convention at its last sesßion, held in Cincinnati, recommended that the sev eral district grand lodges establish auxiliary lodges for women under such regulations and conditions as may be approved by the execu tive committee. In view of the recommenda tion steps are being taken to establish a lodge in this City. District 4, in which are the lodges on the Pacific Coast, was the first to establish an auxiliary lodge for minors, and the genera! convention having recommended the estab lishment of lodges of this character in other jurisdictions, the New York jurisdiction is making a move in that direction. Its officers recen tfy sent to this City for a copy of the ritual used in the junior lodges. One of the most indefatigable workers in the order at this time is Jacob Levison, the grand secretary, who has held the office since last January. During the time that he has been in office he has done much to advance its interest, and has produced results that have agreeably astonished the members of the order. Mr. Levison came to California from Savannah, Ga., in 1853, and since then, with one excep tion, when he went East for a few months, -he has been a resident on this coast. Shortly after his arrival In this City he went to Auburn, Placer Coiinty, where he engaged in mercantile business and then went to El Dorado, then to Nevada City. He was also in-Woodland, Yolo County, and was christened "the father of Woodland," being the prime mover, in the long ago, in organizing the town. During the time William Raabe was United States Marshal for California, Mr. Levison, without any solicitation on his part, was ap pointed a deputy marshal. When the discov eries on the Comstock became widely known, Mr. Levison started for the State of Nevada and located in Aurora, Esmeralda County, where he became very popular by reason of his courteous dealings with every one. In that county he was Under Sheriff during the incumbency of D. B. Francis, Sheriff. At other times he was Tax Collector and Treasurer, which positions he filled to the satisfaction of all. He was a member of the first State Legis lature. Upon his return from Nevada he lo cated in Grass Valley and afterward came to this City. The grand secretary, who is a mem ber of the Masonic fraternity", of the Odd Fel lows, the American Legion of Honor and the Chosen Friends, has been a member of I. O. B. B. since 1861, when he became the organ izer of Garizim Lodge No. 43, which was insti tuted October 6, 18t>1. He was its first presi dent and was one of the first to petition for a grand lodge for this jurisdiction. Mr. Levison is affable, obliging and always ready to give at tention to all who have a call upon his time. He is also a methodical and good executive officer. A. 0. U, W. Next Saturday Golden West Lodge, No. 264, located on the Potrero, will initiate fourteen candidates. These, as well as twenty-six others recently initiated, have joined the lodge through the personal efforts of L. McMahon, the master workman of the lodge, a remark able showing in these days when there are so many organizations seeking members. Grand Receiver Booth and Past Grand Master Barnes visited Eureka Valley Lodge at Seven teenth and Noe streets last week and made ad dresses. The entertainment given by the lodge that night was a financial as well as a social success. The Past Masters' Association held a meet ing last Tuesday night at which arrangements were made for preparing entertainments for the benefit of the order. Another meeting of the association will be held in the hall of Val ley Lodge on the 3d of November. Pacific Lodge No. 7 of Oakland will, at an early day, probably on the first Thursday of next month, discuss the question, "Resolved, that it is for the best interest of the Ancient United Order of Workmen to admit women to the order." Mrs. M. J. Stewart has been in vited to speak on the affirmative side and Past Grand Master J. W. Ward to argue from the negative standpoint. This question came up at the last session of the Supreme Lodge and will be brought up at the session to be held in Atlanta, Ga., next June for final action. It is one of great importance and its discussion in Pacific Loage will no doubt draw a large at tendance. An invitation has been extended to every member of the order and to the members of the Degree of Honor. The public meeting of San Mateo Lodge last Tuesday evening, inaugurating the new A. O. U. W. hall in Odd Fellows' Temple, was a success in every particular. Workmen and their friends were present from Belmont, Red wood City, Menlo Park, San Francisco and other poiiiis. Brother Gilligan, master of the lodge, ably presided, and a splendid pro gramme was presented. Addresses were made by Superior Judge Buck of Redwood, P. G. M. w. Barnes, the grand master workman of this City, while the musical portion of the enter tainment was conducted to rhe delight of all by Grand Receiver Booth and Brother Barnes. The literary and musical performance was followed by an elaborate and luxurious ban quet in the dining parlors of the temple, this department having been arranged by Brothers Kertell, Aull, Brown, Bartlett and Powers, as sisted by their ladies, whose supervision made the occasion one long to be remembered. It is assured that a large increase of membership will be the outgrowth of this splendid reunion. Redwood City will shortly have an open meeting to show by fraternal competition that its local Workmen are not disposed to allow their lodge to be overshadowed by the energy displayed of late fit San Mateo. Grand Master Toohy will deliver the anni versary oration at Mirabel, Lake County, on the evening of the 28th inst. On Tuesday evening, the 22d inst., the great anniversary of the order will be celebrated by West End Lodjje, Alameda, with oratory, music and other solemnities. West End Lodge No. 175 commenced active work and is initiating candidates every meet ing. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The entertainment given by Yerba Buena Lodge No. 15 in Odd Fellows' Hall last Thurs day night was one of the most successful that has been given in years in the same hall. The hall was crowded by an audience that listened with delight to-an address by W. H. Barnes, P. G. M., end to a very entertaining literary and musical programme given by the Misses Alice Passold, De!a Delano, A. E. Bastrede, Gussie Wenke and F. Goodjean. and Messrs. Bohm, Brockman, Boysen and Burness, Yerba Buena Lodge is entitled to the credit of being a good payer of sibk benefits. Up to the Ist of last July one member of this lodge had received Eick teaefits to the extent of $9314. The first anniversary of the organization of Sunset Encampment "No. 25 of Alameda was celebrated by a grand entertainment. There were present many from other encampments in Oakland and Sa'n Francisco. Great preparations have been made for the grand encampment which is to be held in Stockton, and which commences to-morrow. Cantons from San Francisco, Oakland and Santa Rosa will go to Stockton to-morrow on the T. C. Walker, and by special arrangement will return on her, leaving Stockton at 1 o'clock Thursday morning. The indications are this encampment will be the largest ever held in this State. All the grand officers of the Grand Encampment and many of the grand officers of the Grand Lodge of the State will attend. In consequence of the large number of people who will be at the Grand Encampment the quarterly meeting of the Veteran Odd Fellows will not be held until Monday evening, the 28th inst. Ihe grand representatives have all returned from the East. A number of lodges have made contributions of money to the home at Thermalito, and a number of individuals have contributed a quantity of reading matter. The new code of laws of the Patriarch Mili tant and the Rebekah lodges, recently adopted by the Sovereign Grand Lodge at Atlantic City, are being printed and will shortly be dis tributed. There was a grand reunion of all the City en campments, in conjunction with Wildey En campment No. 23, on Saturday evening in the Alcazar building. Oriental Rebekah N0. 90 will give areception on the 16th and will hold an open meeting on Halloween Harbor Lodge No. 253 of Oakland will cele brate the anniversary of that lodge on October 16 in Fraternity Hall. The committee in charge liave arranged for a social dance for members and their wives. A delegation from the Oakland lodges wit nessed the ceremony of initiation at the last session of this lodge. The first degree will be conferred on the evening of October 23. There is considerable activity in all branches of the order and initiations are of frequent oc currence. The Sovereign Grand Lodge has reaffirmed the law permitting unmarried women to be come members of the Rebekah degree. An entertainment will be given in I. 0. 0. F. Hall on the evening of November 1 for the benefit of the Odd Fellows' library. Superintendent Bartlett of the Home at Thermalito has returned to duty greatly im proved in health. Knights of Pythias. Grand Chancellor Samuels and H. Schaffner, grand keeper ot records and seals, visited Benicia Lodge No. 99 last week to exemplify the secret work and add ress the lodge. A petition is being circulated for the organi zation of a lodge at Centerville, Alameda County. A division of the uniform rank will be organ ised in Los Angeles on Thanksgiving day. Benicia IxKlge No. 99 will give a "tramp" ball on Thanksgiving eve. Visalia Lodge No. 121 will give an entertain ment on the evening of Wednesday, the 16th inst. Sunnyside lodge No. 112 of Riverside has added thirty members to its roll since the first of last July. Grand Chancellor Samuels will visit lodges as follows : Monday, October 14, Willows Lodge No. 55. at Stockton; Tuesday, October 15, Centennial Lodge No. 38, at Stockton; Wednesday, October 16, Duroc Lodge No. 50, at Woodbridge; Thursday, October 17, Charter Oak No. 20 and Nemo No. 161, in joint convention with No. 161, at Stock ton; Friday, October 18, Galr Lodge No. 83, at Gait (special); Saturday, October 19, Lodi Lodge No. 41, at Lodi. Order of Chosen Friends. Past grand councilor, Grand Assistant Coun cilor M. Boehm and Grand Secretary S. C. Wallis were most cordially received on the oc casion of their visit to Sacramento Council No. 96, at Sacramento, last Wadnesday. The mem bers of Friendship Council No. 65 were also present, as well as others from other councils. In all there were not less than 300 persons at the meeting. These listened with a great deal of attention to an explanation of the new laws recently passed and which now affect the order. The councils in the several districts of this City are being instructed at this time in the wort of the new laws, and from the large at tendance at the meetings it is apparent that the members are anxious to be informed. Grand Councilor Selvage will arrive in this City from Euruka, Humboldt County, this week on official business. Empire Council No. 47 will give a social at Pythian Castlo this evening, on which occasion a handsome badge will be presented to Past Councilor Julia A. Hobbese. The entertainment in aid of the initiatory team will be given in St. George's Hall on the evening of the 15th inst. Knights of honor. Santa Cruz Lodge, which was suspended by the grand dictator on September 18 for failing to have its semi-annual report for term ending June 30 in the hands of the grand reporter within the time Drovided bylaw, having for warded its report has been reinstated. Grand Dictator Archibald, Grand Guide Learned and Past Dictator Frank Lawrence vis ited Tahoe Lodge at West Berkeley last Satur day. The degree was conferred on a candidate, the visiting brothers ably assisting in the de gree work. District No. 13, comprising Charter Oak, America and Polar Star Lodges, gave a social and literary entertainment in Alcazar building on Monday. Liberty Lodge conferred the degree on ten candidates at its session held on Monday last. Several other initiations will take place on next Monday evening. Four candidates were initiated in Yerba Buena Lodge on Monday evening last. There are two assessments for the W. and O. B. fund, and a $1 expense assessment for the month of October. Knights and Ladies of Honor. Aurora Lodge No. 202 at its last meeting re ceived six applications for membership and initiated one candidate. Supreme Representative. American was pres ent at the meeting of Pacific Lodge last week, and delivered an interesting address on the work performed by the supreme body at its re cent session. Improved Order of Eed Men. Great Sachem A. Jackson, accompanied by Great Chief of Records C. F. Burgman, Past Great Sachem James G. Smith, Deputy Great Sachem James Hagan and a large delegation of past sachems and members from several tribes of this City, visited Oshonec Tribe No. 78 last Wednesday evening. The tribe had sum moned its entire membership in anticipation of this visit and captured two palefaces upon whom the adoption degree was conferred by the team of Arapahoe Tribe under the leadership of Past Sachem M. J. Fairfield. The team re ceived rounds of applause for their faultless rendition of this very beautiful ceremony. Pohonachee Tribe is making a good record for this term. Quite a number of captives have been brought into the tribe and the adoption degree was conferred upon a paleface last Monday. Sotoyome Tribe No. 10 haa a very large at tendance of members and visiting chiefs at Thursday's council. Past Great Sachem Fred erick Brand, lately returned from the Great Council of the United States, was present to witness the adoption of an applicant for mem bership into the tribe. Past Great Sachem Ben jamin F. Josselyn returned from the Great Council of the United States and will come up from Santa Cruz during the week to visit Sotoyome, of which he is a member. Upon the return of the great chiefs from their extended visitations to the tribes and councils of the State Modoc Tribe tendered to the great chief of records, Charles F. Burgman, who is a member of this tribe, a very enthusi astic reception. A spread nad been arranged in the banquet hall; the musical and oratori cal of the tribe had been pressed into service, and over 100 members were present, with past sachem U. A. Lewis as master of cere monies. At the council of the tribe Octo ber the three degrees were conferred upon a number of brothers, and on last Thursday's council four palefaces were adopted into the tribe. Ceanotha Council at Grass Valley adopted nine palefaces during the visit of the great chiefs. This council has now over 170 mem bers and a well-filled wampum belt. Ponemah Council at Nevada City conferred the adoption degree upon six applicants in the presence of the great chiefs, and in co-opera tion with Wyoming Tribe gave a magnificent banquet in honor of the great chiefs. Nearly forty members of the Ceanotha Council and WeiVner Tribe came over from Grass Valley to participate in the festivities. Wyoming Council of Oakland is making ex tensive arrangements for a ball and entertain ment for Saturday, the 2(>th of October. There will be a larue attendance from San Francisco, Alameda and Elmhurst. Several tribes and councils of this City are arranging to join with the 'Cross Coiintrv Club on an excursion to Bohemia Grove ou the Russian River, on Sunday, October '.20, and a special train with reserved seats has been placed at the disposal of the club and at tendants. The excursion promises to be at tractive and to afford great enjoyment to the members. The Elks. The executive committee on carnival is mak ing extensive arrangements for the carnival to be given on Thanksgiving eve in th*- Me chanics' Pavilion in aid of the Elks' charity fund. The prelude will be made up of many new and original features, all up to date, and will include electrical illusions, bloomeriiuis, peripatetics, Trilbyians, Atnazouians and peri grinations. The committee is preparing for those who will take part in the prelude cos tumes of the richest and most expensive cloth. No worn-out or faded costumes will be worn. The members of the various troupes t'-nt will be performing in this City at the time of the carnival will take part in the prelude under supervision of their respective manceer«. Many now In the City will also take part, as nearly all are members, of the organization. A new lodge of the order will soon be in>ti tuted in San Luis Obispo by Ernest Clman, D. 1). E. G. B. The members of lodge No. o have chartered several Pullman cars and will accompany the district deputy, leaving here on Saturday and returning on Monday. Portland Lodge No. M'_* of Portland, Or., is now entertaining Edwin B. Hay, P. G. E. R., who is visiting this coast in the interest of the order. This lodge is one of the most pro gressive and has the finest Elks' quarters in the whole of America. A prominent member of the Elks is Herman Kchn, who is secretary of the committee hav ing charge of the Elks' annual carnival to be Herman Kohn, Secretary of the Car nival Committee B. P. O. E. given Thanksgiving eve. He became a mem ber but a few vears ago, but in that time he has proved himself a very active one. He is also a member of Court Golden West No. 7467, Order of Foresters, and other fraternal organisations. Ancient Order of Foresters. High Chief Ranger William Cashman has paid official visits to over sixty courts during the present term. On October 18 he leaves this City for Humboldt County, where he will visit as follows: Court Sequoia No. 8016, l'.n reka, on October 21; Court Columbia No. 8017, Arcata, on October 22 ; Court Korbel No. 8022, on the 23d; Court Scotia No. 8236, on the 25th, and Court Kalmia No. 801S, on the 26th. Court Sequoia No. 8016, of Eureka, Hum boldt County, has leased and furnished a new hall, to be known as Foresters' Hall. The court has now a membership of 117, all arrive and enthusiastic members. Brother William Lambert, who represented the court at the last session of the Subsidiary High Court, pre sented a beautiful banner to the court at its last meeting. Court California No. 7914 has taken a new boom. Brother Zimmerman is responsible for this. Owing largely to his untiring energy, the court is rapidly coming to the front At the last meeting one candidate was initiated and several propoaitioni were received. The next session of the Subsidiary High Court will assemble at Ukiah, MenAoclno County, on May 12, 1896. For reasons nased upon economy, the executive council have, I with the consent of all concerned, changed the meeting-place from Los Angeles to t'kiah. The joint committee from the various courts and circles will give a turkey party on Satur day evening, November 23. Deputy Kuril Chief Ranger Paul J. Hyde is chairman of this committee and is hard at work. A good time is assured to all who attend. Court Pride of Potrero No. 7918 held a most interesting meeting last Friday evening. Court Star of the West No. 695(5 was present on a fra ternal visit. Three new members were initia ted and several propositions were received. Companions of the Forest, A. 0. F. Germania Circle No. 36 will have or>en house on October 16. This circle conducts its work in the German language, and is one of tho most prosperous in the order. Companion Zachau, its efficient deputy, is a regular at tender at all meetings. California Circle No. 103 will entertain its friends at Social Hall. 102 O'Farrell street, on Saturday evening, October 19. Invitations are limited. Supper will be served to all gu. Artemis Circle No. 120 holds a reception in Social Hall on October 23. This circle under its present management is prospering; funds ana membership are increasing. Much credit is due its efficient secretary, George J. Berger, for the success attained. Enterprise Circle No. 124 will give an enter tainment and social on Saturday evening, Oc tober 26, in Social Hali, 102 O'Farrell street. Sherwood Circle No. 129 held a most inter-" esting meeting last Monday evening. Mrs. Asher, supreme chief companion, was present and complimented the circle upon the excel lent manner in which the work was conducted. The funds and membership are constantly in creasing in the most satisfactory manner. Minerva Circle No. 20 will give a party in Social Hall, 102 O'Farrell street, on Saturday evening, November 30. Past Supreme Chief Companion Mrs. S. Beversen is now acting as P. S., which is sufficient to insure the success of the circle during the present terra. Now niembers are added to the roll at every meet ing. The United World. Last Tuesday Supreme Organizer Michael Brooks instituted German council in Alcazar building with fifty-seven charter members. The following-named were chosen officers for the current year: Mrs. Tillie Roper, president; Mrs. i-opliievon Helm, vice-president ; Mrs. So phie Ta^gart, secretary; Mrs. Bertha Veroni, collector; Mrs. Magdalena Delarue, treasurer; Miss Kate Hupert, pianist; Kate Weltz, usher; Miss Anna Branders, warden, and Died mh Schwaiting, doorkeeper. A great deal of enthusiasm was manifested, and the members hope within a short time to double the number of those whose names appear on the charter roil. Native Daughters of the Golden West. The ritual committee has held one meeting at Santa Cruz for the purpose of revising the ritual, and another meeting will be held in December next. When the ritual shall have been thoroughly discussed and revised it will be submitted to the Grand Parlor for approval. Grand Secretary Mrs. Georgie C. Ryan paid a friendly visit to Napa Parlor Saturday even ing, October 5, and was warmly welcomed. Oro Fino Parlor will give an entertainment on the evening of the 31st inst. Equitable Aid Union. Oakland Union No. 624 will celebrate Its anniversary on Thursday evening, October 24, at Grand Army Hall. A committee of ladies will arrange the refreshment table and the brothers will furnish the specchmaking and responses to the various toasts proposed at the table. The San Francisco and East Oakland unions have been invited. Friends of th<* Golden State. A new fraternal and beneficial order haa been establtsned in this City. It was started by members of the Order of Foresters (Compan ions of the Forest). The first circle organized is Alcatraz No 1, which starts out with a mem bership of 250. Another Circle— Golden Gate No. 2— will soon be organized. Order Eastern Star. A new chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star is to be instituted at Lakeport, Lake County, shortly. It will be instituted by Dr. G. W. Stout of Ukiah and members of Kingsley Chapter. The new chapter will start witix thirty-five names on the roll of membership. 9