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CITY RKAL ESTATE. C"^ H. UMBSEN St CO.. T. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. RENT COLLECTORS AND AUCTIONEERS. Office and Salesroom. 14 Montgomery si., near Market. Call and obtain one of our "Real Estate Records," which contain a list of properties for sale in all 1 arts of the city. \ '.-V IMPROVED PROPERTY. BARGAINS. QO^ AAA SUTTER ST.: 3 ELEGANT O .\J\.i\J . new bay-window flats of 7, 8 and 9 rooms and bath: brick foundation: stone walks; mortgage of $10,000 can remain; rent $165 per montb; right in town; lot 25x137:6. rf-t-t^v <"\i\ AAA. SPLENDID INVESTMENT; (JUU.UUU. corner on Hyde St.; 8 bay-window i flats; brick foundation: stone walks; street bi- tumlnlzed: mortgage of $28,500 can remaia; lot 137:6x137:6: water paid by the tenants: rent $360. - ' Q^AAA dorland st.: MISSION warm «T)tluuu, belt; bay-window residence of 8 rooms and bath; lot 60x114; mortgage of $2500 can remain. St l\ Z\(\(\ FK LL ST : FRONTING THEPARK; (PUwUUi sunny side: elegant new cottage of 8 rooms andbath; stont' walks: mortgage of $4000 can remain; 25x137:6; bargain. OJXAA ELITE LOCATION OF THE MIS- ♦- i*Jv'U. siou; must be sold; a fine 2-story and basement residence of 8 rooms and bath: brick foundation; all modern Improvements; lot 30x114; plenty of room ior stable. . IO.^A A SNAP: ABEATIFULBAY-WIN- 'J)t-jUU. do*' cottage of 8 rooms and bath; brick foundation: all the latest conveniences; stable; corner on Capp st.; hirge lot. ©ft 7?; A A BARGAIN: CORNER ON BUCH- •- " ( UU. anan st.: stoic and 3 cottages; rent $60: mortgage of $4000 can remain; lot 80x75; this is a snap. QOACA SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO • £i\J*JKJ, get a home well located in the Mis- sion, near Valencia and 17th sts. cottage of 6 rooms and lot 26x100 to an alley; mortgage $1000 can remain; rent $13. QfiQ^A FULTON ST.-3 NEW MODERN «£)UO«JU. bay-window flats of 6, 5 and 6 rooms and bath each; brick foundation; all modern im- provements and conveniences: rent $72 50 per month;lot 25x137:6; this is a bargain. QQAAA FINE IN VESTMENT ON OAK ST.; •_ • 'V'U. 4 bay-window flats of 6 and 5 rooms andbath each, and 2 flats of 3 rooms each; brick louudation: all modern improvements; street ac- cepted: only 2 minutes' walk from Market St.: rent $71: lot 27:6x95. SX|"jAn COSY HOME ON LEAVEN- <4)U\J\J\J. worth St.: nearly new: bay-window cottage of 6 rooms and bath: all modern improve- ments; brick foundation; walk; lot 25x85. CqxrjA VERY cheap; UNION st., NR. tS>K}U\J\J. Hyde: good 2-story house of 12 rooms aud batn: rent for $30 per month; would pay big it turned into flats. ©QAAA BAKER ST.. NEAR CALIFORNIA : tirOUUU. modern residence of 7 rooms and bath; lo: 32:6x82:6; rent $60. ec^nn SCOTT ST.. NEAR SUTTER— i^vJ*J\J\J, crn house of 8 rooms and bath: in fine conditiou: owner about to leave the city and very anxious to sell; may take less; 25x87:6. w? JQAA FULTON ST., NR. DEVISADERO— *_ rzD\J\J. Great sacrifice; modern 2-storyresi- dence of 7 rooms and bath: in good condition: lot 23:6x112; street accepted by the city; this is on the main drive to the park, and is very desirable: mortgage of $2500 can remain. CiQAAA S OLID INVESTMENT-CLAY ST., iIpOUUU. near Larkin: substantial double house of 8 rooms and bath each; tine neighbor- hood; lot 37:6x71; convenient to 4 lines of cars, and only 10 minutes from Kearnyst.; rent $63 per month. Sl£ AAA GILT- EDGE INVESTMENT— •_ I U.UUU. Larkin st.; improvements in 2 stores and 8 flats; income $138 50 per month; lot 40:6x87:6. __ Q9QAA VERY CHEAP: YORK ST.: NEW •jD-— OUU. cottage of 6 rooms and bath and high basement; lot 25x100; can be secured for small amount cash; balance installments. CjQXnn YEitß A BUENA ST., NEAR CLAY : f?OU\J\J . house of 7 rooms; lot 23x80 to rear street. C« JOX A CLAY ST..NEARMASON; HOUSE •„ "1 — *J\J . 10 rooms and bath; can be converted into 3 fla - s at small outlay: would pay hand- somely; very convenient location. UNIMPROVED. $1000— Willard st.,nr. Golden Gate aye.; 1 block from park: 25x100: street work done. $.1000— McAllister st.. nr. Willard: streetwork done: 25x100. $100)— A giveaway; Diamond st., near 22d: 6Oxli $1300— 'XX cor. of 10th aye. »nd Lake St. : 36x IJO: '.a .* bai-Rain. > O>" T'erv (heap: Oak St., near the park; 60x1371 > >vill sell half. $6000-\- »ke an offer: Washington St.: elite lo- cation: l^Sulio Heights; s'JxlO2:B; street ac- cepted. $3000— Bash St., nr. Scott: 27:6x137:6: fine lo- cation for fiat: street accepted. ?25OO— Choice building lot; Scott St., nr. Haight : 25x116. $1750— Capp st., near 16th; 25x75. Sl7so— Noe st., near 14th: 25x162; very cheap. •f3ooU— Snap: Oak st.. near Steiner; street ac- cepted; note size, 30x1 G. H. UMBSEN <fcCO., 14 Montgomery st. TOHX Pi-ORR. 3ttfi MONTGOMERY ST., OPP. *i safe Deposit, offers for sale: - $50,000— Taylor St., near Market; 45x137:6: 2 stores below and 2 apartments of 9 rooms each upstairs: always rented. . > $27,500—137:6x85; in the neighborhood of 4th and Market sts.; covered with old lmprove- ruents; ril] be manufacturing property. Reduced to $31,000— Northwest corner Mission and 17th sts.; lot 65x100 feet, with Improvements; 2 story: 3 stores. 3 flats and 2 cottages; rent $200. •f- - S 00— Valencia st., south of 16th; 2-story bay- window house, store and dwelling back and com- modious flat 7 rooms and bath upstairs; lot 30x88 feet: always rented; make offer. $5500— Two- story and basement brick bouse and lot on a. prominent street fn tbe southern part of the city: store, cellar for wine aud 4 rooms and bath upstairs; lot 25x75; rent $40. $3000— 7 th st.. near Brannan; lot 25x75, with improvements; renting at $30. DWELLINGS. . : ;• /. $11.000— Steiner st., near Sacramento; fine 2- storv house: 10 rooms and bath; lot 37 :6x106. $«000— Park property on Page St., near Baker; 2-story modern house, 8 rooms and bath; lot 27:6 x 137:6. $3100— A fine cottage, a rooms and bath, on 19th Bt., near Castro; on Installments without interest. UNIMPROVED. Corner Fillmore and Germania sts.; 24x81:3. $3500— Lot 75x100 feet; cor. 19th and EureKa streets ; make offer. $57,000. PRO^- NT corner. Down town business ■ corner; large lot; fine building; rent $400 a month; same tenants for many years; terms to suit. -„„,, , „ BURNHAM & MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st. ©C7£A BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE. 6AC- -5)0 I OU. rlfice. Beautiful cpw residence of 11 rooms and bath, finished in solid oak and Spanish cedar; built by days' work; also stable, with 3 box stalls; street accepted ; must be sold witbin next few days. CHEAP FLATS. n,-i O OAA RENTS $50; ON OAK, NEAR £)IZ.ZUU. Market. fjry'ri REN'jS$lO6: ON WEBSTER ST. <r'f|" RENTS $45; ON MOSS ST. fKfinfWV RENTS $50; ON PIERCE ST. CHEAP CORNER. rfkXlOO. corner in town of Ocean View; must O\J Choice corner in town of Ocean View; must be sold no offer refused. BUKNHAM * MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery Bt. TUST W'il AT YOU WANT. DENTS $76 PER MONTH : 4 MODERN FLATS It on 15th St., close to Market; lot 37:6x100; this •nrooerty bein neariv new is a good investment. a» sJAA KASY TEKMS: LOTON22D ST., NR. t>oUU. Douglass; 25x85: street work done; lot on srrade : a desirable si te for a home. (HBAP, $2»oo: J,OT on laguna BT., near \J Pine- 33:6x80; fine neighborhood: flats built /^MUEME^f-Sf] lots! NEAR 19TH AYE.; ON \J line of Sutro railroad; any sjze you want and on easy terms; lots ready to build on. • BOL'LKVAKD LoTS: IST AYE., NEAR CLAY St.: 100-foot avenue: will;, be a fashionable place to live: very cheap and on easy terms. ROBERT J. MEi-.CER <fc SON, 410 Pine st. A CME OF PEKFeCtToN J\. UO TODAY ....: - - ...) ...... and see those new homes Just completed and open for inspection; something entirely different from the old styles; P#w i'i< us ihrousaout: interior fin- ish in natural woods; WeDsier si., near Vallejo; marine view. ' \ ■'OOAA/I 2 BAY-WINDOW FLATS: LOT 20x t^OUUU. 73; Pacific St., nr. Hyde-st. cars. Apply 1219 Filbert st. ■.■;-.•■..■ - ' ' - ' |)KTI-RSO.v A < 0.. P.EAL . ESTATE, ROOM X SB, .'-t. Ann's building. 6 Kdily Bt. MMI'.'iDVKH SAN FRANCISCO PROPERTY. Corner lot, 95x90; line locatiou; $10,500. Corner lo:, 25x110; Treat aye., nr. 20th; $2850. Lo on Page st.. nr. .Steiner: 50x100; $6000. 2 lots on I St., 60x100, ut an immense bargain. 1 lot on 'Ireatave.. nr 20tn; 25x122:6; $1700. A TWENTIETH-CENTURY. .............HOME. <>o and see tbe style of a house your children will live in; just completed; unique architecture; ele- gantly and artistically finUu<<l: a luxurious home for people of moderate means: opeu to-day for in- spection; Webster st.. near Vallejo. APS ARE NOW READY— FRITVALJS TER- mlnal Tract. CITT REAL ESTATE. MADISON & BURKE, REAL ESTATE Agents; established 1858: 626 Market st. "JIi^QAA PAYS OVER 10 PER CENT; JES- i£OZ.\J\J, sic, near 6th: front and rear houses in good condition. ; MADISON & BURKE. MONTGOMERY AYE., MASON AND LOM- -i-»X bard sts.— Large core corner: well rented; re- duced to $14,000. i MADISON & BURKE. Q1 X AAA WALLER ST. COR. SHRADER: <JDJL»J.\JU\J. new building stores and flats; lot 34:7x80. MADISON & BURKE. •3HQAAA OCTAVIA, NR. ELLIS:- 11. t3SXO.UUvJ. rooms and bath; modern house: I lot 30x110. MADISON & BURKE. "DARK RESIDENCE: FELL ST., NR. LOTT; "X 9 rooms and bath; all modern conveniences; 25x137:6; only $7250. MADISON & BURKE. ONLY $7000-BROADWAY, NEAR STOCK- ton: 5 tenements: good rentals: a decided bar- gain.' MADISON & BURKE. 4££^AA WASHINGTON, NEAR DEVISA- <J)UUUW. dero— 7 rooms and bath: conserva- tory; lot 25x127:8. MADISON & BURKE. ONLY $6000; BRODERICK, NEAR BUSH; lot 60x90. with house of 11 rooms, occupying 25 feet, which with small outlay can be turned into two flats. MADISON & BURKE. <2i£AAA 19TH, NEAR VALENCIA; 8 <£)UUUU. rooms and bath; lot 25x85. C'£AAA PAGE, NKAR BRODERICK: RESI- OvJUvJV/. dence of 7 rooms and bath: lot 25x 87:6. MADISON & BURKE. O £ AAA MINNA ST.; STORE AND 3 ROOMS, COUUU. flat, 9 rooms. MADISON <t BURKE. aAAA 4 FLATS: STEVENSON ST., NEAR OOv/vJI/. Ridley; • rents $44; lot 26x77:6. street accepted. MADISON <fc BURKE. <2»9AAA MINNA. NEAR 7TH, RENTING tJpOUUU. for $30: lot 22:6x80. C?O7AA COTTAGE ON HAMPSHIRE, NEAR r 1 UU. 24th: 5 rooms and bath; lot 25x100. MADISON & BURKE. ©OAA A STONE ST., NEAR STOCKTON «3>ZUUI7. and Washington; 3 tenements; rents $30: lot 20x60. MADISON & BURKE. TT'LEGANT HOME NEAR THE PABK TO Jut exchange for flats. MADISON & BURKE. G>Q£A 6ROOMS AND BATH; RENTS $12; •IpOuU. Potrero, near Union Iron Works; lot 25x65. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. Choicest lots In Richmond— California and Lake sts.. 11th and 12th ayes: all streetwork completed; ready ior building; lowest prices and easiest terms offered in this growing section. ' $10,500-Devisadero, near Fulton: 82:6x90. $15.000— Capp and 19th; corner: 125x122:6. $5500— Washington, corner l.yon; 31:3x100. $4500— 24 th, NE. cor. Vicksburg; 60x114. $4000—65x117:6: SE. cor. Sanchez and 23d. $3500— Steiner, near Pine: 25x103. $3500— Baker, near Jackson: 27:8x110. $3000— Noe, near Market; 25x100. $2500— Cheap; Clay, near Baker; 2-5x105. $2400— Castro, cor." Elizabeth: 26:6x105. $2200— 1.y0n, near Grove; 25x100. $■^000— 16 th St., near Castro; 25x100. $1350— Jessie, nr. Herman: 25x77:6: part cash. Sanchez, cor. Valley; 26:6x100; $1250. $840-California. cor. 17th aye.: 26:8x91:6. $450— N. side Bismarck, bet. Mission and San Jose roads; lot 40x100; electric-cars pass within I 200 feet: a pick-up. I MADISON A BURKE. 626 Market st. HOUSE AND LOT: REDUCED FROM $8500 XX to $7250; 1318 Leavenworth St., bet. Clay and Washington; house of 9 rooms: bath; elec- i trie lighting; hot-air furnace: marine view: terms will be made. Apply MADISON & BURKE. /CHOICE INVESTMENTS. CHOICE INVESTMENTS. \J $60,000 TO LOAN. BANK INTEREST DOUBLED. PROPERTY TITLES GUARANTEED. NO RISK. COMPARE. NO RISK. $360 a year on $2250 buys 4 nent flats, while city banks will only pay you $90. $120 a month on $15,500 for elegant corner N. of Market; new improvements; bank interest only I pays $50. $2800— Cottage, now fine business property, at 518 Castro. $4600— Rents $40; for cottage and 2 flats on Bush, to rear street. I $5000— Rents $48: 3 new flats on car line. $6500— Two elegant flats, with a stable, on Page. $6750— Three, elegant flats near Halght and Fill- more; rents 61! lot 25x110. $6800—2 new flats; Jackson St.; rents $65. $10,000— Store aDd 4 flats: new; near City Hall; rents $86. $12,500— Ellis st. : investment; rents $125. $6500-3 flats and stable in Western Addition: rents $70. .cessag I C'll AAA 20-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, I Q.LX.UUU. 39x80, at 1507 California street: ! terms ha'.f cash. i Cfi O ~^tUl FINE CORNER; ALWAYS Fs±£.U\J\J. rented forsll6: select locality. C"7A AAA CORNER 130x120; NEW 'IM- <J}j£v/.V/Ul/. provements: rents $180. 1 G* 1 Q AAA BUSINESS PROPERTY: lot ! «J**iO.ULfU. 36x120: within 150 feet of Mar- i ket: near the Baldwin; with small outlay will ' easily rent for $500. <&1 1 A AAA MARKET-ST. BUSINESS : OXXU.v/v/U. property, near the Baldwin; 2 i frontages. .•••■• A. M. SPECK <fc CO., 602 Market st. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY XV C. H. REYNOLDS «fc CO., -, "■■■■ 333 MONTGOMERY ST. RICHMOND DISTRICT BARGAINS. ! $2000— Point Lobos avenue corner lot 60x100. 500— NW. cor. lot: 43d aye., N. of Park. 250— 43 d, Point Lobos-ave. corner lot. $5000— D St.: desirable business corner lot. $6000— Sacramento St.; house and lot nr. Pierc<". $7000— Jones- st. house and lot: near Clay. $700—50x70, Wayne st. lor, nr. Cortland aye.; ! 275x140, Uower garden location: Jefferson st., nr. J San Bruno aye. ;3 frontages: fine view. $500— Crescent and San Bruno aye.; corner lot. $:-!soo— Octavia and Lombard st. cor. lot. $200— Cheap, Gift Map lot, nr. Cortland aye. $1600— sth-ave. lot, nr. Point Lobos. on car line. ! \\T LL E. MSHER <fc CO.. >T REAL ESTATE AGENTS, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 14 POST ST. nOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS UF THE CITY. HOUSES AND LOTS ON THE INSTALL- MENT PLAN. LISTS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. RICHMOND LOTS FROM $300 TO $1000. Q tKQ A LOT 26x120; E. LINE OF 10TH AYE., tjpUt/v/. near California st. : street work all done. SOUTH OF THE PARK. j CMAA FOUR BLOCKS FROM THE PARK; j «Es^ruV/. ready to ouild on: easy term 3. MISSION LOTS. i Q.Al^x UP— LOTS IN THE DEBOOMTRACT, ; tjptt O opp. St. Mary's College: $50 down, $10 j per month; electric-cars pass the property. | Q-ICAA 15TH ST., COR. DOLORES, 25x71; ! O-XtJUU. easy terms. . | O"|£7A LOTS ON 25TH, FOLSOM AND I ©IDIU. 24th sts.; a few left; get in before all ! are taken. WESTERN ADDITION. ©IAAA BUCHANAN ST., NR. LOMBARD. i QjQOXA ' OT 30x120: OAK BT., NEAR tJO^iUv/. Flllmore; cheapest in Western Addi- { tion. IMPROVED. j <2»X£AA ELEGANT COTTAGE 6 ROOMS, ! i^5«JDUvy. bath and basement: cost' over $4000 to build; Baker st., near Washington; must be sold at once. OMEN OF TASTE Looking for a home will be pleased after Inspecting those artistic dwellings, just completed, on that ; high, sightly elevation fronting Webster St., near Vallejo, and commanding an unsurpassed pano- ramic view of San Francisco Bay and its environ- ments; terms liberal; prices moderate. . HOUSE RENT ONLY $8 40 A MONTH? HOW can that be? Easy enough. That is the aver- age monthly interest on a 5-room house on the Heyman Tract costing $2500; you pay $300 down, balance $25 a month: interest first month 12 80, decreasing to nothing the last . month; average $6 40: the balance of the $25 a n>onih pays the purchase price; you can't rent Bucli a home for less than $25; save now while you are young, and you will have a home paid for before you are old. - THE HEYMAX iRACT IS SPLENDIDLY J. situated between 22d and M'ArA Sts., 2 blocks trom Castro-st. cable-cars and on the line of the 22d-sl. electric-cars. <io out and see it. James IS. Cotter, resident agent, will show you around. For further particulars call on . .. JACOB HEYMAN. Owner, Room 5, second floor. Crocker building, . I'ost sndMarket sts. j . , ! -DOULEVARD TO BE COMPLETED. sVork on the Grand Boulevard to commence this • week: now is your chance to make a good pur- ! chase: lots from $200 to $450 cash on $5 monthly payments; will be worth from $4000 to $5000 i each. • • ■ JACOB HEYMAN, room 6, Crocker building, corner Post and Market sts. CASH-VERY. CHEAP: LKVEL LOTS. »4P«Jv' near Mission road and China aye.; on Lon- don St., 83 feet ir.*rn Mission road : go look at them. ; McEWEN BROS., 118 Montgomery st. • I C? Onnfj 4 FLATS NEAR 9TH AXDHARRI- ; <JpOUv/U. son -sts. at a bargain: If renovated ' will pay over 16 per cent on the entire investment; i lot 25x100: street .accepted; '.offer wanted.. GEO. i W. ARMBRUSi KR, 24 Montgomery st. - J/RUITVALETKRMINALTRACT; D.PRATT, I J 1 Yrultvale . Sta. THE MCCARTHY.: CO., 646 j Market st.. S.F. Lots $100 up; easy terms. I^ASY TKKMB-COTTAUE AND LOT 28x108; J price $ 1 800: $200 cash, balance $15 per montb. : Apply J. A. WESTON, 613 alifomtast. , . Gf O7AA 4:< " 27TH ST.. BET. CHURCH AND I tjt>^ i \J\J. Sanchez; house , 5 rooms; lot 28x 114; 10-ft. driveway; stable; chicken-house,' and I garden front and rear; all in perfect order. - . | C* ')! A NEAT . 6-KOOM BOW - WINDOW fW)Jj I O\f, cottasre: 17th st., nr. Church. ENG- LISH <fc MOKIUSSEY, 628 Market st. • THE SAN FKA]NCISUO (JAL.JL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1895. CITY REAL K A ZSIL~~~w~~ TnIISwTN^X^H^KIOND^ <JU 77P«A make an offer; McAllister «3> I O\J. st.. bet. Gough and Octavia: 2-story and basement house of 8 rooms and bath; lot 25x 120; $5000 mortgage can remain. . . <SiAl ■'F\(\C\ EDDY ST.; CORNER; NEAR tJptrX.UUU. Taylor: 4 frame houses; lot 80x136; renting for $170; would pay handsomely if properly improved. _ <BMO AAA GROVE ST., BET. FRANKLIN I^.UUU. andGough; 3-story and basement building containing 7 flats of 3, 4, and 5 rooms and ; bath each; lot 55x70. GJI QF\A VERY CHEAP: FORECLOSURE «JpJLOUU. sale; worth $2000; Rhode Island st,, nr. 24th; cottage of 4 rooms and basement; lot 25x 100; cash above mortgage of $800. <J£ J f^AA RENTS $450 PER YEAR; A GOOD tlptrUUU. investment; close to the junction of Market and Valencia sts.; 2 nice flats; always rented. AAA NEW MODERN FLATS ON TRE- »HSttUUU. Mont aye., near Waller St.; rent $34; contain all latest conveniences. <21A AAA FELL ST. FACING GOLDEN U.UUU. Gate Park; handsome, modern flats, containing all latest. conveniences; always rented; rent $1000 per year; lot 25x137:6. 4^ 7 A A PINE-ST. INVESTMENT, NEAR «IP I UUU. Kearny: brick building: one tenant: rents $720 per year net; no repairs: no water. ©QQfTA NICK BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE »JpO— «JU. on Third aye., near Clement st.; con- tains 6 rooms and bath: lot 25x120. SOAAA RIDLEY ST., BET. CHURCH AND OUUU. Sanchez 6 rooms and bath; cottage; lot 25x100. * <2i9Q AAA JACKSON ST., NR. LEAVEN- O.UUU. worth; 4 modern 2-Btory build- ings, consisting of 8 flats, containing 5 and 6 rooms, bath, etc., each; total rent, $210; lot 72x138. d»QA AAA PROMINENT PINE-ST. COR- ♦J'sOU.UUU. ner; 4 choice 2-story residences, renting for $232 50 per month; extra large lot, 60x137. Jft^'AA A LARGE PIECE OF UNIMPROVED tJpU«JUU. property in a section of the city where values are bound to advance; pays a ground rental of over 6 per cent; a first-class investment. '*QCAA SCOTT ST., NR. FULTOK; BUB- tJpOUUU. stantial 2-story bay-window residence of 8 rooms, 2 baths and all conveniences: In splen- did condition; lot 32x125; a very cheap place. <Jg/»-J PvA DEVISADERO AND CLAY STS.; «IpUXUU. corner; 2-story house of 7 rooms and bath; also stable; lot 28x85. Cil 7 t\C\fl ELEGANT MODERN RESl- ♦ii>X I .<J»'U. dence on Washington st., close to Laguna: contains 14 spacious rooms: all latest conveniences; handsomely finished in hard woods: large lot. - SPECIAL INDUCEMENT. Lot on north side of Lombard St., near Van Ness aye.. 25x137:6: pricesl6oo; will be cut to $1250 to a desirable party who will build at once: terms will be made as low as $15 down and $15 monthly If desired. BALDWIN <fe HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. A SPECIAL OFFER OF CHOICE LOTS ON EASY TERMS. NO INTEREST. WE WILL SELL AN V OF THE LOTS In the Castro-street Adaition at the regular prices, from this date until December 25 on the following unusual terms: Five Dollars down and Five Dollars a month will 'secure a lot, and no Interest will be charged on the balance. In other words, if you will save 16 cents a day we will sell you a lot at a very low price, and no interest will be charged. THE FOLLOWING FACTS . should be borne in mind. A good lot can b-> had for $350. You will have no street assessments as the streets are all graded, sewered and macadamized; water piped to every lot: perfect title; Splendid views; good drainage; all ready for building purposes. On the line of an electric road that will tako you to the City Hall in thirty minutes. THIS OFFER will positively be withdrawn after December 25. 1895. If you see the propertj' you will be convinced that this opportunity is a splendid chance to make money or secure a home lot. Call at once fora diagram. BALDWIN <fc HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. T\O YOU KNOW A GOOD THING? ' Oreat Big lots. Clement st., .. . . . Point Lobos and 25th ayes. $375 and upward: $50 cash, -• $10 monthly; cheapest lots in the city. . They are selling fast: don't wait. Sutro electric cars on Clement st. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery St. THE TALK. OF THE TOWN. X Those cheap lots on 10th and 11th ayes., M and N sts., south of the park; only $275, $25 down $10a month; fine views of the park and Golden Gate; perfect title; are selling fast; only a few left. BALDWIN ,<t HAMMOND, . . '. 10 Montgomery st. O'FARRKLL & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, U MONTGOMERY ST. TTXCEPriONALLY CHOICE BUILDING J-i lots. $400 to $500; take the Mlsslon-st. elec- tric-cars, ask the conductor to let you out at Cotter street, you will there see the block; street graded, macadamized and curbed; lots level and ready to build upon; positively no hills to climb and only a few feet from the cars, making the lots practically on the Mlssion-st. car line; 14 buildings have been put up on this subdivision since we started the sale; you will find Mr. G. A. Turner on the prop- erty every morning, who will be pleased to show you around und give you all the information de- sired. pHOICE BUILDING i,OT: FULTON ST.. NR. \J Fillmore; we have 100x137:6 feet which we will sell in subdivisions to suit the purchaser and at a price 25 per cent below anything in this im- mediate neighborhood. pLEMENTINA-ST. BARGAIN, BELOW STH \J st. lot 20x75: house of 2 tenants ; price asked is $2000, and the vacant Jot Is worth more money; there is no better buy south of Market si. than this little place. . rm;KK-ST. BARGAIN, BELOW VAN NESS aye. ; lot 27:6x120 through to a rear street, af- fording double frontage: streets paved and ac- cepted by the city; improvements consist of v sub- stantial two-story bay-window residence of 9 rooms and bath, rented at $600 a year; this property is for sale at less than the valuation of the land, say nothing of the improvements. <2>A r 7P.(\ INCOME A YEAR; NATOMA- «4P^X" I fJ\J, st. investment propprty: near Fifth; improvements consist of 2 flats of 5 rooms each. ffij] O AAA INCOME $1400 PER ANNUM: XO.UUU. choice corner Investment property nicely located In the Western Addition; Improve- ments new; a northeast corner: car line passes the door; we can show that this property has rendered this Income steadily for the last three years, ever since it was built. MODERN BAY-WINDOW RESIDENCE ON the north side of « Oak st., near Scott: 7 rooms and bath; high-finished basement; street paved with bitumen and accepted by the city lot 25x100; price asked $6000; an offer will be enter- I talned. MODERN FLATS IN THE WESTERN AD- dltion; 6 and 7 rooms and bnth each; Income $52 60 a month: lot 25x106:3: nicely located; convenient to the Ualcht, Oak and Page streetcar lines; offered at a sacrifice. PINE-STREET DOWNTOWN PROPERTY, near Kearnv; 3-story brick building; income $600 a year; price $7000. SUTTER-ST. DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT- Positively the greatest bargain that has ever been offered on Sutter St.: leased to one tenant for $780 per annum; price $12,000, and a good sub- stantial building of 13 rooms; tbe lot is worth the price asked. / OUGH-ST. MODERN FLATS— TWO EXCEP- VX tlonal flats of 7 rooms and bath each: total yearly Income $780; lot, 27x137:6: price $9500; this is positively one of the best purchases in the line of flats that can be found to-day. • .■ . We have several pieces that we consider gen- uine bargains; will be pleased to give you a list of them If you will call. ' O'FARRELL & C 0.,. Real Estate Brokers, _. 11 Montgomery st. \V H. CRIM <fe CO., *V . REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENTS 118 MONTGOMKRY ST. OO'A 25TH ST., NEAR DOIiORBS, 50:11 «Jp«.«-«JU. xll4: mortgage $1100 can stand; ready to build. W. H. CKIM & CO., 18 Montgomery st. '-as»*«6isi <2»QAA MISSION ST., NR. PERSIA; ELEC- tjp JUU. trie car: 25x83:6. W. 11. CRIM & CO., 118 Montgomery st. - ffij 1 7AA *1 PEH MONTH RENT: 23D, NR. «JpX I UU. Foljom;- fine Interest: good lease: | 26x100. W. H. CKIM «fc CO., 118 Mo.itsfomery st. ' CJfioOA HOWAJU), NEAR2D: BARGAIN; tJpUiJUU. front and rear houses; brick founda- tion: 25x85. JW. H. CRIM <fc CO., 118 Montgomery st. -' ■-'-i.-' ■ - . ©('OAA • FULTON, Mt. OCTAVIA: 3 FLATS «JpU^Uv. and store; flrst-class Income proposi- tion; 25x87:6. ! CRIM <fc CO., 118 -•" '■ Montgomery st. -" ; <>QAA LOTH IN CASTRO ADDITION; LAID- tJpOUU. ley,- near Roanoke: 25x100: install- • ments; take San Mateo electric cars. ' W. H. CRIM <S CO.. "1 ' 118 Montgomery st. fflj 1 QAI \ CHOICE LOT oTTsU NN V SIDE OF t±pLU\J\J. street, near panhandle of park; 25x 100. ; • 4|{XA REPUCED FROM $700; KEY LOT tjpUUU. on Ninth aye., near I; size 25x120. J. W. WRIGHT, 628 Market. _ - - ' CITY BEAX.: ESTATE. ; , -^ {XS L^Y "S2SO C A ShT~™ ---J e> \J ENGLISH COTTAGE HOUSES. PRICE REDUCED ON THOSE UNSOLD. „•:.-. SEE THEM TO-DAY. ' - THEY ARE OPEN. $250 cash, balance monthly: same as rent; will buy an elegant modern ho'.:se of 6 and 7 rooms and bath; large basement; substantially built; ele- gantly finished and complete in all details; see them to-day:, they are open for inspection; Califor- nia st., cor. 2d aye.; take Sacramento-st. cars. Call at office for full particulars. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., - . - 638 Market st. HANDSOME HOME. . XI FIFTEENTH ST., N. OF MARKET. REDUCED TO $6000. . . : ..... Modern 2-story residence of 9 rooms and bath; stable, carriage-house, etc.; large lot, 48x115: half of lot vacant; this is a sacrifice, as owner must realize at once. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., ; ... 638 Market st. - COZY MISSION COTTAGE. ONLY $500 CASH. s.r. ;; BALANCE MONTHLY. A handsome new cottage of 5 large rooms and bath; exceptionally well built and handsomely finished; only 1 block from Mission St.: price $2300; monthly payments $20 a month; lot 25x 127. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., . . ' 638 Market st. DOWNTOWN FLATS. JJ OFF JONES STREET. $4000— Two flats of 4 and 6 rooms; In good con- dition; flats In this locution always rented; lot 25x 80. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO.. ■ - ■ 638 Market st. A DESIRABLE HOME. AT A BARGAIN. $5000— A modern 2-story residence of 7 rooms and bath In good condition on O'Farrell St., nr. Pierce; lot 25x100. EABTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., ' -• 638 Market st. LEGANT FLATS. " ~. ON CALIFORNIA STREET. $9500— Two handsome modern flats of 6 and 7 rooms and bath; on the north side of street; beau- tifully finished and decorated; substantially built; everything In first-class condition; lot 27:4x132:6. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., ■■' • 638 Market st. TVTEW MODERN RESIDENCE ~ ~ ~ ■JN ; IN WESTERN ADDITION. $6000— Ten rooms; artistically decorated; salon parlors; French range; finished basement: every convenience: for sale on easy terms; lot 25x137:6 ft.; north fide of street; choice location. ' EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., ■ 638 Market st. C HOICELOTS LOW PRICES. THE TIME TO BUY. <lI>7A,A.A. JUST THE PLACE FOR STORE «JJ) I \J\J\J. and flats and elegant corner on O'Far- rell st.. near Buchanan; 90 feet frontage on O'Far- rell by 50; this is very cheap. O»9£fin AN UNEXCELLED . SITE FOR ipwOUU. road house: a prominent corner, with nearly 200 feet frontage on the Ocean-House road, near new racetrack. Cl»9£.nfk REDUCED FROM $3250; A FINE «J)Zt)UU. lot on Baker at., near Washington; 25x106:4 feet. (tjir'A AN EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP LOT rJpIIOU. on Waller St., near Belvedere; 25x 108 feet; nothing like it in the neighborhood. CM F;AA 2 BLOCKS FROM THE PARK; »P±OUU. north side of Carl St.. near Cole; 25x 137:6 feet; & snap. <n>Af\f\ LEVEL AND READY FOR BUILD- <J)tLUU. ing upon; 26th aye., half a block from Point Lobos aye. ; 25x140 feet. EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO. - 638 Market st. A.H. LISSAK. O. F. YON RHEIN. OF. YON RHEIN & CO., REAL ESTATE • Agents, Auctioneers and House Brokers, 513 California street. Corner Clay and Stockton; 59:8x63:9; Chinese stores: rents $142 50. Stockton, nr. Clay; 55:10x63:9: Chinese stores; rents $45. BW. corner Geary and Williams: 28x62:6; inad- equately improved; for sale cheap. $15.000-Taylor, mar Kddy; 25x80: 2 bay-win- dow flats. 13 rooms and baths; rents $77 50. $12,000— Page, near (iough, to Rose aye.; 27:6 x 120: 2 flats In front and 2 in rear: rents $76. $14,000— Howard, bet. Ist and ad; 41:8x85; 2 houses; rents $45. Corner Leavenworth and Lombard: 40x97:6; new bay-window cottage, 8 rooms and bath. $10,500— Francisco, near Stockton; 45: 10x1 4 houses and 2 rear houses: 24 rooms: rents $82. $10,000— near Ist; 25x85; inadequately Improved: rent $40. $8000— San Jose aye., near 24th; 65:6x188; 2-story house, 10 rooms and bath. $9000— Hyde, near Sutter; 26x68:9; 2-story house. $8500— Howard, near sth; 20x80; store and 5 rooms below, with 2 flats above of 11 rooms and bath: rents ss6. $SOOO-Ki3Bling, near 11th and Howard; 47x80; 4 flats. $8000— Howard, near 23d: 62:4x122:6; 2-story residence, 8 rooms and bath. $8000— O'Farrell, near Hyde; 23x90; 2-story house, 7 rooms and bath: rent $35. $8000— Jessie, near 4th; 518x70: 2-story house, saloon, etc. .. ■; , $6500— Mission, near 24th; 21:6x117:6 to an alley; store and flat above. $6500— Corner Vallejo and Taylor; £2:6x67:6; house. 12 rooms and bath. $5500— Everett, near 3d: 3 bay-window flats, 17 rooms and baths; rents $50. $5350— Paclnc, ne»rHyde: 45x65: 2 flats. $4800— Powell, near Lombard; 23x100; 2-story house, 9 rooms and bath. $5200— Union, near Kearny: 23:6x67:6: new improvements; shop with 2 rooms and 2 flats above; rear house 2 flats: total rents $59. $1000— Jiaight, near Webster; 25x95; cottage 5 rooms: cheap: make offer. - 83800— Waller, near Stelner, through to Ger- manla; 2.5x120; 2 flats on ucrmania frontage; rents $23. Cottage— Larkln, near Chestnut; unobstructed marine view; $1200 cash, balance same 'as rent; 27:8x110. $3200— Jersey, near . Castro: 24x114: 2-story house: 2 flats, 9 rooms and baths; rents $26. &3000— Francisco, near Stockton; 23x68:9; cot- tage, 6 rooms and large basement. - i?."> 000— Salmon, near Pacific; 20x60 to Himmel- man Place; front and rear house, 11 rooms; rents $30. $3000— Natoma, near Ist; 23x75; 3 flats, 13 rooms: rents $32. $2300— Shipley, near Harrison aye., 7th and Fol- som; 20x75; 2-story house, 2 Hats, 8 rooms; rents $20. $2250— Mars St., Park Lane Tract; cottage 4 rooms and bath. $1750— Falrmcunt Tract; Arlington, near Mi- guel: 28x108; $250 cash, balance to suit pur- chaser; cottage, 4 rooms. $1250— Salmon, near Broadway; 20x60; 2-story house, 4 rooms; rent $8. ' UNIMPROVED. $5500— California, near nyde; 27:6x137:6. $3200— Liberty, near Dolores: 50x114. $1675—23 1 and Kansas: 25x10). f 3200— Dolores, near '.'9th; 60x75. 3000-Sanchez and 20th; 105x114. 81200— Lake and 13th aye.: 40x72. $1200— Cor. B and 25th aye.: 60x188. $1000— Homestead, near 24th; 60x125; will subdivide. . ■ . $400— lots, Gift Map No. 2; Wayne, near Union. * $325— Lot 4, block 95. University Homestead Association: 100x120. ■ CC. HKMIS, :• . REAL ESTATE AND LAND AGENT. 324 MONTGOMERY ST. FOR SALE 79fifi RENT A YE A R-BRICK BUILDING «Jp I —VU business property on Market st. 19f»x195-N\VVCOR. OF A ST. AND 27TH Jl-jW aye.; as a whole or In subdivisions. •Bill Mllll CORNER PACIFIC AYE. AND «3MI.UvJU. Bakerst.; 55x137:6 feot. <B»9j-AA E. SIDE STAN VAN ST., BET. tiDZUUU. Carl and Frederick; 25x100. fll* JC A SAN CARLOS-VILLA LOT; 100x150 ffl»£»7n,n "^6x127:6 FEET ON JACKSON ST., <JpU t \J\J. overlooking the Presidio and bay. VI'IIIIH 2 MODERN HOUSES OF S ROOMS «©UIM/U. each, at park: 25x137:6 feet; electric road passes houses; make offer. <jji Q^nfi 2-STORY '8-ROOMED HOUSE ON <$POuUU. Harrison St., bet. First ana Fremont. JAA LOT ON DUNCAN- ST., BET. NOE «PttUU. and Castro: 25x114 feet. i&O'nn F.LEG ANT W. CORNER OF COLE ♦JpO«Jv;U. and Carl sts. t>QAA CHOICE BUILDING LOTS NORTH <ffOUU. of park. OCA OCEAN VIEW LOT, NEAR STA- tJPi.UU.tIon and Mission road: must be sold; money needed. McEWEN BROS., 118 Montgom- ery st. AN UP-TO-DATE..:..... RESIDENCE. In looking inrough the fashionable portion of Pa- cific Heights district for the contemplated pur- chase of your new home don't fall to see the new houses just'ficlshed on .Webster st., near Vallejo; commanding all your requirements as to eleva- : tion,' convenience, "comfort, beauty and artistic fln- : ish, together with unsurpassed marine view; houses open to-day for inspection; prices and terms most liberal., . ' .... ____ ■ <2j97r/Y BARGAIN FOlt SOMEBODY WHO %pj-t I <Jv». wants good home; house, 6 rooms, bath; hoi and cold water; flower garden; grand view of city and bayof S. F.; easy terms. See owner on premises, 413 Douglass, nr. 20th. TT 18 A : HEALTHFUL SPOT — FRITVALE -L Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up. (ii|(«/|(U| prices AND merit, talk; •JJIUUUU. only one left out .-of 5 houses which ,we have recently finished; house contains finished basement, salon parlors, large illning-room, sunny breakfast-room, pantry, and i kitchen with French ranse; second story contains 3 bedrooms and bath; 2 : finished rooms in attic. 1226 Waller St.", north Hide, near Moral n ave. - r rvHEAP LOT, HAVES ST., 25x137; 126 FEET \J wtsl of Scott. - Address V. A., box 89, Call., . . UST-- co.Mri.ETKD, JELEdANT -COTTAGE 0 homes; $3600,' easy terms; Shotwel) St., near Seventeenth; five rooms.batli, gas, mantel. shades; high basement; larg>- lot; three car lines, open daily. E. P. E. TROY, owner, 301 California St.. • ' lAKEVIEW LOT 8; \i NEAR NEW~ RACE- \IJ track; low prices; easy terms. THE McCAR- THY CO., 646 Market st. ■ : "■:;-,: . c*ni QUINN.BET. RIDLEY A NDI4TH— BUN- *JU2 ny nats of 4 and 5 rooms; brick foundation: 6 years built ; cost $4200: no fair offer refused. | I^OR HOMES AND IN VESTMENT— F R IT- l 1 vale Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up. ; .'^^OvClTY;. KKAL ESTATE. V HTl^TwATDTlwC^BE^^^3oT^RE^iirjES^ TATE AGENTS, - . 218-220 MONTGOMERY ST., MILLS r:. : V" .BUILDIKG. :• ■•;- >, > • HOUSES RENTED. > $2250— Clay St.: marine view; Presidio nelghts, near Laurel st.; 27:6x127:8 1 or two lots at the same rate. - • • $6250—905 Fillmore St.. near McAllister; hand- some two-story cottage of 7 rooms and bath; lot 25x87:6. • - • $2675— 916 Hampshire st., near 21st: new cot- tage of 4 rooms and bath ; • stable for 3 horses ; lot 25x100; easy terms If desired. < ■ . - • ... ; $9000— Very cheap; Ellis St., near Van Ness aye.; lot 27:6x3 20; 2 houses; rents $75. $5250— Broderick St., near Clay; very handsome cottage of 6 rooms and bath; lot 27:8V±x80. $11,000— residence, 2222 Clay St., north side, near Laguna; contains 10 rooms, bath, fin- ished basement, furnace, hardwood floors; finely decorated and frescoed. - ■ $5500— Folsom St., near 14th; three modern flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath ; rents $42 ; lot 25x122 :6 feet. :. : .. ...... '..'.-. ■ .- ■ ■ '.■ ..■ ...-'. $10,500— Ellis St., near Franklin, north side; 40x120 feet. $5000— st., near Valencia; price reduced; lot 22x90 feet: rents $47. • $4250— Minna St., near 2nd; rents $42; lot 25x80 teet. . . ; .;..,; $6000— Price reduced from 87500; substantial bay-window house of 8 rooms »nd bath; Golden Gate aye., near Pierce: lot 27:6x110 feet. ' $4500— 14 th and Jessie sts., northwest corner; 25x95 feet. ' • $1250— 215t st. and York, southeast corner; 25x 100 feet. $4000— Broadway : marine view ; north side, near Scott: 25x100 feet; cheap. $2250-516 Diamond St.; modern house of six rooms and bath ; terms, $100 cash, balance $20 monthly, same as rent. $1900— Carl St., near Cole: north side; lot 25x 137:6 feet. , $5500— Two-story house of 7 rooms and bath; north side of Pacific aye., near Polk; good business property. ' $6500— Devisadero St., near Pine; business por- tion of street; cottage of 5 rooms and bath; lot 27:6x100 feet. .' - $2800— Cost owner over $4000; handsome modern bay-window cottage, ft rooms and bath; cement street; on line Sutro electric road; easy terms, equal to rent if desired. Stevenson st., near 14th, 25x65 feet; or three lots at same rate. $1100— Noe St., E. line, near Hill; 25x110 feet; lot all graded and ready to build on. Hickory aye., bet. Oak and Fell sts., near Buchanan : lot 27:6x50 feet. $3400— N. side Jackson st., near Leavenworth, a 2-story flat of 4 rooms each; rent $24 60 per month: size lot 24:6x82. $6500— Reduced from $8000: two new flats, 6 and 7 rooms and bath ; rent $51 50 per month; on McAllister St.; size of lot 25x137 :6. $2000-Church St.. bet. 15th and 16th sts.; 25x 125 feet ; on line electric road. The above is only a partial list. We will be glad to furnish a complete list on application. SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE A CO., 218-220 Montgomery St., Mills building. T AUCTION. ■•• ■ BY SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE A CO. ; SALESROOM. 218 AND 220 MONTGOMERY STREET, MILLS BUILDING, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1895, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. ESTATE OF JAMES McGINN, 1 DECEASED. DEVISADERO AND, ELLIS .VTS.— SE. corner; In subdivisions: corner 37%x100 ft.; InsWelots 25x100 and 25x127V ft. Ellis-st. lot, 27%x112% ft. Devisa- dero st. is rapidly becoming the best uptown retail business street. CALIFORNIA ST.— 2935-2937%: S. line, nr. Baker; 3 modern flats: rents $42 50; lot 25x82% ft.; also the vacant lot, 25x82% ft,, adjoining, which is to be sold separately. HENRY ST.— N. line; 100 ft. E. of Castro: 28x 115 ft.; street paved, sewered and ac- ' . ■ cepted; lot ready to build on; in the Mission warm belt. OCEAN VIEW— 2 and 6, block D, Railroad Homestead Association: will be sold as a whole or in 12 subdivisions of 25x 125 ft. each. BEN FRANKLIN HOMESTEAD ASSOCIATION —Lot 104, 25x114:8 ft. CITY LAND ASSOCIATION— Lot 31, block 39; lots 9. 10 and 11, block 38; will be sold as a whole or in subdivisions. EIGHTEENTH AYE.— Richmond district: E. line, 278:11 ft. N. Clement St.; 50x 120 ft. Also T HIRTY-SIXTH AYE.— Corner B st.; 120 ft. on B st. by iOO ft. on 36th aye. BOULEVARD LOTS. FIRST AYE.— Richmond, nr. Point Lobos; 25x 120 ft.; must be sold. ESTATE OF OTTO FAUSS, DECEASED. HAIGHT-ST. INCOME PROPERTY— sE. cor. Scott st.: Nos. 783 to 791 Haight St.; 3 stores and 6 flats; buildings built in :< the most substantial manner; rents $252 50; lot 68:9x70. SACRAMENTO-ST. RESIDENCES. S ACRaMENTO-ST. INCOME PROPKRTY— Nos. . 1716, 1778, 1720: near Van Ness aye. : . 3 substantial modern residences of 10 rooms, bath and basement: beautifully decorated and frescoed ; front and back stuirs; rents $180; lot 79x127:8Vi; will be sold as a whole or in parcels. DOWNTOWN INCOME PROPERTY. DA VIS-ST. INVESTMENT— Nos. 409-411 Davis st.; W. line, near Washington; store rented to one tenant for SlOO a month; lot 24x75. MISSION COTTAGES. DUNCAN-ST.-3 NEW COTTAGES; Nos. 232 and 234: N. HnP. near Dolores; 5 rooms, bath and basement each; terms, orn'-tifth cash, balance In monthly or semi-annual payments; lot 25x114. DAY-ST. COTTAGE. DAY ST.— No. 12; N. line, near Dolores: new cottage of. 5 rooms, bath and base- ment; terms, one-fifth cash, balance In monthly or semi-annual payments; lot 25x114. . MISSION WARM BELT. HARDY ST.— E. line, 100 S. of 16th: 2 lots 28x75 ea/-h: close to Church and 16th elec- tric line. -.--■'■ RENTING PROPERTY. PINE-ST. INVESTMENT— 1435-1437 Pine St.; Nos. 36 88 Austin st.. near Polk; 4. houses: rents $74 50; lot 25x120. • A DVANCEMENT IX ARTISTIC J\ ..HOME BUILDING; Have you seen those new residences just com- pleted? If not, go to-day and instect them; Web- ster St.. near Vallejo; up-to-date ideas; new style of architecture and ■. design throughout; finished la natural woods: owner on premises; bouses open for Inspection; marine view. MONO ESTABLISHED IMPROVEMENTS— Fruitvale Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up. SOL GETZ A BROTHER, REAL ESTATE OWNERS, ROOM A, FIRST FLOORTCROCKER BUILDING. HEADQUARTERS FOR PARK LOTS. NEAR THE AFFILIATED COLLEGES. FINEST RESIDENCE LOTS IN THE CITY ON INSTALLMENTS at low prices. . ' ffl>l AA TO $350: LOTS NORTH AND SOUTH >Ip-LvU of the park; $10 down and $5 monthly. 6OL GETZ .V- BRO. O/IXA TO $1100: GRADED lots near »]p*X«Jv/ park carjlnes; elegant' view of ocean, park and concert valley; on terms to suit pur- chaser, SOL ■ KTZ & BRO. •: ' ; . lAA To 8250: BUILDING LOTS NEAR «3PJLUu Mission and San Mateo electric car lines, Lakevlew and new racetrack: only down and $5 monthly; your choice of -100 lots: don't miss -this. SOL GETZ .t BRO. V CALL FOR MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. SOL GETZ A BRO.. Owners, .. .. Room A, first floor, Crocker building. <ju 1 WEEKLY : GOOD BERKELEY LOTS. «jpj- The dollar was earned from day to day; • The dollar was round, it rolled away. : Have your dollar, ? Own your lot. $160— Lot 26x102; $1 weekly. *176— Lot 31x135; $1 weekly. .-,■... . - $250— Lot 25x120; $1 weekly ; sewered. $;(J3— Lot 25x100: $1.25 weekly; macadamized. CHAS. A. BAILE 46 Market st., S. F., or Berkeley stntlon' Berkeley." ■ " OUSES £UILTSI6O TO $-'75 A itUUM.; OAIjU and examine 1149 Mission st. -;.-v-; : <:, BRIGHT, CHEERY, HEALTHFUL -LOCA- tiou— Frultvnle Terminal Tract. Lots sloo np. A WEEK'S*"*" NEWS FOR i 6 j CENTS — THIS WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. PROI'EKTST WANTKI*. ; U e^ttje^x^e^Trooms7 or double flat, JAi bet. Pierce. Devisadero, Pine and Clay sts; lot about 30 feet;" price : $10,000. .Address P. O. box 2058. ;-y^. ■■>---■■ ' '•• ■■ "■ "■■■. ■':- •.''.-•:^ ; ANTED TO RENT-SMALL PLACE WITH- VV in 50 miles of San Francisco; near town; may buy If cheap. Address M. J. J., box 117, Call Office. ] • LEGAL ftOTICKS. D~~EPaT ¥mE NT~ n7)TIC^'ROBATE- 1 N~TH E Superior Court, in and for the City and County Of San Francisco, State of California, In the mat- ter of the estate of CHARLES D. ROOT, deceased.' , Notice is hereby given that MONDAY, the 9th day of- December, A. D. 1 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the courtroom of Department No. , 9of said • court, at the • new City all, in the City and County of san i Francisco, ■ state of California,', have beea appointed as the time and place for proving the will of said | CHARLES D. ROOT, de- ceased, and for hearing the application of RUBY ALICE ROOT for the Issuance to her of letters testamentary thereon. Dated November 26, A. D. Bf *fseal.] " • CHARLES F. CURRY. Clerk. By F. B. HOUGHTON, Deputy Clerk. WALTER H. LINFORTH. Att'y for Petitioner.' i CITY- KEAXj ESTATE. BOVEE.TOY & CO., "V" I -"" — T --— - REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 19 MONTGOMERY ST., •v! Under Lick House. - - Q£ A CAA 17TH ST.: CORNER, <JDxU.UUU. near Market; 30x90; new Im- V-.- provements: rents . $110 per month; .. mortgage $3500: owner will entertain ex- change in city property for his equity. <s>l Q CAA POWELL-ST. FLATS, NR. BUT- O.UUU. ter; rents $105 per month; very ' ; central. ■ ©1 CAA COTTAGE: ONLY. $1500: VERY <IPJ-UUU. easy terms to purchaser; lot 25x114; I cottage contains 4 rooms and bath; only 1 block from Castro-st. cars. <C9P\nn ONLY SBOO CASH; BALANCKCAN «Jp^iOUU. remain on mortgage; choice building , ' ■' lot; Clay st.. near Baker; 25x105. ■tti ft nan -kekts $100 per MONTH: tJD-LU.UUU. business corner, near Mission ; and 16th sts.: grocery and 4 rooms on ground ... floor, 2 fiats above; mortgage $4000. - Qi'TAAA . MUST JBK SOLD; RESIDENCE OF tip 4UI/U. 7 rooms and bath, etc.; lot 25x137:6; street bituminlzed,. stone sidewalk, etc.; near Octavia and Broadway. ffIjOAAA BUILDING CORNER LOT 50x97:6: ,«IP £\j\J\J . choice location in Mission near Castro st. cars; $1000 mortgage san remain; will entertain exchange for equity. ffIjQAAA EDDY ST. .INVESTMENT; LOT <Jpi/UUU. 25x120 to rear St.; rents $72 50 per mouth ; mortgage of $3000 can remain: cottage house of 6 rooms and bath; also 2 new rtars just finished. ■ ■ OjJflfMl HOWARD COURT, NEAR HOW- «JpttUUU. ard and Fourth sts.; rents $51:8 per - annum: 4 separate flats. C&QAAA CALIFORNIA ST., NEAR LAR <PCUUU. kin, 25x87:6: house of 10 rooms und bath: mortgage sssoo. OJ^OXA 2-STORY AND BASEMENT BAY- <2)Uii<UU. window residence, containing Brooms - • and bath; rents $50 per month; lot 25x 110; choice location on Pine st. ' <2>QIAA PRICE GREATLY REDUCED TO «JP^JtUU. make immediate sale: cottage of 4 rooms; rents $15; large lot, 30-foot front- age; Post st. — ffl» P^AA ONLY 2 BLOCKS FROM MARKET ig)OO\J\J. St.; Noe near 14th; new residence .' , -''''f:. ' •> of 8 rooms and bath, conservatory, etc. ; terms very easy: large lot, 30x162 feet. <3;£r9XA GOLDEN GATE AYE., NEAR tJP UZiUU. Pierce; lot 25x137:6; house of 10 rooms and bath; cottage house in rear. ©fJOKA TURK ST.; HOUSK AND STABLE: v&\}**O\J. driveway, etc.: large lot, 28x137:6. <2fO7K.A. JOHN ST., NEAR POWELL AND «Tp«J I O\J. Jackson: rents $420 per annum; house of 9 rooms, bath and basement. CJ7KAA MONTGOMERY ST., NEAR JACK- <IP I U\J\J. son: bouse of 2 stores below; 2 apart- • .-. ments above of 4 rooms each; rents $67 per mouth; must be sold; make offer. <2»7AAA NE. COR. 22D AND GUERRERO; «jp lUUU. lot 27x90 feet: store and 3 rooms on lower floor: flat of 6 rooms and bath above: modern throughout; brick founda- tion; store leased for three years; to- tal rents $50 per month; street work all done. <Cfi9£kft RENTS $55 PER MONTn; 2 NEW , iJpU— UU. flats: choice location in Western Ad- dition: two blocks from Halght-st. cable: high, sightly elevation; mortgage $2000, at ti l per cent, can remain. ©O'An MUST BE SOLD; HAIGHT ST., (JOuUU. sunny side, near Webster: 3 modern flats; rents $70 per month: lot 25x100 feet. f QAn COTTAGE OF 3 ROOMS; RjtiNT $8; «Jp t7UU. lot vsx7o; short distance from Misslon- st. carline. MORTGAGE OF $3500 CAN re- tJDUUUU. main: 2243 Sutter St.; business prop- erty; substantial improvements; store and 2 rooms, fiat of 5 rooms and batn above: rents $50 per month; will, trade equity for home in the Mission. <2»9-| (\<\(\ POWELL-ST. : FLATS: RENTS «JpZiI.UUU. $2040 per annum; downtown: large lot, 44x112:6; mortgage at 6 per cent can remain. mjQrAA PRICE GREATLY REDUCED; tJPOUUU. must be sold; house of 9 rooms, bath, laundry, garden,etc.; large lot, 50x106:3; Ashburyst. <£9£?\ft OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL: 2 iUwU. flats near Jones and Broadway; rents $26 per month: this Is a bargain. BOVEE, TOY .t CO.. 19 Montgomery st. SANTA CLARA CODNTY. real ESTATE. Fine" property ~ FOR sale AT LOW prices. • JAMES a. clayton <fc co., land AGENTS, san JOSE. PROFITABLE ORCHARD ADJOINING TnE X city of San Jose; 40 acres; soil 20 feet: 10 acres prunes, this year's crop sold for $2500; 10 acres peaches, year's crop was heavy, 45 tons from 3 3-7 acres, trees 30 feet apart; .10 acres fine apri- cot orchard that yield heavy; balance in cherry trees; price $32,500. 1 A-7 ACRES VALLEY LAND SOUTH OF SAN JLU I Jose; «ood land: orchards adjoining: house 5 rooms, barns, etc. ; scattering oak trees: there is an orchard of about 12 acres in bearing; this prop- « rty is finely located; convenient to . railroad sta- tion and school; price $125 per acre;' no objection to taking san Francisco property In trade if same is improved and unincumbered. 1 ACHES IN FOOTHILLS, NEAR CON IUU gress springs: 13 miles from San Jose; 100 acres nearly level: about 12 acres fruit trees, apri- cots and prunes. 1 and 4 years ola : about 20 acres grapes; the soil is good; small house and barn; good springs: this property belongs to savings bank; anxious to sell: will give 5 years' time, easy payments and reauced price; $4000. . C ACRES ADJOINING TnE CITY OF SAN *) Jose; frontage on 3 roads; house 5 rooms, barn, etc.; flowing well: choice land: $4000. Q ACRKS 3 MILES FROM san JOSE: LEVEL 0 land; one-quarter mile from car line; $150 per acre. 1 X 5 ACRES LEVEL LAND. 8 MILES FROM lt/S San Jose; cheap: terms half cash; $1675. C ACRES ON McLALGHLIN AYE., NEAR 0 the city: $1275. COX ACRES, 5 MILES FROM MILPITAS, 12 UOu miles from San Jose: hill land; 300 acres cultivated for hay and grain. 14 acres old orchard; ranch is well watered; large springs: house 8 rooms; lar^ebarn: price $.'6 per acre. OA ACRES ORCHARD IN FULL BEARING: —.1" prunes 18 acres, apricots 2 acres: near the city; 1,000. , ■ ORCHARDS NEAR SAN JOSE ARE THE most productive in the State. "I ACRE IMPROVED, NbAR SAN JOSE; -L convenlentto electric car line; house 6 rooms; good well: $lH>O. ll'E HAVE . THE FINEST. P.OADS AND I* schools; Santa Clara Valley Is the place to live. JAMKS a. CLAYTON A- CO., Land Agents, " Established over 25 years, • 10 West Santa Clara St., San Jose. - FINE RANCHO FOR SALE. <2» -r a nflft the most PICTURESQUE *!rt)l»." »UU. ranch in Monterey County, one hour to Del Montr, and near railroad station. Beau- tifully situated a junction of three roads: near racetrack; 2 houses: 4 bams; well fenced: springs dotting the place; alakeof Sacres; lovely spreading o.*ks: a thoroughly equipped dairy: about 100 cows, hoits, poultry, etc.; saddle-horses and carri- age teams; plenty of flsh and game; in fine a gen- tleman's estate and a paradise. 173-61 For further particulars apply to or address W. G. HAWLEY * CO., 17 South First Street, . San Jose, California. CANTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS. 19,000 acres In subdivisions for fruit planting. Apply to C. H. PHILLIPS, proprietor. S2 East Santa Clara St., San Jose, Cal. STOCKTON ADVERTISEMENTS STOCKTON aSAX ESTATE. rmiE PARK TRACT, STOCKTON, 1 11. E. POEHLMAN, Agent, S. F. Stockton is the Beehive City of California; the Park Tract is one of the few desirable subdivision propertk-s placed within the reach of all; tract well drmuied; prominently located; beautifully laid out : park runs through it. .' _ * ._ . .. Terms, $10 cash, balance $5 monthly; no inter- est no taxes; water hop. Call for maps and pick your lots early; keep this notice. • H. E. POEHLMAN, agent, 415 Montgomery st., San Francisco. TOCKTON— WE HAVE A NUALBER OF: O choice lots in the Joaquin metropolis at $5 per •' month. For particulars call or. address i'ETKRSON «fc CO., 6 Eddy St., room 58. ESCALON HAS 15EKN SELECTED BY THE li directors of the S. F. and S. J. V..R. R. Co. (Valley road) for the principal station In thesouth- eastern part o* San Joaquin County and is destined to become at once I the - most ' important - of all the stations on the line of the railroad on account of- the vast, bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sur-' rounding,, the town, every, acre of which will ba sold with a perpetual water right. : ' ■ -: . » -.-.■ Take some of your money out of the 4-per-cent . savings bank and invest in this coming center of southeastern san Joaquin County. - -• For maps, descriptive mattir. etc., address E. E. ARLO WE & CO., 430 East Main. St., . Stocltton. California. . . -~. . .^ .■- - -■', -,;■/".'■■:."•.. TO EXCHANGE. ...... Y^/ > rpo EXCHANGE— 7S ACRES, OVERLOOKING ' L •; Monterey Bay ; 1 100 fruit \ trees ; j comfortable new j buildings; fine spring; stock farming imple- ments, etc. ; for house or lot in ■ our • near the- city. Address Bargain, box 46, Call Office, y ; 7<INE RESIDENCE OF 7 KOOMS AND BATH," S 'J? in ■. Mission, to exchance for good building lot in Western ! Addition. AVORKMAN & FRENCH, i 630 Market st. - _„„ .-, .-_i?i3jajncia£..- : . -■;•> -;?: ■>'■-** G"^rT^^o3TD^ r F^R""^Al^F^sr2^b^*^^PEß cents Issued by city 'of Monrovia, Cal. ; partic- ulars upon application. : DE VAN <fc CO., Los An- geles, Cal. '■•■.'. --- ■'■>■: ■"■.-. ■.-■■';■• •.-..%, *~:V-? ;. ■ , ■. .;/ "PERSONS WHO WANT 4 TO 7 PER CENT X interes a year on: their, money alioald consult I. W. ENTZ & CO.. 401 California st. . ,; r , i ■ NY , SUM OF « MONEY, ADVANCED ON ■ your furniture, pianos or real estate: lowest rate; call and state your proposition or write; open evening. J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission at. OAKLAND ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— oOB BROADWAY. OAKLAND KBAli ESTATE. <SH AAA COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS: PRETTY tiJIUUu. finish; fenced: near the Altenheim; electric-cars; on installments: a bargain. -H. B. PINNEY, 902 Broadway, Oakland. , .. <sizinn NEW HOUSE,. 3 ROOMS; NEAR <?-±UU. local trains and electric-cars; $50 cash and $10 monthly. H. B. PINNEY, 902 Broadway, Oakland. ;.-., -. ■ r\ A KLAND IMPROVED PROPERTY. ~ Lot 100x110. centrally located, with 5 buildings, including 3 stores, fine improvements, always rented, pays 9to 10 per cent, a price $10,000: lot 25x110:9, 2-story bay-window house of 9 rooms, bath, etc., etc., also , 3-room cottage in rear, hlsjhly improved, fine location, rents well, price $4001): an off wanted; good terms. PETERSON & CO., 6 Kddy st. ■ _W . "1 LOT; 50x135 FEET; 2 COTTAGES AND -L barn: one 6 rooms other rooms ; brick founda- tion: bath; hot and cold wter; street work dove; cement sidewalk; a bargain; must be sold lmmo- diately: owner going away; price $2400. See the owner, 211 Courtland aye., Mission and Thirtieth ets., San Francisco. ■■ .- • ■ - *. "\TTANTED-A RANCH NEAR SARATOGA, •IT Santa Clara County: value not to exceed $1600: ttnp exchange will be made fop such a place. F. C. WATSON, 463 Ninth St., Oakland. (>RAB-$500: 6 LOTS: : THRIVING T suburb; must have money. WARNER A. CO., 465 Ninth St., Oakland. ' EST BARGAIN IN FKUITVALt; LOT 100 x 238: 200 feet . from electric road : price only $400. Fruitvale Land Co.. Fruitvale station. *Cr\(\ CASH AND $15 PER MONTH: SAME *irO\J as rent; new cozy cottage. 4 rooms and bath: good local. o;i; total price only $1000 : this is a banrnin; apply at once. HUGH M. CAM- ERON, 47» Ninth st., Oakland. POTTAGE AND LOT; 5 ROOMS: IN HEART \J of Stockton; all modern; $2500: mortgage $100U; to trade for good clean lots in Oakland. Five-room house an.l large lot: Golden Gate; $1800: easy terms: house nearly new. Several houses in Oakland to tr:ide for wild land in almost any county in the Stale. C. K. KINO, 902 Broadway, Oakland. Q»f» AA A BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED RESI- -tJpUUuU. dence, Alameda: lot 40x124; all nicely furnished: any reasonable otTer. . Large list of choice residences and cottages for sale in Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, Fruitvale and Piedmont; acre tracts and ranches. Send for cata- logue or see E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oak- land, Cal. . Hoi SES BUILT ON EASY TERMS: ALSO house to trade for country. ALDEN & GAR- FIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. I QlftAA .'FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH: 1 «|pIUUU. 6V2 acres— s acres fruits, 1 acre gar- den; house, barn, etc.: pays well. ALDEN & GAR- FIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. FINE HOMES FOR SALE; CALL AND SEE the 8 and 10 room houses we are completing: in 5 minutes' walk of Fourteenth-st. local; first class in all of their conveniences: easy terms. Homes built on your own plans and sold you on easy terms -..this side of the bay. . Also some fine exchanges for clear vacant lots or country property. C. P. KERN, Central Bank building, Oakland. . j "OUTCHER-SHOP; FIXTURES COMPLETE: JD excellent location: established 16 years; rent reasonable. Apply is22Vij Seventh, Center station. / 1 E.VUINE BARG A IN— UTI F UITIIOM E ; "J 8 rooms and bath: full electric service: lar^e lot; situated in the central part of Oakland: term $500 cash, balance $50 per month. A. H. BREED it CO., 460 Ninth St.. Oakland. v-- QQYWI BUYS NEAT COTTAGE OF 7 BOOMS; *$V\J\J Oak-st. station; short walk to busi- ness center; a big snap. W. E. BARNARD & SON, 458 Ninth St., Oakland. G»O/i MONTHLY FOR 5-ROOM COTTAGES; O-- '■' plans free. F. BOEGLE. Golden Gate statn. fl>"l CA- LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIM IN KDXO\Jm Fruitvale; electric cars; only $1 dowa and $1 a week; selling fast; good improvements. H. B. PINNEY. owner. 902 Broadway. Oakland. ALAMEDA ADVERTISEMENTS OFFICE— PARK STREET. At , A3l P i A KKAIi STATE. o^T^imlsie^iate^sa "x c ar^school and station; streets improved and sewered. $4350— cash $35 monthly; 33x150: hand- some new colonial bouse, 7 rooms and bath; near Willow or Chestnut st. station. $3250— cash: $30 monthly: 33x150; ele- gant colonial cottage, on principal driveway; 6 rooms and bath. $3250— cash: $30 monthly; 38x100: cor- ner house, in fine condition: 8 rooms and bath. $3150— 3200 cash: $27 monthly: 31x100: new cottage, 5 rooms and bath: central location. $2250-$6O cash: $25 monthly; 30x100: cot- . tage, 4 rooms and bath. Houses to rent from .510 up. Open Sundays and holidays. • - MARCUSE REM MEL. Bay-st. station Alameda, and 628 Market si., San Francisco. SNAP— S7OOO; OPPOSITE THE NEW EN- cinal Halt, Bay station, Alameda; 2 story building; rents for $60; lot 30x90: pays 8 per centuet: termstosuit. (iaman & i.yon. 215 Kcarny St.. or W. B. FITCH iV CO., Bay station. Alameda. Ql ftft DoW.N — ELEGANT NEW 6-ROOM -LUU modern cottage in center of city, close to school and station; lot 35x150; price $2250. For Immediate sale Alameda Land Company, 1500 Park St., Alameda. <Q! IAAA EW AND MODERN HOUSE OF 7 C **"""• rooms and ba:h: lot 42x147:6: In good locality: termseasy; Installments. JOSEPH A. LEONARD CO., 1364 Park St., Alameda. Berkeley KBAli estate. SKVERALFINEHOUSEs'IN LORIN; KASY O terms; Berkeley— lB large lots, 50x165 each, sewered an' l streets Improved: streetcars rass the property; • price $7000. PETERSON & CO., 6 Eddy st. : liOR SALE— IN BERKELEY; BEAUTIFUL home containing 8 rooms, with corner lot 130 x 115, forssooo only; near railroad station and 3 electric streetcar lines. Also 3 luts adjoining taking in street corner; area 130x125; as a whole or slugle In proportion; price $2100. or solid mercantile business taken in exchange. Address E. D., box 58. this Office. T>SBKXUCT BARGAINS. " J) $1500— Cottage 4 rooms; large lot 100x123. $450— Corner 48x79: $50 down, $10 monthly. $350—1 acre on side hill. $500—1 «ere on eminence. $600— Corner 100x1 with creek. $ISO— Lot MxlB2; $10 down, $5 monthly. $175-Lot 31x135: $10 down, 10 quarterly. $4500—3 acres on flue street. $300-Lot 48x100. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., San Fran- cisco, or Berkeley station, Berkeley. E~~ LEGANT LOTS NEAR THE BERKELEY UNIVERSITY, TO CLOSK AN ESTATE. $1600-40x130; NW. cor. Durant aye. and Ful- ton st. $1600—50x130: Fulton st., nr. Durant aye, $1600—40x130; NW. cor. of Bancroft way and Union st. . $1750—50x130; Bancroft way. nr. Union st. $1600—40x110; SE. cor. of Durant and Tele- graph ayes. ■ $1600—50x110; Telegraph aye., nr. Durant aye. ■'■■ $1800—45x120; NE. cor. Bancroft way and Tel- egraph aye. *1HOO— 70x138: Hlllegassave.. nr. Bancroft way. *2000— 70x140; Telegraph aye., ur. Bancroft way. . ■' ■ $2500—91x138; University aye., near the Uni- versity grounds. $2000—120x119: Shattuck nve., nr. Vinest. $1800— An acre lot near the Town Hall. Also 70 lots at Asbby station; cheap; on easy terms. Come quick if you want the choice of these bargains. . : . M. 1.. WURT3, Opp. Dwight-way station, Berkeley. 3IONEY TO LOA>. ORROW MONEY ON YOUR DIAMONDS, jewelry, furniture and pianos without removal; lowest rates. Call or write to HA RRY ANKEL .* CO., Mills bid?. 6th floor, r 6: strictly confidential TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 83U Market, cor.stockton, rms. 17 and 18.nnii fle>ur: established 30 years; always open. "Uticla Bill." TyilV PAY *5 ON -T.HE. NDRi I) COM- '» mission to the broker when you can get the same direct from the loaner without it and with- out charse for making out papers on your pianos and furniture of private families, which furniture i is now under the new law mortgageable; loweit in- -1 terest without removal: any amount from $100 to $5000. 418 Kllis St., room 22. . . , ■ LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IST AND 2ND XJ mortgages, undivided interests, estates, and on furniture or pianos, without removal. in the city ! and' Oakland or 'Alameda: any amount: lowest rates; all business confidential : savings bauk books I bought. CallorwritetoßECKEß,24oMontcomery. ! ■ A DVANCESON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and -. V all securities. Columbia Loan and Collateral Office, 9 Grant aye. , NY AMOUNT: IST, 2D or 3D MORTGAGES; estates, undivided Interests, real estate in pro- bate. '„• McCOLGAN, 24 Montgomery, rooms 2-3. IST 'AND 2D MORTGAGES: CITY OR COUN- J. try; administrators' mortgages, Interests in es- tates, dlamoad3, pianos, etc,. MURPHY, 6'JB Mkt. MONEY. LOANED,- 6y« PER CENT ON mortgages. A. F. JOHNS CO., 632 Market st. ONEY. LOAN ON JEWELRY. AND other valuables at the Security Loan Office, Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. ■••'•v: .'■',-' . TO LEASE. ,:•%•.■■::':.:■-■ SPACE TO LET IN BRICK BUILDING; ANY size; with or without power: suitable laun- dry, manufacturing, etc. Apply GEORGE U. HIND. 411 Montgomery St. - '•: /:- - v-'-. . ••;,-■■' TBicrci.ES. ■.; • ARK CYCLERY-NEW- WHEELS TO LKTi X best accommodations.' - Terminus Geary, Mo- Ai lister and Powell st. car hnes. Additional Classified ' Advertise- ■ments on Page 12. 11