Newspaper Page Text
12 SAN r KANCiSCO "CAIX. 1 - v... ■ ..-■. FTBIKEBB OFFICE of the San Francisco Cai.t>- j •■:< J>rk.-t street, open until 12 ocock every rifMln the year. BRANCH OFFICES— SID Montgomery street, ten rClay: open until 9:30 o'clock. Tff Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'cloc't T^a 1 nkiii ftreet, open until 8:30 o'clock. fr\\ .corner SlxteenUi and Ml—Uwi sireeis, open tl til f o'clock. if It Mission street, oppn until o'clock. 31*! .Ninih street, 01 en »intl! P:SO o'clock. Additional Classified Advertise ments on Page 11. NOTICE UF BIKKTINGS. B^-^ ORIENTAL LODOE NO. 144. F. n Er--s? and a. M.— Third degree THIS _^V_ (TUESDAY) EVENING al 7:30 o'clock. JKZT A. S. lIUBBAKD. Sec. rW^ R^-s?* PACIFrc LODGE XO. 136, V. 4 fl CS5£? \. M. 121 st,—Meets TIIIS^kX rTUESDAY) EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. jKj\ First deg. GEORGE PENLINCiTON. Sec /^^ »2S»f CALIFORNIA' CHAPTEk NO. 6, a tt-^R. \. >!., win mcci THIS (TUEs- J% DAY) KVENING, Nov. 12, at 7:30 o'clock. y&JZ? B- A. degree. By oroer of theH. P. /N9 r > I i:\.\KI.IN 11. DAY, Sec. B^-"s=" UNITY ENCAMPMENT NO. 26, L »C*V> I*-^ O. >> R; meets TO-NIGHT. Noniina-'-'x lion of ollieers. G. J. PHILLIPS, C. P. /V PARKEB i.'-I>.,K NO. l-J-l.'.^jiffift, ~ Lr~sf I. o. O. Grand Master Gos-.:^J >"*J^g: bey will o«ici;iliy visit this lodge -^fe>&^" THIS E VENIN i,'. 'swntw H. KATTENHORN, X. G. pFss= EXECUTIVE COUrnCIL REPUBLICAN Dl^? club, rhlrty-eightb Assembly District, will meet ICJS&DAY i.VKXING. November 12, at Franklin Hall. I'ierce and Eddy sis., at 8:30 o'clock. All Republicans are invited. i-l s I'OHLMAXN, President. E. T. Harvey, secretary. s^sF~thl keoulab annual meeting ££-^5' r. f stockholders of tiif California Wine- niakers' corporation will be held at the Chamber | of i ommi rce, 431 ( aliternia st . san Franrisco, on November 20. 1595, commencing at 10 a. m. J. h. \V II EELER. Sec. S-l'i fi.lL M)li(l.S. <;ENl' tNEi OTEAM~ANI^aIxoHCVL Lt^y i,i,;ns by experienced masseuse. 120"/2 Geary st., room 11. Ce-"s=> DR. JOS. BA Yfi K.S46SUTTERST.—Ito3 ufr-»' and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. :residencel43l Webster i rrr-7^ Mi:s. rob"b7ToBs MARKET sr.. room | Lt* 1 ' 8, second Boor; genuine massage treatment. BBIOHT'B DISEASE'AND DIABETES l*--^ can be cured, '-\.-ii 111 tiie advanced s ages, I-.- FULTON'S Rmiieul Remedies: so!il at clhce, ■ llMl Market s'.: hours. 10 a. m. to -1 p. M. R^"g= PAIN FU L"H H)T AILMENTS SUCCESS^ Ur-t' fully trca-.tul. DR. LLOYD,Chiropodist, j line Baths. VtZf* iThEUMATIsM, NEURAIiGIA, GOUT; tr-*' speciiil attention to ttiese diseases. J. A. McDONALD, I 0.. l'<:}l6Markei:2to4,7 toSr.M. r» CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE. Ur*& Chiropodic Institute, roonj 22, 806 Market. r*»H.Ui I'K.NANTS EJECTED FOR $4. Mi^s Collections made, <it>- or country. Pacirtc Collection Co.. 415 Montajy St.. room 6, l'el. ESSO. R^-g- 1 windows CiJiANED axd FLOORS i*^ scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for ! damages guaranteed, C. ROSSI CO., 242 Sntter. rj^S= ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- »<6' edSSSOno. 817% Third. George Hartman. H^-Sp COLLECTIONS; rENANTS EJECTED, U-~^ jciQ; costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. 29. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEHALK. ERMAN NURSERY GOVERNESS, J JUST "i rrom Germany: French maid; German ai.d Bcondinavian cooks: all best of references. For i particulars address C. R. HANSEX <fc CO., 110 i G< ary st. "YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS 1 waitress in small restaurant. Call 614 Kearny. U'OMAS WOULD LIKE TO (JO OUT WASH- • » in;. Call or address 1032 Market St., room 25. OUNG SWEDISH GIRL WANTS SITUA- -1 tion to do Kcncral housework In American fam- ily: speaks no English. Address N. T., box bU, Call OlHce. "you NO WOMAN DESIRES POSITION; 1 wa?es moderate; sleep home. 114 Eddy St., room 2. TJESPECTABLE GERMAN GIRL WISHES J 1 si:uation to do light housework: no washing. Address M. s., box 86, call(ifflce. RESPI CTABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY -11 the day. Eeneral housework and cleaning, Call i oradaress 1818 Lagana st., rear. p ELIAJBLE GIRL WANTS SITUATIOXTO DO -I t -.-'-ii' housework. Call or address "JbS3 Post. j TniR.ST-CLASSCOOKS,"SECOND GIRLS, ETC. X Home and Business Bureau, Academy Sciences. Ei.i ;:ni.i AMERICAN WOMAN NOT afraid of. work wants care of children and lizht hon«ework; wages $18 to $20. Call or address jtIRS. It. 1231 Market st. DRESSMAKING— AN ARTISTIC DESIGNER, srood cutter and fitter in ladles' and children's clothes, will accept encasements in families; ref- erences. Address T. H., box 44, Call Office. 2 RESPECTABLE WOMEN WANT SlTUA- tions toeethir in small hotel as waitress and ermaid, or to take charge of kitchen: city or country. Apply 150 Fourth st., up second tiishi, room 30. pESPKCTABLE YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN J I na'iis a place to do chamber work or as house- keeper: is a good cook and laundress: sleep home. Call after «i P. M.. at 220 Gough. 75esI"ECTa"BLE W( i .MAN," A NO. 1 COOK, -It wishes a situation in n first-class' oi restaurant. 423i> Clementina st.,bet. Fifth and Sixth. J> 811 a BLE. COMPETENT PERSON WISHES -it si; nation as lady's or invalid's nurse. Address Nurse,.box 42, Call Office, VOUXU WOMAN WISHES SITUATION TO J- take entire charge of Infant; good reference; no objection to country. Address 7'J.7 Twenty- second st. pERMAX WIDOW WANTS ANY KIND OF VTwork by the day; washin; and ironing. W., box 130, Call Otlice. ipOOK, GOOD FRENCH AXD GERMAN, VJ wishes a place. 435 Post st. yiii'Mi (ill.l. WISHES SITUATION* TO DO X housework and cooking. Call 746 Mission st. PE I BLE GIRL WISHES A SITUATION;! ■It good co.'k, waah^r ami ironer: no posia's. 723 Kat mas'.. bet. Eiphth and Ninth. iTe LIABLE WOMAN WISHES AVORK BY at the day: do housework or take care of chil- dren: sleep home; call for 2 days. 1030 iloward s:.. oiii 26. BY OIRL—DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK- ■mallwasbinx; In American family; wa"es 812 '" ?15; no po3:als. Call 434% Clenientina st. NGGIRL WISHES SITUATION AT GEN- I- eral housework and p.ain cooking. Apply 38V-> AVest Mission s:.. bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. ITUATIOX WANTED i:Y A GOOD COOK; 0 willins to do plain washing; best of city refer- ences. 717 Polk St., bet. Eddy and Ellis. A" i ■ '\ t; i;fK!. WISHES -IllAll'iX TO DO ! X Keneral housework. Call or address 206 Fifth Bt., near Ho'vard. vvoman Would LIKE WOMK BY THE ** day or month In sma:l family. Address 66 Hermann st. 1 \ IRL \>. ISHES place in dairy, light VT houseworic or taking care of children. Address 23 Perry st., between Second and Third. YOUNGV OUNG WOMAN WANTS A PLACE IN -I American family to do light housework; small wages. 233 Fifteenth St. ■yOUNG AVOMAN AVANTS A POSII'IuN AS 1- boi sekeeper; city or country. Call at 28 Sevi St., room 30. XTOUNG COMPETENT GIRL JUST FROM A tl;e East, wants a Kiti:utio:i to do general house- work. Call at 13SJ/2 California st. SAY EDISHGIi L WANTS A "SITUATION TO kdo P^neral housework; wages $20. Call at 719 Minna st. WOMAN AVANTS WORK BY THE DAY, *» washing and housecleanimr. Call at 1038'/, FoHom st. Ring lower bell. ITXPERIESCED GIRL WOULD LIKE TO XJi ecareof children: best of reference. Call at 'i.-j: H iv, s st. W A NTED—HOUSEWORK RYTHE DAY OR " week, by a good industrious woman, call 517 ieun. 6t., Oakland. nOOK-A .COMPETENT GERMAN GIRL V> wishes situation m cook or general housework In Jewish or American lamiiy; wages 525 ncr month. Ca!l at 413 Junes St., room 6, lirsiiloor I GERMAN GIRL DEBIREB SITUATION AS VX nooaekeeperorcooktn American family; ref- Edd^st U requlred: wases 25- Apply 'i6ie OCOTCH MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN DESIRES O si.uation to do housework; is ooj cook- wases $l. r i to -.•.'0: ciry or country: good home preferred- no postals. Call SS9 Minna st. i»reierr. a, TROXG, RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES TO dowashlrur.lroninK. cooking and housecleaning by the day: Is quick and obliging. MRS. CURTIS 1C Twenty-sixth s:. ' i; s-i ant WIDOW AVISHES A SITU a" X ilon at general housework or upstairs work- wn^es $20 to if 2&: city or country. all or address 1622 Poit St., rear. \ SWEDISH GIRL AVANIS A PLACKFOR (Beiiaril housework: loo.i plain cook* city or ccunry. Address Swedish Girl, box hi L'ail ofuce, Oakland. TYREBSAND 'H AT *UAKER:iGOOD FITTER"- --L/ flay, 81. 114 lourth s:., room r. EMBR iIDEKING SU>PENDEKS AND MTJF- rU-rs a specialty. 105 Stockioti, first floor, r. 238. WANTED—BY YOUNG WOMAN", LIGHT »* washing housec!eßii!ne by t!i> day. at 25. Address tsif> Laurei aye.. near Webstt r. lividv and Turk sta. ■YOUNG EKM AN AVOMAN" "' AVANTS A X place as coo'< or general housework: ci:y or country: wages *v.V Address C. H., box 117, < all. W A NTE D-B VX" YOUNG GIRL, A I rSITION »' in bakery; refeieace, Addnss L.. box9o, Call. W INCHESTEi: HOUSE, 44 'I ST., NH. '♦ Market; . ectiic lights In every JOam: 200 rfooms; 25c to SI 60 pernischt: SI 50 io ?6 per wetk; free ous to and from the ferry. SITUATIONS VASTKD- Continued. ! ESPECTABLE GIRL WOULD LIKE TO GET J t a position to do light housework and i>laiu cook- ing in a small tamily: wages. reasonable. Please ca:i or address 750 Harrieon St., bet. 3d and 4th. MALL' I SCAN DINAvTaN GIRL DESIRES O situation at light housework. Call 318 Bracnan St., In rear. infIDOWJ HONEST AND INDUSTRIOUS, n in need, wishes mending and cleaning; gentlemen and ladies' clothing: please, give me a trial: best of references. Address M. T., b&oy Sycamore st.. Oakland. "\-Ot7NG COLORED AVOMAN, A SITUATION X to do teneral housework and cooking or take care of children and upstairs work, or go onr m- the day. housework <:r washing: wages $15 to $20 per month. Address M.. box 107, Call Office. "WANTED— SITUATION Tt) d 75 HSOUE- '» work, or as second cirl, or waitress In restau- rant, by competent relinlile young lady. Address M. F. 8., box 50. Santa Cruz, Cal. FIX ED YOUNG WIDOW FROM THE Eas: would like nnv kind of sewing and mend- ing; satisfaction runranteed. Call 1 to 8 p. M., room 16, second floor, 21 Ninth st. W'INC HHSTEK HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NR. '» Market; 200 rooms; 25c to SI 50 per night; $1 50 to .*6 per week ; convenient and respectable; tree bus io and trom I he terry. SITUATIONS WAM'ED-JULIi. Pt . c. COOK^S S'»<\' l-TKXISHEsTouKS; X . all branches: shortest notice. 14 Geary. WIDISH N D GERMAX EMPLOYMEMT O oflico. 111.. Antonia St.. off Jones, near Eilis. ITI A'l'lON WANTED AS SALESMAN, O clerk, watchmnn, driver or porter: am well ac- quainted with city streets aud can furnish refer- ences: salary to suit the times. £. G. 11., box 01 Call Office. '"WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN 6 MONTHS '» from the East job as milk-wagon driver, or ia;in-:r --w!»L-on driver, or waiter in restaurant, or tend to horses: isagool hand on farm; does not drink; small wages. Addross LOUIS M. ALLEN, 533 Sacramento st. \l- ANTED-SITUATIbN AS VALET, TRAY- »» cling servant or to wait on; an invalid gentle- man by an Englishman; has traveled the conti- nenl of Europe.: many years' experience: 8 years' reference from present employer. Address Valet, box 147, San Mateo. WATCHMAKER: A YOUNG MAN (SAVISS) » 1 wishes position; 3 years' experience, : wages no object. Address A. T., box 42, Call Office. rp YPESETTER AND PLAIN* JOBBER AA'ANTS X work: sf-9; competent. Address R. E.. box 107, Call uflice. AND Y -MAKER AVANTS SITUATION. AD- \J dress o:call 1825 Powell st. "}>< v 14 YEARS OLD " WANTS SITUATION*; XJ oifice preferred; has bad no experience, but is willing and obliging. Please call or address 620 - Broadway, room 2. AYOUXG GERMAN. GOOD CARPENTER, with tools, wanto n situation; is willing to do any kind of work. Please call or address 131 entb st. A OUNG MAX, STEADY, RELIABLE AXD X not afraid of work, wishes situation as janitor; good references. Address S. a., box 42, Call Oflice. W" A RESPONSIBLE: POSITION OX » » orchard farm by a practical man; cau manage help and property and keep accounts. Address W. J. DOIDGE, box 954, San Jose. Cal. I RST-4 ■LA <s" (vl E N NA) BREAD, CAKP X and pastry baker: can ice and ornament; city or country: best of references. Address B. D., box SO, Call « 'dice, Oakland. ORCHARD SUPEKINTE.NDENT IS OPEN for engagement after December 1; Al refer- ences. Address Orchard, 425 McAllister st. UNTER A CO., CHINESE AND JAPAN- ese employment oiiic. 17 AVebb st.. below Kearny, bet. California and S«.eramento; tel. 231. QITUATION WANTED H^ A YOUNG SCAN- O dii:avian as porter In a first-class house; r:»3 bad r> years' experience: first-class references. Address E. N\, box 01, Call ofTu-e BY FIRST-CLASS HUE MAN ON COAL OR oi!; best references. Address F. M., box 127, Call Office. TEADY AND RELIABLE YOUNG MAN wishes position as porter In some store. Address A. I) . 51t> ,1.-ss:- st. iKHALG 1.K1.1- «AMI-O. Oil AMBERMA ID. .TliT^OlJsE GIRITW^: \J cook, $30: fiousecirls. $20. see lady at 9: nurse girl, $15; others. MME. LEOPOLD, 20 Sto 'kton st. SCAXTTINAVIAX OR GENERAL SECOXD j girl, private iamily, country, $25; laundress, i private lamiiy, my, $J5; girls for housework, city. $20 and $15: German or Scandinavian cirls for housework, country, see parties here, *20. C. R. HAXSEX A CO., 110 Geary st. O FIRST CLASS WAITRESSES, FIRST-CLASS -J hote!. city. $20: 2 waitresses and chamber- maids, hotel, city, $18 to $20; waitress, restau- rant, $15 and room. C. R. HAXSEX & CO., 110 Geary st. Taa GIRLS AXFWOMEX CAN FIND SITUA- XKJyJ tions of all kinds from $15 to 840 at MUR- RAY A READY, 63-1 and 036 Clay st. "WAITRESS, SMALL RESTAURANT, «15: » » chambermaid, plain wash, country hotel, $15; cook and laundress. .*'-f>; hotel cook, country, $30; housekeeper, lisht place, 10; and other places at MURRAY & READY, 634 and 636 Clay. \\r ANTED— TWO COOK SAND HOUSEWORK- • » ers, French. $25: German cook, $30; French : lecond and sewing, $20; French girl to assist in restaurant, 820; French maid and seams tre**, $:. 5; giris for housework end assist. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st, W ANTED— GERM A N OR SCANDINAVIAN »» cook, plain wash, American family, $25; 2 | French and German second girls, $25; laundress in institution. $25; 2 hotel lnundress?s, $20: cook and laui)rir;'RS, 3 in family, country, $2G, and girls Of all nationalities for cookln? and housework in city and country. J. F. CROSETT <fc CO., 312 Sutter st. *I?RENCH SECOND GIRL, $25 ; COOK, BOARD- X ing-house, $'-"5; hcn.sework girl, Hprbin Springs, I $20; Gl'rny, $J0: Vlsalia, $20; Penryn, $20; St. I Helena, $-'(), and oilier towns: working house- | keeper, $25; 15 hoi-sr-work glris, city. $20 to $25; 10 youns girls to assist, SlO to $15. MISS CUL- LEN, 105 Stockton st. pOLORED COOK, $20. MISS CULLEX, 105 yj Stockton st. SWEDISH GIRL. HOUSEWORK, «25; COOK, O $25; <ierman housegirl, 2 in family, $20; 4 girls, country, $15 to $25: nurse, $L'o. Call 316 Sutter st. AVbUNG GERMAN Gl LIN ALL FAMILY ; X wages small; good home 126% Capp st. EAT CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL J-> housework in small family; wages $10. 1610 St. Charles St., near Bay station, Alameda. ?' ERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN GIRL TO DO " I general housework and cooking; good wages. 1040 Page St., J. F. PLAGEMAN. pOMPETENT GIRL WANTED, GENERAL \J houseworK and cooking; references required. 222 y 2 Page st. "YOUNG WOMAN, HOUSEAVORK. gilroy, X $20; 4 in family: AVednesday. 1906 Market. \ PPREX'i ICE FOR DRESSMAKING; GOOD ; A sewer. 917 Sutter st. I ADIESTO LEARN MILLINERY: GUARAX- XJ teed topraduate every pupil thoroughly. 234 ; Taylor st. V ! . A • YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT -i-*i housework and child; German preferred; good home; wages $6 to $8. 1308 Jackson st. W" ANTED— IGHT. ACTIVE AVOMAN* WHO '» has bad business experience; salary in pro- porj ion to ability. Address C. J. S.. Lox 71, Call. , • IRLTODO GEXERAL HOUSEWORK. AP- * ply between 9 and 4, 1312 Fulton st. GOOD FINISHERS ON pantsTalbo OP- erator. 25 Harriet St. WANTED-GIRL TO STRIP TOBACCO. 1040 '' McAllisterst. IRL TO DO HOUSEWORK and cooking, VT 9-0. 218 li. visa 1. ro St.. near HaigUr. n ERMAN GIRL FOR SECOXD AVORK IN A VT small family: must be competent seamstress. 1002 A'an N ess aye. SHOEFITTER AY ANTED. APPLY 1898 k J Mission st. Ai'PRENTICES FOR DRESSMAKING; PAID while learning. 504 suiter St. GE RM GIRL, WAN Tli FOR GENERAL housework; plain cooklrg. 801 Scott st. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEAVORK; gocd home. SOI Hayes st. IRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEAVORK AND with children; must sleep home. 702 Laguna. EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED DRESS- making: $1 per week. 1301 Larkin st. i IRL TO ASSIST IN ■■HOUSEWORK: NO VT cooking. 828 a Union st. WANTED— A GIRL FOR PLACER COUNTY '» forgtn»ra! hous"-,vork; 4 in family; fare paid. 11% Antonia St.. off Jones, near Ellis. PROFESSION A L AND DOMESTIC HELP. Home and Bastnesi Bureau, 81& Market st. IRL FOR- GKNSRAL HOUSEWORK AXD plain cooking IB small family. 1610 Geary st. RE s 1 ECT ABLE RL FOR HOUSEWORK" XX, Apply 1536 Dolores st. DRESSMAKING TXUGHT FREE AT MRS. R. L. JONES' dresscuttlng school. 505 Fell st. rpilE MCDOWELL. THE AVORLD'S FAMOUS -- 1 sysiem of dre3scutting, tauvtht; easy payments' unlimited les.«ons: dressmakers furnished to families: posi!ious free; patterns cut to lit, 25c up; dressmakersanil apprentices wanted at 213 Powell. \\T A N TED-PUPILS IX MILLINERY: LES- '" sons In class or private; evening class; hats trimmed; reasonable. 410 Leavenworth st. Gl : 1. -VAN OR SWEDISH GIRL FOR GEN- V 3" eral housework and cooking; experienced- best wages. , S3C Union, cor. Taylor; call 30 to 12. LA '.v PATTEIW HOUSE-DRKt-S- I cuuiii? school. 1231 Market St., bet. Eighth and Ninth. AN EXPERIENCED. SALESLADY in THE ■?*- nauslin underwear department; also saleslady to sell medicinal wine io the trade In this city. Room 167, Ciocker bulldln;. T ADIE-TtaTuGHT HAIRDRKSSING, MANI- - 1. J , c urln t n « cheapest place inclty. BUTLER'S, 181 Post Bt. >>- BALKBLADIEB AND SHOPGIRLS TO *-•■' lunch hi Golden (Jate Dining Parlors, 1148 MKikei St., timjlour; coffee and cakes. sc. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS CLOAKS wanted. 12^8 Market s:. SIMINOFF. THE SAM FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1*95. HELP WANTKD-Continued. Most^on^^ni^tTCnlTresT^^blel „„, "* inchester House. 44 Third st.. near Market: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 ,0 to $6 per week ; free bus to aud from the ferry. NY AVOMAN AVHO WANTS MONEY FOR herself can easily earn It. Address Ladies' Home Journal, 78 Columbian bldg., Francisco. EALETTE CAPES FROM $5 90 UP, AT N. Y. V-J Cloak aud Suit House. 1210 Market ■*. LADIES TO MANHATTAN EGG FOOD; -J ia the best. 0. KERTELL, Sail Mateo. THIS WEEK LADIES' CAPES. NEW STYLE" X $2 50. New York Cloak House, 1210 Mnrnet. HAIRDRESSING, 25c AND 30c: MORNING and ev'gclasses;lo lessous,.sl 60. 1248 Mission. lANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. RKNCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- A made suits: $7; perfect n't. 118 McAllisterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRKSSCTJT- -1 ting and making school: all branches. 702 Sutler. WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD. NeTr '» Market— Electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: free bus 10 and from the ferry. MILK HELP WAMIiD. \ Y ANTED- EX P ERI V. NC DEI V E R^~FOR »' milk route, $35 and found: must have city ex- perience and reiereuces: American prefi-rred. Aj>- ply to AY. D. EWER & CO., ti26 Clay st. W" ANTED— RANCH BLACKSMITH AND »' woodworker, $30 and found, call early; 10 tlemakers, 8 to 10 cents; laborers, $1 45 day; but- ler for city, $35 to 40; waiteis an'l others. Apply to J. F. CKOSETT & CO.. 628 Sacramento st. TOTANTED— ELDERLY MAN: MUBT BE »» handy with carpenter tools. Apply before 9 a. m. or after 7 r. m., NE. cor. Bosh and Steiner. CIOOK FOR RFSTAURANT: MUST BE SOBER v^ and help in dining-room. Apoly Butcher, 1319 Stockton at. -■■'„ .. ".-: v p ERMAN BAKER; GOOD HOME. ADDRESS VT G. 8., box 63, Call Office. WANTED— GOOD TINSMITHS. APPLY TO VT POAVER <fe PIKE. 49 Sacramento st. WANTKD-OOOD SECOND COOK. APPLY 1807 Hi.lght st. "WANTKD— GOOD CANVASSER FOR SHOAV »' cards. 9 Ge.\ry St., room 2. WAN TED 1 00 BO V S'FOR A NEWLY OR- '» ganlzed vested choir. Apply KOHLER & CHASE'S, 30 O'Farrell sf., room 16, between the hours of 6:30 and 8 o'clock Wednesday evening of this week. I JEWELERS. 328 BUSH STREET. ! SHOEMAKER FOR REPAIRING; STEAD\ man. 345 Third st. I i QHOEM AKKR WANTED on REPAIRING. O 202 Fifth st. \Y A NTED— YOUNG MAN TO LEARN TT barber trade. 107 Fifth s'.. T>AINT ITRS; OUTSIDE WORK; $2. 610 FIF- X toenth st. A GENT TO DRIVE DYE AVAGON; GOOD OP- x\. portunity for energetic, reliable man. Hudson River Dye AA'orks, 11 Fair aye. p ENERAL BLA CKSMIT] 1-OR COUNTItY vX shop; $2 60 per day. 509 Kearny St., room 8. "yOUNO MAN, GERMAN OR SCANDINA^ X vian. about place that can do some bartending: $20. 509 Keuruy st., room 8. ARBER AVANTED AVITH 1 YEAR'S EXPE- rience. 141/3 Montgomery aye. ARBER— FIRST-CLASS ONLY, AVANTED at 32 Turk st. • \ "WANTED— AN ED'E-TRIMMER ON TIIE vT Buzzell machine. P. F. NOLAN A CO., 71 Stevenson st. TAILOR ON CUSTOM COATS; GOOD X wages. 626 Minna st. EX PERIENCtD DISHWASHER; WAGES $J0 per month. 113 Seventh st. . JOHN SHERMAN'S RECOLLECTIONS OF v 40 Years iv the Senate, House and Cabinet now I ready: is causing a great sensation in the press j acd among politicians and business men; will ! I equal Grant's Memoirs as a se.ler: exclusive ter- ritory given. Apply to the Werner Company, ! -Publishers, 7 City Hall square. "yOUNG MAX TO ""LEARN BLACKSMITH X trade: on? that can assist financially and take half interest in shop: party em glvebes: refer- ences; call bpfore 9. 120 I'ost st., ro»m 41. j BARBERS -REGULAR MEETJHO) OF THE | BarberY AESOdation to-night a. 120 O'Farrell st. J. KLITSCH, President. Q 1 Rf\ GERMAN LADY AVANTS AN IX- <"p XU\J, dustr!ot:s man ns partner in v first-class pork and delicacies store: no experience necessary. Call 1465 seventh St., Oakland. \ r A XTED— AVORKING PARTNER WITH » t $50; inside work. 8., box 4, ihisoftk-e. V\r ANTED — STEADY MAN TO ASSIST 8 tt hours f-or diiy in light pleasant business; must have small capital; $75 per month. 873^'- Mar- ket St., room 1. rpHE RAILROAD HOUSE 533 commercial X st., below Montgomery; single rooms 15c night, 25c for two; best and cleanest house in town. WANTED— PARTNER AVITH 100 TO AT- TT lend cash counter in lunch-house: $100 per monthjp.arant«;d. See LUNDIN, 1029 Market s:. SINGLE WOMAN WANTS PARTNER; COF- fee and lunch bouse: $100. 5 Mason st., r. 1. QjOAH BUTCHER BHOP: LONG ESTAB- '>?tJ\J\J. lished: good location; living rooms; horse and wagon. Apply 5 Mason st. HONEST YOUNG "MAX as CLERK AND typewriter In a lawyer's oltii-e; references re- ; quired: state ace. experience and salary expected. Address Business, box 19, Call Office. XKT ANTED— ENERGETIC YOU.Vu OB MID- ! i T? dle-ap,ed man; permanent employment; must 1 have $40 cash. M., box 81. this ollice. ARBERS— 2-CHAIR SHOP FOR SALE; 15c: 25c halrcntting: lent $10, with furnished room: Next pos'.ofiice. Bansallto. p ENERAL SHOEMAKEB WANTED AT 1197 ] VI Market st., near Eighth; new work and repair- Ing. iTTa men to get A SHAVE FOR 5C OR X\ \J haircut for 10c, at 14i/s Montgomery aye. ARBERS— S!-ChAIH Jsc SHOP; 4 LfVlNG- rooms; rent $12: very cheap. Apply Call Office. (Jf^nO CASH DOWN BUYS 4 TO 8 ACRES O\J\J near Menlo. SPECK A CO., 602 Market. TTHRST-CIiASS SALESMAN FOR Si;i)E DE- X partment : saveral good positions to fill ; a travel- : Inc salesman for bicyilis; 4saits:nen to .sell a I medicinal wine to the trade. Room 167, Crocker building. A M X . E-C 1 1 1 ESE A N JAPANESE EM- -0 ployment olllre, 51 1 Hush st.. ur. Graut aye. SA LEBMAN -GOOD ~M AN TO ACT THE best life Insurance at;ent in every city; big pay. 140 Phelan building. OY TO LEARN TYPE-SETTING. K. 0., this otlice. WANTED-TKAVELING SALESMAN FOR tt clove factory to sell to the trade ouly, on com- mission. Address L.. box 64, Call Oflice. OY TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. AD- dress Boy, box 13, Call. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON CLOAKS wanted._ M. SIMINOFF, 1228 Market st. T-iREE BEER-TWO SCHOONERS FORgSc; X aIKO a bottle of lager, sc, at 637 Clay st. BARBERS— FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL BEC- XJ retard Barbers' Association, 325 Grant, uve. S. rUCHR. I)EST PLACE IX CITY FOR SECOND-HAND ■J shoes, 726V2 opp. Howard-st. Theater, or 129 Sixth st.; misfit shoes bought or exchanged. ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION E M I'LOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROKLL. 657 Clay. "IIfANTBD— ALL CARPENTERS TO KNOW TT that ther.» are plenty of carpenters in San FranclßCo: all advertisements to the contrary are mlslradiiig. All help can be supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters, 115 Turkst., or 23 Ninth st. District Council meets at 115 Turk bl on AA'ednesday evening. I\rANTED-MEX WHO DO NOT RECEIVE TT their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful I KXOX COLLECTION* AGENCY 110 Sutter, r. 4. j WA NTED-15 MEN TO TH 1 UUvSIIL -v itli' meals tor 10c. 50 Third st. W INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST.. NEAR I »T Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- ! room: free bus to and from the ferry. ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEc" Barbers' Assn.. 12Sevenh. H. SCHEUNERT. ; T EARN a TRADE-SIGN OR PICTORIAL XJ painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D LEVY. 35 Eighth St., San Francisco. \fOZART, 319 ELLIS, ROOMS 250 TO 50C iX night, $1 25 to Sis week; reacMng rooms. WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO »* st. : 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms, 20c a day; 51 a week; meals, 10c. MEN'S SHOES V2-SOLED. 50c; HEELS, 35a; done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. TiREE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME- -1 single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week. W~ ANTED-aUVGLE ROOMS, 16a A DAY; week; rooms for two, 25c a day, f 1 6Ua we«lt; readlng room- dally papers. SB Clay sr- rpKY ACME HOUSE, 957 MAKKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, for a room; 25c a. night; $1 a week. 091 ELLIS, ROSEDALE— ROOMS -^5c TO 50c <Jj!UX a night: $1 to $3 * week: open ail night. \Y A NTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS tt to know that Kd Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still run» Denver House, 217 - Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night: SI to $3 per week. A(\(\ MEN'S SECOND-HAN SHOES.SOME XWU nearly new, 25c to $} 25. EO2 Mission st. S HOES HALF-SOLED IN IO MINUTES- -0 done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; aUwpnlrinir done at half price: workruar- KDtecd. 562 Mission St.. bet. First st. and s-eco;id»c. 1 INDKLL HOUSE. BTH AiS'l) HOAVARD— XJ tingle furnisheJ rooms, 75c week. 16c night. 1 flfl MEN TO TAKE LODGINO AT 10c, 153 J-\J\J tnd 20c a nlcht, includim; coffee and roil«, 624 Washington «t., near Kearny. . . BEST" IN CIT /-SINGLE ROOBtt, 15, 20 "AND 25 cents per night; 81. $1 25, $1 50 p«r weelc. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidcsdorff sts. ■ T ive MEN WANTED FOR LIGHT out- -» J door work: will par competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh s:. . • W' A NTED-MEX TO GET BOTTLE SHARP »» Btciun beer, sc; bottle Oc. 6U9 Clay su ~ PABTKSBS WANTED. p A RTNER WaNTED-'52500— IN AN ESTAB- -i- lished business: profit of 96000 guaranteed first year: iirinclpal only. T.. b«.\ 132. this ofllce. ; AfiliXTS' \\ AMKD. \\r ANTED— AGENTS. MALE ANU FEMALE, »' for raplsl-seiling article; 100 per cent commis- . sion. Apply 749 Mark"t St., upstairs. . OLICITORS; KKEBGKTIC LADIES OR O gentlemen; for new plan of life, health and ac- cident insurance: salary or commission. Call be- ■ tween 11 and 1 only. International Indemnity ■ Company. 206 Sansoiiie st. *"; pANVASSERS WANTED; LATEST EAST- \J orn novelties. FAULTLESS NOVELTY CO., 220 Sutter st. pALIFORNIA MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY VJ wants good atents to work its accident and sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. V. II ANN .secretary. Murphy building. FURXlTtlli \l ASTBD. \ UCTIONBEB J,C."MTITHEB. 719 MARKET 1 xx st., pa\-s highest cash prices for furniture. • pASH PBICE PAID FOB FURNITURE. JA- \J COB SCIIWEBDT, 821 Mission, bet. 4th & sth. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, carpets, stoves. BROWNE, 103 9th; poscal. G. KKASKV,. CARPETS^ -PICTURES. . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: CaL • stepladder manufaetd for the trade. 779 Mission. pAsH PAID FOR FUBNITUBE AND MER- V 7 cl.aniiise. 1.. 11. BliKI) An'-:n>n<*er.lo Fulrou. ~ KOOils WAKTKD. pentleman wishes elegantly FUR- VJ" Dished sunny room or suite: board preferred; central. Address Gent, box 116, Call. p ENTLIiMAN WANTS" SMALL PLAINLY \y furnished room not far from PostoOice. Ad- drees. statin'.' price. J. V. W.. box 90. Cnll onice. WANTJEJD— 311!, CKLLANEOUS. ■\y ANTED— AN .EOLIAN ORGanTa^GOOD »» instrument; an ordinary case preferred; for "cash. Address roo 145, Lick House. VVT A N r E D-O I ) A blacksmith an- » » vil, light weight preferred, for cash. Address 145. Lick House. WANTED— YOI WATCH, IF IT NEEDS '» repairin;,': best work at half the regular price. DEUSB, watchmaker, 126 Kearny St., third fioor. ■\\r ANTED— TO BUY A GOOD BELIA '» second-hand. large size cylinder press. Offers I to be addressed S.. box 60, Call Office. SELL YOUR BOOKS, CLOTHING AND JEW kJ elry to A. KLEIN, 109 Sixth St.; aenil postal. IGIIEST PRICE PAID FOR LADIES' AND gents' cast-on* clothing. 251 Third st. bE COND - H AN KODAKS, CA MEBAB, 0 lenses, magic lanterns A- slides. 109 Montgy. >ii:i>u I ANEW PROCESS— MEDICINB, INRTRTT- ments or worthless pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat>- j ter from what cause; restores always in one day: If you want to be treated snfe and sure call on men's j physician ;knowiedge can bo sentcSusedat home;all cases gu&ranieea; be b^i d«<elv«l andratsie<i uy self-praised advertisers. DR. POPPER, 3IB Kearny. V BLESSING To LADIES — IN! rANT BE- xx lief for monthly irregularities (from whatever i causei by the most experienced ladies' physicians j in San Francisco, who restore all cases by an im- \ pioved method, superior to others: ladies will save time and money, lie assured of honest treatment by consulting the doctors before calling elsewhere: patients who have beon imposed upon arf> spe- cially Invited; home in confinement: treatment warranted : advice free, confidential. DR. and MRS. DA VIES, 14 McAllister St., ni ar Jones. \\IIV THROW AWAY MONEY FOOLISHLY '» on worthless pills and humbugs whenweguar- nutee to res;ore irregularities in 8 hours with our new discovery, safe ano Bure. Price ss. MME, KARROW. Woman's Dispensary, 2Od iket st. ITIABER'S "INFALLIBLE PRKVENTIVE," I -L for either sex ; 6r-nd 2c for Information or 50c for trial j;ir. TAYLOR CHEM. CO., box 1896, 5. F. TAPE WOBM EXTEBMINATOR— USED SUC- | cessfullyfor years by a physician now retired; 1 guaranteed to remove worm iii two hours: for one treatment post paid $10. Specific Medicine Co., P. O. box 201, Oauiand, Cal. ACABD SUFFERING FEMALKS-BY MAS- sageand Swedish movement treatment I guar- antee to cure all diseases and Irreguluritic-s peculiar i to your sex: obesity reduced; those who have been : Imposed upon or irregular!] treated are Invited to call; ;cou3ulti\tion tree; charges moderate. MBS. DR. lIAWLEY, 818 Ellis st. 1 ADTES — DAUDET'S FEMALE BEGULA XJ titi^ Pills: strongest, safest, best: never fall; 91 per box. WIDBEB'S drugstore, 14 Ellis St., formerly cor. Market and i hlr sis., sole agents. LL MARRIED PKOPJL,! SHOULD KNOW XV "seguro": greates" boon to them: Carroll Co., Stockton and Market sts.: $] 50; send 2c stamp for circular 10 W. s. P. Co., Bjn X St., Sacramenta DX. H.M.! . 14 McA] LIS'l ER HTREET.NEAB , * Jones. 1 iseases of women and children. \ S URE CUBE FOB ALL FEMALE DIS- -tV. eases, from whatever cause; a home in con- 1 finement with e\erv comfort; satisfaction guar- 1 anteed, by i:s. DR. GWYER. -j^6 Turk st. Dr PRAE*S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS; sate and plllclPiit emmenagogu»; fl per box. RJCHA P.DSACO., druggists, 4. 6 Clay st.,sole ag'ts. DHEUMATISM, CHILLS AND FKVI-.K JV< cureil by Cnmmincs' rheumatic beit; no elec- | tricity; hundreds of testimonials from prominent ; citizens: si nd for circular. E. J. CUMMINGS. 1 303 Third st.. S. F. \ H' <y. 1.. A friend and mother's care. XV MRS. DR. FUNK'S, Eighth at., Alameda. Dit. GOODWIN MAKES A SPECIALTY OF XJ diseases of women and restores all irregulari- ties In one day, guaranteeing a cure or no char;;e; regulator $2; home for patients. l:> 70 Market s'_ I\A SCHMIDT, 150H MABKET— DISEASES XJ of women : hours Ito '.', and sto(>p. m. R.RICORD'3 EXPP.ES.sS2 s[>: SAFK, sure, reliable: Ricord'a specialties females. 1 Malscn ct Cle, agents. ROOT'S, Sixth and liow.iri. ■ A 1.1; FEMALE IR REGULA ITITcS RK- : xv stor?d in ■■■ few honrs; safe and suro relief at ! anytime; travelers helped at once; home In cou- j finement: French pilis guaranteed; consult free. MRS. DR. ETH, 916 Post St., near Larkin. JA!)!i-.>. IF rEREGULAR CONSULT MRS. Si EMARY . sure- care. 1501 y 3 Market street. \ j RS. DR. WEiiEMiRTPRTvATE HOME IN I*l confinement; Irregnlarittes cured In a few ' hours without operation; pills 92. 419 Eddy st. A LPEAU'S FRENCH I PILLS, A BOON TO ; XI. ladles troubled with lrregularitiPs: no danger: 1 : safe and sure: if 2 60 express C. O. D.: don't delay 1 ! until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland; Cal. i TF IBBEGULAB ANY FEMALE DISEASE I Me Mri. I)r I'uetz. anil be content. 254 V« ith. « l .a I hv ( ) ya "k—a^a. •'---■* ~"~~~ " srt *^^ %^'"~ v^ "'"■"■ ~'"~'" X\. "WONDERFUL GrFTS." CALL THEM WHAT YO MAY, People of San Francisco as weli a3 other cities I marvel at his power. ; Lawyers, speculators, busi- nes< men of all grades, Indies from every wali! in life to.-c her son nd his praise for the benefits they have received. His parlors are always filled with anxious people seeking reliable information, aud every repl' is most ({ratifying: all are pleased; j Professor Eugene gives advice on business, specu- 1 latlons. Investments, love, courtship, marriage 1 and divorce; settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated and causes a speedy and happy marriage : with the one of your choice: he locates mines and buried treasuies, tells of your friends and ene- i mies, removes evil Influences, gfves advice per- j tsihiHiß to lawsuits, locates and' recovers o'd | estates; developing mediums a specialty; the troubled and unfortunate should " seek , his counsel; thousands of families long I separated havn been reunited by bis efforts; thou- sands of hearts mado glad through his truthful : predictions: he is the only clairvoyant on earth 1 recognized by the profession as their brightest > star; all persons unsuccessful in business, who seem to be unlucky, should visit him. seek his aid and start aright: thousands have become wenlrliy through his advice: he is ever ready 10 assist those with capital ;o find a safe and good-paying invest- ment; young men starting In business will find it greatly to their advantage* to consult him on all matters of financial interest to themselves. Professor Eugene should not be cliissed with the many cheap pretenders who Infett cities and bring I disrepute to the profession. His past suctv sses in I matters of great import are a positive guaranty of his power to perform the wonders that hay.> made him famous. All are i.ivited to call. Hours. 9a.m. to 8 m. 1728 Murker st.. parlors 1, 2, 3 and 4. ME! RAVENA RETURNED; SITS DAILY; -m. names given, 25c up. 828 Ho\v:; "VfISS MALVIN . ■ AMKP.IOAX ■ CLAIBVOY- -L*>X ant and card-reading. 760 1/2 lio.vard st. t >beBEnt, PAST A NITfUTuRE, 25c. MME. X LEGGETTK. 311 st., near Fourth. pLA I RVOYA AND LIFE IciaDKK; LA- V^ dies 25c. 230 Clara St., bet. Fifth and Sixth. MME. ARNDT. BEST GERMAN FOBTCNB- teller; only 26c m.d 50c: show yen the picture of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st. i>ROF. LEON, PALMIST" RVOYANT, X trance charm. 533 Post: 9to 8; also-Sunday. Mm:-:. MOBEAU, WORLD RENOWNED trance medium ;2sc.up. 7(>4 Howard .in front "VI" ME. DP.. i HOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- J-'J- er by eggs and cards; tells entire life, past, present, future: consultations on all affairs: notli- ing exceptcd; names given: good advice: sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im- possible; fee»i; letter $'i. 929 Posi st., nr. Larkin. AUGUSTA LEO LA, FORTUNE TELLER: matric ohsrnis: love tokens; true nlcture 0/ future wife and husband: leaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyanco, slate writing, etc. has the •even holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm; fei-Sl aim i;:i. rd. ■J3'."? Mission, nr. Twentieth. cXUitiTULISAai. TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 10c. MMe] YOUNG, 605 McAllister st.: skeptics invited. BOY M■• DIUM; PH ) N■ > M Ii.VAI, SEANCE to-night; Brockway Parlors. 3HO Ellis St.; 60c. A DDIE SWAIN.MEDIUM; NO FEB EXCEPT •Q. asagtft: ladies only. 105 Stockton st. ETURNED— m i:s. j. j. WHITNEY, CLAlR- voyant, trance aud test medium. 21s Stock- ton st. .: MBS. mayo steers, test and business ■ medium : readings dally. 101 Grove, cor. Polk. ASTROLOGY. T\R. MEAD ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS BY ■*-J p.anets irom date of birth. 3tiy 3 Geary st., rm.l A STRALSEER— PROF. HOLMES. 11 SCOTT xi. at. ; Uorosicojjes, questions, stocks, advice. I PERSONALS. - f^JToIIM^TTo^r^S^^E^IRED^OF JOHN ~s! I JL DICKKRSON, formerly of Newark, N. .1.: left . San Francisco for the north in 1808 0r1559: last '- heard of In Astoria, Or. Any Information, either dead or alive, will be thankfully received by his ■ brother, D. E. DICKERSON. 512 Cali.ornia s\, , car<? of Spring Valley Water Works, San Francisco. "\TRS. M. H. OBER, HEADQUARTERS OF - - 1 --1 YpsilanM jersey-fitting und?rwfar, union suits • and equestrian tights, Ober orsets for stout figures. ■ Sole a?ent for equipoise waists, Jenness Miller • goods and Gertrude baby outf.ts: preat reductions: '. send or catalogue. 34 Geary st., ban Francisco. ■ rvPEXINCJ FOR PUPIi-.IX ARCHITECT'S ■ \J otiue: referen exchanged. Apply by letter , to Architect, box 132, Call Ofllce. r . . OOMS PAPERED $1, IF YOU FURNISH THE - _ paper^ NICK, 1114 Taylor st. T WILL NOT BBS BESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ■i- debts contracted by ray wife. May Kempiu-k, • from this date. (Signed) c. KEMPACK, Kan Francisco, Nov. 10, 1895. ; A FREE; DIVORCE and PROBATE XX laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and S? iSS>9SS rtoi ternis reasonable; collections. etc G. • W . HOWE, att'y-at-law. 860 Market, cor. Stockton. : T INCOLN BROS., CASH GROCERS, 226 , -lj sixth st. — 0-pound can mincemeat. 25c: 3 pounds new almonds, 25c; 6 pounds new fics. 25c- • j pounds beans. 26c: 4 pounds boneless codfish, _sc: 1 pound fine new tea. 25c: 1 pound fresh coffee. 20c: 4 pounds cornstarch, 25c; 6 Rounds , raisins, -'oc; lemon peel per pound, 15c: citron ncr pound. 20c. LINCOLN BROS., 226 Sixth St., bet. the markets. - ! "jVEW PROGRESSIVE WINDOW AND HOUSE -1-1 cleaning (o.;t!oors scrubLe.!:comracts;t!av.wk or n-.0. F.'.CARNOVAL «fc C 0.,29 Eddy. tel. 5.252. j T\EAFN ESS- LOST HEARING RESTORED; y book free. F. F. FINLAY, 10 California st. : san Irancisco. rpiIOSE INTENDING BUILDING WOULD T- '' h' c money by calling at carpenter-shop. 105 $] AROOM: CARPETS CLEANED ON THE *iPx. floor. 200 Leavenworth r'.. KOOM9 PAPERED fi; IF YOU FURNISH THE paper. Address 8.. box 10, Call Office. T^GYPTIAN HENNA, $1 ; UAIRDYE. PER- , J-' iectly harmless. Lanirley-Michaels Co.: all chemists; Hubbard's 923, llauptli's. 1156 Market. Ij-'OR FINE POULTRY AND GAME GO TO A J STRASSER, 78 and 79 Center Market. OPANISH GENTLEMAN WISHES to ex- -8? G C f loT logfca't'oK' 311 f ° GClma °- AddreBS JTtOB 25c. ~~ P , We will dress our hair in any style, waving Included: manicuring. 25c; excellent switches anil front pieces for SI: strictly one j-.rlce; estab- lished 18riO. 11l Stockton st. B. SPITZ. G. LEDEBEB, Rticcessor. ARL YON DER MEHDEN, TEACHER OF In ! nland cornet, e"tc. music arranged. ii.-» 7 M«rket st. TVAMAGE AN I) LIEN CASES; LAWS OF -L' prob.'tte and divorce; necessary costs advanced. A pply to ALBERT MAU, 726 Spreclcels building. i \fISS DINAN; SPECIAL SALE IMPORTED ; XfJ hats: SStoslo; stylish hats, bonnets, $5 up. I 11l S:ockton st. . .:.-■". "IM.ANKETS, FLANNELS.ETC: FULL STOCK: I Jalso Yosemite blankets, California \\ oolen Mills , .>.-!h Commercial, nr.Montgmry. Factory Petaluma. ON X MOKE CUT— ~~ " ■ n Oak Roll Top Desks to $35 1 oak C hiffoniers J.... From $10 up Oak Bed Sets $17 60 up Oilcloths iind Linoleums 30c up Btoveaand Ranges ..". $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything 1 a -r Sh , ? T r lil c payments. J. NOON AN, 1017, 1019. 1021, 1023 Mission st., above Sixth. I ()()() BUMM Ess CARDS, $1 60; TELE- X.\J\J\J phone "Black 141." HILL, 2 Market. OntOOLOF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER O illustration; in response to many urgent re- quests the school will be shortly opened lor even- Ing classes. Particulars at 424 Pine st. SPANISH. FBENCH, GERMAN: MODERATE t Meisierschnft School of Languages, l22 O'Farrell ; rp RY HENRY VOLL, 87 AND 51 CENTRE I .L Market, lor cest hams, sausages, preserves, etc. VI HIOTH a s CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE l»X. best and freshest of butter, eggs and cheese. Center Market, cor. Sutter and Grant aye.. stall 52. J BISHOP, CHIMNEY SWEEP. a D IJRKSS O . 823 Market. Phone Main 44] at C. BBOWN'S. • \ RTISTIC HAIP.DRKSSING, MANICURE' 1 >'V switches, bangs, $1; wigs from $5: hair ! dressed, 26c. To keep hair sof; have It shampooed '■ and dried in sun at La Verlte Toilet Bazaar, 6 ! O'Farrell st. "\ TTENTION— F. JOSEPH LOCHER BKGSTO I x\_ announce that he abou: Octo"ber 28 I a first-class tailoring establishment at 32y Geary St.. and will be pleased to see all h!s former friends i and customers. I>LECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM-WIN- i J-i Chester House, 44 Third st., near Market: 200 j rooms, 25c to $1 50 ii»r niKht ; $1 50 to $6 per I week: m-e bus to and from the ferry. ! UllS MADK TO ORDER OF ELEGANT I kj remnants for $10; samples and self-measure- : men! on application. LEON LEMOS, Merchant I Tailor, 1332 Market st., San Francisco. LL PAINS CURED NATURAL MAGNETIC electric healing. MRS. HILL, 2 1 5 i/ Mnson st. KCOND-HAND AS WELL AS NE\V BARS, O showcases, counters, sheivings, mirrors, desks, [ < safes, chairs, scales, ef., and a very larsre stock of i them, too: be fure and see sock aud gi-t prices be- fore golns; elsewhere. J. NooNaN, 1017, 1019, ' 1021, 1023 Mission st- above Sixth. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD; store fixtures. doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., near Eighth. COI.LK"c^nN"orfBACIN<i. SHADOWING AND \J locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 I'ine st. TV I ACHINE WHITEWASHING: CONTRACTS I'l- taken; whitewashing and tree-spraying; rooms whitened, SI up. 1560 Market st., near Hayes. "Waltz guabanteed: pbivatk OR in »' class. PROF. FOSTERS Dancing School, 997 Murket st. it I O SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE BY MAIL. j <IP XJJ NKUHAUS. Merchant Tailor, 116 Kearny. "1.-IINE SUITS, $15: DRESS PANTS, $4 75. X: Misfit Clotnin? Parlors. 435 Montgomery st. LOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RKTA iLED AT ) mfrs" cost. Fac;orv. 20 Sansome st.. upstairs. OLD GOLD, SILVER. GENTS' AND LADIES \J clothing bouch;. COLMAN. 41 Third st. I WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO j M order by WILLIAM McPIIUN. 1195 Martce- i DilKs.SaiAKi^ftS. I nfxruij-titn —^— DRESSES, 92 AND UP: WBAPPERS. 35C and up. 139^ Shipley St., nr. Slnh. upstairs. RESBES CUT AND FITTED, f 8: DRESSES popular prices : eri)c;L.-eine:rs by day. 11 Geary. ' JIDDCA'IIOAAL STUDIO— LESSONS IN OIL PAINTING AND postel; also Sunday class. 319 Golden Gate aye. A LMER E. HYER, TEACHER OF PIANO, -tl. banjo, mandolin. 40a Geary st., room 17. MISS BOLTJCS SCHOOL, SACRaTMENTO : board, English, French, German, piano, $30 I month; separate French kindergarten: coach. PANISH& FRENCH SIM 1.1 F. D. PROF. T. B. de Fllippe, graduate Paris, Madrid, Post. Ij^ORMER SL'ANbORD PROFESSOR PRE- . pares students for tho university (admission on ■ recommendation); law. medical college, civil i : service: duy <fc eve classes. Room 333 Phelan bldg. MRS. MELVILLE DER, 519 VAN NESS; I'l oratorical, vocal, dramatic academy; classes, i private lessons; piano;drama;ic elocution specialty. HEALD'E BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST ST. Bookkeeping, business practice.- shorthand, . typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, mo.lern ; languages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. ! ]VTGHT SCHOOL; HEAL fVSi: I s. COLLEGE ;24 j i-' Pout : commercial, shorthand, Enslish ; low raes HAKESPEAKKAN READING AND DRA- O matlc classes: termslow. PROF. ROSS, 6 Eddy: "VTIOLIN, MANDOLIN, CELLO. BANJO; REA- V sonable. PROF. FRANCIS. 1045y 3 Valencia. ! V BENCH— LEABN TO SPEAK FIRST: IN- J; fallible method. . E. DU CASTEL, 6 Post st. CIHEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. CUNNING- V 7 ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. "i FRENCH. GERMAN, "si'ANIS}!; LIVING -L method; Larcher School, Flood bldg, Market st. AN FRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1238 Market; send for cat.: day and evening session. "V IOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR. CORNET V taught. Prof. L.MERKI, 226 Geary treasonable I>ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING- I-> Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R. 5 <fc 12. 1. 0. O. F. block, 7th and Market. QCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, 0 chanlcal engineering, surveying, architecture, >gaay : »stab. '64. VAN DER NAILLEN. 723 Alkt. Ij'NGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT BY MISS r> DILLON. 14 aicAUis-iT. r.4S: private or i-l:m. dentists. — — Dk. l. t.cranz-extractio^nTaTnless" crown work, bridge work and teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary St., cor. Grant aye. DIV.REA.oOO TURK ST— ALL DENTAL WORK _ at lowest prices and warranted: o;.en evenings. META L PLATE TEETH EXTRACTED or filled painlessly by my patent anaesthetic 60c; won 28 prizes. Obdonuinder Dental Parlors' 8153^ Geary st., bet. Larkln and Hyde, opposite Saratoga Hall. R. L. WALSH, D. D. .* 08 " 8 pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 via. \J ket. bet. 3d and 4 MI, gas specialists: only reli- au.e agent forpalnlr3s extraction: artificial teeth tnn •■?*>: fillings $1; extracting 50c, with gas Si $7 A SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED A^ nP • good can be made: filliii{:si. DR. SIMMs dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater? DX. H. G. YOUNG. BKIDGKH AND" TEFTIT without plates a specialty. 1841 To:k st. DR. LUpLUJa-HlLi* 1443 MARKET I*t" U near Eleventh no charge sor extracting when plates are mnde; old plates made over like new- teeth lrom $8 per set: extracting s(ic: n. iS given. ! pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIA'I I N ~gOß~liiTifr Ukets^^Dß. CHARLES W. DECKER; AK ' DR. J.J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLD FN Gate aye-Open evening i^n'ndays till noon. ALL WORK REASONABLE" /AND WarT ranted. , DR. J. W. KEY.^I23 Market st. EkR. EORG E W. LEEK, f if ß"~se' NtjlNß ' Leet dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved brldse work or teitS 1 without any piate, moved Jrom B to 20 O'Farreli su _^^^ BP STN ESS CHANCES. _____^ GJQOX SALOON WITH 12 "ROOM'S; NEAR «JTO—«J. transfer point: cheap rent: old-estab- lished place; must sell; going East. STENBER.G, 632 Marke° st., oppostte Palace. <E»I7C PAKTNER; CORNER SALOON; «P X t O. Third st.; guarantees new man $50; partner preierred to hired help. STE.vBERG, 632 Market, opposite Palace. ' <P»QAA RESTAURANT; NEAR MARKET; r&O\J\J, large, handsome piace: all latest im- provements: must sell; other business. STEN- BEP.G, 632 Market St.. opp. Palace. ~2_-_ CORNER SALOON: THIRD ST., NEAR MAR- \J ket; handsome place, with private rooms; cheap rent; sat> and cash register Included; bii; bargain: price $700. STENBERG. 682 Market st. <£> 19^ GROCERY. FRUIT; MUST SELL IN ♦IPXZiU. 6 days; at sacrifice. STENBERG, 632 Aiarfcet st., opp. Palace Hotel. > FOR SALE-ONE OF TOE LARGEST AND X 1 oldest stove, range and house-furnish Ing estab- I lishments: plumbing, eas fittln;, tin and sheet-iron manufacturing a sji«e:a'tv: investigation solicited. I'ROLL A LLOYD, 719 M arket »t. ■V'OTICETO BUYErS AND SELLERS-CASH I JL^ paid for merchan'lisc anrl fixtures; buyers and partners procured; quick sales made at short no- tice. PROLL A LLoYD, Business Agents and Auctioneers, office 719 Market st., near Third. i GM9XA PARTNER WANTKD - 34-ROOSI <SPI^UV. hotel: best, location; all occupied. PROLL A LLOYD, 719 Marketst. <3;ftnn BAKERY; WKSTKRN ADDITION; • IPU\J\7. counter trade $16 day; Bplendid loca- tion: rare chance; must sell account of sickn'ss; I offer wanted. BaRRKTT A CO.. 865ySj Market. <JJ»I AAA PARTNER WANTED IN FINE iJIuUU. coffee parlor, best location, by expe- rlenced man. Address Partner, box 135, Call. CjQXA BOTCHER BUSINESS. SELLING 4 <JPOUI/. to 5 beef, 30 sheep, 5 hog?, t.OO pounds veal a wee:c; all cas!i trade; rent $14: 4 living rooms, shop at 243 Fifteenth, near Mis -ion. C> IXi I i'ARTNEK WANTED IN LIGHT ••IP LOKJ, business; suited to plain, steady man satiilied with $15 to if'jOner week. ft G«ary. rtvim 2. TO BUY, SKLL OK EXCIIA.Mtj-. A iH 5,.n,,m J- of any kind see STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. QQAH BAKERY: NO. 1 LOCATION; 3 «iP»yW\.'jj rooms; cheap rent: good-oaylng place; horse, wagon, etc. S?e aTRANI) A CO., 45 Third. ©'JfllJ WANTED TO-DAY, PARTNER IN iiP»>VJ\J . commission business; will clear $75 per month to each. See STRAN D A CO., 46 Third st. C{? 9 f) CORNER SALOON AND LUNCH- *\p**tJ\f. honse; 2 rooms: cheap rent; suitable for man and wife. STKAND A CO., 45 Third st. iftQ^H L A D Y W A TS PARTNER IN SA- OOVJ. loon; good chance. STRAND A Co., 45 Third st. <5? 9'^A RESTAURANT: MUST SELL; (&-. O\J. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. d;4XA BRANCH BAKERY jBARGAIN THIS <jP_"i«JV/.this week. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. SALOON — TO BE SOLD TO-DAY AT YOUR own price. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. 'St^O OR OCERY AND BAR; FULL <iP4.U\J. value. STKAND A CO.. 45 Third st. <B> i\C\(\ partner wanted first- lt>UU. class saloon. STRANDACO., 45 Third. CANDY' STOKE AND FACTORY; RECEIPTS \J $20 ncr day. DECKER, 1206 Marketst. GiftAA BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY. STA- '4p\J\J\J. tioncry, notions: only store like It in blocks; 3 living-rooms: cheap rent; stock will ln- volce $700; bargain. WOOD A CO., 917 Market. GROCERY AND BAR FOR SATe CHeXp. 525 Second st. POP. SALE— BOARDING-HOUSE: 12 ROOMS- -L' cheap. 1123 sutter st. Q*~l 9^o I-^VE^T IN GROWING MANU- *iP J -^--' « facturing business; salary attached. F., box 43, Call Ollice. ffeOKA PA rtTner wanted in ESTAB- •4P— *J\J. llshed coal, hay and grain business; ref- urences exchanged. Address B. C, box 108, Call. V 1 SPA PER ROUTE FOR SALE, $375: -i-^ clears $50 month. 783Va Market st., room 3. EVEN ING PAPER ROUTE FOR SALE. AD- i-i dress box 30, Call Office. . &9f)o RESTAURANT FOR SALE - RE- *IP_UV7. c*>lptsslotosl2dav; rent $15 monthly- account sickness. 1009 Lnrkln st. ' ft 700 S, ORNKn OBOCERY, WITH BAR"; tfl I \'\J. doing splendid business: rent only $1"- -must be sold on account of other business. H E ' box 30, this office. ' • \ V A NTE; i— INDUSTRIOUS PARTNER IS »» lirst-classcounry town in meat and poultry bosintas: b.-st, locfttion ; $200 c.-.pital required; call j from 10 to 2. 29 Third st. I Gi'-^T^ BUYS A GOOD STATIONERY, NO- ! «^)«J I *J tion, candy, cigar business: established i three years; two paving agencies; sickness: de- parture cause. 419 Turk st. pOOD SALOON— INQUIRE AT THE^AMER- VT ICAN BREWERY, 725 Groen st. TVTEWLY FITTED-UP GROCERY AND BAR" ■L> 4 living-rooms. 253 Clara st. Vtewly rrrrED-up restaurant; good stock and fixtures; v.ill sell cheap. 505 Sixth. A NUMBER OF GOOD GOLD MINES THAT «ri«mS? ? e , U at pri ,' ranging from SIO.OOO o | $450,000; I hnveg..od legal reports on them all. ANTON A CO.. 331 Montgomery sr.. room 17. |>AKERY. WITH A FINE ESTABLISHED i> trade; owner haj two bakeries and cannot at- tend to both; maKe an offer. A ppiv 3023 Sacr- amento st. " Q AL'JON; BIG BARGAIN: FINK FIXiUKKS-" Tl^d"' 1 locality; retinns from business. 309 1 hud st. DELICACIES ANITPORK STORE FOR SALE cheap: owner must leave. 131 Seventh st. XpOR LE— CHKAP; SALOON AND LODG- X Ing-honse; mu6t be sold account of owner aoin" East. 624 Sacramento st. A LOON; A. BARGAIN: GOOD LOCATION. O Call at 735 Mission st.. bet. Third and Fourth. NTED — AN ACTIVE. INTELLIGENT ! »» and well-odncated gnntleman, capable of per- fOrming tbe duties of secretary or manager in a »ight and remunerative business on salary: not more than Sl5OO need be invested. Address Active, box 80, Call. A NTE D-*AN ACTIVE PUSHING MAN • » for a responsible position in a new and pros- perous business for San Jose district on salary: only those possessing first-class business qualities »nd able to invest $1000 need apply. Address S. J., box 127, all. ~V~S YN DICATE~b"F~CAPITALISTS NOW EN- -TV. gaged in the promotion of an Important busi- ness enterprise is oppn to consider an application for a managing director of high-class business ability and capable of giving unremitting personal attention to the duties of a large office- must be able to furnish testimonials of the highest respect- ability and invest at least $5000: only principals treated with- Address Capital, box 113, Call. T/OK SALE-BAKERY AND STATiONB«y Xjitore^OOO I ark in st. I)ARTNER WANTED IN WOOD, COAL, HAY. I -i grain aDd express business. Address B. ss box ' 147, Call oilice. ITALF-INTEREST IN CANDY MANUFAC- i-tory. Icecream and bakery buslnes-s: c-ieap- will bear investigation; c>>ntrnl; rent $25. GEO W. 11. PATTKR.SOX A CO., 927 Market! room pARPENTER-SHOP; GOOD JOBBING KUsT- OLD - ESTA BLISH FD RESTAURANT ON Market si. ; price $ 1 600. R. j., box 6, Call. Gil 7'^ rOR GROCERY AND DELICACY rj>± It) store; three furnished houspekeeimr rooms; best locution; amount Treldy; G jSurthiu 00 ° X B^^«nKElM OESTAURANT FOR SALE. CLOSE TO CAR- SaaSjT""' '"veatigate. Ro^om W ANTED A FIRST-CLASS MAN TO LEASE »' an elegant hotel now being linished- the be^l ' C^omce: 0111 '' 0 ' 11^ AdarC3S «"^ne S8 , t bo S b 69! RUlf, IISH AND POULTRY BUSINFSs" meri^^rke^s? 15 re ' Jt: BUUable M^i i§sOO|p?F fl ?SSB'^« I A HALF focatedonAlHrl-P P t ay f iDS t C^ hbuslnessin th >B St> gp^ro^^ cVoc^bTd^ 00^ 8 --^ HKV " DESTAUBANT — iTUST BE soi n — tuts 1^ ESI 'AU UA XT-TWO LI VIM-ROOMS- (inn n 236 Tmrd st. esta bli3!ied: account Bickness. M^^gjj.ng7 G l^H B o^^ S ' GOOb S^OUO A » A RI GOOD LOCATION; to-aln,nnV' WCII advert »Bed; established 7 years lusin^ «t Ri C^n DRe3 * a2B a month doin«cash proved i-hrr ° amonth could be greatly i m - mnrh nlh th P ro '? cr attention, owners having too clYirri. £r business: will -sell at Inventory; no gjggwgg^'y'-st . AdareM ° r W Facm ° rpilE PALACE HOTEL a v,^ lah - mk s docino county, OAU, 10 rent OR FOR SALE ■'. ' on liberal t f?1 alre of J M. MANNON, Ultlah, or WIL- LIAM HEESER. Mendoclno. ' \IOSTCOXVENIKXT AVD RK.sPKCTABLE; .w>« Inchesier House, 44 Third St., near Market: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $3 per week; free bus to and fiom tlie ferry- I^OR SALE— DRY -GOODS CLOTHING AND k. Oe t) slne stock $7000. In a city of Oregon which for special reasons nas an exceptionally bright future; cash trade o:iiy: wrnn cash. Ad- dress this ofllce. PARTNER WANTKD — Btmimnfc F.STA B- X lished since 1860; capital renul-ed fnni ti> 000 to ->('.0()(J. Address B. M.. P. i>. I'O^ 2435. SEffl.\O SIACHI.NES. ~~~ ALL KINDS SEWING-MACHINES BOUGHT, ■"■ sold, rented, exchanged «nd repaired; lowest rates. 206 Fourtb St., near H« yard. . I,ODGIXG-HOUSKS FOR SALE. TEXBERG. 63-i MARKET, OPP. PALACE „ flotel. $700—30 rooms: half block of Market. $10(10—15 rooms; corner; guarantee clears $80. 1 "i 5 1500—27 rooms: owner 5 years: clears $150. $275—19 rooms: at your own price. $250—23 rooms; city front; big bargain. 9^-room cornebThouse AT YOUR OWN ■&O price. 18 rooms; fine new furniture $1,800 60 rooms to exchange for real estate 5,500 30 rooms; rent $75; bargain 1,500 16 rooms. inclii(lii:s: piano 700 6-room corner flat; central • 400 10-room house; very central... l 260 H. C. DECKEK.I2O6 Market St., cor. Taylor. I Cj/TAA 16-ROOM; MODBTRN FuRNTTUREj «Jn I \-l\J. suitable for hoarding-bouse: on Post at. SPECK A CO., 602 Market. 4 LMOST HALF ITS PRICE: 35 - ROOM JA. house, with very low ront, clearing about $110 to $120 a month: reduced to $1650. part cash. SPECK A CO.. 602 Market st. ■ Cji X(||| CASH —30 ROOMS; ELKGANLY X»Jvf I ' furnished; best possible location; full desirable roomers: clearingoverexpen«psslso:seo I this bargain. BARUETT A: SKIFF, 6C5y 2 Miirkrl. £;]•)- FURNITURE AND LEASE OF 11 i&X.^.O. rooms and store; rooms well rented; good place for fruit store or coal yard; t'.vo months rent paid. 8139 Siateenih st. C? 1 tn ROOMING HOUBE; 13 RuOMS AND «JP I O\J. storeroom; 9 rooms occupied ; «iso ii: r_',» basement convenient for laundry. For particulars »pply 9 Carlos place, off O'Farrell street, near I'O.vell. Ny agents. \TOTICE— IOO LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE, 1> from Sl5O to 95000. STRANDACO., 45Third. IOA SIXTH — 16-ROOM LOEGING-HOUBE -L— Uand bath; rent $50; profit $10 to $45. (J-QAA 16 ROOMST CLEARING $10 PER «3rOUU. month; r.nt $gn. Inquire 3i;j Third st. TTOUSE OF 9 NSWItI PUBLISHED ROOMS; XX account of ch»nc« of business. 116Kddyst. 1 o-ItOOJI 1101 -<E. TO BK SOLD AT A BAB- XO paiß. 238 Sixth st. V\, ANTED— RENT. A FURNISHED LODO- >' lng house. W. A., box 145. Call Otli-.- FURMTUKE lOll SALE- -4 LWAYS BEFORE! SELLING SEE H. J. A lEUTHOLTZ. 120 Sutter, room 25. ECOND-HAND DOUBLE AND SINGLsfI 0 beds. 115 Second st. /COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR 4 ROOMS. *S0 \J Brussels carpet laid 45c Heavy linolpum 40c Free packing and delivery across the bay. Coun- try orders solicited. Send for circular. SHIREKA SHI UEK, 1810-12 Stockton »t. Open evening. EDUCTIONS ON LARGE TTOCK, NEW AND -IV- Bwonri-hand; 400 carppt.i, good 03 new; oil- cloth, 25c: parlor suits, Sl9 up: linoleum, 45c: 7- piece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 250: ranges, $6: cash or Install menu: goods shippt>J free. T. li. NELSON. 126 Fourtli st. 1 PP.ICES i.N FI.'RNITUKE A N D CARPETS I 1 'V,< wnolf n - MrCAV.K^, 94f>-9SO Mission s- CARPET CLKANINU. CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J. renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON Jt CO.. 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 38. TVTATIONAL CARPET BEATING AND ItEXO- IX vatlng Works HAMITONABAILLY-. layin? jtnd altering. 313-315 wucrrero: Tel. Mission 244. ITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AXT> Renovating Works, K8 and 40 Eighth st. - O. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 990. \VrHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH » » poor work Rend to SPAULDING'9 PioneerCw- ret Beatinc; Works, 353-7 l'c.'iama: tei. So-40. pONKLIN'S CABPJST BEATING WORKS. 33.J \J Golden Gate cvp. : telephone east 126. HE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANINU Co. (incorp-): old established enrpet cleaning machines; cloanin? 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. I KoQUBRNti CARPET BE ATINU AND XX.V • ' . 'ivaliiisr works. 453 Ni-v«-ason: '■'•!. 3225. PIANOS. VIOLINS, £Tf. AN EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE lIARDMAN" piano, with new design of case, just received; took first medal at Columbian Exposition; wonder- fully full and melodious tone; wil! outlast any other piano in existence; moderate pric.-; a second-hand Hardman now in stocic for sale at half regular ! price. The J. DEWING COMPANY, second Boor, Flood building. F.INWAY. WEBBR. EMEREON. ESTEY 0 and numerors other standard mak of piano.* and or;ans are sold upon easy terms and reaso»iably by SHERMAN, CLAY * CO., piano honsH. cor. Keiirny and Sutler sts. A STEiNWAY, $235: MAHOGANY PIANO. -^v $48; HEINE, 410 Post st. \ STEINWAY sacrificed immi> > v dlaiely for $225; splendid condition. Room 21, 809 Market st. A I. aT ■ OPPORTUNITY; FINE UPRIGHT -ry- piar.o: must be exchanged for cash Immpdi atelJ ; $140; will buy it to-day. Room. 10. I-lood building. TVPCE SQUARE PIANO; MUST BE SOLD ■*•' this week; price $45. Room 21. Flood bldg. 1 $Wm KLEOANT UPRIGHT RO*J3W(>Jn r4/XW\J.;or&aie!?siu3tallmects. 221 Leavenwonh HEM ME A LONG PIANO ■•. HAYB My. moved to 735 Market st. » fw^ ELEGANT NEW PIANO AT A BARGAIN. Storage warehouse, 211 Larkin st. OJI I OX A FINE U RIGHT. BRUENN'S <DJL.£c>. Piano House, 22S Post st. ANUFACTURERS OF GUITARS, VIOLINS, mandolins, xitliers. lutes, etc. -'17 Ellis st. TKTK ABE NOW SOLE AdJCNTS FOR THK " celebrated Knabe Pißno: new styles vist re> celved. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON. 16 O'Farrell st. UPRIGHT PIANOS FBOM fIOO UP. HOI? NUNG'S. leading piano-house. illC Post st. pKLEBRATED BUBB A GEBTS PIANOS 7 I X..] tone nnsuri>nssed: cases unique. A. L. BAN- CROFT A CO., 324 Post st. ViUI'r:RIOK"yiOLI.NS, ZITHEUS. OLD A NEW > J!. MILLER, maker, repnirer. Latham placa EMOVED— F. W. SPENCER A CO. TO 3SS Post. St., near Powell, »olp agents Conover, Colby and Spencer piano 3. SSB Posi nt. l\rM. G. BADGER WITH KOHLER A CHASE, ' ' 26, 28 and 30 O'FarreU st. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The finest Una of new pianos for rent and sals irancisco. J. HARRY bCOTT, 829 Market st., Spreckeis building. I('ASY TEKMb; LOW PRICES. KoHLKK * J-* tUASK. A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to IvOHLER A CHASE'S, L'B and 30 O'Farrell st. ECKER BROS,. STEINWAY, FISCHER AND XJ other first-claas makes of pianos: little usad- cheap for cash or on easy terms, kuk '.1. Jt i CHASE *>S and 30 O'Farrell st. UARGAI.NSJN HIGH-GRADE PIANOS: EASY XJ payments. SCHMITX A CO., 935 Market st. AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS." guitars and banjos at MaUVaI.S'. 769 Market. UVP.ON MAUZY, 30S POST .— UOaMBBT -»-• Newby A Evans. Brings and other plnnos. tec k . CHIOKERING A SONS., VOSE AND Sterling pianos sold on $10 Installments. BENJ CURTAZ A SOX, sole azents. 16-20 O'Farrell su idOKS S. OOD DBAFTHOBSE, 9 YEARS old) weighs 1400 pounds; cheap: works single and double. 1020 Bryant St., bet. Eighth and Ninth. HORSES PASTURED; MONTH : GOOD care and feed; send for circular. The Hyde ranch. 630 Commercial st. jh HORSES FOR SALE: ALSO WAGONS tlv busKiei, carts, harness; Grand Arcade Hor« Market, 327 Sixth St.: auction sales every Weane*- I day. SULLIVAN A DOYLE, AncUoneers. 1 AA SETS SECOND-HAND HAKNESS; ALu XKJyj kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carti: also 20 chean horses. Flfteentii ini'l Vali-ncia <;v WAGONS A-iO CAKKIAUES. TirAGOXS. CARTS. CHEAP »» ECJAN'S, 2117 Mission: wagon want. d. \y AGONB »50, BUGGIES $75, lIAKNESSS3, '» cart.ssls. Qai. Carriage d... 36^3 Fremant. JFOK SALE-3II.SC£JLLAMiOi.S. ©9^H SLOo7YAtJHTr27xTi^ " APPLY 1548 «H)^.tJV7. Park St., Alameda. FINE YOUNG COWS, ONE FRESH, FOR sale. 913 Fourteenth st. OB SALE— ONE HAND FI RE ENGINE, Jeffers make, good as new, side brakes; also 1 two horse-ponvr upright enmne and boiler. Ai>- ply 1367 l'eraltast.. Oakland. (fjOQ SINGER SEWING-MACHINE; NEW . H^^Lij. style 1 : attachments. 1915 Mission, be- tween FUteenth and Sixteenth. UITS. JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, KTC OX easy Installments. 118 Grant aye., room 7. OTS OF BRICKS AND LUMBER AT OLD i sugar refinery, Bth and Harrison. .F. MOORE. S" ELLING OUT AT A BARGAIN— THE N- tire stock of rattan chairs, rockers, stools, stands, tables, etc.. now at 2004 Howard St., near Sixteenth; must be Rold In 80 days. Ky order of California Ratian Co., wholesale. 61 First St.; no dealers. . JUST FORFEITED 2 UPRIGHT PIANOS. 1 ilne guitar, « gents' and 8 ladies' line gold watches, and 4 pairs of diamond earrings, all tor 1/s original cost. • UNCLE HARIII- , 15 Grant ay,.. a LL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT j\ and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex.. 310 California. ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE fire and burglar proof safe. 221, 223 Market st. VJ ATIONAL CASH REGISTER, S A I, C li scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. E\V RAKGEB CHEAPER THAN SECOND-' 1> hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co.. 12 California sc. (\ OUNT i R S, SHELVING. SHOW CASKS \J bought andnold 11213^ Market bet. 7th and B:U ATTOKXEYS-AT-UW. A VVKS f BSE;' DIVOBCS AND' nG&BATa rV* w 5 a specialty; suiu, Superior, Justice and «°w « 8w£" : , ? rm . rrMonable ; collections, etc. O.W.HOWE, atf y-at-law, b5O .cor.Stocluoa - W A y iI)SON ' ATTORN KY-AT-LA\V.42a . California St., rma. 14-18; adYicetrsi,