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12 HOUSES TO LFT. oTlT^nTs'l7)ls-"cb'i ; 7 ROOSIS, /■ill bath. $30: 1137 Guerrero. 6 rooms, bath, rani, *2-> 50: 136 Fifteenth, nr. Howard, 6 rooms, bath, $20: 929Va Natoma. 6 rooms, $16. W.H. CRIM & CO.. 118 Montgomery st. Q»O\ 8 ROOMS. WITH EVERY MODERN $Ot). convenience: nicely decorated; retlned neighbors; 40-foot sunny yard: kind landlord. BAM I.ICHTEN3TKIN. 15 Grant aye. : 1 ftOO TWBNTIIfiTH — 4 ROOMS; LARGE ■LUOO grounds: rent f 14. Key at grocery. I 000 FOLSOM-HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND X^OO bath; modern Improvements: rent rea- sonable. ______^ -1 oon SANCHEZ, COR. ARMY-6 NEWLY X OJ-O'Z papered sunny rooms; 99. OAKaBYT'nK- FIFTH AND MISSION-7 _U nice sunny rooms^double parlors; cheap. 7^>7i BUTTBB^SUNNY, CIIO ICE. CIOUS; UOU suitable for doctor; appnwlated It seen T s OUSK 5 BOOMS AND BATH : RENT $16 50. P 1 627 Church St., nejirTrwenty-nmth. /-.),. l MINNA-HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND OZUa bath. mWO-STOBY HOUSE; 1415 TAYLOR ST.; X rent low to good tenant. 7-.) 1 ELLIS— HOUSE OF 6 LARGE SUNNY U— X rooms and bath; $25. VjICE SMALL COTTAGE; S ROOMS; BASE. IN ment: yard. 239 Fell st. _. 1 Ct>-) FILHERT— FINE 2-STORY HOUSE OF J OO- 7 rooms; bath; basement: yafd; $20. h FINE HOUSE OFO BOOMS; J O— U bath and bis; yard; rai.t 920. OQ TWENTY-THTRDT NB. HAMPSHIRE— _O rooms; bath: yard; rent $17. TTOUBK 7 BATH AND STABLK. 11 J"1 Farren aye.. bet. I'ierceaud scott sts. C?9^ BEAUTIFUL MODEB 9-ROOM TWO- »* > _«). story corner house: garden: yard: 1521 I>o;on^s St., cor. Valley. HAAS, cor. Thirtieth and Sanchez. ' A ROOMS: BAY-WINDOW: BATH: YARD: T; cellar; $12 r>o. 1419 I'acillc, nr. Hydo-st. cars. NE MONTH'S RENT FRKE TO GOOD TKN- ant: neat house of 8 rooms and bath. 2307 Oc- tavia si., rent 525: 2309 Octavia, 10 rooms and bath, 930; between l'acili: aye. and Jackson. Ap- ply YON I'.liKIN «fc CO., 513 California st. 91 I GEARY— HOUSK OF 11 BOOMS; BATH; ZtJLX. rent reasonable. Key •_-17 1 /2- HOUSE, 4 ROOMS: STABLE FOR 5 HORSES. 27ih and Alabama st. (Tji f» COTTAGE OF 4 BOOMS AND BATH. t^iD. Corner of Union and Lagnna st. O A VED— DOLLARS. DIMES AND NICKELB C* by rentin; a house from BALDWIN & HAM MONP 10 Montgomery st. FCKXISHED UOI'SKS. .{ COMFORTABLE ROOMS; BATH; 2 BEDS: T all ri-f-«ai s. 1917 Geary st. Hi»l.\i.;.l 1O LXI. / JoTTAGi '. ■'- i:vs.. sr.VNY BAY- \J window; modern improvements; planked base- ment: reasonable; furniture for sale. ',26 Fulton. COTTAGJS. 4 SUNNY KOOMS, HALL. AND \J bi-sement: lare'e yard; 512. 121 Eureka st., bet. Eighteenth and Nineteenth; Castro cable or Eighteenth electric. V" 1V 1 ■".- Hi ' ■>! cottage, MODERN improv e- X ments: ■- ra>n,cbialten-noaBe and variety of fruic trees: $16 50. 317 Clipper, near Castro. Apply 540 Eighteenth st.. near Dolores. I A WALNUT AYE., BET. 1. ■ KKIN AND J-U Polk, Post and sutter sts.— Nice cottage 4 rooms; reasonable. VT E \ I COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS: LARGE YARD; 1\ she's; sE. corner Twenty-seventh and Folsom sts.: cheap VEAT COTTAGE: 5 BOOMS, BATH, CEL- 1> lar, yard; 916. 1127 Twentieth st- Q] 1 A SMALL COTTAGE. 3 TAY ST., V 1 l,t)U. near cor. Clay an i l'owe'.l. pOTTAGE; 916; WATER FREE. 2205 LAR- V kiu st. J \ri< I CLEAN COTTAGE IN WESTERN AD- 1> dition: 920. SPECK. 602 Market st. C« 1 A COTTAGE 8 BOOMS: MAPLE COUBT, fj) I V/. off Fourteenth, be:. Gnexreroand Dolores. Apply to C.S.CAPP&CO, 413 Montgomery St., House Brokers and Keal Estate Agents. 090 BAT COTTAGE OF 5 BOOMS AND O — *-'• batli; cellar; sunny yard. 2425 Post st. "07 ,^.A COTTAGE OF 8 BOOMS; GOOD OB- O I .OU. tier: water free, Apply premises, 945 Bryant St., nr. r:i.i,th.orroom 79, 62fc Montgomery. CIOTTAGK:* KOOMS-.GARDEN; BASEMKNT; ' m»-ine\iev. Lombara, bet, Kearny <t Mntc'y. FLATS TO LEi. Or -] Q MISSION ST., UPPER 6 ROOMS. — 010 bath, 922 50: 615 Seventeenth St.. upper 7 rooms, bath, §22; 'J'.»ii Folsom st., upper 7 rooms, bath, 921 50: 2825 Howard St., lower 5 rooms, bath. $21: 710 Buchanan St., upper 7 rooms, bath. 920 : 207 sx-conu s:., upper 7 rooms. 920: 2915 Harrison St., lower 6 rooms. $18: 58 Tehama st., upper 6 rooms, $18; 615y 2 Capp at., lowtr 5 rooms, bath, $18: 13Va McLea st.. off Ninth, nr. Harrison, upper 5 rooms, bath, modern ana complete, $16. W. H. CRIM & CO., 118 Montgomery st. "<S Ift I 609 > GROVE ; ST., NEAR LAGUNA; «*^ 1 .rent re<iuced: upper flat of 6 rooms. 925—406 McAllister St.; 8-room flat. 9'J3— Fine flat: 2"_'3 Dolores St.; 6 rooms. Mc- EW£N BROS.. 118 Montgomery st. 1 Q«.i C FOURTH— RN [SHED ROOMS FOR _— O light housekeeping; <B>l q - J '■■ ••■■->is YARD. 11l RIDLEY ST., »J) 1 O. near Valencia. ODERN FLAT: 7 ROOMS AND BATH; sunny side; r<-nt reasonable. 606 Oak st. 1 997 FELL— 6;sICE BUNNY ROOMS, BATH, 1 — — . I yard, etc. ; electric liehters; ntar Golden Gat« Park; rent low to good tenant. Ql] LOWER FLAT: 4 BOOMS; LARGK »j5 1 1 . yard. 22 De Boom St.. off Second, near Brannan. C.]/' BAY-WINDOW, SUNNY UPPER £) LU. Hat: 7 rooms and bath; gas; hot and cold water; stationary washtubs, and all the late im- provements. Apply 226 Twenty-second st., near Harrison. 1 1 C\(' UNION — « ROOMS AND BATH, J IUO $22 50: 805 Union, 3 and 4 rooms, $10 and $11. J" -*LAT: FOUR ROOMS AND HALL: LARGE . yard: rent $13. 664 Minna, near Eighth st. 1 091 CAPP— LOWER FLAT; 4 SUNNY 11/-1 rooms: yard; $10. IOIA 8< IT. NEAR ELLIS-6 ROOMS AND lOli bath: sun all day. /M QFU LTON — SUNNY FL AT 7 ROOMS ttXO aud bath: nicely papered; rent reduced. ■lAA7OAK — NEW FLAT OF 4 SUNNY -L UU I rooms, bath and basement. £•1 Q NEW UPPEB BUNNT MODERN »3)XO. bay-window flat, 5 rooms, bath, -ard, cel- lar. 1421 Hayes St. SOUTHEAST CORNER HYDE AND PINE— Beautiful flat of 8 rooms and bath and every known convenience. Call to-day. 77V7 hyde.neak post— lower modern I U I tiat 4 rooms and washroom; rent $15: water free. Q>Q AND ?9— FLAT ROOMS; BATH; LARGE tlpO yard. 1235 Twenty-fifth st. OWER FLAT; 3 SUNNY KOOMS. 10 JULIA, off Mission, near Eighth. QOB 4 BOOMBD FLATS; FURNISHED OR O unfurnished; modern improvements; sunny side. 11 Garden aye., n<ar Devisadero st. I FINEST MODERN FLATS IN TOWN; BOT- tom price. 334 Cumberland s\, near Church. ATEW 6-KOOM FLAT: BATH; YARD; MOD- -i-iern; cheap. 1228 Union st. • • 7Tb~~T WE NTY -SECOND, ABOVE VALEN- i XO ciu— Snnny upper flat. 6 rooms, bath. fijj 1 O XA 3-ROOM FLAT. 424ya GROVE tJJIU.UU. St., sunny side. TO LET-NKE SUNNY 4ROOMED FLAT; X all modern improvements. Florida, near Twen- ty-lourtb. SI NNY FLAT, 4 ROOMS BATH; JUST COM- _ pleted. 16'Z2a Howard st., ntar Twelfth. TTPPEB FLAT. 5 LAI'.GE SUNNY BOOMS; U yard; cellar; $13. 1611 Stevenson. 9ftl A GUTTER ST.-NICE s U N N V FLAT, 4 ajvJX^t rooms, ba'.h and tubs: 516. <j>l 7 LOWER BAY-WINDOW FLAT OF 7 *lP J- I . rooms, bath; planked yard and ba-tement. 34 Lapidge st., off Nineteenth, bet. Valencia and Guerrero sts. , FpO LET— $l7 50: FLAT 5 ROOMS, PATENT 1 water-closet and bath: 37 Laneton St., bet. liow- ard and Folsom, west of Seventh. Inquire oppo- site, or room 14. Hotel Pleasanton, Suiter st. 000 GBOVE — FIN X MIDDLE FLAT OF 7 ___ looms and bath. I""? OUR ROOMS, BATH, THIRD FLOOR; NO children: sl2 50: quiet, sunny, clean attractive DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st 17»IVE LARGE BOOMS, FRONT AND REAR yards, sunny; $25. 22 Twelfth St., between Mission and Howard. \ T K\V UPPER *LAT; 5 ROOMS AND BATH; JLi back lot: Improvements: cellar, s:nb> and yard. 17 Sharon si., l;et. P'ifteenth and Sixteenth, Sanchez arid Church ; rent reduced. 71 A FRAN KLIN-LOWER FLAT 6 ROOMS 1 XU and bath; rent reasonable. ODEKN LOWER FLAT;'~6 ROOMS AND bath: new; 1134 Twenty-second St., nr. Noe. Apply to EASTON, ELDRIDGE <fc CO., 638 Mar- ket St. . j__ 9 NEW FLATS: 7 SUNNY ROOMS AND bath: latest improvements: unobstructable view; rent reduced; garden. 923 Fell st., premises. fI>TQ LOWER FLAT 6 ROOMS AND BATH; •35 JO. % 15, upper flat 6 rooms and bath. Apniy 33 Thirteenth St., near Howard. ©ir SUNNY FLAT: 5 ROOMS, GAS AND «JplO. huth. 128 Twenty-sixth St., near Capp. Q"l A PER FLAT; 3 ROOMS. 39 DORE <JpXU. St., off Harrison, near Ninth. XTRA CONVENIENT NNY FLAT, 7 rooms, bath. 1314 Fell, near Baker. lOVELY FLAT: 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 814 J Nineteenth st., bet. Noe and Snnchez; very low. rent to good tenant; key downstairs." AVED-DOLLAKSr DIMES AND NICKELS by renting a flat from BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, lo Montgomery st. » FI.ATS TO I..ET— Contlnned. nTFLATO; 18 SUNNY ROOMS: MODERN IM- cheap. 1158 Howard. C* Ol \~s2ifßu r AND 926, FINE FLATS OF 6 «5)_U. rooms nnd bath each, on Gougb St., near McAllister: $20, rooms, bath and basement, 91 2 Bryant St.. near Seventh. Apply to T. P. RIOR- DAN, 632 Market st. JTiLEGANT N EW FLATS: SEVENTH ST.. BE- li low Brvant : ■•> ami 6 rooms: bath: *8 to »16. FUKNISHISD ] FLATS. UN^TyT PPER~FLA T7"ALSo7r6^ ; ER7F LAT", unfurnished; ownercoing East. 2514^ Sutter. UOUSEKEKPING KOOMS. Uryant Street. 11 Al BRYANT — CORNER FURNISHED Llvl flat, 6 rooms complete for housekeeping; rent $27. ■ ■ . . Uevisadero Street. 9 OR 3 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR *- light housekeeping. 2004 Devlsaderost. -■ i - J-;«l<ly Street. 91 Q EDDY — WELL - RNISHED FRONT -1O suite lor h<>ii.s"keppinK; also single. 1 QQQ EDDY — NICKLY FURNISHED ROOM, I 000 suitable for housekeeping. (*f\Q EDDY— SUNNY FURNISHED OB UN- UUO lurnished rooms: bath ana gas. 7-1 7 E Din* — 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; ill suitable for housekeeping. *• QJ E X D I) V — 4 RNISHED ROOMS; OXO fine location; private family: references. £lllx Street. r(\f* ELLIS — 3 NICELY .FURNISHED 1 UD sunny housekeeping rooms: also others; for gentlemen. Folsom Street. AXQ FOLSOM, NEAR SIXTH— CONNECTING OOX) housekeeping rooms: hot and cold water; bath: large yard; rent reasonable. s 1 9,1| FOLSOM— SUNNY FRONT BAY-WIN- .I _"i I. dow room and kitchen complete; 910; others. Franklin street. 91 FRANKLIN — NICE SUNNY HOUSE- £X keeping rooms. Fulton Street. 91 Q FULTON, COR. VAN NESS AYE.— TWO _JLO rooms, furnished complpte for housekeep- ing : must be seen to be appreciated: gas stove and bath. , Geary Street. 1 Ql 1 GEARY ST., OPP. THE PARK: $16; Xt/XXacove suite and adjoining room, with porcelain sink, bath, 3 closets: partly furnished. (iolden Gate Avenue. OQQ GOLDEN GATE AYE -4 ROOMS: BATH; 000 completely fnrnisned housekping; low rent. Grove Street. 71 A GROVE — 4 SUNNY FURNISHED 1 J tt rooms for housekeeping: yard; basement. Howard Street. 7>«l 1 HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED 1)1 bay-window and other rooms; reaaonable. 1 ---a HOWARD, NEAR FOURTEENTH— X I OO Bay-window front parlor, 2 bedrooms and kitchen; $25; everyth new; gas and bath. Lafayette Street. Ql 1 LAFAYETTE, BET. ELEVENTH AND OX2 Twelfth— 2 larjce unfurnished rooms, $7. Langton Street. 9191 LANGTON — TWO UNFURNISHED _X_2 rooms; private entrance front and rear. Lark in Street. 1 f\r\f» LARKIN-SUNNY FRONT AND BACK 1 UUU parlor; also sunny housekeeping rooms; gas: bath. I.eavenworth Street. Ql ALEAVK N W OB T H— 2 BASEMENT OXU rooms, with laundry; suitable for couple; housekeeping. Market Street. 1 XX7I MARKET— 4 ROOMS FURNISHED LOO I 2 for housekeeping; it-17. McAllister Street. QQO MCALLISTER— 3 FURNISHED HOUSE- tJOiJ keeping rooms: private family. Q,jA MCALLISTER — FURNISHED HOUSE- O"iU keeping rooms: very low price for respect- able people; single furnished rooms also; $5. J.l « MCALLISTER-FLAT 1: 3 NICELY FUR- trll.) nished sunny rooms; complete for house- keeping, with gas-stove: no children. MCALLISTER— 2 CONNECTING HOUSE- "i.— keeping; also siu^le room; gas and bath. 11111,1 Street. 9"Q MINNA-LARGE SUNNY FRONT FUR- OOQ nishfd room for housekeeping; also single. AX a MINNA— 3 ROOMS FURNISHED FOB TctJ"l housekeepinK; separate entrance. 3lission___t.reet. Q9'l MISSION — NICELY FURNISHED U^'O'i bright large sunny room: closet: gas. 1 91 Q MISSION-SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING -L — it/ rooms; gas and range; no children. "1 99 MISSION— FU RN ROOMS FOR <•— O light housekeeping. 1 Q9-> MISSION— ONE LARGE ROOM FOR Ida- housekeeping; $8. 1 79Q 1 MISSION, NEAR TH II'.TKENTH— 2 Ut'suVji 3unny furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, laundry; $9. O'Farrell Street. 9991 O'FARRELL- SUNNY FURNISHED £l£i£t% clean rooms; housekeeping If desired. 090 O^FARKELL - 3 or 5 fur"nished 0.-O rooms for housekeeping; good location. Call between 9 ana 1. Pearl Street. Q PEARL, COR. MARKET, OPP*. OCTAVIA— 0 Upper floor of 3 well-furnished housekeeping rooms: price 16. Perry Street. QQ 3 FINE ALL LIGHT SUNNY ROOMS; ijpt/. unfurnished: large yard; new house. Rear, 263 Perry st. Prospect Place. 91 9 PROSPECT PL., BET. PINE AND CALI- — 1— fornla. below , Powell— Unfurnished front room: light housekeeping; $6; single furnished room, $5. Polk Street. 71 7 POLK — HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; (I I also other rooms: $5 and $6. Seventh Street. 1 OC\ S E V E N T H— NICELY FURNISHED XOU bousekeepinK rooms; sinzleoren suite: yard. 99A SEVENTH-TWO FL'KNISUED ROOMS (— U for housekeeping. sixth Street. m SIXTH— 2 OR 3 SUNNY ROOMS, FUR- nlshed for housekeeping; suites and single rooms. Stockton Street. 711 STOCKTON - NICELY FURNISHED* • 11 rooms for housekeeiii g: $10, 912 month. Taylor Street. 7AQ TAYLOR-2 CONNECTING FURNISH- I UO ed housekeeping rooms: adults only. Third Street. 99A THIRD-SINGLE. SUITES, LIGHT Z*_U housekeeping, $5 up; brick building; yard. Cl Q THIRD, COR. SOUTH PARK — FUH" OA.O nished housekeeping; running water; raijge. Turk Street. 8 TURK— SUNNY ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeping, or without. - Twenty-sixth Street. ml TWENTY-SIXTH. NEAR MISSION— I 1 O2 Large sunny housekeeping suite; nicely furnished; $9. Valencia Street. O(\A VALENCIA-2 NICELY FURNISHED Out front rooms and kitchen. Van Ness Avenne. 91 VAN NESS AYE.— NEWLY FURNISHED — ■ 1- sunny suites for housekeeping; very reason- able and comfortable: with baths. Washington Street.- AO WASHINGTON-SUNNY UNFURNISH- O\J£i ed housekeeping rooms. Webster Street. GO(\ WEBSTER — $12. 2 HOUSEKEEPING UOU rooms: 4 rooms, $18; completely furnished. Welsh Street. 11J1 WELSH, OFF FOURTH— OR S NICE- -11 13 ly furnished housekeeping rooms, chfap. KOOMS" TO LEI. Brannan Street. A 99 BRANNAN— FURNISHED ROOMS; 91 * *-/-J per week: use of stove. Bush Street. Ql 1 BUSH -NICE SUNNY PLEASANT t/J-X rooms: gas and bath; 97 and 90. 1 (II 9 BUSH— N.CELY FURNISHEDFRONT 1 " 1 alcove room for lor 2 gentlemen. 1 <-V-*0 BUSH-NICELY FURNISHED PAR- XUO\J lor suite or single room: private family; references! . Broadway. ' 4AO BROADWAY — NICELY FURNISHED u «-> rooms: single and housekeeping; new lions.*. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1895. ROOMS TO TjET— Continued. Bryant Street. P. A A BRYANT-PLEASANT SUNNY ROOMS; O-fi private family; reasonable. • ' California Street. 1 9£fl CALIFORNIA — WELL - FURNIBHED X ZiO\J large sunny front room for 2 persons. 1 A 9A CALIFORNIA-TWO UNFURNIBHED XttZU rooms; also, snnny large furnished. Devisadero Street. 1 rrfiK. devisader"o^£arge SUNNY fur- X I \JO nished rooms; $5 and $6 per month. ' Kdily Street. 1 9 EDDY-SUNNY LARGE BAY-WINDOW L-Zi rooms; transient; cheap. 9Q EDDY (YORK HOUSE)-SMALL SUNNY £o single rooms, 3 double, nicely furnished, cheap. EDDY-NICELY ' FURNISHED |SUNNY UIO front room; gas and bath: $8. J.igiit ii Street. rTHE SHERMAN APARTMENT HOUSE: 128 -L snnuy rooms, furnished and nnfurnished; strictly respectable ; central; very moderate prices. •28 Eighth St., near Market. A. W. MANNING. l£llis Street. 71 Q NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY IXO rooms; suitable for 1 or 2 persons. I ilimora- Street. 1 Ql 9 FILLMORE, FLAT 2-NICELY FUR- XVXJj nished sunny rooms in private family; bath, closet, grate ; cars pasa the door: $5, $8, $10. Folsom Street. Q7 A FOLSOM— DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOM 0 I rt cheap; houfekeepim. Geary Street. CO A GEARY— NICELY FURNISHED COSY DOt: suite; also single room for gentleman. 09AA GEARY — NICELY FURNISHED C— \J front suite; also single rooms: board. Golden Gate Avenue. /100 GOLDEN GATE-NICELY FURNISHED 'jUU front room: gentleman preferred. OQ GOLDEN GATE AYE., NX. POLK ST.— dtZiO Sunuy furnished rooms. AOA GOLDEN GATE— NEWLY FURNISHED tfOjr rooms: hot ana cold water; gas: bath. rirt GOLDEN GATE AYE.— NICELY FUR- t)ID nlsbed room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Gough Street. ■I 1 9/1 GOUGH- SUITE OF ROOMS; 11^" furnished or unfurnished; references re- quired. Grant Avenue. 9JT GRANT AYE.-WELL-FURNISHED SUN- aLO ny tront parlors; all conveniences; suitable for doctor or dentist. Grove Street. mGROVE-NEATLY FURNISHED V XUX room: gent!eman; terms reasonable. Howard Street. 7A i HOW ARD — FINELY FURNISHED i U"i front rooms, suite or single; also house- keeping. £ Hyde Street. jAQ HYDE— NICELY FURNISHED RUNNY "iUO parlor suite; also housekeeping rooms. '(STTt 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; MORN- «]pXX. sun. 503 Hyde st. Jones Street. 9A7 JONES — THE~VAN WINKLE: NEW —'• i tnanacrement: elegant sunny suites and single; newly furnished; bu:h, etc.; $10 to $30. Kearny Street. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— J\. ant sunny rooms, en suite and >incle; first clan in every respect: terms reasonable. Tt"a KEAKNY— SUNNY SUITES AND SIN- "IIU gle rooms from $5 up. Apply room 12. I.arkin Street. 1 AA7LARKIN-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR IUU i 2; $8 up. 1 90H LARKIN ST.— LARGE SUNNY FUR- X-UiUU nished front room; $7 a month; sin- gle $5. I Q LA RKIN — PLEASANT SUNNY XOXO front room; newly furnished; reasonable. '. Leavenworth street. Ql A LEAVEN WORTH-PLEASANT SUNNY OXU rooms; home comforts; gentlemen only; references. 1010 LEAVENWOKTH— PARLOR FLOOR; XUIU 3 rooms: sunny; newly papered: fur- nished; housekeeping. 1 090 LEA VENWORTH, COR. CALIFORNIA -i-U— U —Large sunny -window room, suitable for 1 or 2 gents.; Market Street. 1 01 Q MARKET, ABOVE SIXTH. IN REAR— 1U LU Light, airy, sunny furnished rooms; cheap, "yOSEMITK HOUSE, 1045 MARKET. BET. J. Eixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per nigh:, 35c to $1 : week. $1 60 to $5: families Slinna Street. 179 MINNA— NEATLY FURNISHED RMS.: I & ' • and $1 per week. CtAQ. MINNA-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS. (\i\l MINNA. CORNER EIGHTH— NICELY UU I furnished bay-window room; $1 a week. Street. 1 01 9 MISSION, NR. SIXTn— 3 FURNISHED X 1•- rooms for professional man: rent *15. un\ .; HOUSE. 1169 mission— nicely^d rooms, single or en suite; transients. , I 9QQ MISSION, NEAR NINTH ST.— TWO lZi'iO sunny furnished rooms suitable for one 1 or two gentlemen: reasonable. Ninth Street. 1 OG\ NINTH— NEATLY FURNISHED BAY- Xi-U2 window rooms; with or without board; also single rooms; terms moderate. Octavia Street. AC\A OCTaVIA— SUNNY FRONT room iv/"± furnished: front or back parlor. O'Farrell Street. 200 O'FARRELL — NICELY FURNISHED Oi) suuny rooms, en suite and single. 091 O'FARRELL — NEWLY FURNISHED O^JL sunny front room: suitable for gentlemen. THE CORNWALL-ELEGANT FURNISHED sunny rooms: in suite or single; by day, week or month. 416 O'Farrell st. f[f\Ci O'FARRELL — sun n y FURNISHED \J\J\J front room, suitable for 2; reasonable. f*OQ O'FARRELL-LARGE BUNNY UNFUR- UZi»J nished parlor. -. :; -.■:.-. Pinn Street. Oil PINE-SUNNY ROOMS: $4. $5 AND $10 U 1 X per month. £»91 PTNE-SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; U^jX rent reasonable. 79X PINE— DEVONSHIRE: BAY VIEW; I £*\) suites $15 up; room for light housekeeping. Post Street. 7AQ POST — NICELY FURNISHED FRONT 1 \JO alcove room; also sunny back parlor; 916 and $11. 1 QB POST-NICELY furnished FRONT t/lO suite: also sunny single 103 ms in modern flat; terms reasonable. Ql rx POST— SMALL NEAT FURNISHED OXO room; closet, bath, ens; $5. 1 'Add. POST— COZY CONNECTING ROOMS XOUtr nicely furnished: every convenience; plenty of closets; bath: reasonable; references. oweil Street. Ql A POWELL — LARGE SUNNY SINGLE OXU room; lady or tremleman; $7. ■ Seventeenth Street. AOQ SEVENTEENTH— TO LET: ABUNNY rtOV room in a private family with or without board; 2 ladies or 2 gents. .'. Sixth S'reet. QQ SIXTH — THE HILLSDALK, FUNNY 00 rooms; slncle and en suite: $1 to 91 50 a day. ■ , Stockton Street. 1 Ql A STOCKTON— SUNNY FRONT SUITE; XOltr doctor's office : elegantly furnishd; cheap. sutter Street. Ql SUTTER-3 LARGE, SUNNY, NICELY VxO furnished rooms; S6, $8 and |10. Tenth Street. m TENTH, NEAR MARKET— 3 LARGE sunny rooms. _ Third Street. TiriNCHE'STER HOUSE— 44 THIRD, NEAR : •• Market; most convenient and respectable: 200 rooms 25c to $1 60 per night ; »1 60 to 96 per week: electric lights in every room : reading I'm : free bus. 9£Q THIRD — SUNNY FRONT SINGLE A.UO rooms; furnished: $1 25 v week. "lurk street. « 1 A TURK-NICE SUNNY DOUBLE FRONT XU room; 99. ;--.-.: . . I A TURK— NEW MANAGEMENT AND FL'K- II nishlngs; stationary stands, gas, tiling, grates In each room; sunny side; alcove suites and single rooms; cheapest In the city. .*: , FiA TURK— SIMSLE SUNNY BOOM; GAS*, O-±O bath: $5. • Van ,\«»«s Avenue. Xl Q VAN NESS - NICELY FURNISHED t'XV rooms: no objection to light housekeeping; also single. .... . - ; : ~ - '„ :• ..;-.;; ■ Miscellaneous. •;, I?ULTON HOUSE, OPP. CITY HALL-FUR- I- nished rooms, single or en suite; 98 and $16 up. A MKRICAN KXCHANGE HOTEL REORKN- A ed on the European plan; licht airy rooms from 25c to 91 per day, 94 per month and up. BOARDING AND KOOMS. oT^GTnTDE^r^A^E^CvE^S^NTfY^FUIf- *->■*- nlshed rooms; flrst-cl board; references. 'OOAVAN NESS AYE. — NICELY FTJI£ o^.vr nished sunny front suite; also single, with board. 1 41 0 ' VIA— SUNNY FRONT ALCOVE; X^ZJ.\J also single rooms, with or without board. "1 (\t)Q VAN NESS— NICELY FCTRNISHED X\JKJij suite: also single rooms; first-class board. Q9.9 VAX NESS AVE.-NEWLYFURNISHED Kf^i^j sunny rooms; parlor floor; comfortable house; excellent table; references. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD-AN ELE- tt gantly furnished parlor suite in a private family; t<rin3 moderate. 538 Buchanan st. QOfi EX) D Y ~ (HOTEL NORM A NDIE)-ELE- OZ.U gant sunny single rooms, with lirst-class board; terms very reasonable. T 1 , 1 , 15 ,, ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY AND ■*■ 1 oik st.-Quiet and homelike; charges moder- ate; board optional; ail cars direct. TTOTKL BERTLING, 714 BUSH-OPENED AS j-o. a ramily hate!; references given and required: all modern conveniences. ■VTEW HOTEL WENTWORTH, 617 BUSH ST.— Xl Changed hands: fine rooms: uood table. 4.94 Ij e AVEN W o r T H-LAKOE, SUNNY T:^-ii elegant rooms, single and suite; new bed- dine: excellent table; desirable house for gentle- men. CHILDREN BOAKUKD. \ N EASTERN LAD\ r^DEsfREs"cT>IE~(OR j.V more young children to board; reference given 1 and required. 2104 Adeline St.. Oakland. T^NGLISH WIDOW WISHES CHILDREN TO Xj hoani; room for parent. 47Va Gilbert st. 1 ADY WITHOUT CHILDREN WOULD LIKE nice child to board. 201 Eleventh st. p erman family wishes child TO VT board; reasonable. G. F., box 3, Call Office. VTURSE WISHES INFANT OR CHILDREN .i.' tobonrd: reasonable. 2819 Sixteenth st. ■■■:■ STORKS TO LET. ~~~ CO RN E B TWBNTY-THTRD AND BHOT- \J well, good location, $35: 515 Third, formerly bakery, with 3 rooms, make offer; 1049 Folsom, store and living rooms. $16; 437 Fulton, store and 3 rooms, $15. W. H. CRIM <fe CO., 118 Moutgmy. (\Q KEARNY — DESIRABLE ANY BUSI- -ttV'O ness; modernized to suit tenant; rent reasonable. fijl C FOR RENT— OF STATIONERY LO. store, cor. Gough and Oak sts. OR KENT— PART OF STORE, 214 POST ST. Apply on prerahes. Q.f STEfNEK ST.— STORE AND 3 R.OOMS; t/1 rent $16. YON RHEIN <fc CO., 613 California. STORE AND BASEMENT AND 4 ROOMS AND bath, cor Hayes and. Webster. 734 Hayes st. "Ji^Oß i'.ENi— LAKOE FRONT OFFICE AND T part of store. 221 and 223 Market st. <>i i . >t . t. • iO tJkiT. tTT^GTTAirY^Tv^pXRXOK^^^^ *JJ. I able ior doctor's otiice. Key2l7V2. Ij'LEGANT OFFICES IN NEW SI'IIKCKELS J building, 925 Market: rents low; no extra charge for gas. janitor services or beating. Apply et building or <i. H.UMHSKN & CO.. 14 Montg. St. LODGtXO-HOrSIOS FOX SALE. I Q-ROOM HOUSE: OFFER WANTED. ..SIIOO 1O 60-room l;o:e:, with bar: 40 boarders... 35 0 20-room, sunny corner: muse 5e11..... 700 32 rooms to exchange for real estate. 16 >0 10-room house ; very central 250 H. C. I»KCKKR, 1208 Market St., cor. Taylor. QOAA 43 KOOMS: GOOD-FAYING HOUSE; '4DOUU. sunny corner: brick building; selling on account of oilier business: will take $500 cash, balance payments. 115 Second St. T ODG ING-HOUSE OR HOTEL; 35 ROOMS, Xj barroom anrt 2 rooms; $85. 549 Howard St. poRNER nOUSK, 30 ROOMS. NICELY FUR- U nisliel. 704 llo.vanl St., corner Third. ffi»7,^A FOX SALE: LODGING - HOUSE, 'p 1 <J\.r, with saloon: 18 rooms, including bar- room; all rented. 243 Minna st. T^LEGANTLY FURNISHED LODGING-HOUSE Xj of 50 sunny rooms near Market st. ; selling at a sacrifice on KCoB*t of sickness: easy terms. Busi- ness Ezonange, 873Va MarKet st. HOIS!. OF NINE ROOMS; 'BATH; FUR- nlshed. 208 Fifth st. 7 \(\ HOUSE, 36 ROOMS AND SALOON. «J> I O\J. Apply 307 Fourth st. ■I Q-ROOM HOUSE; NICKLY FURNISHED; i O full;' cheap; account of sickness. 238 Sixth. KIK.MTLI;i: FOB SALE- FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND AK- ticles of every description. D. McRAE, 829 Mission st. IpOR SALE— VERY FINE FURNITURE OF 3 ' rooms: suitable for a married couple; positively no dealers. Inquire 1205 Market St. PANGK, pTaxT) AND SEVKRAL OTHER XL rooms of furniture, cheap. 1228 Golden Gate avenue. , A "B Ol I.MS. OAK FURNITURE COMPLETE. SBO tt Elegant Brussels carpet laid. 45c Heavy Lino! laid 40c Floor Oilcloth 20c New Bedlounges. our own make... $5 50 SHIREK .v SHIREK, 1310-12 Stockton, nr.Valjo. pEDUCTIONSON LARGE 'JTOCk, NEW AND XV second-hand: 400 carpeta, good as new: oil- cloth, 25c: parlor suits, $19 up: linoleum, 45c: 7- piece chamber suits, $14 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, M; cash or installments: goods BhlppeJ free. T. It. NELSON. 126 Fourth st. / ILT PKICKS IN FURNITURE AND CA lil'E \J 'lii week nt McCABE'S, 948-050 Mission su CAXPET CLEANING.. C"^TTY STEAMCAR PBTCIJKA^iNO.BENOVA' tlng, 88 Stb. STEVENS, mgr. Tel. South 250. rpilE .1. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING i- Co. (Incorp.); old-established carpet-cleaning machinps: cleaning 3c yard. 230 Fourteenth St.; telephone Mission 74. PARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. 8. FERGUSON A CO., "'.i Tenth st. Telephone number, south 38. TAXATIONAL CARPET beating and reno- 1M vatlng Works HAMPTON&BAILLY: laylnj and altering. 313-315 Guerrero: Tel. Mission 244. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH "t poor work send to SPAULDING'S PioneerCac- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama: tel. So-40. pONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. MS \J Golden Gate aye.: telephone east 126." J McQueen's carpet beating and ren- . ovatluc works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES FOR THE Whittler State Ecnool. In pursuance of the action of the Board of Trus- tees of the Whittler state School, sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of said school at his office, In Whittler, Los ■ Anceles County, Cal., up to 12 o'clock M.. Tuesday, Decem- ber 17, 1895, for furnishing the following supplies to the said school lor the year 1896: said supplies to be of California manufacture or production where price and quality are equal and to consist of: 1. Coffee, tea, syrup, rice, etc 2. Canned gouds. S. Groceries. 4. Butter, eges, cheese, yeast. \ 5. Flour, meal, barley, bran, middlings, etc. 6. Beans, potatoes, ve?e:aDles, etc. 7. Beef, mutton and pork. 8. Lara, tallow, ham, bacon, etc. 9. Benzine, gaso'.lne, coaloil. in. Crude oil. wood, coal, etc. . " 11. Flannel, casslmcre and blankets. 12. Crockery and glassware. 13. Leather and shoe findings. 14. Broomnand brushes. 15. Caos, hats, suspenders and rubber clothing. 16. urniture uud mattresses. 17. loe. 18. Drugs. 19 Stationery. All parties or firms desiring to bid will address Superintendent of the Whittler state School. wuit- tler. Cal., lor terms and speciiicatious and blank forms. In order to pres-rve uniformity and to facilitate the award it has been resolved to receive no bids unless made upon blank forms furnished by the Superintendent. The number of class bid for should be plainly marked on outstdn of envelope containing bid. ANDREW MULLEN, President. W. C. PATTERSON, 1 Trustees ADINA MITCHELL,! ruBte - PROPOSALS FOX SUPPLIES FOR VETE- J- rans' Home Association— Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of tho Veterans' Home Association at its office, room 13, 320 Sansome street, San Fran- cisco, California, np to 2 o'clock m., Saturday, December 21, 1896, and opened 1m mediately there- after in the presence of bidders, for furnisning and delivering quartermaster and commissary supplies for the Veterans' Home. Napa County. California (railroad station Yountvllle), for tne six months commi-neinif January 1, 1896, and ending June 30.1896. Schedules, with Information and Instrucfons for submitting bids, will be furnished upon appli- cation to tho undersigned. Bidders will car fully follow the conditions of the schedules, and no bid will be considered unless it Is in accordance with sveh schedules. Each bidder must accompany his Md with a certified check ' upon some well known and responsible banking house for at least 10 per cent of the amount of his bid. payable to J. C. Cur- rier, treasurer, conditional that the bidder will enter into a good and valid contract, upon notice of acceptance, as required by law. The board re- serves the right to reject any or all bids, and to order any quantity over or under the amount speci- fied. Address J. J. Scoville. Secretary Veterans' Home Association, room 13. 320 Sansome street, San Francisco, ■ California. -' By order of the board of directors. . J. j. SCoVII.LK, Secretary. "WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE— LIGHT EXPRESS WAGON ; (new); made to order; top and pole. • 660 Bryant st. . . ;-■; .-■.•y;; .-.--■.. --;V.- -.--:■ . . ■ . .-.,• 0~ NE IWO-SEATFD FAMILY CARRIAGE: cheap. At 1131 York, bet. Twenty-tnlrd and Twenty- sts. Ij^Oß HALE-COAL WAGON: NEARLY NEW. Call 409 Clipperst. : TOP WAGON, SUITABLE FOR LAUNDKY X or delivery. 1140 Folsom st. ; T»r agon's, CARTS, HARNESS. etc., cheap tt at EGAN 'S, 2117 Mission; wagon wanted. , BUSINESS CHANCES. OFFERS WANTED FOR CASH OR EX- change for the remainder of the carriage stock of the late Robert J. Beeby of Oakland, consist- ing of fine carriages, surreys, traps, phaetons and carts; will sell as a whole or In lots to suit, for cash. 20 per cent below wholesale cost price, or will trade for good real estate, hay, grain, wood, coal, groceries, or anything else of value : also for carpenter, plumbing and heating work: the stock must be closed out positively by January 1, 1896, as the premises, under Merritt Hotel, are leased to other parties. Stock can be seen there at any time by addressing MRS. ROBERT J. BEEBY, 624 Twelfth st., Oakland. Cal.; telephone 721 Black. N. B.— All bills for the firm will have to be set- tled bafore January 5. 1896, as the books will go to the collector after date. * - T\HUGSTORE FOR A SONG-PAYING BUSI- Xy ness, In good locality: fixtures complete and rent low; but small capital necessnrv; we must sell. Address M. N., care of the Call Office, Oakland/ ffijOOr BRANCH BAKERY. CANDY and «3r-»'A.iJ. stationery store; 4 living rooms; rent $18; snap. BARRETT & SKIFF, 865y Market. <3J Q^( \ SHOK STORE FOR SALE: FINE LO- *s)iJO\J, cation; doing a good business; one wishing to engage in shoe trade no better opportu- nity can be found. J. B. MIHAN, 609Kearny st. GJiQKA EXCLUSIVE COUNTY RIGHTS tJPOUU. for one of the bes. selling articles; 50 per cent profit. CLASSEN <t CO., 629 Shotwell St., S. F. USINESS MAN AS MANAGER ORPAHT- ner; bonds required. C. M., box 17, Call Office. PARTY WITH $500 TO JOIN IN PROFIT*- j ■ able business. 612 California st., room 14. <j»otr/\ PARTNER" WANTED~OR WTLL «E)O«JU. sell: steady man; "lodging-house, 55 beds, clearing $125 per month. 140 Minna st. FiOR SALE— A ROCTE ON A MORNING J paper. Apply 310 Eighteenth st. _^ v'or LEASE, exchange OR SALE— X 1 Ranch; will pay well. 1217 Clay st. (II; In\ RESTAURANT AND COFFEE »4T I I U, bouse, good location; surrounded by several foundries: suitable for man and wife; terms (tart cash, balance monthly payments. J. M. GOLOBECK, box 110, this oflice. <BlA&f\ GROCERY SA LOON ALLNEW <Pt:«Jv/. goods; death of proprietor reason. Call Office. TORE CO LET AND FIXTURES FOR SALE on Market and Taylor. SPECK «fe CO., 602 Mkt. BR A FOUNDRY FOR SALE; DOING A good business; complete plant and tools; low rent; four years lease; good reasons given for sell- ing. For par:iculars «ddress GEORGE NOLAN, 133 Beal; st., San Francisco. / Ir<OR~SA LE-SALOON * AND MERCANTILE lunch house. Apply 29 Sixth St. . Party has a few hundred dollars X to invest in profitable business. Principals ad- dress. giving particulars, G. H., box 149, Call. c» 7 COALYARD; BARGAIN; GOOD <P I U\J. coal. hay and grain business; fine buila- lne; splendid location; good team; new wagon, scales, truck; new safe; four stall stable; good lease; cheap rent. ALDEN <fc GARFIELD, 902 Broauway, Oakland. ARTY GOING EAST ON JANUARY 1 DE- X slres to close out an established and good-paying business: small amount of cash required. For particulars address Business, box 14, Call Office.: EFINED MIDDLE - AGED GKNTLKMAN, Xv with .$5OO cash, wishes to meet lady or widow with some means to start business. A. F., box 4, Call Office. Oakland. .v.y .-. 1 (\Ti PART CASH (HALF); GOOD PAY- <J)XUv/. ing business: no runt. 1)., box 4, Call. fljj'j/T7\ wood AND COAL YARD WITH l!rOv''. stable of M stalls, including horse and wagon and trade: ground rent $11 30; income of same $17 per month will l>o sold at sacrifi< c. Ap- ply at grocery, 217 Mason st.,iir.O'Furrell:iio ag't3. ALF INTEREST IN THE BEST LOCATED livery business In the city; ouyer to attend to office and collections;. rare chance to right party. Adares L. S.. box 64, Call Office. - <£9nn BARGAIN FOP. MAN AND WIFE ; tlp^UU. cigar, notion and candy store: entrance niversity grounds, Berkeley, junction Telegraph aye. and electric cars: student's trade; rent $20: Bm;.U house and garden. Particulars address Owner, Call Office, Oakland. p REAT BARGAIN IN A chicken ranch; vT partners disagree; must sell. See JAMES, 1004 Market st. OLD ESTABLISHED BAKERY AND NOTION xJ ore: on Valencia St.: must sell. See JAMES, 1004 Market st. • . I^ORSALKON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, A X delicatessen, with or without bar. Inquire 1417 E'lis St.; no agents. rnHE O X SALOON FOR SALE. 319 EAST ST. p OOD OPPORTUNITY FOR 1 OR 2 PARTIES VT wishing a legitimate cash business; short hours: pays well; will bear Investigation: sickness cause for selling. O. A. LANE A CO., 90J Broadway, Oakland. HE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND BEST- L paylng variety theater in the. city for sale; cheap: owner goinz on the road: can make money back In 60 days. Address Theater, box 74, Call. p ROCERY-STORK: BUSINESS STREET; VJT team; good stock of goods; cheap, as owner is retiring. 501 Hayes st. t ' <£♦ 1 ZA\C\ RESTAURANT ON MARKET ST.; tpXUUU. disagreement of partners. Apply 29 Sixth st. EAT MARKET, TOOLS AND FIXTURES, to rent or fell. Shoestore, 2831 Mission st. r>LACKSMI FOR SALE ON AC- XJ count of death. 536 Sacramento st. OAL AND GRAIN YARD, BUILDING IN- cluded; long lease; 2 horses, 2 wagons; must be sold at once; rent $10. Apply 1613 O'Farreli gt. pORNER SALOON AND GROCERY, WITH \J lease, for sale. Apply at 813 Bryant St., cor. of Clinton. <li:JYtn SALOON; GOOD LOCATION: SOLD «JpttUv/. account traveling. 208 Washington. AKERY FOR SALE: HORSK, WAGON, X) stock and fixtures; rent paid for a month; $1500. Address Baker, box 146, Call. TJESTAURANT; GOOD . LOCATION; WILL Xt sell cheap: account, sickness. 624 Sixth st. ALOON TO LET— FIXTURES AND 2 LIVING rooms: rent $20. 350 Brannan St., near Third. T7< OR SALE CHEAP — A GOOD-PaYINU T wood and coal business: centrally located In Oakland. Inquire at Call Office, Oakland. 0~ LD-ESTABLISHED MILK ROUTE FOR sale cheap on account of retiring from business ; 3 horses, 2 wagons; from 20 to 23 cans milk trade; 1 double set and 1 single set of harness. Apply Call Office. * ypj OCKSMITH FOR SALE; ON AC count of other business; rent $10. 448 Va- lencia st., near Sixteenth. "I7OR SALE— SALOON; 625 KEARNY ST.; X I inquire from 2 to 5 o'clock. tduTrnlture AND PIANO moving busi- X ness for sale: 2 horses, large wa?on and com- plete outfit. Address C, box 9, Call. ANTED— A FEW PERSONS WITH SMALL TT capital to join me In the manufacture of an entirely novel article of unlimited application: pays b:e profits. Call at Mercantile Machine Works, 725 Montgomery st., 9 A. M. IGARS, LATEST SLOT MACHINES.WHOLE- \J sale; agents wanted. KAHNA CO., 220 Calif, st. PARTNER WANTED — BUSINESS ESTAB- X lished since 1860; capital required from $45,000 to $50.000. Address B. M.. P. O. box 2435. pOOD PAYING TIN AND STOVE STORE, VT plumbing-shop combined. 1103 Stockton st. \| OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE; J.TA Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market; 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night: $1 50 to $3 per week; free bus to and fiom the ferry. QJi^OOO ROUTE FOR SALE; EVENING W**yV\J. paper; pays $160 per month. Apply this office. - ■ ' .■■-■'■ FOB SALE-MISCIiLLANKOUS. oITIcMAS^ROUGH-CtTATED THOROUGH- bred St. Bernard pups: grand stock; very healthy. 812 Elizabeth St., near Castro. ONE ALMOST" NEW SYMPIIONIUM MUSIC- box, with 44 music plates: cost $100; will take $GO. AMKLIA, box 79. Call Office. TRON BOX. COMBINATION LOCK AND AIR- X pistol, cheap. 633 Merchant st. AKER'S TROUGH, PEELS AND tools for sale. 120 Sixth st. BARGAINS FOR XMAB. iJ A few eld rockers, chairs and baby-carriages at manufacturers' cost. California Rattan Co., 58 to 61 First st. SPECIAL all-rattan ROCKERS D ladies' size, $3 up; gents' size, $4 up; baby- carriages, full s'ze, best gear, $5 up; just the thing tor Christmas. California Rattan Co., 65-61 First. ALL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE fire and bnrglar proof safe. 221, 223 Market st. \J ATION A L CASH REGISTER, SAFE. XI scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. 102 Clay st. \ T EW RANGES CHEAPER THAN BECOND- -1> hand. W. 8. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. JO UNTE R 8, SHELVINO. SHOWCASE'S XJ bought and «old 11211^ Market bet. 7th and 8m HuKSlib. ■•-'■■. D^r." crSryrE^rpuT^hrv^fEßiSAßY Svh"- geon for 8. F. Police Department. Oflice and hospital, 121 City Hall aye.: telephone south 401. ""TEA SKTS NEW AND SECOND-HAND H AR- XO\J ness: also wagons, baggies and horses- contracting outfit: sand wagons and scrapers. 1128 Mission st. ORSES PASTURED; $ 2 A MONTH- GOOD care and feed; send for circular. The Hyde ranch, 630 Commercial st. «yue 4A HORSES FOR SALE: ALSO WAOOSJ ttU boggles, .carts, harness; Grand Arcade HoW Market, 327 Sixth st. ; auction sales every Weaues- «l«y. , SULLIVAN & DOYLE. Auctioneer,. 100 SKTS SECOND-HAND HARNESS, ALL XVU kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, 'cartk- also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and .Valencia s;V _ _ __ _ PHYSICIANS. '•"'■"••- -pEMOVED-DR. C. C. " O^DONNeTII^TCfiSb Xi> Market st. Diseases of women a specialty. CLAIBVOTAMTB. : _ ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE FOR ALL ! Never In the annals of clairvoyancy have futnre events been as truthfully foretold as by Professor Eugene. His patrons are the very : best business people of San Francisco. » It ,"-' is not necessary to refer to distant lands or foreign cities for credentials. HIS SUCCESS IS ASSURED— HIS PATRONS COMMEND HIS REPORT. All are pleased and delighted with his readings. Multitudes visit his par- lors daily and are happy. His power ex- cites the wonder and the admiration of even the roost skeptical. - Gifted by nature with - marvelous mediumistiri "powers, this remark- able man may be consulted on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the human race. . HE GIVES ADVICE ON BUSINESS, speculation, investments, insurance, . love, courtship, marriage and divorce; settles lovers' quarrels, mmites the separated and causes a speedy and happr marriage with the 2 one of your choice." The earth reveals to '. him the hidden treasures buried in her bosom. He locates mines and buried treasures, interprets dreams, tells of your friends and enemies, removes evil Influences, gives a 1 vice pertaining to lawsuits, everything. Developing mediums a specialty. The troubled and unfortunate should seek his counsel. Thousands of families long separated have been reunited by his efforts; thousands of beans made glad through his truthful predictions. He is the only clairvoy- ant on earth reco.2rni7.ed by the profession as their brightest star. His power ap- proaches the miraculous, and he might well be termed the Isaiah of the nineteenth cen- ; tury. He is also tbe only one who prepares the real Egyptian Charm. All persons unsuccess- ful in business, who seem to be unlucky, should visit the Professor, seek his aid and counsel and start aright. He is con- stantly in receipt of congratulations from those whom he has assisted. Thousands have be- come wealthy through his advice. He is ever ready to assist all those with capital to find a safe and good-paying Investment. Young men ■ starting in business will find it greatly to their advantage to consult the Profes- sor on all matterx of financial interest to them- selves. The Professor positively does all that he advertises to do. Remember, the Pro- fessor is permanently located in San Fran- cisco, and that his past work is his future references; it speaks for itself. The Professor . always gives perfect satisfaction ! in all things he mentions in this notice. , THE PROFESSOR . Should not be classed among the many cheap pretenders who infest the City and bring dis- repute to the proffcssion. Professor Eugene's parlors are visited : by business men or good repute, anxious for reliable information aa to the outcome of future investments,. and by ladles of high social standing. His parlors are bo arranged that one party does not see another while awaiting . ttteir turns to consult the professor. He is at present engaged upon many Im- portant cases wherein hundieds of thousands of dollars are involved. His past success In matters of great import . are a positive guarantee of his power to perform the wonders that have made ! him famous. . Cases that bailie the legni talent because of their complexity and obscurity are easily unraveled by the professor. In invest- ments where large amounts are at stake he will charge a small fee for consultation and take a commission for his services when the in- vestment pays a handsome profit. He does this to assist many who call to con- ■ult him on very Imporiant matters and who are Inclined to be skeptical. EGYPTIAN CHARMS AND THEIR POWER. The genuine apply to either sex. They possess magnetic power that attracts: the weaker power is irresistibly drawn to the , stronger. '.We all know that any magnetized piece of steel will pick up a needle or a knife by the blade. The Kgyptian charm magnetizes the body and conlro s the mind of one per- son to do the bidding of the other. The lady or gentleman (as the case may be) having the most magnetism will seek its affin- ity, and while a lady may be able to draw many gentlemen to her, the one she loves will re- main distant. Why? Simply because she has not sufficient magnetic pon-er to draw him to her. The Egyptian charm sup- plies the power and a speedy union Is the result. It Is perfectly safe nnd harmless in its work- ings. It causes happy marriages, removes coldness and indifferences between bus- J band and wife. Lovers rind in the charm a secret and confidential agency, . : working for their mmual Interests and pro- ducing results so pleasing and gratify- ing they _re profuse in its praise. '. Scores who have consulted him consider his advice and assistance most valuable. . He has made fortunes for many, finding for them, through bis power of second sight, invest- ments that returned them great profit. Many married couples who heretofore have quarreled and led miserable lives are now united and living contented and happy. Drink- ing husbands have been reformed and re- claimed and restored to their families. Ab- sent friends have been found: wayward girls have been shown the folly of their ways and started in the path of obedience and duty, and a moral reformatiOß has restored their social standing in their community. AH , of these things are of dally occurrence right in the heart of a great city. Letters come pouring in from all parts of the world involving questions of great import and com- plexity, and every reply is most gratifying. To the troubled and unhappy his advice is sooth- ing and beneficial, glvin; them that peace of mind that wealth nor power can pro- duce. Men of the world consult him upon matters of business and speculation, sport- ing men upon games of chance. Even minis- ters of the gospel send for his wondtrful Egyptian Charm and marvel at his power. Professor Eugene Is the only clairvoyant iv tbe Western world who thoroughly understands the preparation and the working of the real Oriental Kgyptian Charm. His truth- ful reading of the past, present and future continues to be the source of great pleasure aud profit to all his many patrons. The Professor wishes it dis luctly under- stood that he does not charge for this wonderful charm— simply for the work that accompanies it. All letters with stamp answered. Cut this out, as It will not appear daily. Hours, 10 a.m. to 8 p. M. F.EUGENE, 1728 Market St., parlors 1, 2, 3, 4, San Francisco, Cal. CJTAR LIGHT MEDIUM AT ONE GLANCE RE- O veals past, present, future. 865 Va Market, rm. 2. RESENT, PAST AND FUIURE, 25c. MME. X LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama St., near Fourth. EST CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD READER on earth ; ladies and gents, 25c. 206 Fourth st. ME. RAVEN A RETURNED; SITS DAILY; names given, 25c up. 828 Howard, bet.4thd. sth. pLAIRVOYANT AND LIFE READER; LA- \J dies 25c. 230 Clara st., bet. Fifth and Sixth. MES. BELL AND MAY, CLAIRVOYANTS and magnetic healer: readings and treatment daily, 10 to 5: circles every evening, 8 o'clock; 25 cts. 865% Market st., parlors 8-10. ME. ARNDT, BEST GERMAN FORTUNE- teIIer; only 25c and 50c; show you the picture of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st. PROF. LEON, CLAIRVOYANT, PALMIST, trance charmer, has no equal : valuable advice, reunites lovers, causes speedy marriage, removes evil influences; troubles healed. 533 Post, 9to 8. \\ MIS. MOP.EAU, MEDIUM; REVEALS THE pESt.present, and futnre ;25c up. 764 Howard st. ETHEL GRAY, CARD-HEADER, PALMIS- I tryand magnetist. 1031 Market St., rooms 1 and 2. :;• ..',;.-• MME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- « by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, future: consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names given: good advice: sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake im- posslblo; fee $1; letter $•_'. 929 Post St., nr. Larktn. UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLERT inaglo charms; love tokens: true picture of future wife and buaband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has tue seven holy seals and the Palestine wonder charm: fee Sx &no upward. 232S Mission, nr. Twentieth. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR B CENTS — TH3 ■n. WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for manin«. S-Pliii'A' v AJuiSM. ~~ TAR LIGHT. THE MIGHTIEST MEDIUM OF themany; her Influence onco exerted brines to the unfortunate wealth, health, hope and happi- ness; her almost supernatural powers are beyond . the realm of man, handed down from the sooth- sayers and astrologers of ancient Egypt, whose powers of prediction were marvelous in the ex- treme and whose magic charms can make you In- vulnerable to the evil Influences and spirits that hover like a volcanic cloud over the unfortunate; the -Star Light" medium has been indorsed by many of the leading scientific and professional men of the coast; see her at once. Parlor St. 865 1<, Market st. Cut this out. . °«« /a TURS. C. J. MEYER, TRANCE BUSINESS 2514ya BuVJlr clrcle 8 Monday and Friday evenings. -0141/2 sutler st. T™k T IR i C i T °- NWHT - 10c. MME. YOUNO, X 605 McAllister st. Skeptics invited. ". ; . ■' WOOD- INDEPEN DKNT SLATE- wrltcr and trance medium. 597 Ellis. M RS. J>J/ WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT -_^ pee medium;, sittings $1. ■ 218 Stockton «t. "I? ASTERN ■■ STAR I'I.ANKTSKKIUS.S "AND -•^ psychometrlst; consultation 50c. 917 Mnrkrt. TVI RS 2f AYO STEEHS. TENT A M> lli'M N -m- medium: readings dally. 101 iimvf. cor. Polk. _ PARTNERSHIP .NO'riCKH. TV SSOLUTIUN OF COI-MU \|. ItsMIP i|IK A-' copartnership heretofore existing un«l«>r the firm name '.of "iTu.NHTKU A uIANNIM doing business nt 634 and I M» Marktl *t.. I* thin ,Uv .11 " solved by mutual cons<ni. t'KTKII A. UlANfilNl retiring thrr^from. All plftimi .<a«lti»t xnl.l firm will be settled by the tni.|.-iM_i,, ,1 6. C. IU'NHTI. II PIANOS. VIODINS, JETC. VTO CHANCETO BEAT THIS IF YOCJ TRAMP JN the city over; elegant upright piano, fancy full size, perfect condition, slightly used; *J55: guaranteed 5 years: but there are not enough .0 |o uround, so better snatch it up at once. he J. DEWING CO.. warerooma second floor, Flood bldg. i-IHICKERING, KNABK, STECK.VOSE. STE r- \J ling pianos: special Inducements for the holl- dYys? P e^ our new piano for *187 ; pianos i tor rent ; open evenings. .BiSNJ. CURTAZ <fc SON, 1« O'Farrell. ■ • ' _____ mHEBEST PLACE IN IHE CITY Tv »UY 1 that piano you intend purchasing for the hoi - days; don't forget that we carry an immense stock at popular prices; now Is your best time to select; cash or easy terms. ■ ■■ - _____ —^"exceedingly nice UPRIGHT PIANO A. for practice offered this week at $ 80. Room 12. Flood building. A LL CASH WILLSKCURE A SNAP IF YOU A come immediately; fine upright piano; very little used: price $150. i.oom 11, Flood building. TVTICK ■ STiSINWAY i-OR »205; IMMEDIATE 1\ sale necessary. Room 10. F.ooi building. PI Hazelton, Hemme and Lon», Brown and Hazelton, Hemme and Long, Brown and Simpson : easy terms. 736 Market st. \f AGNIFICENT STEIN WAY UPRIGHT; IN IVI perfect order; sacrificed. 1019 an ess aye. T.UNE $400 PIANO-? 190 CASH OR INSTALL- X ments; must sell. 523 Eighth st., Oakland. A RRIVED-A LOT OK CELEBRA TE*D H IGH- A grade T. L. Neumann piauos for the jWays: prices and terms moderate. H. LL _.D_.Kt*, hj Ninth st. • , Oi'inA SAVED ON PI'RCHASE OF Y<»U R foIUU pUino:prlcas reduced. BRUENN,22BPost AINES BROS.' PIANO— A SUPERB IN- strument, surpassing any piano that we have hitherto handled: we invite a critical inspection. A. L. BANCROFT «fc CO., 324 Post st. A T METROPOLITAN TEMPLE— CALL AND J\- see the wonderful Muehlfeld Pianos: they are the talk of the town; immense assortment just re- celved. J. T. BOVVERS .v- SON, Sole Agents. PKN FOR BUSINESS. ~ The finest line of pianos for rent and sal* The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale Ui San Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, 929 Market «t., Spreckels building. ffl» 7 E EXCELLENT LARGE UPRIGHT ♦Ip I «J. piano; perfect; sacrifice. 1359 Folsomst., cor. Tenth. T7UNE PIANO FOR sale or RENT cheap. J SCHMIT2, 16 McAllister st. _^ STEINWAY, WEBKR, EMERSON, ESTEY and numerous- other standard makes of pianos and organs are sold upon easy terms and reasonably by SHERMAN, CLAY _. CO., piano house, cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. : -•-'.- • , STEINWAY, $235; MAHOGANY PIANO, $48; HEINE, 410 Post st. TTPRIGHT PIANO'S FROM 9100 UP. HOR- IJ NUNG'S, leading piano-house, 216 Post st. OUPERIORVIOL.INS, ZITHERS, OLD NEW O >1. MULLER, maker, repairer, 2 Latham place. EMOVED— F. W. SPENCER A CO. TO 338 Post St., near Powell, «ole agents Conover, Colby and Spencer : pianos. 3SB Post st. },' AS V TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLKR L. CHASE. TYECKER TbROS., STEIN WAY, FISCHER AND U other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. SOH__B <fc CHASE °8 and 30 O'Farrell st A N ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS, A guitars and banjos at MAUVAIS'. 769 Market. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER. Newby <fe Evans. Brlgg- and other nlanos. .CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. ' BDIIDINU AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. 7 r^L^uTL^TNGrANb LOAN ASJ \J sociation— Home office, 222 Sansome St., B. F, General savings & loan business. Ed E. Hill, Pres.; Oliver Eld ridge, V.Pr.; W Corbin, St-c.ifc Gen.Man. PAULSELL IS SENTENCED. Judge Belcher Has Ordered Him to Prison for Fifteen Years. The Court Delivered a Lengthy Opin ion on the Points Involved in the Case. Belcher has denied the motion for a new trial made by counsel for W. E. Paulsell, and sentenced the defendant to fifteen years' imprisonment. Pauli^lJ waa convicted of robbing Carroll's faroiunk on Market street of nearly $20,000. m In denying the motion tor tew trial Judge Belcher reviewed the circumstances of the robbery — how the place was entered by two men, how they stood up the guards and decamped with all the money they could lay their hands upon. Paulsell was chased and caught and was tried and con victed. The Judge then entered into a minute consideration of the points upon which the defendant relied for a new trial. An ex ception was made at the triai to the refusal of a challenge to 0. D. Baldwin to act as juror. The challenge was on the ground that Baldwin admitted tnat he would con sider the defendant would have more reason and inducement to depart from the truth than other witnesses. His Honor declared that "It is the law of this State that the jury may consider the defendant's relation to the "case and all the induce ments and temptations which would or dinarily influence a person in his situa tion." He cited numerous authorities to support this ruling. In regard to the challenge of Juror W. D. Walker because he had previous to the trial heard some one say that Pauisell had "held up" a faro bank, Judge Belcher held that the impression thus received was not sufficient to constitute a disquali* fying bias. The objection that the court erred in ad mitting testimony as to the flight of the "second man" was disposed of as without weight, as the flight of all three parties was an act in which the defendant was aa actor. Objections made to the wording of sev eral of the instructions were reviewed at length, and numerous authorities were cited to sustain the correctness of the lan guage used. "At the trial," concluded the Judge, "some contention was made that, as the place robbed was a gambling establish ment, there was no offence. The rule in civil cases that the law will not lend its aid to assist one wrongdoer to recover frora his fellow has no application in criminal proceedings. In criminal pro ceedings the injury is to the people, and the moral status of the parties is of no consequence, save as it may affect the credibility of their testimony. • • • For these reasons the motion for a new trial ought to be denied." After deriving the motion Judge Belcher sentenced IPaulsell to be imprisoned for fifteen years. HAND-PAINTED CHINA. The Dresden Kcrsmic Club GUea lte First Hxhihitl.Mi. An exhibition of hand-painted china was given by the Dresden Keramic Club yes terday afternoon and even ing at Red Men'a Hall on Tost Mrcct. below Powell. ♦ It was the tirst collected display of the skill and pro nVi attained by the thirty members, and" included over 600 pieces oi ehinaware ol venous shapes and sizes ar ranged upon tables, A particularly attractive collection among the roomful of daintily touched and tinted crockery was the work of 'Mrs. C.S.. Packard, tt\e president of the club. Then there was a Mt in blue, a pretty lit tle array ftl frail and dainty .cups and paucers and a lump and other pieces thai had i received t:\rir decora tious from the brush of Miss Kmilv Herrer. Two little artists, I*ff*TWM and Walter Graves, aged 10 im LI years, each had a table covered with very creditable evidences of theii workmanship. In the ov.nini: the club dined at th« Hotel Savoy, Following is the list oi members: Mr» WtUl»m AWs, Mr*. Arbor, Miss Dorothi lUrutli. Mr«. \! 1 \wior, Mrs ,\. C. Freese, Mis» rharl«Mt«» Frloko,Mr». Walk«r Graves, .lofferson Gravea.Walkerliraycs.'Mw. Oreen, Mrs. Charlet tiwtnttftgtn. Mr», Q«orf« D.Qrahatn, Miss Ell« Unttkuw, Mlm (ilu«tl, Mt\s Kiutly Herzer. M|m Mas MotMh Mrs, R«Uo, Miss Kleinhaus, Odin K*l*o, Miim M*rg*ret ljicy.Mrs. LanKley, Mr*. >»b«r. Mm. C 5, I'ackanl, Mrs. Charlei Qnttlkmnn, MIM R««tor, Miss Mvrtlc Scott, Misj A. B|>r«Ck*l| Him L Spree k«is, Miss Searles Mr>, llorßceScotu