10 SAN FRANCISCO •CALL." WgUIJM OFFICE of the San Francisco CAM/— jjf Market street, open until 12 o'ciocS every ■If ht in the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, ccrrnClay: '[en until 9:30 o'clock. . I }{ Hayes afreet, open until {1:30 o'clock. 718 I-srkin street, open until »:30 o'clock. . corner Sixteenth and Mission street* opes rrtn • o'clock. It Ifc Mission e'.rrpu open until Po'doelt 116 Ninth street. ojen until 9:30 o'clock. CHCBVH NOTICES. ms&*"viß&r UNITARIAN CHUBCH, COR- Lfc^!? Ncr <;,. a ry and Franklin sts.— Rev. Horatio sicbbins, D.D., minister. William G. Eliott Jr.. associate, at the church Mondays from 10 to 2. Sunday-school at 9:45 a. m. services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. SECOND U MIA l: I AN CHURCH, COR- EKI^ nt-rof Twentieth and Capp sts.— Rev. A. J. Wells, minister. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Mr. Wells will preach; in the morning, subject, "A Prayer and the Answer of Life"; evening, "All Thiiigs Are Yours." Seats are free. ■TS 3 GRACE CHURCH, CALIFORNIA ST., lE^»^ cor. of Stockton— Rev. K. C. Foute, rector. Third Sunday in Advent. Morning service with sermon by the rector. 11 a. m.: Processional, •■Hosanna to the Living Lord." "Te Deum" (South- ard) in G: -Jubilate" (Uees) iv F; offertory, bass solo, "Thus BaitJi the Lord" (Gaul). R«-cessional, "To the Name of Our Salvation." Full choral evensong, 7:45. Processional, •'Hosanna to the Living Lord." Pieces and responses (Tullis). '•Bonum esc and Benedic" (Warren) in D: anthem, '•God Is Love" (Warren): offertory, tenor solo, ■•Holy City" (S. Adams), by request. Recessional, "To the Name of Our Salvation." Organ recital, (a) "Cuntilene Pastorale" (Guilmant); (6) "Alle- gretto in G" (Cappocci): (ci overture, "Messiah" (Handel). Oreanist and director of the choir, William H. Holt. jjK-^~CA ARY~PR ESBYTERI A N CHURCH, Xs^& corner of Powell and Geary sis.— John Hemphill, D.D.. pastor.will preach at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Topic for evening, "Prophecy Fulfilled in the Destruction of Jerusalem." Morn- Ing music: •' 1 c Deum' (B minor), Dudley Buck; offertory, "Like as a Father," quartet. Evening music: Cantata. "Domino" (Holdon); offertory, "O for the Wings of a Dove" (Knight). All are in- vited. In the evening Mrs. Priest-Fine will sing "The Holy City." »;-3g» FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, EDDY ST.. hr~£? near Jones— Rev. M. P. Boynton, acting pas- tor. Services Sunday. December 15. Preaching by the acting pastor at 11 a. m. Subject. "A Clean Church," and at 7:30 p.m.: topic, "What God Hates." Sunday-school at 12:30 p. m. Y. P. S. of C. E. at 6:30 P. m. Young Men's meeting Tuesday eveninc, 8 o'clock. Prayer-meeting ou Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. All these services are open to the public. Strangers are welcome. 5?--3p FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, ES^ cor. Post and Mason sts.— Rev. C. O. Brown, D.D., pastor, will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock. Theme, "Lend a Hand." Evening, 7:30 o'clock; theme. "Christian Hope and Christian song." Sunday-school at 12:45, I. H. Morse, superintendent. Mrs. Cooper's Bible class in the auditorium. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. in lecture- room. In the evening the pastor will deliver the lirstina series of lectures on "Jesus, the Soul of the World's Noblest Music," which will include the great composers. The choir will render special selections. All are cordially invited. rj^=> GRACE METHODIST EPISCOPAL BE-J5? Church, cor. Cat>p and Twenty-first sts.— ll a. M.: Sermon by Rev. W. S. Matthews, editor of of the California Christian Advocate. 7:30 p. m.: The pastor. Rev. M. F. Colburn, will preach a sermon, entitled, "The Three Great Questions of a Lifetime." The discourse will be illustrated by st-rmonic charts, i-'i teen-mi praise service led by Robert Husband. Come early and take part in the singing. BE^"~F I ENGLISH LUTHERAN m*& Church, Geary St., nr. Gough — Rev. O. H. Grtiver. pastor. Preaching services Sunday morn- ing a: 11 o'clock; subject, "Measured by God's Standard. Evening services at 7:45; subject, "The Second Advent." Sunday-school, at 9:46 a. m. Sea s free. All cordially invited. ePis= FIRST NEW JERUSALEM church Efr^ (Swedenborgian), O'Farreil st., bet. Webster and Fillmore— Rev. F. L. Higgins, minister. Sunday-school at 9:30 a. m. Services and sermon 11 a.m.; subject, "The Unpardonable Sin." At 7:30 p. m., "Explanations of the Spiritual Sens" of thf Bible" in the Sunday-school rooms (rear of church). All invited, seats free. ii£s=^ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN- Es^»* tist— Services every Sunday a: 11 a. m. in Beethoven Hall, 336 Post St., cor. Powell. All are welcome. Or:^ THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT &~& (Lutheran in faith)— Rev. Oliver C. Miller, pastor, in rranklin Hall, Fillmore St., bet. Bush and .-utter. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.m.; Sunday-school at 9:i>o a. m.; prayer service Wednesday evening at 7:45. This morning, special Adven. sermon; evening, "Christ at the Door of the Heart." 3 WEST SIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, E»-iS' Bush st., nr. Devisadero— Rev. W. A. Gard- ner pastor, Rev. E. L. Nesbit associate pastor. Sermon topics: 11 a. m., "The Kind of a Church Jesus Christ Wouia Approve if He Should Visit .San i rancisco To-day"; 7:45 P. m., "Streetcar Transfers'' (a prelude) ; BP. M., "Power of Unity." Cf^R= MORMONS AND MORMONISM. IN t>^ s> Friendship Hall, 909 Market St., at 2 and 7:45 P. m. each Sunday. Elder Henry S. Tanner, president of the California Mormon Mission, will discourse at the evening service. Subject, "The Relationship of the Old and New Testaments." Come and hear ana judge for yourselves. jCT3p~MK. C. W. HORNE, THE ENGLISH ES-jS' evangelist, will preach the gospel in Gospel Hall, 832 Howard st,. at 7 :45 p. m. Sunday-school and Bible class at 3p. m. All our earnestly in- vite 1. This will be Mr. Home's last meeting be- fore returning to England Monday. jj£Sg=> THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY — FREE t*-* 7 public lecture every Sunday evening at 320 Post St.. at|7:4s. To-night: "Why Do We Not Remember Our Past Lives?" hy Mr. E. Williams. SUNDAY MEETINGS. nSg?^ THE SOCIETY^ OF PROGRESSIVE bSjs' Spiritualists will meet at Golden Gate Hall on Sutter st., bet. Mason and Taylor, on Sunday even- ing, December 15, at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Elizabeth Lowe Watson will deliver an address under the in- fluence of Professor Johann Heinricii Lambert. Subject: "The Voice of God." The cyclopedias Britannica and Americana eulogize Professor Lam- bert, who lived 1728 to 1777, as distinguished in France and Germany and throughout Europe. His addresses through Mrs. Watson rally sustain the hiKh reputation of the professor, who was a mem- ber of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Berlin. Music by the Misses Lillian and Emily Coieman. Admission free. j^^""»R. BOBBINS, THE GIFTED INSPIR- B3? at jonal speaker and healer, having recovered from his recent sickness, will lecture to-night, Subject: "In the midst or life we are in death, or my experiences in the dark valley of the shadow Of death." Tests by Mrs. Hovet. The blind made to see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the sick healed. Mediums developed and written questions answered by spirit power. All persons attending this meeting will receive a 25c circle ticket free that they may develop into mediums and get spirit manifestations at home. Washington Hall, 00V2 Eddy st. 8 o'clock p. m. Admission free. - (KS» CALIFORNIA PSYCHICAL SOCIETY. ur^ Beethoven Hall having proved entirely in- adequate lor the attendance at the regular Sunday lectures of this society Odd Fellows' Hall, corner of Seventh and Market sts., has been . secured, and Mr. J. J. Morse of London will lecture there this evening at 7:45 o'clock. Subject: '-The Doctrine of Immortality— Its Basis in Man," being the sec- ond lecture of this series. Ample seating room. Admission free. .' ' < F}^3== LIBERALS AND FREETHINKERS— t^* r Dr. J. L. York, the distinguished liberal ora- tor, will open a short course of lectures on live topics at scot ish Hall, 105 Larkin St., on next Sunday ev»ninc. Dec. 512. 71 3" Jj.....r-. 1 a I. UK, THE WONDER ik^S" ful and gifted inspirational speaker, will lecture and answer questions before the Psychical society of Oakland this (Sunday) evening at Fra- ternal Hall, 11501/2 Washington St., Oakland, at 8 P. M. C£^=s= GOOD CITIZENSHIP MEETING AT B*-*' Metropolitan Temple SUNDAY, Dec. 15, 3 P.M. Address by MRS. M. E.RICHARDSON; subject, "Apathy No Longer Pardonable." E£73s=» AT DR. RIN-ES' SPIRITUAL MEET- KZ& Ing, 909 Market st., a and 8 P. M. Circle and platform tests. Mines. Drs. Tobias. Hender- son, A. >tevins, J. Kotter. Office 1236 Market st. Circles Tuesday and Friday, BP. m. eF^ CHARLES BROCKWAY HAS a few E»-^ hours left for private development. Prices within reach of all. Phenom. seance Tuesday eve. Independent slate-writiugs dally. 330 Ellis st. K**X» TO-NIGHT— KATE he; mann". THE U-js* gifted psychic, opens a week's grand spirit- ual revival, public lectures, test meetings. -793 Stevenson si., off Ninth. Admission 10c; sittings daily. BtE^Sp MADAME MONTAGUE, THE GIFTED l**& inspirational speaker, will lecture before the Oakland Psychical Society at Fraternal Hall, 1 1 5 6 Vis Washington St., this evening, ■at 8 o'clock, f-übjeci: "Rome Up to Date." P^s=> MRS. FULTON; MATERIALIZING SE- Ur~£? ance to-night, Bp.m. : 50c; sits daily. 31 Fell. ftfip" C.N. MILLER, ETHEREALIZING. MA- l*-py terializing seance; Bp. m. 535 Post st. 50c. SK5= AT 110 HAVES ST. TO-NIGHT. MRS. &*»" Whitney gives a benefit to the Ladles' Aid. Mrs. Seat and other good mediums. 10 cents. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Bf^= AN ENTERTAINMENT ' Efc-^ an( dance for the benefit of the -^2>§^Sfe. Christmas Cheer fund will be given : 2g5<5»^5? : ' hy (he Odd Fellows in I. O. O. F. Hall 7 - ' moetlDg will be held at hall, 421 Post 1 v2^S» b'reet. SUNDAY', December 35. at 1 p.m. — All members are requested to be present for the purpose of attending' the funeral of our deceased L-other. GEORGE KROGER. • By order of the pr'St'ii-iit. - -.. . ,L. TRAUNO, Rec. Sec it^P LA candelarTa MINING COM- B^*' pany— Annual meeting forelection of officers una transaction of business will be held on SAT- UKDAY, December 28, 1895, at- 10 o'clock a. m., at 530 California street. Room 60, San Francisco. By order of the Board of Trustees. .■ ■ • • GEORGE A. HILL, Secretary. MEETING NOTlCES— Continued. 1?-=' be one and a."— San it ran- 3V, i%ojj cisco Scottish Thistle Club will bring in tMwCJkj? the new year with their annual ball and 'V=^«* banquet on the evening of December 31 at B'nal B'rith Hall, 119-121 Eddy st. Ball at 8 o'clock; banquet 10 o'clock. Double tickets, $2 50: single tickets, $1 50. JAMES NIVEN, Royal Chief. ■■ A i.KKF.n Miller, Recorder. . DIVIDEND NOTICES. sp^^"^lVlDiifN"D~N7)T^^ uf~-£' Cisco Savings Union. 532 California street, corner Webb. For the half year ending with the 31st of December. 1895, a dividend has been de- clared at the rate per annum of four and thirty- two one-hundredths (4 32-100) per cent on term deposits and three and six-tenths ( 3 6-10) cent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Thursday, the 2d of January, 1896. LOVELL WHITE. Cashier. f?^S= DIVIDEND NOTICE— DIVIDEND NO. iSZ£>' 26 (fifteen cents per share) of the HUTCH- INSON SUGAR PLANTATION will be payable at the office of the company. 827 Market street, on and after Friday, December 20, 1895. Transfer- books will close Saturday, December 14, 1895, at 12 o'clock m. E. H. SHELDON, Secretary. >ii ciAL I >OTJChS. jjJ-iip^TilE^TrßAlvDiro^^ £--^ under the management to-morrow. Decem- ber 16, of Eaward Fay, Its former proprietor, I and E. J. Foster, the son of Captain J. G. Foster, founder of the Cliff House. The place will shortly be improved at large expense and put in flrst-class condition: none but highest crades of wines and liquors served: best lunch in the city; every courtesy and prompt service our rule: call »nd see us and you will call again. FAY & FOSTER. !S"^g= JERSEY MARKET, 512 BRYANT ST., : fit--*' cor. Third; mutton, beef, pork and sausage 1 stalls; also fish, game and poultry stalls; every- S thing first class; family trade a specialty; prices to suit the times. ; sF5&' PROPERTY-OWNERS, ATTENTION— fif-S' Now is the time to have your houses under- pinned with orick or wood; having my own screws, etc., can do the work cheap. J. PATTINSON, 1219 Fillmore st. » •■ jKS" MRS. ROBB, 1035 MARKET ST., ROOM u^»^ 8, second floor; genuine massage treatment. jtTS=- CORNS REMOVED WITHOUT KNIFE. ZS^b 1 Chiropodic Institute, room 22, 906 Market. jjFjsF CORNS, INGROWING NAILS, SUCCESS- Ef--^ fully treated. DR. LLOYD, Lurline Baths. j^TS 3 BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. lisas' Collections made, city or country. Pacitio Collection Co., 415 Montgy si., room 6, Tel. 5580. jtC]g= WINDOWS CLEANED AND FLOORS (P-Jy scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI & CO., 242 Sutter. 13= ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- -I*3' ed 53 50uo. 3171 2 Third. George Hartman. jptSs=* COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED, i>js^ $10: costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. 29. SITUATIONS WANTED- FEMALE. WEDISH EMPLOYMENT 1 office, ii 2 Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis. VOUX6 WOMAN WOULD LIKE WORK BY' X the day at washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, at 75 cents day and car fare. Address 215 Minna. WEDISH GIRL WISHES A PLACE TO DO cooking or housework; no objection to large family. Please call or address 1310 Mission st. VY OMAN WANTS WORK BY' THE DAY, 'i housecleaning, washing and Ironing, or help with cooking; well recommended. Address M. F., 10231.-2 Sutter st. A\ ' ANTED— BY' A MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN • » laay, a position as housekeeper. Address H. X., box 113, Call. ' \\T ANTED— BY' A FIRST-CLASS WASHER »' and housecleaner work by the day. Address MRS. A., or call at 864^2 Mission St., room 7. rnHOROUGULY COMPETENT BE DMA KER X wishes position in flrst-class hotel; speaks several languages. Address Bedmaker, box 114, Call Office. U' AN TED-BY GERMAN WOMAN TO DO cooking In American family; best of reference. 140 Eighth st., call in bakery. VTEAT SWEDISH AND GERMAN GIRLS DE- -L' sire places: cooks and housegirls; city or coun- try. M ME LEOPOLD, 20 Stockton st. 1) ELI ABLE WOMAN WANTS SITUATION .1 V to do general housework in small family. Call or address 740 Howard st. - / COMPETENT MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, FiNE V Southern and French cook, wants situation: will work in neat family for moderate wages. Call or address 129 Third St.. room 3. PELIABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY Xli the day at housecleaning, washing, ironing; $1 a day and car fare. Apply or add. 717 Howard. OELIABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY XV the day, washing, ironing or housecleaning. Call or address 829 Hayes, nr. Fillmore, basement. T?XPETIIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES -Ej sewing at home: good work and perfect tit guaranteed. Address Dressmaker, 125 Oak st. T>ESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL WISHES SIT- XV uation to do general housework. Call 211Va Valencia st. "yOUNG GERMAN WOMAN WISHES WORK X by the day washing, ironing or housecleaning. Address E. A., 246 Oak st. ADY WHO HAS AFTERNOONS FREE would like to assist ladies with their Christmas work: embroidery, dressing dolls, paper flowers, etc.: 50 cents and carfare. Address Xmas, box 33, Call Office. WILLING YOUNG WOMAN FROM THE .rV country desires work of any kind by the day; $1 a day. Address 1014 York st., bet. Twenty- second and Twenty-third sts. ; send a postal. XPERT DRESSMAKER WISHES A FEW. more engagements: suits finished in two days; terms, $1 25 day. 339 Eddy St., firs: floor. "T\ ANISH GIRL RESIDING WITH PARENTS XJ wishes a situation to do light housework. Call s'Jiy2 Bryant st. i VY OMAN wants WORK by THE day »» washing and cleaning: $1 a day and car fare. Address W. W., box 58, Call Office. ITU ATION WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE O woman to do cbamberwork either in hotel or private family: first-class city references. 6131/2 Hyde st., in rear. A OUNG LADY* DESIRES POSITION AS ! X children's governess in English branches and violin and piano. Address B. C, box 47, all. | ~\ MERICAN lady would LIKE position | A as managing housekeeper and sewing: refer- ences exchanged. Address MISS A. N. WHITE, Call Office, Oakland. T ADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS HOUSE- Jj keeper or any kind of mending. 144 Fifth, r. 6. pOSITION~WANTED BY WIDOW, 38. TO X make herself generally useful; • pleasant home more an object than wages; references. Call or address 705 Post st. ADY' FROM THE EAST WOULD LIKE PO- sition as housekeeper. 203 Powell St., room 18. ANTED— BY A MIDDLE-AGED LADY A »» place as housekeeper or lady's nurse. Call or address 240 Sbotwell st. ADY DESIRES SITUATION IN FAMILY TO J teach common-school branches and elocution. Address 8., box 29, Call Office. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY WISHES SIT- Xj uation; especially adapted to dress trimmings and findings department: also experienced dress- maker. Address M. 8.. box 71, Call Office. L)EFINED, PREPOSSESSING, HEALTHY XV young mother, having fresh breast of milk, de- sires position as wetnurse In a wealthy family: references given. Address S. A., box 29, Call. 'ANTED— BY GERMAN WOMAN, DAY • " work; or washing, ironing, housecleaning, or chamberwork in lodging-bouse. Call or address 612 Minna st. r INCH ESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NR. »» Market; electric lights in every room: 200 rooms; 25c to SI 50 per night: $150 to $6 per week free dus to and from the ferry. "l i" ANTED — POSITION AS TUTOR BY A » 1 Harvard graduate, M. A. and Ph. D. of Colum- bia; preparation for college a specialty: also French, Spanish and Italian. Apply to MARY L. CHENEY, 300 Post St., City. - "EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, PERFECT Xli cutter and fitter, would like to get work by the day at $125. Call or address 6 Redwood court, Howard st., bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth. T ADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S REPAIRING XJ neatly and reasonably done. 917 Market St., room 21. ' . ■ S~ ITUATION — A YOUNG RESPECTABLE Creole woman wants a position as housekeeper. Please call at 249 Pacific St., room 44, second floor. SITUATION WANTED BY A COMPETENT 0 young woman as cook In private family. Call 226 a McAllister st. K"~ EFINED WIDOW WITH SOME MEANS X V would like a partner to assist her in a business venture. Call or address 230 Turk st. OUTHERN LADY WANTS HOUSEKEEP- er's position or plain sewing. Call or address 203 Powell St.. room 5. " , „ PESPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES WORK BY XV the day or week, housekeeping,' washing or cleaning of any sort- Call or address District Nurses' Asso., 930 Sutler st. "VTOUNG LADY WISHES A POSITION AS X housekeeper. . 120^ Geary st., room 10. TV EAT RELIABLE WOMAN, GOOD COOK, X' wants situation as housekeeper for respectable gentlemen. Address D. J., box 33, Call Office. WIDOW OF EXPERIENCE DESIRES PO- sltion in lodging-house or small family. Apply 230 Turk st. • YOUJSG WIDOW WISHES A POSITION AS X typewriter. Call at 873 Market St., room 13, second floor. . .- j WINCHESTER HOUSE. 44 THIRD ST., NR. " Market; 200 rooms; 25c to *1 60 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week : convenient and respectable; free bus to and from the ferry. . youxu , LADY wants SITUATION as X housekeeper or any light work. Apply 706 Ellis st., room 3, first floor. ; • .. ; UFFLERS EMBROIDERED BY YOUNG Spanish girl. Apply MISS GONZALEZ, 33 Taylor st. /. SITUATIONS WANTED -flIALl!;. IRST-CLA SS^o6l^¥rE^VA^Ds7"wArF ! 1 ers and other hotel and restaurant help: also farmers, teamsters ' and mechanics of all kinds, on hand ready to go out at, short notice. S'nd or- i ders to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1895. SITUATIONS' WAN TKD— Continued. P"~~"''c/g. COOK'S SOC. SUPPLIES COOKS; ALL . branches :short notice. 14 Geary. ;tel.Grant 46. TTUNTER & CO., CHINESE AND JAPAN- XX. ese employment office, 17 Webb St.. below Kearny, bet. California and Sacramento: tel. 231. | TThinese and JAPANESE HELP— EST. 20 j \J years: tel. 1997. BRADLEY'S, 640 Clay st. TRONG, RELIABLE MAN WISHES SITUA- tion to work about private place; generally handy: do rough carpenter work, etc.: has girl of 14 who would assist about house, care of children, etc.: wages no object. Address \V.,box 62, this office. . JAPANESE YOUNG MAN AND WIFE wish positions in private family as first-class cook and second worker; they are most honest ana good-natured. T. M., care teastore, 403 Geary st. THIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER AND TEL- x egraph operator desires position. Address C. R., box 47, this office. ■_ INTER. COMPETENT WORKMAN, GOOD Xgraiuer, paper-hanger, tinter. whitener. etc.; day work or jobbing. Painter, 1077 Market st. JAPANESE MAN AND WIFE WANT SITU- U ation; man first-class gardener; wife wait on table and do housework ; references. S. 0., box 10, Call Office. BLACKSMITH WANTS STEADY JOB; CITY XJ or country; is sober and reliable. B. I*, box 79. Call Office. ..-■y^'--,' yoUNG MAN, FAIR PENMAN, QUICK AND X accurate in figures, good trucker, wishes work In wholesale house or store: experience in grocery; wages no object. Address E., box 18, this office. ITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE MAN to work in creameryjor dairy 3 years' experi- ence in separator factory. Address L. 8., box 19, Call Office. yOUNG GERMAN, 6 MONTHS IN AMERICA, X is willing to work at anything; understands bookkeeping, English and German; also under- stands good horses. H. T. PENNER, Golden West Hotel, Ellis st. YOUNG MAN, 23 YEARS OLD, WISHES "PO- X sltion. G. KARLSRUHER, 921 Post st. "\f IDDLE-AGED MAN WANTS SITUATION I>X on private place; is good gardener; can take care of horses, milk, etc. ; low wages ; good refer- ence. Address C. D., box 47, Call Office. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE WORK IN lodging-house; sober and industrious; man would take any kind of work. Address J. M., Call Branch Office, 116 Ninth st. \\r ANTED BY SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS MAN 1 »♦ position; drive delivery wagon or other work where there is a chance to work up; cash security to responsible party. Address A. G., 1039 Market. YOUNG MAN 81, MERCHANT," 2 MONTHS X from Germany, desires a position of any kind; low wages. Address K. M.. box 48, Call Office. YY' ANTED— SITUATION AS MANAGER BY" " Scotchman on stock or grain ranch; thorough practical farmer; Al references. Address JOHN BROWN, 1231/s West Second St., Los Angeles, Cal. VfURSE, .COMPANION OB VALET TO IN- j-S valid gentleman, or to travel speaks French, German, English; highest medical and private ref- erences. Address Nurse, box 4, Call Office, Oak- land. ELIABLE MAN WANTS SITUATION TO XV cook for ranch or work on private place; good gardener, horseman and milker; wages to suit the times; highest city reference. Address A. D., box 80, Call Office. ERMAN BOY LIVING WITH HIS PA- vJT rents wishes to drive a butcher- wagon; has ex- perience. Address A., Call Branch Office, 116 Ninth st. V OUNG GERMAN GARDENER. WHO X served 3 years in the cavalry in Germany, wishes a situation as coachman, trainer and gar- dener. Address M. t'., 409 Pacific st. OOKKEEPER WANTS POSITION; GOOD X) penman, accurate, reliable, experienced; city or out. 8., room 20, Fireman's Fund building. IRISHMAN, JUST ARRIVED FROM NEW X York, would like a position of any kind: un- derstands horses. Address M. G., box 61, Call Office. t MERICAN YOUNG MAN: AGED 23: WITH A excellent city references, wishes to drive light delivery wagon:. understands running elevator: or porter, or janitor, or private watchman, or coach- man, or valet, or anything similar. Address CHAS. MASS, 609 Post St., city. r\ ARDENER— MIDDLE-AGED~MAN wishes vJT place In a private family: single: understands his business. Address J. C, box 44, Call Office. IDDLE-AGED man and wife WOULD like situation on fruit ranch; man well experi- enced in fruit: woman good cook and housekeeper; no children. Address or call 28 Eighth St., room 68. YOUNG GERMAN, GOOD CARPENTER, X cabinet-maker, with tools, wants situation: is willing to do any kind of work. Please call or ad- dress 120 Valley su, bet. Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth. \ OUNG~MAN WISHES SITUATION IN FAM- X I;y; understands care horses, cows, chickens and garden; is a good worker: strictly sober: best references. E. F. THOMPSON'S Hotel. North Berkeley. CHIN AND JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT VJ office. J.I W.JIM. 637 Commercial st. WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS — TE3S WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. ihMALt iitLl.j- %V ANTED. I WANTED— GIRL FOR GEXEKAI HOUSE- ' » work aud washing; small family adults; wages $ 10; good home to right narty. 652 Oak st. s%:;*' IRL FOrt LIGHT HOUSKWORK AND AS- sist with child; wages $10. Sunday 10 to 12, 223 Guerrero st. , - -■; ■■ ... T ADIES, LEARN CUTTING AND DRESS- Xj making under the acknowledged best cutter and teacher in State. MRS. JONES, 505 Fell st. WANTED— PUPILS IN MILLINERY; LES- »' sons in class or private; evening class: hats trimmed; reasonable. 410 Leavenworth st. \\T AN TED— YOUNG LADY CASHIER FOR ' » boarding-house for laboring men, suburb part of city: must furnish best of reference as to hon- esty; state salary expected. . Address S. E., box 76, this office. "V OUNG WOMAN TO DO GENERAL HOUSE- X work, small family: wages $10 month. Apply to-day, 910 Sixteenth, bet. Market and Cast 10. TRONG GIRL TO DO CHAMBERWORK. Call after 3 p. m. Sunday. 219 Tenth st. \ PPRENTICE FOR DRESSMAKING; PAID A while learning. 559 Stevenson s:. • T THE WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL AND Industrial Union, 7 Van Ness Dressmak- ing, hairdressing, millinery, English, French, Ger- man, Spanish, guitar, violin, mandolin and paint- ing taught for $1 60 per month; singing and cook- ing $1 per month; all kinds of female help sup- plied. ' • • . .: - . YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH BABY; GOOD X home. Call 619 Nineteenth street. GOOD TAILOR" WANTED. 634~HOWARD St., flat 9. - . GOOD FINISHER ON GENTLEMEN'S coats. 834 Howard St.. fiat 9. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST LIGHT HOUSE- X work; moderate wages; good home. Apply 1432 Twentieth st., near Castro. EVERAL COMPETENT LADY CANVASS- O crs wanted on salaries; also salesladies in mus- lin underwear department;" sea Chronicle's in- dorsement of the United States Industrial Agency in its issue of. the 13th, tenth page. Room 167, Crocker building; over 20 of our applicants se- cured positions this past week. ANTED — EXPERIENCED GERMAN nurse competent to take entire charge of child 3 years old; city references required. Apply 2120 Post st. A IR-BRUSH ARTIST TO WORK DRAPER- X\. ies. HOLLER, 8 Sixth St., bet. 1 and 2p. m. GIRL, ABOUT 15; LIGHT HOUSEWORK; 1303 Larkin. , ■ ANTED— YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN A " complete course in ' millihery; will guarantee them positions in spring: rates reasonable. Call at the NewJlnstitutc, 121 Post St., room 51. pIRLSTO WORK ON COATS AND PANTS. VJT 421 Broadway. AIRDRESSING, 25c AND 36c: MORNING and ev'g classes ;10 lessons,sl 50. 1248 Mission. T AWRENCE PATTERN HOUSE— DREbS- XJ cutting school. 1231 Market st.,bet. Bth and 9th. PUPILS WANTED: POSITIONS GUARAN- X teed ; patterns 26c up- latest skirts 35c. McDO ELL'S Dressmaking Academy, 213 Powell st. OST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE: Winchester House. 44 Third St., near Market; 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week free bus to and from the ferry. ■ WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR it Market— Electric lights ■ in very room: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 60 per night; $1 50 to $6 per week: fr»e bus to and from the ferry. .: T ADIES TO SELL 3l ATT AN EGG FOOD; XJ is the best. C. KERTELL, San Mai. T ADIES INSTRUCTED IN HAIRDRESSING, XJ manicuring, face treatments, removal wrinkles, etc.; class or private. MRS. BUTLER, 131 Post. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRKSSCUT- X tlngimd making school : all branches. 702 Snttwr. MALE HELP WAN TED. WASTED^V/ASHER^FOirCOV^TB^IjIv'. "» cry stable; wages 30 per month and found: . also laborers, teamsters, cooks, waiters, farmers and dishwashers. Apply to W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. . . M~ AN '1 O SOLICIT FOR SCRIPT SIGNS.'. AD- dress D., box 11, Call. ■ : v pARPENTER FOREMAN WANTED FOR \J shop: good pay and steady job. F., box 5, Call. ANTED— MEN AND WOMEN who HAVE ' » bad bills to collect to place their accounts with us; no charge unless successful. Room 74, Colum- bian building, 918 Market st. , ■ ANTED— 2 EXPERIENCED ■■ SOLICITORS to show handsomely illustrated works: just the thing for. the holiday season. The Werner Company, 7 City Hall square. ■■ - ■ -._ ■ OOD COMPETENT CITY SALESMAN FOR VT .woolen goods on salary. The United States In- dustrial Agency, room 167, Crocker building. ; ANTED— MEN'S .FURNISHING GOODS »» salesmen " for our retail -,i stores. ■• Apply -to EAGLESON A CO., 535 Market st. , . MIDDLE-AGED MAN TO ; DO LIGHT MlLK- ing and general 'work around dairy; wages 10. Address C. H., box 4, Call Office. ERRAND-BOY, 1 15 YEARS OLD, LIVING with parents. 8., box 163. this office. : ; - v FIRST-CLASS CLOAK SALESMAN WANTED. 'X Address, stating ; references and - where • for- , merly employed, Cloaks, box 116, Call Office. \ - HKL? "WAN Contlnned ,_j "WORKING PARTNEITwiTH.S3S: INSIDE '* work. P.. box 68, this office. . Third and Fourth— Single furnished rooms, 15c up; week, $1 up; open all night. WANTED-SEAMEN. APPLY 10 STEUABT i " St., upstairs. ■■ ' ' SEAMEN FOR E ROPE. SOUTH AFRICA and Melbourne. 103 Montgomery aye. . . T\T ANTED — STRONG 4-MULE TEAM TO »» haul mineral water from As.org Springs. Ad- dress A. ASTORG. 108 Fifth St., San Francisco. PEGULAR DINNER— SOUP, MEAT, POTA- Xt toes, coffee, all sc. Miners' Restaurant, 633 Commercial st. W STUDENTS TO LEARN THE » » barber trade at San Francisco Barber College. For particulars call or address 116 Eleventh st. rPHJi; KAILKOAD HOUSE 633 COMMERCIAL X st., below Montgomery; single rooms 35c night, 25c for two: best and cleanest house in town. . ANTED — MEN WITH $2 CAN EARN '» from $2 per day upward. 16% Rausch st., from 10 to 12 a. m. ! pHRISTMAS GREENS— WANTED, EXPERI- \J enced men to make wreaths and garlands; wages $3 to $5 per day. Address C. CROCKFuRD, Colrna, San Mateo County, or call at 39 Post street, 7 to 9, evenings. POSEDALE HOUSE, 32i KLLIS ST.— SINGLE XV furnished rooms, 20c; $1 per week. TilA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT lOC, 15c X\»U and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington St.. near Kearny. TITANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP »* steam beer, sc; bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. WAN I SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY: $1 " week; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 60 a week; reading-room: daily papers. 36 Clay st. EN'S SOLING 60c: LADIES' 40c: DONE while you wait. 638 Market, opp. Palace Hotel. EN'S SOLKS,6Oc; nEELS,2Sc: DONE IN 15 minutes.while you wait. 1197 Market. cor. Bth. ANSION HOUSE. 961 MISSION, NX. SIXTH —Thoroughly renovated; refurnished; 100 rms, 25c night to $1 60 week: clean; quiet; reading-rm. BARBERS- FOB EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC- X) re'.arv Barbers' A bso., 325 Grant are. S. FUCHS. VI EN'S SHOES HALF-SOLED 40c, LADIES i'l 35c; done in 10 minutes. 959 Howard st. INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST., NEAR Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading, room: free bus to and from the ferry. T I DE LL HOUSE, SIXTH AND HOWARD- XJ single furnished rooms; 75c week, 15c night. IJAKBIiBS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALL SEC. It Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. LEARN A TRADE— SIGN OR PICTORIAL ■i painting taught for $5: great opportunity .'" D. LEVY, 35 Eighth st., San Francisco. {. |>ARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- X) inent secretary. CONRAD TROELL. 657 Clay. WANTED-LAEORERS AND "MECHANICS ' » to knew that Ed Bolkln, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third St.; 150 large rooms: 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. RE E BEER-TWO SCHOONERS FOR 6c; -T also a bottl eof lager, sc, at 637 Clay st. ;__ . ANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE • * their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection: no charge unless successful. K.SOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Suiter, r. 4. OZART, 319 ELLIs,. KOOiIS 26U lo oUC night, $1 25 to 55 week: reading rooms. IpREE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 BANSOME; X single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week. BEST IN CIT /—SINGLE ROOM S.TS, 20 AND 25 cents per night; SI, $1 25, $1 50 por week. Pacific House .Commercial and Leidesdorff its. A( \(\ MEN'S SECOND-H AN D_D»MOES.SOME WW nearly new, 25c to $1 25. 562 Mission st. rnBY ACME HOUSE. 957 MARKET . ST., ME- X low Sixth, for a room: 25c a night; ?1 a week. UST OUT: NEW MACHINE FOR RKPAIR- ing shoes: call and see; half-soled in 15 min- utes, done while you wait; all repairing done by machinery: ■ all repairing at half price; work guar- anteed. 562 Mission et.. bet. First and Second. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THK A WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. AGENTS WASTED.' JtVAI-TkOR N lA^iTf UAL \J wants good agents to work its accident . and sick insurance: liberal inducements offered. J. W. lIA.V.XA Secretary. Murphy building. FURMTUBE WANTED ~ 'ATiSoTiu^iTELY^HTaHEsT^RIc^pXmToR _i- secoud-hand furniture and carpets by Londy Furniture Co., 813 Market St.; call or send postal. 7i ASH PRICK PAID FOR FURNITURE. JA- v^ COB SCHWERDT. 821 Mission, bet. 4th & sth. AUCTIONEER J. C. MUTHKK. 719 MARKET St., pays highest cash prices for furniture. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, carpets, stovea. BROWNE, 103 9th; -postal. G. KRASKY, carpets, pictures, . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: CaL Btepladder manutnetd tor the trade. 779 Mission. property WANTEJL*. , . PROPERTY WANTED— 2 residences~at X from 87000 to $10,000; 10 rooms; lot about 30 xl2o feet. Address W. A.. P. O. box 2058.. ; - ■ WANTED— TO EXCHANGE, DESIRABLE » " income property In Alameda for Potrero prop- erty. C. V I.F.Y. box 102, Call Office, Oakland. ;___-_■_■_ - MONE_ WANTED. ■ flfcV^nnn" AT 8 * wanted on ? ¥Frstk3£ass vr*J\J\r\J business proper principals only. Address M., box 62, Call Office. .■-:.-■ . ROOMS WANTED. . ' FURNISH IT^o7»M^VANTED IN^PRTVATE family. Address M. 8., box 3. Call Office. ■ boarding wanted. « - ANTE^HOMIS" Vn/"pbTva?E^AMILY * » in Western Addition for brother. and sister, adults. Address, stating terms, VV. A., box 46, Call. T ADY AND daughter wish PLEASANT -I-i home with refined family at moderate cost. 8., box 7. Call Office. ? STORE WANTED. _ _^ ANr_D^s^o^_~ < wn_rT~6^rTi^iNG »» rooms: rent about $16. Address Store, box 47, Call Office. WAN '___»— JIIsU— _L.ANEOb». • olTD^AivuoXLvT^T^T^^Rlc^r^iTßTc., box 16, Call Office. v, - WANTED— 4 OR 5 DOUBLE ARM GAS CHAN ' »- dellers for private house. G. C, box 58, Call. WANTED- YOUR WATCH, IF IT NEEDS "" repairing: best work at half the regular price. DEUMS, watchmaker, 126 Kearny St., third floor. SELL YOUR BOOKS, CLOTHING AND JEW O elry to A. KLEIN; 109 Sixth St.: send postal. ; LOST. . ;>_-/:,'■":■'; • YEILOW ifouSE DOG, BUSHY tXIiTcFE- X male; nickel collar: white breast and paws. Return to 209 Sixth st. (butcher shop) and receive reward. . - • . ' . .: ■ • OST-A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA ,Xi Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of JAMES SjiEA, trustee, No. 203,309. The finder will please return to bank. ' L~ ost-boy strayed~from~homf7~dec. 11: JOHNNY BROSNAN.aged 9 years, bine eyes, light complexion, dressed in corduroy suit. Any information concerning , him will be • thank- fully received at 761 Harrison st. , ■ „ . < BAY MARE, WITH WHITE STRIPE ON face: tail a little trimmed. Return to MR. G. . MOLEMA, Tenth aye. and I St., South San Fran- cisco, and receive reward. .. > ■■• \ .■• -■••.'■. . '-• . . PACKAGE, BETWEEN . HOWARD ■■ AND Harrison sts., on Tenth. Return 1501 Folsom St., and receive reward^ '■■ ■ • ■■ ■,• . '••• n* ]OST— DHCKMBER 12, RED GREYHOUND JJ dog. The gentleman who had him in the Wil- son market Will please return to J. O. SHEA, 17 Vermont st.; or C. SHEA, Fourth and Minna sts. . Ort I—BLACK1 — BLACK AND WHITE ENGLISH FOX- hound: liberal reward: R«turn to 427 Fulton. OST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings - and Joan society of >an Francisco, in the name of OSSIAN W. DAHLSON, No. 178,- -924; the finder will please return to bank. .:; ■;<»■; T OST— ON NIGHT OF DECEMBER 5. 1895, JJ near seats 15 and 16, H, north, In Mechanics' Pavilion, one gold ring In imitation of -double coil' of i ope with square knot at top. Any person find- ing same and returning it will receive a reward of $5. - Address Ring, box 17. this office. _^^ I'OUND. ~~~~~~. FOUND— LA^Y^"sT£v¥iTw^l^Hr~APPLY 1139 Mission at. ,;. ■ ■',: ; / FOU N D — THE . GREATEST ALL-AROUND stock accordions, mandolins, banjos and guitars in the city; prices lower than the lowest. KKENE'S Pioneer Music-store, $ Third St., corner Market. _^ I CAS^ to INVEST: > BUSI- «ip •* \J\J\J nesses bought for cash or sold on commission. PROLL & LLOYD, 719 Market St. DYKING AND . CLEANING KSTABLIBH- ment; good income: investigation will speak for Itself. PBOLL & LLOYD, 719 Market st. ej/^C BRANCH BAKERY : SELLING ON AC- -oJ)\jO. count of departure less than cost of flxt- urea. PBOLL & CO., 719 Market st. ; ; (JJjOXA PARTNER WANTED IN OLD ES- ig)~jiJ\i, tablished wood, coal, hay and gram j business. Address B. P., box 91. Call Office. BUG STORE-CENTRAL; FINE STOCK; cheap. Address C. R., box 10, Call Office. Q*QPI A MONTH WILL -. KENT A. PAYING tJP«-»*J resiauraut, lodging-house and saloon, com- pletely furnished, in the most prosperous town in California; no opposition. CHARLES POWELL, I lock box 265, Lodi, Cat. - •». - - TVrtW 20-ROOM HOTEL: MUST BE SOLD ON Xi account of owner going East: big bargain. Call or address I. B. BBISCOE, Morgan Hill, Cal. ESTAURANT— REDUCED TO $175; SPLEN- did paying business: almost a give-away; rent $15; account sickness. 1009 Larkin st. IF YOU WANT A PAYING~BUSINESS IN- vestigate Railroad House, 633 Commercial St.; 60 rooms: can have a trial before buying; $1250. AN Al OLD . ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE i for sale before JanuaryCl, 1896; will bear in- vestigation; cash required about $4000. Ad- dress Loan, box 58, Call. ■^est"place"in"city for least money ; ±J wholesale: suitahle for man and wife, or two gentlemen. Call (^address, 12 Adalr, bet. Flf- teenth and Sixteenth, Howard and Capp. RESTAURANT ON MARKET ST. CHEAP; Xt disagreement of partners. Apply 29 Sixth. I"»OR SALE— A CASH MILK STORE. 18 TO 20 cans; no route. Milk, box 58, Call. I7IOR SALE— HORSESHOEING SHOP. APPLY, J. J. McCORMACK, 820 Folsom, or 608 Shot- well. XPERIENCED GENTLEMAN WITH VERY Xj good business, needing additional capital, wants partner; to avoid risk until familiar with business, will assign notes secured by first mortgage for amount wanted, $18,000. . Address Partner, box 12, Call Office. BRANCH BAKERY AND CANDY-STORE; must be sold immediately; owner sick. 442 V Third st. • 7a TjiOß RENT, EXCHANGE OR SALE— PAYING J fruit ranch. Apply 1217 Clay st. ' $vPLA WILL BUY A GOOD LIVING; MUST

Q(\(\ MILK DAIRY; BEST ESTABLISH- «3)Ov/V/. Ed 14-can route in the city; 14 thor- oughbred cows, 3 fine horses, new wagon, etc.; Hue hou.«e and grounds: owner raises 3 months' feed already planted; sickness cause; clears $150 monthly; see owner bet. 3, 6p. m. 1309b Hayes. "VTOTICE— HOTEL FOR SALE; HOTEL SHORT -1A distance from city; will sell stock and furniture or will sell stock separate; now is a chance to get a fine stock of liquor at cost; party owns hotel and will give good terms to any one who wishes to rent or lease it. Address A. H, 14 Lewis street. W ANTED— A GOOD RELIABLE MAN WITH •» $1500 as third partner In an old-established produce commission house with large acquaint- ance all over the state arid Oregon; $1000 to re- main in the business; partner wanted to further in- crease the business. Address P. C, box 46, Call. OH HO BRANCH BAKERY; DELICACY «3pXUI/. stoic; best location: rent $18; living- rooms: investigate this bargain. 131 seventh st. SALOON FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. BT2 Kearny st. • KUGSTOKE for a SONG— paying busi- ' ness, in good locality: fixtures complete and rent low; but small capital necessary: we must sell. Address M. N., care of the Call Office, Oakland. pOALVARD — A BARGAIN: GOOD-PAYING \J coal, hay and grain business: fine building; splendid location; good team and harness: new wagon: new safe, scales and truck: 4-stall stable: long lease: cheap rent. ALDEN & GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. Bi:sl r BUSINESS CORNER FOR A GROCERY- store; good chance; low rent. Call at corner Thirty-fourth and Adeline sts., Oakland. > OOD PAYING SALOON, WITH LADIES' parlors, near manufactories, for sale. Address E., box 9, Call. , MEAT MARKET, TOOLS AND FIXTURES to rent or sell. Shoestore. 2831 Mission st. ALO"ON~FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF SICK- O ness; price $750; good place: big stake; manu- facturing district. Apply 605 Mission st. ,. ~ ' PART WANTED; BAKERPREFERRED; X must be a hustler and well acquainted in' San Francisco and across bay. Inquire 1162 Guerrero. •r\ OOD-PAYING SALOON AND COMBINA- \~ tion table. 2131 Mission sc /"I OOD-PAYING SANDWICH WAGON: AC- vjr count of other business. ' 1400 Folsom St., cor. Tenth. PHYSICIAN, OBLIGED TO GO EAST. WILL x sell valuable practice and office furniture at sacrifice. Address Physician, box 103, Call Office. FOR SALE— ONE OF THE LARGEST AND J oldest stove, range and house-furnishing estab- lishments; plumbing, . gas-fitting, . tin • and sheet- Iron manufacturing a specialty: investigation so- licited. Inquire on premises, 524 Washington st. STORE AND BASEMENT FOR BAKER; will build oven for responsible party. Apply corner Twenty-second and Guerrero sts. -, piGAKS, LATEST SLOT MACHINES, WHOLE- \J sale; agents wanted. KAHN& CO., 220 Calif, st. PARTNER WANTED — BUSINESS ESTAB- X lished since 1860; capital required from $45,000 to $60,000. Address B. M.. P. O. box 2435. OAfin ROUTE FOR SALE; EVENING tiPoV/vrv/. paper;, pays $150 per month. Apply this office. ..■■ :, ■'."-. IN ING-ROOM; CHEAP: SUITABLE FOR man and wife. Inquire grocery, cor. Howard and Fifth sts.; no agents. . ; USINESS MAN AS MANAGER OR PA ncr; bonds required. C. M., box 17, Call Office. /'BEAT OPPORTUNITY. TO LIVELY MAN " * ■ with small capital; one of the best established new . and second-hand furniture business at a bar- gain: will sell half or all on account of sickness. X., box 68, Call Office. - FOR SALE— BLACKSMITH-SHOP; HEAVY stock; owner sick. Address 8., box 161, Call. VINE TIN AND STOVE STORK, WITH X plumbing-shop, cheap. 1103 Stockton st. MOST CONVENIENT AND. RESPECTABLE; I*l Winchester House, 44 Third st., near Market: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to $3 per week ; free bus to and from the ferry. ' ©lV7pf WOOD . AND~COAL YARD; BIG tJpO I '). trade: value in sight $300; no humbug; trial given; must be sold soon. Apply this office. TTPHOLSTERERrwITH~SMALL~AMOuI7T U of money: the best proposition ever offered: business will stand Investigation; Address A. 8., Call Branch Office. 339 Hayes st. C~~HEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— U WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- «ge free / ; -■:■-. ■ FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. O^TsALE^STOCK OF BSoTS~ANrTsi[C)ES; also fixtures and shelving; together or sepa- rate ;• good stand; a bargain, 94 Ninth St., cor. Mission. ■ •ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, $25. KING'S Xi old bookstore, 15 Fourth st. OOD BICYCLE FOR ; SALE CHEAP. 923 O'Farrell St., basement. ■PNEUMATIC SAFETIES: GOOD CONDI- X tion: $25 and $30. 18 McAllister st. "|?RESH FAMILY COW: GOOD MILKER. — Apply cor. Mission and Plymouth sts., Cape Horn. .■:■:■;-■ .-■:■■■ - •• •:■■■.-. ■■; ■ - TJ ARD WARE-STORE, NEW AND SECOND- XX hand; bargain if sold soon, or lots to suit, bee it, 546 Mission st. ; ASTJFF PUPS, BY RODERICK DHU. OUT of Baby Ruth, winner of second prize in last dog show. Apply 815 Pacific st. MAS PRESENTS — NEW : AND SECOND- -A- hand safety Dlcycles cheap. i 326 McAllister. : PECIALSALE— ,■ ; ' •:.. . -..-.. : " ■..•■ .- O All Rattan Rockers, ladies' size, $3 aud up. All Rattan Rockers, gents' size, *4 and up. Baby carriages, full size, best gear, $5 and up. Just the thing for Xmas. ■•• -,••; ,■. •. - ' CALIFORNIA RATTAN CO., . .- . ■ 55 to 61 First street. : AY, GRAIN, WOOD AND COAL . YARD and livery-stable, including stock and build- ings; long lease; low rent: business street; half price if sold at once. .J. S. • MYERS, 1002 Broad- way, Oakland. ■ :■;"•■ ■ - . . . i: ; ARGAINS FOR XMAS. . ' - . ■ , • " .. A few odd rockers, chairs and baby-carriages at manufacturers' cost. California Rattan Co., '65 to 61 First st. ■.-'- ' Scales] ' mirrors, v french . ranges" .bars, etc., bought, sold. MEEK, 1118 Mission. OTB OF BRICKS AND GRANITE AT SUGAR refinery, Eighth and Harrison sis. J. MOORE. • A LL MAKES OF TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT xv and sold. 8. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE fire and bnrglar proof safe. 221, 223 Market st. TV AT lON A L CASH •■>;: REGISTER, ■ SAFE," -Li scale, letter-press, desk; cheap. - 102 Clay st. ■VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND-" m hand. W. 8. BAY Mfg Co., 12 California s:. T COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES \J bought and aold 1121^ Market bet. 7th and 8t- WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS -THK WEEKLY CALL. In wraDper. for maillnE. ~ COrNTBTBEALESTATIb^^^ TDEAIi HOME SITE! \}. _ In Santa Clara County; '-,- • ;,,* : .■. - only^2oo cash down; . - - c • ' 10-acre orchard homes: ■■-- .-,■;■ between San Jose and Mountain view; rich sediment cherry lapd; 'I «■ soil is 40 to 50 feet deep;: Jp ( ,O\) mile from schoolhouse at Mlramonte, Kern County, with an artesian well flowing 1.'.00,- -000 gallons daily; there are 3 houses aud 2 barn sheds for stock: this land will grow anything: it is one of the greatest bargains in this State to-day, as the san Joaquin Valley road will go very near this land. (SiO^fiCk FOR 172 ACRES OF LAND NEAR i£)AO\JVJ Clayton, Contra Costa County; 70 acres can be cultivated, balance pasture land with plenty of wood and water; family orchard of about 100 trees in bearing, with comfortable house, barn and outbuildings: plenty of running' water; this land will grow anything; part cash. "■ •"-"'■ ; sJ-'/W i(» WILL BUY 70 acres OF land 3 tJpOUUU miles from Glen Ellen; 18 acres culti- vated In grain, balance timber land with plenty of wood and water; all fenced and cross- fenced: house of 4 rooms and a cottage of 2 rooms; 2 barns, 4 chicken-houses, granary; the wood on this place will pay for it would make a fine poultry place; will exchange. - ■:'. ■ ''. . . iJ,|||||U WILL BUY 62 ACRES 3 MILES iJpttUUU from St. Helena, 1 mile from Zinfan- del station: 45 acres in cultivation, balance wooded pasture; vineyard, family orchard, 50 olives: One fruit, vineyard or orchard land : fine hard-finished house; good barn and. outbuildings, carriage- houses, chicken-houses, etc.; water piped to house and barn; will exchange. •■■■ -■ -• ft/»/wU\ WILL BUY S3 ACRES OF WINK Ql\ PER ACRE WILL BUY 160 ACRES OF rlpOU deep level loam land in Ygnacla Valley, near Walnut Creek 30 acres in prunes and almonds, balance fine land for anything; good B- room house, barn and improvements; this is ad- joining some of the handsomest places in Ygnacia Valley; the land alone is worth $150 an acre: easy terms. . ■ .■■,■■■-■ & I ]% PER ACRE WILL BUY 480 ACRES «IpJLi near Clayton, Contra Costa County; 125 acres level land; 300 acres have been cultivated, balance rolling pasture; handsomely wooded: water from springs and wells: good hard-finished house of 8 rooms; barn, granary, blacksmith-shop and chicken-bouses: $14,000 was offered for this place and declined less than 2 years ago: would make a. fine stock place: we have some of the greatest bargains in improved fruit, vineyard, grain and stock ranches that were ever seen in this State, as also some fine income properties for rent or exchange; call for particulars. _ MONEY IS WHAT TALKS ! ! MONEY IS WHAT TALKS! But we want little of it in payment for desirable land located In Placer County. We have three or four pieces, improved, and un- improved, in the celebrated Placer fruit belt, each, having 160 acres, that we will sell for $25 to $30 per acre. All can be irrigated, but the water is extra. The terms of payment are one-fifth cash, down, and no other payments required ■' for ■ five years, interest on deferred payments being 6 per cent per annum, payable annually. During this time, the purchaser is especially required to im- prove the property, and at the expiration of th« five years the payments are to be made annually. No better property can be selected. ALSO. We have one of the most desirable and paying vineyards In Napa County for sale at a great bar- gain. It cost over $40,0U0, and is offered at $25,000. 9»>A ACRES 3 MILES FROM ST. HELENA, £i*J\J 130 acres being under cultivation; 45 acres in Zinfandel graDes; 10 acres In bearing orchard of the best varieties; house of 7 rooms, barn and other outbuildings; stone wine cellar that cost $5000, with complete cooperage; everything complete. EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., No. 9, rotunda. Mills Building, San Francisco. rjiHERE is a chance; must be sold. TH WELL-KNOWN CEDAR KNOLL VINE- YARD. On account of the aeath of its former owner and proprietor, HENRY HAGEN. - This place enjoys the very best reputation as a summer and health resort. It is located 4 miles east of Napa City on the Hagen road, contains about 450 acres; 90 acr?s in resistant vines: all grafted stock: finest varieties'; small family or- chard; 50 acres in grain; balance partly rolling land, well wooded; all fine vineland; unlimited supply of water: some of the very best people in San Francisco have been patrons of this place for years. The receipts from this source exceed $10,- -000 per year. The improvements are all modern and in first-class condition. There is a large house of 10 sleeping- rooms, together with a number of cottages that are rented to guests. Large wine cel- lars, fermenting and storage cellar, distillery, gas- house, milkhouse, bowling alley and many other outhouses: fine barn; stable for 20 horses; house for wagons, carriages, etc.; $10,000 worth of coop- erage: cellar: tools and utensils: cows, horses, hogs, deer, wagons, carriages, plows, barn ess; in fact, everything necessary to operate /&»■ place ; $28,500 is being a3ked for this property any rea- sonable bid will . be ■• entertained. 446»» acres in Merced County: all . fine fruit or grain land the cheapest and best ever offered; $6 50 per acre; must be sold. ■ Call or address • -i ■•"•• ■»•. -r .-.. F. J. SULLIVAN, Room 88, Chronicle Building. TT UGH SHIELS, 602 MARKET ST., CROCKER BUILDING, HAS THE BEST LIST OF THE BEST BAT COUNTY HOMES IN THE STATE.;. •' , $9 an acre will buy 160 acres: nice little orchard of 2 acres and 1/2 acre of healthy vines, all bear- ing: never failing creek and 20 acres timber; com- fortable 3-room house and chicken-houses; 3 miles from station, 40 miles from this city; a very suit- able place for poultry. »•! '-■■::. 10 to 20 acre tracts; the best land in the State: In the corporation of Santa Rosa: at your own price And time. 120 acres— All in heavy alfalfa; water right owned: 2 miles from Madera courthouse: will carry 150 head of horses or cattle the year round; only $50 per acre. ■ ■..;..-•■-::" 9UOO acres; the choicest land in the State; in Antelope Valley, Kern County, between the S. P. and Santa Fe railroads, adjoining Ynca station; a fine colony tract. . •. •■ . - •.;--■ v---. : 62/3 acres extra good land; 4 springs; 4y 3 miles from City Hall ; £2250; will sell half. ■.■■■■■ i -. HUGH SHIELS, 602 Market St. m»-| OCA CASH— A 40-ACRE RANCH, 2