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2 DEBATE ON REVISION. Attempt to Lay Over the Matter for Three Years. NO NEW CONSTITUTION. Houses of the Episcopalian Convention Are Not Yet Agreed. NEW COMMISSION SUGGESTED Dr. Fulton Said That No Action of the Deputies Was Discour teous to Bishops. MINNEAPOLIS, Much., Oct. 14.— After securing the adoption of a resolution pro viding for final adjournment on Tuesday of next week the opposition to revision in the house of deputies of the Episcopal Convention made a strenuous effort to-day to lay over the new constitution and can ons for three years, or until the triennial convention at Washington. Debate upon this proposal, which occupied the entire afternoon session, and was unfinished at adjournment, was precipitated by two propositions, one referring back the revi sion to the joint committee that brought it into existence for further consideration and amendment, and the other referring the Bishop's revision of the commission's re vision to a special coumittee, with instruc tions to report at the next conference. Of the score or more of speakers not a voice was raised in favor of proceeding fur ther with the revision at this convention, the one prevailing sentiment b«ing the desire to so shelve the matter as to avoid giving offense to the Bishops, who have been industriously laboring upon their own revision for nearly two weeks, and have looked for prompt action on the part of the house below as each section was Bent down. The deputies may find a way out of the dilemma to-morrow by adopting both resolutions, which will mean two re ports for the conference of 1896, and will put off a final vote to the triennial of 1901. The only important feature of the morn ing session was the effort to reintroduce the titles of "Primate" or "Presiding Bishop" into the constitution. The house was as firm on this point, however, as it was a week ago, and reaffirmed the desig nation "Presiding Officer of the House of Bishops." Another effort to give the dele gates from missionar}- jurisdictions the right to vote was also defeated, although the clause, as finally passed, confers upon them all other rights and privileges enjoyed by regular delegates. Just before adjourn ing this afternoon the Bishops agreed to create a new missionary jurisdiction in Northern Minnesota, to be presided over by a Bishop of Duluth. When the house reassembled this after noon Dr. J. T. Smith of the Presbyterian Committee on Church Unity was, at the Buggestion of Rev. Dr. Huntington of New York, invited to a seat on the platform beside President Morgan DLs. Considera tion of the constitution being resumed, the first two articles, as amended, were finally passed and sent back to the House of Bishops. Next in order was Article 8, which declares that the general convention be the supreme legislative authority of the church, and which also specifies at length the general and special subjects upon which it shall have power to leeislate. Just as soon as as the reading had been Concluded Mr. Packard of Maryland moved that this and all succeeding mes eages from the Bishops concerning the constitution be referred to a special com mittee with instructions to report at the next convention, but to have its report printed and circulated three months in advance of the assembling of the conven tion. In support of his motion he said that in The week remaining it would be impossible to deal with the many ques tions of grave import that were presented in that portion of the constitution not yet considered. Dr. Greer of New York coincided. As an amendment Dr. Davenport of Tennes see moved that the whole subject of re vision be returned to the joint committee with instructions to report at the next con vention. A lengthy debate followed. Dr. Richards of Rhode Island suggested that there were times when questions of courtesy might be brushed out of place. The proper thing to do was to discharge the com mittee from its labors and then refer the entire issue to a special committee. For the first time in the debate a mem ber of the committee in the person of Rev. Dr. James S. Stone of Chicago claimed the floor. He repudiated with emphasis the prevailing notion that the committee had been under Episcopal influence. It had, he said, labored honestly, and it had given time and energy to the task; it had missed no opportunity to perfect its work. If that work was now to be sent back it ought to go to the committee which had larger knowledge than any new committee and which could do its duty. Dr. Fulton* of Philadelphia contended that no action taken by the house could be construed as discourteous by the Bishops. They had come to a time when the Prot estant Episcopal Church shall be and must remain in full sympathy with the institu tions of the people among which it is called to labor— the people of the United States. He favored reference to a spe cial committee, and Dr. McVicar was also in accord. Dean Hoffman of New York, the spokesman of the committee, was not opposed to the special reference in view of the trend of the de bate, but he had hoped, and still hoped, that the house, before final adjournment, would give some time and attention to the provincial system of the church. He gave notice that he would present this subject in the form of a resolution to-morrow, and then the house adjourned. Bishop Davies of Michigan has issued a call for a convention at Marquette on No vember 14, to organize the newly created diocese in Northern Michigan. The con vention will choose the name "Marquette" for the diocese. The physician in attendance on ex-Gov ernor Bullock of Georgia said this evening: "His improvement for the past twenty four hourq has been steady and the indica tions to-night are very favorable. I look for complete recovery by the end of the week." Bishop Potter of New York was kept busy to-day denying the slory of his ill ness which was circulated among the dele gates yesterday and published in the local papers. CLOSE OF THE COUSCIL. Topic* of Importance Acted Upon by the Co%igregationaliat». SYRACUSE, N. Y., Oct. 14.— The clos ing session of the triennial council of the Congregational Church was held here to to-day. Resolutions denouncing the out rages on citizens and missionaries in for eign countries were adopted. A committee of five on the lynching evil was appointed. The report of the committee on marriage and divorce was taKen up. The report was presented by F. A. Noble of Illinois. It recommended that the committee be continued under The name of the com mittee on family. Rev. Charles Caverno of Colorado moved as a substitute to the recommendation that they be instructed to inquire into the scripture grounds for divorce and continue under the same name. The substitute was carried. The report of the committee on Sabbath observance was read by Rev. Linneus Blakeslee of Topeka, Kans. All was adopted except that part of the last clause of the resolutions which rejoiced that one of the political parties of the State had de clared itself in favor of existing laws. The committee on lynching thereupon made its report. It deplored the preva lence of that custom. At the evening session Francis Clark de livered an address on "The Youngest Member of the Church Family." After Mr. Clark's address Washington Gladden made the report of the committee on capi tal and lubor. A resolution was then adopted thanking the pastor of Plymouth Church and the people of Syracuse for their hospitality. On motion the council was adjourned sine die. STORMS ON THE SEABOARD Great Has Been the Damage on Land and Out on the Ocean. It Is Feared That the Loss Among the Atlantic Fishing Fleet Will Be Heavy. BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 14.-A terrible storm has been rasing along the entire northeastern Atlantic Coast during the past week, and, for the first time, to-day shows some signs of abating. The damage on Jand has been very great, reports from all over the country showing that the heavy rain and the hurricane have destroyed many thousands of dollars worth of prop erty. It is feared that tbe loss among the ship ping fleet will be very great. At this time of the year nearly all the fishing Meet is at sea, as the regular fall hurricanes do not come until next month, and as a conse quence nearly all will be caught unpre pared. What few vessels that have got into'port tell of terrible weather and of vessels which have been seen foundering or discovered deserted on the high seas. The steamer Catalonia, which arrived to day, reports having rescued the crews of over half 2. dozen vessels, while her whole passage from the end of Cane Race to her destination was marked with signs of ter rible wreckage. The rescued craws all bring in similar tales of disaster, and it is feared that their accounts are not overestimated. AOr FOR A. THIRD PARTY. Stand of ttte A. JP. A. in the Politics of the Xation. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 14.— The National conference of the American Protective Association met here at noon to-day. All of the supreme officers and most of the State presidents were in attendance, and the hall wa3 packed. The object of the meeting is to organize the National Advis ory Board, which was appointed last year at the Milwaukee meeting of the Supreme Council, and to outline a plan of action with regard to the next National cam paign. After the conference was called to order by President W. .7. H. Traynor of Detroit, Mich., Mayor VValbrlage was in troduced and made a welcoming address. Other addresses followed and the confer ence became executive. At the afternoon session the work of the credentials committee was ratified, and a resolution passed congratulating the mem ber? in Nashville, Tenn., upon their re cent victory. Speaking of a proposed Na tional political movement President Tray nor said: "It is not our intention to form a third party or independent movement. All we want is recognition from the Na tional political parties. The party that recognizes us will get our support and the one that ignores us will not. The ad visory board, when organized, will event ually appoint a committee to present our principles to each party and demand rec ognition. Ours is a representative body, composed of all nationalities. Nationality or creed is no bar to membership. Our or ganization is working more openly now than ever before, and if I had my way about it all our sessions would be public. We have nothing to hide. 1 ' H. P. Bowers of Clinton, la., founder of the order, had this to say: "An ex-priest or ex-nun invariably makes it a point to attack the Catholic religion, and that is not the purpose of our organization. Everybody has a right to worship Al mighty God according to the dictates of his own conscience. We have no right to object to the Catholic religion as a reli gion. That would be inhuman and cruel. What we do object to, and it applies to all denominations, is the mixture of the church and politics. We hold that a man owes first allegiance to his adopted coun try, and not to some foreign church au thority." FIVE iy TBItEJB JIOUHS. And All the Babta Are Boys, Who Will live. TOLEDO, Ohio, Oct. 14.— A special from Delta, Ohio, says: Mrs. Joseph Langdon, the wife of a farmer living near here, gave birth to-day, within a space of three hours, to five children, all of them males. News of the .'Unique e vent reached here this evening. The five children are apparently fully developed, though frail speci mens of humanity, and the attendant phy sician believes that they will all live. Mrs. Langdon has experienced no serious re sults from the extraordinary accouche ment. She is past 35 years and has three other children. She weighs 140 pounds and her husband 165. Fatal Wreelc on a liailroad. BRADFORD, Pa., Oct. 15.— A wreck oc curred on the Buffalo division oi the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad at Eld red, Pa., at 1 o'clock this morning. As a northbound freight train was passing a switch the locomotive left the rails, followed by eleven loaded cars. Fireman Jesse Baxter of Buffalo was caught under the engine and crushed to death. Engineer Brockway and Brakeman Hagmire were caught under the wreckage and seriously injured. Professor Phillip* Expired. PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 14.-Professor Alexander Phillips of the Pittsburg Acad emy, who was injured in last night's street car accident on the West End line, died to night at the Homeopathic Hospital. Pro fessor Phillips had a leg amputated and he died from loss of blood. This makes the number of deaths live. Miner* Ready to Strike. DES MOINES, lowa. Oct. 14.— At a meeting here this afternoon 125 miners declared for a raise of 10 cents per ton on all coal mined within this district the in crease to take effect Wednesday. Unless the demand is acceded the men say they will strike. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1895. THE SUPREME COURT AH the Surviving Jus tices Present at the Opening-. CLEVELAND YET ABSENT. So the August Tribunal Did Not Adjourn to Greet Him. MR. HARMON WAS INTRODUCED. Several Cases Dismissed From the Docket by Agreement of Counsel. WASHINGTON, D. U., Oct. 14.— The Supreme Court convened to-day for the October term, 1895. All the suniving Justices were present. The death of Jus tice Jackson caused a slight re-arrange ment of the sittings on the bench, Mr. J ustice White taking the deceased Justices' place at tiie extreme right of the Chief justice. This brought together Justices Gray, Brown and White. There was, as usual, upon the opening day of the court a large attendance of spectators, bat the number of attorneys was scarcely greater than on any motion day. This was due to the expectation that the court would transact no business beyond admitting new members of the bar and then repair to the White House t hat the members might pay their respects to the chief executive. The court, however, on assembling found that President Cleveland was still absent from the city, so that the ceremony of calling upon him on the day of meeting had to be omitted for the second time during his Presidential tenure. Among the prominent members of the Supreme Court bar present were: Secre tary of State Olney, who came to present his successor as Attorney-General (Mr. Harmon) to the court; Hon. Don M. Dickinson, Colonel Henry M. Duffield of Detroit; also the staff of the Attorney- General's office, headed by Solicitor- General Conrad and Hon. J. A. Tawney of Minnesota. When the Justices had taken their seats Chief Justice Fuller said: "The court reassembles again saddened by a vacant chair. Mr. Justice Jackson died at Nashville, Tenn., on the Bth of August last. This was followed by the de parture of Mr. Jußtice Strong on the 19th day of the same month, who during his retirement had maintained his companion ship with the members of the bench he had adorned. "It has been the immemorial usage for the court on the first day of the term, or the first day on which a quorum appeared, to proceed in the transaction of no busi ness, but to adjourn to await upon the President of the United States. The President is absent, and we shall follow the course pursued last year, namely : To dispose of such matters as may be properly broueht before us. All motions not sub mitted to-day may be brought on to morrow and tue usual order of the call of the docket will in that way be entered." At the conclusion of the Chief Justices' remarks Secretary Olney said: "I beg the indulgence of the court for a moment to present my successor in the office of Attor ney-General of the United States— Judson C. Harmon." Chief Justice Fuller said, "The court parts from the retiring officer with reirret and is happy to welcome his successor." A number of applicants were admitted to the bar, and several motions submitted. Then after a session of twenty-five min utes the court adjourned for the day. Among the motions presented in the Supreme Court to-day was one by W. J. Hendrick, Attorney-General of Kentucky, to advance for an early hearing the case of the State vs. the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company. A number of cases were dismissed from the docket either by agreement of counsel or on motion of the appellants. Among the more important of these were the fol lowing: The State of Washington ex rel the Columbia and Pnget Sound Railroad Company vs. the Board of Harbor Line Commissioners. This was one of the several water-front cases which have been appealed to the Supreme Court from the Supreme Court of that State. The terms of the agreement to dismiss are not pre sented of record. The St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company vs. Lee and Ryan, two cases involving the Arkansas statute, regulating freight charges in that State, was also dismissed. The question presented was decided by the court at its last term adversely to the railway company, and it instructed its counsel to dismiss the appeals. 7EKEZ UELASJBO VXDAWX DISP UTE An Interesting Explanation by Etr-Min ister Hcrugga, HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 14.— William L. Scruggs, ex-United States Minister to Venezuela, visited this city to-night at the request of the Yale faculty. He has just returned from Venezuela and gives some interesting facts regarding the boundary question, concerning which there is so much dispute at present. He says: "In the present phase of the boundary question between Venezuela and England the real issue in quite simple. It is, in brief, whether a European power shall be permitted under the pretext of a boundary dispute, which it refuses to settle, to dis member an American republic in open violation of public law and in contemptu ous disregard of the principles of the Mon roe doctrine. It has, therefore, ceased to be a mere local affair. It is not only an international question of great moment, but one which directly affects the interest of the United States. The grant which has been unnecessarily brought into the dis pute is understood to be a private contract between the Venezuelan Government and certain individuals, some of whom are friends of the United States, and with which foreign Governments can have no concern." Lieutenant Jiartnet Dead. HIGHLAND FALLS. N. Y., Oct. 14.— Lieutenant Albert M. Darmet, a brilliant young army officer, died at West Point yesterday, after a short illness, from re mittent fever. He was buried in the post cemetery this afternoon, with military honors. Lieutenant Darmet was born in Pennsylvania. He was appointed a cadet from lowa and was graduated second in the class of 1889. Deficit in a Treasury. OMAHA, Nkbb., Oct. 14.— Pour expert accountants, who have been checking up the books in the City Treasurer's office, have found a deficit in addition to the $10,000 shortage of ex-Treasurer Bolln of $23,000. The finance committee of the City Council have been seeking to keep the matter dark until such time as the evidence accumulated would be sufficient to prove a case in court. The matter, however, leaked out to-day, and the fact, too, that strong suspicion rests upon ex- Deputy Treasurer Coulter, who has re cently disappeared and was last heard from in Chicago. SETEX VICTIMS OF POISONIXO. Guests at a Wedding Suffered From Eat ing Ham. CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 14.— is now deter mined, that 6even of the victims of the Sabula (Iowa) poisoning horror died and some are still suffering from the deadly trichinae infection. Dr. Ryder Le Count of Rush Medical College has prepared speci mens from the portions of the walls of the intestines sent to Professor Haines for ex amination.and has made a careful diagnosis of the causes which led to the seven deaths of the guests at the wedding of John W. Taplin and Anna Gage on September 11. Nearly eighty people have • been suffering since the wedding feast. Dr. Le Count's decision in the matter as to the cause of the deaths and , infection settles beyond doubt that the ham, hastily cooked for the wedding supper, caused all the suffering. A great number of people believed that it was a case of malicious poisoning. DECLARED FOB SILVER. The White Metal Indorsed by the Farmers' • Rational Congress. ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 14.— The Farmers' National Congress devoted much of its time to-day to national finance and de clared for the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. The committee on resolu tions had a dozen propositions, differing very little, except in their wording, and there was a. long debate, but without leadersnip on either side. The committee's report favored free coinage of both metals at the present ratio, Kuarded by an import duty upon foreign coin. An effort was made to table the report, but this was overwhelmingly voted down. • : : i;.«si£ Nashville was selected as the next place of meeting after a great fight for it by In dianapolis Denver. ;; ; l;i : , PIRACY OF THE DANES Two Cruisers Prey Upon Fish ermen Off the Coast of Greenland. It Is Claimed That Vessels Are Ille gally Held Until Large Fines Are Paid. GLOUCESTER, Mass., Oct. 14,— 1f the storieß brought in by incoming vessels are true, there is a probability that in a very short time the United States will be en gaged iu diplomatic controversy with the Danish Government. This year the fish ermen have gone farther north, and from an unexplainable reason the catchea on the Grand Banks have been very small. The run of tish off the Greenland coast has been very large, and nearly all the fishing vessels have made this their rendezvous for the season. As soon as this fact became known to the Danish Government a cruiser was dis patched to Ihe western coast of Greenland with instructions to capture all vessels breaking the law in regard to fishing within the three-mile limit. A month ago another cruiser was sent to the same spot with instructions to assist the first, and 6ince that time, according to the stories of returning fishing vessels, a system little better than piracy has been carried on. These cruisers have patrolled the whole coast, and not finding any chance of caD turine vessels breaking the law have now taken to seizing any vessel whether she is In neutral waters or not. No explanation has been given to the captains, out the op tion was given of paying a large fine or be ing taken to Reikjavik. In a number of cases tne line has been paid, but it is claimed that a large number of vessels which have been thought to have been lost are being retained by the Danish Govern ment, and that tha crews are being held as prisoners until the fines are paid. Captain William Baker, who had taken his vessel to fish off the coast, was one of those who suffered, and to-day sent a re port of the outrages to the Navy Depart ment. He claims that his vessel was cap tured and taken to Iceland along with him self and crew, and not until he had paid a large fine was he allowed to depart. He further states tnat the captains of the two cruisers are undoubtedly carrying on a sys tem of piracy unknown to the home Gov ernment at Copenhagen, as according to the neutrality laws such action is liable to heavy damages. The Navy Department wiil inquire into the matter at once, and for that purpose United State% Inspector Hannon left for Halifax to-dav to make an investigation. SULLIVAN SCORES COKBETT. John Declare* That He la Not a Friend of the Champion. NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 14.-Ful!y 2000 persons were present at the Hudson County Athletic Ciub, Oakland Rink, Jer sey Cit}', to-night, the occasion being a boxing entertainment to a benefit to John L. Sullivan. The big fellow met with a great reception and had a hard time get ting back to the dressing-room after his set-to with Paddy Ryan. The ex-cham pion made his usual speech, in the course of which he said: "I never went to newspaper offices to put up my money, and I fought every one that came along of every nationality. I was twelve years in the ring and was never beaten but once. I wish the present cham pion every success, but without beating about the bush, and to come straight out, I say right here I am no friend of his." The first, portion of hi9 "speech" was loudJy apolauded, but a perceptible cool ness marked the closing remarks and the ex-chaniplon was pretty generally ad versely commented upon. CZAR A. DOTY BATES DEAD. She Was a Talented Writer and a friend of Children. CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 14.— Clara Doty Bates, the well-known authoress and writer of children's Btories, died this morn ing at the Newberry flats. She was given up by the attending physician several days ago. Mrs. Bates' publications are as follows: "JEsops 1 Fables in Verse," "Hearts Con tent," a story of child life; "From Hearts Content," a volume of poems. For many years she contributed to juvenile publica tions. She was identified in every manner of Christian work in this city. She took a zealous interest in the children's build ing at the World's Fair ana was Hostess in that building during a period of the fair. Wreck of a Passenger Train. ELKHORN, W. Va., Oct. 14.— A passen ger train between Bluefield and Renova, on the Norfolk Western Railway, was wrecked this morning. The baggage and mail cars and second-class coaches were thrown from the track and ditched. Sev enty-six passengers were in Ihe derailed cars, and all wtre more or less injured, but noiie fatally. All the wounded were taken to Pocahontas for medical aid. A broken frog caused the wreck. PURITY THEIR PLEA. Noted Men and Women Meet to Urge Mo rality. AIM OF THE ALLIANCE. Nearly Three Hundred Dele gates Attend an Interesting Congress. MANY SOCIETIES REPRESENTED. Far-Reaching Results for Reform Predicted by Mrs. Alice Robinson. .- BALTIMORE, Me, Oct. 14.— With tbe exception of an international gathering at Chicago while the World's Fair was in progress, the first National assembly in America for the discussion of purity and moral questions opened here to-night. Some of the men and women who are to take part in the congress have National reputations. Aaron Macy Powell, who has been a re former all his life, called the meeting to order. The American Purity Alliance in its present form was incorporated under the laws of New York State a few months ago for the purpose of fighting a bill to reeu late vice, which was before the Albany Legislature. Being successful therein the membership was increased and now in cludes persons actively interested in purity in many States. The specific objects of the alliance are stated to be the repression of vice, the pre vention of its regulation by the State, the better protection of the young, the rescue of the fallen, the extension of the White Cross among men and to maintain the law of purity as equally binding upon men and women. Between 200 and 300 delegates gathered in the Friends' meeting-house, on Park arenue, to-night to take part in the con gress, which will continue to-morrow and Wednesday. All Social Purity associa tions, White Cross leagues, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Young Men's Christian associations, Epworth League, Christian Endeavor societies and other bodies and organizations were repre sented. The congress includes many of the same women who will attend the na tional convention of the W. C. T. U., which will begin Friday. After devotional exercises the congress was formally opened by President Aaron Macy Powell. Joshua Levering, president of the Balti more Y. M. C. A. and gubernatorial nomi nee on thß Prohibition ticket, welcomed the delegates on behalf of the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Alice Robinson, president of the local W. C. T. U., in welcoming the dele gates said that the congress was great in the reform it contemplated, and predicted far-reaching results for the work that was to be performed in a quiet way. Rev. Dr. W. T. Sabine of New York re sponded to the addresses of welcome. Rev. 8. H. Virdin, D.D., of New York read a paper on the religious aspects of the purity movement. The congress adjourned at 10 o'clock until to-morrow. SUGAR BOUNTY CLAIMS. No Further Action to Se Taken Until Congreaa Meets. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 14.— 1t is understood tnat tio f urthe* action will be taken by the parties interested in the pay ment of the sugar bounty until Congress meets. Secretary Carlisle has promised to hear arguments why he should not send the case, under Comptroller Bowler's deci sion, to the United States Court of Claims, but neither Senator Manderson nor any others of those interested has so far availed himself of this proffer and, it is said, will not do so. In the meantime, with the matter still up in the treasury, Congress will assemble and then an effort will be made to have Congress pass an appropria tion of $5,000,000 to pay the sugar bounty, coupled with a provision that the Comp troller shall not have jurisdiction to pass upon the constitutionality of the law. IXPJESTIGATIJ^a OFFICIALS. Thny Cause tho City Attorney of JPitte burg to Resign. . . PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 18.— The finance committee of Pittsburgh . Council met at 10:30 o'clock this morning to hear the re port, of : the gub-committee concerning the investigation of the City Attorney's office, which has been in progress for several | days. The report of the sub-committee wa3 very long, covering in -detail numer ous discrepancies. . Under the fire of the investigation into his official conduct W. C. Moreland, City Attorney, resigned, his letter to that ef fect being accepted by the finance com mittee of the Pittsburg Counoil. The committee immediately elected Clarence Burleigh, ex-District Attorney, to the of fice thus vacated. . . ." :i Pacific Coast Pension c. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 14.—Pen sions have been granted as follows: California— Reissue : Hugh A. Gorley, San Rafael; Adolph Hoppe, San Fran cisco; Isaac Killum Hall, alias Isaac Kel lum, North Temescal; Joseph Freby, Long Beach ; Henry Wigmore, Bridsdale. Oregon — Original: Francis F. Brate, Pendleton; Leonard A. Lewis. Linville. Reissue— George A. Patrick, Clifford. Original widow — Mary Weaver, St Helens. Washington— Reissue: Harlan P. Dow, Vancouver. Street Railway Employes. DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 14.— The annual convention of the Amalgamated Associa tion of Street Railway Employes of Amer ica opened here to-day, a fair representa tion of delegates being present. Presi dent W. D. Mahon, in his annual address, strongly urged the adoption of a new con stitution and outlined some of the features it should contain. The convention will be in session four days. fire in Muir Tunnel. HELENA, Mont., Oct. 14.— The fire which started in the Muir tunnel on the Northern Pacific a month ago is burning almost as furiously as ever. Efforts to smother the flames by sealing the tunnel and also with steam have been unsuccess ful. Trains are being transferred over the new track recently constructed over the mountains. The damage is very heavy. Cathier Farrttr Arrested. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Octl4.— Fred W. Farrar, the alleged defaulting cashier of the Perry (Oklahoma) Bank, was arrested here this morning on a telegram from Sheriff Hansen of that city, who is now on his way to Colorado Springs with requisition papers. Farrar has engaged lawyers and will try to secure his release on a writ of habeas corpus. Farrar claims that'he resigned his position as cashier on September 10 last ana the bank was all right then, but became insolvent soon thereafter. DEFEATED AT SAJS'TA BITA. Cuban Insurgents Said to Have Seen Routed by Spaniards. MADRID, Spain, Oct. 14.— A dispatch from Havana says that the rebels have been defeated at Santa Rita and Limara rito with the loss of several killed. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 14.-During the past week a call has been quietly cir culated among the citizens of Washington for a mass-meeting of those who sympa thize with struggling Cuba. Over 100 sig natures of prominent citizens, including university professors, ex-officers of the United States Government and many leading merchants, have been affixed to the call. It is expected that the meeting will be held on the 31st in Metzerott Music Hall, which has been tendered for the purpose. NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 14.—Passen gers arriving by the steamer Yumuri from Havana to-day sav that the rebellion is spreading westward. Three bands of insurgents have appeared in districts which have hitherto been quiet. One party of 200 men, half of whom were said to be Spaniards, rose in the vicinity of Batatsno, twenty-five miles from Havana and the southern terminus of the railroad which runs across the island from Havana. Another party has risen in Melena del Sur. It has 300 men, and the third party is at Ybarra, the place where the rebellion first broke out, and where quiet Was re stored last February. In the last party there were 150 men. The news of these risings has caused some excitement in Ha vana. It is also reported that Maximo Gomez has left 2500 men in Camaguey, and with 2000 men is marching toward Las Villas. JSXOnUS OF CAKADIAXS. Quebec Alarmed at the Hush to the United States. OTTAWA, Ont., Oct. 14.— The exodus of Canadians from Canada to the United States and the enormous depletion of pop ulation through that channel is one of tne strong cards the Liberal party is at present using against the Government. The exodus from Quebec Province is beginning to assume alarming proportions. Within the last few weeks a large number of fami lies have left Quebec City and the county of Lewis for the United States, and reports from Arthakesville state that scarcely a week passes that from forty to fifty per sons from that district do not take their departure from that district for the Ameri can side. Letters from the North Shore report an exceedingly bad season's fishing, with every prospect of great distress on the coast this winter and an almost whole sale exodus of the population to the United States. ♦ BOMBARDED AX AIiAMAX TOWX. Two British Warship* Said to Have De stroyed Xaraba. BERLIN, Gebmant, Oct. The corre spondent of the Cologne Gazette at Con stantinople telegraphs that information has been received, there that two British warships have bombarded and destroyed the town of Zaraba, Arabia, on the penin sula of Katara, in the Persian Gulf. The cause of the bombardment is not known. LONDON, Eng., Oct. 14.— The Govern ment has received no information that British warships have bombarded Zabara, as reported by the Constantinople corre spondent of the Cologne Gazette. It is assumed here that if the report is true, the fifing on the town was connected with the Arabs attempting to seize the island of Bahrein. The warships Sphinx and Pigeon some time ago shelled several Arab'dhows, which were making a descent on the trail, after which there was peace. BLAMES THE AKJUEJfIAXS. Report of the Turk* on the Rioting at Trehizond. CONSTANTINOPLE, Tcbkky, Oct. 14.— The Government has issued an account of the recent rioting at Trebizond. It traces the origin of the trouble to the two Armenians who fired at and wounded the commandant of tne Turkish troops. Two days later an Armenian wounded a soldier on the street and the disorders then be gan, but were suppressed. Four days afterward a number of Armenians attacked a group of Mussulmans, and fired on the police, who intervened to protect the Mus sulmans. Then followed the rioting, dur ing wnich forty Mussulmans' and 200 Ar menians were killed. LOSS OF TWELVE LIVES. JUsastrous Result of a Collision Between Two Ocean Vessels. LONDON, Esq., Oct. 14. — A collision, resulting in the loss of twelve lives, has occurred off Dudgeon. The steamer Emma, bound from Rotterdam for Boness, ran into and sank the French bark Pacitique, from Shields for Valparaiso. The bark foundered so quickly after being struck that she took down with her her captain, pilot and three of the crew. The Emma rescued the others and lanaed them at Hull. JVbrwrtx/'* Xew Cabinet. CHRISTIANIA, Norway, October 14.— The new Norwegian Cabinet will be made np as follows: Hagerup, Premier; Sver drup. Minister of Worship; Kildal, Minis ter of Finance; Engelhart, Minister of the Interior- Nielson, Minister of Public Works; Olssen, Minister of National De fense. Gram, Haugland and Smedal will form the delegation to the State Council at Stockholm. Russia and France. PARIS, France, Oct. 14.— The Gaulois asserts that while in Paris Prince Lobanoff Rostovsky, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, signed another convention be tween Russia and France, pledging Rus sia to intervene forcibly against other powers than those composing the "Drei bund," in the event of their attacking France. This practically binds Russia to assist France against any attacking power whatever. e A Steam Barge Ashore. TORONTO, Ontario, Oct. 14.-News has been received here that the steam barge Dominion, which has been carrying lumber from Michigan and the North bhore and trading generally between Buffalo, Tonawanda and Canadian ports is ashore at Michaels Bay. Manitoulin Island. Nothing is known as to the safety of her crew of twelve sailors and Captain Sedley. Gladstone Had a Chill. LONDON, Eng., Oct. 14.— 1n its issue to morrow the Daily News will say that Mr. Gladstone had a chill Saturday, but that he is now progressing toward recovery. Rich Red Blood Is the foundation of health. The way to have Rich, Red, Healthy Blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. 25 centa. "SADDEST OF THE YEAR" But Fall Days Need Not Be Sad If People Will Not M»ke Them So. The fall days are rapidly passing, and before long winter will be upon us. Now is the time to consider whether we are prepared to with- stand the dangers to which we must be exposed during the coming season. Even perfectly healthy people feel the change from summer heat to the coolness of full and early winter. There is malaria in the atmosphere and few people can escape its enervating effects. Under these circumstances something is needed to quicken the pulse, drive out the germs of dis- ease, restore the jaded faculties and promote the general health. For tliis purpose nothing has ever equaled Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky, which is indorsed and recommended by the best physicians in the land. Thousand* of men and women who owe their health and strength to this splendid preparation have testified to its remarkable effects. Among the number ia Mrs. Mary West, 830 Elmond avenue. Buffalo, N Y who says: "I have been usiug Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky for a long time. It has done me so much good, giving me increased appetite which I lost through severe sickness." Buch outspoken testimony as this speaks for itself. It proves that Duffy's Pure Malt answers In every way the description of a perfectly re- liable, health-giving stirmilant. This is why It is so universally popular and has made friends wherever it has been introduced. For this reason insist on getting Duffy's Pure Malt Whisky when you »sk for it and do not l«t your Krocer or druggist persuade you to take an in- ferior imitation which is claimed to be "'very much like it" or "something just as good." There is nothing that can take its place. - . ] The real difference in upholstery is not on the surface — not as a rule visible to the naked eye. Good upholstery differs from the poor Kind in its interior construction — those who make it know. When we say OUR upholstery is good we know, for we make it. When we say "good" we mean good to look at and some- thing more— lasting, durable, as thorough and honeat inside as it is attractive on the surface. Carpets . Rugs . Mattings CALIFORNIA FURNITURE COHPANY (N. P. Cole & Co.) 117-123 Geary Street djjP^JM to* [ Cts. Per Can. Colima Baking Powder. f.v-. Colima Pare Spices. As Inducement to test COLIMA'S SU- PERIORITY, Valuable Presents given FREE with each can. 100 varieties to chooso from. We mention a few : 1 Glass Butter Dish, 1 Glass Sugar Bowl, 6 . Preserve Dishes, 1 Decorated Thin China Cup and Saucer, 1 decorated Salad jJlah, 1 Cup and t-nucer (assorted decorations), 1 Thin China Oatmeal Bowl. 1 Cream Pitcher. Gold Decorated Cup, Saucer and Plate, Dec- orated set of 3 Water Goblets, Syrup " Pitcher, Vegetable Dish, 1 Glass Berry Dish, 1 Majolica Pitcher, 1 Covered Paucepan, 1 Coffee Pot (2 qt.), Oatmeal Set of 3 pieces, set of 3 Table Tumblers, 1 Dish Kettle (B qts). Lots of others at our storjs. Great Aierican Importina; Tea Co. '617 Kenrny street, 140 Ninth street, 905 aiarket street. 1 4O Sixth street, 1419 Polk street, 521 Montgomery ave. f ltv StniMS J 333 Ila y«"» street, vt.4 Vll) OLUH2>. ."S 218 Third street, 2008 Flllmore street, 3006 Sixteenth street, 104 Second street, 2510 Mission street, .VJ Market street: " ' •* - 3239 Mission street, 1053 Washington st., AaLlind ) 917 Broadway, VilrUullU. i 131 San Pablo ave., I CIO E. Twelfth st. / . Alamoda JParkst.andAlameda AldlllCUdi j avenue. 100 Stores and Agencies in operation. A Big Saving for Housekeeprs. KILLER CURES ALL DISEASES. ISSO Market St., San Francisco. TS THEVKRY BKBT ONE TO EXAMINE YOTJB *■ eyes and (It them to Spectacles or Eyeglasset with Instruments of bis own invention, whes* •uperloruy has not been equalsd. My suooms hM been doe to the merits of my wort. _Offlce Hours— lB to 4r. if. • a Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, 62oKEAB.VT.ST. Establiehed Ain ISS4 for the treatment of Private V Diseases. Lost Manhood. Debility or disease wearing on bodyand mind and ■ Skin Diseases Tbedoctorcureswhen others fall. Try rn. Charges low BE CurrifiuiiiuK'rd. Callorwritp' »r. Jl. jr. "iBBOX, Box 19«7.S«ofnincScoI Wriiifs Indian VegetaWe Pills Are acknowledged by thousands of persons who bave used them for over forty years to cure HICK HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, CONSTIPA- TION, Torpid Liver, Weak Stomach, Pimples, aad purify the blood. ' Crossman's Specific ffixtnni With this remedy persons can cure themselves without the . least exposure, change of diet, o: chinge in application to business. The medt<'in« contains nothing that, is of the least injury to tht coastltut lon. - Ask your drautxt fox It. Frto* 91 s DAtUS.