Newspaper Page Text
10 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD SIMMART OF THE MARKETS. ■ — Good overland demand for Coffee. Silver unchanged. \\ heat weaker. Barley firmer. Oats, Corn and Rye unchanged. Another decline in Beans. Hay firm and in light receipt. Large arrivals of Mustard Seed. Bran and Middlings unchanged. Potatoes and Onion-, cheap. Butter firmer. Eggs steady. Poultry nominal. Persimmons cheaper. Game declined. Grapes steady. Dried Fruit quieter. Hides weak. Provisions unchanged. WKATHSB BUREAU REPORT. Unitkd States Dkpartmest of Aoeicol/- TI'RK, WF.ATIIKR kkai-, San FRAKCISCO, No vember 11, 1898, 5 r. m.—Weather conditions and general ion cast: The following are the seasonal rainfalls to date | as compared with those of same date last season: Eureka 4.16, last season 5.14; Red Bluff 2.97, last J season 2.02: Sun Francisco 2.18, last season 2.78; Fresno .29, last season 1.12; t-an Luis Obispo 2.16, j last season 3.32; Los Angeles .65, last season .76: j Ban Dl< go .99, last season .05; Yuma .31, last sea- j son 1.81. The following are the maximum temperatures reported from stations In California to-day: Eureka 64. Red Bluff 66, sail Francisco 66, Fresno 66, In dependence 54, San Luis Obispo 70. LO3 Angeles 60. San Diego 60, Yuma 76. San Francisco data—Maximum temperature 66, j minimum 60, mean 63. The area of hich pressure central last night over 1 Wyoming and the re-enforcing high oi£tbe Oregon j const have moved eastward and an- now over the j Missouri Valley. An area of low pressure nas At veloped in Western Arizona and Southern Califor nia, causing rain in this section. Another area of low pressure appears 10 be formine off the ash intrton coast, uccompanied by cloudy weather and ll;;ht variable winds. The temperature has re mained stationary, except at Red Uluff, Indepen dence and Fresno. Forecast made at San Francisco for thirty hours, j endineat midnight November 12,1895: Northern California—lncreasing cloudiness and , showers; cooler in Sacramento Valley; northwest- j t-rly winds, changing to easterly. Southern California—Showers; stationary tern- j peratnre; easierly winds.! Nevada—Cloudy in western portion: stationary < temperature. Utah—Fair: stationary temperature. Arizona—Showers; stationary temperature. San Francisco and vicinity— Increasing cloudi ness and probable Bhowers; stationary tempera ture; westerly winds stuftingto southeasterly. A. McADIK, Local Forecast Official. NKW Y.OKK 3I.VKKKTS. Financial. NEW YORK, N. V.. Nov. 10.—Lord Salisbury's speech last Saturday had a reassuring effect on the markets abroad, and the good feeling also extended to this side of the Atlantic. Consols recovered briskly in London and American securities t!'ere moved up in sympathy. Jn Paris the Rothschilds were ictive in the work of restoring confidence—a more hopeful tone characterizing the dealings at the irse there. Our market was quick to re- i spend to the Improvement in London and on the Comment, and prices for the standard Issues moved 1 v.' itradually during the nay. The _i.;i, which ranged from 1-2 to 2% per cent, ; was most marked in the international issues, such I as St. Paul and L. and N. Fully 8000 shares of various slocks were taken for London, prlncipally for the purpose of covering short contracts in an- 1 ticipation 01 the fortnightly .«e;lenient on Thurs- ! day. Loai!»*Hle and Nasiivllle and St. Paul, which i have been heavily oversold, gnined the most, the | former rising from 51Vs to -'S-'s and the latter from 73I <2 to 75. St. Paul's splendid showincfor i the first week Of the current month, the earnings having increased nearly $270,000 over last year, contributed not a little to the strength of the shares. sharp recoveries were also noted in Lake shore, Itork Island, Burlinston and Quincy, Northwest, ! Aichison. Missouri Pacific, Canadian Bonthern, !" four, Manhattan, Kansas and Texas preferred, | Wabash preferred. Western Union and I'aciiic ! Mall. The last named was bough) by a ; firm snpr°sed 10 be Identified with insiders. it j was also reported tha; the nesotiations with the ( Panama Railroad will be reopened shortly. Before 1 midday, however, Chicago Gas developed weak- ' ness. and on free sales broke from 6o: 4 to 63*/2. A | rumor was put atloa: to ihe effect that the Flower- j OlcoM committee hat dissolved, but this was ofti- 1 cially denied, and a rally to 643/s followed. Subse- ! qiieiuly another story was circulated that Attor uey-General Hancock would be asked to prevent th«- reorganization of the committee. The heaviness Of the mock aflected the indus tna unfavorably, but the railway list maintained its strength until near the close, when prices were shaded a little on realization. Genera] Electric was decidedly w«-ak at one lime, falling to 28%, a de cline of li<2 per cent. Latter on advices from Washington that the Supreme court had I'.ecirtPd the McKeespor rase in favor of the coapany the ttock rallied to So('<£29 3-8. Sugar first ro.«e 1 to 1003/s aud then fell to 98%. Tobacco, Distilling aud Lttle-feedfng and leather preferred sold down I@ll4 per cent a::.! later recovered part of the loss. In a cenerai way the industrials were weakened by fears of hostile legislation by Consress. Suear. it Is intimated, will be the tirs: corporation taken lip by the new House. The withdrawal of #1,000. --000 in gold from the sub-treasury by William H. Crossman it Bros, for shipment to Europe by the £>pn c to-morrow had no influence whatever, neither lid the talk about heavy exports later in ! 11.. week. There was a sprinkling of commercial I bills lay. bnl the offerings were quickly ab- Borbed. speculation in stocks closed steady. Net chances show advances of i/i to 2% per c»nt. The Indus-rials, ■wever. generally los; ifetolVs cent. Total sales were 214,068. Railway onds were firm .\i:'i higher. The sales footed up" 730,000. Atchiion adjustment fours rose l! 4 to 49%. <lo eeneral fours %to 78, do sec onds, class A, I to 273' 8: Lake Erie and Western Jives 1 to 118. Milwaukee and Northern firsts of 1913 I--. to 120: Missouri, Kansa* and Eastern firsts fives 1» to 92. United States Cordage sixes 13/s to 411 -j aud i' 111 fours 1» to 7S- -. In Government bonds $1000 coupon fours of 1907 sold a< 112 and 18,000 coupon fives sold at 115(ffill5y8. The Mercantile Snfe Deposit Company reports silver bullion on haiid, 234,509 ounces; certih" cates outstanding, 234. (iraln. FLOUR—DuII, barely steady. Winter wheat,low grades, ?2 25(<12 75: do, ialr to fancy. $2 HO.ii 40: do. patents, $3 W)@3 90; Minnesota clear, $2 75© 8 25: do. strnlsbts. S3 20@3 50; do, patents. $3 35 f"3 40; low •■?■_' •_'."(« 75; city mills, $3 Hs(ai 4: do. patents, M 10@4 35. Southern Flour— i Dull, easy; common to fair extras, ?2 10fi;2 80; ] good to choice do. $2 90@3 10. * I CORN MEAL— Steady, dull. Yellow Western, S'J 00(0.2 «5. RYE—Nominal. No. 1 Western, 48c BARLEY—Nominal. Western, 47@50c; No. 2 Milwaukee, 44(g;48c. WHEAT—Spot market fairly active, lower. No. 2 red. store and elevator. 66V 2c: afloat, CBc; f. o. b.. 671 c; ungraded red, 6*(ai7oc; No. 1 Northern. 64%^c. Options were fairly active EDd weak ot a decline of Tp^iLipC from Saturday, dne to weaker cables, foreign sellin< and a large increase in th? visible, wi.h free local realis ing. May and December were most active. Janu ary, 65yc; Jlarch, 67%; May, 68Vic: July, 67% c; December, 84*/fec CORN—Spots fairly active, easier. No. 2, 35%@ S61 .-2C elevator, 37'4c afloat. options were dull and y 2 c lower with the West and local realizing, closing steady. November and May most active; November, 35% c; December, 35Vic; January, 35c: May, 35% c. ■ • OATS—Spots easier; fairly active. Options dull and weaker. November, 23c: December. 233/ 8c; May. 253' Be. Spot prices—No. 2, 23c: No. 2 white, 24U,c; No. 2 Chicago. 24c; No. 3, 22y 3c: , >'o. 3 white. 23c: mixed Western, 23y->(s2sc; white do. 24<g.28c; white State, 24@28c. Provisions. LART>—Quiet, but v.: eak: Western steam, $5 85; city. $r> 60: November. $5 90: refined, dull: Con tinent. $6 30; South American, $6 65: compound, 41/2^71^,0 lOltk-Steady and in more demand; sales, 200 barrels; mess, $9 75@10 25. T'i'F.P. —Quiet : choice, steady; State dairy, 12 (32ii/ 3c: do creamery, 20@23c; Western dairy, l()V 2(ctlsc: do creamery, 14@23c: ilo June, 15®. Sic; <lo factory. 9(fl4c; Elgins, 23c: imitation creamery, 12@l?Vsc. CHJEESK—VUiIet and easier; State iaree. 7141 a 10y 8c: do fancy, 10ffil(J3/ 3c; do small. 7-''/i@llc": part skims. 3y 2@7ysc; full skims. -.Va@3c. EGGS—Steady, moderate receipts ""state and Pennsylvania. 21(&i25c; icehoose, 10@18c, do, p?r case. .f:v. 1 25; Western fresh, 19d&2o; do. i»er case, $3(g,4; limed, 16@16yc; do per case, £3 50 @4. TALLOW—Quiet and steady; country. 43/ c. COTTONSEED OIL-istrong, iisfat offerings- Crude. 24ii,^5c; yellow prime, new, 29Vic bill 30c asked; ilo, off grade, 28c bid. RICE—In moderate demand and steady; domes tic. 3%@6c: Japan. ,■,'.:< V. MOLASSES—Foreign, nominal; New Orleans 28®32c, quiet. COFFEE—Barely steady and unchanged to 15 points down: December. Sl4 45@14 50: January fl4 30^14 35; March, *14@14 15: April. $14- May, Sl3 60@13 75: August, «13 16; September' $12 80. Sjiot Itio, dull, steady; No. 7, 15i*>(<iT564c' SUGAR—Raw, don and steady; fair refining 3(ci 3%c; centrrfUgalS, 96 test. 33/B®3y.c; refined mon» active; off A, 4 l-10(a)4i4c; moid A, 4%c- Btaodard A, 4i, 2c; confectioners' A. 4S/ gc; cut loaf and crushed, si/ie; powdered, 4%c; granu lated. 4y@l%c; cubes, 4%c I'ruit and I'rodnce. CALIFORNIA FRUlT—Raisins. London layers fl 20@l 35; 3-crown, 3%@4c; 4-crown, 4,'i£sc ' PRU NES—Four sizes, S?<ic. ! A PRICOTS— Bags, 9J/2<ai lc. PEACHES-Unpeeled, s^«@B>Ac; Deeled, 16c. ALMONDS—Paper-shell, ll(g)12c WALNUTS—Standard, 9c. HUPS—Quiet, steady; State common to choice S@loc: I'acirlc Coast. sy^lOc. London market Bucbanged. WOOL— pulled, 16@34c; Texas, 9@l3c Merchandise. PIG IRON—Steady; moderate demand; Ameri can. $12<ai4 50. OOPFEB— lake. Sll 40@ll 50. LEAD— Dull; weak; domestic,s3 17y 2@3 20. Quiet; straits, $14 55: plate« quiet. BI'KLTKR—Weak: domestic, 83 80. CHICAGO -MARKETS. CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 10.—Nothing developed In wheat this morning which could be construed W favorable to higher prices The financial siiu atlon abroad being in an unsettled state was cer tainly not calculated to encourage speculation. English consols were higher, and in fact that one of the ;bull helps of , the last weeks was removed. Liverpool cables were lower for wheat. Receipts In the Northwest were heavy, although some fall ing off was thought possible. Minneapolis and Duluth had 1713 cars and Chicago 595. With drawals from store were large at 338,032 bushels. The visible supply statement was ft matter of considerable interest as the different polrts repre sented. With all places Included an inciease of 3,946,000 bushels was licrurcd. The amount on ocean passage decreased 240,000 bushels and the English visible supply 26,000 bushels. Liverpool ■wired that the total world's shipment for the week would aggregate 8,000,000 bushels. Theorticial Board of Trade figures on thesi? exports will ap pear to-morrow. Export clearances were fair at 40:-t.S44 bushels. V; . The session was noted for the free liquidation of "long" wheat by people who have been anything but the present accumulation of stocks in this country. At the close prices weretouly i» fraction above the inside iiguns of the day. Clos ing Continental cables were generally lower. De cember wheat opened from 58c to 57 % c, sold be tween 58c and 6SV 2 c, closing at 5714 c, l@l3/ 8 c lower than Saturday. Estimated receipts for to morrow 600 cars. CORN — Drew very little attention and the situa tion was practically unaltered. The Government report, which issues this afternoon, will treat of the corn yield, but the immense crop is assured, so that the prospective statement amounted to nothing as a factor. Liverpool cables were firm and y d higher. Receipts were 428 cars, and 185, --676 bushels were taken from store. Export clear ances amounted to 132,464 bushels. The weak ness of wheat tended to produce a similar feeling in this market. The visible supply decreased 227,000 bushels and the amount on ocean passage 800.000 bushels. May corn opened from 29V4,c to 293/ B e, sold at 29V«c, closiiii: at 291,4 c, y e under Saturday. Estimated receipts for to-morrow 320 cars. Inactivity was still the notable feature in oats. As in wheat and corn there was a lack of firmness apparent. Receipts were 323 cars, and 171, bushels were taken from store. The visible supply increased 290,000 bushels. May closed y e lower. Estimated receipt* for to-morr ow 226 cars. FLAX— Was firm. Cash No. 1. 9iy 2 @92c; December, 9iy 2 @913 / ic; May, 97^4®97%C. Re ceipts were 150 cars. PROVISIONS— RuIed dull and barely steady. The hot; market hela fairly well, product deriving some benent therefrom, but the depression In grain cast a gloom over the trade. At the close January pork and January ribs were unchanged from, and January lard a shade lower than Satur day. Closing Prices. WHEAT— November, 66r/tiC; December, 571,4 c; May, 61l/ 2 c. CORN— NovemDer, 29c; December, 2834 c; May, 2914 c. OATS— November, IBV2C; December, 183/ 8 c; May, 20y 3 c. PORK— November, $8 10: January, ?9 07V 2 ; May, $9 40. LARD— November, $5 60; January, $5 60; May, $5 80. Rlßs— November, $4 60; January, $4 60; May, f 4 82 Vis- BUTTER— The market was without change. The demand was limited, with fair to good cream ery generally preferred. Quotations were un altered. EGGS— Were active and firm. Fresh stock was in llcht supply, and when offered w as readily taken. Fresh stock sold a: 19V<>c per dozen. MONEY— Was 5@5y 2 per cent on call and 6@ 6' 2 per cent on time loans. New York exchange sola at 50c premium. Livestock. UNION STOCKYARDS, 111., Nov. 11. -The cattle market was active and firm to-day, dressed beef concerns buying freely. Prices were 10c higher. The demand for hogs from local packers and shippers was Drisk to-day and the murket for that animal was firm, but unchanged in price. Re duced offerings of sheep and a t;ood demand re sulted in an advance of 10@15c per hundred pounds. CATTLE— Receipts, 17,000. Common to extra BU'*»"S. S3<&s: stocKers and feeders. $2(53 85; rows nnd bulls. £1 25©3 50; calves, «2 60(a5 75; Tex&us, 92(23 30; Western rangers, $2 25f*3 90. HOGS— Receipts, 60,000. Heavy packing and shlppiu* lots, $3 50(g.3 70: common to choice mixed, $3 35@3 70; choice assorted, $3 55® 3 70; light, $3 30@3 65: pin. *'-' 10@8 6D. shf.KP — Receipts, 14,000. Inferior to choice, $1 40@3 10; lamt>«, $2 75@4. OALIFOKMA I ItUIT SALES. NKW YORK, N. V., Nov. 11.— The Earl Fruit Company sold California fruit at open auction to day, as follows: Grapes— Emperors, $2 40@3 30; half-crates, $1 20@l 50: Tokays, half-crates, $1 70 (a3 -iO; Malaya, half-erases. .$1 75. I'orter Bros. Company sold: Grapes— Verdells, ff2 50; Tokays, $1 40(a.l 60: half-crctes Corni chons, $1 25-g-l 36: half-crates Ferrnrs. 70@75c. CHICAGO, 11.1-, Nov. 11 The Karl Fruit Com pany sold California fruit at open auction to-day, as follows: Grapes — Emperor, $3 25; half-crates, $1 35©1 65; Cornichons, half-crates, §1 6l>. Pears — Winter Nellis, $2. Portet Bros. Company sold to-dny : Grapes—Half crates, Verdells, *1 4'><o<l 00; Muscats, $1 30® 1 60; Cortiichons, $1 45; Tokays, 90c; Ferrarus, 65c. NEW \'OKK STOCKS. Bonds, Exchange. Money and Kailroad Shares. Money on call easy at 1@2%; last loan at IYtX and closlnc offered a; 11/2%. Prime mercantile pa per, s@sy 3^. Bar silver, 673/ B e. Mexican dollars, 64c. Sterling exchange is steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 87y 2 @4 88 for 60nnysand$4 t9Vi@4 891/2 for demand. Posted rate*. $4 88y 2 @* 90. Commercial bills, 84 86y a (<r4 87 I.*.1 .*. Government bonds st-eaily; State bonds linn ; railroad bonds higher. Silver at the board was dull. CI-OPIN'O RTOC'KS. Am Tel* Cable.... 93 | Norfolk A West.... 314 Atchlson 16s,<j Preferred 12 Preferred 261,-4 North American... 4T/ g Adams Express. ..150 Northern Pacific.. 4i/ 4 Alton.Terrellaute. 59 Preferred 15 1 /2 American Express.lls 'Nortnv.estern 105 i/ 4 American Tobacco. 87S/ 8 Preferred 14H Preferrea 102 N. Y. Central 99 Bay State Gas 20 N. Y. Chitn«o<fcS.L 13 Baltimore <s Ohio., 54i.i Ist preferred 70 Brunswick Lands.. 34 2d preferred 28 Buffalo, Roch &P. 21 N. Y.*N. H.. 183 Canaan Pacific 65% N. Y. <fc New Eng. 40 Canada Southern,. 54 N. Y. Susq & W... 10S/ 3 Canton Land 60% Preferred 32 Central Pacific l6^£jOntaxlo 9 Ches. Ohio 19 iOntarlo <fc Western. 15V a Chicago Alton 160 Oregon Improvmt. 5,-2 Preierrra 17<> | Preferred 35 Chicago, B. ife Q — B ! Oregon Navigation. 20 Chicago <£ E. 111... 46i/j{ Oregon Short Line. 7 Preferred 100 (Pacific Mail 29% ChlcaKOuas 633,4, Pe0na, D.<£ Evans. 4% Cleve Pittsbunt. 165^1 Pittsbur? W pfd. 27 Consolidation Coal. v 3 'Pullman Pa1ace.. .164 Consolidated Gas. -14CV4 Quicksilver. 2 C. C. C. & St. Louis. 40 i Preferred lt>y 3 i'referreu 90 |Reaainij 12Vs Colo. Fuel <fc Iron.. 32y 2 KioGrande&Westn 17 Preferred »8 1 Preferred 35 Cotton Oil Cert 19V(jRock liilana 74y Commercial Cable. lso &Oi{denllß I>f). Hudson 128 St. L. S. W 5 / 8 Del.Lack*Westernl66 j Preferred 13y DenveriKß. IS St.Paui 7iy a Preferred 44* i Preferred 126 Distillers 1 9 H Bt. Paul & Duluth. 26 General Electric... 29s>/ 8 1 Preferred 88 Erie 10S/ 8 St. Paul <fe Omaha.. 40Vi Preferred 20 j Preferred 120 Fort Wayne 167 Ist. P. M. & .ai .113 GreatNorthernptd.l2o jSUverCertincat.... 67 /4 Greenflay S/ig Southern Pacitlc... 2oy 2 Harlem 280 liy a Hocking Coal 3y 2 ' Preferred 333/ s Hocking Valley... 20 .Suear Refinery 98^4 Homestatce 30 Preferred...." 97 1,4 H. A Texas Cent... 2y 2 lTenn. Coal & Iron. 3:) : Illinois Central.... 97 j Preferred 103 - lowaCentral 9^2 Texas Pacific ..... 8% Preferred 31 'Tol. A. N.Mich. 3 A Kansas &Texa3.... 13%'T01. <S Ohio Cen.... 36 Preferred 3U«i Preferred 75 Kingston it I'em... 3 iTol.St.Louls&K-C 9 LakeEne .tWes'.n 2214! Preferred.. . ..17 Preferred 74 jUnion Pacific 0&4 Lake Shore 149 U. P.. Den. & Gulr. 4V 8 National Lead 31 ' U.S. Cordage . 7 Preferred... 90 ! Preferred l::5/ 8 Longlslana 84 Guaranteed 2s Louisville & Nash. 63 U. S. Express 42 Louisville Na&Ch. 93/ 8 v. S. Leather... . 12 Preferred 25y 2 Preferred 67% Manhattan Consol.lOM,i;i;. S. Rubber 35 ' Mcmpnis <fc Charls. 16 1 Preferred.. .. 92 Mexican Central... llV B Utlca&B. River. .lso Michitran Central.. 98 Wab. (3. L. <fc Pac. 71/2 MlnnAS. L 1 Preferred 191/4 Preferred — (Wellg-Fargo 94 Minn. <t St. Lcom. 22'/ 8 Western Cnion 89V 2 Ist preferred B'-'V'2 i\Vis Central 4y 2 2<l preferred 52 Wheeling &L. E.. 133/ 8 Missouri Pacific... 30 | Preferred 4()i Mob'Je* Ohio 19 lAm Cotton Oil pfd. 69'' 2 Nashville Chatt... 75 .W U Beef lOV National Linseed.. 22 : «4iL I Tractiou i« N. J. Central 105^3 CT.OKINO BONDS. U B 4s, rep UIS4IM k T2ds 61 Do, 4s c0up0n. ..112 j Do, 4s 86Va V 4s new reg 121 Mutual Union 69.. .114 Do, 4s coupon... 121 iN J Cent Gen &5...119 Do. 2s 96i/ 2 Northern Pac lsts.ll7 Do, 6s 1143^ Do, 2ds 1021/, Do, 5s c0up0n.. ..115 i Do, 3ds. 7-V« ' Cherokee 4s. 1896.1003/4 Nonnwest Consols. 1 Do. 1897 100S <( Do, deb Cc 107 Do. 1898 1003 /4 O RAN Jsts 110 i/ Do. 1899 1003 /4 iSt LJtlronMtOen 5s 84 Pacific 6s 0f '95.... St L <ifc SFGpti6s.lOs D. C. 3-6 6s 110 St Paul Consols ...12S Ala Class A 4 109 V? St. P. C. <fe Pa 1515.117 Do. Class 84, ss. 1O!)3; 2 Do. Pac Cul ists..Ho LnConsol4s... 100 'Kouthern ];. R. ss. 9R Missouri funding.. Texts Pacific firsts 88 N Carolina 65.. 123 Texas l'acseconcn. 22V- Do, 4s 104 Unlonl'ac lstof'96.lohi Po Carolina 4J£s... 106 West Shore 4s 10t5< Term new 90 {Mobile & Ohio 45.. «4S/ 8 Va funding debt. .. 623/ 8 R GranaeWest lsts 76 Ho, reg ChesAO6s 109 Do, deferred 65... 6 I Atchlson 4s 78 Do, trust rcptß st 6 I Do, 'ids A 27»4 Canada South 2ds..lOßV4G H&SA 65.. 104 Cen Pac lstsof '55.104V2 Do, 2d 7s 102 V Den&RGlst 110 |H ATex Cent 55.. 110 _do. 4s «8 I Do.con6s 107 fr r 'e2ds 73 IReadini; 45......... 88 Kansas Pa Consols Missouri 6a ....... 100 Pa lsts Dendlvll3 | FOREIG N SIARKETS. wheat IK LIVKRrOOL. LIVERPOOL, Ksr,., Nov. 11.— The spot market ifj 1 1 at 5s V2d@ss sV»fl. Cargoes are steady at 26;» 3d arrived. . ' FUTUB.ES. The Produce Exchange cable gives the following THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1895. 1-lverpool quotations for No. 2 Red Winter: No vember, 5s 2S4d; December, 5s 3d; January, Os 314 a; February, 5s 3s/ 4 d; March, 5s 4V*d. SECtIBITIF.B. LONDON, End.. Nov. 11.— Consols, 106Vs; sil ver, 30 13-16 d; French Rentes, . iXCHAKGE A>"l> BUIililON. Sterling Exchange, 60 days — f 4 87S /4 Sterling Exchange, sight — 4 89V4 New York Exchanee, sight — O2i /a New York Exchange, telegraphic. — 06 Fine silver, spot, %* ounce — *>7S/ g Mexican Dollars 65 65V2 PRODUCE MARKET. "WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS. WHEAT— Crocodile takes for Hull 58,135 ! ct!s, valued at $56,682; lancing, for London, 73, --304 ctls at $71,467. The market is weak in all positions and trade Is quiet. No. 1. 96c: choice, 96i,4c ft ctl; lower gnu'.es, 80@9'JJ/Sjc "ji ctl; extra choice for milling, 97V2C@$1 9 ctl. CALL HOARD BALKS. . Informal Skssiox —10 o'clock — May — 600 tons, $1 04. December— 2oo. 98s/ c. I'.Kuiri.Aß Morning >kssion— May— loo tons, $1 08%: 600, $1 033^; 2100, $1 035/ . December —100, 9sy 8 c: 100. 98c; 100, 97% c: 1300. 97% c. Aktkksoon Sksbion— May— l2oo tons. $1 0354; 1300, $1 0334. December - 100, 975/ B e; 1100, 97% c BARLEY— The Croco:!ile takes for Hull 27,974 ctls Brewing, valued at $22,150. Feed has again advanced. Brewing is also firmer in sympathy, but there Is very little doing in it. Foed, t>o@B2V 2 c: choice, 65c; Brewing, 67Va@ 75c; Chevuher. $1 10@l 20 for No. 1 and 60@76c ft ctl tor off grade. .- . y (Air, BOABD SALE 3. Isfohmal Session— 10 May— 6oo tons, ! 673/ C. ; Regular Mobnixo Session — May— loo tons, 68c. December— 4oo, 63Vs-- Afternoon Session — December — 200 tons, 63V B e. • OATS— Dealers report an inactive market. Mill ing, 60@70c; Jancy Feed, 70@75c; good to cnolce, 57%@07i/<|C: common to fair. 50@55c: Gray, 57y 3 @67y c; l;ed, for seed, 85@95c; Black, for seed. ipl 10@l 30; Surprise, 77y 2 @Bsc ft ctl. CORN — No lower, but weaK and dull. Large Yel iow, 77y 2 @Boc; Small Round do, 85c; White, 90 @95c ft ctl. RYE— Quoted at 77y«@80c ft ctl. BUCKWHEAT— B7y (g!9Sc ft Ctl. ILOUR AND MILLSTUFFB. FLOUR— Net cash prices are as follows: Family extras, S3 25@3 SS; Bakers' extras, $3 IB©3 25; superfine. $2 25@2 50 ft bbl. CORNMEAL. ETC.— Feed Corn, $18@19 ft ton; Cracked Corn, $18 50@19 60 ft ton. HAY AND FEEDSTCFFS. BRAN— sl3@l4 50 1* ton, jobbing rates. MIDDLINGS-slo@l9 for lower grades tip to $20 f 0 ft ton for the best. FEEDSTUFFS— RoIIed Barley, 814 50@15 50; Oilcake Meal at the mill, $18 ft ton; jobbing, $20; Cottonseed Oilcake, $24. HAY— Arrivals continue light and the market is strong at the advance. Wheat, $7 60@ll 60:* Oat, $6@P: Wheat and Oat, S7@lo 50: Barley, $6 50® 9; Alfalfa. $6<i£7 CO: Clover, $6 50@7 60; Com pressed, $6@11; Stock, $5@6 ft ton. SIKAW- Firm at 35@600 ft bale. BEAKS AND SEEDS. BEANS — Almost all kinds nre lower again under lari;e arrivals. The market is very weak. Bnyos ureqaotable at $I@l 15; Small Whites. $1 25@ 1 55;- Pea, $1 50(g>l 65: Large Whites. $1 10® 1 20: Pink. $I@l 15: Keds, $1 15<<tl 25; BlacK eye,sl 75@1 x:>: Red Kidney, SI 50@l 75: Limas, $2 26@2 4U; Butters, $1 40@l 75. SEKDB— Over 6000 sacks of Mustard came in yesterday. Brown Mustard, ifl 75@2 ft ctl: Trieste, $2@2 10 ft ctl; Yellow Mustard, $1 25@1 60 ft ctl: Flax, *1 80 ft ctl; Canary, 3@3y 2 c ft lb: Alfalfa. 6Si@7i.4c t* I»>: Rape, l%@2c ft lb; Timothy, 6V»<; ft lt>; Hemp, 4c Q lb. DRIKD PEAS— Quoted at $1 15@1 20 ft ctl for Niles, $1 205 gil 40 for Blackeye and $1 40@l 60 '& ctl for Green. • POTATOKS, ONIONS, VEGKTABLES. POTATOES— Hweets have a wide range, accord ing to quality. The other sorts show no change. Sweets, 50e@$l 25 ft ctl; .Salinas BurbaDks, 60@ 85c; Kiver Burbanks, 30@35c; Oregon Burbanks, 40@60c; Kiver Reds, 35@40c ft ctl. UNIONS— Are steadr 40@55c; Pickle Onions, 35®50c ft ctl. VEGETABLES— Summer Squash brought $1 ft box: Green Peppers quotable »t 20@40c ft box; Dried Peppers, lO@llc ft lb; Tomatoes, 20w50c ft box: Green Peas, 3-y2(?54y 2 c: String Bean*. 3i/ 2 @ 6c: Lima Beans, 3V 2 r<«4V"C; Cucumbers, 40@50c ft box; C.reen Okra, 40@50c; Dried Okra, 12y c ft lb; Egg Plant, 40@50c; CabDaj;e. 70@76c ft ctl; Feed Carrots, 30@4Uc; Garlic, 2yo@3i/ 2 c ft lb: Marrow fat Squash, !f7(g;B ft ton. BUTTER, CHEESE AND EGGS. BUTTER-Dealers quote a firmer market for fresh Creamery. Pickled descriptions are quoted at ail sorts of prices and accurate quotations are impossible. Crkamkry— Fancy, 24c, with sales at 25c; sec onds, 21(a;22V!jC. Dairy— Fancy. 20@22c: good to choice, 16§> 19c; lower grades, nominal. Crkamfry I ru— lß6s2lc ft lb. Picklkd— ls@l7c |! lb. Firkin'— l4(g.l 5c ft lb. CHEESE— Fancy mild new, BV2(£9c: common to Rood, 6@Sc; Young America, 8@10c; Eastern, 12@13c « lb. EGGS— Are quiet and unchanged. Fancy East ern, 23@25c; good to choice Eastern, 17y @20c; seconds, 15@16c; store Rggß, 16@'25c ft doz; cold storage ranch, 22Wg)30c: pullets' Eggs, 25(£30c; riinch Eggs, 35@40c. I'OULTHY AND GAME. POULTRY— Thera was not enough on the mar ket to disturb Quotations. Live Turkeys, 10@llc for Gobblers and 10@llc for liens; dressed do, 12@13c; Geese, V- pair, $1 75; Ducks, $4 50@5 SO: Hens, $4 50@5 CO: Roosters, young, $4 30@5 50 ft doz: do, old. $4 50 @6; Fryers, $4@4 50: Broilers, $3 50@4 for large Hrid $2 60®,-; 50 for small; Pigeons, $f 75@2 25 ft doz for young and $l(g;l 25 for old. GAMK— Wus weaker yesterday. Hare, 91 25: Rabbits. $1 25@1 50 for Cottontails and $I@l 25 for small; Gray Geese, $2 50; White Geese, $1 25@ 1 60; Brant, $1 50 5* doz. DECIDUOUS AND CITRUS FRUITS. ORCHARD FRUlTS— Persimmons are in better supply and lower at 40@75c # box; Apples 60c@ 51 ft box for good to choice and 25@50c ft box for common to fair; Winter Nellls Pears, $lig}l 50; other Pears, 50@75c ft box. BERRIES — Quotations for strawberries, and Raspberries are nominal, receipts being verr light. New Jersey Cranberries, $9 50^ bbl; Huckleber ries, 4(asc ft tt>: Raspberries, $4@6: Strawberries, ~& chest for Longworths and $3(^7 f» chest for large berries. PES-The market is steady. Black Grapes, 3">{gi">oe '^ box: Muscats, 40@50c; Verdels, 35® I ftOc: Cornichon, 40(S)t>Oc; Tokny, 40®45c box. ' Wine Grapes rauge from $15 to 18 Vf ton. There I are few left anil they are poor. CITRUS FRUITS — California Oran?es, $150 ; (q.l 29 ~f, box for Seedlings, and — for Navels; l^m- i ons, $2 50@3 for common and $3 B0(g)4 60 for good \ to choice; Mexican Limes, $3@4; Bananas, $I@2 ' %* bunch; Pineapples, $3®5 V dn.-ijii. DRIED FRUITS, KAISINS, NUTS, ETC. DRIED FRUITS-Trade was suddenly quieter at uti"hansed prices. The following prices rule on the Fruit Exchange: Apples, 3c $ lb for quartered, 3V c lb for sliced and 4Vi@sc for evaporated; Peaches. 4@sc, and sVi@6c for fancy peeled. In boxes, 12@13c; Prunes, 4c for the four sizes and 5y 2 c "r* lb forthe 4o@so's; Apricots, 7V 2 <3> 8y 2 c for prime to choice and 9@loc "^ !b for fancy Moorpark; Figs, black, 3@3V;jC 9 lb for pressed and 2(g,2i, 2 c for impressed: White Figs. 3y 2 @4c %i lb lor pressed; Pears, 7c "<&. lb for evaporated halves, 4®6J/2C for quarters: Plums, 3y 2 @4V 2 c for pitted and iy»@2y 2 c for unpitted; Nectarines, s@<ic %>. lb for pxiiue to choice and (5y 2 c for fnncv RAISINS AND DRIED (JRAPEb— Prices are as lollows, carload lots, f. o. b. San Francisco: I London layers, $I@l 10%*. box; four-crown, loose, 8 : 54 c t^'lb: three-crown, loose, 3 4c %>. tb: two crown, 214 c; seedless Sultanas, 314 c: seedless Mus cfttels, 2y c; clusters, $135: Dehesa clusters. $2 10; Imperial clusters, . $2 60; Dried Granes "234 c ? lb. ' CIS-Pine Nuts, 10@12i.-jc fi lb: Chestnuts. 7(<iloc r* tb; Walnuts, 7(iißc H> for No. 1 hard and 9(ffi9y a c for 80ftsh"ll, jobbing lots; Al monds, 6(it7V 2 c for Languedoc and B%@loc for paper-shell, jobbing; Peanuts, 3y 2 @4c '& lb for Cali fornia; Hickory nuts, 6@6c; Pecans, 6c for rough and 8c for polished: Filberts, B@9c; Brazil Nuts 2 @Bc j', lb; Cocoauuts, $4 60@6 50 f, 100. HONEY— Comb is quotable at . 10@12c $ lb for i bright and 8(&9c "f. lb for lower grades; water white extracted, 6@5y 2 c fi tt>: light ambor ex tracted, 4i4@4 : >4: dark amber, 4c. BEESWAX— 2S@26c f. lb. PROVISIONS. CURED MEATS— No further change. Bacon Is quotable at 7c %* lb for heavy and 7i/ 2 $\ lb for lUM medium, loy 2 c lb for light, 11@ 12c for extra light and 12y c for sugar cured; East ern Sugar-cured Hams, 12iA(S13c %* lb: California Hams, lie; Mess Beef, $7%8 bbl: extra mess do, $B@9; family do, $10; extra prime Pork, $9 %* bbl; extra clear, $16 "$ bbl; mess, $14 %i bbl: smoked Beef, 9y 2 @loc ?! lb. LARD— Eastern tierces, quotable at 6ffl6i/ic V* tt< for compound and Sc for pure; pails, 8i/ 3 Cali fornia tierces, 6y 2 c for compound and ijUc for pure; half bbls. 7c: 10-lb tins. VVic; do 5-tt>, 7i/ a o fi lb. . . COTTOLENE— 7c In tierces and 7%c » lb in 10-lb tins. HIDES, TALLOW, WOOL AND HOPS. HIDES AND SKlNS— Quotations were undis turbed yesterday. Heavy sated steers are quot able at 8c ia lb: culls and brands, 7c f, lb; medium. 7c %ilb: calls and .brands, 6c; light, 6c lb: culls and brands, 6c yl lb; Cow hides, 6(£GVac: culls and brands, 6tesi/2C- salted Kip. Cc: salted Calf. 8c; salted Veal. 7c; <try Hides usual selection, 14(c»15c %< lb; culls and brands, 0@l0c: dry Kip and Veal. 12c "$ lb: culls, 9c: dry calf. 17c: culls, 12c 1?. lb; Goatskins, 20@35c each- Kids. sc; Deerskins, good summer, 30c; medium 15(g)25e; winter, 10®16c; Sheepskins, shearlings, 200 each: short woo!, 30@40c each: medium, 50 @60c each; loug wool, 60@70c each. Culls of all kinds, about 1.3 c less. ■ . TALLOW— No. 1 rendered is quotable at 414 a 4^»c %i lb: country Tallow, 4@4iAc; refined. «c: Grense. 3@3y c * lb. _ WOOL— We quote Fall as follows: Humboldt and Menaocino, 6Vs(i3»Bc 1> lb; San Joaquin and SoutL 1 crn, 3U;@sc lb; free Mountain, 6@7c; defec tive do, 4@6c -# tb. HOPS-6@7c %i lb. • . GENERAI. MERCHANDISE. BAGS— Grain Bags, nominal; Wool Bags, 24® 26c. . COAL-Welllngton. $8: New Wellington. $8: Southfleld Wellington, $7 50 3 ton: Seattle, $5 50 1* ton: . Bryant, $5 50 'f, ton; Coos Bay, $6: Walls end, $7: Scotch, $7 50: Brymbo, $7 50: Cumber land, $13 in bulk and $14" 50 in sacks; Pennsyl vania Anthracite Epg, $14; Welsh Anthracite Egg, $9; Cannel, $8; Rock Springs, Castle Gate and Pleasant Valley, *7 60: Coke. $13 in bulk and SI 5 %* ton in sacks. COFFEE— private circular of C. E. Bickford gives the receipts at this port during the first 10 months of 1895 at 144,781 bugs, aeainst 174,791 bags during the sume time in 1894. The sales from first bands were 129.174 bags, against 143,994. The stock on hand November 1 wai 6847 bags, against. 16,195. The world's yisiblejsupply Novem ber 1 was 3,358.400 bags, against 3.011.715 bags November 1, 1894. The circular says: "The mar ket has undergone no change since our report on the 28th ult. Dealers complain of the slow demand from the interior, and transactions with first hands have been fitful and unanimated. The greater por tion of the sales effected were made daring the past two days, ami there has also developed quite a brisk demand from overland points for the better grades of washed Guatemala, sales amounting to 1200 bags with further transactions pending. In I New York the market for Brazils is soft and slightly lower. To-day's stock consists of 40 Costa Rica, 78^ Salvador and 4426 Guatemala— in all 5254 bags. The steamer City of Sydney is due about the 10th with iOO hairs only." We quote the market quiet as follows: 201/ aC %* lb for good washed Costa Rica; 20c for good Costa Rica; 19® 19i/ c for good Co<«ta Ricamixed with black beans; @18V 2 c for fair Costa Rica: 14@16y 2 c for j common to ordinary Costa Rica; 18%@20y4C for I fair to good washed Salvador: 19@19y 2 c for good bleached and green unwashed do; 21i4@213 / 4c f* lb for prime washed Guatemala; 2Oi/4.@aos /4 for good to strictly good washed Guatemala; 18@20c for fair washed Guatemala: 16^4@17*4e for medium . Guatemala; 14V @16c for ordinary Guatemala: 13@14L{>c Or very inferior to common Guatemala; 21@22cforgoo^ to prime washed Peaberry 2OV2C for good unwashed Peaberry. SUGAR— The Western Sugar Refinery Company quotes, terms net cash: Cube, Crushed, PowdereJ and Fint; Crushed, all s c: Dry Granulated, sc; Confectioners' A, 4%c; Magnolia A, 4c; Extra C, 3%c; Golden C. 3%c; half-barrels, i/ie more than barrels, and boxes i/>c more. SYRUP— Golden, Tn bbls, 15c; Black Strap, 10c 3* gal. SAN FRANCISCC) MEAT MARKET. Wholesale rates for dressed stock from slaugh terers are as follows: BEEF— First quality, 6@5%c; second quality, 4y 2 c; third do, B®4c f>, lb. EAL— Large. 4@sc: small. s@7c Tfr tb. MUTTON— Wethers, 4JA@5c; Ewes, 4@4y 2 c ft lb. LAMB-5y 2 @6c ft lb. PORK— Live'ilogs. 3c for large, 314 c for small and for feeders; dressed do, 4y 2 @si/2C ft lb. RECEIPTS OF INTERIOR PRODUCE. FOB 24 HOURS. Flour.qr. sks 14.610: Rr»n. Bks . 410 Wheat, ctls r ) Middlings, 5k5..... 710 Barley, ctls 3,675 Hops, bis. 39 Beans, sks. 6,757;W001. bis IHI Corn, ctls 305; Raisins, bxs 1,170 Potatoes. sk3. 4,907) Leather. r0115...... . 80 Onions, sks 2«4iLime, bbls 200 Hay, tons SlOiTallow.ctls 40 Straw, tons 9'Qutcksilver, flasks 593 Wine, gals . 44.200 Sugar, bbls 220 Brandy, gal 3 2,Boo Chicory, bb15...... 25 Ml Uronm Corn, bales 264 Pelts, bdls.... Mustard Seed, ska 6,229 «. KEAL ESTATE TKANSACTIOUS. Katie H. Pewey (by J. V. Pinkham, commis sioner) to Reglna Wertlicimer, lot on N line of Herrmann street, 52:4 X Ol Laguna, B 17:5V0, NF: 9:3V a . N 100:7%, W 36, 8 106; .f7UOO. A. and Rosalie Uoodkind to Amelia 11. Riebe, lot on H line of SHCramen:o .-; net. 50:0% E of Bu- Chunnn, E 29:5 by S 127 :8> 4 : $10. James C. and Annie F. Alices to E. J. Voxel, lot on N H corner of Filbert and Buchanan streets. E 80 by NJS; $10. K. J. Vogel to Emma L. Hunt, same; $10. H. .1. and Minnie R. Sad tiler to Agnea M. Bourn, lot on X Hue uf Webster street. 127:6 S of Broad -1 way, s 21/4 inches by X 103:6; .flO. William and Eva Williamson to Henry G. I Hanley. lot on X line of Fiilmore street, 87:6 S of Green: Joseph J.d'Keefe to Catherine O'Keefe, lot on W line of Bourbin place. 1?5 N of Kddy street, N 25 by W 90: gift. Isaac P. anil Koso C. Kincaid to John C. Stierlen, ; lot on N line of Seventeenth street, 280 Wof i Church, \V 25 by N 86: $10. David and Emma Kmerson to Bridget Merrill. I lot on E line of Bryant street, 156 S of Twentv -1 third, S 26 by E 100: $10. Annie T.licDonald to Susie A. Tobin, lot on N lint- of Twenty-fourth street, 75 W of Diamond, W 25 by N 114; cift. Violet Itost'nwantz to Moses Rosencrantz. lot on E line of Kearny street. 55 S of Post, S 20 by E 100; also lot on NE line of Sixth street, 75 NW of Bryant, NW 76 by NX. 160: (,-ift. City and County of San Francisco to Wiechen I P-hlers, lot on E line of Pinkney place. 139:3 ii N o' Broadway, N 65:8' i. E 57:6, 565:103 /8 , \y 57:6; $10. ALAMKOA COUNTY. William Henry Rogers to the Central Land Com pany, a corporation, lot on N line of Nolan or Thir ty-third street, 291 W of Market. W 25 by N 100 beini; the W 25 feet of lot 20, block P, Central Land Company's Tract, Oakland; $10. James and Isabella Miller and Serril Wlnsor et al. (by Sheriff) to James Miller, lot beginning at a point 225 SE from S corner of Twenty-Hecond ave | nue and East Twelfth street, SE 25 by sw 146:8 block 59, San Antonio, East Oakland; $96. I Same to same, lot beginning at a point 225 SE from E corner of Twenty-st-concl avenue and East Twelfth street, SE 25 by NE 140, block 60, San Antonia, East Oakland: $96. Same to sume. beginning at a point 260 SE from B corner of Twentv-seeond avenue iihd East Twt-lfth street. SF. 12:6 by NE 140, block 60. San Antonio. Kasl Oakland : $85. fcame to same, beginning at a point 250 SE from S corner of Twenty-second avenue ami East Twelfth street. SE 12:6 by SW 246:6, block 69 same, East Oakland; $84. Mountain View Cemetery Association to Albert E. Westover, lot 63 in plat 5. Mountain View Cem etery, Oakland Township; $39. Albert K. Westover to Charles G. Wai!, the S half of same. Oakland Township; $28. Lizzie Cair (wife of W. B.) to George C. McChes ney of Alaineuii, lot on E line of King street 225 ■'*> sof Mason, S 75:3 by E 120, being lot 44, Regent street Homestead, Berkeley; $10. Builders' Contracts. E. R. Lllienthai with the San Francisco Bridge Company, pipe-driving, Damping-, etc., for building to be ere<-t<d on E line of Steuart street, 137-6 N O. Mission: 53460. Henry and Murtin Ratbien with Martin O'Brien lathing, plastering and deafening a three-story building on sw corner of Fillmore and Lombard streets; $1099. THE CALL CALENDAR. November, 1895. Fi. Moon's Phases. f*X November 2, \SS Full Moon. 6| 7 ©November 9, .Last Quarter. 14 Hi /G^s November 18, %§/ New Moon. 17 19 3 November 23, First Quarter. OCEAN' BTEAMKKS. Dates of Departure From San Franclaco. STEAMER. I DKSTIVATIOV | s \l i.s. | riKR. Prosreao.... \ Panama I »t Paul Newiiort . Peru.. China <fc Japan Ariigo coos uav ' North Font. ; Huroboldt Bay NatlonalCty i Uumboldtitav Del None .. Grays Ilaroor. Marlposa : Sydney... Pomona \ Humboldtliav FjiraUon.... , Vaouina Bay.. Mexico San Diego ; State or Cal: t'oriland I'maiilla Vie & I'cct Snd ' Alee Blnchcl' Portland ! Eurelca Newoort Weeott Eel River..... ! City Sydney Panama i Banta itosa.. tian j)iego ..... : INT 12, 4i'M| Ny 13, 9am Xv 13, Snc N'v 13,10 am Ny 13, Dam Ny %.12 m Xv 14. 6pm Ny 14. 2pm Xv 15. 2pm ny 15, r.i-M XV 15.11 am XV IS.IOam XV 16, <JAM ! Ny 16.10 am iXv 17, 9am Xv 17, 9am Ny 18,12 m Ny 19.11 am I Pier 'it Pier 11 , P M SS Pier 13 Pier 'Z Pier a Pier 28 Oceanic Pier 9 Pier a Pier 11 i Pier -2i Pier 9 Pier 13 Pier 11 Pier 13 I' M s S Pier 11 ! M AM STKAKHBB TO AKKIVE. | Duk Araco I UmatiUa Del None ... I Bandorllle ;..... j Mexico Coptic ! Alice Jilancnart! ' Farallon j Willamette Val.! Truckee... City, of Panama ; Pomona... i Willamette | .Eureka.'.. ...... ; ] Homer ] Arcata Wellington | National City... ; Columbia. ; Santa Kosa. Cityof PueDla . . Ban Bias j Crescent City... . State of Cat . ' BtPaui ' North Font... I I Coos 8ay..... Victoria & Piieri't Sound Urays Harbor Coquille Ktver j San Diego \... .;.•..:: China and Japan.'. i Portland . . i Yaqulna 8ay ...... '..'.'..Z ' Mexico.... jTillaiuook Panama flumboidt Bay Seattle New port Coos 15av..... Coos Bay: i Departure 8ay..;...'.... Humboldt 8ay........ 1 .. i Portland San Die-g0... , Victoria <& ruget sound I Panama.. Crescent City ; Portland Newport. : Humbolrtt 8ay..... ..Novl2 ..Nov 12 ..Novia ...Nov 12 ..Nov 13 ..Nor 18 ..Nov 14 ..Nov 14 ..Nov 14 ..Nov 14 ..Nov 14 ..NOT 14 ..Nov 15 ..Nov IB ..Nov 15 ..Nov 16 ..Nov 16 ..Nov 17 ..Nov 17 ..Nov 17 L. Nov 17 1.. Nov 18 j.. Nov 18 ..Nov 19 ..Nov lft ..Nov 19 SUN AND TIDE TABLE. Small. |Lars:e. 8.33P 8.11 l Small. I Sets 1.27- -ftSLi S. 3. UYIiKOUKAPHIC BULLETIN. Bbanch Hydboobaphtc Office, U. S. PT.,") Merchants' Kxchanok. r 'r ; • Sau Francisco. November 11. 1895. ) *'. The time ball on Telegraph Hill was dropped exactly at noon to-day— i. c., at noon of the 120 th meriaiMi, or at exactly 8 p. m., Greenwich time. - A. F. lECHTELKB, . Ueuteoant U. S. X., la charge. SHirpiKO INTELLIGENCE. Arrived. MONDAY. November 11. " Stmr Crescent City, Allen, 34 hours from Cres cent City; pass and mdse, to Hobbs, Wall <£ Co. Stmr St Paul, Green, 70 Hours from Nfcwport.etc; pass and mdse. to Goodall. Perkins <fc Co. - Stmr Navarro, Hardwick, 39 hours from Hue neme: produce, to Erlanger & Gallinser. u«£« Bhlp Morna, Gibb, 130 days from Dunkirk; 8800 casks cement, 500 tons coko, to Meyer, Wil son & Co. • Ship Bohemia, Hocan, 186 days from Philadel phia, via Kio de Janeiro 77 days: 2491 tons coal, to John Rosenfeld's Sons. Bark Gayheud, Shorcy, 21 days from Kurile landing: 540bblsoll, bbls sperm Oil, 8000 lbs bone, to J A Maicee Jr. .Baric Albert, Gr filths. 13 days from Honolulu: pass and sugar, to Williams, Dimond & Co. i, sclir Uranus, Carlsen. 8 days from Grays Har bor; 200 M ft lumber, to Pacific Box Co. f-chT CSolden (late, Larsen, 60 hours from Bowens Landing: 160 M flluniber, to V Heywood. * Schr Archie andFontie, Colßtrnp, 36 hours from ±lsks M ill ; 80 cds wood, to Higgins & Collins. Sclir Cliri.stinu Steftens, Fager, 36 hours from limber Cove; 70 els wood, toR A Gllhride & Co. •Schr Coquelle, Pearson, 6 days from Coqullle River; 160 M ft lumber, to Si.mpson Lumber Co. Schr Chetco, Eugbmtsen, 6 days from Needle Rock: 1400 r r ties. 600 posts, 50 eds bark, to J W Stetson. r _. ,*-.•- i- Schr Bender Brothers, Thompson, 20 hours from Bowens Landing: wood and r r ties, to Bender Bros. Scto Berwick, Strahan, 5 days from Co quille Kiver; lumber to C F Doe; 200 cs salmon, to R f) Hume. Schr Albion. Svenson, 6 days from Coauille River: 1 10 Mft lumber, to T J Golden. Schr Reliance, Jensen, 20 hours from Welch Landing; 70 cords wood, to R A Gilbride A Co. Srhr C H Merchant. Brannan, 8 days from Coos Bay; 350 M ft lumber, to X B Dean <fe Co. Schr Mary Etta, Wetzel, 20 hours from Phclps Landing; 75 cds wood, to Bender Bros. Schr Jennie Thelin. Hansen, 3 days frm Eureka; 170 M fi lumber, to San Francisco Camber Co. .Schr Kmerprise, Ingwardsen, 7 days from Grays Harbor; '210 Mft lumber, to Grays Harbor Com mercial Co. Schr Alice Klmball, Asplund, — hours from Bowens Landing; lumber, to . Up river direct. Cleared. MONDAY, November 11. Stmr Cella, Johnson, El Triumfo, Cal C and Com Co. • Stmr Pomona, Doran, Eureka; Goodall, Perkins «fe Co. . Stmr City of Panama, Searle, Panama, etc; Pac Mnil s S Co. Brship Swanhilda, Fraser, Queenstown: G W Me Near. Gershlp D H Watjen, Wlcke, Queenstown: Ep pinger <& Co. Br ship Beacon Rock. Hughes, Liverpool; Gir vin & Kyre. Br bark Gen Millinet, Bacheller, Gloucester; Bal four, Guthrie & Co. Bark McNear, Pedcrsen, Nanaimo; R D Chand ler. Sailed. MONDAY, November 11. Stmr Alcazar, Gunderson. Stmr Celia, Johnson, El Trumfo. stmr Point Loma, Conway, Grays Harbor. Stmr Pomona. Doraij. .Eureka. Brstmr Progressist, Pinkham, Nanaimo. Stmr Walla Walla, Wallace, Victoria and Port Townsend. Stmr Weeott, Magee, Eureka, etc. Stmr Santa Rasa, Alexander. San Diego, etc simr Homer, DrisKo, Coos Bay. Stmr City of Panama, Searie, Panama, etc. Brship Klnif Edward, Fletcher, Queenstown. Brship Lansing, Hattiel.l, London. Schr Nettie Low, Low, Point Reyes. Keturned. MONDAY, November 11. Schr Mary Bldwell, from sea, on account of carry- Ing away mainboom, foresail and two jibs off the Albion River, Nov 10. Telegraphic. POINT LOBOS— November 11—10 p m— Weather hazy: wind NW: velocity 20 miles. . Charters. The Br ship Strathgryfe was chartered prior to arrival for wheat to Europe, 28s 9d-ls 3d less direct; Br bars Invergarry, same voyage, 28s 9d net. The Nor bark Prince Victor loads lumber at Huttings Mills for Valparaiso, prior to arrival; Br ship Claverdon, wheat at Portland, for Europe, 35a — prior to arrival. The Dan ship Copley is rechartered for wheat to Europe. 26s 3d direct. Th<» Br ship Benlarig is chartered for wheat to Cape Town, 28s 9d— option of Algoa Bay, 31s 3d. Miscellaneous. ."■ / j'~ "■ YAQUINA BAY. Nov 11— Stmr Farallon, hnce Nov 10, Is barbound at Newport. LONDON— Nov 10-Brship Hawksdale, from Santa Rosalia, for Falmouth, arrived at Rio de Janeiro Nov 8 with scurvy aboard. Vessel slightly strained: will be surveyed. SpoKoil. Oct4— Lat 13 8, long 36 W, Brship Scottish Dales from Hamburg, for San Diego. Oct6— Lat 46 8, lat 62 W, Brship Godiva, frm Penarth, for San Francisco. Oct 10— Nolat, long 27 W, Br ship Elmhurst.hnc June 24, for Queensiown. Per ship Bohemia— Sept 11— Lat 43 44 S, long 58 35 W, ship George Stetson, from Baltimore.for San ! Francisco. Sept 13— Lat 16 24 S, long 61 40 W, Brship Morna, from Dunkirk, for San Francisco. Sept 13— Lat 26 24 S, long 61 40 WBr ship Peng wern, from Rio de Janeiro, for Oregon. Oct 7— Lat 24 22 S, long 105 35 W Br bark Cali fornia, from Liverpool, for San Francisco. Oct I— Lat 41 15 S, long 97 11 W, Br bark Sam arkan, from Santos, for Portland. Domestic Ports. . PORT GAMBLE-Salled Nov 11-Schr Ida Schnauer, for San Francisco. ASTORlA— Arrived Nov 11— BrsbipRIverside, from Antwerp; Br ship Kate Thomas, from Rio de j Janeiro; outside— Br ship Andreta, from Santos; ■ Br bark Bedfordshire, from Santos; Br ship Crown of Sco'land. from Liverpool. v ~ TACOMA— Nov 11— Ship Levt G Bur gess, hunce Oct 29. SEATTLE— Arrived Nov 11— Bark Gatherer.hnc Oct 29. ROCKPORT— Arrived Nov 11— Stmr Scotia, hence Nov 9. • NEWPORT— Nov 11— Stmr Alcatraz, from Navarro: stmr South Coast. ; . .: v- SAN PEDRO— Arrived Nov 9— Schr Bangor, fm Port Gambl«. r ' - PORT. LOS ANGELES-In bay Nov 11-Bark Gen Falrchild. from Unahiska, for Nanaimo. . PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Nov 11— Bark Re triever, hence Oct 27, for Port Hadlock. GRAYS HARBOR- Arrived Nov 11— Schr Mar ion, heuce (Jet '29: schr Fanny Dutard, from Ven tura; schrTwilight, hence Oct 26: schr LaGironde, hence Oct 31; schr Arthur I, hence Oct 31; schr Eva. from San Pedro. PORT TOWNSF.ND— Arrived Nov 11 — Schr ZaniD, from Guaymas; bkin. Planter, from San Pedro: bktn Discovery, bence Oct 2S: schr Queen, hence Oct 81: bktn Katie Flickinger, hence Oct 29. SAN DIEGO— Nov 11— Brship West gate, from London. FORT BRAGG— Sailed Nov 11— Stmr Noyo, for San Francisco. PORT HADLOCK— Arrived Nov 11— Bktn Re triever, hence Oct 27. SAN PEDRO— Nov 11-Schr Louisa, for Umpaua. SAN DlEGO— Arrived Nov 11— Stm yet Eleanor, I from Santa Barbara. SEATTLE— Arrived Nov 10-Bktn Katie Fllck inger, hence Oct 559. Kastern Ports. NEW YORK— Arrived Nov 11-Stmr Newport, from Colon: stmr Allianca. from Colon. Sailed .Nov 11— Stmrs Colombia and Finance, for Colon. Foreign Ports. SINGAPORE— CIeared Oct 3— Brstmr Antwerp City, for Delagoa Bay. TIENTSIN— Arrived Sep 18— Schr Puritan, frm Moodyville. CALLAO— Arrived Sept 28— Ital bark Cavour, from Port Blakeley. QUEENSTOWN— SaiIed Nov 9— ltal ship F S Ciampo. ; CADlZ— Sailed Nov 4— Nor brig Jonas Rein. . HAMBURO-Salled Nov 5— Br ship Walden : Abbey, for San Francisco. VOKOHAMA— SaiIed Nov 9— Br stmr Empress ' of China, tor Vancouver. SWANSEA- sailed Nov 8— ship Gunford, for San Francisco. HULL— Arrived Nov 9— Br bark Ancona, from I Portland: Nov 10— Br ship St Mungo. hence June j 24, and ran aground when entering; assisted off by two tugs and taken to an anchorage. Importation*. HONOLULU — P«r Albert— l69l bags sugar, 25 cs whisky. IIUEN'EME— Per Navarro— 44B7 sks barley,3Bs sks corn, 41 sks beans, 60 sks walnuts, 27 tins tal low, 66 hides, 3 bdls pelts. • .- CRESCENT CITY— Por Crescent City— kg 3 2 hf kgs 87 bxs outter, 4*21 cs salmon, 3 bdls pelts 4 sks hides, 25 M. shakes. 10 bdls dry hides, 3 cs meat, 5 pkgs mdse, 34 bdls hides, 1 cs 3 bbls lard 5 kgs 1 sk cs meat. — M ft lumber. ' NEWPORT-Per St Paul-93 bxs lemons, 30 sks peanuts, 8 sks persimmons, 104 bxs oranges, 15 sks walnut», 10 sks popcorn, 2 cs .\ldse. San Pedro— cs mdse. 20 cs pickles, 2cs mack erel, 2hf bbls 1 qr bbl 1 bbl mackerel. • ' . Los Angeles— l cs lobster-i, 6cs canned goods East San Pedro-66 bxs oranges. 89 bxs lemons 2cs mdse. 30 «ks dried fruit, 6cs honey, sk mdse 2 wheels. 1 pole, 7 sks potatoes, 1 bx brass goods 1 coop fowl. ..- ..■•■.. . " o> x Carpenteria— lo bxs« apples. Santa Barbara-1 bx cigars, 18 bbls mineral water, 2 sks walnuts, 1 sk green fruit, 21 sks old iron, I bx tobacco, Ibx spice, 272 bxs lemons 1 | bx tinfoil, 3 sks green peas, 21 bxs oranges, 3 cs Gavlota-41 sks crawfish, 1 sk wool, 17 hides, 1 o^°K tllarford ~ lcsmd3e ' 353 sks dried apricots. 25b bxs apples. 2 bbls apples, 4cs cheese, tub bx fimes ' bXs PCarS> 3CS CggS> ll bxs fish, 1 San Luis Obispo— sks barley Santa Maria-401 sks beans. Harris— 3oo sks beans. Cayucos-2 bdls dry hides, 1 bdl hides, 1 bdl calf skins, 5 bxs butter, 84 dressed calves. San Simeon-1 coop chickens, 2 tubs butter 1 bx Ba lio°n S t h erty b 8 cfcnfe bUtter ' 69 dl - esßed cal - 9 skfl'sh? Cruz ~ 9 bxs flsh 2 bxa butter . Ics eggs, 1 ■ ! • Consignees. 4Sh r ereood~ WmißmSl • Dimond * Co; ( Sherwood gerrS^er* co anger & Galinger: JOnaß Erlan - Per S. r cen t .. City-Dodge. Sweeney & Co; Yon SU o^ot^^ns°i £5S£ Ttris Pir st Paul-EvelethiNash; L Hcatena & Co nsS!£2P& *, C 0: D E AUlson A Co? D Blagi & AdelWin t >C i r « 8 * S' O: t4rav * B"rbi4ri; J Allen; Adelsdorfer « Brandenstein : J H Cain & Co- \V X Nolaa: Getz Bros & Co: Portland Cracker ■Co- •<• O Pennell & Co; S P Mtllln, Co ;M E™mSn AL& S « O S s Co; Amer Catb Acid * Qas Co; Unioa Coa Wine Association: Wheaton, Breon A Co: Carpy <ft Co; Dairymen's Union: Garcia «fc Mag^ini; \\'m Cluff & Uo; Brigham. Uoppe ft Co: Conhill <fc Kohn ; Doere Imp Co; Walter Beano: Dalion Bros; Jas \V Lynch: Nathan, Dohrniann <fc Oo; M Kalish <fe Co; Chas Harley & Co; Murphy, Grant <fe Co: J W An derson: M A Gunst; Man, Sadler ft Co; Gutta I'er chatt Rubber Mf« Co; D-llirschler; A Levy t t Co; Enterprise Brewing Co; A Paladini: Abrahamson* Co; L Speisel; American Union Fish Co: .1 Block: Norton. Teller & Co; F B Halßht; A C Berthicr; J H Cnln; Wheaton, Breon <t Co: Sinsheinier Bros; Smith's Cash Store; L G SieSOVicfc it Co; Illila Bros: Hulme ct Hart: Norton, Teller <t Co: .1 Bell; Brighom, Hoppe* Co: Bennett it Murray; De Bernard! & Co; Dodge, Sweeney k fc Co; Rosen berg tfe Co; Smith's Cash ston-: "Mcl'lierson ife ltucker; Western Mt-at Co: X R Stevens & Co; B G Ratal: Chicago Brewer}-; H Datard: N»n Francisco Meat Co: Hammond <"t Broil; W B Sumner & Co: Neville & Co; II Camiiloni: L D Stoneit (o: V D Vlrgtllo: 31 T Freitns it Co; Sherry, AviUa&Co: L Bchwettser it Co: (Juisti it Antonia; J Hoffman; Witzel & Baker; S Brunswick it <\>; H Kirchmaii <fc Co; Pacific Coast Fish Co; .1 II K<ssin(r. g|9@* OFFICE FURNITURE g^^gg AND FIXTURES. . 7&jgg§C. F. WEBER & CO., < 3j|gP q *^ a : ,ofi to 308 Post St., cor. Stockton NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. All stockholders in the Occidental Con. Mining Company Interested in a cbasgeol management ai tho itnnual election to be held on November 18, 1895, are respectfully requested tocali upon or communicate with WILLIAJI KANNAN & CO., 316 Montgomery st. Santa Barbara— 4 bbls mineral water, 15 t>xs AUCTION SALES. GREAT AUCTION SALE. s&S JfcibS £& FIFTY HEAD OF STANDARD AND HIGH-BRED TROTTING COLTS, FILLIES. Brood Mares, Road Teams and Business Horses. ....0N.... Tuesday, November 12, 1895, AT SALESYARD, Corner Van Ness Avenue and Market Street, COMPRISING CONSIGNMENTS FROM W. 11. Vloget, Lawrence, Santa Clara County: Thomas Scale, field,- Cal.; K. O. Head, Napa; Charles Kerr, Bakerstield, and others. embracinß the get of Kros, San Corbett (son of Guy Wllkes), Elmo. Dexter Prince, etc. A superior lot of horses, to which we call special attention. Catalogues ready. KIXLir & CO.. Livestock Auctloueerst 3O Montgom- ery Street. GOETHE-SCHILLER FESTIVAL, MECHANICS' PAVILION. ALL THE BOOTHS~AND DECORATIONS Of this Festival will be sold as a whole or in sections AT PUBLIC AUCTION. On the premises on TUESDAY FORENOON at 11 o'clock, to the highest bidder for cash, to be ' removed by WKDNKSDAY, at 5 o'clock p. M. COMMITTEE OF 'DECORATIONS. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS." OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COSPAH. -f-H.fuut.^,, Coolgardie -oM fields AmrZ TO -^Wk. (Fremantle), Austra- JEr3?ur\v®*-.ei- Ua: 220 fim class - MmrJ' nUWTTj i(U» $110 steerage. Lowim: £mjd&£^slter^ * rllle * to Capetown. i Ak&SJ&^~ f^^^h fcouth Africa. Ssß/f 'I^^^l» \H^ Australian steamer DCf tf?^^ .«&ilS* Honolulu and Auck- t&ai W,ic^ l *f^a !ar "'' Thur B cla yi - N uv. Steamship Australia, Honolulu only, Tues- day, December 3, at IU Ppeciai. l*ARTrEa.— special rate 3 for parties >>>■<-. Rand ag. Ticket ol&ce, 114 Montgomery street. j. V. SPRECK^ j T R c^L y t^ e \T^t PACIFIC COAST STEAMSHIP COJIPAfI , STEAMERS WILL SAIL FROM /tyja Brondway wharf, San Francisco, as -StiSlfiE follows : ■ For Mary Island, Lorln*, Wrangel, Juneau, Kll- Ilsnoo and Sitka (Alaska), at, 9 a. m., Nov. 16, I Dec. 1.16, 31. ,~u I For Victoria and Vancouver (B. C), Port Town- send, Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Anacortes and New Whatcom (Bellinirham Bay, Wash.), 9 a. m. ; Oct. St, 7. 12, 17, 22, '27, and every fifth day i thereafter, connecting at Vancouver with the C. f R. H., at Tacoma with N. P. R. X., at Seattlo w'.th G. Jt. Ry.,at Port Townsend with Alaska steamers. For Eureka, A rcata Fields Landing (Huni- boldt Bay) str. Pomona, a p. m., Nov. 7, 11, 15, 19, 23. 27 and every fourth day thereafter. For Santa Crur, Monterey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Gaviota, Santa j Barbara, Ventura, Hueneme, San Pedro. East San Pedro (Los Angeies) ana Newport, 8 a. m., Sept. 2G 30. At 9 a. m.. Oct. 4. 8, 12, 18, 20, 24,' 2S and every fourth day thereafter. For San Diego, stopping only at Port Harford (San Luis Obispo), Santa Barbara, Port Los Angeles, Redondo (Los Angeles) and Newport 11 a. m., Nov. 7, 11, 15, 19, 2a, 27, and every fourth day thereafter. For Knseuada, San Jose del Cabo. Mazatlan, La Paz. Altuta and Guaynias (Mexico), str. Willam- ette Valley, 10 a. m.. 25th of each month. Ticket office, Palace Hotel, 4 New Montgomery street. UOODALL, PERKINS & CO.. Gen'l Agents. 10 Market St., San Francisco. OK> JBV IU TO PORTLAND ' • t\m OL Hla ASTORA. : QTEAMSHIP3 15 PART FROM SPEAR. O street wharf at 10 a. m. every live days en. cectin&at PORTLAND with direct rail lineV'to a?l points in OKKOOIV, WASHINGTON. iDVIIO MONTANA, and all Eastern poiuts, lncluUiut Chi- c»go, New York and Boston. Columbia sails Nov. 10. 'JO, 30, Dec 10 Ktateof California sails Nov. 5,16, 25, Dec. 5. St^rlge" |7 o0; lnclnain « bertn and meal* $15 00; to^eSffied! Bnd *" ° lhet information P pi y GooDALL.pKBKixs&Cak Fbki>. F Cowob. G^'l npts : ■> Geu'l' Agent. 10 Market at. 19 Montgomery at. COMGIIiIEfiE.TERALETRAmiTLASTIQUE I ' River, foot of Morion st. Travelers by ™ \J River, foot of Morton st. Travelers by ■&£%* this line avoid both transit by Kmjlish raiITTTTi the discomfort of crossing the channel in a *mai boat. New York to Alexandria, Ksrypt via pSu hrat-class $160: second-class $ilt£ P * LA CHAMPAGNE. Capt. Laurent LABbURUOGNkVcapI Leboeuf' 1 " " ' B: °° liL LAT6WAlNEVcapuSa ntelir iber W »^f 5t LA B^TAQiiißVea-ptVß^^ 7< 7!o ° ; - » ' 0 ;^ 1 ; 9 ;^ 4 - - :0 ° P ' M " v. „ „ A. FORGET, Aeent. J. F. FUGAZT Am Wl i Green ' New Yor^ avenue.Sa^Francfsco Agent 3 6 Montgomery WHITE STAR LINE. United Stales and Jtojai Mail Steamers ! M BKTWKEK NewYork.Quoenstown & Liverpool, ; fJABIN, $60 AND UPWARD, ACCORD- **r» v 1 ln^ to steamer and accommodations *G£fc» •elected: second cabin, $35 and f4O; MaJestlcauJ | TeiitonicSS . steerage Ticket! from Englan.l, Ir*. ! #k^' < =P tl » n<l « Sweden, Norway and D.'nmarlc : n:rouKh to San Francisco at lowest rates. Ticket*, BBi ling dates and cabin plans may bo procureti from W. H. AVKRY, Pacific Mail Dock, or at th« General Office of tho- Company, 613 Market st. Under Grand Hotel. g. w. I'CHKIt, General A ciu for rafiflc Coast. CISARD USE. New York to Liverpool, via Queenstown, from Pier 40, North ltiver. FAST EXI'UKSS MAIL BERVIOK. Ao Etruria, Nov. 10. 3 PMlEtrurla, Dec. 14, 2 m Campania, N0v.23.10 am Cr.mpania. Dec. 21, 9am XJmbrla, Nov. 30, 2 p m Umbria, Dec. 28, 2 r a. Lucania, Dec. 7, 9am .Cabin passage $60 and upward; second cabin, $ 3S, $40, $45, according to steamer and , accommo- dations. .. ■' . ■ . Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Europe at very low rates. For freight and' passage apply at company's office, 4 Bowline Green, New York. VERXON H. BKOWN it CO., General Agents. Good accommodations can always be secured on application to WILLIAMS. DIMOND A CO., i r . . • Agents, San Francisco. ' STOCKTON STEAMERS Leave Pier No. 3, Washington St., At 5 P. M, I>aily, Except Sunday. gST Accommodations Reserved by Telephone. . . STKAMEK ■■ T.C.Walker. - • J. D. Peters, Mary Oarratt, : ily of Stockton. Jelaunonflfllalnao^. Cat T WflYi and Djint. Co. • OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ROYAL MAIL STEA3TPACKET CO3IPASY. STEAMERS LEAVE ASPIXWALL j^^m h fortnightly for the West fndles ***%***[. Southampton, calling ■en route 'at Cerbourgh, France, and Plymouth to land passengers. • • ThrotiKh bills of ladimr, in connection wUhtha pacific Mall S. S. Co., i«su<vl for freight ana treas- ure to direct ports in Encland and Germany. Through tickets from san Francisco to Ply" 10 Cherbourg, Southampton. First class, $195; tntra oUas. «97 60. For further particulars apply to eiass, sVi «v VARROTT <t CO., Agents. 306 California it. YALLEJO AIVD MARE ISLAND. STB. MONTICELLO, Dally, except Sunday— lo a. m., T. U. Sunday— S P. v '* .••-',' I,andlne. Mission 1. Pier a. RAILROAD TRAVEL^> i»a«:ii-i<' «!O.lll»Airr. (r.\ci BTifrm. TrHlnik l«-»v«- J»t»»l »■-<* «I"O '«» nrrlvo nt SAX »i:an< 2.5« o. LEAVE — Fi:om ypVEMCCR 2, IGPS. — ARItIV» <»::ioa Hayvrcrds. Nileaaad Wny Stations. . JO:I 5a 7:<»Oa Atlautio KxpreM, t^loii and Kast.. lO:3Op 7:OOa Benicia, VacaviUe, Ituicscy. Sacra- i.i ■.:>,:•?.; Heading via DaTi3.... 7:13* 7:3»a Martinez, Sr.n ltiinoa, Napa, Calia- tosaandSenta Eosa C:lsp 8:30 a Nii'.s. San Jose, Btooktou, lone, Baoramento, JlarysTillo, UetlJJluff | amlOroville ■ 4tlsp •H:SOa Peters an<l Milton "7:»5p 1»:0Oa Ban Lcandro, Haywards & Way Sfnf 11:45 a U:««a LO3 Angeles J;xpr«s3. Kajmond, (for V osi-mti Santa liarbara and T.o.j Anceloi , 4:4.1p 9:00 a Martinez and Stocktcn lO:-5.,.v I»:O«A San Leandro lUyvrcrda ard Niles . . 1:45p 12:00 m Baa Lea-dro HayTvard3 A Way St'ns 2:-I.>p l:O«i- \ii> Sen Liveiraore S>43a •l:O«p Sacramento Fsteauieta *»:OOp tl:3Op Port Costa and Way Stations f7:4.1p 3:OOp Ban Leandro, H;iy-.vcrd3&. Way Kfns 5:4."5p •J:OOr San Leaadro, Haytvsrd3& Wny Sfns 0:45p 4:o«i> Martinez, han EUmon, Vallojn, Napa, C&listoga, ICI \Vrauo and S:mta ltosu .■ 0:18 4:OOr Bonicia, EsjxrtO, Woodland. Kuiglits Lauding, Harysville, Orovillc; and tSacruuiento 10:43 a 4:30r Ban Joso, liTcrmon and .Stockton 7:13p 5:0()r San Lemdro, Haywardi & Way Ht'ns 8:43» OiSOp NewCrlcans NiiircM. Fresno Ray- mond (forYosemHe), UakoraOeld, . \ Hauta liurliara Aneeles, Dem- \ iiifc-, El l'asu, I,'ew Oilcans and East..: i *i«sai S:3op Hauta l'o Uoata, Atlautlo Kxpreaa for Mojavo anil East 10:43 a 6:©or ' European Miil, Oudttiftnd "nift 9:I»A. 6:OOi> llaviv.ails, NUesaud Sau Jose 7i4Ba i J7:<><> i- Vallejo 17:45p 7:O»r Oregou i:xprosa,fjaoranicnto, Marya- ville, licldliHf, I'ortlainl, Tugt-t Boiwdaud Kast 10:4,1 a 7:OOp Sa:i Leandro, Haywanlsi. Way Rt'na K»:.">!ii> i>:O«»p San Leaudro,ll;iyv.ard.,'-\V St'ns jtia:O©A. «IlO:O3i' ".Sunset Limited," Fresno, Los ;-. r .-■; Angeles, El Paso, Now Orleans and Eact 12:4.1r tfll;lsp Sanl.eandro.Hayward3&Way Sfna *7:1."» A SAXTA <i»Z DIVKIOX (Xarnm <JaB f SrlftA Newark.Ceuterfillo.baiiJose.Velton, i , Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz and Way -.*-■ \' Stations SiSOp •8:13p Newart, Centcrville, San Jose, New . :,:. r ■ Almaden, Felton, Uoulder Creak, Santa Cruz and Principal Way Stations «Ilr2IU 4:l!ip Newark, San Jose, IjOS Catun U:3Oa, : 111:451- Hunters' Exor.raioD, Sail Jo«c and ' Y/ayStationa }7:aOp (OASI l>l VISION (Tliir.l A Timtiisi-iiil Sts.) 6:45 a iSuii ,10.-;r, }New Almaden and Way Stations 1:43p 8:13 a .San Jose, Tres FiDM, Santa Cruz, l'acilic Groro, Paso Iloblcs, San Luis Obispo, Guadalupo and Prin- cipal TV'ay Stations 7:03 p 10-.IOa San Jose and Wny Stations S:OOP 11:3.V\ Palo Alto Hlid Way Statious 3:a«p *<t:3<»i- Sau Jose, Gilioy, Trcs PfalOS, .Santa Onus, S&linas,Montercy and Pacilic Grove # lO:4<U •S::i«r Ran Joso Princips' Way Stations »:I7a •4:SOi- Joaeaml Way SflUioul «H:IKH Bs8«p San awl Stations «B:4*a C::«»l> San Jose ami Way S*afioiiß U:::."i\ tll:-;3i- San .lose n ml W;iv?';il:..i.h t7:4si_- CREEK ROUTE FERRY. FromSAli FRtKCISCO— Foot of Market Street (Slip — •7:00 8:00 9:00 *10:00 11:00a.k. *I 2:30 U:fiO ♦2:30 3:00 •1:00 0:00 *6:: Op.M. From OAKLAKD— Foot ofßr»»dw»y.— *G:00 *7:fO 8:00 *9:00 10:00 •H:OOa.M. J12:00 «12:20 3:00 »3:CO i:CO -s:Cop.ii. A for Morning. P for Afternoon. • Sundays excepted. t Saturdays only. t Sundays only. tt Monday. Thursday and S.iturrlay nights only. ' I *Tuo»days and Saturdays. § Hunday3 and Tburadayg. Tlie rA«FI<:TBA.\«FRBfOMpIsr will call for and check bagg.i£c from lioteU and resl- dences. Enquire of Ticket Ageuta for Time Cards and otlipr information. . :;. ? FRASCISCO NORTH PA- CIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tiburon Ferry— Foot of Market St. San Francisco to San Rafael. WEEK DAYS-7:40, 11:00 a. M • l->-35 3:30, 5:10, 6:30 p. m. Thnrsdays-Ektratri; and llSo'p^m Saturda s - "* trips at 1:50 and 11 :30 60 ! 9130 ' 11:O ° a *-' i:3 °- s:3< * BUNDAYS-8:00, 9:30, 11:00 a.m.; 1:30, 3:30, 6:00, «:20 P. U. San Kafael to San Francisco. WEEK DAYS-6:25, 7:55, 9:30, 1110 a if- a^i^ 4 S:^^-p.T Hrdays - Extra^ 8U^ Y eli#^ 9:40> 11:1 ° A - *■• 1:40 ' 3:401 5:00, b:zo V. m. Between San Francisco and Schuetzen Park same scnedule as above. 0 Leave Inpffpot Arrive San Francisco. ©ct 28. San Francisco. Wekk j Sun- Dea tfnatiou SlrN - |,WH^- Days. ' lays, "eatination. DAYg d aY^ 7:40 am|8:00 am Novato, 10:40 ak l 8:50 am 3:30 9:HO amj Petaluma, 6:05 pm 10:30 am 6:10 pm|s:oo m. Santa Rosa. 7:30 pm B:15 pjj • Fulton, * 7:40 am Windsor, 10:30 am Healdsburj, Geyserville, 3:30 pm ; 8:00 am Cloverdale. 7:30 pm 6:15 pk j Pleta. ~ ' 7:40 am | Hopland & ■ :■.; ■•-.■■-■. 8:00 ami Ukiah. 7:30 pm 6:15 pk 7 '-40am| | 10:30 am , 8:00 am Guernevllle. 7:30 pm i 3:30 PMJ |__ j 6:15 pm 7:40 am ! 8:00 am Sonoma 10:40 am 1 8:50 am 6:10 pm 5:00 pm • and 6:ospm: 6:15 pm | Glen Ellen. • 7:40 AM'8:00 AM| a^ h ... onn , 110:40 am|lo:3o ak 3:3opml6:oopm| bebaBto P°'- [ 6:05 pm| 6:15 pm Stages connect at San Rafael for Bollnaa. Stapes connect at Cloverdale for the Geysers. Stapes connect at Pieta for Highland Springs, Kelseyvllle. Lakeport. Bta^ea connect at Ukiah for Vichy Springs. Bias Lakes, Laurel Dell. Upper Lake, Boonevllle, Green- wood, Memloclno City. Fort Brass:, I'sal, Westport, I Cahto, Wllletts, Caipella, I'orao, Potter Valley, Joha Day's. Lively's, Gravelly Valley, Harris, j s>co;la I and EureKa. Saturday to Monday round-trip tickets at reduced rates. On Sundays round-trip tickets to all points bo- yond San Kafael at half rates. Ticket Office*. 66o Market St., Chronicle building. H. C. WHITING. H.X. RYAN, Gen. Manager. ' Gen. lass. Ageai. 8 Atlantic f ralus leave from and arrlT* .v Market-Street Ferry. 2JANIA FE EXPRESS To Chicago via A. & P. Direct Lln» Leaves every dnyat 5:30 P. M-, enrrvins Pullman Ihi ace Sleepers and Tourist Sleepers to Chicago , via Kansas City without change. Annex cars lor Denver and St. Louis. CHICAGO LIMITED, From Los Angeles to Chicago. Polld Vestibule Train Dally, with Dining-canfc tinder Harvey's management. Conoecttllg trains leave San Francisco at V a. m. and 5:30 P. M. daily. The best railway from California to the East. New rails, aew ties; no dust: Interesting scenery; and good meals In Harvey's dining-room or dining* Cars. v Ticket Office— B44 Market Street, '"*• ' '■-■• Chronicle Building.^_ NORTH PACIFIC COAST RAILROAD ■*!!■•■ "*s! (Via Situ-talito Ferry). from Ban Francisco, beginning October 27, 1893. WEKK. For Mill Valley and San Rafael— 7:3o, 9-15, 11:00 a.m.: 1:45, 3:45, 5:15, 8:30 P M. San Quentln— 7:3o, 9:15 a. m. ; 1:46, 5:15 P. M. Extra trips ior dan Kafael on Mondays, Weilnes" days and Saturdays at 11:30 p. m. BUNDA VS. For Mill Valley, San Rafael and San Quenrin— 8:00.10:00,11:30 a.m.: 1:30,3:00,4:30, »o:ia p. m. • *uoes not ruii to San Quentln. THROUGH TRAINS. . 7:80 a. M. weekdays— Cazadero and way stations. 1:45 p. m. Saturdays— Tomalea and way stations. .SiOU a. m. £>u&day»— Point Beyes ana w»y ttifrUaafc