Newspaper Page Text
14 MISS COUZINS LAURELS Anna Shaw Is Accused of En croaching on Them Surrep titiously. •GOD'S WOMEN" A PLAGIARISM. But Miss Shaw's Best Friend in San Francisco Says It is a Misun derstanding. " God's Women," or " Not God's "Women." That the question. Miss Phoebe W. Coonna of St. Louis, Mo., at present in California, and Miss Anna Shaw, who returned to her Eastern home a few days ago, have raised the point. Bather Miss Couzins has taken that step. "Whereat there has come to pass a wide difference of opinion as to who is who. In fine, Miss Couzins has publicly, through the medium of an open letter to The Call, accused Miss Shaw of plagiarism— taking her review and using it as an original effort on the subject of "God's Women," and inferentially she suggests a failing worse than ihe "injus tice of chivalry" — the injustice of one •woman encroaching on the laurels of another. Miss Couzins says in her arraignment of Miss Shaw that it is with feelings of amazement she views the appropriation of her legitimate effort by another without so much as "by your leave," and reads again in our San Francisco papers the plat<iar i.-m of her review by one who has come to our shores to instruct the men of Cali fornia on "The Injustice of Chivalry." She refers to Miss Anna Shaw's lecture on "God's Women." The review in question was of a Chicago Bishop's lecture on "Not God's Women," delivered in 1891. Commenting upon which, in view of a certain favorite topic of Miss Shaw — "God's Women," Miss Couzins says: If there is one of my efforts for which I have a lively affection ana especial. claim upon, it is this review of the reverend Bishop, and it is therefore with peculiar feelings that 1 read not only of the appropriation of the title "Not God's Women" with the i; not" dropped out — but the gist of the review embodied in Miss Shaw's lecture in your City. In JS.arch oi L 8&1, this "lady, who was then but a newcomer in the ranks of the National suffragists, appropriated this review for her contribution to the Woman's Council in Wash ington, D. C, with merely dates and location Changed to New York. In Sau Francisco she swings the occurrence back to Chicago, where 1 had transfixed and routed the Bishop. Miss Shaw left this City Saturday|for the East, just a few days before the "letter of her co-worker appeared in print. She was not here to make answer, but her friend, Mrs. A. A. whose home she had been staying while in San Francisco, de nied firmly yesterday tiiat there was any plagiarism or even knowledge of the dis puted review in Miss Shaw's mind. ••When Miss Shaw delivered her address on "God's Women, she did not even know about Miss Couzins' review, which was de livered only a few days before," she said. "There are only a few women in the Bible to be taken as illustrations, and you see j there is consequently very little choice of subjects. Bo when two speakers happen to take up similar subjects with the same figures, naturally there are many points bearing strong resemblance in both re views, or lectures, or whatever they may be. It so happened in this case, "but in every other feature there was no resem blance. Miss Shaw's language and thought were not plagiarisms of Miss Couzins. It was simply that the coincidence made it appear that it was. "I take it that these two women are bright and witty and brainy and educated enough to speak on these topics without being compelled to take each other's ideas or language." Miss Shaw will no doubt explain after her return home. FIGHT WITH A MANIAC. The Attaches at the deceiving Hospital Have a Brief but Exciting Kxpcrience. There -was a desperate struggle between an insane man and the attaches of the Re ceiving Hospital yesterday and if taxed all their strength to overpower him. John Glennon, a tall, burly laborer, was arrested on Sunday as a common drunk ard. On Monday morning he showed signs of delirium tremensand was removed irom the City Prison to the hospital and placed in a padded cell. Shortly before 1 o'clock yesterday an attendant opened the door of "his cell to re move his dinner plate when Glennon dashed past him and ran along the corri dor. Dr. liunnell happened to be walking along the corridor at the time and he in stantly grappled with the maniac. There was a short sharp struggle, which ended in the doctor getting a good neck-and-arm hold on Giennon and throwing him to the floor. Dr. Rinne, Dr. Badilla and Dr. Bucher. the head steward, heard the noise of the struggle and ran to Dr. Bunnell's assist ance. As soon as Glennon got to his feet he fought the four with hands and feet and it took several minutes belore they were able to force him back into his ccli. — •— ♦ — *■ — Charged With Burg;lary. Peter ftfclntyre was booked at the City Prison yesterday by Detectives Gibson and Reynolds and Policeman McPherson on the charge of burglary. Mclntyro had been rooming at the lodgins-h'.us'-- 01 John lioddy on Federal street, and John Harry, a firemaii on one of the '■ainers, occupied ihe adjoining room. During Hurry's absence, Mclntyre, it is alleged, . open Barry's trunk and stole some money. The exact amount will not be known till Barry's return. but.*s9 has been recovered. The Ladies' Artist Trio. The popular concert by the Ladies' ArtiEt Trio of New York at the Young Men's Chris tian Association Auditorium, Mason and Kllis street*, next Thursday evening, will be one of the most novel entertainments of the season. It will be the ilrst appearance of this company In public concert in s a n I-'ram-isco. SAN FRANCISCO •'CALL." PUMNEBS OFFICE oftha San Francisco CALt »:r V«rV«t street, open until 12 idoclt every Up It In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— SBO Montgomery street, icirfr Clay, open until 9:30 o'clock. " i.i Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 113 Lurkiu street, open until 9:30 o'clock. few. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open ii til o'clock. if D- Mission street, open until r» o'clock. 116Nimh street, open until 9:30 o'clock. NOTICE €>F MEETI.N(,S. S^3s» MISSION LODGE NO. 1(59, F. -T~" *r^£7 aiiil A. M.— Stated meeting and A Third degree THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, 7:30 o'clock. Bv order of the/^N D. M. C. D. BUNKER, Sec. f|^s=» ORIENTAL LODGE, NO. 144, F. a IS**? and A. M.— (iilicers and members are^«^ lv.iuestid to Attend the funeral of JOHN W.'wT Jf WINTER; late of Franklin Lodce No/143. rs^\ California. THIS DAY at 11 o'clock a. m. from the Masonic Temple. Masons and friend* are imiied. > A. S. HUBBAKD, Sec. U^S» CROCKETT LODGES No. 139, F. "m~ Ik^r and A. M Stated meeting and «V third degree THIS WEDNESDAY at 7:303fr5f r. m. By ordei of the W. M. P^y\ H. FORTRIEDE, Secretary. »r.-^» EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. 166, o S"^^ F. and A. M.— Stated meeting THIS^A* ( WEDNESDAY) EVENING, November C, at 7 :30 o'clock. r^T^ THBO. E. SMITH, Secretary. tffr~g=> EXCELSIOR LODCJE NO. 166, A tS^cs F. and A. M.— Special meeting _/& THURSDAY, November 7, at 12:"0 i'-M.,^JzT for the purpose Of conducting the funeral of /X^ > our dee<.>a<j<-d brother, TOWNSEND WEBB, late a member of Lamar Lodg? No. 292, Lamar, Mo. -Funeral committees piease take notice. By order 01 the W. M. THEO. E. SSIITH, Secretary. MEETING NOTlCES— Continued. - pp^^sfxSKisE~ToijGTr^oT~^sTf^^«^r" >>->> I. O. O. F.— Initiation THIS^H^ (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, No- ?§M3S£SF vember 6. A full attendance expected. Visitors specially invltedi By order. WM. A. FERRELL, N. G. C. Bukck, Rec. Sec. ■-;,..-.'■ |sr^= YERBA BUENA LODGE ■^i&l^. *&■& No. 15, I. O. O. -Officers nnil^gjfe members are requested to attend the rSp?<sSt!^ funeral of onr late brother, W. 8. -^7/in^- WRIGHT, on THURSDAY, November 7, at 2 p. m., in Memorial Hall, 1. O. O. F. building, cor- ner Market and Seventh st.s. VICTOR HOFFMAN, R. S. F. J. Smithson, N. G. , ; jiFgp A. 0.H., DIVISION NO.^-THEfe-^* I>J>' regular monthly meeting of the di- V\\\W vision will be held in Drew's Hall, 121 New <«VCf/ Montgomery St., on Tills DAY (Wednes-c£v*jJ day) at 8 p.m. All the officers and mem-"tf^& hers of the division art? specially requested to at- tend. Nomination of officers for the ensuing term and other business of importance will come before the meeting. BARTLEY LEE. Pres. P. J. Mekiiax, Sec. aFss= A.0.H., DIVISION No. 6, B. Oft4^=* L * s -* ? B. — The regular monthly meeting ot VfMM? your division will be held in Irish-American V< « Hall, Howard st , near Fourth. THlsoi%,,jL (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at 8 o'clock'S^SS^ sharp. All members are requested to attena. THOMAS LOGAN, President. P. Mcllugh, Secretary. iF~3i=» A. O. H., DIVISION SO. l.ak-a**^ v**& Regular monthly meeting THIS \~*'jf WEDNESDAY) EVENING, November \ fj 6, 1896, at their headquarters, 1159 MiB-<*£\WSv sion si. Visiting brothers Invited to at-*S"SK£ tend, P. LYONS, President. J. J. Lank, Secretary. Et^g=> KNIGHTS of! -he RED branch ~A **-»' —Attention. A reception will be ten- >f A dered to CAPTAIN J. SHEEHY, THI-feV^ (WEDNESDAY) EVENING. All mem-^S^ hers of the order in good standing are cordially invited. rjpS= BRICKLAYERS — THE REGULAR i*-* 5 " meeting of he Bricklayers' Association will be held at B'nai B'rlth Hall. 121 Eddy St., THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Nov. 6, at 8 o'clock. Business of great Importance. JOHN CAMPBELL, Pres. (fpS 3 THE fall crekk MINING com- I2r-*^ pany— annual meeting of the stock- holders of the Fall Creek Mining Company for the election of a Board of Directors and the transac- tion of such other business as may be presented will be hold at the office of the company, room 41, in McCreery's building, 310 Pine St., San Fran- cisco, Cal., on THURSDAY, the 7th aay of No- vember, A. D. 1895. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. M. D. SWEENEY, Secretary. r^""S= ANNUAL ME El I.M. — Mtt'lUti is LB--JL/ h»reby given thai the thirteenth annual meeting of the stockholders of the >an Francisco Mutual Loan Association will be held at the office of the corporation, No. 024 Montgomery si., S. F., on WEDNESDAT, November 6, I^9*s, at 7:30 o'clock p. si., for the purpose of electing directors ' for the ensuing year, presentation of the thirteenth p.unual report and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. All shareholders are earnestly requested to attend. Books are now open for subscription to 1000 shares of stock of the Fourteenth Series. Loans made in San Francisco and Aiameda counties only. Inter- est 0 per cent per annum, tree of mortgage taxes: premium 20 percent gross or 50 cents per share installments, at pleasure of borrower. Loans may be repaid at any time desired. By order of the board of directors. THUS. J. WELSH, President. A. SBARBORO, Secretary. !ifr~3^ CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— Lb=->S r THE WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, postage free. SPECIAL NOTICX.B. I2^^^si^?R7)B^rT6^M^urK^T^TTrKOOM Is-**' 8, second floor; genuine massage treatment. «£S5= BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND DIABETES •*- can be cured, even in the advanced s ases, by FULTON'S Radical Remedies: sold at office, 1221 Market St.; hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. PtTS=* PAINFUL FOOT AILMENTS SUCCESS- 12r~«' fully treated. DR. LLOYD, Chiropodist, Lur- line Baths. F :r RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, GOUT; itr^xP special attention to these diseases. J. A. MCDONALD, M.D., 1236 Market; 2 to 4, 7 to 8 p.m. R^=> DR. JOS. BAYER, 346 SUTTEKST.— I to 3 i*~& nnd 7:30 to S:SO p.m. ;resldencel43l Webster B^"^=> I.EC i I C AND MEDICATED BATHS »» s - ty 120% Geary, room 11: hours 10 to 10; $1 SKgS CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE. Ec-^y Chlropodic Institute, room 22, 906 Market. SKS= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $1. •■ > Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co.. 415 Montgy si., room ti, Tel. 5550. SE^s= WINDOWS CLEANED AND FLOORS B|rN - c ' scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI & CO., 242 Sutter. ifSg 3 ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- "-^ ed S3 50 u«. 3171/2 Third. George Hartman. K^* COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED, **" jy .TIP: coats paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. 29. SITUATIONS WAXTJiD-yEMALE. pOMPETENT PARTY, MIDDLE-AGED, DE- \J sires position as housekeeper in widower's fam- ily: capable of giving children a mother's care and education: good sewer; best of reference. Address A. 8., Call Branch Office. 116 Ninth st. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER (EAST- Xj ern) desires situation. Address 210a O'Farrell St., rooms 7 and 8. ■yOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE HOUSEKEEP- X er's position in hotel and lodging-house. Call or address 203a Powell st.. room 5. HUNGARIAN-GERMAN LADY, MIDDLE- aged, experienced, good cook, wishes a good rosition as cook; private family preferred. A. 8., box 30, Call Office. i- Situation wanted by a reliable O young woman to do housework and cooking; wages $15 to $20. Call or aidress 1015 Pacific. SWEDISH WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY O work or to do cooking by the day. 907 Bu- chanan st., upstairs. pOMPETENT GERMAN GIRL wishes sit- \J uation for cooking in the cltv or country; is neat and reliable. Address G. p., box 127, Call. ESERVING WOMAN DESIRES HOUSE- work of any kind; wages no object. Address P. W., box 26, Call Office. DRESSMAKER, GOOD FITTER, WISHES more engagements in families; 75 cents a day. Address C. H., box 134, Call Office. AT OUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION AS X bookkeeper or cashier; references given if re- quired. Address 314y 2 Seventh st. SWISS GIRL, WANTS SITUATION TO DO 0 upstairs work or take care of one child; best references; speaks German. Please call at 2244 Howard St.. corner Nineteenth. /"I IRL WISHES SITUATION TO DO GEN- VT era! housework in private family. Call 717 Twenty-second St., near Valencia. WOMAN WISHES SITUATION FOR GEN- '» eral housework and cooking; sleeping at home: Address MRS. 1... 51 Fifth st. GIRL. WISHES A SITUATION: HOUSE- work ; cooking. Apply 321 Ellis st. ANTED— A smyilO.^Y A YOUNG '' lady as saleslady. 116a EHrventh st. | SCAN DINAVIAN GIRL JU.-T FROM THE O East wishes place, cooking and housework; wages $20 to $25. Call at 42 Everett St., city. T?IRBT-CLASS VIENNA COOK WANTS TO X get a place in hotel or restaurant. Address Vienna, box 113, Call Office. EX P E i E D NURSE WISHES .SlTUA- tion to take entire chtirge of an infant from birth, or an invalid : good seamstress, or assist with household duties; best of references. Address Nurse, box 71, Call Office. VOUNG GERMAN GIRL WANTS A SITU A- X tlon for light housework. Call 72 Natoma st. XPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER WISHES a situation, housekeeping or to manage a lodg- ing-house; city or country. Address C, box 40, this office. Rl sI'ECTABLK YOUNG GIRL WISHES A ■IX situation to do genera! housework. 1723 Mar- ket; grocery. SITUATION WANTED AS FIRST-CLASS O bread, cake and pastry baker; city or country; can ice and ornament or ao anything required in any first-class shop: best of reference. Address A. D.. box 3, Call Office, Oakland. A T O UNG LADY WISHES position AT SIN(i- X ing and playing at piano : city or country. Call at room 8, 393 SLxth s :. i |)Y EXPERIENCED (URL. DO LABELING OR ; XJ wrapping. Call or address M. L., 967 Harrison. "yOUNG (iERM/ N GIRL WISHES POSITION X for light housework. Address 31% Boardman place. In rear, city. ■WANTED BY A PROTESTANT WOMAN A TT situation to do housework; is a good cook and laundress; no objection to short distance in coun- try. Address T., box 71, this office. EXPER1 KNCED CHILD'S MAID WANTS situation to do upstairs work and care of young children; rirsL-class city references: no objection to short distance in the country. Call or address 416 Fourteenth St., near Valencia. yOUNG LADY JUST FROM FRANCE DE- X sires to take care of children in an American family. Address 6-6 Pacific st. \Y OMAN WITH BOY 6 YEARS OLD TO DO ** general housework or cooking. 549 Mission. KEBPECTABLB GIRL WISHES SITUATION to do chnml)er-.vork in hotel or boarding-house, or light housework; no objection to Oakland: wages reasonable. Call or address 26 Hunt st. SITUAT lON BY COMPETENT PHOTOG- O rapher; can take charge or rill any department except retouching. U.. box 34, Call Office. "POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER WANTED BY x experienced younc lady. ■ 601 Post St., room 25, second floor. ■ . C COLORED GIRL WISHESISITUATION TO AS- \J sist in housework, or go out by the day Ad- dress C, box 16, Call Office. T?MBROIDERING SUSPENDERS AND MUF- xj Hers a specialty. Ist floor, r. 22. 105 Stockton. REFINED WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP- -I-*/ er's posi^on. . 11 Kearuy, room 27, first floor. MADAM M. PICHOT, FIRST-CLASS DRESS- maker from Paris.wlshes work by day at $1 25 for few- months to make known her beautiful fit- ting. \\ lite 622 Clay st. y OUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS BTEN- x ogrnpher In law office; inexperienced in law work only ; wage ■no object: experience preferred ; would accept position In mercantile house. K. M. L., box 108, Call. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1895. SITUATIONS ANTED— Continued. r"~THST^CLASSrMILLINERrTKI3r>fER AND -T dressmaker wishes engagements In families by the day; $1 50. 1303 Polk at. •' -• RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES TO DO UP- ■LX stairs work and assist sewing; references. 425 Stevenson s;. _^ WELL-ECUCATED YOUNO LADY WOULD »» like position as companion or governess; is neat and willing. .Address T. M., 686 Twenty- fourth St., East Oakland. - WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NR. " Market; electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $150 per night; «1 50 to $6 per week : free mis to and from the ferry. \\riNCHESTEK HOUSE, 44 TH I KD ST., NR. " Market; 200 rooms; 25c to «1 60 per night $1 50 to $6 per week ; convenient and respectable ; free bus to and from the ferry. SITUATIONS WA.NXED-MALK. I'3^c77?TOTai?3~^o^r^u^sn^iLEir7?o^)Ksl | 15 C. O. COOK'S SOC. FURNISHES COOKS; . . all branches: shortest notice. 14 Geary. "yOUNG MAN FROM BOSTON, 25 YEARS OF JL age. wishes situation as night watchman or por- ter in store or any kind of work: honest; willing: with the best of reference. Address C. 8., box 41, Call Office. ■ yoUXli MAX OF EXPERIENCE AM) I- large acquaintance wishes to drive a commis- sion wncon or buy route of any kind. A. A., box 90, Call Office. MI 1 ) I ) I . K- ACE DO E MA N WANTS SIT A- i'J- tion as dishwasher or any kind of work around a restaurant. Address A. lv., box 1:25, Call Office. /COLORED MAN WANTS SITUATION OF \J any kind; city or country: neat appearance; no bum. Address C. M., box 108, Call < irlice. INITIATION WANTED AS KITCHEN HELP O or second cook.; wages no object if chance to improve in trade. Address K. 11., box 90, this office. ; GOOD GERMAN COOK WISHES A STEADY place in hot- 1 or private house; city or coun- try. Address HENRY, box 113, Call Office. STEADY AND RELIABLE YOUNG MAN wishes position as porter in some store. Address A. D., 6 16 Jessie st. TRONG, TRUSTY BOY WANTS JOB; CITY O or country; understands horses, milking and chores. BoDIN, 048 Mission st. OOKKEEPKR, 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, lJ wants position in any office work; heat of ref- erences; salary no object. «., box 10. Call Office. WANTKD-A POSITION CANVASSING FOR «' a live business: will give security. Address H. C, box 83, Call Office. ' IF YOU WANT A GOOD MALE COOK CALL at 220 Clara st.. near Fifth. STEADY RELIABLE MAN WISHES A POSI- O tion as driver: delivery wagon or milk wagon: drove milk wagon before; careiul driver. Address B. W., 821 Ellis at. A S COACHMAN— SITUATION WANTED BY -l\- young man (Swede); understands the care of liorses and gardening: best of references. Address S., box 75, Call Office, Oakland. AN AND WIFE (GERMAN) WISH SITUA- iVI tion on ranch; wire a good cook. Z., box 30, Call Office. OMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES \J small set of books to keep; best of references; terms reasonable; bonds if necessary. Address I B. K., box 71, Call. pOMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES A \J small aet of books to keep; best of references; terms reasonable. AddressG. P... box 71, titisoHice. A - COACHMAN— SITUATION WANTED BY -<-»- young man. Swedish: understands the care of horses and. gardening; best of references. Ad- dress s., box 102, Ca1l Office, Oakland. I'KMALt: hELP WANTJKD. SECOND GIRLS,' NURSE- » » girls, general housework glrJs, for numerous places city or country, $15. $20 and $26: 4 wait- r sses, also 2 chambermaids, 915 and $20. C. R. lI ANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. VffANTEb— GERMAN "OR SCANDINAVIAN "* cook, nice place. $30; waitress and parlor- maid; 3 American, German and Scandinavian sec- ond girls, $*0 and $25: 4 German and Scandina- vian cooks in German and American families, $25 ana $30; S Protestant housework girls, $25; in- valid nurse, $20: restaurant waitress. $5 a week; chambermaid, hotel, $.5; hotel laundress, 920. and girls for cooking and housework in city and coun- try. J. l-.CROSb.TT & CO., 312 Sutter st. \\T ANTED— FIRST-CLASS WOMAN COOK, * T $35, etc.; 5 waitresses. $20, room, etc,; family cook, 3 persons, $25; girl In family of 2. Oakland. $20; 5 nursegirls. SlO and $12; cook, Jewish fam- ily, $20: housegirl, AJ ill Valley, §20, 2 in family; 3 housekeepers, $10, $15, etc.; German or French family cook, $25, etc., 3 persons; 7 housegirls. $15, etc.: 12 young girls, *6, $10 and $12 month. MARTIN'S Employment Agency, 749 Market st. C~oi) KTANiFTTAti n dress7Tmerican*fa"m : 11 y. country. $25; see lady here, 9:30 a. M. to- day. MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay st. YKAT GIRL, COOKING AND HOUSEWORK. -Li American family, country, 20; see party here. MURRAY it HEADY, 634 and 636 Clay st. ! BISH GIRL. COOKING, 988 : HOUSEWORK X girl, Oakland, $30; and other towns, $20; house- work girls, city, $10 to $30. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. VOU.NG GIRL ASSIST HOUSEWORK, $12; A 2in family. MISS CULLEX, 105 Stockton st. EKMAN GIRL, HOUSEWORK, $30; V.'AlT- ress, $20; two second girls, $25 tach. MlbS CULLS 105 Stockton st. TRONG, COMPETENT SWEDISH CuOK AND O laundress desires situation, MISS CULLEN, 105 took ton st. J ) EFINED GERMAN NURSE, CHILD 2i/ j IX years, $20, Oakland. MISS CULLEN, 105 | Stockton st. TV"UKSE,SI2, ST. HELENA. MISS CULLEN, .<-> 105 Stockton st. HOUSEKEEPER, WIDOWER, $12. MISS ■O- CULLEN. 105 Stockton st. G I.K.MAN OB SWEDISH COOK, $35; GOOD VJ" place. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st, "\1 AN AND WIFE, COOK AND ASSIST, $40. X'X MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. --.:.; OUSEWORK, SLEEP HOME. $16. miss CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. GIRL TEND BAKERY, VALLEJO. $TiT; nurse, country, $16; fare paid. MISS CUL- LEN, 105 Stockton st. GIRL, CARE OF ONE BABY. $15; SLEEP home. MISS CULLEN. 105 Stockton st. \\r TED— A PROTESTANT COOK: ALSO A TT Protestant second girl for same house in city; j $30 ami $20; references. Apply MISS PLUNK- ETT, 424 Sinter st. \\r ANTED— FRENCH OR GERMAN SECOND TT girl, country, $25; French nurse, city, $20: German cook, $30; French cook, $30: girls for housework and assist. LEON ANDRE, 316 Stock- ton st. pOOK, PRIVATE BOARDING-HOUSE, $40; \J housenirl, 2 in family, £25; housekeeper, $15: Swedish housegirl, $25; second girl, $20- 4 girls tor housework, $20; girl, $15; 4 girls, country, $20; nurseglrl, $12. Apply at 315 Slitter st. \\r AN i ED-2 GIRLS FOR GENERAL HOUSE- ! '» work: small families; $20. liy a Antonio st., ' off Jones, near Ellis. , ' • ■ j TTOOI) GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK- i Vj references. Call at 1629 Golden Gate ave bet 9 and 11a. m. pIKL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: $15 1 VJ small family. Apply, after 2p. m., 2023 Sac- ramento st. { ; 1 1 : 1 , in RITouSEWOKK AND V-T dren. 1001 McAllister st. G1 IRL TO ASSIST HOUSEWORK; $10. 1911 r Bush st. ■VTEAT YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- -Ll work; selary $8: one to Bleep at home pre- erred. 1438 O'Farrell st. V RANTED— A -MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO »» do light housework. 3y 3 Clyde st., off Towns- end, bet. Third and Fourth. "UTANTED-GOOD, STRONG young woman TT as assistant waitress. 530 Third st. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 9UBLaeunast. 'ANTED- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; plain cooking: family of 2. An- ply, bet. 9 and 12, 138 Fulton st. ■\TBAT YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- Xi work; small family. 1612 O'Farrell st. VyANTED — NEAT, BRIGHT; HEALTHY TT young lady who wants a good ho.ue. W. W box 30, Call Office. \ PPKENTICE TO LEARN TAILORING ON rV coats. Apply 317 O'Farrell st. P ARTN E R WANTED — LADY OR GENT: x good paying business. 21 3 y a Mason st., room 11. ANTED— IN SMALL FAMILY. GIRL To '" assist in general housework. 2502 Fillmore st. M~TllTnery-good maker FOR STEADY I>X work. 130 Sixth st. ANTED— GOOD GERMAN OR SCANDl- naviau girl for general housework in small family; easy place; good home; $15. 540 15th st. T a iloress on ~custom:~ COATS. 611% Jones st. . -vv> ,--. IRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK AND yj care of children. 714 Twenty at., nr. Val. V'OUNG GIRL— GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN X small family. 910y 3 Sixteenth st., between Market and Castro. THIRST-CLASS COOK, $35; COOK AND GEN- X eral housework, $20: girl to assist, $10. »19 Market St., room 16. Academy of Sciences.; \\r ANTED— GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- T T work. Apply 2904 California st. before 2p. it. SEALETTE CAPES FROM $5 90 UP, AT N. Y. Cloak and Suit House. 1210 Market st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL, HOUSE- KJ work; must be good cook. 612 Devlsadero st. LADIES TO SELL MANHATTAN EGG FOOD; is the best. C. KERTELL, San Mateo. • ■=. } {EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON LADIES' XJ and children's wear; work by ■ power. 409 Hayes st. GIERMAN GIRL FOR DOWNSTAIRS WORK, r cooking and little washing. Call forenoon 1522 O'Farrell si. /.1I RL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; VT wages $12. 700 Shot well. r V: A KING TAUGHT FREE AT MRS. LJ H. L. JONES' thorough ' dresscuttlug . school, 605 Fell st. \\r ANTED— EXPERIENCED WOMEN KU B . tt ber and shampooer, who can give medicated and- electric baths; state experience and wages wanted. : Address E., box 71, Call Office. .. - .^ ... ... HELP WANTED— Continued. P& -X.^l tent salesladies for notions ami fancy goods de- partment are wanted; also salesladies for cloak and suit departments: we have good positions for you if you are competent in either of these lines: our system has been the means of placing in rosl- tions a large number of salesladies, stenographers and bookkeepers; call at the office and see the written indoisements of 250 of the leading firms of this city. - United States Industrial Agency, rooms 165 to 167, Crocker building-, this office open evenings. XPERIENCED HANDS TO DO HE stitching oa pillowshams, etc. 409 Hayes st. W" ANTED-20 GIRLS TO BRING MATERIAL, T T and learn dressmaking. 616 Post st. GIRL TO CUT AND HANG SKIRTS: ONLY first class need apply. 743 Ellis St., cor. Polk. p IRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. VJT 524 Pine st. TIT ANTE D— GIRL FOR^GENERAL HOUBE- TT work;.wage3iMB; references. 410 Van Ness. WANTED IMMEDIATELY — LADIES TO learn millinery under competent teachers. 234 Taylor st. ADY AGENTS, !jt'Js WEEK; CITY AND country: exclusive rights. 131 Post, room 20, rPHIS WEEK LADIES' CAPES, NEW STYLE, X $2 50. New York Cloak House, 1210 Market. AIRDRESSING, 25c AND 36c: MORNING and ev'g classes; 10 lessons,sl 50. 1248 Mission. "NUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHT *-> woman as managing oflico agent. Sospita Company, office 53 .Donoboe building. < piA NO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY -I- schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. ' T^RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- X' made suits: $7; perfect fit. 118 McAJlisterst. ROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- ting and making school : all branches. 702 Sutter. RESSMAKERS USING THE MCDOWELL XJ world's famous system recommended. 213 Powell St.; patterns cut to fit, 25c up. MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE*; Winchester House. 44 Third St.. near Market; 200 rooms: 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 tO to $6 per week; free bus to and from the ferry. * NY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONK'S FOR J~\- herself can easily earn It. Address Ladies' Home Journal, 78 Columbian bid?., San Francisco. "WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR TT Market— Electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus to and from the ferry. MALE HELP WANTED. Cook. couxT^Rv r noTE'£," stoTheaiTcook', $60; second cook, $30, country restaurant: cook, country restaurant, $40 to $50; waiter, country hotel. $30: cook for a tugboat, $30. C. R. lI A SEN & CO., 110 Geary st. AKER, COUNTRY SHOP; X COOKS, $50. $40 and $30; cook and wife, country hotel; 3 farm- ers, $*0; blacksmith for a ranch, $30; cooper for a Winery. MURRAY <fc READY, 634 and 636 Clay. W ANTED— AN AMERICAN OB ENGLISH TT coachman; short distance in country; $30 per month and found: references required. Apply to W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Cluy st. \\- ANTED — FIRST -CLASS DRIVER FOR *» milk route in city; must be experienced and furnish references from former emnlover; salary $35 and found; a No. 1 place. W. D. EWER 4 CO., 626 Clay st. \ V ' A NTED— TWO AMERICAN, GERMAN OR TT Scandinavian miners, if a .''o to $3 per day; carpenters for Central America, part of fare nd- vanced; carriagesmith for Mexico, fare advanced; tiemakers, laborers and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO.. 028 Sacramento st. AN AND WIFE TO COO AND WAIT IN A small restaurant. $40: waiter, near city, $25 and found, etc. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. HOTEL CLERK, $50; HEAD WAITER, $50: head waiter, $40; second cook, $45; 2 waiters, 830. HOTEL GAZETTE, 420 Kearny st. I) ABBERS^-FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- XJ retary Barbers' Association, 325 Grant aye. S. FUCHS. EST PLACE IN CITY FOR SECOND-HAND shoes, 726V 3 opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Sixth- st,: misfit shoes bought or exchanged. \\T ANTED-COMPKTENT BUTLER; MUST '» have good references. Apply bet. 2 and 4at 25 Mills building, second Moor. S" INGLE LADY WANTS HONEST PARTNER with $100; Rood coffee-saloon; 4 living-rooms; no trlHer need apply. 505 Sixth st. WANTED— WAITER, AT 1805 UAIGHT '» street. r /^ yOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. X 841 Tel« graph ave., Oakland. BABBEB FOB WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, Sunday. 409 Broderick st., near Oak. T>K£BSEB WANTED. 12 MONTGOMERY ST. ry RAVELING SALESMAN hill A CIGAR- X house wanted. If you are a competent traveling salesman you can put yourself in the way of secur- ing a good situation through this office. We are being contitiuftlly called upon by reliable business houses for first-cla«s traveling men. 250 of the leading firms of this city have, given us their writ- ten indorsement of our system of business, and are using it in securing their skilled and clerical help. Doited States Industrial Agency, rooms 166 to 167, Crocker build inc. This office open evenings. ARBERS — FIRST-CLASS BARBERSHOP; good business ; cheap. 817 Laguna st., near Mc- A Ulster. 0' LD FRENCH HOSPITAL— CLEAN BEDS, 5 cents; bring your own covers; 10 cents with blankets; single rooms, 15 cents; unfurnished rooms, $2 50 monthly each and up. PARTNER WANTED; LADY OR GF.NT; X good-paying business. 213% Mason, room 11. ARBERS— 2-CHAIR SHOP FOR SALE; 15c; J-* 25c. hair-cutting; rent $10; living-rooms; $80. Next Postoflice, Sausalito. BOY: PLUMBKR'S HELPER: 623 GOLDEN ' ; a: ave. H. HUFSCHMIDT. GOOD COATMAKER ATTU. E. KENT'S, 597 Mission St.. second floor. BOY TO LEARN" UPHOLSTERING: CALL with parent. 1020 Larkin st., near Sutter. AN TO DO CHORES: PRIVATE RESl- dence in city; $15 a month and found; state ace arid references. Address MR. WILSON, box 30, this oflice. FI ! I ST-CLASS OPERATORS ON LADIES' cloaks: wages no object. 1236 Market, rm. 84. WANTED— GOOD TINSMITHS. APPLY TO TT POWER & PIKE. 49 Sacramento street. TNDUSTRIOUS MAN, WITH $40 CASH. CAN X secure steady profitable employment by address- ins D., ox 80, Call Office. BAR K-SHUf WANTED: CITY; $1000 TO XJ $1200; must be good location and work at least 6 chairs. Give particulars to BTOLTZ, at the Rival Barber Supply .House, 630 Market downstairs BA RB ER-SH O P, $450; FINELY FITTED UP; XJ receipts. s4o a week: or exchange for country shop. Inquire DECKELMAN, 106 Ellis St. "WANTED TO-DAY— RELIABLE MAN AS *» partner in established business: good for $15 week each: can be increased: cash required $150. Apply STRAND & CO., 45 Third St. IF YOU WANT A GOOD SITUATION IN ANY X business house in the State in the way of skilled or clerical work call on the United States Indus- trial Agency, room 167, Crocker Building. Over two hundred firms have indorsed its system of business and agree to get their help through that agency. Lucrative positions are being filled daily. ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- mi-nt secretary. CONRAD TROELL. 657 Clay. W~~ ANTED— ALL CARPENTERS TO KNOW that there are plenty. of carpenters In San Francisco: all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. All help can be supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters, 116 Turk st., or 28 Ninth st. District Council meets at 115 Turk st. on Wednesday evening. ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE their wages to place accounts with us: law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r. 4. ANTED— IS MEN TO TRY OUR SQUARE meals for 10c. 50 Third st. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NEAR tt Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- room: free bus to and from the ferry. V I l-.S'r^CLASS LADIES' TAILOR WANTED J BOWHA Y. 504 Sutter St. : BARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. "I EARN A TRADE— SIGN OR PICTORIAL XJ painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D. LEVY. 35 Eighth at.', San Francisco. fTUIE RAILROAD HOUSE, 533 COMMERCIAL A st., below Montgomery: single rooms 15c night, 25c for two; best and cleanest house In town. OZART, 319 ELLIS, ROOMS 250 TO 60C night, $1 25 to *5 week; reading rooms. "WHAT CHF.ER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO TT st. : 100 outside rooms best spring beds ; single rooms, 20c a day ; $1 a week; meals, 10c. • "VI EN'S SH6lcs~i / pRJLEb7Sbc: HEELS, 25c; -I'i. done In 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. T/UtEE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; -I- single rooms Isc. 20a a night, $1 a week. LIVE MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT OUT- door work; will pay competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 32» Seventh st. VyANTED-SINGLE ROOMS. 15c A DAY; $1 t t week: rooms for two, 25c a day, »I M)»w«eic; reading room- dally papers, aft Clay at. q\RY ACME HOUSE, 9. -7 MARKET ST., BE- x low Sixth, for room; 25c night; $1 a week. - Q9l ELLIS, ROSED ALE— ROOMS !*sc TO 50c O^JX a night: $1 to $3 a. week: open all night. "WANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS "to know that Ed Rolkln, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House. 217 Third t St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. \y ANTED— II TOIUET BOTTLE SHARP tt steam beer. Sc : bottle wine, 6c 609 Clay at. ■ 4.00 MEN'S SECOND-HANDED HHOES.SOME rz\/\j nearly new, -Jsc to $1 25. 562 Mission st. QIIOES HALF-SOLED in 10 MINUTES: 0 done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price; work guar- anteed. 562 Mission st.. bet. First st. and Second at. T INDELL HOUSE, BTH AND HOWARD— tingle furnished rooms. 75c week, 16c night. 00 M^n7° TAKE LODGING AT Ma Mo £,yy. and 20c a night, Including coffee and roils. t>24 Washington st., near Kfarny. , F.ST INCIT LE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND v m B< nts per nl « ut - *1. » l 26 - 91 60 p«r week, Pacific House .CommerciAl and LeMesdorfl sts. PEKSOJiALS. .I*'.'.. ]} L.— l AM FEELING^VEIIY^ VERY SICK i-». and cannot say much: but I suppose you will do as you like. Let me know if you can see me this week. C. K. C CARDIGAN JACKETS^ WITH LONG \J sleeves, black, navy, garnet, $1 up, for ladies at SMITH'S, 414418 Front st., Francisco, Cal. GYPTIAN HENNA, $1; HAIRDYE, PER- a_ fectly harmless. Lansley-Michaels Co.; all chemists; Hubbard'g 923, Hauptli's. 1156 Market. SPECIA LIST-MRS. DR. PAUL MEYER, 504 kj Sutterst.; removing superfluous hair without injury to the skin: new and scientific method: re- ducing adipose tissue; developing form; renewing vigor and oeauty to the skin and body. A -VICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE -TX laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc G. . HOW E, att'y-at-law. 850 Market, cor. Stockton. F2^r, i \ l^I E POUIjTRY AND GAAIE GO TO A. X bTRASSER, 78 and 79 Center Market. WRAPPERS MADE TO MEASURE FROM ill $1 up to ? 2 60 - Get what you want and cheap too at SMITH'S, 414-418 Front St., S. F. N EW I>R OGRESSIVE WINDOW and house -i cleaning Co. -.floors scrubbed contracts ;day.wk or month. F. CARNOVAL <fc C0.,121 O'Farrell st. T£i££_S_i o^^^ GOWN LEFT AT MISS x QUIGG to, 126 Kearny st., Is not called for be- fore .November 8 it will be sold to defray expenses. SPANISH GENTLEMAN WISHES TO EX- -0 change lessons in Spanish for German. Address S. P.. box 106, Call Office. T^OR 25c. " ~ ~ ~ r , We will dress your hair in any style, waving included: manicuriug. 25c: excellent switches ana front pieces for $1; strictly one price; estab- lished 1889. 11l Stockton st. B. SPITZ. G. LEDERER, successor. "VTOTICE TO THE PUBLIC—MY WATCH AND X^l jewelry business at 2041 Mission st. will be closed to-day. AH further communications at 1331/2 Fourteenth st., bet Howard and Shotwell. iii. HCHtLZE, * CIARL VON DER MEHDEN, TEACHER OF - ,/o V lolin ' mandolin, cornet, etc.; music arranged. 1437 Market st. "TkAMAGE AND LIEN CASES; LAWS OF -— ' probate and divorce: necessary costs advanced. Apply to ALBERT MAC, 726 Spreckels building. LADY CAN SECURE THE VERY BEST -LJ home in confinement with widow bv address- ing Widow, box 112, Call. Miss dinanTspectal rale IMPORTED -, hats: $8 to $10; stylish hats, bonnets, $5 up. 11l Stockton st. . BANKETS, FLANNELS. ETC.: FULL STOCK- aIso Yosemite blankets, California Woolen Mills 530 Commercial, nr.Montgmry. Factory Petaluma. O~ NE MORE CUT— ~ . Oak Roll Top Desks .$l4 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers.. From $10 up Oak Bed feets $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges $3 up 1 hou sands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017. 1010. 1021, 1023 Mission St., above Sixth. 1 000 BUSINESS CARDS, $1 60; TELE- _____ phone "Black 141." H1LL.724y 2 Market. CCirOOLOF"MA"GAZINE~AND"NEWSPAPER O illustration; in response to many urgent re- quests the school will be shortly opened for even- ing classes. Particulars at 424 Pine st. QPANLSH. FRENCH, GERMAN: MODERATE Melsterschaf t School of Languages,l22 O'Farrell rpRY HENRY VOLL, 87 AND 51 CENTRE | X Market, for pest hams, sausages, preserves, etc" I \| HiOT HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE j.tx . best and freshest of butter, eggs and cheese. Center Market, cor. Sutter and Grant ave., stall 52. J BISHOP, CHIMNEY SWEEP. ADDRESS O « 823 Market. Phoue Main 441 at C. BROWN'S. A RTISTIC HAIRDRESSING, MANICURE, -v switches, bangs, $1; wigs from $5: hair dressed, 25c. To keep hair soft have it shampooed and dried in sun at La Verite Toilet Bazaar, 6 O'Farrell st. A TTENTION— F. JOSEPH LOCHERBEGBTO announce that he will open about October 28 a -first-class tailoring establishment at 15 2 1/2 Geary St.. and will be pleased to see all his former friends and customers. 1? I.i.CTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM— WIN- ■i-i Chester House, 44 Third st., near Market 200 rooms, 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus to and from the ferrv. r TAILOR-MADE SUITS TO ORDER ETC.: X reasonable prices; by CHAS. JAGER, ladies' tailor, 246 butter st., California building, rms 14-1 5. UITS MADE TO ORDER OF ELEGANT I remnants for $10; samples and self-measure- men:, on application. LEON LEMOS, Merchant Tailor, 1332 Market St., San Francisco. A LL PAINS CURED NATURAL MAGNETIC __ electric healing. MRS. HILL, 2151/5 Mason st. &] A ROOM; CARPETS CLEANED ON THE tJPX floor. 208 Leavenworth s'.. IMEOGRAPH, TYPEWRITER AND OF- J-'-L fice supplies: all classes of typewritten and mimeograph work promptly done; typewriter rib- bons. $6 doz., guaranteed. ANNA C. BUSTEEDE, phone— Main. 6807: 630 Market. ECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, et"., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see slock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOONAN, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1023 Mission St., above Sixth. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD; store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission St., near Eighth. /-IOLLECTING, TRACING, SHADOWING AND \J locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine st. "\ j A CHIN WHITEWASHING; CONTRACTS l'X taken; whitewashing and tree-spraying; rooms whitened, $1 up. 1560 Market St., near Hayes. WALTZ GUARANTEED; PRIVATE OR IN '» class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. v£jl O SUITS TO ORDER: SAMPLE BY MAIL. tjPX.4 NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 115 Kearn.v. \"< INE SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. X" Misfit Clotning Parlors, 435 Montgomery st. LO A Kb, CAPES AND SUM'S RETAILED AT \J mfr3' coat. Factory. 20 Sansome St.. upstairs. OLD GOLD, biLVER, GENTS' AND~LADI_;J' clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third st. INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. W^W A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— THE — '-^ WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, lor mailing. 1> KJis M AKEKS. DRESSES CUT AND FITTED, DRESSES popular prices: engagements hv day. 11 Geary. EDUCATIONAL. A~^^^EITT^FrY^ER7^fEA^EIR~oT~pTANoi banjo, mandolin. 405 Geary St., room 17. "L 1 OR SALE- WELL-ESTABLISHED KINDER- X garten. Apply 234 Fourth St., city. 1 SS BOLTJ-S SCHOOL, 2297 SACRAMENTO: -L»X board, English, French, German, piano. 30 month; separate French kindergarten; coach. G^ANISH AND FRENCH SIMPLIFIED.PROF. kJ T. B. de Fllippe.graduate Paris, Madrid, 320 Post. 1M) R M E R STANFORD . PROFESSOR PRE- X pares students for the university (admission on recommendation); law, medical college, civil serv'ce; day & eve classes. Room 333 Pheian bldg. MRS. MELVILLE SNY DER, 519 VAN NESS: X»X oratorical, vocal, dramatic academy; classes, private lessons; piano;ilramatic elocution specialty. EALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST ST. Bookkeeping, business practice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modern languages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. VIGHTSCHOOLUIEALD'SBtS. COLLEGE -24 — 1 Post commercial, shorthand, English; low rates OHAKESPEARKAN READING AND BRA- matic classes: terms low. PROF. ROSS, 6 Eddy. "YT EW PLAN ENABLES US TO TEACH ART - -' 1 _ languages: 25c a lesson. Inst., box 36, call. TOL I N , MANDOLIN, CELbO. BANJO; KEA- V BQnable. PROF. FRANCIS, 10451/2 Valencia. TRENCH-LEARN TO SPEAK FIRST; IN- fallible method. E. DU CASTEL, 6 Post st, CHEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. CUNNING- / ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. f-.RENCn, GERMAN, SPANISH; LIVING X method ; Larcher School, Flood bldg. Market st. AN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1238 O Market; send for cat. ; day and evening session. VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITA R, CORNET V taught. Prof. L.MERKI, 225 Geary reasonable ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OK ACTINO-" Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed onstase. R.J) & 12. 1. O. O. F. block, 7th and Market. OCHOOL ELECTRIC AL,~CI V rL7MINING7M& KJ chanical engineering, surveying, architecture assay: estab. '64. JAN DER N AILLEN. 723 Ml«. F/^S'WSK- taught by MISS ■1J DILLON. 14 MoAlllstpr. r 4*",: private or class. AGENTS IVAN TED. — — — SALESMAN— DRUG TRADE, SIDE LINE OR otherwise. J. Knight, 225 State st., Racine, Wis' /CALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY \J wants Rood agents to work Its accident and sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J W. HARNA, Secretary. Murphy building. •• PARTNERS AV ANTED. GOOD CHANCE FOR BUSINESS MAN "OF means. E. ROBIN KT. 41iy a California st. KOO!»1S WANTED. UNFURNISHED ROOM NEAR THIRD OR -J Fourth St., cheap. A. D., box 117, Call Office. rj.KNTL_MAN ; WANTS SMALL PLAINLY VJ furnished room not far from Postoffice Ad- drees, stating price, J. V. W., box 90, Call Office. PKOPEBTI WANTED. ADVERTISER _ESIR^^T^~MrKE~CON^ xv nections for the purchase and sale of real estate. Address J.. box 10, Call Office. ; • WA>T_D-liisU_Ll.A>EOCs. T?sfG^SH^oß~lß^H^TTiEß^^MTlßliv^ XJ er dog. from 3 months old up. Address J T box 4, this office. ■,-■ ■ ■■ ~ ' :''. Highest'price PAID FOR LADIES' AND gents' cast-off clothing. 251 Third st. ?? ": S" ECOND-HAND KODAKS, CAMERAS lenses, magic lanterns _ slides, 109 Montgy. ? ELL YOUR BOOKS AND CLOTHING TO a" KLEIN, 109 Sixth st. ; send postal A ' BUSINESS CHANCES. mOBU^YrSELIToirEXCHANGE A BUSINESS 1 of any kind see STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. ALOON NEAR MARKET ST.: VALUE in sight; offer wanted. STRAND <fe CO., 45 Third st. . _j_ (_.•_>.)- BRANCH BAKERY AND COFFEE «J)O_tJ*. parlor; pays well; bargain. STRAND & CO., 45 Third St. . ?■.,'■;■■ O»Q7(C BAKERY ACROSS THE BAY; «JpO tO. horse, wagon, etc.; bargain. STRAND <fc CO., 45 Third st. ORN_.R SALOON: THIRD ST., NEAR MAR- ket; handsome place, with private rooms: cheap rent: safe and cash register Included; big bargain ; price only $700. STENBERG, 632 Mar- ket st. . - - ©Qfinfl HOTEL WITH BAR; 45 ROOMS: »35OUUf . 10 years. STERNBERG. 632 Market ~&» lO^ GROCERY, FRUIT; MUST SELL IN i&l£O. 5 days; at sacrifice. STENBERG, 632 Market St., opp. Palace Hotel. - . AKEKY, CONFECTIONERY, icecream parlor: present owner 5 years. STENBERG, 632 Market St., opp. Palace. ©Qflflfl HALF INTEREST: paying bak- tJnOUUU. ery, restaurant: principal business street: remaining partner responsible and practi- cal business man; will teach incoming party the business; clears $400 to $500; opportunity seldom, if ever, offered. STEN BERG, 632 Market st. Cj A(\r\ COK. LIQUOR-STORE ON TRANS- <3pttUU. fer point: only 2 blocks from Market St.; rent $36: good paying business. Particulars at 633 California St., Phoenix Bar, WILKE. ■. - o>/l OLD-ESTABLISHED ~SALOON IN ilr^ lu. wholesale district; always been good paying place: largely patronized by commission merchants. Inquire 533 California St., Phoenix Bar. ■VfOTICE— YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF -Li your business promptly? HEALY, 23 Kearny. <S>n^.f\ GRAND CHANCE FOR MAN AND *ip I O\J. wile ; 2 hours' ride from this city: con- fectionery, fruit, groceries, cigars, etc.; horse and wagon: stock at Invoice. HEALY, 23 Kearnv st. SALOONS, GROCERY-STORES, WOOD AND coal yard?, cigar-stands. HEALY, 23 Kearny. |K|)A PAYING MARKET-ST. COFFEE «IpUl '\J. and chop house; low rent; sacrificed on account of sickness: don't miss this rare chance. BARRETT & SKIFF, 8651,2 Market St. AOn BAKERY: WESTERN ADDITION; (JpUUv. counter trade 416 day: splendid loco- tion; rare chance: must sell account of sickness; offer wanted. BARRETT & CO., 8651/2 Market st. LOVELY LOTS, ALL CLEAR, TO EX- change for grocery or any paying business In city; or will sell cheap for cash. WOOD <t CO., 917 Market st. __. ANDY STORE AND FACTORY: RECEIPTS $20 per day. Full particulars with DECKER, 1206 Market. ■ fl»"l ()(U\ STATIONERY and variety tIPJLUV/U. store, suitable for man or woman: good living to be made: will sell at inventory; business could be greatly Increased by proper atten- tion, owners having too mucb other business: best references from leading firms of San Francisco. GEO. STEERS & CO., 22 Kearny st. <& OXA~OLD-ESTABLI SHED GOOD-PAYING «JTOUI/. business; stock, horse, wagons, good- will, etc.; should clear $5 a day. B. 0., box 133, Call Office. Oil AM WANTED— PARTNER TO LOOK <iPXV.'V7. after the business: strictly cash trade; no liquor. Address M. H., box 95, Call office. Hit I ,^( ) PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT tiPi-Ov/. business; suited to plain, stead man satisfied with .$l5 to $20 per week. »Ge»rv. rnnm '2. S" ALOON FOK SALK-iisiAi.i.iStiiiU 1 »i £> O ty years and nine years under present proprie- tor, who has to go East at once; no such chance in the city, for it will be sold for half its value: inves- tlgatlon invited. Address A. 8.. box 89, Call Office. ST A U A T: BEST LOCATION IN CITY. Xt Apply S. F. Breweries, Limited, 403 Market st. 52 1 00 CIGAR -STOKE AND LAUNDRY - 1 - V/v/. office for sale: must be sold on account of going East. Address C. S., box 71. Call Office. GOOD GROCERY AND BAR WANTED FOR yj cash. Address G. W., box 152, Call Office. pROCERY AND BAR; MUST BE SOLD THIS VJ week. Apply CAKTAN, MCCARTHY <fc CO., 312 Sacramento st. <2«9PUr PARTNER WANTED IN ESTAB- •iP^itlv/. lished coal, hay and grain business: ref- erences exchanged. Address B. C.. box 1 OH. fall. SET OF SALOON FIXTURES AND iSAH furniture, nearly new, at half cost. M. SHEAR 240 Fifteenth St., near Mission. OO^II CORNER SALOON. APPLY THIS tF+*O\J. office. MI XRY ; CLEARS $1800 PER YEAR OX stock of $1800; must sell. J. H. EDSON, 60 San Pablo ave., Oakland. AKERY FOR SALE; STOCK AND FlX- tures; good brick oven and shop tools; horse, wagon and good route; will be sold reasonable; have other business. Address Bakery, box 102. Call Office. Oakland. Cj£r 2-ROOM VARIETY STAND; RENT •i7U«.J. $10; opposite Page-sl. entrance to Golden Gate Park. (Jjlfin LADY WANTS HONEST GENTLE- «u3Ivv/. man partner; no triflers. Address E, box 7, Call Office. GOOD SALOON FOR SALE. INQUIRE 552 Fourth st. "PRINTING OFFICE; COST S22OO: FINE CON- X dition; price 100. Address E., box 41. Call. EMAHI.F. LADY CAN PURCHASE PART XV or whole of good-paying, legitimate business; rare chance: no agents. Address Central, box 94, Call Office. J~7OR~~BALE— HALF INTEREST IN MEAT ' market. Address M., Call Branch Office, Ala- meua. PARTNER WANTED: LADY OR GENT: X splendid paying business. 213y 2 Mason, r. 11. BLACKSMITH-SHOP~FOR RENT; GOOD LO- J-> cation. Address J. C. ZUCK & CO., Gl'roy. i^OR SALE— OYSTER SALOON: WELL FIT- X I ted up; good location. 142 Fifth st. . WANTED— EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN '» with about $10,000 to purchase interest in a first-class electric-light plant in interior city; ex- cellent opportunity; principals only; references. ■ Address H. Z., box 20, this office. GjQAfJ RESTAURANT AND OYSTER- •3OUU. house in good location: doing good-pay- ing business. Addresj M., box 63, Call Office. AKERV— 2 BARRELS PER DAY; HORSES and wagon; sold account departure; no reason- able offer refused. Apply Call Office. * "I)UTCHER-SHOP— GOOD BUSINESS; GOOD ■i-J reason for selling. 1806 no ward. Cl'nnn BAZAAR: good location-, tTpUUUU. well advertised; established 7 years: total running expenses $125 a month; doing cash business of $1000 a month; could be greatly im- proved with proper attention, owners having too much other business: will sell at inventory; no charge for good will. Address or apply Pacific Printing Co., 643 Clay st. THE PALACE HOTEL* AT UKIAU, MENDOCINO COUNTY, CA_ TO RENT OR FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERM& Inquire of J. M. HANSON, Ukiah, or WIL- LIAM HEESER. Mendocino. OBT CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; 1»X Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 60 to $3 per week ; free bus to and from the ferry. IpOR SALE— ©RY-GOODS, CLOTHING AND shoe onsiness: stock $7000. in a city of Oregon which for special reasons nas an exceptionally bright future; cash trade only; terms cash. Ad- dreas this office. PARTNER WANTED — BUSINESS ESTAB- X lished since 1860: capital required from $45,000 to $50,000. Address B. M.. P. O. box 2433: A REEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS _ TKB <£\- WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. ii ousts. "~~~ VOUR HORSES NEED WINTER CLIPPING- X best work in the city: orders promptly and carefully executed; cheap. 310 Golden Gate ave. 161. East 174. , t i TTOKSES PASTURED; 92 A MONTH; GOOD care and feed; send for circular. The Hyde ranch, 030 Commercial st. --_--- 40 HOR , SES FCR E; ALSO WAGONS <7«;i.--?^?..% 3 ai i s ' harness; Grand Arcade Hor»» Market, .<J/ Sixth st. ; auction sales every Wednea- Hay. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. , 100 „_* SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL .i^^n klnds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteen:!! and Valencia .its. _ AVAGO:> : > AM) CAKKiAtiiSS. WAGONsjSTiuGGIE3~S7S. hIrNESSSB, »▼ carts $15. Cal. Carriage Co., 36V g Fremont. SEWING MACHINES. A L «n. KINDS^SEWING-MACHINES BOUGHT ™T». s ola. rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest ! rates. 2051-ounh st., nenr Howard. : —————— —<———— i FOK SALE-3HSU_L,LAN-Ot'S. GOOD FAMILY COW. APPLY FURNITURE \J factory, cor. Santa Clara and V» isconsin sis.-— - -©1 WHITE SEWING MACHINE; GOOD tip — \J. as new. 1915 Mission, bet. 15thand 16th. THRESH FAMILY COW FOR SALE, CHEAP. x 63, i/ Wolf st., bet. York and Bryant, Bernal Heights. If j»R SALE-LOTS OF. BRICKS AND LUM- ! x her *'.- old sugar refinery, Eighth and Harrison. - J. Moore. GJ.AS ENGINE: 3-HORSEPOWER ORIENTAL; f cheap. WEMPE BROS., 673 Market St. BARG AIN IN ALL OF OUR DEPART- ments: baby-carriages, rockers, cribs, stools, easy I chairs, music-stands, etc., at our factory. CALIFORNIA RATTAN CO., 56 to 61 First St. JUST FORFEITED 2 UPRIGHT PIANOS, 1 fine guitar, 6 gents' and 8 ladies' One gold watches, and 4 pairs of diamond earrings, all for i/is original cost. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant ave. A LL MAKES OF typewriters bought -f x and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. NE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE fire and burglar proof safe. 231.223 Market st. | AT AT lON AL CASH REGISTER, SAFE, j i.' scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. - TVTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- i-> : hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co.. 12 California st. /IOU.N TJSR 8, SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J bought and sold 1121ViiM.»rk«( beu7tltancttttii _OPCtITVG-IIOI?MJi:5 FOK SALE.' HrrROOMi^BENT«7S; BARGAIN f 1,600 «">U 16 rooms. Inclndlng piano 700 7-room corner flat; central.. 40« 10-room bouse; very central 200 H. C. DECKER, 1200 Market St., cor. Taylor. & I CASH —30 ROOMH ; MOST ELK- «n lt)U" gantly fiirnl.Hheil throughout; best pos- sible location; always full most d.HlrHM..roomep: r earliiK over an! above expenses $160: see this bargain BARRETT A SKIFF, 865X/ 3 Market u. ,,1,, i. 100 LOnOINO-HuOHKS FOR SALE, IN. fromBls(Mof.VM)U STRAND&CO. 46Third. W'ANII.D TO RENT. A FURNISHED LODG- W inghouse. W. A., box 145, Call Office. T ODGING HOI BE 09 :.<• ROOMS, ALL FULL: L fine sunny corner: rent #100: 10 bo sold cheap: account poor alt I.- 10* Hownrdjt. T ODGING-HOUBE 0 BOOMS: NEWLY FUR- Xj nlshed ; must be tola on occou nt of other busi- ness; bargain. 116 Eddy m. _»9ftf) NEATLY hi hm.-iiki' HOUSE -7 i§*_UU. rooms, bath; cheap rent. ii., box ,1, Call Office. ' ffl-OAA IB ROOMH; CLKAKIN(» $-»() PElt .if OUU. month: rent »3<\ liinnir" Third st. 11 KM I I lIP. VOtt * ' ■••" "TTwTviTTKToiTr H. j. -i. lEUTHOLT/. 120 flu ttrr, room 25. ECOND-HAND DOUBLE AND SINOLh! 0 beds. 115 Second st. pOMPLETK OUTFIT FOIt 4 ROOMS JH'J \J Brussels carpet laid ♦»" Heavy linoleum •••• ....403 Free packing and delivery arrom tho bny. Coun- try orders solicited. Send for Circular. HIIIRK SHIREK, 1310-12 Stockton v. Open evening*. eductions ON LARGE Sock, NEW AND it second-hand: 400 carpet* good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 46c: 7- piece chamber suits, #14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6: cash or installments: goods shipped free. T. 11. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. /"TUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS 1 ' thti yppk Hf Mf-f'A KK"<. fMK-PSO Ml^ioti *'. FUR.MTIKK WASTED. _ UCTION e'er' . J.~ T. TERRY, 30 MONTGOS? -CjL ery st., pays highest cash prices for furniture. A UCTIONEER J. C. MUTHER. 719 MARKET A st., pays highest cash prices for furniture. f-IASiI PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE. JA- \J COB SCHWERDT, 821 Mission, bet. 4th & 6th. IGHEST PRICE PAID FOK FURNITURE, XX carpets, stoves. BROWNE, 103 9th; postal. HG. krasky, CARPETS. PICTURES, . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cat stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. ASH PAID FOB FURNITURE AND HER- ' chanrtise. L. M. BPRD Atiction"er.l!) Fulton. • CARPET CLEANING. pA^P^TIT'TH6RoI?GHI?Y~CrEAI?ED^AN : D \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON dk CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. \TATToNAL CARPET BEATING AND RENO- Ii vatlng Works HAMPTON&BAILLY: layin? and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 244. ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. "HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH poor work send to SPAULDING'SPIoneerC_- ret Beating Works. 353-7 Tehama: u>i. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 33.J \J Golden Gate ave..- telephone east 126. ' fTIHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANINC* X Co. (incorp.); old established carpet, cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th. tel. 6074. 1 MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND KEN- 'J . ovatiim: works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. PIANOS. VIOLINS. ETC. OR SALK — ROSEWOOD CASE" PIANO; cheap for $100; will be sold $50; reason why. Inquire 1310 Laguna st., in the afternoon. E~ LEGANT NEW PIANO AT A BARGAIN. Storage warehouse, 211 Lark in st. INE STEINWAY TO BE SOLD AT ONCE for $200; great bargain. Room 10, Flood building. /CHOICE STANDARD MAKE UPRIGHT \J piano offered at great sacrifice by party going East; must be sold this week? See it at room 21, 809 Market st. GOOD SQUARE PIANO FOR $39 CASH THIS week. Room 21, Flood building. (U«l OX A FINE UPRIGHT. BRUENN'S I&XZ.O. Piano House, 228 Post st. . •' - : ; Ct'TP. BEAUTIFUL ROSEWOOD PIANO FOR *£) I <J. sale on $5 installment. 221 Leavenworth. AT $3 76 PER MONTH: BUY. OR RENT NEW uprights. HEINE. 410 Post st. ANUFACTUKEUS OK GUITARS. VIOLINS, mandolins, zithers, lutes, etc. 217 Ellis st. TVrE ARE NOW SOLE AG k"n"ts~FOß "t HE »» celebrated Knabe Piano: new styles last re- celved. BENJ. CURTAZ & SON. 16 O'ForreU st. FRIGHT PIANOS FROM $100 UP. HOR- IJ NUNG'S. leading piano-house, 216 Post st. if INE WEBER UPRIGHT, AT A GREAT SAC- ■ J riricp. HEINE. 410 Post. C'IELEBRATED BUSH it UKKtS I'IANOS ; \J tone unsurpassed: cases unique. A. L. BAN- CROFT & CO., 324 Post si. . / L> UPERIOU VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD* NEW' O 11. MULLER, maker, repairer, 2 Latham place. EMOVED— F. W. SPENCER A CO. TO 33S Post St., near Powell, »ole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 388 Post st. WmTg. BADGER with KOULEU& CHASE, >T 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The finest lino of new pianos for rent and salo in San Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, m 929 Market st., Spreckels building. EASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLKR _ -Tj CHASE. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER _ CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ECKER BROS.. STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos; little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOIILtiK _ CHASE *>8 and 30 O'Farrell st. ~L> ARGAINS IN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS: EASY X) payments. SCHMITZ <fe CO., 935 Market st. \ >' ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, J\. guitars and banjos at MaUVals'. 769 Market. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER. J> Newby _ Evans, Briygs and other pianos. TECK, CHECKERING & SONS., VOSE AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ-. CURTAZ & SON, sole agents. 16-20 O'Farrell st. CLAIRVOYANTS. \ PKoTE^SoTrEUGENE. " ~ uxnw A.' All hall Professor Eugene. Is your borne unhappy? ' Is your wife or husband untrue? Is your lover inconstant? Are you followed by bad luck? Have you enemies? Is your business not prosperous? For the cause that needs assistance, For the wrongs that need resistance. For the future in the distance, And the good that he can do. Call on PROFESSOR EUGENE, 1728 Market St. ■:-;:■■: Hours, 10 a. M. to 8 p. m. ME. RAVENA RETURNED: SITS DAILY: names given, 25c up. 828 Howard. bet. 4th A sth. ME. RENNER, WONDERFUL voyant ; fee 25c. • ladies only. Call 31*2 Hyde st. rpilE BEST CLAIRVOYANT CARD MEL' I X on earth: 25c; fortunes taught. 330 Fell st. "PRESENT, PAST AND FUi URE, 25c. MME. X LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama st., near Fourth. RS. SANDERS. THE GREATEST FOR- tune-teller of the age. 8 Montgomery ave., r. 1. MME. ARNDT. EKST GERMAN FOBIUNE- i'X teller: only 25c ai;d 50c: show you the picture of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st. ME. MOKEAU, WORLD RENOWNED trance medium; fee 25c. up. 764 Howard St., in front. /CLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER; LA- \J dies 25c. 230 Clara St., bet. Fifth and Slxtb. pKOF. LEON, PALMIST, CLAIRVOYANT. X trance charm. 633 Post; 9to 8; also Sunday ._ YPSY QUEEN: MARVELOUS MEDIUM of 19th century: 12 to 8 p.m. R. 2,865 y 2 Mr_. ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC BEVIAIr er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, tutu re; consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names given: good advice: snr» help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im- possible; fee $1; letter $2. 929 Post st., ! ' r - Larkin. AUGUSTA LEOLA. FORTUNE TELLER: xi. magic charms; love tokens: true picture of future wife and husband: teaches forlune-teUinf ; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.: baa th« seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm: fee 81 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. ~ >&f_IiITUX.ISAAI. ' ADDIE SWAIN, aiEDIUM; NO FEE~EXCEPT A as a gift. 105 Stockton st. "nFTimVFD- MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIR- K voyant, and test medium. 218 Stock- ton st. ; — . T\R ANNIE WILDER OF NEVADA CITY ; x) spiritual revivalist. 921 Market st. — ii — a. BROCKWAY, INDEPENDENT siatewriter: sittings dally: ladies #1, gents $2; 10 to 5. 330 Ellis st. • ' ' ■JTi"BS MAYO STEERS. TEST AND BUSINESS IVI medium: readings dally. 101 Grove, cor. Polk. ASTKOLOGV. R. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY planets from date of birth. 361/2 Geary st., rm.l A STRALSKER— PROF. holm 11 scott J\. a:.: horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. SIOKAGE OVERLAND FREIGHT 1 TT{AN^FEir~CO^ Fifth and Bluxome sts., furniture and good's packed, shipped and stored: 0 large fireproof ware- houses; low rotes; advances made. Tel. south 388. QTOUAGE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS. HOUSE-' O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIEKCK-, 735 Market st. ViriLSON BROTHERS. 1710 MARICET- TT Storage: low rates; telephone South 762. "IAIRST-CL ASS STORAGE; AD MADE* j_ 4_l-4.S Market «_ cHaI. L. . TAYLOIU