Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES TO LET. n HAMPTON PLAC^ToFF"FbLs6M7NEAR Third— B rooms; bath: yard. AY-WINDOW HOUSE; 6 ROOMS, BATH"; yard, stable; reasonable. 1909 O'Farrell st. EAUTIFUL SUNNY CORNER HOUSE to let— l2l6 Jones, between lay and Sacra- mento: one of the finest residence blocks In the city: 12 large rooms, bath, wineroom, etc. ; sun in every rooru; large yard, garden: ft lovely home; rent reduced. DAVIDSON & LEIGH, Agents. 137 Montgomery st. ®OX 2621 CLAY ST., NEAR STEINER— 7 '_ •»•'. sunny rooms and bath; situated in best portion of Western Addition; rood terms to right tenant. Apply SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE & CO., '-!"0 Montgomery st. QOO GEARY, BET. LARK IN AND POLK— ' '— —• Furnished or unfurnished: rent reasonable. Apply at DAVID STERN & SONS', 20 Mont- gomery St. »< { I { COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS AND BATH. L -» Corner of Union and Lagnna st. CAVED— DOLLARS. DIMES AND NICKELS 0 by renting a house from BALDWIN & HAM )ND, 10 Montgomery st. 14-7 VALENCIA— HOUSE. 6 ROOMS AND 00T0 ' , hath . yard; all complete; rent $16. Apply Mission st. M. rraN. FURNISHED HOUSES. A LAMEDA— FURNISHED HOUSE: TWELVE -ex rooms and bath; rent? so. Address, with ref- erences. Winter, Alameda P. O. "VTICELY FURNISHED FLAT 4 ROOMS: -I* complete for housekeeping. 135 Ninth st. T^ESIRABLE SUNNY CORNER COTTAGE, 6 XJ rooms, $25; North Oakland Dentist. 10 Geary. FURNISHED FLATS. ■\TICELY FURNISnKD^^FL^A^oFTROOMS -t-i and bath. 2319 Pine St.. near Fillmore. COTTAUES TO LET. 4&1 ''" A ' ■ '"' 11 O(iMS.('l.KAN: WAI KM \T 1 O* nee; Clara st.,nr. Fifth. Apply 325 Fifth. ALL I 111. Kirn AND POOR PEOPLE NOW JV Co to A. M. SPECK A CO., 602 Market St.. for vacant cottages, houses and flats; notice the rush. AY-WINDOW COTTAGES, 6 ROOMS, LARGE yard, basement. 132 Dolores St.. t:r. Fifteenth. FLATS TO LET. rriO LET— $2O, »23 BO AND »25, 4 FINE "FLA! i 1 of 6 rooms and bath each, on Gough St., near McAllister: ?20, 6 rooms, bath and basement. 1012 .Bryant st., near Seventh. Apply to T. P. RIOR- DAN, 632 Market st. 99 I LIBEKTY-FLATS LARGE ROOMS AND ——x bath; yard: basement: grand view; all same as new; rent $16; water free. £O - 4 SUNNY ROOMS: UPPER FLAT: ALL %pj.«_». modern improvements. Twenty-third St., cor. Harrison. EDUCED. $13; 4, ROOM NEWLY PA- pered. 1324y 3 Sacramento St., near Jones. Q1 9 FLAT OF 4 SUNNY ROOMS: WATER '. i— - and ashman free. 32y_ Louisa st. VTEAB CITY HALL: 2 ELEGANT FLATS; 5 i-> rooms- 10 Grove st. NEW FLA 4 AND 5 ROOMS AND BATH; — yard and cellar; modern improvements: if de- sirable, stable for horse and buggy; rent reduced. 17 Sharon st.,bet. Fifteenth and sixteenth, Church »nd Sanchez. i|V-' uUK SUNNY ROOMS. 715 BUSH Ol«- St., rear. VIVE NICE SUNNY ROOMS, BATH, YARD, J cellar; $14. 1724 San Carlos. SIX NY. UPPER FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 1238 _ Bush st., bat. Hyde and Larkin. AY-WINDOW FLAT; 1625 CLAY ST., NR. X> Polk; 7 rooms and bath; rent $25. I .).)]• SACKAMENTO - SUNNY FEAT 7 I —— '» rooms; fine view. VrLAT 4 ROOMS; 84 EVERETT ST., NEAR X irth. ..i.>.) G KOVE — FINE MIDDLE FLAT OF 7 — rooms and bath. O*;7 n*(\ 1409 WEBSTER, BET. O'FAB- rj 1 — 1 ..>U. nil and Geary— Modern low flat; n sunny rooms and bath: special inducements ;oa good tenant. . SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE «fc CO., 220 Montgomery st. D-DOLLA KS," DIMES AND NICKELS v~ by renting a flat from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. ,^l9 SUNNY LOWER FLAT; 4 ROOMS: »_ I— . large yard. 22 De Boom St., off Second, . i. ear Brannau. OTO B-ROOM flat, basement and yXO. yard. 706 Birch aye., nr. Buchanan st. I If\R POST— 3 AND 4 ROOM FLAT; BATH; X I UU garden; rent $13 and $16. Ij' INK FLAT; VERY CHEAP: $20; 7 ROOMS; X bath: every modern convenience- large yard and basement; 721 Fourteenth st. ; near Market- pt. cable. See BALDWIN i HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. \""EW 1 •AT— 4 ROOMS AND BATH; ALL f-* modern Improvements. 7-0 20th St., ur. Capp. I QBE : lli»l . TWO SCNNY FLATS, 814 AND |O 816 Nin«ieec(h st., between Noe and .Sanchez : 4 and 6 rooms, bath, gas, washtnbs; key in gro- cery, corner Nineteenth and Castro sts.; no reason- able offer rtf us<sd. 3 Oft 513 I" I I .YON. NR. OCTA VI A : 5 ROOMS •_ — ". and bath: large yard. ASUTON, 411 Montgomery sj. •;'.'.. \ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTO — S_B -' WKKKLY CALL. In wraDDer. for mailing. HOUSEKEEPING ROO3IS. California Street. 1 IQI CALIFORNIA — 2 HOUSEKEEPING -» In rooms, with gas and running water: $10. >-ddy Street. (11 7 EDDY — UNFURNISHED ROOMS; UP- >J I I per floor: splendid locality: private family. Elgin Park. "]9l ELGIN PARK, JUNCTION VALENCIA —.' and Market— Housekeeping: sunny; very reasonable. Fifth Street. •<•)«■) FIFTH— 2 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR <->__ housekeeping; $9. Fourth .Street. O "I Q FOURTH — Nil ELY FURNISHED • > 1 O front room for housekeeping: cheap. Golden Gate Avenue. -O1 GOLDEN G\TE AYE. — ELEGANT • '— 1 pnrlor floor, 4 rooms; complete housekeepg. Harrison Street. Ore HARRISON— AND BACK PAR- Owd lor furnished for housekeeping; running water: bath also single hall bedroom. Howard Street. QX9I HOWARD — LARGE BAY-WINDOW UU~ 4 room for housekeeping; also others. [..)' 1 HOWARD— SUNNY FURNISHED 1Oi)t bay-window housekeeping rooms: bath, Jessie Mreot. aQQ JESSIE. REAR OF MINT— 2 SUNNY 100 furnished housekeeping rooms: r^nge. Kearny Street. 4 1 A KEARNY— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, tIU suites, sunny rooms; light housekeeping; modern conveniences. Apply room 9. Market Street. 9AQQ MARKET— 3~OR 4 SUNNY NICELY ,4-Ui/O furnished rooms for housekeeping. Minna Street. Q/» C MINNA— 2 VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS; 000 furnished for housekeeping. r=i/f ft. MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR OttU housekeeping; large yard. . : i ;. Mission Street. <7QQ MISSION — HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; iOO also others, from $5 up. Montgomery Avenue. UNFURNISHED ROOMS— QUIET, U cheap. Avenue House, 220 Montgomery aye., near Pacific st. .. Natoma Street. /7Q9 N ATOM A. NR. NINTH- 2 ROOMS AND ' I •)«-• kitchen, unfurnished, for housekeeping. Ninth Street. 9-1 NINTH-SINGLE AND HOUSEKEEPING .— 1 rooms; house changed .hands; rent reason- able. . O'Farrell Street. 9991 O'FARRELL — CHANGED HANDS; ».*-_. : sunny front rooms suitable for housekeep- ings " Q9O O'FARRELL, NEAR VAN NESS— FUR- ''—>) nished apartments for housekeeping: cheap. Perry street. -\r*n PERRY— 3 FURBISHED HOUSEKEEP- IUU ing rooms; bath, stationary tubs. Sixth Street. 1 Oft SIXTH — 2 LARGE FRONT NICELY l£,\J furnished rooms; complete for housekeep- ing; ,___ 9-1/1 SIXTH— NICE SUNNY HOUSEKEEP- Zii ing and single rooms: very reasonable. 9Q SIXTH— 3 GOOD LARGE UNFUR- «)— 'I nished rooms, with cellar; $9. South Park. 1 Q SOUTH PARK— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS XV cheap; also fine single rooms; all sunny. butter Street. C-| J BUTTER — NICELY SUNNY FUR- c>ltr nished parlors,- housekeeping and other rooms. "19 AC '"' "' &*— 3 SUNNY UNFURNISHED X _: \'O room; light housekpg; new modern flat. Third Street. "I COI THIRD— NICE SUNNY FURNISHED J. 009 rooms for housekeeping; also single. HOUSKKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. , Van Ness Avenue. 9-1 VAN NESS AYE.-NEWLY FURNISHED Zj± sunny rooms, also furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms; very reasonable. Miscellaneous. 4 ROOMS-RENT $10: WATER FREE. IN- J. quire at grocery cor. Eighth and Harrison sts. ROOMS TO LET. Hush Street. 7AAI BUSH ST., COR. POWELL-LARGE, I "VljJ nicely furnished sunny room; $5. (\Of\ BUSH— MOST ELEGANT ROOMS ON */tjU Bush; large and sunny modern house; gar- den ; $10 to $15. ' " Eddy Street. QQQ EDDY-ELEGANTLY, NEWLY FUR- -000 nished suite and single; sunny; very rea- sonable^ ________________ A 1 '_> NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY ■±_LO room: 2 pleasant smaller rooms; reasonable. .■l9O EDDY— LARGE SUNNY ROOM; ALSO tt_t/ single room suitable for working girl. Eighth Street. THE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 126 X. sunny rooms, furnished and unfurnished; strictly respectable; central: very moderate prices. 28 Eighth st., near Market. A. W. MANNING. Ellis Street. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY ROOMING-HOUSE. JT The Florence, cor. Ellis, opp. Baldwin— Large sunny suites for *15; single 10 a month; elegant corner suites $45. Call and see: every convenience. 097 ELLIS— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY «>— 1 parlors; also double room; running water. fifth Street. 1 AQ FIFTH— FURNISHED ROOMS, DOUBLE JIXJO or single; $1 50 per week. J V" • 3OC FIFTH— CLEAN SUNNY FURNISHED O_«iJ housekeeping, Slo up: single, $5: unfurshd. Folßom Street. 9/^1 A FOLSOM— S SUNNY ROOMS, FUR- _UX\_/ nished or unfurnished. Geary Street. 91 7 GEARY— 2 LARGE SUNNY FURNISH- —.I I ed rooms for housekeeping for gentlemen; cheap. A _> *v GEARY— 4 OR 5 ROOMS. ESTABLISHED "iOiJ as a physician's Office; also housekeeping. COO GEARY'— NICELY FURNISHED PAR- — O lor for 1 or 2 persons. ('AT GEARY— I LARGE DOUBLE NICELY \J\JO furnished front room; best chance on Geary; $10; also single. ft'?'-} 1 GEARY— NICELY FURNI S II E D U— front rooms; bay-windows; private family. Q97 GEARY— MOST ELEGANT SUITE Oa •'— I Geary; large, front, bay-window new dwelling: Ist story; water, gas, bath, fireplace; s2o. Golden Gate Avenue. 1 fJHQ GOLDEN GATE AYE.— LARGE FUR- X\Jv/t7 nished room, with or without board; Jew- ish famity. tiough Street. BGOUGH— NICE SUNNY FRONT ROOMSUIT- abIe for 2. $8: also other rooms. •- ■ Harrison Street. 11991 HARRISON— NICELY FURNISHED -L -I «->«->» front room, $3 month to respectable party. -,> , Howard Street. ~ " r>9O HOWARD -NICE SUNNY DOUBLE U_*J room, also single; quiet; clean; reason- able. 7* -9 HOWARD-DOUBLE FRONT SUNNY \}%JLu room: also single rooms; clean; quiet: $6 up. .! ■:■;■.■ Jones Street. OAT JONES— HANDSOMELY FURNISHED O\J± parlors; single or suite; with board: pri- vate family. Q9Q JONES-NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY *J£iO front room for 1 or '2 gentlemen. f*l 7 JONhS— TWO CLEAN SINGLE ROOMS: UJL > gas; bath; quiet; $6 50 up. Kearny Street. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— PLEAS- -T\. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class in every respect ; terms reasonable. I.arkm Street. TO LARKIN — NICELY FURNISHED I V'± front sunny rooms for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Q 1 7 LARK IN — NICELY FURNISHED OX. I sunny rooms; running water, grate; from $8. 1 A] A LARKIN— SUNNY ROOM, PRIVATE JA'JA' family, young business man or woman, $7. J.t-.i\«-iM\ .-in ii Street. .990 T.F A VKNWORTH— ELEGANTLY FOR- -j_O ni.-*b«i. large, airy, sunuy suites and single; new, modern building. IAT ' LEAVENWORTH ST.— l FRONT UN- XV/X«J furnished basement room; rent $4. Market Street. "Y"OSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1 ; week, $1 60 to $5: families T9O?; MARKET <BRUDKNELL HOUSE)— X~*Ok) Sunny single and double; rent reasonable. McAllister Street. 1 A_9 MCALLISTER— 3 NICE CONNECTING XKJ^^j rooms, unfurnished: terms reasonable. Minna Street. ?IAPi MINNA— 3 OR 4 SUNNY UNFURNISHED OitO rooms, very cheap: American family. nnrj MINNA. COR. EIGHTiL— NICELY FLR- UU I nished bay-window rooms ; SI a week. Mission Street. EUROPE HOUSE. 1169 MISSION— NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite; transients. ■1919 MISSION— ELEGANT JNEW AND SUN- J — 1 — < iiy suite for doctor or man and wife. O'Farrell Street. 9A O'FARRELL ST.— NICELY FURNISHED — " room with elevator, fire-eseapo and latest im- provements. -i 99 O'Farrell— single room, nicely «-— . furnished, for a gentleman; conveniences; central; $8. 7*C\ »jTo ' tf A RRELL— NICE SMALL ROOMS, Oi-«_) furnished; large sunny parlor, unfurnished. ?«9Q O'FARRELL— NICE SUNNY PLEAS- U*J'y ant room; alcove, grate, gas and running water. Pine Street. r»9l PINE— NEWLY RENOVATED SUNNY U— l. rooms; reasonable; quiet house. • : >,;- :j Polk Street. "~ Gf\O POLK— 2 LARGE CLEAN QUIET ROOMS, UwOsl6; large back parlor, $12. ' ;.• ■-.- r - Post Street. 9A7 POST— GOOD SUNNY FRONT ROOMS tid\J i and suites for rent: reasonable; transients. jr. A 7 POST— 2* DOUBLE PARLORS, SUIT A - O\J I bio for business, and other rooms. 71 1 NICELY FURNISHED SUITE; 'XX rent reasonable. Ql POST-4 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; OXiJ f5. 89, flO; light housekeeping allowed; all modern conveniences. 1 O£\A POST, NEAR VAN NESS-NICELY XOv_ furnished cozy rooms; gas; bath; Amer- ican family. - * %»;> . ■' Powell Street. KAC POWELL — LARGE SUNNY FUR- *J\J\) nished room. . vi.- 11 1 ii Street. 1 Of* SEVENTH— NICELY FURNISHED SIN- -IOU gle front rooms. $1 a week. 1 07 SEVENTH— FURNISHED ROOMS $1 A 101 week up; also housekeeping; transient. Shot well Street. SHOTWELL— 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS- tt $12. I : Sixth Street. QQ SIXTH — THE HILLSDALE, SUNNY I •JO rooms; single and en suite; $1 to $1 60 a day. ! 1 Aft SIXTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY lvO rooms, en suite or single; $6 up. Third Street. -\\riNCHESTER HOUSE— 44 THIRD, NEAR " Market; most convenient and respectable; 200 rooms 26c to $1 50 per night; »1 60 to $0 per week: electric lights in every room: reading r'm; free bus. : Turk , Street. ' 11 0 TURK— SUITE. FURNISHED 111) or unfurnished; board optional; every con- venience. -' . - QQQ TURK— ELEGANTLY, NEWLY FUR- -000 nished suite and single; sunny; very rea- sonable. - ■■■ - ■: • Miscellaneous. ])OOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; FUR- it nl.thed or unfurnished. Room-renting Agency, room 22, Columbian building. -%' - , :. . "7" MKRICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL REOPEN- - -v ed on the European plan; light airy rooms from 25c to $1 per clay, $4 per month and up. BOAIii>iNU - A-M> BOOSES. 7 A Q^V F AB^eX'l^EllegXnT^UNn'y^A R- -1 \JO lors;plano;folding bed; sunny alcove Q-j JONES— ELEGANTLY- FURNISHED Ox I double parlors, single rooms, with board reasonable. , : ' : ' ■ :".*' '•;•■"' ' hf\A GEARY — ELEGANTLY . FURNISHED UU:r large sunny rooms; excellent table; thor- oughly first class; comfortable; reasonable. QAQ VAN NESS — NEWLY ELEGANTLY OUO furnished;: excellent : table; comfortable home; moderate; references. . , , ' OOMB AND BOARD; MODERATE PRICES. XV 2027 Mission Bt. : •. ;';--' THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1895. HOARDING AND BOOMS-Continued. COO EDDY - SUNNY SUITES; SINGLE \J4d\J rooms; board; breakfast and dinner special. THE ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND X Polk st.— Quiet and homelike; charges mode*- ale; board optional ; ail cars direct. . - C*9l. BUSH— BEST TABLE for PRICE in y^ X. c "- v ; elegantly furnished front suit and board for i, $oO; single rooms $20 up: large and sunny. THE HOTEL BERESFORD REOPENED BY MRS. 11. CHAMBERLAIN'; terms moderate; quiet home; superior table; billiards and smoking- rooms. ■¥;<-• • 09^ HYDE — ELEGANTLY FURNISHED y r^y rooms: board unexcelled: references. MRS T. W. BROTHERTON, cor. Hyde and Pine. "TTOTEL BEETLING, 714 ECSH-OPKNED AS V a family hotel : references given and required: all modern conveniences. UHILI>KKN ISOAKDKI). (?v f O^XII^HEFmvFHcSiK^WOuED "TrtH S' r i cie i °*. lDfant '> eusy terms; references. Address Oakland box 85, Call Office. \V I DOW WISHES 2 CHILDREN TO BOARD : '» furnished room for parent. 47 y 2 Gilbert g:. STOKES TO LET. TO -LET— STORE; OPP. GEARY-ST. CAR- house and near school: one of the best loca- tions in the Richmond district; rent cheap- suit- able for any kind of business. Apply upstairs. 1211 Point Ix)bO3 aye. v*/*-- -- mil LET— STORE WITH GROCERY AND BAR X fixtures; newly fitted up; NW. cor. Minna and Mary sts. Ap. WICHMAN &LUTGEN, 320 Clay. rpo LKT — AN OLD-ESTABLISHED MEAT X market. Northwest corner Twenty-fourth and Florida sts. TO LET-STORE AND 2 LIVING-ROOMS; X good business street. 1403 Devisadero. VTEW STORES SE. COR. HYDE AND pine; -ti owner will put in fixtures.] TORE AND BASEMENT AND 4 ROOMS AND bath, cor. Hayes and Webster. 1 734 Hayes st. MALL STORE: $15; 439 BUSH ST.. OPP. California Hotel; suitable for shoemaker. IpOR RENT— LARGETrOXT OFFICE AND ■ part of store '."-'1 and 223 Market st. OFFICES TO LET. ~ furnished offTcf] wTrit^ piTT tpxu. vate olliee; telephone, heater, etc. 313 Montgomery st. FFICESTO LET— SAVINGS UNION BUILD- ing, 530 California. ASHTON, 411 Montgomery. LEW ANT OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKELS -* building, 925 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas, janitor services or heating. Apply at building or U. II.UMBSF.N & CO., 14 Montg. St. MEDICAL. - to ladies — inotant" r»- A lief for monthly irregularities (from whatever cause) by the most experienced ladies' physicians in San Francisco, who restore all cases by an Im- proved method, superior to others; ladies will save time and money, be assured of honest treatment by consulting the doctors before calling elsewhere: patients who have been imposed upon are spe- cially invited: home in confinement: treatment warranted: advice free, confidential. DR. and MRS. DA VIES, 14 McAllister st., near Jones. WHY THROW AW A 7) MONSI FOOLISHLY « ' on worthless pills and humbugs when we guar- antee to restore irregularities in » hours with our new discovery, safe ana sure. Price $5. MME, KA BROW, Woman's Dispensarj-, IUOd Market st. rriA-BER'S "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE," X for either sex ; send 2o for Information or &0c for trial Jar. TAYLOR CUEM. CO., box 189(5, S. F. A CARD TO SUFFERING f'EMALKS-BY HAS- --'v Bageand Swedish movement treatment 1 guar- antee to cure all diseases and Irregularities peculiar to your sex; obesity reduced; those who have been imposed upon or irregularly treated are invited to call; "consultation free; charges moderate. MRS. DR. HAWLEY, 313 Ellis St. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- Jt\- ments or worthless pills used ; every woman her own physician for all female troubles: no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician ;knowl«dge can be sent&usedat home;all cases guaranteed; be not deceived and misled by self-praised advertisers. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny. LADIES — DAUDET'S FEMALE KEGULA- XJ ting Pills: strongest, safest, best; never fail- sl per box. WIDBER'S drugstore, 14 Ellis St., formerly cor. Market and Third sts., sole agents. LL MARRIED PEOPLE should know "seguro'; greatest boon to them: Carroll Co., Stockton and Market sts.: SI 50; send 2c stamp 1 for circular to W. S. p. Co., 531 X St., Sacramento. DH. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER STREET, NEAR "Jones. Diseases of women and children. V SURE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- -Ti_ eases, from whatever cause: a home in con- finement with every comfort; satisfaction guar- anteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. 226 Turk st. U PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; safe and efficient emmenagogue; $1 per box. KICHAKDS&CO., druggists,4U6 Clay st. ,sole ag'ts. 13 lIEUM CHILLS AND FEVER -CV cured by Cummings' rheumatic belt; no elec- tricity, hundreds of testimonials from prominent citizens: send for circular. E. J. CUMMINGS, 303 Third St., S. F. . A Ho i ■:. a FRIEND and MOTHER'S CARE. MRS. DR. FUNK'S, 1416 Eighth St., Alameda. DR. GOODWIN MAKES A SPECIALTY OF XJ diseases of women and restores all irregulari- ties in one day, guaranteeing a cure or no charge; regulator $2; home for patients. 1370 Market st. I R. SCHMIDT, 1508 MARKET— DISEASES U of women : hours 1 to 3 and sto6p. m. RICORD'S PILLS; EXPRESS S2 50: SAFE, \J sure, reliable: Ricord's specialties females. Mai son et Cie, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and Howard. ALL female irregularities re- stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at anytime; travelers helped at once; homo In con- finement; French pills guaranteed; consult free. MBS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post St., near Larkin. I ADIES. IF IRREGULAR CONSULT MRS. X.J EM A . sure cure. 1561 1/2 Market street. MRS. DR. WEGENER; PRIVATE HOME IN confinement; irregularities cured in a few 1.011 without operation; pills $2. 419 Eddy st. , A lI'KAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO -i*. ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger: safe and sure; ?2 50 express C. O. D. don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. IF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE see Airs. Dr. Puetz and he content. 254Vg 4th. LEGAL NOTICES. ■\J"OTICE TO <llEl3rT7S^^E^l^TiroF^GU> ■i" VANNI ROCCA, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, HORACE J. PERAZZr, executor of the last will and testament of GIO- VANNI ROCCA, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers with- in ten mouths after the first publication of this no- tice to the said executor, . 'it the law oflice of A. RUEF, rooms Nos. 1 and 2, 402 Montgomery htreet, San In ncisco, Cal., the same being his place for the transaction of the business of the said estate in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, State of California. HORACE J. FERAZZI, Executor of the last will and testament of GIO- VANNI ROCCA, deceased. Dated at San Francisco, October 18, 1895. A. RUEF, Attorney for executor, 402 Montgom- ery street. San Francisco, Cal. ■ ••. ••'; N~OTICE TO CREDITORS-ESTATE OF PAUL -Ll IMPEL, deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, CAMILLE (.IMPEL, execu- trix or the last will and testament of Paul Glmpel, deceased; to the creditors of and all persons having claim against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said executrix at the law olllce of A. RUEF, rooms 1 and 2, No. 402 Montgomery street, San Francisco, Cal.? the same being her place for the transaction of the business of the said > estate In the city and county 01 San Francisco, State of California. CAMILLE GIMPEL, Executrix of the last will and testament of PAUL GIMPEL, deceased. Dated at San Francisco. October 18, 1_95. A. RUEF, Attorney for Executrix, 402 Mont- gomery street, San Francisco, Cal. ATOTICE TO CREDITORS— ESTATE OF MARY ±> SIIEPPERD, deceased. Notice 13 hereDy given by the undersigned, Administrator of the es- tate of the said deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers within four (4) months aftertne first publication of this no- tice to the said Administrator, at his office, 319 Pine street, San Francisco, California, the same being his place for the transaction of the business of the said estate In the City and County of San Francis- co, State of California. A. C. FREESE, Administrator of the estate of MARY SHEPPERD, deceased. Dated at San Francisco, October 17, 1895. ' ■T. D. Sri.T.iVAN-. Attorney for Administrator. SHERIFF'S SALES. heriflF^s^^aTeT^wilson^t! smTtiT plaintiff, vs. CHARLES HADSELL. defend, ant. Sale.— Superior Court, Department No. — - No — . Execution. ■ ■ • Under and by virtue of an Execution, issued out of the Superior Court, Department No. — , of the County of Alamoda. State of California, on the 11th day of September, A. D. 18»5, in the above-entitled action, wherein WILSON T. SMITH, the above- named plaintiff, obtained a Judgment and Execu- tion against CHARLES HADSI?LL, defendant, on the 17th day of June, A. D. 1895, which said Judgment was recorded in the Clerk's Oflice of said Court, 1 am commanded to sell all the right, title and interest of the above - named defendant, CHARLES HADSELL, defendant, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the City, and County of is&n Francisco, Slate of California, and bounded and described as follows: - Commencing at a point on the westerly line of Thirty-fifth avenue, distant fifty (50) feet north- erly from the northerly line of K. street; running thence northerly along said line of Thirty-fifth avenue fifty (50) feet; thence at right angles west- erly one hundred and ten (110) feet; thence at right angles southerly fifty (50) feet, and thence at right angles easterly one hundred and ten (110) feet to the point of beginning. Being a portion of Outside Land Block No. 734. ' Public notice is hereby given that on SATURDAY, the 9th day of November, A. D. 1895. at 12 o'clock noon of that day, In front of the new City Hall, Larkln-streel wing, in the City and County of San Francisco, I will, In obedience to said Execution, sell all of the right, title and interest of the above- named defendant, CHARLES HADSELL, in and to the above-described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient money to satisfy said Judgment,' with Interest and costs, etc., jto th« highest and best bidder, for lawful money of the United Slates. • -. ■-' • RICHARD I. WHELAN, Sheriff. San Francisco, October 17, 1805. WILSON T. SMITH, Plaintiff in propria per- sona. SCO CALL, FRIDAY, N< DENTISTS. crown work, bridge work and teeth without crown work, bridge work and teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary St., cor. Grant aye. : R.REaT3OO TURK ST— ALL DENTAL WORK XJ at lowest prices and warranted ; open evenings. METAL PLATE $5 ; TEETH EXTRACTED or filled painlessly by my patent anaesthetic, soc; won 28 prizes. Obdontunder Dental Parlors, 81534 Geary st., bet. Larkin and Hyde, opposite Saratoga Halt. R. L. WALSH, D. D. pROOME DENTAL. ASSOCIATION, 769 MAR- \J ket. bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialists: only reli- able agent for painless extraction: ■ artificial teeth frm $5; fillings frm $1; extracting 50c, with gassl. Q><7 A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS VP I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. i DR. LUDLUM HILj-., 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh no charge for extracting when plates are made: old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set: extracting 5()c; gas given. \ CIOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. DR. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate aye.— Open evenings: Sundays till noon. LL. WORK REASONABLE AND WAR- ranted. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, THE GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, moved from 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. TKUSTEES' SALES. TRUSTEES' SALE— IN ACCORDANCE WITH X the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by MILLER M. WHITERIDE, party of the first part, to HENRY C C AMPBEiiL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRAN- CISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated December 10th, 1890, and recorded In the office or the County Recorder of the County of Alameda, State of California, in Liber 407 of Deeds, at pages 409 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 26th day of September, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a cor- poration, and the holder of the note (No. 10,546), to secure payment of which the aforesaid .deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made in the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY c. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trus- tees, to sell the real estate described therein to sat- isfy said indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice, that on FRIDAY, the 15ih day of November, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of WILLIAM J. DINGEE, Nos. 460 and 462 Eighth street, in the City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the piece or par- cel of land, situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, described as fol- lows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the southerly line of Eagle avenue, distant thereon one hundred and eight (108) feet westerly from the westerly line of Minium street, and running thence westerly along said line of Eagle avenue seventy-five (75) feet; thence at right angles southerly one hundred (100) feet ; thence at right angles easterly seventy- live (75) feet, and thence at right angles northerly one hundred (100) feet to the point of commence- ment: ■ - .■ - Being lots numbers six (6), seven (7) and eight I (8), in block number fifty -one (51), as laid down and delineated on map entitled "Hesub- division of block No. 58 and of portion of block No. 51, of the Town of Encinal, Alameda, Ala- meda County, Cal.." tiled April 7th, 1888, In the office of the County Recorder of said Count of Alameua, in Liber 11 of maps at page 50. Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— in gold coin of the United States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer, balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to ba void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense.* HENRY C. CAMPBELL, >_„ _ THADDEUSB. KENT. {Trustees. rrmusTEES' sale.— lN accor danckjwith i- the terms and under the authority of a "certain deed of trust, duly executed by M. M. WHITE- WIDE, party of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, parries of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated January 28th, 1891, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda, State of California, In j Liber 407 of Deeds, at pages 457 and following: and In pursuance of a resolution passed on the 26th ! day of September, 1895. by the Board of Directors of ! said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, and the holder of the note (No. 10,617), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was executed, declaring that default had been made In the payment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY" C. CAMPBELL and TUADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said indebted We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice that on FRIDAY, the 15th day of November. a. d. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of WILLIAM J. DINGEE, Nos. 460 and 462 Eightn street, in the City of OaKland, County of Alameda. State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States, all the piece or parcel of land situate in the City of Alameda. County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point on the southerly line of Eagle avenue, distant thereon fifty-eight (58)-feet westerly from the westerly line of Miuturn street, and running thence westerly along said line of Eagle avenue fifty (50) feet, thence at right angles souher ly one hundred (100) feet, thence at right angles easterly fifty (50) feet, and thence at right angles northerly one hundred (100) feet to the point 01 commencement. Being lots numbers nine (9) and ten (10), in block number fifty-one (61), as laid down and delineated on map entitled "Kesubaivision of block No. 58 and of portion of block No. 61 of the Town of Encinal, Alameda, Alameda County, Cal.," filed April 7th, 1888, in the office of the County Re- corder of said County of Alameda, in Liber 11 of maps at page 60. Together with the appurten- ances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States: ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; balance on de- livery of deed: and If not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. • . HENRY C. CAMI'BELL. > _, THADDEUS B. KENT. '^Trustees. fpRUSTEES' SALE.— IN ACCORDANCE WITH -I the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust, duly executed by GEORGE S LEE party of th« first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT. Trustees, parties of the second part, and the A. FRANCISCO SAV- INGS UNION, party of the third part, dated De- cember 9th, 1892, and recorded In the office of the County Recorder of the County of Tulare, State of California, in Liber 10 Of Trust Deeds, at pages 197 and following; and in pursuance of a resolution passed the 19th day of September, 1895, by the Board of Directors of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, and the holder of the note (No. 12,154), to secure payment of which the aforesaid deed of trust was "executed, declaring that default had been made in the pay- ment of the principal sum and other sums, due under said note and deed of trust, and requesting and directing said HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT. Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy said" indebted- ness. -.. We. HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, do hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, the 19th day of November, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO, No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of ban Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In gold coin of the United States, all the piece or parcel of land situate in the County of Tulare, State of California, described as follows, to wit: ] According to the official plats and system of sur- veys of the Government of the United States: In township twenty-two (22) south, range twenty-five (25) east, Mount Diablo base and meridian. ' ' • Of section eleven (11), the north half (N. i/ 2 )- Containing three hundred and twenty (320) acres of land, more or less. Together with the appur- tenances. • • ■ ■■ -■■■■:*;.:',. TERMS OF SALE— Cash In gold coin of the United States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer; .balance on de- livery of deed and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. HENRY C. CAMPBELL, I™. ■ THADDEUS B. KENT, /Trustees. rPRUSTEES'SALE.— IN ACCORDANCE WITH -i the terms and under the authority of a certain deed of trust duly executed by GEORGE SHAN- NON and MKLINDA SHANNON (his wife), par- ties of the first part, to HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT. Trustees, parties of the second part, and the SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, party of the third part, dated April 10th, 1890, and recorded in the office of the County Re- corder of the County of Fresno, state of California, in Liber 114 of Deeds, at pages 9 and following: and in pursuance of a resolution passed on the 26th day of September, 1895, by the Board of Di- rectors Of said SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION, a corporation, and the holder of the note (No. 9959), to secure payment of which the afore- said deed of trust was executed, declaring that de- : fault had been made In the payment of the princi- pal sum and other sums, due under said note and : deed of trust, and requesting and directing «aid HENRY C. CAMPBELL ana THADDKUB B. KENT, Trustees, to sell the real estate described therein to satisfy sain indebtedness. We, HENRY C. CAMPBELL and THADDEUS B. KENT, Trustees, ao hereby give notice, that on TUESDAY, .• the : 19th day of November, A. D. 1895, at 12 o'clock noon of that day, and at the auction salesroom of EASTON,. ELDRIDGE <fc CO., No. 638 Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, we will sell at public auction, to the -highest bidder, -for cash in gold coin of the ..United States, all the pieces or parcels of land situate in the County of Fresno, State of California, described as follows, to wit : According to the official plats and system of surveys of the Government of the United States: In township fifteen (15) south, range twenty- three (23) east. Mount Diablo base and meridian: Of section thirty-four (84), lots one (1) and two (2). Containing eighty-four and forty-six one-hnn- dredths (84.46) acres. .-. . Together with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SALE— Cash in gold coin of the United States; ten per cent payable to the under- signed on the fall of the hammer, balance on de- livery of deed; and if not so paid, unless for want of title (ten days being allowed for search), then said ten per cent to be forfeited, and . the sale to be void. Acts of sale at purchaser's expense. . . HENRY C. CAMPBELL, \~ m ■ THADDEUS B, KENT, « ees « , CITY REAL 'ESTATE. -■'- A FLYER! 1 SAVE YOUR DOLLARS. POINT LOBOS AND 25TH AYES. A splendid opportunity to make money; the Sutro electric-cars will soon be running on Clement St.; extra large lots, 25x130; all ready for building. ONLY $400 AND UPWARD. $50 CASH, BALANCE $10 PER MONTH. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. SPOT WON'T BUY A LOT WON'T BUY A LOT Any cheaper than you can get one for on $10 monthly payments in the Castro-street Addition; $360; lot 25x100 to alley: street graded, sewered and macadamized; 30 minutes from your work on line of electric road. SPOT CASH ■ ■' - ■ . WON'T BUY A HOME -L \~ •■;.'<• Any cheaper than . you can get one for on $16 monthly installments (same as rent) ; Diamond St., nr. electric-car; lot 25x100 to rear alley; street graded, sewered and macadamized; bay-window cottage containing 4 large rooms and bath; built to order. BEST OFFER OF A HOME EVER MADE. Take MIsSSon or Valencia st. car, transfer at 14th st, to electric road and ride to Castro and Chenery streets. . BALDWIN & HAMMOND, \ 10 Montgomery st. C PEA KING OF CHEAP LOTS— " ■ © DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING Better for $275 than the lots Iwe are offering in block 870, south of the park, 10th and 11th ayes., M and N sts.? $25 cash; $10 monthly; fine views; perfect title. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. MONEY ' LOANED ON REAL ESTATE, • AT LOWEST MARKET : : - RATES. BORROWERS ACCOMMODATED AT SHORT NOTICE BY THE CALIFORNIA TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE— MILLS BUILDING. L. R. ELLERT, MANAGER. <$Z I SftlF SOLD TO-DAY: FINE LOT SOUTH «JP-LUv/of Park, 25x120: worth $500; last chance. See owner at once, 9 Powell St., room 3. ARGAIN— SIOOO CASH, REST SAME AS rent, will buy a cottage, almost new, in the Mission, near 27th and Bryant sts., with 5 rooms, bath, laundry and basement: all the latest im- provements; fine view over the city. Call at GRAHAM'S grocery-store, 27th ana Alabama sts. "JACOB HEYM AX. REAL ESTATE, HAS RBI tl moved his office to room 5, Crocker building, Post and Market sts. AROA IN — DRESS CIRCLE, PACIFIC Heights; 51:6x137:6; Valiejo, bet. Baker and Lyon ; lovely scenery ; sheltered. C. W. F., box 65, Call Office. I PACIFIC HEIGHTS .RESIDENCES, SITU- I -L ated on Goueh St., near Broadway, will shortly be completed; 7 elegant residences, containing 7, 8 and 9 rooms and bath each, and all modern con- veniences; terms easy. Apply on premises. Bj-lOKA VERY CHEAP COTTAGE OF 5 LOOXJ. rooms, bath and laundry; near- Mis- sion-st. carhouse: terms to suit buyer. W. C. HAMERTON, 318 29th St. lA<T\ SANCHEZ, NEAR 28TH— NICE NEW L^iJjx. cottage of 5 rooms; all modern improve- ments; very easy terms. W. C. HAMERTON, 318 29th st. UOTWELL ST., NEAR 17TJI— COTTAGES on terms: $3600; 5 rooms, bath, gas: all mod- ern; high basement; elegant mantels; tiled sink. E. P. E. TROY, owner, 301 California St. 0 I O GOLDEN GATE AYE.— LARGE. SUNNY OJLO front parlor; first-class board: references. HOUSES BUILT? 1 50~T~cF$if75 A ROOM; CALL and examine plans. 1149 Mission st. COUNTRY REAL, ESTATE. rrA^riTiTTT^jM^coiLo^rY^ \J OAKDALE, STANISLAUS CO., CAL. This beautiful property comprises about 1000 acres of laud lying along the Stanislaus River, one mile from Oakdale, the principal station of the Southern Pacific Railroad on the line between Stockton and Merced. The Stanislaus and San .loaqulti Irrigation Company's canal runs directly through the colony and the property has a per- ; petual water right, with an annual water tax of i only $1 50 an acre. We are prepared to sell portions of the property j already planted to Washington, Navels, Mediter- i ranean Sweets and Maltese Bloods. The property is under the immediate direction and care of an ex- perienced horticulturist, who has received diplomas and medals at eight different county fairs in the. state aud for a small consideration cares for the orange groves for non-residents. Prices for land, including a perpetual water right ana planted to orange trees, $175 per acre. Unim- proved land wltn fully paid up water rights $70 per acre. Terms: The purchase price payable in six annual payments, without Interest; title per- fect and liberal discount for cash. For further particulars, maps and catalogues, ad- dress - ASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., '638 Market Street, San Francisco. Cal. Or to F. T. KNEWING, Our representative, Oakdale. Cal. DON'T WANT YOUR MONEY BEFORE YOU Bee the land: $5 per acre. P. E. LA MAR, 313 Montgomery st. '"I EASE, SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY J-J property; 320.480,500 acres: stock ranches; value $3200, S5OOO and $5500; has bunding, water and oaks; lease for $75, $150 and $100 per year. L. M. SA LSBURY, 902 Broadway, Oakland. OELLING AT ONE-HALF OF ITS VALUE. SEND FOR OUR MAP AND CATALOGUE OF THE RICH AND PRODUCTIVE McMAHAN RAXCHO AT WINTERS, CAL.; PART OF THE CELEBRATED WOLFSKILL GRANT FOR SALE IN SUBDIVISIONS FROM 10 TO 100 ACRES; THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. BOVEE, TOY it CO. (SOLE AGENTS); 19 MONTGOMERY ST., S. F. "POULTRY RANCH IN PETALUMA, $520; X five acres 'level garden land; new house of five rooms, windmill and 30,000-gallon cement tank; water piped for irrigation; 600 chickens and ducks; horse, waron, implements: everything complete; rent $15. BECKER, 240 Montgomery st. I JEAU THIS— HERE IS A BARGAIN TUIU.M- J-t mediate sale; 100 acres, all fine level land, sit- uated in a beautiful valley, Alameda County. 2 miles from railroad depot, -36 miles from this city, in a perfect climate; several trains dally: this land will grow anything; improvements good house, 6 rooms and outbuildings; some fruit: springs and running water on the place; $8000 buys this valuable property, which Is one-half its real value; investigate and see for yourself, ALBERT E. CRANE, 410 Montgomery st. "VfILK DAIRY RANCH TO " LEASE— 66O IVL acres; 25 miles from San Francisco. Apply at 307 Battery st. J TO 8 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES ON 10 tt years' credit. D. H. WING, Sonoma City.Cai. SEND FOR OUR LIST OF ORCHARD HOMES for sale. Wi>< >STKH & WHITTON, San Jose. MONEY TO LOA A. LOW RATErSTpER MONTH INTEREST~ON J- each $1000 on loans $5000 UP, and 55c per month on each $100 from $200 up: any proposi- tion will attend to. Coin, box 89, Cull. .. 1 ST AND 21) MORTGAGES: CITY OR COUN- -L try; administrators' mortgages, interests in es- tates, diamonds, pianos, etc, MURPHY, 628 Mkt. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IST AND 2ND ■i mortgages, undivided Interests, estates and on furniture or pianos, without removal, in the city and Oakland or Alameda; any amount; lowest rates: all business confidential: savings bank books bought. Call or write to BECKER.24O Montgomery. WHY PAY $5 ON THE HUNDRED COM- mission to the broker when you can get the same direct from the loaner without it and without charge for making out papers on your pianos and furniture of private families, which furniture is now under the new law mortgageable : lowest inter- est without removal any amount from $100 to $5000. 418 Ellis St., room 22. - LOANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS; -— I, dealings strictly private. tR. 88,Chronlcle bldg. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WATCHES, diamonds, - jewelry, sealskins, pianos, all valu- ables and securities: private office; business con- fidential. Colombia i.oan . and Collateral Office (Incorporated), 9 Grant aye., 3 doors from Market. ONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, 1 106 Market st.,nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. ORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL <& CO., Mills bldn, 6th floor, r 6: strictly confidential • A NY AMOUNT; IST. 2DOR3D MORTGAGES: -.V estates, undivided interests, real estate in pro- bate. McCOLGAN, 24 Montgomery, rooms 2—3. S~~ TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850 Market, cor. Stockton, rms. 17 and 18, first floor: established 30 years: always open. . "Uncle Bill." ONEY LOANED, 6y a PER CENT: ANY amount, on mortgages. ; A. F. JOHNS & CO., » 632 Market st. , LOANS ON FURNITURE AND PIANOS without removal, in city and Oakland; low in- terest: dealings strictly private. 216 Powell st." /CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. _____—_—————_——————————————————_—__■ FINANCIAL. TiaE^O^TIATOR~ OF LOANS^ISesIRES TO i.l make connections with capital. Address _ box 80, Call Office. __^ PERSONS WHO WANT 4 TO 7 PER CENT X interes - . a year on their money should consult I. W. ENTZ <fc CO.. 401 California st. NY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or I real estate: lowest rate; call and state your proposition or write; open evenings. J. NOONAN. 1021 Mission st. SEWING machines. ~~ LL KINDS sewing-machines bought, _jl sold, rented, exchanged and repaired; lowest rates. 206 Fourth St., near Howard. __ _________ __ BICVCLKS. ARK. CYCLERY-NEW~WHEELS TO LET; X best accommodations. Terminus. Geary, _(_- -, Allister and Powell st. car lines, * ( OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— 9OB BROADWAY. OAKLAND KEAI.. ESTATE. «^"|ir;fk A NEW MODERN COTTAGE, 4 (31 itlU, rooms, bath, hot and cold water, man- tel, closets, basement floored, all fenced; corner 40x100, and near station: 'easy terms. ALDEN <fc GAKFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. ACRES, LESS THAN LOTS, NEAR BEKKE- Iey, ?25 down, $10 monthly. CHAS. A. BAI- LEY, 46 Market St., San Francisco. pHICKEN RANCHES FOR SALE AND RENT. \J See E. K. BL'NCE, 1008 Broadway. <Sh A.f\f\ NEW HOUSE, 3 ROOMS; NEAR tiPtIUV/. lecal trains and electric-cars: $50 cash and $10 monthly. H. B. PINNE V, 902 Broadway, Oakland. IOR SALE— HOTJSK ON FIFTH ST.. near Broadway; 9 rooms and bath; lot 25x100 feet: price $3000. Apply at once to A. H. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. BE SOLD— I% acres unimproved -'''■Liv suburbs of Oakland; fine location for chicken ranch. Also 3% acres all in bearing fruit; house, barn, toolhouse, tankhouse, chicken-yard and chicken-houses; 20 minutes from Broadway, BENHAM & THOMAS, 465 Ninth st,, Oakland. ©1 Qnn WORTH $2400. - *SpX-O\J\J. Cottage: 5 rooms and bath, including furniture ; half block from local station and electric cars: $50 cash, balance ?25 per month. $2700— Value of lot alone; cottage, 5 rooms and bath, given away; 4 blocks from City Hall; the business center of Oakland; $500 cash, balance mortgage. Administratrix sale— House, 7 rooms and bath: large lot: East Oakland : cars pass the door: con- venient to local station; bank mortgage $2000; price $2700: must go. Last but not least, corner lot 100x120: sewered: sldewalked, etc.; cottage almost new; 3 blocks to local station and electric-oars: neighborhood first- class; $2700, worth at least $3500; owner must have money. Remember, I have the largest and best list of real estate bargains in Oakland, Alameda and Berkeley. Get my list and compare prices. • I have a cottage for sale at a bargain; monthly payments: nothing down. An invitation is extended to all. Carriages at the disposal of parties at all times. J. S. MYERS, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. ClQ^n '-' SMALL COTTAGES: RENTING ftp OO\J. for $10 per month; 10 minutes' ride on electric cars to business center or local trains. Ap- ply H. J. MONTGOMERY, 966 Washington st. T7<RCITVALE-BEST BARGAINS AND BEST X? terms ever offered; houses and vacant lots; streets all graded, sewered, etc.; in immediate neighborhood of Southern Pacific and electric-car lines at Fruitvale station. To convince yourself call at our office. Fruitvale. Syndicate Investment Company, EDWARD DICK, agent. (DjO/k MONTHLY FOR A- ROOM COTTAGES; t]n.<_fVf plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden Gate statn. "djjTrfn LOTS NEAR TH ALTENHEIM IN •TO-LOVJ. Fruilvale; electric cars; only $1 down and $1 a week: selling fast; good Improvement*. H. I!. I'IX.NKY, owner. 902 Broadway. Oakland. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— I43S PARK STREET. ALAMKDA REAL ESTATE. xew house] 7 <t|I)O lO\J. rooms, gas; street Improved; side- walk: line location; $400 cash. $1760— Cottage, 4 rooms, in fine order; all im- provements. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park St., Alameda <J>97CA $150 CASH, BALANCE $25 PER tJP*ii I UU. month; lot 40x150; cottage, 6 rooms and' bath. $3000— cash, balance $30 per month; 6- room house: large lot. Apply to JOSEPH A. LEONARD COMPANY, 1364 Park St., Alameda. <flil P^fl COTTAGE; 4 ROOMS; WINDMILL ig)LOO\J. and tank; lot 60x140; street work and sidewalk. $1800— House of" 7 rooms; lot 35x135; $100 cash : $25 per mouth. $1650— 2 cottages of 4 rooms each; 2 large lots; 50 foot front; street work ana sidewalk. J. 11. YOUNG, 1243 Park st., Alameda. BERKELEY KKAi, ESTATE. ELEOANT^LOTS NEAH THE BERKELEY UNIVERSITY, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE, $1600-40x130; NW. cor. Durant aye. and Ful- ton st. $1500—50x130: Fulton st., nr. Dnrant aye. $1600—40x130; NW. cor. of Bancroft way and Union st. $1750—50x130; Bancroft wav, nr. Union st. $1600-40x110; SE. cor. of Durant and Tele- graph ayes. $1500—50x110; Telegraph aye., nr. Durant aye. $1800—45x120; NE. cor. Bancroft way and Tel- egraph aye. $1800—70x138; Hillegassave.. nr. Bancroft way. $2000—70x140; Telegraph aye., nr. Bancroft way. ■» * i '■• . • i $2500—91x138; University aye., near the Uni- versity grounds. $2000—120x119: Shattuck aye., nr. Vine st. $1800— acre lot near the Town Hall. Also 70 lots at Ashby station; cheap; on easy terms. Come quick if you want the choice of these bargains. M. L. WURTS, Opp. Dv.-ight-way station, Berkeley. \| li^T BE .SOLD— A THOROUGHLY WELL- -IVJ built house of 6. rooms; large attic and base- ment: all the latest improvements; street work all done; at a bargain. Apply to JOS. J. MASON, 1 1 wight-way Station. Berkeley. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON REAL ESTATE. DR. OLIVER, .. REAL ESTATE DEALER, 513 East Main st., Stockton. Owner of East Stockton and Brown's Additions; lots in these and other additions at $5 a month; no Interest and no taxes; largest list of inside prop- erty of any dealer in Stockton: quick gales and small profits is the motto of this office. E~SCALON HAS BEEN SELECTED BY THE directors of the S. F. and 8. J. V. R. R. Co. (Valley road) for the principal station in the south- eastern part of San Joaquin County and is destined to become at once the most Important of all the stations on the line of the railroad on account of the vast bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sur- rounding the town, every acre of which will be sold with a perpetual water right. Take some of your money out of the 4-per-cent savings bank and invest in this coming center of southeastern San Joaquin County. - For maps, descriptive matter, etc., address E. E. HARLOWE & CO., 430 East Main st., Stockton. California. : : - ■ SANTA CLARA COHNTY. REAL, ESTATE. QAXTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS. 19,000 acres in subdivisions for fruit planting. Apply to C. H. PHILLIPS, proprietor. 32 East Santa Clara St., ban Jose, Cal. .STORAGE VFTRITA^Trn^EIGHT~"aTRAN^FIOR CO^ Fifth and Bluxome sts., furniture and goods packed, shipped and stored; 9 large fireproof ware- houses; low rates; advances made. Tel. south 388. cTfoRAaE OF FURNITURE, PIANOS, UOCSE- O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. WILSON BROTHERS. 1710 " MARKET— ii Storage; Vow rates; telephone South 762. IfIRBT-CLASS STORAGE ; ADVANCES MADS 1 421-423 Market St. CHAS. L. TAYLOB. UUILDINti AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. T^O^INESTA^BXjihDVSGrX^TSToA^AS^ \J sociation — Home office, 222 Sansome st., S. F. General savings & loan business. Ed E. Hill, Pres.; Oliver EldrUige. V.Pr.; W. Corbln. Spc.jS: Gen.Man. fllAKlllA«jr«^ 1i1t4..^^3. Licenses to marry were granted yesterday as follows: ''~.r.T- H. Mockel and Mary Stumpf. 38—38. H. Hor\vep;e and Elene M. Lorenzen, 28—20. W. L. Honnold and Caroline E. Burton. 29—28. H. W. P. Wackerroder and A. Raufuss, 29—19. A. H. Kramer and Anna Raschcke, 30—18. S. Nlelson and Dorothy M. Madsen, 27—26. H. A. Hagedorn and Amanda J. A. Lutz, 22—19. R. R. W. J. Dabel and Ellen F. Geary, 36—24. DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS. Complaints filed : Marie Vermont against Edward Vermont. Annie L. Palmgrew aeainst F. O. Palmgrew. . ' Lottie C. Mintie against Alexander E. Mlntie. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES-DEATHS. [Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.J BORN. "V ADAMS— In this city, October 23, 1895, to the wife of F. P. Adams, a son. HALL— In Oakland,' November 7. 1896, to the wife of S. A. D. Hall, a son. fSt. Louis and East St. Louis papers please copy.] - JAMES— this city, November 6, 1895, to the wife of Charles James, a son. KELLY— In this city, October 20, 1896, to the wife of Bernard Kelly, twin sons. NORTHCUT— In Brentwood, Cal., November 1 1895, to the wife of J. S. Northcut, a daughter. POHLMAN— In this city, October 27, 1895, to the wife of Gus Pohlmann, a son. RATH— In this city, October 30, 1895, to the wife of F. J. Rath, a son. . . ROCHE— November 1, 1895, to the wife of John Roche, a son. ; ' " STEIN— In this city, November 7, 1895, to the wife of M. D. Stein, a son. • ' TAYLOR— In this city, November 4, 1895. to the wife of William H. Taylor, a son. ' -v MARRIED. JAMES— BLISS-November 5. 1895. by the Re* E. K. Clarke, C. A. James and Helen C. Bliss o^ Fruit vale. KENTZEL— MOXAGIIAN— In this clty.October 23, 1895, by the Rev. Father Collie, James K. Kentzel and Ellle Mohaghan, both of Sau Fran- cisco. SAYRE— STRAUT— In Santa Rosa. October 29, 1895, by the Rev. William Martin, Morton S. Sayreof Lakeport and Angelia E. Straut of San Francisco. SCOTT— HARRINGTON— In this city, October 16. 1895, at Si. Mary's Cathedral, by the Rev. Father Ilunnigan, Edmund Lee Scott of San Jose and Eliza Harrington of San Francisco. iJUii;. Beardsley, George W. Hall, Sarah <;. Bell, Margaret . Hettrich, Caroline L. Carden, Patrick Irwin. Estelle T. Clausey, William Kusper (infant) Christy, Mary A. Kel ey, Magpie Conley, Frances C. Marti... Valeric W. Cusic, Mrs. Ellen Morton, Eleanor O. De Vaull, Mary O'Keefe, JoseDh J. Dittmer, W. a. F. Obenauer, Ernestina Donohue, Edith Price, Mary a. Fngel, Mary Streney. John Gruenley, Charles Shepard, John Hiester, Amos C. Staudacher, Theodore Hear, Joseph M. Sheridan, Patrick M. Walker. Augusta F. BELL— In this city, November 6, 1895. Margaret, beloved wife of John Bell, and sister of J., W. J., T., M. and H. Gibbs, a native of County Antrim, Ireland, aged 33 years and 5 days. . JBS~Friends and acquaintances . are respect- . fully invited to attend the faneral THIS DAY (Friday), at 1 o'clock r. m.. from the par- lors of 11. F. Suhr & Co., 1209 Mission street, near Eighth. Interment Laurel Hill Cemetery. BEARDSLEY— In this city, November 6, 1895, George W. Bearasley, a native of Illinois, aged 42 years. CARDEN— In this city. November 6, 1895, Pat- rick, beloved father of Thomas Cardon and Mrs. L. Johnsen, a native of Ireland, aged 64 years. JB3f"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at — o'clock a. m.. from St. Vincent's Catholic Church, Vallejo, where a requiem high, mass will bj celebrated for the repose of his soul. ' %.<;;:•;• v < CHRISTY— In this city, at 412 Eddy street, Mary A., wife of James Christy, and mother of Will R., George, Cella and Martha Christy and Sister Mary Bernardine of Notre Dame, San Jose, a na- tive of Ireland, aged 56 years. DPS-Interment at Stockton November 9, 1895, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. ijLt.h CLAUSEY— In this city, November 6. 1895, Wil- liam, dearly beloved son of the late Thomas and Catherine Ciansey, and. brother of Mary J., Thomas H. and John J. Clausey, a native of England, aged 15 years. «**Fr!en<ls and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 1825 Market street, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem high mass wili be celebrated for the repose Of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Inter- ment Holy Cross Cemetery. CONLEYi— In this city, November 7, 1895. Fran- ces*Caraline, beloved daughter of Frank and the late Frances Conley, sister of Mrs. Amanda ' Shannon and Maggie and Georgie Conley and Maurice, Patrick and William Hennessy and the late Mary McLaughlln, a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 22 years. «S~Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 9 o'clock a. m., i from her lata residence, 143 Natoma street, off New Mont- gomery. CUSIC— In this city, November 7, 1896, at 8:40 o'clock a. m., Mrs. Ellen Cusic, beloved mother of Nicholas J. »nd Kate Cusic, a native of Ire- land, aged 60 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. DE VAULL— In this city, November 6, 1895. Mary, beloved wife of John de Vaull, and mother of Henry L., William P. and Lloyd A. de Vaull, a native of New York City, aged 47 years and 10 mouths. «3"The funeral will take place THIS DAY ' (Friday), at '1 o'clock p. it., from the family ' residence, 1617 Webster street, near Sntter. Interment private. DONOHUE— this city, November 6, 1895, Edith, beloved daughter of Thomas and Sophie . Donohue, a native of San Francisco, aged 1 month and 15 days. «S-The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Friday), at 1 o'clock p. it., from the residence of the parents, 1326 Florida street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ■:•". DITTMER— In this city, November 6, 1895, Wil- liam A. F. Dittmer, a native of Germany, aged 18 years 9 months and 3 days. FUGEL— In this city, November 6. 1895, Mary, beloved wife of Alex Fugel, mother of Gusina Fugel, and sister of Mrs. H. McAllister, a nativo of California, aged 33 years. &io"Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 10 o'clock a. m., from the oar- lors df the United Undertakers, 27 and 29 Fifth street, thence to St. Joseph's Churcn for services at 10:30 o'clock a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. GRUENLEY— In this city, November 7, 1895, Charles, infant son of Edward and Rose Gruen- ley, a native of San Francisco, aged 2 months. HALL— In this city, November 6, 1895, at her residence, 712 Waller street, Surah G., beloved mother of T. L. Hall, and grandmother of Mrs. R. Lloyd Eaton and Mrs. H. C. Wymau, a na- tive of Connecticut, aged 86 years 9 months and 17 days. , f New York papers please copy.j j&oir Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 10 o'clocK a. it., from the West- minster Presbyterian Church, Fell street, near Octavia. Interment private, in Cypress Lawu Cemetery. HETTRICU— In this city, November 6. 1895, Car- oline L. Hettrich, a native of New York, aged 47 years. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services THIS DAY (Friday), at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at her late residence, 1022 Washington street. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. HIESTEH— this city, November 7, 1895, Amos C, beloved husband of Honora Hiester, a native of Germantown, Ohio, aged 59 years 4 months and 1 day. ay .Notice of funeral hereafter. HERY— In this city, November 6, 1895, Joseph M. Hery, a native of Germany, aged 65 years 6 months and 1 day. IBAVIN— In Oakland, November 6, 1895, EsteUe T. Irwin, aged 42 years. v^< KUSPER— In this city, November 6, 1895, infant daughter of Joseph and Anna Kusper, a native of ' ' San Francisco. KELLY— In this city, November 7, 1895, Maggie, beloved wife of William T. Kelly, and beloved . mother of Mamie R. Kelly, a native of Boston, Mass., aged 37 years. MARTIN— In Oakland, November 7, 1895,Valerfe W. Martin (nee Hickethier), wife of Shelby 9. Martin, - a native of Parkersburg, W. Vs., aged 25 years and 9 months. MORTON— In Modesto. October 5, 1895. Eleanor Garman Morton, aged 61 years 8 months and It) days. O'KEEFE— In this city, November 1895, Joseph J., beloved son of Catherine and the late Joseph O'Keefe. and brother of John, Maggie, Walter and Christina O'Keefe, a native of San Francisco, aged 22 years 8 months and 22 days. 43"Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from his late resi- dence, 11 Bourbon place, off Ellis street, between Steiner and Pierce, thence to Holy Cross Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock: a. it. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ? ~» \ ; iV OBENAUER— In Alameda, November 6, 1895, F.rnestlna, beloved wife of John Obenauer, a na- tive of Germany, aged 65 years. . g^Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from her lata residence, 1418 Cottage street, near Central avenue, thence by 12:30 o'clock Oakland creek boat to Laurel Hill Cemetery, San Fran- cisco, for interment. PRICE— In Oakland, November 6. 1895, Mary Ann Price, a native of Maryland, aged 77 years and 5 months. SHERIDAN— In this city, November 7, 1895. Pat- rick, beloved husband of Mary Sheridan, a native of County Leitrim, Ireland, aged 66 years. JK3-Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, Fairmount and Chenery streets, thence to St. Paul's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of bis soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. BHEPARD— In this city, November 7. 1895, John P. Shepard, father of John A. and Bessie C. Shep- ard and T. H. Jones, a native of Ellsworth, Me., aged 72 years 8 months and 23 days. JKS-Frlends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW(Saturday). at 2 o'clock p. if., from the New Jerusalem Church (Sweden- borgian), O'Farrell street, between Webster and more. . STRENEY— In this city, November 7. 1895, John Streney. beloved father of Mrs. John Hughes and Mrs. Richard Heney Jr.. a native of County • Down, Ireland, aged 75 years. ~- 83"The funeral will take place THIS DAY (Friday), at 9 o'clock a. m., from his late resi- dence, 507 Webster street, thence to Sacred Heart Church, corner Fillmore and Fell streets, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of hir soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. if. Interment Mount Calvary Ceme- t ery. BTATJDACHER— this city, November 7, 1895, Theodore Standacher, a native of Wurt»-niberg, Germany, aged 48 yean. WALKER— In this city, November 7. 1895, Augusta F.. beloved wife of John Walker, a na- tive of Hanover, Germany, aged 42 years and 1 month. ■ . . v. ' j|9~Notlce of funeral hereafter. ' "" UNITED UNDERTAKERS' EMBALMING PARLORS. Everything Requisite for First-class Funerals at Reasonable Rates. X Telephone 3167. "7 and 29 Fifth street. I McAVOY & CALLACHER, I FUNERAL DIBECTOES & EMBALMKR^, 20 Fifth St., Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 8080. CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY, TN SAN M ATEO COUNTY NOX-SECTARIANt J. laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy of access; see it before buying a burial place elsewhere. . . Ciijr Office, » City JU»U A ¥e j»m, 15