Newspaper Page Text
14 *' SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." J<US?INESP OFFICE of the San Francisco C a 1,1/— " •'*■!•" Market street, open uiuil 12 ociock every ,i tft-t in the year. J *" BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, Klin Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. , m Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. fcW. corner Sixteenth and Missiou streets, open *^*l til « o'clock. If IJ-Mission street, open nntil «o'eloclo Vi 116 Ninth street, open until 0:?0 o'clock. Additional Classified Advertise- ments on Page 13. NOTICE or aiKKTIXiS. r^^» MOUNT MOBIAH LODGE NO. a \£Z& 44, F. mm A. M.— Mrelinsr THIS «JV- (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at ":3"%_X o'clock. Second degree. / v x THEO. FROLICH, Sec. e_-2^> MISSION LODGE NO. 199. F. a t^-^- nnd a. M.— Called meeting THIS /M. / , (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, : SO o'clock. X.JH 'i'hird degree. By order of the W. M. A Njr x & ' C. D. BUNKER, Sec. Bfs?^» EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. is ■»-*■" F. and A.M.— Special inef iing Til Is £\ (WEDNESDAY EVENING; October 23, jfjzf at 7:30 o'clock. Second «leurce. 'V^ i II 80. E. SMITH, Secretary. ia_-S=» CROCKETT LODGE NO. 139. a~~ Efr^ F. and A. M.— Called meeting THIS * (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, »i 7:30^(0? o'clock. D. 2. By order of the W. M. /^s-r^ H. FORTRIEDE, Sec. O^S* A. O. 11., DIVISION NO. 2— Afe^i*^ Ci-^t' special meeting of this division will \XXH be held in Drew's Hall. 121 New Mont- >E'^rfl gomery street, THIS DAY (Wednesday), at 8 p. m., for me purpoae of organizinj v »xi new division. B. LEE, President. P. J. MEEHAX. C£^» 1 VANHOE LODGE, NO. 5, K. OF i*. L?~& r p., will confer the knight rank v JSk (long form), WEDNESDAY, October 23,3v\kL, 1895, at Pythian Castle, 909V_ Markei^«___i7 street, at 8:30 p. m. Members of sister lodged cor- ' dially invited. N. s. GIUJ-.RSOX, C. C. O. ROBCBoas, K. of H. and S. e_rsf •■'• I-I REPUBLICANS OF THE thirty- ES I -^ fourth Assembly District are Invited to at- tend a meeting of the Thirty-Fourth Assembly Club THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. October 23. at 8 o'clock, at Native Sons' Hall. Seventeenth St.. above Valencia, By order of the Committee of the Executive council. K_S=" I A CANDELARIA MINING COM- IE>JB' pany— A stockholders' meeting will be held on SATURDAY, November 2, 1895. at 10 o'clock a. m. at 530 California street, room 60, for the pur- pose of amending the by-laws and transacting any otner business that may come before the meeting, By order of the boara of trusiees. i.E iliU!-. A. HILL. Secretary. SPECIAL NOTiChS. C^^p^ollNXßE^rVFri7^vTT7r6TjT~Kl^?FE! : t»-- i ' Chiropodic Institute, room 22,906 Market. j jgTTSP ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED HA Ills fb<& 120'zo Gear>-, room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1 fT_3p BAB TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. U^-B r Collection.? made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy St.. room 6, Tel. 5580. ■SS-* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT firs' the Maria Kip Orphanas;eof 638 Folsom st. has admitted the follow; -orphan girls from July 1 to October 1,1895: Grace J-arren, aged 3 years: Madeline li. Prado, aired 6 years: Guade- Inpe N. Prado, aged 11 years: Lois J. Williamson, aired - years: Annie V. Hibbard, aced 5 year*: <ieorgie 1". Wakeley, aged 10 years; Mary A. An- derson, aged 4 yean and 8 months. BC_7g= WINDOWS CLEANED AND FLOORS t- > - i ' scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for dnmages euaranteed. C. ROSSI CO., 242 Slitter. C^S 3 ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- U^- 2 ' ed S3 50 no. 317y 2 Third. George Hartmao. ff^S=» COLLI CTIONS: I EN A NTS EJECTED, U^-y .*1(>: costs paid. 4'JO Montgomery, rm. 29. _. T*^T** " ■**— "^ — »— »— i^— ig sit Cations AS _k.d-fj_;:hai,_s. SWE ' LOYMENI OFFICE^ 11% j O Antonio St., off Jones, near Ellis. : _> SWEDISH C OMPETI GIRLS, JUST FROM <) Denver*; good cooks; general housework: $_5; pood reference. 1i 1 3 Antonio St., off Jones, near Kills. LADIES WISHING GOOD HELP OF ALL kinds apply at 1004 Market st. "WANTED— BY A RKSPECTABLE WOMAN ' * asitoation to do light housework: a good home the principal object. Please call at 409V_ '-"app St., near Nineteenth. YOUNG WISHES A .ACE TO ASSIST 1 in housework or take .are of baby. Please call r.i 1504 California St., upstairs. : '.Yy"OMAN WANTS WO..X OF ANY KIND BY ' '' the day : washing, ironing or housecleaning. " Call or address -OS (Second st. G"OOD COOK WISHES A SITUATION" AT cooking or cci era! housework. Apply present employers, 2146 Jackson st. a ]ADt PIANISI WOULD LIKE AN ENGAGE- . JJ menu Address or call 246 Fourth st. '|>V COMPETENT WOMAN: is GOOD COOK -i> and laundress; city reference, Call at 5 Kwtng place, off ;..iuu;ui, bet. Suiter and Post. RESPECTABLE LADY, 30, WITH LITTLE it girl, .-..■•• iking Englisn and German, cood man- si-. 1 . would like a place in a doctor's or other gen- tleman's house where a lady to superintend house isjieerif_d. Address G. L., box 89, Call Office. , T>ELIABLE WOMAN WISHES TO do •It any kind of work by the day. Address 20 Tel- egraph pi., oil" Greenwich, bet. Kearny and Dupont. , rkroUNG GIRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO fcfiL nousowork or !a'-e charge of children. Address J. 11.. box 79, Call Office. iITIDOW WOULD LIKE CHAMBERWORK; '» f.- a- hours a day. Address X., box 69, this Office. " p ERM AN ill! L WISHES SITUATION TO DO vJ genera', housework and cooking; no postals. Call at 946 Mission st., room 12. Situation WANTED BY YOUNG WOMAN . O to care for children: wages small. Address M. C;, box 20 Call Office. Ei:: V WOMAN DESIRES HOUSEKEEP- -i ' er's position or to take charge of a rooming- Louse. 502 Seventh, near Bryant. T?LDERLY LADY WISHES PLACE IN SMALL JuJ family: no object. Address E. H., box 91, Call Office. " ; JMOM PI/TENT. RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES ,VJ a situation to do housework; is a good cook; moderate wages; city or a short distance in the t country. 27 1 . 2 Fourth st. -yOU.NG GERMAN WOMAN WISHES WORK . -I by the day: washing or housecleaulng; $1 per day. Address 67 Clementina St., rear. "\VoUNG LADY WISHES APPOSITION AS -1 housekeeper, or would do general housework. Address 100".' Powell st. "\yiDOW FROM THE EAST WOULD LIKE '» any kind of sewing; gents* shirts made to or- der. Room 28, second floor, 142 7th, cor. Howard. \TOUNG AMERICAN WOMAN WISHES J situation in American family to do light house- work; in the country. Address 283 Fifteenth st. \riDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES SlTUA- l'ition f or general housework and cooking. 1722 Lexington aye., b?t. Mission and Valencia, Eight- eenth and Nineteenth. I>oBrnos as housekeeper or to at- J- ten.l an invalid by a respectable midnle-ag-d ; •woman; reference given. Apply 3033 Sixteenth st. I youxo widow wishes A position as 1 typewriter, Call or address 873y a Market st., i room 18, second floor. \ C7NO GERM AN LADY WITH A BOY 4 j -I- years old wishes situation in family; general housework. T.. box 45, Call Office. pOMFETENT WOMaN WANTS SITUATION to do housework good cook: best city refer- ences: would go south 10 country town. '. 17 Polk. YOUNG WOMAN WITH GIRL, 4 YEARS] -L wants situation housekeeping; no objection to children: city or country. 942 Mission St. HOUSEKEEPER— YOUNG LADY WANTS A situation as house Keeper. Room 1, 137 Seventh st. HyOMAN With CHILD 21/2 YEARS OLD • » wishes position as working Lousekeeper; ref- f rences exchanged. Address C. T., 820 «/_ Treat aye. ! W OMAN WANTS SKWING OF ANY KIND; '» mending; also cleans clothes; knitting done. 114 Fourth St., room 15. T7HRST- CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES X I work by th- day, or lake work no-re: $1 25 a | day; suits made from $3 up. Address 131 Seventh. j KKSPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES WORK OF any kind by the week ; sleep home. 229V 2 Jes- sie st. Di ! ESSM A KER— FIRST-CLASS FITTER AND stylish draper and designer, thorough dress- lnaker, by the day. Address MISS WARWICK, America') Exchange, Sansome si. .' .. MIIil)LEA(.I.I) WOMAN wishes A place to do general housework and cooking. Call or address 309 Main st. , "CCOTCH WOMAN WANTS SITUATION: ISA YJ good cook, baker and laundress; references* also working housekeeper wants position in city or coun:ry. gall i!_B seventh su SWEDISH GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO Do upstairs work; private family; wages $10 a mouth. Call 608 Tennessee st., Potrero. SCANDINAVIAN GIRL WISH WASHING' ; O ironing or housecleaning by the day. Address Kb Washington aye., off Howard st., near Nin.h. aFouno lady would like position as 1 typewriter. Call or aadre&s 203 a Powell st., '■ room 5. \ji I CATION WANTED BY RESPECTABLE 0 girl for general housework; good cook; refer- eoces. Call at 503 Gough sl "DEFINED EASTERN LADY WOULD ASSIST it in light work and sewing for small pay with elderly people. MRS. F., Call Branch, 339 Hayes. ThASHIONABLE~DRESSMAKHR WANTS EN- J gagi-menis by the day terms. $1 50, 631 Post. f "VI EAT FRENCH GIRL WISHES SITUATION ■ *JLI m cook or to do housework;. 1009 Post st. , ; 'QUITS, $3; SKIRTS, 75c; FIT GUARAN- O teed. 559J-/«j Stevenson st. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS PLACE as housekeeper; city or country. Call or ad- „ dross 28 seventh 8 . riNCHESTKR HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NR. Market: electric lights in every loom: 200 pioms: 25c to $1 50 per night; $150 to $6 per WSttii , free ous to and from the ferry. PITfIATIONS WAS TEl>— Continued. T> LIABLE GIRL WOULD LIKE PLACE IN XV private family to do housework and plain cook- ing; wages $15. "Please call or address 26 Hunt st. .> CHAMBERMAIDS FOR HOTEL OR LODG- ! _- ins-house desire situations. Inquire 570 Minna. YO EI!M girl for general HOUSE^ work In American family. Call 63 Clementina.' MED —BY COMPETENT WOMNN, iV work by the day: wasianc. ironing, house- cleaning. Please call 1169 Mission st. pERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE | VT day: washing, ironing or house-cleaning. Apply I 41_BeaIest.: upstairs. CJWEUISH GIRL WISHES WORK BY DAY J J3 ,11 family, lauDdry or chamber; no objections to I suburbs. MRS. M. C. ANDERSON, 958 Willow I st., Oakland. | DRESBM A X ETc^ FIRST CLASS, WISHES work by the day, at home or in family: no ob- jection to suburbs. 'MRS. M. C. ANDERS 958 Wiliow st., Oakland. \ .Ml :: !( AN WOMAN, WITH 3 CHILD, ZX would like situation as housekeeper or cook on | ranch. Address MRS. M. P., Ukiah, Cal., care of j I*. O. box 46. ; POSITION AS 31 OR N ING GOVERNESS; i X French, music, etc.: diploma; references. E. WAI SUN, general P. 0., city. \ D . I W WITH MB A wants partner '» in paying business. Call 10_7 Market, rm. 11. 'iy INCHESTKK HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NR. ! >» Market; 200 rooms 25c to *1 50 per night ;! $1 50 to $6 per week ; convenient and respectable; I free bus to and from the ferry. IJEKINED WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP- XY er's position. 11 Kearny, room 27, first floor. pERMAN GIRL wants POSITION to do VT housework. Call 29 Minna st. SITUATIONS WANTED-JIALE. 1) c77T(so^K^s6^ri u^N^sH^ir"cooKs7 X . all branches: shortest notice. 14 Geary. AN AND WIFE DESTRE PLACES AS GAR- dener and cook; city or country; best of refer- ences. Address Work, box 20, Call Office. AN AND WIFE (GERMANS), JUST AR- rived in city, would like situations in city or country, country preferred; man alUround handy man; wife first-class cook. Address H., box 19, Call Office. yuUXli MAN WANTS SHOW TO LEARN X waiter business, or any employment;, quick, clean. Address Q. C, box 85, Call office. W ANTED —AN OUTSIDE POSITION BY " young man; can furnish references or bond. A. 0., box 18, Call Office. QTRONG YOUNG MAN, 22 YEARS OLD, O wants a situation to learn the blacksmith and wacon-maklng trade. . Call or address 636 Com- merclal si., room 1. STRONG YOUNG MAN NOT AFRAID OF O work wants a situation to learn the machinist trade. Call or address 636 Commercial st., room 1. AN ASSISTANT CANDY-MAKER WISHES A situation. Address C. M., box 145, Call Office. PEL-ABLE" YOUNG GERMAN WITH BEST Xt references wishes a place in saloon or wholesale liquor-store: can mail' any mixed drinks. Please call at 9 Mason si., oyster depot. SITUATION WANTED AS JANITOR OR U watchman by ex-membor of flre patrol: refer- ence. Call or address 714 Minna st. TO MERCHANT TAILORS; A FIRST-CLASS X salesman and window-dresser is open for en- gagement; city references. Address L. M, 746 (.'astro st. ARRIED MAN and wife (German) wish position of any kind; cl'.y or country. Address F. F., 408 Minna St. W ANTED— SITUATION BY A YOUNG MAN '» as man about place; first-class references: small wages. Address F. S., box 15, Call Office. pOMMISSION MERCHANTS— RUSTLIXG V^ salesman, age 30. good address, first-class city and country references, understands bookkeeping, wants situation. Address G. R. a., box 36, Cull. SIT UATION WANTED IN V ATE F AM" 0 ily: good horseman and gardener; can ai-.o milk cows; the very best of references. Address 11., box 00, Call Office, Oakland. As COACHMAN— WANTED BY -TV. a young num. Swedish: understands horses and gardening; best references. Address box 80, | Call Oince, Oakland. WANTED— BY A MIDDLE-AGED max, TO »* take care of a gentleman's place: can milk and take care of horses: is a good plain gardener; 1 c;ty or country: country preferred. Address S. M., I 123 Twenty-sixth st., in rear. o:m , MAN WANTS WORK AROUND PRI- ! X vate place; good driver; milker; understands ! garden! and is useful band about a house; first- class references: country preferred. Address A. I i:., box 134, Call Office. ELDERLY MAN, USED TO LONG AND IR- ! XJ regular hours, would like position where said ■. acquirements are important, such as tending to In- ' valla, etc. Address C, box 10. this office. . HONEST JAPANESE, "FIRST-CLASS COOK, ! good bread, entrees, pastry, jelly, ices, desires work in family; best references. M. it., 608 Polk. I 1.) KEEPER. 11 YEARS' EXPERIENCE^ JJ desires position in any office work; salary no object: best 01 reierences. M.. box 11, Call Office. j ■tTOCNO MAN WANTS TO LEARN BARBER X trade in Oakland. P. F., box 1, Call Office, Oak- land. vVTUonTTbOY, 17 YEARS OF AGE, WANTS kJ to drive a wagon; experienced. Apply 4 Mag- i uer place, off Mason, bet. Broadway and Vallejo. i 01 I 1 lON WANTED BY A GERMAN I 1 gardener, who understands propagating and j can taKe care of horses and cows, and is willing to make himself generally useful around place. Ad- ■ dress Situation, North Temescal. \\" AGON AND CARRIAGE WOODWOKKER i »" wants situation; good all-round workman; I suitable place more object than wages. Address C, box 70, Call Office. ; •: * •; MA N OF 25 STOUT AND ABLE TO DO ANY -i'-t kind of carpenter work, also experienced in bookkeeping and as porter In wholesale business, ' and able to give best security for irutbiul per- I formauce. wishes employment in city or country. i Inquire \V., box 49, CmII office. . pl^ ORGANIST, WITH FIRST - CLASS j -L recommendations, late of Berlin. Germany, I wishes engagement. Address or call 1401 Guerrero, i yOUNO man wants POSITION IN gro- j X eery-store: understands his business; 8 years i in the business. Address Y. L., box 74, Call Office. j POSITION IN WHOLESALE HOUSE: STEX- ; X ographer, book keeper or active work; refer- j ences. K. WATSON, general postofflce, city. E LIABLE YOUNG MAX WISHES A POSI- j XV tion in an office or wholesale house; good pen- man; good references. Address 8., box 61, this ol!ice. , i.-WAi.i. UfcLl- WAJNT£I>. A GERMAN R SCANDINAVIAN COOKS FOR tt country, $25; 6 German or Swedish cooks for city, $20 and $25; 10 Scandinavian girls for house- work, $20 and $25; 2 German girls, same house, i country, $20; 25 young girls, $10, $12 and $15; hotel waitress, $15. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary St. - , WANTED— COOK, INSTITUTION, $30; GER- '* man laundress, institution, $20; German cook, hotel, §40; 3 Scandinavian and German cooks, private families, $25 and $30; German cook 1 nd second girl, same house, country, S_s and $20; 1! laundresses, private families, $25; colored girl for housework, V 5; waitress, private boardlnz- hoiise, $20, and girls for cook n_; and housework in city ana country. J. F. CROSETT & CO., 312 Sutter su ■ pERMAN OR FRENCH SECOND GIRL, $20, VJT ci y. MURRAY A READY. 631-633 Clay St. / i ERMA-N OR SCANDINAVIAN GIRL, LIG~HT \J housework, country. $15, fare paid; house- work, Alameda County, $20; laundress, and o hers, at MURRAY & REAJJVS, 634-636 Clay st. "\y ANTED— 3 FRENCH GIRLS, HOUSE- "» work, $25, $20 and $15; Protestant second girl, $20; German second girl, $20: waitress, hotel, $16; ladles' maid. $ 15, sleep home, assist house- work. LEON ANDRE, 316 Stockton st. ANNA BROTEN, LAUNDRESS, PLEASE call; chambermaid, $20; laundress, Swedish preferred, $20; Italian chambermaid, $18; cook on ranch, '(20, and cirls for housework. R. T. WARD & Co., 610 clay st. ANTED— A PROTESTANT SECOND GIRL »» for the country, $25: also a Scandinavian or German housemaid for couutry, $30; a German cook, $30; German second •girl, $20: fifty pood housework girls ior city and country. $25 and *_0. Apply MIM» PLUNKJ-.TT. 4-4 Sutler WANTED-A CHAMBERMAID FOR HOTEL '» in country; $20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. PROTEST ANT NURSE, $25; GERMAN COOK X $35, no wash; 2 cooks, $-6 and $30; 2 second girls. $25 and $20; middle-aged nurse, $25; 20 housework girls, city, $15, $20 and $_5; 8 young girls, assist, $10 to $12. MISS CULLEN, 100 t-tocktonst. oi'SEWORK GIRL. STOCKTON, SIS; BEXT- da, $25; Alameda, $20; Vlsalla, *-25; Placer County, $20, and other towns. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. OMAN "WITH A CHILD AS a hooE- » " keeper, two in family; $20. MISS cullen, 105 Stockton st. GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL; HOUSK- \jr work; $.5. MIsS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. MAN AND WIFE: COOK IN MINING TOWN* JM $50 to $60. Miss CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. fA.NTJ'.U-EAKLY; WO -MAN PLAIN COOK- ing. Mill Valley, $25- girl, assist hotel, Mill Valley, $20: chambermaid. PaJo Alto, $20: see these parties at 10 a.m.: girl, Oakland, family of two. $20; Modesto. $20: Bouldln Island, $16; cook, city, $25: six girls at $.5: ten -at 820: for nice (aoiUes; woman, 2 in family, r $ 15. MME. LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton st. 2 second GIRI.S. $20: sTsIrlS FOR HOUSE- work. MRS. H I RD, 705 Polk-st. ' A TE I ' NT M H 1 : KOF RELIABLE GIRLS »* for housework; wages $15 to $25. Apply to J. E. CORY «fc C 0. ,2418 Central aye.. Alameda. IjURST-CI_XSS GERMAN COOK, $30: SECOND . c.rl, $25: two girls, general housework, $25; second girl, $_v; house girl, $20: girl $15: middle- aged woman, housework, $20. Call 332 Geaiy. Ho * ; c A DBUHI N 1 » BUREAU, 818 MAR- k«t st.: nil thorn necking employment, both professional and domestic, call and register: fr?e. \ y A NTKD— A GIRL BETWEEN 12 AND 15 »' years old for a good home on a ranch. Ad- dress O. O. SMITH, Valle. ; o. VOUNcroiRL FOR housework. 30 X Clinton Park, bet. Guerrero and Market. \ r (H'Mi GERMAN GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- X work ; sleep home. 911 Larkin TnE SAN FBANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1895. HELP TTANTED-Contlnued. : jpOMPETENTLADY'S MAID, \VHO~THOR"- \J oughly understands dressmaking; references required. Call after 10 a. m.. .913 Clay st. p ERM AN GIRL, GKNKRAL HOUSEWORK. VJ plain cooking; $20. 811 Treat aye., near Twenty-first st. - T7«XPERIF.NCED HAND IN WRAPPERS AND X_l waists to work in store. 38 Geary, Bon p OOD RASTER WAN 730 HOWARD~St7 OOD PANTS-FINISHERS WANTED. 215 Stevenson st. I?INISHERS ON PANTS. CALL AT 108 BAT- X 1 tery st. ■■. v*» GIIRLTO DO HOUSEWORK AND COOKING. » Call In the morning at 2731 California st. \\r A NTED-GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL " housework. 1217 Webster st. LITTLE ASSIST WITH LIGHT HOUSE- I worK; good home; small wages. 1521 c Howard, j WANTED— MIDDLE-AGED WuMAX TO DO " light housework and atiend to Rick woman. Apply 3y 3 Clyde st., off Townstnd, bet. Third and Fourth. pOSTUMER WANTED: STATE EXPERI- \J once: good business proposition to the right party. Address J. 8., box 90. Call Office. yORSG GIRL WHO UNDERSTANDS BFSW- ■L Ing. 12 Leroy place, off Sacramento near Jones LADIES TO MAKE PORTIERES AND J-J draperies: no experience necessary: can learn. Call between 9 and 12 only, 957 Market St., up- stairs, office room 1. GIRL. ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; GOOD » home; low wages. 720 Twenty-third st. WANTED— YOUNG GIRL ASSIST WITH »» housework. 1218b Eddy st. • , ;. XPERIENCED APPRENTICE OX CUSIOM -U coats, 118 Grant aye., room 7. LADIES TAUGHT HAIRDRESSING, MANI- ±J curing; agents wanted for face preparations. 131 Post St., room 20. GIRL FOR BRANCH BAKERY AND X care of baby: ace 14 or 15; German preferred; $10. 514 Castro st. ■ yOUN'O GERMAN GIRL— CARE OF A BABY. ■I 1439 O'Farrell St., cor. Buchanan. ANTED— PROTESTANT GIRL UNDER 16 ' » to care for baby. 1314 Jones st. "V OUNG GIRITto ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; X si 2. 1045 Valencia st. \yANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL " housework. 737 McAllisters:., nearOctavla. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 761 Haight St. '■WANTED— COA f MAKER FOR STOCKTON. '* Apply 823"-/2 Montgomery st. NY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY FOR herself can easily earn It. Address Ladies' Home Journal. 78 Columbian o!dg.,San Francisco. CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE" _JX Winchester House. 44 Third st., near Market; 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night : $1 60 to $6 per week; free bus to and from the ferry. QEE LATI.STTRILBV SUITS AT N. Y.CLOaK 0 and suit house. 1210 Market St. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR ♦ « Market — Electric lights in every room: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week; free bus to and from the ferry. DRESSMAKERS; FIRST-CLASS I RT-MAK- j-f ers; none but experienced hands need apply. : BOW HA 504 Sutter st. I XTNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHT I I J woman as managing niilce agent. Sospita Company, office 53 .Donohoe building. REPSMAKING— SUITS, $5 UP: PATTERNS cut to fit 25c up; girls wanted. MciDOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 Powell St. 01 ELLIS— MOZART, ROOMS 25C TO $1 a I OLU night; $1 26 to $5 a week: very respectable. piANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY X schooled artist: lessons 25c. 617 Jone3 st. I I TRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- J^maae suits; $7; perfect fit. 118 McAllister st. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- X ting and making school : all branches. 702 butter. male HELP wanted. FIRST-CLASS lASTKY COOK AND BaTkeTT, $75; shampooer for a Turkish bath, $40. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. FARMER AND WIFE FOR FRUIT FARM, $45 ; ('• teamsters, city, $2(3 and board; 6 labor- ers, city, $26 and board; choreboy, country; cook, ! hotel, $35. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay. WANTED— S CARPENTERS FOR CENTRAL i II America, part fare advanced: carpenters for city, $3 day; 4 qur.rrynien, $175d«y; teamsters, I $1 75 day: railroad-tie makers. 8c to 10c. and oth- j ers. Apply to J. .'. CROSLTT A CO., 6. 8 Sacra- men: o st. --■:- BUTCHER. CITY SHOP, $30 AND FOUND; X> porter, $15; 2 shln-poiishers, $12 a week: 3 cooks, $30 to $15: second cook, $;'.O; lunch-counter waiter, $6 a week; 5 larmers; 2 boys for ranches: milker, $::0. MURRAY >t READY, 634-636 «lay. \~ AN lE D— WAITER WHO CAN OPEN OYS- »' sters, $40: waller, country restaurant, $25 and found: waller, pli\ln hotel, $25: dishwasher, do i some cooking, $20 and found; carptnter, $2 25 a, I day: cook, $40, etc, LEON ANDRE, 315 Stock- ton st. .•- •'-■■• • - ■-' XPERIENCED SADDLE ■ MAKER, MUST -Ci be able to do Mexican stamp work: experi- enced salesman in retail furniture-store: none but 1 experienced mnn can nil this position. Competent , snlesmen and o3lce men and skilled mechanics desiring situations should register with the United States Industrial Agency, room 167, Crocker building, which agency is indorsed by 200 of the j leading firms of the city. Many of those holding the certificates of this agency have found good situations. SECOND COOK. HOTEL, $30. HOTEL GAZ- ETTE, 420 Kcarny st. WANTED— LUNCH WAITER. 1807HAIOHT » » St.: apply early. ArOUNG TAILOR WANTED TO WORK IN- X side. 2118 Mission st. WANTED-A SMART BOY TO WORK IN * ' store and do errands. Apply 431 Kearny st. ATSAEL^MAN WANTED-STATE REFER- ences and salary expected. Address S. R., box 54, this office. D" R APERY AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERER wanted. Address Draper, box 136, Call. TRISHMAN, 40 YEARS OLD, FOR INSTITU- i X tlon: $20. 509 Kearny St., room 8. OUNG MAN WANTED IN DRUOSTOKE. I -I Address, stating age and experience, Drugs, ' box 20, Call. G~OOITpRESSMAN wanted. 730 HOWARD I street. IpiRST-CLASS OPERATOR WANTED. 730 ' Howard st. ! ANTED — MAN FOR COLLECTION j »" ngency to collect tough bills on liberal com- | mission: bond required. Address C. box 112, Call. ASSISTANT SPEAKER AND MANAGER XV. wanted for a religious reform society. 369 ! Jessie st., 10 a. m. to 4 p. M. WANTED— CABINET - MAKERS. 907 MI3- siop st. i WANTED— SEAMEN AND ORDINARY. AP- ! T ' ply shipping ollice, 10 Steuart, upstairs. I WANTED-MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE • '" their wages to place accounts with us; law and 1 commercial collection; no charge unless successful. ; KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Suiter, r. 4. SOLICITOR TO SELL MILK, OR PARTNER- I references. C. J., box 120, this ofllte. W" ANTED— A WAlfrß. 613 CLAY STREET. j TIN AND SHEETIRON JOBBER. APPLY X Eagle Sheet Metal Works, 1213 Market st. I jySHWASHER WANTED. 49 SECOND ST. OOD STEADY MAN TO WASH DISHES. Apply, after 6 a. m., 104 Seventh st. ETAL-ROOFER WANTED AT 114 EIGH- I teenth st. -.-. : ; ! ANTED— GOOD TAMALEM.AKER. 632 ! »T Hayes st. WASHER WANTED. 1805 HAIGHTST. ARBER FOU WEDNESDAY AND SATUR- I day. 32 Third St. ' ARBER — EXPERIENCED MAN EVEN- Ings, Saturday and Sunday. Call a: 259 Third. | Office" boy . about" 16; ONE residing i with parents [.referred; references. 114 Powell. ! T^RESCO PAINTER— MUST BE GOOD ON I J flowers. Address F. C, box 136. Call Office. CARPB NTER.DOSOME WORK. EXCHANGE ) roomrent. Apply early 922 lost at. GOOD PRESSES WANTED. 12 MONT- I s-omery st., room 10. tJusiness woman wants honest -l-> sober partner with $200; well-paying lunch and I lodging house: 26 rooms; good trade. Apply Olymp saloon, 333 Bush st. I TTaRBERS, ATTENTION— 2-CHAIK SHOP j 1 XJ for sale, cheap: situated on principal street- Oakland: can have shop on trial. Inquire B. L I box 6, Call Office, Oakland. i ARBERS— «100; _-CHALR SHOP; 2 SUNNY j JJ living-rooms; cheap rent, Call 122 Seventh. AND PANTBMAKER~FOR i I \J country. REISS BROS., Un Sutler st. G~\ ERMAN BOY WANTED AT 1127 McALLIS- ! VJ" terst; froltstore. MAN COOK ON A RANCH: GOOD BUTTER- ' maker: $16. Coolc, box 136, Call. j "ANTED — GERMAN IN WINEHOUSE; ' • only -or tending bar; must Know iiow to mix drinks inu sell iiootis in the store; steady place for ' the right man. Address A., box 9, Call Office. WANTED-COMPETENT BUTLER MUST have reference. Apply bet. 12 and 1 o'clock, ! room 24, second floor Mills building. WANTED-A1 CARPET-LA YEn; WAGES y $12 per week. Address E., box 4, Call Office. BARBERS-2-CHA IR~ 15c SHOP NEAR THE city; cheap. DECK ELM AN BROS.. 108 Ellis. TNDUSTRIOUS MAN, WITH $40 OASn. CAN I i- secure mad? profitable employment by address- | ing L-, box 90. all Office. BA RBKRS, TAKK NOTiCE-$lOO WILL BUY a 2-chair 16c shop; half store; 4 living-rooms* rent $12. 630 Market St.; basement. . (}}« l PER WEEK FOR GOOD BOARD AT 635 W-i- Clay .. ---'-- - ■ ■ . - ■ " ANTED-15 .MRS TO TRY OUR SQUARE meals for loc. 50 Third st. "--■;■ I HELP WASTED- Contlnnert., W ANTED— A MAN WHO CAN DO ENGRAV- '» Ing and jewelry repairing. GEORGE W RYDER, San Jose, Cal. BARBERS WANTING 1-ciiAia shop dirt j cheap call 1346 Turk: am anxious to leave city. j (OCA BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE: FUR~- j ijj)_ji)U. niture worth tiie money. 921 Market st. I TAILOR-taHOP FOB SALK CHEAP. APPLY 603 California sl.. above Kearny. ■ BA RBE Its- - FOR -EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- i"::irv Barbers' - Association, 325 Grant aye. S. FUCIIS. - WANTED— BLACKSMITH'S HELPER; ONE »' who can assist in woodwork preferred. Cor. Twelfth and Market sts.. Oakland. 8' TEALiY MAN IN SALOON : SMALL CAPI- -tal required: need help 309 Third si. ARBER-SHOP FOR SALE: BEST LOCA- tiou in dry: owner going away. Apply Call Office. . SEAMEN FOR EUROPE, HONOLULU AND I all parts of the world. 103 Montgomery aye. YyT\NTED-BTO 10 FIRST-CLASS ! '» makers; no tinners. Apply inside 10 days, ' Globe Cornice WorKs, 216 .East Fourth St., Los j Angeles, CaL : .-j ! Ty~AN TE I>— TO GO T(3 THE COUNTRY, ■ ' coat and pants makers: must be good workers and steady men. Apply Tailor, Alta, Cal. inn MEN TO GET SHAVED lOK 5c OR -LI7U haircut for 10c\ 14Vs Montgomery aye. \V r I CHESTER, HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST.. NEAR » ' Market: 200 rooms, 2o cents a night; reading- room: tree bus to and from the ferry. W ANTED— ALX CARPENTERS TO KNOW I ' » that there are plenty of carpenters in San Francisco; all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. All help can by supplied by applying 10 carpenters' headquarters, 115 Turk st., or 23 i Ninth st. District Council meets at 115 Turk st. on Wednesday evening. r THIRST-CLASS LADIES' TAILOR WANTED J BOW HAY, 504 Sutter St. . BARBERS, FoR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. BARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. "I EARN A TRADE— SIGN OR PICTORIAL XJ painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D. LEVY, 35 Eighth at., San Francisco. rr.HE RAILROAD HOUSE. 533 COMMERCIAL X St., below Montgomery: single rooms 15c night, 25c lor two; ''" and cleanest house in town. BEST PLACE IN CITY FOR SECOND-HAND XJ shoes, 726 opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Sixth st.: mistit shoes bought or exchanged. MEN WANTED TO BKLL MANHATTAN ill. Stock Pood: It Is best. C. XXX TELL, San Mateo I A MERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, 319 SAN- -TV. some St.— Reopened: European plan; light airy rooms, 25c to $1 per day, $1 to per week, $4 to 15 per month. Housekeeping rooms $4 per month up. .-,T: r _^- £ > MEN'S SHOES % SOLED 40c: LADIES' 3Sc. i ITJ. done in 10 minutes. 959 Howard st. M< i/.A !i !', 319 ELLIS, ROOMS -5O TO 60C i night. $1 36 to $5 week; reading rooms. \V HA Ll HOUSE, 5_9 SACRAMENTO ' ' st. : 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. JENS SHOES i/2-SOLED, 50c':' HEELS, 1U done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St., basement. IP BEE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME: X single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week. T IYE MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- .I-1 door work; will pay competent person $3 50 a ! day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. "WANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; $1 »» week: rooms for two, 25c v day, $1 60 a week; reading room- daily papers. a« Clay st. rpitY .ME ;1 1 USE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- I X low Sixth, for a room; 25c a night; $1 a week. _>9| ELLIS, ROSED ALE— ROOMS i6c TO 60c tJZuX a night; ?1 to $3 » week: open all iii!?ht. W ANTED— LA BOREBS AND MECHANICS j » » to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House proprie- lor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms; '25c per ni,<;lit: $1 to $■" per week. U' AN TED-MEN TO GET 'jiOTTLK SHARP Kteain bier. sc: bottle win", sc. 609 Clay at. AOOMK N ' s SECOND-HAN I>i. I) SHOES.SOME "i"v nearly new, '_5c to $1 25. 662 Mission st. INDELL SOUSE, UTB AND HOWARD— J «incie furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night. QHOES " iIALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES: O done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all rrpa!;inK done at half price; work guar- anteed. 662 Mission st., bet. First st.and Seconds:. \ I AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 153 ! X\.r\J and 20c a night, including coffee and roil*. ! £24 Washington St., near Krarny. BEST JN CITiT— SINGLE ROOMS, 15, 20~ANn i 25 cents per night; Sl, ?1 25, $1 50 per week. I rm-ifie House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. agents WASTED. SALESMAN— DRUG TRADE, SIdTTITnE OR 0 otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State St., Racine, Wis j AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ENER- - ■ »• getic man or woman of good address; "00 per cent profit. Call between 9a. m. and 9 p. m. I*o6 Market, room 4. jtvallForSt a~mTtTal benefit SOCIETY \J wants good agents to work its accident and pick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. W. HANNA. secretary. Murphy building. j lA i; I US WA N i\El7. wTi^ToTTAILnJ^'ni^ALTiI" AND AD- | vanced years, the subscriber desires to take in n. partner in a well and long established genrral ! b!;ick>mitn and horseshoeing business: none but a I steady and competent workman need apply; easy i terms. For particulars address 1223 Franklin sU. ! Oakland. T. 11. ALLEN. I PBOFKBTI WANT___>. "V ICE RF.s ! DENCK OR DOUBLE 'fTaT~OF -*-* some 10 to 12 rooms: bet. Pine, Clay. Stelner and liroderick sts.: at from $10,000 to* $14,000. : Address P. O. box 2058. ! FUB-NITUKK UA.MiD. ALWAYS HKFORE SELLING SHE H. J. LEUTHOLTZ.B2I Mission, h*t. 4th and sth. A MERICAN FURNITURE COMPANY WILL - I **- pay you the highest cash price for your furnl- ture, carpets, etc. 1129 and 1181 Market. A UCTIONEKH J. C. KUTHE Iii7T9 MARKET ■tV St., pays highest cash prices furniture. WILSON BROS.. MARKET BT., FtTRNI- '' Jure bought and sold; telephone, south 762. Hg. KRASKY, CAR PK IS, pictures. . foldine. iron beds, furniture; low prices: CaL stepladder matin for the trade. 779 Mission. f 1 ASH PAID FOin ; URNITURE AND MER- ■' cl;»iidi«c. L.H. r.l'Ull Ancrionoer.lO Fulton. BOARDING WANTED. B"~oXmr^ns^'ii?)o~Ms"DT<rsiriCE_rfN"pßT vate Christian family within 5 blocks of City j Hall, north of Market St., for gentleman, wife and I child. Hoard, 916 _Mark«-t st. I WA-VIXO-Ju^UliLLAXliOljiS. KLF4N, 109 SIXTH ST., PAYS GOOD PrTcES | for clothing, books and jewelry: postal | JLOSI". T OST— CERTIFICATE XoTlio^Oß 10 XJ shares o; the ci-pitnl sock Of the (iermania Rulldlng and Loan Association of San Francisco, ', issued to and in the name of A. 11. SIEGFRIED and bearing date Januar.- 26. 1891. The tinder ' will please return to die office of the said corpora- i tion. 89 Flood i. vi ■tin-, Fourth and Market sts., i B. I •'., Cal. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 22, 1895. LOST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HLBERKIA j Savings anil Loan Society ot San Francisco, In ! the ninie of JOSEPH ROBERT ■ BLEILY, No. ! 1881198. he ii ruler will please return to bank. "I OST— ENGLISH PUG, OX HOWARD ST., ! JJ Thuisday evening: $5 reward. Room 1, j Chronicle bldg. ' OST— ON THIRD ST., NEAR HOWARD, A XJ small mongrel bitch dog, with white body, black spotted lit ad and white curly tail, tipped with black.- Answers to the name of "Flo." Suit- able reward will be paid for Us return to 216 liranuAn st., city. | 1 OST— IRISH SETTER DOG: ANSWERS TO Jj name of Prince; liberal reward. 421 East st. TERRIER DOG, YELLOW COLOR, Xj named Dan: tag 1227. Return 421 Turk st., reward. . .. -• . T OST— A BITCH PUG: ANSWERS NAME OF XJ Baby; literal reward. 35 Turk st. GOLD ULOVE-BUTTONER, OCTOBER 14. Return to 4_7 Valencia st.; receive reward. T OST— PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA X.J Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, In the name of JOHN HALL, ■ No. 188,002. The | finder will please return to bank. \ . j LC) ST— PUG PUP. REWARD ON return to IUI6 >la-ion st. . - " " ' ; - " . : -■" - r^' A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THH i WEEKLY- CALL. Id wrapper, for mailing. . ATTOR.VKVS-AX-LA VT. A^DVIcIe^REE? IJI^'ORCE i -tA. laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable; collections, etc. • Q.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 860 Market, cor.Stockton | JOHN R. AITKEN, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, RS. ■ 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st., cor. California. \\r W. UAVIDiSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,4aO ' " • t.'anfornia »t.. ran. 14-16: advice free. : '-■ PHYSICIAN'S. n T ADIES— THE PHYSICI ANS OF THE ASIKR- XJ lean Surgery ; and Dispensarj', 14 McAllister st., guarantee to cure yon of all' your troubles for $5 to $10: no cure no pay. * : IJHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT— SPE- XI cial attention to these diseases. J. A. McDON- ALP, M.I) 1.36 Market .St.: 2t04.7t0 8 P. K. _J FINANCIAL. •ft 1 000 «OOD~SECUR-TY GIVEN. FOR <]pXUUU. u u particulars call at 113 Oak st. ANY SUM OK MONEY ADVANCED ON yonr furniture, pianos or •■ real estate: lowest : rate: call and state your proposition or write: open I evenings. J. NooNaN. 1021 Mission to. ni'EWEITKKS AS It SUPPLIES. I N VINCIBLE RIBBONS AND CARBONS X are absolutely guaranteed. : United Typewriter and suDPlits Co.. 413 ilontcomery _v p;~ . : . * : c. : ' PERSOMALS. : <-i'^:l":4"i^: MBIOT HAS CONSTANTL^Y^NTrXNIVrHE 1»X. best and freshest of butter, eggs and «heese. Ccntf r Market, cor. Suiter and Grant aye., s.all 62. BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. ADDRKSS O . 823 Market. Phone Main 441 at C. BROWN'S. I QTRICTLY PURE MILK; NO ADULTERA- tlon. MRS. C. J. MARBLE, box 12, Call. A RTISTIC HAIRDRESSINO, MANICURE, jV switches, bangs, $1; wigs from $5: hair dressed, 25c. To keep hair soft have it shampooed ; and dried in sun at La Verlte Toilet Bazaar, 6 , O'Farrell st. PAINTER. WHITEXEH, PAPER-HANGER, J- with plenty tools, will work chenp by day or contract. Call or address 1630 Eddy st.; store, 7S ERMAX GENTLEMAN, 40 "" YEARS OLD, " X conducting a small business, would like to maKe the acquaintance of a middle-aged lady with , means; object matrimony; confidential. Address i K. G., box jl4. Call office. ;>.- ',■■;':•■■;■'?■■.: i\ PECIA LIST— MRS. PAUL MKYER, 504 C> Sinter st. : removing superfluous 'iair wi injury to the skin; new and scientific method: re- ducing adipose tissue: developing form; renewing j vigor and beauty 10 the skin and body. j PAINFUL FOOT AILMENTS SUCCESSFU ■ X treated. DR. LLOYD.Chiropodist.Lunine Baths. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 85U Market, cor. Stockton. A TTENTION— F7JOSKPH IIOCHEBBEGBTO -TV announce that he will open about October 28 I a first-class tailoring establishment at 32Vi Geary I St., and will be pleased to see all his former friends and customers. TjVLECTRIO LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— WIN- t -i-J Chester House, 44 Third st., near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus to and from the ferry. rpAfLOR-MADE SUITS TO ORDER ETC.; J- reasonable prices; by CHAS. JAGER, ladies' tailor, 246 Sinter St., California building, rms 14-15. SUITS MADE TO ORDER OF ELEGANT remnants for $10; samples and self-measure- ment on application. LEON LEMOS, Merchant Tailor, 1332 Market St., San Francisco. A LL PAINS CURED NATURAL MAGNETIC XX. electric healing. MRS. HILL, 2151/2 Mason st. HAIRDRESSING. 25c. ANY STYLE: ESTAB- lished 1869: natural curl" front-piece and first- class switch $1 each. BERTHA SPITZ, lllstocK- ton ; strictly one price. G. LEDERER, successor. 00 A ROOM; CARPETS CLEANED ON THE Oi floor. 200 Leavenworth st. EGYPTIAN HENNA, $1; HAIKDYE, per- fectly harmless. Langley-Michaels Co.: all chemists; Hubbard's 923, HauptU'g, 1156 Mkt st. "VTEW PROGRESSIVE WINDOW AND HOUSE A.™ cleaning Co. ;floorsscrubbed:contracts;day.wk or month. F. CARNOVAL & C 0. ,121 O'Farrell st. HA REMOVED BY ELECTRICITY PAlN- lessly; busts enlarged; freckles, wrinkles and other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. JIME. K ARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. . ■ SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER illustration— lnstructors: J. 11. E. Partington, Gertrude Partiugton of the Examiner and R. L. Partington of The Call. Apply or address 424 Pine. TH E ECONOMY," 40 SIXTH ST., BET. MAR- -1 ket and Mission (old No. 46)— Millinery. Cheap- est house in the city ;stylish trimmed hats, $2: hats trimmed, 25c;hats pressed, 25c; feathers curled, sc. IN AN, 111 STOCKTON ST.; ?I(TtM PORTED hats: stylish trimmed hats reasonable. "Yf IMEOGRAPH, TYPEWRITER AND OF- ItJ. fice supplies: all classes of typewritten and mimeograph work promptly done; typewriter rib- bons. $6 doz., gUHrautt-ed. ANNA C. BUSTEEDE, phone— Main. 5807: 630 Market. QECOJSI D- : IAM)AS WE ,AS NEW BARS, O showcases, counters, shelving*, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, et<\, and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see slock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1023 Mission st., above Sixth. | OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD; j store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc. cheap. Yard 1 166 Mission st., near Eiehth. I~ CAN LOAN YOUR MONEY (VN FIRST mortgaae security, city property, in sums of $100 to $5000 or more, at 7 per cent per annum net (payable monthly or semi-annually ); borrow- ers will pay mortgage tax: security guaranteed; references piven. W. MATTHEWS, 402 Mont- gomery st.. room 18. I i\Hl\ iiL >1:s 1 -'" l AKj>s,«i 50: m-.m i- X\J\J\J city or country. HILL, 7241/2 Market st- TRACING, SHADOWING AND V locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine st. A! ACHINE WHITEWASHING; CONTRACTS i-'J- taken; whitewashineand tree-spraying; rooms whitened. $1 up. 1560 Market at., near Hayes. WALTZ GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IN »» class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School 997 Market st. ADVICE FREE-MARRIAGE LAWS. ACCI- S\ dent cases. McCABE. Attorney, 1027 Market. 19 SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. <®XZi NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny. T7IINE SUITS, $15: DRESS PANTS, #4 75. i Miaflt doming Parlors, 435 Montgomery St. ON ORE C IT- ~~~ : ~ Oak Roll Top Desks .$l4 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers .....From $10 u« Oak Bed Sets..... »17 50 up Oilcloths «nd Linoleum* ..3Ocup fetoves and Ranges..... $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 .Mission st., above Sixth. CILOAKS. CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT I mfrs' cost. Factory. 20 Nansome st.. upstairs. OLD GOLD, bILVER, GENTS' AND LADLE-F clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. 'IX DOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1185 Market. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 15 CENTS— THE J\. WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. UKKSSJVIAKKKS. DREBSES. $2 AND \VRAPPERsT3Sc XJ and np. 1 89>/ 2 Shipley st« near Sixth, upstairs. DRESSES CUT and FITTED, ?3; DRESSES popular prices: engagements by day. II Geary. CLAIRVOYANTS. 7k A A~^ '■ -TV WONDERFUL GIFTS. Call them what you may people of .San Francisco as well as other cities marvel at his power. Law- yers, speculators, business men of all grades and ladles from every walk In life together sound his praise for the benefit they have received. His par- lors are always filled with anxious people seeking | reliable information and every reply is most grati- fying; all are pleased; Professor Eugene gives ad- vice on business, speculation, investments, love, courtship, marriaee and divorce: settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated and causes a speedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice; he locates mines and burled treasures, tells of your friends and enemies, removes evil in- fluences, gives advice pertaining to lawsuits, lo- cates and recovers old estates: developing me- diums a specialty; the troubled ana unfortunate should seek counsel ; thousands of families long separated have been reunited by bis efforts; i thousands of hearts made glad through his truth- i ful predictions; he Is the only clairvoyant on I 1 earth recognized by the profession as their bright- j est stnr; all persons unsuccessful in business, who j seem to be unlucky, should visit him, seek his aid ! and start aright; thousands have become wealthy. j through his advice: he is ever ready to assist - tliose.wlth capital to find a safe and eood-payins investment; young men starting In business will find i: greatly to their advantage to consult him on all matters of financial interest to themselves. Professor Eugene should not be classed with the many cheap pretenders who infect cities and bring j disrepute to the profession. His past successes in matters of great import are a positive guaranty of ; his power to perform the wonders that have made j him famous. All are invited 10 call. Hours. 9 a.m.' to 10 p. m. F. EUGENE, 1728 Market St., San Francisco, parlors 1, 2, 3 and 4. HP: GREATEST PROPHETIC CARD-READ- er in the world, 25c; magnetic healer. 330 Fell. RS. ANTHONY, MEDIUM AND LlFE- reader; ladies 25c: cents 50c. 342 Third st. ANITA WINUNA, FOKI L'X'K TELLER AND -A. card reader. 502 Stevenson st.,cor.6th; fee 25c. | ME. FRANCES, CLAIRVOYANT AND j card-reader; 10 to 6 only. R. 22. 105 Stockton. I M" ME. NO KM AN. CI.AIK W, YA.\ ■ : CAiiU I reader; nails entire life. Room 12, 28^ sixth. ' ME. RAVENA RETURNED: SITS DAILY; names given. 25c up. 828 Howard. bet. /CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER; \J ladies 25c. 230 Clura St., bet. Fifth aim Sixth. ROF. LKON. PALMrST, CLAIRVOYANT, life-reader. 533 Post: 9 to B daily; also Sunday. ME. ARNDT. BEST GERMAN FORTUNE teller: only 28c and 50c: show you the picture of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st. ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, 1 present, future; consultations on all affairs; noth- ing excepted; names given: good advice: sure help; restores lost love by sympathy, mistake im- possible; fee $1: letter $2. 929 Post st., nr. Larkln. A UGUSTA LEO LA, FORTUNE TELLER-" XX. magic charms; love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune- • develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the I seven holy seal.-, and the Palestine wonder charm- ! fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission. . nr. Twentieth. sriIUXIJA.I!JAJtt. _ T 997 MARKET" ST. TO-NfOHT, TESTS* flowers and articles read; Mrs. Dunham - I rapping clrcbs by Dr. Lou Patterson. . ' ADDIE SWAIN, SEER AND MEDIUM- AT- tentlon given the poor. Room 6,105 Stockton. MBS GILSON.CLAIRVOY'NT: MIND-RE"aD- -LVI- er: magnetic treatments. R. 1, 1035 Market. \f ME. MOREAU, TRANCE MEDIUM; CART> iM. reader ; fee 25c, up. 784 Howard st., In front. MRS. CORNELL'S. ORDAINED MEDIUM 7 ■LVL cir. Mon., Wed.. Fri.: sittings daily. 227 Sixth! MRfS A. BROCK WAY! INDEPENDENT slatewriter; sittings dally: ladies 81, gents ?2; 10 10 5. 601 Larkln St.. cor. Turk. 8 \f RS. MAYO STEERS. TEST AND BUSINESS I*l- medium; readings daily. 101 Grove, cor. Polk. MRS. A. , BROCKWAY7~INDEPENDENT slate-writer, 601 Larkin st., cor. Turk 10 to s- bring small slates. ' ■•,".■: AOXKOLOGI. - — — DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONi^F planets from date of birth. 3uy Geary st., rm 1 ASTRAL SEER-PROF. HOLMES, 11 SCOTT x± »t. : horobcopes, questions, stocks, advice. CHANCES. ' Ati ox branch bakery~and~notTon «C I+**J. store: value in sight; cheaprent: living- rooms. M. LESS <£. SON, o Fourth st. Ct^HO RESTAURANT, WITH jj EL& >fij\r. gantly furnished rooms; best possible location across the bay. ut railroad and electric-car station; 5 fine private rooms; also clubrooms: everything first ciass throughout In dining-room and kitchen: reasonable rent with long lease; easily worth 1000, but is offered at such a low rig- ure, as the owner has other business and must sell. M. LKSS A SON, 5 Fourth st. SST^OO PART * WANTED IN CORNER I *JPUV/V. saloon: nest part of city: nicely fitted up: doing an Al business; rent reasonable: good stock. M. LESS & SON, 5 Fourth st. CUQ^A. SALOON: BEST POSSIBLE LOCA- , tjpOuu. tion north of Market st. elegantly flttea up: private rooms; established 15 years; bears fullest investigation. Apply M. LESS <fc SON, 5 i | Fourth st. , I OO flflfl ELEGANTLY FITTED UP REsT '-'*-'*-'• taurant, Jew doors off Market St.; old I established; dot A 1 business: well worth $1500 I M. LESS & SON, 5 Fourth st. . . •; <2H AAfl CORKER GROCERY and BAR; t;pJ.v'v"l7. good location more than value in stock: cheap rent: long lease; full investigation. M. LESS & SON," 5 Fourth st. <£ IA. A A PART ER ANTED IN OLD-ES- tTplv/UU. tablished saloon: private rooms; ele- giinth- fitted up; 1 orth of and near Market st.; Al business. M. LESS & SON, 6 Fourth st. WTXfi CIGAR- STORE, WITH LARGE «J5 I *J\f. clubrooms: cheaprent: stock invoice, $600: give trial; bargain. STENBERG, 632 Mar- ket sU (TijO/IAA HALF interest: paying bak- tJpOUUU. cry, restaurant: principal business street: remaining partner responsible and practi- cal business man; will teach irfcornlng party the business; clears $400 to $500 monthly; opportun- ity seldom, if ever, offered. STENBERG, 632 Mar- ket st., opposite Palace Hotel. A LOON: LUNCHHOUSE; AMONG LUM- ber-mills and factory; receipts $20; rent $22 50: bargain. STENBERG, 632 Market St., op- posite Palace Hotel. :--,. (E.QAA RESTAURANT; SELECT LOCA- »4pOUU. tion: cheap rent: established 5 years; $25 daily: bargain. STENBERG. 632 Market st. "<fi df\f\ COALYAP.D, RENT Sll: 2 HORSES. »4pU\/U. 2 wagons, stable and shed inclnded. STENBERO, 632 Market st. ESTAIRANT AND BAKERY: VERY BEST location: employing 5 baiters, 3 cooks, 8 wait- ers, 2 clerks; finest fitted-np place in city: has very best counter and outside trade; horses and wagons Included: positive guaranty from owner as to amount of business; trial until satisfied; owner has 3 pTaces: must sell one at sacrifice. STENBEBG, 632 Market St., opp. Palace Hotel. _ 01*07;". RESTAURANT, $12 TO $15 DAILY; <~r^ i O. STENBERG, 632 Market st. iJOKnA EXPRESS TRANSFER CO.: HAS i£)jlhj\J\J. the largest trade between this city and Oakland: clears $250 to $300 per month: pro- prietor owns his own property— barns, offices, stor- ages, etc.; has 4 finest teams running across* the bay; worth $3500: one of nicest, cleanest busi- nesses in this; State; established 15 years: $1500 down, balance on terms: retiring from business. STENBERG CO., 632 Market, opp. Palace. • CJinOH STATIONERY and variety *iP-*-W\J. store, suitable for man or woman; good living to be made: will sell at inventory; business could be greatly increased by proper atten- tion, owners having too much other business: best references from leading firms of San Francisco. GEO. STEERS & CO., 22 Kearny st. ©1 000 CORNER CIGAR STAND; BEST <iP-LVUV. block Market st.; daily nveraze re- ceipts $30. BARRETT & SKIFFS, 865y 2 Market. 4fc9(fin BRANCH BAKERY AND DELI- "4P — v/V/. cacy store; receipts $10 to $12 a day; best location: don't miss seeing this bargain. BARRETT & CO., 8851/2 Market st. PA TtTVRn — i- with $1500 wanted in manufacturing business: I must be upright and active: rare chance for right party. Particulars WILKE, 633 California st., Phoenix Bar. ST .-Lfi~FOR SALE-SHOESTORE IN OAK- »JI I 'J\J. land; on a principal street: stock and fixtures complete; dome a cood business: satisfac- tory reasons given for selling: this is a good chance for one or two men. Particulars of J. B. MIHAN, 509 Kearny st. : ' •• OLD-ESTABLISHED SALOON AND '4P'J^J\J. luncbhouse; wholesale district ; clears $90 ptr mouth; worth twice amount asked- sacri- 1 need account departure. Apply saloon, 108 Third. ; (2:700 Al v A LOO N : LONG ESTABLISHED"; qp I uu, reasonable rent: will prove same clears i from $100 to $150 per month; owner has two busl- nesses. Apply LOUIS, 108 Third st. (St 1000 BARROOM WITH 4 FURNISHED tiP±V/V717. looms, kitchen; large stock liquors wines, c.; partners cannot agree: best location, Inquire 533 California si.. Phoenix Bar. C; A Of] CORNER SALOON NORTH OF MAR* tITTtUU. ket; 2 blocks from Baldwin Hotel; bar- gain. Inquire 533 California st., Pho?nlx Ear. T7OR SALE— STORE FIXTURES, SUITABLE X for gents' furnishings, merchant tailor; best location ; near Market st. PROLL, 719 Market st. Qi,AJ7I\ -LODGING-HOUSE; 23 ROOMS AND 'iT^t"*-'' saloon: rooms nicely furnished and rented: saloon, stock, fixtures. etc.; rare chance for man and wife: must sell; satisfactory reasons for selling. Business Agency, 873V 2 Market st. D" RUGSTORK— CITY. CORNER: BARGAIN: good for physician. Searchltght^3o2 Market St. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY — ELE- gant fixtures: first-class location; cheap it sold at once. Apply at this office. "V"EWs, STATIONERY. CANDY AND TOY i-> store for sale; reasonable. 1650 Polk st. ODD MORNING AND EVENING ROUTES: bargain. 1404 Ellis St.. 12 to 2 and 5t07 P. m. OINGLE LADY WISHES AN INDUSTRIOUS 0 man with small capital as partner in well- known cash business: rare opportunity. Address 8., box 17. this office. 100 RESTAURANT AND BRANCH BA- <W~x\J\J. kery: 2 living-rooms; good location and trade. Particulars, saloon 108 Third st. IjUNEST COAL AND FEED YARD IN THE Mission, as owner has other business and bad this place for relative, who has left it on his hands; has 4 horses, wagons, buygc, etc.; will sell at In- ventory. Apply at yard, ltJl5 Mission st. (£«QA BAR FIXTURES, COMPLETE; MUST CO"- be sold at once. 1885 Mission st. '^ ■;■_-■■ OR SALE— BAKERY AND RESTAURANT. 49 Second st. j ft! t\O FOR SALE— GROCERY AND SALOON <ID-«-«Jl/. best of location; will pay to Investigate. Call at 1236 Union st. INEST COAL AND FEED YARD IN THE Mission, as owner has other business and had this place for relative, who has left it on his hands; has tour horses, wagons, buggy, etc. : will sell at inventory. Apply at yard. 1915 Mission st. FOR SALE— A LONG WELL-ESTABLISHED -T first-class corner grocery and saloon in fine lo- cality: present owner will give reasons for Bell- ing. Address or call 201 Powell st. ROCERY AND BAR; FINE STOCK; GOOD trade. 1908 Po'k st. AKERY, CONFECTIONERY, LUNCH AND coffee parlor; must sell; sickness. 26 Hayes st. T7IOR RENT OR for sale, plant an d x 1 flower store, fruit and poultry stand; corner location. JOHN CARLSON. 512 Halght st. AKERY, CONFECTIONERY AND NOTION store; 3 living-rooms; yard. 2819 Vj Mission. r> ESTAURaNT; BEST LOCATION IN CITY~ XV Apply S. P. Breweries, Limited, 403 Market st. MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE: Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market- I 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $3 per ! week ; free bus to and fiom the ferry. j TNTEKIOR AGENCY OF THIS PAPER FOR « K ?.?;l? ; . pays over 200 per month net: price $5000: for particulars apply at this office; none but principals need apply; terms cash. "POR SALE-DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING AND j x shoe DiisJness; stock $7000: in a city of Oregon which for special reasons has an exceptionally bright future: cash trade only; terms cash. Ad- dress this ofllce. j <^f>."SO AND COA '-YARD: 2 WAGONS: I established 25 years; 3 liviug rooms: large stock; place worth double amount asked. J Particulars Saloon. 108 Third st. $150 ? A ? TSEB WANTED IN LIGHT ! »i,H«i-: ness; sallcd to steady man satisfied nh *lo to $20 per week ; a fine ChanCe ; too much for one to look after. 9 Geary st., room 2. F^l BUILDING LOT "FENCED. CLEAR. TO ! i r R i x M-' e *J°- r - lodgme-house. Address MR. GRAHAM, 582 east Twelfth St., OaklanJ. \V ILL S i A XX A MINER FOR AN INTEREST »» who is working , ft claim: Placer County pre- ferred; no agents. J. WILLIAMS, 505 Kearny st. OARE CH A NCE-ST ATIONERY, NOTIONS. xv cigars, candy store; established 3 years: 1 Office." 8: COmplete Btoek : departure. Apply Call " • PARTNER WANTED -BUSINESS EBTA B- to svV IS,1 S , " C f il 60: « apltal required from $45,000 to $50,000. Address B. M.. P. O. box 2435. gALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. 341 SIXTH W A , x TE ICE MAN TO LOAN EM- n » » plover $10,000 at, 7 per cent; ample security and reasonable salary, H. L., box 8, this office. pOFFEE PARLOR AND CHOPHOUSE FOR „.*"■ HI be sold cheap; cause other business. wacoo-sbop. 2117 Mission st. . <^°i'So FOU AX ESTABLIS T HKD GRO- xu*n V : . C( ' r y. bakery, notion and laundry: paid f >i?i soiling at once only on account of death; with large stock, fixtures, furniture. 807 Howard. O ALOON, DINING-ROOM AND 7 FURNISHED* 1 rooms \ ran present owner In place 1 4 years. ; J. R- box 14, Call Office. ssl 9^ SODA. FRUIT, CANDY. CIGAR AND I :"■ L f JtJ ' ™ffee place; best of location; opp. Page- • street entrance to O. G. Park; 2 rooms; rent $10; must sell on account departure. 425 Stanyan st. ' "POR" SALE-CIfEAPi SMALL CHICKEN i x ranch, with. everything necessary for chicken raising: around of very good private customers; t,ooa location; small rent; disagreement of part- ners reason for selling. Apply Call Office. ! &<SOO b AKERY for bale-2 barrels U j per day; good-paving business; horses and wagon. Apply Call Office.. . • "U"OR SALE-GROCERY AND BAR; CHEAP. x- Apply NE. corner Francisco and Mason. : PINE STAND FOR A BUTCHER IN ALA- ■i- meda; low rent. 410 Montgomery st.. room 2. . n AILHARD HOTEL FOR SALE OR TO LET— • Established 30 years : a bargain for immediate purchaser. Apply R. MERGER, 609 Pine. BUSINESS CnANCKS— Continued. "VTOTICE— YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF -Li your business promptly? HEALY, 23 Kearny CIjXXO GROCERY AND BAR; OLD K-TAi:" «JS«J«JV/. lished; corner 4 rooms; -fine stock liquors and groceries. HEALY, 23 Kearny st. I (£Of)A RESTAURANT AT THIS MISSION i£iO\J\J. has 18 tables, 72 chairs, together with furnished flat of 7 rooms. HEALY, 23 Kenrny. Tir ANTED TO BUY— WOOD AND COAL, HAY " and train business, in good location: must bear investigation: state full particulars, price, etc. Ad- dress.l. X., 946 Sixth st. Cj^A/lA BAZAAR: GOOD LOCATION'; »4pUv'" 'V'. well advertised: established 7 years: total running expenses $125 a month: doing cash business ot $1000 a month; could be srreatly im- proved with proper attention, owners" having too much other business: will sell at inventory: no j charge for good ■ will. Address or apply Pacific Printing Co., 543 Clay st. -■■:■ " ■", THE PALACE nOTEL X AT UKIAH, MEN DOCINO COUNTY, CAL. TO RENT OR FOR SALE V* ON LIBERAL TERM.S. Inquire of J. M. MANNON, Ukiah, or WIL- LIAM HEESER. Mendocino. pALL ROUTE FOR SALE IN INTERIOR \J town. Apply Call Office. pOFFiSE- SALOON . AND RESTAURANT; JU beat location in city: receipts about $40 a day; trial given until satisfied: no trifiers need answer. Address C. S., box 140, this office. LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. M ROOMS, SUNNY CORNER. ONLY.. $750 24 rooms on Geary St.; payments 1,100- -30 rooms, fine sunny corner; worth $3000. . 1,600 48 rooms; rent $50; only 1,600 60-room hotel and bar 1,400 16 rooms Including piano '.. 700 7-room corner flat; central 400 10-room house; very central ".. 250 16 rooms, all on one floor 650 H. C. DECKER, 1206 Market st., cor! Taylor % 1 000 ?, 8 KOOMS; 1 BLOCK FROM THE rffliUUU. Baldwin: rent $90: present owner cannot attend to it. Address C. box 71, (.'all. FURMTUKE FOB SALK- " Don't SELL YOUR FURNITURE BEFORE notifying TERRY, auctioneer, 30 Montgomery. COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR 4 ROOMS iso Brussels carpet laid. '45™ Heavy linoleum .'!!! '.40c Free packing and delivery across "the "bay*- Conn- try orders solicited. Send for circular. SH IRE K<k SHIREK. 1310-12 Stockton st. Open evening. I) EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AN I) At second-hand: 400 carpet.,, good as new; oil- cloth, 26c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c: 7- piece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6: cash or Installments: goods shipped free. T. li. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE~AND«JAKPET:i \J this wpplc nt McCAHK'S. IH-Q')() Mission »'. CARPET CLEANING. 7^RP^TB~THbROUGHLY' CLX A NED^AND \J renovated same as new. 8. FERGUSON iSe CO., 23 Tenth su Telephone number, south 3d. "VfATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND RENO-" ii vatlng Works HAMPTON ABAILLY: layln* and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 214. ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. O. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH* poor work send to SPAULDING'S PloneerCar- pet Beating Works, 363-7 Tehama: tei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 3** \J Golden Gate aye. : telephone east 126. HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEAN I i Co. (lncorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. I MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- •I . ovatlna works. 4">S Stevenson: tel. 3223. PIANOS. VIOLINS. IiTC. WE BUY FOR CASH IN LARGE^QUANtT ties: low expenses and low prices. BOWERS & SON, Metropolitan Temple, Fifth st. \T$3 75 PER MONTH BUY OR RENT NEW ±V uprights. HEINE, 410 Post st. T ADY FORCED TO SELL A STI rNU'AY; xj price $V! 00. Room 10, Flood building. I T EAVING FOR THE KAST: FAMILY WILL ! J sacrifice fine Fischer upright. Room 21, 809 Market st. SQUARE PIANO; MUST BE BOLD THIS week: price $40. Room 21, Flood building. MANUFACTURERS OF GUITARS, VIOLINS, mandolins, zithers, lutes, etc. lit Ellis st. WE ARE NOW SOLE AGKNTS FOR THE »» celebrated Knabe Piano: new styles jus' re- ceived. BENJ. CURTAZ & BON. 16 O'Farrell st. STEINWAY, $300; \Vi;i;i;R, $275: SOHMEitT 0 *250; Emerson, $225. BRUENN'S, 228 Post. ttpright~pTa~no~s~fr6m~~s foo~"up. hor-' yj NUNG'S, leading piano-house, 216 Tost st. piNE WEBER UPRIGHT, AT A GREAT SAC- J- mice. HEINE. 410 Post. EMM?; & LONG PIANO CO. HAVE KK- moved to 735 Market st. pELEBRATISD BUSH & GERTS PIANOS 7 \J tone unsurpassed: cases unique. A. L.BAY- I'H O FT & CO. r 324 Post si . - ■ ■-- - _ SUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS. OLD NEW 11. MULLER, maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. REMOVED-F. W. SPENCER & CO. TO 334 Post st., near Powell, sole azents Conover Colby and Spencer pianos. 388 Post st. WM. G. BADGER" WITH KOHLER& CHASE? 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. OPEN for business. , The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale In San Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, -" 929 Market st., Spreckels building. TERMS; LOW i>KlCii:i KoHDtai" J-i t.JtIACTh.. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A* good piano by renting. Be careful to co to KOIILER & CHASE'S. 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ECKER BROS.. STEIN WAY. FISCHER AND XJ other first-class makes or pianos: little used- gg&g r 4aiS&g l ya!gi. l £ nM> KOHLKa * BARGAINS IN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS; EASY xJ payments. SCHMITZ <fc CO., 935 Market st. AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS* guitars and banjos at MAUVaIS'. 76!) Market. BY RON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.-SOHMER," Newhy & Evans. Briggs and other piano QTECK. CHICKERINO 4 SONS.. VOSE AND O Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. (I HTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. : HOKSKS. ™ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I WILL SELL on Wednesday, October 23, at public auction, I gray mare, the property of C. M. Wilson, at 327 Sixth St., at 11 a. m. G. H. TITEL. ARGAIN-15 GOOD WORK HORSES; CALL and see them. W. J. SCHMIDT, owner, 2118 Shattuck aye., Berkeley. 40 HORSES FOR SALE: ALSO WAGONS T.V/ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Hor« Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Weanoi- cay. SULLIVAN A DOYLE. Auctioneers. 100 SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL) X\J\J kinds: second-hand wagons, buggy, earn- also 20 cheap horses. Flfteer.t'.i and Valencia <n%. _ asi> i;ak;:iagks. FOR SALE— LADIES' PHAETON; GOOD AS new; must be sold on account of departure; bargain. B. GRAVE CO., 421 Pacifi;- st. "L"' I>R SALE— HACK, BAKER ANl> LA UN DRY -1. wagon fine buggy and rockawav. 828 Harrison. SEWING MACHINES^ DENTED $1 60 MONTHLY: SECOND-HAND i -IV machines from $3 upward: Domestic, New Home, White, singer at half-price. 145 Sixth st. A LL KINDS SEWING-MACHINES BOUGHT -ex sold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest rates. 205 Fourth s:.. near Howard. . EN GINK FOIt SALE. | NEW "aTKAM^PUMPINO ' ENG INsS; *34O\J. capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per- kins Pump and Engine Co., 117 Main St.. B. V, FOR SALK— MISCIiLLAN.fc.OUS. I pAINTBR!S TOOLS CHEAP: 119 CALIFOR- | -I oia si.; also ma.ic lantern outfit. . i YV ANTED— AN~BxIC I PORTRAIT CAMERA '» and stand. Address, with price and m.ike, Cash, box 10, this office. V <■>"* SALK OR RENT FOR WINTER. LARGE -T hunting ark. Address Ark, box 9, Call Office. A MILCH COW FOR SALE CHEAP" 7TI tr Elizabeth st. GAS ENGINE; 5-HORSE POWER; NEW: AT your own price. 820 Kearny st. . THOROUGHBRED MARE. 6 YEARS OLD; x excellent cart; harness: $100, or trade bicycle. J. J. BLISS, Frultvale aye., and 228 Phe'.an buildg. *I (' GOOD AS NEW DOMESTIC SEWING «lpl.\J. machine; all attachments. 1915 Mission St., bet. Fifteenth end Sixteenth. tfOR SALK-I'N &UMATIC BICYCLE: GOOD C condition; $25. 556*4 Natoma at. JUST FORFEITED 2 UPRIGHT PIANOS. 1 O fine guitar, 0 gents' and 8 ladies' fine gold watches, and 4 pairs of diamond e arrlnrs all lor Va original cost. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant aye. IX MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. BARGAINS IN ALL OF OUR DEPAKT- ments:- baby-carriages, rockers. - cribs, stools, easy chairs, music-stands, etc, at our factory. CALIFORNIA RATTAN CO., 55 to 61 First s:- pHEAP— 7 TANKS FROM 1500 to 3.MM) GALS.; \J buggy; brass foroepump, 4x30 inches; laree icechest. . 808-8 10 Fourth st. VICTOR PNKUMATIC SAFETY; GOOD CON- couditlon; only $30. 328 McAllister st. '■ ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE tire and burglar proof safe. 221. 223 Market St. " \ LL TYi'KWIiiTERS RENTED, ~ -^V including Bnilth Premier. LEO. K. ALEXANDER & BRO., sole agents., 218 Sansome St.. S. F. XT AT I O NA L CASH REGISTER, SAFE. xi scale, letter-press, desk: cheap. 102 Clay st. E\V RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- XI hand. -W. 8. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. C' OU N T R SHELVING, SHOWUA.-> !•:••* bought ana sold 1 1 2 Vi Market bet. Viu and a.