Newspaper Page Text
10 SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." BfjaimaaS OFFICE of the San Francisco <!U Market stree.t, open untU 13 o'aoct erery HJrht in th« year. . ... BRANCH OFFICES-630 Montgomery •treat, ccrrrrClay: >pen until 9:30 o'clock. fft Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. •718 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'cloclc W. comer Sixteenth and Mlsstou street* opM o til r o'clock. Ss 3 fc Mission street, open until B o'clock. 116 Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. CIIDKCH NOTICES. et- : ar?y presbytSria n cnuRCH, C£-^ corner of Powell nnd Geary sts.— Rev. John Hemphill, D.D., pastor, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7-30 p.m. Topic for evening, "History Ful- ri.led in the Histor>- of the Jews"; fifth in the course. Morning music: Anthem, "Prepare Ye the Wav of the Lord" (Garrett): offertory, soprano solo, "l-Vayer" (Tosti), Mrs. Beatrice Priest-Fine. Evening music: Anthem, "O, How Amiable (Barnby) : offertorr, quartet, "O, Come Every One That Thirsteth," from Elijah. All are invited. •^S> FIRST BAPriST CHURCH, EDDY ST., ls<£? near Jones— Rev. M. P. Boynton, acting pas- tor. Services Sunday. December 8. Preaching by the acting pastor at 11 a. m. Subject. "The o"pemner Gate," and at 7:30 P. m. : topic, "The Un- known God." Baptismal evening service. Sunday- scnool at 12:30 p. m. Y. P. S. of C. E. at 6:30 r. St. ounir Men's meeting Tuesday evening, 8 o'clock. Prayer-meeting Wednesday at 7:46 p. m. All these services are open to the public Strangers are welcome. nF=|S GRACE METHODIST EPISCOPAL Ur^"? Church, cor. Capp and Twenty-first sts.— The Rev. M. F. Colburn, pastor. Sunday, December 8. at 11 a. M.. tlie pastor will preach an especial Illustrated sermon to children, entitled, "What Is in a Bottle." Seats will be reserved in the center of the house for children; all are invited. Preaching services at 7:30 p.m. Subject, "Two Lives, Two Deaths, Two Eternities.". - Seats free. SpS FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH, COR- t£3? ner Geary and Franklin sts.— Rev. Horatio stebbins, D.D., "minister. William O. Elliott Jr., associate, at the church Mondays from 10 to 12. Sunday-school at 9:45 a.m. rvices at 11a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. All are cordially invited. f£^> SECOND UNITARIAN CHI.RCH, COR- Lt-» ncr ot Twentieth and Capi> sts.— Rev. A. J. ■Wells will morning and evening. Morning subject, -'The Long Day and the Long Way of God." Evening topic, "The Many Sources of Living Water." All our cordially invited. Ct^S FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CIIURCn, &-^ cor. Post and Mason sts.— Rev. C. O. Brown, D.D., pastor, will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock. Theme, "The H«>art of the Eternal." In the evening, 7:30 o'clock: theme. "The White Horse of Revelation and His Rider." Sunday- school at 12:45, 1. 11. Morse, superintendent. Mrs. Cooper's Bible class in the auditorium. "The General Howard class" in the pastor's office. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. All are cordially invited, especiailj' strangers. ttZZs^fill CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, LS^ Fifteenth St., near Mission— Rev. William Rader. pastor. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of members at 11 a.m.; Sunday- school 12:30; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. Evening service. 7:30, "The Handwriting on the Wall." Chorus choir under William C. Stadtfeld will ren- der «ood music. Seats free. All welcome. mrx* MORMONS AND MORMONISM IN Z£<G' Friendship Hall, 909 Market St.. at 2 and 7-45 p.m. Elder Henry S. Tanner, president of the California Mormon Mission, will discourse at the evening service. Subject, "The Object and Destiny of Mormonism." All Welcome. No col- lection's. |E^s= a CLASS IN DIVINE SCIENCE WILL t*^*^ commence at Howe College, 328 Seven- teenth st.. city, Tuesday evening, December 10, 8 o'clock. The principles of being will be taught, and the wonderful law of health, success and satisfac- tion will be demonstrated by the students. The law works for every one who nnderstands truth. All can be healed of their diseases. Public cor- dially Invited to the opening. M. E. and C. L. Cramer, teachers and healers. Office hours from 10 to a daily. BPS* CALIFORNIA PSYCHICAL SOCIETY.— &<& J. j. Morse of London will lecture under the auspices of the above society at Beethoven Hall, Savoy bldg. cor. Post and Powell sts.. this evening at 7:45. Subject, "'The Doctrine of Immortality: Its Foundation in Nature." being th- iirst of a series of four lectures. Admission free. Wp&* FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, BCIEN- B -*' tlst— Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. in Beethoven Hall, 336 Post St., cor. Powell. All are welcome. • SP^S= THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY — FREE .S^^ public lecture every Sunday evening at 320 Post st.. at 7:45. To-night: "The Mysteries of Sex." by Dr. Allen Griffiths. SUNDAY 3IEETINGS. I^~AT ££<& sive Spiritual Church— ll a. m., test develop- ing circle; 2 p. M., tests, Mrs. Bird, Dunham, Mr. Keegan, Prof. Gee; 7:30 T. m., independent slate- writing by Dr. Wood; bring your slates; tests, Mrs. Dunham and others; table rappings, Dr. Lou Pat- terson; Rev. Dr. Warnon, divine healer, cures the sick by laying on hands; admission 15c at night. t£^S» CHARLES BROCKWAY WILL DE- \£<& vote remainder of his time in city to the de- velopment of mediums: all wishing to develop should call immediately. 330 Ellis st. WtZS* THE tsOCIETY OF PROGRESSIVE l?-^ Spiritualists will meet at Golden Gate Hall, on Sutter st.. between Mason and Taylor, on bun- day eveninjr. December 8, 1895. at 7:80 o'clock. Speaker, Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe Watson. Subject: "Spiritualism in Its Personal Ministrations." Music by the Misses Lillian and Emily Coleman. Ad- mission free. fZOS' AT DR. RIN-ES' SPIRITUAL MEET- E&3s' Ins-, 909 Market st., 2 and Bp. m. Circles and platform tests. Mmes. Bird, Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Tobias. Mr. Brares. Office 1236 Market St.; 10 to 5 p, M. Circles Tuesday and Friday 8 p.m. R^sp MME. MONTAGUE. THE WONDER EK e> ful and gifted inspirational speaker, will lecture and answer questions before the Psychical society of Oakland this (Sunday) evening at Fra- ternal Hall, 1156% Washington St., Oakland, at 8 p. sr. Sp^s= PROF. VANDER NAILLEN'S NEW LF-S' book, "In the Sanctuary," will be reviewed by W. J. Colville, the noted spiritual lecturer, to- morrow, Monday. Bp.», at hall, 997 Market st. . jjPgp EST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT: 10c. - MME. ifcJP YOUNG. 605 McAllister St.; eood music.; Jt^S= DX. ROBBINS HAVING RECOVERED Efr-J? from the attack oj pneumonia, will lecture next Sunday night at Washington Hall. j?^g> GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEETING, met- c£js' ropolitan Temple, Sunday, December 8, 3 p. m. Address by W. W. Case, D.D. subject, "The : Pope and Politics." I jjjPs= MRS. COLE, CLAIRVOYANT, TRANCE Efj*' medium, gives advice on all subjects through her wonderful power; sittings daily. 528 Golden Gate aye. B^S> MRS" C CORNELIUS, BUSINESS CS--^ medium: circles Tuesdays and Friday even- ings; admission 10c. 1035 Market st. I2^g= MRS. MAYO-STEERS; CIRCLESTUES- tS^F day and Friday, 8 p. m.; Thursday,; sittings daily. 101 Grove st. CfcSg=» MRS. ELSIE REYNOLDS' MEETING 8636' 2 p.m.: apeaklng; slate-writing; tests; heal-' ing. 35 Eddy st.: iree. WO&* MRS. FULTON; MATERIALIZING 8E- Bfr-G? ance to-night, BP. M.: 60c: sits daily. 31 Fell. jjF^p MRS. KATE HEUSSMANN HOLDS Ef^ public test circles at parlors 793 Stevenson St., off Ninth; admission 10c; sittings dally. j£Ssp> C. T. MILLEB7- MATERIALIZING Ep^^ seance 8 p. m., 535 Post st : 50 cen 8. NOTieiJ OF MEETINGS. is§^ EXCELSIOR LODGE NO. '^smjUuZ, " ts~~^y 310, i. O. O. F.— Regular meet-:^«|^. li.p MONDAY KVI-.NING, I)t.-ct?mber =S?<2!«= 9, 1895. Initiation and other impor- -^wtt^ tant business to come up before the lodee. . Visit- liik members cordially welcomed. order of P. W. SMITH, N. G. E. L. Ibelaxd, Rec. Sec Efrsp THE OFFICERS AND members Jo i>-& of Boadicea Circle No. 3 are hereby notified to attend a special meeting at their" 1 hall SUNDAY, December 8. at 12:30 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, Past Arch JOHN JI. KNARSTON. ,-. JOHN GOSCH, Arch Drnid. John Hutton, Secretary. jjjtrSp HARTNAGEL SUPREME ABCH Jjj ; ES^^ Chapter No. 3, U. A. O. D.— The officer* rßn and members of Harmagel Chapter are re-*" . quested to asscmole at their hall, 413 Sutter St., • SUNDAY, December 8, at 12:30 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Past Chief Druid JOHN H. KNAHSTON. M ES J. MOLLISON, Chief Druid. John Hcttox, Secretary.' Jt^= GRAND GROVE CALIFORNIA xAo t>-»; U. A. O. D.— To the officers and mem-ejjfcl bers: You are requested to assemble in***- Druids' Hail, 413 Sutter St., SUNDAY, Dec. 8, 1895, at 12 m.. for the purpose of attending the fu- neral ot our dtceased brother, Ex-Grand Secretary J. JI. KNAlts'i ON. Interment at Cypress Lawn Cemetery. . By order O. H. JIOAG, N. G. A. J. J. Moiuson, Grand Sec. CKSy 3 U. A. O. D.-TO THE OFFICEKS»J)L> Lt--iy and Members of Hesperian Grove No. eSS 15: You are requested to attend a special^""" meeting SUNDAY, Dec. 8, 1895. at 12 m., 413 Sutter St., forth" purpose of attending the funeral of our late Bro. P. A.. J. H. KNARSTON. Inter- ment Cypress l.aivn Cemetery. ■ By order . J. J. Mollison, Sec. a. MAINZER, N. A. ffr^S SOTOYOME TRIBE NO. 12, 1. -<">^ ; l9^& O. R. M.— To the officer.! and^^^s- membsrs: You are requested to assem- iz^a^ ble at our Wigwam. 1. O. K. M. building, 3iiO Post st,, .SUvNDA V, December 8, 1895, at 12 m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother J. H. KNARSTON. Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery. Byorderof S. H. WI LCOX, sachem. Charles Wkstall, Chief of Records. ar^S 'HOGMANAY HAPPY WE'LL v O\, \s<&. be one arid a."—T he San Fran- 3\. 2\ jH Cisco Scottish Thistle Club will bring In >S»vY|^ tbe new year w;;h their annual ball and >fcss*fc banquet on the evening of December 31. Ball at 8 o'clock; banquet ,10 o'clock. Double tickets, $2 50; single tickets, $1 50. - ' JAMES NIVEN, Royal Chief. Aubed Millep., Recorder.' • , -- . tt^^ Tranklln s"avings AND BUILD. tF-* 7 ing Assoclation-rThe annual general meet- ing of this association will be he'd on MONDAY EVENING, December 9, in the building 413 Bush st., upstairs, at 7:30 o'clock. Election of officers for the ensuing year. A committee will be in attendance to receive votes from '1 o'clock in the afternoon. By order. . • . > -. WILLIAM HATJ£, Secretary. MEETING NOTlCES— Continued. T£sS' CALIFORNIA LODGE NO. 1. F. • E53S' and A. M. Funeral notice— offl-_^V_ cers and members of the above-named lodge jS[2f are hereby notified to attend the funeral of f^& > our late brother, JOSEPH HOLLMAN PORTER- FIELD, In King Solomon's Hall, Masonic Temple, THIS DAY (Sunday), December 8, at 1:30 p.m. Master Masons and friends of the deceased are in- vited. By order of the master. ■'■'■■ v ,- : - FRANKLIN H. DAY, Secretary. tt^S= TO PHYSICIANS— THB MEMBEBB OF EE3» r the Father Mathew Total. Abstinence and Benevolent Society, at their meeting lo be held at Academy Hall, 927 Mission St.. near Fifth, on FRIDAY EVENING next, 13th inst., will receive bids from physicians for attendance on their mem- ; bers and their families for the ensuing term of six : months. ' W. M. GILLESPIE, President, 8 Eernard st. J. P. McGoire, Cor. Sec, 316 Brannan st. Ct^S= SELECT KNIGHTS OF AM ERIC A— THE Iss^-^ officers and comrades of Fearless Legion No. 2 are requested to assemble in full uniform at the hall, 20 Eddy st., SUNDAY, December 8, 1895. at 12 M., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late comrade, JOHN F. SCH WART- ING. Special— The officers and comrades of Tri- umph Legion No. 1 are cordially Invited. By or- der of >V. IRELAN, Captain. M- i- Vi A L » UXi <J*,S. gC^S= NOTICE— ABANDONED CHILDREN IN {£<& the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum since July, 1894. Louisa Eickhoff, aged 7 yrs.; Ellen Finsterbush, 7 yrs. Ellen Bragg, 8 yrs; May Doran, 6 yrs.: Mary Moesch, 7 yrs.; Clara Mann, 7 yrs.: Cora Burke, 12 yrs.: Mary Murray, 10 yrs. Respectfully, Sisters of Charity. tt^Sr' PROPERTY-OWNERS, ATTENTION— tS^S^ Now is the time to have your bouses under- pinned with Drick or wood ; having my own screws, etc, can do the work cheap. J. PATTINSON, 1219 Fillmore st. - |B^B= MRS. ROBB, 1035 MARKET ST., ROOM BS^^ 8, second floor; genuine massage treatment. «K3s=» CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE. l£*J£ f Chiropodlc Institute, room 22, 906 Market. gp^ss=> cornsTlngrowing nailsTsuccess- Is*& fully treated. DR. LLOYD, Lurline Baths. 95S= BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. *-*^ Collections made, city or. country. Pacifies Collection Co., 415 Montgy st.. room 6, Tel. &580. jtss=» windows Cleaned and floors B^*' scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI & CO.. 242 Sutter. 8K55 ROOM'S WHITENED, $1 UP: PAPER- 6^*' ed $3 50 uo. 317V 2 Third. Geortse Hartman. W£& COLLECTIONS: TKN A STB EJECTED, ts^£r siO: costs paid. 420 Montiromery, mi. 29. SITUATIONS WAXTKD-FEMALE. N ENGLISH COOK^ FIRST-CLASS REFe"r- ences from last place; also a German ana two Swedish housework girls, with city references, and a French cook, want situations; can be seen at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 424 Sutter St., tel. main 5472. a ICANWOMAN wants a SITUATION x\. as cook; understands her work In all its branches. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton su T^RENCH NURSE— YEARS REFERENCES, -C wants a situation with infant or grown children. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. TfTfRST-CLASS GERMAN COOK; NEATEAST- X 1 crn girl; house girls awaiting. MME. LEO- POLD, 20 Stockton st. pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS WORK BY \J the day washing and housecleaning, 75 cents per day. Call or address 8 Anthony st., bet. First and second. Tir ANTED— A POSITION AS TYPEWRITER » » and stenographer: good references; wages no object. 240% Sixth st. WILLING YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK ii by the day washing or housecleaning, $1 day and car fare. Call or address 1218 York st. . WOMAN WISHES GENEP.AL WORK BY " the day housecleaning, etc., $1 a day. Call 920 Howard st., rear. Tir ANTED— BY LADY WITH HIGHEST REF- " erences position as housekeeper in hotel, rooming-house or private family; city or country. Address LADY, box 33, Call Oflice. WANTED-BY LADY WITH Al REFER-' »* ences position as housekeeper in private fam- ily ; city or country. Address P. F., box 33 Call. yOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER OF ABIL- X ity desires a position. Address G. M., box 71, Call Office. TYLISH DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE O work by the day in family; good cutter and fitter. 510 Fourth St., clothing store. OEBPECTABLE YOUNG GTRL WISHES A XV situation to do general housework. Call or ad- dress 917% Mission st. ELIABLE GERMAN GIRL WISHES A POSI- XV tion to do second work and wait on table, city or country. Address Reliable, box 74, Call Office. pOMPETENT WOMAN WANTS SITUATION, \J city or country; is good cook, baker and laun- dress or housework ; nationality Scotch; references. Call Monday 419 Minna st., near Fifth. pOMPETENT WOMAN WISHES A SITUA- \J tion to do housework; good plain cook and laundress; city or short distance in country; wages $10. 1000 Washington st. •y OUNG WIDOW FROM NEW YORK CITY X wants a position as housekeeper. . 995 Market St., room 14, 2d floor. y OUNG WOMAN OF REFINEMENT, NEAT X and thoroughly competent, would like the care o» furnished flat. Call or address 608 Taylor aye., Alameda. ' ANTED— SITUATION BY A COMPETENT girl to do general housework In a small family. Call 748 Howard st. ■ EAMSTRESS WISHES SEWING BY THE day, or will take it home; terms reasonable. Address S. H., box 22. this office. RESSMAKER — EXPKKIENCED DRESS- maker from Boston wishes engagements by the day. Room 62, International Hotel. XPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES Hi engagement by day; satisfaction guaranteed. 921 Post st. p ERMAN GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO VJT general housework. Call or address 707 Va- lencia st. "yOUNG LADY WANTS SITUATION AS X housekeeper or any light work. Apply 706 Ellis St., room 3, first floor. "DELIABLE, COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS XV situation In hotel or private boardintc-bouse to do any kind of work. Address H. A., box 69, Call. yOUXG LADY WISHES A POSITION AS X housekeeper. Call or address 40 McAllister at., room 1. IMRST-CLASS WASHER and HOUSE- J cleaner wishes work by the day; $1 and carfare. Call or address 864% Mission st., room 7. ; THIRST-CLASS HOUSECLEANER WISHES Xj work by the day; can do washing and ironing; $1 25. Call or address 47 Jessie St., middle fiat. . TTURST-CLASS COOK AND GOOD SECOND XJ girl want place in same family. Address G. S. box 33, Call Office. -. . , y OUNG GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO DO X downstairs work and cooking; wages $20 to $25. Please call 844 Folsom st., bet. Fourth and Fifth. - ■-. ' . . ■ ■ybtTNG EASTERN GIRL WISHES A SITUA- X tion for housework and cooking. Please call 8-'9a Howard St., bet. Fourth ana Fifth. y OUNG NURSE WITH FRESH BREAST OF X milk desires position a.* wetnurse; best refer- ences. Call at 1131 Folsom st. RESPECTABLE YOUNG GERMAN WOMAN XV wishes a situation to do upstairs and plain sew- ing; no objection to a few children. Address 428 Orove St.. corner Octavia. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY; " washing or cleaning; $1 a day and carfare. Address D. F., box 19, Call Oflice. ITUATION WANTED AS WORKING housekeeper by a reliable young woman; no objection to country. Address MRS., box 20, Call. p ERMAN WOMAN ~ WANTS WASHING, vJT ironing and bousecleanlng by the day. Call 116 Shipley st., rear. BY DRESSMAKER, THOROUGH IN WORK;, private families; by day, week or month: low prices until acquainted. Address O. M., box 74, Call. ; . T> ELIABLE WOMAN WANTB WORK BY THE XV day at washing, housecleaning, ironing; $1 a day and carfare. . Call or apply 717 Howard si. r\BESSMAKEK' AND <- AMSTRESS; GOOD XJ filter and draper; sews 50c a day. M. M. t I box 92, Call Office. , pHILD"TO*BOARD. 116 FULTON ST. THIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS AND CHAMBER- X: maid; willing to assist with any work; good ref- erence; city or country; call Monday. 1575% Market st. . ' T\RESSMAKER WILL GO OUT BY DAY, XJ $1 50, or take work home. Call or address 125 Oak st. - . ■ ■ - ■-- ■ - N ELDERLY WOMAN WOULD LIKE A situation to do general housework; city or country ; will work cheap. 1200 Larkin st. yOUNG. LADY WISHES a POSITION AS X ca4uler or as waitress or second girl In board- ing-b*use. Inquire 607 Natoma st. . ,;•- A MEXICAN LADY WISHES HOUSECLEAN- XV. ing and light washing by the day. Address MRS. PETERSON, box G, Call Branch Office, Sixteenth and Mission sts. TNDUSTRIOUS LADY' WISHES ANY KIND X of work todoal home; can do most any kind of fancy work. Apply MRS. J., 41 Weston aye., off Telegraph aye., Oakland. . ;*.■.. . "JE WISH YOUNG GIRL WISHES A SITUA- O tion in Jewish family. Call at 16i8 Folsom st. Vf EAT RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS SITUA- -L' tion as housekeeper for respectable gentleman.' Address D. J., box 18, Call Office. ■ .. L~ADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS llOUSE- keeper or any kind of mending. 144 Fifth, r. 6. "tTespectable girl wishes a . sTfUA- XV tion. housework and cooking. Apply 321 Ellis. TMRST-CLAS3 COOK AN D BAKER WISHES X position, German or American cooking; '• will assist with washing. iT jT Market st. --• v - - T\RESSMAKER would like WORK HOME xJ or go out by the day at $1 60. 301 Franklin st. 2 GIRLS WOULD LIKE POSITIONS TB FBl- £i vate family to do cooking and second work; city or country. Address L., Call Branch Office, 116 Ninth st. . ■ ; .;. > , \ , pOMPETENT PARTY OVER *30 DESIRES \J position in family as nursery governess; good sewer: • experienced in the care of children. Ad- dress C. V., Call Brancb Office, 116 Ninth fit. THE SAJV FKAJNCJISCO CALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1895. SITUATION g^WAM TEP— Contlnned. Q GIRLS \VISH POSITIONS IN HOTELJTO DO £ chamber or other work; mining district pre- ferred. Address G., Call Branch Oflice, lltf Ninth. T> ELI ABLE, EXPERIENCED NURSE OR XL companion; lady, or gentleman; prominent physicians; references. Nurse, Industrial Union, Van Ness aye., telephone south 663. : .-'. .;■-.-.--•, T ADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S REPAIRING Xj neatly and reasonably done. 917 Market st., room 21. AiriDOW AS HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER; TT low salary, with privilege to keep son of 12 years. ■ M., box 70, Call Office. Oakland. . "EXPERIENCED LADY DESIRES POSITION Xj as working housekeeper; no ODjection to chil- dren. 1102 Howard st. • - • v --.. ■-.■•:-•-- v:: ; : G~ ERMAN GIRL WANTS POSITION IN private family, coo Kins or general housework. Call or address 1309 Stockton st. AIM' FROM THE EAST WOULD LIKE A position as housekeeper. 203 Powell, room 18. RENCHGIRL WISHES A SITUATION TO do housework or as chambermaid; city refer- ences. Apply. 1506 California st. :■ xperienceT) lady DESIRES a POSI- xu tion aa housekeeper. , 501 Post, r. 25. 2d floor. WIDOW OF EXPERIENCE DESIRES PO- ii sition In lodging-house or small family. Apply 230 Turk st. . - '.. .v ■/-.":'■. ■-■ - EFINED WIDOW WITH SOME MEANS would like a partner to assist her in a business venture. Call or address 230 Turk st. . OUTHERN LADY WANTS HOUSEKEEP- er's position or plain sewing. Call or address 203 Powell St.. room 5. ■ T7»MBROIDEiUNG SUSPENDERS AND MUF- XIJ flers a specialty. 105 Stockton, first floor, r. 22. WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NR. .»» Market; 200 rooms; 25c to SI 60 per night; ; f1 50 I#s6 per week ; convenient and respectable; free bns to and from the ferry. Tir ANTED— BY LADY, HIGHEST REFER- -11 ences, any position of trust, as invalid's com- panion, managing linen-room, hotel, or house- keeper. Address J., box 70, Call Office, Oakland. INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NR. "» Market; electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to $150 per night: $1 60 to $6 per week free dus to and from th«» ferry- SITUATIONS WAN TED P"^c7gTco6 k^socTlsu ppilielscoo ksTa l l .branches:short notice. 4 Geary. ;tel. Grant 46. TTUNTER <fc CO., CHINESE ANI7 JAPAN- XX ese employment office, 17 Webb St.. below Kearny, bet. California and Sacramento: , tel. 231. PHINESE AND JAPANESE HELP— EST. 20 \J years: tel. 1997. BRADLEY'S, 640 Clay st. p ERMAN, 23 YEARS OLD, WISHES ANY vJT kind of position. Address G. KARLSHUHER, 921 Post st. ' ANTED— BY COMPETENT OFFICE MAN TT position as manager or assistant: moderate salary; references. Address A. T., box 117, Call. VV^ANTED-A POSITION AS TUTOR BY A " Harvard graduate; Ph.D. of Columbia and M.A. of the University of California; preparation for college a specialty: also French, Spanish and ] Italian. Apply to MAY L. CHENEY, 300 Post st. T> ELIABLE CANDY-MAKER*"WANTS A SIT- XV uation; has long experience. Call or address B. NICHOLS, 1065 Market St., room 8. yOUNG MAN, 21, MERCHANT, RECENTLY X from Germtiny, speaks English fairly well, wishes a situation of any kind: low wages. Ad- dress Y. M., box 161, Call Office. OUNG MAN WISHES SITUATION IN X private family; can milk, care for garden and to make himself generally useful; best city refer- ences. Address J. F., 127 Turk st. yOUNG. GERMAN. GOOD CARPENTER, X cabinetmaker, with tools, wants situation; is willing to do any kind of work. Please call or ad- drees 120 ' Valley St., bet. Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth. \\ ANT ED— A PLACE TO WORK FOR BOARD »I while at school. Address P. 8., box 60, Call. N~ EXPERIENCED " SHOECUTTER AND upper ntter, on custom work especially, wishes a position; city or country. J. J., box 67, this oflice. ' TIT ANTED — SITUATION AROUND PLACE M by middle-aged man; understands care of horses, miHiinc and garden work; good references. Address JOHN, box 17, Call Office. \t- ANTED— BY YOUNG man a POSITION; '» salary asked f 6 per week; first-class salesman; excellent Eastern references. Address Y. M., box 75, Call Office. T7<MPLOYMENT OF ANY KIND WANTED BY Tj young man, aged 23: abstainer; willing to work. R. a, 752 Folsom st, . IpX-RAILKOAD MAN DESIRES POSITION J of some outside work; pleasant address and good talker. Address R. R., box 126, Call OGlce. TOUT YOUNG MAN WANTS A POSITION about place or anything; good driver and un- derstands horses:, small wages. Address L. M., box 74, Call Office. , nr,\NTED^IJY A MIDDLE-AGED MAN, PO- ii sition as bookkeeper or accountant; has Al references. Address PROTY, box 135, Call Office. p ARDENER— MIDDLK-AGED MAN WISHES vJT place in a private family: single: understands his business. Address J. C, box 44, Call Office. yOUNG GERMAN WISHES SITUATION AS X butler or similar work. Address 724 Mission. yOUNG MAN DESfRES * POSITION TO X drive delivery or work in butcher-shop, with ch»nce to learn butcher business; first-class refer- ences. J. E. H., box 47, Call Office. *y OUNG. MAN WOULD LIKE TO .LEARN X grocery business. 919 Sanchez st. y OUNG INDUSTRIOUS MAN WANTS POSI- X tion to work around gentleman's place; under- stands care of horses, cows and garden. - Address C. A., box 123, Call Office. SITUATION WANTED BY DRUG CLERK: 8 O years' experience: single; best of references; city or country; small wages. Address A. X.; 168% Clementina st. IDDLE-AGED man AND WIFE would like situation on fruit ranch; man well experi- enced in fruit: womun good cook and housekeeper; no children. Address or call 28 Eighth St., room 68. "\1 AN WANTS FREE PASSAGE KAST IN i'l return for services. Address 8.. box 4, Call. OOD FLOWER PAINTER WISHES A PO- sition with decorator; small salary to com- mence, n. ANDERSON, 912 Pacific. ' "■VTURSK OR VALET TO INVALID GENTLE- -L> man; long experience; highest medical and private reference. Address Nurse, box 4, Call Of- fice, Oakland. TIT ANTED— DO THE SHIPPING FOR A ii wholesale firm, by ■ young man who can furnish first-class references; will fur"ish own team. Address J. J., 27 John street, off Mason, between Pacific and Jackson. ' p ERMAN BOY, 18 YEARS, WOULD LIKE U a position on stock ranch or private place. Address E., box 19, this oflice. yOU.NG MAN, WOOD-TURNER, WISHES a J- job in city or country. 1 Address 8.C., box 20, this office. # . pHINESE AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT \J office. J. W.JlM. 637 Commercial st. . IEMALE UtLi- WANTED. WANTED-FI RST-CL ASS WAITRESS AND parlormaid, $25; German nurse, also assist in second work, $25; French nursery governess, $25: cook and laundress. Martinet. '26; 50 good house- work girls, for city and country, $25 and $20; 10 young housework girls, #18and $20. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Slitter st. ■ GERMAN AND 1 FRENCH SECOND GIRLS, $20; Scandinavian housework girls, 1 12, *15 and $20; German girl for ranch, see party here Monday, $20. C. R. HANSEN <fe CO., 110 Geary. ANTED-WORKING HOUSEKEEPER FOR ranch near city, $20 per month and found. Apply to W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. WANTED-A CHAMBERMAID AND WAIT at table some, $20, room. etc.; housekeeper, 25 to 35 years of age, widower, city, $16, etc.; chambermaid, country, $16, "room, etc., fare paid, see parties In office, 11 a.m. to-day. MARTIN'S Employment Agency, 740 Market st. . ANTED-CHAMBERM AID FOR LODGING- house to-day; 10 girls, $20. MME. LEO- POLD, 20 Stockton st. .;-.••" •■-..! ■•.-.■•<■■.■ ' ANTED — EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID for private family; must be willing and oblig- ing and know how to do plain sewing. . Address 8., box 67, this office, giving nationality, references and age. T ADIES INSTRUCTED IN HAIRDRESSING, XJ manicuring, face treatments, removal wrinkles, etc.; class or private. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post. T ADIES HAVING FEW HOURS'. LEISURE lJ should write me at once regarding- pleasant I home work : easily pays $18 weekly ; no deception ; I will certainly pay you to investigate. ■ Reply with I stamped envelope MISS M. A. STEBBINS, Lawrence, Mien. . ' ■ ... - . _ •■;;'.*,;., "VTEAT, QUICK young GIRL for general X> housework; family of. 4; must be good cook and baker; wager $16 to $20. Apply 10 to 12 a. M.,f1116 Brush St., Oakland. ; . WANTED— PUPILS IN MILLINERY; LES- sons in class or private; evening class; hats trimmed reasonable. 410 Leaven worth st. ANTED-YOUNG LADIES to LEARN a complete course in millinery; will guarantee them positions in spring. Call at the New Insti- tute, 121 Post St., room 51. ANTED- APPRENTICE FOR DRESSMAK- ing; small wages at first. BRADLEY, 313 I Geary st. ;.-; .;■'..- .: _. \: 1 -.- ..... : W~ ANTED— GOOD LADY SOLICITORS;: BAL- ary and commission. C, box 33. Call Office. " ANTED — SINGLE WOMAN TO ASSIST with light work In widower's house; home and small - wages. Address W. H., box < 33, this office, stating and nationality. , :. rpilE MOST RELIABLE - DRESS-CUTTING X school Is 505 Fell St. MRS. R. L. JONES. :;>i MEAT, WILLING GIRL FOR LI G H ±V housework; small family; references requirea.' 1136 Turk St.' r ATUMBER OF GIR'.S FOR COOKING AND Xi general housework; wages $20 to $25. - Apply at the Swedish and German Employment Bureau, 315 Slitter st.;., -. - ;.. ;/..;.,. -,- ,„■ :■-•,::■: ;■ ' IDDLE - AGED GENTLEMAN WANTS housekeeper '■ on ranch: - young widow,- »re- ferred. Address G., box 65, Call Office. Oaklatj*. ' pANTS-FINISHERB. 841 MARKET STBEET. ANTED-GIRL OR ; MIDDLE-AGED woman; must understand bushellng on gents' clothing. 212 Fourth st. . . -1— JI*?!? TEP Conttnned • ANTED— YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER • » and typewriter for lawyer; state wages and give particulars. Address S. F.. box 114. Call. : ■ T ADY CANVASSERS AND SOLICITORS ON XJ salary; good nosltions: saleladies in musliu underwear and fancy goods: must be experienced and capable of doing fancy needlework and mak- Ine estimates on same; our system of business will oe of assistance to you if you are in need of a posi- tion. United States ; Industrial Agency, room 167 Crocker building. G" IRL FOrThoUSEWORK; WAGES 810. 2094 YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. Y. G., X box 18, Call Office. . T ADIES TO DO WRITING AT HOME; IN- -i-i terior towns; good pay. C. C. CO., 131 Post st. GJ.IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; VX man preferred. 2322 Folsom St., bet. Nine- teenth and Twentieth. • • TAILORESSES, ALSO FIRST-CLASS WAIST- X finishers, wanted. 504 Sutter st. KESSMAKERS — FIRST-CLASS SKlRT- makers wanted. 504Sutterst. .: rTAIRDRESSING, 26c AND 3&c; MORNING XXjftnd^ev|gclaBses;lo lessons,sl 50. 1248 Mission. O'~ PERATORS ON FLANNEL OVERSHIRTS and underwear. LEV STRAUSS & CO., 32y a Fremont st. ' • 3 T AWRENCE PATTERN HOUSE— DP.FSS- XJ cutting school. 1231 Market st.,bet. Bth and 9th. UP I LS WANTED: POSITIONS GUARAN- X teed ; patterns 25c up: latest skirts 35c. McDOW- ■c-LL S Dressmaking Academy, 213 Powell st. MOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; ;"; W Inchester House. 44 Third st., near Market : 200 rooms; 25c to SI 60 per night: 81 £0 to $6 per week ; free bus to and trom the ferry. • W INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD, NEAR »» Market— Electric lights In very room- 200 rooms: 25c to SI 50 per night; SI 60 to $8 per week: fr»e bus to and from the ferry. DRfcSS CUTTING TAUGHT. U. S. TAILOR XJ system. 14 McAllister st., rooms 67 and 68. T ADIES TO SELL MANHATTAN egg FOOD- XJ is the best. C. KERTELL, San Mateo. ' lANO LESSONS BY THOROUGHLY X schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. P ROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- X tlng »nd making school : all branches. 702 Sutter. MALE. 111-.1.r WAMKD. \ V O SSoP*BBNCHOR S Wlis"sEcON D'coOKT X first-class hotel; second cook, country hotel 830. C. R. HANSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. I W ANTED-A POSITION AS TUTOR BY A "» Harvard graduate; M. A. and Ph.D. of Colum- bia; preparation for college a specialty: also French, Spanish and luuian. Apply to MARY' L. CHEENEY, 300 Post St. - Sit -10 A WEKK TCTSALKSLADY' OR GENT «JpOU to sell National Dishwasher: best and cheapest made; over 50,000 sold; washes and dries dishes in 2 minutes; no scalded fingers or broken dishes; no muss; sells on merit; satisfies all : easily operated ; also many other good sellers. Write World Manufacturing Company/WS, Colum- bus. Ohio. TVT ANTED — TIN.-.MTrlf OR AGENT, WITH »» 81000, in manufacturing business. Address O. X., box 14, Call Office. WANTED-IF YOU ARE A CATHOLIC AND '"of fair education aud appearance and want work, apply to J. N. ODELL, 7 City Hall square. MAN TO JOIN ME: WORKING PRO POSl- tion; 825 necessary. E., box 12, Call Office. BARBER SHOP, SISKIYOU Ca. RUNNING chairs. 25c shavins;: can be bought for 8175. BeeSTOIiTZ, 630 Market st. ■■ ■ ; . BARBER SHOP AND BATHS, SOUTHERN pun of California, $185. Call; this is a bargain. STOLTZ, 630 Market st. ■ WANTED— A GOOD MEAT COOK. 1416 Howard st. IMRST -CLASS COATMAKER (MAN). TO X I work inside. ROSENBLUM <fc ABRAHAM, 1103 Market st. -v INDUST R US MAN, WITH 840 CASH, CAN -L secure steady, profitable employment by ad- dressing H., box 58, Call Office. WANTED— CHILDKEN'SCLOTHING SALES- man; A 1 reference required. KAPIIAF.LS. l\ ANTED— STEADY MAN FOR : LIuHT. '" active business; Stss per month to start with; cash required. $150. 632 Market St., room 8. . Fngle MAN WANTED AS PARTNER BY single lady, in good business; smallcapltal. Ad- dress G. 8., box 78, Call Office. ANTED- MEN -EVERYWHERE TO ACT ■•» as privutedetectives tinder instruction; experi- ence unnecessary; contract and guarantee fur- nished. Address Co-operative Detective Agency, Nashville, Term. ' . \\r ANTED-A YOUNG UNMARRIED. MAN »" of experience as grocery clerk; state refer- ences. F. F. C, box 162, Call Office. OY WANTED— COMMISSION BUSINESS; f 3 per week. Address C, box 86, this office. VV" ANTED -AN AGENT TO DRIVE 0Y E- » f wagon. 685 Thirtieth St., Oakland. t OR RENT— BARBEU-SHOP: FURNISHED; central location; low rent. 950 Broadway, Oak- land. , .. ' , -- - , XKBT-CLASS COAT - PKKSSER; STEADY work: good wages. 641 Markets!. ■■■-'- V[E\V WALDO HOUSE, 765 .MISSION,- BET. J-* Third and Fourth. near;v opp. St. Patrick's Church— l inform my friends and patrons that the house is now ready for the reception of guests. No labor or expense. spared in puttin? the house in first-class condition. I. thank my friends and patrons for their past patronage and hope for a con- tinuance of same. Best house on Pacific Slope; no dark rooms; best lighted and ventilated house in city ; clean, quiet : a reading-room : one bed in ertch room; prices from 16c up per night, 81 upper week. . J.-BITTKKLIN, proprietor. R" OSBDALE HOUSE, 3-2 i ELLIS ST.— SINGLE furnished rooms, 20c: 81 per week. . '.<■;«. •, IiIAMEN -TO TAKE LODGING at iuc, lfto A'"' and 20c n night, including coffee and rolls. 1 624 Washington St., near Kearny. < ANTED— MEN TO GKT BOTTLE SHARP steam beer, 6c; bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay st. \V r ANTED-SINGLK ROOMS, 16c A DAY; $1 "I week ; rooms for two, 25c a day, 81 50 a week; readlns-room: dally papors. ,36 Clay st. "CURST-CLASS BHOK REPAIRING; REASON- X! able prices; no poor material. 319V4 Ellis st. 1 AA MEN TO GET A SHA VffTTO* 5C OR A ±Ul7 haircut for I Oc. 141/2 Montgomery aye. MKNS SOLING 50c: LADIES' 40c: -' DONE while you wait. 638 Market, opp. Palace Hotel. pORN ICE-MAKERS WA N 1 I ) AT THE \J Forderer Cornice Works, 224 Mission st. \ EN'S SOLES, 50c : HEELS, 25c: DONE IN 15 vunutes.while you wait. 1197 Market. cor. Bth. \M HOUSE. 961 mission, NR. SIXTH l'l —Thoroughly renovated : refurnished: 100 rms, 25c night to 81 50 week: clean; quiet; reading-rm. ARBERS-FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- X> retarv Barbers'Asso., 325G,rnntave. S. FUCns. EN'S SHOES HALF-SOLED 40c, LADIES 35c; done In 10 minutes. 959 Howard st. , INCH EST R HOUSE, 44 THIRD BT., N E A Market; 200 rooms, '-'5 cents a ni»ht; readlng- room: fre» bus to and irom the ferry. T INDELL HOUSE, SIXTH AND lIO>VARD-. J-J single furnished rooms: 75c week, 6c night. ARBERS, F<jß EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. 1 EARN A TRADE-SIGN OR PICTORIAL -LJ painting taught, for 85: great opportunity .• D. LEVY, 35 Eighth St., San Francisco. ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- ment secretary. CONRAD TROKLL. 657 Clay. fTIHE it a I LKOAD HOUSR M 8 OOMMSBCXI L 1 sr., below Montgomery; single rooms 15c night, 26c for two; best and cleanest house in town. ■ , AM KKE-CHINESE AND JAPAN ESE EM- ployment office, 611 Bush st.. nr. Grant aye.' 1?BBS BEER— TWO SCHOONERS POE sc; X 1 also a bottl tof lager, C>c, at 637 Clay st. ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT \ RECEIVE their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Slitter, r. 4. WHAT CHMR HOUSE, 629 >ACKAMENTO st. : 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms, 20c a day; 81 a week; meals, 10c. OZART, 819 ELLIS, ROOM S~2SC~~TO 60C night, 81 25 to B.V week; reading rooms. B E E COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME: X single rooms lßc. 20c a night, 81 a week. WANTED-LABORERS AND MECHANICS ' ' to know that Ed l'.olkln, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver . House, 217 Third St.; 150 , large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. EBT IN CIT/— SINOLK ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; 81. SI 25, $1 60 *por week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. ztfiri 1 M SECOND-H AN DJKD SHOES.SOME ttUU nearly new, 25c to 81 25. 662 Mission st. - rpRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- -l low Sixth, for a room: 25c a night; 81 a week. UST OUT; NEW MACHINE FOR RKPAIR- ing shoes: call and see; half-soled in 15 min- utes, done while I you wait ; all repairing done by machinery: all repairing at half price: work guar- anteed. 562 Mission et.. bet. First and Second. j BOARDING WANTED. wTA^TE^OIoIiETIN^RTv^TETF^AIJn^Y -■"" in Western Addition for brother and sister, adults. Address, stating terms, W. A., box 46, Call. WANTED-BY MAN AND WIFE AND~S- -»» , year-o:d child, sunny suite rooms, with board; private family: references. Q. Z-. box 10, Call. . j_ J ;■■■'■ : - : ' HOUSES tvantkd. ■_"_ '" : ._ ANTED — WEI^F^RNitS^^D^HOUSE", "» . containing 12 to 15 rooms, for immediate oc- cupation: location Western Addition. Address L,, box 153, this office. -..■■-,, ; KOOHS WANTED. :.-.. . ; ', : ■pURNIBHED ROOM IN EXCHANGE FORA J piano, half cash. P.. box 33, this office. : <X; -.-,-» • 2 FURNISHED;: ROOMS, WITH USE OF kitchen, for housekeeping, north of Market, not above Jones. Price not over 812. Please address G. H:F.,333 Bush st. - ■■■■■■■• v~ ... ■-.; _^_ MONE\ WANTED. TO CAPITALISTS — WANTED, MODERATE . sum •to complete ' the i most ' perfect cable or trolley j car fender extant; will seli an Interest or borrow the money, secured by . first-class real es- tate. L. W., box 33, Call Office. ..•■*'■' .V .',['.. agents wanted. *'.. ANTED-LOCAIT- AGENTS IN ' EVE R Y . town ■on ' the ' Pacific Slope to handle John Sherman's Recollections and i other publications; we also want six good men to travel and appoint acents. Address the ■', Werner Company, 7 City Hall square, San Francisco. . ■ S~ EVEBAL GOOD CANVASSERS WANTED for both city and country to handle fine quick selling articles: big pay. : Inquire of A. 8., Ferry Drug Co., 8 Market st. fO ATO $10 PER DAY PRACTICAL tJP^.OU men wanted everywhere to sell a series of high art saloon cards: sell on sight; have no equal; any man of ordinary ability can make above wages during the next 60 days; complete sample set with case for canvassing for 75c: write early for territory ; money refunded if samples are found unsatisfactory. Address Howe Printing Co., 200 San Pablo aye., Oakland. LEATHER SUSPENDERS; STRENGTH J and comfort; agent's sample, worth SI, for 65c prepaid., ; Kusaet Leather Co., 317 S. Grant at., Stockton, Cal. "W" ANTED, CANVASSERS— 2 OR 3 FIRST- '» class lady solicitors to sell new patented article pertaining to ladies' apparel; never has oeen placed on the market. For further informa- tion call 1724 Taylor St., Oakland, Cal., from 1 to 3f. M.. ■-■■■■- EVERY ONE THAT WISHES TO MAKE money call or write: male or female ; all can make money and lots of it. Aluminum Novelty Company, 1508 Market Bt. , -- -.■.-■. ■. /California mutual benefit society \J wants cood agents to work its accident and sick insurance; liberal inducements offered. J. W. HANNA Secretary, Murphy building. FURNITURE WANTED "a "bsolutely hkTheW^bice^aidTfob XX. second-hand furniture and carpets by Lundy Furniture Co., 813 Market St.; call or send postal.! ASH PRICK PAID FOR FURNITURE. JA- COB SCH WERDT. 821 Mission, bet. 4th <fe sth. AUCTIONEER J. C. MLTHER, 719 MARKET XX st., pays highest cash prices for furniture. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, carpets, stores. BROWNE, 103 9th; postal. HG. KRASKY, CARPETS, PICTURES. . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices; Cal. Ktepladrier manutacM for the trado. 779 >li*«ion. VVA.N li.l>-Jiisi;i.^^ANt.»>lls. MIMEOGRXpIifn^^OD'oRDERrcTIEAP: state price. Address Mimeograph, box 71, Call Office.-- \\r ANTED— YOUNG POINTER DOG OR PUP. '> W. V 119, Call. WANTED-OLD BARBER-CHAIRS; CHEAP. »» 118 Kleventh st. TTIGHEST PRICE FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' ■1-L second-hand clothing. HAHN, 316 Third st. W ANTED— YOUR WATCH, IF IT NEEDS '» repairing: best work at half the regular price. DEUSS, watchmaker, 126 Kearny St., third floor. SELL YOUR CLOTHING AND JEW ► flry to A. KLEIN. 109 Sixth St.; send postal. MEDICAL,. MrsTdr. g. W. SCOTT, 219 POWELL ST.— ■ Specialists in female complaints and diseases of the. eye; consultation free. A. BLESSING TO LADIES - INSTANT RE xx lief for monthly Irregularities (from whatever cause) by the most experienced ladies' nhysiciuns in San Francisco, restores all cases by an improved ! method, superior to others: ladies will save time and money, be assured of honest treatment by consulting the doctors before calling on othtrs; pattents who have been imposed upon are spe- cially Invited; home in confinement: treatment warranted: advice free, confidential. DR. and MRS. DAVIES, 14 McAllister St., near Jones. NEW PROC SS- N O MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments'or worthless pills usea; every woman her own physician for all female troubles, no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and ■uin- call on men's physician iknowledßp can hes»ntand us<>d at home; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. lAIIIES — CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- -Li nyroyal Pills (Diamond Brand) are the best: safe, reliable; tuke no other; send 4c, stamps, for particulars, "Relief for Ladies," iv letter by return mail ; nt druggists. Chicheater Chemical Company, Philadelphia. Pa. . ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITII-.S RE- XX stored in a few hours; safe and sure relief at any time; travelers helped at once; home in con- finement; French pills guaranteed; consult free. MRS. DR. WYETH, 916 Post St., near Larkln. A l;E K'S " FA LLI BL PREVENTIVE." -L for either sex: send 2c for information or 60c for trial jar. TAYLOR CHEM. CO.. box 1898, S. F. J ADIES — DAUDET'S FEMALE RKGUJM. J ting Pills: strongest, safest, best: never fail; $1 per box. WIDBER'S drugstore, 14 Ellis St., formerly cor. Market and Thlra sts.. sole agents. R,lT>lLL7l4 LLISTK STREET, NEAR Diseases of women and children. A SUBS CUBS FOR ALL FEMALE" DlS- eases, from whatever cause; a home In con- finement with every comforr; satisfaction guar- anteed, by MRS. DR.OWYER. 226 Turlc at. DV PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATING PI LLS; safe and efficient emmenagogue; 81 per box. RICIIARDS&CO., druggists. 4U6 Clay St., sole ag'ts. A HUME, A FRIEND AND MOTHER'S CARE. MRS. DR. FUNK'S, 1416Ktghth St.. Alameda. R. GOODWIN MAKES a specialty of XJ diseases of women and . restorts all irregulari- ties In one day, guaranteeing a cure or no charge; regulator 82; home for patients. 1370 Market st. VI RS. DR. WEGENER; PRIVATE HOME IN l'l confinement; irregularities cured In a few hours without operation; pills 82. 419 Eddy st. A LI'EAU'S FRENCH PILLS, A BOON TO XX ladies troubled with irregularities: no danger; cafe and sure: 82 60 express C. O. D. ; don't delay until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal. _ IF IRREGULAR Olt ANY' FEMALE DISEASE see Mrs. Dr. Pnetas and be content. 254 V 4th. bUuCA'I'IUAAL N GLI SH^BRANC I HkTtaC( i uTF.^PrTvaTE X-J or class: all BXas; moderate nites. MI>S VIOLA A. DILLON, Supreme Court building. 305 Larkln St., room 98. T ADV. SCHOOLTEACHER WILL GIVE IN- .I-1 structions in English branches and music for board. M.S., box 137, Call Office. RS. MKLVILLE-SNYDER, 519 VAN NESS aye.. piano, sinking and e;ocut;on in all branches; drama and opera specialties; ladies aud gents coached for private theatricals. A LMER E. riYER,' TEACHER OF PIANO, XX >;anjo, mandolin. 405 Geary st., room 17. ; H"ECHf >^sT 7 HOO:-OF TEN-LETTEIi slU.iKl'- httiid. 927 Market st. : advertised Sm'day only LLE. GABRIELLE HEULAKD GIVES LES- sons in French; evening course. 217 Geary. ISSBOLT£'S.SUHOOL,2i!97 SACRAMENTO: board, English, French, German, piano, 830 month; separate French kindergarten; couch. ."\f USIC iTrTfE DRAMA— FREE INSTRUC- I»It Ion in vocal music, elocution and acting: stage rehearsals; successful debuts guaranteed; pnpilfi fitted' ror concert, rhoir and stage. Office hours 2 to 4, rooms 123 and 124, 1236 Market st. 1/ LOCUTION — A MA, DELSARTK, PHYSI- -lii cal culture, voice culture. OLIVE HOFF SCHROEDER, 299 Hyde st. : call after IP. m. 8" PaK ISH, F RE NCH , < ERM AN; MODERATE. Mt-isternchaft School Languages,' 122 O'Farrell st EALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 2i POST ST. Bookkeeping, business pructice, shorthand, typing, electrical engineering, telegrtiphy, modern languages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue. IWTIttHTBOHOOL;M EAI^D'S B U S. COLLKG E iA Post: commercial, sliorthand. English : iow rate* "iriOLIN, MANDOLIN, CELLO. BANJO; REA- V sonable. PROF. FRANCIS, 1045y Valencia. C CHEMISTRY AND ASSAYING. CUNNING- Vj ham's School, cor. Geary and Powell sts. AN FBANCIBOO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1236 Market; send for cat.: day and evening session. VIOLIN, MANDOLIN, G^TA~R77coRNET V taught. Prof. L. MERKI, 226 Geary reasonable I. A SCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING- Private theatricals Hrrange.l : pupils rehearsed on Btaße. R. 6 & 12. 1. 0. 0. F. block, 7th and Market. S~~&k(kHi ELECTRICAL, CIVIL, MINING, ME- O chanlcal engineering, surveylnar, architecture, assay : estab. '64. VAN DER N AILLEN. 723 Mkt. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -■-V vV EKKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. DENTISTS. DR. MEYER, LATE OF^B~sTxTH^ST^lu£ moved to 1012 Mission, near Sixth; gas given. DR. L. T. CRANZ— EXTRACTION PAINLESS, t crown work, bridge • work and I teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary St., cor. Grant aye. , DR.REA,3OtTTURk"sT^ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices and warranted : open evenings. METAL PLATE TEETH EXTRACTED or filled painlessly by my patent an.-vsthotic Boo; won 28 prizes. Obdontunder Dental Parlors! 816% Geary st., bet. Larkln and Hyde, opposite Saratogajaall. K. L. WALSH, D. D.S. vu l Bue pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 769 MAR^ \J ket, bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialists; only reli- able agent for painless extraction: artificial teeth frm $6; fillings frm $1 : extracting 50c. with gas 81. <D»7 A SET FOR TEETH: warranted AS «JP • good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. j& D*R. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. . 1841 Polk st. IYR. LUDLUM HILI,, 144!T~MAKKET St" XJ near Eleventh: no charge for extracting when prates are made: old plates made over like new teeth from 88 per set: extracting 60c: gas given. ' pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. SOB MAR-" .yketat^Dß. CHARLES W. DECKER. * lA " r DR. J. 3. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR.GOLDEN Gate aye.-Open evenings : Sundays till noon. ALL > WORK REASONABLE AND WART _ ranted. DR. J. W. KEY._II22 Markets * - DR. GEORGE W. | LEEK, THE GEXUIN§ Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any piate. moved from 6 to 20 O'FarreU ; : ■■.'■ SIOKAGt ■,:-;.': •■ OVERLAND^FRHoIiTTTSA^ Finh aud Bluxome sts., furniture and goods packed, shipped and stored: ,9 large fireproof ware- honses; low rates; advances made. Tel. south 388. QTORAOE OF FURNITURE. PIANOS, HOUSE? O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. WILSON BROTHERS. 1710 - MARKET- | Storage ; low rates; telephone South 762. * l iS'£r}r L^ S8 w STORAaE A a «vancses jiadb" , ' 4i1<423 Market ab OfiAS. JU TAYLOB. PERSONALS. TiriDow of 40 wishesTtckmeet gentle- »» man of 60 or 65. with means, to help her in business. Address Widow, box 74, Call Oflice. \f IDDLE-AGED RKSPKCT MAN •■ill wants the acquaintance of a lady: object mat- rimony: no objection to a widow; references ex- changed. Please address M. S., box 40. Call Office, pERMAN GENTLEMAN, WIDOWER,. D F- VX sires to find a home for his two children, and if convenient for himself, with . a refined = German lady. Address E. 8.. box 120, Call Office. THE MCDOWELL, THE WORLD'S €ELE- brated system of dress-cutting; received the highest award at the World's Fair and only system receiving a gold medal at the Midwinter Fair: easy to - learn; rapid to use; makes the most stylish and perfect-fitting dresses: we teach the cutting, fitting and making of everything that is new, novel and styiish: teaching of full flaring, circular and goriet slcir:s a specialty: also jackets, capes, coats and collars; easy payments: unlimited instructions: sewing lessons free: latest style, Derfect-fitting patterns cut to order, 25c up, fit guaranteed: dressmakers furnished to families; now is the time to get ready for business. The McDowell Dressmaking Academy, 213 Powell St., San Francisco/ -:. INCOLN BROS., CASH GROCERS, 226 J Sixth st.— 6 pounds raisins, prunes, Tigs, pears or apricots, 25c: 6 pounds split peas, sago, topioca or barley, 25c; 5-pound can mincemeat, 25c; Beans oysters, 4 cans tomatoes, 5 cans sardines, 25c; citron, orange or lemon peel, 15c pound: eggs, 15c dozen: butter, SQp a roll; picnic hams, 7c pound; rolled shoulders, 8c pound: cheese, 5c pound. LIN- COLN BROS., 226 Sixth, between the markets. T)ORTRAIT COUPON-CUT THIS OUT, SEND X it with a photograph and 90c to J. HOLLER, 8 Sixth St., S. F., and you will receive a 14x17 elec- tric crayon portrait; the thousandsof premium portraits of the S. F. Chronicle were all made by HOLLER and his artists. LA VERITE HAIRDRESSING PARLORS J movea to 30 Kearny st. (over Maskey's); wigs, switches, doll wigs of real hair, $1 50. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED perma- O nently by our new treatment without slightest injury to the skin; superior to electric needle; write for particulars to the Curtis Co., derniatolc- gi-tis. Chicago. Free trials. given, and sold at Ja Verite's Toilet Bazaar, 30 Kearny St., Fran- cisco. : . • ■■- __! /CONCERT. OPER A- POTPOURRI, GIVEN BY \J Vocal Teacher Joseph Oreven, in Odd Fellows' Hall, on the Bth of January, 1898: admission 50c; tickets in NEUMANN'S* piano-store, 82 Ninth st. A~ DVICE FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATK laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice aad Police Courts: terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law. 850 Market, cor. Stockton. AIRDRESSING AND MANICURING PAR- lors ior sale: established for six years; at pur- chaser's own price, Kooms 30-31, 14 Grant aye. pUNCH AND JUDY SHADOWGRAPHS— X Professor CnHtelotti can be ent:a?fd for schools and private parties. 444y 2 Third .st., City. ADIE EVANS, COSMETIC PARLORS. 850 0 Market St., room 42. ICKS' . DETECTIVE AGENCY— ddress- es located: experienced and tried men for city and country; watchmen and guides furnisheil; information and advice Rtrictlv confidential. Call or write HICKS, 610 Spreckeis bidg, 927 Market st ANCING Fo It BALLROOM OR STAGE taught at IRVINE'S, 927 Mission, bet. Fifth and Sixth. p AG CARPETS WOVE TO ORDER, FOR SALE; JV also chenille-wove rugs, silk-rag portieres; deal- er in carpet twine in hank or chain at lowest rates. GEO. MATTHEW. 709 Fifth St.. Oakland, Cal. MRS. DR. PAUL MEYER.THE BEST BEAUTY doctor in the city, has removed from 504 Sut- ter st. to 1219 Polk, near Sutter. OLID AY PRESENTS— FINE WATCH diamonds and jewelry In great variety, oelow factory prices. A. A. RITTER, 16 Third, nr. Market. HAIR-DRESSING A V STYLE,2Sc, WAVING included: excellent switches and front pieces i forsl; hair chains made to order from $2 50 up; | strictly on? price; established 1869. 11l Stockton st. B. SPITZ, G. LEBEKER successor. TMPORTED HAVANA. ' KEY"" WEST AND J- hlgh-zrade domestic cigars at the tobacco bazaar, 1627 visaiiero st.. near Sutter. "frJBW PROGRESSIVE WINDOW ANDHOUSE ".Li cleaning <o. .floors scrubbed contracts :day.wk or mo. F. CARNOVAL & C 0.,29 Eduy. TeL 5.252. WTDOW DESIRES TO BE ASSISTANT IN children's boarding-school; teaches music, French and English: salary low with privilege to keep son of 12 years. J.. box 91, Call Oflice, Oak- land. "L^OR FINE POULTRY AND GAME GO TO A. STRASSER, 78 and 79 Center Market. L-'REE OF CHARGE ' X I To examine our Xmas rocker, enameled cream i and gold upholstered silk plush, at $6: before pur- chasing see our pr.cts. California Rattitn Com- pany, 55 to 61 First st. YIfOMAN WANTS GENTLEMAN IN BUSI- « » ness. 12 Leroy place. AN ICURE PARLORS: LADIES AND GEN- tlemen: first-class work; 50c. 131 Post. room 20. OSTS ADVANCED: DIVORCE AND PRO- bate laws a specialty: promptness guaranteed; reasonable fee. J. BEA N, atty-at-law, 927 Market. ANCING (BALLROOM OK STAGE)TAUGHT; private or class. IRVINE'S. 927 Mission st. ISS DINAN: SPECIAL SALE IMPORTED hats; $8 10 $10; stylish hats, bonnets, $5 up. 11l Stockton. I a VERITE hairdressing parlors J moved to 30 Kearny st. (over Maskey's) ; wigs, switches, doll wigs, to oraer. . TJLANKETS, FLANNELS.ETC: FULL STOCK: X)a!so Yosemite blankets, California Woolen Mills 636 Commercial, nr.Montgmry. Factory Petalnma. JOHN SM*iTH HAS MOVED TO 327-329 1) Sutter St., between Stockton st. and Grant aye., where the best of coal can be bad at lowest prices. <B» "I ■ A . ROOM ; CARPETS CLEANED ON THE tj) 1 floor. 208 venworth st. EST . FOOTWEAR AT F. L. HEIM'S, 121 Grant aye. : prices suit the times. ; TJVLECTRIC LIGHTS IN E V ERY ROOM— XIJ Chester House, 44 Third st., near Market; 200 rooms, 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $6 per wtek : free bus to and from the f erry: SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER illustration; day and evening classes. 424 Pine. NE MOHE CUT— ; ~ Oak Roll Top De5k5....... $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers.......:.. From $10 up Oak Bed Sets.... $17 60 up Oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges....... .....:.. $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. - J« NOONAN, 1017. 1019. 1021, 1023 Mission St., above Sixth. T7GYPTIAN HENNA, $1; HAIRDVE. PER- XVI fectly harmless. l-angley-Michaels Co.; all chemists; Hubbard'n 923, Hauptli's. 1156 Market. HE ECONOMY, 40 SIXTH ST., BETWEEN Mission and Market: millinery; hats trimmed for 25c: bats pressea, 25c; feathers curled, sc. T IBERAL ADVANCES ON DIAMONDS, JEW- ■LJ elry, etc. : lowest rates. 948 Market st. TTAVE YOUIf FEATHER-BEDS. PILLOWS, XX filled at 870 Mission.cor. 6th. OWEN MrCABE. MBSL. M. H. OBER, HEADQUARTERS OF Ypsllantl Jersey-fitting Underwear, T'nion Suits <t Equestrian Tights, Ober Corsets for stout fifrnres. Sole ascent for Equipoise Waists, Jcnness Miller goods and Gertrude baby outfits; great reductions: send for catalogue. 34 Geary st., San Francisco. 1/WkA BUMNESS CARDS, $1 50: FELE- XUUU phone "Black 141." HILL,724i<, Market. SUITS MADE TO ORDER O> ELEGANT, reinnp.nts for $10;- samples nnd self-measure- ment on application. LEON LEMOS, Merchant Tailor, 1332 Market st., San Francisco. . SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc, and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore golns; elsewher?. J. NOONAN, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1023 Mission St.", above Sixth. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD; store nxtnr«,s. donrs, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st.. near Eighth. COLLECTING, TRACING. SHADOWING AND ) locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Pine St. MACHINE WHITEWASHING ; CONTRACTS ■i'A taken; whitewashing and tree-spray rooms whitened. $1 up. 1560 Market St., near Hayes. <i|« 9 SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPLE by MAIL. <fI)XZ< NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny. CILOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory. 20 Sansome st.. upstairs. OLD GOLD, SILVER. GEjNTS' AND LADIE^ clothing bought. COLMAN. 41 Third st. WIN DO SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McPH UN. 1195 Market. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA-THK CALL, sent to any address in the L nited States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. ' UKESSMAKKKS. ; " BRADLEY, MODISTE, 313 GEARY ST.! gooJs and findings, $12 up; suits. $6 up; memrning orders in twelve hours -.dresses made over T\RESSES CUT FITTED, ft; DRESSKS \J popular prices; engagements hv day. ll<ieary. LOST. ~ ffl>9A RE WA RD^XOST. S ATURDA. V* «JP^iV/ 30, in vicinity of Pacific Mall dock, Iml y '» purs '.containing jewelry, key and papers. Fimlrr return jewelry, no questions asked, to L. X., 726 L3tt st. .■:.-:.■;■. •; J ;■ /. ;:; -.-. ;;.; - ;; " .', . V T OST-Y;oLD PADLOCK BRACELET, <■ ON JJ Poik. bet. Call for and Ellis. • Suitable re- ward on returntoBo4Ellis st. . ,- LOST-A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and I,onn Soclet ■■ of I San Francisco In the name of SAMUEL GRIMSHAW, No. 201,948. The finder will please return to bank. 4t9ft REWARD AND NO QUESTIONS <P^jV askedjjost near junction of Market, San- some and butler sts., lady's gold watch, Walt ; No. of case, 64,367: No. of 1 movement, 3,068,390. Return to 2094 Market st. :„ 1 ,:. '--. '" , T OST-DECEMBER2,* LARGE PUG DOG, AT JJ Eddy and Taylor sts. Return 1018 Mission St.; liberal reward. "_^V,,,':V;.i.'FODND.; Vr'i"':,'. , :^''".: FiOUN^TTH^^^EA?fEiT^^L^AROUND stock of accoruions. mandolins, banjos - and guitars in the city at prices lower than the lowest. KEENE'B Pioneer Music-store, a Third Bt., cor. Market.' -■'-'>-;;:-.■.:■..;::■; - . : ■:■:■,.■■..,:.,■ .;.-■'.■■-.- -..-■, OUNU-POINTER ' DOG, WITH COLLAR. Owner apply at 3090 Mission su colntky BEAL ESTATE. O>DiviDBUSH(:0 > DiviDBUSH ( : ( cbuNTRYDEPARTMi.NT l 11 montgomery ST. (mo PER ACRE WILL BUY ONE OF THE , shO best stock and dairy farms in this State, lo- cated at Snlt. Point, Sonoma County: consists of 3600 acres of land, with 4 miles of ocean frontage; 2 schooner landings on the place: plenty of wood and water; about 400 acres are rented to a dairy ranch loracasn rental of $700 peryear: easy terms. c , Q nnn *8o acres,. 2 miles from Clayton. Contra Costa County: 125 acres of level farm land; balance rolling pasture: handsomely wooded: water from springs and wells- fenced and cross-fenced; good, hard-hnfshed house of 8 rooms; barn nnd outbuildings; sm ill family orchard; this is a fine grain or stock farm and is worth twice the price asked; easy terms. & - A PER ACriK-GLEN GROVE RANCH, 25 «rOU miles from San Francisco, 21/2 miles from Valleio and opposite Port Costa: 420 acres with a,i of a mile fronui?e on tide water, wi.h unarf and warehouse; 30 acres in fruit and wine grapes; spring water; windmill for irrigatins; kitchen and flower garden: elegant modern hoiist' of 14 rooms, with wineroom, dairy, servants' qnarters, with stables, Bhe<*a and outhouses, sheep and poultry pens; til handsomely fenced and all farm land now renting for a cash rental of $SOO per annum: this is one of the handsomest p.aces on the Straits or' Carqulnez, and is a great bargain at the price asked: easy terms will be granted. . at 1 n PER ACRE— ABOUT 700 ACRES 8 »jpl I miles NE. of Petaluma; 40 acie-t plateau lurid; 300 acres cun be cultivated; 100 res level; 80 acres in resistant vineyard; family orchard, both in bearing; balance good pasture land, with . plenty of wood and water; good house, large barn, dairy-house, stable and other outbuildings; all fenced and cross-fenced ; water from livine spring piped to house and barn; now renting for a cash, rental of $BUO per annum: this is a fine dairy and stock farm, and Is the cheapest property in Sonoma County: easy terms. 1 (\'\(\ ACRES NEAR VALLEY SPRINGS, IvtU Calaveras County, for rent: fine improve- ments: fine grain and pasture land; rent $600 per annum. on ACRES AT WALNUT CREEK FOR RENT; OU al level bottom land; improvements; rent $350, < alf .ash. , 1(\ ACRE?, 1 MILE FROM WRIGHT'S STA- TcU tion. for rent; 16 a-res in v ney rd and or- chard, etc.; rent $300 a year, half cash. (irt ACRES, NEAR PETALUMA.FOR RENT, •-\j good Improvements; rent $17 j cash per an- num. Ai.) ACRES AT COLFAX FOR RENT; 20 T'^J acres in orchard and vineyard; lovely profit- able place: $:-s5O rent cash. 00 -r ACBES NEAR LIVERMORE FOR *jO*J rent: fine grain and stock ranch, with fine improvements; rent .$6O 1 a year, half cash. UfK HAVE SOME OF THE GREATEST BAR- » » quins in improved fruit, vineyard, grain and stock lanches that ever were seen in this State, as " also som« fine Income properties tor exchange. Call for particulars. . .:...•■■■.'■ D\V IN K. ALSIP <fe C6T| " REAL ESTATE DEALERS. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. We have sold and exchanged properties during hard times. Why? Because we have a long list of the best properties In the State at the lowest prices, and parties wishing j country lands find ex- actly what they want. PRICES REDUCED FROM $6000 TO $4500. OWNER MUST SELL Immediately, on account of leaving the State: a fine 10-acre fruit farm at Mountain View, Santa Clara County, with trees in fine healthy condition, in full bearifij-, and also some berries for home use; house of 5 rooms, barn; chicken-houses to accom- modate 1000 chickens; place is in fine order, hay* ing always had the best of care. ALSO $12.000— A very desirable place near Concord, Contra Costa County, consisting of 105 acres: 70 acres rich bottom land, balance fine fruit land; good house, outbuild family orchard; its nearness to the San Francisco market makes tnis place specially suitable for raising vegetables; terms are easy: $1000 or $1500 down, and balance on time, or will exchange in part for city property. EDWJ-N K. ALSIP <fc CO., No. a, rotunda, Mills Building, s»n Francisco. 4 • SPLENDID RANCH Of 165 acres, half creek bottom, good for 3^ tons hay per acre: all rich loam; only 20 miles from this city and 114 miles from two railroade; 12-year- old assorted orchard: perpetual water; plenty tim- ber; only $70 per acre. IQI ACRES VEGETABLE LOAM ABUT- AO3 tins: on creek; 5 minutes from Santa Rosa's courthouse; $2750. 1 l\ TO 20 ACRE TRACTS; LIVING CREEKS J-Vl on two sides; no hetter and on earth; 10 minutes to Santa Rosa's courthouse; $160 per acre; exceptionally easy terms. "1 O<\ ACRES ALL r.V HEAVY ALFALFA, 11/ -L— " miles from Madera courthouse; goes for half its vali c. £•$ ACRES ADJOINING THIS CITY, 4V v»:j miles from City Hall: extra good land; suita- ble lor nursery or vegetables; 4 living springs; $2250; will sell half. 1 J.JA ACKES JUST ALFALFA LAND ON -L "it""/ both sides San Joaquin Valley new R. R,; I adjoins the famous Haggln it Tevis alfalfa ranches; [ graded by bank last year for loan at, $25 per acre | jf sold this week will go for $9 p r a«fe: must sell. HUGHStiIKLS, Croekertßuitding.. A GREAT BARGAIN— 3S ACRESiOF LAND, -rV- with good house of 5 rooms, r»Jii, windmill, tan ■:. otc; about 'J.O acres in fruit, cbjpfly olives. $600— acres - near Santa Rosaf good land; fenced; smail house; good chicken-house, incu- i ba or and about 100 hens. r $1800— 10 acres near Bellevue, Sonoma County; new cottage, 6 rooms; barn-; 3 large chicken- houses; coops, brooders, etc. We have some fine fruit land near San Jos« which we can sell in 10-acre lots, with nothing down, if the buyer will plant fruit; payments to be- gin in six years- after planting, when quarter is to be paid each year until paid; ask for particulars. GAMAN ifc LYON, 215 Kearny st. rOA ACRES-$5 PER ACRE; PLENTY OF i)UU water; good hog ranch. P. E. LAMAR, 313 Montgomery st. TOOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— 2O7 ACRES B S. miles from St. Helena: 18 acres bearing vine- yard. 15 acres planted for oat hay; good buildings; fine pastures: creek running across; plenty spring water; stock, chickens, farm tools go with the place; fine for chickens, dairying and vineyard; $5000; easy terms. Apply 706b Guerrero St.. S. F. ci»QAA POULTRY RANCH; COMPLETE; OUU . San Mateo. SPECK <fe CO., 602 Market. fflJTXnn FOR SALE OR LtASE-SliUEit tjp I O\J\J. resort, 3 miles from Santa Cruz, with 80 acres of land; house 16 rooms; furnished; horses, ' carriages, farming implements. Inquire 1061 Mission St., ESPARTO TOWN AND COLONY: ON LV 3 OR 4 hours from the bay: the most equable climate of Central California, and the neighborhood of the next great development of electric power; equal to Folsom; a part of the "Rancho Canada de Capay Grant": unquestionably the earliest and finest fruit oelt on the coast and superior to any for di- versified farming; about 600 acres, in 20-acra farms, surrounding the town ; town already con- tains large) brick blocks, a fine hotel, a fine higb- school building, water works, artesian, pure and soft; desired a purchaser or purchasers to take the whole interest of present owners in the colony lots and lown property, in lump or otherwise, at shock- ingly low figures: it won't cost much to examine; is an irrigation canal on the land. Apply to GEO. D. FISKE <S CO., Woodland, Cal. ORANGE BLOSSOM COLONY, OAKDALE, STANISLAUS CO., CAL. Beautiful young oranee groves in tracts of 5 acres and upward, lying along the Stanislaus River, two and a half miles from Oakdale.the principal station of the Southern Pacific Railroad on the line between StocKton and Merced. The Stanislaus and Saa Joaquin Irrigation Company's canal runs directly through the colony and the property has a per- petual water right. We are prepared to sell portions of the property either unimproved or already planted to Washing- ton Navels, Mediterranean Sweets and Maltese Bloods. I Th« property Is under the immediate direction nnd care of nn experienced horticulturist, who has received diplomas and medals at elghc different county fairs in the State and for a small consideration cares for IM orange groves for non- residents. '■'' . A huh and dry country, with a perfect natural drainage system. Alt kinds of small game near by aft'orUs excellent »po« for hunters. Prices for land, including a perpetual water right ana planted to orange trees, $>170 per acre. Unim- proved land with fully paid up water rights, $70 per acre. Terms: Tue purchase price payable ia six annua! payments, without Interest; title per- fect and liberal discount for cash. For further particulars, maps and catalogues, ad. ASTON, ELDKI & CO., 638 Market Street. v san Francisco, CaL, Or F. T. KNEWING, our representative. Oakdale, Cal. T HAVE SEVERAL NICE PROPEB lES TO .1 ex<.-haiiK>' for Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda property. For particulars inquire 682 Market St., iwiu .V D. H.TWING, Sonoma County, Cal. 1 i\ ACRES, *HK>: MURK SAME PRICE; PA Y- IV' able fl <» week, without Interest: level valley land; r»iln»ail runs through the tract: the best tutrgnin la CtUitorot*; secure a home: you will not mt*» the *2 a wet>k: will be worth $5 to $1. WKSTKRX I v\" COMPANY, 640 Market st. W t. HAVK sot i> 1 » 70,WG Nvwih 9] t'HK McMAHAN RANCH IN I US \<l' 60 DAYS. Cataioguv tree W> **'.iv .uMreaa. 9MVKK, ivy v* co., J& MMtfonery st., __ _ ■ ■ '- M»n Francisco, CaL CJUO.UM'INB .'"'" FOR^SALE. J. J. O BIUI.OW »*c<M>d. tfwr, room) S, Mills building. 4TO . Ay UK vtUVKb-N t; VNi'HES ON 10 years' crvdtv tv v. iwinu. Sonoma Clty.Cai. SKNI) FvnToUn im UF ORCHARD HOMES O fur sale, WiH>sVKK vfe WH ITTON. San Jose. 4 wrt k mh-. • FOR s 5 CENTS— 2\. W XXXI.V i.vlX. in wrapper, for mailing. ATTORXEVS-AT-LAW. APVICE 1 XXX ; DIVORCE "aXbTpROBATB laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms 1 reasonable ; collections, etc, Q.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market.cor.Stocktoa WW. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.42O » California st.. rma. 14-16: advice free. _ _ SEWING MACHINES. ;' ■ pENTED $1 60 MONTHLY; ' SECOND-nAND Jt machines from $3 upward > Domestic, New Home, White, Singer at half-price. 145 Blxth st. SEWING: MACHINES, ALL. KINDS SECOND hand in good working order from $5 upward machines rented fl 50 and $2 per month. 1368 Market st. , - .