Newspaper Page Text
WKDXKS r>AY... XOVEMBKK 6, 1895 AMUSEMENTS. Pakswtx Tiikatkr.— "A Contented Woman." CaJ ITOBKIA Tiikater— "Charley's AanU" < i ; i -miiia TnKATKR-'Trinee Ananias." Jioßo^ro's OrKRA - house— uiamond- Broaker." Tjvcii Opr»A-i!orsK-"M.idame Favart." < KrniTM— Hich-ciass Vnudevillc •Jrovfr's Alcazak.— "The Crushed Comedian." Mkctianics' Goethe-Schiller Fes- t:val. BHOOitm Cni-TKs- Daily nt Haight street, oce block east of the Park. .Bay Djstrjct Track.— Races. Central Park.— Baseball. AUCTION SALES. By XiAYMaxcb- Saturday. November 9, Real Kstate, at Stocktop, at 2 p. m. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Prinks of Hayes and Gough streets celebrated their golden wedding yest L >.-day. Patriot. Mollie Dawn, Wavona, Yemen end liarcp.ldine were the winners at the Bay Dis trict track yesterday. The suit of Adam Grant to have the Murphy brant property sola and di-tributed was argued before Judge Jrluck yesterday. The Bouthside Improvement Clubs win nsk the railroad company to pave Folsoui street be tween the rails with bitumen. The will of the late Captain John M. Cavarly has been tiled for probate. lie left an estate valued at $100,000 to his tive children. A new cemetery, "Mount Olivet," is beintr ln:d oat in .^bii Mateo Connty in which nearly all the fraternal organizations will have plats. The widow o* Detective I>an Coffey has hi suit to recover .«1000 from the j'olioe I ii fund. The trustees had refused to pay her. At the last meeting of the Rnptist ministers, General T. .1. Morgan, secretary of the Home :y, spote of the work of his organization. Young, w!io was appointed Ruperin- Ql oi Common Schools by the Board of - .sors last Monday, took the oath of office yesterday. The contract for the hridpe over the Ptnnis lans for the Valley iiailroad was let to John Wortliington of Oakland yesterday. It, will .: $40,000. nas Williams has filed an account of the miardlanship of Mrs. Sarah Althea Terry. R. Porter Ashe nnd otliers have tiled claims the s<iu:e estate. John <\ Karl, the last of the trustees of the th tnxst, has filed his accounts for the five years ending October, 1895. He asks to be allowed to resign. The charge of felony embezzlement preferred by Mrs. Ella Bproles against A. W. aufl I. X. Caro, woolen merchants, was dismissed by Judge Campbell yesterday. Harriet Scbencfc, the colored housekeeper to P. X. Mackay was married by contract, titioned the Superior Court to" distribute jacy oi $18,000. "Fair; cooler Wednesday morning: north rly winds changing to northwesterly," is r to-day's weather as issued by Forecast Official A. McAdle. -■ Joachimsen fined Teter Cosper, a in, $20 yesterday for selling adulter ated milk, and intimated thai iv future he would continue to rulse the limit. John Glennon, an Insane patient at the Re ceiving Hospital, attempted to escape yester day, and four of the attaches had a desperate ;lc with him before he was overpowered. The Goethe-Schiller festival opened in the Pavilion last evening and tho German-Ameri can colony turned oat in goodly numbers in spite ol the threatening appearance of the weather. The (.rand Jury is to investigate ex-Surveyor F:tzhm:h with regard to the D-strect (trading Job. in which it la alleged he made false esti •lavorinp contractors and mulcting the City and the taxpayers. The Federal Grain' Jury yesterday bepan the Investigation of the sensational "charges of bribery, subornation and intimidation made against Attorney H.S. Mackaye of New York and Warren P. Freeman. The Sun Francisco Pressmen's Union has or dered a strike of ail the pressmen in the Schmidt Label Company of 17 Main street, be c:,<use the operatives, it was claimed, were be lrs overworked und underpaid. vT^ rSutro and Auditor Kroderick had the cuMpmary spicy exchange 01 personalities at the meeting of the City Hall Commission yes terday, the topic under discussion being 'the third or mansard story proposed by the Mayor. Judge Campbell was to have Riven a decision yesterday in the case of Murray & Lc-aily, em ployment agents, charged with obtaining money by false pretenses from several labor ers, but at the request of the attorneys in the case he decided to hear their arguments to day. ' SALE OF THE SANTA FE Stockholders Intending to Bid It In at the Receivers' Auction. Plan of Reorganization Already Agreed Upon and Committees of Finan ciers Formed. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe sys tem is to pass out of the hands of Receiv ers A. F. Walker and John J. McCook soon, and it is generally understood that when the sale takes place at Topeka, Kans., on December 10 the reorganization committee will bid it in. This committee came into existence last spring, when the plan of reorganization was adopted. It i onsists of R. S. Hayes, who was for mer/ extensively interested in the Wa bash system ; Louis A. yon Hoffmann, Ed waru >'. (iibbs, Frederic P. Olcott, Louis Fitzgerald, George E. Haven, Adrian Isc- Jin Jr., William Rotch and B. Rodman Wekf. In connection with it there is a general reorganization executive commit tee, composed of Edward King, president of tie Union Trust Company of New York; R. S. Hayes, Edward \\\ Gibbs, c <}. Haven, Adrian Iselin Jr., C. Bligo Bepotliiner, Robert Fleming, John Luden and Victor Morawetz. Magonn of New York, who represented the Baring Eros.' interest, is now dead, but this well-known financial firm is still a heavy holder. One of the leading spirits in tiie reorganization scheme is a. I. Cheney .lr., who at present is a director. The i-'.in ta ITe system includes the At lantic and Pacific, the St. Lotos and iSan Francisco, the Southern California and the Colorado branch, besides the parent road. It has been in the hands of receivers for about two years. Vice-President D. 15. Robinson has been putting the system through a general reno vation. New rails have been laid wherever needed, the roil ing-stock has been im proved considerably and iron bridges have teen substituted for the old wooden trestles. 'Since last January." General Freight Agent Bush said yesterday, "the earnings of the Atlantic and Pacific alone have been $.>OO,OOO more than for the same period last year." The sale of the Santa Fe may possibly be interfered with in a measure by the United I Trust Company, which holds $10, --600,000 worth, as trustees, of the bonds of the Atlantic and Pacific. It asked the Fed era! court about two months ago to appoint separate receivers for the Atlantic and Pa citic, but the court refused. From that crew an action by the trust company to foreclose the first mortgage on this par ticular road, and this suit is now pending decision. "As You Like II" at Stanford. This morning the sale of seats begins at Fherman, Clay A; Co.'s for "As You Like It," to be given at Palo Alto, for the benefit of the Ptauford University " '97 Animal." The reserved seats have been placed at PL I. W. Entz & Co., 401 California st., negotiate loans in umounts of $1000 to $ 1,000,000. • SAY THEY ARE EITHER KNAVES OR FOOLS Allopaths Will Not Recog nize Other Practi tioners. SCHOOL AGAINST SCHOOL Eclectic Students Denied the Privilege of Visiting the Hospital. PETITION PLACED ON FILE. Regulars Say That the System of Practice Used by Other Schools Is Quackery. In the minute-book of tho Board of Health, under date of September 8, 1893, there appeared a brief communication from Dr. Maclean, M.D., president of the California Medical College, asking the board to erant permission to the students of the before-mentioned college to vi3it the City and County Hospital for the pur pose of chemical instruction under such rules and regulations as the board might see lit to establish. This petition was ordered to be placed DB. Q. J. FITZGIBBON. [Reproduced from a photograph.] on rile, and this fact, coupled with the ex isting unlriendly relations between she board and the faculty of the California Medical College, has caused no end of trouble. As the attention of not only the Mayor, but the Governor as well, has been called to the matter, tnis light for suprem acy between the practitioners of the differ ent schools will probably be carried on in definitely. 'Why not settle this question at once? Why not take Mayor Sutro's advice and hold a discussion relating to this matter, straighten it out and give us justice?" ex claim the eclectics and homeopaths. But the allopaths merely shake their heads, look wise and refer to that section of the politi cal code which was enacted for the covorn ruent of the Board of Health in 1872 and amended in 1889, and which reads as fol i lows : The Board of Health for the City and County of Francisco consists of the Mayor of the City and county and four physicians in good standing residing in the Ciiy and County of Sun Francisco, unpointed by the Governor, holding their offices for the turm of five years. "I am a member of the Board of Health and was appointed legally, as were also the rest of the members or" the board," said Dr. G. J. Fitzeibbon yesterday, "and we intend to use our authority in our oftice as far as the law will allow us, and no ' farther. "In regard to the communication re : Cftived from Dr. Maclean of the California : Medical College, asking the board to prant j permission to the students of that college to visit the City and County Hospital, I [ can say that 1 hardly beliove'that they will be allowed to visit the hospital, at least not during the term of oliice of the present board. "Why should the students of eclectic or homeopathic schools be admitted to the City and County Hospital? "There are no teachers there from either o-f the schools mentioned under whose in struction they could be placed, and, further, eclectic or homeopathic gradu ates are not recognized either by the graduates of regular schools or by the State or Government ollicials. "It is true that they are recdunized by the law as legitimate practitioners, but their schools are an offshoot from the regular school, and the regulars look upon their system of medical practice as nothing | more nor less than quackery. "The regulars or allopaths, as they arc ! called, practice medicine only in one way, \ and that is the right way. The others are I merely a side issue, and any one practic ing medicine in any other than the allo- | pathic form of practice must be either a knave or a fool. "Mayor Sutro suggested that we hold a j discussion with practitioners of the other | schools in regard to ttie admitting of j students to the hospital, but a discussion ] is not necessary, as the board has post- \ poned looking into the matter indefinitely. "This is not a personal prejudice," said ! Dr. Fitzgibbon, "and, in conclusion, I will | say that as far as I am informed regardin g the way the rest of the board looks at the ! question under no circumstances will an j eclectic or homeopathic physician be rec- j ognized by them, nor will the present j board allow students of those schools to visit the City and County Hospital." TWO CITIZENS HONORED. Appointed Delegate* to Important Eastern Convent ions- At a special meeting of the trustees of the Chamber of Commerce, held yesterday afternoon, the question was taken up of sending a delegate to the convention of the American Ship-owner3'-and National Grange, to be held at Massachusetts on the 14th inst., the sessions to last four days. One of the important questions to come up will be Lubin's differential ton nage on American shipping and bounties on exported agricultural staples. This measure has been indorsed by the cham ber, and is said to be receiving much favor THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1895. able attention in the East. It was finally decided to send Hugh Craig, vice-presi dent of the organization, to represent San Francisco. The question of appointing a delegate to the Trans-Mississippi Congress, to be held at Omaha on the 26th inst., then came up, and a letter was re ml from the chairman of the congress at St. Louis asking that Cap tain \V. L. Merry be chosen. Captain Merry was unanimously selected to repre sent the chamber, it being considered that his special knowledge of and work for the Nicaragua canal qualified him particularly for the honor, Hush Craig was also ap pointed a delegate to the congress to rep resent the views of the chamber on the subject of Hawaiian annexation. A large attendance is expected at the congress, and among other prominent delegates will be General Morgan. Those present at the chamber meeting yesterday were: Hugh Craig, Captain \V. C. Chapman, Captain W. L. Merry, Louis }5. l'arrott. A. J. Ralston, C. Y. W. Schenck, Captain C. L. Taylor, A. G. Towne, Louis Sloss Jr. W. N. HAET'S FUNERAL. A Press Club Committee Will Act as Tall- Bearers. The funeral of Will N. Hart, the news paper man who died m New York, will be held this morning from the First Congre gational Church, corner of Post and Mason streets. At 10 a. m. the remains will be borne I from the undertaking rooms on Sacra | ruento street, near Kearny, to the church, I where half an hour later services will be i held. Tlie Press Club has named a committee i as follows to act as pall-bearers, and as a I representative body of toe club to act with | Mrs. Hart and her friends in making ar- I rangemente: John P. Dunning, Asso i ciated i'ress; Judge Charles A. Low; Fre- I mont Older, Bulletin ; Wells Drury, Charles Michelson, Call; Hugh Hume. John Fin i ley, Post; O. Black. C. S. Aiken, Exam -1 Iner; Charles J. Stillwell and C. Ross j Jackson. The club has also arranged for a ! beautiful floral piece a? a last token to one j of its lirst members. ! The interment will be in Odd Fellows' I Cemetery. ALONG THE WATER FRONT A Fresh Southeaster Presages Coming Winter Storms and Disasters. The Evandale's Sailing Delayed Owing to Loss of Time in Shipping Cargo. A fresh southeaster stirred up the bay yesterday and several vessels were in im minent peril of going ashore. Tugs had to be called into requisition, and a number of schooners had to be towed into Oakland Creek to escape going on the rocks. The Luriine, a sugar boat, and Rosario fared worst of all. The Rosario had just arrived from the Arctic. They were lying off the sugar refinery and the skippers thought there was no danger. When the gale came up, however, things were changed, and in the case of the Rosario sig nals of distress were soon hung out. The tug Sea King hurried to her aid and soon the brig and schooner were in a place of safety. The Clan Robertson at Howard No. 3 had a lively time of it. The swell was so great that all the mooring lines were car ried away, and steel hawsers would not hold the ship. New lines were put out and the vessel finally stood the strain. The schooner Fortuna collided with the whaler Alice Knowles. While the crew of the latter placed all the blame on the For tuna the crew of the schooner asserted that the whaler was to blame and should be compelled to pay the damages. The tug Ida "\V had hold of the Fortuna early in the morning, but as sh<* had trouble in handling her and the Sea King was on the lookout for a tow the latter stepped in and towed both vessels to an anchorage. The Bpreckela tup Active towed the Luriine and another suear boat to Oakland Creek. The Kahului wa3 being battered to pieces by the southeast swell, so a change had to be made. She was moved into the stream, but when the wind and tide went down she was put back in her old position. Among the other unfortunates were the barges Ludlow and Atlas. The former dragged her anchor and went adrift, while the latter capsized in Mission Bay and her deckioad of lumber was scattered'all alone the front. Both barges were afterward secured and anchored at their old berths The river steamers T. C. Walker, Leader and Mary Garratt could not discharge their cargoes, owing to the swell. J- or the same reason the sailing of the Occidental and Oriental Company's fcvandale was put off twenty-four hours to catch up on the freight "offering. The tramp will take away about 6000 tons dead weight and probably 300 Chinese. She has been especially fitted out for the latter business. Affairs along the front were very quiet yesterday, owing to the rain. Skippers on the south ond were busy petting out extra hawsers and the expectations of a -gale were universal. The barometer was fail ing and "storm signals" were out in all di rections. The expected did not happen, however, and the tugs kept steam up all night iv vain. HOW NEWHALL GOT THERE Henry Miller Explains Why the Commissioner Was Ap pointed. MR. POTTER'S LITTLE BILLS. Miller & Lux's Manager Had Secrets That Called for a Private Compromise. In the proceedings before Judge Buck in the Potter removal suit yesterday Henry Miller was again on the stand. Mr. Delmas asked him to tell once more just how it was that Mayo Newhall came to be selected as one of the commissioners in the recent partition of lands sold by the referee. "Mr. Bishop appointed Mr. Newhall and I accepted him," the witness answered. Bight on top of this answer Mr. Delmas wormed out of the witness that Mr. Bishop had selected Mayo Newhall from a list of four or live names made out in Miller & Lux's office, the list being then sent to Mr. Bishop with Mr. Miller's approval. Mr. Miller had already appointed one commis sioner, Mr. Bishop one, and this list was drawn up so that a third commissioner coald be chosen by Miller and Bishop jointly. By his answer Mr. Miller had reversed himself. Mr. Delmas— ln other words, Mr. Miller, it was you who sent in Mr. Newhall's name, and Bishop accepted it. "He could have refused them all." "What would have been the conse quences?" "Another list could have been made out." "Don't you know that Bishop's names were refused in blocks'.'" "Not to my knowledge." Miller said" it was true that he had com plained of Commissioner .Porter's bill of $10,000 as beine unreasonable, and said if he paid Porter he would have to pay $10, --000 to Newhall also. That concluded Mr. Miller's testimony for the present. Mr. P'illsbury asked the court that Miller be excused and not be kept away from his business affairs "hanging round a trial that might last until Christmas," but Mr. Delraas would not consent, and the court instructed Mr. Miller to keep within reach so that he could be called by telegraph whenever necessary. Jesse S. Potter, who was excused the other day on account of sickness, was then recalled by Mr. Delmas, who asked: "Mr. Potter, who is John Brown? Here is your check for $800 on the tirm of Miller & Lux, payable to John Brown or hearer. An indorsement In the back reads, paid by Miller & Lux, and the name 'E. Mar chand' is also written on it." Mr. Brown was a workman at Baden. Potter did not know who Marchand was. "How about Ban Francisco?" Potter did finally remember there was a place called Marchand's restaurant in San Francisco, and Delmas followed hot on the trail. "Ever live there?" "No." "You did live at Uncle Tom's Cabin?" "I boarded there. I was there for a year and a half. I was watching them buiid the cooler (a cold-storage building) at Baden. Mr. Her was in charge. I did not have much to do, but was consulted occasionally." "Tnere was a bill for $1100?" '•It was for board." "Was that $1100 your board bill for the year and a half, or for a month, or ween, or day? 1 ' "It might have been for either. I did not stay ai Uncle Tom's Cabin continu ously during the year and a half. "I bad a room there. "I lodged there." "Have invited guests?" "Yes, parties who came down to see the improvements going on at Baden. I was there looking out for the Lux interests. The tirm of Miller &. Lux also liad a lot of cattle there." That was till bad enough, but the straw that was to break the camel's back was still to come. A livery bill of $143 was referred to, and that opened up the question about a Victoria that Potter kept in San Francisco at McCora's stable fur a year and a half, and up lo the time the present proceed ings against Potter wen; commenced. The stable furnished the Victoria, two horses and a driver, for all of which Potter paid the stable $ 150 a month. Delmad — Who used it? Mr. McEnerney and the attorneys on the other side had been growing redder ami redder as the examination proceeded, until they could stand it no longer. "Oil, let that go over until recess," pleaded McEnerney. Mr. Delmas gra ciously acquiesced, saying that he had no desire to pursue Mr. Potter, and that it was an unpleasant duty for him to be com pelled to ask for these facts to prove his case against Potter. He also said that he had no personal curiosity to gratify, and then proceeded to other matters. After the noon recess Mr. Pelmas com menced on Potter again, however, and asked just one leading question. Mr. Mc- Enerney and his associates asked for a recess of ten minutes. They adjourned to Judge Buck's chambers, but did not return until nearly 3 o'clock. A truce had been declared. It is said that the attorneys for Potter would agree that Potter had expended money in fast living, the amount to be brought out in evidence to-morrow. For purposes of this suit, counsel agreed that the estate of Charles Lux, consisting of a half interest in the business of Miller & Lux, should be valued at $7,700,000. The case will be continued to-morrow. It is stated that when Potter's attorneys get. to work about seventy-five prominent business men will be called as witnesses to testify as to Potter's business ability. The case will probably continue for a month. THE LICK FREE EATHS. John O. Earl, the L.ast of the Trnstees, Files His Account. John O. Earl has petitioned the Superior Court to accept his resignation as a trustee of the Lick Baths and to appoint a new board in his place. He is the last of the original board appointed by James Lick. With his application for retirement Mr. Earl has filea an account of the doings of the old board and of the linances of the in stitution since October, 1890. The state ment is as follows: Real estate, $127,040 74; personal proDertj, $1825 42; general expenses, $45,809 8a; taxes $6725 85; loan account, $19,500; cash, $3981 86; tola!, $205,049 74. Receipts: Bequest, $150,000; interest, $2, --471 75; towel fund, $26,062; suits, $6707 50; general receipts, $32S 50; loan account, $19, --500; total, $205,049 75. A Eyer Estate Compromise. The executors of the estate of Washington Ryer have petitioned for and have been given permission to compromise the claim of W. B. Pless, Ryer's old servant, to whom was left $5000. The comDromise was effected for $300, and although the petition states the executors have an excellent defense in the matter still it is cheaper to compromise for the iigure named. Barbers Want to Close Kurly. At the regular meeting of the Barbers' Asso ciation, 11. A. Wolfe presiding, a committee was appointea to canvass the City in aid of the 8 o'clock closing movement. A muss-meeting will be held next Monday night at 539 Califor nia street in furtherance of the same move ment. The Vendetta League. S. A. McLean of the Vendetta League of the United States, who is charged with sending the blackmailing letter to D. L. Westoyer <>f the Sonoma Lumber Company, 319 I'ine street, was arraigned in Judge (JoVuan's court yester day on the charge of attempting to extort money. He pleaded not guilty, and his pre liminary examination was set for Friday. VALLEY ROAD NOTES. Short Meeting of the Directors Yester day—Stanislaus Bridge Contract Awarded. A short meeting was held by the direc tors of the San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company yesterday, at which Claus Spreckels was present. He gave great financial encouragement. The contract was let yesterday for the bridge over the Stanislaus to John Worth ington of Oakland. It will cost about $40, --000, and will have four spans of eighty feet and one of 185 feet. It is to be a Howe truss bridge of wood and iron with trestle approaches. The surveying party between Bakensfield and Kings River are being removed to Fresno in order to make locations at Han ford. Claus Spreckels, Captain Payson, Attor ney E. F. Preston and Engineer storey are going to Fresno to-day to look after right of way matters connected with the road and inspect possible station sites. BAPTISTS MET TO TALK An Interesting Meeting With Some Dignitaries Present. General Morgan Spoke of the Work of the Home Missionary Society. It was a large audience which assembled at the last Baptist ministers' meeting, for some of the dignitaries of the denomination were to be present, and were to tell of the work which they were doing. General T. J. Morgan, D.D., correspond ing secretary of the Baptist Home Mission ary Society, was the principal figure of the meeting, and with him were present: Ilev. 11. C. Woods, D.D., general superintendent of missions for the llocky Mountain divi sion; Rev. D. D. Proper, general mission ary for Washington, and Rev. W. A. Woody, editor of the Pacific Baptist of Portland, Or. General Morgan was the first to be introduced. He gave greetings from the Home Missionary establishment in New York and from the Eastern churches, and he assured the Baptists of the West that their Eastern brethren were in full sympathy with them in all under takings, although they were perhaps stronger and more progressive than the Baptist people of the Pacific Coast. He spoke of the Baptist anniversary which will be held in Portl and next May, and of the enlivening effoi-t it should iiave in church circles on this side cf the conti nent. His address was concluded with some words on the work of the missionary society, the progress it has made in the past and its plans for the future. Following General Morgan, Rev. H. C. Moore spoke of the Baptists of the Pacific Coast. Rev. Mr. Proper reviewed Baptist affairs in Washington, and Rev. Mr. Woody told a little about his paper and what it has been doing. Yesterday afternoon a similar meeting was held in Oakland, and next Monday an other meeting will be held across the bay. MRS. TERRY'S ESTATE. Thomas Williams i iv s an Account and I'orter Ashc a Claim. Thomas H. Williams has filed his ac count as guardian of the person and estate of Sarah Althea Terry, and petitioned the court to accent the same. With it is a pe tition from R. Porter Ashe, T. J. Ryan and others, asking a total of $805 for services rendered. Williams, in his account, sets forth that there is now left of the estate $232, and this is needed to defray the expense of $15 a month which is paid to the Stockton Asylum for Mrs. Terry's care. He says in his statement that there is no money to pay the claims submitted by Ashe and others, and he expressly waives all com pensation on his own account. GIVEN AWAY FREE. Crockery, Chinaware or rjloccTvqi'O FREE with each $1 VUaooiftUu worth of our pure TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES or CQLIMA f BAKING POWDER. CUTOUT THIS ADVERTISEMENT, Bring it with you to any of our stores; it is the SAME AS MONEY to you until No- vember 20. We want von to see the im- mense BARGAINS in our CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Come and see us. Bring- your friends. Great American Importing Tea Co's ; fl4O Sixth st. 905 Market st. 333 Hayes st. 1419 Polk st. ' 521 Montg'y ave. 3008 Fillmorost. fltv PiAn/vn ■< 3000 Sixteenth St. Uty IOLDIcS. ] 2510 Mission st. "- /.: T'j i 218 Third st. 104 Second at. Cl7 Kearny st. j 146 Ninth st. 1,3259 Mission st. 1053 Washington A'll'lon/l 1917 Broad VUltlullU* 131 San I'abloav. 01 OK, Twelfth st JUnmAdi jFarkst. and ;li;ll!ni!l \ Alameda are. Head quartern— s2 Market St. Operating 100 Stores and Agencies. S. F. Call. NEW TO-DAY-AMUSEMENTS. HORSEMEN I Take notice that Entries to the SECOND ANNUAL HORSE SHOW of the Pa- cific Coast WILL POSI- TIVELY CLOSE ON THE 9th INST. • - '-y^: r '^ ■■ '■■ . ______ BASEBALL-CENTRAL PARK. San Francisco vs. San Jose. Wednesday and Thursday, Nov.' 6 and 7.' At 3 P. M. Ladies Free. - ABOUT A GRADING JOB Ex-Surveyor Fitzhugh to Be Investigated by the Grand Jury. HE COURTS FULL INQUIRY. False Estimates Said to Have Been Returned Favoring Contractors and Mulcting Taxpayers. Ex-City and County Surveyor Fitzhugh has written a communication to the Grand Jury in reference to the charge alleged against him of making false returns in the matter of the grading of D street, which the jury proposes to investigate. Fitzhugh invites an investigation and asks to be summoned to appear, and produce papers and records which he says he has in his possession. The charges grow out of what Fitzhugh shortly before the end of his term of office alleged was an error in his filed notes, which had it not been corrected would have cost the property-owners some $SOOO additional assessment and the City some $4000, its share for pnrk frontage. It is alleged that Leon Quimby was employed to resurvey tho street and estimate the quantity of earth to be removed and thai his figuring made a difference of 12 cubic yards less than Fitshugb had made it, which at 7 cents per cubic yard, the con tract price, amounted to $8651 30. Quimby notified Fitzhugb of the dis crepancy, but tliat official paid no atten tion to it and issued the certilicates for the assessment. The Board of Supervisors, however, sub sequently repealed the resolution fixing the assessment and p.-ipsed another; and subsequent to that Fitzhugh issued an other certificate cutting down his figures, but still leaving some 30,750 cubic yards above those of Quiniby and in the con tractor's favor. The property-owners thus call for an investigation. It is said that the book containing the field notes disappeared at the time Mr. Fitzhugh left the oitice of the City and County Surveyor and cannot now be found. § ELECTRIC _ BELT Don't buy any other until you have seen the Morse. We have $5 TO $25. them from OJJ ||J o£b» Bond for circular. GALVANIC OR FARADIC BATTERIES. A large stock to select: Ar HA lin from. Price from OD.UU Ur. Silk Stockings, $8.50. Trusses From $1.75 to $5.00. NO PERCENTAGE PHARMACY 953 Market St., 5 Doors Above Hale Bros. FERRY DRUG CO., No. 8 MARKET ST. NEW TO-DAY— AMUSEMENTS. ||wVh EATRE *H PROPS. To-night— Evening: This Week Only. UATIXEE SATCKDAY. HOYT'S Latest Successful batirical Comedy, "A CONTENTED WOMAN !" Interpreted by a Large and Capable Co. Headed by CAROLINE 3IISKEL lIOYT. : [ ; f Last Performance Sunday >"ight. NEXT~WEEK. DE WOLF HOPPER, PRESENTING SEATS OX SALE TO-MORROW MORMC. MECHANICS' PAVILION. A FIVE DAYS' CELEBRATION. From Tuesday Nov. 5, to Saturday Nov. 9. MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Goetiie - Seller Festival. Under the auspices of the . LADIES OF THE GOETHE-SCHILLER MONUMENT ASSOCIATION, ... _ ' Aided by ALL THE GERMAN SOCIETIES Of San Francisco and vicinity. MAGNIFICENT AND ARTISTIC REI*- RESENTATIONS From the work of these GREAT CLASSICAL GERMAN POETS. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME EVERY NIGHT. ADMISSION, ADULTS, 50 CENTS. CHILDREN, 25 CENTS. IF IT DOESN'T RAIN TO-DAY GO OUT AND SHOOT THE CHUTES ox HAIGHT STREET, One Block East of the Park. OPEN FROM 1 TO 10 P. M. . ADMISSION, , TEX , CENTS. Concert Afternoon and Evening.' NEW TO-DAY. Doctors Indorse His Remedies. UNIMPEACHABLE TESTIMONY. A Well-Known Physician Tests tho New Discovery With Most Successful Results. Dr. George F. Brooks, 29 Temple place, Boston, says: "I have used a good many rheumatism medicines in the course of my practice, but I can candidly say that I never saw a remedy as effective as Munyon's Rheuma- tism Cure. I gave the sample bottle 1 got Monday to one of my patients, a lady, who has had chronic rheumatism in her limbs for years. Her kne.; and elbow joints were stiff, and she suffered great uain. Its effect was simply marvelous. Relief from pain was obtained in a few hours after the iirst dose, and inside of twenty-four hours the lady was feeling better than she had for years. I shall prescribe Munyon's Cure for all cases of rheumatism that come under my care in the future." Munyon's Illieumatism Cure is guaran- teed to cure rheumatism in any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured in from one to live days. It never fails to cure sharp, shooting pains in the arms, legs, sides, baclc or breast, or sore- ness in any part of the body in from ona to three hours. It is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff and swollen joints, stiff back and all pains in the hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the back are speedily cured. Munyon's Homeopathic Home Remedy Company of Philadelphia put up specifics for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Those who aie in doubt as to t!ie nature of their o.isease should address Professor Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, giving full symptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the case and give you the benefit of his advice absolutely free. NEW TO-DAT— AMUSEMENTS. ©THEATRE 'props? LAST FIVE NIGHTS. last matinee saturday. The King Fun-maker, CHARLEY'S M AUNT M By Brandon Thomas. vKi*3fci Management CHARLES I'ItOHMAN. /^^33^ Last Time Sunday Night. EXTRA-MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 First time here of Jacob Lltt's big production of Charles T. Dazey's greatest success, the WAR OF WEALTH! SALE OF SEATS BEGINS THURSDAY. r«i£DLAfI9LR.OOTTLOD c c?- itxu Ann rwiAOWS • • • ONLY ONE ~~1 AND PiiICFOUMAXCE \ THAT TO-NIGHT OF BY TUB FAMOUS. ORIGINAL _. EOSTOKTIAKTS Thursday ) Saturday Matinee KOBIX HOOD Saturday Night J Friday A WAK-TI3IK WKi>i>i'Na Sunday Mat., Nov. 10— Haverly's Mixstbels TIVOLI OPERA-HOUSE i!KS. Jt-KNEbTiNK Kbklixo I'roprictor <t Managas THIS EVENING BRILLIANT SUCCESS Of Offenbach's Brilliant Opera Comique, "MADAME FAVART" P^flJtwy^^r^^^->?cT■«fl^lM|^j^^j|^YyYll^^ First Appearance of EMELIK 3IELVILLE Reappearance of the favorite comedian, FERRIS HARTMAN. New Scenery! Correct Costumes 1 Elaborate Accessories! Graceful Dances! Novel Marches i Popular Prices— 2sc and sOc. - GROVER'S ALCAZAR. "Wednesday Pop" Matinei To-Day. ICE CREAM SPECIAL. Matinee Prices— lOc, 15c. 25c. Byron and Sothern's Great Comedy, 'THE CRUSHED TRAGEDIAN!" lEOJARD GEOVER and LEO.\AIID GROVER Jr. A Great Cast. IViglit Prices— 15c, 25c, 35e and 50er NEXT WEEK PRIVATE SECRETARY and OPEN GATE. MOROSCO'S GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. The Handsomest Family Theater! n America. WALTER aiOKOsCO sole Lessee and MaaajM THIS EVENING AT EIGHT. *' i FIRST TIME IN THIS CITY Scot: Marbles Thrilling Story, "THE DIAMOND-BREAKER!" See the Sensational Madhouse Scene! See the Giant Crjsher. With Its Massive Machin- ery in Full O""ration! Evesixo I'kioj— 2so aa-4 533. Family Circle and Gallerv. 103. Usual Matinees Saturday ami Sun<l»y. — ♦ ORPHEUM. O'Farrell Street, Between Stocitoa ana ro.velL TO-NIGHT AND DIKING THE WEEK, THE ORRIN TRIO, THE LENTON BROS. «. • AND OIK GREAT SPECIALTY COHPANY. Kegerved spats, 25c: Balcony, 10c: Opera chain and Box scat 3. 50c. - RUNNING .*&M§LJ RUNNIHS RACES! SPSSiS races ; CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLU3 RACES, FALL MEETING! HAY DISTRICT TKACIi. Races Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday— Kuiu or Sbino. Five or more races each day. Races start at 2:03 r. m. sharp, ile Allisier and Ue»ry street cars pan the fate. ■-: ■[- r - 7