Newspaper Page Text
14 FOOD GOING TO WASTE. Jackson-Street Wharf Is Clogged With Piles of Unsold Produce. A CONSTANTLY GROWING MASS. The State Harbor Commissioners Will Clean Up the Dock by Auc tion Sale. Jackson-street wharf from the entrance to the pierhead is "crror.ninix with plenty." A thousand tons or more a day of produce comes op and down the bay to t>e landed there, and this supply is piling over the demand until sacks of potatoes, beans and oniona :tre lying in prodigal profusion around. Many of the bags have burst in the handling and ot+iers have been cut open by purchasi n examining the contents. From these there is a woeful waste all over the wharf. This rendition is doubtless unavoidable, » to the nrcat quantity being con stantly sent in from the country and the .• i- of the usual means of importation. Heretofore a market was found for the Burplua produce of the State in Arizona, Texas and other localities in the South east. but the falling of freight rates on leading from other places to those points lias shut out the Pacific Coast crop. abundance uncalled for lies and ■ >ii the wharves. "There are sacks of potatoes here that were landed :i month and a half a^o." .•-aiti the wharfinger. "I have notified the commission merchants time and again to remove them, but the stuff is here yet. The State is not running storehouses, and :lc is so clogged that trailif id inter fered with, but the condition of affairs is anped. The commission people are really unable to handle the surplus and lots of it is now not lit for market." Harbor Commissioner Cole and Chief Wiiartinger Root visited the wharf yester day. Hundreds of tons of beans l;iy there with the bursting bass of potatoes and with the sacks of ouiuiis that were taking advantage of their long storage under the shei of the cool wharf" to s;>rout. From - on each side of the docks new es were beintr unloaded, the men lifficulty trawling over the piles of already ashore. "We tind it impossible to accommodate all who hu\ : e rented berths alongside the wharf," said Mr. Hoot, "and something must right away. We cannot collect storage on freight that lias lost all Caere are new lots of potatoes here that will probably bring 10, 15 and 20 cents a sack, but Diucb of them would not briny; . per ton." is has cot to go." said Commissioner "The produce-dealers and people in I charge of this mass of stuff must be noti- i lied to-morrow by postal card and through rhe newspapers that the wharf must be ed on and iii the tat ore kept clean, or else we shall handle them ourselves. We will sell the lots at auction, even if we don't get more than 10 cents per ton, or give Hi-!:! away to those who will come Lliera. There are many poor families in the City who may lay in "their winter's ■ y of be.-.ns and potatoes from this ig to waste. Nothing would r than to see all these sacks that have become a nuisance carried away one by one by those who are unable to buy at the usual prices. Nothing shall be thrown overboard, but must simply be re moved by somebody. We will tina buyers at some figure, or at least at none." WANTON WASTE OF FOOD. The Co-operative Commonwealth Issues an Address to the Public. The California Co-operative Common wealth denies that it has anything in com mon with bodies or organisations from which life has fled. Jt claims, instead, to : . ranch alive, and in proof of this points to :is regular Thursday meetings for conference. At one of the recent meet ings Judge C.N.Harris and C. C. Speed were appointed directors of the common tb. There baa been an affiliation with the Labor Exchange and the directors of odies hold joint meetings. <Mi Thursday evening there was a dis cussion of the waste of food in this Cty. "We should publicly protest," said one of the speaker?, "n>rainsi the wanton de- Btruction of food when so many are in want. Food enough to provide for many fatrilii>s is thrown into the bay every day. 1 ' The commonwealth intends to arrange for placing such food in a depository, which it will provide probably on Va ii n a Btreet "V.i'h;;vo had many accessions to our numbers lately, notwithstanding Mr.Fitz ceraJd's stricture-," said Mrs. Laura de Gordon dryly, ••and we expect shortly to open a commonwealth home on a larger scale than formerly." The following address to the public was formulated ;*t tbe last meeting of the board of directors: ; eratire Commonwealth, a corporate organization, which was formed in this City ; the spring months for the purpose oi affording employment and systematic aid to tbe unemployed, who wore then, as now, ex ius, desire to urpe upon those wh i have at heart a wish to obviate all un necessary poverty and Buffering among tiie ■ the fact that, as winter rapidly ap ies, hundreds and thousands oi persona who are withoul mcansand without opportu nity to work lr. the country are bepiniiiiiK to Into the <;ty, and that these hungry and < - must in some manner be pro olute starvation. Much was ■ this organization in the way of pro •a for such sufferers in the country during the season of harvesting the fruits and hops. But with the ending of the this character of employment ceases. - - have been exhausted in the eu : ! return oi the laborers from the rural districts. Ln the main our organization lias been able thus far to provide so systematically as to have 'l bui Little Indebtedm si which has not been paid up and canceled. The small amount ( i t."> is all that n.-:!i;i;ns unpaid of obligations incurred. As to the future, or the coming winter, this organization has been at much pains to devise plans which will rove effective, not only for the supplying of the immediate ■wants of thi unemployed, but for their permanent relief. In this regard we have Booirn] out ways and' means by which the voluntary contributions which your generosity will pnt forth, shall aid In enabling the needy ones to enter upon 6uch schi me of organization and united effort as will prove in large measure effectual in the way of their self-support. Among others of co-operative and self-sup porting appliances which we have investi- Kated, our attention has been most favorably drnwn to the methods of that growing And use ful organization kr>own as the Labor Exchange a brencti of this Missouri benevolent society or corporation, is already organized and in wort liic operation in San Francisco. After full inquiry we are satisfied that if the unemployed in sufficient numbers were to become members thereof the system could be readily so en larged in its operations as to very materially assist, if not completely support, ail such mem bers, by developing lines of industry iii which they may profitably engage for their own support. The system is one which has for its main object the convenient exchange of labor and the products of labor, so that each mem ber will bs brought as closely bs possible to the source of t-upply for all necessaries of life. The demands for charity will thus, we believe, be greatly lessened, if not, in the course of a comparatively short time, be wholly obviated among such as are permitted to become mem bers. Further details in this particular are unnec essary, and the torecoing digression has been indulged in only to illustrate our sincere efforts to eiiHble tue poor to bdeome as mticn gelf-sa| - porting as possible. We are encouraged to bt- Ik-ve that o.ur past labors and successes arc an sugary that with our acquired experience fur- Vici and greatly beneficent results await us. , Our thanks fyr what lias already been done by those who hsve aider! our efforts are sincere and heartfelt. Very respectfully, California Co-operative Commonwealth. Latra dk Force Gordon, President. C. N. Harris, Secretary pro tern. October 31, 1895. DEATH OF MRS. F. B. HALL. She Came to This City for Her Health, but Succumbed. The flajjs along the water front were all at half-mast yesterday out of respect to the memory of Mrs. P. B. Hall of Stock ton. The deceased was the sister of Arthur L. anrt Frank Piper and sister-in law of A. E. l'ryorof the well-known firm of shipowners, Pipar, Aden, Goodall fc Co., and sister ot Harry Piper, Chief Assistant Deputy County Clerk. The deceased was well known in Stock ton and San Francisco. Last Sunday her brothers visited her at her home and see ing that she was sick prevailed upon her to come to this City. She arrived here last Thursday and went to the home of A. E. Pryor, i 405 Oougii street. She was taken Buddenly ill daring the night and died yesterday morning. Two of Mrs. Hall's sisters died during the past year and only Arthur, Frank and Hurry Piper of the old family are left. Mrs. Hall leaves two grown-up daughters. THE OVERDUE EVANDALE. She Arrived Here in Safety Yes terday With an Enormous Cargo. Captain Buyers Says That a Freight- Boat Cannot Make Mail Time. The long-overdue freight steamer Evan dale got in from Yokohama late Thursday nii^lit. She brought almost 0000 tons of cargo, although her register is onJy 3775 tons burden. Nearly all the merchandise was from the stranded steamer Belgic and should have been in San Francisco weeks ago. The Evandale took twenty days and four hours to make the run from Yokohama and the underwriters began to wonder what was the matter. Their fears were not allayed when they remembered that the steamer had been in trouble on her last voyage to Tacoma. On that occasion her after water-tanks burst and the cargo was damaged to the extent of $.X), 000. The owners libeled the ship for that amount and Captain Buyers and his first officer were arrested for criminal negligence on the ground that it was owing to the faulty construction of the ship that the accident occurred. This faulty construction is sup posed to have been known to the skipper and his subordinates. The officers were discharged by the court, but the libel suit for damages i< still pending. It was no accident that delayed the Evandale. She is not a fast boat at the best of times, but on this occasion she was very heavily laden an<l fo^s and head seas detained her. "You didn't expect a freight boat to beat Mail steamer time, did you?" [ asked Captain Buyers yesterday. "Why | we just came along quietly and surely, anil that is a!l there is to it. What would the mercantile public have said if the Evan | dale had been pushed and got into San I Francisco in the same time as made by the | Myers? It would have tossed its head and remarked: 'It a steamer, built to carry freight, and big freight at that, can make the ran as quickly as a Mail boat, the sooner we set new ships the belter.' "As I told you before, the Kvandale is a freight-boat and was not built fur speed." Captain Buyers is a splendid seaman and a gentleman. He would be a welcome ad dition to the list of well-liked ocean-going pkipners now sailing in and out ol San Francisco. There are now awaiting his vessel over 8000 tons of cargo, and as she is to sail next Tuesday the stevedores will have lo work nigh! and day to get her dis charged and reloaded. The only passenger who came over on the Hvandale was Dr. Bowie, late surgeon of the Beltric. The blame of allowing the cholera to enter Hawaii was placed on him, and the fact that three bodies of Chinese were brought here in hermetically Bealed cotlins was also comm^ntfd upon. Shortly after the news of the outbreak in Hawaii arrived here Dr. Bowie took passage for Yokohama, and the Mail Com pany truve it out that he had gone there to establish himself in practice. The doctor found that the rosy ho]>es held out to him were not realized, so he came back to San Francisco. In tall-ring about the Be'.gic case the doc tor said: ''There was no cholera on the steamer and ths Bulgic's passengers never took it to Honolulu. The only cases of sickness we ha^i on board were simple complaints, and the men who died had to thank weak constitutions. Opium and pneumonia were the principal troubles. The men that died were placed in leadcof lins according to an agreement the Mail Compan3* has with the Cnines" Govern ment and were shipped back to Hongkong. That's all there was to the matter. I have returned to San Francisco because I think there is a better field for a physician than in Yokohama." FOUR INQUESTS HELD. Murder, Suicide, Accident and Care- i- - -:.i •■■•> the Causes of Death. Coroner Hawkins held four inquests yes terday. A jury decided that Mrs. Carrie <4reen of 435 Ringold street, who died of morphine poisoning on October 22, had committed suicide. In the case of Frank Bocca, an Italian, living at 567 Stevenson street, who was hurt on October 20, it was decided that he nied from a shock and "that the cause of the shock was being run over by the Southern Pacific Company's car caused by his own carelessness." On the 23d alt. William Sierpe was shot and killed in Hinckley place by Manuel Moreno during a drunken quarrel. A ver dict in accordance with these facts was re turned. A verdict of accidental death wa« ren dered in the case of H. H. Horton of 214 Third street, who met his death on Octo ber 23. Horton fell from a building on which he was employed as a painter and suffered a hemorrhage in the brain. Judge Conlan Threatened. Police Judge Conlan is in receipt of several threatening letters concerning the Eugene Ware murder case. The writei threatens to kill him unless he takes greater interest in the matter. All these facts hnve been reported to the jtolice, who are now on the lookout for the anonymous writer. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PALACE HOTEL. I 9 Davies, N V E Kttllnt'»r, Pa X J Cote, St Louis I B Wolff. N V W A liou-den, San Jose J T Harness, sausallto B B Mi-Near <£ w, Cal G C Albrlget. Allertown S Ullmau, N V (i !• Ilersh<fcw, Allertown H T Oodbf, Salt I*ike H Lynch, Chicago .1 A Malarkey <t w, Or T J Field, Monterey M M Greenbaun, Ky A D B»k"r, fouth Bend H A Williams. NY E R Thompson, Stockton H H Rouse. Grnd Haplds I S Swift « w, Xt Ix>uls Miss Swift. St i.ouis Stella *\vift, St Louis W I Smith, Nev L H Uowe, JS V H A Nicholas, Hollands A Boulter, N V B J Boger:, USN NEW WESTERN. Mr Kneel, Alameda T Mason, Botton A A Git.son, Cal I' Barnes, Albany W Wowter, Los Angeles F Barnerten.Nevada Cil C Cochran. Berkeley E R Sprerock. Berkeley .1 F Plunket, N V 11 Vivian, 1-owier M Wh teb<-nd,-X V A Waldauer, Saginaw Mrs Laurence, 'acto W D O'Mallary, Sucto 1' -I King. Toronto WJ Palmer, San Mat« J Wellington, Ark . II Mylar, Yonkers II Flynn, Chicago T~ : . : : r'', BALDWIN HOTEL. 0 W ('helps, Frenno M Rciirlr, 81 Louis s II K:.ii])p. 1 n-.-sno J T Lemon. SactO L A Barnes <fe w, Cai WII Johnson. Vancouver •lisa M L I>oennn.'.Kans A S Lewis, I'hilp G Stra;han, N V N B Wigb.. Cal <. baker, BenUla j Younc, Benlcia A \\ DlncwaU, War of H .1 Dduuev, War of WealUk Wealth A Kewhoaee, Fresno Mrs CC Churchill, Cal C Roth, Cincinnati V H Winston, Uoston .THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1895. RUSB HOUSE. E Forth, Reddln? W Whalen, Pleasanton B Neustadter. Concord A E Labre*-, Concord X A Harris. San Luis Ob F cowen. Xi« line F H Kaub .v w, Denver MrjA J compton, Denver R Lll lpgins.Santa Clara T lloiightori, Ors .Molnps Miss M Ekman,!-ta Cruz Mrs M H Opper, Ventura G A KiclcH, Sfinta Barb Mrs Miller, Simla Maria C Smith, Portland L Funk, Minnt-aroiis F X Snow, Oakland H Ft Truman. Cohisa A H Platter, Or II 8 Mri 1 ,bi'«fe w.Brentwd \v s Fletchpr, Los Ans C H Parker. Los Angeles H A Clark <fe w, Oakland J A Sncrman, Los An..-!■n ..-!■ s E M Mcfiettizan. Vallejo A Co7.zaglio,t rescentdty \V H Holfp, Mass C L Van Haskor, Lorti (i N It fioodwlu.l-os Ang X M Hr.tch. Los Aiuelcs Father Ruddy, Weaver- C Johnson A w, Weavcr vil.e vIIIp W I'»-nrson Aw, Placer- R C Bailpy, Val'.pjo villa CH Dorley, OrovlUe B X Hoiißhton, Oroville F L Moore & w.Sal t Lake Q X Wisowell. Angels H Ueaick, -anut J'.nrbara C H Marßh & w.l»s Ang J Wescott, Banta H Cor-nron, Reddln? <i \V Miir'.i OS, 8 J'.atael \V R Mclntiro, L Lako II Morrison, J A Taylor, Biitte J E Isaac, Nevada CHy H Gregory, College City LICK HOUSE. CharlPs Kinsr, Hanforrl J P Murray, Sacramento O*o U' Ft»e, .-?t llt-lena MaiU<»w 8 Kyau, <>eden E M Dodson. Cal P -N Morrison, (mkland E II Bourguingnon.S Jose r POsterhardt, Livrmre \\" ti MrMinn, sun Jose Mrs 8>! Buck, Eureka E B Dana. New York W G Lehma:;. I'iiilnd R Henderson, Eureka J L Delano, Hocklin J D Coughlln. Oregon F D J Bice, i'al Mr A Mrs CronO.T, Cenrrv Henry Elckhoff, S Rafael .1 1, Kiircii. Tularo (leo D Allr.^an, Oakland Mrs.l M Thompson, Napa Miss Thompson, Napa I Alexander, Sacramento s Harris, ship Olenco JiL Koßco",str Me Arthur EevJ .i Oormond,liOatoa B C llallp, Cal W'm Grant Anselmo II II Hatch, Sacramento J C Williams, Oakland s a Earle <t uf , Cal J T 15'irfce. San Ltafael J It Burns. Cal \V P spalcimu- iw.Trckee J E Berne, Cvi J T Crook, Cal Mrs A G McLeod, Rn.Tose Lloyd M^-Leod, San Jose I)SO'Calla«han,Sta Cruz A J Hull, Napa K( ' Stephens, Ca: J A Thornton, St Louis Alex White, Los Angeles GRAND HOTEL. R .T Taylor, Lincoln J II McGaffey Vrfka X Creller, Grass Valley J F Irak , Kedlands J X Kastman, Portland A M Franklin it w, Ariz L Woodmansee, Portland M a Smitn «fe w, Wrights 8 Trimble, Lima It P Troy, San Hnfael J E Trimble, Lima D \V Lewis. Sander C M Berry. Fresao O Wood & fam. Cal M L Yinasar, llollister T C Waltenspeel, Utah J M Levey. Vnll<\io T J M organ & \v, N V N J Fay, Tacoma O W Crystal, Vacaville Miss Moss, Tacoma 8 X olden, Xapa Miss F.nnes, Tacoma C C Allen, Gloversville C X Beed, Cal W Murray, Sacramento X I: Heed, Reedley C M Berry, Fresno B V SlOne, Vallejo \V Harris. Sacramento H M Work, Boston II H Moon & w, Stockton G S Mclvfnzi?, Napa V Borelng. London Miss J S Preston. Cal Miss C M Presion, Cal F Sehil A fam. RlrersHle 3 a Gill, Sacramento Mrsl" W Hlntzclman.Cal H Sewall & w, L Angeles ii E Waggoner.Vacavllle W Baldwln.Woodbrldge W McCleiiand.Woodbge C M Kennlston, Stockton SAN FRANCISCO "CALL.- HUSINEBS OFFICE of the San Francisco Cai.l/— TK Market street, open until 12 o'ciock every rlfl t In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— (S3O Montgomery street, tercel Clay: open until 0:30 o'clock. Jf! Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'cU>clt "7171-arkln titrcct, open until 9:30 o'clock. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open trill f o'clock. Jf 38»llssion street, open until P o'clocte. lieNintb street, open until 9:30 o'clock- CHURCH NOTICES. ißr^g= UNION SQUARE FREE BAPTIST cf-- 1 ' Church, Bush street, east of ( firkin Rev. Wm. N. Meserve pastor. Preaching Sunday 11 a. M. and 7 :'M) p. M.. Morninc subject, "The Mas- ter's Woodsman"; for the evening, "The Back- slider." Sunday-school 12:15 p. M. Y. P. B. C. X., j prayer meeting 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every day at ■_' p. m. Open-air meetings every night, except Saturday, corner Busn and Polk, at 7 :30, followed by gospel meeting in the lecture- room of the church. Everybody welcome to these services. R^S=* FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, EDDY ST., '*a-±? near Jones— Rev. M. P. Boy nto:i, acting pas- , tor. Services Sunday. November 3. Preaching at 11 a.m. by General J. T. Morgan, D.D.. LL.U, ' of New "* ork. and at 7:30 p. M. by Rev. i C. M. Hill of Oakland. Sunday- school at . i 12:30 p. M. Y. P. S. of C. E. at 6:30 i: m. Young Men's meeting Tuesday evening, 8 o'clcck. Chris- j tian cul tore Class each Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All these services are open to the public. Stran- gers are welcome. &T »» CKNTItAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL SS^£r church, Mission St., bet. Sixth and Seventh— J. J. Morris, musical director; 11. M. Boswor:h, organist; R. v. vVatt. Sunday-school superin- tendent. Communion address by the pasior. Rev. Dr. E. R. Dllle, ai 11 a. m. Subject, "Getb.- semaue's Bitter Cup." Special music. Illustrated lecture In the evening by Dr. C. A. Dorman, phy- sician evangelist. Subject, "The Effects of Alco- hol on Mind and Body." Dr. T>onnan will also give a free Ucture on Monday evening. Subject, "White CoOin Screws and Funeral Torches." Both lectures will be of special interest to young men. though all are Invited. Sunday-school with church kindergarten at 1 p. m. Young People's meetings at 6:30 p. m. SIMPSON MEMORIAL METHODIST OrS? Episcopal Church, cor. Hayes and Bu- chanan s:s.— P.ev. John Stephens, pastor. Res- i.ience, 30'J Halgbt st. Preaching at 11 a. m. and j 7:30 p.m. The pastor will preach at both services. At 11 a. m.. communion address; subject^ -In Re- membrance." At 7:30 p. m., "Modern Idolaters and Their Gods." .Sunday-school at 12:30 p. m., C. B. : Perkins superintendent. Epwortli League service at I 6:30 p.m. The public cordially Invited to all ihe ' t services of I his church. Seats free. Ushers in at- ! tendance. Prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7:45 : P. M. i arTS* ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN (.'HI RCH, j Lt-s? corner of California and Octavia streets. Rev. E. L. Burnett of Mendocino will preach to-morrow at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Habbath- I school at P:4ft a. m. Young People's toriety of Christian Endeavor nt 6:30 p. m. Pravt-r- -meetlng Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody made cordially welcome. California male quartet will sing at both services. «5s» * MEB. m agg i eTvani co it can be tb-=r heard In this city only one week more. This i is the last opportunity to enjoy the work of this ; I wonderful worker. Hie has no' equal In the revival < \ work. She will speak in the uouard-st. Metho- I I dist Church, between Second and Third, to-morrow morning and evening .-met every night next week. She will speak Tue.adav, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock. Come, and j Invite your friends. Dr. Case has moved to 212 Powell st. : telephone, Black 1 181. !JP^s= FRENCH REFORMED CHURCH. 1110 tk^xr Powell St.— Anniversary of the Reforma- tion. Morning, 10:45. 'The Firs: Days of the Re- | form.' Evening. 7:45, "The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and Its Consequences." NOTICE OF BURSTINGS. iSj^^S 3 THE OFFICERS AND~ni?M^ q"~~ a!KtF bors of South San Francisco Lodge _£\ No. 212, F. and A. M., are hereby noiirled olKjI ' assemble at their hall, tor. Fourteenth and /\y\ Railroad avenues, on SUNDAY, November 3, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. 11. for the purpose of attending the funeral of unrlate brother, WILLIAM II KNRY ; WIDMAN. of Mariposa Lodge No. 24, X.and A.M., of Mariposfi, California. By order of the Master. E. C. HARE, Secretary. Ep=s» EXCELSIOR DEGREE <**!OP*II~ l*-^ Lodge No. 2. 1. O. O. F.-Regu- i!ss^r*§'-- iarmeetIngTHISEVENING. Second " !B<yj2>»*p degree will be conferred. '"^jyMs l^ WILLIAM E. LANE, D. M. srT"§= THE FALL CREEK MININii riiM- i*^*' pnny— The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Fall Creek Mining Company for the election of a Board of Directors and the transac- tion of such other business as may be presented will be held at the office of the company, room 41 In LlcCreery's building, 310 Pine St., San Fran- cisco, Chl., on THURSDAY, the 7th any of Vo- vember, A. D. 1895. at the hour of 1 o'clock p m / M. D. SWEENEY, Secretary. .' H^S= ANNUAL MEETING - NOTICE '""is l>~^ hereby given that the thirteenth annual meeting of the stockholders of the Can Francisco Mutual Loan Association will be held at the office of the corporation. No. 524 Montgomery si. s F on WEDNESDAY, November 6, 1895, at 7-30 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing directors i for the ensuing year, presentation of the thirteenth ! annual report and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. All shareholders are earnestly requested to attend. Books are now open for subscription to 1000 shares of stock of the Fourteenth Series. Loans made in Son Francisco and Alameda counties only, inter- est 6 percent per annum, free of mortgage taxes; premium 20 percent gross or 50 cents per share installments, at pleasure of borrower. Loans may be repaid at any time desired. By order of the i board of directois. THOS. J. WELSH, President i . A. SB A RBORO, Secretary. SKg=» THE PAJARO FRUIT and land : l*~s^ Company— A special meeting of the stock- ! holders of this corporation will be held at rooms 116-122, (rocker building, this city, on TUFS- DA>«, November 6, 1595, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the transaction of such business us may properly come before the meeting. By order of the board of'direct- ors. CHARLES H. HAASS', Secretary. ' Office: 421 Pacific St., San rancisco, Cal. Sri tIAL KUTICiLS. ! v>-^ fully treated. DR. LLOYD, Chiropodist, Lur- ' line Baths. ' f£^S= RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT; m~^" special attention to tl ese diseases. J. a MCDONALD, M.D., 1236 Market: 2 t0 4. 7 to 8 p.m. PCS' DR. JOS. BAYER, R46 SUTTERST— 1 to 3 B>-^ and 7:30 to 8:80 P.M.;rc-sldencel43lWcbßter G£3E» ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS a*-^ 120yg Geery, room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1 [£~3p CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE! a-af Chlropodlc Institute, rooni 22, 800 Market. g£S» BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR 547 ib^- 3^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St.. room 6. Tel. 5080. K5» WINDOWS CLEANED AND floors or-"*" scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI <t CO.. 242 Sutter. RriSs 3 BOOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPEU~ "-■p' e<l S3 SO uo. 317U> Third. George Hartmau. V^W COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED; *>•& 810: costs paid. 420 Montgomery, mi. 29. f^gp A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— "»••*•■' WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. SITDATIOys WAN i ED-FKMALe7 AT ANDRE'S EMPLOYMENT" OFFICE first-class servants of all nationalities can be found at short notice: telephone 1304 main. Sl5 Stockton st., nr. Sutter. SITUATIONS WANTED- Continued. OME~~ANTJ BUSINESS BUIIEAU IIAS thoroughly competent first-class help; pro- fessional and domestic. Academy of Sciences, 819 Market st. " SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE — 11% O Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis. GERMAN WOMAN WITH BOY WANTS situation as working housekeei er or general housework: city or country. Address G. W., box 110, Call office. SWEDISH WOMAN WISHES work by DAY 0 washing or housekeeping: good laundress. Ad- dress 1359 Howard st. TV ,} 1 1) ! ' I . E-AG Ei 1 REFINED WIDOW, WHO IS ■!■'* first-class in dressmaking and halrdresslag, speaking German, French and English, would like position In family. Address M. A., box 71, Call. GI RL, 12 YEARS OF AGE. WISHKSTOCARE vj for 1 or 2 children; can make herself useful; must be In Alameda. Address MISS JaNSSEN. bii Central avc.. Alameda. • /GERMAN WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND OF VX work by the day or week. 944V 2 Harrison st., bakery. AT" OUNG WIDOW DESIRES POSITION AS -L typewriter. Call 132 Sixth St., room 20, 2d floor. ■yOUNG EASTERN LADY OF REFINEMENT J- desires a position of trust. Call 501 Leaven- worth st.. O'Farrell, room 16. ■you . " \V( >;.) AN, WELL RKCOMM J- desires general housework; good plain cook; wases $15 to $20. Address 718 Broadway- '-i GERMAN GIRLS WANT TO GET PLACE; j •> 2 for general housework; American family pre- ferrca: 1 wants place as waitress. Address 91 Ninth st., near -Mission: no postals. ■yOUNG LADY WISHES ALL KINDS OF J- gentlemen's sewing and mending. 109 Taylor B., room 2. ■youisa woman WISHES SITUATION" -L housekeeping In elderly family: is good cook- can do nice sewing; reference. Please call 517 31.SS10I) St* t^xperience"d~young lady SEEKS PO- floor'^Ol p S hoUBcketl P er - Call room 25. second '"I^AHTEBN GIRL DESIRES SITUATION AS x^> nurse, second work or general housework. I-.ease call Saturday, 316 Scott st. YOUNG WIDOW WITH A CHILD WISHES 1 work ijs housekeeper in Coima or near by. Ad- dress MRS, IIAGAN, llalfmoon B.iv. San Mateo County, ( al. 1^ BENCH YOUNG LADY. FIRST-CLASS CUT- J. tcr. fitter, designer or trimmer, wishes a posi- tion: salary moderate if a steady situation: refer- ences furnished. Address L , box 31, Call Office. Y OUNG COLORED GIRL WISHES SITU- X atlon as cook or second girl; just from the East: good references. V. C, box 106, Call Office, ty-ANTED-I-Obl-HON IX PIANO DEPART. " , m * nt - Address MRS. E. MELVILLK-ISHAM, 101 l Howard st. C' °^ !^ETKXT YOUNG WOMAN WAXTS A I situation to ra'.e care of n and sew; coed reference. App!y^ tB6s Mission at. I\r OMAN WANTS I WORK BY THE DAY', '» wishing, Ironing and houseclenning. Cauor aa dress b2fl Hayes st., 1 ear Fillmore, taiement. W° M A N WILL DO KNITTIAG; GENTLE- " man clothes cleaned and repaired; any kind Of sewing. 11l Fourth St.. room 15. \\r ELL-EDUCATED YOUNG LADY WOULD "' like position as companion or governess; is neat and willing. .Address T. M., t)Btt Twenty- fotirth st., East Ogkland. \\T A XTED - .•SITUATION AS WORKING ' t housekeeper in ho.el or rooming-house. Ad- dress L. 11.. box 136, Call Office. yOUNG LADY DESIRES A situation as J. children's nurse an.l seamstress; city or coun- I try. Call or ;id..iv,s 320 O'Farrell st. \\ w AN II BITI Ai lON BY A FIRST-CLASS I '» pro es-lonal cook: German: experienced in 1 French cooi.iii; best of references. Apply 356 Tenth st., near Webster, Oakland. "IV'OMAN WANTS WASHING OR HOUSF- »» cleaning by the day. Address 566 Stevenson st., In rear. /Te RMAN GIRLWANTB WORK UPSTAIRS, "I takini; enre of children or do sewing. Address ■ ll l6' 3 Poison) st. I OUNG IVOMA.N WOULD ASSIST WITH ■ -1 housework and sewing part of each day for room and board. Call between 9 and 12, 131 Post St., room 20. Q3 T UA~i r ioX wanted by GERMAN girl O either in I ■■ ■■; or private residence. Address : 3119 Mission a 4 EFINED WIDOW FROM THE EAST • would like an kind of sewing or gents' mend- ing. Call iii en ons, room '.', 1119 Mission a:., l.ra'. — ; notri lew. REFINED VoFng WOMAN WISHES SITU- J-V- atlou to do lien: work, with ihroe afternoons to herself; low salary; best references. E. 8., Call Branch, 717 Lur_i_ at. : uriNCHESTEK HOUSE, 44 THIRD st., NR. i »» Market; electric lights In every room; 200 1 rooms; 25c to $150 per night; $150 to $6 per week : free ou 1 to an 1 from the ferry. DEFINED YOUNG LADY WISHES TO ACT J 1 as companion to lady traveling or take care of child over 3 years: wag< s $5 a month: would like to go to Los A r.geles. AddreM L. A., box 7 1, Call. ! IV IM l!i> ; 1 1: HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., Ml. »T Market; 200 rooms ; 25c to «1 50 per night; i $1 ."0 to 58 per week; convenient and respectuble; '■'■ bus to and from lie ferry. I 1 '. i lONS WA..TKU-MALE. Pa O. COOK'S smc. FURNISHES COOKS; . . all branches; shortest notice. 14 Geary. FIRST-CLABB BUTLER (AMERI- can) wants steady place: understands his busi- I ness; ntat, sober and willing; city or country: I country preferred : best city references. Address I Butler. liox 7i. ' nil Office. riM) ok< ILMUHsTS AND VINEY ARDIsTs— 1 Wanted by an Englishman and wife 10 years in the state, boih healthy and active, position 10 man* age or are place; would cook for Bor 10 men : are succei - tul cnlci en raisers: would go shares In rais- Ing them on large scale; have sous competent to do all orchard or vineyard work: references. C. J. I!.. Berkeley, Cal. I I A 1.1.!.. STRONG BOY WANTS POSITION. ; Jj Address BODIN, 948 Mission st. ; A'l'N WANTED BY A SOBER. IN- I O dustrioug elderly man to do light work; small wages: willing to do any kind of work. E. G., box j 23, thisoltice. I pESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN DEBIREB po- Jtsition in private family; care horst-s. garden and milk; also haniy as «.-arp«ntir; with or with- out board. B. C, box 132, Call Office. QTEAD"V RELIABLE MAN WISHES A POSI- j O tlon us driver: delivery wagon or milk wagon: drove milk wagon before; careful driver. Address B. \Y., 321 Ell st. A I IDDL El) MAX, ALL-ROUND CAR- i.u penter, wants a position with landlord's real- estate man, wholesa c bonse or on a ranch; hamiy at wagon work ; wages moderate; reference, if re- quired. Address C. L. I-'., box 160, Call Office. A" O U g MAN, AUK 22, WITH 1 . EXCELLENT -I local references, as bell oreiev:itor-tov, ordrive i light delivery wagon; or help around in 'wholesale house or something similar. Address C. MA US, 609 Posl st. *W ANTED— YOUNG MAN OK 19 i'OSl- »' tionofiiny kind in store; understands short- hand, typewriting and book-keeping: good refer- ences. ... S., lox 23, Cull. ! yOUNG MAN AISLE AND WILLING TO ; J- work wants some Kind of work; high wages no object: bess of references. Ad. W. \V.,box 76, Call. pOMPKTENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES \J small set of books to keep; best of references: j term.-, rcauooaßl • : bonds if necessary. Address B. X., box 71. Call. COXI'FktenT~~I:OOK KEEPER d"esires a small set of bosks to keep: best of references; terms reasonable. Address G. R., box 71, this Office. A» COACHMAN— SITUATION WANTED BY young man. Swedish: understands the care of horses and gardening; besi. of references. Ad- dress s.. box 102, (Jail Office, Oakland. y OUNG Ma WANTS JO IN WHOLESALE -I house or saloon : no references. GEO. OLIVER, Adelphia House, Kearny St.; near Jackson. i A T oU NO MAN OF GOOD REFERENCE I I- wants a situation iii a dairy : thoroughly under- stands the business In alt branches. Address P. G., box 9, Call Office. \ or \i i MAN OF GOOD reference -» wishes position us collector orln office: has had experience. Address 11. S., box 108, Call Office, p aRDENER - UNDERSTANDS FLOWERS 'J" and vegetables thoroughly and willing to make himself useful- handy with tools: sober: I Callfornlu references. Address O. R., box 90. Call. I A?" OUN« "Tan •• WANTS position as •1 waiter or work in kitchen: small wages. Call I 43 Minna St. IT U ATION WANTED BY A SOBER, STEADY I O man, as janitor or watchman; references given. Call or address 72') Geary st. YOUNG SCANDINAVIAN WANTS A SITUA- - 1 t:on as bartender. Call or address 863 Bryant. ANTED"by' young GERMAN 22 years '» old a job of any kind: is able and willing to work. Add rets O. P.. 20131'olsom st. I IJO' >K"KETfpER, 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, 1 -!-•» wants position in any office work: best, of ref- erences: salary no object. S., box 10, Call Office. SITUATION wan ted BY soberThtkady O industrious man; experienced in saloon busi- ness and willing lodo any kind of work. Address A. 8.. l:o\ 20, i »i. ..-■'■■ SITUATION wanted BY A GERMAN gardener, who understands propagating and can take care of horses and cows, and is willing to make himself generally useful around place. Ad- dress Situation. North Temeacal. n;;tiALi.. itliU' WASTED. Housewo RK~g"iRL (SLEEP HOME) $8, Sunol $20, Oakland $26. Alameda $20, San Mateo $20, Oakland $25: 12 housework girls, city, i^'O and $25: 9 young clris, ansis:, $10 to $15. MIS-S CULLEN. 105 Stockton st. .". : C^ OO"K. AMERICAN FAMILY, $35: WAIT- v^ ress, same boose, $25; seamstress, $25; wait- tress, private boarding-house, $20; miadle-aged seamstress, 10. .vi-s CI'LLEN', 105 Stockton. / ■ ! BM AN OR FRENCH SECOND GIRL, $25. MISS CULLKK, 105 StocKton st. GERMAN COOK; $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton r,t. SECOND GIRL, SAX MATEO, 525; GERMAN k-7 or Swedish second girl, ■?.■."'. city. good place. _ _PJ_ L iKK - 105 Stockton st. GIERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL; BAKERY; I Vallejo; $15. MIS -i CULLKN, 105 stockion. HELP WANTED-Continued. WOMAN: HOU^WOrIcTI?L^IeP~~HOMe7 $16. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. OFEINED GIRL: CARE OF CHILDREN: -It country: $15; fare paid. MISS CULLEN, 106 Stockton at. COOK r«AN JOSE: $30; SEE LADY HERE V^lo:3'.) o'clock. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton. VirAXTED— COOK, PLAIN WASH. 930,' sTTk '» lady here; second girl, a short distance. $20, see lady here at 9:30 to-day: 3 German, French and -canrlinavian second girls, 520 and $25: 3 ccoks, boardinc-houses. $20 and $25; hotel laun- dress, $20; Ironer in laundry, $9 a week, and girls for cooking and housework in city and country! J. F. CBOSETT A iQ., 312 Suiter st. 9 GERMAN OR AMERICAN COOKS FOR -< Berke'ey, 925; German or French cook for Ala- meoa. with references, $36; laundress, private family. $25: young girl, with references, as nurse, 816; unuuiberof 511-13 for small families, $10 to 915. C. R. HAN SEN A CO., 110 Geary st. I'M BE iF EXPERIENCED AN ifcOMPE- -l-> tent salesladies for notions and fancy coeds de- partment are v. anted; also salesladies for cloak and suit departments: we have good positions for ■ you if you are competent In either of these lines: I onr system hm been the means of placing In ro?i- tions a large number of salesladies, stenographers and bookkeepers; call at th» office and see the written Indorsements of 250 of the leading- firms of this city. United States Industrial Agency, rooms 165 to 167, Crocker building; this office open evenings. ~\\T ANTED— A TRAINED NURSE FOR HOS- " pital work in city; best of wages. Apply MISS PLUNKETI', 424 Slitter st. A \ T A N T I . I ) - N EAT Y < > V WAITRESS FOR '» country hotel short distance in country; $20 per month. W. D. EWER & CO., 620 Clay st. "VT URSEGIRL WANTED: $20. APPLY D. J. i-> CA RR, delivery department main office West- ern Union Telegraph Co., Pine and Montgomery. \\T ANTED— GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK '• few hours "weekly In exchange for room and lunch; only working girl necc 1 apply. Gentleman, box 94, Call Office. 1- A T i : 1: - EXPErTEN"CED WOMEN RU B- *» ber ana shampooer, who can give medicaed and electric baths; state experience and wages I wanted. Address E., box 71, Call Ollice. WANTED— YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IX '» housework. 826 Halght St. pERJdAN GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VJT work; small wash. 1523 Walnut st., near Wil- low station, Alameda. IRL FOR COOKING AND HOUSEWORK; must be competent; small family; good place; wages $15. Address Girl, box 75, Call Oflice. TBOXGGIBLTO HELP IN DINING-ROOM. Central Hotel, 630 Third st. / IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK— 4 IX \J family; wages $15. Apply from 10 to 12,2928 Jackson st. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; GOOD WAGES. 1519 Baicerst IB L~ AKOUT 15: LIGHT HOUSEWORK; Alameda County; $8. 509 Kearny, room 8. 1 ADV AGENTS, 925 WEEK: CITY AND ■i-l country; exclusive rights. 131 Post, room 20, W ANTED— FOREWOMAN FOR PAPER BOX *» factory; one capable of doing all 1-inds of work: country job. Apply to THE HICK>-JUDD CO.. 23 First st. COMPETENT GIRL; GENERAL HOUSE- \J work: 4 in family; wages $15. Apply from 10 to 12, 1425 Washington. TO" ANTED— YOUNO LADY BOOKKEEPER, It understanding stenography and typewriter. Address Commission, box 24, this office. GOOD AND NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: able to take care of 2 children; no washing; if 1 a month. Address MRS. A. V. CLARK, 1447 Fifth St., Alameda. EX PI •: R lENCED OPERATORS ON LAIH ES 1 tailor suits and jackets. A. MUELLER it Co., 723 Market st., fourth floor. \\r ANTED— LADT OF INTEGRITY, WITH '» good Qualifications, to fill position outside of the city. Address B. B. C. <fe CO., box 45,JCa1l office. ADY AGENTS wan tk 1 1 -$:> in Is 3 I'KIl .IJ day; call 10 to 1. 719 Clementina St. HIS WEEK LA DI I - CA PES, NEW STYLE*, -i- $2 50. New York Cloak House, 1210 M»r;<et. JURST-CLABB LADT, WHO HAS HAD Ex- J- perience in muslin underwear department, I should call at once at room 167, Crocker building: I also, indies lor notions an I fancy goods. Positions [ waiting, If you want a rood situation in any busi- r ness house In the Stale in ;he way of skilled or clerical work, call on the Inked States Industrial Agency, at above address, over 200 firms have Indorsed its system of bus-ness and agree to tin their tielp throu h that agency. Lucrative posi- tions are being /.lied daily. HAIRD RESSING, 25c AND MORNING and •■ . |gc es;10 lessons, sl 50. 1248 Mission. GOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR BE- * * liable lady. 131 Post st., room 20. Mi I.LI KRY — PUPILS PREPARED FOR spring; work guaranteed; fine opportunity to lenrn a trade always in demand. LILLIAS. 214 Post st. HE ARE PLACING IN GOOD POSITIONS '» Constantly among the leading firms, compe- tent snlfsliulics. If you are In need of a situation 1 or desire to make a change we can be of assistance jto you. Address room 167, Crocker building. TTN USUAL OPPORTUNITY for a BRIGHT I. woman as managing office ageut. bospita Company, oflice 53 .Donohoe building. t>Ta no lessons by THOROUGHLY -L schooled artist; lessons 25e. 017 Jone3 st. 1 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- mada suits: $7; perfect tit. 118 McAllister at. pROFKSHOR LIVINGSTON'S DRKSSC'tTT- I tine aud making school :ail branches. 702 Miner. DV.v SSM KERB USING I 111: Mi DOM world's famous system recommended. 213 Powell St.; patterns cut 10 fit. 25c up. \\ OSl' CONVENIENT AND 1 : 1 : -TABLE: i'l Winchester House. 4-1 Third st . pear Market: 200 rooms; 2. >c to $1 &0 per night : $1 .U to $6 per week : free bus to and from the ferry. I NY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY FOR A herself can easily earn i:. Address Ladles' Home Journal, 78 Colombian hide, San Francisco. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR tt Market— Electric lights in every room: 200 ■ rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus to and from the ferry. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR~ 5 CENTS — TEE -*• WEEKLY CALL. Id wracDer. for mallins. MALE HELP WAMXD. MAN AND WIPE' COOK AND ABBIST, 940; 1U full charge. MISS CIiLLEN, 103 Stockton. \\T ANTE D — COOK, RESTAURANT, »60 : I »> waiter for hotel, city, $S0; cook for French 1 restaurant, $50: cook for private family, $30: i waiter, country, $25; etc. LEON ANDRE," 315 ■ Stockton st. C CARPENTERS, NEAR CITY. $3 A DAY: 3 *J more 8 and 10 horse ranch teamsters, 526 and board. C. B. HANSEN & CO., 110 1 .earv as. I, 1 /.I MM KRSON, THE COOK AND BAKER, -i. please call or communicate with C. R. AN- SEN & CO., 110 Geary st. 171KENCH OR SWiS3 SECOND COOK, HOTEL, ! T ?60: second coox, country hotel, $30. C. R. I HAXSE.N .V 1 0., 110 Geary st. ! X CARPENTERS, NEAR CITY, 83 DAT: •> board #20 a month. A] ply C. ii. UANSEN & CO., 110 Gcarv st. : rpRAVELING SALESMAN FOR A CIGAR- | J. house wanted. If you are 11 competent traveling , salesman you can put yourself in the way 0" secur- ing a good situation through this oflice. We are 1 being continually called upon by reliable business ' houses for first-c!a;s traveling men. 250 of the ] leading firran 01 this city have given us their writ- ten indorsement of our system of business, and are using it in securing their skilled and clerical help. ! United Slates Industrial Agency, rooms 165 to ! 167, Crocker building. This oflice open evenings. 3 HOTEL COOKS, COUNTRY, $50 AISD $65 ; 2 hotel waiters. country, $80; tailor for country, ! $10 a week: dlsn washer, etc. : cooper for vinovard I 835; 5 laborers for city, $26; 3 farmers near city' Irish milker, $30. MURRAY <fe READY, 034 and 630 Clay st. VTa'x T D — ENGLISH OR AMERICAN ' coar hman for a club short distance in country, $30 lound: boy to learn trade, $3 per week and Increase; lubon rs. cooks, waiters, dishwash- ers and others.. W. D. EWER <!fc CO., 62 ii (lay st. BARBBR wanted at 325 MONTGOMERY -U avenue. BA 1 i HER FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON _ and Sunday. 1031 Howard st. ■ .A RBER~W 'ANTED FOR SATURDAY NIGHT I- and Sunday morning. 4lt> Turk st. BARBEB WANTED SATURDAY AND SUN- day. 106 Fourth st. ARBER WANTED SATURDAY AFTEtT- -»■> noon and Sunday at 41.% Hayes at. BARBER FOR SATURDAY; ALSO STEADY. 921 Market st. J> ARBER FOB SATURDAY. 32 THIRD ST. BARBER FOB SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. i-» 527 Broadn-ay. B'o^Sm OH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. 863 Illinois St., Potrero. l> ARBER WANTED. 152 THIRD STREET. ABBER-OOOD BABBEBFOR SATURDAY. 238Vg O'Farrtll et. YY^AN" TED-SHOEMAkER ON REPAIRING. 'V 939 Mission St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. OOD BOY OR MIHi)[.K-.\(i;:i) MAN; MUST r be lively. Call 721 Fo'sim st. 'j^"° \\rANTED-ENEROETIC CANVASSER FOB '» Stockton lots ; $10 down and #& month- reference quired. GEO. W. AUMBRUSTER, 24 Montgomery si., room 1. • \\T ANTE D —LABORERS AT THE NEW '" InglC3lde racetrack: apply today. rpiNNKBJS TOOLS FOR SALiS CHEAP: GOOD X chance for jobi/tr: very low rent. 657 Mission. GOOD BTSHELMAN WANTED AT BA- piiael'S, 9 Kearny st. ANTED- GOOD" CANDY-MAKER. APPLY 1134 Valencia. ANTED- COOK AND WAITER. 613 CLAY H street. ANTED — STRONG BOY TO LEARN '» b!acK3mithins. 828 Harrison st. MIDDLE-AGED MAN ■TO HELP ON BUSI- I'l ness wagon. Call, Sa. m.. 417 Hayes st. ~ilW\ MEN TO GET A SHAVE FOR 5c OR JLVU haircut 10c. 14i/a Montsomery aye. ' ' HELP WAN TED- Contlnned. A NTF?O- ENERGETIC "YOUNG OR MID- »* die-aged man, permanent employment; must have $40 cash. M., box 21, this office. ARBERS— 2-CHAJH SHOP; jjieO; 4 LIVING JJ rooms: rent $15. 106 Ellis st. "EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on LADIES' 111 tailor suits and jackets. A. MUELLER <fe CO., 723 Market St.. fourth Hoor. BARBEB-S HOP OP 2 CHAIRS; SELL CHEAP. I. o<t Peralta st., Oakland. • B~ ABBEBS 1 PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- ruer.t secretary. CONRAD TBOELL. i>.">7 Clay. V\' AN I ■l'.li- ALL "CARPENTERS TO KNOW » » that there are plenty of carpenters In San Francisco: all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. All help can be supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters, 115 Turk st., or 23 Ninth st. District Conncfl meets at 115 Turk st. on Wednesday evening. \\r ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE " their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Butter, r. 4. W ANTED— IS MF.N TO TRY OUR SQUARE »' meals for 10c. 50 Third st. ARBERS— FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- retary Barbers' Association, 325 Grant aye. S. FUCHS. \\! INVH'estKR HOUSE. 44THIRD ST.. NEAR » ' Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- room: free bus to and from the ferry. THIRST-CLASS LA DIE 1 TAILOR WANTED T BOWHAY, 50; Gutter st. BARBERS, FuS EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. il.m HhINEBT. 1 EARN A TRADE— SIGN OR PICTORIAL XJ painting taught for i? 5: 1000 references. D. LEVY, 35 Eighth St., Sail Francisco. railroad house. s33 commercial X st., below Montgomery: sinccle rooms 15c night. 25c lor two: best end cleanest house in town. EST PLACE IN CITY FOR SECOND-HaND ii shoes, 72Cy 2 opp. Howard-nt. Theater, or 129 Sixth St.: misfit shoes bought or exchanged. YJEN WANTED TO SKLL MANHATTAN ■m. stock Food : It to best. C. KER TELL, San Mateo MOZART, 310 ELMS, ROOMS 250 TO 500 night, $1 -•"' to 88 week: reading rooms. WHAT CHEEK HOUSE. 529 SACRAMENTO »' St.: 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single room-, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. MEN'S SHOES Va-SOLED. HEELS, 25c; done In 16 minutes. 635 Kearny st.. basement. VREF. COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; -L single rooms lßc, 20c a night, $1 a week. T IVK MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- JJ door woric: will pay competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. •WANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 150 A DAY: $1 1 1 week : rooms for two, 25c a day, 91 60 a week; readlns room- dally papers. HA Clay st. rpKY ACME HOUSE, 967 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, for » room: 26c a night; $1 a week. 09 1 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS isc TO 00c «-)— 1 a night: ?1 to 83 a week: open a!! night. \.\: ANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS " to know that Ed ltolktn, Keno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. ANTKD-MKN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP ' " Fteam bepr, sc: bottle wine, &c. 609 Clay sr. A A A MEN'S SECOND-H AN WHOES.SO ME "I» M i nearly new, -^5c to 91 25. 562 Mission st. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all recalling done nt half price; work guar- anteed. 562 Mission st.. bet. First st, and second st. T INDELL HOUSE. 6TH AND HOWARD— -LJ single furnished rooms. 75c week, 16c night. 1 A A MEN~f6~TATKE LODGING AT 10c, 150 XV/U and 20c a night. Including coffee and roils. C 24 Washington Rt., near Kearny. BEST IN CITi— SINGLE itOOMß7r672o~A>rn 25 cents per nlg'.it; *1. f I 25, ?1 50 p»r weeK. I'Brlflc Houae .Coiiiinercifi.; grid Leidesdorff sts. AGENTS WA.STiiU. qjoTicitorl*; energ"etk; ladies or O gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- cident insurance: salary or commission. Call be- tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity Company. 20« Sansome St. C CALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY ) wants cood neents to work its accident and ! sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. W. Ii a N NA. secretary. Murphy building. KUOAIS WANTED. 0 OR 4 MED FLAT. OK 3 UNFURNISH- O (d rooms; west Of Powell St.; rent must tie reas- onniiie; Si adults; rtfercLces exchanged. Address N. R. D., 1930 Stockton st. W A XT!. ; '- CHEA r OS F U RNI SH ED ROOil >' near is- r-. Man. lox 136. this office. WAM % tU-.UijCLI.I.A.NKOUS. SKcoNh-H \N: !> KODAKS" CAMEBAB, lensrs, magic lanterns & slides, 109 Montgy. SELL V< ) I ! : BOOKS AND CLOTHING TO A. KLEIN. 109 sixth St.; s-nd postal. LOST. lOST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBEBNIA Xj savings and loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of LEOPOLD NEUMANN, No. 121,227. The Undi r will please return to bank. OST— JAPANESE PUG DOG, BLACK AND white. Return 1801 California st.; reward. 1 os I -NI-: a JACKSON ST. AND VAN NESS \J aye.. a black and white fox terrier pup with collar: answers to name of Poxle. If returned to li-12 Washington st. a liberal reward will be given. LOST— WHITE GREYHOUND BITCH, SCAR on side. Return ]ll!)i ; Folsom; reward. CILVEB WAT.M AND PEARL RING ON O Third st. Return 109 Fair Oaks st., rear. Re- ward. EDUCATIONAL VTOCA L P? ITLS™\7^oSrPAN r iTrrr^rjulTfNG » practice by competent accompanist; lebtons on piano or organ : reasonable. Inquire 413 Post st, MRS. MELVILLE SNYDER, 619 VAN NESS; oratorical, vocal, dramatic academy; classes, private lessons; plano-.dramatic elocution specialty. HiA I.irs BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST ST. Bookkeeping, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern languages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. V IGIITSCHOOL:IIEALD'siTI S. COLLEGE ;2i i-' I'ost:coramercial, shorthand, English; low ra;oi SPANISH AND FRENCH SIMPLIFIED.PROF. T. B. de FlUppe.graduate Paris, Madrid, 320 Post. SHAKESPEARJ AN BEADING and DBA- malic Classes: terms low. PROF. ROSS. 6 Eddy. VKA Pi.AN ENABLES U8 TO TEACH ABT J-> «$: 1 mi -ii at; s: 25c ii lesson. Ins.., box lit-, i 11. MISS BOLTE'S >O',. 2297 BACBA M BKTO : board, English, French, German, piano, 930 month; separate French kindergarten; coach. T7IORMER STANFORD PROFESSOR PRE- I: pares students for the university (admission on recommendation); law, medical college, civil service ; day & eve classes. Room 333 Phelan bids. "VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, CELLO. BANJO; REA- > sonable. PROF. FRANCIS. 1045 i/ 2 Va'enCia. I7IRENCH— LEARN TO SPEAK FIRST: IN- X} fallible method. E. I".' CASTE L, 6 Post st. CHEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. ( UNNING- v-' ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. IT.RENCH. GERMAN^ SPANISH; LIVING J- method: Larclier School, Flood bldg. Market st. AN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1236 Market; send for cat.: day and evening session. English LITERATURE A N IJ^n^fHiTL* 4-< class or private. MBS. EHRMAN, 1284 Bosh. \MOLIN, mandolin, GUITAR. CORNET > taught. I'd:, L.MKRK I, 225 Geary rreiisonable OELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING- Xi Private theatricals arranged: pupils rehearsed onjtage. R. 5 A 12. 1. 0. O. F. block, 7th and Market OCHOOL ELECT RICA L, CIVIL, M I NINO. M kJ chanical engineering. surveying, architecture, t>psay:estab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN.723 MkC. L 'XGLISH BItANCHKS TAUGHT Bl MIS^ I ' DILLON. 14 McA!l!a;»r. r 40: private or clas;. dentists; ~ DR. L. T. CB AN , i . g rRAT r fu3N^pTi^TLESS^ crown work, bridge work and teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary at., cor. Grant aye. j R.REA.SOO TURK ST— ALL DENTAL WORK _at lowest Prices and warranted : open evenings. ■VI ETA L PLATE ?5: TEETH EXTRACTED I'A or ailed painlessly by my patent an;esthetic, Soc; won 23 prizes. Obdontunder Dental Parlors, 816% Geary St.. bet. Larkin aud Hyde, opi>osite !-:irii:.i.wilu:i. K. L. WALSH, D. D.S. CROOME ! ) EN T ASSOCIATION, 7:.9 MAR- yj ket, bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialists; only re.i agent for painless extraction: artificial teeth lrmss; Mllngsfrni $1: extracting 50c. with gas?l. $7 A SET 808 TEETH: WARRANTED AS *4P • good as can be made: filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 980 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. TAR. LUDLUM HILil 1443 MARKET »T., XJ near Eleventh: no charge for extracting when plates are mnde; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set: extracting s(ic: gas given. ( IOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- \J ket st. Dlt. C'HA P.LES W. DECKER. DR. J. J. LEEK, 1200 MARKET. COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— Open evenings: Sundays till noon. U> WOBK REASONABLE AND WAB7 ranted. DR. .1. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. D" R. GEORGE W. LEEkr THE GENUINE Leek demist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of Improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 2o O'Farrell st. to~£k as k~ " TO LEASE— A H ANDBO M E L Y^FURNI hotel, containing 115 rooms; splendid location; liberal terms will be made with desirable tenant. For particulars apply A. J. RICH & CO., real estate agents. 11 Montgomery si. KUli I)IN(i AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. pONTINENTAL BUILDING AND MiKAft v,' sedation— Horn; o.Tlce, 222 Sansome st., S. F. General savings A loan business, Ed E. Hill Pres • Oliver Eniriuge, V.Pr.; \V. Corhin. Sec.Si BICYCLES. PARK CYCLER EW^VHEELS TO LKT^ X best accommodations. Terminus Geary M» AUlster and Powell si. cur lines. PERSONALS. OARMO URKHSCUTTING IX Institute, from 219 Powell street to 813 Geary. I am prepared to execute orders at short notice; all (be latest styles received direct: suits m»do from $5 up; goods and findings complete, from $12 up; perfect tit guaranteed: patterns 25c to 35c: country orders solicited; personal fitting Dot nejcisary. MP.S. A. .1. \HI.EY, 313 Geary st. HHAIR-DRESSING FOR ■-.".. ANY STYLE, Including waving: excellent swt.chcs and front pieces for *1. MME. Bl BTHA SPITZ. 11l Stockton St., es:ablished 186S, G. Lederer sue cessor. 1~?6R~25c\ -T We will dress your hair in any style, waving Included: man curing. Zsc; excellent switches and front pieces for 81; strictly one price: estab- lished 18C9. 11l Stockton st. 15. SPITZ. O. LEDERER, successor. TVTOTICKTO THE PUBLIC WATCH AND -Li jewelry business al 2041 Mission st. will be closed to-day. All further con m micaili at 133V 5 * Fourteenth St., bet. Howard and Sbotwell. E. SCHULZE. CARL YON DER MEH DEN, TEACHER OP violin, mandolin, cornet, etc.; music arranged. 1437 Market st. A 1.1. si 1.1 8 TRIMMED HATS; LOW 111 NT prices. BEE ill YE. millinery. 39 Sixth st. T\AM A oE AND MEN CASES; LAWS 0 XJ probate and divorce: neces >ary costs advanced. A) ply to ALBERT MAU, 726 Spreckels building. T M POKTKD HAVANA, KEY WEST AN D -1. high-grade domestic cigars at the tobacco bazaar, 1627 Pevlsadero St., near Sutler. TO CUTTERS and tailoks— t s k o n de r- slgned would respectfully state that he has) opened a school for teaching Hand's Svsi em of cut- ting garments on scientific principles. In accord with lr.s novel invention. "The Solution," and that he has no hesitancy in guaranteeing that, under his instructions, the student will learn, by one lesson, more of substantial value with respect to the true fundamental principles of garment cutting and practical tailoring than becould learn by a life-long study of any other system ever practiced or now in vogue. Class nights, Mondays and Thursdays; private lessons. Tuesdays. Wed. and Saturdays. .1. S. HAND, 431 Kearny st; hours. 7 to op. m. T ILMAS, 214 POST— SPECIA'. SALE THIS Jj we^k. Elegant New York aLd Imported hats and bonnets at cost. T ADY CAN SECURE THE VERY BEST XJ home in confinement with widow by address- Ins Widow, box 112, Call. Mis- DINAN: SPECIAL SALE IMPORTED bats; $8 to $10: stylish hats, bonnets, So up. 11l Slockton st. CLINE" MERCHANT TAILOR: FI N V. . stock gcods; removed 411 V-r Kearny, room 2. LANKETS, FLAXN ELS.ETC; FULL STOCK: also Yoaemite blankets, California Woolen Mill* 686 Commercial, nr.Mcntgmry. Factory i etaloma. ADVICE FREE; DIVORCE and probatb ■£*- laws a specialty suits, Superior, Justice an<l Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 860 Market, cor. Stockton. ON MO I CUT— Oak Roll op Desks. ?l-l to 935 Oak Chiffoniers From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums ...30c up Stoves and Ranges 88 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017. 1019. 1021, 1023 Mission St., above Sixth. I Mid BUSINESS CARDS, $1 60: TE Ll£ .__:__ phone "Black 141." HILL. Market. SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER Illustration: in response to many urgent re- quests the school will be shortly opened fOrOVen- Ing classes. Particulars at 4^4 Pine st. SPANISH. FRENCH, GEKMAN: MODERATE Mels;erschaftSciioolof_Languages,l22O'F»rrell R V HEN R V VOLL, 37 * AND j [ 51 CENTRE I M •'■: . for nest hnnis. sauau^es, preserves, e;c. \i !;.('! HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND! . .iTi . best and freshest of butter, ;sandchoeso. Center Market, cor. Suiter and ■ irani aye.; stall 52. r bishop, CHIMNE\ SWEEP a d d r O . 823 Market. V one Main 44] at C. BP.OWN'S. ABTIBTK HAIRDREBSINO, MANICURK, £\ switches, bangs, $1; wigs from *5; bail dressed, 26c. To keep hair soft have it shampooed and dried in sun at I.a Verne Toilet Baza-tr, tf O'Farrell st. TTENTION- 1. JOSEPH LOCH bkgsto X*. announce that he will open about October 28 a Brst-claa * la'.iorins; establishment at 32^» Geary St.. and will be pleased to see all his former frlenda and customers. J~?LKCTP.IO LIGHTS IN EVERI ROOM WIN- -i Chester Boose, 14 Third st., near Market: 200 rooms, 26c to £1 50 per night: $1 50 to 80 per wiT'k: tree. bu i to am! from the ferry. \ ii. •>!<-/.. aUK Si; ITS TO ORDER F/fcT; X reasonable prices; by CHAS. JAGKR, ladles' thiior, 246 Sutter St., California building, rroa 1 -l-i 5. ~UITS MADE TU ORDER. UK l-.l.tJ : AST kJ remnant 3 for $10; samples nnd sclf-nifusun- ment on appltcatloa. LEu.\ LEMOS, Merchant Tailor, 1332 Market st., San Francisco. ALL PAINS CUBED NATURAL MAGNETIC electric healing. MRS. HILL, 215J/2 Mason st. «3j I A ROOM; CARPETS CLEANED ' ON 111!; *u)i floor. 206 Leaven worth st. T^GYPTIAN HENNA, ?1 ; HAIRDYE, PEl£ Xj fectly harmless. LaDgley-Mlcbaela Co.: ail chemists; Hubbard'a 923, uauptli's, 1156 Jiktv. YKW PBOORBB3IVK WINDOW ANiTTforsi; -L! cleaning Co.^floors scrubbed :contractg;day wt or rr.onth. F. CARNuVAL & CO., 121 O'Farrell st I 1 AXRS REMOVED BY ELECTRICITY \J '■• XX lessly; busts enlarged; freckles, wrinkles fend other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. K ARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. \| IMEOGRAPII, TYPEWRITER AND OF- i'l flee supplies; all classes of typewritten and mlmrograpn work promptly 'lone; typewriter rib- bons. SSti doz., guaranteed. ANNA C. BUS 1 1. i.i ' phone— Main. 5807: 630 Mark-ot. CECOND-HAND AS WELL as new BARS, O showcases, counters, she! vins-", mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, ii"., and a very large s:oi k of : them, too: ho sure and see siock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017 1019 1021, 1023 Mission St., above Sixth. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGH! AND SOLD 7 store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber pine" etc : cheap. Yard 1 1 66 Mission st., near Eighth. ' pOLLECTING, TRACING SHADOWING AND \J locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine st. MACHINE WHITE WASHING ; CONTRACTS taken: whitewashing and tree-spraying- rooms whitened. .?! up. 1560 Market .-.'., near Hayes. WALTZ GUARANTEED: PRIVATE OR IV »» lass- PROF. POSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. jjj 1 0 SUITS to ORDER; SAMPLE by MAIL." 0 1 — NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny. TjUNE SUITS, $15: DRESS PANTS, $1 fx X! Misfit doming Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. pLOAKS, CAPES AND SUIT* RETAILED AT VJ mtrs' cost. Factor.-. 20 Sansome st.. upstain. 1 LD GOLD. SILVER. GENTS 1 AND LADIES ' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO) >> or4er by WILLIAM McPHUN. lls»5 Marker \ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS— THB . V WEEKLY CALL, in runner, for mailing. DKES.SJIAIiEUS. DRESSES CUT \M> Fn rF.D, S3: DRESS p:.S popular pncos: engagements by ilav. ll<;eary. CLAIUVOY.VNTS. rpH E BE^T CL aTii VCVVANT CARD MEDIUM 1 on earth: 25c; fortunes taught. 330 Fell st. Miss M.\i.v!\.\, AMERICAN CLAIRVOY- ant and card reading. 71501/2 Howard st. B& SANDERS^ THE GREATEST FOR- tune-teller of tbe age. 8 Montgomery aye.. r. l. MME. AItMM, IKS'- GERMAN :' RTUNE- teller; only 25c and 50c: show y< v the picture of your future husband or wife. 72-1 Harrison st. M" Ml.. MORKAU, WORLlii RENOWNED trance medium; fee 25c. up. 764 Howard st., in front. CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE RF.ADER; LA- \J >■.'.'»■. 230 Clara st., bet. Fifth and -ixth. \|Mr.. rKA.\Cr,S, CLAIRVOYANT AND 1U card-reader; 10 to 6 only. R. 22. 105 Stockton. MME. ARNO, WONDERFUL C A RD-KK and clairvoyant: fee 25c. «-js Eddy st. PROF. LEON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT, X trance charm. &33 Post; 9to S; also Sunday. ME. STEWART, SE '■ INTII DATJGHT ER of 7th daughter, a clairvoyant, has read cards since 11 yrs old; laiie-.-.:. . :.t »< -. 917 Marketer 3-1. VPS V QUEEN: MARVELOUS MEDIUM of 19th century: 12 to 8 r.»c. R. 2,8661 Mrkt. t>BESENT, PAST AND FUTURE,. 25c MMET X LEGGKTTE. 311 Tehama St., near Fourth. "VJ ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- Iii er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs: noth- ins; excepted; names given: good advice: sura help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im- possible: fee *i; letter 92. 920 Post St., nr. Lark In. AUGUSTA LEOLA.' FORTUNE TELLER: magic charms: love tokens; trpe pictura of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling: develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seal-, and the Palestine wonder cha^a: fees: ana upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. ~~ m EST CIRCLE TO-Nl O l PrTl Oc MME. YO UNtT 1605 McAllister st. Articles read. * /"tliteLE TO-NIGHT AT ill'.S. COLBY'S, l'">iZ \J Oak st.: sittings du11..-. ™ B. ANNIE WILDER OF NEVADA CITY' spiritual revivalist. 921 Market st. ' Ks. A. BRiKKUAV. INDEPENDENT slatewrlter: sittings daily: ladies $1 gents ff2; 10 to 5. 330 Ellis st. S MRS. MAYO STEERS. TEST AND BUSINESS - medium; reading daily. 101 Grove, cor. Pol k. ASTBOLOGY. DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONs"bY planets from date of b!r;h. 3ey 2 Geary st., rm.l ASTRAL SKER— PROF. HOLMES, 11 SCOTT St.: horoscopes, questions. Btocks. advice. ATTOKNKYS- AT- LA wT "" A DVIcSrfRKK'PIUVoiiCE AND PROB CtV £vliJt W £ a « Bpe^ ialty; sults ' superior. Justice and r W nmi ! ?' : " rms reasonable; collections, eta G.W.HOW E, att'y-at-law, B.K) Market.cor.Stowou "VV p"i^ i llJSON ''^' ORNEY-AT-LAW^st »» . Call.'orala s:.. raas. 14-16: advice free.